Unidentified subject!

1999-04-16 Thread Mauricio E. Ruíz Font

Me dicen que puedo configurar mi correo tal que cuando arranque mi
maquina con debian, recoja mi correo en otros servidores y lo traiga y
clasificque en mi maquina, ¿con que programa es?

Mauricio Enrique Ruiz Font

Re: sistema de archivos udf

1999-04-16 Thread David Ferrer
El martes, 13 de abril de 1999, a las 09:41:32, Fernando escribió:
  He leido en algun sitio que para poder usar CDs regrabables
  existe un módulo ya.

Mira por  http://www.trylinux.com/projects/udf/ Por ahora  sólo se
pueden leer discos, creo que no se puede escribir (si se puede que
me avise alguien ;). Es muy sencillito de instalar el driver este,
y  con la  documentación que  trae lo  tienes funcionando  en unos
pocos minutos.

Un saludo!

[David Ferrer [EMAIL PROTECTED]   ] 
[   PGP Keys: http://web.jet.es/bez/keys.txt ]

Re: Teclado español en wine

1999-04-16 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
On Mon, Apr 12, 1999 at 11:32:38PM +0200, Netman wrote:
  Tengo instalado el wine, y al ejecutar me dice que no encuentra el diseño de
  mi teclado, y me remite a los fuentes, pero no me entero mucho de que es lo
  que tendria que agregar para incluirlo.
  ¿lo habeis hecho alguno?
 --- windows/x11drv/keyboard.c  Mon Apr  5 14:05:48 1999
 +++ windows/x11drv/keyboard.c  Mon Apr  5 14:08:01 1999
 @@ -79,6 +79,16 @@


He incluido estas modificaciones, y ahora si funciona.

¿Funcionara el programa PADRE en este entorno?

Por cierto, para el tema de impresoras, ¿hay que instalar los dirvers de MS?



1999-04-16 Thread Manuel Trujillo

En un reciente mensaje, he leido lo de poner traps a la ejecución de un
programa para no conseguir acceso a una shell... ¿alguien es tan amable de
explicarme qué es ésto, cómo funciona, con qué lenguajes puedo hacerlo, y
algún ejemplillo?
Hoy me he levantado pidón 8-D

Muchas gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)

Miro Video DC1

1999-04-16 Thread juanma

¿sabeis si la tarjeta de video Miro Video DC! esta soportada por linux?
¿Donde podría buscar?

Muchas gracias

Re: Busco a Debian en la Bolsa de Wall Street

1999-04-16 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 09:17:37PM +0200, Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva wrote:
   Soy un ignorante en cuanto a la Bolsa se refiere, o sea que ruego que me
 disculpes si he dicho o digo alguna barbaridad acerca del tema ;-)
   No se puede considerar Linux como una sociedad?? por qué no lo es?

No está inscrita como tal.

 Quizás sea un error pero creo que muchos consideran como empresas a Debian
 o a Red-Hat (p.e.) por el hecho que se puede sacar unos beneficios con la 
 venta del soporte de los CD's con Linux (al fin y al cabo son quienes 
 recogen lo que hay de Linux y lo juntan con un progr. de instalación,
 entre otras cosas).

Red Hat sí es una empresa (está registrada como tal) y sí saca beneficios
de la venta de CDs. Debian no vende CDs (las empresas que venden CDs de
Debian no tienen ninguna relación legal ni contractual con Debian, venden
Debian igual que podrían vender Red Hat, SuSe, M$ ruindous...) por tanto
no saca beneficios. Si acaso alguna donación, que además no va a Debian,
sino a la organización sin ánimo de lucro Software in the Public
Interest, que ofrece soporte legal a proyectos de software libre, entre
ellos Debian.

   Y si no se puede considerar a Linux como una sociedad, por qué se puede
 leer en las revistas cosas como que Netscape o Corel invierten en Red-Hat
 p.e. ?? Se refieren sólo a que portan sus productos a Linux y a que le
 apoyan con algunas donaciones??

No, es que se da el caso de que Red Hat sí es una empresa. Netscape y
Corel invierten en Red Hat comprando acciones (participaciones) de esa

   Ninguna distribución de Linux se considera entonces como sociedad, y
 ninguna tiene acciones en la bolsa ? (no todas las distribuciones son

No todas las distribuciones son iguales.
  Y para que pudiera subir su valor en bolsa, tendría que dar
  pingües beneficios (que no pingüinos), y los ingresos de Debian se basan tan
  sólo en las donaciones que los resellers y los usuarios, y otros hacen.
   Linux no proporciona ingresos a nadie?? Seguro que a aquellas empresas
 que lo usan si (aunque para esto no cuenta, claro).

Linux no proporciona ingresos a Debian. Hay muchas empresas que sí
obtienen ingresos del Linux.

   Supongamos que dentro de unos anios exista un Linux orientado al usuario 
 final al estilo de MacOs (cosa a simple vista casi imposible)

¿Os habéis enterado ya de lo de Corel Debian GNU/Linux?

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Corel Debian/GNU [Re: Busco a Debian...]

1999-04-16 Thread homega
Enrique Zanardi dixit:
~ ¿Os habéis enterado ya de lo de Corel Debian GNU/Linux?

Yo no, ¿qué tal si lo cuentas?  (a ver si hay suerte y han portado Corel Draw).

Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys : http://www.rediris.es/cert/keyserver
Envía un mensaje vacío a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con la línea de asunto:
Send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line:
Tipo de Clave/Key Type  Asunto:/Subject:

DSA/ElGamal fetch dsa/elgamal
DSS/Diffie-Hellman  fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa

Re: Corel Debian/GNU [Re: Busco a Debian...]

1999-04-16 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 10:48:56AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Enrique Zanardi dixit:
 ~ ¿Os habéis enterado ya de lo de Corel Debian GNU/Linux?
 Yo no, ¿qué tal si lo cuentas?  (a ver si hay suerte y han portado Corel 

Lo del Corel Draw todavía no está terminado, pero están en ello.
Lo de la Corel Debian está anunciado en 

Se trata de algo que se lleva cocinando desde hace unos meses, pero
básicamente consiste en que van a usar Debian como base para su propia
distribución de Linux. Quieren añadirle amigabilidad a base de mejorar
la instalación, hacer una selección de programas, integrar el KDE y cosas
así... Lo mejor (en mi opinión) es que hablan de aportar parte de sus
mejoras de vuelta al proyecto Debian, con lo cual nos beneficiaremos
todos, no sólo sus clientes. 

Por otro lado, no está mal que haya más distribuciones populares que usen
el formato deb. Así contrarestamos la moda de anunciar programas para
Red Hat Linux (como si no fuesen a funcionar en las demás... :-P ).

No es que no tenga mis pequeños miedos frente a esta implicación tan
fuerte de una empresa en principio ajena a nuestro mundillo... pero eso
es porque soy muy paranóico. :-)

Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Unidentified subject!

1999-04-16 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Thu, Apr 15, 1999,
Mauricio E. Ruíz Font...

   Me dicen que puedo configurar mi correo tal que cuando
 arranque mi  maquina con debian,  recoja mi correo  en otros
 servidores y lo traiga y clasificque en mi maquina, ¿con que
 programa es?

La   combianciónde   Fetchmail   y   Procmailson   muy
utilizados. Además,  claro, tendrás  que tener  configurada la
conexión  a  internet, y  con  Cron  podrás automatizar  estas
tareas (y muchas otras).


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=-
 -=-=-  Computadora de 1992   -=-=-
http://www.linux.org/ S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]
http://www.gnu.org/Free Software Foundation
http://lucas.hispalinux.es/  Documentación en Castellano

RE: Compilador de pascal

1999-04-16 Thread Angel Vicente Perez

 Hola, como dice el tema, ¿sabe alguien de algún compilador de Pascal
 para Linux?

El gpc de la seccion devel. No lo he usado nunca.


Re: Compilador de pascal

1999-04-16 Thread J.E. Marchesi
On Fri, 2 Apr 1999, David wrote:

 Hola, como dice el tema, ¿sabe alguien de algún compilador de Pascal
 para Linux?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Tienes el compilador de GNU, el gpc, basado en el gcc. No esta en 
Hamm ni (que yo sepa) en slink, pero en cualquier mirror decente lo 
puedes encontrar. Hay versiones binarias y las fuentes. Como dialecto 
principal, utiliza el Extender Pascal, y es compatible con otros.

 J.E. Marchesi.

Re: Compilador de pascal

1999-04-16 Thread Enrique Zanardi
On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 12:51:45PM +, J.E. Marchesi wrote:
 On Fri, 2 Apr 1999, David wrote:
  Hola, como dice el tema, ?sabe alguien de alg?n compilador de Pascal
  para Linux?
 Tienes el compilador de GNU, el gpc, basado en el gcc. No esta en 
 Hamm ni (que yo sepa) en slink, pero en cualquier mirror decente lo 
 puedes encontrar. Hay versiones binarias y las fuentes. Como dialecto 
 principal, utiliza el Extender Pascal, y es compatible con otros.

Sí está en slink:


Enrique Zanardi[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Más problemas con suck

1999-04-16 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Wed, Apr 14, 1999 at 03:37:24PM +0200, Hue-Bond contaba:

es.comp.os.linux - 58455...High Article Nr is low, did host reset its counter?

Pasa mucho. Cada X tiempo algunos servidores (los de telefónica son
famosos por el tema) joden la base de mensajes y empezan de nuevo.
Poniendo los contadores más bajos. Los programas protestan y
normalmente lo que tienes que hacer es bajar el número en el `active
file' u lo que use el Suck.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

Re: Resolviendo gdudas...

1999-04-16 Thread Santiago Vila
On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:

 Parece que me precipité al afirmar que no había suficiente doc para gnome...
 si la hay, mucha y buena, pero no en '/usr/doc/' sino en '/usr/share/gnome/'
 ¿por qué ahí?,

Porque la documentación es independiente de la arquitectura.
Para más información lee el FHS:


Aunque ya puestos, lo propio habría sido tal vez /usr/share/doc/gnome.

 2c631e59934f77bfb89b5e3c142ada08 (a truly random sig)

Soy novato: lo siente

1999-04-16 Thread Manuel J. Gamero Peso
Hola: acabo de instalar Linux en mi pc (P200MMX 64 Mb 3Dfx Banshee). He
utilizado la SuSe 6.0, que venia con Solo Linux (lo siento, he pedido el
Debian 2.1 a Id-Agora, pero no contestan), y bien se ha instalado
correctamente. No se si la habré cag... en algo, pues es mi primera
experiencia en Linux, y hasta ayer lo más que conocía era el DOS, algo de
OS2, y mi querido MSX de cuanto tenia 15.

Bueno, me dejo de historias: se instala, al hacerlo con arranque dual (win98
y Linux), el LILO funciona de maravilla, arranco en Linux, y tras el boot,
pues me pide el Login: OH CARAMBA, y cuando he introducido yo el login? PUes
no recuerdo haberlo hecho durante la instalación: solo se que introduje
nombre del equipo, y dominio (o algo asi, la verdad es que no lo recuerdo
bien, fue ayer a las 3 de la mañana), y recuerdo que me pidio un password,
que despues de introducirlo me arrepenti, y lo deje sin password, (lo borre,
bueno supongo que lo hice, el cursor no se movia), confirme y ya esta. Es
cierto que el YaST me hizo crear un usuario de ejemplo, y ese si que le puse
login y password, pero claro, cuando me pide el login, yo quiero entrar y si
pulso enter me lo vuelve a pedir: entonces mis preguntas son:

1.- Cuando en la instalación me pidio el pwd y yo no lo hize, lo sustitui
por enters en blanco:  que habia creado?

2.- Debo crear un nuevo usuario? Para ello, como narices entro en el sistema
si lo unico que me pide es login:

3.- Entro con los pwd del usuario de ejemplo?

Se que son preguntas de novato asqueroso, pero lo siento, soy nuevo. Espero
que no os carcajeeis mucho de mis preguntas.

Un saludo.

Manuel J. Gamero

RE: Traps...

1999-04-16 Thread Vázquez, Gustavo
El mail inicial era mio, y con la urgencia que tenia de usar esos
conocimientos, busque en el Web informacion ( no tengo instalada la pagina
man del comando trap en mi sistema, y encontre la siguiente página:

Espero que sirva de ayuda como me sirvio a mi.



 En un reciente mensaje, he leido lo de poner traps a la ejecución de un
 programa para no conseguir acceso a una shell... ¿alguien es tan amable de
 explicarme qué es ésto, cómo funciona, con qué lenguajes puedo hacerlo, y
 algún ejemplillo?
Title: trap: Trap signals

 Next: Tips Using Shell Commands
Up: Programming the Shell
 Previous: set: Change Command-line Parameters
trap: Trap signals

Processes may be sent signals using either the kill command, or a
control key combination such as CTRL-C.
The interrupt signal (CTRL-C) usually
kills the process.

Table  taken from 
[6, p.883,]
shows some of the signals used in Shell Programming.

Table: Signal numbers for trap command.

The trap command typically appears as one of the first lines in the
shell script.
It contains the commands to be executed when a signal is detected as well
as what signals to trap.

trap 'rm -f $TMPFILE; exit 0' 1 2 15 

Upon receiving signals 1, 2 or 15, $TMPFILE would be 
deleted and the script would terminate the shell script normally.
This shows how trap may be used to clean up before exiting.

trap '' 0 1 2

The above example shows how trap may be used to ignore specific signals 
(0, 1 and 2).

NOTE that when the signal is received, the command currently being executed
is interrupted, and execution flow continues at the next line of the script.


Claude Cantin 
Sun Apr 11 02:10:52 EDT 1999

Re: Traps...

1999-04-16 Thread Dario Gabriel Ivan Heinze
On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Manuel Trujillo wrote:

 En un reciente mensaje, he leido lo de poner traps a la ejecución de un
 programa para no conseguir acceso a una shell... ¿alguien es tan amable de
 explicarme qué es ésto, cómo funciona, con qué lenguajes puedo hacerlo, y
 algún ejemplillo?
 Hoy me he levantado pidón 8-D

man bash

y ahi te buscas lo del trap, sencillito no?

 Muchas gracias por todo.

de nada nos vemos

Dario Gabriel Ivan Heinze
Tel: 0343-4390245

La vida es como una leyenda: no importa que sea larga, sino que este bien

Re: Traps...

1999-04-16 Thread Dario Gabriel Ivan Heinze
On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Manuel Trujillo wrote:


Bue, admito que me levante con el pie izquierdo asi que veamos

 En un reciente mensaje, he leido lo de poner traps a la ejecución de un
 programa para no conseguir acceso a una shell... ¿alguien es tan amable de
 explicarme qué es ésto, cómo funciona, con qué lenguajes puedo hacerlo, y
 algún ejemplillo?
 Hoy me he levantado pidón 8-D

el trap funciona asi:

 trap -l Comando a ejecutar Senial

donde cuando se produsca la Senial que puede ser una pulsacion de teclas
como ^C (lease control+C) o la terminacion del proceso por un kill o ...
(si quieres saber todo pos asi si que lees lo que te indique antes) se va
a ejecutar el Comando a ejecutar
un ejemplo sencillo seria

  trap echo 'Usted apreto Ctrl+C' 2

y cada vez que el tipejo apriete esta combinacion de teclas le aparecera
el mensaje

cuando quieras eliminar el trap pones

  trap 2
y listo

 Muchas gracias por todo.

Otra vez de nada.


Dario Gabriel Ivan Heinze
Tel: 0343-4390245

La vida es como una leyenda: no importa que sea larga, sino que este bien


1999-04-16 Thread M. Angel Esteban

Vamo a ve

Resulta que me he estao pasando a un kernel 2.2.x (antes tenía el 2.0.34 que
venía de serie en Hamm) y por lo que he leído, la configuracion del
ip-masquering ha cambiao.

Alguien sabe ande explican eso? Yo antes ejecutaba ipfwadm -F -p masquerade
(aqui es ande me pegan de ostias por burro ;) y claro, parece que la cosa
hoy por hoy funciona con el IPChains es, verdad? Porque si con la 2.2.x
ejecuto eso, obtengo un: ipfwadm: setsockopt failed: Invalid argument
El IP-Masq lo utilizo para que mi hermana pueda conectarse a Internet
utilizando mi ordenador, pero en breve, tambien lo pondré en el curro.

No sé, igual me como mucho el tarro y el problema  no tiene nada que ver con
lo que pienso;) Si  alguien me puede ayuda que me lo diga, plis. Si puede
ser en joutu mejor que mejor ;)


   En un mundo sin fronteras ni murallas...
  ¿¿!! Pa quieres las Puertas y Ventanas

   'Soy un Boina Verde de la Debian' Firmado: *Dakota*

Re: Compilador de pascal

1999-04-16 Thread Mauricio E. Ruíz Font

El compilador que yo he manejado es el fpk pascal, el cual es un
compilador gratuito. Lo puedes encontrar en:

es compatible con el Borland Pascal. 

Mauricio Enrique Ruiz Font

On Fri, 2 Apr 1999, David wrote:

 Hola, como dice el tema, ¿sabe alguien de algún compilador de Pascal
 para Linux?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: IPChains

1999-04-16 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 03:27:07PM +0200, M. Angel Esteban dijo:
 Resulta que me he estao pasando a un kernel 2.2.x (antes tenía el 2.0.34 que
 venía de serie en Hamm) y por lo que he leído, la configuracion del
 ip-masquering ha cambiao.
 Alguien sabe ande explican eso? Yo antes ejecutaba ipfwadm -F -p masquerade
 (aqui es ande me pegan de ostias por burro ;) y claro, parece que la cosa
 hoy por hoy funciona con el IPChains es, verdad? Porque si con la 2.2.x
 ejecuto eso, obtengo un: ipfwadm: setsockopt failed: Invalid argument
 El IP-Masq lo utilizo para que mi hermana pueda conectarse a Internet
 utilizando mi ordenador, pero en breve, tambien lo pondré en el curro.
Yo uso ipfwadm-wrapper con las mismas opciones del ipfwadm, y me funciona

Ah, y tengo el kernel 2.2.5.

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   | www.debian.org
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] | DEBIAN GNU/LINUX 2.1 |  www.gnu.org
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

RV: IPChains

1999-04-16 Thread Lauren Benedito
Te recomiendo que leas el Linux IPCHAINS-HOWTO, nosotros tenemos una máquina
con kernel 2.2.5 utilizando IPchains y con un proxy-caché y nos funciona

- Mensaje original -
De: Ugo Enrico Albarello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Lista Correo Debian debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Enviado: viernes 16 de abril de 1999 13:10
Asunto: Re: IPChains

 El Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 03:27:07PM +0200, M. Angel Esteban dijo:
  Resulta que me he estao pasando a un kernel 2.2.x (antes tenía el 2.0.34
  venía de serie en Hamm) y por lo que he leído, la configuracion del
  ip-masquering ha cambiao.
  Alguien sabe ande explican eso? Yo antes ejecutaba ipfwadm -F -p
  (aqui es ande me pegan de ostias por burro ;) y claro, parece que la
  hoy por hoy funciona con el IPChains es, verdad? Porque si con la 2.2.x
  ejecuto eso, obtengo un: ipfwadm: setsockopt failed: Invalid argument
  El IP-Masq lo utilizo para que mi hermana pueda conectarse a Internet
  utilizando mi ordenador, pero en breve, tambien lo pondré en el curro.
 Yo uso ipfwadm-wrapper con las mismas opciones del ipfwadm, y me funciona

 Ah, y tengo el kernel 2.2.5.

  Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa| POWERED BY   |

Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Corel Debian/GNU [Re: Busco a Debian...]

1999-04-16 Thread homega
Enrique Zanardi dixit:
~ Se trata de algo que se lleva cocinando desde hace unos meses, pero
~ básicamente consiste en que van a usar Debian como base para su propia
~ distribución de Linux. Quieren añadirle amigabilidad a base de mejorar
~ la instalación, hacer una selección de programas, integrar el KDE y cosas
~ así... Lo mejor (en mi opinión) es que hablan de aportar parte de sus
~ mejoras de vuelta al proyecto Debian, con lo cual nos beneficiaremos
~ todos, no sólo sus clientes. 
~ Por otro lado, no está mal que haya más distribuciones populares que usen
~ el formato deb. Así contrarestamos la moda de anunciar programas para
~ Red Hat Linux (como si no fuesen a funcionar en las demás... :-P ).
~ No es que no tenga mis pequeños miedos frente a esta implicación tan
~ fuerte de una empresa en principio ajena a nuestro mundillo... pero eso
~ es porque soy muy paranóico. :-)

¿Miedo a algo como esto?

Microsoft Corporation anuncia el próximo lanzamiento de una nueva suite de
productos basados en Linux.  Microsoft ha hecho público su propósito de apoyar
el software de libre distribución bajo licencia GPL.

Microsoft Linux Suite 2000 incluirá programas recientemente portados a Linux
tan populares como Word, Excel, Access, y hasta Internet Explorer.  Un portavoz
oficial de MS Corp. declaró esta mañana que éste es un primer paso hacia
nuestro firme propósito de soporte al desarrollo abierto.  Estamos en
conversaciones para contratar en Microsoft a personas tan claves en el
desarrollo de Linux como pueden ser Linus Torvalds o Alan Cox;  asimismo
estamos estudiando el modo de desviar fondos hacia las organizaciones que hasta
ahora han estado trabajando en estos proyectos, mediante la adquisición de
paquetes de acciones de forma mayoritaria en proyectos varios tal como puedan
ser Gnome o OpenStep de modo que puedan colaborar activamente con nuestro
equipo de desarrolladores en proyectos más amplios de interfaces gráficas.

Hasta el momento MS Corp. no ha dejado entrever sus intenciones en lo relativo
al precio final de mercado de Microsoft Linux 2000, tan sólo se han aventurado
a comentar que ... estamos estudiando la posibilidad de, en un futuro, poner
a disponibilidad de centros educativos y estudiantes unas licencias especiales
con ofertas especiales, probablemente basados en una versión más asequible del
producto.  En este aspecto, y dentro de lo que será Microsoft Linux Suite 2000,
hemos hecho un esfuerzo para lanzar una versión especial, MS Linux Light 2000,
que está orientada a un amplio sector del público que no requiere las
prestaciones de un sistema operativo multitarea, sino tan sólo necesite de la
funcionalidad y la amigabilidad de programas sólidos y estables como los que
hace tiempo ofrece Microsoft.

Al ser requerido insistentemente sobre el precio de los nuevos productos, el
portavoz de Microsoft acabó declarando que ... no tenemos intención de
incrementar precios sobre productos ya exsitentes, y como prueba de ello,
seguimos adhiriéndonos a la filosofía de la Licencia Pública GNU;  El usuario
mantendrá el valor de su dinero con la adquisición de la suite completa.  Así
pues, el precio final seguirá siendo el que hasta ahora había sido para el
sistema operativo Linux;  no existirá un precio real añadido pues éste sólo
se debe a la adquisición de la interfaz gráfica de Windows, y los programas que
componían la suite de Microsoft Office.  Piense en el coste actual, por
separado, de todo ello y se dará cuenta de nuestra firme decisión de
estabilidad en cuanto a precios.  La guinda a todo esto la pone MS Internet
Explorer, actualmente el navegador más rápido y seguro, que se distribuirá de
forma gratuita y como parte integral de Microsoft Linux Suite Pro 2000.  De
modo adicional, los usuarios de Microsoft Linux Suite Light 2000 podrán
adquirir el navegador de forma gratuita, aunque no integrado en la suite, sino
con la compra adicional de Microsoft Internet Plus, que incluye programas para
la conexión a internet y el uso del correo electrónico como sendmail, procmail,
fetchmail, en combinación con MS Outlook.

Nota:  lo siento, pero leí algo parecido el 1 de Abril, fool's day ( = día de
los tontos, algo así como Todos los Santos) y me pareció gracioso a la vez que

Un saludo,

Claves - GnuPG/PGP - Keys : http://www.rediris.es/cert/keyserver
Envía un mensaje vacío a [EMAIL PROTECTED] con la línea de asunto:
Send a blank message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line:
Tipo de Clave/Key Type  Asunto:/Subject:

DSA/ElGamal fetch dsa/elgamal
DSS/Diffie-Hellman  fetch dh/dss
RSA fetch rsa

Re: Corel Debian/GNU [Re: Busco a Debian...]

1999-04-16 Thread Saxa Egea
[...] programas sólidos y estables como los que
hace tiempo ofrece Microsoft.

Microsoft Ms sabe lo que es eso??? No lo diran por W95/98/NT ??? 
Verdad???!!! ;)))


RE: Corel Debian/GNU [Re: Busco a Debian...]

1999-04-16 Thread Vázquez, Gustavo
Otra vez arroz...

 Enviado el:   viernes 16 de abril de 1999 15:19
 Asunto:   Re: Corel Debian/GNU [Re: Busco a Debian...]
 [...] programas sólidos y estables como los que
 hace tiempo ofrece Microsoft.
 Microsoft Ms sabe lo que es eso??? No lo diran por W95/98/NT
 ??? Verdad???!!! ;)))
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acentos y enies con lpr

1999-04-16 Thread Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva


   Tengo una matricial de 9 agujas Epson lx300 y he utilizado el filtro 
del magic-config (el de la epson para 9 agujas, cuyo nombre no recuerdo).
Esta bastante bien, pero un me gustaria conocer si es posible que con lpr
pueda imprimir los acentos y enies de un fichero escrito por ejemplo con
el jed (Con sw. ofimatico como el WorPerfect 8 no hay problema).


  .~.Iñaki Fernández Villanueva
 // \\   Linux registered user #93164
   SLINK 2.1/(   )\  Student in Computer Engineering
 ^^-^^   University of San Sebastian (Spain)

Re: acentos y enies con lpr

1999-04-16 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Siempre y cuando el filtro que convierte a PostScript soporte
caracteres de 8 bits no tienes problemas, es cuestion de configuracion de
estos filtros, aunque generalmente tendrán soporte para 8bits.
Ten en cuenta que lo que hace Debian y cualquier Linux (siempre y
cuando no lo mandes via la impresora 'raw' que lo manda directamente al
dispositivo, como si hicieras un cat /dev/lpX) es pasar lo que mandas a
postcript y utilizar esto con el filtro de la impresora adecudad.



On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 09:17:56PM +0200, Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva wrote:
Tengo una matricial de 9 agujas Epson lx300 y he utilizado el filtro 
 del magic-config (el de la epson para 9 agujas, cuyo nombre no recuerdo).
 Esta bastante bien, pero un me gustaria conocer si es posible que con lpr
 pueda imprimir los acentos y enies de un fichero escrito por ejemplo con
 el jed (Con sw. ofimatico como el WorPerfect 8 no hay problema).
 .~.Iñaki Fernández Villanueva
  // \\   Linux registered user #93164
SLINK 2.1  /(   )\  Student in Computer Engineering
^^-^^   University of San Sebastian (Spain)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: acentos y enies con lpr

1999-04-16 Thread Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva

On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:

   Siempre y cuando el filtro que convierte a PostScript soporte
 caracteres de 8 bits no tienes problemas, es cuestion de configuracion de
 estos filtros, aunque generalmente tendrán soporte para 8bits.
   Ten en cuenta que lo que hace Debian y cualquier Linux (siempre y
 cuando no lo mandes via la impresora 'raw' que lo manda directamente al
 dispositivo, como si hicieras un cat /dev/lpX) es pasar lo que mandas a
 postcript y utilizar esto con el filtro de la impresora adecudad.

  Es posible que los filtros por defecto del magic no tengan soporte para
8 bits?? . Como detalle mi impresora no interpreta el postcript.

  .~.Iñaki Fernández Villanueva
 // \\   Linux registered user #93164
   SLINK 2.1/(   )\  Student in Computer Engineering
 ^^-^^   University of San Sebastian (Spain)

Re: acentos y enies con lpr

1999-04-16 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a
On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 09:33:30PM +0200, Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva wrote:
 On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a wrote:
  Siempre y cuando el filtro que convierte a PostScript soporte
  caracteres de 8 bits no tienes problemas, es cuestion de configuracion de
  estos filtros, aunque generalmente tendrán soporte para 8bits.
  Ten en cuenta que lo que hace Debian y cualquier Linux (siempre y
  cuando no lo mandes via la impresora 'raw' que lo manda directamente al
  dispositivo, como si hicieras un cat /dev/lpX) es pasar lo que mandas a
  postcript y utilizar esto con el filtro de la impresora adecudad.
   Es posible que los filtros por defecto del magic no tengan soporte para
 8 bits?? . Como detalle mi impresora no interpreta el postcript.
El filtro si tiene soporte de 8 bits, al menos eso creo, y, si no me
equivoco, es el filtro el que convierte el postscript a los caracteres de
control que envía a la impresora, la impresora no tiene que soportar
postscript para funcionar (evidentemente, si coge directamente postscript te
ahorras un paso)



Re: acentos y enies con lpr

1999-04-16 Thread Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva

   El filtro si tiene soporte de 8 bits, al menos eso creo, y, si no me
 equivoco, es el filtro el que convierte el postscript a los caracteres de
 control que envía a la impresora, la impresora no tiene que soportar
 postscript para funcionar (evidentemente, si coge directamente postscript te
 ahorras un paso)

 Entonces lo mas probable es que mi filtro esta mal y que debo
modificarlo a pelo, no?


RE: Debianizar paquetes

1999-04-16 Thread Ricardo Villalba

Mi consulta es la siguiente:
Tengo los fuentes de un programa y quiero hacer un paquete .deb, para
instalarlo con dpkg y no romper mi base de datos de paquetes instalados.

El paquete es gPhoto (GNU Photo) y no lo encuentro en formato .deb por
ningún lado.

Hacer paquetes .deb es bastante fácil, pero si no deseas ponerte a modificar
los Makefiles, debian/rules y esas cosas puedes hacer este truquillo:
-Compilas los fuentes.
-Creas un directorio, donde a su vez creas los directorios donde se
instalarían los distintos ficheros (usr/bin, usr/X11R6/bin, usr/doc,
usr/man, etc.)
-Copias los ejecutables, manuales, etc. en esos directorios. Puede que esto
también se pueda hacer automáticamente pasándole un parámetro al make (make
install DESTDIR=directorio o similar).
-Comprimes el directorio completo en un tar.gz
-Con el alien conviertes ese archivo en .deb

Ricardo Villalba

Kdemultimedia de kde1.1 no va en Slink

1999-04-16 Thread Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva

   No me funcionan las aplicaciones multimedia del kde 1.1 en Slink.
   Por ejemplo si pongo en la shell kmedia:

could not get shm id.
Failed creating media connection.

   A alguien se le ocurre algo ??


  .~.Iñaki Fernández Villanueva
 // \\   Linux registered user #93164
   SLINK 2.1/(   )\  Student in Computer Engineering
 ^^-^^   University of San Sebastian (Spain)

RE: CD's de Debian 2.1

1999-04-16 Thread Carlos Costa Portela
On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Jon Noble wrote:

 mi pregunta exactamente... ¿alguien revisa [EMAIL PROTECTED] Me suena
 muy interesante pero me da muy mala espina que duren tanto en contestar...
 Pues a mi me han contestado en 2 dias con un formulario para que les haga el

Me da rabia que fuera nos traten mejor que en casa, pero en un par de días
tienes los cd's si los pides a www.datom.de... y ya los pagarás más tarde.


+-- C a r l o s   C o s t a   P o r t e l a +
| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: ccp.servidores.net |
| Tódalas persoas maiores foron nenos antes, pero poucas se lembran.|
| The C Page - La página del C - http://ccp.servidores.net/c|

+ de 64 Mb de memoria

1999-04-16 Thread Ignacio J. Alonso
He aprovechado que me ha petado la fuente de alimentación para ampliar
la memoria a 128 Mb. Se  que para que Linux la detecte en lilo debo
pero el caso es que yo arranco con loadlin, ¿bastaría con añadir:
c:\linux\loadlin c:\linux\vmlinuz root=/dev/hda3 ro mem=128M ??

¿Si no como le digo al loadlin que tengo 128 Mb?

_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ ( @ @ ) 
   _/ _/ _/  _/ _/   +-ºoO(_)Ooº-+  
  _/ _/  _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/|  40º25'N 3º39'O   |  
 _/ _/  _/ _/  _/ _/ |  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  
_/ _/_/_/ _/  _/ _/_/_/  +---+  

startx desapareció!

1999-04-16 Thread Hernan Alvarez
Bueno, como dije antes actualizé Debian con el apt-get... y ahora
desaparecio startx! Puedo ejecutar X solo con el xdm... que hize mal?

Hernan Pablo Alvarez
ICQ: 36188753

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10MB Web Site for FREE at: http://www.nettaxi.com!

Actualizando Debian con apt-get

1999-04-16 Thread Hernan Alvarez
Hola debianeros!
Tengo una pequeña consulta: Actualizé mi Debian 2.0 usando apt-get, funcionó
**perfecto** pero hay un pequeño detalle estético: en la pantalla del login
me sigue apareciendo:

Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 herny tty4
Alguien sabe como cambiar esto para que diga 2.1?? (Como ven no es muy

Hernan Pablo Alvarez
ICQ: 36188753

Get Your Own Free Pop or Web Based Email and a
10MB Web Site for FREE at: http://www.nettaxi.com!

Re: Actualizando Debian con apt-get

1999-04-16 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Fri, Apr 16, 1999 at 04:22:05PM -0300, Hernan Alvarez wrote:

 Debian GNU/Linux 2.0 herny tty4
 Alguien sabe como cambiar esto para que diga 2.1?? (Como ven no es muy

edita /etc/issue y /etc/issue.net


Re: Busco a Debian en la Bolsa de Wall Street

1999-04-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 15 de abril de 1999 a la(s) 21:17:37 +0200, Iniaki Fernandez 
Villanueva contaba:

  No se puede considerar Linux como una sociedad?? por qué no lo es?
Quizás sea un error pero creo que muchos consideran como empresas a Debian
o a Red-Hat (p.e.)

 RedHat, SuSE y Caldera por  ejemplo, sí son empresas, que hacen
 un Linux y le  ponen el mismo nombre. Sin embargo  Debian no es más
 que  una distribución  de Linux  (o  un grupo  de programadores  si
 quieres verlo así,  pero no es empresa). Las  tres primeras podrían
 cotizar en bolsa.

 De esto tampoco entiendo mucho,  así que mis disculpas ante una
 posible metedura de pata.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069
 http://come.to/Hue-Bond.world In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.5
PGP Public key at http://www.ctv.es/USERS/fserrano/pgp_pubkey.asc

Re: Programa inicial

1999-04-16 Thread Luis M. Cruz
El día Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 12:42:49PM -0300, Vázquez, Gustavo escribió:
 Quiero saber si es posible colocar un script como programa inicial del
 usuario. Es decir, si puedo hacer que un usuario ejecute un script al
 iniciar la sesion pero al salir de ese script, salga tambien de la sesion.

  Cambia el shell del usuario, en /etc/passwd, por ese script. El shell se
indica al final de la línea, tras los últimos :.

Saludos del General...
 ___ _ .-.-. .-. .-.---.---. -  Coordinador de LiMa  -
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   PGP keyID's: 0x6848D470 (DSS) / 0x255E9505 (RSA)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Diald Setup

1999-04-16 Thread Russell Rademacher
Well... from the documenations, it seems that diald.options, and
diald.conf is missing.  Everything else seems to be in the right place except
for those two.  

Secondly, I tried to get it to work from my little editing and it does
not work at all.  Heck.. I fired up lynx and got this message: Alert!: Unable
to connect to remote host.  Now... what I understand, diald's purpose is to
make a connection either by ISDN or 56K modem when you do TCP/IP query from the

So... is there some areas that need to be configured beside diald to
make the system work properly?  I am sort of lost here and I am considering
un-installing the diald and do a installation by source instead to make it work
since the debianized version do not work and the documenations from the diald's
website says quite a few things differently here as well.  I am not trying to
put down Debian.  Quite the opposite but this is the first gripes I came across
with this one since I have used Debian for past few months and had no problems
setting up few different areas.  This diald is the new project and this baffled
me. :)

On 15-Apr-99 John Hasler wrote:
 Russell Rademacher writes:
 I would appreciate some assistance on getting the Diald working.  It
 seems that some files are missing to make it a complete installation from
 the debian file.
 What seems to be missing?  I had to edit /etc/diald/options, but everything
 was present.

Date: 15-Apr-99  Time:18:18:25
Russell Rademacher
Grapevine2 Technical Support Specialist
   System Adminstrator
Toll-Free: 800-267-3070
Phone: 716-214-5644
Fax: 716-214-5642
TDD: 716-214-5643
ICQ: 10663810
AIM: ElikCyber

VFS: No free dquots, contact mvw@planets.elm.net

1999-04-16 Thread Nathan E Norman
Uh, what does the above message mean?  I get it when I'm copying large
numbers of files from one machine to another with rsync ...

kernel 2.1.125 if that matters.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.midco.net
finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)


1999-04-16 Thread John Foster
Just checking the list mail features Please ignorebegin:vcard 
org:AdVance-Computing Systems;WHQ
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:John Foster

Re: Diald Setup

1999-04-16 Thread dyer
Russell Rademacher wrote:

 Well... from the documenations, it seems that diald.options, and
 diald.conf is missing.  Everything else seems to be in the right place except
 for those two.

Is there a diald.options in /usr/doc/diald/examples ? YOu could copy that to
/etc/diald/ and edit that.
Don't know about diald.conf

 Secondly, I tried to get it to work from my little editing and it does
 not work at all.  Heck.. I fired up lynx and got this message: Alert!: Unable
 to connect to remote host.  Now... what I understand, diald's purpose is to
 make a connection either by ISDN or 56K modem when you do TCP/IP query from 

 So... is there some areas that need to be configured beside diald to
 make the system work properly?  I am sort of lost here and I am considering
 un-installing the diald and do a installation by source instead to make it 
 since the debianized version do not work and the documenations from the 
 website says quite a few things differently here as well.  I am not trying to
 put down Debian.  Quite the opposite but this is the first gripes I came 
 with this one since I have used Debian for past few months and had no problems
 setting up few different areas.  This diald is the new project and this 

You must have slip support in the kernel along with ppp.

 me. :)

 On 15-Apr-99 John Hasler wrote:
  Russell Rademacher writes:
  I would appreciate some assistance on getting the Diald working.  It
  seems that some files are missing to make it a complete installation from
  the debian file.
  What seems to be missing?  I had to edit /etc/diald/options, but everything
  was present.

 Date: 15-Apr-99  Time:18:18:25
 Russell Rademacher
 Grapevine2 Technical Support Specialist
System Adminstrator
 Toll-Free: 800-267-3070
 Phone: 716-214-5644
 Fax: 716-214-5642
 TDD: 716-214-5643
 ICQ: 10663810
 AIM: ElikCyber

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null



where is crypt command in linux?

1999-04-16 Thread John Foster
I have some encrypted files sent to me that I want to use. They were
encrypted  by using a program called enigma. I have the source code for
the program but it will not compile properly. Well enigma seems to but
the Makekey does not. Probably because it is a generic distribution, not
specefic to Debian. Any help would be appreciated.begin:vcard 
org:AdVance-Computing Systems;WHQ
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:John Foster

Re: Cheapbytes CDs

1999-04-16 Thread Assad Khan

-Original Message-
From: Pedro Guerreiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Peter S Galbraith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: Assad Khan [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Debian Users Mailing List
debian-user@lists.debian.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: Cheapbytes CDs

On Tue, Apr 13, 1999 at 02:41:07PM -0400, Peter S Galbraith wrote:

 Assad Khan wrote:

  I got Debian 2.1 slink from Cheapbytes a few weeks back. base2_1.tgz is
  corrupted, even though I got a 4 CD set. So now I dont have Linux
  installed on my second hard drive at all! :-((

 A friend had a problem installing base2_1.tgz from my Cheapbytes
 4 CD set (I only upgraded).  However, I note that it appears to
 match a version on the Debian site:

Well, that's two of us :). A friend of mine also had problems installing
from the Cheapbytes CDs (exactly the same problem: base2_1.tgz was
UNTIL we find out that the problems was not the CDs, but the memory: he had
64Mb DIMMs. When he removed one of them, he could start installing slink,
then it just froze after he reboot the system with a kernel panic error.
Everything was smoothly when he changed to four 32Mb DIMMs.

As you can see, sometimes the problem isn't the media, but something else.

just my 2 cents.
Pedro Guerreiro (aka digito)([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Diplomacy: the art of letting someone have your own way.

Hmmm..I have had problems with my memory. My brother (who owns the
buisness where I get my computers) gave me the wrong chip. I had a brand new
system, but the 128mb memory was from March 1998, even though my motherboard
and everything is from 1999.

Looks like I should keep my new redhat cds in the box after all :-)


Assad Khan

Re: Resizing ext2 filesystems

1999-04-16 Thread Max
Thanks to all for your suggestions on how to go about this without
resize2fs!  It turns out that I was able to get an rpm of resize2fs,
so I would rather use this instead of all the other methods.

Once again, here's what df shows right now:

Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1   497667 35372436593   7% /
/dev/sda5   497667395751 76214  84% /var
/dev/sda6  2478138   2271725 78297  97% /usr
/dev/sda7  4616953643371   3734617  15% /home

Here's what my plan of action is:

cp /usr/sbin/resize2fs /   #since I'll need to umount /usr
touch /etc/nologin
/etc/init.d/single #is this really necessary?
umount /home
umount /usr
/resize2fs -p /dev/sda7 3616953
/resize2fs -p /dev/sda6 3478138
mount /home
mount /usr
/sbin/lilo #is this necessary?
/sbin/shutdown -h now

Does the above look right to people who've done this before?  Is it OK
to do it all from single-user mode or should I boot up from a rescue
disk with resize2fs on it?  If so, how do I make a rescue disk? :)

Thanks a lot for all your help,

The hopeful depend on a world without end
Whatever the hopeless may say
 Neil Peart, 1985

Description: PGP signature


1999-04-16 Thread Jayson Baird


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cyillic only)
ICQ UIN: 19560609   

Re: Resizing ext2 filesystems

1999-04-16 Thread Bernd Mayer

Max schrieb:
 I have a problem in that I'm quickly running out of space in /usr but
 I have tons of space left in /home.  Here's what df shows:
 Filesystem   1k-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sda1   497667 35357436608   7% /
 /dev/sda5   497667385312 86653  82% /var
 /dev/sda6  2478138   2271514 78508  97% /usr
 /dev/sda7  4616953643170   3734818  15% /home
 Obviously, I didn't estimate the filesystem sizes correctly to begin
 with.  At this poit, does anyone know of a way to resize them so that
 some of the space from /dev/sda7 can be added to /dev/sda6?  I have
 heard of resize2fs but it appears that it's not available other than
 as part of Partition Magic.  Is there anything else out there?

Hello Max,

i think you don't need Partition Magic.

If my calculations are correct it looks as if it would be possible to
copy all files from /dev/sda6 to /dev/sda7 (with copy -dpR) and then you
have to change your fstab. After testing if everything is ok you may
even go further and do the reverse with /home on /dev/sda7. In any case
it is a good idea to have a Linux Boot-Disk prepared and tested. A
backup too is advisable before changing your system.

Not long ago i was in about the same situation and after reading and
testing it worked fine for me.

enjoy linux

Bernd Mayer

PS: You are responsible for your files by yourself.

Re: corel on linux

1999-04-16 Thread Mark Phillips
 take a peak at this, http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,35166,00.html
 Corel will base a Linux product based on the version of Linux from
 Debian. Though Debian's Linux can be purchased at many sites, Debian
 is a non-profit organization

So perhaps Corel is doing what many of us have been hoping for --- a
commercial distribution based on Debian!

Have there been any discussions between Debian and Corel, or is Corel
simply grabbing it?  Ie, is Corel going to contribute to Debian at



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Switching pine to mutt - but...

1999-04-16 Thread Shao Zhang

Hi Daniel,
Thank you very much for your wonderfull Pine-muttrc. Now, I am really into 
instead of pine.

By the way, does mutt have anything similar to the pine's addressbook?? I 
the alias command can do that in mutt,
but I still find pine's addressbook is very usefull. Eg, if I want to send a 
mail to
10 people, I can just select them in pine,
but in mutt, do I have to type out all of those ten people's alias? Creating a
mailing list is not that usefull because I won't
send mails to these ten in future, and probably it will be a different 10 people

Thanks for your help.


Daniel González Gasull wrote:


 Shao Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   2. I have three mail folders. Instead of typing the location of each
  folder, can I configure a shortcut key to go to each folder?

 You can type +foo instead of /path/to/foo, if the folder foo is in
 your mail directory (usally $HOME/Mail/ or $HOME/mail/.

 If you are used to Pine, perhaps you will find useful my file

 ## Pine-muttrc v1.2
 ## Feedback is welcome.
 ## Daniel Gonzalez Gasull [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ## This file contains commands to change the keybindings in Mutt to be
 ## similar to those of PINE 3.96.

 ## BIND - bind commands to keys.
 ## Syntax unto version 0.60: bind key function-name menu-name
 ## Syntax From version 0.61: bind menu-name key function-name
 ## Values for menu-name:
 ## attach, folder-menu, alias-menu; index; pager.
 ## Special values for key:  pageup, pagedown, up, down, left, right
 ## Description: MUTT allows you to bind a command to keys.
 ## For more info see page
 ## http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/mutt.manual.html#bind or
 ## http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~me/mutt/bind.html .
 ## There are some keystrokes that I am used with other programs:

 bind  alias ' ' next-page
 bind  alias - previous-page
 bind  alias . enter-command
 bind  alias : tag-entry
 bind  alias n next-entry
 bind  alias p previous-entry
 bind  alias w search
 bind  alias x tag-entry

 bind  browser ' ' next-page
 bind  browser - previous-page
 bind  browser . enter-command
 macro browser c qc# Compose a message
 bind  browser g select-new
 bind  browser i exit
 bind  browser n next-entry
 bind  browser p previous-entry

 bind  index $ sort-mailbox
 bind  index ' ' next-page
 bind  index * set-flag
 bind  index + clear-flag
 bind  index , tag-subthread
 bind  index - previous-page
 bind  index . enter-command
 bind  index : tag-entry
 bind  index down next-entry
 bind  index up previous-entry
 bind  index L limit # Not possible to simulate zoom-out...
 bind  index N next-unread
 bind  index R group-reply
 macro index W w\Cu~B  # Search in the whole content of any message
 bind  index \; tag-pattern
 bind  index \Cr list-reply  # Because 'l' is for GotoFldr
 bind  index a tag-prefix
 bind  index c mail
 bind  index d delete-message
 bind  index g change-folder
 macro index j 1backspace# like Jump in Pine
 macro index l g?  # like GotoFldr in Pine
 bind  index n next-entry
 bind  index p previous-entry
 bind  index t create-alias
 bind  index u undelete-message
 bind  index v display-message
 bind  index w search
 bind  index x sync-mailbox
 bind  index y print-message

 bind  attach . enter-command
 bind  attach : tag-entry
 bind  attach R group-reply
 bind  attach \Cr list-reply # Because 'l' is for GotoFldr
 bind  attach a tag-prefix
 macro attach c qic
 macro attach g qg

 bind  pager ' ' next-page
 macro pager * i*
 macro pager + i+
 macro pager , i,v
 bind  pager . enter-command
 bind  pager : tag-message
 bind  pager down next-line
 bind  pager up previous-line
 bind  pager N next-unread
 bind  pager Q exit
 bind  pager R group-reply
 macro pager W iW  # Search in the whole content of any message
 macro pager \; i;
 bind  pager \Cr list-reply  # Because 'l' is for GotoFldr
 macro pager a ia
 macro pager b Qb
 macro pager c Qc  # like Pine
 bind  pager d delete-message
 bind  pager g change-folder
 macro pager j 1backspace# like Jump in Pine
 macro pager l g?  # like GotoFdlr in Pine
 bind  pager n next-entry
 bind  pager p previous-entry
 bind  pager q quit
 bind  pager t create-alias
 bind  pager u undelete-message
 bind  pager w search
 bind  pager y print-message

 bind  compose . enter-command
 bind  compose : tag-entry
 bind  compose D edit-description
 bind  compose \Cj attach-file
 bind  compose \Co postpone-message
 bind  compose \Cr edit-headers
 bind  compose \Cx send-message
 bind  compose a tag-prefix
 bind  compose d detach-file
 bind  compose e edit-file

 ### PINE has different defaults for this variables:

 # set   copy=yes# always save a copy of outgoing messages
 # set   editor=pico
 ##  set editor=jpico  

Thanks! WAS:[Screen capture program?]

1999-04-16 Thread Mark Wagnon
Thanks to all--xv fit the bill!
 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: Switching pine to mutt - but...

1999-04-16 Thread Adam Lazur
Shao Zhang ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said:
 By the way, does mutt have anything similar to the pine's
 addressbook?? I know the alias command can do that in mutt, but I
 still find pine's addressbook is very usefull. Eg, if I want to send
 a mail to 10 people, I can just select them in pine, but in mutt, do
 I have to type out all of those ten people's alias? Creating a
 mailing list is not that usefull because I won't send mails to these
 ten in future, and probably it will be a different 10 people

Simple Answer: hit Tab twice in the To: field inside of mutt

Long Rant Answer: I think you may have to prompt for To: address, or
you could probably do it in the post-edit send menu by changing the
To: address, but anyway, when you get to the To: prompt in the status
bar hit tab twice, this will bring up your addressbook (a list of
your aliases from your alias file). When you're in there you can
simply select/deselect recipients by hitting enter on their names. Hit
'q' to exit this menu, and all of the people you selected should be
filled in on the To: line.

HTH (YMMV on the keystrokes as I don't use the pine simulation muttrc)


   Adam Lazur - Computer Engineering Undergrad - Lehigh University
  icq# 3354423 - http://www.lehigh.edu/~ajl4

 The only 'intuitive' interface is the nipple. After that, it's all
  learned. -Bruce Ediger, in comp.os.linux.misc, on X interfaces.

Re: Resizing ext2 filesystems

1999-04-16 Thread Sean
Max wrote:

 cp /usr/sbin/resize2fs /   #since I'll need to umount /usr

Just a suggestion, but you might as well put it under /bin
that way it will be in your path.

Best of luck.


The man who sees, on New Year's day, Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant
is forever blessed.
-- Old Japanese proverb

Re: corel on linux

1999-04-16 Thread Sean

  take a peak at this, http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,35166,00.html
  Corel will base a Linux product based on the version of Linux from
  Debian. Though Debian's Linux can be purchased at many sites, Debian
  is a non-profit organization

Boy, I can already hear the non-free directory swelling.


The man who sees, on New Year's day, Mount Fuji, a hawk, and an eggplant
is forever blessed.
-- Old Japanese proverb

Re: Diald Setup

1999-04-16 Thread John Hasler
Russell Rademacher writes:
 Well... from the documenations, it seems that diald.options, and
 diald.conf is missing.

What version of diald do you have (dpkg -s diald to find out)?  I have
0.16.5-3 and it is complete (this version needs no diald.conf).

 So... is there some areas that need to be configured beside diald to
 make the system work properly? 


 I am sort of lost here and I am considering un-installing the diald and
 do a installation by source instead to make it work since the debianized
 version do not work...

I suggest that you try re-installing the diald package.  Diald.options should
not be missing from /etc/diald.

 ...and the documenations from the diald's website says quite a few things
 differently here as well.

The diald web page may be assuming a Slackware or Red Hat system and/or a
different version of diald.  Diald is well documented in the diald man page
and in /use/doc/diald.

Try reinstalling diald.  If that doesn't fix the missing files, contact the
maintainer (Philippe Troin [EMAIL PROTECTED]).  Once you have a complete
installation, get ppp working (suggest pppconfig) and edit
/etc/diald/diald.options to look something like this:

# /etc/diald/diald.options
# Edit to match your set up.
# This is the port the modem is connected to.
# *** MODIFY to match your set up ***
device /dev/ttyS2

# diald log file: do not change.
accounting-log /var/log/diald.log

# diald monitoring pipe: do not change.
fifo /var/run/diald.fifo

# This turns on full debugging.
debug 77

# We have PPP
mode ppp

# Changed IP JGH.
# IP number for the provider's machine. This is different each time we connect.
# This is not a problem, but it'll make the routine table look funny.
# Changed IP JGH.

# If the connection gets broken from the ISP, redial only
# if there's outgoing traffic from our side.

# When the link's up, change routes to point to the real link
# instead of the proxy.

# diald should set a default route to the proxy SLIP link.

# These two scripts must be executable.
#ip-up /etc/diald/ip-up
#ip-down /etc/diald/ip-down

# Scripts used to bring up/shut down the serial line.
connect chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider
# disconnect /etc/ppp/ppp-disconnect

# Do UUCP locking.

# We connect through a modem.

# Local tweaking
connect-timeout 90
dial-fail-limit 2
died-retry-count 0

include /etc/diald/standard.filter
pppd-options debug noauth user jghasler ipcp-accept-local ipcp-accept-remote
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

RE: linux usage by well known sites

1999-04-16 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 14:52:57 -0400, Small, Bradley wrote:

if I am not mistaken, (it may be rumors) Hotmail is run on Apache on
Linux... but I don't know that for a fact.

Hotmail is run on Solaris.  There was a whole big bru-haha about
Microsoft buying Hotmail, trying to convert it to NT and failing miserably.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


testing sub-directory useing perl

1999-04-16 Thread Shao Zhang
How do I use perl to test if dir1 is a sub directory of dir2??




Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/

utmp wierdness

1999-04-16 Thread mummert
when I attempt to run 'login' from the prompt, I see:
'No utmp entry.  You must exec login from the lowest level sh '

This is strange because I vividly remember running login before.

What have I done to cause this?


Re: primenet.com rejects mail from ibm.net

1999-04-16 Thread Daniel Barclay

 From: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The second way is that ISP's are not allowing their dialup IP addresses
 from making direct conntections on port 25 to IP addresses outside of
 their network. It is a simple router configuration and all IP addresses
 are blocked from outbound port 25 connections.

That sounds like the ISP is not providing full Internet connectivity
(breach of contract?).


Re: matlab 5.3 seg fault (can it use both libc.so.6 libc.so.5 ?)

1999-04-16 Thread Robert King
 On Wed, 14 Apr 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi all,
   Mathworks tech support has been unable to help get matlab 5.3
 running on my Debian system.  I was wondering if anybody else has got
 it working and perhaps would know how to fix my problem.
 Hi, I haven't undated my 5.2 to 5.3, but I got 5.2 working after some
 mucking about.  My problem was that I had created some symlinks in /usr/lib,
 which was causing the problem.  
 I eventually found the problem by stepping though the script which calls
 matlab, because it actually changes some of the library linking stuff.  Walk
 through the lines of that file until you come to the place where you 
 start /usr/local/matlab/bin/lnx86/matlab and do the ldd there.  Then check
 the links of all the libraries mentioned there.  Check that every library
 used has been installed by a proper debian package if you suspect you made
 the same mistake I did.

Robert King, Australian Environmental Studies, Griffith University, Australia
3875 6677   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.ens.gu.edu.au/robertk/

This library is open one hour each fortnight.  No book shall leave these 
 premises. We have sworn it with an oath!
 -- Library of King Ashurbanipal, Babylon, ca. 3000 BC. 

Re: matlab 5.3 seg fault (can it use both libc.so.6 libc.so.5 ?)

1999-04-16 Thread Brian Servis

See if you can get the libdl, libXt, libX11, libXpm, libSM, libICE and
ld-linux libs that MATHWORKS compiled the MATLAB binary against and stick 
them in one of the Matlab 5.3 directories, probably
/usr/local/matlab5.3/sys/os/lnx86, listed below in your ldd output. 
The libs that it is currently pulling in are compiled against libc6 and
that is why it is pulling in libc6 as well.  Ask them to stick all the
required libs on there ftp site somewhere(as I am sure others will have
the problem as well), they currently have all the libs for 5.2 at 

This is what I have for my copy of 5.2:

 !ldd /usr/local/matlab5/bin/lnx86/matlab
libXpm.so.4 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libXpm.so.4 (0x4000b000)
libXt.so.6 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libXt.so.6 (0x40019000)
libXext.so.6 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libXext.so.6 (0x4005b000)
libX11.so.6 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libX11.so.6 (0x40064000)
libtermcap.so.2 = /lib/libtermcap.so.2 (0x400e1000)
libdl.so.1 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libdl.so.1 (0x400e5000)
libg++.so.27 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libg++.so.27 (0x400e8000)
libstdc++.so.27 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libstdc++.so.27 (0x40120
libm.so.5 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libm.so.5 (0x40152000)
libc.so.5 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libc.so.5 (0x4015b000)
libSM.so.6 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libSM.so.6 (0x40217000)
libICE.so.6 = /usr/local/matlab5/sys/lnx86/libICE.so.6 (0x4022)

Notice that all libs(except termcap) are in my matlab tree.

Never criticize anybody until you have walked a mile in their shoes,  
 because by that time you will be a mile away and have their shoes. 
   - unknown  

Mechanical Engineering[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University   http://www.ecn.purdue.edu/~servis

*- On 14 Apr, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote about matlab 5.3 seg fault (can it use 
both libc.so.6  libc.so.5 ?)
 Hi all,
   Mathworks tech support has been unable to help get matlab 5.3
 running on my Debian system.  I was wondering if anybody else has got
 it working and perhaps would know how to fix my problem.
 When I start matlab is says,
   Segmentation fault
 BTW, the license manager appears to be up and running.
 Here is an env variable that was used to find all the needed libs.
 I suspect matlab is confused since it is finding libc.so.6, as well as
 libc.so.5 . Mathworks says they don't support libc6.  If this is the
 problem how would I, just for matlab ;-), hide the fact that libc6 is on
 my system?  How does it find /lib/libc.so.6 when it doesn't want it?
 Commercial products linked against old libs are frustrating...
 thank you for any help,
 Dear Aaron:
 I am writing in response to your email on April 12, 1999 regarding MATLAB
 Thank you for sending me your information, there are a couple of things
 that I noticed whcih may be causing the problem.
 First, it seems as though /lib is missing from the Library path.  You can
 add this to the path with the following command:
 This is what I see for shared library linking.
 ldd /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/matlab
 libut.so = /usr/local/matlab5.3/extern/lib/lnx86/libut.so 
 libmwhardcopy.so = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/libmwhardcopy.so 
 libmwhg.so = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/libmwhg.so (0x4004f000)
 libmwsimulink.so = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/libmwsimulink.so 
 libmwgui.so = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/libmwgui.so (0x404ae000)
 libmwnumerics.so = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/libmwnumerics.so 
 libmwmpath.so = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/libmwmpath.so 
 libmwuix.so = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/libmwuix.so (0x405c2000)
 libmwcompiler.so = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/libmwcompiler.so 
 libmatlbmx.so = /usr/local/matlab5.3/bin/lnx86/libmatlbmx.so 
 libdl.so.1 = /lib/libdl.so.1 (0x40959000)
 libg++.so.27 = /usr/local/matlab5.3/sys/os/lnx86/libg++.so.27 
 libstdc++.so.27 = /usr/local/matlab5.3/sys/os/lnx86/libstdc++.so.27 
 libm.so.5 = /usr/local/matlab5.3/sys/os/lnx86/libm.so.5 (0x409bf000)
 -  libc.so.5 = /usr/local/matlab5.3/sys/os/lnx86/libc.so.5 (0x409c8000)
 libXt.so.6 = /usr/X11R6/lib/libXt.so.6 

Re: linux usage by well known sites

1999-04-16 Thread A. M. Varon
On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Eugene Sevinian wrote:

 I would like to know if there are any well known sites which are running
 linux?  I need some statistics to persuade some decision makers to
 consider linux for a crusial task machine to provide different internet

Form netcraft.com:

slashdot.org, www.register.com, www.dejanews.com, www.realnetworks.com

You could e-mail the site administrator or whatever. 


= = Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
= =  == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
= == =
=  = =  E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =  WebPage : http://andre.lasaltech.com

Re: ftp has stopped working

1999-04-16 Thread Jonathan Guthrie
On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, Richard E. Hawkins Esq. wrote:

 one of our systems is now refusing incoming connections, generating the 
 ftp: connect: Connection refused
 This has survived through a reboot.  Can anyone give me a hint?

Check your inetd.conf and make sure that inetd is running.  That's the
message you get when there's no ftpd running on the socket that the client
tries to attach to.  (It's usually 21.  You probably should also check the
client to make sure it isn't doing something stupid.)
Jonathan Guthrie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Brokersys  +281-895-8101   http://www.brokersys.com/
12703 Veterans Memorial #106, Houston, TX  77014, USA

Re: linux usage by well known sites

1999-04-16 Thread KaHa
A. M. Varon wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Eugene Sevinian wrote:
  I would like to know if there are any well known sites which are
  running linux?  I need some statistics to persuade some decision
  makers to consider linux for a crusial task machine to provide
  different internet services. 
 Form netcraft.com:
 slashdot.org, www.register.com, www.dejanews.com,
 You could e-mail the site administrator or whatever. 

Just happened to remember:
www.artbell.com runs Linux as well. As a matter of fact, Keith
Rowland, who maintains the site, appears rather proud of that fact.
You can read about the system specifics at:


 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

Trouble with Installation

1999-04-16 Thread Stephen Parks
I tried to install Debian on my second harddrive.
I went through bootstrap and then when I set my bios to try booting
from D:, all I get is the following output:

(where _ is a cursor which won't actually echo anything I type)

Presumably I've gone wrong somewhere, but I don't know where.
I set the Linux partition as bootable; wrote the master boot record
with bootstrap.
I've tried installing twice (off my win98 c: drive) with the same
Where can I get help?



1999-04-16 Thread Philip Thiem
Apparently Mindcraft and MS(we don't really know this) has pulled this
act before.  
Take a look at the response Netware has when MC did a comparison with


Philip Thiem
   All windows user please exvacuate the building
 (So I can install a better OS on the comps)
Pass on the GAS get NASM instead.

Re: Trouble with Installation

1999-04-16 Thread KaHa
Stephen Parks wrote:
 I tried to install Debian on my second harddrive.
 I went through bootstrap and then when I set my bios to try booting
 from D:, all I get is the following output:
 (where _ is a cursor which won't actually echo anything I type)

Try putting the line:


in your /etc/lilo.conf file.

 | /-\ (-) /-\ Debian GNU/Linux

RE: where is crypt command in linux?

1999-04-16 Thread Shaleh

On 15-Apr-99 John Foster wrote:
 I have some encrypted files sent to me that I want to use. They were
 encrypted  by using a program called enigma. I have the source code for
 the program but it will not compile properly. Well enigma seems to but
 the Makekey does not. Probably because it is a generic distribution, not
 specefic to Debian. Any help would be appreciated.

make sure it compiles w/ -lcrypt.

oddness from getgrnam()

1999-04-16 Thread Shaleh
I was testing a program and to see how it handled an invalid group I did:

gr = getgrnam(bob);

Now obviously this failed.  However the string from perror() states:

Could not find file or directory

Why is this?  Seems like a counter intuitive error.

(Yes I know UNIX is sometimes like that, but this one is odd)

Re: Trouble with Installation

1999-04-16 Thread Stephen Parks
On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:57:13 -0700, you wrote:

Try putting the line:


in your /etc/lilo.conf file.

Well, at the moment I can't access my secondary harddrive at all, so
that I can't try that.
I tried booting off the floppy made during installation, but didn't
get much farther with that.
Thanks for answering though. :)


SOLVED: x11amp problems

1999-04-16 Thread Daniel J. Brosemer
Thanks to the person who was helping me get x11amp 0.9-beta1.1 working on my
slink machine.  I just got it working today.  I had to compile my own gtk1.2
and gdk1.2 from the sources in potato (debian/rules binary is so nice!) and I
removed all other versions of gtk, glib, and gdk which meant recompiling gimp
from said potato sources (something I was meaning to do anyway).

After that, I just compiled x11amp as per usual and all was fine.

For those not up on the discussion, ldd on the x11amp binary did not report
linking libgtk-1.2.so.0 and its friends and x11amp was having problems running
that would be expected from problems like that.

Thanks for the help!


Re: Trouble with Installation

1999-04-16 Thread ktb
Stephen Parks wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:57:13 -0700, you wrote:
 Try putting the line:
 in your /etc/lilo.conf file.
 Well, at the moment I can't access my secondary harddrive at all, so
 that I can't try that.
 I tried booting off the floppy made during installation, but didn't
 get much farther with that.
 Thanks for answering though. :)

Is your bios set to boot off the floppy?  I have two drives like
yourself.  My bios is set to boot off the 'C' (HD w/windows) drive and
then the 'A' (floppy).  I use lilo which is installed on the mbr of
drive 'C' to boot Debian on the second HD.  Just a thought.

Boot floppy

1999-04-16 Thread Amal Phadke
Hi all,

I am trying to make a boot floppy. I downloaded the boot-floppies*
package. But during the installation it craps out due to dependency
problems. The packages that dpkg complains as not been installed are
actually there (eg teTeX) since I built those myself from sources without
using dpkg. I have the custom kernel image in .deb format. Is there an
alternate way to create a boot floppy?

Amal Phadke, Ph.D Candidate
Department of Ocean Engineering, SOEST
University of Hawaii at Manoa


Re: Cyrillic setup

1999-04-16 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 Mailed and posted 
 Hi all:
 Is the Cyrillic-HOWTO still relevant? It was written more than 2 years 

Well, mostly. I used it and CHernov's page to instal cyrillics, it went
pretty well.

 For one, it says that using xkb is not recommended. Is it still so? Why?

I have no ideaI use xruskb-1.4.2, works perfectly well for me.

 I've installed xruskb package, and added path to cyrillic fonts to
 XF86config. Now Xterm shows russian symbols w/o any extra
 settings. BTW, I left all the Xkb settings as they were in
 /etc/X11/Xmodmap, and so far no problems with that.
 My biggest concern is Xemacs. I'm dying to make it use cyrillics. Do I
 need to install Mule for that? Or can it be done by just changing
 default fonts somewhere?

I think you need to install Mule. I don't even remember changing anything
in my xemacs20, except playing with Mule.

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354  
 http://members.tripod.com/AnSIv   --Little things for Linux.

Re: KDE 1.1 - SUCCESS!! (fwd)

1999-04-16 Thread Michael Beattie

There were problems with KFM, that I and Burkhard both had, and he found a
solution... here it is.

   Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

   PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
 Games?  Did someone say games? -- Q
Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 10:26:31 +0200 (MEST)
From: Burkhard Perkens-Golomb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Michael Beattie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: KDE 1.1 - SUCCESS!!

Ok, I've a workaround: I've compiled the library
by myself. The steps:

- Download kdelibs-1.1.tar
- Untar, ./configure etc.
- cd kfile; make ; make install
- Copy /usr/local/kde/lib/libkfile.so.2.0.0 to /usr/X11R6/lib

and voila!

I think you can make debs from the tar-file (there's a debian
directory) but I've never done such things before.

Good Luck!


P.S.: Can you post it to the mailing list? I'm not subscribed.

On 15-Apr-99 Michael Beattie wrote:
 On Wed, 14 Apr 1999, Burkhard Perkens-Golomb wrote:
 Same problems here. Could you solve the problem?
 No... But if I do, I'll send to the list. :)
 You wrote:
  Anyone else having trouble with kfm? I cant get it to display directories,
  nor can I delete things on the desktop?
  ANY clues?
Michael Beattie ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
PGP Key available, reply with pgpkey as subject.
  yip yip yip yip yip yip yap yap yip *BANG* NO TERRIER
 Debian GNU/Linux  Ooohh You are missing out!

Re: How to install Pine

1999-04-16 Thread John Galt

first, do you have the package cpio installed: the .dsc file needs it for
some reason.  What you're talking about sounds like what happened when i
tried to install without cpio.  Another package you need is patch: I'm
surprised that patch isn't a dependency for dpkg-dev, but it isn't and is
needed to use dpkg-source in most cases I've seen.  HTH

On Fri, 16 Apr 1999, Alan Tam wrote:

 Hi John,
 I've installed the package. From the /usr/src/pine396 directory I 
 found the
 *.dsc file and read the README file, and done the dpkg-source -x *.dsc.
 With these, there are some errors coming up saying patch and pico not 
 And I don't know how to do with debian/rules binary.
 Please help.
 John Galt wrote:
  get the .dsc file and the README as well and read it--dpkg-source -x,
  debian/rules binary, then install the new .deb.
  On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, Alan Tam wrote:
   Hi All,
   How do I install Pine from the
   pine396-diffs 2
   pine396-src 2 Debian packages  ?
   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
   Customer:  I'm running Windows '98  Tech: Yes.  Customer:
 My computer isn't working now. Tech: Yes, you said that.
  Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I can be immature if I want to, because I'm mature enough to make my own 

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: where is crypt command in linux?

1999-04-16 Thread John Foster
Shaleh wrote:
 On 15-Apr-99 John Foster wrote:
  I have some encrypted files sent to me that I want to use. They were
  encrypted  by using a program called enigma. I have the source code for
  the program but it will not compile properly. Well enigma seems to but
  the Makekey does not. Probably because it is a generic distribution, not
  specefic to Debian. Any help would be appreciated.
 make sure it compiles w/ -lcrypt.

I am not much at this compiling stuff. I used the root command make
makekey what should it be? PS, I already tried make makekey -lcrypt
no change.
org:AdVance-Computing Systems;WHQ
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:We Build Multi-Processor Computers
adr;quoted-printable:;;Stonetrail Drive=0D=0ASuite  A;Plano;Texas;75023-7223;USA
fn:John Foster

compile error--my choice of options, or the program?

1999-04-16 Thread kaynjay
Hello all,

I'm trying to compile a large program wherein I had to choose a series of
options for my system (Linux/PC vs. SGI, etc).  The entire output of the
compile is the following lines:

main.cc:60: declaration of C function `int gethostname(char *, int)'
conflicts with /usr/include/unistd.h:662: previous declaration `int
gethostname(char *, size_t)' here make: *** [main.o] Error 1

I am not a programmer, so this means nothing beyond the obvious it screwed
up somewhere to me.  Compiler options I chose in the makefile are:

# Edit this Makefile to reflect your machine architecture.
# Specifically, change these variables:
# If you need to use debugging or profiling, these should also be  #
modified appropriately:
CC = g++
LIB = -lm -lg++
LINT = lint

with the dependencies line being:
main.o : main.cc hybrids.h ranlib.h gs.h ls.h rep.h support.h main.h
constants.h autocomm.h dpftoken.h structs.h autoglobal.h  autocomm.h

Can anyone tell whether the error is an issue with my system setup and/or
these options, or is it likely a programming glitch?  Is there more info I
need to show to determine this? 


Kenward Vaughan

ndisasm is full of bugs

1999-04-16 Thread Fabio Olive leite
Hi there!

I've noticed some problems with ndisasm really long ago (maybe even as
long as debian 1.2), but I never bothered to complain. It's just that when
I try to disassemble something, it just doesn't recognise the automatic
sync points it should (using -a). When I try to set fixed sync points it
just stops disassembling at the point I tell it to sync. Today I also
tried to skip a part of the binary I was trying to disassemble with -k,
and it also stopped at the point I told it to ignore.

I'm using the latest nasm.deb (it's the same on slink and potato, BTW). I
did not find any open bugs on the subject on debian.org, nor was it
mentioned on Nasm's homepage at www.cryogen.com/Nasm.

Am I the only one having these problems?

( Fábio Olivé Leite[EMAIL PROTECTED] )
(  http://descartes.ucpel.tche.br/~olive  )
( Linux - Distributed Systems - Fault Tolerance - Security - /etc )
(BC 50 7F 7A B9 2E 0A 26   91 8A D1 C0 B1 E4 DA A4)

Re: Boot floppy

1999-04-16 Thread Fabio Olive leite
Hi there!

]   I am trying to make a boot floppy. I downloaded the boot-floppies*
] package. But during the installation it craps out due to dependency
] problems. The packages that dpkg complains as not been installed are
] actually there (eg teTeX) since I built those myself from sources without
] using dpkg. I have the custom kernel image in .deb format. Is there an
] alternate way to create a boot floppy?

Well, if you did not install teTeX via dpkg, then for dpkg they're
_not_there_. You can force install overriding dependencies, though, if you
feel it should work. Just man dpkg.

Anyway, if you feel like building your own packages, you can allways do so
using debian source packages. You can then modify whatever you want and
still have your dependencies right.

( Fábio Olivé Leite[EMAIL PROTECTED] )
(  http://descartes.ucpel.tche.br/~olive  )
( Linux - Distributed Systems - Fault Tolerance - Security - /etc )
(BC 50 7F 7A B9 2E 0A 26   91 8A D1 C0 B1 E4 DA A4)

Some email bounces = misconfigured exim?

1999-04-16 Thread Arcady Genkin

Hi all:
It happened for the second time - an email bounced because I happen to 
have invalid domain name (i.e. my local domain name) in some

Please advise where do dig. :(

My local [EMAIL PROTECTED] address (intranet): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My real email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Here's the mailer's complaint: --

A message that you sent could not be delivered to all of its recipients. The
following address(es) failed:

SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:
host anguish.transas.com []:
501 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender domain must exist

-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

Return-path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: from antipode by main.wgaf.net with local (Exim 2.05 #1 (Debian))
id 10Xwkt-vy-00; Thu, 15 Apr 1999 20:45:15 -0400
Subject: My subject
Mime-Version: 1.0 (generated by tm-edit 7.108)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
From: Arcady Genkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 15 Apr 1999 20:45:15 -0400
Lines: 26
X-Mailer: Gnus v5.6.45/XEmacs 20.4 - Emerald
Sender: Arcady Genkin [EMAIL PROTECTED]

the body snipped

Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE

new ATI graphics boards

1999-04-16 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone,

I am thinking of upgrading my computer's graphics board to 
either one of the two new ATI cards: ATI Rage Magnum or ATI Rage Fury.
I am not sure what the difference between these two cards is
(my dealer didn't either) - except for the price.

Now I am wondering if anyone has any experience with either one of
these two boards?  How do they perform under X11?  Do they work at all?
I could not find these cards listed in the compatibility lists at

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Oh, btw.  the other day I complained about M-x brew-coffee not working
in emacs :-) ... Thanks to all those who pointed me to the
Coffee-mini-HOWTO.  Has anyone actually build this?

So long,
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Life is not fair. But the root password helps. ***

Re: file system vfat

1999-04-16 Thread Richard Harran
What does compiling vfat support into your kernel do for you?  I only
ask because I don't have it, but I do mount my Windows95 drives under
linux, and I seem to be able to use them ok (except for permissions,
which I suppose don't exist on them)

Alan Tam wrote:
 The kernel comes with Debian was not configured with vfat support. 
 boot time mount is processed before kerneld, therefore you can't mount vfat 
 systems before kerneld is processed. After login (before login, kerneld is
 processed) then you can mount the vfats.
 To have the vfat support at boot time compile your kernel with 
 answers to make
 config (or make menuconfig | make xconfig) as follows:
 fat fs support  y
 msdos fs supporty
 vfat fs supporty
 nls codepage 437   m
 nls iso8859-1 m
 Jelmar Andree wrote:
  when booting I get the message vfat not supported by the kernel.
  when I'm logged in and do as root mount /dosc there is no problem.
  I've ofcourse in my fstab mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /dosc etc.
  how is that possible and what to change so by booting the
  windows-partities will be mounted?
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Re: Some email bounces = misconfigured exim?

1999-04-16 Thread Arcady Genkin
George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 16 Apr 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:
  Hi all:
  It happened for the second time - an email bounced because I happen to 
  have invalid domain name (i.e. my local domain name) in some
  Please advise where do dig. :(
  My local [EMAIL PROTECTED] address (intranet): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  My real email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Here's the mailer's complaint: --
  A message that you sent could not be delivered to all of its recipients. The
  following address(es) failed:
  SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL FROM:
  host anguish.transas.com []:
  501 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender domain must exist
 Here is your problem:
 corsica# nslookup main.wgaf.net

Thanks. I kinda understood that. However, I don't have a permanent IP, 
forget the domain name. wgaf.net - made up domain name for my home
LAN. But I still want to have this address for the internal mail (from 
system services and other users).

I don't understand it - why doesn't that mailer look at my From:
header to determine and check the validity of my email address? I do
have a valid address specified there.


Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE

Re: Some email bounces = misconfigured exim?

1999-04-16 Thread Slick-willie
Because email From: headers don't mean anything!

Re: Some email bounces = misconfigured exim?

1999-04-16 Thread Arcady Genkin
George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On 16 Apr 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 But many mail servers will not accept mail from made up domains because
 spammers tend to make up domain names too!

Oh boy... So what do you think I should do? Stuff sympatico.ca instead 
of my local domain name and genkin instead of my local user name in
the exim configuration file? That would completely screw up the local
mail system then, right?

I run fetchmail as root, and it uses local delivery system to
distribute the mail between the users. Or should I change my user name 
too to adjust to my internet email address? Sounds like overkill.

Is there a smarter solution?

Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE

Re: file system vfat

1999-04-16 Thread David Nelson
For one, vfat let's you see long filenames in Linux.

Richard Harran wrote:
 What does compiling vfat support into your kernel do for you?  I only
 ask because I don't have it, but I do mount my Windows95 drives under
 linux, and I seem to be able to use them ok (except for permissions,
 which I suppose don't exist on them)
 Alan Tam wrote:
  The kernel comes with Debian was not configured with vfat support. 
  boot time mount is processed before kerneld, therefore you can't mount vfat 
  systems before kerneld is processed. After login (before login, kerneld is
  processed) then you can mount the vfats.
  To have the vfat support at boot time compile your kernel with 
  answers to make
  config (or make menuconfig | make xconfig) as follows:
  fat fs support  y
  msdos fs supporty
  vfat fs supporty
  nls codepage 437   m
  nls iso8859-1 m
  Jelmar Andree wrote:
   when booting I get the message vfat not supported by the kernel.
   when I'm logged in and do as root mount /dosc there is no problem.
   I've ofcourse in my fstab mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /dosc etc.
   how is that possible and what to change so by booting the
   windows-partities will be mounted?
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Re: file system vfat

1999-04-16 Thread Richard Harran
I get that now, 'without' vfat.  Although I don't have vfat compiled
into the kernel, I am mounting my Win drives with the 'vfat' type option
(apparently quite sucessfully), which is why I asked the question.

Seems a bit strange.

David Nelson wrote:
 For one, vfat let's you see long filenames in Linux.
 Richard Harran wrote:
  What does compiling vfat support into your kernel do for you?  I only
  ask because I don't have it, but I do mount my Windows95 drives under
  linux, and I seem to be able to use them ok (except for permissions,
  which I suppose don't exist on them)
  Alan Tam wrote:
   The kernel comes with Debian was not configured with vfat 
   support. During
   boot time mount is processed before kerneld, therefore you can't mount 
   vfat file
   systems before kerneld is processed. After login (before login, kerneld is
   processed) then you can mount the vfats.
   To have the vfat support at boot time compile your kernel with 
   answers to make
   config (or make menuconfig | make xconfig) as follows:
   fat fs support  y
   msdos fs supporty
   vfat fs supporty
   nls codepage 437   m
   nls iso8859-1 m
   Jelmar Andree wrote:
when booting I get the message vfat not supported by the kernel.
when I'm logged in and do as root mount /dosc there is no problem.
I've ofcourse in my fstab mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /dosc etc.
how is that possible and what to change so by booting the
windows-partities will be mounted?
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Re: file system vfat

1999-04-16 Thread David Nelson
Are you sure you get that with the msdos filesystem? I didn't. To see
long filenames, I had to install vfat.

Richard Harran wrote:
 I get that now, 'without' vfat.  Although I don't have vfat compiled
 into the kernel, I am mounting my Win drives with the 'vfat' type option
 (apparently quite sucessfully), which is why I asked the question.
 Seems a bit strange.
 David Nelson wrote:
  For one, vfat let's you see long filenames in Linux.

Re: oddness from getgrnam()

1999-04-16 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 I was testing a program and to see how it handled an invalid group I did:
 gr = getgrnam(bob);
 Now obviously this failed.  However the string from perror() states:
 Could not find file or directory
 Why is this?  Seems like a counter intuitive error.

I think the error is not set by getgrnam().  If I run

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include grp.h

int main(void)
  struct group* gr;
  gr = getgrnam(tgakem);

  return 0;

it always prints

before: Success
after: No such file or directory

It makes no difference if tgakem exists (which it happens to do) or
if it doesn't.  My guess is that getgrnam tries to look for group
descriptions in several files, of which at least one does not exist.

If I run the above program with strace (strace ./prg) and grep for
`open', I get

open(/etc/ld.so.preload, O_RDONLY)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
open(/etc/ld.so.cache, O_RDONLY)  = 3
open(/lib/libc.so.6, O_RDONLY)= 3
open(/etc/nsswitch.conf, O_RDONLY)= 3
open(/etc/ld.so.cache, O_RDONLY)  = 3
open(/lib/libnss_compat.so.1, O_RDONLY) = 3
open(/lib/libnsl.so.1, O_RDONLY)  = 3
open(/lib/libnss_files.so.1, O_RDONLY) = 3
open(/etc/group, O_RDONLY)= 3

As you can see the first file could not be opened.  I checked and it
indeed does not exist on my system, so that will have triggered the
error message.  The getgrnam function returns NULL on failure, and
apparently does not manipulate errno.


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: file system vfat

1999-04-16 Thread Arcady Genkin
Richard Harran [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I get that now, 'without' vfat.  Although I don't have vfat compiled
 into the kernel, I am mounting my Win drives with the 'vfat' type option
 (apparently quite sucessfully), which is why I asked the question.

You probably have vfat as a module. When you mount an MSDOS system, 
what does your lsmod say?

Arcady Genkin
I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE

Re: compile error--my choice of options, or the program?

1999-04-16 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Thu, Apr 15, 1999 at 22:26:24 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to compile a large program wherein I had to choose a series of
 options for my system (Linux/PC vs. SGI, etc).  The entire output of the
 compile is the following lines:
 main.cc:60: declaration of C function `int gethostname(char *, int)'
 conflicts with /usr/include/unistd.h:662: previous declaration `int
 gethostname(char *, size_t)' here make: *** [main.o] Error 1

The main program declares gethostname in some way. Probably by something
extern int gethostname(char * foo, int bar)

Try commenting out that declaration in main.cc.

LEADERSHIP  A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with auto-
destructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch 
it'll be someone else's bones which go crack and not their own.   
- The Hipcrime Vocab by Chad C. Mulligan

Re: file system vfat

1999-04-16 Thread Richard Harran
That's the one:
vfat4   2

I didn't have vfat as a module in the kernel either, but I guess it
doesn't need to be.


Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Richard Harran [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I get that now, 'without' vfat.  Although I don't have vfat compiled
  into the kernel, I am mounting my Win drives with the 'vfat' type option
  (apparently quite sucessfully), which is why I asked the question.
 You probably have vfat as a module. When you mount an MSDOS system,
 what does your lsmod say?
 Arcady Genkin
 I opened up my wallet, and it's full of blood... - GsYDE
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Citrix ICA and Debian Linux 2.0

1999-04-16 Thread Thomas Gebhardt

you need libx6 from the oldlibs section.

 I'm getting the following output results:
 bash-2.01$ ldd wfica
 libXaw.so.6 = not found
 libXt.so.6 = not found
 libX11.so.6 = not found
 libc.so.5 = /lib/libc.so.5 (0x40009000)
 bash-2.01$ ldd wfcmgr
 libXpm.so.4 = not found

and xpm4.7 (not sure about the last digit, this is the package
name in Debian 2.1) from oldlibs

 libSM.so.6 = not found
 libICE.so.6 = not found
 libXmu.so.6 = not found
 libXt.so.6 = not found
 libX11.so.6 = not found
 libc.so.5 = /lib/libc.so.5 (0x40009000)

There are file Contents-arch.gz in ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/name
that list all available files and the corresponding debian packages.

Regards, Thomas

Xdvi doesn't show any eps files in slink

1999-04-16 Thread Peter Weiss
Hello debianers,

Xdvi does not display any included eps files in the slinks version
(package tetex-bin, version 0.9.981113-2). IIRC this used to work with
the hamm distribution.

Starting any PostScript viewer (gs/gv/ghostscript) with the eps file
displays it correctly though the errors below are shown _after_
displaying the file (at least with gs and gv, not with ghostview).

Is there a workaround for this (btw I'm using gs-aladdin 5.10-9)?

Starting xdvi with an eps file generated by tgif produces the following
gs errors:

gs: Error: /undefined in 3968rhi=2834
gs: Operand stack:
gs: Execution stack:
gs:%interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   
gs:2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--  
gs: e   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   
gs:  --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   
gs: ringval--   --nostringval--   %loop_continue   --nostringval--   
gs:   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   
gs: val--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   
gs: gval--   --nostringval--   5   5   %oparray_pop
gs: Dictionary stack:
gs:--dict:775/809--   --dict:0/20--   --dict:47/200--   --dict:23/250--   
gs: 37/200--
gs: Current allocation mode is local
gs: Current file position is 4375

TIA -- Peter

Peter Weiss, Riemenschneiderstraße 4, 82008 Unterhaching
---The foolish ones taught more to me than the wise ones ever could---

Re: Xauth, how to get rid of it?

1999-04-16 Thread John Stevenson
There is a nice little command called xhost which allows you to
specifiy from which machines users are allowed to run X

So this alters the Magic Cookie stuff.  If you type:

xhost +mymachine

where mymachine is the hostname of the computer you are
currently typing at, then no matter what user you su to, then
you are able to run X applications.  I do this when I want to
install applications when they have X installs.

First I login as username then run startx and work as normal. 
If I want to run an X applicaton as another user, say root to
install a non-debianised X app, then I would type the above
command first then su to root.  I can now run all the X apps I
so desire.

I also use this mechanism to read my email stored on another
machine, using netscape as my mail reader.  I type:

xhost +othermachinename
rlogin othermachinename
export DISPLAY=mymachine:0.0
netscape -mail 

In order, this allows me to run and X application from another
machine using xhost.
Then I login to the other machine.
Then tell the othermachine to put the X applications display on
mymachine so I can control it.
Then I run my X application.

A word of warning though, if you do xhost +  then you are
allowing anyone to run an X app on your machine, which may be
not what you desire.

Hope this all helps.

Pollywog wrote:
 On 07-Apr-99 Richard Harran wrote:
  Do you mean that you are trying to start a second X session while the
  first is still running, or are you having difficulty starting for a
  second time having exited the first session?
  If it is the first (and you get an error like:
server is already active for display :0, or something)
  you can fix it with
startx -- :1
  to start the second X server on display 1.  This will probably associate
  it with ctrlaltF8.
  If it is the second, I think you have a problem (X not exiting
  properly?) 'cos I don't think that should happen.
 I get those annoying MAGIC COOKIE warnings when I su from a regular user and
 this even happens when I use vim after 'su'.  I am still able to edit stuff,
 and the only problem is when I need to run some X program as superuser.
 I saw somewhere how to deal with this Xauth stuff, but I don't remember where.
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Space problems

1999-04-16 Thread Vesa Kaihlavirta

My Debian slink used to crash all the X-programs I tried to run, and I
couldn't figure why. So I went the Windows-way: reinstall.

I partitioned my HD also in a new way: smaller /dev/hda1 (/ 256Mb), larger
/dev/hda2 (/usr ab. 5Gb) and a swap /dev/hda3 (100mb). After installing and
apt-getting all the packages, I noticed that I was little short-sighted:
/dev/hda1 might run out of space pretty quickly.

I wouldn't want to reinstall everything, so I figured that I create
/usr/local/home and link it to /home. 

Is this stupid? If not, can I also do the same thing with /var/spool/mail
without breaking important?

Is there a better way?


Re: linux usage by well known sites

1999-04-16 Thread David Nelson
If you have RealPlayer, drop this into Open Location in the File menu.
It's the keynotes speech for the LinuxWorld expo:


Apparently, Oracle have a Linux box on 1 in 10 of their developers.
Listen for yourself. Web applications are going to be big, it seems.

This link is Linus' speech, and describes future development of Linux:


Hope this helps, enjoy!


news: news wrote:
  ES == Eugene Sevinian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 ES I would like to know if there are any
 ES well known sites which are running linux?
 How about dejanews (they have even a paper describing their setup on
 their website) or real.com?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

linux router poject help!please tell me!

1999-04-16 Thread RenDH
I just used  idiot.image-2.9.3-1.44MB,and my computer is a pentium 166
with ne2000 card.
1.  I insert a disk (with idiot.image-2.9.3-1.44MB  )and reboot my
2.  After I login with root,I setup ip addrress ,subnetmask and setup
ne2000 in modules.
3. Then I reboot. I found systerm prompt not found ne.o (mybe ne2000
4. when I login with root,I can only ping success and ping
(self ipaddr or other ipaddr) ret -1.
What's wrong with my setup,please tell me.

missing file (/etc/ld.so.preload)

1999-04-16 Thread ivan

Trying to debug a programme (still :)) and I have looked at the strace log
that I created.

The strace log gives the following error
open(/etc/ld.so.preload, O_RDONLY)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)

This is the third line of the log file.

I checked the directory and this file is definitely missing.  Should this file
be present and if so where do I obtain it ?


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