Re: Instalacion imposible

1999-02-08 Thread J. Ivan Juanes Prieto
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 12:17:40AM +0100, Juanjo Martinez wrote:
 El ordenador es un P100, 32Mb, Quantum 2Gb IDE, S3Trio64 2Mb, Pioneer
 DR-A24X (24x, en hdb).
Je, je je ... no es ese el innombrable modelo de cd que no me permitia instalar
debian 1.3 bo? Creo que sacaron un parche que permitia la instalacion (y ademas 
mi cd-rom es una revision posterior del mismo modelo), porque la debian hamm
se me instalo sin problemas y a la primera. Si tu modelo es mas antiguo que
el mio, quizas debas rescatar la solucion que coleo por esta lista hace 
Ojala que aunque no sepa la solucion, por lo menos te haya ayudado a aislar el
problema. Solo puedo decir que la hamm con ese modelo de CD 
a mi si se me instala.
J. Ivan Juanes Prieto
Greek and Latin Teacher
Canary Islands - Spain
Linux Debian 2.0

re:staroffice virge

1999-02-08 Thread Emilio Castrillejo
Habeis podido instalar la Staroffice 5.1
Yo no, tal como arranca el programa de instalacion, las
X se quedan congeladas, incluso todo el sistema, ...
He oido rumores que tiene algun problema con el servidor
de la S3 Virge. _Sabeis algo de eso???

Es cierto. Yo tenia el servidor X ligado a S3Virge y lo tuve que
sustituir por un SVGA generico. No he tenido mas problemas y X funciona
igual de bien que antes.

Tendras que modificar que X-XSGA (creo que en /etc/X11/xserver) y
tambien copiar las lineas de Monitor-Accelerated a Monitor-Generic en


root y X

1999-02-08 Thread Emilio Castrillejo
Hola a todos.

No se como autorizar a root a abrir ventanas en mi instancia de servidor

- Hago login con mi usuario (emilio)
- Abro un xterm (realmente un kvt, pero da igual)
- Ejecuto su (para convertirme en root)
- Cualquier programa x que intente ejecutar no puede usar el servidor X.

¿Qué puedo hacer? He buscado en los manuales por security y cosas
similares y no encuentro nada.

Gracias de antemano. Emilio.

Creative Graphics Blaster Riva TNT

1999-02-08 Thread Emilio Castrillejo
Me acaba de comentar un amigo que se esta pasando a linux que no
encuentra driver para su tarjeta. Por lo visto es muy nueva. Ha probado
a buscar en el web de la empresa y en otras partes, asi como a probar
con otros driver y solo le funciona con vga/16.

El tarjeton en cuestion es una Creative Graphics Blaster Riva TNT, que
debe ser una maravilla. ¿Alguien sabe si se puede conseguir un driver?


Re: root y X

1999-02-08 Thread Juan José Domínguez Jiménez

 No se como autorizar a root a abrir ventanas en mi instancia de servidor
 - Hago login con mi usuario (emilio)
 - Abro un xterm (realmente un kvt, pero da igual)
 - Ejecuto su (para convertirme en root)
 - Cualquier programa x que intente ejecutar no puede usar el servidor X.
 ¿Qué puedo hacer? He buscado en los manuales por security y cosas
 similares y no encuentro nada.

 xhost +

permites que todo el mundo pueda utilizar el servidor, con
independencia de la máquina. Si quieres que sean los usuarios de una
máquina en concreta,
xhost +nombre-maquina

Hasta otra

* Juan José Domínguez Jiménez   *
* Sistemas Operativos   *
* Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos *
* Universidad de Cádiz  *
* E.S. Ingeniería   *
* C/Chile, s/n  *
* 11003  CADIZ  *

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: root y X

1999-02-08 Thread Jordi Román Mejias
Emilio Castrillejo wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 No se como autorizar a root a abrir ventanas en mi instancia de servidor
 - Hago login con mi usuario (emilio)
 - Abro un xterm (realmente un kvt, pero da igual)
 - Ejecuto su (para convertirme en root)
 - Cualquier programa x que intente ejecutar no puede usar el servidor X.
Puede que te refieras a otra cosa pero que valor tiene la variable de
entorno DISPLAY cuando eres root?
Es probable que tengas que ejecutar aplicaciones con la opcion -display

Aun asi el entorno grafico X usa unas 'COOKIES' para verificar que eres
un usuario autorizado.

Yo lo que hago es conectarme a mi maquina por SSH (por telnet no se
puede) y ya me aparece instanciada la variable DISPLAY.

Re: Creative Graphics Blaster Riva TNT

1999-02-08 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 10:24:18AM +0100, Emilio Castrillejo wrote:
 Me acaba de comentar un amigo que se esta pasando a linux que no
 encuentra driver para su tarjeta. Por lo visto es muy nueva. Ha probado
 a buscar en el web de la empresa y en otras partes, asi como a probar
 con otros driver y solo le funciona con vga/16.
 El tarjeton en cuestion es una Creative Graphics Blaster Riva TNT, que
 debe ser una maravilla. ¿Alguien sabe si se puede conseguir un driver?

Si no me equivoco funciona con las X 3.3.3.

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: root y X

1999-02-08 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 10:21:58AM +0100, Emilio Castrillejo wrote:
 Hola a todos.
 No se como autorizar a root a abrir ventanas en mi instancia de servidor
 - Hago login con mi usuario (emilio)
 - Abro un xterm (realmente un kvt, pero da igual)
 - Ejecuto su (para convertirme en root)
 - Cualquier programa x que intente ejecutar no puede usar el servidor X.
 ¿Qué puedo hacer? He buscado en los manuales por security y cosas
 similares y no encuentro nada.

# export XAUTHORITY=~emilio/.Xauthority

Lo que sucede es que en Debian se usa el método de seguridad X basado en
la galletita del MIT (MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1). Cuando un usuario arranca las
X se genera una contraseña que se guarda en el fichero .Xauthority
en el directorio de ese usuario, o en el fichero que hayamos definido en
la variable XAUTHORITY, con permiso de lectura y escritura sólo
para ese usuario. Cada aplicación que quiera abrir una ventana tendrá que
usar esa contraseña. Así, sólo las aplicaciones de ese usuario tendrán
acceso, a menos que el usuario le de la contraseña a otros.

Como el superusuario puede leer cualquier fichero del disco, lo que
hacemos con el export de ahí arriba es decirle a las X que la contraseña
para las ventanas que vamos a abrir como root la saque del fichero
~emilio/.Xauthority .

Este método es mucho más seguro que el xhost, ya que permite el acceso
sólo a los usuarios que nosotros autoricemos, no a todos los usuarios de
una máquina. Pero las contraseñas se transmiten en abierto, así que
si estamos abriendo ventanas desde una máquina remota, cualquiera que nos 
pinche la linea puede robarnos la contraseña.

Más información en man Xsecurity (paquete xmanpages), man X, sección
ACCESS CONTROL, man xauth y man mcookie.
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: root y X

1999-02-08 Thread Agustín Martín
Enrique Zanardi wrote:
 Más información en man Xsecurity (paquete xmanpages), man X, sección
 ACCESS CONTROL, man xauth y man mcookie.

También hay un mini HOWTO

Remote X Apps mini-HOWTO

que se puede encontrar en cualquier mirror de los HOWTO, por ejemplo, en


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Problema al mandar mensajes a gente que usa mi ISP

1999-02-08 Thread Miguel Barrio
Pues eso, que cuando mando un mensaje, por ejemplo a [EMAIL PROTECTED], el 
smail lo
toma como si fuera dirigido a mi host local y me dice que no existe ese
usuario, cuando realmente va dirigido a una persona que usa el mismo proveedor
que yo.

Así estan los nombres en mi smail/config:

En visible_name tengo el nombre de mi proveedor para que cuando la gente haga
replies estos vayan dirigidos al servidor de correo de mi proveedor, y no a
mi máquina... ¿se debe hacer así, o he metido la gamba?

[offtopic] Por cierto ¿alguien tiene cuenta en de repente ha dejado
de funcionarme.

Gracias por anticipado.

   Miguel Barrio Orsikowsky
   Madrid (España)


Re: Creacion de ficheros .deb

1999-02-08 Thread Santiago Vila
On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Alvaro Alea wrote:

 Y ya hablando de paquetes debian: para ser un el responsable oficial de
 un programa, ¿es necesario saber programar?

No hace falta ser Linus Torvalds o Richard Stallman, si te refieres a eso.

Para recibir informes de bug, aplicar parches, publicar versiones nuevas,
etc. lo único que hace falta es tener un poco de sentido común.

 me explico:
 No me importaria tener a mi cargo dos o tres paquetes que creo que no
 esta debianizados aun, pero aunque se programar un poco, si alguien
 descubre un bug en uno de los programas, pues solo puedo decir pos
 fale, pos me alegro, se lo dire al creador a ver si puede hacer algo

Esto es usual.

 De echo esto me pasa con sabre, un simulador de vuelo ( en c++ ) que en
 hamm me compilaba sin problemas, pero cuando me pase a la 2.0 y me puse
 a recomilarlo contra libc6, pues daba un monton enorme de errores, y no
 tengo ni idea de porque pasa eso. 

Siempre se puede pedir ayuda.
 Ademas no se demasiado ingles, y no tengo tiempo para estar apuntado a
 otras dos o tres listas, que supongo sera lo que hay que hacer...

Esto sí que es importante. Toda la comunicación entre desarrolladores se
hace en inglés. Si te llega un informe de bug hay que saber contestarlo,
o pedir más información. Si te dicen que un paquete no sigue las normas,
hay que saber leer las normas, que están en inglés.

Lo que sí es cierto es que el inglés que se habla en debian-devel no es
demasiado complicado.

 5d0293600754a27b59fd77dbd5033946 (a truly random sig)

Servidor de irc

1999-02-08 Thread José Illescas

tengo un problemilla con el servidor ircd, acabo de instalarlo y ya lo
tengo funcionando en el puerto 6667.

Cuando intento acceder al servidor desde mi PC me dice lo siguiente:

Closing link: [mi direccion IP] by Linux-Server (Use a different port)
*** Can't connecto to server, waiting 5 seconds before retrying...

En mi Linux-Server está activado el puerto 6667, como se puede ver:

Linux:~# netstat -a | grep 6667
tcp0  0 *:6667  *:* LISTEN

Quizas haya que tocar algo el /etc/irc/ircd.conf
¿Alguna idea?
/\  _`\/\  _`\ /\__  _\ José Illescas
\ \ \/\_\  \ \ \L\ \   \/_/\ \/ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 \ \ \/_/_  \ \ ,  /  \ \ \ ICQ# 12553232 AIM Screen: yoburtu
  \ \ \L\ \__\ \ \\ \   __ \_\ \__  __  El Webteam de
   \ \/\_\\ \_\ \_\/\_\/\_\/\_\ E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\/___/\/_/ \/_/\/ /\/_/\/_/\/_/ Junta de Castilla-La Mancha.

Re: Problema al mandar mensajes a gente que usa mi ISP

1999-02-08 Thread DLM
Hola Miguel.
Te envio un mensaje enviado por Manel Marín al la lista linux que me fué
de mucha utilidad para configurar smail.
Espero que te sirva.


Configurar SMAIL con smailconfig:
1-Opcion: (1) Internet site
2-Visible mail name: (como nuestro proveedor)
3-Otros nombres del sistema: none
5-usar smarthost para: (1) Todo el correo saliente
6-redirigir correo de postmaster y root a: manel
7-confirmar lo seleccionado: y
8-metodo de arranque de smail: (1) /etc/inetd.conf
9-enviar mensaje de prueba: n

Modificar: /etc/smail/config y dejar la linea hostnames como
hostnames=p166.localdomain borrando el y poniendo
para utilizar en correo interno direciones del tipo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(Si no se quita el el correo a mi_mismo_en_ctv se intenta
entregar en
 puedo enviar correo a mi mismo para pruebas...)

Como ves no te he enganyado... son nueve preguntas y un cambio ;)
Me dio mas problemas conseguir que enviase rapido todo el correo en
cortas a internet (como las de bajar el correo), cada segundo es dinero...
Por defecto, depende de como, se esperaba casi !dos minutos! para empezar
enviar mensajes...

Lo solucione poniendo en
  ip-up... runq -q1s
  y en up-down... killall runq

Esto obliga a smail a mirar la cola de mensajes de salida cada segundo
dura la conexion, y va muy bien...


1999-02-08 Thread Emilio Castrillejo
Gracias a todos.

Las primeras respuestas han llegado en menos de dos minutos desde el
momento de mi solicitud. La mayoría de las respuestas, en la primera

Como comparación, en el trabajo tenemos contratado servicios de apoyo
con diversas empresas conocidas (IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, ...) y jamas
hemos tenido un soporte tan rápido (¡Especialmente si consideramos el

Os mando en este correo un sumario con las soluciones aportadas a mis
dos dudas.

1.- Para autorizar a otros usuarios al servidor X:

- Asegurarse del valor de DISPLAY (p.ej.: export DISPLAY=:0.0)
- Comando xhost + (para autorizar a cualquiera)
- export XAUTHORITY=$HOME/.Xauthority (solo para el usuario y root)

 Mas informacion en man Xsecurity (paquete xmanpages), man X,
 ACCESS CONTROL, man xauth y man mcookie y howto en

2.- Drivers para Creative Graphics Blaster Riva TNT

- XFree 3.3.3 con XF86_SVGA

RE: Linux Actual

1999-02-08 Thread Andrés Seco Hernández
Hash: SHA1

 ¡Pero si Linux Actual ya es trimestral... casi semestral!

Muy bueno eso. Por cierto ¿no debería haber salido ya el 6? Estoy
mosca con eso de perderme los números. Mis kioskos habituales no los
considero muy regulares y no se si me las voy a perder en algún

Andrés Seco Hernández.
Clave pública PGP en

- --
Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Version: PGPfreeware 5.5.3i for non-commercial use


problema con la dirección de retorno

1999-02-08 Thread Felipe Sanchez

Hace un tiempo hice esta misma consulta, pero como todavía no logro
solucionarlo intento de nuevo.

El problema es que bajo email desde dos casillas, mi ISP y mi trabajo.
Como no quiero mezclar lo que manejo en el trabajo con la correspondencia
particular tengo creados dos usuarios en mi máquina; en uno recibo la 
correspondencia desde mi ISP y en el otro desde el trabajo.

El problema es que cuando mando algún mensaje desde el usuario 
correspondiente al trabajo, me gustaría que la dirección de retorno
fuera precisamente la de mi trabajo y no la de mi ISP, pero todos
los mensajes salen como provenientes de mi ISP debido (creo) a la
línea visible_name en el archivo de configuración de smail.

Traté con una opción de mutt que se supone pega lo que uno quiera
después de la @, pero nada.

Lo peor es que los mensajes enviados desde este usuario (como este) 
salen con una dirección de retorno que ni siquiera existe (espero), pues 
llevan el login de mi cuenta del trabajo, pero el nombre de mi ISP después 
de la @.

Gracias de antemano por cualquier sugerencia.

Felipe Sánchez

Re: Problema al mandar mensajes a gente que usa mi ISP

1999-02-08 Thread Felipe Sanchez
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 01:29:30PM +0100, Miguel Barrio wrote:
 Así estan los nombres en mi smail/config:

Hola Miguel, 

Creo que hace un tiempo mandé un mensaje acerca del mismo tema. Yo tenía
el mismo problema y lo solucioné borrando el nombre de mi ISP de la 
línea hostnames=   

Me parece que tenerlo ahí no es necesario ya que fetchmail direcciona
correctamente el correo entrante con el nombre local de tu máquina
al pasárselo a smail.

Felipe Sánchez

3Dfx bajo Linux

1999-02-08 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
Hola a todos!

Por si alguien tiene una Banshee:

Yo me compré una y me volví loco durante la mayor parte de un día
intentando ponerla a funcionar bajo Linux. No fuí capaz de poner en marcha
el FBdevice.
Casi desesperado y pensando si me aceptarían en la tienda cambiarla por
otro modelo, encontré un servidor XF86_SVGA hackeado para que entienda y
maneje las Banshee. Y funciona.

No recuerdo exactamente dónde estaba, pero era en uno de estos dos sitios:

Espero que le aproveche a alguien.


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

RE: iNet: conecto, obtengo una IP y ahora?

1999-02-08 Thread Jon Noble
Pues eso, que mi modem marca, linka, incluso obtengo las IP's local y
remota.Pero...¿y ahora? ¿Debo hacer algo más? Cuando obtengo las IP's,
arranco un browser, pero no es capaz de conectar con ninguna pagina
poniendola con direcciones IP: http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)
 Bien, entonces no es problema de resolución de nombres.
 Verifica   que   tienes   la   línea   defaultroute   en   el
  /etc/ppp/options o equivalente. Si no  la tienes, estás conectado y
  no quieres tirar con las 11.4 pelillas de turno ;-)  pon:
# route add default gw ip remota# (creo)
 Si, en mi fichero de options tengo incluido el defaultroute. Cuando
 estando conectado hago route obtengo:
 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface* UH0  00
 localnet*   U 0  04
 default UG0  03
 ¿Alguna idea?

Te parecera absurdo, pero tuve exactamente el mismo problema y se debia a
cadena de inicializacion del modem que al activar la compresion y el
control de
flujo por hard tras la verificacion de usuario y la negociacion ICMP no
transferia absolutamente ningun dato.

No creo que sea lo mismo porque lo mio fue bastante extraño, pero por si
prueba a inicializar el modem en el script chat con ATF para restaurar sus
valores de fabrica, a mi me funciono :)

He probado con ATF pero nada... :( De todos modos te agradezco el interés!

Un saludo

RE: iNet: conecto, obtengo una IP y ahora?

1999-02-08 Thread Jon Noble
Si, en mi fichero de options tengo incluido el defaultroute. Cuando
estando conectado hago route obtengo:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface* UH0  00
localnet*   U 0  04 lo
default UG0  03
¿Alguna idea?
 'traceroute'  (o la que sea)  tiene que funcionar.
Luego prueba otros traceroutes a ver qué tal.

Haciendo un traceroute a la direccion IP remota, la de mi proveedor,

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
sendto: Operation not permitted
 1 traceroute: wrote 40 chars, ret=-1
 *sendto: Operation not permitted
traceroute: wrote 40 chars, ret=-1
 *sendto: Operation not permitted
traceroute: wrote 40 chars, ret=-1

Ese Operation not permitted... ¿qué quiere decir? ¿Alguna pista?

 ¿Tienes alguna especie de firewall configurado?

Que yo sepa no, aunque soy lo suficientemente novato como para

Gracias y un saludo,


Re: staroffice virge

1999-02-08 Thread TooManySecrets
Emilio Castrillejo el día Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 10:13:58AM +0100 expuso lo 
 Habeis podido instalar la Staroffice 5.1
 Yo no, tal como arranca el programa de instalacion, las
 X se quedan congeladas, incluso todo el sistema, ...
 He oido rumores que tiene algun problema con el servidor
 de la S3 Virge. _Sabeis algo de eso???
 Es cierto. Yo tenia el servidor X ligado a S3Virge y lo tuve que
 sustituir por un SVGA generico. No he tenido mas problemas y X funciona
 igual de bien que antes.
 Tendras que modificar que X-XSGA (creo que en /etc/X11/xserver) y
 tambien copiar las lineas de Monitor-Accelerated a Monitor-Generic en

Veamos... Si bien es cierto que el SVGA rula bien, una vez que se ha
terminado la instalación, y se ha instalado el parche para la S3V, se vuelve
a poner el servidor SV3 y rula todo a las mil maravillas... Lo digo por

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Re: Problema al mandar mensajes a gente que usa mi ISP

1999-02-08 Thread TooManySecrets
Miguel Barrio el día Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 01:29:30PM +0100 expuso lo siguiente:
 Pues eso, que cuando mando un mensaje, por ejemplo a [EMAIL PROTECTED], el 
 smail lo
 toma como si fuera dirigido a mi host local y me dice que no existe ese
 usuario, cuando realmente va dirigido a una persona que usa el mismo proveedor
 que yo.
 Así estan los nombres en mi smail/config:

Tienes configurado el smail para que utilice smarthost?

Have a nice day ;-)  Grupo AGUILA
TooManySecretsHay gente que vive y merece morir, y gente que muere
   y merece vivir. ¿Puedes devolver la vida? Pues no te 
   apresures a dispensarla, ya que ni el más sabio conoce
   el fin de todos los caminos
  Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)

Re: How to find files by text/subdirectories

1999-02-08 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 Lance Hoffmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  What is the easiest way to locates files (say HTML) by text in their
 find ~/somedir -iname *\.htm* -exec grep -i some text {} \; -print

Also look at the 'rgrep' package.

rgrep some text /somedir


No sound in 2.2.1

1999-02-08 Thread David Kennedy
Hi, I compiled support for my soundblaster card into the kernel and I get
the message

sound initialization started
Sound Blaster 16 (4.13) at 0x260 irq 10 dma 0,6
Sound Blaster 16 at 0x330 irq 10 dma 0
Sound initialization complete

when I boot. However, /dev/dsp, /dev/sndstat don't exist. I know I must be
missing something obvious.


David Kennedy

Re: XFree86 Support for Muliheaded boxes

1999-02-08 Thread Matthew Sayler
I remember back in '99 when David Stern wrote:
 On Sun, 07 Feb 1999 13:11:03 CST, Chris Frost wrote:
  I have a Matrox Mill II and am thinking of buying a Matrox G200 to add to
  my box so that I could use two monitors on the same machine. Does XFree86
  support this yet? I've seen talk of it for AccelX, but not really any for
   Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about XFree86
   Q.A15- Can I use more than one video card in the same machine with
   Although it is technically possible to use multiple PCI-based SVGA
   cards in the same machine, none of the servers currently support

I've never done this, so take this with a grain of salt, but you
might be able to kludge something together with mgacon and 
the FB xserver.  According to the docs for the matrox framebuffer
support in 2.2.x, you can use it to run two matrox cards.  It
might be interesting to grab a card and see if you can get it to


/* Matt Sayler -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- atwork?astronomy:cs   -- (512)471-7450
   Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations? */

Re: X-windows not working anymore...

1999-02-08 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi Gary L. Hennigan; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 Damir J. Naden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | Hi Pete Harlan; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 |   Question.  I recently upgraded my kernel from 2.0.36(I think) to 2.2.1. 
 |   I am running slink(frozen) and now, my x-windows doesn't work.  If I
 |  This happened to me, and .xsession-errors now says
 |  /etc/X11/Xsession: line 47: syntax error near unexpected token `default)'
 |  The bit of /etc/X11/Xsessions that reads
 |case $1 in
 |  if grep -q ^allow-failsafe $optionfile; then
 |if [ -x /usr/bin/X11/xterm ]; then
 |  exec xterm -geometry +1+1
 |  echo Xsession: unable to launch failsafe X session: xterm not
 |  exit
 |  fi
 |  ;;
 |  perhaps should have a ;; on the line before the default) line.
 |  (Haven't tried this myself yet.)
 |  Good luck,
 |  --
 |  Pete Harlan
 | I have just commented out the offending 'default)' line and it worked for
 | me. Does anyone know if this is a bad thing to do? I thought it was there
 | just as a comment sort of thing
 In this case it won't hurt anything since the default) doesn't do
 anything. However, the correct solution is to put the ;; in there.

thanks for the info. I'll do that...


how to partition my 2nd (hdb) hdd

1999-02-08 Thread Daniel Kahraman
Hello All:

according to linux my 2nd hhd is 2012.07 mb of primary win95 fat32, with
only pri/log 1.97 mb of free space.

In reality only 932.52 mb of this drive is filled with data, about
1,079.54 mb being free space.

I have also performed defrag from within the windows 98 system.

I have also made a separate disk with the files restorrb.exe, fips.exe,
errors.txt saved on it.

After yesterday's near disaster ( I had a backup of my entire hdd saved
on the other one) I am a bit uncertain as to how to partition this
drive. If someone can give me pointers I would greatly appreciate it. I
have 128 MB of RAM.


Come cambiare l'owner di uno script lanciato da pppd ?

1999-02-08 Thread Paolo Pedaletti

tra i vari script in /etc/ppp/ip-up ho messo uno che fa:

/usr/sbin/pppstats -w 10  /var/log/pppstats.log

dato che viene avviato da pppd, ha owner root, anche se 'pon' lo lancio da
user normale.

Quando mi disconnetto, con 'poff', killo il programma, ma mi dice:

/usr/local/script/ kill: (2411) - Not owner

perche' giustamente e'  (ps aux)

root  2411  0.1  1.0   728   324  ?  S01:33   0:00 /usr/sbin/pppstats 
-w 10

Insomma, come faccio a chiudere il programma alla fine della connessione?

( e' uno script bash, fotocopiato dagli altri script classici


Paolo Pedaletti, Como, ITALYa

Sizing Netscape windows?

1999-02-08 Thread Tim Heuser
Now that I've finally got netscape rinning in Linux, is there a way to
resize the window?  some are not wide enough, and all go past the bottom
of the screen.  Any ideas?


Re: linuxconf experiences?

1999-02-08 Thread Chris Ryan
Stefan Gundel wrote:
 Hello, dear Debian users,
 I consider installing linuxconf on my hamm system in order to facilitate
 administration. Has anybody out there already got some experience with

I tried installing linuxconf (see my help plea to this list on Feb 2).
It seemed to require new versions of a lot of libraries (I have latest
hamm dist). I tried installing these from the unstable dist, but ended
up with a dependency problem that I could not resolve. 

I needed to upgrade libc6 libraries. But they required ldso 1.9.10-1.1.
However, the most recent ldso I could find on the unstable dist is
1.9.10-1. So dselect had kittens and refused to proceed. It now tells me
to uninstall a whole raft of things that I'm not game to try. I have
frozen these for now.

So good luck. But you (and I) need to tap into someone (a developer with
the latest libraries...) who really has got it working under Debian

Cheers, Chris.
|  Dr. Chris
Ryan |
|  CSIRO Exploration and Mining email:
|  51 Delhi Road (PO box 136)   phone: +61-2-9490
|  North Ryde NSW 2113fax: +61-2-9490
|  WWW (Cu-Au group):  |
|  WWW (Proton
|   |
|  WWW (Mantle Petrology group): |
|  WWW (Me):   |

Re: off topic - Assembler using GCC

1999-02-08 Thread ivan

Many thanks - this is exactly what I wanted to know.


At 01:21 AM 2/8/99 +0200, you wrote:

 INT 10h is the video BIOS - I want to set the video mode directly.

 By using INT 10h I don't have to learn and programme the card registers -
 the BIOS takes care of this.

Doing that with svgalib is very simple:

int main()

vga_init(); /* The only addition to doing it with the BIOS int 10h
   interface */
 . /* your code here */

The other code can be the same DOS code, other than accesses to segment
a000 is replaced with a pointer given by svgalib.
svgalib does nothing after setting mode, so the speed will be the same
as the DOS code (other than Protected Mode isssues).
Off course svgalib does a lot more, but you don't have to use the other 


ùãç äæ ìàîù íòôä íâ
Vote MAKI - The Israeli Communist Party

Re: no permission for rnews

1999-02-08 Thread Carey Evans
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frederick Page) writes:

 finally got exim up and running with uucp. Everything seemed to work: I  
 received email, even could send it.
 But when I got news via uucp, the uupoll gave me error-messages and sent  
 the following emails to root:


 Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Received: from uucp by thebetteros with local (Exim 1.92 #1 (Debian))
   id 108U1T-3E-00; Thu, 4 Feb 1999 20:01:07 +0100


UUCP is trying to send mail (the error message) to downtown!news.
Exim doesn't understand bang-path addresses, so it thinks that
downtown!news must be a username on your system.

You could probably fix this easiest by adding a rewriting rule to


OTOH, maybe you don't want your ISP getting heaps of mail because your 
system isn't configured properly yet, so it might be best to leave it
for now.


 What's wrong? I did uupoll as root, don't understand this. Could someone  
 please tell me which commands to man and/or to issue? Do I need  
 additional software, besides UUCP, exim (kind of sendmail), procmail and  

You need a news server, such as C News or INN.  You're going to have
great fun setting one of them up...  ;-)

You might have to then reconfigure UUCP to recognise the enws server.


 So the good thing is: the news are saved, but how do I get them back?  
 Which command do I need to run in order to re-try and deliver the news?

If one of these files start with #! rnews ... you can just run rnews 
on it:

# rnews  D.downtowdcc58

 Carey Evans
The risk of U.S. national security resting in the hands of adults who play
with children's toys during office hours is left as an exercise to the reader.
   - Bruce Martin in RISKS

Re: Sizing Netscape windows?

1999-02-08 Thread KTB
I'm using Communicator 4.5 and have found when I resize the window using my 
then cancel the window, when I bring it back up the size is remembered.  You 
can also
set the size by typing in an xterm window or insert in a menu something along 
lines of,
netscape -geometry =100x120+0+0 
Sorry I'm not in Linux right now because I'm having a modem problem that only 
can handle right now or I could provide better info.  the +0+0 places the 
window in
the upper left part of the screen and the numbers =100x120 correspond to the 
width and
height or height and width can't remember:)  Usually you can just click on the
Netscape window border and hold, and a pop up will give you the geometry 
Hope this helps,

Tim Heuser wrote:

 Now that I've finally got netscape rinning in Linux, is there a way to
 resize the window?  some are not wide enough, and all go past the bottom
 of the screen.  Any ideas?


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Re: Sizing Netscape windows?

1999-02-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
Tim Heuser wrote:
 Now that I've finally got netscape rinning in Linux, is there a way to
 resize the window?  some are not wide enough, and all go past the bottom
 of the screen.  Any ideas?

What window manager are you using? Most allow you to either place the
mouse pointer near the edge or corner of a window, where you can click
and hold the mouse button to drag the window to the desired size. You
may also be able to click on the little netscape icon on the left of the
title bar to bring down a menu which (on most window managers I've
played with) will give you an option to resize. Others will allow you to
click on the title bar with one of the mouse buttons and give you
another drop down menu of windows actions. You can also use the
-geometry option to set the window geometry of nestcape before you run

  __   _
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\


1999-02-08 Thread formasic

I'm trying to use the docbook-stylesheets (v. 1.07-1).  I've got a
simple outline and I've managed to get jade to accept it (after a
little struggling).  I have two big problems though:

When I try to use HTML output, I don't get anything generated (or if I
do I can't find it).  Can anyone tell me why this might be?

When I use TeX output, I get a fine looking .tex file, but there's no
instructions on further processing it: tex foo.tex doesn't work :)
Can anyone help me with that?

I think that once I get used to this I may write almost all my text
this way, it seems the most flexible way to go.


Simon Read

Formal ASICs, Ltd.
Suite 215
222 Main Street
MD 21401-2005

Telephone: 1 410 280 0228
Data/Fax:  1 410 280 2099

Re: Sizing Netscape windows?

1999-02-08 Thread ivan
What window manager are you using ?

Most have handles that appear when you move the mouse cursor either to
the corner or the side of the window.

Also you may be able to move the window down far enough that you can see a
maximise button - my experience with FVWM95 is that using this button
does just this - maximises the window to the physical size of the screen.



At 05:44 PM 2/7/99 -0700, Tim Heuser wrote:
Now that I've finally got netscape rinning in Linux, is there a way to
resize the window?  some are not wide enough, and all go past the bottom
of the screen.  Any ideas?


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: A downright wierd Netscape problem

1999-02-08 Thread servis
*- On  7 Feb, Curt Daugaard wrote about A downright wierd Netscape problem
 When trying to open certain documents in Netscape--for example, the
 Printing-HOWTO at sunsite.unc--the document is not displayed right
 away but starts to download.  When it's done a dialog box appears with
 this message:
Netscape: subprocess diagnostics(stdout/stderr)
Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
[24; 1H [0;10mVim: Error reading input, exiting...
Vim: Finished.
Vim: Warning:Input is not from a terminal
 I have no idea what brought this on.  Does anyone else?  I'd be grateful
 to anyone who can give me a clue.

Well, let me take a stab at this.

You don't say if you are looking at the html or txt version of the
HOWTO.  It looks like a mime type has been set up to launch the vim
application for the file type of the HOWTO.  Then when Netscape calls
vim, vim fails because it is not being launched in a terminal. 
The '[24; 1H [0;10m' characters are the results of vim(a text based
editor) sending console control codes to the shell that Netscape
launched for vim, I think Netscape does a 'sh -c' to start its shells, 
so it is issuing 'sh -c vim %s'. 

Look through your Preferenses-Navigator-Applications for a mime type
that is launching vim.  If you really want to launch vim then you
should launch it in an xterm or other terminal.  Use something like
this for the Application field: xterm -e vim %s.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: A downright wierd Netscape problem

1999-02-08 Thread Daniel Martin
Curt Daugaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 When trying to open certain documents in Netscape--for example, the
 Printing-HOWTO at sunsite.unc--the document is not displayed right
 away but starts to download.  When it's done a dialog box appears with
 this message:
Netscape: subprocess diagnostics(stdout/stderr)
Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal
[24; 1H [0;10mVim: Error reading input, exiting...
Vim: Finished.
Vim: Warning:Input is not from a terminal
 I have no idea what brought this on.  Does anyone else?  I'd be grateful
 to anyone who can give me a clue.

Well, I don't know what brought it on, but I have an idea of how 
to fix it - go to the Edit-Preferences menu in netscape, then go into
for Navigator-Applications (you may have to click on the little
triangle next to Navigator).  Then, select Plain Text in dialog box
(it's likely all the way at the bottom).  Notice that it's not set up
to be handled by Netscape.  Edit the type and select the Navigator
option button in the Handled by... group.

My; describing how to do something in a GUI is painful - it's so much
easier to say change line 432 to... in the such-and-such file.

Re: docbook-stylesheets

1999-02-08 Thread Daniel Martin

 I'm trying to use the docbook-stylesheets (v. 1.07-1).  I've got a
 simple outline and I've managed to get jade to accept it (after a
 little struggling).  I have two big problems though:
 When I try to use HTML output, I don't get anything generated (or if I
 do I can't find it).  Can anyone tell me why this might be?
 When I use TeX output, I get a fine looking .tex file, but there's no
 instructions on further processing it: tex foo.tex doesn't work :)
 Can anyone help me with that?

I don't know about the html output, but the tex needs to be processed
not with regular tex but with jadetex (which is tex with a load of
extra macros added to it)  Install the jadetex package.

Re: WP works - but it looks funny.

1999-02-08 Thread Cliff W. Draper
Has anyone figured out a real solution to this problem.  I'd prefer to run
at 24bpp and don't have enough memory to run at 32bpp.  If it helps
anyone, this is possibly a related problem, netscape's icons go
blackwhite in 24bpp and are just fine in 16bpp; maybe it's a bug in the
xpm decoding library.


On Mon, 11 Jan 1999, buns wrote:
  I finally managed to get my WordPerfect installed today, and it all works -
  except for one oddity.
  When the install program was running, it puts up graphics on the left of the
  screen.  When WP runs, it also uses graphics for the icons on the button 
  Problem is, all of these graphics look funny.
  To define funny, the graphics look like a vertical line was skipped when
  drawing the graphic, and the line was moved over to the next vertical line.
  So, I get a line of color, then a black line, the next line of color (which
  looks  like it has two lines of data on it) and so on.
  To me this sounds like a resolution problem, but I don't it this in any 
  X apps.  Maybe it's a color depth issue?
  Anyone seen this or wanna take a stab at how to correct it?
 Try running your X-window at 16 bpp. I had the same problem running it at 24 

Cliff W. DraperForte Software, Inc. (510) 869-3462
 food for thought 
You have not converted a man because you have silenced him.  -John Morley

Re: X-windows not working anymore...

1999-02-08 Thread Kelly Corbin
I did this and it worked great.  Why is this?  Thanks all for your help.
Gary L. Hennigan wrote:
 Damir J. Naden [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 | Hi Pete Harlan; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 |   Question.  I recently upgraded my kernel from 2.0.36(I think) to 2.2.1.
 |   I am running slink(frozen) and now, my x-windows doesn't work.  If I
 |  This happened to me, and .xsession-errors now says
 |  /etc/X11/Xsession: line 47: syntax error near unexpected token `default)'
 |  The bit of /etc/X11/Xsessions that reads
 |case $1 in
 |  if grep -q ^allow-failsafe $optionfile; then
 |if [ -x /usr/bin/X11/xterm ]; then
 |  exec xterm -geometry +1+1
 |  echo Xsession: unable to launch failsafe X session: xterm not
 |  exit
 |  fi
 |  ;;
 |  perhaps should have a ;; on the line before the default) line.
 |  (Haven't tried this myself yet.)
 |  Good luck,
 |  --
 |  Pete Harlan
 | I have just commented out the offending 'default)' line and it worked for
 | me. Does anyone know if this is a bad thing to do? I thought it was there
 | just as a comment sort of thing
 In this case it won't hurt anything since the default) doesn't do
 anything. However, the correct solution is to put the ;; in there.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

--  --
-- The dumber people think you are, --
-- the more suprised they will be when you kill them.   --
--  --

Re: WP works - but it looks funny.

1999-02-08 Thread Mark Wagnon
Cliff W. Draper wrote:
 Has anyone figured out a real solution to this problem.  I'd prefer to run
 at 24bpp and don't have enough memory to run at 32bpp.  If it helps
 anyone, this is possibly a related problem, netscape's icons go
 blackwhite in 24bpp and are just fine in 16bpp; maybe it's a bug in the
 xpm decoding library.

I can't help you with the wordperfect problem, but netscape doesn't look
good at 24bpp. I not sure of the technical explanation, but every
version of netscape (from 3.x) on, has the same problem. The solution,
run at 16 or 32bpp. In your case, that would be 16bpp.

  __   _
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: A downright wierd Netscape problem--solved.

1999-02-08 Thread Curt Daugaard
My thanks to Daniel and Brian for their posts.  Well, there was nothing
mysterious about the solution, was there :o)  Begin face-saving mode I
guess what threw me is that I hadn't changed any mime types or applications
settings, so I supposed some arcane file had gotten corrupted.  Ah well.

Thanks again.


Re: Parallel printer no longer found

1999-02-08 Thread Curt Daugaard
On Sun, Feb 07, 1999 at 05:42:22PM -0800, David Stern wrote:
 On Sun, 07 Feb 1999 16:37:15 CST, Curt Daugaard wrote:
  After upgrading to the 2.2.1 kernel on a Slink system my old NEC P6 printer
  is no longer found at boot or in /proc/devices.  The boot messages reads
  lp: driver loaded but no devices found
  I'm using modules (parport and parport_pc) for printer support, which I
  also used successfully under a 2.1 series kernel.  I've tried the measures
  outlined in Documentation/parport.txt, but no luck.
  Can anyone help me figure out what I'm missing?
 This was discussed recently:
 To: Marcus Brinkmann [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
 Subject: Re: Printing with 2.2pre kernels? 
 From: Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 10:46:16 +1100 
 On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 08:14:24PM +0100, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
  On Tue, Jan 19, 1999 at 01:19:29PM -0400, Timothy Hospedales wrote:
   Hi all!
   I have been using 2.2pre6 for the last few days and everything works 
   except this bizarre new parport device which broke my printer. :(.
   Any advice on how to setup the parport thing properly would be greatly
  Try to swap /dev/lp0 and /dev/lp1 in your printer setup. The numbers
  have been swapped for some reason nobody understands (to correct some
  BIOS error or to provide compatibility with BIOS, dunno).
 The reason is quite straightforward; in = 2.0, lp0 is always the port
 at 0x3bc, lp1 is at 0x378, and lp2 is 0x278. In 2.2, they are allocated
 only if they are found; lp0 is the first port found, lp1 the second. 
 is more like how the rest of the kernel devices work.

The problem is _no_ device on any port is found, so no device works--not
/dev/lp0, lp1, lp2, or lp3.  So adjusting the printcap won't help.

Or am I missing something here?


Re: Goodbye, people!

1999-02-08 Thread Matthias Schulz
Alan Tam schrieb:
 I've installed Debian Gnu/Linux 2 months ago, till now I still
 can't handle
 the Dosemu package and run dos correctly.  But I never think of giving
 it up.
 I use win95 to download and read news groups to improve my
 on Linux. Linux is my destination and windows is only the bridge.
 After all, I am a home PC user. I am in no hurry.

That's exact, what I do, except I use WIN$95 on travel and a stable OS/2
at home. It's using by my wife to, so I wouldn't try to use WIN$95.


Re: Dial in access

1999-02-08 Thread Matthias Schulz
Jim Crumley schrieb:
 On Fri, Jan 29, 1999 at 10:59:14PM +1000, Peter Eades wrote:
  I would like to have my debian 2.1 slink box configured so that if
  phone rings x times then hangs up and then rings back again within
  specified period of time the modem will answer and alow me to log in
  remotly. I have look in /etc/ for some kind of getty config file but
  there does not seem to be one, Im I barking up the wrong tree here.
  would be a shame if I had to ues mgetty for this as it is non free
  software. Any tips???
I just saw it in the getty_ps option RINGBACK=xx


minimum X packages?

1999-02-08 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I recently upgraded to potato.

Now X starts and immediately dies.  Why would this be?  What are the minimum 
packages necessary to run X under potato (or in general)?




1999-02-08 Thread Robert Kerr
Is there a way to make apt not delete the .deb files after it installs


Aquariums are just interactive televison for cats.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *368 Clyde Building, BYU   *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Provo, Utah  84602*
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (801) 378-2029   *
**  Fax: (801) 378-4449 *

Re: apt

1999-02-08 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 02/07/99

   at 08:12 PM, Robert Kerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

Is there a way to make apt not delete the .deb files after it installs

Hmm ... all of mine are still there after a dist-upgrade.  Are you looking
in the right place??  (It may be that different options behave otherwise ...
don't know about that possibility.)

Should find them in /var/cache/apt/archive  as I recall.  I believe there is
a deliberate clean option for blowing things away.  See man apt-get for
more info.


Re: WP works - but it looks funny.

1999-02-08 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 2/7/99 8:30:33 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I can't help you with the wordperfect problem, but netscape doesn't look
  good at 24bpp. I not sure of the technical explanation, but every
  version of netscape (from 3.x) on, has the same problem. The solution,
  run at 16 or 32bpp. In your case, that would be 16bpp.

Does this bother anyone else?  Word Perfect can't handle 32bpp, Netscape can't
handle 24bpp...   sure glad I spent money to upgrade my video card with more
memory.  At least it's not a total waste, when I'm using Windows on this
machine, it doesn't have a problem with 24bpp (altho it doesn't support

Is this an application issue?  Or is it a Linux issue?  Seems to me it outta
be fixed one way or another.


Re: minimum X packages?

1999-02-08 Thread Daniel Martin
Paul Nathan Puri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I recently upgraded to potato.
 Now X starts and immediately dies.  Why would this be?  What are the
 minimum packages necessary to run X under potato (or in general)?

It would probably be because the X maintainer left a typo in
/etc/X11/Xsession that means X starts and immediately dies.

About lines 45-51 of /etx/X11/Xsession, change:

program=$(which $1)


program=$(which $1)

(notice the extra line with ;; in it).  Methinks the X maintainer was
releasing packages after having not slept sufficiently the night
before (at least, when I have errors like this in fvwm95 packages,
that's what the cause is).

Re: apt

1999-02-08 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Robert Kerr wrote:
 Is there a way to make apt not delete the .deb files after it installs
My understanding (and experience) is that apt, when used by itself from
the command line, won't delete the debs unless you tell it to with the
clean option. On the other hand, if you use apt through dselect as the
acesss method, the debs will always be deleted after install.


Re: apt

1999-02-08 Thread Daniel Martin
Robert Kerr [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is there a way to make apt not delete the .deb files after it installs

I assume you mean when using apt from dselect; otherwise, apt doesn't
delete them automatically.

There's no easy way.  The non-easy way is to modify
/usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/install and change the line which says:

apt-get clean  echo Press enter to continue.  read RES  exit 0;


(true || apt-get clean )  echo Press enter to continue.  \
read RES  exit 0;

(Oh I suppose you could just remove the reference to apt-get clean
entirely and get something like
 echo Press enter to continue.  read RES  exit 0;
but then how would you remember what you had done and how to undo it?)

Inbound Mail Error!

1999-02-08 Thread Peter Ludwig
I've got a little problem with my Debian/Fetchmail/Exim Setup.

When I am attempting to download my email off of the server I connect to I
receive the following wonderful messages (from fetchmail) :-

SMTP error 501 : ( colon expected after domain
SMTP error 501 : (khan) unqualified sender

This happened about 1/3 of the way through downloading my mail and stopped
me from getting anymore (until I told fetchmail that error 501 is actually
caused by the anti-spam section of my mail host, I have not got any
anti-spam capabilities setup at this end, and my host does not use any
anti-spam stuff themselves, they'd need to know what to do to set
something like that up grin).

If anyone has any ideas what is going wrong, I can email them a copy of
any cofig files they request (minus passwords of course).

Thanks in advance,
Peter Ludwig

[Off-topic] Creating a print file

1999-02-08 Thread XRDLAB

Occassionally I  have to take printout on a printer (non-postscript,
like deskjet, dotmatrix, etc) connected to a machine running
dos/windows. It is in a different place and not connected to my
Under dos/win, I could do a Create print file and then do copy/b
file.prn lpt1 to get the printout. In a similar manner, how can I
create a printfile from a dvi file, etc. in linux? Would it be
possible for me to copy the resulting file on to a diskette and take
the hardcopy using the copy/b... command on the remote machine?
In the same way, how do I print the printfile under linux
(generated either under dos or linux)?


slink install

1999-02-08 Thread Italus -

I have just installed slink and received this
message when it was done.

errors were encountered while processing:
dpkg --configure returned error exit status 1.

I am completely stumped.  Anyone have any ideas?

I have ran the install 2x and configure 3x.  no luck
(I did this through dselect)


Get your free address at

Re: WP works - but it looks funny.

1999-02-08 Thread buns
Cliff W. Draper wrote:

 Has anyone figured out a real solution to this problem.  I'd prefer to run
 at 24bpp and don't have enough memory to run at 32bpp.  If it helps
 anyone, this is possibly a related problem, netscape's icons go
 blackwhite in 24bpp and are just fine in 16bpp; maybe it's a bug in the
 xpm decoding library.


The only thing that I could suggest is to start 2 x-windows session ie one at 
(your default) and the other one at 16bpp when you want to use wp 8.0. Not sure 
this is workable for you since you mentioned that you are short of memory. The
overhead in terms of memory usage for the 2nd x-windows is another 6-8 Mb.

Re: WP works - but it looks funny.

1999-02-08 Thread buns

 In a message dated 2/7/99 8:30:33 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I can't help you with the wordperfect problem, but netscape doesn't look
   good at 24bpp. I not sure of the technical explanation, but every
   version of netscape (from 3.x) on, has the same problem. The solution,
   run at 16 or 32bpp. In your case, that would be 16bpp.

 Does this bother anyone else?  Word Perfect can't handle 32bpp, Netscape can't
 handle 24bpp...   sure glad I spent money to upgrade my video card with more
 memory.  At least it's not a total waste, when I'm using Windows on this
 machine, it doesn't have a problem with 24bpp (altho it doesn't support

Actually wp 8.0 and Netscape 4.5 can candle 8, 16 and 32 bpp without any 

 Is this an application issue?  Or is it a Linux issue?  Seems to me it outta
 be fixed one way or another.


My wild guess is that it is an application issue running at 24bpp.  Reason is 
other applications (eg GIMP, Acrobat Reader etc) running at 24bpp does not 
suffer the
same symptoms.

SLink Wierd X problem

1999-02-08 Thread Abercromby James SSgt 31CS/SCBBD
Just recently
Burned slink to CD and totally reinstalled and installed Kernel2.2.1 from
Johnie ingram.

Everything is pretty rockin stable

Well I think people are aware of the strange little Xsession bug.

However I use WindowMaker as my WM of choice, and I always remember that
when I first startx when windowmaker loads it will immediately start up an
xterm for me and it will load a fortune too.  It's not doing this now.

Also, can someone explain rxvt to me.  When I use and rxvt vi acts totally

Then I loaded and WDM which seemed pretty nice...

but now when I load up an xterm and if I try to run shutdown command or any
dpkg command, it acts like it can't find the  path???

What is the deal here.

IN each user's shell should there be a .profile and a .bash_profile? Whats
the difference.

soft links vs hard links (was Re: duplicate binaries)

1999-02-08 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 dan writes:
  Shouldn't files like egrep and fgrep be symbolic links to grep, and same
  for any other program like this?
 What's wrong with hard links for this?

If you have hard links, and replace one of them, you still need to
replace the other one, since it still points to the original file.  If
you have soft links and replace the real file, the soft link points to
the correct file immediately.  In addition, hard links cannot exist
across file systems, which means that if you used them, you would have
to check if both links are on the same file system, and otherways make
a soft link anyway.  This would introduce the need for different
maintenance routines depending on the physical layout of directories on
file systems, which is Definitely Not What You Want.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Parallel printer no longer found

1999-02-08 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Sun, Feb 07, 1999 at 08:59:49PM -0600, Curt Daugaard wrote:
 The problem is _no_ device on any port is found, so no device works--not
 /dev/lp0, lp1, lp2, or lp3.  So adjusting the printcap won't help.
Is lp a module or compiled in? What do the startup message say then?


| Quotes from the net:  L Linus Torvalds, W Winfried Truemper   |
| Lthis is the special easter release of linux, more mundanely called 1.3.84 |
| WUmh, oh. What do you mean by special easter release?. Will it quit  |
* Wworking today and rise on easter? *

Description: PGP signature

httpd dummy-package?

1999-02-08 Thread Björn Elwhagen

I would appreciate if anyone could tell me where to find or provide a
httpd-dummy-package. I've installed Roxen from original tar-ball and i
would really like to install swat for samba. But the deps doesn't allow
this since swat depends on httpd. I really hate not to be able to tell
apt that i really have this package.

Perhaps some good programmer could put together a package that creates
this kind of dummy-packages really easy so that one aren't forced into
installing only debian-packages.

Thanks in advance!

// Marwin
| Björn Elwhagen aka Marwin Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  
| Student at Wexio University   for PGP public key. (broken) |
| SwedenICQ: 356095  | 

Re: httpd dummy-package?

1999-02-08 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 11:21:29 +0100, Björn Elwhagen wrote:
 I would appreciate if anyone could tell me where to find or provide a

The equivs package can probably help you (I haven't used it myself).

ART  A friend of mine in Tulsa, Okla., when I was about eleven years old. 
I'd be interested to hear from him. There are so many pseudos around taking 
his name in vain. 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: httpd dummy-package?

1999-02-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 rE == rn Elwhagen Bj writes:

rE I would appreciate if anyone could tell me where to find or
rE provide a httpd-dummy-package. I've installed Roxen from original
rE tar-ball and i would really like to install swat for samba. But
rE the deps doesn't allow this since swat depends on httpd. I really
rE hate not to be able to tell apt that i really have this package.

Install the equivs package from potato.

make-equivs /usr/doc/equivs/examples/webserver.ctl

Then install the created package.

For other purposes, you can do a 

make-control filename.ctl 
[edit filename.ctl]
make-equivs filename.ctl


Re: httpd dummy-package?

1999-02-08 Thread Björn Elwhagen
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 04:55:53AM -0600, Martin Bialasinski wrote this:
 Install the equivs package from potato.

Thanks _both_ of you for helping me out. I actually found the example
myself when having installed the package. Although this solution isn't
the best one it's at least possible to meet dependencies.

C'ya around!

// Marwin

| Björn Elwhagen aka Marwin Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  
| Student at Wexio University   for PGP public key. (broken) |
| SwedenICQ: 356095  | 

Re: Soundcard under LInux ?

1999-02-08 Thread Armin Wegner
 It is a PnP (but this doesn't make anything under Linux I think) Soundblaster-
 Compatiable-Card and it runs very well under DOS and Windows. Their it uses 
 default values (IRQ:5 or 7; Port 220 etc.).
 How can I configure it under Linux ? Must I make a device with MAKEDEV? How 
 I use it under KDE 1.0 or FVWM95 ? What is the BPLAY - Program ? Is there any 
 other program which I can use for sound under Linux ?

Recompile the kernel with the settings you gave. I've done so and never had
any problems with sound.

xfonts-100dpi upgrade

1999-02-08 Thread Mike Merten

I just did an update from potato...

One of the packages it tried to update was the xfonts-100dpi, but it
kept giving an error about incorrect md5sum?  I marked the package
held, and was able to complete the update for the remaining packages.
I downloaded from


Mike Merten
ICQ# 28460680

Re: WP works - but it looks funny.

1999-02-08 Thread Tom Pfeifer
buns wrote:

 The only thing that I could suggest is to start 2 x-windows session ie  one 
 at 24bpp (your default) and the other one at 16bpp when you want 
 to use wp 8.0. 

While we're on this subject, can someone give me a quick rundown on how
to have two X sessions running at the same time - or at least which file
or files control this. 

The default setup is to allow only one session at a time. I have plenty
of RAM, and occasionally would like to have two running.


Re: Parallel printer no longer found

1999-02-08 Thread Curt Daugaard
On Mon, Feb 08, 1999 at 10:17:35AM +0100, Nils Rennebarth wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 07, 1999 at 08:59:49PM -0600, Curt Daugaard wrote:
  The problem is _no_ device on any port is found, so no device works--not
  /dev/lp0, lp1, lp2, or lp3.  So adjusting the printcap won't help.
 Is lp a module or compiled in? What do the startup message say then?
The module lp.o was also built and installed.  Following parport.txt, the
relevant lines added to conf.modules are

alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
options parport_pc io=0x378 irq=none

But the boot message is

 lp: driver loaded but no devices found


Colour 15 bpp colour depth in X

1999-02-08 Thread Patrick Colbeck

I am running Slink on my AST 5200M laptop. It has a Cirrus 7555 graphics
card built into it. I took a XF86Config from the Cirrus and Xwindows web
page and it works fine except even though I have added -bpp 16 to startx it
is actually running at 15bpp.

The culprit seems to be a weight 555 statement in the XF86Config. However
if I remove this line all the colours look washed out and the display seems
very dim.

It runs NT at millions of colours so I guess it should do X at 16 bpp. Does
anyone know where I should start looking to fix this problem ?




 Patrick Colbeck  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 Senior Analysttel:  you dont seriously expect me to 
 Azlan Ltd   give that out on the internet do you ?

Re: WP works - but it looks funny.

1999-02-08 Thread buns
Tom Pfeifer wrote:

 buns wrote:

  The only thing that I could suggest is to start 2 x-windows session ie  
  one at 24bpp (your default) and the other one at 16bpp when you want
  to use wp 8.0.

 While we're on this subject, can someone give me a quick rundown on how
 to have two X sessions running at the same time - or at least which file
 or files control this.

 The default setup is to allow only one session at a time. I have plenty
 of RAM, and occasionally would like to have two running.


To start the 2nd session with the default bpp:

startx -- :1

If you want to run the 2nd session at xbpp, you do the following :

startx -- :1 -bpp x

To switch between the 2 x-sessions you either use ctrl-alt-F7 (for the 1st 
session) or ctrl-alt-F8 (for the 2nd session)

Re: Parallel printer no longer found--solved

1999-02-08 Thread Curt Daugaard
A reboot brought my printer to life.  I must admit I tried the standard
Microsoft remedy more than once in trying to fix this problem.  I'm not
sure why it worked this time.

My thanks to Nils and others who responded to my post.

epst for kernel 2.2.1

1999-02-08 Thread Fernando T C Brandt
I am planing to use a parallel port scanner in my Linux box. I know that
there is a low level driver for the EPST parallel port SCSI host adapter
( However, I am not sure if it will be
compatible with my new kernel version (2.2.1).  Does anyone knows about a
epst patch for the kernel 2.2.1? 


Re: docbook-stylesheets

1999-02-08 Thread Remco van de Meent
 I'm trying to use the docbook-stylesheets (v. 1.07-1).  I've got a simple
 outline and I've managed to get jade to accept it (after a little
 struggling).  I have two big problems though:
 When I try to use HTML output, I don't get anything generated (or if I do
 I can't find it).  Can anyone tell me why this might be?

What is the command you're using to generate HTML? It should be something
like this, I guess:

jade -t sgml \
  -d /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/html/docbook.dsl \


Re: Colour 15 bpp colour depth in X

1999-02-08 Thread buns
Patrick Colbeck wrote:


 I am running Slink on my AST 5200M laptop. It has a Cirrus 7555 graphics
 card built into it. I took a XF86Config from the Cirrus and Xwindows web
 page and it works fine except even though I have added -bpp 16 to startx it
 is actually running at 15bpp.

 The culprit seems to be a weight 555 statement in the XF86Config. However
 if I remove this line all the colours look washed out and the display seems
 very dim.

 It runs NT at millions of colours so I guess it should do X at 16 bpp. Does
 anyone know where I should start looking to fix this problem ?

I think you may want to try the linear addressing option and experimenting on
different membase address..

Hard Disk Error Messages

1999-02-08 Thread Richard Lyon
Hi All,

Recently when debian is coming up, the following message is displayed:

hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=65662, sector=65598
end_request: I/O error, dev 03:01, sector 65598
EXT2-fs error (device 03:01): ext2_write_inode: unable to read inode block - 
inode=8403, block=32799
Remounting filesystem read-only
hda: dma_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, LBAsect=65694, sector=65630
end_request: I/O error, dev 03:01, sector 65630
EXT2-fs error (device 03:01): ext2_write_inode: unable to read inode block - 
inode=8535, block=32815
Remounting filesystem read-only

What does this exactly mean?

I have not setup LBA mapping on the hard disk, so why is LBA mentioned?

Is there a cure or my hardisk dying?

Regards ...

Re: Anarchy! Yes, Anarchy!

1999-02-08 Thread Richard Lyon
 There's not really a solution to that, ever, for an OS distributed on the
 Internet. MS distributes boot floppies with their non-upgrade OS products
 for the same reason.
 Well, there is one solution.. just convince the BIOS manufacturers to include
 PPP code in the BIOS which can dialup and download the boot code. :-)

Just buy a machine that allows CDROM booting.

mail problem...

1999-02-08 Thread Shao Zhang
Some mail servers seem rejecting the mails send by my linux box.
Here is the message.

|- Failed addresses follow: -|
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ... transport smtp: 501 EHLO requires a valid
host name as operand: 'virge' 
rejected from root@ remote address []: hostname must contain
a '.'.
|- Message text follows: |

I called my linux box virge. I didn't use the standard host.domain format.
So what is the best solution for this?? Thx.


/dev/loop0 mount problem

1999-02-08 Thread Gokhan ALGANATAY

Hi everybody,
I am quite new to linux. Just trying 
to install and endlessly getting mount /dev/loop0 error.
I tried to figure our the problem, 
but no luck. Readme file for installation does not contain
anything about this 
Any suggestions?


Re: OFF TOPIC: is this abuse of mmap()?

1999-02-08 Thread Bradford C. Smith
---Britton Kerin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been trying to read() audio data into an mmap()ed region
(from a file 
 just created and empty before the mmap call.  I know that read()
 puts the data in a buffer and not a file, but with mmap() you get
back a 
 caddr_t pointer which I am hoping read() can use.  Here is the
relevant chunk 
 of code (full listing at bottom):
   /* create and memory map the target region */
   printf(0: I'm still here sir!);

I believe someone else already pointed out that standard output is
line buffered.  Nothing is actually written until a newline is
printed.  Your program crashed before you wrote a newline, so you
didn't see any output.

   status = target = open(targetfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 777);

You forgot that octal constants must begin with a zero.  You should
have written 0777 instead of 777.

   if (status  0) 
 perror(error opening target file);
   printf(1: I'm still here sir!);
   region = mmap(NULL, (off_t) 512, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, target, 0);

The file you just created is empty (0 bytes).  You must extend the
file to 512 bytes before you call mmap(), or at least before you
actually access the mmapped region of memory.  You got a bus error
because the memory accessed by read() was technically valid (because
it had been mmapped) but didn't actually exist (because the file was 0
bytes long).  Put the following code (or something similar) before
your call to mmap() to fix this.

/* Seek past the first 511 bytes.  They will be filled with 0's when
we write bytes after them. */
if (lseek(target, 511, SEEK_SET)  0) {
   perror(lseek() error);
/* Write a single 0 byte.  This extends the file to 512 bytes long. */
if (write(target, , 1)  0) {
   perror(write() error);

   printf(2: I'm still here sir!);
   if (region == (caddr_t) (-1))
 perror(mmap error);
   /* record sound into mmaped region */
   printf(3: I'm still here sir!);
   status = read(audio, (void *) region, 512); 
   if (status != sizeof(region))
 perror(read screwed one way or another);
   msync(region, 512, MS_SYNC);

You don't need to call msync().  msync() is only needed if you called
mmap() with MAP_PRIVATE.  Using MAP_SHARED tells the OS to keep the
memory constantly up-to-date.

 with the read(audio, (void *) region, 512);
 line not commented out, when I run this program I get:
 Bus error
 and a file in the current directory:
 -rx--t   1 gandalf  gandalf 0 Feb  4 17:04 targetfile
 None of the little I'm still here sir! message print with the read
in there, 
 so I assume I'm doing something drastic.  My questions:
 1.  Why does the file have those strange permissions?  I thought I
 mode 777.

See above.

 2.  Is it possible to use read() into an mmap() this way?  Is there
some other 
 function I should be using instead of read()?

Yes.  You can treat a pointer to a mmapped region *exactly* the same
way as any other pointer.
 3.  Even if it is possible, is it a completely hairbrained approach?

That depends on what your ultimate goal is.  B')

I would strongly suggest you get a copy of
_Advanced_Programming_in_the_UNIX_Environment by W. Richard Stevens
(Addison-Wesley, 1993  ISBN: 0-201-56317-7).  This book covers mmap()
thoroughly as well as practically every other topic you'll need to do
Unix programming except for networking and threads.  You might also
get a copy of _Linux_Application_Development_.  Unfortunately, I don't
have the authors' names etc. on hand at the moment.  B')


Bradford C. Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Get your free address at

Re: OFF TOPIC: is this abuse of mmap()?

1999-02-08 Thread Bradford C. Smith
---Britton Kerin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have been trying to read() audio data into an mmap()ed region
(from a file 
 just created and empty before the mmap call.  I know that read()
 puts the data in a buffer and not a file, but with mmap() you get
back a 
 caddr_t pointer which I am hoping read() can use.  Here is the
relevant chunk 
 of code (full listing at bottom):
   /* create and memory map the target region */
   printf(0: I'm still here sir!);

I believe someone else already pointed out that standard output is
line buffered.  Nothing is actually written until a newline is
printed.  Your program crashed before you wrote a newline, so you
didn't see any output.

   status = target = open(targetfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 777);

You forgot that octal constants must begin with a zero.  You should
have written 0777 instead of 777.

   if (status  0) 
 perror(error opening target file);
   printf(1: I'm still here sir!);
   region = mmap(NULL, (off_t) 512, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, target, 0);

The file you just created is empty (0 bytes).  You must extend the
file to 512 bytes before you call mmap(), or at least before you
actually access the mmapped region of memory.  You got a bus error
because the memory accessed by read() was technically valid (because
it had been mmapped) but didn't actually exist (because the file was 0
bytes long).  Put the following code (or something similar) before
your call to mmap() to fix this.

/* Seek past the first 511 bytes.  They will be filled with 0's when
we write bytes after them. */
if (lseek(target, 511, SEEK_SET)  0) {
   perror(lseek() error);
/* Write a single 0 byte.  This extends the file to 512 bytes long. */
if (write(target, , 1)  0) {
   perror(write() error);

   printf(2: I'm still here sir!);
   if (region == (caddr_t) (-1))
 perror(mmap error);
   /* record sound into mmaped region */
   printf(3: I'm still here sir!);
   status = read(audio, (void *) region, 512); 
   if (status != sizeof(region))
 perror(read screwed one way or another);
   msync(region, 512, MS_SYNC);

You don't need to call msync().  msync() is only needed if you called
mmap() with MAP_PRIVATE.  Using MAP_SHARED tells the OS to keep the
memory constantly up-to-date.

 with the read(audio, (void *) region, 512);
 line not commented out, when I run this program I get:
 Bus error
 and a file in the current directory:
 -rx--t   1 gandalf  gandalf 0 Feb  4 17:04 targetfile
 None of the little I'm still here sir! message print with the read
in there, 
 so I assume I'm doing something drastic.  My questions:
 1.  Why does the file have those strange permissions?  I thought I
 mode 777.

See above.

 2.  Is it possible to use read() into an mmap() this way?  Is there
some other 
 function I should be using instead of read()?

Yes.  You can treat a pointer to a mmapped region *exactly* the same
way as any other pointer.
 3.  Even if it is possible, is it a completely hairbrained approach?

That depends on what your ultimate goal is.  B')

I would strongly suggest you get a copy of
_Advanced_Programming_in_the_UNIX_Environment by W. Richard Stevens
(Addison-Wesley, 1993  ISBN: 0-201-56317-7).  This book covers mmap()
thoroughly as well as practically every other topic you'll need to do
Unix programming except for networking and threads.  You might also
get a copy of _Linux_Application_Development_.  Unfortunately, I don't
have the authors' names etc. on hand at the moment.  B')


Bradford C. Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Get your free address at

Linux for Mac

1999-02-08 Thread Mazzeo Michele
I want information to install Linux on a Macintosh (68k) system 
(a CENTRIS 660 AV).
Exist a distribution complete on CDROM ? 
Thanks !

Dr. Michele Mazzeo
Via Martiri di Monte Sole 4, 40129 Bologna (Italy)
Tel: ++39 51 6098758
Fax: ++39 51 6098623

boot prompt for scsi drives

1999-02-08 Thread marc
where can i get more information regarding the entry of boot parameters
at the boot prompt
and where do i get the kernel image from

Netscape Error --- Error 209

1999-02-08 Thread Person, Roderick

 Hey it 's me again,
 I switched from Mozilla to Netscape to try and get things running. I got
the ppp and DNS running now I get the following error from Netscape.

Error 209: bus error

Now I don't understand this at all. I set the MOZILLA_HOME Variable. Qweb,
Arena and Lynx work (qweb and Arena are too slow, though.) So were is this
bus error coming from.


Re: slink install

1999-02-08 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 2/8/99 12:22:23 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 errors were encountered while processing:
  dpkg --configure returned error exit status 1.

There are other errors farther up the display that we need to see to be able
to help you.  To see them, run dselect again, and use your PGup and PGdn keys
to view them.

PS - I'm having problems with libc6 too, which is causing problems with
libc6-dev - it seems the version number of libc6 is or
something like that and it is having problems with my previous version 2.0.7t.


Re: WP works - but it looks funny.

1999-02-08 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 2/8/99 12:39:49 AM Central Standard Time,

 Actually wp 8.0 and Netscape 4.5 can candle 8, 16 and 32 bpp without any 

How's that?  I was told that the cause of my funny looking icons in WP8 was
because it didn't handle 32bpp color correctly - and to correct it I would
have to use 24bpp color.  Do you have it running at 32bpp?


Re: WP works - but it looks funny.

1999-02-08 Thread buns

 In a message dated 2/8/99 12:39:49 AM Central Standard Time,

  Actually wp 8.0 and Netscape 4.5 can candle 8, 16 and 32 bpp without any

 How's that?  I was told that the cause of my funny looking icons in WP8 was
 because it didn't handle 32bpp color correctly - and to correct it I would
 have to use 24bpp color.  Do you have it running at 32bpp?

Yes, I have WP 8.0 running at 8, 16 and 32 bpp on different machines.

The funny looking icons will only occur at 24bpp

Re: soft links vs hard links (was Re: duplicate binaries)

1999-02-08 Thread John Hasler
dan writes:
 Shouldn't files like egrep and fgrep be symbolic links to grep, and same
 for any other program like this?

I wrote:
 What's wrong with hard links for this?

 If you have hard links, and replace one of them, you still need to
 replace the other one, since it still points to the original file.

No.  If you have hard links and replace one of them, you replace the
original file.

 If you have soft links and replace the real file, the soft link points to
 the correct file immediately.

The only reason exactly one of egrep, fgrep or grep would be replaced is
if the maintainer split it out as a seperate binary.  The maintainer would
arrange for the appropriate link to be removed before the binary was
installed.  No problem.

 In addition, hard links cannot exist across file systems, which means
 that if you used them, you would have to check if both links are on the
 same file system, and otherways make a soft link anyway.  This would
 introduce the need for different maintenance routines depending on the
 physical layout of directories on file systems, which is Definitely Not
 What You Want.

Egrep, fgrep, and grep are all in the same directory.  In this case hard
links are exactly what you want.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: /dev/loop0 mount problem

1999-02-08 Thread Robbie Davidson

Have you enabled support in the kernel for this ?

Also, have you got an up to date version of mount ?

Robert Davidson.

On Mon, 08 Feb 1999, Gokhan ALGANATAY wrote:
Hi everybody,
I am quite new to linux. Just trying to install and endlessly getting mount 
/dev/loop0 error.
I tried to figure our the problem, but no luck. Readme file for installation 
does not contain
anything about this case.
Any suggestions?


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Unidentified subject!

1999-02-08 Thread Daniel Marquez-Klaka


Daniel Marqez-Klaka


miknet Internet Based Services  / Stephanstr. 3  / D-60313 Frankfurt
Daniel Marquez-Klaka / Phone +49 69 920785 53 / Fax +49 69 920785 11

Re: fvwm2 menu not working

1999-02-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 MCV == M C Vernon [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

MCV shows an option to exit fvwm2, and nothing else. I have menu
MCV installed, and the various config files in /etc/X11/fvwm2 seem to
MCV be there, but a decent menu is not being generated. Any ideas?

Try running update-menu as root with verbose and debug enabled to see
what it does. Also make sure the user doesn't have a crippled menu or
fvwm config in his homedir.

Start fvwm2 on your account. Same problem?


Re: Dual Boot Woes

1999-02-08 Thread Kent West
At 07:52 AM 2/7/1999 -0500, Tom Pfeifer wrote:
Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 This isn't the best solution. You should set boot to your linux partition,
 then set your linux partition active in fdisk. This is much more flexible
 if you need to reinstall Windows later, because to get LILO back you just
 change your active partition (even Windows' fdisk will let you do that).

I agree in principle, but in this case he has Linux on his second disk
(hdb1), and the Win9X MBR doesn't allow active partitions on a slave
disk - he would have no way to get to Linux (other than a boot floppy or
loadlin). If he wants to use Lilo, it has to be in the MBR to provide
access to Linux on the 2nd disk.


Another option (but not necessarily the best by any means), is to use
loadlin from Win95's DOS prompt to start Linux. 

You can even go one step further and disable the autoload of Win95 so that
a boot just drops you to a DOS prompt so you can manually fire up Linux
(loadlin) or Win95 (win).

You can then go one step further and set up CONFIG.SYS  AUTOEXEC.BAT to
offer the choice of which OS you want to boot into.

I'm doing this at home because trying to install LILO broke 95, and
although I know I could have fixed it properly, I wanted to see if I could
do it in reverse. It works, and I haven't bothered to go back yet and fix
LILO to work.

RE: eterm and .bash_profile

1999-02-08 Thread Shaleh

On 07-Feb-99 Chris Frost wrote:
 Is there any way to tell eterm not to execute my ~/.bash_profile? I have
 several things ran by this script that only need to be ran when I login,
 not everytime I open up a term window.

Copy the /usr/share/Eterm/themes/Eterm/ directory to ~/.Eterm/themes/Eterm

Edit the MAIN file, there is a login option in there that makes it a login

Re: How to find files by text/subdirectories

1999-02-08 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 07 Feb 1999q, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 What is the easiest way to locates files (say HTML) by text in their
 documents?  4DOS ffind is essentially what I am trying to do.  Is there
 a way to pipe 'find'?  Or do I need to use gawk?
 When I tried using gawk it would not allow me to search multiple
 directories.  I find never used
 gawk before so I probably didn't know what I was doing.  I would prefer
 to 'find' somehow but I am
 not sure how to search for text using it.  Any suggestions?

Install glimpse. I don't know if there is a deb file of of this so you may
need to put it in /usr/local/. It makes an index of all the files on your
hard disk (or any subset of them you choose); then you can search for
whatever text strings you choose. Brilliant program.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Default Login

1999-02-08 Thread Gaikwad, Arun
We are using Debian/GNU LInux 1.2.
What are the default Logins?.
We need to make sure they are changed on our machine.

Fortran + X11 compilation

1999-02-08 Thread Jose L. Gomez Dans

   I was told to move to Fortran to do some work, so it's not my fault :)))
I don't have anything to do with Fortran :))) Anyway, I downloaded the
pgplot graphic libraries, and tried compiling an example program.
Apparently, what I have to do is:
g77 -o outfile infile.f -lpgplot -lX11
  The thing seems to work, but ldd complains it can't find the X11
libraries. I don't know what libraries these are, does anyone have a clue?
Jose L Gomez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

Re: Zip detection in Kernel2.2.0 Problems

1999-02-08 Thread Mauro Mazzieri
Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 When loading the kernel I get
 ppa: Version2.03 (for Linux 2.2.0)
 Warning - no ppa compatible devices found.  My zipdrive is connected to
 my parallel port with the
 printer connected to the zipdrive.  I have had the zip for around 3
 years so I do not believe it is
 one of the newer types (plus my cable does not say autodetect).  Any
 ideas on what I might can try
 to get the kernel to read my parallel port zip drive?

The ZIP-howto recommend to compile ppa as a module. Also, you have to
select Iomega ZIP for parallel port as low-level scsi device.

  Mauro Mazzieri  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

World domination. Fast.
-- Linus Torvalds

Re: eterm and .bash_profile

1999-02-08 Thread Mauro Mazzieri
Chris Frost wrote:
 Is there any way to tell eterm not to execute my ~/.bash_profile? I have
 several things ran by this script that only need to be ran when I login,
 not everytime I open up a term window.

you have to start it with:
$ Eterm +ls

(try man Eterm)

  Mauro Mazzieri  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

World domination. Fast.
-- Linus Torvalds

Re: How to find files by text/subdirectories

1999-02-08 Thread Ralph Winslow
Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 07 Feb 1999q, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
  What is the easiest way to locates files (say HTML) by text in their

find director_and_subs_you_are_interested_in -exec grep string you
seek {} \; -print

If you're only interested in html files, add -name *html before -exec.

  4DOS ffind is essentially what I am trying to do.  Is there
  a way to pipe 'find'?  Or do I need to use gawk?
  When I tried using gawk it would not allow me to search multiple
  directories.  I find never used
  gawk before so I probably didn't know what I was doing.  I would prefer
  to 'find' somehow but I am
  not sure how to search for text using it.  Any suggestions?
 Install glimpse. I don't know if there is a deb file of of this so you may
 need to put it in /usr/local/. It makes an index of all the files on your
 hard disk (or any subset of them you choose); then you can search for
 whatever text strings you choose. Brilliant program.
 Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0
 The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
 Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

The IQ of the group is that of the member
whose IQ is lowest  divided by the number
of members.

RE: Default Login

1999-02-08 Thread Shaleh

On 08-Feb-99 Gaikwad, Arun wrote:
 We are using Debian/GNU LInux 1.2.
 What are the default Logins?.
 We need to make sure they are changed on our machine.

If you mean users the only one worth caring about is root.  Which the initial
install has you change.  The rest are users that exist to control programs and
can not login.

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