Debian 2.0 ha sido publicada!!!

1998-07-24 Thread Enrique Zanardi

  Debian GNU/Linux
  Publicación de Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 'Hamm'
  24 de Julio de 1998

Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 'Hamm' ha sido oficialmente publicada para las 
arquitecturas i386 y m68K.

Se puede obtener la distribución de diferentes modos:

CD-ROM: (lista de distribuidores)
CD Images:

Debian 2.0 marca el paso de la antigua libc5 a la nueva libc6. Contiene más
de 1500 paquetes binarios precompilados, contribuidos por más de 400
desarrolladores, incluyendo todos los favoritos: servidores de web, GIMP,
gcc, egcs, XFree86, servidores SQL y otras muchas herramientas y utilidades.

El poderoso gestor de paquetes de Debian 'dpkg' permite instalación sencilla,
mantenimiento y actualización de paquetes incluyendo un sofisticado manejo de
dependencias y configuraciones. Los paquetes de otras distribuciones pueden
instalarse fácilmente usando la utilidad 'alien'.

Las distribuciones Debian en desarrollo para Alpha, Sparc y PowerPC también
se encuentran disponibles en el árbol de directorios unstable (inestable) 
del servidor FTP. Su publicación se producirá seguramente con Debian 2.1

 ¿Por qué Debian GNU/Linux?

 o Debian es 100% Software libre. Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a que Linux 
   se mantenga libre
 o Más de 1500 paquetes de software precompilados. 
 o Más de 400 desarrolladores. La plantilla más grande de todas las 
   distribuciones de Linux.
 o El mayor programa de pruebas pre-publicación del mundo Linux.
 o Soporte en línea y sin costo, proporcionado por nuestra extensa
   y amigable comunidad de usuarios en la lista de correo debian-user, 
   debian-user-spanish y en los foros de IRC.
 o Instalación sin disquetes directamente desde el CD, instalación
   con un sólo disquete utilizando NFS o disco duro.
 o Actualización automática a través de CD, FTP, NFS, disco, o disquetes.
 o Nuestro sistema de seguimiento de `bugs' es accesible públicamente en 
   nuestro servidor de web, y alentamos a los usuarios a que accedan al
   sistema y proporcionen información.
 o Cualquiera puede duplicar y vender nuestro CD oficial, sin ninguna
   retribución para nosotros.
 o Compatible con los paquetes RPM y Slackware.

 Información de Actualización

Para evitar problemas al actualizar paquetes via dpkg, dselect o dftp
(debidos a posibles conflictos causados por libc5/libc6), se recomienda
seguir el siguiente procedimiento. Este documento se puede encontrar en:

Hay varios métodos de actualizar una versión anterior:

  Este es un guión (script) que actualizará los programas
  en el orden correcto, incluso trayéndose los debs que hagan falta.
  Debido a los cambios que se pueden producir en el archivo, se
  suministra un archivo tar conteniendo los paquetes que estaban
  disponibles cuando se publicó la última versión de
  Este archivo debe encontrarse en la sección para desarrolladores
  (developers corner) de las páginas web de Debian, pero las versiones 
  más nuevas están en:
   2) apt-get
  Esta es la herramienta de linea de órdenes que forma
  parte del futuro gestor de paquetes de Debian. Sabe como ordenar los
  paquetes y se los puede traer de un archivo local, servidores http
  y ftp. Es capaz de unir la información de varios sitios, así que
  el usuario puede usar su CD, una réplica actualizada, y un sitio
  non-us para combinar de forma ideal rapidez, variedad y las versiones 
  más actuales.
  Simplemente ejecute 'apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade'.
  La versión para 'Bo' está en:
  La versión para 'Hamm' está en project/experimental.
   3) Hacerlo a mano. 
Hay un como (howto) en:
  pero simplemente lo automatiza, así que la mayoría de los
  usarios no querrán seguir esta opción.

 Sobre Debian
Debian GNU/Linux es una distribución libre del sistema operativo Linux.
Es mantenida y actualizada mediante el trabajo de muchos usuarios que ofrecen
su tiempo y esfuerzo voluntariamente.
 Información de Contacto
Para más información, por favor dirígase por correo electrónico a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] o visite la página de Debian en

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP 

Menus en AfterStep

1998-07-24 Thread J. Parera
 utilizo AfterStep 1.4 (creo recordar) y Debian 1.3.1. En ella hay la
utilidad menu que sirve para actualizar los menus de los gestores de
ventanas (o eso tengo entendido) el problema es que a mi no me funciona.

Alguien puede explicarme un poco que es lo que debo hacer para actualizar
los menus? Tambien he oido sobre una utilidad propia del AfterStep pero no
la he encontrado por ninguna parte.

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

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Suite ofimática

1998-07-24 Thread J. Parera
 utilizando Debian 1.3.1 que me recomiendan:

Corel Office

Que es mejor? Busco algo que no me de problemas con los acentos ni problemas
con el teclado español.

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

 lo que sea pero que no pase de 8000 pts :-)

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Hora en pgp

1998-07-24 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso
Ahora son las 19:06 del 24/7/98 en Madrid, cuando ejecuto pgp me sale:

Hora actual: 1998/07/24 17:06 GMT

Efectivamente (o eso creo :-) ) estamos, por el horario de verano, 2 horas
adelantados a la hora solar (¿=GMT?), pero.¿debo dejar la hora del pgp como 
o debo cambiarla para que se ajuste a la hora 'legal'?
 _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ ( @ @ )
_/ _/ _/  _/ _/   +-ºoO(_)Ooº-+
   _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/|   |
  _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/ |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
 _/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  +---+

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Re: Hora en pgp

1998-07-24 Thread Alex Maneu i Victòria

La hora GMT es la hora Greenwich Meridian Time, que es la hora que tienen en el
meridiano de Greenwich. La hora buena es la GMT+01.

Ignacio J. Alonso wrote:
 Ahora son las 19:06 del 24/7/98 en Madrid, cuando ejecuto pgp me sale:
 Hora actual: 1998/07/24 17:06 GMT
 Efectivamente (o eso creo :-) ) estamos, por el horario de verano, 2 horas
 adelantados a la hora solar (¿=GMT?), pero.¿debo dejar la hora del pgp 
 como esta
 o debo cambiarla para que se ajuste a la hora 'legal'?
  _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ ( @ @ )
 _/ _/ _/  _/ _/   +-ºoO(_)Ooº-+
_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/|   |
   _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/ |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
  _/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  +---+
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Alexandre Maneu i Victòria

 MAN Soft® Magazine

 ICQ UIN: 12433233
 Phone: +34 93 296 77 92
 Fax: +34 93 296 77 92


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Hora en pgp

1998-07-24 Thread Luis Francisco Gonzalez
Alex Maneu i Victòria decía:
 La hora GMT es la hora Greenwich Meridian Time, que es la hora que tienen en 
 meridiano de Greenwich. La hora buena es la GMT+01.
+2 en verano.


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Re: Hora en pgp

1998-07-24 Thread Alex Maneu i Victòria
Es verdad no me acordaba :)

Luis Francisco Gonzalez wrote:
 Alex Maneu i Victòria decía:
  La hora GMT es la hora Greenwich Meridian Time, que es la hora que tienen 
  en el
  meridiano de Greenwich. La hora buena es la GMT+01.
 +2 en verano.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Alexandre Maneu i Victòria

 MAN Soft® Magazine

 ICQ UIN: 12433233
 Phone: +34 93 296 77 92
 Fax: +34 93 296 77 92


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Porblemas con cron

1998-07-24 Thread J. Parera
 ayer desinstalé, con dpkg -r, el uucp. Pués no lo utilizaba y solo me
molestaba con mensajes hacia el root.

El problema es que ahora, a partir de este cambio (que no sé si tiene nada
que ver), el cron no funciona:

al ejecutar, por ejemplo, cron root da un error (ver attachments)
al apagar la máquina se cuelga al intentar matar al cron (no siempre)

Cómo soluciono tal problema?

Adjunto el error que me da el cron, el archivo al que hace referencia
(/var/run/ y un ps -aux.

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Compra de Debian 2.0

1998-07-24 Thread J. Parera
 como ya ha salido la hamm he empezado a buscar en varios distribuidores a
ver que ofertas tenian y la que más me ha interesado (por recomendación) a
sido la siguiente:;;31

Catalog No.: 0070010280
Publisher: CheapBytes  CheapBytes Debian 2.0 Official CD w/3 CD Archive
Our Price: $6.99
 For Debian fans, you get the Debian 2.0 Official Binary CD-ROM and our
CheapBytes 3 CD-ROM Linux Archive Set.
Expected shipping date is the week of August 10.

 4 CD

Me la recomiendan o es mejor que elija otra? Esta sale a $6.99 + $8 de

Y si me la recomiendan, tardará mucho en llegar desde USA? Es fiable?

Esta distribución incluye el CD oficial + 3 CD extra, los extra estan en
formato deb?

Un saludo,
  J. Parera

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Re: Linus Torvalds interview

1998-07-24 Thread Adrian Bridgett
On Thu, Jul 23, 1998 at 02:12:44AM +0800, Richard L. Alhama wrote:
 On Wed, 22 Jul 1998, Adrian Bridgett wrote:
  On Tue, Jul 21, 1998 at 04:19:17PM -0700, Keith Beattie wrote:
  If that's the one I've seen it is well worth reading.  Linux has his head
 Linux the OS or Linus the person?  Do you mean that what LT says goes for
 the linux community as well?

Oops :-)  No - but he generally behaves responsibly by avoiding flame-wars
(apart from his recent KDE comment where he seemed to mess up on the license
issues :-( )

  screwed on right (apart from the I don't think Microsoft is an evil
  company bit which I completely disagree with vbg).
 I do agree with him (Linus Torvalds) when he said that M$ only makes
 crappy OS's.  The apps are great 'cept for Office 97 but not their
 compilers. Sheesshh, I hate all those M$ Visual compilers, Visual J++,
 Visual anything, Visual anycrap.

Yeah - at work we check for a environment variable to see if we want to run
a program under the debugger (Englishfied code) :

#if OS2
#define debug start /c  debugenv
#if UNIX 
#define debug debugenv  
#if NT
#define debug echo Crappy Visual C won't let us start a program \
   and there's no way I'm going to DDE it


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Re: Official 2.0 CD's available Friday??

1998-07-24 Thread Martin Schulze
Young, Ed writes:
 I received an email from one of the CD vendors on the Debian distribution
 network ( that the Official 2.0 CD's will ship Friday, July

Friday is July, 24th
Thursday is July, 23rd

 Is this correct? Does this mean that Hamm (2.0) has gone from beta to full

It will be released in 10 minutes.  Party on on #Debian.

 I've been folowing this list and the announce list and haven't seen anything
 about the 2.0 moving from beta to full release ('0fficial 2.0'). 

Check out the archives of debian-devel at

 Have I missed something? 

I think so.



*** Fatal Error: Found [MS-Windows], repartitioning Disk for Linux ...

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elm still no signature file working

1998-07-24 Thread Keith
I edited my ~/.elm/elmrc file by uncommenting out the 
these two lines:

# local .signature file to append to appropriate messages...
localsignature = .signature

# remote .signature file to append to appropriate messages...
remotesignature = .signature

And I made a .signature file and put it in my ~/.elm/elmrc 
directory. But when I try and send mail it doesn't work.
The mail isn't even sending. But I have been having problems
with my smtp server acting up today.

If anyone can tell me what I am doing wrong I would appreciate it.


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Time is still not right.

1998-07-24 Thread Keith
My time is still not right.

My hardware clock is right if I type clock this is what
I get:

debian# clock
Thu Jul 23 20:07:06 1998
If I type date this is what I get

debian# date
Thu Jul 23 16:07:40 EDT 1998

I don't know what the lines are for, but I want my linux
time to say what the hardware clock says. I thought that
maybe my timezone was wrong, here is what my timezone file has
in it:


I live in Florida Eastern time zone -5:00 GMT.

I need some more help with this problem. 


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Re: Time is still not right.

1998-07-24 Thread Bob Nielsen
'man tzconfig' should explain it for you.

On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Keith wrote:

 My time is still not right.
 My hardware clock is right if I type clock this is what
 I get:
 debian# clock
 Thu Jul 23 20:07:06 1998
 If I type date this is what I get
 debian# date
 Thu Jul 23 16:07:40 EDT 1998
 I don't know what the lines are for, but I want my linux
 time to say what the hardware clock says. I thought that
 maybe my timezone was wrong, here is what my timezone file has
 in it:
 I live in Florida Eastern time zone -5:00 GMT.
 I need some more help with this problem. 
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Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: good digital clock for x?

1998-07-24 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, Jul 21, 1998 at 09:21:56PM -0500, the lone gunman wrote:

 Hello -- are there any deb packages that have a digital clock that I can
 swallow in an x module (specifically, FvwmButtons)? I'd prefer one that
 does military time, and perhaps the date, too :)

Try asclock, debian://slink/main/binary-i386/x11/asclock*.deb, replace
debian:// with the partial URL to your favorite Debian mirror, up to the
dists directory.

Or look in for WindowMaker Apps, and look for
wmtime. It has a *really* nice analog clock.


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trn newsreader

1998-07-24 Thread Keith
Thank God, my signature is finally working. 

Anyways, I am trying get the trn newsreader working.
Actually it works fine, I just need help customizing it.
In the /usr/doc/news/trn-hints file it talks about setting
up a ~/.trninit file. It says to set an environment variable,
how do I do that? 
Here is what the file says:

You can specify trn environment variables in an initialization file with all
the options.  See the first hint for details on that.  Certain environment
variables, like RNINIT, must be set in your shell (how else does trn know
to look there for the rest?).  Others, like REPLYTO may be useful in other
programs, so you could consider putting that in your shell startup file too.
But most of them are specific, like MAILHEADER, so you might as well set them
in the init file with the -E option.  That's why most of them look like
-EMAILHEADER=xx rather than MAILHEADER=xx -- to remind you.

Helpful hints:
  o You can make a file that contains all the flags and initialization that
trn will use at startup.  When you're done, point an environment variable
TRNINIT to the file.  A good choice is TRNINIT=~/.trninit.  You can put
multiple lines in this init file and/or separate options by spaces.

If someone has a .trninit file I could look
at I would really appreciate it. 


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Re: elm still no signature file working

1998-07-24 Thread Jack Kern
On Thu, Jul 23, 1998 at 08:00:56PM -0400, Keith wrote:
 I edited my ~/.elm/elmrc file by uncommenting out the 
 these two lines:
 # local .signature file to append to appropriate messages...
 localsignature = .signature
 # remote .signature file to append to appropriate messages...
 remotesignature = .signature
 And I made a .signature file and put it in my ~/.elm/elmrc 
 directory. But when I try and send mail it doesn't work.

I believe that the default .signature file should be in your $HOME
directory -- not in ~/.elm/ -- unless it may be specified otherwise in

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Jack Kern   Yarmouth, Nova Scotia   Debian GNU/Linux 

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more questions about time

1998-07-24 Thread Keith
I finally have my time right on my Linux box. I ran tzconfig
and set the timezone to GMT+0. I don't understand why this is 
the way I had to get it to work. My other Linux machine is set
to EST5EDT and the time is right. What is the deal?
EST5EDT is my time zone.

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Re: Lan Tcp/ip Question

1998-07-24 Thread Tomt
At 08:52 PM 7/23/1998 +1000, you wrote:
 It may be useful for you to assign the NIC's address to something
 other than 0x300. A lot of different (very different even!) cards try
 to use 0x300 (sound cards, primarily).
 Theres a sound card in the machine but its sitting on 0x330
 Also you may want to try pinging the machine's own address on the
 ethernet. See what that produces. Aside from that I can't help you
 Works.  Both machines can ping themselves but not each other.
check that you don't have an irq conflict with the ethernet card.
i've had enough irq conflicts with network cards for that to be the
first thing i check when i get a system which can send but not receive
I'll check that but I'm nearly 100% sure that there isn't a conflict.


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linux on a gateway laptop

1998-07-24 Thread Seth M. Landsman
So I have this shiny new laptop running Linux flawlessly (X,
pcmcia, cdrom, everything), but I can't get sound configured.  Might
someone have had experience getting sound working on a Gateway 2300 series
laptop who might be able to lend a clue?


It is by will alone I set my mind in motion

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printing 2.0 beta

1998-07-24 Thread Richard Sevenich
I just installed 2.0 Beta from CD ROM. I cannot print via the local
parallel port. Printer works in that other OS - so hardware is OK. I
must have gone astray somewhere in the install.
lpr filename - produces no printer activity, but does queue file.
cat filename  /dev/lp1 - produces message
/dev/lp1: Device not configured.
dmesg reports
lp: Driver configured but no interfaces found.
There is a recognized iomega parallel port zip attached.
I had this working under 1.3 R6.

Any hints would be much appreciated.

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Re: Fvwm2 and Debian menu

1998-07-24 Thread Daniel Martin at cush
Curt Daugaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I like the design of the Debian menu package, and I'm trying to
 follow the docs to get auto-updating of menus under X, but I seem
 to have hit a roadblock.
 I use Fvwm2, and according to the comments in system.fvwm2rc
 and the Fvwm2 docs--in the Debian package, compliant with the
 menu package--FvwmButtons (formerly Good Stuff) is set
 up so that the user can easily override the defaults.  But it
 looks like the menudefs.hook, autogenerated by the menu-package,
 is determined to invoke DebianFvwmButtons, which stubbornly
 overrides any configuration the user attempts.

Well, you don't have to start your FvwmButtons from the menu - you can 
just start it automatically (assuming you always want it to be there); 
on one account on my machine, this is done by putting all the
customization into post.hook and a call to 'Module FvwmButtons' in

If, however, you want it in the menu you can always put it in yourself
with an AddToMenu command in post.hook; modifying the menu entry
itself (by changing /usr/lib/menu/fvwm2) gets wiped by a new fvwm2.
This has the problem that the DebianFvwmButtons is still there...

The best solution is probably to use 
DestroyModuleConfig DebianFvwmButtons
in post.hook and then listing the entries one wants.

Of course, since this command exists, one wonders why the author of
the fvwm2 config used DebianFvwmButtons to begin with...

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Re: more questions about time

1998-07-24 Thread Colin Telmer
On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Keith wrote:

 I finally have my time right on my Linux box. I ran tzconfig
 and set the timezone to GMT+0. I don't understand why this is 
 the way I had to get it to work. My other Linux machine is set
 to EST5EDT and the time is right. What is the deal?
 EST5EDT is my time zone.

I think it is that your other machines have the hardware clock set to GMT
whereas the hardware clock in this machine is set to EDT. If you reboot
your machine and jump into the cmos configuration (or whatever it is that
you can get into by usually pressing del during the boot) and change the
hardware clock to GMT then you can have the timezone set to EST5EDT. Note
that this is the way that unix boxes usually run so that they can figure
out when to automatically kick in daylight savings if that is applicable
to where you live. Some of the above might be a little off, but the jist
of it is correct. Cheers.

Colin Telmer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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Re: Keeping Machine Up - Advice Needed

1998-07-24 Thread Raymond A. Ingles

On 19 Jul 1998, Carl Johnson wrote:
 If I have a momentary power flicker, the odds are
 fairly good that the modem will be completely locked up.  The only fix
 is to unplug the modem for a few seconds, and it will then come up
 fine.  This wouldn't be a problem if I had a UPS, but it seems a
 little ridiculous to buy a UPS just for a modem.

 If you have power glitches sufficient to mess up your modem, it's likely
to also stress the workstation, too, particularly the drives. If your
power quality's that bad, you may have brownouts you don't notice and
such. All of this reduces the life of your equipment. I'd recommend a UPS
that has some power conditioning. They're getting fairly cheap now.


 Ray Ingles  (248) 377-7735   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Anagrams of FANUC Robotics:

 baton of circus   curb not fiasco   crab of suction   count for basic
 stoic cobra fun   torn cubic oafs   surf in tobacco   of arctic bonus
   so count fabric   brain of stucco

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Re: mt and Colorado Jumbo 250 problems

1998-07-24 Thread Raymond A. Ingles
On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, Will Lowe wrote:

 I'm trying to use mt to move a tape in my Colorado Jumbo 250 so that I can
 put an archive behind the one already on the tape ... I'm using 
 mt -f /dev/ftape fsf 1
 where /dev/ftape is a symlink to /dev/rft0.  I know the link works ok,
 because I use it with tar.

 Well, that's not quite the device you want to use anyway. If you're
trying to position the tape, you need to use /dev/nrft0. This is the
non-rewinding device. When you use /dev/rft0, it rewinds after every

 I'm getting 
 mt: /dev/ftape: Input/output error
 and the tape isn't moving.  Any ideas?

 It may be that ftape realizes you're trying to use the wrong device, but
I'd hope it would give a more reasonable error message. Try /dev/nrft0 and
see how it works.


 Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Anagrams of digital_nervous_system, Microsoft's new slogan:

smutty_derisive_slogan   glossy_derisive_mutant   gaudy_violent_mistress
admit_ourselves_stingy   survey_longtime_sadist   vulgar_sedition_system   
lying_devious_mattress   reveal_stud_misogynist   smudgy_television_tsar
sly_devious_smattering   stodgy_virtual_nemesis   molest_industry_visage

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Re: printing 2.0 beta

1998-07-24 Thread Erv Walter
Richard Sevenich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   lpr filename - produces no printer activity, but does queue file.
   cat filename  /dev/lp1 - produces message
   /dev/lp1: Device not configured.
   dmesg reports
   lp: Driver configured but no interfaces found.

The kernel is not initializing your parallel port.

   There is a recognized iomega parallel port zip attached.

The kernel is initializing your zip drive?  You say these worked in
1.3, but had you compiled your own kernel back then?  a zip drive and
a printer can not be used at the same time with stock kernel.  It
requires one of the following solutions:

1) install the parport kernel patch (search and
recompile a custom kernel.  I don't think the debian kernel has this
addon installed by default.  It allows you to share the parallel port
between many devices.

2) Use modules for lp and ppa.  They can't bothe be loaded at the same 
time without the above parport patch to the kernel so you have to swap 
them in an out:
   a) Do it by hand everytime you want to switch from using your zip
  drive to your printer and vice versa (painfully)
   b) Don't load either at startup (check /etc/modules)
  and let kerneld load them only when they are
  needed automatically.  Each will be unloaded about 60 seconds
  after you stop using it.  Still can't use them both at the same
  time without the parport patch, but swapping is automatic this way.


Graduate Student[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Chemistry   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Univ of Wisconsin-Madison   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   PGP Public Key: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* - Tribble ,*, - Tribble with legs showing
 -- tagline 1.00 by xopy

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Re: Time is still not right.

1998-07-24 Thread Oliver Elphick
Keith wrote:
  My time is still not right.
  My hardware clock is right if I type clock this is what
  I get:
  debian# clock
  Thu Jul 23 20:07:06 1998
  If I type date this is what I get
  debian# date
  Thu Jul 23 16:07:40 EDT 1998
  I don't know what the lines are for, but I want my linux
  time to say what the hardware clock says. I thought that
  maybe my timezone was wrong, here is what my timezone file has
  in it:
  I live in Florida Eastern time zone -5:00 GMT.
  I need some more help with this problem. 

Your hardware clock should be set to UTC (Greenwich time).  Your timezone
is then applied to get your local time, which is what date reports.

They should not be the same, except in Britain and countries in the GMT 
timezone, and then only in winter -- oh yes, and Western Europe in summer.

I believe this can be a problem if you run Microsoft software too, because
they don't do it right.

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a
  man soweth, that shall he also reap.   
   Galatians 6:7 

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Re: trn newsreader

1998-07-24 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
Thank God, my signature is finally working. 

Anyways, I am trying get the trn newsreader working.
Actually it works fine, I just need help customizing it.
In the /usr/doc/news/trn-hints file it talks about setting
up a ~/.trninit file. It says to set an environment variable,
how do I do that? 

I have the following .trninit file:
-EMAILPOSTER=comp -use -file %h
-EFORWARDPOSTER=comp -use -file %h

This uses mh as my mailer, you may not want to do this.

You need to setup the TRNINIT environment variable. How you
do this depends on what shell you have, but I use:

export TRNINIT=~/.trninit

in my .zshenv file. If you use bash, I think you would need to
insert the same line into ~/.bashrc

Hope this helps.

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Diff bet. may '98 hamm and official hamm

1998-07-24 Thread Richard Alhama
I've upgraded my debian box from 1.3 to unstable in May 98.  And I also
have some packages from slink.

Now my question is:

What packages has been changed from May '98 hamm(unstable) to offical
Debian GNU/Linux 2.0?

Do I have to buy the CD's or stick with my setup?

  /\  Richard L. Alhama, Technical Support
  / \--,
.o` /=
 ,,'' \/  Cyberspace Laoag,ISP
Overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood! --The Jargon File

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Kernel Compilation Filesystem Configuration

1998-07-24 Thread Michael Ziller
I'm having trouble compiling the kernel with support for MSDOS, VFAT, 
and ISO9660 filesystems. I used 'make xconfig', however the check boxes to
select these options are greyed out.  Other filesystems such as EXT2 and NFS
aren't disabled...

Is there anything else I have to do to enable these filesystems in xconfig?

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Re: Kernel Compilation Filesystem Configuration

1998-07-24 Thread Oliver Elphick
Michael Ziller wrote:
  I'm having trouble compiling the kernel with support for MSDOS, VFAT, 
  and ISO9660 filesystems. I used 'make xconfig', however the check boxes to
  select these options are greyed out.  Other filesystems such as EXT2 and NFS
  aren't disabled...
  Is there anything else I have to do to enable these filesystems in xconfig?

Enable 'Native language support' (CONFIG_NLS)

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a
  man soweth, that shall he also reap.   
   Galatians 6:7 

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Re: How to change IRQ on NIC?

1998-07-24 Thread Michael Beattie
On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Kent West wrote:

 Excellent! That did it.
 FYI, I couldn't just change the config; I had to remove the module and then
 add it right back in, changing the parameters at that point.
 One more question; after making a change like that, can you get the system
 to see the change without rebooting? I suspect you can, but I don't know
 how, so I just rebooted, which worked fine. But I'd like to know for future
 Thanks again!

I believe that the simple adding of the module solved that problem, the
device should work straight away.

another way to change the config, change the /etc/modules file... i.e.:

ne io=0x300 irq=15

stuff like that... whats in it now should help you. (thats if you need to
change anything... use rmmod then insmod - /etc/modules is used on
bootup, (comments? am I right?) so you need the parameters with insmod)

Hey, Im only getting out of newbie stage... If I am wrong, PLEASE correct
me... I dont want a `rm -rf /` situation. :)

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people
  very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

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Re: Diff bet. may '98 hamm and official hamm

1998-07-24 Thread Frank Barknecht
Richard Alhama hat gesagt: // Richard Alhama wrote:

 I've upgraded my debian box from 1.3 to unstable in May 98.  And I also
 have some packages from slink.
 Now my question is:
 What packages has been changed from May '98 hamm(unstable) to offical
 Debian GNU/Linux 2.0?
 Do I have to buy the CD's or stick with my setup?

I think there have been a lot of changes since may. For example the XFree
packages have undergone big changes with high urgency. To see what has changed
point dselect to your nearest debian-ftp-server and get the latest
Packages.gz's. You don't have to grab the packages themselves just look what
has changed...

 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

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Re: HTML HAMM Man Pages

1998-07-24 Thread Frank Barknecht
Chris Russell hat gesagt: // Chris Russell wrote:

 Anyone know of a link to the hamm man pages via a browser since man is
 not included in the base system? In particular apt-get.

The package dwww installs a cgi-script, that gives a convenient user 
interface to  nearly all the documentation on a debian system. You should
install it and point your web browser to http://localhost/dwww/index.html;.
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

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Re: DVD support for linux

1998-07-24 Thread Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Shaleh wrote:
 Curt E. Spann wrote:
 What video card should I get?
 You ask later so I will kill two birds with one stone.  AGP is both
 poorly supported and a waste of money.  AGP cards can actually lessen
 system performance.  System resources are stolen to give the enhanced
 video.  Also numerous motherboards have problems sharing AGP and other
 slots.  Best recommendation is to avoid them (yeah I will get flack for
 this one).

Of course, you could go for an Alpha (more bucks, but worth it) and get
a 64-bit PCI machine with a 64-bit video -- and SCSI controller, and
whatever -- card.

Be warned that Debian Alpha is yet beta.

  If I have a choice between SCSI and Ultra ATA system which should I
  get?  SCSI is a little more expensive but is it really worth it?
 For a home workstation SCSI is not a great gain unless you intend to
 really beat the hard drive.  Even then the new IDE's make this
 questionable.  You will find that many UNIX vendors are shipping IDE in
 all but the highest end machines.

AFAIK, workstation vendors ship IDE (ATA) systems only in the
lowest-end machines, like the Darwin Suns (Ultra 5 and Ultra 10).

At there are some interesting remarks about
the matter.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra [EMAIL PROTECTED] BRASIL
   Campanha da fita ASCII - contra correio HTML  vcards
 X   ASCII ribbon campaign - against HTML email  vcards
/ \

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Re: Fvwm2 and Debian menu

1998-07-24 Thread Curt Daugaard
On Thu, Jul 23, 1998 at 10:27:33PM -0400, Daniel Martin at cush wrote:
 Well, you don't have to start your FvwmButtons from the menu - you can 
 just start it automatically (assuming you always want it to be there); 
 on one account on my machine, this is done by putting all the
 customization into post.hook and a call to 'Module FvwmButtons' in
 If, however, you want it in the menu you can always put it in yourself
 with an AddToMenu command in post.hook; modifying the menu entry
 itself (by changing /usr/lib/menu/fvwm2) gets wiped by a new fvwm2.
 This has the problem that the DebianFvwmButtons is still there...
 The best solution is probably to use 
 DestroyModuleConfig DebianFvwmButtons
 in post.hook and then listing the entries one wants.

Thanks for your response.

Yes, I do want to start it from a menu, and your last method
sounded like the best idea.  Unfortunately, even after doing that
there remains some obscure left over bit of configuration somewhere
that screws up the display of the button bar.  In the end I just
made my FvwmButtons setup a new entry in the main-menu-pre-hook.
It works.


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problems with anti-spam policies

1998-07-24 Thread Ulisses Alonso
Hi all

I'm subcribed to some mailing lists with my real email adress
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) I read this email from and
from a non-permanent link (wich I named caligula. with no domain...)

I always use pine, In caligula's pine setup I use the user-domain option
set to, this allows me to send mail to some mailing
lists, but not all mailing lists... some smtp servers says me something


From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jul 24 11:08:08 1998
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 12:39:14 +0200
From: Mail Delivery System [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

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553-5.4.3 source domain.   Please correct your source 
553 5.4.3 address and/or the info at the DNS.

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Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 10:39:10 + (GMT)
From: Ulisses Alonso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: diald mailinglist
Subject: understanding diald timeouts
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Sender: Ulisses Alonso [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I'm using exim as MTA... how I can resolve this?... wich is the right way
to make that I want?

Any comment will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance


PD: Oracle8 and Informix will be ported to Linux!
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

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Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 SVD == Santiago Vila Doncel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
SVD (But just because I love awk, a perl hacker would surely give you a
SVD different solution, and a Bourne-shell hacker yet another one, etc. :-).

Here is the perl hacker ;-)

perl -MFile::Copy -e 'for (@ARGV) {move $_, lc $_}' *.c

mmv is cool, but has no lowercase function.

What's stupid about unix anyways? Didn't understand that one.


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Re: [Debian]: das Systemupdate funktioniert nicht richtig

1998-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 DM == Dirk Meissner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

DM ich zum Systemstart immer folgende Fehlermeldung:
DM /etc/rc2.d/S89: line 20: syntax error near unexpected token ';'
DM /etc/rc2.d/S89: line 20: ' ;cron reload automatically'
DM ; cron reloads automatically
Das muß ein # sein.

Hast du diese JFL Debian 2.0 beta installiert (ist wenig brauchbar)?
Der Bug wurde längst behoben. Da Debian 2.0 jetzt offiziell draußen
ist, würde ich das System updaten (per ftp oder CD, wenn sie fertig


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Re: Time is still not right.

1998-07-24 Thread tko
Keith writes:
 My time is still not right.
 My hardware clock is right if I type clock this is what
 I get:
 debian# clock
 Thu Jul 23 20:07:06 1998
 If I type date this is what I get
 debian# date
 Thu Jul 23 16:07:40 EDT 1998
 I don't know what the lines are for, but I want my linux
 time to say what the hardware clock says. I thought that
 maybe my timezone was wrong, here is what my timezone file has
 in it:
 I live in Florida Eastern time zone -5:00 GMT.
 I need some more help with this problem. 

Ok, look at /etc/init.d/boot and let us know what the 'GMT=' line is set to.

-= Sent by Debian 1.3 Linux =-
Thomas Kocourek  KD4CIK 
@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Remove @_@ for correct Email address
--... ...-- ...  -.. .  -.- -.. - -.-. .. -.-

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Debian on Mac PPC

1998-07-24 Thread Jorge Sousa
Does anyone know if it's possible to install Debian Linux on a Mac PowerPC?


Jorge Sousa

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Re: How to change IRQ on NIC?

1998-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 KW == Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

KW One more question; after making a change like that, can you get the system
KW to see the change without rebooting? I suspect you can, but I don't know
KW how, so I just rebooted, which worked fine. But I'd like to know for future
KW reference.

[Please use your quoting the other way round. I like to read from left 
to right and from *top* to *bottom* ]

As root do a lsmod. You get an output like:

lsmod# lsmod
Module PagesUsed by
softdog11 (autoclean)
misc   1[softdog]   1 (autoclean)
nls_iso8859-1  12 (autoclean)
nls_cp437  12 (autoclean)
sound 240
vfat   42
fat6[vfat]  2
nls1[nls_iso8859-1 nls_cp437 vfat fat]  0
smc-ultra  11
8390   2[smc-ultra] 0
hisax 232
isdn  21[hisax] 5
slhc   2[isdn]  1

smc-ultra is the module for my NIC.

- Shut down the use of the NIC
ifconfig eth0 down
- Change the configline in /etc/conf.modules
options smc-ultra io=0x300

Now reload the module

- Load the module
modprobe smc-ultra
  You should see some output with tail /var/log/syslog
- Reenable the networking

I like Linux, no reboot :-)



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Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-24 Thread servis
*-Martin Bialasinski (24 Jul)
| mmv is cool, but has no lowercase function.

From the mmv man page:

   To convert the string matched by a wildcard to either low­
   ercase  or  uppercase  before  embedding  it in the target
   name, insert 'l' or 'u', respectively, between the '#' and
   the string of digits.


% mmv -r -v [A-Z]* #l1#l2
LF441.DAT - lf441.dat
TEXT.TXT - text.txt


Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

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Re: GREAT NEWS!!! Oracle 8 on Linux by 1999!

1998-07-24 Thread Jorge Sousa
Want a good RDBMS for Linux???

check they have a FREE port of version 4.0 for Linux. It
runs on Debian1.3.1 I didn't have the chance to try it on Hamm cos I need to

Jorge Sousa

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Traas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Quarta-feira, 22 de Julho de 1998 16:48
Subject: GREAT NEWS!!! Oracle 8 on Linux by 1999!

Oracle has just announced that they're porting Oracle 8/8.1 to the
platform and that it should be ready and commercially available by early

I'm sure some of you aren't happy with commercial applications, but I,
one, am very excited about this.  Commercial support of Linux will make
great inroads for the Fortune 5000 markets, etc

(I work for Baan Business Systems (Baan Company - ) and this
would be a great step towards putting Baan on Linux as well.  This I'd
*love* to see!  A great ERP solution with a great DB on a great OS!

For more information, check out the following PC Week article:

Kevin Traas

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Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-24 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 s == servis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

s *-Martin Bialasinski (24 Jul)
s | mmv is cool, but has no lowercase function.

 From the mmv man page:


*blush* OK, just delete everything after cool.

Perl rules anyway ;-)


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Re: linux on a gateway laptop

1998-07-24 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
I've got a Gateway 2000 Solo 2100 and have sound working. It mainly depends on 
chips are used. My 2100 uses the ESS ES1688 AudioDrive. Check the info in Win95 
your manuals to see if you have this same chipset.

Seth M. Landsman wrote:

 So I have this shiny new laptop running Linux flawlessly (X,
 pcmcia, cdrom, everything), but I can't get sound configured.  Might
 someone have had experience getting sound working on a Gateway 2300 series
 laptop who might be able to lend a clue?


 It is by will alone I set my mind in motion

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Jens B. Jorgensen

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RAID controller dinstall

1998-07-24 Thread Daniel Imamura
Hi all,

Has anyone ever tried to install a Mylex DAC960 PL Raid
controller? I'm trying to do so and ran into the following problem: I've
got its driver from , re-built the rescue disk
and set the rdev. The system boots up normally and it finds the
controller. But the problem is that I've got to manually build
some special devices (/dev/rd/c*d*p*) and I cant make de dinstall program
to use fdisk on this device (/dev/rd/c0d0). When I select the
Partition Hard Disk on the dinstall main menu it says No hard disk
drivers could be found. Does anyone know how to set the device on the
dinstall, so that I wouldnt have to mkswap/mke2fs/mount/install everything
from the scratch? Thanks in advance!


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Dselect doesn't install from non-free or contrib

1998-07-24 Thread Liam Healy
I am trying to install a 2.0 beta system from mounted filesystem,
/usr/debian which has subdirs main, non-free and contrib.  Dselect
sees everything, even gives a reasonabe package count in each of the
three areas ( 1500 in main, in the hundreds for each of non-free and
contrib, as I recall).  When I go to select individual packages,
everything seems to be there.  When it gets to actually installing,
however, it appears to quietly skip over everything in non-free and
contrib -- no explanation.  The dpkg manpage says for --yet-to-unpack 
  Searches  for  packages  selected for installation,
  but  which  for  some  reason  still  haven't  been
and I have 
# dpkg --yet-to-unpack
 19 packages, from the following sections:
   contrib/misc (1)   contrib/net (1)   contrib/sound (1)   contrib/tex (1)
   contrib/web (1)   non-free/comm (1)   non-free/games (1)
   non-free/graphics (5)   non-free/libs (1)   non-free/sound (1)
   non-free/tex (1)   non-free/text (2)   non-free/x11 (2)
But, what is the reason and how do I get it to install these packages?


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Hamm not in Stable Dir

1998-07-24 Thread Kent West
I'm confused. I thought Debian 2.0 (hamm) was officially released last
night. Does that not make it the stable version? Near as I can tell, the site still has 1.3 in it's stable directory. Should I be
pulling from the stable dir or still from the frozen dir? Thanks.

Kent West   | Technology Support/Customer Service   
Abilene Christian University| Voice: 915-674-2557  FAX: 915.674.6724
ACU Station, Box 29005  | E-MAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Abilene, TX  79699-9005 | Ham:KC5ENO, General   |

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Re: Hamm not in Stable Dir

1998-07-24 Thread Nuno Carvalho
 I'm confused. I thought Debian 2.0 (hamm) was officially released last
 night. Does that not make it the stable version? Near as I can tell, the site still has 1.3 in it's stable directory. Should I be
 pulling from the stable dir or still from the frozen dir? Thanks.

 I think you should wait! I don't know till when!
 On they said that they are still mirroring Debian 2.0 ! 

 Best regards,
   Nuno Carvalho

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Re: Hamm not in Stable Dir

1998-07-24 Thread aqy6633
 I'm confused. I thought Debian 2.0 (hamm) was officially released last
 night. Does that not make it the stable version? Near as I can tell, the site still has 1.3 in it's stable directory. Should I be
 pulling from the stable dir or still from the frozen dir? Thanks.

I would advide you to wait till mirror is updated and hamm becomes stable.
There were some important bugfixes put in there last minute.

I am not aware of ANY updated mittor though.

Alex Y.
 _( )_
( (o___   +---+
 |  _ 7   |Alexander Yukhimets|
  \()|  |
  / \ \   +---+

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startup info

1998-07-24 Thread Robert Rati
Can someone tell me where all the information at startup is logged?  Dmesg
doesn't show me enough of the info.  Thanks.

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1997-98 |
| Homepage: (Careful it's not completed)   |
| The past brings pain, the future depression,   |
|  the present disappointment.  The only thing that remains is the moment.|
|  Live for the moment, and enjoy life.  You only have one chance.   |

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Xemacs help

1998-07-24 Thread vaidhy
Hi All,

I have two questions regarding Xemacs ..

1. My delete key is acting as backspace. What should I do to make delete act as 

2. My toolbar buttons come in grey. How do I make them in colors?

Thanks ,

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xview and xviewg in hamm

1998-07-24 Thread Thomas Gebhardt

after the upgrade to hamm an old libc5-executable that depends
on xview did segfault (I had both xview and xviewg installed.):

# arb
Program ARB will be startet in the background, please wait
# /bin/arb: line 118:   946 Segmentation fault  (core dumped) arb_ntree 
ARB done

I tried to remove xviewg, but for some reason xview depends on

# dpkg --purge xviewg
dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of xviewg:
 xview depends on xviewg (= 3.2p1.4-4).
dpkg: error processing xviewg (--purge):
 dependency problems - not removing
Errors were encountered while processing:

# dpkg --purge --force-depends xviewg
dpkg: xviewg: dependency problems, but removing anyway as you request:
 xview depends on xviewg (= 3.2p1.4-4).
(Reading database ... 48748 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing xviewg ...
dpkg - warning: while removing xviewg, directory `/etc/X11/xview' not empty so 
not removed.
Purging configuration files for xviewg ...

Now the program works ok for me:

# arb
Program ARB will be startet in the background, please wait
#   ARB:Loading '.arb_prop/ntree.arb'
ARB:Loading '/usr/local/arb/lib/arb_default/ntree.arb' done
ARB done
Any ideas?

Cheers, Thomas

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Re: GREAT NEWS!!! Oracle 8 on Linux by 1999!

1998-07-24 Thread Raul Miller
Jorge Sousa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Want a good RDBMS for Linux???

Also, postgresql is a part of debian 2.0.

[If you want high performance, you'll need to change
/etc/postgresql/postmaster.init so that it has PGFSYNC=no].


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Obtaining stable 2.0 on CD-ROM

1998-07-24 Thread Marcus Johnson
Hi all,

I'm a newcomer to the world of Linux and Debian and I want to get a CD-ROM
copy of the just-released (today) stable 2.0 version to do my first ever
Linux installation.  I've been waiting for this release for quite some
time and now I want to take the plunge. I'd like to do the installation as
much off the CD-ROM as possible onto a Sony VAIO Tower PCV-210 multi-media

I've looked at the CD-ROM vendors list at and checked out their
sites. I'm wading through all the lingo but I can't discern which ones
would be able to supply this newest stable version and what the magic
words are I need to use to get what I have in mind and need.  I don't want
to request/order it and then find I got the wrong thing. I guess I need a
binary CD and a source CD.  Could anyone supply me with the required
incantation and who I should talk to in order to get the right set?

Your help is much appreciated!


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Re: startup info

1998-07-24 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Fri, 24 Jul 1998, Robert Rati wrote:

 Can someone tell me where all the information at startup is logged?  Dmesg
 doesn't show me enough of the info.  Thanks.

see the files on /var/log 

  /\  Richard L. Alhama, Technical Support
  / \--,
.o` /=
 ,,'' \/  Cyberspace Laoag,ISP
Overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood! --The Jargon File

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No Official 2.0 CDs yet?

1998-07-24 Thread Peter S Galbraith
I can understand that CDs aren't cut and available for purchase just yet,
but I'd like to place an order before the weekend!

No US or Canadian web pages that I've have updated their web pages to
advertise 2.0.

BTW, what does an official 2-CD set contain?  main and source but not

--  Debian 2.0 hamm (Beta) on main page.
  Official `pre-orders' available on order form.
--- Well CheapBytes has this:

 CheapBytes Debian 2.0 CD-ROM Install + Add-on Pack
 Our Price: $6.99
 This 4 CD-ROM kit includes the Official Debian 2.0 Binary Install along
 with our 3 CD-ROM Debian Add-on Pack which includes source code and
 selected legally distributable contrib and non-free files.

Sounds like what I want, but the Official CD link says: Expected to be
shipping the week of August 10.  I can't wait that long!


 Official Debian
 Coming soon official 2 CD set.

 Not on order form.


 Debian 2.0.0 Beta + Netscape
 1 CD
 $ 9.95

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
   6623'rd Linux user at the Linux Counter -- 

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Re: Obtaining stable 2.0 on CD-ROM

1998-07-24 Thread Matthew D. Myers
If you are a newcomer, the source CD is not necessary.  The source CD
contains source code to all the applications, etc on the Debian
distribution.  All you really need is the binary CD.   As for the most
recent stable version, with this being the initial release, they will all be
the same.

-Original Message-
From: Marcus Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, July 24, 1998 10:55 AM
Subject: Obtaining stable 2.0 on CD-ROM

Hi all,

I'm a newcomer to the world of Linux and Debian and I want to get a CD-ROM
copy of the just-released (today) stable 2.0 version to do my first ever
Linux installation.  I've been waiting for this release for quite some
time and now I want to take the plunge. I'd like to do the installation as
much off the CD-ROM as possible onto a Sony VAIO Tower PCV-210 multi-media

I've looked at the CD-ROM vendors list at and checked out their
sites. I'm wading through all the lingo but I can't discern which ones
would be able to supply this newest stable version and what the magic
words are I need to use to get what I have in mind and need.  I don't want
to request/order it and then find I got the wrong thing. I guess I need a
binary CD and a source CD.  Could anyone supply me with the required
incantation and who I should talk to in order to get the right set?

Your help is much appreciated!


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Advanced Power Management Linux

1998-07-24 Thread Marcus Johnson
Hi all,

I'm looking to install Linux into a(n almost brand-spanking new) Sony
Tower VAIO PCV-210 multimedia PC with the stable version of Debian 2.0
(just released today). The PCV-210 has got this feature called Advanced
Power Management (APM version 1.2) where it puts itself in sleep mode
when there is no activity for a certain period of time. I'm wonder if this
will cause problems for Linux.  I fooled around a little with Debian 1.3
and it definitely seemed to act wierdly (I wasn't able to get the screen
to come back on after it shut off).  Anyone have any experience with this? 



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Small laptop, 120Mb HD: Linux?

1998-07-24 Thread Young, Ed

I'd like to put Linux onto a Toshiba T2100 Satellite laptop with 120Mbyte
harddrive. I believe it's a 486sx.  It has 8 megs of ram so I don't care to
run X. I'd like to put on a minimalist installation but I need to have some
emacsen, gcc. Optional but highly desireable is Octave, Perl. I'll be
installing the base with floppy disks, but will be installing the rest from
a parallel zip drive, if possible. 

I want to use it for a numerical analysis class so it needs quite a few
utilities, but we'll have to see how much I can fit on it. 

My questions are: 
What is the best way to install? 

I can't install all the recommended stuff because that is just too big. My
tentative plan is to put base on it, see how much space is left, add emacs
with no x, add octave, and Perl. I'll need about 5 or 10 megs for user
account space. 

Can anyone who has had a similar situation or experience comment? 



Ed Young   (303)706-5425
Software Engineering
Echostar Technology Corporation
Denver, Colorado

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Re: Advanced Power Management Linux

1998-07-24 Thread Ian Keith Setford


 I'm looking to install Linux into a(n almost brand-spanking new) Sony
 Tower VAIO PCV-210 multimedia PC with the stable version of Debian 2.0
 (just released today). The PCV-210 has got this feature called Advanced
 Power Management (APM version 1.2) where it puts itself in sleep mode
 when there is no activity for a certain period of time. I'm wonder if this
 will cause problems for Linux.  I fooled around a little with Debian 1.3
 and it definitely seemed to act wierdly (I wasn't able to get the screen
 to come back on after it shut off).  Anyone have any experience with this? 

If I remember correctly, APM support is included in the latest kernel
sources.  I do not know if it is compiled into the binary kernel packages
Debian includes. Anyone know?  You should be able to avoid almost
all problems with any kernel by adjusting APM settings in your BIOS/CMOS. 
You should be able to disable certain functions of APM (i.e.sleep) or
disable APM all together.

Since you are going to insatll Debian 2 from scratch I would suggest that
you document all your hardware settings before the attempt.  I am assuming
you are running some Windows version currently and you can print system
reports that give you this information.  This is especially useful for and
Plug-n-Pray devices you might have.

Hope that helps.


PGP = F2 92 50 E3 CD D7 A2 D9  C4 CE 08 A6 98 E0 0F 58

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Re: Small laptop, 120Mb HD: Linux?

1998-07-24 Thread Shaleh
With no X, 120mb is plenty of room for your needs.  The 8mb of RAM will
make it slow to use on a daily basis, but for travel time use it will
not be too bad.  I would recommend a 20mb swap and the other 100mb for
the rest.  If you are picky about what you install, you should be fine. 
My ful blown install is just over 300mb w/ X and all.  So 100mb should
cover you fine.

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DHCP and hostname

1998-07-24 Thread E. S. Venkatraman
My linux machine is in a network where the IP addresses are assigned 
using DHCP.  I use dhcpcd to get the IP address but it also mangles 
my machine's hostname (probably because the DHCP server is not properly
configured).  Is there a way to query the DNS server for the correct
hostname from the assigned IP address and assign it?  Can this be
automated?  Thanks.


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Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-24 Thread Joerg Plate

 Is there a simple way to change all filenames in a directory so they
 are lowercase?

1 cat /usr/local/bin/rename
#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

use locale;

# usage: rename perlexp [files]

($op = shift) || die Usage: $0 perlexp [filenames]\n;

$op =~ m/(.*)/; $op = $1;   # Un-taint $op

for (@ARGV) {
  $old = $_;
  eval $op;
  die $@ if $@;
  $new = $_;
  next if $old eq $new;
  next if -e $new;
  $old =~ m/(.*)/; $old = $1; # Un-taint $old
  $new =~ m/(.*)/; $new = $1; # Un-taint $new
  rename($old,$new) || die $0: cannot rename $old to $new: $!\n;

1 rename y/A-Z/a-z/ *# lowercase all files
1 rename s/.jpeg/.jpg/   # change jpeg to jpg

This is fun if you know perl :-)

i'm working on it

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dot files

1998-07-24 Thread Richard L. Alhama
How can I make GIMP show dotfiles?



I should get a book can someone recommend a good one?  Not linux for
dummies please.

  /\  Richard L. Alhama, Technical Support
  / \--,
.o` /=
 ,,'' \/  Cyberspace Laoag,ISP
Overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood! --The Jargon File

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RE: Small laptop, 120Mb HD: Linux?

1998-07-24 Thread Ted Harding
On 24-Jul-98 Young, Ed wrote:
 I'd like to put Linux onto a Toshiba T2100 Satellite laptop with 120Mbyte
 harddrive. I believe it's a 486sx.  It has 8 megs of ram so I don't care to
 run X. I'd like to put on a minimalist installation but I need to have some
 emacsen, gcc. Optional but highly desireable is Octave, Perl. I'll be
 installing the base with floppy disks, but will be installing the rest from
 a parallel zip drive, if possible. 
 I want to use it for a numerical analysis class so it needs quite a few
 utilities, but we'll have to see how much I can fit on it.

Way way back I once had SLS Linux on a 40MB disk + 4MB RAM. No X of course, nor
emacs. Octave was smaller then (so were a lot of other things, including gcc)
but it went on.

Basically: 5MB swap, 25MB for the Linux stuff, 10MB for user apps (including
octave) and user files. I managed to get a lot of work done with this (mainly
with octave  troff).

(Mind you, a lot of stuff got archived to floppies, and there were periodic
fierce deletion sessions).

You might even find space for a minimal X: if you can get it on the HD along
with your other stuff, it should run OK in 8MB RAM.

Best of luck,

E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 24-Jul-98   Time: 18:19:40

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Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-24 Thread Eric House
On 24 Jul 1998, Joerg Plate wrote:

  Is there a simple way to change all filenames in a directory so they
  are lowercase?
 1 cat /usr/local/bin/rename
 #!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
 use locale;

Why not, in bash:

for f in $(ls); do
newName=$(echo $oldName | tr [A-Z] [a-z])
mv -i $oldName $newName

I'd not bother with the variable names, but they make it clearer.

Disclaimer: I didn't test the above, and may have gotten the tr syntax
wrong.  But you get the idea.

--Eric House

|from the desktop of: Eric House, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|The instructions said 'Win95 or better' -- so I installed Linux|

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Re: dot files

1998-07-24 Thread Will Lowe
 How can I make GIMP show dotfiles?
I think this is a gtk-wide thing ... not sure how to go about fix it,  but
all my gtk-using apps don't show dotfiles.

 I should get a book can someone recommend a good one?  Not linux for
 dummies please.
If you're not a unix person,  try Running Linux by Matt Walsh,  Also,  there's a Debian book, has


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|

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Re: dot files

1998-07-24 Thread Shaleh
What dotfiles should GIMP be seeing?

As for a book, there a lots of good UNIX books.  Any Teach yourself
UNIX type book will work.  Linux is fairly standardized.  Also, Debian
is working on some new user docs.  Might want to subscribe to
debian-docs and see what they have to say.  The /usr/doc/HOWTO directory
is FULL of great info.

Richard L. Alhama wrote:
 How can I make GIMP show dotfiles?
 I should get a book can someone recommend a good one?  Not linux for
 dummies please.
   /\  Richard L. Alhama, Technical Support
   / \--,
 .o` /=
  ,,'' \/  Cyberspace Laoag,ISP
 Overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood! --The Jargon File
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Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-24 Thread Steve Lamb
On Fri, 24 Jul 1998 11:09:41 -0700 (PDT), Eric House wrote:

Why not, in bash:

for f in $(ls); do
newName=$(echo $oldName | tr [A-Z] [a-z])
mv -i $oldName $newName

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/morpheus/t}ls -la
total 4
drwxr-xr-x   2 morpheus users1024 Jul 24 11:22 .
drwxr-xr-x  33 morpheus users3072 Jul 24 08:30 ..
-rw-rw-r--   1 morpheus users   0 Jul 24 11:22 Blah.Blah
-rw-rw-r--   1 morpheus users   0 Jul 24 11:22 blah.blah

That's why.  ;)

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

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Re: Time is still not right.

1998-07-24 Thread David B. Teague

On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 'man tzconfig' should explain it for you.

I have the same problem as Keith, my hardware clock doesn't report the
same thing as date. 

I have been following the discourse with interest.  I have a Hamm
system, and two Bo systems, neither of which has a tzconfig, (locate
tzconfig reports nothing) nor a man page for tzconfig. 

I have read the scripts in rc*, and have tried to follow the boot up
that activate these scripts by following inittab etc. I still need help.
Please advise what package(s) may need to be installed, and how to fix
this problem. 


   LINUX: the FREE 32 bit OS for [3456]86 PC's available NOW!
David B Teague | Ask me how user interface copyrights  software
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | patents make programing a dangerous business. 

counter-intelligence wild porno sex gold bullion Soviet clipper terrorist
National Security Council nuclear explosion Treasury destabilize Pakistan 
Delta Force atomic bomb India data encryption data  encryption  munitions

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Re: Hamm not in Stable Dir

1998-07-24 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

Most mirrors are still not caught up. I expect this to occure in two days
time (for all mirrors)

The only two mirrors that are up-to-date are

And va's private mirror. All 3 are the only push mirrors an were uptodate
about an hour after guy finished with the archive. If you run a mirror off
master -PLEASE- contact me so you can be converted to a push mirror or at
least an rsyncd mirror.


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Re: Time is still not right.

1998-07-24 Thread Bob Nielsen
Install timezones (hamm) or timezone (bo).  These are flagged as required
packages and should be installed by default.


On Fri, 24 Jul 1998, David B. Teague wrote:

 On Thu, 23 Jul 1998, Bob Nielsen wrote:
  'man tzconfig' should explain it for you.
 I have the same problem as Keith, my hardware clock doesn't report the
 same thing as date. 
 I have been following the discourse with interest.  I have a Hamm
 system, and two Bo systems, neither of which has a tzconfig, (locate
 tzconfig reports nothing) nor a man page for tzconfig. 
 I have read the scripts in rc*, and have tried to follow the boot up
 that activate these scripts by following inittab etc. I still need help.
 Please advise what package(s) may need to be installed, and how to fix
 this problem. 
LINUX: the FREE 32 bit OS for [3456]86 PC's available NOW!
 David B Teague | Ask me how user interface copyrights  software
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | patents make programing a dangerous business. 
 counter-intelligence wild porno sex gold bullion Soviet clipper terrorist
 National Security Council nuclear explosion Treasury destabilize Pakistan 
 Delta Force atomic bomb India data encryption data  encryption  munitions

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: dot files

1998-07-24 Thread Will Lowe
 What dotfiles should GIMP be seeing?
The gtk file selection dialogs don't show _any_ file or directory that
starts with a dot,  in any gtk-enabled app.

|   |
|PGP Public Key:|

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Re: Bo crashes under heavy disk load

1998-07-24 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: Thu, 23 Jul 1998 14:42:36 +0300 Jaakko Niemi writes:
 I can repeatably crash two (nearly) stock Debian 1.3 systems using
 one or more scripts, such as
 find /usr |xargs grep some-arbitrary-string
 looping with some background activity to use up CPU cycles.
 The systems seem stable, otherwise.  Only common hardware are
 ultra-SCSI disks and controllers (AHA-2940).  Any ideas?
  Do you get any logs / errors ? 
  You might want to try newer kernels which have newer drivers for
  the SCSI cards, if this seems disk io related.

You can try the aic-driver which is available at

I made some good experience, this driver seems to be more stable than
the one included in 2.0.33 (which I currently use), especially when
activating special features such as SCB paging and tagged command

BTW: the aic7xxx driver changed alot in the last kernel releases, you
might also give 2.0.34 or 2.0.35 a try.


Girls marry for love.  Boys marry because of a chronic irritation that
causes them to gravitate in the direction of objects with certain
curvilinear properties.   --Ashley Montagu
 PGP public key available

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Re: dot files

1998-07-24 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Fri, 24 Jul 1998, Will Lowe wrote:

  How can I make GIMP show dotfiles?
 I think this is a gtk-wide thing ... not sure how to go about fix it,  but
 all my gtk-using apps don't show dotfiles.
  I should get a book can someone recommend a good one?  Not linux for
  dummies please.
 If you're not a unix person,  try Running Linux by Matt Walsh,  Also,  there's a Debian book, has
Thanks.  Now I'll somehow find a way to acquire it.  It's kinda hard to
get good books in my country.  Maybe I'll just tell my relatives in the US
to buy me one


  /\  Richard L. Alhama, Technical Support
  / \--,
.o` /=
 ,,'' \/  Cyberspace Laoag,ISP
Overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood! --The Jargon File

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Re: dot files

1998-07-24 Thread Richard L. Alhama
On Fri, 24 Jul 1998, Shaleh wrote:

 What dotfiles should GIMP be seeing?

 As for a book, there a lots of good UNIX books.  Any Teach yourself
 UNIX type book will work.  Linux is fairly standardized.  Also, Debian
 is working on some new user docs.  Might want to subscribe to
 debian-docs and see what they have to say.  The /usr/doc/HOWTO directory
 is FULL of great info.

Read some of it.

Thanks for the reply

  /\  Richard L. Alhama, Technical Support
  / \--,
.o` /=
 ,,'' \/  Cyberspace Laoag,ISP
Overuse of the smiley is a mark of loserhood! --The Jargon File

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Previous posts

1998-07-24 Thread Taren
This is just to thank all of those who responded to my original post, and
repost, about my problems with setting up ipchains...

Your help was overwhelming.


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Re: dot files

1998-07-24 Thread Shaleh
If you must get gimp to show a dotfile (or directory) just type '.' in
the file blank and hit 'tab'.  GIMP (and all GTK apps) work like bash
does.  Tab gives file completion.

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Re: Xemacs help

1998-07-24 Thread Keith Beattie

 Hi All,
 I have two questions regarding Xemacs ..

There is a wealth of information in the Xemacs sample files
(sample.Xdefaults and sample.emacs).  These can be brought up in Xemacs
via the Help-Samples pull-down or can be found in the Xemacs' etc
directory (e.g. /usr/local/lib/xemacs-20.4/etc/ )

 1. My delete key is acting as backspace. What should I do to make
 delete act as delete?

sample.emacs has the line:

  (setq delete-key-deletes-forward t)

which appears to do what you are looking for.

 2. My toolbar buttons come in grey. How do I make them in colors?

Read through the sample.Xdefaults file, look for the colors and
backgrounds section.


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Re: Bo crashes under heavy disk load

1998-07-24 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Torsten Hilbrich wrote:

 You can try the aic-driver which is available at
 I made some good experience, this driver seems to be more stable than
 the one included in 2.0.33 (which I currently use), especially when
 activating special features such as SCB paging and tagged command
 BTW: the aic7xxx driver changed alot in the last kernel releases, you
 might also give 2.0.34 or 2.0.35 a try.

Stock 2.0.35 won't boot on an 2940U anyway.
It appears to work fine with the aic7xxx-5.1.0-pre5-2.0.35.patch

Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
   6623'rd Linux user at the Linux Counter -- 

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Re: Bo crashes under heavy disk load

1998-07-24 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Fri, 24 Jul 1998, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

 Torsten Hilbrich wrote:
  You can try the aic-driver which is available at
  I made some good experience, this driver seems to be more stable than
  the one included in 2.0.33 (which I currently use), especially when
  activating special features such as SCB paging and tagged command
  BTW: the aic7xxx driver changed alot in the last kernel releases, you
  might also give 2.0.34 or 2.0.35 a try.
 Stock 2.0.35 won't boot on an 2940U anyway.

Well, for me the stock 2.0.35 been working fine for a few days now.

Jean Pierre

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Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-24 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Fri, Jul 24, 1998 at 11:20:19AM -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
 On Fri, 24 Jul 1998 11:09:41 -0700 (PDT), Eric House wrote:
 Why not, in bash:
 for f in $(ls); do
 newName=$(echo $oldName | tr [A-Z] [a-z])
 mv -i $oldName $newName
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/morpheus/t}ls -la
 total 4
 drwxr-xr-x   2 morpheus users1024 Jul 24 11:22 .
 drwxr-xr-x  33 morpheus users3072 Jul 24 08:30 ..
 -rw-rw-r--   1 morpheus users   0 Jul 24 11:22 Blah.Blah
 -rw-rw-r--   1 morpheus users   0 Jul 24 11:22 blah.blah
 That's why.  ;)

So what?

Didn't you saw the -i option he supplied to the mv command?

   -i, --interactive
  Prompt  whether  to overwrite each destination file
  that already exists.   If  the  response  does  not
  begin with `y' or `Y', the file is skipped.

That's why Eric's solution works :P


Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

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Re: Stupid unix

1998-07-24 Thread Steve Lamb
On Fri, 24 Jul 1998 21:28:25 +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

So what?
Didn't you saw the -i option he supplied to the mv command?
That's why Eric's solution works :P

If that is the case then why not just do it all by hand in the first
place?  Sheesh.

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

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install help ?libc5?

1998-07-24 Thread John McPeek
I just down loaded and installed the 2.0 release.  I got though the
install and selected the standard package for dselect to install.  After
hours of down load time I get the message that perl cant be installed
because of a libc5 conflict and shortly there after I got pages of
similar errors (libc5) until dselect stop because of all the errors.  I
thought 2.0 was suposed to use libc6.  Did I put in the wrong directory

And another thing.  I had a problem with pon last week.  I asked for
help but the responses didn't do much for me.  I did however end up
swaping out my old USR Sportster 14.4 for my newer USR 33.6 (both were
set to com2 IRQ 3).  The 33.6 worked perfectly.  Then I put the 14.4 in
my win95 box and it worked just fine.  I had a problem a first, but I
set the dip switches to the factory defaults and all was good.  I stuck
the 14.4 back in the linux box and still nothing.  Does anyone know how
I can get the linux box to talk to my 14.4 (by the way both modems are

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Debian 2.0 [beta or released on HP Kayak XU?

1998-07-24 Thread Sudhakar Chandrasekharan
Has anybody installed Debian 2.0 (beta or released) on a HP Kayak XU? 
My Official CDs have not reached me yet.  So I would have to do the
basic installation via the dard disk and ask dselect to upgrade via
FTP.  There is a problem with the network / PCI cards on Kayaks that
people have reported (

I am going to do my installation later today.  Can anybody who is
running Debian on a Kayak send me configuration info for getting this
baby up and running?

 Oh, everything is too damned expensive these days.  Look at this
 bible I just got - Fifteen bucks!  And talk about a preachy book...
everybody is a sinner. [points to a verse] Except this guy.
   -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n   Indentured Slave

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Free Interbase

1998-07-24 Thread Mike Barton
Want a good RDBMS for Linux???

check they have a FREE port of version 4.0 for
Linux. It
runs on Debian1.3.1 I didn't have the chance to try it on Hamm cos I
need to upgrade.

Jorge Sousa

It may appear free but you ought to have a look at the license
agreement. It says RedHat *only*. License agreements like this are good
reasons to *avoid* software. So, InterBase, make what you can when you
can but NOT from me.

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Re: Free Interbase

1998-07-24 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Want a good RDBMS for Linux???

check they have a FREE port of version 4.0 for
Linux. It
runs on Debian1.3.1 I didn't have the chance to try it on Hamm cos 
I need to upgrade.

Jorge Sousa

Mike Barton wrote:
 It may appear free but you ought to have a look at the license
 agreement. It says RedHat *only*. License agreements like this are good
 reasons to *avoid* software. So, InterBase, make what you can when you
 can but NOT from me.

It gets worse:

``You may install and use the Software or the foregoing components provided
  that (1) the Software is used only with the Red Hat Linux 4.2 operating

Version 4.2?  Who would even uses that any more...
Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
   6623'rd Linux user at the Linux Counter -- 

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Re: hamm problem: X and backspace/home/end

1998-07-24 Thread Lee Bradshaw
I saw a message in another thread that stated the X keyboard extension
had to be enabled for backspace to work properly. That was my problem;
now I've gotten rid of the xmodmap statement to fix backspace.

On Thu, Jul 16, 1998 at 09:48:39AM -0400, Lee Bradshaw wrote:
 I found the info on the bug tracking system that the home/end key problem was
 fixed in the latest release.
 The xrdb problem was a user error -- have to start a new xterm to test the new
 resources. I had gotten used to xmodmap working immediately in xterms that
 were already open.
 I modified /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup_0 to add 'xmodmap -e keycode 22 = BackSpace'.
 The backspace key now works properly. Since I can fix the backspace problem in
 the file xdm is using to start managing the display, I suspect the problem is
 in some of the system files and not in any of the user setups. If it was a
 user problem, I would expect the change in Xsetup_0 to be overriden when the
 user logs in.
 On Wed, Jul 15, 1998 at 05:17:43PM -0400, Lee Bradshaw wrote:
  I installed hamm on a new system about a month ago. Backspace seemed to work
  fine on this system. I installed it on a system that had been upgraded from
  rex-bo-hamm last week and the backspace key doesn't work properly in X. I
  need to type 'xmodmap -e keycode 22 = BackSpace' before backspace works
  properly. Before using xmodmap, bash gives the following translations:
Ctrl-vbs ^[[3~
Ctrl-vCtrl-h ^H
  I guess this is redundant, but (also before using xmodmap) xev indicates
  that keycode 22 and 107 have the same keysym:
KeyPress event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x341,
root 0x26, subw 0x0, time 2391247581, (120,181), root:(194,272),
state 0x0, keycode 22 (keysym 0x, Delete), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 1 characters:  
KeyPress event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x341,
root 0x26, subw 0x0, time 2391250101, (120,181), root:(194,272),
state 0x0, keycode 107 (keysym 0x, Delete), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 1 characters:  
  One of my friends at work upgraded two systems from bo to hamm. He has to 
  xmodmap on one system but not the other to get backspace to work.
  Also the home and end keys seem to be reversed in X, but work fine on the
  console. I tried reversing the strings from the /etc/X11/Xresources in my
  .Xresources file and then xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources, but the keys still
  behave incorrectly.
  Any suggestions for solving these problems would be welcome. I can't see
  anything wrong with the /etc/X11/Xresources or ~/.Xresources, but I'll be 
  to post these files and more if someone would like to comment.
 Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
 Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Bo crashes under heavy disk load

1998-07-24 Thread Michael B. Taylor
On Fri, Jul 24, 1998 at 03:28:48PM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:
 Torsten Hilbrich wrote:
  You can try the aic-driver which is available at
  I made some good experience, this driver seems to be more stable than
  the one included in 2.0.33 (which I currently use), especially when
  activating special features such as SCB paging and tagged command
  BTW: the aic7xxx driver changed alot in the last kernel releases, you
  might also give 2.0.34 or 2.0.35 a try.
 Stock 2.0.35 won't boot on an 2940U anyway.
 It appears to work fine with the aic7xxx-5.1.0-pre5-2.0.35.patch

Stock 2.0.35 booted and appeared to run fine on my system with an 
on-the-motherboard 2940UW.  I could not get it to find my scsi cdrom
though, so I went back to the Debian packaged 2.0.34 kernel.


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Sun Sparc-Station 5 and Debian

1998-07-24 Thread Markus Lechner
Hi list!

First i have to say sorry for the long posting  ;)
I'm receiving a used Sparc5 this weekend. So i have a few questions
(of which some may be a little offtopic):

2GB SCSI-HD, 32MB-RAM, 2D Gfx card (fast for wireframe, i think), FDD

I have a bunch of official CD's (including Solaris - or is it really
Slowlaris :) - already on this machine. The machine is booting fine,

The Gfx card seems to be a problem. We tried many different monitors
of them should've been able to produce a normal screen) - but none of
them found any signal to display. Last we tried a monitor with fixed
frequency and finally got some output on the screen. The output was
scattered as if the Sparc and the monitor were not in sync or generally
and expect different frequencies. Hitting Alt-F(1-8) did change the
a bit and after a few more hits the screen went black and stayed black
until reboot.

I would like to use the Sparc as a Terminal (and more). But for this i
need to 'fix' the problem with the card.
If the card is really damaged and gone completely i would like to use
Sparc as a server in the background (maybe for serving X), backup and
like that.

The first thing for me is to install Debian :) (stable enough?)

The second thing may be to install Solaris (pro's, con's, suggestions?)

32MB RAM is not much. I would like to install a minimal System on the
and hope that memory will be enough to run without much swapping.

Is it illusionary to assume that the Debian base, a bit net, min. X
and one or two additional daemons, packages will run without much

And then there's the Gfx card. What to do? How to check? Any

I think i mentioned everything - if not, please ask...

Hopefully someone can help in this context,
i need this additional piece of hardware for serving :)

thanks in advance,


Markus Lechner   (Company - LightWolf)  |   The 
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PGP-Public-Key(s) are available |

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[Re: The future?] User Documentation

1998-07-24 Thread Oliver Elphick
On 24 Jul 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right, what should I do with my packages for the next Debian release?
 I am kind of lost. What are the guidelines for Slink? The new file
 system standard?

Can we please have contributors to the Debian Documentation Project, to
write user documentation.  It would be really good to release slink with
a full set of user manuals.

Please look at the DDP home page at

The kind of thing needed is a unified overview of the important parts
of a system from various points of view, with pointers to more detailed

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a
  man soweth, that shall he also reap.   
   Galatians 6:7 

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