Re: ¿Error en el driver de sonido?

1999-01-23 Thread Jesus Rodrigo
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 no se qué significa exáctamente esto. Lo único que se a ciencia cierta que
 ocurre es:

 1) Al reproducir mp3, al rato empieza a sonar un sonido estridente que cubre
 lo que estaba sonando y sólo queda cerrar el programa reproductor y
 reiniciarlo. Lo mismo me pasa con el sonido en QuakeII o bien si intento
 ejecutar un reproductor mp3 sobre otro (por ejemplo X11amp sobre mpg123).

Ni zorra... Revisa la configuración.  Por si te sirve de algo, si es
de las de pincha y llora (PnP), tendrás que compilar el driver de
sonido como módulo y usar el isapnp antes de cargar el módulo...

 2) Al ejecutar X11amp aparece el mensaje:
 socket: Too many open files
 Whooops... You caught a bug, please mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] and describe what
 you were doing.

Esto no tiene nada q ver con el sonido... En la página del x11amp lo
explican... Por lo visto en los 2.1.algo cambiaron los códigos de
retorno de la función unlink() y el x11amp se hace la picha un lío al
deszipear las skins. Moraleja: en .x11amp/Skins (o
/usr/share/x11amp/Skins, donde las tengas) deja descomprimidas las
skins, o bien no las uses...



Jesús Rodrigo   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Actualización, kernel, 2.2.125, a, 2.2. 0-pre7, conseguida...¡por, fin!

1999-01-23 Thread Jesus Rodrigo
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Gracias a los mensajes que me habeis enviado en respuesta al mio en el que
 pedía  ayuda en la actualización del kernel, especialmente a Marcelo E. 
 Magallón y a Jesus

Muchas de nadas... :)

 2) Es posible que una vez parcheado os dispongais a hacer un make config o
lo que sea y os salga un mensaje de error diciendo algo asi como no es
posible realizar rm -r include/asm pues es un directorio lo cual no

Aquí supongo que será rm -f y no -r... :?

entiendo or qué pasa, pero bueno, yo chapuceé y busqué en el Makefile
asm y donde decía rm -f include/asm puse rm -rf include/asm y
funcionó sin rechistar. Una vez rearrancado el sistema, probé a quitar la
r puesta por mi y... ahora si funcionaba como debía %-?
En fin, si alguien sabe lo que me pudo pasar que lo diga por favor pues
si bien las chapuzas funcionan a veces, me gusta saber por qué pasan las

***Supongo*** que _antes_ (ni idea de en qué versión se cambió eso),
el /usr/src/linux/include/asm era un directorio. Ahora, (supongo que
con la extension a otras plataformas) es un _link_ a asm-i386. Por eso
el rm -f casca (no es un fichero) y con -r va bien (recursive, se
carga todo lo que pilla).

De todas formas, a mi no me ha pasado y tengo un rm -f en el
Makefile... :?


Jesús Rodrigo   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Programación en C par XWindow

1999-01-23 Thread Carlos Costa Portela
On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide wrote:
 Me imagino que para XWindow existe algún tipo de librerías para
 realizar las mismas cosas e incluso más. A ser posible no tengo
 intención de programar en C++ y quisiera que alguien me pudiera decir
 donde puedo encontrar información al respecto, con algún ejemplito de

Una alternativa es usar lesstif (un clon del motif), o librerías como gtk
o tcl/tk.

Prueba a darte una vuelta por mi gran página:

Que os sirva,

+-- C a r l o s   C o s t a   P o r t e l a +
| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: |
| Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran.|
| The C Page - La página del C -|

Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-23 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Antonio Castro dixit:
  300K de disco duro para swap es algo grande pero no es una salvajada. 
  En 300Kbytes en pesetas es muy poca cosa y el sistema lo agradece. 
 ¿Te refieres a 300MB de swap?  Entonces no se trata de cuánto cuesta un

Teneis razon es una errata.

Aclaro que lo de los 300MB de swap es solo una cuestion personal. No es 
una recomendación. Yo lo tengo así y me va de cine aunque se que estoy
desperdiciando algo de disco duro.

 disco dividido por su capacidad y multiplicado por 300, sino de cuánto
 cuesta un disco con la capacidad suficiente como para que puedas permitirte
 el lujo de hacer semejante partición sólo para swap... no es poca cosa en
 pesetas cuando muchos (¿la mayoría?) están funcionando con discos de

Eso de la mayoría es cuestionable pero podrías incluso tener razón. 
Me llama la atencion la cantidad de placas modernas que la gente tiene 
y parece que el disco duro que es barato es lo último que amplian. 
No digamos los dispositivos de backup. Hay muy pocos y por eso son caros. 

La gente no gasta en ciertas cosas y en otras en cambio si. Resulta 
antieconómico que la memoria virtual sea mayoritariamente RAM.

  Yo recomiendo 150Mb no porque sean necesarios sino porque es una decisión
  que ha de tomarse al particionar el disco. La swap en un fichero es una
  chapucilla para salir de un aprieto. De todas formas no existiendo unos
  objetivos de rendimientos como podría ocurrir en un servidor de una empresa
  cada cual en su maquina puede hacer lo que guste. 
 De todos modos tenía entendido que en una sola partición Linux tan sólo
 reconoce hasta 128MB de swap (a no ser que se recompile el núcleo para que
 reconozca más, o algo así).

Más o menos. Depende del tamaño de la página. Con paginas de 4096 creo que
el limite es ese. Pero se puede usar más de una particion para swap incluso
si no tenemos mas que un solo disco no ?

Yo inicialmente hacía la swap muy justita pero cuando quería ampliar ya
no era tan facil. Reparticionar el disco para aumentar la swap es una faena
y los ficheros para swap es una chapucilla. 

Tal como yo lo tengo ahora 300Mb se puede decir que en parte está 
desperdiciada porque el aumento de la swap por encima del doble de RAM
apenas se nota. Lo tengo así porque si me da por ampliar memoria, pues ya 
tendré swap suficiente. Los discos se aprovechan durante más años que las
placas y no quiero reparticionar solo por aumentar la RAM.

Creo que en parte tambien estoy respondiendo a Marcelo. 
: _mi_ regla de oro: nunca poner más swap que un poco más que la memoria de la
: máquina (con un límite superior suave de 1.5 veces la memoria y un límite
: duro de 2 veces la memoria). A menos que .

Bueno Marcelo comenta que el manejo de memoria virtual en Linux no es 
eficiente.  Tenía entendido que era bastante bueno, y si considera que
es mejorable me gustaría escuchar las razones, porque pocas cosas son
más interesantes que un manejo eficiente de la memoria virtual no?

Lo que Marcelo comenta sobre las tablas de las paginas en RAM es una 
razón por la cual la eficiencia desciende, y no se recomienda más del 
doble de swap que de RAM pero yo no lo calificaría de limite duro.

En mi caso con tres particiones de 100Mb (Ahora si lo digo bien)
tengo una situacion que probablemente más o menos igual de eficiente 
que la que tendría con solo tres particiones de 43Mb, pero yo lo prefiero 
así porque no siempre voy a tener 64Mb de RAM, y me ahorraré la 
redistribución del disco.

Todo esto es bastante relativo pero para una persona que está teniendo
problemas de memoria como era el caso y que está usando la mitad de
swap que de RAM, yo ampliaría aunque fuera con un fichero para ver si
continuan los problemas o no. Al fin y al cabo añadir RAM en un fichero
es cosa de cinco minutos y pasada una temporadita se pueden sacar

 Un saludo,

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-23 Thread homega
Antonio Castro dixit:

  Antonio Castro dixit:
  De todos modos tenía entendido que en una sola partición Linux tan sólo
  reconoce hasta 128MB de swap (a no ser que se recompile el núcleo para que
  reconozca más, o algo así).
 En mi caso con tres particiones de 100Mb (Ahora si lo digo bien)

En ese caso creo que cambia.  Yo acabo de adquirir un disco de 4.3GB y
quiero instalar Debian2.0 y Slackware3.5 en él.  Haré una partición swap
(¿no hay modo de decirlo en castellano?) compartida de 128MB (con 48MB RAM),
y conservaré la antigua swap de ~64MB por si acaso.

Un saludo,



Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-23 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
[ Antes de que se me olvide... ¡¡¡NO ME MANDEN COPIAS!!! Les aseguro
 que leo todos los mensajes, y sé perfectamente cuando un mensaje es
 respuesta a uno mío ]
 Antonio Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Bueno Marcelo comenta que el manejo de memoria virtual en Linux no es 
  eficiente.  Tenía entendido que era bastante bueno, y si considera que
  es mejorable me gustaría escuchar las razones, porque pocas cosas son
  más interesantes que un manejo eficiente de la memoria virtual no?

 Una explicación simple del asunto está en:

 y en general:

 (creo que 'this-week' es 'week04' en caso de que no encuentres el mensaje)

 La contraparte de esta discusión está en las listas de *BSD, donde
 hace unos días apareció un mensaje altamente técnico de por qué el
 manejo de memoria virtual de BSD es más eficiente (no necesariamente
 más rápido) pero su implementación actual es muy sucia comparada con
 la de Linux.

Re: Problemas con unidad zip

1999-01-23 Thread Hue-Bond
On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Carlos Javier Sosa Gonzalez wrote:

   Yo tengo un zipo paralelo y si monta sobre sda1 o sda4, segun el
disco que meta... (curioso).

 Por  lo visto,  los  discos nuevos  vienen en  hdb4  (o sda4  o
 loquesea4). Si los formateas, pasan a ser hdb1.

Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: tengo el correo bloqueado

1999-01-23 Thread Hue-Bond
On Thu, 21 Jan 1999, Antonio Ballesteros wrote:

Pues resulta que no-se-por-que el directorio /tmp estaba con derechos 711
... y claro no podia leer/escribir.
Ya esta resuelto, 
Le he puesto 777 y va ... pero cuales son los verdaderos ???

 ¿777 y funciona?  ¿Con qué usuario lees el correo?

 Los buenos son root.root 1777.

Antonio Ballesteros[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: Configuracion de xfree86

1999-01-23 Thread José Valcarce Alonso

=?iso-8859-1?Q?V=E1zquez=2C_Gustavo?= escribió:

 Fijate en los HOWTO de Xfree86 (la configuracion) Hay un comando que sirve
 para hacer el volcado a un archivo de lo que sale en pantalla al arrnque del
 XF86. Manda eso a la lista que va a ayudar un monton.

  De:   José Valcarce Alonso[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Enviado el:   viernes 22 de enero de 1999 9:16
  Asunto:   Re: Configuracion de xfree86

Os adjunto el fichero de X -probeonly a ver si un alma caritativa me dice
que es lo que no funciona.
Puede que sea el monitor, pues no tengo sus datos.
Un saludo. Pepe.

XFree86 Version / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: July 15 1998
If the server is older than 6-12 months, or if your card is newer
than the above date, look for a newer version before reporting
problems.  (see http://www.XFree86.Org/FAQ)
Operating System: Linux 2.0.35 i686 [ELF] 
Configured drivers:
  S3: accelerated server for S3 graphics adaptors (Patchlevel 0)
  newmmio, mmio_928, s3_generic
(using VT number 7)

XF86Config: /etc/X11/XF86Config
(**) stands for supplied, (--) stands for probed/default values
(**) XKB: keycodes: xfree86
(**) XKB: types: default
(**) XKB: compat: default
(**) XKB: symbols: en_US(pc102)+es
(**) XKB: geometry: pc
(**) Mouse: type: Logitech, device: /dev/mouse, baudrate: 1200
(**) Mouse: buttons: 3
(**) S3: Graphics device ID: S3
(**) S3: Monitor ID: LE 38 P
(--) S3: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 35.16 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 35.52 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 640x400 needs hsync freq of 37.86 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 640x480 needs hsync freq of 36.46 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 640x480 needs hsync freq of 37.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 37.88 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 640x400 needs hsync freq of 43.27 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 43.92 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 48.08 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 48.36 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 640x480 needs hsync freq of 53.01 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 53.51 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 55.84 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 56.48 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 51.02 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 800x600 needs hsync freq of 64.02 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 62.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 62.42 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 64.25 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 70.24 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 70.88 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 74.59 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 75.00 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 76.01 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 78.86 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1024x768 needs hsync freq of 80.21 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 81.13 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 87.50 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1152x864 needs hsync freq of 89.62 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 91.15 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 93.75 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1600x1200 needs hsync freq of 105.77 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1280x1024 needs hsync freq of 107.16 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1800X1440 needs hsync freq of 96.15 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 1800X1440 needs hsync freq of 104.52 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 320x240 needs hsync freq of 39.38 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 400x300 needs hsync freq of 35.16 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 400x300 needs hsync freq of 37.88 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 400x300 needs hsync freq of 48.08 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 480x300 needs hsync freq of 35.16 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 480x300 needs hsync freq of 37.80 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 480x300 needs hsync freq of 39.56 kHz. Deleted.
(--) S3: Mode 480x300 needs hsync freq of 48.00 kHz. Deleted.
(**) FontPath set to 
(--) S3: PCI: Trio64V2 rev 4, Linear FB @ 0xe000
(--) S3: chipset:   Trio64V2/DX rev. 4
(--) S3: chipset driver: newmmio
(--) S3: card type: PCI
(--) S3: videoram:  1024k
(--) S3: Ramdac type: s3_trio64v2
(--) S3: Ramdac speed: 170 MHz
(--) S3: Using Trio64V2 programmable clock (MCLK 59.957 MHz)
(--) S3: Maximum allowed dot-clock: 170.000 MHz
(**) S3: Mode 640x480: mode clock =  25.175
(--) S3: There is no mode definition named 800x600
(--) S3: Removing mode 800x600 from list of valid modes.
(--) S3: There is no mode definition named 1024x768
(--) S3: Removing mode 1024x768 

Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-23 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 12:43:14PM +, Hue-Bond contaba:

 Eso  me parece  una salvajada.  Yo  tengo XFree  3.3.2, con  el
 servidor  SVGA, 64  Mb RAM  y también  32 de  swap. Arranco  las X,
 Netscape 4.07  y StarOffice 5.0  (con todo lo  que pesa) y  no pasa
 nada. Sí, tira un  poco de swap pero no caen las X.  Ah, y si cargo
 una imagen pesada en el Gimp tampoco cae.

Si estuvieramos hablando de Windows, pues lo que dices tendría razón.
Quiero decir que en Windows La memoria libre no se usa para nada, y
aparte el Windows hace bastante mal uso del Swap.

En Linux en cambio el Swap es muy eficiente. Cuando un programa no se
ha usado en X tiempo, pues se mete en la Swap y se deja memoria libre
para otros procesos. Y si no hay tales procesos se usa como buffer. 

Corregidme si no es cierto, pero los programas que aparecen entre
paréntesis en el ps están en swap. Por ejemplo:

2  ?  SW   0:00 (kflushd)
3  ?  SW  0:00 (kswapd)
   87  ?  S0:00 (klogd)
   98  ?  S0:00 (inetd)
  116  ?  S0:00 (lpd)
  143   2 S0:00 (getty)
  144   3 S0:00 (getty)
  145   4 S0:00 (getty)
  146   5 S0:00 (getty)
  147   6 S0:00 (getty)
  409   1 S0:00 (xterm)
   96  ?  S0:00 (portmap)
  139  ?  S0:00 (atd)
  142   1 S0:00 (zsh)
  380   1 S0:00 (xinit)
  388   1 S0:00 (.xsession)
  420  p0 S0:00 (zsh)

Joder, que de mierda tengo en el caché. Casi es la mitad de procesos.

Esto es super auténtico, y de hecho ha debido mejorar su gestión en
las últimas versiones del kernel (estable), porque anteriormente
tenía unos problemas locos de memoria (tengo 16 megas). Ahora veo que
la memoria me rinde mejor.

Bueno, según comentan muchos ya, hay que usar la Swap como una
ventaja más. Hay gente que lanza aplicaciones gigantescas que no se
usan todo el rato: gimp, WordPerfect,... Si no las usas sabes que se
van a ir al swap, y te liberarán la memoria de nuevo

Pero estos programas están accesibles en cuanto pulses sobre su
icono, y se cargarán más rápido que si tuvieras que ejecutarlos desde
el principio.

De hecho cada vez es menos raro que haya programas que te recomienden
el que los tengas lanzadados todo el rato.

En resumen yo tengo 92Mb de RAM y los seguiré teniendo aunque amplie

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

01/22   Sam Cooke is born in Chicago, 1935

Programas al Swap

1999-01-23 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Respecto a lo que comentaba antes de los programas que se van ellos
solos al Swap, pues he estado haciendo pruebas para ver que tal
funciona, y algunos lo hacen bastante bien:

   * WordPerfect 8.0
   * Netscape 4.07
   se van al caché en cuanto lo minimizas y te dejan bastante
   memoria libre

Otros no tanto:

   * Gimp
   este ni minimizado, ni luego de 5 minutos, a no ser
   que le mandes un kill -STOP

   bueno, ahora luego de unos 10 minutos ya se me ha metido en
   swap el script-fu, a ver si no tarda el gimp

No he hecho pruebas pero similar debe pasar con el INN, el SendMail,
y demás mariconadas que podamos meter en nuestro sistema.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

01/22   Sam Cooke is born in Chicago, 1935

Re: Tarjeta de video.

1999-01-23 Thread MadBit
Date forwarded: 20 Jan 1999 09:16:05 -
Date sent:  Wed, 20 Jan 1999 09:13:16 +
From:   Enrique Zanardi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Re: Tarjeta de video.
Forwarded by:

 On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 09:39:07AM +0100, Mig wrote:
 Voy a comprar una tarjeta de video, pero no se cual, quisiera que me
  recomendaran una que linux la soporte, no se si comprar una agp o una
  voodoo, el problema es que me dicen que para la voodoo necesito una
  tarjeta de video normal, tambien quisiera que me recomendaran marcas.
  Depende para que la quieras. Asi para uso doméstico lo mas
  aconsejable es una tarjeta coon el chip i740 de intel, y de la marca que
  más te guste. Sale por unas 6.000 ptas (36 Euros), y viene con 8 Mb de
  memoria. Tiene un refgresco de 85 Mhz, y la memoria va a 205 Mhz. En
  fin, bastante equilibrado.

 Ojo, que parece que presenta incompatibilidades con los AMD K6-2...
 (La gente de Vobis ha tenido problemas con los de 350 MHz, y yo mismo he
 sido testigo de problemas a la hora de instalar los controladores
 específicos de la tarjeta. También es cierto que era sobre W95...). ;-)

 Enrique Zanardi  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Yo tengo un K6-2 300 con una i740. El problema es que para que
funcione en W95 hay que poner el suplemento de USB. En linux
no hay ningun problema.


LLave PGP publica en:
ICQ#: 22515593

Re: Tarjeta de video.

1999-01-23 Thread MadBit
Date forwarded: 20 Jan 1999 20:02:16 -
Date sent:  Wed, 20 Jan 1999 05:18:43 -0600 (CST)
From:   Miguel Angel Hernandez Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:Tarjeta de video.
Forwarded by:

   Podrian decirme cuales son las tarjetas ATI y si las intel 740 son
 PCI o AGP, y que tal funcionan las voodoo2 con debian, la computadora es
 un AMD k6-2 350 mhz.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En cuanto a la i740 es AGP, trabaja bien con las voodoo y con las 
k6-2 no da problemas.

LLave PGP publica en:
ICQ#: 22515593

Re: La memoria se me empeta

1999-01-23 Thread MadBit
Date forwarded: 20 Jan 1999 10:35:45 -
Date sent:  Wed, 20 Jan 1999 11:33:47 +0100 (CET)
From:   Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Antonio Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Copies to:  Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Usuarios Debian Español
Subject:Re: La memoria se me empeta
Forwarded by:

 On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:

  On Wed, 20 Jan 1999, =?iso-8859-1?Q?Javier_Vi=F1uales_Guti=E9rrez?=
   cuando llevo mucho rato trabajando por ejemplo con Netscape Navigator
   (que es con lo que lo he notado) la memoria se me llena y el sistema
   se vuelve terriblemente lento e incluso se me conjelan Netscape y las
   aplicaciones que tenga abierta y el sistema llega a veces incluso a
   expulsarme de la sesión X.

 ¿Pero qué otras aplicaciones tienes? ¿Sólo X-Window System, 1 ó 2 xterms,
 y el Notescape? ¿O tienes por ahí cipotecientas tres aplicaciones más?
 Porque lo que te pasa no es normal. Yo tengo un P133, 64 MB RAM y 32 de
 suapin y ejecuto Notescape, Xemacs y varias xterm y más cosillas sin
 problema ninguno.

   No se si la culpa es de un swap demasiado chico: 32 Mb de swap y 64Mb
   RAM. Temas de micro no creo que sean pues dispongo de un PII 400.
 Qué envidia :-P'''

  Tu swap es enana.  Pon 150Mb de swap.

 Canastos, depende de lo que uses el sistema. Si tienes 144 usuarios
 simultáneamente, todos ejecutando X-Window con KDE, Notescape, XEmacs,
 etc., evidentemente es enana. Si estás tú solo ejecutando tres cosas y
 media, casi no te hace ni falta. A ver, ¿cómo se entiende, en Linux, que
 uno tiene 16 MB de RAM y 32 de suapin, y le funciona bien, y que cuando se
 amplía a 64 MB de RAM ya el suapin no le basta? ¡Tendrá que ir todo mejor,
 puesto que tiene más RAM! Otra cosa es que abuse mucho y le meta kaña al
 sistema aprovechando, y al final está en las mismas y tiene que ampliar a
 128 MB.

 Ya se ha hablado en esta lista hace un tiempo del espacio de trasiego
 idóneo. Eso de de 2 a 3 veces la memoria RAM es... «muy relativo»; por
 no decir un rollo patatero. Al menos en Linux. En Solaris o Digital UNIX o
 HP/UX, etc., ya me callo.

  Si tienes varios discos reparte el espacio de swap de forma equiligrada
  para conseguir mayor eficiencia.
 Eso sí es cierto, pero muchas veces es un lujo (¿quién tiene dos discos, y
 además puede coger dos trozos para suapin?) en una máquina doméstica.

   Se que el tema es de emoria pues hoy cuando me dió el problema
   casualmente lanzaba un dpkg -l|grep xforms y la respuesta fue un.
   dpkg: malloc failed (65552 bytes): Cannot allocate memory
  Esto es la demostración de que no tienes suficiente memoria virtual.
 A ver si es que tienes un chip de memoria estropeado y no te reconoce toda
 la RAM que tienes. Porque te repito que eso no es normal. O un programa,
 quizá el propio Notescape, tiene un fallo oculto y está consumiendo
 memoria a ritmo exponencial.

   Si hago un top no observo falta de memoria, ¿qué puede estar
   pasando?. Si es falta de swap, ¿se puede ampliar sin tener que borrar
   todo y empezar desde cero?.

 Podrías probar a usar ficheros de trasiego (traducción de suapin), pero no
 creo que sea ése el problema.   Si tienes espacio libre solo tienes que
 añadir particiones de tipo swap.  Si no tienes espacio para nuevas
 particiones puedes ampliar la swap  usando swap en un fichero normal
 aunque estas cosas solo las recomiendo  como parche temporal para ir
 tirando. La swap debe ser lo más rápida  posible y para ello lo suyo es
 usar particiones tipo swap.  Eso, lo que yo decía; pero no creo que vaya
 la cosa por ahí. -- G. A. Gª - C.I.T.I. - S.I.C.Y.N.T.E. - Dpto. L.S.I. -
 Esta frase es shareware. Para registrarte mándame 1000 duros.

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El netscape tiende a hacer eso cuando no resuelve bien una
dirección. Pon ps en una ventana y si ves un proceso de netscape
que ponga '(dns helper)' pues es eso. Tienes algo mal puesto en la
configuración de red, intenta resolver la dirección y no lo hace bien
y se queda bloqueao consumiendo recursos como loco.


LLave PGP publica en:
ICQ#: 22515593

reparticionar y compartir

1999-01-23 Thread homega
Por favor, a ver si alguien puede ayudarme con esto.

1 Disco EIDE de 1.2GB, maestro primario, con windows, Debian (~600MB), y
partición swap (64MB).
1 Disco UDMA de 4.3GB (la BIOS sólo reconoce ~4.1GB), maestro secundario,
nuevo a estrenar.

Hasta ahora todo el systema de Debian está en la misma partición (hda2), y
quiero hacer lo siguiente:

- crear particiones extendidas en el segundo disco duro y pasar varios
directorios a éstas;

- crear una segunda partición de swap de 128MB;

- instalar Slackware3.5, compartiendo aquellos sistemas que se puedan.

De los varios mensajes y documentación que he leido, creo que los siguientes
directorios se pueden mover (y ponerlos en particiones aparte) y el espacio
que requieren:

/ : bueno, éste no ya que es el principal, y requiere poco espacio;

/usr : éste se puede mover (¿y compartir?), y es el que más espacio requiere;

/usr/local : éste es para paquetes instalados ajenos al sistema, se puede
mover (¿compartir?), y el espacio depende de qué se pretenda instalar;

/home : se puede mover y compartir, y el espacio depende del número de

/var : se puede mover pero imagino que no se puede compartir, y require
bastante espacio;

/tmp : se puede mover y compartir (¿espacio?);

/opt : he leido que se debe crear para la instalación de cierto tipo de
programas (WordPerfect, Netscape, StarOffice, bases de datos,...)... ¿y

/mnt : se puede mover y compartir (¿espacio?).

¿Podríais darme vuestra opinión?

¿Qué porcentaje de espacio debería dar a cada uno?

¿Cómo hago para copiar los directorios a las nuevas particiones?  ¿cp,
dd,...?  ¿qué más debería cambiar para que funcione?

¿y para que puedan ser compartidas entre Debian y Slackware?

¿alguna otra sugerencia?

Gracias por adelantado.

Un saludo,



Re: vfat - cp: file: Operation not permitted

1999-01-23 Thread Pere Camps

   (I would prefer VFAT to silently ignore that)
  Me too. 
 Yes, quiet in the options line does this IIRC.

Great! Problem (almost solved)!

 zip for example encounters the same problem when creating a zip on
 FAT/VFAT, and removes the created zip file! Most annoying.

Is there anyone who we can complain about this. Don't know, some
option that fakes chmod/chown while in FAT...

Let me check who's the FAT maintainer...

I've got these:

N: Gordon Chaffee
D: vfat, fat32, joliet, native language support

N: Henrik Storner
D: vfat/msdos integration, kerneld docs, Linux promotion

Do you think it's proper to email any of these two guys?

-- p.

Shell problems

1999-01-23 Thread Nuno Donato
1 - Does anybody knows how can I edit my Apps menus in my 
shell.  I want to edit it because AfterStep is installed and 
it doesn't appear there. 2 - What is the shell where I can 
have icons(shortcuts) in the desktop?



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Re: vfat - cp: file: Operation not permitted

1999-01-23 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 12:09:32AM +, Pere Camps wrote:
(I would prefer VFAT to silently ignore that)
 Me too. 
  Yes, quiet in the options line does this IIRC.
   Great! Problem (almost solved)!

   Do you think it's proper to email any of these two guys?

Doesn't the quiet option solve the whole problem?

zip works once you've set quiet.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Plextor PX-412C ? (was: what cd-writer ?)

1999-01-23 Thread Alexander Kushnirenko

We are also looking for a good SCSI CDR to buy for our university group.  We 
plan to redistribute experimental data on CDs, so we may burn few CDs a day 
occasionally.  After reading net we decided to go with something like:
Plextor PX-412C, or Sony 948S, or Yamaha CRW 4260

Are they good?  Would you prefer one to another?

Will Adaptec 2940UW SCSI card be enough for them?

External vs Internal?  Some people say that overheating is a problem and 
external is a better choice.


Formating Partitioning new HDD (was Re: rawrite for linux)

1999-01-23 Thread homega
Please, do bear with me for a moment and help me go through it, thanks:

ok, so making images of Slack's boot (bareapm.i), root (color.gz), and
rescue (rescue.gz) disks seems to have worked (documentation says to make
images of all three files).

Now, in principle my initial idea was to strip windows from as much space as
possible (even getting rid of it for good) so that I could make space for
Slackware (that was with an IDE HDD of ~1.2GB, from which ~600MB belong to
Debian.  But this picture has change to better, I've just purchased a ~4.3GB
UMDA HDD (though the BIOS just recognizes ~4.1GB).

According to the Hard-Disk-Upgrade-mini-HOWTO, I can copy the entire Debian
system to the new disk (and the steps to go through seem to be quite
straight forward), allowing me that process to add more space to Debian in
the new partition.  Furthermore, I could spread the filesystem through
several different partitions (with the obvious purpose of being able to
share those possible between Debian2.0 and Slackware3.5, eg. /home, /usr?,
anyone else?

Then, of course, since Linux only allows 4 native partitions to be created
(1 of them will be a 128MB swap - I have now 48MB RAM), and I plan to make
several partitions for Debian (/, /home, /usr... ie. the ones I've heard
they can be shared), plus the partition for Slackware (and I'm guessing I
have to somehow jump creating /home and /usr during the installation
process), some logical and extended partitions will have to be created (but
just how many?  Say 2 native for both Debian and Slackware's /'s;  and 2
logical extended for /home and /usr (which will leave me with no chance to
create one spare empty partition, unless it's just right to make 2 extended
for both Deb and Slack).

Please, could someone comment and give me advice on all the process thus
far?  Also, how big every partition should be.

The Large-Disk-mini-HOWTO might be taken into account, although probably not
since partitioning the disk might solve that, am I right?

And finally (back to basics), to format and partition the new HDD (instead
of the DOS FORMAT and fdisk tools), I should just use the fdisk (or cfdisk,
which one?) and mke2fs tools (sorry, just thinking there's something

It would be great if I could get through and over with the whole thing
during this weekend, so I'll be most grateful for any advice, correction,

Un saludo,



Re: Plextor PX-412C ? (was: what cd-writer ?)

1999-01-23 Thread Matt Garman
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 06:24:33PM -0600, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:
 We are also looking for a good SCSI CDR to buy for our university group.  We 
 plan to redistribute experimental data on CDs, so we may burn few CDs a day 
 occasionally.  After reading net we decided to go with something like:
 Plextor PX-412C, or Sony 948S, or Yamaha CRW 4260
 Are they good?  Would you prefer one to another?

I own the Plextor PlexWriter 412 internal SCSI burner, and it's been
nothing short of 100% reliable.  I use it for backups, and also
recording audio (cdda) cds of my own.  The only CD that didn't burn
correctly was my own fault for not using the software correctly.

I've never burned under Windows, though.

 Will Adaptec 2940UW SCSI card be enough for them?

Yup, that's exactly what I have.  My SCSI cable was 68 pin, and the
burner had a 50 pin port, but I just picked up an adapter.

 External vs Internal?  Some people say that overheating is a problem and 
 external is a better choice.

Mine is internal, never had a problem with heat, and I leave my
computer on 24 hrs/day.  Internal is cheaper.


They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
 Lord, them delta women think the world of me.
-- Dickey Betts, Ramblin' Man


1999-01-23 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

Hi all,

We have just moved the site to a new host located on
AARNET, if you liked using the old one then you can use the address.


Re: SQL packages

1999-01-23 Thread Greg Frye
I checked and it was postgres95 that I had trouble with on Debian.  I
have Debian 1.3.1 running on my server.  Can I run the latest PostgreSQL
on it?  I would like to try it on my Debian box more than my RH box.

Oliver Elphick wrote:
 Greg Frye wrote:
   I have PostgreSQL loaded on a Redhat box (I couldn't get the Debian
   package running, Debian 1.3.1).
 Was that postgres95? If you have problems with the current PostgreSQL
 packages, please let me know about them.
 The latest version is 6.4.2-2, in unstable.  frozen has 6.3.2-16
 Oliver Elphick  
  He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack...
  Proverbs 28:27

Greg Frye, APS
California Environmental Protection Agency
Air Resources Board
Monitoring and Laboratory Division
1927 13th Street
P. O. Box 2815
Sacramento, CA  95812-2815
voice: 916-324-8892
fax: 916-327-8217

Re: Plextor PX-412C ? (was: what cd-writer ?)

1999-01-23 Thread Mike Garfias
Alexander Kushnirenko spoke forth with the blessed manuscript:
 We are also looking for a good SCSI CDR to buy for our university group.  We 
 plan to redistribute experimental data on CDs, so we may burn few CDs a day 
 occasionally.  After reading net we decided to go with something like:
 Plextor PX-412C, or Sony 948S, or Yamaha CRW 4260
 Are they good?  Would you prefer one to another?
I'd prefer the Yamaha or Plextor.  I think I would have to flip a coin over the
two, as I've used both and have had good luck.

 Will Adaptec 2940UW SCSI card be enough for them?

Just fine provided you have a fast disk to send data to it.

 External vs Internal?  Some people say that overheating is a problem and 
 external is a better choice.

I've had no problems with internal units.

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Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-23 Thread Craig Sanders
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 10:38:54AM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 20:26:12 +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
  i mostly agree but wouldn't put it anywhere near that strongly.
 I would. Ben's phrasing strongly reminds me of Robert A. Heinlein;
 especially of the concept of TANSTAAFL and the political system he
 describes in Starship Troopers, where the right to vote must be
 earned through a tour of duty of public (not necessary military)

 In the case of Debian, users do not have the right of vote, but can
 earn it by becoming developers (i.e. by maintaining packages, but also
 by writing documentation, maintaining the website etc.).

such a system works fine for an organisation (like debian) where
participation or membership is completely voluntary.

it would suck for the real world where participation in the nation state
is involuntary, and there's nowhere outside to go to.

Heinlein wrote some good books, but you've got to be careful in
your reading if you want to avoid adopting some of his more fascist
pro-militaristic and ultra-capitalist politics.  Also, the sexual
politics was certainly quite progressive for the '50s and '60s but comes
across is being old-fashioned sexist trash these days. his stuff is
still an enjoyable read, though (if you ignore complete crap like the
number of the beast).

Pournelle's even worse. in partnership with Niven he writes some great
stories. take the politics with a large grain of salt, though.  Must
admit I like the Think of it as evolution in action phrase, though i
use it in contexts quite contrary to their usage :-)

(BTW: TANSTAAFL was Larry Niven, not Heinlein IIRC)

i better stop now before debian-devel detours into an sf crit list for a


craig sanders

Re: xdm

1999-01-23 Thread Robert Wilderspin
On 22 Jan 99 20:15:13 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kent West)

At 03:09 PM 1/22/1999 -0500, Michael Stenner wrote:
New xdm question:

My box is set up to start xdm automatically.  Can I start linux without
xdm starting?  I would even settle for having it run but not on the

Reason I care:

I had a video card go bad and I wasn't sure that my new video card could
handle what xdm was going to automatically send it when my computer came
up.  I'm pretty sure that using a root disk and then mounting / to edit
stuff (that was already mentioned on this thread) would work, but it
surprises me that there isn't a more elegant solution.


  Michael Stenner Office Phone: 919-660-2513
  Duke University, Dept. of Physics [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Box 90305, Durham N.C. 27708-0305

Ya know, as obvious as that is, it never occurred to me. The xdm maintainer
might want to be given the suggestion to provide some sort of hot-key to
avoid starting xdm or to cancel out of it. Good idea, Micheal.

Why not boot into single-user mode (or any mode lower than the one
that starts xdm by default) and edit the files from there?  That'll
save you at least one reboot and the hassle of using a rescue disk.
Try kernel name single at the boot prompt.

Rob Wilderspin
But I need it to crash once every few days - 
reboots are the only chance I get to sleep...
--= (send replies to rob@)

Re: Plextor PX-412C ? (was: what cd-writer ?)

1999-01-23 Thread Chris Frost
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:

 We are also looking for a good SCSI CDR to buy for our university group.  We 
 plan to redistribute experimental data on CDs, so we may burn few CDs a day 
 occasionally.  After reading net we decided to go with something like:
 Plextor PX-412C, or Sony 948S, or Yamaha CRW 4260
 Are they good?  Would you prefer one to another?
I'm using a plextor px-412c here, and it's worked like a dream. Plextor
drives in general are of high quality (esp when it comes to audio
extraction). I haven't used the other drives, but you can't go wrong with
the plextor. Btw, plextor will be coming out with an 8x writer pretty
soon, so you may wish to wait for it to come out and either (1) buy the 8x
writer or (2) buy the 4x at a lower price.

 Will Adaptec 2940UW SCSI card be enough for them?
Yes, though I'm not sure how stable the 2940uw's driver is at this point.

 External vs Internal?  Some people say that overheating is a problem and 
 external is a better choice.
I prefer external drives most of the time, as they can be moved to other
boxes very easily (also means the inside of your box stays cooler, which
is a problem on my computer). Of course, external also costs around

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Re: xdm

1999-01-23 Thread Branden Robinson
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 11:02:42AM -0600, Brian Morgan wrote:
 Thanks to all who have helped me get X up and running.  I'm using xdm to
 start my X sessions (not sure if I'll keep it).   A few more questions:
 1. If I decide I'd rather get rid of xdm, and use startx instead, what file
 to I need to modify to get to a console login on startup rather than the
 graphical xdm login?

Virtual consoles are still available on VC's 1 through 6.
CTRL-ALT-Fn, where n is from 1 to 6, will get you to them from the xdm
login screen.

ALT-Fn switches between virtual consoles when at a console.  The xdm login
screen will be on VC 7, so ALT-F7 will get you back there.

If you don't want xdm starting a local X server at all, edit
/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers and comment out the line at the bottom by placing a
# at the start of the line.  There are other ways to stop xdm from
launching a local X server at boot, but this one perhaps requires the
least effort.

 2.  If I do decide to keep xdm, what file do I modify to change my default
 windows manager (similar to the .xinitrc file when using startx).

$HOME/.xsession is best used for X sessions started with both xdm and

If you have a $HOME/.xinitrc, it is never seen by X sessions started by
xdm, and it furthermore bypasses some of the setup and housekeeping that
startx/xinit normally do.  It's best just to move .xinitrc to .xsession.

The xinit manpage has more information about this.

 .3  Does xdm put any limitations on using gnome if I decide to use that in
 the future?

To my knowledge, no; but I do not have any experience with GNOME.

G. Branden Robinson  |   Religion is something left over from the
Debian GNU/Linux |   infancy of our intelligence; it will
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   fade away as we adopt reason and science |   as our guidelines.  -- Bertrand Russell

Description: PGP signature

Re: boot disk question/suggestion

1999-01-23 Thread Ossama Othman
Hi again,

 2.0.x maxes out at 2^30-2^26 = 1006632960 bytes, or 960MB, of RAM.
 Thus, you'll wanna use mem=960M.
 You can also adjust some headers (I forget which) to expand the kernel
 memory / virtual memory split (it is adjustable, and it defaults to 1GB/3GB).

Can the 2.1/2.2 kernels handle a gigabyte of memory?  Also, I remember
reading somewhere that the 2.1/2.2 kernels can handle swap partitions
greater than 128MB.  Is this also true?

Sorry guys, I guess I should be asking this on debian-user.


RE: what cd-writer ?

1999-01-23 Thread Bill Parker

I have a VERY hard time trying to find a retail source for Symbios SCSI
cards in the US.  Who sells them in typical user quantities?


Windows crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

 I hate to disagree but... the symbios cards are great and they are
 generaly cheaper, faster and less trouble.

 *--* Voice: 425.739.4247
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 - - - - - - O t a k  i n c . - - - - -

 On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Daniel J. Brosemer wrote:

   On Wed, Jan 20, 1999 at 04:57:08PM -0500, Odin wrote:
  snipped for obfuscation
   Can you recommend an inexpensive PCI SCSI card to go with a
 Yamaha? Right
   now, I have two ATAPI hard drives and an ATAPI DVD drive
 connected to a
   motherboard IDE controller. I was planning on purchasing a HP ATAPI
   drive, but after hearing about several bad experiences with ATAPI
   drives, I'm interested in a SCSI-based external one.
  Well, I can't in good conscience reccommend anything but an
 adaptec.  I've
  heard (but not experienced) that a zip-plus will erase data on
 a scsi hdd
  when not connected to an adaptec.  There are other reasons, though, like
  support, speed, _very_ nice bios, etc.  You'll pay for the niceness, but
  in my opinion, well worth it.  If you're planning on just using
 your CD-R
  on your SCSI chain, then you don't need Ultra Wide or even SCSI-3, just
  get yourself a good SCSI-2 (you don't even need that, but room to expand
  is good, and good luck finding a Narrow SCSI-1 anymore.)  If you're not
  buying for a corporation, my suggestion would be to watch the online
  auctions, sometimes they have adaptec cards.
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RE: aic7xxx kernel: Did you solve your problem?

1999-01-23 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren

I've got an 2940UW to and I've got a similar problem with it. I've tried
almost everything since the past December and the problem still goes on. My
system hangs at the detection phase of the HD attached to the card (it's the
only device attached to the card). I get a timed out error.

If you get a solution, how did you solve your problem?

I'll thank any information that could solve my problem?

Antonio A. Rivas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
STARTEG Project - Oviedo (Spain)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Even God discuss on the details with the devil.

-Mensaje original-
De: Richard Hall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Debian User List
Fecha: lunes, 11 de enero de 1999 07:58 a.m.
Asunto: aic7xxx kernel

I installed Debian using a pre-compiled set of disks made especially for
the Adaptec 2940 SCSI card, and now I am trying to make a custom kernel.
I know what I'm doing, but I can't figure out which options to choose
during 'make config' to get a working kernel.  I've tried several
permutations.  Here's what happens:

When I boot with the precompiled kernel and its starting to deal with the
SCSI bus, it says:

(scsi0) Downloading sequencer code . . . 419 instructions read

then it boots fine

When I boot with my custom floppy:

(scsi0) Downloading sequencer code . . . 406 instructions read

then it reports a parity error and falls into an infinite failure loop

Can anyone tell me which parameters to choose during 'make config' to fix
this?  There are three questions that come up when I choose the AIC7xxx
driver.  I've answered yes and no to overriding driver defaults, yes and
no to verbose error reporting, and tried 5 and 15 second waits after
resetting SCSI bus.  What am I missing?


Richard Hall
Network Services
University of Tennessee

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: boot disk question/suggestion

1999-01-23 Thread Ossama Othman
Hi Robert,

I just wanted to thank you for your suggestion.  It seems to be working!
I am having problems getting the boot procedure find the root filesystem
but at least I got this far!  Any suggestions about the kernel being
unable to find the root filesystem?


 # dd if=resc1440.bin of=/dev/fd0
 # mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt
 # cd /mnt
 # rm linux
 # cp /place/i/have/my/working/kernel linux
 # ./
 # cd /
 # umount /mnt
 Yes, the script does require that you mount the disk on /mnt.
 Make sure your rescue disk contains ext2, msdos, ramdisk, initrd, and ELF
 Happy booting.

Re: X manager installation changes /dev/mouse from psaux to ttyS0

1999-01-23 Thread Rene Hojbjerg Larsen
Oliver Elphick wrote:
 BOHICA wrote:
  I tried re-symlinking /dev/mouse to /dev/psaux
  BOHICA:/dev$ rm mouse
  BOHICA:/dev$ ln -s /dev/mouse /dev/psaux
  but for some reason this causes /dev/psaux to link to /dev/ttyS0.
 You got the command back-to-front.
  So now I have: /dev/mouse = /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/psaux = /dev/ttyS0
  Can anyone help me resolve this?  I am quite out of my depth here (not
  that I was too deep to begin with).
 As superuser, do:
   ln -sf /dev/psaux /dev/mouse

It seems that the device node has been replaced by a symlink.  Your
suggestion will not help much:

  mouse - psaux - ttyS0

To fix this, do (# means do as root):

# cd /dev
# rm psaux
# ./MAKEDEV misc
# ln -sf psaux mouse

The MAKEDEV script will recreate the /dev/psaux device node for you.

   ln -sf /dev/ttyS0 /dev/modem


# ln -sf ttyS0 /dev/modem

will suffice.  Just remember that if you have multiple programs that need
to access the modem (e.g. pppd, mgetty, minicom, xringd) they must all
use the same device name, ie. they all use /dev/modem or they all use
/dev/ttyS0.  Otherwise, locking of the device will not work properly.

   /'`\  zzzZ  | My PGP Public Key is available at:
  ( - - )   |
 Don't ya just hate it when there's not enough room to fin 

Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-23 Thread Joey Hess
Craig Sanders wrote:
 (BTW: TANSTAAFL was Larry Niven, not Heinlein IIRC)

No it wasn't. Read _The_Moon_Is_A_Harsh_Mistress_ again.

see shy jo

Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Randy Edwards
Could someone tell me if there is a utility to create screenshots packaged for
Debian?  I've searched various combinations in dselect and couldn't find one
but it'd amaze me if one was already packaged.  TIA.

 Regards,  | REDMOND, WA (API) --- MICROSOFT (MSFT) announced today
 . | the the official release date for the new operating
 Randy | system Windows 2000 will be delayed until the second
   | quarter of 1901 due to year 2000 problems.

Re: xdm

1999-01-23 Thread Branden Robinson
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 12:39:48PM -0600, Brian Morgan wrote:
 I can't seem to find any file in /etc/X11 that has a line with start-xdm
 in it.  X (and hence, xdm) is starting on boot.  Is there a way to change
 that?  All I've done to make this happen was install the xdm package.  Also,
 is there any way to quit the xserver while using xdm without it
 automatically bringing back the xdm login screen (and hence starting X

If you're running slink, the file you want is /etc/X11/xdm/xdm.options.

man xdm.options

for more information about this file.

Note that the start-xdm option has been eliminated.  It is assumed that
if you install the xdm package, you want it to run.  So if you want it to
not start a local X server, edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers per my other mail.

And yes, there is a way to quit the X server while using xdm without it
automatically bringing back the xdm login screen.  


This instructs xdm to stop managing that server, and is documented in
the xdm manpage, though admittedly it's pretty far in.

G. Branden Robinson  |Convictions are more dangerous enemies
Debian GNU/Linux |of truth than lies.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |-- Friedrich Nietzsche |

Description: PGP signature

Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Branden Robinson
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 11:54:14PM -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:
 Could someone tell me if there is a utility to create screenshots packaged for
 Debian?  I've searched various combinations in dselect and couldn't find one
 but it'd amaze me if one was already packaged.  TIA.

I don't know about the console, but in X you can grab images of any X
window with the xwd utility.

man xwd

G. Branden Robinson  |   Measure with micrometer,
Debian GNU/Linux |   mark with chalk,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   cut with axe, |   hope like hell.

Description: PGP signature

Re: inword() charset in X

1999-01-23 Thread Branden Robinson
On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 05:20:05PM -0500, Bob Hilliard wrote:
  /etc/gpm.conf has an option, -l, that defines the characters that
 may be included in a word for selection.
  Where is the equivalent option or variable for selection in X?
  Is the selection function built into xbase, or is it a separate

This is totally dependent on the application in question, as far as I
know.  I think there are X resources to control what xterm thinks a word
boundary is -- I don't know about the other terminal emulators.  See the
section CHARACTER CLASSES in the xterm manpage for more info.

As far as other apps go, this may be determined in a widget-set specific
fashion, or not configurable at all.

G. Branden Robinson  |  One man's magic is another man's
Debian GNU/Linux |  engineering.  Supernatural is a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  null word. |  -- Robert Heinlein

Description: PGP signature

Spellcaster BRI card and friends...isdnutils etc

1999-01-23 Thread Walter L. Preuninger II
I have got an old spellcaster datacommute/bri, and cant seem to get it going
with kernel 2.0.34 and the isdnutils package. I believe the firmware is

I get ioctl failed whenever i try to set the switch type(-w) or spid's(-s)
or phone number (-d)

Any ideas?


Re: Debian goes big business?

1999-01-23 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 12:48:47PM +1100, Craig Sanders wrote:
 (BTW: TANSTAAFL was Larry Niven, not Heinlein IIRC)

Heinlein, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, I thought. Actually I never
read it but it was a favourite of some people in the local
FidoNet region a few years back (as Craig might remember?)

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: boot disk question/suggestion

1999-01-23 Thread Robert Woodcock
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 10:53:55PM -0600, Ossama Othman wrote:
 Hi Robert,
 I just wanted to thank you for your suggestion.  It seems to be working!
 I am having problems getting the boot procedure find the root filesystem
 but at least I got this far!  Any suggestions about the kernel being
 unable to find the root filesystem?

  Make sure your rescue disk contains ext2, msdos, ramdisk, initrd, and ELF

Oh, I forgot, you need minix fs support too. See if that helps.
Robert Woodcock - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It's like a love-hate relationship, but without the love. -- jwz, on linux

Re: boot disk question/suggestion

1999-01-23 Thread Ossama Othman
Hi Robert,

   Make sure your rescue disk contains ext2, msdos, ramdisk, initrd, and ELF
 Oh, I forgot, you need minix fs support too. See if that helps.

Indeed it did. :)

I had to use the rescue disk on master in Incoming but with my custom
kernel instead.  It boots but it behaves strangely.  First, it won't
install with a gig of memory.  I had to tell the kernel to use less
otherwise it wouldn't find the root file system.  Then when init
dbootstrap menu comes up, it won't work.  I had to go to the second
console and start dbootstrap from there manually then it seemed like it
was working.  I'm in the middle of an install now.  Wish me luck!

Thanks for your help!


Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Joey Hess
Randy Edwards wrote:
 Could someone tell me if there is a utility to create screenshots packaged for
 Debian?  I've searched various combinations in dselect and couldn't find one
 but it'd amaze me if one was already packaged.  TIA.

Screenshots of anything running under X: yes; xv, xwd, etc, tc.
Screenshots of svgalib apps or console: no

see shy jo

Re: SQL packages

1999-01-23 Thread Oliver Elphick
Greg Frye wrote:
  I checked and it was postgres95 that I had trouble with on Debian.  I
  have Debian 1.3.1 running on my server.  Can I run the latest PostgreSQL
  on it?  I would like to try it on my Debian box more than my RH box.

The latest few postgresqls are libc6.  You would need to upgrade to
Debian 2.x.

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 Look not every man on his own interests, but every man
  also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you,
  which was also in Christ Jesus 
Philippians 2:4,5 

ess1688 sound card

1999-01-23 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
a friend of mine has a ess1688 sound card and cant configure it in
Linux. Anyone has a light?
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

VBScripts within Apache :(

1999-01-23 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi Debian users,
a friend of mine already installed Apache and is wondering if it has
VBScript support. He has a SQL database and some ASP VBScript that
access it.
Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

Re: Leafnode

1999-01-23 Thread Jiri Baum

 How do I setup leafnode for reading news?  I've read the documents, but
 can't find anything listed about telling leafnode which groups I want to

As someone already answered, it'll figure it out automagically.

One thing - with the hamm version, tin will hang the first time you try to
enter a group. This is not a problem - it's enough to tell leafnode to get
the group - but you might find it annoying if you want to get a lot of

The slink version doesn't have this problem (use --force-depends-version if
necessary - you don't actually need the new libc6).


Re: shell scripts.

1999-01-23 Thread Jiri Baum

 of course you're right that Bourne shell has been around for decades, i
 guess i wasn't thinking about that one since i really don't know anyone
 who uses that as their primary login shell.

For quite some time, I used tcsh as login shell and Bourne for scripts...

 perhaps it's because i've programmed in C for a bit and i have a good
 memory, but i didn't think that learning perl was so tough. 

Actually, I've had the same experience!

It's like C, but if you need a couple of lines of sed or awk, just bung
them in - no pipes, children, zombies or whatever.

 especially with that great O'Reilly book as a guide. 

I was learning just from the manpages...

  Of course, for big programs one should use perl.
  I read a rule somewhere: If the program is the size of a Makefile, 
  write the program in a shell; for larger programs, write it in perl.

Then again, even for small programs, you are likely to write a better
program if you have a better tool. (For example, you'll probably put in
more error-checking if you can say `/^valid input line$/ or die'.)


Alternatives to run-parts ?

1999-01-23 Thread Paolo Pedaletti
someone can explain the difference between run-parts and:


# alternative to run-parts . (?)

Usage: $0 dirname\n
run all the executable inside the directory dirname

if [ $2 = test ] ; then

if [ $# = 0 ] ; then
# no arguments
echo -e $USAGE
exit 1

if [ ! -d $1 ] ; then
echo Error, $1 isn't a directory.
exit 1


FILELIST=`ls $1`
# echo $FILELIST

for FILE in $FILELIST ; do
#executable?  AND real file ? (not directory...)
if [ -x $FILENAME -a  -f $FILENAME ] ; then
echo Executing $FILENAME
if [ $TEST = 0 ] ; then
echo $FILENAME is not a file or is not executable.

exit 0

I prefer a script rather then a binary file, if they can do the same

The reason of this is that if I don't want execute a script-file during the
cron time (daily/weekly/montly) I simply do:
chmod -x script-file
but cron (using run-parts) tell me:

run-parts: failed to exec /etc/cron.daily/leafnode: Permission denied
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/leafnode exited with return code 1
run-parts: failed to exec /etc/cron.daily/man-db: Permission denied
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/man-db exited with return code 1
run-parts: failed to exec /etc/cron.daily/slrn: Permission denied
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/slrn exited with return code 1
run-parts: failed to exec /etc/cron.daily/wwwoffle: Permission denied
run-parts: /etc/cron.daily/wwwoffle exited with return code 1

Right! Because all this scripts are no more executable, but still exist in
that directory:

/etc/cron.daily# dir
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  277 mag 14  1998 0anacron*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 2307 ago 14 14:20 apache*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  449 gen 13 00:09 calendar*
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  421 dic 18 21:56 leafnode
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  235 mag 15  1998 man-db
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  180 mag 23  1998 mgetty*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  487 mag 18  1997 netbase*
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  481 feb 21  1998 slrn
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  435 lug 16  1998 smail*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root 1367 apr 26  1998 standard*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  660 apr 16  1998 sysklogd*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  114 giu 15  1998 tetex-bin*
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  277 mar 20  1998 updatedb*
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  702 gen 13 00:02 wwwoffle

Do I wrong something/somewhere?


Paolo Pedaletti, Como, ITALYa

Re: ess1688 sound card

1999-01-23 Thread Christian Simonutti
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 Hi Debian users,
 a friend of mine has a ess1688 sound card and cant configure it in
 Linux. Anyone has a light?
 Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique


i have a ess1688 sound-card in a notebook (Olivetti Echos P133S),
running redhat linux 5.2. now, i have switchet to debian 2.0.

configure (I/0, IRQ, ...) the soundcard with a dos-utility
( - technical info - drivers - and
use the soundblaster-support in the kernel.

further details:



-- - the joice of a GNU generation

Re: dualboot linux and NT?

1999-01-23 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Jan 22, 1999 at 06:50:32PM -0500, Jean Pierre LeJacq wrote:
 Hmmm ... I just checked and indeed my second partition is FAT16.
 Still, I'm not sure if NT 4.0 doesn't support FAT32.  Its a nonissue
 for me since all I use partition 2 for is the pagefile.sys.

Unless they introduced it in SP4, it doesn't.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: DeskJet 870

1999-01-23 Thread Alan Eugene Davis

I am writing this off the top of my head, without digging up any more
specific information. If you want more information, please contact me and I
will dig around in the next day or two, and perhaps even go to the trouble
of getting the set up right.  

In the ftp archive, in project/experimental is a gs-aladdin 5.10 with a
deskjet 850 driver.  The deskjet 850 driver is not part of the official
ghostscript distribution, but has been around awhile.  I set up at one time
several different virtual printers based on this filter, with various
parameters such as gamma, quality, etc..

The following is from the readme with that gs-aladdin package:

The driver _must_ be invoked with the following switches:
   gs -r600 -dBitsPerPixel=32 (see the provided cmd-files as examples)
   Furthermore, the driver supports the following switches:
   -dPapertype= 0  plain paper [default]
 1  bond paper
 2  special paper
 3  glossy film
 4  transparency film
   -dQuality=  -1 draftno recommended
0 normal   no recommended
1 presentation [dfault]
   -dRetStatus= 0 C-RET of
1 C-RET on[default]
   -dMasterGamma= 3.
 [deault = 1.0]
   __Note__: To take advantage of th calibrated color-transfer
   functions, be sure not to have an Gamma-Statements
   left! If you need to (i.e. overhed sheets), 
   you still can use th
   gamma-functions, butthey will 
   override the built-i calibration. To use gamma in the 
   traditional way, setMasterGamma to any value greater
   1.0 and less 10.0. T adjust
   individual gamma-vales,
   you have to additionlly set MasterGamma to a value
   greater 1.0 and less10.0

   With the next release, gamma functions will be dropped.
   When using the driver, be aware that printing in 600dpi involves
  processing of large amounts of data ( 188MB !). Therefore, the
  driver is not what you would expect to be a fast driver ;-)

It was only necessary to modify a magicfilter filter, such as one of the
ones that was mentioned.  Only the line with ghostscript needed to be
modified; the readme files  with this version of ghostscript explain all
this pretty well.  There is also a web page about this driver.

The driver was developed by Uli Wortmann.

I managed to get into  contact with an HP engineer at one point.  He stated
that since M$ owns the code, even HP engineers using workstations do not
have utilities for this printer, that they ran windows if they wanted to
align the jets, clean them, or whatever.  I am diappointed.  It's a great

Separately, I think it is going to be necessary to tweak the TeX setup for
metafont to get the (excellent) black and white printing worked out.  I
haven't had time in the year and a half I've been using the printer.
Perhaps soon.  The printer does black text ok, and tolerable color, using
the cdj550 filter of ghostscript, but not at the printer's limits.  

Alan Davis

Alan E. Davis   Marianas High School (Science Department)


Saipan, MP  9695015.16oN 145.7oEGMT+10   Northern Mariana Islands

Problems installing Linux.

1999-01-23 Thread Nuno Donato
I need some help installing Linux.
After I have installed and booted it from a floppy, I start 
de Dselect program to install the packages. During the 
installation, I am asked to select my graphics card, I 
select it, and then I am asked if I want to create the X 
configuration file. I answer 'yes' but then an error message 
appear, saying that I don't have the X config file 
installed, so I can't install X, so I can't run it.
Who can help me?
I have Debian Linux 2.0 Hamm


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1999-01-23 Thread Nidge Jones

I use CRT from windows from time to time to access my Debian 2.0 install.

Now under 1.3.1 this worked great, everything was OK now problems?

But since upgrading to 2.0 I have run into a little problem I cannot quite
sort out.

The problem..

If I start a CRT window (80x25) all is well, all my Linux apps work just
fine. And are all displayed correctley.

However, if I then Maximise the CRT window (or resize by dragging the edge
of the box), to get a bigger display, Linux still shows the out put as

For example, I can drag CRT to 111x41, but anything I do is still display as
80x25 in the top left hand corner of CRT's window.

I can then solve this problem by typing at the Linux prompt..

stty rows 41 columns 111

All is well again. Least until I make my CRT window smaller, and then I need
to reset the size again from Linux.

I never had this problem under Debian 1.3.1, the Linux display would resize
itself automaically when I changed the CRT window.

So, What has changed, better still what can i do to make my Debian 2.0
install use 'automatic' settings when resizing windows.

It is a damm pain having to use stty commands all the time whenever I resize
a window :-(

Thanks in advance.

Nidge Jones

Re: Problems installing Linux.

1999-01-23 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Try installing xbase, appropriate xserver for you card, xfonts and other
packages needed to run X. Then run the xf86config.


 I need some help installing Linux.
 After I have installed and booted it from a floppy, I start 
 de Dselect program to install the packages. During the 
 installation, I am asked to select my graphics card, I 
 select it, and then I am asked if I want to create the X 
 configuration file. I answer 'yes' but then an error message 
 appear, saying that I don't have the X config file 
 installed, so I can't install X, so I can't run it.
 Who can help me?
 I have Debian Linux 2.0 Hamm
 Nuno Donato ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Telnet and Xprograms

1999-01-23 Thread Gregory Green
I have tried usining vt100, vt102, vt220 and I cannot figure out how to
export X programs, such as xterm, to my telnet session.  I export my and
I still cannot connect.  I get the following error:
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
_X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
/usr/X11R6/bin/xhost:  unable to open display

What do I have to set?

Any help is appreciated.

Greg Green

Re: Telnet and Xprograms

1999-01-23 Thread Remco van de Meent
Gregory Green wrote:
 I have tried usining vt100, vt102, vt220 and I cannot figure out how to
 export X programs, such as xterm, to my telnet session.  I export my and
 I still cannot connect.  I get the following error:
 _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
 /usr/X11R6/bin/xhost:  unable to open display
 What do I have to set?

You need to run an X-server on the computer you're telnet'ing from. And you
need to set the DISPLAY environment variable to the correct X-server, which
usually is

On the machine you run the X-server, you need to give access to the host
you're telnet'ing into, with the command xhost +yyy.yyy.yyy.yy.


Re: Telnet and Xprograms

1999-01-23 Thread Gregory Green
I have been doing just what you suggested but I get the errors anyway.
I get the same error when I run xhost.  I am telneting in to my Debian box 
running X,
from a PC running Windblows using the procomm 32 telnet program.  Is this a 
problem or do not have the telnet session set up properly?


Remco van de Meent wrote:

 Gregory Green wrote:
  I have tried usining vt100, vt102, vt220 and I cannot figure out how to
  export X programs, such as xterm, to my telnet session.  I export my and
  I still cannot connect.  I get the following error:
  _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
  _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
  _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
  _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
  _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
  _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
  /usr/X11R6/bin/xhost:  unable to open display
  What do I have to set?

 You need to run an X-server on the computer you're telnet'ing from. And you
 need to set the DISPLAY environment variable to the correct X-server, which
 usually is

 On the machine you run the X-server, you need to give access to the host
 you're telnet'ing into, with the command xhost +yyy.yyy.yyy.yy.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread servis
*- Randy Edwards wrote about Screenshot utility for Debian?
 Could someone tell me if there is a utility to create screenshots packaged for
 Debian?  I've searched various combinations in dselect and couldn't find one
 but it'd amaze me if one was already packaged.  TIA.

The xv package has a 'Grab' feature.  You can grab windows(including the
whole screen) or rectangles of your choice.  You can then manipulate
and save it however you want. It is in non-free/graphics section of the
Debian archves.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Paul Seelig
On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Randy Edwards wrote:

 Could someone tell me if there is a utility to create screenshots
 packaged for Debian?  

Install the imagemagick package and then do man import.

Here's what i use most effectively:

-- snip ---
# save as /usr/local/bin/
import -quality 100 -frame /tmp/screenshot-`date +%y%m%d.%H%M%S`.jpg
-- snip ---

-- snip ---
# save as /usr/local/bin/
import -quality 100 -window root /tmp/screenshot-`date +%y%m%d.%H%M%S`.jpg
-- snip ---

-- snip ---
# save as /usr/local/bin/
import -quality 100 -colorspace GRAY -window root \
  /tmp/screenshot-`date +%y%m%d.%H%M%S`.eps.gz
-- snip ---

 Have fun, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Paul Seelig
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, George Bonser wrote:

On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Paul Seelig wrote:

 On Fri, 22 Jan 1999, Randy Edwards wrote:
  Could someone tell me if there is a utility to create screenshots
  packaged for Debian?  
 Install the imagemagick package and then do man import.

xv does it too.

And ee and ksnap and and the GIMP and whatever you name.  But one
still needs to point and click.

With import it's actually just the command prompt or a shell script
to execute.  A very comfortable option IMHO since this can be very
well integrated into a window manager menu.  I usually only press the
Print key on my keyboard to produce a screenshot.  Having to fire up
a click'n'drool utility just to make a screenshot is far too
cumbersome for me.
Cheers, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Plextor PX-412C ? (was: what cd-writer ?)

1999-01-23 Thread SEGV
Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:
 We are also looking for a good SCSI CDR to buy for our university group.  We
 plan to redistribute experimental data on CDs, so we may burn few CDs a day
 occasionally.  After reading net we decided to go with something like:
 Plextor PX-412C, or Sony 948S, or Yamaha CRW 4260
 Are they good?  Would you prefer one to another?
 Will Adaptec 2940UW SCSI card be enough for them?
 External vs Internal?  Some people say that overheating is a problem and
 external is a better choice.

I don't have a problem burning at 4x with an inferior Kouwell 10MB/s SCSI card.
I have a Yamaha CRW4416, which has slightly faster speeds than the CRW4260 but
also a larger cache I think.

I've heard internal can be slightly more reliable, probably because they get
moved less and get slightly better power. Slightly cheaper, as well.

I've heard Plextor are good, particularly for readers.


Re: Telnet and Xprograms

1999-01-23 Thread Remco van de Meent
Gregory Green wrote:
   I have tried usining vt100, vt102, vt220 and I cannot figure out how
   to export X programs, such as xterm, to my telnet session.  I export
   my and I still cannot connect.  I get the following error:
   _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
   _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
   _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
   _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
   _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
   _X11TransSocketINETConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
   /usr/X11R6/bin/xhost:  unable to open display
   What do I have to set?
  You need to run an X-server on the computer you're telnet'ing from. And
  you need to set the DISPLAY environment variable to the correct
  X-server, which usually is
  On the machine you run the X-server, you need to give access to the host
  you're telnet'ing into, with the command xhost +yyy.yyy.yyy.yy.
 I have been doing just what you suggested but I get the errors anyway. I
 get the same error when I run xhost.  I am telneting in to my Debian box
 running X, from a PC running Windblows using the procomm 32 telnet
 program.  Is this a server problem or do not have the telnet session set
 up properly?

You need to run an X-server on that PC running Windows. It doesn't matter if
there is one running on your Debian box in this case. I don't know if
procomm32 provides an X-server, but I assume not. Try the one that comes
with Exceed (commercial) or X-Win32 (commercial too, but you can download a
trial version from Tucows).


1 swap vs. 2 swap partitions

1999-01-23 Thread Andrew Ivanov
I recently added a new HD to my system, and I have a chance to put an
additional swap on it.
The question is: is there any gain in speed of accessing swap memory if
instead of one big swap on one disk I have 2/more small ones on separate

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

RE: 1 swap vs. 2 swap partitions

1999-01-23 Thread Shaleh

On 23-Jan-99 Andrew Ivanov wrote:
 I recently added a new HD to my system, and I have a chance to put an
 additional swap on it.
 The question is: is there any gain in speed of accessing swap memory if
 instead of one big swap on one disk I have 2/more small ones on separate

In general, no.  Swap is not really a big concern unless you are memory
starved.  However if do a lot of disk accessing, placing the swap on a separate
device DOES help.  otherwise the seek heads have to constantly pan back and
forth from data to swap.

ISPI Clips 8.38: Intel's Pentium III Processor, Embedded Security Privacy Issue (fwd)

1999-01-23 Thread D'jinnie
Apparently not many ppl find this idea disturbing...I wonder if they're
going to provide info on how to disable this to the Linux community?

We have only two things to worry about:  That things will never get
back to normal, and that they already have.

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

-- Forwarded message --
This From: CNET, January 22, 1999

Trials Set for Intel's Embedded Security,4,31309,00.html?

Michael Kanellos and Tim Clark
Staff Writers, CNET

The security codes to be embedded in Intel's Pentium III processor can
potentially be misused to identify and collect data on Web surfers, some
privacy advocates warn. But Intel argues that the technology will actually
make the Net a safer place.

The controversy has emerged as 30 Web sites prepare to conduct trials of the
processor, to be released in February. Critics claim that the number scheme
can be used to monitor the Internet habits of virtually anyone with a
modern, Intel-based computer.

Intel [ ] countered that the serial number will
actually improve security. The Web sites in the trials, for instance, will
use the serial number as a third form of identification, complementing the
user name and password schemes currently in place, said Pat Gelsinger,
corporate vice president of the Desktop Products Group at Intel. Ideally,
hackers couldn't just assume your identity by swiping your user name and
cracking a password; they would have to steal your computer as well.

In any event, Intel won't be stepping into the shoes of Big Brother any time
soon, Gelsinger added. We are not keeping those processor numbers in any
form at all, he said, which means Intel shipping records won't be turned
into a police log. Users can also disable and re-enable the serial number
scheme at will.

The plan was developed as a way to provide greater security for PC
transactions and communications, said Gelsinger. Intel will imprint a 96-bit
identification number on Pentium III chips and their successors. The number
cannot be erased, but users will be able to choose whether to disable the
feature or to keep the number active to be read for identification by

Web sites, for example, may require user name, password, and processor
serial number before giving access to certain pages. An agent from the Web
site reads the processor number to ensure authenticity.

The number will therefore foil common hacking techniques because hackers
will have access to the PC so that the agent can read the identification
number. The numbers can also be used to lock out users who have been kicked
out of chat rooms and re-registered under a new name.

Identification, Gelsinger said, is also a voluntary process. A blue number
sign will appear in the Windows control shelf [the series of icons at the
bottom right corner of the screen] whenever the serial number is enabled. By
clicking the icon, users can pull up a control panel to disable it so
outside agents can't read the serial number. Turning it off may prevent
access for certain transactions, he said, but it returns anonymity. Users
can then re-enable the number by re-booting.

Most computers, however, will likely be using the enabled setting as their
default. Our customers have been asking for this for years, Gelsinger

Will the system give Intel or its partners the power to monitor PC users?
No, Gelsinger said. The company is not keeping a record of the serial
numbers, so records cannot be used to trace Internet use. In addition, the
numbers are technically serial numbers anyway. A program generates them
randomly and they do not fall into a simple ordering sequence.

Privacy advocates, however, see a high potential for misuse in the system,
although they admit that the specific negative implications of the scheme
are difficult to pin down because it hasn't rolled out yet. Many also seem
to fear retribution from the company. Few are willing to go on the record so

Intel's product has some serious security and privacy implications. It is
really incumbent on the folks who are developing technology, folks in the
policy community, and folks in advocacy community to look at code as having
serious social implications, said Deirdre Mulligan, staff counsel at the
Center for Democracy and Technology, a nonprofit civil liberties
organization focusing on the Internet

The hard part is figuring out the implications. Until it's put out into the
marketplace, it is difficult to tell, she added. Like law, software code
has great social implications for privacy and speech.

Gelsinger, in fact, acknowledged that Intel's decision to not keep a
database on these numbers is strictly voluntary. There is technically
nothing stopping the company from keeping a registry. Computer companies
could do the same, he allowed, although he said 

Re: ess1688 sound card

1999-01-23 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira, Stardate 230199.0551:
 Hi Debian users,
 a friend of mine has a ess1688 sound card and cant configure it in
 Linux. Anyone has a light?
 Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

I have such a card running (well with some problems...)

*OOPS* I just realized that I have a 1868 (according to the isapnp output ...
But then again :
cat /dev/sndstat  [EMAIL PROTECTED](p1)[776|0]Sat-23-01-1999
Load type: Driver loaded as a module
Kernel: Linux Aleph 2.1.125 #1 Thu Dec 3 14:08:52 CET 1998 i586
Config options: 0

Installed drivers:

Card config:

Audio devices:
0: ESS ES1688 AudioDrive (rev 11) (3.1)

well .. check if that's for you :)

ok ... here is my config:

- sound is compiled as a soundblaster kernel module
- /etc/modutils/options (or an other fle there) :
options sb io=0x220 irq=9 dma=1 dma16=-1
options mpu401 io=0x330
options opl3 io=0x388

- /etc/isapnp.conf as atached

If someone finds what's wrong ( I get DMA/IRQ conflikts sometimes ) please

Alexander N. Benner - irc: #Hosanna - secret service sig : Do u really scan?
MAT 10:26 for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid,
Uran Libia (I love Israel) North Korea RAF Sprengstoff Islam Plutonium Bomb 
# $Id: pnpdump.c,v 1998/01/07 05:17:47 fred Exp $
# This is free software, see the sources for details.
# This software has NO WARRANTY, use at your OWN RISK
# For details of this file format, see isapnp.conf(5)
# For latest information on isapnp and pnpdump see:
# Trying port address 0203
# Board 1 has serial identifier 42 41 48 7d c8 01 22 8b 11
# Board 2 has serial identifier 27 ff ff ff ff 68 18 73 16

(READPORT 0x0203)

# Card 1: (serial identifier 42 41 48 7d c8 01 22 8b 11)
# Vendor Id DLK2201, Serial Number 1095269832, checksum 0x42.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 0.0
# ANSI string --D-Link DE-220P PnP ISA Card--
# Logical device id DLK2201
# Device support I/O range check register
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if 
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

(CONFIGURE DLK2201/1095269832 (LD 0
# Compatible device id PNP80d6
# Logical device decodes 10 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0240
# Maximum IO base address 0x0380
# IO base alignment 32 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 32
(IO 0 (BASE 0x0240))
# IRQ 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12 or 15.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt
(INT 0 (IRQ 9 (MODE +E)))
#(ACT Y)
# End tag... Checksum 0x00 (OK)

# Card 2: (serial identifier 27 ff ff ff ff 68 18 73 16)
# Vendor Id ESS1868, No Serial Number (-1), checksum 0x27.
# Version 1.0, Vendor version 1.0
# ANSI string --ESS ES1868 Plug and Play AudioDrive--
# Logical device id ESS
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if 
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy

# Logical device decodes 16 bit IO address lines
# Minimum IO base address 0x0800
# Maximum IO base address 0x0ff8
# IO base alignment 8 bytes
# Number of IO addresses required: 8
(IO 0 (BASE 0x0800))
# Logical device id ESS1868
# Edit the entries below to uncomment out the configuration required.
# Note that only the first value of any range is given, this may be changed if 
# Don't forget to uncomment the activate (ACT Y) when happy


# Multiple choice time, choose one only !

# Start dependent functions: priority preferred
#   First DMA channel 1.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
# (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
#   Next DMA channel 0 or 3.
# 8 bit DMA only
# Logical device is not a bus master
# DMA may execute in count by byte mode
# DMA may not execute in count by word mode
# DMA channel speed in compatible mode
#(DMA 1 (CHANNEL 0))
#   IRQ 5.
# High true, edge sensitive interrupt (by default)
#(INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
#   Fixed IO base address 0x0220
# Number of IO addresses required: 16
#(IO 0 (BASE 0x0220))
#   Fixed IO base address 0x0388
# Number of IO addresses required: 4
# (IO 1 (BASE 0x0388))
#   Fixed IO base address 

Re: STTY and CRT

1999-01-23 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Nidge Jones wrote:

 : I use CRT from windows from time to time to access my Debian 2.0 install.

[ snip ]

 : However, if I then Maximise the CRT window (or resize by dragging the edge
 : of the box), to get a bigger display, Linux still shows the out put as
 : 80x25?
 : For example, I can drag CRT to 111x41, but anything I do is still display as
 : 80x25 in the top left hand corner of CRT's window.

Sounds like something is AFU ... I've used CRT for a few years now, with
bo, hamm, slink, and potato, and I've never seen that problem.

What's your terminal setting in CRT?  I use vt220 + ASNI color..

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

RE: VBScripts within Apache :(

1999-01-23 Thread Shaleh
Hunt around on a few ASP solutions exist there.  VBScript itself
though I do not believe has a non-Windows analogue, sorry.

People really should learn to use portable languages.

On 23-Jan-99 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 Hi Debian users,
 a friend of mine already installed Apache and is wondering if it has
 VBScript support. He has a SQL database and some ASP VBScript that
 access it.
 Have a nice day,Paulo Henrique

Help!: How to force SIAG to use ISO-8859-2 fonts?

1999-01-23 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All!

I have to force SIAG to use other encoding (preferrably ISO-8859-2) in the
spreadsheet. How to do it? I tried to change all font definitons in
/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Siag into -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-2.
All fonts changed, except of fonts used in the spreadsheet :-(.
How to force siag to use the localized fonts?

Wojtek Zabołotny

Re: VBScripts within Apache :(

1999-01-23 Thread Ben Collins
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 12:50:34PM -0500, Shaleh wrote:
 Hunt around on a few ASP solutions exist there.  VBScript itself
 though I do not believe has a non-Windows analogue, sorry.

Awhile back I came across a visual basic emulator that ran VB pcode
under unix. Can't rememeber the name, but searching on freshmeat or
aorund the web should produce something.

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- -- - - - ---   --- -- The Choice of the GNU Generation

Re: seek help with cheap network card

1999-01-23 Thread Will Lowe
[This really belongs on -user,  so I've moved it there.]

 The network card in my machine is a Winbond 89c940.  I admit it's a $20
 special.  I have been unable to locate any Linux drivers for the card,

With ethernet cards it's generally a matter of chipset.  If you can figure
out what chipset it uses,  you can figure out if there's a linux driver
for it.


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: netscape4.5 problem under slink

1999-01-23 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Xiaonan Ma [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Just found on the debian list that you two had the same problem with
 netscape45 as what I am having now, i.e.,
 ERROR: /usr/lib/netscape/45/communicator/plugins/
 symbol: FE_GetToplevelWidget
 Cant load plugin
 Name: openOrBringUpBrowser
 Class: XfeButton
 Creating an active drop site with no drop proc.
 Error: Cannot perform malloc
 Did any of you already solve this problem? If so, could you please help me
 out? I am running slink.

I gave up with the complete communicator/navigator deb packages and
went back on using an original netscape tarball together with the
wrapper package (i.e. netscape4_4.0-15.deb for now). It works, however
*not* together with the 'plugger' (Netscape Mime Plug-in) deb package,
which causes a bus error.

I never got an answer to the 'Cannot perform malloc' problem neither
on the list nor to my official bug report -- seems too hard a nut even 
for the proffs (or too uninteresting?)


Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Branden Robinson
Obviously there are plenty of ways to get a screenshot in X.

But how about getting screenshots of VC's?  Apparently no such tool already

What would it take to write one?  Root privileges, or can it be implemented
in userspace?

G. Branden Robinson  |   You don't just decide to break Kubrick's
Debian GNU/Linux |   code of silence and then get drawn away
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   from it to a discussion about cough |   medicine.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Paul Seelig
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Branden Robinson wrote:

 But how about getting screenshots of VC's?  Apparently no such tool
 already exists.  

With a framebuffer console it's already feasible:

cp /dev/fb0 /tmp/

I just wonder how the resulting stuff could be converted into
something to be displayed with a regular graphics program?

  Absolutely clueless, P. *8^)
   - Paul Seelig [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
   African Music Archive - Institute for Ethnology and Africa Studies
   Johannes Gutenberg-University   -  Forum 6  -  55099 Mainz/Germany
   --- -

Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Remco van de Meent
Branden Robinson wrote:
 But how about getting screenshots of VC's?  Apparently no such tool
 already exists.
 What would it take to write one?  Root privileges, or can it be
 implemented in userspace?

If you're referring to textmode virtual consoles, I'd say you should be able
to do it in userspace. 

In a sense, gpm is some sort of screen-capture utility, so I think that code
could be quite useful when writing a complete capture utility for textmode.
And gpm doesn't need root-privileges.


Re: Screenshot utility for Debian?

1999-01-23 Thread Remco van de Meent
Remco van de Meent wrote:
 And gpm doesn't need root-privileges.

Sorry, that's an error, it actually does. Apologies for disturbing you.


Re: STTY and CRT

1999-01-23 Thread Nidge Jones
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 11:34:44AM -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote:

 Sounds like something is AFU ... I've used CRT for a few years now, with
 bo, hamm, slink, and potato, and I've never seen that problem.

Humm ! Well I have it, and I need to cure it :(

 What's your terminal setting in CRT?  I use vt220 + ASNI color..

Tried em all in a bid to fix, just like I have exported TERM=whatever under
Linux too. But all to no avail.

There must be something which tells Linux when I resize my CRT window... But
what is it, where is it. Is mine turned off when it should be on. Is it
something todo with termcap entries or the likes.

I am confused, and just wish to find a cure !

Nidge Jones

SCSI Reset.

1999-01-23 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
I've just aquired a new external scsi hard drive, and I was wondering if
there is any way I can add it to my chain w/o losing my uptime?  Is there
some utility to reset the bus or to re-poll the ID's?

thanks in advance.

Re: gnome dependencies problem

1999-01-23 Thread Allens
Try installing through dpkg and see if it gives the same error.  If it does then
you could try one of the --force options (I forget which one).

Peter Allen

Brian Morgan wrote:
 I'm trying to install gnome from one of it's mirrors, and having some
 dependecy problems I can't figure out.
 Dselect allows me to select all the required base files, except when I
 select the orbit package, dselect gives me a dependency error saying that
 liborbit0 is required by orbit.  The only problem is, is I already have
 liborbit0 installed, and dselect even indicates that.  It's looking for ver.
 0.3.0-1, which is exactly what I have installed (from the same mirror site -
 Any suggestions here?  I've even gone through, removed liborbit0, and all
 gnome files, then reselected them to no avail.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
---End Message---

Installation hangs (and other problems)

1999-01-23 Thread Ross Boylan
I just tried my first install of Debian.  It didn't go very well.
Fortunately, I did it in the spirit of a trial run.

I thought I'd list a few of the problems I ran into, in hopes that someone
might be able to save me some time getting it right.  The main item is that
dselect hung repeatedly when it was generating the xfree86 config
file--that is the session would not echo, and I couldn't interrupt it with
^c, ^z, or ^d.  

I have a Pentium 100, 64 MG Ram, and a recently added 13.6Gig Maxtor hard
drive + 2 older drives.  The install targeted the new drive, which is drive
0.  I used the Debian 2.0 CD's from CheapBytes.  I had run Maxtor's
MaxBlast program, which sticks EZ-BIOS in the boot sector to overcome
BIOS limitations.

I booted off the CD.  I tried to give drive parameters at the boot prompt,
but it wouldn't take any of the syntaxes I tried were accepted.  

cfdisk seemed to allow the creation of many logical partitions.  I thought
they all needed to be within an extended partition.  Is that not the case?
At any rate, I created logical partitions to hold /, /usr, and swap.

I elected to install modules for Win95, ppp, a.out, ppp over parallel
ports, and some others.

I got the message Drive 0: deviation=-4080 during the install.

Eventually I got a menu of installation types, and picked home (though
really I want home + development).
I started walking through dselect.  It wouldn't take a pointer to my CD for
the whole package, and made me walk through the locations of the individual
parts.  I think the problem was that the CD only contained some of the
parts (not contrib or non-free, which are on some of the other CDs in the
set).  I there a way to make dselect happy when installation materials are
spread across several CDs?

wwwdialup complained it couldn't find a modem (hardware problem, unrelated
to Debian).  Then I got to the xfree86 install.  A very short way through
it started to do the config file.  I ran into trouble, and said n to
installing it.  At this point it hung.

When I rebooted the system I found it wasn't too functional; man wouldn't
work (it complained it hadn't been configured).

The next day I tried starting dselect on my own.  It reported lots of items
not fully installed.  I told it to go ahead, hoping this would complete the
install.  It seemed to do everything; for example, it installed 3 different
window managers!  This time it got much further in the xfree86 install,
actually bringing up a graphic configuration screen.  (It also prompted for
install of a whole bunch of servers. even though I would think it could
recognize that I have an S3 chip).  I couldn't get it to recognize my mouse
(a MS mouse using a PS/2 port).  So I quit.  This lead to the xfree86
config module.  After failing to get anywhere, I again tried to skip it,
and it again hung.

The good news was that when I rebooted I had man pages.

The other annoyance was that printing did not work, and I got constant
lp: No printer...

I know that these notes may not be sufficiently detailed.  I'll keep better
ones next time!  But if there's enough here for anyone to give me a
pointer, I'd appreciate it.

special boot disk

1999-01-23 Thread David Stern

Early December there was a thread Debian installation hangs, and 
about a week later on a different thread a developer posted a url to a 
special disk image made just for this problem in his home 

Now I can't find that post, or more importantly the URL.  Can anyone 
help me out?

David Stern

No Password for Root

1999-01-23 Thread Art Lemasters
 After the potato surprise in unstable (oops--I should have
watched more closely), I tried to downgrade to slink again.  The
slink base images would not fit on 1.44MB disks, so the hamm
base floppy images were used.

 The base images were installed over the existing file system.
Then the system would not accept any new root password--no matter
how complex the passwords or how many I tried.

 The present situation is that the system is running slink
(frozen), and logins to root can be made without a password while all
other users require passwords.  I'm stalling remote users (volunteer
projects) until this situation is remedied.

 Is there any way to make this a multi-user system again without
wiping the drives and starting over?  Help!  g


Re: No Password for Root

1999-01-23 Thread Mark Brown
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 01:11:24PM +, Art Lemasters wrote:

  The present situation is that the system is running slink
 (frozen), and logins to root can be made without a password while all
 other users require passwords.  I'm stalling remote users (volunteer
 projects) until this situation is remedied.

If I understand you correctly, you should run the passwd program as root
to set a password.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: No Password for Root

1999-01-23 Thread Art Lemasters
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 07:49:37PM +, Mark Brown wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 01:11:24PM +, Art Lemasters wrote:
   The present situation is that the system is running slink
  (frozen), and logins to root can be made without a password while all
  other users require passwords.  I'm stalling remote users (volunteer
  projects) until this situation is remedied.
 If I understand you correctly, you should run the passwd program as root
 to set a password.

  I tried that, but a login to root still requires only the login: root
without a password.  It appears to be logging to root in a shell other than
the default shell.


 Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

1 vs 2 swaps: more specific

1999-01-23 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Ok, to be more specific about partitions and controllers:
Right now swap is on /dev/hdb5
and drive is a slave on IDE1
That drive also contains / mounted on /dev/hdb2

The new drive that I put in is /dev/hdc
and right now contains a /usr partition, on /hdc1
Drive itself is a master on IDE2

If I make my swap on /dev/hdb smaller and add another swap partition to
/dev/hdc, would it be of any good?


Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

[ Delete and Backspace-Keys]

1999-01-23 Thread Marcus Brinkmann

Someone please help this guy.

To Markus: debian-user is a mailing list for user related questions.

- Forwarded message from Markus Reuscher [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

From: Markus Reuscher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 20:12:12 
Reply-To: Markus Reuscher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Priority: Normal
Subject: Delete and Backspace-Keys
X-UIDL: 1c9f1a41be5f727329ce0ad55de9189a


I have read on
that you can help me for solving a problem with the delete
and backspace key. 
I have asked some local mailinglists and the howto's and 
faqs, but nothing helped me.

I use Debian 2.0 and fvwm95.
I have tried severel configurations in /etc/X11/Xresources
but nothing helps. Either the delete and the backspace key
have the behavior of the delete OR the backspace key 
but always as twin.
I want that the delete key deletes the character behind the
cursor and that the backspace key deletes the key before
the cursor.
The next problem with delete and backspace key is the 
difference between xterm and netscapes url-entryfield. 
If the backspace key full functionally in a xterm-window, 
in netscape url-entryfield it does not.

Hope you can help me.

Thank you

The village from where I am:
Student of Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Europe

- End forwarded message -

Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: No Password for Root

1999-01-23 Thread Bob Nielsen

What does 'grep root /etc/passwd' show?


On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Art Lemasters wrote:

 On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 07:49:37PM +, Mark Brown wrote:
  On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 01:11:24PM +, Art Lemasters wrote:
The present situation is that the system is running slink
   (frozen), and logins to root can be made without a password while all
   other users require passwords.  I'm stalling remote users (volunteer
   projects) until this situation is remedied.
  If I understand you correctly, you should run the passwd program as root
  to set a password.
   I tried that, but a login to root still requires only the login: root
 without a password.  It appears to be logging to root in a shell other than
 the default shell.
  Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

umask: file dirs

1999-01-23 Thread Pere Camps

Is there any way to have a umask that creates files in 640 by
default and directories in 750 ?


-- p.

Re: No Password for Root

1999-01-23 Thread Art Lemasters
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 01:39:11PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 What does 'grep root /etc/passwd' show?

 It shows



 On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Art Lemasters wrote:
  On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 07:49:37PM +, Mark Brown wrote:
   On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 01:11:24PM +, Art Lemasters wrote:
 The present situation is that the system is running slink
(frozen), and logins to root can be made without a password while all
other users require passwords.  I'm stalling remote users (volunteer
projects) until this situation is remedied.
   If I understand you correctly, you should run the passwd program as root
   to set a password.
I tried that, but a login to root still requires only the login: root
  without a password.  It appears to be logging to root in a shell other than
  the default shell.
   Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: DeskJet 870

1999-01-23 Thread Alec Smith
Thanks to all your tips I've been able to atleast make the printer (and
Linux) realize there are jobs to be printed. It even does color under
Linux. Only problem left is the thing spits out blank pages if I'm printing
from a Winblows station through Samba. In the past, I've had a DeskJet 520
working through Samba without incident.

At 11:37 PM 1/23/99 +1000, Alan Eugene Davis wrote:

I am writing this off the top of my head, without digging up any more
specific information. If you want more information, please contact me and I
will dig around in the next day or two, and perhaps even go to the trouble
of getting the set up right.  

In the ftp archive, in project/experimental is a gs-aladdin 5.10 with a
deskjet 850 driver.  The deskjet 850 driver is not part of the official
ghostscript distribution, but has been around awhile.  I set up at one time
several different virtual printers based on this filter, with various
parameters such as gamma, quality, etc..

The following is from the readme with that gs-aladdin package:

The driver _must_ be invoked with the following switches:
   gs -r600 -dBitsPerPixel=32 (see the provided cmd-files as examples)
   Furthermore, the driver supports the following switches:
   -dPapertype= 0  plain paper [default]
 1  bond paper
 2  special paper
 3  glossy film
 4  transparency film
   -dQuality=  -1 draftno recommended
0 normal   no recommended
1 presentation [dfault]
   -dRetStatus= 0 C-RET of
1 C-RET on[default]
   -dMasterGamma= 3.
 [deault = 1.0]
   __Note__: To take advantage of th calibrated color-transfer
   functions, be sure not to have an Gamma-Statements
   left! If you need to (i.e. overhed sheets), 
   you still can use th
   gamma-functions, butthey will 
   override the built-i calibration. To use gamma in the 
   traditional way, setMasterGamma to any value greater
   1.0 and less 10.0. T adjust
   individual gamma-vales,
   you have to additionlly set MasterGamma to a value
   greater 1.0 and less10.0

   With the next release, gamma functions will be dropped.
   When using the driver, be aware that printing in 600dpi involves
  processing of large amounts of data ( 188MB !). Therefore, the
  driver is not what you would expect to be a fast driver ;-)

It was only necessary to modify a magicfilter filter, such as one of the
ones that was mentioned.  Only the line with ghostscript needed to be
modified; the readme files  with this version of ghostscript explain all
this pretty well.  There is also a web page about this driver.
The driver was developed by Uli Wortmann.

I managed to get into  contact with an HP engineer at one point.  He stated
that since M$ owns the code, even HP engineers using workstations do not
have utilities for this printer, that they ran windows if they wanted to
align the jets, clean them, or whatever.  I am diappointed.  It's a great

Separately, I think it is going to be necessary to tweak the TeX setup for
metafont to get the (excellent) black and white printing worked out.  I
haven't had time in the year and a half I've been using the printer.
Perhaps soon.  The printer does black text ok, and tolerable color, using
the cdj550 filter of ghostscript, but not at the printer's limits.  

Alan Davis

Alan E. Davis   Marianas High School (Science Department)


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Re: umask: file dirs

1999-01-23 Thread Remco van de Meent
Pere Camps wrote:
   Is there any way to have a umask that creates files in 640 by
 default and directories in 750 ?

umask 027


Re: SCSI Reset.

1999-01-23 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Richard Kaszeta wrote:

 Daniel J. Brosemer writes (SCSI Reset.):
 I've just aquired a new external scsi hard drive, and I was wondering if
 there is any way I can add it to my chain w/o losing my uptime?  Is there
 some utility to reset the bus or to re-poll the ID's?
 What is your SCSI adapter?  With Adaptec 2940U2W's I've had good luck at
 this, *provided* that I pre-partition it on another machine, and I add
 it at a higher ID than the stuff that's running already... the adapter
 detects the change and the kernel rescans for devices.
 Other adapters may require you to echo something to
 /proc/scsi/(whatever-- not standardized) to cause a bus reset.

Thanks for the suggestions.  I have an old Adaptec 1452CP.  The driver
doesn't seem to support the proc-fs:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[/proc/scsi/aha1542]$ ls
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[/proc/scsi/aha1542]$ cat 0
The driver does not yet support the proc-fs

Also, by than stuff that's running already do you include the host
adapter?  If so, I'm SOL because my host is on ID 7.  I've tried adding
the new drive on ID 6 and mounting it, and it doesn't seem to work.  It is
formatted fat16 already.

My only experience with this is on solaris where there was a command to
poll the SCSI id's (I think solaris 2.5) that could be called by root at
any time.


Re: [ Delete and Backspace-Keys]

1999-01-23 Thread Art Lemasters
 Sorry, Marcus, but I don't have a specific answer for this one
since I abandoned fvwm95 years ago in favor of Afterstep.  I suspect
that the keybinding problem might have resided in that particular
X Windows manager all this time, although I could be wrong.

 A keyboard and console How-To is in

 I could not find the man pages or /usr/doc on modmap or xkeyboard
(which is supposed to be the newer utility) easily.  These utilities might
be buried in an xserver utility package somewhere.


On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 09:24:48PM +0100, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
 Someone please help this guy.
 To Markus: debian-user is a mailing list for user related questions.
 - Forwarded message from Markus Reuscher [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: Markus Reuscher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 20:12:12 
 Reply-To: Markus Reuscher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Priority: Normal
 Subject: Delete and Backspace-Keys
 X-UIDL: 1c9f1a41be5f727329ce0ad55de9189a
 I have read on
 that you can help me for solving a problem with the delete
 and backspace key. 
 I have asked some local mailinglists and the howto's and 
 faqs, but nothing helped me.
 I use Debian 2.0 and fvwm95.
 I have tried severel configurations in /etc/X11/Xresources
 but nothing helps. Either the delete and the backspace key
 have the behavior of the delete OR the backspace key 
 but always as twin.
 I want that the delete key deletes the character behind the
 cursor and that the backspace key deletes the key before
 the cursor.
 The next problem with delete and backspace key is the 
 difference between xterm and netscapes url-entryfield. 
 If the backspace key full functionally in a xterm-window, 
 in netscape url-entryfield it does not.
 Hope you can help me.
 Thank you
 The village from where I am:
 Student of Computer Science, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, Europe
 - End forwarded message -
 Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.Debian GNU/Linuxfinger brinkmd@ 
 Marcus Brinkmann
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Re: umask: file dirs

1999-01-23 Thread Pere Camps

  Is there any way to have a umask that creates files in 640 by
  default and directories in 750 ?
 umask 027

Thanks. I think I got the umask thing the wrong way around.

I think I've got something the other way around with permissions
and umask.

Lets see: for files 4 is read, 2 is write and 1 is execute. For
directories: 4 is 'ls' cabailities, 2 is add/delete files and 1 is the 'go
through' and be able to read the files is they have the proper attributes.

If I have an umask of 027 then I should get the following result
independent of it's a file or dir: 750 - rwxr-x--- 

And now I'm geting 640 for files.

What am I missing here?

I guess that an you have to subtract 1 when dealing with files...


-- p.

Re: No Password for Root

1999-01-23 Thread Art Lemasters
 Also, the critical /etc/default/rcS lines show

and the fstab entry for the boot drive shows

/dev/hda2   /   ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro  0   1

On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 02:28:27PM +, Art Lemasters wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 01:39:11PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
  What does 'grep root /etc/passwd' show?
  It shows
  On Sat, 23 Jan 1999, Art Lemasters wrote:
   On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 07:49:37PM +, Mark Brown wrote:
On Sat, Jan 23, 1999 at 01:11:24PM +, Art Lemasters wrote:

  The present situation is that the system is running slink
 (frozen), and logins to root can be made without a password while all
 other users require passwords.  I'm stalling remote users (volunteer
 projects) until this situation is remedied.

If I understand you correctly, you should run the passwd program as root
to set a password.
 I tried that, but a login to root still requires only the login: 
   without a password.  It appears to be logging to root in a shell other 
   the default shell.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)
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  Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Print Quality Problem: HP 895C

1999-01-23 Thread Chris Frost
Hash: SHA1

I was previously using an hp deskjet 855c, and while it output medicore
(in my opinion at least) quality, I'm having big troubles with my new
printer. I just bought an hp deskjet 895Cse, and the output is aweful!
I'm using magic filters and using the dj550c filter. One possible solution
would be to tell ghostscript and magic filters to use a better suited
filter, but I can't find the scripts/binaries for this. When this box was
running redhat, the ghostscript that came with it had support for a much
wider range of printers, including a driver just for the 855C and another
for the 895Cse (which I never tested since I didn't have this printer

Anyway; what can I do to enhance the quality of my printouts? Nice inkjets
are bad enough, but my printouts are of very low quality inkjet output.
Thanks for any pointers/help in advance (sorry if this message seems a
little harsh).

Wishing I had enough for a dye sub ;),
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xdm- 'this is an unsecure session'??

1999-01-23 Thread jim r
I just installed the slink XDM package. It works fine, but the login 
screen shows something to the effect of 'this is an unsecure session'. 
the /etc/X11/xdm/Xresources file shows:
xlogin*greeting: Debian GNU/Linux (CLIENTHOST)
and further down
Chooser*label.label: XDMCP Host Menu from CLIENTHOST

I read xdm(1) and didn't really understand the Chooser portion. So, I 
don't know if that line is what is causing the display to show this 

Can anyone point me in the right direction?


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Re-Partition Ext2?

1999-01-23 Thread Frederick Page

Hi all,

sorry for the probably dumb question: is there any tool to re-partition a  
HD formatted with ext2 and without loosing data? Kind of a fips (DOS-util)  
or the commercial tool Partition Magic?

I just wanted to create another small linux partition for testing.

Thanks and kind regards


Re: special boot disk

1999-01-23 Thread ktb
You can search for it at the Debian mailing list archives at:

Hope that helped,

David Stern wrote:


 Early December there was a thread Debian installation hangs, and
 about a week later on a different thread a developer posted a url to a
 special disk image made just for this problem in his home

 Now I can't find that post, or more importantly the URL.  Can anyone
 help me out?

 David Stern

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