Re: permisos en ppp.log

1999-01-13 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 02:36:55AM +0100, Vicente Barba contaba:

todos he encontrado el mismo problema: el archivo /var/log/ppp.log tiene
permisos de lectura para todo el mundo por defecto (evidentemente hay
que pornerle un 600). Así, si ponemos debug en el options, entonces la
contraseña que le pasamos al ISP se queda en el ppp.log. Craso error,

El mío no, por lo menos. Tiene permisos 640. De hecho he tenido que
meterme en el grupo adm para poder usar el plog.   

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: Debian

1999-01-13 Thread Emilio de Miguel

Andres Hirane escribió:
 ¿ Puedo tener linux y windows 98 en un mismo HD (disco duro)?

Claro que puedes tener ambos. Eso si, el disco ha de ser algo grande
para que te quepan los dos: A partir de 2G para una cierta comodidad.

Tienes que mirar si tienes espacio libre suficiente en el disco: 1 Gb
para una cierta comodidad, pero si tienes mucho disco y quieres meterte
la Debian puedes dedicarle 2 o mas. No te asustes si te parece mucho, el
linux mas sencillo cabe en un disquette, y con X muy basicas lo tienes
en dos disquettes.
Una vez decidido y conseguido el espacio, desde el win corres defrag con
la opcion desfragmentacion plena.
Despues sales al DOS (No creo que valga una simple ventana de DOS) y
buscas por el CD de linux una aplicacion que se llama FIPS.EXE, esta es
la que te recortara la particion de windows dejandole sitio al linux. Te
creara una particion para linux, si no vas a usar swap, deja esa, sino,
borrala y durante la instalacion creas las particiones precisas.
Para instalarlo te sera de gran ayuda conocer un poco el hard de tu
maquina, y que tengas predisposicion a leer.
A partir de aqui, comienza realmente el proceso de instalacion:

-Arrancando un fichero bat que suele venir en el cd (se llama
install.bat normalmente)
-Haciendo que la maquina arranque desde el cd (tienes que tocar las
opciones de la bios y solo las placas modernas te lo permiten). Yo tuve
un problema en este modo, la Debian 2.0 no montaba el CD para pillar los
drivers en medio de la instalacion.
-Creando los discos rescue y drivers con la utilidad rawrite.exe (mira
la documentacion para la sintaxis)

La instalacion en si no suele ser demasiado compleja. Si montas la
Debian lo peor es el paso del dselect: suele ser muy tedioso.
De todas formas, si tienes problemas vuelve a escribir.

 A mi me gustaria tener linux, pero tengo un problema. Mi familia usa
 windows y no me dejarian borrarlo.

Una vez instalado, configuras el lilo para que por defecto arranque el
windogs y nadie se te va a quejar.

 Tengo 14 años y no entiendo mucho sobre esto.
 Lo unico que se es que quiero tener linux, porque windows me tiene
 aburrido con sus fallas.

A mi me tenia aburrido ;)

Deica logo

Re: Red de Linux

1999-01-13 Thread Emilio de Miguel

Andres Herrera escribió:

 Tiene pinta de problema de resolucion de nombres. ¿Que servidor DNS has
 configurado en el /etc/resolv.conf, tanto del servidor como del cliente?
 ¿Has instalado bind en algun equipo?

No tengo bind. Mi resolv.conf es el mismo en todos los equipos:



La primera ip es la de ctv, las otras dos son de iddeo.

Funcionan bien si trato de conectar desde la maquina de modem.

Deica logo

Re: Permisos

1999-01-13 Thread Emilio de Miguel

Conrado Badenas escribió:
 Emilio de Miguel wrote:
  Al listarlos me aparece con nauta como propietario y grupo, pero si
  intento acceder a el me dice que no tengo permiso.
 ¿El usuario que intenta acceder tiene permiso de ejecución de su propio
 directorio?. Ejemplo, yo soy el usuario conrado en mi maquina y mi
 directorio es /home/conrado. Al hacer ll -d /home/conrado me sale:
 drwx--  17 conrado  users2048 ene 12 09:34 /home/conrado
 Esta x es importante, además de la r y la w.

Era eso.

Por que es tan importante?

Moitas gracias
Deica logo

Re: permisos en ppp.log

1999-01-13 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Tue, Jan 12, 1999,
Vicente Barba...

 tras  haber instalado  la  Debian en  tres  equipos para  un
 red  local, en  todos he  encontrado el  mismo problema:  el
 archivo  /var/log/ppp.log  tiene  permisos de  lectura  para
 todo el  mundo por  defecto (evidentemente hay  que pornerle
 un  600). Así,  si ponemos  debug  en  el options,  entonces
 la  contraseña  que  le  pasamos  al  ISP  se  queda  en  el
 ppp.log. Craso error, no?.

 Viene así por  defecto, que me registren que no  he usado el
 chmod en ese archivo.

Que raro, el mio está así,

-rw-r- 1 root adm 15704 ene 12 05:26 /var/log/ppp.log

y da problemas si lanzas la conexión desde un usuario normal y
haces  `plog  -f',  porque  no tiene  permiso  de  lectura. Lo
modifiqué, pero  al poco  tiempo el sistema  me lo  volvió a
dejar así, :-?


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation  Linux  Documentation Project CAStellano

Re: placa base atx

1999-01-13 Thread Paco Brufal
On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 también me doy cuenta ahora de que al cambiar la tarjeta por una con soporte
 ATX y una caja ATX, no puedo apagar bien la máquina.  Anteriormente intenté
 hacer Ctrl+Alt+Supr (=halt), pero no pude apagarlo.  En windows, al apagar,
 la máquina se apaga sola...  ¿cómo consigo hacer esto con Debian?

Compilando el kernel con soporte APM.

Fidonet 2:346/3.68  

...Heartbeat (Party Mix). Bass-D  King Matthew. 1995
 * Origin: FAQ de R34.LINUX: (2:346/3.68)

Re: Permisos

1999-01-13 Thread Conrado Badenas
Emilio de Miguel wrote:
 Conrado Badenas escribió:
  Emilio de Miguel wrote:
   Al listarlos me aparece con nauta como propietario y grupo, pero si
   intento acceder a el me dice que no tengo permiso.
  ¿El usuario que intenta acceder tiene permiso de ejecución de su propio
  directorio?. Ejemplo, yo soy el usuario conrado en mi maquina y mi
  directorio es /home/conrado. Al hacer ll -d /home/conrado me sale:
  drwx--  17 conrado  users2048 ene 12 09:34 /home/conrado
  Esta x es importante, además de la r y la w.
 Era eso.
 Por que es tan importante?

Porque si no, no puedes hacer cosas como cd midirectorio, y eso creo
que es automático cuando haces el login: te identificas con tu user y
password, el login lee en tu linea de /etc/passwd cual es tu directorio
$HOME, te lanza a ese directorio (cd $HOME) y ejecuta la shell que le
hayas dicho (no estoy seguro del orden: quizás primero ejecute la shell
y luego haga el cd $HOME).

Corolario: todo directorio al que quieras irte con un cd tiene que
tener habilitado el permiso de ejecución.

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

PS: A los usuarios de la lista desconcertados porque no han visto el
primer mensaje de respuesta a este thread: es que hice un Replay a
Emilio sin Carboncopy a la lista (en caso de equivocarme no quería darle
propaganda a mi error).

Alguien sabe como actualizar las Xfree86???

1999-01-13 Thread A. de Miguel

En uno de los ordenatas tengo una tarjeta PCI (Picasso Gold) con un
chipset Permedia que es soportado por la última version de las Xfree. Tengo
la última versión que vino el último PC actual pero creo no viene un
fichero .deb. Sólo los tgz. He mirado los readme y la docuentación pero no
veo como puedo instalarla. ¿Alguien me puede decir cómo hacerlo?

En otro de los ordenatas en los que tenía una tarjeta Matrox G200 AGP
hice una pequeña trampa que funcionó. Seleccioné como tarjeta otra que
usaba el mismo servidor (ya que en el Xf86config no me aparecía la
MatroxG200) en este caso el SVGA y despues descomprimí y substituí el
antiguo servidor SVGA por el nuevo en el /etc/X11R6  y la trampa funciona

Pero intentando la misma cosa con la Picasso no funciona porque el
servidor para chipset 3DLabs es nuevo y no aparece en ninguna de las
anteriores versiones de Xfree. Por tanto, creo que solo me queda la opción
de reinstalar las Xfree.. pero ni idea de cómo, oye.

El sistema tiene instalado la Debian 2.0 

Gracias, de antemano por cualquier ayuda.


WordPerfect 8

1999-01-13 Thread TooManySecrets

Ante todo espero que perdoneis éste cross a saco, pero creo que es de
interés general y a más de uno interesará la noticia.
En el próximo número de PC-PLUS (Febrero), que aparecerá a finales de Enero,
viene, en los cd's, el WordPerfect 8 para Linux, incluido el paquete del

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Compilación del núcleo

1999-01-13 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Para compilar el núcleo es interesante leer la howto del kernel,
pero los pasos a seguier son los siguientes.

1.- Copiar el fichero del núcleo que viene en los funetes de la
distribución de Debian 2.0 (la que yo tengo) en el subdirectorio

2.- Descomprimirlo con gunzip ( o tar) creo que yo lo hize con
gunzip. Te lo deja todo en un subdirectorio /usr/src/linux. y de aquí te
va creando diferentes subdirectorios.

3.- Ejecutas el comando #make menuconfig. El te guiará por las
diferentes opciones seleccionar.

4.- Al salir grabas la configuración

5.- Ejecutas el comando #make dep para ejecutar dependencias (no sé
muy bien qué es lo que hace). Después de esto ejecutas #make clean
(creo que borra ficheros temporales).

6.- Compilación propiamente dicha. Ejecutas #make zImage. Esto
compila y crea un nucleo. Luego lo que yo hago es cargar el nucleo en un
diskette para arrancar desde aquí para probar. Yo no tengo cargado el

7.- Crear un diskette con el nucleo. Se ejecuta #make zdisk. Este
comando crea un nucleo cargable en un diskette.

Este método te permite crear nucleos de prueba para cargarlos desde

De todos modos todo esto te viene mucho mejor explicado en el howto
del kernel.


Re: Compilación del núcleo

1999-01-13 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos

Pues yo lo que hago para compilar el kernel es lo que dice en el
paquete kernel-package - /usr/doc/kernel-package/README.gz

De esta manera te creas un .deb para el binario y luego lo instalo con
dpkg -i fichero_kernel.deb

Básicamente es:

1.- cd /usr/src/linux-VERSION-QUE-SEA
2.- make menuconfig 
3.- make-kpkg clean
4.- make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image 
5.- dpkg -i ../kernel-image-X.XXX_1.0_arch.deb

El custom.1.0 fue el primero ahora ya voy por custom.21.0 ;)


Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Visit Internet Virtual Studios at:

Re: WordPerfect 8

1999-01-13 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Yo pensaba incluirlo en el de LA, lastima que no haya respondido
nadie de COREL para poder meterlo, la versión que se distribuye en WWW es
sólo para uso personal  (no se puede redistribuir)



On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 12:13:10PM +0100, TooManySecrets wrote:
 Ante todo espero que perdoneis éste cross a saco, pero creo que es de
 interés general y a más de uno interesará la noticia.
 En el próximo número de PC-PLUS (Febrero), que aparecerá a finales de Enero,
 viene, en los cd's, el WordPerfect 8 para Linux, incluido el paquete del
 Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
 TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
  apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
  el fin de todos los caminos
   Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: WordPerfect 8

1999-01-13 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 07:58:47PM +0100, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
   Yo pensaba incluirlo en el de LA, lastima que no haya respondido
 nadie de COREL para poder meterlo, la versión que se distribuye en WWW es
 sólo para uso personal  (no se puede redistribuir)
Pues en el SOLO Linux de este mes sale el WP8. Yo me lo he instalado de
ahí. Lo que no viene es el módulo español.

Oye, a modo de sugerencia... lo que me sucede (y creo que a mucha
gente también) es que te instalas la versión Oficial sea la que sea,
2.0, 2.1 y hasta que no sale la siguiente pues pasa un tiempo en el
que te interesa actualizar algunos paquetes de unstable o frozen y
cuando miras de hacerlo con el apt te dice que se tiene que bajar
tropecientos megas y eso tarda (y cuesta) un montón. Lo mismo pasa con
cosas en desarrollo que ya se podrían usar... gnome (con todo lo que
conlleva, i.e. enlightement, themes), kernels, Wine. Creo que debe
haber gente interesada en conseguir ese tipo de cosas en el CD de LA 
con ramas de ustable/frozen, último gnome en 
CVS, postgresql, último kernel de desarrollo, gimp, mozilla, KDE (que
no se diga ;)), etc.

Creo que el usuario típico de Linux es bastante más espabilado que el de
Windows, que necesita que todo se lo des en un SETUP.EXE para que haga
click y ya está. Por esto los CD de las revistas de Linux no deberían
estar oriantados de la misma forma que están los de revistas para
usuarios de Windows. 

Aunque... errr... ahora que veo el CD del último número... ya había
cosas en CVS... bueno... pero molaría tener el CVS de gnome en el
próximo CD. ;)

Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

Visit Internet Virtual Studios at:

Re: WordPerfect 8

1999-01-13 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Pues la verdad es que eso mismo he pensado yo, y os hago un adelanto
de lo que va a ir en los DOS cds de LA (no es por desprestigiar a la
competencia porque yo no he conseguido que los de Corel me den autorización
para poner su WP8):

- documentacion
- mirror de sunsite (ahora metalab) con TODO lo del Linux
Documentation Proyect: HOWTOs, y manuales de Linux
- mirror de lucas y de insflug, con la traduccion de lo de arriba al
- mirror de la documentacion de Internet: RFCs, FYIs, FAQs y drafts
(obtenidos de

- revistas
- ultimas revistas de Linux Gazzette, navegables desde el CD
- volcado, navegable desde el CD, de la revista LinuxFocus

- mozilla - mirror del servidor de desarrollo, con fuentes y to

- wine - mirror de la ultima version y documentacion de desarrollo

- suites ofimaticas: koffice y mirror de las aplicaciones de sunsite
relacionadas con el tratamiento de textos (incluyendo la suite 'siag' y
otras cosilla)

- entornos de ventanas: mirror COMPLETO de GNOME y KDE, con las versiones de
desarrollo (unstable) y finales (stable) asi como documentacion y paquetes
para Debian y RedHat.

- kernels: ultimos kernels:
- 2.2.0pre4 (lo se hay un pre6 pero no he podido cogerlo)
- 2.1.131 (ultimo inestable)
- 2.0.36  (ultimo estable)

Ya sabeis que desde que yo doy el CD hasta que sale la revista hay un lapso
mínimo de un mes, así que es posible que no sea todo lo ultimisimo (aunque
he intentado que lo fuera)

Un saludo


On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 08:51:54PM +0100, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 07:58:47PM +0100, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
  Yo pensaba incluirlo en el de LA, lastima que no haya respondido
  nadie de COREL para poder meterlo, la versión que se distribuye en WWW es
  sólo para uso personal  (no se puede redistribuir)
 Pues en el SOLO Linux de este mes sale el WP8. Yo me lo he instalado de
 ahí. Lo que no viene es el módulo español.
 Oye, a modo de sugerencia... lo que me sucede (y creo que a mucha
 gente también) es que te instalas la versión Oficial sea la que sea,
 2.0, 2.1 y hasta que no sale la siguiente pues pasa un tiempo en el
 que te interesa actualizar algunos paquetes de unstable o frozen y
 cuando miras de hacerlo con el apt te dice que se tiene que bajar
 tropecientos megas y eso tarda (y cuesta) un montón. Lo mismo pasa con
 cosas en desarrollo que ya se podrían usar... gnome (con todo lo que
 conlleva, i.e. enlightement, themes), kernels, Wine. Creo que debe
 haber gente interesada en conseguir ese tipo de cosas en el CD de LA 
 con ramas de ustable/frozen, último gnome en 
 CVS, postgresql, último kernel de desarrollo, gimp, mozilla, KDE (que
 no se diga ;)), etc.

Nos debíamos estar leyendo el pensamiento porque ya ves que he
incluido mucho de eso...
 Creo que el usuario típico de Linux es bastante más espabilado que el de
 Windows, que necesita que todo se lo des en un SETUP.EXE para que haga
 click y ya está. Por esto los CD de las revistas de Linux no deberían
 estar oriantados de la misma forma que están los de revistas para
 usuarios de Windows. 

De acuerdo contigo, aunque me hubiera gustado tiempo para hacer una
aplicación para presentar de forma más bonita los contenidos del CD,
porque dos páginas de revista no da para mucho a la hora de contar todos los
contenidos aunque el usuario típico de Linux sea como tú dices habría
que dar facilidades a los que no están tan técnicamente orientados.

 Aunque... errr... ahora que veo el CD del último número... ya había
 cosas en CVS... bueno... pero molaría tener el CVS de gnome en el
 próximo CD. ;)
 Rafa C. Marcos

 Un saludo



1999-01-13 Thread Oscar González

Re: Red de Linux

1999-01-13 Thread Emilio de Miguel

Marcelo E. Magallon escribió:

  ¿Está el módulo del protocolo cargado?

Con el modulo cargado es igual.

  En esta situación también puede ser que desees colocar un proxy en
  'peste' para que las otras dos máquinas se conecten a él.  Así
  obtienes varias cosas, entre ellas, tienes un caché en una sola
  máquina, con lo cual se puede hacer algo más rápida la conexión...

Ya, pero es un 486 con 8Mb de RAM y no se si se quedara algo pequeño.

Deica logo


1999-01-13 Thread Oscar González

Slink problem - libc-doc depends on a duff version

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

When using dselect to upgrade to slink, it objects to the version
of libc that I have, so I have to remove libc-doc :(

Is this a known problem, or am I being dumb?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: RH vs Debian (Switch to Red Hat ?)

1999-01-13 Thread shaul
 i think the reason is the advertisement of redhat, i´ve never heard about
 debian until a fellow student points out (thanks rainer :-) that there other 
 than redhat, suse or dld (german). - And i´m very satisfied with Debian (i´m
 a hobbyist ;-)

What was the RH version that you used when you swap to Debian ? Can you 
compare RH and Debian ?

Re: X Clients out on the net? (non-debian specific question)

1999-01-13 Thread shaul
 If I understand what you want, you want to run an X client on a Windows
 box. This might give you a taste of the flavor of X, but the engine will
 still be Windows with all its limitations, so don't expect to get a true
 feel for it.
 To do this, you'll need an X Server on your Windows box. The X Server is
 the engine for X Windows. There's a free version from
 called Mix/TNTLite or something or other that you can run on top of
 Windows. It's kindda like running a Macintosh emulator on Windows, so it
 won't be truly representative of X.

Can you be more specific about the engine will still be Windows with all its 
limitations and won't be truly representative of X ?

Re: Hamm beta upgrade to Slink

1999-01-13 Thread shaul
I want to upgrade my libc from 2.0.7t-1 to libc6_2.0.7v-1.deb too. 
Can I simply install the appropriate packages, even if during the process 
parts of the system will be broken ? Is there a possibility that my system 
will completely be useless so that I will have to reinstall hamm from scratch ?

 Yes!  libc6 requires libc6-dev of the same level.  I have had this problem
 in the past. 
 just run your apt-get -f install and it will pull whatever files are required
 to solve the problem.  (which means upgrading libc6-dev)
 Your good to go man. :)
 Quoting Jason Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  I have a machine here running a beta of Hamm, probably from before Hamm
  was frozen.  I'm trying to get apt going on this machine so that I can
  upgrade it to slink.
  I manually installed apt, libc6, libstdc++2.9 and such from slink and
  then resolved as many of the conflicts and such by hand as I could.
  However, I'm not sure what to do about this one:
  gusgus:~ # apt-get check
  Updating package file cache...done
  Updating package status cache...done
  Checking system integrity...dependency error
  You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
  Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have unmet
apt: Depends:libc6
  Libc6 is, of course, installed:
  gusgus:~ # dpkg -s libc6
  Package: libc6
  Status: install ok installed
  Priority: required
  Section: base
  Installed-Size: 1582
  Maintainer: Joel Klecker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Source: glibc
  Version: 2.0.7-19981211-1
  Replaces: libc6-dev, ldso
  Pre-Depends: ldso (= 1.8.10-1)
  Recommends: timezone, locales
  Conflicts: libc5 ( 5.4.33-7), libpthread0 ( 0.7-10), libstdc++2.8 (=
  2.90.29-1), libstdc++2.9 ( 2.91.59-2)
  Description: GNU Libc: shared libraries
   Contains the standard libraries that are used by nearly all programs on
   the system. This package includes shared versions of the standard C
   and the standard math library among others.
  Any ideas how to get around this one?  I'm using apt version 0.1.9. 
  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - useless: - efnet:
  Bad signs are everywhere coach. I tend to ignore them The Era of Big
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Re: Slink problem - libc-doc depends on a duff version

1999-01-13 Thread Gergely Madarasz
On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 Dear all,
   When using dselect to upgrade to slink, it objects to the version
 of libc that I have, so I have to remove libc-doc :(

the glibc-doc package is your friend 

  It's practically impossible to look at a penguin and feel angry.
  Egy pingvinre gyakorlatilag lehetetlen haragosan nezni.

Re: too many open files

1999-01-13 Thread Joe Emenaker

i've recently reinstalled my debian system and i am now
getting the following error message:

Jan 12 09:00:15 random amd[1162]: setmntent(/etc/mtab, r+): Too many
open files

any ideas, or pointers to the fm are welcomed.

The kernel's out of file handles. Go to /proc/sys/kernel and look at
file-max as compared to file-nr as well as inode-max compared to
inode-nr. I think nr is the number currently in use... but I could swear
I've seen it go higher than max.

Anyway, the solution is just to put larger numbers in the max files. In my
/etc/init.d, I've got a file called that contains:

   echo 4096  /proc/sys/kernel/file-max
   echo 12288  /proc/sys/kernel/inode-max

Then, I made a symlink to it from /etc/rcS.d/ so that it
will update the kernel structures every time it boots (as it goes through
single-user mode).

- Joe

Re: Debian goes big business? [was: Re: Suggestion for RedHat (was: RH vs Debian)]

1999-01-13 Thread Christian Lavoie
  I don't think Debian is usable to found a company on that. No company
  can actually control Debian, impose release dates and such needed
  things (for a company). Even if it's feasible, no company ever SHOULD
  have such rights, for Debian to keep it's spirit.
 You are thinking in the wrong traditional terms.  It's not about
 controlling Debian or imposing anything upon anyone.  A company based
 on Debian would need a different business strategy.  Just take into
 account what a company like Cygnus is doing for free software!

 A company basing it's business on Debian Linux should ideally be
 composed of Debian people and would mainly care in making Debian known
 as a viable product on the wider market.  Generated income could be
 used to give full time jobs to Debian developers who could then fully
 concentrate on Debian for a living.  This could probably help increase
 the release frequency and would provide a financial framework for
 Debian.  At the moment it's really a pity that mainly third parties
 are generating income mainly for themselves and i believe we would
 considerably benefit if a company would do the same specifically for
 Debian.  Wouldn't you like to be paid working for Debian?

My point is that this company would one day tries ot improve it's 
revenues and influence the Debian distribution to fits its needs. Look 
at the recent discussions about whether to ship Slink as i386 only, or 
to wait until m68k and others are ready. If Debian had been 
commercially distributed by a company, the choice wouldn't be taken on 
a 'How can this help the Debian dists and end-users' basis, but on a 
'How can we get the most bucks' basis.

So I think my argument still stands. We can't allow for someone to 
sell Debian itself, it shall at every cost stay uninfluenced by any 
other corporation.

What we could do in this approach would be to found a non-profit 
organization (I think that's the place you and I are touchy) that 
would do sidejobs on Debian. As for what it could do, let's see this 
example list:

- Education and testing of Debian consultants. Guys who would debug 
you're system for a fee. Kind of certification of proficiency program.
- Debian books and other such things. Maintain a support site.
- Centralized support, phone, e-mail, whatever.
- Shrink-wrapped, Cds with other useful apps. (Like Caldera's 
partition magic pack, or pre-installed Office apps, etc.)

It would be in the goals of such an organization to provide publicity 
and availability to the Debian dist, and to re-invest in that 
particular dist. Which would get us a great deal of what we still 
need: Money support.

nVidia TNT help!!

1999-01-13 Thread Ian Keith Setford

I have tried and tried to get this Riva TNT video card up but I cannot.
what I've done:
1) D/L'ed the binary XF86_SVGA server version 3.3.3 and put it in 
   /usr/bin/X11/.  (I was using this server with the S3V card earlier

2) Configured my xf86config (3.3.2) for the Riva128 (Diamond Viper330
   although mine is a 550) because the thread in -user earlier said to do 
   this. I did not select a RAMDAC or use a clocks line.

When I run startx the screen goes blank, as if the server is running but
not displaying anything.  If I do a Ctrl-Alt-Bksp the server dies and I
get my console back.

Can anyone lend me some advice on how to get this card working?!!

Any help is greatly appreciated!!


PGP = F2 92 50 E3 CD D7 A2 D9  C4 CE 08 A6 98 E0 0F 58

Re: timezone

1999-01-13 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 11:53:32PM +, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 Dear all,
   libc recommends timezones, but this appears not to be
 available. according to dselect :(
 although I have it installed..

Please give: dpkg -s libc6, dpkg -s timezones  (if this is on the hurd,
give me dpkg -s libc0.2 instead :)


Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: Switch to Red Hat?

1999-01-13 Thread Randy Edwards
 Well, i think it is a very healthy experience once in a while to try
 out another distribution like Redhat just to see what actually makes
 Debian so good. [...]  So just do it, you'll return
 anyway - but being lots wiser.

   Hehehe.  He can borrow my copy of RedHat 5.1 I bought and installed for
exactly that reason -- and like you said, I returned (I'll resist comment on
the wiser part ;-).

 Colebrook School District Technology Coordinator
 Since I'm paid for results and technical knowledge, it should go without
 saying that opinions expressed are my own and not those of my employer.

Killing CLOSE/CLOSE_WAIT Sockets?

1999-01-13 Thread Dale Harrison

Got a bit of a problem, not real sure how to solve it. 

Debian box used for mail. People pop their mail (via Outlook). Theres about 50 
clients that do this every 5 or so minutes. Every now and then people will 
complain that they can't get their mail [that in fact, they cannot be logged 
on to the mail server]

Theres nothing obviously wrong with the box [it's been happily chugging away
for 359 days] but I THINK the problem is this..

$ netstat |more
Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State  
tcp7  0   
tcp7  0   
tcp7  0 CLOSE   
tcp7  0   
tcp7  0   
tcp7  0   
tcp7  0   

etc. ~210 CLOSE or CLOSE_WAIT's. They don't seem to disappear. Is there any 
way I can nuke these manually? or decrease the time it takes for the kernel 
to clean them up? Or even increase the number of simultaneous connections per

Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Help appreciated.. :)

Dale Harrison  |  Universe, n.:

network question

1999-01-13 Thread Wesley Simon

This isn't really a Debian specific question.

I'm running Debian 2.0 on a machine with 1 10baseT network card.

I use this as a Quake server on my LAN.  I would like to add a
10/100baseT card to it so that there are 2 network cards.  I would
then like to be able to run one 100baseT hub and one 10baseT hub.  I 
have read that Linux will only detect one card on bootup.  Is this 
still true for kernel 2.0.34?  

Would this work?

Set card A with an IP of
Set card B with an IP of

For all machines on 192.168.1.X, set the gateway to
For all machines on 192.168.2.X, set the gateway to

So, the Linux machine would function as a gateway and a Quake 
server simultaneously.

Does anyone see any reason why this wouldn't work?

Re: Slink problem - libc-doc depends on a duff version

1999-01-13 Thread Bob Nielsen
You should probably use apt and do:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade

to upgrade to slink.  This will handle the dependency stuff correctly.  
You can then configure dselect for the apt method, if you wish

There's a new version of all the libc6 packages in slink today, so
hopefully there should be no problems with that.


On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 Dear all,
   When using dselect to upgrade to slink, it objects to the version
 of libc that I have, so I have to remove libc-doc :(
 Is this a known problem, or am I being dumb?
 Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo
 Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
 Selwyn College Computer Support
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: X Clients out on the net? (non-debian specific question)

1999-01-13 Thread Kent West
On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, shaul wrote:

  If I understand what you want, you want to run an X client on a Windows
  box. This might give you a taste of the flavor of X, but the engine will
  still be Windows with all its limitations, so don't expect to get a true
  feel for it.
  To do this, you'll need an X Server on your Windows box. The X Server is
  the engine for X Windows. There's a free version from
  called Mix/TNTLite or something or other that you can run on top of
  Windows. It's kindda like running a Macintosh emulator on Windows, so it
  won't be truly representative of X.
 Can you be more specific about the engine will still be Windows with all its 
 limitations and won't be truly representative of X ?

Well, instead of the X client talking to the X server which talks to the
Linux kernal which talks to the hardware, you'd have the X client talking
to the X server which talks to the Windows kernel which talks to the
hardware. So the underlying kernel is still Windows, with its instability
and bugginess.

So if a crash happens when using an X client on Mix, the uninformed user
might blame the X client, when in reality it's more likely a problem with
the underlying Windows engine.

This is just my take on things. Don't quote me as gospel.

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: Learning more/Linux programming books

1999-01-13 Thread Jiri Baum

  What computer languages do I need to learn? 

As others have said, that depends on what you want to do...

If you are looking at particular files you want to understand, use the
`file' command to check what they are; or, if the first line starts with #!
it tells you directly (eg a file beginning with #!/usr/bin/perl is in the
PERL language; the file command will tell you it's `perl script text').

  In general if someone could point the direction.
 You've heard quite a few recommendations about C.  And I agree with that.
 But I think Pascal is somewhat easier language to start with. 

But it's not used nearly so often...

This really depends on what kind of area you want to learn - whether it's
programming (and what kind), or system administration, or what.

Oh yes, most of the difficulty of programming is not understanding the
language itself, but the mental discipline associated with getting what you
asked for, rather than what you meant.

 And don't write window manager.  Write some fun games where bad guys are
 chasing you on the screen.  You'll learn a lot.

I was going to agree with that, but then I realised that if everyone
followed that advice there'd be no Linux (if memory serves). So I don't
know. Obviously, mileage may vary.



Re: Mail, Kernel and X

1999-01-13 Thread David Z. Maze
Austanners Wet Blue Pty Ltd [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
A I also wish to compile my own kernel (make xconfig) but because i dont know
A the specs for my vid card, monitor and sound card (soundblaster 16 clone i
A think) will i run into trouble?

You don't need to use 'make xconfig' to configure your kernel; 'make
menuconfig' works without X, for example, as does the old 'make
config'.  In this case you won't need specs for your video card or
monitor.  If you don't know the information for your sound card, you
can build a kernel without sound support.

You should read the README file at the top of your kernel source tree
before trying to build your own kernel.  It's probably also a good
idea to install the kernel-package package, which builds Debian
packages out of kernels.

/ \   Dad was reading a book called
|  David Maze | _Schroedinger's Kittens_.  Asexual
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  reproduction?  Only one cat is in the box.
| |   -- Abra Mitchell

cron without cron package??

1999-01-13 Thread Chris R. Martin
I've noticed that on Debian systems without the cron package installed,
there still appears to be some version of cron availible... however I've
been unable to get it to work for anything. I can edit a crontab, but no
cron daemon is running and /usr/sbin/cron doesn't seem to do anything. 

I did a 'dpkg -S *cron* ' but I didn't find where this file was installed
or where it came from. Obviously I couldn't figure out what it does, either.

Anyone know about this?


Re: timezone

1999-01-13 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 Dear all,
   libc recommends timezones, but this appears not to be
 available. according to dselect :(
 although I have it installed..

I saw this earlier at work, and it looked like a misspelling
in the libc6 recommends.  It says 'timezone' when it really meant


Setting Prompt

1999-01-13 Thread ktb
OK, I did a search in Debian user's and came up with the the
following to change my prompt:

In   /etc/profile  I added the line,
export PS1='\h:\w\$ '

This is the readout I got,

This wasn't what I wanted I only want the current working directory to
show.  I took a look at the man page for  bash.  It said that \w would
list my working directory.  So I tried the following:

If I use,
export PS1='\w:\\$ '

I get,

I tried several other combinations, a few I tried,

None of these worked.

Here is what my  /etc/profile  looks like:

~:$ cat /etc/profile
# /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for bash(1).


export PATH PS1
export PS1='\w:\\$ '
setleds -D +num$

umask 002

What am I doing wrong here?  I just want my prompt, as a regular user,
to look something like this:
/home/kent $
As root my prompt has the working directory listed.  Where is the file
for the root prompt?  Maybe I could just look there and figure out how
to set my regular user prompt?

Re: default fonts in NS 4.05 unreadable

1999-01-13 Thread Dave Thayer
On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 09:42:37PM +0100, Thomas Adams wrote:
 On two different hamm computers with different video cards and monitors I 
 installed Netscape 4.05 with the install script.
 On both of these systems I can hardly read the web pages because the default 
 fonts are too small. On the same computers and monitors, a Windows Netscape
 displays fine. Why?

In Windows you have TrueType fonts which display much more nicely than 
X fonts, especially on a lower res screen. I installed xfstt from slink
which vastly improved Netscape on my 640x480 laptop screen.

your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

manually running cron

1999-01-13 Thread MallarJ
I have cron installed, and I'm sure it should be running things that I'm not
currently running - like the locate database update.  My problem is, I'm on a
laptop, and I shut it down when I'm done with it.  So, is there a way to get
the cron stuff to run manually?  Or possibly at bootuptime?


Re: manually running cron

1999-01-13 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 10:10:33PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have cron installed, and I'm sure it should be running things that I'm not
 currently running - like the locate database update.  My problem is, I'm on a
 laptop, and I shut it down when I'm done with it.  So, is there a way to get
 the cron stuff to run manually?  Or possibly at bootuptime?

install anacron (and RTFM :-)
your man pann

Re: package upgrading issue

1999-01-13 Thread Paul Miller
Deepak Nulu wrote:
 I had the same problem. I wanted to get a package
 from the FTP site that was not on my CD and did not
 know how to make dselect load just the package I
 was interested in. I tried to unselect everything

This I believe is not possible. You should use the dpkg command line: 

dpkg -i package.deb

 from the topmost section, but it did not work. I
 read in one of the help files that any operation
 on a section title would effect all packages in the
 section, but that did not happen. I read that

This works for me. I have all my packages on hold. I can then select
which packages to update or to newly install.

 dpkg-ftp was used by dselect but I could not invoke
 this from the shell. Attempts to put packages on

dpkg-ftp I thought only added the FTP choice in the access methods of
dselect. There is no command dpkg-ftp.

 hold (my understanding was this would prevent it
 from upgrading) was not easy and I kept getting
 into dependencies and conflicts. I eventually gave
 up and let dselect use its defaults and upgrade
 all the packages.
When getting dependancy errors, I use shift-q to get out of that screen
after putting all the packages on hold.

1. Use section header to put packages on hold.
2. Dependancy screen pops up.
3. Put those packes on hold.
4. Type shift-q to get back to main screen.
5. Type shift-q to leave the select screen.

Hope any of this is helpfull.


1999-01-13 Thread Chris Wong

Does SMP work well with the 2.0.36 kernel? I heard that
older kernels (2.0.35), froze when there was a high load. I
just want to make sure that it's safe for me to run 2.0.36.

AD Digital Media Inc. (c) 1998

Re: Setting Prompt

1999-01-13 Thread Henning Makholm
ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 show.  I took a look at the man page for  bash.  It said that \w would
 list my working directory.  So I tried the following:

 If I use,
 export PS1='\w:\\$ '

 I get,

That is a feature.

The tilde is a commonly-used abbreviation for the home directory of
the current user. You can use it when typing commands too, and it
will be expanded before the program you run see the arguments. Try

~:$ echo I live in ~
I live in /home/kent

bash automatically tries to use this abbreviation when it writes out
the working directory. It assumes that when working somewhere deep
inside your home you would rather see




There doesn't seem to be any way of turning this feature off in
standard bash.

Henning Makholm

Re: Setting Prompt

1999-01-13 Thread Jim Foltz
On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 09:01:53PM +, ktb wrote:
 OK, I did a search in Debian user's and came up with the the
 following to change my prompt:
 In   /etc/profile  I added the line,
 export PS1='\h:\w\$ '
 This is the readout I got,
 This wasn't what I wanted I only want the current working directory to
 show.  I took a look at the man page for  bash.  It said that \w would
 list my working directory.  So I tried the following:
 If I use,
 export PS1='\w:\\$ '
 I get,

~ is your home directory. try cd'ing to /usr/share with that prompt.

 I tried several other combinations, a few I tried,
 None of these worked.
 Here is what my  /etc/profile  looks like:
 ~:$ cat /etc/profile
 # /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for bash(1).
 export PATH PS1
 export PS1='\w:\\$ '
 setleds -D +num$
 umask 002
 What am I doing wrong here?  I just want my prompt, as a regular user,
 to look something like this:
 /home/kent $
 As root my prompt has the working directory listed.  Where is the file
 for the root prompt?  Maybe I could just look there and figure out how
 to set my regular user prompt?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

AOL/IM: jim foltz

Re: X and fvwm2 configuration

1999-01-13 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 07:17:37PM +0100, LOPARIC Marko wrote:

Just FYI, your fvwm configuration will have no effect on the size of your
desktop (real or virtual), or the resolution of your X display.

 1. Make X start in higher resolution.

This is determined by the Modes line in the Screen section of your
XF86Config file (/etc/X11/XF86Config).  For instance, here's one of my
Screen sections (you may have more than one, depending on how many
different X servers you use -- most people need only one, though).

Section Screen
   Driver  SVGA
   Monitor Sony 200sf
   BlankTime   0
   DefaultColorDepth 32
   SubSection Display
  Modes1376x1032 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480 
   SubSection Display
  Modes1376x1032 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480 
   SubSection Display
  Modes1376x1032 1152x864 1024x768 800x600 640x480 

X will start in the first mode for which it can find a usable Modeline
(defined earlier in the XF86Config file).  For me, as you can see, that is
the mode 1376x1032.  If for some reason the X server throws away that
modeline (an error message which will go the virtual console you started X
from, or to /var/log/xdm-errors if you're using xdm to start the X server),
it will proceed through the list of Modes until it finds one it can use.

I have not provided the Modelines because they depend somewhat on your
video card, and greatly on your monitor.

If the X server can't use any of your defined Modes, it will exit with an
error and X will not start.

Note how I have a separate subsection for each color depth I can use with
the SVGA X server, and a DefaultColorDepth line to set my default to 32
bits per pixel.

 2. Make xterm font size and window bigger.

You can change xterm's font size on the fly by holding down the control key
and pressing the right mouse button while the pointer is in the xterm
window.  This brings up the VT Fonts menu.

Other menus are available by holding down control and pressing the left and
middle mouse buttons while in the xterm window.

If you change xterm's font size, it will automatically size the window
to show a complete screen of the current geometry (the default is 80
columns by 24 rows).

You could edit $HOME/.xsession to start xterm with a larger font.

xterm -ls -fn 7x13 -title medium-size xterm
xterm -ls -fn 9x15 -title large-size xterm
xterm -ls -fn 10x20 -title really big xterm
xterm -ls -fn 12x24 -title freakin' huge xterm

Alternatively, you could play with some of xterm's X resources (in
$HOME/.Xresources) to change its default font size, but that's a more
sophisticated issue and this mail is too long already.

Careful reading of the man pages for X and xterm will be instructive.  Skip
what you don't understand and read carefully the parts you do.

man X
man xterm

 I also wasn't unable to run the fvwmconf module.
 Please tell me where I can look for documentation on that topic.

I can't help you with that; I'm an old fogey and edit my fvwm config file
by hand.

G. Branden Robinson  |
Debian GNU/Linux |Please do not look directly into laser
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |with remaining eye. |

Description: PGP signature

Re: SQLs Servers in Debian

1999-01-13 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Jan 11, 1999 at 04:27:30PM -0400, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
 I have some questions:
 1) Is there any frontend gui to postgres in Debian Hamm or Slink
 or Pota
 2) Is there any frontend gui to mysql in Debian Hamm or Slink or

Does it make much sense to have a generic gui frontend to an SQL db?
Usually you would want something specific to your database/application.

You can build web based front-ends with www-mysql/www-pgsql or php3
quite easily.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: removing ^M from a text file

1999-01-13 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 03:48:31PM +, M.C. Vernon wrote:
 On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, Brandon Mitchell wrote:
  sed 's/^M//g' badfile goodfile
  Replace badfile and goodfile appropriately.
  Generate the ^M in bash with contv contm
 Thanks - that's what I couldn't figure out. It's nice to know I was trying
 to use sed the right way :)

Just to confirm that Unix has lots of ways to do such simple things :-)
don't forget the following:

tr -d '\015'  badfile  goodfile

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Setting Prompt

1999-01-13 Thread Henning Makholm
I wrote:

 There doesn't seem to be any way of turning this feature off in
 standard bash.

after downloading and checking the source No, there isn't.

Henning Makholm

Re: RH vs Debian (Switch to Red Hat ?)

1999-01-13 Thread Wayne Cuddy
I used RedHat through version 5.1 before switching to Debian.  Here are a few
of the reason I stuck with Debian and continue to do so.

- More packages distributed with the base system.
- I believe the dpkg package management is much better than RedHat
  (especially for developing packages on a production system)
- Debian strictly adheres to a well defined set of rules for
  filesystem layout in relation where packages keep configuration
  files, libraries and executables... etc...
- Debian always seems to have less errata and corrections per
  distribution, Redhat has gotten much better in this area
- I much prefer the Debian way of configuring packages usually at
  package install time via the scripts built into the package.  Debian
  makes it easier for the seasoned Linux user to configure the system
  using non-gui based methods, which is a plus for me as I manage some
  systems remotely.  Linux conf is supposed to handle this sort of
  thing but I am not to pleased it.

I have yet to figure out what Redhat offers me that Debian does not.

My humble opinion:)

On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, shaul wrote:

 Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 02:05:46 +0200
 From: shaul [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: RH vs Debian (Switch to Red Hat ?) 
 Resent-Date: 13 Jan 1999 00:17:43 -
 Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
  i think the reason is the advertisement of redhat, i´ve never heard about
  debian until a fellow student points out (thanks rainer :-) that there 
  other dists 
  than redhat, suse or dld (german). - And i´m very satisfied with Debian (i´m
  a hobbyist ;-)
 What was the RH version that you used when you swap to Debian ? Can you 
 compare RH and Debian ?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-01-13 Thread celtic-rogue
ok.. so I can't get GNOME installed.. I've been told its easier to do,
ONLINE, I've even had offeres of help, once I get online.. so... how the
heck to I get online with Debian?

Remember.. I'm deffinatly a newbie at Debian, and Linux.. just got it
installed this past sunday..
Rogue - One who travels apart from the pack, and is wild and fierce.

Re: Soundblaster under Debian 2.0

1999-01-13 Thread Daniel Martin
Ramesh Natarajan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I just installed Debian 2.0 and compiled kernal (2.0.34) with Sound as
 module. I seem to get something working, but not all. I configured my
 /etc/isapnp.conf, did a isapnptools /etc/isapnp.conf followed by
 $insmod sound trace_init=1. On dmesg, I see
Sound initialization started
Sound Blaster 16 (4.16) at 0x220 irq 5 dma 0,5
Yamaha OPL3 FM at 0x388
Sound initialization complete
 when I do cat /dev/sndstat, I see
 Card config:
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 0,5
(SB MPU-401 irq 1 drq 0)
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0
 Iam able to play CD using workman. When I cat some .au to /dev/audio,
 (or when I try saytime) I get no sound. I get no error either. When I do
 rvplayer welcome.rm, I get some error like Codec not
 installed/Compression not supported.
 From what I see in HOWTO, looks like I have MPU stuff not enabled. Is
 this a problem? I donot have MPU 401 support enabled in make config
 (going by help text)
 I used to have RedHat 5.1 with sound working like sweat (using
 sndconfig). Is there a similar tool under debian? (just wanted to be a
 GNU purist for a while :)

No; unfortunately there isn't such an easy sound configuration tool
(anyone want to take apart RedHat's? - and while we're at it, compile
sound as a module in the default kernel?).  However, I have sound
working on my machine, on my PnP Soundblaster clone.  I too get the
MPU thing enclosed in ()'s, so that in and of itself isn't your
problem.  What does the rest of cat /dev/sndstat say?  (specifically,
does it list an audio device?  What does it say about installed
drivers?)  Add a NAME section to your isapnp.conf right before the
(ACT Y) thing, like this:
  (NAME SoundCard)
  (ACT Y)
And then make certain that the VERBOSITY setting at the top of
isapnp.conf is at least 2.  This should make isapnp spit out
information about the card after configuring it - make certain this
information matches what your kernel thinks about your card.

 Thats my main Qn. I have few more :)
 1) I can do startx only as root. Not as any other user. I get some error
 like xlib: conncecion refused by server. If I run xdm, I can log on as
 any user though.

This one is easy.  Look at the file /etc/X11/Xserver.  Read what it

 2) When I try make xconfig for kernal config, I cannot select any of the
 y/m/n options. I can input all text fields (like irq, IO) though.


Setting Up Newsgroups

1999-01-13 Thread Chris Hoover
How do I go about setting up newsgroups on my hamm box?  I installed the
news servers, but I'm unsure of what to do next.  I just want to pull
maybe 10 groups down to my local box.


Re: Gnome-ONLINE?

1999-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
 ok.. so I can't get GNOME installed.. I've been told its easier to do,
 ONLINE, I've even had offeres of help, once I get online.. so... how the

I too am stumbling with Debian. I got gnome to work by getting the
following files:

gdk-imlib1_1.8.1-0.1_i386.deb libgtkxmhtml0_0.30-1_i386.deb
gnome-desktop_0.28.1-1_i386.deb   liborbit0_0.3.0-1_i386.deb
gnome-panel_0.30-1_i386.deb   libpanel-applet0_0.30-1_i386.deb
gnome-session_0.30-1_i386.deb libungif3g_3.0-2_i386.deb
libglib1.1_1.1.3-1_i386.deb   orbit_0.3.0-1_i386.deb
libgnome0_0.30-1_i386.deb slib_2c3-3.deb

I pretty sure that's all of them. I placed them in the same directory
and did a dpkg -i * and let dpkg do its thing. That seemed to work as I
now have gnome working. I'm not sure if I updated any other packages for
this or not. I had to upgrade some stuff to get lpr and apsfilter to
install because I couldn't make lprng and magicfilter to work for me.
Now only if I can figure out how to build window maker 0.50.2!

 heck to I get online with Debian?

I'm using wvdial right now. It's a snap to get configured. All you have
to do is run wvdialconf as root. I then added my normal user account to
groups dip and dialout so that I can run wvdial. Also don't forget to
add your DNS addresses to the /etc/resolv.conf file like so:

search .
nameserver ###.###.###.###
nameserver ###.###.###.###

If you need more help, the ISP-Hookup-HOWTO is invaluable. Check it out
in /usr/doc/HOWTO.


  __   _ 
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: SQLs Servers in Debian

1999-01-13 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 02:52:49PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 11, 1999 at 04:27:30PM -0400, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
  I have some questions:
  1) Is there any frontend gui to postgres in Debian Hamm or Slink
  or Pota
  2) Is there any frontend gui to mysql in Debian Hamm or Slink or
 Does it make much sense to have a generic gui frontend to an SQL db?
 Usually you would want something specific to your database/application.

Ah, here's a difference between the Pee-Cee world and the *nix world
where there's something to be said for the other place.

It's really handy to be able to take a quick look at a database to see
what the structure is like, how many tables, how many records, etc.,

You can certainly do that with SQL (I do it regularly), but I do find
myself remembering fondly how much easier it was to do in Paradox for

Note that I'm not talking about an application-specific front end,
that's an entirely different kettle of fish.
your man pann

Re: default fonts in NS 4.05 unreadable

1999-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
Dave Thayer wrote:
 In Windows you have TrueType fonts which display much more nicely than
 X fonts, especially on a lower res screen. I installed xfstt from slink
 which vastly improved Netscape on my 640x480 laptop screen.

I decided to try a fresh look for X and install xfstt. Is there anything
that needs to be done after installing it? I made a link to my windows
fonts, and I can preview them when I run the file, but what am I
not doing to make fonts available for netscape, etc?

  __   _ 
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Why not as a newsgroup?

1999-01-13 Thread Ed Cogburn
Tom Persons wrote:
 Actually, if you check an earlier post someone responded with the address of
 a site that mirrors this list. But your right, that many e-mail's at 28.8 or
 lower can take quite awhile. On the flip side a 56K modem goes for under
 $100 now and I've seen some on sale for as low as $30. Seems a small price
 to pay for the increased speed. Oh, and please don't tell me that some
 people can't afford $30 for a new modem. I realize this situation exists,
 but I would guess that a minority of the people suscribed to this list falls
 into that category.

I've got a 33k modem, but unfortunately, the best I can get out
of my ISP is 24-28k (about 95% of the time - occasionally I do see

Ed C.

Boa and ProFTPd from inetd?

1999-01-13 Thread atallam
Hi all!

I was wondering if somebody could tell me what I have to do to get these
services to run properly from inetd?  (Apparently they don't bother to
configure themselves in the least for it!)

I tried manually adding a line to my inetd.conf file, (and then killall -1
inetd), which didn't seem to work.  (It solved the Connect refused, but not
I get Service not available.)  At least for proftpd, there was an example
line included, which I tried:

ftp stream tcp nowait root  /usr/sbin/proftpd proftpd

I also tried using lines which looked like those that were there, eg,
/usr/sbin/tcpd instead of proftpd (as the first arg, of course.)  But,
neither seems to work.  (They both seem to give the same response.)

Any help/info would be greatly appreciated, thanks!


(And please cc replies to me, as I'm not currently subscribed to the mailing
list.  How come nobody uses the ngs btw?  (Well, let me try! ;))

(And yes, I tried similar lines with boa.. but just get 503s.. And yes, I
removed (just did 'cd /etc/init.d ; mkdir tmp; mv boa proftpd tmp') these
two services, since I so infrequently need them I don't want them (or much
else, especially not tamad (Ohh no!! ;)) running all the time..)


Re: Why not as a newsgroup?

1999-01-13 Thread Ed Cogburn
Thomas Adams wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 11, 1999 at 05:53:50PM -0500, Ed Cogburn wrote:
Newsgroups allow you to only download the subject lines of the
  messages instead of have to download all messages whether you
  would have read them or not.  I'm glad you have a 56k connection,
 How many Unix newsreaders offer this?

Don't all news-servers provide for this, and all news-readers
implement it?  The news reader in NS Communicator does the above.

  but keep in mind there are others with only 33.6 or 28.8
  connections.  Downloading 400-500 messages at 28.8, or less, still
  takes awhile.
 Folks, I can only recommend you to get a UUCP account with your provider or
 bully them very hard if they don't offer this. I have one and am subscribed to
 like 20 mailinglists with several hundred messages a day. They get compressed
 at my provider's system and I download them within one minute. Even without
 ISDN it wouldn't take me more than two or three minutes. So with UUCP
 connection time is no issue.

Now this is new to me.  Thanks.  I'll ask about this with my ISP.

Ed C.

Re: default fonts in NS 4.05 unreadable

1999-01-13 Thread Dave Thayer
On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 09:37:49PM -0800, Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Dave Thayer wrote:
  In Windows you have TrueType fonts which display much more nicely than
  X fonts, especially on a lower res screen. I installed xfstt from slink
  which vastly improved Netscape on my 640x480 laptop screen.
 I decided to try a fresh look for X and install xfstt. Is there anything
 that needs to be done after installing it? I made a link to my windows
 fonts, and I can preview them when I run the file, but what am I
 not doing to make fonts available for netscape, etc?

It was a pretty uneventful installation, but read /usr/doc/xfstt/FAQ.gz.
In particular there are some details regarding choosing font size for
netscape. What I did, in a nutshell, was

 -Set up symlinks from /dosc/windows/fonts to
 -Start up the font server: /etc/init.d/xfstt start
 -Add to the Files section of /etc/X11/XF86Config:
 -Restart X and set up netscape as per the FAQ.
your pal dave

Dave Thayer
Denver, Colorado USA

Re: NT and Debian...O.S. loader 4.01 sux!

1999-01-13 Thread Shao Zhang

NT loader 4.01 will overwirte mbr without any warning. you can get
the debian rescue image, and boot linux from the floppy disk... then you
can mount the linux native partition and reinstall lilo on the root

After that, go back to NT and set the linux native partition to be
active... and here you go...

On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, Martin Schulze wrote:

  what up!
   scenario: i had Linux on my laptop running efficiently well...however, i 
  installed NT4.0 without preparing LiLo for the image of, my laptop
  will only boot to NT (o.s. loader 4.01 takes over) and I dont know of any 
  to get back into Linux
   Specs: my hard drive is split up to where there is an NTFS partition and an
  ext. partition in which the Linux swap and native are stored. 
  Please help me get back in!!!
 Experience is a useful thing.  Unfortunately it is only acquired
 just after one could have used it.
 Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: hosts.deny problem.

1999-01-13 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar
- hosts.allow
- ALL: localhost,128.206.x.x : ALL
- Whenever I've put an IP in, I always also add the mask, a la:
- ALL   :localhost,
- hosts.deny

I likemore idea of one config file and use:

ALL: localhost ALLOV
ALL: ALL: deny

or can be changed to
(note the ending dot, it MUST be there)
 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at Telenor Internet Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of
 Silvester Stallone: Father of the RISC concept.

Re: default fonts in NS 4.05 unreadable

1999-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
Dave Thayer wrote:
 It was a pretty uneventful installation, but read /usr/doc/xfstt/FAQ.gz.
 In particular there are some details regarding choosing font size for
 netscape. What I did, in a nutshell, was
  -Set up symlinks from /dosc/windows/fonts to
  -Start up the font server: /etc/init.d/xfstt start
  -Add to the Files section of /etc/X11/XF86Config:
  -Restart X and set up netscape as per the FAQ.

Thanks Dave!

It worked nicely. One last Q though...when I start xfstt at the console,
it responds with:

   Cannot open TCPIP port 7101
   Better try another port!

Is this normal? It works fine, I'm just curious as to the significance
of that message.

Thanks again.

  __   _ 
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Type tags for Debian packages.

1999-01-13 Thread Patrik Rak
On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, Mitch Blevins wrote:

 The problem I have with a heirarchical structure is that you always
 have those 'gray area' packages that may go into one location or another.
 For example:
 I have an X11-based system administration tool.
 Should it go into X11/system or system/X11?
 A keyword based system would not have this problem.

No no, you didn't read thoroughly enough. I said that one advantage of
this system is that every package can have any number of these tags, so
you could put them in both, if you really want.

So it is almost like keywords, but with the difference that these keywords
create a hierarchical tree-like structure.


X -indirect, xdm and chooser

1999-01-13 Thread ulisses

Hi all,

I'm using default /etc/X11/Xaccess configuration
My /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers has the X server line commented

I start xdm, ok

I start X -indirect localhost I get the chooser with a list of all
available hosts willing to manage my X server, that's fine

If I choose localhost works fine, If I choose another host It resets and I
get my chooser another time or It keeps the Xserver with no window at all
(as if you exec X standalone, eg: without startx)

If I use X -indirect some other host it works ok, that is I can select any
host and I get it's xdm login prompt

what's happening here?

thanks in advance,

- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key available at


Two IPs for one adapter?

1999-01-13 Thread Gossamer

Is there a 'cannonical' way to get my server to bind two
addresses to the one network card?

I know how with ifconfig, but I was wondering if it should
go into the deb config thingies somewhere?


: --Hacker-Neophile-Eclectic-Geek-Grrl-Queer-Disabled-Boychick--
: For large values of one, one equals two, for small values of
: two.

libc6 whoes

1999-01-13 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I upgraded my libc6 to libc6 2.0.7v-1, which took me a while to locate.
However my dev is still libc6 2.0.7t-1. I've been unable to compile the
window maker sources, and it just dawned on me this evening that maybe
having different versions of runtimes and dev files is a bad thing(?).
Anyway, I went back to where I got my libc6 2.0.7v-1, and it's gone, and
there is no libc-dev 2.0.7v-1 package either. The only 'non-stable'
version of either is the 19981211 version. Does anyone happen to know
where I can get the dev package?

  __   _ 
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

jdk1.2 as .deb package?

1999-01-13 Thread Thomas Gebhardt

is there a jdk1.2 .deb package available somewhere? Or is
somebody working on it?

Thanks, Thomas

Re: sendmail config Q.

1999-01-13 Thread Rob S. Wolfram
On Sat, Aug 02, 1997 at 12:57:34PM +0800, zhaoway wrote:

Methinks the date of your system needs checking...

 i want to rewrite the reply-to addr. according to the receipent's email
 i don't know howto. anyone can help me? i use sendmail.
 why i want this, if you have interests to read on:-)
 my boss do not want to manage multiple email accounts.
 he setup his reply-to addr. to be [EMAIL PROTECTED], and want to
 deliever local mail locally, but you see, when manager got the boss's
 local email, and do a reply, it's forward to [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is 
 through the isdn to our isp, but the boss want it be delievered locally,
 directlly, to [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is in our local LAN. i hope you
 got it.

Maybe you should take a look at . There is a generator which includes a ruleset hack to deliver
mail to local machines directly, even if you specified a smarthost.
You should, however, have a local DNS to specify the MX record for

Rob S. Wolfram [EMAIL PROTECTED]   PGP 0x07606049
   I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. 
-- Thomas Watson, Chairman of IBM, 1943

Re: Slink problem - libc-doc depends on a duff version

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, Bob Nielsen wrote:

 There's a new version of all the libc6 packages in slink today, so
 hopefully there should be no problems with that.

In fact, my slink mirror has no libc6 at all ! (
Using the potato one unhosed my system.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: printing to NT with smbclient

1999-01-13 Thread John Stevenson
I took the easy way out of this situation by using rlpr instead
of samba.  Simply install the rlpr package and run Printing
over TCP/IP Services on the NT machine.

To be able to just use the lpr command instead of rlpr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] all the time, change your
/etc/printcap file to read as follows:

# Entry for remote printing usng rlpr

This will allow you to do lpr lpq lprm without having to type
the priner details all the time.  Obviously you need to change
the printername and strings to what they are
on your system.

Hope this helps...

P.s. I would like to get samba working with NT, but after
spending a few days trying I gave up.  If anyone knows how to
get this working I and many other people would be interested.

 hi all
 I'm trying to print in a remote NT printer
 I can access other shares (disk) on that server with the same user, see
 the output of the qinfo command but not the queue:
 smb: \ queue
 ERRDOS - ERRbadfunc (Invalid function.) obtaining print queue
 also I can't use the print command:
 Domain=[ALUFIS] OS=[Windows NT 4.0] Server=[NT LAN Manager 4.0]
 ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) opening printer for stdin
 the config seems ok, I've tried, several configs users, password
 methods, etc... but I'm completly lost...
 The only thing I find very extrange is the following I see with -d 5
 Domain=[ALUFIS] OS=[Windows NT 4.0] Server=[NT LAN Manager 4.0]
 Server gave us a UID of 4099. We gave 1000 --- LOOK this (what is this for?)
 Connected with cnum=2055 max_xmit=4356
 dos_clean_name [stdin]
 ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.) opening printer for stdin
 It's also used when I use (successfully) the qinfo command, so I'm not
 sure this is related to the problem
 any help to figure out what is hapening will be greatly appreciated
 Thanks in advance,
John Stevenson, Objective Alliance:
Its grip'd, its sorted..

Re: Setting Prompt

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon

 This wasn't what I wanted I only want the current working directory to
 show.  I took a look at the man page for  bash.  It said that \w would
 list my working directory.  So I tried the following:
 If I use,
 export PS1='\w:\\$ '
 I get,
This is your working directory - ~/ is short for your home directory. If
you did cd /etc/init.d, then the prompt would say



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: RH vs Debian (Switch to Red Hat ?)

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, Wayne Cuddy wrote:

 I used RedHat through version 5.1 before switching to Debian.  Here are a few
 of the reason I stuck with Debian and continue to do so.

snip lots of good reasons why debian is better than RH :)

I'd like to add the GNU/Hurd project to the list of plusses. When I do
hurd development, I still have to battl^H^H^H^H^Hwork with one packaging
system,  and I'd like to see RH plough resources into an OS that is far
from being mainstream just yet.


watch out, Hurd's about :)

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Installation Probelm Potato !!!

1999-01-13 Thread Franz . Skale
Downloaded new potato disks and installed it via ftp.
After deselcting all wanted packages all seems to be all right.
After installation and configuration i am not abel to reboot the machine
because some essential progams are deleted by dselect.
E.g. reboot, sulogin, shutdown etc.

What`s this ?

Franz Skale


Re: libc6 whoes

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon

 I upgraded my libc6 to libc6 2.0.7v-1, which took me a while to locate.
 However my dev is still libc6 2.0.7t-1. I've been unable to compile the
 window maker sources, and it just dawned on me this evening that maybe
 having different versions of runtimes and dev files is a bad thing(?).
 Anyway, I went back to where I got my libc6 2.0.7v-1, and it's gone, and
 there is no libc-dev 2.0.7v-1 package either. The only 'non-stable'
 version of either is the 19981211 version. Does anyone happen to know
 where I can get the dev package?

FWIW the 19981211 version seems to run fine.


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Emacs19 won't install

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

Here is stderr from and attempt to configure emacs19. FWIW, I have
a working emacs20 setup.

Update-menus: waiting for dpkg to finish(forking to background)
Update-menus: (checking /var/lib/dpkg/lock)
install: *.elc: No such file or directory
emacs-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/gnus emacs19 emacs20 
xemacs20 failed at /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 28.
dpkg: error processing emacs19 (--configure):
 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 29
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of emacs19-el:
 emacs19-el depends on emacs19; however:
  Package emacs19 is not configured yet.
dpkg: error processing emacs19-el (--configure):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

Any ideas?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: libc6 whoes

1999-01-13 Thread Conrado Badenas
Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Anyway, I went back to where I got my libc6 2.0.7v-1, and it's gone, and
 there is no libc-dev 2.0.7v-1 package either. The only 'non-stable'
 version of either is the 19981211 version. Does anyone happen to know
 where I can get the dev package?

Try at some secondary mirror that is slowly updated. For example, here
in Spain, I have gone to

and found them in base/libc6_2.0.7v-1.deb and

Nevertheless, if you want to try version 19981211-1 you can do it
although it has a very very small bug: it says that depends on timezone
instead of timezones (bug #31706).

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Dselect-problem (new user)

1999-01-13 Thread faoho

Ringkjøbing Amt - e-post

I'm a new debian-user (or ties to be...)
I've got a debian CD and install it on my disk.
Running Dselect as a part of it I have to pick a access method
I mark the CD-ROM - method
dselect ask me then, what the device block name is.

What the # shall I write here? Nothing seems to work.

The desperate user...


Re: timezone

1999-01-13 Thread Conrado Badenas
M.C. Vernon wrote:
 libc recommends timezones, but this appears not to be
 available. according to dselect :(

libc6 version 2.0.7_19981211-1 recommends timezone, but the package is
actually named timezones (bug#31706 for libc6).

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: libc6 whoes

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Conrado Badenas wrote:

 Nevertheless, if you want to try version 19981211-1 you can do it
 although it has a very very small bug: it says that depends on timezone
 instead of timezones (bug #31706).

Importantly, it only recommends: timezones, which is the correct spelling.

(or according to dpkg -s here it does anyway)


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Dselect-problem (new user)

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon

 I've got a debian CD and install it on my disk.
 Running Dselect as a part of it I have to pick a access method
 I mark the CD-ROM - method
 dselect ask me then, what the device block name is.
 What the # shall I write here? Nothing seems to work.

Hmm /dev/hdc is probably a good guess, or better:

hit alt-F2 to get to another console. Hit dmesg, and see what device name
it gives to you CD 



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: default fonts in NS 4.05 unreadable

1999-01-13 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 12 Jan 1999q, Dave Thayer wrote:
 In Windows you have TrueType fonts which display much more nicely than 
 X fonts, especially on a lower res screen. I installed xfstt from slink
 which vastly improved Netscape on my 640x480 laptop screen.
 your pal dave
 Dave Thayer
 Denver, Colorado USA
Is there no way to get larger fonts in Netscape without installing Windows? This
is a Windows-free zone and although I do have room to install the thing I'm very
reluctant to do so just for the sake of the type faces.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: Setting Prompt

1999-01-13 Thread Conrado Badenas
ktb wrote:
 In   /etc/profile  I added the line,
 export PS1='\h:\w\$ '
 This is the readout I got,
 This wasn't what I wanted I only want the current working directory to
 show.  I took a look at the man page for  bash.  It said that \w would

~ is the name of your $HOME directory (try cd ~ or ls ~, or even
echo ~)

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: Help needed piping output to a bash script

1999-01-13 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 E.L. Meijer \(Eric\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  while read line; do
  echo $line  $TMPFILE
 Any special reason for not simply doing
   cat  $TMPFILE

Um, yeah, it looks neater :)  I was just mindlessly copying the original
poster's script.  Anyway, you actually still have one superfluous
character there :)


is enough, so that the entire  script becomes

#! /bin/bash

vi $TMPFILE  /dev/tty
rm -f $TMPFILE


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

USB Support

1999-01-13 Thread Faton Useni
Im a new Debian Linux user and i would like to know if the usb port is
supported in the stable Debian 2.0 distribution. I want to use it to connect
my mouse, keyboard, and modem on my other machine. If it is supported, could
some please direct me to some documentation to read. Also  also what *.deb
packages would be needed. 

I would also like to know if can mount a fat32 partition. i have tryed mount
-t vfat /dev/hdc1 /mnt ( fat32 is on and 3rd hard drive ) but i get a error
message. Is there a *.deb package i need to install??

Thank You for any help :)
Faton Useni

More than just email--Get your FREE Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: printing to NT with smbclient

1999-01-13 Thread ulisses

Hi John!!

On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, John Stevenson wrote:

 I took the easy way out of this situation by using rlpr instead
 of samba.  Simply install the rlpr package and run Printing
 over TCP/IP Services on the NT machine.

Thank you for your tip, I forgot totally this option, in the other hand: I
hope there is no problem exporting an NT printer as Windows printer and
as an LPR printer concurrently


- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key available at


tricky installation problem!

1999-01-13 Thread ari gold
hello there good folks,

my question is: what is the next level of help available? who are the gurus?
but here's why i'm asking...

you may have seen my prior email regarding problems in installation. in case
not here's a brief restatement (and also in case you can help ;

i'm trying to install debian on a micron millennia transport with 1 gig
partitioned for win98 and 1 gig partition for the soon to be debian
system. video chip: cirrus logic 7548 pci. upon installing from either floppy
or dos partition thing go smoothly until that first dialogue box that asks
color or monochrome? right before the dialogue box open, the screen blacks
out. the dialogue box is there - i can see it under special lighting
conditions and the screen turns back on when i restart (ctrl-alt-del). i wish
to goodness i knew what was going on. here's a lead, taken from ... (included in case it helps find the solution)

= begin quoted text =

Steven A. Reisman sent me this for all those suffering with the video blackout 
problem on the Transport XPE. 

I've made some progress with my Micron Transport XPE. The Linux boot code
doesn't know about the Cirrus 7555 video chip. It identifies it as a Cirrux
54xx. The code saves the current video settings and mis-initializes the chip
causing the screen to blank. When I hit CTL-ALT-DEL, the saved video settings
are restored during shutdown which turns the screen back on. 

To work around this problem I disabled SVGA video configuration by changing an 
#ifdef in arch/i386/boot/video.S. Here's a patch for 2.0.31: 

--- video.S.origTue Nov  4 11:52:38 1997
+++ video.S Wed Nov  5 09:23:25 1997
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@

 ! Enable autodetection of SVGA adapters and modes

 ! Enable autodetection of VESA modes

= end quoted text =

so i've been working on this for a few days now and i've run into so many
walls my nose hurts.

does mr. steven reisman have it there? is the solution to change the source
code of the install files? (if so, how do i get the source, which source, a
compiler etc etc all for dos?) 

does the solution involve the computer manufacturer? is there something about
the video chip (cirrus logic 7548 pci)?

is there no solution? (something that while i must admit feasible am
completely ignoring)

i've heard of people getting other distributions to run on this machine,
notably slackware, but until there's no blood left to fight with ;} i'm
sticking with debian. spiritually, it's the right way to go, as i'm sure you
all agree.

so, are there any debian gurus out there who love tricky problems?

well folks, here's my latest cry for help. i've switched all the bios
gatchgees i could and i don't know what else to do...

thank you infinity times infinity ahead of time,



Re: tricky installation problem!

1999-01-13 Thread M.C. Vernon

 my question is: what is the next level of help available? who are the gurus?
A good number of them are here(not myself though)
 but here's why i'm asking...

 does mr. steven reisman have it there? is the solution to change the source
 code of the install files? (if so, how do i get the source, which source, a
 compiler etc etc all for dos?) 

Cross-compiling the boot floppies is not recommended. You need to get
someone to get the boot-floppies source, add the patch, and build a custom
install floppy.

 does the solution involve the computer manufacturer? is there something about
 the video chip (cirrus logic 7548 pci)?

It seems the chip is the problem, and the symptoms support this. The boot
disk mis-identifies the chip.
 so, are there any debian gurus out there who love tricky problems?

Dunno - more to the point is - do you trust any of us enough to have us
build a hacked install floppy for you?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Setting Prompt

1999-01-13 Thread Armin Wegner
 OK, I did a search in Debian user's and came up with the the
 following to change my prompt:
 In   /etc/profile  I added the line,
 export PS1='\h:\w\$ '
 This is the readout I got,
 This wasn't what I wanted I only want the current working directory to
 show.  I took a look at the man page for  bash.  It said that \w would
 list my working directory.  So I tried the following:
 If I use,
 export PS1='\w:\\$ '
 I get,
 I tried several other combinations, a few I tried,
 None of these worked.
 Here is what my  /etc/profile  looks like:
 ~:$ cat /etc/profile
 # /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for bash(1).
 export PATH PS1
 export PS1='\w:\\$ '
 setleds -D +num$
 umask 002
 What am I doing wrong here?  I just want my prompt, as a regular user,
 to look something like this:
 /home/kent $
 As root my prompt has the working directory listed.  Where is the file
 for the root prompt?  Maybe I could just look there and figure out how
 to set my regular user prompt?

Look if there is an environment variable PROMPT_COMMAND. If it is set, it 
blocks the use of PS1. Modify PROMPT_COMMAND or delete it. Take a look at
the manual page of bash, first.

Re: X -indirect, xdm and chooser

1999-01-13 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 10:03:15AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using default /etc/X11/Xaccess configuration
 My /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers has the X server line commented
 I start xdm, ok
 I start X -indirect localhost I get the chooser with a list of all
 available hosts willing to manage my X server, that's fine

 If I choose localhost works fine, If I choose another host It resets and I
 get my chooser another time or It keeps the Xserver with no window at all
 (as if you exec X standalone, eg: without startx)
I dont' know why and even don't know if it's a bug, but as a workaround, say
   X -indirect `hostname`


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

Re: network question

1999-01-13 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 07:15:17PM -0600, Wesley Simon wrote:

 : I use this as a Quake server on my LAN.  I would like to add a
 : 10/100baseT card to it so that there are 2 network cards.  I would
 : then like to be able to run one 100baseT hub and one 10baseT hub.  I 
 : have read that Linux will only detect one card on bootup.  Is this 
 : still true for kernel 2.0.34?  

Yes. You need to add an ether= option as a kernel parameter (which may be
specified in lilo.conf), there is mini-howto on Multiple-Ethernet iirc.


Re: USB Support

1999-01-13 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 04:28:15 -0600, Faton Useni wrote:
 I would also like to know if can mount a fat32 partition. i have tryed
 mount -t vfat /dev/hdc1 /mnt ( fat32 is on and 3rd hard drive ) but i get
 a error message. Is there a *.deb package i need to install??

Please make a habit of trying to include all information that may be
relevant when you report problems. In this case, it is extremely difficult
to give you good advice, as you don't state the precise error message you

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: USB Support

1999-01-13 Thread Remco van de Meent
On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 04:28:15AM -0600, Faton Useni wrote:

 : Im a new Debian Linux user and i would like to know if the usb port
 : is supported in the stable Debian 2.0 distribution. I want to use it to
 : connect my mouse, keyboard, and modem on my other machine. If it is
 : supported, could some please direct me to some documentation to read. 
 : Also also what *.deb packages would be needed.

If I'm not mistaken, developers are currently writing code to support USB in
the Linux kernel. There are no Debian packages on USB yet.


Re: Setting Prompt

1999-01-13 Thread Gregory T. Norris
As others have already pointed out, that's actually a feature with ~
representing your home-directory.  If you want to force bash to display
the full path, you can embed ${PWD} into PS1 - be sure to enclose it in
single quotes, so that it's not expanded during the actual assignment.

On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 09:01:53PM +, ktb wrote:
 OK, I did a search in Debian user's and came up with the the
 following to change my prompt:
 In   /etc/profile  I added the line,
 export PS1='\h:\w\$ '
 This is the readout I got,
 This wasn't what I wanted I only want the current working directory to
 show.  I took a look at the man page for  bash.  It said that \w would
 list my working directory.  So I tried the following:
 If I use,
 export PS1='\w:\\$ '
 I get,
 I tried several other combinations, a few I tried,
 None of these worked.
 Here is what my  /etc/profile  looks like:
 ~:$ cat /etc/profile
 # /etc/profile: system-wide .profile file for bash(1).
 export PATH PS1
 export PS1='\w:\\$ '
 setleds -D +num$
 umask 002
 What am I doing wrong here?  I just want my prompt, as a regular user,
 to look something like this:
 /home/kent $
 As root my prompt has the working directory listed.  Where is the file
 for the root prompt?  Maybe I could just look there and figure out how
 to set my regular user prompt?

mounting IRIX64 with 2.2.0pre5

1999-01-13 Thread ulisses

Hi all,

I'm trying to mount an nfs exported directory to a linux-2.2.0pre5

I've tried using tcp,udp and nfsv2,nfsv3 with no luck at all, all I get is 
Permision denied

The only thing I find extrange is:

rpcinfo -u host 15 (mountd)

program 15 version 1 ready and waiting
rpcinfo: RPC: Program/version mismatch; low version = 1, high version = 3
program 15 version 2 is not available
program 15 version 3 ready and waiting

Does it is possible to debug this?
Is there a way to list exported directories on remote hosts?

Any help/comment/etc... will be greatly appreciated,


- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key available at


linux instalation: error activating swap partition

1999-01-13 Thread Ulrich Gruen mails again
Dear helpful person.

I have a problem with the installation of linux, and I hope that you
can help me. I tried to install Debian linux, with the help of
cfdisk.txt and the Installing Debian Linux 2.0 For x86 guide. I try
to install with floppies. I have an i386-25 MHz and 4MB RAM, and I'm
using lowmem.bin

At this point I've repartitioned the dev/hda (harddisk) with cfdisk.
Now, I have the following partitions:
Partition 1: type 82 (linuxSwap), 32 MB;  
Partition 2: type 81 (Minix), 4 MB;   
partition 3: type 83(linux), 300 MB;   
partition 4.: type 4(?) (dos fat 16), ~ 70 MB;  

I have toggled a bootable flag to partition 3.

The problem: When I try to activate the swap-partition, I get the
following error message: The swap partition /dev/hda1 could not be
activated: Device or resource busy

! At this moment, linux isn't installed yet. !

Do you know how to solve this problem? (or is there 
better information at  available how to partition and 
activate?) I have very little knowledge about computer conficuration.

I would be very grateful if you could help me with this problem.

Yours Ulrich

Signature below*
Ulrich Gruen
Utrecht University
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Science, Technology and Society (NWS)
 (room B203)
Padualaan 14
The Netherlands

Phone: +31-30-2537615
FAX  : +31-30-2537601

WWW homepage of the Department Of Sience, Technology and Society

If a fiddler played you a song my love,
and if I gave you a wheel.
Would you spin for my heart and loneliness,
would you spin for my love.

If I gave up all of my pride for you,
and only loved you for now.
Would you hide my fears and never say,
Tomorrow I must go.

Everywhere, there's rain my love.
Everywhere, there's fear.

If you tell me a lie, I'll cry for you.
Tell me of sin and I'll laugh.
If you tell me of all the pain you've had,
I'll never smile again.

Everywhere there's rain my love.
Every where there's fear.

I can plainly see that our parts have changed.
Our sands are shifted around.
Need I beg to you for one more day,
to find our lonely love.

Everywhere there's rain my love.
Everywhere there's fear.

 Phantasmagoria in Two (Tim Buckley, 1967)

Re: SMP.

1999-01-13 Thread Gregory T. Norris
I haven't had any problems with 2.0.36 (dual PII-300 on a system from
Micron).  I did experience very occasional SMP-related lockups with
2.0.35 and prior.

The 2.2.0-preX kernels are very noticably faster, tho.

On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 07:42:46PM -0800, Chris Wong wrote:
   Does SMP work well with the 2.0.36 kernel? I heard that
 older kernels (2.0.35), froze when there was a high load. I
 just want to make sure that it's safe for me to run 2.0.36.

Re: SoundBlaster Vibra 16 jumperless card under Linux

1999-01-13 Thread Damon Muller

On Sun, 10 Jan 1999 23:58:10 +0100
Michele Bini [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Can you detect your card using pnpdump?

No, it wasn't detected by pnpdump.

I actually worked it out eventually. I basically made a dos boot disk
with a ramdisk on it using OpenDOS (did a 'format /s' from an OpenDOS
image under dosemu) and installed it from there. I then used the
diagnose program to set it up.

All seems to work fine. Now, if only I could find a spare pair of
spaekers... :)


Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: Slink problem - libc-doc depends on a duff version

1999-01-13 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Gergely Madarasz wrote:

 On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:
  Dear all,
  When using dselect to upgrade to slink, it objects to the version
  of libc that I have, so I have to remove libc-doc :(
 the glibc-doc package is your friend 

If we are going to change the name of the libc-doc package from
hamm to slink, then we need an empty compatibility package.
Please report it as a bug.

 c937e3996af9a01015c96f8704ea3c7f (a truly random sig)

Re: linux instalation: error activating swap partition

1999-01-13 Thread Peter Berlau
On Wed, Jan 13, 1999 at 12:49:29PM +, Ulrich Gruen mails again wrote:
Hi Ulrich,

 The problem: When I try to activate the swap-partition, I get the
 following error message: The swap partition /dev/hda1 could not be
 activated: Device or resource busy
if the device is busy it is already up, 
You do not need to mount a swap partition handy.
Have a Look to the boot-messages it will show You a line like:
 pmurmel kernel: Adding Swap: 63756k swap-space (priority -1) 
You can scroll the bootmessages on the text-console via
press :
shift pgUp,   shift pgDown

or have a look to the file '/etc/fstab'
there must be a entry like:
# file system mount point   type  options dump pass
/dev/sda5 none   swapsw 0 0
but remember:
if You configuring the System it will be added automatically,
normally You don't must do this Yourself, the system does it for 
You, ;)

the partition-philosophy much depend's on Your personally
needs and, of course, of the MB's or GB's You will reserve 
for Unix.


Re: USB Support

1999-01-13 Thread Randy Edwards
 I would also like to know if can mount a fat32 partition. i have tryed mount
 -t vfat /dev/hdc1 /mnt ( fat32 is on and 3rd hard drive ) but i get a error
 message. Is there a *.deb package i need to install??

   And that error message is?  Most likely you need to recompile your kernel
with vfat/fat32 support.  It's under the filesystems section.

   Also, USB support is not present in Debian 2.0.

 Regards,   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Upgrade your old legacy
 .  | | WindowsNT machines to
 Randy  |   | Linux

Re: Setting Prompt

1999-01-13 Thread Randy Edwards
 As root my prompt has the working directory listed.  Where is the file
 for the root prompt?

   This can be set in ~/.bashrc and/or? ~/.bash_profile.  I just checked, and
I have mine set in both (for what reason escapes me).  I'm using:

   PS1=\t   [EMAIL PROTECTED] \\$ 

and then exporting it, which displays a prompt as $ for regular users and #
for root.

 Regards,   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Upgrade your old legacy
 .  | | WindowsNT machines to
 Randy  |   | Linux

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