Package: python3-dnspython
Version: 1.15.0-1
Severity: normal
Tags: patch


python3-dnspython crashes while parsing my zone files with DNSSEC and NSEC3. 
The zone files are generated by the knot DNS server and I thus believe them to 
be correct and valid.

Traceback (most recent call last):                                    
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dns/", line 691, in _rr_line
    self.current_origin, False)                                                 
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dns/", line 428, in from_text  
    return cls.from_text(rdclass, rdtype, tok, origin, relativize)        
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dns/rdtypes/ANY/", line 133, in 
    windows.append((window, ''.join(bitmap[0:octets])))                     
TypeError: sequence item 0: expected str instance, int found            

I found the problem has been fixed upstream in [1]. Please add the fix to 
Debian. I can confirm that the patch fixes the crash for me. Looking at the 
latest upstream git commits there also seems to be a new release (1.16.0) with 
this fix included in the pipeline.

I also can create a merge request on salsa for this patch if preferred.



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