Re: Mensajes de error del kernel...

1998-04-21 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez
Ignacio Más Ivars writes:
  Hola a todos:
  Necesito ayuda para descubrir porqué al arrancar el sistema el
  kernel me da los siguientes mensajes de error:
  SIOCSIFADDR: no such device  (o algo así...)
  SIOCSINETMASK: no such device.
  SIOCSI no me acuerdo del tercero...

Los dos primeros son claramente mensajes de ifconfig. Este
comando se ejecuta como parte del proceso de arranque, e inicializa el 
(los) dispositivos de red. Por ejemplo, en el caso del trasto desde el 
que estoy escribiendo, eth0. Los motivos por los que puede fallar
son variados. Por el mensaje, yo diría que bien no existe el
dispositivo que le estás dando como dispositivo de red, o tienes algún 
problema serio con él (por ejemplo, no se ha cargado adecuadamente la
biblioteca dinámica que le sa soporte).

Yo uso Debian-1.3.1 (osea, bo). ifconfig se ejecuta tal y
como está en el script init.d/network. En él puedes ver (en mi caso):

ifconfig lo
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}
[ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

Como el único sitio donde se usa netmask es en el segundo
ifconfig (el de verdad, el otro es para el dispositivo de loopback,
que se suele usar para los mensajes que van a la propia máquina), y tú 
tienes errores con eso, supongo que tienes tarjeta de red, y por lo
tanto el segundo ifconfig. Asegurate de que los datos para él son
correctos. Asegurate también de que cualquier biblioteca dinámica que
necesite eth0 se ha cargado adecuadamente. Puedes probar todo esto
desde la línea de comandos, no hace falta que rearranques y

Si te puedo ayudar en algo más, dimelo...


  La cuestión es que llevo detrás de ello varios días y no encuentro la
  razón. Me he recompilado el kernel (2.0.33 de bo-updates...) un par de
  veces y no he conseguido nada. Suena como si se refiriera a algo de red,
  pero no lo encuentro. Tengo habilitado el networking y solo utilizo el
  ppp como módulo... La verdad es que no se porqué o de dónde sale...
  ¿Alguna idea?...
  Gracias por vuestra ayuda.
  Nacho Más Ivars If you can keep your head when all
  mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] about you are losing theirs and
  Tfn: 970 79 31 94   blaming it on you...
  P.O.Box: 13106 28080 Madrid (Spain) (Rudyard Kipling)
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9430 | Departamento de Informatica
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid   | c/ Butarque, 15, 28911 Leganes, Spain

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Dos cuestiones (monitor y t. video)

1998-04-21 Thread Agustin Martin Domingo
J. Parera wrote:
 1. Tengo un monitor IBM G50 del cual necesito los datos necesarios para
 configurar las x-window (del modo que sea, editando el xf86config, con
 XF6Setup, etc), pero no tengo los conocimientos necesarios para hacerlo.
 No sé inglés :(

Me temo que entonces necesitarás un diccionario y un poco de
imaginación, o mejor aún buscar a quien te pueda echar una mano, tú con
la parte informática, la otra persona con la parte idiomática. Que yo
sepa los scripts no están traducidos.

 Los datos que tengo de el són:
 Rango de sincronización Horiz. 31-58 khz
 Vert.  50-110 Hz

Esto es todo lo que necesitas en cuanto al monitor. En vez de escoger un
monitor concreto, escoge el custom monitor y allí dale estos datos. No
te equivoques, ya que las X impedirán modos que se salgan de este rangoa
(y que pueden potencialmente dañar el monitor) y si lo introduces mal
puedes dañar el monitor. Durante las pruebas, ante la más mínima duda,
Alt-Ctrl-Backspace te sacará de las X. Si te sale rara (no descentrada,
sino rara) la pantalla, úsalo.

 DIRECCIONABILIDAD   Frec. renovaciónFrec. horiz.NOTAS
 -   --
 720x400 70 Hz NE31,5 kHz
 indicador de dos
 MFI modo 2  75 Hz   41,8kHz
 640x480 60 Hz NE31,5 kHZVESA
 640x480 72 Hz NE35,5 kHZVESA
 640x480 75 Hz NE37,5 kHZVESA
 640x480 85 Hz NE43,3 kHZVESA
 800x600 72 HZ NE48,1 kHZVESA
 800x600 75 Hz NE46,9 kHZVESA
 800x600 85 Hz NE53,7 kHZVESA
 1024x76843 Hz E 35,5 kHZ
 1024X76870 Hz NE56,5 kHZVESA
 1024X76872 Hz NE58,1 kHZ
 La función 00h de la BIOS VESA ha devuelto: (resultados de un programa
 DOS desde W95)
  Firma .: VESA
  Version VESA ..: 2.0
  Informacion del fabricante : SIS super VGA chip.
  Informacion del hardware ..: DAC de mas de 6 bits de RGB
   El hardware no es 100% compatible VGA
   RAMDAC clasico
  Modos disponibles .: 108h 109h 102h 104h 106h 100h 101h 103h
 105h 107h 10dh 110h 113h 116h 10eh 111h 114h 117h 10fh 112h 115h
  Memoria de video ..: 2048 Kb
  Version del software ..: 0.8
  Informacion del Vendedor ..: Silicon Integrated Systems Corp.
  Informacion del Producto ..: SiS 6205
 Estos son todos los datos que tengo, agradecería que alguien me dijese
 que es lo que he de hacer.

En cuanto al monitor, nada más. Bueno, una cosa sí, pero en vez de.
Cuando ya lo tengas funcionando, para escoger un modo que te quede igual
que el Windows, busca en algún mirror de sunsite el paquete
SVGATextmode, en concreto la parte DOS /pub/Linux/utils/console 

266k SVGATextMode-1.8-dos.tar.gz

Dentro de ese paquete hay un programa llamado grabwin. Cuando tengas tu
consola Windows a tu gusto, lánzalo desde Windows y apunta los
resultados. Vendrán en la forma en que le gustan al XF86Config. Así que
vete a /etc/X11, edita el XF86Config e introduce esa línea para que te
reconozca ese modo.

Haz esto únicamente después de que estés familiarizado con la
configuración de las X, no antes.

En cuanto a la tarjeta gráfica, no tengo ni idea de la que lleva el
Aptiva, lo siento.

Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 +1 3366536, Fax: +34 +1 3366554, 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Communicator 4.04

1998-04-21 Thread Agustin Martin Domingo
Juan Carlos Muro wrote:
  PD1: De paso decidme tb si se puede cambiar el editor por defecto del elm 
  para que no sea el vi y que sea por ejemplo el joe.

No se con elm. Con otros programas basta incluir en el profile un valor
para la variable de entorno EDITOR, p.ej.

export EDITOR=joe

Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 +1 3366536, Fax: +34 +1 3366554, 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mensajes de error del kernel...

1998-04-21 Thread Ignacio Más Ivars
  Necesito ayuda para descubrir porqué al arrancar el sistema el
  kernel me da los siguientes mensajes de error:
  SIOCSIFADDR: no such device  (o algo así...)
  SIOCSINETMASK: no such device.
  SIOCSI no me acuerdo del tercero...
  La cuestión es que llevo detrás de ello varios días y no encuentro la
  razón. Me he recompilado el kernel (2.0.33 de bo-updates...) un par de
  veces y no he conseguido nada. Suena como si se refiriera a algo de red,
  pero no lo encuentro. Tengo habilitado el networking y solo utilizo el
  ppp como módulo... La verdad es que no se porqué o de dónde sale...
  ¿Alguna idea?...

 Si no me equivoco, esos mensajes aparecen al ejecutarse el script
 /etc/init.d/network que tiene que activar los parámetros de tu tarjeta de
 red. Supongo que no la tienes activa (o no la tienes en absoluto).
 En ese caso dicho script debe decir simplemente lo siguiente:
 #! /bin/sh
 ifconfig lo
 route add -net
 Si dice algo más es que has configurado tu sistema como si tuvieras una
 conexión permanente, a través de tarjeta de red.

Efectivamente era eso. Debe ser que al instalar el sistema desde el cd me lie y
configuré la red como si tuviera conexión permanente... (más quisiera... :-).
Gracias a todos los que me habéis ayudado!!!

Por cierto, voy a aprovechar para consultaros otra cosa con la que tengo mis
dudas... Normalmente es el administrador del sistema el que se encarga de
limpiar todos los ficheros de /var/log/ de vez en cuando, pero cotillenado en
/etc/cron*/ he visto que se llama a 'savelog' de vez en cuando. Lo que pasa es
que veo que mis ficheros de log no dejan de crecer... ¿Hay alguna manera de
definir el tamaño máximo de los ficheros de log, o hay que hacerlo a mano y
borrarlos de vez en cuando? ¿Se puede automatizar de alguna manera?

Gracias por la ayuda de nuevo...
Saludos a todos...

Nacho Más Ivars If you can keep your head when all
mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] about you are losing theirs and
Tfn: 970 79 31 94   blaming it on you...
P.O.Box: 13106 28080 Madrid (Spain) (Rudyard Kipling)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Archivo de lista

1998-04-21 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

 On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
  ¿Sabe alguien si existe un archivo de esta lista, al igual que existe para 
  otras listas de Debian?
 Si, y busca por alli
 debian-user-spanish. (Como a media camino)

Enrique me señaló muy amablemente que esto no es cierto ;-) 
(estaba casi seguro de haber visto eso allí, pero creo que me
confundí con debian-i10n-spanish). De cualquier forma, en este
momento los servidores http de Debian están un poco quisquillosos
y los encargados están, pues, hmmm... encargándose del asunto :-) 

Cuando los archivos de las listas estén en forma nuevamente le
solicitaré a los administradores que debian-user-spanish se ponga
en línea también.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Donde estoy!!!!

1998-04-21 Thread Estuardo Rivera
Primeramente gracias a todos por su ayuda que paso a paso esto caminando
con linux.

Mi pregunta es la siguente hay alguna forma de saber donde estoy en el
hard drive o mas bien asi por ejemplo doy un cd /dev/cdrom yo se que
estoy en cdrom pero hay alguna forma que mi prompt me lo indique

Tambien hay alguna forma de cambiar el promt por ejemplo X# or
donde X = prompt? yo e visto en otros sistemas que cada ves que le
doy log in me da un mesaje de bienvenida y me aparece el nombre de la
maquin y luego $ como se hace eso como viejo usuario de dos algo asi
como un prompt $p$s dentro del un autoexec.bat como ago esto en

Lo e buscado por todos lados pero no lo encuentro !!

Gracias por su ayuda!!!

Estuardo Rivera
Linux the next generation.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Donde estoy!!!!

1998-04-21 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez

Siempre puedes usar el comando pwd. Si usas bash (por
defecto, en Debian, es así), has de poner una variable PS1 adecuada. 
Por ejemplo, en tu fichero .profile ($HOME/.profile) puedes poner:


Y tu prompt será del siguiente tipo:


(donde hola es mi máquina, jgb mi id y /etc ekl directorio en
el que estoy en ese momento)

Más info: escribe man bash


Estuardo Rivera writes:
  Primeramente gracias a todos por su ayuda que paso a paso esto caminando
  con linux.
  Mi pregunta es la siguente hay alguna forma de saber donde estoy en el
  hard drive o mas bien asi por ejemplo doy un cd /dev/cdrom yo se que
  estoy en cdrom pero hay alguna forma que mi prompt me lo indique
  Tambien hay alguna forma de cambiar el promt por ejemplo X# or
  donde X = prompt? yo e visto en otros sistemas que cada ves que le
  doy log in me da un mesaje de bienvenida y me aparece el nombre de la
  maquin y luego $ como se hace eso como viejo usuario de dos algo asi
  como un prompt $p$s dentro del un autoexec.bat como ago esto en
  Lo e buscado por todos lados pero no lo encuentro !!
  Gracias por su ayuda!!!
  Estuardo Rivera
  Linux the next generation.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9430 | Departamento de Informatica
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid   | c/ Butarque, 15, 28911 Leganes, Spain

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dselect trouble

1998-04-21 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez
Angel Martin Alganza writes:
  Hola a todos,
  Al intentar instalar un paquete con dselect el bicho me dice:
  Could not find state file (re-run Access method) at
  /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp/install line 28.

Ni idea de qué te habrá pasado exactamente. Nunca he visto ese 
mensaje con dselect. Pero simplemente traduciendo del inglés, parece
que has de volver a la opción Access, y elegir un método de acceso
al sitio donde esté la distribución de Debian que quieras usar. Parece 
que o no tienes seleccionada ninguna, o la que tienes seleccionada no
funciona. Por ejemplo, supongo que podría pasar eso si el servidor de
FTP que has elegido no existe.


PS: Y perdona si mi respuesta es demasiado obvia y ya habías
sobreentendido eso.

  installation script returned error exit status 2.
  Press RETURN to continue.
  Y, tras pulsar RETORNO, vuelve al menu principal de dselect
  sin hacer nada más. Alguna idea?
  Gracias de antemano,
   Angel MARTIN ALGANZA  Telephone: +49-(0)8157-932.410 Fax 400
   Max-Planck-Institut fuerGSM: +49-(0)172-8967.178 
  Verhaltensphysiologie mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   D-82319 Seewiesen talk:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  UIN:5334825 
  If you cannot see this message properly you should use ISO-8859-1 char set
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona | Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
tel +3491 624 9458, fax +3491 624 9430 | Departamento de Informatica
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid   | c/ Butarque, 15, 28911 Leganes, Spain

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dselect trouble

1998-04-21 Thread Angel Martin Alganza
At 19:57 4/21/98 +0200, you wrote:

   Ni idea de qué te habrá pasado exactamente. Nunca he visto ese 
mensaje con dselect. Pero simplemente traduciendo del inglés, parece
que has de volver a la opción Access, y elegir un método de acceso
al sitio donde esté la distribución de Debian que quieras usar. Parece 
que o no tienes seleccionada ninguna, o la que tienes seleccionada no
funciona. Por ejemplo, supongo que podría pasar eso si el servidor de
FTP que has elegido no existe.

Que vergüenza, leches!!! jajaja
No identificaba el Access method
con el access del menú de dselect.
Pa matarme, vamos! Solucionado ya :)

Mil gracias,

 Angel MARTIN ALGANZA  Telephone: +49-(0)8157-932.410 Fax 400
 Max-Planck-Institut fuerGSM: +49-(0)172-8967.178 
Verhaltensphysiologie mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 D-82319 Seewiesen talk:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  UIN:5334825 
If you cannot see this message properly you should use ISO-8859-1 char set

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

No hay manera con las x's (archivos que faltan)

1998-04-21 Thread J. Parera
Lamento el error al enviar el mensaje anterior, corregiendo lo anterior
aqui les posteo los archivos.

Nuevamente grácias,
J. Parera

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Archivos que faltan

1998-04-21 Thread J. Parera
ahora si :)

SuperProbe Version 2.14 (20 May 1997)
(c) Copyright 1993,1994 by David Wexelblat [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This work is derived from the '' and
'' documentation packages produced by Finn
Thoegersen, and released with all appropriate permissions
having been obtained.  Additional information obtained from
'Programmer's Guide to the EGA and VGA, 2nd ed', by Richard
Ferraro, and from manufacturer's data books

The author welcomes bug reports and other comments mailed to
the electronic mail address above.  In particular, reports of
chipsets that this program fails to correctly detect are

Before submitting a report, please make sure that you have the
latest version of SuperProbe (see

First video: Super-VGA
Chipset: Silicon Integrated Systems SG86C205 (PCI Probed)
Memory:  1024 Kbytes
RAMDAC:  Generic 8-bit pseudo-color DAC
 (with 6-bit wide lookup tables (or in 6-bit mode))

Re: Faster swap by using separate disk?

1998-04-21 Thread tko
Paul Miller writes:
 hmm... I have 64 megs of EDO RAM and two ~104 meg swap paritions and Linux
 rarely touches them, and even if it does, it only uses less than 10 megs..
 Has Linux decided my 6-year old, 208 meg drive is too slow?

NO, Linux does not care. You have to determine if that drive is too slow for
your usage.

 I've also had a swap parition on a 3-year old 1.2 WD drive, it's not UDMA,
 but it is 310% faster than the older drive.. Linux didn't touch that
 either .. I've even tried to make Linux use it by openning tons of huges X
 programs (i.e.  multiple Netscape windows) and it'd only use about 15 megs
 at max. 

Try using different programs. Shared libraries make using the same program a
lesson in futility (as it should be). I suggest cdda2wav + X-windows/netscape
+ find something as a better test.

 I have a 6.4 WD UDMA drive installed now, maybe I should try it out.  Is
 it worth it?
 BTW- the hdparm -t values for those IDE drives are approximately 1.05
 megs/sec, 3.27 megs/sec, 8.51 megs/sec, respectively.

Yep, those are about right. A SCSI-1 system is around 5 Megs/sec, A SCSI-2
around 10 megs/sec, and SCSI-3 about 20 megs/sec. I believe a ultra-wide
SCSI-3 tops at 40 megs/sec. Anyone knowing better than I is invited to
enlighten/educate me. 8-) 

Try this just giggles: /usr/sbin/hdparm -c1 -X34 -m16 (or whatever the
multisector factor is) /dev/hda (or whichever drive you want)

The above combination should bring up your IDE performance. Check the manpage
for hdparm _before_ invoking the above. 8-)

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

X11 setup

1998-04-21 Thread Larry Panzer
I am a Linux novice attempting to set up X11R6 on my 486 system.  I had
proceded to the mouse set up at one point using the graphical set up
program but (due to a little stupidity) my computer locked up and I had to
shut it off with out properly exiting Linux.  Since it was the first
install I decided just to refomat the drive (125Mb just for testing Linux
and X) and reinstall.  Now all times since this (even after reformatting) I
get the following errors in Dselect while trying to install X.

Xlib5 setup in deselect

ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/X11R6/lib/ (no such file or
directory), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/X11R6/lib/ (no such file or
directory), skipping 

xserver-vga (3.3-3) in deselect

current default X server /bin/false found  

(how is this possible after I reformat the hard disk?)

XFree86 file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc is missing

Also when it asks to create a new config file for X (select y or n) and I
ask it to create a new one, it gives the errors shown above in xlib6
setup until I select n. All the other packages install ok, why does X seem
to be missing files and find some /bin/false/ found which shouldn't be
there?  Thanks for any help you can give.

Mark Panzer

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] v0.24 released (was Re: bug)

1998-04-21 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, Apr 20, 1998 at 07:15:23PM +0100, Philip Hands wrote:

 I did a bo--hamm upgrade over the weekend using your
   $Id:,v 0.23 1998/03/26 15:31:10 root Exp root $
 and got this when it got to installing dpkg:
 dpkg: regarding .../base/dpkg_1.4.0.22.deb containing dpkg, pre-dependency 
  dpkg pre-depends on libstdc++2.8
   libstdc++2.8 is not installed.
 dpkg: error processing 
  pre-dependency problem - not installing dpkg
 which suggests to me that the libstdc++ needs to be added to the list of 
 things that are installed before dpkg.

I've just released version 0.24 which fixes this (and a few minor problems

v0.24: 1998-04-21 (Craig Sanders)
 - added libstdc++, libslang0.99.34 (libc5), libslang0.99.38 (libc6),
   netbase, and netstd to the list of packages to install.
 - changed 'unstable' to 'frozen' in various places.
 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] reported that the downloading the files to
   /var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp messes up the ftp method somehow.  changed
   TRY to /tmp/autoup.

craig sanders

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux as a eMail/Internet server.

1998-04-21 Thread Alistair Phillips
Hi there fellow Linux fans (Debian and the like!)

About 6 months ago I stumbled upon the greatest find of my life.  Someone
had told me about a wonderful OS that multitasked great, handled 100's of
users, had very little requiremets and was a all round OS for anyone.  So,
I downloaded Debain GNU Linux and gave it a try.  I was most impressed by
it AND by the help I got from this list.  Via this list I managed to get a
copy of tri-linux for free (postage included to South Africa).  I now have
a great little 386 running Debian Linux that I use to fiddle with.  I now
consider myself quite an expert with it :)

I am only 16 years old and do WWW site design, computer repairs and
installations, etc...  I am currently working at a Computer Resourse
Centre.  We have decided to get an account with the Western Cape Schools
Network (as we are part of a school) which offers UUCP email with a domain
(i.e [EMAIL PROTECTED]) for a negligible amount.  The software
that they recomend for Windows will cost us a fortune.  They have not
suggested anything else in the way of software.  I then sugested to the
owner about Linux.  I spent the day explaining to him all about it.  He was
very impressed and said that it would be a great option to think about...

We have about 20 + computers ranging from P100's to P200's.  They all have
win95 osr 1 or 2 and NE2000 compliant network cards.  The network is
running on Windows IPX stuff.  (Totally a microsoft network).  We would
like to have the Linux server dial up as needed to offer email (via uucp)
and internet access (via ppp) for the pupils/customers.  I want UUCP to
dial up on a schedule and have the ppp connection connect when needed (ie
when Netscape for IE starts on the win95 computer)

I was hoping that someone out there may be able to help me through this and
give me (step my step!) instructions or better ideas on what to do.  

I was going to create an account for all of the students on the Linux box
and get UUCP to filter email accordingly.  Then I was going to run a pop
server (slakware has one built in) on the Linux side and let the
computers connect via the network to Linux with Outlook express and get
the users email.  

The Linux box will NOT have a direct connection to the Internet.  I have
managed to get a PPP connection with my ISP at home with Netscape on X.
That is as far as i have gotten!  

I would appreciate ANY help that I can get.  I am not on this list, so
could you please maybe email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If this works, then there are many other places that I know of that would
go for Linux.  I hope to get the whole of my community onto Linux soon
I am also thinking of starting a LUG here (any info about your LUG would be
appreciated!!!)  I really hope that this will succeed!!!

P.S  I want to run XFree86 on my 386 with Hercules.  At the back of my
monitor it says 50-60Hz or KHz (cant remember!?)  Please, if anyone has had
any experience with Hercules and X, I would appreciate your help!!

Sorry for all of the questions

Linux rulez

Your's Sincerely,   PO Box 43933
Alistair Phillips   Fish Hoek
Tel +27 (0)21  785 5265 7975

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PINE Debian Package

1998-04-21 Thread robert havoc pennington

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, George Bonser wrote:
 No, I think someone is taking the politics of free software to an extreme.
 It looks like someone in Debian decided that their patches to configure it
 resulted in a derivative work and since pine does not allow derivative
 works to be called pine, it looks like it got yanked.

That can't be right. One, because it could still go in non-free, only with
a different name. Debian doesn't yank stuff from non-free unless it's
illegal to have on the ftp server (in which case it has to be yanked, no
matter what our politics). Two, because I just downloaded it.
It may well be gone from frozen, I don't know, but that could be due to
bugs not licensing, or the lack of a maintainer.

 Mutt is, at best, a very weak replacement for Pine.  As for text email
 clients, Pine has no equal and is free enough for most uses.  If Debian
 is going to start producing a crappy distribution just because it is free,
 I will pay for one that is not.

The whole purpose of Debian is to be free, that's more or less the charter
of the organization, to the extent that it has one. If it's ever
impossible to produce a good free distribution Debian will be
discontinued, and you'll not only be able to pay for a good one, you'll
have to. Assuming there is one.
 I do not use Debian because it is free, I use Debian because it has been
 good.  If emphasis is going to be on free rather than good, you are making
 a mistake.

The vision is that the two coincide, and when they don't, they should be
made to. In this case, by improving mutt or vm or any of the other zillion
mail programs. But until then there's the non-free directory, which
includes any non-free programs that are legal to distribute and have

Freeness is the original purpose of Debian, and by long consensus there is
a commitment to that. It's quite simple to start your own dist with the
Debian non-free and main directories combined, plus the other stuff of
your choice. But there's no point beating your head on a brick wall to
change Debian.
 I have needed to get that off my chest ever since I noticed pine missing.
 Pine is not an optional compinent for me, it is MANDITORY. There is
 nothing in the distribution that comes close to replacing it. 

Relax, I think it's still there.

Havoc Pennington

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Re: v0.25 released

1998-04-21 Thread Craig Sanders
BTW, i've also made some changes to my 

1.  updated autoup.tar.gz to have the latest versions of all the needed

2.  made it accessible as (some people
requested this)

3.  made a debfiles/ directory which contains all the individual packages
in autoup.tar.gz for people who want to download them one at a time.

if anyone mirrors this then they should probably just exclude the
large binaries from their mirror and run the script
locallysaves mirroring 14mb of stuff which they should already have
in their local mirror.


craig sanders

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Re: PINE Debian Package

1998-04-21 Thread Mike Miller
 George == George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 No, I think someone is taking the politics of free software
 to an extreme.  It looks like someone in Debian decided
 that their patches to configure it resulted in a
 derivative work and since pine does not allow derivative
 works to be called pine, it looks like it got yanked.

What about the pine package that /is/ in non-free?  It apparently
has not been yanked - only moved to non-free, which seems a
reasonable place for non-free software.  

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Re: v0.25 released

1998-04-21 Thread Craig Sanders
 I've just released version 0.24 which fixes this (and a few minor problems
 v0.24: 1998-04-21 (Craig Sanders)
  - added libstdc++, libslang0.99.34 (libc5), libslang0.99.38 (libc6),
netbase, and netstd to the list of packages to install.
  - changed 'unstable' to 'frozen' in various places.
  - [EMAIL PROTECTED] reported that the downloading the files to
/var/lib/dpkg/methods/ftp messes up the ftp method somehow.  changed
TRY to /tmp/autoup.

make that 0.25. i forgot to disable the debugging stuff before releasing

v0.25: 1998-04-21 (Craig Sanders)
 - remembered to disable debugging stuff so that the script actually 
does something.


craig sanders

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Re-compiling Kernel error

1998-04-21 Thread Jim Crumley
I am trying to recompile my kernel in order to get sound
and I am getting a strange error. I ran make xxconfig
aand then make-kpkg andd then I get these errors:

ld -m elf_i386 -Ttext 0x10 -e stext arch/i386/kernel/head.o init/main.o 
init/version.o \
arch/i386/kernel/kernel.o arch/i386/mm/mm.o kernel/kernel.o mm/mm.o 
fs/fs.o ipc/ipc.o net/network.a \
fs/filesystems.a \
drivers/block/block.a drivers/char/char.a drivers/net/net.a 
drivers/sound/sound.a drivers/pci/pci.a arch/i386/math-emu/math.a \
/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.29/arch/i386/lib/lib.a -o vmlinux
nm vmlinux | grep -v '\(compiled\)\|\(\.o$\)\|\( a \)' | sort
make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.29/arch/i386/boot'
as86 -0 -a -o bbootsect.o bbootsect.s
make[3]: as86: Command not found
make[3]: *** [bbootsect.o] Error 127
make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.29/arch/i386/boot'
make[2]: *** [bzImage] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.29'
make[1]: *** [build] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.29'
make: *** [stamp-image] Error 2

Any ideas on what is wrong?

Jim Crumley   |

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Re: Re-compiling Kernel error

1998-04-21 Thread Jim Crumley
 I am trying to recompile my kernel in order to get sound
 and I am getting a strange error. I ran make xxconfig
 aand then make-kpkg andd then I get these errors:

Sorry to reply to my own message, but I forgot to mention 
that I am running a bo system.  Let me if there is any other
useful information that I forgot.

Jim Crumley   |

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1998-04-21 Thread David B Wilson
I realize this isn't specifically a Debian question -- but which versions
of emacs have postscript-mode?
Also, I have a large .el file that works great under emacs 19, but not
under emacs 20.  Should I expect to be able to port it so that it works
under both versions, or just focus on emacs 20?

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RE: Linux as a eMail/Internet server.

1998-04-21 Thread Scott D. Killen

I setup Linux at my home to give my wife and I access to the internet using
only one dialup line.  We both run Windows 95 and we have [almost] seamless
internet access.  When we need an Internet connection, the Internet is
dialed and PPP is automagically connected. :)  Here is how it's done:

1.)  Set up your Linux machine for routing.  Refer to the mini HOWTO
IP-Subnetworking for instructions and a good explanation on subnetworking.

2.)  Install the diald package.  This will handle the automatic PPP

3.)  Install the sendmail and popper packages to handle SMTP and POP3 email
services.  Give each user a login so he/she can check mail.

4.)  Install the fetchmail package.  Run fetchmail in daemon mode to check
mail periodically.  I have the service script for /etc/init.d if you need
it.  This DOES NOT meet your UUCP requirement.  This requires all of the
students to have a separate POP account on a machine or machines that do
have permanent connections to the Internet.  I have no experience with UUCP,
so perhaps someone else can help here.  I have heard that you can have
servers 'hold' mail bound for your server, but I haven't needed this, so I
haven't investigated.

And that is all that there is to it.

Scott D. Killen
Scott Killen Software

-Original Message-
From: Alistair Phillips [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 1998 11:51 AM
Subject: Linux as a eMail/Internet server.

Hi there fellow Linux fans (Debian and the like!)

About 6 months ago I stumbled upon the greatest find of my life.  Someone
had told me about a wonderful OS that multitasked great, handled 100's of
users, had very little requiremets and was a all round OS for anyone.  So,
I downloaded Debain GNU Linux and gave it a try.  I was most impressed by
it AND by the help I got from this list.  Via this list I managed to get a
copy of tri-linux for free (postage included to South Africa).  I now have
a great little 386 running Debian Linux that I use to fiddle with.  I now
consider myself quite an expert with it :)

I am only 16 years old and do WWW site design, computer repairs and
installations, etc...  I am currently working at a Computer Resourse
Centre.  We have decided to get an account with the Western Cape Schools
Network (as we are part of a school) which offers UUCP email with a domain
(i.e [EMAIL PROTECTED]) for a negligible amount.  The software
that they recomend for Windows will cost us a fortune.  They have not
suggested anything else in the way of software.  I then sugested to the
owner about Linux.  I spent the day explaining to him all about it.  He was
very impressed and said that it would be a great option to think about...

We have about 20 + computers ranging from P100's to P200's.  They all have
win95 osr 1 or 2 and NE2000 compliant network cards.  The network is
running on Windows IPX stuff.  (Totally a microsoft network).  We would
like to have the Linux server dial up as needed to offer email (via uucp)
and internet access (via ppp) for the pupils/customers.  I want UUCP to
dial up on a schedule and have the ppp connection connect when needed (ie
when Netscape for IE starts on the win95 computer)

I was hoping that someone out there may be able to help me through this and
give me (step my step!) instructions or better ideas on what to do.

I was going to create an account for all of the students on the Linux box
and get UUCP to filter email accordingly.  Then I was going to run a pop
server (slakware has one built in) on the Linux side and let the
computers connect via the network to Linux with Outlook express and get
the users email.

The Linux box will NOT have a direct connection to the Internet.  I have
managed to get a PPP connection with my ISP at home with Netscape on X.
That is as far as i have gotten!

I would appreciate ANY help that I can get.  I am not on this list, so
could you please maybe email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If this works, then there are many other places that I know of that would
go for Linux.  I hope to get the whole of my community onto Linux soon
I am also thinking of starting a LUG here (any info about your LUG would be
appreciated!!!)  I really hope that this will succeed!!!

P.S  I want to run XFree86 on my 386 with Hercules.  At the back of my
monitor it says 50-60Hz or KHz (cant remember!?)  Please, if anyone has had
any experience with Hercules and X, I would appreciate your help!!

Sorry for all of the questions

Linux rulez

Your's Sincerely,   PO Box 43933
Alistair Phillips   Fish Hoek
Tel +27 (0)21  785 5265 7975

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Re: Re-compiling Kernel error

1998-04-21 Thread Ben Pfaff
   Any ideas on what is wrong?

You need to install the bin86 package, which contains the as86

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laptop install help

1998-04-21 Thread Michael Stutz
I'm installing 1.3.1 from floppy to a Toshiba Satellite Pro 400CS, and am
having some trouble.

The actual install went fine, up until the end where you get dropped in
dselect. I installed the dpkg-ftp package (and all its dependencies, like
Perl), but can't get my modem to work. (Since the machine has no cd-rom or
ethernet card, I plan on installing the rest of the system via modem, so
getting this to work is essential).

I've got a Megahertz PCMCIA 14.4 fax/modem card that was recognized as com2
by the win311 software that came with the laptop. There were no cua?
devices in /dev so I made cua0 and cua1 using the MAKEDEV script, made a
/dev/modem symlink from cua1, but the pon command still dies on me.

I copied minicom off another machine and tried it, and haven't gotten it to
recognize the modem, so I figure there must be something else to it - do I
also have to install some PCMCIA software, maybe a module?

Thanks for any and all help,


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Re: emacs

1998-04-21 Thread Ben Pfaff
   I realize this isn't specifically a Debian question -- but which versions
   of emacs have postscript-mode?

AFAIK no version of Emacs come with a builtin postscript-mode.  I
think you will have to look for one as a third-party package.

   Also, I have a large .el file that works great under emacs 19, but not
   under emacs 20.  Should I expect to be able to port it so that it works
   under both versions, or just focus on emacs 20?

It shouldn't be too much trouble to make it work under both versions,
the differences are not big.  And there are lots of people still using
version 19, in case you're interested in making the patches widely

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Re: emacs

1998-04-21 Thread David Z. Maze

Ben Pfaff [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
BP AFAIK no version of Emacs come with a builtin postscript-mode.  I
BP think you will have to look for one as a third-party package.

The Debian xemacs20-* packages have one.

/ \   Dad was reading a book called
|  David Maze | _Schroedinger's Kittens_.  Asexual
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  reproduction?  Only one cat is in the box.
| |   -- Abra Mitchell

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Re: Zen and the art of working with NT

1998-04-21 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:

 I have a linux machine here which is low on hard disk space
 my idea was to mount my Windows NT home directory here at work
 and use it for extra space (I can up my spcae by 2 gigs that way)
 o far I have mounted my home drive
 \\home5\sjc8$ on /mnt/partners with smbmount
 because o fmy specific problems I was trying to do the following:
 create a second extended filesystem in a file on the NT home dir
 and then mount that filesystem (I need a filesystem that will hole my
 files and care about case and permissions
 I am planning on using it to image CDs to burn (hamm hamm hamm :) )
 why wont it work?
 I can make an e2fs filesystem but when I try to moungt it anywhere I get
 I tried the following example
 cd ~
 touch test.e2

Here, make sure that the file is actually the size you want it to be
before you use mke2fs on it, like this:

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=test.e2 bs=1024k count=500

This will create a 500 MB file filled with 0x00.

 mke2fs -F test.e2 500
 (it makes a filesystem)
 mkdir testmnt
 mount test.e2 -o loop testmnt
 and it moutns!
 cp test.e2 /mnt/partners
 mount /mnt/partners/test.e2 -o loop testmnt
 and I get the errors loop: block 1 not present and a bunch of others
 then I tried
 cd /mnt/partners
 mkdir testmnt
 and same deal
 anyone tried this? can it work? what sthe problem?

The problem is that block 1 is really not present. The dd command above
will make cause it to be present.

I don't know if this also works if the test.e2 is on a Samba filesystem,
but you could of course give it a try.


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1998-04-21 Thread Michael Beattie
I've just started having a look at Xdm, and have decided I would like to
use it if I can do two things.

1) How do you add another display (:1), I had a look at the Xservers file,
and added a new line, but it died...

2) Can it be made to start in the background, so that on boot up, The
first console is still showing?

Hey, I like having my cake and eating it too... :)

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

  Those who can, do.  Those who can't, don't.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

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Re: laptop install help

1998-04-21 Thread Asher Haig
I've got a Megahertz PCMCIA 14.4 fax/modem card that was recognized as com2
by the win311 software that came with the laptop. There were no cua?
devices in /dev so I made cua0 and cua1 using the MAKEDEV script, made a
/dev/modem symlink from cua1, but the pon command still dies on me.

You may need to add the inittab entries for a serial device. Not sure as
far as that goes.

I copied minicom off another machine and tried it, and haven't gotten it to
recognize the modem, so I figure there must be something else to it - do I
also have to install some PCMCIA software, maybe a module?

PCMCIA comes in the form of a module. It's generally best to get the source
package and use that to recompile and install them whenever you recomile a
kernel. The easiest way to get it set up to begin with is to use the hamm
install disks and install the pcmcia modules as you install debian.
Otherwise, you'll need to put them on a floppy and copy them over and
install them. They're in teh pcmcia-cs package.

--Asher Haig

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Re: Xdm

1998-04-21 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:

 I've just started having a look at Xdm, and have decided I would like to
 use it if I can do two things.
 1) How do you add another display (:1), I had a look at the Xservers file,
 and added a new line, but it died...

In the latest xbase package, the default Xservers file contains these
commented lines:

# If you want to add servers yourself, please keep these things in mind:
# - For each X server other than :0, the display number must be on the
#   command line
# - This is the place to add the -bpp option to the command line
# - If you run multiple X servers, it is wise to add the vtXX option to
#   each of them, since this is currently the only sure way of knowing
#   in advance which X server attaches to which console.
# Example:
# :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 vt9 -bpp 16
# :1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 vt10 -bpp 8

This should be clear enough, IMHO. Heck, I wrote these lines. :-)

 2) Can it be made to start in the background, so that on boot up, The
 first console is still showing?

Well, not without a kludge. When the X server starts, it always pops up
the X display. You'd need to change the X server if you want it to just
start and not show up initially. But you can add a command like this to
the start) section in /etc/init.d/xfs :

( sleep 10 ; chvt 1 ) 

This will change the screen back to console #1 ten seconds after xdm is
started. Or you could add a simple 'chvt 1' command to
/etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 . But then the chvt command is also executed every
time you exit the window manager and get the xdm login screen again.

 Hey, I like having my cake and eating it too... :)

Yep, me too. :-)


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I now HAVE PINE Debian package.. how do I install it?

1998-04-21 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III
What a interesting thread my PINE question created... OK I have found a
Debian package for pine, pine3.96L-2

the file is


its located on the root of /dev/hda7 , a MSDOS partition on my drive, which
is not mounted by default, so if I use it in Linux I need to mount it.

I want to install this version of PINE, I would prefer using dselect to
make sure I have all the needed support files etc., so HOW DO I DO IT?

 BTW: I found this package by going to the Debian site, and searching the
stable packages

OK, can some one tell me how to install the thing?  I have not had much

Thanks for your time / help


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Re: Fonts in X [Off Topic]

1998-04-21 Thread Stephen Carpenter

I know
in fact xfstt is on the list of Packages needing a new main tainer
I know this list is not really the proper place for this but...
since it needs a new maintainer...I am wondering what is involved in that
I have been thinking for a while that I would like to pitch in 
and help out...
ive looked over a few packages...and xfstt is a package I really like
im just still a little unsure of myself and my abilities 
(supose its a self confidence issue)...
this doesn't seem like a very hard package to keep up with
and work on...
anyon ehave any thoughts on whether this one is good for a
first package to get ones feet wet?
I really like this package and I think what it does is GREAT
(it makes Netscape and other programs look so much better)
ive been toying with the idea of this package and that it is needing a
new maintainer for a few weeks now
(I know I should probably look into the Debian-mentors list 
if I am considering volunteering but...between debian-devel and
debian-user and BUGTRAQI have trouble keepin up with the
nearly 300-500 e-maisl a day
- -Steve
On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:

 On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:
  I read this now and this reminds me of a point I have meant to bring to 
  the debian xfstt package soes not contain the original xfstt documentation!
  I installed it recently (again) and actually had to download the package 
  off of
  and unpack the tarball just to get the docs on how to tell X
  that I hada font server running!
  hmm...if the lack of a man page is considered a bug (I read that 
  would  this also fall into that catergory?
  the docs included in the deb (unfortunately) don't even ell how
  to make the install usefull :(
 Yes, this would count as a bug in the package. But my impression from
 README.debian is that the maintainer doesn't really want to spend too much
 work on it, so probably this package is practically, though not
 officially, orphaned.
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Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv


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Re: I now HAVE PINE Debian package.. how do I install it?

1998-04-21 Thread Remco Blaakmeer
On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Kenneth F. Ryder III wrote:

 What a interesting thread my PINE question created... OK I have found a
 Debian package for pine, pine3.96L-2
 the file is
 its located on the root of /dev/hda7 , a MSDOS partition on my drive, which
 is not mounted by default, so if I use it in Linux I need to mount it.
 I want to install this version of PINE, I would prefer using dselect to
 make sure I have all the needed support files etc., so HOW DO I DO IT?
  BTW: I found this package by going to the Debian site, and searching the
 stable packages
 OK, can some one tell me how to install the thing?  I have not had much
   Thanks for your time / help

Once you have mounted the DOS partition so that you can access the .deb
file with Linux, just issue

dpkg -i pine_3_9.deb

This will try to install the .deb file. If you don't have a package that
pine depends on, dpkg will complain, tell you what package is needed and
fail to install pine. You can then use any method to install the needed

If you want to find ou on which packages pine depends, use this command:

dpkg --info pine_3_9.deb


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Re: laptop install help

1998-04-21 Thread Michael Stutz
 I've got a Megahertz PCMCIA 14.4 fax/modem card that was recognized as com2
 by the win311 software that came with the laptop. There were no cua?
 devices in /dev so I made cua0 and cua1 using the MAKEDEV script, made a
 /dev/modem symlink from cua1, but the pon command still dies on me.
 I copied minicom off another machine and tried it, and haven't gotten it to
 recognize the modem, so I figure there must be something else to it - do I
 also have to install some PCMCIA software, maybe a module?
 PCMCIA comes in the form of a module. It's generally best to get the source
 package and use that to recompile and install them whenever you recomile a
 kernel. The easiest way to get it set up to begin with is to use the hamm
 install disks and install the pcmcia modules as you install debian.
 Otherwise, you'll need to put them on a floppy and copy them over and
 install them. They're in teh pcmcia-cs package.

Ok, I did this, but now at boot time it complains that it can't find any
modules in /lib/modules/2.0.32/pcmcia/ (and its right, that directory
doesn't exist). I seem to be missing something -- loaded up the rescue disk
again and did not find any module option for pcmcia devices.

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Re: Running XDVI from netscape

1998-04-21 Thread King Lee

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Egon Schmid wrote:

 The problem is definitly bash 2.0. Try a real shell. This was an answer
 from a netscape person (name forgotten but can be found in the emacs

I linked sh to ash, but then another script with #!/bin/sh on
first line broke.  I took Michael Tempsch suggestion, got
latest version of bash (from, compiled, linked
it in, and it works.

I am curious as to where the problem is - not to place blame
but to avoid future problems. After all Linux is not Windows.

King Lee

  I have seen this problem before.
   Thanks Michael  for quick response.
   Hmm...  will another shell give me still different error messages?
   I load ash from cdrom, and /bin/sh - /bin/ash - and IT WORKS.
   A problem with shells seems more serious than one with application;
   should I report this to someone? if so who. The problem  may be
   with Netscape 4.04 since it seemed to have generated an illegal
   script with ksh.
  If the problem is with Netscape 4 then they already know about itA few 
  back I was trying to get netscape to use
  Play to play wav file soundsI had the exact same problem.
  I tried everything (including using ;  ' and a cast of other chgaricters) 
  the definition as to trick netscape into working
  I had no luck at all and never thinking it could be a bug in bash
  reported it as a bug in netscapes bug system
  just thinking now...
  maybe if I strace netscapeit will show what the actual command line 
  that it
  passes is...hmm...
  but if it works with ashI can see no reason as a temporary fix to 
  change sh
  to link
  to ash
  (ill try it again when I get home)

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Re: Running XDVI from netscape

1998-04-21 Thread Fernando Tadeu Caldeira Brandt

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 1998 07:51:10 -0500 (EST)
From: John Kloss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Fernando Tadeu C Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Debian User Mailing List
Subject: Re: Netscape fails to automatically open ps, ram, ...

On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, Fredrik Ax wrote:

 On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Bob Nielsen wrote:
  On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Fernando Tadeu C Brandt wrote:
   Netscape is showing the following error box when I try to open 
   postscripts, sound file, etc:
   sh: -c line 1: missing closing ')' for arithmetic expression
   sh: -c line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `;'
   sh: -c line 1: '((gv /tmp/MO34FAF5B0003B1); rm /tmp/MO34FAF5B0003B1 )'
  This is the classic symptom of running the somewhat-buggy bash-2.0 in bo.
 The problem is that bash interpretates (( not as two seperate brackets
 but as a bracket for expression evaluated according to the arithmetic
 evaluation rules and therefore misses the closing )) bracket.
  I would suggest upgrading to hamm to get around this.  There is a bo
  version of bash-2.05 around which provides a workaround, but you have to
  be very careful when you do upgrade to hamm if you have that version
  installed (I found out the hard way). 
 A faster solution whould be to install ash wich is distributed in
 version 0.2-1 in bo. Use dselect, or for even faster install 
 dpkg -i bo/binary/shells/ash_0.2-1.deb from your Debian 1.3x
 When installed change the symlink name sh in /bin to point at ash 
 instead of bash:
 % cd /bin
 % ln -sf ash sh

Okay, maybe this was a stupid thing to do, but I used emacs to edit the
binaries. On line 17183 of my version of netscape (4.04) I changed the

(([EMAIL PROTECTED] %s | ^@); rm %.200s )


( ([EMAIL PROTECTED] %s| ^@ ); rm %.200s)

and things seemed to work just fine. At least I got rvplayer to work that
way and netscape doesn't crash (so far).

I'm sure the better solution is to upgrade to hamm, but I'm waiting for
the code freeze before I order the cd's (I just have this hangup about
using something that says unstable).

- John Kloss

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inconsistent X security?

1998-04-21 Thread pgarcia
I'm currently not using xdm; I'm using startx to start X.
When I don't have an .xserverrc file, X uses magic cookies.
When I do have one (that simply says X -bpp 24), the security 
is completely disabled.  What gives?  How do I use an .xserverrc
file without losing my security?

Phil Garcia

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Re: Re-compiling Kernel error

1998-04-21 Thread Manoj Srivastava
You need bin86. This is mentioned in the README that comes
 with kernel-package, the README that comes with kernel-source-*, the
 extended description of the kernel-source package (which is seen in
 dselect), the extended description of the kernel-package package.

I guess I should also mention it in other places, and am open
 to sugestions.

By the way, I strongly suggest people compiling kernel image
 debian packages to read the /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz file
 *before* attempting a compilation.



Before you go any further, please allow me to point out that you need to
have a few other packages installed before you can compile your own kernels
(it is difficult to compile anything without a compiler ;-). 

Firstly, you will need gcc, the libc development package (libc5-dev or
libc6-dev at the time of writing), and, on Intel platforms, bin86. [If
you use the menuconfig target of make, you will need ncursesX.X-dev,
and make xconfig also requires tkX.X-dev, and other packages these
depend on]

The packages suggested are:
devel:gcc, libc5-dev/libc6-dev, binutils, make, and, for intel
  x86 platforms, bin86 (non-Intel platforms don't need
interpreters: awk, which is contained in either the mawk or gawk packages
base: gzip, shellutils, and grep.


 It does not pay a prophet to be too specific. Sprague de Camp
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

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weird utmp/perl problem

1998-04-21 Thread B. Bell
Okay, I've got a strange problem here.  I'm trying to build a .deb, using
the devscripts tools and dpkg-dev...
I get a utmp error when I try to build:

$ build
no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME (brad) at
/usr/lib/dpkg/ line 16.

okay, not a disaster, there, but sometimes it eventually dies anyway,
because it can't find LOGNAME either, or the uid of some process...?

at first I thought maybe the problem was caused by the utmp
incompatibility between libc5 and libc6, even though I have a 100% hamm
system, and I even tried deleting utmp and wtmp and rebooting.
that didn't work, so I don't believe utmp is really the problem,
especially since this is the only place I've ever gotten a utmp-related 

so, I look at the source of the error in /usr/lib/dpkg/

if (defined ($ENV{'LOGNAME'})) {
if (!defined (getlogin ())) { 
warn (sprintf ('no utmp entry available, using value of LOGNAME
(%s)', $ENV{'LOGNAME'})); 
} else {

now I'm suspicious, so I write a test script using my two-bit perl skills:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

if (defined (getlogin ())) {
warn (sprintf ('no utmp entry available'));
} else {
warn (sprintf ('utmp entry is (%s)',

and run it:

utmp entry is (brad) at ./test line 6.

can anybody give me some help as to why this script works, but
/usr/lib/dpkg/ fails?


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Telnet Proxy anyone?

1998-04-21 Thread Richard L Shepherd
Has anyone heard of a telnet-proxy package (especially for linux and
Debian of course)?

We have some people who have (and want to keep) their subnet blocked for
offsite access (so they do all their WWW browsing via a WWWcache which can
then be billed for).  I was wondering if there is something we can do like
this for telnet.  Any ideas?


Richard Shepherd ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: MP3 encoding

1998-04-21 Thread Chris

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Corey Miller wrote:

   Does anyone know of any good mp3 encoding programs for linux?
 Corey Miller

look for l3enc (I think it is in the hamm distribution)


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Re: Windoze 95 is not multi-tasking, it just pretends it is

1998-04-21 Thread tko
 HEAR HEAR!  This is not inappropriate discussion for the Deb User list.
 I too play double bass myself (or bass violin as Professor Murray
 Grodner called it, and the folk who succeeded Professor Grodner and his
 wife at Lemur Music call it as well.) 
 Marcus, I share your classic guitar interest, as well, though I
 certainly wouldn't say I _play_ classical guitar. I have attempted to
 play it, and would not find a word or two about either topic
 If you want to talk double bass, instruments, music, etc, I'll be
 delighted to talk to you about it. Is this is maybe more border line
 than Windows 95 crud software? 

Nah, no more borderline than some of the spam that has been on this list
before 8-) Those who do not wish to participate in the thread, please use the
delete function. bass violin... never knew that 8-) The closest I get to
playing any instrument is via MIDI sequencing. I wonder if jazz ever got

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

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stuck with only 1 xterm in X

1998-04-21 Thread Alain Toussaint
does anyone know how to open several xterm in X,i'd like
to run more commands/program in X but dont know how (i tried
to open another xterm from the first one but then,i could not
use the first xterm since the where no longer any prompt) also,
how do i start X when booting my computer,it's well enough 
configured to my liking that i'd like to have it running every time
i open my computer.

thanks a lot.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Xdm

1998-04-21 Thread Michael Beattie
On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Remco Blaakmeer wrote:

 On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Michael Beattie wrote:
  I've just started having a look at Xdm, and have decided I would like to
  use it if I can do two things.
  1) How do you add another display (:1), I had a look at the Xservers file,
  and added a new line, but it died...
 In the latest xbase package, the default Xservers file contains these
 commented lines:
 # If you want to add servers yourself, please keep these things in mind:
 # - For each X server other than :0, the display number must be on the
 #   command line
 # - This is the place to add the -bpp option to the command line
 # - If you run multiple X servers, it is wise to add the vtXX option to
 #   each of them, since this is currently the only sure way of knowing
 #   in advance which X server attaches to which console.
 # Example:
 # :0 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 vt9 -bpp 16
 # :1 local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 vt10 -bpp 8
 This should be clear enough, IMHO. Heck, I wrote these lines. :-)

Thanks, that works :) 

  2) Can it be made to start in the background, so that on boot up, The
  first console is still showing?
 Well, not without a kludge. When the X server starts, it always pops up
 the X display. You'd need to change the X server if you want it to just
 start and not show up initially. But you can add a command like this to
 the start) section in /etc/init.d/xfs :
 ( sleep 10 ; chvt 1 ) 
 This will change the screen back to console #1 ten seconds after xdm is
 started. Or you could add a simple 'chvt 1' command to
 /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 . But then the chvt command is also executed every
 time you exit the window manager and get the xdm login screen again.

hmmm that looks like it could be useful... :) thanks.
  Hey, I like having my cake and eating it too... :)
 Yep, me too. :-)


   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   Drive nail here ( ) to need a new monitor.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

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KDE Problem

1998-04-21 Thread Oz Dror
I have installed the latest version of kde from hamm

when I type kde
I get the following error:
kde: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: __ti8QListBox

It is clear that one of the libraries that I am using is not up to date

can anyone tell which?

Oz Dror

NAME   Oz Dror, Los Angeles, California   
EMAIL  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux  since 8/15/94
PHONE  Fax (310) 474-3126

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Hamm FAT 32

1998-04-21 Thread Jesus Duran

Greetings all,

just a quick question..does hamm have built-in support to read FAT-32



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Re: X11 setup

1998-04-21 Thread Alain Toussaint
 Xlib5 setup in deselect
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/X11R6/lib/ (no such file or
 directory), skipping
  ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/X11R6/lib/ (no such file or
 directory), skipping 

it did that when i installed a second time debian 1.3.1 (and basically
every time i installed it),i dont give it much tought (i dont think it's
an important error).

 xserver-vga (3.3-3) in deselect
 current default X server /bin/false found  
 (how is this possible after I reformat the hard disk?)

because it found no default server,it give /bin/false,i dont give it much
tough either (the system is still useable and X run without any problem).

 XFree86 file /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc is missing

this one is an error i care about (it's because i haven't seen it in my
last install and this file is needed for the good working of X).

 Also when it asks to create a new config file for X (select y or n) and I
 ask it to create a new one, it gives the errors shown above in xlib6
 setup until I select n. All the other packages install ok, why does X seem
 to be missing files and find some /bin/false/ found which shouldn't be
 there?  Thanks for any help you can give.

one thing i'd like to know is did you install everything you wanted at
once or just installed the base system,if you installed the whole
shoebang,i dont recommend it,the way i did proceed to install my
distribution is to install only what's selected in the dselect menu for a
base install,nothing more,after,i did update my installation by indicating
dselect to include the package file from bo-unstable and only after that i
did a next round installing the rest of the stuff i needed,now this system
work fine.

 Mark Panzer
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Zen and the art of working with NT

1998-04-21 Thread Rainer Clasen
Hallo erstmal!

Stephen Carpenter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 create a second extended filesystem in a file on the NT home dir
 and then mount that filesystem (I need a filesystem that will hole my

some time ago I tried the same, and somebody told me loop support doesn't
work with any remote FS. According to that I wasn't successful with smbfs
and nfs.


KeyID=58341901 fingerprint=A5 57 04 B3 69 88 A1 FB  78 1D B5 64 E0 BF 72 EB

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Re: Fonts in X [Off Topic]

1998-04-21 Thread Petra Kevin J Poorman
On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:

I was told that XFSTT had a new maintainer when I asked to adopt it... so
I guess we are both to late.



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Re: Changing xterm titles to something more usefull than 'xterm'

1998-04-21 Thread Mike Brownlow
 this one has a color prompt.. :)

heh. cewl. I'm using yours now. :) I noticed mine was really dumb
because it executes all of those programs every time a new prompt
is issued. I guess the first two should have been pointed toward
env variables. Still, I like yours better. :)

As for the current command executing, maybe for specific commands you'd
like to see in the titlebar, you could wrap them with a shell of some
sort. Then the sub-shell would update the title before executing the

echo -n ^[]2;[EMAIL PROTECTED]
exec $@

Then alias the commands you want like:
alias find

Then run something like:
find / -name *.cxx -print

This worked for me anyway.

BTW, thanks for that prompt! :)


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Re: Faster swap by using separate disk?

1998-04-21 Thread Lorens Kockum
In debian-user Thomas Kocourek wrote:
Paul Miller writes:
 I have a 6.4 WD UDMA drive installed now, maybe I should try it out.  Is
 it worth it?
 BTW- the hdparm -t values for those IDE drives are approximately 1.05
 megs/sec, 3.27 megs/sec, 8.51 megs/sec, respectively.

Yep, those are about right. A SCSI-1 system is around 5 Megs/sec, A SCSI-2
around 10 megs/sec, and SCSI-3 about 20 megs/sec. I believe a ultra-wide
SCSI-3 tops at 40 megs/sec. Anyone knowing better than I is invited to
enlighten/educate me. 8-) 

I was going to correct you, but then I realized that there was
no error in what you said.  Since I know that there are a lot of
people who will assume that system==drive, just let me note that
the speeds you quote are the bus speeds.  Most drives will never
come very near those speeds (for example, my very fast Fujitsu
4.3 Go SCSI-2 7200 rpm drive will attain 8 MB/s, and I don't
think drives with better interfaces (U, W, UW) will go very much
better).  The advantage, of course, is that if you have many
drives, you are limited by the bus speed and not by the drive

Hmm. Was this a troll, maybe?

#include std_disclaim.h   Lorens Kockum

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Re: stuck with only 1 xterm in X

1998-04-21 Thread Manoj Srivastava

Firstly, you could try starting the second xterm inside the
 first one like so:
 % xterm 
 See the `' symbol? That send the xterm launched into the background,
 and returns your command prompt on the first xterm. Voila! tow
 command prompts ;-)

Secondly, you should look into installing and running a window
 manager like twm (the standard, vanilla window manager), fvwm2 (the
 middle of the road window manager), fvwm95 looks like windows ;-(;
 wmaker (supposedly, the window manager fo the future, still lacks
 feature I have grown used to). However, this is highly subh=jective,
 and doubtless I shall be flamed ercilessly.

When starting, X looks for a file called .xsession (or
 .xinitrc, I forget what the default is now). I am including a copy of
 my .xsession to use as an example (do not just copy it over, I have a
 myriad of things in there that you do not need).

Hope this helps. 

 Ignorance is the soil in which belief in miracles grows. Robert
 G. Ingersoll
Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

cut below

# Merge in defaults and keymaps
umask 022
export default_dir=${default_dir:=$HOME}

# load common variables
if test -f $default_dir/.bash_vars ; then
. $default_dir/.bash_vars

if [ ! $DISPLAY -o $DISPLAY = :0.0 ]; then

if [ -f $sysresources ]; then
xrdb -merge $sysresources
if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then
xmodmap $sysmodmap
if [ -f $userresources ]; then
xrdb -merge $userresources
if [ -f $usermodmap ]; then
xmodmap $usermodmap

# This is useful if you use ssh
eval $(ssh-agent)
ssh-add /dev/null 

xset -c b 95 s default 

#xwrits +frugal +iconified +clock +beep +breakclock +lock 
#xearth -pos 42.22.41 -77.75 #-orbit 51.6 234.8
##xearth -label -grid -pos orbit,1,41.67 -fork
#tvtwm -s 
#nice xcb -l v -geometry 200x500-0+365 
#nice sunclock -icongeometry -0+0 -iconic 

#nice pland 
#nice xmultibiff -mail ~/var/spool/mail/{important,admin,digital,bcast} 
#nice xwalld 

if [ -z $MANPATH ]; then
MANPATH=/usr/local/man:/usr/man; export MANPATH

# Start some shelltools and the window manager
if test -x /usr/bin/X11/fvwm2; then
#fvwm2 -f FvwmM4 -m4prog /usr/bin/m4 .fvwm2rc 
elif [ -x /usr/bin/X11/fvwm ]; then
elif [ -x /usr/bin/X11/twm ]; then
# xkeycaps -kbd ms104 
exec xterm -ut -T login -n login -fg Black -bg LightSteelBlue -geometry 
80x24+10+93 -ls 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IDE CD writer

1998-04-21 Thread XRD Lab
I am running Debian bo (1.3). We have recently purchased a HP cd writer
(Model 7100i, IDE interface). The cd-writer howto and other related docs
talk of burning cd's, etc all give pointers to scsi drives. Can somebody
point me to or assist me in writing a cd through the ide interface drive?

Kindly reply to me directly as I am not subscribed to the list (but I get
the digests).

Thanks in advance,


Sridhar M. A
Department of Studies in Physics
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri
Mysore 570 006, INDIA

Tel: +91-821-516133
Fax: +91-821-516133


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Using the same database on Linux and NT

1998-04-21 Thread Johann Spies

I use postgresql on linux and my colleage and our office uses NT.  Is it
possible make a postgresql-database available to the other two computers
which does not operate on linux?

Which will be the best way to do it? All three computers do have modems.


Johann Spies

Windsorlaan 19
Suid Afrika (South Africa)
Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hamm FAT 32

1998-04-21 Thread jdassen
On Tue, Apr 21, 1998 at 01:30:47AM -0500, Jesus Duran wrote:
 just a quick question..does hamm have built-in support to read FAT-32

The FAT-32 situation for hamm, AFAICT is:
- A patched FIPS (fips15c) with support for resizing FAT32 partitions is
  available in the tools directory of the FTP archive to make installation
  of Debian on a system that has FAT32 partitions on it easier.
- kernel-source-2.0.33-2.0.33-3 (20 Feb) and newer as well as
  kernel-image.deb's derived from them have FAT32 support, so you should
  be able to read them.

Comparing this to what's available on, the only thing that
seems to be missing for FAT32 support in hamm is a patched mkdosfs.

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: stuck with only 1 xterm in X

1998-04-21 Thread Alain Toussaint
   Firstly, you could try starting the second xterm inside the
  first one like so:
  % xterm 
  See the `' symbol? That send the xterm launched into the background,
  and returns your command prompt on the first xterm. Voila! tow
  command prompts ;-)

i'll do it a try right now.

   Secondly, you should look into installing and running a window
  manager like twm (the standard, vanilla window manager), fvwm2 (the
  middle of the road window manager), fvwm95 looks like windows ;-(;
  wmaker (supposedly, the window manager fo the future, still lacks
  feature I have grown used to). However, this is highly subh=jective,
  and doubtless I shall be flamed ercilessly.

twm is what i'm running,do you know if fvwm2 run on 16 colors ?? i tried
fvwm95 too but it hasn't worked (i discovered the reason about 30 minutes
ago when surfing in a mass of document and config files).

   When starting, X looks for a file called .xsession (or
  .xinitrc, I forget what the default is now). I am including a copy of
  my .xsession to use as an example (do not just copy it over, I have a
  myriad of things in there that you do not need).

it will help,but it's currious i dont have any .xinitrc file on my system
and even more currious that i run the apropos command for something on
xinitrc and it didn't found a manpage for it ( i did apropos .xinitrc
apropos xinitrc and find / -name *xinitrc* ,nothing at all)

   Hope this helps. 
  Ignorance is the soil in which belief in miracles grows. Robert
  G. Ingersoll
 Manoj Srivastava  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
 cut below
 # Merge in defaults and keymaps
 umask 022
 export default_dir=${default_dir:=$HOME}
 # load common variables
 if test -f $default_dir/.bash_vars ; then
   . $default_dir/.bash_vars
 if [ ! $DISPLAY -o $DISPLAY = :0.0 ]; then
 if [ -f $sysresources ]; then
 xrdb -merge $sysresources
 if [ -f $sysmodmap ]; then
 xmodmap $sysmodmap
 if [ -f $userresources ]; then
 xrdb -merge $userresources
 if [ -f $usermodmap ]; then
 xmodmap $usermodmap
 # This is useful if you use ssh
 eval $(ssh-agent)
 ssh-add /dev/null 
 xset -c b 95 s default 
 #xwrits +frugal +iconified +clock +beep +breakclock +lock 
 #xearth -pos 42.22.41 -77.75 #-orbit 51.6 234.8
 ##xearth -label -grid -pos orbit,1,41.67 -fork
 #tvtwm -s 
 #nice xcb -l v -geometry 200x500-0+365 
 #nice sunclock -icongeometry -0+0 -iconic 
 #nice pland 
 #nice xmultibiff -mail ~/var/spool/mail/{important,admin,digital,bcast} 
 #nice xwalld 
 if [ -z $MANPATH ]; then
   MANPATH=/usr/local/man:/usr/man; export MANPATH
 # Start some shelltools and the window manager
 if test -x /usr/bin/X11/fvwm2; then
 #fvwm2 -f FvwmM4 -m4prog /usr/bin/m4 .fvwm2rc 
 elif [ -x /usr/bin/X11/fvwm ]; then
 elif [ -x /usr/bin/X11/twm ]; then
 # xkeycaps -kbd ms104 
 exec xterm -ut -T login -n login -fg Black -bg LightSteelBlue -geometry 
 80x24+10+93 -ls 

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Re: IDE CD writer

1998-04-21 Thread Ulisses Alonso Camaro


On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, XRD Lab wrote:

 I am running Debian bo (1.3). We have recently purchased a HP cd writer
 (Model 7100i, IDE interface). 

I just can say that one friend uses this (or 7200) happily under Linux
indeed he never uses it under Win95 or NT because it works very bad under
these environments (he has 32Mb and Pentium200MMX).


- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
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Comment: PGP public key avaliable at


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Re: Windoze 95 is not multi-tasking, it just pretends it is multitasking.

1998-04-21 Thread C.J.LAWSON

 I didn't know it, and I don't care.  To me, this is worthless

 This is not valuable information about debian or is it?
 I happen to have some very valuable information on how to play the
 classical guitar.  Would you like me to post that to debian-user?
 The internet is full of win9[58] babbling.  When it doesn't have any
 relation to debian, it does _not_ belong on this list.

Wait until you have to make convincing arguments to folks that are making
OS decisions. You are probably just a guy behind a box at home. whoes only
concern is to get debian to work for himself. Some of us spend time
looking for convincing arguments why Linux should be the OS of choice. ..

As for the bit about your classical guitar ... .. it closes this


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Re: syntax

1998-04-21 Thread C.L.Daugaard
On Mon, Apr 20, 1998 at 08:32:56AM -0400, Brandon Mitchell wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, C.L.Daugaard wrote:
  On Sun, Apr 19, 1998 at 09:29:33PM -0400, Brandon Mitchell wrote:
  I still get
  bash: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied
 I don't use super, but it's interesting that bash is the one complaining
 and not super.  You could make this a script and have users call the
 script from super.  Just be careful because bash is over cautious about
 suid operation and will drop is privleges if the euid != ruid.
I've also tried setting it up as a script.  Still no luck.



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Re: Fonts in X [Off Topic]

1998-04-21 Thread Daniel Mashao
On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Petra Kevin J Poorman wrote:

 On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:
 I was told that XFSTT had a new maintainer when I asked to adopt it... so
 I guess we are both to late.
Where is xfstt*.deb?

Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa(w) 27+21+650 2816   (h) 27+21+705 1233

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Re: stuck with only 1 xterm in X

1998-04-21 Thread Alain Toussaint
a last question,does it possible in X to be logged on as several user at
once (you see,have 2 xterm logged as root,one as alaint,etc...) after this
is answered,i'll keep my mouth shut except when answering question (i
found that i asked more than enough questions) ??


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Re: why?

1998-04-21 Thread C.J.LAWSON
 What? Do they forbid sending e-mail with bogus To: headers? I am once
 again baffled by the stupidity of USA laws regarding electronic

(1) Why would anyone intentionally want to send email to a bogus header?
to wreak havoc?? ... to bounce spam messages???

(2) I wish you knew how much hassle bogus headers cause on servers 


In any war, the first casualty is the truth.


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Re: stuck with only 1 xterm in X

1998-04-21 Thread Fredrik Ax
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], you wrote:

 a last question,does it possible in X to be logged on as several
 user at once (you see,have 2 xterm logged as root,one as

See man-pages for: su, rsh, rlogin, ssh 

 after this is answered,i'll keep my mouth shut except when
 answering question (i found that i asked more than enough 

You may ask as many questions as you like, but it would be better 
if you found another more appropriate forum for asking unix-newbie 
questions like the ones you have produced so far. To gain a 
little bit more experience you should also try browsing around in 
Unix related FAQs and the man-pages in section 1. It will give you
some hints about what you can do and play around with.

Good luck

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PINE Debian Package

1998-04-21 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, George Bonser wrote:

 Although the above trademark and copyright restrictions do not convey the
 right to redistribute derivative works, the University of Washington
 encourages unrestricted distribution of patch files which can be applied
 to the University of Washington Pine distribution.
 Someone in Debian saw that second paragraph and thought gee, we make a
 patch file to create our package so we must have a derivative work. 
 We have to distribute the debianization as a separate file in source form
 I think that is incorrect and I further suspect that nobody contacted to make sure.

I contacted and they really do not want binaries to be
distributed if they do not approve the patches *first*.

If we do not have the freedom to apply whatever patches we like, including
security or bug fixes, without an approval from the University of
Washington, then we will have to distribute the patches without the

I will not accept a special permission which allow us to distribute only a
certain release of pine. This is the only way to keep intact our
freedom to patch.

 Nowhere does it say in that copyright that you can not distribute a binary.

It does. A binary produced from patched sources is a derivative work.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: latin1


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [QUESTIONS] Using the same database on Linux and NT

1998-04-21 Thread The Hermit Hacker
On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Johann Spies wrote:

 I use postgresql on linux and my colleage and our office uses NT.  Is it
 possible make a postgresql-database available to the other two computers
 which does not operate on linux?

I'd say the best way is to inter-connect them using ODBC drivers
on the NT side to talk to the Linux server...

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: KDE Problem

1998-04-21 Thread Florian Attenberger

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Oz Dror wrote:

 I have installed the latest version of kde from hamm
 when I type kde
 I get the following error:
 kde: error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: __ti8QListBox
 It is clear that one of the libraries that I am using is not up to date
I had the same problem. Installing all the latest referring packages
(kde+libraries) from slink worked for me.
(But its surely not a specific solution)


florian attenberger

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [QUESTIONS] Using the same database on Linux and NT

1998-04-21 Thread Alexzander Blashko
On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Johann Spies wrote:

You can use Postgres ODBC. 

 I use postgresql on linux and my colleage and our office uses NT.  Is it
 possible make a postgresql-database available to the other two computers
 which does not operate on linux?
 Which will be the best way to do it? All three computers do have modems.
 Johann Spies
 Windsorlaan 19
 Suid Afrika (South Africa)
 Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310
 Official WWW Site:
 Online Docs  FAQ:
 Searchable Lists:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

UUCP :error with login

1998-04-21 Thread Nicolas Weinachter

When i try to connect to my server, the server doesn't send me anything.
So, my login chat script doesn't work.

Have u an idea ?

Nicolas Weinachter -- EXTERN

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: stuck with only 1 xterm in X

1998-04-21 Thread Graham Lillico +44 1785 248131
 a last question,does it possible in X to be logged on as several user at
 once (you see,have 2 xterm logged as root,one as alaint,etc...) after this
 is answered,i'll keep my mouth shut except when answering question (i
 found that i asked more than enough questions) ??

I do this quite alot, I run an xterm and then do su - username, if your not
logged in as root then you will be asked for that users password.

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

upgrade to libc6 script?

1998-04-21 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
Hello everyone,

I tried to look up the url for the autoupgrade script to libc6, but
aparently the list archives on are hosed (i.e., not
there).  Could anyone tell me where to find the most recent version of
this script?  Wouldn't it be nice to put this on the web page under

Any comments appreciated,

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Xlock with shadow passwords

1998-04-21 Thread Carroll Kong
Hey guys, I recently lot a LOT of suid bit that slaughtered a lot of
system functionality.  I reinstalled xlock via package.. or at least i thought
i did.  It has perms 2755 xlock chowned to root.shadow.  Problem is... for some
odd reason the group shadow although it has suid (s)... cannot execute for
non-root users.

(chmod 2755 xlock may be better if shadow has group read for root group)

How can I make the shadow group have read for root group?  
Thanks in advance.

Carroll Kong

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Fonts in X [Off Topic]

1998-04-21 Thread Stephen Carpenter
ahh thanx for the info
It has been on that list saying it needed a new maintainer for a while
now...oh well...
hopefully now the documentation will be fixed :)

Petra wrote:

 On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Stephen Carpenter wrote:

 I was told that XFSTT had a new maintainer when I asked to adopt it... so
 I guess we are both to late.



-=Signature has been removed because it made an unfair comparison between NT
4 and Linux =-
replacement: (ok I admit...I am bored..its a slow day at work)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$fortune -o
Anything more than 3 shakes is for fun.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: upgrade to libc6 script?

1998-04-21 Thread jdassen
On Tue, Apr 21, 1998 at 02:42:01PM +0200, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
 I tried to look up the url for the autoupgrade script to libc6, but
 aparently the list archives on are hosed (i.e., not there).
 Could anyone tell me where to find the most recent version of this script?
 Wouldn't it be nice to put this on the web page under `support'?

It's available from the Developer's Corner as ; I'm not sure if it's the latest
version though (one was posted this morning I think).

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: upgrade to libc6 script?

1998-04-21 Thread jdassen
On Tue, Apr 21, 1998 at 03:00:32PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's available from the Developer's Corner as ; I'm not sure if it's the latest
 version though (one was posted this morning I think).

OK. According to the distributed by the bot on #debian, the latest
version can always be found at and at .

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

KDE mouse-click strangeness

1998-04-21 Thread Thomas Lakofski
I've just upgraded my home system to the latest KDE available in hamm.
Most of it seems fine, except that certain elements no longer respond to
mouse clicks, or do not respond initially and can be 'coaxed' by lots of
clicking.  Unfortunately, ony of the elements which doesn't respond is the
task bar :(  (luckily alt-f1 goes some of the way).  I'm mystified.
Further detail is available, if anyone is willing to lend a hand...

thanks (many) in advance,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian list `From' line (Re: exim mutt, weird)

1998-04-21 Thread Peter S Galbraith

I have a procmail recipe to catch the Debian mailing list traffic :


It fails on mail from a few users, for which the `From' line is not
the Debian mailing list:

  Rev. Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Nils Rennebarth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Norbert Veber [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I notice that these failed messages are also all in MIME (coincidence?).
I wonder if the following quote is related to that:

  Rev. Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   This machine is  Therefore, my MTA generated From
   line is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This has started to fail recently, but a few other things have changed
also.  Instead of receiving my mail directly to my Debian box, I get it
from an NT server using fetchmail release 4.2.2 using POP3.  Is fetchmail
or the NT server changing the `From' line?

Has anyone seen this happen too?

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
 ** New E-Mail. [EMAIL PROTECTED] is cut off **

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: KDE Problem

1998-04-21 Thread Graham Lillico +44 1785 248131
 On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Oz Dror wrote:
  I have installed the latest version of kde from hamm
  when I type kde

Why are you typeing this, KDE should be started from startx or xinit (maybe
xdm/kdm even).


  I get the following error:
  kde: error in loading shared libraries
  /usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: __ti8QListBox
  It is clear that one of the libraries that I am using is not up to date
 I had the same problem. Installing all the latest referring packages
 (kde+libraries) from slink worked for me.
 (But its surely not a specific solution)
 florian attenberger
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian list `From' line (Re: exim mutt, weird)

1998-04-21 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

 I have a procmail recipe to catch the Debian mailing list traffic :

I would not trust the From line.
Why don't you just use the Resent-Sender field?

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: latin1


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

pcmcia install help

1998-04-21 Thread Michael Stutz
Now I am thoroughly confused. I installed pcmcia-cs_2.9.6-2.deb, which I
found on my Debian 1.3.1 CD, and it complained that the actual modules were
missing. The only pcmcia module package I could find on the CD were
pcmcia-modules-2.0.29_2.9.5-2.deb and pcmcia-modules-2.0.30_2.9.5-3.deb; I
tried installing both of them and it didn't work; both requires a difference
pcmcia-cs pagackage (2.9.5-2, while the one I have is 3.0.0-5). There is
also the question of whether or not it will work on this kernel, which is
2.0.32. So I went to and downloaded

Well, that package is dependent on pcmcia-cs_3.0.0-5.deb, so I downloaded
that, and then I got the error that it needed libc6.

Now, I have no idea what I should do to get Debian working. I'm ready to
conclude that you cannot install Debian on a laptop that uses a pcmcia modem
as its primary interface to the world. I would really love it if somebody
proved me wrong. 

On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Obi wrote:

  I copied minicom off another machine and tried it, and haven't gotten it to
  recognize the modem, so I figure there must be something else to it - do I
  also have to install some PCMCIA software, maybe a module?
 You need to install some pcmcia package. If I remember correctly one is
 pcmcia-cs (it contains the daemon and related stuff) and the second one is
 pcmcia-modules (are the modules compiled against the version of the kernel you
 have: check it out when you downlod it). 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian list `From' line (Re: exim mutt, weird)

1998-04-21 Thread Ben Pfaff
   I have a procmail recipe to catch the Debian mailing list traffic :


I suggest you use the X-Mailing-List header instead.  It's added by
the mailing list manager, so it gets added to every mailing list

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian list `From' line (Re: exim mutt, weird)

1998-04-21 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Tue, Apr 21, 1998 at 09:22:16AM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 I have a procmail recipe to catch the Debian mailing list traffic :
 It fails on mail from a few users, for which the `From' line is not
 the Debian mailing list:
   Rev. Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Nils Rennebarth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My procmail recipe is

* ^TOdebian-user.*

this works for all messages sent to the list.


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

Re: upgrade to libc6 script?

1998-04-21 Thread Stephen Carpenter
The one you link is the old version
It is v.23 and I elieve from what I read this morning .25 was releaces
According to the old versiont he latest version shoul dbe at:

 On Tue, Apr 21, 1998 at 02:42:01PM +0200, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
  I tried to look up the url for the autoupgrade script to libc6, but
  aparently the list archives on are hosed (i.e., not there).
  Could anyone tell me where to find the most recent version of this script?
  Wouldn't it be nice to put this on the web page under `support'?

 It's available from the Developer's Corner as ; I'm not sure if it's the latest
 version though (one was posted this morning I think).

 LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
 destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch
 it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.
 - The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-=Signature has been removed because it made an unfair comparison between NT 4
and Linux =-
replacement: (ok I admit...I am bored..its a slow day at work)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$fortune -o
Anything more than 3 shakes is for fun.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Linux as a eMail/Internet server.

1998-04-21 Thread tko
Alistair Phillips writes:
 Hi there fellow Linux fans (Debian and the like!)
 About 6 months ago I stumbled upon the greatest find of my life.  Someone
 had told me about a wonderful OS that multitasked great, handled 100's of
 users, had very little requiremets and was a all round OS for anyone.  So,
 I downloaded Debain GNU Linux and gave it a try.  I was most impressed by
 it AND by the help I got from this list.  Via this list I managed to get a
 copy of tri-linux for free (postage included to South Africa).  I now have
 a great little 386 running Debian Linux that I use to fiddle with.  I now
 consider myself quite an expert with it :)
 I am only 16 years old and do WWW site design, computer repairs and
 installations, etc...  I am currently working at a Computer Resourse
 Centre.  We have decided to get an account with the Western Cape Schools
 Network (as we are part of a school) which offers UUCP email with a domain
 (i.e [EMAIL PROTECTED]) for a negligible amount.  The software
 that they recomend for Windows will cost us a fortune.  They have not
 suggested anything else in the way of software.  I then sugested to the
 owner about Linux.  I spent the day explaining to him all about it.  He was
 very impressed and said that it would be a great option to think about...
 We have about 20 + computers ranging from P100's to P200's.  They all have
 win95 osr 1 or 2 and NE2000 compliant network cards.  The network is
 running on Windows IPX stuff.  (Totally a microsoft network).  We would
 like to have the Linux server dial up as needed to offer email (via uucp)
 and internet access (via ppp) for the pupils/customers.  I want UUCP to
 dial up on a schedule and have the ppp connection connect when needed (ie
 when Netscape for IE starts on the win95 computer)
 I was hoping that someone out there may be able to help me through this and
 give me (step my step!) instructions or better ideas on what to do.  
 I was going to create an account for all of the students on the Linux box
 and get UUCP to filter email accordingly.  Then I was going to run a pop
 server (slakware has one built in) on the Linux side and let the
 computers connect via the network to Linux with Outlook express and get
 the users email.  
 The Linux box will NOT have a direct connection to the Internet.  I have
 managed to get a PPP connection with my ISP at home with Netscape on X.
 That is as far as i have gotten!  
 I would appreciate ANY help that I can get.  I am not on this list, so
 could you please maybe email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let's see if I understand this correctly: 

ISP -- UUCP -- LINUX -- network -- win95 boxes

If the above is correct,

1) to satisfy the UUCP requirement, you will need to install the UUCP  CRON
packages (plus whatever else they may need in support)

2) to satisfy the network requirement, you will need a POP3 server (plus
whatever else it needs in support) PLUS you have to have networking installed
and configured. (ie. you can telnet to the LINUX box from a MSDOS window on a
win95 machine, ping both ways, etc.)

3) to glue it together, you will need an MTA (mail transfer agent) like

Assuming that all configuration is correct, cron will periodically start the
uucico agent. uucico will exchange mail with the ISP. When finished,
uucico will invoke uuxqt which will in turn invoke rmail. rmail is a
link to the MTA. Thus uuxqt invokes sendmail.

The typical win95 setup assumes that you are the only user of the system. So
the easiest way to glue the POP3 side is to assign accounts for each machine
on the LINUX side and let the POP3 server do it's thing. fetchmail is a
client, not a server. Try qpopper. 

Something else that you may want to consider is installing samba and using
the LINUX box as a printer server as well. 8-)

 Linux rulez

No question about that!

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

man fails -- segmentation fault

1998-04-21 Thread Jack Kern
Yesterday man failed:  e.g.,

$ man man
Segmentation fault

 (I also noted a possibly unrelated increase of about 9megs on the
 partition, for which I could not account.  Today, the disk space
 is back -- presumably cron.daily took care of this.)

I decided to try gdb for the first time, so I did a whatis gdb:

$ whatis gdb
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I tried gdb --core=./core:

$ gdb --core=./core
GDB 4.16 (i586-debian-linux), Copyright 1996 Free Software Fou...
Core was generated by `whatis mandb'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x4000f6f4 in ?? ()

Perhaps gdb could provide more information if I had any idea about how
to use it.  Of course man gbd is of no use  :)  ; info gdb was better
but I really did not understand it:

$ gdb /usr/bin/man
(no debugging symbols found)...

So, how do I get my man back?  (Please, no jokes about Country and
Western song titles -- my wife has already covered that ground)?

I am using Debian GNU Linux 1.3:

$ uname -a
Linux ludd 2.0.30 #1 Mon Mar 9 00:41:12 AST 1998 i386 unknown

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Jack Kern   Yarmouth, Nova Scotia   Debian GNU/Linux i386

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Video Modes in X

1998-04-21 Thread Charles Briscoe-Smith
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:

I am trying to get my X running 1152x862 at 16 bpp - Vertical scan = 60Hz,
Horizontal Scan = 56Hz.

The only hastle is that there is no modeline for this in my XF86Config,
and I don't know how to write one.

If you are your monitor are feeling lucky, you could try this one, which
I cobbled together some time ago; it works for me.  You'll probably have
to adjust it with xvidtune.

Modeline  1152x864   80.00 1152 1225 1275 1488 864 864 872 895

I'd suggest you read /usr/doc/X11/VideoModes.doc, in which Eric Raymond
describes exactly how modelines work.


Charles Briscoe-Smith
White pages entry, with PGP key: URL:
PGP public keyprint: 74 68 AB 2E 1C 60 22 94  B8 21 2D 01 DE 66 13 E2

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: UUCP :error with login

1998-04-21 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Apr 21, 1998 at 02:21:27PM +0200, Nicolas Weinachter wrote:
 When i try to connect to my server, the server doesn't send me anything.
 So, my login chat script doesn't work.

I think more details are required. Firstly, is the server under your
control? Are you trying to UUCP over direct modem dialup, or over TCP/IP,
and if TCP, using the UUCP port or via telnet? What happens if you make
the connect by hand with minicom or telnet as appropriate?

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problem with NE2000 Card not working after kernel compile.

1998-04-21 Thread Vaibhav Goel


I have had this problem for quite a while and am completely lost as to
what to do to fix it.  I have had this problem with both Debian 1.3.1 and
Debian 2.0 unstable/frozen.  Basically, I install Debian from scratch on
my system.  During the install process autoprobe for ne2000 card, it
cannot come back with the io address (0x300) so I manually specify
io=0x300.  The system installs fine and the network card works just fine.
Now I download the latest kernel source code (2.0.33 or 2.1.x) and try and
compile the kernel.  I have tried both without modules and with module
support.  The card is on IRQ10.  The card seems to be autodetected
properly during the bootup sequence with the new kernel but it does not
seem to work once the bootup is done.  I get 2 SIOADDCRT: invalid device
messages.  Upon exploring around, I see that these messages are being
caused when the file /etc/init.d/network is run

the 2 lines are:

route add -net ${NETWORK}
[ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

Please note that this SAME /etc/init.d/network file works just fine with
the kernel installed by the Debian install process (which in my case at
the present moment is 2.0.32 that comes with 2.0 frozen).

I do not have any free IRQs left to try my ne2000 card unfortunately.
I was wondering if someone could provide me with some help on this

Thanks in advance,

Vaibhav Goel

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian list `From' line (Re: exim mutt, weird)

1998-04-21 Thread Stephen Carpenter
I used to use that also but a number of them got through
I don't think that handles cc: to the list

Nils Rennebarth wrote:

 On Tue, Apr 21, 1998 at 09:22:16AM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
  I have a procmail recipe to catch the Debian mailing list traffic :
  It fails on mail from a few users, for which the `From' line is not
  the Debian mailing list:
Rev. Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nils Rennebarth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 My procmail recipe is

 * ^TOdebian-user.*

 this works for all messages sent to the list.


 | Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   
 | Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 
 | WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  
 * Wworking today and rise on easter? 


Part 1.2   Type: application/pgp-signature

-=Signature has been removed because it made an unfair comparison between NT 4 
Linux =-
replacement: (ok I admit...I am bored..its a slow day at work)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$fortune -o
Anything more than 3 shakes is for fun.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: man fails -- segmentation fault

1998-04-21 Thread jdassen
On Tue, Apr 21, 1998 at 11:09:00AM -0300, Jack Kern wrote:
 Yesterday man failed:  e.g.,
   $ man man
   Segmentation fault

Looks like man's database is corrupt. mandb --create ought to fix this.

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem with NE2000 Card not working after kernel compile.

1998-04-21 Thread Ben Pfaff
   messages.  Upon exploring around, I see that these messages are being
   caused when the file /etc/init.d/network is run

   the 2 lines are:

   route add -net ${NETWORK}
   [ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

You also need an ifconfig command.  See the ifconfig man page for

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problem with NE2000 Card not working after kernel compile.

1998-04-21 Thread Vaibhav Goel
I do have that in the is what it looks like:

ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}

its basically the default nework file that comes with debian...i do have
all the variables defined.


On 21 Apr 1998, Ben Pfaff wrote:

messages.  Upon exploring around, I see that these messages are being
caused when the file /etc/init.d/network is run
the 2 lines are:
route add -net ${NETWORK}
[ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1
 You also need an ifconfig command.  See the ifconfig man page for

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: KDE Problem

1998-04-21 Thread Erv Walter
In article 0847151421041998/A06349/GCSSTF/[EMAIL PROTECTED] you wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Oz Dror wrote:
  I have installed the latest version of kde from hamm
  when I type kde

 Why are you typeing this, KDE should be started from startx or xinit (maybe
 xdm/kdm even).

Maybe he, like me, decided that a good way to test new window
managers/desktop environments is to have .xinitrc start an xterm.
Then you type kde or startkde or even better the individual commands
found in startkde.  This way, I see exactly where problems occur (KDE
is still beta of course).


Graduate Student[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Borg Assimilation is the Best Cure for the Common Man.
 -- tagline 1.00 by xopy

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Re: pcmcia install help

1998-04-21 Thread Ian Stuart
Michael Stutz wrote:
 Now, I have no idea what I should do to get Debian working. I'm ready to
 conclude that you cannot install Debian on a laptop that uses a pcmcia modem
 as its primary interface to the world. I would really love it if somebody
 proved me wrong.
Not sure about the modem part, however the PCMCIA part works - I use a
laptop with a PCMCIA ethernet adapter.

To install the PCMCIA stuff, we (several people were involved in this
one ;) compiles the source code and made sure the resultant modules
ended up in the right place

Ian Stuart
Medicine  Veterinary Medicine Computing Support
The University of Edinburgh

LandRovers - a 50-year-old stop-gap that has become the most successful 
 4x4 production vehicle in the world.

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Re: I have a pppd connection problem.

1998-04-21 Thread Carlos Barros
On Mon, 20 Apr 1998, Szomor Attila wrote:

   --ppp not replacing existing default route to eth0[]
   --Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP
   I do not have idea what is a solution if you know it please send me an
 asyncmap 0

Try adding defaultroute to this file.

Carlos Barros.

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Re: Debian list `From' line (Re: exim mutt, weird)

1998-04-21 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Santiago Vila Doncel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
  I have a procmail recipe to catch the Debian mailing list traffic :
 I would not trust the From line.
 Why don't you just use the Resent-Sender field?

This works mostly, but again a few people have a Resent-Sender added
to their mail before it goes to the listserver, and they then slip
through.  I've found the X-Mailing-List header to be the most reliable
way of sorting.  (Of course, if debian's listserv added a received:
header that told for whom the message was received, I might key off
that as I do for some non-debian lists).

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PDF and Linux

1998-04-21 Thread Leonardo Ruoso
How can I print PDF collor files to a linotronic 530 Image Setter with
command line.

Yeah... there are a few questions inside this...

where can i find the linotronic 350 drivers for linux;

how can i print CMYK separations from adobe acrobat reader or other;

how can i do all this with no user interacting;

In fact I want any agency send me an AD by FTP, when the file finish
arriving an script runs, convert the PDF file to the correspondent PS
File (my Image Setter - RIP) and copy it to the NW directory where the
iamge setter looks for new jobs. Its appear easy to do... ah... i need
to setup a ANSI BBS to allow people using only hyperterm to send their
files also, to do the same...


Leonardo Ruoso

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Re: possible intrusion in my box ??????

1998-04-21 Thread Paul Rightley

On 14-Apr-98 Ossama Othman wrote:
 On the systems that I run, I have disabled all incoming telnets, ftps, 
 rsh/rlogin/rexec/etc, finger, rusers, ident, etc.  The only way in is via
 Secure Shell.  Note that outgoing telnets and ftps would still work.  If

I already use ssh, but would like to exclude access by other means just
as you describe.  How do I go about doing this?  Is there a good place
to read about such methods?

Thanks for any assistance,


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1998-04-21 Thread Leonardo Ruoso
Can someone tells me about some apps thats do the work of Corel Draw in
Linux, Like Corel Draw? O heard about GIMP that can substitute Corel
PhotoPaint and Photoshop! And about substitute Corel Ventura, Adobe
Pagemaker or QuarkXpress?

I don't know if I am just wondering... but its possible I know...

My problems all are simple to undertend.. as I work to a medium
Newspaper ( I have to solve some problems like
machines to slow with Corel Draw 7, QXpress 3.32, Photoshop 4 and
reinstalling it every day... There are 300 machines here... what i want
is reduci the reinstall... increase performance...

I use PCS with Windows 95 and 3.11. I am interested in migrating to
Linux... but I need this... and I don't have how to ask boss to develop


Leonardo Ruoso

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1998-04-21 Thread Ben Pfaff
   Can someone tells me about some apps thats do the work of Corel Draw in
   Linux, Like Corel Draw? O heard about GIMP that can substitute Corel
   PhotoPaint and Photoshop! And about substitute Corel Ventura, Adobe
   Pagemaker or QuarkXpress?

xfig might fit your needs for a Corel Draw-like program.  There is
currently no suitable substitute for PageMaker.  However, there is a
project called GLUe that is working on one.  Their home page is at  Currently the program is
rather primitive; I don't know if it's at all usable.

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