Re: Ejecutar un programa

1999-03-23 Thread Emilio de Miguel

 Lucky escribió:
 Tengo algunos ficheros ejecutables (los miro en KDE y dice que lo
 son), pero cuando los intento ejecutar no funcionan o dicen COMMAND
 NOT FOUND. Si los intento ejecutar con el SH me dice que no son
 binarios. Como tengo que ejecutarlos? HAsta les he dado todos los
 permisos com el CHMOD.

Si el usuario tiene permisos de ejecucion, prueba a meter todo el path
completo, o bien poner ./orden_que_sea si estas en el directorio.

Deica logo

Arranque doble, LILO

1999-03-23 Thread Dragonbreath

 Particion Primaria DOS: Win95 FAT32 2 GB - hda1
 Partición extendida DOS: 2GB:
 Partición lógica: Win95 FAT32 1,4 GB - hda5
 Partición lígica: Linux EXT2 600 MB  - hda6
 Partición lógica: Linux Swap 32 MB   - hda7


UGTrata de modificar tu /etc/lilo.conf por este, y ejecuta nuevamente lilo.

TERRIBLE! Se daño mi MBR. Acabo de pasar un TERRIBLE susto cuando no logre
desacerme del lilo ni con fdisk /mbr. Por suerte, logre salir del problema
transfiriendo el sistema con sys. Uff! Nunca pense que me fuera a sentir
tan feliz de ver al W98 cargando! :-)

UGDe todas maneras déjame ver el tuyo, a ver que es lo que pasa.

Mi lilo.conf es el siguiente:


Ese es. Y asi no me funciona, ademas que como puedes ver al parecer solo
tiene una opción (label): Linux! Mas o menos creo comprender lo que
sucede, el sistema bootea por hda1, pero lilo esta en la boot record de

Ahora, se me ocurre una idea. Recuerdo haber leido en el manual del LILOque
podia instalarlo en un disco. Quiza si instalo el LILO en el disco
de arranque que me crea la instalación, a lo mejor puedo bootear desde
alli pero que cargue el kernel desde el Disco duro. Si esto es posible,
(creo que asi hace el boot disk del SUSE) podrias ayudarme a configurarlo asi?,
mejor, porque de verdad que no quisiera cometer un error y perder los datos de
mi partición W98.

Gracias por la explicación del APT. Tratare de usarlo.

No mas Linux por esta noche, ZZZ

Gracias a Andres Seco Hernandez por la ayuda del X-windows. Algo mas que

Adrian E. Moya

P.D.: Siempre monto mi partición W98 con mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /win98.
Hay alguna manera de hacer que el sistema la monte automaticamente?

Re: Ejecutar un programa

1999-03-23 Thread David Abilleira Freijeiro
 Lucky wrote:
 Tengo algunos ficheros ejecutables (los miro en KDE y dice que lo
 son), pero cuando los intento ejecutar no funcionan o dicen COMMAND
 NOT FOUND. Si los intento ejecutar con el SH me dice que no son
 binarios. Como tengo que ejecutarlos? HAsta les he dado todos los
 permisos com el CHMOD.
Te has fijado si el fichero está en el path. Si no es así deberás
incluir la ruta para ejecutarlo. Por ejemplo, si está en el directorio
actual puedes poner:

Eso es porque el directorio actual no suele estar incluido en el path
por cuestiones de seguridad.
|David Abilleira Freijeiro | Pontevedra, España|
|   (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  |
|(UNED, Mis Programas, Linux, Programación, etc.)  |

make-kpkg y m'odulos

1999-03-23 Thread Antonio Gonz'alez Fern'andez
Tengo un problemilla y en la documentación no encuentro solución.
He compilado un núcleo 2.2.0 en un pentium. La secuencia ha sido

make xconfig
make-kpkg clean
LC_ALL=C fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=minitrini.1.0. kernel_image

Todo perfecto, parece que funciona. Obtengo el paquete .deb
El problema es que el núcleo generado es para un portátil con un 486. Lo
envío a esta máquina, y lo instalo. Todo parece que funciona. Pero al
rearrancar el portátil con el nuevo núcleo (por cierto, parece que va
más rápido) aparecen una serie de mensajes (disculpadme, no los he
apuntado) que me dicen que no encuentra los módulos. El núcleo antiguo
de este ordenador era un 2.0.34. ¿Cómo puedo generar los módulos para
que se copien al instalar el núcleo?

Gracias por anticipado.


Para escribirme, quita el NOBASURA
de la dirección de correo

Re: make-kpkg y m'odulos

1999-03-23 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
Antonio Gonz'alez Fern'andez wrote:
 Tengo un problemilla y en la documentación no encuentro solución.
 He compilado un núcleo 2.2.0 en un pentium. La secuencia ha sido
 make xconfig
 make-kpkg clean
 LC_ALL=C fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=minitrini.1.0. kernel_image
 Todo perfecto, parece que funciona. Obtengo el paquete .deb
 El problema es que el núcleo generado es para un portátil con un 486. Lo
 envío a esta máquina, y lo instalo. Todo parece que funciona. Pero al
 rearrancar el portátil con el nuevo núcleo (por cierto, parece que va
 más rápido) aparecen una serie de mensajes (disculpadme, no los he
 apuntado) que me dicen que no encuentra los módulos. El núcleo antiguo
 de este ordenador era un 2.0.34. ¿Cómo puedo generar los módulos para
 que se copien al instalar el núcleo?

Si los has seleccionado con make xconfig se deben haber creado e
instalado sin problemas. Revisa que efectivamente los has cargado y que
entre las opciones que escogiste tienes habilitado el soporte de

Para comprobar si se han creado e instalado mira en
y en sus subdirectorios y compara con la que hay para el kernel antiguo
y con los mensajes de error que tienes. Si efectivamente faltan los
módulos revisa las opciones que utilizaste en make xconfig. Si no es
así, prueba a instalar alguno a mano, a ver que pasa, con

modprobe tu_modulo

También sería útil que enviaras a la lista algunos ejemplos de los
mensajes de error que te aparecen.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Re: Arranque doble, LILO

1999-03-23 Thread Jaime E. Villate
  Particion Primaria DOS: Win95 FAT32 2 GB - hda1
  Partición extendida DOS: 2GB:
  Partición lógica: Win95 FAT32 1,4 GB - hda5
  Partición lígica: Linux EXT2 600 MB  - hda6
  Partición lógica: Linux Swap 32 MB   - hda7
 Mi lilo.conf es el siguiente:
pues este lilo.conf es el que usarias si tuvieras unicamente linux. Como
tienes W98 y me imagino que la partición activa es /dev/hda1, yo le
cambiaria el boot=... por boot=/dev/hda para instalar lilo en el Master
Boot Record del disco, y le agregaria una imagen que llamo por ejemplo
windows por medio de las siguientes lineas:

other = /dev/hda1
  label = windows
  table = /dev/hda

que pueden ir al final o antes de image=/vmlinuz segun quieras que
linux o W98 cuando no oprimes Shift al arrancar. Yo he hecho esto várias
vezes con una configuración de disco y sistemas casi identica a la tuya
y nunca me dio problemas, pero de todas formas lo que yo hago antes de
dar el comando lilo para modificar el boot sector es lo siguiente:

Como ya montaste el W98 en un directorio, creale un subdirectorio, por
ejemplo /win98/linux , donde copias el /vmlinuz de tu instalacion
de root y el loadlin.exe que está por ahí en los directorios install
o boot de los cd's y mirrors de debian.
Después arrancas en W98, sales para DOS, haces un cd para c:\linux
y usas el comando:
   loadlin vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6

(si prefieres pon eso en un fichero linux.bat y después es solo decir
linux) y si el kernel está bien, deverá arrancar rapidamente (es mucho
mas rapido y seguro que usar discos flexibles). Si tu kernel arranca
bien, dale al lilo con confianza (pero no me culpes si te arruina el
boot sector :-) (la partición del W98 no la toca para nada lilo) tendras
de todas formas um segundo metodo de entrar en linux a partir de DOS.

 P.D.: Siempre monto mi partición W98 con mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /win98.
 Hay alguna manera de hacer que el sistema la monte automaticamente?

como root:
   cat /etc/fstab
   /dev/hda1   /win98  vfatdefaults0   0
(cuidado con no ir a cambiar el  por un único  si quieres algo
mas seguro usa un editor para editar /etc/fstab). La próxima vez que
arranques el kernel, allá estará /win98

Un cordial saludo, y no trabajes hasta tan tarde (yo se que debian
es enviciante).


Re: make-kpkg y m'odulos

1999-03-23 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Antonio Gonz'alez Fern'andez escribió:
 ... Pero al
 rearrancar el portátil con el nuevo núcleo (por cierto, parece que va
 más rápido) aparecen una serie de mensajes (disculpadme, no los he
 apuntado) que me dicen que no encuentra los módulos. El núcleo antiguo
 de este ordenador era un 2.0.34. ¿Cómo puedo generar los módulos para
 que se copien al instalar el núcleo?

Pues como te ha respondido Agustín, los modulos que necesitas ya han
sido creados y incluidos en el fichero deb. Lo que probablemente ocurre
es que los módulos que cargabas antes por medio de /etc/modules ya
no existen en el nuevo kernel (probablemente los quitaste o los
dentro de la imagen y no como módulos). Lo que puedes hacer es borrar
todos los módulos que tienes en /etc/modules y dejar solo una línea
o ir a /lib/modules/2.2.0 a ver que módulos de los que están allí
y incluirlos en /etc/modules (o usa modconf). Bueno eso es lo que yo he
hecho hasta 2.0.36 pues nunca compilé nadas mas nuevo, pero me imagino
que será la misma cosa.

Existe también una opción modules para usar con make-kpkg (igual que
usas kernel_image) que te crea los módulos en un paquete deb, pero
creo que esa no es la forma de resolver tu problema.

Suerte, y te envidio que todavia tengas un 486 que funcione pues el mio
con 4Mb lo usaba todavia mucho hasta que murió.

Re: Ejecutar un programa

1999-03-23 Thread MoGuTu

David Abilleira Freijeiro escribió:

  Lucky wrote:
  Tengo algunos ficheros ejecutables (los miro en KDE y dice que lo
  son), pero cuando los intento ejecutar no funcionan o dicen COMMAND
  NOT FOUND. Si los intento ejecutar con el SH me dice que no son
  binarios. Como tengo que ejecutarlos? HAsta les he dado todos los
  permisos com el CHMOD.
 Te has fijado si el fichero está en el path. Si no es así deberás
 incluir la ruta para ejecutarlo. Por ejemplo, si está en el directorio
 actual puedes poner:




El que no llora no mama
y el que no mama
no sabe lo que se pierde

Distribucion de fuentes en Debian

1999-03-23 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Hola a todos:

Quisiera hacer una consulta sobre la distribución de fuentes de

En el Cd de fuentes de Debian normalmente aparece un fichero con las
fuentes originales y otro con modificaciones que realiza Debian sobre
las fuentes sobre todo (creo yo ) para compatibilizar temas de búsqueda
de librerías o búsqueda de path de ficheros de datos, etc, por la forma
que tiene Debian de organizar la información en el disco duro.

En los ficheros diff se indican las líneas de código que han
cambiado. La pregunta es la siguiente ¿Existe alguna herramienta para
actualizar el fuente original con el fichero de diferencias? o ¿estas
diferencias las tengo que actualizar a mano en caso de que quiera
realizar modificaciones sobre el fuente que ha utilizado Debian
(original+diferencias) para realizar la distribución de los binarios?.

Un saludo.

Re: Distribucion de fuentes en Debian

1999-03-23 Thread David Cabrero souto

 [ ... ]
 En los ficheros diff se indican las líneas de código que han
 cambiado. La pregunta es la siguiente ¿Existe alguna herramienta para
 actualizar el fuente original con el fichero de diferencias? o ¿estas
 diferencias las tengo que actualizar a mano en caso de que quiera
 realizar modificaciones sobre el fuente que ha utilizado Debian
 (original+diferencias) para realizar la distribución de los binarios?.
zcat fichero.diff.gz | patch -p0


Re: Distribucion de fuentes en Debian

1999-03-23 Thread Santiago Vila
  [ ... ]
  En los ficheros diff se indican las líneas de código que han
  cambiado. La pregunta es la siguiente ¿Existe alguna herramienta para
  actualizar el fuente original con el fichero de diferencias? o ¿estas
  diferencias las tengo que actualizar a mano en caso de que quiera
  realizar modificaciones sobre el fuente que ha utilizado Debian
  (original+diferencias) para realizar la distribución de los binarios?.

 zcat fichero.diff.gz | patch -p0


dpkg-source -x loquesea.dsc

 8e7197dbf7900f4fa1e5031f04854703 (a truly random sig)


1999-03-23 Thread Pablo Cernadas




Segmentation fault

1999-03-23 Thread Lucky

Estoi intentando ejecutar el emulador de NES, 
pero cuando ejecuto el comando (ines) me dice SEGMENTATION FAULT, sabeis a que 
se debe?

Re: Arranque doble, LILO

1999-03-23 Thread Dragonbreath

VIpues este lilo.conf es el que usarias si tuvieras unicamente linux. Como
VItienes W98 y me imagino que la partición activa es /dev/hda1, yo le
VIcambiaria el boot=... por boot=/dev/hda para instalar lilo en el Master
VIBoot Record del disco, y le agregaria una imagen que llamo por ejemplo
VIwindows por medio de las siguientes lineas:
VIother = /dev/hda1
VI  label = windows
VI  table = /dev/hda

Perfecto. Se ha vuelto a cargar LILO en mi Master Boot Record, y me carga el
W98 por defecto, ya que lo puse antes de image=/vmlinuz.

Sin embargo, al apretar shift, y escribir Linux en el LILO, el comienza
a cargar Linux (Loading Linux) pero en uncompressing me da el error:

bad crc
System Halted.

Igual lo hace cuando lo cargo con loadlin desde el dos.

Significa esto que la imagen del Kernel que esta en mi disco duro esta
corrupta? A que pudo deberse esto? Como corregirla?

Instalo el Debian desde los discos de instalación, (9 en total), ya que
asi me habia dicho alguien en el irc, pero leyendo los manuales de
instalación decia que esta era la manera menos recomendada de instalar
el sistema. Pero ya descargue los base14-* del ftp, y para la
instalación desde el HD me piden descargar el base2-1.tar.gz (algo asi),
el cual ocupa 11 Mb!!! No hay manera de sacar este archivo desde los

VI P.D.: Siempre monto mi partición W98 con mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /win98.
VI Hay alguna manera de hacer que el sistema la monte automaticamente?

VIcomo root:
VI   cat /etc/fstab
VI   /dev/hda1   /win98  vfatdefaults0   0
VI   Ctrl-D
VI(cuidado con no ir a cambiar el  por un único  si quieres algo
VImas seguro usa un editor para editar /etc/fstab). La próxima vez que
VIarranques el kernel, allá estará /win98

Gracias, ya se montan solas :-)

VIUn cordial saludo, y no trabajes hasta tan tarde (yo se que debian
VIes enviciante).

Un saludo para ti, gracias por la ayuda.

Adrian E. Moya

xfree-3.3.3, acentos y teclas muertas

1999-03-23 Thread Han Solo
Buenas noches, caballeros:

Esta tarde he actualizado las xfree-3.3.2 a xfree-3.3.3, con el CD de Pc
Actual del mes de enero. Todo ha ido bien, y ha reconocido mi tarjeta
(una matrox millennium G200) perfectamente. El caso es que ahora, aunque
me siguen funcionando los acentos en las xterm, ya no lo hacen en
programas como el netscape 3.01, y lo que es más grave, tampoco funciona
la tecla alt, con lo que es imposible sacar la arroba o el pipe. En
cuanto a lo primero, imagino que los tiros van por lo de la librería
parcheada de Thomas Quinot (hacía tiempo que no aparecía este tema,
verdad). Voviendo a instalar esa librería sigue sin funcionar. Pero me
preocupa mucho más lo segundo. En principio pensé que era por haber
rehecho el XF86Config, pero poniendo los valores que tenía antes tampoco
funciona. Lo tengo así:

Section Keyboard
#   XkbRulesxfree86
#   XkbModelpc101
#   XkbLayout   es

LeftAlt Meta
ScrollLock  ModeLock


... y también he probado con:

Section Keyboard
   XkbLayout   es

#LeftAlt Meta
#ScrollLock  ModeLock


y no funciona de ninguna de las dos maneras.

¿Alguna idea?
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.

Velocidad del bus AGP

1999-03-23 Thread Han Solo
Hola a todos.

Resulta que ha llegado la hora de jubilar mi 486 y me he comprado un
PII400 que
me despeina cada vez que lo arranco. Como lo que he hecho es comprar
 sueltos y montarlo yo mismo, he encontrado una cosa que me ha
extrañado. Según
el manual de mi placa base, por defecto la velocidad del bus AGP es de
2/3 de la
 de la placa, y viene con un aviso de no ponerla a mas de 66Mhz, que
podría daña
r la tarjeta gráfica. Yo tenía entendido que el bus AGP funciona a
100Mhz, así q
ue me extraña bastante la limitación a 66Mhz. ¿alguien sabe cual es la
 del bus AGP? ¿Fundiré la tarjeta gráfica si pongo la velocidad del bus
en 100Mh

Por cierto, la placa base es una Asus P2B, con chipset 440BX y la
tarjeta gráfic
a una Matrox Millennium G200.
Un Saludo

Han Solo
The Rebel Alliance

Conecto, luego existo.
Desconecto, luego insisto.
Soy usuario de infobirria+

P.D. La firma no es mía, sino de uno que trabajaba, precisamente, en M$.
Vivir para ver.


1999-03-23 Thread Pablo Cernadas

-Mensaje original-
De: Pablo Cernadas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Emilio de Miguel [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Lucky [EMAIL PROTECTED];
Fecha: Martes 23 de Marzo de 1999 10:31 AM




Rockwell incompativel? Nao!

1999-03-23 Thread Marcus Brito
 O pior e se esta utilizando um daqueles modemos que estao marcados assim:
 Windows, WinModem, WinNT, etc.  Estes, e mais outros com o
 'Rockwell' chipset estao incompativies com Linux.  

Opa, nada disso! O chip Rockwell nao tem nada a ver com isso. Tanto que boa
parte dos fabricantes de modem utilizam, ou ja utilizaram, chip rockwell.
Geralmente eh a _falta_ de um chip desses, e a sua emulacao por software (ou
seja, winmodem), que eh problema.

Ja ne,
   Marcus Brito

Que o amor não seja imortal, posto que é chama,
 Mas que seja infinito enquanto dure.
   -- Vinicius de Moraes

Re: alien

1999-03-23 Thread Marcus Brito
On Sat, Mar 20, 1999 at 12:18:29AM -0300, Itamar wrote:
 Este programa, alien, para instalar os pacotes .rpm, é realmente seguro?
 Ou será que eu vou provavelmente encontrar problemas usando ele?

Geralmente eh seguro, ja que se houver algum problema, basta voce
desinstalar o pacote. O dpkg nao vai deixar o rpm debianizado sobreescrever
nenhum arquivo existente (a nao ser que voce seja teimoso e use um --force
da vida).

Agora, funcionar eh outra historia. Algumas bibliotecas tem nomes diferentes
entre o RH e o Debian, e como se nao bastasse, o alien nao costuma declarar
todas as dependencias do pacote. Entao, voce pode acabar com um pacote que
precisa de alguma lib, mas que nao declara dependencia nela. Dica: ldd eh
seu amigo.

Ja ne,
   Marcus Brito

Que o amor não seja imortal, posto que é chama,
 Mas que seja infinito enquanto dure.
   -- Vinicius de Moraes

Print Screen

1999-03-23 Thread Nelson Novaes Neto

Instalei o enlightenment 0.15 e o gnome 1.0, gostaria de saber se
alguem sabe como dar um Print Scrren para salvar tela.

agradeco a quem me ajudar


Re: Print Screen

1999-03-23 Thread Daniel Doro Ferrante
On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Nelson Novaes Neto wrote:

   Instalei o enlightenment 0.15 e o gnome 1.0, gostaria de saber se
 alguem sabe como dar um Print Scrren para salvar tela.

Existe um comando (xgrab ou algo do g?nero) que captura a tela e
cria um arquivo que pode ser editado com o xv.

 agradeco a quem me ajudar


Daniel Doro Ferrante email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network  System Manager

CECM - Curso de Ci?ncias Moleculares - USP
   Course of Molecular Sciences - University of S?o Paulo - Brazil

kde is no longer in debian??

1999-03-23 Thread Shao Zhang

Has kde been droped out of debian?? I couldn't seem to find those packages


So what is the best way of installing kde now?



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

Re: Network driver problem

1999-03-23 Thread Kent West
At 06:16 PM 3/22/1999 +0200, Ilan Kasan wrote:

Hi All:
I am a new comer in Linux. I managed to install the Linux. My problem is
that I do not know how to configure the Network Card.
I have a Pentium 2, 64MB RAM and the Network card is Novell NE 2000.
I used modconf and selected the ne or the
ne2k-pci drivers. I got the following error message:

/lib/modules/2.3.36/net/8390.o : create_module: Operation not permitted
8390: Operation not permitted

Any ideas ??

You did this as root, right?

Re: Sound Board

1999-03-23 Thread steven walsh
On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
   With 2.2, the config of sound drivers occurs outside the kernel
 config.  You can no longer build the sound modules into the
 kernel, they must be built as modules.  With sb16, for example I
 need a config line like:
   options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

It does?  I did it all in make menuconfig and it worked fine.
Yes, using 2.2.x

See you on the flip side

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: more ram and larger harddrive then the bios can take

1999-03-23 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen

I recently had the displeasure of finding out all about limits with disk size. I
purchased a 10.1GB IDE disk. Here's the lowdown, gleaned from the in-depth BIOS 
FAQ at boot sectors use the BIOS Int 13H
service to read blocks from disks. This call takes a C/H/S address and reads a 
for you. This interface allows you to specify at most 256 heads, 1024 cylinders 
and 63
sectors. Multiply those three numbers * 512 bytes and you'll end up with 8GB. 
physical ATA interface allows you to address disks with up to 16 heads, 65535
cylinders, and 63 sectors. ATA devices also allow LBA addressing which simply 
takes a
block number and lets you address 2^28 sectors (137GB). Now, if you look at the 
for the BIOS interface and the physical interface you'll soon see that all 
kinds of
ugly mapping and nastiness get involved.

I was never able to get my PC (a 3 year old pentium) to access more than 8.4GB. 
that was only after flashing my ROM to the latest version. I could access the 
drive from both Win98 and Linux if the drive was a secondary (non-boot) drive.
However, I needed to remove the other drives from the system so I was stuck. My 
is to read the above FAQ and proceed with caution.

Jeff Katcher wrote:

 Per-Olof Widstrom wrote:
   I have seen that people get the advise to add a line in lilo.conf that
  tells how much RAM the system have, if they have more then 64 mb, and that
  it is possible to have a larger harddirve then the BIOS can handle. I just
  would like to ask two simple questons about this:
I have a motherboard with a bios that take 128 ram, no more, that is
  what the manual says, can I have 256 mb if I add memory=256 in lilo.conf.


My bios manual say that it´s limit is 8,4 gb harddrive. But if i have
  the root inside the 8,4 gb limit is it possible to have, lets say, a 15 gb


 I am guessing at these, so take what I say with a Grain of salt.

 I would say that both of these are Hardware Limitations, not software or
 driver limitations.  Physical as opposed to Logical problems and thus
 not correctable by software.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: Network configuration

1999-03-23 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On 22 Mar 1999, Shaun Lipscombe wrote:

 Yes this is true for stuff that you dont use night and day, like
 iso9660 support for instance.  I would like to see a good reason for
 not compiling NIC support right in, like how much will that enlarge
 the kernel by?  100k ?

The total sizes of the *.o files that are in /usr/src/linux/drivers/net
that seem to be associated with my PCI ne2000 card is about 20k.  I
usually install all the drivers for stuff that I know I'm going to use and
make modules for stuff (like the floppy and CD-ROM drivers and FAT and
ISO9660 file systems) that I need occasionally, but not all the time, and
for stuff (like the IPv6 stuff) that I think I might want to play around
with at some point, but which I don't really have a good excuse for
installing now.

Also, some of the smallest kernels (and complete installations) I've ever
installed were for routers and such.  User machines, which tend to have
sound cards and joysticks, and whatnot, tend to have larger kernels, in my
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Re: Sound Board

1999-03-23 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, steven walsh wrote:

 On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
  With 2.2, the config of sound drivers occurs outside the kernel
  config.  You can no longer build the sound modules into the
  kernel, they must be built as modules.  With sb16, for example I
  need a config line like:
  options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
   It does?  I did it all in make menuconfig and it worked fine.
   Yes, using 2.2.x

The configuration of sound AS A MODULE has changed.  It is still valid to
compile sound support into the kernel (except possibly for PnP sound


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Sound Board

1999-03-23 Thread steven walsh
On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Bob Nielsen wrote:

 The configuration of sound AS A MODULE has changed.  It is still valid to
 compile sound support into the kernel (except possibly for PnP sound

If you specific PNP support I haven't had any problems, though
the default IRQ in the config menu for the sb16 pnp was wrong.  Easily

Re: kde is no longer in debian

1999-03-23 Thread Cameron Schaus
 Has kde been droped out of debian?? I couldn't seem to find those packages
 So what is the best way of installing kde now?

You can get debian packages from (follow the ftp site
links).  But be warned, you need the unstable version of qtg in order
to install them.  I just installed the debian kde packages, but I
havn't restarted x to see if everything works.


Cam Schaus

Re: My ip-ip.d directory not executed

1999-03-23 Thread John Hasler
Daniel Mashao writes:
 My ip-up.d directory is not executed when pppd wakes up.

Pppd runs those scripts with stdout and stderr redirected to /dev/null.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: SMBMOUNT Problems...

1999-03-23 Thread Michael Beattie
On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Graham Ashton wrote:


  Dont you have to use \\ instead of //???

Hmm.. You are right.. I used it yesterday for the first time in 3 months..
My apologies.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   WinErr: 018 Insufficient Memory - Only 50.312.583 Bytes available
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: Newcomer to Linux

1999-03-23 Thread mike shupp
On 21 Mar 1999, Bala Iyer wrote:

I have a Pentium 166 with 32MB memory with 2.1 HD. I have with
 fdisk partitioned an extented.logical drive with 894 mb. with resc1440.bin
 when I boot it goes on with many information on the screen and finally comes
 to boot: on enter it goes for installation and after checking for the keyboard
 wants for partitioning the hard drive.

To boot, as a general rule, your operating system must be on one
of your hard disk's primary partitions.  You're allowed four of these
and no more, and an extended partition counts as one of them.  You
cannot boot from a logical drive.  In principle, you could get around
this with a boot manager program which fed a doctored master boot
record image to the operating system, but it sounds like more work
than it's worth.  Give Linux its own partition or two.

   Mike Shupp
   California State University, Northridge
   Graduate Student, Dept. of Anthropology

Re: Documentation suggestion (was Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows)

1999-03-23 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 11:55:08AM -0800, Kenneth Scharf wrote:

 Now isn't there a utility that will create 'man' pages out of 'info'
 ones?  If so then at least some current information may be presented
 in man format for those of us that are more used to the 'older'

This would be hard - the structures of man pages and info files are
totally different, and automatically processing and arbatary texinfo
source into man is going to be messy.

everything-HTML conversion seems to be the most likely route for
those that want a standard interface at present.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: kde is no longer in debian??

1999-03-23 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 11:14:42AM +, Shao Zhang wrote:
 Has kde been droped out of debian?? I couldn't seem to find those packages
 So what is the best way of installing kde now?
 Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
 Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
 University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
 Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
KDE has always had licensing issues with Debian that precluded its 
inclusion. Debs are available on or any other KDE mirror, however.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: kde is no longer in debian

1999-03-23 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 3/22/99 6:58:55 PM Central Standard Time,

 You can get debian packages from (follow the ftp site
  links).  But be warned, you need the unstable version of qtg in order
  to install them.  I just installed the debian kde packages, but I
  havn't restarted x to see if everything works.

No need to worry, I'm using slink and KDE 1.1 - I have QT1.42 installed, and
it runs without a hitch. 


Re: Newcomer to Linux

1999-03-23 Thread kaynjay
In [EMAIL PROTECTED], on 03/22/99 
   at 05:48 PM, mike shupp [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

To boot, as a general rule, your operating system must be on one of your
hard disk's primary partitions.  You're allowed four of these and no more,
and an extended partition counts as one of them.  You cannot boot from a
logical drive.  In principle, you could get around

The Debian installation routine does a nice job of setting up LILO with the
necessary records in a case like this (at least, it did with me).  I had
placed my entire installation onto logical drives.  When prompted about LILO
being used (and answering yes) the program mentioned this issue of logical
drives, and placed the necessary records elsewhere.  Exactly where I'm
uncertain, but it works.  

I dual boot WinNT and Debian.  (Actually, I boot Debian ... all the regular
students not in my class see only LILO flash by for 0.8 seconds, followed
by a normal NT boot.  What they don't know won't hurt 'em ...   :)

Kenward Vaughan

Sometimes too much to drink is not enough.

Give diferents permision to several groups?

1999-03-23 Thread Eliezer Figueroa
I have a Folder name folder1 an 2 groups, group1 and group2.
I want group1 to be able to change all the files inside folder1. But at 
the same time I want group2 to only read the files in folder1. I do not 
want to give any permission to any other users.
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Loading packages from zip drive

1999-03-23 Thread Chris Reay
I have an old-ish Toshiba laptop (486, 200 mb, no CD) onto which I have
loaded the Debian v2.0 base system from the dos partition. I now want to add
a few console editing, development (mostly Python and C), and utility
packages; to this end I've copied the relevant binary-i package directories
(and packages) from an Infomagic CDR (11/98 ish) as well as the files
Package and Package.gz onto an Iomega zip drive, which I have mounted. I run
through dselect and select the zip directory, select the packages I want,
resolve (i trust) dependency issues and set it going. The process appears to
be collecting information about the packages but doesn't get very far at
all, and after a while finds too many errors ... and returns to the
dselect menu without installing the packages. I've looked through the
installation, faq, and tutorial documents, but haven't found anything
helpful on the topic. Does anybody know the solution?


Chris Reay

urgent help needed--can't start a shell!

1999-03-23 Thread Eric Lee


In an earlier plea for help, I mentioned that after using dselect, I ran
into some dependency problems, which also screwed up bash/sh.

It was suggested that I use the rescue floppy and run dpkg manually to fix
things up -- unfortunately, right now, the rescue floppy isn't helping at
all, because it mounts the hd and runs stuff from there...

I get an error like the following when trying to login as root:

login[]: can't login to /dev/tty1 for user root -- Illegal seek

How can I fix my system without having to run stuff from the hd?

Can I somehow boot a shell from a floppy, mount my hd, and then run dkpg
from there?  I tried booting the rescue, loading a root disk into a
ramdrive, and then mounting my harddrive, but I can't run dpkg because it
can't find any of the shared libraries! (like sysinfo or something like

Please, ANY help would be appreciated...


Re: My ip-ip.d directory not executed

1999-03-23 Thread Daniel Mashao
On 22 Mar 1999, John Hasler wrote:

 Daniel Mashao writes:
  My ip-up.d directory is not executed when pppd wakes up.
 Pppd runs those scripts with stdout and stderr redirected to /dev/null.
Thanks for responding. But why don't I see the programs running? I
even put in xload script that runs okay if I run ip-up script, but never
executes when pppd runs.

Is there any way to send the output of pppd to a file so I can debug what
is happenning.
Daniel J. Mashao
Electrical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Cape Town 
Rondebosch, 7700, S. Africa (w) 27+21+650 2816  (h) 27+21+705 8469

Multi-CD install

1999-03-23 Thread Jor-el

The dselect interface now has an 'Access' option of 'multi-cd'.
What is this? I've heard that as of Slink, the Debian binary packages can
no longer fit in one CD. Is this due to that - one now has to change CD's
to go through the entire install? 

When I select the multi-cd install, dselect give me the error
'Cannot open /var/lib/dpkg/methods/multicd/available' . The only file in
the multicd directory is shvar.multicd . Is this correct, or am I
missing something? My CD vendor is Linux System Labs. 

Thanks in advance,

Re: /usr/include/linux - eh?

1999-03-23 Thread A. M. Varon
On Fri, 19 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm trying to compile vmware (virtual machine under linux), having
  updated my kernel to 2.2.3. 

What I did a couple of minutes ago is to:

mv /usr/include /usr/include.bak
ln -s /usr/src/linux/include /usr/include (assuming that your kernel
   2.2.3 source is on /usr/src/linux.)

After vmware has been installed... remove the link and 
mv /usr/include.bak /usr/include.

Vmware seems to work fine here. I'm using debian 2.0 kernel 2.2.2.

I can't guarantee that the above will work for you (But it certainly
worked for me!).


= = Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
= =  == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
= == =
=  = =  E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =  WebPage :

kernel patch for ppp-demand

1999-03-23 Thread Andreas Rapp

do someone know how to patch kernel 2.0.34
to make the pppd-2.3.5 demand option work ?


Re: Debian CD Resellers?

1999-03-23 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 10:56:16 -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
 I can't comment on mutt-i, since it doesn't show up in any of my Packages

mutt-i no longer exists.

mutt-i was essentially identical to the current mutt packages; not
containing cryptographic code, but containing hooks for PGP co.

When Michael Elkins was still the head of mutt development, mutt-i was
maintained as a separate version, based in Germany. Michael didn't want to
take any risks with the export regulations. After some discussion within
Debian, we decided that there were no problems to be expected with mutt-i on
the US servers, and the separate mutt-i package was dropped.

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Re: Sound Board

1999-03-23 Thread Hamori Andras

On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:

   With 2.2, the config of sound drivers occurs outside the kernel
 config.  You can no longer build the sound modules into the
 kernel, they must be built as modules.  With sb16, for example I
 need a config line like:
   options sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
 in /etc/modules.conf.
   The above doesn't apply to 2.0 kernels, so your problem might not
 be related to configuration of the sound module. If you are using
 a 2.2 kernel then see /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Introduction.

Isn't it just the opposite? Under 2.0, I've always configured and compiled
the sound module separately, but when I used Slackware 3.0, the kernel
(v2.0.27) shipped with it had the SB driver compiled in, although I never
succeeded in configuring the sound driver in the kernel config. Under 2.2,
there's no opportunity for configuring and/or compiling the sound module
on its own, it's just like any other standard kernel driver. Too bad that
I couldn't get it working with my AD1848-based Aztech card, nor could I
compile the old driver for 2.2, so I'm still back on 2.0.37.


Debian on a Compaq Presario Laptop

1999-03-23 Thread A. M. Varon
On Mon, 22 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Have you looked at the Linux-Laptop page at
 There is a link to a page for the 1210.  You might want to compare
 notes with its author.

On a sidenote, has anyone implemeted a patch or a program for dselect 
where you can install debian 2.0 on a vfat/msdos filesystem using umsdos?


= = Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
= =  == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
= == =
=  = =  E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =  WebPage :

Printer Setup

1999-03-23 Thread Shawn Nguyen

Thanks for the advice on magicfilter.  I really tried to use it but I
gave up.  I went and downloaded the APSFilter package instead from the
web and used it to set up my HP laserjet 1100 printer.  I finally got it
working.  I wished that debian had included this package, or at least
incoporated the driver filter from it.  It seems that this package had
more filters for more printers.  


Re: sound

1999-03-23 Thread Eric Ravelomanantsoa
  In tere anyway to compile your kernel without have to use modules to
  enable sound

 If you have a non-pnp card, yes. For example, I've played with the same
 card as Doug for a while, and just gave up after a while. Found a
 different sound card, SB16. It wasnt pnp, and after a quick kernel
 recompilation it works fine. I compiled the driver into kernel.

How did you do that, since make [menu/x]config of 2.2.x never suggest the 
stuff. I
understood from previous discussions, that one have to use modules for sound to 
under 2.2.x. Is
so, where are the sound modules sources ? (I have a SB PCI64 card, non PnP). I 
kernel-source-2.2.1 package from Slink and found nothing. Do I have to get 
package ? I gave
alsa-source package (from Slink) a try, by it did'nt compile under my 2.2.1 

Thanks for your help.

Eric Ravelomanantsoa ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Bell Laboratories
Lucent Technologies BCS France

Re: Printer Setup

1999-03-23 Thread Alec Smith
I believe apsfilter is included with Debian 2.1.

At 08:48 AM 3/23/99 +, Shawn Nguyen wrote:

   Thanks for the advice on magicfilter.  I really tried to use it but I
gave up.  I went and downloaded the APSFilter package instead from the
web and used it to set up my HP laserjet 1100 printer.  I finally got it
working.  I wished that debian had included this package, or at least
incoporated the driver filter from it.  It seems that this package had
more filters for more printers.  


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Give diferents permision to several groups?

1999-03-23 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I have a Folder name folder1 an 2 groups, group1 and group2.
 I want group1 to be able to change all the files inside folder1. But at 
 the same time I want group2 to only read the files in folder1. I do not 
 want to give any permission to any other users.

You cannot do this directly with the unix group system.  I would do the
following:  give the files in the directory folder1 the permissions 660,
and make them owned by group1.  Then write a small C-program that is
setguid group1, and does the following:

* check if the person who runs it is a member of group2 (use getuid,
getgid, and getgroups, see the info page of libc)

* if not -- exit
  else   -- cat the requested file

so that users of group 2 could do something like

cd folder1
viewit file | less

If you are not into C-programming, an alternative would be to have a
cron-script running that copies the files from folder1 to a second
folder, and do a chgrp group2 and a chmod 640 on the files.  Also make
sure that this second folder is not writeable for members of group2.


 E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  | tel. office +31 40 2472189
 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology | tel. lab.   +31 40 2475032
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (TAK) | tel. fax+31 40 2455054

Re: Documentation suggestion (was Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows)

1999-03-23 Thread Holger Schauer
MB == Mark Brown schrieb am 23 Mar 1999 03:32:21 +0100:

 MB everything-HTML conversion seems to be the most likely route
 MB for those that want a standard interface at present.

I am strongly against having a _single_ interface to
documentation. Diversity is a good thing, IMHO, especially in this

IMO man pages serve as a quick thorough overview and should be as
compact as possible. Info pages serve IMO a different need: they
should provide detailed information, perhaps for some more obscure or
advanced features. If _then_ somebody wants an html-interface, fine,
let him have a converter from man2html, texi2html, and perhaps
a2html. Sounds familiar ?


Sometimes I think that the best evidence that there is intelligent life in
 the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
-- Calvin

Re: Debian CD Resellers?

1999-03-23 Thread homega
J.H.M. Dassen dixit:
 On Mon, Mar 22, 1999 at 10:56:16 -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
  I can't comment on mutt-i, since it doesn't show up in any of my Packages
 mutt-i no longer exists.

That explains why I couldn't find it in the potato directory at ... what's the latest version of mutt available as a
.deb package?


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Re: dpkg problem with incomplete install

1999-03-23 Thread Harald Weidner

Joseph F. Dries III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've tried to do a dpkg --remove, --purge, --configure, etc. They all
fail, saying there is no /etc/qpage.conf file, it tries to restart,
qpage, gives an error 100. 

An error message like that often comes from the
/var/lib/dpkg/info/qpage.{pre|post}rm script. Edit the scripts
with a text editor, commenting out the lines which produce the
error. Then --purge again.


Re: more ram and larger harddrive then the bios can take

1999-03-23 Thread Sarel Botha
My bios manual say that it´s limit is 8,4 gb harddrive. But if i have
  the root inside the 8,4 gb limit is it possible to have, lets say, a 15

It might be possible to use a program like EZ-Drive to make the maximum possible
size the bios can accept larger. I haven't tested EZ-Drive with Linux yet, but I
can't see any reason why it wouldn't work. Check for the
program (It doesn't only work on Western Digital hd's)

Sarel Botha

broken /etc/apt/sources.list

1999-03-23 Thread debian
I was using dselect and trying to add as a
location to get non-US packages from  have apparently distroyed my
/etc/apt/sources.list. Could someone point out the errors in the
following? (Or send me a copy of the default file?)

deb stable main contrib non-free
deb non-US main contrib non-free
deb non-US main contrib 

Thanks for your help!


P O Box 7559   AOL IM judielaine
Philadelphia PA 19101

apt-get weirdness

1999-03-23 Thread Enrico Zini
Hello! Could someone explain me this?

marvin:~# apt-get install libgnome-dev
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
The following extra packages will be installed:
  libtiff3g-dev libglib-dev libungif3g imlib-progs libungif3g-dev gdk-imlib-dev
  libjpeg62-dev libgtk1.1-dev libpng2-dev 
The following packages will be REMOVED:
  libgtkmm-dev giflib3g libjpegg-dev libgtk-dev 
The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libtiff3g-dev libglib-dev libungif3g imlib-progs libungif3g-dev gdk-imlib-dev
  libjpeg62-dev libgtk1.1-dev libpng2-dev libgnome-dev 
0 packages upgraded, 10 newly installed, 4 to remove and 2 not upgraded.
1 packages not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0b/2043k of archives. After unpacking 769k will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] 

The system should be plain official i386 slink (from a pre-release slink I put
the two official CDs in two cd readers, pointed sources.list to them and did
apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade)

TYA, Enrico

PGP key available on finger -l [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Multi-CD install

1999-03-23 Thread Leszek Gerwatowski
On Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 12:24:22AM -0600, Jor-el wrote:
   The dselect interface now has an 'Access' option of 'multi-cd'.
 What is this? I've heard that as of Slink, the Debian binary packages can
 no longer fit in one CD. Is this due to that - one now has to change CD's
 to go through the entire install? 
   When I select the multi-cd install, dselect give me the error
 'Cannot open /var/lib/dpkg/methods/multicd/available' . The only file in
 the multicd directory is shvar.multicd . Is this correct, or am I
 missing something? My CD vendor is Linux System Labs. 

You should have 2 CD's with Slink. And when you install dpkg-multicd from
first cd (by hand) you should insert SECOND CD and rund dselect, then
choose multi-cd access method and all other steps as usually. And when
dselect will install packages it will ask you for first CD and then (after
installing all packages form first CD) for second CD.

o--o  ___
|Leszek Gerwatowski|_/_|_\
o--o   (o\__/o)=)
It took the computing power of three C-64s to fly to the Moon.
It takes a 486 to run Windows 95. Something is wrong here.

Re: My ip-ip.d directory not executed

1999-03-23 Thread servis
*- On 23 Mar, Daniel Mashao wrote about Re: My ip-ip.d directory not executed
 On 22 Mar 1999, John Hasler wrote:
 Daniel Mashao writes:
  My ip-up.d directory is not executed when pppd wakes up.
 Pppd runs those scripts with stdout and stderr redirected to /dev/null.
 Thanks for responding. But why don't I see the programs running? I
 even put in xload script that runs okay if I run ip-up script, but never
 executes when pppd runs.
 Is there any way to send the output of pppd to a file so I can debug what
 is happenning.

Don't forget that ip-up and the files in ip-up.d are run as root. And
they are do not explicitly know anything about X display settings.  So
if you are running as a regular user in X(which you should be) and pppd
starts the xload will be run as root and will not know which DISPLAY to
go to and will probably not have the proper permissions.  Also remember
that the scripts must have executible permissions.  Also note that the
the script /etc/ppp/ip-up actually calls the command 
'run-parts /etc/ppp/ip-up.d' so ip-up must be executible as well and
must have that command in it.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Printer Setup through SAMBA

1999-03-23 Thread Petru NOTINGHER

I've installed Linux 2.2.1 on my machine, but I have no printer
connected via LPT.
The printer (HPOffice JetPro 1150) is installed on another machine
running Bill's stuff.
It seems it is possible to access the printer via NetBios. I read the
doc comming with
Samba and tried to configure smb.conf. I always get the following answer
to my command
smbclient -L \\Serge (Serge is the Win95 machine):
Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=

Server time is Tue Mar 23 13:46:02 1999
Timezone is UTC+1.0
SMBtconX failed. ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname (Invalid network name in tree
Perhaps you are using the wrong sharename, username or password?
Some servers insist that these be in uppercase

I have two questions :

1. Is it necessary to run a Samba Client for Windows on the machine with
the printer, or
the Windows95 software is enough ?

2. How must I configure my machine to access the other's printer ?

Thank you for your help.


Gnome Installation

1999-03-23 Thread Shawn Nguyen

I've just installed gnome on my system but nothing seems to be
happening.  I am running the WindowMaker Manager.  The tool box shows
some gnome stuff like the gnome panel but when I click on it nothing
happens, it's the same with everything else.  Does anyone know where I
can get information as to how I can do a correct install of gnome.  I
have the gnome use guide printed up but it doesn't cover installation. 
Any advice would be of great help.  Thank you.


Re: Network configuration

1999-03-23 Thread Kenneth Scharf

Not compiling network support in might cause the same problems as not
compiling in the device for the root file system, IE: not being able
to boot.  What I meant was that at some point, it is possible to make
the kernel too big and then SOMETHINGS need to be left out.  But this
is probably not a problem for the average desktop configuration.  But
for a server/firewall/router/raid/SMP monster it COULD happen. 
However you would then leave as modules ONLY stuff that was NOT
required at init time.

Then only thing I leave as a module on my system is the sound card,
and then only because it is PNP and MUST be loaded AFTER init runs
ISAPNP before the modules are loaded.

---Shaun Lipscombe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes this is true for stuff that you dont use night and day, like
 iso9660 support for instance.  I would like to see a good reason for
 not compiling NIC support right in, like how much will that enlarge
 the kernel by?  100k ?
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Re: broken /etc/apt/sources.list

1999-03-23 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 07:12:38 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 deb non-US main contrib non-free

This should be one line:
 deb non-US main contrib 

In any case, non-us currently doesn't have separate sections for free,
contrib and non-free packages.

You're looking for
deb stable non-US
 ^^ ^^

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Re: what to do when libc6 upgrade goes bad

1999-03-23 Thread Dan Hugo
Sarel Botha wrote:
  Having updated libc6, I didn't know whether a reboot was in order, since
  that is a fairly important library for just about everything.  Well,
  this was a bad idea, since my machine hung rebooting, and then nothing
  would run once the kernel finished starting.  Couldn't log in, rescue
  disk doesn't have dpkg, and I was sorta stuck, and sort of frantic
  (moreso, in fact).
 It wasn't necessary to reboot...
 Couldn't imoprtant binaries that could stop a machine from rebooting be 
 statically linked to avoid problems like this ?

Well, I am not sure about that.  Once I installed the new libc6, it
didn't seem that dpkg was installing things properly anymore (again, I
was installing guile 1.3, so the other stuff installed was libncurses,
slib, libguile, and of course, guile itself).  I didn't have any
experience with this, so I brushed it off as dependency problems of some

As for static linking, it would have been nice if the rescue disk could
have had dpkg on it so that I could mount my CD and re-install the older
libs, but it actually wasn't that bad afterall... definitely a learning


Diald kernel 2.2.2

1999-03-23 Thread Guido Bozzetto
using diald with kernel 2.2.2 connections don't start  (while with 'up
request ' line goes up).
Everything works correctly using kernel 2.0.36.

Diald .deb version is 0.16.5-3.
Netbase package is 3.12-2

With the 2.2.2 kernel giving a 'route -n' I got:

Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
Iface UH0
00sl0 UH1
U   100sl0

Trying to ping some host  diald doesn't fire up connection and I simply
obtain a:
ping: unknown host

Any idea?


| Guido Bozzetto | Office phone fax:  +39 0432 548314 | L'avar al è chel
|   \/ I | E-mail:   :-)   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | che si lambiche
|   OO like  | Web: | a vivi puar
|   -- Linux | Talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | par muri sior

Re: Printer Setup through SAMBA

1999-03-23 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Petru NOTINGHER wrote:

 I've installed Linux 2.2.1 on my machine, but I have no printer
 connected via LPT.
 The printer (HPOffice JetPro 1150) is installed on another machine
 running Bill's stuff.
 It seems it is possible to access the printer via NetBios. I read the
 doc comming with

 Samba and tried to configure smb.conf. I always get the following answer
 to my command

smb.conf is for (mostly) the server end (linux).  I wouldn't mess with the
printers in here, as the way I understand it, this is not what you are
trying to do.

 smbclient -L \\Serge (Serge is the Win95 machine):

getting there.  Basically what you want to do is pipe your document
through the command

smbclient //server/printer -c 'print -'

assuming you have no password on that share.  More complicated if you do
but not impossible, read the smbclient man page.

One method for making this use the lpr spooler is described in the
SMB-HowTo at and it's the method I use.  I hope
to eventually incorporate this into my Samba-Beginners-HOWTO at

 Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
 Server time is Tue Mar 23 13:46:02 1999
 Timezone is UTC+1.0
 SMBtconX failed. ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname (Invalid network name in tree
 Perhaps you are using the wrong sharename, username or password?
 Some servers insist that these be in uppercase

yes, you are using \\ which won't work.  Either use  or // as \\
translates to a single \.

 I have two questions :
 1. Is it necessary to run a Samba Client for Windows on the machine with
 the printer, or
 the Windows95 software is enough ?

Enable File and Print sharing and if you're not too worried about
security, use share level access control to make your life easier.

 2. How must I configure my machine to access the other's printer ?




Re: sound

1999-03-23 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Eric Ravelomanantsoa wrote:

   In tere anyway to compile your kernel without have to use modules to
   enable sound
  If you have a non-pnp card, yes. For example, I've played with the same
  card as Doug for a while, and just gave up after a while. Found a
  different sound card, SB16. It wasnt pnp, and after a quick kernel
  recompilation it works fine. I compiled the driver into kernel.

 How did you do that, since make [menu/x]config of 2.2.x never suggest
 the Sounblaster stuff. I understood from previous discussions, that one
 have to use modules for sound to work under 2.2.x. Is so, where are the
 sound modules sources ? (I have a SB PCI64 card, non PnP). I got the
 kernel-source-2.2.1 package from Slink and found nothing. Do I have to
 get another package ? I gave alsa-source package (from Slink) a try, by
 it did'nt compile under my 2.2.1 source tree. 

In make menuconfig, select Sound and 
* OSS sound modules
* 100% Sound Blaster compatibles (SB16/32/64, ESS, Jazz16) support.

The lines for the IRQ, etc., parameters will then appear, with default


RE: more ram and larger harddrive then the bios can take

1999-03-23 Thread Per-Olof Widstrom

Thanks for all the answers you all have sent.

Now I know it will not work with more memory, thanX

Lieberman's Law:
Everybody lies, but it doesn't matter since nobody listens. 

Re: My ip-ip.d directory not executed

1999-03-23 Thread John Hasler
Daniel Mashao writes:
 Is there any way to send the output of pppd to a file so I can debug what
 is happenning.

Sure.  Put this in your script:

echo Running  /etc/ppp/running

and the string 'Running' will appear in the file /etc/ppp/running if the
script executes.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.


1999-03-23 Thread Ralf Mueller

Is there a tool to maintain the installed deb-packages like 'kpackage', with

wich I can install, deinstall, configure deb-Packages?

Thank you very much.

Bye Ralf (
* Thank you for not using Microsoft Products *

 not shown: ;
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Person, Roderick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: ''
Subject: SAMBA
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 09:25:24 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2448.0)
Content-Type: text/plain
Resent-Message-ID: f-OFTD.A.EAB.mR692@murphy
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/41722
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was wondering if it was possible to use SAMBA connect WIN95 and LINUX on
the same machine sort of a pseudo network thing? Has anyone tried this.

Roderick P. Person


1999-03-23 Thread Egon Schmid

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Person, Roderick wrote:

 I was wondering if it was possible to use SAMBA connect WIN95 and LINUX on
 the same machine sort of a pseudo network thing? Has anyone tried this.
 Roderick P. Person

Have a look at Run Win95/Win98/NT/Linux conncurrently on
the same machine.


Re: sound

1999-03-23 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Eric Ravelomanantsoa wrote:

   In tere anyway to compile your kernel without have to use modules to
   enable sound

  If you have a non-pnp card, yes. For example, I've played with the same
  card as Doug for a while, and just gave up after a while. Found a
  different sound card, SB16. It wasnt pnp, and after a quick kernel
  recompilation it works fine. I compiled the driver into kernel.
 How did you do that, since make [menu/x]config of 2.2.x never suggest
 the Sounblaster stuff.

Oh?  Then how did I do it, then?

I'm glad you asked, so I'll tell you.  (I never use make xconfig, so
this assumes you're using menuconfig or that they aren't different.)  Go
into Sound and select Sound Card Support.  Select OSS Sound Modules.  You
should be given the option of choosing 100% Sound Blaster Compatables
and, if you tell it to build it in to the kernel, it will give you the
option to set the parameters for the card.

Chunk O' Cheese, eh?
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

recovering trashed /var

1999-03-23 Thread Robin Stephenson
I trashed my /var partition (doh!) and now the machine won't boot.
Now I really wish that packages would do something sensible when they
can't find what they're looking for in /var (be it a checkpoint file,
a directory to put logfiles in, or whatever).  *sigh*  Is there some
way I can reconstruct it?  Failing that, can someone mail me a tar
file of the directories so that I've got a bootable system..?

tar zcvf - /var | uuencode var.tar.gz | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Now unzipping someone else's /var hierarchy isn't going to provide a
complete solution.  Can I get a list of what belongs in /var from the
packaging information..?  As a relative newcomer to Debian I could do
with some hand-holding if this is indeed possible.  Is a reinstall my
best option?

 Robin Stephenson
 Heat Oven To 350°F


1999-03-23 Thread Person, Roderick
This is cool! this seems to be exaclty what I'm looking for! Finaly I can
play my Darksun games in Linux!! I guess I can do my work at home to. 

 -Original Message-
 From: Shaun Lipscombe [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 10:02 AM
 To:   Egon Schmid
 Cc:   Person, Roderick; ''
 Subject:  Re: SAMBA
 Wow!  I didn't know their was software around that enabled you to do this.
 Ft. Bragg counter-intelligence genetic KGB strategic spy $400 million
 in gold bullion terrorist security Rule Psix Mossad munitions Clinton
 BATF South Africa


1999-03-23 Thread Will Lowe
 I was wondering if it was possible to use SAMBA connect WIN95 and LINUX on
 the same machine sort of a pseudo network thing? Has anyone tried this.

Not unless you can run both of them at the same time (actually,   you can 
... see  Linux can mount Windows drives,  so what
are you trying to do?

|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

installing a piece of debian software onto a non-debian linux system

1999-03-23 Thread Colin Rowat
Hi all,

I'm using DsTool 2.0 for linux on a university system (running redhat, I
think).  As debian is carrying a 2.0.3 DsTool I'm wondering how easy it
is to download that and use it on the non-debian system here.  The .deb
suffix slightly frightens me from this point of view.

If you could please respond directly to me as well as to the list I
would appreciate that as I am not on the list.


Colin Rowat
King's College
Cambridge   tel: +44 (0)468 056 984
CB2 1ST UK  fax: +44 (0)1223 335 219

Re: Printer Setup through SAMBA

1999-03-23 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Petru NOTINGHER wrote:
 I've installed Linux 2.2.1 on my machine, but I have no printer
 connected via LPT.
 The printer (HPOffice JetPro 1150) is installed on another machine
 running Bill's stuff.
 It seems it is possible to access the printer via NetBios. I read the
 doc comming with
 Samba and tried to configure smb.conf. I always get the following answer
 to my command
 smbclient -L \\Serge (Serge is the Win95 machine):
 Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
 Server time is Tue Mar 23 13:46:02 1999
 Timezone is UTC+1.0
 SMBtconX failed. ERRSRV - ERRinvnetname (Invalid network name in tree
 Perhaps you are using the wrong sharename, username or password?
 Some servers insist that these be in uppercase
 I have two questions :
 1. Is it necessary to run a Samba Client for Windows on the machine with
 the printer, or
 the Windows95 software is enough ?
No, no Samba Client (what would that *be*?) is necessary, but you do
need to set up the printer for sharing.  Right-click the printer in
Windows Explorer and go into Properties  It's easy.  (Don't take
offence if you've already done this...  :-))
 2. How must I configure my machine to access the other's printer ?
The appropriate command to see if you're seeing the share would be:

smbclient -L //SERGE


smbclient //SERGE/printersharename -P

to connect to it as a printer service.  After you enter a password (if
you've set it up that way, otherwise use the -N switch) *in uppercase*,
you should get a special prompt at which you can enter printer
commands.  Typing 'h' at this point will get you a list of valid

Re: installing a piece of debian software onto a non-debian linux system

1999-03-23 Thread Havoc Pennington

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Colin Rowat wrote:
 I'm using DsTool 2.0 for linux on a university system (running redhat, I
 think).  As debian is carrying a 2.0.3 DsTool I'm wondering how easy it
 is to download that and use it on the non-debian system here.  The .deb
 suffix slightly frightens me from this point of view.

The .deb version may or may not work even if you extract the software.

The best thing to do is get the original .tar.gz source file and compile
it yourself. You can get the .tar.gz from the page describing the package
on the Debian web site. (probably also you could find it by searching on


1999-03-23 Thread Person, Roderick
Actually, my wife and kids use Win 95. And sometime I have to go in and fix
there messes (Play sysadmin). Sometime I download stuff (in Debian) for
them, the logout and install it into Win 95. I would like to do all that
without leaving Linux and of course I like to play some of my games link
Orion and NHL 97 and all my DND games, that run in Win and Dos

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 1999 10:22 AM
 To:   Person, Roderick
 Cc:   ''
 Subject:  Re: SAMBA
  I was wondering if it was possible to use SAMBA connect WIN95 and LINUX
  the same machine sort of a pseudo network thing? Has anyone tried this.
 Not unless you can run both of them at the same time (actually,   you can 
 ... see  Linux can mount Windows drives,  so what
 are you trying to do?
 |   |
 |PGP Public Key:|
 |   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
 |  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
 | --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: Printer Setup

1999-03-23 Thread steven walsh
On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Shawn Nguyen wrote:

   Thanks for the advice on magicfilter.  I really tried to use it but I
 gave up.  I went and downloaded the APSFilter package instead from the
 web and used it to set up my HP laserjet 1100 printer.  I finally got it
 working.  I wished that debian had included this package, or at least
 incoporated the driver filter from it.  It seems that this package had
 more filters for more printers.  

What do you mean?  APSFilter does have a Debian package in all
their trees.  Are you using some other definition of include that
doesn't mean is available in the distribution?

See you on the flip side

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: more ram and larger harddrive then the bios can take

1999-03-23 Thread steven walsh
On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Sarel Botha wrote:

 It might be possible to use a program like EZ-Drive to make the maximum 
 size the bios can accept larger. I haven't tested EZ-Drive with Linux yet, 
 but I
 can't see any reason why it wouldn't work. Check for 
 program (It doesn't only work on Western Digital hd's)
 Sarel Botha

Just watch out, EZ-Drive tends to overwrite LILO records in the
MBR.   I think I solved this by installing LILO to a superblock not the

 See you on the flip side

- Steve Walsh (EfNet:#Babylon5:KnaraKat)

Re: installing a piece of debian software onto a non-debian linux system

1999-03-23 Thread shaleh
how do I get the app out of a deb

a deb is an ar archive containing two tar.gz files.  Simply do:

ar x filename.deb
then tar zxvf the data.tar.gz.

A better solution however is to use alien.  It understands most

Re: Diald kernel 2.2.2

1999-03-23 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Make sure you have debugging turned on and take a look at /var/log/ppp.log. 
there should give a better indication of what's going wrong. I use diald 
0.16.5-3 also
with kernel 2.2.3 and it works fine (although I get some messages about obsolete
ioctls being used).

Guido Bozzetto wrote:

 using diald with kernel 2.2.2 connections don't start  (while with 'up
 request ' line goes up).
 Everything works correctly using kernel 2.0.36.

 Diald .deb version is 0.16.5-3.
 Netbase package is 3.12-2

 With the 2.2.2 kernel giving a 'route -n' I got:

 Kernel IP routing table
 Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric RefUse
 Iface UH0
 00sl0 UH1
 U   100sl0

 Trying to ping some host  diald doesn't fire up connection and I simply
 obtain a:
 ping: unknown host

 Any idea?


 | Guido Bozzetto | Office phone fax:  +39 0432 548314 | L'avar al è chel
 |   \/ I | E-mail:   :-)   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | che si lambiche
 |   OO like  | Web: | a vivi puar
 |   -- Linux | Talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | par muri sior

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Jens B. Jorgensen

Re: installing a piece of debian software onto a non-debian linux s ystem

1999-03-23 Thread servis
*- On 23 Mar, Colin Rowat wrote about installing a piece of debian software 
onto a non-debian linux system
 Hi all,
 I'm using DsTool 2.0 for linux on a university system (running redhat, I
 think).  As debian is carrying a 2.0.3 DsTool I'm wondering how easy it
 is to download that and use it on the non-debian system here.  The .deb
 suffix slightly frightens me from this point of view.

Install the alien package on your debian machine and convert the
packages before you move them to your RH machine.

Package: alien
Status: install ok installed
Priority: extra
Section: admin
Installed-Size: 107
Maintainer: Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 6.18
Depends: debhelper, perl
Recommends: rpm (= 2.4.4-2), dpkg-dev, make
Suggests: patch, bzip2
Description: Install Red Hat, Stampede, and Slackware Packages with dpkg.
 Alien allows you to convert Red Hat, Stampede and Slackware Packages into
 Debian packages, which can be installed with dpkg.
 It can also convert into Slackware, Red Hat, and Stampede packages.
 This is a tool only suitable for binary packages.

Also, .deb are just ar archives.

% ar t hello_1.3-14.3.deb 

debian-binary is just a empty file used for identification,
control.tar.gz contains all the debian specific control files and the
data.tar.gz is the actual binary archive of the package.  You could
just use ar to extract the archive on your RH machine but the use of
alien would probably be better since then the RH package manager can
keep track of it.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: My ip-ip.d directory not executed

1999-03-23 Thread MallarJ
In a message dated 3/23/99 8:18:41 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Is there any way to send the output of pppd to a file so I can debug what
   is happenning.

the output of pppd is already stored in your /var/log/syslog.


no kernel source

1999-03-23 Thread Fethi A. Okyar

With the distribution that I used to install Linux (Linux 
Press 2.1) after the installation was complete I realized
that the source code had not been downloaded !

Question 1.. How do I unpack the source code so that everything
falls down to the appropriate directories??

Question 2.. I am currently using 2.0.32  and I want to recompile 
my kernel. Would it later become a BIG PROBLEM if I installed the
source code for a newer kernel and compiled it on top of my
2.0.32 kernel? What else do I need to upgrade in order to get
my system to run properly??

Thanks for all answers/suggestions, I know there is great help 
system out there.

Fethi A. Okyar
Research Assistant


out of ptys

1999-03-23 Thread Will Lowe
Can anybody tell me what this means,  and how to fix it?

rivendell[502] [~] rsh gondolin
rlogind: Out of ptys.
rlogin: connection closed.


|   |
|PGP Public Key:|
|   You think you're so smart,  but I've seen you naked  |
|  and I'll prob'ly see you naked again ...  |
| --The Barenaked Ladies,  Blame It On Me  |

Re: no kernel source

1999-03-23 Thread shaleh
 Question 1.. How do I unpack the source code so that everything
 falls down to the appropriate directories??

Grab a kernel tarball, untar it in /tmp, then move the created linux
dir to /usr/src/kernel-source-version.
Then make a symlink in /usr/src called linux and point it to the
source you intend to use.


$ tar zxvf linux-2.2.3.tar.gz
$ cp -a linux /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.3
$ cd /usr/src
$ ln -s kernel-source-2.2.3 linux

 Question 2.. I am currently using 2.0.32  and I want to recompile 
 my kernel. Would it later become a BIG PROBLEM if I installed the
 source code for a newer kernel and compiled it on top of my
 2.0.32 kernel? What else do I need to upgrade in order to get
 my system to run properly??

The machine I am typing this on has a 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 kernel on it.
There is nothing to worry about.
If you really want a 2.0.x kernel, use 2.0.36.  It clears up a few
problmes from the older ones.

Re: Diald kernel 2.2.2

1999-03-23 Thread Guido Bozzetto
Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
 Make sure you have debugging turned on and take a look at /var/log/ppp.log. 
 there should give a better indication of what's going wrong. I use diald 
 0.16.5-3 also

Nothing, on the ppp.log there is nothing :-( 
When I fire-up line with:

echo up  /var/run/diald.fifo

all work correctly, on the log file appears the calling, authentication
and new assigned IP.

The installed Debian is the 2.1 version with following packages from
netbase 3.12-2

   Thank you Guido.
| Guido Bozzetto | Office phone fax:  +39 0432 548314 | L'avar al è chel
|   \/ I | E-mail:   :-)   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | che si lambiche
|   OO like  | Web: | a vivi puar
|   -- Linux | Talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | par muri sior

remote X programs

1999-03-23 Thread Pere Camps

What do I change in order to prohibit running X programs in any
place except the console? ie: no export DISPLAY=...

Thanks in advance for your help,

-- p.

xterm TERM environment

1999-03-23 Thread scratch

I've been asking myself this question: why is it that whenever i use the
Xterm Debian package, the debian-xterm TERM environment is exported, in
stead of xterm?

I use a lot of accounts with no debian-xterm termcap entry. How can I
change this behaviour and/or what is de Debian policy on this subject?


-- nico

--:: Nico Galoppo ::--
--:: scratch at ::-
  ::   ::
--:: Linux - Free power for the masses ::: 

Re: installing a piece of debian software onto a non-debian linux system

1999-03-23 Thread L. Besselink

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Colin Rowat wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm using DsTool 2.0 for linux on a university system (running redhat, I
 think).  As debian is carrying a 2.0.3 DsTool I'm wondering how easy it
 is to download that and use it on the non-debian system here.  The .deb
 suffix slightly frightens me from this point of view.
Well, it's part of teh Debian distribution, so I guess, the sourcxes
should be available, that would probably work better.
It's mostly a bad idea to try to put debian packages on other systems, but

 If you could please respond directly to me as well as to the list I
 would appreciate that as I am not on the list.

BTW why are you NOT on the list ?

Re: xterm TERM environment

1999-03-23 Thread Kirk Hogenson
scratch wrote:
 I've been asking myself this question: why is it that whenever i use 
 the Xterm Debian package, the debian-xterm TERM environment is 
 exported, in stead of xterm?
 I use a lot of accounts with no debian-xterm termcap entry. How can 
 I change this behaviour and/or what is de Debian policy on this 

Take a look at:

Scroll down to the end of the page, the last item discussed is exactly 
what you are asking about.


Re: Diald kernel 2.2.2

1999-03-23 Thread Jens B. Jorgensen
Oh, you don't want to forget to put:

# enable forwarding
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

into /etc/init.d/network.

Guido Bozzetto wrote:

 Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
  Make sure you have debugging turned on and take a look at /var/log/ppp.log. 
  there should give a better indication of what's going wrong. I use diald 
  0.16.5-3 also

 Nothing, on the ppp.log there is nothing :-(
 When I fire-up line with:

 echo up  /var/run/diald.fifo

 all work correctly, on the log file appears the calling, authentication
 and new assigned IP.

 The installed Debian is the 2.1 version with following packages from
 netbase 3.12-2

Thank you Guido.
 | Guido Bozzetto | Office phone fax:  +39 0432 548314 | L'avar al è chel
 |   \/ I | E-mail:   :-)   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | che si lambiche
 |   OO like  | Web: | a vivi puar
 |   -- Linux | Talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | par muri sior

Jens B. Jorgensen

Problem with a PCI to SCSI Host Adaptater

1999-03-23 Thread Gregory Vandenbrouck

  Did somone manage to make a AVA-2902E card work under debian ? My
computer does not see the SCSI peripherics. I'm running potato, with a
2.2.3 kernel.

Thanks in advance,


   \\|//  VDB gTRY Atlantis BBS. Free BBS under GNU licence
   (O O)   
OOO~(_)~oOOO~~~  :o)  Available on telnet://
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  :-xxx Infos on
ooO~Ooo  ~~:-) 

very stable AGP or PCI video card

1999-03-23 Thread Pere Camps

I need a very stable and cheap AGP video card for my system. I
currently have a S3 Virge GX/2 AGP which curruntly crashes the whole
system every once in a while.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

-- p.

lyx and fonts

1999-03-23 Thread shaleh
Allo all, anyone know of a way to get lyx to use ttf fonts?

Colors in X Windows Software

1999-03-23 Thread Fred Perry

Hi folks,

Anybody out there displaying Cerius 2 output on a Linux box?  This may
be a problem with other software as well, I'm not sure.  When I use a
Debian Linux 2.0 machine to display this software, it gets the colors all
mixed up.  I was able to fix the same problem on a Mac using X emulator
software by telling the X emulator to use millions of colors.  Is there
any way to do something similar on a Linux machine?  I've been looking
through the Linux documentation, but was unable to come up with a solution.

Fred Perry

Fred PerryURL:
Programmer Consultant Tel. (709) 737-4572/4852
Memorial University of Newfoundland   Fax. (709) 737-8739 
Department of Physics and 
Physical Oceanography 
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada  


1999-03-23 Thread Sami Dalouche
I just want to know how to use defrag on a system. I don't want to make floppy 
disk or something else.
Is it possible to remount / in ro mode without rebooting ?

 // -oOo- -oOo ---oOo--\\
| Sami Dalouche  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | AIM : linhax|
| | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ : 25529539  |
 \\ -oOo- -oOo ---oOo--//

Re: Diald kernel 2.2.2 [SOLVED]

1999-03-23 Thread Guido Bozzetto
Jens B. Jorgensen wrote:
 Oh, you don't want to forget to put:
 # enable forwarding
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 into /etc/init.d/network.

  The problem was on the forward chain that deny everything.

THANK YOU very much.
   Ciao Guido.
| Guido Bozzetto | Office phone fax:  +39 0432 548314 | L'avar al è chel
|   \/ I | E-mail:   :-)   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | che si lambiche
|   OO like  | Web: | a vivi puar
|   -- Linux | Talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | par muri sior

Re: My ip-ip.d directory not executed

1999-03-23 Thread John Hasler
Jay writes:
 the output of pppd is already stored in your /var/log/syslog.

That will not help him find if his script is running.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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