En: Debian Events pages activated

1999-02-26 Thread Clovis Sena / Itautec Servicos Recife

-Mensagem original-
Para: debian-announce@lists.debian.org debian-announce@lists.debian.org
Data: Quinta-feira, 25 de Fevereiro de 1999 17:11
Assunto: Debian Events pages activated

Debian Project
Debian Events pages activated
February 25, 1999


A new set of web pages have been added to the Debian web site.  These web
pages are the events pages, available at http://www.debian.org/events,
and contain Linux related events that are happening around the world.
These pages list the events and also contain information about whether or
not Debian is planning to attend the events, and if so, what is being
planned for the events.

The contact address for adding events, or if you are interested in helping
Debian at an event, is [EMAIL PROTECTED].

 About Debian

The Debian project is an organization of many users who volunteer
their time and effort.  Its tasks include maintaining and updating Debian
GNU/Linux which is a free distribution of the GNU/Linux operating system,
and the development of the Debian GNU/Hurd operating system.

 Contact Information

For further information, please send email to the Debian Press Contact
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or visit the Debian homepage at http://www.debian.org/

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Debian Press ContactPress:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Pine: segmentation fault

1999-02-26 Thread Unknown


Perdonadme  por plantear una duda tan genérica, pero no tengo ni idea de
por dónde van los tiros ni de cómo averiguarlo. Llevo apenas un par de
días usando este lector y en la ayuda no se refleja mi problema.
Desde root, puedo ejecutar pine, y mandar mensajes normalmente. En cambio,
desde cualquiera de mis usuarios normales al intentar mandar un mensaje
se produce un segmentation fault.

Hago esto:
- arranco pine (offline) como usuaria normal
- redacto un mensaje
- intento enviarlo (Ctrl-x)
- segmentation fault

Esperaría un comportamiento similar a éste (el que se produce como root
de forma 'natural'):
- arrancar pine como usuaria normal
- redactar un mensaje y enviarlo
- el mensaje quedaría en la cola
- al ejecutar runq se enviaría, una vez conectada 

Uso smail + fetchmail. Si se os ocurre algo que debiera probar para depurar
'responsabilidades' no dudéis en comentármelo.
Por otro lado, cualquier link será bien recibido.  
Para contestar, obviamente, cambia root por barbwired. Lamento la

Un saludo

Barbwired  The Translatix
U. Complutense de MadridFilología Inglesa
Proud Debian GNU/Linux User  Since Oct 98
http://come.to/aenima.madrid/   Web de aenima
http://www.asfast.net/barbwired/Linux Laptops

Re: SOLUCIONADO Pine: segmentation fault

1999-02-26 Thread Unknown
Pues, era un simple tema de una librería mal instalada que además me
estaba fastidiando bastante 

Barbwired  The Translatix
U. Complutense de MadridFilología Inglesa
Proud Debian GNU/Linux User  Since Oct 98
http://come.to/aenima.madrid/   Web de aenima
http://www.asfast.net/barbwired/Linux Laptops

Re: Problema con postscript bajo Slink

1999-02-26 Thread Jordi Roman Mejias
 Hace un par de dias actualice el sistema de Hamm a Slink. El problema es que a
 pesar de que todo iba bien, cuando se me ha ocurrido abrir un fichero en
 postscript me he encontrado con este problema:
 Unknown paper size: (A4).
 Esto es independiente del visor que use (ghostview o gv). Creo que tiene algo
 que ver con lo que dice del papel A4.

Cierto tiene que ver algo con el papel, modifica el fichero
/etc/papersize cuyo contenido es A4 con el nuevo valor a4 ( sin las
comillas ). Todo volvera a la normalidad


Jordi Román Mejiase-mail:  

Autònoma ObertaServei de InformàticaUniversitat Autónoma de

Re: Problema con postscript bajo Slink

1999-02-26 Thread cesar . talon

On 26-Feb-99 Jordi Roman Mejias wrote:
 Hace un par de dias actualice el sistema de Hamm a Slink. El problema es que
 pesar de que todo iba bien, cuando se me ha ocurrido abrir un fichero en
 postscript me he encontrado con este problema:
 Unknown paper size: (A4).
 Esto es independiente del visor que use (ghostview o gv). Creo que tiene
 que ver con lo que dice del papel A4.
   Cierto tiene que ver algo con el papel, modifica el fichero
 /etc/papersize cuyo contenido es A4 con el nuevo valor a4 ( sin las
 comillas ). Todo volvera a la normalidad

Efectivamente, ese era el problema. Creo que debe ser algo de la actualizacion
del libpaperg, pero no he encontrado el paquete que modifica ese fichero.

En cualquier caso, muchas gracias, ya me estaba volviendo paranoico :)

Laboratorio de Bajas Temperaturas
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 397 4756
Fax:   +34 91 397 3961

Linux is obsolete
-- Andrew Tanenbaum


Re: mi debian me patea :(

1999-02-26 Thread Tomás Bautista
On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, Francho wrote:

   Antes me saca un mensaje de que si no pulso una tecla antes de 30
   segundos me desconecta. Pero el caso es que si tengo un ftp, o las X
   lanzadas esa pulsacion se la pasa por el forro :(
   Además me manda un mail tal que asin:
   --- cortar por aquí 
   Logged off - excess idle time - francho Fri Feb 26 00:40:51 1999
   tty = tty4
   --- cortar por aquí 
   Sabeis como solucionarlo 

Casi seguro que es que tienes instalado el `autolog'. Si no lo quieres
para nada, más vale que lo desinstales.


  _ Tomas Bautista.  Phone: +34 928 451275 -- Fax: +34 928 451243
 /  ___)_   E-mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  (___  \  Home page URL:   http://www.cma.ulpgc.es/users/bautista
 _)  |Centre for Applied Microelectronics, CAD Division.
   (_/  University of Las Palmas de G.C.
Campus de Tafira, pab. A. E-35017 Las Palmas, Canary Is.

Happily working under GNU/Linux 2.1.

RE: Funciona la lista?

1999-02-26 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Yo si recibo, pero una cantidad muy inferior a la habitual.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Manuel Trujillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: viernes 26 de febrero de 1999 10:59
 Asunto: Funciona la lista?


 No recibo correo de la lista... ¿hay algún problema?

 Have a nice day  ;-)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Funciona la lista?

1999-02-26 Thread Saxa Egea
Yo siempre recibo muchos mensajes a última hora de la noche... normalmente
durante el dia recibo unos 10 mensajes... por la noche la cosa se extiende
hasta unos 30-50 :)

Supongo que es normal debido a la rapidez de infobirria+...


At 11:54 26/02/99 +0100, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
Yo si recibo, pero una cantidad muy inferior a la habitual.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Manuel Trujillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el: viernes 26 de febrero de 1999 10:59
 Asunto: Funciona la lista?


 No recibo correo de la lista... ¿hay algún problema?

 Have a nice day  ;-)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


1999-02-26 Thread Saxa Egea
Yo de ti miraría que tengas alguna particion activa... Normalmente este
mensaje se debe a que no hay ninguna particion activa. Arranca con el
disquette y pasate por el fdisk o cfdisk. Compruebalo. :)

Las últimas placas ya reconocen este problema y te lo dicen. 


At 08:27 25/02/99 -0800, Lluís Palomes wrote:

Hola, esta vez creo que no me librare de volver a instalar mi linux.

Pues bien, he intentado instalar otros s.o, exactamente FreeBSD
3.0-release para ver que tal era y en la mitad de la instalación se ha
jodio toó.

Tal que reinicio mi machin i me sale el siguiente mensage:


O algo por el estilo.

Yo cojo el disco de arranque que cree cuando instale linux y todo
funciona correctament, puedo acceder a mi linux, etc.. pero cuando
reinicio vuelvo a estar igual. Total que siempre tengo que arrancar
con el disquet.

Puede alguien decirme como lo puedo solucionar, o bien tengo que
reinstalar el linux.?


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Re: mySQL o PostGreSQL?

1999-02-26 Thread Antonio Castro
On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Ibañez Palomar Juan David wrote:

 Tengo que montar un sistema de informacion y estoy considerando utilizar
 mySQL o PostGreSQL como SGBD.
 En principio prefiero PostGreSQL por cuestiones de licencia, pero me
 gustaria que me dieras vuestra opinion al respecto desde un punto de
 vista tecnico, es la primera vez que hago algo asi.

Bueno que me corrijan los demás si me equivoco en algo.

Yo empecé instalando mySQL. Me gustan las cosas sencillitas y pequeñas.
Esto es lo que hace muy eficiente a mySQL. En realidad las operaciones
en BD no hacen tantas cosas como PostgreSQL que es una BD mucho más 
seria y por eso mySQL hace algunas operaciones más rápido que PostgreSQL. 
mySQL es un jugete comparado con PostgresSQL lo cual no quiere decir que
no esté indicado en alguna cosa concreta. 
El caso es que instalado el PostgreSQL me di cuenta que no es nada complicado 
de usar, y es mucho más completo y mas profesional. 
El caso es que hace poco he desinstalado el mySQL simplemente porque ya no 
lo usaba.

No recuerdo bien cuales eran las limitaciones de mySQL. Realmente muchas
comparadas con PostgreSQL pero hay cosas que personalmente no considero 
demasiado importantes. Por ejemplo PostgreSQL contempla muchos tipos de 
datos y además es ampliable en este y otros muchos aspectos. Yo no valoro 
eso como una gran ventaja. Son cosas que están bie pero no son esenciales.
Esencial por ejemplo es la posibilidad de encapsular varias operaciones en
una sola operación. Por ello ni access de M$ ni mySQL pasan de la categoría
de jugete. Sin esta posibilidad, existe el riesgo de que por una causa
fortuita la BD quede inconsistente, y eso es muy grave porque fallos de
este tipo suelen ser apreciados quizas mucho tiempo despues por el 
usuario final, o por un cliente etc...  Es decir demasiado tarde.
Además arreglar una BD inconsistente cuando se tiene un gestor de jugete
no es nada sencillo.

Mi conclusión:
Para datos poco valiosos que requieran un tratamiento muy rápido usa
mySQL. En caso contrario PostgreSQL. Creo que se ha utilizado para cosas
bastante serias.

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En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  
| http://slug.ctv.es/~acastro.[EMAIL PROTECTED] |

[OFF-TOPIC] Mensajes perdidos en l-linux

1999-02-26 Thread Julio Herrero

  He mandado varios mensajes a [EMAIL PROTECTED] y no los veo
por la lista. Tampoco me vuelven rebotados. ¿A alguien mas se le pierden?.
Mandando a otras direcciones parece que llegan todos.

  Lamento tener que preguntarlo aquí, pero seguro que esta lista la lee
también la gente de l-linux.

  Por cierto, mirando los logs se ve que los mensajes salen de mi
ordenador y los entrego a mi proveedor.



Re: Funciona la lista?

1999-02-26 Thread Alberto F. Hamilton Castro
El Fri,26/Feb/1999 a las 10:58:42+0100, Manuel Trujillo escribió:
 No recibo correo de la lista... ¿hay algún problema?
 Have a nice day  ;-)

.. igual te ha dado la patada el gestor de listas de Debian. Yo tengo que 
estarme suscribiendo por lo menos una vez cada semana. Al principio lo achacaba
a fallos en la máquina que recibe mi correo pero ya estoy un poco mosqueado.


  Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318286
  Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
  Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |   
Univ. La Laguna |email: 
c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Funciona la lista?

1999-02-26 Thread Vázquez, Gustavo
Yo hace varios meses que estoy suscripto y nada ha pasado. Eso si, hay una
cantidad sensiblemente menor de mensajes que cuando recien me suscribí.


 De:   Alberto F. Hamilton Castro[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enviado el:   viernes 26 de febrero de 1999 17:27
 Para: Manuel Trujillo; DEBIAN
 Asunto:   Re: Funciona la lista?
 El Fri,26/Feb/1999 a las 10:58:42+0100, Manuel Trujillo escribió:
  No recibo correo de la lista... ¿hay algún problema?
  Have a nice day  ;-)
 .. igual te ha dado la patada el gestor de listas de Debian. Yo tengo
 estarme suscribiendo por lo menos una vez cada semana. Al principio lo
 a fallos en la máquina que recibe mi correo pero ya estoy un poco
   Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318286
   Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
   Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |   
 Univ. La Laguna |email: 
 c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: suck, Línea Inválida en archivo active

1999-02-26 Thread Hue-Bond
On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, benalb wrote:

Ahí acaba. Por lo que yo se, al hacer un ctlinnd newgroup ... , añade una 
linea con el nuevo grupo.

 Ah, entonces debería estar bien.

Por cierto, ¿qué es un LF?

 Un line feed, hombre  :-)


Linux, como su propio nombre indica, es *el* sistema operativo. (Barbwired)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069
 http://come.to/Hue-Bond.world In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at http://www.ctv.es/USERS/fserrano/pgp_pubkey.asc


1999-02-26 Thread Toni Castillo Girona

Tengo el nucleo 2.0.36 y no he conseguido de
ninguna manera configurar el sonido con la
sound blaster pci 64.

actualize al 2.1.131 y tras solucionar el problema
ya coment (gracias!) :-), tampoco lo he 

Alguien puede ayudarme?



1999-02-26 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso
Yo he instalado una SB AWE64 pnp con un nucleo 2.0.34 y lo único que he
hecho ha sido seguir el AWE32-miniCOMO (está traducido).

Si sigues teniendo problemas también puedes obtar por instalar el Sound
System-OSS/Linux, la versión 3.9.2-pre1 venía en la revista Solo
(Programadores) Linux nº6, y según dice soporta mas de 200 tarjetas con
detección automática de tarjeta, soporte para tarjetas pnp y para
tarjetas PCI y audio full duplex.

 Toni Castillo Girona escribió:
 Tengo el nucleo 2.0.36 y no he conseguido de
 ninguna manera configurar el sonido con la
 sound blaster pci 64.
 Me actualize al 2.1.131 y tras solucionar el problema
 que ya comenté (¡gracias!) :-), tampoco lo he logrado.
 ¿Alguien puede ayudarme?

_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ ( @ @ ) 
   _/ _/ _/  _/ _/   +-ºoO(_)Ooº-+  
  _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/|  40º25'N 3º39'O   |  
 _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/ |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  
_/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  +---+  

Re: Novato de Debian.

1999-02-26 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Enrique Zanardi y dice ¿Re: Novato de Debian.? 

  Haber soy novato en lo que respecta a la instalacion de DEBIAN 2.0,
  no se si ustedes tengan un manual en español que me pudieran facilitar

Por cierto, ya que hablamos de instalaciones y de español, ¿Existe el 
disco de Instalacion de debian en españo?, o algun proyecto para ello

(Juraria que una vez vi una URL para bajarlo, pero no la encuentro)

No le des m s vueltas, tira Windows'95

of  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX
Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |  http://pagina.de/alea  USER
de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744  #66734

Re: Fallo de impresion gs sobre HP670C

1999-02-26 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Tomás Bautista y dice ¿Re: Fallo de impresion gs sobre HP670C? 

  Lo que intentaba imprimir es The Not so short Introduccion to Latex2e
 Bueno, pues... no está demasiado actualizada, pero si te sirve en
 español, tienes
 Ya sé que no es lo mismo, pero al menos sirve para remediarse uno ;-)

hola, yo queria imprimir ese fichero, y me esta dando unos problemas que no me 
los creo...

El caso es que queria pasarlos a .ps para poder usar mpage, he imprimirlos en 
plan librito, pero no soy capaz.

he probado a cargarlo con el gv y con el ghostview, y con el acrobat reader ( 
tanto la version Windows95 como la version para linux de los dos ).

Con el gs no soy capaz de abrir el fichero, ( aunque se supone que admite PDF ) 
y si lo abro con el acrobat y luego lo imprimo ( usando el driver de de una 
apple laserprinter en windows, o imprimiendo a fichero ps en linux ), el 
fichero que sale tampoco lo digiere el ghostscript ( ni el mpage por supuesto ).

La unica solucion que veo es imprimir las hojas de una en una, que eso si lo 
digiere el ghostscript, pero claro, son 87 y no me apetece.

Alguien tiene alguna idea ( o quiere que le de algun dato mas en concreto ), o 
lo que es mejor ¿ Puedo conseguir el ldesc2e.pdf pero en formato .PS ?

Mi Windows95 va de maravilla...hace un bulto perfecto en el armario.

of  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX
Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |  http://pagina.de/alea  USER
de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744  #66734

Re: Sobre las X y la Matrox

1999-02-26 Thread Alvaro Alea
Y entonces, va Roberto Ruisanchez Mazo y dice ¿Sobre las X y la Matrox? 

 Hoy he estado trasteando con el fichero de configuración de XFree86
 (version 3.3.2) y me he dado cuenta que con solo la sección svga en
 screen, mi Matrox Mystique funciona perfectamente (de hecho, sin ello
 no funciona); y sin embargo a la sección acel no le hace ni caso.
 ¿Significa eso que no esta usando la aceleración de la tarjeta?

No, veras, la seccion svga simplemente indica la configuracion a utilizar
con el servidor XF86_SVGA, que es el que tu usas, ya que es el que soporta
tu tarjeta.

la seccion accel es la configuracion si estubieses utilizando servidores 
especificos de esa tarjeta ( no se por que lo de accel ), como seria el caso de 
que tubieses una s3 y usases el XF86_S3 o el XF86_S3V, de que tubieses una ATI 
o algun caso mas en concreto.

El que sea o no acelerado lo veras cuando arrancas las X, a mi por ejemplo al
final me salen cosas como:

(--) SVGA: Using XAA (XFree86 Acceleration Architecture)

que indica que si uso aceleracion.

 Tambien le he dado mil vueltas y he estado buscando en la
 documentación, pero no consigo encontrar la manera de que al cambiar de
 resolución siempre se vea toda la pantalla. Si intento utilizar

logico, no se puede X'DDD

 virtual, solo el tamaño virtual que he declarado funciona con la
 resolucion indicada; las resoluciones superiores son eliminadas por el
 servidor y las inferiores, utilizan el tamaño virtual superior y, por lo
 tanto, no se ven completas en pantalla.
 Lo que ha mi me gustaria conseguir es que el tamaño de pantalla sea
 siempre igual a la resolución en que me encuentre y, por lo tanto,
 siempre tenga todo a la vista. Es posible??

No, veamos, en X Windows no se puede ni cambiar la resolucion ni la profundidad
de color de una manera facil, la unica solucion es salir de las X, cambiar el 
XF86Config y volver a entrar. ( la profudidad de color se pordria cambiar sin 
editar el XF86Config, pero habria que salir y entrar igual )

Lo que tu has visto son digamos una LUPA por hardware, cuando en el XF86Config 
defines los modos 640x480 800x600 solo estas diciendo los modos de 
resolucion que vas a usar en la lupa, pero el escritorio sera siempre del 
tamaño del mas grande que le indiques ( o del tamaño de virtual si es mayor )

Estar loco es lo m s sano de este mundo

of  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX
Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |  http://pagina.de/alea  USER
de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744  #66734

Re: size of kernel too big?

1999-02-26 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 25 Feb 1999 17:43:14 -0600, rich wrote:

monkeyhouse kernel: Memory: 30616k/32768k available (1000k kernel code,
416k reserved, 629k data, 44k init)Feb25

Memory: 63416k/65536k available (824k kernel code, 412k reserved, 856k data,
28k init)

Is that saying that my kernel ids 1MB? If it is, is that too big? Will I
make it faster, leaner, smoother, etc bu sticking sound (+anything
else?) into modules?

Only if you don't use those frequently.  My kernel has lots of things in
modules that I might use.  I don't know they will autoload properly, but it
is there just incase.  Floppy suport, v/fat support, iso9660 support, etc.
but 1Mb?  Nah.

My kernel message is from my router/server/workstation machine.  My
laptop, for comparison, which is running 2.0.34 is:

Memory: 18864k/20480k (664k kernel code, 384k reserved, 568k data)

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Pine 4.10

1999-02-26 Thread Stephen A. Witt
Is it my imagination or does pine 4.10 seem a lot faster than 4.05?
Faster in terms of navigating mail folders and such.

Re: Getting X-Windows to recognize Truetype fonts...

1999-02-26 Thread Tom Pfeifer
I'm hardly an expert on this, but I can tell you what I did to get it
working. First of all, check the xfstt man page, especially the --sync

When I set this up a few weeks ago, I also had no luck until I ran xfstt
with the --sync option. What this apparently did was generate two files
in my /usr/share/fonts/truetype directory named ttinfo.dir and
ttname.dir, and after that, when xfstt started up on boot (from the
/etc/init.d/xfstt script), I had the ttf fonts available in Netscape

I believe the command line I used was just:

/usr/X11R6/bin/xfstt --sync 

The man page also states that xfstt should NOT be already running when
you use xfstt with the --sync option. It doesn't explain why :-)

Then you do also need the  'xset fp+ unix/:7101 '  line in your xinitrc
or whatever. You can also just execute that line manually just to see if
things are working. Verify it with the 'xlsfonts | grep ttf' command, as
you were doing before.  

Good luck,

rich wrote:
 Howdy all,
 I'm having trouble getting Netscape and Wordperfect to recognize my
 TTFs... I've installed xfstt (it's loaded during boot-up), but when I do
 a xlsfonts | grep ttf I get nothing... I've also done ln -s
 /dos_c/windows/fonts /usr/share/fonts/truetype/winfonts as per xfstt
 documentation... I know that I'm probably supposed to add the line xset
 fp+ unix/:7101 to my xinitrc (?), but that doesn't do anything any
 Thanks in advance,
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Try Debian GNU/Linux - it's free, it's open source, and it rocks

Re: Std. Serial ports beyond 115K?

1999-02-26 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Dimitri Patakidis wrote:

 I want to connect an external ISDN to my system using the MB's
 standard serial ports.  However, everything's telling me I can only
 push 115K through these serial ports - far less than the theoretical
 max of an ISDN TA that does V.42bis.

 Any comments/suggestions on
 overclocking  ;-)  built-in serial ports to 230 (or 460) Kbps?

How good are you at making changes to multilayer PC boards?

The limitation of 115.2Kbps is a limitation of the bit-rate clock on PCs.  
You cannot go faster than this without having a higher bit-rate clock.
However, with a higher bit-rate clock you can get speeds of up to 1.5Mbps.
The problem is that you can't change that clock without modifying the
circuit that generates it, which is kind of tough if the serial port is
built in to your motherboard.

 Note:  I realize that HS serial ports/boards are available, but I don't
 want to shell out the money if I don't have to

 Note2: If you can recommend a good external ISDN TA (North America) or
 an internal that supports DialD, I'd love to hear from you.

 The best way to get the most bang for your ISDN buck  is to use an ISDN
 No RS-232 translation in between.

Speaking as the owner of an ISP that has to support this sort of thing,
I'd like to encourage Mr. Traas to get a router.  It's a whole lot easier
to make a router work than an ISDN TA.

However, if he doesn't want to spend the $50 to use a high-speed serial
port, he sure isn't going to want to spend $500 extra to get a router.  
My recommendation would be to look for someone who is using an old, say,
Pipeline 25 that wants to move up.  I believe my company got one for $100
six-eight months ago.  That's less than a decent ISDN TA is going to cost
and it does routing.  Not that I'm wedded to Ascend equipment, or
anything, I just have more experience with them than other things.  You
can also use the Netgear or the Cisco or the 3com. I would recommend you
stay away from the Danube and its ilk.  They are not pleasant devices to
set up.

You'll need to do some work to find used equipment, though.  Ebay is a
definite option, here.  Drop me a private line and I'll give you the Web
addresses of a couple of people that deal in used equipment that you may
not be aware of because they mostly sell to ISP's.  You will need to get
something that knows how to do NAT (like masquerading, only different) if
you want to use it with a regular dial-up account.  (With Ascend gear,
it's mostly a matter of making sure you have a recent enough firmware
revision, and you can update the firmware for most models.  I don't know
about the others.)
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101   http://www.brokersys.com/
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

initialization scripts question

1999-02-26 Thread Pollywog
Are the initialization scripts used in Debian similar to those in RedHat or
Slackware?  I can't find information that is specific to Debian.



Obsidian's OCS web-based utilities

1999-02-26 Thread Randy Edwards
While perusing Freshmeat today I ran across Obsidian's OCS web-based set of
intranet utilities.  These include a e-mail, calendar/scheduling, chat, and
other modules which fit nicely into an integrated web-based system.

They're licensed under the GPL and appear to be highly polished and I was
surprised I have never ran into them before.  Has anyone else heard of them? 
Can someone give me some reviews and/or general info on this package?  TIA.

 .   | Celebrate the Linux WE'RE NEVER GOING OUT
 Randy   | OF BUSINESS SALE by downloading an entire
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | operating system, apps, games, utilities,
 http://www.golgotha.net | and source code at http://www.debian.org

Re: StarOffice 5

1999-02-26 Thread Damir J. Naden
Hi Micha Feigin; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
 On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Frankie wrote:
  Is there a recommended way of installing SO5 under debian?
  there doesn't seem to be an install Package for it (like there is for
 If its like staroffice 4,
 Then use the setup supplied with staroffice,
 and then install it with the net option as root
 (although it still takes quite some space for each user);

I've installed it simply following the setup provided by StarOffice (part of
the download), following the instructions in their README. It worked


Re: Getting X-Windows to recognize Truetype fonts...

1999-02-26 Thread Frozen Rose

rich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm having trouble getting Netscape and Wordperfect to recognize my
TTFs... I've installed xfstt (it's loaded during boot-up), but when I do
a xlsfonts | grep ttf I get nothing... I've also done ln -s
/dos_c/windows/fonts /usr/share/fonts/truetype/winfonts as per xfstt
documentation... I know that I'm probably supposed to add the line xset
fp+ unix/:7101 to my xinitrc (?), but that doesn't do anything any

Istr that if you make a symlink from your windows fonts directory to
/usr/share/fonts/truetype/FOO, then the font family will be FOO. So,
I have:

bash$ ll /usr/share/fonts/truetype/
total 1
drwxrwxr-x   2 root root 1024 Jan 11 04:13 net/
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   23 Jan  4 01:30 windows - \


bash$ xlsfonts | grep net
-net-startrek film bt-medium-r-normal-regular-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
bash$ xlsfonts | grep windows
-windows-arial black-medium-r-normal-regular-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
-windows-arial narrow special g1-bold-r-normal-bold-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
-windows-arial narrow special g1-medium-i-normal-italic-0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1

I also seem to remember that you should do xfstt --sync (as root)
when you add new fonts in /usr/share/fonts/truetype, and that you
can't do this while xfstt is running... (irritatingly).

Also, you can avoid having to xset fp+ ... in your xinitrc by adding

   FontPath   unix/:7101

to the Files section of /etc/X11/XF86Config, although this will make
your X server refuse to start if xfstt is not running for some reason
(and if you use xdm you may be in big trouble).

Steve HaslamValidation Engineer, ARM Limited, Cambridge, England
I will protect you from your visions to save you from illusions
I will protect you from ideals to save you from defeat[covenant]

Weird: Name resoultion for root only?!

1999-02-26 Thread O. Niepolt
Please help!

I have already posted about this weird thing to comp.os.linux.network,
but nobody seems to be able to help me, maybe one of you Debian
specialists will have a clue...

Here is my problem: My newly installed Debian 2.0 box (I'm new to
Debian, but not to Linux in general) can see IP addresses and correctly
resolved names if I'm logged in as root, and everything works just fine;
however, if I'm logged in as a _regular user_, I can only get IP
addresses, no names are recognized at all, meaning that for instance
ping would not even see my ISP's host name. -- Now shouldn't the name
service work for _all_ users on a given machine (or for none of them)?
Any permission issues to be taken into account?

I have a suspicion that /etc/nsswitch.conf could be involved, but I
couldn't figure out what the whole thing is actually about, and the
documentation that I have found on the net isn't exactly human readable
:-) It seems related to glibc6, though.

To describe my setup, I do no networking whatsoever apart from
connecting to my ISP via modem/ppp, no special network daemons (inetd,
portmap) are running. On bootup I just run the /etc/init.d/network
script, which merely does the following:
ifconfig lo
route add -net

Again, the netbase script which came as the default for runlevel 2 has
been unlinked (and even when I booted with this script enabled, it
didn't matter). 

Then I have these config files:

order hosts,bind
multi on

search berlin.snafu.de ###my provider
nameserver ###my provider's nameserver

As you can see, this is a very simple setup, BTW the same thing has been
running smoothly for a long time on the same machine with Suse
installed. So there must be something wrong Debian-wise, but I don't see
where to look further. Now I have even compiled a new kernel to keep out
firewall stuff etc., but it didn't help either.

Oh please make me stay with Debian, I really began to like it, until I
discovered this ugly thing :-|

Any help is greatly appreciated.

-- O. Niepolt

HELP. My chat script doesn't work.

1999-02-26 Thread Jens K. Olsen
I have been trying to connect to my ISP for some time but without any
luck. When I use Windows I can connect without problems. Following is
the script that works in Windows:

; This is a script file that demonstrates how
; to establish a PPP connection with Compuserve,
; which requires changing the port settings to
; log in.
; Main entry point to script
proc main

   ; Set the port settings so we can wait for
   ; non-gibberish text.

   set port databits 7
   set port parity even

   transmit ^M

   waitfor Host Name:
   transmit HOSTNAME^M

   waitfor User ID:
   transmit $USERID, raw
   transmit /go:pppconnect^M

   waitfor Password: 
   transmit $PASSWORD, raw
   transmit ^M

   waitfor One moment please...

   ; Set the port settings back to allow successful
   ; negotiation.

   set port databits 8
   set port parity none


I have confirmed with minicom that I need to provide a host name, next a
user ID, and finally a password. I edited my /etc/chatscripts/provider
to the following:

ost Name: HOSTNAME
assword: /qPASSWORD

When I try to login using pon, this is what happens:

Feb 26 11:07:20 uxtjp51 pppd[186]: pppd 2.3.5 started by LOGIN, uid 1000

Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: abort on (BUSY)
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: abort on (VOICE)
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: send (ATZ^M)
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: expect (OK)
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ATZ^M^M
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: OK
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]:  -- got it
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: send (ATDTPHONENUMBER^M)
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: expect (CONNECT)
Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ^M
Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ATDTPHONENUMBER^M^M
Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: CONNECT
Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]:  -- got it
Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: send (^M^M)
Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: expect (ost Name:)
Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]:  33600^M
Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ^M
Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ^M
Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]:  0005TJD^M
Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ^M
Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]: Host Name:
Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]:  -- got it
Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]: send (HOSTNAME^M)
Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]: expect (ser ID:)
Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]:   HOSTNAME^M
Feb 26 11:08:32 uxtjp51 chat[187]: alarm
Feb 26 11:08:32 uxtjp51 chat[187]: Failed
Feb 26 11:08:32 uxtjp51 pppd[186]: Connect script failed
Feb 26 11:08:33 uxtjp51 pppd[186]: Exit.

It looks to me as if it gets stuck on the Host Name. When it gets the
UserID promt it sends the Host Name again 

Please advise how to do it right.

Re: HELP. My chat script doesn't work.

1999-02-26 Thread dyer
Jens K. Olsen wrote:

 I have been trying to connect to my ISP for some time but without any
 luck. When I use Windows I can connect without problems. Following is
 the script that works in Windows:

 ; This is a script file that demonstrates how
 ; to establish a PPP connection with Compuserve,
 ; which requires changing the port settings to
 ; log in.
 ; Main entry point to script
 proc main

; Set the port settings so we can wait for
; non-gibberish text.

set port databits 7
set port parity even

transmit ^M

waitfor Host Name:
transmit HOSTNAME^M

waitfor User ID:
transmit $USERID, raw
transmit /go:pppconnect^M

waitfor Password: 
transmit $PASSWORD, raw
transmit ^M

waitfor One moment please...

; Set the port settings back to allow successful
; negotiation.

set port databits 8
set port parity none


 I have confirmed with minicom that I need to provide a host name, next a
 user ID, and finally a password. I edited my /etc/chatscripts/provider
 to the following:

 ost Name: HOSTNAME
 assword: /qPASSWORD

 When I try to login using pon, this is what happens:

 Feb 26 11:07:20 uxtjp51 pppd[186]: pppd 2.3.5 started by LOGIN, uid 1000

 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: abort on (BUSY)
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: abort on (VOICE)
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: send (ATZ^M)
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: expect (OK)
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ATZ^M^M
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: OK
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]:  -- got it
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: send (ATDTPHONENUMBER^M)
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: expect (CONNECT)
 Feb 26 11:07:21 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ^M
 Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ATDTPHONENUMBER^M^M
 Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: CONNECT
 Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]:  -- got it
 Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: send (^M^M)
 Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: expect (ost Name:)
 Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]:  33600^M
 Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ^M
 Feb 26 11:07:46 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ^M
 Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]:  0005TJD^M
 Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]: ^M
 Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]: Host Name:
 Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]:  -- got it
 Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]: send (HOSTNAME^M)
 Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]: expect (ser ID:)
 Feb 26 11:07:47 uxtjp51 chat[187]:   HOSTNAME^M
 Feb 26 11:08:32 uxtjp51 chat[187]: alarm
 Feb 26 11:08:32 uxtjp51 chat[187]: Failed
 Feb 26 11:08:32 uxtjp51 pppd[186]: Connect script failed
 Feb 26 11:08:33 uxtjp51 pppd[186]: Exit.

 It looks to me as if it gets stuck on the Host Name. When it gets the
 UserID promt it sends the Host Name again 

 Please advise how to do it right.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Have you tried using 'pppconfig' command?

DHCP client for 2.2.x/token-ring???

1999-02-26 Thread Gregory T. Norris
Does a DHCP client exist which can handle token-ring on 2.2.x kernels?
Neither dhcpcd not dhclient (ISC's client) can deal with it.


Creative Labs DVD Encore Dxr2 and Linux video problems

1999-02-26 Thread Christopher Fury
I just bought a Creative Labs Encore DVD-ROM with the Dxr2 mpeg board, and
I'm having horrible video problems running X windows.  The video bleeds all
the place.

I see a little problem in winbloze (the reason I bought the stupid DVD-ROM
is because a) I needed to install windows and b) well, I *was* going to buy
but I had an extra $200 burning a hole in my pocket :) -- the video in
windows has
a little ghosting, but that *might* be from RF interference

But X windows is horrible.  Colors bleed and shimmer all over the place and
the video
is offset.  If I disconnect the video pass through and connect the monitor
to my video card the problem goes away.

Ideas?  Should I send the DVD-ROM back?  :)

Christopher Fury

APT - Uninstall Leftovers

1999-02-26 Thread wax_man
I'm having problems with apt and it's removal of packages.  I tried to
install xrn (the x news reader) and it installed cnews and inews
removing my leafnode.  I then had it reinstall leafnode, since it was
properly configured and working.  Of course this removed what I had
just installed.

Anyway, I'm getting tons of mail saying the /usr/lib/news/sendbatches,
/usr/lib/news/input/newsrun, and /usr/lib/news/maint/newswatch do not
exist.  They appear to be in a cron job, but I can't find them.  Any
idea where they might be at?  Also, should'nt this have been removed by
the removal of the packages?



X news reader

1999-02-26 Thread wax_man
I'm looking for a good X based news reader that will work with leafnode
(since I already have it installed and running).  Any ideas on one.  I
tried xrn, but it installed cnews and removed leafnode. 



Re: Totally OFFTOPIC: tournament scheduler program

1999-02-26 Thread Britton

Hmm, mayby octave.  Sounds like it could be getting to be an interesting
combinatorical problem :)
GNU GPL: The Source will be with you... always.

Britton Kerin

On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Alexander Kushnirenko wrote:

 Sorry to bug you with this, it is totally off topic.  I'm looking for Linux 
 program to build a basketball tournament schedule, several rounds, so that 
 teams would have same number of back-to-back games, with different opponents 
 in different rounds etc.  With number of teams greater than 10 it's getting 
 really hard to trace all possible conflicts.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

semop() SEMMSL constant gone?

1999-02-26 Thread Britton

I'm trying to compile a SEMOP intensive program and am wondering what
happened to this constant if anything, or if it's just me.  Mayby I'm
leaving out a critical header?  Here are the ones I'm using.

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include string.h
#include unistd.h
#include errno.h
#include signal.h
#include sys/types.h
#include sys/ipc.h
#include sys/sem.h
#include sys/shm.h

Any ideas or suggestions greatly appreciated.

GNU GPL: The Source will be with you... always.

Britton Kerin

ppp help

1999-02-26 Thread Larry G. Gariepy Jr.
I'm a 1.5 debian-year old, and I'm on my second round of debian installs.  I recently acquired a PII-266 motherboard, and built it into a second machine.  Naturally, withing a couple of weeks, I had to network my two machines, and thanks to a kind, knowledgeable friend, I have my own LAN.
However, we have not been so successfully getting this machine to dial in to my ISP (aka Dartmouth College).  I ran pppconfig, and set everything up the way the docs told me too, and after a little fiddling, got what seemed to be a ppp connection.  That is, I received an IP address, and pppd appeared to be sending acknowledgements back to Dartmouth periodically.  However, when I went to ping the other end of my link, it reported ppp: sendto: Operation not permitted,
As I said before, I have an ethernet card in my machine, although we did try taking down the network link (ifconfig eth0 down) and that didn't seem to help matters any.  We looked at the relevant docs and man pages, and couldn't find anything that helped.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Modemless in New Hampshire
(Larry Gariepy - [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

Re: HELP. My chat script doesn't work.

1999-02-26 Thread John Hasler
 It looks to me as if it gets stuck on the Host Name. When it gets the
 UserID promt it sends the Host Name again 

No.  That is the other end echoing the HOSTNAME^M you sent.  It is
hanging waiting for ser ID:  Try telling it to expect just ID: .

Are you sure you are supposed to send the string HOSTNAME and not the
actual name of a host?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: APT - Uninstall Leftovers

1999-02-26 Thread Havoc Pennington

On Thu, 25 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm having problems with apt and it's removal of packages.  I tried to
 install xrn (the x news reader) and it installed cnews and inews
 removing my leafnode.  I then had it reinstall leafnode, since it was
 properly configured and working.  Of course this removed what I had
 just installed.

This is because Apt knows all, and you are a mere user. ;-) It knows that
xrn requires cnews/inews, and cnews/inews conflict with leafnode. Thus you
want an impossible situation, and it will not give it to you because you
are wrong. Always remember that Apt is God and you will be fine. ;-)


Re: Weird: Name resoultion for root only?!

1999-02-26 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
Please help!

I have already posted about this weird thing to comp.os.linux.network,
but nobody seems to be able to help me, maybe one of you Debian
specialists will have a clue...

Here is my problem: My newly installed Debian 2.0 box (I'm new to
Debian, but not to Linux in general) can see IP addresses and correctly
resolved names if I'm logged in as root, and everything works just fine;
however, if I'm logged in as a _regular user_, I can only get IP
addresses, no names are recognized at all, meaning that for instance
ping would not even see my ISP's host name. -- Now shouldn't the name
service work for _all_ users on a given machine (or for none of them)?
Any permission issues to be taken into account?

No. Resolution of domain names is done by libc under the same user id as
the program that is being run (ie it is not done by the kernel). This
implies that the config files in /etc that you have mentioned below
needs to be world readable.

I have a suspicion that /etc/nsswitch.conf could be involved, but I
couldn't figure out what the whole thing is actually about, and the
documentation that I have found on the net isn't exactly human readable
:-) It seems related to glibc6, though.



From my perspective, it really sounds like the permissions on
one of the above files is wrong.


ls -l /etc/nsswitch.conf /etc/resolv.conf /etc/host.conf

and see if anything looks suspicious. If you aren't sure yourself,
then send a copy to this mailling list.

Mail and finger problems

1999-02-26 Thread Chuck Peters

I received a disturbing report that the mail port is intermitingly
working.  Is this a serious bug or what?

jh 17:08:37 ~ $ ifconfig ep0; telnet linux.axs.org smtp
inet netmask 0xff00 broadcast
ether 00:20:af:db:d7:9a 
Connected to linux.axs.org.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 linux.ccil.org ESMTP Sendmail 8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian/GNU; Wed, 24 Feb 1999 
20:53:23 -0500
221 linux.ccil.org closing connection
Connection closed by foreign host.
jh 17:08:40 ~ $ 

It looks like we have a problem with finger as well.

500:The name given for the Common DUA is not a known socket name.


Re: HELP. My chat script doesn't work.

1999-02-26 Thread John Hasler
dyer writes:
 Have you tried using 'pppconfig' command?

Pppconfig is really just a special-purpose editor.  It's great for ordinary
ISPs, but given Compuserv's whacky special requirements he is better off
just editing /etc/chatscripts/provider by hand as he has done.

John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

X11 and potential monitor problem

1999-02-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all,

I purchased a Sony CPD-200ES monitor a couple weeks ago and have been using
it with Debian without any sort of problem. When I bought I re-ran XF86Setup
and configured for my new monitor.

Today when I came home from school, I noticed that my monitor was brighter
than normal. I checked the settings and they were still set to the default
levels. The first thought that ran through my head was that I was frying my

Is this indicative that my video card is driving my monitor too hard?

The specs for my monitor are (from the manual):

   Deflection frequency,  horizontal: 30 to 70 kHz, vertical: 50 to 120 Hz

The specs also indicate that there are factory preset modes for 1024x768 @
60 kHz (horizontal.) and 75 Hz (vertical) and1024x768 @ 68.7 kHz
(horizontal) and 85 Hz (vertical).

My video card is a Matrox Millennium II with 8 megs of RAM. I don't have the
specs for the card handy, but it is listed as a supported card.

When I set up X11, I made sure to enter refresh rate frequencies that were
within the limits of what the specs above show. I think I entered 32 to 68
kHz for horizontal and 55 to 110 Hz for vertical.

Is there something else I should be doing?


Re: APT - Uninstall Leftovers

1999-02-26 Thread wax_man
On 25 Feb, George Bonser wrote:
 On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Havoc Pennington wrote:
 This is because Apt knows all, and you are a mere user. ;-) It knows that
 xrn requires cnews/inews, and cnews/inews conflict with leafnode. Thus you
 want an impossible situation, and it will not give it to you because you
 are wrong. Always remember that Apt is God and you will be fine. ;-)
 Right, it should be something like:
 xrn requires news-transport
 leafnode provides news-transport conflicts with cnews, inn
 cnews provides news-transport conflicts with leafnode, inn requires inews
 inn provides news-transport conflicts with leafnode, cnews, inews
Better yet:
xrn requres news-transport
leafnode provides news-transport and is installed 
end of story - install xrn and leave leafnode installed.

Re: size of kernel too big?

1999-02-26 Thread Oleg Krivosheev

   Hello everybody,


   I recently compiled kernel 2.2.1 (my 1st attempt), and everything seems
   to be going smoothly (except for playing .wav files, but that's another
   story...) Anyway, did not put anything into modules (is that bad?)...
   Now, when I look at my /var/log/messages, I see this...

   monkeyhouse kernel: Memory: 30616k/32768k available (1000k kernel code,
   416k reserved, 629k data, 44k init)Feb25

more than 384k reserved? hmm...

   Is that saying that my kernel ids 1MB? If it is, is that too big? Will I
   make it faster, leaner, smoother, etc bu sticking sound (+anything
   else?) into modules?

well, if you're going to use modules all the time, it will make kernel
a bit bigger, not smaller. If you're going to put some stuff into modules and
use them occationaly and unload them when job is done (manually
or automatically via kerneld/kmod), better compile most stuff as modules.

i usually compile into kernel only what is really for everysecond usage:
ext2, psaux and ethernet. All other stuff - floppy, sound, all
filesystems, ppp... - is compiled as modules and managed by




on 32meg PC my numbers for 2.0.36+patches are 

Memory: 31168k/32768k available (496k kernel code, 384k reserved, 720k data

Re: X11 and potential monitor problem

1999-02-26 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
   Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 20:56:20 -0800
   Resent-from: debian-user@lists.DEBIAN.org
   From: Mark Wagnon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
   Precedence: list
   X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
   X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3155.0
   X-Mailing-List: debian-user@lists.debian.org archive/latest/38397
   X-Loop: debian-user@lists.debian.org
   X-Priority: 3
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
   Content-Length: 1287

   Hi all,

   I purchased a Sony CPD-200ES monitor a couple weeks ago and have been using
   it with Debian without any sort of problem. When I bought I re-ran XF86Setup
   and configured for my new monitor.

   Today when I came home from school, I noticed that my monitor was brighter
   than normal. I checked the settings and they were still set to the default
   levels. The first thought that ran through my head was that I was frying my

   Is this indicative that my video card is driving my monitor too hard?

   The specs for my monitor are (from the manual):

  Deflection frequency,  horizontal: 30 to 70 kHz, vertical: 50 to 120 Hz

   The specs also indicate that there are factory preset modes for 1024x768 @
   60 kHz (horizontal.) and 75 Hz (vertical) and1024x768 @ 68.7 kHz
   (horizontal) and 85 Hz (vertical).

   My video card is a Matrox Millennium II with 8 megs of RAM. I don't have the
   specs for the card handy, but it is listed as a supported card.

   When I set up X11, I made sure to enter refresh rate frequencies that were
   within the limits of what the specs above show. I think I entered 32 to 68
   kHz for horizontal and 55 to 110 Hz for vertical.

   Is there something else I should be doing?

i do not believe X will use video mode which is out of
monitor specs. You can run xvidtune and check
what horizontal and vertical frequencies are


Re: X11 and potential monitor problem

1999-02-26 Thread Mark Wagnon

-Original Message-
From: Oleg Krivosheev [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i do not believe X will use video mode which is out of
monitor specs. You can run xvidtune and check
what horizontal and vertical frequencies are


I didn't think so. But it sure is weird. I seemed to have messed up my
installation. I can't XF86Setup anywhere. I was trying to install the latest
windowmaker from potato, so I think something has gone wrong :(

I had spent 10+ hours upgrading my hamm installation to slink. I guess I'll
have to wait until 2.1 is released (next week hopefully) to get things going

Thanks for the reply. It looks like I'll be using windows for the next
couple weeks :(


Re: HELP. My chat script doesn't work.

1999-02-26 Thread Jens K. Olsen
John Hasler wrote:

  It looks to me as if it gets stuck on the Host Name. When it gets the
  UserID promt it sends the Host Name again 

 No.  That is the other end echoing the HOSTNAME^M you sent.  It is
 hanging waiting for ser ID:  Try telling it to expect just ID: .

Thank you very much for your advice. I tried it, but unfortunately the result 
exactly the same. Can you suggest anything else to try ???

 Are you sure you are supposed to send the string HOSTNAME and not the
 actual name of a host?

Oh, I am sorry. I am not sending the string HOSTNAME. I edited the copies of my
/var/log/ppp.log and /etc/chatscripts/provider. I substituted the actual phone
number, host name, login, and password with PHONENUMBER, HOSTNAME, LOGIN, and
PASSWORD. I don't want to put that information on the net. The actual string I 
for the Host Name is OK though. It works when I use minicom.


1999-02-26 Thread Robert Rati
I had lilo working just fine on my machine, but because of a stupid move
on my part, I had to repartition and reformat all my drives.  To avoid
re-installing and re-setting up everything on my box, I simply copied my
Debian partitions to a drive I didn't have to format.  I've copied it back
over and ran lilo, and it seemed to work fine.  When I try to compile a
kernel, it gives this error at the end:

Checking for LILO...\nYes, but I couldn't find a LILO signature on
Check your /etc/lilo.conf, or run /sbin/lilo by hand.

When I run lilo by hand there's no problem so why is this error being
thrown?  My /etc/lilo.conf follows:


other = /dev/hda1
label = win95
table = /dev/hda

other = /dev/hdb3
label = beos
table = /dev/hdb

Can anyone help me out?  TIA.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055
Homepage: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ratirh 

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.


1999-02-26 Thread Robert Rati
I just got an external SCSI CD-R for my box.  After some doing, I got it
working in windows, but would realy like to burn in Linux.  I had xcdroast
running at one point in time, but now I get this error:

ERROR at listbox.tcl line 179: bad event type or keysym MouseWheel
ERROR at text.tcl line 455: bad event type or keysym MouseWheel
Error: Some or all Generic-SCSI-Devices are missing.
Please create first the devices. Run ./MAKEDEVICES.sh
in the xcdroast-0.96e directory.

I'm not sure what it's talking about because I can't find the
MAKEDEVICES.sh anywhere on my system, let alone in the xcdroast-0.96e
directory.  A related problem to this is no scsi hosts are detected on
bootup of my system.  My CD-R has SCSI ID 6, but the kernel doesn't appear
to be finding it at all.  I have scsi disks and scsi cd-roms included in
my kernel and I run kernels 2.2.1.  Anyone have any ideas to try?  TIA.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055
Homepage: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/ratirh 

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: xcdroast

1999-02-26 Thread Daniel Faller
On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, Robert Rati wrote:

Error: Some or all Generic-SCSI-Devices are missing.
Please create first the devices. Run ./MAKEDEVICES.sh
in the xcdroast-0.96e directory.

A few days ago I had the same problem. You find  MAKEDEVICES.sh in the source
code of xcdroast, just untar xcdroast-0.96e.tar.gz.

My CD-R has SCSI ID 6, but the kernel doesn't appear
to be finding it at all.  I have scsi disks and scsi cd-roms included in
my kernel and I run kernels 2.2.1.  Anyone have any ideas to try?  

You have to select generic Scsi Support in compiling a kernel.

Daniel Faller
Fakultaet fur Physik
Abt. Honerkamp
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

Tel.: 0761-203-5875

Where to find the files?

1999-02-26 Thread Gustavo Valdes
   I'd really apreciate if you could tell me what files are required 
to install the Debian Linux OS. 
   I have been in the FTP sites you're site links to, but I haven't 
been able to find some README file that exactly tells the directories 
from wich I must download the files.

   I want to develop in Linux, What tools are available for your OS? 
Can the JDK 1.2 for Linux offered by Sun run on your OS?

   Thanks for your time and attention. Sincerely,
   Gustavo Valdes

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com


1999-02-26 Thread joop . vson

Are both disks IDE ?
Are they both on the same controller ?
Which disk is the master, which disk is the slave ?
You can only boot from a master disk.
Set the jumpers right (I hope you still have the documentation for the disks)

Success, Joop

Install bombs on Swap disk initialization

1999-02-26 Thread Ray Parrish

I'm tired of looking at the blinking cursor while the swap disk is being
initialized... It just sits there doing nothing for as long as I care
to leave it there.

Sooo, I tried creating the swap partition again, and this time I told it
to check for bad sectors [which I had already done with dos's scandisk
before even trying the install] and it seemed to run this time, but
again bombed, with a message that says OOPS: 0 and a lot of other binary
dump stuff that I don't have a clue how to read.

I then tried to install with no swap disk after removing the partition
for it. I created only a root partition, and a logical partition for
data, etc...

Once again, I get the bomb with the message file system not created
when I try to initialize either of these partitions. OUCH!

Can anyone help me figure this out so I can get on with my experience of
learning Linux? [be gentle, I'm an old dos/windows user so I'm green
with Linux]

I'm trying to install on my old 386 with 32 meg of ram, a Quantum 340AT,
and a Maxtor 7120AT drive. I have the slave/master jumpers on these
drives set correctly. There is also a Panasonic CD rom drive with
Panasonics' proprietary interface card, and a 512K ATI VGA 1024 video
card in the system.

Thanks for any help you can be, and THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME GET AWAY


1999-02-26 Thread Johann Spies
I have a greyscale screen in combination with a S3 graphics card.

Acroread's menus are all black to me and I cannot read them.  The rest of
the colours seems OK.  I have looked at the .acrorc-file, but cannot
figure out how to correct the problem.

Help will be appreciated.


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while 
  we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. 
   Romans 5:8 

Re: StarOffice 5

1999-02-26 Thread Olafur Jens Sigurdsson
On 25. February 1999, Damir J. Naden wrote:

 I've installed it simply following the setup provided by StarOffice (part of
 the download), following the instructions in their README. It worked

I tried to install it some days ago and it frose my X. I havnt tried to
fiddle about with this but could it be that I run my X in to much color for
SO to handle it? I run it in 24bpp and my resolution is 1200 times ehh..
1000 or something like that, forgott what it is. Any suggestions on what to
do? I run Hamm btw.

* Ólafur Jens Sigurðsson   | Olafur Jens Sigurdsson  *
* Eðlisfræðinemi   | Physics Student *
* Háskóli Íslands  | University of Iceland   *

custom kernel install floppy problem

1999-02-26 Thread Helge Hafting

I am helping a friend installing debain on a laptop with a
backpack cdrom, and have some trouble.
(A compaq thing, 486/75 with 16M ram  500 or so of harddisk)

The 2.0 install floppy was used for partitioning the disk, but
it couldn't see the backpack cdrom.

So I compiled a 2.2.2 kernel.  This one autodetects the backpack
cdrom at bootup, but it fails mysteriously, believing that there
is no harddisk!  Yes - the driver for the ide disk is in place.
And I can press alt+F2 and mount /dev/hda1 just fine and access
the empty partition waiting for installation.  I can run cfdisk
too - no problem.
But the install program stubbornly insist that there is no
harddisk, so it won't even let me try partitioning or use
the swap partition.  Needless to say, the install stop there.

Does the install program depend on some particular kernel feature
for discovering the disk, beside the driver that work already?
I tried enabling the automounter - that didn't help.  Is there
anything else that must (or must not) be configured?

Helge Hafting


rc.boot for regular users

1999-02-26 Thread Andreas Rapp
I would like to start fetchmail in daemon mode at boot time
as a regular user, not as root 
(I don't want fetchmail sending unresolved eMails to root, but to
my account)

Can regular users also have boot scripts ?


Re: rc.boot for regular users

1999-02-26 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I would like to start fetchmail in daemon mode at boot time
 as a regular user, not as root 
 (I don't want fetchmail sending unresolved eMails to root, but to
 my account)
 Can regular users also have boot scripts ?

I don't think so, but you could use the `setuid' command to run
fetchmail as an ordinary user.  On the other hand, it doesn't seem a
very good idea.  Why don't you just put a .forward file on root's


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Pine 4.10

1999-02-26 Thread Mário Olímpio de Menezes
On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Stephen A. Witt wrote:

 Is it my imagination or does pine 4.10 seem a lot faster than 4.05?
 Faster in terms of navigating mail folders and such.

I'm having the exactly opposite feeling. Pine 4.10 is very slow in
opening mail folders; it's stay Busy far more than 3.96L (from official
Debian). Every time I need to switch from one folder to other is a pain!
BTW, the installation was clean. Thanks Paul!

Mario O.de Menezes | Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP   | is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: DHCP client for 2.2.x/token-ring???

1999-02-26 Thread ulisses

On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Gregory T. Norris wrote:

 Does a DHCP client exist which can handle token-ring on 2.2.x kernels?
 Neither dhcpcd not dhclient (ISC's client) can deal with it.

Try using dhcpcd v1.3, earlier versions (not remember which versions
exactly) did not support 2.1/2.2 kernels. I use Ethernet. But I think
dhcpcd has no problems with Token Ring itself.

I hope tihs helps

- -
Computers are useless. They can only give answers.Pablo Picasso

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: latin1
Comment: PGP public key available at http://www.rediris.es/cert/keyserver


Decode mail attachements from Eudora via a filter

1999-02-26 Thread Conrado Badenas
I recently begun to receive messages with information like this:

X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.4 (32)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 12:35:39 +0100
Subject: Your file
X-Attachments: C:\eudora\Attach\File.doc;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dear Conrado:
Here you have the file requested. I'm sorry but I wrote it with MSWord.

Your mom

Content-Type: application/msword; name=File.doc;
 x-mac-type=42494E41; x-mac-creator=4D535744
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=File.doc

... (700 lines of letters and signs)

How can I restore the file File.doc from the attachement made with
Eudora?. I have tried with uudecode but it doesn't work (it seems it is
not uuencoded).

Is there a program to restore files from Eudora? Is it within any Debian
package? I cannot tell the senders to use other mail programs or coding

Conrado Badenas (Assistant Lecturer)
Department of Thermodynamics. University of Valencia
c/. Doctor Moliner, 50   | e-m: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
46100 Burjassot (Valencia)   | Phn: +34-63864350
SPAIN| Fax: +34-63983385

Problema con dselect

1999-02-26 Thread Jean-Georges Carbonnier

cuando instalo la ultima version de linux (debian) desde CDROM todo va
bien hasta que llego a la parte de instalacion de los paquetes
software.  El programa dselect me pide la fuente, le digo CDROM, luego
me pide el block device type y es cuando no consigo continuar.  He
probado varias opciones entre otras :
pero en este caso me dice que el kernel no soporta la norma iso9660
cuando me ha hecho toda la instalacion previa desde el mismo CDROM.  Si
me pongo en un shell, me pasa que no puedo montar el CDROM porque me
pone el mismo mensaje iso9660 aunque lo monte con el comando siguiente:
mount /dev/hdb -t iso9660 /cdrom
He probado con versiones anteriores de debian y tambien me pasa lo
Tengo un pentium 166MMX.
Donde tengo que acudir para tener respuesta a mi problema.

Nota:  He conseguido instalar por ejemplo la ultima distribucion de RED
HAT y luego montar perfectamente el CDROM pero preferiria instalar la
distribucion de Debian.


Un saludo.

tex package installation

1999-02-26 Thread Nikolaus Neumaier

I'm trying to install a new tex package (ppchtex).
After downloading the package from ftp.dante.de
I copied all files in /usr/local/lib/texfm.
To find the new packages / macros I did run the program
texhash. Unfortunately using \usepackage{package} 
(m-pictex and m-ch-en) the files won't be found. So I had to
softlink the files to /usr/lib/texfm/tex/context .
Now latex finds the packages.

where is my mistake ??

BTW: As I' m not subscribed to the list, mailing to me would 
be very nice.

Thanks in advance


Does someone have experience with the ppchtex package. 
Despite the fact that the files are found, latex complains about
some Undefined control sequence:
) (/usr/lib/texmf/tex/context/ppchtex/ppchtex.tex
! Undefined control sequence.
l.80 \doifundefined

The faq coming with the package said it works with latex by using:

I did include these lines in the prambleof my latex file but  
see above. :-

Xfree86 and nVidia riva TNT

1999-02-26 Thread Leonardo Bermudez
What graphic server should I use in order to make my riva TNT work with 

The problem is that X only starts in 320 x 200 resolution, even with the 
SVGA server.


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: Std. Serial ports beyond 115K?

1999-02-26 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Kevin Traas wrote:

 My big thing is that I want/need Dial-  Bandwidth-on-Demand support -
 very big requirements.  I don't think these little ISDN routers
 provide the level of control that I want.  (If you know different,
 please let me know.)

All of the little ISDN routers I've ever worked with support those.
That's basic functionality.
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101   http://www.brokersys.com/
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Re: Xfree86 and nVidia riva TNT

1999-02-26 Thread Brant Wells
Howdy Leonardo

Have you tried setting the default resolution using the XF86Setup?  See 
what happens...  You may have to toy around with the /etc/X11/XF86Config 
file to fine tune it... 



RAM... Rarely Adequate Memory...

From: Leonardo Bermudez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Xfree86 and nVidia riva TNT
Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 05:00:22 PST

What graphic server should I use in order to make my riva TNT work with 

The problem is that X only starts in 320 x 200 resolution, even with 
SVGA server.


Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: Creative Labs DVD Encore Dxr2 and Linux video problems

1999-02-26 Thread Steve Rothanburg
Christopher Fury wrote:

 But X windows is horrible.  Colors bleed and shimmer all over the place and
 the video
 is offset.  If I disconnect the video pass through and connect the monitor
 straight to my video card the problem goes away.

There you have it. The bypass cables that come with that kit suck. I'm having 
same problem here. My suggestion is to call Creative and complain. Maybe 
they've got
replacement cables. Or buy a replacement cable. They look like they're just 
male to
male video cables.

Re: StarOffice 5

1999-02-26 Thread Daniel Doro Ferrante

On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, Olafur Jens Sigurdsson wrote:

 On 25. February 1999, Damir J. Naden wrote:
  I've installed it simply following the setup provided by StarOffice (part of
  the download), following the instructions in their README. It worked
 I tried to install it some days ago and it frose my X. I havnt tried to
 fiddle about with this but could it be that I run my X in to much color for
 SO to handle it? I run it in 24bpp and my resolution is 1200 times ehh..
 1000 or something like that, forgott what it is. Any suggestions on what to
 do? I run Hamm btw.

Couldn't it be a problem while dowloading? I dowloaded my SO and It
didn't work the first time, I had to log me as someone else and get it
again in order to make it work,

Daniel Doro Ferrante email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network/System Manager  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CECM - Curso de Ci?ncias Moleculares - USP
   Course of Molecular Sciences - University of S?o Paulo - Brazil

Debianized cdrecord-1.6.1? (for HP7200e)

1999-02-26 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny

Is there debianized cdrecord-1.6.1 available, or it is necessary
to download the tar.gz, compile it and put in /usr/local.
The 1.6.1 supports the parallel port CD-R's ...

Wojtek Zabolotny

Re: Xfree86 and nVidia riva TNT

1999-02-26 Thread Vincent Murphy
On Fri, Feb 26, 1999 at 05:16:53AM -0800, Brant Wells wrote:
 What graphic server should I use in order to make my riva TNT work with 

 you need to upgrade to the latest version of XFree86 (3.3.2?).  i'm not
sure what the latest version is, but AFAIK the version that's packaged in
hamm doesn't support the Riva TNT chipset in any of the servers.


   Vincent Murphy | CompSci Undergrad, UCC | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (086) 8397405

Debian clusters

1999-02-26 Thread Mário Olímpio de Menezes


I'm looking for info/experiences of how to make a Debian cluster
for mission critical web/DB/... server? 
Are someone doing/using this? Should be difficult to do this with
I'm not a expert in this subject, so a brief report of success
and/or some steps in the way to go would be great.
Mario O.de Menezes | Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP   | is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: Decode mail attachements from Eudora via a filter

1999-02-26 Thread hpv

 I recently begun to receive messages with information like this:
 Content-Type: multipart/mixed;


 Content-Type: application/msword; name=File.doc;
  x-mac-type=42494E41; x-mac-creator=4D535744
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=File.doc


 How can I restore the file File.doc from the attachement made with
 Eudora?. I have tried with uudecode but it doesn't work (it seems it is
 not uuencoded).

Nope, it's base64-encoded (look at the Content-Transfer-Encoding header line)

Install mpack, and you can probably flush mails like these through
a nifty little program called munpack to unpack end decode the stuff. 
Of course, that won't make the Word files any more readable, but 
perhaps WP or SO can do the trick...  Better yet, teach your mom to 
send you text files, or html if formatting is so important!

Hans Peter Verne ( hpv @ kjemi.uio.no ) Phone: (+47) 22 85 54 14
Dept. of Chemistry, University of Oslo. Fax:   (+47) 22 85 54 41

`It would seem that you have no useful skill or talent whatsoever,
have you thought of going into teaching?'-- Terry Pratchett, Mort

Re: Xfree86 and nVidia riva TNT

1999-02-26 Thread Dale E. Martin
Vincent Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  you need to upgrade to the latest version of XFree86 (3.3.2?).

It's version 3.3.3, and I _think_ that it just appeared in potato.  If not, 
just grab the SVGA server binary from www.xfree86.org and install it over
your current server binary.

+- pgp key available --+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer|
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]|http://www.clifton-labs.com |

Re: Xfree86 and nVidia riva TNT

1999-02-26 Thread Vincent Murphy
On Fri, Feb 26, 1999 at 09:16:13AM -0500, Dale E. Martin wrote:
 It's version 3.3.3, and I _think_ that it just appeared in potato.  If not, 
 just grab the SVGA server binary from www.xfree86.org and install it over
 your current server binary.

 you may also find it informative to have a look at this page:


because there's a Great Reorganisation going on with X at the moment --
some of the existing packages were getting a bit unwieldy.


   Vincent Murphy | CompSci Undergrad, UCC | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (086) 8397405

hda: unexpected_intr: Error=0x41 { DriveStatusError }

1999-02-26 Thread Sky Goodhew
Hi again!

I have tried several ways of istalling debian, I have formatted my disk
with BIOS, with fdisk, with fips.  I am getting an error message that
repeats its self:

had: unexpected_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hda: unexpected_intr: status=0x41 { DriveStatusError }

Can anyone help?

Sky Goodhew
Carleton University

'Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop.'

Email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Configuring Exim

1999-02-26 Thread Robert-Jan Kuijvenhoven
I have installed Exim but I am not able to configure it. I have read a
lot of documentation files on Exim, but since I don't know a lot about
mail and mailing, I don't realy understand most of it.

I just want to configure Exim to sent mail to my ISP's smtp server
(smtp.kabelfoon.nl) and to get mail from my ISP's pop server
(pop.kabelfoon.nl). The mail address to be uses is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] There is no local mail to be sent or
received. I have tried to configure Exim using eximconfig, but I don't
know what answers to give to eximconfig.

Could someone please tell me how to configure Exim in my situation?



Re: Getting X-Windows to recognize Truetype fonts...

1999-02-26 Thread wtopa

Subject: Getting X-Windows to recognize Truetype fonts...
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 1999 at 05:29:44PM -0600

In reply to:rich

Quoting rich([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Howdy all, 
 I'm having trouble getting Netscape and Wordperfect to recognize my
 TTFs... I've installed xfstt (it's loaded during boot-up), but when I do
 a xlsfonts | grep ttf I get nothing... I've also done ln -s
 /dos_c/windows/fonts /usr/share/fonts/truetype/winfonts as per xfstt
 documentation... I know that I'm probably supposed to add the line xset
 fp+ unix/:7101 to my xinitrc (?), but that doesn't do anything any

1.   fp+ unix/:7101  

2. In XF86Config
Section Files
FontPath   /usr/ttfonts  # Pointer to ttf files


You know you've been spending too much time on the computer when your
friend misdates a check, and you suggest adding a ++ to fix it.

Re: Segmentation Fault with Netscape Communicator 4.5

1999-02-26 Thread wtopa

Subject: Re: Segmentation Fault with Netscape Communicator 4.5
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 1999 at 08:26:58PM +0100

In reply to:Anthony GGP

Quoting Anthony GGP([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  This has been answered over a dozen times in the last two months.
  Could I suggest that you check the mail archives on www.debian.org
  before asking questions here.  Many of the European readers have to
  pay big bucks to get mail off this list and a lot of your questions
  have been asked before, and are in the archives.
  Did I answer your question with this message?  If so, I was in
error.  I thought I was answering a msg from a 'pollywog'.  I had been
deluged with 'pollywog' messages and thought I was responding to him.

My apologies.
 No offense taken.
 I have actually checked out various online resources including the Netscape
 Website, Debian.org, man pages and HOWTOs and have been monitoring the
 mailing list for some time and have not found an answer to my question.
 However, I must admit I did fail to check out dejanews. I'll be sure to
 check it out next time.
And I forgot to mention it as well. :-(

 Living in Europe myself and having to pay big bucks, I sympathize with
 those annoyed by repeatedly asked questions. However, I would like to ask
 you to be a little more considerate in this regard as, with the current
 Linux boom, there are many newbies out there with many unanswered questions,
 despite doing a great deal of research on their own. And when these people
 actually do post a question I think they'd appreciate a helping hand.
 Besides, isn't that what this mailing-list is about, to offer help and
 advice to those who need it?

  Yes, and I try to help whenever I can.  But as an instructor myself,
I find that ' some people ', tend to get in the habit of asking for
answers to problems without doing any research themselves.  This list
is populated with people who 'know' so much and it is such a good
resource, some seem to take advantage of it.  

  I believe that if you give a person a pointer to where the answers
can be found, you do more for them in the long run.  If I answered a
question with  Do x, y  z , if might solve your problem but it
would not have educated you.  

Best regards,


Documentation is the castor oil of programming.  Managers know it must
be good because the programmers hate it so much.

Problem with booting from hard disk

1999-02-26 Thread Ólafur Freyr Hjálmsson

I installed Debian 2.0 the other day. I had a problem in the beginning  
because I had to give the physical dimensions of the hard disk as a
parameter to the installation kernel. Anyway, it is now installed but 
I'm not able to boot from the hard disk. I chose not to install lilo 
in the master boot record and then I use a boot manager to choose
which OS to boot (WinNT/Win98/Linux). The boot manager is called 
System Commander and should be able to recognize Linux well enaugh.

Here's some output from fdisk:

Disk /dev/hdb: 15 heads, 63 sectors, 13328 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 945 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/hdb1   *11  433   204561   83  Linux native
/dev/hdb2 4096 4336 8670  2048287+   6  DOS 16-bit =32M
/dev/hdb3 8192 867113328  2200905   17  Unknown
/dev/hdb4  434  434 4335  18436955  Extended
/dev/hdb5  434  434 3642  1516221   83  Linux native
/dev/hdb6 3072 3643 4075   204561   83  Linux native
/dev/hdb7 3072 4076 4335   122818+  82  Linux swap

Disk /dev/sda: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1106 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

   Device Boot   BeginStart  End   Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda111  128  1028128+   6  DOS 16-bit =32M
/dev/sda2  256  256 1106  6835657+   5  Extended
/dev/sda3  129  129  255  1020127+  17  Unknown
/dev/sda5  256  256  510  20482567  OS/2 HPFS
/dev/sda6  511  511  765  20482567  OS/2 HPFS
/dev/sda7  766  766 1020  20482567  OS/2 HPFS
/dev/sda8 1021 1021 1106   690763+   7  OS/2 HPFS

sda is the boot disk and hdb1 is the / partition.
I've tried this lilo.conf (and yes, I ran lilo afterwards)

append=hdb=13328,15,63 mem=128M

but all I get when I choose it from the boot menu is 
and then nothing.
If anyone is able to help me with this I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance, Óli

Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: lpr and text formatting

1999-02-26 Thread servis
*- On 25 Feb, Mark Wagnon wrote about Re: lpr and text formatting
 Guenter Schmidt wrote:
 If you use an HP printer, you may use PCL commands at the end of the
 magicfilter-script. mine looks like that:
 # Original default entry
 #defaultcat \eE\ek2G\e(0N  \eE
 # My default to change Font and Margins:
 default cat \eE\ek2G\e(0N\e(s0p12h10v0b0s8T\ea8L  \eE
 That's interesting. Could you point me to a list of PCL commands and
 their explanantions? I'm using an HO Laserjet 6L and would like to
 experiment :)


Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

slink iso images

1999-02-26 Thread Lawrence Walton
Are there any out there?

*--* Voice: 425.739.4247
*--* Fax: 425.827.9577
*--* HTTP://www.otak-k.com/~lawrence/
- - - - - - O t a k  i n c . - - - - - 

Re: X11 and potential monitor problem

1999-02-26 Thread Matt Folwell
On Thu, Feb 25, 1999 at 09:53:21PM -0800, Mark Wagnon wrote:

 I can't XF86Setup anywhere.

 I had spent 10+ hours upgrading my hamm installation to slink.

XF86Setup has been split off into its own package.  Have you installed that?

Matt Folwell, P2 Whewell's Court, Trinity College, Cambridge.  CB2 1TQ

Re: lilo

1999-02-26 Thread wtopa

Subject: lilo
Date: Fri, Feb 26, 1999 at 01:34:55AM -0500

In reply to:Robert Rati

Quoting Robert Rati([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I had lilo working just fine on my machine, but because of a stupid move
 on my part, I had to repartition and reformat all my drives.  To avoid
 re-installing and re-setting up everything on my box, I simply copied my
 Debian partitions to a drive I didn't have to format.  I've copied it back
 over and ran lilo, and it seemed to work fine.  When I try to compile a
 kernel, it gives this error at the end:
 Checking for LILO...\nYes, but I couldn't find a LILO signature on
 Check your /etc/lilo.conf, or run /sbin/lilo by hand.
 When I run lilo by hand there's no problem so why is this error being
 thrown?  My /etc/lilo.conf follows:
 other = /dev/hda1
 label = win95
 table = /dev/hda
 other = /dev/hdb3
 label = beos
 table = /dev/hdb
 Can anyone help me out?  TIA.


  I am _not_ a lilo expert but I have checked the lilo manual and I can only
come up with two things.  1) wipe out the MBR on hda with DOS fdisk
/MBR and run lilo by hand again.  2) I don't use that install= line
that you have and the manual seems to show examples only using
install= for a floppy.  (???)

Other then the install line your lilo.conf looks OK to me, for
whatever that is worth.


There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.
  -- Ken Olson, President of DEC, World Future Society Convention, 1977

Re: X11 and potential monitor problem

1999-02-26 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi Matt,

I didn't know that. Thanks, I'll look for it this evening.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Folwell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian-user debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: Friday, February 26, 1999 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: X11 and potential monitor problem

XF86Setup has been split off into its own package.  Have you installed

NFS client.

1999-02-26 Thread Odin

I have a debian box at work mounting a few (well, I guess a lot) of NFS
shares on various Solaris machines.  It was working just fine until
yesterday (two months solid uptime) when all of a sudden, I started
getting many errors like:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[~/naetwt2]$ ls
ls: 800pts: Stale NFS file handle

the relavent line in /etc/fstab is:

picea:/disk19   /disk19 nfs defaults  0   0

A mount -o remount /disk19 seems to have no effect, and I cannot read any
files in /disk19/dbroseme/naetwt2/800pts because of this error.

I would like to solve this without rebooting, any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.


/etc/hosts on one machine

1999-02-26 Thread Clyde Wilson
Is it possible to have /etc/hosts on only one machine
on the lan and have the other machines use it?

Re: Pine 4.10

1999-02-26 Thread Mike Nachlinger
On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, [iso-8859-1] M?rio Ol?mpio de Menezes wrote:

 On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Stephen A. Witt wrote:
  Is it my imagination or does pine 4.10 seem a lot faster than 4.05?
  Faster in terms of navigating mail folders and such.
   I'm having the exactly opposite feeling. Pine 4.10 is very slow in
 opening mail folders; it's stay Busy far more than 3.96L (from official
 Debian). Every time I need to switch from one folder to other is a pain!
   BTW, the installation was clean. Thanks Paul!

Opposite feeling also. Am running diald and eachtime I try to change a folder
I have to wait for the net connection to come up before the folders will switch!
I'm aware it's more of a diald.filter problem, haven't jumped into it yet.
However, why would pine try to bring up a net connection to switch folders?

Ditto Thanks to Paul for the package. Couldn't get the tarball to compile on my
machine. Pico  Pilot success, Pine died!


| Mike Nachlinger  (408) 446-9914  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Apres Ski Club   1-888-APRESGO   www.apres.org   |

Re: rc.boot for regular users

1999-02-26 Thread Mike Nachlinger
On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

  I would like to start fetchmail in daemon mode at boot time
  as a regular user, not as root 
  (I don't want fetchmail sending unresolved eMails to root, but to
  my account)
  Can regular users also have boot scripts ?

Why not edit your user crontab to fetch mail? Very easy to do.
Been using that system for years. Slick!


| Mike Nachlinger  (408) 446-9914  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Apres Ski Club   1-888-APRESGO   www.apres.org   |

RE: /etc/hosts on one machine

1999-02-26 Thread Shaleh

On 26-Feb-99 Clyde Wilson wrote:
 Is it possible to have /etc/hosts on only one machine
 on the lan and have the other machines use it?

It's called NIS.  Give it a peek.

RE: Decode mail attachements from Eudora via a filter

1999-02-26 Thread Ted Harding
On 26-Feb-99 Conrado Badenas wrote:
 I recently begun to receive messages with information like this:
 Dear Conrado:
 Here you have the file requested. I'm sorry but I wrote it with MSWord.
 Your mom
 Content-Type: application/msword; name=File.doc;
  x-mac-type=42494E41; x-mac-creator=4D535744
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=File.doc
 How can I restore the file File.doc from the attachement made with
 Eudora?. I have tried with uudecode but it doesn't work (it seems it is
 not uuencoded).

This is your clue:

  Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

base64-encoding is not the same as uuencoding. Eudora, as such, has
nothing to do with it. Lots of mailers use base64.

A base64-encoded file can be decoded with the command

  cat codedfile | mmencode -u  decodedfile

However, note one important difference:

An encapsulated uuencoded block begins with a line like

  begin 664 filename

and ends with a line like


and so you can submit a text file which includes a uuencoded block to
uudecode, and it will decode the block into filename. This is a very
convenient way to handle it when encapsulated in email, since it ignores
everything except what's between the two encapsulating lines.

base64 encoding knows nothing about that sort of thing, so you have to
separate out the encoded block on its own, with nothing else at all.

If the encoded block is a separate (and clean) email attachment, then
you should be able to save the attachment and run mmencode -u on it.

However, if the base64-encoded block is within the text of the body of
the message (as sometimes happens), then you have to save the message and
edit out by hand everything except the encoded block.

Hope this helps.


E-Mail: (Ted Harding) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 26-Feb-99   Time: 17:40:14
-- XFMail --

Re: Pine 4.10

1999-02-26 Thread Mário Olímpio de Menezes
On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, Mike Nachlinger wrote:

 On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, [iso-8859-1] Mário Olímpio de Menezes wrote:
  On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Stephen A. Witt wrote:
   Is it my imagination or does pine 4.10 seem a lot faster than 4.05?
   Faster in terms of navigating mail folders and such.
  I'm having the exactly opposite feeling. Pine 4.10 is very slow in
  opening mail folders; it's stay Busy far more than 3.96L (from official
  Debian). Every time I need to switch from one folder to other is a pain!
  BTW, the installation was clean. Thanks Paul!
 Opposite feeling also. Am running diald and eachtime I try to change a
 folder I have to wait for the net connection to come up before the
 folders will switch! I'm aware it's more of a diald.filter problem,
 haven't jumped into it yet. However, why would pine try to bring up a
 net connection to switch folders?

I found that using tab to go to 'next folder with new message in' is fast

Mario O.de Menezes | Many are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP   | is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: Decode mail attachements from Eudora via a filter

1999-02-26 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Fri, 26 Feb 1999, Conrado Badenas wrote:

 I recently begun to receive messages with information like this:
 X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Light Version 1.5.4 (32)
 Mime-Version: 1.0
 Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
 Date: Fri, 26 Feb 1999 12:35:39 +0100
 Subject: Your file
 X-Attachments: C:\eudora\Attach\File.doc;
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
 Dear Conrado:
 Here you have the file requested. I'm sorry but I wrote it with MSWord.
 Your mom
 Content-Type: application/msword; name=File.doc;
  x-mac-type=42494E41; x-mac-creator=4D535744
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=File.doc
 ... (700 lines of letters and signs)
 How can I restore the file File.doc from the attachement made with
 Eudora?. I have tried with uudecode but it doesn't work (it seems it is
 not uuencoded).
 Is there a program to restore files from Eudora? Is it within any Debian
 package? I cannot tell the senders to use other mail programs or coding

The key part of the header is:

 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Use the -m option of uudecode.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DM42nh  http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

Log messages

1999-02-26 Thread Carlos Marcos Kakihara

Hi, all!
I'm using iplogger in my box, and I'm getting the
following messages:

Thu Feb 25 19:15:37 destination unreachable from [w.x.y.z]
Thu Feb 25 19:17:38 destination unreachable from [w.x.y.z]
Thu Feb 25 19:19:38 destination unreachable from [w.x.y.z]
Thu Feb 25 19:21:39 destination unreachable from [w.x.y.z]
Thu Feb 25 19:25:40 destination unreachable from [w.x.y.z]
Thu Feb 25 19:27:38 destination unreachable from [w.x.y.z]
Thu Feb 25 19:29:39 destination unreachable from [w.x.y.z]
Thu Feb 25 19:31:38 destination unreachable from [w.x.y.z]
Thu Feb 25 19:35:39 destination unreachable from [w.x.y.z]

where w.x.y.z is a valid IP address (located by ping, and
this domain has a web server too), but I have never accessed
some host of this domain. Is this messages generated by an
trojan horse? Or just some route query? Or another thing?

Thanks in advance.

Carlos Marcos Kakihara (bacate)

Escola de Engenharia de Piracicaba


Re: HELP. My chat script doesn't work.

1999-02-26 Thread John Hasler
Jens K. Olsen writes:
 Oh, I am sorry. I am not sending the string HOSTNAME. I edited the copies
 of my /var/log/ppp.log and /etc/chatscripts/provider. I substituted the
 actual phone number, host name, login, and password with PHONENUMBER,
 HOSTNAME, LOGIN, and PASSWORD. I don't want to put that information on
 the net.

While you certainly should not post your password and login, there is
really no point in concealing the rest of the information.

It looks as though Compuserv is not getting your HOSTNAME.  Try adding a \d
in front of it so that chat will pause before sending it.  You might also
try adding various permutations and combinations of line feeds and carriage
returns after the HOSTNAME.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Problem with Netscape browser!

1999-02-26 Thread silon1
Dear friends,
I recently downloaded and installed Netscape 3.01. Everytime I try to
launch it. it says it can't load libXpm.so.4. I really don' know what to do...
Any help??? thanx
ps: I run Debian 2.0R3

RE: Problem with Netscape browser!

1999-02-26 Thread Shaleh

On 26-Feb-99 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear friends,
 I recently downloaded and installed Netscape 3.01. Everytime I try to
 launch it. it says it can't load libXpm.so.4. I really don' know what to
 Any help??? thanx
 ps: I run Debian 2.0R3

Install xpm4 from oldlibs.

Re: Problem with Netscape browser!

1999-02-26 Thread virtanen
On Fri, 26 Feb 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear friends,
 I recently downloaded and installed Netscape 3.01. Everytime I try to
 launch it. it says it can't load libXpm.so.4. I really don' know what to do...
 Any help??? thanx
 ps: I run Debian 2.0R3

It seems to be the case that you need some 'old-libs' libraries installed. 
Please, try to do that with dselect. I don't remember exactly the package
names but probably dselect info will tell you quite exactly what you'll
need. Or someone better informed will tell you the exact package name...?

Actually I just yesterday managed to get a Netscape 4.04 working which I
installed using rpm -package coming out of SuSE distr 5.2. ... 

The dep installer for Netscape didn't work as expected when I made first a
tarball out of rpm and put that in /tmp as informed to do by dselect, but
it neverthless works now, after using alien -i. 


ppp failure to connect

1999-02-26 Thread kurgan
I am having trouble connecting to my provider.  I have configured the 
chatscript and the /etc/ppp/peers/provider files correctly, and if I run plog I 
see communication.  the gist of the communication is:

sent [LCPConf Req id=0x1...
(IP addresses are assigned)
cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP
Local IP address:
Remove IP address:
sent (
received (...
a series of magic numbers, which I assumed meant I was connected and 
talking with my provider.

I cannot get a ping (it just hangs)
If I go into Dselect, it says its connecting and just sits there forever.
If I go into FTP and attempt a connection, I get similar results.

Get your free email from AltaVista at http://altavista.iname.com

Re: /etc/hosts on one machine

1999-02-26 Thread Will Lowe
 Is it possible to have /etc/hosts on only one machine
 on the lan and have the other machines use it?

Either make that one host a DNS server and point all the other machines to
it,  or make it a YP server and ypbind them to it.


|   http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/   |
|PGP Public Key:  http://www.cis.udel.edu/~lowe/index.html#pgpkey|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

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