Re: sth->prepare() setting Active?

2016-10-03 Thread David Nicol
this isn't tested -- i'm writing it here in e-mail -- but it or something
very close to it might work. supporting prepare_cached or other forms of
sth reuse could require a way to clear the flag.

package DBIx::WrapActive;

### invoke like $sth = DBIx::WrapActive::wrap($sth);
sub wrap{ bless [$_[0], 0 ] };
sub active { $_[0]->[1] and $_[0]->active }
sub execute {
my $obj = shift;
$obj->[1] = 1;
 my ($method) = $AUTOLOAD =~ m/::([^:]+)$/;
 *{$AUTOLOAD} = sub {
 my $obj = shift;
 goto &$AUTOLOAD;

SECURITY RELEASE - Buffer overflow in DBD::mysql perl library

2016-10-03 Thread Michiel Beijen
DBD::mysql is the perl DBI driver for MySQL and the primary way Perl
applications and scripts access MySQL and MariaDB databases.  The source
repository is at

A vulnerability was discovered that can lead to a buffer overflow, possibly
triggered by user supplied data.  This vulnerability is present in all releases
at least back to versions 3.0 of the driver, which were released in 2005.

The CVE identifier for this vulnerability is CVE-2016-1246.

A version including the fix for this vulnerability is available on CPAN at

Users of DBD::mysql are advised to patch their installations as soon as

We have already made a pre-announcement for this security release at
the distros security mailing list. People using DBD::mysql installed from their
(linux) distributions can expect to receive an updated version soon.

Many thanks to Pali Rohár for discovering and fixing the vulnerability.

The DBD::mysql maintainers,
Patrick Galbraith
Michiel Beijen