Re: speechd-up installation

2024-04-10 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 10/4/24 18:47, David Hoff Jr wrote:
Apr 09 16:24:13 pc1 speechd-up[7674]: To work, speechd-up needs 
speakup and speakup_soft modules.
Apr 09 16:24:13 pc1 speechd-up[7674]: They are loaded automatically. 
If you don't want, type

Apr 09 16:24:13 pc1 speechd-up[7674]: rmmod speakup speakup_soft
Apr 09 16:24:15 pc1 speechd-up[7674]:  failed!

I've never used speechd-up. Can you check whether the kernel modules 
were loaded - lsmod should list them? If not, try loading them manually, 
and note any errors.

If the modules were loaded, then they're not involved in the issue, 
presumably. In that case, you'll need more detailed error messages from 
speechd-up. Enable any debugging options that it has, and run it again. 
You might need to edit the configuration file or run it directly from a 
root shell prompt.

Re: Accessibility in Rescue Mode?

2024-02-19 Thread 'Jason J.G. White'

On 19/2/24 11:54, Al Puzzuoli wrote:

That being the case is separate rescue media the only way, or is there 
a way to leverage this built in rescue mode with speech?

A separate, "live" distribution offers a lot more tools for working on a 
system than you'll have in any "rescue" mode of an unbootable machine.

If you can get to a shell prompt and your root file system is mounted, 
then of course you can run your screen reader of choice. In my 
experience, though, booting from a live image on a USB drive is 
generally easier. It's good practice to have one available. If you're 
running Debian testing or unstable, you're taking risks, so having a 
live distribution that you can boot from is just good policy anyway.

Re: Accessibility in Rescue Mode?

2024-02-19 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 19/2/24 11:24, Al Puzzuoli wrote:

I’m getting a boot menu, but I’ve tried several sequences of down 
arrowing through menu options and pressing enter to no avail.  . 
What’s the easiest way to enter rescue mode with speech at this point?

I would recommend a "live" image such as GRML - details of accessibility 
features are available on the wiki in that case, but there are other, 
similar options also.

The procedure is to boot from a USB device into a live image, which will 
give you a root shell. Then mount the file system of your Linux 
installation and make whatever changes are necessary. For example, you 
can run grub-install, upgrade/downgrade kernel packages, or whatever you 
need to do. Finally, unmount the file system and reboot.

When I reorganized my installation recently, I switched to a BTRFS file 
system and set up automatic snapshots so that it would be easier to 
revert to older versions of the file system if an upgrade caused 
trouble. So far, this hasn't been necessary.

Debian probably supports this too - it might be worth reading around.

Re: Dialog for dpkg-based package configuration

2024-02-08 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 8/2/24 11:56, Sebastian Humenda wrote:

However, in a cloud setting, I am working with temporary containers that I set
up using a script. When installing locales, the shown dialog is not using the
"real" TTY cursor, but visual highlighting.
Which setting, probably set by the installer, changes this behaviour?

This wiki page should help:

Re: Amazon and console browsers

2023-11-29 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 29/11/23 10:07, Sam Hartman wrote:

"Jason" == Jason J G White  writes:

 Jason> I'm not aware of any, and I would expect Amazon to be so
 Jason> Javascript-dependent these days that you wouldn't be able to
 Jason> use the site effectively without a browser that supports
 Jason> Javascript, DOM, and all of the associated APIs. Your only
Since when did console browser imply no javascript support?
Back when I still used console browsers, edbrowse had fairly good
javascript support.

It seems I wasn't clear enough. I actually had in mind console browsers 
that supported JavaScript, which is why I mentioned the DOM and other 
Web APIs in the comment you quoted.

As far as I know, console browsers that support JavaScript don't 
implement all or even a good subset of those APIs. So they can, for 
example, run JavaScript to validate a form submission, but not to 
implement widgets in a user interface, for example.

I'm relatively confident that Amazon calls for more extensive API 
support than the JavaScript-capable console browsers offer.

Re: Amazon and console browsers

2023-11-23 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 23/11/23 12:16, David J. J. Ring, Jr. wrote:

Is there a console browser that supports audio tags so that the CAPTCHA of 
Amazon can be heard?
If not, is there a way of configuring mplayer or other program to play the 

I'm not aware of any, and I would expect Amazon to be so 
Javascript-dependent these days that you wouldn't be able to use the 
site effectively without a browser that supports Javascript, DOM, and 
all of the associated APIs. Your only option might be to find a "mobile" 
version that perhaps isn't Javascript-dependent.

I gave up on console-based browsers a long time ago, as Javascript was 
increasingly becoming a necessity, and ARIA was solving its 
accessibility problems.

Re: [orca] Re: (solved) orca's strange behavior in a crowded terminal

2023-11-14 Thread Jason J.G. White

On 14/11/23 08:35, Christian Schoepplein wrote:
After installing the two gir packages with the fix from your personal 

all things are good again:
You'll need to mark the appropriate libvte packages as on hold until 
Samuel's patch is accepted upstream, and the upstream version enters 
Debian. Otherwise, Samuel's packages will be replaced every time a new 
upstream version enters the repository you're using.