El login no me gusta mucho

1998-09-10 Thread Juan Carlos Muro
Hola a todos.
Tengo una duda sobre algo que siempre me da la sensacion que ha ido mal
en mi ordenador.
Se trata de que cuando hago un login desde la consola, si el PC esta
teniendo ya mucha carga de tareas (sobre todo cuando el HD esta
trabajando como un cosaco), ocurre lo siguiente:
  Aparece 'login:' en la pantalla.
  Tecleno el nombre de usuario y pulso Enter.
  Rapidamente, nada mas pulsar el Enter, introduzco el password a toda
velocidad. Entonces, el password aparece a medida que lo tecleas (si no
has dado tiempo a que aparezca la palabra 'Password:' en la pantalla.

No se si me explico, pero esto mas de una vez me ha dejado al
descubierto cuando ha venido algun amiguete a casa. 
¿No se puede arreglar el programa de login? Supongo que habria que
deshabilitar el teclado desde que pulsas el primer Enter hasta que
apareciese la palabra 'Password:' o que apareciesen asteriscos en lugar
del password.

¿Os a pasado lo mismo que a mi alguna vez?

Un saludo:

Juan Carlos

Re: impresora....

1998-09-10 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
Miguel Angel,

por que mejor no te simplificas la vida? Instala magicfilter, y si
no te pide configurarlo, como root dale:

$ magicfilterconfig --force

cuando te pregunte la impresora, le dices algo asi como hplj4l (no me
acuerdo la forma exacta, cuando la veas la reconoceras). Cuando te pregunta
el puerto le dices lp1 (*es* lp1, verdad? si le das cat /etc/issue 
/dev/lp1 imprime algo?), cuando te pregunta los otros nombres es nada mas
una comodidad para que cuando digas lpq te diga un poco mas explicitamente
que impresora es (es muy util cuando hay varias impresoras -- distintas
fisicamente, hay que recordar que Unix gira en torno a redes, las maquinas
con una impresora, con un usuario, con un * son cosa reciente)


Re: Debian 2.0, Linux Actual y demás

1998-09-10 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

He demorado un tanto mi respuesta para evitar saltar en caliente,
y ahora voy a aprovechar para responder un poco a todos.
Como parece que a alguien no le ha quedado claro, LA4 tendra 2CDs:
binary-i386 (main) y contrib, sin aumento de precio (995). Y, como dije, voy
a pedirles que incluyan en LA5 contrib+non-US+non-free (lo que sea
distribuible), junto con los programas de los articulos de LA4 y LA5 (o en
un CD aparte) sin aumento de coste (995 ptas). Os recuerdo que contrib (el
CD oficial) son 200 MBs, mientras que main y source son 600MBs cada;
haciendo numeros resulta que se entrega un 86% de la distribuicion.

Esto como detalle, por otro lado, yo, aunque me pagan por esto, lo
hice porque queria que se hiciera bien (la Debian 1.3.1 del numero 1, se
hizo medio bien, por ejemplo no arranca el CD) y con la ULTIMA version del
CD. La cual puso Phil Hands (que amablemente me dio acceso) el dia 1 de
septiembre, me espere, habiendo grabado ya la version anterior y pasandome
del plazo limite que me habian puesto, para que la gente tuviera TODAS las
actualizaciones que resolvian problemas en la instalacion (cd_autoup.sh) y
de seguridad (diversos paquetes, ver www.debian.org). Esto, a costa de mi
tiempo, mi dinero y de entregarselo mas tarde.

Intente presionar a la redaccion (yo, lo digo de nuevo, ni pincho ni
corto, soy un mero colabodor) para que incluyeran 3 CDs. No quisieron
hacerlo, sus razones tendran.

Ahora bien, algunas de las reacciones que he leido respecto a mis
ultimas noticias me han hecho pensar que quizas no deberia haber intentado
teneros a todos informados de como se estaban haciendo las cosas y de que os
podias esperar cuando, pasado el 15 de septiembre, la revista este en la

No solo me parecieron algunos correos groseros sino tambien poco
comprensivos con una revista que acaba de empezar (cuarto numero,
recordadlo) y que tiene que luchar en el mercado editorial. Me hecho a
temblar ahora pensando lo que me espera como los CDs no salgan 100% bien.

Un saludo

Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña

 El Tue, Sep 08, 1998,
 Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a...
Para   aquellos   interesados. Tengo   las   ultimas

Description: PGP signature

RE: El login no me gusta mucho

1998-09-10 Thread Manuel Paz Flores
Por si te sirve de consuelo a mi me ha pasado en el trabajo con el servidor
corporativo  (Unisys, HP-UX y Solaris)
más de una vez.
Lo único que hay que hacer es comprobar que te sale la línea de password
antes de escribirlo ( o sea paciencia ;-) )
y sobre todo que no hay nadie alrededor.
Una medida bastante prudente es no entrar en el sistema directamente como
root, y si alguine te pilla la password cambirla inmediatamente.
 De: Juan Carlos Muro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 A: Lista Debian debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Asunto: El login no me gusta mucho
 Fecha: jueves 10 de septiembre de 1998 1:39
 Hola a todos.
 Tengo una duda sobre algo que siempre me da la sensacion que ha ido mal
 en mi ordenador.
 Se trata de que cuando hago un login desde la consola, si el PC esta
 teniendo ya mucha carga de tareas (sobre todo cuando el HD esta
 trabajando como un cosaco), ocurre lo siguiente:
   Aparece 'login:' en la pantalla.
   Tecleno el nombre de usuario y pulso Enter.
   Rapidamente, nada mas pulsar el Enter, introduzco el password a toda
 velocidad. Entonces, el password aparece a medida que lo tecleas (si no
 has dado tiempo a que aparezca la palabra 'Password:' en la pantalla.
 No se si me explico, pero esto mas de una vez me ha dejado al
 descubierto cuando ha venido algun amiguete a casa. 
 ¿No se puede arreglar el programa de login? Supongo que habria que
 deshabilitar el teclado desde que pulsas el primer Enter hasta que
 apareciese la palabra 'Password:' o que apareciesen asteriscos en lugar
 del password.
 ¿Os a pasado lo mismo que a mi alguna vez?
 Un saludo:
 Juan Carlos
 Para BORRARSE, enviar un mensaje a
 que diga unsubscribe en el Subject. En caso de problema, escribir a

Re: Mail

1998-09-10 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 08:37:50PM +, Phillip Neumann wrote:
 Voy a hacer una pregunta realmente facil (por lo menos eso creo..), Como
 lo hago para mandar un mensaje a un usuario de mi sistema desde root?? 
 No he instalado nada parecido a sendmail, o fetchmail, etc. todavia
 porque no se como funciona esto de los emails. Donde puedo encontrar
 informacion acerca de como configurar mi email local??
Usando smailconfig y cogiendo la opcion (1) Internet Site. Eso creo.

Re: Debian 2.0, Linux Actual y demás

1998-09-10 Thread Tomás Bautista
On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:

 Y, como dije, voy a pedirles que incluyan en LA5
 contrib+non-US+non-free (lo que sea distribuible), junto con los
 programas de los articulos de LA4 y LA5 (o en un CD aparte) sin
 aumento de coste (995 ptas).

Pues desde mi punto de vista, reitero que me parece pero que muy bien. Y
si me permites la sugerencia... ¿se podrían poner los paquetes nuevos que
resuelven los problemas de seguridad, o cuando menos intentarlo?

   No solo me parecieron algunos correos groseros sino tambien poco
 comprensivos con una revista que acaba de empezar (cuarto numero,
 recordadlo) y que tiene que luchar en el mercado editorial. Me hecho a
 temblar ahora pensando lo que me espera como los CDs no salgan 100% bien.

Yo ni me preocuparía: para gustos se hicieron los colores, y la revista
saldrá adelante porque es magnífica.


P.D. En vez de dar las gracias y sentirnos afortunados porque eligieron

  _ Tomas Bautista.  Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243 
 /  ___)_   E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  (___  \  Home page URL:   http://www.cma.ulpgc.es/users/bautista
 \_)  |Centre for Applied Microelectronics, CAD Division.
   (_/  University of Las Palmas de G.C.
Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

RE: Reproduccion de CD's

1998-09-10 Thread jarregui
Jo, que pasada, me estais contestando todos. Casi ni me lo creo...

Bueno, yo lo que he hecho para arreglar el tema es dar permiso de 
lectura a 'Otros'. Antes tenia los permisos con 640 y ahora lo he 
dejado en 644. Con esto ya no tengo problemas. Pero me sigue 
pareciendo muy peligroso el tocar los permisos, grupo o usuario de 
un dispositivo del sistema. Si Linux deja el grupo como disk, me imagino
que sera por algo (por eso no lo he cambiado a cdrom), y me parece 
muy descontrolado meter a un usuario en el grupo disk, porque no 
tengo ni idea de lo que puede llegar a hacer perteneciendo a ese grupo... 

Cuando llegue a casa mirare lo que dice Marcelo, porque no tenia ni
idea de que existiera esa opcion. Aunque no se si sera ese el problema,
porque los sonidos los oigo perfectamente, añadiendo el usuario al 
grupo audio (claro, /dev/audio es del group audio, no de disk). 
No obstante, me parece una solucion muy buena (como muchas otras en Debian
:-) ).
Lo malo es que si no aparece Marcelo, no se si me hubiera 
dado cuenta alguna vez de su existencia (de Marcelo, no, de la opcion).

Lo que me cuestiono es que ningun manual de los programas que 
reproducen CD's contempla este problema, cuando yo creo que es 
habitual tener el CDROM en uno de los buses IDE. Y que yo sepa, el 
sistema deja todos estos dispositivos como 640 (lo digo de memoria, a 
lo mejor el 4 es un 6, pero lo que me importa es el 0 final). ¿Que hace
la gente? O se busca por su cuenta una solucion que puede comprometer
la seguridad del sistema, o escribe a la lista (como yo). No se si me 
pierdo algo, pero creo que este tema es mejorable. ¿No os parece?

Bueno, muchas gracias a todos. Da gusto estar en la lista.

Javier Arregui García
Ingeniero de Sistemas 
Dpto. Innovación y Tecnología (Sistemas)
Siemens Elasa S.A.
Tfno: 976 760300   Fax: 976 760346

Re: Supergrep

1998-09-10 Thread Octavio Rodriguez Perez

No he podido leer el correo hasta ahora. Muchas gracias por las
respuestas, la verdad es que me estaba enrollando demasiado, pero ahora
ya funciona.

Saludos y a su disposicion,


Re: SECURITY: new bash packages available

1998-09-10 Thread TooManySecrets

Estoy viendo que el servicio de seguridad de Debian, parece ser que funciona
más rápido (si es que puede ser en el mundo Linux), que el de Red Hat.
El mensaje de Debian-security referente a una vulnerabilidad del Bash, y sus
updates correspondientes, me llegó uno o dos días antes que éste de Red Hat.

 A security vulnerability has been identified in all versions of bash shipped
 with Red Hat Linux. Details on the nature of the bug have been posted
 recently to the BUGTRAQ security list.
 The bug is not immediately exploitable - it will require that a user with
 shell account on one machine create a carefully constructed directory
 structure and then wait for somebody else with a root account to cd into
 that directory.
 Red Hat would like to thank Joao Manuel Carolino [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 for identifying this bug and Wichert Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
 providing an idea of a fix.

Have a nice day ;-)

[no subject]

1998-09-10 Thread Manuel Paz Flores

Hola a todos;

Ya sé que lo que voy a preguntar no tiene nada que ver con Debian. Así que
perdón de antemano.
¿Puede alguien decirme como suscribirme a la lista BUGTRAQ de seguridad?


Un saludo, 

Manuel Paz Flores  8-)
Norsistemas, S.A.

Clave pública : http://www.rediris.es/cert/keyserver


Alguien que use /bin/sh

1998-09-10 Thread Octavio Rodriguez Perez

¿Como compruebo el numero de parametros de la linea de comandos en el
/bin/sh? Me explico:


if (num_args_entrada != 2) then

Saludos a todos,


Re: Reproduccion de CD's

1998-09-10 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 Si Linux deja el grupo como disk, me imagino
 que sera por algo (por eso no lo he cambiado a cdrom)

Pues la razón por la cual debian viene con un grupo cdrom pero no existe
ningun dispositivo que pertenezca a ese grupo, es porque nadie puede adivinar
donde vas a conectar tu cdrom. Por eso /dev/hda /dev/hdb /dev/hdc
etc vienen configurados como siendo discos; me parece mas correcto que si
instalas un cdrom en /dev/hdb por ejemplo, inmediatamente cambies el grupo
de disk a cdrom (va a ser mucho mas seguro que si lo dejas como perteneciendo
a disk!)

Jaime Villate
Univ. de Oporto

Re: Alguien que use /bin/sh

1998-09-10 Thread Sergio Gomez Bachiller
On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Octavio Rodriguez Perez wrote:
 if (num_args_entrada != 2) then

Mu facil, con $#, que devuelve el numero de parámetros. De esta
forma tu ejemplo quedaria:

if (test $# -ne 2) then
echo No es igual a 2
echo Es igual a 2

El 'if' no compara variables, ejecuta lo que pongas entre paréntesis
y dependiendo de si la salida es correcta (exit 0) o no ejecuta
la sentencia correspondiente.

'test' es un programa que comprueba de que tipo es un fichero y tambien
compara valores. Para más información mira las páginas del 'man'.

Sergio Gómez Bachiller mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Delegado de Tercero de Ing. Téc. en Informática de Sistemas
Vicepresidente del Consejo de Estudiantes de la E.U.P.
Vicepresidente de RITSI-Cordoba
Vicepresidente de RITSI (Reunión de Ing. Téc. y Superiores de Informática)
Página Web//Web Page http://www.uco.es/%7ei52gobas
Universidad de Cordoba (España)//University of Cordoba (Spain)
Clave PGP//PGP key http://www.uco.es/%7ei52gobas/clavepgp.txt

Busco qt-1.33-4 en formato .deb

1998-09-10 Thread Juanmi Mora

Pues eso, alguien sabe donde está.


Juanmi Mora 
Barcelona - España

// Powered by Linux

Re: Busco qt-1.33-4 en formato .deb

1998-09-10 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sun, 6 Sep 1998, Juanmi Mora wrote:

 Pues eso, ¿alguien sabe donde está?

En non-free/libs. El nombre del paquete es qt1g.

 2f23c3c72e4b6a559a19c69272e5fd8c (a truly random sig)

Re: X windows

1998-09-10 Thread J . Parera
Por cierto los .tgz se descomprimen con el gzip ¿no?

tar xzvf ficherillo.tgz --la opción concreta es la z.

  J. Parera

Re: Reproduccion de CD's

1998-09-10 Thread Jesus Rodrigo
Marcelo E. Magallon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Modifica /etc/login.defs para que contenga la linea
 CONSOLE_GROUPS floppy:audio:cdrom
 Con esa linea alli (esta comentada probablemente) cualquiera que se siente
 en la consola puede usar el cdrom/audio/floppy [*]

¿Consola aplica sólo a las vc's o tambien a una sesión xdm local?


Jesús Rodrigo   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Reproduccion de CD's

1998-09-10 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Sep 10, 1998 at 01:07:51AM +0200, Jesus Rodrigo wrote:

  Modifica /etc/login.defs para que contenga la linea
  CONSOLE_GROUPS floppy:audio:cdrom
  Con esa linea alli (esta comentada probablemente) cualquiera que se siente
  en la consola puede usar el cdrom/audio/floppy [*]
 ¿Consola aplica sólo a las vc's o tambien a una sesión xdm local?

Con lo que yo he probado aquí, se aplica a ambas.


RE: Debian 2.0, Linux Actual y demás

1998-09-10 Thread Andrés Seco Hernández
Hash: SHA1

Por mi parte tienes mi apoyo y comprensión. Fue un detalle por tu
parte mantenernos informados y recibir nuestras opiniones. El que no
sepa lo que es una redacción y todo lo que se cuece dentro puede
pensar que se preocupan poco por los lectores, pero esto no es así. Al
fin y al cabo ellos son los que haran funcionar o hundirse a la
revista. Y de momento parece que gusta.

Gracias, Javier. Yo compraré la revista aunque no llevase los CDs (ya
tengo los de Datom).

Andrés Seco Hernández.
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.ctv.es/USERS/andressh
Clave pública PGP en http://www.rediris.es/cert/keyserver
Microsoft Certified Product SpecialistMCP ID 445900
tel. +34 970 799317, fax +34 949 888135.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: jueves, 10 de septiembre de 1998 4:27
 Para: Debian Spanish List
 Asunto: Re: Debian 2.0, Linux Actual y demás

   He demorado un tanto mi respuesta para evitar saltar en caliente,
 y ahora voy a aprovechar para responder un poco a todos.
   Como parece que a alguien no le ha quedado claro, LA4 tendra 2CDs:
 binary-i386 (main) y contrib, sin aumento de precio (995). Y,
 como dije, voy
 a pedirles que incluyan en LA5 contrib+non-US+non-free (lo que sea
 distribuible), junto con los programas de los articulos de LA4 y LA5
(o en
 un CD aparte) sin aumento de coste (995 ptas). Os recuerdo que
contrib (el
 CD oficial) son 200 MBs, mientras que main y source son 600MBs cada;
 haciendo numeros resulta que se entrega un 86% de la distribuicion.

   Esto como detalle, por otro lado, yo, aunque me pagan por esto, lo
 hice porque queria que se hiciera bien (la Debian 1.3.1 del numero
1, se
 hizo medio bien, por ejemplo no arranca el CD) y con la ULTIMA
version del
 CD. La cual puso Phil Hands (que amablemente me dio acceso) el dia 1
 septiembre, me espere, habiendo grabado ya la version anterior y
 del plazo limite que me habian puesto, para que la gente tuviera
 actualizaciones que resolvian problemas en la instalacion
(cd_autoup.sh) y
 de seguridad (diversos paquetes, ver www.debian.org). Esto, a costa
de mi
 tiempo, mi dinero y de entregarselo mas tarde.

   Intente presionar a la redaccion (yo, lo digo de nuevo, ni pincho
 corto, soy un mero colabodor) para que incluyeran 3 CDs. No
 hacerlo, sus razones tendran.

   Ahora bien, algunas de las reacciones que he leido respecto a mis
 ultimas noticias me han hecho pensar que quizas no deberia
 haber intentado
 teneros a todos informados de como se estaban haciendo las cosas
 y de que os
 podias esperar cuando, pasado el 15 de septiembre, la revista este
en la

   No solo me parecieron algunos correos groseros sino tambien poco
 comprensivos con una revista que acaba de empezar (cuarto numero,
 recordadlo) y que tiene que luchar en el mercado editorial. Me hecho
 temblar ahora pensando lo que me espera como los CDs no salgan 100%

   Un saludo

   Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Peña

  El Tue, Sep 08, 1998,
  Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a...
 Para   aquellos   interesados. Tengo   las   ultimas

Version: PGPfreeware 5.5.3i for non-commercial use http://www.pgpi.com


Re: X-Windows Mice

1998-09-10 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Wed, 9 Sep 1998 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Has anybody got any idea why I can get a serial mouse to work, in X, but not a
 PS/2 mouse?
 I am using /dev/ttyS0 for the serial mouse, but when I use /dev/mouse for the
 PS/2 mouse it doesn't work.

Either 'ln -s /dev/psaux /dev/mouse' or use /dev/psaux.

Also, you will need to specify the PS/2 protocol in the pointers section
of XF86Config.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DM42nh  http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

Re: printing takes hours in HAMM

1998-09-10 Thread shaul
After upgrading to Hamm, (actually, after upgrading to 2.0.34) I noticed that 
the advanced extensions to the parallel port (SPP and such) can be recognized.
Perhaps these extensions are the source of your problem ? 
 After my upgrade to HAMM every kind of printing takes forever.
 No matter whether I print via magicfilter or cat a file to /dev/lp1
 my printer prints a line, waits something like 5 seconds, then
 prints the next line.
 Anyone out there who has an idea what happened?
 Do I have to set some baud rates for the device or something?

Re: Debian manual -- printed.

1998-09-10 Thread shaul
There is a link from debian home page to a free book like the one you are 
looking for (and other documentation).

 Since, I decided to use debian instead of Slackware or Red Hat. I have
 noticed something. I can't find a book devoted to it. I can find the
 other and I even am considering switching to another dist, just be cause
 I like to have a printed text near by. You to read on the bus or when
 you turn on your machine and it makes that uhh no sound stop crash !
 So can someone recommend one to me that has stuff in it specific to
 Debian? Where can I get it? (I even have Linux Journal - and I can't
 find anything in there!) Ok, if it will help I'll trade all my old
 Windblows 95/3.1 tech manuals and like or how about my Netware CNE/CNA
 study guide ; )


1998-09-10 Thread shaul
Once you get the $ prompt you can do whatever you need to do. 
So, what you want to do ?
You mentioned trying to send email.
I think that the basic text command to send email is mail. Therefor, if you 
want to email yourself, you can try:
$ mail -s $(date) - trying to email myself $USER  /dev/null
And then you can type mail to activate the basic text mail reader (in it, ? 
will show you some help)
Hopefully, smail is configured well enough to do it. You can test it by 
issuing (from the $ prompt) /usr/sbin/smailtest --localonly. that is:
$ /usr/sbin/smailtest --localonly
and answer y to the question it will ask.

It seems to me that are missing Win 98 graphical enviorment. Linux has 
something like it (The X window system). But, I suggest that before you 
install it, you will learn more from the Linux books you have. Also, learn a 
bit about dselect' so that you'll be able to install some games and other 
applications that I believe you are curious about. Some of these doesn't 
necceseraly needs the graphical X enviorment, but you'll need to know more 
about dselect to be able to decide if this is the case for a particular 
program you are interested in.

 I am a NEW.  I have successfully installed Debian 2.0 from CD on my 
 computer with Win 98.  I have a 1,900 Mb Linux Native and 190 Mb Linux 
 Swap.  I am the only user on it; there is no connected network.
 I log on and get the '$' prompt and except for a few things like vi and 
 emacs I can do nothing.  For example, I answered the queries for smail 
 yet from root or /usr/bin/ I get the error message saying bad command 
 when I enter 'smail'  I even can list smail, see it listed and get the 
 same error message when enter smail.  I list RXW permission I ls -l
 I have 4 Linux books and none of them say what I should do once I get 
 the $ prompt!  Mounting a filesystem didn't seem to help but I may not 
 have done that right.  There is something VERY basic I am missing, the 
 books don't mention it.
 Please tell me what to do, or where to go to find basic tutorial help.

Re: HELP: Even More Problems Configuring Email

1998-09-10 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
| I have figured out a cheap way to use PPP a regular user  login as root,
| connect, log back out, log in as a regular user...

You can use XISP and, by adding yourself to the proper groups (dip,
dialout, are the two I can think of), and creating a very minimal
/etc/ppp/options file, you can connect as a normal user. I do it

| But, now I want to be able to receive e-mail.  I have installed SMAIL.  I
| believe I have all the config options set correctly.  I can send e-mail, but
| I cannot recieve it.

How do you normally retrieve email from your ISP under Windows? If you 
use POP (2 or 3) or IMAP then have a look at fetchmail. It'll retrieve 
mail for you and deliver it to your box via smail.

| The one file I know to look at is my SMAIL config.

If you had a permanent connection to the internet then that's all
you'd need. But with a PPP account I suspect you need a POP3 or IMAP
mail fetcher, like fetchmail.

| What other files are involved in this process and need to be configured?  (I
| have tried looking on the Debian site, but found nothing that was of any
| help.  I have also been scouring this book book on LINUX from Walnut
| Creek.) 

I'm not familiar with the book or the Debian website, however, the
generic Linux Documentation Project is ALWAYS a good place to
look. For your question I'd have a look at



Can httpd and wwwoffled co-exist?

1998-09-10 Thread Jack Kern
On a Debian 2.0 system I had wwwoffle installed and working with lynx.
I then installed dwww which required httpd, so I installed boa.

dwww only worked if I nullified the HTTP_PROXY variable used by
wwwoffle/lynx, or if I put wwwoffle online -- wwwoffle online then
proceeded to cache all the dox which of course are already on the disk.

Now for some reason wwwoffle has stopped working even when I stop
httpd(boa).  Command-line requests and fetching works but lynx cannot
read the cache or mark urls for fetching.

I don't understand these conflicts, so I thought I would ask if httpd and
wwwoffled can coexist before trying to reinstall wwwoffle or whatever.
boa uses port 80 and wwwoffle uses ports 8080 and 8081 -- all defaults.

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Jack Kern   Yarmouth, Nova Scotia   Debian GNU/Linux 

help compiling X11 clients

1998-09-10 Thread Ian Eure
Hi there. I'm trying to get the shockwave flash plugin for netscape to
compile, and not having much success. It fails with this error:

g++ -o swfplayer main.o libflash.o -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11 -lXext
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [swfplayer] Error 1

any ideas?

| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
:   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Re: help compiling X11 clients

1998-09-10 Thread Shaleh
Make sure you have xlib6g-dev and xlib6g installed.  Otherwise you are
doing it right.

Ian Eure wrote:
 Hi there. I'm trying to get the shockwave flash plugin for netscape to
 compile, and not having much success. It fails with this error:
 g++ -o swfplayer main.o libflash.o -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11 -lXext
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make: *** [swfplayer] Error 1
 any ideas?
 | ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
 | manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
 ;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
 :   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

Re: X-Windows Mice

1998-09-10 Thread Brian Sheehan
I think you should be using /dev/psaux for the ps2 mouse - that's what I
use. /dev/mouse is just a link. See what its points to with ls -l
/dev/mouse. I could be missing the point here too  aswell, so sorry if I



 Has anybody got any idea why I can get a serial mouse to work, in X,
 but not a
 PS/2 mouse?

 I am using /dev/ttyS0 for the serial mouse, but when I use /dev/mouse
 for the
 PS/2 mouse it doesn't work.

 Am I overly stupid? what am I doing wrong?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Automatic Unzipping?

1998-09-10 Thread Michele Bini
 Can apache automatically decompress files ending in .gz and send the
 uncompressed stream (along with the correct mime-type) over the HTTP
It seems that netscape or lynx are able to recognize a gzipped file
and read it, so I do not think that it would be useful to (g)unzip them
before sending them.


Re: printing takes hours in HAMM

1998-09-10 Thread Michele Bini
 After my upgrade to HAMM every kind of printing takes forever.
 No matter whether I print via magicfilter or cat a file to /dev/lp1
 my printer prints a line, waits something like 5 seconds, then
 prints the next line.

 Anyone out there who has an idea what happened?
 Do I have to set some baud rates for the device or something?

 Thanks a lot in advance!

I strongly suspect this a kernel-related problem, since the printing
is slow even when doing 'cat file /dev/lp1'.
Or maybe you have confused /dev/lp1 with /dev/lp0?

Try another kernel (an make sure to update the modules and
install them (2.0.33 worked fine for me)).



Re: help compiling X11 clients

1998-09-10 Thread Ian Eure
ieure!Phaktory:~$ dpkg --status xlib6g-dev
Package: xlib6g-dev
Status: install ok installed

ieure!Phaktory:~$ dpkg --status xlib6g
Package: xlib6g
Status: install ok installed

They're there. Anything else?

On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 07:31:01PM -0400, Shaleh wrote:
 Make sure you have xlib6g-dev and xlib6g installed.  Otherwise you are
 doing it right.
 Ian Eure wrote:
  Hi there. I'm trying to get the shockwave flash plugin for netscape to
  compile, and not having much success. It fails with this error:
  g++ -o swfplayer main.o libflash.o -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11 -lXext
  /usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  make: *** [swfplayer] Error 1
  any ideas?
  | ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
  | manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
  ;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
  :   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
:   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

CD-R and X

1998-09-10 Thread Lenwood S. Sawyer III
I was wondering if Xcdroast was the only X based cd-r software out
there.  ThanksLenny Sawyer

Re: help compiling X11 clients

1998-09-10 Thread Shaleh
1. try using /usr/X11R6/lib istead of /usr/X11/lib.
2. do ldconfig -v|grep X11, you should get something like libX11.6.so -

Otherwise, we can go one on one in irc or something.

Ian Eure wrote:
 ieure!Phaktory:~$ dpkg --status xlib6g-dev
 Package: xlib6g-dev
 Status: install ok installed
 ieure!Phaktory:~$ dpkg --status xlib6g
 Package: xlib6g
 Status: install ok installed
 They're there. Anything else?
 On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 07:31:01PM -0400, Shaleh wrote:
  Make sure you have xlib6g-dev and xlib6g installed.  Otherwise you are
  doing it right.
  Ian Eure wrote:
   Hi there. I'm trying to get the shockwave flash plugin for netscape to
   compile, and not having much success. It fails with this error:
   g++ -o swfplayer main.o libflash.o -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11 -lXext
   /usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory
   collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
   make: *** [swfplayer] Error 1
   any ideas?
   | ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
   | manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
   ;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
   :   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
  Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today
 | ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
 | manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
 ;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
 :   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

Re: help compiling X11 clients

1998-09-10 Thread Ian Eure
Ok, setting the lib path to /usr/X11R6/lib worked. Guess Debian doesn't have 
symlinks in /usr.

On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 07:56:46PM -0400, Shaleh wrote:
 1. try using /usr/X11R6/lib istead of /usr/X11/lib.
 2. do ldconfig -v|grep X11, you should get something like libX11.6.so -
 Otherwise, we can go one on one in irc or something.
 Ian Eure wrote:
  ieure!Phaktory:~$ dpkg --status xlib6g-dev
  Package: xlib6g-dev
  Status: install ok installed
  ieure!Phaktory:~$ dpkg --status xlib6g
  Package: xlib6g
  Status: install ok installed
  They're there. Anything else?
  On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 07:31:01PM -0400, Shaleh wrote:
   Make sure you have xlib6g-dev and xlib6g installed.  Otherwise you are
   doing it right.
   Ian Eure wrote:
Hi there. I'm trying to get the shockwave flash plugin for netscape to
compile, and not having much success. It fails with this error:
g++ -o swfplayer main.o libflash.o -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11 -lXext
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [swfplayer] Error 1
any ideas?
| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
:   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
   Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today
  | ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
  | manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
  ;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
  :   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
 Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
:   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

ide cdr

1998-09-10 Thread Armando Cerna
I am running hamm and i can't find  a program that suppports an ide cdrw drive 
can someone please reccomend me one

Re: help compiling X11 clients

1998-09-10 Thread Shaleh
Alex pointed that out to me.  I added the symlink on my system to avoid
re-writing make files.  Forgot that Debian did not ship it that way. 
BTW the link is NOT supposed to exist according to the FSSTND we have
been following, so Debian is following standards rather than standard
practice -- usually this is a good thing.

Ian Eure wrote:
 Ok, setting the lib path to /usr/X11R6/lib worked. Guess Debian doesn't have 
 symlinks in /usr.
 On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 07:56:46PM -0400, Shaleh wrote:
  1. try using /usr/X11R6/lib istead of /usr/X11/lib.
  2. do ldconfig -v|grep X11, you should get something like libX11.6.so -
  Otherwise, we can go one on one in irc or something.
  Ian Eure wrote:
   ieure!Phaktory:~$ dpkg --status xlib6g-dev
   Package: xlib6g-dev
   Status: install ok installed
   ieure!Phaktory:~$ dpkg --status xlib6g
   Package: xlib6g
   Status: install ok installed
   They're there. Anything else?
   On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 07:31:01PM -0400, Shaleh wrote:
Make sure you have xlib6g-dev and xlib6g installed.  Otherwise you are
doing it right.
Ian Eure wrote:

 Hi there. I'm trying to get the shockwave flash plugin for netscape to
 compile, and not having much success. It fails with this error:

 g++ -o swfplayer main.o libflash.o -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11 -lXext
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot open -lX11: No such file or directory
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make: *** [swfplayer] Error 1

 any ideas?

 | ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
 | manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
 ;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
 :   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today
   | ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
   | manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
   ;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
   :   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
  Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today
 | ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
 | manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
 ;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
 :   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Linux, because I'd like to *get there* today

Re: Is there a Debian package for SANE 0.74 or 0.73?

1998-09-10 Thread Kevin Dalley
Well, there is a workaround.  Edit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf by commenting
out all scanners which you do not have on your system.  There is a bug 
somewhere in 0.74, but I haven't found a fix for it yet.


 I have a UMAX Astra 1200s: When using sane 0.74-1 my GIMP locks up on
 startup with an xsession? error of plugin crash. So i've had to downgrade to
 0.72-1.1 Any ideas on how to fix 0.74?

Kevin Dalley

Re: What is MARK in /var/log/messages

1998-09-10 Thread H Huang
Andy Spiegl writes:

  This is syslogd's heartbeat - it tells you that the logger is
  still alive and well.
 -m interval
The syslogd logs a mark  timestamp  regularly.  The
default interval between two -- MARK -- lines is 20
minutes. This can be changed with this option.
 Thanks a lot!  Now I am wondering what I would have to put in syslog.conf
 so that those marks go to a special file, say /var/log/syslog.heartbeat.log

Adding the following line to your syslog.conf will do:

mark.*  /var/log/syslog.heartbeat.log

To eliminate -- MARK -- lines in /var/log/syslog, change the following

*.*;auth,authpriv,mark.none -/var/log/syslog


 Maybe that's not possible, though.  At least I couldn't find any hint.

Hope this helps.

Hong Huang

Re: Boot problems with lilo

1998-09-10 Thread Stephen J. Carpenter
On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 01:06:18PM -0500, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Stephen J. Carpenter wrote:
 [ snip ]
  : Any ideas why lilo is unwilling to work on this drive?
  : The drive has about 8000 (aprox) cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors 
 Did you try the linear option in lilo.conf?  Also, try commenting out
 compact if it isn't already.

Ahh thanxworks great :)

I will have to add this one to my mental Bag of Tricks :)


/* -- Stephen Carpenter [EMAIL PROTECTED] --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
E-mail Bumper Stickers:
A FREE America or a Drug-Free America: You can't have both!
honk if you Love Linux

Description: PGP signature

changed server name, how-to change back

1998-09-10 Thread Keith
I somehow changed the name of my server back copying files from another server
onto this one. Which files sets the name of the server?


Debian GNU/Linuxhttp://www.naples.net/~nfn11988/linux   


1998-09-10 Thread Default Debian Reader
I know xmame is the normal content of debian list but

Just wondering if anyone has used xmame and if so what do you uzip the
roms with?  It seems they are zipped with compression uncompatable for
gzip or uncompress.  Thanks for any help

Re: changed server name, how-to change back

1998-09-10 Thread Default Debian Reader

On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Keith wrote:

 I somehow changed the name of my server back copying files from another server
 onto this one. Which files sets the name of the server?
hostname is the command the file you can change is /etc/hostname
 Debian GNU/Linux  http://www.naples.net/~nfn11988/linux   
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

modem and PPP trouble

1998-09-10 Thread Joshua Wilson
I recently installed Debian GNU/Linux, and I am having a terrible time
getting PPP to work with my modem.  I have a US Robotics 28.8 at
/dev/ttyS2.  I tried to set up PPP using pppconfig and I have looked
at the files in /etc/ppp.  Everything seems to be ok, but when I run
pon my modem does not dial, nothing happens, and plog tells me that
the connect script failed. I have consulted various HOWTOs and
documentation but they all seem to refer to pre-HAM versions of Debian
and reference a ppp.chatscript file that my box doesn't have.  I also
searched the debian-user archives but could not find a relevant
answer.  However, the archives did mention trying to dial out using
minicom.  Minicom was able to get my modem to dial, but this still
does not solve my PPP problem since my ISP uses PAP and I do not how
to negotiate a connection to it using minicom.  Any help or ideas
about how to get my modem to work with PPP would be greatly appreciated.


Josh Wilson

Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: Compiling XFree86 -- no makefile in doc directory...?

1998-09-10 Thread David R Baker

I have been working on building XFree86, though the version on the CD's
I think just before yours.

After some time comsuming experimentation (it's big!) and finding
libraries I did not have -dev versions of (joystick and libz), I
found the following sequence to work for me:

cd wherever
dpkg-source -x blah.dsc
debian/rules clean
debian/rules build
debian/rules binary .

Policy says that only debian/rules binary should be necessary, but I
had problems.  There were permission problems the clean fixed.  I
could be wrong, but it appears to me that binary does not have build
as a prerequisite and so several things that build does don't get done.
I do not file a bug not being sure and I'm sure I would have problems
maintaining such a large package.

You may want to see if you can get unmodified source to build before

I have a 33MH 486 making each attempt ~24 hrs, so this is not
checked out, but it appears to have worked for me.

Any comments from Debian X developers appreciated.


Re: modem and PPP trouble

1998-09-10 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi Joshua Wilson; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 I recently installed Debian GNU/Linux, and I am having a terrible time
 getting PPP to work with my modem.  I have a US Robotics 28.8 at
 /dev/ttyS2.  I tried to set up PPP using pppconfig and I have looked
 at the files in /etc/ppp.  Everything seems to be ok, but when I run
 pon my modem does not dial, nothing happens, and plog tells me that
 the connect script failed. I have consulted various HOWTOs and
 documentation but they all seem to refer to pre-HAM versions of Debian
 and reference a ppp.chatscript file that my box doesn't have.  I also
 searched the debian-user archives but could not find a relevant
 answer.  However, the archives did mention trying to dial out using
 minicom.  Minicom was able to get my modem to dial, but this still
 does not solve my PPP problem since my ISP uses PAP and I do not how
 to negotiate a connection to it using minicom.  Any help or ideas
 about how to get my modem to work with PPP would be greatly appreciated.
 Josh Wilson

sorry if this sounds stupid, but do you really have your modem on /dev/ttyS2?
Does your minicom or something similar work? The reason I'm asking this is
that my USR 33.6 (which I can't imagine being any diff than 28.8) was preset
at /dev/ttyS1 (which is DOS com2..)



Re: xmame

1998-09-10 Thread Ian Eure
On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 08:55:01PM -0500, Default Debian Reader wrote:
 I know xmame is the normal content of debian list but
 Just wondering if anyone has used xmame and if so what do you uzip the
 roms with?  It seems they are zipped with compression uncompatable for
 gzip or uncompress.  Thanks for any help

Umm... They are usually in standard .zip format, as used by the old dos
program PKZip. Install the unzip  zip packages, then `unzip filename'.

| ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
| manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
:   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Re: xmame

1998-09-10 Thread Default Debian Reader

On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Ian Eure wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 08:55:01PM -0500, Default Debian Reader wrote:
  I know xmame is the normal content of debian list but
  Just wondering if anyone has used xmame and if so what do you uzip the
  roms with?  It seems they are zipped with compression uncompatable for
  gzip or uncompress.  Thanks for any help
 Umm... They are usually in standard .zip format, as used by the old dos
 program PKZip. Install the unzip  zip packages, then `unzip filename'.
I guess my question was what are the packages names.
 | ian eure, network admin, freelance security consultant, and  |
 | manically depressed paranoid schizophrenic, at your service. |
 ;   [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://minion.org ;
 :   raw speed = 105.6 wpm with 4.5% errors :
 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

Re: xmame

1998-09-10 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Default Debian Reader wrote:

[ snip ]

 :  Umm... They are usually in standard .zip format, as used by the old dos
 :  program PKZip. Install the unzip  zip packages, then `unzip filename'.
 : I guess my question was what are the packages names.

unzip and zip, in section non-free/utils

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.midco.net
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: modem and PPP trouble

1998-09-10 Thread Bob Nielsen
Read /usr/doc/ppp/SETUP.gz  Actually the Debian package sets things up a
bit differently than this, but you should be able to understand the
procedure from this document.  The files you need to set up are
/etc/ppp/peers/provider and /etc/chatscripts/provider.


On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Joshua Wilson wrote:

 I recently installed Debian GNU/Linux, and I am having a terrible time
 getting PPP to work with my modem.  I have a US Robotics 28.8 at
 /dev/ttyS2.  I tried to set up PPP using pppconfig and I have looked
 at the files in /etc/ppp.  Everything seems to be ok, but when I run
 pon my modem does not dial, nothing happens, and plog tells me that
 the connect script failed. I have consulted various HOWTOs and
 documentation but they all seem to refer to pre-HAM versions of Debian
 and reference a ppp.chatscript file that my box doesn't have.  I also
 searched the debian-user archives but could not find a relevant
 answer.  However, the archives did mention trying to dial out using
 minicom.  Minicom was able to get my modem to dial, but this still
 does not solve my PPP problem since my ISP uses PAP and I do not how
 to negotiate a connection to it using minicom.  Any help or ideas
 about how to get my modem to work with PPP would be greatly appreciated.
 Josh Wilson
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DM42nh  http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

Re: Compiling XFree86 -- no makefile in doc directory...?

1998-09-10 Thread Preston Landers
David R Baker wrote:

 I have been working on building XFree86, though the version on the CD's
 I think just before yours.

I am using the files in the hamm directory, which, AFAIK is the same as
what's on the CD.
 cd wherever
 dpkg-source -x blah.dsc
 debian/rules clean
 debian/rules build
 debian/rules binary .

This is the clue that I was searching for.  I did not have the .dsc
file, did not know anything about dpkg-source.  But, after doing that,
debian/rules clean finally worked for me, where it did not before.  So,
now it is in the (long) process of building the entire package.  I am
reasonably confident that I am now on the right track ... certainly
further along than I was before I got your message.  So, I must thank
you for being a big help!!
 Policy says that only debian/rules binary should be necessary, but I
 had problems.  There were permission problems the clean fixed.  I
 could be wrong, but it appears to me that binary does not have build
 as a prerequisite and so several things that build does don't get done.
 I do not file a bug not being sure and I'm sure I would have problems
 maintaining such a large package.

Well, that's interesting, but I don't really know anything about it. 
I'm doing debian/rules build right now. 

 You may want to see if you can get unmodified source to build before

True... though I thought, what the hell, just patch it and see if it
goes.  You did get me past my stumbling point.
Thanks again!!


Hamm Low Memory Installation From 1.2 MB Floppy

1998-09-10 Thread Mark Von Hatten
I am trying to install Debian Release 2.0 (hamm) on my PC -- 4 MB of
memory, 1.2 MB floppy drive, 40 MB hard drive for MSDOS, 120 MB hard
drive for Linux.

When I previously performed a successful installation of Debian Release
1.3 on my PC configured with 4 MB of memory and a 1.2 MB floppy disk
drive, a low memory root directory image was available which fit on a
1.2 MB floppy (lmemroot.bin).  The only low memory disk image provided
in Debian Release 2.0 is 1.44 MB (lowmem.bin)  Another file,
lowmemrd.bin, is also available from the FTP site, but is not referenced
in the installation instructions, so I don't know what it is for.  The
installation instructions are somewhat confusing, but if I understand
correctly, I am to boot from the Low Memory Boot Disk (section 7.1). 
I think this means that I should select floppy0 at the boot: prompt,
but I can't fit lowmem.bin on a 1.2 MB floppy in any case.  Could
someone offer some clarification?

Mark Von Hatten


1998-09-10 Thread LUK ShunTim
Remo Badii wrote:
 Dear Debian TeX/LaTeX users,
 I have just installed the revtex library under $HOME/tex/sty/revtex, as
 in my previous Linux system (2 years old, S.u.S.E. 4.2), under Debian
 2.0. Although I have set the variable TEXINPUTS to include
 $HOME/tex/sty and $HOME/tex/sty/revtex, the system finds a file
 /usr/lib/texmf/tex/latex/misc/revtex.cls and stops within it at the line
 \input{revtex.sty}, saying that it does not find it (correct, since it
 is not in that directory): why doesn't latex find my revtex directory
 first? I did not have this problem with the old Linux system (teTeX, as
 in Debian).

Running texhash may solve the problem if the package you install is in
TeX tree hierarchy, which I think tetex is following.


Re: Compiling XFree86 -- no makefile in doc directory...?

1998-09-10 Thread David R Baker
Preston Landers wrote:
 David R Baker wrote:
  I have been working on building XFree86, though the version on the CD's
  I think just before yours.
 I am using the files in the hamm directory, which, AFAIK is the same as
 what's on the CD.

The version you are using has a new patch from Xfree86, but the Debian
stufff may be mostly unchanged.

  cd wherever
  dpkg-source -x blah.dsc
  debian/rules clean
  debian/rules build
  debian/rules binary .
 This is the clue that I was searching for.  I did not have the .dsc
 file, did not know anything about dpkg-source.  But, after doing that,
 debian/rules clean finally worked for me, where it did not before.  So,
 now it is in the (long) process of building the entire package.  I am
 reasonably confident that I am now on the right track ... certainly
 further along than I was before I got your message.  So, I must thank
 you for being a big help!!
  Policy says that only debian/rules binary should be necessary, but I
  had problems.  There were permission problems the clean fixed.  I
  could be wrong, but it appears to me that binary does not have build
  as a prerequisite and so several things that build does don't get done.
  I do not file a bug not being sure and I'm sure I would have problems
  maintaining such a large package.
 Well, that's interesting, but I don't really know anything about it.
 I'm doing debian/rules build right now.
  You may want to see if you can get unmodified source to build before
 True... though I thought, what the hell, just patch it and see if it
 goes.  You did get me past my stumbling point.
 Thanks again!!

Hope this helps!

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Couldn't find Packages.gz

1998-09-10 Thread Paul M. Foster

On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Oliver Thuns wrote:

 I start dselect, select FTP in access (using my lokal
 Windows-FTP-Server) and then try to make an update. I get the following
 error message:
 Couldn't find Packages.gz in dists/stable...

Someone can probably answer this better, but I've run into it before.
Basically, dselect won't do anything unless you point it to a directory
with this file in it. So you have to find where that is first.


Re: Font Servers

1998-09-10 Thread Lee Bradshaw
On Fri, Aug 28, 1998 at 05:15:27PM -0500, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:
  Is anyone aware of were to get a fontserver to run on
  a Debian 2.0 system? 
 just add 
  to /etc/X11/config
 prior to starting up xdm

I see the test for start-xfs in /etc/init.d/xfs, but what is
xfs-start-server needed for?

Lee Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred)
Alantro Communications   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hamm Low Memory Installation From 1.2 MB Floppy

1998-09-10 Thread Mark Von Hatten
I am trying to install Debian Release 2.0 (hamm) on my PC -- 4 MB of
memory, 1.2 MB floppy drive, 40 MB hard drive for MSDOS, 120 MB hard
drive for Linux.

When I previously performed a successful installation of Debian Release
1.3 on my PC configured with 4 MB of memory and a 1.2 MB floppy disk
drive, a low memory root directory image was available which fit on a
1.2 MB floppy (lmemroot.bin).  The only low memory disk image provided
in Debian Release 2.0 is 1.44 MB (lowmem.bin)  Another file,
lowmemrd.bin, is also available from the FTP site, but is not referenced
in the installation instructions, so I don't know what it is for.  The
installation instructions are somewhat confusing, but if I understand
correctly, I am to boot from the Low Memory Boot Disk (section 7.1). 
I think this means that I should select floppy0 at the boot: prompt,
but I can't fit lowmem.bin on a 1.2 MB floppy in any case.  Could
someone offer some clarification?

Mark Von Hatten

Re: HELP: Even More Problems Configuring Email

1998-09-10 Thread Azog
On Wed, 09 Sep 1998, DMDP wrote:

 I have figured out a cheap way to use PPP a regular user  login as root,
 connect, log back out, log in as a regular user...
 But, now I want to be able to receive e-mail.  I have installed SMAIL.  I
 believe I have all the config options set correctly.  I can send e-mail, but
 I cannot recieve it.
 The one file I know to look at is my SMAIL config.
 What other files are involved in this process and need to be configured?  (I
 have tried looking on the Debian site, but found nothing that was of any
 help.  I have also been scouring this book book on LINUX from Walnut Creek.)
 Thank for all your help,

For PPP, check into the fetchmail package. It should serve your needs
nicely. =]

Co-Admin of California.ZUH.net (Azog)
..and always remember...arf is god spelled funny.

Version: 3.12
Comments: www.geekcode.com 
GCS d---(pu) s+:- a16 C++$ UL+++$ P+ L+++ !E W-- N+++ o? K+ w--- !O !M V-
 PS+++ PE-- Y+ PGP+ t 5 X+ R tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G+ e- h! r++ y-

Log monitoring GUI program

1998-09-10 Thread Richard L Shepherd
I seem to remember reading sometime (in comp.os.linux.announce I think) 
about a package that was something like a GUI that provided log-file (e.g.
syslog written stuff) monitoring features.

I've got to the point of having several machines syslog-ing to one central
machine (as well as keeping local copies) and would like to have a nice
interface to manage/interpret/flag all the logging coming in.

Has anyone heard of such a package? Especially a debianised one?



Re: modem and PPP trouble

1998-09-10 Thread John C. Ellingboe
Hey Joshua,

You may have a winmodem version if it's an internal plug and pray card. 
There is no support for winmodems in Linux.  If you are not sure run
pnpdump and it will tell you if it is.


Joshua Wilson wrote:
 I recently installed Debian GNU/Linux, and I am having a terrible time
 getting PPP to work with my modem.  I have a US Robotics 28.8 at
 /dev/ttyS2.  I tried to set up PPP using pppconfig and I have looked
 at the files in /etc/ppp.  Everything seems to be ok, but when I run
 pon my modem does not dial, nothing happens, and plog tells me that
 the connect script failed. I have consulted various HOWTOs and
 documentation but they all seem to refer to pre-HAM versions of Debian
 and reference a ppp.chatscript file that my box doesn't have.  I also
 searched the debian-user archives but could not find a relevant
 answer.  However, the archives did mention trying to dial out using
 minicom.  Minicom was able to get my modem to dial, but this still
 does not solve my PPP problem since my ISP uses PAP and I do not how
 to negotiate a connection to it using minicom.  Any help or ideas
 about how to get my modem to work with PPP would be greatly appreciated.
 Josh Wilson
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Backspace in xterm (again)

1998-09-10 Thread Pete Harlan
 Pete Does Alt-backspace work for anyone in an xterm (deleting the previous
 Pete word on bash input, for example)?  This worked fine in Bo and before.
 What kind of keyboard do you have? On my 104 key (windows 95)
 keyboard, the windows key produces Meta and the Alt key produces Alt 
 when in X. Meta-backspace deletes the previous word in bash in an
 xterm. Alt-backspace just deletes one character. Using an rxvt it is
 the other way around. 

I've tried a couple of keyboards; I've got a 104-key W95 keyboard
currently.  I get the same behavio[u]r as you, except nothing gets
back-word-delete in bash.

Meta /is defined/, because I can Meta-D to delete a word forward, or
M-F to skip a word forward.  It's only Meta-backspace that fails (afaik).

I've fiddled with xkeycaps (I switched the meanings of the 'windows'
key and the 'Alt' key, for example, so Meta is in the 'proper' place),
to no avail.

Outside X, or in Emacs, all works normally.

rxvt does what you describe: It works, but it's reversed (alt acts as
meta and meta is ignored.)

I wonder what the difference between your setup and mine could be...

Pete Harlan

Re: Backspace in xterm (again)

1998-09-10 Thread Pete Harlan
Just to followup on my own message, it's probably not a bug in xterm
because bo's xterm binary misbehaves identically when copied to slink.

Pete Harlan

Re: WindowMaker 0.19.1

1998-09-10 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 09:28:03 +0530 (IST) XRDLAB  writes:

 1) As root run ldconfig.
 2) Upgrade to xlib6g (it4s in hamm).
 I have it installed.
 Any other clue?

I had the same problem with 0.19.1.  I upgraded to xlib6g-
(note the a in the version number) and the problem went away.


Re: wmaker

1998-09-10 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
On: Mon, 7 Sep 1998 08:29:00 -0500 Rick Knebel writes:
 Is there anyway in wmaker 0.91-1 to put something like slrn in the
 dock and assign an icon like news.xpm without changing every other
 xterm icon to this icon?

I have the following in my WMState:

Applications = (
Command = xterm -name root -fg black -bg orange -T \Root Shell\ 
-e ssh -l root localhost;
Name = root.XTerm;
AutoLaunch = No;
Forced = No;
BuggyApplication = No;
Position = 0,1;
Command = xterm -name news -fg black -bg seagreen -T \News 
Shell\ -e ssh -l news localhost;
Name = news.XTerm;
AutoLaunch = No;
Forced = No;
BuggyApplication = No;
Position = 0,2;

Note how I use different names for the windows (the -name parameter to
xterm is important).  IIRC, I have run the command lines as given
above and put the app icon into the clip.

In the WMWindowAttributes I have the according icons defined:

  news.XTerm = {Icon = wmaker-indigo2.term.tif;};
  root.XTerm = {Icon = wmaker-sgi.term.tif;};

You can change this using the RightButton-on-the-Title/Attributes


Re: floppy boot to changed /dev/hdax

1998-09-10 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
   I am trying to add a logical partition for anonther OS but
 my linux boot disk expects my swap and root partitions to be
 in the same spot.
 Linux root and swap are hda7 and hda8 respectively. I create
 a new hda7 that changes the linux root and swap devices to
 be hda8 and hda9 respectively.
 I can add the boot option: linux root=3D/dev/hda8 but I can't
 get it to recognize that the swap partition is moved.
 I've tried using rdev and rdev -s on the floppy, and these
 report the correct devices after the change, but the floppy's
 behavior does not change.
 I've played with the fstab file also.
 Anybody know how to do this?

Are you sure the partition numbers and types are the same when you boot
your system?  I've seen some pretty weird things after modification of a
partitiont able.  What do you see when you boot the system and type
`fdisk -l' as root?


xterm menu problem

1998-09-10 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
Hi all,
I have installed a debian 2.0 slink with kernel 2.1.120.
On this system, but the problem was still in 1.3.1 or 2.0 hamm, I have a
strange behaviour of xterm.

When I try to change the font size, using the control+rightmouseclick then I
get a menu showing me same font sizes. But this only happens if the user is
root. Otherwise I get a menu that is really smaller and I can only see the
first line of text in the menu (the smaller font size.)

All X staff are *_3.3.2.3a.deb

What can it be?

Thanks a lot,

Re: X-Windows Mice

1998-09-10 Thread Ilya Ovchinnikov
On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 08:48:41AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Has anybody got any idea why I can get a serial mouse to work, in X, but not a
 PS/2 mouse?
 I am using /dev/ttyS0 for the serial mouse, but when I use /dev/mouse for the
 PS/2 mouse it doesn't work.
 Am I overly stupid? what am I doing wrong?

/dev/mouse is usually symlink to your real mouse device (for example /dev/ttyS0 
PS/2 mouse is /dev/psaux.  So, at first you need
  # ln -sf psaux /dev/mouse
And your kernel must support PS/2 mice.  I hope precompiled kernel have it
but I don't sure (I always compile kernel myself)

-- Ilya

Re: Backspace in xterm (again)

1998-09-10 Thread Gilbert Laycock
Pete I wonder what the difference between your setup and mine could be...

Odd isn't it.

I finally compared my /etc/X11/Xresources with the one from the
distribution. I had

*VT100.Translations: #override KeyDelete: string(\033[3~)\n\
   KeyHome: string(\033OH)\n\
   KeyEnd: string(\033OF)

While the distribution has

*VT100.Translations: #override KeyBackSpace: string(\177)\n\
   KeyDelete: string(\033[3~)\n\
   KeyHome: string(\033OH)\n\
   KeyEnd: string(\033OF)

I added the override for BackSpace, and then I get the same
misbehaviour as you describe. There is a comment saying:

! Include override for BackSpace because older xterms do not understand the
! backarrowKey resource.

I think I just never use any older xterms; I've not noticed any
problems with my setup.

I think I will have to go and read the Debian keyboard policy again.


  Gilbert Laycock email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Maths and Computer Science, http://www.mcs.le.ac.uk/~glaycock
  Leicester Universityphone: (+44) 116 252 3902

Re: ide cdr

1998-09-10 Thread Ilya Ovchinnikov
On Wed, Sep 09, 1998 at 05:07:57PM -0700, Armando Cerna wrote:
 I am running hamm and i can't find  a program that suppports an ide cdrw
 drive can someone please reccomend me one

First, your need kernel with SCSI cdrom, SCSI generic and 
SCSI-ATAPI host adapter emulation but *without* IDE(ATAPI) CDROM support.
You should see your ATAPI CD as SCSI one during bootup.
Then try the latest cdrecord.  I used it only for CD-R but some support
for CD-RW was announced.


Re: Couldn't find Packages.gz

1998-09-10 Thread Ed Cogburn
Oliver Thuns wrote:
 I start dselect, select FTP in access (using my lokal
 Windows-FTP-Server) and then try to make an update. I get the following
 error message:
 Couldn't find Packages.gz in dists/stable...
 I don't know what's wrong... HELP!!! ;-)

I haven't used FTP access in a awhile, but this is from my system and
hopefully might help (this is for ftp.us.debian.org):

ftpdir= '/debian/'
distribs='dists/hamm/main dists/hamm/contrib dists/hamm/nonfree'

Ed C.

apt and multiple cdroms

1998-09-10 Thread Daniel Quinlan
  I've just got debian 2.0 on cd from lsl (http://www.lsl.com.au)
and main, contrib and non-free are on separate cdroms.

how do I setup apt to handle this?
my current sources.list is

deb file://cdrom/debian stable main
deb file://cdrom/debian stable contrib
deb file://cdrom/debian stable non-free
deb ftp://ftp.uwa.edu.au/mirrors/linux/debian stable main contrib non-free
deb ftp://ftp.uwa.edu.au/mirrors/linux/debian/non-US unstable non-US

but when I run 'apt-get update' I get an error on the two cd's which aren't
if I run apt-get update three times with a different cd each time how will that
affect the package cache?

I get  1k/s over my net link so using the cd's would be preferred 


Daniel Quinlan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netwise Australia  0417 677 377
Engineering Network Solutions

RE: Frustrated

1998-09-10 Thread kolds


 I tried your fix last night.  I re-installed the whole thing and then   
rebooted with the lo-mem disk in. I got as far as menu option 4 on the   
low mem disk (Exiting).  When I did that, the following happened:

 Action: 4
 VFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem) readonly
 mounting /proc ...
 Adding Swap: 32880k swap-space (priority -1)

 And it just hung there.  I waited 30 minutes and then shut the system   


Description: application/vnd.ms-tnef

Broken emacs

1998-09-10 Thread David R. Kohel
I found some references to this in the July and August archives, 
but has no fix been found for the emacs19  emacs20 packages?  
My apologies if there has been more recent discussion which I 
did not find in my search.

As far as I could tell, some people got them to install by 
removing certain other packages, specifically tm.  I have no 
such package installed but installation STILL fails with emacs19 
and emacs20.  

I've done an essentially complete upgrade from bo to hamm, and 
ended up purging the old emacs to start afresh when I met with 
the initial errors.  

The error message is the following:

emacs-install emacs19
emacsen-common: Handling install of emacsen flavor emacs19
emacsen-common: byte-compiling for emacs19
Warning: Lisp directory `/usr/local/share/emacs/19.34/site-lisp' does
not exist.
Warning: Lisp directory `/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp' does not exist.
Cannot open load file: bytecomp
emacs-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/emacsen-common 
emacs19 xemacs20 failed at /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 26.
dpkg: error processing emacs19 (--install):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 29
Errors were encountered while processing:

...and similarly for emacs20.  The lisp directory error seems to be 
irrelevant.  The alternative solution from the archives, which I 
eventually resorted to, is installation of xemacs, but it seems 
more bulky than emacs and I use emacs typically in text mode anyway.  

Does anyone have a fix in the works?  Or is there a list of 
conflicting packages which need to be upgraded or removed in 
order to do the installation?

Thanks in advance for the help,


P.S.  If responding to the Debian-user list, please cc me in 
response since I am not presently a subscriber, thanks.

RE: Frustrated

1998-09-10 Thread kolds


 My harddrive is 128MB.  As to the install, I do the following:
 -boot from the low-mem disk
 -partition harddrive ( 3 partitions: 32MB swap, 3 MB minix, the rest as   
 -activate and initialize swap
 -activate temp root partition
 -exit (the system then asks for the Rescue Disk and moves into normal   
 -Choose Color Screen
 -Configure Keyboard (US English)
 -Attempt to activate Swap (which fails)
 -Initialize and mount the Native partition as root
 -Install OS Kernel and Device Drivers
 -Config drivers (The only way I've successfully gone through this step is   
to not configure anything)
 -Install Base System
 -Config Base System
 -Config Network (No, as I am not on a network )
 -Make Hard Disk Bootable
 -I make a boot floppy
 -I reboot

The system seems to do fine until it starts to try to allocate memory.   
 The first error is usually bash:fork can't allocate memory  and then   
can't access shared libraries.

I hope this is the info you wanted.

OK. I suggest we simplify things. Forget the printer for the time being
(thus removing one potential config problem).

Now: how big is the hard drive?

How far did you get through the install before it failed (please tell me
exactly what you did; if necessary do it again and write it down)?



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Description: application/vnd.ms-tnef

tin charset

1998-09-10 Thread nic-debian

I have upgraded to tin 980226-3 (hamm) and need to do one or other of
the following
+ change my charset to iso-8859-1, or
+ change my bitrate to 7bit
in order to post messages (currently I get the error msg that the
posting is not us-ascii.
Does anyone know how to do one of the above?  (And will there be 


Re: Compiling XFree86 -- no makefile in doc directory...?

1998-09-10 Thread David R Baker

Sorry to hear problems continue.  The version I built was
xfree86_3.3.2.2-4.dsc debian 2.0  CD ( from linux central)   The ftp
site is now 2.0r2 and X is I think .  The changelog does
say that xfree86 was updated with an upstream patch.  Maybe there's
a new problem. :(  Don't know what else to say.


Preston Landers wrote:
 Damn! It fails with the same can't make clean in doc error even with
 no patches or anything but a fresh source install.  Damn damn damn.  I
 don't know.  I guess I'll download either the Debian-Slink X packages
 and hope the problem is fixed, or just get the Xfree86 source directly
 ... though I much prefer dealing with the Debian package system. Damn.
 OK, anyway, thanks for your help ... do you have any further suggestions
 for me?  I really appreciate it!
 David R Baker wrote:
  After some time comsuming experimentation (it's big!) and finding
  libraries I did not have -dev versions of (joystick and libz), I
  found the following sequence to work for me:
  cd wherever
  dpkg-source -x blah.dsc
  debian/rules clean
  debian/rules build
  debian/rules binary .

ISDN in Debian 2.0: questions.

1998-09-10 Thread Remo Badii
Dear Debianers,

I have just read the isdn4linux FAQ (suggested by somebody in this list)
and, since I intend to buy a PCMCIA card, I'd like to ask a few questions.
I have just installed Debian 2.0 on my IBM Thinkpad 760 CD, with a 120MHz
Pentium, 40 MB ram, and a 2.1 GB HD.
I am about to try my first kernel compilation ever and I'd like to know
wheter ISDN support should be compiled in.
Moreover, is isdn4linux necessary in addition to the ISDN package that comes
with Debian? This issue is not addressed in the FAQ. 
In the Debian documentation, I read that isdnutils is all you need to run 
an ISDN connection. 
Since isdn4linux is a german program, what do the american users do
(please, notice that I live in Switzerland: I plan either to call the
ETH - Polytechinc Institute - or an Internet Provider)?
Do you know whether isdn4linux can be compiled with the new glibc6
Can anybody suggest a card (passive, active?)?
Does one use plain PPP to connect, or Seyon, or a similar communication
Thank you for any information you may provide.

Yours sincerely,

Remo Badii

| Dr. Remo Badii | Paul Scherrer Institute   |
| Nonlinear Dynamics and | 5232 Villigen PSI |
| Stochastic Processes Group | Switzerland   |
| badii at psi.ch  | http://www1.psi.ch/~badii |

XFree86 problem

1998-09-10 Thread Daniel ANDRE
I have a problem with XFREE86 configuration on my laptop (thoshiba

The svga chip is CT65550 with 2Mb VideoRam.
I have successfully set up for 8bpp up to 1024*768 resolution

I have tried with 16bbp and the 1024*768 mode has too high mclock
I have tried to adjust if with
Option set_memclk xxx with no success.

Any help is appreciated


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To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: XFree86 problem

LT WinModem not working with Debian 2.0

1998-09-10 Thread Norbert A'Campo
Hello all!

I'm having troubles configuring my internal (PnP?) LT WinModem under Linux. 
No one program can recognize it. Kernel also configures only the first serial
port (modem is attached to the second one). setserial doesn't find it in 
the default configuration and I have to specify its parameters by hands:
 ${SETSERIAL} -b /dev/ttyS1 irq 3 port 0x2F8 uart 16550A skip_test ${STD_FLAGS}

Then setserial -bg produces:
  /dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
  /dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

But the message from minicom is still:
  minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyS1: Operation not supported by device

The same modem is working perfectly with Windoze. After a warm boot from 
Windoze the boot process hangs at the configuration of serial ports and 
I have to switch the computer off by hands (not good :-( ).

Is it a known problem? Or FAQ? Thanks a lot in advance for any reply!

  Norbert A'Campo

P.S. Information about the system: 
  Notebook with Pentium 266MMX, 128MB RAM, Debian 2.0 with kernel 2.0.34

Re: Why does Debian use ncurses-1.9.9g and not 4.x

1998-09-10 Thread Paul Slootman
George Bonser wrote:

I have modified a few packages in my day and make, for example, a modified
package of vim with GUI support available on my FTP site.

I believe the current (standard debian) version of vim is built with
GUI support.

Paul Slootman
http://www.wurtel.demon.nl | Murphy Software,   Enschede,   the Netherlands

Re: linuxpress rumors

1998-09-10 Thread Damon Muller

On Thu, 3 Sep 1998 00:33:48 -0700
Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 George Bonser wrote:
  I hear that a new version of the Debian Linux user's guide is in the works
  that covers 2.0.  Any truth?
 Well, just to add to the rumors, I was reading that autstralian computer
 mag's article that ranked debian as post promising linux distribution, and
 somewhere in there they than linux press for providing them with a
 pre-release copy of a debian user's guide.

No need to spread rumors :) Just checked the article, and yes, they
mention the book, and thank Linux Press for a preview copy. It doesn't
specifically state that it's for Debian 2.0, but it makes sense that it

It also says that the guide is available free in HTML on the web at


Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: LT WinModem not working with Debian 2.0

1998-09-10 Thread Brian Sheehan
Windmodems don't work under anything except windows. A friend of mine
got caught out with a US Robotics one from dell. Hard luck 8-(

Brian Sheehan

Norbert A'Campo wrote:

 I'm having troubles configuring my internal (PnP?) LT WinModem under
 No one program can recognize it. Kernel also configures only the first
 port (modem is attached to the second one). setserial doesn't find it
 the default configuration and I have to specify its parameters by
  ${SETSERIAL} -b /dev/ttyS1 irq 3 port 0x2F8 uart 16550A skip_test

 Then setserial -bg produces:
   /dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
   /dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

 But the message from minicom is still:
   minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyS1: Operation not supported by device

 The same modem is working perfectly with Windoze. After a warm boot
 Windoze the boot process hangs at the configuration of serial ports
 I have to switch the computer off by hands (not good :-( ).

 Is it a known problem? Or FAQ? Thanks a lot in advance for any reply!

   Norbert A'Campo

 P.S. Information about the system:
   Notebook with Pentium 266MMX, 128MB RAM, Debian 2.0 with kernel

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Re: LT WinModem not working with Debian 2.0

1998-09-10 Thread Lars Steinke
On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Norbert A'Campo wrote:

 Hello all!
 I'm having troubles configuring my internal (PnP?) LT WinModem under Linux. 
 No one program can recognize it. Kernel also configures only the first serial
 port (modem is attached to the second one). setserial doesn't find it in 
 the default configuration and I have to specify its parameters by hands:

When looking at the name of the modem it might well be you bought a piece
of windoze-only hardware which might imply you cannot use it with Debian
(or any other LinUX distribution for that matter...). 


   /(__  __|\  Lars Steinke, Research Student @
  (\/  __)_www.fmf.uni-freiburg.de, Germany
   )   (_  /   for PGP PKey and WWW-Page finger

Re: ISDN in Debian 2.0: questions.

1998-09-10 Thread Oliver Thuns
I am about to try my first kernel compilation ever and I'd like to know
wheter ISDN support should be compiled in.

I think so. You should compile the HiSax drivers in. But a current
Debian kernel should have ISDN support compiled in.

Moreover, is isdn4linux necessary in addition to the ISDN package that comes
with Debian? This issue is not addressed in the FAQ.

No, you only need the isdnutils.

In the Debian documentation, I read that isdnutils is all you need to run
an ISDN connection.

That's right.

Do you know whether isdn4linux can be compiled with the new glibc6

I don't think that a kernel depends on libraries.

Can anybody suggest a card (passive, active?)?

I had no problems with an old Teles S0 16.3, but had problems with a
Teles PNP. All cards with an Siemens chip should work: AVM Fritzcard,
Elsa, Sedlbauer,... Don't know if the current Teles cards works. Look
at the isdn4linux FAQ and in newsgroups (I think there is
alt.de.isdn4linux newsgroup - use www.dejanews.com)

Does one use plain PPP to connect, or Seyon, or a similar communication

There is a ipppd for synchronous PPP in the isdnutils package.

tschüß, Oliver

X problems

1998-09-10 Thread Hamish Moffatt
I have two boxes here which I upgraded (buzz to rex to) bo to hamm.
On both boxes, users without .xsession files just get an xterm
window with no window manager. /etc/X11/window-managers lists
a valid window manager (/usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm2) first,
and /etc/X11/Xsession exists and is the default.

Any suggestions?

Latest Debian packages at ftp://ftp.rising.com.au/pub/hamish. PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.   http://hamish.home.ml.org

Re: xterm menu problem

1998-09-10 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
 When I try to change the font size, using the control+rightmouseclick then I
 get a menu showing me same font sizes. But this only happens if the user is
 root. Otherwise I get a menu that is really smaller and I can only see the
 first line of text in the menu (the smaller font size.)

ok, I double checked. The problem is related to the user' .Xresource.

There is a line that create the problem:
XTerm*geometry: 80x40

The man xterm command says:

  geometry (class Geometry)
   Specifies the preferred size and position  of  the
   VT102 window.

so what can be wrong?

Thanks again,

Re: ISDN in Debian 2.0: questions.

1998-09-10 Thread Gergely Madarasz
On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Remo Badii wrote:

 Moreover, is isdn4linux necessary in addition to the ISDN package that comes
 with Debian? This issue is not addressed in the FAQ. 
 In the Debian documentation, I read that isdnutils is all you need to run 
 an ISDN connection. 

AFAIK isdnutils in debian contains the userspace programs from isdn4linux.
So you don't need to compile it, you just need to compile a kernel with
isdn support (i dont know if the default kernel has it...)

 Can anybody suggest a card (passive, active?)?

I used an avm fritz!card, it is a passive card, but worked ok.

 Does one use plain PPP to connect, or Seyon, or a similar communication

synchronous ppp, you need ipppd from isdnutils to set it up.


  It's practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry.
  Egy pingvinre gyakorlatilag lehetetlen haragosan nezni.
HuLUG: http://mlf.linux.rulez.org/

Re: xterm menu problem

1998-09-10 Thread Immanuel Yap
Giuseppe Sacco wrote:
  When I try to change the font size, using the control+rightmouseclick then I
  get a menu showing me same font sizes. But this only happens if the user is
  root. Otherwise I get a menu that is really smaller and I can only see the
  first line of text in the menu (the smaller font size.)
 ok, I double checked. The problem is related to the user' .Xresource.
 There is a line that create the problem:
 XTerm*geometry: 80x40

You are setting the geometry resource for *all* the xterm widgets,
including the menu.  You should say:

XTerm*VT100.geometry: 80x40

 The man xterm command says:
   geometry (class Geometry)
Specifies the preferred size and position  of  the
VT102 window.
 so what can be wrong?

If you go back (way back), the man page actually says:

   The following resources are specified as part of the vt100
   widget (class VT100):

by way of introduction to a very long list of resources, including
`geometry'.  It's very easy to miss.


Re: following symlinks?!?

1998-09-10 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Wed, 9 Sep 1998, Paul McDermott wrote:

 hello everybody, and thankyou for all of the assistance to my recent
 questions.  I have yet another question.  I am trying to download debian
 packages from an ftp site with ncftp or wget.  I am having a problem in
 getting files that are symlinked to other places.  I cannot for the life
 of me find out what flag to turn on or off to get ncftp or wget to follow
 symlinks.  If anyone could and/or would help I would greatly appreciated

Try  wget --retr-symlinks

Boot sector

1998-09-10 Thread Micki Heyns
My disk is partitined with linux - lilo and win95
When I re-installed win95, I could not start linux again.

I would appreciate it if you could help me  

Miki Heyns
*+27 (021) 807 2271 (W)

sendmail rejecting bad domains

1998-09-10 Thread Gene McCulley
I have someone trying to send me email from a machine that is behind a 
firewall.  The firewall relays the mail through, but leaves the
sender's machine name on the message.  The sender's machine is not in
the DNS, so sendmail rejects it with 501 Sender domain must exist.
The sender can't fix his corporation's broken firewall.  How do I get
sendmail to allow this message through?  I care less about spam than I 
do lost email.

Thanks for any clues.

| Gene McCulley |  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Voice: (407) 265-0772 |
| Cuspy Solutions, Inc. | http://cuspy.com/~mcculley/ |  Fax: (407) 265-0773  |
|   Your father was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries!  |

Re: sendmail rejecting bad domains

1998-09-10 Thread Peter Iannarelli
Hello Gene:

I had the same problem. If you are using smail, in the /etc/smail/config
you can adjust the authentication for a specific IP addresses or subnets.
Thus your server receive e-mail from the location in question.

The line in question is smtp_hello_broken_allow


-Original Message-
From: Gene McCulley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: Thursday, September 10, 1998 10:12 AM
Subject: sendmail rejecting bad domains

I have someone trying to send me email from a machine that is behind a
firewall.  The firewall relays the mail through, but leaves the
sender's machine name on the message.  The sender's machine is not in
the DNS, so sendmail rejects it with 501 Sender domain must exist.
The sender can't fix his corporation's broken firewall.  How do I get
sendmail to allow this message through?  I care less about spam than I
do lost email.

Thanks for any clues.

| Gene McCulley |  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Voice: (407)
265-0772 |
| Cuspy Solutions, Inc. | http://cuspy.com/~mcculley/ |  Fax: (407)
265-0773  |
|   Your father was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries!

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Boot sector

1998-09-10 Thread Ulisses Alonso Camaro


On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Micki Heyns wrote:

 My disk is partitined with linux - lilo and win95
 When I re-installed win95, I could not start linux again.

Boot from rescue disk (either from floppy or CDROM) mount the partition
where you have the root (/) partition:

# mount -t ext2 /dev/your partition here /mnt

and execute lilo -r /mnt

and reboot



Oracle and Informix will be ported to Linux!!
- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

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Re: sendmail rejecting bad domains

1998-09-10 Thread Richard A Nelson

The sender will need to setup sendmail to masquerade as his firewall.

That is how this message is getting out, my box masqerades as
vnet.ibm.com when sending mail externally.

Rick Nelson

On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, Gene McCulley wrote:

 Date: Thu, 10 Sep 1998 11:11:53 -0400 (EDT)
 From: Gene McCulley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject: sendmail rejecting bad domains
 Resent-Date: 10 Sep 1998 15:12:00 -
 Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 I have someone trying to send me email from a machine that is behind a 
 firewall.  The firewall relays the mail through, but leaves the
 sender's machine name on the message.  The sender's machine is not in
 the DNS, so sendmail rejects it with 501 Sender domain must exist.
 The sender can't fix his corporation's broken firewall.  How do I get
 sendmail to allow this message through?  I care less about spam than I 
 do lost email.
 Thanks for any clues.
 | Gene McCulley |  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Voice: (407) 265-0772 |
 | Cuspy Solutions, Inc. | http://cuspy.com/~mcculley/ |  Fax: (407) 265-0773  
 |   Your father was a hamster and your mother smelt of elderberries!  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

/proc filesystem...

1998-09-10 Thread Yoann Vandoorselaere
I'm running debian hamm, with slink upgrade
Anybody know why /proc/net, /proc/sys /proc/scsi have theses permissions
dr-xr-x---   2 root root
and aren't readable for all... ?

Thanks a lot...

-- Yoann

   It is well known that M$ products don't call free() after a malloc()
The unix community wishes them good luck for their future development...

Re: Broken emacs

1998-09-10 Thread Mark W. Eichin
I'm not sure I've seen this reported before (but I'm way behind on
list mail, and haven't checked the bug system for this specific thing)

 Cannot open load file: bytecomp

Seems like the most likely problem, but things have to be very odd for
that not to be found... what does dpkg -S bytecomp show? it should at
least have 
emacs19: /usr/share/emacs/19.34/lisp/bytecomp.elc

apt-get update or dselect update

1998-09-10 Thread ...

If I have apt setup as my default method in dselect.  Which is the
preferred command to use.  I guess what I want to know is this.  When I run
apt-get update will it also update the package information used by dselect
and dpkg -l package name or regexp



1998-09-10 Thread Phillip Neumann

I have some troubles with xdm. When configuring to start with it
(/etx/X11/configure) I reboot and all start ok, except that X11 dont
read my link from .xsession to .xinirc. Sould i explicit said X11 to use
my .xsession file??



   / /
  /  Phillip  Neumann   /

RE: Boot sector

1998-09-10 Thread Ken Archer
That is what they make boot disks for.  When you reinstalled Win95, it did an
overwrite of lilo in your MBR.  Now you need to boot linux with your emergency
boot disk (you made one didn't you) and reinstall lilo.

On 10-Sep-98 Micki Heyns wrote:
 My disk is partitined with linux - lilo and win95
 When I re-installed win95, I could not start linux again.
 I would appreciate it if you could help me  
 Miki Heyns
 *+27 (021) 807 2271 (W)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  Ken Archer - San Antonio, Texas   As soon as I get all my 
  email - [EMAIL PROTECTED]penquins in a row I'll 
 get right on it...
   (O- //\  (o-  (o-  (o-  (o-
   //\ V_/_ //\  //\  //\  //\
   V_/_ V_/_ V_/_ V_/_ V_/_

Re: Broken emacs

1998-09-10 Thread David R. Kohel
 Seems like the most likely problem, but things have to be very odd for
 that not to be found... what does dpkg -S bytecomp show? it should at
 least have 
 emacs19: /usr/share/emacs/19.34/lisp/bytecomp.elc

Yes, on a machine with broken emacs19:

emacs19: /usr/share/emacs/19.34/lisp/bytecomp.elc

and with broken emacs20:

emacs20: /usr/share/emacs/20.2/lisp/emacs-lisp/bytecomp.elc


Re: apt-get update or dselect update

1998-09-10 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Thu, 10 Sep 1998, ... wrote:

   If I have apt setup as my default method in dselect.  Which is the
 preferred command to use.  I guess what I want to know is this.  When I run
 apt-get update will it also update the package information used by dselect
 and dpkg -l package name or regexp

No, but it will update the Packages files.  If you then run [U]pdate in
dselect, it will check the files against those at the specified mirror(s)
and if they are the same, it will not retrieve them again, but will then
process the necessary files for dselect.  Running update from dselect
itself is probably preferable.

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DM42nh  http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

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