Re: Condiguración de Conexión a Internet

1999-01-20 Thread Han Solo
Jon Noble wrote:
 Siguiendo las instucciones de Infovia-Howto (Método A) he creado los
 ficheros necesarios,
 pero me encuentro que al ejecutar pppd me da el mensage:
 In file /etc/ppp/options: unreconized option '+ua'.
 Hola, el problema es que la opcion +ua está obsoleta, creo. Sustituye
 +ua -  por user [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Además, creo que en el fichero pap-secrets tienes que poner el nombre y
 password así:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  password

Bien, preo recuerda que el formato es:


Si lo pones con espacio no funciona.

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Tarjeta de video.

1999-01-20 Thread Miguel Angel Hernandez Sanchez

Voy a comprar una tarjeta de video, pero no se cual, quisiera que
me recomendaran una que linux la soporte, no se si comprar una agp o una
voodoo, el problema es que me dicen que para la voodoo necesito una
tarjeta de video normal, tambien quisiera que me recomendaran marcas.

La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-20 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola a todos, 

cuando llevo mucho rato trabajando por ejemplo con Netscape Navigator (que
es con lo que lo he notado) la memoria se me llena y el sistema se vuelve
terriblemente lento e incluso se me conjelan Netscape y las aplicaciones que
tenga abierta y el sistema llega a veces incluso a expulsarme de la sesión X.

No se si la culpa es de un swap demasiado chico: 32 Mb de swap y 64Mb RAM.
Temas de micro no creo que sean pues dispongo de un PII 400.

Se que el tema es de emoria pues hoy cuando me dió el problema casualmente
lanzaba un dpkg -l|grep xforms y la respuesta fue un.
dpkg: malloc failed (65552 bytes): Cannot allocate memory

Si hago un top no observo falta de memoria, ¿qué puede estar pasando?.
Si es falta de swap, ¿se puede ampliar sin tener que borrar todo y empezar
desde cero?.


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-20 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Javier_Vi=F1uales_Guti=E9rrez?= wrote:

 Hola a todos, 
 cuando llevo mucho rato trabajando por ejemplo con Netscape Navigator (que
 es con lo que lo he notado) la memoria se me llena y el sistema se vuelve
 terriblemente lento e incluso se me conjelan Netscape y las aplicaciones que
 tenga abierta y el sistema llega a veces incluso a expulsarme de la sesión X.
 No se si la culpa es de un swap demasiado chico: 32 Mb de swap y 64Mb RAM.
 Temas de micro no creo que sean pues dispongo de un PII 400.

Tu swap es enana.  Pon 150Mb de swap.
Si tienes varios discos reparte el espacio de swap de forma equiligrada
para conseguir mayor eficiencia.

 Se que el tema es de emoria pues hoy cuando me dió el problema casualmente
 lanzaba un dpkg -l|grep xforms y la respuesta fue un.
 dpkg: malloc failed (65552 bytes): Cannot allocate memory

Esto es la demostración de que no tienes suficiente memoria virtual.

 Si hago un top no observo falta de memoria, ¿qué puede estar pasando?.
 Si es falta de swap, ¿se puede ampliar sin tener que borrar todo y empezar
 desde cero?.

Si tienes espacio libre solo tienes que añadir particiones de tipo swap.
Si no tienes espacio para nuevas particiones puedes ampliar la swap
usando swap en un fichero normal aunque estas cosas solo las recomiendo
como parche temporal para ir tirando. La swap debe ser lo más rápida
posible y para ello lo suyo es usar particiones tipo swap.

 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  


1999-01-20 Thread Melkor
On Mon, 18 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 01/18/99 11:21 AM
 Eduardo Barrero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Buenas L-ers
q ¿Alguien a instalado KDE?. Tengo el cdrom de Linux Actual 5 y lo intento
 pero me dan problemas de dependencias y no sé que hacer. ¿Como puedo
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


 Prueba, utilizando dpkg -i desde la shell, instalando primero las qt 
y despues los paquetes de Kde. Si lo haces en el orden correcto, que 
descubriras con tanteo, no deberias tener ningun problema. Por lo menos a 
mi no me lo dio, y no tuve que echar mano de paquetes de otros sitios.


make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread José Valcarce Alonso
Hola amigos voay avanzando.
Pero ahora me ocurre que al ejecutar make zImage despues de make
menuconfig me da un error que es
as86 -o - a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
 make[1] as86: Command not found
 make[1]: ***[bootsect.o] Error 127

Con lo cual me he quedado parado pues necesito compilar el Kernel 2.0.36
para poder instalar XFree86.
Un saludo, gracias.

RV: make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread Arale
hola a la lista, es el primer mensaje que envio y creo que responde a
una pregunta, despues de este ya preguntare yo  :-))

lo del make zImage yo diria que no tienes instalado el paquete de
ensamblador, a mi tambien me paso eso.

hasta pronto

Hola amigos voay avanzando.
Pero ahora me ocurre que al ejecutar make zImage despues de make
menuconfig me da un error que es
as86 -o - a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
 make[1] as86: Command not found
 make[1]: ***[bootsect.o] Error 127

Con lo cual me he quedado parado pues necesito compilar el Kernel 2.0.36
para poder instalar XFree86.
Un saludo, gracias.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Tarjeta de video.

1999-01-20 Thread Melkor
On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Miguel Angel Hernandez Sanchez wrote:

   Voy a comprar una tarjeta de video, pero no se cual, quisiera que
 me recomendaran una que linux la soporte, no se si comprar una agp o una
 voodoo, el problema es que me dicen que para la voodoo necesito una
 tarjeta de video normal, tambien quisiera que me recomendaran marcas.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


   Mi consejo es que consideres la posibilidad de adquirir una ATI, 
si no necesitas algo monstruoso. Por experiencia propia, tengo una 
GRAPHICS PRO TURBO (hoy en dia una tarjeta antigua) , XFREE86 controla 
muy bien estas tarjetas, aprovechando la aceleracion de la tarjeta. Tengo 
informes de que la nueva tarjeta de ATI (esta que lleva de todo 
integrado) funciona de manera aceptable en un sistema DEBIAN. Tu veras.


Re: Tarjeta de video.

1999-01-20 Thread Mig
   Voy a comprar una tarjeta de video, pero no se cual, quisiera que
me recomendaran una que linux la soporte, no se si comprar una agp o una
voodoo, el problema es que me dicen que para la voodoo necesito una
tarjeta de video normal, tambien quisiera que me recomendaran marcas.

Depende para que la quieras. Asi para uso doméstico lo mas aconsejable 
una tarjeta coon el chip i740 de intel, y de la marca que más te guste.
Sale por unas 6.000 ptas (36 Euros), y viene con 8 Mb de memoria. Tiene un
refgresco de 85 Mhz, y la memoria va a 205 Mhz. En fin, bastante equilibrado.

En cuanto al servidor de X, existe ya compilado, pero ahora no me 
de la direcciónde Intennes en la que se encuentra.

 / /  _
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
|  |
|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
|  |
|  |

Re: valor octal de los permisos

1999-01-20 Thread Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia
On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
   La verdad es que es mu sencillo hacerlo a mano
 Un script podría hacer algo así... a ver lo estoy probando... sí:

 On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 02:36:58AM +0100, Vicente Barba wrote:
  Me pregunto si hay alguna forma (por comando o script) de saber que
  permisos en forma octal tiene un archivo.

Yo he hecho un pequeño programilla: Grábalo, míralo, modifícalo a 
tu gusto, compílalo y ejecútalo.
 * Se trata de mostrar los permisos de un fichero cuyo nombre
 * suministra el usuario como argumento del programa, en octal.
 * ©1999 yo, bajo licencia GPL y bla, bla, bla...
#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include sys/stat.h
#include unistd.h

void ver_permisos(const char *camino);

static char *NombrePrograma;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  NombrePrograma = *argv;
  if (argc == 1) {
fprintf(stderr, Modo de empleo: %s fichero...\n, NombrePrograma);
return 1;
  while (*++argv)
  return 0;

** ver_permisos() - Muestra los permisos de acceso del fichero 
** cuyo nombre recibe como argumento.
** No devuelve nada.
void ver_permisos(const char *camino)
  struct stat nodoi;/* para stat() */

  if (stat(camino, nodoi) != 0) { /* obtención del nodo-í */
fprintf(stderr, %s: Fallo en stat(%s, ...)\a\n, NombrePrograma, camino);
  /* El # en el formato hace que salga un 0 inicial para indicar que el
 número mostrado es octal.
 La operación Y con 0777 es para filtrar sólo los bits de permisos
 normales, descartando el de los especiales SGID, SUID y STI (si se
 desean éstos, fíltrese con 0), y los del tipo del fichero.
  printf(%#o\n, nodoi.st_mode  0777);
G. A. Gª - C.I.T.I. - S.I.C.Y.N.T.E. - Dpto. L.S.I. - U.C.A.
Esta frase es shareware. Para registrarte mándame 1000 duros.

RE: make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
as86 está en un paquete que se llama bin86 y creo que está en la seccion

 -Mensaje original-
 De: José Valcarce Alonso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: miércoles 20 de enero de 1999 9:13
 Asunto: make zImage

 Hola amigos voay avanzando.
 Pero ahora me ocurre que al ejecutar make zImage despues de make
 menuconfig me da un error que es
 as86 -o - a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
  make[1] as86: Command not found
  make[1]: ***[bootsect.o] Error 127

 Con lo cual me he quedado parado pues necesito compilar el
 Kernel 2.0.36
 para poder instalar XFree86.
 Un saludo, gracias.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Tarjeta de video.

1999-01-20 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 09:39:07AM +0100, Mig wrote:
  Voy a comprar una tarjeta de video, pero no se cual, quisiera que
 me recomendaran una que linux la soporte, no se si comprar una agp o una
 voodoo, el problema es que me dicen que para la voodoo necesito una
 tarjeta de video normal, tambien quisiera que me recomendaran marcas.
   Depende para que la quieras. Asi para uso doméstico lo mas
 aconsejable es una tarjeta coon el chip i740 de intel, y de la marca
 que más te guste. Sale por unas 6.000 ptas (36 Euros), y viene con 8
 Mb de memoria. Tiene un refgresco de 85 Mhz, y la memoria va a 205 Mhz.
 En fin, bastante equilibrado.

Ojo, que parece que presenta incompatibilidades con los AMD K6-2...
(La gente de Vobis ha tenido problemas con los de 350 MHz, y yo mismo
he sido testigo de problemas a la hora de instalar los controladores
específicos de la tarjeta. También es cierto que era sobre W95...). ;-)

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Yo, después de hacer make menuconfig, ejecuto make dep, después make
clean y después make zImage.

No sé si será este el problema.


Re: make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 04:47:20AM +0100, Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide wrote:
 Yo, después de hacer make menuconfig, ejecuto make dep, después make
 clean y después make zImage.

Pista: El paquete kernel-package es vuestro mejor amigo.

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread Melkor
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide wrote:

 Yo, después de hacer make menuconfig, ejecuto make dep, después make
 clean y después make zImage.
 No sé si será este el problema.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


  Ademas de usar 'make clean', antes de hacer nada prueba a hacer 
'make mrproper', que eliminara enlaces, configuracion, etc del nucleo 


  Ah, has hecho los enlaces de /usr/src/linux/include/linux.h asm.h 
scsi.h a /usr/include/linux.h asm.h scsi.h ? Es importante hacerlo antes 
de ponerse a compilar.

Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-20 Thread Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:

 On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Javier_Vi=F1uales_Guti=E9rrez?= wrote:
  cuando llevo mucho rato trabajando por ejemplo con Netscape Navigator (que
  es con lo que lo he notado) la memoria se me llena y el sistema se vuelve
  terriblemente lento e incluso se me conjelan Netscape y las aplicaciones que
  tenga abierta y el sistema llega a veces incluso a expulsarme de la sesión 

¿Pero qué otras aplicaciones tienes? ¿Sólo X-Window System, 1 ó 2 xterms,
y el Notescape? ¿O tienes por ahí cipotecientas tres aplicaciones más?
Porque lo que te pasa no es normal. Yo tengo un P133, 64 MB RAM y 32 de
suapin y ejecuto Notescape, Xemacs y varias xterm y más cosillas sin
problema ninguno.

  No se si la culpa es de un swap demasiado chico: 32 Mb de swap y 64Mb RAM.
  Temas de micro no creo que sean pues dispongo de un PII 400.
Qué envidia :-P'''

 Tu swap es enana.  Pon 150Mb de swap.

Canastos, depende de lo que uses el sistema. Si tienes 144 usuarios
simultáneamente, todos ejecutando X-Window con KDE, Notescape, XEmacs,
etc., evidentemente es enana. Si estás tú solo ejecutando tres cosas y
media, casi no te hace ni falta. A ver, ¿cómo se entiende, en Linux, que
uno tiene 16 MB de RAM y 32 de suapin, y le funciona bien, y que cuando se
amplía a 64 MB de RAM ya el suapin no le basta? ¡Tendrá que ir todo mejor,
puesto que tiene más RAM! Otra cosa es que abuse mucho y le meta kaña al
sistema aprovechando, y al final está en las mismas y tiene que ampliar a
128 MB.

Ya se ha hablado en esta lista hace un tiempo del espacio de trasiego
idóneo. Eso de de 2 a 3 veces la memoria RAM es... «muy relativo»; por
no decir un rollo patatero. Al menos en Linux. En Solaris o Digital UNIX o
HP/UX, etc., ya me callo.

 Si tienes varios discos reparte el espacio de swap de forma equiligrada
 para conseguir mayor eficiencia.
Eso sí es cierto, pero muchas veces es un lujo (¿quién tiene dos discos, y
además puede coger dos trozos para suapin?) en una máquina doméstica.

  Se que el tema es de emoria pues hoy cuando me dió el problema casualmente
  lanzaba un dpkg -l|grep xforms y la respuesta fue un.
  dpkg: malloc failed (65552 bytes): Cannot allocate memory
 Esto es la demostración de que no tienes suficiente memoria virtual.
A ver si es que tienes un chip de memoria estropeado y no te reconoce toda
la RAM que tienes. Porque te repito que eso no es normal. O un programa,
quizá el propio Notescape, tiene un fallo oculto y está consumiendo
memoria a ritmo exponencial.

  Si hago un top no observo falta de memoria, ¿qué puede estar pasando?.
  Si es falta de swap, ¿se puede ampliar sin tener que borrar todo y empezar
  desde cero?.

Podrías probar a usar ficheros de trasiego (traducción de suapin), pero no
creo que sea ése el problema.
 Si tienes espacio libre solo tienes que añadir particiones de tipo swap.
 Si no tienes espacio para nuevas particiones puedes ampliar la swap
 usando swap en un fichero normal aunque estas cosas solo las recomiendo
 como parche temporal para ir tirando. La swap debe ser lo más rápida
 posible y para ello lo suyo es usar particiones tipo swap.
Eso, lo que yo decía; pero no creo que vaya la cosa por ahí.
G. A. Gª - C.I.T.I. - S.I.C.Y.N.T.E. - Dpto. L.S.I. - U.C.A.
Esta frase es shareware. Para registrarte mándame 1000 duros.

Re: Tarjetas AGP en Debian? Esto no lo encuentra ni lobaton

1999-01-20 Thread Herranz Martin Rogelio
Yo tuve una, y la consegui poner con el servidor de framebuffer, si 
necestitas un kernel de los nuevos (2.1.x o 2.2.x) y activar el soporte 
de framebuffer que llevan las tarjetas VESA 2.0. El paquete no me acuerdo 
como se llamava, XFB* o algo asi. 

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Jose Luis Trivino wrote:

   Alguien puede indicarme si existe un paquete debian con el
 servidor XFree para la tarjeta S3Trio 3D (AGP)? Si no existe
 para debian, existe este servidor en algun otro linux?
 Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
 LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863
 La medida de programar es programar sin medida
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 11:29:09AM +, Melkor wrote:
   Ah, has hecho los enlaces de /usr/src/linux/include/linux.h asm.h 
 scsi.h a /usr/include/linux.h asm.h scsi.h ? Es importante hacerlo antes 
 de ponerse a compilar.

¡¡¡NO!!! Con Debian eso es totalmente innecesario. Lo de los enlaces es
una práctica que puede dar lugar a errores, como ya ha sucedido en el
pasado. (Más información en /usr/doc/kernel-source-*/README.headers.gz).

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Repartición con fips

1999-01-20 Thread Herranz Martin Rogelio
Aunque es comercial, una utilidad que es genial e imprescindible 
para todos estos problemas de reparticonamiento es  el Partition QMagic 4.
Te permite cambiar el tamaño y mover particiones sin perder la información.

On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Han Solo wrote:

  De los ~600MB que tengo en la partición de w95 he dejado 399MB libres para
  reparticionar con fips.  He pasado el defrag y reiniciado con el disquete
  que lleva fips.exe.  Todo lo que me permitía eran unos 97MB para la nueva
  partición (yo pensaba en unos 350-360MB).
 Puede ser que no hayas hacho bien la defradmetación. Hay que hacerla
 completa, no sólo defragmentar el espacio libre. Yo reparticioné así mi
 disco y te aseguro que funciona.
  La solución pasa por desinstalar w95 y reparticionar a lo bruto... ¿hay
  algún problema con esto?  Quiero decir con LILO (la partición de inicio,
  con el *, es la de Linux).
 No hace falta que seas tan drástico, comprueba lo que te decía. De todas
 maneras, no hay problema si borras todo y rehaces las particiones.
 Incluso se te puede olvidar instalar el windows ;-)
 Un Saludo
 Han Solo
 The Rebel Alliance
 Conecto, luego existo.
 Desconecto, luego insisto.
 Soy usuario de infobirria+
 P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
 Vivir para ver.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread David Charro Ripa

Enrique Zanardi wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 11:29:09AM +, Melkor wrote:
Ah, has hecho los enlaces de /usr/src/linux/include/linux.h asm.h
  scsi.h a /usr/include/linux.h asm.h scsi.h ? Es importante hacerlo antes
  de ponerse a compilar.

 ¡¡¡NO!!! Con Debian eso es totalmente innecesario. Lo de los enlaces es
 una práctica que puede dar lugar a errores, como ya ha sucedido en el
 pasado. (Más información en /usr/doc/kernel-source-*/README.headers.gz).

¡AH! Yo lo hice. ¿Qué me puede pasar? ¿Qué debo hacer para que quede 
como estaba?
Porque al crear los enlaces borras los archivos originales. He estado 
reinstalando paquetes
para ver si alguno lo dejaba como antes pero nada. Tampoco he notado nada 
raro... por ahora,
pero no quiero notarlo en el futuro.



Re: Tarjeta de video.

1999-01-20 Thread TooManySecrets
Enrique Zanardi el día Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 09:13:16AM + expuso lo 
 On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 09:39:07AM +0100, Mig wrote:
 Voy a comprar una tarjeta de video, pero no se cual, quisiera que
  me recomendaran una que linux la soporte, no se si comprar una agp o una
  voodoo, el problema es que me dicen que para la voodoo necesito una
  tarjeta de video normal, tambien quisiera que me recomendaran marcas.
  Depende para que la quieras. Asi para uso doméstico lo mas
  aconsejable es una tarjeta coon el chip i740 de intel, y de la marca
  que más te guste. Sale por unas 6.000 ptas (36 Euros), y viene con 8
  Mb de memoria. Tiene un refgresco de 85 Mhz, y la memoria va a 205 Mhz.
  En fin, bastante equilibrado.
 Ojo, que parece que presenta incompatibilidades con los AMD K6-2...
 (La gente de Vobis ha tenido problemas con los de 350 MHz, y yo mismo
 he sido testigo de problemas a la hora de instalar los controladores
 específicos de la tarjeta. También es cierto que era sobre W95...). ;-)

Pues yo he instalado un equipo estas navidades con un K6-2 a 350, y una i740
con 8Mb y chuta de maravilla...
¿Qué tipo de problemas dices que dan?

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Swap mayor o está bien, ¿en qué quedamos?

1999-01-20 Thread Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez
Hola soy el de la memoria se me empeta y no se que hacer después de dos
e-mails contradictorios en la lista, uno que me decía que la memoria era
enana y otro que para un sistema monousuario doméstico era suficiente los 32
Mb de swap con 64Mb de RAM,

Por favor, ¿podría alguien poner aclarar del todo este tema? relamente es
algo que me preocupa pues XWindow se me va a tomar por cu.. pasado largo
rato (del orden de cuatro o cinco horas) trabajando con Communicator 4.5 y
poco más abierto (dos xterms, mutt y unas cuantas docks apps).


Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez 

Re: make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread Melkor
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 11:29:09AM +, Melkor wrote:
Ah, has hecho los enlaces de /usr/src/linux/include/linux.h asm.h 
  scsi.h a /usr/include/linux.h asm.h scsi.h ? Es importante hacerlo antes 
  de ponerse a compilar.
 ¡¡¡NO!!! Con Debian eso es totalmente innecesario. Lo de los enlaces es
 una práctica que puede dar lugar a errores, como ya ha sucedido en el
 pasado. (Más información en /usr/doc/kernel-source-*/README.headers.gz).
 Enrique Zanardi  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Vaya, pues eso no lo sabia. Mil  gracias por el aviso. Por cierto, 
alguna alma caritativa dispone de un compilador Pascal decente? (para 
linux, naturalmente). Se lo pagare en bendiciones.



1999-01-20 Thread Carlos Javier Sosa Gonzalez


Quisiera instalar un servidor de Fax para Linux.
Alguien conoce alguno... En caso afirmativo, se puede asignar
privilegios de envio y recepcion de los mismos. Y podria enviar el fax
recivido o a enviar por mail

Gracias. ;)

\/_/\ \   _   __   ._. __
   \ \ \ /\___ \ /\ \ /| |/\ \
 __ \ \ \\/| __ \\ \ \|| |\ \ \
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\ \__/\ \/ \ \___|  \ \_\  d o o b
 \/_/  \/___/   \/__/\/_/   \\_//
| CMA (Centro de Microelectronica Aplicada) |
|   U.L.P.G.C.  |
|Canary Islands |

GNU Pascal compiler (era Re: make zImage)

1999-01-20 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 12:47:11PM +, Melkor wrote:
 alguna alma caritativa dispone de un compilador Pascal decente? (para 
 linux, naturalmente). Se lo pagare en bendiciones.

No estoy seguro de si es decente ;-) pero exite el gpc (GNU Pascal
Compiler). Del paquete gpc para Debian:

Description: The GNU (egcs) Pascal compiler.
 This is the egcs version of the Pascal compiler, which compiles
 Pascal on platforms supported by the gcc compiler. It uses the
 gcc backend to generate optimized code.
 The current beta release 2.2 implements Standard Pascal (ISO 7185,
 level 1), a large subset of Extended Pascal (ISO 10206), and
 Borland Pascal. Many Borland Pascal units supported.

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Xwindows en WIndows

1999-01-20 Thread David Charro Ripa
Estoy intentando acceder desde Windows a Debian. Todo funciona
correctamente. Y me estoy preguntando si hay algún programa que permita
iniciar una sesión Xwindows... pero desde el propio Windows.



Re: Xwindows en WIndows

1999-01-20 Thread Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, David Charro Ripa wrote:

 Estoy intentando acceder desde Windows a Debian. Todo funciona
 correctamente. Y me estoy preguntando si hay algún programa que permita
 iniciar una sesión Xwindows... pero desde el propio Windows.

El protocolo X de X Window System es independiente del hardware y sistema
operativo, así que existe o puede existir para Unix, Windows, DOS, MacOS,
Windows NT, VMS, etc. De manera que lo que tú buscas, aunque no lo sepas,
es un servidor X-Window para MS-Windows.

Buena noticia: existe. Y muchos.
Mala noticia: la mayoría es de pago: eXceed, Reflection/X, eXcursion, ...
Si hay alguno freeware o shareware, probablemente sea una versión demo
capada, o algo así. Quizás otro compañero te pueda ayudar más en ese

Otra opción que quizás te pueda interesar es VNC (Virtual Network
Computer, creo), una aplicación cliente-servidor independiente del S.O.
también, que te permite controlar un computador desde otro, en red.
Instalas y lanzas el servidor en Debian (hay un paquete), instalas el
cliente en Windows, y al ejecutarlo controlas el PC con Debian; ves su
pantalla completa en una ventana Windows y controlas teclado y ratón, si
quieres. O al revés: controlas el Windows desde la Debian.

G. A. Gª - C.I.T.I. - S.I.C.Y.N.T.E. - Dpto. L.S.I. - U.C.A.
Esto está codifi¥µ®@¶­. Abónate y lo verás.

Re: Swap mayor o está bien, ¿en qué quedamos?

1999-01-20 Thread Sergio Talens-Oliag
El Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 12:45:17PM +0100, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez escribió:
 Hola soy el de la memoria se me empeta y no se que hacer después de dos
 e-mails contradictorios en la lista, uno que me decía que la memoria era
 enana y otro que para un sistema monousuario doméstico era suficiente los 32
 Mb de swap con 64Mb de RAM,
 Por favor, ¿podría alguien poner aclarar del todo este tema? relamente es
 algo que me preocupa pues XWindow se me va a tomar por cu.. pasado largo
 rato (del orden de cuatro o cinco horas) trabajando con Communicator 4.5 y
 poco más abierto (dos xterms, mutt y unas cuantas docks apps).

  Si puedes hacer una partición de swap más grande te lo recomiendo,
pero el caso es que no deberías tener problemas, salvo que te hayas
tropezado con un bug del Communicator.

  Lo que yo haria:

  1. Verificar la memoria ram física. El el paquete 'hwtools' hay un
programa que se llama memtest86 que te puede ser util.

  2. Verificar la partición de Swap por si tienes sectores dañados. En
ese caso reformatea con 'mkswap -c'.

  3. Instalar una versión anterior del Communicator o el Navigator (el
Navigator usa menos recursos, así que si no te hacen falta los extras
te lo recomiendo).


|  Sergio Talens-Oliag, Systems  Network Administrator.|
|   |
|  Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)  |
|  Carretera Moncada - Naquera, Km. 4,5 Telf:   +34 6 139 10 00 |
|  Apartado Oficial, 46113 Moncada (Valencia)   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  SPAIN |

Re: Tarjeta de video.

1999-01-20 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 11:26:47AM +0100, TooManySecrets wrote:
 Pues yo he instalado un equipo estas navidades con un K6-2 a 350, y una i740
 con 8Mb y chuta de maravilla...
 ¿Qué tipo de problemas dices que dan?

Puede que sean específicos del Ruindous, o incluso de cierta versión del

Al parecer, con esa misma configuración, al instalar el controlador de la
i740 sobre un WIN95 OSR2 (con el parche para K6-2 350, y un monitor
no-PnP) y resetear, aparecen todo tipo de rayas de colores en la
pantalla, pero ni rastro del escritorio.  Si uno se queda con el
controlador SVGA genérico todo va bien. 

Si tu no has tenido ese problema dame una pista (en privado, para no
aburrir al personal), que me gano un refresco.  :-)

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: =?ISO-8859-1?q?Swap_mayor_o_est=E1_bien,_=BFen_qu=E9_quedamos??=

1999-01-20 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez

Description: Binary data

Ayuda con kernel 2.2.0

1999-01-20 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Acabo de instalar el kernel 2.2.0 pre8 (lo cual he
conseguido sin muchos problemas). Tambien he actualizado las
modutils a las 1.2.121 (las ultimas que he encontrado). El
caso es que ahora el kernel no carga ningun modulo. Tecleo
modprobe modulo y no me da ningun mensaje de error, pero
al hacer cat /proc/modules no aparece nada y tampoco se ve
ningun efecto de que el modulo haya sido cargado.
Alguien podria indicarme como solucionar este problema? De
camino, si alguien ha instalado el kernel 2.2.0 y tiene
algun buen consejo estoy abierto a cualquier sugerencia.


Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Ayuda con kernel 2.2.0

1999-01-20 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez

Description: Binary data

Re: Ayuda con kernel 2.2.0

1999-01-20 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 02:28:58PM +0100, Jose Luis Trivino wrote:

   Acabo de instalar el kernel 2.2.0 pre8 (lo cual he
 conseguido sin muchos problemas). Tambien he actualizado las
 modutils a las 1.2.121 (las ultimas que he encontrado). El
 caso es que ahora el kernel no carga ningun modulo. Tecleo
 modprobe modulo y no me da ningun mensaje de error, pero
 al hacer cat /proc/modules no aparece nada y tampoco se ve
 ningun efecto de que el modulo haya sido cargado.

Ah... odio decir esto porque me van a linchar, pero...

Instala (ponle en frente si no sabes de un
mirror cercano a ti):


es posible que no necesites debianutils 1.10 (con algo = que 1.6 sería
suficiente, pero el paquete es pequeño).  Esa version de kernel-pakcage si
la necesitas, y SI necesitas esa version de sysvinit (o algo muy cercano)

Una vez que has instalado todo eso (debianutils, sysvinit, modutils y
kernel-pacakge, en ese orden) necesitarás cambiar un poco el archivo de
configuración de los módulos (documentado en /usr/doc/modutils, si necesitas
ayuda pregunta)

Luego de eso:

$ mkdir /usr/local/src
$ cd /usr/local/src
$ mv los archivos del kernel con sus parches .
$ tar xvIf linux-2.2.0-pre8.tar.bz2  # o el que tengas y aplicas los parches
$ cd linux
$ make menuconfig  # para esto necesitas libncursesalgo-dev
configuras el kernel
$ make-kpkg --revision 2.2.0.pre8.1 kernel_image
$ cd ..
$ dpkg -i kernel-image-2.2.0-pre8-i586_2.2.0.pre8.1_i386.deb
contesta preguntas


Funciona para mi.


Re: Xwindows en WIndows

1999-01-20 Thread Mig

 Estoy intentando acceder desde Windows a Debian. Todo funciona
 correctamente. Y me estoy preguntando si hay algún programa que permita
 iniciar una sesión Xwindows... pero desde el propio Windows.

El protocolo X de X Window System es independiente del hardware y sistema
operativo, así que existe o puede existir para Unix, Windows, DOS, MacOS,
Windows NT, VMS, etc. De manera que lo que tú buscas, aunque no lo sepas,
es un servidor X-Window para MS-Windows.

Servidor de X-Window para W95/W98/NT Freeware :

Se llama Mi/X de Microimages y funciona relativamente bien. Se parece mas a
un port de un servidor X de unix a NT que a una autentica aplicación de NT.

 / /  _
 ---/ /  (_)__  __   __
 --/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /la oportunidad de
 -//_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\   dominar tu ordenador
|  |
|Miguel Pérez Colino   |
|  |
|  |

Gnome debs

1999-01-20 Thread Jose Miguel Gurpegui

¿hay algún FTP por ahí con debs que tengan el GNOME 0.99.3 o 4?


José Miguel Gurpegui

Re: make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread Enzo A. Dari
José Valcarce Alonso wrote:
 Hola amigos voay avanzando.
 Pero ahora me ocurre que al ejecutar make zImage despues de make
 menuconfig me da un error que es
 as86 -o - a -o bootsect.o bootsect.s
  make[1] as86: Command not found
  make[1]: ***[bootsect.o] Error 127
En los mirrors de debian, en:
viene un archivo muy útil para estos caso, se llama
Contents-i386 (o Contents-i386.gz) que tiene todos los archivos
de la distribución *instalada* y los paquetes de donde provienen.
En este caso uno haría:
grep as86 Contents-i386
y lo que se obtiene es:
usr/bin/as86   devel/bin86
usr/doc/bin86/examples/as86_encap  devel/bin86
usr/man/man1/as86.1.gz devel/bin86
La línea que interesa es la primera, que indica que el usr/bin/as86
se puede conseguir instalando el paquete bin86 de la sección devel.

A propósito, el Contents-i386 no debería venir también en los
CD's? En los mios no está (Official Debian de Linux Central).

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-944-45208, 54-944-45100 Fax: 54-944-45299
Web page:

Re: Swap mayor o está bien, ¿en qué quedamos?

1999-01-20 Thread Lord of Linux
avier Vinuales:

Olvidate de tu swap , yo tengo una pentium 133 Mhz con 32 Mb de Ram y 24 Mb
swap y me trabaja bien el netscape 4.07 con afterstep
tiene que revisar que procesos tiene activos que distribucion usas , tiene que 
decir que
decir que es lo que tiene en la memoria , demonios , ambiente grafico , etc 
,etc ,etc
asi con toda esa informacion : nuestras oficinas de atencion pueden atenderte 
mucho mas

Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

 Hola soy el de la memoria se me empeta y no se que hacer después de dos
 e-mails contradictorios en la lista, uno que me decía que la memoria era
 enana y otro que para un sistema monousuario doméstico era suficiente los 32
 Mb de swap con 64Mb de RAM,

 Por favor, ¿podría alguien poner aclarar del todo este tema? relamente es
 algo que me preocupa pues XWindow se me va a tomar por cu.. pasado largo
 rato (del orden de cuatro o cinco horas) trabajando con Communicator 4.5 y
 poco más abierto (dos xterms, mutt y unas cuantas docks apps).


 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: make zImage

1999-01-20 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, David Charro Ripa wrote:

 Enrique Zanardi wrote:
  On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 11:29:09AM +, Melkor wrote:
 Ah, has hecho los enlaces de /usr/src/linux/include/linux.h asm.h
   scsi.h a /usr/include/linux.h asm.h scsi.h ? Es importante hacerlo antes
   de ponerse a compilar.
  ¡¡¡NO!!! Con Debian eso es totalmente innecesario. Lo de los enlaces es
  una práctica que puede dar lugar a errores, como ya ha sucedido en el
  pasado. (Más información en /usr/doc/kernel-source-*/README.headers.gz).
 ¡AH! Yo lo hice. ¿Qué me puede pasar?
 ¿Qué debo hacer para que quede como estaba?

Para que quede como estaba:

* Borra los enlaces que hayas hecho.
* Crea directorios vacíos en su lugar.
* Reinstala libc6-dev.

( Por cierto: No solamente con Debian ha sido siempre innecesario lo de
  los enlaces sino que ahora el hecho de ser innecesarios es una de las
  características de glibc, es decir, el tiempo ha acabado dándonos la razón :-)

 a24ad2af523d24f7dafa721761b3d261 (a truly random sig)

Tarjeta de video.

1999-01-20 Thread Miguel Angel Hernandez Sanchez

Podrian decirme cuales son las tarjetas ATI y si las intel 740 son
PCI o AGP, y que tal funcionan las voodoo2 con debian, la computadora es
un AMD k6-2 350 mhz.

Problemas con unidad zip

1999-01-20 Thread Manuel Jerez Cssrdenes
Hola a todos,
esta vez escribo a la lista para comentar un problema que tengo en 
Debian 2.0 con una unidad zip interna IDE. El problema en cuestion es 
que no puedo montar la unidad porque me pone que no reconoce el 
sistema de ficheros del zip. Cuando carga linux asocia a la unidad 
zip el /dev/hdb, y yo para montarlo pongo lo siguiente:

mount -t vfat /dev/hdb /zip
y me dice que el sistema de archivos no es correcto. Ademas he creado 
el directorio zip y he probado tambien con el sistema de archivos 
msdos pero tampoco funciona.

Podriais echarme una mano.


Re: Problemas con unidad zip

1999-01-20 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Manuel Jerez Cssrdenes wrote:

 esta vez escribo a la lista para comentar un problema que tengo en 
 Debian 2.0 con una unidad zip interna IDE. El problema en cuestion es 
 que no puedo montar la unidad porque me pone que no reconoce el 
 sistema de ficheros del zip. Cuando carga linux asocia a la unidad 
 zip el /dev/hdb, y yo para montarlo pongo lo siguiente:
 mount -t vfat /dev/hdb /zip

Prueba con  /dev/hdb4

 79b647607e8900c788e83b6eaec0f9d1 (a truly random sig)

Re: valor octal de los permisos

1999-01-20 Thread Vicente Barba
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
 Un script podría hacer algo así... a ver lo estoy probando... sí:
 (me ha llevado un ratillo...)
 while (STDIN)
 while ( $trozo=substr($linea,-3)){
 print My trozo es $trozo\n;
 if ($trozo =~/^r../) { $total=$total+4*$orden; }
 if ($trozo =~/^.w./) { $total=$total+2*$orden; }
 if ($trozo =~/^..x/) { $total=$total+1*$orden; }
 # Le quitamos el trozo
 $linea=substr($linea,0,-3); $orden=$orden*10;
 print El permiso vale en octal: $total\n;
 exit 0;

Muchas gracias por el script. Aunque buscaba algún paquete de Debian o
un script (del estilo al que dices), de modo que al programa le
pasaríamos como argumento el archivo y la respuesta sería el valor octal
de dicho archivo. Venía haciendo esto de cabeza, aunque es cierto que
con el script que propones es mucho más rápido, pero no permite pasar el
nombre del archivo como argumento. Supongo que sería muy fácil retocar
un poquito el script para que lo hiciera, pero yo de perl...

O sea, que hay por ahí algún programa que ya lo hace o se retoca tu


Vicente Barba [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Albacete [ES]
 100% LiNUX:  
 Debian GNU/Linux -- Usuario Registrado # 90822

Re: Repartición con fips

1999-01-20 Thread Vicente Barba

 ¿Cómo se copia una imagen de los discos de instalación de Slackware desde

supongo que te referirás a esto:

$ dd if=archivo of=/dev/fd0 bs=512 conv=sync ; sync 

Vicente Barba [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Albacete [ES]
 100% LiNUX:  
 Debian GNU/Linux -- Usuario Registrado # 90822

Re: Red de Linux

1999-01-20 Thread Ismael Valladolid
El 15 de enero de 1999 a las 14:58, Andres Herrera escribió:
 Luego no puede ser una ip, sino el dominio del propio equipo.

No necesariamente. Es un dominio con el que se tratan de completar
los nombres que no puedan ser resueltos. Por ejemplo, si yo tengo...


entonces si hago ping news, primero se intentará el host news, y si
no se encuentra, se intentará el host

De todas formas, viene todo en man resolv.conf (y perdon por el RTFM ;)

Un saludo.
Ismael Valladolid Torres
Rubens 26, 1ºA, Móstoles


Re: Presentación y preguntas

1999-01-20 Thread Ismael Valladolid
El 15 de enero de 1999 a las 00:59, Han Solo escribió:
 1.-He sido incapaz de instalar emacs (¿?) Hay tres paquetes que dan un
 error. Llega a descomprimirlos, pero no es capaz de configurarlos. Son
 emacs20, emacs20-el y w3-el

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ dpkg -l emacs* | grep ^ii
ii  emacs-lisp-intr 1.05-2 Programming in Emacs Lisp: An Introduction
ii  emacs20 20.2-7 The GNU Emacs editor.
ii  emacs20-el  20.2-7 GNU Emacs LISP (.el) files.
ii  emacsen-common  1.4.6  Common facilities for all emacsen.

Me da en la nariz que te falta este último paquete (emacsen-common). Instálalo 
y haz
dpkg --pending --configure, a ver.

Suerte y un saludo.
Ismael Valladolid Torres
Rubens 26, 1ºA, Móstoles


Re: Xwindows en WIndows

1999-01-20 Thread shasquash
El mié, 20 ene 1999, David Charro Ripa escribió:
Estoy intentando acceder desde Windows a Debian. Todo funciona
correctamente. Y me estoy preguntando si hay algún programa que permita
iniciar una sesión Xwindows... pero desde el propio Windows.

yo tengo un programita para windoüs que es una especie de servidor x  para
poder tener graficos svga en una sesion telnet y poder usar programas de
X-window bajo windows, el problema es que solo dura un mes, es una demo que me
baje de intesne, si te interesa te pasare la güeb pa cojerlo ok? 

 Manuel Fonseca --Grupo Aguila (esto no sera como la
falange no?)
por que cuando pongo startx me sale can not connect to xserver?

Has Hamm's XF86config been improved?

1999-01-20 Thread Alfie Costa
Been playing with X lately, (Hamm Debian), and noticed that XF86config is 
rough around the edges.  That is, if you run it twice, it doesn't offer what 
you typed in the last time as a default, let alone have menus or other 

Some of which stuff shouldn't require anything that hard to fix, (in theory!), 
so I was thinking, hey, maybe I can do some of this.

On the other hand it might be possible that somebody has already done that for 
Slink or some future release, and there might be no need to reinvent the wheel.

So, anyone know if Slink or later versions have significantly improved 
XF86config?  Or what mailing lists or newsgroups might be the center of such 

Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-20 Thread Mark Phillips
 Shawn writes:
  I am all for a for-profit business forming as a value-added seller of
  Debian products. Such a business could focus on pre-installations,
  packaging and marketing, and user support. I would think a very
  successful business could be built on such a model, and there would be no
  necessary control flowing either way between said business and the Debian
  organization. The Debian community would control the software, such a
  business (and there could be many of them) would control its own
  marketing, packaging, support program, etc.
 Exactly!  This is just the sort of company I would love to participate in.

How about the following variation on the theme?

Rather than starting a for-profit business as a value-added seller of
Debian products, why not start a not-for-profit, user centred,
association that does the same job?  It would work a bit like an
automobile association.  Users would join by paying a membership fee.
It would be run by a board elected by the members - one vote per
member.  Membership fees and other income would be used to pay
employees who do the work.

Earlier posts have suggested that Debian itself could be turned into
such an association, but I don't believe that would be in Debian's
best interests.  I believe Debian should remain a developer
controlled, entirely volunteer, organization.  A flaw with the status
quo however, is that there is no mechanism to ensure that the needs of
users are looked after.  This is where a separate Debian User
Association could fill the gap.  Well actually, the gap isn't all
that large, because fortunately debian users are looked after quite
well at the moment.  But perhaps a user association could do even
better, as well as taking over some of the user assistance work that
developers currently do, freeing them up to concentrate more on

The Debian User Association (DUA) would be separate from Debian,
but the two would obviously wish to cooperate closely with each other.
DUA would concentrate on user issues --- value adding to the
distribution in user-centred ways.  It would provide user support to
members --- perhaps produce regular publications that deal with
frequent user issues.  It would also be heavily involved in marketing.

There is one big advantage of this structure over a for-profit Debian
business in that, I believe, current (and future) debian users would
be more enthusiastic about signing up.  With a business, the profits
would go to the owners, where as with the DUA, the aim of the
organisation would be to serve its members.  A DUA would provide a
mechanism for improved user support and marketability.  It would
provide a mechanism for paid workers, without damaging Debian's
volunteer developer model.  It would be a means for promoting Debian,
in keeping with the Debian spirit.


They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: SCSI Hard Drive Questions

1999-01-20 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 19 Jan 99 04:30:23 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 01/19/99 
   at 12:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Robert Wilderspin) said:
It's pointless spending much extra money for SCSI, let alone Ultra2 Wide
SCSI, on a single-user desktop machine.  SCSI becomes very useful when
you've got more than half-a-dozen users or a busy website running on the
machine  [...]

Or if one's work involves very heavy I/O (several Gb's/file) on top of
heavy, constant fp calculations ...  :)

You forgot and if one needs more than three or four drives
connected.  :-)

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Re: Mutt and Mailboxes

1999-01-20 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 19 Jan 99 06:21:17 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen M
Lavelle) wrote:

I am using Mutt to read my email fetched from my ISP
I understand how to move a message to another mailbox by pressing

You pressed it too soon!

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Re: Quake2 nVidia TNT

1999-01-20 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 18 Jan 99 22:30:37 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They recently helped a Xfree driver come into existance, so the tide is 

Yes, but as we all know, it's not really open source, since the code
is 'processed' to be unreadable. The TNT driver won't stay in future
versions of Xfree unless they release real open source code.

Which I believe they have now done as of the latest Xfree86 release.
Could've sworn I read that...

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

1999-01-20 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 19 Jan 99 07:17:49 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mark Phillips)

I've just installed the slink version of apt-get.  Am I right in
thinking that to upgrade to slink, I should run:

apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade


Is this at all dangerous?

Slink hasn't been released officially, so there is a small element of
risk involved.  It's more likely that a couple of packages may be
awkward to install than anything serious though.

What happens if my ppp link dies in the middle?

apt-get will pick up the download when you re-connect, keeping
downloaded packages in /var/cache/apt/archives with partial downloads
in [...]/partial.  It doesn't install a thing until it's downloaded
the lot, so make sure you have enough disk space.

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Re: Debian goes big business? [was: Re: Suggestion for RedHat (was: RH vs Debian)]

1999-01-20 Thread Mark Phillips
 You're proposing this for Red Hat. That's fine, I'm proposing a similar
 model for Debian. Maybe the membership idea is a good idea, maybe it
 isn't. I can see some advantages, but I can also see some drawbacks. The
 key is to get these ideas out on the table. We'll never know until we try.
 As for what you said about two classes of developers, that doesn't make
 any sense. If developers are willing to work for free now, why wouldn't
 they be able to work for free if some of the core group are getting paid?
 I certainly wouldn't have a problem with it.

Sure, it's a good idea to talk about different ideas.

As for the paid/un-paid developers issue...  I know of organizations
which have had this structure.  Where I live, the ambulance
association used to have half paid, half volunteer, ambulance workers.
This worked okay for a while, but eventually they had to abandon the
structure, getting rid of the volunteer drivers.  Unfortunately
problems arose between the two groups.  The paid people became
frustrated with the volunteers because the latter weren't nearly as
skilled --- the paid people obviously spent much more time at it, and
had to be good otherwise they'd lose their job.  In turn the
volunteers became frustrated with the paid people.  As volunteers they
believed they should have some rights and say in how things were run.
The paid people believed they should say how things were run, as they
were more skilled and spent more time doing it.  As you can see, this
is an environment ripe for arguments and disputes.  There would be a
real danger that similar problems would occur if Debian followed this

I'm not saying it's impossible to have both paid staff and volunteers,
but if you do, you need to be very careful how you do it.  I suggest
the best way would be to have a separate Debian User Association
with paid staff, as I have outlined in a recent email.


They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #97

1999-01-20 Thread Daryl Williams

not sure, but check out the mtx utility. it will move the robotic mechanism on 
its available in the debian distribution, or alternatively from:

hope this helps a little,


Been a while since I've been around on this list, however things have
progressed.  I have successfully installed two older Compaq EISA Pentium 90
machines, each wtih 4 gigs of space, and 128MB of RAM, all of which are
visible to the respective machines.  On the first machine, I have mounted
two 7-changer CDROMs which seem to work just dandy, and the second machine,
has an ADIC 4mm Virtual Library.  The two Sony 4mm DATs inside are visable,
and I successfully did a backup, by moving the robot arm out of the way,
inserting a tape, performing a backup with TAR per the how-to's, then eject.

My question is as follows:  Does anyone know of a piece of software,
driver, or something that enables the robot arm to move?  I have the
documentation somewhere, so if I could just send SCSI commands, I could use
a script scheduled by CRON to achieve what I'm trying to do.

 Daryl Williams
 Network Administrator mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ShareWave, Inc.   Phone: 916-939-9400 x3212
 5175 Hillsdale Circle Fax: 916-939-9434
 El Dorado Hills, CA. 95762Web:

Apt vs mirror

1999-01-20 Thread Alexander Stavitsky
I remember the discussion of apt vs mirror some time ago.
I seem to remeber somebody mentioning that they use apt to download
packages that they need and then run a script that will move packages from
apt cache to the mirror tree.

For some reason I couldn't find that discussion in the archive.
Anybody still has the script?

 ===  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |__ Alexander Stavitsky 

Re: Debian goes big business? [was: Re: Suggestion for RedHat (was: RH vs Deb...

1999-01-20 Thread MallarJ
I guess I'm not getting the point of going coporate with Debian. As far as
this discussion has gone, the only benefit in forming a corporation would be
distribution/marketing.  I think it's pretty obvious to everyone that Debian
programmers tend to do more upgrading and enhancing than other dists.
Further, the support seems to be far superior with Debian.  What is the big
problem with Debian distribution now?  Each dist. offers different methods of
doing the same thing - I kind of like the fact that there is a user oriented
organization.  If you want to go the corporate route, get Red Hat.  If not,
stick with Debian.  What's the problem?

Re: gcc vs egcs

1999-01-20 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 02:49:17PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:58:29 -0700 (MST), Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

 for our gcc because nobody has patched the 2.0 kernels to work with
 another gcc.

 Do the 2.2 kernels compile with egcs?

As of somewhere in the 2.1 series Linux kernels should work with egcs.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Email server setup/configuration

1999-01-20 Thread Chris Leishman

[ Please CC all replies to me, as I don't read the list as often as I should! ]


I am looking at moving our email server from NT to linux.  At the moment it
performs the following tasks:

1/ Monitors a series of virtual domains (ie  ...)
   for which there are user alias that redirect to accounts elsewhere (ie
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] might go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  All these domains have 
their main
mx as the server in question.  Note, however, that their may be two info
users in different virtual domains.

2/ Maintains a list server for different lists under the virtual domains (ie.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]) - this can be changed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] though.
I would like to add support for subscription confirmation etc (just like does).

3/ Is the main mx for some domains, but routes the mail to a different mail 
   server after reciept.

4/ Forwards mail for the local domain to an NT exchange server, but I would
   like it to first check /etc/aliases so that linux users (like me) can have
their mail delivered locally on the machine (so I don't have to use

What I would like to know is:

a) Can this all be done?

b) Can it be done easily or no?

c) What is the best mail-delivery-agent for this job?

d) What is the best list server (what does debian use)?

e) Can anyone give me some pointers for setting these things up?

I really, really, really appreciate any help/advice - I love using linux and I
really don't want to have to stick with NT.

Best regards to you all,

Chris Leishman


The box said Windows 95, NT or better .. so I installed Debian Linux
Reply with subject 'request key' for PGP public key.  KeyID 0xA9E087D5

Debian 1.3.1 PPP connection problems

1999-01-20 Thread Kenneth F. Ryder III
I can not connect to my ISP with linux, can anyone help me?

Right now I connect through windows 3.1  trumped winsock, my IP is
dynamically given to me, and I use PPP.

I am trying to get diald and PPPD to do the same under linux (Debian 1.3.1).

here are some of  my config and log files:

Tue Jan 19 19:26:03 1999 EST: Calling site
Tue Jan 19 19:26:26 1999 EST: Connected to site
Tue Jan 19 19:26:58 1999 EST: Disconnected. Call duration 32 seconds.
  IP transmitted 176 bytes and received 0 bytes.

Jan 19 19:23:05 Zeek diald[104]: FIFO: full monitor connection to monitor
/tmp/dctrl.195-1 requested
Jan 19 19:26:04 Zeek diald[104]: Running connect (pid = 203).
Jan 19 19:26:05 Zeek connect: Initializing Modem
Jan 19 19:26:05 Zeek connect: Dialing system
Jan 19 19:26:25 Zeek connect: Connected
Jan 19 19:26:25 Zeek connect: Loggin in
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek connect: Protocol started
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek diald[104]: Running pppd (pid = 212).
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek diald[212]: Running pppd: /usr/sbin/pppd -detach modem
crtscts mtu 1500 mru 1500 
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek pppd[212]: pppd 2.2.0 started by root, uid 0
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek pppd[212]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 19 19:26:26 Zeek pppd[212]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS1
Jan 19 19:26:56 Zeek pppd[212]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Jan 19 19:26:56 Zeek pppd[212]: Connection terminated.
Jan 19 19:26:56 Zeek pppd[212]: Receive serial link is not 8-bit clean:
Jan 19 19:26:56 Zeek pppd[212]: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 0
Jan 19 19:26:56 Zeek pppd[212]: Exit.
Jan 19 19:26:59 Zeek diald[104]: Delaying 30 seconds before clear to dial.
Jan 19 19:27:37 Zeek diald[104]: SIGHUP: modem got hung up on.

mode ppp
accounting-log /var/log/diald.log
fifo /var/run/diald.fifo
connect /etc/diald/connect
device /dev/ttyS1
speed 115200
include /etc/diald/standard.filter

diald's connect file( password, modem init, etc all clipped, all of that


START_ACK=Entering PPP mode.

# Pass a message on to diald and the system logs.
function message () {
[ $FIFO ]  echo message $* $FIFO
logger -p -t connect $*

*** cut the dialing loop  login  stuff from here too, it works***

# We logged in, try to start up the protocol (provided that the
# user has specified how to do this)

if [ $PROMPT ]; then
message Starting Comm Protocol
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
message Prompt not received
exit 1

if [ $START_ACK ]; then
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
message Failed to start Protocol
exit 1

# Success!
message Protocol started

The options that are activated in my PPPD options file  are:
asyncmap 0
lcp-echo-interval 30
lcp-echo-failure 4

here's what I see when running dctrl from X:

says interface fromtoin state down

I go to a terminal, startup a telnet (to a server at school)

dctrl says   interface fromtoin state connect

dctrl saysinterface fromtoin state start_link

then it says interface sl0 from to in state

then switches to  interface sl0 from to in state

finally goes to interface sl0 from to in state Down

(first time I went through this the modem hungup at this point, second time
the modem stays online so I forced a quit then ran minicom to hang up the

If this is any help since windows/winsock can connect, I made Trumped
winsock do a trace on PPP and got the following:

PPP mode selected.  Will try to negotiate IP address.

Script completed
PPP[C021] state = reqsent
PPP frame check error, 17
PPP frame check error, 26
PPP[C021] state = ackrcvd
PPP[C021] state = opened
PPP[8021] SND CONFREQ ID=01 LEN=16 IPCP(002D0F01) IPADDR(826F8D67)
PPP[8021] state = reqsent
PPP[8021] RCV CONFREQ ID=01 LEN=16 IPCP(002D0F00) IPADDR(826F8D01)
PPP[8021] SND CONFACK ID=01 LEN=16 IPCP(002D0F00) IPADDR(826F8D01)
PPP[8021] state = acksent
My IP address =
PPP[8021] SND CONFREQ ID=02 LEN=16 IPCP(002D0F01) IPADDR(826F8D66)
PPP[8021] RCV CONFACK ID=02 LEN=16 IPCP(002D0F01) IPADDR(826F8D66)
PPP[8021] state = opened

I am sorry if this mail is too long I cut out what I thought I could, I
don't know all that much of the inner working's of PPP, even though I have
been throught the man pages, 

Re: Debian goes big business? [was: Re: Suggestion for RedHat (was: RH vs Deb...

1999-01-20 Thread Christian Lavoie
 I guess I'm not getting the point of going coporate with Debian. As 
far as
 this discussion has gone, the only benefit in forming a corporation 
would be
 distribution/marketing.  I think it's pretty obvious to everyone that 
 programmers tend to do more upgrading and enhancing than other dists.
 Further, the support seems to be far superior with Debian.  What is 
the big
 problem with Debian distribution now?  Each dist. offers different 
methods of
 doing the same thing - I kind of like the fact that there is a user 
 organization.  If you want to go the corporate route, get Red Hat.  If 
 stick with Debian.  What's the problem?

As far as I'm concerned, the problem is that I see that the Debian 
dist, a great one (if not the greatest) for technical and ethical 
reasons, cannot face the publicity and marketing power of commercial 

Because of that, it will lose 'market share' in front of commercial 
linuxes, causing interest in Debian to slowly fade away. And that will 
force it to become less and less developed, as compared to the others 
dists, and I'll lose the dist I prefer.

But as the discussion evolves, I'm more and more thinking that going 
for-profit dist will simply kill the essential spirit of Debian.

Christian Lavoie

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-20 Thread Steve Shorter
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:

 How about the following variation on the theme?
 Rather than starting a for-profit business as a value-added seller of
 Debian products, why not start a not-for-profit, user centred,
 association that does the same job?  It would work a bit like an
 automobile association.  Users would join by paying a membership fee.
 It would be run by a board elected by the members - one vote per
 member.  Membership fees and other income would be used to pay
 employees who do the work.

How about an ISP that in addition to user support etc also
does some real technical training in Linux admin and C programming.
An Internet Service Provider, that is a school and user club and
Linux/Debian advocate. Where else could youth go to gget real technical
training; the High Schools don't teach any thing techncial and probably
couldn't do a good job of it anyway. The ISP's won't teach squat to
their clients, scared they might give away some secret of the trade
and have  more competition.

There must be some potential in this idea. What about a network
of mutually supportive  organizations that have some real local 
(geographically)presence. No one else is doeing this. What a great way to 
expand the
technical user base and recruit youth and build the Internet at the same time.

Or am I dreaming to much?


Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-20 Thread Christian Lavoie
DISCLAIMER: These are notes, and can have technical impossibilites 
(especially concerning '.deb'ianizing of StarOffice)

Ok, here's the sum up:

- Debian will lose its spirit if it goes itself for-profit.
- A for-profit corporation based on Debian itself will eventually try 
to influence/own it. (Consequences: See previous comment)

Bottom line: Debian should remain developer controlled.

To preserve a kind of user support, we should create a DUA, which 
would have to do some/all of the following:

- Provide single user free of charge support through internet. 
(email/newsgroups/knowledge base/whatever)
- Provide corporate support, at a cost (cause they think it's better 
to pay it anyway), with the usual things sucha thing includes 
(on-site, 24 hours a day, programmation capable team to adapt a 
- Work head-to-head against RedHat/Caldera/SuSE for publicity on 
Debian and promoting .deb packaging of things like 
- Certification of technicians proficient in installing 
Debian/scripting and maintaining of a Debian system.
- Be rentable, so it can re-invest back in publicity.
- Cannot influence Debian developers more than the Debian users it 
deserves would influence it. (Meaning, you don't pay programmers, but 
you can kindly ask them for a bugfixe/feature ;P )

Bottom line: Co-operative society/stores based on users, democratic 
voting, no shareholding, all votes equals.

On a side note, if a user-based co-operative society forms, would a 
developer-based society of the same kind be appreciated? It could for 
an example provide acquisition of patents (basically, to GPLized them) 
and work to allow developers for better recognition, allow to access 
better resources (like an equivalent to a membership to W3C, or other 
reserved to corporation bodies thingies.) and tries to augment 
developer communication and tries to 'enforce' major headings of the 
dist. (Like, say, we're switching to libc7)

Christian Lavoie

Re: installation problems

1999-01-20 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 08:56:06PM +0800, Brett Molinari wrote:

 I am trying to install debian on a 386 with 8 meg of ram with
 floppies. I am getting the following messages before the machine
 hangs: -

 loading root.bin...
 parity check1 

 Assumung it was a memory problem I removed 4 meg at a time and tried a
 lowmem installation with the same result.

 I would greatly appreciate any help offered as I would really like to
 try out this os.

You removed 4 megs at a time...?  Meaning you tried each memory module
individually?  Hmm.  If you try both SIMMs and get this result, you either
have a problem with the hardware (memory controller cooked, maybe), or
you've stumbled across a bizarre problem with the boot loader.

It's unlikely that both your SIMMs are bad in exactly the same fashion.

Another possibility occured to me; if you haven't used this RAM in that
motherboard before, but know the SIMMs are good on another box, perhaps
you're using SIMMs with logic parity (fake parity) or no parity at all in
a motherboard that demands true-blue parity RAM.

I remember a few years back, 1993 or '94 or so, we had machines getting
parity errors all the time.  If this system is about that age, it may be
falling victim to the changes that occurred in the memory industry in those

Is the machine able to boot some other OS successfully?

G. Branden Robinson  |   There is no gravity in space.
Debian GNU/Linux |   Then how could astronauts walk around
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   on the Moon? |   Because they were wearing heavy boots.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-20 Thread Christian Lavoie
 To preserve a kind of user support, we should create a DUA, which
 would have to do some/all of the following:

 - Provide single user free of charge support through internet.
 (email/newsgroups/knowledge base/whatever)
 - Provide corporate support, at a cost (cause they think it's better
 to pay it anyway), with the usual things sucha thing includes
 (on-site, 24 hours a day, programmation capable team to adapt a
 - Work head-to-head against RedHat/Caldera/SuSE for publicity on
 Debian and promoting .deb packaging of things like
 - Certification of technicians proficient in installing
 Debian/scripting and maintaining of a Debian system.
 - Be rentable, so it can re-invest back in publicity.
 - Cannot influence Debian developers more than the Debian users it
 deserves would influence it. (Meaning, you don't pay programmers, but
 you can kindly ask them for a bugfixe/feature ;P )

Sorry replying to my own post, but how about the following:

- Paying guys to maintain deb packages, package unpackaged software? 
High-school/college students would appreciate a lot, IMHO. Although 
not highly rewarding, it does include some technical knowledge, and 
proves some proficiency in compiling and ocnfiguration of Debian 

Christian Lavoie

Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

1999-01-20 Thread Ben Messinger
Rafael Kitover wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 05:47:49PM +1030, Mark Phillips wrote:
  I've just installed the slink version of apt-get.  Am I right in
  thinking that to upgrade to slink, I should run:
  apt-get update
  apt-get dist-upgrade


  What happens if my ppp link dies in the middle?
 apt handles these things very gracefully, and will pick up where it left
 off last time.

This is true, but it can go wrong.

This happened to me, and apt did resume and finish - but the package
that it was getting when the ppp link was severed got corrupted (or
incomplete download). All other packages were ok, but this was the cause
of much sorrow when the corrupt package disabled the package system
until it was removed by hand and reference to it removed from the
package database. If you use a static ip this probably won't happen to
you, but if you use dynamic ip, beware.


Win98 and Debian

1999-01-20 Thread Shaun Greene

Hiyas. I'm pretty much new to Debian and Linux in general. I'm 
going to be getting a copy of Debian 2.0 in the next few days on CD, so 
basically what I want to do is install it on my main machine on another drive. I 
have a 6.4 gig running windows 98 on FAT32, and a spare 1.2 gig which I want to 
put Linux on. I pretty much want to be able to run the two without them 
conflicting with each other, and maybe even working together. I hope to have it 
running this way at least until I get more familiar with Linux, and then maybe 
I'll go straight Linux

System Specs:
PII 300
64 Meg PC100 SDRAM
6.4 gig and 1.2 gig IDE HDD
Trident 9680 2mb PCI Video card

Dunno if any of that is relevant, but thanks none the less 

- Shaun Greene

Re: Win98 and Debian

1999-01-20 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Well, then during the installation, you can enable LILO
which will makeyour system dual-booted, and you will be able to select at
the prompt which OS to boot.

You should have no problem in Win-Linux interactivity...they will not
interact at all, but you can mount and read/write to the windows partition
(basicly, access the files on your C drive, just not execute them).
However, thats not possible when working in Windows ( to access Linux


Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

IP Masquerading Netscape

1999-01-20 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
I am looking for some help on IP Masquerading.  I'm running mostly slink
with some hamm left over that I haven't gotten around to upgrading.  I
went through the mini-HOWTO and configured my kernel all fine, when I go
to use a winsock application on my win3.1 machine (connected by ether), I
have no problems except in netscape 3.01gold and ie 3.02 (though I don't
care at all about ie).  This is running the MSLanman 2.2c winsock (for
samba).  For some reason, netscape can resolve DNS names, but not connect
to the hosts (FTP or HTTP) while opera can do both, and WS_FTP has no

When I installed SOCKS4 for debugging purposes, and configured
netscape, suddenly it could contact hosts and bring back sites and dir
listings, but with some problems.  if I give it an IP then it has no
problems unless there is an inline to another domain in the html document,
in which case it doesn't bring back that image (registers as broken), when
I give it a domain name, it resolves, contacts the server, then stops at
waiting for reply.  I'm not too sure what could cause that.  I would
prefer not to use SOCKS and only have the IP-Masquerading doing my
forwarding, but if I require SOCKS, I'm more than ready to use it.  any
ideas?  I can't use opera forever as it times out in a few days.

-Dan Brosemer

btw, I am loading the ftp_ipmasq_mod.o or whatever the name is (along with
all the others like it I could find.

thanks in advance!

Re: Win98 and Debian

1999-01-20 Thread Christian Lavoie
 You should have no problem in Win-Linux interactivity...they will not
 interact at all, but you can mount and read/write to the windows 
 (basicly, access the files on your C drive, just not execute them).
 However, thats not possible when working in Windows ( to access Linux

Hmmm.. Actually, there's some driver made for Win95 (so it *should* 
work in 98) that allow the reading of an ext2 partition. Although at 
version 0.16 or 0.17 (both are available and have different 
(dis)advantages to use) at .

I've been using them, and although I think they are causing some 
little glitches here and there, there's no ext2 loss of data or 
anything more than an annoyance to deal with. Bottom line: pretty 
useful to seldom access a Linux partition when you've screwed 
something. (Nah... I don't speak out of personal experience... =P )

Christian Lavoie

Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

1999-01-20 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 19 Jan 2000, Ben Messinger wrote:

 This happened to me, and apt did resume and finish - but the package
 that it was getting when the ppp link was severed got corrupted (or
 incomplete download). All other packages were ok, but this was the cause
 of much sorrow when the corrupt package disabled the package system
 until it was removed by hand and reference to it removed from the
 package database. If you use a static ip this probably won't happen to
 you, but if you use dynamic ip, beware.

Were you using ftp or http at the time? APT does carefully check the md5
of every file before accepting it, it is not possible for it to invoke
dpkg on a file that has the wrong size -- and in theory it should not
happen that dpkg is invoked on a file with a bad md5 but if there is disk
corruption or something it could happen.

I am almost totally certain that this is true for HTTP and I am mostly
certain that it is true for FTP, but either could have a bug :

How apt works is it downloads all files into a partial/ directory, files
in that directory are never used by dpkg. When a download is complete the
md5 that was generated by the download method [md5 hashing is done on the
fly as the file is written to disk] is compared against what the package
file claims and the size is checked as well. When those both match the
file is moved from partial/ to .. and is now considered 'ok'. After this
the only thing that is checked is that the file has the correct size. 

Aborted downloads and corrupted downloads are all handled neatly by the
partial directory in a nice fast manner.

Someday I will add an option to md5 every file before invoking dpkg but
not right now :


Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

1999-01-20 Thread Mark Phillips
 What happens if my ppp link dies in the middle?
 apt-get will pick up the download when you re-connect, keeping
 downloaded packages in /var/cache/apt/archives with partial downloads
 in [...]/partial.  It doesn't install a thing until it's downloaded
 the lot, so make sure you have enough disk space.

What happens if you don't have enough disk space?!!


They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

1999-01-20 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:

  What happens if my ppp link dies in the middle?
  apt-get will pick up the download when you re-connect, keeping
  downloaded packages in /var/cache/apt/archives with partial downloads
  in [...]/partial.  It doesn't install a thing until it's downloaded
  the lot, so make sure you have enough disk space.
 What happens if you don't have enough disk space?!!

Well space in the archive is checked before download begins so it probably
shouldn't happen. But if you run out then it will abort will lots of
errors and never call dpkg. If you run dpkg and then run out you -should-
be fine but strange things have been reported...


Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

1999-01-20 Thread Mark Phillips
  What happens if you don't have enough disk space?!!
 Well space in the archive is checked before download begins so it probably
 shouldn't happen. But if you run out then it will abort will lots of
 errors and never call dpkg. If you run dpkg and then run out you -should-
 be fine but strange things have been reported...

So what advantage is there of running apt-get over the more
traditional - run mirror, then install using dselect?


They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

1999-01-20 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:

   What happens if you don't have enough disk space?!!
  Well space in the archive is checked before download begins so it probably
  shouldn't happen. But if you run out then it will abort will lots of
  errors and never call dpkg. If you run dpkg and then run out you -should-
  be fine but strange things have been reported...
 So what advantage is there of running apt-get over the more
 traditional - run mirror, then install using dselect?

mirror?!?! You want to mirror the entire 700 meg binary-386 directory and
then install it?? Ik.

apt-get does at least these things over that solution:
  1) Downloads faster than mirror (esp if you are not on a modem :)
 Installs from a mirror faster than many other methods (no dpkg
  2) Downloads only what you need and no more
  3) Integrates multiple sources, such as non-us and main across multiple
 sites with built in fail-over (in v3) and preferencing
  4) Installation ordering is correct, safe, and advoids the 'hit install
 till it works' problem some other methods have. Installation ordering
 also deals with obsolete essential packages and other situations like
 replacing mailers - screwy 'development' package depends, etc
  5) Downloaded files are checked for proper md5 hashes, sizes, etc and
 this is done very quickly + transparently
  6) The system is carefully checked to advoid subtle breakage that is
 common with manual dpkg (mismatched libc6/libc6-dev for instance)
  7) Safe inter-dist upgrades, rexx-slink, bo-slink, hamm-slink and others
 As well as making dselect safer to use for these upgrades should you
 choose to go that way (not recommended!)
  8) Safer handling of unmet deps in unstable dists, packages are not
 installed unless they really will have all their dependents installed
  9) Automatic correction and recovery of many common errors
  10) apt-get install is just nifty.

You can use APT as a dselect method to replace dpkg-* if you
already maintain a local mirror and get the most important advantages,
there are also techinques to use APT over NFS to basically
mirror-on-demand debian for a workgroup. There are also techniques to use
APTv3 to 'mirror at work for home' with a zip disk and probably a few
other things you can do with it that nobody has discovered yet :


pinepgp oddity

1999-01-20 Thread Bob Nielsen
I've seen a lot of pgp-signed messages on this list recently display


No signature could be found.

If I save the message and look at it with less, the message is signed, not
encrypted and the text is quite viewable.

I have pine-3.96M-1, pinepgp-3.96 and pgp-2.6.3a-5 on a slink/potato
system.  Does anyone else see this behavior or have a clue as to what
might be broken?


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

README files for XF86Setup in slink

1999-01-20 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
Hey guys, where are those 
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/README.* files required for XF86Setup in slink ?
Are they in a separate package ? Which ? I can't find them.
Or is this just a bug ? Anyone's aware and working on it ?


Unidentified subject!

1999-01-20 Thread KFR
I'm looking for a qmail debian binary package. Is there such a beast? Do you
know where i might find it.



KDE Installation Problems

1999-01-20 Thread Faton Useni

Me again. Well i got another problem. Im trying to install the kde desktop
and i've run into a problem that i dont know how to fix. What i have done so
far to reach this error message that ill post is. I've installed the kdebase
files and the other files it requires. So no problems there. I used dselect by
the way. But when dselect trys to setup the desktop it gave me this error.

Setting up kdebase (980312-8) ...
Updating kdmrc
basename: too few arguments
Try 'basename --help' for more information
Starting kde display manager: kdm/usr/bin/X11/kdm: error in loading shared
libkdecore.sp.0: can not open shared object file: No such file or directory

I'm clueless on what to do next. I want to use the kdm instead of xdm and im
currently running Fvwm95. I'm also on a 2.0.34 kernel, and im using the latest
stable debian. Can anyone please help??

Thanks for any info
Faton Useni

More than just email--Get your FREE Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: gcc vs egcs

1999-01-20 Thread Christophe Broult
Mark Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [1  text/plain; us-ascii (quoted-printable)]
 On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 02:49:17PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
  On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 14:58:29 -0700 (MST), Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
  for our gcc because nobody has patched the 2.0 kernels to work with
  another gcc.
  Do the 2.2 kernels compile with egcs?
 As of somewhere in the 2.1 series Linux kernels should work with egcs.

I've been using an egcc compiled 2.1 kernel for a few months now and
the 2.2.0-pre serie works with no problem when compiled with egcc.


Looking for a cutting edge   | Christophe Broult
software validation technology?  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Check | ``Smile, chuckle, giggle''

Re: libc 6 or 5

1999-01-20 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 i have to confess - i am somewhat confused over this issue.
 the reason it's come up right now is netscape, i get inconsistent
 results using either version
 is there a definitive method for finding out which libc i am using?

Yes.  It can vary per executable.  The ldd command shows you which
libraries are used by an executable.  On a bo system, I get

$ ldd /bin/ls = /lib/

This is using libc5

On a hamm system, I get

$ ldd /bin/ls = /lib/ (0x4000f000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)

This is using libc6, and the library.

 i am running debian hamm with a 2.0.34 kernel.

A hamm system is libc6, but you can run libc5 executables as wel.  For
them to work you need to install some packages from hamm's oldlibs


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Moving Users Passwords to Debian

1999-01-20 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I need to move several thousand user entries from a Solaris 2.5.1 system to
 a Debian system.  The problem that I have is to move the encrypted passwords.
 I have moved passwords between Debian systems by editing the passwd file
 and using 'cut  paste.  When I tried cutting  pasting between Solaris
 and Debian, it didn't work.

I just tried from

SunOS dino 5.5.1 Generic_103640-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-Enterprise
(big fat SUN)


Linux pebbles 2.0.27 #2 Mon Sep 15 10:04:07 MET DST 1997 i586
(debian bo)

and it worked.

Are you aware of the shadow settings?  If you are using them on debian,
you would first run `shadowconfig off' to insert the passwords directly
into the passwd file.  If shadow passwords are active on the SUN (I'd
guess they are), you should copy the encrypted passwords from
/etc/shadow.  Or you keep shadow passwords on in debian (`shadowconfig
on'), and copy both the lines from the passwd and from the shadow file
from the SUN.  If you are maintaining a system with so many users, be
sure to use shadow passwords with debian.

 Is it possible to move the passwords by doing some form of bit shifting -
 converting between little indian and big indian?  If so, can someone
 tell me the procedure?

There are no native Americans involved here, it is about `endian'-ness.  :)
Judging from my experiment you should not need to fiddle with that.

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: bash programming question

1999-01-20 Thread Bob Wilkinson
Or just use finds' exec option

find . -print -exec some stuff {} \;


P.S. The {} expands out to the current file name

- Original Message -
To: Michael Meskes [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 1999 4:08 PM
Subject: RE: bash programming question

On 19-Jan-99 Michael Meskes wrote:

 I have a small sh script that does essantially the following:

 variable=`find . -print`

 for file in $variable
   some stuff


for file in `find . -print`

The braces should help keep the variable consistent.  So far I see nothing
bash here.  This is also a valid ksh or ash script.  If you leave off the
'function' keyword many supposed bash scripts are valid bourne scripts.

recent pine.deb and samba-2.0.deb?

1999-01-20 Thread Bruno Boettcher

as i look, the potato archives i access are empty or copies of slink

now i am searching the package to debianize the pine compilation, and i search
also the samba2.0 debs 

any location i may find that?

acount at earthling net
Unsolicited commercial email is NOT welcome at this email address
To contact me replace acount by bboett in above addresses

RE: KDE Installation Problems

1999-01-20 Thread Mark Herrick
 Starting kde display manager: kdm/usr/bin/X11/kdm: error in loading shared
 libkdecore.sp.0: can not open shared object file: No such file or

Have you set up your KDEDIR variable, and got your PATH right? If not,
there's a document explaining how to set up kde on the kde website

Re: gcc vs egcs

1999-01-20 Thread Conrado Badenas
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
 Debian uses eg++ for our g++ because 2.7 is effectively useless (it
 encourages code that will not work on other C++ compilers) and we use 2.7
 for our gcc because nobody has patched the 2.0 kernels to work with
 another gcc. Effectively 2.7.* is dead and all development is focused on
 egcs - apparently the gcc people will take code from egcs to create the
 next gcc releases or something.

What egcs means?
gcc is for GNU C Compiler, egcc is for GNU (egcs) C Compiler. But, does
the g from egcs come from GNU ?
If both gcc and egcs are developed by GNU, why they are missynchronized
(sorry for the recursive misspelling) ?

Should I install egcs-doc and read the docs?

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Re: gcc vs egcs

1999-01-20 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 11:16:32 +0100, Conrado Badenas wrote:
 What egcs means?

It used to mean Experimental GCC Compiler Suite, though AFAIK it's not
expanded anywhere on the EGCS website ( anymore.

 If both gcc and egcs are developed by GNU, why they are missynchronized
 (sorry for the recursive misspelling) ?


 Should I install egcs-doc and read the docs?

They perform the same function as gcc-docs for gcc: document the compiler.
They do not address the history of the project, current development etc.
much (if at all).

Obsig: developing a new sig

Re: DEC 21143 Chipset

1999-01-20 Thread Geert Uytterhoeven
On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, David Woodhouse wrote:
 Kevin Traas [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Can anyone tell me whether the 'tulip' driver supports the 21143 chipset?
  My card supplier (Kingston) has just switched from the 21140 to the 21143
  and I've no idea what problems this might cause - if any.
 The last Kingston 10/100 cards I got didn't have a DEC-badged chip on - it 
 seemed to be some kind of clone. 

A Macronix chip?



Geert Uytterhoeven [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Wavelets, Linux/{m68k~Amiga,PPC~CHRP}
Department of Computer Science -- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven -- Belgium

help with EXIM setup

1999-01-20 Thread Mark Herrick
Can anyone point me in the direction of a setup guide for Exim MTA? I'm
wanting to set up a simple mail system for 1 or 2 users using a dial up
connection, with mail delivered to my system via SMTP from my ISP. However,
I'm completely new to MTA's, and find the 250 page Exim Spec a bit daunting!

Mark Herrick

lan card compatibility

1999-01-20 Thread c h a d
  a friend asked me to install linux on his computer w/ a D-Link 
DFE-530TX PCI LAN Card and it seems like the kernel (hamm 2.0) won't 
recognize it.
  i lookep up the card in the ethernet howto and it was mentioned there 
that its supported by linux.  are there any special tricks to this so 
that linux will recognize that lan card and may i also ask what are they 
?  (my only experience is w/ a 3com 3c509)
  thanks a lot and hope someone can help me (whether what to do to make 
my linux recognize that lan card or to ditch that piece of hardware).

INXS: pls cc all replies to me as this email i am using is not currently 
subscribed to the list

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Debian goes big business? [was: Re: Suggestion for RedHat (was: RH vs Debian)]

1999-01-20 Thread Jernej Zajc
Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:
 I hope no one gets angry at me for reviving this thread, but I'm just now
 reading it and I think this could be an important issue.
 Christian Lavoie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  My point is that this company would one day tries ot improve it's
  revenues and influence the Debian distribution to fits its needs. Look
  at the recent discussions about whether to ship Slink as i386 only, or
  to wait until m68k and others are ready. If Debian had been
  commercially distributed by a company, the choice wouldn't be taken on
  a 'How can this help the Debian dists and end-users' basis, but on a
  'How can we get the most bucks' basis.
 You're thinking in traditional terms. Someone decides these issues now,
 right? Those exact same people would be in charge of this corporation.
 They would not be interested in the bottom line, but in what's best for
 Debian. The word corporation scares a lot of people because of what it's
 come to represent. But how a corporation is run is decided internally.
 Just because there aren't any democratic corporations doesn't mean we
 can't start one.
 This new democratic Debian corporation could sell shrink-wrapped Debian
 CDs right next to Red Hat CDs, hopefully cheaper. Combined with Debian's
 advantages over Red Hat and word-of-mouth, Debian could possibly eclipse
 Red Hat. Even if it doesn't become the best-selling distro, it could still
 sell enough to give the developer's jobs. I'm not sure if this would be
 considered a for-profit corporation or not. No one's really raking in any
 profit, most of the money is going back into Debian and paying for the
 packaging and such, but some people are getting paid, so I'm not sure.
 I can see only two changes in Debian due to this corporation. Development
 would (presumably) go faster because the developers are getting paid, and
 Debian would become more well-known.
 I also liked the idea that someone suggested earlier, that people could
 pay dues into this corporation and get a vote. A democratic corporation
 This may sound radical, but we'll never know if it will work unless we
 try, will we?
 | pretzelgod | [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 | (Eric Gillespie, Jr.)  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
 | That's the problem with going from a soldier to a   |
 |  politician: you actually have to sit down and listen to |
 |  people who six months ago you would've just shot.  |
 |  --President John Sheridan, Babylon 5|

You see, there's something of an answer to your proposal in your
very signature :-)

Being a Caldera newbie I find Debian idea so interesting that
I'll probably switch. Point is, there is absolutely no
commercial interests driving the development into one direction
or the other. Developers have total control over what and how is
going to be implemented. It's what's made Linux (and other
high-end UNIX systems, such as Solaris, HP-UX) what they are
 - versatile OSs that are configurable to the maximum extent.
Windoze, on the other hand, has been developed according to
wishes, not needs, of hobbie users that favour clicking icons
and stuff like that. I like it too, but found that my data is
indefinitely more important and want to use it in the future so
Linux is my best bet. Some of us are tired of relying on
ever-changing APIs that are being developed according to momental
needs (=which rival do we want to wipe out today, Balmer?)

The less organization you have the more development will serve
real needs; developers that code in their spare time usually
know what they're doing and what is needed, and are not directed
by boss that puts generating revenue as priority no. 1.

Do you think it will ever be possible that in a corporation the
work will not be driven by revenue? That shareholders will back
off and leave developers total control over their work? I think

Did we learn something from MS-success story? MS kills
competition by destroying its revenue. Its the scenario that was
happening all along. Let the question whether this is fair or
not, be put aside in this discussion. Fact is, Linux is on the
rise in the situation where all non-MS systems are sinking
precisely because of its independence of revenue. No corporation
could ever develop such a high-quality OS starving of revenue and
with that kind of rival-killing competition from a giant like MS.

Linux development model (and therefore Debian as well) is immune
against such attacks.

As for two kinds of developers, paid and unpaid ones, don't you
think there can arise some tensions between the groups? Money
changes much things.

Debian is the only viable non-commercial Linux distribution
nowadays. It's the only major Linux distribution of which
development is propelled by absolutely no 

Re: RPM under Debian?

1999-01-20 Thread Jernej Zajc
Mitch Blevins wrote:
 In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
  this is Linux newbie and just-heard-about-Debian asking:
  is there support for RPM package management under Debian? The
  website doesn't meantion it, not even for the upcoming 2.1
  release. Did I miss something?
 Debian provides different levels of rpm support.
 1) The rpm program is available as a Debian package, and it can
install/uninstall rpms.  This method of use is not advised,
however.  RPM keeps a database of which packages are installed
and uses this database to determine if the required dependencies
for a given package are available.  Since the RPM database
cannot read the database of the native Debian package manager (dpkg)
it will not work as desired.  You can cause serious problems for
your system by trying to use two different package managers
 2) You can use the 'alien' program, supplied as a debian package,
to convert rpms to debs.  Then you can use dpkg to install the
package, and still have the advantage of a single database of
installed packages.
This works well for non-system-critical packages and packages
without alot of complex dependencies... but you are just asking
for trouble if you install (for instance) gnome as a converted
alien package.
 Of course the best alternative is to install a native deb if

Call me a silly fool, but I cannot but wonder would it be possible
to make a pkg mgmt program (drpm :-)) that would install RPM
packages from their native format and put the installed files' and
dependencies info in the deb database?

Any dpkg developers willing to comment the idea?


xwp: can't load library '

1999-01-20 Thread Jim Foltz

I recently started getting this error, while maintianing an up-tp-date
slink. Does wp8 need the old xlib6 from oldlibs?

ACORN techie
AOL/IM: jim foltz

Re: recent pine.deb and samba-2.0.deb?

1999-01-20 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 BB == Bruno Boettcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

BB now i am searching the package to debianize the pine compilation,
BB and i search also the samba2.0 debs

Both are in project/experimental


Re: AMD K6-2 / Bogomips problem

1999-01-20 Thread pat
On 19-Jan-99, Peter Bartosch took time to write :
 bogomips should only depend on hardware no ?
 only on cpu (and clock)

that's what i thought too, but it doesn't seem true in my case
as with exactly the same hardware and no change in bios
i have
700 bogomips with kernel 2.2.0pre7
and 350bogomips with kernel 2.0.36 compiled either as 586 or as 686

they are all compiled with same options (as much as possible)


Re: RPM under Debian?

1999-01-20 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
Jerney wrote:
 Call me a silly fool, but I cannot but wonder would it be possible
 to make a pkg mgmt program (drpm :-)) that would install RPM
 packages from their native format and put the installed files' and
 dependencies info in the deb database?
 Any dpkg developers willing to comment the idea?

I am no dpkg developper, but I'll bite anyway.  The program exists and
is not called drpm, but alien.  The problems are not in reading the
package and it's dependency information, the problem is in the organisation
of the programs into packages.  For example (just an example, I don't
know if it is true), RedHat could have a package x11-clients_3.3.2.rpm,
and debian a package xbase_3.2-1.deb.  Say both contain `xterm'.  Now if
a third package needs `xterm', it will depend on x11-clients in RedHat,
and on xbase in debian.  If this is an rpm package, alien will spot that
it depends on x11-clients, but this information is near useless, since
this package does not exist in debian.  Something else that can go wrong
is file placement.  One distibution might put xterm in /usr/bin,
another one could choose /opt/x11/bin.  Programs that depend on a
certain full pathname can break because of this.  Then there may be
differences in configuration files.

Note that the problems I described are not due to differences in the
package format at all.  They can arise between Caldera and RedHat as
well, although they both use rpm.  The fact that there is only one
distribution currently using .debs actually protects you from this kind
of trouble.

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

UML Software for Linux

1999-01-20 Thread Mamoun Alissali


  I'd like to know if there is any (free) software for UML under Linux.
the moment I'm using a commercial software under Windows.

  If there's no such software I think I'll propose it as a student
project, but
then I have a few question :

  1) Would there be any legal/copyright problems (concerning UML) and
how to deal 
with them?

  2) Till now the student projects focused on teaching OO analysis and
and team work. I'd like to add to those practical considerations and I
like the
Debian policy. The problem is that I'm new to Debian, I know almost
nothing about
its development and still didn't have time to read the corresponding
docs. Where 
should I start knowing that implementation will be the last thing we'll

  3) Is there any French documentation for developers? I think that only
a few
students will be able to understand the English ones.

  4) Any other idea or suggestion?


LIUM   Tel: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 47
UNIVERSITE DU MAINEFax: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 68
Avenue Olivier MessiaenE-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: RPM under Debian?

1999-01-20 Thread Mitch Blevins
Jernej Zajc wrote:
 Mitch Blevins wrote:
  Debian provides different levels of rpm support.
  1) The rpm program is available as a Debian package, and it can
 install/uninstall rpms.  This method of use is not advised,
 however.  RPM keeps a database of which packages are installed
 and uses this database to determine if the required dependencies
 for a given package are available.  Since the RPM database
 cannot read the database of the native Debian package manager (dpkg)
 it will not work as desired.  You can cause serious problems for
 your system by trying to use two different package managers
  2) You can use the 'alien' program, supplied as a debian package,
 to convert rpms to debs.  Then you can use dpkg to install the
 package, and still have the advantage of a single database of
 installed packages.
 This works well for non-system-critical packages and packages
 without alot of complex dependencies... but you are just asking
 for trouble if you install (for instance) gnome as a converted
 alien package.
  Of course the best alternative is to install a native deb if
 Call me a silly fool, but I cannot but wonder would it be possible
 to make a pkg mgmt program (drpm :-)) that would install RPM
 packages from their native format and put the installed files' and
 dependencies info in the deb database?
 Any dpkg developers willing to comment the idea?

# drpm - program to install RPM and DEB packages from their
# native format and put the installed files and dependencies
# info in the deb database
# (also does Stampede packages)
# usage: drpm packagefile [packagefile] ..

for filename in $@; do
  case ${filename} in
*.rpm|*.slp ) alien --install ${filename} ;;
*.deb ) dpkg --install ${filename} ;;
* ) echo Huh? ;;

# end drpm

The above script does what you want (in a limited way).
The issue is not compatibility of the formats, but rather compatibility
of the contained programs and their file locations.

foo.deb - keeps config file in /etc/foo.conf
foo.rpm - keeps config file in /usr/some/other/location/foo.conf

bar.deb - depends on foo.deb
  Has a post-install script that parses the information in foo.conf
  and fails miserably to find the file from the converted RPM.

Requiring the maintainer of a Debian package to be compatible with not only
the relevant deb files, but also with any possible rpm (Official or not) that
may be floating out on the web would be intractable.

Debian is able to do some amazing things because the packages can depend
on other packages conforming to Debian policy and conventions.
Have you played with apache and its modules on Debian?  Great stuff!
You can drop the mod-perl deb on top of the apache deb and it reconfigures
itself almost as if by magic.

Developers are now working on configuration tools and the ability to
administer multiple machines centrally.  This would not be possible if
it had to support foreign packaging systems and their non-Debian-aware
install scripts.  We should not hold back progress of our distribution
to accomodate less-advanced formats especially when Debian has the
most packages availble compared to any other distro.


Video card

1999-01-20 Thread Peter Eades
I am thinking of upgrading my current s3 trio 1 mg video card to sothing
a bit nicer (Feed up with unable to alocate default background
messages) and was wondering if anyone had any recomendations for cards
which run well under Debian 2D/3D might be nice??
Any thoughts?

Re: Help I am unable to get my xwindows as user to run.

1999-01-20 Thread Kent West
Mike Carter wrote:

 Date sent:  Tue, 19 Jan 1999 17:36:36 -0600
 To: Mike Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 From:   Kent West [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject:Re: Help I am unable to get my xwindows as user to 

 At 09:18 AM 1/20/1999 +1030, Mike Carter wrote:
 Hi team,
 I fitted the xbf-i740 driver to get my intel chipped agp card to run.  It
  does as root but now I cannnot log on as a user(and get netscape to run)
 with xwindows as it says only root can run X.  Would someone please tell
 me how to fix it. thanks, Mike

 I don't know what I'm talking about, but you might make sure that
 /etc/X11/Xserver has Console on the second line and not Root.

 You apparently do Kent,
 console is written on the second line.
 However can you help me get my computer to work on the net.  My
 computer's name is different from my login and I cannot find where I
 have to write the info to get news or mail to work.

Does this mean that you can now run X as a normal user?

Can any other Debian folk help Mike figure out news and mail? I've never used 
(even in the Windows world), and my mail expertise consists of I got it to 
work on
my box but I have no idea how. I could probably stumble and bumble around and
eventually figure it out, but it might be more efficient if someone spoke up who
knows what they're talking about.

Re: apt-get to upgrade from hamm to slink.

1999-01-20 Thread Michael Lea
At 08:46 PM 1/19/99 -0700, you wrote:

On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:

  What happens if my ppp link dies in the middle?
  apt-get will pick up the download when you re-connect, keeping
  downloaded packages in /var/cache/apt/archives with partial downloads
  in [...]/partial.  It doesn't install a thing until it's downloaded
  the lot, so make sure you have enough disk space.
 What happens if you don't have enough disk space?!!

Well space in the archive is checked before download begins so it probably
shouldn't happen. But if you run out then it will abort will lots of
errors and never call dpkg. If you run dpkg and then run out you -should-
be fine but strange things have been reported...

this actually happened to me last night while running dselect.  I ran out
of space
while apt was http downloading, and it errored out on me.  I freed up some
restarted the install, and it seems to be humming away fine.

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