1999-03-03 Thread MultiWorksSystem

Acudo a su prestigiosa institucin en busca de informacin 
respecto a: 

Existen servidores pblicos que contengan temas contables y derecho 
Dnde podra estar almacenada esta informacin?. Con 
cual servidor ftp me conecto?. Con quienes podra comunicarme para 
mayor informacin?. 
Agradezco sinceramente la ayuda que ustedes me puedan prestar ya que es 
esta informacin es de gran importancia para el buen desarrollo de mi 
trabajo acadmico.

Deseandoles muchos xitos en sus labores me despido de ustedes. 

Mirror de distribuciones

1999-03-03 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos
He intentado usar el paquete mirror pero tengo el problema de los
links simbolicos de las narices. Es decir, que se baja los links
simbolicos y no los ficheros a los que apunta. Esto es un problema
cuando quiero bajarme unstable/main

He probado con wget pero tambien me da ese problema. 
Hay una opcion en mirror que es:
follow_local_symlinks none Regexp of pathnames of local symbolic
   links.  Rather than treating them as symlinks the target files or
   directories they reference are used instead. This makes local
   symlinks invisible to mirror.

¿cómo se usa esto? qué he de poner en Regex?


Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

   Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:

Netscape y rendimiento

1999-03-03 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos

Ayer descubrí por qué el K62-3D que tenemos en el club de la facultad
iba lentísimo. Resulta que el netscape-communicator hay veces que no
muere y aunque
el usuario haga un logout el netscape sigue Running chupando
CPU. Total que tenía 3 netscapes funcionando a tutti plen y nada más
matarlos todo volvió a la normalidad.
Con ps aux salen los procesos y con who salen los usuarios que están
login. Supongo que se podría hacer un script para poner en el cron que
se cargara los netscapes que están colgados... a ver si me pongo. ;)
Best regards,

Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

   Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:

Re: Netscape y rendimiento

1999-03-03 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:
 Con ps aux salen los procesos y con who salen los usuarios que están
 login. Supongo que se podría hacer un script para poner en el cron que
 se cargara los netscapes que están colgados... a ver si me pongo. ;)
Eso no es dificil, se enseña en cualquier asignatura de SO.
Aqui tienes un ejemplo:

# Programa para matar netscapes que no tienen usuarios

PROCESOS=`ps axh| grep netscape | cut -f 1 -d ' '`

#echo Procesos: $PROCESOS

for p in $PROCESOS
#echo Procesando: $p

USUARIO=`ps auxh $p | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
#echo Usuario: $USUARIO

who | grep $USUARIO  /dev/null

if (($?))
echo El proceso $p no tiene usuario activo
kill -9 $p

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

RE: modems

1999-03-03 Thread Pablo Cernadas

Queridos amigos:
quiero elegir un modem para el debian
me ayudan?
cual funciona mejor?
un saludo
de argentina

Re: Netscape y rendimiento

1999-03-03 Thread Antonio Castro
On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Jose Luis Trivino wrote:

 Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:
  Con ps aux salen los procesos y con who salen los usuarios que están
  login. Supongo que se podría hacer un script para poner en el cron que
  se cargara los netscapes que están colgados... a ver si me pongo. ;)
   Eso no es dificil, se enseña en cualquier asignatura de SO.
 Aqui tienes un ejemplo:

Esto es todavía más facil:

killall netscape

Sin mosqueos porfa ;-)

 # Programa para matar netscapes que no tienen usuarios
 PROCESOS=`ps axh| grep netscape | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
 #echo Procesos: $PROCESOS
 for p in $PROCESOS
 #echo Procesando: $p
 USUARIO=`ps auxh $p | cut -f 1 -d ' '`
 #echo Usuario: $USUARIO
 who | grep $USUARIO  /dev/null
 if (($?))
 echo El proceso $p no tiene usuario activo
 kill -9 $p
   Hasta mas bits,
 Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
 LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863
 La medida de programar es programar sin medida
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  


1999-03-03 Thread Emilio Castrillejo
¿No será que tu tarjeta es pnp y al venir de W95-dos la tienes
inicializado  y por eso funciona y cuando entras directamente
en linux como no tienes inicializado el pnp no te funciona?

Creo que te has olvidado de decirnos que tarjeta tienes.

Cierto, que torpe soy.

Para poder usar el mixer (y cambiar el volumen y escuchar los CD's)
tienes que cargar el módulo de la tarjeta.

Si no te apetece meterte con el PnP, échale un vistazo al manual de tu
tarjeta de sonido, a ver que valores toma por omisión
Yo  tengo funcionando una SoundBlaster 16 PnP con los valores por
sin utilizar las isapnotools para nada.

Bueno, gracias por la ayuda. Lo cierto es que no tengo ninguna
documentacion de mi vieja tarjeta, pero se que es una compatible sound
blaster ISA, por eso supongo que es igual que tu 'SoundBlaster 16 PnP'

¿Qué es eso de isapnotools? ¿Puedo indicarle al kernel que cargue algún
módulo estándar de sonido al arrancar? ¿Se puede inicializar PnP
mediante algún comando?
No me veo con valor de ponerme a recompilar el kernel ni cosas


Re: Debian 2.1

1999-03-03 Thread Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
Enrique Zanardi wrote:

 Aprovechando el retraso incorporaremos dos correcciones, una para el bug
 de seguridad que ha aparecido este fin de semana en el procmail (también
 es inoportuno el condenado) y otra para unos problemillas que tiene el
 dpkg cuando el superusuario tiene definido el locale como algo distinto
 de C o POSIX (lo cual por otro lado sigue siendo una práctica
 peligrosa en cualquier Linux porque puede producir efectos no deseados en
 otros programas/demonios. Se admiten informes de error y/o parches). :-)
¿Y esto ? ¿no es recomendable tener al root con el locale español?
¿que pasa con los su?

Antonio Calvo Rodriguez
n:Calvo Rodriguez;Antonio
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Antonio Calvo Rodriguez

pine y ispell

1999-03-03 Thread Pere Camps

Alguien ha conseguido hacer funcionar el ispell en español con el
pine? Yo lo he conseguido hacer funcionar, pero no me coge las palabras
con acentos del pine.

Gracias por adelantado por vuestra ayuda.

-- p.


1999-03-03 Thread jon
hola lista!

  donde puedo conseguir la version 1.2 de mkisofs,pues es la que
sopporta la generacion de imagenes en formato joliet.

 cambiando de tema,he empezado a programar con la svgalib.segun el man
de svgalib,si estoy leyendo el manual es que esta instalado,pero no
encuentro ningun vga.h.

 alguien me puede ayudar?

Re: mkisofs

1999-03-03 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Mar 03, 1999 at 11:26:41PM +0100, jon wrote:

   donde puedo conseguir la version 1.2 de mkisofs,pues es la que
 sopporta la generacion de imagenes en formato joliet.

joliet... ugh! ... usa mkhybrid.


Re: Netscape y rendimiento

1999-03-03 Thread Han Solo
Antonio Castro wrote:

 Esto es todavía más facil:
 killall netscape

Ya, pero con eso te fusilas también los procesos que estén funcionando
correctamente, no sólo los que campen por ahí sin dueño.
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Re: Mirror de distribuciones

1999-03-03 Thread Han Solo
Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:

 He probado con wget pero tambien me da ese problema.
 Hay una opcion en mirror que es:

Algo habrás hecho mal. Yo con el wget me he bajado un mirror completo
del CPAN (670Mb), con múltiples enlaces simbólicos y ha funcionado sin

 follow_local_symlinks none Regexp of pathnames of local symbolic
links.  Rather than treating them as symlinks the target files or
directories they reference are used instead. This makes local
symlinks invisible to mirror.
 ¿cómo se usa esto? qué he de poner en Regex?

Se refiere a las expresiones regulares. De todas formas, ¿qué versión de
wget tienes? En la(s) mía(a) pone:

   -m --mirror
  Turn  on mirroring options. This will set recursion
  and time-stamping, combining -r and -N.

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Re: Tradução dos potfiles da instalação da Debian par a português.

1999-03-03 Thread Marcus Brito
 Oi gente,
 começamos a traduzir os potfiles do dinstall da Debian ontem,
 colocando no nosso CVS, mas lembrei que o Eduardo Macan tinha dito que
 já estava traduzindo. Em que pé você está? Digo mão ou qualquer coisa.

Só pra lembrar, estou traduzindo o potfile do dpkg. Não quero pôr um prazo
no meu trabalho, mas não devo levar mais de uma semana.

Ja ne,
   Marcus Brito

Que o amor não seja imortal, posto que é chama,
 Mas que seja infinito enquanto dure.
   -- Vinicius de Moraes

En: News Roundup for March 2, 1999

1999-03-03 Thread Clovis Sena / Itautec Servicos Recife
vale a pena tomar conhecimento!!

Clovis Sena

-Mensagem original-
De: Dave Whitinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Data: Quarta-feira, 3 de Março de 1999 05:43
Assunto: News Roundup for March 2, 1999


Alan Cox reports on LinuxWorld Expo

2nd March 1999 will probably go down as the day proprietary Unix really


LWN reports on LinuxWorld Expo

This conference is an interesting experience.  Just look at the series of
press releases that has come out this week to see how seriously the business
world is now taking Linux.  If there's one thing in the air here, it's that
a lot of people are smelling money and want their part of it. Nothing too
surprising there, I guess.


AbiSource Pictures from LinuxWorld

I just wanted to let everyone know that we're posting pictures from
LinuxWorld on a href=;Abi's home page/a,
including pictures from the SlashDot party last night.  We update the photo
gallery with new pix as often as we can.


Call for Tradeshow Pictures

If anyone has any pictures (of the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo)
available on the web, use our A HREF=/contrib.plContrib form/A to tell
us about them.


PR Newswire: DecisionOne and VA Research Linux Systems Sign Letter of
Intent To Form Technical Support Alliance

DecisionOne Corporation and VA Research Linux Systems (VA) today signed a
letter of intent for DecisionOne to provide twenty four-hours-a-day,
seven-days-a-week North American support for VA's enterprise Linux
solutions. Details are expected to be finalized within the next 30 days. The
alliance will enable VA to scale its nationwide support to its thousands of
existing customers and its growing base of enterprise Linux users.


Business Wire: Computer Associates and Red Hat Announce Far-Reaching
Agreement to Accelerate Adoption of Linux in Corporate IT Environments

CA And Red Hat Will Distribute One Million Copies Of Unicenter TNG.
Framework Bundled With Red Hat Linux


Highly Anticipated Linux Magazine to Debut at LinuxWorld Expo

The much anticipated premier issue of Linux Magazine was announced today
at LinuxWorld Expo in San Jose, California. According to Adam Goodman, the
magazine's editor and publisher, Linux Magazine is a new publication focused
on serving the growing number of Linux users worldwide. A Web site featuring
news and links to other Linux sites will be launched concurrently with the
magazine's print version. The aim for the Web site,, is to become a Linux portal, a gateway to all of
the news, information and technical data that will interest the Linux


IBM launches biggest Linux lineup ever

On March 2, at LinuxWorld, IBM announced support for Linux, the open-source
operating system.  The announcement, of planned key alliances, flagship
products, and the industry's most comprehensive service offering, makes IBM
the only company to provide complete solutions of hardware, software and
technical support for Linux.


Linux Gazette issue #38, March 1999 now available

A HREF=;Linux Gazette/A...Making Linux
just a little more fun!


Corel to Bring Linux(R) to the Desktop

Plans include 'invisible' Linux Operating System and user-friendly


Already 20 Linux-related events scheduled in France for the `Fete de

Already 20 Linux events (install parties, exhibitions,
conferences,...) are scheduled in France for the a
de l'Internet 1999/a (march 19 to 21). Check out a
page/a for a partial list.


Business Wire: Softboat Inc. to Serve as Japanese Distributor for High
C/C++/EC++ and SeeCode Software

Partnership will offer Japanese Market a Local Distributor for Sales and
Support of MetaWare Tools.


Business Wire: MetaWare Offers Integrated Development Environment for High
C/C++ and SeeCode

Integration with the CodeWright GUI and Editor Offers Developers a
Complete Development Package.


Business Wire: Linuxcare Launches World's Largest Open and Free Linux
Information Repository Resource; Free Linuxcare Knowlegebase Designed to
Serve Corporate Enterprises In Adoption of Linux

Linuxcare, Inc. ( the first company to provide a
complete solution for Linux technical 

Traducoes, inicio dos trabalhos. (LEIAM TODOS E DIVULGUEM)

1999-03-03 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan

Pessoal, vou dar inicio a coordenacao das traducoes do site e do
que mais cair na minha mao para o Portugues. Preciso de voluntarios. Quem
de voces estaria disposto a colaborar na traducao do Web Site da Debian?

Uma outra tarefa, um pouco mais complexa, seria de coordenar a
traducao da Documentacao do Debian. Eu digo um pouco mais complexa porque
a documentacao do Debian esta em SGML e nao existe uma politica muito bem
definida para traducoes ainda. O voluntario deveria se inscrever na lista
debian-doc. Eu sugiro que o coordenador aprenda e seja capaz de ajudar os
coordenados nas tarefas, mas que nao pegue muitas traducoes para si para
nao se sobrecarregar e acabarmos tendo que nomear outro coordenador ;)

Voltando a traducao da Web, o site foi escrito usando WML, um
pacote fantastico para geracao de HTML( existe no Debian = 2.0 um pacote
wml-blablabla.deb na secao web , com tutoriais e documentacao). Eu ja
tenho a conta de acesso ao CVS do Debian, isso quer dizer que podemos
iniciar os trabalhos imediatamente e publica-los on-line.

Quanto aa documentacao Inedita que esta sendo escrita, sugiro que
seja escrita segundo os padroes da Debian para que possamos torna-la parte
do sistema. Enquanto isso, ofereco espaco no site para
abrigar a documentacao que voces tiverem produzido.

O site do WML para os interessados e

Um abraco!


Re: bash_profile in Debian same as .profile ?

1999-03-03 Thread Gregory T. Norris
On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 11:24:43PM -, Pollywog wrote:
 I just found out that in RedHat, .profile is called .bash_profile
 Is the same true in Debian?  When I used OpenLinux, they were separate files.

If I remember correctly, bash will look for .bash_profile first, and
will fall through to using .profile if the former isn't found.  You
should be able to find the specifics with man bash - look for the

Re: Connection timed out Incorrect MD5Sum

1999-03-03 Thread Lyno Sullivan
At 01:17 PM 3/2/99 +, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  When I get this I switch sites in sources.list.  Fixes it for me.

I tried to do that but couldn't seem to find a site that would work for me. 
Does any ftp site work or do I have to use a http site.  I couldn't get ftp
sites to work and couldn't find any other http sites.  Thanks for the help.

Re: Debian Packages compiled with PGCC

1999-03-03 Thread Mark Brown
On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 02:41:03PM -0600, Eric wrote:

 I figure that they could have the important processor-intensive
 packages actually recompiled with PGCC and the rest of the things in
 binary-i686 would just be links to the packages in binary-i386.

Definately.  Pentium optimised vi or cp just isn't worth bothering
about.  I kind of prefer the build from source package option, though
- it solves the much more general problem.

 As a side note, has anyone gotten PGCC to install _cleanly_?  I got it 
 functioning by copying files over from the expanded tarball...but it
 wasn't quite right.  The --tell-gcc-lib (or something like that)

 with alien...that just didn't work well at all.  It still installed 
 itself in the /opt directory!?!

What are you trying to install from?  It builds perfectly happily from
source into whatever directory you want (although I've not tried on
Linux recently), and the last anyone told me the binary releases wanted
to be put into /usr.  It's not much hassle to build from source.

[Reply-To: to me and the list, as the volume is killing me]

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: Debian 2.1-Party: when?

1999-03-03 Thread Geoffrey Deasey KD4WVF

So if the party was yesturday, when will the 2.1 be released ?
The web page still says that 2.0 is the current release.

  Geoffrey Deasey/ /__  __
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ / ( ) \ \/ /
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] / / __     __  __ \  /
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  / / / / / _  \ / / / / /  \
 / /___  / / / / ) // (_/ / / /\ \
(__)(_/ (_/ (_/ \/ (_/  \_)

On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, ktb wrote:

 It already happened, yesterday.
 Wolfgang Gernot Bauer wrote:
  I read in that there will be a party, celebrating
  Just wondering why slashdot is faster than this list. So when and where
  will it happen (GMT, please). Tonight?
  Wolfgang Bauer  SKWB Schoellerbank Aktiengesellschaft
  Sterneckstr. 5, 5024 Salzburg, Austria - Phone: ++43-662-8684-364
  email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  private: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Microsoft does have a year 2000 problem - we're it.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Debian 2.1-Party: when?

1999-03-03 Thread Geoffrey Deasey KD4WVF
humm on my birthday, do I get free cd's :)


  Geoffrey Deasey/ /__  __
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]/ / ( ) \ \/ /
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] / / __     __  __ \  /
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  / / / / / _  \ / / / / /  \
 / /___  / / / / ) // (_/ / / /\ \
(__)(_/ (_/ (_/ \/ (_/  \_)

On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, ktb wrote:

 BTW there was an announcement on this list before it came out on /.  You can 
 read a
 transcript of part of the party at IRC #debian at,
 I see the actual release will now be March 9th, so will there be another 
 Wolfgang Gernot Bauer wrote:
  I read in that there will be a party, celebrating
  Just wondering why slashdot is faster than this list. So when and where
  will it happen (GMT, please). Tonight?
  Wolfgang Bauer  SKWB Schoellerbank Aktiengesellschaft
  Sterneckstr. 5, 5024 Salzburg, Austria - Phone: ++43-662-8684-364
  email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  private: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Microsoft does have a year 2000 problem - we're it.
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: StarOffice 5

1999-03-03 Thread Randy Edwards
 This is a HUGE difference. The multiuser patch was great! 12M for 4.0 to
 140M with 5.0. Does anyone know if there was a multiuser patch for SO5
 aswell? I like having a 12M user dir as opposed to a 140M dir.

   I haven't seen one.  But at home here I'm only running the personal version
and haven't toyed with the multiuser setup in 5.0.

   If you go to StarDivision's web site there is a link there somewhere to
tied into their support newsgroups (lots of them).  I'm sure someone in their
support groups would be able to answer this specifically.

 Regards,| Microsoft -- innovative?  Don't make me laugh.
 .   | 
 Randy   | Subversion is always our best tactic.
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | Microsoft Manager of Java Relations John Ludwig | (Quoted in Oct. 21, 1998 San Jose Mecury News)

Re: bash_profile in Debian same as .profile ?

1999-03-03 Thread Pollywog

On 02-Mar-99 Gregory T. Norris wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 11:24:43PM -, Pollywog wrote:
 I just found out that in RedHat, .profile is called .bash_profile
 Is the same true in Debian?  When I used OpenLinux, they were separate
 If I remember correctly, bash will look for .bash_profile first, and
 will fall through to using .profile if the former isn't found.  You
 should be able to find the specifics with man bash - look for the
 INVOCATION section.
You are right.  It comes as a surprise to me though.  It will take me years to
really know Linux.


Re: Debian Packages compiled with PGCC

1999-03-03 Thread Eric
I was trying to install from the rpms which I converted to debs using
alien.  I didn't try installing from the source...I didn't really want 
to because I don't really want it to take the place of my normal
gcc...I'd like to be able to remove it from my system easily.

How much of the pentium optimization is built into the egcc which is
available in slink?


On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 09:03:43PM +, Mark Brown wrote:
 What are you trying to install from?  It builds perfectly happily from
 source into whatever directory you want (although I've not tried on
 Linux recently), and the last anyone told me the binary releases wanted
 to be put into /usr.  It's not much hassle to build from source.

Re: cd_doEject[CDROMEJECT]: Device or resource busy

1999-03-03 Thread Dave Swegen
You're not by any chance running a CD player? Some of them have a habit of
hogging the eject function. Just a thought...


On Wed, Mar 03, 1999 at 00:32 +0100, Björn Elwhagen wrote:
 I have a strange problem. Even tho my cdrom is unmounted i can't get it
 to eject the CD. I'm currently using the IDE-SCSI emulation but the same
 problem occured when i used the ATAPI-driver. The only message i get is:
 cd_doEject[CDROMEJECT]: Device or resource busy
 Has anyone seen or heard of this problem before?
 Can anyone perhaps give me a hint to where i can look up locked/used
 devices and such? I've checked around a bit in /proc but haven't been
 able to spot anything that i can relate to this.
 Anything that might be useful would be greatly appreciated.
 // Marwin
 | Björn Elwhagen aka Marwin Finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 | Student at Wexio University   for PGP public key. (broken) |
 | SwedenICQ: 356095  | 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Dave Swegen   | Debian 2.0 on Linux i386 2.2.1
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | PGP key available on request
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Linux: The Choice of a GNU Generation

enlightenment-cvs bug: Enlightenment is removed from the menu system

1999-03-03 Thread Pedro Guerreiro
 Just to reassure everyone, I am quite happy to support the
 enlightenment-cvs package.

I've just installed it, and it removed the Enlightenment option from the
Menu/WindowManagers that enlightenment_0.14 put there.

Pedro Guerreiro
Diplomacy: the art of letting someone have your own way.


1999-03-03 Thread Dan Willard
 I just got the VNC to work by setting the font paths in the vnc.conf file
to use ';' instead of ',' .  Once that change was done it thing accually
worked, now I just need to figure out how to use it...


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 6:12 PM
 To:   Gregory T. Norris
 Subject:  Re: VNC
 On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 04:44:58PM -0600, Gregory T. Norris wrote:
  On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 12:24:00PM -0300, Phillip Neumann wrote:
   Im trying to run vnc, but i have some troubles.
   I want run vncserver as me (filsin). When i do it i get, inside the
   log file, this:
   _FontTransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
   Fatal server error:
   could not open default font 'fixed'
  I was fighting a similar (sounding, at least) problem with vnc some time
  ago.  Looks like you're using xfstt?  Two things to try... firstly, do
  ps auwx | grep [x]fstt to make sure that xfstt is really running,
  by /etc/init.d/xfstt start (as root) if it isn't.  If that's not it,
  edit /etc/X11/XF86Config and replace
   FontPath unix/:7101
   FontPath tcp/localhost:7101
  I never found out why, but vnc absolutely would not get along with xfstt
  using unix-domain sockets on my system.
 Well actually that worked (editing the XF86Config file). But now i have
 the same error when tyring to run X:
 _FontTransSocketINETConnect: Can't get address for Join/
 failed to set default font path
 Fatal server error:
 could not open default font 'fixed'
 I guess i have to disable true type fonts... :-(
 Phillip  Neumann
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: PLEASE HELP: Can't access my system....

1999-03-03 Thread Bob Nielsen
If you proceed into the installation process, it will mount the root under
/target.  If you switch immediately to a VC and mount it manually, it will
mount it where you specify with the mount command.


On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, rich wrote:

 This is a good application for the rescue disk (of the 
 installation floppy set).  You can alt-F2 to get a console 
 screen, mount the root partition to /mnt and edit 
 /mnt/etc/fstab with ae. 

 Thanks - that did it... although it took me a while to figure out that
 when the program mounts the FS it mounts it not under /mnt but under
 On Mon, 1 Mar 1999, Rich Hartman wrote:
  I was messing around w/ FSTAB, and apparently erased the ro from 
  the defaults,errors=remount-ro field of my root filesystem 
  entry Anyway, now I can't login even as root, and get all kinds 
  of boot-up errors 
  I've tried linux single at LILO, and I can login, but I can't edit 
  my FSTAB file - it gives me a read-only error...
  So how do I fix my FSTAB if linux single won't let me do it?
  Thanks to everyone in advance!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Debian Packages compiled with PGCC

1999-03-03 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 05:16:51PM -0600, Eric wrote:
 That's true, it would most definitely be a symlink farm, but what's
 so bad about that?  Priorities in apt would definitely be cool.  Is
 that something that is definitely going to be incorporated?
 On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 03:05:56PM -0600, Stephen Pitts wrote:
  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the problem with doing it in the 
  current situation is
  that you create another symlink farm. 99% of the packages will _not_ be 
  compiled with PGCC,
  so you have maybe 50 deb packages and 2350 links. In the future, if I can 
  give APT priorities
  in the source list, like Get packages from binary-i386/stable/man. If the 
  same package
  exists in binary-i686/stable/man, then it gets precedence. That would be 
  just as cool as
  apt-get compile-install pkg as a previous poster said.
  Stephen Pitts
  webmaster -
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Not sure, was just an idea I had off the top of my head. I'll forward the 
message to someone on
the APT team. The problem with a sym-link farm is that it adds complexity to 
the archive. Right
now, with 'priorities', the tree could be a lot simpler. I've had problems with 
APT-GET where
the mirror I was using had bad symlinks that pointed to nowhere. I've seen 
several other people
with similar problems (error message: not a plain file).
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Debian Packages compiled with PGCC

1999-03-03 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 06:36:27PM -0600, Eric wrote:
 I was trying to install from the rpms which I converted to debs using
 alien.  I didn't try installing from the source...I didn't really want 
 to because I don't really want it to take the place of my normal
 gcc...I'd like to be able to remove it from my system easily.
 How much of the pentium optimization is built into the egcc which is
 available in slink?
 On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 09:03:43PM +, Mark Brown wrote:
  What are you trying to install from?  It builds perfectly happily from
  source into whatever directory you want (although I've not tried on
  Linux recently), and the last anyone told me the binary releases wanted
  to be put into /usr.  It's not much hassle to build from source.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but slink still uses gcc for C compilation 
(because pgcc/egcs hate the Linux 2.0 kernel). egcs is only used for C++
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

SOLVED -- Re: problem sending mail...

1999-03-03 Thread Jesse Evans

Thanks to Daniel J. Brosemer [EMAIL PROTECTED], I was able to
solve my problem by running smailconf.

Thanks to all who offered their help! :-)

On Mon, 01 Mar 1999, William Park wrote:
On Mon, Mar 01, 1999 at 07:03:17PM -0800, Jesse Evans wrote:
  Something chokes when I try to send mail, but only certain addresses.

It looks like the recipient's mail server insists on legal sender's
address on email envelope.  For example, your envelope

From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Mar  1 23:47:45 1999

is rejected because '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is not legal internet address.
I had similar problem, some time ago.  My solution was to re-generate
/etc/ from /usr/src/sendmail/cf/cf/

VERSIONID(`linux for smtp-only setup')dnl
FEATURE(masquerade_envelope)dnl-- my addition

It turned out the following section controls how sendmail writes
an envelope:

###  Ruleset 94 -- convert envelope names to masqueraded form   ###

R$+ $@ $93 $1
#R$*  @ *LOCAL*  $*   $: $1  @ $j .  $2


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'til next we type...
HAVE FUN!! -- Jesse

Minimal requirements for xwindows and slave hard disk installation

1999-03-03 Thread Michelle Coelho
I just got myself an old 270 MB hard supplement the 120Mb I have
on my current disk. I've got debian Linux installed on it..Anyone knows how
I should go about it.
Also, I have about 72MB of free space left on the current disk. Add to that
the 270MB(if I pass the smoke test!)..can someone tell me the minimal
requirements for an xwindowing system ..I want to install netscape after

Michelle M. Coelho
Department of Computer and Information Science
Purdue School of Science
Phone: +1-317-278-2948
Fax : +1-317-274-9742

Re: Minimal requirements for xwindows and slave hard disk installation

1999-03-03 Thread Andrei Ivanov



 I just got myself an old 270 MB hard supplement the 120Mb I have
 on my current disk. I've got debian Linux installed on it..Anyone knows how
 I should go about it.

Ok, one thing to do if you are running out of space is partition the new
disk and make it your /usr
For that you will have to copy the files from existing /usr partition onto
a new partition you create, and change the /etc/fstab so that at boot you
mount a new disk instead of old one. The old partition can be utilized for
something else later.

 Also, I have about 72MB of free space left on the current disk. Add to that
 the 270MB(if I pass the smoke test!)..can someone tell me the minimal
 requirements for an xwindowing system ..I want to install netscape after

Hmm, you got about 440M total space.

Scorpio:/home/ryn# df
Filesystem 1024-blocks  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/hdb2 198123   9572492168 51%   /
/dev/hda11029872  96062469248 93%   /windows
/dev/hdc1 574626  216321   328621 40%   /usr

I have about 300M used up, add 90M swap to that, and I am running X,
Netscape, gcc, got kernel source installed, etc.
So you got enough space with that new disk.


 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

XFree with S3 Trio3D AGP?

1999-03-03 Thread Corey Ralph
I have been trying to get XFree86 to work with a Trio3d AGP card, and it
doesn't seem to be supported.

Somebody sent me a link to an update for red hat to support it, but I would
prefer to stick with Debian.

I am using Debian 2.0 I have upgraded to the XFree86 from slink, and have
download the S3 server from, but it doesn't seem to

Any ideas?



Re: vim has no color after moving uo to slink

1999-03-03 Thread Torsten Landschoff
On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 09:39:30PM -0800, Mark Wagnon wrote:
 I found vim-rt on the debian site. It mentioned syntax highlighting in
 the description. I downloaded it and installed it. The error is gone
 (cuz I let it overwrite my /etc/vimrc), but I still get no syntax
 highlighting :(
 Could I replace my lost syntax.vim file with one from someone else's
 system? Or does anyone have another solution to my dilemma?
The syntax highlighting was moved to vim-rt so you need that package. You did
not need to overwrite your vimrc because it would have worked again after the


Description: PGP signature

Permissions of the sysadmin

1999-03-03 Thread Torsten Landschoff
On Wed, Feb 24, 1999 at 06:02:46PM -0600, Jonathan Guthrie wrote:

 underneath or not, they can't get to underneath.  The superuser can get
 in, but root can always get in.  Preventing that requires rethinking the
 concept of root.
Hopefully root will stay as it is. I hate this message Access denied I get
everytime I want to do something on the NT server in university (yes, I am the


Description: PGP signature

Re: where?

1999-03-03 Thread Torsten Landschoff
On Mon, Feb 22, 1999 at 03:12:08AM -0500, Shaleh wrote:
 remember to install the -dev packages too.
Why? All you need to run programs that require is in libc6 (which is
in base). You might need libc5 for old programs and you will need libc[56]-dev
for development.


Description: PGP signature

Re: StarOffice 5

1999-03-03 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov

On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Robert V. MacQuarrie wrote:

 I've installed each version of SO and have never had any problems using
 the provided 'setup' utility. I really only have 1 minor complaint with
 SO5 and thats the fact that it takes up so much disk spack in the users
 account. I remember one of the SO developers had hacked a multiuser patch
 for the in SO4 called AutoMultiUserSetupForSO40Linux.tar.gz I think. This
 patched the /net option if i remember correctly and worked beautifully.
 Here are the diffs in size of my SO5 and SO4 installs:
 [timberwolf:adren:~$] du -hs /usr/local/Office40/
 [timberwolf:adren:~$] du -hs ~/StarOffice (this is 4.0)
 12M StarOffice
 [timberwolf:adren:~$] du -hs ~/Office50 
 This is a HUGE difference. The multiuser patch was great! 12M for 4.0 to
 140M with 5.0. Does anyone know if there was a multiuser patch for SO5
 aswell? I like having a 12M user dir as opposed to a 140M dir.
You don't need patch, /net option is already there, just use it. In the
home directory it uses only 4 MB.


Re: Hamm--Slink, now fetchmail/exim behaves strangely

1999-03-03 Thread Johann Spies
On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Graham Ashton wrote:

 On Tuesday 02 March, Mark Phillips wrote:
  I've just upgraded from Hamm to Slink.  Fetchmail seems to work the
  same as before, except that now, only the first 10 messages get to my
  mail box straight away.
 I've got the same problem. Strange, isn't it.

This makes me think twice about upgrading my whole system again even if
Debian is supposed to make that easy.  On my previous upgrade 1.3 to Hamm,
it took me nearly 3 days and many hours to get all my user programs
running again and fixing all the broken configurations.  Getting my mail
system to work again was a real pain in the neck. 

I would not like to go through that again.

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence 
  cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which 
  made heaven and earth.  
   Psalms 121:1,2 

Re: ANNOUNCE: debian party in San Jose, Marth 3rd

1999-03-03 Thread David Bristel
The location I suggest for the party tomorrow night is at Chili's.  The
atmosphere is good, not too loud, not too soft, and the food is fairly decent.
From the show, it's also fairly easy to get to.  Directions to the one I'm
the most familiar with are as follows: 

From the Expo Center, take 280 north(toward San Francisco)

On 280, take the 880(north) exit.  As you come off the ramp, you will have the
option to continue to the right to go onto 880, or to go straight.  Go straight,
then take the next right, which will bring you to Steven's Creek.

At the end of the ramp is a traffic light.  Make a right at the light(onto
Steven's Creek).

Take a left onto Winchester Blvd(the third light I think).

Chili's will be on the left hand side, approximately 1/8th-1/4 mile down

I will be at the show at 9am tomorrow morning, and will be at or around the
booth most of the day.  If anyone has any questions, feel free to stop by and
ask.  See ya there.

Dave Bristel

 On Sun, 28 Feb 1999, Joey Hess wrote:

 Date: Sun, 28 Feb 1999 22:54:59 -0800
 From: Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ANNOUNCE: debian party in San Jose, Marth 3rd
 All debian people in town for LinuxWorld Expo are invited to a party,
 following the expo on Wednesday, March 3rd. We will be going out to a
 restraunt or some other venue in San Jose (to be determined, suggestions
 welcome), and celebrating the release of debian 2.1 (or if it isn't released
 on time, just celebrating). A featured guest is Wichert Akkerman, leader of
 the debian project.
 To attend, stop by the Debian booth (#1445) on Wednesday just before the
 expo closes, at 6pm. We will gather there and drive to the party location.
 Or drop by our website at in the
 next few days for further details.
 Attention debian developers and developers to be: bring your pgp keys!
 see shy jo

User Directories

1999-03-03 Thread Mark Yobb
What do I have to do to move my user directories to a different
partition/drive?  I have looked around but I can not find what file (?)
that user info like home directory is stored.

Also I was wonder what the most dependable way to mount a drive on boot
was?  Can you do this with in a standard '/etc/rcX.d' file or with the
kernel or something?  When my machine boots one of the messages that
comes up is 'not mounting anthing . . . ' (or something like that).  I
know I could do it by putting a mount /dev/hdXX in my /etc/profile file
but I get a feeling there is a more system smart method of doing this.

Thanks  MT.

debian dinner wednesday night

1999-03-03 Thread Joey Hess
[ Sorry about the massive crosspost, last one I swear. Please honor the
  Reply-To. ]

For those attending LinuxWorld expo in San Jose:

Wednesday night starting at 7pm, we will be having a debian dinner at
Chili's in San Jose. This event is open to both users and developers
alike. Developers: bring your pgp keys, a keysigning will be held.

Wichert Akkerman, the leader of debian, will be giving a short talk about
all the people and companies he's been talking to at the expo who want to
get involved with the debian project, or use debian, or help debian out in
various ways. Wichert can't yet tell us *everything* he's talking about with
various people, but what he can is sure to be fascinating!

Directions to Chili's follow (from the San Jose convention center):

   From the Expo Center, take 280 north (toward San Francisco)

   On 280, take the 880(north) exit.  As you come off the ramp,
   you will have the option to continue to the right to go onto 880,
   or to go straight.  Go straight, then take the next right, which
   will bring you to Steven's Creek.

   At the end of the ramp is a traffic light.  Make a right at the light(onto
   Steven's Creek).

   Take a left onto Winchester Blvd(the third light I think).

   Chili's will be on the left hand side, approximately 1/8th-1/4 mile down

The address is 
2980 Stevens creek
Phone number for chili's: 241-8833

For more infomation, contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Bristel).

see shy jo

Re: [svlug] debian dinner wednesday night

1999-03-03 Thread Ian Kluft
 From: Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [ Sorry about the massive crosspost, last one I swear. Please honor the
   Reply-To. ]
 For those attending LinuxWorld expo in San Jose:
 Wednesday night starting at 7pm, we will be having a debian dinner at
 Chili's in San Jose. [...]

Ahem.  That's exactly the same time the SVLUG meeting will be held at the
Convention Center...
Ian Kluft  KO6YQ PP-ASEL  Cisco Systems, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home)  San Jose, CA

Re: StarOffice 5

1999-03-03 Thread John Leget
Robert V. MacQuarrie wrote:

 On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Damir J. Naden wrote:
 Hi Micha Feigin; unless Mutt is confused, you wrote:
  On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Frankie wrote:
   Is there a recommended way of installing SO5 under debian?
   there doesn't seem to be an install Package for it (like there is for
  If its like staroffice 4,
  Then use the setup supplied with staroffice,
  and then install it with the net option as root
  (although it still takes quite some space for each user);
 I've installed it simply following the setup provided by StarOffice (part of
 the download), following the instructions in their README. It worked

 I've installed each version of SO and have never had any problems using
 the provided 'setup' utility. I really only have 1 minor complaint with
 SO5 and thats the fact that it takes up so much disk spack in the users
 account. I remember one of the SO developers had hacked a multiuser patch
 for the in SO4 called AutoMultiUserSetupForSO40Linux.tar.gz I think. This
 patched the /net option if i remember correctly and worked beautifully.
 Here are the diffs in size of my SO5 and SO4 installs:
 [timberwolf:adren:~$] du -hs /usr/local/Office40/
 [timberwolf:adren:~$] du -hs ~/StarOffice (this is 4.0)
 12M StarOffice
 [timberwolf:adren:~$] du -hs ~/Office50

 This is a HUGE difference. The multiuser patch was great! 12M for 4.0 to
 140M with 5.0. Does anyone know if there was a multiuser patch for SO5
 aswell? I like having a 12M user dir as opposed to a 140M dir.


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Yeah i thought so too, so i read the docs ( back with SO 4 and i came across 
the /net
And now with SO5

as root run  setup /net and select a dir ( ie /usr/local/SO )
then when install is finished

LOGON AS THE USER  and goto to /usr/local/SO/bin dir  and run setup in 
dir, this will setup SO for in the users home dir using only 3.8MB  (on my 


Re: User Directories

1999-03-03 Thread Mark Phillips
 What do I have to do to move my user directories to a different

Try cp -a ..


They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

RE: User Directories

1999-03-03 Thread Shaleh

On 03-Mar-99 Mark Yobb wrote:
 What do I have to do to move my user directories to a different
 partition/drive?  I have looked around but I can not find what file (?)
 that user info like home directory is stored.

cp -a /home /wherever/
mv /home /home.bak
ln -s /wherever/home /home
... TEST ...
rm -r /home.bak

   Also I was wonder what the most dependable way to mount a drive on boot
 was?  Can you do this with in a standard '/etc/rcX.d' file or with the
 kernel or something?  When my machine boots one of the messages that
 comes up is 'not mounting anthing . . . ' (or something like that).  I
 know I could do it by putting a mount /dev/hdXX in my /etc/profile file
 but I get a feeling there is a more system smart method of doing this.

Add the entry to /etc/fstab.  Do a man fstab and read what is there, should get
you going.

The web based package tree and dpkg, and GIT

1999-03-03 Thread Bruce Sass
Note: If you have no interest in the package tree but use GIT, 
  or are interested in a file system centered interface to dpkg,
  you may want to skip to the end of this message.

What I am about to describe is not feasible for initial installations or
system upgrades...  but if you are checking out individual packages or
software functions, and would like to climb up the learning curve a bit
- read on.

The advantage to programs like dselect is that they take most of the
drudge work out of installing software onto your system; but in doing so
you sometimes don't get to see what is going on, or where it is going
on.  The loss of that information hampers your ability to understand how
the system works, and as such your ability to recognize exactly what the
problem is when a problem does arise.  This results in a tendency to
blame everything on dselect, and potential confusion when your question
about dselect gets answered with, let's say, something about symlinks in
the ftp mirror site.

You could learn more and gain control over problems by working `closer
to the machine', but if you think dselect has a lot of packages to list
through to find what you are looking for, then you will not like an ftp
directory any better.  One way to avoid being overwhelmed by the
cornucopia of packages is to use the web based package tree[1] and dpkg,
instead of dselect.  Of course there is nothing stopping you from using
the web based tree in conjunction with dselect (just point dselect to
the directory containing the downloaded packages and tell it to
install), but it adds an unnecessary layer of complexity to the whole

The disadvantages are that it is not as simple as having dselect fetch
and install packages for you, it takes more time online, you don't see
quite as much detail about each package, and you are limited to the
stable, frozen, and unstable distributions on primary ftp sites. [2]

The advantages include: a simple and intuitive view of the package tree;
a better chance of knowing when and where a problem originates; and the
ability to jump to the same position in a different distribution,
returning to exactly where you before you went off on a tangent (good
for examining the evolution of a package if you are not sure which
version you want)[3].

This is how it works:  point your browser at the package tree, download
what you want, then feed the packages into dpkg.  I'll admit that this
can be a pretty messy procedure, if you approach it in a haphazard
manner.  Try doing it this way...  Empty out your download directory and
get online.  When you get to the first page of a package you want, give
it `the once over' just to see what other packages are in the dependency
list, then go back to the top of the page and work your way towards the
Download Page link at the bottom.  Follow all links to packages that
you need or want[4], *in the order you come across them*.  When you hit
a link to a download page, download the file, then backup one level and
continue.  When you backup into the index you will have downloaded all
the files for the package you are after, in the order that they should
be installed.

A   cd /the/download/directory; dpkg -i `ls -fA *.deb`

command will install everything; and if you followed the procedure
described, all dependencies will be met on the first pass because 
`ls -fA` ensures that dpkg processes the files in the order you
downloaded them, skipping over .  and ...

If you like to snoop around the system after a new installation, or
unpack a package, check it out, then configure it, you may want to use
a file browser like GIT and setup some key bindings to cut down on the
typing.  For example, putting...

^Ci = DPKG-install; dpkg -i `ls -fA *.deb`

into a .gitrc.TERM file will result in dpkg trying to install every 
.deb in the current directory whenever the CTRL-c, i sequence is
used (it will also overwrite the RPM install command which is bound
to that mapping by default ;).

I have a set of GIT key-bindings for DPKG.
Almost everything that dpkg can do is supported, along with
backgrounding stuff and some interactive selection (via iSelect).
I find it very useful to be able to tour around the file system with the
utility of dpkg just a few keystrokes away. If anyone is interested let
me know and I'll email them to you. If enough people are interested I'll
extend the set, do some docs, and put them on the web.


where ca gets replaced with the country code for the server
nearest to you (ca, de, us).

[2] The last three can be fixed by adding a web method to dselect's
update function, and a little more information to the html based
package tree.

[3] This is a browser function; with Lynx 2.8.1 you use E to edit
the current selected URL and change the distribution element of the
path (stable, frozen or unstable - it  sounds  worse  than  it  is),
you get 

was Re: Debian Packages compiled with PGCC

1999-03-03 Thread Bruce Sass
 I agree with Ben here - the binary distribution should remain _at least_
 486 compatible, if not 386 compatible.

It should be compatible with anything Linux can run on...

say a i386, 4M RAM, 20M(?) flash drive and late '80s video.

- Bruce

Re: enlightenment-cvs bug: Enlightenment is removed from the menu system

1999-03-03 Thread Jules Bean
On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Pedro Guerreiro wrote:

  Just to reassure everyone, I am quite happy to support the
  enlightenment-cvs package.
 I've just installed it, and it removed the Enlightenment option from the
 Menu/WindowManagers that enlightenment_0.14 put there.


I haven't integrated it properly with the menu package yet.


|  Jelibean aka  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  6 Evelyn Rd|
|  Jules aka | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Richmond, Surrey   |
|  Julian Bean   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  TW9 2TF *UK*   |
|  War doesn't demonstrate who's right... just who's left. |
|  When privacy is outlawed... only the outlaws have privacy.  |

Re: Debian Packages compiled with PGCC

1999-03-03 Thread joop . vson

Why not add a kind of VIEWPATH environment variable to the install tool.
(like in some compilers) The package that is found first in the list of
will be installed


Re: Minimal requirements for xwindows and slave hard disk installation

1999-03-03 Thread Branden Robinson
On Tue, Mar 02, 1999 at 11:39:15PM -0500, Michelle Coelho wrote:
 I just got myself an old 270 MB hard supplement the 120Mb I have
 on my current disk. I've got debian Linux installed on it..Anyone knows how
 I should go about it.
 Also, I have about 72MB of free space left on the current disk. Add to that
 the 270MB(if I pass the smoke test!)..can someone tell me the minimal
 requirements for an xwindowing system ..I want to install netscape after

You might appreciate the X reorganization that took place for slink, then
-- one of its advantages is the ability to strip X down a lot more than you
used to.

You'll need:

xserver-vga16 (only if you want to use the XF86Setup tool)
xf86setup (only if you want to use it)
xserver-something (probably xserver-svga, but this depends on the video card)
xfonts-scaled (maybe)
xterm (or some other X terminal emulator, like rxvt -- which is smaller)
twm (or some other window manager, like fvwm)

I think that should do it.  If I forgot something, apt should haul it in
for you.

If you decide to use XF86Setup, you can remove it and xserver-vga16 once
you have configured the X server.

This may look like a long list of packages, but the old X arrangement
required xbase, and xbase had a *lot* of stuff in it.

I do suggest, however, moving your entire /usr over to the new drive.
Debian does not support, for instance, /usr/bin on one disk partition and
/usr/X11R6 on another.  (It's an issue of symbolic links mandated in the
Policy Manual.)

G. Branden Robinson  |   Why do we have to hide from the police,
Debian GNU/Linux |   Daddy?
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   Because we use vi, son.  They use |   emacs.

Description: PGP signature

Re: LinuxWorld

1999-03-03 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I was able to shoot down to SJ to make the last 2 hours of the exhibits.
The RedHat, LinuxCare, and Compaq booths were all very flashy and cool.

I was gawking at this really cool Compaq display, when I realized the
crowd was not for the servers, but for Linus.  Very Cool.  I didn't get an
autograph because I'm not comfortable idolizing people.  But it was great
to see him there.  

Rob Malda struck me as being a little full of himself, but I guess he has
a right to be since slashdot is what it is.  I asked him how much he's
selling the T-Shirts for, and he said he doesn't handle marketing.
OK-then  Whatever, I saw the much cooler Debian guys there, Wichert is
a real stand up cat... 

I was excited about Wordmarc, a unix based console word processor wp clone
thing.  The guy said their going to overhaul the license, I think that
their gonna GPL it (I hope).  Abi-Word by Abi-Source is looking good too;
the guy said a debian cat is going to package it... cool...

I had to run back to Sacramento and write a paper for tomarrow, but it was
a really really cool deal... Later...

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, George Bonser wrote:

 Had a really cool funny at Linux World ... met Linus at the end of the
 aisle signing stuff for people. My friend digs around in his pocket
 for something and whips out a CD for Linus to autograph. He hands it over
 and laughter rips through the crowd. My friend's face grows red as he
 realised that he just gave Linus Torvalds a SCO UnixWare CDROM to sign.
 Linus takes it all in stride and signs it I hope you get better. I had
 to drag my friend back down the aisle to the Debian booth to touch the
 MAC for redemption (don't ask ... you just had to be there).
 It was really great seeing a lot of the Debian folks there along with such
 folks as the Slashdot crew in the booth next door. Even finally getting to
 talk with people from other distros that I had email contact with (such as
 some of the people from Red Hat) was a real gas.  I can't wait until the
 reprise in August.
 Linus gave a great speach and the party in Exhibit Hall 3 is probably
 still going on. The Linux community is really a great bunch of people. I
 heard vendors commenting that they were really amazed at the crowd. The
 quality of the questions they were being asked, the level of technical
 expertise and the fact that they were speaking with people that REALLY
 understood the technologies of this stuff was really a refreshing change
 to them.
 I am proud to associate myself with this community of computer users and
 with the Debian community in particular.  Nice job to all. I think it is a
 really great show.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: User Directories

1999-03-03 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 What do I have to do to move my user directories to a different
 partition/drive?  I have looked around but I can not find what file (?)
 that user info like home directory is stored.

The home directory of a user is written in /etc/passwd.  In that file
you can change the directory, then copy the stuff with cp -a, and remove
the old one with rm -rf.  You may want to check

man cp
man 5 passwd

and you may want to make backups.  In any case, I would not remove the
old directory before verifying that the new setup worked.

   Also I was wonder what the most dependable way to mount a drive on boot
 was?  Can you do this with in a standard '/etc/rcX.d' file or with the
 kernel or something?  When my machine boots one of the messages that
 comes up is 'not mounting anthing . . . ' (or something like that).  I
 know I could do it by putting a mount /dev/hdXX in my /etc/profile file
 but I get a feeling there is a more system smart method of doing this.

There definitely is.  Drives that are mounted are specified in
/etc/fstab (File System TABle).  This file too has a man page, so try

man fstab

If anything remains unclear, do post on this list again.  If you want
to know more about basic unix administration tasks, you may want to
read (buy) a book like `Running Linux' by Matt Welsh (sp?).


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: web based mail

1999-03-03 Thread Erik van der Meulen
On Sat, Feb 27, 1999 at 09:17:10 -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:

  i was wondering if there's anyone here who gives web based mail services
  to their customers.  if so, what package/application can you suggest w/c, 
  based on ur experiences is proven to work in a nice and stable way.
This is getting to be a FAQ. :-)
Nice is easy, stable is the difficult part (meaning non-stable as in
 rapidly developing).
First choice:  Run over to  and grab
 Ivan Moore's IMP package.  Ivan has a deb created of's IMP
 and is planning on getting it into the potato release.
I have tried to do so, but this page does not seem to exist any
more. Does anyone have a suggestion where to find this .deb?


  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: web based mail

1999-03-03 Thread William Schwartz
The link does work if you take off the 's...


- Original Message -
From: Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Randy Edwards [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: web based mail

On Sat, Feb 27, 1999 at 09:17:10 -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:

  i was wondering if there's anyone here who gives web based mail
  to their customers.  if so, what package/application can you suggest
  based on ur experiences is proven to work in a nice and stable way.

This is getting to be a FAQ. :-)

Nice is easy, stable is the difficult part (meaning non-stable as in
 rapidly developing).

First choice:  Run over to  and
 Ivan Moore's IMP package.  Ivan has a deb created of's
 and is planning on getting it into the potato release.

I have tried to do so, but this page does not seem to exist any
more. Does anyone have a suggestion where to find this .deb?


  Erik van der Meulen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: modem

1999-03-03 Thread Pablo Cernadas
I need help to choise a modem that works on debian
can somebody tellme about?

good day 

Re: User Directories

1999-03-03 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

  What do I have to do to move my user directories to a different
  partition/drive?  I have looked around but I can not find what file (?)
  that user info like home directory is stored.
 The home directory of a user is written in /etc/passwd.  In that file
 you can change the directory, then copy the stuff with cp -a, and remove
 the old one with rm -rf.  You may want to check
 man cp
 man 5 passwd

you'd also need a -p to keep permissions.
AFAIK, though, cp -p doesn't respect symlinks and just makes duplicates,
in this case you'd want to use tar
basically a 'tar -cpf - -C homedirlocation|tar -xvpf -' but as I haven't
just tested that, you should man tar to make sure I'm right.

 and you may want to make backups.  In any case, I would not remove the
 old directory before verifying that the new setup worked.

Excellent piece of advice!

  Also I was wonder what the most dependable way to mount a drive on boot
  was?  Can you do this with in a standard '/etc/rcX.d' file or with the
  kernel or something?  When my machine boots one of the messages that
  comes up is 'not mounting anthing . . . ' (or something like that).  I
  know I could do it by putting a mount /dev/hdXX in my /etc/profile file
  but I get a feeling there is a more system smart method of doing this.
 There definitely is.  Drives that are mounted are specified in
 /etc/fstab (File System TABle).  This file too has a man page, so try
 man fstab
 If anything remains unclear, do post on this list again.  If you want
 to know more about basic unix administration tasks, you may want to
 read (buy) a book like `Running Linux' by Matt Welsh (sp?).

Or Essential System Administration by O'Reilly and Associates (my personal



RE: modem

1999-03-03 Thread David B. Teague
On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Pablo Cernadas wrote:

 I need help to choise a modem that works on debian
 can somebody tellme about?

Avoid any modem that is a win modem These do not and can
not be made to work under Linux. Primarily because the CPU
does most of the work, and the specifications are kept
a propriatary secret, so no drivers can be written.

I use external modems with a serial port. Others will have
internal modems that they like. I have heard, but cannot
promise, that Multitech makes non-win modems.

Wishing you luck, 

Debian GNU/Linux: Because reboots are for hardware and kernel upgrades.

Re: User Directories

1999-03-03 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:
   What do I have to do to move my user directories to a different
   partition/drive?  I have looked around but I can not find what file (?)
   that user info like home directory is stored.
  The home directory of a user is written in /etc/passwd.  In that file
  you can change the directory, then copy the stuff with cp -a, and remove
  the old one with rm -rf.  You may want to check
  man cp
  man 5 passwd
 you'd also need a -p to keep permissions.
 AFAIK, though, cp -p doesn't respect symlinks and just makes duplicates,
 in this case you'd want to use tar
 basically a 'tar -cpf - -C homedirlocation|tar -xvpf -' but as I haven't
 just tested that, you should man tar to make sure I'm right.

I suggested using cp -a.  In the man page it says:

   -a, --archive
  Preserve  as  much as possible of the structure and
  attributes of the original files in the copy.   The
  same as -dpR.

So this includes -p (keep permissions), -R (recurse), and -d (copy
symbolic links, do not dereference).  I like the tar approach a lot
from a geek point of view :), but I do believe cp -a is simpler.  I
also seem to remember there was a problem with tar that cp -a didn't
have (maybe this was with device files?), but we are entering the realm
of religious warfare here...


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: User Directories

1999-03-03 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 3/3/99 12:25:43 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What do I have to do to move my user directories to a different
  partition/drive?  I have looked around but I can not find what file (?)
  that user info like home directory is stored.

All home directories are stored in the /home directory (with the exception of
the root's home dir in /root).  Those are the directories you'd need to copy. 

   Also I was wonder what the most dependable way to mount a drive on boot
  was?  Can you do this with in a standard '/etc/rcX.d' file or with the
  kernel or something?  When my machine boots one of the messages that
  comes up is 'not mounting anthing . . . ' (or something like that).  I
  know I could do it by putting a mount /dev/hdXX in my /etc/profile file
  but I get a feeling there is a more system smart method of doing this.

Drives mounted at boot time are identified by /etc/fstab.  


Re: modem

1999-03-03 Thread Lucas
Be careful. The Motorola SM56 is a winmodem but it does not say so
anywhere on the box! At the web site, it is called a software modem or
a HSP The AOpen FM-56 is also a winmodem but it does not advertize
it in big letters on the box. I discovered this at the web site in a
footnote. These are both internals.

Get an external, real modem.

Pablo Cernadas wrote:
 I need help to choise a modem that works on debian
 can somebody tellme about?
 good day
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Hard Drive Question....

1999-03-03 Thread Anthony Landreneau
I know I've seen this addressed before, but for the life of me I can't
seems to find it, so I will ask the group.  I have several machine, now
running DOS 6.2. The system BIOS doesn't support large drives, 540MB is the
max.  I have several 630-1000MB drives and wish to use them on these
machines then boot the machines up with LINUX.
What do I set the BIOS to in order to correctly partition the drives 
Linux?  Thanks in advance.

Anthony Landreneau
Network Administrator
Infinity Data Systems
New Orleans Louisiana

Re: Fw: Mitsumi FX001D CD-ROM drv. Need help...

1999-03-03 Thread Markus M. Schneider
Larry Shields WD9ESU wrote:

 If I boot right from the linux floppy disk, when it gets to the point of
 mounting my CD-ROM drive I get this:
 MCD=0X360,11: init Failed. No mcd device at 0x360 irq 11
 But if I let the system boot up using MSDOS, it then loads everything
 encluding my cd-rom drive, then once I get the msdos prompt, I insert the
 Bootable linux
 disk into the floppy drive, and do a soft reboot CTRL-ALT-DEL and then it
 boots up using the Linux floppy...
 When it gets to the point of loading of the cd-rom drive it then loads in
 and shows this:
 MCD=0X360,11: Mitsumi Status type and version: 10 D 2 Double Speed CD ROM
 Does this mean that when I am asked when installing Debian Modules select
 Category for cdrom driversthat when it shows the different types like sony,
 etc, and mcd or MCDX, that it is looking for mcd=0x360,11 10 D 2???

The program for installing modules which is used during installation of
Debian is /usr/sbin/modconf. You can start it as root whenever You want.
If You select mcd or mcdx You are asked if you want to supply some
options. There You can try to add 0x360,11. I would suggest to use mcdx.
Using mcdx instead of mcd I don't have to add any options.

 Also I would like someone to show me the correct way of editing my FSTAB
 file using the /dev/mcd since I have tried three different ways and have had
 no luck in doing so...

Try to put a line like

/dev/mcdx  /cdrom  iso9660  ro,user

in your /etc/fstab. user means that every user can (un)mount the CD.

Hope this will be of same help. (I am using a machine with this
Mitsumi-Drive very seldom. Therfore I'm not sure.)


x-window won't start

1999-03-03 Thread Chen Xu
Hi all,

I just installed Debian2.0 from official CD. The installation went ok
except problems with serveral packages(defualt chosen). One problem is
that when I install I saw no 'xinit' and I couldn't write anything to X
config file.

I start XF86Setup manually and get it worked ( I know all the devices 
about my PC). My video care is Dimond Steeth 3D 2000 and I used s3v
driver. I configured it right then saved and exited. However, when I do
'startx', I can not got x window. Error message insludes 

no screens found... 

I have S3V xserver installed right. But I don't see it at

Any ideas, thanks!


Re: XFree with S3 Trio3D AGP?

1999-03-03 Thread Bernhard Dobbels
On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Corey Ralph wrote:

|I have been trying to get XFree86 to work with a Trio3d AGP card, and it
|doesn't seem to be supported.

indeed, it isn't

|Somebody sent me a link to an update for red hat to support it, but I would
|prefer to stick with Debian.

no, redhat doesn't support.

|I am using Debian 2.0 I have upgraded to the XFree86 from slink, and have
|download the S3 server from, but it doesn't seem to
|Any ideas?

Oh, yes, i have it too and it works good in 1024x768 and 32 bit color. 
But, you have to upgrade to kernel 2.2.x and use the framebuffer device.
This gives you that nice little pinguin at boottime ;-)
you can find all necessary info in the source docs:
linux/Documentation/fb/framebuffer.txt and

Than you can use X with XF86_FBDev X-server. I'v read in dejanews that
some others have it running also. 
There's also a howto somewhere on the net, but i lost the bookmark :-(

It's just a pity that those framebuffers don't work with frequency's above

Bernhard DobbelsStudent Electronic Engineer 
option Automation and Computersystems.
ICQ: 25783372

Re: rescue disk doesn't rescue me

1999-03-03 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Werner Reisberger wrote:

 I am using Debian 2.0r4 and trying to boot my brand new PC since 4 days
 with several rescue disks I prepared with dd on my good old Linux PC.
 I even tried to boot with a self prepared root.bin disk but a reader
 of this list told me that I don't need to do this with a fairly new dist
 (yes I have a 1.44 floppy drive).
 The following happens when I insert the rescue disk in my brand new PC
 pressing enter at the boot prompt:
 It recognizes the hardware (including the SCSI controller and the SCSI
 disk) but at the end it issues the following:
 Partition check:
  sda:Dev 08:00 Sun disklabel: bad magic 
  unknown partition table
  # this line is probably caused because my HD is completely untouched

This is probably a bad advice :-), but anyway:

I would try to boot from a MS-DOS floppy and then try to fdisk
the disk from DOS first (only to have a consistent partition table).

 RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
 VFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem)
 # until now it's looks good but the
 boot process hangs at this stage

This seems a bug in the Linux kernel.

As a workaround you could replace the linux file in the boot
floppy by a custom made one, by using the good old Linux PC.

Re: Fw: Mitsumi FX001D CD-ROM drv. Need help...

1999-03-03 Thread Lucas
With regard to mounting cdrom filesystems, I believe there is something
called amd that can automate this so that you do not have to type
mount... each time. Maybe someone has the details??

Markus M. Schneider wrote:
 Larry Shields WD9ESU wrote:
  If I boot right from the linux floppy disk, when it gets to the point of
  mounting my CD-ROM drive I get this:
  MCD=0X360,11: init Failed. No mcd device at 0x360 irq 11
  But if I let the system boot up using MSDOS, it then loads everything
  encluding my cd-rom drive, then once I get the msdos prompt, I insert the
  Bootable linux
  disk into the floppy drive, and do a soft reboot CTRL-ALT-DEL and then it
  boots up using the Linux floppy...
  When it gets to the point of loading of the cd-rom drive it then loads in
  and shows this:
  MCD=0X360,11: Mitsumi Status type and version: 10 D 2 Double Speed CD ROM
  Does this mean that when I am asked when installing Debian Modules select
  Category for cdrom driversthat when it shows the different types like sony,
  etc, and mcd or MCDX, that it is looking for mcd=0x360,11 10 D 2???
 The program for installing modules which is used during installation of
 Debian is /usr/sbin/modconf. You can start it as root whenever You want.
 If You select mcd or mcdx You are asked if you want to supply some
 options. There You can try to add 0x360,11. I would suggest to use mcdx.
 Using mcdx instead of mcd I don't have to add any options.
  Also I would like someone to show me the correct way of editing my FSTAB
  file using the /dev/mcd since I have tried three different ways and have had
  no luck in doing so...
 Try to put a line like
 /dev/mcdx  /cdrom  iso9660  ro,user
 in your /etc/fstab. user means that every user can (un)mount the CD.
 Hope this will be of same help. (I am using a machine with this
 Mitsumi-Drive very seldom. Therfore I'm not sure.)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Trouble updating (trashed my X setup)

1999-03-03 Thread Peter Karlsson
I was doing a apt-get dist-upgrade to update to the latest versions, when
installing the xserver-common package didn't work. This has now trashed my
X installation completely, so it doesn't work at all.

This is what happens when I try to install it:

# dpkg --install /tmp/xserver-common_3.3.2.3a-11.deb 
(Reading database ... 54635 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace xserver-common (using 
.../xserver-common_3.3.2.3a-11.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement xserver-common ...
Segmentation Fault

I have tried a lot of things to get it to work, but not yet succeeded :-/

I'm using the frozen dist for the packages.

Peter -

 Bored of spam? Try Fidonet.

Re: x-window won't start

1999-03-03 Thread Andrei Ivanov
First, try to get it to work with SVGA server. It might work better. (S3v
doesnt work for me, I have S3 ViRGE/DX card).
As to your problem: it just doesnt find any valid modes to run in.
I've got the little walk-through on my homepage, (URL underneath), but
basic idea is to change the order of modes to go from the least resolution
to the most resolution when you get to modes screen in xf86config.
This will ensure that if you can get X running, it will run on the lowest
resolution possible. Then just experiment with it by changing either
XF86Setup file, section where your valid screen modes reside, or rerunning

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

the debian install process...

1999-03-03 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I just read the Bob Young essay linked on slashdot.  It made me think.
How come no debian folks have attempted to take RH's GPLed install app and
make it work in debian.  Or does debian have other plans to develop an
equally good install app?  

If debian had an install app that autodetected hardware in the manner that
RH's does, our distro would not have a perceivable flaw when held against
RH.  Then again, RH's install could be our install since they already
autodetect tons of hardware... Just some thoughts...

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

module errors

1999-03-03 Thread Pollywog
I have Debian 2.0 (Hamm) installed (2.0.35 kernel) and I have one small
problem that might not really be a problem.  If I reboot the machine, I get
several errors about not finding modules, yet everything (including IP
Masquerade) is working.  Why do I see these errors?  I would copy the errors
if I could catch them, but they go by too fast and I don't see them with dmesg.



PGP Key ID 0x5EE61C37

RE: module errors

1999-03-03 Thread Shaleh

On 03-Mar-99 Pollywog wrote:
 I have Debian 2.0 (Hamm) installed (2.0.35 kernel) and I have one small
 problem that might not really be a problem.  If I reboot the machine, I get
 several errors about not finding modules, yet everything (including IP
 Masquerade) is working.  Why do I see these errors?  I would copy the errors
 if I could catch them, but they go by too fast and I don't see them with

Something about char-major or net-pf?

Help, I can only download ~ 120M chunks over PPP on kernel 2.2.2

1999-03-03 Thread servis

I am running slink with the 2.2.2 kernel and I can't seem to download
more than about 120M of data at once.  Downloads just stop and do not
start up again.  If I abort and resume then things pick up where I left
off but only for another chunk and it stops again.  An example is when
I am trying to update my Package files with apt.  Below cut and paste
of what is happening.  This is not an apt issue because I get the same
result with wget, Netscape, etc.  This is just a good example.  Has
anyone else seen this?  What is the cause/fix?  Thanks.

Get frozen/contrib Packages
Get frozen/main Packages   
16% [Packages 97500/490k 19%]  
update available list script was interrupted. === it stopped so I ^C'ed
Press RETURN to continue.

(note: I change my sources.list to use ftp instead of http to see if it
 made a difference)

Get frozen/contrib Packages
Get frozen/main Packages  
20% [Packages `Resuming (97500)' 128000/490k 26%]  
update available list script was interrupted.
Press RETURN to continue.

Get frozen/contrib Packages
Get frozen/main Packages  
41% [Packages `Resuming (128000)' 291000/490k 59%] 
update available list script was interrupted.
Press RETURN to continue.

Get frozen/contrib Packages
Get frozen/main Packages  
52% [Packages `Resuming (291000)' 369000/490k 75%] 
update available list script was interrupted.
Press RETURN to continue.

Get frozen/contrib Packages
Get frozen/main Packages  
62% [Packages `Resuming (369000)' 448000/490k 91%] 
update available list script was interrupted.
Press RETURN to continue.

Get frozen/contrib Packages
Get frozen/main Packages  
Get frozen/non-free Packages
Fetched 584k in 14s (40.5k/s)  
Updating package file cache...done
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
Merging Available information
Replacing available packages info, using /var/cache/apt/available.
Information about 2651 package(s) was updated.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University


1999-03-03 Thread Brian Morgan
This is a non-Linux question, but I was hoping someone could help me with a
problem I'm having in pine.  We recently put the new version of pine on our
Digital Unix machine which supplies email accounts for about 1000 users.
Many users use POP clients to access their mail, while our students use

Since the upgrade to the newest pine, users who normally use POP clients get
the message (below) when they check their mail through pine.  The message
only shows up when they go back to their POP client again (after using pine)
to check mail.  Is there a setting in pine to not send out these FOLDER
INTERNAL DATA messages?  Our POP users get really confused about such
cryptic messages, and often swarm the help-line with fears of viruses and
other nonsense!  Can anyone help?


Brian Morgan

Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 17:48:40 -0600 (CST)
From: Mail System Internal Data [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-IMAP: 0920418395 02

This text is part of the internal format of your mail folder, and is not
a real message.  It is created automatically by the mail system software.
If deleted, important folder data will be lost, and it will be re-created
with the data reset to initial values.


1999-03-03 Thread dpk
On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Brian Morgan wrote:

   This is a non-Linux question, but I was hoping someone could help
   me with a problem I'm having in pine.  We recently put the new
   version of pine on our Digital Unix machine which supplies email
   accounts for about 1000 users.  Many users use POP clients to
   access their mail, while our students use pine.
   Since the upgrade to the newest pine, users who normally use POP
   clients get the message (below) when they check their mail through
   pine.  The message only shows up when they go back to their POP
   client again (after using pine) to check mail.  Is there a setting
   in pine to not send out these FOLDER INTERNAL DATA messages?  Our
   POP users get really confused about such cryptic messages, and
   often swarm the help-line with fears of viruses and other nonsense!
   Can anyone help?
The answer to your question can be found in the release notes for pine
4 or at the Pine website:

Scroll down to 'Noteworthy Items' and click on 'What are the messages

Network Adminstrator
College of Engineering, MSU
353-4844 (phone)
222-5875 (pager)

   Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 17:48:40 -0600 (CST)
   From: Mail System Internal Data [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   X-IMAP: 0920418395 02
   This text is part of the internal format of your mail folder, and is not
   a real message.  It is created automatically by the mail system software.
   If deleted, important folder data will be lost, and it will be re-created
   with the data reset to initial values.


1999-03-03 Thread Johnie Ingram

Brian == Brian Morgan [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Brian cryptic messages, and often swarm the help-line with fears of
Brian viruses and other nonsense!  Can anyone help?

The only fix I know of is to use the pop3 daemon that comes with
imapd -- unlike other poppers Debian has, it quietly suppresses that

-  PGP  E4 70 6E 59 80 6A F5 78  63 32 BC FB 7A 08 53 4C
   __ _Debian GNU Johnie Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED]  mm   mm
  / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __ mm mm
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ / m m m
/ /__| | | | | |_| |World Domination, of course.   mm   mm
\/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\   And scantily clad females.   GO BLUE


1999-03-03 Thread Sarel Botha
There's a FAQ on pine's website that answers your question.

Sarel Botha

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Brian Morgan wrote:

 This is a non-Linux question, but I was hoping someone could help me with a
 problem I'm having in pine.  We recently put the new version of pine on our
 Digital Unix machine which supplies email accounts for about 1000 users.
 Many users use POP clients to access their mail, while our students use
 Since the upgrade to the newest pine, users who normally use POP clients get
 the message (below) when they check their mail through pine.  The message
 only shows up when they go back to their POP client again (after using pine)
 to check mail.  Is there a setting in pine to not send out these FOLDER
 INTERNAL DATA messages?  Our POP users get really confused about such
 cryptic messages, and often swarm the help-line with fears of viruses and
 other nonsense!  Can anyone help?
 Brian Morgan
 Date: Tue, 2 Mar 1999 17:48:40 -0600 (CST)
 From: Mail System Internal Data [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 X-IMAP: 0920418395 02
 This text is part of the internal format of your mail folder, and is not
 a real message.  It is created automatically by the mail system software.
 If deleted, important folder data will be lost, and it will be re-created
 with the data reset to initial values.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: module errors

1999-03-03 Thread Anu bis
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 1999 13:38:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject: RE: module errors

On 03-Mar-99 Pollywog wrote:
 I have Debian 2.0 (Hamm) installed (2.0.35 kernel) and I have one 
 problem that might not really be a problem.  If I reboot the machine, 
I get
 several errors about not finding modules, yet everything (including 
 Masquerade) is working.  Why do I see these errors?  I would copy the 
 if I could catch them, but they go by too fast and I don't see them 

I think you can find these messages in /usr/adm/messages or 

Something about char-major or net-pf?

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1 more Digital Unix question

1999-03-03 Thread Brian Morgan
Thanks to all who helped me with the pine FOLDER INTERNAL DATA issue.  Got
that taken care of.

1 more question that doesn't necessarily directly relate to Debian:

POP users on our Digital Unix system (on an Alpha box) often have trouble
receiving attachments.  If an attachment appears in certain users' email
boxes, they simply aren't able to retrieve any mail whatsoever.  Their
systems will just hang and not get past the message with the attachment.
However, using a telnet mail program (like pine) is able to access the
messages just fine, delete the attachment, and then allow the user to once
again retrieve mail with their POP client.

Any suggestions that might help allow users to retrieve these attachments?

thanks in advance,

Brian Morgan

smail and time

1999-03-03 Thread Pere Camps

Does anyone know how to make smail put your local time in the
emails and not the GMT time plus your time. For example, to put 22:00 CET
and not 23:00 GMT-1.

Thanks in advance for your help!

-- p.

RE: module errors

1999-03-03 Thread Pollywog

On 03-Mar-99 Shaleh wrote:
 On 03-Mar-99 Pollywog wrote:
 I have Debian 2.0 (Hamm) installed (2.0.35 kernel) and I have one small
 problem that might not really be a problem.  If I reboot the machine, I get
 several errors about not finding modules, yet everything (including IP
 Masquerade) is working.  Why do I see these errors?  I would copy the
 if I could catch them, but they go by too fast and I don't see them with
 Something about char-major or net-pf?

I don't believe I saw anything like that.  The errors are about modules such
as IP forwarding, the modules I installed when I recompiled the kernel.
I believe another error is about SLIP or PPP but both seem to work.


NFS problems making system unusable

1999-03-03 Thread M.C. Vernon
I have sunsite mounted via nfs on

I've lost the connection to sunsite (network problems elsewhere in the
university), but whenever mcv21 tries to do anything that involves running
a shell, I just get the error

nfs: task 358 the number varies can't get a request slot

and the thing just hangs: root can call up shells fine tho. The load is
steadily rising as well. It's now about 8 :(. Any ideas? will unmounting
/sunsite do anything, or will I just get a /sunsite: device busy message?


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: PINE permission...

1999-03-03 Thread Richard Lyon
 Hey!  UW has given me permission to distribute PINE.  COOL.

You sure are a dedicated dude. I am getting sick of exmh, so I think I switch 
back to pine.

Re: Xfig question

1999-03-03 Thread Richard Lyon
 I am forced to use a lo-res X server (basically, a VGA server with
 16 colours). Recently, I have had need to use xfig.The problem is that
 xfig enjoys using hi reesolution servers, and I am left with only a handful
 of icons on the left hand side toolbar, and none underneath. I have been
 trying to fiddle around with .Xdefaults, and the --geometry tag, but to no
 avail. Any ideas?

I think the minimum screen size for the default xfig is 800x600. If you look 
at the xfig man pages you will find some options like -but_per_row , -pwidth 
and -pheight which are used for small screens. You should never use -geometry 
as it screws up some of the dialog windows.

Re: Big HD problems - How stuffed am I?

1999-03-03 Thread Richard Lyon
 I've also been having problems with a Quantum... this one is detected
 as Quantum BIGFOOT_CY4320A.  It was first installed as a Win95 drive.
 Wasn't long before Windows started detecting errors at the beginning
 of the drive, and it finally became unusable.  I'm using it for linux
 now.  When I partitioned it, I created a junk partition of 100M at the
 beginning (where the errors were occuring), then created a 500M root
 partition after that.  Then I deleted the first partition and created
 the remaining ones after the root.  This left 100M unused.  I still
 get error messages, occasionally, but it doesn't seem to be getting
 any worse.

I have had a quantum go down recently. After my experiences I recommend 
ditching the drive as soon as these problems appear. Things will only get 

The local supplier mentioned that this appears to be a batch quality issue. 
Some batch shipments from quantum have a 100% failure rate over 12 months, 
whereas others are fine. Providing the drive is not too old you can put in a 
warranty claim with quantum.

Yours in common grief 

Further problems

1999-03-03 Thread M.C. Vernon
the nfs server continues not to respond, still causing the same problems.
Trying to umount /sunsite gets:
Cannot MOUNTPROG RPC: RPC: Port mapper failure - RPC: Timed out
umount: /sunsite: device is busy

The kernel logs also contain:
nfs_revalidate_inode:  /// getattr failed, ino=2, error=-512

Is this a kernel bug? surely a dead nfs server shouldn't cause such


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

RE: 1 more Digital Unix question

1999-03-03 Thread Brian Morgan
Our users are using newest version of Outlook 98 and netscape mail on win95
/ 98 stations.  Thanks.

 -Original Message-
 From: Aras Paskus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 1999 2:14 PM
 To: Brian Morgan
 Cc: Debian User Group; recipient list not shown:
 Subject: Re: 1 more Digital Unix question


   I work at an ISP and I've noticed that older Microsoft mail programs
 (Internet Mail, Exchange, etc.) crap out on certian messages (usually ones
 with incorrectly formatted headers).

 hope that helps,


 There are no absolutes to human misery,
things CAN get worse.  -Art Bergmann

 On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Brian Morgan wrote:

  Thanks to all who helped me with the pine FOLDER INTERNAL
 DATA issue.  Got
  that taken care of.
  1 more question that doesn't necessarily directly relate to Debian:
  POP users on our Digital Unix system (on an Alpha box) often
 have trouble
  receiving attachments.  If an attachment appears in certain users' email
  boxes, they simply aren't able to retrieve any mail whatsoever.  Their
  systems will just hang and not get past the message with the attachment.
  However, using a telnet mail program (like pine) is able to access the
  messages just fine, delete the attachment, and then allow the
 user to once
  again retrieve mail with their POP client.
  Any suggestions that might help allow users to retrieve these
  thanks in advance,
  Brian Morgan
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: module errors

1999-03-03 Thread Sarel Botha
On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Pollywog wrote:
 I don't believe I saw anything like that.  The errors are about modules such
 as IP forwarding, the modules I installed when I recompiled the kernel.
 I believe another error is about SLIP or PPP but both seem to work.

If you compile something into the kernel that could also have been
compiled as a module and then try to load that module, you get an error
message. Just edit /etc/modules and remove the modules you don't want to
be loaded.

Sarel Botha

Re: PINE permission...

1999-03-03 Thread Sarel Botha
  Hey!  UW has given me permission to distribute PINE.  COOL.

So Pine will be included in the Debian distro now? *excited look*

btw, i usually got pine from but it refuses ftp connects
now, can someone tell me where i can find it please?

Sarel botha

netbase bug?

1999-03-03 Thread Ian Keith Setford

Can someone try to duplicate this problem please?

I have 2 Debian boxes with 3c905b NICs.  Both are running 2.2.2 but with
netbase 3.1-1.21 the ip-aliasing stuff works, as in the ip alias is
created but ifconfig will not show the alias unless you call it explicitly
with the interface name.

When netbase 3.12-2.1 is installed this behavior is gone and the ifconfig
command shows all ip-aliased interfaces when called without flags.

I checked the bug database and didn't see a report related to this so I'm
wondering if the maintainer caught it and didn't file a report or if I am
missing something.

Either way, why hasn't a patched version (i.e 3.12-2.1) of netbase been
moved to the stable/frozen/slink tree?



PGP = F2 92 50 E3 CD D7 A2 D9  C4 CE 08 A6 98 E0 0F 58

Linux CDROM problems

1999-03-03 Thread Sarah Iain

I am running Debian 2.0 and am expriencing problems 
with my CDROM. Previously all was going well and I could add packages via the 
2.0 CD, however recently my CD player has been giving problems (when I power up 
the active light is flashing constantly and never stops).
When I boot into debian the kernel finds that the 
device is not ready with error (I've appended the 
dmesg report below) 

hdb: no response (status = 0x90)Is there any way in which I can 
manually reset the CD drive from the prompt, because dselect tells me that hdb 
is not a valid block device.

I have a Samsung CDROM which is normally on 
/dev/hdb - the active light flashes from the moment I power on - could this be a 
problem with the BIOS settings? I unfortunately lost (i.e. wasn't clever enough 
to write down) the BIOS settings I had when the CD was working. I believe this 
may be the case since I am now having similar problems under Windows 

Many thanks,

Dr Iain Scott,

Description: Binary data

Re: fig2dev (fig - gif)

1999-03-03 Thread Richard Lyon
 I'm trying to use fig2dev to convert fig format images into gifs, but I
 keep getting empty gif files.

Your right! It's actually the transfig package as a whole which appears to 
have no support for the generation of gif.

If you look at the source code you will find there is support for reading 
gifs, but none for generating them. gif is a proprietry non-free format. You 
have to pay a license fee if you want to distribute applications which 
generate gifs. You can however distribute code which reads gifs for free.

The alternatives are to use png or jpeg formats.

I can't remember all the details, but all of this is due to some rather famous 
legal moves initiated a few years ago by a large US corporation. The PNG 
format was developed as a direct response. By not using gifs you are 
indirectly promoting the use of open standards/protocols/formats.

Some others may have a clearer recollection of the details.

Regards ...

Maximal Mount Check

1999-03-03 Thread homega
I know a maximal mount check is a normal system check but, is there any
percentage of non-contiguous files worrying?  Last check I had 1.0% on / and
/opt, and 7.3% on /home.



Re: Debian and Redhat - are most linux users missing the point?

1999-03-03 Thread Ed Cogburn
Frankie wrote:
  You are perhaps referring the Linux Standard Base that RH and
  Deb have, for the moment, agreed to?  The problem is that the
  greater RH's dominance becomes, the greater the chance that they
  will no longer see this kind of cooperation as desirable, and in
  effect decide on their own that RH *is* the Linux Standard
  Base.  If they don't try too hard too quickly, then I fear they
  just might get away with it.
 This is exactly what I meant in my original post, when I asked if redhat
 were the next MS.
 The thing that worried me most about the poll I saw, was that there was
 only one major distro, and such a huge gap between the others:
 If all of the distros are growing at a rate of, say, 30%, then where
 does that leave us in 1 years time?
 the bigger get bigger and the smaller get smaller, relatively.
 That is, debian has to grow at 130% just to stay in the same league as
 This is, perhaps, an inherent flaw of capitalism, although lets not go
 into that.
 With MS, once they were the biggest, (corporation/market share/whatever)
 it became very hard for them to be knocked. They always had the
 upperhand against any of their competitors. (Plus they may (pending
 result of US suit against MS) have been prepared to play dirty)
 Thus Redhat, being 3 times as large as debian will be able to push
 debian aside if it desires, or to impose conditions on debian if it
 decides to do so.
 At the moment that seems impossible, and I think it is, but as linux
 stops being a geeky sideline OS (as is happening at the moment), but
 becomes a serious player, both in the server and desktop markets, then
 linux will be mainstream, and then there will be no more friendly
 cooperation between the distros.
 This is why debian needs to expand its user base, apart from anything

We're in agreement, although I'm more pessimistic about Linux's
chances in the desktop market.

The problem is how can Debian grow its user base any faster? 
Debian is not a commercial company that defines its success by its
market share.  Even if Debian had the money to spend on
advertising, I'm willing to bet there will be a significant number
of developers who would consider paying for advertising as a waste
of money.
Like George Bonser has said previously, I think the only way that
Debian is going to grow its market share better than its currently
growing is for the creation of a commercial company which adopts
Debian as its base distribution.  This company can provide
corporate support to enhance Debian's position in the corporate
world, and improve the install and maintenance of the system, by
adding new software which isn't a priority for current Debian
When potential customers discover Debian is purely a volunteer
effort, they will assume that Debian is some kind of slap-dash,
low quality product.  Most of these companies will want a
distribution that has corporate support available for it. 
Unfortunately, I don't see any improvement of the situation,
unless such a commercial company actually gets established.

Ed C.

Re: PINE permission...

1999-03-03 Thread Paul Nathan Puri

When I can get around to getting UW to extend distribution permission to, it will likely be available in non-free.

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Sarel Botha wrote:

   Hey!  UW has given me permission to distribute PINE.  COOL.
 So Pine will be included in the Debian distro now? *excited look*
 btw, i usually got pine from but it refuses ftp connects
 now, can someone tell me where i can find it please?
 Sarel botha


1999-03-03 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I can't wait, I can't wait

please, someone tell me they'll be out any time...

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

Re: root doesn't have permission?

1999-03-03 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
Person, Roderick [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What would cause root not to have permission to delete a file,
 directory or symlinks.  Is there anyway to correct this problem.
 I've tried chown and chmod and everthing I can think of.

Checkout lsattr and chattr (ext2fs), especially the immutable bit.
Also check if the directory is on a NFS mounted partition mounted with
root_squash option.



Re: Debian and Redhat - are most linux users missing the point?

1999-03-03 Thread mike shupp
On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:

   Like George Bonser has said previously, I think the only way that
 Debian is going to grow its market share better than its currently
 growing is for the creation of a commercial company which adopts
 Debian as its base distribution.  This company can provide
 corporate support to enhance Debian's position in the corporate
 world, and improve the install and maintenance of the system, by
 adding new software which isn't a priority for current Debian

I dunno.  There's a lot of people who would like to find out about
Linux, but aren't prepared to bet the whole farm on it sight unseen.
They'll pay say 1100 bucks for a white box PII machine with Windows 98
installed without a qualm however (I did anyhow a couple months ago).
Would they demur at paying say 1115 dollars for the same machine with
Win 98 on one partition and Debian on another?  Of course not-- and
some dealers would even think WINDOWS AND LINUX!!! worthy of

I don't see any great problem getting Debian onto a million new boxes,
in other words, if someone takes the trouble to assure PC sellers
that installing Debian is simple and easy and exceptionally cheap.
There'd be a potential problem dealing with newby customers who had
Debian on their systems and weren't quite hip on the subject of
Linux, but that's another issue.

   Mike Shupp
   California State University, Northridge
   Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology

Re: Trouble updating (trashed my X setup)

1999-03-03 Thread Branden Robinson
On Wed, Mar 03, 1999 at 06:00:10PM +0100, Peter Karlsson wrote:
 I was doing a apt-get dist-upgrade to update to the latest versions, when
 installing the xserver-common package didn't work. This has now trashed my
 X installation completely, so it doesn't work at all.
 This is what happens when I try to install it:
 # dpkg --install /tmp/xserver-common_3.3.2.3a-11.deb 
 (Reading database ... 54635 files and directories currently installed.)
 Preparing to replace xserver-common (using 
 .../xserver-common_3.3.2.3a-11.deb) ...
 Unpacking replacement xserver-common ...
 Segmentation Fault

Urp.  This looks a lot like dpkg bug #30090.

Just for grins, I note you're in .se.  Do you happen to have the LANG or
any of the LC_* variables set?  If so, try unsetting them and PLEASE let 
me know if that fixes the problem or changes nothing.

I suspect it won't, though.  The next thing to do is try the --debug option
to dpkg, and/or use strace to find out exactly where this problem is

If we can track down this awful bug, maybe Ian Jackson (dpkg author) can
fix it.

G. Branden Robinson  |   America is at that awkward stage.  It's
Debian GNU/Linux |   too late to work within the system, but
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   too early to shoot the bastards. |   --Claire Wolfe

Description: PGP signature

RE: XFree with S3 Trio3D AGP?

1999-03-03 Thread Corey Ralph
Thanks for your help, I am going to set that up.  I have the 2.2 kernel
compiled and about to go, and I have downloaded the XF_FBDev.  Next thing is
how do I configure it?  XF86Setup doesn't seem to have the FB listed in the
drivers.  Do I need to edit XF86Config manually?  Can you send me an



 -Original Message-
 From: Bernhard Dobbels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 04, 1999 3:28 AM
 To: Corey Ralph
 Subject: Re: XFree with S3 Trio3D AGP?

 On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Corey Ralph wrote:

 |I have been trying to get XFree86 to work with a Trio3d AGP card, and it
 |doesn't seem to be supported.

 indeed, it isn't

 |Somebody sent me a link to an update for red hat to support it,
 but I would
 |prefer to stick with Debian.

 no, redhat doesn't support.

 |I am using Debian 2.0 I have upgraded to the XFree86 from slink, and have
 |download the S3 server from, but it doesn't seem to
 |Any ideas?

 Oh, yes, i have it too and it works good in 1024x768 and 32 bit color.
 But, you have to upgrade to kernel 2.2.x and use the framebuffer device.
 This gives you that nice little pinguin at boottime ;-)
 you can find all necessary info in the source docs:
 linux/Documentation/fb/framebuffer.txt and

 Than you can use X with XF86_FBDev X-server. I'v read in dejanews that
 some others have it running also.
 There's also a howto somewhere on the net, but i lost the bookmark :-(

 It's just a pity that those framebuffers don't work with frequency's above

 Bernhard Dobbels  Student Electronic Engineer
   option Automation and Computersystems.
 ICQ: 25783372

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