Re: Sincronizacion horaria mediante ntp

1999-03-17 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

 Esta mañana estaba caido, por lo que mi sistema
 ha arrancado con la hora mal.
 Puede alguien sugerirme otros servidores cercanos.
 Supongo que en el ntp.conf se pueden poner varios ?

En puedes encontrar
una lista tremenda de servidores NTP publicos.

Yo uso (existen tambien ntps1-1 y ntps1-2)
de la universidad de Erlangen-Nuernberg de Alemania en una red que
administro. Solo esta a unos 12 saltos de router de CTV.

Aunque en casa he empezado usando con rdate que 
usa el servicio time (puerto 37), que no es igual que ntp (puerto 123).

Es curioso que en, de la Open Software Fundation,
requieran que solicites permiso para sincronizar con ellos.


03/17   Vanguard I launched, 1958.  Earth proved pear-shaped
03/18   Aleksei Leonov performs first spacewalk, 1965
03/18   Destruction of the Ring (LOTR)
Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave publica PGP en
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867

Description: PGP signature

mensaje de syslogd - cannot glue message parts together

1999-03-17 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Cuando recibo un mensaje de correo gradote, en varias ocasiones
recibo un mensaje de broadcast de estos que salen por encima de cualquier
aplicacion proveniente de syslog que no tiene texto. Si en ese momento
miro en tty12 (donde tengo redireccionada la salida de los logs del
sistema, veo que syslogd da un mensaje indicando que cannot glue
message parts together.

¿Qué es esto? ¿He perdido el mensaje? ¿Se trata de algun
limite de tamaño?

03/17   Vanguard I launched, 1958.  Earth proved pear-shaped
03/18   Aleksei Leonov performs first spacewalk, 1965
03/18   Destruction of the Ring (LOTR)
Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave publica PGP en
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867

Description: PGP signature

Re: KDE slink

1999-03-17 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 08:34:15PM +0100, Juanmi Mora dijo:
 Es cierto, pero la situación del gnome, que está en un directorio de mi
 disco duro en formato deb, y que no puedo instalar, creo que aún es peor.
 No puedo instalar por problemas de dependencias... O:-)

¿Y si haces un 'dpkg -i *deb', y después un 'dpkg --configure -a'?

Yo tuve un problemita instalando el gnumeric, le hice eso, y ahora corre

Algo que pasaba era que, por ejemplo, el paquete A dependía del paquete B, y
¡el paquete B dependía de A!. No es muy bonito que digamos. Cabe anotar que
era apt (0.1.8) el que lo estaba instalando.

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux


1999-03-17 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Estoy tratando de recompilar glibc2.1, pero necesita una version de
makeinfo, que no se donde se puede conseguir.

¿Sabe alguien?


Matrox MGA-G200 AGP

1999-03-17 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Hola a tod*s,

vereis, me gustaria saber si existe un paquete .deb (en algun sitio)
para el servidor de X de la siguiente tarjeta:

Matrox Graphics MGA-G200 AGP
Chip: MGA-G200 B8 R1
Memoria: 8 MB

Me acabo de instalar slink en mi PC y no he encontrado ningun servidor
de X para esta tarjeta. Me han dicho que en el servidor de Suse hay un
paquete para esto, pero me gustaria (si fuese posible) pillar un .deb.
Si alguno de vosotr*s tiene alguna informacion, pues le quedaria muy
agradecido ;-). Muchas gracias de antemano.


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I your back was turned,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA curled like an embryo.
CASTELLON, 12071. will be kissed
Phone: +34 964 728361   again.
Fax: +34 964 728435 Rober Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Cold, Pornography, 1982, Fiction Rec. -


1999-03-17 Thread David Charro Ripa
Yo me he quedado sin interprete de comandos al intentar actualizar esa
En realidad al desinstalar la anterior. Estoy intentando arrancar con el
rescue y se me ha ocurrido reinstalar esa librería,... pero 
¿cómo pongo el dpkg en el disco rescue?
¿O debería ser en el que creo con la imagen root.bin?
En el caso de que pudiera usar dpkg, ¿se puede instalar un paquete en un
de ficheros que no es con el que he arrancado?

Lo primero que se me paso por la imaginación fue reinstalar todo, pero me
resisto ha utilizar tal práctica tan güindosera.



Re: KDE slink

1999-03-17 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Quizás te responda, a modo de FAQ, el artículo sobre Debian 2.1 en

On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 11:54:31AM +0100, Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia wrote:
 Si no recuerdo mal, KDE estaba en hamm, pero no lo veo en slink.
 ¿Es cierto que estaba en hamm?  
 Si lo es, ¿es cierto que no está en slink? 
 Si no está, ¿por qué? 

Re: libreadlineg2

1999-03-17 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez
Hola :

Lo que yo haga en casos como estas es iniciar el sistema con el disco 
rescue, Montar la(s) particion(es) y luego ganar una shell (ALt-F2). De esta 
forma tengo acceso a mi sistema. En este punto puedo usar dpkg (ojo que el root 
es del rescue) para recomponer el sistema.

Espero que esta idea te ayude.

 Yo me he quedado sin interprete de comandos al intentar actualizar esa
 En realidad al desinstalar la anterior. Estoy intentando arrancar con el
 rescue y se me ha ocurrido reinstalar esa librería,... pero 
 ¿cómo pongo el dpkg en el disco rescue?
 ¿O debería ser en el que creo con la imagen root.bin?
 En el caso de que pudiera usar dpkg, ¿se puede instalar un paquete en un
 de ficheros que no es con el que he arrancado?
 Lo primero que se me paso por la imaginación fue reinstalar todo, pero me
 resisto ha utilizar tal práctica tan güindosera.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

   Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
   Instituto de Física da USP
   e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   homepage :

OffTopic espejo

1999-03-17 Thread Humberto . Morell
Hola a todos

Disculpen por inicializar este tema en la Lista

En mi centro estamos fortaleciendo nuestro sitio Web, necesitamos
llegar a la comercializacion por Internet, y consideramos oportuno
tener un espejo en otro pais por ejemplo España.

Por esta razon requiero negociar con un ISP y ya que
estamos montado en este seguro cohete (linux debian), desearia poder
tener una buena comunicacion con nuestros lenguajes o sea hablar
los mismos idiomas el de Cervantes y el Debian Linux.

Disculpen de nuevo por la molestia,y si hay algun ISP por ahi por
favor espero su mensaje.
Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Lista de usuarios de C/C++

1999-03-17 Thread David Leal
Hola a todos:

Alguen me podr'ia decir donde puedo encontrar un lista de usuarios de
C/C++ en castellano. Me he conectado a las news, pero no me responden.



David R. Leal Valmana| Office: 10.1.02
Tel: (34)-916.24.93.14   | Fax: (34)-916.24.98.49
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Dpto. de Estadistica y Econometria

RE: libreadlineg2

1999-03-17 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 duro, ¿verdad?. Entonces ¿qué hago para decirle a dpkg que instale en
 otro sitio?

Prueba dpkg --root=punto de montaje -C, p.ejemplo para comprobar el estado
de instalacion en punto de montaje.


Re: libreadlineg2

1999-03-17 Thread Agustín Martín
David Charro Ripa wrote:
 Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez escribió:
  Hola :
  Lo que yo haga en casos como estas es iniciar el sistema con el 
  rescue, Montar la(s) particion(es) y luego ganar una shell (ALt-F2). De esta
  forma tengo acceso a mi sistema. En este punto puedo usar dpkg (ojo que el 
  es del rescue) para recomponer el sistema.
  Espero que esta idea te ayude.
 ¿Podrías especificar un poco lo de ojo que el root es el del rescue? Mi
 duda es esa. Tengo la sensación de que si uso dpkg directamente tomará
 como referencia el raiz del disco rescue y entonces me va a instalar
 todos los archivos en esa estructura y no en la que yo tenía en el disco
 duro, ¿verdad?. Entonces ¿qué hago para decirle a dpkg que instale en

Si no recuerdo mal, y si tienes montada tu partición real en /mnt,

/mnt/usr/bin/dpkg --root=/mnt .

Corregidme si me equivoco


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: libreadlineg2

1999-03-17 Thread David Charro Ripa
Angel Vicente Perez escribió:
  duro, ¿verdad?. Entonces ¿qué hago para decirle a dpkg que instale en
  otro sitio?
 Prueba dpkg --root=punto de montaje -C, p.ejemplo para comprobar el estado
 de instalacion en punto de montaje.

Ya he arrancado con el rescue y ganado una sesión con alt+F2. Desde allí
monto en /target la partición del disco duro cascada. Localizo dpkg en
un subdirectorio de /usr  y al ejecutarlo con ./dpkg me dice que no
encuentra una librería libdpkg. Entonces supongo que dpkg no es
ejecutable directamente por sí mismo, necesita librerías. Y ¿como
consigo que las use? Voy a probar con el ar. La verdad es que no se que
es el ar...
pero a probar lo que haga falta, que para eso nos gusta linux ;-)



Consulta !!!

1999-03-17 Thread vlal
Hola listeros,

Necesito saber donde puedo encontrar paquetes rpm binarios, es decir solo
para instalarlos y que los distribuya en los directorios correspondientes,
en especial de sendmail version 8.9.3, yo encontre rpm en,
pero estos son fuentes no binarios, les agradeceria si saben de algun
sitio donde pueda encontrar estos rpm.

La Vida

Re: HP Laserjet 6L

1999-03-17 Thread Jose Antonio Morillo

Han Solo wrote:
 Yo tuve el mismo problema con una HP 4L, así que debe ser un bug del 
 controlador de las HP. ¿Solución? Pondría la mano en el fuego a que tienes 
 como demonio de impresión el lprng. 

efectivamente, así es.

Desinstálalo e instala el lpr de toda la vida, ya verás como funciona a
la primera (por lo menos a mi me funcionó).

Perfecto, ha sido cambiar lprng por lpr y efectivamente a la primera.
Por fin ya puedo imprimirme los howtos en ps desde linux, y no tener que
hacerlo desde windows.. :-)

Saludos :-)
José Antonio Morillo

Re: libreadlineg2

1999-03-17 Thread Hernan Joel Cervantes Rodriguez
Hola :
 Angel Vicente Perez escribió:
   duro, ¿verdad?. Entonces ¿qué hago para decirle a dpkg que instale en
   otro sitio?
  Prueba dpkg --root=punto de montaje -C, p.ejemplo para comprobar el estado
  de instalacion en punto de montaje.
 Ya he arrancado con el rescue y ganado una sesión con alt+F2. Desde allí
 monto en /target la partición del disco duro cascada. Localizo dpkg en
 un subdirectorio de /usr  y al ejecutarlo con ./dpkg me dice que no
 encuentra una librería libdpkg. Entonces supongo que dpkg no es
 ejecutable directamente por sí mismo, necesita librerías. Y ¿como
 consigo que las use? Voy a probar con el ar. La verdad es que no se que
 es el ar...
 pero a probar lo que haga falta, que para eso nos gusta linux ;-)
Me olvide, tienes que actualizar el camino a las bibliotecas. 
Los pasos que doy aqui suponen que montastes todas las particiones y 
tu estructura esta en /target, es importante que muentes todos las particiones 
que hiciste y exactamente en el punto que estan asigandos, para guiarte puedes 
ver el archi fstab :

# cat /target/etc/fstab

Una vez la estructura bien montada edita el archivo /etc/,

# ae /etc/

(no estoy seguro si es ae o edit) e incluye las siguientes lineas al final


(no creo que necesites mas, en todo casi si de nuevo da el problema de falta de 
bibliotecas puedes copiar del archivo /target/etc/ precediendo por 

Una vez modificado el archivo tienes que actualizarlo.

# /target/sbin/ldconfig

Pronto ahora las bibliotecas de tu disco estaran visibles para el 
loader. Como sugerido previante puedes instalar lo paquetes usando

# dpkg --install --root camino/paquete.deb

Si esto ultimo no funcionar, puedes usar el ar (¿Archive Recorder?), 
asi :

# cd /target/tmp
# /target/usr/bin/ar x camino/paquete.deb data.tar.gz

con esto deve crearse un archivo data.tar.gz que contiene los archivos del 
paquete, normalmente los binarios. Luego haz :

# cd /target
# tar xzvf tmp/data.tar.gz
# /target/sbin/ldconfig

En este procedimiento el paquete es instalado mas no configurado.



   Hernán J Cervantes Rodríguez
   Instituto de Física da USP
   e-mail   : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   homepage :

Configuración Xwindows.

1999-03-17 Thread Jesús
Hola soy un estudiante de la Escuela Superior de Ingenieria de Cadiz y
tengo un problema con la configu- ración del xwindows. Tengo una tarjeta de
video SiS 6215C y no aparece en la lista de tarjetas de video que soporta
Linux. ¿ Que tarjeta de video puedo elegir que sea com- patible y me
soporte una resolución de 600x800 ? Gracias.

Re: errores en dmesg

1999-03-17 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 10:54:06AM +0100, José Illescas Pérez dijo:
 ¿alguien sabe que significan estos mensajes de error al hacer un dmesg?
 Memory: 95668k/98304k available (608k kernel code, 384k reserved, 1644k
  ^ - que envidia! :^)

 Linux version 2.0.36 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #8 Tue Mar 16
Has tratado de actualizarte a 2.2.3? Corre perfecto en hamm.

 Partition check:
  hda: hda1 hda2 hda3 hda4
 VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
 Adding Swap: 130748k swap-space (priority -1)
 Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address c68195e7
 current-tss.cr3 = 058ea000, %cr3 = 058ea000
[... un cojonal de lineas...]

Creo (pero no aseguro) que es un problema cuando va a montar el swap.
Intenta quitarlo del fstab a ver que pasa.

 Un saludo para todos.
 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: Matrox MGA-G200 AGP

1999-03-17 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 11:29:43AM +0100, Juan C. Amengual dijo:
 Hola a tod*s,
 vereis, me gustaria saber si existe un paquete .deb (en algun sitio)
 para el servidor de X de la siguiente tarjeta:
 Matrox Graphics MGA-G200 AGP
 Chip: MGA-G200 B8 R1
 Memoria: 8 MB
[Servidor X para Matrox MGA-G200 AGP]

Creo que ya hay soporte en XFree86 (el ultimito), mira en la página
de Xfree ( El slink no trae estos paquetes, debido a la
reorganización que le hicieron, pero por ahí hay alguien que hizo esos .deb.
La dirección la encontre en el informe sobre Debian 2.1 que se hizo en, o algo así.

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: Configuración Xwindows.

1999-03-17 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 04:46:16PM +0100, Jesús Pérez Franco dijo:
   Hola soy un estudiante de la Escuela Superior de Ingenieria de Cadiz y
 tengo un problema con la configu- ración del xwindows. Tengo una tarjeta de
 video SiS 6215C y no aparece en la lista de tarjetas de video que soporta
 Linux. ¿ Que tarjeta de video puedo elegir que sea com- patible y me
 soporte una resolución de 600x800 ? Gracias.

Al parecer si hay soporte, pero creo el chip de video tuyo debe ser un 86c215.
Si es ese, está soportado hace rato, pero lo más posible es que te toque
configurar X a mano.

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux


1999-03-17 Thread Jose Mari Mor Fabregat
La otra vez se estuvo discutiendo (o explicando) sobre procmail. Bueno,
me puse a poner en práctica lo dicho e hize lo siquiente:


|IFS=' 'exec /usr/bin/procmail -f-||exit 75 #fmor


* ^Subject.*prova*


El problema es que hago las prubas i me devuelve un mensaje
diciendo algo como que no puede crear /usr/mail/fmor.lock, lo
cual es normal. A raiz de esto y leyendo el man del procmail,
pongo la variable LOCKFILE a un fichero de mi cuenta, me 
devuelve lo siguiente.

procmail: Lock failure on /usr/mail/fmor.lock
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Mar 17 18:05:58 1999
 Subject: hola
  Folder: /usr/mail/fmor   5956

Supongo que es una tontería, pero llevo dos días pegándome
con eso.

Gracias por adelantado.

login shell

1999-03-17 Thread homega

estoy un poco liado del modo en que funcionan las shell.  Si el login lo
hago como usuario horacio, el prompt que obtengo es siempre:


sin que indique nada más.  Yo pensé que sería el bash ya que bash siempre va
con el signo $, pero:

$ bash

y aquí resulta que las opciones que pueda tener en .bashrc me funcionan.  O
sea, que antes estaba en otra shell... ¿sh?  (aunque la primera login shell
que aparece en /etc/shells es `ash'... pero no puedo cambiar a ash
invocándolo como `ash' desde la línea de comandos ... ¿porque no es una shell

¿Se puede hacer que el login te meta directamente en bash?

Y de otro modo, ¿cómo puedo hacer que la shell del login lea ~/.bashrc?

El man bash dice que cuando bash es invocado como login shell, primero lee
/etc/profile, luego ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login y ~/.profile, y al salir
lee ~/.bash_logout (si existe).
Bueno, aquí no dice que lee ~/.bashrc, sólo si es invocada como shell no de
login... ¿quiere eso decir que en realidad el login es bash y no otra?
Ni ~/bash_login, ni ~/.profile, ni ~/bash_logout existen...

Lo único que veo es que hay una diferencia entre el bash si es de login o si
es interactivo (si se invoca desde la consola), ya que el primero no lee

Por lo demás, un lío, a ver si alguien me puede aclarar algo.

Gracias de antemano,


Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys :
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Las X Windows no hacen caso de LANG

1999-03-17 Thread Rafael Cordones Marcos


Me he actualizado a 2.1

He puesto LANG=es_ES en /etc/profile y todos los programas me van bien en 
modo terminal pero en un xterm de las X-Windows al hacer 'env' me he dado 
cuanta que pone LANG=C

?Como lo hago para que 'startx' mire /etc/profile?

Best regards,

Rafa C. Marcos
BCN Art Directe (Promotora d'Art)

   Info on Euroart'99 and Index·Art at:

Conexión compartida

1999-03-17 Thread M. Angel Esteban

Susesplico la historia. Resulta que en el curro (una academia de
infommatica por aquí cerca) quieren montar un curso de internet (nunca
serviré para qué sirve realmente un curso de esos, o cualquier curso.. pero
si la gente los pide...), total, que hace falta conectar unos 8 equipos a
internet utilizando una única conexión *real* a Internet.

Esto se puede hacer con el Windoze  y el Wingate o cualquier otro proxy o
pseudoproxy del mercado. Lo que pasa es que mi jefe no quiere gastarse un
duro ;-)

Otra cosa que no agunto es que con el Wingate se limita mucho el acceso a
los usuarios (solo pueden conectarse a un servidor de IRC, un pop, un
Smtp...), y yo lo que querría es que los usuarios tuvieran libertat *total*
para acceder allá donde quieran. He pensado que una buena solución para el
proxy sería un 486-66 16Mb con la Hamm, pero estoy pensando... ¿Cómo puedo
facilitar el acceso a los demás para que ni se enteren de que están
conectados gracias a un 'intermediario'?

Venga, a ver si alguien me da una pistilla ;)

Ta luego

@..@ M. Angel Esteban   /\_/\
   ()[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ( o.o )
  ( __ ) ~ 

Ruta por defecto

1999-03-17 Thread Emilio de Miguel

Esta pregunta no es extrictamente sobre Debian, perdonad por ello.

Como se establece la ruta por defecto con los nuevos kernel 2.2.* ?

Deica logo

Nescessito de ajuda com Modem Pnp

1999-03-17 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld
Olha eu tenho um modem  PNP na com3 com a seguinte configuração:

-Marca e Modelo:Davicom 336P Internal FAXModem(Voice)
-IRQ: 11
-Vel Maxima: 115 baud

Eu configurei o ISAPNP(+nada) e aparece a mensagem com a
configuração do had e ---Enabled  OK
Só que depois o kpp diz que o modem esta ocupado!:-(
Eu usei o programa setserial com as seguintes linhas de
setserial -a /dev/modem (1º eu criei o link p com 3)
setserial -a /dev/cua2 (na hora parece que qq coisa funciona)
Nos dois  casos o retorno do setserial é o mesmo(claro!):

Line 2 , uart unknow , port 0x3e8 IRQ 4 (deveria ser 11)
Baud_base:115200,closedelay:50 divisor 0
closing_wait:3000,closing wait2:infinte
Flags SPD_normal skip_test

E mesmo depois disto o modem continua dando os mesmos problemas!
Me disseram uma vez que eu deveria carregar uns modulos
do kernel(eu uso o kernel tal e qual ele vem da instalação do Guarani da
conectiva) mas eu não tenho a menor ideia do que fazer.

Agradeço toda e qualquer ajuda que possam me dar.

Endereço p resposta(mas pode usar o mesmo que eu mandei o
email):[EMAIL PROTECTED](é o endereço que esta cadastrado na lista )

Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld

Agradecimentos e uma duvida

1999-03-17 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld
Olha em primeiro lugar eu quero agradecer muito , graças
a ajuda recebida aqui eu consegui fazer o meu modem funcionar .
Minha duvida a este respeito é a seguinte o meu sistema 
ta configurado para uma linha telefonica de discagem por tom mas a linha
que eu uso é de discagem por pulso(é uma linha meio velha)
Como eu faço pra mudar isto?
Outr coisa se alguem souber como eu posso comprar o  
StarOffice sem ter de recorrer a cartão de credito(que eu não tenho) favor
me informar. :-)

Obrigado pela ajuda Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld

Re: Agradecimentos e uma duvida

1999-03-17 Thread Lalo Martins
On Mar 17, Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld decided to present us with:
 Olha em primeiro lugar eu quero agradecer muito , graças
 a ajuda recebida aqui eu consegui fazer o meu modem funcionar .
 Minha duvida a este respeito é a seguinte o meu sistema 
 ta configurado para uma linha telefonica de discagem por tom mas a linha
 que eu uso é de discagem por pulso(é uma linha meio velha)
 Como eu faço pra mudar isto?

Que programa você usa para discar?

O que você tem que fazer é adicionar a string ATP à
inicialização do modem, mas a maneira de fazer isso depende do

Se você usar o wvdial, você deve editar o arquivo
/etc/wvdial.conf; lá você vai achar algumas linhas começando
com INIT; por exemplo, o meu tem:

Init1 = ATZ1
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 C1 D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = ATS36=7 S48=7 S11=55 S10=60 S9=15 M0

(não são as configurações padrão, eu tive que fazer uma certa
violência pra conciliar meu modem jurásico com minha linha
telefônica cretácea).

Nesse caso você adicionaria:

Init4 = ATP

Se seu arquivo só tiver Init1 e Init2, você adiciona Init3, se
você já tiver Init1, Init2, Init3, Init4, adicione Init5, e
assism por diante.

Você também pode modificar uma das outras linhas (exceto a que
contiver o ATZ) acrescentando o T, no meu caso seria:

Init3 = ATS36=7 S48=7 S11=55 S10=60 S9=15 M0 T

Otra opção é:

Dial Command = ATDP

(que é o que eu fiz no meu, mas a opção do Init4 é preferível).

Se você não usa o wvdial... bem... use :-) Falando sério, se usa
alguma outra coisa diga, quem sabe alguém na lista sabe como
mudar a inicialização do modem.

  I am Lalo of deB-org. You will be freed.
 Resistance is futile.  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp key in the web page

Debian GNU/Linux   --

Re: Printing Problems Con't

1999-03-17 Thread Mark Wagnon
Do you mean that nothing at all is printed when you try to print from
Netscape? Or do you get partial printouts? I don't know if this will pertain
to you, but I had problems printing everything that wasn't plain-text. I
installed the gs-aladdin package to replace the default gs package, re-ran
magicfilterconfig, and I was good to go. Maybe you can try that.


-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 3:19 PM
Subject: Printing Problems Con't

First off, let me say thanks to those of you who helped me get remote
printing to work.

Now, I am still having a small problem with the remote printing.
Nothing will print from netscape.  I can print using the lp command,
and with most programs (xemacs, tkrat, etc).  Any idea what might be
going on?


1999-03-17 Thread eferen
I have been trying for two weeks to get on the Web with netscape but in all
versions of Linux I've tried I get the same thing:

Netscape cannot find the home page, and also, The following hosts are

The IP addresses I've put in manually and it still tells me it can't find
them.  I checked to see if Bind is installed and it is.  So what's wrong?

Thanks.  Ed


1999-03-17 Thread Mark Connolly
Hello all.

I have just recently successfully installed Debian 2.0 (Hamm) from the
disks in a book bought at Borders.

I have run into a problem with my HP Deskjet 722c printer, a printer I
am very happy with on the dos/w95 side of my box.

Apparently it is a win-printer which I did not know existed, i.e. it
depends on the operating system for some of its functionality.  So, no
printing from Linux.

I had heard once of a reverse engineering attempt to get a driver that
would work.  I'm trying again to find out if such an attempt has been
made, or maybe is successful.

But, I also am curious about the 'legality' of such a thing.  I'm
guessing it is legal, even if HP doesn't like it, since I'm assuming
the reverse engineering is being done to determine critical info such
that a driver can be written non-proprietarily from scratch.

I would be interested in anyone's thoughts on these matters.  Thanks. 
Get your free address at

Re: xfs and fonts

1999-03-17 Thread Pere Camps

 Needless to say, you can have the X server use local fonts AND a font
 xfs is in no way required to have a functional X installation.

Thats what I needed. Thanks for the input. :)

-- p.

Re: Subject: Potato, sendmail, glibc 2.1, and libdb2

1999-03-17 Thread wb4mle
 potato's sendmail and glibc 2.1 seem to get along fine (at least on this
 box) ! Those of you with problems all seem to have also installed the newer
 I was fortunate in that my socks access died, and I have been unable to
 download/install libdb2 ;-}
 I see in the sendmail-8.9.2 changelog that this was done:
  Support Berkeley DB 2.6.4 API change 
 This is the version now in potato
 Unfortunately, the libdb2 in slink is 2.4.14, and that is the library
 sendmail is linked against.
 I'm now in kind of a mess in that I've got my developement machine
 running glibc2.1, and
 have several changes in various stages of completion in sendmail ;-{
 If someone who still has a slink system would install libdb2 2.6.4 (if
 possible), and do an NMU - I think that'd get people going until my 
 updates are clean, and I get socks working again (anyone tried dante, 
 I'm thinking of packaging it) ;-{
Since the new libc6 says it supplied libdb2, I used dpkg to reinstall
the latest potato libc6, put the libdb2 on hold and all seems to be
working fine again.
The wall command is broken, but I have no idea what got it.
Eddie Seymour, WB4MLE
PGP KEYS D/H 0xB65DC61A   RSA 0x935801A9

Re: netscape

1999-03-17 Thread dyer
eferen wrote:

 I have been trying for two weeks to get on the Web with netscape but in all
 versions of Linux I've tried I get the same thing:

 Netscape cannot find the home page, and also, The following hosts are

 The IP addresses I've put in manually and it still tells me it can't find
 them.  I checked to see if Bind is installed and it is.  So what's wrong?

 Thanks.  Ed

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I think you should start at the beginning.  Can you ping a machine on the net? 
address? By dns name?
ping then,

did you get replies?  If you can't ping by IP, there is something wrong with 
connection to your ISP. (basically) and if you can ping by IP but not by dns, 
you prolly have bad dns machines numbers in /etc/resolv.conf
mail me if it doesn't work and we can work on it while keeping traffic off the 



apt problem?

1999-03-17 Thread jeb
I've used dselect/apt for a long time to update my debian 
distribution. For the last several days when I tried to update I get 
the following message.

Updating package file cache...
E: Line 3 in package file
o_main_binary-i386_Packages is too long.(2)

I tried getting distribution from different sites -- no luck.

I looked at the file mentioned. Line 3 is a normal line.

I did apt-get clean to start over.

I get the same message regardless of whether I download main, 
non-free, or contrib sections of the dist. I tried them all 
separately -- same result.

The message seems unhelpful to me.  Does anyone have a clue as to 
what's happening and how to fix it? 
I'm not sure what version of apt I have. That's one of things I was 
trying to upgrade.



Downgrading to Slink

1999-03-17 Thread Emil Soleyman-Zomalan

Ijust read the Debian Weekly News and saw that
more trouble is on the way (in the sense that more modules are going to
be broken). Anyway, I'm running potato 2.2.3 and would like to downgrade
to the stable version of slink, but do not have the slightest clue on going
about and doing it. I would appreciate it if anyone can point me to a how-to
or could give me some advice on how to start the process.
once again thank you for any feedback.
Emil Soleyman-Zomalan

University of California - Berkeley

Re: Newbie having bad problems with EIDE drive

1999-03-17 Thread Hartmut Figge
Leif Steinhour wrote:

 I've been trying for the last week to get my new (3.2G) IDE hard
 drive working properly. LILO will not load (for most configurations, I
 get as far as LI), and I can't seem to edit lilo.conf: when I edit it
 in rescue mode using the Red Hat 5.0 disks and then restart the system
 it keeps resetting itself. I've been very careful to keep the main

you are sure, you run /sbin/lilo after editing, are you?

 PhoenixBios version 4.05. It lets me set the large disk acess modes to
 both DOS and Other, and for the specific disk lets me turn on and

choosing lba-mode should be the right thing.


Re: OT: System stable at 95MHz, unstable at 100MHz

1999-03-17 Thread Hartmut Figge
 Raymond A. Ingles wrote:
 On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Ares wrote:

  I would definitely try using memory from a different dealer, and failing
  that, I'd put a decent UPS on the computer.

  At the moment I'm leaning toward bad memory, but it'll be a little while
 before I can get my hands on some from a different dealer. :-/

it may be possible to determine the access-time of the rams by reading
the label and searching the web - i know, there was a place to look :-(
and if it is  7ns then the reason should be clear.


Re: kernel panic, no init found

1999-03-17 Thread Paul Miller
Jianming YOU wrote:
 Hi, Paul,
 Thank you very much.
 I followed your suggestion. Here is what I did and what I got:
 Boot from a floppy, with kernel 2.0.35
 login as root
  mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
  cd mnt
  rm vmlinuz
  ln -s boot/vmlinuz-2.0.34 vmlinuz
  ls -l sbin/lilo
 -rwxr-xr-x  1  root   root   50708  Feb  2 17:31  sbin/lilo
 sbin/lilo: not found
  ls -l /usr/bin/lilo
 -rwxr-xr-x  1  root   root   46740  Jul 28 1998   /usr/bin/lilo
  lilo -r /mnt
 First boot sector doesn't have a valid LILO signature
 Is it the time to re-start from scratch? I am stuck.
 Any idea?
OK, when you get the 'boot:' prompt from the rescue disk type

linux root=/dev/hda2

This will boot the kernel off the floppy but use your hard drive as the
root file system. Lilo should work fine from there. Be sure that
/vmlinuz points to /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.34

Paul Miller

Re: win-printer??

1999-03-17 Thread Bob Nielsen
The ghostscript printer compatibility page has probably the best
collection of information on printer drivers, but unfortunately doesn't
supply any helpful information for the 722c with Linux.


On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Mark Connolly wrote:

 Hello all.
 I have just recently successfully installed Debian 2.0 (Hamm) from the
 disks in a book bought at Borders.
 I have run into a problem with my HP Deskjet 722c printer, a printer I
 am very happy with on the dos/w95 side of my box.
 Apparently it is a win-printer which I did not know existed, i.e. it
 depends on the operating system for some of its functionality.  So, no
 printing from Linux.
 I had heard once of a reverse engineering attempt to get a driver that
 would work.  I'm trying again to find out if such an attempt has been
 made, or maybe is successful.
 But, I also am curious about the 'legality' of such a thing.  I'm
 guessing it is legal, even if HP doesn't like it, since I'm assuming
 the reverse engineering is being done to determine critical info such
 that a driver can be written non-proprietarily from scratch.
 I would be interested in anyone's thoughts on these matters.  Thanks. 

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Kernel 2.2.1 question.

1999-03-17 Thread Paul Miller
Person, Roderick wrote:
 Thanks for the reply. I kept getting the message that the kernel could not
 find  bin_fmt-464c so I tried a trick I saw in LJ and placed alias
 bin_fmt-464c in /etc/conf.modules. No luck. I've compile the kernel 4 times
 now and still can't get it right. So I found a .deb of the 2.2.3 image and
 I'm know trying that, but it doesn't find my OPTi card!!
Are you compiling support for ELF binary format into your kernel? This
option can be found under the General Setup section of menuconfig.

Paul Miller

Trying to understand Packages[.gz] files

1999-03-17 Thread Lloyd Blythen
I'm installing Debian gradually; until I get it online I have Windows,
in its own partition, set up for Internet use. I use Windows to download
Debian packages I'm interested in onto my hard drive, creating a partial
mirror of the Debian distribution; I then install those packages by
accessing the Windows partition from Debian. What's the significance of
Packages (or Packages.gz) files in this case?

1) Does dpkg/dselect/apt assume that all packages listed in a Packages
file are available on my hard drive? If so, should I manually create a
stripped-down Packages file that describes only the few dozen packages
I've downloaded?

2) Alternatively, is Packages used only to provide additional data to
the package management tools - that is, do the tools scan for .deb
packages that I've actually downloaded, then use the Packages file only
to extract further information about those few packages?

I suspect it's 1), because dselect in particular shows guff about
packages I've never downloaded but that are described in the Packages
file (which I have downloaded).

Any help appreciated


Re: iso9660 module in kernel 2.0.34

1999-03-17 Thread Paul Miller
G. Crimp wrote:
 Anybody know what an unresolved symbol is ?  I've just compiled a

This is a function call or variable that the modules wishes to use but
cannot find.

 kernel making iso9660 support a module.  I've done this in bo with no
 problems.  In hamm, however, when I try to mount a cd, I get an error saying
 that the kernel does not support iso9660 filesystems.  kerneld is running.
 If I do insmod isofs I get the following errors:
 # insmod -p isofs
 /lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol load_nls_default_R86e263f4
 /lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol unload_nls_R3f17924a
 /lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol load_nls_Rbc00b63b
 /lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol utf8_wctomb_Rf531b5d3
Try using modprobe instead of insmod. It will load other necessary
modules for the requested module to run.

modprobe isofs

For modprobe to work, you need to build the dependancy list first. This
happens every time the machine boots, but you can also do this by typing 

depmod -a

Hope this helps
Paul Miller

shirt shop

1999-03-17 Thread Bill Rappe


1999-03-17 Thread Ramiel Givergis
I'll try it, I can't right now since I won't be at school till tommorow.
And for your information I was on IRIX at school connecting with xterm
via ssh to my home linux/debian box and ssh sets the DISPLAY variable
stuff for me.

I tried running licq the same way on my friends machine and I did not
get those messages.  Also, I use WindoMaker and I use potato with all
new packages.


Ramiel Givergis, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
This mail is a natural product.  The slight variations in spelling and
grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to
be considered flaws or defects.

On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

 On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Branden Robinson wrote:
  On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 10:16:13AM -0800, Ramiel Givergis wrote:
   When I use ssh and run licq remotly I keep getting 
   Xlib:  extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER missing on display host:10.0.
  That's bizarre.  I think that means something on the remote end is trying
  to start a screen saver on your local hardware.
 No, it's just looking for the screen saver extension (definied in libXext
 as I recall).  What X server are you running on your machine?  When you
 log in to the remote machine, do you set your DISPLAY variable yourself,
 or do you let ssh set it up for you?  (The error message indicates that
 it's the latter.)  I suspect this is actually a problem with ssh's X11
 Try setting the DISPLAY variable yourself when you log in.  If you're in
 the bash shell, run 'export DISPLAY=your hostname:0'.  On your local
 machine, you'll now need to explicitly give the remote host access to your
 X server.  Run 'xhost remote machine' on your local machine.  Now try
 running licq and see what happens.
  That could be a bug in licq.  I have no idea why licq would have anything
  to do with a screen saver, though.
 I'd say it's highly unlikely that it's a bug in licq.  Most likely it's
 got to do with ssh.  Less likely it has something to do with the version
 of Xlib that licq has been linked with...
   PGP public key available at
   or by 'finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
   This message was composed in a 100% Microsoft free environment.
 Version: 2.6.2

Re: win-printer??

1999-03-17 Thread Oleg Krivosheev
On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Mark Connolly wrote:

 Date: Tue, 16 Mar 1999 16:19:16 -0800 (PST)
 From: Mark Connolly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: win-printer??
 Resent-Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 00:21:43 +
 Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
 Hello all.
 I have just recently successfully installed Debian 2.0 (Hamm) from the
 disks in a book bought at Borders.
 I have run into a problem with my HP Deskjet 722c printer, a printer I
 am very happy with on the dos/w95 side of my box.


[no subject]

1999-03-17 Thread Bill Rappe
one side print

   one color   full color
25   $50.00   $70.00
50 42.00 60.00
100   38.00 51.00
250   30.00 47.00
500   28.00 45.00
1000 25.00 42.00
1200-plus  special pricing
company logo left front  ADD 3.25 ea.

*prices subject to be lower
*call for best quote

one side print

  one colorfull color
50  29.00  49.00
10027.00  45.00


  one colorfull color
25  $38.00 $58.00
5034.00   54.00
100  32.00   50.00
company logo left front ADD 3.25 ea.
one side print

   one color   full color
1-25   $8.50   $9.00 25-50 
 8.00 8.50
50-100 7.50 8.00
100-150   6.00 6.50
150-200   5.50 6.00
200-250   5.00 5.25
250 plus  special pricing

*prices subject to be lower
*call for best quote

one side print

  one colorfull color
1-25  $8.50$9.00
25-50  8.00  8.50
50-1007.50  8.00
100-150  7.00  7.25
150 plus  special pricing


  one colorfull color
1-25$8.50 $9.00
25-50   8.008.50
50-100 7.007.50
100-150   6.006.25
150 plus special pricing

GARMENT OR 10,000.


one side print
on white

 one color  full color
1-12   $9.00   $9.50
12-36   8.509.00
36-48   8.008.50
48-100 7.257.75
100-150   6.507.00
150 200   6.006.50
200-plus  special pricing
company logo left front  ADD  .25  ea.
colored shirts ADD  .75  ea.

*prices subject to be lower
*call for best quote

one side print
on white

 one color  full color
1-12$15.00   $15.50
48-100  13.2513.75
150 20011.0011.20
200-plus  special pricing
company logo left front  ADD  .25  ea.
colored shirts ADD  .75  ea.

*prices subject to be lower
*call for best quote

(mesh back)
one color
1-12   $7.00
48-100  5.50
200-plus   special pricing

Re: grrr, No response from modem

1999-03-17 Thread John Hasler
Jay Barbee writes:

 Mar 16 16:49:16 torch kernel: tty02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 Mar 16 16:49:16 torch kernel: tty03 at 0x02e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

 Modem should be in the first serial port.  Any ideas how I can get this
 thing to talk?

What do 'setserial /dev/ttyS2' and 'setserial /dev/ttyS3' say?
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Slink install disks / SCSI AHA-294x controller conflict?

1999-03-17 Thread Mike

As a lab exercise for a course that I teach, I have in the past
had my students install and configure Debian using floppies to
get the base system up and running. These same systems, however,
do not boot using the slink disks.

The system locks up in the boot sequence after downloading
SCSI instructions to the AHA-2940w SCSI controller at id=0. The
last line on the console is:

(SCSI 0) Downloading sequencer code... 412 instructions downloaded.

Then nothing.

I have tried the safe boot disks and the aic7xx=no_reset option as
a boot param to no effect.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance, Mike.

Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI

1999-03-17 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
I have the above sound card, and when I modprobe es1370 it tells me device
or resource busy.  I don't have any sound modules compiled into the

I can modprobe es1371, and it doesn't give me errors, but it doesn't say
that it has detected the hardware either.

I tried the oss stuff, but I still couldn't get sound.

On another note:  I have an ide-cdr and so I compiled my kernel with
scsi-emulation.  Now my wmcdplay and xfreecd don't know where my cd-rom
is.  It's /dev/scd0.  How do I fix that?

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

Re: exim user

1999-03-17 Thread Frozen Rose

Pere Camps  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Exim runs himself in inetd.conf as user 'exim'. This user doesn't
exist in my /etc/passwd, so I've changed it to user 'mail'. 

   Am I doing the right thing?

It sounds right. That's what I do, and it works for me...

Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Life's been like dragging feet through sand
and never finding the promised land[queensrÿche]


1999-03-17 Thread Craig T. Hancock
Hell oall I just upgraded my kernel and I have a 3com 900 series card

The recofnized the card but.. I still don't any network connectivity is
there a driver update for the card that I ma not aware of

Re: exim user

1999-03-17 Thread Pollywog

On 17-Mar-99 Frozen Rose wrote:
 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 Pere Camps  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Exim runs himself in inetd.conf as user 'exim'. This user doesn't
exist in my /etc/passwd, so I've changed it to user 'mail'. 

  Am I doing the right thing?
 It sounds right. That's what I do, and it works for me...

I don't run Exim from inetd but I also run exim as user 'mail'.


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: Slink install disks / SCSI AHA-294x controller conflict?

1999-03-17 Thread Gregory T. Norris
I've got an unofficial install-disk set for slink, with version 5.1.12
of the aic7xxx driver... slightly newer than the version in slink's
diskset.  It's at;.

If that doesn't work, and you know of a particular version of the driver
(or Debian install-disks) that worked properly, I could probably slap
together a diskset with a downgraded driver to match...

On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 04:07:49PM -1000, Mike wrote:
 As a lab exercise for a course that I teach, I have in the past
 had my students install and configure Debian using floppies to
 get the base system up and running. These same systems, however,
 do not boot using the slink disks.
 The system locks up in the boot sequence after downloading
 SCSI instructions to the AHA-2940w SCSI controller at id=0. The
 last line on the console is:
 (SCSI 0) Downloading sequencer code... 412 instructions downloaded.
 Then nothing.
 I have tried the safe boot disks and the aic7xx=no_reset option as
 a boot param to no effect.
 Any suggestions?
 Thanks in advance, Mike.

Re: Xfree86 debs?

1999-03-17 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 02:28:01PM -0800, Jim Harritt wrote:
 Is there a source for Xfree86 debian packages?

You can always check for the
latest Debian X news.

G. Branden Robinson  |There's nothing an agnostic can't do
Debian GNU/Linux |if he doesn't know whether he believes
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |in it or not. |-- Graham Chapman

Description: PGP signature

VB and Active X

1999-03-17 Thread Tommy Malloy
Someone I know who is learning programming sent me a link to a web page
they were working on that had VB and Active X controls.  I couldn't see
any of it in netscape.  Why not?  Is it possible to see this stuff on a
Linux box?   Are LInux users going to be cut off from web based
application written in MS languages?


Re: VB and Active X

1999-03-17 Thread dyer
Tommy Malloy wrote:

 Someone I know who is learning programming sent me a link to a web page
 they were working on that had VB and Active X controls.  I couldn't see
 any of it in netscape.  Why not?  Is it possible to see this stuff on a
 Linux box?

Don't you love those guys?

 Are LInux users going to be cut off from web based
 application written in MS languages?

God, I hope so.  ;)


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null



Re: VB and Active X

1999-03-17 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 Someone I know who is learning programming sent me a link to a web page
 they were working on that had VB and Active X controls.  I couldn't see
 any of it in netscape.  Why not?  Is it possible to see this stuff on a
 Linux box?   Are LInux users going to be cut off from web based
 application written in MS languages?

cut off is such strong language.  I prefer protected.
ActiveX and VBScript should not be used for web applications meant
for general consumption.  Doing so risks not reaching a good percentage
of the target audience because:

1) It is not cross-platform.
2) ActiveX has security risks, which prompts many security-conscious
   users to disable it.

Your friend should be using Java/Javascript for client-side interactivity
if web-programming is of interest to him.


Re: Drive test Utility

1999-03-17 Thread Vardhan Varma
 Does anyone know of a package or utility that exercises and surface 
 scans hard drives? (IDE in particular)
 The IDEAL would be if the program could run in background and do a 
 non-destructive surface scan to a mounted drive. I know that's asking a
 lot, but I'd be happy with anything at this point.
doesn't good old badblock ( or is it badblocks ) do it for you. 
AFAIK you will have to unmount partition to check, but if you are 
sure pc has a floppy in it, you can transfer sys on it remotely, and 
script it to boot, badblocks root partition, and reboot and run hard 
disk-s kernel.

I know i'm tellint you too much, but then you asked for too much (-;


Re: Drive test Utility

1999-03-17 Thread Vardhan Varma
 Does anyone know of a package or utility that exercises and surface 
 scans hard drives? (IDE in particular)
 The IDEAL would be if the program could run in background and do a 
 non-destructive surface scan to a mounted drive. I know that's asking a
 lot, but I'd be happy with anything at this point.
doesn't good old badblock ( or is it badblocks ) do it for you. 
AFAIK you will have to unmount partition to check, but if you are 
sure pc has a floppy in it, you can transfer sys on it remotely, and 
script it to boot, badblocks root partition, and reboot and run hard 
disk-s kernel.

I know i'm tellint you too much, but then you asked for too much (-;


Debian 2.1

1999-03-17 Thread Seiichi Shoji


DebianをSUN SSシリーズにインストールしたいのですが Debian CDの購入方法が


Elm and sun mailtool attachments

1999-03-17 Thread Rich Pawlowicz

I'm using the standard elm+me and metamail packages. Most attachments
seem to be handled OK, but recently a Sun user sent me something...when
I try to read it I get the following message:

   This message contains sun mailtool message.
   Do you want to view it using the '' command (y/n) [y] ? 

Of course, since nothing has been specified answering either y or n 
returns me to the main menu.

So...(1) Obviously, something recognizes that this isn't mime encoded,
 but is sun-encoded, and
 (2) There is some way of configuring this something to handle it...but...

What and how?

My guess is this is a feature of metamail but I have not had any luck
in finding how to specify how to handle this in /etc/mailcap via 
documentation or guessing.


Rich Pawlowicz
Oceanography, Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Univ. of British Columbia, 
6270 University Blvd., Vancouver, B.C. CANADA V6T 1Z4
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ph: (604) 822-1356 fax: (604) 822-6091

Re: Why not Debian? (real-time proto with linux!)

1999-03-17 Thread Ramakrishnan M
On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 Also, since we REALLY need the real-time kernel, does anyone know if
 any .deb's of this are available?  (I already downloaded the 2.0.36
 modified source for real time linux and built it on top of a RedHat
 5.2 install.)
There is something called RT-Linux :-


Ramakrishnan M
#211 ,Cauvery hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology,Madras,
Chennai-600 036, INDIA

 Software is like sex;It's better when it's free 
   -Linus Torvalds

Re: Hardware woes/make-kpkg

1999-03-17 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Hardware woes/make-kpkg
Date: Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 07:37:26AM +0100

In reply to:Michael Bonetsmueller

Quoting Michael Bonetsmueller([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I can't find make-kpkg (neither locate nor dpkg -S finds anything),
 and so I compiled the kernel using the 
 make config zImage modules modules_install zlilo 
 Now I get unresolved symbols when loading the 3c509.o module. All of
 the symbols start with 'mca_' which sounds like a micro channel
 But I don't have and want micro channel. Can anybody tell me what I'm
 missing here?
 Where can I find make-kpkg?

dpkg -S make-kpkg
kernel-package: /usr/sbin/make-kpkg

Weinberg's Second Law:
 If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs,
 then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.

Re: Creative Ensoniq AudioPCI

1999-03-17 Thread Ian Keith Setford

You must have the experimental selected when you compile your kernel.
Then you can select the es1370 from the sound options and that's it.


On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Paul Nathan Puri wrote:

 I have the above sound card, and when I modprobe es1370 it tells me device
 or resource busy.  I don't have any sound modules compiled into the
 I can modprobe es1371, and it doesn't give me errors, but it doesn't say
 that it has detected the hardware either.
 I tried the oss stuff, but I still couldn't get sound.
 On another note:  I have an ide-cdr and so I compiled my kernel with
 scsi-emulation.  Now my wmcdplay and xfreecd don't know where my cd-rom
 is.  It's /dev/scd0.  How do I fix that?
 Certified Law Student
  Debian GNU/Linux Monk
 McGeorge School of Law
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


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Trying to understand Packages[.gz] files

1999-03-17 Thread Lloyd Blythen
I think this got lost - apologies if this is its second time around.

I'm installing Debian gradually; until I get it online I have Windows,
in its own partition, set up for Internet use. I use Windows to download
Debian packages I'm interested in onto my hard drive, creating a partial
mirror of the Debian distribution; I then install those packages by
accessing the Windows partition from Debian. What's the significance of
Packages (or Packages.gz) files in this case?

1) Does dpkg/dselect/apt assume that all packages listed in a Packages
file are available on my hard drive? If so, should I manually create a
stripped-down Packages file that describes only the few dozen packages
I've downloaded?

2) Alternatively, is Packages used only to provide additional data to
the package management tools - that is, do the tools scan for .deb
packages that I've actually downloaded, then use the Packages file only
to extract further information about those few packages?

I suspect it's 1), because dselect in particular shows guff about
packages I've never downloaded but that are described in the Packages
file (which I have downloaded).

Any help appreciated


samba: Operation not permitted (was: Re: vfat - cp: file: Operation not permitted)

1999-03-17 Thread Jiri Baum

Some time ago, there was discussion of the Operation not permitted error
on FAT partitions, and someone suggested the `quiet' option.

Does such an option exist for Samba? (smbfs)

   It comes from the fact that cp tries to set some permissions on the
   destination file. That is actually not possible for VFAT. 
   (I would prefer VFAT to silently ignore that)

Hamish Moffatt:
 Yes, quiet in the options line does this IIRC.
 zip for example encounters the same problem when creating a zip on
 FAT/VFAT, and removes the created zip file! Most annoying.

I ask because I'd like to be able to use `mv' to move files. If it can't
set permissions on the destination, mv behaves like cp.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

RE: Use the source luke

1999-03-17 Thread Shaleh

On 16-Mar-99 Shaun Lipscombe wrote:
 I really really want to install Gnome, but the only reason I haven't
 done so yet is because I cannot decide whether to install by source,
 or by .deb.  Normally I wouldn't worry about this, as I used to use
 another distribution (name not mentioned to protect the guilty) and so
 I had no choice.  I recently installed debian and it is *very* good.
 The dselect program confused me at first, but now I am very familiar
 with it, and have changed my opinion regarding package management.
 Arghhh!!! what shall I do??
 Any opinions are welcome :)

How about the best of both worlds, download the orig.tar.gz, the dsc and the
diff.gz files and make your own packages.

dpkg-source -x packagefoo.dsc
cd into the created directory
debian/rules binary

Then you can install the debs like you had downloaded them.

Re: Too many subdirectories

1999-03-17 Thread Christophe Clapp
On Mon, Mar 15, 1999 at 03:11:06PM -0500, Dan Brosemer wrote:
 On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Sami Dalouche wrote:
  I made a c program :
  #include stdio.h
  int nbr=0;
  mkdir (x);
  chdir (x);
 I hate to ask, but... why???  I duplicated this for the sake of making
 sure this script would work, and it brought my system to it's knees.

Because my friend and I wanted to do a little benchmarking to compare the
speed of a bash script and this C script. The bash one is about 100 times
slower, at least ! But, we didn't look too smart after it created over 10,000
subdirectories and that we didn't know how we were going to get rid of them.

  My problem is that there is now too many subdirectories (10,000) and rm said
   Memory exhausted  when I type 
  rm -rf x
  Does anyone know of a C script which can suppress all these directories ?
 This should do it but it'll take forever
 while [ -d 'x' ] ; do
   mv x/x x1
   rmdir x
   mv x1 x
 just put that in a text file, chmod it to 755 and run it.
 Good luck.

Thank you, there's a C one from the other person that is a little faster than
the bash, but I never thought of this method.

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Re: Trying to understand Packages[.gz] files

1999-03-17 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 I think this got lost - apologies if this is its second time around.
 I'm installing Debian gradually; until I get it online I have Windows,
 in its own partition, set up for Internet use. I use Windows to download
 Debian packages I'm interested in onto my hard drive, creating a partial
 mirror of the Debian distribution; I then install those packages by
 accessing the Windows partition from Debian. What's the significance of
 Packages (or Packages.gz) files in this case?
 1) Does dpkg/dselect/apt assume that all packages listed in a Packages
 file are available on my hard drive? If so, should I manually create a
 stripped-down Packages file that describes only the few dozen packages
 I've downloaded?

Yes, and yes.  Use dpkg-scanpackages to create the new Packages.gz file.

Re: /bin/sh

1999-03-17 Thread Frozen Rose

When it comes to having a root shell for emergency use, you may look
into sash, which is intended to be used even when libc is broken:

Package: sash
Priority: optional
Section: shells
Installed-Size: 299
Maintainer: Raul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Version: 2.1-5
Size: 131400
Description: Stand-alone shell.
 The purpose of this program is to make replacing of shared libraries
 easy and safe.  It does this by firstly being linked statically, and
 secondly by including many of the standard utilities within itself.

On installing it gives you the option of making it root's shell. It's
certainly not bash ;)

Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Life's been like dragging feet through sand
and never finding the promised land[queensrÿche]

Replacing bash with ash as /bin/sh symlinked shell

1999-03-17 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

Because of recent discussion on here about disaster recovery someone
made a suggestion of installing ash and symlinking /bin/sh to it instead of
bash.  I've done that on both a recent Potato system and an up-to-date Slink
system.  So far I've not noticed anything breaking, only a slight dip
(1-2Mb) in RAM usage.  This is most noticable on my Slink system since it is
on a laptop with only 20Mb.

For the record, bash is about 2.5 times the size of ash in memory.  For
those non-interactive shells, that helps out a lot.  :)

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Kernel Compile Errors

1999-03-17 Thread Jesse Lee

here are the erros I get when I am compiling my 

as86 -o -a [bootsect.o]
make[1]: as86: command not found
make[1]: *** [bootsect.o] error 127

make [zimage] Error 2

then it stops and the zImage is not 

now I am running kernel 2.0.34
I have tried it with kernel 2.2.2 and 2.2.3. am I missing some 
files? do I need to update something? (I actually sucessfully upgraged to 
kernel 2.0.36 but then tried to mess around again and ended up 

Documentation suggestion (was Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows)

1999-03-17 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I have to admit, there is a bit of truth to this, alot of people just don't
 have the time to read 18 different documents in 18 different locations.  Man
 pages, info pages, FAQs, HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs, READMEs, INSTALL docs, package
 descriptions... it is a bit daunting.  I do feel that anyone installing
 anything shoud be up for some reading, but just how much reading is the
 question.   I'm not even going to think about complaining about the amount of
 documentation, coming from systems that have zip, I know from experience how
 helpful good documentation can be.  But I wonder if maybe there is a better
 way to organize the volumunous information given to us in a standard, easy to
 use, heirarchial fashion.

What about this:  for a start make sure that every package has a file
in /usr/doc/package name that points to the available documentation,

* manual page blurp.1: short overview of command line options
* info  extensive discussion of all options, and some
* web site dedicated to blurp
* see also the blurp-doc package

In a similar vain it would be very helpful to have a file that lists
configuration files that have an impact on the package, like this.


Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Kernel Compile Errors

1999-03-17 Thread Tom Pfeifer
 Jesse Lee wrote:
 here are the erros I get when I am compiling my kernel.
 as86 -o -a [bootsect.o]
 make[1]: as86: command not found
 make[1]: *** [bootsect.o] error 127

I had the same problem the first time I tried to compile the kernel. You
just need to install the bin86 package.


Try Debian GNU/Linux - it's free, it's open source, and it rocks

Re: Any way to read docs in base64?

1999-03-17 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 16 Mar 1999q, J.H.M. Dassen wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 19:02:57 +, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  I sometimes get email with docs attached in base64 - presumably some
  Windows format?
 No. Email isn't guaranteed to be 8-bit clean in general; thus, binaries need
 to be encoded to ensure they don't get mangled. Base64 is one of the
 encodings used in MIME (Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions).
  Is there any way to read this in linux?
 Most email clients (for example mutt, elm-me+) support it. If you want to
 process it manually, get a tool like metamail or mpack.

Thanks to all who kindly replied on this. I do have mutt but not the mime
decode stuff. I guess this is my problem, so I'm now installing it.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: Any way to read docs in base64?

1999-03-17 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 16 Mar 1999q, J.H.M. Dassen wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 19:02:57 +, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  I sometimes get email with docs attached in base64 - presumably some
  Windows format?
 No. Email isn't guaranteed to be 8-bit clean in general; thus, binaries need
 to be encoded to ensure they don't get mangled. Base64 is one of the
 encodings used in MIME (Multimedia Internet Mail Extensions).
  Is there any way to read this in linux?
 Most email clients (for example mutt, elm-me+) support it. If you want to
 process it manually, get a tool like metamail or mpack.

Thanks to all for replies. I do have mutt and I just installed all the MIME
stuff but it still doesn't read the files in mutt (something to do with
mailcap I think). I also installed mpack and tried that on the exported
file but that didn't do anything either. Perhaps this is the wrong kind of


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: Any way to read docs in base64?

1999-03-17 Thread homega
Anthony Campbell dixit:
 Thanks to all for replies. I do have mutt and I just installed all the MIME
 stuff but it still doesn't read the files in mutt (something to do with
 mailcap I think). I also installed mpack and tried that on the exported
 file but that didn't do anything either. Perhaps this is the wrong kind of

Have a look at:

you'll find useful stuff and info.


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Help.Can't log in as root

1999-03-17 Thread Craig McVean
Yes. Most strange I can't log in as root or su I have just upgraded to slink 
from hamm. Everything went pretty well, for some reason sash became my shell 
for root? (probably me using dselect - iused the multicd method. well not 
sash (well not at all axcept that its pretty powewrful, i've logged out root 
bye typing exit which dropped me back to a console login prompt (so far so 
good )BUTnow i cant login as root! i can log in as any user but NO-ROOT! i 
getting a quick messabe saying su:cannot execute exit no file or directory 
then it just 
drops me back to the ansci login prompt?? it seems like a danferous feature 
can it be remidied ??

Regards, | Debian GNU/   __  o 
 |  / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
   Craig | / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 |// /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |...because lockups are for convicts...
 ICQ #31866886  

 WEB #

Beta-testing and the glibc 2.1 (Was: Missing ldd? Have libc6 on hold? Get ldso from slink...

1999-03-17 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Sunday 14 March 1999, at 16 h 57, the keyboard of Robert Woodcock 

 Those of you who are tracking unstable but are too chicken to install the
 new glibc 2.1 may have noticed that your ldd has disappeared.

May be these chickens are people who have some work to do. These sarcasms or 
those of Edward Betts will not convince people that Debian is a serious 
distribution, intended for real work.

If you just mock people and tell them Be prepared to die for unstable or stay 
stable like the chicken you are, we will not get a lot of beta-testers. Like 
Microsoft or RedHat, who perform beta-testing only internally, we will 
therefore release half-broken stuff.

A phase of intermediary testing (intermediary between the Real Hacker and the 
Pure Chicken) is a necessity to get a new version of an operating system out. 
And we should respect people who do it.

Re: Help.Can't log in as root

1999-03-17 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 Yes. Most strange I can't log in as root or su I have just upgraded to 
 slink from hamm. Everything went pretty well, for some reason sash became my 
 shell for root? (probably me using dselect - iused the multicd method. well 
 not Knowing 
 sash (well not at all axcept that its pretty powewrful, i've logged out root 
 bye typing exit which dropped me back to a console login prompt (so far so 
 good )BUTnow i cant login as root! i can log in as any user but NO-ROOT! 
 i keep 
 getting a quick messabe saying su:cannot execute exit no file or directory 
 then it just 
 drops me back to the ansci login prompt?? it seems like a danferous feature 
 can it be remidied ??

Maybe try 

su -s /bin/bash root

to become root with a bash shell.

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Elm and sun mailtool attachments

1999-03-17 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 20:49:52 -0800, Rich Pawlowicz wrote:
 So...(1) Obviously, something recognizes that this isn't mime encoded,
  but is sun-encoded, and
  (2) There is some way of configuring this something to handle it...but...

Look at the emil package; it can convert from sun's encoding to MIME.

UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: Any way to read docs in base64?

1999-03-17 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 08:28:15 +, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 Thanks to all who kindly replied on this. I do have mutt but not the mime
 decode stuff.

If you have mutt, you don't need the stand-alone MIME handling packages.
Mutt should be able to view the attachment, provided it has a proper MIME
type (not application/octet-stream, which basically means the sending mail
program didn't know), and you have a viewer for that MIME type installed.

Apparantly you haven't. You can still use 'v' move 's' to save the
attachment (with base64 encoding undone), and use the saved file.

UNFAIR  Term applied to advantages enjoyed by other people which we tried 
to cheat them out of and didn't manage. See also DISHONESTY, SNEAKY, 
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan  

Re: Help.Can't log in as root

1999-03-17 Thread Craig McVean
On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 11:57:27AM +0100, E.L. Meijer Eric wrote:
  Yes. Most strange I can't log in as root or su I have just upgraded to 
  slink from hamm. Everything went pretty well, for some reason sash became 
  my shell for root? (probably me using dselect - iused the multicd method. 
  well not Knowing 
  sash (well not at all axcept that its pretty powewrful, i've logged out 
  root bye typing exit which dropped me back to a console login prompt (so 
  far so good )BUTnow i cant login as root! i can log in as any user but 
  NO-ROOT! i keep 
  getting a quick messabe saying su:cannot execute exit no file or 
  directory then it just 
  drops me back to the ansci login prompt?? it seems like a danferous feature 
  can it be remidied ??
 Maybe try 
 su -s /bin/bash root
 to become root with a bash shell.
 Eric Meijer
Try'd this system output is sy using restricted shell exit. 
so i still cant login?  
  E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Regards, | Debian GNU/   __  o 
 |  / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
   Craig | / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 |// /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |...because lockups are for convicts...
 ICQ #31866886  

 WEB #

Re: Help.Can't log in as root

1999-03-17 Thread Vardhan Varma
 Yes. Most strange I can't log in as root or su I have just upgraded to
 su:cannot execute exit no file or directory then it just drops me back
 to the ansci login prompt?? it seems like a danferous feature can it be
 remidied ??
Is it same with 'su' and 'su -' ?
Boot from boot floppies and edit /etc/passwd.
boot single ( linux single at lilo prompt) and edit /etc/passwd


How to edit /etc/init.d/network?

1999-03-17 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
So that my computer will apply the ipchains commands, the ipforward
command in echo, the ifconfig, etc... at boot?

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law


1999-03-17 Thread Craig McVean
G'day Raul.
i have sash installed as the root shell i typed exit and it through me out of 
myconsole to a login prompt ( well thats ok as i wanted to logout ) But now i 
cant login anymore. it tells me its running a restricted shell called exit and 
drops me back to the login screen again? i can't su iether or su - . do you 
know how i can get around this prob?
i can log into my bash shell as a user but no sysadmin work can be done 
sorry if this is an annoying e-mail i got your address from the docs . 
Regards, | Debian GNU/   __  o 
 |  / / _  _  _  _  _ __  __
   Craig | / /__  / / / \// //_// \ \/ /
 |// /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |...because lockups are for convicts...
 ICQ #31866886  

 WEB #

Re: debian-user-digest Digest V99 #484

1999-03-17 Thread Franko Luin
An address ending with has been added to your list. Such
addresses are virtual and work only on individual basis, not in lists. The
messages are not delivered to the addresees. Please remove any such address
from your list, since they are stopped by our mail server.


Franko Luin

Slink upgrade - problems with X.

1999-03-17 Thread Anthony Campbell
I just upgraded to slink, and followed the instructions to delete xbase.
Lots of problems have resulted.

I am very confused by the new X stuff. 

Startx wasn't installed, but I found it on the CDRom and installed it.

To get startx to work I had to make a link from /etc/X11/XF86Config to
/etc/XF86Config and another from /usr/X11R6/bin.XF86_SVGA to X.

But still I can't run startx as user, only as root.

I suspect that I'm doing this all wrong but I don't know where to find out
how to do it. I'm willing to RTFM but which FM?

Any pointers please?


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

emacs20 slink problems

1999-03-17 Thread Nathan O. Siemers

Hi folks,

I think I am *still* getting bitten by the emacs19/emacs20
stuff.  I have purged both packages using dpkg, then removed the
/etc/emacs directory by hand (it was not removed by the purge), then
tried a fresh emacs20 install.  Error:

emacsen-common: byte-compiling for emacs20
cp: /etc/emacs/site-start.d/00debian-vars.el: No such file or
emacs-install: /usr/lib/emacsen-common/packages/install/emacsen-common
emacs20 failed at /usr/lib/emacsen-common/emacs-install line 28.

Have I done something wrong? Was /etc/emacs supposed to exist, even
with no emacs packages installed on a slink system?

Any help would be appreciated.


Nathan O. Siemers - Transcriptional Profiling, Bioinformatics -
Division of Applied Genomics - Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical
Research Institute - Hopewell Building 3B - P.O. Box 5400, Princeton,
NJ 08543-5400 - 609 818-6568 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Think of Perl culture as a dysfunctional family - L. Wall

ANSWER: Re: Boot disk swiped, how to make one?

1999-03-17 Thread David B. Teague
On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, David B. Teague wrote:

 I installed Slink on my system but had not installed LILO
 to make it bootable directly from the HD. Someone swiped the
 boot disk. 
 Question:  Is it possible, given the contents of the /etc/fstab 
 file and a knowledge of where the  kernel is located 
 (/boot/vmlinuz-2.036) to run LILO from a boot disk -- say
 Tom's Unix on a floppy and make the floppy boot the kernel 
 on the hard disk?

The short answer is yes. The how is here:

I asked about making a boot disk. I got one reply from 
Peter Berlau. The suggestion was to copy my kernel to 
the floppy device, run  rdev on /dev/floppy to set the 
root and swap partitions, to set the initial file  system 
to read only, and a few other things. 

This worked, and solves the immediate problem of getting
back into the system. 

The question I really wanted answer to concerned the 
possibility of running LILO from a boot install or other 
linux floppy with the partition having the kernel mounted, 
to write boot tracks to the floppy. The ideas is to make
the floppy boot the kernel on the hard drive. This
boots faster.

This lilo.conf does it:


Thanks to Carl Mummert for this, and to Peter Berlau
who gave me an alternate solution.

--David Teague [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Because reboots are for kernel and hardware upgrades.

Re: grrr, No response from modem

1999-03-17 Thread Jay Barbee
At 3/16/99 08:07 PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
Jay Barbee writes:

 Mar 16 16:49:16 torch kernel: tty02 at 0x03e8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
 Mar 16 16:49:16 torch kernel: tty03 at 0x02e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A

 Modem should be in the first serial port.  Any ideas how I can get this
 thing to talk?

What do 'setserial /dev/ttyS2' and 'setserial /dev/ttyS3' say?

Here you go:
$ setserial /dev/ttyS2
/dev/ttyS2, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4

$ setserial /dev/ttyS3
/dev/ttyS3, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02e8, IRQ: 3

Any ideas?

--Jay Barbee

Sound Card problems

1999-03-17 Thread Shanta McBain

I am trying to setup my sound card. What is the kernel setup here? I
download the latest Debian updates with Dselect on a weekly basis so I
have the current release.

Shanta McBain

Netscape problems

1999-03-17 Thread Shanta McBain

I used dselect to install all the communicator programs and it will not
load. I had this problem with the dynamic version in an old installation
but the static version seemed to work . In the latest builds there dose
not seem to be these two versions.

How can I get this product on line?


PCI Modems and Trident cards

1999-03-17 Thread Shanta McBain

I have a PCI modem which I cant seem to get Linux to see. There also
dose not seem to be a Trident 975 driver for X windows.

Do I have to run the PCI module, which I installed with dselect of the
Debian website? Will this program detect the modem?


Re: apt problem?

1999-03-17 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
jeb wrote:

 I've used dselect/apt for a long time to update my debian
 distribution. For the last several days when I tried to update I get
 the following message.

 Updating package file cache...
 E: Line 3 in package file
 o_main_binary-i386_Packages is too long.(2)

 I tried getting distribution from different sites -- no luck.

 I looked at the file mentioned. Line 3 is a normal line.

 I did apt-get clean to start over.

 I get the same message regardless of whether I download main,
 non-free, or contrib sections of the dist. I tried them all
 separately -- same result.

 The message seems unhelpful to me.  Does anyone have a clue as to
 what's happening and how to fix it?

 I'm not sure what version of apt I have. That's one of things I was
 trying to upgrade.



 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


I had the same problem , if I remember :

use ftp or dselect/ftp
install new version of apt (perhaps dpkg too)

SLink ipfwadm or ipchains?

1999-03-17 Thread Wayne Cuddy
Does SLink use ipfwadm or ipchains for firewalling and NAT?


Re: samba: Operation not permitted (was: Re: vfat - cp: file: Operation not permitted)

1999-03-17 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 JB == Jiri Baum [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JB I ask because I'd like to be able to use `mv' to move files. If it
JB can't set permissions on the destination, mv behaves like cp.

On FAT partitions, there is no concept of permissions. So Linux uses
values determined by the uid, gid and umask options on mount.


Re: VB and Active X

1999-03-17 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Tommy Malloy wrote:

 Someone I know who is learning programming sent me a link to a web page
 they were working on that had VB and Active X controls.  I couldn't see
 any of it in netscape.  Why not?  Is it possible to see this stuff on a
 Linux box?   Are LInux users going to be cut off from web based
 application written in MS languages?


Tom, ActiveX pages will not work in Linux (as others have said). I'm adding my
comments to give you a little more background (since I in fact author such 
alas). With ActiveX actual executable objects (COM objects, which in this case 
basically windows DLLs with a well-defined interface) are automatically 
downloaded and
executed on your machine. This is an exceedingly scary thing because although 
are certain protection schemes I do not trust them: Java was a technology 
from the ground up to be secure so people could safely use it on the web which 
uses an existing technology (COM) with *no* protection whatsoever and grafts on 
new machinery and calls itself secure. I'm not buying it.

As an aside, you can use ActiveX pages in WinXX with Netscape. You just have to 
the ActiveX plug-in.

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: SLink ipfwadm or ipchains?

1999-03-17 Thread Ben Collins
On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 11:50:06AM -0500, Wayne Cuddy wrote:
 Does SLink use ipfwadm or ipchains for firewalling and NAT?

It's enabled for both. If you run a 2.0.x kernel (the default on slink)
then you will need to use ipfwadm. If you upgrade to a 2.2.x kernel, then
you will need to use ipchains (or the ipfwadmwrapper included with

--- -  -   ---  -  - - ---   
Ben Collins [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems The Choice of the GNU Generation
-- -- - - - ---   --- --  -  - ---  -  --

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