Re: Compilación del núcleo

1999-01-18 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Hue-Bond y dice ¿Re: Compilación del núcleo? 

  La ventaja de este método es, a) más rápido hacer actualizaciones
  (make-kpkg configure; make-kpkg ... kernel_image); b) se crean
  paquetes que se pueden instalar y desintalar
  Pues yo no veo  ventaja en eso. ¿Para qué vamos  a andar con un
  oscuro dpkg cuando sabemos poner a rular un núcleo?
  ¿Qué hace el dpkg -i para instalar el núcleo?

Pues a mi si me parece una ventaja, no solo recompila en nucleo, ademas los 
modulos, y cuando lo instalas, te reintala el LILO, y te copia el viejo con 
otro nombre, para poder arrancar los dos, y te pregunta que si quieres crear un 
disco de arranke.
Comprueba que no hay problemas con los modulos, y copia el y esas 

Y si tienes que instalar un nuevo kernel en varios sitios (e.j. un aula ) te 
aseguras que todo es correcto y que no te has olvidado ningun fichero.

Si tienes que restaurar el sistema te ahorras de tener que recompilar el 
sistema y acordarte de cuales eran las opciones con las que lo habias compilado.

Ademas si eres nuevo, reduce en gran medida el numero de pasos a seguir.

No se, para mi todo son ventajas.

Aunque tambien es verdad que esto aleja al usuario debian del modo normal de 
recompilar el kernel ( yo hay veces que me vuelvo loco buscando las cosas en 
casa de un amigo que tiene RedHat ).

New Borg Movie: The Assimilation of the Lambs.

of  __ _| |___ __ _[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |
de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744

Re: Enmascaramiento del dominio y sendmail¿¿?¿?

1999-01-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
On dom, ene 17, 1999 at 10:07:20 +0100, miquel wrote:
 On Fri, 8 Jan 1999, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
  Hola a todos, tengo un problema con el sendmail que hasta ahora no me había
  dado cuenta de el. Resulta que no puedo enviar e-mails a direcciones
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] pues tengo enmascarado el dominio como akela, que 
  el nombre de mi máquina, la cual por otra parte se conecta a Internet vía
  módem (no está en red local).
  La configuración de sendmail la realicé según indicaba el documento:
  fetchmail+sendmail-COMO.txt que me bajé de
  ¿Alguien sabría cómo meterle mano a este problema?... por que yo ¡ni idea!.
  Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 
 No sé si alguien ha contestado ofreciendo una solución a este problema y
 se me ha pasado por alto. El caso es que yo tengo el mismo problema -no
 puedo enviar correos a direcciones que coinciden con el dominio
 enmascarado- y tampoco sé cómo solucionarlo.
 Javier ¿lo has resuelto?

Pues no, es más, nadie de la lista me comentó nada del particular, así que
lanzo de nuevo la pelota a todos vosotros,

¡Porfiporfi una ayudita! ;-)

Saludos y gracias.

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: Compilación del núcleo

1999-01-18 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 15 Jan 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:

 On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
  La ventaja de este método es, a) más rápido hacer actualizaciones
  (make-kpkg configure; make-kpkg ... kernel_image); b) se crean
  paquetes que se pueden instalar y desintalar
  Pues yo no veo  ventaja en eso. ¿Para qué vamos  a andar con un
  oscuro dpkg cuando sabemos poner a rular un núcleo?
  ¿Qué hace el dpkg -i para instalar el núcleo?
  Yo creo  que si supiese  instalar programas a pelo,  tampoco lo
  haría con  el dpkg. Pero  eso forma parte  de la filosofía  de cada

Bueno el empaquetado de aplicaciones en cualquier distribución resuelve
o avisa de problemas de incompatibilidades. Es mucho más comodo y
actualizar a una versión superior cualquier aplicación suele resultar
comodísimo. Eso no quiere decir que en circunstancias no desees hacerlo
todo tu y colocarlo en /usr/local para que el gestor de paquetes no lo

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: Compilación del núcleo

1999-01-18 Thread Herranz Martin Rogelio
make install tambien te copia el nucleo a /boot, y ejecuta el lilo.
make modules_install instala los modulos

con estas ordenes haces todo esto y mas rápido

On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Alvaro Alea wrote:

 Y entonces, va Hue-Bond y dice ¿Re: Compilación del núcleo? 
   La ventaja de este método es, a) más rápido hacer actualizaciones
   (make-kpkg configure; make-kpkg ... kernel_image); b) se crean
   paquetes que se pueden instalar y desintalar
   Pues yo no veo  ventaja en eso. ¿Para qué vamos  a andar con un
   oscuro dpkg cuando sabemos poner a rular un núcleo?
   ¿Qué hace el dpkg -i para instalar el núcleo?
 Pues a mi si me parece una ventaja, no solo recompila en nucleo, ademas los 
 modulos, y cuando lo instalas, te reintala el LILO, y te copia el viejo con 
 otro nombre, para poder arrancar los dos, y te pregunta que si quieres crear 
 un disco de arranke.
 Comprueba que no hay problemas con los modulos, y copia el y esas 
 Y si tienes que instalar un nuevo kernel en varios sitios (e.j. un aula ) te 
 aseguras que todo es correcto y que no te has olvidado ningun fichero.
 Si tienes que restaurar el sistema te ahorras de tener que recompilar el 
 sistema y acordarte de cuales eran las opciones con las que lo habias 
 Ademas si eres nuevo, reduce en gran medida el numero de pasos a seguir.
 No se, para mi todo son ventajas.
 Aunque tambien es verdad que esto aleja al usuario debian del modo normal de 
 recompilar el kernel ( yo hay veces que me vuelvo loco buscando las cosas en 
 casa de un amigo que tiene RedHat ).
 New Borg Movie: The Assimilation of the Lambs.
 grettings_[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 of  __ _| |___ __ _[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |
 de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-01-18 Thread barreno_e

01/18/99 11:21 AM

Eduardo Barrero [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Buenas L-ers
¿Alguien a instalado KDE?. Tengo el cdrom de Linux Actual 5 y lo intento
pero me dan problemas de dependencias y no sé que hacer. ¿Como puedo

RE: Debian ¿Anti-debian? Linux+W95

1999-01-18 Thread · Mig ·


Sobre el asunto Linux + W95.

Se que en una lista debian esto va a parecer muy raro, pero ...

Existe una forma de instalar linux sin cambiar particiones:

ziplinux, de la distribución slackware, , consiste
en una instalación base que ocupa 100 Mb descomprimida (48Mb comprimida)
que se instala en UMSDOS, o sea, en un directorio de tu disco duro con
fat32 sin hacer particiones, y que se arranca con un disco de boot o con
loadlin, con lo que para probar, quizas sea la mejor opción ...

 / /  _
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
|  |
|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
|  |
|  |


1999-01-18 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
¿Porque no usar la Debian?

Con un poco de trabajo se puede hacer. Sólo necesitas la ayuda de un
usuario que domine un poco el tema.

Los pasos serían:

   - Compilar un kernel con soporte UMSDOS
   - Crear un disco de arranque debian con ese kernel
   - Crear con este kernel una partición UMSDOS y todo esto
   - Instalar el debian con el dselect, pero saltarse los pasos de
   crear la partición swap (puedes usar un fichero swap) y formatear
   la partición.
   - Le dices que se instale en tu partición UMSDOS y el ni se
   enterará de lo que es o deja de ser.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Recompilación del núcleo (I)

1999-01-18 Thread homega

tengo bastantes dudas (y muy básicas) en lo que se refiere a la compilación
del núcleo.  Desde que cambié la caja por una ATX, para apagar la máquina
debo reiniciar, entrar en w95 y salir desde allí.  Así pues necesito
compilar (¿o recompilar?) el núcleo con APM.

La primera duda es: ¿existe la diferencia entre compilar un nuevo núcleo y
recompilar el núcleo ya instalado?
Si se trata de compilar un nuevo núcleo, aparte de añadirle el soport APM,
tendré que asegurarme de añadir todas las características del anterior.

Y puestos a compilar un nuevo núcleo, ¿para qué hacerlo con otro 2.0.34 si
puedo obtener el 2.0.35?

De momento he copiado y desarchivado un 2.0.34 que venía en el CD de una
revista (también tengo por ahí el 2.0.35) en /usr/src, y me ha creado un
directorio /usr/src/linux.  Esperaba encontrar otro con el núcleo que tengo
actualmente instalado, pero tan sólo había un directorio /usr/src/redhat
(¿?).  ¿Dónde puedo ver la información de lo que hay en el núcleo actual, o
sólo existe el fichero (ilegble) vmlinuz-2.0.34?

Y hojeando por el sistema, he visto un fichero, /dev/apm_bios, y al hacer:
less -f apm_bios
apm_bios: Operation not supported by device

¿significa esto que sí tengo el soporte apm en el núcleo, pero... algo más?


Un saludo,



Re: Recompilación del núcleo (I)

1999-01-18 Thread Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia
On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 tengo bastantes dudas (y muy básicas) en lo que se refiere a la compilación
 del núcleo.  Desde que cambié la caja por una ATX, para apagar la máquina
 debo reiniciar, entrar en w95 y salir desde allí.  Así pues necesito
 compilar (¿o recompilar?) el núcleo con APM.

¿Es que no tiene botón interruptor? Al hacer como root shutdown -h now o
halt y acabar el proceso le das al botón y listo. O la desenchufas. :-) 
 La primera duda es: ¿existe la diferencia entre compilar un nuevo núcleo y
 recompilar el núcleo ya instalado?

Se supone que con lo 1º te has traído un núcleo nuevo, simplemente.

 Si se trata de compilar un nuevo núcleo, aparte de añadirle el soport APM,
 tendré que asegurarme de añadir todas las características del anterior.
Puedes aprovechar y quitar cosas que no tengas. Por ejemplo, controladoras
SCSI o RDSI, si no tienes.

 Y puestos a compilar un nuevo núcleo, ¿para qué hacerlo con otro 2.0.34 si
 puedo obtener el 2.0.35?

O el 2.0.36, que es el último estable, por ahora. El siguiente estable
parece que ya va a ser el 2.2.0.
 De momento he copiado y desarchivado un 2.0.34 que venía en el CD de una
 revista (también tengo por ahí el 2.0.35) en /usr/src, y me ha creado un
 directorio /usr/src/linux.  Esperaba encontrar otro con el núcleo que tengo
 actualmente instalado, pero tan sólo había un directorio /usr/src/redhat
 (¿?).  ¿Dónde puedo ver la información de lo que hay en el núcleo actual, o
 sólo existe el fichero (ilegble) vmlinuz-2.0.34?

En vez de mirar el núcleo, que además está comprimido, de ahí la zeta
final, mira el fichero de configuración, que es


Cuando recompiles, te saldrán como predeterminadas las configuraciones que
estén en ese fichero.
 Y hojeando por el sistema, he visto un fichero, /dev/apm_bios, y al hacer:
 less -f apm_bios
 apm_bios: Operation not supported by device
 ¿significa esto que sí tengo el soporte apm en el núcleo, pero... algo más?

No, eso no significa que tengas el soporte de APM. Simplemente tienes
creado el fichero de dispositivo correspondiente, que es, digamos, un
enlace al controlador que esté en el núcleo, cuando esté. En Unix (Linux
es Unix) casi todo se controla mediante ficheros. Pero no le puedes hacer
un less. 

Cuando tengas APM en el núcleo, tendrás un fichero (ficticio, como todos
los de /proc) /proc/apm, y ése si lo puedes ver, pero con cat, no con
less.  Pero mejor que verlo a pelo, el programa apm lo muestra de
forma más legible, y también te permite poner la máquina en modo de espera
o de suspensión. 

Aparte del soporte APM en el núcleo, tendrás que hacerte con el programa
duende apmd, que se lanzará en el arranque, y el programa apm para ver el
estado, como te digo. Todo esto, y más, está en el paquete Debian llamado

G. A. Gª - C.I.T.I. - S.I.C.Y.N.T.E. - Dpto. L.S.I. - U.C.A.
 Desde que se inventaron la máquina de cortar jamón y el bidet,
  ya nada sabe igual.

Re: Tarjetas AGP en Debian? Esto no lo encuentra ni lobaton

1999-01-18 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
En esta dirección yo bajé el servidor i740 y el programa de
configuración. Me parece que venía en formato rpm, le pasé el alien y lo
instalé y me funcionó a la primera. Tengo una tarjeta AGP con el chip
Mach64  y llevaba bastante tiempo intentando hacer funcionar las X con
la distribución de Debian y no lo había conseguido.

Re: WordPerfect 8 (modulo en castellano)

1999-01-18 Thread Jose Rodriguez
Antonio Ballesteros wrote:

 En que consiste el modulo ese ???
 Yo lo instale sin ningun tipo de error/problema, pero no cambia nada :(
 Pensaba que los menus saldrian en castellano, la ayuda ... pero solo tengo
 el diccionario en castellano, que no he hecho algo bien ???

Es un fichero aparte que te trae el diccionario en español, ademas de que te 
cambia los menus
(si quieres) y te los traduce.
Yo lo hice decomprimiento WP, y luego encima el modulo español. Luego lo 
instala normalmente.

Si te sale una opcion que te pide que elijas el idioma de los menus (o de la 
instalacion, ya
no recuerdo), entonces ya esta.

No se si cambia algo mas (tal vez en el README diga algo).


Jose Rodriguez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia  SPAIN

Actualización, kernel, 2.2.125, a, 2.2.0-pre7, conseguida...¡por, fin!

1999-01-18 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Por fin actualicé el kernel a 2.2.0-pre7 parcheando desde el 2.1.125.

Gracias a los mensajes que me habeis enviado en respuesta al mio en el que
pedía  ayuda en la actualización del kernel, especialmente a Marcelo E. 
Magallón y a Jesus

Aprovecho para comentaros que en Linux Today he encontrado hoy un articulo de
Alan Cox en el que dice claramente que después de su patch-2.2.0pre7ac7, si
las cosas van como se tiene planeado, saldrá 2.2.0 final. Es decir que el
nuevo kernel estable 2.2.0 está aqui ya mismo... posiblemente esta semana.

Si vais a actualizar el kernel mediante parches como he hecho yo os recomiendo:

1) Antes de empezar a parchear editad em Makefile de vuestro kernel actual
   (el mio era el 2.1.125) y si habeis comentado previamente línea que
   corresponde al soporte multiprocesador:
   quitarle el comentario.
   Esto es así pues el kernel 2.2.0-pre7 tiene el soporte multiprocesador
   mucho más desarrollado y absolutamente integrado en el kernel y su
   configuracióne es directamente desde make config o lo que sea (make
   menuconfig, make xconfig..).

2) Es posible que una vez parcheado os dispongais a hacer un make config o
   lo que sea y os salga un mensaje de error diciendo algo asi como no es
   posible realizar rm -r include/asm pues es un directorio lo cual no
   entiendo or qué pasa, pero bueno, yo chapuceé y busqué en el Makefile
   asm y donde decía rm -f include/asm puse rm -rf include/asm y
   funcionó sin rechistar. Una vez rearrancado el sistema, probé a quitar la
   r puesta por mi y... ahora si funcionaba como debía %-? 
   En fin, si alguien sabe lo que me pudo pasar que lo diga por favor pues
   si bien las chapuzas funcionan a veces, me gusta saber por qué pasan las

3) Al configurar el núcleo 2.2.0-pre7, en General setup hay una nueva cosa:
   PCI access mode, y hay que definirla antes de disponerse a compilar
   pues sino puede pasar lo que me pasó a mi, que te de un error. 

Saludos y os animo a probar el kernel 2.2.0-pre7 pues la verdad: es

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 


1999-01-18 Thread · Mig ·
Buenas L-ers
¿Alguien a instalado KDE?. Tengo el cdrom de Linux Actual 5 y lo intento
pero me dan problemas de dependencias y no sé que hacer. ¿Como puedo

Yo lo intente, lo consegui despues de sudar lo tuve 2 días y lo desinstalé.

Te cuento ...

en la siguiente dirección tienes todos los archivos necesarios para
instalarlo en una debian hamm o posterior...

Las instrucciones ...

Luego solo te queda elegir los paquetes e instalar.
El mayor problema con el que creo que te puedes encontrar es con las
librerias Qt que se encuentran en la sección non-free, o bien en ...

Puede que todo te vaya bien o que necesites enlazar (ln -s) algunos
archivos gráficos (.xpm) para ver bien todos los botones de las aplicaciones.

Si tienes algún otro problema, no dudes en preguntar.


 / /  _
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
|  |
|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
|  |
|  |

Re: Pipes en Linux

1999-01-18 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 10:55:20PM +0100, José Antonio Pozo wrote:

 Hola, ¿cuantas pipes se pueden abrir a la vez en C?. Gracias

de /usr/include/linux/limits.h tienes:

#define OPEN_MAX 256/* # open files a process may have */

y un 'pipe' es un archivo, así que me imagino que la respuesta es 256... o
253 (stdio, stdout, stderr están abiertos al iniciar el programa)


Re: Recompilación del núcleo (I)

1999-01-18 Thread homega
Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia dixit:
  tengo bastantes dudas (y muy básicas) en lo que se refiere a la compilación
  del núcleo.  Desde que cambié la caja por una ATX, para apagar la máquina
  debo reiniciar, entrar en w95 y salir desde allí.  Así pues necesito
  compilar (¿o recompilar?) el núcleo con APM.
 ¿Es que no tiene botón interruptor? Al hacer como root shutdown -h now o
 halt y acabar el proceso le das al botón y listo. O la desenchufas. :-) 

No, el interruptor sólo me funciona para encender, no para apagar, y no
quiero andar desenchfando.

  La primera duda es: ¿existe la diferencia entre compilar un nuevo núcleo y
  recompilar el núcleo ya instalado?
 Se supone que con lo 1º te has traído un núcleo nuevo, simplemente.

Así pues, no será diferente del que venga con los CDs de Debian,

  Si se trata de compilar un nuevo núcleo, aparte de añadirle el soport APM,
  tendré que asegurarme de añadir todas las características del anterior.
 Puedes aprovechar y quitar cosas que no tengas. Por ejemplo, controladoras
 SCSI o RDSI, si no tienes.

A eso me refiero, si el núcleo nuevo tiene todas las opciones del que vino
con la distribución.

 En vez de mirar el núcleo, que además está comprimido, de ahí la zeta
 final, mira el fichero de configuración, que es

No lo he encontrado.  Es posible que se deba a que no instalé los fuentes.

 Cuando recompiles, te saldrán como predeterminadas las configuraciones que
 estén en ese fichero.
 Cuando tengas APM en el núcleo, tendrás un fichero (ficticio, como todos
 los de /proc) /proc/apm, y ése si lo puedes ver, pero con cat, no con
 less.  Pero mejor que verlo a pelo, el programa apm lo muestra de
 forma más legible, y también te permite poner la máquina en modo de espera
 o de suspensión. 
 Aparte del soporte APM en el núcleo, tendrás que hacerte con el programa
 duende apmd, que se lanzará en el arranque, y el programa apm para ver el
 estado, como te digo. Todo esto, y más, está en el paquete Debian llamado
 G. A. Gª - C.I.T.I. - S.I.C.Y.N.T.E. - Dpto. L.S.I. - U.C.A.
  Desde que se inventaron la máquina de cortar jamón y el bidet,
   ya nada sabe igual.


Un saludo,



Re: Debian ¿Anti-debian? Linux+W95

1999-01-18 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 12:34:34PM +0100, · Mig · wrote:
 Sobre el asunto Linux + W95.
 Se que en una lista debian esto va a parecer muy raro, pero ...
 Existe una forma de instalar linux sin cambiar particiones:
 ziplinux, de la distribución slackware, , consiste
 en una instalación base que ocupa 100 Mb descomprimida (48Mb comprimida)
 que se instala en UMSDOS, o sea, en un directorio de tu disco duro con
 fat32 sin hacer particiones, y que se arranca con un disco de boot o con
 loadlin, con lo que para probar, quizas sea la mejor opción ...

Existe otra solución mejor, usar loop filesystems, o sea, usar un
fichero dentro de la partición fat32 como pseudo-partición donde
instalar el Linux y otro para el swap. Para arrancar se debe usar un
initrd que monte primero la partición fat32 y luego desde ahí el rootfs y
el swap.  Configuramos el LILO o el loadlin para que lea el kernel y el
initrd de la partición fat32 y listo.

De hecho esta solución es aplicable en cualquier partición reconocida por
un Linux loader, así que en el caso de LILO, si no andamos moviendo los
ficheros de lugar dentro del disco, podemos arrancar desde cualquier tipo
de partición que tengamos, incluso desde otro Linux (ideal para probar
una nueva distribución sin eliminar la que ya tenemos).

Esta solución se está implementando para la instalación de Debian, aunque
probablemente no esté lista para la Debian 2.1 (ya se puede instalar
usando un loopfs como rootfs, pero todavía hay que hacer cosas a mano:
crear el loopfs y swapfiles vacíos, el initrd y configurar el arranque).

Enrique Zanardi [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Recompilación del núcleo (I)

1999-01-18 Thread David Cabrero souto

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia dixit:
   tengo bastantes dudas (y muy básicas) en lo que se refiere a la 
   del núcleo.  Desde que cambié la caja por una ATX, para apagar la máquina
   debo reiniciar, entrar en w95 y salir desde allí.  Así pues necesito
   compilar (¿o recompilar?) el núcleo con APM.
  ¿Es que no tiene botón interruptor? Al hacer como root shutdown -h now o
  halt y acabar el proceso le das al botón y listo. O la desenchufas. :-) 
 No, el interruptor sólo me funciona para encender, no para apagar, y no
 quiero andar desenchfando.
Esto se puede cambiar en la BIOS de la placa. Normalmente puedes elegir
que el boton de power apage al instante, despues de 4 segundos pulsado o
que solo pueda apagar la maquina el S.O.


Re: =?ISO-8859-1?q?=BFError_en_el_driver_de_sonido??=

1999-01-18 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez

Description: Binary data

Re: Octave

1999-01-18 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Alfredo Casademunt wrote:

 Hola a todos. Estoy usando octave (sobre Debian 2.0r2) y muere
 miserablemente con un segmentation fault al pedirle el polinomio
 caracterisco de una matriz cuadrada, o al pedirle las raíces de un
 polinomio, o ... yo diría que no carga los ficheros .m que hay en
 los subdirectorios que cuelgan del directorio /usr/share/octave/2.0.13/m
  ¿ es este el problema ?,¿ como lo resuelvo ?

Si te refieres a cosas como esta:

eig([1, 3, 4; 3, 1, 0; 4, 0, 1])  

por lo que parece es un error de libstdc++2.8, está corregido
en el octave de slink, que usa libstdc++2.9.

 00cccff0b17e5ec1ecc5e3b32a95c206 (a truly random sig)

Re: Linux+W95

1999-01-18 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 01:20:07PM +0100, Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:
 ¿Porque no usar la Debian?
Ojalá fuese tan fácil. :-)

 Con un poco de trabajo se puede hacer. Sólo necesitas la ayuda de un
 usuario que domine un poco el tema.
 Los pasos serían:
- Compilar un kernel con soporte UMSDOS
- Crear un disco de arranque debian con ese kernel
- Crear con este kernel una partición UMSDOS y todo esto
- Instalar el debian con el dselect, pero saltarse los pasos de
crear la partición swap (puedes usar un fichero swap) y formatear
la partición.
- Le dices que se instale en tu partición UMSDOS y el ni se
enterará de lo que es o deja de ser.

Dos detalles de terminología:

- El dselect no es el programa que se usa al arrancar desde el disquete o
  CD de instalación, para crear particiones, formatear, configurar
  módulos, instalar el kernel y el sistema base y esas cosas...
  Ese programa se llama dbootstrap (antes conocido como dinstall).
  El dselect es el programa con interfaz tipo menús de texto que se usa
  para seleccionar e instalar/desinstalar paquetes.
- No existen particiones UMSDOS. Son simples particiones de MS-DOS,
  que se montan con la opción -t umsdos en lugar de -t msdos o -t

Ahora a la parte dura:

- El dbootstrap (todavía) no te deja pasar del paso partition the
  harddisk si no encuentra una partición de swap y una partición ext2.
- No hay forma de dar formato a una partición MS-DOS desde el
  dbootstrap. Hay que hacerlo a mano desde la shell.
- Tampoco se puede montar un sistema de ficheros UMSDOS desde el
  dbootstrap, también hay que hacerlo a mano.
- Tampoco hay forma de configurar el sistema desde el dbootstrap
  para que arranque desde UMSDOS (a mano 3).
O sea que efectivamente se puede hacer, pero sin usar casi para nada el
programa de instalación de Debian, todo a pelo. Es una tarea al alcance
de cualquier experto, pero yo no sometería a ningún recien llegado a tan
traumática experiencia. :-)

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Repartición con fips

1999-01-18 Thread homega
De los ~600MB que tengo en la partición de w95 he dejado 399MB libres para
reparticionar con fips.  He pasado el defrag y reiniciado con el disquete
que lleva fips.exe.  Todo lo que me permitía eran unos 97MB para la nueva
partición (yo pensaba en unos 350-360MB).

La solución pasa por desinstalar w95 y reparticionar a lo bruto... ¿hay
algún problema con esto?  Quiero decir con LILO (la partición de inicio,
con el *, es la de Linux).


Un saludo,



Re: Instalación de Linux

1999-01-18 Thread Emilio de Miguel

=?iso-8859-1?Q?Jos=E9?= Valcarce Alonso escribió:
 Me ocurre que quiero instalar diversas aplicaciones, configurar y
 compilar el Kernel
 y me dice que no encuentra el gcc, el cc ni el make.
 He instalado el debian con diskettes creo que es la versión 2.0.34.
 Espero que me entendáis pues soy nuevo en esto del Linux. De momento me

Necesitas instalar alguno de los paquetes de la seccion devel: esos que
dices y tb as perl TclTk Pyton 

Tambien mete las versiones de desarrollo de las librerias, si no las
tienes e intentas compilar algo contra ellas te dara error.

Deica logo

Re: Repartición con fips

1999-01-18 Thread Han Solo
 De los ~600MB que tengo en la partición de w95 he dejado 399MB libres para
 reparticionar con fips.  He pasado el defrag y reiniciado con el disquete
 que lleva fips.exe.  Todo lo que me permitía eran unos 97MB para la nueva
 partición (yo pensaba en unos 350-360MB).
Puede ser que no hayas hacho bien la defradmetación. Hay que hacerla
completa, no sólo defragmentar el espacio libre. Yo reparticioné así mi
disco y te aseguro que funciona.

 La solución pasa por desinstalar w95 y reparticionar a lo bruto... ¿hay
 algún problema con esto?  Quiero decir con LILO (la partición de inicio,
 con el *, es la de Linux).

No hace falta que seas tan drástico, comprueba lo que te decía. De todas
maneras, no hay problema si borras todo y rehaces las particiones.
Incluso se te puede olvidar instalar el windows ;-)

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Re: Instalación de Linux

1999-01-18 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Emilio de Miguel wrote:
 =?iso-8859-1?Q?Jos=E9?= Valcarce Alonso escribió:
  Me ocurre que quiero instalar diversas aplicaciones, configurar y
  compilar el Kernel
  y me dice que no encuentra el gcc, el cc ni el make.
  He instalado el debian con diskettes creo que es la versión 2.0.34.
  Espero que me entendáis pues soy nuevo en esto del Linux. De momento me
 Necesitas instalar alguno de los paquetes de la seccion devel: esos que
 dices y tb as perl TclTk Pyton

Si uno va a:
y hace:
dpkg --info kernel-source-2.0.34_2.0.34-4.deb
Entre otras cosas muestra los paquetes que hacen falta para recompilar un
 Package: kernel-source-2.0.34
 Version: 2.0.34-4
 Architecture: all
 Depends: binutils | gas
 Recommends: libc-dev, gcc, make
 Suggests: ncurses-dev, tk-dev
 Provides: kernel-source
 Installed-Size: 28054
El único paquete que figura como requerido es el binutils ( o el gas ).
En realidad no entiendo muy bien porque libc-dev, gcc y make están como 
recomendados y no requeridos, supongo que porque alguno podría querer
el kernel para mirarlo y no para recompilarlo :-)
Seguramente los paquetes sugeridos: ncurses-dev y tk-dev son,
respectivamente, para configurar el kernel con menúes (make menuconfig)
y para configurarlo con la interfase X-Windows (make xconfig).
Son sólo sugeridos porque siempre se puede hacer la configuración 
a la antigua (make config).
Yo prefiero en general utilizar el make menuconfig, es bastante más
amigable que el make config, seguramente no tan bonito como el
xconfig, pero no necesita tener el X-windows funcionando.

Un detalle más: libc-dev, ncurses-dev y tk-dev no existen como tales,
su funcionalidad está provista por: libc6-dev, ncurses3.4-dev y
tk4.2-dev (o tk8.0-dev).

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-944-45208, 54-944-45100 Fax: 54-944-45299
Web page:

Re: AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-18 Thread Mark Wagnon
 I think i have a problem with one of my new K6-2 box.
 I have two boxes : same motherboard (ASUS P5A) , same amount of memory
 Same output of /proc/cpuinfo for both
 *except* for bogomips.
 One is a 350MHz and it gives me ~350 Bogomips
 the other is a 400MHz and it gives me ~800 Bogomips
 I think there is a problem. What do you think ?
 What should i check first ?

Interesting. I too am using a K6-2. My /proc/cpuinfo reads:

  processor   : 0
  cpu : 586
  model   : 8
  vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
  stepping: unknown
  fdiv_bug: no
  hlt_bug : no
  f00f_bug: no
  fpu : yes
  fpu_exception   : yes
  cpuid   : yes
  wp  : yes
  flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 mmx
  bogomips: 699.60

My motherboard is an AOpen AX59Pro. I'm not over-clocked however. I'm
also using the kernel I installed with too. 

  __   _ 
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Filenames vfat-fs

1999-01-18 Thread homega
Henning Makholm dixit:
  mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win95 -t vfat
  It seems to be with no problems. But in each win95 is a directory named
  Program Files. I can't change in this dir, because it's a space in
  the  filename.
 Have you tried escaping the space in the shell? Either of
 cd /mnt/win95/Program Files
 cd /mnt/win95/Program\ Files
 cd /mnt/win95/Program' 'Files
 should work unless there is a bug in the kernel's long filename support.

also an asterisk works for me:

cd /mnt/win95/Program*

Un saludo,



Re: problem with video card

1999-01-18 Thread homega
Perhaps some more info from /proc/pci might be useful:

PCI devices found:
  Bus  0, device  13, function  0:
VGA compatible controller: S3 Inc. ViRGE/DX or /GX (rev 1).
  Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  Min Gnt=4.Max Lat=255.
  Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf800.
  Bus  0, device   1, function  1:
IDE interface: Silicon Integrated Systems 85C5513 (rev 208).
  Fast devsel.  Master Capable.  Latency=128.  
  I/O at 0x2058.
  I/O at 0x53408100.
  I/O at 0x20042e08.
  I/O at 0x12121004.
  I/O at 0x4000.
  Bus  0, device   1, function  0:
ISA bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems 85C503 (rev 1).
  Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  No bursts.  
  Bus  0, device   0, function  0:
Host bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems 5597/5598 Host (rev 2).
  Medium devsel.  Master Capable.  Latency=64.  

 Hi there,
 I hope this won't be too much of an off-topic.
 I recently had to change my video card (S3 Trio64V+, 2MB) for a new one
 (from SuperProbe:
 S3 VIRGE/DX (PCI probed)
 2048 Kbytes
 Generic 8-bit pseudo-color DAC (with 6-bit wide lookup tables (or in
 6-bit mode))
 Now, the problem is that it doesn't give any trouble in W95, but it does
 with Linux:  every now and then I get like one or two refreshing-like
 movements on my screen.  I thought this also happened during bootup with the
 BIOS, although I believe it's just when LILO is loading up.  I contacted
 with the monitor manufacturer (Philips 104I SVGA) and could give me no
 support on this problem.
 Anyone knows what could be going on?
 Although this doesn't seem to be related, I also changed the box for a ATX
 one (the mainboard had support for AT and ATX). 

Un saludo,



Re: Montego sound setup

1999-01-18 Thread Allan Peretz

From what I understand, there is no driver yet.  Apparently
OSS ( is working on one that will be released
sometime in the first quarter of this year.  I have the same
card on a Dell XPS system.

Let me know if you hear anything to the contrary and I'll be
sure to do the same.


Scott J. Geertgens wrote:
   Can anyone point me to a doc that explains how to get sound support from
 a Turtle Beach Montego A3dXstream soundcard? I'm assuming a dedicated
 driver has yet to make it into the kernel, but I'm hoping I can get _some_
 sound from it...Thanks.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: shell scripts.

1999-01-18 Thread Dan Furtney
I stand corrected. Maybe that is why that program can never be found.  ;^)
-Original Message-
From: Thomas Adams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian
Date: Saturday, January 16, 1999 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: shell scripts.

On Fri, Jan 15, 1999 at 05:52:21AM -0700, Dan Furtney wrote:

 scripts. On the back of the book it said shell progamming wasn't covered
 because Pearl would be better for the task. I decided to look into Pearl
 instead. Good Luck

Please don't confuse Pearl with perl. Pearl is a different - if ancient -
programming language than perl.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: dpkg-deb archice extract question

1999-01-18 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On Fri, 15 Jan 1999 19:20:08 GMT, TC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is there a generic extarctor for .deb archive formats ( like winzip for
windoze 95 )
I don't have a full linux install  I just want to grab some binaries out of
a .deb archive ???

If you don't have dpkg handy (or you can't remember the options) then
use ar x package.deb to open up the package.  As in many other ways,
Debian has chosen wisely and used standard Unix tools to create their
packages, so that you can examine and use them with any flavour of

Another great way to get into Debian packages is with a recent version
of Midnight Commander (mc), which understands .deb and .rpm and many
other archive formats, so that you can navigate inside them and
extract/view to your heart's content.

Failing that, have a look at the man page for dpkg, although you can't
get much easier than ar.

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Re: Netscape4.5 cannot find libraries

1999-01-18 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Torsten,

you wrote on: 17 Jan 99 at 20:16 (received 17.01.99)
about   : _Re: Netscape4.5 cannot find libraries_

$ /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep 'libc5.*X'

Thank you very much, the problem was the older netscape. I will get the  
glibc version and try again.

Learned a lot from your info though :-)

Kind regards


Re: Debian Weekly News

1999-01-18 Thread Randy Edwards
 I found this great link from LWN.
 But, then I went back to the debian home page, and coundn't find it...

   I think the Debian Weekly News is a great addition to our community too. 
To address your concern, the DWN seems to be a separate entity from the
official Debian web site.

 Regards,  | Debian GNU/Linux - - More software than
 . | *any* distribution, rock solid reliability, quality control,
 Randy | seamless upgrades via ftp or CD-ROM, strict filesystem layout
   | and adherence to standards, and militantly 100% FREE Linux!

Re: Filenames vfat-fs

1999-01-18 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 02:02:00AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Henning Makholm dixit:

  Have you tried escaping the space in the shell? Either of
  cd /mnt/win95/Program Files
  cd /mnt/win95/Program\ Files
  cd /mnt/win95/Program' 'Files
  should work unless there is a bug in the kernel's long filename support.
 also an asterisk works for me:
 cd /mnt/win95/Program*

Or, alternatively, just use the shell's filename competion:

cd /mnt/win95/ProgTAB

should reveal

cd /mnt/win95/Program\ Files/


-- Consider a spherical bear, in simple harmonic motion... 
-- Professor in the UCB physics department

Re: xconfig, menuconfig

1999-01-18 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Ossama,

you wrote on: 16 Jan 99 at 22:13 (received 17.01.99)
about   : _Re: xconfig, menuconfig_

There are no such packages.  They are Makefile targets.  Go into your
Linux source directory and do make xconfig or make menuconfig.

It does not work, I still get the message no target. I also cannot  
locate any files with patterns xconfig or menuconfig.

I did install the kernel-package.

I don't understand, what I'm doing wrong.

Kind regards


cc: debian-list

Re: xconfig, menuconfig

1999-01-18 Thread Ossama Othman
Hi Frederick,

 It does not work, I still get the message no target. I also cannot  
 locate any files with patterns xconfig or menuconfig.
 I did install the kernel-package.
 I don't understand, what I'm doing wrong.

kernel-package and kernel-source are two different things.  You will
need a kernel source package.  The package kernel-package is used to
create a custom Debian package of the kernel you configure with make 
xconfig, for example.

All of the config targets (config, xconfig and menuconfig) are normally in
/usr/src/linux/Makefile.  This is what I have in /usr/src/linux:

COPYING Makefiledebian/   init/mm/   stamp-configure
CREDITS README  drivers/  ipc/ modules/  stamp-image
Documentation/  Rules.make  fs/   kernel/  net/
MAINTAINERS arch/   include/  lib/ scripts/

when you run make xconfig the make program will by default read the
file Makefile and search for a target called xconfig.  If you don't
have a Makefile then you will need to download a Linux kernel source
package, preferrably from Debian.

Note that you will need to have run X running and be logged in as root if
you want to do an xconfig.  The others config and menuconfig don't need X
but also require you to be logged in as root.

Here are some of the kernel-source packages available in the unstable
distribution potato:

__ Opt develkernel-sourc none  2.0.33-10   Linux kernel source. 
__ Opt develkernel-sourc none  2.0.34-4Linux kernel source. 
__ Opt develkernel-sourc none  2.0.35-3Linux kernel source. 
__ Opt develkernel-sourc none  2.0.36-1Linux kernel source. 
__ Opt develkernel-sourc none  2.1.125-1   Linux kernel source.

Use the kernel source packages available in whatever Debian distribution
you have.

Let me/us know if you still have problems.


xfstt (was Re: default fonts in NS 4.05 unreadable)

1999-01-18 Thread Robert King
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999 at 02:39:32 +, Mark Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I installed xfstt from slink tonight, as I'm getting sick of the same
 problem.  It went fine, and fixed all the web pages I was having trouble
 with regularly (I knew I could use that Windows license for something).
Is there some reason why xfstt is missing from potato?  A search of the debian
web site doesn't reveal any comments about distribution problems.  Does anyone
know why its not there?

Robert King, Australian Environmental Studies, Griffith University, Australia
3875 6677   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This signature project was my last, best hope to seem eloquent.  It failed.
But in the year of Decency In Communications Act, it became something 
greater.  My last, best hope for satire.  The year is 1996. The Place: 
Babbling On Pine.
  -- Kyle N. Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: start svgalib progs from X

1999-01-18 Thread Rob Mahurin
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 05:54:41PM -0500, Brandon Mitchell wrote:
  There is a little program called switchvt... I hardly remember, but I think 
  it was just a single C file.
 That's about all I remember, too.  (Although I was trying runvt, loadvt,
 launchvt.)  Anyone have ideas on where it's located/hiding, switchvt
 didn't show up in any packages.

I know that there's chvt.  But that doesn't work from within an xterm:

21:50 $ tty
21:50 $ chvt 1
chvt: VT_ACTIVATE: Operation not permitted

I think this might be related to a message in another thread a couple
of days ago about setting the num lock to default on in X and getting 
some weird error about stdin is not a VT.  How would one pass a 
command to tty7 from ttyp0?  Or is this the wrong track?


Consider a spherical bear, in simple harmonic motion...
-- Professor in the UCB physics department

Setting up diald.

1999-01-18 Thread Chris Hoover
I'm having to reset up my system after a hard drive crash, and am having
a hard time getting diald setup.  I've tried to set it up using the
provides scripts and examples, but they don't seem to be working.  I
remember when I first set it up, I was directed to a good page on the
web where someone detailed how they set it up.  Does anyone know where
that page or one like it might be?



Netscape 4.5 Bus Errors

1999-01-18 Thread Art Lemasters
 I'm running slink (frozen), and all the libraries appear to be
there.  ...still getting bus errors.

/usr/bin/X11/netscape:  line 64:   384 bus error
LD_PRELOAD=/lib/ $netscape $@

 The same happens if I start the program as communicator.  All
necessary packages were downloaded to prevent dependency problems.  BTW,
this is the static version of netscape.


oddlu corrupted file during slink upgrade

1999-01-18 Thread Jason Wright

I seem to have a corrupted file on this system which is preventing me
from upgrading manpages-dev:

gusgus:~ # apt-get install manpages-dev
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
1 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 165 not upgraded.
Need to get 0b/611k of archives. After unpacking 20.0k will be used.
Selecting previously deselected package manpages-dev.
(Reading database ... 26203 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace manpages-dev 1.18-1 (using manpages-dev_1.21-1.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement manpages-dev ...
dpkg: error processing manpages-dev_1.21-1.deb (--unpack):
 unable to make backup link of `usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz' before installing new 
version: Operation not permitted
dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process returned an error code

It's obviously corrupted and bogus:

gusgus:~ # ls -l /usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz
prw--ws---   1 505  38296   0 Jan  2  1970 /usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz

And I can't delete it:

gusgus:~ # rm /usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz
rm: remove `/usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz', overriding mode 2630? y
rm: /usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz: Operation not permitted

Or zero it out:

gusgus:~ # cp /dev/null /usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz
cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz': Permission denied

I've booted the system from a hamm rescue disk and fsck'd the partition.
There were no problems found.  I was also unable to delete the file
while booted from the rescue disk.  I wrote a quit perl script to
unlink(/usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz), but got back 'operation not
permitted'.  I suppose I could try C's unlink() instead, but I doubt I'd
get any better results.

This machine is still running 2.0.31 - I was hoping to get the slink
upgrade over and done with before bringing it up to something more
modern.  If a kernel upgrade will allow me to delete this file, then
I'll do it now.

Any ideas?



email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - useless: - efnet: Pwe
Bad signs are everywhere coach. I tend to ignore them The Era of Big Numbers

Top level info menu

1999-01-18 Thread Jim Foltz

Why are all the C lib functions listed in the top level of the info
menu? I am running slink, mostly. 

ACORN techie
AOL/IM: jim foltz

Re: start svgalib progs from X

1999-01-18 Thread Brandon Mitchell
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Rob Mahurin wrote:

 On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 05:54:41PM -0500, Brandon Mitchell wrote:
   There is a little program called switchvt... I hardly remember, but I 
   it was just a single C file.
  That's about all I remember, too.  (Although I was trying runvt, loadvt,
  launchvt.)  Anyone have ideas on where it's located/hiding, switchvt
  didn't show up in any packages.
 I know that there's chvt.  But that doesn't work from within an xterm:

It works as root.  But I need a bit more than chvt, and I know I've seen a
program/script that does it about a year or more ago.  The more that I
need is the ability to do this as a user, run a specified program, and
switch back to X when the program is done.  I was hoping it would be a
debian package, but can make do if it isn't.


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
| The above is a completely random sequence of bits, any relation to |
|   an actual message is purely accidental.  |

Re: oddlu corrupted file during slink upgrade

1999-01-18 Thread Brandon Mitchell
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Jason Wright wrote:

 It's obviously corrupted and bogus:
 gusgus:~ # ls -l /usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz
 prw--ws---   1 505  38296   0 Jan  2  1970 /usr/man/man2/iopl.2.gz
 And I can't delete it

This looks familiar.  I'd suggest:
1) e2fsck -cf /dev/hd?
2) try to move the file
3) make a ramdisk, move the file to the ramdisk, reboot (I get a sneaky
   and devilish feeling doing that)
4) probably the one you will hear the most: debugfs

I've never used 4 and don't trust it personally, but apparently it should
do the trick.


+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
| The above is a completely random sequence of bits, any relation to |
|   an actual message is purely accidental.  |

Re: start svgalib progs from X

1999-01-18 Thread Joey Hess
Brandon Mitchell wrote:
 It works as root.  But I need a bit more than chvt, and I know I've seen a
 program/script that does it about a year or more ago.  The more that I
 need is the ability to do this as a user, run a specified program, and
 switch back to X when the program is done.  I was hoping it would be a
 debian package, but can make do if it isn't.

Open will do it. Use open -s -w program, it will switch to a VT, run the
program, wait for it to finish, and switch back.

This only works with the hacked debian version of open, mind you, though I
can provide patches for other systems. The other caveat is that you probably
need to make sure that you own the next free vc after the one X is running
on. Ie, if X runs on vc 8, you need to chown /dev/tty9.

see shy jo


1999-01-18 Thread Michael Dahlberg
I keep getting an error in my syslog from modprobe that states it can't 
locate module net-pf-5.  Does anyone know what this particular module is?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Re: start svgalib progs from X

1999-01-18 Thread Brandon Mitchell
On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, Joey Hess wrote:

 Open will do it. Use open -s -w program, it will switch to a VT, run the
 program, wait for it to finish, and switch back.

That's exactly what I was looking for!

Thanks Joey,

+---  ---+
| Brandon Mitchell * [EMAIL PROTECTED] * |
| The above is a completely random sequence of bits, any relation to |
|   an actual message is purely accidental.  |

RE: net-pf-5

1999-01-18 Thread Shaleh
Take a peak in /etc/modutils/aliases (or /etc/conf.modules if running hamm and
older).  net-pf-5 is appletalk.  Adding a line of :
alias net-pf-5 off   # DDP / appletalk

will help.

On 18-Jan-99 Michael Dahlberg wrote:
 I keep getting an error in my syslog from modprobe that states it can't 
 locate module net-pf-5.  Does anyone know what this particular module is?
 Thanks in advance for any help.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

which pop3 daemon?

1999-01-18 Thread Eric
Any opinions on which of the few POP3 daemons are best/most secure?


update-menus broken

1999-01-18 Thread Benjamin Suto
My update-menus binary seems to have broken.   Whenever I try running it
(or removing packages, or adding packages that add menu items), it
immediately gives me the following error:

edgy:/var/lib/dpkg/info# update-menus

An strace shows something like this:

open(/etc/menu-methods/menu.config, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such
file or directory)
brk(0x8075000)  = 0x8075000
sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, [ABRT], NULL)  = 0
getpid()= 27240
kill(27240, SIGABRT)= 0

Note: I went to another Debian system, and I straced update-menus, and
the strace is similar up to the brk(0x8075000), except there is another
brk() command after the first one one and the program continues on the
other system.

Here's the ldd:

edgy:/var/lib/dpkg/info# ldd /usr/bin/update-menus
/usr/local/lib/ = /usr/local/lib/
(0x4000c000) = /usr/lib/
(0x40016000) = /lib/ (0x4005b000) = /lib/ (0x40074000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)

Anyone have any ideas?  I kind of would like this binary to work, since
it is rather critical to maintaing my system..

Thanks for any help,


Re: Setting up diald.

1999-01-18 Thread Peter Eades
Chris Hoover wrote:
 I'm having to reset up my system after a hard drive crash, and am having
 a hard time getting diald setup.  I've tried to set it up using the
 provides scripts and examples, but they don't seem to be working.  I
 remember when I first set it up, I was directed to a good page on the
 web where someone detailed how they set it up.  Does anyone know where
 that page or one like it might be?
You dont say what the problem is but I suspect that you manage to log
into your provider and then nothing happens and you are unable to access
any sights. If this is the case just rename your /etc/ppp/options file
to options.old and make a new options file with nothing in it give this
a go it worked for me.

Re: still fighting for normality

1999-01-18 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Jan 16, 1999 at 06:51:11PM +0100, Paolo Pedaletti wrote:
 /dev/hdc5   /mnt/E vfatrw,conv=auto,user,exec,noauto,async,umask=000  
 0 0

Urg, permanent mounts under /mnt, and subdirectories too. Red Hat be damned.

 before or later I will change the umask to a more secure one.
 But for me (and now) this works well.

I have uid=x,gid=y in mine too so that they belong to my regular login user.
Works fine on a single person machine; for a multi-person machine where
all should have access, using a group would be best.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: lowmem install

1999-01-18 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Jan 16, 1999 at 08:11:12PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Now my next problem is getting the ppp software to recognize com 7 as 
 a valid com port.   Com 7 is 3E8 IRQ5.

Err, no that's COM3 in DOS nomenclature; the IRQ is irrelevant.
Edit /etc/rc.boot/0setserial to set the IRQs or set auto-IRQ detection
for COM3 and higher.

Actually I seem to remember the old DSZ program did have things like COM3
= IRQ 4, IO 3E8 while COM7 = IRQ 5, IO 3E8. Yuck.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: How to use mingetty instead of getty ?

1999-01-18 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 09:40:15AM +, Raghavendra Bhat wrote:
 about it on a Debian 2.0 box. Why is Debian using getty as the default
 instead of mingetty which is the default in a Red Hat box ?

Good question.

I change it on all my machines.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: CR key broken ?

1999-01-18 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 10:00:24AM +, Nidge Jones wrote:
 The terminals are DOS based machines running NCSA telnet clients, and worked
 just fine to Debian 1.3.1 ? The problem started following my upgrade to 2.0.
 The problem..
 At the Linux prompt all is well, nothing appears to be wrong. However start
 something like JOE (editor) up and the CR doesn't insert when you hit it,
 it just wraps to the next line. For example, if you are half way through a
 line of text, and you hit CR, the second half of the line will drop to a new
 line , and all other lines drop down to make room, yes !

Sounds like bad terminal emulation. I find that NCSA (and the related
Clarkson CUTCP) telnet have pretty poor terminal emulation. I run CUTCP
under DOS here occasionally, to a Debian 2 box. I haven't noticed
what you said but I use vi.

I can't suggest a better DOS telnet though. I'm used to the Lan Workplace
(Novell) one too but it's nothing to write home about. On Windows I use
CRT and find it to be most excellent.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-18 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 11:13:41AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think i have a problem with one of my new K6-2 box.
 I have two boxes : same motherboard (ASUS P5A) , same amount of memory
 Same output of /proc/cpuinfo for both
 *except* for bogomips.
 One is a 350MHz and it gives me ~350 Bogomips
 the other is a 400MHz and it gives me ~800 Bogomips
 I think there is a problem. What do you think ?

I just bought a P5A and 350MHz K6-2 last week. I get almost exactly 700
bogomips (699 or 701 or so). Make sure the bus speed is 100MHz and that
cache is all turned on in the BIOS. What does /proc/cpuinfo say about
the CPU clock? (Only in Linux 2.1  2.2).

Nice system, wish I had faster disks to match it.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: looking for comment on HP-710 printer

1999-01-18 Thread ulisses

Hi Eric!

Thanks for your comments, they are just I was looking for

Best wishes,

- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key available at


Re: Netscape 4.5 Bus Errors

1999-01-18 Thread Art Lemasters
 I also noticed that is a symlink to, which is there.


On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 09:29:33PM +, Art Lemasters wrote:
  I'm running slink (frozen), and all the libraries appear to be
 there.  ...still getting bus errors.
 /usr/bin/X11/netscape:  line 64:   384 bus error  
 LD_PRELOAD=/lib/ $netscape $@
  The same happens if I start the program as communicator.  All
 necessary packages were downloaded to prevent dependency problems.  BTW,
 this is the static version of netscape.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Dselect ...Finnish keyboard

1999-01-18 Thread per_adua32

Good Day (or night) everyone,

I recently installed the base system of Debian,
and intend soon to use Dselect to install the
standard installation.

Question 1:

I read Debian User's Guide Edition 2 and therein
it is said that after one has selected the packages
one wishes to install it may be necessary to run the 
installation step over again until all the packages
are installed.

I wonder if someone could tell me how I would know
whether or not all the packages had been installed.
In other words how do I know when to re-run this section 
of Dselect and how many times to re-run it.

Would I need to keep referring to /var/lib/dpkg or what ?

Question 2:

I live in Finland and have tried to map my keyboard to
'fi-latin1', using kbdconfig. It works pretty much as it 
should but it doesn't allow me to type the following 
ä, Ä, ö, Ö, å, Å

I have tried using the alt key and their ascii numbers but
to no avail. Can anyone help.

Thanks for your assistance.


Hei kaikki suomalaiset ! ! !

Re: Debian Weekly News

1999-01-18 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 20:08:35 -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:
  I found this great link from LWN.
  But, then I went back to the debian home page, and coundn't find it...
 I think the Debian Weekly News is a great addition to our community too.
 To address your concern, the DWN seems to be a separate entity from the
 official Debian web site.

It's available at ; as official
is a relative term with Debian, it might be a good suggestion to have it
incorporated from the top site page. webmaster?

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

Re: Debian Weekly News

1999-01-18 Thread Joey Hess
J.H.M. Dassen wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 17, 1999 at 20:08:35 -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:
   I found this great link from LWN.
   But, then I went back to the debian home page, and coundn't find it...
  I think the Debian Weekly News is a great addition to our community too.
  To address your concern, the DWN seems to be a separate entity from the
  official Debian web site.
 It's available at ; as official
 is a relative term with Debian, it might be a good suggestion to have it
 incorporated from the top site page. webmaster?

Yes, I've been meaning to ask for it to be linked from somehwere on the site
of for you to help me get it onto the main site if you think that's a good

see shy jo, editor, DWN

Re: Dselect ...Finnish keyboard

1999-01-18 Thread Peter Eades
per_adua32 wrote:
 Good Day (or night) everyone,
 I recently installed the base system of Debian,
 and intend soon to use Dselect to install the
 standard installation.
 Question 1:
 I read Debian User's Guide Edition 2 and therein
 it is said that after one has selected the packages
 one wishes to install it may be necessary to run the
 installation step over again until all the packages
 are installed.
 I wonder if someone could tell me how I would know
 whether or not all the packages had been installed.
 In other words how do I know when to re-run this section
 of Dselect and how many times to re-run it.
 Would I need to keep referring to /var/lib/dpkg or what ?

Nothing so complex, if packages are not installed becase of
predependancy problems etc then dselect will give you a message when you
run the install option, somthing like Wrning package X predepends on
Package Y. Dont panic as the guide suggests just run install again and
again untill you dont get any error messages at the end. Alternatively
instal the APT get method, set this up in the  chose acess method
option  then update the package lists and install. APT is dead smart and
will automaticaly sort out all the pre dependancy problems. IMHO
instelation on debian is by far the easiest of all lini\ux distros.

cc-header [Re: Dselect ...Finnish keyboard]

1999-01-18 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Peter Eades, Stardate 170199.0005:
 X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.06 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.35 i586)
 CC: debian-user list

Is that a bug in mozilla or rfc-ok? I just saw this because my ^TO debian
didn't catch this Email.

Alexander N. Benner - Benutzerberater des RUS  +49-711-685-4828 
pgp : 0xE7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

Spezialgebiet: Vi, Perl, html, pgp, Linux

 Hi!  I'm Signature Virus 99!  Copy me into your signature and join the fun!

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #73

1999-01-18 Thread Thomas MANGIN

 Today's thinking : I'am not able to think Today .. (Recursively)

Maitrise Informatique de Lyon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+33 6 60 97 91 01

Re: CR key broken

1999-01-18 Thread Rich Harran.
I don't know if I'm barking up the wrong tree, but I've seen similar
things over a slow telnet connection when I've eg. been editing mail
messages.  If this is the same thing, the problem is just with updating
being slow.  If there are a lot of lines to move down, this takes ages,
and you don't see it at your end for a while.  You could test if this is
the problem by editing a test file in the way you describe, saving it, and
checking to see what the saved file looks like.  
However, I don't know how you can avoid this problem

Nidge Jones wrote:
 At the Linux prompt all is well, nothing appears to be wrong. However
 something like JOE (editor) up and the CR doesn't insert when you hit
 it just wraps to the next line. For example, if you are half way through
 line of text, and you hit CR, the second half of the line will drop to a
 line , and all other lines drop down to make room, yes !
 But not here, if I do such an action, the text will just drop ontop of
 line below, making editing impossible.

Re: terminal based schedule program

1999-01-18 Thread Pere Camps

 Here's a sample page to try out with lynx (I'm on a winbloze box at the
 moment and can't see how it works with lynx):

I've just checked it out. It doesn't visualize very well... :-(

 If you are looking for a personal appointment reminder instead of
 a groupware calendar, maybe some of the normal unix commands others on 
 the list have mentioned would better meet your needs.

Maybe their will. So far I have a '2do' mail folder which I look
up whenever I remember... it's simple, but not very powerful.

Anyway, I'm going to let january slip through as I now have to
much work to look stuff up. 

Thanks a lot for your help. If I ever find a suitable solution
I'll contact you. :)

-- p.

economy mode printing?

1999-01-18 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
Hi all,

Are there any economy mode print filters available for use with gs
in debian?


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

missing KDE pixmaps

1999-01-18 Thread Mark Herrick

I've installed KDE and got it up and running without problems. However, many
of the KDE apps have broken icons in the toolbars - eg kedit, kfm etc. If I
start kedit from an xterm it spits loads of messages about empty pixmaps
in ktoolbarsomethingorother. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to
fix this annoying little glitch?

Mark Herrick

? Linux stranded ?

1999-01-18 Thread Ulrich Gruen mails again
Is it possible that Linux strands on certain occaisons?
After installating Linux, I run dselect and download several 
programmes from FTP. After closing dselect and before I could login 
as root, I got the following message:

INIT: Id 1 respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

I switched to the second user (alt-F2). I could't login; I got the 

INIT: Id 2 respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
INIT: No more processes left in this runlevel

The next 24 hours, the INIT: Id 1 and Id 2 messages were shown 
every 5 '.

Even with Ctrl+Alt+Del, I couldn't get out. I had to switch off the 

??What was the problem??
??Had linux stranded?? (me is always told, that linux cannot strand)

Can anybody tell me where dselect has put the FTP-files in???


Signature below*
Ulrich Gruen
Utrecht University
Faculty of Chemistry
Department of Science, Technology and Society (NWS)
 (room B203)
Padualaan 14
The Netherlands

Phone: +31-30-2537615
FAX  : +31-30-2537601

WWW homepage of the Department Of Sience, Technology and Society

If a fiddler played you a song my love,
and if I gave you a wheel.
Would you spin for my heart and loneliness,
would you spin for my love.

If I gave up all of my pride for you,
and only loved you for now.
Would you hide my fears and never say,
Tomorrow I must go.

Everywhere, there's rain my love.
Everywhere, there's fear.

If you tell me a lie, I'll cry for you.
Tell me of sin and I'll laugh.
If you tell me of all the pain you've had,
I'll never smile again.

Everywhere there's rain my love.
Every where there's fear.

I can plainly see that our parts have changed.
Our sands are shifted around.
Need I beg to you for one more day,
to find our lonely love.

Everywhere there's rain my love.
Everywhere there's fear.

 Phantasmagoria in Two (Tim Buckley, 1967)

Re: Filenames vfat-fs

1999-01-18 Thread Armin Wegner
 I mounted on my notebook the win95-partition as shown:
 mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/win95 -t vfat
 It seems to be with no problems. But in each win95 is a directory named
 Program Files. I can't change in this dir, because it's a space in
 the  filename. Has it a way to change in this dir - other than mount the
 partition as ... -t msdos where this dir is named Progra~1?
 Thanks Matthias
cd Program\ Files
cd Program Files
You have to tell the shell that the space is part of the directory name. Do
this by escaping the space, so it's no longer interpreted as a field 
separator by the shell, or make a single string out the directory name.

Re: smail mail

1999-01-18 Thread homega
Fine, but AFAIK the smail command can only be used as root.  As a normal
user do:

runq -v

George Bonser dixit:
 smail -v -q
 or smail -q
 the -v lets you watch it try to deliver the mail.
 On Sun, 17 Jan 1999, tracheotomy bob wrote:
  I've read the documentation but I can't find what I'm looking for.
  mailq lists the mail waiting to be sent, but is there a command that says
  Send all waiting mail NOW! ?

Un saludo,



Local network

1999-01-18 Thread faoho

Ringkjøbing Amt - e-post

I've got 2 pc's at home.
1 win95 and
1 Linux / win95

Working in win-environment on both pc's I have a windows-network with the
ability to share files. That is: - we share printer, modem and files on the

Can I set the win95-pc up to accessing the modem on the linux-pc?
Can I set the win95-pc up to accessing the printer on the linux-pc?
Can I access the harddrive and cd-rom on the win95-pc from my linux-pc?



Re: Local network

1999-01-18 Thread Peter Eades
Down load the smba package, read the instructions and enjoy.

 Ringkjøbing Amt - e-post
 I've got 2 pc's at home.
 1 win95 and
 1 Linux / win95
 Working in win-environment on both pc's I have a windows-network with the
 ability to share files. That is: - we share printer, modem and files on the
 Can I set the win95-pc up to accessing the modem on the linux-pc?
 Can I set the win95-pc up to accessing the printer on the linux-pc?
 Can I access the harddrive and cd-rom on the win95-pc from my linux-pc?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Local network

1999-01-18 Thread Peter Eades
Sorry of course that should be samba

Debian images

1999-01-18 Thread Anthony Wong
Let's take a look at the new slackware site first :) Especially this

Any similar things for Debian? I definitely will put a Debian banner
on my site if they exist.

Rgds, [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / ICQ UIN: C30E6 ]
Anthony.  [ -- Track your ICQ friend ]

Re: Local network

1999-01-18 Thread servis
*- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about Local network
 I've got 2 pc's at home.
 1 win95 and
 1 Linux / win95
 Working in win-environment on both pc's I have a windows-network with the
 ability to share files. That is: - we share printer, modem and files on the
 Can I set the win95-pc up to accessing the modem on the linux-pc?
 Can I set the win95-pc up to accessing the printer on the linux-pc?
 Can I access the harddrive and cd-rom on the win95-pc from my linux-pc?

This is my exact setup.  You will first want to make sure your
network is working correctly between Linux and Win95.  See the
Networking-Overview-HOWTO, NET-3-HOWTO and Ethernet-HOWTO.  For the
first item you will want to compile the kernel with IP-Masquerading
support, see IP-Masquerade mini-HOWTO.  For the second and third you
want to install the Samba package.  The Samba team,, just released v2.0 so you might want to look for
it in the unstable tree of Debian the previous version is 1.9.18p10.
Read all the docs in the /usr/doc/samba directory as well as
SMB-HOWTO.  Have fun.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Local network

1999-01-18 Thread Peter Eades
 *- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about Local network
  I've got 2 pc's at home.
  1 win95 and
  1 Linux / win95
  Working in win-environment on both pc's I have a windows-network with the
  ability to share files. That is: - we share printer, modem and files on the
  Can I set the win95-pc up to accessing the modem on the linux-pc?
  Can I set the win95-pc up to accessing the printer on the linux-pc?
  Can I access the harddrive and cd-rom on the win95-pc from my linux-pc?
 This is my exact setup.  You will first want to make sure your
 network is working correctly between Linux and Win95.  See the
 Networking-Overview-HOWTO, NET-3-HOWTO and Ethernet-HOWTO.  For the
 first item you will want to compile the kernel with IP-Masquerading
 support, see IP-Masquerade mini-HOWTO.  For the second and third you
 want to install the Samba package.  The Samba team,, just released v2.0 so you might want to look for
 it in the unstable tree of Debian the previous version is 1.9.18p10.
 Read all the docs in the /usr/doc/samba directory as well as
 SMB-HOWTO.  Have fun.

In red hat the masqerading is compiled into the kernel by default, this
may be the case with debian ,anyway its worth a go before you go the
trouble of a kernel recompile. Also dont forget that you will need to
set up the linux machine conected to the modem as the gateway machine.
You want it so that the modem is the defalt network so that ip's not
known to the system ie anything on the internet are sent via the modem.

Re: LILO's now working(thanks!), BUT...

1999-01-18 Thread Mamoun Alissali
Peter Bartosch wrote:
  it is the ID (only ?) which determines the boot in this case.
 in SCSI-cases true, it's the id which determines the boot-drive
 normally you could only boot from drives with id 0 or 1 (i know this
 correctly from DOS, but not from linux)
 IIRC this depends on the motherboard-bios which could only manage 2

  Well, now it works, many thanks to all those who replied. Actually it
very simple when you know how to do it (and I was doing something so
I'm ashamed to talk about it :-) ).

  All I  have to do is set my boot disk ID to 1 in the SCSI contoller
and the disk options in lilo.conf. I was a bit confused because I have
or four kernel images. Now I have to re-install NT which apparently I

  Thanks again to everyone,


LIUM   Tel: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 47
UNIVERSITE DU MAINEFax: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 68
Avenue Olivier MessiaenE-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian images

1999-01-18 Thread servis
*- Anthony Wong wrote about Debian images
 Let's take a look at the new slackware site first :) Especially this
 Any similar things for Debian? I definitely will put a Debian banner
 on my site if they exist.,  funny huh?

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Help with 2 LAN Cards

1999-01-18 Thread ntodd
Thanks for reading this e.mail.

I am looking for some help. I currently have 2 LAN cards, using the lance
driver. How do I get the 2nd card to configure?

I am missing the step required to set up eth1, I believe I can get tcp/ip
running after that.

This is part of an exercise I am doing to set up a firewall.

Any help will be acknowledged, if the answer is RTFM, which manual/man page


Nigel Todd

Re: dosemu and freedos

1999-01-18 Thread virtanen
On Fri, 15 Jan 1999, Chuck Stickelman wrote:

  virtanen wrote:
  If I run some dos-programs using freedos and dosemu, do I need to install
  my dos-programs on a dos-formatted partition, or is it possible to use my
 I've done it both ways.  I have one client who runs a DOS program 
that *must* have the data files and the executables in the same
sub-directory.  Since *all* of the clients data is to be on Linux
Partitions, we use DR-DOS and lredir to make that partiton look like
 a DOS subdir.  Works fine.

Is it so, that it possible to install the whole dos as well on my
linux-harddisk? (I haven't installed the dosemu yet, but couldn't find it
out in the documentation, if this is the case. (Using 'hamm'.)


Re: Help with 2 LAN Cards

1999-01-18 Thread Peter Iannarelli

Hello Nigel:

Look in /etc/init.d/network. In there you will see a series
of variable definitions and network commands. Create the
same setup (in that file with different numbers) for your 
second NIC.

Then reboot, and away you go


 Thanks for reading this e.mail.
 I am looking for some help. I currently have 2 LAN cards, using the lance
 driver. How do I get the 2nd card to configure?
 I am missing the step required to set up eth1, I believe I can get tcp/ip
 running after that.
 This is part of an exercise I am doing to set up a firewall.
 Any help will be acknowledged, if the answer is RTFM, which manual/man page
 Nigel Todd
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/nullbegin:vcard 
org:GenX Internet Laboratories Inc.
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tel;fax:1+ 416 929 1056
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note:Unix/Linux Support
fn:Peter Iannarelli

Re: Help with 2 LAN Cards

1999-01-18 Thread Chris Hoover
 Thanks for reading this e.mail.
 I am looking for some help. I currently have 2 LAN cards, using the lance
 driver. How do I get the 2nd card to configure?
 I am missing the step required to set up eth1, I believe I can get tcp/ip
 running after that.
 This is part of an exercise I am doing to set up a firewall.
 Any help will be acknowledged, if the answer is RTFM, which manual/man page
 Nigel Todd
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Don't know the specifics about your card and it's drivers.  But, when I
run two 3Com 3c509's, I have to add the following line to my lilo.conf
so it will see both cards: append=ether=3,0x210,eth1 (irq,mem,ethX).

If you know that information, you might add it, and see if that helps.

To configure it you would just use ifconfig.  Look in the
/etc/init.d/network file, and see how you are ifconfing'n the first
card, and duplicate for the second.


no pam in login??

1999-01-18 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Someone here told me that debian wouldn't be 100% pam?
2b exactly it was login he were refering to.

Is that possible that login doesn't care about pam?

Alexander N. Benner - Benutzerberater des RUS  +49-711-685-4828 
pgp : 0xE7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

Spezialgebiet: Vi, Perl, html, pgp, Linux

 Hi!  I'm Signature Virus 99!  Copy me into your signature and join the fun!

Re: Dselect; Finnish kbd; Imagemagick problem

1999-01-18 Thread virtanen
On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, per_adua32 wrote:

 Question 1:
 I read Debian User's Guide Edition 2 and therein
 it is said that after one has selected the packages
 one wishes to install it may be necessary to run the 
 installation step over again until all the packages
 are installed.
 I wonder if someone could tell me how I would know
 whether or not all the packages had been installed.
 In other words how do I know when to re-run this section 
 of Dselect and how many times to re-run it.

I think that the basic thing is to install first the base only and then
stop dselect and start it again for installing Xwin. After that you can
probably install easily other packages. (Basically you can install any
number of packages at once, but it seems, that dselect isn't able to know
beforehand all the selected packages and so the order of installing the
packages is a problem...(?)) That method worked in my case at least. 

Anyway, I've got some problems left with my system. dselect didn't install
correctly Imagemagick. It was shown as being installed, but it wasn't
there. I used dpkg -i to install it at installed, but still it doesn't
Anyone knows, what to do with this?  

 Question 2:
 I live in Finland and have tried to map my keyboard to
 'fi-latin1', using kbdconfig. It works pretty much as it 
 should but it doesn't allow me to type the following 
   ä, Ä, ö, Ö, å, Å

I've got a finnish keyboard as well. It works ok. Maybe something special
with your keyboard... Did you specify it at installing time as fi-latin1
or did you try to 'kbdconfig' it afterwards? 


Re: Script..... cvs......

1999-01-18 Thread Andreas Sliwka
 I need a hand with scripting... ive got a script that 'want' to update cvs 
 things. But sometimes i get messages like:
 cvs [update aborted]: connect to failed: Connection 
 The script goes on ignoring the message and it think, it has update the 
 module... How can i make it more intelligent trying again when this message 
Try testing the special bash variable $?. quote from man bash :

  $?  Expands to the status of the most recently executed
  foreground pipeline.

so either you test this value explicitly:  
  cvs something;
  if test $? ; then  
echo darn ; 
or you use it implicitly 
  cvs something || 
  echo darn

hope this helps


Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

roaming access

1999-01-18 Thread Karsten Bolding
I have tried to get roaming to work with netscape and experineced some
very basic problems.

I can not pass the auticentication - netscape keep re-asking for my

My /etc/apache/httpd.conf was automatically changed when I installed
libapache-mod-roaming_0.9.1-1.deb and if I look in this file all the
things mentioned in /usr/doc/llibapache-mod-roaming/README are present.
I tried to re-install  libapache-mod-auth-sys_1.10-4.2.deb with out any


Karsten Bolding,
CEC - Joint Research Centre, ISPRA  Direct: +39 0332 789314
Space Applications InstituteSec.+39 0332 789177
Marine Environment Unit, TP690  FAX:+39 0332 789034
I-21020 Ispra(VA) - Italy   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: missing KDE pixmaps

1999-01-18 Thread Wesley Simon

Mark Herrick wrote:
 I've installed KDE and got it up and running without problems. However, many
 of the KDE apps have broken icons in the toolbars - eg kedit, kfm etc. If I
 start kedit from an xterm it spits loads of messages about empty pixmaps
 in ktoolbarsomethingorother. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to
 fix this annoying little glitch?
 Mark Herrick
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

If I remember correctly, you have to install the kdelibs0g-dev package
too.  I had the same problem.  I read somewhere that whoever did the
packaging, didn't do this part quite right.  I installed this package
and the strange toolbar icons were fixed.

Re: economy mode printing?

1999-01-18 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

 Hi all,
 Are there any economy mode print filters available for use with gs
 in debian?

As root, hpset econo should do the trick


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: How do I install Wordperfect 8?

1999-01-18 Thread Johann Spies
On Sat, 16 Jan 1999, Gregor Giesen wrote:

  Word is that the 7 files method doesn't work - I'd suggest you get the one 
  file.  It worked for me.
 The 7 files also work. You must gunzip all files; netscape should do it 
 Then you must untar the first one gui00 and you get the Runme -script. All 
 must be named from gui01 to gui06. Then you can start the Runme script in the 
 directory. This should work.

Well, I had no success with the 7 files so I had to download the 23 Meg
file and it installed without a problem.

Thanks for the help.


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the
  whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of 
  them whose heart is perfect toward him...
   II Chronicles 16:9 

Re: economy mode printing?

1999-01-18 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
  Hi all,
  Are there any economy mode print filters available for use with gs
  in debian?
 As root, hpset econo should do the trick

It will, for certain HP printers.  Very probably not for the HP 710C
that I have, which actually is a windows printer (but has been
supported by some enthousiastic protocol hacker).  It probably doesn't
even have a hardware economode.  Hpset probably won't work for Epson or
Canon printers either.  I started writing a filter that can convert a
postscript file to a bitmap that leaves out half the pixels (or more,
or less), and turn that into a postscript file that can be printed
again.  I was wondering if such a beast existed already.  It shouldn't
be to hard to insert this as a feature into gs I suppose, since it
produces a bitmap that is converted to something a printer
understands.  Would people be interested in a utility that converts
postscript into `eco-postscript' bitmaps for this purpose?

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

RE: missing KDE pixmaps

1999-01-18 Thread Mark Herrick
  I've installed KDE and got it up and running without problems. However,
  of the KDE apps have broken icons in the toolbars - eg kedit, kfm etc.
 If I
  start kedit from an xterm it spits loads of messages about empty
  in ktoolbarsomethingorother. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how
  fix this annoying little glitch?
 If I remember correctly, you have to install the kdelibs0g-dev package
 too.  I had the same problem.  I read somewhere that whoever did the
 packaging, didn't do this part quite right.  I installed this package
 and the strange toolbar icons were fixed.
If this is the case, shouldn't they be re-packaged, or does that have to
wait for the next release? Or maybe I'm a novice, and everyone else spotted
this one a mile off and fixed it themselves..Probably the latter ;)

XEmacs beta builds

1999-01-18 Thread Scott J. Geertgens

  Does anyone maintain .deb files of the recent XEmacs betas? I know
someone does this for the Enlightenment CVS snapshots, so I figured a
similar thing for XEmacs might exist. Thanks.


MAJOR Problems in dselect.

1999-01-18 Thread CJ
hi, (Thanks pann)

OK, something went really wrong during dselect process and I need help.

After I install the base system and went ahead to dselect(after reading 
the dselect for beginner manual of course). I am new at dselect so I 
accidently selected and installed alot of packages that I don't want. 
I also removed something that I don't know what. To make the story short 
I think I really screwed it up. 
Now here is the question. 
-How do remove all of the packages that I installed and go back 
 to the situation when only the base system is installed(to 
 basically start fresh on dselect again)?

There is also another problem. before I use dselect, I can mount and 
un-mount my cdrom. 
The cdrom line in the /etc/fstab looks like this:
/dev/sbpcd  /cdrom  iso9660  noauto,ro,user  

And when I use dselect for the first time, at ACCESS it works when I put 
in /dev/sbpcd for device block. But after I installed the packages(alot 
of packages including the kernel-2.0.33) accidently, I CAN'T access my 
/cdrom anymore. I put in /dev/sbpcd for device block at ACCESS again it 
said can't find device block or driver is not install or something
in that nature. I try INSTALL and it said the same.

I exited dselect and went to /etc/fstab and saw that everything is like 
before but now I can't mount my cdrom like before. My mounting point is 
/cdrom and did create a directory called /cdrom.
-Anyone knows the problem here? Do I need to reinstall the whole 
base system again to get the cdrom driver (sbpcd) for my system to 
recognize my cdrom? Or there is another way to get this fix?


Re: XEmacs beta builds

1999-01-18 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Scott,
I dont know if someone does XEmacs debian packages for CVS snapshots but
I know that there is a project for Debian CVS snapshots. Jim Pick is the
leader of the project. I forgot the URL now. Better to wrote to him.
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique
Quoting Scott J. Geertgens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Does anyone maintain .deb files of the recent XEmacs betas? I know
 someone does this for the Enlightenment CVS snapshots, so I figured a
 similar thing for XEmacs might exist. Thanks.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Tape Backup And Block Size

1999-01-18 Thread Chris Hoover
Does anyone know how to find out what the proper block size is for a tape 
drive?  I have an Exabyte 8200 scsi tape drive (8mm 2.5 gig), that I bought 
used with no documentation.  I've looked at the exabyte home page, but did not 
see any mention of block size.

I've tried to backup with dump, but it is not getting the right block size.  
This is causing it to tell me I need multiple tapes when everything should fit 
on one.

I've been working on this for a while, and haven't gotten it right yet.  And to 
make matters worse, I lost my 5.1 gig maxtor about 2 weeks ago w/o a good 
backup.  So I really want to get this figured out to prevent any more 
catastrophic data loss.



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Re: CR key broken ?

1999-01-18 Thread Riku Saikkonen
Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Sounds like bad terminal emulation. I find that NCSA (and the related
Clarkson CUTCP) telnet have pretty poor terminal emulation. I run CUTCP
I can't suggest a better DOS telnet though. I'm used to the Lan Workplace

I remember liking the DOS version of MS-Kermit some years ago. The
terminal emulation was very complete, even including the DEC graphics
character sets (it reprogrammed the character set of the display, if
needed). Maybe even Tektronix graphics, I'm not sure.

Kermit is normally a serial communications program, but I seem to
remember that MS-Kermit supports telnet connections too. I don't know
where the name comes from, but it's a freely available program (free
only for non-commercial use, I think), and has nothing to do with

I found it on SimTel years ago; maybe it's still there...

For the original poster: If you're still trying to get NCSA Telnet to
work, I suggest you look at the large terminfo database in the
ncurses-term package. With luck, it might have a terminfo definition
for NCSA Telnet too... Using that should work at least better than the
standard terminal types.


Tape Backup And Block Size

1999-01-18 Thread Jameson Burt
I too have an Exabyte 8200.  Mine works, so I mention what I do,
avoiding working with an actual blocksize.
I sent this almost verbatim to another person on December 31, 1998.
Over the years, Exabyte has sold about 1 million tape drives,
so there are many on the market used, including the 8200 which we both have.
The primary line I use is
   /sbin/dump 0uBf 250 /dev/nst0   /
Notice the 0 for a whole dump, the B for size 2.5MB (250)
You merely needed to tell it how long your tape is,
otherwise the default is old-fashioned small.

If you have a Buslogic SCSI controller, it could be incompatible with
your Exabyte tape  -- search the debian-user archives for the last couple 
months, where I mention others' firmware solution.
Both Buslogic and Exabyte are giving the Linux community some help,
Exabyte through their web page.

Here is part of a script I worked up, running it weekly as a cron job.

   log_file=/usr/local/backup/rabbit-log/rabbit_`/bin/date +%b-%d-%Y_%I:%M%p`
   touch $log_file  #This allows entries below to append $logfile, 
#so the first entry need not be unique.
   /bin/mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind
   # The total becomes greater than 2.5GB,
   # so I now backup /mirror on a separate tape.
   for filesystem in   \
/  /usr  /var   \
/home  /usr/local
   if [ -z $chunk ]; then chunk=0;  
 else chunk=`expr $chunk + 1`; fi
  echo ' '   $log_file   21
  echo ' '   $log_file   21
 $chunk `hostname`:${filesystem} -- $log_file 21
  # /sbin/dump 0uf /dev/nst0 $filesystem $log_file 21
  /sbin/dump 0uBf 250 /dev/nst0 $filesystem $log_file 21

   /bin/mt -f /dev/nst0 offline   #So, you should insert a weekly backup-tape 
on Saturday.

Jim Burt, NJ9L, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (703) 235-5213 ext. 132  (work)

A poor man associating with a rich man will soon be too poor 
to buy even a pair of breeches.   --Chinese Proverb

Re: Tape Backup And Block Size

1999-01-18 Thread Gary L. Hennigan
Chris Hoover [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 

First, it'd help if you wrapped the lines in your posts. Those long
lines make it look like crap in a lot of newsreaders.

| Does anyone know how to find out what the proper block size is for a
| tape drive?  I have an Exabyte 8200 scsi tape drive (8mm 2.5 gig),
| that I bought used with no documentation.  I've looked at the exabyte
| home page, but did not see any mention of block size. 
| I've tried to backup with dump, but it is not getting the right
| block size.  This is causing it to tell me I need multiple tapes when
| everything should fit on one. 

It's not an issue of block size, you just need to tell dump what the
size of your tape is. I don't recall the specifics of the Debian dump
command. Some versions of dump simply support specifying how many
kbytes will fit on the tape with the C option. On others you have to
figure out the correct length (s) and density (d) specifier. So if
you have an 8200 I believe the tape capacity is 2.2GB? Here's a
snippet out of the IRIX man page for dump that you might find useful:

/Begin quote of IRIX dump man page

 If you do not wish to use the C option, then when using drives with no
 interrecord gaps (that is, almost every type except 9 track), use the c
 option and the formula

  capacity in bytes = 7 * densityvalue * lengthvalue

 and round down a bit to be conservative (allowing for block rewrites and
 so on).  The density should be kept under 10 to avoid overflows in
 the capacity calculations.  Thus, for a DAT drive with a 90-meter tape (2
 * 10^9 capacity), one might use:

  20 = 7 * 47619 * 6000

 or, rounding down

  dump 0csd 6000 47000

/End quote of IRIX dump man page

That part about the c option may not be relevant to Debian. On IRIX
the c option is used to indicate a cartridge type device (e.g., QIC, 
8mm, 4mm, etc.). Other arguments may also differ between Debian and
IRIX so you'll want to read the man page for dump on Debian to see how 
that corresponds to the above.

| I've been working on this for a while, and haven't gotten it right
| yet.  And to make matters worse, I lost my 5.1 gig maxtor about 2
| weeks ago w/o a good backup.  So I really want to get this figured out
| to prevent any more catastrophic data loss. 

It's rather confusing. Personally, I'd recommend tar. It doesn't have
this problem, it just keeps writing to the device until it gets an EOF
from that device, and it has the advantage of being portable to other
systems running GNU Tar and it's able to backup any type of file
system, including DOS FAT, something dump can't do.

The other option, with which I'm not that familiar, is cpio. It's also 
gotten high marks as a backup utility among Linux users.

Good Luck,

Is there document describing preposed Directory Tree structure?

1999-01-18 Thread Jari Aalto

[Pleade CC; because I'm not in this list]

Hi, I'm looking fore a document that would propose of suggest a 
directory tree structure for a Linux system. It seems that various
distributions use different directories and I find this confusing.

Is there any paper and URL that would list the tree structure and
suggest organising most of the directories?


PGP public keysevers?

1999-01-18 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

Anyone know of any of these that work - the first few from the pgp
documentation (dated 1995) all seem dead (unroutable mail domain, failed
nslookup etc.)...



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

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