
1999-01-29 Thread Han Solo
Hola a todos

Actualmete estoy migrando de RedHat a Debian y me acabo de encontrar con
un problema que no se resolver.

En ambas tengo instaladas las X corectamente, y uso el mismo gestor de
ventanas (fvwm2), pero en RedHat tengo una paleta de 256 colores y en
Debian, no me deja ni cambiar el color del fondo nada mas entrar.Por
ejemplo, si intento algo como xsetroot -solid NavyBlue me responde con u
lacónico I can't allocate memory for color NavyBlue. No es un
problema del XF86config, pues uso el mismo fichero en las dos
distribuciones, ni del servidor X, ya que he probado a cambiar el del
Debian por un enlace al de la RedHat, y las X funcionan pero no me deja
usar más colores. Así, hay un montón de programas que no llegan a
arrancar, o bien arrancan y se cierran por falta de colores .

¿Alguien sabe qué demonios pasa?

Por cierto, mi tarjeta es una S3 con 1Mb, y en redhat funciona
perfectamente a 1024x768 y 256 colores. En el Xf86config sólo tengo
definido ese modo de pantalla.
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Re: Compilación del kernel: Preguntas

1999-01-29 Thread bpp
   Mi  kernel es 2.2.0
   Yo  tambien  lo he compilado  y no me a dado ningun error  al hacerlo
pero , cuando inicio el PC  no me monta el disco duro la particion hda2  suerte
que tengo dos maneras de arrancar este y  el que biene por defecto
 Me hace el  LILO  bien  me instala  los  modules bien
el error en ponerlo en marcha que no encuentra la particion
que es lo que tengo poner en  el  make menuconfig
El  2.0.36  si que me funciona bien sin ningun poblema

Saludos de Benet

Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:

 He compilado el nuevo kernel 2.2.0 y he encontrado algunas cosas que 
 funcionan como deberian.

 Compile el nucleo con las siguientes opciones :

 nfs, nls_iso_8859_1 como modulos pero no aparecen por ningun lado.
 smbfs, vfat como modulos, existen pero el modprobe dice que no existe
 el fichero (con ruta correcta) que yo estoy viendo

 Tengo dos particiones de swap que a la hora de montarlas dice que 
 ocupadas ( saca un mensaje  de error 'SIOCADDRT invalid argument' en el
 shell script ).

 y no funcionan corectamente las teclas del teclado tipo retroceso y
 suprimir ( y ya he probado el stty erase lo que sea )

 Alguien tiene alguna idea o sugerencia.

 Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:

 Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: sendmail y genericstable ¿cómo?

1999-01-29 Thread Felipe Sanchez
On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 07:03:00PM +0100, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 hace tiempo expliqui en la lista que tenia un problema con el sendmail
 pues al intentar mandar  mensajes a direcciones con el mismo host que el
 de mi servidor [EMAIL PROTECTED] el sendmail asumma que se trataba de mi
 maquina local y me decma que el usuario alguien no existma.

Hola Javier,

No se si esto te servirá, pues yo uso smail y no tengo mucha idea de
sendmail, pero hasta hace poco yo tenía el mismo problema.

Resulta que al instalar, el script me preguntó que nombres debían ser
identificados como el host local (mi máquina) y yo le dije inocentemente
que pusiera el nombre de mi ISP, pues no queria que smail ruteara los mensajes 
que fetchmail le mete por la puerta 25 de vuelta al ISP.

Revisando los encabezados me di cuenta que fetchmail edita los encabezados
y les inserta su propio segmento de ruteo, como si fuera un MTA cualquiera,
y le cambia el dominio por el nombre local de mi máquina antes de meterlos
por la puerta 25, por lo tanto smail no necesita ese alias para rutear 
correctamente los mensajes locales.

Edité el /etc/smail/config, en la entrada hostnames=pris,
le borré la parte de mi ISP,, y ahora todo anda bien
en ese aspecto, puedo mandar mensajes a otros usuarios de mi ISP sin

Ahora, el problema que tengo es otro, por si alguien puede ayudarme en esto,
aunque en realidad no me he metido realmente a resolverlo.

Resulta que el script de instalación me preguntó también cual sería el
nombre visible de mi máquina, y yo obviamente le di el de mi ISP, pues
es lo que pone smail después de ls @ en la dirección de retorno de los
Para mi cuenta en el ISP funciona perfecto ya que pone la dirección de
retorno correcta. Pero para mi cuenta del trabajo, en el host del trabajo
obviamente, smail sigue poniendo el nombre del ISP en la dirección de
retorno, resultando en el mejor de los casos en una dirección de retorno
que no existe (espero que este sea el caso) compuesta de mi username en el
trabajo y el dominio de mi ISP, y en el peor de los casos en una dirección
de otra persona.

El ejemplo va en este mensaje que va a salir con esa dirección no existente

Se agradece de antemano cualquier ayuda.

Felipe Sánchez

Re: Servidor X Frame Buffer para S3 Trio3D y otras no soportadas

1999-01-29 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Me alegro de haberte podido ayudar. Solo una pregunta: Has
conseguido mas de 256 colores? Yo lo he intentando pero cuando meto mas de
256 no me arranca el servidor X. Lo curioso es que el nucleo no me da
ningun error y me activa la resolucion elegida (eso si, no se con cuantos


Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida
 Bien, parece que la clave está en el parámetro vga = número del
 /etc/lilo.conf. Sólo funciona con ciertos valores. Yo he puesto:
 vga = 773
 que corresponde al modo 0305: 1024×768/8 bpp (256 c).
Si quieres puedes teclear 0x305 que queda mas claro (eso si, si tu
lilo entiende hexadecimal).

Requete Fax

1999-01-29 Thread Carlos Javier Sosa Gonzalez

Bueno, yo sigo con mi lio con el Fax/Modem.
Tengo claro que he de cambiar el modemVentanito este del carajo...

 ? ALguien tiene por ahi, algun Fax/Modem interno. de 33.6K o 56K?
Funciona Full o a medias

En los HOW-TOs estan, pero ya no me fio ni de mi sombra...

No quisiera cambiar el Modem a uno externo, pues esta en un laboratorio de
la Univesidad... Y me supongo que podrian crecerle alas o patas y emigrar
a la dulce morada de algun deconocido pero ratero

\/_/\ \   _   __   ._. __
   \ \ \ /\___ \ /\ \ /| |/\ \
 __ \ \ \\/| __ \\ \ \|| |\ \ \
/\ \_\_\ \/\ \L\ \\ \ \| | \ \ \_\V/_
\ \__/\ \/ \ \___|  \ \_\  d o o b
 \/_/  \/___/   \/__/\/_/   \\_//
| CMA (Centro de Microelectronica Aplicada) |
|   U.L.P.G.C.  |
|Canary Islands |

Re: Colorines

1999-01-29 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Creo que tu problema es que al parecer la debian 2.0 instala una
serie de
iconos con muchos colores (mas de 256) con lo que acaba con el numero
disponible de colores para los otros programas.
Si este es el problema puedes comprobarlo quitando
(comentando) todas las lineas que hagan referencia a directorios de
inconos en el XF86Config. Veras como ahora puedes cambiar de color de
La solucion que a mi se me ocurre es usar un modo con mas colores.
Por ejemplo 800x600 con 16M colores.

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, Han Solo wrote:

 Hola a todos
 Actualmete estoy migrando de RedHat a Debian y me acabo de encontrar con
 un problema que no se resolver.
 En ambas tengo instaladas las X corectamente, y uso el mismo gestor de
 ventanas (fvwm2), pero en RedHat tengo una paleta de 256 colores y en
 Debian, no me deja ni cambiar el color del fondo nada mas entrar.Por
 ejemplo, si intento algo como xsetroot -solid NavyBlue me responde con u
 lacónico I can't allocate memory for color NavyBlue. No es un
 problema del XF86config, pues uso el mismo fichero en las dos
 distribuciones, ni del servidor X, ya que he probado a cambiar el del
 Debian por un enlace al de la RedHat, y las X funcionan pero no me deja
 usar más colores. Así, hay un montón de programas que no llegan a
 arrancar, o bien arrancan y se cierran por falta de colores .
 ¿Alguien sabe qué demonios pasa?
 Por cierto, mi tarjeta es una S3 con 1Mb, y en redhat funciona
 perfectamente a 1024x768 y 256 colores. En el Xf86config sólo tengo
 definido ese modo de pantalla.
 Un Saludo
 Han Solo
 The Rebel Alliance
 Conecto, luego existo.
 Desconecto, luego insisto.
 Soy usuario de infobirria+
 P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
 Vivir para ver.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: sendmail y genericstable ¿cómo?

1999-01-29 Thread Angel Vicente Perez

Yo estoy usando en el trabajo el genericstable, pero el caso es diferente al
tuyo y no se si te servirá.

Partimos de que los usuarios tienen un dominio ficticio (no existente en
Internet), y al enviar correo, los campos correspondientes tienen que llevar
un dominio real, e incluso un nombre de usuario diferente, porque tenemos
buzones compartidos por varios de ellos; por ejemplo el usuario
[EMAIL PROTECTED] tiene que salir como [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Para hacer le genericstable, hice un fichero de texto con dos columnas
separadas con tabuladores, en la primera puse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
y en la segunda [EMAIL PROTECTED], despues:

makemap hash genericstable  fichero-de entrada

Esto genera un fichero genericstable.db.

Perdon, si no entro mucho en detalles, pero tendria que bucear un poco entre
los ficheros, porque hace ya algun tiempo que lo prepare.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nombre de Javier
 Viñuales Gutiérrez
 Enviado el: jueves 28 de enero de 1999 19:03
 Para: Debian Lista de correo en español
 Asunto: sendmail y genericstable ¿cómo?

 Hola a todos,

 hace tiempo expliqué en la lista que tenia un problema con el sendmail
 pues al intentar mandar  mensajes a direcciones con el mismo
 host que el
 de mi servidor [EMAIL PROTECTED] el sendmail asumía que se
 trataba de mi
 máquina local y me decía que el usuario alguien no existía.

 Mi problema está en que uso userdb.db con userdb:

 root:mailname vigu
 vigu:maildrop root

 y en /etc/mail/

 # Fichero userdb para reescribir el usuario
 Kuserdb btree -o /etc/userdb.db
 #O UserDatabaseSpec=/etc/userdb
 R$+ ?? $+   $: $1 ?? $(userdb $2 :mailname $: @ $)

 Varios de lista me habeis dicho que mediante genericstable
 la cosa se
 gestiona bien, pero después de leer varios HOWTOs y otros
 documentos no
 me aclaro en cómo se hace esto (cual es el formato de genericstable,
 cómo se genera, cómo se pone en Ya Claudio S. Suarez
 Sanchez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) me envió su, por favor, alguien
 me podría detallar como construir genericstable en mi caso.

 Saludos y gracias.


 Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

DEBIAN 2.0 + RDSI + TELEFONICA (Siempre hay algo en las formulas que falla no?)

1999-01-29 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Estimados amigos,

Uso la debian 2.0 y la ELSA PCI 1000 Pro con el pppd y siempre ha ido de
muerte con Infovia. Pero con la nueva I+ no hay humano que trabaje. Me han
comentado que hay que hacer una serie de operaciones con las isdnutils, usar
el ipppd y chap. Me leido unas cuantas veces el rdsi-howto y las man de
ipppd. Pero no consigo hacerlo rular. Por favor, soy muy novato y ruego que
alguien tenga a bien informarme.

A parte de esto, como puedo instalar el kde del cdrom contrib porque cuando
hago el rpm -i  de las librerias QT me pide un monton de ficheros que solo
localizo en la potato pero siempre me da fallos.

Un saludo. Angel

Re: Netscape-base-4

1999-01-29 Thread Santiago Vila
Octavio Rodriguez Perez:
 Santiago Vila:
  En realidad lo mejor es usar dselect, usar / (Mayús+7) y que él se apañe.
 ¿Eso donde se pone, en Acceso?¿Y para que sirve?

No, se pone cuando estás eligiendo paquetes, para buscar uno en concreto,
igual que si estuvieras en less.
 NOTA: Mi ordenador no esta conectado a Internet.

Bueno, no pasa nada.

Puedes decirle que coja los paquetes de algún sitio de Internet y
solamente estableces la conexión para traértelos realmente.
   Y a proposito de esto, para los paquetes del contrib, ¿hay alguna forma
   de saber donde encontrar el binario asociado a partir del fichero .deb?
  Si me aclaras qué es eso del binario asociado...
 Si, me refiero a que los paquetes .deb que hay en el contrib son
 instaladores porque son ficheros muy pequeños para contener la
 aplicacion del Netscape. Asi que aparte de estos ficheros necesito el

Ah, creí que te referías a paquetes de contrib en general.

Supongo que en los propios instaladores de netscape habrá un README
que diga dónde está. Si no es así, manda un bug, yo creo que debería
decirlo el propio instalador.

 Pero cuando los voy a instalar, el dpkg-deb me dice que depende del
 paquete netscape-base-4 y este paquete no lo encuentro ni en

netscape-base-4 está en el contrib de slink.

 e1579462b80797c807bccb17e3b025b4 (a truly random sig)

Paquetes para el kernel 2.2.0

1999-01-29 Thread Hue-Bond


 Bajado el  2.2.0 consulto el Documentation/Changes  y encuentro
 los  paquetes que  hay  que actualizar,  cómo  saber qué  versiones
 tienes y  dónde conseguirlos.  Por lo pronto,  los que  tengan Hamm
 tienen que bajarse estos:


 Quiero comentar algo  sobre el util-linux. El  Changes dice que
 la versión  instalada se sabe  haciendo 'chsh -v'. Pues  bien, tras
 comprobar que 'chsh -v' no me da la versión, hago:

$ dpkg -S */chsh
passwd: /usr/bin/chsh

 Vaya, pero si  chsh no forma parte del  util-linux. Para colmo,
 más abajo en el Changes, dice que este paquete hay que actualizarlo
 porque  desaparece el  límite de  128  Mb para  el swap  y hay  que
 cambiar también mount y mkswap.

$ dpkg -S */mount */mkswap
mount: /bin/mount
mount: /usr/doc/mount
util-linux: /sbin/mkswap

 O sea, que hay que  actualizar los paquetes util-linux y mount.
 El paquete  passwd no creo  que haga falta pero...  ¿quedará alguno
 más en el tintero además del mount?

Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

P.D.: A todo esto, ya salió el 2.2.1  :-)

Re: Sobre permisos audio

1999-01-29 Thread Hue-Bond
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, TooManySecrets wrote:


Hace un tiempo me dijisteis sobre un fichero en /etc donde se le decía quién
podía acceder a audio, por ejemplo.

 Ni idea, pero yo lo hice con 'useradd fserrano audio'  :-)

Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: ¿Vaciar /var/log?

1999-01-29 Thread Hue-Bond
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Así de llenos están los ficheros en /var/spool;  si los elimino, ¿volverán a
crearse según se vayan produciendo los distintos logs o debo vaciarlos de
otro modo sin eliminarlos?  ¿Hay otros ficheros de este tipo que puedan ser

 No toques utmp,  wtmp y esos. Yo lo que  hice fue comentar todo
 en /etc/syslog.conf y poner:

auth.*  /var/log/Hue/auth
authpriv.*  /var/log/Hue/authpriv
cron.*  /var/log/Hue/cron
kern.*  /var/log/Hue/kern
lpr.*   /var/log/Hue/lpr
mail.*  /var/log/Hue/mail
news.*  /var/log/Hue/news
user.*  /var/log/Hue/user
uucp.*  /var/log/Hue/uucp
*.* /dev/tty12

 Luego creé el /var/log/Hue/ y me curré un scriptito. Y siempre,
 cada vez que  voy a apagar el  ordenata, veo los logs  y ejecuto el

cd /var/log/Hue
for FICH in *; do
  if [ $FICH != nombre-script ] ; then
echo --- $FICH ---  $FICH
chmod 640 $FICH

 Con el echo, como se redirecciona con , se borra todo lo que
 hay. La razón del echo  es para delimitar visualmente los archivos,
 ya que los veo con un 'cat *|less'.

 Además, también  creé unos symlinks  para ver más logs  que los
 que van por el syslog:

apache.access - ../apache/access.log
apache.error - ../apache/error.log
lp-acct - ../lp-acct
lp-errs - ../lp-errs
setuid.changes - ../setuid.changes

 No sé  si es  un método  muy ortodoxo, lo  de cargarme  todo el
 trabajo que otros  pusieron en el /etc/syslog.conf, pero  es que me
 parece muy lioso así como está.


Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: Problem with Quake II...

1999-01-29 Thread Dale E. Martin
Roderick Schertler [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Thanks, I hadn't realized it was out.  (I don't actually play this game
 any more, I've been looking for somebody to take over the package for a

How hard is it to maintain?
 I'll try to put out a package of the new version tonight or this weekend.

Excellent!  Thanks.

+- pgp key available --+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer|

error compiling PCMCIA modules for 2.2 kernel

1999-01-29 Thread Eric
Here is the process I have gone through to try and make a 2.2 kernel
work on my friend's laptop:

1. compile and install a 2.2 kernel image

2. upgrade pcmcia-cs to the 3.0.7 version which is in potato

3. got pcmcia-source from potato, installed it, and untarred the
pcmcia-cs.tar from it into /usr/src/modules/pcmcia-cs

4. attempted to do a 'make-kpkg --revision=custom.1.0 modules_image'

I believe all this is correct, but I continue to get errors when
trying to complete the final step (compiling the pcmcia modules).  It
gets pretty far, but it inevitably says something to the effect of:

/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.0/drivers/net/8390.c: 1110: parse error before 

and a few more similar errors on following lines of 8390.c

Any ideas?

 _  _ 
| |(_)
|  _|  | | Page me via ICQ at
| |___ | |
|__/ | or by mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: this guy talks to ff01a8c0 from loopback

1999-01-29 Thread Carey Evans

 I have upgraded to the 2.2.0 kernel and am getting lots of these
 messages from the kernel:
 this guy talks to ff01a8c0 from loopback

ff01a8c0 is

This message comes from the IP routing code in the kernel.  I can't
see exactly what conditions lead to you getting it, though.

Routing has changed a lot from 2.0.x to 2.2.0.  You should check what
routes are being set up on what devices, etc., probably in
/etc/init.d/network.  Post the output of `/sbin/ifconfig -n' and
`/sbin/route -n' and I might be able to suggest something else.

 Carey Evans
The risk of U.S. national security resting in the hands of adults who play
with children's toys during office hours is left as an exercise to the reader.
   - Bruce Martin in RISKS

Re: What am i going to install?

1999-01-29 Thread Alec Smith
Download the stable branch of Debian -- aka hamm. Don't get frozen or
unstable. Also, Debian 2.0 ships with kernel 2.0.34. Since there are some
things that need to be tweaked a little in Debian, you're best off
downloading a copy of kernel 2.0.36 and building that for your system. In
all my use, 2.0.36 has been rock solid.

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, trio wrote:

 Hello again,
Thanks to all who helped with my cfdisk question.
Now i'm continuing to install the Debian system using the ftp method. 
 But what am i going to wind up with v2.2.x? v2.0.32? I would like to 
 install a nice stable system that will only do e-mail, serve web pages 
 and do dns. I don't want anything fancy. How should i make sure that i'm 
 only downloading stable good programs?
Thank you again.
 universero trio... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Learn and use The International Language Esperanto!
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Re: error compiling PCMCIA modules for 2.2 kernel

1999-01-29 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 06:12:08PM -0600, Eric wrote:

 2. upgrade pcmcia-cs to the 3.0.7 version which is in potato

You need 3.0.8.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: perl-dbd-modules as .debs?

1999-01-29 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MG == Mike Gerber [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MG is there a .deb-package of the perl-dbd-modules? (not dbi, i search
MG the database-specific parts like DBD::Pg, DBD::Oracle and such)
MG i searched by hamm-cds but found none (only the libdbi-perl(?) one).

$ dpkg -l \*dbd\*

pn  libdbd-csv-perl none (no description available)
pn  libdbd-msql-per none (no description available)
ii  libdbd-mysql-pe 1.2012-1   mySQL database interface for Perl
pn  libdbd-pg-perl  none (no description available)

You probably have to take a look at unstable, if hamm or slink doesn't 
have one of the above.


Re: 2.2 with IPmasq and LP

1999-01-29 Thread Dietrich Kraus
On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 11:56:50AM -0500, Jay Barbee wrote:
 My initial install of the kernel 2.2.0 was not too good.  I have to admit,
 I do not keep up with the development kernels, only the stable ones... so I
 felt very newbie-ish upon the problems.
 IPMasq... It is simply not setup the same.  ipfwadm does not work anymore
 and I needed to use ipchains.  also adding the 'echo 1 
 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward' was something new as well.
 Once this was in place diald and ppp was working (PPP built in the kernel
 and SLIP as a module).
 LP, however, I cannot figure out.  I have parport (tried in the kernel and
 as module), parport_pc.o and lp.o all built.  I cannot get it to detect my
 printer?  I know it is going to use /dev/lp0 instead of /dev/lp1, but the
 kernel reports that no devices have been found?  very odd.   All I have to
 do is reboot to my previous 2.0.36 kernel and it detects the printer fine.

Have a look at /usr/src/linux/Documentation/parport.txt. The following works
for me.
alias parport_lowlevel  parport_pc
options parport_pc  io=0x378 irq=7

nestor:/usr/src/linux$ lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
parport_pc  5048   1  (autoclean)
lp  4280   1  (autoclean)
parport 6444   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]

Dietrich Kraus

Re: this guy talks to ff01a8c0 from loopback

1999-01-29 Thread servis
*- On 29 Jan, Carey Evans wrote about Re: this guy talks to ff01a8c0 from 
 I have upgraded to the 2.2.0 kernel and am getting lots of these
 messages from the kernel:
 this guy talks to ff01a8c0 from loopback
 ff01a8c0 is
 This message comes from the IP routing code in the kernel.  I can't
 see exactly what conditions lead to you getting it, though.
 Routing has changed a lot from 2.0.x to 2.2.0.  You should check what
 routes are being set up on what devices, etc., probably in
 /etc/init.d/network.  Post the output of `/sbin/ifconfig -n' and
 `/sbin/route -n' and I might be able to suggest something else.

I did see some SIO. type error whiz by during boot.  I had the
/etc/init.d/network script in verbose mode and it occured after the 
'route add -host lo' line.  Thanks for taking a peek at this.

Is there any way to trap all the output of the boot scripts to a log
file?  This would be really useful as people migrate to the 2.2.x
kernels and have to debug boot scripts.

/etc/init.d/network (stripped of comments)
route add -host lo
ifconfig lo netmask
ifconfig eth0 netmask up
route add -net netmask eth0
/usr/local/bin/socks5 -i -t

% ifconfig -n
loLink encap:Local Loopback  
  inet addr:  Mask:
  RX packets:14991 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:14991 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:80:AD:70:3F:20  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:74926 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:64238 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x280 

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol  
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:29700 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:21323 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

% route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface UH0  00 ppp0 UH0  00 lo   U 0  00 eth0   U 0  00 eth0 UG0  00 ppp0

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: fetchmail/procmail tears mail apart

1999-01-29 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999 Christian T. Steigies wrote:

 On Tue, 26 Jan 1999, Christian T. Steigies wrote:

 [about fetchmail splitting mail at lines starting with `From ']

 First thanks for the hints I have received.
 Reading the fetchmail-FAQ I found this:
 X3. Messages containing From at start of line are being split.
If you can't replace the offending program, take a look at your file. There will likely be a line something like

I'd say `fetchmail' is the offending program here :-)  The description
for it says:

  This is a full-featured, robust and very configurable POP3 / APOP /
  IMAP mail forwarder. It's designed to pick up mail from a mail
  server host and deliver it _just_as_though_it_had_arrived_on_your_
  _client_machine_via_SMTP_.[underscores mine]

Obviously, splitting mail breaks this promise.  File a bug report.
Either the program or the description has a bug.  Personally, I'd
blame `fetchmail' if it claims to be a mail-transport-agent.  MTAs
should not alter message content.  That's like the mailman opening
your mail.  MTAs can do whatever they please with the headers, but
they should stay clear of everything that follows the first empty
line, i.e. a line with nothing preceding the CRLF.

However, `fetchmail' provides a `popclient' and I'm not sure what
these beasties are supposed and allowed to do.  However, if I were
to ask my dog to fetch the mail, I'd be upset if it got ripped into
pieces ;-)  Splitting messages is something I'd only entrust to my

 Now I wonder where I have my file, I am using (the
 Debian standard) smail. Can't see nothing about procmail in
 /etc/smail, I wonder how my system knows that it should deliver mail
 with procmail. If I could add this option, I guess my problem would
 be solved.

Try this

  debian:~# find /etc -name

and have a look the `find' manual page after that.  I just grepped
through `Contents-i386' and the only references to `' came
from the sendmail and fidogate packages (hamm).  The relevant file for
smail is /etc/smail/config.  Also have a look at the `smail-config'
man page.

Re: Help! My CDROM is terrible. I can't mount it. [PART 2]

1999-01-29 Thread Cristiano Viana

The modules that I have in the fs section is:

nls_iso8859_ (nine of then!)

There is no isofs module.
My Debian 2.0 is from Linux Central.

Thank you,
Cristiano Viana

Cristiano Viana wrote:

 (6) Install operating system kernel and modules, from CD-ROM drive
 (7) Configure device driver modules (I choose to install the modules:
 lp and serial)

During these steps when you set up modules, you need to install the
isofs module. It's under file systems (fs). This is what gives you
support for the iso99960 file system which is what the cdrom uses.
Without that, you will not be able to mount a cdrom.

While you're there, be sure to install modules for any other file
systems you want such as fat, msdos etc.


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Slink - xdm by default?

1999-01-29 Thread Tom Pfeifer
In my new (from scratch) slink installation, xdm starts by default on
boot up, while in previous Debian versions (including a slink upgrade
from hamm), text console mode was the default on boot up. Console mode
on boot is what I strongly prefer.

It would not be an issue except that the /etc/X11/config file where the
boot behavior could be toggled previously is not there, and manually
putting it there (with a no-start-xdm line included) does not help.

I realize xdm starts from the etc/rc2/S99xdm link to the /etc/init.d/xdm
script, but is there a more elegant way to disable xdm - like a new
configuration file somewhere? If there is, I haven't found it yet.


Re: Slink - xdm by default?

1999-01-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Tom Pfeifer wrote:

 I realize xdm starts from the etc/rc2/S99xdm link to the /etc/init.d/xdm
 script, but is there a more elegant way to disable xdm - like a new
 configuration file somewhere? If there is, I haven't found it yet.

dpkg --purge xdm

It is a seperate package now, don't install it if you don't want it.


Re: Slink - xdm by default?

1999-01-29 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
 dpkg --purge xdm
 It is a seperate package now, don't install it if you don't want it.

OK fine - simple enough.

Modem freezup

1999-01-29 Thread ktb

  Every once in a while my modem won't respond to pon  I have
tried to see a pattern in the freezeup but haven't found one.  I ran
plog after the last incident:

~$ plog
Jan 28 13:34:13 XYF chat[830]: expect (OK)
Jan 28 13:34:35 XYF pppd[840]: pppd 2.3.5 started by kent, uid 1000
Jan 28 13:34:35 XYF pppd[840]: Device ttyS0 is locked by pid 829
Jan 28 13:34:35 XYF pppd[840]: Exit.
Jan 28 13:34:58 XYF pppd[829]: Connect script failed
Jan 28 13:34:58 XYF chat[830]: alarm
Jan 28 13:34:58 XYF chat[830]: Failed
Jan 28 13:35:04 XYF pppd[845]: pppd 2.3.5 started by kent, uid 1000
Jan 28 13:35:04 XYF pppd[845]: Device ttyS0 is locked by pid 829
Jan 28 13:35:04 XYF pppd[845]: Exit.

I see the message says the modem is locked up by pid 829  but I have
no idea what that means.  This happens only once every few days but when
it happens I have to do a complete shutdown to get the modem to work
again; a reboot won't do it.  Anyone know how to deal with this?

Here is plog when I can hookup, if it helps:

$ plog
Jan 28 13:47:19 XYF chat[231]: ATDT4848144^M^M
Jan 28 13:47:19 XYF chat[231]: CONNECT
Jan 28 13:47:19 XYF chat[231]:  -- got it
Jan 28 13:47:19 XYF chat[231]: send (\d)
Jan 28 13:47:20 XYF pppd[230]: Serial connection established.
Jan 28 13:47:21 XYF pppd[230]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 28 13:47:21 XYF pppd[230]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Jan 28 13:47:21 XYF pppd[230]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
magic 0x5fcf pcomp accomp]
Jan 28 13:47:22 XYF pppd[230]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0xb7f84692 pcomp accomp auth pap]
Jan 28 13:47:22 XYF pppd[230]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 mru 1500
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0xb7f84692 pcomp accomp auth pap]


Re: Modem freezup

1999-01-29 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Try looking up and finding out what process has pid 829 (top or ps)

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Help!!! Can't connect to my ISP using pon

1999-01-29 Thread Michelle Coelho

First of all I'd like to thank all of you for responding to my problem..Here I am 
giving you all the pertinent data to try and fix my problem.

The problem? Well, I can't connect to my ISP, 
though my modem is dialing out..I can here it do so, and I can hear the 
screeching sound.

The answers I gave to pppconfig: 

primary nameserver:
secondary nameserver:
provider name: provider (the default since I have just one ISP)
Password: *
username: mcoelho
port modem is on: 
defaultroute enabled
modem port speed : 
modem initialization string: ATZ 
(I've let it choose its default settings as I don't know what the 
initialization string is for my modem: 56k Cardinal connecta 
number to dial : 
ATDT tone
authentication method : PAP (My 
friends who have Win-operating systems are able to connect easily, so I guess my 
university provides PAP)

I ran pon 4 times. The first time plog gave 
me this:
chat: expect (CONNECT)
chat: ^M
chat: ATDT2785619^M
chat:--got it
chat:send (\d)
pppd: Serial Connection 
pppd:Using interface 
pppd: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 
asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x024f 
last message repeated 9 
pppd: Hangup (SIGHUP)
pppd: Modem hangup
pppd: Exit

The 2nd, 3rd and 4th times, as well as all other times in the 
past, I got this:

chat: expect (CONNECT)
chat: ^M
chat: ATDT2785619^M
chat:--got it
chat:send (\d)
pppd: Serial Connection 
pppd:Using interface 
pppd: [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 
0x0 magic 0x024f pcompacomp]
last message repeated 9 
pppd: LCP: Timeout Sending Config_Requests
pppd: Connection 
pppd: Receive serial link is not 8-bit 
pppd: Problem: all had bit 7 set to 
Hangup (SIGHUP)

I did a ping, but it gave me 
unknown host So I wasn't 

Now here are the contents of some pertinent 
OK ATDT2785619

#This file was generated by pppconfig. You 
can edit the following lines but don't delete any or change the comments else 
you'll confuse pppconfig

connect usr/sbin/chat -v -f 
#pppconfig_ dev

#End of pppconfig controlled lines. You 
can add lines below here wothout confusing pppconfig

In the file /etc/ppp/peers/provider.old 
(whose contents are same as above except for pppconfig_dev and 
pppconfig_speed which is 384000), I changed '/dev/modem' to 


/etc/hosts pussycat 


Order hosts, bind
multi on

I think you'd be interested in knowing that I got the following 
messages at boot time:
Configuring serial portsfailed
Trying to load serial module manually
Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options 
tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq=4) is a 16450

tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq=3) is a 16450
Success...retrying configuration..done

/dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq=4) is a 16450

/dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq=3) is a 16450

I made a symbolic link called 
'/dev/modem' to '/dev/ttyS0'.
On doing a setserial -a /dev/ttyS0, I got:
/dev/ttyS0, line 0, UART: 16450, Port 0x3f8, IRQ: 4, 
Baud_base:115200, close_delay:50, divisor :0 closing_wait:3000, closing_wait2 :infinite Flags:spd_normal 
skip_test session_lockout

Then, I did a setserial /dev/ttyS0 spd_hi, but the problem 
In pppconfig, I changed the speed to 38400, yet the problem 
remained so I it changed back to 115200.
Do you reckon the problem to be due to the fact that 
I've a 16450 UART, though I seriously don't think so
I have a 33.6 internal modem (not connected, of course)..should I be using 
that instead?
I've racked my head ..(and some of yours) to fix the problem..I'm so fed 
up..I hope someone out there can figure out a solution..

Re: reading /usr/doc files

1999-01-29 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Richard Hall wrote:

 Is there a tool for reading the oodles of documentation in /usr/doc, or do
 I just have to go in there, gunzip, and more?

zless /usr/doc/foo/bar.gz


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: reading /usr/doc files

1999-01-29 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 29 Jan 1999 02:46:10 + (BST), M.C. Vernon wrote:

 Is there a tool for reading the oodles of documentation in /usr/doc, or do I
 just have to go in there, gunzip, and more?

zless /usr/doc/foo/bar.gz

zgrep, zless, the friends of gzip.  ;)

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


function keys

1999-01-29 Thread dan
Currently, the function keys in the virtual consoles generate different escape 
sequences then in environments such as xterm and screen.  I've only tested 
keymaps under i386/qwerty, but I suspect this applies to others as well.  

Is there any logic behind the currently assigned escape sequences?  Are they 
sup posed to emulate a certain terminal behavior?  Right now, they don't really 
make sense.

My suggestion is to make function keys consistant across as many tty interfaces 
as possible.

I think the best way to do this is to change the files /usr/share/keymaps/*/*/* 
so that they are consistant on all ttys.  I would help with this, but I want to 
know what people think first.  Configuration for other programs could also be 
modified, but I don't know as much about how to do that.

Dan Gohman

Re: Help! I can't partition my disk.

1999-01-29 Thread Thomas Williams
Maybe the data on your rescue disk is corrupt.  Try with a new rescue disk.
-Original Message-
Date: Thursday, January 28, 1999 4:05 PM
Subject: Help! I can't partition my disk.


   I'm installing Debian Linux onto a completely clean system. I know the
hardware works because i had Linux working on it before. In the meantime
i have used MS-DOS fdisk to remove all partitions.

   My problem: i've downloqded the floppies needed to install a new
configuration and the rescue disk boots and starts the configuration
process. First it asks if i have a color screen, then what keyboard. Then
it says NEXT: Partition the hard disk. When i choose it, it goes back to
the main menu to partition the hard disk again! There may be a message
written very fast but i can't read it.

   So, how do i get to a prompt to just do the cfdisk manually? I'd be
happy to partition manually outside of the script if someone can tell me
how to do a cfdisk before i've installed the operating system?

   Please help. I'm stuck!

universero trio... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Learn and use The International Language Esperanto!

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Re: function keys

1999-01-29 Thread John Goerzen
I'm not so sure there's really a problem.  As long as xterm is generating
codes that match the xterm terminfo spec, and the console is generating
codes that match the linux terminfo spec, what's the problem?

On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 08:49:42PM -0600, dan wrote:

 Currently, the function keys in the virtual consoles generate different 
 escape sequences then in environments such as xterm and screen.  I've only 
 tested keymaps under i386/qwerty, but I suspect this applies to others as 
 Is there any logic behind the currently assigned escape sequences?  Are they 
 sup posed to emulate a certain terminal behavior?  Right now, they don't 
 really make sense.
 My suggestion is to make function keys consistant across as many tty 
 interfaces as possible.
 I think the best way to do this is to change the files 
 /usr/share/keymaps/*/*/* so that they are consistant on all ttys.  I would 
 help with this, but I want to know what people think first.  Configuration 
 for other programs could also be modified, but I don't know as much about how 
 to do that.
 Dan Gohman
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Linux' fdisk / rescue disks / LILO

1999-01-29 Thread Olaf Meeuwissen

I've been playing around with multi-OS installation (Debian/Window$98)
for a bit and was wondering if it is possible to use Linux' `fdisk'
without having Linux installed (yet) since it is more powerful than
the `cfdisk' program the installer uses.  More specifically, I would
like to specify exactly what cylinders partitions are to start and to
end on.

I would guess this should be possible with the rescue diskettes, but I
can seem to get these to boot.  They just keep rebooting themselves no
matter what I throw at the boot prompt.  I have tried the tecra ones
as well to no avail.

A similar phenomenon appears after installation when I try to boot
using LILO.  It gets stuck in an infinite loop of booting Linux when
booting Linux when booting Linux ...  This happens at the reboot stage
in the installer.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts you might have,
Olaf Meeuwissen   Ph.D. student, Shinshu University, Japan
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Information Management Systems Laboratory

Re: man missing ?

1999-01-29 Thread Kent West
David Wright wrote:

 Quoting Kent West ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Continuing on would have
  gotten me the man reader, but alas, my modem wouldn't work, so I couldn't
  download any further packages. I can zcat the doc files, but because
  there's garbage in the output of that (ctrl characters, etc), it's not easy
  to read. As a result I've been rebooting into Win95, connecting to the web,
  doing research, rebooting into Linux, making config changes, failing,
  rebooting into Win95, etc etc.

 I don't know why you're having trouble with your modem on linux, but I
 would recommend you connect to the internet with W95, ftp the man-db
 package from a Debian site (remember to set binary) and install it
 with dpkg -i filename in linux. Problem solved.

 Grab what you can at the same time: if you get dependency problems, just
 go back to ftp. (Or one can just pick over the packages file by eye.
 That's the wonderful thing about having it all driven by simple text
 files, not complicated databases.)


 Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
 Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
 Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
 official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Thanks, but I got the modem going. Win95/PnP Bios set the modem to COM3, IRQ5 
that for a non-standard IRQ setting?). So I used setserial to set /dev/ttyS2 to 
irq 5
and the modem fired right up. Now all I have to do is figure out what file to 
edit to
do this on boot-up.

Printing to a WinNT shared printer using LP SAMBA...

1999-01-29 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy y'all :)

I've got timidity  the packages installed ( and the MIDI files sound 
good!!).  Now... I've one more tiny ( I hope problem...)

A while back, I sent out an e-mail asking how get linux to print to a 
network printer...I never had a chance to get it working... my Linux box 
kept crashing (cause of things I did...) and I had to wait for CD's to 
come in...

I need to know how to setup Linux to print to an nt printer set up to 
share as:


I've got Samba installed  working properly (and the SMBMOUNT), also, 
I've got LPR /etc/printcap file looks like this:

:sh /usr/bin/netprint

My /usr/bin/netprint script looks like:

smbclient dahouse\\hpdeskje -U BW07442 -P -c 'print 

Anybody see anything I can do to help?


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: converting numbers

1999-01-29 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. David Stern, Stardate 280199.1148:

 OK, hex numbers are radix 16, octal radix 8, decimal radix 1.

As mentioned in an other mail, it's 10. There are no base 1 #s @all as 1^r for
all r is still 1 (besids you have always base# of digits starting with 0)

 Good.  Now I can convert between hex, octal and decimal.  

To extend yer knowledge ;-)
you can always do a # mod base ; # - # div base
Which will give you digit fer digit starting with the lowest one.

(Thell me if I abreviate 2 much :)

 I guess I'll have to determine when to use each based on context.

That is easy. Hex have capital letters, octals are 3 digits and start with a \
deciaml numbers are stored in i or o, binaries are just logical. Besids these
noone in there right mind uses any and whoever starts base 7 will be shot

 Thanks!  Now, where is that coffee? :-)

Ah, can I have tea instead? A hot, black tea without any milk or sugar. :-)

Alexander N. Benner; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] (#Hosanna  #IXThYS) 
PROVERBS 30:4   
   Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended?  
Who hath gathered the wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a garment?
   Who hath established all the ends of the earth?  
 What is His name,   and what is His son's name,   if thou canst tell ? 

Re: Would like to drop Pine for Mutt

1999-01-29 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Mark Brown, Stardate 270199.0052:
 Just include the the address or addresses in the BCC field - it achieves
 much the same effect.  

Right, I did not know that you can just have a Bcc:
The problem is that you have 2 insert something in To: 1st and then delete it

Ship's Log, Lt. [EMAIL PROTECTED], Stardate 270199.1216:
 If you get a message from that group you may reply to all of them by
 pressing g(group-reply)

AFAIK that still lists all names in the To: field and I don't want to define
an alias all the time.
That is also not the problem as you can always tag a list of addresses in the
alias list.

Alexander N. Benner; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED] #IXThYS  #Hosanna

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah: for it is the power of God
unto salvation to every one that beliveth; _to the Jew first_ and also to the
Gentiles. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to
faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.   ROMANS 1:16-17

HD partitioning.

1999-01-29 Thread Andrew Ivanov
Ok, I'm completely lostI know how to make a Linux drive out of Windows
drive, basicly speaking...but I need to make a drive for Win from what I
currently have as a drive where partitions are set to Dos 16 type, but the
filesystem is ext2.
I can not do anything about it in plain can not see the
Please give an advice on how to make my drive visible to windows?

Selective install using apt-method in dselect

1999-01-29 Thread Kent West
I've got 200+ MB of files selected in dselect for
download/installation, and I'm using the apt method. dselect
tells me that my /var/[something] doesn't have enough space free
and aborts. IIRC, the ftp method in such a situation allowed you
to do a selective install at that point; am I missing something
or is the apt method missing this feature?

Re: Selective install using apt-method in dselect

1999-01-29 Thread Joey Hess
Kent West wrote:
 I've got 200+ MB of files selected in dselect for
 download/installation, and I'm using the apt method. dselect
 tells me that my /var/[something] doesn't have enough space free
 and aborts. IIRC, the ftp method in such a situation allowed you
 to do a selective install at that point; am I missing something
 or is the apt method missing this feature?

It's missing the feature. The only thing you can really do is put a lot of
the to-be-upgraded packages on hold in dselect, upgrade the rest, then take
the packages off hold and upgrade them.

see shy jo

Re: Selective install using apt-method in dselect

1999-01-29 Thread Kent West
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Rafael Kitover wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 10:37:31PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
  I've got 200+ MB of files selected in dselect for
  download/installation, and I'm using the apt method. dselect
  tells me that my /var/[something] doesn't have enough space free
  and aborts. IIRC, the ftp method in such a situation allowed you
  to do a selective install at that point; am I missing something
  or is the apt method missing this feature?
 It sure is. Also, you might have some stuff cached and taking up disk
 space, run apt-get clean. Also check out the cruft package.
Wow, seems like a major oversight. Even though I'm not a programmer
(yet :-) ) and therefore can't fix it myself, it's nice to know that any
programmer COULD take it upon himself to fix it, unlike that commercial

So, is there a text file somewhere that dselect uses as a reference that I
could edit to temporarily pare down the selections rather than go into
dselect/Select and really mess things up?


Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: Printing to a WinNT shared printer using LP SAMBA...

1999-01-29 Thread Alec Smith
Take a look at Samba. I've been using the debs from Slink (Samba 1.9p10 I
believe) under hamm with no trouble for several weeks. Samba includes the
clients you'll need to access Winblows shares.

-- For accessing just file shares, get the smbmount debs.

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Brant Wells wrote:

 Howdy y'all :)
 I've got timidity  the packages installed ( and the MIDI files sound 
 good!!).  Now... I've one more tiny ( I hope problem...)
 A while back, I sent out an e-mail asking how get linux to print to a 
 network printer...I never had a chance to get it working... my Linux box 
 kept crashing (cause of things I did...) and I had to wait for CD's to 
 come in...
 I need to know how to setup Linux to print to an nt printer set up to 
 share as:
 I've got Samba installed  working properly (and the SMBMOUNT), also, 
 I've got LPR /etc/printcap file looks like this:
 :sh /usr/bin/netprint
 My /usr/bin/netprint script looks like:
 smbclient dahouse\\hpdeskje -U BW07442 -P -c 'print 
 Anybody see anything I can do to help?
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Re: Selective install using apt-method in dselect

1999-01-29 Thread Kent West
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Joey Hess wrote:

 Kent West wrote:
  I've got 200+ MB of files selected in dselect for
  download/installation, and I'm using the apt method. dselect
  tells me that my /var/[something] doesn't have enough space free
  and aborts. IIRC, the ftp method in such a situation allowed you
  to do a selective install at that point; am I missing something
  or is the apt method missing this feature?
 It's missing the feature. The only thing you can really do is put a lot of
 the to-be-upgraded packages on hold in dselect, upgrade the rest, then take
 the packages off hold and upgrade them.

Alternatively, could I temporarily mount /var on a different partition
that has more space free?

My fstab doesn't reference /var, so I assume /var is a subdirectory of /,
since a df /var shows the same amount free as a df /. If this is
indeed the case, why do so many people recommend a small partition (50 -
100 MB or so) for / if dselect/apt expects to use that space for


Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: Selective install using apt-method in dselect

1999-01-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Kent West wrote:

 Wow, seems like a major oversight. Even though I'm not a programmer
 (yet :-) ) and therefore can't fix it myself, it's nice to know that any
 programmer COULD take it upon himself to fix it, unlike that commercial

Well the trouble is how do you do it so that you don't accidently kill
your system if a package can't be found? What you really want is to
fragement the install into several '10meg' chunks that are independent and
consistent, you'd then run each chunk and erase the downloads as they

It is not entirely simple to implement unfortunately :|

However, I recommend a carefull approach of using apt-get install on
select packages by hand.


Re: Selective install using apt-method in dselect

1999-01-29 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Kent West wrote:

 Alternatively, could I temporarily mount /var on a different partition
 that has more space free?

Just symlink /var/cache/apt to your largest partition :


Re: Selective install using apt-method in dselect

1999-01-29 Thread Joey Hess
Kent West wrote:
 Alternatively, could I temporarily mount /var on a different partition
 that has more space free?

Better: copy /var/cache/apt it to an empty directory on a partition with
free space, remove /var/cache/apt, and symlink.

 My fstab doesn't reference /var, so I assume /var is a subdirectory of /,
 since a df /var shows the same amount free as a df /. If this is
 indeed the case, why do so many people recommend a small partition (50 -
 100 MB or so) for / if dselect/apt expects to use that space for

_I'd_ never reccommend a small /var. If you're going to have a small root
partition, you should consider splitting /var and possibly /tmp out into
their own partitions.

see shy jo

Re: Selective install using apt-method in dselect

1999-01-29 Thread Kent West
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Joey Hess wrote:

 Kent West wrote:
  Alternatively, could I temporarily mount /var on a different partition
  that has more space free?
 Better: copy /var/cache/apt it to an empty directory on a partition with
 free space, remove /var/cache/apt, and symlink.

By symlink, do you mean to make a filename apt in the original
location that is a symlink to the new location? Would that be:

ln -s /var/cache/apt /big_partition/free_space/apt

(Sorry for asking about the syntax; I'm fairly new at this stuff.)
  My fstab doesn't reference /var, so I assume /var is a subdirectory of /,
  since a df /var shows the same amount free as a df /. If this is
  indeed the case, why do so many people recommend a small partition (50 -
  100 MB or so) for / if dselect/apt expects to use that space for
 _I'd_ never reccommend a small /var. If you're going to have a small root
 partition, you should consider splitting /var and possibly /tmp out into
 their own partitions.

Ahhh! Ya learn something new everyday I love this list! So really I
need to repartition now and reinstall before I go any further (this
is a new install, so I wouldn't be losing anything except a little more
bit of ignorance)? Or is there an easier way of moving /var and /tmp to an
existing bigger partition?

Kent West
KC5ENO - Amateur Radio: When all else fails.
Linux - Finally! A real OS for the Intel PC!
Life is an ongoing classroom. - Capt. James T. Kirk, Dreadnought

Re: Selective install using apt-method in dselect

1999-01-29 Thread Joey Hess
Kent West wrote:
 By symlink, do you mean to make a filename apt in the original
 location that is a symlink to the new location? Would that be:
 ln -s /var/cache/apt /big_partition/free_space/apt

Actually, you need to reverse the last two partsof that command.

ln -s /big_partition/free_space/apt /var/cache/apt

 Ahhh! Ya learn something new everyday I love this list! So really I
 need to repartition now and reinstall before I go any further (this
 is a new install, so I wouldn't be losing anything except a little more
 bit of ignorance)? Or is there an easier way of moving /var and /tmp to an
 existing bigger partition?

Unless you have a spare, unused partition, a reinstall is probably your
easiest route at this stage.

see shy jo

Re: Linux' fdisk / rescue disks / LILO

1999-01-29 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
 More specifically, I would like to specify exactly what cylinders partitions
 are to start and to end on.

Take a look at Ranish Partition Manager. It's a DOS program (open
source), but it can do what you want. The newer version (beta 2.38) can
handle disks over 8.4 GB. The older version (2.37) can't, but it has
some additional features not in the beta yet.


Sound card driver.

1999-01-29 Thread Andrew Ivanov
I got an AcerMagic FX-3D sound card (PnP, unfortunately), and currenly am
trying to set it up so that it works. Has anyone been able to get it to
I've tried including SB16 driver in the kernel, but it doesnt work still. suggests that I use Crystal-based cards driver instead, but
the IO base is different for those cards.

Re: Kernel 2.2.0 on a 486DX2/66

1999-01-29 Thread Philip Thiem
ARe you using 2.2.0 with IDE?  I found a message on dejanews listing
bugs on include freezing and corruption of certain IDE drives.

BTW:  I just salvaged my config part ways my source code completely
and am re partioning my usr and root directories now.

Philip Thiem

Carey Evans wrote:
 Richard Kaszeta [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  The kernel builds fine, but when it boots, it stops at
  'Starting kswapd v 1.5' and the machine hangs.
 It might be the next thing _after_ kswapd causing the problem.
 The next kernel message I get after this line is 'Detected PS/2 Mouse
 Port.'  Do you have a PS/2 mouse (with a little round connector), and
 should you have it compiled in?
  Carey Evans
 The risk of U.S. national security resting in the hands of adults who play
 with children's toys during office hours is left as an exercise to the 
- Bruce Martin in RISKS
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Selective install using apt-method in dselect

1999-01-29 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Kent West wrote:

 On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Joey Hess wrote:
  Kent West wrote:
   Alternatively, could I temporarily mount /var on a different partition
   that has more space free?
  Better: copy /var/cache/apt it to an empty directory on a partition with
  free space, remove /var/cache/apt, and symlink.
 By symlink, do you mean to make a filename apt in the original
 location that is a symlink to the new location? Would that be:
 ln -s /var/cache/apt /big_partition/free_space/apt
 (Sorry for asking about the syntax; I'm fairly new at this stuff.)

It's always safer to ask.

Actually you have the syntax backwards:

ln -s /big_partition/free_space/apt /var/cache/apt

I'd recommend moving all of var, since there are some other parts which
may get large, as well.

   My fstab doesn't reference /var, so I assume /var is a subdirectory of /,
   since a df /var shows the same amount free as a df /. If this is
   indeed the case, why do so many people recommend a small partition (50 -
   100 MB or so) for / if dselect/apt expects to use that space for
  _I'd_ never reccommend a small /var. If you're going to have a small root
  partition, you should consider splitting /var and possibly /tmp out into
  their own partitions.
 Ahhh! Ya learn something new everyday I love this list! So really I
 need to repartition now and reinstall before I go any further (this
 is a new install, so I wouldn't be losing anything except a little more
 bit of ignorance)? Or is there an easier way of moving /var and /tmp to an
 existing bigger partition?

Symlinks are a valid way of doing this.  If you have them on dedicated
partitions, you can just point to them in /etc/fstab.  This is more easily
accomplished when installing than later, but if you do it after they have
some contents, be sure to copy the contents to the new location before
deleting anything (this can get tricky, especially with directories
containing system executables.)  

I really messed up my system badly once when trying this, but it was very


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SCSI-bus reset

1999-01-29 Thread Markus Braun
Hi folks!

A little question. Is it possible do do a SCSI-bus reset in a running system
to get devices work, which have been powered on while linux is already
running? Or must I do a reboot? I use a AIC7xxx controller. 

TIA Markus

Markus Braun
Wiflingshauser Strasse 46/3  \|/
73732 Esslingen (o o)

Re: reading /usr/doc files

1999-01-29 Thread Richard Lyon
You can use emacs and the auto-compression-mode.

   M-x auto-compression-mode

 Is there a tool for reading the oodles of documentation in /usr/doc, or do
 I just have to go in there, gunzip, and more?

Debian GNU/Linux a TCP Workhorse?

1999-01-29 Thread Art Lemasters
 I would like to find references to examples of Debian GNU/Linux
systems handling heavy Internet or other network traffic.  Can any of
you give me any URLs or anecdotes?  How many simultaneous accesses
have your servers handled?  I would like to present the info to my
local users' group.  Thanks!


named: No response from Server

1999-01-29 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
Few days ago I setup a machine withe Debian 2.0 r3. I have named
running on that machine, since it will be connected to the internet
later. Right now its just part of my private network After installation, named ran fine, and could resolve the
two hosts I put into /etc/hosts. After I rebooted the machine, named
does not work properly anymore:

two:~ nslookup 
Default Server:  localhost

 set debug
Server:  localhost

;; res_mkquery(0,, 1, 1)
*** localhost can't find tod: No response from server

Any idea, what could be the problem?


Re: (OFF-TOPIC) Windows 95 serial network

1999-01-29 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Jan 18, 1999 at 06:53:57AM -0200, Pablo Longhi Lorenzzoni wrote:
   Sorry by the off-topic, but I need to know if Windows 95/98 can be used
 with Debian/Linux through the serial port. Explaining: I want to link some
 windows machine to another Debian/Linux machine trhough the serial port. Can I
 do that?

What do you want to do with that link?

You could set up a getty (mgetty preferred) on the linux box and
use HyperTerminal to login.

Or you could set up a direct cable connection in Windows and use
PPP to network the two. Then you could use telnet for logins, samba for file
sharing, etc.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: converting numbers

1999-01-29 Thread Helge Hafting

 Where's the FM that tells how to convert numbers, like 0x11A to a 
You'll find it in any C manual, or try man strtol for the strtol() function.

If all you want is to convert to decimal, use this short C-program:
#include stdio.h

void main(int argc, char **argv)
while (*++argv) printf(%s == %i\n, *argv, strtol(*argv));

It simply prints all arguments as decimal numbers.  To use it, save it as
decimal.c  Then run gcc -O2 decimal.c and mv a.out decimal
Possibly also chmod oug+rx decimal

You can now use commands like ./decimal  25 0xFF 011 and get
25 == 25
0xFF == 255
011 == 9

The first one was an ordinary number, the other hexadecimal and the third one 

Helge Hafting

Re: mutt trashes mail

1999-01-29 Thread Daniel González Gasull

Mike Schmitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 08:33:00AM +1000, Alan Eugene Davis wrote:
  I lost a large slug of mail.  Just gone.  I have
  just been leaving mail in the mail spoon.  Mutt
  has a habit of trashing that file.

 Check +mbox.  The default behaviour of mutt is to save read files there, 
 clearing the inbox.

It is at your $HOME/Mail/mbox .

C U L8R.

France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland.
Daniel González Gasull   __|_|__Un sólo muerto es
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (o o) ya demasiado.
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69 ( - ) -- Nelson Mandela
 (  .  )
(   .   )   

Description: PGP signature

[off-topic] EUROPEAN STRIKE OF INTERNET USERS: Sunday, January 31st

1999-01-29 Thread Daniel González Gasull

Next sunday the netizens of France, Greece, Italy,
Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland,
are going to protest against our expensive telecom
companys with a strike of ***NO CONNECTION*** to

The list of european organisations that support the
strike is at .

Read about it at, or at (spanish site).

Please, send this message to everybody you know in
these countries.  TIA.

Excuse me for the off-topic.

C U L8R.

France, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland.
Daniel González Gasull   __|_|__Un sólo muerto es
[EMAIL PROTECTED](o o) ya demasiado.
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69 ( - ) -- Nelson Mandela
 (  .  )
(   .   )   

Re: kernel 2.2.0

1999-01-29 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 28 Jan 1999q, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 28 Jan, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  On a slightly different theme, will there be patches available to upgrade
  2.0.36 to 2.2.0, or do we have to start afresh?  As this would be a 12 Meg
  download, it would take a long time and be expensive :(
 I'm afraid that enough has changed that you'd have a 12 Meg patch. 
 OTOH, rumor on the developer list has it that the 2.2 kernel source
 will be included in slink, so it should be available if you get a slink
 cd (if you can wait that long :-)
 Stephen Ryan   Debian GNU/Linux
 Mathematics graduate student, Dartmouth College

I was afraid that would be the answer.  There is actually a more compressed
version, with a bz suffix; it is *only* about 10 Meg. But how do you
decompress this?


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: this guy talks to ff01a8c0 from loopback

1999-01-29 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 08:08:13PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I did see some SIO. type error whiz by during boot.  I had the
 /etc/init.d/network script in verbose mode and it occured after the 
 'route add -host lo' line.  Thanks for taking a peek at this.
 route add -net netmask eth0
The SIO.. message comes from this one. The route is set up with ifconfig


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

Re: Dselect reinstalls kernel

1999-01-29 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 03:43:55PM -0600, Nathan E Norman wrote:
 As someone else suggested, be sure to use the `--revision=foo' option to
 make-kpkg, and that should solve the problem.  It's never failed me

But depending on what you make your --revision, dselect might still
upgrade it. I suggest using something like --revision=2:1.00. There's
~0% chance dselect will ever upgrade that.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: kernel 2.2.0

1999-01-29 Thread Helge Hafting

 I was afraid that would be the answer.  There is actually a more compressed
 version, with a bz suffix; it is *only* about 10 Meg. But how do you
 decompress this?

Get bz2cat/bunzip/bzip2, from the bzip2 package.

bz2cat will decompress to stdout, much like zcat.  Useful for patches
and compressed text.

bunzip work much like gunzip.

For .tar.bz2 files, use the -I option to tar.  tar will then
use bzip2 as necessary - if you have it.

Helge Hafting

Re: 2.2.0 kernel broke sound

1999-01-29 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 02:39:35AM -0600, Matt Garman wrote:
 Before upgrading to kernel 2.2.0, I had sound working perfectly.  I
 have a SoundBlaster AWE 32 plug'n'play (ISA).  With my 2.0.x kernels,
 I used isapnp, then loaded sound as a module (automatically by
 With the 2.2.0 kernel, I've tried all of the following:
  * kernel 2.2.0 plug'n'play support (and no isapnp), both with
sound as a module and built-in to the kernel
  * disable kernel 2.2 p'n'p support, and tried to use isapnp, both
with sound as a module and built-in to the kernel.

You still need isapnp. Kernel pnp doesn't do ISA cards, AFAIK.

 I get the following error when I try to use play (i.e. sox) to
 play a .wav file:
 sox: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp': Operation not supported by device

What does `lsmod' say about sound? I have an SB16 PNP and mine says:

Module  Size  Used by
opl3   10264   0
sb 30852   0
uart401 5628   0  [sb]
sound  55156   0  [opl3 sb uart401]
soundcore   2192   6  [sb sound]

As well as `sound', you need to load sb. It no longer links the actual
device code in to the sound module directly (which is a good thing,
because it doesn't compile in the IRQs and DMAs either).

You might need to edit /etc/modutils/options to handle this too. I have

options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 mpu_io=0x330 dma16=5
options opl3 io=0x388

(run update-modules after editing that file)

From your sndstat it looks like non-inserted modules is definately
the problem. My sndstat says:

Load type: Driver loaded as a module
Kernel: Linux hamishpc 2.2.0 #1 Tue Jan 26 23:55:55 EST 1999 i586
Config options: 0

Installed drivers:

Card config:

Audio devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16 (4.13) (DUPLEX)

Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL3

Midi devices:
0: Sound Blaster 16

0: System clock

0: Sound Blaster

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Mouse not working--could it be an S3Virge incompatibility issue?

1999-01-29 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 09:12:47PM +, Jose L. Gomez Dans wrote:
As I mentioned before, my mouse wasn't working when I installed a S3
 Virge card with 4 megs on  my debian box. After trying everything I could
 come up with, I decided to try again with the old card. Ta-Dah! the mouse is
 working fine now.
So it is obviously a conflict between the S3  and my serial port. The
 card is a S3 Virge with a 86C325 chip. Does anyone know what might be
 causing this? My old card is an extremely old VGA.

Which com port is your mouse on?

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Help!!! Can't connect to my ISP using pon

1999-01-29 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 09:17:32PM -0500, Michelle Coelho wrote:
 The problem? Well, I can't connect to my ISP, though my modem is dialing 
 out..I can here it do so, and I can hear the screeching sound.
 I ran pon 4 times. The first time plog gave me this:
 chat: expect (CONNECT)
 chat: ^M
 chat: ATDT2785619^M
 chat:--got it
 chat:send (\d)
 pppd: Serial Connection Established
 pppd:Using interface ppp0
 pppd:Connect ppp0--/dev/ttyS0
 pppd: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 magic 0x024f 
 last message repeated 9 times
This means, the other side does not yet speak PPP, allthough a connection is
established. Try to dial the site manually using minicom and see what it is
waiting for. Maybe it's a terminal server that waits for a certain key or
command to enter PPP mode.

If your friends are able to login without a Windows 95 script whatsoever,
the above should work however, and I'm out of ideas.

 pppd: Hangup (SIGHUP)
 pppd: Modem hangup
 pppd: Connection terminated
 pppd: Exit

 I think you'd be interested in knowing that I got the following messages at 
 boot time:
 Configuring serial portsfailed
 Trying to load serial module manually
 Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled.
 tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq=4) is a 16450
 tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq=3) is a 16450
 Success...retrying configuration..done
 /dev/ttyS0 at 0x03f8 (irq=4) is a 16450
 /dev/ttyS1 at 0x02f8 (irq=3) is a 16450
This all is ok.

 I made a symbolic link called '/dev/modem' to '/dev/ttyS0'.
 On doing a setserial -a /dev/ttyS0, I got:
 /dev/ttyS0, line 0, UART: 16450, Port 0x3f8, IRQ: 4, Baud_base:115200, 
 close_delay:50, divisor :0 closing_wait:3000, closing_wait2 :infinite 
 Flags:spd_normal skip_test session_lockout
 Then, I did a setserial /dev/ttyS0 spd_hi, but the problem persists.
This is not the problem. Your serial line and your modem do understand each
other well.


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] CRC errors 33.6 3 COM external modem

1999-01-29 Thread Peter Corlett
Person, Roderick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 been spending time upgrading hardway. I aquired a 33.6 3Com
 external modem. Quite a boost from my old 14.4...I quess If I did
 get so many F#$ CRC errors.

I found that my USR Courier did exactly the same thing - lots of
suspicious PPP errors which went away if I lowered the port speed to
below 9600. It turned out to be lost interrupts. It sounds like you
have the same problem.

I've seen three culprits for this one:

1) You've got a slow/buggy UART on your I/O card. It should be a
   16550A or better. You can tell what kind you have by running
   setserial /dev/ttySx (x for your port numbe) as root. If it says
   8250, 16450, you should buy another one.

2) You have an IRQ conflict. cat /proc/interrupts, and check
   they're all where you expect them to be. This is quite likely the
   case if your modem is on /dev/ttyS[23] and you've got a lot of
   other cards.

3) The one I've not seen documented elsewhere: hdparm. I originally
   used hdparm on my old 486 to speed up my disk accesses by enabling
   32 bit accesses and multiple mode. Alas, multiple mode hogged the
   bus, so every time I accessed the disk, I'd lose serial
   interrupts. Using -u1 here fixed this. *WARNING*: some
   motherboards don't like this, like my current Pentium one, and may
   trash the disk (as I discovered the hard way.)

Peter Corlett, Many-hatted BOFH, Limited.
use Standard::Disclaimer qw/Not my employer's opinion/;

mailsorting with mutt

1999-01-29 Thread cooking
G'day to all, could someone help this slow newbie to sort my mailing lists i'm 
using mutt and sifting through my mail manually is now quite a chore i would 
like to sort them ie: deb-user'luv'etc into there own mailbox when fetching 
mail perhaps a copy of a .muttrc might be helpfull for the commands?? anyhow 
any help would be greatfully appreciated i uuse smail and fetchmail is the 
command i use to retrieve mail Thanks for your time:-)

Craig McVean..

Re: converting numbers

1999-01-29 Thread M.C. Vernon

 If all you want is to convert to decimal, use this short C-program:
 #include stdio.h
 void main(int argc, char **argv)
This is undefined. main should return an int.

 while (*++argv) printf(%s == %i\n, *argv, strtol(*argv));


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support

Re: Debian GNU/Linux a TCP Workhorse?

1999-01-29 Thread Peter Corlett
Art Lemasters [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to find references to examples of Debian GNU/Linux
 systems handling heavy Internet or other network traffic. Can any
 of you give me any URLs or anecdotes? How many simultaneous
 accesses have your servers handled? I would like to present the
 info to my local users' group. Thanks!

We administer webserver for a popular UK news service - it's a P266
running 2.0.34 which usually fills the 256k link. I checked with
netstat -tn | wc -l which indicated there were 120-odd inbound
connections About 10 of these were in ESTABLISHED state and actually
transferring data - the rest are half-open connections.

The load? From uptime:
 10:31am  up 13 days, 15:44,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.03

Peter Corlett, Many-hatted BOFH, Limited.
use Standard::Disclaimer qw/Not my employer's opinion/;

Re: mailsorting with mutt

1999-01-29 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Sat, Jan 30, 1999 at 08:19:13AM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 G'day to all, could someone help this slow newbie to sort my mailing lists
 i'm using mutt and sifting through my mail manually is now quite a chore i
 would like to sort them ie: deb-user'luv'etc into there own mailbox when
 fetching mail perhaps a copy of a .muttrc might be helpfull for the
 commands?? anyhow any help would be greatfully appreciated i uuse smail
 and fetchmail is the command i use to retrieve mail Thanks for your
Please restrict your postings to 80 chars/line.

And use procmail for sorting. I attached a copy of my .procmailrc to get you


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

:0 Wh: msgid.lock
| formail ­D 16384 msgid.cache

* ^TOlws.*

* Received: from .**

* ^TOautofs.*

* ^TOuni-netadmins.*

* ^TOdcedfs.*

* ^TO(.*security|win-sec).*

* ^TOlinux-tulip.*

* ^TOdebian-user.*

* ^TOdebian-devel.*

* ^TOdebian-private.*

* ^TO(debian-testing|boot-floppies|debian-boot).*

* ^TOdebian-bugs.*

* ^TOisdn4linux.*

* ^TOlinux-kernel.*

* ^TO(root|[Ff]ax).*

# Now care for SPAM

:0: E
* ^FROM([0-9]+@)|(|([EMAIL PROTECTED])

:0: E
* (^X-Advertisement:)|(^X-[0-9]: )

:0: E
* ^received:.*(cyber\-bomber|CLOAKED|from unverified source)

# impossible ip address in Received: line  - one of cyberpromo's tricks.
:0: E
* ^Received.*\[[0-9\.]*([03-9][0-9][0-9]|2[6-9][0-9]|25[6-9])

Description: PGP signature

Re: mailsorting with mutt

1999-01-29 Thread Patrick Colbeck
On Sat Jan 30, 1999 at 08:19:13AM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 G'day to all, could someone help this slow newbie to sort my mailing lists 
 i'm using mutt and sifting through my mail manually is now quite a chore i 
 would like to sort them ie: deb-user'luv'etc into there own mailbox when 
 fetching mail perhaps a copy of a .m
 uttrc might be helpfull for the commands?? anyhow any help would be 
 greatfully appreciated i uuse smail and fetchmail is the command i use to 
 retrieve mail Thanks for your time:-)
Craig McVean..
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I use the same combination but use procmail to sort the mail into different

Under my user area i have the following diectory structure

.mutt - contains muttrc and aliases files
.procmail - contains procmail recepies

OK first you need a .procmailrc something like this:-

#Set on when debugging
#Replace `mail' with your mail directory (Pine uses mail, Elm uses Mail)
#Directory for storing procmail log and rc files

And a .forward file thus:-

|IFS=' '  exec /usr/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #yourusername

Next lets look at the recipies in the .procmail directory, first the

* ^(Resent-)?Sender: (owner-)?mutt-users(-request)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
* $ !^(To|Cc|From):.*$pat.colbeck

* ^(Resent-)?Sender: (owner-)?debian-user(-request)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
* $ !^(To|Cc|From):.*$pat.colbeck

* ^(Resent-)?Sender: (owner-)?majordom-wmaker-owner(-request)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
* $ !^(To|Cc|From):.*$pat.colbeck

* ^(Resent-)?Sender: (owner-)?oldtools(-request)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
* $ !^(To|Cc|From):.*$pat.colbeck

* ^(Resent-)?Sender: (owner-)?gnome-list(-request)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
* $ !^(To|Cc|From):.*$pat.colbeck

* ^To: .*

* ^To: .*

This delivers all mail from the maillists to ~/Mail/spool/maillistname
My posix expresion programing is not the best and the occasional mail missed
thes filters and gets dropped in my inbox so check them yourself.

Next we have the recipie rc.else which should catch anything not matched by

* ^From: .*

* ^From: .*

OK now we have all the mail in different spool directories under ~/Mail/spool
I like to have it like that incoming to a spool directory and the automove
it to a current directory as I read it. This lets me use V under Xemacs as
well if I feel that way inclined (not often these days).

Here is my .muttrc which is just a link the real muttrc under ~/.mutt

# This rc file just sources the real one in .mutt

source ~/.mutt/muttrc

Now for the relevent parts of my muttrc

# Pat's Muttrc
# Nothing goes in if I dont know what it does.

reset all   # reset all variables to system defaults.

set move=yes# Move mail-spool to $mbox?

# Paths:
# (unset implies the compile time defaults)

set folder=~/Mail   # where are the mailboxes (+ and = are shortcuts)

# Mailinglists:

lists rro uk-lro oldtools gnome-list wmaker debian-user

# mailboxes filename [ filename ... ]
# (check the files for new mails.  Space cycles between them)

mailboxes +spool/INBOX +spool/Cisco +spool/WindowMaker \
  +spool/Gnome +spool/Mutt +spool/LandRover +spool/Old-Tools \
  mbox-hook +spool/INBOX +current/INBOX
  mbox-hook +spool/WindowMaker +current/WindowMaker
  mbox-hook +spool/Cisco +current/Cisco
  mbox-hook +spool/LandRover +current/LandRover
  mbox-hook +spool/Mutt +current/Mutt
  mbox-hook +spool/Mutt +current/Mutt
  mbox-hook +spool/Gnome +current/Gnome
  mbox-hook +spool/Old-Tools +current/Old-Tools
  mbox-hook +spool/Debian +current/Debian

# Aliases:
# (called in ~/.muttrc to load them only once)

set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases  # add the Aliases here
source ~/.mutt/aliases  # and include all existing aliases

Well I hope this clears things up a bit for you.



 Patrick Colbeck  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Senior Analysttel:  you dont seriously expect me to 
 Azlan Ltd   give that out on the internet do you ?

Re: Debian GNU/Linux a TCP Workhorse?

1999-01-29 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
Art Lemasters  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I would like to find references to examples of Debian GNU/Linux
systems handling heavy Internet or other network traffic.  Can any of
you give me any URLs or anecdotes?  How many simultaneous accesses
have your servers handled?  I would like to present the info to my
local users' group.  Thanks!

Well one of our most heavily loaded servers is a news server, running
INN-2.2 on Debian w/ a 2.0.36 kernel. It's #108 worldwide according
to the Freenix top1000 (

It pushes out an average of 10 Mbit/sec with peaks to 20 Mbit/sec,
24 hrs/day. Right now there are 210 simultaneous TCP connections open.

Stats etc. are all available at

Indifference will certainly be the downfall of mankind, but who cares?

Re: Mouse not working--could it be an S3Virge incompatibility issue?

1999-01-29 Thread Jose L. Gomez Dans
On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 08:50:18PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 So it is obviously a conflict between the S3  and my serial port. The
  card is a S3 Virge with a 86C325 chip. Does anyone know what might be
  causing this? My old card is an extremely old VGA.
 Which com port is your mouse on?

   It's on /dev/ttyS0 (COM1), all other details are set to standard settings.
Jose L Gomez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

Re: Mouse not working--could it be an S3Virge incompatibility issue?

1999-01-29 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 11:13:04AM +, Jose L. Gomez Dans wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 08:50:18PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
  So it is obviously a conflict between the S3  and my serial port. The
   card is a S3 Virge with a 86C325 chip. Does anyone know what might be
   causing this? My old card is an extremely old VGA.
  Which com port is your mouse on?
It's on /dev/ttyS0 (COM1), all other details are set to standard settings.

Hmmm. Don't know then, unless some how your video card is being allocated
IRQ 4. Have a look in the IRQ listing usually given at the start of
booting by your BIOS.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Help!!! Can't connect to my ISP using pon

1999-01-29 Thread John Hasler
Michelle Coelho writes:
 Do you reckon the problem to be due to the fact that I've a 16450 UART,
 though I seriously don't think so

I do.  These things aren't usually even real 16450's, but some anonymous
Korean ASIC designer's emulation thereof.

 I have a 33.6 internal modem (not connected, of course)..should I be
 using that instead?

Yes.  Even if you get the 16450 working it won't be any faster than the
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: converting numbers

1999-01-29 Thread Michael Laing
 Where's the FM that tells how to convert numbers, like 0x11A to a 

I use 'dc' for this sort of task, for example:

plum:~$ dc  Invoke the program
16  push 16 on the stack
i   pop 16 from the stack and set it as the input radix
11A push 0x11A on the stack
p   print the top number on the stack
282 by default, output radix is 10

One can go on and display the number in other radices (sp?):

8   push 8
o   set output radix
p   print
432 here it is in octal
2   push 2
o   set output radix
p   print
100011010   and now in binary
q   all done

'dc' has a good man page - and it's fun too!


subcription to debian user

1999-01-29 Thread Daniel Kahraman
I wish to subscribe

Subscription to debian-user list

1999-01-29 Thread Daniel Kahraman

I wish to subscribe

Dan Kahraman

Re: man missing ?

1999-01-29 Thread Paul McDermott
hello, why don't you turn that option off in the bios?  It will make life
a whole lot simpler.  just a suggestion.  don't let windows dictate what
you do with your computer.

On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Kent West wrote:

David Wright wrote:

 Quoting Kent West ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Continuing on would have
  gotten me the man reader, but alas, my modem wouldn't work, so I couldn't
  download any further packages. I can zcat the doc files, but because
  there's garbage in the output of that (ctrl characters, etc), it's not easy
  to read. As a result I've been rebooting into Win95, connecting to the web,
  doing research, rebooting into Linux, making config changes, failing,
  rebooting into Win95, etc etc.

 I don't know why you're having trouble with your modem on linux, but I
 would recommend you connect to the internet with W95, ftp the man-db
 package from a Debian site (remember to set binary) and install it
 with dpkg -i filename in linux. Problem solved.

 Grab what you can at the same time: if you get dependency problems, just
 go back to ftp. (Or one can just pick over the packages file by eye.
 That's the wonderful thing about having it all driven by simple text
 files, not complicated databases.)


 Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
 Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
 Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
 official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Thanks, but I got the modem going. Win95/PnP Bios set the modem to COM3, IRQ5 
that for a non-standard IRQ setting?). So I used setserial to set /dev/ttyS2 to 
irq 5
and the modem fired right up. Now all I have to do is figure out what file to 
edit to
do this on boot-up.

Re: XFree86 at

1999-01-29 Thread Santiago Vila
Branden Robinson:
 I don't know yet exactly how the new font and static library packages
 will be handled.  I want to build developer consensus on a solution.

I have one possible solution here:

deb frozen main

[ The above is an apt-like line ].

Yes, these are the famous dummy packages. Don't worry, I'm not uploading
them to Incoming, I prefer a developer consensus too.

I will not claim that this is the only possible solution, but certainly it
is a solution.

I would like to hear about better solutions than this (not on paper but
real code).


 e845ea08d62746a96384dad8c6d46e2e (a truly random sig)

apt forgets to install?

1999-01-29 Thread Scott J. Geertgens

  I use the apt method in dselect. I have no trouble selecting and
downloading the various packages, but upon completion they just remain
there! a 'dpkg --pending --configure' fails to install anything. I went
through and did an apt-get install on each package individually and had no
problem (that I can see), but I wouldn't mind having apt/dpkg do the job
for me! Thanks.


Re: Mouse not working--could it be an S3Virge incompatibility issue?

1999-01-29 Thread Jose L. Gomez Dans
On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 10:34:43PM +1100, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
   Which com port is your mouse on?
 It's on /dev/ttyS0 (COM1), all other details are set to standard 
 Hmmm. Don't know then, unless some how your video card is being allocated
 IRQ 4. Have a look in the IRQ listing usually given at the start of
 booting by your BIOS.

   I have installed the old gfx card, and the mouse resurrected from among
thouse wo wheren't alive. Put the new card again + a PCI ESS solo-1 card,
and the mouse is going around errantly, moving extremely fast most of the
time, or not showing up at all. So at least now it moves too fast to be
useful, but the buttons don't work :///

Jose L Gomez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

Re: mailsorting with mutt

1999-01-29 Thread homega
Patrick Colbeck dixit:
 * ^(Resent-)?Sender: (owner-)?mutt-users(-request)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * $ !^(To|Cc|From):.*$pat.colbeck

couldn't mailboxes be emptied by cron if kept within /spool?


Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Re: 2.2 with IPmasq and LP

1999-01-29 Thread Jay Barbee
At 1/29/99 01:47 AM +0100, Dietrich Kraus wrote:
On Thu, Jan 28, 1999 at 11:56:50AM -0500, Jay Barbee wrote:
 My initial install of the kernel 2.2.0 was not too good.  I have to admit,
 I do not keep up with the development kernels, only the stable ones... so I
 felt very newbie-ish upon the problems.
 IPMasq... It is simply not setup the same.  ipfwadm does not work anymore
 and I needed to use ipchains.  also adding the 'echo 1 
 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward' was something new as well.
 Once this was in place diald and ppp was working (PPP built in the kernel
 and SLIP as a module).
 LP, however, I cannot figure out.  I have parport (tried in the kernel and
 as module), parport_pc.o and lp.o all built.  I cannot get it to detect my
 printer?  I know it is going to use /dev/lp0 instead of /dev/lp1, but the
 kernel reports that no devices have been found?  very odd.   All I have to
 do is reboot to my previous 2.0.36 kernel and it detects the printer fine.

Have a look at /usr/src/linux/Documentation/parport.txt. The following works
for me.
alias parport_lowlevel  parport_pc
options parport_pc  io=0x378 irq=7

nestor:/usr/src/linux$ lsmod
Module  Size  Used by
parport_pc  5048   1  (autoclean)
lp  4280   1  (autoclean)
parport 6444   1  (autoclean) [parport_pc lp]

Yeah... I do have that in conf.modules!  I don't seem to have any problems
with any modules, but I do not think they are autoloaded?  I need to 

insmod parport ; insmod parport_pc ; insmod lp

All load, but and parport is using parport_pc and lp in brackets.  But lp
is in use by nothing?!  The kernel reports not finding any printing
devices.  Is there a way to autoload parport and parport_pc (except for a
script with insmod)?  I cannot just put it in /etc/modules.

Also could I be missing so kernel parameters that should go in lilo?  I
think now I have 'lp=parport0'.

I got about 4 or 5 responses yesterday, but I have not had a chance to
reboot back to 2.2 to play around again.  Thanks all!


Irc via Proxy

1999-01-29 Thread UF Marpaung
Hi All,

How using irc client via proxy server / sock4 ?
which irc client must i use ? IrcII or BitchX ?

Thanks for help...
UF Marpaung

New Install

1999-01-29 Thread Daniel A. Nelson
I am planning on installing Slink on my home system (Windows NT 4.0 and
Windows 98) when it is classified as stable.  My system is a 450 Mhz Dell.

I expect all to go smoothly except possibly my 56K Winmodem and my Turtle
Beach Montego Audio Card.  Can anyone give me any information that may help
me in that area?

One more thing.  I have partitioned my drive using Partition Magic 4.0 and
intend to use Boot Magic to select an OS at boot time.  Are there any
problems with Boot Magic?

Daniel A. Nelson

Re: New Install

1999-01-29 Thread Andrew Ivanov
 I expect all to go smoothly except possibly my 56K Winmodem and my Turtle
 Beach Montego Audio Card.  Can anyone give me any information that may help
 me in that area?

Not sure about the sound card ( I'm going through the sound setup right
now, and it seems like your card is supported by the kernel, to make sure 
look in 
but  you need to buy a
non-Winmodem. Or you will not be able to connect.


Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: reading /usr/doc files

1999-01-29 Thread Tom Allard

You can use the dwww package to read /usr/doc (and man and info) through
your web browser.

I don't speak for the Federal Reserve Board, it doesn't speak for me.

Re: New Install

1999-01-29 Thread servis
*- On 29 Jan, Daniel A. Nelson wrote about New Install

 I expect all to go smoothly except possibly my 56K Winmodem and my Turtle
 Beach Montego Audio Card.  Can anyone give me any information that may help
 me in that area?

You will need a real modem.  Winmodems will NOT work under any other OS
except Winblows.  

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Mouse not working--could it be an S3Virge incompatibility issue?

1999-01-29 Thread Andrew Ivanov
   So it is obviously a conflict between the S3  and my serial port. The
card is a S3 Virge with a 86C325 chip. Does anyone know what might be
causing this? My old card is an extremely old VGA.
   Which com port is your mouse on?
 It's on /dev/ttyS0 (COM1), all other details are set to standard 
 Hmmm. Don't know then, unless some how your video card is being allocated
 IRQ 4. Have a look in the IRQ listing usually given at the start of
 booting by your BIOS.

AFAIR his mouse behaviour under S3 is different from irq conflict...
With IRQ conflict cursor just freezes there, and it seems his cursor is
gone conpletely, and only when mouse is moved, it appeares.

Probably something with the hardware?
I have an S3 Virge/DX with 4M, works beautifully.

ALso, just to make sure, try switching irqs with setserial for the Com1.
If it's IRQ conflict, it will help.

Never include a comment that will help | Andrew Ivanov
someone else understand your code. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
If they understand it, they don't  | ICQ: 12402354
need you.  |

Re: Garbled screen

1999-01-29 Thread ivan
There has been a lot of discussion on this subject this month and last
month (IIRC). Try searching the Debian list archives - you'll find many
different solutions.

As it happens, I have tried every solution as it has been proposed but I
still have to reboot to reset the terminal :(

Has anyone compiled a FAQ on this or is it time I got up off my lazy
backside ?


P.S.  Any screen restoration solutions not previously proposed will be
gratefully received - this problem really does detract from my enjoyment of
the Linux environment.

At 10:53 AM 1/27/99 -0800, Kim Breedlove wrote:
I have just got X running although only using VGA_16 server, but hope to
get SVGA server later. Now, I have annoying problem that when I exit X
my command mode display is garbled. Example: command not found is
displayed as cmmad nt funnd and startx is sarrt. The commands are
working as I can go back to X and everything is OK , but after leaving X
,display is again garbled and I must reboot to clear it. Anyone have any
pointers on where I might look to solve this? Thanks.
Kim Breedlove

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Modem freezup

1999-01-29 Thread John Hasler
ktb writes:
 Every once in a while my modem won't respond to pon  I have
 tried to see a pattern in the freezeup but haven't found one.
 I see the message says the modem is locked up by pid 829 but I have no
 idea what that means.

It means that pppd, running with pid 829, has locked the serial port so
that nobody else can use it until it is finished.  Then it died for some
reason and left the port locked, or is still alive but hung.

As root, type 'killall pppd; rm /var/lock/LCK..ttyS0'

But first type 'ps -ax | grep pppd' to see if pppd has died or is hung
(neither should happen, of course).
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: how do I get removed from this list

1999-01-29 Thread ivan

At 11:45 AM 1/27/99 -0600, David J. Fasching wrote:
I have repeatedly sent remove requests to the addresses listed on the debian
web site, yet I still receive the digests. Can anyone help?

Thank you,
David Fasching

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: System unusable

1999-01-29 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
| I just d/led and installed the latest xfree86 packages from
| in an attempt to solve a problem
| I had with X freezing my screen.  It appeared to be pretty stable and to
| fix the problem, so I rebooted.  After I boot, I now get this message
| every 5 seconds:
| INIT: cannot fork, retry
| Problem: block on freelist at  isn't free
| Problem: block on freelist at  isn't free
| I can log in, but cannot issue any commands, even to reboot or logout.
| Anyone have any idea how to fix this?

Are you able to boot into single user mode? (linux single if you
use lilo and linux is your tag)

The only way tcsh rocks is when the rocks are attached to its feet
in the deepest part of a very deep lake. (Linus Torvalds)

Re: New Install

1999-01-29 Thread Scott J. Geertgens
 I expect all to go smoothly except possibly my 56K Winmodem and my Turtle
 Beach Montego Audio Card.  Can anyone give me any information that may help
 me in that area?

   You won't have any luck with the Montego any time soon :( Though if you
ever happen to find out otherwise let me know!! Even SB compatability mode
would be fine.


Re: kernel 2.2.0

1999-01-29 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Anthony Campbell wrote:

 I was afraid that would be the answer.  There is actually a more compressed
 version, with a bz suffix; it is *only* about 10 Meg. But how do you
 decompress this?

Use bunzip2 (in the bzip2 package).  And get 2.2.1 instead of 2.2.0.  For
future updates, the patch-kernel script now handles .bz2 patches. 


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: netscape

1999-01-29 Thread Brian Morgan
The only thing I can find on netscape's ftp site is the linux20_glibc2
version under:
I couldn't find any libc6 version anywhere on the site.  Am I looking in the
wrong place?


 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ed Cogburn
 Sent: Thursday, January 28, 1999 4:07 PM
 To: Debian-Users
 Subject: Re: netscape

 Brian Morgan wrote:
  I've run into this before, but can't remember how to solve it.
  When I try to run netscape (downloaded from netscape's site -
 v4.5), I get
  the following error:
  can't load library ''
  How can I fix this?
  I'm running slink, icewm, gnome.  Tried finding
 using dselect in
  the frozen dist.  No luck.
  Brian Morgan

   What you've downloaded is the libc5 version of Netscape, but
 you're system is using libc6.  Netscape requires some of the X
 libs to, themselves, be compiled under libc5 for NS to work.  So,
 there are libc5-built libs in the oldlibs section in dselect.
 Specifically:  libc5, xlib6 and Xpm.
   A better solution is to get the libc6 version of NS from  This won't require any older libs to be
 installed.  On, look for the 'development' tree
 (instead of 'shipping') for the libc6 versions.

 Ed C.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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