I compile my own X so there are no debianisms in the X tree.  Other than that 
it's debian unstable.  
Updated to the latest pkgs tonight and i recieved this error.
Are there seperate font packages for gnome needed? I do have all of the 
xfonts installed.

Info: ghostscript was found and has fonts in these directories:
Info:   /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/common
Info:   /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/5.50
Info:   /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts
Info:   /usr/local/share/ghostscript/common
Info:   /usr/local/share/ghostscript/5.50
Info:   /usr/local/share/ghostscript/fonts
Info:   /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts
Info:   /usr/share/ghostscript/common
Info:   /usr/share/ghostscript/5.50
Info:   /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts
Info:   /usr/lib/ghostscript/common
Info:   /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.50
Info:   /usr/lib/ghostscript/fonts
Info: adding default directory /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts to font path.
Info: running "/usr/bin/gnome-font-install --debug 
--afm-path=/usr/share/fonts/afms --pfb-path=/usr/share/fonts/pfbs 
/usr/share/fonts/pfbs is not a directory
Assigned ghostscript : /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/common
Assigned ghostscript : /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts
Assigned ghostscript : /var/lib/defoma/gs.d/dirs/fonts
Assigned ghostscript : /usr/share/ghostscript/5.50
Assigned ghostscript : /usr/local/lib/ghostscript/fonts
Reading fontmap... Done
Verifying fontmap entries Done
Scanning source maps... Trying srcfile /usr/share/fonts/adobe-urw.font
Trying srcfile /usr/share/fonts/urw-urw.font
Trying srcfile /usr/share/fonts/debian.font
Trying srcfile /usr/share/fonts/groff.font
Trying srcfile /usr/share/fonts/tex.font
Trying srcfile /usr/share/fonts/X.font
Scanning directories: Done
Sorting fonts... Done
Sorting Type1 aliases... Done
Building fonts... Done
Something went wrong - NO FONTS

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