sobre la relase del 2.1

1999-04-04 Thread Alvaro Alea

hace poco, lei un mail donde comentaba que los cambios entre relases de debian
venian indicados en un fichero Changelog , asi que mosqueado, ( me acabo de 
bajar las cuatro imagenes de CD de un mirror ) conecto y miro el fichero.

El cambio es uno, y lo que yo quisiera saber es si se saco la relase solo por
el cambio de un paquete ( aunque ya se que es un paquete masomenos importante
con respecto a la seguridad y en eso debian pone mucho empeño ), nose, me 
parecio raro. ( da demasiado trabajo para mi gusto por un solo fichero ).  

Aparte de eso, en los CD viene directorios del contrib ¿Es el contrib entero? o
solo algunos paquetes?

La otra cuestion es ¿exactamente que es o para que vale el directorio de 

Gracias por el interes.

File not found A(bort), F(ail), C(ongratulate)?

of  __ _| |___ __ _  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  LiNUX
Saludos/ _` | / -_) _` |  USER
de \__,_|_\___\__,_|   ICQ#17770744  #66734

Re: smail 3.2

1999-04-04 Thread Juanjo Martinez
El Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 01:18:39AM +0200, Juanjo Martinez escribió:
 Hola a todos/as:
 Veamos si llega mi primer correo a la lista con mutt.
 Bueno lo que quiero comentaros es que smail se empeña en mandar el correo
 cada 20 minutos, pero lo que yo quiero es que lo encole hasta que hasta que
 haga runq, para lo cual he cambiado el valor de la variable FLAGS del
 /etc/init.d/smail, que estaba como -bd -q10m por -bd -q1w, pero no he
 conseguido nada, sigue haciéndolo cada 20 minutos, lo cual no me cuadraba
 antes ni ahora tampoco. ¿Cómo puedo solucionar esto?
Vaya, pues creo que he encontrado al 'culpable', pero no estoy seguro de
como solucionarlo. En /var/spool/crontabs/mail hay una linea tal que:

3,23,43 *   * * *   runq

en fin, que esta claro, pero ese fichero advierte que no se edite a mano sino
que se edite el 'master' y se reinstale... :-?... pero que se reinstale ¿el
que? ¿smail? No lo entiendo.

Gracias de nuevo.


   Juanjo Martinez  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 [Por favor quita 'NOSPAM' para responder]
 [Please remove 'NOSPAM' to reply]
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 [2.0.34]Linux Registered User #68887

Network unreachable

1999-04-04 Thread Ricardo Villalba
Tengo la debian 2.0 y el kernel 2.2.1 y actualicé todos los paquetes
El kernel por ahora va bien, pero el otro día arranqué con el kernel 2.0.36
y resulta que cuando entro en el slrn me sale Network unreachable.
Intento con el telnet comprobar si se puede conectar a algún puerto, y
resulta que el telnet ¡me ha desaparecido!

Además tampoco me va el sonido.

¿Es que la nueva versión de los modutils no es compatible con los anteriores

Ricardo Villalba

problema con perl, creo

1999-04-04 Thread Hilario Ortigosa Monteoliva
cuando ejecuto muchos 'programillas' en plan configuracion (el adduser es uno 
de ellos), me sale siempre 
este mensaje de error:

perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LC_CTYPE = ISO_8859_1,

¨ A que se debe y como puedo solucionarlo ? :?

/The SoNiC RaVeR!   |   ICQ: 24460640  |  2:348/105.1980/

Re: Quitar xdm del arranque

1999-04-04 Thread Ing. Ramon Solano Barajas
La forma mas directa es cambiar el nivel de ejecucion del Sistema. Los
diferentes niveles los puedes encontrar listados en el /etc/inittab; por
lo que veo debes estar en el nivel 5 (X11), y para lo que necesitas
deberas cambiarte al nivel 3 (modo multiusuario sin X11 automatico). Para
hacer esto, ejecuta el comando init 3 desde el root.


Ing. Ramón Solano Barajas   | Universidad de Colima
Laboratorio de Percepción Remota| Aptdo. Postal # 44
Centro Universitario de Investigaciones | Tel. (331) 3 1165
en Ciencias del Ambiente| Fax  (331) 3 0709
correo-e. : [EMAIL PROTECTED]   | Colima, Col. México

On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, Francisco Callejo wrote:

 On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 10:43:50AM +, Ubaldo Fernández Covelo wrote:
  He instalado Debian 2.1 y todo bien. Ejecuté xdm para probar y desde
  entonces el sistema me arranca en modo gráfico. 
  Quiero arrancar en modo texto y pasar a la X cuando lo necesite nada más.
  ¿Cómo quito el xdm del arranque? He visto el /etc/profile y ahí no está,
  los rc.?? los tengo iguales que otra instalación que arranca en modo texto.
  Una ayuda por favor.
 En Debian 2.1, si instalas xdm arranca siempre con éste.  Si no lo
 quieres, tienes dos opciones:
 a) Eliminar el paquete con dpkg --remove o dpkg --purge.
 b) Borrar el enlace S99xdm del directorio /etc/rc2.d (en Debian, el
 nivel de arranque suele ser el 2). De este modo, arrancará normalmente
 en modo texto.  Si quieres que arranque con xdm, al arrancar escribe
 linux 3 cuando aparezca LILO boot:
 Un saludo,
 Francisco Callejo Giménez
 Bornos, Cádiz, España
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

hellllpppppp 2

1999-04-04 Thread Alfredo Goñi

bueno hola a todos una vez mas, gracias a los que me 
explicaron como funciona esto y unas preguntatitas mas..

consegui en una revista un redhat, ya se que esta es la lista 
de otra distribucion pero, luego de instalarlo se puede actualizar al 
debian??? donde puedo conseguir copias en ARGENTINA

respecto al hardware?
tengo una placa de audio trident, una de vireo trident no se 
que 2000, una copatible 200 mmx, un modem US robottcs, y una lectora de cd 
Todo esto es compatible??

y la ultimala mas jodida

Quien me puede decir donde conseguir partition magic 

y todavia no discuto cosas tecnicas jodidas como Uds. AHI SI 

espero respuestas ansioso

alfredo goñi

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread Bob Nielsen
On 3 Apr 1999, Stefan Nobis wrote:

 I get from time to time mails from friends and even from people i
 don't know with attachments some times greater than 1MB. And i'm
 always very angry about it, cause i do pay for my telphone connection
 (4 minutes costs me 12 german Pfennige, about 0,07US$). And none of
 these persons asked me, if i'm interested in the picture, large text,
 animation or the like. And never asked i someone of these to send me
 that thing.
 I talked to much other users and i often get excatly that complaint.
 And this has nothing to do with mailinglists.
 But if you are so happy about big emails, what about sending you the
 X11 sources? Without asking you about sending it. Will you be happy
 about that?
 The question is: What is big and what is too big? Everybody i can
 think of will get angry if i send him/her the X11 sources without
 being asked to do so. So X11 sources are clearly too big. What about a 
 50MB animation? What about a 5MB picture? What about a 100KB text?
 Do you get the point? To send emails bigger than about 40-80KB without 
 being asked to do so and without asking the recipient is not very nice 
 and i would call it an offence.

Even though I have flat-rate telephone service, I also get upset with
large emails.  Since I use POP3 to retrieve my mail from my ISP, I found
that using the limit parameter in my .fetchmailrc is a good way to keep
those which are ridiculously long from being fetched.  When I see that
some have been kept back because of this I telnet into the ISP and check
the mail in question.  If I want it, I save the message into a file and
ftp it; otherwise I delete the message.  I have found this method quite
useful.  A few times I have gone over the ISP's quota on disk usage, but
so far I haven't incurred any charges.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 10:43:00AM +0200, Stefan Nobis wrote:
 But if you are so happy about big emails, what about sending you the
 X11 sources? Without asking you about sending it. Will you be happy
 about that?

If it is solicited, just fine.

What is your point? I never claimed unsolicited attachments were
acceptable, only that solicited ones of any size should work.

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Newbie question on dselect

1999-04-04 Thread Rick Tan

I just successfully installed slink 2.1 on a sparc machine.  When I attempted
to use dselect to install some other packages off the net, I ran into the
following problem.

Get stable/contrib Packages
Get stable/non-US Packages
Error stable/contrib Packages
 Couldn't lookup host
Error stable/non-US Packages
 Couldn't lookup host 
update available list script returned error exit status 1
Press RETURN to continue.

I believe the errors in the above has to do with the fact that the machine
is behind a firewall.  How do set the proxy server information in the
system.  What program or tool is available for this?

Thanks in advance.


Re: vi in Debian (slink)

1999-04-04 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 06:18:57PM -, Pollywog wrote:
 vi is acting weird, and I just discovered that vi on my system is not really
 vim.  Isn't vi really just a symlink to vim on most systems?
 vim works well, but vi is weird.  It acts buggy. 

vi could be nvi, elvis, or vim, or another VI if we had one.

I use nvi here and I've never found it to be buggy. Most likely you're
used to the way vim does things. nvi is much more authentic. I've never
seen an advantage to using vim personally.

Hamish Moffatt VK3TYD. 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: GNOME query

1999-04-04 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 HM == Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

HM Query: how do I start it? I ran panel and got a nice panel.

I have a /usr7doc/gnome dir with some info. README.Debian says:

My .xsession file looks something like this:

xsetroot -solid slategrey 
xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults
exec /usr/bin/gnome-session

HM Hamish (diehard fvwm2 user)

You can continue useing it. See for my fvwm2
desktop using gnome.

Although I am not using gnome all the time. I noticed that moving
between virtual desks (something I do quite often and fast) takes more 
time than without the panel running. Especially, if there are several
overlapping windows.


Re: Newbie question on dselect

1999-04-04 Thread Adam Di Carlo
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Tan) writes:

 I just successfully installed slink 2.1 on a sparc machine.  When I attempted
 to use dselect to install some other packages off the net, I ran into the
 following problem.
 Get stable/contrib Packages
 Get stable/non-US Packages
 Error stable/contrib Packages
  Couldn't lookup host
 Error stable/non-US Packages
  Couldn't lookup host 

 I believe the errors in the above has to do with the fact that the machine
 is behind a firewall.  

Um, no, the errors are because it can't resolve the host names.  You
have to have a working DNS configuration (man resolv.conf).
Alternatively, try IP numbers but I'm not sure if that will work or

 How do set the proxy server information in the
 system.  What program or tool is available for this?

Well, this depends on your backend.  I deduce you are using apt.  In
that case, set the 'http_proxy' variable.  I do:

export http_proxy=http://burrito:3128/


Help with /etc/printcap

1999-04-04 Thread wax_man
I'm having problems getting my remote printing to work when I use true
type fonts.  When i was on the #debian irc channel, someone suggested
that I process the print job to raw printer data, and then send it to
the printer.  However, I have no idea how to do this.  Could someone
please help me setup the proper printcap file to do this?




Here is my current /etc/printcap which is working fone for all other

lp|hpdj672c|HP Deskjet 672C:\

Re: lossless partitioning

1999-04-04 Thread Carl Wiebe
I believe FIPS works very well with lossless partitioning. I'm very much a
newbie (is that close to dumb end-user?) but I was able to partition a
hard drive for Linux and swap without losing my DOS partition.
Carl Wiebe

Re: GNOME query

1999-04-04 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 3 Apr 1999 09:07:49 -0800 (PST), Gary Singleton wrote:

Does icewm-gnome offer anything that icewm doesn't?  I like icewm primarily
for it's simplicity and apparent low resource usage.  Is the gnome version
just built using the gnome libraries? 

Exactly.  There really isn't much change at all.  I run icewm on my
laptop and icewm-gnome on my main machine.  No real difference in look or

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: GNOME query

1999-04-04 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 3 Apr 1999 13:00:30 -0500 (EST), William R Pentney wrote:

I just installed GNOME and use it with fvwm2, and it seems to work nicely,
but I haven't tried it with others yet. Am I missing out on anything? Is
this a particularly bad choice?

Well, AFAIK fvwm2 isn't compiled for use with Gnome.  It would be like
installing KDE and not using KWM.  It'll work, just not with all the bells
and whistles.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: fs type iso9660 not supported by kernel

1999-04-04 Thread Marlon Urias
I had the same problem. I couldn't get a viable solutions so the way I
solved the problem (I cheated):
I remembered that I had a RedHat installation on another patition.
I mounted that partition, copied the isofs.o file into my debian
partition into /lib/modules/version/fs (or something like that)
edited modules.dep and ran modprobe isofs.
That's it. Deselect could load the cd's just fine. If you aren't
as fortunate to have another linux partition to get the file put it
on a floppy and load it during your install. Just an idea. Good luck!

On Sat, 3 Apr 1999, Johann Spies wrote:

 I am trying to install hamm and get this message from dselect or when I
 want to mount the cdrom.  I did install a cdrom as a device and did not
 see iso9660 as an option amongst the filesystems during the installation
 Can somebody help me please?
 It is not the first time I install Linux from this CD, but it is the first
 time I get this error.
 | Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
 | Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310   Suid-Afrika (South 
 Africa)  |
  No temptation has seized you except what is common to 
   man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be  
   tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are  
   tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you  
   can stand up under it.I Corinthians 10:13  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: lossless partitioning

1999-04-04 Thread James Mastros
On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 09:17:09PM -0600, Carl Wiebe wrote:
 I believe FIPS works very well with lossless partitioning. I'm very much a
 newbie (is that close to dumb end-user?) but I was able to partition a
 hard drive for Linux and swap without losing my DOS partition.
I've used it on multiple ocasions, including ones with stupid dos extenders
(which wouldn't run linux of the era, however), and fat32 partitions without
any problems.  However, it claims to be not completly safe.  OTOH, I've
never heard tail of it dieing.  Use your own judgement.

-=- James Mastros

Re: GNOME query

1999-04-04 Thread James Mastros
On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 07:30:53PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
 On Sat, 3 Apr 1999 13:00:30 -0500 (EST), William R Pentney wrote:
 Well, AFAIK fvwm2 isn't compiled for use with Gnome.  It would be like
 installing KDE and not using KWM.  It'll work, just not with all the bells
 and whistles.
In puticular, notably:
1) Things will maximize over the panel.
2) Things won't appear in the gnome-pager applet (taskbar like).
3) Things will get icons (assuming that fvwm2 uses icons, I wouldn't know)
   even if you use gnome-pager.
-=- James Mastros

Re: SB 128 PCI w/2.1 kernel

1999-04-04 Thread Randy Edwards
 Somthing tells me that perhaps you don't have soundcore?  (What, I couldn't
 say, as I don't have the kernel sources about.)  Do you have a /proc/sound?

   Hmm, I'm not sure what a soundcore is.  But I do not have a /proc/sound.

 Regards,  | REDMOND, WA (API) --- MICROSOFT (MSFT) announced today
 . | the the official release date for the new operating
 Randy | system Windows 2000 will be delayed until the second
   | quarter of 1901 due to year 2000 problems.

Re: netscape ignore's clicks

1999-04-04 Thread Sean
That usually happens when a page is 'busy' (or has hanged, or is dowloading 
etc).  I've noticed that the problem is much worse with 4.51 than 4.08.  I also 
that 4.08 is more stable than 4.51, and it isn't quite as bad with hogging 
It seems to me that 4.51 has a pretty sever memory leak, as it will continue to
consume memory on my machine (the most I've seen it eat is 87MB !), and 
not let ANY of it go until the whole process is terminated.  With 4.08 the 
isn't as bad.  It seems to ramp up to 30-50MB pretty quick, but doesn't seem to 
above that, and will even occasionally release some of it.


John Leget wrote:

 Dang , id hoped this problem would dissapear, guess not.

 Netscape v4.51 ( 4.5 prior) on 2.2.5 , potato, windowmaker

 I occasionally find that netscape gets 'testy' and refuses to do
 anything about my clicking on links exept mark them as followed, it wont
 go anywhere unless i select to open the link in a new window. Gr.

 Sheesh its also a memory hog for sure. :)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Compassion -- that's the one things no machine ever had.  Maybe it's
the one thing that keeps men ahead of them.
-- McCoy, The Ultimate Computer, stardate 4731.3

Re: GNOME query

1999-04-04 Thread Rick Macdonald
On 4 Apr 1999, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

 My .xsession file looks something like this:
 xsetroot -solid slategrey 
 xrdb -load $HOME/.Xdefaults
 exec /usr/bin/gnome-session

Is there anything in gnome besides the gnome pager that doesn't work with
the (non gnome-compliant) fvwm2 window manager?

I saw a link to fvwm2gnome on the site, but the link didn't
work. Is there such a project?


Re: SB 128 PCI w/2.1 kernel

1999-04-04 Thread James Mastros
On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 11:43:41PM -0500, Randy Edwards wrote:
  Somthing tells me that perhaps you don't have soundcore?  (What, I couldn't
  say, as I don't have the kernel sources about.)  Do you have a /proc/sound?
Hmm, I'm not sure what a soundcore is.  But I do not have a /proc/sound.

That suguests to me that somthing is deeply wrong with sound.
What kernel is this, exactly (if it really is a 2.1, you should probably
upgrade)?  Are you using compiled-in drivers, or modules?  Does your .config
file have a line that says CONFIG_SOUND=m (or 'y', as approprate)?

-=- James Mastros

Re: Help Installing Linux

1999-04-04 Thread Kent West
Andrei Ivanov wrote:
 As a wild guess, how do you enter the path where your linux kernel image
 is? Hope it's not C:\Debian or whatever like that.
 You have to use block devices, such as /dev/hda(b,c,d)
 You can get information on partitioning from fdisk. For example, if C is
 /dev/hda1, then your C:\Debian becomes
  Andrei S. Ivanov
  UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.

I believe he's using the install.bat file that has a line like
loadlin linux /dev/ram initrd=root.bin. Bala, is this correct?

Make sure you're not at the C:\ prompt and entering C:\Debian\Install;
you need to actually be in the C:\debian directory. Also, try entering
the line manually instead of running install.bat.

Also, I've seen something similar to this when trying to run install.bat
after exitting Win95 with the Start/Shutdown/Restart in MS-DOS Mode
option. Try rebooting the PC and when you see Starting Windows 95,
press the F8 key and then select Safe Mode Command Prompt Only. Then
switch to the C:\Debian directory and run install.bat.

Re: Newbie question on dselect

1999-04-04 Thread Pollywog

On 04-Apr-99 Adam Di Carlo wrote:
 Um, no, the errors are because it can't resolve the host names.  You
 have to have a working DNS configuration (man resolv.conf).
 Alternatively, try IP numbers but I'm not sure if that will work or
 How do set the proxy server information in the
 system.  What program or tool is available for this?
 Well, this depends on your backend.  I deduce you are using apt.  In
 that case, set the 'http_proxy' variable.  I do:
 export http_proxy=http://burrito:3128/

Can I use any other port for this?  Squid is using port 3128 here.


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: RedHat = MS-Linux

1999-04-04 Thread Ed Cogburn
John Hasler wrote:
 Ed Cogburn writes:
  For the issue of a software package that needs to get a daemon running at
  bootup, I don't think the problem is trivial.  The layout and use of the
  /etc/init.d and /etc/rc*.d dirs is (I've read) far from compatible
  between RH and Deb.
 How about an install-rc tool?  It would be essentially a generalization of
 update-rc.d.  You would pass it a script and some parameters and it would
 install the script appropriately for the distribution.

A)  I'll remind everyone that, as I said earlier, I have no
recent experience with RH, specifically no understanding of RH's
bootup (init) sequence, and how it differs from Deb's init.d/rc*.d
setup.  Having said that ...

If agreeing to a compromise between RH and Deb and other dists is
possible, then the same system should be used.  Note that the LSB
says:  Scripts used as part of the package install and uninstall
may only use commands and interfaces that are specified by the
LSB.  So the LSB will define what system to use here.  If a
compromise is not possible, then an 'install-rc' tool *accepted by
all dists* would be the only other choice, and it would
essentially have to know the details about every dist that
conforms to the LSB.  Writing (and maintaining) the thing could be
real hairy.

Another bit of news:  RPM is still listed as the package
management tool for the LSB, which makes me wonder why we continue
to develop dpkg.  I wonder if the developers intend to support
both?  Or has Debian not officially accepted this decision?

Ed C.

Confused about Cable modem/ NIC setup

1999-04-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
Hi all:

I had problems with the dhcp client that comes with slink, so I
installed the version that's in potato. It installed okay, but it
prompted me for a network device from a list that it apparently found.
Unfortunately, it found none.

I have a Linksys card and I've been to their site and followed
instructions on making the latest version of their tulip driver
available when I compile the kernel. 

I compiled my kernel, and I get this message about my nic when I

  tulip.c:v0.90 10/20/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  eth0: Lite-On 82c168 PNIC at 0xe800, 00 a0 cc 22 71 e4, IRQ 12.
  eth0:  MII transceiver #1 config 3100 status 7829 advertising 01e1.

Is this right? Is my card being recognized? It looks similar to the
example in the Cable-Modem-mini-HOWTO.

However, ifconfig doesn't show eth0, I just get lo and ppp0 (right now).

The linksys site mentions to do a cat /proc/pci, so I did and it looks

  PCI devices found:
Bus  0, device   9, function  0:
  Ethernet controller: Lite-on LNE100TX (rev 32).
Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 12.  Master
Capable.  Latency=64.  
I/O at 0xe800.
Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xea00.

for my NIC.

The Linksys website mentions that if the output of the cat /proc/pci
looks like this:

  Bus 0, device 9, function 0:
Ethernet controller: Lite-on LNE100TX (rev 32).
  Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. 
  Master Capable. No bursts. I/O at 0x0.

then my BIOS is configured wrong.

Can anyone help me/point me in the right direction? I've read the
Cable-Modem-mini-HOWTO, the Ethernet-HOWTO, and a couple other docs
written by people at my local LUG, but they use redhat and do everything
from the control panel and network configuration tools that redhat has.

  __   _ 
Mark Wagnon  Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

New Building Voice/Data Recommendations

1999-04-04 Thread Walter L. Preuninger II
I will soon be moving into a 32' x 58' 'manufactured' house.  It is a 3
bedroom, with 1 room being 'the computer room'. I have several questions
concerning the wiring for phone and networking.

Using cat 5 cable, should I run 1 run for voice, and 1 for data? Or can I
use 4  5 for the voice. I want to run 10/100.

Should this/these be in pvc or metal conduit? Should the cat 5 be of
shielded variety? Should the phone connection demark be in the same area as
the data termination points?

I would really like to have atleast 2 walls in each room of the house
covered for voice and data. Cost is of some concern, but my employeer will
cover the cost of the cable.

Between the house and the office (300ft) we have an electrical line in pvc
in a ditch. The will be wiring me up to work, and need to know if  I:

need to look at fiber or is it fibre? ;)
Does a cat 5 or enhanced cat 5 cable need to be shielded and in a seperate

Thanx for any ideas/opinions/recommendations,

Walter L. Preuninger II

Re: vi in Debian (slink)

1999-04-04 Thread Tyson Dowd
On 04-Apr-1999, Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 06:18:57PM -, Pollywog wrote:
  vi is acting weird, and I just discovered that vi on my system is not really
  vim.  Isn't vi really just a symlink to vim on most systems?
  vim works well, but vi is weird.  It acts buggy. 
 vi could be nvi, elvis, or vim, or another VI if we had one.
 I use nvi here and I've never found it to be buggy. Most likely you're
 used to the way vim does things. nvi is much more authentic. I've never
 seen an advantage to using vim personally.

Major Advantages to using vim over nvi:
- multiple undo
- region select
- recordable macros
- :command history 
- filename completion
- multiple buffers/split windows
- identifier completion (^P, ^N).
- intelligent reformatting (Q)
- syntax highlighting
- good online help

I believe vim is responsible for a large productivity increase over vi,
and has further pushed back any need to learn emacs.  I haven't yet any
vi user who hasn't been converted after being shown a few major vim

The quantum sort: 
while (!sorted) { do_nothing(); }

Installing the Latest Version of Debian from a DOS partition

1999-04-04 Thread Egwu Kalu

What am I doing wrong ? I tried to install 
Debian (latest, March 99) from a DOS
partition without sucess. The messages I get on 
my screen are :

uncompressing Linux 
ran out of input data
--- system halted.

The system does hang-up. I am not a Debian-user 
but would like to become
one if I can figure out what I am doing wrong. 
Pls. reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Installing the Latest Version of Debian from a DOS partition

1999-04-04 Thread James Mastros
On Sun, Apr 04, 1999 at 04:11:01AM -0400, Egwu Kalu wrote:
 uncompressing Linux 
 ran out of input data
 --- system halted.
It looks like the kernel you downloaded (into a file named linux, I
belive) didn't quite make it.  Try downloading the file again.

-=- James Mastros


1999-04-04 Thread Kelvin
while doing a make menuconfig

i get :
There seems to be a problem with the lxdialog companion
utility which is
built prior to running Menuconfig.  Usually this is an
indicator that you
have upgraded/downgraded your ncurses libraries and did not
remove the 
old ncurses header file(s) in /usr/include or

It is VERY important that you have only one set of ncurses
header files
and that those files are properly version matched to the
ncurses libraries 
installed on your machine.

You may also need to rebuild lxdialog.  This can be done by
moving to
the /usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog directory and issuing
make clean all command.

can anyone help please?

and also for vmware while a ./
i get :
Whoa, something is wrong with the system include files on
your machine!
The file linux/version.h is for a 2.2.1 Linux system but
you are
running a 2.2.5 kernel.  This will not work for building
the VMware
device drivers; you must have include files that match the
version of
your operating system.

Any help would be appreciated 



1999-04-04 Thread Kelvin


while doing a make menuconfig

i get :
There seems to be a problem with the lxdialog companion
utility which is
built prior to running Menuconfig.  Usually this is an
indicator that you
have upgraded/downgraded your ncurses libraries and did not
remove the 
old ncurses header file(s) in /usr/include or

It is VERY important that you have only one set of ncurses
header files
and that those files are properly version matched to the
ncurses libraries 
installed on your machine.

You may also need to rebuild lxdialog.  This can be done by
moving to
the /usr/src/linux/scripts/lxdialog directory and issuing
make clean all command.

can anyone help please?

and also for vmware while a ./
i get :
Whoa, something is wrong with the system include files on
your machine!
The file linux/version.h is for a 2.2.1 Linux system but
you are
running a 2.2.5 kernel.  This will not work for building
the VMware
device drivers; you must have include files that match the
version of
your operating system.

Any help would be appreciated 


Linux installation help

1999-04-04 Thread Cyril Heck
I have an old CD of debian 1.3 and am trying to install packages from there.
I just installed debian 2.1 after being downloaded from the internet.
This was my first install but everything seemed allright.

The problem is it seems the system (linux) doesn't recognize my CD drive, I
think because it is a Sony DVD drive.
Can I copy the files from the cd to my harddisk and install everything from
there ???

Thanx in advance,

Cyril Heck

SiS6326 chip and XFree86

1999-04-04 Thread Antonio Ullán
My PC is running slink. I just have installed a SiS6326 AGP video card
and I don't
know how can I to configure X-Window. I have intented with XF86_SVGA
server but only I get 320x200 resolution and Ctrl-Alt-+, Ctrl-Alt--
dont't work.
Can somebody help me?.
Thanks. Best regards.

Antonio Ullan de Celis
Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad de Extremadura. Spain

irc help

1999-04-04 Thread Shawn Nguyen

I am using Zircon IRC to try to hook up to but I can't 
seem to get there.  Is there
something special that I need to do in order to open the link to  Does it work?


TR: using Hauppauge WinTV under Debian

1999-04-04 Thread David Nelson
Syrus and Brian (and whoever else),
I checked the page Brian recommended, and apparently ATI seem to have changed 
policy and there may soon be support for ATI-TV...

-Message d'origine-
De: Syrus Nemat-Nasser [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   vendredi 2 avril 1999 13:16
À:  David Nelson
Cc: ''
Objet:  RE: using Hauppauge WinTV under Debian

On Fri, 2 Apr 1999, David Nelson wrote:

 Do you reckon it would work with my ATI-TV card?
 And will xawtv support PAL/SECAM, etc?

When I was looking at TV cards, the ATI was not supported, and there were
no plans to support it due to NDA requirements, I believe.

PAL/SECAM is an option for xawtv, so I think the answer is yes to the
second question. I would suggest looking at the bttv web page to see if
there is any mention of the ATI--you probably mean the All-in-wonder
right? [bttv]  [video4linux]

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

TR: using Hauppauge WinTV under Debian

1999-04-04 Thread David Nelson

-Message d'origine-
Date:   dimanche 4 avril 1999 13:45
À:  'Syrus Nemat-Nasser'
Objet:  RE: using Hauppauge WinTV under Debian

Hi Syrus,
No, my card is the ATI 3D Pro Turbo PC2TV, which I think differs from the 
All-In-Wonder in that the TV tuner is a separate ISA card (only takes power 
from the ISA bus) that connects to the PCI graphic card via a cable attached to 
the graphic card's feature connector, whereas I think the All-In-Wonder has the 
TV tuner onboard...
Anyway thanks for the info, I'll take a look at the pages...

-Message d'origine-
De: Syrus Nemat-Nasser [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date:   vendredi 2 avril 1999 13:16
À:  David Nelson
Cc: ''
Objet:  RE: using Hauppauge WinTV under Debian

On Fri, 2 Apr 1999, David Nelson wrote:

 Do you reckon it would work with my ATI-TV card?
 And will xawtv support PAL/SECAM, etc?

When I was looking at TV cards, the ATI was not supported, and there were
no plans to support it due to NDA requirements, I believe.

PAL/SECAM is an option for xawtv, so I think the answer is yes to the
second question. I would suggest looking at the bttv web page to see if
there is any mention of the ATI--you probably mean the All-in-wonder
right? [bttv]  [video4linux]

Thanks. Syrus.


Syrus Nemat-Nasser [EMAIL PROTECTED]UCSD Physics Dept.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Slink Install: Kernel Unpacking Sound Problems

1999-04-04 Thread Peter Berlau
On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 09:51:44AM +0200, John Stevenson wrote:
Hi John
I have had same problems after updating from 2.0.36-2 to 2.0.36-3
but , oops, I've still forgotten following steps:

1. configure kernel for sound
   - You have already done so
2. change to the `/usr/src/awedrv` directory
   - run `./`
   note: If You like AWE32-Mixer You must
 uncomment the line
/* add mixer control of emu8000 equalizer */
3. configure kernel for AWE-Support
4. recompile
5. reboot
6. have fun with sound again


Peter Berlau 

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread Jiri Baum

Stefan Nobis:
 Do you get the point? To send emails bigger than about 40-80KB without
 being asked to do so and without asking the recipient is not very nice
 and i would call it an offence.

Your point being?

Everyone knows that you shouldn't in general send files over about 50 KB
(or at least everyone that's read RFC 1855). Everyone knows you shouldn't
send large amounts of unsolicited information to people.

Everyone also knows that you should end each line with a carriage return,
except people who write web-browser mail facilities.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread Jiri Baum
Steve Lamb:
  Ohh...  You mean make it easy for idiot users to send large
  attachments through a medium that wasn't designed for it, shouldn't be
  used in that manner, and causes more problems than is needed with each
  step of the way.
  If I were to do it I'd have the email client teach them how to send a

Hamish Moffatt:
 Wrong solution. Users should not have to adapt to technology (within
 reason); the technology should allow users to send huge email attachments
 if they need to. Otherwise it should be fixed.

The operative word being `need to'. It'd be a very good feature indeed if
the e-mail client checked the size of the message and said, when
appropriate, something along the lines of this is an unusually large
message by Internet standards; are you sure? (y/N) and popped up a wizard
for other ways of transferring the file.

It's one thing to send Christmas gifs to people that are a couple of
hundred bytes long; it's quite a different story when it's a huge,
uncompressed bitmap which does exactly the same job. Sadly, in most e-mail
clients either would be just a filename, with no immediate indication of
how big it really is.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999 23:10:08 +1000 (EST), Jiri Baum wrote:

Everyone knows that you shouldn't in general send files over about 50 KB
(or at least everyone that's read RFC 1855). Everyone knows you shouldn't
send large amounts of unsolicited information to people.

Everyone doesn't know that, however.  The uneducated people who start up
on the Internet each day are the ones who don't know better and are demanding
the capability even though there are solutions whivh have been available for
over a decade.  
- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: TR: using Hauppauge WinTV under Debian

1999-04-04 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  4 Apr, David Nelson wrote about TR: using Hauppauge WinTV under Debian
 Syrus and Brian (and whoever else),
 I checked the page Brian recommended, and apparently ATI seem to have changed 
 policy and there may soon be support for ATI-TV...

That is amazing!  That has been updated between the time I sent the
reply and the time you looked at it.  Way to go ATI!


Re: Confused about Cable modem/ NIC setup

1999-04-04 Thread Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam
Hi Mark,

I have a Linksys and it seems like your card is identified right. However.
take a look at /etc/init.d/network. I am using IP and have it
like this.

ifconfig lo
route add -host lo
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} up
route add -net ${NETWORK} netmask ${NETMASK} eth0

This code brings up the network. you might want to check if you have the
above statements in your file.

Let me know,


On Sat, Apr 03, 1999 at 11:31:08PM -0800, Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Hi all:
 I had problems with the dhcp client that comes with slink, so I
 installed the version that's in potato. It installed okay, but it
 prompted me for a network device from a list that it apparently found.
 Unfortunately, it found none.
 I have a Linksys card and I've been to their site and followed
 instructions on making the latest version of their tulip driver
 available when I compile the kernel. 
 I compiled my kernel, and I get this message about my nic when I
   tulip.c:v0.90 10/20/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   eth0: Lite-On 82c168 PNIC at 0xe800, 00 a0 cc 22 71 e4, IRQ 12.
   eth0:  MII transceiver #1 config 3100 status 7829 advertising 01e1.
 Is this right? Is my card being recognized? It looks similar to the
 example in the Cable-Modem-mini-HOWTO.
 However, ifconfig doesn't show eth0, I just get lo and ppp0 (right now).
 The linksys site mentions to do a cat /proc/pci, so I did and it looks
   PCI devices found:
 Bus  0, device   9, function  0:
   Ethernet controller: Lite-on LNE100TX (rev 32).
 Medium devsel.  Fast back-to-back capable.  IRQ 12.  Master
 Capable.  Latency=64.  
 I/O at 0xe800.
 Non-prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xea00.
 for my NIC.
 The Linksys website mentions that if the output of the cat /proc/pci
 looks like this:
   Bus 0, device 9, function 0:
 Ethernet controller: Lite-on LNE100TX (rev 32).
   Medium devsel. Fast back-to-back capable. 
   Master Capable. No bursts. I/O at 0x0.
 then my BIOS is configured wrong.
 Can anyone help me/point me in the right direction? I've read the
 Cable-Modem-mini-HOWTO, the Ethernet-HOWTO, and a couple other docs
 written by people at my local LUG, but they use redhat and do everything
 from the control panel and network configuration tools that redhat has.
   __   _ 
 Mark Wagnon  Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
 Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: RedHat = MS-Linux

1999-04-04 Thread John Hasler
Ed C. writes:
 If a compromise is not possible, then an 'install-rc' tool *accepted by
 all dists* would be the only other choice, and it would essentially have
 to know the details about every dist that conforms to the LSB.  Writing
 (and maintaining) the thing could be real hairy.

The idea is that each distribution would provide its own install-rc.  The
interface would be standard, but the implementation would be entirely up to
the distribution.

Even if the LSB isn't interested, I think it would be useful to extend
update-rc to hide more of the details of the init system.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread Gary Singleton
--- Jiri Baum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Stefan Nobis:
  Do you get the point? To send emails bigger than
 about 40-80KB without
  being asked to do so and without asking the
 recipient is not very nice
  and i would call it an offence.
 Your point being?
 Everyone knows that you shouldn't in general send
 files over about 50 KB
 (or at least everyone that's read RFC 1855).
 Everyone knows you shouldn't
 send large amounts of unsolicited information to

No they don't!  My wife routinely gets attachments in
the 300-600K range from her friend back home. 
Yesterday, her friend sent a couple of files called
something like easterbunny.exe both about 1.5M. 
Obviously this is a DOS|Windows executable file of no
use to her anyway.  Probably a stupid jumping bunny
greeting card!

This friend has a cable modem so doesn't notice the
time it would take to download a file that size.  I
conversely have a 33.6 dialup connection.  If I were
fetching that file from pop3 I would have been really
upset.  Luckily my wife uses a webmail
account like I do so I was able to see the message
while it sat on yahoo's server and delete it when I
saw what kind of file it was without having to
download it.

So, from experience, everyone does not know and most
don't care.  IMO all mailers should be _required_ to
limit attachment size and inform the user of a proper
way to handle file transfer.  As an aside, this person
sends .doc files regularly too; luckily we're not
susceptible to their evils.

Regards, G.S.
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Keys in xterm, keys in rxvt...

1999-04-04 Thread Anthony Campbell
I am confused by the keys in xterm and rxvt. I find that the F* keys and
Home, End, don't work in xterm (and I can't see how to make them do so via

They do work in rxvt, unless I've run /etc/bash_profile in order to get the
aliases, etc, after which the F keys no longer work.

All very odd.


Anthony Campbell  -  running Linux Debian 2.1

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: what exactly is a segmentation fault?

1999-04-04 Thread rich

 ldd of multitrack: = /usr/lib/ (0x4000c000) = /usr/lib/ (0x40058000) = /usr/lib/libc5-compat/ (0x40067000) = /lib/ (0x40105000) = /lib/ (0x4010e000) = /lib/ (0x401cc000) = /lib/ (0x40271000) = /lib/ (0x4028a000)

I think depending both on libc5 and libc6 shouldn't be a healthy
situation. This one seems to be a libc5 program depending on svgalib,
but maybe you haven't installed the libc5-compatible svgalib libraries
(package 'svgalib1' in section 'oldlibs') so your program tries to use
the libc6 ones, resulting in this conflict.

That was it! Thanks


Re: New Building Voice/Data Recommendations

1999-04-04 Thread Nathan E Norman
On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Walter L. Preuninger II wrote:

 : I will soon be moving into a 32' x 58' 'manufactured' house.  It is a 3
 : bedroom, with 1 room being 'the computer room'. I have several questions
 : concerning the wiring for phone and networking.
 : Using cat 5 cable, should I run 1 run for voice, and 1 for data? Or can I
 : use 4  5 for the voice. I want to run 10/100.

Use seperate cables for data and phone.  Phone doesn't have to be CAT 5
if cost is an issue.

 : Should this/these be in pvc or metal conduit? Should the cat 5 be of
 : shielded variety? Should the phone connection demark be in the same area as
 : the data termination points?

Hmm ... not my area of expertise.  However, I think interior conduit
could be wahtever is most cost effective.  I don't believe you need
shielded cable inside, either.

Most newer homes I've seen have a punchdown block for phone, a cable TV
splitter, and a CAT 5 patch panel all in the same location, usually
somewhere near the junction box.  That way everything's in the same
location.  You're probably going to want to mount a hub or switch in
this location, or your CAT 5 cable is fairly useless.

 : I would really like to have atleast 2 walls in each room of the house
 : covered for voice and data. Cost is of some concern, but my employeer will
 : cover the cost of the cable.
 : Between the house and the office (300ft) we have an electrical line in pvc
 : in a ditch. The will be wiring me up to work, and need to know if  I:
 : need to look at fiber or is it fibre? ;)
 : Does a cat 5 or enhanced cat 5 cable need to be shielded and in a seperate
 : conduit?

Now I'm losing you ... how exactly are you connecting data-wise to your
employer?  Some fiber solution?  Cable modem?  DSL?

With cable modem or DSL, the way to go is to place the modem device in
your demarc room - on top of the Ethernet switch is a good place!  It's
then a simple matter of plugging the modem into the switch, and you're
ready to go (though some cable modem services require a proxy between
the modem and the switch if you're using more than four devices - our
cable modem service works this way, for example.  I believe many DSL
services have similar limits).

Otherwise it would appear your employer has som alternate access
mechanism in mind.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

Re: irc help

1999-04-04 Thread KaHa
Shawn Nguyen wrote:
 I am using Zircon IRC to try to hook up to but I
 can't seem to get there.  Is there something special that I need to
 do in order to open the link to  Does it work?

Hmm.. was a sort of a round-robin thing; wasn't
working anymore last I tried it either. Use to
get to the #debian channel. Hope this helps.


 .   .
 | /-\ (-) /-\

 Debian GNU/Linux

multiple mailings

1999-04-04 Thread Carl Wiebe

I'm getting about 4 copies of every piece of 
mail to the list. I can't handle it.
I'll unsubscribe for now. Maybe 
Carl Wiebe

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread KaHa
Gary Singleton wrote:

 As an aside, this person sends .doc files regularly too; luckily
 we're not susceptible to their evils.

Don't get mad: get even. People that send me .doc files generally
recieve a copy of the bash manpage or a big ole tarball.  :-)

 Regards, G.S.

 .   .
 | /-\ (-) /-\

 Debian GNU/Linux


1999-04-04 Thread Christian Dysthe

in my /etc/init.d I have a lpd and a lprng script. What is the difference
between them, and do I need them both? When I do a ps I have two instances of
lpd running. Is that right?


Christian Dysthe
UIN 3945810
Date: 04-Apr-99
Time: 12:45:11
This message was sent by XFmail
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

Slink mail

1999-04-04 Thread Chris Hoover
I just did a minor upgrade of my system to slink (I had done a major
upgrade before it was officially released), and am now having problems
with mail.  Everytime runq or in.smtpd run, they are going balistic, and
taking up all of my processor (causing loads  2 or 3).  Does anyone
know what is going on and/or how to fix it?  Everything was running
perfectly until I did that minor upgrade yesturday (and I'm not sure
what all was upgraded).



Mutt 0.95.4-0.1

1999-04-04 Thread homega
Hi there,

I'm currently using Mutt 0.93i and would like to upgrade to 0.95.4-0.1,
which I ftp'ed.  The problem is that the dependencies for it are
slang1 ( 1.3) and slang1 ( 1.2.2-0), whereas I only have slang0.99.38-6,

am I supposed to install a slang version smaller than 1.3 but bigger than
1.2.2-0?  sorry, the doubles `'  `' confuse me here.


Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys :
Envía un mensaje vacío a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con la línea de asunto:
Send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line:
Tipo de Clave/Key Type  Asunto:/Subject:

DSA/ElGamal fetch dsa/elgamal
DSS/Diffie-Hellman  fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa

Re: Installing the Latest Version of Debian from a DOS partition

1999-04-04 Thread Kent West
 Egwu Kalu wrote:
 What am I doing wrong ? I tried to install Debian (latest, March 99)
 from a DOS
 partition without sucess. The messages I get on my screen are :
 uncompressing Linux 
 ran out of input data
 --- system halted.
 The system does hang-up. I am not a Debian-user but would like to
 one if I can figure out what I am doing wrong. Pls. reply to:

You'll need to run the install.bat from within the directory where
your Debian files are (e.g. C:\DEBIAN). You'll need to have several
files in that directory (install.bat, root.bin, linux,
drv1440.bin, resc1440.bin, loadlin.exe, and base2_1.tgz (or
something like that, I don't remember off-hand). Also, chances are that
you downloaded the linux from a browser that automatically renamed it
linux.htm; if so, rename the file back to just linux.

Re: Mutt 0.95.4-0.1 and slang

1999-04-04 Thread homega
 Hi there,
 I'm currently using Mutt 0.93i and would like to upgrade to 0.95.4-0.1,
 which I ftp'ed.  The problem is that the dependencies for it are
 slang1 ( 1.3) and slang1 ( 1.2.2-0), whereas I only have slang0.99.38-6,
 am I supposed to install a slang version smaller than 1.3 but bigger than
 1.2.2-0?  sorry, the doubles `'  `' confuse me here.

ah, I could only find slang1-ja_1.2.2.j055-1.deb (with a Japanese patch),
but it says nothing about slang-dev being required (which it was for

will that be ok?


Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys :
Envía un mensaje vacío a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con la línea de asunto:
Send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line:
Tipo de Clave/Key Type  Asunto:/Subject:

DSA/ElGamal fetch dsa/elgamal
DSS/Diffie-Hellman  fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa

Re: irc help

1999-04-04 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: irc help
Date: Sun, Apr 04, 1999 at 01:30:41AM -1000

In reply to:Shawn Nguyen

Quoting Shawn Nguyen([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   I am using Zircon IRC to try to hook up to but I can't 
 seem to get there.  Is there
 something special that I need to do in order to open the link to  Does it work?

I have, in .zircon/netspaces/EFnet
Server -host
Server -host
Server -host
Server :: select

There is a debian group on

If you have not configured the netspaces yet, put those servers in the
preferences file.


Nobody said computers were going to be polite.

new ICQ clone for Unix

1999-04-04 Thread Pollywog
A new ICQ clone for Unixes just appeared:

This one uses QT and comes in a deb package too.


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Trying to play a game....

1999-04-04 Thread Christian Dysthe

I am trying to play Maelstrom, a game that comes with Debian Non-Free. When I
try to start it I get the following after the window has opened and shut down

Major opcode of failed request:  129 (MIT-SHM)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_ShmPutImage)
  Serial number of failed request:  96
  Current serial number in output stream:  97

What could be wrong?


Christian Dysthe
UIN 3945810
Date: 04-Apr-99
Time: 13:11:02
This message was sent by XFmail
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

upgrading libc6

1999-04-04 Thread Pollywog
I just tried to install the new ICQ clone ICQnix and got this:

Selecting previously deselected package icqnix.
(Reading database ... 42715 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking icqnix (from ICQnix-Beta-1-0.i386.deb) ...
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of icqnix:
 icqnix depends on libc6 (= 2.1); however:
  Version of libc6 on system is
 icqnix depends on qt1g (= 1.42-2); however:
  Version of qt1g on system is 1.42-1.
dpkg: error processing icqnix (--install):
 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
Errors were encountered while processing:

My question is:  Is it going to be a big problem upgrading libc6 or QT?
I seem to recall reading on this list that libc 2.1 has some problems.



[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: Linux installation help

1999-04-04 Thread Cyril Heck
The thing is, I moved the files to c:\linux\ and when I give /dev/hda1/linux
as installation path,
I get a message that says that the directory cannot be found...

-Message d'origine-
Date : dimanche 4 avril 1999 20:04
Objet : Re: Linux installation help


On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Cyril Heck wrote:

 I have an old CD of debian 1.3 and am trying to install packages from
 I just installed debian 2.1 after being downloaded from the internet.
 This was my first install but everything seemed allright.

 The problem is it seems the system (linux) doesn't recognize my CD drive,
 think because it is a Sony DVD drive.
 Can I copy the files from the cd to my harddisk and install everything
 there ???

 Thanx in advance,

 Cyril Heck

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 



Re: Linux installation help

1999-04-04 Thread Kent West
Cyril Heck wrote:
 The thing is, I moved the files to c:\linux\ and when I give /dev/hda1/linux
 as installation path,
 I get a message that says that the directory cannot be found...
 -Message d'origine-
 De : Bruce Sass [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date : dimanche 4 avril 1999 20:04
 Objet : Re: Linux installation help
 On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Cyril Heck wrote:
  I have an old CD of debian 1.3 and am trying to install packages from
  I just installed debian 2.1 after being downloaded from the internet.
  This was my first install but everything seemed allright.
  The problem is it seems the system (linux) doesn't recognize my CD drive,
  think because it is a Sony DVD drive.
  Can I copy the files from the cd to my harddisk and install everything
  there ???
  Thanx in advance,
  Cyril Heck

I *think* that by the time you get to where it asks for files, the
installation routine has already mounted the hard drive, so you should
only enter /linux, not /dev/hda1/linux.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread John Galt

What's the accepted method of sending a file to a person that MUST not
get into unfriendly hands, but needs to get between users that have no
access to the other's machine, due to dynamic PPP and hostile ISPs, then?
This method should be as easy and as transportable as POPmail, not
involve other servers in any way save routing, be able to be used
internationally, and ensure delivery to only the intended person.  Give
up? Well so do I.  Solve this problem before you beef about how large
attachments to email is evil.

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Gary Singleton wrote:

 --- Jiri Baum [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Stefan Nobis:
   Do you get the point? To send emails bigger than
  about 40-80KB without
   being asked to do so and without asking the
  recipient is not very nice
   and i would call it an offence.
  Your point being?
  Everyone knows that you shouldn't in general send
  files over about 50 KB
  (or at least everyone that's read RFC 1855).
  Everyone knows you shouldn't
  send large amounts of unsolicited information to
 No they don't!  My wife routinely gets attachments in
 the 300-600K range from her friend back home. 
 Yesterday, her friend sent a couple of files called
 something like easterbunny.exe both about 1.5M. 
 Obviously this is a DOS|Windows executable file of no
 use to her anyway.  Probably a stupid jumping bunny
 greeting card!
 This friend has a cable modem so doesn't notice the
 time it would take to download a file that size.  I
 conversely have a 33.6 dialup connection.  If I were
 fetching that file from pop3 I would have been really
 upset.  Luckily my wife uses a webmail
 account like I do so I was able to see the message
 while it sat on yahoo's server and delete it when I
 saw what kind of file it was without having to
 download it.
 So, from experience, everyone does not know and most
 don't care.  IMO all mailers should be _required_ to
 limit attachment size and inform the user of a proper
 way to handle file transfer.  As an aside, this person
 sends .doc files regularly too; luckily we're not
 susceptible to their evils.
 Regards, G.S.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!  

Re: RedHat = MS-Linux

1999-04-04 Thread Bruce Sass
[I've made some big cuts.  If I cut out anything you think I should have
 addressed then feel free to bring it up again.]

On Fri, 2 Apr 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
 Bruce Sass wrote:
  On Thu, 1 Apr 1999, Ed Cogburn wrote:
   ... Anybody with
   better knowledge like to speak up here?
  ditto that question.
  Filesystem differences are trivial, that is what ln is for, right?
   For the issue of a software package that needs to get a daemon 
 running at bootup, I don't think the problem is trivial.  The
 layout and use of the /etc/init.d and /etc/rc*.d dirs is (I've
 read) far from compatible between RH and Deb.

It is those kinds of differences that make Debian superior to RH 
(or so I've read ;) ). 

  i386 RH and i386 Debian are compatible.
  I installed a pine 4.04 .rpm, using _RPM_, on my Debian system.
  It worked just fine.  Once I told dpkg about it (by modifying the dpkg
  DB entry for the pine 3.96 .deb) you couldn't tell it was an alien
  unless you looked at the location of the config files.

   Now imagine a situation where a lib or program is only available
 as an RPM, which has other programs that depend on its config
 files and/or their location. 

Programs that hard code file locations are poorly written period.
OSS programs that do so will be replaced by versions that do not.
Non-OSS programs that do that will not be widely accepted in the Linux
world because they cause too many problems.
This is just one more issue I see as self regulating.
Remember, this is the UNIX world, not the MS one world (although
you'd never know it by looking at some of the programs out there). 

 Are there not several .debs that
 have an install script that needs to look at or modify another
 packages config stuff?  At the very least, .deb scripts would have
 to know about the multiple locations of config files and possibly
 even different syntax for config files.  Is this problem solvable?
 Sure, with a quite of bit of hacking.  Can you always get enough
 programmers/developers to work on this kind of problem every time
 RH decides to change something to a non-standard method?  Even if
 the answer here is yes also, Deb will always be a step behind,
 which might be exactly where other distros (RH) would want us to

This is a problem, environment variables are the solution.
A program that is so closely tied to another that it needs to parse the
config files itself will probably have synchronous releases (and perhaps
even close coordination between them).  Dpkg is a special case, either
it needs to know the gory details about every package installable, or
leave the config stuff up to the program it is installing (which is what
it does). 

Trying to force programmers to use a specific format for config files
will not work, identifying what needs to be exported so that the
software can coexist with other tools on the system will. 
The real problem is not the multitude of config methods and file formats
around, it is a lack of understanding on the programmers part with
respect to the UNIX philosophy.

   Please keep in mind, though, that my main concern beyond
 technical incompatibilities is a situation where RH is so
 dominant, app makers simply decide not to even support other
 distros. ...

This is not an issue because a properly written UNIX/Linux program will
fit into any UNIX/Linux system with only minor tweaking. 

   Also, if RH tries using
   proprietary libs on their system, its entirely possible for a
   group of Debian hackers to bang heads and come up with GPL clone
   of those libs, but this, to me, would be a bad signal anyway, as
   it would in essence suggest that Debian is becoming a clone of RH
   out of necessity.
  The way I see it...
  If you could take any package and install it on any system, and it works
  without tweaking stuff, then those systems are clones of each other on a
  very basic level.
   In the case of *applications*, whats wrong with compatibility at
 a 'very basic level'?  System and utility packages can be
 different for different distros, but for apps the whole idea of
 LSB is to allow app packages be usable on different dists.

Nothing, unless you think that your way is better than the other ways. 

  Until, of course, OSS hits the mainstream in a big way, and OSS
  developers can make money/fame off of gamers.
   OSS will be a power to be reckoned with in the commercial world,
 but, despite being a supporter, I'm not sure if OSS can hit the
 *mainstream* in a 'big way'.  The biggest problem is something you
 said above, the commercial world has never held much interest for
 me.  I suspect most programmers in the OSS feel the same, and
 thus will not push OSS hard into the mainstream basically because
 of a lack of interest.

If OSS goes mainstream it will be because the commercial world CEO's see
an advantage to doing so, the programmers will have little choice in the

cdrom problems

1999-04-04 Thread Pere Camps

I'm getting these reports whenever I access my new cdrom (Samsung
32x max). I'm using kernel 2.0.37prelatest.

Everything works fine, I just get these annoying messages and the
access to the CD-ROM is slower.

Can anybody help?


-- p.

Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread Gary Singleton
--- John Galt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What's the accepted method of sending a file to a
 person that MUST not
 get into unfriendly hands, but needs to get between
 users that have no
 access to the other's machine, due to dynamic PPP
 and hostile ISPs, then?

Dynamic IP addresses can be taken care of using
services like,  many others.  My
machine is online several hours a day using dyndns, I
have the proftpd server running and can allow secure
access via this or even using Apache.  If I was to
have such a hostile ISP I would switch to one of the
many available in most areas of the world.  Many ISPs
however might be considered hostile by newbies for
not allowing large attachments or charging for excess
mail storage.

 This method should be as easy and as transportable
 as POPmail, not
 involve other servers in any way save routing, be
 able to be used
 internationally, and ensure delivery to only the
 intended person.

Why, just to bend the rules to your definition of what
the method should be?  That's a little like saying
I'm now using the internet, you must all bend to my
definition of what e-mail should be.

 up? Well so do I.  Solve this problem before you
 beef about how large
 attachments to email is evil.

You can give up if you like, but I'll continue to take
the position that e-mail is for message exchange not
file exchange.  There are established methods for
secure file transfer  by the way, e-mail is most
definitely not the most secure method of transfer for
any file that MUST not get into unfriendly hands.

I will continue to beef about large attachments when
they are sent to me and mine unrequested  unwelcome. 
There are solutions available if you would look,
perhaps they're not as easy and transportable but
they are there, they are established and they are the
proper way of handling large file transfer, secure or

Regards, G.S.
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

writing gnome-gtk-programs-questions

1999-04-04 Thread Peter Berlau
I've just download the gnome and gtk-stuff from

I've sucked almost every stuff from this and installed:
my personally preferency is, however, 
- gnome
-iceWM-GNOME (with theme gnomeish)
I usually writing apps using the qt-1.44 - Library from
Troll Tech
I like the gnome-feel.
KDE is for me to much I not needed this at all,
so should I change my gui-tool from qt to gtk--
(hope this is the c++-part  of gtk ?)
to make the program-line more straight ahead  ?

some question:
What do I need if I like to develop my application for
gnome, I preffer C++ not C, however, ...
is there a tutorial, a manual, anything else, ...
qt comes with several very clear examples(program-codes included)
and a 800 pg. Handbook + tutorial , 
and last but not least it's very easy to use in C++.

I've tried
g++ -o hello -I/usr/lib/Gtk--/include -lgtkmm `gtk-config --cflags`
that produced

In file included from
/usr/include/gtk--.h:203: gtk--/accelgroup.h: No such file or directory
In file included from ./../widget.gen_h:5,
 from /usr/include/gtk--/container.h:7,
 from /usr/include/gtk--/bin.h:8,
 from /usr/include/gtk--/alignment.h:8,
 from /usr/include/gtk--.h:208,
/usr/include/gtk--/accelerator.h:8: gtk/gtkaccelerator.h: No such file or 
In file included from
/usr/include/gtk--.h:239: gtk--/itemfactory.h: No such file or directory

What do I wrong or what I must additional install on to my system ?

I have running:
  Debian/Gnu Linux 2.1 slink

Thanks for help 
and information



Peter Berlau 

Re: SB 128 PCI w/2.1 kernel

1999-04-04 Thread Randy Edwards
 What kernel is this, exactly (if it really is a 2.1, you should probably
 upgrade)?  Are you using compiled-in drivers, or modules?

   I was running the 2.2.1 kernel which is in potato.  Since your message I
jumped over to and grabbed the debs for 2.2.5.  Installed them,
configured and compiled (all went nicely), installed and rebooted, and I get
the exact same thing (no sound, no /proc/sound).

  Does your .config file have a line that says CONFIG_SOUND=m (or 'y', as 

  is what I have in the /usr/src/linux/.config file.

If the current stylistic distinctions between  open-source and commercial
software persist,  an open-software  revolution could lead to yet another
divide between haves and have-nots: those with the skills and connections 
to make  use of free  software,  and those  who must pay high  prices for
increasingly dated commercial offerings.   -- Scientific American

Re: Confused about Cable modem/ NIC setup

1999-04-04 Thread Mark Wagnon

Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 I have a Linksys and it seems like your card is identified right. However.
 take a look at /etc/init.d/network. I am using IP and have it
 like this.

[Config info clipped]

 This code brings up the network. you might want to check if you have the
 above statements in your file.

Thanks Vaidhy,

In reading some of the HOWTOs, there was mention of using Redhat utils
to accomplish setting up the network. I just didn't know where to put
the info that was given to me by Cox. I'll edit my /etc/init.d/network
file and work from there.

I'll keep you and the list posted.

Thanks again,


Configure Mouse

1999-04-04 Thread Greg Scharrer
I just installed Debian 2.1 on /dev/hdb1 (/dev/hda has Windows 98). I have
a K6-233, 32Mb RAM machine. My mainboard manual says my mouse port is a
PS/2 Mouse. I installed the IBM PS/2 bus mouse driver during the install. I
also tried to install the the Microsoft bus mouse driver but the install
failed with a device busy message.

When I try to run vga_solitaire to test the mouse, no mouse cursor appears.
When I exit the program, I see a message saying my mouse has not been
configured. What do I need to do to get my mouse working?

BTW, I searched the archives a lot prior to installing debian and learned a
great deal. Thank you.


Installing problems

1999-04-04 Thread Johann Spies
I do not understand this.  This is about the 4th time I am installing
debian 2.0 from the same CD and I never had this problems before: 

1. I am not able to access any other filesystem than ext2 so I cannot
access my CDROM or Dos harddisk or even the floppy after the initial
installation script. 

2.  The menu does not allow me to choose msdos or isofs as a filesystem
during the installation.  It does allow umsdos however.  When I do a
insmod umsdos, I get a lot of error messages about unresolved symbols. The
same happens with the ppp-module.

I did install have linux installed partly on this machine  (Pentium 166)
before, but decided to reinstall it because of some wrong choices I made
during the installation process.  Now this happens.  

What am I doing wrong?

| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is  
  stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee.   
Isaiah 26:3  

Re: Configure Mouse

1999-04-04 Thread Kent West
Greg Scharrer wrote:
 I just installed Debian 2.1 on /dev/hdb1 (/dev/hda has Windows 98). I have
 a K6-233, 32Mb RAM machine. My mainboard manual says my mouse port is a
 PS/2 Mouse. I installed the IBM PS/2 bus mouse driver during the install. I
 also tried to install the the Microsoft bus mouse driver but the install
 failed with a device busy message.
 When I try to run vga_solitaire to test the mouse, no mouse cursor appears.
 When I exit the program, I see a message saying my mouse has not been
 configured. What do I need to do to get my mouse working?
 BTW, I searched the archives a lot prior to installing debian and learned a
 great deal. Thank you.

I believe you need to edit /etc/vga/svgalib.conf and uncomment (remove
the # from) the line that matches your mouse type and comment out the
mouse unconfigured line.

netscape crashes on mail-to

1999-04-04 Thread Kathy Miles
Been away from the list for awhile and missed everybody. Running Debian
2.1 and everything is pretty stable except one annoying problem in
netscape, and it happens in every version of netscape (4.5, older, newer,
communicator, navigator, mozilla) Whenever I visit a website which has a
mail-to tag, the browser bites the dust. I've checked the html source of
the sites, and they're just simple mail-to tags. My mail works fine
otherwise, I send and recieve, I don't get ithelp!

Re: Configure Mouse

1999-04-04 Thread ktb
Greg Scharrer wrote:
 I just installed Debian 2.1 on /dev/hdb1 (/dev/hda has Windows 98). I have
 a K6-233, 32Mb RAM machine. My mainboard manual says my mouse port is a
 PS/2 Mouse. I installed the IBM PS/2 bus mouse driver during the install. I
 also tried to install the the Microsoft bus mouse driver but the install
 failed with a device busy message.
 When I try to run vga_solitaire to test the mouse, no mouse cursor appears.
 When I exit the program, I see a message saying my mouse has not been
 configured. What do I need to do to get my mouse working?

My mouse is working fine but doesn't work with vga_solitaire so I don't
know if that is the best way to test your mouse.  Have you run gpm
config yet?  That will get your mouse working in console.  

Re: netscape crashes on mail-to

1999-04-04 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  4 Apr, Kathy Miles wrote about netscape crashes on mail-to
 Been away from the list for awhile and missed everybody. Running Debian
 2.1 and everything is pretty stable except one annoying problem in
 netscape, and it happens in every version of netscape (4.5, older, newer,
 communicator, navigator, mozilla) Whenever I visit a website which has a
 mail-to tag, the browser bites the dust. I've checked the html source of
 the sites, and they're just simple mail-to tags. My mail works fine
 otherwise, I send and recieve, I don't get ithelp!

It is a known bug (sorry I don't have any references) but to work
around it you need to have the Messenger window open(it can be

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Configure Mouse

1999-04-04 Thread Kent West
ktb wrote:
 Greg Scharrer wrote:
  I just installed Debian 2.1 on /dev/hdb1 (/dev/hda has Windows 98). I have
  a K6-233, 32Mb RAM machine. My mainboard manual says my mouse port is a
  PS/2 Mouse. I installed the IBM PS/2 bus mouse driver during the install. I
  also tried to install the the Microsoft bus mouse driver but the install
  failed with a device busy message.
  When I try to run vga_solitaire to test the mouse, no mouse cursor appears.
  When I exit the program, I see a message saying my mouse has not been
  configured. What do I need to do to get my mouse working?
 My mouse is working fine but doesn't work with vga_solitaire so I don't
 know if that is the best way to test your mouse.  Have you run gpm
 config yet?  That will get your mouse working in console.

Kent makes a good point; there are two mouse drivers; one for the
console (configured with gpmconfig), and one for the svga stuff

Re: Good MP3 encoder

1999-04-04 Thread frankie
 Does anyone know of a good MP3 encoder for linux?  I have an old copy
 of 8hz-mp3, but it takes like 10hrs to rip and encode a cd.  I'd prefer
 an open source encoder, but am not opposed to a commercial one.  I just
 want to get one that is fast.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I use cdgrab (debian package) and an encoder (dist10 or lsf maybe??),
which is not available as a .deb

On my P-60 it takes ~1 hour for a track. You didn't mention what
processor you have, so it may or may not be faster than the one you
already have.

Anyway there are two files you need for this encoder - dist10.tar.gz and


Confession is good for the soul only in the sense that a tweed coat is
for dandruff.

--Peter de Vries - Drum'n'Bass music, samples and

email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Confused about Cable modem/ NIC setup

1999-04-04 Thread Mark Wagnon
Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam wrote:
 Hi Mark,
 I have a Linksys and it seems like your card is identified right. However.
 take a look at /etc/init.d/network. I am using IP and have it
 like this.

[config info snipped]

 This code brings up the network. you might want to check if you have the
 above statements in your file.
 Let me know,

I've entered the info into my /etc/init.d/network file. I've set up my
/etc/hosts file to reflect my ip address and hostname. I was confused on
what to enter into my /etc/resolv.conf. Originally I had a line that
read search . then my two dns entries. I have some documentation that
instructs me to insert search as the example. I
only have a subdomain listed. I tried the search . to start.

I was able to ping my ip address and my gateway, but not the
nameservers. Also, in order to do so, I had to stop and restart the
network using /etc/init.d/network stop (start). I had to do this even
after I rebooted. um, what else... I tried replacing the line in my
resolv.conf with search ., but got the same results.

I should have written this down, as I'm flipping between Linux and
Windows to correspond now.

Any ideas? Thanks again (because I couldn't have come this far on my


Re: What DO you lose with Linux ???

1999-04-04 Thread JW Park
On Sun, 4 Apr 1999 10:42:58 -0700, you wrote:

Gary Singleton wrote:

 As an aside, this person sends .doc files regularly too; luckily
 we're not susceptible to their evils.

Don't get mad: get even. 

I think public needs to be educated on the issue but the marketing
effort has been weak thus far.  And I don't think the usual linux
dogmatism is such a good idea.

hmmm I think I have solution.  Creat a buzz word like RFC 824 ( or
whatever the number) Compliance or something like that and give the
moniker to compliant linux mailer, list it as a feature etc.
Generally make an issue out of it.  Then some 2 bit twee
so-called-journalist sees it and starts parroting it in maggotzines.
All of sudden, every 2 bit luser, IT (blow-)heads, and CEOs (= Cheap
Excretion Offspring) who read the said maggotsines seriously and  will
want to be compliant!  

So the first step is creating is a buzz word that sounds
important/cool, and easy to memorize ( remember we are dealing with
hoards of idiots).

Any ideas?

Re: Trying to play a game....

1999-04-04 Thread Robert Rati
I had that error too.  You can't run Marlstrom in 24 bpp, it must be in 16
or less.  That should fix your problem.  It took me a while to get it
fixed, so this might not be the answer that fixes that one problem.


On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:

 I am trying to play Maelstrom, a game that comes with Debian Non-Free. When I
 try to start it I get the following after the window has opened and shut down
 Major opcode of failed request:  129 (MIT-SHM)
   Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_ShmPutImage)
   Serial number of failed request:  96
   Current serial number in output stream:  97
 What could be wrong?
 Christian Dysthe
 UIN 3945810
 Date: 04-Apr-99
 Time: 13:11:02
 This message was sent by XFmail
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: RedHat = MS-Linux

1999-04-04 Thread Ed Cogburn
John Hasler wrote:
 Ed C. writes:
  If a compromise is not possible, then an 'install-rc' tool *accepted by
  all dists* would be the only other choice, and it would essentially have
  to know the details about every dist that conforms to the LSB.  Writing
  (and maintaining) the thing could be real hairy.
 The idea is that each distribution would provide its own install-rc.  The
 interface would be standard, but the implementation would be entirely up to
 the distribution.

Ok, I see this.  Everyones install-rc would be called by the
system's RPM manager to handle packages needing to modify the init
system, for adding a daemon as an example.  The install-rc
interface to the user/package manager scripts would work in a
manner specified by the LSB.

 Even if the LSB isn't interested, I think it would be useful to extend
 update-rc to hide more of the details of the init system.

Ed C.

RE: netscape crashes on mail-to

1999-04-04 Thread Pollywog

On 04-Apr-99 Kathy Miles wrote:
 Been away from the list for awhile and missed everybody. Running Debian
 2.1 and everything is pretty stable except one annoying problem in
 netscape, and it happens in every version of netscape (4.5, older, newer,
 communicator, navigator, mozilla) Whenever I visit a website which has a
 mail-to tag, the browser bites the dust. I've checked the html source of
 the sites, and they're just simple mail-to tags. My mail works fine
 otherwise, I send and recieve, I don't get ithelp!

That is a Netscape bug; it's not just you.

I want to try 4.51 but cannot find a glibc version, only libc5.


[PGP5.0 KeyID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: Confused about Cable modem/ NIC setup

1999-04-04 Thread Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam

Hi Mark,

 Couple of things. /etc/init.d/network is not your normal stop, start,
restart stuff.. It just executes a series of command. your resolv.conf
should have 

nameserver 1
nameserver 2
nameserver 3

For eg, I call my network at home so my resolv.conf will look
like this

search; my domain name
nameserver ; local machine
nameserver  ; Primary DNS from isp
nameserver   ;secondary DNS from isp

My /etc/hosts will have something like this


For eg, I call my network at home so my resolv.conf will look
like this

search; my domain name
nameserver ; local machine
nameserver  ; Primary DNS from isp
nameserver   ;secondary DNS from isp

My /etc/hosts will have something like this   localhost   loony1   loony2

loony1 is my first machine and loony2 is my second machine.

Hope this helps..


BTW, all this is explained in very detail in NET-3.HOWTO

On Sun, Apr 04, 1999 at 01:37:36PM -0700, Mark Wagnon wrote:
 Vaidhyanathan G Mayilrangam wrote:
  Hi Mark,
  I have a Linksys and it seems like your card is identified right. However.
  take a look at /etc/init.d/network. I am using IP and have it
  like this.
 [config info snipped]
  This code brings up the network. you might want to check if you have the
  above statements in your file.
  Let me know,
 I've entered the info into my /etc/init.d/network file. I've set up my
 /etc/hosts file to reflect my ip address and hostname. I was confused on
 what to enter into my /etc/resolv.conf. Originally I had a line that
 read search . then my two dns entries. I have some documentation that
 instructs me to insert search as the example. I
 only have a subdomain listed. I tried the search . to start.
 I was able to ping my ip address and my gateway, but not the
 nameservers. Also, in order to do so, I had to stop and restart the
 network using /etc/init.d/network stop (start). I had to do this even
 after I rebooted. um, what else... I tried replacing the line in my
 resolv.conf with search ., but got the same results.
 I should have written this down, as I'm flipping between Linux and
 Windows to correspond now.
 Any ideas? Thanks again (because I couldn't have come this far on my
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Re: Good MP3 encoder

1999-04-04 Thread Torsten Hilbrich

 Does anyone know of a good MP3 encoder for linux?  I have an old
 copy of 8hz-mp3, but it takes like 10hrs to rip and encode a cd.
 I'd prefer an open source encoder, but am not opposed to a
 commercial one.  I just want to get one that is fast.

Look at, there is an
encoder-1.02a.tgz program there.  The license is:

  Copyright (c) 1998
   Andreas Johansson, [EMAIL PROTECTED] All rights reserved.

  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
  are met:
  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

It is based on the IIS reference mpeg layer 3 encoder, don't know
about the implication of this regarding the license.



Re: Configure Mouse

1999-04-04 Thread Greg Scharrer
First, thank you for the quick response. I ran gpmconfig and that seemed to
work: it found the mouse and detected the motion and button clicks. Is
there a program I can use to test this? I also edited
/etc/vga/libvga.config. I commented out the mouse unconfigured line and
uncommented the mouse ps/2 line. I saved the file and re-ran vga_solitaire,
but still no mouse.

My mouse port is a PS/2 port (big connector, 5 pins), but my mouse is a
Microsoft mouse (small connector, 6 pins). I use an adapter to make it
work. Is this a factor?


At 03:22 PM 4/3/99 -0600, you wrote:
ktb wrote:
 Greg Scharrer wrote:
  I just installed Debian 2.1 on /dev/hdb1 (/dev/hda has Windows 98). I
  a K6-233, 32Mb RAM machine. My mainboard manual says my mouse port is a
  PS/2 Mouse. I installed the IBM PS/2 bus mouse driver during the
install. I
  also tried to install the the Microsoft bus mouse driver but the install
  failed with a device busy message.
  When I try to run vga_solitaire to test the mouse, no mouse cursor
  When I exit the program, I see a message saying my mouse has not been
  configured. What do I need to do to get my mouse working?
 My mouse is working fine but doesn't work with vga_solitaire so I don't
 know if that is the best way to test your mouse.  Have you run gpm
 config yet?  That will get your mouse working in console.

Kent makes a good point; there are two mouse drivers; one for the
console (configured with gpmconfig), and one for the svga stuff

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New install: net unreachable

1999-04-04 Thread Chris Brown
Please help, this is a newbie being stupid question

I've done several slink installs that have worked fine.

I'm trying to install it on my laptop now and am having problems 
with the system once its installed. Basically everything seems 
fine but I can't use the network (3c589 pcmcia ethernet). I can ping 
the machine's own address but pings anywhere else result with ping 
declaring not allowed...

My ifconfig and route table look fine. I know the driver and network 
is okay because the entire system was nfs installed initially! This 
problem occurs when I reboot after completing the entire install 

I suspect that I've (unknowingly) installed some sort of ip security 
program that is not allowing network access, I see things in the boot 
log like ip paranoia deamon... and others that I don't understand. I 
used the custom package selection of dinstall. I've carefully done 
the process twice with the same results.

As a newbie, I have no idea how to search the OS to find the 
offending software if that's the problem. 

Besides any suggestions on what might be causing this problem, can 
someone please let me know how I'd (efficiently) go about tracking 
down offending software in general?



 Join;  See;,,

Re: netscape crashes on mail-to

1999-04-04 Thread Pollywog

On 04-Apr-99 George Bonser wrote:
 The recent 4.51 FINALLY fixed that problem for me.

Is there a glibc version of 4.51?  I could not find one.


[PGP5.0 Key ID 0x5EE61C37]

Re: Configure Mouse

1999-04-04 Thread Kent West
Greg Scharrer wrote:
 First, thank you for the quick response. I ran gpmconfig and that seemed to
 work: it found the mouse and detected the motion and button clicks. Is
 there a program I can use to test this? I also edited
 /etc/vga/libvga.config. I commented out the mouse unconfigured line and
 uncommented the mouse ps/2 line. I saved the file and re-ran vga_solitaire,
 but still no mouse.
 My mouse port is a PS/2 port (big connector, 5 pins), but my mouse is a
 Microsoft mouse (small connector, 6 pins). I use an adapter to make it
 work. Is this a factor?

I'm not sure if the adapter is a factor or not; however, double-check
the /etc/vga/libvga.config file to make sure the changes took. I've
editted a file a time or two and thought I saved the changes just to
find out later that I editted it as a normal user instead of as root,
and therefore the file wasn't saved.

If that doesn't pan out, you may just need to ask again so someone more
knowledgeable than me can answer.

Re: top like drive usage utility?

1999-04-04 Thread ktb
Chris Brown wrote:
 Hello everyone,
 Our drives have occasionally been going nuts with disk access.
 They would for no reason just start reading the disk and go solid for
 10 minutes.  Is there a utility like top to check for who or what is
 accessing the disks?

If top didn't work for you try,
ps aux


Re: Confused about Cable modem/ NIC setup

1999-04-04 Thread Mark Wagnon

Thanks for all your help. The the Net-3-HOWTO combined with some info I
found from my local LUG's mail archives got me going. Everything I had
seemed to be okay, I just added:

   route add default gw ${GATEWAY} eth0

to my /etc/init.d/network file and I was able to ping my nameservers.
I've made the changes to Netscape Mail, and now I'm sending this via
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in Linux (Yay!)

Thanks again.
  __   _ 
Mark Wagnon  Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA  /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Linux installation help

1999-04-04 Thread Cyril Heck

 On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Cyril Heck wrote:
  I have an old CD of debian 1.3 and am trying to install packages from
  I just installed debian 2.1 after being downloaded from the internet.
  This was my first install but everything seemed allright.
  The problem is it seems the system (linux) doesn't recognize my CD
  think because it is a Sony DVD drive.
  Can I copy the files from the cd to my harddisk and install everything
  there ???
  Thanx in advance,
  Cyril Heck

I *think* that by the time you get to where it asks for files, the
installation routine has already mounted the hard drive, so you should
only enter /linux, not /dev/hda1/linux.

Doesn' work either:-(((
When I type mount in a shell, I just get to see my two linux partitions (/
and swap).
And when I try to mount the harddisk in dselect, it says that fat32 is
unknown to the kernel...