Nome da lista

1999-02-02 Thread Lalo Martins
Galera, segundo o Joey o nome da lista finalmente foi corrigido.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

Re: Lista parada ?

1999-02-02 Thread Vinicius De Mario
Estou reenviando esta, parece que acertaram o endereço, que agora é
debian-user-portuguese (com GUE e nao ge)

Oi Eduardo e todos,

Acho que em primeiro lugar precisamos listar e organizar em ordem de
prioridade os documentos e programas a traduzir. Não vai resolver nada
cada um fazer trabalho independente. Alias um trabalho de tradução deve
ser feito com cuidado, na escolha dos termos, no encaixe das longas
frases em português num espaço pensado em ingles, e por aí vai.
Deve existir uma coordenação e uma avaliação dos trabalhos. Outra coisa,
estamos falando de Portugues Brasileiro. Em Portugal os termos
tecnicos diferem. Deve ficar claro que estaremos desenvolvendo uma
versão de Português Brasileiro. Como identificar oficialmente esta
versão ? (a Debian tem alguma regra para isto ? Como ficam os pacotes,
teriam uma nova versão ou um sufixo identificador ?)

Gostaria de colaborar. Como sou novíssimo em Linux, estou começando
agora a  compreender sua estrutura e ainda não me arrisquei a programar
nada, mas traduzir as mensagens e manuais vai me ajudar a destrinchar as
sutilezas do SO. Vou me divertir, com certeza.


Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
 On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
Oi gente,
vamos falar de uma coisa mais séria. Quanto é que vamos ter uma
  Debian brasileira ou portuguesa?
 Em breve, a Core esta trabalhando na nacionalizacao do Debian.
 Assim que alguns aspectos legais forem esclarecidos ja estaremos lancando
 um primeiro produto no mercado.
Os outros grupos nacionais,principalmente a Espanha, já estão
  bem adiantados nessa parte. Que tal se traduzissemos alguns manuais de
  instalacão ou páginas man mesmo para fazer uma distribuicão baseada na 
 Colocamos no ar o e o , acho
 que comecar pla traducao das paginas e dos manuais on-line do Debian e uma
 excelente forma de adiantar o projeto.
Aqui no Brasil tem a Conectiva, mas eu acredito que a Debian é melhor.
  A idéia da distribuicão eu já tenho a muito tempo e estou comecando a 
  em prática. Estava pensando em fazer algo bem fácil com o Gnome-Apt com
  o Enlightenment, WMaker e Gnome out of box. Pronta para ser usada.
 H, voce nao e o unico...
Que acham? Quem vão se juntar ao barco? :)
Estou pensando em fazer de forma cooperativa, como a Debian é e o 
 Eu ja traduzi os discos de instalacao, assim que eu resolver uns
 problemas de hardware vou enviar para o Enrique Zanardi, o mantenedor dos
 boot-floppies. A Espanha esta bem avancada porque o cara que fa os boot
 floppies e espanhol. :)
 Os em portugues do Brasil ja estao quase prontos...
 Como alem de  diretor da core, eu tambem sou um debian developer,
 tudo o que a gente vier a fazer pela internacionalizacao do sistema vai
 eventualmente vir a fazer parte da distribuicao principal. Quem quiser
 ajudar, e muito bem vindo. A maior defasagem e a traducao dos potfiles, do
 gnome-apt do gtk, do gimp e do gnome, principalmente.
 Quem se dispoe? Ja que a lista esta parada podemos usa-la para
 Eduardo Marcel MacanCore Technologies Informatica LTDA
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Suporte e Desenvolvimento Unix/Linux.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 Visite-nos em
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
n:De Mario;Vinicius
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note;quoted-printable:Um novato em Linux, cansado de Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 ...=0D=0AConsultor e Desenvolvedor
fn:Vinicius De Mario

Re: Lista parada ?

1999-02-02 Thread Lalo Martins
On Feb 02, Vinicius De Mario decided to present us with:
 Acho que em primeiro lugar precisamos listar e organizar em ordem de
 prioridade os documentos e programas a traduzir. Não vai resolver nada
 cada um fazer trabalho independente. Alias um trabalho de tradução deve
 ser feito com cuidado, na escolha dos termos, no encaixe das longas
 frases em português num espaço pensado em ingles, e por aí vai.
 Deve existir uma coordenação e uma avaliação dos trabalhos. Outra coisa,
 estamos falando de Portugues Brasileiro. Em Portugal os termos
 tecnicos diferem. Deve ficar claro que estaremos desenvolvendo uma
 versão de Português Brasileiro. Como identificar oficialmente esta
 versão ? (a Debian tem alguma regra para isto ? Como ficam os pacotes,
 teriam uma nova versão ou um sufixo identificador ?)

Português brasileiro é identificado como pt_BR. Pacotes que
tenham suporte a localização (normalmente através do gettext)
não precisam de nenhuma modificação, basta traduzir os famosos
potfiles. Esses potfiles pt_BR podem ser enviados para o
autor, de forma a serem incluídos no pacote (como acontece na
maioria dos casos, por exemplo o GNOME), e todos os potfiles
para os quais isso não seja possível por algum motivo (caso o
autor não queira distribuir o potfile) são empacotados em um
pacote específico que se chamaria locales-pt-br. Essa é a
regra, até agora.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

RE: Lista parada ?

1999-02-02 Thread Glerson Dal Pizzol
vamos mandar ver nisso, vou ver se começo traduzindo qualquer texto sobre o
debian, vamos formar uma comunidade DEBIANA, HEHEHE, por falar nisso
deveriam colocar mais programas com a extensão .deb, como faço para o
dselect instalar .gz, .rpm ou .tgz?

Software is like sex; it's better when it's free.  Linus Torvalds

 -Original Message-
 From: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 2:51 PM
 To:   Vinicius De Mario
 Subject:  Re: Lista parada ?
   Oi Vinicius e pessoal,
   que bom que estão surgindo pessoas interessadas em ajudar.
 O Leonardo e o Eduardo tem uma boa proposta de juntar tudo de Linux
 no Brasil e colocar em uma página:
 além de quererem fazer uma distribuicão nacional da Debian. Muito boa 
 idéia. :)
   Acho que podemos comecar a traducao pelos boot floppies, depois
 pelo site e depois pelas páginas manuais.
   Abracos,Paulo Henrique 
 Quoting Vinicius De Mario ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Estou reenviando esta, parece que acertaram o endereço, que agora é
  debian-user-portuguese (com GUE e nao ge)
  Oi Eduardo e todos,
  Acho que em primeiro lugar precisamos listar e organizar em ordem de
  prioridade os documentos e programas a traduzir. Não vai resolver nada
  cada um fazer trabalho independente. Alias um trabalho de tradução deve
  ser feito com cuidado, na escolha dos termos, no encaixe das longas
  frases em português num espaço pensado em ingles, e por aí vai.
  Deve existir uma coordenação e uma avaliação dos trabalhos. Outra coisa,
  estamos falando de Portugues Brasileiro. Em Portugal os termos
  tecnicos diferem. Deve ficar claro que estaremos desenvolvendo uma
  versão de Português Brasileiro. Como identificar oficialmente esta
  versão ? (a Debian tem alguma regra para isto ? Como ficam os pacotes,
  teriam uma nova versão ou um sufixo identificador ?)
  Gostaria de colaborar. Como sou novíssimo em Linux, estou começando
  agora a  compreender sua estrutura e ainda não me arrisquei a programar
  nada, mas traduzir as mensagens e manuais vai me ajudar a destrinchar as
  sutilezas do SO. Vou me divertir, com certeza.
  Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
   On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  Oi gente,
  vamos falar de uma coisa mais séria. Quanto é que vamos ter
Debian brasileira ou portuguesa?
   Em breve, a Core esta trabalhando na nacionalizacao do Debian.
   Assim que alguns aspectos legais forem esclarecidos ja estaremos
   um primeiro produto no mercado.
  Os outros grupos nacionais,principalmente a Espanha, já estão
bem adiantados nessa parte. Que tal se traduzissemos alguns manuais
instalacão ou páginas man mesmo para fazer uma distribuicão baseada
 na Debian.
   Colocamos no ar o e o ,
   que comecar pla traducao das paginas e dos manuais on-line do Debian e
   excelente forma de adiantar o projeto.
  Aqui no Brasil tem a Conectiva, mas eu acredito que a Debian é
A idéia da distribuicão eu já tenho a muito tempo e estou comecando
 a colocar
em prática. Estava pensando em fazer algo bem fácil com o Gnome-Apt
o Enlightenment, WMaker e Gnome out of box. Pronta para ser usada.
   H, voce nao e o unico...
  Que acham? Quem vão se juntar ao barco? :)
  Estou pensando em fazer de forma cooperativa, como a Debian é
 e o Linux
   Eu ja traduzi os discos de instalacao, assim que eu resolver
   problemas de hardware vou enviar para o Enrique Zanardi, o mantenedor
   boot-floppies. A Espanha esta bem avancada porque o cara que fa os
   floppies e espanhol. :)
   Os em portugues do Brasil ja estao quase prontos...
   Como alem de  diretor da core, eu tambem sou um debian
   tudo o que a gente vier a fazer pela internacionalizacao do sistema
   eventualmente vir a fazer parte da distribuicao principal. Quem quiser
   ajudar, e muito bem vindo. A maior defasagem e a traducao dos
 potfiles, do
   gnome-apt do gtk, do gimp e do gnome, principalmente.
   Quem se dispoe? Ja que a lista esta parada podemos usa-la para
   Eduardo Marcel MacanCore Technologies Informatica LTDA
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Suporte e Desenvolvimento Unix/Linux.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]Debian GNU/Linux Developer
   Visite-nos em
   To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
   with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
 Content-Description: Card for Vinicius De Mario
 Please respect the privacy of this mailing list.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Re: Lista parada ?

1999-02-02 Thread Pedro Miguel Frazão F. Ferreira
Glerson Dal Pizzol wrote:
 vamos mandar ver nisso, vou ver se começo traduzindo qualquer texto sobre o
 debian, vamos formar uma comunidade DEBIANA, HEHEHE, por falar nisso
 deveriam colocar mais programas com a extensão .deb, como faço para o
 dselect instalar .gz, .rpm ou .tgz?

O pacote 'alien' que é distribuido com a debian permite instalar rpm's.
Penso que tgz e gz basta descompactar com tar e gunzip e depois ler
documentação que vem com o pacote.


 Software is like sex; it's better when it's free.  Linus Torvalds
  -Original Message-
  From: Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 2:51 PM
  To:   Vinicius De Mario
  Subject:  Re: Lista parada ?
Oi Vinicius e pessoal,
que bom que estão surgindo pessoas interessadas em ajudar.
  O Leonardo e o Eduardo tem uma boa proposta de juntar tudo de Linux
  no Brasil e colocar em uma página:
  além de quererem fazer uma distribuicão nacional da Debian. Muito boa
  idéia. :)
Acho que podemos comecar a traducao pelos boot floppies, depois
  pelo site e depois pelas páginas manuais.
Abracos,Paulo Henrique
  Quoting Vinicius De Mario ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Estou reenviando esta, parece que acertaram o endereço, que agora é
   debian-user-portuguese (com GUE e nao ge)
   Oi Eduardo e todos,
   Acho que em primeiro lugar precisamos listar e organizar em ordem de
   prioridade os documentos e programas a traduzir. Não vai resolver nada
   cada um fazer trabalho independente. Alias um trabalho de tradução deve
   ser feito com cuidado, na escolha dos termos, no encaixe das longas
   frases em português num espaço pensado em ingles, e por aí vai.
   Deve existir uma coordenação e uma avaliação dos trabalhos. Outra coisa,
   estamos falando de Portugues Brasileiro. Em Portugal os termos
   tecnicos diferem. Deve ficar claro que estaremos desenvolvendo uma
   versão de Português Brasileiro. Como identificar oficialmente esta
   versão ? (a Debian tem alguma regra para isto ? Como ficam os pacotes,
   teriam uma nova versão ou um sufixo identificador ?)
   Gostaria de colaborar. Como sou novíssimo em Linux, estou começando
   agora a  compreender sua estrutura e ainda não me arrisquei a programar
   nada, mas traduzir as mensagens e manuais vai me ajudar a destrinchar as
   sutilezas do SO. Vou me divertir, com certeza.
   Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
   Oi gente,
   vamos falar de uma coisa mais séria. Quanto é que vamos ter
 Debian brasileira ou portuguesa?
Em breve, a Core esta trabalhando na nacionalizacao do Debian.
Assim que alguns aspectos legais forem esclarecidos ja estaremos
um primeiro produto no mercado.
   Os outros grupos nacionais,principalmente a Espanha, já estão
 bem adiantados nessa parte. Que tal se traduzissemos alguns manuais
 instalacão ou páginas man mesmo para fazer uma distribuicão baseada
  na Debian.
Colocamos no ar o e o ,
que comecar pla traducao das paginas e dos manuais on-line do Debian e
excelente forma de adiantar o projeto.
   Aqui no Brasil tem a Conectiva, mas eu acredito que a Debian é
 A idéia da distribuicão eu já tenho a muito tempo e estou comecando
  a colocar
 em prática. Estava pensando em fazer algo bem fácil com o Gnome-Apt
 o Enlightenment, WMaker e Gnome out of box. Pronta para ser usada.
H, voce nao e o unico...
   Que acham? Quem vão se juntar ao barco? :)
   Estou pensando em fazer de forma cooperativa, como a Debian é
  e o Linux
Eu ja traduzi os discos de instalacao, assim que eu resolver
problemas de hardware vou enviar para o Enrique Zanardi, o mantenedor
boot-floppies. A Espanha esta bem avancada porque o cara que fa os
floppies e espanhol. :)
Os em portugues do Brasil ja estao quase prontos...
Como alem de  diretor da core, eu tambem sou um debian
tudo o que a gente vier a fazer pela internacionalizacao do sistema
eventualmente vir a fazer parte da distribuicao principal. Quem quiser
ajudar, e muito bem vindo. A maior defasagem e a traducao dos
  potfiles, do
gnome-apt do gtk, do gimp e do gnome, principalmente.
Quem se dispoe? Ja que a lista esta parada podemos usa-la para
Eduardo Marcel MacanCore Technologies Informatica LTDA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Suporte e Desenvolvimento Unix/Linux.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Visite-nos em
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to

Re: Lista parada ?

1999-02-02 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Oi Glerson,
você está usando a Debian 2.0 ou 2.1?
Já instalou o apt. Se não instale. Vale a pena. Está no ftp da
Debian na parte unstable no diretório admin. Você vai precisar atualizar
o libc6 e  o libc6-dev além do libg+2.8 (esse ultimo eu nao tenho certeza).
Esse apt faz com que você atualize mais facilmente a Debian.
Baixe esses pacotes do mirror da USP:
e instale na mão: dpkg -i apt , dpkg -i libc6 ...
Depois rode o dselect, escolha como opcao de access e o apt.

De um update, selecione os pacotes e instale. :)
A última distribuicão da Debian (Potato) tem 2930 pacotes. S
e não tem algum programa lá não vai ter em lugar nenhum. :)
Quoting Glerson Dal Pizzol ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 tudo bem, desse jeito eu sabia, estava pensando se dselect poderia tb fazer
 isso, aonde posso encontrar esse monte de programas .deb, tem algum site
 especifico? ou ftp?
 Valeu de qualquer maneira
 Software is like sex; it's better when it's free.  Linus Torvalds
  -Original Message-
  From:   Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent:   Tuesday, February 02, 1999 3:29 PM
  To: Glerson Dal Pizzol
  Subject:Re: Lista parada ?
  Oi Glerson,
  Quoting Glerson Dal Pizzol ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   vamos mandar ver nisso, vou ver se começo traduzindo qualquer texto
  sobre o
   debian, vamos formar uma comunidade DEBIANA, HEHEHE, por falar nisso
   deveriam colocar mais programas com a extensão .deb, como faço para o
   dselect instalar .gz, .rpm ou .tgz?
  Para instalar o rpm, use o alien que converte entre pacotes. Mas
  para programas nao essenciais ao sistema. De preferencia ao .deb que
  aos montes. :) Para o .gz out .tgz, descompacte com tar:
  tar xzvf pacote.tgz 
  e leia os arquivos README e INSTALL.
  Abracos,Paulo Henrique
   Software is like sex; it's better when it's free.  Linus Torvalds
-Original Message-
From:   Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Sent:   Tuesday, February 02, 1999 2:51 PM
To: Vinicius De Mario
Subject:Re: Lista parada ?

Oi Vinicius e pessoal,
que bom que estão surgindo pessoas interessadas em ajudar.
O Leonardo e o Eduardo tem uma boa proposta de juntar tudo de Linux
no Brasil e colocar em uma página:
além de quererem fazer uma distribuicão nacional da Debian. Muito boa 
idéia. :)
Acho que podemos comecar a traducao pelos boot floppies, depois
pelo site e depois pelas páginas manuais.
Abracos,Paulo Henrique 
Quoting Vinicius De Mario ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Estou reenviando esta, parece que acertaram o endereço, que agora é
 debian-user-portuguese (com GUE e nao ge)
 Oi Eduardo e todos,
 Acho que em primeiro lugar precisamos listar e organizar em ordem de
 prioridade os documentos e programas a traduzir. Não vai resolver
 cada um fazer trabalho independente. Alias um trabalho de tradução
 ser feito com cuidado, na escolha dos termos, no encaixe das
 frases em português num espaço pensado em ingles, e por aí vai.
 Deve existir uma coordenação e uma avaliação dos trabalhos. Outra
 estamos falando de Portugues Brasileiro. Em Portugal os termos
 tecnicos diferem. Deve ficar claro que estaremos desenvolvendo uma
 versão de Português Brasileiro. Como identificar oficialmente esta
 versão ? (a Debian tem alguma regra para isto ? Como ficam os
 teriam uma nova versão ou um sufixo identificador ?)
 Gostaria de colaborar. Como sou novíssimo em Linux, estou começando
 agora a  compreender sua estrutura e ainda não me arrisquei a
 nada, mas traduzir as mensagens e manuais vai me ajudar a
  destrinchar as
 sutilezas do SO. Vou me divertir, com certeza.
 Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:
  On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 Oi gente,
 vamos falar de uma coisa mais séria. Quanto é que vamos
   Debian brasileira ou portuguesa?
  Em breve, a Core esta trabalhando na nacionalizacao do
  Assim que alguns aspectos legais forem esclarecidos ja estaremos
  um primeiro produto no mercado.
 Os outros grupos nacionais,principalmente a Espanha, já
   bem adiantados nessa parte. Que tal se traduzissemos alguns
   instalacão ou páginas man mesmo para fazer uma distribuicão
na Debian.
  Colocamos no ar o e o
  que comecar pla traducao das 

Projeto LinUSP (

1999-02-02 Thread Daniel Doro Ferrante

Oi Pessoal,

Pela primeira vez (ontem) essa lista passou a ter hits! At? que
enfim! :)
Eu gostei bastante de ver o andamento das discuss?es, posto que
at? anteontem n?o havia nenhum email e agora h? at? perguntas sobre som e
compila??o de Kernel, etc... :)

Eu tamb?m reparei nas discuss?es sobre a tradu??o do Debian para
pt_br e tamb?m reparei nos emails que falavam sobre uma esp?cie de
unifica??o do movimento Linux no Brasil. Confesso que fiquei bastante
excited sobre isso e ? por isso mesmo que eu estou enviando esse email.

Todas essas discuss?es (al?m de algumas outras... ;) j? foram
travadas durante a contru??o do Projeto LinUSP. Eu gostaria de dizer,
tamb?m, que, al?m do Projeto LinUSP contar com um espelho da Debian (al?m
de v?rias outras distribui??es de Linux e, tamb?m da sunsite, X, etc, etc,
etc...) ele tamb?m vai ser o Espelho Oficial da Debian para a Am?rica do
Sul! Por isso, acho que dever?amos juntar for?as e trocar experi?ncias e
etc !!! :)

Obrigado pela aten??o,


Daniel Doro Ferrante email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network/System Manager  WebMaster  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CECM - Curso de Ci?ncias Moleculares - USP
   Course of Molecular Sciences - University of S?o Paulo - Brazil

Re: Projeto LinUSP (

1999-02-02 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Oi Daniel.
Emocionados estamos todos nós. :)
Acho que vocês: Daniel, Leonardo, Eduardo, Lalo e outros tem feito
um bom trabalho de base da Debian no Brasil. É hora de juntarmos as forcas
novas que estão chegando e ajudar em um maior patrocínio da Debian e traducão
de documentos.
Abracos,Paulo Henrique
PS: Você ainda está na lista do LinuxClub, né? Mas, você tá tão 
calado. :)
Quoting Daniel Doro Ferrante ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Oi Pessoal,
   Pela primeira vez (ontem) essa lista passou a ter hits! Até que
 enfim! :)
   Eu gostei bastante de ver o andamento das discussões, posto que
 até anteontem não havia nenhum email e agora há até perguntas sobre som e
 compilação de Kernel, etc... :)
   Eu também reparei nas discussões sobre a tradução do Debian para
 pt_br e também reparei nos emails que falavam sobre uma espécie de
 unificação do movimento Linux no Brasil. Confesso que fiquei bastante
 excited sobre isso e é por isso mesmo que eu estou enviando esse email.
   Todas essas discussões (além de algumas outras... ;) já foram
 travadas durante a contrução do Projeto LinUSP. Eu gostaria de dizer,
 também, que, além do Projeto LinUSP contar com um espelho da Debian (além
 de várias outras distribuições de Linux e, também da sunsite, X, etc, etc,
 etc...) ele também vai ser o Espelho Oficial da Debian para a América do
 Sul! Por isso, acho que deveríamos juntar forças e trocar experiências e
 etc !!! :)
   Obrigado pela atenção,
 Daniel Doro Ferrante email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Network/System Manager  WebMaster  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CECM - Curso de Ciências Moleculares - USP
Course of Molecular Sciences - University of São Paulo - Brazil
 Please respect the privacy of this mailing list.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Lista parada ?

1999-02-02 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Agora estou entendo entendendo melhor.
Bastaria então coordenarmos um esforco conjunto de traducão dos
tais potfiles para a Debian. Tem como organizar isso? Teria como dividir?
Era isso que o Eduardo estava fazendo? Posso ajudar?
Abracos,Paulo Henrique
Quoting Lalo Martins ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Feb 02, Vinicius De Mario decided to present us with:
  Acho que em primeiro lugar precisamos listar e organizar em ordem de
  prioridade os documentos e programas a traduzir. Não vai resolver nada
  cada um fazer trabalho independente. Alias um trabalho de tradução deve
  ser feito com cuidado, na escolha dos termos, no encaixe das longas
  frases em português num espaço pensado em ingles, e por aí vai.
  Deve existir uma coordenação e uma avaliação dos trabalhos. Outra coisa,
  estamos falando de Portugues Brasileiro. Em Portugal os termos
  tecnicos diferem. Deve ficar claro que estaremos desenvolvendo uma
  versão de Português Brasileiro. Como identificar oficialmente esta
  versão ? (a Debian tem alguma regra para isto ? Como ficam os pacotes,
  teriam uma nova versão ou um sufixo identificador ?)
 Português brasileiro é identificado como pt_BR. Pacotes que
 tenham suporte a localização (normalmente através do gettext)
 não precisam de nenhuma modificação, basta traduzir os famosos
 potfiles. Esses potfiles pt_BR podem ser enviados para o
 autor, de forma a serem incluídos no pacote (como acontece na
 maioria dos casos, por exemplo o GNOME), e todos os potfiles
 para os quais isso não seja possível por algum motivo (caso o
 autor não queira distribuir o potfile) são empacotados em um
 pacote específico que se chamaria locales-pt-br. Essa é a
 regra, até agora.
   I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
  Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  pgp key in the web page
 Debian GNU/Linux   --
 Please respect the privacy of this mailing list.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Projeto LinUSP (

1999-02-02 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, Daniel Doro Ferrante wrote:
 travadas durante a contrução do Projeto LinUSP. Eu gostaria de dizer,
 também, que, além do Projeto LinUSP contar com um espelho da Debian (além
 de várias outras distribuições de Linux e, também da sunsite, X, etc, etc,
 etc...) ele também vai ser o Espelho Oficial da Debian para a América do
 Sul! Por isso, acho que deveríamos juntar forças e trocar experiências e
 etc !!! :)

Quanto ao espelho ser o oficial do Debian para a america do Sul,
fui eu quem intermediou. O Linusp e um grupo com pretensoes interessantes,
mas eles querem primeiro se resolver dentro da USP (segund o palavras do
proprio DeLyra) antes de ter pretensoes nacionais alem do espelho. O
projeto Linux Brasil foi criado para ser referencia para a Lingua
portuguesa , sem se preocupar com consideracoes geograficas, fazndo parte
dele o Linusp. Atraves da presenca de dois mantenedores do linux brasil no
linusp. Eu e o malheiros ([EMAIL PROTECTED] Recentemente houve um
contato do pessoal da ufrj (do linux club) querendo unir forcas... o Hugo
Cisneiros falou que ia mandar a nova versao do linux manual para ser
oficialmente parte do linux brasi, eu estou esperando. Qualquer projeto
que valha a pena tem seu lugar no Linux Brasil, basta alguem ser o
coordenador e criarmos uma conta de CVS (que alias fica no linusp!) pro
bacana comecar a trabalhar. E outro Alias, o mantenedor (e original
criador) do LDP-BR faz parte do linux brasil.

Abracos, e vamos criar um unico esforco de lingua portuguesa para
que sejamos fortes! :)

   Obrigado pela atenção,
  Abraços,   Daniel.
 Daniel Doro Ferrante email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Network/System Manager  WebMaster  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 CECM - Curso de Ciências Moleculares - USP
Course of Molecular Sciences - University of São Paulo - Brazil
 Please respect the privacy of this mailing list.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eduardo Marcel MacanCore Technologies Informatica LTDA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Suporte e Desenvolvimento Unix/Linux. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Debian GNU/Linux Developer
Visite-nos em

Re: Cambio del reloj a GMT+1

1999-02-02 Thread Andres Herrera

On Mon, Feb 01, 1999 at 07:36:15PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hace cosa de una semana cambie de ordenador y volvi a instalar la debian hamm
 (con algunos toques de slink y potato...)... bueno, lo que pasa en estos 
 que no hay forma de acordarme como se cambiaba la configuracion del reloj para
 que no coja el de la BIOS y le sume una hora (es decir, se ponga en GMT) para
 conseguir que este en GMT+1, que creo que es en el horario que estamos ahora,

Prueba a dejar, en /etc/default/rcS, GMT=

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.0.35 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain

Re: Linux Actual

1999-02-02 Thread homega
Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a dixit:
   Así es, la editorial Prensa Técnica registró la marca solo Linux
 cuando saco Linux Actual, para que la competencia (Tower) no pudiera sacar
 una revista con ese nombre, y así romper el binomio:
 Programación Actual -Linux Actual
 Solo Programadores -?

¿Qué tal Linux Total o Todo Linux?  Si fuese más regular y trajese mejores
artículos no creo que importaría mucho el nombre.

   Esa es la historia, en resumidas cuentas. Sólo Linux es una revista
 que ha salido bácsciamente para poner en un sólo número todas las cosas
 básicas pero no saldrá mensualmente (para eso está Linux Acutal) sino quizás
 trimestralmente (con actualizaciones)

¡Pero si Linux Actual ya es trimestral... casi semestral!

Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Problemas con WP8

1999-02-02 Thread disaster
¡ Hola Lista !

Mirad lo que me muestra el comando ldd:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/opt/wp8/wpbin# ldd xwp
== = not found
== = not found = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
(0x4000a000) = /lib/ (0x40018000) = /lib/ (0x40021000)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/opt/netscape-4.5# ldd netscape = /lib/ (0x4000e000)
== = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4001) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40058000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40063000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40078000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4008a000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40098000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x400a4000) = /lib/ (0x40148000) = /lib/ (0x4014b000) = /usr/lib/libg++-dbg/ (0x401f) = /usr/lib/libg++-dbg/ 
(0x40228000) = /lib/ (0x40265000)
/lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)

Curioso como minimo. El netscape me funciona a las mil maravillas, en cambio
el wp8 se niega a encontrar el libXt.s0.6 ni el ¿Alguna

Instant Messaging Server

1999-02-02 Thread José Illescas

¿sabe alguien si existe algún software libre que realice las funciones de
Instant Messaging Server?. Me refiero a lo que hace el ICQ y el AOL
Instant Messenger, pero que venga con las versiones Servidor y Cliente.

/\  _`\/\  _`\ /\__  _\ José Illescas
\ \ \/\_\  \ \ \L\ \   \/_/\ \/ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \ \ \/_/_  \ \ ,  /  \ \ \ ICQ# 12553232 AIM Screen: yoburtu
  \ \ \L\ \__\ \ \\ \   __ \_\ \__  __  El Webteam de
   \ \/\_\\ \_\ \_\/\_\/\_\/\_\ E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\/___/\/_/ \/_/\/ /\/_/\/_/\/_/ Junta de Castilla-La Mancha.

Re: apropos ?

1999-02-02 Thread Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia
On Sun, 31 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bueno vamos co ello, el caso es que vi en la lista este comando
 apropos -r 'free.*disk'
 y quise probarlo, lo cierto es que uso poco el man, pero bueno el caso es
 que depues de 6 minutos + o - sin decir ni mu muere diciendo 
 apropos: memory exhausted

Pues a mí, al cabo de 6 µs + o -, me muestra

% apropos -r 'free.*disk'
df (1)   - summarize free disk space

y no pasa nada. Tengo Hamm con núcleo 2.2.0. :-?
G. A. Gª - C.I.T.I. - S.I.C.Y.N.T.E. - Dpto. L.S.I. - U.C.A.
Derechos humanos: derechos que los humanos nos damos a nosotros mismos,
sin considerar el resto de especies, animales o vegetales, para
defendernos de los humanos.

Re: Problemas con WP8

1999-02-02 Thread Jose Antonio Espinosa


 ¡ Hola Lista !

 Mirad lo que me muestra el comando ldd:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/opt/wp8/wpbin# ldd xwp
 == = not found
 == = not found = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
 (0x4000a000) = /lib/ (0x40018000) = /lib/ (0x40021000)

 Curioso como minimo. El netscape me funciona a las mil maravillas, en cambio
 el wp8 se niega a encontrar el libXt.s0.6 ni el ¿Alguna

Prueba a cambiar el LD_LIBRARY_PATH y que apunte también a /usr/X11R6/lib...

 Jose Antonio Espinosa
DIS: Division de Ingenieria del Software
SEMA Group sae
  Tel: 91 440 88 00

Re: Faltan iconos en KDE

1999-02-02 Thread Sergio Gomez Bachiller
On Tue, 8 Dec 1998, Ubaldo Fernández Covelo wrote:

 Todo ha ido bien salvo alguna pequeña pega que he solucionado y funciona
 pero no veo los iconos de las barra de herramientas de las ventanas del KDE.

Hubo un error al hacer los paquetes (creo que eran los de la versión de
octubre), dichos iconos estan en: 'kdelibs0g-dev' en vez de en el

Instálate tambien el primero y listo.

Un saludo,

Sergio Gómez Bachiller
Vicepresidente del Consejo de Estudiantes de la Esc. Politécnica Superior
Vicepresidente en funciones de RITSI-Cordoba

Re: Faltan iconos en KDE

1999-02-02 Thread Ramiro Alba
Ubaldo Fernández Covelo wrote:

 ¿Alguien me puede decir como arregrarlo?
 No me gustaría presentar el KDE en Debian sin iconos en la barra de

El  problema es debido a un error en la distribución 1.0 de KDE. Los iconos que 
aparecerán si instalas el paquete


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Re: Problemas con WP8

1999-02-02 Thread Agustín Martín
 ¡ Hola Lista !
 Mirad lo que me muestra el comando ldd:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/opt/wp8/wpbin# ldd xwp
 == = not found
 == = not found = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/
 (0x4000a000) = /lib/ (0x40018000) = /lib/ (0x40021000)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]/opt/netscape-4.5# ldd netscape = /lib/ (0x4000e000)
 == = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4001) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40058000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40063000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40078000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x4008a000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x40098000) = /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x400a4000) = /lib/ (0x40148000) = /lib/ (0x4014b000) = /usr/lib/libg++-dbg/ (0x401f) = /usr/lib/libg++-dbg/ 
 (0x40228000) = /lib/ (0x40265000)
 /lib/ = /lib/ (0x4000)
 Curioso como minimo. El netscape me funciona a las mil maravillas, en cambio
 el wp8 se niega a encontrar el libXt.s0.6 ni el ¿Alguna

Creo que necesitas las versiones libc5 de esas librerías para que el
wordperfect te funcione. Tienes instaladas las libc6, que son las que
encuentra el netscape, pero no las libc5, que son las que necesita el

En debian busca en la sección oldlibs para encontrarlas


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 


1999-02-02 Thread TooManySecrets

¿Alguien sabe por qué demonios me dice ésto el Quake2 cuando intento ponerlo
en marcha:?

Error: Couldn't load pics/colormap.pcx

Hasta ahora me había funcionado bien, pero instalé una Voodoo2 con 12 Mb
RAM, y desde entonces no me ha funcionado bien. Bueno, de hecho no he podido
jugar con él todavía.
Para ponerlo en marcha uso la orden: quake2 +set vid_ref gl
Ya he probado con las opciones; gl, glx y soft.
¿Alguna idea?

Gracias por todo.

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Re: Paquetes para el kernel 2.2.0

1999-02-02 Thread Hue-Bond
On Sat, 30 Jan 1999, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:

[3 jacinta:~] dpkg -s modutils procps psmisc util-linux |grep ^Version
 Version: 2.1.85-11
 Version: 1:1.2.7-1
 Version: 16-2
 Version: 2.7.1-3

 libc 5 ni siquiera lo tengo instalado, y te aseguro que funciona de
 lo más bien. El documento del que sacaste eso es un poco conservador.

 Y yo matándome!!!   Bueno, de todas formas ya lo tengo:

$ dpkg -l libc5 modutils mount libc6 libncurses4 slang1 psmisc procps util-linux
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ NameVersionDescription
ii  libc5   5.4.46-2   The Linux C library version 5 (run-time libr
ii  modutils2.1.121-15 Linux module utilities.
ii  mount   2.9g-6 Tools for mounting and manipulating filesyst
ii  libc6 GNU Libc: shared libraries
ii  libncurses4 4.2-3  Shared libraries for terminal handling
ii  slang1  1.2.2-2The S-Lang programming library - runtime ver
ii  psmisc  18-1   Utilities that use the proc filesystem
ii  procps  1.2.9-3The /proc file system utilities.
ii  util-linux  2.9g-6 Miscellaneous system utilities.

 Por  causa  de dependencias  entre  unos  y otros  (sobre  todo
 procps, psmisc  y util-linux) he  tenido que pillar slang,  libc6 y
 libncurses. En total 1.6 Mb. Yo creo que ha valido la pena :-).

Los sueños no se descubren hasta que uno despierta (Abre los ojos)

In love with TuX - Linux 2.0.34 Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: Kernel 2.2 y smbfs

1999-02-02 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias

 Continuando con las 'pruebas' despues de instalar el kernel 2.2
 tengo problemas.
 1)  si intento montar discos con el smbmount obtengo el mensaje de
que es
 necesario el mount version 6
 mientras que en mi maquina :
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])~$ mount -V
 mount: mount-2.8a
 He mirado en rediris y no encuentro mas alla de la 2_71
 2)  en el ordenador del trabajo me fallan los acentos, Ñ y Ç en el
 Mientras que en el de casa no. Y las opciones seleccionadas son
 basicamente las mismas. ¿Os suena alguna configuracion a nivel de shell
 o algun fichero?
 he compilado el kernel (bajado del mirror de funet) con la
 make-kpkg sin modificar los directorios /usr/include/[asm linux scsi].
 ya que me parece recordar que ha sonado en la lista que no era
 ¿Es esto cierto para todos los kernels o solo para los
distribuidos por
 ¿Puede esto tener algo que ver?
 Muchas gracias por vuestra colaboración.

Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de

struct iface

1999-02-02 Thread Marcelino Valles
Tengo el siguiente problema:

Este es el código que aparece en el fichero /usr/src/include/linux/if.h:

 * The ifaddr structure contains information about one address
 * of an interface.  They are maintained by the different address
 * families, are allocated and attached when an address is set,
 * and are linked together so all addresses for an interface can
 * be located.

struct ifaddr
struct sockaddr ifa_addr;/* address of interface
union {
struct sockaddr ifu_broadaddr;
struct sockaddr ifu_dstaddr;
} ifa_ifu;
struct iface*ifa_ifp;  /* back-pointer to
struct ifaddr   *ifa_next; /* next address for
interface   */

#define ifa_broadaddr  ifa_ifu.ifu_broadaddr   /* broadcast address
#define ifa_dstaddrifa_ifu.ifu_dstaddr /* other end of link

Alguien puede decirme donde puedo encontrar la definicion de la 
struct iface. He buscado en el codigo fuente y no la encuentro por ninguna

Tambien agradecería que alguien me dijera alguna lista de correo sobre 
implementacion de la familia de protocolos tcp/ip.

Gracias a todos.

Borrar directorio

1999-02-02 Thread homega
¿Cómo hago para borrar un directorio con todo su contenido?  El comando:

homega:/# rm -d /zip/doc
rm: /zip/doc: Operation not permitted

no me deja (desde root), y en este caso el disco sf del disco zip es ext2, y
los permisos parece que están bien:

homega:/zip# lss
total 20
   1 drwxr-xr-x   4 root root 1024 ene 30 23:42 ./
   1 drwxr-xr-x  22 root root 1024 feb  1 22:02 ../
   6 drwxr-xr-x 302 root root 6144 ene 29 00:00 doc/
  12 drwxr-xr-x   2 root root12288 ene 30 23:26 lost+found/


Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Re: Borrar directorio

1999-02-02 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 ¿Cómo hago para borrar un directorio con todo su contenido?

   rm -r directorio

(piensa dos vezes antes del enter, porque un error te puede costar

Jaime Villate
Universidad de Oporto

RE: Borrar directorio

1999-02-02 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Yo utilizo rm -r.

 -Mensaje original-
 Enviado el: martes 2 de febrero de 1999 15:46
 Para: Lista Debian
 Asunto: Borrar directorio

 ¿Cómo hago para borrar un directorio con todo su contenido?
 El comando:

 homega:/# rm -d /zip/doc
 rm: /zip/doc: Operation not permitted

 no me deja (desde root), y en este caso el disco sf del disco
 zip es ext2, y
 los permisos parece que están bien:

 homega:/zip# lss
 total 20
1 drwxr-xr-x   4 root root 1024 ene 30 23:42 ./
1 drwxr-xr-x  22 root root 1024 feb  1 22:02 ../
6 drwxr-xr-x 302 root root 6144 ene 29 00:00 doc/
   12 drwxr-xr-x   2 root root12288 ene 30 23:26


 Un saludo,


 Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Borrar directorio

1999-02-02 Thread barreno_e

02/02/99 05:21 PM

Eduardo Barrero [EMAIL PROTECTED]

rm -R nombre de directorio

Con esto borras recursivamente . Cuidadín con lo que haces.


¿Cómo hago para borrar un directorio con todo su contenido?  El comando:

homega:/# rm -d /zip/doc
rm: /zip/doc: Operation not permitted

no me deja (desde root), y en este caso el disco sf del disco zip es ext2,
los permisos parece que están bien:

homega:/zip# lss
total 20
   1 drwxr-xr-x   4 root root 1024 ene 30 23:42 ./
   1 drwxr-xr-x  22 root root 1024 feb  1 22:02 ../
   6 drwxr-xr-x 302 root root 6144 ene 29 00:00 doc/
  12 drwxr-xr-x   2 root root12288 ene 30 23:26 lost+found/


Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Otra de inn+suck

1999-02-02 Thread benalb

Estoy rompiendome la cabeza con el inn+suck. De momento he conseguido recoger
las news, pero a la hora de postear o de hacer reply, nada
El mensaje que me da es:
Usando Puerto 119
Nombre Oficial del host:
Conectado a
200 DNEWS Version 5.0f, S0, posting OK 
340 send article to be posted. End with CR-LF.CR-LF
240 article posted ok
Borrando fichero batch: /var/spool/news/out.going/
Cerrando conexión a
Remotely posted articles
You can hang up the modem now

Por lo que veo de posting OK, debería ver mis mensajes, pero no es asi.
Además me he encontrado un mensaje de [EMAIL PROTECTED] con 
un asunto:  Returned mail: Data format error, referente a un follow que 
hice en el grupo de noticias linux.debian.user. Es que suck intenta también
enviar mi respuesta por mail???
Cualquier ayuda será bienvenida.

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Espacio disponible para publicidad 

Query for dpkg.

1999-02-02 Thread Jose Albores
I'd like to know how can I see which packages are in my dpkg's data
Or more precisely:
What command is equivalent to:
# rpm -qa
for rpm's packages ??? But for dpkg's ???

  \\  - -  //
   (  @ @  )
  José Albores
  Buenos Aires.
 oooO (   )
 (   ) ) /
  \ ( (_/

[no subject]

1999-02-02 Thread alberdo

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

RE: Potato X problems

1999-02-02 Thread Jon Burchmore
 Let me guess, you're using wdm?  Version 1.0-6?  There's a typo towards the 
 bottom of /etc/X11/Xsession:

Correction, that should be /etc/X11/wdm/Xsession.  Otherwise everything else

 if [ -x $sshagent ]; then
   exec $realstarup
 ^^ should be realstartup
 I reported this to the Debian bug tracking system last week, and apparently 
 it's being looked at.  It's bug #32529 if you want to follow the official 

-Jon Burchmore


1999-02-02 Thread Frederick Page

Hi all,

I was wondering about the following. I login as root, then cd /usr/src  
then dpkg-source -x /mnt/cdrom/(...)/bla.dsc. I customize the source and/ 
or compiling-options and issue cd bla and debian/rules binary in order  
to get a package bla.deb in /usr/src.

Then dpkg -i bla.deb and dpkg will replace any already installed binary  

So far, everything is smooth and to my liking (I hope, I did do it  
correctly, I'm still a newbie at this?)

I was wondering, what will happen, when I get another distribution and do  
e.g. an apt-get dist-upgrade, will it then replace the bla-package with  
a newer version (if there is a newer version in the new distribution) or  
will it leave my customized package alone?

Could anybody enlighten me?

Thanks and kind regards


path problems?

1999-02-02 Thread Emil Soleyman
I have been trying to install Window Maker on my Debian system but with no
avail. It is recommended to install the following tarballs in this order:
libPropList, WindowMaker-data, WindowMaker-0.51

The problem that I am having has to do with the WindowMaker-05.1
installation. After having ran ./configure I receive the error message
saying the following:

CheckingX ... no
Checking-lLibPropList ... no

** LibPropList not installed!
** Please install LibPropList

-- LibProplist is installed in /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib.
-- X-Windows is installed in /usr/X11R6 and its config files are in /etc/X11

However, I have both LibPropList and X-Windows installed and believe the
culprit to be the global path, but since i'm new to Debian Linux it's
difficult to know what is exactly happening.

Emil Soleyman

dftp problem...D

1999-02-02 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
 Yes you should be able to run 'dftp getselect' again, but first you want

I did what you told me. After doing
dftp getselect
it got all the packages, but then ist stopped, so next I did
dftp unpack
Which kept the system busy for some minutes. Since the packages were still in 
/root/packages, I then did a
dftp clear
but this gave me lots of 
Keeping ./dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386/*/*.deb (not installed)
error messages. For example:
Keeping ./dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386/x11/xarchie_2.0.10-9.deb (not 
But when I say:
dpkg -s xarchie
I get:
Version: 2.0.10-9

So what could be wrong with dftp (or with me)?


Re: dpkg-source

1999-02-02 Thread Remco van de Meent
Frederick Page wrote:
 I was wondering, what will happen, when I get another distribution and do
 e.g. an apt-get dist-upgrade, will it then replace the bla-package with
 a newer version (if there is a newer version in the new distribution) or
 will it leave my customized package alone?

It will upgrade the package.


Re: debian-user trailer line: incomprehensible to those who need it

1999-02-02 Thread John Hasler
Mark Phillips writes:
 How about this alternative:

 Unsubscribe?  See

How about what is done on the other Debian lists:

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


1999-02-02 Thread Paulo Silva


Did anyone out there succeded on running the new gnome stuff on
unstable. I've installed some 0.99.3 deb from there. Whenever I try to 
terminate the session from the panel I get the following error:

panel: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: esd_sample_getid

I have gnomelibs 0.99.4-2 installed.

I know this is alpha but I would like to know if everything crashes
the penel (for example if I try to remove the default clock applet),
the help-browser (click on gnome user guide link). 

Maybe I have some mixed libraries (I had gnome 0.30 installed).


Re: debian-user trailer line: incomprehensible to those who need it

1999-02-02 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On 1 Feb 1999, John Hasler wrote:

 How about what is done on the other Debian lists:
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This one has my vote!  It's understandable and the CAPS will catch
people's attention.  I think it'll eliminate a lot of the confusion that
people unfamiliar with the 'mail' command experience.


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

  This message was composed in a 100% Microsoft free environment.

Version: 2.6.2


Re: dpkg-source

1999-02-02 Thread Ben Collins
On Tue, Feb 02, 1999 at 01:18:29AM +0100, Remco van de Meent wrote:
 Frederick Page wrote:
  I was wondering, what will happen, when I get another distribution and do
  e.g. an apt-get dist-upgrade, will it then replace the bla-package with
  a newer version (if there is a newer version in the new distribution) or
  will it leave my customized package alone?

 It will upgrade the package.

Does apt not respect packages that have been held?

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- -- - - - ---   --- -- The Choice of the GNU Generation

Re: chmod script

1999-02-02 Thread Ben Collins
On Mon, Feb 01, 1999 at 10:28:37PM +, Pere Camps wrote:

  chmod -R og-rwx /path

   But if my files are 400...

   Thanks for your help anyway!

 -- p.

chmod -R og-wrx u+rw /path

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- -- - - - ---   --- -- The Choice of the GNU Generation

Re: xhost

1999-02-02 Thread Sourcerer
On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Richard Hall wrote:

 According to the man pages, xhost uses a file called /etc/X*.hosts.  I
 haven't got this file.  There are several /etc/host* files, none of which
 control X access, and no *host* files in /etc/X11.  So where is the file
 that xhost uses to control access to my X server?

You write it and put it in /etc

/()\ O|O|O|O||O||O The world hadn't ever had so many
 \../  |OO|||O|||O|O moving parts or so few labels.  
  ||   OO|||OO||O||O   -- mlo

X11R6: No acceleration primitives defined

1999-02-02 Thread Matthias Schulz
I'm working to get X11R6 on my Compaq Contura 410 (486DX2-50, 20MB, 2GB,
external monitor) working. I get follow errormessage:

XFree86 Version 3.3 / X Window System
(protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
Release Date: Jun  2 1997
(--) SVGA: SpeedUp code selection modified because virtualX != 1024
(--) SVGA: Using XAA (XFree86 Acceleration Architecture)
(--) SVGA: XAA: No acceleration primitives defined.
CPU to framebuffer8.12 Mpix/sec (8.12

Fatal server error: Cannot open mouse (No such device)

I tried to avoid this by putting the line:

Option noaccel

in my XF86Config - no success. I've no more ideas.

Any ideas?

Whole XF86Config startx.messages.log and dmesg.log on request,
I thought it's to big to send it to the whole list - or am i wrong?
Please let me know.


about egcs

1999-02-02 Thread Jian Gong
Does anybody know the difference and/or relationship between

egcs 1.1.1 as the latest version (see egcs' home page:


egcs 2.90.29 in Debian distribution?



Re: dftp problem...D

1999-02-02 Thread Tom Pfeifer
I really haven't used dftp for a while myself, but according to the man
page, the clear option doesn't clear uninstalled packages from the

dftp uses it's own /root/packages/.installed file to know what packages
are installed. It may have been that your dftp /root/packages/.installed
file was out of sync with the dpkg data base.  The dftp scaninst command
should be run as the first step in a dftp session. That uses information
from dpkg to create the .installed file.

There is also a dftp verify command that should be run after downloading
but before unpacking. The dftp man page explains it all pretty well.


Re: dftp problem...D

1999-02-02 Thread Tom Pfeifer
OK - now I see the situation you had there. You need to run dftp
installed after dftp unpack, but before dftp clear. This will update the
.installed file with the packages you just installed. Again, it's all in
the man page.

Good luck,

Where is kernel 2.2.0?

1999-02-02 Thread M.C. Vernon
I saw the uploaded message days ago, and sunsite still doesn't have the
kernel-source or kernel-headers packages available yet :( doesn't either


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: sound with 2.2.1

1999-02-02 Thread Curt Daugaard
On Mon, Feb 01, 1999 at 06:39:46PM -0500, Robert Rati wrote:
 I had sound working in kernels 2.0.35 by compiling it as a module and
 giving it the correct parameters.  The 2.2.1 kernels have separated out
 the sound options and now I can't enter any card info when I modularize
 the sound.  I have an onboard sound card that is SB 16 and WSS 2.0
 compatible.  I got it working in kernels 2.0.35 by using the SB driver and
 card info.  Currently, I can't get the sound to work, although it seems
 like it should be working now.  The major difference in kernel compile
 info is I used to install the /dev/dsp and /dev/audio support, but I can't
 seem to kind this in the 2.2.1 kernels.  Can anyone give me some help?

With the latest kernels many of the sound hardware details need to
be specified in /etc/conf.modules (or included when invoking
insmod).  You'll want to check out the docs in the kernel sources
Documentation/sound/ directory.  (The Sound-HOWTO isn't up to
date on this, AFAIK.)

Hope this helps.

Curt Daugaard

Re: Where is kernel 2.2.0?

1999-02-02 Thread Mike Garfias
M.C. Vernon spoke forth with the blessed manuscript:
 I saw the uploaded message days ago, and sunsite still doesn't have the
 kernel-source or kernel-headers packages available yet :( doesn't either



X11 and fvwm2: how to set screen size

1999-02-02 Thread BOHICA
General question:

I have a Toshiba laptop (Portege 610CT)

I have v2.1 installed and running, X11 with fvwm2 running with good
screen resolution and 16bpp colors.

Currently the resolution is set to 800x600, but the display still thinks
that it is in 640x480 mode.  This causes a lot of dynamic scrolling to
get to border bars, etc.  When I had (*gasp*) Windows 95/98 on the
laptop, 800x600 was small, but perfectly legible without the virtual
desktop effect and scrolling screens.

The question I have is: Is there a way to force the X11 or fvwm2 to
shrink the virtual desktop to physical screen dimensions?

Any and all help is appreciated!

One People, One World, One Program - Microsoft Promotional Ad
Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer - Adolf Hitler
[shamelessly stolen from another debian list]

Re: help with symbolic links

1999-02-02 Thread Jiri Baum

 I'm having trouble getting ftpd setup correctly.  It seems that when I
 make a symbolic link, it works on the shell, however fails to work on ftp

If it's using chroot, any absolute links have to be from the new root.



Invisible files smbfs W95

1999-02-02 Thread Jiri Baum

I have a weird ongoing problem: I connect to a W95 box, smbmount a share,
but some files on the share do not show up on directory listings - even
though they are there, I can open them (from the Linux box), etc. Which
files show up seems to change from session to session and sometimes from
listing to listing.

Any suggestions, please?

I connect to the Windows 95 [4.00.950] box over Ethernet and TCP/IP and
mount about a dozen filesystems from it. I have a mostly-hamm system (samba
1.9.18p8-2, smbfs 2.0.2-5, libc6 2.0.7t-1). Not sure what else is relevant.


Re: how to install packages w/o package file?

1999-02-02 Thread Jiri Baum

 Is there a simple way to install these files without a package file? 

Someone else already posted how to use dpkg; if you want to stick with
dselect, you can tell the `mounted' method that the distribution top level
is none, main binary dir is where your .debs are, and when it asks where
the packages file is, tell it scan (like it tells you to).

It warns you that it'll take a long time, but it's not really that bad
unless you have a great many packages. I used this method for my initial
install, because I picked packages off the web site on a good network link,
put them on a CD and brought that home.

Note that dselect will then show a lot of `Obsolete/local' packages which
obviously aren't either. Just ignore them, they won't go away.


Re: Help with unzipping files.

1999-02-02 Thread Jiri Baum
 Nuno Donato wrote:
   Can anyone help me out with a problem.  I have downloaded some apps
   for linux, but they are compressed. Can anyone tell me how to
   decompress them.  Step by step if possible.
 There are various kinds of compression, usually indicated by the

And, of course, *.deb, which can be installed using dpkg -i (if you really
want to, they can be extracted using ar, but there's usually not much

After decompression, you have to install them. This is where having a .deb
file really helps, because it's automatic (so check that the program isn't
available that way). If you have an .rpm file is similar, but not as good
(for a Debian system).

Otherwise, you'll probably have to compile the application - a thing that
is usually set up to be automatic, but usually needs some fine-tuning
before it'll actually work.

Finally, you'll have to copy the compiled program somewhere you can get at
it easily (if you're going to use it more than about three times).


Re: Formatting drive

1999-02-02 Thread Jiri Baum

Peter Allen:
 You can either run dos fdisk, or you can run linux fdisk/cfdisk, and
 change the partition type, then finally running mkfs -t msdos /dev/
 on it.

I've heard it recommended to use the relevant fdisk for creating partitions
- ie use the DOS fdisk for creating a DOS partition.

Probably a sensible habit, even if it doesn't make any difference.


Re: fetchmail (or maybe exim) eats messages

1999-02-02 Thread Jiri Baum

  Presumably this is because of the ownership thing, but there was no
  error message, and the messages have simply vanished!
  Are these messages lost forever?
 I think I've just answered my own question.  An error message is returned
 to the sender saying the message could not be delivered.

Another place to look about lost messages is /var/spool/exim (or use the
X-based eximon). The msglog directory contains messages, input for the
messages themselves - examine msglog, fix whatever it's complaining about,
and run exim -qqf

I get undeliverable messages every now and then because I've set up one
mailing list to save to files according to subject, and when the subject
contains a slash it gets stuck because the subdirectory doesn't exist.


Re: I hate dselect

1999-02-02 Thread Jiri Baum

 dselect's Select option sucks! sucks! sucks!


 But then dependency screens came up, so as per the help screens, I
 pressed R to restore things to the way they were, then I pressed X to
 exit and abandon all changes.

You could probably try Q. I don't think dselect passes any force options
to dpkg, so if it's really dangerous, it won't work anyway.

I learned to use that, because every time I use dselect it discovers I need
to upgrade my libc6, and therefore it selects libc6 - even though the libc6
it can see is the libc6 I already have installed.

Umm, let me start over: I have a few slink packages, and a hamm libc6, and
dselect is looking at hamm. Since something needs the slink libc6, dselect
decides to install the hamm libc6.


Re: [Re: TAR command question ]

1999-02-02 Thread Jiri Baum

   tar czf /path/to/archive.tar.gz /path/to/directory

Note that if you want to use this on a non-Debian system, some versions of
tar don't take the z switch. In that case, compress or gzip separately.


Re: Modem freezeup again

1999-02-02 Thread Christopher R. Barry
ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I posted a couple days ago (to Debian User's) about my modem freezing up.  I 
 got a couple
 suggestions and am now getting around to trying to solve this problem.
 The problem has increased in frequency so that every time after logging
 off using poff my modem can't be accessed.  I have to shut the system
 down completely (reboot won't work) and then restart before I can use pon
 to log on again.  In a couple instances I had to shutdown twice in
 a row before I could use my modem.

I have a Courier X2 and I always need to type pon, wait a second (the
modem lights change), then type pon again to connect. poff always
works though. I thought this might have something to do with it's
starting and stopping commands but I've duplicated the perfectly
working ones from DOS and Windows as best as I can and it still
doesn't work. Annoying, but a tolerable inconvenience.


Re: Crypt function

1999-02-02 Thread Jiri Baum

 Maybe you should try to compile your program with -lcrypt flag , like
 gcc -lcrypt -o output_file your_source.c

Aren't library switches supposed to go on the end? Like this?

gcc -o output_file your_source.c -lcrypt

Order is important.



Re: Invisible files smbfs W95

1999-02-02 Thread servis
*- On  1 Feb, Jiri Baum wrote about Invisible files smbfs W95
 I have a weird ongoing problem: I connect to a W95 box, smbmount a share,
 but some files on the share do not show up on directory listings - even
 though they are there, I can open them (from the Linux box), etc. Which
 files show up seems to change from session to session and sometimes from
 listing to listing.
 Any suggestions, please?
 I connect to the Windows 95 [4.00.950] box over Ethernet and TCP/IP and
 mount about a dozen filesystems from it. I have a mostly-hamm system (samba
 1.9.18p8-2, smbfs 2.0.2-5, libc6 2.0.7t-1). Not sure what else is relevant.

What kernel are you using?  If you are using the 2.0.3x series you need
to apply this patch.  It fixed that problem for me.  I used it up to

start patch
--- linux-2.0.33.orig/fs/smbfs/proc.c   Thu Apr 30 18:23:30 1998
+++ linux-2.0.33/fs/smbfs/proc.cThu Apr 30 18:24:59 1998
@@ -1217,15 +1217,15 @@
WSET(param, 10, 8 + 4 + 2); /* resume required +
   close on end +
   continue */
+   }
 #ifdef CONFIG_SMB_WIN95
-   /* Windows 95 is not able to deliver answers
-  to FIND_NEXT fast enough, so sleep 0.2 seconds */
-   current-timeout = jiffies + HZ / 5;
-   current-state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
-   schedule();
-   current-timeout = 0;
+   /* Windows 95 is not able to deliver answers
+  to FIND_NEXT fast enough, so sleep 0.2 seconds */
+   current-timeout = jiffies + HZ / 5;
+   current-state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
+   schedule();
+   current-timeout = 0;
-   }
result = smb_trans2_request(server, command,
0, NULL, 12 + mask_len + 2, param,
##end patch###
Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: hdparm

1999-02-02 Thread Alexander N. Benner

Ship's Log, Lt. Brandon Mitchell, Stardate 310199.2331:

I thought /etc/rc.boot is obsolete ...

Alexander N. Benner - Christen im Internet -
pgp : E7BCBEBD   53 5F 48 0A 0D 3E 4A 38  A8 11 B1 AF BE 08 C8 B0

MegaHAL: In John, Jesus is said to be Zerg.

where to look for linux programmers?

1999-02-02 Thread Stuart Marshall

Is it appropriate to mention (part-time) job oppurtunities 
on this list?


Re: Invisible files smbfs W95

1999-02-02 Thread surak
I believe the problem you're having is a kernel issue. You have to
recompile, making sure that the SMB Win95 bug work-around is compiled in.



 I have a weird ongoing problem: I connect to a W95 box, smbmount a share,
 but some files on the share do not show up on directory listings - even
 though they are there, I can open them (from the Linux box), etc. Which
 files show up seems to change from session to session and sometimes from
 listing to listing.
 Any suggestions, please?
 I connect to the Windows 95 [4.00.950] box over Ethernet and TCP/IP and
 mount about a dozen filesystems from it. I have a mostly-hamm system (samba
 1.9.18p8-2, smbfs 2.0.2-5, libc6 2.0.7t-1). Not sure what else is relevant.

Help compiling my kernel

1999-02-02 Thread MallarJ
I need some help compiling my kernel:

1) I would really rather not have to go through the config process - it is my
hope that I can use the standard .config file with a few modifications - in
particular, sound and APM enabled.  Can't I just use the standard .config
file, modify a few things via an editor, and use it to recompile my kernel?
If I do this, can I skip the make menuconfig step?

Further, I unpacked my kernel-source package, but it doesn't contain a .config
file, however it does contain  Can I rename it to .config and
use it?

2) After I compile my kernel, say I decide to change a few things in the
source - is there a need to redo the make menuconfig step?  Or does that
strictly create the .config file?

3) I tried to make menuconfig, but got an error:

rm -f include/asm
( cd include ; ln -sf asm-i386 asm)
make -C scripts/lxdialog all
make[1]: Entering directory 'usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/scripts/lxdialog'
gcc -O2 -Wall -fomit-frame-pointer -DLOCALE  -DCURSES_LOC=curses.h   -c 
lxdialog.c -o lxdialog.o
In file included from lxdialog.c:22:
dialog.h:29: curses.h: No such file or directory
make[1]: *** [lxdialog.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.0.34/scripts/lxdialog'
make: *** [menuconfig] Error 2

I'm guessing I need something like ncursesxxx-dev, right?  How come this
isn't in the dependencies of kernel-package?

4) According to the README in /usr/src/linux, I should link as follows:

ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/asm-i386   /usr/include/asm
ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux  /usr/include/linux  
ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/scsi   /usr/include/scsi

Problem is, I have libc6 installed, and it is installed in /usr/include.
Should I do the links as directed?  Or will the libc6 stuff work?

5) I seem to have three different versions of the header files.  Do I really
need them all?   I have:

libc6   - /usr/include
libc5-altdev- /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/include
linux source- /usr/src/include

6) The kernel-package docs say I need to run:

make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot version  

Do I need to do this if I compile as root?  I don't have fakeroot - do I need
it?  Will su work instead?

Thanks for any help..

Re: Modem freezeup again

1999-02-02 Thread John Hasler
Christopher R. Barry writes:
 I have a Courier X2 and I always need to type pon, wait a second (the
 modem lights change), then type pon again to connect.

Try editing /etc/chatscripts/provider and changing 'OK' to 'OK-AT-OK' .
Let know how it works.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Tracking installs

1999-02-02 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 2/1/99 4:38:43 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   There's a nifty little program PCMag wrote for Win that tracks
   and I'd like to have this functionality in Linux.  Before I write my own,
   there a utility that will do the same thing?

dpkg does all of this :-)


I did a little more research on this, and dpkg does help in some aspects,

1) dpkg won't track anything done by installation scripts after dpkg does it's

2) dpkg won't track non-deb packages - such as tarballs.

So, question still stands... any other package that will handle this task?


LPRng - Solved!!

1999-02-02 Thread Chuck Stickelman
It works!! It works!! It works!!

First, I'd like to take this opportunity to personally and publically
thank those who took the time to help me on this one!  (I'm sorry if I
missed thank you all...)

Thanks go to:
Heikki Vatiainen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jason Guntrorpe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michael E. Touloumtzis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ed Hingsbergen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What'd I do to fix it?  Glad you asked!
First, I took 10-12 hours away from the computer and spent that time
with my family.
Second, I realized that *I* must have been making it harder than it
needed to be.
Third, I remembered that I *was* using Debian afterall and I should be
able to install the LPRng
package with little or no modification, so I purged (the package, not my
stomach...I wasn't *that* upset...) and re-installed the latest LPRng
package (from Incoming at the time).
Finally, I edited /etc/printcap to look like this:

lp|HP LaserJet 5L

Note the lack of :\'s at the ends of the lines.  This is how LPRng
makes 'em.  Even though the printcap(8) manpage claims they can be used
for backward compatibility, don't use 'em.  Also,
somewhere  I'm *sure* I read that the lp= *must* point to the host,
it's obviouslly not needed.
I'm not sure about pl pw pc mx or sh but I'm *not* touching a
working configuration...

Way too easy!

Thanks for being patient with me!!!

Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail:
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

CD image: *.raw -- *.cif?

1999-02-02 Thread Michael Phillips
I've decided, against my better judgement, to do a download of the
debian-i368.raw thing and just press my own CD.  I have a small question,
though: I'm a Win32 junkie, and the program I use to cut discs is Adobe CD
Copier.  The image files it accepts are .CIF files; in the FAQ portion of
it says that to get Windows apps to recognize the image, change the file
name from *.raw to *.iso.  Well, that's not gonna work, but as long as my
thinking is correct, I can just rename it to *.cif and be all very well.
Yes, I'm being exceedingly overcautious and perhaps that was a stupid
question, but I'd rather not download 550+ megs of useless filespace, you



netscape library dependencies?

1999-02-02 Thread Chris Ryan

I have just downloaded and installed Netscape 4.5 and found these
missing libraries reported as errors when I try to run it:

However, I do have the libraries and and the links and
These, I believe are more up-to-date versions of the libraries (I
upgraded via ftp recently from the main stable distribution).

What should I do?

I tried the kluge of making links called pointing the
existing (same thing for the other library). This
removed the missing library error, or course, but now I have a
'segmentation fault'. I guess this kluge is a bad thing.

Can anyone suggest a way out?

Cheers, Chris.

|  Dr. Chris
Ryan |
|  CSIRO Exploration and Mining email:
|  51 Delhi Road (PO box 136)   phone: +61-2-9490
|  North Ryde NSW 2113fax: +61-2-9490
|  WWW (Cu-Au group):  |
|  WWW (Proton
|   |
|  WWW (Mantle Petrology group): |
|  WWW (Me):   |

Re: CD image: *.raw -- *.cif?

1999-02-02 Thread cyan
Michael Phillips wrote:
 I've decided, against my better judgement, to do a download of the
 debian-i368.raw thing and just press my own CD.  

I tried that, I have a dsl connection so it didn't take that long. I renamed it
to *.iso, burned it and nothing???!! My win98 box couldn't read it, my Linux box
couldn't read it and my Sun box couldn't read it So if anyone could please shed
some light on this I would appreciate it. I'll try *.cif and let you know.



Re: Invisible files smbfs W95

1999-02-02 Thread Kent West
Jiri Baum wrote:
 I have a weird ongoing problem: I connect to a W95 box, smbmount a share,
 but some files on the share do not show up on directory listings - even
 though they are there, I can open them (from the Linux box), etc. Which
 files show up seems to change from session to session and sometimes from
 listing to listing.
 Any suggestions, please?
 I connect to the Windows 95 [4.00.950] box over Ethernet and TCP/IP and
 mount about a dozen filesystems from it. I have a mostly-hamm system (samba
 1.9.18p8-2, smbfs 2.0.2-5, libc6 2.0.7t-1). Not sure what else is relevant.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

This may have absolutely no bearing, but I used to see a similar
thing on our network using only Windows. I never did find the
cause/solution, because about that time we were getting new
network equipment (converting to ATM) and transitioning to Win95
from WFW, etc, and the problem went away. In other words, it
might not be a samba/Linux issue; it might be a
networking/Windows issue.

dual boot?

1999-02-02 Thread Joo Hwan Jang
Dear whom it may concern.

I am interest in Linux, but I don't decide yet if I choose it or not.
So I'd like to install Linux and Windows NT 4.0 together.
That means I want to make my computer dual bootable.
Is it possible? If so, how?
Please let me know.
After considering that, I intend to order one.

Thank you.

A prospective user.

Re: chmod script

1999-02-02 Thread Carey Evans
Pere Camps [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Does anybody have a script for changing all the dirs and subdirs
 into mode 700 and all the files into mode 600 ?


chmod -R u=rwX,go= path

Capital X means preserve the exisiting execute permission.

 Carey Evans
The risk of U.S. national security resting in the hands of adults who play
with children's toys during office hours is left as an exercise to the reader.
   - Bruce Martin in RISKS

libc6 or libc5???

1999-02-02 Thread Tom Persons

I recently downloaded the latest Debian dist 
(hamm I believe) from the website. I did this after realizing that 
the dist that came on a cd I have is about a year or so old. I wanted the latest 
stable kernel/apps/etc. I'm new to Linux but was able to install 
my original dist with little trouble and was able to download the proper X 
server and get twm up and running. Then I decided to download fvwm95 and window 
maker to have a more elegant front end to X. In addition I found that I needed 
the latest ppp package as well. After many painful attempts I could not get 
these packages to install so this lead me to finding the entire dist. Well, none 
of the packages will install because they apparently depend on libc6, but this 
conflicts with libc5 which some of the other apps depend on. In fact, dpkg 
wouldnt even let me remove libc5 because of this. Is it OK to remove libc5? I'm 
assuming I have the latest versions of the apps that need libc5 in the new dist 
and that they depend on libc6. Is this the case?

Tom Persons 

Re: dual boot?

1999-02-02 Thread Kent West
Joo Hwan Jang wrote:
 Dear whom it may concern.
 I am interest in Linux, but I don't decide yet if I choose it or not.
 So I'd like to install Linux and Windows NT 4.0 together.
 That means I want to make my computer dual bootable.
 Is it possible? If so, how?
 Please let me know.
 After considering that, I intend to order one.
 Thank you.
 A prospective user.

I know you can with Win95, and I *think* you can with NT 4.0.

It can be done in several ways; you can use Linux's LILO program,
which allows you to choose at boot time which OS you want to boot
into, or you can use a boot floppy for Linux and boot off the
hard drive for NT, or you can probably configure NT to offer the
choice (like LILO), or you can use a third-party boot manager.

Be aware that if you're unfamiliar with Linux/UNIX you've got a
TREMENDOUS learning curve in front of you. You'll get frustrated
and discouraged at times, but eventually you'll be glad you
started down this path. (If you've ever had to reboot Windows 3
or 12 times just because you've added a new video card, etc,
you'll be amazed at the configuration changes you can make
without having to reboot Linux, and you'll LOVE the stability!)

It's probably a little early to try to tell you how to
multi-boot, because it will depend on whether you're putting
Linux on a separate drive or just separate partitions and etc.
Even so, I'd try to give you more detail, except I've never done
it with NT; just Win95. Since Windows assumes it's the only OS
that anyone will ever use, it tends to be rude about the MBR
(Master Boot Record), so several people have suggested installing
Windows and then Linux rather than the other way around; it seems
to make the process a bit smoother.

Re: dual boot?

1999-02-02 Thread Kent West
Joo Hwan Jang wrote:
 Dear whom it may concern.
 I am interest in Linux, but I don't decide yet if I choose it or not.
 So I'd like to install Linux and Windows NT 4.0 together.
 That means I want to make my computer dual bootable.
 Is it possible? If so, how?
 Please let me know.
 After considering that, I intend to order one.
 Thank you.
 A prospective user.

PS. If you get in a hurry and try to find a Linux CD at your
local software store, you're likely to find Redhat. Although
Redhat is a good product, I've never heard anyone say they were
glad they switched to it from Debian, and I have heard several
say they were glad that they switched to Debian from Redhat. So
if you can't wait for your Debian CD to arrive, you can always
download the 7 or 8 files necessary to get the base install
going, then you can continue installing any further packages via
modem/ethernet. A CD is way better than trying to install via
modem (but the base install is reasonable), but if you've got
fast ethernet access, you can get started quickly without waiting
for a CD to arrive.

Q: modem sportster message plus - advanced features

1999-02-02 Thread Ingo Hohmann

I have a USR sportster message plus (it now has a new name, after
joining 3com, nut I don't remember) nad I wonder if there is a 
program under linux, that is able to control the advanced features
(standalone answering machine), or is there anybody who at least 
knows the right commands?



errors in sources while compiling Kernels

1999-02-02 Thread Ingo Hohmann

I just tried to compile a Kernel from source (2.0.34 from my hamm-
distribution) and there were errors in the source code:

/usr/src/linux/arch/i368/kernel/ptrace.c (Line 87):

static unsigned long get_long(struct task_struct * tsk, 
struct vm_area_struct * vma, unsigned long addr 
As you'll notice, there's a closing bracket missing.___|
What makes it interesting, the last time I compiled the
kernel was only some days ago, without any error, _and_
it isn't the first time I encountered one-letter-errors
in the sources.
Any ideas what causes this? 
Just in case you'll ask, yes, chkdsk found some errors recently,
but I don't remember errors the other times, and the kernel sources 
seem to be the only place where I get problems.

thanks in advance,


Of course, just because we've heard a spine-chilling, blood-curdling
scream of the sort to make your very marrow freeze in your bones doesn't
automatically mean there's anything wrong.
-- (Terry Pratchett, Soul Music)

Re: X11 and fvwm2: how to set screen size

1999-02-02 Thread Robert V. MacQuarrie
On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, BOHICA wrote:
Currently the resolution is set to 800x600, but the display still thinks
that it is in 640x480 mode.  This causes a lot of dynamic scrolling to
get to border bars, etc.  When I had (*gasp*) Windows 95/98 on the
laptop, 800x600 was small, but perfectly legible without the virtual
desktop effect and scrolling screens.
The question I have is: Is there a way to force the X11 or fvwm2 to
shrink the virtual desktop to physical screen dimensions?

Open /etc/X11/XF86Config and look in the 'Section Screen' section and
comment out the 'Virtual' lines. This will make the display whatever you
have in your 'Modes' lines..
# **
# Screen sections
# The Colour SVGA server
Section Screen
Driver  svga
#Use Device Generic VGA for Standard VGA 320x200x256
#Device  Generic VGA
Device  Matrox Millennium
Monitor Princeton Graphics EO90
Subsection Display
Depth   16
# Omit the Modes line for the Generic VGA device
Modes   1600x1200 1024x768 800x600 1280x1024 640x400
ViewPort0 0
# Use Virtual 320 200 for Generic VGA
Virtual 1600 1280
^^==(Comment out this line with a #)

#Options  power_saver

--Hope this helps

Robert V. MacQuarrie   Web Designing For Both
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Personal And Small Business Solutions
PGP Key Request: Reply to this email with the subject as request pgpkey

RE: gnome

1999-02-02 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Try installing esound packages.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Paulo Silva [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: martes 2 de febrero de 1999 1:38
 Asunto: gnome
 Did anyone out there succeded on running the new gnome stuff on
 unstable. I've installed some 0.99.3 deb from there. Whenever 
 I try to 
 terminate the session from the panel I get the following error:
 panel: error in loading shared libraries
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: esd_sample_getid
 I have gnomelibs 0.99.4-2 installed.
 I know this is alpha but I would like to know if everything crashes
 the penel (for example if I try to remove the default clock applet),
 the help-browser (click on gnome user guide link). 
 Maybe I have some mixed libraries (I had gnome 0.30 installed).
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe 
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

WP_8 find no X11R5

1999-02-02 Thread faoho

Hello all in LinuxLand
I've tried to install WordPerfect 8
No success.
The installation program from WP tells me, that it's based on kernel 2
(that's ok) and X11R5 (not ok).
I use X11R6 and when I try to launch the program, it says that a file in
the R5 directory is missing.
What do I do?
Install a R5 (how?) or telling the WP to use the R6 directory (how?)

Henning Olsen

Re: dual boot?

1999-02-02 Thread Morgan Fletcher
Joo Hwan Jang [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I am interest in Linux, but I don't decide yet if I choose it or not.  So
 I'd like to install Linux and Windows NT 4.0 together.  That means I want
 to make my computer dual bootable.  Is it possible? If so, how?  Please
 let me know.  After considering that, I intend to order one.

It works fine. I use the lilo bootloader to launch linux and NT. My
/etc/lilo.conf looks like this:


For more information on lilo, see

 M o r g a n   F l e t c h e r 
 Tibi gratias agimus quod nihil fumas.   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

2.0 install problems

1999-02-02 Thread ivan
X-From_: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Feb  2 09:30:15 1999
From: Cristiano Viana [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Help me to install Debian 2.0
Date: Mon, 1 Feb 1999 23:28:35 -0200
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 4.72.3110.5
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3

This is a discussion between myself (Ivan)  a new user.  I cannot help any
further so forwarded to the list that some-one else has some ideas.

Please reply to the list and cc: Cristiano.


Hello, Ivan!

My CD-ROM works in Windows and used to work in my old RedHat.
The steps that I followed are:

(1) Boot from the CD-ROM
(2) I choose color
(3) I choose the US Keyboard
(4) Initialize and activate a swap partition (my HD has two partitions)
(5) Initialize a Linux partition
(6) Install operating system kernel and modules, from CD-ROM drive (/dev/hdd
(7) Configure device driver modules (I choose to install the modules: cdrom,
lp and serial)
(8) Configure the network (hostname debian, then no)
(9) Install the base system
(10) Configure the base system (timezone, country...)
(11) Make linux bootable directly from HD
(12) Make a boot floppy
(13) Reboot the system (using HD)
(14) Choose password for root
(15) Create a normal user account
(16) Enable shadow passwords
(17) Remove the PCMCIA packages
(18) Said no to PPP connection to install the system
(19) Kind of installation: work_sci
(20) In dselect, I choose [A]ccess, CD-ROM, block device name: /dev/hdd
Then I get the error message:

mount: fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel
unable to mount /dev/hdd on /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt, type iso9660

What can you say?

Thank you,
Cristiano Viana

-Mensagem original-
Data: Domingo, 31 de Janeiro de 1999 00:24
Assunto: Re: Help me to install Debian 2.0

Hi Cristiano,

I assume Windows recognises the CD ROM so working from there ...

How are you installing the base system - did you make floppies or straight
from the CD ?

If you used floppies, try either booting straight from the CD or restart
the computer in MS-DOS mode and change into the /install directory of the
CD ROM and run boot.bat

When you have booted Linux from the CD go through the base installation
process selecting CD ROM as the installation method.  If this works OK then
in the modules section under CD ROM devices (I think) there is a module
which says to the effect of ISO9660 - this module is loaded/selected
automatically.  If you wish you can install this module manually anyway by
pressing ENTER but this has never made a difference to my installations.

If still no problems, complete the installation (choose to start Linux by
default and to load LILO) and reboot as requested (note: do not eject the
CD until after the computer resets).  When Linux reboots you can see the
kernel messages appear on the screen use the SCROLL LOCK key to halt the
display and SHIFT PgUp / SHIFT PgDn to see anything you missed.  At
some stage the kernel will inform you what device it thinks the CD ROM is -
make a note of this and tell dselect the same device.

OTOH if you cannot read from the CD when installing the base system then
you had best check the Hardware Compatibility How-To - it may be that your
CD ROM is not supported by Linux.

Let me know how you go and if you have any more problems pls tell me the
type of CD ROM that you have.  If you can, make complete notes of
everything that you do from when you turn the computer on to when the error

At 04:46 PM 1/30/99 -0200, you wrote:
Hello, Ivan.

It seems that you are getting through the installation of the base system
OK - is that right ?

I think so...

Once in dselect, choose access method CD ROM and you will be asked the
device name - this will be /dev/hdx where x is a letter telling linux
what controller your CD lives on. eg. The CD ROM on my main Debian box is

My CD ROM is /dev/hdd.
When I type the device name, dselect says that he can't mount /dev/hdb.
And says that the kernel does not support the iso9660 file system.

That's it...
Thank you, Ivan.

Cristiano Viana

At 12:50 AM 1/30/99 -0200, Cristiano Viana wrote:

Please help me.
Please don't stay in silence.
I am trying to install Debian but when I try to install the software
packages, I can't mount the CD ROM.
Some people here told me to install the isofs module, but this module is
listed in the fs section of the modules selection.
Please, help me

Thank you,
Cristiano Viana

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Ivan McDonagh\\\  S S E S S N N T Y O I I E T M
You may have heard it about me   \\\  X I H I N I A N U T H T L L N
It may even be true 

slink: kernel-package fails

1999-02-02 Thread schulte

after upgrading to slink I had to recompile a 2.0.36 kernel (because of new
hardware). I did

make-kpkg clean; make config; make-kpkg --rev printe.20362 kernel_image

and get the following error messages:

dpkg-gencontrol -pkernel-image-2.0.36 -Pdebian/tmp-image
parse changelog/debian: error: unable to open substvars file
debian/substvars: no such file or directory
dpkg-gencontrol: error: syntax error in parsed version of changelog at
line 0: empty file

Then it stops... (The complete compile was successfull, however.)

I tried as well kernel-package 5.13 as 6.05 (after make-kpkg clean).
What's going on? I never had problems with kernel-package before. It is
in fact one of those silent tools, that makes Debian so attractive to me.


Dr. Karl-Wilhelm Schulte
Bergische Universitaet-GH/HRZ (Computing Center)
Gaussstr. 20
D-42097 Wuppertal (Germany)
Tel. +49-202-4392807, Fax +49-202-4392910

Re: dual boot?

1999-02-02 Thread ivan


And read the installation instructions BEFORE commencing the

If you follow the instructions exactly from both places you will have far
less trouble.



At 01:53 AM 2/2/99 -0800, Joo Hwan Jang wrote:
Dear whom it may concern.

I am interest in Linux, but I don't decide yet if I choose it or not.
So I'd like to install Linux and Windows NT 4.0 together.
That means I want to make my computer dual bootable.
Is it possible? If so, how?
Please let me know.
After considering that, I intend to order one.

Thank you.

A prospective user.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: dpkg-source

1999-02-02 Thread Remco van de Meent
Ben Collins wrote:
   I was wondering, what will happen, when I get another distribution and
   do e.g. an apt-get dist-upgrade, will it then replace the
   bla-package with a newer version (if there is a newer version in the
   new distribution) or will it leave my customized package alone?
  It will upgrade the package.
 Does apt not respect packages that have been held?

It does, so that's indeed a way to enforce your own packages.
Thanks for pointing that out :-)


Re: potato

1999-02-02 Thread Björn Elwhagen
On Mon, Feb 01, 1999 at 11:40:52AM -0600, Daniel Elenius wrote this:
 How unfinished is potato? Is it hard to get it to work properly, and
 are there lots of changes compared to slink? I managed to get slink to 
 work after a while...

I've used potato a long time now (since the freeze of slink and slink
since the freeze of hamm) so i guess i'm not the best reference but i
have never had any problems with the upgrades, even tho some have been a
40 package-upgrade or just about.

If you can handle some potential struggle to begin with there shouldn't
be a problem.


// Marwin

| Björn Elwhagen aka Marwin Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  
| Student at Wexio University   for PGP public key.  |
| SwedenICQ: 356095  | 

Re: start-stop-daemon and multiple exim daemons

1999-02-02 Thread Carey Evans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marc Haber) writes:

 I am running exim as two daemons. One is listening on port 25, the
 other does periodic queue runs only when I am online. The queue runner
 exim is killed off when I go offline.


 How can I make start-stop-daemon check for a process' existence before
 I trying to kill it? I'd really love to get rid of this error message.

After some experimentation, it seems that start-stop-daemon doesn't
print anything if you pass both the --quite and --exec flags, so this
would be one option.  You could also just redirect the output with
/dev/null at the end.

Actually, I found an old version ( of start-stop-daemon, when
it was written in Perl, and it does have the behaviour you want.
Maybe this is a bug in start-stop-daemon.

 Carey Evans
The risk of U.S. national security resting in the hands of adults who play
with children's toys during office hours is left as an exercise to the reader.
   - Bruce Martin in RISKS

Re: man/apropos/mandb problem...

1999-02-02 Thread Carey Evans
Roger Franz [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Evidently, fsck
 lost+found'd the index files for apropos/man/mandb, and when I run
 mandb -c
 to recreate them, it tells me it can't. (Permission denied errors,
 files missing, etc.)

I assume you're doing this as root?

Try erasing the files with the problems - use `dpkg -S' to find out
what packages they're from so that you can reinstall the package and
get the file back if necessary.  Use `strace -e file' if mandb doesn't 
explain very well which files are causing the problems.

If you can't delete the files as root, first try `chattr -i' on them.
If _that_ doesn't work, you may have to resort to black magic:

Backup what you need.  Copy debugfs onto a floppy.  Boot from the
rescue disk and mount this floppy (and not the hard disk).  Run
debugfs on the partition with the problem, then use its `rm' command
on the offending file.  Save the changes and reboot, and let fsck
clean up the mess.

 Carey Evans
The risk of U.S. national security resting in the hands of adults who play
with children's toys during office hours is left as an exercise to the reader.
   - Bruce Martin in RISKS

Re: setserial question

1999-02-02 Thread Carey Evans
Anthony Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   Use of setserial/setrocket to get SPD_* flags is deprecated
 This seems to be said more in sorrow than in anger, since the process then
 goes off correctly. But what does it mean, and what can I do about it?

It probably means your version of setserial (or maybe dip) is old.
Try downloading the one from slink (frozen) and see if it will work
without any complaints:

# dpkg -i setserial_what-ever.deb

It would be a good idea to have the old package around in case this
doesn't work.

 Carey Evans
The risk of U.S. national security resting in the hands of adults who play
with children's toys during office hours is left as an exercise to the reader.
   - Bruce Martin in RISKS

Re: Network problem

1999-02-02 Thread Carey Evans
Hersh, Harry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I switched
 back to the X11 environment, and find that even though pon connects to my
 isv (I can ping ), none of my network programs will work: Netscape, ftp,
 cftp, etc. The all start up, and then just hang.


Things to try:

Does ping work with a hostname and an IP address?  Do the other
programs?  Do they work from the console?  Do they work as root?  Is
/etc/resolv.conf OK?  Is /etc/nsswitch.conf OK?  Where do the programs 
get hung if you use `strace' on them?  Do you see any network traffic
with `tcpdump -n -i ppp0' after you install the tcpdump package?  Do
you get any unusual messages when you start ppp with the `debug'
option in /etc/ppp/peers/provider?

 Carey Evans
The risk of U.S. national security resting in the hands of adults who play
with children's toys during office hours is left as an exercise to the reader.
   - Bruce Martin in RISKS

Re: CD image: *.raw -- *.cif?

1999-02-02 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 Michael Phillips wrote:
  I've decided, against my better judgement, to do a download of the
  debian-i368.raw thing and just press my own CD.  
 I tried that, I have a dsl connection so it didn't take that long. I renamed 
 to *.iso, burned it and nothing???!! My win98 box couldn't read it, my Linux 
 couldn't read it and my Sun box couldn't read it So if anyone could please 
 some light on this I would appreciate it. I'll try *.cif and let you know.

If a .cif file really is a raw image, renaming an image file to this
should work.  If neither win98, linux, nor Sun could read the image, I
think there might be something wrong with the image.  Make sure you
download it in binary mode (type `bin' in ftp).  Also I think there
are usually md5sums for the cd-image on the site where you can download
it.  Check it with the md5sum program.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: CD image: *.raw -- *.cif?

1999-02-02 Thread cyan
*.cif is not a valid raw image. I am downloading it from a diff site and am
going to burn it tonight/tomorrow. let ya know.

parallel port scanner under 2.2.0?

1999-02-02 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I have an HP ScanJet 5100C parallel port scanner.  I would love to make this 
thing work.  Does anyone run a parallel port scanner?  Please give me your war 
stories... =)

P. Nathan Puri

Re: X11R6: No acceleration primitives defined

1999-02-02 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I'm working to get X11R6 on my Compaq Contura 410 (486DX2-50, 20MB, 2GB,
 external monitor) working. I get follow errormessage:
 XFree86 Version 3.3 / X Window System
 (protocol Version 11, revision 0, vendor release 6300)
 Release Date: Jun  2 1997
 (--) SVGA: SpeedUp code selection modified because virtualX != 1024
 (--) SVGA: Using XAA (XFree86 Acceleration Architecture)
 (--) SVGA: XAA: No acceleration primitives defined.
 CPU to framebuffer8.12 Mpix/sec (8.12
 Fatal server error:   Cannot open mouse (No such device)

Hmm, are you sure the problem isn't the mouse?

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

ypppasswdd and foreign chars

1999-02-02 Thread Per Marker Mortensen


I have a server and some clients running Debian hamm. The server runs
nis but I have got problems using yppasswd. 

If the gecos field contains any foreign chars, ie. æøå. Change of
passwd, gecos or shell, fails. If there is no foreign chars everything
works fine.

From the log on the serer:

Feb  2 10:50:14 klein rpc.yppasswdd[530]: Invalid characters in gecos argument: 
Feb  2 10:50:14 klein rpc.yppasswdd[530]: update afp (uid=257) from host failed

The f should have been a æ.

/etc/profile on the server contains: 

export LANG=da_DK

among other things.

Does ypppasswd not suppport foreign chars?


Per Marker Mortensen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
System Administrator, Ørsted Laboratory 
Niels Bohr Institute for Astrophysics, Physics and Geophysics, Copenhagen

Office (HCØ): D301
Officephone : 35320501
Mobilephone : 20413070
Homephone   : 32876254

dpkg/apt/equivs problem

1999-02-02 Thread Daniel Elenius
I have a problem with apt. It could come from the fact that apt-get
update now gives me this error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/install# apt-get -f update
Get file://amnt slink/contrib Packages
Get file://amnt slink/main Packages
Get file://amnt slink/non-US Packages
Error file://amnt slink/non-US Packages
 Unable to stat //amnt/debian/dists/slink/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz No 
such file or directory
Get file://amnt slink/non-free Packages
ERROR file://amnt/debian/dists/slink/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz
  Unable to stat //amnt/debian/dists/slink/non-US/binary-i386/Packages.gz No 
such file or directory

and it's true:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/install# ls //amnt/debian/dists/slink/non-US/binary-i386/
ls: //amnt/debian/dists/slink/non-US/binary-i386/: No such file or directory

On the other hand, this could just be a symptom of the real
problem. Here's what I'm trying to do: I want to install an licq
package from the licq homepage, since it's much more recent than the
standard debian version. When doing 'dpkg -i licq-blabla.deb' it says
that it needs qt-1.41. But there is no such package !(?). So I
installed qt 1.42 from potato, and then installed licq with
It installs and runs fine, but apt-get has a problem with this. When
trying to install further packages with it, it says:

Checking system integrity...dependency error
You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.
Sorry, but the following packages are broken - this means they have unmet
  licq: Depends:qt-1.41

But dpkg doesn't complain, it works just fine to install new packages
with that.

So I tried another solution: the equiv package, which is supposed to
fool the system into beleiving that packages are installed when
they're not. I followed the instructions in that package: edited an
/etc/equivs.conf file with 'qt-1.41', and built equivs. But it doesn't 
help me. dpkg -l 'qt*' gives:

un  qt-1.41 none (no description available)
un  qt-dev  none (no description available)
ii  qt-doc  1.40-1.1   Comprehensive docs (html), examples, and tut
un  qt0-dev none (no description available)
un  qt0-doc none (no description available)
un  qt1 none (no description available)
un  qt1-snapshotnone (no description available)
ii  qt1g1.42-1 Shared Library used by applications linked w
ii  qt1g-dev1.42-1 Environment for QT GUI development.
pn  qtscape none (no description available)

Note that i get the apt error mentioned in the beginning even if I
uninstall licq and equivs. I would be REALLY grateful for any

-~* Daniel Elenius *~-

Mouse again!

1999-02-02 Thread Jose L. Gomez Dans
   I posted something about my mouse not working after installing a new ViRGE
card on my Linux box,  but none of the suggested solutions have been
succesful. Therefore, I will explain the problem again. Basically, the mouse
is only marginally recognized: sometimes, if I move it, the cursor appears
for a while, but it doesn't move. Some other times, it moves far too fast,
rendering it useless.

   Since with my old VGA card, the mouse works great, and it works fine
under Windows with the new card, I am at a loss here. My BIOS settings have
a com1 at 0x3f8, irq 4, and a non-PnP OS, automatic IRQ assignation and
resetting enabled. It's one of this Award PnP BIOS's you seem to get
everywhere these days.

   Yesterday, I got hold of a matrox millenium gfx card, and swapped my S3
ViRGE for it. The problem stays with the new card, and the card doesn't work

   I read that there might be something to do in /etc/vga/libvga.config, but
I've tinkered about with that to no avail.

   I'd be *REALLY* grateful if anyonce could send me some information (or to
the list), as I can't use either gpm or X, and I need to get to X to finish
some work

   Thanks a lot.
Jose L Gomez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

RE: Invisible files smbfs W95

1999-02-02 Thread Dan Willard
 It could be, there were problems with the orignal win95 tcp/ip stack.
Supposedly service pack 1 takes care of this (or just install one of the
later versions,  there are five versions of 95).


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 1999 1:22 AM
 To:   Jiri Baum
 Subject:  Re: Invisible files smbfs W95
 Jiri Baum wrote:
  I have a weird ongoing problem: I connect to a W95 box, smbmount a
  but some files on the share do not show up on directory listings -
  though they are there, I can open them (from the Linux box), etc.
  files show up seems to change from session to session and sometimes
  listing to listing.
  Any suggestions, please?
  I connect to the Windows 95 [4.00.950] box over Ethernet and TCP/IP
  mount about a dozen filesystems from it. I have a mostly-hamm system
  1.9.18p8-2, smbfs 2.0.2-5, libc6 2.0.7t-1). Not sure what else is
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 This may have absolutely no bearing, but I used to see a similar
 thing on our network using only Windows. I never did find the
 cause/solution, because about that time we were getting new
 network equipment (converting to ATM) and transitioning to Win95
 from WFW, etc, and the problem went away. In other words, it
 might not be a samba/Linux issue; it might be a
 networking/Windows issue.
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1999-02-02 Thread Gunnar Schotta

What about a separate distribution of debian compiled with
pgcc (gcc which gives optimized code for pentium processors,
most applications should run 5%-30% faster)


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