Re: Bug#966621: Make /tmp/ a tmpfs and cleanup /var/tmp/ on a timer by default [was: Re: systemd: tmpfiles.d not cleaning /var/tmp by default]

2024-05-28 Thread Marco d'Itri
On May 28, Andreas Metzler  wrote:

> I think it is bad choice to deliberately have different behavior for
> freshly installed and upgraded systems. Offering upgrades has always
> been one of the major selling points of Debian, and imho this
> implicitely includes that you do not get a worse or second class Debian
> installation when you upgrade it than if you installed from scratch.
I strongly disagree: it is a bad choice to change on upgrades a default 
which may cause data loss.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Binary conflict between Midnight Commander and MinIO Client

2024-04-21 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 21, Mathias Gibbens  wrote:

>   While that might work for them, it obviously doesn't at a higher
> packaging level. Per Policy Section 10.1, I'm bringing this to d-devel
> for any comments or suggestions on my plan for packaging the MinIO
> Client. Following what several other distributions have done[2], I'm
> planning to name the source/binary packages "minio-client" and the
> binary provided from that package will be `mcli`.
Go for it, I think that there is no good solution for this case.
Everybody who cares then will manually create a mc -> mcli symlink.


Description: PGP signature

Re: dash and mutt

2024-04-19 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 19, José Luis González González  wrote:

> I even tried to reach dash maintainer privately and he is not even on
> the package's field (queried by dpkg), there's someone who is obviosly
> fake instead: Andrej Shadura 
I have met Andrej a few times and I am quite sure that he is real.
Or maybe I am part of the plot as well? How can you know?

> If this is not solved I will cease to stop using Debian and Debian will
> die.
OK, good luck with your next operating system.


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Re: finally end single-person maintainership

2024-04-07 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 07, Wookey  wrote:

> I think that's a mistake, and I'm not a fan. Because so far as I can
> tell 'use salsa' actually means 'maintain your packages in git'. So
> far as I can see it is not possible to use our existing 'uscan, patch,
> sbuild, dupload' type workflows with Salsa. And that's why I'm not
> using it, and don't want to be made to use it.
I started using git quite late and spent really a lot of time trying to 
understand how it fit in my quilt workflow (I loved quilt), but in the 
end I figured out that it maps well to a patch unapplied gbp-like 

If no changes to the packaging are needed then it's just:

uscan --rename
gbp import-orig ../package_*.tar.xz
dch -v $(cat VERSION)-1 'New upstream release.'
git add debian/changelog
git commit
git tag ...
dpkg-source --build .
pbuilder build $(ls -1tr ../*.dsc | tail -1)
dupload ...

Check the rpki-client repository for an example.

(Using gbp is not mandatory, but it allows to import with just one 
command the upstream tar archive or git tree reference.)

And now having the full git history of my packages is invaluable when 
trying to understand what has changed and when.


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Re: Debian openssh option review: considering splitting out GSS-API key exchange

2024-04-07 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 07, Bernd Zeimetz  wrote:

> There are more than enough ways to keep the entries based on dns
> records in your l3 firewalls uptodate, I can't see how this should
> warrant to keep yet another patch Jan^WMarco.
Not for the form *.domain.tld.


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Re: Debian 12 released with two RC bugs in Sylpheed

2024-04-07 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 07, José Luis González  wrote:

> I want to know why Debian 12 was released with those two Sylpheed RC
> bags, report the incident to you all, know what to do with the
> maintainer and kindly request that someone better at the job takes over
> Sylpheed maintainance, or otherwise I will become a Debian developer
> and package it myself.
Big Jia Tan vibe here...


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Re: Validating tarballs against git repositories

2024-04-05 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 05, Simon McVittie  wrote:

> I find that having the upstream source code in git (in the same form that
> we use for the .orig.tar.*, so including Autotools noise, etc. if present,
> but excluding any files that we exclude by repacking) is an extremely
> useful tool, because it lets me trace the history of all of the files
> that we are treating as source - whether hand-written or autogenerated -
> if I want to do that. If we are concerned about defending against actively
I agree: it would be untinkable for me to not have the complete history 
immediately available while I am working on a package.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian openssh option review: considering splitting out GSS-API key exchange

2024-04-02 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 02, Colin Watson  wrote:

> You could use a drop-in unit to wrap sshd in tcpd, as suggested by the
> Fedora wiki page?  This would avoid exposing sshd's process space to
> libwrap and all the stuff it links to by default.
This would require to switch to socket activation of sshd, which is not 
the default for good reasons.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian openssh option review: considering splitting out GSS-API key exchange

2024-04-02 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 02, Colin Watson  wrote:

> At the time, denyhosts was popular, but it was removed from Debian
> several years ago.  I remember that, when I dealt with that on my own
> systems, fail2ban seemed like the obvious replacement, and my impression
> is that it's pretty widely used nowadays; it's very pluggable but it
> normally works by adding firewall rules.  Are there any similar popular
> systems left that rely on editing /etc/hosts.deny?
Yes, people. I object to removing TCP wrappers support since the patch 
is tiny and it supports use cases like DNS-based ACLs which cannot be 
supported by L3 firewalls.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Validating tarballs against git repositories

2024-03-31 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 01, gregor herrmann  wrote:

> > I switched long ago all my packages from tar archives to the git 
> > upstream tree. Not only this makes much easier to understand the changes 
> > in a new release,
> That's not mutually exclusive. When adding an additional git remote
> and using gbp-import-orig's --upstream-vcs-tag you get the best of
> both worlds.
No: I get nothing of value by doing that and the repository will be 
cluttered by commits that I do not care about.
Also: upstream VCS snapshots.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Validating tarballs against git repositories

2024-03-31 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 31, Russ Allbery  wrote:

> Most of this is pregenerated documentation (primarily man pages generated
> from POD), but it also includes generated test data and other things.  The
> reason is similar: regenerating those files requires tools that may not be
> present on an older system (like a mess of random Perl modules) or, in the
> case of the man pages, may be old and thus produce significantly inferior
> output.
But we do not use older systems to build our packages, so this does not 

Indeed, long ago I started building inn2 from the git tree, no more 
I switched long ago all my packages from tar archives to the git 
upstream tree. Not only this makes much easier to understand the changes 
in a new release, but it also makes possible packaging upstream 

> Just to note, though, this means that we lose the upstream signature in
> the archive.  The only place the upstream signature would then live is in
> Salsa.
Totally worth it!


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Re: xz backdoor

2024-03-30 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 30, Christian Kastner  wrote:

> >> Another big question for me is whether I should really still
> >> package/upload/etc from an unstable machine. It seems that it may be 
> >> prudent
> > If we do not use unstable for development then who is going to?
> Are you both talking about unstable hosts, or unstable chroots, or...?
I am talking about our own computers.

Obviously everything is built and rebuilt in unstable chroots.
But I think that we have to eat our dog food.


Description: PGP signature

Re: xz backdoor

2024-03-30 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 30, Jonathan Carter  wrote:

> Another big question for me is whether I should really still
> package/upload/etc from an unstable machine. It seems that it may be prudent
If we do not use unstable for development then who is going to?
I think that the real question is whether we should really still use 
code-signing keys which are not stored in (some kind of) HSM.


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Re: On merging bin and sbin

2024-02-28 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Feb 28, Helmut Grohne  wrote:

> Please allow me to push back on this one as well by raising a few
> concerns.
Also, I think that the benefits from doing this are tiny, and just 
adding /usr/sbin/ to the $PATH would solve almost everything.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Another take on package relationship substvars

2024-02-24 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Feb 22, IOhannes m zmölnig  wrote:

> While I like the idea in general, I wonder how I could override these 
> automatic additions.
> I think there are some packages that even demote `${shlibs:Depends}` to 
> Recommends.
E.g. inn2 does:

dh_shlibdeps --exclude=/usr/lib/news/bin/auth/passwd/auth_krb5 -- \
-dSuggests $D/usr/lib/news/bin/auth/passwd/auth_krb5 \


Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal for how to deal with Go/Rust/etc security bugs

2024-01-25 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 25, Wookey  wrote:

> Luca is quite right here. Ultimately this can only be fixed by these
> ecosystems understanding that software in these languages cannot be
> sensibly used in distributions until they support modularity and
> stability. The rust people make the excuse that they are 'too new' to
> define a stable ABI. That was fair enough for a while, but it's
> getting to be quite a thin excuse at this point. I think the real
The problem here is that many of these upstream developers actually see 
this as a feature: they are happy to not have "old versions" of their 
software shipped by distributions, because this way they can tell users 
to just download the latest pre-built binaries from github or an 
appimage and not care about supporting older releases.

And while this somehow often works for stand-alone desktop or web
applications, it is hell for daemons or other system services which need 
integration with the OS.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposal for how to deal with Go/Rust/etc security bugs (was: Re: Limited security support for Go/Rust? Re ssh3)

2024-01-24 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 24, Peter Pentchev  wrote:

> This might be a minority, optimistic, rose-tinted-glasses kind of
> opinion, but I believe that the state of the Rust ecosystem today
> (I have no experience with the Go one) is quite similar to what Perl and
> Python modules were 25, 20, bah, even 15 years ago. Gradually, with time,
I am not familiar with the Python ecosystem, but I have been writing 
Perl and packaging software with Perl dependencies for over 25 years and 
I can confidently say that this is not true.
Perl libraries ("modules") generally never had the API instability that 
I have seen in Rust libraries (but much less in Go, I believe).
In my experience forward compatibility has always been very important in 
the Perl ecosystem.

BTW, for the past couple of years I have been presenting to my other 
community, the network operators, about some of my Debian work and these 
problems with integrating complex Rust software in distributions, e.g. .


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Re: HFS/HFS+ are insecure

2024-01-10 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 10, Michael Biebl  wrote:

> While we could ship such a udev rule for udisks, I don't think it will
> properly solve the issue. The device will still show up in nautilus, plasma
> etc and mounting is just an additional click away.
The threat model here is: somebody connects a crafted USB stick to 
a computer with a locked screen.

Also, the listed file systems are not used or not used anymore on 
removable devices.
Certainly not on removable devices used by regular users.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#810018: New Essential package procps-base

2023-11-20 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 20, Craig Small  wrote:

> Also why is killall5 not a candidate too?
Probably because it makes no sense outside of sysvinit, except that as 
a footgun.
(Also, is it equivalent to pkill --inverse?)


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Re: Bug#1053165: ITS: nunit

2023-09-28 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 28, Bastian Germann  wrote:

> Okay. What do you suggest for "team maintained" packages where there is no 
> active team member?
> File MIA processes for each of the uploaders? And then? The MIA team's bugs 
> are not RC bugs,
> so you cannot even NMU them based on the MIA bug.
After having verified that none of the current maintainers object 
(tacit consent is fine) then just NMU them.

> I think, just letting such packages rot for one or two decades does not help
> anybody, certainly not our users.
I agree: you are doing a good thing by caring about abandoned packages.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Do not plan to support /usr/lib/pam.d for Debian pam

2023-09-16 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 16, Steve Langasek  wrote:

> While I have applications downstream which also care about empty /etc, the
> current situation is that this wouldn't help because almost all the
> PAM application configs in Debian reference one or more of
> common-{account,auth,password,session,session-noninteractive} which are
> constructed at package install time and therefore are inappropriate to ship
> in /usr.
Actually it would still help a lot, because pam-auth-update can be run 
on the first boot to rebuild the /etc/pam.d/*common-* files.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Do not plan to support /usr/lib/pam.d for Debian pam

2023-09-16 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 16, Russ Allbery  wrote:

> However, and this is very important, *no one has decided that you get to
> do that work in Debian*.
I am confident that I have never said otherwise.

> Right now, any base system package maintainer could decide that putting
> configuration files in /etc makes sense for reasons of their own limited
> to their specific package and further break support for booting a system
> in this mode, and there are no grounds to ask them not to do this.
> Because you don't have an *agreement*.
I think that I am allowed to ask all I want at any time (severity: 
wishlist), but they can also choose to not care.

> Accomplishing things like this in Debian has a large social component that
> I think is being neglected.
After having initiated a few things like this in Debian I suspect that 
I am beginning to understand why this may happen.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Do not plan to support /usr/lib/pam.d for Debian pam

2023-09-15 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 15, Sam Hartman  wrote:

> But for the most part PAM appears to just override on a file-by-file
> basis.
Just like udev, kmod, dbus, etc...
PAM is not different.

> I have significant discomfort aligning what you say (pam is the last
> blocker) with what several people said earlier in the week.
> What I heard is that there was no project consensus to do this, and that
> people were running experiments to see what is possible.
Indeed. I did the experiments and they where unexpectedly positive:
pam is the only blocker for booting _the base system_.
I never expected that everything would immediately work just fine with 
an empty /etc: my goal is to have support for this in the base system 
and selected packages.

See for yourself:

mkdir /var/lib/machines/empty/
ln -s usr/bin usr/sbin usr/lib usr/lib64 /var/lib/machines/empty/
# this is a workaround for PAM
mkdir /var/lib/machines/empty/etc/
cp -a /etc/pam.d /etc/security /var/lib/machines/empty/etc/
# this is a workaround for
echo ID=unknown > /var/lib/machines/empty/etc/os-release

systemd-nspawn --private-network --network-veth -b \
  --bind-ro=/usr --tmpfs=/var/ --tmpfs=/tmp/ \
  -D /var/lib/machines/empty/

You could add --tmpfs=/etc/ too, but then logins would fail.


Description: PGP signature

Re: sysadmin configuration of sparse-/etc vs prepopulated-/etc?

2023-09-15 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 16, Josh Triplett  wrote:

> If we're talking about developing a solution that doesn't already exist,
> why not have that solution *be* the
> notification-and-diff/show-the-defaults mechanism you're describing? For
> instance, provide a declarative mechanism to say "this file/directory in
> /usr is the default version of this configuration file in /etc", with
This is upcoming in a future systemd release, with a new tmpfiles.d(5) 
flag adding the semantics "this rule should be only considered on the
first boot".
("first boot" is a systemd term of art which has exactly the semantics 
that we need here.)

> standard schemes like 'merge' or 'override'", and then offer a tool
> (similar to the existing systemd-delta but generalized) to show all the
> configuration files that differ, as well as automatic support for
> flagging changes on upgrades and suggesting a three-way merge (similar
> to ucf)?
This is not, but it could be added on top of it by anybody interested.

> With some care for convention-over-configuration, debhelper
> could auto-populate this declarative data in many cases.
This is intriguing. :-)


Description: PGP signature

Re: /usr/-only image

2023-09-11 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 10, Russ Allbery  wrote:

> So far as I know, no one has ever made a detailed, concrete proposal for
> what the implications of this would be for Debian, what the transition
> plan would look like, and how to address the various issues that will
> arise.  Moving configuration files out of /etc, in particular, is
> something I feel confident saying that we do not have any sort of project
> consensus on, and is not something Debian as a project (as opposed to
> individuals within the project) is currently planning on working on.
Indeed, at this point we are just experimenting and trying to figure out 
what we can and cannot do.
I am not even sure that general distribution-wide support for this is 
a reasonable goal, but I expect that it will not be hard to have support
for the base system and cooperating packages.


Description: PGP signature

Re: /usr/-only image

2023-09-10 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 10, Nils Kattenbeck  wrote:

> I am looking to generate a Debian image with only a /usr and /var
> partition as per discoverable partition specification. However, it
> seems to me like the omission of /etc leads to several issues in core
> packages and logging in becomes impossible.
> Is this an unsupported use case and if yes, is there ongoing work to
> eventually support this?
There are some people generally working in this area, but I fear that 
we are still far from being able to support an empty /etc/.
Still, it would be very good to start documenting what needs to be 

I suggest that you join #debian-systemd.


Description: PGP signature

Re: What licenses should be included in /usr/share/common-licenses?

2023-09-10 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 10, Enrico Zini  wrote:

> I like this. I'd say that even if a license is shorter than 25 lines I'd
> appreciate to be able to link to it instead of copypasting it.
Me too.

> I like to be able to fill the license field with a value, after checking
> that the upstream license didn't diverge from what it looks like. I'd
> love to use SPDX IDs there, for example. In an ideal world, I'd like to
> autofill debian/copyright with SPDX IDs from upstream metadata. Having a
> link to a file goes closer to having a declarative license ID.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Potential MBF: packages failing to build twice in a row

2023-08-15 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Aug 15, Jonas Smedegaard  wrote:

> The proper approach is IMO one of these:
Or else, if you know that they do not actually need to be rebuilt: just 
disable in the makefile the target which causes them to be rebuilt.
This is what I do in my packages.


Description: PGP signature

Re: HFS/HFS+ are insecure

2023-07-21 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jul 21, Bastien Roucariès  wrote:

> Ok found it call mountlo outdated 
> will need a small patch for linux uml, but may be worthwhile
> Last version seems to be outdated 0.6 and carried by slitaz distribution.
> May be time to revive it
It looks like a good long term solution, but as long as there are 
insecure file systems in the kernel they should be disabled by default 
so these are really different issues.

I remember noise from the systemd people about mounting removable media 
using user space drivers, but I do not think that anybody is working on 


Description: PGP signature

Re: HFS/HFS+ are insecure

2023-07-21 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jul 21, Matthew Garrett  wrote:

> > You are totally correct.
> > Kernel team, please blacklist HFS/HFS+ for automounting.
> Isn't this a userland policy decision? udisks will happily trigger a 
> module load for hfsplus if udev has identified it, and I don't think 
> there's a trivial mechanism for the kernel to disable that. I believe 
Yes, I was also thinking about this and I believe that you are right.
The kernel team did this in the past for some uncommon network 
protocols, but they could do it themselves because these modules are 
autoloaded using aliases.

Since I happen to be the kmod maintainer it looks like that solving this
is on me. :-)

Unless somebody has a better idea then then my plan is to ship in the 
next upload of kmod a file in /etc/modprobe.d/ which uses the blacklist 
directive to prevent automatically loading some file system modules.

By looking at the MAINTAINERS file I have identified these file systems 
marked as "orphan" and "odd fixes":



And I think that I can also safely add a few more which while actively 
maintained I believe are only used in a retrocomputing context or are 
generally uncommon anyway:


Did i miss anything?

I think that all of these have enough of a niche usage that it would not 
be an unreasonable burden for the affected users to manually load the 
modules when needed (ad hoc or using /etc/modules-load.d/).


Description: PGP signature

Re: proposal: dhcpcd-base as standard DHCP client starting with Trixie

2023-07-12 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jul 11, Sam Hartman  wrote:

> 1) It's an extra layer.  You can ignore it when reading the config (at
> least if you aren't too surprised by your config ending up in /run).
> But it is extra complexity, especially in a situation like " run dhcp on
> my ethernet" that is relatively simple.
I agree. I do not really see the value of netplan in a default install 
and it brings a lot of complexity (and Python!) which is not usually 


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Re: systmd-analyze security as a release goal

2023-07-04 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jul 04, Andrey Rakhmatullin  wrote:

> Cool but looks like a lot of work.
I do not think that this is really a lot of work.

> Is it possible to do this without
> applying the flags one by one and testing the result? Is it easier to
You may intimately know what the daemon needs to do and how the 
sandboxing features work, and be able to mentally create a correct and 
complete configuration.

> start with applying all of them and then looking what needs to be
> disabled?
This is what I do.


Description: PGP signature

Re: systemd-analyze security as a release goal

2023-07-04 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jul 04, "Trent W. Buck"  wrote:

>   * If it runs its own process manager (e.g. postfix's "master"),
> don't bother trying to harden it.
I disagree. It may not be possible to use NoNewPrivileges, but at least 
file system hardening is usually trivial to enable for most daemons.

>   * If it sends mail via /usr/sbin/sendmail,
> don't bother trying to harden it.
See above.

> If it sends mail via smtp://localhost, that's MUCH easier.
> Start encouraging upstreams to do that instead?
Do you know an appropriate C library that could be used?
Speaking proper SMTP is a bit harder than rfc821 | sendmail, so let's 
try to not overshoot...

> Moving pidfiles from /run/ to /run/%p/ and
> letting systemd do the User=%p can help quite a bit.
In general, all services should be STRONGLY encouraged to use 
RuntimeDirectory, StateDirectory, etc...
Also because this makes possible implementing the "file system factory 
reset" patterns.


Description: PGP signature

Re: systmd-analyze security as a release goal

2023-07-03 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jul 03, RL  wrote:

> (One of the issues for services that send email is that it is very
> easy to break exim)
NoNewPrivileges breaks by design anything which depends on suid, so Exim 
and (in the default configuration) Postfix.

I agree that we should do much better in terms on sandboxing, 
considering that it is so easy with systemd.
I am not sure if it can be a release goal, but it definitely should be 
a best practice.

This is a good example of what an almost fully sandboxed service looks 


Description: PGP signature

Re: Proposed MBF - removal of pcre3 by Bookworm

2023-07-02 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jul 02, Peter Pentchev  wrote:

> On the other hand, the bugs have been open for an year and a half now...
For something which has worked just fine for many years.


Description: PGP signature

Re: proposal: dhcpcd-base as standard DHCP client starting with Trixie

2023-06-22 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jun 22, Martin-Éric Racine  wrote:

> The point has always been to ship some ifupdown-supported DHCP client
> by default. This can be done either by keeping the default client's
> priority to important or by making ifupdown Depends on one.  I prefer
> the later.
It would be totally unacceptable to make ifupdown Depend on a DHCP 
client, because this would bloat most server installations.
But I would be happy with a Recommends. It's not like the people whose 
server needs a DHCP client do not know that they need to install one.


Description: PGP signature

Re: booststrapping /usr-merged systems

2023-06-09 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jun 09, Bjørn Mork  wrote:

> > as we all know every Debian maintainer can veto any systemic changes 
> > that they do not like.
> I don't think qusr-merge would not have happened if this was true.  And
> I believe you know that very well.
Actually merging /usr happened in a suboptimal way because I had to work 
around this lack of collaboration, so yes: this is true.
It happened, but despite the vetoes.


Description: PGP signature

Re: booststrapping /usr-merged systems (was: Re: DEP 17: Improve support for directory aliasing in dpkg)

2023-06-09 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jun 08, Raphael Hertzog  wrote:

> In the same spirit, I'd like to throw an idea... could we decide that
> base-files is the first package to be configured as part of the bootstrap
> protocol and change base-files maintainer's scripts into statically linked
> executables so that they can work even if we don't have the library loader
> on the ABI-compliant path?
It could be even easier: base-files could be unpacked once without 
running the maintainer scripts and then "reinstalled" again later as 

> And creating the required symlinks would be done by those (standalone)
> maintainer scripts...
> I don't know if we already have some rule/invariant in the configuration
> order of the unpacked packages, but I doubt so.
Indeed, this would be very simple and it has already been proposed.
But somebody then complained that special-casing a package would violate 
the design contraints he self-imposed to his own image building tool, 
and as we all know every Debian maintainer can veto any systemic changes 
that they do not like.


Description: PGP signature

Re: 64-bit time_t transition for 32-bit archs: a proposal

2023-06-06 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jun 06, Simon McVittie  wrote:

> When considering the future of i386, a factor that we need to bear in
> mind is that there are two major use-cases for i386, with requirements
> that sometimes conflict:
Agreed. I will be more blunt: an i386 port which cannot run old i386 
binaries would be almost useless.


Description: PGP signature

Re: 64-bit time_t transition for 32-bit archs: a proposal

2023-05-18 Thread Marco d'Itri
On May 18, Steve Langasek  wrote:

> So maybe the best workaround in the short term, if there's no immediate data
> migration path, would be to change the inn2 source to use unsigned long in
> place of time_t in the data format?
I do not think that inn2 is going to be a problem, because it has been 
built with --enable-largefiles for quite a few releases (and yes, 
switching was a bit traumatic for the 32 bit systems involved).

OTOH, inn will be affected. But inn systems are small enough nowadays 
that users can just rebuild the database.


Description: PGP signature

Re: booststrapping /usr-merged systems (was: Re: DEP 17: Improve support for directory aliasing in dpkg)

2023-05-17 Thread Marco d'Itri
On May 17, Helmut Grohne  wrote:

> Given the feedback, I am convinced that changing PT_INTERP is a stupid
> idea regardless of whether it is technically feasible. There must be a
> better way. Let's step back a bit.
Me too, I was never persuaded.

>  4. Change the bootstrap protocol. In essence, this has been attempted
> in debootstrap by creating these symlinks prior to unpack, but no
> consensus has evolved around this approach yet. The category is
> wider though and generally requires changes to all bootstrapping
> tools.
I think that this is being dismissed too easily, mostly because the
mmdebstrap maintainer has been fighting it due to a philosophical 

> Moving on to category 4 feels rather obvious, especially because work
> has been done there in debootstrap. The approach in debootstrap however
> is one that I see as a dead end, because it causes us to maintain this
> code multiple times. It's the number of derivatives times the number of
> bootstrap tools and that doesn't scale.
But the code is trivial. It is currently more complex than it is needed 
in debootstrap only because initially it needed to support the biarch 
libc packages, but since nowadays they create the top level symlinks 
themselves then it can be made as simple as:

for dir in bin sbin lib; do
ln -s usr/"$dir" "$TARGET/$dir"
mkdir -p "$TARGET/usr/$dir"

Indeed, usrmerge does not have any architecture-specific knowledge 

> In particular,
> making architecture bootstrap become chrootless would likely be a
> generic solution to this and other problems.  However, any change needs
> to propagate to a stable release in all bootstrapping tools.  Therefore
> we cannot reasonably finish the transition before forky.  This makes
Why not?

> So what's left is category 1. I looked into what the minimum set of
> files to be retained could be. To do that end, I moved everything and
> then reverted as much as was needed to make bootstrapping work.
>  * /lib64/ (hopefully obvious)
>  * /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (link target)
>  * /bin/sh (hopefully obvious)
>  * /bin/dash (link target)
Interesting approach. If it is so much simple, why are you not persuaded 
that it could be a good solution until the bootstrapping tools are 

>  * /bin/bash (usrmerge runs ldd, which is a #!/bin/bash script)
>  * /bin/more (update-alternatives doesn't like its absence)
>  * /bin/cp (unless usrmerge stops hard coding its path)
These can be easily fixed, maybe the ldd issue too.

> The other major takeaway is that a significant
> chunk of the problems mentioned in this mail cannot be fixed by
> modifying dpkg only.


Description: PGP signature

Re: DEP 17: Improve support for directory aliasing in dpkg

2023-04-27 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 27, Helmut Grohne  wrote:

> The origin of this thread was a proposal to adapt dpkg. Your mail
No, Marc is right. The origin of this thread is trying to find 
workaround because the dpkg maintainer refused long ago to implement 
a simpler solution.


Description: PGP signature

Re: setting sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range

2023-04-12 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 12, Helmut Grohne  wrote:

> As much as I like unprivileged operation, I think this change may expand
> privileges beyond what we expect. At present, ping limits an
> unprivileged user to a minimum spacing of 2ms and prevents a flood ping.
> Of course a user can just run multiple ping processes in parallel to
> overcome this limitation.
Real life DoS attacks from unpriviledged account are made with 
and they are already quite damaging, so I do not believe that adding an
ICMP option would make the situation worse.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Unlock LUKS with login/password

2023-03-10 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 10, Stephan Verbücheln  wrote:

> On Fri, 2023-03-10 at 15:12 +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > In the future the initramfs will (usually) be static as well.
> Can you provide more information on that?
Due to multiple reasons, mostly related to secure boot and boot 
attestation, there is significant interest by distributions in providing 
static and signed initrds.
BTW, I have been informed that "initramfs" is an obsolete term and that 
we are back to "initrd" like in the '90s.

Some people in Debian are interested in working on, which will provide a static 
initrd built from system binaries and extensible using the 
systemd-sysext and future systemd-sysconf mechanisms for things like 
SAN boot or sshd in the initrd.
Do not look too hard at it at this point: the upstream developers are 
going to make soon a new release with significant changes.

I expect that people interested in working on initramfs-tools can 
probably extend it with little work to generate static images suitable 
for the most common deployments.
People with uncommon ones will have to do without the modern boot 
attestation features or else sign their own images (which will be very 
easy once I, or somebody else, will have packaged sbctl).
Obviously there are no new requirements for the systems without secure 


Description: PGP signature

Re: Unlock LUKS with login/password

2023-03-10 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 10, Stephan Verbücheln  wrote:

> Apart from the fact that UEFI Secure Boot is an overly complex monster
> which is basically broken[1] by design, my understanding of it is also
> that it does not protect configs, initramfs etc. in /boot. It only
> protects the kernel image and loaded modules.
It can, with an appropriate configuration.

> In addition, files in /boot like the initrd are generated individually
> and may contain files not limited to what someone puts into /boot
> intentionally. In contrast to /boot/efi, /boot does not only contain
> static files delivered by the distribution.
In the future the initramfs will (usually) be static as well.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Unlock LUKS with login/password

2023-03-08 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 08, Alexey Kuznetsov  wrote:

> 1) grub can ask for a login/password, then MD5 the text and unlock the LUKS
Forget about this part: encrypted /boot/ is pointless from a security 
point of view and this complexity does not belong in the boot loader.

Once you accept this then you will end up with a design very similar to .

So you would need to implement having Plymouth or whatever else storing 
the credentials in the kernel keyring and then probably a PAM module 
that will make them available to the rest of the stack (notably 


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#995189: RFH: isc-dhcp

2023-03-08 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 08, Philipp Hahn  wrote:

> Do we do our users a service by keeping that dead horse alive for another 2+
> years? While being quite stable it had a steady stream of security issues:
Yes, unless you know of other implementations with that features set.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#995189: RFH: isc-dhcp

2023-03-07 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 07, Philipp Hahn  wrote:

> Is it a good idea to keep it alive for another 2+ years in
> Debian-12-Bookworm or should it be removed now?
I do not think that it should be removed at this point, since there is 
a need for the complex features that isc-dhcpd can provide and there are 
is no obvious replacement: Kea is super complex (and I do not know if it 
has all the features) and everything else is too much simple.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Yearless copyrights: what do people think?

2023-02-22 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Feb 22, Peter Pentchev  wrote:

> So I've seen this idea floating around in the past couple of years
> (and in some places even earlier), but I started doing it for
> the couple of pieces of software that I am upstream for after reading
> Daniel Stenberg's blog entry:
Good idea, I planned to do it myself too in the future.


Description: PGP signature

Re: depends-on-obsolete-package lsb-base

2023-01-20 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 20, Simon McVittie  wrote:

> For the systemd-sysv-generator case, the LSB init script is only run if
> there is no native systemd unit of the same name, which itself triggers
> a Lintian warning (albeit quite a common one); so hopefully if maintainers
> are removing lsb-base dependencies as prompted by Lintian, they are also
> adding a corresponding /lib/systemd/system/foo.service for each
> /etc/init.d/foo in the package.
I think that it is time to upgrade the warning, because I understand 
that interest in continuing to maintain systemd-sysv-generator is 

I will be happy to assist maintainers who want to add a .service unit to 
their package but are unsure about the details.


Description: PGP signature

Re: setting sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range

2023-01-02 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 03, Adam Borowski  wrote:

> Debian's default sysctl settings should reside in procps (as it owns
> /sbin/sysctl and /etc/sysctl* settings) rather than some unrelated
> package.
Nowadays systemd is a source of common sysctl settings among different 


Description: PGP signature

Re: setting sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range

2023-01-02 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 02, Noah Meyerhans  wrote:

> I'm entirely happy to reassign this request to systemd and have the
> setting applied more broadly.  The question that arises then is what to
> do about the file-level capabilities on the ping binary.  Ideally we
> drop them entirely (including the setuid fallback), but when?
Some options:
- conflict with systemd < version_with_the_new_default
- wait for a full release and then just drop it
- when sysctl in postinst reports the new default
- a mix of the last two options

I suggest that you improve the ping error message to also mention the 
sysctl (or maybe an appropriate writeup in README.Debian?).


Description: PGP signature

Re: setting sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range

2023-01-02 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 02, Noah Meyerhans  wrote:

> With that in place, unprivileged users are able to excute ping for both
> IPv4 and IPv6 targets without cap_net_raw (currently set as either a
> file-based attribute on the ping binary or acquired via setuid).  But
> since that applies system-wide, not just to the ping binary, there may
> be objections.
I do not think that the submitter made clear why this would be 
preferable, so I had to research it myself. See:

Since this is one of the systemd sysctl defaults (of which I think that 
we should adopt more, especially the network-related ones!) I agree with 
changing this.
I would just do it in the systemd package package to allow all packages 
to benefit from it without having to care if ping is installed.


Description: PGP signature

Re: setting sysctl net.ipv4.ping_group_range

2023-01-02 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 02, Peter Pentchev  wrote:

> I personally would prefer giving the administrator a way to change that.
> Maybe add a low priority debconf question with a "ping is not setuid"
> default, then mention that debconf setting in a comment in the file that
> the package installs in the sysctl.d/ directory.
Please don't. There are already way too many debconf questions and this 
one would be totally pointless: anybody who cares to change the default
can just locally override the /usr/lib/sysctl.d/ file with a drop-in in 
/etc/sysctl.d/ .

> Other than that, I think making ping not setuid is a great idea.
ping is (generally) not setuid.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Is an autogenerated configure shell script non-editable source (Was: Bug#1025739: hmmer2: missing source for configure)

2022-12-09 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Dec 09, Andreas Tille  wrote:

> I would consider asking upstream about this for sure but the code is in
> maintenance mode and there is no Git repository to step back in history.
> The only way to go would be to take from a later version
> and find out how it can be tweaked to create some working configure
> file from it.  I do not consider my time well spent in doing so except
> if there is some consensus here on the list that configure files without
> are "missing source".
If there is no surviving which can generate the current 
configure file then it is quite obvious that this is not a DFSG issue, 
because no such source exists.

But if your package contains a manually edited configure file then this
is a bad practice, and experience shows that sooner or later you will 
have to deal with the resulting bugs.

Clearly, the severity of these bugs is different, at least as long as 
your package builds.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#1023778: TMPDIR behaviour in maintainer scripts [was: Re: Bug#1023778: mysql-server-8.0: fails to restart on upgrade with libpam-tmpdir]

2022-11-13 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 13, Robie Basak  wrote:

> This seems inconsistent to me. Where is the expectation that TMPDIR must
> be unset if dropping privileges coming from? Obviously for users of
Where is the expectation that $TMPDIR is writable by any user but the 
current one?
I do not believe that it is expected that if a user creates a directory 
and points $TMPDIR to it then they also have to make it sticky, so this 
has nothing to do with libpam-tmpdir.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#1023778: TMPDIR behaviour in maintainer scripts [was: Re: Bug#1023778: mysql-server-8.0: fails to restart on upgrade with libpam-tmpdir]

2022-11-13 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 13, Simon McVittie  wrote:

> I think you can both be right. The symptom here is a maintainer script
> failing, but if I'm understanding Marco's argument correctly, he's
> saying that the root cause is that when you switch between execution
> environments, not all of the environment variables inherited from the old
> execution environment are appropriate for the new one. (A similar thing
> can happen for other inheritable process parameters like resource limits.)
Yes, but this is a general issue and not relevant for this specific 

Because let's consider an environment in which:
- there is no relevant elevation of privileges, so discussions about 
  what should libpam-something, sudo, etc... do are not applicable
- the root environmente legitimately has TMPDIR=/tmp/root-only/ mode 700
- a maintainer script does something as an unprivileged user which needs
  to access $TMPDIR

so you correctly noted that:

> If the maintainer script is *dropping* privileges from root down to a
> system user, then I think the maintainer script is/should be responsible
> for doing that privilege drop in a way that works - but ideally the
> maintainer script should be delegating that responsibility to a common
> tool rather than open-coding it itself, either by launching a one-shot
> system service that the init infrastructure can run in a predictable
> execution environment, or using a common privilege-level-switching tool
> like runuser, su or sudo, or using an IPC-based "run this command in a
> more controllable enviroment" tool like systemd-run.

And I think that it would be wrong to have dpkg generally unset $TMPDIR, 
because if root sets it then it would be reasonable to expect that also
dpkg and the maintainer scripts use it (as long as they are not dropping 


Description: PGP signature

Re: TMPDIR behaviour in maintainer scripts [was: Re: Bug#1023778: mysql-server-8.0: fails to restart on upgrade with libpam-tmpdir]

2022-11-12 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 12, Otto Kekäläinen  wrote:

> Instead of manually trying to manage TMPDIR env variable in various
> places, we should have a standardized way to run maintainer scripts in
> clean shell sessions that have all env variables set automatically
> correctly.
This is not about maintainer scripts, but about programs which change 
the UID without sanitizing the environment.


Description: PGP signature

Re: TMPDIR behaviour in maintainer scripts [was: Re: Bug#1023778: mysql-server-8.0: fails to restart on upgrade with libpam-tmpdir]

2022-11-10 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 10, Robie Basak  wrote:

> Thank you for the report. Adding debian-devel@ and the libpam-tmpdir
> maintainer for wider discussion.
> On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 12:54:34AM +, brian m. carlson wrote:
> > On my systems, I use libpam-tmpdir, which provides each user with a
> > private temporary directory owned and accessible only by them under
> > /tmp/user/UID (e.g., /tmp/user/1000).  PAM sets the TMPDIR variable to
> > this value upon creating a session.
> > 
> > When I upgrade mysql-server-8.0, it is obviously as root, so TMPDIR is
> > set to /tmp/user/0.  This value does not work since MySQL doesn't run as
> > root, and so MySQL fails to start after upgrade in such a configuration,
> > like so:
> I think I understand the problem.
> But are you in essence saying that libpam-tmpdir requires that *every
> maintainer script* that runs things as non-root, or starts processes
> that do that, unset TMPDIR first?
This would not be right, because it is totally valid to set $TMPDIR for 
the root user too.
The real issue here is that TMPDIR, like some other variables, should 
not be propagated when switching privileges from the user to root.

But here we have ANOTHER issue: whatever ends up initialising mysql does 
not run as root, but still uses $TMPDIR provided by the root environment.
Since there is no guarantee at all that $TMPDIR can be accessed (not 
just be writeable!) by other users then in this case it is correct to 
request that the package ignores $TMPDIR.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Enabling branch protection on amd64 and arm64

2022-11-02 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 01, Sebastian Ramacher  wrote:

> > this change is only targeted at two archs, which I'd hope could cope with 
> > it.
> If we ignore/break MA: same co-installability, sure.
Sure, but this means that a much smaller subset of packages will need to 
be rebuilt on all architectures.


Description: PGP signature

Bug#1021750: general: the nodelalloc mount option should be used by default for ext4 in /etc/fstab

2022-10-14 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Oct 14, Vincent Lefevre  wrote:

> > This is obviously convenient on Guillem's part, but we have to optimize 
> > systems by default for the general case and not just for dpkg -i.
> This dpkg FAQ says that this is not beneficial for just dpkg,
> but also "for any application in the system".
[citation needed]

I hope that you understand why at this point I cannot trust as is the 
opinions of the dpkg maintainer.


Description: PGP signature

Bug#1021750: general: the nodelalloc mount option should be used by default for ext4 in /etc/fstab

2022-10-14 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Oct 14, Vincent Lefevre  wrote:

> > This is not "the Debian FAQ" but "the DPKG FAQ", which has been known to 
> > recommend awful things in the past.
> But it is still considered in the present times by the dpkg developers.
> Bug 923423 was closed several hours ago based on this dpkg FAQ:
This is obviously convenient on Guillem's part, but we have to optimize 
systems by default for the general case and not just for dpkg -i.

> (the issue here is that there is a fsync for *every* file, so that for
And at this point I am wondering if this is a good design, or if it 
would be better to use a different strategy.


Description: PGP signature

Bug#1021750: general: the nodelalloc mount option should be used by default for ext4 in /etc/fstab

2022-10-14 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Oct 14, Vincent Lefevre  wrote:

> The /etc/fstab file is created using by default ext4 with just
> the errors=remount-ro option. However, the Debian FAQ recommends
> the nodelalloc mount option to avoid performance degradation and
> preserve data safety:
This is not "the Debian FAQ" but "the DPKG FAQ", which has been known to 
recommend awful things in the past.

There is a reason if delayed allocation is enabled by default and this 
should not be changed without a detailed analysis.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug email is not getting to me

2022-09-30 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 30, Sean Whitton  wrote:

> ARC is meant to be an alternative to this, eventually, right?
Right, but it has been such for so many years now that I am not holding 
my breath waiting for it.


Description: PGP signature

Re: transition to usrmerge to start around 2022-09-15 (next Thursday)

2022-09-18 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 18, Bjørn Mork  wrote:

> So if you don't want another round of pointless discussions, then I
> suggest that you start working on those bugs now. That's the smart thing
In other words, you are saying that if we don't do what you want then 
you will keep rehashing the same old arguments.
This looks like extortion to me.

> to do if you want to make *sure* usrmerge is part of the release.  If
> there is no conflict between release goals, then there will be no need
> for a discussion.
"That's a nice feature you have there, it would be a shame if something 
happened to it..."

> I find it quite disappointing to read . I
> don't know if it is arrogance or ignorance, but this bug is undoubtedly
> caused by usrmerge:
And our position is that it needs to be fixed in dpkg.


Description: PGP signature

Re: A mail relay server for Debian Members is live

2022-08-15 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Aug 15, Ansgar  wrote:

> To not look like forged mail, the "From" header field (not the
> envelope) has to be validated with either DKIM or SPF.
> says this is supposed to be the case for mail from their domain:
Not exactly. DMARC validation requires that at least one of DKIM or SPF 
is aligned.

DKIM validates the 822.From header, while SPF validates the 821.From 
envelope sender.

Forwarding emails does not break DKIM signatures, as long as the signed 
headers are not modified (and they are not supposed to be, so usually it 
is fine).
Forwarding emails does break SPF, and this is what SRS fixes (by 
changing the sender domain, so this does not help with DMARC).

Mailing lists always break SPF and they may or may not break DKIM 
depending if they change e.g. the message body or the Subject header.
The BTS does both, so after years it is still incompatible with DMARC 
validation (OTOH, domains which are not phishing targets should not 
enable DMARC. But we cannot fix other people's systems...).


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#1014908: ITP: gender-guesser -- Guess the gender from first name

2022-07-14 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jul 14, Marc Haber  wrote:

> >And I see you uploaded ~immediately - why even bother with an ITP?
> Is it proper procedure to upload without an ITP?
Is there any point in an ITP if you are already ready to upload the 
package? No.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#1013132: ITP: BabaSSL -- BabaSSL is a base library for modern cryptography and communication security protocols.

2022-06-30 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jun 30, Stephan Verbücheln  wrote:

> As far as I understand it, the main point of BabaSSL is to add support
> for Chinese developed ciphers and algorithms.
Is supporting Chinese cryptography standards a goal for Debian?
If it is then they should be available to all packages, but if it is not 
then I am not sure that having random (?) packages depend on an OpenSSL 
alternative would be a good strategy.

> Long time ago in my student years, I was working with a German fork of
> OpenSSL. The point was to add German elliptic curves (BSI and Deutsche
> Telekom). They were eventually merged into OpenSSL.
Do you expect that support for the Chinese algorithms will be merged in 
OpenSSL any time soon? Is there such a plan by the BabaSSL developers?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#1013132: ITP: BabaSSL -- BabaSSL is a base library for modern cryptography and communication security protocols.

2022-06-29 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jun 22, Lance Lin  wrote:

> Yes, from my understanding it is a "drop in" replacement for OpenSSL. One of 
> my packages (Workflow) uses it but can also use OpenSSL. 
> I think this package will be beneficial to the Workflow users and downstream 
> OS's.
Can you explain exactly what benefits these users have from using 
BabaSSL instad of OpenSSL? And why only these users and not the users of 
other current dependencies of OpenSSL?


Description: PGP signature

Re: ITP: BabaSSL -- BabaSSL is a base library for modern cryptography and communication security protocols.

2022-06-20 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jun 17, Lance Lin  wrote:

> - BabaSSL is a modern cryptographic and secure protocol library 
> developed by the amazing people in Alibaba Digital Economy.
What is the plan? Are there any current or new packages which will
depend on it?


Description: PGP signature

Re: how to convey package porting details?

2022-06-06 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jun 06, Holger Levsen  wrote:

> > Is this really worth the effort, considering that probably RISC-V is 
> > going to be our last port for a very long time?
> you mean like 640kb should be enough for everyone? :)
More like "free ABI is eating the world".

I do not see much future for the architectures mentioned here except 
maybe loongarch64 as a geopolitical tool, but sure: no objections if the 
people who actually work on ports think this is worthwhile.
Maybe the usual suspects which require significant porting work could 
start documenting instructions for porters in debian/README.source.


Description: PGP signature

Re: how to convey package porting details?

2022-06-06 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jun 06, Paul Wise  wrote:

> There are lots of packages that need porting to every new architecture
> that comes along. There are others that don't require porting but
> benefit in some way from porting to some aspect of the architecture.
Is this really worth the effort, considering that probably RISC-V is 
going to be our last port for a very long time?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Prove di pacchettizzazione...

2022-05-05 Thread Marco d'Itri
On May 05, Marco Gaiarin  wrote:

>  override_dh_auto_configure:
>   dh_auto_configure -- --docdir=${prefix}/usr/share/doc/vchanger
Direi che deve essere --docdir=\${prefix}/...

> e comunque i file vengono installati nella cartella di prima:
Questo potrebbe essere un bug del makefile.


Description: PGP signature

Re: feedback for NEW packages: switch to using the BTS?

2022-04-28 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 28, Paul Wise  wrote:

> During the discussions about NEW on debian-devel in recent times, I had
> the idea that instead of the current mechanism of sending REJECT mails,
> Debian could switch to using the BTS for most feedback on NEW packages.
This looks like a good idea to me, but I think that the big problem 
which needs to be solved is not discussing REJECTs but the packages 
which stay in NEW for many months with no feedback.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Keep both images but stop pretending no-free is unofficial

2022-04-19 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 19, Sam Hartman  wrote:

> For example I would thinki it would be entirely reasonable for someone
> to want to include a version of Debian installer for use with qemu in an
> environment that needed to be DFSG free.
> Similarly, I think it would be reasonable for someone to want to provide
> entirely free Debian media along with a libre laptop.
While I do not expect that this is a significant use case I think that 
it would be an acceptable compromise to ask the CD team to continue 
producing both image sets for another one or two releases and then 
evaluate how much the totally-free images will actually have been 


Description: PGP signature

Re: Firmware - what are we going to do about it?

2022-04-19 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 19, Steve McIntyre  wrote:

> What would I choose to do? My personal preference would be to go with option 
> 5:
> split the non-free firmware into a special new component and include that on
> official media.
I agree, and actually I have been supporting this position for 20 
years (time flies!).

Just a note: on board wired Ethernet adapters used in popular servers 
from many vendors have needed the tg3 or bnx/bnx2 firmwares to work for 
quite a long time, so I do not think that the situation has "recently" 


Description: PGP signature

Re: What to do with merged /usr and dpkg-fsys-usrunmess

2022-04-06 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Apr 06, Krzysztof Sobiecki  wrote:

> Now what I'm supposed to do? Wait for dpkg-fsys-usrunmess-unmess?
Install the usrmerge package and hopefully everything will be fixed.

> Is my system broken because I have used dpkg-fsys-usrunmess(that dpkg
> advised me to do?).

> As a Debian user I'm confused and a bit angry.
And you have every right to be. Sorry, blame the dpkg maintainer.

> What is way forward?
Merged /usr.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Q: systemd-timer vs cron

2022-03-14 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 14, Paul Wise  wrote:

> AFAICT OnSuccess/OnFailure services don't recieve the output of the
> succeeding/failing service. So the mail sending service needs to dig
> around in the systemd journal. Or make the service output go to a file,
> FIFO or socket and then send that to a mail.
Yes, this is true. These are the unit and script that I use, and I think 
that Debian would benefit from having something like this available in 
some common package.

I think that there is still space for cron jobs and for having a cron 
package installed by default, but also that packages should seriously 
consider migrating their cron jobs to timer units.

admin@rs1:~$ cat /etc/systemd/system/status-email@.service 
# Add this to the unit to be monitored:
# [Unit]
# OnFailure=status-email@%n.service

Description=Status mailer unit for %i

admin@rs1:~$ cat /usr/local/bin/systemd-email 
#!/bin/sh -e

if [ "$1" ]; then

if [ -z "$FAILED_UNIT" ]; then
  echo "\$FAILED_UNIT is not set!" 2>&1
  exit 1

fuu=$(systemctl show $FAILED_UNIT --property=User)
if [ "$fuu" ]; then

exec /usr/sbin/sendmail -t < $FAILED_UNIT
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated

$(systemctl status "$FAILED_UNIT" --full --lines=100)


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Re: systemd-sysusers [Re: Seeking consensus for some changes in adduser]

2022-03-11 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 11, Simon Richter  wrote:

> We currently don't have a good mechanism for leaving configuration behind on
> purge, which we've historically done with user accounts to avoid reuse of
> UIDs that may own resources, so we'd still have to create the declarations
> from a postinst.
While this is a reasonable concern I do not think that it is generally 
true nowadays for system processes.
Also thanks to piuparts, nowadays packages that leave files around after 
being purged should be a really small number. Actually I cannot think of 
any, so this should be considered the exception rather than the norm.

So I totally support transitioning to systemd-sysusers.


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Re: proposed MBF: packages still using source format 1.0

2022-03-06 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 06, Lucas Nussbaum  wrote:

> I think that we should reduce the number of packages using the 1.0 format, as
> (1) format 3.0 has many advantages, as documented in
> ; (2) this contributes to
> standardization of packaging practices, lowering the bar for contributors to
> contribute to those packages.
inn is a bit peculiar. It uses a patch system, has no direct changes and 
is maintained in a VCS. But the build process is from a different age 
and quite arcane, and I remember that switching to 3.0 would have 
required significant work, so I see no compelling reason to do it.


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Re: Gmail bounce unauthenticated addresses

2022-03-04 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Mar 04, Baptiste Beauplat  wrote:

> Looking at your email headers, I would guess that gmail is already doing it.
> X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256...
> There is somewhat some irony in Gmail blocking email without a DKIM
> signature while they are using a non-standard header that other
> provider/tools might miss. Just a thought.
No irony, you are just missing the point.
gmail uses this X header for internal purposes, and there is no DKIM 
signature because the message has a 822.from address hence 
gmail obviously lacks a valid key for it.


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Re: The future of src:ntp

2022-01-23 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 23, Richard Laager  wrote:

> It might be technically possible to build a binary package with different
> versioning, but even if it is: 1) I don't know how, and 2) I'm not sure
> whether that's a good idea, especially compared to the alternatives.
I did it long ago, I think for kmod taking over module-init-tools: you 
just need to add an appropriate Version field to debian/control.


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Re: The future of src:ntp

2022-01-20 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 19, Paride Legovini  wrote:

> That's what I had in mind, but the other option:
> > Another option would be to have src:ntpsec build the bin:ntp dummy 
> > package and remove src:ntp entirely.
> also looks sensible to me after all. No strong opinion.
I think that this would be better since they are close enough that 
ntpsec can usually be a drop-in replacement.


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Re: The future of src:ntp

2022-01-18 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 18, Michael Biebl  wrote:

> I think Fedora prefers chrony instead of ntpsec.
Fedora even uses btrfs, so who cares. :-)
The interesting point is that RHEL switched to chrony for RHEL 7.

Also, I want to add that chrony is not just better as a client, but also 
as a NTP server.
offers quite some insights.

> If "ntp" the binary package would become a transitional package that
> installs chrony, that'd be fine with me if that eases the transition.
I am not sure that this would be practical since they cannot share the 
same configuration.
I have no objections if somebody wants to work on packaging ntpsec, but 
I do not think that either ntp or ntpsec should be promoted over chrony 


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Re: The future of src:ntp

2022-01-17 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Jan 17, Bernhard Schmidt  wrote:

> What do you think?
chrony is MUCH better since Debian 10, I agree that it should be the 
preferred NTP client for when systemd-timesyncd is not enough.
You can definitely spend your time on something more fun and more 


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Re: etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/ equivalent for systemd-resolved

2021-12-30 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Dec 30, Scott Kitterman  wrote:

> I would too.  It would be nice if systemd-resolved had some mechanism to 
> support this kind of functionality.  If you're going to replace resolvconf, 
> then you ought to actually replace it.
systemd-resolved is supposed to forward queries to the upstream resolver 
and always be available on, so what does actually change in 
resolve.conf when using it?


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Re: scp non funziona più su debian testing a causa del router

2021-12-12 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Dec 12, Giuseppe Sacco  wrote:

> debug1: Sending command: scp -v -f key-transition-2014.txt
> Timeout, server not responding.


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Re: Extending debspawn

2021-12-10 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Dec 10, Marc Haber  wrote:

> Is there any way to fire up a pid-1-systemd isntance inside a debspawn
> container, so that the container could have an IP address and run its
> own sshd? Or is there any way to get a login prompt from an already
> running debspawn container?
I am not familiar with debspawn, but looks like this should help:

#!/bin/sh -e


if [ -z "$C_NAME" ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 NAME"

C_PID="$(machinectl show --property=Leader --value $C_NAME)"

[ "$C_PID" ] || exit 1

kill -0 $C_PID || exit 2

exec nsenter \
  --mount --uts --ipc --net --pid --cgroup \
  --target $C_PID $SHELL


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Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-18 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 18, Zack Weinberg  wrote:

> Are you seriously claiming that that phenomenon is not a severity:critical 
> bug?
I am seriously claming that whatever you are referring to, if true, is 
such a contrived example that does not actually happen in real life
(or at least, it does not happen frequently enough).


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Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-18 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 18, Zack Weinberg  wrote:

> And, as it has proven to be a genuinely critical problem, it is also their
No, it has not.


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Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-10 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 10, Sam Hartman  wrote:

> I'm sorry, but I think the only way in which that horse is dead is that
> no one has proposed patches to dpkg.
Indeed, because the sides of this argument are like three people (one of 
them being the dpkg maintainer) versus everybody else.
Since some significant work on dpkg is reasonably not forthcoming then 
this is clearly not a viable transition method. 


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Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-08 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 08, Simon Richter  wrote:

> Yes, but the conversion needs to be performed by dpkg, because the usrmerge
Please kindly stop beating this long-dead horse.


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Re: merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-08 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Nov 08, Simon Richter  wrote:

> Right now, it is sufficient to preseed debconf to disallow the usrmerge
> package messing with the filesystem tree outside dpkg. Managed installations
> usually have a ready-made method to do so.
This is not really relevant, since the conversion is mandatory.
The CTTE stated that the only exception is "Testing and QA systems 
should be able to avoid this transition, but if they do, they cannot be 
upgraded beyond Debian 12", and my plan is to arrange for this with 
a flag file.


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merged-/usr transition: debconf or not?

2021-11-07 Thread Marco d'Itri
I have been asked to remove from the usrmerge package the debconf 
question which asks to confirm the conversion.
Does anybody REALLY believe that it should not be removed?


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Re: tech-ctte: More specific advice regarding merged-/usr and implications of #978636

2021-10-18 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Oct 18, Sean Whitton  wrote:

Thank you: this is great work and, even if it requires maintaining 
support for unmerged systems for yet another release, I fully agree with 
the results.

> - Debian contributors who are interested in merged-/usr are invited to
>   implement a straightforward migration path from non-merged-/usr to
>   merged-/usr. The Technical Committee will not design this migration
>   path in detail. If disputes arise related to this migration path, or
>   if advice on this migration path is requested, we will resolve those
>   by following our usual procedures.
> + One example of a migration path that might be used is for an
>   Essential package to add a dependency on the usrmerge package, so
>   that it will be installed automatically during upgrades. We do not
>   require this to be the migration path that is chosen; it is
>   presented here merely to demonstrate that such a migration path
>   can exist.
This looks like a good plan. I am not sure that alternative ones 
which fit the other requirements have ever been proposed, but I would 
still like to hear about them if anybody has better ideas.

This is a rough sketch of a possible solution:

Package: foo
Essential: yes
Depends: usrmerge | usr-is-merged

Source: usrmerge
Package: usrmerge
Provides: usr-is-merged

Source: usrmerge
Package: usr-is-merged
Description: this is an empty transitional package
 It can be removed as soon as no other package depends on it.
 It fails in preinst if /{bin,sbin,lib*} are not a symlink.
 It is useful to satisfy the dependency without bloating already
 converted systems.

An open question: how do we make debootstrap and its clones install 
usr-is-merged instead of usrmerge?

So, who is willing to be the maintainer of "foo"?
There are not too many candidates:

grep-available -s Package -F Essential yes | uniq | less


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Re: gbp vs. vcswatch - how to create automatic debian tags?

2021-10-05 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Oct 05, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz  wrote:

> Could anyone tell me what the proper gbp command is for creating the changelog
This works for me.

md:~ $ cat ~/bin/git-debtag
#!/bin/sh -e

VER="$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Version)"

if [ -z "$VER" ]; then
  echo "Could not parse the changelog!" >&2
  exit 1

# mangle the Debian version number as required by git conventions
VER="$(echo "$VER" | sed -e 's/~/_/g' -e 's/:/%/g')"

if dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Version | egrep -q -- '-[0-9]+$'; then

export GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Date)"

exec git tag -s -m "version $VER" $TAG $1


Description: PGP signature

Re: Bug#995189: RFH: isc-dhcp

2021-09-27 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 28, Noah Meyerhans  wrote:

Should it be mentioned what the new recommended DHCP server for general 
use will be?

> For what it's worth, my preference would be transition to
> systemd-networkd with bookworm.
I think that a good default would be systemd-networkd for servers and 
NetworkManager for systems with Wi-Fi or a GUI.

> If we keep the ifup/ifdown commands
> from ifupdown at all, I think they should be fairly this wrappers around
> their networkd equivalents.
This should be quite easy.

> I don't think we should install something
> like netplan by default.
I agree: it only adds complexity.

> (Of course, this conversation may already be taking place, but if so
> I've missed it.  Please feel free to point me in the right direction.)
No, I think that we did not have this flamewar yet.


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Re: partman, growlight, discoverable partitions, and fun

2021-09-27 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 27, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz  wrote:

> Not for me, though. Debian has always followed the philosophy to be a 
> universal
> operating system, which also meant that we can't (immediately) use all the new
> technologies and features that other distributions or upstream projects 
> develop.
It never meant that.


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Re: partman, growlight, discoverable partitions, and fun

2021-09-24 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Sep 24, Marc Haber  wrote:

> But maybe an alternative? I find the partitioning step one of the most
> error-prone and hard-to-use parts of non-trivial Debian installations.
And the preseeding syntax is as powerful as it is inconvenient.
I had not heard of growlight before yesterday, but from what I have read 
I think that it is very promising.

Implementing support for more partition formats, if missing, should be 
rather easy.
But which ones do we need for architectures which are not actually dead?


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Re: Bug#969631: can base-passwd provide the user _apt?

2021-08-29 Thread Marco d'Itri
On Aug 29, Colin Watson  wrote:

> I can see the issue there.  Adding another prompt that every Debian user
> will need to consider on upgrade to the next release is pretty
> undesirable, though - I actively try to avoid that in base-passwd
> changes.  So maybe the policy violation, i.e. ending up with an
> inconsistent _apt UID on upgraded systems, is in fact the better option?


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