Re:Tar y gzip enlazados est?ticamente

1999-06-01 Thread daniel

Ya que os poneis... soy algo novato... me podríais explicar que diferencia
hay entre las versiones de programas enlazadas dinámica y estáticamente? ¿
qué ventajas o desventajas tienen? ¿Me hacias una comparación estática vs.



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Asunto: Re:Tar y gzip enlazados estáticamente

El sábado 29 de mayo de 1999 a la(s) 11:20:54 +0200, Javier López contaba:

Necesito las versiones enlazadas estáticamente de gzip y tar.¿Alguién
sabe donde podría obtenerlas? ¿Hay algun paquete donde pueda
encontrarlas? ¿Se expande el Universo, es cóncavo o convexo?

 Compílalas  tú mismo.  Creo que  no  tienes más  que añadir  la
 opción '-static'  al gcc y listos.  Es lo que yo  pienso hacer para
 currarme un lilo estático.

 Sobre lo del Universo, hay tantas evidencias de ambas cosas...

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Linux Registered User no. 87069 In love with TuX. Linux 2.2.9
PGP Public key at

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data


1999-06-01 Thread Fernando


Alguien sabe si existen fortunes en castellano.



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.


1999-06-01 Thread Santiago Vila
On Sun, 30 May 1999, Daniel wrote:

 ¿Dónde podría encontrar información paso a paso de cómo configurar
 procmail para distribuir el correo en las carpetas que yo quisiera y
 luego leer de cada una sin problemas? 


(Mucho más fácil de leer que las páginas man).

 deb20bd91c6df091ac9efdc8a85c5af5 (a truly random sig)

problema con el modem

1999-06-01 Thread Enol


Tengo un problemilla con el modem: resulta que antes me marcaba,
me conectaba y hacia de todo con el pero me vi obligado a reinstalar mi
linux y ahora no consigo que marque.
 Es un SupraExpress 33.6i PnP, ya lo he configurado con el isapnp
a IRQ 10 y puerto 0x3E8h, como lo tenia antes. Tambien hice la misma
configuracion con el pppconfig. El problema es que cuando intenta marcar
responde con un NO DIALTONE. Con Windows no me ha dado ninguna cosa rara
y no crea que sea por tener el kernel 2.2 porque me lo hacia antes de
instalarlo. Alguna idea?

Gracias de antemano,



1999-06-01 Thread Antonio Beamud
At 13.45 30/5/99 +0200, Daniel wrote:

Soy un novato en esto de correo en linux y querría usar procmail para
distribuir el correo
que me llega de distintas listas de correo en diferentes carpetas. Mi
problema es que los
filtros de netscape no funcionan correctamente y estoy un poco harto de
usarlo para el

¿Dónde podría encontrar información paso a paso de cómo configurar
procmail para distribuir
el correo en las carpetas que yo quisiera y luego leer de cada una sin

En mi sistema tengo procmail, sendmail, mutt, fetchmail... no se si
necesito algo más,
supongo que no, pero una ayudita no me vendría nada mal, los man me
resultan algo
pesados... no se si hay otra fuente de información que podría mirar que
sea mucho más
sencilla y que estuviera mejor explicada, bueno, ya me direis, gracias.

Mira en /usr/doc/procmail/examples/advanced
En ese fichero viene como hacer para que el MTA use procmail al repartir el
correo local. Por cierto hubo un comentario sobre que procmail era lento.
¿Hay uno más optimizado? Aunque para lentitud ya tengo el eudora 3.0 aqui
en la Universidad.


1999-06-01 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 03:41:39PM +0200, Antonio Beamud wrote:

 Por cierto hubo un comentario sobre que procmail era lento. ¿Hay uno más
 optimizado? Aunque para lentitud ya tengo el eudora 3.0 aqui en la

¿lento?  no sé... lo corro en un 486/33, procesa del orden de 4000 mensajes
diarios, y la máquina ni suda...  honestamente no creo que sea lento... tal
vez hay cosas más rápidas, pero procmail no es lento.


CD oficiales de debian.

1999-06-01 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Estoy buscando un mirror de los CD's oficiales de debian en
España o algun otro lugar con una buena conexión a España.
Alguien podria indicarme donde encontrarlo? Lo que busco son
las imagenes ISO de los CD's.


Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

Despacho 2.2.B.15Tlf.: (95) 2133316
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

RE: CD oficiales de debian.

1999-06-01 Thread jarregui, según dijo en esta misma lista
Fernándo Sánchez


   Estoy buscando un mirror de los CD's oficiales de debian en
 España o algun otro lugar con una buena conexión a España.
 Alguien podria indicarme donde encontrarlo? Lo que busco son
 las imagenes ISO de los CD's.

RE: Lio con dosemu

1999-06-01 Thread Ricardo Villalba

Estoy tratando de configurar el dosemu de la hamm, pero no hay manera
el lredir no funciona, siempre da un error (3e, o algún otro número).

y bla, bla, bla

¡Lo he conseguido! Al final le instalé el DOS de windows 95 y ya funciona
perfectamente. Aunque yo preferiría utilizar un DOS libre y no depender de
windows (que además tarda algo más en arrancar), aunque es divertido teclear
ver y que responda con windows 95 sé qué.no sé cuantos.

Por ahora sólo lo he probado 3 o 4 programas pero funcionan a la perfección
incluyendo el edit.
¡Chapeau para los programadores!

Ricardo Villalba

RE: Targeta AGP (S3 Trio3D/2x), alguna esperanza?

1999-06-01 Thread Ricardo Villalba

renové el equipo, y por falta de slots isa (solo 2) renuncié
a mi modesta pero cumplidora Trident de 1Mb.

La targeta  gráfica más  barata de la  tienda era  una Mentor,
para bus  AGP. El chip  es S3 Trio3D/2X  (86C362), con  4Mb de

Por lo  que he averiguado  en la  web de XFree86.Org,  no está
soportado  ni en,  aunque quizás  pueda funcionar  en
modo compatibilidad, con alguna configuración soportada, :-?

Yo no lo he conseguido. Con el servidor SVGA Xwindow arranca a
320x200, y con el VGA16  a 640x480, pero claro, 16 colores. Si
alguien lo ha  hecho me haría un tremendo favor  si me contase
cómo. Tengo el XFree86 de Hamm.

Puedes probar con el frame buffer a ver si funciona.

Ricardo Villalba


1999-06-01 Thread Juanmi Mora
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 05:22:38PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bueno, no se hizo esperar, ya tengo el procmail configurado y funcionando
 la verdad, no se a que llaman lentitud por ahí...

Bueno, yo no sé si es culpa del procmail o es el mismo fetchmail,
cuando usaba el popclient me parecía igual de lento. Digo esto, porque
los primeros mensajes que me bajé de la red los bajé con eudora en
un GüinDOG 3.1, y bajaban rapidísimo. De todas formas mi Linux lava
muy blanco ;-)

 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
Debian 2.0 Hamm

Background Vivo en WMAKER

1999-06-01 Thread daniel


Desde hace algún tiempo actualicé mi distribución a potato y lo mismo hice
con los paquetes del wmaker, etc... el caso es que cuando arranco con mi
usuario normal (no root) al entrar en wmaker, el wmsetbg me asigna
automáticamente una serie de fondos gráficos para cada escritorio, sin que
yo los haya elegido... Sin embargo desde root no pasa, el mismo background
en todos los Escritorios (Workspaces).

Recuerdo que me instalé varios themes y andé jugando poniendo y quitando
algunos, al actualizar los menues de los thems cambiaron un poco. Siempre
que arranco WMAKER me salen los mismos fondos para cada uno de los
escritorios. Me gustaría saber como desactivar esto que hace el wmsetbg, si
lo mato y lo arranco a mano no pasa, pero quiero que nada más arrancar las
X cargue el theme y se deje de ponerme un fondo distinto que en ningún
momento yo quise...

Bueno, si me podeis ayudar me vendría genial.

Un saludo


Manual de Instalação

1999-06-01 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos

alguém traduziu ou está traduzindo o Install Manual for Intel x86?
Eu pensei em traduzir o FAQ, mas acho que o manual de instalação é mais

Se ninguém se manifestar, eu vou começar a traduzir.  É um pouco grande,
então se alguém quiser ajudar, me avise.

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Manual de Instalação

1999-06-01 Thread Christiano Anderson
Ola pessoal,

Sou novo na lista, mas gosto muito do Debian e o utilizo a muito tempo,
tanto como servidor como para uso pessoal, em casa. Gostaria muito de me
integrar neste projeto de traducao dos manuais, me disponibilizo ate em
criar um site (caso nao exista) para relacionar tudo que esta sendo
traduzido e o status das traducoes. 

Espero contribuir muito com o desenvolvimento do Debian, estou a
disposicao para ajuda-los no que for preciso. 

Um abraco,

Christiano Anderson

Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:
  Olá Rafael
  alguém traduziu ou está traduzindo o Install Manual for Intel x86?
  Eu pensei em traduzir o FAQ, mas acho que o manual de instalação é
  A tradução do Manual de Instalação da Debian já esta pronta. Ele esta
 Desculpem!  Eu vi no fonte do boot-floppies que o Benfati e o Macan já
 tinham pego, mas isso foi depois de mandar o email.  Aliás, demorei um
 pouco pra achar o fonte.  Na página do Debian Documentation Project, na
 seção do Manual de Instalação, só há links para a versão html, e ainda em
 Precisamos mesmo daquela página sobre tradução da Debian que alguém (Paulo
 Henrique?) falou em fazer.  Assim ficaria mais fácil saber o que foi ou
 está sendo feito.
 Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Manual_de_Instalação

1999-06-01 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld writes:
 Olha eu traduzi o manual da debian uma vez , mandei prum cara que ficou
 de mandar pra lista(eu num recebia na epoca) 
 Eu rodo numa maquina velha com OS/2 um tradutor picareta pra
 caramba mas que economiza um puta tempo e se vc tiver a fim
 manda pra mim ,e u passo o programa e vc só corrige os erros (minha

Você está falando sério?!?  Usar tradutor automático? 
Eu nunca faria isso, a não ser que você me mostre algum exemplo em que o
resultado seja razoável.

Olha só essa página da Epson (que alguém da LIE-Br descobriu)

É muito engraçado.  Alguns trechos legais:

Q2. O que é  Carneiro  de Sombra? O que faz e como trabalha?
CARNEIRO de sombra, ativado pelo programa de ligação, é usado para
copiar informação do ROM BIOS de sistema e o ROM vídeo em CARNEIRO.  Isto
provê para acesso mais rápido de informação de BIOS pela Eqüidade 386/20
que resulta em desempenho de sistema aumentado. 

Q3. Que fatias de CARNEIRO deveriam ser usadas quando melhorando a memória?

Eu não tenho o texto original, mas imagino que para melhorar a memória 
seria melhor usar intervalos de memória RAM do que fatias de carneiro.

Prefiro fazer tudo do zero do que corrigir uma porcaria dessas.

Você poderia traduzir um pedaço do Manual de Instalação com o seu
tradutor, e mandar para mim (ou pra lista)??  
Sei que o manual já foi traduzido, isso seria só pra ter uma idéia.

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A Debian em Portugues!

1999-06-01 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
é com prazer que anuncio a página para coordenar a tradução da Debian
para o português.
Ela é o começo de um trabalho coordenado para traduzir a Debian para o
Algumas coisas já estão feitas:
a instalação e o manual de instalação.
Outras estão a caminho: o manual do usuário e a descrição dos pacotes
para português.
A página é:
Quaisquer dúvidas, enderecem a mim: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian em Português: finalmente uma distribuição de Linux em português
com a qualidade da Debian.
Quoting Christiano Anderson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Ola pessoal,
 Sou novo na lista, mas gosto muito do Debian e o utilizo a muito tempo,
 tanto como servidor como para uso pessoal, em casa. Gostaria muito de me
 integrar neste projeto de traducao dos manuais, me disponibilizo ate em
 criar um site (caso nao exista) para relacionar tudo que esta sendo
 traduzido e o status das traducoes. 
 Espero contribuir muito com o desenvolvimento do Debian, estou a
 disposicao para ajuda-los no que for preciso. 
 Um abraco,
 Christiano Anderson
 Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:
   Olá Rafael
   alguém traduziu ou está traduzindo o Install Manual for Intel x86?
   Eu pensei em traduzir o FAQ, mas acho que o manual de instalação é
   A tradução do Manual de Instalação da Debian já esta pronta. Ele esta
  Desculpem!  Eu vi no fonte do boot-floppies que o Benfati e o Macan já
  tinham pego, mas isso foi depois de mandar o email.  Aliás, demorei um
  pouco pra achar o fonte.  Na página do Debian Documentation Project, na
  seção do Manual de Instalação, só há links para a versão html, e ainda em
  Precisamos mesmo daquela página sobre tradução da Debian que alguém (Paulo
  Henrique?) falou em fazer.  Assim ficaria mais fácil saber o que foi ou
  está sendo feito.
  Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A Debian em Portugues!

1999-06-01 Thread Christiano Anderson

Manda pra mim (em links ou arquivos anexados ao email) as pendencias. Eu
vou avaliar o conteudo e dou-lhe um prazo para entregar as traducoes
prontas. Sera otimo para mim poder ajudar neste projeto.

Eu sou administrador de um provedor de acesso a internet. Que tal a
gente criar um dominio, tipo e fazer uma pagina 100%
em portugues sobre o Debian?? A parte de hospedagem (claro, em um
servidor Debian, para ficar tudo nos 'conformes' - risos -) eu posso me
virar por aqui... 

Sugestoes serao bem-vindas.


C. Anderson

Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
 Quoting Christiano Anderson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  Boa iniciativa, Paulo! :)
  O site esta muito bom...
  O que falta fazer referente as traducoes??
  Christiano Anderson
 Falta o manual de usuário e a descrição dos pacotes em portugues...
 Tem um japones que conseguiu alterar o dpkg para fazer as descricoes 
 Mas, as explicacoes dele estao em japones. :(
 Vou colocar esse link na pagina.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: A Debian em Portugues!

1999-06-01 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
legal seu entusiasmo...
O dominio deveria ser:
O que falta basicamente é o que disse no e-mail:
1) O manual de usuários da Debian que está em:
2) e a descricao dos pacotes em portugues (que o japones fez). Estou
mandando atachado um e-mail que ele me mandou.
3) Acentuacao em portugues (estamos fazendo um script para acentuar
direto em portugues).
Quoting Christiano Anderson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 Manda pra mim (em links ou arquivos anexados ao email) as pendencias. Eu
 vou avaliar o conteudo e dou-lhe um prazo para entregar as traducoes
 prontas. Sera otimo para mim poder ajudar neste projeto.
 Eu sou administrador de um provedor de acesso a internet. Que tal a
 gente criar um dominio, tipo e fazer uma pagina 100%
 em portugues sobre o Debian?? A parte de hospedagem (claro, em um
 servidor Debian, para ficar tudo nos 'conformes' - risos -) eu posso me
 virar por aqui... 
 Sugestoes serao bem-vindas.
 C. Anderson
 Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira wrote:
  Quoting Christiano Anderson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Boa iniciativa, Paulo! :)
   O site esta muito bom...
   O que falta fazer referente as traducoes??
   Christiano Anderson
  Falta o manual de usuário e a descrição dos pacotes em portugues...
  Tem um japones que conseguiu alterar o dpkg para fazer as 
  descricoes em
  Mas, as explicacoes dele estao em japones. :(
  Vou colocar esse link na pagina.
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Binary data

Manual de Instalação

1999-06-01 Thread gleydson
Christiano Anderson wrote:

Ola pessoal,

Sou novo na lista, mas gosto muito do Debian e o 
utilizo a muito tempo, tanto como servidor como 
para uso pessoal, em casa. Gostaria muito de me
integrar neste projeto de traducao dos manuais, 

Seja Bem vindo ao grupo Christiano, estamos precisando 
de voluntários para as traduções dos projetos relacionados 
a Debian.

me disponibilizo ate em
criar um site (caso nao exista) para relacionar tudo que 
esta sendo traduzido e o status das traducoes. 

Paulo Henrique Baptista havia mancionado uma idéia semelhante, 
o que acha da idéia de Christiano Paulo?. A minha opinião, 
sobre o bom andamento das traduções, é a necessidade de:

1-) Criar um site onde serão colocadas as traduções já 
prontas que poderão ser revisadas pelos usuários e 
desenvolvedores da lista(a participação dos usuários 
também é importante no desenvolvimento de documentos de 
boa qualidade e entendimento, nem sempre os desenvolvedores 
são craques em Portugues, mas nós nos esforçamos para 
desenvolver um documento com o mínimo de erros e o máximo de compreensão, é 
importante ter um time de usuários dispostos 
a revisar documentos.

2-) Outro com uma relação de documentos que tem a necessidade 
de serem traduzidos e os que estão em andamento(com o E-mail 
dos respectivos mantedore, para contato). A prioridade são os documentos que 
guiarão os novos usuários a terem um primeiro 
contato com a Debian, como o manual de instalação, dselect, 
cfdisk, fips, manual do usuário, etc.

Recentemente enviei um E-Mail aos Desenvolvedores Oficiais 
da Debian perguntando sobre a criação de páginas específicas 
para uso dos desenvolvedores na manutenção e divulgação de 
projetos e traduções de documentos, felizmente a equipe da 
Debian é flexível e permite que os documentos sejam desenvolvidos paralelamente 
e depois enviados a distribuição principal. 

Isso é importante pois agiliza muito o trabalho de 
desenvolvimento de uma equipe, sem contar que as pessoas 
que se interessarem na tradução de projetos estarão em 
contato com administradores que falam a nossa língua, sem 
precisar aprender como utilizar o CVS e outros programas 
do tipo para o desenvolvimento, sendo somente utilizado 
pela pessoa autorizada para envio a Distribuição Oficial. 
Os administradores da Debian há pouco tempo tiveram
problemas com pessoas que utilizavam indevidamente o CVS.

3-) Criar uma lista de discussão para tratar exclusivamente 
sobre o andamento destes projetos e notificação de novos 
documento e versões. Mas por enquanto não creio que utilizarmos 
a debian-user-portuguese para isto ira gerar algum problema, 
ela esta meia parada utimamente...

É necessário criar pelo menos o Item 2, para termos controle 
sobre o andamento dos projetos de tradução.



MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil!
Use você também!

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil!
Use você também!

Manual de Instalação

1999-06-01 Thread gleydson
Rodrigo Cesar Herefeld writes:

Olha eu traduzi o manual da debian uma vez , mandei prum cara que ficou de 
mandar pra lista(eu num recebia na epoca)
Eu rodo numa maquina velha com OS/2 um tradutor picareta pra
caramba mas que economiza um puta tempo e se vc tiver a fim
manda pra mim ,e u passo o programa e vc só corrige os erros (minha maquina na 
epoca tava com FreeBSD e Ruindows e qud eu formatei pra instalar o LINUX eu 
tava de sao cheio e mandei tudo pro ara acabei esuqecendo e mandadando o 
manual junto.Eu queria poder ajudar mais mais tenho probelmas sérios de falta 
de tempo.
Em tempo o programa é legal em palavras normais mas pra se ter uma noção to 
boot(dar partida Não?) vira calçar as botas
assim vc vai calçar as botas no LINUX ,

A utilização de um programa de tradução é somente útil 
como um dicionário auxiliar.
Já testei vários deles, e o resultado é um texto que não 
obedece o padrão do original, e foge da tradução. Até os 
fabricantes destes produtos afirmam que sua tradução deve 
ser levada apenas como um rascunho.

Na tradução de documentos sobre informática a coisa se 
agrava pois existem muitos termos técnicos que não são 
interpretados corretamentes pelo programa.

A melhor tradutor para um documento é um pessoa que 
compreenda o idioma Inglês e o assunto que esta sendo 
traduzido para não se enrolar com os termos técnicos. 
Outro problema são as adaptações para o idioma, muitas
vezes um termo no texto Original não é o apropriado na 
nossa língua, devendo ser modificado para melhor compreensão. 

Esse tipo de tradutor inteligente sempre resulta em um 
documento de qualidade. Além disso, voce exercita e amplia 
o aprendizado sobre o assunto que esta sendo traduzido e a 
compreensão do idioma Ingles.


MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil!
Use você também!

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil!
Use você também!

Manual de Instalação

1999-06-01 Thread gleydson
Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:

Desculpem!  Eu vi no fonte do boot-floppies que o Benfati 
e o Macan já tinham pego, mas isso foi depois de mandar 
o email.  Aliás, demorei um pouco pra achar o fonte.  Na 
página do Debian Documentation Project, na seção do Manual 
de Instalação, só há links para a versão html, e ainda em

É fui o terceiro a entrar como voluntário na tradução 
do manual de instalação da Debian, veja README-authors em

Precisamos mesmo daquela página sobre tradução da Debian 
que alguém (Paulo Henrique?) falou em fazer.  Assim ficaria 
mais fácil saber o que foi ou está sendo feito.

Concordo com voce, deste modo poderemos acompanhar o 
andamento de todos os projetos do grupo.

MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil!
Use você também!

Re: A Debian em Portugues!

1999-06-01 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira writes:
   legal seu entusiasmo...
   O dominio deveria ser:
   O que falta basicamente é o que disse no e-mail:

   1) O manual de usuários da Debian que está em:

Esse manual, além de não fazer parte da Debian, não pode ser
traduzido/reproduzido livremente:

For information on software, translations, or book distributors in both
the U. S. A. and outside the U. S. A., please write to Linux Press at the
above address. 

The Debian Linux User's Guide 
Copyright (c) 1998 by Dale Scheetz 
All rights to the publication and distribution of this book in printed
form are held by Dale Scheetz, with exclusive license of those rights
granted to  Linux Press. Any production for resale of this document in
hard copy form is strictly forbidden outside this exclusive license to
Linux Press. 

Eu não copiei a licença inteira (está no URL acima), mas basicamente ela
diz que você pode fazer cópias eletrônicas, e imprimir para uso pessoal.

Ao invés disso, podemos esperar que o Debian Tutorial fique pronto.
Eu desde já me disponho a traduzir.

   2) e a descricao dos pacotes em portugues (que o japones fez). Estou
 mandando atachado um e-mail que ele me mandou.

Isso também não está integrado à Debian, é só uma proposta, não?
Macan, você sabe de algo sobre isso?

   3) Acentuacao em portugues (estamos fazendo um script para acentuar
 direto em portugues).


Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: c++ docs

1999-06-01 Thread Shaleh

On 31-May-99 Brad wrote:
 Where are the docs for the c++ libraries?
 More specifically, i have a copy of C++ How To Program second edition
 here. It claims that #include sstream will allow strings to be
 manipulated as streams. sstream: No such file or directory g++ tells me.
 Ok then, i'll just check the docs i think to myself. Tried the manpages.
 Tried info. Tried looking in /usr/doc. i couldn't even find anything about
 the c++ string class (which i know i have), much less using them as
 streams! Hmmm... did i miss a -doc somewhere?. Fired up dselect, and
 couldn't find any c++ docs at all, installed or uninstalled...
 So, does anyone know where the docs are? Or at least how to use something
 like what the book is talking about? 

g++ uses strstream.  I am unsure if that is the proper ANSI name or not.

Re: make menuconfig (potato)

1999-06-01 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 01:17:58PM +0930, John Pearson wrote:
 On Sat, May 29, 1999 at 04:48:49PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote
  On Sat, May 29, 1999 at 06:03:04PM -0500, Brad wrote:
   On Sat, 29 May 1999, Bob Nielsen wrote:
Why are the menuconfig boxes now shown with ascii characters (*, |,
etc.) instead of real lines as in earlier versions? 
   What's your TERM environment variable set to? On my system, if it's
   linux, rxvt, or xterm-debian it uses color and lines. vt100 goves
   lines but no color. xterm gives ASCII chars and no color.
   The default for a console should be linux. For an Xterm from the deb
   package, it should be xterm-debian. For an rxvt, it should be rxvt.
  TERM=linux  There is color, but no lines.
  System is potato, kernel 2.2.9.
 At the console (i.e., not under X) this is also affected by the font you
 load using setfont, or SVGATextMode.  If you're in 80x25 console mode, try
 setfont cp850-8x16
 which should fix it (on the current vt) if that is the reason.
 If this isa the problem and you have SVGATextmodse installed, you should
 edit /etc/TextConfig to fix it permanently; if you are not using
 SVGATextmode, edit /etc/kbd/config.

Thanks, that fixed it.

My TextConfig had FontProg /usr/bin/setfont -u def.uni which was
SUPPOSED to handle that, according to the comment lines.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Andrew J Fortune

I am a Windows 95 user who has recently been introduced to the world of
Linux (Debian (2.0, I think ??)). I have partitioned off about 1 GB of my
hard drive to Linux, and the rest is DOS/W95.

I am trying to work out ... is it possible to share files between the two
operating systems (i.e. Linux and W95) ?

Here is a practical example of what I mean.I am trying to sell the
concept of Linux to a friend of mine who only uses W95 at the moment.
Suppose I wanted to create a screenshot (.BMP) from a session that I was
running in WMaker or Afterstephow would I get it across to W95 so that I
could EMail the picture to him ??

(Is a BMP in Linux the same format as a BMP file in W95 ?)

...and talking about EMails, can anyone give me any leads on the best way I
can connect to the Net in Linux, surf the Net, send/receive EMails,
participate in Chat programs etc. ?

I'm experienced in W95, but I am only starting out in the world of Unix
(...a whole new world), so if any responses could be in layman's terms I
would be grateful :)

Thanks in advance for your help !!

Andrew J Fortune

Re: c++ docs

1999-06-01 Thread Havoc Pennington

The standard string streams stuff isn't supported yet in egcs, I don't

To find out if something is supported, see if it's there. For docs, read
Stroustrup. :-)

There's also:

which is helpful.


Re: Any .AVI players out there?

1999-06-01 Thread Bob Nielsen

On Sun, May 30, 1999 at 05:46:05PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
 Now that I'm playing with multimedia a little bit, I need a player for
 .avi movie clips. Does such an animal exist for Debian?

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: XF86Setup

1999-06-01 Thread moron
Von: Rick Macdonald [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In the XF86Config file, in Section Screen, add a Virtual parameter
 each subsection, and set it to the max res for that subsection.

 I've got a dozen 'Subsection Display' entries - under Driver Accel,
 Driver SVGA, Driver VGA16 and Driver VGA2.  In each case there is one
 Modes 1024*768800*600640*480
 If I split the line or insert  eg 'Virtual 800 600' in the middle, I get
 error message when I 'startx'.  So can you tell me where I put these

Actually, I may have misinterpreted your question.

Yes, sorry, perhaps it was not very clear.  There are actually two
questions, as explained later.

 You can only have one
Virtual for each subsection, which you would set to the maximum res:

Subsection Display
Depth   16
Modes   1152x864-75c
ViewPort0 0
Virtual 1152 864

All  the 'Modes' lines are identical - Modes  1024*768  800*600
Should I, for example, amend one of them to Modes 800*600 640*480 and
then write Virtual 800 600?

That's the first question, which concerns how I see the screen - I'd like to
understand how to control these things but if I can't, frankly, I don't
really mind too much.  The second question concerns how java applets are
If an applet wants to present something that should more or less fill the
screen, it can get the screen size from the local system and size the image
accordingly.  In M$ Windows, 640*480  means that a 640*480 image would fill
the screen, but it seems that Linux by default returns the size of the
largest screen available, and if the user is actually in a lower screen
resolution he/she either would not realise that they are missing something
or would have to change their resolution to see everything.
Am I talking a load of codswallop?


Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Ed Cogburn
Andrew J Fortune wrote:
 I am a Windows 95 user who has recently been introduced to the world of
 Linux (Debian (2.0, I think ??)). I have partitioned off about 1 GB of my
 hard drive to Linux, and the rest is DOS/W95.

You really need another partition thats 32Mb or 64Mb for a 'swap'
partition. Linux will use that as additional 'memory' in addition
to the physical ram your machine has.  Its functionally equivalent
to the swap file that Win creates except that a separate partition
is safer than a file on your main partition.

 I am trying to work out ... is it possible to share files between the two
 operating systems (i.e. Linux and W95) ?

No problem.  There is a filesystem for Linux called 'msdos' or
'vfat' (for Win95) that can be installed as part of a customized
kernel or as a kernel module.  These filesystems once mounted
(probably in /etc/fstab) allow read/write access to your Win

 Here is a practical example of what I mean.I am trying to sell the
 concept of Linux to a friend of mine who only uses W95 at the moment.
 Suppose I wanted to create a screenshot (.BMP) from a session that I was
 running in WMaker or Afterstephow would I get it across to W95 so that I
 could EMail the picture to him ??
 (Is a BMP in Linux the same format as a BMP file in W95 ?)

Binary files are copied unaltered.  What you are probably
thinking of is the CR/LF difference between Unix and Dos/Win when
it comes to text files.  Dos uses ascii 13/10 (CR/LF) to end lines
in a text file, while Unix just uses the 10 (LF).

 ...and talking about EMails, can anyone give me any leads on the best way I
 can connect to the Net in Linux, surf the Net, send/receive EMails,
 participate in Chat programs etc. ?

Sure, but it my take a little learning at first (was for me).
Once I got ppp (use pppconfig deb package) running (connected to
my ISP), I just got Netscape Communicator from and installed it.  You can learn how the
other, standard Unix, packages are installed and configured (you
need a mail transfer agent, a mail user agent, and newsgroup
reader)  but these are really only needed if your planning on
setting your machine up as a server.  For end-user only type of
activity (web surfing) just get Netscape.  Note: Netscape is
available in Debian 2.1 as deb files, otherwise make sure you get
the glibc2 version from (under the 'unsupported'
dir tree).

 I'm experienced in W95, but I am only starting out in the world of Unix
 (...a whole new world), so if any responses could be in layman's terms I
 would be grateful :)
 Thanks in advance for your help !!
 Andrew J Fortune

Ed C.

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Bob Nielsen
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 09:25:57AM +1000, Andrew J Fortune wrote:
 I am a Windows 95 user who has recently been introduced to the world of
 Linux (Debian (2.0, I think ??)). I have partitioned off about 1 GB of my
 hard drive to Linux, and the rest is DOS/W95.
 I am trying to work out ... is it possible to share files between the two
 operating systems (i.e. Linux and W95) ?
 Here is a practical example of what I mean.I am trying to sell the
 concept of Linux to a friend of mine who only uses W95 at the moment.
 Suppose I wanted to create a screenshot (.BMP) from a session that I was
 running in WMaker or Afterstephow would I get it across to W95 so that I
 could EMail the picture to him ??

You can use mount to mount a Win95 partition and then cp the file (or
email it to him from Linux).See 'man mount'.

 (Is a BMP in Linux the same format as a BMP file in W95 ?)
 ...and talking about EMails, can anyone give me any leads on the best way I
 can connect to the Net in Linux, surf the Net, send/receive EMails,
 participate in Chat programs etc. ?

I'd suggest you install ppp and pppconfig (assuming you have a dial-up
ppp connection).  After you get it running, you may want to consider
diald (although ppp now supports dial-on-demand). 

For surfing, try lynx (text-based) or one of the various
navigator/communicator versions available for Debian.

For email:  mutt, pine, communicator, several others.  

There are several available irc programs, as well: ircii, bitchx, tkirc,

dselect is your friend here.


Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: c++ docs

1999-06-01 Thread David B.Teague
On Mon, 31 May 1999, Brad wrote:

 Where are the docs for the c++ libraries?

 More specifically, i have a copy of C++ How To Program second edition
 here. It claims that #include sstream will allow strings to be
 manipulated as streams. sstream: No such file or directory g++ tells me.
 Ok then, i'll just check the docs i think to myself. Tried the manpages.
 Tried info. Tried looking in /usr/doc. i couldn't even find anything about
 the c++ string class (which i know i have), much less using them as
 streams! Hmmm... did i miss a -doc somewhere?. Fired up dselect, and
 couldn't find any c++ docs at all, installed or uninstalled...
 So, does anyone know where the docs are? Or at least how to use something
 like what the book is talking about? 

Unfortunately, there is very little distributed with egcs nor in
the way of actual documentation for either the compiler or the

For STL there is a considerable array of texts. Depending on how
good you are with C++, you could use Glass and Schuchert, The STL
PRIMER published by Prentice Hall. This was writted by them for
a two or three days of 8 hour classes. If you already have the STL
details in hand, this is very a good encapsulation of the STL. 

PJ Plauger has several books on STL and on the libraries. He
directed the C++ library part of the standards committee. Most of
his books are published by Prentice Hall. Go to the PH web page
and search for Plauger. 

A book I like, but is old, that I still use extensively is Teale,
C++ IOStreams Library,m the trout book from Addison Wesley. That
book is dated, but if you try all the stuff he suggests, you will
find it a gold mine.

If you are a C++ beginner, you should use book like Savitch,
Problem Solving in C++, Addison Wesley, which I had the pleasure
of doing the revision under Prof Savitch's careful guidance. It 
deals with the language and some of the libraries.

Next a beginner in the STL might go to Budd, Data Structrues in 
C++, aslos Addison Wesley.

IF you are reasonably gooa at C++ programming, and intereseted in
the Intel architecture in a micro soft environmnet, use Nelson's
C++ Programmer's Guide form IDG books. 

If you are an advanced C++ programmer, then for STL you could use 
STL Tutorial and Reference Guide, Musser and Saini, Addison

As has been mentioned, Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language
3rd,  and LIppman and Lajoie, C++ Primer, contain a vast amount of
information. These are Addison Wesley books.

Last but not least is the array of places on the WWW where you can
find vast arrays of documenation and tutorials.

Debian GNU/Linux Because software support is free, timely,
 useful, technically accurate, and friendly.
 Hope this qualifies.

Re: c++ docs

1999-06-01 Thread Carl Mummert

You are probably looking for 'strstream' which you can include headers for
with '#include strstream'.  

The name of this class has been strstream for a couple of years,
but all of the STL stuff is relatively young, so if your book
is more than (about) two years old, many thngs may end up
slightly inaccurate.

There is a package named 'stl-manual' that has some docs, but again
the stl is too yung for much standarization between different libraries.
So small things may be different.

At least, with newer versions of eg++, you can use
default template parameters; the former HP library did not
uise them since g++ didn;t support them


Problems with switching layouts with XKB

1999-06-01 Thread Allen B. Riddell

OK, I'm trying to use dvorak7min -- I can use it fine in non-gui land, but 
when I go into X, nothing seems to work. I issue the command asdf which 
should switch it, but it gives me this error message:

$ asdf
Couldn't interpret _XKB_RULES_NAMES property

and I get that message when I try to use setkbdmap (or setxkbmap, can't 
remember which) --

Any help?

Re: accounting software for linux

1999-06-01 Thread Tyson Dowd
On 31-May-1999, Stephen Pitts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 GNUCash ( is in development right now; you might
 want to try one of their stable relases. Otherwise, check out XACC 
 ( It is stable and is the basis for
 GNUCash. Also, check the Freshmeat Appindex (

xacc is packaged for slink.  gnucash is packaged for potato (but will
install on slink, it has been built on a slink system so far).  You'll
need to also grab `xmhtml1'.

The quantum sort: 
while (!sorted) { do_nothing(); }

Re: XF86Setup

1999-06-01 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, moron wrote:

  I've got a dozen 'Subsection Display' entries - under Driver Accel,
  Driver SVGA, Driver VGA16 and Driver VGA2.  In each case there is one
  Modes 1024*768800*600640*480

 Virtual for each subsection, which you would set to the maximum res:
 Subsection Display
 Depth   16
 Modes   1152x864-75c
 ViewPort0 0
 Virtual 1152 864
 All  the 'Modes' lines are identical - Modes  1024*768  800*600
 Should I, for example, amend one of them to Modes 800*600 640*480 and
 then write Virtual 800 600?

Yes. As far as I can tell, for any given pixel depth (8, 16, 24) you can
only have one subsection, and for each of these you only have one Virtual,
set to the largest size in the subsection.

 The second question concerns how java applets are read:

I know nothing about this...


Re: XF86Setup

1999-06-01 Thread Andrei Ivanov
 May I rephrase a question I asked a day or two ago?  I'm running hamm with a
 mach64 card and a screen whose specs match the super vga details in
 XF86Setup.  I've configured things for 1024*768, 800*600 and 640*480.
 Whichever of the modes (is that the right word?) I'm in, the screen size
 stays at 1024*768.  If, for example, I'm in 640*480, my physical screen
 displays 5/8 (okay, 25/64) of the available image, and I can pan around to
 see the rest.  Is this what should happen?
   If so, is there another way to configure it so that the available image
 just fills the visible screen and no more?

This is called a virtual desktop. When you are configuring the order of
modes, it asks you whether you want virtual desktop or not. Since you
don't want it, say No. I can't stand it either...but I use 3 out of 4
desktop screens.

   If not, does anybody know what I might have done wrong?  Incidentally,
 there is a noticeable (livable with, but perhaps indicative of error) chunk
 of blank (black) on the left of the screen, although XF86Setup itself filled
 the screen perfectly.
You xvidtune. It's pretty safe, while you know the max hsync/vsync of your
monitor and the clock freq. Just make sure that those values are not
exceeded when configuring system. (This is how I get around my problem: I
have a 1280x1024 res. but the monitor leaves a top and right sides blank
by about 3/4 inch. I vidtune it everytime I have to restart X, which is
not very often. I am sure there is a way to change settings in XF86Setup,
but I just don't feel like doing it.).

 Andrei S. Ivanov  
 UIN 12402354   --Little things for Linux.  --Computer languages of the world
   My work in progress.

oracle 8.0.5 with glibc2.1

1999-06-01 Thread Shao Zhang
has anyone tried this version of oracle with glibc2,1??
I am getting coredump... any work around??

Could someone also confirm me if this version of oracle will work under 



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

Re: We need centralized accounts -- Any docs for ldap passwords?

1999-06-01 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov
On 31 May 1999, Rob Browning wrote:

 OK, so it sounds like we just need shadow/passwd/group support, and as
 far as I can tell we should be mostly good to go if we
   1) firewall access to the ldap server from outside our subnet.
   2) import etc/group and passwd via
   3) edit our nssswitch.conf as directed in /usr/doc/libnss-ldap/README
   4) cross our fingers.

Well, it seems to work well for me (though so far only on a test machine).
 What I don't really know is how doing this interacts with the normal
 mechanisms.  I would presume that we can just use LDAP for user
 accounts, and leave the system accounts in /etc/passwd, etc. 

That's a logical thing to do. You might also want to set mail-clients use
this ldap for mail address searching.

 guessing from the nsswitch entry it'll just fall back to that if LDAP
 fails on a given lookup, but how does LDAP interact with adduser,
 userdel, addgroup, /usr/bin/passwd, etc.  Does it update the right
 things, or do we have to do manual synchs?

libpam-ldap will allow password change. The rest have to be done manually 
(or through some customized software. I am considering Ganymede.) 
Although there is a nice package pam-mkhomedir that will automatically
create homedirs (and copy /etc/skel stuff) if it does not exist.
 If the latter, then it seems like it might be worth us considering not
 using LDAP at all, and just whipping up some ssh synch thingy for
 these bits...

You'll sure have to weight various pro and cons of both approaches. Ldap
will just allow more things to use it for.


Re: Thinking of buying a CD-R ... Is this supported?

1999-06-01 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Thinking of buying a CD-R ...  Is this supported?
Date: Mon, May 31, 1999 at 06:17:21PM -0400

In reply to:Seth M. Landsman

Quoting Seth M. Landsman([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   So I was reading my comics this morning and saw an ad for a 140$
 CDR.  So I click over the web page thinking I'll see a 2x CDR, which isn't
 RW, etc.
   To my surprise it is a 2x2x24 smart and friend CD Racer.  In all
 my searching, I can't figure out if this is a linux supported drive (none
 of the HOWTOs mention this drive explicitly, and a few of them say this
 *MIGHT* be a repackaged JVC, which may or may not be supported).  
   Can anyone tell me if this is a definitely supported drive or not?
 The Smart and Friendly page for this drive is
 The Ad for the drive is

As it is an IDE CDR, I would guess no.  There are a few IDE CDR's
supported but not many.  Check  There is a link to to
supported IDE drives.


Has anyone had problems with the computer accounts?
Yes, I don't have one.
Okay, you can send mail to one of the tutors ...
-- E. D'Azevedo, Computer Science 372

Re: PIIX4 controller support on 2.0.x kernels vs 2.2.9

1999-06-01 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: re: PIIX4 controller support on 2.0.x kernels vs 2.2.9
Date: Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 08:50:00AM +1000

In reply to:debian

Quoting debian([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 first an example of boot messages from dmesg output;
 Kernel 2.0.34
 ide: i82371 PIIX (Triton) on PCI bus 0 function 57
 ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007
 ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f
 hda: Maxtor 90680D4, 6485MB w/256kB Cache, CHS=826/255/63, UDMA
 hdc: no response (status = 0xd0)
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 Now kernel 2.2.9 dmesg output;
 PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 39
 PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
 ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:DMA
 ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f, BIOS settings: hdc:DMA, hdd:DMA
 hda: Maxtor 90680D4, ATA DISK drive
 ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
 hda: Maxtor 90680D4, 6485MB w/256kB Cache, CHS=826/255/63, UDMA
 Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
 How do I get the 2.2.9 kernel to exactly see what my controller is, and I
 also have problems with hdc device (ATAPI CDROM) under 2.2.9 (ie not
 detected at all)
 So strange... any ideas.. I will do more testing when I have time, but so
 far I don't see any support directly related to PIIX4 in the 2.2.9 make
 menuconfig screens.

In /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sgi-visws.txt There is some mention of
the PIIX4.  Other than that I don't know.  Have tried very hard to
stay away from Intel chipsets.

What does grep -i ATAPI CDROM  /usr/src/linux/.config say 

As I don't know what your level of expertise is I won't suggest
anything else until I get an answer.  Or you find the problem yourseld
and let us know.


Micro Credo:
 Never trust a computer bigger than you can lift.

MPEG viewer

1999-06-01 Thread mcclosk

 Can anyone recommend a decent mpeg video viewer? Do any even exist?

I've had good results from mtv (aka `mpegtv'). There's a .deb package
available for free at

This is free for personal use, but it's nagware---if you elect not to
pay a $10 registration fee, you're annoyed by constant pop-up screens
telling you about the advantages of registering. In my (limited)
experience, though, it works well,


Re: XF86Setup question

1999-06-01 Thread Fethi A. Okyar

I think I've missed some conversations about XF86Setup 
going on over the last 2-3 days. I remember somebody
complaining about XF86Setup, not writing the XF86Config
file. I had a similar problem when XF86Setup was just not
adding the extra modes that I wanted to test to my config
file. That is, I only had mode 1024x800 defined in my
XF86Config file (in the modes section), and it did not 
know how yo handle other modes.

How can I find the correct modeline for my monitor (a 17
multisync) at this point, assuming I have to edit the 
XF86Config file manually??

Fethi Okyar
Research Assistant
Computational Solid Mechanics 
MMAE Department, IIT
Chicago, IL 60616-3793


Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Kent West
Andrew J Fortune wrote:
 I am a Windows 95 user who has recently been introduced to the world of
 Linux (Debian (2.0, I think ??)). I have partitioned off about 1 GB of my
 hard drive to Linux, and the rest is DOS/W95.

As someone else mentioned, you'll need to use part of that as a swap
partition, but only a little bit (32 or 64 MB is usually a good size).

 I am trying to work out ... is it possible to share files between the two
 operating systems (i.e. Linux and W95) ?

Yes; with the default kernel (or one you compile yourself (you won't try
this for a few weeks probably)), Linux can access DOS/Windows
partitions. Eventually you'll set your system up to automatically mount
the DOS partition, but for now, you can do it manually.
As root (aka super-user), make sure you have an empty directory, for
example, /Win95. Then use the command mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /Win95.
This assumes your Windows partition is Win95-style (ie long filenames);
if just regular DOS-formatted, it'd be mount -t dos   (the -t
means type). This command also assumes your Windows partition is on
the first partition on the first IDE drive (/dev/hda1). Then you can cd
(change directory, just like in DOS) to /Win95/windows and give a
command such as rm *, which would remove all the files (but not
subdirectories) in the /Win95/windows directory (you DO want to delete
your windows files, right? :-) snicker-snicker).
 Here is a practical example of what I mean.I am trying to sell the
 concept of Linux to a friend of mine who only uses W95 at the moment.
 Suppose I wanted to create a screenshot (.BMP) from a session that I was
 running in WMaker or Afterstephow would I get it across to W95 so that I
 could EMail the picture to him ??

Once you have your windows partition mounted as per the above
instructions, you'd just copy the file like in DOS, such as cp
/home/mydirectory/mypicture.bmp /Win95/bmpfiles.
 (Is a BMP in Linux the same format as a BMP file in W95 ?)

'Fraid I can't speak to this
 ...and talking about EMails, can anyone give me any leads on the best way I
 can connect to the Net in Linux, surf the Net, send/receive EMails,
 participate in Chat programs etc. ?

As part of the default Debian install, I THINK ppp is installed. Just
run (as root) the command pppconfig and answer the questions as best
you can. This will create two configuration files
(/etc/ppp/peers/provider and /etc/chatscripts/provider) that contain
the phone number, username, etc for dialing into your ISP. If you're on
a LAN, that's another story.

Once you've run pppconfig, you can run pon to connect to your ISP, and
poff to disconnect. Once connected, you can probably use telnet, ftp,
and lynx (lynx is a text-only web-browser). What you'd probably want to
do is ftp to and download one of the latest
Communicators to the /tmp directory (if you don't know how to
ftp/download, holler). Then run dselect and install the netscape4
package, which is just an installer for the Netscape Communicator
program (licensing issues...)). This will install Netscape Communicator
for you, and then you can run Netscape and things will look quite
familiar to you.
 I'm experienced in W95, but I am only starting out in the world of Unix
 (...a whole new world), so if any responses could be in layman's terms I
 would be grateful :)

When I started with Linux, I budgeted a year to allow myself to become
familiar enough with it to be comfortable. I'm now at about the 9-month
mark, and it looks like I budgeted just about right. I only mention this
to let you know that you may have a lot of rough spots ahead, but stick
with it and you'll find that you really like it after you get past the
wobbly-legs stage.
 Thanks in advance for your help !!
 Andrew J Fortune
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: MPEG viewer

1999-06-01 Thread Adam Klein
On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 08:40:02PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Can anyone recommend a decent mpeg video viewer? Do any even exist?
 I've had good results from mtv (aka `mpegtv'). There's a .deb package
 available for free at
 This is free for personal use, but it's nagware---if you elect not to
 pay a $10 registration fee, you're annoyed by constant pop-up screens
 telling you about the advantages of registering. In my (limited)
 experience, though, it works well,

It should be noted that if you don't need a fancy front end, the back-end
player 'mtvp' doesn't show any annoying pop-up screens.


Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting through, and i need to know what's
on them. Some of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know way to know
which ones aren't until i mount them. Every time i try to mount an unformatted
floppy, mount segfaults. Afterwards, if i try to mount another floppy it
says mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /floppy busy. I can mount a
floppy to other directories, so it must be /floppy that's busy, even
though /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts both show it as not mounted. Further,
i can't remove the floppy module from the kernel.

Eventually i run out of directories to mount to and have to reboot.
This is unacceptable. Any ideas?

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Don't you try to out-weird me! I get stranger things
than you free with my breakfast cereal!
--Zaphod Beeblebrox

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Barry Kauler
On Tue, 01 Jun 1999, Andrew J Fortune wrote:
 ...and talking about EMails, can anyone give me any leads on the best way I
 ccan connect to the Net in Linux, surf the Net, send/receive EMails,
 participate in Chat programs etc. ?
 I'm experienced in W95, but I am only starting out in the world of Unix
 (...a whole new world), so if any responses could be in layman's terms I
 would be grateful :)

My personal preference is KDE. DEBs are at

This was my way of installing (as a relative newbie):

You need to modify /etc/apt/sources.list to include the line:

deb slink rkrusty

go into dselect and select update, then exit. 

# dpkg --list kde*
to see them

# apt-get install filename
and install kdesupport0g first, then kdebase, then every other package
starting with kde.

# apt-get install kdm

Modify /etc/X11/window-managers
so that /usr/bin/kde is first in the list.


There's lots of other DEBs. Try
# dpkg --list k*
to see them.

Once you have KDE going, you will find it very Win95-like, and kppp is
the easiest way of all to setup for the Internet. You don't even need netscape,
as kfm the file manager is a good web browser, and kmail does email.

Barry Kauler

[no subject]

1999-06-01 Thread Venu

Archive 150MB Tape Drive

1999-06-01 Thread Michael Doyle

I have been give a working Archive Tape Drive and Controller Card (ISA), my
question here is how do I get linux to recognize this device.

Michael Doyle
Adelaide, South Australia

seemingly random lock-ups

1999-06-01 Thread Jim B
My machine (Debian 2.1 slink, stock kernel (2.0.36)) has been locking up on
me unpredictably.

This occurs every several (3-4 on average) days and has been happening ever
since I installed Linux on this machine.  (There is no other OS on there.)

My hardware is an Intel 200 MMX CPU on an Asus PI-P55/T2P4 motherboard.  I
am using a generic NE-2000-compatible network card, and a dial-up Internet
connection with a USR Sportster 33.6 PnP (though jumpered for COM2).

Anyway: I have my PPPD logging to syslog every 30 seconds so I can tell
exactly when the freeze occurred even if I'm not there.  Looking in syslog
and messages, nothing unusual seems to happen... just that all of a sudden,
the logging and everything else stops suddenly.

I want to track this problem down, and I'm going to start swapping hardware
to see if I can figure out what's causing this.  I've already traded the
netword card out for a different NE2K card, but the problem remains.

Anyway, my question is: where else (besides syslog and messages) might I
look for unusual traces of what might have happened just prior to the
lock-up?  Are there any other files that might give something away?  Where
would a kernel dump be (if the kernel did dump... which I doubt, but just in

TIA for any information.

Re: XF86Setup

1999-06-01 Thread Rick Macdonald
On Mon, 31 May 1999, Andrei Ivanov wrote:

 by about 3/4 inch. I vidtune it everytime I have to restart X, which is
 not very often. I am sure there is a way to change settings in XF86Setup,
 but I just don't feel like doing it.).

In xvidtune, just click Show (near bottom left). It prints the Modeline
to the xterm where you started xvidtune, and you just paste that into your


Re: Netscape 4.6 crashes

1999-06-01 Thread Matthew Gregan
On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 07:29:48PM +0200, Andreas Voegele wrote:
 The faulty behaviour is most obvious if you've got more than one
 Navigator window opened. Instead of closing the selected window only
 the whole application crashes sometimes.

I've been having that exact same problem here... Running potato with kernel 
2.2.9 and Communicator 4.6. I was also having the problem with an earlier 
version (probably 4.51 or 4.5).

 I'm using IceWM, but I don't think that this problem has something to
 do with the window manager.

It doesn't seem to be the window manager affecting it. I was using 
Enlightenment, and I switched to WindowMaker suspecting that E was the problem. 
I discovered that it wasn't, and since you're having the same problems with 
IceWM, it looks to be WM independent.


OT: Can I compile FreeBSD kernel on a Linux machine?

1999-06-01 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

Please don't kill me for asking this question (in a FreeBSD NG I got
hosed with s#$t). In short, I have a 486 machine with FreeBSD on it,
and a PII workstation with Linux. Compiling kernel on the 486 is
painfully slow. Can I compile it on my 686 that runs Linux, provided I 
install the full FreeBSD sources?

Arcady Genkin
... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)


1999-06-01 Thread Gernot Bauer

my system was hacked about a week ago. I freshly installed debian 2.1
and now there is a programm running from time to time called

Does anybody know what it is? And what is the user nobody for?

Thanx, Gery

Help!!! Linux plus IBM! again :(

1999-06-01 Thread Gancho Tenev Tenev
Hi !!!
I did not speak about Debian Linux Instalation ! :)
( nor for rescue nor bootup diskette !!! )
Some IBM computers ( may be all ) have got setup ( for their hardware ) on
their HDD
( on separate hdd partition ).
On other computers I press DEL and enter in setup program to configure HDD,
time, IRQ,
memory, power management etc... I don't know how to do this on IBM PC (PS/2)
... There is
a diskette for this  I am not sure ... :((
If I install Linux on sertain partition ( remove DOS FAT16 partition ) and put
MBR Lilo things  I AM AFRAID I WILL DESTROY something !!!
If Linux instalation destroys something , I haven't got such diskette so
I CANNOT configure hdd, time , IRQ ... etc. (
This is my problem !!

Anybody knows what I should do !!!

Sorry for I cannot explane this at first time !!!
( may be because of my bad english !:)

Thanks for help !!!


 Don't need no ibm-setup-diskette. Get an installation cd from Debian or
 RedHat or whatever, should be fairly easy, or download the thing from There's also a very helpful installation guide
 in Debian's ftp-site, else try this:
 If you're using diskettes, be prepared for hell of a job. I did it once, and
 I'm not doing it again. CD is by far the easiest, lots less trouble, no
 keeping track of files and no bad diskettes. You can also do a
 part-diskette, part-net installation, but I have no experience with this.
 A tiny program called FIPS will repartition your hd w/out any trouble.
 Worked great for me. Available on most linux-ftp's.
 Can't kill your computer, but might make it usable...
 Good Luck!

  -Oprindelig meddelelse-
  Fra:  Gancho Tenev Tenev [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sendt:31. maj 1999 15:40
  Cc:   recipient list not shown
  Emne: Help!!! Linux plus IBM!
  I have IBM 386 , 16 MB RAM , and 200 MB HDD.
  I have DOS (fat16) partition on HDD...
  I want to run linux on ext2 partition...
  But I don't know anything about IBM SETUP partition on HDD...
  I know that there is a setup-diskette . It runs setup-program that
  configure IBM hardware things :)... But I haven`t got such diskette...
  I am going to remove DOS-partition ... and replace it with ext2
  I will use LILO boot loader ...
  Will I have a problem of some kind if I do this way!!!
  I am afraid that I will kill this IBM computer because of my ignorance
  Any Ideas!!!
  Gancho. #;o)
  P.S. Sorry for my bad english ... I hope You understand me ... and help
  me :)))
   Fil: Card for Gancho Tenev Tenev
tel;fax:+359 42 600250
tel;work:+359 42 600350
org:Vereya Cable;VEREYAnet
adr:;;30 Ruski Str.;Stara Zagora;Stara Zagora;;Bulgaria
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:System administrator
fn:Gancho Tenev

Re: Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Brad
On Mon, 31 May 1999, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:

 I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting through, and i need to know what's
 on them. Some of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know way to know
 which ones aren't until i mount them. Every time i try to mount an unformatted
 floppy, mount segfaults. Afterwards, if i try to mount another floppy it
 says mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /floppy busy. I can mount a
 floppy to other directories, so it must be /floppy that's busy, even
 though /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts both show it as not mounted. Further,
 i can't remove the floppy module from the kernel.
 Eventually i run out of directories to mount to and have to reboot.
 This is unacceptable. Any ideas?

Did you try umounting /floppy? i had this problem when i was playing
around with smbmount (stupid !@)#' $(%^* characters in the sharenames)
(literally those characters, especially , ', and space) and it would
fail and leave the directory wedged... IIRC umount fixed it.

Re: Netscape 4.6 crashes

1999-06-01 Thread Gerhard Kroder
Matthew Gregan wrote:
 On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 07:29:48PM +0200, Andreas Voegele wrote:
  The faulty behaviour is most obvious if you've got more than one
  Navigator window opened. Instead of closing the selected window only
  the whole application crashes sometimes.
 I've been having that exact same problem here... Running potato with kernel 
 2.2.9 and Communicator 4.6. I was also having the problem with an earlier 
 version (probably 4.51 or 4.5).

well, since you are talking about netscapes: my communicator  is getting
wild sometimes too. for some unknown reason it starts eating up all
cpu-time (as top tells me), and no soft way to kill this process will work.
killing with -9  help. This behaviour is present to me since
hamm/communucator 4.5/static (i didn't work before with debian), running
with fvwm (now fvwm2). once i had a simmilar effect (a wild process, that
didn't want to terminate either) with gtimer and without netscape.

i noticed when trying to reach a newsserver with netscapes from behind a
firewall, and the  firewall wasn't configured well, this happened too.
could there be a relation?


Re: c++ docs

1999-06-01 Thread E.L. Meijer \(Eric\)
 On Mon, 31 May 1999, Brad wrote:
  Where are the docs for the c++ libraries?
  More specifically, i have a copy of C++ How To Program second edition
  here. It claims that #include sstream will allow strings to be
  manipulated as streams. sstream: No such file or directory g++ tells me.

The next major release of g++ will probably have it.  g++ currently has
the older strstream, which descibes stream classes that operate on
char*, not string.  They can probably be used for mostly the same
thing.  The iostream library (including strstreams) is documented in
the iostream info file, that comes with libstdc++2.9-dev.  Just type
`info iostream'.

In the future strstream (which is not in the ANSI standard) will be
replaced by sstream (which is in the ANSI standard), though I guess
strstream will stay around for some time.

  Ok then, i'll just check the docs i think to myself. Tried the manpages.
  Tried info. Tried looking in /usr/doc. i couldn't even find anything about
  the c++ string class (which i know i have), much less using them as

As someone else already pointed out, there is the stl-manual package,
which contains the information from Silicon Graphics about the STL (g++
currently uses the SGI implementation).

  streams! Hmmm... did i miss a -doc somewhere?. Fired up dselect, and
  couldn't find any c++ docs at all, installed or uninstalled...
  So, does anyone know where the docs are? Or at least how to use something
  like what the book is talking about? 
 Unfortunately, there is very little distributed with egcs nor in
 the way of actual documentation for either the compiler or the

In the egcs-docs package there is extensive information about the
compiler in info format.  The description of the C++ libraries could be
better, but the iostream library is descibed to some degree in the
iostream info file.  The C library is not part of egcs, but it is well
documented in info format, and available in the glibcdoc package.  It
is actually readable (not just as a reference) and I recommend it to
anyone who is programming in unix in C or C++.  I expect information
about the stl to pop up when g++ starts using the stl implementation
from the egcs team.  For now g++ uses the SGI stl and you can use its

[... skip interesting references ...]

Eric Meijer

 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

Re: problem fetchmail, exim

1999-06-01 Thread Konstantin Kivi
 I get the following message from fetchmail:
 (as root only for testing!)
 matrox:~# fetchmail -f /root/.fetchmailrc 
 1 message for thuer at (3082 octets).
 reading message 1 of 1 (3082 octets) .fetchmail: SMTP listener 
 doesn't like recipient address [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
 fetchmail: can't even send to postmaster!
 fetchmail: SMTP transaction error while fetching from
 fetchmail: Query status=10
I think you have to add localhost to the list
of domains your system likes to receive mail 
for. It must be somewhere in your exim.conf
check it with 'man exim'


Problem after memory upgrade

1999-06-01 Thread Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN

I just upgraded my memory from 32Mb to 128Mb.
When I type 'free', linux seems to detect only 64Mb...

do you know where it can come from ?

thanx for help


LaTeX: multicol.sty

1999-06-01 Thread Armin Wegner

which debian package provides the latex multicol environment?
Has it been replaced by another one?


Laptop suspend to disk

1999-06-01 Thread Jack Versfeld
I'm running Debian Slink on my newly found laptop. Is it possible to 
enable the 'Suspend to Disk' option, and if it is, how should I go 
about it. I guess that I would probably create a dedicated partition 
the bios can use for suspend. I did not recieve any documentation 
with my laptop (since I got it secondhand, or more like thirdhand), 
but any pointers would be appreciated.

Also, how could I specify a runlevel from the lilo prompt. I want to 
use different runlevels for a 'docked' setup (with net stuff, etc.) and 
a 'undocked' setup (dummy net, etc.). Or are there a better way of 
doing this??



problems:X with ASUS AGP-V3499TNT/TV/16

1999-06-01 Thread Haymo Meran
Hi guys.

I cannot get working this card. I had an ATI before which worked fine.
But now onley the VGA server works. I don't know which other server I
should take (no doc), guess the SVGA but then which settings (chipset,
ramdac...?) nothing written in cards user manual.
I have new [unstable] version from Think it's is the
newest...isn't it?

And another thing is the XF86Setup crashes when I try to choose german
in the keybord section.

I'm a debian beginner...

bye haymo

Installing separate packages / graphical login

1999-06-01 Thread pfau
hello, folks

as I´m a debian newbie (coming from suse), may be the following
questions are stupid, but I got stuck with them.

1) Is there a way to install a deb-package which is not included in the
standard distribution.
If I try to install a package that I downloaded from Internet, dselect
always asks me on some files to recognize the packages as
part of the distribution, which of course I cannot give, and so dselect
does not do the job; and alien does only work correct with small
packages (deb - rpm - install) without broken dependencies

2) where is the information stored, that debian starts with graphical
login? I want to finish boot process at the prompt, but debian always
starts his graphical login utility. Can this behaviour only be changed
by deinstalling the utility?

thanks in advance

ASUS AGP-V3400TNT/TV/16 is correkt!

1999-06-01 Thread Haymo Meran

Re: Installing separate packages / graphical login

1999-06-01 Thread Peter Makholm
pfau [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 1) Is there a way to install a deb-package which is not included in the
 standard distribution.

Use dpkg.

Jeg er på nettet 6. juni, hvad med dig?

Re: OT: Can I compile FreeBSD kernel on a Linux machine?

1999-06-01 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 Please don't kill me for asking this question (in a FreeBSD NG I got
 hosed with s#$t). In short, I have a 486 machine with FreeBSD on it,
No mercy, you'll got the chair! ;-)))

 and a PII workstation with Linux. Compiling kernel on the 486 is
 painfully slow. Can I compile it on my 686 that runs Linux, provided I
 install the full FreeBSD sources?

No problem, I do the same, with the same configuration (7min30 instead of 30min
Jean-Yves Barbier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Membre fondateur du CGE
Si la semaine de 40 heures était réduite de moitié, les fins de mois auraient
lieu tous les 15 jours. P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch:

Re: Installing separate packages / graphical login

1999-06-01 Thread Bruce Sass
On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, pfau wrote:

 hello, folks
 as I´m a debian newbie (coming from suse), may be the following
 questions are stupid, but I got stuck with them.
 1) Is there a way to install a deb-package which is not included in the
 standard distribution.

dpkg -i package(s).deb

 If I try to install a package that I downloaded from Internet, dselect
 always asks me on some files to recognize the packages as
 part of the distribution, which of course I cannot give, and so dselect
 does not do the job; and alien does only work correct with small
 packages (deb - rpm - install) without broken dependencies
 2) where is the information stored, that debian starts with graphical
 login? I want to finish boot process at the prompt, but debian always
 starts his graphical login utility. Can this behaviour only be changed
 by deinstalling the utility?

No, you can also remove the symlink in the default /etc/rcX.d directory
manually or via the update-rc.d command.  /etc/inittab contains the
default runlevel; if it is 2 (the default), then you will need to
remove the S99?dm symlink in the /etc/rc2.d directory.

- Bruce

Re: Installing separate packages / graphical login

1999-06-01 Thread Fabien
 2) where is the information stored, that debian starts with graphical
 login? I want to finish boot process at the prompt, but debian always
 starts his graphical login utility. Can this behaviour only be changed
 by deinstalling the utility?

You certainly speak about xdm.

So, the only thing you have to done is : (as root)
update-rc.d -f xdm remove
This will remove xdm from starting of your machine (from
/etc/rcx.d/S*xdm and K*xdm)


Re: mpeg viewer recommendations?

1999-06-01 Thread Robert Ramiega
On Sun, May 30, 1999 at 05:44:10PM -0500, Kent West wrote:
 Jae W. Chang wrote:
  Can anyone recommend a decent mpeg video viewer? Do any even exist? ;)
  Thanks. Jae
 I'm glad you asked that; I too am looking for an mpeg player; I've found
 mpeg_play, but it apparently doesn't play the audio in the video stream.
 GO to and get mtv =o))

 Robert Ramiega   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]IRC: _Jedi_ | Don't underestimate 
  || the power of Source

Re: Problem after memory upgrade

1999-06-01 Thread Khalid EZZARAOUI
if you have instaled lilo, read the man about memory.

Re: LaTeX: multicol.sty

1999-06-01 Thread Jens Ritter
Armin Wegner [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 which debian package provides the latex multicol environment?


 Has it been replaced by another one?


Get one of the Contents-*.gz files from your friendly neighborhood
Debian mirror. zgrep on it next time you are searching for a specific


P.S.: Please vote against Spam! At
(Sorry Europeans only)
Key ID: 2048/E451C639 Jens Ritter
Key fingerprint: 5F 3D 43 1E 24 1E CC 48  1E 05 93 3A A7 10 73 37 

European mirror of inofficial KDE debs

1999-06-01 Thread Thomas Gebhardt

there is a partial mirror (only i386 debs) of at .

It contains mainly kde packages.

deb slink rkrusty
deb potato rkrusty

Regards, Thomas

2 questions

1999-06-01 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe

I have two questions to pose to the enlightened ones in this mailing
list (boy am i poetic today, maybe because a I've a couple of
presentations to do today :( ):

Number 1 : Is there a way to allow the users to create an auto-responder
(so that their email sents a message for every message they got) saying
that they are on hollidays. I know, I know this things suck and they are
extremely anoying but the some people here are starting to request them
and as sys admin (kinf of) i have to be able to give them some anwsers.
The ideal would be the possibility to create filters so that the auto
responder does not awnser to mailing-lists or a certain number of
addresses. Can this be done ?

Number 2 : Is there any linux app capable of showing MS Media Player asf

Mario Filipe 

Re: help, rogue file on hosed system

1999-06-01 Thread J.H.M. Dassen
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 00:09:04 +0800, Paul Harris wrote:
 chattr: Operation not supported by device while reading flags on
 can I run it while mounted as usual? do i need to move single run level
 and remount as read/write? do i need to reboot with a rescue disk? hmmm...

The safest approach would be to reboot with a rescue disk and run a thorough
e2fsck, then do the chattr. 

Cyberspace, a final frontier. These are the voyages of my messages, 
on a lightspeed mission to explore strange new systems and to boldly go
where no data has gone before. 

Re: 2 questions

1999-06-01 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:
 Number 1 : Is there a way to allow the users to create an auto-responder
 (so that their email sents a message for every message they got) saying
 that they are on hollidays. I know, I know this things suck and they are
 extremely anoying but the some people here are starting to request them
 and as sys admin (kinf of) i have to be able to give them some anwsers.
 The ideal would be the possibility to create filters so that the auto
 responder does not awnser to mailing-lists or a certain number of
 addresses. Can this be done ?

Yeah, even saying: whatever the number of e-mail you send, this will be the
only answer you'll get:
see: Mail-HOWTO

Jean-Yves Barbier   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Membre fondateur du CGE
L'établissement de l'ordre par la force est souvent un établissement de dernier
ordre. P. DAC
Boycott Intel, watch:

Re: 2 questions

1999-06-01 Thread Stephan Engelke
On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 01:22:21PM +0100, Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe wrote:
 I have two questions to pose to the enlightened ones in this mailing
 list (boy am i poetic today, maybe because a I've a couple of
 presentations to do today :( ):
 Number 1 : Is there a way to allow the users to create an auto-responder
 (so that their email sents a message for every message they got) saying
 that they are on hollidays. 

Vacation is your friend here.

 The ideal would be the possibility to create filters so that the auto
 responder does not awnser to mailing-lists or a certain number of
 addresses. Can this be done ?

You may want to play around with procmail to achieve this - check the
procmail and procmailex man-pages (or was it procmailexamples?) and read
up on formail.
Procmail can be configured to include the functionality of vacation - 
it just requires a more elaborate setup.

 Number 2 : Is there any linux app capable of showing MS Media Player asf


So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke[EMAIL PROTECTED]
*** Spare in der Schweiz, dann hast Du in der Not. ***

Re: Problem after memory upgrade

1999-06-01 Thread Fabien
Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN wrote:
 I just upgraded my memory from 32Mb to 128Mb.
 When I type 'free', linux seems to detect only 64Mb...
 do you know where it can come from ?
 thanx for help

Je te conseille vivement la lecture du guide du Rootard :
Regarde également la faq de fr.comp.os.linux (appelé communément fcol)

Pour ton problème :
Linux ne prend pas en charge (commande free) plus de 64 Mo de
RAM.  Ou bien, le nombre de fichiers, d'i-noeuds ou de processus
simultanément employés excède les limites du noyau.

Plus de 64 Mo RAM : utiliser un noyau 2.0.36 ou postérieur
suffit, avec certaines machines. À défaut employer le paramètre
de démarrage mem=xM où x remplace le nombre de Mo de mémoire
installés (lire à ce propos la section consacrée au « Paramètres
communiqués au noyau »).

SETUP de la machine : ne pas laisser de memory hole (à 15 Mo).


Re: ICQ programs for Debian GNU/Linux

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull

Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd like to know what are the good packages for
 ICQ people use in Debian.

Timothy Hospedales [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have tried most of the ICQ clones
 available and I find that micq is the most stable!

Perhaps, but I have micq Version 0.3.1 and it lacks
chat support.  I don't know if any newer version

add|ct|on [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 personally i prefer either kxicq

Is it an ICQ clone for KDE?

 or licq (for x, anyway). i've had no problems
 with either losing messages or userlist entrieson

I also have LICQ version 0.43, and I loss messages
that comes from email (You know that anybody can
send an email to an ICQ user at  Perhaps a newer version
has fixed it.  Does anybody know?

With LICQ you have chat, and you can see the colors,
but you aren't able to colour the screen you are
typing it.  But I don't mind.

Hope this helps. ;-)

Daniel González Gasull   (`-/)_.-'``-._   The hottest places in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  . . `; -._)-;-,_`) Hell are reserved for
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69(v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'  those who, in times of
_.- _..-_/ / ((.'fL  moral crisis, preserved
  ((,.-'   ((,/  their neutrality.
 -- Dante
|  Fight Spam! Join EuroCAUCE:  |

Re: Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull

Eric Gillespie, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting
 through, and i need to know what's on them. Some
 of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know
 way to know which ones aren't until i mount them.
 Every time i try to mount an unformatted floppy,
 mount segfaults. Afterwards, if i try to mount
 another floppy it says mount: /dev/fd0 already
 mounted or /floppy busy.

It isn't the best solution, but, did you already try
umount /mnt/floppy/?

Hope this helps. 

Daniel González Gasull   (`-/)_.-'``-._   The hottest places in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  . . `; -._)-;-,_`) Hell are reserved for
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69(v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'  those who, in times of
_.- _..-_/ / ((.'fL  moral crisis, preserved
  ((,.-'   ((,/  their neutrality.
 -- Dante
|  Fight Spam! Join EuroCAUCE:  |

Re: and KDE

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull

Stephen Pitts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 On Sun, May 30, 1999 at 02:47:44PM +0200, Daniel González Gasull wrote:
  I have installed KDE in my Debian system.  But now
  I cannot run almost any KDE application.  I get the
  following error:
  $ kfm
  kfm: error in loading shared libraries cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  The problem is that I don't have this library.
  Isn't it?  How can I know?
  I've been looking for this library, but I still
  haven't found it.  Where can I download the Debian
 How did you install KDE? Through the .deb files on the KDE web site?

Yep.  I forgot to mention it.  This is the reason
why I have posted my question both to debian-user
and kde-user.

 If not, then you really should do it this way. The
 libjpegg6a package has what you need.

But, I've already installed it (!):

#dpkg --list libjpegg6a
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: 
||/ NameVersionDescription

ri  libjpegg6a  6a-12  The Independent JPEG Group's jpeg 
runtime li

I'm confused :-?  Please help.

Daniel González Gasull   (`-/)_.-'``-._   The hottest places in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  . . `; -._)-;-,_`) Hell are reserved for
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69(v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'  those who, in times of
_.- _..-_/ / ((.'fL  moral crisis, preserved
  ((,.-'   ((,/  their neutrality.
 -- Dante
|  Fight Spam! Join EuroCAUCE:  |

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull

Barry Kauler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tue, 01 Jun 1999, Andrew J Fortune wrote:

  ...and talking about EMails, can anyone give me
  any leads on the best way I ccan connect to the
  Net in Linux, surf the Net, send/receive EMails,
  participate in Chat programs etc. ?
  I'm experienced in W95, but I am only starting
  out in the world of Unix (...a whole new world),
  so if any responses could be in layman's terms I
  would be grateful :)
 My personal preference is KDE.

I'm agree.  You can also try GNOME.  I think it's at .

 This was my way of installing (as a relative newbie):



As far as I know you don't need to reboot.  This is
Linux, OK? ;-)  Rebooting is for adding new

But, OK, I'm a Linux newbie and I don't know how to
skip this 8-)  Perhaps some Linux guru would help

(By the way, I'm installing KDE.  I think I made some
mistakes.  I've posted them).

Daniel González Gasull   (`-/)_.-'``-._   The hottest places in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  . . `; -._)-;-,_`) Hell are reserved for
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69(v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'  those who, in times of
_.- _..-_/ / ((.'fL  moral crisis, preserved
  ((,.-'   ((,/  their neutrality.
 -- Dante
|  Fight Spam! Join EuroCAUCE:  |

Re: and KDE

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull

ttsoares [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in

 On Mon, 31 May 1999, [iso-8859-1] Daniel González Gasull wrote:
   I had similar problem...
   If you do a 
   cd /usr/local/kde/lib/
  If I do that I obtain:
  /bin/sh: cd: /usr/local/kde/lib/: No such file or directory
 Many systens has kde in other places... like /opt/kde.
 You must figure out whrere yours is by the enviroment variables...

Corp. yA Zdenek Pizl\ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
in kde-user:

 maybe help : add $KDEDIR/lib to your
 /etc/profile's LD_LIBRARY_PATH env. variable and
 rerun ldconfig

And... how can I know where I have my $KDEDIR/lib?

Thank you in advance. 

Daniel González Gasull   (`-/)_.-'``-._   The hottest places in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  . . `; -._)-;-,_`) Hell are reserved for
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69(v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'  those who, in times of
_.- _..-_/ / ((.'fL  moral crisis, preserved
  ((,.-'   ((,/  their neutrality.
 -- Dante
|  Fight Spam! Join EuroCAUCE:  |

Re: Some Newbie Questions

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull

Barry Kauler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This was my way of installing (as a relative


 # apt-get install kdm
 Modify /etc/X11/window-managers
 so that /usr/bin/kde is first in the list.

I have modify /etc/X11/window-managers
and it worked the first time I do startx.  I
didn't need to reboot.  But perhaps you enter in X
everytime you turn on your computer.  Then exit from
X (CONTROL-ALT-DEL) and restart X with startx.
You'll see your KDE working :-)

Hope this helps. 

Daniel González Gasull   (`-/)_.-'``-._   The hottest places in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  . . `; -._)-;-,_`) Hell are reserved for
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69(v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'  those who, in times of
_.- _..-_/ / ((.'fL  moral crisis, preserved
  ((,.-'   ((,/  their neutrality.
 -- Dante
|  Fight Spam! Join EuroCAUCE:  |

dselect woes

1999-06-01 Thread Andrew J Fortune

I am currently trying to install some packages in Debian 2.0 (using the CD
Rom), using dselect. I can select them without any problem, however when I
choose the option to actually install them, I get the following error
message :

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc, or too many
mounted file systems.
installation script returned error exit status 1.
Press RETURN to continue.

This was working just fine a couple of days ago, and I am wondering if I
have accidentally corrupted one of the system files (or something ?)

The following two snippets may be useful in diagnosing this fault.

(1) This is the response when I execute the mount command without any
parameters :

/dev/hdb2 on / type ext2 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
/dev/hda1 on /mnt/cdrive type msdos (rw)
/dev/hdb1 on /mnt/ddrive type msdos (rw)

(2) This is the contents of /etc/fstab (I added in the line for the cdrom,
thinking that it might make the difference but it didn't) :

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# file system mount point   type  options   dump  pass
/dev/hdb2   /   ext2defaults,errors=remount-ro   0  1
/dev/hdb3   noneswapsw  0   0
/dev/hdc/cdrom  iso9660 ro,noauto   0   0
proc/proc   procdefaults0   0

Any help appreciated !!

Re: problems:X with ASUS AGP-V3499TNT/TV/16

1999-06-01 Thread Brian Servis
*- On  1 Jun, Haymo Meran wrote about problems:X with ASUS AGP-V3499TNT/TV/16
 Hi guys.
 I cannot get working this card. I had an ATI before which worked fine.
 But now onley the VGA server works. I don't know which other server I
 should take (no doc), guess the SVGA but then which settings (chipset,
 ramdac...?) nothing written in cards user manual.
 I have new [unstable] version from Think it's is the
 newest...isn't it?

X supports the riva tnt in the svga server.  Here are some
relavent parts from my XF86Config with a riva tnt and an old 17
monitor that can not support higher modes.

Section Device
Identifier  ASUS V3400 Nvidia TNT
VendorName  ASUS
BoardName   V3400TNT
Option  power_saver

Section Screen
Driver  svga
Device  ASUS V3400 Nvidia TNT
Monitor ADI/5EP
Subsection Display
Depth   8
Modes   1024x768 800x600  
ViewPort0 0
Virtual 1024 768 
Subsection Display
Depth   16
Modes   1024x768 800x600
ViewPort0 0
Virtual 1024 768 
Subsection Display
Depth   24
Modes   1024x768 800x600 
ViewPort0 0
Virtual 1024 768 
Subsection Display
Depth   32
Modes   1024x768 800x600
ViewPort0 0
Virtual 1024 768 

You don't need to specify much in the config file. Just the basics.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Laptop suspend to disk

1999-06-01 Thread shaleh
 I'm running Debian Slink on my newly found laptop. Is it possible to 
 enable the 'Suspend to Disk' option, and if it is, how should I go 
 about it. I guess that I would probably create a dedicated partition 
 the bios can use for suspend. I did not recieve any documentation 
 with my laptop (since I got it secondhand, or more like thirdhand), 
 but any pointers would be appreciated.

Unfortunately you may not be able to.  Some laptops have a dos/windows based
sleep area generator.  Mine needs it at a specific spot on the hard drive I can
not find.  However mine still suspends properly without one.  Go fig (-:

 Also, how could I specify a runlevel from the lilo prompt. I want to 
 use different runlevels for a 'docked' setup (with net stuff, etc.) and 
 a 'undocked' setup (dummy net, etc.). Or are there a better way of 
 doing this??

Best thing here is VERY early in the boot, come up with a way to check what run
level you are in, then place a script like this:

if docked then
telinit dock level
elsif undocked then
telinit undock level
go boom

telinit is passed the number for the desired level.

Re: oracle 8.0.5 with glibc2.1

1999-06-01 Thread Remco van 't Veer

I am running Oracle on a slink (glib2.0) machine and it works
very well.

BTW, version (enterprise edition) has been released some
months ago and is downloadable from the web.  You can find it at:

It will probably not fix your problem.


On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 12:16, Shao Zhang wrote:

   has anyone tried this version of oracle with glibc2,1??
   I am getting coredump... any work around??
   Could someone also confirm me if this version of oracle will
   work under glibc2.0??

kibo grenade genetic encryption Osama Bin Laden bomb Uzi KKK social Panama
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Re: ICQ programs for Debian GNU/Linux

1999-06-01 Thread Christian Lavoie

 Luiz Otavio L. Zorzella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'd like to know what are the good packages for
  ICQ people use in Debian.

 Timothy Hospedales [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have tried most of the ICQ clones
  available and I find that micq is the most stable!

 Perhaps, but I have micq Version 0.3.1 and it lacks
 chat support.  I don't know if any newer version

 add|ct|on [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  personally i prefer either kxicq

 Is it an ICQ clone for KDE?

  or licq (for x, anyway). i've had no problems
  with either losing messages or userlist entrieson

 I also have LICQ version 0.43, and I loss messages
 that comes from email (You know that anybody can
 send an email to an ICQ user at  Perhaps a newer version
 has fixed it.  Does anybody know?

I think it is related to the fact that e-mail messages requires the v5 
protocol, which licq doesn't implement yet. (I don't use licq anymore, 
I may be wrong) This is because e-mail messages can be longer than the 
pre-v5 characters limit. Anyone caring more than I =) about licq is 
welcomed to investigate and report to the maintainer.

 With LICQ you have chat, and you can see the colors,
 but you aren't able to colour the screen you are
 typing it.  But I don't mind.

GnomeICU is doing most what ICQ98 was doing on windows. Chat (no more 
than 2 though, but that's the next update I think), File Transfert 
(alpha state. Works but crashed the client afterwise. (GnomeICU 
v0.64)) messages, UINs (beta state, has some troubles with v5 

From past personnal experience, I'd say gnomeICU and licq are the two 
most advanced ICQ clients for linux, and ICQ-Java the most 'stable' 
and feature-full. (Mark that stable with a great grain of salt)

Christian Lavoie
UIN: 947212

Re: Changing IP address

1999-06-01 Thread Doug Thistlethwaite

I have now have the linux system working on my network.  I ended up changing 
the network
broadcast, and netmask to (XXX.XXX.XXX.0, XXX.XXX.XXX.255, and
respectively).  I do not know why I had to do this as my network mask was far 
restrictive with my last ISP.  I guess I need to do a little 
more studying
on what each of these parameters do.

I do still have a few behavior problems (my network that is :) !

1. My windows 95 system can not see my linux samba server in network 
neighborhood (it use
to see it fine).  I can type in the link by hand \\linuxsystemid\username to 
create the
link.  Does anybody know if there is a parameter in samba that relates to 
system IP

2. My router logs into the internet every time my windoze 95 system powers up 
and connects
to the samba servers.  I think this has to do with the netmask...

Thanks to everyone who has helped!


Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:

 I am using a 2.036 kernel I believe.

 One thing to note is this system was working perfectly on the network before 
 I was
 forced to change my IP addresses.  All I want to do is setup the new IP 
 addresses in
 the system.  I would think the only thing I would need to do is set the 
 correct IP and


 George Bonser wrote:

  On Sun, 30 May 1999, Doug Thistlethwaite wrote:
   So far I have had a couple of people help and this is what we have come 
   up with.
   To change the IP address of a system the following files need to be 
   ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
   executes without any errors.
   route add -net ${NETWORK}
   executes and gives the error SIOCADDR: invalid argument
  Yeah, if you are using a 2.2.x kernel, comment this line out, the network
  route is auto-added when you ifconfig the interface.
  George Bonser
  Welcome to Wit's End

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Daniel González Gasull


 On Mon, 31 May 1999, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:

  I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting
  through, and i need to know what's on them. Some
  of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know
  way to know which ones aren't until i mount
  them. Every time i try to mount an unformatted
  floppy, mount segfaults. Afterwards, if i try to
  mount another floppy it says mount: /dev/fd0
  already mounted or /floppy busy. I can mount
  a floppy to other directories, so it must be
  /floppy that's busy, even though /etc/mtab
  and /proc/mounts both show it as not mounted.
  Further, i can't remove the floppy module from
  the kernel.
  Eventually i run out of directories to mount to
  and have to reboot. This is unacceptable. Any

 Did you try umounting /floppy? i had this problem
 when i was playing around with smbmount (stupid
 !@)#' $(%^* characters in the sharenames)
 (literally those characters, especially , ', and
 space) and it would fail and leave the directory
 wedged... IIRC umount fixed it.

Maybe help: Look at the Codepages your kernel is
supporting.  You may need some of them for name of
the files in the disk.  Windows 95 uses some of this
Codepages.  Look at

cd /usr/src/linux
make menuconfig

In Filesystems I have Codepages 437 and 850 as
modules.  I don't know if you, or even me, will need
the other codepages.

Hope this helps. 

Daniel González Gasull   (`-/)_.-'``-._   The hottest places in
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  . . `; -._)-;-,_`) Hell are reserved for
PGP RSA key 1024/EEA93A69(v_,)'  _  )`-.\  ``-'  those who, in times of
_.- _..-_/ / ((.'fL  moral crisis, preserved
  ((,.-'   ((,/  their neutrality.
 -- Dante
|  Fight Spam! Join EuroCAUCE:  |

Re: dselect woes

1999-06-01 Thread shaleh
 I am currently trying to install some packages in Debian 2.0 (using the CD
 Rom), using dselect. I can select them without any problem, however when I
 choose the option to actually install them, I get the following error
 message :
 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc, or too many
 mounted file systems.
 installation script returned error exit status 1.
 Press RETURN to continue.

Try typing mount /cdrom at the command prompt.  See what happens.

RE: Changing IP address

1999-06-01 Thread Dan Willard
  Samba sends out broadcast packets saying what services it has available to
the network. If the netmask is set incorrectly the other machines on the
network don't get the broadcast and don't see the machine in network
neighborhood.  Your router is dialing out 'cuse it thinks that the machine
is on a different network and is trying to reach it through the net.  The
only samba  setting that needs an ip (I think) is the 'win server'. gives a range of 8 IPs, with six usable IPs (first is
network ip, last is broadcast).


 -Original Message-
 From: Doug Thistlethwaite [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 1999 10:13 AM
 Subject:  Re: Changing IP address
 I have now have the linux system working on my network.  I ended up
 changing the network
 broadcast, and netmask to (XXX.XXX.XXX.0, XXX.XXX.XXX.255, and
 respectively).  I do not know why I had to do this as my network mask was
 far more
 restrictive with my last ISP.  I guess I need to do a
 little more studying
 on what each of these parameters do.
 I do still have a few behavior problems (my network that is :) !
 1. My windows 95 system can not see my linux samba server in network
 neighborhood (it use
 to see it fine).  I can type in the link by hand \\linuxsystemid\username
 to create the
 link.  Does anybody know if there is a parameter in samba that relates to
 system IP
 2. My router logs into the internet every time my windoze 95 system powers
 up and connects
 to the samba servers.  I think this has to do with the netmask...
 Thanks to everyone who has helped!

Re: Floppy Mounting Problems

1999-06-01 Thread Sergey V Kovalyov

On Tue, 1 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:

 On Mon, 31 May 1999, Eric Gillespie, Jr. wrote:
  I have a stack of floppies that i'm sorting through, and i need to know 
  on them. Some of them, however, aren't formatted. I have know way to know
  which ones aren't until i mount them. Every time i try to mount an 
  floppy, mount segfaults. Afterwards, if i try to mount another floppy it
  says mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /floppy busy. I can mount a
  floppy to other directories, so it must be /floppy that's busy, even
  though /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts both show it as not mounted. Further,
  i can't remove the floppy module from the kernel.
  Eventually i run out of directories to mount to and have to reboot.
  This is unacceptable. Any ideas?
 Did you try umounting /floppy?

I had a similar proble. But with a corrupted floppies. Trying to access a
file that happens to be too long produces and error (something like: VFS:
trying to access outside the filesystem), and after that there
is no way to unmount the floppy. Had to reboot. Does anyone know a way to
force unmounting in such a case ?


Re: ICQ programs for Debian GNU/Linux

1999-06-01 Thread Pollywog

On 01-Jun-99 Daniel González Gasull wrote:
 personally i prefer either kxicq
 Is it an ICQ clone for KDE?
Yes it is, for KDE.

 or licq (for x, anyway). i've had no problems
 with either losing messages or userlist entrieson
 I also have LICQ version 0.43, and I loss messages
 that comes from email (You know that anybody can
 send an email to an ICQ user at  Perhaps a newer version
 has fixed it.  Does anybody know?
The latest stable version is 0.61.


Re: ICQ programs for Debian GNU/Linux

1999-06-01 Thread Pollywog

On 01-Jun-99 Christian Lavoie wrote:
 GnomeICU is doing most what ICQ98 was doing on windows. Chat (no more 
 than 2 though, but that's the next update I think), File Transfert 
 (alpha state. Works but crashed the client afterwise. (GnomeICU 
 v0.64)) messages, UINs (beta state, has some troubles with v5 
From past personnal experience, I'd say gnomeICU and licq are the two 
 most advanced ICQ clients for linux, and ICQ-Java the most 'stable' 
 and feature-full. (Mark that stable with a great grain of salt)

For GnomeICU, I would have to switch to Gnome, from KDE, correct?


Re: desk jet 710C - drivers

1999-06-01 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Wojciech Zabolotny wrote:
 On Fri, May 28, 1999 at 09:28:05AM +0200, IS ZG wrote:
   My name is Margaret. I'm writing from Poland.
  Help me!!!
  My printer Desk Jet 710C doesn't  print in DOS 6.22. I need this.
  Where can I find  these drivers?
   Thank you very much
 This list is dedicated to Debian/Linux, not DOS 6.22 :-(.
 As far as I know HP 710C is one of the unfamous WinPrinters,
 and works only with Windows...
 Anyway you can try the
 to look for the drivers, however, there is nothing for DOS.
Furthermore, if the printer is at all new, try to return it.  We (our
small company) successfully did: traded it in on an Epson dot-matrix
model that fit our needs fine.(If you see something like IBM
ProPrinter compatibility, you'll know it ought to work fine in DOS!)

The more people that do this, the more chance there is HP will think
twice about flooding the market with these turkeys.

If it's not a laser (PostScript) printer, and it won't print straight
ASCII, it's broke!  ;-)

libvga and doom problems...

1999-06-01 Thread Mark Ewing
I recently got my sound card working and decided that
playing DOOM would be a good test for it.
Unfortunately after installing DOOM i got the
following errors:

fãts:~# linu×sdõõm
linu×sdõõm: cãn't lõãd librãrý '/usr/lib/libvgã.sõ.1'
E×ec fõrmãt errõr
linu×sdõõm: cãn't find librãrý 'libvgã.sõ.1'
fãts:~# linu××dõõm
linu××dõõm: cãn't find librãrý 'libXt.sõ.3' is a symlik to if that
makes a difference.
So my questions are; 
1) doe anybody know how to fix the vgalib issue?
2) what package contains libXt, only found a
developement version when searcing in dselect.
3) why did netscape decide to put tildes above
letters? I simply opened the text file containing the
errors with netscape then copy pasting-or are they
only showing up on my screen? I am using K 1.1.1 and
netscape 4.6 if that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance,
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: Binary Newsgroup extractor?

1999-06-01 Thread Andrew Holmes

How do I make AUB download single messages with attachments? AUB seems to do
filtering OK with the 'hook' keyword but it wouldn't get images from single
messages when I tried it :-( TIA
Andy Holmes


The path of my life is strewn with cow pats from the devil's own satanic 
herd!, Edmund Blackadder

Re: Binary Newsgroup extractor?

1999-06-01 Thread Steve Lamb
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, 1 Jun 1999 16:13:05 +0100, Andrew Holmes wrote:

How do I make AUB download single messages with attachments? AUB seems to do
filtering OK with the 'hook' keyword but it wouldn't get images from single
messages when I tried it :-( TIA

I dunno why it wouldn't.  It has always worked for me on single messages.

- -- 
 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- ---+-

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


Re: Floppy drive problem.

1999-06-01 Thread Keith G. Murphy
N. Raghavendra wrote:
 I am a Debian newbie and have the following problem with my floppy drives.
 There are two of them: a 1.44 MB floppy drive and an unused 1.2 MB floppy
 drive.  In the BIOS setup I have configured the 1.44 MB drive as A: and
 the other floppy drive as B:. 
Are you *sure*?  Typically, the BIOSes I've seen let you configure the
*drive densities* any way you want, but which one is really the A: and
which the B: drive depends on where the drives are on the cable.  You'll
see flaky problems in DOS or Linux if you get it the wrong way round. 
I.e., your statement:

In the BIOS setup I have configured the 1.44 MB drive as A: and
 the other floppy drive as B:

probably ought to be:

 In the BIOS setup I have configured the A: drive as 1.44 MB and
 the other floppy drive (B:) as 1.2 MB.

Big difference, and the wrong thing to do.  :-)

Maybe this is no longer true in the newer BIOSes, but I tend to doubt
it...  I'll bet your drives don't work right in DOS either.  

I'd go with David Teague and say turn your cable around.

[cut etc]

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