Re: Impresora HP Deskjet 710C

1999-03-06 Thread Óscar Cotés Rodriguez

Angel Barrio wrote:


 Mi pregunta es muy sencilla. No consigo hacer funcionar esa impresora 
 linux. El problema es que las distribuciones que yo tengo no tienen soporte
 para ella. He probado a configurar otras impresoras y no he tenido
 problema, conseguí impromir con ellas. Para esta he probado los drivers de
 la serie 600 de HP y no van.

 ¿Sabe alguien dónde puedo conseguir el soporte para linux de esta
 impresora? ¿O me lo puede enviar alguien?

 Muchas Gracias.

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

A mi me pasó lo mismo con mi HP 720 y tras mucho buscar encontré una página 
en la que
alguien desarrollo un driver, (un filtro mejor dicho), aunque sólo funciona en 
negro puede que
algún día soporte el color, creo que también funciona para la 710 estoi casi 
seguro la página

Además he oído noticias de que HP pretende portar todo su software a linux 
con un poco de

Oscar Cortés OCR
A Coruña / España

Problemas montando la disquetera.

1999-03-06 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas

pues resulata  que tengo  problemas para escribir  montando la
disquetera como  usuario normal. En  el `/etc/fstab'  tengo la

/dev/fd0/alnx   ext2rw,noauto,user  0   0

y los permisos del directorio `/alnx' antes de montarlo son:

drwxrwsr-x   2 root floppy   1024 ene 20 19:04 /alnx

pero lo monto como usuario normal (y como root pasa igual) y:

$ mount /alnx

$ ls -ld /alnx

drwxr-xr-x   3 root root 1024 mar  5 13:32 /alnx

y lógicamente no puedo crear subdirectorios y demás.

¿ Hago algo mal ? ¿ Qué hay que modificar ?

Pero...  ahora que  me doy  cuenta, las  fechas son  totalente
diferentes... lo que me hace  pensar que los permisos están en
el disco que montas y no en el directorio, ¿ me equivoco ?

Entonces  la  pregunta  es  ¿  Cómo  formateo  (mkfs.ext2)  el
disquete para  conseguir los permisos  que me interesan  en el
directorio `/alnx' ?


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario] Software Foundation  Documentación en Castellano

Re: Debian 2.1

1999-03-06 Thread Sergio Rael Gutierrez
El jueves 04 de marzo, Hue-Bond escribió:

  Yo lo tengo así:
 # locale
  Y el dpkg no falla.

Me parece que repetir eso en cada locale es redundante.
Yo lo tengo así:


Y el dpkg tampoco me ha fallado nunca (lo uso muy a menudo) y me «habla» en
francés, bastante bien por cierto :-)


Sergio Rael Gutiérrez [ PGP key ID:0x3D526CBD ]

El momento de descansar es cuando no se tiene tiempo para ello.
  -Sydney Harris

Re: Concatenar al final de un fichero

1999-03-06 Thread Antonio Castro
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:

 On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:
 On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:
   Bash (por  lo menos) cuando ve  el carácter '', se  encarga de
   abrir el archivo y  borrar todo lo que hay, así  que no se llenaría
   el disco, simplemente se perdería el contenido de file3.
 Un fichero abierto para lectura puede ser borrado sin que afecte en
 lo más mínimo al proceso que lo tiene abierto.
  Conviene matizar  el significado de  borrar. Yo me  refería a
  borrar el contenido del archivo, no el archivo en sí mismo.
 Parece extraño pero es
 así (pruebalo).
  Pues no  sé no sé.  Copié ~/Mail/bugtraq a  ~/Mail/bugtrack, lo
  abrí con el pine, leí un par de mensajes, borré el archivo con rm y
  pude leer otro par de mensajes.  Me fui a /proc/pine_pid/fd/ y vi
  que no había ningún descriptor abierto para bugtrack (tampoco sé si
  lo hay en  condiciones normales). Volví a la consola  del pine y ya
  no pude leer más artículos.
  Probé también con  borrar parte de bugtrack con el  joe, y pine
  lo detectó (File shrank from xx to yy bytes, closing!).

Bueno esto es una cosa general de todos lo unix. En Linux no lo había
comprobado hasta hoy.

La prueba que tu has realizado no es la mejor porque no sabemos si esos
programas van abriendo y cerrando los ficheros según los usan, y además
puede haber diferencias si abres en modo solo lectura o en modo lectura

He realizado una pruebecita que si funciona. Es muy sencilla pruebala.

Utilizo dos sesiones.

En la sesion 1 hago:
yes  /tmp/kk

Espero un tiempo prudencial para que me vaya metiendo en ese fichero
cantidad de lineas.  Interrumpo con Ctrl-C.
A mi en unos 20 segundos me ha metido unos 70Mbytes.

Ahora hago less /tmp/kk.
Esta claro que less no lee todo el fichero. Lo deja abierto despues de
leer la primera página.

Desde la sesion 2 hago:

wc /tmp/kk

Después de un ratito me informa que tiene 34.416.640 lineas.
Lo borro y compruebo que ya no esta.

rm /tmp/kk
ll /tmp/kk

Vuelvo a la primera sesión donde less lo tiene atrapado y hago
Ctrl-G. Less se queda un ratito leyendo ese fichero que ahora mismo 
está en el limbo para calcular el numero de total de lineas obteniendo 
la cifra correta de lineas que ya he mencionado.

 En el momento que el proceso cierre el fichero el kernel 
 liberará el espacio de disco.
  Pues yo creo que el archivo desapareció tan pronto lo borré yo,
  sin esperar a cerrar el mailbox en pine.
  ¿Quizá estamos hablando de cosas distintas?

No es que tu prueba no es la mejor para ver eso.

 La terminacion de la lectura depende del momemto en el que se encuentre
 el fin de fichero y si el fichero que coincide con la salida es el último
 de una lista de ellos cuando empiece a leerlo no estaría vacio.
  Creo que lo pillo tras leer 5 veces   :-)
 cat file200Mbytes file5bytes  file5bytes
  Esto resultaría en un file5bytes de  400 Mb, no? Y además, como
  digo en  mi anterior post,  el contenido de file5bytes  original se
  M, 400 Mb o infinito...

Bueno cuando empieze a leer el file5bytes ya tiene 400 pero cuando lea los
400 le quedará otros 400 y asi siempre. Tu fijaté en el comportamiento de 
tail -f fichero. Cuando empieza a leerlo tiene un tamaño y cuando llega
al final no termina. Se queda esperando haciendo sucesivas lecturas
para detectar mas lineas cuando el fichero crezca. Los programas 
normales terminan porque lo normal es cerrar cuando encuentras el fin
del fichero pero si llegas al final y no cierras puedes seguir leyendo
cuando alguien añada informacion al fichero. El cat jamás alcanzaría
el final del fichero por eso sería infinito.

Mm eso creo.   :-)


 Linux, como su propio nombre indica, es *el* sistema operativo. (Barbwired)
 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
 PGP Public key at

En caso de contestar a la lista mandame copia personal.

/\ /\  Los mas importantes desarrolladores de Bases de datos 
  \\W//están portando sus productos a Linux. Porque crees tu
 _|0 0|_   que será ?Yo creo que Linux es el futuro.
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Re: Problemas con el correo de Netscape

1999-03-06 Thread Vicen
Angel Barrio escribió:

 La bandeja de entrada predeterminada no existe. ¡No puede recibir
 ¿Sabe alguien qué es lo que sucede? ¿Cómo puedo arreglarlo?.
 Muchas gracias, aunque solo sea por leer el mensaje.

Actualiza la versión del archivo de castellanización que tienes por la
más reciente ya que ese era un problema de la primera versión ya
corregido en las siguientes.

Kernel 2.0.36 - Debian - LINUX User Reg: 90136
Albacete - ES

Re: Problemas montando la disquetera.

1999-03-06 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez
Hola :

 pues resulata  que tengo  problemas para escribir  montando la
 disquetera como  usuario normal. En  el `/etc/fstab'  tengo la
 /dev/fd0  /alnx   ext2rw,noauto,user  0   0
 y los permisos del directorio `/alnx' antes de montarlo son:
 drwxrwsr-x   2 root floppy   1024 ene 20 19:04 /alnx
 pero lo monto como usuario normal (y como root pasa igual) y:
 $ mount /alnx
 $ ls -ld /alnx
 drwxr-xr-x   3 root root 1024 mar  5 13:32 /alnx
 y lógicamente no puedo crear subdirectorios y demás.
 ¿ Hago algo mal ? ¿ Qué hay que modificar ?
 Pero...  ahora que  me doy  cuenta, las  fechas son  totalente
 diferentes... lo que me hace  pensar que los permisos están en
 el disco que montas y no en el directorio, ¿ me equivoco ?
En ninguno, los permisos son determinados apartir del dispositivo y de las 
opciones de montado.(/dev/fd0).

LNQRNMR2:~ ls -ld /floppy/a
drwxrwsrwx   2 root floppy   1024 Mar 26  1998 /floppy/a/
LNQRNMR2:~ mount /floppy/a
LNQRNMR2:~ ls -ld /floppy/a
drwxr-xr-x  12 hernan   hernan   7168 Dec 31  1969 /floppy/a/
LNQRNMR2:~ ls -l /dev/fd0
brw-rw   1 root floppy 2,   0 Jan 18  1997 /dev/fd0

En /etc/fstab tengo.

/dev/fd0  /floppy/aautodefaults,noauto,user,check=s,noexec  0  2

Ademas hay tener en cuenta que el usuario hernan esta en el grupo floppy.

 Entonces  la  pregunta  es  ¿  Cómo  formateo  (mkfs.ext2)  el
 disquete para  conseguir los permisos  que me interesan  en el
 directorio `/alnx' ?
Lo que puedes hacer es usar la opción suid , segun el manual :

suid   Permitir el efecto de los bits SUID y  SGID.

o la opción umask (discutido hace algun tiempo en esta misma lista):

  Establece la umask (la máscara de bits de los  per­
  misos que no están presentes). El valor predetermi­
  nado es el de la umask del  proceso  en  curso.  El
  valor se da en octal.

Si usas el mkfs.ext2 crearas un disco con un formato ext2, que solo podera sera 
leido en sistemas linux.


   Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
   Instituto de Física da USP
   e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   homepage :

Re: LiNUX en la calle ???

1999-03-06 Thread Juanmi Mora

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, J.E. Marchesi wrote:

   - Se discute en la comunidad de vecinos la compra de un ordenador para 
   - El jefe se queja de que la red ya se ha caido ocho veces en lo que va 
   - Que en el barrio nadie ha oido hablar de LiNUX ni de nada semejante 

No es fácil esto que propones, quieres llevar un Unix a la gente de la calle
cuando no se ha conseguido que llegue a la comunidad de informáticos
profesionales si vale, lo conocen algunos, otros han hecho cuatro
prácticas para aprobar... y no quieren ni oir hablar de él...

La verdad, no seré yo quien vaya aconsejando a los amigos que se instalen un
Linux... quiero tener tiempo para seguir viviendo :-)


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

Re: LiNUX en la calle ???

1999-03-06 Thread Juanmi Mora
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Fernando wrote:

 Cada vez menos, Ultimamente se oye hablar de linux por todas partes.

Sí esto está muy bien, pero dile a un grupo de tios que se pueden dejar una
pasta gansa, que se esperen al Lunes que sale la PC Actual con la Red Hat por
695 pelas y que les vas a solucionar el problema de PM. Ese es el problema.

 Como todo sistema complejo, no siempre es posible hacer las cosas muy 
 amigables, porque no se trata solo de hacer un programita con unos menus 
 o unas casillas de seleccion, se trata de saber lo que se hace.
 Realmente lo que hace a un sistema amigable es una buena documentacion,
 y linux tiene una de las mejores.

La gente que no viene de mundillos Unix, aunque trabajen en esto, tienen
muchos problemas para tener Linux... incluso con la documentación existente.

Creo que Linux es una gran solución para muchas cosas, vamos creo que para
cualquier cosa, pero también creo que la gente no está por quebrarse mucho la
cabeza pensando en el OS con el que trabaja. Los usuarios no les importa que
las cosas peten y vayan como van.

Podemos seguir en la QMD.


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm


1999-03-06 Thread Lluís

Hola como he visto que hablais del uso de linux, en la pàgina personal
de uno de mis profesores de la udl, he encontrado este documento que
creo es muy interesante sobre una comparativa entre unix y w'nt.

A ver que os parece.

Get your free address at

Re: Accesos al tcplogd

1999-03-06 Thread Hue-Bond
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Mar  5 13:20:24 lbt3 tcplogd: port 1173 connection attempt from

 Los puertos que mencionas son  temporales y no tienen servicios
 estándar asignados.  Por ejemplo, los  DCC Chat y Send  van siempre
 por este rango, que suele ser del 1024 al 5000.

Mar  5 13:20:24 lbt3 icmplogd: destination unreachable from []

 Lo que ya no entiendo es esto.

 Yo no me preocuparía mucho.

Cesar Talon email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux, como su propio nombre indica, es *el* sistema operativo. (Barbwired)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at

Re: Debian 2.1

1999-03-06 Thread Hue-Bond
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Enrique Zanardi wrote:

On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 03:17:01PM +, Hue-Bond wrote:
  Y el dpkg no falla.

¿Qué versión del dpkg? ¿Y el dpkg-dev?

 Las de la Hamm, dpkg- y dpkg-dev-

 Ayer mismo  quité el  mutt y  puse el  mutt-i, y  funcionó todo

Enrique Zanardi   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux, como su propio nombre indica, es *el* sistema operativo. (Barbwired)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at

Re: Firma electronica en debian

1999-03-06 Thread Hue-Bond
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

pgp, del que hay dos versiones, 2.6.3i y 5.0i.  También está gnupg, pero en
versión de desarrollo.

 Cuidao,  porque  algunos  mensajes  generados  con  PGP  5  son
 incompatibles con  PGP 2.  Creo que  tiene que ver  con el  tipo de
 claves o cosas así (DSS, RSA...). En este tema ando algo perdido.

Linux, como su propio nombre indica, es *el* sistema operativo. (Barbwired)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at

RE: modems

1999-03-06 Thread Hue-Bond
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Vázquez, Gustavo wrote:

Es mas barato un no-modem?


Lo voy a usar en casa?

 Dado que posteas  en esta lista, asumiré que  tienes Debian. No
 podrás usarlo en casa.

Transmite datos?

 Bajo Debian (bajo cualquier cosa que no sea w95), no.

Puedo entrar a Internet? Puedo bajar correo?


 ¿Sigues queriendo dos?

Linux, como su propio nombre indica, es *el* sistema operativo. (Barbwired)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at


1999-03-06 Thread Andres Herrera

On Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 08:08:40AM -0800, Lluís Palomes wrote:
 Hola como he visto que hablais del uso de linux, en la pàgina personal
 de uno de mis profesores de la udl, he encontrado este documento que
 creo es muy interesante sobre una comparativa entre unix y w'nt.
 A ver que os parece.

Algo breve, ¿no?

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.0.36 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain
 Grupo LIMA (Asociacion de Usuarios de Linux de Malaga)

Re: Netscape y rendimiento

1999-03-06 Thread Hue-Bond
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Antonio Castro wrote:
  Pero esto también mata a los que estén funcionando normalmente.

El srcipt no detecta
los navegadores colgados cuyo usuario continua en linea quizas con un
montón de navegadores más colgados.

 Se me ha ocurrido una idea que, sin dejar de ser mala, creo que
 es  bastante  mejor. Resulta  que  un  usuario puede  tener  varias
 ventanas abiertas, pero el proceso netscape sólo es uno. Así, si un
 usuario tiene  varios netscape's abiertos,  es posible que  los que
 tengan PID más bajo, no estén siendo usados = estén colgados. Basta
 con matar todos excepto el del PID más alto de cada usuario.

 El problema  está en cuando  el PID llega  al tope y  por tanto
 vuelve a empezar.

Linux, como su propio nombre indica, es *el* sistema operativo. (Barbwired)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.2
PGP Public key at

Mudança de E-Mail de Envio de Mensagens

1999-03-06 Thread Gleydson
 Venho comunicar a lista a mudança de meu E-Mail de envio de mensagens
para [EMAIL PROTECTED] As mensagens podem continuar ser enviadas
[EMAIL PROTECTED] que serão redirecionadas para o novo endereço.



Re: dselect handling stable AND unstable [was Re: forcing dselect to downgrade]

1999-03-06 Thread Ed Cogburn
Rick Macdonald wrote:
 George Bonser wrote:
  On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Rick Macdonald wrote:
   This is something that I've always wondered about. Can you actually tell
   dselect about both stable and unstable at the same time? I've always
   been afraid to do that.
  Yes, you can do that. Just make sure you go in the order of most stable to
  least stable. In other words, define stable first then unstable.
 So what does it look like in dselect?
 Right now, with stable, contrib, non-free and non-US, I see, for
 --- available packages in section net ---
 --- available packages in section non-free/net ---
 --- available packages in section non-US/net ---
 --- available packages in section contrib/net ---
 Does it merge stable and unstable and just show the newest version of
 each package, or keep them separate so I can choose?

When using *apt*, it will merge all the info from all the sources
you specify in /etc/apt/sources.list.  It will pick the latest
versions and remove duplicates automatically (then pass the list
to dselect for display), so I don't believe users can control this
process.  Its a good idea though, because I've often wanted to
know whether the package I'm looking at in dselect's display is
from stable, or unstable.

Ed C.

Re: Debian and Redhat - are most linux users missing the point?

1999-03-06 Thread mike shupp
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Frankie wrote:

   ) Obviously recommending debian to colleagues/associates/friends
   ) sticking a debian logo on your website
   ) pestering major sites to display a debian logo
   ) Making sure that articles are written for stuff like
 slashdot/32bitsonline etc that mention debian.

This is reasonable.

  When potential customers discover Debian is purely a volunteer
  effort, they will assume that Debian is some kind of slap-dash,
  low quality product.  Most of these companies will want a
  distribution that has corporate support available for it.
  Unfortunately, I don't see any improvement of the situation,
  unless such a commercial company actually gets established.
 Valid point - couldn't the volunteer nature be made into a positive
 thing? Like that the people who work on debian are every bit as
 qualified, but WANT TO.

This isn't.  Why should we agonize over explaining to 
coroporations that Debian is a volunteer effort but
really it's all right and doesn't hurt anything, when
GNU, Gnome, X, etc. are also largely volunteer programs?
And for that matter, DJGPP, Nethack, a half dozen
compilers and assemblers running in MS-DOS, all of 
DECUS, most standards setting efforts, and probably a 
whole lot more. 

There's a name for societies so dominated by material
concerns that all issues must be economic ones: savagery.
And a name for societies which have solved their 
immediate need for sustenance and allow portions of
their populations to strive toward transcendent goals:
Civilization.  Debian wouldn't be possible if we
weren't part of civilization; its existence is one of the
thing historians a thousand years from now will take into
account when appraising our culture.  

So why apologize?
   Mike Shupp
   California State University, Northridge
   Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology

Re: how do i get a copy of the linux image kernel.

1999-03-06 Thread servis
*- On  5 Mar, pplaw wrote about how do i get a copy of the linux image kernel.
 from the direct links in the, install file, i've downloaded
 all of the install files except the linux image kernel file.   when i
 click on the link, the browser tries to open the file (instead of
 allowing me to save it to a disk).

It just means that your browser doesn't know how to handle the file type
correctly and is loading it by default.  Depending on your browser that
you are using you can shift-click on the file or right click and select
'Save link as..'.  

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Compiling Problem Lists

1999-03-06 Thread servis
*- On  6 Mar, Peter Ludwig wrote about Compiling Problem Lists
 Well, I've been reading through all the messages here for the last 2-3
 weeks, and I've decided that perhaps we would be better off adding into
 the basic Debian documentation a listing of normal errors and their fixes.
 I'm willing to get in and compile all of these if people want to help me
 out with this (unless it has already been done, and if so where is it?).
 I've so far got around a list of 30-40 questions (which are fully answered
 their's another list of 10-20 which are not fully answered, but I might be
 able to fill in the blanks).
 I would like to compile a basic FAQ file for the Debian Linux
 Newbie-Intermediate questions.  We would then be able to point all the
 basic questions to the FAQ file, and say It's ALL there just to make it
 If anyone wishes to contribute to the listing I've started, please email
 me directly (and if you have a list of questions, or Question/Answer
 pairs), please send them as a file attachment, as I might just be able to
 answer the questions straight away, and the question/answer pairs can go
 straight into the list).
   Peter Ludwig

There is the FAQ-O-MATIC at which is
supposed to be a user supplied QA type of deal.  It is not very well
advertised so not much info is there.  Other info and FAQ's can be
found at

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

1999-03-06 Thread Richard Lyon
 Don't even think Linus should BE the person of the century. That honor
 probably goes to Thomas Edison. We owe our current culture and style of
 living to that guy. His experiments with his lightbulb led to the
 discovery of the Edison effect which led DeForest to do some more
 experiments which led to the Vacuum Tube which led to the Transistor,
 which lead to the IC Chip.  Not only was Edison's work responsible for
 laying the ground work for radio and television, he also played vital
 roles in bringing motion pictures and recorded music to the public.

Nope I don't think I will vote for any person on the basis of scientific or 
technical merit. A more global view is required.

Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

1999-03-06 Thread Richard Lyon
 Oh, goodie!  A religious discussion!

OK I'm voting for Adam. Without him we all would be dust.

(1) xcircuit's tutorial. (2) Adding more doc's to packages.

1999-03-06 Thread shaul
(1) Can a copy of
 be added to the xcircuit package ?

(2) There is a lot of info on the authors and others web sites that can help 
users. Further more, package developers are more aware to this info and its 
changes. There for, perhaps package developers should be encouraged to add a 
copy of selected portions of such web sites to their packages ?

Re: Is Linux addictive?

1999-03-06 Thread Richard Lyon
I think it is called sensory deprivation, ultimately leading to hallucinations.

Re: (1) xcircuit's tutorial. (2) Adding more doc's to packages.

1999-03-06 Thread Dale Scheetz
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, shaul wrote:

 (1) Can a copy of
  be added to the xcircuit package ?

I can certainly do that. I will also ask Tim if he will include it in the
next source release, so I don't have to add it every time.

Thanks for the suggestion.

 (2) There is a lot of info on the authors and others web sites that can help 
 users. Further more, package developers are more aware to this info and its 
 changes. There for, perhaps package developers should be encouraged to add a 
 copy of selected portions of such web sites to their packages ?
Encouragement never hurts ;-)

On the other hand, many developers, myself included, are not always as
aware of the changes to upstream source as some users are, so such
information is usually welcome even if it is already known.

Waiting is,

_-_-_-_-_-   Author of The Debian Linux User's Guide  _-_-_-_-_-_-

aka   Dale Scheetz   Phone:   1 (850) 656-9769
  Flexible Software  11000 McCrackin Road
  e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tallahassee, FL  32308

_-_-_-_-_-_- If you don't see what you want, just ask _-_-_-_-_-_-_-

Re: what's up with the Debian logo?

1999-03-06 Thread ktb
Check out Debian Weekly News,

That's all I know about it,

E.L. Meijer (Eric) wrote:

 Hi all,

 Does anyone know what is the status of the logo-contest?  I tried to
 send in submissions to last month, but my logos did not
 appear on the web site.  I heard from others that they had the same
 problem.  Is anyone taking care of this?  It seems to me it would have
 been nice to introduce slink with a shiny new logo.

 Eric Meijer

  E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: the g in libraries (was: where is xlib6g-dbg ?)

1999-03-06 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 11:13:30PM +0100, Josip Rodin wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 02:33:39PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
  Libraries that have packaged for the first time after the release of hamm
  typically do not have a libc5 compatibility version, and omit the g.
 This is the reason why I'm asking. The mentioned package is being built
 for the first time - so why are you including the 'g'?

If the soname changes, the g can be dropped. But if the soname is the
same, the g stays.


`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Problem loading sound driver in user accounts

1999-03-06 Thread Christian Dysthe
Hello Debian,

  I have installed support for my Soundblaster card and it works
  fine (kernel module).

  I like to install the driver on the different user accounts through
  the X init files. The command is: modprobe -a sound. This works
  fine when I am root. And also on user accounts if I change the
  permission for the sound driver file (sound.o) as root, but only
  until I reboot. After I have rebooted and try to load the driver
  after having logged in as a normal user I get the message that I do
  not have permission to load the module sound.o . I have to go the
  way though root to get it loaded after a reboot.

  I would really like to be able to load the driver for users that
  want sound through their X initialization, but I am not able to figure
  out how.



If everything is coming your way, you are probably
in the wrong lane

is postgresql free?

1999-03-06 Thread Eliezer Figueroa
can I have unlimited clients conected to postgresql with no licese 

Get Your Private, Free Email at

a howto of samba for beginers?

1999-03-06 Thread Eliezer Figueroa
I want a easy to undertand howto of samba. I plan to connect 25 win95 
to debian-samba but I am new using linux and samba. PLESE HELP!!!

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: how do i get a copy of the linux image kernel.

1999-03-06 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 3/5/99 5:45:28 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 from the direct links in the, install file, i've downloaded
  all of the install files except the linux image kernel file.   when i
  click on the link, the browser tries to open the file (instead of
  allowing me to save it to a disk).

Assuming your using Navigator - shift-click the link instead.

Re: how do i get a copy of the linux image kernel.

1999-03-06 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
If you are using Netscape, left-click on the link and highlight 'save link
as' then let the left-button go. It will prompt you to save the link.

If you are using lynx, highlight the link, then hit the [D] button.  I
will start downloading the link.

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, pplaw wrote:

 from the direct links in the, install file, i've downloaded
 all of the install files except the linux image kernel file.   when i
 click on the link, the browser tries to open the file (instead of
 allowing me to save it to a disk).
 should i just try to get the image kernel from a mirror site.  if so,
 what would be be the name of the file.
 thanks for any help/advice that can be given.
 bentley taylor,...seeking an alternative to windows 9x.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Network Problem

1999-03-06 Thread Michael Montz
I have a small network that looks like:

workstation running Linux and Win95 ethernet hub ethernet server
runing linux modem isp

The server runs ipmasquerade and works fine.  The problem is that
whenever I login to the server from the ws, no connection is made untill
the modem connects to the isp.

I first thought the problem had do do with loging in using the server
name,  but even if I use the ip address as in rlogin, same

Any suggestions on what causes this behavior.

Michael Montz

Re: Network Problem

1999-03-06 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 I have a small network that looks like:
 workstation running Linux and Win95 ethernet hub ethernet server
 runing linux modem isp
 The server runs ipmasquerade and works fine.  The problem is that
 whenever I login to the server from the ws, no connection is made untill
 the modem connects to the isp.
 I first thought the problem had do do with loging in using the server
 name,  but even if I use the ip address as in rlogin, same
 Any suggestions on what causes this behavior.

Just a guess.
rlogind requests the clients hostname from the source address
(see man rlogind).  If the client's hostname is not listed in
the /etc/hosts file, then it will try to get it from the default
nameserver, which I assume is on the other side of your modem at
the ISP.  The quick-fix is to add your Linux/Win95 client's hostname
as an entry in the /etc/hosts of the server, assuming that you don't
have any DNS servers running on your local network.



1999-03-06 Thread Andrei Ivanov
Ok, I'm writing a small script to do backups for me, and thinking which
dirs I need to back up.
So far:
/etc (full directory, with subdirs)
some of the users (I have one only, but just in case).
Any other suggestions?
I'd backup some of the config files from other packages, but in terms of
major things, am I missing anything?

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

Re: seriously hosed slink system

1999-03-06 Thread Paul Miller
Brian Morgan wrote:
 fstab looks like this:
 file system  mount point type options  dump pass
 /dev/hda2   / ext2   defaults, errors=remount-ro 0  1
 /dev/hda1   none  swap   sw  0  0
 proc/proc proc   defaults0  0
 But I don't think this is right. If I remember, I partitioned my drive like
 hda1 = swap
 hda2 = root
 hda3 = usr
 hda4 = var

You need to add the var and usr mount points to your fstab.

/dev/hda3   /usrext2defaults0   0
/dev/hda4   /varext2defaults0   0

Changing your IP would not affect this. The fstab is changed only by
physically editing it.

Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller

Re: Maximal Mount Check

1999-03-06 Thread Chuck Stickelman

 In a message dated 3/4/99 7:40:39 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The appear to be tools to `defrag' an ext2
partition, but I never saw any convincing reasons for using them.  They
may even be a risk to your data.
   I've tried the ext2 defrag program, and while it seems to work OK, I
   didn't see any noticable benefit from doing it, other than the fsck
   summary information looks better :-)

 So, defragging your disk isn't a normal Debian maintenance task?  Is this true
 for all you guys that have been running Debian forever?


I've been running Debian since before 0.91 and I've *never* defragged a drive.
I've got several systems running some at home, soem at the office, some at 
Not a one has ever been defragged.  And the last I looked, I don't think any of 
fragmentation over 10%.  Could be, but I've not been paying that much attention 
It truly doesn't seem like an issue on ext2 filesystems.


Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail:
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA

Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

1999-03-06 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 10:19:57PM +1100, Richard Lyon wrote:
 Nope I don't think I will vote for any person on the basis of scientific or 
 technical merit. A more global view is required.

I was thinking of RMS, too.

G. Branden Robinson  |   There is no gravity in space.
Debian GNU/Linux |   Then how could astronauts walk around
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   on the Moon? |   Because they were wearing heavy boots.

Description: PGP signature

Re: a howto of samba for beginers?

1999-03-06 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Eliezer Figueroa wrote:

 I want a easy to undertand howto of samba. I plan to connect 25 win95 
 to debian-samba but I am new using linux and samba. PLESE HELP!!!

I am just starting work on such a beast.  I should have some form of rough
draft by tuesday.  I'll point you at a URL when I have something
substantial, and I'd appreciate your input if you don't mind taking the


Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

1999-03-06 Thread Britton

 Don't even think Linus should BE the person of the century. That honor
 probably goes to Thomas Edison. We owe our current culture and style of

If you want to go with the guy who had the biggest slam-bang effect on
everything, it's either Oppenheimer or Truman.

 living to that guy. His experiments with his lightbulb led to the
 discovery of the Edison effect which led DeForest to do some more
 experiments which led to the Vacuum Tube which led to the Transistor,
 which lead to the IC Chip.  Not only was Edison's work responsible for
 laying the ground work for radio and television, he also played vital
 roles in bringing motion pictures and recorded music to the public.
 Linus Torvalds is probablt important but nowhere near THE most important.
 Lets try to keep some perspective.

I look at what Linus (leaving Stallman vs. Linus out for the moment) 
instigated (notice I don't say *did*, but instigation is what every
candidate gets credit for anyway) and I honestly feel that it is unique
and important, perhaps uniquely so.  GNU/Linux is far and away the largest
example of purely voluntary collaboration in the history of the planet. I
say 'purely voluntary' because the developers of GNU/Linux were not
starving, fighting for their lives, or trying to get ahead in the economic
rat race.  Their only motive was and is the creation of a superior system
for their own use.  This modus operandi of want -- voluntary unselfish
colaboration -- result without any other waste involved has proven
remarkably and hearteningly succesful. 

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Britton Kerin


1999-03-06 Thread Eric
How does one fix the problem of LILO saying:


when it boots and then just hanging there?  It's a pretty standard
system, /dev/hda1 is a 4 gig partition and /dev/hda2 is swap.  the
boot block is being installed.


Problem with PPP connection

1999-03-06 Thread Shawn Nguyen
I finally got PPP to work on prodigy, however, it only work at my 
workplace.  Apparently the modem I have at home doesn't work.  Does anyone 
know what the problem could be?  Do you think that V.90 modem could cause 
LCP packet to be sent in error?


Re: is postgresql free?

1999-03-06 Thread Oliver Elphick
Eliezer Figueroa wrote:
  can I have unlimited clients conected to postgresql with no licese 

Yes; postgresql is in the `main' section of the distribution, which
means it is DFSG-compliant.  All `main' and `contrib' packages are
completely free of any payment for licences.

However, if you want more than 32 simultaneous users of postgresql, you
will have to recompile it; then you will have to recompile your kernel
to allow more shared memory and semaphores...  Release 6.5 of PostgreSQL
change the 32 user limit.

Isle of Wight
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I 
  fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom 
  shall I be afraid?   Psalms 27:1 

Display full package names

1999-03-06 Thread David Densmore
I have libc6 installed, but when I use dpkg -l
I see this

ii  libc6 GNU C Library: shared libraries

with the -6 at the end truncated.

How can I list the full package name?

Re: Problem loading sound driver in user accounts

1999-03-06 Thread Peter Ludwig
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:
   I have installed support for my Soundblaster card and it works
   fine (kernel module).

That's good, so far so good.

   I like to install the driver on the different user accounts through
   the X init files. The command is: modprobe -a sound. This works
   fine when I am root. And also on user accounts if I change the
   permission for the sound driver file (sound.o) as root, but only
   until I reboot. After I have rebooted and try to load the driver
   after having logged in as a normal user I get the message that I do
   not have permission to load the module sound.o . I have to go the
   way though root to get it loaded after a reboot.

Interesting, I'm not exactly sure what's going on here, perhaps someone
who knows more about Linux would be able to help you with why this is

   I would really like to be able to load the driver for users that
   want sound through their X initialization, but I am not able to figure
   out how.

I would recommend placing the module in /etc/modules.  It's pretty easy to
do this manually, however.  If (as root) you run the program 'modconf'
you'll be able to set it up to install the sound modules with a snazzy
front-end program :)  I use it myself after I modify my kernel (just to
check to make sure that I have all my modules still there, and other
things like that :) ).

Hope this helps,
Peter Ludwig

Re: a howto of samba for beginers?

1999-03-06 Thread Peter Ludwig
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Eliezer Figueroa wrote:
 I want a easy to undertand howto of samba. I plan to connect 25 win95 
 to debian-samba but I am new using linux and samba. PLESE HELP!!!

Well, have you installed the HOWTO's in html format?  when I was planning
on hooking up a couple of Win95 clients to Linux I found it almost
impossible to understand until I read the html version.

If you have any specific problems, email me directly, I'll be happy to
answer any particular questions you might have.

Peter Ludwig

KDE / Debian

1999-03-06 Thread mapleman

I have no idea why im getting this message and my Audio Server is not
working, suggestions?

bash-2.02$ kaudioserver
kaudioserver: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol: __pure_virtual

Thanks beforehand,

from a newbie

1999-03-06 Thread Ramakrishnan M
   I am new to Debian GNU/Linux.Until now I had been using RedHat Linux
system( now also in my institute I am using it).But thanks to afew friends
who introduced me to Debian system.I want to explore more on them.
   One thing which attracted me to Debian system is the scripts it gives
for allmost any task.For example,I was looking for a command to delete a
particular daemon from being activated at a particular runlevel.One of my
friends(Mr Raghavendra Bhat,VU2RGU who is also in this list) suggested me
to use the command update-rc.d . It is an excellent command and I am
sure that a number of such command exists.
  Can any body please suggest me a good online guide which tells me about
these type of tips and tricks?I downloaded Debian User Guide,but that is
not the one I am looking for.
Ramakrishnan.M   alias  ramOO

Ramakrishnan M
#211 ,Cauvery hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology,Madras,
Chennai-600 036, INDIA

 Software is like sex;It's better when it's free 
   -Linus Torvalds

Ricerca distributore Linux Debian

1999-03-06 Thread FlowChart
Stiamo cercando il distributore o rivenditore del Linux Debian in Italia.
La società presente sul sito Linux come distributore italiano, non dà segni
di vita!
In attesa di notizie

Flow Chart srl
Via Giovanni Di Vincenzo, 13
67100 L'Aquila
tel e fax: 0862/317187


[off-topic] User Account Information

1999-03-06 Thread Peter Ludwig
I would like to write a cgi script to display to the user a listing of
their usage on my system.

I have the acct package installed so I can get the information from the
command line, but how do I display this information to the users?

Peter Ludwig

Re: [off-topic] User Account Information

1999-03-06 Thread M.C. Vernon
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Peter Ludwig wrote:

 I would like to write a cgi script to display to the user a listing of
 their usage on my system.
 I have the acct package installed so I can get the information from the
 command line, but how do I display this information to the users?

If you have quotas installed, then quota -v in their .bash_profile would
do the trick


Elen sila lumenn' omentielvo

Steward of the Cambridge Tolkien Society
Selwyn College Computer Support
Debian GNU/Hurd - love at first byte

Re: Shared PPP connection?

1999-03-06 Thread Damon Muller

On Mon, 1 Mar 1999 23:57:11 -0600
Matt Garman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a similar question.  Is IP Masquerading the same solution for
 networking say two, three, four computers (in a house or apartment),
 so that they can all share files and resources, as well as share a

Yeah, it works well - I have had 4 PCs (windows and Linux) hooked up to
the internet thru a 33.6k modem. It's slowish at times, but it's better
than 4 fone lines!

 Also, the computers will most likely be mixed animals, i.e. Windows
 and Linux.

Also have a look at masqdialer (try, which makes
it easy for any of the computers to dial up the connection or shut it
down. It has clients for windows, java, linux console and X. Very nice
little program.


Damon Muller  | Did a large procession wave their torches
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | As my head fell in the basket,
Network Administrator | And was everyone dancing on the casket...
EmpireNET |  - TBMG, Dead

Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century

1999-03-06 Thread Richard Harran
True, it could be argued that all this did stem from Edison, but there
have been a lot of other 'great' people inbetween.  I don't think that
Edison had any great concept of semiconductors, etc.  However, I do
agree that there are a lot of people who have had a much greater effect
on this century than Linus - we've had two World Wars this century, and
survived.  I suspect that most people who are involved in this vote
aren't going to remember anything much before Elvis!

George Bonser wrote:
 On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Richard Lyon wrote:
  Nope I don't think I will vote for any person on the basis of scientific or
  technical merit. A more global view is required.
 I was thinking more along cultural lines.  If you look at the differences
 between 19th century culture and life and that of the 20th century, I
 think Edison's experiments are the difference. Forget the lightbulb, think
 headlights ... movies, mp3, the entire entertainment industry (except for
 theatre) of today and how that impacts our culture. It is who we are.
 Without thermionic emission (the Edison effect) you would not have that
 CRT you are staring at, a radio, an amplifier. All of these things
 contribute to the daily life of all citizens in the developed and
 developing world to a greater or lesser extent.
 I can think of no single individual that had as great an impact on the
 daily life of the entire world. Whatever we were to become in the 20th
 century, we would get there in the company of Edison.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Matlab segfaulting now. A few weeks ago, dont. Maybe a bad upgrade...

1999-03-06 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 20:29:09 -0400, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
 At home I have:
 [20:17:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/matlab/matlab/bin/lnx86$ldd matlab
 /usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/
 (0x4000f000) = /lib/ (0x4024)

Can you check this again, please? Readline is GPLed, not LGPLed, so matlab
would be in violation of the GPL.

In any case, matlab is a libc5 binary; the libreadline it is now getting
loaded against is a libc6 library. Install libreadline (note: no 'g') from

POPULATION EXPLOSION  Unique in human experience, an event which happened 
yesterday but which everyone swears won't happen until tomorrow.  
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan 

Re: Ricerca distributore Linux Debian

1999-03-06 Thread homega
FlowChart dixit:
 Stiamo cercando il distributore o rivenditore del Linux Debian in Italia.
 La società presente sul sito Linux come distributore italiano, non dà segni
 di vita!
 In attesa di notizie

We're looking for the distributor or reseller of Linux Debian in Italy.
The society which appears at the Linux site as the Italian distributor, does
not give any signs of being alive.
Looking forward to further news.

 Flow Chart srl
 Via Giovanni Di Vincenzo, 13
 67100 L'Aquila
 tel e fax: 0862/317187

Una alternativa sarebbe mettervi in contatto con un distributore fuori
l'Italia chi accette ordini internazionali (guardatevi

P.S.  Questa lista è in inglese, ci dovrebbe essere un altra lista di Debian
in italiano... non sono securo, ma provate


1999-03-06 Thread sidneybrooks
When I try to start netscape after installing it from a download, I get the
message, can't load Has anyone had a similar problem and
found a solution?


1999-03-06 Thread Randy Edwards
If you don't mind another VNC question, what are you using for a viewer on
the client side and how are you running it?  The man pages on this aren't the

   I can run a VNC client on a Windows machine perfectly (finally, a use for
Windows!:-), but when trying to access my Linux server from another Linux box
I do a svncviewer spartacus:2 on the client and get horrible shimmering
refresh problems and very erratic mouse behavior.  xvncviewer doesn't seem to
be installed despite references to it in the man pages.  Any ideas for a VNC

 Regards,| Why would anyone want to run an operating
 .   | system that is open source and is developed
 Randy   | by hundreds of hackers worldwide? Find out
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | why at

Re: Backups

1999-03-06 Thread Christian van Enckevort
Hi Andrew,

When I make backups, I do not backup /dev (I do not use any devices that
have not been created automatically). I also backup /usr/local (including
all subdirs), because I keep some manually installed programmes there and
/boot, where I have a customized kernel (the modules are under
/lib/modules and should maybe also be included). Also there may be some more
dirs to backup under /var (e.g. mysql databases are under /var/lib/mysql,
dosemu's hdimage is under /var/lib/dosemu and /var/www contains the system

I use tob (which is available as a debian package) for making backups. It is
nice script that uses afio for making backups. It may be more convenient
than writing your own script.


Christian van Enckevort

Re: forcing dselect to downgrade

1999-03-06 Thread Pedro Guerreiro
On Thu, Mar 04, 1999 at 06:21:39PM -0800, George Bonser wrote:
 You can not do it in dselect. Just ftp the package to your system and use
 dpkg like this:
 dpkg --install --force-downgrade package.deb

I just do this:

dpkg --install package.deb

It gives a warning about downgrading to a previous package, but it works. I
have never needed to use the --force-downgrade option.

Pedro Guerreiro (aka digito)([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Diplomacy: the art of letting someone have your own way.

Re: NCR53C8xx Problem

1999-03-06 Thread Bruce Jackson
Ruslan Ermilov wrote:
 On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 11:25:04AM -0700, Dean Allen Provins wrote:
  Tim Buller
  Stephen Ryan
  Steve Beitzel
  Bruce Jackson
  Lawrence Walton
  Ruslan Ermilov
   On Thu, 11 Feb 1999, Tim Buller wrote:
I'm trying to install on a Dual PII 450 Intel 440BX-based system. This 
has an integrated Symbios SYM53C876 SCSI controller, which uses the
NCR53C8xx SCSI driver. The 2 9GB drives are recognized by the BIOS, and 
ncr53c875-0: copying script fragments into the on-board RAM
SCSI host 0 abort (pid 23) time out - resetting
SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0
ncr53c8xx_reset: pid 23 reset_flags=2 serial_number=$INC \
ncr53x875-0: restart (scsi reset)
  Did any of you every resolve your problem?  I've been experiencing very
  similar symptoms since moving to the 2.0.34 kernel supplied with
  Debian's V2 system just after Christmas.
  It seems that everything is fine (i.e. I can access all three devices:
  tape, CD and disc) UNTIL I fire up X.  From that moment on, I can't
  access any of them without experiencing symtoms like those you cite above
  (irrespective of whether X is still running or not).  The SCSI controller is
  a 53c810 rev 1 (the original) on the mainboard.
  I've just tried the 3.1c driver on the 2.0.34 kernel, unsuccessfully.
  It's worse with that combination.  The whole system freezes - it
  didn't with the 2.5f.1 driver - just got the messages,  but could
  bring down the system without difficulty.
  Dean Provins
  PS:  It worked fine with an old Slackware release and Donald Becker's
  version of the driver.
 I've upgraded the bios on the server (Intel MB440LX) to the latest one,
 and it works now like a charm.
 Ruslan Ermilov  Sysadmin and DBA of the
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]United Commercial Bank
 +380.652.247.647Simferopol, Ukraine  The Power To Serve   Enabling The Information Age

I upgraded to the 2.2.2 kernel and everything appears to be working
now.  I got my ide cd-burner to work:) again.

Bruce Jackson

Linux:  because reboots are for hardware upgrades!

Re: Matlab segfaulting now. A few weeks ago, dont. Maybe a bad upgr ade...

1999-03-06 Thread servis
*- On  6 Mar, J.H.M. Dassen wrote about Re: Matlab segfaulting now. A few 
weeks ago, dont. Maybe a bad upgrade...
 On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 20:29:09 -0400, Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira 
 At home I have:
 [20:17:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/matlab/matlab/bin/lnx86$ldd matlab
 /usr/lib/ = /usr/lib/
 (0x4000f000) = /lib/ (0x4024)
 Can you check this again, please? Readline is GPLed, not LGPLed, so matlab
 would be in violation of the GPL.
 In any case, matlab is a libc5 binary; the libreadline it is now getting
 loaded against is a libc6 library. Install libreadline (note: no 'g') from

Before others jump on this...I have replied off list to this but I
might as well copy it to the list.  

You should really do ldd from a unix escape in the Matlab console since
Matlab sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable on startup.  This is what I

 !printenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH
 !ldd /usr/local/matlab5/bin/lnx86/matlab = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/ (0x4000b000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x40019000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x4005b000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x40066000) = /lib/ (0x40104000) = /lib/ (0x40108000) = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/ (0x4010b000) = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/ 
(0x4013f000) = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/ (0x4016e000) = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/ (0x40177000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x40233000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x4023c000)

I don't get a libreadline at all.

Matlab has a set of libraries that Matlab was compiled against at you
could get those and install them in $MATLAB/sys/lnx86 and see if that
helps. Here is my $MATLAB/sys/lnx86

 590 -rw-r--r--   1 root root   599396 Apr 11  1997
  38 -rw-r--r--   1 root root37264 Apr 11  1997
   0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   13 Mar  4 16:25 -*
  63 -rwxr-xr-x   1 140  users   63068 Nov 24  1997*
   0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   14 Mar  4 16:25 -*
1815 -rwxr-xr-x   1 106  users 1849257 Mar  3  1998*
   7 -rw-r--r--   1 root root 6983 Apr 11  1997
   0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   16 Mar  4 16:25 -*
 937 -rw-r--r--   1 root root   953531 Apr 11  1997
 953 -rwxr-xr-x   1 106  users  969891 Mar  3  1998*
   0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   13 Mar  4 16:25 -*
  75 -rwxr-xr-x   1 106  users   75717 Mar  3  1998*
   0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   19 Mar  4 16:25 -*
 828 -rw-r--r--   1 root root   841780 Apr 11  1997
 861 -rwxr-xr-x   1 106  users  875636 Mar  3  1998*

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University


1999-03-06 Thread servis
*- On  6 Mar, Randy Edwards wrote about Re: VNC
 If you don't mind another VNC question, what are you using for a viewer on
 the client side and how are you running it?  The man pages on this aren't the
I can run a VNC client on a Windows machine perfectly (finally, a use for
 Windows!:-), but when trying to access my Linux server from another Linux box
 I do a svncviewer spartacus:2 on the client and get horrible shimmering
 refresh problems and very erratic mouse behavior.  xvncviewer doesn't seem to
 be installed despite references to it in the man pages.  Any ideas for a VNC

vncserver, svncviewr and xvncviewer are all in separate packages.  Do
you have xvncviewer installed?

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: netscape

1999-03-06 Thread servis
*- On  6 Mar, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about netscape
 When I try to start netscape after installing it from a download, I get the
 message, can't load Has anyone had a similar problem and
 found a solution?

Install the xpm4.7(for libc5) or the xpm4g(for glibc) package depending
on if you are runninga libc5 or glibc based netscape.  I suggest
running a glibc version of netscape since all Debian is now using glibc
as the default C library.  If you want the netscape* and communicator
packages in slink can be used as they are pre-packaged version that are
built using the Debian package manager and will tell you what libraries
are needed if you do not have them installed yet.
Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Problem with PPP connection

1999-03-06 Thread ktb
It sounds like you might possibly have a win modem which won't work with Linux. 
 I had
one of those myself (LT Win Modem).  You can check out the modem HOWTO for more 

There is also a link there to a list of compatible and not so compatible modems,

Hope that helped,

Shawn Nguyen wrote:

 I finally got PPP to work on prodigy, however, it only work at my
 workplace.  Apparently the modem I have at home doesn't work.  Does anyone
 know what the problem could be?  Do you think that V.90 modem could cause
 LCP packet to be sent in error?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: web based mail

1999-03-06 Thread Randy Edwards
 I have tried to do so, but this page does not seem to exist any
 more. Does anyone have a suggestion where to find this .deb?

   Ivan's link at works just fine
scratching head.

   Another interesting web-based system -- much more than just e-mail -- is
Obsidian's OCS at  Obsidian has debs online.

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ | because lockups should only be for convicts.

Re: modem

1999-03-06 Thread Randy Edwards
 I need help to choise a modem that works on debian
 can somebody tellme about?

I'm using an internal USR 56K Sportster on this machine; works fine.  What
you have to be leery of is any modem that requires Windows.  Ask about that

   My advice would be to avoid an internal modem altogether.  External modems
are much nicer as you can see what's going on by the LEDs of the modem.

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ | because lockups should only be for convicts.

Booting Linux with lilo

1999-03-06 Thread Johan Groth
I have a dual boot Linux/Win95 system where Linux is a RedHat 5.2 (Win95
is in my system for the sole reason I like to play games from time to
time). The setup look like this:

Device  ContentsSCSI id
/dev/sda1   Win95 C: lilo   0
/dev/sdb1   /   1
/dev/sdb2   /home   1
/dev/sdb3   /root   1
/dev/sdc1   Win95 D:6
/dev/sdd2   /usr10
/dev/sdd3   /opt10
/dev/sde1   /usr/local  11
/dev/sde2   /proj   11

I would like to add a SCSI Wide drive at SCSI id 8 to install Debian 2.1
that is released soon AND use lilo to boot to that drive. Is it
possible? It would mean that /etc/lilo.conf would look something like


Any success stories with a similar boot scheme?


Johan Groth [EMAIL PROTECTED] Kupolen Data

Re: from a newbie

1999-03-06 Thread ktb
There are several places online that list commands and their usage.  I need to 
get to
work so I will leave you with a link that I found last night that might help 
with your

Good luck,

Ramakrishnan M wrote:

I am new to Debian GNU/Linux.Until now I had been using RedHat Linux
 system( now also in my institute I am using it).But thanks to afew friends
 who introduced me to Debian system.I want to explore more on them.
One thing which attracted me to Debian system is the scripts it gives
 for allmost any task.For example,I was looking for a command to delete a
 particular daemon from being activated at a particular runlevel.One of my
 friends(Mr Raghavendra Bhat,VU2RGU who is also in this list) suggested me
 to use the command update-rc.d . It is an excellent command and I am
 sure that a number of such command exists.
   Can any body please suggest me a good online guide which tells me about
 these type of tips and tricks?I downloaded Debian User Guide,but that is
 not the one I am looking for.
 Ramakrishnan.M   alias  ramOO

 Ramakrishnan M
 #211 ,Cauvery hostel,
 Indian Institute of Technology,Madras,
 Chennai-600 036, INDIA

  Software is like sex;It's better when it's free 
-Linus Torvalds

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: from a newbie

1999-03-06 Thread Shaleh

On 06-Mar-99 Ramakrishnan M wrote:
I am new to Debian GNU/Linux.Until now I had been using RedHat Linux
 system( now also in my institute I am using it).But thanks to afew friends
 who introduced me to Debian system.I want to explore more on them.
One thing which attracted me to Debian system is the scripts it gives
 for allmost any task.For example,I was looking for a command to delete a
 particular daemon from being activated at a particular runlevel.One of my
 friends(Mr Raghavendra Bhat,VU2RGU who is also in this list) suggested me
 to use the command update-rc.d . It is an excellent command and I am
 sure that a number of such command exists.
   Can any body please suggest me a good online guide which tells me about
 these type of tips and tricks?I downloaded Debian User Guide,but that is
 not the one I am looking for.
 Ramakrishnan.M   alias  ramOO

I can not think of a specific reference.  /usr/doc is populated by every
package when it installs and a quick look thru /usr/sbin and /sbin will reveal
many interesting things.  You will find that most such scripts are called

Kernel upgrade questions

1999-03-06 Thread Christian Dysthe
Hello Debian-user,

1.  I have the stable Debian distr. set up running (kernel 2.0.34). Can get the 
  kernel, compile it and install it on my system, or do I have to
  upgrade other parts of my system as well?

2.  I have compiled sound card support for my Soundblaster card as a
  module on my running kernel. Do I have to patch the 2.2.x source with the
  awe driver before compiling it as I had to with the 2.0.34 kernel?




If everything is coming your way, you are probably
in the wrong lane

Re: ppp

1999-03-06 Thread Ole J. Tetlie

 *- On  5 Mar, Ole J. Tetlie wrote about ppp
  I'm having a little trouble with ppp. Everything seems normal until
  the line with Hangup. I don't know why that happens. I made the
  configuration with pppconfig, making the same choices as for a
  machine with working ppp. Could it be some other netconfig
  that is making trouble. I'd appreciate a clue.
  Mar 5 20:16:13 ringebu pppd[806]: pppd 2.3.3 started by root, uid 0
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: abort on (BUSY)
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: abort on (NO CARRIER)
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: abort on (VOICE)
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: abort on (NO DIALTONE)
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: abort on (NO ANSWER)
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: send (ATZ^M)
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: expect (OK)
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: ATZ^M^M
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: OK
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: -- got it
  Mar 5 20:16:14 ringebu chat[807]: send (ATDT22596790^M)
  Mar 5 20:16:15 ringebu chat[807]: expect (CONNECT)
  Mar 5 20:16:15 ringebu chat[807]: ^M
  Mar 5 20:16:46 ringebu chat[807]: ATDT22596790^M^M
  Mar 5 20:16:46 ringebu chat[807]: CONNECT
  Mar 5 20:16:46 ringebu chat[807]: -- got it
  Mar 5 20:16:46 ringebu chat[807]: send (\d)
  Mar 5 20:16:47 ringebu pppd[806]: Serial connection established.
  Mar 5 20:16:48 ringebu pppd[806]: Using interface ppp0
  Mar 5 20:16:48 ringebu pppd[806]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/ttyS2
  Mar 5 20:16:53 ringebu pppd[806]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
  Mar 5 20:16:53 ringebu pppd[806]: Modem hangup
  Mar 5 20:16:53 ringebu pppd[806]: Connection terminated.
  Mar 5 20:16:54 ringebu pppd[806]: Exit.
 Are you using PAP or CHAP authentication?  It looks like the type of
 behavior I had when I had my authentication wrong.  Turn debug on in
 your pppd options file and watch the /var/log/ppp.log file when your are
 connecting, 'tail -f /var/log/ppp.log'.  You should see the username and
 password being sent to the remote host. If it is wrong you will see a
 LCP request from the remote host to hangup.  I am no expert but just
 speaking from experience.

PAP on both ends. debug is on, but it doesn't seem like anything
is sent at all.

...Unix, MS-DOS, and MS Windows (also known as the Good, the Bad,
and the Ugly).   (Matt Welsh)

Re: Display full package names

1999-03-06 Thread Ole J. Tetlie
-David Densmore [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have libc6 installed, but when I use dpkg -l
 I see this
 ii  libc6 GNU C Library: shared libraries
 with the -6 at the end truncated.
 How can I list the full package name?

dpkg -s libc6 | grep ^Version:

Eschew obfuscation(go on; look them both up)
   (Brian White)

imlib against gtk1.2?

1999-03-06 Thread Ossama Othman

I've gotten a number of requests for imlib packages that are linked
against gtk/glib 1.2.  The imlib packages linked against gtk/glib 1.2 have
been ready for some time.  However, they will not be released until the
gnome/gtk/imlib coordination team feel that the new gnome/gtk/imlib
packages are in a consistent state and are ready for release.

Please bear with us.  The new packages should be ready in a few days, and
I believe that the wait will be worth it.  I'm anxious to get them, too.

58 60 1A E8 7A 66 F4 44  74 9F 3C D4 EF BF 35 88  1024/8A04D15D 1998/08/26


1999-03-06 Thread Randy Edwards
 vncserver, svncviewr and xvncviewer are all in separate packages.  Do
 you have xvncviewer installed?

   sound of hand impacting on forehead; look of embarrassment  Duhhh!

   My apologies for wasting bandwidth; please ignore the previous message. :-)

 Regards,| Debian GNU/ __  o
 .   |/ / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
 Randy   |   / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) |  // /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\ | because lockups should only be for convicts.

Re: imlib against gtk1.2?

1999-03-06 Thread Jules Bean
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Ossama Othman wrote:

 I've gotten a number of requests for imlib packages that are linked
 against gtk/glib 1.2.  The imlib packages linked against gtk/glib 1.2 have
 been ready for some time.  However, they will not be released until the
 gnome/gtk/imlib coordination team feel that the new gnome/gtk/imlib
 packages are in a consistent state and are ready for release.
 Please bear with us.  The new packages should be ready in a few days, and
 I believe that the wait will be worth it.  I'm anxious to get them, too.

I should add that any flames relating to this policy should be directed to
me, not ossama,  (and I don't follow -user, I'm afraid).

The very best place to discuss it is the new list, debian-gtk-gnome (note
that it's not a user oriented list, though, but a developer oriented one).


|  Jelibean aka  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  6 Evelyn Rd|
|  Jules aka | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Richmond, Surrey   |
|  Julian Bean   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  TW9 2TF *UK*   |
|  War doesn't demonstrate who's right... just who's left. |
|  When privacy is outlawed... only the outlaws have privacy.  |

Re: Backups

1999-03-06 Thread Brandon Mitchell
I'd also add the result of dpkg --get-selections to a backup (redir the
output to a file).  


+--- ---+
| Brandon Mitchell  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ 30631197 |
| Throughout history, UNIX systems have regularly been broken into, beaten, |
| brutalized, corrupted, commandeered, compromised, and illegally fscked.   |
|-- UNIX System Administration Handbook |

UCD snmp package?

1999-03-06 Thread Graham Ashton
I've been unable to find the UCD snmp stuff in .deb format. Does it

I've seen the CMU package, but need to get the UCD code instead to make
it work with php.

I know UCD snmp is really easy to compile from source (that's what I've
done), but I like to stick to debian packages where I can...

I'm using slink on i386. Thanks.


DLT Libraries for Linux

1999-03-06 Thread Lazar Fleysher
Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering if someone had writen a package to control a DLT
library. As fas as I understand, it does not matter which type of media it
changes. A package to control a jukebox...
If someone could point me to something like that, I would highly
appreciate it.

Thank you,


   Take these broken wings and learn to fly...
 0 0
( . )
 | |

Re: Vote Linus for Person of the Century- re: Edison

1999-03-06 Thread Kenneth Scharf

I can think of no single individual that had as great an impact on the
daily life of the entire world. Whatever we were to become in the 20th
century, we would get there in the company of Edison.

Although we may owe a lot to Edison, most of us choose to ignore what
he really was.  In many ways Edison was the Bill Gates of his time. 
His greatest invention was actually the modern industrial research
laboratory (IE: invention factory).  Edison suffered from a huge NIH
syndrom.  That's why he refused to switch to AC current.  He was also
a bigot.  Those two failings caused him to reject Tesla and eventually
be ousted from the Edison electric company by stockholders. 
(Resulting in the General Electric Company).  His discovery of
thermionic emission was  useless to him because his was a dc world. 
(the only first use of the Edison Effect was for rectifiers).  He
nevertheless patented it around a device for measuring electric
current.  His thinking was, I can't figure out a use for this, but I
own it and if someone else figures out a use for it, they owe me! 
Edison's use of patents follows the patern of huge corporations today.
 During the early days of the motion picture industry, Edison used a
Microsoft-Mafia type pattern to attempt to control the industry
forcing small firms out of bussiness.

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

Get your free address at

Re: printing from netscape

1999-03-06 Thread Anthony Wong
On Sat, Dec 05, 1998 at 04:34:52PM +0100, Thomas Adams wrote:
|Does anybody know why you don't get the top and bottom lines on your print 
|like in Windows, where Netscape prints the Title, URL, Date and Time? Is it 
|Netscape/Linux', magicfilter's or ghostscript's fault? 

I also don't get them when printing directly to a postscript printer.
Should be the limitation of the Unix version of Netscape.

Regards,  [ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] / ICQ UIN: C30E6 ]
Anthony.  [ -- Track your ICQ friend ]

Re: DLT Libraries for Linux

1999-03-06 Thread J. Francois

Go to the bottom of the page and select MTX.


JLF Sends...

* ICQ: 8137851 * Debian Linux Rocks! *  Read The Headers
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - I can prove it.
12:19am  up 72 days, 7:29,  1 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.03, 0.01
MagusNet uses Teergrube,ORBS,DUL,  RBL against UCE/UBE/SPAM: , ,

 Hi Everyone,
 I was just wondering if someone had writen a package to control a DLT
 library. As fas as I understand, it does not matter which type of media it
 changes. A package to control a jukebox...
 If someone could point me to something like that, I would highly
 appreciate it.
 Thank you,
Take these broken wings and learn to fly...
  0 0
 ( . )
  | |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Network Problem

1999-03-06 Thread Michael Montz
Mitch Blevins wrote:

 In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
  I have a small network that looks like:
  workstation running Linux and Win95 ethernet hub ethernet server
  runing linux modem isp
  The server runs ipmasquerade and works fine.  The problem is that
  whenever I login to the server from the ws, no connection is made untill
  the modem connects to the isp.
  I first thought the problem had do do with loging in using the server
  name,  but even if I use the ip address as in rlogin, same
  Any suggestions on what causes this behavior.

 Just a guess.
 rlogind requests the clients hostname from the source address
 (see man rlogind).  If the client's hostname is not listed in
 the /etc/hosts file, then it will try to get it from the default
 nameserver, which I assume is on the other side of your modem at
 the ISP.  The quick-fix is to add your Linux/Win95 client's hostname
 as an entry in the /etc/hosts of the server, assuming that you don't
 have any DNS servers running on your local network.

Thanks Mitch, that solved the problem.

Sometimes I think I'll stay a newbie forever.  Although that may not be such a 
idea.  Could the Zen saying Zen mind, beginers mind be translated to Zen 
newbie mind.  Just a thought.

Michael Montz

Re: mouse-pointer acting weird

1999-03-06 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Probably your computer's board has no integrated COM port, so you are
using an additional multi-io card. Aren't you? Probably this card uses
an old UART 16450. Isn't it? You can test it, by typing dmesg | less.
You should see something like this (this is displayed by my machine, as
you can see I have two integrated 16550A ports and two 16450 ports on

Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
tty02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 16450
tty03 at 0x02e8 (irq = 3) is a 16450

The problems you experience are probably caused by fact, that the old
16450 UART has no FIFO input buffer. If your machine is heavily loaded,
some bytes sent by the mouse are not received quickly enough and are
overwritten by the next ones. I can see two solutions:
1) Upgrade your COM ports to 16550A (change the motherboard or buy an
  additional COM or multi-io card). This is an expensive but total
2) Give the highest priority to COM interrupts. You can do it with
  irqtune, which is the part of hwtools package.
  In the typical case just add the /usr/lib/hwtools/irqtune line to one
  of your startup scripts in /etc/init.d.
  Read the /usr/doc/hwtools/irqtune.html after the installation of

I hope it will help
Wojtek Zabolotny

On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, Roy-Anders Larsen wrote:

 I am running Debian 2.0 (slink) on a 486DX33 with only 10MB RAM and my
 computer is often working hard (having to make use of a lot of virtual
 memory).  I am using a three-button mouse running the MouseSystems
 protocol in Xwindows and I am running gpm with -t msc.
 As long as there is not a heavy load on the computer, the mouse works
 fine.  Also in windows3.11 on my DOS partition, the mouse never acts up.
 However, when the load gets large on the computer, the mouse starts
 'jumping' a few inches left at a time.  Occasionally it will jump a few
 inches down also.  This only happens if I try moving the mouse.
 It happens both with gpm on a virtual console and in X.
 Have anyone experienced the same thing or have any clues about why this is
 happening ? Anything I can do to help it (software-wise) ?

Re: LI\nLI

1999-03-06 Thread Mike Wood
On Sat, 6 Mar 1999, Eric wrote:

 How does one fix the problem of LILO saying:
 when it boots and then just hanging there?  It's a pretty standard
 system, /dev/hda1 is a 4 gig partition and /dev/hda2 is swap.  the
 boot block is being installed.
I believe that this happens when your boot partition is =1024
cylinders.  I know this is a throwback to the old dos days, and has
something to do with compatability (or lackof in a BIOS).  Use LBA mode
for your hardrive and make sure the boot partition is =1023 cylinders.  

Mike Wood

X Font Problem

1999-03-06 Thread Brian Clark

Hi guys:

Does anyone know where the font package that contains Adobe Helvetica is?
I used APT for getting blackbox's package from the frozen section. I also
grabbed the xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-75dpi packages, along with the basic
stuff (xfont-base etc etc) needed for running X.

When xdm loads it prompts me for user and password, then I enter it, screen
flashes and prompts me for the password again (same screen). I couldnt get
past this so I went back to the console (alt+ctrl+F1) and viewed

messages tells me that it couldn't find this specific font when trying to
load Blackbox, so it spits out the login prompt again in X.

So, I checked the /etc/X11/blackbox/Blackbox-config file and in the
titleFont and menuFont sections it calls for the font listed in my first
paragraph above:

titleFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
menuFont:  -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*


I'm running slink and I'm picking up packages via apt-get from the frozen
section of the ftp.


- Brian

P.S. I looked in the Graphics section
( and I couldn't find
anything (or didnt know what to get).

Re: Kernel upgrade questions

1999-03-06 Thread Paul Miller
Christian Dysthe wrote:
 Hello Debian-user,
 1.  I have the stable Debian distr. set up running (kernel 2.0.34). Can get 
 the latest
   kernel, compile it and install it on my system, or do I have to
   upgrade other parts of my system as well?
You will need to upgrade to Slink (Debian 2.1) for the new 2.2.x kernel.
Many of the packages in Hamm are too old. Take a look in
linux/Documentation/Changes for the required package versions.

 2.  I have compiled sound card support for my Soundblaster card as a
   module on my running kernel. Do I have to patch the 2.2.x source with the
   awe driver before compiling it as I had to with the 2.0.34 kernel?
You do not need to patch the new kernel for SoundBlaster AWE support.
The 2.2.x kernel uses the OSS drivers which come with it. Take a look in
linux/Documentation/sound/AWE32 for more info on setting up the new

Hope this helps.

Paul Miller
[EMAIL PROTECTED]begin:vcard 
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:The Spirit of the University of North Texas
fn:Paul Miller

Send-Mail DNS

1999-03-06 Thread Bal K. Paudyal
Hello Friends,

I have a smallest possible network, just 2 pcs connected. My domain-name is is my domain name server and I have not connected that to the
internet. For my own domain, the named is working fine.

My zone file has the following entry for Mail Exchange.

MX  10

I have installed Send-mail at When I send email from my to [EMAIL PROTECTED], it gets delivered to the account

The question is:

When I send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], the dns MX entry does tell Sendmail
to send the message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but the message does not get
delivered to szbalkp but error is generated and error-email is send to the
postmaster at

The error message: local configuration error. I have no idea how to fix that.

May be some of you friends have done that before. It must be something that
I haven't done in the /etc/ file. But what's it?



Re: Qmail to Exim woes

1999-03-06 Thread Frozen Rose

First the date.  My local network is mtntop.home, my user name is
wtopa (of course), my address for the net should be

So, you're receving mail addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED], or
possibly [EMAIL PROTECTED]? Or do you only ever use one address for mail?

If I follow the eximconfig instructions, option 2. I get the following

qualify_domain =
local_domains =
and the correct smarthost section.

No mail is received with the above.  Fetchmail won't get the mail and
replies with something like can't accept mail to localhost, no wtopa
@ localhost. 

I think you want to set

local_domains =

This makes Exim consider mail addresed in either of these domains as

If you do:

local_domains =

you can receive mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] too.


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  frs (As per a post to
this list)  

That's probably a good plan.

Attempts to send mail give the following log entries:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] routing defer (-32): retry time not reached
1999-03-05 11:56:55 10Ixsz-JN-00 ==
routing defer (-32): retry time not reached

1999-03-05 11:55:41 10Ixsz-JN-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=wtopa
P=local S=847
10Ixsz-JN-00 == R=smarthost defer (-1):

These log entries were after an exim -q as root. 

exim -qf will override retry times istr.

So my questions are :  
Is the eximconfig script setting exim up for anyone else?  

It worked for me, although it wouldn't cope with setting up mail for
my local sinshack domain.

But I don't use fetchmail, I use SMTP to transfer mail, and this means
I didn't need to local_domains+=localhost.

In fact, I only discovered that mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] won't work
when I tried it while writing this answer ;). Try doing exim -d 9 -bt
addresses are acceptable. (and going to the right place :})

I have removed the 30m from the init.d/exim scripts as I cron for mail
twice an hour, is this OK?

Hmmm I run exim -ql from /etc/cron.d/exim, and don't start exim
-q30m... but then /etc/init.d/exim is disabled for me anyway since I
start exim from inetd.conf.

Any suggestions or flames appreciated.




Steve HaslamValidation Engineer, ARM Limited, Cambridge, England
almost called it today, turned to face the void along with the suffering
and the question- Why am I?  [queensrÿche]

Re: Exim configuration

1999-03-06 Thread Frozen Rose

Lance Hoffmeyer  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In /var/log/exim/mainlog.01

SMTP error from remote mailer after Mail From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] SIZE=2522:
host Unresolvable domain name

What is this error telling me?

I think it's saying that is unresolvable.

Try host, try pinging it etc.

Steve HaslamValidation Engineer, ARM Limited, Cambridge, England
almost called it today, turned to face the void along with the suffering
and the question- Why am I?  [queensrÿche]

Re: X Font Problem

1999-03-06 Thread Brian Clark
Brian Clark said:

//When xdm loads it prompts me for user and password, then I enter it, screen
//flashes and prompts me for the password again (same screen). I couldnt get
//past this so I went back to the console (alt+ctrl+F1) and viewed

Oooops! sorry, i meant the .xsession-errors. doh!

//messages tells me that it couldn't find this specific font when trying to
//load Blackbox, so it spits out the login prompt again in X.
//So, I checked the /etc/X11/blackbox/Blackbox-config file and in the
//titleFont and menuFont sections it calls for the font listed in my first
//paragraph above:
//titleFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
//menuFont:  -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*

Thanks -


mutt-Netscape and nmh

1999-03-06 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
I have been using Netscape and more recently mutt to download and read
mail.  I installed nmh so that I
could 'burst' digests apart but it doesn't seem that nmh and
netscape/mutt folders are compatible.  Is
this a correct assumption?  If I use 'folders' nmh lists my folder
directories but doesn't list any mail folders such as 'Psycholoquy' or
'Debian-User' which mutt and netscape read and put mail into.
How can I get nmh to recognize these folders?  When I searched dejanews
people talked about converting mh folders to Netscape but not the other
way around.  Or am I way off  and just not using the syntax correctly? 
I have tried 'scan', 'burst', and 'folders' but nothing seems to work. 
There doesn't seem to be much documentation for this system either.  I
downloaded mh-papers but am not sure how to read the tex documents.  As
you can tell I am not very experienced with either nmh or TEX.


Re: mutt-Netscape and nmh

1999-03-06 Thread Albert White - Sun Ireland

 but it doesn't seem that nmh and netscape/mutt folders are compatible.  Is
 this a correct assumption? 

mh handles deals with mail a bit differently that either mutt or netscape. An 
mh folder is a directory containg a numbered file for each message, both mutt 
and netscape just use one big file with all the messages concatenated together.

to convert fomr a a mh style folder to one readable by netscape you must use 
the pack(1) command, and to convert from a mutt folder to an mh one you must 
use inc(1):

18:57 sionnach:~/Mail inc +newfolder -file mailfolder
Create folder /home/albertw/Mail/newfolder? y
Incorporating new mail into newfolder...

   1+ 07/09 Postmaster Message from mail serverDelete. This is a 
system message. --END+PSEUDO-- 
   2  07/09 Jim QuigleyRe: BACK DOOR IN KITCHENThis raises all sorts 
of logistical problems. Partic
18:57 sionnach:~/Mail scan +newfolder
   1+ 07/09 Postmaster Message from mail serverDelete. This is a 
system message. --END+PSEUDO-- 
   2  07/09 Jim Quigley - Sun  Re: BACK DOOR IN KITCHENThis raises all sorts 
of logistical problems. Partic
18:57 sionnach:~/Mail ls ~/Mail/newfolder/
1  2

If I understand your problem corrrectly, you will have to `burst` the digest, 
then use packf to make it readble by netscape. You could allways try using 
exmh for all your mail which is a nice graphical interface to mh basically, 
never tried it on debian, but I use it all the time in work.

hope thats of help,

Which are the permitions for /dev/tty?

1999-03-06 Thread Pedro Guerreiro

I seem to have a little trouble with pgp/gpg and /dev/tty permitions.
My /dev/tty device was like this:

root:/dev $ ls -l tty
crw-r--r--   1 root sys5,   0 Mar  6 17:26 tty
root:/dev $

And pgp/gpg were breaking with permitions errors with /dev/tty. So tried this:
add my account to the group 'sys', and changing /dev/tty to be group write,
like this:

root:/dev $ ls -l tty
crw-rw-r--   1 root sys5,   0 Mar  6 17:26 tty
root:/dev $

Now, everything works, but I'm not very convinced that this is the right way
to work thing out.

BTW, I'm using kernel 2.2.2-ac7, but I've tried this 2.0.35, 2.0.36, 2.2.1,
2.2.2-ac4 and it gives the same result with all of them.

Can anybody out there just reasure that this is ok, _or_ if this is not
ok, then just give any ideia as to what might be happening?

Pedro Guerreiro (aka digito)([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Diplomacy: the art of letting someone have your own way.

Re: mutt-Netscape and nmh

1999-03-06 Thread Seth M. Landsman
On Sat, Mar 06, 1999 at 12:49:38PM -0600, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 I have been using Netscape and more recently mutt to download and read
 mail.  I installed nmh so that I
 could 'burst' digests apart but it doesn't seem that nmh and
 netscape/mutt folders are compatible.  Is
 this a correct assumption?  If I use 'folders' nmh lists my folder
 directories but doesn't list any mail folders such as 'Psycholoquy' or
 'Debian-User' which mutt and netscape read and put mail into.
 How can I get nmh to recognize these folders?  When I searched dejanews
 people talked about converting mh folders to Netscape but not the other
 way around.  Or am I way off  and just not using the syntax correctly? 
 I have tried 'scan', 'burst', and 'folders' but nothing seems to work. 
 There doesn't seem to be much documentation for this system either.  I
 downloaded mh-papers but am not sure how to read the tex documents.  As
 you can tell I am not very experienced with either nmh or TEX.

I was under the impression that mutt was capable of reading
mh-style mail folders.  (in fact, I've been debating moving over to
mh-style folders, to make syncrhonization across machines and my pilot
Checkout the mutt web site,, I think.  

I don't know anything about netscape.

Let me know if you figure out how to get mutt to natively read mh.

It is by will alone I set my mind in motion

Re: fetchmail again.

1999-03-06 Thread Sami Dalouche
On Fri, Mar 05, 1999 at 11:12:32AM +1100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] called Shao Zhang 
wrote a 1.2K and a 35 line message : fetchmail again. To Debian User List :

   Leave the messages on server
keep in .fetchmailrc or -k
   Remove the messages from server when deleted locally
 I suppose it doesn't exist... ?
 That's all Shao Zhang's message : fetchmail again.. Just 35 lines !

 // -oOo- -oOo ---oOo--\\
| Sami Dalouche  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | AIM : linhax|
| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ : 25529539  |
 \\ -oOo- -oOo ---oOo--//

Re: X Font Problem

1999-03-06 Thread Frozen Rose

Brian Clark  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone know where the font package that contains Adobe Helvetica is?
I used APT for getting blackbox's package from the frozen section. I also
grabbed the xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-75dpi packages, along with the basic
stuff (xfont-base etc etc) needed for running X.

Should be xfonts-100dpi and xfonts-75dpi, in the
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/{75,100}dpi directories.

When xdm loads it prompts me for user and password, then I enter it, screen
flashes and prompts me for the password again (same screen). I couldnt get
past this so I went back to the console (alt+ctrl+F1) and viewed

messages tells me that it couldn't find this specific font when trying to
load Blackbox, so it spits out the login prompt again in X.

Hmmm, so xdm can find a font, but BlockBox is having trouble?
Perhaps your BlackBox is broken... try using a different window
manager, just for a test (I'm not playing advocacy here!), to trim the
problem down.

Since xdm displays a login window (I presume), then your X server can
clearly find *some* fonts.

So, I checked the /etc/X11/blackbox/Blackbox-config file and in the
titleFont and menuFont sections it calls for the font listed in my first
paragraph above:

titleFont: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*
menuFont:  -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*

These look fine, afaict

Urrgh... I just tried starting an xterm with that font, and it looked
*awful*. Try substituting this:


I think the 120 is a slot too far to the right in the font
descriptor, but I can't say for sure.


- Brian


Steve HaslamValidation Engineer, ARM Limited, Cambridge, England
almost called it today, turned to face the void along with the suffering
and the question- Why am I?  [queensrÿche]

Smartlist not sending to sender

1999-03-06 Thread Erik Forsberg
I'm using smartlist for some small mailinglists on a Debian machine (I hope 
this isn't too offtopic)

Is there a way to configure smartlist NOT to distribute a message to the sender 
of the message ? I don't want my own postings.

I've tried to read the manual, but I didn't find any information on the subject.


uploaded oidentd to potato

1999-03-06 Thread Shaleh
oidentd 1.6.1 is now in Incoming on its way to potato.  Please test this and
make suggestions.  I have never packaged an inetd using app before.

Will add examples and more docs soon.  Hopefully a conf script too.

Color Depth [was: X Font Problem]

1999-03-06 Thread Brian Clark

Ok, guys this is a call for help again. I solved my other problem for now. 

Blackbox was listed on the first line of my window-managers file. (yes, I'm
very new to Linux in general).
I changed that first like to Window Maker and now I'm able to get a window
manager up.

As for the subject line in this email, I'm having a but of a problem with
severe dithering.

I'm running a pretty typical (I think) video card / display. 

My video card is a Matrox Millennium 2MB PCI, and my display is an older
Gateway 2000 Vivitron 17

Before I became a Debian user, I was running RedHat 5.2 (which was an
extreme nightmare for me). Since I switched, I know now that I will never
even think of going back to a RedHat system ever again. For one, my system
isn't full of crap anymore.

Anyway, back to the topic: 

I setup XFree86 manually, which I didn't have to do with RH 5.2. With
RedHat my display looked great, no dithering; it looked like a typical 16
million color display etc..nice looking images etc. As it would appear in
Win95 at 1024x768 in 16 bit color or 24 bit color.

Now, with the Debian system I have now, and the fact that I set up Xfree86
manually using xf86config, I am almost positive that I made a mistake,
because I have seen it the way it is supposed to be when I was running
RedHell..err Hat.

So, does anyone out there in Debian land use a Matrox Millennium 2mb video
card (and maybe the same monitor?) that would share their XF86Config file
contents with me? Or, at least point me in the right direction? I don't
know if I can live with the mess that I'm seeing on my display right now --
crappy colors.

AFAIK, I'm running the SVGA server, in 1024x768.

If someone can help, what would you need me to post here as far as my setup
is concerned?

Many, many thanks - 


Re: Here is some more on deb bus ideas ( (fwd)

1999-03-06 Thread Torsten Hilbrich
Paul Nathan Puri [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Please explain what kaberos does.  I've quite understood it...

It's an authentification protocol.  Here an excerpt of the control

 Kerberos is a system for authenticating users and services on a
 network.  Kerberos is a trusted third-party service.  That means that
 there is a third party (the kerberos server) that is trusted by all
 the entities on the network (users and services, usually called

Look at the non-us packages kerberos4kth* to begin with.  Don't know
about the differences between version 4 and 5.



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