[SECURITY] [DSA-308-1] New gzip packages fix insecure temporary file creation

2003-06-06 Thread Matt Zimmerman
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 308-1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.debian.org/security/ Matt Zimmerman
June 6th, 2003  http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- --

Package: gzip
Vulnerability  : insecure temporary files
Problem-Type   : local
Debian-specific: no
CVE Ids: CVE-1999-1332, CAN-2003-0367

Paul Szabo discovered that znew, a script included in the gzip
package, creates its temporary files without taking precautions to
avoid a symlink attack (CAN-2003-0367).

The gzexe script has a similar vulnerability which was patched in an
earlier release but inadvertently reverted.

For the stable distribution (woody) both problems have been fixed in
version 1.3.2-3woody1.

For the old stable distribution (potato) CAN-2003-0367 has been fixed
in version 1.2.4-33.2.  This version is not vulnerable to
CVE-1999-1332 due to an earlier patch.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem will be fixed soon.

We recommend that you update your gzip package.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 alias woody

  Source archives:

  Size/MD5 checksum:  577 affc0d3b073378cd2dc13c2a6772810a
  Size/MD5 checksum: 5554 abd3dee3183d8c20f58c792206cec6e5
  Size/MD5 checksum:   311011 57bff96b6b4bcbb060566bdbed29485d

  Alpha architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:76240 8b1022a3708b29162831ae85307cb4de

  ARM architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:68538 8f640e909866da6602c2854375fa3b70

  Intel IA-32 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:61868 a224c831e1a801e980801b63fde5a031

  Intel IA-64 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:86622 67e08c2b9b1011544b8303376f920df7

  HP Precision architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:72366 334d7a9b874026c95ea4a3b37b693691

  Motorola 680x0 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:61134 0e8cc087cfb00ec478c48c6f0b177ea1

  Big endian MIPS architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:71524 acc8077c42714b77a73e55ae77a6493f

  Little endian MIPS architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:71388 c81151864b2453826712ac969e73535c

  PowerPC architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:69062 91de386eef5133dbd777934a3ff6668f

  IBM S/390 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:66508 391497f880223b95fbf2b6b3d72160eb

  Sun Sparc architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:70058 3c9c0854327fec243b228108ec29f4b8

Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 alias potato
- -

  Source archives:

  Size/MD5 checksum:  542 0c5d9c072d3b99c09cf139799b1c1031
  Size/MD5 checksum:10142 0cec25832d0eaff865a27489f0757d8b
  Size/MD5 checksum:   220976 b94b3e07797e0cbf3622bb2fe5682f0b

  Alpha architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:78936 a17b1e7130835c9f08bec9b0ff715bb1

  ARM architecture:

[SECURITY] [DSA-309-1] New eterm packages fix buffer overflow

2003-06-06 Thread Matt Zimmerman
Hash: SHA1

- --
Debian Security Advisory DSA 309-1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.debian.org/security/ Matt Zimmerman
June 6th, 2003  http://www.debian.org/security/faq
- --

Package: eterm
Vulnerability  : buffer overflow
Problem-Type   : local
Bugtraq ID : 7708

bazarr discovered that eterm is vulnerable to a buffer overflow of
the ETERMPATH environment variable.  This bug can be exploited to gain
the privileges of the group utmp on a system where eterm is

For the stable distribution (woody), this problem has been fixed in
version 0.9.2-0pre2002042903.1.

The old stable distribution (potato) is not affected by this bug.

For the unstable distribution (sid) this problem will be fixed soon.

We recommend that you update your eterm package.

Upgrade Instructions

wget url
will fetch the file for you
dpkg -i file.deb
will install the referenced file.

If you are using the apt-get package manager, use the line for
sources.list as given below:

apt-get update
will update the internal database
apt-get upgrade
will install corrected packages

You may use an automated update by adding the resources from the
footer to the proper configuration.

Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 alias woody

  Source archives:

  Size/MD5 checksum:  580 93e4f7a311340b12531333ab0606ef86

  Size/MD5 checksum:   669179 c749cbc4b08e75892d2f1c7184c91845

  Alpha architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   389906 382018a77b71a278eaef04472caf604d

  ARM architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   374132 731d78fcaef37260c19a892a09aec8dd

  Intel IA-32 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   332332 62c775be2dc796a881667cac80bf69a8

  Intel IA-64 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   450196 7ec5a565f8939f8a4f6ad87b83e895cf

  HP Precision architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   390204 6f29ccd6ad78296fc1646df68ecbd803

  Motorola 680x0 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   336852 95830a081e2c990d2ec6a67a27d5b7f6

  Big endian MIPS architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   335768 7fc79db933e042e409c96298b326c0b1

  Little endian MIPS architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   335020 a93317df7718a0d4825a3625cd3caa45

  PowerPC architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   365208 5f2735b435d7a63a46787033340d8e35

  IBM S/390 architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   356098 118b70aa96874ec4215949a48776b2e3

  Sun Sparc architecture:

  Size/MD5 checksum:   368856 bc4c4ebf144a4e9f2ae7001f0726aaff

These files will probably be moved into the stable distribution on its
next revision.

- -
For apt-get: deb http://security.debian.org/ stable/updates main
For dpkg-ftp: ftp://security.debian.org/debian-security dists/stable/updates/main
Mailing list: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Package info: `apt-cache show pkg' and http://packages.debian.org/pkg
Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Keeping files away from users

2003-06-06 Thread Peter Cordes
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 09:30:51AM +0200, Luis Gomez - InfoEmergencias wrote:
 We'd like to protect that content, so that even if someone unplugs the machine 
 and connects the HD to another Linux box, they can't access that information. 
 Of course it's difficult to do, but we think there might be a possibility to 
 achieve success.

 Against a sophisticated attacker, it's totally impossible to do what you
want.  They could run bochs an boot the x86 emulator from the new hard
drive, and examine the contents of the system's memory whenever they wanted.
Obviously, that's not easy, since you have to figure out where the
encryption key is in memory (if that's what you used to protect the drive).

 From a practical point of view, if you just want to defend against casual
attackers, encryption might do the trick.  Use an encrypted filesystem, and
hide the key somewhere in the kernel or something else outside the encrypted
FS.  When the system boots, it gets the key and uses it to mount the drive.
It you add some code to the kernel to hide an obfuscated key in memory, and
maybe make it available by reading /proc/sekret, or a char device, you could
have the system boot up without requiring a password (which would be no
good, because whoever has the password could use it when they move the drive
to another machine.)  Err, just thought of a problem with this:  The kernel
is GPLed, so you are required to give a copy of the source to anyone with a
copy of the binary.  Given that, they'd know where to look in the kernel
binary for the key, even if the source you supplied has the secret key
changed to something else.  You'd have to embed the secret key into
something else.  (Linus apparently has no problem with binary-only kernel
modules, so that's an option!)

  The trick to all this is not to give away where to look for the key in any
boot scripts or initial ramdisk that could be read by putting the disk in
another machine.  A line like  /bin/gen-password | mount -o loop ...  pretty
much gives the game away.  I guess the best way really is to stash stuff in
the kernel, since then you'll at least know who's asking for the source.
Still, a script reading from /proc/sekret is a giveaway.  If someone put the
drive in another machine, they could edit the boot scripts so that it
printed out the password.  Then, you could boot from the drive, get the
password, then put the drive back into another computer and mount the
encrypted filesystem.

 So, all you can really do is make things tricky for people who aren't
experts, and hopefully don't find this message with google. :)  Here's what
I suggest, after having thought about it while writing this message:  Use an
initrd.  Scramble it by XORing it with a pattern[1].  Hack the kernel so it
descrambles it at boot time.  Put the password in the initrd, or in the
kernel.  (Even if you put the password in the kernel, you want to hide the
initrd, because it will have mount(8) getting a password from /proc/sekret,
or something.)  Use some sort of encrypted filesystem on the hard drive.

[1]using strong encryption wouldn't matter, because it's just as easy to
disassemble the part of the kernel that unscrambles it to get the key is the
same amount of work as finding out what it's XORed with, unless they figure
it out from known-plaintext (the GZIP header).  Make sure your pattern's not
too short, so they have to disassemble the kernel or ask you for the source.
If you know who's asking for the source, that's much better than not knowing
who's hacking your work.

#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] , s.ca)

The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces! -- Plautus, 200 BC

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Re: Keeping files away from users

2003-06-06 Thread Koba
You can encode your php scripts (in standalone cgi mode or apache served) 
with the open source gpl php encoder/optimizer turck mmcache. The readme 
says that the encoding it's not recommended for production use yet, but it 
works like a charm.

Good Luck,
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 09:30:51 +0200, Luis Gomez - InfoEmergencias 

Hello world...

In my company, we've been working for some months in what I consider a 
rather interesting product... but well, this mail is not spam ;)

Seriously, the fact is this: we are going to install Linux servers in 
some companies, in order to serve mail, files, databases... We have 
developed a complete control panel in HTML and PHP, accessing MySQL 
databases and using some selfmade scripts that pickup the data in the 
MySQL db and transform these data into the config files of each service.

We'd like to protect that content, so that even if someone unplugs the 
machine and connects the HD to another Linux box, they can't access that 
information. Of course it's difficult to do, but we think there might be 
a possibility to achieve success.

So the question is obvious: could someone shine a light in our path? :-)


	The Pope

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Re: Keeping files away from users

2003-06-06 Thread Ross

 Against a sophisticated attacker, it's totally impossible to do what you
 want.  They could run bochs an boot the x86 emulator from the new hard
 drive, and examine the contents of the system's memory whenever they wanted.
 Obviously, that's not easy, since you have to figure out where the
 encryption key is in memory (if that's what you used to protect the drive).

I'd just like to add that you could try not storing the key on the machine at
all.  You could encrypt the content drives only, that way the system can boot by
itself but can't decrypt the data until you login manually (ssh) and decrypt the
drives by hand.

The obvious disadvantage is of course that your data will be unavailable every
time the system gets rebooted until you get a chance to login.

Again, it's not a perfect solution but i think it adds another significant
hurdle for the cracker.  The trick then becomes figuring out if your system has
been trojaned or is running in an emulator after a reboot... 


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Re: Keeping files away from users

2003-06-06 Thread Harry Brueckner
Hey there,

--On Thursday, June 05, 2003 11:14:36 AM +0200 Marcel Weber 

Luis Gomez - InfoEmergencias wrote:
We're already looking at that (btw, IIRC loop-aes is included into the
cryptoapi of kerneli.org). The problem is what Dariush points: if your
machine has the pass to mount the filesystem, someone can put the HD in
another machine, remove the root password, put the HD back in my
original  server, boot it, login as root and access whatever content we
have there. Or  just find the script that mounts the ciphered
filesystem, look at its  password and mount the ciphered fs himself :-(
What about taking some computer / server specific things to generate the
password? Say, the mac address of the NIC, the CPUs ID, some other stuff
from the bios? Take all this things, make a md5 hash and use it as
password. Of course, it would not be very secure, as anyone that has
access to the computer could figure out how this password is put
together. It would rather be security by obscurity...
The built in certificates of a TWCP (or whatever it is called, you know
the hardware side of these palladium stuff) would come handy for such a
Making the encryption key hardware dependent would make it a hard job to
decrypt the harddrive in another computer...
On the other hand - what will you do if your server gets a hardware problem 
and you have to replace/expand the system with a new NIC, add another CPU, 
exchange anything in the box.
So after a simple hardware problem all your own data is lost as well, even 
if the harddrive is not having any problems.

Just my 2 cents. :-)


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Re: Keeping files away from users

2003-06-06 Thread Koba
Think about this:
	Use a encrypted loopback. 	To get the key without storing it on the 
	Get some kind of unique combined fingerprint of the computer and hd 
through a c/c++ programmed algorithm and sending them to a secure 
password server using some kind of (variable server provided salt) 
hashing with md5. 	The server can encrypt the loopback KEY using the 
fingerprint as a passphrase and send it sniff safe.

Isn't this going to safe enought for some cases?
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 12:16:21 -0300, Peter Cordes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 09:30:51AM +0200, Luis Gomez - InfoEmergencias 
We'd like to protect that content, so that even if someone unplugs the 
machine and connects the HD to another Linux box, they can't access that 
information. Of course it's difficult to do, but we think there might be 
a possibility to achieve success.
Against a sophisticated attacker, it's totally impossible to do what you
want.  They could run bochs an boot the x86 emulator from the new hard
drive, and examine the contents of the system's memory whenever they 
Obviously, that's not easy, since you have to figure out where the
encryption key is in memory (if that's what you used to protect the 

From a practical point of view, if you just want to defend against casual
attackers, encryption might do the trick.  Use an encrypted filesystem, 
hide the key somewhere in the kernel or something else outside the 
FS.  When the system boots, it gets the key and uses it to mount the 
It you add some code to the kernel to hide an obfuscated key in memory, 
maybe make it available by reading /proc/sekret, or a char device, you 
have the system boot up without requiring a password (which would be no
good, because whoever has the password could use it when they move the 
to another machine.)  Err, just thought of a problem with this:  The 
is GPLed, so you are required to give a copy of the source to anyone with 
copy of the binary.  Given that, they'd know where to look in the kernel
binary for the key, even if the source you supplied has the secret key
changed to something else.  You'd have to embed the secret key into
something else.  (Linus apparently has no problem with binary-only kernel
modules, so that's an option!)

The trick to all this is not to give away where to look for the key in 
boot scripts or initial ramdisk that could be read by putting the disk in
another machine.  A line like  /bin/gen-password | mount -o loop ...  
much gives the game away.  I guess the best way really is to stash stuff 
the kernel, since then you'll at least know who's asking for the source.
Still, a script reading from /proc/sekret is a giveaway.  If someone put 
drive in another machine, they could edit the boot scripts so that it
printed out the password.  Then, you could boot from the drive, get the
password, then put the drive back into another computer and mount the
encrypted filesystem.

So, all you can really do is make things tricky for people who aren't
experts, and hopefully don't find this message with google. :)  Here's 
I suggest, after having thought about it while writing this message:  Use 
initrd.  Scramble it by XORing it with a pattern[1].  Hack the kernel so 
descrambles it at boot time.  Put the password in the initrd, or in the
kernel.  (Even if you put the password in the kernel, you want to hide 
initrd, because it will have mount(8) getting a password from 
or something.)  Use some sort of encrypted filesystem on the hard drive.

[1]using strong encryption wouldn't matter, because it's just as easy to
disassemble the part of the kernel that unscrambles it to get the key is 
same amount of work as finding out what it's XORed with, unless they 
it out from known-plaintext (the GZIP header).  Make sure your pattern's 
too short, so they have to disassemble the kernel or ask you for the 
If you know who's asking for the source, that's much better than not 
who's hacking your work.

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Re: Keeping files away from users

2003-06-06 Thread Marcel Weber
Harry Brueckner wrote:

On the other hand - what will you do if your server gets a hardware 
problem and you have to replace/expand the system with a new NIC, add 
another CPU, exchange anything in the box.
So after a simple hardware problem all your own data is lost as well, 
even if the harddrive is not having any problems.

Just my 2 cents. :-)

Forget my backup mail, except that even encrypted data should be 
backuped, except if it is data, that can be restored with no hassles...

Seriously: I read, that only the configuration files have to be 
protected and not the user data itself. As the creation of the 
configuration data is an automated job, you could easily restore the 
system after a upgrade.

The following scenario would be possible:

- One central configuration server
- On boot up the client initializes an encrypted /etc or whatever using 
a special hardware dependent password
- The actual configuration files get copied in a secure way (for example 
scp) from the configuration server to the client using a certificate, 
that is stored in the protected area.

This works as long as no hardware is changed. In the case of a hardware 
change, it would be no big deal doing an automatic recreation of the 
encrypted filesystem, with some special boot disk, that creates a new 
encrypted file system with the right hardware key. Even this would be 
secure as for a successful recreation you would need the right 
certificate to get the config files from the configuration server.



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Re: Keeping files away from users

2003-06-06 Thread Peter Cordes
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 12:53:43PM -0300, Koba wrote:
 Think about this:
   Use a encrypted loopback.   To get the key without storing it on 
   the computer:
   Get some kind of unique combined fingerprint of the computer and hd 
 through a c/c++ programmed algorithm and sending them to a secure 
 password server using some kind of (variable server provided salt) 
 hashing with md5. The server can encrypt the loopback KEY using the 
 fingerprint as a passphrase and send it sniff safe.
 Isn't this going to safe enought for some cases?

 If the attacker runs it under an x86 emulator like bochs, they don't need
to sniff the network, just look at memory after it's decrypted.  Also, what
I suggested was an attempt to avoid dependence on a network.  I'd be pretty
unhappy if I bought something that required a connection to some
authentication server before it would decide to function for me.  Going too
far with this risks pissing off people who had no plans to hack the thing,
but dislike the explicit distrust of them.  I mean, that's as bad as buying
a DVD and finding out that it's illegal to watch it on a GNU system...
You don't want to make your clients feel like you think they're criminals,
or your adversaries.

#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] , s.ca)

The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces! -- Plautus, 200 BC

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Keeping files away from users

2003-06-06 Thread Koba
On Thu, 5 Jun 2003 14:15:45 -0300, Peter Cordes [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

If the attacker runs it under an x86 emulator like bochs, they don't need
to sniff the network, just look at memory after it's decrypted.  Also, 
I suggested was an attempt to avoid dependence on a network.  I'd be 
unhappy if I bought something that required a connection to some
authentication server before it would decide to function for me.  Going 
far with this risks pissing off people who had no plans to hack the 
but dislike the explicit distrust of them.  I mean, that's as bad as 
a DVD and finding out that it's illegal to watch it on a GNU system...
You don't want to make your clients feel like you think they're 
or your adversaries.

The idea is that if the attacker uses an x86 emulator the machine 
fingerprint won't be the same, there must be some way get a different one.
I think there are some scenarios where this may be applicable. Server 
renting is not something strange here.

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Re: Keeping files away from users - THANKS!!

2003-06-06 Thread Luis Gomez - InfoEmergencias
Good evening (here in Spain) to all of you.

I want to sincerely thank you all for the great feedback received on this 
topic. I would never have expected to receive some 20 answers in such a short 
time! Let me take my time to write your names, because you deserve it:
Thank you Dariush, Adam, Marcel, Lars, Thomas, Peter, Harry, Koba, Ross, 
Adrian, and all the others who read the mail.

We've seen lots of interesting points, some of which I'll comment now:

- REMOTE PASSWORD SERVER. It avoids me from having to hardcode the cipher key 
somewhere in the filesystem, but presents two handicaps: What if they lose 
connection to the Net? and What if they put the HD in another machine, remove 
the root password, and put it back in the original machine? By doing this, 
the system would boot normally, would get the cipher key and mount the 
protected contents, and later they could login as root and access those 

- CIPHER KEY BASED ON THE HARDWARE. They can still remove the root password 
and boot the drive again with its original hardware. Moreover it has the 
disadvantage of having to recalculate the password and recipher the container 
if any hardware component changes. I still have to study Marcel's point about 

introduces the sixth sense of the sysadmin (i.e., me) who could take a look 
around before entering the pass (check that /etc/passwd is untouched, noone 
is logged in...). Even in that case the machine could have been trojanized, 
although we could check that point with software packages such as Tiger or 
Samhain (eh Javier!! ;D ) making it more difficult for a potential intruder 
to neutralize all of our monitoring tools.

Unfortunately this one isn't possible, as the protected data won't be config 
files for services, but rather .html and .php pages which need to be accessed 
very often. It was a good point, I must say.

Other interesting things to look at:

- LICENSING ISSUES. As Peter Cordes commented, the kernel is GPL so if we 
integrate code into it, we cannot provide a binary-only version, we should 
also give away the sources (or use modules, but we want a monolythic kernel 
for obvious security reasons). However I don't see the problem in thinking of 
something like this, implementing it, documenting, giving away to the 
community... and later configuring it for our particular needs, so that a 
client cannot (initially, at least) break it.

I have to leave right now, and I'm taking a copy of this mail to discuss it 
with my colleagues. Will continue writing on the topic later or tomorrow, 

Again, thanks to all for your great pieces of advice


The Pope - Luis Gomez

Luis Gomez Miralles
InfoEmergencias - Technical Department
Phone (+34) 654 24 01 34
Fax (+34) 963 49 31 80

PGP Public Key available at http://www.infoemergencias.com/lgomez.asc

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Re: Keeping files away from users

2003-06-06 Thread Jaroslaw Tabor
W licie z czw, 05-06-2003, godz. 07:30, Luis Gomez - InfoEmergencias


 We'd like to protect that content, so that even if someone unplugs the machine 
 and connects the HD to another Linux box, they can't access that information. 
 Of course it's difficult to do, but we think there might be a possibility to 
 achieve success.

You have to understand that giving to someone physical access to the
machine, You are in fact giving him all. All the software solutions to
protect the contents could be just simply disassembled. So You can only
make it more difficult i.e. by rewriting filesystem so it wont be
understandable by other machines, changing boot code or doing something
simmilar. But this solution has two sides: It will be much more
difficult to support such device.
If You want to protect Your code, You can use some kind of hardware keys
to decrypt executables on the fly. Of course this is still not the
perfect solution, because someone, can sniff decoded code and use it
later. If You want be sure that no one will take out You code, You
should implement some kind of autodestruction ( H2SO4, TNT, C4, small
nuclear bomb etc...) which will destroy HDD (or all device), when
someone will try to open the box.

And please think about Open Source - this is also the way to make money.
And You don't need to wory about the code securiy.

Anyway good luck!!!

Jaroslaw Tabor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Hamish Marson
I've noticed some strange traffic on our firewalls recently. Someone (Or 
multiple someones) are attempting to send tcp packets inbound to our 
network FROM well known ports (e.g. port 80) to multiple port numbers, 
and usually multiple addresses as well. Sometimes they are randomised, 
(Port and/or target IP address), sometime sthey are sequential, or only 
one host etc. I'm seeing these from multiple IP addresses so it appears 
to be quite distributed.

Is this a well known method? I've been searching and haven't found 
anything. I know it's not legitimate traffic because the hosts being 
scanning for don't actually have the ability to open these connections 
outbound, so they're not an expired connection in the firewall being 




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Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Christoph Haas
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 08:29:10PM +0100, Hamish Marson wrote:
 I've noticed some strange traffic on our firewalls recently. Someone (Or 
 multiple someones) are attempting to send tcp packets inbound to our 
 network FROM well known ports (e.g. port 80) to multiple port numbers, 
 and usually multiple addresses as well. Sometimes they are randomised, 
 (Port and/or target IP address), sometime sthey are sequential, or only 
 one host etc. I'm seeing these from multiple IP addresses so it appears 
 to be quite distributed.

Are you sure that you are not just looking at the packages being
answered? For example when a user sends an HTTP request then one
connection will be someting like: -

...and the reply then would be...   -

So most probably you see just the second. That's the way TCP works.
Sequential port numbers may show up because the counter of used
high-ports (1024 ff.) is just increased.


.signature [Modified] 3 lines --100%--3,41 All

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Blars Blarson
I've noticed some strange traffic on our firewalls recently. Someone (Or 
multiple someones) are attempting to send tcp packets inbound to our 
network FROM well known ports (e.g. port 80) 

Some firewalls that don't do proper connection tracking can be
bypassed that way.  With a properly configured iptables firewall this
shouldn't be a problem.  ipchains based firewalls are more likely to
fall victom to this trick.

Treat it the same as any other attempt to break into your systems.

Blars Blarson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Text is a way we cheat time. -- Patrick Nielsen Hayden

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

kernel-source 2.4.20 + grsecurity + freeswan

2003-06-06 Thread Vinai Kopp

currently I'm setting up a gateway machine for a small office
network.  After the recent threads about rooted woody boxes I feel it
would be iresponsible to set up a box without a grsecurity patched
The problem is I also need the box to be a VPN gateway.  One of
the reasons I got the deal was because I said IPSEC would be a good
solution, so I don't want to back out and use another VPN option
like openvpn.

There seem to be problems using both the grsecurity and the freeswan
patches (at least I haven't been successfull applying the patches - I 
tried the debian versions and the official ones from the different
project sites of the patches and the kernel sources).

Does anybody have debian/stable boxes running kernels with
grsecurity and freeswan? Any hints/experiences to share?

Is there another solution I'm missing that you would suggest?

Google turned up plenty of hits, but I didn't find any solutions.

Thank you and best regards,

Secure eMail with gnupg: See http://www.gnupg.org/

Description: PGP signature

Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:02:53PM +0200, Christoph Haas wrote:
 So most probably you see just the second. That's the way TCP works.
 Sequential port numbers may show up because the counter of used
 high-ports (1024 ff.) is just increased.

No, it's not at all uncommon to see incoming traffic from well known
ports.  It's an easy way to bypass weakly configured firewalls.  Snort
can detect such activity.  Nmap can generate it using the -g flag.
Here's what the nmap man page has to say about it:

-g portnumber
  Sets the source port number used in scans.  Many naive  firewall
  and packet filter installations make an exception in their rule-
  set to allow DNS (53) or FTP-DATA (20) packets to  come  through
  and  establish a connection.  Obviously this completely subverts
  the security advantages of the firewall since intruders can just
  masquerade  as FTP or DNS by modifying their source port.  Obvi-
  ously for a UDP scan you should  try  53  first  and  TCP  scans
  should  try  20  before 53.  Note that this is only a request --
  nmap will honor it only if and when it is able to.  For example,
  you  can't  do  TCP  ISN  sampling all from one host:port to one
  host:port, so nmap changes the source port even if you used  -g.

I see it all the time.


| Web: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/
| PGP Public Key: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/mail.html 

Description: PGP signature

Re: kernel-source 2.4.20 + grsecurity + freeswan

2003-06-06 Thread Marc-Christian Petersen
On Thursday 05 June 2003 22:32, Vinai Kopp wrote:

Hi Vinai,

 There seem to be problems using both the grsecurity and the freeswan
 patches (at least I haven't been successfull applying the patches - I
 tried the debian versions and the official ones from the different
 project sites of the patches and the kernel sources).
 Does anybody have debian/stable boxes running kernels with
 grsecurity and freeswan? Any hints/experiences to share?


ciao, Marc

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Keeping files away from users - THANKS!!

2003-06-06 Thread Geoff Crompton
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 08:58:43PM +0200, Luis Gomez - InfoEmergencias wrote:
 Other interesting things to look at:
 - LICENSING ISSUES. As Peter Cordes commented, the kernel is GPL so if we 
 integrate code into it, we cannot provide a binary-only version, we should 
 also give away the sources (or use modules, but we want a monolythic kernel 
 for obvious security reasons). However I don't see the problem in thinking of 
 something like this, implementing it, documenting, giving away to the 
 community... and later configuring it for our particular needs, so that a 
 client cannot (initially, at least) break it.

  I suppose if you used a BSD system, you could do this kernel modification 
and not have to provide the source. The userland side of the system is
going to be very similar.

  Geoff Crompton

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: kernel-source 2.4.20 + grsecurity + freeswan

2003-06-06 Thread Peter Hicks
On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:32:59PM +0200, Vinai Kopp wrote:

currently I'm setting up a gateway machine for a small office
network.  After the recent threads about rooted woody boxes I feel it
would be iresponsible to set up a box without a grsecurity patched
The problem is I also need the box to be a VPN gateway.  One of
the reasons I got the deal was because I said IPSEC would be a good
solution, so I don't want to back out and use another VPN option
like openvpn.

There seem to be problems using both the grsecurity and the freeswan
patches (at least I haven't been successfull applying the patches - I 
tried the debian versions and the official ones from the different
project sites of the patches and the kernel sources).

Does anybody have debian/stable boxes running kernels with
grsecurity and freeswan? Any hints/experiences to share?

Is there another solution I'm missing that you would suggest?

Google turned up plenty of hits, but I didn't find any solutions.

Thank you and best regards,


You might want to have a look at adamantix.org. It is a woody based
distro with freeswan, PAX, and RSBAC kernel patches, plus all the
packages are compiled with the gcc stack smashing patch.

Peter Hicks
GnuPG public key: http://jah.net/~petong/public_key.txt
Key Fingerprint: 4E24 3C78 A165 537C 729C  8D25 3547 3CE9 9E7D 42B6
There are no controlled substances, only controlled people. - Thomas Szasz

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: kernel-source 2.4.20 + grsecurity + freeswan

2003-06-06 Thread Hubert Chan
 Vinai == Vinai Kopp [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


Vinai There seem to be problems using both the grsecurity and the
Vinai freeswan patches (at least I haven't been successfull applying
Vinai the patches - I tried the debian versions and the official ones
Vinai from the different project sites of the patches and the kernel
Vinai sources).

I have a Debian/sid machine running a 2.4.20 kernel with both patches
applied (along with a whole bunch of other patches), and had no problems
applying the patches.  The patches and kernel sources I got from the sid
repository maybe about a month ago.  I would imagine that there
shouldn't be much of an issue using the patches and kernel sources from
sid on a stable box.

Hubert Chan [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
PGP/GnuPG key: 1024D/124B61FA
Fingerprint: 96C5 012F 5F74 A5F7 1FF7  5291 AF29 C719 124B 61FA
Key available at wwwkeys.pgp.net.   Encrypted e-mail preferred.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Florian Weimer
Hamish Marson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've noticed some strange traffic on our firewalls recently. Someone
 (Or multiple someones) are attempting to send tcp packets inbound to
 our network FROM well known ports (e.g. port 80) to multiple port
 numbers, and usually multiple addresses as well.

Most likely, that's backscatter from a DoS attack.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-06-06 Thread Van Wyk Leroux, Mr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi there

I'm trying to generate a 40-bit certificate using OPENSSL.Can anybody tell me if this 
is possible and with which package?


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: kernel-source 2.4.20 + grsecurity + freeswan

2003-06-06 Thread DI Peter Burgstaller
Hash: SHA1
Hi there,

I have debian (stable) with a stock kernel from kernel.org (2.4.20) with
FreeSwan 1.99 and grsecurity 1.99h. Worked without a problem so far.
The order of pachtes was first FreeSwan, then grsec, if that makes any 

Good luck, Peter

- --
  Dipl.-Ing. Peter Burgstaller
  Technical Director
  @ all information network  services gmbh
  phone: +43 662 452335
  fax  : +43 662 452335 90 

Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (Darwin)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Hamish Marson
Noah Meyerhans wrote:

On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:02:53PM +0200, Christoph Haas wrote:

So most probably you see just the second. That's the way TCP works.
Sequential port numbers may show up because the counter of used
high-ports (1024 ff.) is just increased.

No, it's not at all uncommon to see incoming traffic from well known
ports.  It's an easy way to bypass weakly configured firewalls.  Snort
can detect such activity.  Nmap can generate it using the -g flag.
Here's what the nmap man page has to say about it:
   -g portnumber
 Sets the source port number used in scans.  Many naive  firewall
 and packet filter installations make an exception in their rule-
 set to allow DNS (53) or FTP-DATA (20) packets to  come  through
 and  establish a connection.  Obviously this completely subverts
 the security advantages of the firewall since intruders can just
 masquerade  as FTP or DNS by modifying their source port.  Obvi-
 ously for a UDP scan you should  try  53  first  and  TCP  scans
 should  try  20  before 53.  Note that this is only a request --
 nmap will honor it only if and when it is able to.  For example,
 you  can't  do  TCP  ISN  sampling all from one host:port to one
 host:port, so nmap changes the source port even if you used  -g.

But does nmap generate the packets WITHOUT the SYN flag set? Which is 
what these are...

I see it all the time.

I used to see it a bit... Suddenly I'm seeing massive amounts of it... 
Are the skiddies getting bored ot what? Or is it just me that's seeing 
it? (ON a rather large site I admit. Anyone else on a large site seeing 
a large increase in stuff like this?).



PS Chris. Like I said in the first email. It's not real responses, 
because in most cases you can see them scanning through ports/addresses 
and most of them don't exist...

I ended up writing a script last night to watch the logs  temporarily 
block them from ALL traffic to us when I see it... They seem to have 
quietened down again now... If I were more paranoid I'd say it was a 
geniuine (But reasonably lame) attempted at a DDOS... Hoipefully that's 
wrong  they haven't just gone away to regroup  gather more forces...


I don't suffer from Insanity... | Linux User #16396
I enjoy every minute of it...   |
http://www.travellingkiwi.com/  |

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Florian Weimer
Hamish Marson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But does nmap generate the packets WITHOUT the SYN flag set? Which is
 what these are...

In this case, it's probably backscatter.  Could you tell us a few
source/destination pairs?  I could have a look at our flow database at
work and look for similar incidents.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 10:12:05PM +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
  But does nmap generate the packets WITHOUT the SYN flag set? Which is
  what these are...
 In this case, it's probably backscatter.  Could you tell us a few
 source/destination pairs?  I could have a look at our flow database at
 work and look for similar incidents.

I don't see any reason to assume that it's backscatter.  Look at the
Null scan mode of nmap.  No flags (SYN, ACK, FIN, whatever) are set.
Using that scan mode with a source port of something like 80 is going to
get you through a lot of firewalls out there.

I think it's far more likely that this is what you're seeing, especially
if you're seeing it hit incrementing ports or IP addresses.


| Web: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/
| PGP Public Key: http://web.morgul.net/~frodo/mail.html 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Default Apache install not fit for multiple domains/users

2003-06-06 Thread Juan Antonio Agudo
Okay, I already posted this message to debian-users, but please don't 
flame me - i just figured that maybe debian-security is the better place 
to post a request for help like this. Clearly enough this is a security 
concern, after all. So maybe you could be so kind and help me out on 
this one:

I want to enable some friends of mine to host their web pages on my
woody server. It has Apache LAMP running in great shape and it suits my
Web page just fine. The Problem that I have now is, that the apache user
is www-data. Well, I guessed I could just change the user permissions on
the /var/www/path.to.site directories to the respective user names,
but that doesnt do the trick, because then, all write permissions for
cgi scripts for these diretories are gone, as they no longer belong to
Nevertheless I just want my friends to stop go poking around in foreign
web sites, and at the same time have access to perl/php scripting.Where
do I go from here? I am not a particularly guru-like administrator, so I
am a bit afraid of using setuid. After all I do not even know, if that
would do the trick.
All help is really, really appreciated very much.

P.S.: I googled quite thoroughly, but couldn't get anywhere near my
problem. Maybe I just used the wrong words, because I can't believe I am
the only one with this problem
Yours Truly,
with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Default Apache install not fit for multiple domains/users

2003-06-06 Thread Tim Cunningham
Is there some reason why you can't give each user an account and have them put their 
files in ~/public_html?  That would have their page show up at domain.net/~username/.

Sorry if you already knew this and I'm misunderstanding the problem.

On Sat, 07 Jun 2003 00:03:59 +0200
Juan Antonio Agudo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, I already posted this message to debian-users, but please don't 
 flame me - i just figured that maybe debian-security is the better place 
 to post a request for help like this. Clearly enough this is a security 
 concern, after all. So maybe you could be so kind and help me out on 
 this one:
 I want to enable some friends of mine to host their web pages on my
 woody server. It has Apache LAMP running in great shape and it suits my
 Web page just fine. The Problem that I have now is, that the apache user
 is www-data. Well, I guessed I could just change the user permissions on
 the /var/www/path.to.site directories to the respective user names,
 but that doesnt do the trick, because then, all write permissions for
 cgi scripts for these diretories are gone, as they no longer belong to
 Nevertheless I just want my friends to stop go poking around in foreign
 web sites, and at the same time have access to perl/php scripting.Where
 do I go from here? I am not a particularly guru-like administrator, so I
 am a bit afraid of using setuid. After all I do not even know, if that
 would do the trick.
 All help is really, really appreciated very much.
 P.S.: I googled quite thoroughly, but couldn't get anywhere near my
 problem. Maybe I just used the wrong words, because I can't believe I am
 the only one with this problem
 Yours Truly,

Tim Cunningham

I'm not claiming to be deep, I'm claiming to do it for fun. - Linus Torvalds

Description: PGP signature

Re: Default Apache install not fit for multiple domains/users

2003-06-06 Thread Wade Richards

On Sat, 07 Jun 2003 00:03:59 +0200, Juan Antonio Agudo writes:
I want to enable some friends of mine to host their web pages on
my woody server. It has Apache LAMP running in great shape and it
suits my Web page just fine. The Problem that I have now is, that
the apache user is www-data. Well, I guessed I could just change the
user permissions on the /var/www/path.to.site directories to the
respective user names, but that doesnt do the trick, because then, all
write permissions for cgi scripts for these diretories are gone, as
they no longer belong to www-data.

There's no need to let the users have access to anything under /var/www.

Personally, I would let each user use the personal directory feature
of Apache.  I don't recall the exact directives to enable it (but it's
enabled by default, so if you didn't turn it off, it's there).

If a client accesses http://your.domain.com/~foobar/index.html;, then
Apache will get the file from /home/foobar/public_html/index.html
(i.e. everything under the ~foobar URL comes from the public_html
subdirectory of the foobar user's home directory.

Each user can create a .htaccess file in their public_html directory
to override the global settings.

Each user can have their own public_access/cgi-bin directory (you
may need to enable scripting from this directory either in your global
httpd.conf or from that user's .htacces file).

Finally, if you don't want the ugly ~foobar in the names, you should
be able to use an alias in the global httpd.conf to get rid of it.

--- Wade

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2003-06-06 Thread Theo Cabrerizo Diem
Hi !

apt-get install openssl

There is two text files in /usr/share/doc/openssl-(version)/docs/HOWTO

Shows how to create an RSA key and a certificate request/self signed
certificate ...

On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 05:27, Van Wyk Leroux, Mr  wrote:
 Hi there
 I'm trying to generate a 40-bit certificate using OPENSSL.Can anybody tell me if 
 this is possible and with which package?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Keeping files away from users - THANKS!!

2003-06-06 Thread Steve Meyer

From: Luis Gomez - InfoEmergencias [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Keeping files away from users - THANKS!!
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 20:58:43 +0200
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Good evening (here in Spain) to all of you.

I want to sincerely thank you all for the great feedback received on this
topic. I would never have expected to receive some 20 answers in such a 
time! Let me take my time to write your names, because you deserve it:
Thank you Dariush, Adam, Marcel, Lars, Thomas, Peter, Harry, Koba, Ross,
Adrian, and all the others who read the mail.

We've seen lots of interesting points, some of which I'll comment now:

- REMOTE PASSWORD SERVER. It avoids me from having to hardcode the cipher 
somewhere in the filesystem, but presents two handicaps: What if they lose
connection to the Net? and What if they put the HD in another machine, 
the root password, and put it back in the original machine? By doing this,
the system would boot normally, would get the cipher key and mount the
protected contents, and later they could login as root and access those

- CIPHER KEY BASED ON THE HARDWARE. They can still remove the root password
and boot the drive again with its original hardware. Moreover it has the
disadvantage of having to recalculate the password and recipher the 
if any hardware component changes. I still have to study Marcel's point 

introduces the sixth sense of the sysadmin (i.e., me) who could take a look
around before entering the pass (check that /etc/passwd is untouched, noone
is logged in...). Even in that case the machine could have been trojanized,
although we could check that point with software packages such as Tiger or
Samhain (eh Javier!! ;D ) making it more difficult for a potential intruder
to neutralize all of our monitoring tools.

You could just make md5 checksums of the whole system and store the 
checksums on another machine/floppy disk or something of that nature.  Then 
when you would like to remount  the filesystem you could always verify the 
checksums to see if you are trojaned or not.

Unfortunately this one isn't possible, as the protected data won't be 
files for services, but rather .html and .php pages which need to be 
very often. It was a good point, I must say.

Other interesting things to look at:

- LICENSING ISSUES. As Peter Cordes commented, the kernel is GPL so if we
integrate code into it, we cannot provide a binary-only version, we should
also give away the sources (or use modules, but we want a monolythic kernel
for obvious security reasons). However I don't see the problem in thinking 
something like this, implementing it, documenting, giving away to the
community... and later configuring it for our particular needs, so that a
client cannot (initially, at least) break it.

I have to leave right now, and I'm taking a copy of this mail to discuss it
with my colleagues. Will continue writing on the topic later or tomorrow,
Again, thanks to all for your great pieces of advice

Re: Default Apache install not fit for multiple domains/users

2003-06-06 Thread Wade Richards
On 06 Jun 2003 16:15:37 PDT, Jon writes:
I believe Apache would still be executing php/cgi scripts as www-data,
so users could snoop on other users's scripts, session files, etc.

Something like:
?php echo `ls ../neighbor/public_html`; ?

I suggest you look up the suEXEC Apache module, it seems to do exactly what
you want.

--- Wade

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Florian Weimer
Hamish Marson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've noticed some strange traffic on our firewalls recently. Someone
 (Or multiple someones) are attempting to send tcp packets inbound to
 our network FROM well known ports (e.g. port 80) to multiple port
 numbers, and usually multiple addresses as well.

Most likely, that's backscatter from a DoS attack.


2003-06-06 Thread Van Wyk Leroux, Mr [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi there

I'm trying to generate a 40-bit certificate using OPENSSL.Can anybody tell me 
if this is possible and with which package?


Re: kernel-source 2.4.20 + grsecurity + freeswan

2003-06-06 Thread DI Peter Burgstaller

Hash: SHA1

Hi there,

I have debian (stable) with a stock kernel from kernel.org (2.4.20) with
FreeSwan 1.99 and grsecurity 1.99h. Worked without a problem so far.
The order of pachtes was first FreeSwan, then grsec, if that makes any 

Good luck, Peter

- --
  Dipl.-Ing. Peter Burgstaller
  Technical Director
  @ all information network  services gmbh
  phone: +43 662 452335
  fax  : +43 662 452335 90 


Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (Darwin)


Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Hamish Marson

Noah Meyerhans wrote:

On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 10:02:53PM +0200, Christoph Haas wrote:

So most probably you see just the second. That's the way TCP works.
Sequential port numbers may show up because the counter of used
high-ports (1024 ff.) is just increased.

No, it's not at all uncommon to see incoming traffic from well known
ports.  It's an easy way to bypass weakly configured firewalls.  Snort
can detect such activity.  Nmap can generate it using the -g flag.
Here's what the nmap man page has to say about it:

   -g portnumber
 Sets the source port number used in scans.  Many naive  firewall
 and packet filter installations make an exception in their rule-
 set to allow DNS (53) or FTP-DATA (20) packets to  come  through
 and  establish a connection.  Obviously this completely subverts
 the security advantages of the firewall since intruders can just
 masquerade  as FTP or DNS by modifying their source port.  Obvi-
 ously for a UDP scan you should  try  53  first  and  TCP  scans
 should  try  20  before 53.  Note that this is only a request --
 nmap will honor it only if and when it is able to.  For example,
 you  can't  do  TCP  ISN  sampling all from one host:port to one
 host:port, so nmap changes the source port even if you used  -g.

But does nmap generate the packets WITHOUT the SYN flag set? Which is 
what these are...

I see it all the time.

I used to see it a bit... Suddenly I'm seeing massive amounts of it... 
Are the skiddies getting bored ot what? Or is it just me that's seeing 
it? (ON a rather large site I admit. Anyone else on a large site seeing 
a large increase in stuff like this?).



PS Chris. Like I said in the first email. It's not real responses, 
because in most cases you can see them scanning through ports/addresses 
and most of them don't exist...

I ended up writing a script last night to watch the logs  temporarily 
block them from ALL traffic to us when I see it... They seem to have 
quietened down again now... If I were more paranoid I'd say it was a 
geniuine (But reasonably lame) attempted at a DDOS... Hoipefully that's 
wrong  they haven't just gone away to regroup  gather more forces...


I don't suffer from Insanity... | Linux User #16396
I enjoy every minute of it...   |
http://www.travellingkiwi.com/  |

Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Florian Weimer
Hamish Marson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 But does nmap generate the packets WITHOUT the SYN flag set? Which is
 what these are...

In this case, it's probably backscatter.  Could you tell us a few
source/destination pairs?  I could have a look at our flow database at
work and look for similar incidents.

Re: Scanning with reverse connections?

2003-06-06 Thread Noah Meyerhans
On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 10:12:05PM +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
  But does nmap generate the packets WITHOUT the SYN flag set? Which is
  what these are...
 In this case, it's probably backscatter.  Could you tell us a few
 source/destination pairs?  I could have a look at our flow database at
 work and look for similar incidents.

I don't see any reason to assume that it's backscatter.  Look at the
Null scan mode of nmap.  No flags (SYN, ACK, FIN, whatever) are set.
Using that scan mode with a source port of something like 80 is going to
get you through a lot of firewalls out there.

I think it's far more likely that this is what you're seeing, especially
if you're seeing it hit incrementing ports or IP addresses.


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Default Apache install not fit for multiple domains/users

2003-06-06 Thread Juan Antonio Agudo
Okay, I already posted this message to debian-users, but please don't 
flame me - i just figured that maybe debian-security is the better place 
to post a request for help like this. Clearly enough this is a security 
concern, after all. So maybe you could be so kind and help me out on 
this one:

I want to enable some friends of mine to host their web pages on my
woody server. It has Apache LAMP running in great shape and it suits my
Web page just fine. The Problem that I have now is, that the apache user
is www-data. Well, I guessed I could just change the user permissions on
the /var/www/path.to.site directories to the respective user names,
but that doesnt do the trick, because then, all write permissions for
cgi scripts for these diretories are gone, as they no longer belong to

Nevertheless I just want my friends to stop go poking around in foreign
web sites, and at the same time have access to perl/php scripting.Where
do I go from here? I am not a particularly guru-like administrator, so I
am a bit afraid of using setuid. After all I do not even know, if that
would do the trick.

All help is really, really appreciated very much.

P.S.: I googled quite thoroughly, but couldn't get anywhere near my
problem. Maybe I just used the wrong words, because I can't believe I am
the only one with this problem

Yours Truly,

Re: Default Apache install not fit for multiple domains/users

2003-06-06 Thread Tim Cunningham
Is there some reason why you can't give each user an account and have them put 
their files in ~/public_html?  That would have their page show up at 

Sorry if you already knew this and I'm misunderstanding the problem.

On Sat, 07 Jun 2003 00:03:59 +0200
Juan Antonio Agudo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Okay, I already posted this message to debian-users, but please don't 
 flame me - i just figured that maybe debian-security is the better place 
 to post a request for help like this. Clearly enough this is a security 
 concern, after all. So maybe you could be so kind and help me out on 
 this one:
 I want to enable some friends of mine to host their web pages on my
 woody server. It has Apache LAMP running in great shape and it suits my
 Web page just fine. The Problem that I have now is, that the apache user
 is www-data. Well, I guessed I could just change the user permissions on
 the /var/www/path.to.site directories to the respective user names,
 but that doesnt do the trick, because then, all write permissions for
 cgi scripts for these diretories are gone, as they no longer belong to
 Nevertheless I just want my friends to stop go poking around in foreign
 web sites, and at the same time have access to perl/php scripting.Where
 do I go from here? I am not a particularly guru-like administrator, so I
 am a bit afraid of using setuid. After all I do not even know, if that
 would do the trick.
 All help is really, really appreciated very much.
 P.S.: I googled quite thoroughly, but couldn't get anywhere near my
 problem. Maybe I just used the wrong words, because I can't believe I am
 the only one with this problem
 Yours Truly,

Tim Cunningham

I'm not claiming to be deep, I'm claiming to do it for fun. - Linus Torvalds

Description: PGP signature

Re: Default Apache install not fit for multiple domains/users

2003-06-06 Thread Wade Richards

On Sat, 07 Jun 2003 00:03:59 +0200, Juan Antonio Agudo writes:
I want to enable some friends of mine to host their web pages on
my woody server. It has Apache LAMP running in great shape and it
suits my Web page just fine. The Problem that I have now is, that
the apache user is www-data. Well, I guessed I could just change the
user permissions on the /var/www/path.to.site directories to the
respective user names, but that doesnt do the trick, because then, all
write permissions for cgi scripts for these diretories are gone, as
they no longer belong to www-data.

There's no need to let the users have access to anything under /var/www.

Personally, I would let each user use the personal directory feature
of Apache.  I don't recall the exact directives to enable it (but it's
enabled by default, so if you didn't turn it off, it's there).

If a client accesses http://your.domain.com/~foobar/index.html;, then
Apache will get the file from /home/foobar/public_html/index.html
(i.e. everything under the ~foobar URL comes from the public_html
subdirectory of the foobar user's home directory.

Each user can create a .htaccess file in their public_html directory
to override the global settings.

Each user can have their own public_access/cgi-bin directory (you
may need to enable scripting from this directory either in your global
httpd.conf or from that user's .htacces file).

Finally, if you don't want the ugly ~foobar in the names, you should
be able to use an alias in the global httpd.conf to get rid of it.

--- Wade


2003-06-06 Thread Theo Cabrerizo Diem
Hi !

apt-get install openssl

There is two text files in /usr/share/doc/openssl-(version)/docs/HOWTO

Shows how to create an RSA key and a certificate request/self signed
certificate ...

On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 05:27, Van Wyk Leroux, Mr  wrote:
 Hi there
 I'm trying to generate a 40-bit certificate using OPENSSL.Can anybody tell me 
 if this is possible and with which package?

Re: Default Apache install not fit for multiple domains/users

2003-06-06 Thread Jon
On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 15:42, Tim Cunningham wrote:
 Is there some reason why you can't give each user an account and have them 
 put their files in ~/public_html?  That would have their page show up at 
 Sorry if you already knew this and I'm misunderstanding the problem.

I believe Apache would still be executing php/cgi scripts as www-data,
so users could snoop on other users's scripts, session files, etc.

Something like:
?php echo `ls ../neighbor/public_html`; ?

- Jon


Administrator, tgpsolutions

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Re: Keeping files away from users - THANKS!!

2003-06-06 Thread Steve Meyer

From: Luis Gomez - InfoEmergencias [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Good evening (here in Spain) to all of you.

I want to sincerely thank you all for the great feedback received on this
topic. I would never have expected to receive some 20 answers in such a 

time! Let me take my time to write your names, because you deserve it:
Thank you Dariush, Adam, Marcel, Lars, Thomas, Peter, Harry, Koba, Ross,
Adrian, and all the others who read the mail.

We've seen lots of interesting points, some of which I'll comment now:

- REMOTE PASSWORD SERVER. It avoids me from having to hardcode the cipher 

somewhere in the filesystem, but presents two handicaps: What if they lose
connection to the Net? and What if they put the HD in another machine, 

the root password, and put it back in the original machine? By doing this,
the system would boot normally, would get the cipher key and mount the
protected contents, and later they could login as root and access those

- CIPHER KEY BASED ON THE HARDWARE. They can still remove the root password
and boot the drive again with its original hardware. Moreover it has the
disadvantage of having to recalculate the password and recipher the 
if any hardware component changes. I still have to study Marcel's point 



introduces the sixth sense of the sysadmin (i.e., me) who could take a look
around before entering the pass (check that /etc/passwd is untouched, noone
is logged in...). Even in that case the machine could have been trojanized,
although we could check that point with software packages such as Tiger or
Samhain (eh Javier!! ;D ) making it more difficult for a potential intruder
to neutralize all of our monitoring tools.

You could just make md5 checksums of the whole system and store the 
checksums on another machine/floppy disk or something of that nature.  Then 
when you would like to remount  the filesystem you could always verify the 
checksums to see if you are trojaned or not.

Unfortunately this one isn't possible, as the protected data won't be 
files for services, but rather .html and .php pages which need to be 

very often. It was a good point, I must say.

Other interesting things to look at:

- LICENSING ISSUES. As Peter Cordes commented, the kernel is GPL so if we
integrate code into it, we cannot provide a binary-only version, we should
also give away the sources (or use modules, but we want a monolythic kernel
for obvious security reasons). However I don't see the problem in thinking 

something like this, implementing it, documenting, giving away to the
community... and later configuring it for our particular needs, so that a
client cannot (initially, at least) break it.

I have to leave right now, and I'm taking a copy of this mail to discuss it
with my 

Re: Default Apache install not fit for multiple domains/users

2003-06-06 Thread Wade Richards
On 06 Jun 2003 16:15:37 PDT, Jon writes:
I believe Apache would still be executing php/cgi scripts as www-data,
so users could snoop on other users's scripts, session files, etc.

Something like:
?php echo `ls ../neighbor/public_html`; ?

I suggest you look up the suEXEC Apache module, it seems to do exactly what
you want.

--- Wade