Re: Tar y ficheros ocultos

1999-02-05 Thread benalb
On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:

 On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, benalb wrote:
  ¿Se puede usar tar para hacer backups de directorios con archivos ocultos?
  Por más que busco en el man no veo nada de dot files o hidden. 
  Un saludo
 Esta duda se soluciona con una sencillisima prueba de medio minuto.
tar cf /tmp/kk .
tar tf /tmp/kk | less
 Pues vaya parece si que los incluye.

Veamos, yo hice:
tar cvfz benjamin.tgz /home/benjamin/*
Y vaya, no los incluye.
Asi que sigo igual. Yo quiero un tgz de todo el directorio.

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Espacio disponible para publicidad 

PD: hay que tener cuidado con el sarcasmo en internet, puede ser muy mal
interpretado, y tomarse a mal. Un saludo

Re: iNet: conecto, obtengo una IP y ahora?

1999-02-05 Thread Hue-Bond
On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Jon Noble wrote:

Pues eso, que mi modem marca, linka, incluso obtengo las IP's local y
remota.Pero...¿y ahora? ¿Debo hacer algo más? Cuando obtengo las IP's,
arranco un browser, pero no es capaz de conectar con ninguna pagina (incluso
poniendola con direcciones IP: http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)

 Bien, entonces no es problema de resolución de nombres.

¿Alguien me puede
decir qué he de hacer ahora?

 Verifica   que   tienes   la   línea   defaultroute   en   el
 /etc/ppp/options o equivalente. Si no  la tienes, estás conectado y
 no quieres tirar con las 11.4 pelillas de turno ;-)  pon:

# route add default gw ip remota# (creo)

 Con los núcleos  2.2.x ya no hace falta poner  'route' al menos
 con los  interfaces eth*, pero  no sé cómo  estará el tema  con los
 ppp*, supongo que tendré que invertir 11.4 pelas para saberlo :-D.

 Ya contarás qué tal.

Yes. It really happened.

   --==[  Linux 2.2.1  ]==--Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: Tar y ficheros ocultos

1999-02-05 Thread Hue-Bond
On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:

Esta duda se soluciona con una sencillisima prueba de medio minuto.

   tar cf /tmp/kk .
   tar tf /tmp/kk | less

Pues vaya parece si que los incluye.

 De esa forma sí, pero no de esta otra:

$ mkdir -p prueba/pepe
$ cd prueba/
$ touch pepe/.holas
$ touch pepe/quetal
$ tar cf tar.tar pepe/*
$ tar tf tar.tar

 O sea,  que hay que  estar dentro  del directorio para  que los
 coja todos, incluidos los ocultos.


Yes. It really happened.

   --==[  Linux 2.2.1  ]==--Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

RE: ¿Callejón sin salida particionando?

1999-02-05 Thread Hue-Bond
On Wed, 3 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yo hago la partición del tipo 83, y luego mk2efs me da error. Por eso me
pensaba que no era de tipo ext2.

 Cuidado,  que  sospecho  que  mkfs  echa un  ojo  antes  en  el
 superbloque (no sé para qué).  Tienes que hacer un 'dd if=/dev/zero
 of=/dev/hd_loquesea bs=1k count=bloques' para dejarla en blanco.

 Los bloques te los da el fdisk.

Yes. It really happened.

   --==[  Linux 2.2.1  ]==--Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: sugerencias

1999-02-05 Thread Hue-Bond
On Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Felipe Sanchez wrote:

 Una pregunta : sabes donde encontrar los software equivalentes al:
 2.- Corel Draw

 Se dijo que saldría este verano...


Yes. It really happened.

   --==[  Linux 2.2.1  ]==--Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: 2 discos

1999-02-05 Thread Hue-Bond
On Wed, 3 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lo que hice fue crear primero (después de tropecientas pruebas) una
partición lógica (al principio pregunta si lógica o primaria) de ~3.2GB.  Al
intentar hacer una nueva partición, ya no pregunta si va a ser lógica o
primaria, sino si va a ser extendida o primaria... o sea, que una lógica es
como una primaria que se puede reparticionar en varias extendidas, y sólo se
puede crear UNA partición lógica.

 El  concepto  lo   tienes  bien,  pero  yo   siempre  he  visto
 intercambiados los términos  lógica y extendida, o  sea, que se
 puede  poner una  partición extendida  con varias  unidades lógicas
 dentro. Y en efecto, hdc1 no se puede montar.


Yes. It really happened.

   --==[  Linux 2.2.1  ]==--Linux Registered User no. 87069
 PGP Public key at

Re: Telnet en Slink

1999-02-05 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Enrique Zanardi wrote:
 On Thu, Feb 04, 1999 at 10:24:24AM -0200, Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez 
 Búsquedas en el contenido de la última versión, ¿correcto?
Correcto. Y mira lo que me devuelve cuando intento buscar
un paquete (este paquete ya lo he encontrado por mi cuenta.
Error: Bad data in libstdc++

Vaya! Menuda sorpresa. Debe ser por los caracteres ++
porque si busco sin estos caracteres (aunque sea un programa
o paquete inexistente) la cosa funciona.
Deberian decir por algun lado en esa pagina que caracteres
no pueden incluirse. Por otro lado, que pasa con los
programas en cuyo nombre entran los caracteres '+' o '.'

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Kernel 2.2 y smbfs- SOLUCIÓN

1999-02-05 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Hue-Bond wrote:
 On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])~$ mount -V
 mount: mount-2.8a
He mirado en rediris y no encuentro mas alla de la 2_71

Muchas gracias a toda la gente que ha contestado.

La solución para poder volver a montar discos de SMB pasa por instalar
el samba 2.0 y usar las utilidades de que dispone.

Por cierto estas utilidades se usan de una forma completamente
diferente a la que estabamos acostumbrados.

Si quereis mas información buscar en por las palabras
'2.2 kernel SMB 6'

Gracias otra vez.

Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de

Re: CD 3: contrib

1999-02-05 Thread Francisco Callejo
On Thu, Feb 04, 1999 at 08:35:56AM +0100, Marcelino Valles wrote:
 ¿Como puedo instalar el CD 3 de la distribucion Hamm?.
 Creo que con dselect no es posible.

Deberías especificar qué es lo que hay en ese CD 3.  En la
distribución que yo utilizo (la de Datom), el tercer CD son los
fuentes (source).  Esos paquetes no se pueden instalar con dselect ni
dpkg.  Para cada paquete hay tres ficheros, con extensiones .tar.gz,
.diff y .dsc.  Para instalarlos debes hacer lo siguiente:

- Sitúate en el directorio donde quieras desempaquetar las fuentes.
  (Por ejemplo, /tmp).
- Ejecuta dpkg-source -x ruta/fichero.dsc

Se creará un directorio con el nombre paquete-version (por ejemplo,
bibindex-2.8) en el que tienes todo el árbol de fuentes con el
directorio debian incluido.  Puedes entonces modificar lo que haga
falta y reconstruir el paquete con build (del paquete devscripts).

Un saludo,
Francisco Callejo Giménez
Bornos, Cádiz, España

Re: Tar y ficheros ocultos

1999-02-05 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 yo hice:
 tar cvfz benjamin.tgz /home/benjamin/*
 Y vaya, no los incluye. Yo quiero un tgz de todo el directorio.

tar cvfz benjamin.tgz /home/benjamin/

Jaime Villate

Re: Informacion: Acentos en emacs

1999-02-05 Thread Jose Marin
On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Jaime E. Villate wrote:

 Cuando uno trabaja en emacs, si la fecha del ratón se sale
 de la ventana del texto, los acentos dejan de funcionar.
 Si por ejemplo intento escribir á y el cursor está
 por fuera, oigo un pito al oprimir ' y la a queda sin tilde.
 Lo mismo me ha pasado en hamm y slink, usando emacs20
 Será un bug de emacs? y será que lo mismo pasa con otras

Creo que es culpa de emacs, porque a mí ya me pasaba esto incluso bajo
Slackware, hace más de 3 años.

Pero vamos, tampoco es para tanto, supongo que esto no llega a la
categoría de bug.


Dept of Maths   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, U.K.
Phone: +44 131 4513230
Fax: +44 131 451 3249

Former address:  Dept. de Física de la Materia Condensada
 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza
 50009 Zaragoza, SPAIN


1999-02-05 Thread Fernando
Hola de nuevo:
Hace un par de dias pedi ayuda sobre el smail. He recibido alguna
pero sigue sin funcionar. Os dare mas datos.

Estoy en una tipica red local, con ip
Existe una maquina o o
 con ip con la que tengo configurado netscape y funciona.

Existe con ip 
desde mi casa me bajo el correo de esta maquina. (tambien es servidor

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40
byte packets
 1 (  2.735 ms  2.52 ms  2.513 ms
 2 (  41.027 ms  50.75 ms  40.859 ms
 3 (  51.692 ms *  51.426 ms

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1 (  96.433 ms  74.248 ms  8.685 ms
 2 (  48.901 ms  58.702 ms  48.785 ms
 3 (  115.545 ms *  60.446 ms
 4 (  66.375 ms *  60.418 ms

os adjunto los ficheros de /etc/smail/ y /etc/resolv.conf

el problema es que no puedo mandar correo a ninguna direccion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
y si a otras maquinas de internet (usando mail logicamente, no netscape)

Puse en ya que si no existia el host en
no enviaba los mensajes.

he puesto en ya que si no pongo telsis2
envia mensajes a nadie

(celemin logicamente es un nombre arbitrario solo conocido por mi host)
(he probado poniendo otras maquinas en vez de pero tampoco


02/05/1999 08:52:16: [m108g37-000YkkC] Delivered
02/05/1999 08:52:16: [m108g37-000YkkC] Completed.
02/05/1999 10:03:03: [m107y3O-000YkjC] Deferred TO:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ROUTER:inet_hosts TRANSPORT:smtp ERROR:(ERR151) transport smtp: 421
Invalid host(, closing connection

¿Cual es el problema ?
Alguien con alguna configuracion parecida podria enviarme sus archivos



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.# This is the main Smail configuration file.
# Debian Config Version 2
# It was originally generated by `smailconfig', part of the Smail package
# distributed with Debian, but it may edited by the mail system administrator.
# It was originally generated by smailconfig at Thu Nov 26 14:27:31 CET 1998
# Please modify the above line, if you change this file by hand.
# See smail-config (5) for details of the things that can be configured here.



# Debian Config Version 2.1
#   --Begin---
# You really should know what you do here!
#WARNING:  You will have to add a correct local definition for
#smtp_remote_allow if you have many local networks, or unset it
#if you wish to disable this feature (default).
#WARNING:  The current implementation of this feature blocks
#relay from incoming SMTP to *any* outgoing transport.  This
#means that even UUCP gateways require explicit permission if
#this feature is enabled.  
# it's no longer off by default, so all hosts can relay mails over this host.
# as internet get more and more on the dark side  
# only mails from the localnet are relayed

#   This flag tells smail to verify the hostnames given in
#   HELO or EHLO SMTP commands.
# it's off by default
# example to switch it on:

# more  helo/ehlo verify switches, see manpages for details

#   A colon-separated list of host IP patterns that are
#   allowed to deliver mail even though they have broken
#   DNS or give incorrect or invalid HELO or EHLO SMTP
#   greetings.
# it's off by default, which mean smtp_hello_broken_allow=*
# example to switch it on:

# Vixie / MAPS RBL (
# switch to turn on the Mail Abuse Protection System (MAPS)
# it's off by default
# example to switch it on:
#vixie_rbl_force_allow=[your local ip#]

# Do not do dns lookups for MAIL FROM: address
# This is debian-Smail only feature... it WILL BE DELETED in the future
# It's only use is for local systems with no working dns System
# It's off by default
# example to switch it on:

received_field=Received: ${if def:sender_host\
 {from $sender_host${if def:sender_host_addr\

Re: Alguien sabe como añadir fuentes a Staroffice y que se impriman con Ghotscript?

1999-02-05 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Me imagino que lo que pasa es que ya le has dicho a StarOffice donde
encontrar la fuente de blippo pero problablemente en algun fichero
de configuración se le tiene que decir que en el fichero postcript
que crea debe no solo hacer referencia a blippo sino también incluir
una copia, que debe ser lo que hace con las otras fuentes que usa.

En vez de intentar descubrir como congiurar StarOffice, te aconsejo que
configures ghostscript para usar los freefonts lo cual será útil
para otros programas (gimp es otra historia que podemos abordar en otro
e-mail). Los pasos son los siguientes:

1) Crea el fichero Fontmap para los freefonts, que puede estar separado
del Fontmap original y en el propio directorio:
en este fichero debe decir el nombre verdadero de cada font y el
archivo donde está (para ahorrarte trabajo, te incluyo el Fontmap al

2) Llama a gs con la opción:
o mejor todavia, para no tener que usar siempre esa opción, define la
variable de estado GS_LIB:
   export GS_LIB=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/freefont
por ejemplo en el .bash_profile

y ya está. Puedes comprobar que gs ya reconoce a blippo:

GS /Blippo-Heavy findfont
Loading Blippo-Heavy font from
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/freefont/blippo.pfb... 1923476 593090 1309076
23354 0 done.

Jaime Villate

(perdonen los no-interesados las 81 lineas que vienen a continuación)

% Fichero /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/freefont/Fontmap
% Jaime Villate [EMAIL PROTECTED]  5-Feb-99
/Agate-Bold  (agateb.pfb)   ;
/Agate-Normal-Italic (agatei.pfb)   ;
/Ann-Stone   (ans.pfb)  ;
/Baskerville-Normal  (baskvl.pfb)   ;
/Baskerville-Bold(baskvlb.pfb)  ;
/Baskerville-Normal-Italic   (baskvli.pfb)  ;
/Becker-Medium   (becker.pfb)   ;
/Blippo-Heavy(blippo.pfb)   ;
/Bodoni-Normal   (bodoni.pfb)   ;
/Bodoni-Bold (bodonib.pfb)  ;
/Bodoni-Normal-Italic(bodonii.pfb)  ;
/ArnoldBoecklin-ExtraBold(boecklin.pfb) ;
/Braille-HC  (brahc___.pfb) ;
/Brushstroke (brushstr.pfb) ;
/Caligula(calig___.pfb) ;
/Sinaloa (capri.pfb);
/CarrickCaps (carrickc.pfb) ;
/Cheq(cheq.pfb) ;
/ClassicHeavy-Light  (classhvy.pfb) ;
/Cooper-Heavy(cooprblk.pfb) ;
/Coronet-SemiBold-Italic (coronet.pfb)  ;
/CracklingFire   (crf_.pfb) ;
/Crillee (crillee.pfb)  ;
/CuneiFont-Light (cunei.pfb);
/DavysBigKeyCaps (dabkc___.pfb) ;
/Dobkin-Script   (dos_.pfb) ;
/Dragonwick  (dragonwi.pfb) ;
/Elizabeth-ANN   (elann___.pfb) ;
/Engraver-Light  (engravrl.pfb) ;
/Eras-Normal (eras.pfb) ;
/Eras-Bold   (erasb.pfb);
/Eras-Black-SemiBold (erasblkb.pfb) ;
/Eras-Light-Light(eraselt.pfb)  ;
/Eras-UltraBlk-Heavy (erasltra.pfb) ;
/Eras-Medium-Medium  (erasmed.pfb)  ;
/Florence-Light  (florence.pfb) ;
/FrizQuadrata-Thin   (frquad.pfb)   ;
/FrizQuadrata-Bold   (frquadb.pfb)  ;
/Futura_Poster-Light (ftpstrps.pfb) ;
/Garamond-Medium-Italic  (garmndmi.pfb) ;
/GenoaItalic (genoaita.pfb) ;
/GenoaRoman  (genoarom.pfb) ;
/GoodCityModern  (gocmase_.pfb) ;
/Goudy-Old-Style-Normal  (goudyo.pfb)   ;
/Goudy-Old-Style-Bold(goudyob.pfb)  ;
/Goudy-Old-Style-Normal-Italic   (goudyoi.pfb)  ;
/IglooLaser  (igloolas.pfb) ;
/Linotext(linotext.pfb) ;
/Luxembourg  (luxembrg.pfb) ;
/Manzanita   (manzanit.pfb) ;
/MazamaPlain (mazama.pfb)   ;
/Muriel  (muriel.pfb)   ;
/Old-Town(old_town.pfb) ;
/Old-TownCnd-Normal  (oldcnd_r.pfb) ;
/Old-TownExt-Normal  (oldext_r.pfb) ;
/Old-Town-Normal (oldtwn_r.pfb) ;
/OSWALDblack (oswaldbl.pfb) ;


1999-02-05 Thread Fernando

hola de nuevo:

Acabo de hacer dos pruebas.

que ha fracasado por usuario desconocido y sin embargo responde al


que ha funcionado

¿ por que no puedo enviar a [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?


   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: 2 discos

1999-02-05 Thread homega
Hue-Bond dixit:
 On Wed, 3 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Lo que hice fue crear primero (después de tropecientas pruebas) una
 partición lógica (al principio pregunta si lógica o primaria) de ~3.2GB.  Al
 intentar hacer una nueva partición, ya no pregunta si va a ser lógica o
 primaria, sino si va a ser extendida o primaria... o sea, que una lógica es
 como una primaria que se puede reparticionar en varias extendidas, y sólo se
 puede crear UNA partición lógica.
  El  concepto  lo   tienes  bien,  pero  yo   siempre  he  visto
  intercambiados los términos  lógica y extendida, o  sea, que se
  puede  poner una  partición extendida  con varias  unidades lógicas
  dentro. Y en efecto, hdc1 no se puede montar.

Es posible que fuera al revés, ahora no recuerdo.  Lo que si es seguro (y
molesto) es que sólo se puede crear una partición reparticionable.
Por cierto que en una de ellas, hdc5, he puesto el directorio raíz de un SO
Linux, pero no puedo hacerlo que arranque desde LILO.  ¿Se debe a que no es
una partición de tipo Linux primaria, o a que está en el disco secundario?

Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

StarOffice, Postscript y colores

1999-02-05 Thread hypatia

He estado batallando con las impresiones en staroffice, pero no logro
que imprima a colores. 

Se trata de una HP DeskJet 6xx, la configuro en el filtro
correspondiente y mando 
paginas postscript de prueba, como tiger, escher, etc, y salen muy bien
con colores.

La salida del staroffice es siempre en postscript, hasta ahora lo he
probado con la impresora generica. Todas las impresoras que tiene
definidas el SO son postscript.

En la pantalla puedo ver los chart a colores, pero cuando lo mando a
imprimir sale en blanco y negro. 

Hice una prueba, mandando la salida postscript a un archivo para leerlo
en ghostscript, lo curioso es que puedo ver el chart en colores, pero al
mandarlo imprimir desde el mismo ghostscript, la impresion sale en
blanco y negro. :o

Alguien que sepa un poquillo de postscript, por favor, me puede decir
que se le tiene que cambiar al archivo ps para que respete los colores? 

De antemano muchas gracias. 


Re: StarOffice, Postscript y colores

1999-02-05 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 Hice una prueba, mandando la salida postscript a un archivo para leerlo
 en ghostscript, lo curioso es que puedo ver el chart en colores, pero al
 mandarlo imprimir desde el mismo ghostscript, la impresion sale en
 blanco y negro. :o

Puede ser que el fichero este definido como postscript nivel 1 y no un
nivel superior. Si me mandas una copia del fichero postscript
te pueda ayudar. O si es un fichero muy personal, por lo menos manda la
parte inicial (hasta donde dice %%Page: 1 1, o algo asi).



1999-02-05 Thread Jose Mari Mor Fabregat
Habeis podido instalar la Staroffice 5.1
Yo no, tal como arranca el programa de instalación, las
X se quedan congeladas, incluso todo el sistema, teniendo
que apagar el equipo.
He oido rumores que tiene algún problema con el servidor
de la S3 Virge. ¿Sabeis algo de eso???

Debian hamm

Re: StarOffice, Postscript y colores

1999-02-05 Thread hypatia

 Puede ser que el fichero este definido como postscript nivel 1 y no un
 nivel superior. Si me mandas una copia del fichero postscript
 te pueda ayudar. O si es un fichero muy personal, por lo menos manda la
 parte inicial (hasta donde dice %%Page: 1 1, o algo asi).

Hice una pequeña prueba, el archivo no es muy largo, es una pequeña
grafica con una cubica color rosa y una lineal azul. 

Gracias por la ayuda.
Description: PostScript document

Re: StarOffice, Postscript y colores

1999-02-05 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 Hice una pequeña prueba, el archivo no es muy largo, es una pequeña
 grafica con una cubica color rosa y una lineal azul.
Hola hypatia:
Pues aunque solo podré comprobarlo hoy por la noche en casa donde tengo
impresora a colores, seguro que el problema es esa linea que dice:

%%LanguageLevel: 1

que hace que ghostscript entre en nivel 1 (sin colores). No sé
porque hará eso StarOffice, ni como decirle que no lo haga, pero puedes
crear un filtro que lo corrija:
  awk '$0!~/%%LanguageLevel/' |lpr


Re: StarOffice, Postscript y colores

1999-02-05 Thread hypatia
 Hola hypatia:

Hola Jaime :)

 Pues aunque solo podré comprobarlo hoy por la noche en casa donde tengo
 impresora a colores, seguro que el problema es esa linea que dice:
 %%LanguageLevel: 1
 que hace que ghostscript entre en nivel 1 (sin colores). No sé
 porque hará eso StarOffice, ni como decirle que no lo haga, pero puedes
 crear un filtro que lo corrija:
   awk '$0!~/%%LanguageLevel/' |lpr
Pues ya con la pista que distes me he animado a huronear un poco
(Gracias Jaime, no se nada de postscript): 

Revisando la salida postscript del StarOffice, se ve que es producida
por un paquete Xprinter de WindU, que es un api para migrar programas
hechos en windows a unix. El hecho es que Xprinter permite mandar
postscript a la impresora tal cual lo haria Xlib. 

Dentro del directorio donde se instalo el staroffice, hay uno que se
llama xp3, el cual tiene  el archivo de default para la configuracion de
las impresoras, mismo que se edita con el programita psetup. 

Ahi mismo hay otro directorio con las ¿Definiciones de impresora?, son
unos archivos ps con nombres mnemonicos de cada impresora, me imagino
que se adicionan a cada impresion que se genera. 

Curiosamente, la definicion GENERIC.PS apunta a una HPIIP. Bien, he
modificado en dicho archivo la linea correspondiente al LanguajeLevel,
de 1 a 2, la he quitado, pero el resultado sigue siendo el mismo: no
imprime a colores.

Mucho agradecere a quien pueda bribçndarme una mano.


Re: StarOffice, Postscript y colores

1999-02-05 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 Curiosamente, la definicion GENERIC.PS apunta a una HPIIP. Bien, he
 modificado en dicho archivo la linea correspondiente al LanguajeLevel,
 de 1 a 2, la he quitado, pero el resultado sigue siendo el mismo: no
 imprime a colores.
Pues me parece que te has respondido a tu pregunta. El HPIIP.PS es para
una impresora en blanco y negro y tiene también las opciones:
*ColorDevice: False
*DefaultColorSpace: Gray

Modifica el GENERIC.PS y ponle:

*Include: .HPDJ1200.PS

que esa si es una impresora a colores.

Re: Fwd: Re: Tamaño imagenes en Tex

1999-02-05 Thread Jose Marin
On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Dani Nebot wrote:

 A la primera pregunta, adaptar Lyx a estilos, recibi 4 respuestas en
 menos de media hora !!!
 A la segunda, resizear imagenes, recibi 10 respuestas a lo largo del 
 dia, y todas ellas diferentes.
 Al final opte por la de David Cabrero Souto por ser la mas sencilla
 y rapida para mi humilde documento.

Todas las respuestas estaban bien y te dan una solucion, pero la mejor es
la que te recomienda utilizar el paquete graphics o graphicx (no me
acuerdo si era el mensaje de David). Resulta que estos dos paquetes no son
sino un wrapper de alto nivel para las antiguos macros epsf y psfig.
Pero de todas formas, si utilizas Latex2e, lo mas kosher es utilizar el
interface del paquete graphics (o graphicx), ya que la implementacion de
bajo nivel basada en los macros epsf puede que cambie en un futuro.

En resumidas cuentas,


y alla donde incluyas un grafico, pon algo asi como:


(En los corchetes van las opciones, que son casi todas las mismas que
tenia el antiguo paquete psfig).

Toda la informacion esta en la documentacion base del Latex2e, porque el
paquete graphics ya forma parte oficial de Latex2e. Buscalo haciendo un

(o locate grfguide.dvi)


Dept of Maths   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS, U.K.
Phone: +44 131 4513230
Fax: +44 131 451 3249

Former address:  Dept. de Física de la Materia Condensada
 Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Zaragoza
 50009 Zaragoza, SPAIN


1999-02-05 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Estimados Linuxeros.

Estoy instalando el oracle 8 que viene el linux actual en debian 2.0 .
Me encuentro ante lo siguiente:

1) creo un usuario con useradd oracle
2) creo un grupo con groupadd dba
3) con el mc ya que con otro no sé vinculo con chown el usuario oracle con
4) gracias a un internauta (correcaminos), me dijo que editara etc/profile y
pusiera una serie de export.
5) tambien hago ln -s /bin/sh a usr/bin/sh para que lo demas funcione.
6) hasta aquí todo bien.
7) entro como root y ejecuto /cdrom/orainst/

Y me dice que la variable groups es de solo lectura, uso el bash. Cambio a
ash o csh y lo mismo.

Tambien edito el y quito la variable groups y me dice que oracle
no es un usuario de dba.

Por favor, ruego que el que sepa algo me indique un saludo a todos y gracias
por todo.

Un saludo Angel

Re: Tar y ficheros ocultos

1999-02-05 Thread benalb
On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Jaime E. Villate wrote:

  yo hice:
  tar cvfz benjamin.tgz /home/benjamin/*
  Y vaya, no los incluye. Yo quiero un tgz de todo el directorio.
 tar cvfz benjamin.tgz /home/benjamin/
 Jaime Villate

Y tan fácil. Y mira que me estuve rompiendo la cabeza. 

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Espacio disponible para publicidad 

Re: Tar y ficheros ocultos

1999-02-05 Thread benalb
On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia wrote:

 Tu fallo es poner el *. `*' es un comodín o meta-carácter que interpreta
 el xel como cualquier conjunto de caracteres excepto el punto inicial.
 Prueba un echo * y verás lo que te muestra. Pues eso mismo es la lista
 que le has pasado a tar. Si le hubieras puesto solamente el directorio, ya
 tar metería *todos* los ficheros de él, incluyendo subdirectorios.

Vicios que me quedan de otros sistemas aperitivos. ;-)

  PD: hay que tener cuidado con el sarcasmo en internet, puede ser muy mal
  interpretado, y tomarse a mal. Un saludo
 Contra el mosqueo, pastillas Timoteo. :-) 

Recibido :-)

Benjamín Albiñana Pérez
Linux User Nº78177
Espacio disponible para publicidad 

Re: tocando la cage

1999-02-05 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
Muchas gracias a todos por vuestra en especial a  Sergio Rael y Jose

En realida tenia varios problemas :

El primero es que por alguna razón se me habian mezclado versiones de
KBD y KBD-data,  

El segundo tenia que ver con mi buena vista y mi gran nivel de

 ¿A tí te funciona bien así?, yo tengo: LANG=es_ES.ISO-8859-1

y el tercero con un descuido de colocar una variable de entorno para
poder ejecutar ciertas aplicaciones correctamente (dselect, etc.)


Asi ahora ya dispongo de acentos y estoy contento :) (se nota)

Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de


1999-02-05 Thread Jesús Pérez Franco - PROVISIONAL

  Hola, soy un estudiante de la Escuela Superior de Ingenieria de Cadiz
y estoy realizando el proyecto de fin de carrera utilizando la libreria
XFORMS. No encuentro los ejemplos (DEMOS) sobre la herramienta fdesign 
que aparencian en la verison Debian/GNU Linux 1.3.1 en la nueva version 
Debian/GNU Linux 2.0. En que paquete puedo encontrarlos ? Gracias.

FWD: debian's hamm, (x)quake and __errno_location

1999-02-05 Thread Joey Hess
If anyone knows anything about this, I'm stumped.

- Forwarded message from Morgan Larch [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 14:48:08 -0500
From: Morgan Larch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: _
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.5 [en] (X11; I; Linux 2.0.34 i686)
Subject: debian's hamm, (x)quake and __errno_location

I don't know where else to ask ...

Maybe you can enlighten me as to the what/wherefore/why of this
persistent __errno_location problem as I found it trying to 
install/run xquake 09-1.0-7 quake-lib-stub 1.0. I got the 
deb's installed ok and I have a Commercial release of Quake
on a local file system but trying to run quake I get the 
error message: can't resolve symbol '__errno_location'. 

This has stooped me from getting several packages up and here
with quake it is happening again. Is there a way to fix this ?
Just what is broken ? Did I miss an APB ? Is hamm broken ?

Hoping you can help, Sincerely,

Morgan Larch

- End forwarded message -

see shy jo

exim: socket bind () failed

1999-02-05 Thread Frederick Page

Hi all,

sorry to bother you again with another exim-question, I already RTFM, also  
several howtos but could not find anything (/var/logs/exim/mainlog),  
everything seems to work, but those messages keep popping up:

1999-02-04 23:43:16 socket bind() to port 25 for address (any) failed:
Address already in use: waiting before trying again
1999-02-04 23:43:46 socket bind() (...)
1999-02-04 23:44:16 socket bind() (...)
1999-02-04 23:53:00 Start queue run: pid=180
1999-02-04 23:53:00 End queue run: pid=180

Several hours pass, exim delivers email, gets email, but then again, those  
socket bind msgs come up again. Doesn't seem to do anything bad, but exim  
keeps writing those msgs in it's paniclog and it ennoys me.

To be more specific: I run Kernel 2.0.34 (Hamm) and the official  
distribution 2.0 from Linux Press. Also UUCP and EXIM from that  
distribution (installed the binaries, did not compile).

My /etc/exim.conf looks like this (only relevant parts):

# Transport
  driver = pipe
  user = nobody
  command = uux --stdin --nouucico --requestor \
'${if eq {$sender_address}{}{mailer-daemon}{$sender_address}}' \
$host!rmail $pipe_addresses
  return_fail_output = true

# Router
  driver = domainlist
  transport = uucp_rmail
  route_list = * downtown

The rest is more or less defaults. As I said: it seems to work fine, it  
just complains but does everything I want.

Kind regards Frederick

Re: Having Apt save packages in local hierarchy.

1999-02-05 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Christopher R. Barry wrote:

 Whenever Apt fetches new packages, is there a way for it to save them?
 Preferably, if Apt could understand the local directory hierarchy and
 automatically put them in their place that would be wonderful.

By default it does save them in a nice format that it can make easy use
of. The dselect method by default erases, but in APTv3 this is

I don't really see a huge use in saving to a local heigharchy, why would
you want that over a flat directory? 


RE: apt-get update failing

1999-02-05 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks to Nils and Jason for the *really* fast replies ...
 Just upgraded to apt_0.1.10 from potato - same problem.  Looks like there
 are a few others out there seeing the same thing.

master{root}~#apt-get update
Get file:/debian/debian/ dists/proposed-updates/ Packages
Get file:/debian/debian/ slink/contrib Packages
Get file:/debian/debian/ slink/main Packages
Get unstable/non-US Packages
Get file:/debian/debian/ slink/non-free Packages 
Get file:/debian/debian/ stable/contrib Packages 
Get file:/debian/debian/ stable/main Packages
Get file:/debian/debian/ stable/non-free Packages
Fetched 41.3k in 0s (50.1k/s)
Updating package file cache...done
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
master{root}~#apt-get | head --lines 1
apt 0.1.5 for i386 compiled on Jul 23 1998  22:05:22 

Hmm.. Are you sure you package files are not corrupted? 


Re: Having Apt save packages in local hierarchy.

1999-02-05 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Christopher,

you wrote on: 04 Feb 99 at 15:53 (received 05.02.99)
about   : _Having Apt save packages in local hierarchy._

Whenever Apt fetches new packages, is there a way for it to save them?

Yes, I believe so. Sorry, I don't know the exact syntax, but remember to  
have read it with man apt-get. There is an option, that makes apt just  
download the files, without installing them.

Preferably, if Apt could understand the local directory hierarchy and
automatically put them in their place that would be wonderful.

I dunno where apt stores those files, but there's a way to find out :-)

Kind regardsFrederick

HELP! (Trouble installing token ring card)

1999-02-05 Thread Michael D. Cencula
I recently installed a token ring card in my debian system (in addition to
my ethernet card).  To do this, I added the line:


to my /etc/modules file.  Afterwards, the system has displayed the following
during bootup:

tr0: ISA 16/4 Adapter/II found using irq 7, PIOaddr  a24, 16K shared RAM.
tr0: Hardware address : 10:00:5A:74:14:65

It seems that the O/S is loading the token ring module and is able to see
the card, but when I use ifconfig to assign an IP address (or  make the card
active using ifconfig tr0 up), the process that is running ifconfig hangs.
This is what I get when I do ifconfig -a:

loLink encap:Local Loopback
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:30 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:30 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:1B:48:CD:17
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:24 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:33 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Interrupt:10 Base address:0x360

tr0   Link encap:16/4 Mbps TR  HWaddr 10:00:5A:74:14:65
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  BROADCAST  MTU:2000  Metric:1
  RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Interrupt:7 Base address:0xa24

The other interface (my ethernet card) is working fine.  If someone has a
suggestion about how to get this thing up and running, I'd sure like to hear
it.  I'm stumped!

Michael D. Cencula

Kernel 2.2.1.

1999-02-05 Thread Chris Wong

I'm having troubles. I've just compiled the 2.2.1 kernel, and everything
seems to be okay when compiling. But, when I restart my machine, it
complains when it loads my modules. It says that my

/lib/modules/2.2.1/modules.dep is empty!

That file should have info on my ip_alias, cdrom, and nic.. but, how do
I get it to work?..

Why would this happen?

AD Digital Media Inc. (c) 1999

Re: Having Apt save packages in local hierarchy.

1999-02-05 Thread Jolyon Suthers
you wrote on: 04 Feb 99 at 15:53 (received 05.02.99)
about   : _Having Apt save packages in local hierarchy._

Whenever Apt fetches new packages, is there a way for it to save them
Yes, I believe so. Sorry, I don't know the exact syntax, but remember to
have read it with man apt-get. There is an option, that makes apt just
download the files, without installing them.
If you just run the apt-get command by itself, eg apt-get dselect-upgrade
then it downloads and installs the files, but doesn't delete them.
I recommend using the apt-get -fd dselect-upgrade command. This doesn't
install the packages, just downloads them.

Preferably, if Apt could understand the local directory hierarchy and
automatically put them in their place that would be wonderful.
I dunno where apt stores those files, but there's a way to find out :-)
The packages end up in /var/cache/apt/archives partially downloaded
files go into /var/cache/apt/archives/partial it doesn't save the directory
structure though, so if want to maintain a local directory hierachy and use
apt you'll have to manually sort the files.


Re: Kernel 2.2.1.

1999-02-05 Thread Jolyon Suthers
 I'm having troubles. I've just compiled the 2.2.1 kernel, and everything
seems to be okay when compiling. But, when I restart my machine, it
complains when it loads my modules. It says that my

/lib/modules/2.2.1/modules.dep is empty!

That file should have info on my ip_alias, cdrom, and nic.. but, how do
I get it to work?..

Why would this happen?
Have you regenerated your module dependencies, using the depmod -a



1999-02-05 Thread cooking

Hi to all ! can someone tell me what and where a goo d ICQ for my Deb box would 
be :-) Thankyou

Re: ICQ???

1999-02-05 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 Hi to all ! can someone tell me what and where a goo d ICQ for my Deb box 
 would be :-) Thankyou

That depends what you want to get. Many ICQ clones are at


* Windows? What Windows?*
* I may have missed it...   *
* It can't be a latest Linux* 
* version, can it?  *
* UIN 12402354  *
*   *

Re: Having Apt save packages in local hierarchy.

1999-02-05 Thread John Hasler
Christopher R. Barry writes:
 Whenever Apt fetches new packages, is there a way for it to save them?

Look in /var/cache/apt/archives/ .

 Preferably, if Apt could understand the local directory hierarchy and
 automatically put them in their place that would be wonderful.

I don't understand what you mean by this.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Can a keyboard pretend to be a mouse?

1999-02-05 Thread Eric House
I'm looking for a bit of software that'll let me use a combination of
key strokes (in X) where a mouse is called for.  Numberpad '6' moves
pointer to the right; '5' simulates a click -- that kind of thing.

Some apps don't provide keyboard equivalents for all user actions, and
my laptop mouse is a royal pain to use on airplanes.

Even the Mac did this years ago, so I'm hopeful.


--Eric House

|from the desktop of: Eric House, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
|The instructions said 'Win98 or better' -- so I installed Linux|

Re: Can a keyboard pretend to be a mouse?

1999-02-05 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999 17:54:49 -0800 (PST), Eric House wrote:

I'm looking for a bit of software that'll let me use a combination of
key strokes (in X) where a mouse is called for.  Numberpad '6' moves
pointer to the right; '5' simulates a click -- that kind of thing.

X does this already.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


User names.

1999-02-05 Thread Chris Wong

For Debian, user names are limited to 8 characters.. as well
as the passwords. How can this be, lengthened? ... as well as long
email addreses? ie:



AD Digital Media Inc. (c) 1999

Squid not starting/stopping correctly

1999-02-05 Thread Mike Orr
My new version of squid is not starting or stopping properly.  However, it
seems to run OK.

ii  squid   2.1.2-1Internet Object Cache (WWW proxy cache)
ii  squid-cgi   2.1.2-1Squid cache manager CGI program
ii  squidclient 2.1.2-1Command line URL extractor that talks to (a)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/modutils# /etc/init.d/squid start
Starting proxy server: squid.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/modutils# /etc/init.d/squid stop 
Stopping proxy server: Waiting 
. Failed.. done.

(Of course, it takes two minutes for the stop script to time out.)

Adding the -x option to the top of the script to show the commands executed:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/modutils# /etc/init.d/squid start
+ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
+ DAEMON=/usr/lib/squid/RunCache
+ SQUID=/usr/sbin/squid
+ LIB=/usr/lib/squid
+ PIDFILE=/var/run/
+ SPIDFILE=/var/run/
+ '[' -x /usr/sbin/squid ']'
+ echo -n 'Starting proxy server: '
Starting proxy server: + start
+ cd /var/spool/squid
+ start-stop-daemon --quiet --start --pidfile /var/run/ --exec 
/usr/lib/squid/RunCache -- -D -sNY
+ sleep 2
+ echo squid.
+ exit 0

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/modutils# date  [exit=0] [tty=p2] [ 
Thu Feb  4 18:22:06 PST 1999
Thu Feb  4 18:22:06 PST 1999
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/modutils# ls -l /var/run/{runcache,squid}.pid
-rw-r--r--   1 root root5 Feb  4 18:21 /var/run/
-rw-r--r--   1 root proxy   5 Feb  4 18:21 /var/run/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/modutils# cat /var/run/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/modutils# cat /var/run/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/modutils# ps aux|egrep '1906|1912'
proxy 1912  1.6  3.9  6896  5008  p2 S N  18:21   0:01 squid -D -sNY 
root  1906  0.1  0.6  1640   856  p2 S N  18:21   0:00 sh /usr/lib/squid/Run
root  1944  0.0  0.2   848   348  p2 S N  18:23   0:00 egrep 1906|1912 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/doc/modutils#  /etc/init.d/squid stop
+ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
+ DAEMON=/usr/lib/squid/RunCache
+ SQUID=/usr/sbin/squid
+ LIB=/usr/lib/squid
+ PIDFILE=/var/run/
+ SPIDFILE=/var/run/
+ '[' -x /usr/sbin/squid ']'
+ echo -n 'Stopping proxy server: '
Stopping proxy server: + stop verbose
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/
+ start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ --exec 
+ sleep 2
++ pidof -o %PPID -o 1945 /usr/sbin/squid
+ '[' '894 893 892 891 890 865 864 863 862 861 836 835 834 833 832 807 806 805 
804 803 778 777 776 775 774 749 748 747 746 745 653 652 651 650 649 624 623 622 
621 620 595 594 593 592 591 566 565 564 563 562 537 536 535 508 507 506 505 504 
468 467 466 465 464 534 533 413 412 411 410 384 383 382 381 380 409 346 345 344 
343 342 289 288 287 286 285 254 253 252 251 250 182 181 180 179 178' '!=' '' ']'
+ echo -n 'Waiting .'
Waiting .+ cnt=0
++ pidof -o %PPID -o 1945 /usr/sbin/squid
+ '[' '894 893 892 891 890 865 864 863 862 861 836 835 834 833 832 807 806 805 
804 803 778 777 776 775 774 749 748 747 746 745 653 652 651 650 649 624 623 622 
621 620 595 594 593 592 591 566 565 564 563 562 537 536 535 508 507 506 505 504 
468 467 466 465 464 534 533 413 412 411 410 384 383 382 381 380 409 346 345 344 
343 342 289 288 287 286 285 254 253 252 251 250 182 181 180 179 178' '!=' '' ']'
++ expr 0 + 1
+ cnt=1
+ '[' 1 -gt 60 ']'
+ sleep 2



Re: Meta and Alt keys

1999-02-05 Thread Tim Moore
 Rob Mahurin writes:

 On Wed, Feb 03, 1999 at 05:36:17PM -0700, Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
 Rob Mahurin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | I think it would be really handy to change my keymap (either in X
 | or the console, or both) so that Alt is an Alt key and the
 | useless Win95 Start key is a Meta key.
 Hmm, I thought this was the default. I seem to distinctly remember
 changing that around because I hated those d*mn Windows keys so
 much I removed them from my keyboard! I'm using slink on my main
 system so maybe that's the difference?

 I bet it is.  I'm running hamm.

Also, make sure that your XF86Config XkbModel parameter is set to

Tim Moore

Re: dpkg, apt, ftp

1999-02-05 Thread David B. Teague


Many thanks. I'm home free now.

I would have rtfm'd the man pages as is suggested by the dselect apt
methond, only it is a catch 22:  I don't have man pages because I can't
install, because I dont have the information in the man pages 

This helps, thanks.

All: there should be man pages in the base package -- if not full man
pages, and binaries, then certainly enough information that how to specify
an ftp login and password is clear. 

Debian GNU/Linux: Because reboots are for hardware and kernel upgrades.

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, David B. Teague wrote:
  Would some kind soul tell me how to specify an ftp login 
  and password when using dselect, apt-ftp access -- so I 
  can use this access method with my local archive.
 Hm, it should be
 ftp://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/debian
 Read the sources.list man page, it says exactly.

Re: fetchmail crashes

1999-02-05 Thread Tadeusz Bak

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:

 Fetchmail has been crashing on me recently.  The error is:
 fetchmail: reading message 11 of 120 (2244 bytes) . (log message incomplete)
 fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 : colon expected after 
 fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 mark : sender address must contain a domain
 fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from

I observe exactly the same in my system from time to time. I have 
Debian 2.0 (hamm) with fetchmail 4.3.9-1 and exim 2.05-1. Unfortunately I
have no idea how to fix it.


mutt with pgp support?

1999-02-05 Thread Chris Frost
Hash: SHA1

Does the mutt included with debian (hamm) include support for pgp v5 (or

I'm thinking of switching over to mutt from pine after hearing how many
people use it here, and after a day of fixing problems trying to get it to
compile on my boxes. :( If anyone here has used both mutt and pine, what
are the main things mutt offers over pine (besides the license); is there
anything which pine does better?

- Visit Me At -

   Public PGP Key:
 Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject retrieve pgpkey or

Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
Charset: noconv


Compiling a new kernel.

1999-02-05 Thread James R. Lunsford
I'd like to go from 2.0.34 to 2.0.35.   I'm moving kind of slow because
I'm using the SuSE 3DLabs xserver for my Creative Labs video card, and
I've heard that it won't work with kernels above 2.0.34 and I recently
heard that it WILL work with 2.0.35.

Anyway, I've had to recompile my existing kernel a few times, once for
sound and once for the hell of it, so I've done that.  But whenever I
did it I just changed to '/usr/src/linux' and did the 'make menuconfig'
config thing and configured the kernel.  I've got the 2.0.35 source and
I've got the updated kernel package for Debian but I noticed one thing:
/usr/src/linux is linked to the 2.0.34 directory.  Am I correct in
assuming that I have to relink /usr/src/linux to the 2.0.35 directory?

Anyway, can someone give me a down and dirty way to do this?  Also, what
are the steps for compiling a kernel?  I've done it before, but I'm a
scrap of paper kind of guy.  I jot down notes as I go along from
readmes, how-to's, whatever and at one time I had the process pretty
well described on 3 or 4 scraps of paper, but I think I'm missing a
scrap or two.  I promise if someone gives me the steps, I'll organize
them and keep 'em.  Or better yet, is the process described pretty well
in the readme's for the source (2.0.35)?  I'm pretty sure that that's
pretty close to the way that I did it the other 2 times, but the
procedure is described differently in the kernel package readmes.


James R. Lunsford
Email - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page -
ICQ   - 2114258

Re: Minicom problem

1999-02-05 Thread ktb

 Quoting ktb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Hi, I'm trying to use minicom to dial up my isp.  It dials and then asks
  for a login and password.  After I do this I get the following error:
  login: x
  PPP session from ( to

 Looks fine to me, so long as there's a time interval between the
 last two lines. You need to run pppconfig with the chat method
 of authentication. The when you type pon and it sees the ppp
 garbage (~y}#.!}!}!}~), it'll exchange LCP and you'll be on.

  If I put an S in front of my login name it takes me to a shell
  account.  I don't know what that is really but what I want is to be able
  to access the internet and use Netscape.

 Then you don't need the shell account, just the ppp connection.

  The reason I'm trying minicom
  is I'm having a modem problem when I use pon and poff; if you have
  been following the modem freezeup string you'll know what I'm talking
  about.  How do I get this to work?

 Tell pppconfig the username and password as above, using chat
 (not chap or pap) authentication.


 Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
 Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
 Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
 official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I feel bad that I can't get this figured out but I have reread the minicom man 
and I can't figure out how to log on to my isp with minicom.  I have rerun 
I put in in the first line, which is my default.  Using chat as
instructed.  Doing that I would think would rewrite the old file not just 
create a
new one.  I can get online with pon by itself ok.  When I use minicom it still
connects as I described in the message above.  When you said, when you type 
pon and
it sees the ppp
garbage (~y}#.!}!}!}~), it'll exchange LCP and you'll be on.  What did you 
What is LCP?  When I use minicom to dial my isp then I can't use pon; I get an 
message to the effect that, ttyS0 is being used, when I do so.  I don't 
this.  When I use minicom it is like I'm online but not online.  I pick up my 
and it sounds like I'm online but my email program (netscape) can't access 
mail, like
I'm not online.  Then after awhile the connection stops and then the message No
Carrier.   I could sure use some help.

Re: User names.

1999-02-05 Thread Noah L. Meyerhans

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Chris Wong wrote:

   For Debian, user names are limited to 8 characters.. as well
 as the passwords. How can this be, lengthened? ... as well as long
 email addreses? ie:

I don't know how you'd go about lengthening the user name limit (I get
the feeling it would require modification of several programs, though),
but I do know that the user name in those email addresses is not the acual
user name on the system.  They're aliases that redirect email to the
correct user account.  So you could log in as cw, but your email address
could be chris.wong.

Setting up an alias if you use smail as your MTA is easy. Just add a line
to /etc/aliases.  In my case, I added:
noah.meyerhans: frodo

So mail sent to noah.meyerhans goes to frodo.  This is often used as a
security mechanism: The actual user names are kept secret and only the
aliases are given out.  If a person doesn't know your login name, there's
far less of a likelyhood that they'll be able to use your account to break
into the system (in case you happen to have a weak password or something).


  PGP public key available at
  or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

  This message was composed in a 100% Microsoft free environment.

Version: 2.6.2


Re: netscape library dependencies?

1999-02-05 Thread Ed Cogburn
Chris Ryan wrote:
 Ed Cogburn wrote:
  Chris Ryan wrote:
   Further to this problem: I assumed that netscape is libc5 only, and
  There is a libc6 version of NS Communicator on
  As you go deeper in the path, select the 'unsupported' branch when
  you come to it.  The libc6 based Communicator tarballs have
  'glibc2' in their name (glibc2=libc6).
   redirected library loads to /usr/lib/libc5-compat (using
   LD_LIBRARY_PATH). This found the libc5 versions of most libraries, and
  I haven't found LD_LIBRARY_PATH necessary, at least it wasn't
  necessary for wp8 (also libc5 based).  Just make sure the
  libc5-compat paths are in /etc/, and you've updated
  things with 'ldconfig'.
   the and that are ONLY in the libc5
   directory. But this showed that a library was not found.
   This appears to be only in the libc6 set.
   This is very confusing. It appears that netscape uses both libc5
   libraries ( and as well as libc6 ones (eg. But this is unlikely/impossible, as far as I can see. So,
   is there a libc5 version of somewhere?
   Cheers, Chris.
  It is confusing, alas.  What you stumbled on is the fact that NS
  Communicator (or are you using the limited 'navigator' version?)
  is built against both libc6 and *X Window* libs.  The problem is
  the X libs NS wants *themselves* have to be built under libc5.  So
  the libs in usr/lib/libc5-compat/ are mainly X libs that are
  needed for this reason.  The libc5 lib itself is in /lib/.  The
  Xpm lib you're looking for is a libc5-built X Window lib.  So to
  get NS working, you need 'libc5', 'xlib6', and 'xpm4.7' from the
  'oldlibs' section as displayed in dselect.
  At the moment I can't remember if the C++ libs are important.  I
  *think* the old libc5 versions of NS can use the current ones.  On
  the other hand I have an older version of libstdc++ installed
  (oldlibs section), and I don't know why.
  Ed C.
 Thanks for this Ed. I'm new to Linux, and so there's alot of info in
 your message here to think about... But I'm still unclear on a couple of
 1. I got NS Communicator (not just the base nav as I implied) by
 following the www download links on NS home page. As you say, this
 appears to be libc5.

Use ftp protocol and connect to, and follow the
'communicator' sub dir.  You'll eventually run into a dir with
'supported' and 'unsupported' sub dirs.  Following 'unsupported'
will eventually get you to the libc6 version (it has 'glibc2' in
its name).

 2. I have NS working now by installing xpm4.7 (libc5 version of from /oldlibs) and by using LD_LIBRARY_PATH assigned to
 /usr/lib/libc5-compat. (I now have a script linked from /usr/lib that

I don't understand this.  I *never* needed to mess with
LD_LIBRARY_PATH for either NS (back when I was using the libc5
version, or Wordperfect (wp8), which also needs libc5.

 3. I worry about having both /usr/lib/libc5-compat and X11 libs both in
 a search list (this I assume is what /etc/ld/so/conf is - I look in a
 moment...). This is because both /usr/lib/libc5-compat and
 /usr/X11R6/lib both have identical library link names for many libraries
 that NS uses. You can test this by using ldd and in turn making the load
 path look in each directory first. NS finds the libraries in both areas.
 On a search path list, it will just use the ones it finds first,
 irrespective of whether they are libc5 or libc6. Is this not so?
 Cheers, Chris.

The libs may have the same filename, but they have a different
'header' in the lib itself.  This 'header' is inspected by
ldconfig when its run.  ldconfig should be able to determine the
libs used for an executable program (i.e., linked against libc4,
libc5, and libc6).  At least its done so for me.  This explanation
is in one of the manpages for ldconfig/ldd/

Ed C.

Severe DOS under 2.2.1

1999-02-05 Thread M.C. Vernon
Dear all,

Yesterday I had the rather disconcerting happening of my machine
running a massive DOS in my abscence. I have an NE2000 card, and compiled
a 2.2.1 kernel at 00.05 on Thursday morning, then went to bed. I then got
up at about 7am, and did some ssh. I went out at 8. About 11pm, my machine
started spewing random stuff out at full wack (10Mbits per sec), causing
half the college network and a router to die. Since then, it has behaved
fine (plugged in behind another box incase it repeats), and there is
nothing in the kernel config or any logs to suggest anything

DoeS aNy Body have any ideas what might have caused this, or any more
diagnostics I could run?



And no, none of the network admins were running tcpdump at the time

Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Severe DOS under 2.2.1

1999-02-05 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 : Dear all,
 :  Yesterday I had the rather disconcerting happening of my machine
 : running a massive DOS in my abscence. I have an NE2000 card, and compiled
 : a 2.2.1 kernel at 00.05 on Thursday morning, then went to bed. I then got
 : up at about 7am, and did some ssh. I went out at 8. About 11pm, my machine
 : started spewing random stuff out at full wack (10Mbits per sec), causing
 : half the college network and a router to die. Since then, it has behaved
 : fine (plugged in behind another box incase it repeats), and there is
 : nothing in the kernel config or any logs to suggest anything
 : extraordinary.
 : DoeS aNy Body have any ideas what might have caused this, or any more
 : diagnostics I could run?

Sounds like a smurf attack.  I'll track down the URL and send it to you
if you wish - I'm at home, tired, and lazy :)

(smurf is solved with routers, generally, so you should run the info
at the URL by your admins and see if they've made the changes).

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: Severe DOS under 2.2.1 (fwd)

1999-02-05 Thread Nathan E Norman
Dammit, sense of duty wins out over laziness.  *sigh*

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 22:36:41 -0600 (EST)
From: Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Debian User
Subject: Re: Severe DOS under 2.2.1

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, M.C. Vernon wrote:

 : Dear all,
 :  Yesterday I had the rather disconcerting happening of my machine
 : running a massive DOS in my abscence. I have an NE2000 card, and compiled
 : a 2.2.1 kernel at 00.05 on Thursday morning, then went to bed. I then got
 : up at about 7am, and did some ssh. I went out at 8. About 11pm, my machine
 : started spewing random stuff out at full wack (10Mbits per sec), causing
 : half the college network and a router to die. Since then, it has behaved
 : fine (plugged in behind another box incase it repeats), and there is
 : nothing in the kernel config or any logs to suggest anything
 : extraordinary.
 : DoeS aNy Body have any ideas what might have caused this, or any more
 : diagnostics I could run?

Sounds like a smurf attack.  I'll track down the URL and send it to you
if you wish - I'm at home, tired, and lazy :)

(smurf is solved with routers, generally, so you should run the info
at the URL by your admins and see if they've made the changes).

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: mutt with pgp support?

1999-02-05 Thread Joey Hess
Chris Frost wrote:
 I'm thinking of switching over to mutt from pine after hearing how many
 people use it here, and after a day of fixing problems trying to get it to
 compile on my boxes. :( If anyone here has used both mutt and pine, what
 are the main things mutt offers over pine (besides the license);

Speed, configurability, less memory use, colors, threading...

 is there anything which pine does better?

Ease of set up, has internal editor.

see shy jo

Re: fetchmail crashes

1999-02-05 Thread Carl Johnson
Tadeusz Bak [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:
  Fetchmail has been crashing on me recently.  The error is:
  fetchmail: reading message 11 of 120 (2244 bytes) . (log message incomplete)
  fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 : colon expected 
  fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 mark : sender address must contain a domain
  fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
 I observe exactly the same in my system from time to time. I have 
 Debian 2.0 (hamm) with fetchmail 4.3.9-1 and exim 2.05-1. Unfortunately I
 have no idea how to fix it.

I had similar problems a while ago, and when I asked here, I was
advised to add the following to my /etc/exim.conf:

   sender_unqualified_hosts =


Re: New User - Debian?

1999-02-05 Thread Ed Cogburn
Leonardo Bermudez wrote:
 I'm still not a full new user because i still havn't stall any Linux
 I got a Debian CD version 1.3.1, i know that is old and current version
 is 2.0.
 Before I download the 2.0 version and install it on my P350 PC, I would
 like to know what other options with pros/cons do I have beside Debian
 and RedHat?
 I'm just installing to learn and for curiosity, i had some experience
 with sun workstations and solaris so i'm not afraid of the unix
 enviroment, just to wipe my HD  (AGAIN )  :-)

A significent number of people would say that RedHat is 'easier'
to install then Debian, but after the install, Debian is better. 
Debian has what I believe to be a better package management system
(dselect/apt/dpkg) than RedHat, but the bottom line is it comes
down to your preference.
Why not get RedHat and Debian 2.0 on CD and try *both* of them
and use the one you like better.  You can get very inexpensive
CD's of both from places like

Ed C.

Extreme Security Suggestions?

1999-02-05 Thread Timothy Hospedales
I am wondering what is the recommended way to secure a sizeable volume (0.5-2GB
) of confidential data such that it is non-retreivable/unusable even in the
event that a hacker has gained user level or shudder root access?

I have thought of some kind of encryption; but I haven't seen anything fast
enough to make that practical given that I would have to re-encrypt the whole
data set after working on it. I also thought of simply having a dedicated
partition for the data in question and unmounting it when I leave the machine.
But I suppose a hacker with root access could easily remount it. Which leaves
the option of having a dedicated physical drive and unplugging it when I leave.
But that is annoying since I would have to leave my machine open all the time.
:(. So any other suggestions, comments?

PS: I have no intention of letting a hacker gain access to my machine; but its
nice to be prepared for the worst. ;).

E-Mail: Timothy Hospedales [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 05-Feb-99
Time: 00:47:27

This message was sent by XFMail

KDE Toolbar icons...

1999-02-05 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy Y'all!

I had to reformat my Linux box because NT screwed up the partitions... I 
re-installed everything from scratch...But this time, I'm having new 

With KDE, the KDE Icons (like in the kfm) appear as black blocks or 
trashy images...I'm using KDE 1.0, off of the Debian Archive 1 cd 
(August 98)...  can anyone help?


Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Extreme Security Suggestions?

1999-02-05 Thread Jolyon Suthers
I am wondering what is the recommended way to secure a sizeable volume
) of confidential data such that it is non-retreivable/unusable even in the
event that a hacker has gained user level or shudder root access?

I have thought of some kind of encryption; but I haven't seen anything fast
enough to make that practical given that I would have to re-encrypt the
data set after working on it. I also thought of simply having a dedicated
partition for the data in question and unmounting it when I leave the
But I suppose a hacker with root access could easily remount it. Which
the option of having a dedicated physical drive and unplugging it when I
But that is annoying since I would have to leave my machine open all the
:(. So any other suggestions, comments?

The best option that I know about is the Cryptographic File System. When
you can't tell the difference between it and any other type of file system;
but if you
haven't got it mounted - the data is encrypted (equivilent to PGP I think in

You used to be able to get it from the Non-US archive. I don't know if you
still can though.


Re: fetchmail crashes

1999-02-05 Thread Alec Smith
That's odd... I've been using Samba for awhile and have not had problems
with Fetchmail. Where I have run into trouble is with Sendwhale and the
mail gatewaying/queueing system I have setup. For awhile I had one massive
mail loop. :(

What I have NOT gotten to work is .fetchamilrc


On 4 Feb 1999, Carl Johnson wrote:

 Tadeusz Bak [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Mark Phillips wrote:
   Fetchmail has been crashing on me recently.  The error is:
   fetchmail: reading message 11 of 120 (2244 bytes) . (log message 
   fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 : colon expected 
   fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 mark : sender address must contain a domain
   fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
  I observe exactly the same in my system from time to time. I have 
  Debian 2.0 (hamm) with fetchmail 4.3.9-1 and exim 2.05-1. Unfortunately I
  have no idea how to fix it.
 I had similar problems a while ago, and when I asked here, I was
 advised to add the following to my /etc/exim.conf:
sender_unqualified_hosts =
 Carl Johnson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

??? Mysterious recurring problem with X video...

1999-02-05 Thread rich
Hey there everybody,

I've decided to try and figure out a problem (with y'alls help!) that
has bugged me since the days of Bo - setting up my X video. I've tried
reading all of the documentation, but to no avail. Here's my situation:

At 8 bpp, I have no problems (except the normal lame-looking color

At 16 bpp and higher, everything looks good EXCEPT for a thin (roughly
1/2) vertical stripe of the screen (about 3 from the left side, going
from top to bottom) that kind of shimmers whenever letters or pictures
are positioned immediately over it (it can't be seen against a normal

Here is some crucial setup info:

Sceptre P73 17 monitor
from the manual:
Horizontal: 30-70
Vertical: 50-120
Video bandwidth: 100MHz
Max resolution: 1280x1024

I found a webpage with some info about this monitor... 

it says Horizontal of 24-66 - I put this in the config file and it seems
to work a LITTLE better)

it also says video bandwidth is 110MHz

it also says max resolution is 1280x1024 @ 60Hz, and max flicker-free is
1024x768 @ 76 Hz

From the config file:
Section Monitor
HorizSync   24-66
VertRefresh 50-120
Modeline 1024x768 85.00 1024 1032 1152 1360 768 784 787 823
Modeline  800x600 69.65 800 864 928 1088 600 604 610 640 -hsync -vsync

Section Device
   BoardName   ATI Pro Turbo+PC2TV, 3D Rage II+DVD

Section Screen
   Driver  Accel
   DefaultColorDepth 16
   SubSection Display
  Modes1024x768 800x600
   SubSection Display
  Modes1024x768 800x600
   SubSection Display
  Modes1024x768 800x600

ATI 3d Rage II+DVD w/ 4MB video memory

Info from Win'95 video (which runs fine):
Horiz: 45.9
Vert: 47
refresh rate: 47 Hz



Re: User names.

1999-02-05 Thread Rob Mahurin
Hmmm ... I didn't know about this limit when I installed and used a
ten-character username and an eight or nine-character password.  When I log
in, I have to use the full username (alphenglor), and my home dir is
/home/alphenglor, but files owned by me are shown as alphengl.alphengl (I'm
not at a terminal with a mouse and can't paste an ls -l to be explicit, 
sorry).  I think that my password was truncated at eight characters, though,
as sometimes I would swear that I hit an extra key at the end but I can
still get in.

As far as mail aliases go, though, you can set up your MTA to do that;
/etc/aliases, I think.


On Thu, Feb 04, 1999 at 06:06:25PM -0800, Chris Wong wrote:
   For Debian, user names are limited to 8 characters.. as well
 as the passwords. How can this be, lengthened? ... as well as long
 email addreses? ie:
 AD Digital Media Inc. (c) 1999
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

One FISHWICH coming up!!

Re: fetchmail, why does it do this?

1999-02-05 Thread Ingo Hohmann
At 21:26 04.02.99 +0100, you wrote:

 (I get some obscure errors, suddenly:
 skipping message 880 not flushed
 reading message 881 of 1261 (3233 bytes) .fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 : colon expected after route
 fetchmail: SMTP error: 501 ingo : sender address must contain a domain
Someone put a domain-less address in the sender-field, and your
smtp software is rejecting it for that reason.  Not a fetchmail problem.

But then, it shouldn't stop fetchmail from downloading the other mails on
my server, should it?

 fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
 I found this:
 I have a local user named tester, and try to get his mail with fetchmail,
 this works only if I send to address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 it does not work with: tester or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is not a fetchmail problem, it is your smtp software. (exim/smail/
sendmail/...)  It is set up to allow mail to/from only some
domains, is apparently not one of them.
You may have to set it up so it appends a default domain
when you enter only a username too.

But is my own system, and I am able to _MAIL_ to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], it appears in his spool file, only fetchmail 
won't get it back...

Ingo Hohmann, Otto-Speckter-Str.17b, D-22307 Hamburg, Germany
Tel/Fax: + 49 40 / 69 79 24 80 eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel 2.2.1.

1999-02-05 Thread John Carter
On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Chris Wong wrote:

 I'm having troubles. I've just compiled the 2.2.1 kernel, and everything
 seems to be okay when compiling. But, when I restart my machine, it
 complains when it loads my modules. It says that my
 /lib/modules/2.2.1/modules.dep is empty!

Most probable cause...

You didn't do the (make modules;make modules_install) steps of the
kernel compile.

Telephone : 27-12-808-0374x194 Fax:- 27-12-808-0338 or

Knock. Knock.
Who's there?
GNU who?
Don't cry Billy.

Printing a landscape postscript file. How?

1999-02-05 Thread Mark Phillips

I have a 2 page postscript file, each page is A4 size, but lying on
its side, ie landscape mode.  When I try and print, it doesn't work
properly --- it is printed the wrong way round causing part of it to
be chopped off.  Ie, it thinks the file contains portrait pages when
in reality it contains landscape pages.

How do I fix this?

I've tried various things with no success.



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

hamm proposed-updates

1999-02-05 Thread Dimitri.p
Hi all,
when attempting to install packages from the proposed-updates directory,
some of them complain that libc6.1 (2.7.0u) is required but it not available.

I have not found any libc6.1 2.7.0u as a package to install. 
Is there a workaround or should I just move to slink and forget the
proposed-updates altogether?

Your thoughts will be appreciated :)



Re: mutt with pgp support?

1999-02-05 Thread Stephen A. Witt
On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Chris Frost wrote:

 Does the mutt included with debian (hamm) include support for pgp v5 (or
 I'm thinking of switching over to mutt from pine after hearing how many
 people use it here, and after a day of fixing problems trying to get it to
 compile on my boxes. :( If anyone here has used both mutt and pine, what
 are the main things mutt offers over pine (besides the license); is there
 anything which pine does better?

Does mutt have a nice built in address book like pine? Does mutt do the
IMAP thing like pine? Is mutt able to lookup email addresses from an X.500
directory server via LDAP? Uh, these are legitimate questions, meaning I
really don't know the answers. I wasn't trying to be a smarta*s. 

These features have become really essential for me. I have a Debian
machine at work that is my team's mail server to which I connect via
pine/IMAP from home, other software development workstations in our lab,
and remotely via a laptop when I'm on travel. The IMAP functionality
in pine works really great, I love having this central email
repository regardless of where I am physically.

I wish pine had color and that the license thing could be solved more to
Debian's liking. Some would like a glitzier X Windows-based display
(though I would argue that the curses style display had a lot of utility).
When I used mutt several years ago, I seem to remember that it was rather
confusing to configure, whereas pine has a nice built in configuration
utility with on-line help.

Ultimately, though, one's choice of a mail user agent is pretty
subjective, like editors :)  Maybe you should just try mutt for a while
and see if you like it better.

Re: off topic - Assembler using GCC

1999-02-05 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Feb 04, 1999 at 12:09:18AM +0800, ivan wrote:
 I tried checking the source code of svgalib - if it's going to remain as
 difficult as it seems I may find a simpler project.
 I was hoping that there would be a simple method of getting permission from
 the kernel for this operation and for direct access to video memory/registers.

Isn't INT 10 the video BIOS, which will be inaccessible from protected
mode anyway?

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Samba 2.0.0 - are there any deb's?

1999-02-05 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Wed, Feb 03, 1999 at 10:55:54PM -0500, Chris Hoover wrote:
 I just d/l'd the samba packages from the stated directory and
 installed/configured them with dpkg.  But it appears that sambaconfig
 was removed.  What am I supposed to use to configure samba?

In the old days we used to edit these things by hand!

I never heard of sambaconfig before. It appears to be debian specific.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Printing a landscape postscript file. How?

1999-02-05 Thread Frank Barknecht
Mark Phillips hat gesagt: // Mark Phillips wrote:

 I have a 2 page postscript file, each page is A4 size, but lying on
 its side, ie landscape mode.  When I try and print, it doesn't work
 properly --- it is printed the wrong way round causing part of it to
 be chopped off.  Ie, it thinks the file contains portrait pages when
 in reality it contains landscape pages.
 How do I fix this?
 I've tried various things with no success.

Did you try gv? This graphic ghostscript frontend (similar to ghostview) 
has some easy to use options for changing the orientation of postscript

Other than that mpage or enscript are tools you might want to look at
(the man pages).
 Frank Barknecht    __    __ trip\ \  / /wire __
  / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
 / /  / /  / /  / // // /\ \\  ___\\ \  
/_/  /_/  /_/  /_//_// /  \ \\_\\_\

Re: Minicom problem

1999-02-05 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 04 Feb 1999q, ktb wrote:
 I feel bad that I can't get this figured out but I have reread the minicom 
 man page
 and I can't figure out how to log on to my isp with minicom.  I have rerun 
 I put in in the first line, which is my default.  Using chat as
 instructed.  Doing that I would think would rewrite the old file not just 
 create a
 new one.  I can get online with pon by itself ok.  When I use minicom it still
 connects as I described in the message above.  When you said, when you type 
 pon and
 it sees the ppp
 garbage (~y}#.!}!}!}~), it'll exchange LCP and you'll be on.  What did you 
 What is LCP?  When I use minicom to dial my isp then I can't use pon; I get 
 an error
 message to the effect that, ttyS0 is being used, when I do so.  I don't 
 this.  When I use minicom it is like I'm online but not online.  I pick up my 
 and it sounds like I'm online but my email program (netscape) can't access 
 mail, like
 I'm not online.  Then after awhile the connection stops and then the message 
 Carrier.   I could sure use some help.

If it's of any consolation (don't suppose it is) I find exactly the same
thing. I use dip to connect as a rule and this works fine. I've tried
minicom because dip isn't working on my new laptop; I get as far as the
garbage, like you, but nothing more.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: Can a keyboard pretend to be a mouse?

1999-02-05 Thread Åsmund Ødegård

Thu, 04 Feb skrev Steve Lamb:
 I'm looking for a bit of software that'll let me use a combination of
 key strokes (in X) where a mouse is called for.  Numberpad '6' moves
 pointer to the right; '5' simulates a click -- that kind of thing.
 X does this already.

I'm also interested in this, do you have a pointer somewhere (url/man/whatever)

Åsmund Ødegård
1TE 4 6 at ingen skal gjøre sin bror urett og uskjell i det han har å
  gjøre med ham; for Herren er hevner over alt dette, således som vi
  også forut har sagt og vidnet for eder.

Networking Debian and Win 95

1999-02-05 Thread Peter Ludwig
I am trying to setup IPX networking on my main system at home, and I have
run into a few major problems.

1) While my network card is detected and setup by ifconfig, it's address
is not being used as the address for network traffic (i.e. squake seems to
like and I can't force it to use another IP address).

2) The secondary machine (a compaq running win95A) is unable to find my
computer on the network even though SAMBA is setup (and apparantly
running, i.e. it reports no error messages), I am also unable to even get
a glimpse (over the network that is) of the Win 95 Machine.  I have
recompiled the kernal so many times (enabling different options which
appear to be the correct ones), that I'm worried about the Hard disk
surface in for the usr/src/linux tree :)

3) squake is refusing to believe I have IPX, even though I am running
everything as specified in the IPX documentation (all docs relating to
ipx, man pages, howto's, etc).

I mainly wish to be able to run squake against my flatmate (who is running
the compaq), we can get a quake game going if I run any other OS, so the
network hardware is fine... whine mode on I just can't seem to setup the
network under linux whine mode off.

I have setup Internet access from the linux box big grin So I'm hoping I
can get things setup locally :)

Peter Ludwig


1999-02-05 Thread Daniel Doro Ferrante

Hi All.

I have to set up an IRC server. That's all right.
But I also have to let a channel open in this same server, because
I want my students to log in this channel as soon as they enter irc
(bitchx -c channel  or  irc -c channel). Once upon a time, it was
done using something called bots, that were basically users that never
logged off (not counting power fails :). They were some kind of scripts I
believe, but it was ages ago. 

Could somebody tell me (or point me some document where I can read
about it, because in Debian's manuals pages I was not able to find any
reference to anything like this) How can I do this. In short: I am setting
this server for my 1999 math class and, I want them to talk with
themselves. In order to do so, they will be getting accounts on Linux Boxes
(or will connect using vncservers) and I would like to hava an alias like

alias chat 'bitchx -c channel -n $USER'

I could not understand the use of the config files: .ircrc or
.bitchxrc. Any help is more than welcome!


Daniel Doro Ferrante email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network/System Manager  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CECM - Curso de Ci?ncias Moleculares - USP
   Course of Molecular Sciences - University of S?o Paulo - Brazil

debian installation on HP netserver LH3

1999-02-05 Thread Philippe BARBELET
How can I install the debian distribution on a HP netserver LH3 whith
3 disks under HP Netraid system ?



Tel   : +33 (0)2 99 84 20 91
Lucent Technologies BCS Fax   : +33 (0)2 99 63 93 31
13, square du Chene Germain - 35510 Cesson-Sevigne - FRANCE

RE: Extreme Security Suggestions?

1999-02-05 Thread Paulo J. da Silva e Silva

Probably isn't a goot idea (I really believe that there is a better software
solution), but have you considered some removable storing device, like jazz
drive from iomega? I only saying this since you have considered having a
dedicated hard drive.


Timothy Hospedales writes:
  I am wondering what is the recommended way to secure a sizeable volume 
  ) of confidential data such that it is non-retreivable/unusable even in the
  event that a hacker has gained user level or shudder root access?
  I have thought of some kind of encryption; but I haven't seen anything fast
  enough to make that practical given that I would have to re-encrypt the whole
  data set after working on it. I also thought of simply having a dedicated
  partition for the data in question and unmounting it when I leave the 
  But I suppose a hacker with root access could easily remount it. Which leaves
  the option of having a dedicated physical drive and unplugging it when I 
  But that is annoying since I would have to leave my machine open all the 
  :(. So any other suggestions, comments?
  PS: I have no intention of letting a hacker gain access to my machine; but 
  nice to be prepared for the worst. ;).
  E-Mail: Timothy Hospedales [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 05-Feb-99
  Time: 00:47:27
  This message was sent by XFMail
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: KDE Toolbar icons...

1999-02-05 Thread Paulo J. da Silva e Silva

There was a problem with this package. I remember you could solve it by
installing some kde?-dev_.deb (I believe it was

A better solution would be to fetch the KDE 1.1 pre2  packages. Take a look at
the kde page (

Have fun.


Brant Wells writes:
  Howdy Y'all!
  I had to reformat my Linux box because NT screwed up the partitions... I 
  re-installed everything from scratch...But this time, I'm having new 
  With KDE, the KDE Icons (like in the kfm) appear as black blocks or 
  trashy images...I'm using KDE 1.0, off of the Debian Archive 1 cd 
  (August 98)...  can anyone help?
  Get Your Private, Free Email at
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: SAMBA question

1999-02-05 Thread Nils Rennebarth
 On Thu, Feb 04, 1999 at 01:39:12PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
 At 11:02 PM 2/3/1999 +0100, Daniel Elenius wrote:
 Hi. I would like to create one public and one password-protected samba 
 share on my computer. I managed to create a public one with:
 But how do I create the private share? Where do I set the password?
Samba doesn't really know the Windows security scheme very well, where there
is a password for every service instead of password for every user as it is
common in Unix.

There are several possibilities:

a) set security=user

Now every Windows user has to log into the network using a valid unix
username and the corresponding password. This is good if the windows people
use few and sensible names to log into their machines. This way, their
windows login serves as login for the Samba accounts too and they are never
asked for a password again.

Note that for encrypt passwords = yes (needed for Windows NT SR 3+ and
Windows 98) you will need to set the passwords not with the system passwd
but with the samba supplied smbpasswd. Both authentcations schemes use
incompatible hashes. You will still need a valid Unix user for every Windows

b) set security=share

This tries to map the windows security model (one password per service,
independent of the user using the service) to the unix security model, i.e.
it will try to validate the given password against a certain (or several)
unix password, i.e. you have to set the password with the unix passwd
command. (Or with smbasswd if you use encrypt password = yes)
Against which one? You may specify it with the USER option, so your share
could be created with:

security = share

   comment = Public Stuff
   path = /home/samba/private
   public = no
   user = private

and you need a unix user private whose password is the password of the
share. Sounds complicated but it has a lot of advantages. Remember Unix is


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

Re: mutt with pgp support?

1999-02-05 Thread Graham Ashton
On Fri, Feb 05, 1999 at 12:08:01AM -0800, Stephen A. Witt wrote:
 On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, Chris Frost wrote:
  Does the mutt included with debian (hamm) include support for pgp v5 (or

I'm not sure. Certainly does pgp2 and pgp3 (whatever that means).

  I'm thinking of switching over to mutt from pine 

I've done that, having used postilion inbetween. I like mutt now I'm used to
it, and got a bit pissed off with pine - it was very slow with large 

  If anyone here has used both mutt and pine, what
  are the main things mutt offers over pine (besides the license); is there
  anything which pine does better?

as already mentioned, pine has it's own internal editor. I've you've got
an editor that you'd like to write your emails in though, I think this is
a 'feature' of mutt.

 Does mutt have a nice built in address book like pine? 

It has a list of aliases, from which you can select the one you want. I've
not seen anything more swanky than that though.

 Does mutt do the IMAP thing like pine? 

Yes. I've not tried it, but I didn't rate pine's IMAP capabilities so mutt
might be better (i.e. quicker).

 Is mutt able to lookup email addresses from an X.500 directory server 
 via LDAP?

You can specify the name of an external program to use to lookup addresses
for you. i.e. if you have an external program that can look up addresses from
an LDAP server, you're all set.

I *really* appreciate the message threading you get in mutt for mailing
lists too. That's one of it's greatest advantages for me.

 When I used mutt several years ago, I seem to remember that it was rather
 confusing to configure, whereas pine has a nice built in configuration
 utility with on-line help.

It took me an afternoon of reading the docs to find out what all the possible
options were, and then sitting down and hacking together my .muttrc file.

There are some good example .muttrc files available (linked from the FAQ, I


Extreme Security Suggestions?

1999-02-05 Thread John Gay

I am wondering what is the recommended way to secure a sizeable volume (0.5-2GB
) of confidential data such that it is non-retreivable/unusable even in the
event that a hacker has gained user level or shudder root access?

I have thought of some kind of encryption; but I haven't seen anything fast
enough to make that practical given that I would have to re-encrypt the whole
data set after working on it. I also thought of simply having a dedicated
partition for the data in question and unmounting it when I leave the machine.
But I suppose a hacker with root access could easily remount it. Which leaves
the option of having a dedicated physical drive and unplugging it when I leave.
But that is annoying since I would have to leave my machine open all the time.
:(. So any other suggestions, comments?

PS: I have no intention of letting a hacker gain access to my machine; but its
nice to be prepared for the worst. ;).

This sounds like a job for a ZIP drive?  When you're done with the files, just
remove the disk. Security problems solved. You may need more than one disk, but
that's better than encrypting/decrypting all the time. For fast encryption,
check out Sarah Flannerys' encryption technique. She was awarded the Irish Young
Scientists Award recently for an encryption based on 2X2 matrixes. It seem to be
as good other encryption techniques, but ten times faster. You'll have to do a
search for it, though. I do know she published her results, I'm just not sure
where. Can anyone out there help with a URL?


 John Gay

Re: SAMBA question

1999-02-05 Thread Andrew Loughhead

-Original Message-

At 11:02 PM 2/3/1999 +0100, Daniel Elenius wrote:
Hi. I would like to create one public and one password-protected samba
share on my computer. I managed to create a public one with:

   comment = Public Stuff
   path = /home/samba/pub
   public = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no
   write list = @staff

(ie. the example in the smb.conf file)

But how do I create the private share? Where do I set the password?
Would be grateful for any help...

You need to understand the varieties of security on offer in SMB
networking, in particular the difference between security = user and
security = share.  Reading the smb.conf man page is a good idea also.
In any case there is no straightforward way, AFAIK, to attach a
password to a share in samba (despite the 'security = share' option).
When a user connects to a share they are allways authenticated by
their unix password.  So the user needs a unix account.  The password
is their ordinary unix password.

I suppose it might be possible to effectively get a share specific password
by creating a unix account specifically for the share, and using the 'force
user' option in smb.conf.  Actually I'm not sure if that option changes who
the user is authenticated as, it may just change who their actions are done

In any case, without doing strange things, you cannot get the parrallel of
the Windows system whereby all users of a share use the same
password to access it.

Kent West wrote:
I don't recall seeing a reply to this, so I'll give it a shot, with the
disclaimer that I don't know what I'm talking about. I believe you have to
set the password with the smbpasswd utility.

No, that is not correct.  The smbpasswd program is used when encrypted
passwords are used with samba.  Typically it would be when machines
running NT are the clients.  For arcane reasons detailed in the file
encrypted_passwords.txt file in the samba docs it is necessary for samba to
keep its own copy of the user passwords.  The passwords managed by
smbpasswd are still the passwords of users.  In recent samba releases
smbpasswd can also be used to change a users Windows domain password
from a unix host.


Re: Extreme Security Suggestions?

1999-02-05 Thread homega
Jolyon Suthers dixit:
 The best option that I know about is the Cryptographic File System. When
 you can't tell the difference between it and any other type of file system;
 but if you
 haven't got it mounted - the data is encrypted (equivilent to PGP I think in
 You used to be able to get it from the Non-US archive. I don't know if you
 still can though.

You can get it from, there's also another
improved (?) based on CFS: Transparent Cryptographic File System.  They both
use, I think, Triple DES (or DES?).  I don't think there are any binaries
for them, let alone .deb

Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Re: Slink CDs available - Australia

1999-02-05 Thread Richard Lyon
Hi Tyson,

As a satisfied customer, I would rather wait until there is an official 
release of Slink. I don't have any burning desire to run the cutting edge, but 
place more emphasis on a bug free complete distribution.

Hopefully we will still be able to pick up the CDROMs in Fitzroy when they 
become available.

Regards Richard Lyon.

Re: KDE debs

1999-02-05 Thread Peter Weiss
 On Tue, 2 Feb 1999 11:49:00 -0500 (EST), Noah L. Meyerhans [EMAIL 

Noah On Tue, 2 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Will they run on hamm systems?

Noah The only dependency that isn't satisfied by hamm is the Qt package.  You
Noah need Qt 1.42 from potato.  That Qt package will install on a hamm system,
Noah though, so you don't need to try upgrading your whole system to potato.

Sorry Noah, but the potato qt1g_1.42-1.deb depends on libc6 (= 2.0.7u),
which is not standard on a Hamm System. You've got at least to use a
Slink-System (which is not available on CD, so let's wait another few
weeks :-().

Peter Weiss, Adejeweg 20, D-Unterhaching, Tel:  089/ 61029803
---The foolish ones taught more to me than the wise ones ever could---

Xemacs Chinese

1999-02-05 Thread Shao Zhang
How do I use the chinese support in Xemacs 20.2?

What input method do they support?? And how do I turn on this
support in xemacs??

Where can I get more info on this??




dpkg and dselect

1999-02-05 Thread homega

I'm having some trouble using dpkg for removing packages:

~# dpkg -l

ii  elm-me+ 2.4pl25ME+39-1 MIME  PGP-aware interactive mail reader

which means the package is installed, but:

~# dpkg --remove elm-me+_2.4pl25ME+39-1
dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove elm-me+_2.4pl25ME+39-1 which
isn't installed.

I even tried:
# dpkg --force --remove elm-me+_2.4pl25ME+39-1
# dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq elm-me+_2.4pl25ME+39-1
dpkg: need an action option

I'd like to do this through dpkg, but eventually had to do it with
dselect... what's wrong here?

Also, does dselect use the same db than dpkg (it should if dselect is dpkg's


Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Mail Users

1999-02-05 Thread Chris Hoover
I have a simple mail question.  Is it possible for me to use my local
mail server on my debian box for my mail?  

Here is why I'm asking:
I'm [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Adduser tells me that wax_man is a bad name,
so I created a user called choover.  So, if I use fetchmail or what ever
to get mail, and send it out through my local mail, I need to let
everyone know that choover = wax_man for all outgoing/incoming mail.  

I know that fetchmail can handle this pretty easily, but I have no idea
how to handle it on the outgoing side.

Any ideas and/or stuff I should read on it?

I'm now running debian-slink.



Re: SAMBA question

1999-02-05 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Fri, Feb 05, 1999 at 10:49:43PM +1100, Andrew Loughhead wrote:
 Actually I'm not sure if that option changes who
 the user is authenticated as, it may just change who their actions are done
The latter one.

 In any case, without doing strange things, you cannot get the parrallel of
 the Windows system whereby all users of a share use the same
 password to access it.
I do not see anything strange in setting up a UNIX user for each share.
Although I prefer the UNIX way of things.


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

Re: dpkg and dselect

1999-02-05 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I'm having some trouble using dpkg for removing packages:
 ~# dpkg -l
 ii  elm-me+ 2.4pl25ME+39-1 MIME  PGP-aware interactive mail reader
 which means the package is installed, but:
 ~# dpkg --remove elm-me+_2.4pl25ME+39-1
 dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove elm-me+_2.4pl25ME+39-1 which
 isn't installed.

You are trying too hard :)  The package is elm-me+, the version is
2.4pl25ME+39-1.  You don't need to tell dpkg which version to uninstall,
there can only be one version installed, and dpkg knows which one that
is, so just type:

dpkg --remove elm-me+

This should do the trick if there are no dependencies that block you.

 I even tried:
 # dpkg --force --remove elm-me+_2.4pl25ME+39-1
 # dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq elm-me+_2.4pl25ME+39-1

Be _very_ careful with this last option, especially don't use it if you
are uncertain about what you are doing,  and if you are certain, don't
do it anyway, think again.

 I'd like to do this through dpkg, but eventually had to do it with
 dselect... what's wrong here?
 Also, does dselect use the same db than dpkg (it should if dselect is dpkg's

Dselect and dpkg and apt all use the same db.  It is very nice of you to
call dselect a gui :)


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

How to upgrade sendmail ?

1999-02-05 Thread Ryszard Lach

Could anyone explain me, how to upgrade in Debian sendmail ? I'm using Debian
2.0 and I would like to upgrade my sendmail to version 8.9. How can I do that
having only sendmail's sources? I can't uninstall debianized version of sendmail
because of dependency on mail-transport-agent. How can I solve such a



Ryszard Łach
Internet Designers

RE: apt-get update failing

1999-02-05 Thread Dean . Carpenter
Yup.  I've removed the Packages.gz files and had mirror reget them several
times.  I also tried right from the ftp site ...

# cat /etc/apt/sources.list

deb frozen main  contrib non-free
deb unstable/binary-i386/

# deb file:/amnt/mirrors/debian frozen main contrib non-free
# deb file:/amnt/mirrors/debian/debian-non-US unstable non-US
# deb file:/amnt/mirrors/debian project/experimental/
fsmail:~# apt-get update
Get frozen/contrib Packages
Get unstable/binary-i386/ Packages
Get frozen/main Packages
Get frozen/non-free Packages
Fetched 2040k in 3s (596k/s)
Updating package file cache...
E: Line 3 in package file
_Packages is too long.(2)

Dean Carpenter  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

-Original Message-
From: Jason Gunthorpe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 04, 1999 7:45 PM
To: Carpenter, Dean
Subject: RE: apt-get update failing

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks to Nils and Jason for the *really* fast replies ...
 Just upgraded to apt_0.1.10 from potato - same problem.  Looks like there
 are a few others out there seeing the same thing.

master{root}~#apt-get update
Get file:/debian/debian/ dists/proposed-updates/ Packages
Get file:/debian/debian/ slink/contrib Packages
Get file:/debian/debian/ slink/main Packages
Get unstable/non-US Packages
Get file:/debian/debian/ slink/non-free Packages 
Get file:/debian/debian/ stable/contrib Packages

Get file:/debian/debian/ stable/main Packages

Get file:/debian/debian/ stable/non-free Packages

Fetched 41.3k in 0s (50.1k/s)

Updating package file cache...done
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
master{root}~#apt-get | head --lines 1
apt 0.1.5 for i386 compiled on Jul 23 1998  22:05:22 

Hmm.. Are you sure you package files are not corrupted? 


Re: Can a keyboard pretend to be a mouse?

1999-02-05 Thread servis
*- On  4 Feb, Steve Lamb wrote about Re: Can a keyboard pretend to be a mouse?
 Hash: SHA1
 On Thu, 4 Feb 1999 17:54:49 -0800 (PST), Eric House wrote:
I'm looking for a bit of software that'll let me use a combination of
key strokes (in X) where a mouse is called for.  Numberpad '6' moves
pointer to the right; '5' simulates a click -- that kind of thing.
 X does this already.

I'm sorry but how about giving some pointers on how to make this
happen. A quick search didn't turn up any docs on this.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Can a keyboard pretend to be a mouse?

1999-02-05 Thread Ben Collins
On Fri, Feb 05, 1999 at 10:15:43AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *- On  4 Feb, Steve Lamb wrote about Re: Can a keyboard pretend to be a 
  Hash: SHA1
  On Thu, 4 Feb 1999 17:54:49 -0800 (PST), Eric House wrote:
 I'm looking for a bit of software that'll let me use a combination of
 key strokes (in X) where a mouse is called for.  Numberpad '6' moves
 pointer to the right; '5' simulates a click -- that kind of thing.
  X does this already.
 I'm sorry but how about giving some pointers on how to make this
 happen. A quick search didn't turn up any docs on this.

I believe svgalib (the latest in slink/potato?) will do this. Only works
on svgalib programs.

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- -- - - - ---   --- -- The Choice of the GNU Generation

Re: dpkg and dselect

1999-02-05 Thread homega
E.L. Meijer Eric dixit:
 You are trying too hard :)  The package is elm-me+, the version is
 2.4pl25ME+39-1.  You don't need to tell dpkg which version to uninstall,
 there can only be one version installed, and dpkg knows which one that
 is, so just type:

 Dselect and dpkg and apt all use the same db.  It is very nice of you to
 call dselect a gui :)

well, a front end, or whatever it is, but I can see it runs dpkg for
installing, removing,... so it's an interface for dpkg?

Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Re: dpkg and dselect

1999-02-05 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 E.L. Meijer Eric dixit:
  Dselect and dpkg and apt all use the same db.  It is very nice of you to
  call dselect a gui :)

Then replied Horacio:
 well, a front end, or whatever it is, but I can see it runs dpkg for
 installing, removing,... so it's an interface for dpkg?

Yes, but the `g' of gui stands for `graphical'.  Anyway, I was just
kidding.  As you may know, there is a real gui in the works for apt.
I hope we will see this appearing in potato (comments, anyone?).

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: ppp not working...

1999-02-05 Thread Paul Miller
Kelly Corbin wrote:


 I have slink installed, and after upgrading my kernel from 2.0.36 to
 2.2.1, my ppp says it is not configured in the kernel or as a module. I
 don't know a whole lot about ppp and just use pppconfig to setup my
 dialup.  When booting, it doesn't say ppp line discipline or whatever
 it says anymore either.  I have recompiled the kernel with ppp as a
 module and directly in the kernel, but neither seems to work.  Any

Just a though, but by chance did you put serial device support into the kernel?

Paul Miller

Re: KDE debs

1999-02-05 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 2/5/99 6:05:58 AM Central Standard Time,

   Will they run on hamm systems?
  Noah The only dependency that isn't satisfied by hamm is the Qt package.  
  Noah need Qt 1.42 from potato.  That Qt package will install on a hamm 
  Noah though, so you don't need to try upgrading your whole system to
  Sorry Noah, but the potato qt1g_1.42-1.deb depends on libc6 (=
  which is not standard on a Hamm System. You've got at least to use a
  Slink-System (which is not available on CD, so let's wait another few
  weeks :-().

You say that this version of libc6 isn't standard on hamm, but will it run on
hamm?  If I have to grab qt-1.42, I don't mind getting a new libc6 too.

Maybe I should just upgrade to slink...

Where is KDE in slink?

1999-02-05 Thread Stef Hoesli Wiederwald
I can't find the kde* packages in slink or in potato. Where are they?

Thanks a lot

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