Re: lilo: Posible offtopic

1999-03-25 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Wed, Mar 24, 1999 at 03:28:24PM +0100, Hue-Bond dijo:
  loadlin como siempre. A la hora  de restaurar el sector de arranque
  de win95 (gracias a la copia que hace lilo) lo hice así:
 # dd if=/boot/boot.0301 of=/dev/hda1 bs=512 count=1
  Bien, no?  Pues no!
  Al arrancar de nuevo salía Disco incorrecto, cambie el disco y
  pulse una tecla. Y hala, sin windows ni Linux.
  Arreglamos con otro disco duro haciendo sys d: pero, ¿por qué
  salió ese error? (tengo tentaciones de hacerlo de nuevo jejeje).

Y la partición de windows si estaba activa, o se... ¿`desactivó sola'?

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

crc error

1999-03-25 Thread Felipe Sanchez


A proposito del problema de mi amigo y el CRC ERROR, efectivamente el cd
estaba defectuoso y es de la revista Linux Actual. Es esta contra la que
hay tantos reclamos por la calidad de los cd? 

Felipe Sanchez

Re: ¿Como se instala?

1999-03-25 Thread Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino

 Ahora tengo en mis manos el CD que regaló PCACTUAL en el mes de Febrero y 
 quisiera que me
 dijerais como puesto instalar el programa KDE. Tengo que deciros que mi 
 equipo no tiene tarjeta de
 Gracias anticipadas

En la distribucion slink (no me acuerdo bien donde, tal vez en el
directorio graphics o en x11) estan los .deb para instalar kde.  Ademas
hay que instalar la libreria qt que tambien esta en la distribucion (en

Hernan Mauricio Velasquez
Ingenieria de Sistemas y Computacion
Universidad de los Andes
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

¿ Como se instala ?

1999-03-25 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Yo lo he instalado de la siguiente manera:

He tenido que bajarme las siguientes librerías de de la distribución slink

libstdc2.9++ creo que del main en libs o en base
   qt1g  1.42  apartado non-free
qt que viene creo en el cd de febrero  (esta creo que venia en
formato RPM y con el programa alien lo convertí en formato deb.

Puede que alguna de estas librerias las tengas ya instaladas.

Luego hay que instalar los paquetes *.deb de KDE. Tienen un orden,
que creo que es el siguiente:

y a partir de aquí los paquetes que quieras.

Para probar si arranca todo bien, puedes emplear el siguiente método
(un poco cutre).

xinit (creo que arranca el servidor X sin gestor de ventanas).
Cuando arranque el servidor te aparecerá una ventan y tecleas

Si todo va bien, te aparecerá algo parecido al KDE. El programa te
pide algo de configuración y te crea varios subdirectorios con carpetas.
A mí al principio se quejaba de que no arrancaba kfm. Es preciso hacer
enlaces simbólicos de la librería de la que se queja porque parece que
la llama con otro nombre (en /usr/lib   un enlace simbolico de  a

Para arrancar con startx simplemente hay que poner una linea en el
fichero  /etc/X11R6/window-manager
del estilo  /usr/X11R6/bin/kde  (me parece que es aquí donde está el
fichero kde de arranque).

Yo sigo teniendo algun problema con alguna librería como libkdeui,
etc. Que supongo que con algún enlace simbólico se arreglará. Para saber
donde busca el programa esta librería yo uso la herramienta

strace -pprocesoshell -f -oficherodesalida 
kill pid del comando strace

También tengo un problema con el programa midnight-comander (mc). Yo
lo uso mucho y con este gestor de ventanas cuando lo arranco no
funcionan bien las teclas de inicio y fin (muy útiles para moverme por
el arblo de directorios o si estoy viendo el contenido de algún fichero
para ir al principio o al final. Este problema no se como arreglarlo y
aprovecho por si alguien sabe como podría arreglarlo. Sin embargo las
teclas insert, supr, Repag y Avpag me funcionan bien.
Sin embargo con el gestor de ventanas fvwm95 todas estas teclas me
funcionan correctamente con el mc.

De los gestores de ventanas que he visto, el KDE es el que más me ha

Saludos. (y suerte). Es la 3ª vez que he intentado cargar la KDE
(las dos primeras no lo conseguí.

Re: LI... (LO)

1999-03-25 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Felipe Sanchez wrote:


 A proposito de dificultades con el arranque, instale hamm en un pc que
 resucite de los trastos viejos.

 El asunto es que al tratar de arrancar directamente desde la particion
 debian, solo alcanza a decir LI... donde debiera decir LILO y despues toda
 la catarata de mensajes de arranque, y ahi se queda. Arranca correctamente
 desde disquete.

Si miras la documentacion de LILO, encontraras mas detalles de ese error. 
Concretamente en
/usr/doc/lilo/Manual.txt.gz dice textualmente lo siguiente:

LI   The first stage boot loader was able to load the second stage boot
loader, but has failed to execute it. This can either be caused by a
geometry mismatch or by moving /boot/boot.b without running the map

Lo mas probable es que el error se deba a un geometry mismatch. Eso te puede 
pasar (y de
hecho a mi me ha pasado) con discos grandes, en particular con el disco de 8 
Gygas. Veo que
has instalado Hamm. Por casualidad el kernel que utilizas no sera el 2.0.36?

Para ver si efectivamente ese es el problema, prueba a ejecutar como root cfdisk
/dev/hd_lo_que_sea (el disco de 8 gigas) y mira a ver que informacion de 
cilindros, sectores
y demas te da (geometria del disco). Despues salte del programa sin hacer nada 
y rearranca el
PC. Al arrancar entra en el menu de la BIOS y mira a ver que informacion te da 
del disco. Si
ves que la geometria que da la BIOS no coincide con la que te da Linux, 
entonces el problema
es efectivamente de geometry mismatch.

Solucion: Utiliza la opcion linear en la configuracion del LILO y asunto 
resuelto (a mi me
resolvio el problema).

 La configuracion es un disco de 200 M como primer master, es el disco
 original (en realidad no es el original ahora que lo pienso, pero lleva
 tiempo en ese pc :) que no esta muy bueno, a veces hay que darle unos
 golpecitos para que empiece a rotar. En ese disco no tengo mas que el
 viejo DOS y lo puse como primer master porque por alguna razon no
 funciona como segundo master.

 Luego como segundo master un disco de 8Gb con una particion de 2Gb para
 W98 en los primeros cilindros, y el resto para hamm y swap.

 No he experimentado nada con la configuracion, asi que seguramente con
 alguna combinacion consiga que arranque directamente del disco duro, pero
 me parecio leer aqui que LILO no arranca desde un segundo master, es

Que yo sepa esto no es cierto. Yo tengo dos discos duros. En el primer master 
el W95 y en el
segundo master el Linux y jamas he tenido ningun problema para arrancar bien 
uno bien otro.


De nada.

 Felipe Sanchez

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I your back was turned,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA curled like an embryo.
CASTELLON, 12071. will be kissed
Phone: +34 964 728361   again.
Fax: +34 964 728435 Rober Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Cold, Pornography, 1982, Fiction Rec. -

Fin: Matrox MGA-G200 AGP

1999-03-25 Thread Juan C. Amengual
Hola a tod*s:

Este mensaje es simplemente para agradecer a Josep Guerrero, Saxa Egea,
Ugo Albarello y Andres Seco (creo que no me olvido de nadie) por sus
contestaciones a mi mensaje pidiendo ayuda para configurar la tarjeta
del subject. Muchas gracias a todos.

Efectivamente, el servidor SVGA de las xfree 3.3.3 traga con esta
tarjeta. Asi que lo que hice fue bajarme los paquetes de la Slink,
instalarlos, pero no configurar las X. Despues me baje el .tgz
correspondiente al servidor SVGA de las xfree 3.3.3 de un mirror cercano
y a pelo cambie el servidor SVGA (solamente) de slink por el nuevo y
... ya'ta. Al configurar las X, me he encontrado con que mi combinacion
monitor+tarjeta va estupendamente, ofreciendo hasta 5 posibles
resoluciones distintas ... ¡perfecto! Lo dicho, gracias y hasta pronto.


UNIVERSIDAD JAUME I your back was turned,
DEPARTAMENTO DE INFORMÁTICA curled like an embryo.
CASTELLON, 12071. will be kissed
Phone: +34 964 728361   again.
Fax: +34 964 728435 Rober Smith (The Cure)
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   - Cold, Pornography, 1982, Fiction Rec. -

fallo de seguridad

1999-03-25 Thread Jose Mari Mor Fabregat
Supongo que muchos lo habreis leido, pero ahi va...

The recent release of the Linux 2.2.4 kernel fixed a remote denial of
service problem in the IP fragment handling code. If you are running a
Linux kernel between 2.1.89 and 2.2.3, it would probably be a good idea to
get the latest version. In case that isn't feasible for you, I've included
a patch in this post. The impact of this problem is that a remote attacker
can effectively disable a target's IP connectivity. However, for the
attack to succeed, the attacker will have to deliver several thousand
packets to the target, which can take up to several minutes. A quick
exploit and the patch are appended to the end of this post.

(evidentemente no incluyo el exploit)

(...) The other component of the problem is that the call to allocate a
entry in the routing cache does a check to see if the hashtable that
comprises the cache is at a saturated state. If it is, it proceeds to do a
garbage collection. If the number of entries in the cache, after this
garbage collection, is still higher than the threshold, then dst_alloc()
will fail. So, if we generate enough stranded entries in the routing cache
(4096 in 2.2.3) via our malicious frags, then all further calls to
dst_alloc will fail.

Jose Mari Mor Fabregat  Debian Hamm

¿Apt permite actualizar con varios CD's?

1999-03-25 Thread Arregui-García, Javier
Hola a todos. 

Pues eso. Tengo la slink de datom (si no hubieran tardado tanto los de
id-agora, tal vez la hubiera pillado de allí. Por cierto, ¿incluyen contrib
y non-free? eso no queda claro en la web). Y pretendo actualizar mi hamm. En
la documentación del apt no he encontrado ninguna referencia a que se puedan
utilizar varios CD's, pero se supone que las herramientas de instalación ya
están preparadas para ello. Si no se puede, entonces habrá que hacerlo con
dselect y el método multi-cd. ¿Alguien lo puede confirmar?

Además, en los cd's de datom introducen otro método (multi-cd2) porque
tienen los directorios .../main/binary-i386 y .../main/binary-all separados,
cada uno en un cd, y parece ser que el multi-cd no funciona bien ¿Esta
separación la han hecho ellos, o la imagen oficial de los CD's está así

Bueno, pues eso. Espero ansioso vuestras respuestas para enfrascarme en la
actualización a slink.


Re: ¿Apt permite actualizar con varios CD's?

1999-03-25 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 11:50:43AM +0100, Arregui-García, Javier wrote:
 Hola a todos. 
 Pues eso. Tengo la slink de datom (si no hubieran tardado tanto los de
 id-agora, tal vez la hubiera pillado de allí. Por cierto, ¿incluyen contrib
 y non-free? eso no queda claro en la web).

Ojo, que el retraso permite que los CDs vengan con la 2.1r2 (ya hay
una r2. No sé que versión tienen los de Datom). contrib está incluido
en los CDs oficiales, así que sí, está en la Citius Debian (la de
id-agora). En cuanto a non-free y non-US, sí, también está (la parte
distribuible comercialmente, claro). Es parte del contenido del CD de

Y pretendo actualizar mi hamm. En
 la documentación del apt no he encontrado ninguna referencia a que se puedan
 utilizar varios CD's, pero se supone que las herramientas de instalación ya
 están preparadas para ello. Si no se puede, entonces habrá que hacerlo con
 dselect y el método multi-cd. ¿Alguien lo puede confirmar?

Te lo confirmo. El apt de slink no puede utilizar múltiples CD si sólo
tienes una unidad lectora. Creo que esto ha cambiado en las nuevas
versiones del apt.
 Además, en los cd's de datom introducen otro método (multi-cd2) porque
 tienen los directorios .../main/binary-i386 y .../main/binary-all separados,
 cada uno en un cd, y parece ser que el multi-cd no funciona bien ¿Esta
 separación la han hecho ellos, o la imagen oficial de los CD's está así

La han hecho ellos por su cuenta. De hecho, uno de los objetivos que se
perseguía en debian-cd cuando se repartieron los paquetes de la forma que
están en los CDs oficiales era que se pudiesen instalar los paquetes
habituales (los de las preselecciones) desde el 1er CD, para no tener que
andar cambiando CDs cada dos paquetes. Si se separan binary-i386 y
binary-all este objetivo se pierde...
Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: ¿Apt permite actualizar con varios CD's?

1999-03-25 Thread Arregui-García, Javier
 De:   Enrique Zanardi
 Enviado el:   jueves 25 de marzo de 1999 12:55
 Para: 'Lista Debian Espagna'
 Asunto:   Re: ¿Apt permite actualizar con varios CD's?

 Ojo, que el retraso permite que los CDs vengan con la 2.1r2 (ya hay
 una r2. No sé que versión tienen los de Datom). 
Aquí hay una cosa que no sé cómo funciona. Supongamos que tengo la 2.1r2, y
que el mes que viene sale 2.1r3. ¿Dónde se indican las diferencias entre una
y otra? ¿Tiene algo que ver el directorio 'proposed-updates'? ¿Cuál sería el
camino adecuado para actualizarse?

 Te lo confirmo. El apt de slink no puede utilizar múltiples CD si sólo
 tienes una unidad lectora. Creo que esto ha cambiado en las nuevas
 versiones del apt.
Me lo temía. Pues creo que debería quedar más claro en la documentación de
la instalación. Se dice escuetamente que las herramientas de instalación ya
se han adaptado a la utilización de varios CD's, pero no se diferencia entre
apt y dselect. (O al menos, yo no lo he visto)

Si tengo hamm con paquetes de contrib y non-free, y trato de actualizar con
apt la distribución completa, ¿qué hará apt con todos los paquetes ya
instalados de contrib y non-free? ¿Dirá que hay que borrarlos, o los dejará
como están? 

Y respecto a las dependencias, creo que si un paquete depende de otro de
contrib o non-free ya no puede estar en main, ¿no? O sea, que no habría
ningún problema con los paquetes de la sección main (en un CD oficial,
porque en el de datom, con la separación de binary-i386 y binary-all, sí que
habría problemas).

Perdonad el rollo, pero creo que merece la pena tener todo esto muy claro
antes de la actualización. Y más, si se está introduciendo a algún amiguete
en Debian ;-)

Un saludo

P.D: Gracias, Enrique. El servicio de consultoría gratuito On-Line en Debian
funciona 100 veces mejor que los servicios de soporte contratados con los
que me tengo que pelear en la empresa (y que rara vez solucionan algo). Qué
rabia que esto un jefe no pueda llegar a entenderlo.

Re: ¿Apt permite actualizar con varios CD's?

1999-03-25 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 11:55:10AM +, Enrique Zanardi wrote:

 Y pretendo actualizar mi hamm. En
  la documentación del apt no he encontrado ninguna referencia a que se puedan
  utilizar varios CD's, pero se supone que las herramientas de instalación ya
  están preparadas para ello. Si no se puede, entonces habrá que hacerlo con
  dselect y el método multi-cd. ¿Alguien lo puede confirmar?
 Te lo confirmo. El apt de slink no puede utilizar múltiples CD si sólo
 tienes una unidad lectora. Creo que esto ha cambiado en las nuevas
 versiones del apt.

Efectivamente, versiones recientes de APT (0.3.2) traen un programa que se
llama apt-cdrom con el cual puedes añadir varios CD's; el soporte no está
completo, y he logrado hacerlo no funcionar en varias ocasiones :) Pero el
multi-cd funciona muy bien para la instalación inicial.


Re: ¿Apt permite actualizar con varios CD's?

1999-03-25 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 01:24:36PM +0100, Arregui-García, Javier wrote:

  Ojo, que el retraso permite que los CDs vengan con la 2.1r2 (ya hay
  una r2. No sé que versión tienen los de Datom). 
 Aquí hay una cosa que no sé cómo funciona. Supongamos que tengo la 2.1r2, y
 que el mes que viene sale 2.1r3. ¿Dónde se indican las diferencias entre una
 y otra?


 Me lo temía. Pues creo que debería quedar más claro en la documentación de
 la instalación. Se dice escuetamente que las herramientas de instalación
 ya se han adaptado a la utilización de varios CD's, pero no se diferencia
 entre apt y dselect. (O al menos, yo no lo he visto)

de la guía de instalación, el capítulo concerniente a dselect:

  Quite large and powerful, this complex method is the
  recommended way of installing a recent version of Debian from a
  set of multiple binary CDs. Each of these CDs should contains
  information about the packages in itself and all prior CDs (in
  the file When you first select this method, be
  sure the CD-ROM you will be using is not mounted. Place the
  last binary disk of the set (we don't need the source CDs) in
  the drive and answer the questions you are asked:

no se diferencia entre el apt y el dselect pues el apt y el dselect no son
la misma cosa.  De hecho, apt puede ser un método para dselect.  El otro
apt, el que es un reemplazo para dselect, no existe aún -- alguien hizo una
versión para X11/GTK+, pero eso es todo.  Y eso no es parte de slink.

 Si tengo hamm con paquetes de contrib y non-free, y trato de actualizar con
 apt la distribución completa, ¿qué hará apt con todos los paquetes ya
 instalados de contrib y non-free? ¿Dirá que hay que borrarlos, o los dejará
 como están? 

Tratará de conciliar las dependencias, si no puede hacerlo, va a decir eso. 
De hecho, si no puede hacerlo, dirá que hay que remover algunos paquetes
para poder actualizar otros.

 Y respecto a las dependencias, creo que si un paquete depende de otro de
 contrib o non-free ya no puede estar en main, ¿no?

s/ya no puede/nunca ha podido/


KDE 1.1 y slink

1999-03-25 Thread Ramiro Alba
Hola de nuevo:

He intentado instalar KDE 1.1 en slink (para ello he tenido que instalar
la version 1.42 de la libreria qt que hay en potato ya que la 1.40 que
viene con slink no le sirve) y aparte de un comportamiento raro del
movimento de las ventanas (al maximizarlas, y cuando se mueven con el
cursor de raton lo hacen a saltos) muchos
programas dan un error en una libreria. Por ej:

kfind: error in loading shared libraries
/usr/X11R6/lib/ undefined symbol:__pure_virtual

¿Alguien la ha instalado y le funciona perfectamente? ¿Que ha instalado
y de donde?


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Instalando slink: ¿poner antes el 2º CD?

1999-03-25 Thread Ramiro Alba
Hola a todos:

Relacionado con el tema de apt ahi va una pregunta. Que importancia
tiene en
el momento de realizar la instalación el hecho de poner el 2º CD segun
se dice en el README.multicd:

Multicd installation instructions

Once you have installed the base system and rebooted your machine, you
will need to go through and configure parts of the system (root
password etc.). After this you will be presented with dselect, the
standard package installation program on a Debian system.

If you wish to use the multicd installation method, as is the default
for CD-based installs, you should be careful to insert the LAST BINARY
CD of your set when you start, e.g.:

if you have a single CD, insert that single CD
if you have a 2-CD binary set, insert CD#2
if you have an official 4-CD set, insert CD#2
(#3 and #4 should contain source only)


Yo la instalacion la he hecho de las dos formas (una de ellas sin
perfiles) y no detectado ningun problema. Bueno, uno. Cuando le puse
el segundo (como indica el fichero README.multicd) y le dije que
procediera a
instalar, me pidió que pusiera el primero. ¿En que quedamos?


Ramiro Alba
Laboratori de Termotecnia i Energetica

Departament de Maquines i Motors Termics
ETS d'Enginyers Industrials de Terrassa

C/Colom 11

Tf: 34 - 93 739 82 43
Fax: 34 - 93 739 81 01


Sonidos para el KDE

1999-03-25 Thread Lucky

Donde tengo que poner los archivos WAV para 
aplicarlos en diferentes eventos (abrir ventans, canvio de escritorio, etc.) en 
el KDE.

RE: Instalando slink: ¿poner antes el 2º CD?

1999-03-25 Thread Manuel Trujillo
 Relacionado con el tema de apt ahi va una pregunta. Que importancia
 tiene en
 el momento de realizar la instalación el hecho de poner el 2º CD segun
 se dice en el README.multicd:

 Multicd installation instructions

 Once you have installed the base system and rebooted your machine, you
 will need to go through and configure parts of the system (root
 password etc.). After this you will be presented with dselect, the
 standard package installation program on a Debian system.

 If you wish to use the multicd installation method, as is the default
 for CD-based installs, you should be careful to insert the LAST BINARY
 CD of your set when you start, e.g.:

 if you have a single CD, insert that single CD
 if you have a 2-CD binary set, insert CD#2
 if you have an official 4-CD set, insert CD#2
 (#3 and #4 should contain source only)


 Yo la instalacion la he hecho de las dos formas (una de ellas sin
 perfiles) y no detectado ningun problema. Bueno, uno. Cuando le puse
 el segundo (como indica el fichero README.multicd) y le dije que
 procediera a
 instalar, me pidió que pusiera el primero. ¿En que quedamos?

Pues has tenido suerte, por que yo, a pesar de la inestimable ayuda que
estoy recibiendo de Jaime, todavía no he podido instalar la Debian 2.1 de
Datom en el curro... Y la verdad, estoy a punto de caramelo de volver a
instalar, muy a pesar mío, la Red Hat 5.2 que tenía antes puesta.
Cuando entro en el dselect, pongo el cd2 de binarios, elijo multi-cd, y
luego, donde hay que poner el path para cada cosa, no hay manera de que me
reconozca nada de nada.
Acabo de ver un emilio diciendo que el para hacer ésto, siendo de Datom la
distribución, se llama multi-cd2. Cuando tenga un poco de tiempo miraré a
ver por cual cd anda, lo instalaré y probaré a ver que tal. Aunque la
verdad... Hasta ahora la instalación con dselect era espartana y sencilla
con matices, pero ahora con dos cd's... manda huevos.

Gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)


1999-03-25 Thread Pablo Cernadas


Re: Publicada Debian GNU/Linux 2.1

1999-03-25 Thread Roberto Diaz

Bueno pues ya es suficiente!! me voy a instalar la debian a ver que
ventajas tiene sobre RedHat (una ya evidente es que encuentras casi todo
en .deb).. ya me pica demasiado la curiosidad y los de debian parece que
se enrollan hasta decir basta con tropocientos mil paquetes en cada

Pues eso ¿donde se puede encontrar la debian? la van a sacar otra vez los
de pc-actual?  

 Publicación de Debian GNU/Linux 2.1
 Tras siete meses de desarrollo, se ha publicado a principios del mes de Marzo
 la nueva versión de la conocida distribución de Linux. Debian GNU/Linux está

 Imagenes CD:
 Autor:Martin Schulze [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Traducción:   Luis Francisco González [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Enrique Zanardi  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Saludos, adeu
Roberto Díaz

Problemas varios

1999-03-25 Thread Jose Luis Guerra
Recientemente he instalado la versión 2.5.6 de RPM, pero tengo un pequeño 
problema cuando lo
uso. Me sale un mensaje de error que dice: failed to open 
//var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm. He buscado
el citado archivo y no lo tengo. Pensé, Habré instalado mal el RPM y lo volví 
a instalar. Pero
nada el mensaje sigue saliendo. PLIS UNA AYUDITA.

Otro problema tengo con el man. Cuando lo uso y pongo por ejemplo man 
tar, me sale lo
man: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: Permission denied.
La citada libreria existe y tiene un enlace simbolico a la libreria en /lib
¿Que pasa?

Re: Publicada Debian GNU/Linux 2.1

1999-03-25 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 12:46:00PM +0100, Roberto Diaz wrote:
 Bueno pues ya es suficiente!! me voy a instalar la debian a ver que
 ventajas tiene sobre RedHat (una ya evidente es que encuentras casi todo
 en .deb).. ya me pica demasiado la curiosidad y los de debian parece que
 se enrollan hasta decir basta con tropocientos mil paquetes en cada
 Pues eso ¿donde se puede encontrar la debian? la van a sacar otra vez los
 de pc-actual?  

En el propio anuncio indico un sitio aquí en España: http:/
Sobre si la sacarán los de PC-Actual no tengo noticias, aunque dado que
la distribución oficial consta de 4 CDs tendrían que sacarla en varios

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problemas varios

1999-03-25 Thread Agustín Martín
Jose Luis Guerra wrote:
 Recientemente he instalado la versión 2.5.6 de RPM, pero tengo un pequeño 
 problema cuando lo
 uso. Me sale un mensaje de error que dice: failed to open 
 //var/lib/rpm/packages.rpm. He buscado
 el citado archivo y no lo tengo. Pensé, Habré instalado mal el RPM y lo 
 volví a instalar. Pero
 nada el mensaje sigue saliendo. PLIS UNA AYUDITA.

Si usas debian no debes NUNCA utilizar el rpm para instalar paquetes
redhat, ya que no se actualizará la base de datos y los resultados son
imprevisibles apuntando para malos. Utiliza el paquete alien, que se
encarga de decirle a la base de datos de debian lo que contiene el rpm
que instala.

 Otro problema tengo con el man. Cuando lo uso y pongo por ejemplo man 
 tar, me sale lo
 man: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: Permission denied.
 La citada libreria existe y tiene un enlace simbolico a la libreria en /lib

¿Estás seguro? En mi slink:

$ ls -l /usr/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root   16 Nov  5 20:39
/usr/lib/ -

donde libdb2 es una librería de libdb2

$ dpkg -S
libdb2: /usr/lib/
libdb2: /usr/lib/

mientras que libdb es una librería de libc6,

$ dpkg -S 
libc6: /lib/

Si es un link a la que dices no me extraña que no te funcione. ¿Has
tocado algo a mano o instalado a las bravas algún rpm o tgz que toque

Reinstala el paqeuete libdb2 a ver si eso te resuelve el problema.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 

Configurar Canon BJC-210

1999-03-25 Thread Josu Arenas

Tengo una Canon BJC-210 y Debian 2.0 Hamm. He instalado el magicfilter y
puesto la impresora como bj-200, tengo el gs-aladdin 5.10-9. El texto plano
imprime bien, pero al imprimir postscript me saca basura...

Alguien podria echarme una mano?? Si alguien tiene una canon bjc-210 y
la ha echo funcionar puede mandarme aunque sea el /etc/printcap???



Tamano de las letras de XTerm

1999-03-25 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
Me temo que ya se hablo de esto hace no mucho, pero no encuentro
el mensaje donde se comentó.

Tengo la pantalla de 1024x768 y el XTerm me queda muy chiquitito.
Me mola conservar ese tamaño ya que cabe de todo dentro y los dibujos
se ven muy bien, pero me gustaria usar XTerm mas grande, para poder
leer dentro de el (ahora tengo que ponerme gafas para ello).

¿Como lanzo xterm con letras mas grandes en windowmaker?


03/25   Triangle Shirt Waist Fire, 1911
03/26   Popeye statue unveiled, Crystal City TX Spinach Festival, 1937
Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave publica PGP en
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867

Description: PGP signature

RE: Tamano de las letras de XTerm

1999-03-25 Thread Jon Noble
La solucion completa (te vale para todo, no solo para XTerm) la tienes en

Si estas un poco vago o no te gusta el ingles, :-), el paso mas importante
es que en el fichero /etc/X11/XF86Config cambies de orden las lineas:


Asi, el servidor X usará en primer lugar las fuentes 100dpi, que son más

Un saludo,

-Original Message-
De: Andres Seco Hernandez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Usuarios de Debian en español
Fecha: jueves 25 de marzo de 1999 22:52
Asunto: Tamano de las letras de XTerm

Me temo que ya se hablo de esto hace no mucho, pero no encuentro
el mensaje donde se comentó.

Tengo la pantalla de 1024x768 y el XTerm me queda muy chiquitito.
Me mola conservar ese tamaño ya que cabe de todo dentro y los dibujos
se ven muy bien, pero me gustaria usar XTerm mas grande, para poder
leer dentro de el (ahora tengo que ponerme gafas para ello).

¿Como lanzo xterm con letras mas grandes en windowmaker?


03/25 Triangle Shirt Waist Fire, 1911
03/26 Popeye statue unveiled, Crystal City TX Spinach Festival, 1937
Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Clave publica PGP en
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867

Re: montar W98 sin problemas ??

1999-03-25 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 24 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 09:56:36 +0100, Jose Luis Trivino 

1. Utilizar el parametro noauto y user [...]
2. Utilizar el parametro uid en el fichero /etc/fstab. Eso
hace que la particion se monte cono todos los ficheros
perteneciendo al usuario que indiques. No sirve si otros
usuarios quieren escribir en la particion.
3. Utilizar el parametro mode en /etc/fstab. [...]

 4.-  Utilizar los  parámetros gid  y umask.  De esta  forma, la
 partición  se monta  al  arrancar  y sólo  los  miembros del  grupo
 especificado  tienen permiso  de  escritura  al disco  (dependiendo
 también  de  umask). En  mi  casa,  lo tengo  gid=100,umask=006  de
 forma  que  los  que no  están  en  el  grupo  casita (el  100)  no
 pueden ni  siquiera leer  el disco  (menuda coña  que te  pillen el
 /mnt/win95/windows/user.dat jeje).

El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.3
PGP Public key at

Re: Puertos no encontrados

1999-03-25 Thread Hue-Bond
El martes 23 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 19:30:01 -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello 
El Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 01:51:27PM +0100, Hue-Bond dijo:
  Pero Linux pasa ampliamente de la BIOS, no?

Si y no. La BIOS te deja configurar los puertos COM, y me imagino que si
los desactivas de la BIOS, Linux no tendrá ni idea (no estoy seguro).

 Pues ahora que  lo dices, me doy cuenta que  Linux sólo detecta
 los dos puertos COM que tengo activados en la BIOS. Probaré...


El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.3
PGP Public key at

Re: Crc Error

1999-03-25 Thread Hue-Bond
El miércoles 24 de marzo de 1999 a la(s) 10:48:10 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Una solución momentanea que consegui es usar un archivo llamado linux
que esta en la sección de discos de instalación del ftp. Creo que es el
mismo que esta en el disco de arranque. Asi, desde DOS, ejecuto:

loadlin linux root=/dev/hda6

Y me carga. De todos modos me tiene intrigado que no me cargue de la
manera normal. Repito que mi instalación fue desde discos, que los baje
del ftp (no tengo CDs).

 Qué raro. Prueba a bajarlo de  nuevo. Hace un par de días, algo
 petó en  una partición FAT  donde tengo un  kernel y plof,  dejó de
 funcionar todo (¿es que tenemos un virus? porque ya somos 4 ;-)).

El servidor de NT se ha ido a tomar por c***. (Dakota)

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.3
PGP Public key at


1999-03-25 Thread Rodrigo Herefeld
Eu tenho uma partição com FAT16 que é compartilhada com o Ruindows 
e o linux e queria fazer o home do usuarios nela (uma especie de 
deposito para documentos pessoais ) mas eu não consigo torna-la 
read-write nem mesmo para os usuarios do grupo root

tentei o chmod g+x+w+r /nome-da-pasta mas
nào deu certo
tentei usar o kde mas tb não funciona
O que eu precizo fazer

Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld
Get Your Private, Free Email at

RE:Compilador Clipper

1999-03-25 Thread Rodrigo Herefeld
É o seguinte eu nunca programwi nada em LINUX mas tenho bastante 
esperiencia em programação de baixo niovel em C para DOS
Se alguem tiver alguma ideia e topar fazer um compilador CLIPPER
em C ou C++  para o LINUX (a ser distribuido com a licença da GNU)
eu to a fim de fazer o serviço só não tenho nehuma idéia de como
começar(embora tenha estudado compiladores eu nem sei clipper)

Rodrigo Cesar herefeld

 \ \ | / / 
 (0 0)   

Get Your Private, Free Email at


1999-03-25 Thread Roy-Anders Larsen
On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Craig T. Hancock wrote:

 I don't undersand what I am doing wrong if anyone can help I would greatly 

If I am getting this right, you have a Soundblaster 16 *Plug and Play* ? 
In any case, that's what I have.  If that is correct, you might need to
compile all the sound parts of the kernel as modules because you need to
configure the PnP card before you can actually have the kernel support it. 
This is usually done with a tool like isapnp (the isapnptools package). 
I'm not saying that the following is the right way or the only way to do
it, especially because I never was able to get the FM synthesizer to work.
(If anyone has a clue about getting the synthesizer/midi part to work,
please respond to this mailing-list!!)
This is how I did it:
First, I got the isapnptools package installed.
Then I ran pnpdump  /etc/isapnp.conf and uncommented the appropriate
lines in it.  Here's the essential part of my isapnp.conf (comment- and
blank lines removed):
(READPORT 0x0203)
 (INT 0 (IRQ 5 (MODE +E)))
 (DMA 0 (CHANNEL 1))
 (DMA 1 (CHANNEL 5))
 (IO 0 (SIZE 16) (BASE 0x0220))
 (IO 1 (SIZE 2) (BASE 0x0330))
 (IO 2 (SIZE 4) (BASE 0x0388))
 (NAME CTL00f0/-1[0]{Audio   })
 (ACT Y)
 (IO 0 (SIZE 1) (BASE 0x0200))
 (NAME CTL00f0/-1[1]{Game})
 (ACT Y)

In other words, I uncommented the first block for every device (I left the
comment lines marked with `#', though... ;-), and I also uncommented the
(ACT Y) part.
Now, when I boot (or run isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf), I get the following:

lspci not found, so PCI resource conflict not checked
Board 1 has Identity 6d ff ff ff ff f0 00 8c 0e:  CTL00f0 Serial No -1 
[checksum 6d]
CTL00f0/-1[0]{Audio   }: Ports 0x220 0x330 0x388; IRQ5 DMA1 DMA5 
--- Enabled OK
CTL00f0/-1[1]{Game}: Port 0x200; --- Enabled OK

(The PCI stuff is because I don't have PCI slots in this old 486DX33.)
The 'Game' part is not really necessary - I don't have a joystick anyway.

If running the isapnp didn't work properly, you might need to either
select a different 'block' from the pnpdump, or different settings for the
IRQ, DMA or IO (as suggested by pnpdump in the comments).
Note that if your kernel already has the sound support compiled in (or the
modules for the sound is loaded), isapnp might have problems allocating
the IRQs, DMAs or IOs because the kernel already is occupying them.

And now we're ready to compile the sound support into the kernel.
I did this with modules.  Here's the sound part:
bakh:/usr/src/linux# grep -e CONFIG_SOUND .config|grep -v -e '^#'

The four last lines (ADLIB, SOFTOSS, YM3812 and VMIDI) are just my
attempts to get the midi/FM synth stuff working, you don't really need
those.  If you're wondering what I really selected in make menuconfig:
M Sound card support
M OSS sound modules
M 100% Sound Blaster compatibles (SB16/32/64, ESS, Jazz16) support
M Generic OPL2/OPL3 FM synthesizer support
M SoftOSS software wave table engine
M FM synthesizer (YM3812/OPL-3) support
M Loopback MIDI device support

(Again, the last four are only my failed attempts to get the FM synth/midi
stuff working)

The kernel compiled and installed should give (I left out the
non-essential modules) these sound modules in /lib/modules/2.2.3/misc:
soundcore.o   sb.o  uart401.o sound.o

Having these modules in place, I created a file: /etc/modutils/sound
and put these lines in there:

alias char-major-14 sb
post-install sb /root/bin/volume 66
options soundcore -k
options sound -k dmabuf=1 traceinit=1
options uart401 -k
options sb -k io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330

The post-install line loads a volume program that sets the volume to 66%
since I don't have any volume controls on my cheapo speakers.  You could
do the same, but you'd need to compile the volume-tarball or use some
other utility (like aumix).
Then I ran update-modules (So it was added into the /etc/conf.modules

Then rebooted.

Now upon boot, isapnp should be run automatically, and depending on what
is in your /etc/modules, the sound modules might be loaded automatically.
In any case, a cat /dev/sndstat should load them.  You should get output
like this (when the modules are loaded):
Sound initialization started
Sound initialization complete
Soundblaster audio driver Copyright (C) by Hannu Savolainen 1993-1996
SB 4.16 detected OK (220)
Sound Blaster 16 (4.16) at 0x220 irq 5 dma 1,5
Sound Blaster 16 at 0x330 irq 5 dma 0,0

The cat /dev/sndstat (or /proc/sound) should yield:
Load type: Driver loaded as a module
Kernel: Linux bakh 2.2.3 #1 Tue Mar 23 02:55:19 CST 1999 i486

Re: Staging Areas.

1999-03-25 Thread Michael Beattie
On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Mitch Blevins wrote:

 In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
  Can the developers subscribed please tell me/us where the various staging
  areas are? I keep losing the various posts that have the urls (stupid me).
  (i.e. gnome, apt, whatever) And if possible, an apt sources.list line too.
 There is only _one_ (to my knowledge) non-standard location that you
 need to remember now.  That is
 deb unstable main
 This houses all the gnome stuff.  The newest apt is now in potato,
 and gnome-apt is in the staging area above, so this is the only
 location needed.

Thanks.. thats what I am after..  Oh, what about E 0.15?

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  From a 1996 MicroSloth ad campaign:
The less you know about computers the more you want MicroSoft!
  -- See!  They do get some things right!  (I gotta stop stealing Sigs)
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!


1999-03-25 Thread Chen . ShanChao


   I am looking for mySQL source. It's not easy for

me to download it from internet. in fact, I just can

use email to relate with internet.

  please email a mySQL for linux source to me.


my email:


Re: resolv.conf

1999-03-25 Thread Michael Beattie
  Also, in Windoze, I don't need to put in the dns search entries. But in 
  I must put them in resolv.conf. Why?
 I have not set up a WindoZe system in quite a while so I may be wrong
 here but I seem to recall that when setting up the dial-up-networking
 I had to put in my ISP's nameservers.  That is why you don't need a
 resolv.conf in windoze.

In windows, the DNS server's address can be requested from the peer during
PPP negotiation, (you dont need to enter DNS address's for most ISP's
anymore) whereas in linux, that particular feature of PPP negotiation is
not available in pppd. (The address can be supplied to the peer, but not

As my summer project, I implemented this feature into pppd...
It works fine, but I am yet to find a successful way of making use of the
address. At the moment, I just have it printed to the ppp log to prove
that it works. I think I also have it output to the file /tmp/DNS.addr

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
Mulder: Could say the guy was running on empty.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

bash: /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc,

1999-03-25 Thread Pere Camps

In /etc/bashrc, do I put anything else than the 'aliases'?

I've put all the rest in /etc/profile, but if I do a non-login
interactive shell, all the 'exports' don't load so all the rest.

What exactly goes where?


-- p.


1999-03-25 Thread dyer
Anybody using wdm?
I'm having a problem at bootup. wdm starts, but hangs for a full minute
before finally giving me a login screen. I'm not exactly sure how wdm is
dealing with the xserver, or xdm, so I'm kinda stumped.

Heres wdm.log:

xdm error (pid 204): Hung in XOpenDisplay(:0), aborting
xdm error (pid 204): server open failed for :0, giving up
xdm error (pid 196): Display :0 cannot be opened

and xdm.log

xdm error (pid 206): error 98 binding socket address 177

Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 0
   If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
   and start again.

When reporting a problem related to a server crash, please send
the full server output, not just the last messages

xdm error (pid 206): server unexpectedly died
xdm error (pid 206): Server for display :0 can't be started, session disabled

X does start though (eventually)


Re: Staging Areas.

1999-03-25 Thread Mitch Blevins
Michael Beattie wrote:
 On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Mitch Blevins wrote:
  In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
   Can the developers subscribed please tell me/us where the various staging
   areas are? I keep losing the various posts that have the urls (stupid me).
   (i.e. gnome, apt, whatever) And if possible, an apt sources.list line too.
  There is only _one_ (to my knowledge) non-standard location that you
  need to remember now.  That is
  deb unstable main
  This houses all the gnome stuff.  The newest apt is now in potato,
  and gnome-apt is in the staging area above, so this is the only
  location needed.
 Thanks.. thats what I am after..  Oh, what about E 0.15?

E 0.15 debs are also in the above staging area.


1999-03-25 Thread Henrique Esteves Fazzio
As a user of Windows98, I've been having some frequent problems (common
problems) with it. So I thought about changing my os, but what system to
So I found Linux for FREE, a plattaform that is growing in the market 
has many programs that I need, for it. 
I'm planning to have both Linux and Windows in the same computer, Linux
will be more for daily use and Windows to do something or run a program
that doesn't exist for Linux. I will reinstall Windows and Install Linux,
if possible by a CD-ROM. I'm organizing this CD-ROM, so I need some
instructions to organize it. 
Will there be any problems running Windows and Linux? 
By the way, how do I do to see when the computer is starting the option to
start with Windows or Linux.


Henrique Fazzio

6020, HD 6gb, floppy drive, Iomega ZIP DRIVE, DIAMOND Stealph 3D 2000 PRO (
Turbo), Us- Robotics 56K Modem... if there are any drives that are not in
Linux normal installation please let me know

re-entrant functions

1999-03-25 Thread Richard Heller

What package is the re-entrant development stuff in?  I'm trying to
compile something that needs getpwuid_r.  I seem to have getpwuid, but I
don't seem to have the re-entrant version.


Re: resolv.conf

1999-03-25 Thread Charles C. Fu
Shao Zhang([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
 Also, in Windoze, I don't need to put in the dns search
 entries. But in linux,

 I must put them in resolv.conf. Why?

Or in named.conf in /etc.

Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED] responds:
 As my summer project, I implemented [getting the nameserver during
 PPP negotiation] into pppd...  It works fine, but I am yet to find a
 successful way of making use of the address.

A couple of mechanisms leap to mind:

A) modifying /etc/resolv.conf

   This will only work on OSes which do not cache resolv.conf.  Debian
   does not cache resolv.conf, so it should work.

B) modifying /etc/named.conf (or named.boot for systems not running
   BIND 8)

   This will only work on OSes which are running a local nameserver.
   This option should also work under Debian.  As a bonus, Debian
   already rereads named.conf after the link is brought up (if you
   have BIND installed).


Re: mySQL

1999-03-25 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
I am looking for mySQL source. It's not easy for
 me to download it from internet. in fact, I just can
 use email to relate with internet.
   please email a mySQL for linux source to me.
 my email:

Hi Chen,

The address for mysql source is

Usually sources are too big for them to be emailed.
However, I remember that ORA used to provide an ftpmail service for people
who had email access, but no ftp.

Here's how it works:
Send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with no subject and the word
'help' in the body of the message, and you will get full instructions.

Usually, you just put the ftp commands in the body of the email...
for example:


  chdir /debian/dists/stable/non-free/source/devel
  get mysql_3.21.33b.orig.tar.gz

And you will get a uuencoded mail(s) with the desired file.
If you don't know exactly where the file is, you can just use the
dir commands to search, or most sites have an ls-lR file in the root
directory that lists all files contained in the archive.

Hope this helps,

Re: The GNU thing

1999-03-25 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Brian Servis wrote:

 *- On 24 Mar, Jonathan Guthrie wrote about Re: The GNU thing
  I can't get xemacs-20 to suspend with
  CNTRL-Z on my computer so I either have to use multiple virtual terminals
  or do everything under X.
  Do you know what the problem is?
 It is a bug in libgpm that is tickled when xemacs is compiled with gpm
 support.  See bugs 20356, 20398, 22651, 23686.

Indeed it is.  The workaround that I have implemented is I kill gpm before
starting emacs.  I find the text mode mouse to be pretty useless, anyway,
so I'll probably just set it up so that gpm never starts again.
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Re: Problems installing Debian on a 486

1999-03-25 Thread G. Crimp
On Tue, Mar 23, 1999 at 03:03:28PM -0800, Alan Bailward wrote:
  other machine, it brings up the boot: prompt, and then starts to load the
  root FS from root.bin.. After loading for a while it fails with the message
  A20 gate not responding!...
  The problem machine is a 486DX33 with 8MB of RAM, if you need more info
  about the hardware, please let me know.
 Could it be that the kernel on the rescue disk was compiled for 586+?  Could
 that be causing it?  I'm grasping I know, but... :)
 alan, out on a limb.

The A20 line has something to do with working around a bug in memory
addressing that first showed up in 286's I think.  I don't really know much
about it, but on my 486, their is an option in the BIOS to set the line. 
You might try changing this option in the Bios at boot and see if it helps.


Re: bash: /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc,

1999-03-25 Thread Gregory T. Norris
Environment variable definitions and such that should be set for ALL
users should be added to /etc/profile.  Since there's no assurance that
all users will have their logon shell set to bash (unless, of course,
it's your own home system), it's probably wise to stick with traditional
bourne-shell commands, and avoid any commands specific to

On a per-user basis, ~/.bash_profile is where you place commands to be
executed when you invoke a login shell.  Stuff you want for interactive,
non-login shells should be added to ~/.bashrc.  Of course, this set is
specific to the bash shell, and will differ if another shell is

On Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 01:52:41AM +0100, Pere Camps wrote:
   In /etc/bashrc, do I put anything else than the 'aliases'?
   I've put all the rest in /etc/profile, but if I do a non-login
 interactive shell, all the 'exports' don't load so all the rest.
   What exactly goes where?

Re: The GNU thing

1999-03-25 Thread Rick Macdonald
Jonathan Guthrie wrote:
   I can't get xemacs-20 to suspend with
   CNTRL-Z on my computer so I either have to use multiple virtual terminals
   or do everything under X.

You didn't say what it is you need to do when you suspend XEmacs, so
this may not help...

Since you don't like multiple virtual terminals for some reason, have
you considered shell mode _within_ emacs? I assume xemacs has it the
same as emacs. Try M-x shell RET. You get a shell in an emacs buffer
that you can move around in, edit and re-execute commands, all data is
kept in the buffer until you delete the lines you don't want, etc. The
only things that don't work are programs that use the screen like
more, but hey, who needs more within Emacs? dselect won't work, etc.


Re: Problems installing Debian on a 486

1999-03-25 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, G. Crimp wrote:

   The A20 line has something to do with working around a bug in memory
 addressing that first showed up in 286's I think.  I don't really know much
 about it, but on my 486, their is an option in the BIOS to set the line. 
 You might try changing this option in the Bios at boot and see if it helps.

The original 8088 had 20 address lines called A0 through A19.  This
allowed it to directly access 1024k of memory.  (It was split 640k/384k as
RAM/ROM.  It could have been worse, my understanding is that the original
plan was to split it half and half.  Oh, and the 8086 had 19 address lines
called A1 through A19.  I digress.)  Anyway, on the 8086's and 8088's you
could access the bottom 65520 bytes of RAM by setting the segment register
to the very top of RAM and using an offset larger than the amount of RAM
above the start of the segment register.

Anyway, along comes the 80286.  It has, in effect, 24 address lines (A0
through A23) for a total allowed memory of 16,384k.  That broke those
programs that relied upon the memory wrapping around.  Since they all ran
under DOS and since DOS was limited to 1024k, PC manufacturers put a
control in which would not pass the A20 line through to the RAM, which had
the effect of simulating the behavior of the 8086/8.  That's what the A20
gate is about.  You could run some DOS programs with the A20 gate disabled
that you couldn't run with it enabled.

You, of course, want to run a protected-mode operating system, where
relying on tricks like that simply cannot work.  Since many people also
wanted to run protected mode software, (to do things like loadhi and 
with extended memory and suchlike) the mboard manufacturers made that gate

That's the whole story, to the best of my knowledge.
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Re: resolv.conf

1999-03-25 Thread John Hasler
Michael Beattie writes:
 In windows, the DNS server's address can be requested from the peer
 during PPP negotiation, (you dont need to enter DNS address's for most
 ISP's anymore) whereas in linux, that particular feature of PPP
 negotiation is not available in pppd. (The address can be supplied to the
 peer, but not requested).

From the ppp-2.3.6 README:

* Added new option `usepeerdns', thanks to Nick Walker
  [EMAIL PROTECTED].  If the peer supplies DNS addresses, these
  will be written to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf.  The ip-up script can then
  be used to add these addresses to /etc/resolv.conf if desired (see
  the ip-up.local.add and ip-down.local.add files in the scripts

I will be adding support for this feature to pppconfig.

The pppd man page is, as usual, obsolete and so doesn't mention this
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: bash: /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc,

1999-03-25 Thread W. Paul Mills
Pere Camps [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   In /etc/bashrc, do I put anything else than the 'aliases'?
   I've put all the rest in /etc/profile, but if I do a non-login
 interactive shell, all the 'exports' don't load so all the rest.
   What exactly goes where?

Depends on what you want to do. But, /etc/bashrc does not seem
to be a valid filename serched for by bash. From the manual:

   When bash is invoked as an  interactive  login  shell,  it
   first  reads and executes commands from the file /etc/pro­
   file, if that file exists.  After reading  that  file,  it
   looks  for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile,
   in that order, and reads and executes  commands  from  the
   first  one  that  exists and is readable.  The --noprofile
   option may be used when the shell is  started  to  inhibit
   this behavior.

   When a login shell exits, bash reads and executes commands
   from the file ~/.bash_logout, if it exists.

   When an interactive shell that is not  a  login  shell  is
   started,  bash reads and executes commands from ~/.bashrc,
   if that file exists.  This may be inhibited by  using  the
   --norc  option.   The --rcfile file option will force bash
   to  read  and  execute  commands  from  file  instead   of

   When  bash  is  started  non-interactively, to run a shell
   script, for example, it looks for the variable BASH_ENV in
   the  environment,  expands  its value if it appears there,
   and uses the expanded value as the name of a file to  read
   and  execute.   Bash  behaves  as if the following command
   were executed:
  if [ -n $BASH_ENV ]; then . $BASH_ENV; fi
   but the value of the PATH variable is not used  to  search
   for the file name.

/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Network connections weirdness.

1999-03-25 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer

I recently installed (well, 4 months ago anyway) a debian machine (intel)
at work, and had problems connecting to it from outside the building, but
only sometimes (telnet, ftp, ssh, whatever).  I attributed that to
firewall weirdness as there are definately weird things going on on that

A couple of weeks ago, I installed slink on a sparc (on a seperate,
unfirewalled segment) and I'm getting the same problems.  It's this sort
of thing:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[~]$ telnet penguin1
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

and not even after an hour or two does it come back... but it connects,

However, I can telnet to the solaris machines on the same subnet no
problems, ftp, whatever I please.

Does anyone have any ideas?  This is an intermittent problem (Sometimes
network connections work without a hitch).



Re: who's shooting me out (idle = 37 min)

1999-03-25 Thread W. Paul Mills

perhaps /etc/autolog.conf

- -- 
/*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Version: 2.6.3a
Charset: noconv
Comment: Processed by Mailcrypt 3.4, an Emacs/PGP interface


gnome 1.0.x libs

1999-03-25 Thread Micha Feigin
I tried to get the elightenment window manager 0.15, only it needs the
libs for gnome ver 1.0.x (i think its 1.0.2) , among others
libgnome32 1.0.2-1
imlib1 1.9.4-1
libcapplet0 1.9.3-4
I can't seem to find these libs anywhere.
If anyone knows where i may find them, or how to install the sources so
dpkg recognises them (I saw that package guitar under potato needs some
of them, but they didn't appear anywhere in the distribution)
I got some other packges also that need these libs.
also the older versions are now broken because i tried to get the libs
from another source (rpm) so now gnome won't work at all.
Please help

if you can please also answear to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] , because
netscape also gives me a lot of problems due to the missing packages so
i don't know if i'll be able to read the mailing list
Thanx again
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RE: gnome 1.0.x libs

1999-03-25 Thread Alan Bailward
 I tried to get the elightenment window manager 0.15, only it needs the
 libs for gnome ver 1.0.x (i think its 1.0.2) , among others
 libgnome32 1.0.2-1
 imlib1 1.9.4-1
 libcapplet0 1.9.3-4
 I can't seem to find these libs anywhere.
 If anyone knows where i may find them, or how to install the sources so
 dpkg recognises them (I saw that package guitar under potato needs some
 of them, but they didn't appear anywhere in the distribution)
 I got some other packges also that need these libs.
 also the older versions are now broken because i tried to get the libs
 from another source (rpm) so now gnome won't work at all.


I had the same problem a while ago, and was helped by a couple of people on
the list.  Here are the 2 lines from my /etc/apt/sources.list, I don't know
if both are needed, but it seems to work for me(tm). unstable main
deb unstable main

BTW, perhaps send what sucess you have to the list, I've had some problems
with things like the gnome control center and panel applets, and am
interested to see if you are more successful.

Alan Bailward
Conversion, fastidious Goddess, loves blood better than brick, and feasts
most subtly on the human will.
-- Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway

Remote Printing Problems

1999-03-25 Thread wax_man
I'm having problems with my remote printing and am looking for some
more help.  I have got it setup where I can print xemacs, tkrat,
command line, etc.  However, if I try to print from Netscape or Star
Office, nothing ever prints.  I've checked logs on my little print
server, and don't see anything special.

On my main machine that I use, I do have xsftt running.  That is the
only thing I can figure out might be the problem.  If it is, how can I
get it running for X on a remote machine?  

Any other ideas would be appreciated.




  The remote machine is a Cyrix 486Dx4 100 with 24 megs and ~400megs
  hd.  It is slow enough as it is, so I don't want to overly burden it
  down if possible.  It's already the print server (except as noted),
  and dial out server/firewall/ipmasq machine.


1999-03-25 Thread Richard Heller

Is there iconv for Linux?  If not, is there an equivalent?


boot problem

1999-03-25 Thread whbell
Hello all,

I seem to be causing myself problems in my boot somewhere.  Sometime after 
installing a new kernel and before my next reboot. I do something that breaks 
my boot process, (I am not used to uptimes of weeks instead of hours ;-).

I am using slink with lilo for my boot on a dedicated linux, 486, /dev/hda1, 
(no dual boot).  What happens is after running for weeks I will decide I need 
to reboot my system.  Durring the early boot I only get to LIL_ and the system 
hangs.  I then need to boot from a rescue disk and run lilo manually.  
Sometimes this does not even help and I just mess with my /etc/lilo.conf until 
I get a good boot.

I get the following error when running mkboot -installkernel

Checking for LILO...\nYes, but I couldn't find a LILO signature on /dev/hda1
Check your /etc/lilo.conf, or run /sbin/lilo by hand.

When I run /sbin/lilo I get no error, but even then I am not sure I will get a 
good boot.  It seems I need to make some kind of change to lilo.conf and then 
rerun lilo to get a good boot.  Weeks later I start this entire process over...

Here is my /etc/lilo.conf with #remarks removed.
  (default with append=ether... line added).

append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x310,eth1

Could someone give me an idea of what I am doing wrong and/or point me to a FM 
that would help.



Coupla quick questions...

1999-03-25 Thread Gary Singleton
Hello Debian users!  I usually just lurk and learn that
way but I have a few quick questions that I would
appreciate a little info on.

1.)  I somehow managed to delete my /var/log/news
directory and was getting boot errors.  I apparently
fixed it by recreating the directory as root but that
made the /news subdir owned by root:root.  Is this
correct or should it be owned by root:news?

2.)  I noticed in my /var/log/syslog that when
connecting to my ISP I got the message modprobe: can't
locate module char-major-10.  I checked the archives
and dejanews and found some discussion but all I could
garner was to alias it to off in /etc/conf.modules.  I
did it and the message went away but I don't really
understand what I did.

3.)  I think when I recompiled my kernel for sound I
somehow lost what used to be called slhc or slip
header compression - I use PPP so I don't know if I
need it but...

4.)  What does Cannot determine ethernet address for
proxy ARP mean?  I checked the archives/dejanews and
determined that I prolly don't need it so I turned it
off in /etc/ppp/peers/provider but I'd still like to
know what it's for.

5.)  (Last one I swear!)  I noticed in my ppp.log that
my ISP may be trying chap first before pap - I'll post
the relevant parts of the log if necessary but here's
what looks important:

...pppd[174]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq...auth chap 05...
...pppd[174]: sent [LCP ConfRej...
...pppd[174]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq...auth chap 05...
...pppd[174]: send [LCP ConfNak...auth pap
...pppd[174]: rcvd [LCP ConfReq...auth pap

Then it does some more stuff.  Should I change my
config to chap?

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Kernel compile errors

1999-03-25 Thread John Leget
Running potato im coming up against the following with kernel 2.2.4

acct.c: In function `sys_acct':
acct.c:197: too few arguments to function `filp_close'
acct.c:203: too few arguments to function `filp_close'
make[2]: *** [acct.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.4/kernel'
make[1]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.4/kernel'
make: *** [_dir_kernel] Error 2

( kernel downloaded from netgod site )

KBackup and vfat

1999-03-25 Thread Madarasz Karoly

KBackup don't make the incremental backup on my vfat
file system: the selected filelist contain only newly
created files, the modified ones don't.
If I mount them as an msdos file system, the
KBackup works well.
Any, ideas?


Re: Coupla quick questions...

1999-03-25 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 1.)  I somehow managed to delete my /var/log/news
 directory and was getting boot errors.  I apparently
 fixed it by recreating the directory as root but that
 made the /news subdir owned by root:root.  Is this
 correct or should it be owned by root:news?

[promt]$ ls -ld /var/log/news
drwxr-xr-x   2 news news 1024 Sep 12  1998 /var/log/news

Re: Kernel compile errors

1999-03-25 Thread Mitch Blevins
In foo.debian-user, you wrote:
 Running potato im coming up against the following with kernel 2.2.4
 acct.c: In function `sys_acct':
 acct.c:197: too few arguments to function `filp_close'
 acct.c:203: too few arguments to function `filp_close'
 make[2]: *** [acct.o] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.4/kernel'
 make[1]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.4/kernel'
 make: *** [_dir_kernel] Error 2

Well known error.  Either disable BSD-style process accounting,
or apply the patch that you should be able to find on the kernel
mailing list.
(Basically, just add a 'NULL' argument to the 'filp_close' functions
at lines 197 and 203)


Some questions about IP Masquerading

1999-03-25 Thread Mark Phillips
I am currently trying to install IP masquerading at home.  I've been
reading the Mini IP Masquerading HOWTO, and I have some questions
which I am hoping someone can answer.

1. The HOWTO says to add the following lines to /etc/rc.d/rc.local:

  /sbin/depmod -a
  /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
  /sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio

I presume that under debian I actually just add these modules to

2. In my /lib/modules/2.0.36/ipv4 directory I have the following modules:

ip_masq_cuseeme.o  ip_masq_irc.o  ip_masq_raudio.o
ip_masq_ftp.o  ip_masq_quake.oip_masq_vdolive.o

From this I am guessing that by installing these modules, I will be able
to run ftp, irc, quake and real audio applications.  I am guessing vdolive
is short for video live??  And I have no idea about cuseeme??

Why isn't http here --- doesn't it need a module?  What about
rlogin, telnet, ping and pop3 (email)??

3.  What does ipv4 stand for?  Is it specifically masquerading stuff?

4.  The HOWTO says:

  IMPORTANT: IP forwarding is disabled by default since 2.0.34
  kernels, please make sure you enable it by running
 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 

This seems a very strange way to enable something.  Does it need to be
done at boot time, or when?  Why is it done like this?

5.  I'm a little bit hazy about what ipfwadm does and how it does
it.  I imagine as I read further I'll find out, but any enlightening
summaries would be appreciated.



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: VMware again

1999-03-25 Thread Peter Makholm
Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I see from the vmware web page that 64 MB RAM is required.  Does anyone
 know if this is a hard requirement?  I'd like to install the demo on a
 system with 40 MB.

It's a matter of speed.

I've installed Win95 over VMware on my AMD K6 200Mhz with 32 MB
RAM. It works but do a lot of swapping if i set VMware to use more
than 16 MB for the virtual machine.

Nice stuff, but I couldn't install FreeBSD on it. I wonder what went

Peter er den mindst gamle af de gammeldags usenettere, og moderator på
den eneste modererede gruppe i dk.*, so there.
- citat RockBear

Compaq Deskpro 4000 series and text corruption

1999-03-25 Thread Andrew Martin Adrian Cater
Got Debian installed on the machines at work :)

X Windows runs fine: as does command line text mode _provided_
you boot from a rescue disk in single user mode or otherwise prevent 
X Windows from running.

Once X has run: the console is hosed:

scanText appears to overscan as the scan rate is set too high and
you also get m ss ng characters 
and $ prompts in the wrong place

X Server is the old S3V: card is an embedded Compaq S3 Virge/GX

This is _apparently_ a common problem: no one else I know has managed to
get this working.  I want my six VT's back !!

Any clues ??



1999-03-25 Thread Giuseppe Sacco
  I'm looking for a Linux driver for HP OfficeJet Pro 1150C.
  Apparently, magicfilter does not support it.

Well, I have another question about that printer...

Is it possible to use its scanner?


Re: Use apt to form a partial local mirror of Slink -- how?

1999-03-25 Thread Mike Merten
On Wed, Mar 24, 1999 at 11:55:47AM -0600, Mike Merten wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 24, 1999 at 11:12:37PM +1030, Mark Phillips wrote:
  I have installed Slink on my desktop using apt.  It downloaded a whole
  lot of package files to do this (but dselect, I think, has now deleted
  Now I have a laptop which needs to be upgraded to Slink.  It would
  appear that I'm going to have to download all these files again!
  What would be nice is to have the option for apt to build up a partial
  mirror of the Slink distribution (or any version for that matter),
  putting each downloaded file in the correct location in a directory
  tree.  Of course it would only be a partial mirror because it would
  only download those packages which were to be installed.
  The advantage of this is that I could then use this structure to
  install from when upgrading my laptop.  This solution would be better
  than the standard mirror solution because this way, only the files
  needed would be downloaded, saving on disk space and internet
  My guess is that apt doesn't currently have this feature.  Are there
  any plans to add it?
  My second best option is to use nfs to symlink the laptop's
  /var/cache/apt/archives to the desktop's.  This might work --- the
  only problem here is that dselect-apt decides to delete all the files
  in the cache!  How can I turn this off???
 I manually edit the /usr/lib/dpkg/methods/apt/install script so that
 it moves the files to my /pub/debian directory instead of deleting
 them.  After I run install, I fire up the laptop and update it from
 there.  The only problem is, the install script gets overwritten
 after each apt upgrade...  :/

How about that... I started to modify the install script again
after tonite's apt upgrade, and I noticed that it can use a
configuration file.  I created /etc/apt/apt.conf with the 
following line and it stopped deleting the downloaded files:

APT::DSelect::Clean never;

Now I'll have to read the apt.conf man page to see what else
I can play with ;)

Mike Merten
ICQ# 28460680

Re: C question

1999-03-25 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)

 I've got a perl script that checks the permissions and creates
 directories. Now I want to rewrite the script in C. I know nothing
 about checking permissions nor creating directories with C. I don't
 even know if it's possible, so if someone does know how to do this or a
 place that might describe the proceedure I would appreciate the

The first place to look for information is the gnu libc documentation
from the glibcdoc.  If you installed this package and the info package,
just say

info libc

and you will find a very readable and extensive account of things you
need to know for programming C in unix.  For your particular question
you would go to the File System Interface section.  The advantage of
this document is that things are discussed by subject, and not just per
function.  If you read this, you could extend your knowledge by reading
the faq of comp.unix.programmer.  If you read and understood all that,
you could probably go to the comp.unix.programmer newsgroup and start
answering questions there :)


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 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
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Re: VMware again

1999-03-25 Thread homega
Sorry to ask,

what's VMWare?  is it like an emu?  any pointers to info?



Peter Makholm dixit:
 Bob Nielsen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I see from the vmware web page that 64 MB RAM is required.  Does anyone
  know if this is a hard requirement?  I'd like to install the demo on a
  system with 40 MB.
 It's a matter of speed.
 I've installed Win95 over VMware on my AMD K6 200Mhz with 32 MB
 RAM. It works but do a lot of swapping if i set VMware to use more
 than 16 MB for the virtual machine.
 Nice stuff, but I couldn't install FreeBSD on it. I wonder what went

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Re: VMware again

1999-03-25 Thread Peter Makholm

 what's VMWare?  is it like an emu?  any pointers to info?

VMware is a company taht produces a virtual x86 machine running on x86
Linux or (soon to come) x86 WinNT.

It is buy-ware but a beta release is free to public download. for more

Peter er den mindst gamle af de gammeldags usenettere, og moderator på
den eneste modererede gruppe i dk.*, so there.
- citat RockBear

Re: Kernel compile errors

1999-03-25 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Thu, Mar 25, 1999 at 06:22:41PM +1200, John Leget wrote:
 Running potato im coming up against the following with kernel 2.2.4
 acct.c: In function `sys_acct':
 acct.c:197: too few arguments to function `filp_close'
 acct.c:203: too few arguments to function `filp_close'
 make[2]: *** [acct.o] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.4/kernel'
 make[1]: *** [first_rule] Error 2
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.4/kernel'
 make: *** [_dir_kernel] Error 2

Patch for this bug:

--- linux-2.2.4-vanilla/kernel/acct.c.OLD Thu Mar 25 10:50:01 1999
+++ linux-2.2.4-vanilla/kernel/acct.c Wed Mar 24
14:45:45 1999
@@ -194,13 +194,13 @@
if (old_acct) {
-   filp_close(old_acct);
+   filp_close(old_acct,NULL);
return error;
-   filp_close(file);
+   filp_close(file,NULL);
goto out;



Kernel 2.2.4 more compile errors

1999-03-25 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
Linus is on vacation :(

gcc -D__KERNEL__ -I/mnt/hda1/src/linux-2.2.4/linux-2.2.4-vanilla/include -Wall 
-Wstrict-prototypes -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -fno-strength-reduce -m486 
-malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 -malign-functions=2 -DCPU=586 -DMODULE 
/mnt/hda1/src/linux-2.2.4/linux-2.2.4-vanilla/include/linux/modversions.h   -c 
-o cls_fw.o cls_fw.c
cls_fw.c: In function `fw_dump':
cls_fw.c:306: structure has no member named `police'
make[3]: *** [cls_fw.o] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory 
make[2]: *** [_modsubdir_sched] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/hda1/src/linux-2.2.4/linux-2.2.4-vanilla/net'
make[1]: *** [_mod_net] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/hda1/src/linux-2.2.4/linux-2.2.4-vanilla'
make: *** [build] Error 2



1999-03-25 Thread Cuno Sonnemans

i've compiled a new kernel 2.0.36 a while ago
I installed libstdc++2.9 and libstdc++2.9-dev. (for use of KDE)

Now i want to install licq, so far so good.
But licq say's, install your libstdc++ headers.
How can i install them !!
I tried several times, but i can't get it right.



1999-03-25 Thread Alexandre DEVAURE
I have a SB PCI 64 too. I tried to use es1370 support but it didn't work.
I compiled the es1371 support and now the card plays well.
Thanks Ian for that tip.

De :Ian Keith Setford[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date d'envoi :  mardi 23 mars 1999 15:36
A : Tuv- OK!
Objet : Re: SB PCI 64

Have you compiled a new kernel?  When you do, make sure to check [Y]es on
the first option which asks if you would like do add support for
experimental stuff.

Then go to the sound section and select [Y]es for the es1370 support.
That's it.

Hope that helps.


On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Tuv- OK! wrote:

 I tried everything, but nothing worked.
 Who managed to get the PCI64 working with an ALSA driver please tell me
 how to do this.
 I don't know how to edit modules.conf for my SB (ES1370)
 Please Help!
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Multi session on CDs

1999-03-25 Thread Alexandre DEVAURE
I'd like to make multi session on CDs. I use cdrecord et mkisofs and I saw an 
option named multi in cdrecord but I don't see HOWTOs talking about this.
Does somebody do it successfully ?

Alexandre Devaure

1999-03-25 Thread mailing

Upgrading from Hamm to Slink

1999-03-25 Thread Mamoun Alissali

  I'm upgrading from Hamm to Slink, I didn' reboot yet but everything
seems OK
except for a few minor (?) problems:

  - I started upgrading with dselect/ftp then I downloaded apt and am
actually using it. the problem is that I have a few packages left in
/var/cache/apt/archives, though I'm (almost) sure they're already
installed. that makes my disk space full and I can't install anything
Is it save to use dpkg --remove? Or what is going on?

  - I have a custom 2.0.36 kernel supporting aic7xxx, is it safe to
replace it
with the standard new one?

  - dselect is unable to configure jadetex because of TeX complaining
a \ unknown command when trying to compile the format file.

  - I've got my old kernel (costum 2.0.36) on a floppy, could it still
rescue me if 
ever I have troubles rebooting?

  Thanks for your help,



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Re: Documentation suggestion (was Re: Slink upgrade and xwindows)

1999-03-25 Thread Holger Schauer
HM == Hamish Moffatt schrieb am 24 Mar 1999 23:19:54 +0100:

 HM IMHO, the info browser (in emacs or standalone) adds little
 HM functionality over a plain HTML document, except that it is much
 HM less accessible for non-emacs users.

I disagree. What if you don't have lynx installed and _need_ the
documentation ? How do you access KDE-information for example without
a working browser - well, you have to use less/more/cat just as with
info pages.

The main difference is not that info has substantially more to offer
than HTML but that the info pages were there a long time before HTML
hit the scene. There _are_ a lot of people who like using info (me,
for example, as I love the info capabilities of Emacs) and I would be
really annoyed if support for this format would be dropped.

Kuenstliche Intelligenz ist also genau dann moeglich, wenn
 Turing-Maschinen fruehstuecken koennen und nicht gerade Semesterferien
 sind.-- Sven Türpe in

Re: rpm to deb

1999-03-25 Thread Doug Dine
 I thought RedHat had an agreement with Netscape that allows RedHat to
 distribute the software.

 I thought it was included because when Netscape 
 made the software free,the new license allowed Linux distributions to include 
 I think theonly reason it wasn't included in Debian 2.0 was because it was 
 already frozen when the license change went into effect.

Well, I guess I had better go get a new CD then.

Doug Dine


NetZero - We believe in a FREE Internet.  Shouldn't you?
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Idle xwindows disappear

1999-03-25 Thread Fred Perry

On a PC running Debian Linux 2.0, xwindows disappear after being idle for
a certain amount of time.  Anyone have any ideas?  Is there some setting
in a config file that can cause this?  Thanks in advance. 


Fred PerryURL:
Programmer Consultant Tel. (709) 737-4572/4852
Memorial University of Newfoundland   Fax. (709) 737-8739 
Department of Physics and 
Physical Oceanography 
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada  

Re: Idle xwindows disappear

1999-03-25 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 25 Mar, Fred Perry wrote about Idle xwindows disappear
 On a PC running Debian Linux 2.0, xwindows disappear after being idle for
 a certain amount of time.  Anyone have any ideas?  Is there some setting
 in a config file that can cause this?  Thanks in advance. 

Make sure the autologout environment variable is unset.

i.e., unset autologout in your shell startup file.(.cshrc, .tcshrc, etc)

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: resolv.conf

1999-03-25 Thread Michael Beattie
On 24 Mar 1999, John Hasler wrote:

 Michael Beattie writes:
  In windows, the DNS server's address can be requested from the peer
  during PPP negotiation, (you dont need to enter DNS address's for most
  ISP's anymore) whereas in linux, that particular feature of PPP
  negotiation is not available in pppd. (The address can be supplied to the
  peer, but not requested).
 From the ppp-2.3.6 README:
 * Added new option `usepeerdns', thanks to Nick Walker
   [EMAIL PROTECTED].  If the peer supplies DNS addresses, these
   will be written to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf.  The ip-up script can then
   be used to add these addresses to /etc/resolv.conf if desired (see
   the ip-up.local.add and ip-down.local.add files in the scripts

I knew I would be two steps behind the rest of the world with no
satisfactory internet connection at home. Anyway, It was good programming
experience... esp. with macro's... they are rife in ipcp.c :)

 I will be adding support for this feature to pppconfig.
 The pppd man page is, as usual, obsolete and so doesn't mention this


   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
   Drive nail here ( ) to need a new monitor.
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: some doubts

1999-03-25 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, George Bonser wrote:

 I have not been saying anything but I have also noticed random files
 disappearing from one of my systems too, since an upgrade to glibc2.1 and
 damnit, I can't downgrade to 2.0.7 because one of the install scripts
 bitches about a missing file!

I touched some empty files for this, too!

I think that such behavior shouldn't be a feature. If some essential file
is missing, the installation program should, at least, warn the
administrator. This happened when, for example, installing a new version
of login. My login.{defs,access} were rm'ed (a mistake) and the new
installed package didn't supply new copies of these files. This is bad!
Even after a installation, I stay with a broken system and nobody warn me.

Is this a case for a bug report?

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: Problems installing Debian on a 486

1999-03-25 Thread Kenneth Scharf
There is one more thing.
On 286's and above when in real mode, if the segment register is set to
0x then the address's above 0x will overflow into address bit
a20 giving access to an additional 65k(-16 bytes) of memory in real
mode.  This was known as 'hi-mem' access and dos 4.0 and above used this
trick. (meant turning that a20 gate on to allow a20 through).
Amateur Radio, when all else fails!

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Re: wdm

1999-03-25 Thread shaleh
 Anybody using wdm?
 I'm having a problem at bootup. wdm starts, but hangs for a full minute
 before finally giving me a login screen. I'm not exactly sure how wdm is
 dealing with the xserver, or xdm, so I'm kinda stumped.

ummm, wdm replaces xdm I thought.  So try using one or the other.

Diald and PPP

1999-03-25 Thread Felipe Alvarez Harnecker
Hi, Which is the debian way to configure diald an ppp?

Im trying to use my current /etc/ppp/peers/foo scripts with pon foo
but it doesn't work. It will be great if one can re-use those scripts.

Please Help.

Felipe Alvarez.

Re: wdm

1999-03-25 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Wed, Mar 24, 1999 at 08:09:17PM -0500, dyer wrote:

 Anybody using wdm?
 I'm having a problem at bootup. wdm starts, but hangs for a full minute
 before finally giving me a login screen. I'm not exactly sure how wdm is
 dealing with the xserver, or xdm, so I'm kinda stumped.

looks like you have both xdm and wdm installed and running in the same run
level.  Remove one of them.  xdm probably.


[PPP] Mulitple userids at one ISP

1999-03-25 Thread Jor-el

It seems to me that the current PPP initiation scripts do not
allow one to maintain multiple accounts at one ISP for different users on
the same dial-out machine. The only way I can think of doing it right now
is to fake it by creating a separate 'provider' for each user even though
the provider is the same.

Is there another, cleaner way of doing what I need to? If there
isnt, I feel irritated enough about this to put in some code to get this
working the way I want. Please advise.


Re: [PPP] Mulitple userids at one ISP

1999-03-25 Thread Peter Iannarelli

Why not try creating separate PPP setups under separate shell accounts.


Jor-el wrote:


 It seems to me that the current PPP initiation scripts do not
 allow one to maintain multiple accounts at one ISP for different users on
 the same dial-out machine. The only way I can think of doing it right now
 is to fake it by creating a separate 'provider' for each user even though
 the provider is the same.

 Is there another, cleaner way of doing what I need to? If there
 isnt, I feel irritated enough about this to put in some code to get this
 working the way I want. Please advise.


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Help with cdwriting

1999-03-25 Thread Brian Schramm
I have desided to go back to Debian for my Linux needs.  I am now installing a
Debian 2.1 box with a HP cd writer drive in it.  This is going to be the main
purpose of this box.

I know under redhat I used /dev/sgc for the device to access the drive.  I am
assuming I use the /dev/sg0-9 driver for Debian.  I have the sg drivers loaded
in the kernel and I see them in the /dev directory but when I run the cdrecord
program against any of them, it comes back saying that it cannot find the drive.

I also thought that I would try xcdroast.  It sees the drive but does not see
any driver file listed for it.  I also cannot get past the configuration screen
on the program although, that may be my problem since I have never used that
program before.

Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Brian Schramm

Problems installing Staroffice

1999-03-25 Thread Mamoun Alissali
  Hello again,

  I sent a mail earlier about upgrading from Hamm to Slink, some of the
problems are now solved (dselect removed the installed packages, the new
kernel is OK, etc.), but I have new problems. When I try to install
Starffice I get the following message:

can't find the StarOffice archives in /tmp.  Did you place them
in a different directory?  Please give me another directory.

giving the apt archive doesn't work. Any idea or do I have to mail the
package maintainer?

  Also Xfree treats my backspace key as 'erase', I can probably
change that with xmodmap but it doesn't seem like a 'clean' solution to
Does anyone know where this comes from and how to do (I have a French
keyboard and the appropriate XF86Config).


LIUM   Tel: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 47
UNIVERSITE DU MAINEFax: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 68
Avenue Olivier MessiaenE-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Oups ! (followup to my previous mail)

1999-03-25 Thread Mamoun Alissali
please forget the part in my previous mail about Staroffice, I just
hat the package is just the installer, sorry !

LIUM   Tel: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 47
UNIVERSITE DU MAINEFax: (33-2) -02-43 83 38 68
Avenue Olivier MessiaenE-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

ntfs package

1999-03-25 Thread Richard Vanek

 I installed ntfs at Debian 2.1 and mount doesn't understand -t ntfs option. 
Could you please help me how I can mount ntfs partition ?


  Richard Vanek

Re: slackware 4.0

1999-03-25 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Wed, Mar 24, 1999 at 12:32:03PM -0800, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 So will a slackware with the 2.2 kernel and glibc2.1 beat debian and

Yes, in terms of unstability for sure.

If it would be as easy as getting glibc 2.1 from cvs and the kernel from and recompiling the software, it would still take some time
(recompiling 1500 packages for glibc needs a few days), but we would still
beat everyone.

Alas, we also want the software to be fully functional.

If you need/want bleeding edge, Debian unstable is *always* released :)

running Debian GNU/Linux AND Kernel 2.2 AND glibc 2.1 

`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: The GNU thing

1999-03-25 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
On Wed, Mar 24, 1999 at 06:51:49AM -0600, Jonathan Guthrie wrote:
 On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, David B. Teague wrote:
   The importance of compilers was one reason I chose to license Linux
   under the GNU Public License (GPL). The GPL was the license for the
   GCC compiler. I think that all the other projects from the GNU group
   are for Linux insignificant in comparison.
 I think this statement is absolute truth.  Linux wouldn't exist without
 GCC, but it certainly could without textutils or shellutils and suchlike.

interesting opinion. Maybe you never tried to dpkg --purge --force-depends
--force-essential those packages.

Sure, you may miss boring things like cat, echo, date for a few days
(after you got used to it), well, after you managed to log in your broken
system. The boot scripts won't run at all without bash and those tools... 

Sure, make is irrelevant. We can use any broken make from other systems
(are there other make's?), except for some programs which require GNU make.
You won't be able to compile in a sub directory, though, using VPATH. This
may prevent compilation of quite some Debian packages. but, without the
above tools, you won't be able to compile them anyway.

Personally, I'd miss perl a lot. Too bad that its configure script checks
for cat and alike.

I have heard that BSD has replaced some of the tools. Maybe it would be
possible to port them to linux.

But then, some sort of textutils you need. In this regard, I find Linus'
comment utterly bullshit and closed-minded. OTOH, I would not hesitate to
call Linux insignificant, compared with the GNU projects.

readying his flame-proof suite.

`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann  GNU
[EMAIL PROTECTED]for public  PGP Key   PGP Key ID 36E7CD09

Re: ntfs package

1999-03-25 Thread Ian Keith Setford

Do you have ntfs support compiled into your kernel?  The support is
experimental I believe and that is for the read-only.  I understand the
read-write ability to be considered unsafe to use.  I have had no problems
with the read-only stuff working though.



On Thu, 25 Mar 1999, Richard Vanek wrote:
  I installed ntfs at Debian 2.1 and mount doesn't understand -t ntfs option. 
 Could you please help me how I can mount ntfs partition ?


PGP = F2 92 50 E3 CD D7 A2 D9  C4 CE 08 A6 98 E0 0F 58

Re: Xfree and Frame Buffer

1999-03-25 Thread Nicolas PROCHAZKA

On Wed, 24 Mar 1999, Sarel Botha wrote:

  I'm using XF86_FBDev as X11 Server for frame Buffer system. My problem is
  that I don't succeed to configure any mode in 16,24, or 32 bits, can
  anybody help me ?
 did you try `startx -bpp 16` ?
When using frame buffer under X with XF86_FBDev , I don't uses XF86Config
modes, I'm just use /etc/fb.modes as :
mode test
geometry 1024 768 1024 768 16
timings  12500 208 8 36 16 120 3

so can anybody help me ?

 Sarel Botha
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: C question

1999-03-25 Thread David Wright
Quoting richard ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I've got a perl script that checks the permissions and creates directories. 
 Now I want to rewrite
 the script in C. I know nothing about checking permissions nor creating 
 directories with C. I 
 don't even know if it's possible, so if someone does know how to do this or a 
 place that might
 describe the proceedure I would appreciate the assistance.

man 2 foo is your friend. If Perl can do it, then so can C. After all,
in this area Perl is no more than a wrapper to the underlying C functions,
though you will have to be more careful with the precise types of the
arguments, which is where languages like perl and python make it so easy.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: The GNU thing

1999-03-25 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Thu, 25 Mar 1999, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

  I think this statement is absolute truth.  Linux wouldn't exist without
  GCC, but it certainly could without textutils or shellutils and suchlike.
 interesting opinion. Maybe you never tried to dpkg --purge --force-depends
 --force-essential those packages.

So  you're saying that the FSF is the only possible source of things like
ls, rm, mv, etc?  And here I thought that the BSD folks had written their
own.  Gosh, the responsibility of being the only folks on the face of the
earth who are CAPABLE of producing a make or a sed must be absolutely
awesome!  Where do I go to bow down to their feet?

My point is not that nobody uses those systems, but that anyone with even
marginal skill can write those programs.  GCC is harder to replace.

 But then, some sort of textutils you need. In this regard, I find Linus'
 comment utterly bullshit and closed-minded. OTOH, I would not hesitate to
 call Linux insignificant, compared with the GNU projects.

Reminds me of the joke:
Q:  What's the difference between Linux and GNU?
A:  Linux has a kernel that boots.

While that isn't strictly true any more, it was true for a long time.  It
is still true, if you aren't willing to run beta code.  If the FSF is
full of such SH programmers, why couldn't they cobble together something
in a couple of months?  I did it years ago.

(The answer, of course, is that they don't know how to write the essential
stuff first and let the rest just happen.  That's how Linus got so far
ahead without a dedicated following or taxpayer support.)

One more thing:  You talk about missing perl because it depends upon cat.  
If you are unable to write a cat (it's about 20 lines of C, fer
crissake!) or an ls or an rm then you don't deserve an opinion about whose
work in necessary and whose isn't.
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Re: boot problem

1999-03-25 Thread whbell

 append=ether=10,0x300,eth0 ether=11,0x310,eth1
 I would remove the compact option. I never got a kernel to boot with that
 option enabled. Also, try running fsck with the option to check for
 I have a question for you. If this is a linux-only machine, why do you have
 a 20 second delay for the lili prompt?
 Avi Shevin

I will try both removing the compact and running fsck.  The 20 second delay is 
really only 20 tenths of seconds, (2 seconds).  I have left the 2 second delay 
in because this is in the default lilo.conf installed with lilo. I also have 
left it in because it lets my screen turn on so I can see all the boot 

Another observation I have made that I do not understand.  I can change the 
boot= option from /dev/hda1 to /dev/hda, rerun lilo and fix my problem until 
the next boot fail.  Then I return the option to boot=/dev/hda1, run lilo and 
my problem is fixed again.  Simply running lilo but not making this change does 
not fix the problem??

Loading OSS drivers at boot

1999-03-25 Thread Christian Dysthe

I want to load OSS at boot. I have the commercial version, and no sound support
is compiled into my kernel (2.2.1) as the OSS documentations says.

The OSS drivers has to be loaded by root, and I want them loaded at boot time.
What I did was to copy the soundon script into the /etc/rc.boot directory,
and the driver is loaded and works fine. However, I get the following message
when booting after the OSS driver is loaded:

cat uses obsolete /proc/pci interface

Why do I get this message when I load the OSS driver at boot, and not when
loading it as a command from root? Is there another way to load it at boot? I
am really unsure about the Debian stratup scripts, and the OSS documentation
doesn't tell how to load the driver at boot time under Debian.

Btw, I am running slink.

Can anyone help? 


Christian Dysthe
Date: 25-Mar-99
Time: 10:00:03
This message was sent by XFmail
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

RE: Loading OSS drivers at boot

1999-03-25 Thread Pollywog

On 25-Mar-99 Christian Dysthe wrote:
 Why do I get this message when I load the OSS driver at boot, and not when
 loading it as a command from root? Is there another way to load it at boot?
 am really unsure about the Debian stratup scripts, and the OSS documentation
 doesn't tell how to load the driver at boot time under Debian.
 Btw, I am running slink.

I am using Hamm, and I am not sure this is the right way, but it works for me.
I put:

# oss-linux sound on

in my /etc/init.d/local file and then I ran: 
# cd /etc/init.d
# update-rc.d local defaults

It works for me.


 I want to load OSS at boot. I have the commercial version, and no sound
 is compiled into my kernel (2.2.1) as the OSS documentations says.
 The OSS drivers has to be loaded by root, and I want them loaded at boot
 What I did was to copy the soundon script into the /etc/rc.boot directory,
 and the driver is loaded and works fine. However, I get the following
 when booting after the OSS driver is loaded:
 cat uses obsolete /proc/pci interface

 Can anyone help? 
 Christian Dysthe
 Date: 25-Mar-99
 Time: 10:00:03
 This message was sent by XFmail
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[PGP5.0 KeyID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: Help with cdwriting

1999-03-25 Thread Dale E. Martin
Brian Schramm [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have desided to go back to Debian for my Linux needs.  I am now installing a
 Debian 2.1 box with a HP cd writer drive in it.  This is going to be the main
 purpose of this box.
 I know under redhat I used /dev/sgc for the device to access the drive.  I am
 assuming I use the /dev/sg0-9 driver for Debian.  I have the sg drivers loaded
 in the kernel and I see them in the /dev directory but when I run the cdrecord
 program against any of them, it comes back saying that it cannot find the 

Here's how I burn CD's with Debian 2.1 on an HP 6020:
cat index | xargs cdrecord -v speed=2 -audio dev=4,0

The dev line is dev=scsi_id, lun, I believe.  You can look for your
drive with:
cdrecord dev=4,0 -checkdrive

Don't let the -audio throw you - it works the same for data.

I don't know if there's a way to use the sg devices or not with the
current cdrecord - I've always done it this way.

+- pgp key available --+
| Dale E. Martin |  Clifton Labs, Inc.  |  Senior Computer Engineer|

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