Re: WindowMaker Themes

1999-02-21 Thread homega
Marcelo E. Magallon dixit:
   Me bajé unos cuantos temas para el WindowMaker, ¿qué debo hacer
   para poder usarlos?
  $ cd ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker
  $ tar xvzf tema.tgz
  botón derecho en la ventana raíz - Workspace - Appearance - Themes
  (no recuerdo si esto funciona con 0.14.1, _creo_ que no)

No, no funciona.  Los temas por defecto, son los que vienen en
/etc/X11/WindowMaker, pero no sé cómo hacer que vea los nuevos... el submenú
Appearance no existía, lo he creado yo y le he añadido los de Background y
Styles.  He intentado a crear un submenú Themes, pero ni idea de cómo crear
el fichero para que éste apunte a /home.../WindowMaker.

Ahora tengo en /home/usuario/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker estos ficheros y


En Backgrounds/:


En Iconsets/:


En Pixmaps/:


En Style/ no hay nada, y en Themes/:

Blood Roses
Solar System

Un saludo,


Quis custodiet ipsos custodet?

Programando la unidad de disquettes

1999-02-21 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren
Hola a todos:

Probablemente este no sea el lugar más apropiado para poner una cuestión
como esta pero de todas formas aquí va.

Agradecería cualquier ayuda que me permitiera localizar cualquier
información sobre la estructura de un floppy y cómo leerlo y formatearlo
a bajo nivel para Linux y para DOS.


Incluso Dios discute por los de talles con el diablo. (Anónimo)

Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: WindowMaker Themes

1999-02-21 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon

  No, no funciona.  Los temas por defecto, son los que vienen en
  /etc/X11/WindowMaker, pero no sé cómo hacer que vea los nuevos... el submenú
  Appearance no existía, lo he creado yo y le he añadido los de Background y
  Styles.  He intentado a crear un submenú Themes, pero ni idea de cómo crear
  el fichero para que éste apunte a /home.../WindowMaker.

 Según NEWS.gz, OPEN_MENU fue introducido en la versión 0.12.0, así
 que esto debería funcionar:

 WorkSpace MENU 
   Appearance  OPEN_MENU  - esto es quizás lo que no
   Arrange Icons  ARRANGE_ICONS  está en el 0.14.1
   Clear Session  CLEAR_SESSION
   Hide Others  HIDE_OTHERS
   Save Session  SAVE_SESSION
   Show All  SHOW_ALL
   Workspaces  WORKSPACE_MENU
 WorkSpace END

 En ~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/

 Appearance MENU 
   Background OPEN_MENU
   Styles OPEN_MENU /usr/share/WindowMaker/Styles 
~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Styles WITH setstyle
   Themes OPEN_MENU /usr/share/WindowMaker/Themes 
~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes WITH setstyle
 Appearance  END

 No recuerdo exactamente la estructura del menu en la versión 0.14.1,
 pero creo que sería tan sencillo como añadir algo así en

 ?package(wmaker):needs=wmaker \
 section=WorkSpace title=Appearance \

 y ejecutar update-menus como root.


Re: Fallo de impresion gs sobre HP670C

1999-02-21 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
Agustín Martín wrote:
 Antonio Calvo Rodriguez wrote:
  Otra pregunta para los que os apañais con latex
  Porque el dvips de hamm se salta las paginas en blanco al imprimir en
  HP670C a traves de magicfilter. ?
 Primero, ¿qué entiendes por páginas en blanco?. Aquellas donde hay un
 cambio en la numeración y no se pone numeración explícita, como en el
 título, pero en la siguiente se empieza de nuevo. Entonces, el problema
 no es de páginas en blanco sino de cambios de numeración que no respetan
 el orden par/impar.
Lo que intentaba imprimir es The Not so short Introduccion to Latex2e
Resulta que viendolo con xdvi y con gv aparecen paginas en blanco ( la 4
ejemplo ) que al imprimir con dvips no aparecen
Lo he intentado como dices y no va tampoco.
Parece que la impresora se salta las paginas que van totalmente en
Mas pruebas
Efectivamente, la impresora se salta las paginas en blanco.
gs las genera, pero no se imprimen.
Por ejemplo:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $psselect -p3-5|lpr
[3] [4] [5] Wrote 3 pages, 458304 bytes
La pagina 4 esta totalmente en blanco. NO SALE.-
examinando el codigo postscript generado la pagina si esta
%%Page: 4 2
4 3 bop  eop

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $gs -sDEVICE=cdj550 -sOutputFile=sho%d.pcl

genera 3 ficheros:
sho1.pcl, sho2.pcl, sho3.pcl
sho2.pcl no lo imprime ( es una pagina en blanco )
ni siquiera haciendo un cat directo a /dev/lp1

Los paquetes instalados :
ii  gs-aladdin  5.50-3 Postscript interpreter with X11 and
ii  gs-aladdin-manu 1.3-1  The Ghostscript user manual by Thomas
Merz (
ii  gsfonts 4.01-7 Fonts for the ghostscript interpreter

cambiando gs-aladdin por gs tampoco soluciono nada.

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
n:Calvo Rodriguez;Antonio
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Antonio Calvo Rodriguez

Re: Cargar / descargar modulos

1999-02-21 Thread JuanjoC \(PianoTuner\)
Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:

 Hola listeros!!

 ¿Hay alguna manera de comprobar o listar los módulos que estan


This message has been written in 100% recycled paper

Powered by Linux Debian 2.0 with kernel 2.0.35
Running on CASIO fx-6300G Scientific calculator.

Registered User/Machine: 92691/34454

Re: Cargar / descargar modulos

1999-02-21 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
Hola a todos!!

A lo mejor le estoy pidiendo demasiado al kerneld, al querer que me
cargue el módulo de sonido al arrancar y que luego no me lo

Va a ser mejor que cree un script en /etc/rc.local que me ejecute:

   depmod sb keep

Que hace lo que quiero.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

02/20   J. Geils (J. Geils Band) is born, 1946
02/20   Yes sells out Madison Square Garden...without advertising, 1974

(Stow) Re: dpkg, tar.gz

1999-02-21 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Fri, Feb 19, 1999 at 03:02:15PM +0100, Sergio Rael Gutierrez contaba:
En estos casos a mí Stow me dá muy buenos resultados. Es de lo mejorcito que
existe para facilitarte la vida con la mayoría de los tgz.

¿Podrías ampliar información sobre el Stow ese?

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

02/20   J. Geils (J. Geils Band) is born, 1946
02/20   Yes sells out Madison Square Garden...without advertising, 1974

exim (era: enviar correo via smtp)

1999-02-21 Thread J. Ivan Juanes Prieto
On Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 08:21:59AM +, Enrique Zanardi wrote:
 aunque yo no lo he probado. Solía usar smail y ahora uso exim. Con el
 eximconfig configurar el MTA es trivial para la mayoría de los casos.
 Enrique Zanardi  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
¿Qué tal es el exim para sistemas pequeños a medianos, digamos un
Instituto de Bachillerato? ¿Podría configurarlo alguien no experto?
¿Es tan fácil de configurar como, digamos, el interface web del servidor
web roxen?
No lo digo por mi, sino porque los posibles usuarios/administradores tendrian 
que ser profesores de instituto, que en su vida han visto un fichero de 
Habia pensado en smail porque es lo que yo uso, pero a veces en Linux tenemos
un criterio de lo que es fácil, y la gente no tiene por qué pensar como
Ahora estoy un poco perdido. Pensaba hacer un subconjunto de debian para 
Institutos de Bachillerato y como server web pense en el roxen, que es gpl.
Como MTA no lo tengo nada claro. Cualquier sugerencia seria de gran valor
para mi.
Gracias por anticipado.
J. Ivan Juanes Prieto
Greek and Latin Teacher
Canary Islands - Spain
Linux Debian 2.0

Unidentified subject!

1999-02-21 Thread nisitake
unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BNishikawa Takeo (Fuchuu-city,Tokyo)

Re: xquake

1999-02-21 Thread Hue-Bond
On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Emilio de Miguel wrote:

Ya me funciona, pero como root :(

 Es  verdad, si  lo pone  en el  readme! (yo  también caí  en el
 error). Resulta  que los de Debian  quitaron el bit suid  porque el
 quake tiene  algunos agujerillos que  otros. Busca el  ejecutable y
 ponle el 4755 de turno a ver qué tal.

sabes si hay alguna version del svgalib que trabaje con el
frame buffer de kernel 2.2.1 ?

 Ni idea, no se me había ocurrido pensar en eso todavía.

Linux, como su propio nombre indica, es *el* sistema operativo. (Barbwired)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.1
PGP Public key at

xdm question

1999-02-21 Thread Mark Wagnon
I successfully upgraded to slink from hamm. Yahoo! It only took about 10
hours over 3 days to do it. apt is your friend!!!

One question though. I rebooted my system and xdm started. I never use
xdm, but I thought okay I'll try it. It wouldn't let me log in either as
root or as a normal user.

I did a ctrl-alt-F1 and found xdm in /etc/init.d/. Is it okay to remove
xdm from here without any adverse effects? Well, I did it anyway :) but
I was just wondering if I should seek an alternative solution.


  __   _
Mark Wagnon  -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Debian who?

1999-02-21 Thread Jerry Human
Hello People:

I'm a Brand Spankin' Shinning Newbe with a Brand Spankin Shinning New
Debian install using floppies, all seven of them D/Led from,
so now what? The man pages don't work. Nothing will install because of
dependency errors except for joe (works great but there must be
something better). Can't get the computer on the internet because that
machine isn't connected and doesn't have the software, yet. Games won't
install either. Really wanted to get it up and running to learn Linux,
C, C++ and a few other things. Besides, I'd like to replace WinDoze95
with something I can depend on and understand how it works and maybe
even tweak a little. So, what do I do now?

Actually, I've spent over a month reading How-to's and Install.txt and
anything else I could find. Problem is, nothing seems to work, even
though I've tried installing several times, manually configuring things,
and asking everyone that seemed to maybe know something.

The install seems to boot from the hard disk ok, I get about three and a
half screens of report between Loading Lilo ... and Login. Everything
looks fine and seems to terminate successfully except for one itty bitty

Mounting local file systems ...
not mounted anything

Ok, that's probably a biggie but I did install vfat so I could read
floppies made on the Win95 machine. Does anybody have an idea of what I
did wrong? What should I do now?

Thank you.

Re: Debian who?

1999-02-21 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 I'm a Brand Spankin' Shinning Newbe with a Brand Spankin Shinning New
 Debian install using floppies, all seven of them D/Led from,
 so now what? The man pages don't work. Nothing will install because of
 dependency errors except for joe (works great but there must be
 something better). Can't get the computer on the internet because that
 machine isn't connected and doesn't have the software, yet. Games won't
 install either. Really wanted to get it up and running to learn Linux,
 C, C++ and a few other things. Besides, I'd like to replace WinDoze95
 with something I can depend on and understand how it works and maybe
 even tweak a little. So, what do I do now?

Base system is there just to get you started. Man pages, C/C++, etc . is
all in packages which need to be installed. If you don't have the
connection to netwell, installing via floppies will work for some
things, but looking
on the bigger picture, if you can not get a CD ($10 with 3-day delivery),
you are pretty much screwed. Get the connection running, and you can
download everything. Will just take some time. 

 Actually, I've spent over a month reading How-to's and Install.txt and
 anything else I could find. Problem is, nothing seems to work, even
 though I've tried installing several times, manually configuring things,
 and asking everyone that seemed to maybe know something.

Again, base system does not come with many packages. It's base. Packages
included are just about enough to get you into shell, with CD support, so
you can install what you need. It also comes with ppp, to get you on the
net. If you don't have a CD drive and modem, get one of them.
 The install seems to boot from the hard disk ok, I get about three and a
 half screens of report between Loading Lilo ... and Login. Everything
 looks fine and seems to terminate successfully except for one itty bitty

Thats normal dmesg stuff for a base kernel. You can get rid of most of it
by recompiling the kernel, but floppies will not do, since the file is 12M

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Re: Debian who?

1999-02-21 Thread Andrei Ivanov
Also, as to not mounting any local fs's:
The message appears at the boot when system reads your 
/etc/fstab file, where partitions and directories to mount onto them are
located. Check it out, seems like your /etc/fstab is blank, although in
that case / and /usr would not mount either, so you would not be able to
do anything .

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Final test build of XFree86 for slink -- PLEASE TEST

1999-02-21 Thread Branden Robinson
Sorry for the wide crossposting.

XFree86 is available at

If there are no problems with it, it will be rebuilt tomorrow with the
changelog edited to change its Debian version to -11, and uploaded to

I cannot stress how important it is that this release be tested.

I have abandoned two of my goals for the slink release because it is too

  1) The merging of a lot of patches from the xlib6g buglist regarding
 locales and XKB data.  These are not release critical, and I'm pushing
 the envelope enough as it is.  I am sorry to neglect Debian users who
 do not use ISO-8859-1 by default in this manner, but addressing these bugs
 is very, very high on my priority list for potato X.
  2) There will be no bogus xfnt* or xslib(g) packages that depend upon
 their counterparts with new names.[1]

Thanks especially to Anders Hammarquist, Ben Collins, and Robert Woodcock
for helping me realize the other two goals I had for final slink X
(packages ready for alpha and sparc without modification, and making
xf86config and XF86Setup aware of /etc/X11/Xsession).

[1] Jason Gunthorpe, apt author, has assured me in no uncertain terms that
Santiago Vila's proposal to create bogus packages with the names of
the old font and static library packages is the wrong solution because
apt cannot be guaranteed to do the right thing.
Indeed the scenario of:
   package A depends on package B
   package B conflicts with package A
is pathological.  The existing Conflicts: of the new font and static
library packages with the old is completely within the spirit and
letter of the Debian packaging manual.  To create bogus packages would
not be.  This issue is best addressed with something like an
auto-upgrade script.  I am willing to work with anyone who would like
to develop a solution that is not abusive of the packaging system.
This is a problem that must be solved outside the existing packaging
system.  Any bugs filed against the X packages complaining about this
will be closed or reassigned.  Sorry to sound defensive, but I have
been harassed enough about it.  In retrospect, it was a mistake to
rename the packages, but that genie is out of the bottle.  In practice,
this problem is not grave because the contents of the font and static
library packages have not changed substantively since they were renamed.

G. Branden Robinson  |
Debian GNU/Linux |The software said it required Windows
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |3.1 or better, so I installed Linux. |
Format: 1.5
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 1999 16:25:08 -0500
Source: xfree86
Binary: xfonts-100dpi xfree86-common xserver-i128 xmanpages xserver-common 
xlib6 xfonts-cjk xext xserver-xsun xfonts-base xserver-svga xmh xserver-8514 
xprt xterm xbase xserver-p9000 xsm xserver-tga xlib6g-dev twm xfonts-75dpi 
xlib6-static xserver-agx xf86setup xserver-mach64 rstart xserver-vga16 
xlib6g-static xserver-s3 xserver-fbdev rstartd xfonts-scalable xdm 
xfonts-cyrillic xlib6g xserver-mach8 xserver-xsun24 xserver-xsun-mono xfs 
xbase-clients xlib6-altdev xnest xserver-mono xvfb xserver-w32 xserver-s3v 
xserver-mach32 xproxy xfonts-pex
Architecture: source all i386 i386 alpha
Distribution: frozen unstable
Urgency: high
Maintainer: Branden Robinson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 rstart - X remote start client
 rstartd- X remote start daemon
 twm- Tab window manager
 xbase  - XFree86 upgrade convenience package
 xbase-clients - miscellaneous X clients
 xdm- X display manager
 xext   - extensions to X servers
 xf86setup  - X server configuration tools
 xfonts-100dpi - 100 dpi fonts for X servers
 xfonts-75dpi - 75 dpi fonts for X servers
 xfonts-base - standard fonts for X servers
 xfonts-cjk - Chinese, Japanese, and Korean fonts for X servers
 xfonts-cyrillic - Cyrillic fonts for X servers
 xfonts-pex - fonts for minimal PEX support in X servers
 xfonts-scalable - scalable fonts for X servers
 xfree86-common - X Window System (XFree86) infrastructure
 xfs- X font server
 xlib6  - shared libraries required by libc5 X clients
 xlib6-altdev - include files and libraries for libc5 X client development
 xlib6-static - statically linked versions of the libraries in xlib6
 xlib6g - shared libraries required by X clients
 xlib6g-dev - include files and libraries for X client development
 xlib6g-static - statically linked versions of the libraries in xlib6g
 xmanpages  - manual pages for X developers
 xmh- X interface to MH mail system
 xnest  - nested X server
 xproxy - X proxy services
 xprt   - X print server
 xserver-8514 - X server for ATI 8514/A-based graphics cards
 xserver-agx - X server for IBM XGA and IIT AGX-based graphics cards
 xserver-common - files and utilities common to 

two quick questions

1999-02-21 Thread wtb

How can I make setserial changes permanent.  I'm using com 7 which is 0x3E8
and irq 5.  Irq 5 instead of irq 4 is a permanent change as far as my system
goes but setserial reverts back to irq 4 at each reboot.
Using winsock/netscape/windows 3.11 How can I be sure that *.deb files
downloaded from debian org are binaary and not ASCII.  DPKG accuses me
of trying to use ASCII *.deb files to install packages.

Re: xdm question

1999-02-21 Thread Pann McCuaig
On Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 16:26 (-0800), Mark Wagnon wrote:
 I successfully upgraded to slink from hamm. Yahoo! It only took about 10
 hours over 3 days to do it. apt is your friend!!!
 One question though. I rebooted my system and xdm started. I never use
 xdm, but I thought okay I'll try it. It wouldn't let me log in either as
 root or as a normal user.
 I did a ctrl-alt-F1 and found xdm in /etc/init.d/. Is it okay to remove
 xdm from here without any adverse effects? Well, I did it anyway :) but
 I was just wondering if I should seek an alternative solution.

man update-rc.d

your man pann

Re: two quick questions

1999-02-21 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 How can I make setserial changes permanent.  I'm using com 7 which is 
 and irq 5.  Irq 5 instead of irq 4 is a permanent change as far as my system
 goes but setserial reverts back to irq 4 at each reboot.

man setserial, the file you need to edit is


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Re: Modem Commands

1999-02-21 Thread shaul
 Also, is there a page somewhere that lists the hayes/at modem commands? 

Try the modem manufacturers home pages. Even if they do not have hayes/at 
modem commands you can probably get it from what they do have. For example, I 
believe that can help.
Another option, which I never tried, is to make a web serach for it.

missing man files

1999-02-21 Thread wtb

[EMAIL PROTECTED] missed the man files in his struggle.  I just discovered
today that there are a large number of man pages included in
debian seven disk download for hamm.  One has to read throught the programming
jargon but they are there.  Try ls /usr/man/man1 or man2 through man5 and man7
and man8.  The man pages are all *.gz files but
zmore /usr/man/man1 or # takes care of that.
   Using the hwclock man page I was able to set the date properly but still
havent figured out how to set the time.
   Is this fun or what?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 2 modems in one computer?

1999-02-21 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Fri, Feb 19, 1999 at 04:03:16PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
 Shaleh writes:
  There is a thing called multi link ppp -- two modems dial at once and you
  get double the speed (in theory).  It does work in Windows, I am not
  aware of software support in Linux
 I've heard of people using it under Linux, though I don't recall any
 details.  It does require support at the other end.

It does work on Linux. I have a Linux box here with two modems and
another located with an ISP which has three modems. I had both going
here and was getting 5-6k/sec. Not terrific, but quite nice all the same.
If I had another modem I would have gotten that running too :-)

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: xdm question

1999-02-21 Thread Steve Willer

On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Pann McCuaig wrote:

  I did a ctrl-alt-F1 and found xdm in /etc/init.d/. Is it okay to remove
  xdm from here without any adverse effects? Well, I did it anyway :) but
  I was just wondering if I should seek an alternative solution.
 man update-rc.d

Better yet, dpkg --purge xdm

Re: xdm question

1999-02-21 Thread servis
*- On 20 Feb, Mark Wagnon wrote about xdm question
 I successfully upgraded to slink from hamm. Yahoo! It only took about 10
 hours over 3 days to do it. apt is your friend!!!
 One question though. I rebooted my system and xdm started. I never use
 xdm, but I thought okay I'll try it. It wouldn't let me log in either as
 root or as a normal user.
 I did a ctrl-alt-F1 and found xdm in /etc/init.d/. Is it okay to remove
 xdm from here without any adverse effects? Well, I did it anyway :) but
 I was just wondering if I should seek an alternative solution.

xdm used to be in the xbase package, no it is in its own package.  It
was probably sucked in by a dependency in the now empty xbase package. 
So just 'dpkg --purge xdm'.  Once you have upgraded to the -10 versions
of the X packages in slink you can also 'dpkg --purge xbase' as it was
just a dummy package to help in the migration of the upgrade.  Read the
'dpkg -s xbase' if you are not sure.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

fetchmail problem

1999-02-21 Thread Pollywog
I am having a problem with Fetchmail.  I can get mail if I connect to the
Internet and then use the command 'fetchmail', but when I was using OpenLinux,
I just put:

/usr/local/bin/fetchmail -d 600

in my /etc/ppp/ip-up and I could get my mail whenever I went online with diald.

I am unable to do that now and need to enter the command manually.
Is there a way to do in Debian what I did in OpenLinux?



Auto Login at Boot?

1999-02-21 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
IN trying to find out if there was a way to automatically login during
boot or to login to different terminals at boot I ran across this
program.  Not being a C programmer I don't really understand what is
happening in this program. It looks as if a password can be accepted as
an argument but in the example there is no password mentioned

 dboot tty userid command 

Can this be used to auto login under numerous terminal under different
user id's and passwords.

 dboot tty userid password command 

  I usually keep three terminal open.  One as root, one as user under a
command shell and one as user under an X terminal.  I use root because I
haven't found out which files I need to give user rights to in order to

/* dboot.c - program for inittab to execute and start processes.
 Arguments are:
tty to use for console
program to run (most likely login)
[any program args]


c1:respawn:/usr/local/bin/dboot tty1 login -f sysadmin

will startup user 'sysadmin' on console 1

By Dave Bennet, from Linux Journal Issue 33 January 1997

 o Modified by Jeremy Impson, to take one more argument, a uid that will 
   be changed to.  It is optional, assuming that the userid doesn't
start with
   a '/', and assuming that the command does.  July 10, 1997

   usage is now 
 /* dboot.c - program for inittab to execute and start processes.
 Arguments are:
tty to use for console
program to run (most likely login)
[any program args]


c1:respawn:/usr/local/bin/dboot tty1 login -f sysadmin

will startup user 'sysadmin' on console 1

By Dave Bennet, from Linux Journal Issue 33 January 1997

 o Modified by Jeremy Impson, to take one more argument, a uid that will 
   be changed to.  It is optional, assuming that the userid doesn't
start with
   a '/', and assuming that the command does.  July 10, 1997

   usage is now 
 dboot tty userid command
 dboot tty command

   Also, added syslogging facility.  Jul 10, 1997


#include stdlib.h
#include string.h
#include sys/types.h
#include sys/stat.h
#include fcntl.h
#include errno.h
#include unistd.h
#include pwd.h
#include syslog.h

int main(int argc, char **argv)
int fd, whicharg;
pid_t   pid;
struct  passwd  *pw_ptr;

openlog(dboot, LOG_PID, LOG_USER);

if ( argv[2][0] == '/') {
whicharg = 2;
} else {
whicharg = 3;

strcat(cdev,argv[1]);   /* console device */
if (-1 == (fd = open(cdev, O_RDWR))) {
syslog(LOG_ERR,open failure\n);
/* perror(open failure); */


if (-1 == (dup(fd))) {
syslog(LOG_ERR,dup 0 failure\n);
/* perror(dup 0 failure); */


if (-1 == (dup(fd))) {
syslog(LOG_ERR,dup 1 failure\n);
/* perror(dup 1 failure); */


if (-1 == (dup(fd))) {
syslog(LOG_ERR,dup 2 failure\n);
/* perror(dup 2 failure); */

if (3 == whicharg) {
if (NULL == (pw_ptr = getpwnam(argv[2]))) {
syslog(LOG_ERR,no pwent for %s\n,argv[2]);
/* sprintf(buf,no pwent for %s,argv[2]);
perror(buf); */

if (-1 == setuid(pw_ptr-pw_uid)) {
syslog(LOG_ERR,setuid failure\n);
perror(setuid failure);


if (-1 == execvp(argv[whicharg], argv[whicharg])) {
syslog(LOG_ERR,execvp failure\n);
/* perror(execvp failure); */

} /* end of main */

Re: Auto Login at Boot?

1999-02-21 Thread Chris Hoover
Setup diald, then you don't have to worry about starting up ppp.  It
will do it anytime you try to access the net.


Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 IN trying to find out if there was a way to automatically login during
 boot or to login to different terminals at boot I ran across this
 program.  Not being a C programmer I don't really understand what is
 happening in this program. It looks as if a password can be accepted as
 an argument but in the example there is no password mentioned
  dboot tty userid command
 Can this be used to auto login under numerous terminal under different
 user id's and passwords.
  dboot tty userid password command
   I usually keep three terminal open.  One as root, one as user under a
 command shell and one as user under an X terminal.  I use root because I
 haven't found out which files I need to give user rights to in order to
 /* dboot.c - program for inittab to execute and start processes.
  Arguments are:
 tty to use for console
 program to run (most likely login)
 [any program args]
 c1:respawn:/usr/local/bin/dboot tty1 login -f sysadmin
 will startup user 'sysadmin' on console 1
 By Dave Bennet, from Linux Journal Issue 33 January 1997
  o Modified by Jeremy Impson, to take one more argument, a uid that will
be changed to.  It is optional, assuming that the userid doesn't
 start with
a '/', and assuming that the command does.  July 10, 1997
usage is now
  /* dboot.c - program for inittab to execute and start processes.
  Arguments are:
 tty to use for console
 program to run (most likely login)
 [any program args]
 c1:respawn:/usr/local/bin/dboot tty1 login -f sysadmin
 will startup user 'sysadmin' on console 1
 By Dave Bennet, from Linux Journal Issue 33 January 1997
  o Modified by Jeremy Impson, to take one more argument, a uid that will
be changed to.  It is optional, assuming that the userid doesn't
 start with
a '/', and assuming that the command does.  July 10, 1997
usage is now
  dboot tty userid command
  dboot tty command
Also, added syslogging facility.  Jul 10, 1997
 #include stdlib.h
 #include string.h
 #include sys/types.h
 #include sys/stat.h
 #include fcntl.h
 #include errno.h
 #include unistd.h
 #include pwd.h
 #include syslog.h
 int main(int argc, char **argv)
 int fd, whicharg;
 pid_t   pid;
 struct  passwd  *pw_ptr;
 openlog(dboot, LOG_PID, LOG_USER);
 if ( argv[2][0] == '/') {
 whicharg = 2;
 } else {
 whicharg = 3;
 strcat(cdev,argv[1]);   /* console device */
 if (-1 == (fd = open(cdev, O_RDWR))) {
 syslog(LOG_ERR,open failure\n);
 /* perror(open failure); */
 if (-1 == (dup(fd))) {
 syslog(LOG_ERR,dup 0 failure\n);
 /* perror(dup 0 failure); */
 if (-1 == (dup(fd))) {
 syslog(LOG_ERR,dup 1 failure\n);
 /* perror(dup 1 failure); */
 if (-1 == (dup(fd))) {
 syslog(LOG_ERR,dup 2 failure\n);
 /* perror(dup 2 failure); */
 if (3 == whicharg) {
 if (NULL == (pw_ptr = getpwnam(argv[2]))) {
 syslog(LOG_ERR,no pwent for %s\n,argv[2]);
 /* sprintf(buf,no pwent for %s,argv[2]);
 perror(buf); */
 if (-1 == setuid(pw_ptr-pw_uid)) {
 syslog(LOG_ERR,setuid failure\n);
 perror(setuid failure);
 if (-1 == execvp(argv[whicharg], argv[whicharg])) {
 syslog(LOG_ERR,execvp failure\n);
 /* perror(execvp failure); */
 } /* end of main */
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Re: fetchmail problem

1999-02-21 Thread Chris Hoover

  I believe you can put set daemon 600 in your .fetchmailrc, and it will
do the same thing.


Pollywog wrote:
 I am having a problem with Fetchmail.  I can get mail if I connect to the
 Internet and then use the command 'fetchmail', but when I was using OpenLinux,
 I just put:
 /usr/local/bin/fetchmail -d 600
 in my /etc/ppp/ip-up and I could get my mail whenever I went online with 
 I am unable to do that now and need to enter the command manually.
 Is there a way to do in Debian what I did in OpenLinux?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: pine mutt

1999-02-21 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 04:39:38PM -0500, Adam Lazur wrote:
 Steve Willer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
   Now I use mutt and tin and am quite happy with both.
  Sounds like mutt wasn't too good for news either.
 AFAIK mutt isn't currently meant to be a news reader. There are
 patches to make it do news however, but they aren't incorporated into
 the stable (Beta) release yet (I believe they're still under

*WHY!?*  Anyone familiar with mutt would know that it was modeled after
a newsreader, SLRN!  So why contribute to bloat by having those two
functions in the same program, especially mutt, when one can have mutt and
slrn with similar key mappings, similar colors, etc, etc, etc...

In short, any patch to mut to mangle it to read news will fall severely
short of slrn or any other dedicated news reader.

 Steve C. Lamb | Opinions expressed by me are not my| employer's.  They hired me for my
 ICQ: 5107343  | skills and labor, not my opinions!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Auto Login at Boot?

1999-02-21 Thread Chris Hoover
Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

   I usually keep three terminal open.  One as root, one as user under a
 command shell and one as user under an X terminal.  I use root because I
 haven't found out which files I need to give user rights to in order to

  If I remember correctly, the faq-o-matic on the debian home page,
lists the steps to go through to modify ppp so users other than root can
start it. (assuming you don't want diald).


System Load

1999-02-21 Thread Chris Hoover
I'm a little concerned about my system load.  Top is registering a load
average of 1.35 1.24 1.01, but my system is more than 90%.  How can this
be?  There is no disk activity, and lots of free memory.

I'm running 2.2.1.  This is the first time I've noticed it, and am not
doing anything out of the ordinary.


Proxy Setup for Netscape and Junkbuster

1999-02-21 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
What should my port be set to in Netscape when running Junkbuster?  In
the FAQ it says 8000 and in the Manual it says 5865?  When I run either
one of these I keep getting error messages in Netscape that Network
connection is refused by server!



1999-02-21 Thread Larry Fletcher
The first time I tried pppconfig it worked perfectly, but I just tried
to change the phone number and now it won't connect. (The only change
is the phone number, everything else is the same.)

I tried deleting /etc/ppp/peers/provider in an effort to erase the
defaults and start over, but when I ran pppconfig the defaults were
still there.  What files should I delete to get pppconfig back to where
it was when I first installed hamm?


Re: VGA fonts on X

1999-02-21 Thread Branden Robinson
On Fri, Feb 19, 1999 at 02:23:50AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 is it possible to use vga fonts on an Xterm?

No.  Not without converting them, and I know of no tool to do this.

G. Branden Robinson  |
Debian GNU/Linux |If existence exists,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |why create a creator? |

Description: PGP signature

PPP from install disks.

1999-02-21 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer

I remember someone mentioning that PPP support was on the install disks.
I am about to install debian on a machine via PPP/ftp if possible.  The
ISP that my friend is with uses PAP, and I have had no luck setting up PAP
in the past (though I have never used pppconfig) so I have two questions.

1) is pppconfig on the install disks?  (the base system)

2) does it simplify setup for PAP dialup?

Thanks in advance.


IBM netfinity PCs

1999-02-21 Thread King Lee

Our school plans on getting  some IBM Netfinity computers. Does anyone
have any experience running Debian with these computers. These computers
come, I think, with built in SCSI, video, and network. Does anyone
1.  what video chip it uses
2.  what SCSI
3.  what network card chip set 
I think I can get it with Red Hat, but I may want to
compile  my own kernel, and install Debian. 

If you have experience, how do you like them? 

Thanks in advance

King Lee


1999-02-21 Thread Doug Dine

How do I set up my modem in Debian? I have installed the base system and a 
bunch of other things including Minicom and when I opened Minicom the system
froze while itializing the modem.


Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
Get your FREE Internet Access and Email at

Re: Proxy Setup for Netscape and Junkbuster

1999-02-21 Thread John Leget

(im running potato ) check the file  /etc/junkbuster/config
in my setup it has the following as default

listen-address   :5865

Did you configure youre netscape proxy settings properly to use the above ??
ive set netscape to use localhost  port 5865

gets rid of those pesky adds etc :)


Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

 What should my port be set to in Netscape when running Junkbuster?  In
 the FAQ it says 8000 and in the Manual it says 5865?  When I run either
 one of these I keep getting error messages in Netscape that Network
 connection is refused by server!


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Re: hamm/pppconfig?

1999-02-21 Thread John Leget
Also check out the files in /etc/chatscripts/... these are used as well, i just
manually changed the phone no here recently.


Larry Fletcher wrote:

 The first time I tried pppconfig it worked perfectly, but I just tried
 to change the phone number and now it won't connect. (The only change
 is the phone number, everything else is the same.)

 I tried deleting /etc/ppp/peers/provider in an effort to erase the
 defaults and start over, but when I ran pppconfig the defaults were
 still there.  What files should I delete to get pppconfig back to where
 it was when I first installed hamm?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-02-21 Thread Deniz Dogan

After some X package upgrades, no package owns /etc/X11/Xserver on my
box.  I checked docs but couldn't find which file provides its
function.  Any ideas?


Deniz Dogan

Quite wierd network problem

1999-02-21 Thread Gregory Vandenbrouck

  Sometimes my network hangs up (I can not ping outside, I can ping on
localhost). Usually it happends once every 3 or 4 days. I'm currently
running 2.2.1 kernel, but it always happened (kernels 2.0.36 to 2.2.1).
For a long time, I though it was due to my network card (3com
3C905BTX2). I used to reboot the computer, and everything worked fine
after ... for 3/4 days.

I get messages like this one when the network hangs:
Feb 11 02:18:52 groumph kernel: Socket destroy delayed (r=0 w=320) 

  Now, I discovered that doing:
# ifconfig eth0 down
# bash /etc/init.d/network

reconnects me on the network. I keep all my old connections, rlogins,
windows sent from other computers ...

Do you have a clue about what is happening ? How could I avoid it ? (not
having to open a root shell and type in commands ...).

Thanks in advance !


   \\|//  VDB g
   (O O)
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mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  :-xxx
ooO~Ooo  ~~:-)

Re: System Load

1999-02-21 Thread Joey Hess
George Bonser wrote:
 On Sun, 21 Feb 1999, Chris Hoover wrote:
  I'm running 2.2.1.  This is the first time I've noticed it, and am not
  doing anything out of the ordinary.
 See if there is some stale Netscape process running or if RealAudio is
 hung in a weird state.

Check ps ax output to see if any processes have a D in the STAT

see shy jo


1999-02-21 Thread talein
Umm -- first off, I'm not subscribed to this list (-devel is enough for me
to sort through for now) -- but it was suggested that I bring the problem
I'm having with diald here.  So if you reply to the mailing-list, please
make sure I get a CC of the reply.

I'll cover the ground I've covered (hrmm) here to bring you up to speed.

installed diald (of course) -- edited /etc/diald/diald.options and
/etc/diald/connect -- to be able to connect -- but upon connecting, I got
these errors:

peer refused to authenticate

I took this to IRC, where it was suggested I add the following line to

pppd-options noauth

and try again -- which seemed to work -- authentication proceeded, but I
came across the following (weird) errors now:

sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user=event-horizon password=]
PAP authentication failed

note: that is exact -- no editing password -- and event-horizon is my

looking through the pppd scripts in /etc/ppp and /etc/ppp/peers and
whatnot, I thought of adding  pppd-options user talon to diald.options
-- but when I did that, it went back to giving me the peer refused to
authenticate error -- hrmm -- I wonder if I'd changed anything else.
I'll work on it some more -- but if *ANYBODY* has had any luck setting
this up, it'd be a TREMENDOUS help if you could send my any advice in
configuring this.

Thanks in advance :)

Lilo help for NT

1999-02-21 Thread Dung T. Nguyen


I was wondering if you anyone could give me a 
hand with using LILO to boot into Linux (and NT). The setting is as 

master: Ultra DMA drive -- NT 
slave: none
 secondary master: 
IOmega Zip Drive
slave: Toshiba 40x ATAPI CD ROM

Hard drive -- Linux (debian distribution 2.0 r3)

NT was installed first onto the first primary 
master drive using CDROM. Linux was installed later, also using CDROM, 
onto the SCSI drive. I have NO floppy drive and do not intend on getting 
one. I was able to install the linux kernel and base files fine, however 
when it comes time to reboot, I was unable to get into it because NT OS loader 
has control of the MBR on the primary master IDE drive and it is not aware of a 
linux installation (or lilo).

How can I install lilo so that I can boot into 
both NT and Linux without loosing my installation.

- oberon

Video for Linux

1999-02-21 Thread steven walsh

I'm trying to get v4l working on my system.  I compiled it into
the kernel and dmesg seems to say I find it:

i2c: initialized
Linux video capture interface: v1.00
bttv0: Brooktree Bt848 (rev 18) bus: 0, devfn: 48, irq: 11, memory:
bttv: 1 Bt8xx card(s) found.
bttv0: model: BT848(Miro)

but when I install XawTV I get:

This is xawtv-2.37, running on Linux/i586 (2.2.1)
can't open /dev/video: No such file or directory
v4l-conf had some trouble, trying to continue anyway
Warning: Cannot convert string false to type ResizeMode
x11: 1280x1024, 16 bit/pixel, 2560 byte/scanline, DGA, VidMode
open /dev/video: No such file or directory
open /dev/video: No such file or directory
no video grabber device available

and trying to make /dev/video or /dev/video_capture results in MAKEDEV
simply saying it doesn't know how to do such a thing.

Any ideas, folks?

See you on the flip side

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Troubles compiling DSO for Apache

1999-02-21 Thread Alexander List

I am using apache 1.3.4-5, apache-dev 1.3.4-5. When I try to configure
Ralf Engelschall's mod_ssl, I get:

./configure:Error: Installed Apache doesn't contain Extended API (EAPI)

Unfortunately, I didn't manage to compile the apache source package
myself. I always get to a point where debian/rules thinks it's
reverse-applying the EAPI patch...

Any hints?

Thank you


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Alexander List @ HTU Graz, Rechbauerstr. 12, A-8010 Graz
Tel: +43-316-873-5111   Fax: +43-316-873-5115


PGP public key available via WWW or on request

GRiD install

1999-02-21 Thread Toms222222
I've been trying to install linux on a grid laptop and when it probes the ide
controller ( I think, its after the line starting with hda, identifying the
harddrive, one more line comes up then) the system reboots.  Anyone know how
to fix this?  Is there a way to tell it where the HD is so it doesn't have to
probe?  when I reserve the area it loads the kernal and makes it straight to
ash but nothing works in there.  Any help would be apreciated.

Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-02-21 Thread Michele Bini
On Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 04:08:27PM -0700, Brett Wuth wrote:
 My Debian system is getting to have so many packages installed
 that backing it up is becoming difficult.  Ideally I'd like to
 only back up the files which I can't restore by re-installing
 the packages.
 Does anyone have a scheme or suggestions for backing up:
   * all files

   * except those that are part of Debian packages
all except /home /root /usr/local /var/local

   * but including those files that have been modified from 
   the distribution version 
don't know any quick way to determine those

   * and including those files that are dpkg-divert'd

   * and state information of which packages are installed
   so the same ones can be installed again?

So i'd suggest to back up the following areas:

configuration: /etc
user data: /home
variable data: /var/local /var/backups /var/log
site local: /var/local /usr/local /root
(eventually) kernels and modules: /boot /lib/modules


Programming the floppy disk drive

1999-02-21 Thread Antonio A. Rivas Ojanguren
Hi everybody

I',m not sure if this is the right place to put a quetion like this, but
here it is.

I ned some information about the structure of a floppy and how both to
read and to foramt it at a low level. Of couser under linux, but also
under DOS (I've got some doc on how DOS works with floppies but I think
I'm missing something).

I'll thank any information that guides me to the documentation that I

Thanks a lot.

Even God discusses the details with the devil. (Anonymous)

Antonio A. Rivas  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian who?

1999-02-21 Thread M.C. Vernon

 I'm a Brand Spankin' Shinning Newbe with a Brand Spankin Shinning New
 Debian install using floppies, all seven of them D/Led from,
 so now what? The man pages don't work. Nothing will install because of
 dependency errors except for joe (works great but there must be
 something better). Can't get the computer on the internet because that
 machine isn't connected and doesn't have the software, yet. Games won't
 install either. Really wanted to get it up and running to learn Linux,
 C, C++ and a few other things. Besides, I'd like to replace WinDoze95
 with something I can depend on and understand how it works and maybe
 even tweak a little. So, what do I do now?

You currently have a very minimal set of packages installed - i.e. enough
to enable you to install the rest ;). You need to get some debian packages
from somewhere:

1) over a fast net link (slow ones are OK, if you're not paying per
2) get a debian CD (A suppliers list is on the website)

Then run dselect, and pick the packages you want

 Mounting local file systems ...
 not mounted anything

This is fine. Not a problem at all. You only have linux installed on one
partition, right? local file systems would be other disk partitions that
you may at some point get, and add to /etc/fstab.



Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte


1999-02-21 Thread Martin Hafner
Hi, there !

I am just trying to install Debian 2.0(.34) on my 486/50.

Other components are:
WD 210 MB
Conner 210 MB
Soundblaster 1.5
ser. Mouse
The CDROM (in Windows a MITSUMI newer single speed) is connected to an
extra Controller
(only one connector, looks like ATAPI, (E)ISA, CINCH-connectors at the

I have tried to install Debian from the Rescue Disk. When prompted where
from to install the KERNEL,
I tried all CDROM-Connections (first on primary  to second on fourth),
but all attempts have failed
(not correctly mounted) although the Debian CD was inside of the drive
Then, using the DRV1440.bin that I had copied with Rawrite 2.0 onto a
3.5 1.44 MB - Disk,
I tried it with the Proprietary CDROM - option. But the following
happened: First a short check of the
floppy, then the question whether I liked COLOR or NOT to install
Debian. Answering anything gets me
back to the question NEXT = installing KERNEL ... - and so on !!


Re: /etx/X11/Xserver

1999-02-21 Thread servis
*- On 21 Feb, Deniz Dogan wrote about /etx/X11/Xserver
 After some X package upgrades, no package owns /etc/X11/Xserver on my
 box.  I checked docs but couldn't find which file provides its
 function.  Any ideas?

It is created by the xserver-common package during install. Files
that are created in the install scripts are not registered as beng
owned by a package. From /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-common.postinst:

# if /etc/X11/Xserver does not exist or is of zero length, make it
if [ ! -s /etc/X11/Xserver ]; then
  cat  /etc/X11/Xserver EOF

The first line in this file is the full pathname of the default X server.
The second line shows who is allowed to run the X server:
Console  (anyone whose controlling tty is on the console)

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: fetchmail problem

1999-02-21 Thread Dave Swegen
In debian you are supposed to put scripts which you want run when
connecting in '/etc/ppp/ip-up.d'. Also, make sure the permssions are correct
(-rwxr-xr-x) And (just to ask the obvious) is the command actually
pointing to fetchmail (debian places it in /usr/bin/). Apart from this I
can't think of any reason why it won't work, as it works just fine for me.
This is what my .fetchmailrc looks like (owned by root):

poll with proto pop3
user user there has password password
is dave here
postconnect /usr/bin/runq

And the relevant lines from the /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/local script look like this:

fetchmail# -Just to make sure the mail is fetched immediatly on
fetchmail -d 180 # later connects.



On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 03:06 -, Pollywog wrote:
 I am having a problem with Fetchmail.  I can get mail if I connect to the
 Internet and then use the command 'fetchmail', but when I was using OpenLinux,
 I just put:
 /usr/local/bin/fetchmail -d 600
 in my /etc/ppp/ip-up and I could get my mail whenever I went online with 
 I am unable to do that now and need to enter the command manually.
 Is there a way to do in Debian what I did in OpenLinux?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Dave Swegen   | Debian 2.0 on Linux i386 2.2.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP key available on request
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

Re: Video for Linux

1999-02-21 Thread Dave Swegen
From what I remember I simply used 'mknod' with the relevant major and
minor device numbers, which I found in amongst the docs for the linux
kernel (/usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt to be precise). So the
command would be mknod /dev/video0 c 81 0, and then you might have to
make /dev/video a symbolic link. HTH.


On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 04:28 -0600, steven walsh wrote:
   I'm trying to get v4l working on my system.  I compiled it into
 the kernel and dmesg seems to say I find it:
 i2c: initialized
 Linux video capture interface: v1.00
 bttv0: Brooktree Bt848 (rev 18) bus: 0, devfn: 48, irq: 11, memory:
 bttv: 1 Bt8xx card(s) found.
 bttv0: model: BT848(Miro)
 but when I install XawTV I get:
 This is xawtv-2.37, running on Linux/i586 (2.2.1)
 can't open /dev/video: No such file or directory
 v4l-conf had some trouble, trying to continue anyway
 Warning: Cannot convert string false to type ResizeMode
 x11: 1280x1024, 16 bit/pixel, 2560 byte/scanline, DGA, VidMode
 open /dev/video: No such file or directory
 open /dev/video: No such file or directory
 no video grabber device available
 and trying to make /dev/video or /dev/video_capture results in MAKEDEV
 simply saying it doesn't know how to do such a thing.
 Any ideas, folks?
 See you on the flip side
 - Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Dave Swegen   | Debian 2.0 on Linux i386 2.2.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP key available on request
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

Re: cdda2wav problem

1999-02-21 Thread Dietmar Schultz
On Thu, 18 Feb 1999, Worik wrote:

 Sorry, this driver and/or drive does not support cdda reading.
 cooked: Read cdda : Input/output error
 I have tried two different ide cdroms.  One a creative and the other an IBM.  
 Both manufactured in about 1995.  Is it lightly that the cdroms cannot read 
 cdda?  How can I tell if a cdrom drive supports cdda reading?

Most of the older ATAPI cdroms can't. Toshiba 4x and above should read
cdda, mainly in singlespeed. Most of the older SCSI cdroms do fine.

On the other side - most of the newer ATAPI cdroms are able to read cdda,
but a very few are not.

Tschau, Dietmar

Re: magic cookie error

1999-02-21 Thread Richard Harran
I've seen this question a lot on this list, and although this (xhost) is
a working solution, it seems to be considered to be a bit of a security
hole (anyone logged on to the localhost can access the X-Server, and
thus monitor keys and find out peoples passwords).  

If you set the XAUTHORITY variable in your environment as root to be
/home_path_of_the_person_running_the_xserver/.Xauthority, eg by
export XAUTHORITY=/home/user/.Xauthority
to the .bashrc of root (if you are using the bash shell), then root can
open windows on user's xserver.  Beware, however, that you will have a
problem if you try to start an X-server as root, as it will try and use
an old/non-existent(?) copy of .Xauthority from user's home directory. 
To get around this, you would need to unset the XAUTHORITY variable in
root's environment.  However, I belive running X as root is also
considered to be the wrong thing to do.

hope this help

Phil Dyer wrote:
 Pollywog wrote:
  I am getting this MAGIC COOKIE error when I try to run some X stuff as root.
  Is there something I can add to my profile in order to avoid it?
  Xlib: connection to :0.0 refused by server
  Xlib: Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 key
  ktail: cannot connect to X server :0.0
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 man xhost
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: question

1999-02-21 Thread Martin Schulze
   I am interested in downloading Debian Linux, but I am confused in which 
 I should download. The download site has many files, none of them say Debian
 2.0. What do I download, is it a single file or a series of files?

Debian 2.0 is a directory containing a bunch of files.  You probably
don't need to grab and install all of them.  To find  out how you
begin, please read one of the following installation manuals:

For Debian GNU/Linux 2.0


For the upcoming Debian GNU/Linux 2.1




GNU does not eliminate all the world's problems, only some of them.
-- The GNU Manifesto

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Re: Need help with new cable modem

1999-02-21 Thread wtopa

Subject: Need help with new cable modem
Date: Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 11:07:58AM -0800

In reply to:Matt Campbell

Quoting Matt Campbell([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 As of about 8 pm tonight I will have a brand spanking new cable modem 
 connection to the internet.  However, at this point it looks like it 
 might only work for Windows 95, and this sucks.  Is there anyone out 
 there on the @Home network who might be able to help me configure my 
 linux box to use it?
 I can tell already I have several issues to address:
 1) Find a driver for the plug-n-pray PCI ethernet controller they 
 installed. (Realtek RTL8029 - a really really generic card, the box 
 doesn't even have the manufacturers name on it)
 2) Configure a DHCP client.  Also, in relation to this, I may need to 
 change my hostname to that beastly thing they assigned me... ugh
 3) Pray to God.  (Or gods, or goddesses, depending on religious 
 So, can anyone give me any pointers?

Read the ISDN-HOWTO 

Office Automation, n.:
  The use of computers to improve efficiency by removing anyone
  you would want to talk with over coffee.

ppp difficulty

1999-02-21 Thread Gregory T. Norris
I recently had an ADSL connection installed, which gives me a dedicated
internet connection through a proxy.  An unanticipated side-effect of
this is that I'm now having problems when I use ppp to dial into work...
apparently due to the routing tables not being correct.

Here's what I have set up prior to invoking pon:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:4B:27:E5:5B
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:179677 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:94941 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Interrupt:16 Base address:0xfcc0
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface*   U 0  00 eth0   *   U 0  00 lo
default UG1  00 eth0

As you can see, I have a default gateway configured, which is a
requirement for the ADSL connection.  After using pon to establish the
ppp connection, I have the following:

eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:10:4B:27:E5:5B
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:179692 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:94952 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  Interrupt:16 Base address:0xfcc0

ppp0  Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol
  inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
  RX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:16 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse Iface  * UH0  00 ppp0*   U 0  00 eth0   *   U 0  00 lo
default UG1  00 eth0

At this point I'm not able to successfully ping any of the systems at
work, presumably because the packets are being routed to the gateway.
I've tried route add -net netmask ppp0,
but then route shows that a host route was added rather than a network
route.  If I play with the netmask (like making it I can
get a network route added, but either way I'm still not able to ping
anything through that interface.

I'd appreciate it if someone would point out what sort of routing entry
I need to setup in order to make this work.  I'm running an up-to-date
slink system with kernel version 2.2.1.


Re: PPP from install disks.

1999-02-21 Thread John Hasler
Daniel J. Brosemer writes:
 I remember someone mentioning that PPP support was on the install disks.
 1) is pppconfig on the install disks?  (the base system)

It is in the base system.

 2) does it simplify setup for PAP dialup?

I think so (but then I wrote it).
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: hamm/pppconfig?

1999-02-21 Thread John Hasler
Larry writes:
 The first time I tried pppconfig it worked perfectly, but I just tried
 to change the phone number and now it won't connect.

*Exactly* what did you do?  *Exactly* what results did you get?

 I tried deleting /etc/ppp/peers/provider in an effort to erase the
 defaults and start over, but when I ran pppconfig the defaults were
 still there.

What do you mean by the defaults?  The default valuse displayed by
pppconfig are not read from a file.  They are generated internally by
pppconfig when the provider files (/etc/chatscripts/provider and
/etc/ppp/peers/provider) either don't exist or don't look right.

 What files should I delete to get pppconfig back to where it was when I
 first installed hamm?

When you first installed hamm the ppp package installed a set of default
files.  Pppconfig ignored these and showed you its defaults.  It then
replaced the files installed by the ppp package with those it generated
when you answered the questions.  

Look in /etc/chatscripts and /etc/ppp/peers for files named 'provider.bak'.
Depending on exactly what you did, these files may contain your data.
Rename each of them from 'provider.bak' to just 'provider' and run
pppconfig again.  If you are lucky your old data will come up.  If not you
will have to enter it all again.

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI


1999-02-21 Thread Gregory T. Norris
When I use fetchmail to retrieve my mail, exim delivers the first 10 and
then leaves the rest queued until cron next fires-up it's queue-runner.
How can I tell it to go ahead and deliver everything as soon as it
arrives?  I've looked at exim's FAQ and tried a few options from there,
but I apparently haven't gotten it quite right so far.  The system in
question is my home PC, so it shouldn't be under a heavy enough load for
this to be a problem. 


Printing problems

1999-02-21 Thread A. Gustavo González
Recently I was moved to Debian. I have installed Debian 2.0 'hamm'
distribution. I succeded with ppp connection, X-windows,
applications,...but I was not able to suitably configure the printing
I have an Epson Stylus Color 600 local printer. First I read the
printing-howto. I used magicfilterconfig to create the /etc/printcap
file with the adequate filter and the /var/spool/lpd nad
/var/spool/lpd/lp dirs. However when trying to print for instance the
/etc/printcap file by using lpr /etc/printcap the following message
was obtained:
Connection to 'localhost' failed-connection refused
job 'cfAxxxdebian' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

When I invoked lpc status I found
cannot open connection to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'-connection refused

I am not in any network (is my home PC connected to internet by modem)!

Would someone be so kind of explain me the right way to configure my

Thanks in advance!
Dr. A. Gustavo Gonzalez
Department of Analytical Chemistry
University of Seville
Tel: +34-5-4557173; Fax: +34-5-4557168

Problems with Netscape 4.5 and shared libraries

1999-02-21 Thread doesn't say
I recently bought Debian 2.0 cd, because I couldn't afford Red Hat 
and I was bored in using Slackware, and I didn't have any problems 
until now. I installed Netscape 4.5 and when I run it, it claims that
'cannot load'. Now, I have the file in /usr/X11R6/lib, and
other programs use it without no problems. It's symbolic link from I tried with several other versions but I got same
message. I've got same messages with other programs like some parts
of Gnome and Enlightenment's  Eterm. My friend told me that NS 4.5 
should work with Weird. If someone know how to make
a script where I can define library path to /usr/lib/netscape, where 
I made symlinks of files NS needs, I would preciate if you would tell 
me how. I made one but it mumbled something about 'segmentation fault'.

Btw, I installed NS to /usr/local/netscape, if it helps. 

John Tribal 

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: /etx/X11/Xserver

1999-02-21 Thread Deniz Dogan
servis == servis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

servis It is created by the xserver-common package during
servis install. Files that are created in the install scripts are not
servis registered as beng owned by a package. From
servis /var/lib/dpkg/info/xserver-common.postinst:

Thanks.  Well, which script/program using this?


Deniz Dogan

configuring modem, installing netscape communicator

1999-02-21 Thread Daniel Kahraman
Hello All:

How do I install my modem? I think it is already installed. So the
question becomes how do I set up the dial-up configuration (manually)
for my local ISP?


Re: Auto Login at Boot?

1999-02-21 Thread Jeremy
On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:

   I usually keep three terminal open.  One as root, one as user under a
 command shell and one as user under an X terminal.  I use root because I
 haven't found out which files I need to give user rights to in order to

# usermod -G dip your username

This will add your user to group dip, and after you

# chmod +s /usr/sbin/pppd

You'll be able to connect/disconnect PPP as user.

pgp key : 

Re: hamm/pppconfig?

1999-02-21 Thread Larry Fletcher
Larry Fletcher wrote:
 The first time I tried pppconfig it worked perfectly, but I just tried
 to change the phone number and now it won't connect. (The only change
 is the phone number, everything else is the same.)

 I tried deleting /etc/ppp/peers/provider in an effort to erase the
 defaults and start over, but when I ran pppconfig the defaults were
 still there.  What files should I delete to get pppconfig back to where
 it was when I first installed hamm?

John Leget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Also check out the files in /etc/chatscripts/... these are used as well, i
just manually changed the phone no here recently.

I wish I would have done it manually, but it's to late now.  I think the
problem was caused by accidentally selecting PAP instead of CHAT, but I did
this the first time used pppconfig and it didn't cause a problem then.  The
only difference is I changed back to CHAT before I used pon the first time.

I finally found all of the pppconfig files in pppconfig manual and deleted
them.  Then I ran pppconfig again, but I still have the same problem.  I
also looked though the PPPD and CHAT manuals and tried a couple of changes,
but nothing helped.

Below are the before and after sections of the ppp.log.  The only change
is the phone number, but the first one worked and second one doesn't.

Can anyone tell what went wrong and how to fix it?


Feb 15 11:36:15 debian pppd[128]: pppd 2.3.5 started by root, uid 0
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: abort on (BUSY)
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: abort on (VOICE)
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: send (ATZ^M)
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: expect (OK)
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: ^M
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: OK
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]:  -- got it 
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: send (ATDT6606032^M)
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: expect (CONNECT)
Feb 15 11:36:17 debian chat[131]: ^M
Feb 15 11:36:37 debian chat[131]: ^M
Feb 15 11:36:37 debian chat[131]: CONNECT
Feb 15 11:36:37 debian chat[131]:  -- got it 
Feb 15 11:36:37 debian chat[131]: send (^M)
Feb 15 11:36:37 debian chat[131]: expect (turn:)
Feb 15 11:36:37 debian chat[131]:  28800/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS^M
Feb 15 11:36:39 debian chat[131]: This node to the LA Free-Net was generously 
provided by El Camino College.   (e1
Feb 15 11:36:39 debian chat[131]: 5)^M
Feb 15 11:36:39 debian chat[131]: ^M
Feb 15 11:36:39 debian chat[131]: ^M
Feb 15 11:36:39 debian chat[131]: Type lafn and return:
Feb 15 11:36:39 debian chat[131]:  -- got it 
Feb 15 11:36:39 debian chat[131]: send (??)
Feb 15 11:36:40 debian chat[131]: expect (word:)
Feb 15 11:36:40 debian chat[131]: ay903^M
Feb 15 11:36:40 debian chat[131]: Password:
Feb 15 11:36:40 debian chat[131]:  -- got it 
Feb 15 11:36:40 debian chat[131]: send (??)
Feb 15 11:36:40 debian chat[131]: send (\d)
Feb 15 11:36:41 debian pppd[128]: Serial connection established.
Feb 15 11:36:42 debian pppd[128]: Using interface ppp0
Feb 15 11:36:42 debian pppd[128]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS0
Feb 15 11:36:42 debian pppd[128]: sent [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0x601f pcomp accomp]
Feb 15 11:36:42 debian pppd[128]: rcvd [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0x601f pcomp accomp]
Feb 15 11:36:43 debian pppd[128]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x2 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0xc2918843 pcomp accomp]
Feb 15 11:36:43 debian pppd[128]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x2 asyncmap 0x0 
magic 0xc2918843 pcomp accomp]
Feb 15 11:36:43 debian pppd[128]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x601f]
Feb 15 11:36:43 debian pppd[128]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 addr 
compress VJ 0f 01]
Feb 15 11:36:44 debian pppd[128]: rcvd [IPCP ConfReq id=0x1 compress VJ 0f 00 
Feb 15 11:36:44 debian pppd[128]: sent [IPCP ConfAck id=0x1 compress VJ 0f 00 
Feb 15 11:36:44 debian pppd[128]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0xc2918843]
Feb 15 11:36:44 debian pppd[128]: rcvd [IPCP ConfNak id=0x1 addr]
Feb 15 11:36:44 debian pppd[128]: sent [IPCP ConfReq id=0x2 addr compress VJ 0f 01]
Feb 15 11:36:44 debian pppd[128]: rcvd [IPCP ConfAck id=0x2 addr compress VJ 0f 01]
Feb 15 11:36:44 debian pppd[128]: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy 
Feb 15 11:36:44 debian pppd[128]: local  IP address
Feb 15 11:36:44 debian pppd[128]: remote IP address
Feb 15 11:37:13 debian pppd[128]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x1 magic=0x601f]
Feb 15 11:37:14 debian pppd[128]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x1 magic=0xc2918843]
Feb 15 11:37:43 debian pppd[128]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x2 magic=0x601f]
Feb 15 11:37:44 debian pppd[128]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x2 magic=0xc2918843]
Feb 15 11:38:13 debian pppd[128]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x3 magic=0x601f]
Feb 15 11:38:14 debian pppd[128]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x3 magic=0xc2918843]


1999-02-21 Thread Marco Frattola
hi all,
i'm having some problems with hamm's vgagamespack. it doesn't seem to
succeed in initializing my mouse. i've tried every combination of mouse
config into libvga.config, but none worked. even setting 'mouse none'
doesn't work. what's wrong with it? has anybody seen the same behaviour?

|||| |||  Marco Frattola Microsoft is not the answer
||`..'|| |||...   Piacenza, ItalyMicrosoft is the question
|||  ||| |||''[EMAIL PROTECTED] No is the answer
|||  ||| |||  Live Linux, live free!

Re: Auto Login at Boot?

1999-02-21 Thread Torsten Landschoff
On Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 09:43:59PM -0600, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
   I usually keep three terminal open.  One as root, one as user under a
 command shell and one as user under an X terminal.  I use root because I
 haven't found out which files I need to give user rights to in order to

adduser username dip

You need a profile in /etc/ppp/peers for this to work. Then you can open a
connection by pon profile and close it by poff profile.

Regarding your dboot-problem - you do not need the password since the
superuser (under which the program is run) can mutate to every user he wants

Just use 

dboot tty1 lance /bin/sh --login

to get a shell on tty1.


Description: PGP signature

Re: configuring modem, installing netscape communicator

1999-02-21 Thread Phil Dyer
Daniel Kahraman wrote:

 Hello All:

 How do I install my modem? I think it is already installed. So the
 question becomes how do I set up the dial-up configuration (manually)
 for my local ISP?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


run pppconfig. ( I assume you are using at least hamm...) This will walk you 
thru a
ppp setup.  You need to know what device your modem is attached to, in Windows 
is ttyS0, com2 ttyS1, ...

Then you can run pon and poff to connect/disconnect.

Re: fetchmail problem

1999-02-21 Thread Pollywog

On 21-Feb-99 Dave Swegen wrote:
 In debian you are supposed to put scripts which you want run when
 connecting in '/etc/ppp/ip-up.d'. Also, make sure the permssions are correct
 (-rwxr-xr-x) And (just to ask the obvious) is the command actually
 pointing to fetchmail (debian places it in /usr/bin/). Apart from this I
 can't think of any reason why it won't work, as it works just fine for me.
 This is what my .fetchmailrc looks like (owned by root):
 poll with proto pop3
 user user there has password password
 is dave here
 postconnect /usr/bin/runq
 And the relevant lines from the /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/local script look like
 fetchmail# -Just to make sure the mail is fetched immediatly on
 fetchmail -d 180 # later connects.
I did the same thing but I am not certain I put that in ip-up.d since all
other attempts in ip-up.d failed.   I will try againby moving the script from
ip-up to ip-up.d

BTW I did use the correct path



Re: fetchmail problem

1999-02-21 Thread Pollywog

On 21-Feb-99 Pollywog wrote:
 (-rwxr-xr-x) And (just to ask the obvious) is the command actually
 pointing to fetchmail (debian places it in /usr/bin/). Apart from this I
 can't think of any reason why it won't work, as it works just fine for me.
 This is what my .fetchmailrc looks like (owned by root):

Very odd, but I have tried this, and the only way I can get mail immediately
on connect is if I enter 'fetchmail' either as root or as another user.


Re: configuring modem, installing netscape communicator

1999-02-21 Thread John Hasler
Daniel Kahraman writes:
 How do I install my modem? I think it is already installed.

Modems require no installation (sometimes they do require some
configuration, but not usually).

 So the question becomes how do I set up the dial-up configuration
 (manually) for my local ISP?

As root, run pppconfig and answer the questions.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Need help with new cable modem

1999-02-21 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 02:40:44PM +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  1) Find a driver for the plug-n-pray PCI ethernet controller they 
  installed. (Realtek RTL8029 - a really really generic card, the box 
  doesn't even have the manufacturers name on it)
ne2k-pci (as had already been mentioned I suppose) does it.

  2) Configure a DHCP client.  Also, in relation to this, I may need to 
  change my hostname to that beastly thing they assigned me... ugh
This isn't any more difficult than installing dhcpcd package.
Changing the hostname isn't really important. Save this for much later.
 Read the ISDN-HOWTO 
That won't help. ISDN is a completely different beast.


Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
To be specific the Plug almost always works.--unknown source

Description: PGP signature

Re: configuring modem, installing netscape communicator

1999-02-21 Thread Andrei Ivanov
Unless it's a PnP modem, in which case pon will not connect.  So if it's
pnp, get isapnp pzackage first and configure the modem.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Re: Debian who?

1999-02-21 Thread Paul Miller
Andrei Ivanov wrote:
 Base system is there just to get you started. Man pages, C/C++, etc . is
 all in packages which need to be installed. If you don't have the
 connection to netwell, installing via floppies will work for some
 things, but looking
 on the bigger picture, if you can not get a CD ($10 with 3-day delivery),
 you are pretty much screwed. Get the connection running, and you can
 download everything. Will just take some time.
I notice that the PPP package is an Optional Base package. Does it not
come on the install floppies? This would make sense if it did so that
people like Jeremy could install beyond their base system via FTP.

Just a thought.

Paul Miller

Re: fetchmail problem

1999-02-21 Thread Pollywog
I just added sleep 15s to my /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/local just above the line that
calls fetchmail and it looks as though perhaps that did the trick.  I did grab
mail that time.


Re: Debian who?

1999-02-21 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 12:04:29PM -0600, Paul Miller wrote:
 Andrei Ivanov wrote:
  Base system is there just to get you started. Man pages, C/C++, etc . is
  all in packages which need to be installed. If you don't have the
  connection to netwell, installing via floppies will work for some
  things, but looking
  on the bigger picture, if you can not get a CD ($10 with 3-day delivery),
  you are pretty much screwed. Get the connection running, and you can
  download everything. Will just take some time.
 I notice that the PPP package is an Optional Base package. Does it not
 come on the install floppies? This would make sense if it did so that
 people like Jeremy could install beyond their base system via FTP.

I'm pretty sure that it does. Way back before my cable modem, I downloaded
Debian overnight over a PPP link. Then again, if it isn't, all you need to 
do is download the ppp package on a disk with the same connection you got
the base system from.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

libc6 etc...etc..

1999-02-21 Thread Cuno Sonnemans

I've installed kde from the debian cd-rom.
it works 
But I understood this is a beta version.

So I downloaded version 1.1

When installing 1.1 i get a message that libc6 is installed but not the
correct version. Can anybody tell me where i can find:

- libc6 version 2.0.7u
- libstdc ++2.9
- qt1g version 1.42-1 (I've the old version installed)
- libjpeg6a



anyone use logcheck on Debian?

1999-02-21 Thread Pollywog
Has anyone here used logcheck on a Debian system?  I have used it with
OpenLinux but on Debian, I have not been able to get the logcheck.ignore file
to work.

Also, sentry did not work very well on Debian and I got rid of it.
Perhaps there is some way of getting locheck to work.



RE: libc6 etc...etc..

1999-02-21 Thread Pollywog

On 21-Feb-99 Cuno Sonnemans wrote:
 I've installed kde from the debian cd-rom.
 it works 
 But I understood this is a beta version.
 So I downloaded version 1.1
 When installing 1.1 i get a message that libc6 is installed but not the
 correct version. Can anybody tell me where i can find:
 - libc6 version 2.0.7u
 - libstdc ++2.9
 - qt1g version 1.42-1 (I've the old version installed)
 - libjpeg6a

You can find the packages at
using the search facility there.


Re: pine mutt

1999-02-21 Thread Frederick Page
Hi Steve Lamb,

you wrote on Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 09:22:34PM -0800:

*WHY!?*  Anyone familiar with mutt would know that it was modeled after
a newsreader, SLRN!  So why contribute to bloat by having those two
functions in the same program, especially mutt, when one can have mutt and
slrn with similar key mappings, similar colors, etc, etc, etc...

Well I tried pine at first (it did news, but not too good), then tried
SLRN, which was pretty good, but had no nice filtering/scoring. Then
I tried tin and it's IMHO great.

mutt is also highly configurable (as tin), so if you put some work
into it, you get them both to your liking. The biggest disadvantage of
SLRN was the only basic filtering.

In short, any patch to mut to mangle it to read news will fall severely
short of slrn or any other dedicated news reader.

Absolute agreement.

Kind regards


Linux *is* user-friendly.
It's just a little picky about it's friends.

Re: libc6 etc...etc..

1999-02-21 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 2/21/99 12:46:19 PM Central Standard Time,

  - libc6 version 2.0.7u
   - libstdc ++2.9
   - qt1g version 1.42-1 (I've the old version installed)
   - libjpeg6a
  You can find the packages at
  using the search facility there.

libc6.2.0.7u does NOT exist, and as far as I can tell, never has.  So, 1)
where does one get the package, 2) where is KDE dependant on it if it doesn't
exist?  and 3) how do you install KDE without it?


lilo problems

1999-02-21 Thread Christopher Fury
I've had debian 2.0 running on my machine for a while now, but I finally
decided it
was time to load up windows so I could play some games.  :)  I went out
and bought
a new hard drive, and I want to boot windows off of it.

I've tried several lilo configurations, but I can't seem to make my
windows partition

Here's my system setup:

/dev/hda1 is my linux root partition (the rest of hda has linux stuff on
it too)
/dev/hdb1 is my windows drive, it's formatted FAT32 and's been sys'd.

Here's my lilo.conf file:

append=ether=5,0x300,eth0 ether=4,0x240,eth1 mem=128M

when I boot my machine and try to launch windows, the system says:

LILO boot: win
loading win

and just sits there.

Anybody know what I'm doing wrong/what I can do to fix it?  I've been
reading the
lilo docs, but nothing I've tried has worked so far.

Christopher Fury

... a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Re: libc6 etc...etc..

1999-02-21 Thread dyer

 In a message dated 2/21/99 12:46:19 PM Central Standard Time,

   - libc6 version 2.0.7u
- libstdc ++2.9
- qt1g version 1.42-1 (I've the old version installed)
- libjpeg6a
   You can find the packages at
   using the search facility there.

 libc6.2.0.7u does NOT exist, and as far as I can tell, never has.  So, 1)
 where does one get the package, 2) where is KDE dependant on it if it doesn't
 exist?  and 3) how do you install KDE without it?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

you should be able to use the current version in slink. 2.0.7 1998...whatever. 
the updated version from u.

Re: libc6 etc...etc..

1999-02-21 Thread Pollywog

On 21-Feb-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In a message dated 2/21/99 12:46:19 PM Central Standard Time,
  - libc6 version 2.0.7u
   - libstdc ++2.9
   - qt1g version 1.42-1 (I've the old version installed)
   - libjpeg6a
  You can find the packages at
  using the search facility there.
 libc6.2.0.7u does NOT exist, and as far as I can tell, never has.  So, 1)
 where does one get the package, 2) where is KDE dependant on it if it
 exist?  and 3) how do you install KDE without it?

This is the libc package I have and I have KDE installed, version 1.1

ii  libc6 GNU C Library: shared libraries

Just search for libc6 and get the newest package available.


modem connection

1999-02-21 Thread Daniel Kahraman
hello all:

I can hear the dialing of my modem, but there is also a continuous
buzzing sound as soon as the modem is activated and while the dialing is
taking place.

No connection is established.

my modem init. string is ATZ
 modem dial command is ATDT

could these be the problem?

Replying to messages with gnus

1999-02-21 Thread Bob Hilliard
 In my .emacs file I have the following variables set:

; To send a blind carbon copy of every outgoing message to yourself,
; set the variable `mail-self-blind' to `t'.  (from emacs help_info)
(setq mail-self-blind t)

; To add a signature to messages:
(setq mail-signature-file ~bob/.sig)
(setq mail-signature t)

 When I use gnus to reply to a message, these variables are not
recognized, although other settings from my .emacs _are_ recognized.

 These settings are used when I use emacs to send mail.  Can
anyone suggest what I should do to make them work in gnus?

  |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

Re: lilo problems

1999-02-21 Thread Nils Rennebarth
On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 02:06:50PM -0500, Christopher Fury wrote:
 I've had debian 2.0 running on my machine for a while now, but I finally
 decided it
 was time to load up windows so I could play some games.  :)  I went out
 and bought
 a new hard drive, and I want to boot windows off of it.
Windows can't boot from a secondary hard disk.

Linux can, so just swap the two, use LILO on the mbr of the primary hd (the
windows one) and use the following lilo.conf

 append=ether=5,0x300,eth0 ether=4,0x240,eth1 mem=128M


Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
To be specific the Plug almost always works.--unknown source

Description: PGP signature

Re: Netscape is ignoring cookies!

1999-02-21 Thread Torsten Hilbrich

 All of a sudden Nestcape is ignoring cookies.  The cookies file is
 intact but Netscape is failing to use them or accept. I am using the
 Netscape 4.5 packages from slink.  The permissions on the cookies
 file is 600. I have also tried moving the cookies files to a backup
 location to see if Netscape would create a new one and it does not.
 Has anyone else seen this?  I have the option set to accept all

Do you use junkbuster or a similiar program that filters out cookies
by default?

I enable the cookies for sites that needs them in the



Re: lilo problems

1999-02-21 Thread Andrei Ivanov
If 2 drives are swaped, /etc/fstab will also need to be changed to
changes in system.


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

color broken after slink upgrade

1999-02-21 Thread Ryan Yeske
I recently did an apt-get dist-upgrade on my hamm system to upgrade to
slink.  Everything worked smoothly, except now I notice that I am not
getting color in a few places that I used to, namely aalib stuff and
nethack.  Where there was color before in these programs I simply get
inverse text.  ls --color still works, as does mutt, dselect, and mc.
Note that I am not running X windows, this is all on the plain text

Does anyone have any ideas as to what might have happened here?  I
assume its related to upgrading ncurses and or slang.


Apache and public_html directories

1999-02-21 Thread Mark Ciciretti
How do I set up public_html directories for users?  I installed the
1.3.4 package of apache and apache-common.  I then created a public_html
directory under /home/mark/.  When I enter the URL localhost/~mark/ I get


You don't have permission to access /~mark/ on this server.

E-Mail: Mark Ciciretti [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 21-Feb-99

Local network

1999-02-21 Thread Bob Hilliard
 My primary machine is a Micron P166.  It is connected by ethernet
to my old machine, a ZEOS 486, that I use for backups.  Both machines
have a DOS/Win3.1 partition.

 I would like to telnet from linux on the Micron to Dos/Windows on
the secondary machine.  Can this be done?  What DOS/Windows software
is necessary?  (I believe the floppy that came with the ethernet
adapter has a DOS ppp driver.

  |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

Re: hamm/pppconfig?

1999-02-21 Thread Ed Cogburn
Larry Fletcher wrote:
 Larry Fletcher wrote:
  The first time I tried pppconfig it worked perfectly, but I just tried
  to change the phone number and now it won't connect. (The only change
  is the phone number, everything else is the same.)
  I tried deleting /etc/ppp/peers/provider in an effort to erase the
  defaults and start over, but when I ran pppconfig the defaults were
  still there.  What files should I delete to get pppconfig back to where
  it was when I first installed hamm?
 John Leget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Also check out the files in /etc/chatscripts/... these are used as well, i
 just manually changed the phone no here recently.
 I wish I would have done it manually, but it's to late now.  I think the
 problem was caused by accidentally selecting PAP instead of CHAT, but I did
 this the first time used pppconfig and it didn't cause a problem then.  The
 only difference is I changed back to CHAT before I used pon the first time.
 I finally found all of the pppconfig files in pppconfig manual and deleted
 them.  Then I ran pppconfig again, but I still have the same problem.  I
 also looked though the PPPD and CHAT manuals and tried a couple of changes,
 but nothing helped.
 Below are the before and after sections of the ppp.log.  The only change
 is the phone number, but the first one worked and second one doesn't.

Warning:  I'm not an expert on this issue.  Also, I'm running
slink, and there have been changes to the whole ppp situation
(file locations and names, etc.) since hamm (I think, it seems to
have been a long time since hamm).

From the log it looks as if the second number wants a pap
connection, while the old number doesn't ask for it.

 Feb 20 20:36:01 debian pppd[216]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
 magic 0x30fe74d6 pcomp accomp auth pap]
 Feb 20 20:36:01 debian pppd[216]: sent [LCP ConfAck id=0x1 asyncmap 0x0
 magic 0x30fe74d6 pcomp accomp auth pap]
In the second log, it seems to fail because of a lack of a proper
login name and password for the PAP connection.

 Feb 20 20:36:04 debian pppd[216]: sent [LCP EchoReq id=0x0 magic=0x0041]
 Feb 20 20:36:04 debian pppd[216]: sent [PAP AuthReq id=0x1 user=ay903
 Feb 20 20:36:04 debian pppd[216]: rcvd [LCP EchoRep id=0x0 magic=0x30fe74d6]
 Feb 20 20:36:05 debian pppd[216]: rcvd [PAP AuthNak id=0x1 Invalid Login]
 Feb 20 20:36:05 debian pppd[216]: Remote message: Invalid Login
 Feb 20 20:36:05 debian pppd[216]: PAP authentication failed

Have you setup the pap-secrets file with a line like this at the
bottom of the file in the 'OUTBOUND CONNECTIONS' section?  It
looks like this:

login_user_name * my_password

First, start with a fresh set of config files (force a reinstall
of ppp and then pppconfig), and then use minicom to verify exactly
what your ISP wants to see.  This may have remained the same, but
verify it anyway.  When the ISP starts sending what looks like
garbage in the minicom terminal, thats the PAP request you are
seeing.  Verify your name and password are the same for the
pap-secrets file as well as the chatscript file.  Also make sure
'noauth' is in your provider file (a parameter send to pppd). 
'auth' would cause your machine to interrogate your ISP's machine
for a PAP connection, which won't work, of course, as the
situation is the other way around.

Hope it helps.

Ed C.

Re: Debian who?

1999-02-21 Thread John Hasler
Paul Miller wrote:
 I notice that the PPP package is an Optional Base package. Does it not
 come on the install floppies? This would make sense if it did so that
 people like Jeremy could install beyond their base system via FTP.

Ppp is in the base system.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: exim

1999-02-21 Thread Robert Vollmert
 When I use fetchmail to retrieve my mail, exim delivers the first 10 and
 then leaves the rest queued until cron next fires-up it's queue-runner.

Take a look at `smtp_accept_queue_per_connection' in
/usr/doc/exim/NewStuff.gz .

Robert Vollmert  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Replying to messages with gnus

1999-02-21 Thread Miguel Wooding SF Ten.Union
Bob Hilliard [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In my .emacs file I have the following variables set:
 ; To send a blind carbon copy of every outgoing message to yourself,
 ; set the variable `mail-self-blind' to `t'.  (from emacs help_info)
 (setq mail-self-blind t)
 ; To add a signature to messages:
 (setq mail-signature-file ~bob/.sig)
 (setq mail-signature t)
  When I use gnus to reply to a message, these variables are not
 recognized, although other settings from my .emacs _are_ recognized.
  These settings are used when I use emacs to send mail.  Can
 anyone suggest what I should do to make them work in gnus?

When replying with gnus the mail-self-blind and mail-signature*
variables are not honored.  Instead use you can use
message-default-headers, message-signature, and
message-signature-file.  I think the following should do what you

(setq message-default-headers Bcc: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
(setq message-signature-file ~bob/.sig)
(setq message-signature t)

Somewhere along the way, 'mail' was generalized to 'message'
(including posting on newsgroups as well as sending email).  It is
possible, of course, to customize the signature file (or virtually any
other aspect of gnus). For instance, you can use different signature
files for sending messages to different destinations.  Instead of
setting message-signature to t, write a form that evals to what you
want.  From the documentation for message-signature:

`message-signature' (buffer: *Hyper Apropos*, mode: Hyper-Apropos)

  *String to be inserted at the end of the message buffer.
  If t, the `message-signature-file' file will be inserted instead.
  If a function, the result from the function will be used instead.
  If a form, the result from the form will be used instead.

(By the way, I, too, found this change in behavior a bit obscure and
not obviously documented.)  I'm using xemacs, not fsf emacs right now,
but I think this applies to gnus under fsf emacs as well. Let me know
if this works for you.


   |_)  _  |_   Robert D. Hilliard[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   |_) (_) |_)  Palm City, FL  USAPGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

Re: Final test build of XFree86 for slink -- PLEASE TEST

1999-02-21 Thread Matt Garman
On Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 08:33:13PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
 Sorry for the wide crossposting.
 XFree86 is available at

Are these xlib libraries thread-safe?


They're always havin' a good time down on the bayou,
 Lord, them delta women think the world of me.
-- Dickey Betts, Ramblin' Man

Mail of February 20th, 1999

1999-02-21 Thread Fabio Drigani

If you have sent any important messages to the list, or to me personally,
please, send them to me, again.
I had problems with the mail of today and I have lost all the messages,
before I could read them. Thank you very much,


PS: sorry for the spam.

Se avete inviato messaggi importanti, alla lista o personalmente, in data
odierna, sappiate che li ho persi ancor prima di averli letti. Siete
gentilmente invitati a rispedirmeli.


PS: scusate lo spam

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