Re: = NULL vs. IS NULL

2001-10-23 Thread PD Miller

At 9:51 -0700 23/10/01, Michael Peppler wrote:
And just to be complete, Sybase (and possibly MS) has an ansinull option
that can be set. If it is not set then the x = null *will* work correctly.

I'm not sure about the use of 'correctly' here. NULL is the absence 
of value and therefore cannot be equal to anything. 'x = NULL' is the 
same as 'FALSE'.


Paul Miller
Carib Data Limited


Re: Delete

2001-10-18 Thread PD Miller

At 11:41 -0400 18/10/01, Yibin Dong wrote:
It depends on which database you are using. In Oracle,
when TO_DATE() is employed within where clause, all indexes
will be useless. Oracle will do a range scan instead of
index row scan.

Not in the case used.

At 9:48 -0400 18/10/01, Rozengurtel, Daniel wrote:

In this case, the to_date() function is on a literal. This has no 
effect on optimiser choice. If the to_date() function had been 
applied to a column value, then it would have suppressed the index.


Paul Miller
Carib Data Limited


Re: DBI ORACLE TNS (better explained)

2001-10-17 Thread PD Miller

At 9:34 -0300 17/10/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
After some executions of this CGI, the listener on Oracle server machine
goes down.
For a while, other clients that was connected to the Oracle server can still
access it, althought it is not possible to stabilish new connections to

This is because the listener is only responsible for spawning new 
server processes. The existing server processes are unaffected 
because they are already established.

After some more time, the dabase stops definitivelly and needs to be 

This is what you need to check on. My guess is that you have exceeded 
either 'processes' or 'sessions' init.ora parameter. You say CGI, but 
if you are actually using mod_perl, it is astonishingly easy eaven 
for an experienced programmer to leave hundreds of defunct servers - 
which take a suprising amount of time to clear from Oracle's internal 
session table. Oracle rarely crashes. If you think that it is, 
connect with svrmgrl _before_ running your tests, and stay connected 
after the 'crash'. Query v$session and v$session_wait and look at the 
number of sessions established and active then compare that with the 
value column of v$parameter where name = 'processes'.

Also look at the logs in $ORACLE_BASE/admin/SID/[ubc]dump and at 
the listener log in $TNS_ADMIN/log/listener.log. They will provide 
clear indications of why/whether the listener/Oracle crashed.

$v_sql1 = 'select count(numero) ' .  ... ;
$v_count = $v_dbh-selectrow_array($v_sql1, {RaiseError = 1});

$v_dbh-{LongReadLen} = 128 * 1024;
$v_dbh-{LongTruncOk} = 1;
$v_sth = $v_dbh-prepare($v_sql2);
while (... $v_sth-fetchrow_array)

There is nothing obviously wrong here, excepting that the LongReadLen 
is a bit ambitious. Oracle's implementation and performance on Long 
Raw data is lamentable, but not normally unstable. This is almost 
definitely _not_ the problem though, since it would not make the 
listener crash.

I'd like to know if somebody knows about pitfalls and problematic situations
related to DBI, Oracle server 7.3.4, or in the stablishment of various quick
and simultaneos connections to Oracle (as occurs with the typical use of
this CGI), which can be result in a listener crash.
The only error detected is just AFTER the listener crash, obviously a TNS
Any clues?

If you want to make a better and more responsive CGI, look at 
mod_perl in which one connection can handle multiple sequential 
requests. Carefully written you might see an increase in performance 
of 40x (what we found in testing) and a reduction in machine 
resources used by Oracle.


Paul Miller

Carib Data Limited


Re: (Fwd) DBI Oracle TNS error May you help me?

2001-10-16 Thread PD Miller

At 17:01 +0100 16/10/01, Tim Bunce wrote:
   I use Perl to connect to Oracle version 7.3.4 through DBI Perl
(Unix Sun-Solaris). After some days of access, the driver has been
knocking down the DB. So, the DB is started again. The presented
error is TNS ora12154 (DBD: login failed).

Straight from oerr:
/u01/millerp/hps  oerr ORA 12154
12154, 0, TNS:could not resolve service name
// *Cause:  The service name specified is not defined correctly in the
// *Action:  Make the following checks and correct the error:
//   - Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the proper
// place and accessible. See the operating system specific manual
// for details on the required name and location.
//   - Check to see that the service name exists in one of the
// TNSNAMES.ORA files and add it if necessary.
//   - Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the file.
// Particularly look for unmatched parentheses or stray characters.
// Any error in a TNSNAMES.ORA file makes it unusable. See
// Chapter 4 in the SQL*Net V2 Administrator's Guide. If
// possible, regenerate the configuration files using the Oracle
// Network Manager.

The error is actually in the tnsnames.ora file which is preventing a 
tns resolution of the nickname used in the connect string. Try:

$ sqlplus scott/tiger@ORCL

substituting a real user for 'scott', the real passeord for 'tiger' 
and finally the TNS connect string you are trying to use for 'ORCL'. 
You can also use the tnsping utility to troubleshoot this problem.

If the problem is suspected to be the first one named (tnsnames.ora 
file not in the right place) try setting the environment variable 
'TNS_ADMIN' to the path to the directory containing a 
known-to-be-good tnsnames.ora file.

TNS is very frustrating to debug, but using tnsping and testing with 
sqlplus will eventually get you there...


Paul Miller
Carib Data Limited


Re: Unix GUI tool for Oracle (and others like mysql in future)

2001-10-15 Thread PD Miller

At 13:23 +0100 15/10/01, Tim Bunce wrote:
If you're using Oracle from unix (or even windows) then this looks 
very interesting:

Rather expensive though since it relies on the Qt system from 
Trolltech who charges $1500 for a license. How does that fit in with 
the GPL license that comes with TOra?

PD Miller
Carib Data Limited


Re: Unix GUI tool for Oracle (and others like mysql in future)

2001-10-15 Thread PD Miller

At 13:23 +0100 15/10/01, Tim Bunce wrote:
If you're using Oracle from unix (or even windows) then this looks 
very interesting:

Rather expensive though, since to use it (on UNIX) you have to pay 
$1500 to license Qt from Trolltech.


Paul Miller
Carib Data Limited


Re: Unix GUI tool for Oracle (and others like mysql in future)

2001-10-15 Thread PD Miller

At 7:58 -0700 15/10/01, Andy Duncan wrote:
Those using the Qt libraries, which Tora relies upon, may also wish to check
out the following pages to make sure they're not straying into any kind of
local financial difficulties with Trolltech's QPL licence, which does seem to
have become a little less restrictive, as of late:

It seems to have become more restrictive again. All of these links 
have disappeared in the last couple of hours. The free license is now 
not mentioned at all and only the $1500 developer license is 
available for UNIX it seems. Shame too, the bumpf on TOra looks very 


Paul Miller
Carib Data Limited


Re: date format in Oracle

2001-10-02 Thread PD Miller

At 16:50 -0700 1/10/01, jie zhang wrote:
Somehow, TZ is not recognized in my system.  I am using oracle 8.1.7 on
solaris 5.8.
Did you actually tried out in your system ?  Do I need to
set up any NLS variable in order to use the 'TZ' keyword ?

I'm afraid that Oracle's handling of timezones is primitive at best. 
There is no date format modl string for time zone and the function 
new_time() only recognises a very Americano-centric set of zones.

You can though use the environment variable TZ (on SVR4 systems and 
BSD if memory serves) to establish the zone of the session:

TZ=GMT+8 sqlplus scott/tiger


$dbh = DBI-connect(DBI:Oracle:,scott,tiger);

You can find the available zones in /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo on SVR4 or BSD.

 From there, you can 'mask' the timezone in your date string like so:

insert into datetest values ( to_date('Thu Sep 20 15:03:10 PDT 2001' 
, 'Dy Mon DD HH24:MI:SS --- ') )

As an aside, most other RDBMSs support timezones in the data, but 
Oracle is just a bit slow on this.


Paul Miller
Carib Data Limited


RE: Easiest way to tell if a table already exists?

2001-04-30 Thread PD Miller

At 21:56 -0400 25/4/01, Sterin, Ilya wrote:
Why would (select * from foo) take up lost of resources?  Won't it just
place the cursor at the first row and only return when rows are fetched?

Speaking for Oracle, as soon as the statement is executed (and before 
any fetch) Oracle will execute the statement - and that means 
performing the full table scan(s) or index scan(s) necessary to 
fulfill the statement.

In fact, any transactional (and therefore relational) database will 
have to do the same. The point in time for data consistency is the 
instant of execution, and for non-Oracle databases, locks will be 
applied at the time of the execution.

It is bad practice to execute queries of the form often mentioned in 
this thread with no predicate. The waste of resource could be very 
significant (on some of our databases possibly several hours). If you 
need to know if a table exists, query the SQL standard data 
dictionary: select table_name from  user_tables where table_name = 


Paul Miller
Carib Data Limited


Re: connecting / as sysdba when using DBI/DBD-Oracle

2001-04-27 Thread PD Miller

At 10:23 -0500 27/4/01, Jay Strauss wrote:
$ sqlplus / as sysdba

The benefit to this method, as opposed to:

$ sqlplus system/manager

being, I don't have to include my database password in any script.  Does
anyone know how to do this in DBI/DBD-Oracle?  I see in the doc you can do
it like:

If you don't need to be sysdba (and really you don't since you won't 
be able to do the only two distinguishing actions: startup and 
shutdown), I suggest that you look at external authentication.

Very short course:

# useradd -g dba scripter

SQL alter user ops$scripter identified externally;

% sqlplus /

$user = $passwd = '';
$dbh = DBI-connect( $dsn, $user, $passwd )

Note that the external identification prefix (here shown as the 
default 'OPS$' may have to be defined in your init.ora file 
(os_authent_prefix = ops$.


Paul Miller
Carib Data Limited


RE: Oracle sqlload alternatives?

2001-04-26 Thread PD Miller

At 10:07 -0400 26/4/01, Simon Fan wrote:
Does the DIRECT load option activate triggers during insert?

No. And it only checks integrity constraints after the load.


Paul Miller
Carib Data Limited