Re: Conexión compartida

1999-03-18 Thread Han Solo
On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 09:36:09PM +0100, M. Angel Esteban wrote:
 Otra cosa que no agunto es que con el Wingate se limita mucho el acceso a
 los usuarios (solo pueden conectarse a un servidor de IRC, un pop, un
 Smtp...), y yo lo que querría es que los usuarios tuvieran libertat *total*
 para acceder allá donde quieran. He pensado que una buena solución para el
 proxy sería un 486-66 16Mb con la Hamm, pero estoy pensando... ¿Cómo puedo
 facilitar el acceso a los demás para que ni se enteren de que están
 conectados gracias a un 'intermediario'?

Lo primero que tendrás que hacer es instalar la máquina linux como firewall, 
con ip-masquerade, para separar las dos redes (asumo que no tienes direcciones 
IP propias). En cuanto a lo de las conexiones, utiliza diald, que es un 
programa que se conecta a internet bajo demanda, y se desconecta pasado 
cierto tiempo de inactividad.

Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Re: Lista de usuarios de C/C++

1999-03-18 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
David Leal wrote:
 Hola a todos:
 Alguen me podr'ia decir donde puedo encontrar un lista de usuarios de
 C/C++ en castellano. Me he conectado a las news, pero no me responden.
Pues resulta que hay una lista de distribución de mensajes
sobre programación en GNUI-C. Si te sirve, para suscribirse,
enviad un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con la palabra
subscribe en el subject del mensaje.

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

LAB. 2.3.4  Tlf.: (95) 2132863
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Nuevo bash y nuevo libreadlineg2

1999-03-18 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Tengo un sistema, con libc2.0.7, bash_2.01.1-4.1 y el libreadlineg2
anterior, y aparentemente funciona todo.

Sospecho que es el nuevo ldso, el que produce los problemas de instalacion
del nuevo libreadlineg2.


Smail 3.2.0

1999-03-18 Thread Juanjo Martinez

Hola a todos/as:

Estoy intentando configurar smail pero se me resiste, asi que a ver si
me podeis hechar una mano. 
Me sugirieron las siguientes modificaciones para enmascarar al usuario
con el que me conecto:

1.- '/etc/smail/maps/from':
#usuariolocal   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Nombre Apellido)
juanjo  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (JJ Martinez)

2.- En '/etc/smail/routers', he reemplazando cualquier cosa que
contenia 'transport=smtp' por 'transport=smtp-rewrite'

3.- Al final de '/etc/smail/transports' , añadi estas 6 lineas:
  driver=tcpsmtp, max_addrs=100, -max_chars, inet,
  use_bind, defer_no_connect, -local_mx_okay, defnames

Conecto bien y me ocurre que solo puedo enviar msgs a quienes tengan mi
mismo dominio (, cualquier otro (p.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED]) me es
devuelto y el mailer-daemon me dice que no encuentra un recipiente
valido para este msg y tb que no conoce un host '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

He mirado la pagina de manual de smail, entre otras cosas, pero mi
ingles no es nada bueno, asi que estoy realmente perdido... a no ser que
haya documentación en castellano para smail ¿la hay?

Gracias por todo.

Juanjo Martinez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Por favor quita NOSPAM para responder]
[Please remove NOSPAM to reply]

RE: login shell

1999-03-18 Thread David Charro Ripa

 A: Lista Debian
 Asunto: login shell
 Fecha: miércoles 17 de marzo de 1999 20:15
 estoy un poco liado del modo en que funcionan las shell.  Si el login lo
 hago como usuario horacio, el prompt que obtengo es siempre:
 sin que indique nada más.  Yo pensé que sería el bash ya que bash siempre
 con el signo $, pero:
 $ bash
 y aquí resulta que las opciones que pueda tener en .bashrc me funcionan. 
 sea, que antes estaba en otra shell... ¿sh?  (aunque la primera login
 que aparece en /etc/shells es `ash'... pero no puedo cambiar a ash
 invocándolo como `ash' desde la línea de comandos ... ¿porque no es una
 ¿Se puede hacer que el login te meta directamente en bash?

En el fichero /etc/passwd aprecen los usuarios + una serie de campos
asociados que indican que ese usuario tiene un directorio
/home/nombreusuario y también el nombre del shell que usa. Cambialo ahí.

 Y de otro modo, ¿cómo puedo hacer que la shell del login lea ~/.bashrc?

Creo que el .bashrc es un fichero de recursos, y ahí tienes definidas o
puedes editar las propiedades que tiene el bash. Los otros archivos pueden
lanzar programas, yo al principio y para aclararme me hice la siguiente
asociación con el DOS, el config.sys se correspondería con el .bashrc y el
autoexec.bat con el .profile o con .bash_profile. No es lo mismo, desde
luego, pero creo que la diferencia entre autoexec.bat y config.sys es
parecida a la del .bashrc y el .profile

 El man bash dice que cuando bash es invocado como login shell, primero
 /etc/profile, luego ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login y ~/.profile, y al
 lee ~/.bash_logout (si existe).
 Bueno, aquí no dice que lee ~/.bashrc, sólo si es invocada como shell no
 login... ¿quiere eso decir que en realidad el login es bash y no otra?
 Ni ~/bash_login, ni ~/.profile, ni ~/bash_logout existen...
 Lo único que veo es que hay una diferencia entre el bash si es de login o
 es interactivo (si se invoca desde la consola), ya que el primero no lee
 Por lo demás, un lío, a ver si alguien me puede aclarar algo.
 Gracias de antemano,
 Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys :
 Envía un mensaje vacío a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con la línea de asunto:
 Send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line:
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 DSS/Diffie-Hellmanfetch dh/dss
 RSA   fetch rsa
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
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Re: login shell

1999-03-18 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 ...o sea, que antes estaba en otra shell... ¿sh?  (aunque la primera
 login shell
 que aparece en /etc/shells es `ash'... pero no puedo cambiar a ash
 invocándolo como `ash' desde la línea de comandos ... 

No. Siempre has estado en bash. Como tu mismo te respondes mas adelante,
son dos formas diferentes de iniciar el mismo shell

 ¿Se puede hacer que el login te meta directamente en bash?
ya lo estas haciendo.

 Y de otro modo, ¿cómo puedo hacer que la shell del login lea ~/.bashrc?
pues dale la orden de leer el ~/.bashrc dentro de ~/.bash_profile
Pero es conveniente mantener las dos cosas separadas. Si lo que quieres
es que te aparezca el homega:~$ tambien cuando estas en un login
copia la definicion del prompt que tienes en .bashrc para

 Por lo demás, un lío, a ver si alguien me puede aclarar algo.
espero haberlo conseguido.

Jaime Villate


1999-03-18 Thread J.E. Marchesi


  Recomiendo efusivamente la lectura por parte de todos de una carta 
de un lector llamado Raul Puerto en la revista PC-Actual del mes de Marzo 
de 1999. En la seccion de opinion de los lectores, titulado 'Menos LiNUX'.

  No tiene desperdicio.

   J.E. Marchesi

debian 2.1 + rdsi-----------------DESESPERADO-----------------------------DESESPERADO---------------------------

1999-03-18 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Hola a todos:

Utilizo la debian 2.1 y con el kernel 2.0.36, con las ultimas isdn utils.
Todo compilado y ejecutandose perfectamente. ¿Alguién sabe como puedo
configurar para poder llamar o a euskaltel o a infovia plus sin errores, qué
script etc??? Por cierto uso una elsa que rula bien.

Un saludo.


Re: login shell

1999-03-18 Thread homega
David Charro Ripa dijo:

  ¿Se puede hacer que el login te meta directamente en bash?
 En el fichero /etc/passwd aprecen los usuarios + una serie de campos
 asociados que indican que ese usuario tiene un directorio
 /home/nombreusuario y también el nombre del shell que usa. Cambialo ahí.

/bin/bash... creo que la respuesta es la que da Jaime E. Villate:

 No. Siempre has estado en bash. Como tu mismo te respondes mas adelante,
 son dos formas diferentes de iniciar el mismo shell

Queda claro que al iniciar, se hace con bash como shell de login, y éste
lee, por este orden /etc/profile o ~/.bash_profile, y luego si existe,
~/.bash_login;  mientras que si en la línea de comandos das la orden:

$ bash

entonces inicias bash como shell interactiva (sin importar en qué shell te
encuentres en ese momento), y ésta lee ~/.bashrc, que es sólo para shell

  Y de otro modo, ¿cómo puedo hacer que la shell del login lea ~/.bashrc?
 Creo que el .bashrc es un fichero de recursos, y ahí tienes definidas o
 puedes editar las propiedades que tiene el bash. [...]

Creo que sólo le pasa opciones de inicialización a la shell interactiva.

Jaime E. Villate dijo:

 pues dale la orden de leer el ~/.bashrc dentro de ~/.bash_profile
 Pero es conveniente mantener las dos cosas separadas. Si lo que quieres
 es que te aparezca el homega:~$ tambien cuando estas en un login
 shell, copia la definicion del prompt que tienes en .bashrc para

Eso es lo que hice ayer, pero no me funcionó.  El fallo estaba en que
presupuse que al salir del bash con `exit' y volver a hacer un login, me lo
reconocería.  Ahora ha funcionado reiniciando el sistema.  Gracias.

¿Alguien podría enviarme un ejemplo de ~/bash_login, ~/bash_logout, y


Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys :
Envía un mensaje vacío a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con la línea de asunto:
Send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line:
Tipo de Clave/Key Type  Asunto:/Subject:

DSA/ElGamal fetch dsa/elgamal
DSS/Diffie-Hellman  fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa

Re: PC-Actual

1999-03-18 Thread homega
J.E. Marchesi dixit:

   Recomiendo efusivamente la lectura por parte de todos de una carta 
 de un lector llamado Raul Puerto en la revista PC-Actual del mes de Marzo 
 de 1999. En la seccion de opinion de los lectores, titulado 'Menos LiNUX'.

Esteee... si no es muy amplio, ¿lo podrías enviar ... en privado ...?  Es
que tanta revista, al final...



Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys :
Envía un mensaje vacío a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con la línea de asunto:
Send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line:
Tipo de Clave/Key Type  Asunto:/Subject:

DSA/ElGamal fetch dsa/elgamal
DSS/Diffie-Hellman  fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa

2.1 y multicd...

1999-03-18 Thread Manuel Trujillo

Resulta que voy, todo contento y emocionado, a quitar de enmedio la Red Hat
5.2 que tengo en el pc del curro por mi nueva y flamante Debian 2.1. Pero
cuando le digo de utilizar el acceso multi-cd... ¡mierda! Después de darme
un mogollón de historias por conflictos de paquetes que se necesitan y no
están, me aborta con el típico error 1.
¿Qué le tengo que poner cuando me pide los directorios para stable,
non-free, etc? Aparte de ganas de tenerla instaladita, la necesito como agua
de Mayorrr. Por no mencionar que la empresa es muy grande, muy joven, está
en estado de super-crecimiento, y tengo pensado instalar Debian por doquier
en todos los pc's que pueda y más...

Gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Re: 2.1 y multicd...

1999-03-18 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Manuel Trujillo dijo:
 ... mi nueva y flamante Debian 2.1. Pero
 cuando le digo de utilizar el acceso multi-cd... ¡**! Después de darme
 un mogollón de historias por conflictos de paquetes que se necesitan y no
 están, me aborta con el típico error 1.
 ¿Qué le tengo que poner cuando me pide los directorios para stable,
 non-free, etc?
le respondes 'none'. Creo que el problema no es ese sino lo mismo que
me pasó a mi ayer. Es que al entrar en deselect hay que poner el CD
2 (que es donde estan los Packages.gz) y después de terminar la
opción Update y antes de pasar para Install se debe cambiar para el
CD número 1. Pero como nadie le dice a uno es fácil olvidarlo y aparece
el error que mencionas.

Simplemente dale al enter, cambia de CD (para el 1) y vuelve a
con el Install (no necesitas volver a leer la lista de paquetes con

Por cierto que me gustó mucho la nueva versión de dselect que permite
escoger un grupo predeterminado de paquetes y no lee todos los nombres
de los paquetes sino unicamente los que va a instalar.

Jaime Villate

RE: 2.1 y multicd...

1999-03-18 Thread Manuel Trujillo
Muchísimas gracias. Pero se me había olvidado otra preguntilla...
En casa tengo la 2.0, si le digo, con el dselect, de empezar aunque sea
desde el principio (Access), se queja de que la versión es la 2.1, diferente
a la que tengo instalada.
He mirado lo del apt, y todo lo demás, pero preferiría intentarlo con el
dselect (la actualización). ¿Cómo lo puedo hacer para actualizar mi 2.0 a

Muchas gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)

 -Mensaje original-
 De: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] nombre de
 Jaime E. Villate
 Enviado el: jueves 18 de marzo de 1999 18:21
 Para: Manuel Trujillo
 Asunto: Re: 2.1 y multicd...

 Manuel Trujillo dijo:
  ... mi nueva y flamante Debian 2.1. Pero
  cuando le digo de utilizar el acceso multi-cd... ¡**!
 Después de darme
  un mogollón de historias por conflictos de paquetes que se
 necesitan y no
  están, me aborta con el típico error 1.
  ¿Qué le tengo que poner cuando me pide los directorios para stable,
  non-free, etc?
 le respondes 'none'. Creo que el problema no es ese sino lo mismo que
 me pasó a mi ayer. Es que al entrar en deselect hay que poner el CD
 2 (que es donde estan los Packages.gz) y después de terminar la
 opción Update y antes de pasar para Install se debe cambiar para el
 CD número 1. Pero como nadie le dice a uno es fácil olvidarlo y aparece
 el error que mencionas.

 Simplemente dale al enter, cambia de CD (para el 1) y vuelve a
 con el Install (no necesitas volver a leer la lista de paquetes con

 Por cierto que me gustó mucho la nueva versión de dselect que permite
 escoger un grupo predeterminado de paquetes y no lee todos los nombres
 de los paquetes sino unicamente los que va a instalar.

 Jaime Villate

RE: libreadlineg2

1999-03-18 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:

 He extraido el contenido del .deb, usando ar, para ver los ficheros de
 control.tar.gz, porque a mi me falla en el postinst, con violacion de
 segmento, y he visto que es un binario ejecutable, la verdad es que no he
 cotilleado muchos, pero no recuerdo haber visto ninguno que no fuera una
 shell script.
 ¿Es esto habitual?

No, no es habitual. De hecho, puede que ese postinst sea el único
ejecutable binario de toda la distribución.

La idea es que ese postinst no dependa de bash a través de /bin/sh
para que no falle nunca aunque el propio bash esté en mal estado.

 f2a2ee28124a44a69f897075a5452546 (a truly random sig)

Re: Procmail.

1999-03-18 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Jose Mari Mor Fabregat wrote:

 [ problemas con procmail ]
 El problema es que hago las prubas i me devuelve un mensaje
 diciendo algo como que no puede crear /usr/mail/fmor.lock, lo
 cual es normal.

Es normal que no pueda hacerlo, naturalmente, lo que no es normal es que
lo *intente*: /usr/mail no existe, ¿qué versión de procmail estás usando?
¿La has compilado tú mismo? ¿Le has hecho algún cambio?

 46dfaa5f340e6918481eaffa6fbc11db (a truly random sig)

Re: Las X Windows no hacen caso de LANG

1999-03-18 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Rafael Cordones Marcos wrote:

 Me he actualizado a 2.1
 He puesto LANG=es_ES en /etc/profile y todos los programas me van bien en 
 modo terminal pero en un xterm de las X-Windows al hacer 'env' me he dado 
 cuanta que pone LANG=C
 ?Como lo hago para que 'startx' mire /etc/profile?

No lo hagas, ponlo en /etc/environment.

 94cd0143290c7613bb9a1a3808694ca9 (a truly random sig)

Re: Procmail.

1999-03-18 Thread Jose Mari Mor Fabregat
On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Santiago Vila wrote:

 On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Jose Mari Mor Fabregat wrote:
  [ problemas con procmail ]
  El problema es que hago las prubas i me devuelve un mensaje
  diciendo algo como que no puede crear /usr/mail/fmor.lock, lo
  cual es normal.
 Es normal que no pueda hacerlo, naturalmente, lo que no es normal es que
 lo *intente*: /usr/mail no existe, ¿qué versión de procmail estás usando?
 ¿La has compilado tú mismo? ¿Le has hecho algún cambio?
No, no la he compilado, es la que venía con hamm. 
Haciendo mas pruebas he visto que si los mensajes los filtro (cumplen 
cualquiera de las reglas) funciona bien, pero cuando el mensaje no
cuadra con las reglas, entonces es cuando da el error.

Re: Conexión compartida

1999-03-18 Thread Andres Herrera

On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 09:36:09PM +0100, M. Angel Esteban wrote:
 Susesplico la historia. Resulta que en el curro (una academia de
 infommatica por aquí cerca) quieren montar un curso de internet (nunca
 serviré para qué sirve realmente un curso de esos, o cualquier curso.. pero
 si la gente los pide...), total, que hace falta conectar unos 8 equipos a
 internet utilizando una única conexión *real* a Internet.

Hombre, yo trabajo en una academia y, por facil de manejar que sea un
programa, cuando uno ve a la gente delante de un ordenador se pregunta para
que se apuntan a esos cursos si les vienen grandes :)

Es increible lo dispar que es la gente: te encuentras programas en los que
piensas: esto lo aprende un niño pequeño en un pis pas; luego llegan los
alumnos y te das cuenta de que hay gente que, cuando Dios repartio la
inteligencia (aplicando este dicho al tema que nos ocupa), se habian quedado
viendo una telenovela.

Me parece que hoy estoy muy quemado :(

 Esto se puede hacer con el Windoze  y el Wingate o cualquier otro proxy o
 pseudoproxy del mercado. Lo que pasa es que mi jefe no quiere gastarse un
 duro ;-)

Estupendo. Por ahi entra Linux. :-))

 Otra cosa que no agunto es que con el Wingate se limita mucho el acceso a
 los usuarios (solo pueden conectarse a un servidor de IRC, un pop, un
 Smtp...), y yo lo que querría es que los usuarios tuvieran libertat *total*
 para acceder allá donde quieran. He pensado que una buena solución para el
 proxy sería un 486-66 16Mb con la Hamm, pero estoy pensando... ¿Cómo puedo
 facilitar el acceso a los demás para que ni se enteren de que están
 conectados gracias a un 'intermediario'?

IP-Masquerading a tope. En los Guin solo tienes que poner la IP del Linux en
el campo Gateway (o Puerta de Enlace).

 Venga, a ver si alguien me da una pistilla ;)

IP-Masquerading HOWto. Esta muy bien.

Otra cosa, mas adelante, es aprovechar mejor el equipo: con un 486 y 16 Mb
RAM te sobra equipo para hacer simplemente de router. Podrias aprovecharlo
tambien como servidor de correo, servir news, y DNS, y sobre todo meterle un
proxy para aprovechar la cache y rentabilizar mucho mejor el trafico a

Yo lo tengo con un P133, pero salvo cuando entra la gente por Telnet y
empieza a hacer burradas, no baja del 90% idle (98% es lo mas tipico), asi
que tu veras :)

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.1 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain
 Grupo LIMA (Asociacion de Usuarios de Linux de Malaga)

Re: Ruta por defecto

1999-03-18 Thread Andres Herrera

On Thu, Mar 18, 1999 at 12:30:33AM +0100, Emilio de Miguel wrote:
 Esta pregunta no es extrictamente sobre Debian, perdonad por ello.
 Como se establece la ruta por defecto con los nuevos kernel 2.2.* ?

Si no me equivoco, route add default dispositivo

POWERED BY Linux. Debian 2.0 - Kernel 2.2.1 - User reg. 66054
Andres Herrera [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Antequera (Malaga) - Spain
 Grupo LIMA (Asociacion de Usuarios de Linux de Malaga)

Re: Nescessito de ajuda com Modem Pnp

1999-03-18 Thread Bane Sinistrad

Vejo bem, eu nao estou declarando que sou o autoridade no assunto de
modemos, pois utilizo aDSL (semelhante a ISDN) e nao preciso me preocupar
com o tal problema que tenhas.

Porem, me relembro que tenho lido em varios documentos que modemos
internos sao muito dificil a configurar.  Os meus amigos todos, os que
utilizam Linux, me falam que e melhor a utilizar modemos externos.

Isto nao e pra dizer que modemos internos nao vao funcionar, e so que sao
muito mais dificil.

O pior e se esta utilizando um daqueles modemos que estao marcados assim:
Windows, WinModem, WinNT, etc.  Estes, e mais outros com o
'Rockwell' chipset estao incompativies com Linux.  

Bem, ha um 'HOWTO' que fala mais neste assunto, mas nao me relembro qual
que e.

~Brandon Gresham

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld wrote:

 Olha eu tenho um modem  PNP na com3 com a seguinte configura??o:
 -Marca e Modelo:Davicom 336P Internal FAXModem(Voice)
 -IRQ: 11
 -Vel Maxima: 115 baud
 Eu configurei o ISAPNP(+nada) e aparece a mensagem com a
 configura??o do had e ---Enabled  OK
 S? que depois o kpp diz que o modem esta ocupado!:-(
 Eu usei o programa setserial com as seguintes linhas de
 setserial -a /dev/modem (1? eu criei o link p com 3)
 setserial -a /dev/cua2 (na hora parece que qq coisa funciona)
 Nos dois  casos o retorno do setserial ? o mesmo(claro!):
 Line 2 , uart unknow , port 0x3e8 IRQ 4 (deveria ser 11)
 Baud_base:115200,closedelay:50 divisor 0
 closing_wait:3000,closing wait2:infinte
 Flags SPD_normal skip_test
 E mesmo depois disto o modem continua dando os mesmos problemas!
 Me disseram uma vez que eu deveria carregar uns modulos
 do kernel(eu uso o kernel tal e qual ele vem da instala??o do Guarani da
 conectiva) mas eu n?o tenho a menor ideia do que fazer.
 Agrade?o toda e qualquer ajuda que possam me dar.
 Endere?o p resposta(mas pode usar o mesmo que eu mandei o
 email):[EMAIL PROTECTED](? o endere?o que esta cadastrado na lista )
 Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Muito Obrigado

1999-03-18 Thread Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld
Amigos Graças a Deus a vocês estou enviando este email do kmail
Só posso dizer muito obrigado

Re: 2.2.3

1999-03-18 Thread Gregory T. Norris
If I remember correctly, the version of dhcpcd from slink won't work
with 2.2.x kernels.  I believe that the version from potato (unstable
branch) works with both the 2.0.x and 2.2.x kernels, however.  You
should be able to find it on any of the Debian mirrors.

On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 05:26:27PM -0600, Craig T. Hancock wrote:
 Well I complied the the ethernet card directly into my source. I know
 that the kernel recognizes the ethernet card but.. It doesn't get
 anytype of network connectivity what so ever . And I did a ifconfig -a
 under the 2.2.3 and I saw the device but no address was assigned to it
 so I just plug an all the information manual using ifconfig and route.
 Should I try to contact the guy that made the source for dhcpcd

Re: Help connecting with earthlink

1999-03-18 Thread Stephen A. Witt
On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Obi wrote:

 I'm trying to setup my linux box to connect to earthlink, but with no luck.
 I've done that quite a few times with different ISPs, but this time I cannot
 set it up. 
 It works fine under windows98, but under linux no. This is the important part
 of the log:
 Mar 17 15:08:08 harp pppd[1139]: Using interface ppp0
 Mar 17 15:08:08 harp pppd[1139]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/modem
 Mar 17 15:08:39 harp pppd[1139]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
 Mar 17 15:08:39 harp pppd[1139]: Connection terminated.
 Mar 17 15:08:39 harp pppd[1139]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
 Should I set some CHAP/PAP things? Can you help?

I'm a happy Earthlink customer and when I set up my connection with them
I found that the prompt strings that they use are a little different from
the default, etc. I'm not at home now so I can't remember exactly what
they are. Also I'm using diald, but this should make no difference. How I
solved the problem was by using minicom to manually dial the modem and
then look at the prompt strings that Earthlink sends out. If I recall
correctly the 'login' and 'user' prompt strings are a little different
than the default. Once I changed these in the diald connect file (the
'expect' script) it worked great.
Hope this helps...

[off-topic] auto-replies

1999-03-18 Thread Gregory T. Norris
Is anyone else on this list receiving auto-replies from
[EMAIL PROTECTED]?  I seem to be getting one each time I post a
message... moderately annoying.

Presumably the individual forgot to exclude mailing-lists from such

Re: [off-topic] auto-replies

1999-03-18 Thread Mike Merten
On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 06:14:52PM -0600, Gregory T. Norris wrote:
 Is anyone else on this list receiving auto-replies from
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]?  I seem to be getting one each time I post a
 message... moderately annoying.
 Presumably the individual forgot to exclude mailing-lists from such
Yep, I'm getting them too :/

Mike Merten
ICQ# 28460680

Re: /etc/localtime and glibc 2.1

1999-03-18 Thread Colin Telmer
Ignore this. I forgot about tzconfig. Cheers.

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Colin Telmer wrote:

 I am running potato and have glibc 2.1 installed and date reports GMT time
 rather than EST. I realize that the timezone package was replaced by glibc
 2.1 but I can't figure out how to tell it to use EST rather than GMT. The
 date command produces
 telmer:~$ date
 Wed Mar 17 23:44:56 /etc/localtime 1999
 So I thought I could simply create /etc/localtime with the single line
 reading EST but that didn't do anything. Any ideas?
 Colin Telmer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Colin Telmer, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Decompressing Mac .sit.hqx files

1999-03-18 Thread Michael Beattie

I got a file sent to me from a friend that has been compressed with
Stuffit...  I cannot find a program that will successfully decompress this
file. any ideas?

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
If you don't know where you want to go, we'll make sure you get taken.
  -Japanese Microsoft ad slogan translated back into English
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

file size limit in emacs20 on hamm

1999-03-18 Thread Chris Evans
I just tried to edit a 25Mb text file in Emacs20 on a hamm system 
with 128Mb of RAM.  I discovered that the end of the file is shown 
on the screen (no X, raw ssh/telnet screen) as a structured lot of 
question marks:


and that an incremental search doesn't find something that grep 
shows is there.

Anyone tell me about handling large files in Emacs20?



PSYCTC: Psychotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Counselling
   and Therapeutic Communities; practice, research, 
   teaching and consultancy.
Chris Evans  Jo-anne Carlyle Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IP Masq

1999-03-18 Thread Peter Ludwig
On Tue, 16 Mar 1999, Torsten Landschoff wrote:

 Ahem - this way you block portmap from the outside but let everything else in.
 That's bad! And, of course - portmap alone will not buy you anything, you will
 need to enable rpc.mountd and rpc.nfsd to the inside too.

I understand that, after reading through all the documentation that I've
got here, but please explain one thing to me.  That hosts.deny file you
saw was DIRECT from the default installation, if it's so bad to have it
set that way, why didn't they TELL people?

Besides, that file is actually irrelevant to me, as I'm running IP
Masquerading and a few other things that attack the incoming connection
first... mainly I deny access from outside to everything.  The hosts.deny
file is just used (by myself anyway as far as I can tell) by my internal
network, and I _WANT_ all of the ports in the internal network to work.

  These files are VERY important, without them setup correctly, no matter
  what I did I couldn't do anything.
 With your setup you could do nearly everything.

Really?  Then why couldn't I?

  For your information portmap refers to the gateway/hosts DNS server, and
  the above files should be on the gateway/host.
 portmap is not a dns server. The dns is called named. portmap is a program to

I was attempting to simplify my explanation, sorry if it has offended you
slightly, or put your back up.  A better wording would be :-

For your information portmap refers to the system you are calling your
gateway/host, and the above files should be similar to those you have on
your gateway/host.

 enable remote procedure calls (rpc) so you can use services like network
 information system (nis) or network file system (nfs). You do not want to open
 these to the outside!

But the problem he was experiencing (and so was I until I changed my files
to the above settings) was that if you came in from outside you _COULD_
access everything, but coming in from the local network - nothing at all.

My system runs very well now, I've got a secondary machine that I
occassionally have linux running on it, but more often has OS/2 or Win95
running on it (for web page design more than anything else).

BTW - I believe that I already have had one person (at least) attempt to
get into my system from outside, it was pretty slack the way he tried so
it was only half-hearted, but as I expected - bounce... grin

Peter Ludwig

Re: mailing list software

1999-03-18 Thread oneiros
Thus spake Pere Camps ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

   berolist, majordomo or smartlist?

majordomo definatly.

 .oO,.. oneiros ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ..,Oo.
... and the `fortune -s` for this e-mail is ...
 panic(Fod fight!);
-- In the kernel source aha1542.c, after detecting a bad segment list

Re: Decompressing Mac .sit.hqx files

1999-03-18 Thread Dpk
On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Michael Beattie wrote:

   I got a file sent to me from a friend that has been compressed with
   Stuffit...  I cannot find a program that will successfully
   decompress this file. any ideas?

Try the package macutils.  Although I have never used it, from the
file /usr/doc/macutils/README.unsit:
unsit - Macintosh StuffIt file extractor
Version 1, for StuffIt 1.31
This program will unpack a Macintosh StuffIt file into separate files.

Network Adminstrator
College of Engineering, MSU
353-4844 (phone)
222-5875 (pager)

Re: Help connecting with Earthlink

1999-03-18 Thread Gary Singleton
I switched to Earthlink a couple of months ago and tried many, many
different configurations (PAP, CHAP, whatever) until I realized I had
to put in my username as ELN/username in place of just username
that I had become accustomed to.  Apparently it's because they lease
they're dial up numbers from Sprint (at least here in Boise, ID).

HTH, Gary Singleton

Get your free address at

Squid refusing to fetch article

1999-03-18 Thread Mark Brown
I recently upgraded Squid to version 2.1.2-1.  I thought I'd rewritten
my configuration (cacheing proxy forwarding all requests outside the
local network to another squid) appropriately, but intermittently Squid
complains that it is Unable to forward this request at this time.,
claiming that the parent cache is unreachable even though I can connect
to it using telnet.  The problem generally goes away after a few

Does anyone have any idea why it's doing it, and how to make the problem
go away?  I've got a feeling I'm missing something really obvious in the

Thanks for any help.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: Dumb networking question about IP forwarding

1999-03-18 Thread Paul Miller
Dale E. Martin wrote:
 Paul Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  What you are trying to do is make a bridge. This is experimental in the
  new 2.2.x kernels.
 Will that work with IPX?  There are Novell boxes on this network as well...
It should. Bridges are suppost to work at the hardware layer. They do
not care about what higher level protocols they are passing ie. TCP/IP
or IPX.

  You can achieve the same affect with a 100Mbs Hub which you can connect
  all your 10Mbs and 100Mbs devices to.
 If I had a hub or a switch that could run dual speeds, I wouldn't have
 asked the question :-)
Just checking ;-)

Paul Miller

Re: fortran compilier recommendations

1999-03-18 Thread Michael Procario

I have used the Absoft compiler because it supported Vax style fortran 
structures which we needed for some code we were porting.  It is OK as
a compiler. I needed it to work with g77 since we used several libraries built 
with g77 which proved to be very difficult to compile with ABSOFT due to
many workarounds to get them to work with g77. 

I succeeded with significant work in linking and correctly running a program 
that used Absoft f77, g77, gcc and g++.  I consider that to be to ABSOFT's 
credit.  I did find one compiler bug involving character functions, and I
had trouble with debugging symbols not being properly included if the object 
file was sent to a different directory from the source file.

I have not investigated optimization significantly. It turns out the g++ piece 
is the slowpoke and that is not my responsibility.  If I could survive with
g77 I would do so.  ABSOFT is not that great advantage over g77 in my case 
except for the fortran structures.

Have tried the comp.lang.fortran newsgroup. They have significant discussions
of issues like this.



Michael Procario   EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Physics  PHONE: 412/268-3887
Carnegie Mellon University  

  Another casualty of applied metaphysics

Re: Beta-testing and the glibc 2.1 (Was: Missing ldd? Have libc6 on hold? Get ldso from slink...

1999-03-18 Thread Randy Edwards
 If you need your machine for real work then you shouldn't be running
 If debian unstable isn't tested on machines used for real work,
 debian is going to end up a toy distribution which is only suitable for
 work on systems which aren't appropriate for real work.

   I agree wholeheartedly.  While one shouldn't complain too much if one runs
into problems, real life testing of unstable is important.

   I do appreciate the heads up warnings about problems in potato though.  I
plan on moving one of my main servers over to potato as soon as the
apache-ssl/common conflict gets straightened out.  I'll have it track a little
behind real potato just to avoid unexpected gotchas, but you're right -- if
someone isn't testing unstable how's it ever going to get stable? :-)

 .   | Celebrate the Linux WE'RE NEVER GOING OUT
 Randy   | OF BUSINESS SALE by downloading an entire
 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) | operating system, apps, games, utilities, | and source code at

Re: How to edit /etc/init.d/network?

1999-03-18 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Paul Nathan Puri wrote:
 So that my computer will apply the ipchains commands, the ipforward
 command in echo, the ifconfig, etc... at boot?

I'm definitely not a networking guru, but I'll take a shot at it.

First of all, if you haven't already, take a look at the recently
updated IP Masq HOWTO found at the link below. It explains most
everything you need to know including what's needed for 2.2.X vs 2.0.X

As a simple example, here's my /etc/init.d/network for the gateway
machine on a 2 computer home network. I'm using the plip device
(parallel port cable) instead of network cards, but it's the same idea.
I'm using kernel 2.2.3 now.

#! /bin/sh

ifconfig lo
route add -net netmask dev lo

ifconfig plip0 pointopoint up
route add -net netmask dev plip0

echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ

# these were used with kernels 2.0.XX instead of ipchains
# ipfwadm -F -p deny
# ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

You also have to set the default route on the machine(s) that will be
using the gateway machine to access the Internet or whatever. Here's how
I have the /etc/init.d/network file set up on my other machine:

#! /bin/sh

ifconfig lo
route add -net netmask dev lo

ifconfig plip0 pointopoint up
route add -net netmask dev plip0

route add default gw


Try Debian GNU/Linux - it's free, it's open source, and it rocks

Help with Kensington Expert Mouse (Trackball)

1999-03-18 Thread Allen J. Fulleton

I am trying to get my trackball to operate with gpm 1.14 in v2.1.
This device is on /dev/ps2aux and no matter what protocol I try, I get
erratic mouse movements and no button events.  This is confirmed from

Can I change something in gpm.conf?  Can anyone tell me what the
'inword() LUT' string in the config file means?  I wonder if  I could
change something in this string to make things work better.

This trackball reports 'PS/2 Port PDP Ballpoint Protocol' from the help
in Win95.  The help from DOS suggest installing as 'Expert, Thinking,
Kensington, IBM or MS' mouse  but the various MS protocols are n/g.

Any help with this would be appreciated.  This trackball is a superb
device and I don't want to give it up!!!

 I am just getting my feet wet in Linux but what I see so far I like.  I
am comfortable with the command line on DOS, OS/2 Warp, don't like Win95
even tho its on this machine. I did some beta with DR/DOS  Concurrent
PC DOS (boy, that dates me!) and very little C programming long ago
(Turbo C, v3.1  Borland C++ ).

I've got Red Hat 5.2  Debian 2.1 both on this machine using Boot Magic
 Partition Magic each in a 1 meg partition for a small evaluation.

Thanks in advance...


Re: fortran compilier recommendations

1999-03-18 Thread Mark Brown
On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 08:20:16PM -0500, Michael Procario wrote:

 is the slowpoke and that is not my responsibility.  If I could survive with
 g77 I would do so.  ABSOFT is not that great advantage over g77 in my case 
 except for the fortran structures.

I'm using the Portland Group F90 and HPF compilers quite happily.  They
don't seem to offer that big a win over g77 or f2c other than the
Fortran 90 support (and autoparallelisation for those occasions where it
works) - I probably wouldn't bother at all if I'd had to pay for them.  

We seem to be getting free spreadsheets, so now the only thing I used
that I can't get as free software is a F90 compiler, but sadly few
people even seem interested in helping improve g77.  :-(

 Have tried the comp.lang.fortran newsgroup. They have significant discussions
 of issues like this.

The best summary of what's out there for Linux is probably the page put
together by Jeff Templon at

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: installing debian

1999-03-18 Thread Hartmut Figge
mike shupp wrote:

 Try the MS-DOS fdisk.  Think of it as a professional courtesy: fdisk
 programs are reluctant to remove partitions put up by other OSs.

MS-DOS, the rescuer of Debian ...




1999-03-18 Thread Hartmut Figge
m.nau wrote:

 After starting dselect as / , it is asking for a block device.
 But it does NOT accept any HD!!!
 The installation took place at /dev/hdc2 (whitch is not accepted

/dev/hdc ?


Stumped!! Cdrom not a valid block dev.

1999-03-18 Thread Roddie Rod
My cdrom has worked fine for months - after i figure out it was a
goldstar. Now Debian claims it is not a valid block device.

On boot, I get the cdrom detected, happy goldstar message. which is good.
I try to mount it and I get not a valid block dev. I tried to MAKEDEV and
it seem to compile but still not lucky. I even tried mount cdrom, but of
course in /etc/fstab it is /dev/gscd. Any help on this one?

Roddie Rod

'Man is the greatest cancer ever to be seen'
-Entombed 'Contempt'

Installing Debian Linux on a low-level mem 386.

1999-03-18 Thread Francois-Nicola Demers

Is it possible to install Debian on a 2mg memory 386?  I know that
Debian offer a low-level memory installation for PC under 5mg.  Is
this offer is also for 2mg memory 386?


Francois-N. Demers

Re: HELP! Can't get connected

1999-03-18 Thread John Hasler
Woodrow writes:
 received following display: /etc/ppp/peers/proviver unrecognized option

That should only happen if you did not configure ppp during the install or
you put in /dev/modem as the modem port.

 Entered provider with vi and changed to suggested /dev/ttyS1!, :wq'ed and
 tried pon. Display was unrecognized option /dev/ttys1!.

Where is /dev/ttyS1! suggested?  That should be /dev/ttyS1 with no '!'.

 Would someone please forward me the correct /etc/ppp/peers/provider
 entries, or instruct me how to reenter the ppp setup daemon.

Run pppconfig as root.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: slow connection

1999-03-18 Thread John Hasler
Juha writes:
 I have new 3com.  U.S.Robotics modem and it works well with Windows. I
 can get connnected in, but transfer-rate is extremly slow.

Please post your /etc/ppp/peers/provider, /etc/ppp/options, and the
equivalent information from Windows.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Wer kann mir helfen ??

1999-03-18 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 CB == Christian Boehm [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

CB Läuft LinuxPPC oder Debian LinuxPPC auf einem Motorola PowerStack
CB MT603-66 und wenn ja welche Version ist die richtige.

[ For the english speakers: Does LinuxPPC work a Motorola PowerStack
MT603-66. If it does: which is the correct version to use ]

Did you do a search on dejanews about this topic? You may also want to 
ask on the debian-powerpc mailinglist, as it is more specific to your


Re: which package provides ldd

1999-03-18 Thread Martin Bialasinski

JR Matt Garman [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Which package has the ldd program in it?  I could swear this
 utility used to be on my computer, now it's not (I had that dselect
 removal disaster mentioned in an earlier post).

Downgrade the ldso package to the slink version. In potato, it is in
libc2.1 instead of ldso. so If you ungraded ldso and did hold libc6,
it is lost.


ip_masq confusion

1999-03-18 Thread Paul Nathan Puri
Here are the commands that I thought made my network to ip_masq:

ifconfig eth0 netmask broadcast
( echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward )
ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -s -d \! -j MASQ

But my network cannot transfer any packets... What have I left out?

I have all the ip_masq/firewall/aliasing stuff compiled into the kernel.
What do I still need to do?

Certified Law Student
 Debian GNU/Linux Monk
McGeorge School of Law

Re: slow connection

1999-03-18 Thread Chuck Lackey
On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 18:31:43 +0100, Juha wrote:

Hello everybody!
I need help to troubleshoot my Internet-connection. I have new  3com.
U.S.Robotics modem and it works well with Windows. I can get connnected in,
but transfer-rate is extremly slow. Netscape-homepage takes 2-3 minutes to
Can somebody help me out here?

Juha Korkiakangas
I assume since you can connect at all outside of win, this is NOT a winmodem.
If you can edit the init string in win, ad W to the end, reinit the modem once 
then remove the W.
This will write the init to the modem, and ATZ can be used from then on. (in 
any os)

I hope this helps!

Chuck Lackey
Macon, Ga.

Re: Stumped!! Cdrom not a valid block dev.

1999-03-18 Thread Ed Slocomb
What is the output for a particular mount command, e.g.:
mount -t iso9660 /dev/gscd /cdrom 

It looks like you have cdrom (a string) instead of /cdrom (a mount point) 

-Original Message-
From: Roddie Rod [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 1999 6:21 PM
Subject: Stumped!! Cdrom not a valid block dev.

My cdrom has worked fine for months - after i figure out it was a
goldstar. Now Debian claims it is not a valid block device.

On boot, I get the cdrom detected, happy goldstar message. which is good.
I try to mount it and I get not a valid block dev. I tried to MAKEDEV and
it seem to compile but still not lucky. I even tried mount cdrom, but of
course in /etc/fstab it is /dev/gscd. Any help on this one?

Roddie Rod

'Man is the greatest cancer ever to be seen'
-Entombed 'Contempt'

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

dtv2000 with kernel 2.2.1

1999-03-18 Thread benoit

I want to setup a dtv2000 to run with my 2.2.1 kernel... I compiled the
kernel for bttv and modprobe bttv works.

The problem is when I run xawtv. Im getting a channel but I cant change
it. I dont have sound... On the xterm im getting a lot of warning from

what's wrong... on the xawtv they said it should work the first time
I think they lied ;)


Benoit Joly

off topic: PL/I compiler

1999-03-18 Thread D'jinnie
not a question I really expect an answer to, but: I'm looking for a PL/I
compiler preferably cheap or free. Noone except IBM seems to be making
them anymore. For obvious reasons I prefer Linux, Unix, or Win platform :)

Life is complex:  part real, part imaginary.

D'jinnie/Jinn, encountered on IRC and select MU**. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP public key

Re: Beta-testing and the glibc 2.1 (Was: Missing ldd? Have libc6 on hold? Get ldso from slink...

1999-03-18 Thread Robert Woodcock

If you want support information like this sugar-coated, you can write it
yourself, you can run it through debian-publicity first, you can make it
however you want. I really don't care. Just so *someone* writes it and
posts it to the appropriate lists. That's being part of the solution.
Robert Woodcock - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I never knew manipulating the masses was so easy. -jt

Re: mailing list software

1999-03-18 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 23:24:13 +0100 (CET), Pere Camps wrote:

   berolist, majordomo or smartlist?


- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: mailing list software

1999-03-18 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 18:59:59 -0600, oneiros wrote:

  berolist, majordomo or smartlist?

majordomo definatly.

Only if one is masochistic enough to run a Windows wannabe.  IE, hack
piled upon hack piled upon hack piled upon hack.  Majordomo's digest is an
alias loop, fer creying out loud!  It can't even do it internally, has poor
security, lousy moderation, doesn't work half the time and is an utter bear
to setup.  Listar, Listar and Listar are the only choices.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: [off-topic] auto-replies

1999-03-18 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999 18:13:14 -0600, Mike Merten wrote:

Yep, I'm getting them too :/

Me three, and this concludes our class on why posting to -user gets you
spammed.  Thank you, and good night.

   So how do we nuke the SOB?

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-
Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: Decompressing Mac .sit.hqx files

1999-03-18 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Dpk wrote:

 Try the package macutils.  Although I have never used it, from the
 file /usr/doc/macutils/README.unsit:
 unsit - Macintosh StuffIt file extractor
 Version 1, for StuffIt 1.31
 This program will unpack a Macintosh StuffIt file into separate files.

Unfortunately, the program itself is not in the package.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Computers are not intelligent. They just think they are.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Installing Debian Linux on a low-level mem 386.

1999-03-18 Thread John Galt

Them ny first experience with bo didn't exist?  I had a 386 w/ 2M of
memory and a MFM hd and installed bo with no real problem.  The result
won't be pretty, but it should work as well as anything else available
today.  You might wish to get an old bo distribution, tho.

On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Robert V. MacQuarrie wrote:

 FROM: HTTP://WWW.Debian.Org/
 2.3 Memory and Disk Space Requirements 
 You must have at least 4MB of memory and 35MB of hard disk. If you want to
 install a reasonable amount of software, including the X Window System,
 and some development programs and libraries, you'll need at least 300MB.
 For a more or less complete installation, you'll need around 800MB. To
 install everything available in Debian, you'll probably need around 2 GB.
 Actually, installing everything doesn't even make sense, since some
 packages conflict with others.
 On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Francois-Nicola Demers wrote:
 Is it possible to install Debian on a 2mg memory 386?  I know that
 Debian offer a low-level memory installation for PC under 5mg.  Is
 this offer is also for 2mg memory 386?
 Francois-N. Demers
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Pardon me, but you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a


1999-03-18 Thread Asokan P
My machine has suddenly started displaying this message
SIOCADDRT - invalid argument.
The network card is dtected and while booting up it shows up correctly
I traced it to the two route commands in /etc/inet.d/network
They are correct - as per the man, ifconfig looks alright
ping ( the machine's ip ) works, as does  
ping anything else on the network - the local net is 192.168.3.x
I am running 2.2.2 kernel on hamm

P Asokan

Unidentified subject!

1999-03-18 Thread Asokan P
In the office we have a WIn NT machine connected to the INternET and that is 
running WinGate. 
What should I do to use this sort of a connection, to upgrade debian, by using 
I cannot wait to run slink.

P Asokan

Re: error - SIOCADDRT

1999-03-18 Thread Joerg Friedrich
On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Asokan P wrote:

 My machine has suddenly started displaying this message
 SIOCADDRT - invalid argument.
 The network card is dtected and while booting up it shows up correctly
 I traced it to the two route commands in /etc/inet.d/network
 They are correct - as per the man, ifconfig looks alright
 ping ( the machine's ip ) works, as does  
 ping anything else on the network - the local net is 192.168.3.x
 I am running 2.2.2 kernel on hamm
This is not a bug but a feature in kernel 2.2.X. 

The 2.2.X Kernel sets route  automaticly when the device is setup by
ifconfig. You do not need to add a route anymore :-)

Heute ist nicht alle Tage, ich komme wieder, keine Frage!!!


[no subject]

1999-03-18 Thread sebesta

dbackup (was: Re: Beta-testing and the glibc 2.1 (Was: Missing ldd? Have libc6 on hold? Get ldso from slink...)

1999-03-18 Thread Craig Sanders
On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 01:10:44PM -0800, David Bristel wrote:
 This is a good point, and it actually leads to an interesting idea
 for a package that would take care of this issue.  Now, this is NOT
 an easy project, but, what about a package that has a list of the
 config files for ALL the packages, and would back up what is needed
 to restore a system to normal from a clean install?  To have just
 the shadow, passwd, and the confs for all the different packages, we
 could back up just these files.  Then, reinstall from scratch, ignore
 configurations, because the restore of the config files would handle
 it all.  Some would say that this should be handled manually, but it
 would make it nice, and it's something that no other distribution has
 considered doing.  Having to manually back up key files is a major

'dbackup' did something similar to but better than this. unfortunately
it got orphaned and eventually droppped form the dist.

i have a copy still installed and can run dpkg-repack on it if anyone
wants to play with it.  IIRC, at the moment it outputs a list of
filenames which can be fed into cpio or afio or tar etc - this is quite

# dpkg -s dbackup
Package: dbackup
Status: install ok installed
Priority: extra
Section: admin
Maintainer: David H. Silber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 0.1-alpha.2
Recommends: tar | cpio
Description: Debian GNU/Linux Data Backup Program.
 Backup will copy all files that are not part of a Debian package or which
 have been modified since installation to some backup media.
 Actually, at this point it is only true that dbackup produces a list of
 files which fit the above qualifications.  It is up to the user to feed
 this list to some program (such as tar or cpio) for the actual backup.
 I still need to provide user documentation such as a manual page, an info
 page, examples of use, etc.
 I plan to provide a nifty-spiffy administration tool to make the final
 product easier to use, but this is not yet ready.

if nobody else is interested, i may adopt this package myself. i think
it's a shame that it vanished from debian. but i probably don't have

btw, simply backing up a system's conffiles can be done by feeding the
output of 'cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.conffiles' into tar/cpio/afio etc.


craig sanders

Re: iso9660 module in kernel 2.0.34

1999-03-18 Thread G. Crimp
On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 07:12:34PM -0600, Paul Miller wrote:
 G. Crimp wrote:
  Anybody know what an unresolved symbol is ?  I've just compiled a
 This is a function call or variable that the modules wishes to use but
 cannot find.
  kernel making iso9660 support a module.  I've done this in bo with no
  problems.  In hamm, however, when I try to mount a cd, I get an error saying
  that the kernel does not support iso9660 filesystems.  kerneld is running.
  If I do insmod isofs I get the following errors:
  # insmod -p isofs
  /lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol load_nls_default_R86e263f4
  /lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol unload_nls_R3f17924a
  /lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol load_nls_Rbc00b63b
  /lib/modules/2.0.34/fs/isofs.o: unresolved symbol utf8_wctomb_Rf531b5d3
 Try using modprobe instead of insmod. It will load other necessary
 modules for the requested module to run.
 modprobe isofs
 For modprobe to work, you need to build the dependancy list first. This
 happens every time the machine boots, but you can also do this by typing 
 depmod -a

something must be amiss somewhere, because I depmod is obviously not doing
its job at boot.  I even tried running depmod -a manually.  anyway, I am
running kerneld, so all this should be happening without my intervention
should it not ?


removing OnTrack DDO

1999-03-18 Thread Hamish Moffatt
Summary: is it possible to remove OnTrack Disk manager/Dynamic Drive
Overlay without trashing everything on the disk?

Long version: I have two disks in one PC; /dev/hda and /dev/hdb. hdb has
DDO installed on it from when it served in a DOS PC with old BIOS. When 
I installed, I needed the data intact; later I migrated the data to
ext2 partitions on the same disk, all without removing DDO. Linux can
handle DDO's munging just fine, and the boot disk /dev/hda didn't have it,
so no problem.

Now I want to swap them (hdb is a lot bigger than hda); everything works
ok, except I can't boot off the big disk. The DDO runs and says invalid
BIOS translations are being used -- I chose LBA mode. I can boot off floppy
ok, which is what I have been doing. I'd prefer to remove DDO, if it's

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

problems upgrading 2.0 to 2.1

1999-03-18 Thread Hamish Moffatt
Package: dpkg-multicd
Version: 0.14

I am trying to upgrade a Debian 2.0 system to 2.1, using dpkg-multicd.
I have encountered a few problems.

Firstly, I went in, had it mount the second disk ok to read the packages
file; then I quit. Another process was in the directory (a shell I was using)
so it wasn't unmounted; no problem there. I ran dselect again; [A]ccess
noticed that a disc was mounted and asked if that was OK; however,
[U]pdate could not cope with a disc being already mounted.

I cleaned that up, then went in to [S]elect. Just hit [Enter], fixed
some conflicts, and went [I]nstall. It tried to install ncurses4, without
upgrading libc6 first; this failed due to the dependencies, so installation
was aborted. Then when I went [S]elect and [I]install again, I get:

ISO9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3
Unable to load NLS charset iso8859-1(nls_iso8859_1)
internal error - no filename at -e line 13, P chunk 14.

installation script returned error exit status 1.
Press RETURN to continue.

Now I'm stuck for ideas.

Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: Keyboard locked up under X [was System trashed]

1999-03-18 Thread Roy-Anders Larsen
On Mon, 15 Mar 1999, Nils Rennebarth wrote:

 There appears to be a long outstanding bug in the S3 X servers that
 completely locks up the keyboard, although the system still runs fine,
 mouse can be moved, starting programs by mouse and menu works, even
 cut and paste some text into an xterm works.
 But the keyboard appears like it's plugged off.

Yup, same here.  After this happening to me a few times I also noticed
that the load wen to about .5 on my poor old 486DX33, so I decided to
unplug and replug the keyboard.  And it worked, the keyboard was fine and
the load went down again.

 Unsolicited commercial email will be billed at $350/message 
No spamming, please.

Re: Hardware woes/make-kpkg

1999-03-18 Thread Michael Bonetsmueller

ahem. mea culpa. I overlooked kernel-package and now everything is up
and running, including the 'mca_' problem. Thanks to Laurent and Wayne
for your help!


Michael Bonetsmüller   The least we can do is wave to each other
[EMAIL PROTECTED] --Van der Graaf Generator

Re: Stumped!! Cdrom not a valid block dev.

1999-03-18 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 My cdrom has worked fine for months - after i figure out it was a
 goldstar. Now Debian claims it is not a valid block device.
 On boot, I get the cdrom detected, happy goldstar message. which is good.
 I try to mount it and I get not a valid block dev. I tried to MAKEDEV and
 it seem to compile but still not lucky. I even tried mount cdrom, but of
 course in /etc/fstab it is /dev/gscd. Any help on this one?

Um, this may be a silly question, but is there a CD in the drive?
Also, I think you will get  such a message if the CD is broken, or
audio format, so try another one.  Also, it sometimes helps to reseat
the connectors of your cdrom.  Does it work in other OS-s?

No offense intended ;)

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

cdrecord,/dev/pg0 /usr/include/linux

1999-03-18 Thread John Carter
Greetings Debi-one's,

Are you trying to compile the cdrecord or some other thing that
makes use of the pg driver?

Are you having no joy? Does the @#%$%$! cdrecord merely say Cannot
open SCSI and then exit?

Are you losing your hair by the fistful whilst you beat upon your
breast and keyboard with equal ferocity?

Have you upgraded both kernel and cdrecord without reward?

Cry no more.

cd /usr/include
ls -ld linux
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 2048 Oct 10 17:13 linux

Note that 'd' in the first column. It is your enemy. 

Debian hamm (and maybe others) didn't distribute the kernel source. So
instead of that being a shambolic link into the kernel source, it is a
standalone directory full of the header files for the linux-2.0.3?
whatever kernel hamm was built around.

Now having upgraded to linux-2.2.3, that standalone directory stands
there alone with a bunch of obsolete header files. cdrecord looks in
there, doesn't find pg.h and doesn't build in the ability to talk to
the /dev/pg0.

Solution :-

cd /usr/include
rm -rvf linux
ln -s /usr/src/linux/include/linux linux
ls -ld linux
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   28 Mar 18 10:40 linux - 

Rebuild ab initio cdrecord. Hah! It works!

Telephone : 27-12-808-0374x194 Fax:- 27-12-808-0338 or

Knock. Knock.
Who's there?
GNU who?
Don't cry Billy.

Re: Slink upgrade - problems with X.

1999-03-18 Thread Anthony Campbell

Jim McCloskey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In Debian, unlike most linux distributions, /usr/X11R6/bin/X is not a
symlink to the `real' X binary. It's a wrapper-program which reads a
configuration file /etc/X11R6/xserver to find out which X server to
run (and some other things).

In hamm (haven't got slink), this is documented in /usr/doc/xbase/

The symptom you report:

 But still I can't run startx as user, only as root.

is the typical symptom indicating that /usr/X11R6/bin/X has been
turned in to a symlink,

On 17 Mar 1999, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 I just upgraded to slink, and followed the instructions to delete xbase.
 Lots of problems have resulted.
 I am very confused by the new X stuff. 
 Startx wasn't installed, but I found it on the CDRom and installed it.
To get startx to work I had to make a link from /etc/X11/XF86Config to
 /etc/XF86Config and another from /usr/X11R6/bin.XF86_SVGA to X.
 But still I can't run startx as user, only as root.

I found out what the problem was: apt-get had not installed one of the
basic X packages (can't remember which). Installing this manually made X


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.0 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: grrr, No response from modem

1999-03-18 Thread Nils Rennebarth
ioports and interrupts look ok. What about the cable? Does it work on
another computer? Wiring could be wierd. Does the serial port work at all?
Sometimes when I assemble a computer I put the little plug on the mainboard
on only half of the pins, or in the wrong orientation,... It is an external
modem, isn't it?


Plug-and-Play is really nice, unfortunately it only works 50% of the time.
To be specific the Plug almost always works.--unknown source

Description: PGP signature

Re: error - SIOCADDRT

1999-03-18 Thread Ralf Doering
Asokan  P [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 My machine has suddenly started displaying this message
 SIOCADDRT - invalid argument.
 The network card is dtected and while booting up it shows up correctly
 I traced it to the two route commands in /etc/inet.d/network
 They are correct - as per the man, ifconfig looks alright
 ping ( the machine's ip ) works, as does  
 ping anything else on the network - the local net is 192.168.3.x
 I am running 2.2.2 kernel on hamm

Just upgraded your kernel to 2.2.x?
Well, there is no need to set an interface route to an network
interface by hand as this is done by the kernel now.
Simply remove the route add -net ... for loopback and other
interfaces from /etc/inet.d/network
This is also mentioned in Documentation/Changes, so read this
documentent too. If you already read it, read it again ;)

No sig -- no fun

modconf - eepro100

1999-03-18 Thread Csejtey Gabor Zoltan

I have an Intel network card and the module is eepro100.o
How can I install it with modconf to the kernel, what parameters do I need?
I used modcnf but it didn't work:

installation wasn't succesful


rivatnt slink

1999-03-18 Thread tino

can I get a working SVGA-server with my rivaTNT chipset
on the slink release the easiest way? Do I have to uninstall
xfree86-3.3.2packages and then download and
compile all the xfree86-3.3.3 sources ?
Are ther no packages/patches for?


Re: -- MARK -- in /var/log/messages

1999-03-18 Thread Steve Haslam
On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 09:37:19PM +0100, Paul Lemmens wrote:
 I recently started wondering what the -- MARK -- lines in
 /var/log/messages represent. I cannot explain them logically, nor have I
 found a daemon that's responsible for these lines.
 Can anybody help out?

the MARK lines are created internally by syslogd afaik. The have the
psuedo-facility mark. To get rid of them, add !mark.* or sth like that
to the relevant line in /etc/syslog.conf.

The mark lines are useful for adding a sense of timescale to a busy logfile.
If two entries have lots of MARK lines inbetween them, you know they
happened quite a while apart without having to look at the timestamps at the
start of the lines. otoh, if you're logging to a console window/vt, the mark
lines are just annoying imho.



Steve Haslam, Validation Engineer, ARM Ltd, Cambridge UK +44-1223-400677
A4 5D 30 2C EE CB 41 24  A7 9E DF E3 74 E8 2E 5B  @

Re: removing OnTrack DDO

1999-03-18 Thread Tom Pfeifer
I have no direct experience with Ontrack, but it sounds like you have a
vaild (non-ONTrack) partition table in the MBR sector of that disk since
you can access it as a slave or after booting from a floppy. But the
OnTrack DDO code is still residing in that sector, which comes into play
when you boot from that disk. 

Getting rid of it should be just matter of replacing that code by
overwriting it with some other boot loader such as Lilo - after booting
from the floppy. I would definitely make a backup copy of that sector
first with the dd command - just in case. At least then you have a
record of the partition table values to work from if something goes

Additional note: I believe Ontrack normally keeps it's own special
partition table in the MBR (sector 1) which is unusable except by the
Ontrack boot code, and then keeps the actual partition table at an
offset of 63 sectors from that. Since you can access the partitions on
that disk without Ontrack being loaded, it would seem that your real
partition table is in the first sector - unless Linux is smart enough to
figure out all of Ontrack's nonsense on it's own. 


Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 Summary: is it possible to remove OnTrack Disk manager/Dynamic Drive
 Overlay without trashing everything on the disk?
 Long version: I have two disks in one PC; /dev/hda and /dev/hdb. hdb has
 DDO installed on it from when it served in a DOS PC with old BIOS. When
 I installed, I needed the data intact; later I migrated the data to
 ext2 partitions on the same disk, all without removing DDO. Linux can
 handle DDO's munging just fine, and the boot disk /dev/hda didn't have it,
 so no problem.
 Now I want to swap them (hdb is a lot bigger than hda); everything works
 ok, except I can't boot off the big disk. The DDO runs and says invalid
 BIOS translations are being used -- I chose LBA mode. I can boot off floppy
 ok, which is what I have been doing. I'd prefer to remove DDO, if it's
 Latest Debian packages at PGP#EFA6B9D5
 CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.
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Try Debian GNU/Linux - it's free, it's open source, and it rocks

Preparing source packages.

1999-03-18 Thread Kamil Jonca
One day I tried to debianize compiler (egcs) 
I wrote lines Replace: and Provides; but after preparing, compiling and 
installing it , I had to install package libc6-dev and I got a message like
libc6-dev needs gcc and gcc is not installed. 
What is going on. Where in Debian{Policy,packaging} manual is something about
it ? I couldn't find andthing.


Re: -- MARK -- in /var/log/messages

1999-03-18 Thread L. Besselink

On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Steve Haslam wrote:

 On Wed, Mar 17, 1999 at 09:37:19PM +0100, Paul Lemmens wrote:
  I recently started wondering what the -- MARK -- lines in
  /var/log/messages represent. I cannot explain them logically, nor have I
  found a daemon that's responsible for these lines.
  Can anybody help out?
 the MARK lines are created internally by syslogd afaik. The have the
 psuedo-facility mark. To get rid of them, add !mark.* or sth like that
 to the relevant line in /etc/syslog.conf.
 The mark lines are useful for adding a sense of timescale to a busy logfile.
 If two entries have lots of MARK lines inbetween them, you know they
 happened quite a while apart without having to look at the timestamps at the
 start of the lines. otoh, if you're logging to a console window/vt, the mark
 lines are just annoying imho.
 Steve Haslam, Validation Engineer, ARM Ltd, Cambridge UK +44-1223-400677
 A4 5D 30 2C EE CB 41 24  A7 9E DF E3 74 E8 2E 5B  @
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


They are also there for an other reason (so, I have read here, some time
ago). Because there needs to be some test if syslogd is still running
(or capable to write to the file, stuff like thet),
that's why they use this way.

Hope that helps,

Re: /etc/localtime and glibc 2.1

1999-03-18 Thread eric Farris
I am having the same problem after upgrading to potato.

/etc/localtime is a symlink to /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Eastern . There
isn't a /usr/share/zoneinfo anymore, and there isn't a file called
'Eastern' on my system.

dselect tells me that the timezones package conflicts with, libc6. it
also says timezones REQUIRES libc6. Now, i'm no guru, but i don't think
a package should conflict with something it requires.

So how do we fix this? 

Colin Telmer wrote:
 I am running potato and have glibc 2.1 installed and date reports GMT time
 rather than EST. I realize that the timezone package was replaced by glibc
 2.1 but I can't figure out how to tell it to use EST rather than GMT. 
 So I thought I could simply create /etc/localtime with the single line
 reading EST but that didn't do anything. Any ideas?

eric Farris  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microcomputer Support Specialist
Frostburg State University

Wealth is not acquired by taking the most from others,
but by giving the most away.

gnome library

1999-03-18 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI

I have a probleme when I run a gnome application, like gnome-stones.
I have this message :

gnome-stones: error in loading shared libraries:
/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: poptHelpOptions

Do you know, what I have to do.


Re: rivatnt slink

1999-03-18 Thread David B. Teague

On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, tino wrote:
 can I get a working SVGA-server with my rivaTNT chipset
 on the slink release the easiest way? Do I have to uninstall
 xfree86-3.3.2packages and then download and
 compile all the xfree86-3.3.3 sources ?
 Are ther no packages/patches for?

If you are using Slink or Potato, and if 3.3.3 supports your card, you may
be OK. Go to the Xfree web site ( and read the several
documents, in particular the card specific README. The card specific
README is what gave my local guru the information necessary to make a
working config file.

I have an SIS-6326 card that all I had to do was down load the SVGA16 and
SVGA servers, replace these in my Slink system, then create an XF86Config
file for the card. I left all the 3.3.2 packages out there. 

Debian GNU/Linux 
Use Free Software: would you drive a car with the hood welded shut?

Re: dependency problems

1999-03-18 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, John Cuson wrote:

 someone last week told me about the pc magazine article that was
 placed on zdnet and led to the spate of discussion we've just seen.  
 my response at the time was it's not for weenies.  that was, of
 course, before i began setting up a series of libraries to support a
 gnome application and ran into my current does one
 resolve a dependency problem that results because gnome-bin won't
 install because libgnome31 isn't installed, and libgnome31 won't
 install because gnome-bin isn't installed?  can someone offer me a
 hint here?

When I upgraded to slink a couple of weeks ago, I had a similar problem in
dselect. (It seemed to be caused by a lack of free disk space.)  I wound
up deleting the request for both of the packages and everything that
relied upon them and then starting over.  I suppose another approach would
have been to retrieve the packages manually and force an install.
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Lilo lanunching NT Loader

1999-03-18 Thread Jeff Beley
I have a dual boot NT / Debian box and would like to be able
to have lilo boot NT instead NT loader boot lilo.  Does anyone
know how to do this?



Network Administrator
PGP Key Available upon request

Possible to drive an Exabyte ``tower'' ?

1999-03-18 Thread Peter S Galbraith

Our remote-sensing lab is considering swithing over to Linux, but
they need to use an Exabyte Tape tower (model EXB-10 CHS) to
handle multiple tape cartridges.

Does anyone know of Linux software to handle this?  Or of any
supported tape towers on the market?  


Peter Galbraith, research scientist  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Maurice Lamontagne Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
P.O. Box 1000, Mont-Joli Qc, G5H 3Z4 Canada. 418-775-0852 FAX: 775-0546
6623'rd GNU/Linux user at the Counter - 

RE: Stumped!! Cdrom not a valid block dev.

1999-03-18 Thread Person, Roderick
We have a winner. Broken CD . I guiess I've been hackin' too hard

Roderick P. Person aka Roddie Rod

 -Original Message-
 From: E.L. Meijer (Eric) [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, March 18, 1999 4:14 AM
 Subject:  Re: Stumped!! Cdrom not a valid block dev.
  My cdrom has worked fine for months - after i figure out it was a
  goldstar. Now Debian claims it is not a valid block device.
  On boot, I get the cdrom detected, happy goldstar message. which is
  I try to mount it and I get not a valid block dev. I tried to MAKEDEV
  it seem to compile but still not lucky. I even tried mount cdrom, but of
  course in /etc/fstab it is /dev/gscd. Any help on this one?
 Um, this may be a silly question, but is there a CD in the drive?
 Also, I think you will get  such a message if the CD is broken, or
 audio format, so try another one.  Also, it sometimes helps to reseat
 the connectors of your cdrom.  Does it work in other OS-s?
 No offense intended ;)
 Eric Meijer
  E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Adaptec SCSI Card 1505

1999-03-18 Thread Martin Stenzel

Hi there, 

I am not new to Linux, though, new to Debian.
Yesterday I installed the base system from floppies, everything went fine,
except I had no chance to tell the dbootstrap program the kernel
parameters for my SCSI card. It was not listed with other SCSI cards when
doing the kernel/modules stuff.
What happened on the first reboot was that the system hung when trying to
detect a Western Digital card which I do not have .
I do not want to type the card parameters on every boot. May I use LiLo to
start the system?

Thanks in advance, Martin.

Martin Stenzel ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
13156 Berlin - Germany
Phone / Fax  +49 / 30 / 477 555 49  

Re: gnome library

1999-03-18 Thread Adam Lazur
 I have a probleme when I run a gnome application, like gnome-stones.
 I have this message :
 gnome-stones: error in loading shared libraries:
 /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: poptHelpOptions
 Do you know, what I have to do.

Wait until the gnome packages are fixed... or if you can't wait, run
the stuff that's too unstable to merge with potato (unstable) in the
gnome staging area by adding:

deb unstable main

to your /etc/apt/sources.list


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 -

 The only 'intuitive' interface is the nipple. After that, it's all
  learned. -Bruce Ediger, in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.

Re: grrr, No response from modem

1999-03-18 Thread Jay Barbee
At 3/17/99 07:58 PM -0800, Shanta McBain wrote:
Jay Barbee wrote:
 First modem is MultiTech ZDX 19.2k bps and the second is a USR Courier
 v.everything 33.6k bps.
Are they set to different settings. If they are on the same setting you will 

Hummm, are you talking about the modem's config, or minicom/ppp config.  I 
am using the same software configuration, but I am leaving the hardware as 

 I figured pretty standard modems.  I was using the USR on a NT with all the
 same cables, so I know the cable and modem do work.

You could try wvdial it detects modem setting on installation.

I installed the package and it did not find the modem.  How could this be?  
Here is how the config looked:

Scanning your serial ports for a modem.

Port Scan*1: Ignoring ttyS0 because /dev/mouse is a link to it.
Port Scan*1: S1
ttyS2*1: AT -- AT -- AT -- nothing.
ttyS3*1: AT -- AT -- AT -- nothing.

Sorry, no modem was detected!

Are these ports just not working?  I know the modem and cable work fine on 
another system.

--Jay Barbee

Re: Lilo lanunching NT Loader

1999-03-18 Thread Ralf Doering
Jeff Beley [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a dual boot NT / Debian box and would like to be able
 to have lilo boot NT instead NT loader boot lilo.  Does anyone
 know how to do this?

The following works for me:
(NT installed into hda1)

- install lilo into the linux root partition 
- make this partition active
- add an entry for NT to /etc/lilo.conf like:
  other = /dev/hda1
label = doNTstart
table = /dev/hda1
- rerun lilo

No sig -- no fun

Forcing Modules

1999-03-18 Thread Person, Roderick
i'm trying to force old modules into a new kernel. Specifically kernel
2.0.36 modules into kernel 2.2.3. I tried i
nsmod -f modulename 
not luck.  It tells me that module was compile for kernel 2.0.36. Now, the
reason is that my 2.2.3 was an image I downloaded. I don't have the source.
I'm trying to get away without downoading the source and recompiling the

Roderick P. Person

RE: grrr, No response from modem

1999-03-18 Thread Person, Roderick
 First modem is MultiTech ZDX 19.2k bps and the second is a USR
 v.everything 33.6k bps.
Are they set to different settings. If they are on the same
setting you will 

Hummm, are you talking about the modem's config, or minicom/ppp
config.  I 
am using the same software configuration, but I am leaving the
hardware as 

I think we're asking for interupt configuration  for these two modems are
they the same or different, they should be different.
Did you try and remove one modem and see if the other is detected, this
would rule out if the modems have the same settings and are conflicting.
If that does work try moving the mouse to com 3 and the modem to com 1.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, March 18, 1999 9:27 AM
 Subject:  Re: grrr, No response from modem
 At 3/17/99 07:58 PM -0800, Shanta McBain wrote:
 Jay Barbee wrote:
  First modem is MultiTech ZDX 19.2k bps and the second is a USR Courier
  v.everything 33.6k bps.
 Are they set to different settings. If they are on the same setting you
 Hummm, are you talking about the modem's config, or minicom/ppp config.  I
 am using the same software configuration, but I am leaving the hardware as
  I figured pretty standard modems.  I was using the USR on a NT with
 all the
  same cables, so I know the cable and modem do work.
 You could try wvdial it detects modem setting on installation.
 I installed the package and it did not find the modem.  How could this be?
 Here is how the config looked:
 Scanning your serial ports for a modem.
 Port Scan*1: Ignoring ttyS0 because /dev/mouse is a link to it.
 Port Scan*1: S1
 ttyS2*1: AT -- AT -- AT -- nothing.
 ttyS3*1: AT -- AT -- AT -- nothing.
 Sorry, no modem was detected!
 Are these ports just not working?  I know the modem and cable work fine on
 another system.
 --Jay Barbee
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: grrr, No response from modem

1999-03-18 Thread Jay Barbee
At 3/18/99 11:28 AM +0100, Nils Rennebarth wrote:
ioports and interrupts look ok. What about the cable? Does it work on
another computer? Wiring could be wierd. Does the serial port work at all?
Sometimes when I assemble a computer I put the little plug on the mainboard
on only half of the pins, or in the wrong orientation,... It is an external
modem, isn't it?

The cable does work on another system.  The serial port seems as if it is
not working at all.  As I said before I do not see a lights blink during
modem initilization.  Even in the past when a modem is not working properly
I still get some type of reaction.  And that program that Shanta pointed
out, wvdial which does a modem detection, did not find anything.

I have seen the same problem with AT motherboads and goofy wiring, however
this is a DECpc, and it uses an ATX style motherboard.

The modem is external.  USR Courier v.everything 33.6.

Humm!  It honestly looks as if the serial port on the computer is not
working.  This would explain why I could never get apcd and upsd working
about 4 months ago.

--Jay Barbee

[no subject]

1999-03-18 Thread Steve Przepiora

Hi, I was wondering how debian automatically generates menus when you install
new stuff.

Steve Przepiora
Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv



1999-03-18 Thread Chuck Stickelman
Howdy All!!

I've spent way too much time looking for a reference to Drop-in-Debian
(or DiD).
Can someone point me in the right direction?


Chuck Stickelman, Owner E-Mail:
Practical Network DesignVoice:  +1-419-529-3841
9 Chambers Road FAX:+1-419-529-3625
Mansfield, OH 44906-1301 USA


1999-03-18 Thread Mikael Vidstedt

Ahoy there!

I recently installed slink on a Sparc Classic. One of the programs
I'm compiling now requires a file named ndbm.h. As far as I can tell, the
only place this file can be found is in /usr/include/db1/ndbm.h, but
usually this file is placed in /usr/include/ndbm.h. Why the


Re: none

1999-03-18 Thread Peter Makholm
Steve Przepiora [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi, I was wondering how debian automatically generates menus when you install
 new stuff.


Peter er den mindst gamle af de gammeldags usenettere, og moderator på
den eneste modererede gruppe i dk.*, so there.
- citat RockBear

audible notification for caps/num -lock, etc.

1999-03-18 Thread servis
Hi all,

Is there a program or a way to have an audible notification if the
caps-lock or num-lock key have been toggled?  Or for that matter any
key?  I know that xset can set a 'click' option but that is not what I
am looking for since it will affect all keys.


Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: menus in debian

1999-03-18 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 Hi, I was wondering how debian automatically generates menus when you
 install new stuff.

Point your web browser to file:///usr/doc/menu/html/index.html, and try

man update-menus

Please don't send mime-encoded messages to the list.

Eric Meijer

 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

OT: 95MHz system problem SOLVED

1999-03-18 Thread Raymond A. Ingles

 I finally tracked down the issue with my system. It turns out that the   
memory and my motherboard wouldn't play nice together. 
 My parents have a PII-450 system, which also has 128MB of PC-100 SDRAM.  
(They wanted a computer that they wouldn't have to upgrade for many years. 
My dad mostly plays minesweeper with it, and my mom likes to make greeting 
cards and do some light word processing. At this rate, they may never need 
to upgrade again. :- ) Anyway, I swapped the pair of 64MB DIMMs in their 
system with my 128MB DIMM last night.
 I did 80 kernel compiles last night at 100MHz with no problems, so I 
think I'm set. Interestingly, the memory which gave my system fits seems  
to work just fine in theirs. On my system, Windows would crash or hang or 
fail in some way within about 20 minutes. I ran their system for about an 
hour, playing some games and printing and so forth, and didn't see a 
problem. Oh, well. :-/
 I'm going to watch their system carefully for signs of instability 
(beyond the normal Windows stuff) but for now I think everything's cool.  
Thanks for all the suggestions and help people have given me while I was  
sorting this out.


 Ray Ingles   (248) 377-7735[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Every question has a simple, easy-to-understand wrong answer.
-H. L. Mencken

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