1999-01-22 Thread Hue-Bond
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Melkor wrote:

 Prueba, utilizando dpkg -i desde la shell, instalando primero las qt 
y despues los paquetes de Kde. Si lo haces en el orden correcto, que 
descubriras con tanteo, no deberias tener ningun problema.

 qt, kdesupport, kdelibs y a partir de ahí da lo mismo el orden.

Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-22 Thread Hue-Bond
On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:

 No se si la culpa es de un swap demasiado chico: 32 Mb de swap y 64Mb RAM.
 Temas de micro no creo que sean pues dispongo de un PII 400.

Tu swap es enana.  Pon 150Mb de swap.

 Eso  me parece  una salvajada.  Yo  tengo XFree  3.3.2, con  el
 servidor  SVGA, 64  Mb RAM  y también  32 de  swap. Arranco  las X,
 Netscape 4.07  y StarOffice 5.0  (con todo lo  que pesa) y  no pasa
 nada. Sí, tira un  poco de swap pero no caen las X.  Ah, y si cargo
 una imagen pesada en el Gimp tampoco cae.

Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Configuracion de xfree86

1999-01-22 Thread José Valcarce Alonso
Tengo una targeta S3Trio 64+ y un monitor SVGA del cual no tengo los
Al configurar xfree86 lo he hecho con el controlador S3 y ahora no puedo
ver nada
pues arranca X en el boot.
Que puedo hacer para acceder a la configuración del xfree y cambiar los
datos o
quizás el controlador.
Gracias. Pepe.
Ah! Santiago funcionó la carga de esos paquetes.

Re: Drivers para tarjeta de vídeo

1999-01-22 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Has comprobado si esta tarjeta utiliza el bus AGP. Si es asi o si
no encuentras drivers (pasate por, entonces solo tienes
tres posibilidades:
1. Olvidarte de los graficos en linux por unos meses hasta que salga
soporte para tu tarjeta.
2. Buscar en SUSE a ver si encuentras algun servidor que la soporte (SUSE
hace servidores para tarjetas AGP que aun no estan en XFree86.
3. Instalar soportes FrameBuffer (si tu tarjeta es VESA). Es lo que yo
estoy haciendo para mi S3 Trio 3D. Aunque tengo que advertirte que no es
una tarea trivial y supone instalar kernels no estables (o por lo menos la

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Salva Souto wrote:

 Tengo la distribución 2.0 de Debian, pero no puedo instalar las
 XWindows debido a que no hay drivers para mi tarjeta de vídeo. Ésta es
 una Winfast 700 con chipset SiS 6201. Quisiera que me indicarais donde
 puedo conseguir uno o que me lo faciliteis vosotros si teneis alguno
 disponible (en ese caso enviádmelo a mi dirección de correo electrónica:
 Gracias por anticipado. y hasta luego.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Configuracion de xfree86

1999-01-22 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
El fichero de configuración es el XF86Config que suele estar en
/etc/X11. Este fichero lo crea el programa XF86Setup en la distribución
de Debian. Para ver si tu servidor de X funciona bien prueba con el
comando X -probeonly. X no es más que un enlace simbólico con el
servidor que se arranca realmente en XWindow.

Tambien puedes probar con diferentes servidores con el comando
nombre_de_servidor -probeonly. El programa Superprobe tambien intenta
detectar qué tipo de tarjeta tienes. Mucha más información viene en el
Howto de Xfree en castellano en la distribución Debian.


Programación en C par XWindow

1999-01-22 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Hola a todos:

Quisiera realizar alguna consulta relacionada con programación en C.

Tengo alguna experiencia en programación en C (no C++) en entorno
DOS y Windows 3.1 con el paquete de BorlandC.

Quisiera saber si alguien me puede proporcionar información de como
hacer algun programa para XWindow. Más concretamente, en Windows, el
propio paquete Borlandc gestiona las API (digamos que librerias
gráficas) para crear ventanas, ocultarlas, gestionar temporizadores,
escribir en ventanas, etc, etc.

Me imagino que para XWindow existe algún tipo de librerías para
realizar las mismas cosas e incluso más. A ser posible no tengo
intención de programar en C++ y quisiera que alguien me pudiera decir
donde puedo encontrar información al respecto, con algún ejemplito de


Re: Configuracion de xfree86

1999-01-22 Thread David Charro Ripa

Antonio Angel Sanz ArrXspide wrote:

 El fichero de configuración es el XF86Config que suele estar en
 /etc/X11. Este fichero lo crea el programa XF86Setup en la distribución
 de Debian. Para ver si tu servidor de X funciona bien prueba con el
 comando X -probeonly. X no es más que un enlace simbólico con el
 servidor que se arranca realmente en XWindow.

.. últimamente estoy a vueltas con esto de las Xwindows y creo recordar que 
en Debian X no
es un enlace a tu servidor. Me dijeron que es por seguridad. ¿alguien podría 
explicarlo un
poquico? La verdad es que estas diferencias me despistan mucho. Leo howto y 
general y me suele entrar la duda de si me faltara por leer algo que indique 
que en Debian se
deba hacer de otra forma.



Re: Swap mayor o está bien, ¿en qué quedamos?

1999-01-22 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Como ya te han sugerido várias causas posibles a tu problema y parece
que todavia no descubriste cual es la verdadera causa, voy a aportar
otra idea a ver si por fin descubrimos que es lo que pasa:
Verifica cuanto cache en memoria está usando netscape (edit --
-- advanced -- cache). Yo también uso netscape 4.5 y en mi caso uso
5000 kb de cache en memoria RAM, que es mas que suficiente.

Jaime Villate
Universidad de Oporto


1999-01-22 Thread barreno_e

01/22/99 01:06 PM

Eduardo Barrero [EMAIL PROTECTED]

De donde se saca la licencia para esta cacho de aplicación

Re: Configuracion de xfree86

1999-01-22 Thread José Valcarce Alonso

 Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide escribió:

  El fichero de configuración es el XF86Config que suele estar en
  /etc/X11. Este fichero lo crea el programa XF86Setup en la distribución
  de Debian. Para ver si tu servidor de X funciona bien prueba con el
  comando X -probeonly. X no es más que un enlace simbólico con el
  servidor que se arranca realmente en XWindow.
  Tambien puedes probar con diferentes servidores con el comando
  nombre_de_servidor -probeonly. El programa Superprobe tambien intenta
  detectar qué tipo de tarjeta tienes. Mucha más información viene en el
  Howto de Xfree en castellano en la distribución Debian.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 El problema es que no veo nada pues arranca X en el boot, tanto desde hda2 
 como desde fd0.
 como puedo salir de X y que se ponga en texto para poder modificar la 
 En el HOWTO xfree86_04b_txt.gz dice que con Ctrl+Alt+backspace se sale de X, 
 pero no funciona
 solo puedo salir con Ctrl+Alt+Supr.
 Un saludo. Pepe.

Re: Programación en C par XWindow

1999-01-22 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Me imagino que para XWindow existe algún tipo de librerías para
  realizar las mismas cosas e incluso más. A ser posible no tengo
  intención de programar en C++ y quisiera que alguien me pudiera decir
  donde puedo encontrar información al respecto, con algún ejemplito de

 C++, rápido, simple, con ejemplos y documentación completa == FLTK

 Paquetes libfltk0 y libfltk0-dev en slink



1999-01-22 Thread Fernando

Bueno como llega el fin de semana una pregunta:

Yo tenia en mi antigua debian 1.3.1 un juego llamado torres de Hanoi o
algo asi y no consigo encontrarlo en la distribucion de la 2.o de L.A.
¿esta este juego?
¿Si es asi, donde ?



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Configuracion de xfree86

1999-01-22 Thread Enzo A. Dari
David Charro Ripa wrote:
 Antonio Angel Sanz ArrXspide wrote:
  comando X -probeonly. X no es más que un enlace simbólico con el
  servidor que se arranca realmente en XWindow.
 .. últimamente estoy a vueltas con esto de las Xwindows y creo recordar 
 que en Debian X no
 es un enlace a tu servidor. Me dijeron que es por seguridad. ¿alguien podría 
 explicarlo un
 poquico? La verdad es que estas diferencias me despistan mucho. Leo howto y 
 general y me suele entrar la duda de si me faltara por leer algo que indique 
 que en Debian se
 deba hacer de otra forma.
Efectivamente, en Debian no existe el enlace simbólico. Esta
información se puede leer en el archivo:


En general las diferencias del paquete en su versión Debian
están explicadas en:

/usr/doc/nombre del paquete/README.Debian

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-944-45208, 54-944-45100 Fax: 54-944-45299
Web page:

RE: Configuracion de xfree86

1999-01-22 Thread Vázquez, Gustavo
Mira, yo tengo la debian instalado donde X es un enlace al servidor y
funciona 100%. Asi que...


 De:   David Charro Ripa[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Responder a:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   viernes 22 de enero de 1999 6:13
 Para: Debian Español
 Asunto:   Re: Configuracion de xfree86
 Antonio Angel Sanz ArrXspide wrote:
  El fichero de configuración es el XF86Config que suele estar en
  /etc/X11. Este fichero lo crea el programa XF86Setup en la distribución
  de Debian. Para ver si tu servidor de X funciona bien prueba con el
  comando X -probeonly. X no es más que un enlace simbólico con el
  servidor que se arranca realmente en XWindow.
 .. últimamente estoy a vueltas con esto de las Xwindows y creo
 recordar que en Debian X no
 es un enlace a tu servidor. Me dijeron que es por seguridad. ¿alguien
 podría explicarlo un
 poquico? La verdad es que estas diferencias me despistan mucho. Leo
 howto y documentacion
 general y me suele entrar la duda de si me faltara por leer algo que
 indique que en Debian se
 deba hacer de otra forma.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-22 Thread homega
Antonio Castro dixit:
 300K de disco duro para swap es algo grande pero no es una salvajada. 
 En 300Kbytes en pesetas es muy poca cosa y el sistema lo agradece. 

¿Te refieres a 300MB de swap?  Entonces no se trata de cuánto cuesta un
disco dividido por su capacidad y multiplicado por 300, sino de cuánto
cuesta un disco con la capacidad suficiente como para que puedas permitirte
el lujo de hacer semejante partición sólo para swap... no es poca cosa en
pesetas cuando muchos (¿la mayoría?) están funcionando con discos de

 Yo recomiendo 150Mb no porque sean necesarios sino porque es una decisión
 que ha de tomarse al particionar el disco. La swap en un fichero es una
 chapucilla para salir de un aprieto. De todas formas no existiendo unos
 objetivos de rendimientos como podría ocurrir en un servidor de una empresa
 cada cual en su maquina puede hacer lo que guste. 

De todos modos tenía entendido que en una sola partición Linux tan sólo
reconoce hasta 128MB de swap (a no ser que se recompile el núcleo para que
reconozca más, o algo así).

Un saludo,



Re: (Fwd) Sobre smtpd

1999-01-22 Thread benalb
On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 11:15:14 +
 Subject: (Fwd) Sobre smtpd
 Resent-Date: 21 Jan 1999 16:17:54 -
 Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 Hola a todos
 Tengo un problemita con spam, unos amigos me han dicho que en RedHat 
 hay un paquete smtpd muy bueno.
 Perdonen la duplicidad pero me falto decir que busque en un espejo de 
 debian y con ese nombre no he encontrado nada.
 Conocen si este existe para debian y donde puedo obtenerlo ?
 Existe alguna forma de debianizar un paquete de RedHat?
 Muchas gracias Saludos

Para debianizar rpm, usa el alien, funciona realmente bien.
En cuanto a lo del spam, yo no lo he usado, pero tienes:
que supongo que será el paquete a que te refieres, y luego tienes
Espero haberte ayudado,

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Espacio disponible para publicidad 

Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-22 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 02:16:15PM +0100, Antonio Castro wrote:

 Has probado a aumentar el swap ?
 Tampoco pasa nada pero tiraras menos de swap.
 Yo tengo 64K y tres particiones de swap de 100K cada una.

Megabytes, ¿no?

En general no es una muy buena idea hacer particiones muy grandes de swap,
porque el manejo de memoria virtual de Linux no es lo que llamaríamos
eficiente.  Lo que quiero decir es que Linux para manejar la memoria
utiliza tablas que no pueden sacarse de la memoria lo cual quiere decir
que si tenemos particiones para 'swap' mucho mayores que el tamaño físico de
la memoria, habrá una cantidad de memoria empleada en manterner información
referente a esa memoria extra, y esta cantidad aumenta según aumente el
tamaño del 'swap'

_mi_ regla de oro: nunca poner más swap que un poco más que la memoria de la
máquina (con un límite superior suave de 1.5 veces la memoria y un límite
duro de 2 veces la memoria). A menos que existan circunstancias atenuantes,
la misma cantidad de memoria 'real' y 'swap' en lo que yo uso. ¿Por qué?
Porque si realmente *necesito* el doble de memoria del que la máquina tiene,
prefiero pagar por el doble de memoria y no pagar con 100+ veces el tiempo
(8 ns vs 10 ms es una diferencia __nada__ despreciable)

El otro detalle a considerar es que las tarjetas con chipset TX (bastante
comunes hoy en día) no hacen 'cache' de la memoria sobre 64 MB.


Re: No oigo MIDI

1999-01-22 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
Pues   yo   también  tengo   la   SB16   y  mi   configuración
difiere. Podrías  pasarme  _todos_   los  parámetros  para  la
compilación,  porque supongo  que  algunos se  me pasaron  por

El Thu, Jan 21, 1999,
Gabriel B
 cat /dev/sndstat
 Installed drivers: 
 Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
 Type 2: Sound Blaster
 Type 7: SB MPU-401
Installed drivers:
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 7: SB MPU-401

 Card config: 
 Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 7 drq 1,5
 SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 7
 OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0

Card config:
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 5 drq 1,5
(SB MPU-401 irq 1 drq 0)
 Audio devices:
 0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.13)
 Synth devices:
 0: Yamaha OPL-3
 Midi devices:
 0: Sound Blaster 16
 0: System clock
 0: Sound Blaster

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.13)

Synth devices:

Midi devices:

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster



 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation  Linux  Documentation Project CAStellano

Gnome default dir is /usr/src

1999-01-22 Thread Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella


I installed gnome in my computer, and, I don't know why, every program
that I start within the gnome-panel has the current dir = /usr/src.

I could find no reason, and no documentation about it.

Anyone knows what's going on?

Debian Gnu/Linux 2.0.35 slink Pentium

gnome-panel 0.30-2

Thanks in advance.

Luiz Otavio L. ZorzellaComputer Engineer

unix98 pty system

1999-01-22 Thread Jonathan P Tomer
i'm about to switch to kernel 2.2.0pre6, and in the configuration i saw that i
can use the unix98 pty system rather than the old ptyxx/ttyxx. if i do this,
will important things (i.e. xterm, incoming telnets) break?

--jonathan 'phouchg' tomer

Re: Windows95 and Linux Installation

1999-01-22 Thread Ed Boraas
On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Michael Stenner wrote:

Don't know too much about this, but it seems odd to jump from hdb1 to
hdb5 with no 2,3,4 in between.  However, if it is working so far, it's

hdb5 is the first extended partition number. hdb1 is the primary
partition, hdb2 is an extended partition (no space for data), and hdb5 is
the first [logical] partition inside of hdb2.

now you know :)


Re: unix98 pty system

1999-01-22 Thread Ed Boraas
On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Jonathan P Tomer wrote:

i'm about to switch to kernel 2.2.0pre6, and in the configuration i saw that i
can use the unix98 pty system rather than the old ptyxx/ttyxx. if i do this,
will important things (i.e. xterm, incoming telnets) break?

IIRC, the unix98 pty system support is for use with glibc2.1 only (not
glibc2.0, which most distros, debian included, use). I believe it mentions
this in the config help.


Re: what cd-writer ?

1999-01-22 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 04:57:08PM -0500, Odin wrote:
  I want to buy a cd-writer. I don't need rewritable support at present
  time, but it would be a plus.
  I've seen a new Yamaha model that's affordable. Are they good and well
  supported with Linux ?
  Thanks in advance.
 If you found a yamaha model that's affordable, _Get_it!_  Those are
 excellent machines.  They are closely followed in quality by Philips and
 HP if you see those, you might want to look into them as well.  see has a very useful list detailing
 problems with firmware version numbers on various models, so check that
 list before buying anything, but basically everything yamaha makes anymore
 is excellent.  The site is for a Windows program, but still contains very
 valid information for linux as it is mostly hardware info.
 Also, IMHO, a SCSI writer is vastly superior to an IDE.  In general, they
 support more modes, can be external (so if for some reason it refuses to
 eject a disc--I've had that happen--you can power-cycle the driver w/o
 losing your uptime).  There are many other reasons such as stability, but
 since I don't fully understand those reasons, I won't pretent to talk
 about them.
 Linux w/ cdrecord supports most if not all yamaha/philips/hp drives.  The
 philips CDD-522 (I think) driver is the one I use on my CDD-2600 and it
 works fine for other philips models too (AFAIK all of them).  Yamaha
 drivers are likely the same, so don't despair if you don't find your exact
 model.  I'd call yamaha and ask them if the drive is supported in unix
 cdrecord before buying.
 Good luck!
 (subliminal message --- psst.. buy the yamaha)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Can you recommend an inexpensive PCI SCSI card to go with a Yamaha? Right now, 
I have two ATAPI hard drives and an ATAPI DVD drive connected to a motherboard 
IDE controller. I was planning on purchasing a HP ATAPI drive, but after 
hearing about several bad experiences with ATAPI drives, I'm interested in a 
SCSI-based external one. 
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: unix98 pty system

1999-01-22 Thread Jonathan P Tomer
ok, so if i grab glibc2.1 i can use unix98 ptys? or will everything break on


kernel messages

1999-01-22 Thread Sanzo Miyazawa

Does anyone understand what caused the following error messages?

I was running the following script on my system, which
reads file names and check whether thse files in a directory exist.
This directory includes a lot of files, more than 5000.

#! /bin/sh
while read f
if [ ! -f $f -o ! -s $f ] ; then
echo $f

While this script runs, the system almost always hangs
by printing the following messages on console.

Problem: block on freelist at02750310 isn't free.
Kernel panic: FORWARDED INTERRUPT TIMEOUT (AKP = 0, saved AKP = 1)
Kernel panic: FORWARDED INTERRUPT TIMEOUT (AKP = 0, saved AKP = 255)

 In /var/log/kern.log

Out of memory for galign-SF-SF-i..
Problem: block on freelist at 02750310 isn't free.
 In /var/log/syslog
Problem: block on freelist at 02750310 isn't free.

(In other cases, I got 
1. Kernel panic: CPU #0:Attempted flush tlb IPI whennot AKP(=255) 

2. Problem: block on freelist at 01ba8d90 isn't free.

My questions are

1. Is this kernel's problem or is there some trouble in hardware?

2. Why are these error messages not output in /var/log/syslog?

In /etc/syslog.conf

*.*;auth,authpriv.none  /var/log/syslog

My system is

Hardware: Tyan Tiger2, Pentium II 333Mhz x 2
  SDRAM with ECC

OS: kernel-source-2.0.36-1
+ 2.0.37-pre-patch-3.gz

Debian 2.0

Re: Gnome default dir is /usr/src

1999-01-22 Thread Will Lowe
 I installed gnome in my computer, and, I don't know why, every program
 that I start within the gnome-panel has the current dir = /usr/src.

Similarly,  the slink version starts everything in /etc.  Boy,  is that a
pain in emacs.


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: kernel messages

1999-01-22 Thread Sanzo Miyazawa
I forgot to say:

If this script is run on another pc with the same os,
( Tyan Titan Pro, Pentium Pro 200Mhz x 2, FastPage with parity) 

there is always no problem.

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Jan 22 10:22:53 1999

Does anyone understand what caused the following error messages?

I was running the following script on my system, which
reads file names and check whether thse files in a directory exist.
This directory includes a lot of files, more than 5000.

   #! /bin/sh
   while read f
   if [ ! -f $f -o ! -s $f ] ; then
   echo $f

While this script runs, the system almost always hangs
by printing the following messages on console.

   Problem: block on freelist at02750310 isn't free.
   Kernel panic: FORWARDED INTERRUPT TIMEOUT (AKP = 0, saved AKP = 1)
   Kernel panic: FORWARDED INTERRUPT TIMEOUT (AKP = 0, saved AKP = 255)

 In /var/log/kern.log

   Out of memory for galign-SF-SF-i..
   Problem: block on freelist at 02750310 isn't free.
 In /var/log/syslog
   Problem: block on freelist at 02750310 isn't free.

(In other cases, I got 
   1. Kernel panic: CPU #0:Attempted flush tlb IPI whennot AKP(=255) 

   2. Problem: block on freelist at 01ba8d90 isn't free.

My questions are

1. Is this kernel's problem or is there some trouble in hardware?

2. Why are these error messages not output in /var/log/syslog?

   In /etc/syslog.conf

   *.*;auth,authpriv.none  /var/log/syslog

My system is

Hardware: Tyan Tiger2, Pentium II 333Mhz x 2

   + 2.0.37-pre-patch-3.gz

   Debian 2.0

Re: what cd-writer ?

1999-01-22 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
 On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 04:57:08PM -0500, Odin wrote:

snipped for obfuscation

 Can you recommend an inexpensive PCI SCSI card to go with a Yamaha? Right
 now, I have two ATAPI hard drives and an ATAPI DVD drive connected to a
 motherboard IDE controller. I was planning on purchasing a HP ATAPI
 drive, but after hearing about several bad experiences with ATAPI
 drives, I'm interested in a SCSI-based external one. 

Well, I can't in good conscience reccommend anything but an adaptec.  I've
heard (but not experienced) that a zip-plus will erase data on a scsi hdd
when not connected to an adaptec.  There are other reasons, though, like
support, speed, _very_ nice bios, etc.  You'll pay for the niceness, but
in my opinion, well worth it.  If you're planning on just using your CD-R
on your SCSI chain, then you don't need Ultra Wide or even SCSI-3, just
get yourself a good SCSI-2 (you don't even need that, but room to expand
is good, and good luck finding a Narrow SCSI-1 anymore.)  If you're not
buying for a corporation, my suggestion would be to watch the online
auctions, sometimes they have adaptec cards.


Re: Learning more/Linux programming books

1999-01-22 Thread Andreas Sliwka
Steve Lamb wrote:
 I don't know, I think if there were a language to start newbies out on,
 it is perl.  Don't have to worry about many of the things that other
 languages force upon you yet gives you a good gounding in how those other
 languages work.

Heaven, no!
I think its quite a sinn to give perl to a newbie, perl corrupts. I use
Perl since two years and I quite like it, but only because I can choose
to use either imperative or oop thinking in perl and I dont have to
every variable.

And thats the reason why a newbie should start with a a structured
language like java (oop), pascal (imperative) or scheme
(functional/lists oriented), so she/he learns to order hers/his thoughts
and get a habit of problem solving. Perl gives you every opportunity to
everything in one or two or in any other way, and I don't think that
this is a good start in programming ...

soryy, my 2 euros


Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

Re: Lilo corrupted double-spaced Win95 drive

1999-01-22 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU

On Thu, 21 Jan, 1999 à 01:46:03PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
 This isn't exactly a Debian question, but maybe you can help.
 So I went back and reconfigured lilo.conf so that one or two of the lines
 that were referring to hdb1 now referred to hda1. (I don't have the
No !!! You should have put hda, not hda1 for boot.

 Upon reboot, lilo came up and gave me my options of linux or Win95, and
 linux starts just fine. Win95 however does a repeating Loading Windows,
 LILO, Loading Windows, LILO .
It's what you've asked in lilo.conf : 
the windows option in it ask to load the boot sector of /dev/hda1 so lilo
load it an execute it. But it contains lilo...

 Does anyone know how I can recover my Win95 partition so my family can have
 their toy back?
boot linux, look in /boot. If you have the file boot.0301 do as follow :
dd if=/boot/boot.0301 of=/dev/hda1 bs=1b count=1 (or lilo -u should do the
same effect)
edit lilo.conf so as to have boot=/dev/hda instead of /dev/hda1
rerun lilo
reboot. should work

If you don't kept /boot/boot.301 I do not know a definitive way of restoring
wintendo. You could try this : boot from a floppy and try sys c: but please
try this as a last resort because it could wrac havoc your win1895 partition


 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: Desktop manager for X Window in a slow computer?

1999-01-22 Thread Branden Robinson
On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 07:41:56PM +0100, Daniel González Gasull wrote:
 I have a potato i486 DX2 66 MHz with 8 MB RAM running
 X with Linux Debian 2.0.  Which desktop manager for X
 Window may/must I use?

You mean desktop environment, or window manager?

A window manager is the thing that puts borders and titles on your windows
and lets you move them around, resize them, iconify them, etc.  Most (all?)
also have pop-up menus that can be used to launch other applications if
properly configured.

A desktop environment is much more complicated thing with a really blue-sky
definition.  It does nifty things like let you drag and drop between
different applications and more complcated stuff.  KDE and GNOME are two
prominent examples.  You may not get satisfying performance out of either
of them on an old 486.  But I really can't say since I don't use either

Assuming you mean window manager, well, there's always the old standby twm,
but it's not very featureful and doesn't even support the Debian menuing
system properly (yet).

fvwm and fvwm2 are a couple of very popular alternatives based on twm,
but are more featureful. fvwm (version 1) was designed to not hog too
many system resources.  I used it happily for a couple of years; I now
use fvwm2.

There are lots and lots of window managers out there.  Your best bet is
probably to experiment.

G. Branden Robinson  |  What influenced me to atheism was
Debian GNU/Linux |  reading the Bible cover to cover.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  Twice. |  -- J. Michael Straczynski

Description: PGP signature

Re: configuring X

1999-01-22 Thread Branden Robinson
On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 03:27:59PM -0600, Brian Morgan wrote:
 Can someone help me find the xf86setup graphical setup for X?  I'm having
 trouble getting the mouse just right, and would like to use the graphical
 setup to make this work.

If you're running hamm, it's in the xserver-vga16 package, and should be in
as /usr/bin/X11/XF86Setup.

If you're using slink or potato, XF86Setup has its own package, called
(strangely) xf86setup.

I'll caution you, though -- in my experience XF86Setup is not a great tool
with which to configure the mouse.  The X server expects the pointer device
to be working when it starts, and if you have the protocol set wrong and
then move the mouse, you can get bizarre results and you have to kill the X

If you have a serial mouse, try putting


in the Pointer section of your /etc/X11/XF86Config file.  That
autodetects a wide variety of serial mice.

G. Branden Robinson  |   When dogma enters the brain, all
Debian GNU/Linux |   intellectual activity ceases.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   -- Robert Anton Wilson |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Desktop manager for X Window in a slow computer?

1999-01-22 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 21:09:14 -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:

Assuming you mean window manager, well, there's always the old standby twm,
but it's not very featureful and doesn't even support the Debian menuing
system properly (yet).

I'll throw in my suggestion for icewm.  It looks much nicer than twm,
isn't too configurable, but is nice and small.  Mind you, this is the gnome
version and I think the normal one would be smaller.

morpheus 15301  0.0  2.5  3864  1640  ?  S   Jan 10   0:14 icewm-gnome

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: Desktop manager for X Window in a slow computer?

1999-01-22 Thread Andreas Sliwka
Daniel González Gasull wrote:
 I have a potato i486 DX2 66 MHz with 8 MB RAM running
 X with Linux Debian 2.0.  Which desktop manager for X
 Window may/must I use?
Just take a window manager with a (very)small memory footprint, mw2,
blackbox, or icewm

Andreas Sliwka ---
talk to me: [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ICQ:13961062

Re: DeskJet 870

1999-01-22 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 1999-01-21 16:21, Alec Smith wrote:

 Could anyone tell me how to make my DeskJet 870 operate under Debian? For
 example, a filter for Magicfilter or whichever.

Either use dj550c-filer or use the ghostscript hpdj filter (magic
filter included).

Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main St., 2nd fl.   Fax:781.938.6641 (home)
Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)
#! /usr/sbin/magicfilter

# PostScript
0   %!  filter  cat - | /usr/bin/pstops -q 1:-0 | /usr/bin/gs  
-q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=hpdj -sColorMode=CMYK -sModel=unspec 
-sPrintQuality=0 -sOutputFile=- - 
0   \004%!  filter  cat - | /usr/bin/pstops -q 1:-0 | /usr/bin/gs  
-q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=hpdj -sColorMode=CMYK -sModel=unspec 
-sPrintQuality=0 -sOutputFile=- - 

0   %PDFfpipe   cat - | /usr/bin/pstops -q 1:-0 | /usr/bin/gs  
-q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=hpdj -sColorMode=CMYK -sModel=unspec 
-sPrintQuality=0 -sOutputFile=- $FILE 

0   \367\002fpipe   /usr/bin/dvips  -D 600  -R -q -f 

# compress'd data
0   \037\235pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 

# packed, gzipped, frozen and SCO LZH data
0   \037\036pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 
0   \037\213pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 
0   \037\236pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 
0   \037\240pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 

# troff documents
0   .\?\?\040   fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0   .\\\   fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0   '\\\   fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0   '.\\\  fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0   \\\fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 

# ditroff
0   x T pspipe/usr/bin/grops 
0   x T dvi   pipe/usr/bin/grodvi 
0   x T ascii pipe/usr/bin/grotty 
0   x T latin1pipe/usr/bin/grotty 
0   x T lj4   reject  Cannot print LaserJet 4 ditroff files.

# Portable bit-, grey- and pixmaps
0   P1\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  
0   P2\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  
0   P3\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  
0   P4\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  
0   P5\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  
0   P6\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 600  

# HP Printer Control Language (PCL) -- assume start with reset code
0   \033E\033   cat 

# HP Printer Job Language (PJL)
0   \033%-12345Xreject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0   @PJL  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0   @PJL\t  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0   @PJL\r  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0   @PJL\n  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 

# GIF files
0   GIF87a  pipe/usr/bin/giftopnm  2/dev/null
0   GIF89a  pipe/usr/bin/giftopnm  2/dev/null

# JFIF (JPEG) files
0   \377\330\377\340\?\?JFIF\0  pipe/usr/bin/djpeg  -pnm

# TIFF files (the last two bytes of the magic is really a version number;
# but the magic is really lame and as far as I have understood the version
# number has never changed and never will, so we include it.)
0   MM\0\x2afpipe   /usr/bin/tiff2ps  $FILE
0   II\x2a\0fpipe   /usr/bin/tiff2ps  $FILE 

# BMP files (even lousier magic -- Microsoft strikes again!)
0   BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x0c  pipe\
/usr/bin/bmptoppm  2/dev/null
0   BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x40  pipe\
/usr/bin/bmptoppm  2/dev/null
0   BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x28  pipe\
/usr/bin/bmptoppm  2/dev/null

# Garbage delivered from Windows via Samba
# (donated by Andree Leidenfrost [EMAIL PROTECTED])
# 300 \033\052\157cat
# later changed to 
# (Bug report #22866: magicfilter: Incorrect magic for Win95/Samba print jobs)
0   \000\000\000\000\000   cat

# Sun rasterfiles
0   \x59\xa6\x6a\x95 pipe   /usr/bin/rasttopnm  2/dev/null

# SGI Imagelib (IRIS RGB) files
0   \x1\xda pipe/usr/bin/sgitopnm  2/dev/null
0   \xda\x1 pipe/usr/bin/sgitopnm  2/dev/null

# FIG files; reported by Steven P. Hill [EMAIL PROTECTED]
0   #FIGpipe/usr/bin/X11/fig2dev  -Lps -P -l dummy

# Standard rejects... things we don't want to print

# Various archive formats
257 ustar\0 reject  Attempted to print a tar file.
257 ustar  \0 reject  Attempted to print a tar file.
0   07070   reject  Attempted to print a cpio file.
0   PK\3\4  reject  Attempted to print a zip file.
20  \xdc\xa7\xc7\xfd reject Attempted to print a zoo file.

# Binaries (Linux): reject with 

Re: registration

1999-01-22 Thread Allan M. Wind
On 1999-01-21 02:19, Chad A. Adlawan wrote:

   i was wondering if someone can help/give me guidelines on what do i do
 to register a block for reverse IP queries/reverse domain, my case is,
   a friend asked me why they can never do reverse lookups on their IP's
 (they own the whole block, i.e. 208.162.24.*)

Are you sure that they OWN the block opposed to the ISP owning it?  If
they really own the block, check out  Otherwise,
they will have to ask their ISP to registrate the reverse DNS for

Try ftp to, I beleive it complains when reverse dns is
missing and direct you to some interesting documents.
 origin =
 mail addr =
 serial = 1999012001
 refresh = 3600 (1H)
 retry   = 600 (10M)
 expire  = 360 (5w6d16h)
 minimum ttl = 3600 (1H)

Looks like you're missing a 24 somewhere.  The arpa line should be (for your C class).

Good luck!

Allan M. Wind   Phone:  781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main St., 2nd fl.   Fax:781.938.6641 (home)
Woburn, MA 01801Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)

re: what cd-writer ?

1999-01-22 Thread SEGV
 If you found a yamaha model that's affordable, _Get_it!_  Those are
 excellent machines.

I just got a Yamaha CRW4416S internal SCSI 16/4/4 cd writer. I also got a cheap
crappy Kouwell 10MB/s SCSI adapter to go with it.

No problem getting it up and running with cdrecord under Debian Linux (custom
compiles though, my package situation is fried). Burned my first CD no problem.
My hard drive is sighing under the reduced load now.

I haven't booted into NT since then so I don't know if it works under it yet.


Netscape Toolbar Icon

1999-01-22 Thread UF Marpaung
I've installed Netscape and Navigator45 in my Debian system.
I use WindowMaker and Enlightenment. But why icon images
in Navigator's toolbar look bad ? only 2 color (black and white)
Any suggestion ?


DB2 progress

1999-01-22 Thread Colin McCormack

I'm also struggling with the installation of DB2 under debian.

Here's what I have so far:

I created a /bin/rpm file as follows:

alien --to-deb -i $2

I symlinked the following:
/bin/awk - /usr/bin/gawk
/bin/basename - /usr/bin/basename
/bin/compress - /usr/bin/compress
/bin/grep - /usr/bin/grep
/bin/egrep - /usr/bin/egrep
/bin/sed - /usr/bin/sed
/bin/touch - /usr/bin/touch

I found a news post that gives the following information:

The problem with connecting using a userid and password if you are 
shadowing passwords turns out to be a bug in the install script.  A
couple of files in sqllib/security should have suid bits set but the
install is not doing this.  To fix this, cd to ~/sqllib/security on
the instance id and do:

  chmod g+s db2flacc
  chmod u+s db2aud

then su to root and do:

  chmod ug+s db2ckpw

And I subscribed to the newsgroup at

The thing's installed (appears to be, at least), but at the point it tries (or 
I try) to create the sample instance with this:
db2icrt -a SERVER -u db2fenc1 db2inst1

I'm getting horrible errors, worst of which is this beauty:
SQL10007N Message -1390 could not be retrieved.  Reason code: 2

Which, I think, means that it got an error, but it can't tell me what it is :)

Some problem with localisation, I surmise.

I have netsearched newsgroups for some clue as to what -1390 might mean, and 
it appears to be this:

SQL1390C The environment variable DB2INSTANCE is not defined or is invalid.

(Can I just point out, for the easily amused, that -1390 is represented as 
1390C in one of the horrible numeric formats they use for COBOL?  Welcome to 
the 70s. :)


Re: Massaging Compiling SLiRP

1999-01-22 Thread H Huang
Karl A. Krueger writes:

 I'm having a good deal of trouble getting SLiRP to compile under Debian
 2.0.  I'm using the slirp-1.0c source code, available from, under /pub/slirp.  configure runs fine; but when
 attempting to actually make the binary, I get a stream of errors.  
 The first:
 gcc -I. -I. -DUSE_PPP  -g -O -O2  -c ./ppp/pppdfncs.c
 In file included from slirp.h:264,
  from ppp/ppp.h:27,
  from ppp/pppd.h:29,
  from ./ppp/pppdfncs.c:39:
 ppp.p:21: conflicting types for `logwtmp'
 /usr/include/utmp.h:53: previous declaration of `logwtmp'
 make: *** [pppdfncs.o] Error 1

I believe that this is caused by the different utmp format in glibc2.

 So ... has anyone successfully massaged the SLiRP source to get it to
 compile under a modern Linux?  Mind sharing your hints or patches?  Has
 anyone picked SLiRP up where Dan Gasparovski left it off three years ago? 
 Has anyone (for that matter) a good replacement for SLiRP's functionality?

Why not fetch the debianized source codes and take a look at the
diff.gz file?

H Huang

slink vs. staroffice 5.0

1999-01-22 Thread Ben Messinger
I had staroffice 5.0 working under hamm, but it broke when I updated to
slink. I am assuming due to differences in between hamm and
slink. Is this right? Is there a way to keep slink and still get
staroffice working again? Everything else I use is working fine.


Re: Gnome default dir is /usr/src

1999-01-22 Thread Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella
Will Lowe writes:
   I installed gnome in my computer, and, I don't know why, every program
   that I start within the gnome-panel has the current dir = /usr/src.
  Similarly,  the slink version starts everything in /etc.  Boy,  is that a
  pain in emacs.

Mine *is* slink!

I think that this is either a configurable option that I could not
find where to configure, or something like: from the dir where you
ran dpkg to install gnome... Should I report this as a bug?


Luiz Otavio L. ZorzellaComputer Engineer

Re: DB2 progress

1999-01-22 Thread Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 02:32:21PM +1100, Colin McCormack wrote:
 I'm also struggling with the installation of DB2 under debian.
 Here's what I have so far:
 I created a /bin/rpm file as follows:
 alien --to-deb -i $2
 I symlinked the following:
 /bin/awk - /usr/bin/gawk
 /bin/basename - /usr/bin/basename
 /bin/compress - /usr/bin/compress
 /bin/grep - /usr/bin/grep
 /bin/egrep - /usr/bin/egrep
 /bin/sed - /usr/bin/sed
 /bin/touch - /usr/bin/touch
 I found a news post that gives the following information:

rpm2deb for DB2 installations are not a good idea since it does a whole bunch 
ofstuff at the end like addusers and updates database configuration. Best thing 
to do would be to install a small redhat partition, install DB2, tar it up, 
copy the log and untar the db2 and run the commands at the end on debian.
 The problem with connecting using a userid and password if you are 
 shadowing passwords turns out to be a bug in the install script.  A
 couple of files in sqllib/security should have suid bits set but the
 install is not doing this.  To fix this, cd to ~/sqllib/security on
 the instance id and do:
   chmod g+s db2flacc
   chmod u+s db2aud
 then su to root and do:
   chmod ug+s db2ckpw
 And I subscribed to the newsgroup at
 The thing's installed (appears to be, at least), but at the point it tries 
 I try) to create the sample instance with this:
   db2icrt -a SERVER -u db2fenc1 db2inst1
 I'm getting horrible errors, worst of which is this beauty:
   SQL10007N Message -1390 could not be retrieved.  Reason code: 2
 Which, I think, means that it got an error, but it can't tell me what it is :)
 Some problem with localisation, I surmise.
 I have netsearched newsgroups for some clue as to what -1390 might mean, and 
 it appears to be this:
 SQL1390C The environment variable DB2INSTANCE is not defined or is invalid.

Looks like you did not install the DB2 instance.. Second screen I guess or you 
did not run the follow-up commands. Look at the IBM newsgroup for the message 
called DB2 Install on Debian GNU/Linux and read its reply. It will help you.
 (Can I just point out, for the easily amused, that -1390 is represented as 
 1390C in one of the horrible numeric formats they use for COBOL?  Welcome to 
 the 70s. :)

Hope it helps,


Re: DB2 progress

1999-01-22 Thread Colin McCormack

  Here's what I have so far:
  I created a /bin/rpm file as follows:
  alien --to-deb -i $2
 rpm2deb for DB2 installations are not a good idea since it does a whole bunch 
 ofstuff at the end like addusers and updates database configuration. Best 
 thing to do would be to install a small redhat partition, install DB2, tar it 
 up, copy the log and untar the db2 and run the commands at the end on debian.

Doesn't alien run the post installation instructions in the rpm?
The hack I'm suggesting makes the db2inst process think it's running rpm, but 
if alien doesn't perform internal rpm commands, and IBM's put such things into 
the rpms, I guess that would cause some problems.

Don't see why alien wouldn't do this, though.


Re: Lilo corrupted double-spaced Win95 drive - Fixed

1999-01-22 Thread Kent West
Kent West wrote:

 This isn't exactly a Debian question, but maybe you can help.

 First off, DOH!

 Secondly, I've got two drives in my box; the master is running Win95 and is
 apparently double-spaced. I know, I know, doublespace is just asking for
 trouble, but it was the only option I had for more drive space.

 I had forgotten the drive was doublespaced.

 I installed potato on the second drive, and then decided to install lilo.
 The first time around, lilo gave me the message that my BIOS might not boot
 from the second drive. I said OK and continued on. Upon reboot, Win95
 came up just fine, but I never got a LILO prompt.

 So I went back and reconfigured lilo.conf so that one or two of the lines
 that were referring to hdb1 now referred to hda1. (I don't have the
 computer or files at hand right now.) I think it was either/both/allthree
 the boot= line and/or the install= line and/or the root= line.

 Upon reboot, lilo came up and gave me my options of linux or Win95, and
 linux starts just fine. Win95 however does a repeating Loading Windows,
 LILO, Loading Windows, LILO .

 When I try to mount the Win partition in Linux, it says there's no msdos
 type or vfat type partitions. About this time I start remembering that
 maybe the Win drive is double-spaced.

 So I boot off a Win95 floppy and try to access the C: drive and get an
 Invalid media type error. I run Win95's fdisk and it reports the
 partition as UNKNOWN. Great, I think, just great!

 Does anyone know how I can recover my Win95 partition so my family can have
 their toy back?


Just wanted to let everyone know, this is now fixed. Good ol' Norton Utilities 
Win95 to the rescue. Saw I had a corrupt boot sector, offered to fix it, did, 
now everything is dandy.

Once I got the system up, I realized that the Win drive was NOT doublespaced. 
So what
I did/lilo did to the MBR/partition is beyond me, but it's fixed now.

Now I'm using the [menu] option in DOS/Windows' CONFIG.SYS for my boot manager,
calling loadlin as needed to fire up Linux. Works great.

Thanks everyone!

Re: XFIG in Debian recent release

1999-01-22 Thread Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam
On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 08:44:46PM +0530, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am having some trouble with editing a picture object file in the XFIG of
 the recent Debian release. This is the first time I have loaded Debian
 GNU/Linux. I have experience with the slackware and Redhat.
 The picture object does not fill the space to which it expands on use
 original size 
 The result -- I cannot edit or place other objects on the object.
 Am I setting some wrong option? Can someone help?
 Chitra  Natarajan

I am not sure what you mean by does not fill the space. I tried it today and it 
works fine.. However, I think you may be making one of the following errors:

1. Use apply button to preview. You have to use done button to get the changes 
on the screen.

2. your image might have a frame around it.

Hope it helps,

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: SQL packages

1999-01-22 Thread Adam Keys
 Does anyone know if there are any SQL database servers that are MS
 SQL 6.5 compatible and work with Debian?  Also, would it support integrated
 security and if not how hard do you expect it to be to write something like
 that?(I assume most of the work has already been done by the samba package.)
 If I can find something that does basically everything our current server
 does (or pretty close even), then I'm going to replace it with a Debian box
 that I can rely on.

a) compatible with sql server?  so far as odbc, mysql and postgreSQL offer odbc,
which is probably how you connect to your server.  the tables, however, are
stored in a binary format in sql server (AFAIK), while mysql stores the data in
flat text files.  you're going to need to do some SQL trickery to move the data
across; the data files cannot be copied from one system to another.  my
recommendation is to go with mysql, both for its enormous speed advantage, and
also for it's great security.

b) samba doesn't really do much you would want to do with a database, in all
instances i've seen

 Adam Keys| That rug really brought the room together

Re: DB2 progress

1999-01-22 Thread Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 03:38:06PM +1100, Colin McCormack wrote:
   Here's what I have so far:
   I created a /bin/rpm file as follows:
   alien --to-deb -i $2
  rpm2deb for DB2 installations are not a good idea since it does a whole 
  bunch ofstuff at the end like addusers and updates database configuration. 
  Best thing to do would be to install a small redhat partition, install DB2, 
  tar it up, copy the log and untar the db2 and run the commands at the end 
  on debian.
 Doesn't alien run the post installation instructions in the rpm?
 The hack I'm suggesting makes the db2inst process think it's running rpm, but 
 if alien doesn't perform internal rpm commands, and IBM's put such things 
 into the rpms, I guess that would cause some problems.
 Don't see why alien wouldn't do this, though.

My thinking is that these are not the part of RPM, but a part of the script 
that installs the rpms. In that case, the post-inst scripts would work fine, 
but the commnads to run after the rpm installs would not work. I am planning to 
try a hack.. I am going to convert the scripts to deb, convert them back to RPM 
and use the DB2 installer to see if they work..

Re: DB2 progress

1999-01-22 Thread Joey Hess
Colin McCormack wrote:
 Doesn't alien run the post installation instructions in the rpm?

Not unless you convert it with alien --scripts. The chance that the postinst
just won't work on a redhat system is too large (imho) to make it on by

see shy jo

Re: Gnome default dir is /usr/src

1999-01-22 Thread Will Lowe
 Mine *is* slink!
 I think that this is either a configurable option that I could not
 find where to configure, or something like: from the dir where you
 ran dpkg to install gnome... Should I report this as a bug?

Sure.  But make it one with a pretty low priority.


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: root telnet

1999-01-22 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar
-  - How to make telnetd accept root login ?
-  are you nuts ?
-  use ssh at least...
- If you really must allow root access, after adding the relevent entries to
- the /etc/securrity file. You *could* then restrict root access to limited 
- hosts via the /etc/login.access file. (OK I guess you could do this via 
- hosts.allow/deny too).
- In login.access add a line like...
- -:root:ALL EXCEPT some.host1 LOCAL
- That will allow root logins only from local (console) and some.host1 and

and I'll recommend to define in sshd.conf:

UseLogin yes

- Might not be the best way, but better than just allowing root access from
- anywhere (suicide).

- Of course you could always login as another user and then 'su -' to root.

That's the preferred way by 9 of 10 sysadmins ;-)

 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at Telenor Internet Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of; co-admin of
 Silvester Stallone: Father of the RISC concept.

debian installation

1999-01-22 Thread rod peters

I need some help. I have been trying to install debian 
for severl weeks. Today got me the most progress so far. I had my 
installation almost running but I think I put in a wrong video or monitor value 
and my system started blinking every half second. It was locked up so I 
rebooted. Same thing. Now, I have selected the packages for home 
user(graphics,sound,X yadda yadda), but when I install, I get too many 
errors, quitting install and as its installing the packages that do 
get installed, often it says error files missing. Do I have a bad 
CD? I have been fighting with this for a long time. I thought I 
almost had it, then I made a mistake, and now I can't get that far for 
nothin'. I have even d'loaded the floppy images from the site to see if 
they work. Nope. Maybe I'm not meant to run 

Re: Kernel make config

1999-01-22 Thread Manoj Srivastava

kernel-package dcontains what I think are the official config
 files in /usr/lib/kernel-package/Config, and those get used if you do
 not already have a .config file. I think you can run make-kpkg
 kernel_image, hit control C after a minute or so, and voila, you
 should have a proper .config file to use as default.

 My sense of purpose is gone! I have no idea who I AM! Oh, my
 God... You've.. You've turned him into a DEMOCRAT! Doonesbury
Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: making symlinks in cvs

1999-01-22 Thread Manoj Srivastava
Joey == Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Joey I know cvs doesn't do symlinks, but I need some symlinks to be
 Joey created when a cvs directory is checked out, and I know that's
 Joey possible because Manoj told me how once... but I've forgotten
 Joey the details. Could anyone fill me in on how to do it?

Here is an excerpt from my modules file. Two packages,
 latex2html and pkg-order, contain symlinks. The modules file entries
 are noted below. I am enclosing the (simple) scripts as well.


# Debian Packages
latex2html   -s manoj -e $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/latex2html -o $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/lat
ex2html debian/latex2html
make -s manoj   debian/make
pkg-order-s manoj -e $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/pkg-order -o $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/pkg-

$CVSROOT/CVSROOT/latex2html =
#! /bin/sh
set -e
echo 2 `pwd`
(cd $1/docs; test -f html.sty || ln -s ../texinputs/html.sty; \
 test -f htmllist.sty || ln -s ../texinputs/htmllist.sty)
(cd $1/styles; test -f francais.perl || ln -s french.perl francais.perl; test 
-f germanb.perl || ln -s german.perl germanb.perl)
(cd $1/texinputs; test -f html.sty || ln -s html2e.sty html.sty)
#! /bin/sh
set -e
echo 2 `pwd`
(cd $1; test -f Package || ln -s Debian/Package; )
 The price of success in philosophy is triviality. Glymour.
Manoj Srivastava [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: Netscape Toolbar Icon

1999-01-22 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 10:27:58AM +0700, UF Marpaung wrote:
 I've installed Netscape and Navigator45 in my Debian system.
 I use WindowMaker and Enlightenment. But why icon images
 in Navigator's toolbar look bad ? only 2 color (black and white)
 Any suggestion ?

What color depth are you using in X? Probably 8 bit (default).
Netscape is a colour hog.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: SQL packages

1999-01-22 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 10:51:28PM -0600, Adam Keys wrote:
 a) compatible with sql server?  so far as odbc, mysql and postgreSQL offer 
 which is probably how you connect to your server.  the tables, however, are
 stored in a binary format in sql server (AFAIK), while mysql stores the data 
 flat text files.  you're going to need to do some SQL trickery to move the 

Err, it does? It doesn't here.  There's just no way you can get decent
speed from text files.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: slink vs. staroffice 5.0

1999-01-22 Thread Ben Messinger
Ben Messinger wrote:
 I had staroffice 5.0 working under hamm, but it broke when I updated to
 slink. I am assuming due to differences in between hamm and
 slink. Is this right? Is there a way to keep slink and still get
 staroffice working again? Everything else I use is working fine.

False alarm. Somehow I lost an environment variable I had previously
set. All is well now.

Re: DB2 progress - success!

1999-01-22 Thread Colin McCormack
DB2 success!

Joey Hess clued me in, the RPM scripts weren't being run, so I changed the 
/bin/rpm hack script to this:


alien --to-deb --scripts -i $2

With the noted symlinks:
 /bin/awk - /usr/bin/gawk
 /bin/basename - /usr/bin/basename
 /bin/compress - /usr/bin/compress
 /bin/grep - /usr/bin/grep
 /bin/egrep - /usr/bin/egrep
 /bin/sed - /usr/bin/sed
 /bin/touch - /usr/bin/touch

Installation proceeded.  I can now start the database, catalog a node, connect 
to the sample database ... it's looking pretty healthy.

Next, getting the web control center to work :)


Re: Netscape Toolbar Icon

1999-01-22 Thread Patrick Colbeck
On Fri Jan 22, 1999 at 06:54:05PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 10:27:58AM +0700, UF Marpaung wrote:
  I've installed Netscape and Navigator45 in my Debian system.
  I use WindowMaker and Enlightenment. But why icon images
  in Navigator's toolbar look bad ? only 2 color (black and white)
  Any suggestion ?
 What color depth are you using in X? Probably 8 bit (default).
 Netscape is a colour hog.

It also tends to do this with some X servers in 24 bit colour. Try 16 or 32
bit colour instead.


video_TV cards help

1999-01-22 Thread Joze Kovacic
  For few days now, I've been honted by a 'need to upgrade' video out of
my PII engine...
  I would like to know some of Your views/experiences on my list of
'would_be' solutions:

 (ASUS P2L97 AGP Mainboard rev 2.04; I am looking for AGP card with
 optional TV tuner and/or grabb./video_conf. functinality)

AGP V3400TNT , 128bit RIVA-TNT based
AGP V1326, SiS 6326 based
AGP V2740, Intel 740 based
AGP V385GX2  , S3 ViRGE/GX2 based

Or should I settle for say Matrox G200 AGP and look for grabber_card only?

..and yes, I've read all that can be found on V4L pages, and like what is
there...right now I'd like to know about Your working slutions with upper
listed...if any?


Expirience is something you don't get until just after you need it!

Re: Learning more/Linux programming books

1999-01-22 Thread Mamoun Alissali
Andreas Sliwka wrote:
 Steve Lamb wrote:
  I don't know, I think if there were a language to start newbies out on,
  it is perl.  Don't have to worry about many of the things that other
  languages force upon you yet gives you a good gounding in how those other
  languages work.
 Heaven, no!
 I think its quite a sinn to give perl to a newbie, perl corrupts. I use
 Perl since two years and I quite like it, but only because I can choose
 to use either imperative or oop thinking in perl and I dont have to
 every variable.
 And thats the reason why a newbie should start with a a structured
 language like java (oop), pascal (imperative) or scheme
 (functional/lists oriented), so she/he learns to order hers/his thoughts
 and get a habit of problem solving. Perl gives you every opportunity to
 everything in one or two or in any other way, and I don't think that
 this is a good start in programming ...
 soryy, my 2 euros

  May I add my 2 euros as well, though I didn't read everything in this
discussion? I think that OO analysis and design is fundamental for
mastering OO programming. My prefered refernces are Meyer, Booch and
Raumbaugh (OMT). I think I'd better hide under the table to avoid the
flames :-).


LIUM   Tel: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 47
UNIVERSITE DU MAINEFax: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 68
Avenue Olivier MessiaenE-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-22 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 06:12:14PM -0500, Ben Pfaff wrote:
 Laurent Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 ChL == Christian Lavoie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
ChL Bottom line: Debian should remain developer controlled.
What about non-developper users ? Shouldn't they have a word to say,
even if they can't or do not have the time to contribute with code ? 
 They should have `a word to say', and they do--they can subscribe to
 Debian lists and give their feedback and advice, which developers are
 free to follow or ignore.  But they do not, and should not, IMO, have
 the privilege of voting or otherwise setting policy.  Users are not
 developers and shouldn't presume to be.

i mostly agree but wouldn't put it anywhere near that strongly.

users are not developers, but they might be one day. one of the good
things about debian is that users who are willing to put in some work
CAN join up as developers.

i started that way a few years ago, and i'll bet that most debian
developers did too.


craig sanders

Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-22 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 20:26:12 +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
 On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 06:12:14PM -0500, Ben Pfaff wrote:
  Laurent Martelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 What about non-developper users ? Shouldn't they have a word to say,
 even if they can't or do not have the time to contribute with code ? 
  They should have `a word to say', and they do--they can subscribe to
  Debian lists and give their feedback and advice, which developers are
  free to follow or ignore.  But they do not, and should not, IMO, have
  the privilege of voting or otherwise setting policy.  Users are not
  developers and shouldn't presume to be.
 i mostly agree but wouldn't put it anywhere near that strongly.

I would. Ben's phrasing strongly reminds me of Robert A. Heinlein;
especially of the concept of TANSTAAFL and the political system he describes
in Starship Troopers, where the right to vote must be earned through a
tour of duty of public (not necessary military) service.

In the case of Debian, users do not have the right of vote, but can earn it
by becoming developers (i.e. by maintaining packages, but also by writing
documentation, maintaining the website etc.).

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

HotWire Fax software

1999-01-22 Thread Stephen M Lavelle
I was looking for some decent fax software that I could use in the X enviroment
and came across the HotWire link at
Good I thought and downloaded the file into my home directory. I tarred the 
fileand did ./lxinstall, then started x and did ./HotWire. The programme seemed 
initialise but then nothing. 
Now i'm getting local mail with the following format:
Subject: Cron PATH=$PATH; 'cat /etc/HotWire' /bin:;export PATH;

cat:/etc/HotWire:Nosuch file or directory
/bin/ not found
It is not a .deb package but claims to work on all Linux flavours.
My Unix experience is limited so if anyone can help me with the install and
configuration i'd be grateful.
Best Regards,

Re: unix98 pty system

1999-01-22 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Jonathan P Tomer, Stardate 210199.1948:
 ok, so if i grab glibc2.1 i can use unix98 ptys? or will everything break on

I have it swiched on for quit a while (2.1.*) without a prob.
I use libc 2.0.7v right now.

Alexander N. Benner[EMAIL PROTECTED]#Ixthys,#Baptist

What is the chance of us living   Some of our simplest dreams
Are all the structures we build here Really as frail as they seem
Anne Clark   NOTHING AT ALL   Joined Up Writeings

Compiling my own kernel

1999-01-22 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe

I finnaly did it! I compiled my first kernel!

Everything went (sort of) smoothly except for one thing.

I got the kernel-source package from potato (2.0.36) and kernel-headers
(is this one necessary?). I also got kernel-package!

I made make xconfig. make dep; make clean. and then make-kpgp
--revision=0.1 kernel_image it compiles ok but in the end i get :
test -f   cp \
test -f   chmod 644 \
dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-image-2.0.36-i586 -Pdebian/tmp-image/
dpkg-gencontrol: error: package kernel-image-2.0.36-i586 not in control
make: *** [stamp-image] Error 29

So i dont have a deb of my kernel, but i got it in debian/tmp-image/boot
so everything is ok.

I just wanted to know what did i do wrong!


Mario Filipe 

Re: bash programming question

1999-01-22 Thread Jiri Baum
 You could put the find in a separate script:
 find . -print0 | xargs -r0

If you go that way, you can just
  find . -exec {} \;

(You might need quotes around the {}.)


what is /dev/rvndiptcomsk

1999-01-22 Thread Patrick


yesterday i installed mtr on my debian 2.0 hamm system
today (as reported by Tripwire) i see a new file on my system:

ls -al /dev/rvndiptcomsk gives :
srwxr-xr-x root root  0   

from where did that file come ?
what is it's use ?

(it's not in dpkg -L mtr nor in Contents-i386)

Thanks for your help


lilo config

1999-01-22 Thread Thomas MANGIN

As far as I noticed I didn t see any to to config lilo with a windows partition.
I done it by hand few month ago but I needed and initrd file If I am right.
On my actual installation which is lighter I don t get it any more. What
can i do !!
 Today's thinking : I'am not able to think Today .. (Recursively)

Maitrise Informatique de Lyon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+33 6 60 97 91 01

part 2 of what is /dev/rvndiptcomsk

1999-01-22 Thread Patrick

Ok sorry guys, 
i think i've found just after sending the email...

i forgot to tell you i installed iptraf also and /dev/rvndiptcomsk seems
to be used by rvnamed which is used by iptraf to do reverse DNS lookup without

if that was written somewhere in the documentation of iptraf



Re: slink vs. staroffice 5.0

1999-01-22 Thread Peter Berlau
On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 07:50:49PM -0800, Ben Messinger wrote:
 I had staroffice 5.0 working under hamm, but it broke when I updated to
 slink. I am assuming due to differences in between hamm and
 slink. Is this right? Is there a way to keep slink and still get
 staroffice working again? Everything else I use is working fine.
I'm using Debian/GNU Linux 2.1 slink - system with some 
potato: wmaker, libwraster1
because the wmaker from slink breaks during installation the
wmaker from potato not, however, ??
last update made on 22.01.1999
soffice 5.0 still works, very slow I think but works 
I have had some problems using it under wmaker, but I think
that was on a Debian/GNU 2.0 (hamm), can't remember correctly.
eventually You should try icewm, I'm using so5 with no problems
under icewm(my favorite)
maybe You must update some packages, or
did You use the libc6 which come with the staroffice-package
if so try using the normally libc6, which is
ii  libc6 GNU Libc: shared libraries
ii  libc6-dbg GNU Libc: Debugging and Profiling libraries.
ii  libc6-dev GNU Libc: Development libraries and header f
ii  libc6-pic GNU Libc: PIC archive library

Peter Berlau 

Re: slink vs. staroffice 5.0

1999-01-22 Thread Peter Berlau
On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 12:05:35AM -0800, Ben Messinger wrote:
Hi Ben,
saw Your message false alarm 

Peter Berlau 

Re: jdk1.1 java and Swing (JFC1.1)

1999-01-22 Thread Michael and Diana Finney
I tried the SwingSet and another example.  I could not do the windows look and 
feel.  The
windows.tar file is there, but it did not work.  It said that look and feel is 
not supported.
Ever have that happen?  What's the solution?


1999-01-22 Thread Peter Berlau
Im upgrade my Debian/GNU 2.1 (slink) to kernel 2.0.36-2,
unfortuanelety I lost sound-support
for my SaoundBlaster AWE 64 (plug and pray) ISA-Slot-Card, 
I could restore the awe-drv and rerun the script

Sound Driver:3.5.4-960630 (Thu Jan 21 16:31:02 CET 1999 root,
Linux pmurmel 2.0.36 #1 Thu Jan 21 16:14:29 CET 1999 i586 unknown)
Kernel: Linux pmurmel 2.0.36 #1 Thu Jan 21 16:31:20 CET 1999 i586
Config options: 0

Installed drivers: 
Type 1: OPL-2/OPL-3 FM
Type 2: Sound Blaster
Type 7: SB MPU-401

Card config: 
Sound Blaster at 0x220 irq 9 drq 3,7
SB MPU-401 at 0x330 irq 9
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388 drq 0

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.16)

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL-3

Midi devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster

therefore it looks ok, 
if system comes up 
isapnp initializes the wavetables, gameport, etc ok-status

but one problem stays
in the kernelconfiguration I never see a:
Config for AD_LIB
Config for AWE32_SYNTH,
so I have no 
awe specific midi-output

what do I wrong, please help

thanks a lot
Peter Berlau 

Re: Debian goes big business? [was: Re: Suggestion for RedHat (was: RH vs Debian)]

1999-01-22 Thread Jernej Zajc
I wrote:
  Only if we let it. We're not animals. We're human. We can control
  ourselves. Just because it rarely happens doesn't mean it can't happen.
 It can happen, of course, it's just that it's different. Such a
 situation most likely deteriorates into soem are more equal than
 others, as known from Aldous Huxley.
Actually George Orwell. Sorry. But both are phantastic :-)

 I do think it possible, mind you, but I also think it would pose
 some problems that otherwise would never arise.
 But then, with the right attitude anything is possible.

Re: debian installation

1999-01-22 Thread Kent West
rod peters wrote:

  I need some help.  I have been trying to install debian for
 severl weeks.  Today got me the most progress so far.  I had my
 installation almost running but I think I put in a wrong video
 or monitor value and my system started blinking every half
 second.  It was locked up so I rebooted.  Same thing.  Now, I
 have selected the packages for home user(graphics,sound,X yadda
 yadda), but when I install, I get too many errors, quitting
 install  and as its installing the packages that do get
 installed,  often it says error files missing.  Do I have a bad
 CD?  I have been fighting with this for a long time.  I thought
 I almost had it, then I made a mistake, and now I can't get
 that far for nothin'.  I have even d'loaded the floppy images
 from the site to see if they work.  Nope.  Maybe I'm not meant
 to run Linux.

It sounds like you've gotten through the base install okay. After
partitioning your drive and selecting device drivers and
configuring your keyboard and installing the base system, you
rebooted and then were given the option to choose a type of
system (home user (graphics, sound, X, yadda yadda)). This
indicates that the basic Linux system is there (and when I say
basic, I mean just barely functional; no man pages nor 'nuthin').

This is good.

Now the post-installer script has chosen a number of packages for
you that are suitable for home use and has copied them from the
CD to a directory on your system as .deb files. Then the script
calls dpkg/dselect (the Debian installer/maintenance program) to
install those .deb packages. Probably most of the packages have
been successfully installed.

If you as root run dselect and choose the Install and/or
Configure options, dselect will again try to install/configure
the packages that haven't been successfully installed.

When it dies due to too many errors (or for whatever reason), it
should give you a list of the things it couldn't install. Most
likely it's the X Window system/XF86Configure file that is one of
the problem packages.

Let us know that list says, and we'll have a little bit better
idea of where to go from there. Or, of my assumptions are all
wrong, let us know better where you're at in the installation

Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-22 Thread Ben Pfaff
Craig Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 06:12:14PM -0500, Ben Pfaff wrote:
They should have `a word to say', and they do--they can subscribe to
Debian lists and give their feedback and advice, which developers are
free to follow or ignore.  But they do not, and should not, IMO, have
the privilege of voting or otherwise setting policy.  Users are not
developers and shouldn't presume to be.

   i mostly agree but wouldn't put it anywhere near that strongly.

   users are not developers, but they might be one day. one of the good
   things about debian is that users who are willing to put in some work
   CAN join up as developers.

I guess that that's the corollary to what I'm saying.  If users want
to have a stronger in say in whether their advice is followed, they
should be become developers.  It's not that hard, and doesn't take
that long.
...In the UNIX world, people tend to interpret `non-technical user'
 as meaning someone who's only ever written one device driver.
--Daniel Pead

Re: Mount cd

1999-01-22 Thread Martin Schulze
Henrik Hundebøl wrote:
 How do i mount cd and floppy in debian
 and how do i get my internet to work

Please ask on [EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Fatal Error: Found [MS-Windows], repartitioning Disk for Linux ...

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Re: lilo config

1999-01-22 Thread Andrew Ivanov

 As far as I noticed I didn t see any to to config lilo with a windows
 partition. I done it by hand few month ago but I needed and initrd file
 If I am right. On my actual installation which is lighter I don t get it
 any more. What can i do !!

Say again? It's kind of hard to understand what you tried to say here.
You don't have to do anything with initrd, just write lilo.conf and run


Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: what cd-writer ?

1999-01-22 Thread Lawrence Walton
I hate to disagree but... the symbios cards are great and they are
generaly cheaper, faster and less trouble.

*--* Voice: 425.739.4247
*--* Fax: 425.827.9577
*--* HTTP://
- - - - - - O t a k  i n c . - - - - - 

On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Daniel J. Brosemer wrote:

  On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 04:57:08PM -0500, Odin wrote:
 snipped for obfuscation
  Can you recommend an inexpensive PCI SCSI card to go with a Yamaha? Right
  now, I have two ATAPI hard drives and an ATAPI DVD drive connected to a
  motherboard IDE controller. I was planning on purchasing a HP ATAPI
  drive, but after hearing about several bad experiences with ATAPI
  drives, I'm interested in a SCSI-based external one. 
 Well, I can't in good conscience reccommend anything but an adaptec.  I've
 heard (but not experienced) that a zip-plus will erase data on a scsi hdd
 when not connected to an adaptec.  There are other reasons, though, like
 support, speed, _very_ nice bios, etc.  You'll pay for the niceness, but
 in my opinion, well worth it.  If you're planning on just using your CD-R
 on your SCSI chain, then you don't need Ultra Wide or even SCSI-3, just
 get yourself a good SCSI-2 (you don't even need that, but room to expand
 is good, and good luck finding a Narrow SCSI-1 anymore.)  If you're not
 buying for a corporation, my suggestion would be to watch the online
 auctions, sometimes they have adaptec cards.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-01-22 Thread Patrick Colbeck
Hi people

I want to install Gnome on Slink but don't want to scatter new versions of
the libraries (eg gtk) arround anywhere. Does anyone know if you can compile
it like KDE where it looks for all libraries relative to a partciular
install path (eg /usr/local/gnome) so the apps that come with Slink can
continue using the old libraries. Also this would be usefull for cleanup if
when the next release is out (rm -Rf /usr/local/gnome).



Re: Gnome

1999-01-22 Thread Tino Schwarze
Hi Pat,
 I want to install Gnome on Slink but don't want to scatter new versions of
 the libraries (eg gtk) arround anywhere. Does anyone know if you can compile
 it like KDE where it looks for all libraries relative to a partciular
 install path (eg /usr/local/gnome) so the apps that come with Slink can
 continue using the old libraries. Also this would be usefull for cleanup if
 when the next release is out (rm -Rf /usr/local/gnome).
Just run every configure script with option --prefix=/opt/gnome or 
whatever. Some tweaking in /etc/ and /etc/profile might be
neccessary then.

Bye, Tino.

lilo.conf~ syntax question??

1999-01-22 Thread FUNKLORDZ
i am trying to configure Lilo to give me a choice between booting NT,win98,
and Linux...first, how do i determine what partition the MS O.S.'s (i.e.
hda2,3, etc...) reside on...once i have determined where they dwell, should i
use the following syntax in lilo.conf to give me the choice between O.S.'s?
other = /dev/hda4   # your dos partition, if any
  table = /dev/hda  # the current partition table
  label = dos   # or any non-fancy name
If this syntax is correct...i guess i only need to know how to determine where
nt and 98 are...thanks in advanced

Debian on a ThinkPad 380Z

1999-01-22 Thread Matthew Tebbens

Has anyone installed Linux on a ThinkPad 380z ?
Any problems, suggestions...?


Re: Gnome

1999-01-22 Thread Will Lowe
On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Patrick Colbeck wrote:

 I want to install Gnome on Slink but don't want to scatter new versions of
 the libraries (eg gtk) arround anywhere. Does anyone know if you can compile
 it like KDE where it looks for all libraries relative to a partciular
 install path (eg /usr/local/gnome) so the apps that come with Slink can
 continue using the old libraries. Also this would be usefull for cleanup if
 when the next release is out (rm -Rf /usr/local/gnome).

Gnome uses GNU configure,  I think.  So when you untar a package,  one of
the first things the installation will tellyou to do is run ./configure
-- you can just run ./configure --prefix==/usr/local/gnome to make
everything end up in /usr/local/gnome.


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

[ question on keyboard menu choice.] (fwd)

1999-01-22 Thread Paul McDermott
hello my debian friends, can somebody on this list help me and/or us.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Kirk Reiser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: question on keyboard menu choice.]

--- Start of forwarded message ---
From: Kirk Reiser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: question on keyboard menu choice.

Dear Sir:  I was hoping you might be able to answer a question or two,
and help me solve a problem I am having building a special boot disk

We have written a set of kernel drivers to provide speech output on
the console.  As part of these patches we build special keymaps to
build into the kernel or load with loadkeys.  We have started making a
set of debian distribution disks with our modified kernel on them.  We
have no problem until we get to the select keyboarde choice in the
installation menu.  If we select u.s. our keyboard review functions
are overwritten.

What we have done is dump a binary keymap file and named it us.bmap to
try to get around the problem.  I assumed that the us.bmap file was
unpacked and loaded once a person selected us keymap at the menu
choice.  Unfortunately, it just appears to clear the keymap and not
actually load the keymap.  At least I don't think so because the
keymaps.tgz file is still intact after that point and there does not
seem to be any sign of the keymaps being unpacked.

If we try to by pass the menu choice, things go fine until we get down
to installing the base system.  We get an unable to find kbdconf, I
believe at the time zone prompt.  The system seems to just go back to
the menu at that point.

If you could clear up exactly what goes on at the keyboard choice,
that would be very useful.  I have looked through as much
documentation as I have found so far, and have not been able to find a
discussion of the actual installation process.  That is not to say one
doesn't exist, I just ain't found it yet.

Anyway, any help you could give me would certainly be appreciated.
--- End of forwarded message ---

Re: lilo config

1999-01-22 Thread Michael E. Touloumtzis
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 12:51:30PM +0100, Thomas MANGIN wrote:
 As far as I noticed I didn t see any to to config lilo with a windows
 partition. I done it by hand few month ago but I needed and initrd file
 If I am right. On my actual installation which is lighter I don t get it
 any more. What can i do !! 


I'm not sure what you are asking.  Maybe you are just asking simply for an
example of lilo.conf that boots Linux or Windows?  If so, this may help.
If not, this dialog may at least clear up what you need.


Regards, MikeT

Michael E. Touloumtzis  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ingres Product Development
Computer Associates International


1999-01-22 Thread Lawrence Walton
I have been meaning to ask this for a while; I have installed what I
believe are all the most recent gnome libs and apps from potato.

The apps that I would like to use the most are gnomecard and balsa
both range from moderately broken to just broken. I got the cvs versions
of both and tried to compile them, they both stop when they look for
gnome.h what package has it?

*--* Voice: 425.739.4247
*--* Fax: 425.827.9577
*--* HTTP://
- - - - - - O t a k  i n c . - - - - - 

Re: Mount cd

1999-01-22 Thread frleg
 Henrik Hundebøl wrote:
  How do i mount cd and floppy in debian
  and how do i get my internet to work

If you have got IDE cdrom you have to do : 
mount /dev/hdx /cdrom

  x=a primary IDE master
  x=b primary IDE slave
  x=c secondary IDE master
  x=d secondary IDE slave
(the /cdrom directory have to exist)

To mount floppy just do nearly the same :

mount /dev/fd0 /floppy

If you have gor scsi cdrom, the device is different.


Franck Le Gall 
147, rue basse - 14000 Caen
tél. : 02-31-93-29-09
mobile : 06-62-34-03-52

floppy disk multitasking problems

1999-01-22 Thread Sasha Gutfraind
Hello fellow users!

I've a rather general technical question.
Floppy drives have been around for who knows how much
time. But even more, it seems that they originated
not from multitasking OSs like UN*X and Linux, but
from Macs and PCs running DOS.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that whenever I
mount a floppy, the whole Linux multitsking stops. It
is as though the mounting of a floppy is an
uninteruptable process. Maybe HDDs are relatively
fast, but I never notice such problems when mounting
What is the reason for the delay in the system when
floppies are mounted? why it doesn't effect HDDs,
they are also physical drives? Buffer problems?


Get your free address at cannot open shared object file:

1999-01-22 Thread Christophe Broult

What should I do to avoid the following error?


gtop: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ dpkg --status gtop
Package: gtop
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 176
Maintainer: Ian Lynagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 0.28.1-5
Depends: gdk-imlib1, libc6 (= 2.0.7u), libglib1.1 (= 1.1.3-2), libgnome0 (= 
0.30.1-2), libgtk1.1 (= 1:1.1.2-2), libgtop1 (= 0.26.2-4), libjpeg62, 
libjpegg6a, libpng2, libtiff3g, libungif3g (= 3.0-2) | giflib3g (= 3.0-5.2), 
xlib6g (= 3.3-5), zlib1g (= 1:1.1.3)
Description: Graphical TOP variant
 The graphical version of top provides an easy interface to process
 control on a GNU/Linux system.


Looking for a cutting edge   | Christophe Broult
software validation technology?  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Check | ``Smile, chuckle, giggle''

vfat - cp: file: Operation not permitted

1999-01-22 Thread Pere Camps

I've mounted a vfat partition with these options:

/dev/hda2  /mnt/dos   vfatdefaults,gid=101,umask=0007  

and whenever a user in the 101 group tries a copy a file within
the filesystem it gets the following error:

cp: file: Operation not permitted

Altough the file actually gets copied.

Is there any way to avoid this message?


-- p.

Re: cannot open shared object file:

1999-01-22 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 What should I do to avoid the following error?
 gtop: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ $ dpkg --status gtop
 Package: gtop
 Status: install ok installed
 Priority: optional
 Section: admin
 Installed-Size: 176
 Maintainer: Ian Lynagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Version: 0.28.1-5
 Depends: gdk-imlib1, libc6 (= 2.0.7u), libglib1.1 (= 1.1.3-2), libgnome0 
 (= 0.30.1-2), libgtk1.1 (= 1:1.1.2-2), libgtop1 (= 0.26.2-4), libjpeg62, 
 libjpegg6a, libpng2, libtiff3g, libungif3g (= 3.0-2) | giflib3g (= 
 3.0-5.2), xlib6g (= 3.3-5), zlib1g (= 1:1.1.3)
 Description: Graphical TOP variant
  The graphical version of top provides an easy interface to process
  control on a GNU/Linux system.

You can try upgrading or reinstalling libglib1.1
(note: this may require other upgrades... gtk, etc)


1999-01-22 Thread Thomas Adams
What's up with the servers? A DNS problem perhaps?


1999-01-22 Thread Remco van de Meent
Thomas Adams wrote:
 What's up with the servers? A DNS problem perhaps?

No, there is no DNS problem, but apparently their uplink is broken at the
moment. Please try other mirrors for the time being.


Re: vfat - cp: file: Operation not permitted

1999-01-22 Thread Tino Schwarze
Hi there,
   I've mounted a vfat partition with these options:
   /dev/hda2  /mnt/dos   vfatdefaults,gid=101,umask=0007  
   and whenever a user in the 101 group tries a copy a file within
 the filesystem it gets the following error:
   cp: file: Operation not permitted
   Altough the file actually gets copied.
   Is there any way to avoid this message?
No, there is probably not. It comes from the fact that cp tries to set
some permissions on the destination file. That is actually not possible
for VFAT. (I would prefer VFAT to silently ignore that)

Bye, Tino.


1999-01-22 Thread Brian Morgan
Thanks to all who have helped me get X up and running.  I'm using xdm to
start my X sessions (not sure if I'll keep it).   A few more questions:

1. If I decide I'd rather get rid of xdm, and use startx instead, what file
to I need to modify to get to a console login on startup rather than the
graphical xdm login?

2.  If I do decide to keep xdm, what file do I modify to change my default
windows manager (similar to the .xinitrc file when using startx).

.3  Does xdm put any limitations on using gnome if I decide to use that in
the future?


Brian Morgan

Re: DeskJet 870

1999-01-22 Thread Jay Barbee
At 1/21/99 04:21 PM -0500, Alec Smith wrote:
Could anyone tell me how to make my DeskJet 870 operate under Debian? For
example, a filter for Magicfilter or whichever.

My Djet 870Cxi is on a NT system that Debian still accesses via LPR.  But I
did at one point have it hooked up and shared from Debian.  Here is how it
looked in my printcap:

 dj|djet870|HP Deskjet 870:\

I will say that I did have problem with the magicfilter program.  The
actual 550c driver that it installed filter would not execute.  I don't
know if that was a bug or not, I got a new copy of that filter (older
version maybe) and put it in its place, and I have never had a problem.

I will attach the driver I use (4.73k).

Other than that, you need to have the queue created in /var/spool/lpd:
drwxrwxr-x   2 lp   lp   1024 Dec 16 09:36 djet870/ can use a 'cp -a lp djet870' in the /var/spool/lpd directory, and
that should handle it for you.  

I know all of this sounds manual, but if the magicfilter install was a bit
much, this could be an easier route for you.

Hope it helps
--Jay#! /usr/sbin/magicfilter
# Magic filter setup file for HP DeskJet 500 series color printers with
# only CMY cartridge installed
# This file has been automatically adapted to your system.

# PostScript
0   %!  filter  /usr/bin/gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r300 
-sDEVICE=cdj500 -sOutputFile=\|cat 13 - 31 12 
0   \004%!  filter  /usr/bin/gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r300 
-sDEVICE=cdj500 -sOutputFile=\|cat 13 - 31 12 

0   %PDFfpipe   /usr/bin/gs  -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -r300 
-sDEVICE=cdj500 -sOutputFile=\|cat 13 $FILE 31 12 

0   \367\002fpipe   /usr/bin/dvips  -D 300  -R -q -f 

# compress'd data
0   \037\235pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 

# packed, gzipped, frozen and SCO LZH data
0   \037\036pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 
0   \037\213pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 
0   \037\236pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 
0   \037\240pipe/bin/gzip  -cdq 

# troff documents
0   .\?\?\040   fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0   .\\\   fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0   '\\\   fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0   '.\\\  fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 
0   \\\fpipe   `/usr/bin/grog  -Tps $FILE` 

# ditroff
0   x T pspipe/usr/bin/grops 
0   x T dvi   pipe/usr/bin/grodvi 
0   x T ascii pipe/usr/bin/grotty 
0   x T latin1pipe/usr/bin/grotty 
0   x T lj4   reject  Cannot print LaserJet 4 ditroff files.

# Portable bit-, grey- and pixmaps
0   P1\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300  
0   P2\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300  
0   P3\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300  
0   P4\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300  
0   P5\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300  
0   P6\npipe/usr/bin/pnmtops  -scale 1000 -dpi 300  

# HP Printer Control Language (PCL) -- assume start with reset code
0   \033E\033   cat 

# HP Printer Job Language (PJL)
0   \033%-12345Xreject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0   @PJL  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0   @PJL\t  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0   @PJL\r  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 
0   @PJL\n  reject  Cannot print PJL files on this printer. 

# GIF files
0   GIF87a  pipe/usr/bin/giftopnm  2/dev/null
0   GIF89a  pipe/usr/bin/giftopnm  2/dev/null

# JFIF (JPEG) files
0   \377\330\377\340\?\?JFIF\0  pipe/usr/bin/djpeg  -pnm

# TIFF files (the last two bytes of the magic is really a version number;
# but the magic is really lame and as far as I have understood the version
# number has never changed and never will, so we include it.)
0   MM\0\x2afpipe   /usr/bin/tiff2ps  $FILE
0   II\x2a\0fpipe   /usr/bin/tiff2ps  $FILE 

# BMP files (even lousier magic -- Microsoft strikes again!)
0   BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x0c  pipe\
/usr/bin/bmptoppm  2/dev/null
0   BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x40  pipe\
/usr/bin/bmptoppm  2/dev/null
0   BM\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\?\x28  pipe\
/usr/bin/bmptoppm  2/dev/null

# Garbage delivered from Windows via Samba
# (donated by Andree Leidenfrost [EMAIL PROTECTED])
# 300 \033\052\157cat
# later changed to 
# (Bug report #22866: magicfilter: Incorrect magic for Win95/Samba print jobs)
0   \000\000\000\000\000   cat


Re: xdm

1999-01-22 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 1/22/99 12:05:41 PM Eastern Standard Time,

1. If I decide I'd rather get rid of xdm, and use startx instead, what file
 to I need to modify to get to a console login on startup rather than the
 graphical xdm login?

You should already have both - starting xdm doesn't prevent the console login
from starting, it just switches your display window.  To get to your console
login, hit CTL-ALT-F1 (F1 thru F6, actually).  To switch back to your X
session, hit CTL-ALT-F6.
 2.  If I do decide to keep xdm, what file do I modify to change my default
 windows manager (similar to the .xinitrc file when using startx).

 .3  Does xdm put any limitations on using gnome if I decide to use that in
 the future?

I can't imagine it would, but I don't use GNOME.  However I do use KDE and
have no problems with that environment.  Also, I can use either xdm or kdm
with KDE for my logins.


Re: xdm

1999-01-22 Thread Andrew Ivanov
 1. If I decide I'd rather get rid of xdm, and use startx instead, what file
 to I need to modify to get to a console login on startup rather than the
 graphical xdm login?

/etc/X11/config file has one/more lines, depending on the version you use,
that mention xdm. For example, 
If you want to get rid of xdm, comment that line out.

 2.  If I do decide to keep xdm, what file do I modify to change my default
 windows manager (similar to the .xinitrc file when using startx).

/etc/X11/windows-managers holds a path to window manager that gets started
at the startup. I also modified the Xsession file in there, at the very
end, where it executed twm in some cases.


Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

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