Re: [486]

1999-06-22 Thread ZUMBIJUNIOR
Jorge Garcia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Si me pasa especificaciones de nuevo (borre
mensaje anterior) tengo cuatro manuales. Per tenes
que darme la mayor cantidad de datos posibles. Te

Manual de manejo (o de jumper settings que llaman) para una mainboard con chip
bios de American Megatrends y con chipset UMC 8886BF y UMC 8881F. El número de
bios reference que me aparece en pantalla es #
41-P400-001437-0010-101094-486AVIP-H. (Confieso que tuve que darle copiar
y pegar, que numerito! :-DDD.) Según la pagina de fabricantes que identifica 
la Amibios, la board fue fabricada por una compañía de nombre HSING TECH 
ENTERPRISE CO. , LTD. (También tuve que darle copiar y pegar, ;-)) 

Esta compañía al parecer, no tiene página en Internet y el único enlace que
encontré me llevo a pero allí no hay ni la foto del dichoso
manual. Así que me ví en la necesidad de consultarles a ustedes; si alguien
tiene el manual escaneado o algo así, le agradecería muchísimo que me lo
enviara vía e-mail. 

Gracias por adelantado, 

ICQ UIN # 39552908 

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

Re: [RE: [web-ar] Re: [486]]

1999-06-22 Thread ZUMBIJUNIOR
Sergio Estefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Saludos colisteros!

No se si sera para la placa exacta que les esta quitando el sueño, pero
tiene una excelente base de datos de placas 486, incluso te envian por mail
su configuracion.
La direccion: , espero les
Un cordial saludo para todos!.

Lamento decirte que ya había visitado esa dirección y no había encontrado
mnada sobre la configuración de la Mainboard que no puedo jumpear
correctamente, así que me segurá quitando el sueño . :-DDD 

De cualquier manera gracias por tu intención de sacarme de este atolladero de
mier . . . coles ! :-))

Si sabes de otra solución, comunícamela . . .

ICQ UIN # 39552908

Get free e-mail and a permanent address at

Era: mouse bajo X no responde (solucionado)

1999-06-22 Thread horacio molina
El Sat, Jun 19, 1999 at 06:42:48PM +0200-6, Juan Ramón Larrea escribio:
   Supongo que usarás el protocolo Mouse system en modo consola y en
 las X. No conozco tu ratón, pero a veces tienen un conmutador para ponerlo
 en PS o MS, usa la posición PS con ese protocolo, si carece de boton, al
 arrancar el ordenador ten pulsado el botón para que use el susodicho

Hola, ya esta solucionado el problema. Estaban en lo cierto 
acerca de lo poderoso del script xf86config. Usando ademas el gpmconfig
pude saber que bajo Debian mi mouse es un MouseMan y no MouseSystem
como en RH.  


  (o_   Horacio Molina 
  //\Com. Riv. - Argentina  
  V_/_ Linux User #120586   

Re: Socorro en envio de mails

1999-06-22 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 20 Jun 1999 a las 12:20PM +0200, Hue-Bond escribio:
 El sábado 19 de junio de 1999 a la(s) 18:39:34 +, Rafael Cordones Marcos 
 On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 09:35:35PM +0200, Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez wrote:
 Puede que como CTV ha cambiado
 de manos estén haciendo reajustes de hard y se les haya olvidado algo.
  Offtopic: ¿Los que  estéis por CTV notáis  una mayor frecuencia
  de cortes en la conexión desde hace cosa de un mes?

En mi caso no, pero si he notado que telefonica hace funcionar mas lenta su 
infovia plus en Guadalajara desde hace 2 meses y hay dias que comunica varias 


Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
06/21   Berlin airlift begins, 1948
06/21   Sun rises over Heelstone at Stonehenge
06/22   Civil rights workers disappear in Mississippi, 1964

Description: PGP signature

Re: Xlib6g y perdida de configuracion teclado (XKB).

1999-06-22 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas
El Mon, Jun 21, 1999,
Xose Manoel Ramos...

Bueno,  lo  he   solucionada  desinstalando  `xfree86-common',
paquete del  que dependía `xlib6g'  y reinstalando
`xbase' de Hamm... 

Xose ...La única razón por la  que puedes tener problemas con
Xose el cambio en  las X es que ahora  tienes varios paquetes
Xose cuando antes tenías sólo un par.

Ok. Pero yo no  pretendía actualizar las X, que  por cierto no
iba a solucionarme  el problema con mi  tarjeta, sino arreglar
lo  del teclado. Era  (es) más  cómodo lo  que hice  que bajar
todos los paquetes nuevos y ponerme a actualizar.

Si desinstalo la  xlib6g de Slink, y  xfree86-common, que ésta
necesitaba,  solo faltaba  reinstalar  (a partir  de CD)  el
paquete  que  se había  visto  afectado  por el  Replace  de
algunos archivos del xfree86-common:  los de configuración del
teclado entre ellos.

Y meter  el `/etc/X11/Xsession'  a mano  sí, es  chapucero; me
gustaría saber qué le impide ponerlo en su sitio a `dpkg', :-?

Pero  bueno,  tampoco  me  parece algo  muy  grave,  para  una
instalación de la que solo dependo yo, :-)

Xose Esto son los paquetes que tengo instalados de X:

Gracias, me  va a venir  muy bien saberlo cuando  aparezca una
versión de X que soporte mi tarjeta.

Xose   xfree86-common
Xose   xbase-clients
Xose   xlib6g
Xose   xserver-common
Xose   xterm
Xose   xfonts-100dpi
Xose   xfonts-75dpi
Xose   xfonts-base
Xose   xfonts-scalable
Xose ¿Que  Notescapes  estás usando? A  mi  no  me da  ningún
Xose problema. Estoy  usando   el  Netscape  que   venía  con
Xose RedHat. Normalmente acostumbra a estar  mejor que el que
Xose te bajas de Netscape.

Uso  una  compilado para  libc5,  del  penúltimo CD  de  Linux
Actual. Y la Xlib6g de Slink  me machacaba la oldlib Xlib6 que
necesita, de ahí el poglema.


 -=-=-  A través de Debian GNU/Linux  -=-=-
 -=-=- Software Libre -=-=- S.O. Multi-[plataforma, tarea, usuario]  Free Software Foundation   Documentación en Castellano   Revista Open Resources   LinuxFocus

Re: [RE: [web-ar] Re: [486]]

1999-06-22 Thread J Horacio MG
~ Sergio Estefan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
~ Saludos colisteros!
( ... )
~ ICQ UIN # 39552908

No sé si te estás dando cuenta, pero estás enviando a la lista de Debian
tu correspondencia con otra(s) lista(s).

No te lo tomes a mal, sólo ten un poquito de cuidado y piensa que si
todos hicieran como tú, con subscribirnos a sólo un par de listas
recibiríamos montones de mensajes provenientes de tropecientas listas.

Valencia - ESPAÑA

Re: XFree86

1999-06-22 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
 Jaime E. Villate [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  A propósito: como se entera uno de la existencia de versiones .deb
  especiales de los developers sin tener que leer cientos de mensajes
  diarios en la lista debian-devel?

 creo que esto salió en un número de Debian Weekly News[1], la excelente
 publicación semanal editada por Joey Hess, y que se distribuye vía



Sobre Sendmail.

1999-06-22 Thread Manuel Trujillo

He quitado el Smail y lo he sustituido por el Sendmail, sólo debido a que
tiene la funcionalidad de soportar el fax para el Hylafax. Pero como no
tengo puñetera experience con él, estoy más perdio q'un pulpon'lgarage...
Desde las estaciones winnt puedo recoger el correo de las cuentas de la
máquina, pero cuando digo de enviar algún emilio al server Debian, no hay
manera de que entre.
En la red tengo otro server de emilios, un Notes, que si me va bien el de
Debian, me gustaría poder quitar. Este recibe el correo de Internet, pero
previamente lo recoge de un server de nuestro ISP que nos hace relay.
¿Qué debería hacer para poder, como mínimo, enviar emilios al server Debian
con el Sendmail?
Os dejo atacheado el y el para que mireis a ver por
dónde puede estar fallando.

Muchas gracias por todo.

Have a nice day  ;-)
Description: Binary data
Description: Binary data

kernel 2.2.10 y dselect+apt(cdrom)

1999-06-22 Thread Jon Noble
Hola, suelo usar apt como método de acceso de dselect (usando el aptcdrom de la 
Citius) y me iba de maravilla. Sin embargo, desde que he cambiado el kernel 
desde la version 2.0.36 a la 2.2.10 tengo un problema:

Tras haber seleccionado paquetes, cuando dselect me pide que introduzca un CD 
para copiar los .deb parece que no reconoce el CD porque me vuelve a pedir por 
el mismo indefinidamente. El CD se monta perfectamente a mano, por lo que 
montando el CD y haciendo un dpkg -i directamente puedo instalar las cosas, 
pero me gustaría usar dselect como dios manda... A ver si a alguien se le 
ocurre algo.

Un saludo,


Re: Segundo acceso a X

1999-06-22 Thread Juan Ignacio Llona
On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Hue-Bond wrote:

 Curiosamente, si arranco los dos en la misma profundidad de color,
 WindowMaker se queja de que ya hay otro gestor de ventanas corriendo; sin
 embargo, si arranco uno en 8 bits y otro en 16, ambos funcionan
 perfectamente. Alguien sabe por qué?
  Yo una vez  arranqué uno a 1024x768 (16 bits)  y otro a 800x600
  (32 bits) y las X me petaron estrepitosamente.

Curiosamente, alguien ha comentado en la lista que con otro gestor de
ventanas (fvwm* ¿?) arrancaba dos gestores correctamente.
Problema propio del WindowMaker? :?¿


Iñaki Llona
e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   'Grupo de LinUxuarios de Bizkaia' 
Clave pública PGP: mandame un mensaje con Subject: Clave publica. 

paquetes Obsoletos/locales

1999-06-22 Thread Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva

  He actualizado mi Hamm a Citius Slink y desde entonces tengo un monton
de paquetes Obsoletos/locales. Que significa esto??


Iniaki Fernandez 


1999-06-22 Thread Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva

  He actualizado mi Debian a Citius Slink y desde entonces el modo texto
de mis tty's no tiraba bien con la sintaxis del teclado castellano. La
enie,los acentos y demas no se veian o aparecia otro codigo ascci. El mc
tampoco tiraba bien pq. en lugar de lineas aparecian almohadillas '#'.
Me imagine que seria por la falta de algun paquete, y efectivamente asi ha
sido hasta que no he instalado el kernel-image-2.0.36 con su
/lib/modules/2.0.36. Yo tenia y sigo teniendo el kernel 2.2.9 pero desde
entonces ya todo me funciona bien. 
  Mi pregunta es, tiene alguna dependencia slink sobre /lib/modules/2.0.36
para que funcione correctamente?? Si alguien puede explicarme lo que ha
pasado se lo agradecere.


Iniaki Fdez.

Re: Segundo acceso a X

1999-06-22 Thread Marcelo E. Magallon
On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 09:45:23PM +0200, Juan Ignacio Llona wrote:

  Curiosamente, si arranco los dos en la misma profundidad de color,
  WindowMaker se queja de que ya hay otro gestor de ventanas corriendo; sin
  embargo, si arranco uno en 8 bits y otro en 16, ambos funcionan
  perfectamente. Alguien sabe por qué?
   Yo una vez  arranqué uno a 1024x768 (16 bits)  y otro a 800x600
   (32 bits) y las X me petaron estrepitosamente.
 Curiosamente, alguien ha comentado en la lista que con otro gestor de
 ventanas (fvwm* ¿?) arrancaba dos gestores correctamente.
 Problema propio del WindowMaker? :?¿

Es posible, al menos con una version vieja (se presentaron problmeas de esta
clase cuando la gente trato de correr Window Maker en varios monitores,
eventualmente habra soporte correcto y completo para un Window Maker en
varios monitores, pero no funciona ahora, si entiendo bien).  Acabo de
probar con la 0.60.0 y funciona bien, tanto con un servidor SVGA corriendo a
16 bits, como con otro SVGA a 32 bits.


Squid y ssl

1999-06-22 Thread Humberto . Morell

Yo utilizo el Squid como proxy cache para mi navegacion, hace 
algunos dias fui a un sitio que trabaja con ssl y al parecer no 
permite que por el medio exista un proxy.
La solucion en ese momento fue desactivar de mi navegador el uso del 
proxy pero pregunto existe alguna otra forma.

Humberto Morell ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: paquetes Obsoletos/locales

1999-06-22 Thread Jon Noble
On mar, 22 jun 1999 20:52:26 Iniaki Fernandez Villanueva wrote:
   He actualizado mi Hamm a Citius Slink y desde entonces tengo un monton
 de paquetes Obsoletos/locales. Que significa esto??

pues eso, o paquetes que han sido sustituidos por otros (obsoletos) o paquetes 
.deb que tienes instalados y que no están en los CD's (locales).

Los obsoletos que tengas serán paquetes que han cambiado de nombre de hamm a 
slink o paquetes que han sido separados en otros paquetes diferentes, etc.

Como local también podrías tener algun paquete que hubieses actualizado antes 
y cuya versión sea más moderna que la de slink.

Un saludo,


Re: [Fwd: Traducao dos pacotes da Debian] (fwd)

1999-06-22 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Oi Rafael,
Eu acho que agora a Debian-jp vai ser integrada na Debian...
Quer dizer que o melhor seria abrir os pacotes e traduzir cada descricao de
cada um?
Por que   traduzir o packages nao  ia adiantar?
Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:

 (por que essa lista não seta o Reply-To: ?)

 - Forwarded message from Eduardo Marcel Macan [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

 Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 12:39:36 -0300
 From: Eduardo Marcel Macan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Rafael Caetano dos Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Fwd: Traducao dos pacotes da Debian]
 X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.3i

 On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 11:01:22AM -0300, Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:
  Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira writes:
Enquanto estivermos traduzindo. Eu vou trabalhar para fazer com que o
gnome-apt e o dselect usem as descrições traduzidas...
  Não leve a mal, mas eu não entendo... vocês vão primeiro começar a
  traduzir e depois fazer com que funcione?
  IMHO, o ponto a ser alterado é o dpkg/dpkg-deb, não os front-ends
  (obviamente, quem faz o código é que acaba decidindo).

 Pessoalmente eu acho que desperdica esforco, porque no primeiro
 apt-get update vai tudo embora... a nao ser que voces arranjem espaco
 para fazermos como no japao, onde foi feito um fork da distribuicao,
 abram todos os pacotes fonte, traduzam o arquivo de controle de cada um,
 e gerem o Packages.gz a partir da colecao de pacotes compilados para esta
 distribuicao. A Debian-jp fez isso, porque ao que me consta japones tem
 saco grande, ou nao aprenderia a fazer origami ,jogar go e traduzir
 distribuicoes inteiras e revisando a cada novo pacote incluido. :)

 No caso do debian-jp eles tem uma aplicacaozinha que faz o switch
 entre as descricoes originais e as descricoes que eles manteem.
  O sistema que vai ser usado foi discutido na Debian? (eu já perguntei a
  que pé andava essa discussão na Debian, mas ninguém respondeu :-( ).

 Eu achei que tivesse respondido essa. Nao ha um consenso ainda sobre
 o que deve ser feito.

  Estou falando isso porque realmente estou interessado na tradução das
  descrições, mas ainda não vi nenhuma proposta para fazer isso de forma
  transparente e integrada à Debian.

 Falta um design consistente para a resolucao do problema.


 - End forwarded message -
 Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian SGML mailing list created (fwd)

1999-06-22 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Como grande parte da documentação da Debian está em SGML, isso pode
interessar a nós:

- Forwarded message from Stephane Bortzmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

X-Mailer: exmh version 2.0.2 2/24/98 (debian) 
From: Stephane Bortzmeyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Debian SGML mailing list created
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 09:44:41 +0200

Although it is not yet on or, the list is there and works. Here is 
its description, SGML/XML packagers (and users also) are welcome:


Discussion of issues related to SGML on Debian systems with an stress
on proper integration of tools, packaging standards and the
writing of documentation for SGML users. Therefore relevant for
maintainers of SGML related packages.
Discussion on the use of SGML packages is fine, too.
All aspects of deployment and development relating to SGML and
XML in general and particular DTDs, as well as related standards
and technologies like DSSSL and XSL, can be discussed here.

Moderated: no Subscription: open 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- End forwarded message -
Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Fwd: Traducao dos pacotes da Debian] (fwd)

1999-06-22 Thread Diego Delgado Lages
On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 12:44:47PM -0300, Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:
 (por que essa lista não seta o Reply-To: ?)
 - Forwarded message from Eduardo Marcel Macan [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
 Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 12:39:36 -0300
 From: Eduardo Marcel Macan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Rafael Caetano dos Santos [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Fwd: Traducao dos pacotes da Debian]
 X-Mailer: Mutt 0.95.3i
 On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 11:01:22AM -0300, Rafael Caetano dos Santos wrote:
  Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira writes:
Enquanto estivermos traduzindo. Eu vou trabalhar para fazer com que o
gnome-apt e o dselect usem as descrições traduzidas...
  Não leve a mal, mas eu não entendo... vocês vão primeiro começar a
  traduzir e depois fazer com que funcione?
  IMHO, o ponto a ser alterado é o dpkg/dpkg-deb, não os front-ends
  (obviamente, quem faz o código é que acaba decidindo). 
   Pessoalmente eu acho que desperdica esforco, porque no primeiro
 apt-get update vai tudo embora... a nao ser que voces arranjem espaco
 para fazermos como no japao, onde foi feito um fork da distribuicao,
 abram todos os pacotes fonte, traduzam o arquivo de controle de cada um,
 e gerem o Packages.gz a partir da colecao de pacotes compilados para esta
 distribuicao. A Debian-jp fez isso, porque ao que me consta japones tem
 saco grande, ou nao aprenderia a fazer origami ,jogar go e traduzir
 distribuicoes inteiras e revisando a cada novo pacote incluido. :)

O que eu estava propondo não é fazer um Packages novo, pois a cada apt-get
update tudo iria embora. Nos faríamos um arquivo em separado somente com as
descrições e quando desse apt-get update, ele nem saberia que o arquivo com as
descrições traduzidas existiria. Então alteraríamos o dselect/gnome-apt para
usar o arquivo com as descrições traduzidas. Agora foi?

Diego Delgado Lages

   No caso do debian-jp eles tem uma aplicacaozinha que faz o switch
 entre as descricoes originais e as descricoes que eles manteem.
  O sistema que vai ser usado foi discutido na Debian? (eu já perguntei a
  que pé andava essa discussão na Debian, mas ninguém respondeu :-( ).
   Eu achei que tivesse respondido essa. Nao ha um consenso ainda sobre
 o que deve ser feito.
  Estou falando isso porque realmente estou interessado na tradução das
  descrições, mas ainda não vi nenhuma proposta para fazer isso de forma
  transparente e integrada à Debian.
 Falta um design consistente para a resolucao do problema.
 - End forwarded message -
 Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Fwd: Traducao dos pacotes da Debian] (fwd)

1999-06-22 Thread Leonardo Ruoso
Nao sei mesmo seh eh necessario, de ante mao, preocurmos-nos com as
descricoes dos pacotes, pois com a internacionalizacao deverah haver uma
serie de pacotes comuns e uma serie de pacotes para cada lingua. 

A questao eh, nesse momento, a descricao dos pacotes altera em alguma
coisa o sistema operacional depois de instalado ou soh o administrador de
sistema terah de conhecer um ingles pequeno? 

nao sei se as preocupacoes nao deveriam estar num aspecto mais estrutural
nesse momento inicial.

mas eu sou apenas um usuario Debian, e nao gosto da solucao da conectiva
para abrasileirar o Red Hat!


Fwd: Traducao dos pacotes da Debian

1999-06-22 Thread Leandro Dutra
 On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 12:44:47PM -0300, Rafael Caetano dos 
 Santos wrote:
  (por que essa lista não seta o Reply-To: ?)

Faço minha tua pergunta!

  para fazermos como no japao, onde foi feito um fork da distribuicao,
  abram todos os pacotes fonte, traduzam o arquivo de 
 controle de cada um,
  e gerem o Packages.gz a partir da colecao de pacotes 
 compilados para esta
  distribuicao. A Debian-jp fez isso, porque ao que me consta 

Mas eles estão integrando a JP na principal, correto?  Pelo que li,
eles somente não fizeram isso antes porque o fuso atrasou em meses os
processos de integração deles como desenvolvedores...

 update tudo iria embora. Nos faríamos um arquivo em separado 
 somente com as
 descrições e quando desse apt-get update, ele nem saberia que 
 o arquivo com as
 descrições traduzidas existiria. Então alteraríamos o 
 dselect/gnome-apt para
 usar o arquivo com as descrições traduzidas. Agora foi?

Mais um fork... o que é necessariamente uma solução temporária, que
vai ser descartada assim que a distribuição escolher um mecanismo

No final das contas não é proibido, mas quem se habilita a fazer um
trabalho que não vai permanecer?

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

[ Translation of Debian packages]

1999-06-22 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
- Forwarded message from Julian Gilbey [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

Resent-Date: 22 Jun 1999 09:53:09 -
Resent-Cc: recipient.list.not.shown:;
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Translation of Debian packages
To: ( Debian i18n list)
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 01:59:46 +0100 (BST)
X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4ME+ PL48 (25)]
From: Julian Gilbey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Resent-Message-Id: HcvfiC.A.g_.E01b3@murphy
X-Mailing-List: archive/latest/317
Precedence: list
Resent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have just put in place all of the necessary machinery for localising
my devscripts package.  All I need now is some translations ;)

My question: is there some mechanism for announcing such work?  Is
there a Debian page or team or something?  At the moment, my source
package has a .pot file, but as it is a Debian local package, I can't
see one of the GNU language teams getting in on the act.



  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU/Linux Developer,  see

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- End forwarded message -

Re: [Fwd: Traducao dos pacotes da Debian] (fwd)

1999-06-22 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Diego Delgado Lages writes:

 O que eu estava propondo não é fazer um Packages novo, pois a cada apt-get
 update tudo iria embora. Nos faríamos um arquivo em separado somente com as
 descrições e quando desse apt-get update, ele nem saberia que o arquivo com as
 descrições traduzidas existiria. Então alteraríamos o dselect/gnome-apt para
 usar o arquivo com as descrições traduzidas. Agora foi?

No update, como você sabe se a descrição de cada pacote mudou ou não?
E na próxima versão do dselect e gnome-apt, o que você faz? 

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Fwd: Traducao dos pacotes da Debian] (fwd)

1999-06-22 Thread Rafael Caetano dos Santos
Leonardo Ruoso writes:
 Nao sei mesmo seh eh necessario, de ante mao, preocurmos-nos com as
 descricoes dos pacotes, pois com a internacionalizacao deverah haver uma
 serie de pacotes comuns e uma serie de pacotes para cada lingua. 

Hmm... não entendi.  Quais pacotes para cada língua? 
 A questao eh, nesse momento, a descricao dos pacotes altera em alguma
 coisa o sistema operacional depois de instalado ou soh o administrador de
 sistema terah de conhecer um ingles pequeno? 

A descrição de que estamos falando é a que aparece no dselect. Só importa
para instalação.

 mas eu sou apenas um usuario Debian, e nao gosto da solucao da conectiva
 para abrasileirar o Red Hat!

Por que?  

Eu não conheço bem a Conectiva, mas na internacionalização/localização de
pacotes, por exemplo, eles usam o gettext, que é usado por todo
mundo, patrocinado pelo Projeto GNU.  Não é uma solução deles.
O que eles fazem é colocado sob GPL e integrado aos programas originais:
nós podemos usar os programas localizados da mesmo jeito.  
Na verdade, também acontece o contrário: muitas traduções que eles usam
são feitos por voluntários, e muitos usam Debian.

Apesar de eu preferir a Debian, não entendo porque os usuários da
Debian tem tanta hostilidade em relação à Conectiva.

Rafael Caetano [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Tradução dos pacotes da Debian

1999-06-22 Thread Leandro Dutra
   Não sei mesmo se é necessário, de ante mão, preocuparmo-nos com as
  descrições dos pacotes, pois com a internacionalização 
 deverá haver uma
  serie de pacotes comuns e uma serie de pacotes para cada língua. 
 Hmm... não entendi.  Quais pacotes para cada língua? 

Que eu saiba, métodos de entrada (para as línguas com 
muitos caracteres, tipo as do Extremo Oriente);  pacotes de 
dados ou texto, tipo Bíblias, o Manifesto Anarquista, Linux 
Gazette etc;  documentação...

 Apesar de eu preferir a Debian, não entendo porque os usuários da
 Debian tem tanta hostilidade em relação à Conectiva.

Em parte, por achar que a Red Hat (e portanto a 
Conectiva) deveriam adotar um sistema de gerenciamento de 
pacotes mais robusto, a saber o dpkg/apt; e em *grande* 
parte, necessidade de auto-afirmação!

Há outras coisinhas, como tentar vender o sistema como 
fácil de usar quando ainda não é, mas não acho que isso seja 
bem verdade.  Me parece que quem está fazendo a coisa parecer 
mais fácil do que realmente é são a M$ e a Apple, não a Red 
Hat ou a Caldera, e aí o pessoal acaba esperando do GNU/Linux 
o que a M$ e a Apple *não* fazem!

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs (Brasil) Ltda

upgrading Xfree86

1999-06-22 Thread Shawn Nguyen

I am running Debian 2.1 and have X version which doesn't seem 
to fully support my Trident Providia 9685 video card, so I wanted to upgrade to 
X version  Can anyone please tell me what line I should add to my 
apt-get source file so that I can run an upgrade of X?  Thanks for any help.

Shawn Nguyen

Re: Have we been cracked?

1999-06-22 Thread Pollywog

On 21-Jun-99 Rahsheen Porter wrote:
 If you're really should format and start over. Otherwise,
 running portsentry and logcheck (search freshmeat). Portsentry will block
 any host that tries to scan you and logcheck will email you weird log
 entries. Portsentry has blocked at least 10 hosts since I started running
 itvery useful.

Yes, I agree.  I use those two (logcheck and portsentry) together.  Portsentry
has stopped several attacks for me.


pcmcia problem after upgrade

1999-06-22 Thread Michael Roark
I am sure this has come up before, but I can't find the answer in the
archives. I just upgraded from 2.0 - 2.1 via apt-get. Everything seemed to go
smoothly, but the new card services won't recognize my ethernet card. It's a
Linksys Etherfast 10/100 PC Card (not Cardbus). I get a middle tone and low
tone when inserting the card. I checked and it seems to be using the right
IRQ. Any suggestions?


Re: Ethernet card problems

1999-06-22 Thread Manuel
Thanks guys,

My card works fine nowI rechecked the cable(I hadn't thought this
might be a problem as it worked when I booted into W98) and used the dos
utility to specify a BNC connector, and now the card works fine


Venu wrote:
 hi manuel
 i had similar problems ..the solution
 1. check the ethernet cable is connected properly
 (i have this problem 80% of the time !!)
 2. make sure ..especially in the case of an ISA card, that u r using the 
 IRQ and IO address... use the DOS Utility of the card to check this... as on
 linux... the card driver sometimes gets installed even if the irq is specified
 3. if the card is a combo BNC + UTP, in some cases, the driver is not able to
 switch on the correct interface.. so this may be fixed using the Ethernet card
 DOS utility to specify the same
  eth0: EtherExpress 16 at 0x300 (IRQ 5, RJ45 connector, 16-bit bus, 32k
  eth0: TDR reports transceiver problem
 from this .. the problem may probably be option 2 above... check it out !
 let me know how it works out..
  Hi there,
  I have an Intel Ether Express 16 ISA card and I'm trying to
  get it to
  work with linux.  Linux seems to detect the card ok, but after detection
  on boot up I get the message:
   eth0: TDR reports transceiver problem
  The dos diagnostics program for the card indicates that everything is
  OK, and it seems to work fine with Windows 98I have included my boot
  message,...followed by the result of ifconfig...
  Any help is appreciated,
  Memory: sized by int13 088h
  Console: 16 point font, 400 scans
  Console: colour VGA+ 80x25, 1 virtual console (max 63)
  pcibios_init : BIOS32 Service Directory structure at 0x000fad40
  pcibios_init : BIOS32 Service Directory entry at 0xfb1c0
  pcibios_init : PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfb1f0
  Probing PCI hardware.
  Calibrating delay loop.. ok - 53.25 BogoMIPS
  Memory: 30216k/32768k available (1136k kernel code, 384k reserved, 1032k
  Swansea University Computer Society NET3.035 for Linux 2.0
  NET3: Unix domain sockets 0.13 for Linux NET3.035.
  Swansea University Computer Society TCP/IP for NET3.034
  IP Protocols: IGMP, ICMP, UDP, TCP
  VFS: Diskquotas version dquot_5.6.0 initialized
  Checking 386/387 coupling... Ok, fpu using exception 16 error reporting.
  Checking 'hlt' instruction... Ok.
  Intel Pentium with F0 0F bug - workaround enabled.
  alias mapping IDT readonly ...  ... done
  Linux version 2.0.36 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version #2 Sun Feb 
  15:55:27 EST 1999
  Starting kswapd v
  Real Time Clock Driver v1.09
  tpqic02: Runtime config, $Revision: $, $Date: 1994/10/29
  02:46:13 $
  tpqic02: DMA buffers: 20 blocks, at address 0x282600 (0x28254c)
  Ramdisk driver initialized : 16 ramdisks of 4096K size
  loop: registered device at major 7
  ide: i82371 PIIX (Triton) on PCI bus 0 function 57
  ide0: BM-DMA at 0xf000-0xf007
  ide1: BM-DMA at 0xf008-0xf00f
  hdc: IBM-DAQA-32160, 2067MB w/96kB Cache, CHS=4200/16/63, DMA
  hdd: TATUNG CD-652E, ATAPI CDROM drive
  ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
  Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M
  FDC 0 is a post-1991 82077
  md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8
  Failed initialization of WD-7000 SCSI card!
  scsi : 0 hosts.
  scsi : detected total.
  Partition check:
   hdc: [PTBL] [525/128/63] hdc1 hdc2 hdc3 hdc4  hdc5 hdc6 hdc7 hdc8 
  VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly.
  Adding Swap: 12060k swap-space (priority -1)
  Adding Swap: 16092k swap-space (priority -2)
  Module inserted $Id: cdrom.c,v 0.8 1996/08/10 10:52:11 david Exp $
  eth0: EtherExpress 16 at 0x300 (IRQ 5, RJ45 connector, 16-bit bus, 32k
  eth0: TDR reports transceiver problem
  Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
  tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
  tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
  loLink encap:Local Loopback
inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:AA:00:3C:20:89
inet addr:  Bcast:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:6 errors:6 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:6
Interrupt:5 Base address:0x300
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] D-Link DE-650 - PCMCIA

1999-06-22 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: Re: [OFF-TOPIC] D-Link DE-650 - PCMCIA
Date: Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 11:49:27PM +0800

In reply to:Paul Harris

Quoting Paul Harris([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   does anyone know if the kernel supports this card? i only saw options for
   the de-600 to de-620. 
  I use one. It says NE2000 compatible when you plug it in.
  I guess people get bored with adding new model numbers
  when they're basically similar underneath.
  What's far more important is the controller chipset in the
  laptop. For example I can now use the ti1220 in slink
  whereas I had to compile the sources from
  with hamm. However, I can't install from scratch even in
  slink because the installation program only offers the
  choice of i82365 and tcic. This made installation quite tough
  as the slink installation kernel also has no ppa support.
 i'm trying to compile a 2.2.10 kernel for it, but I can't find the option
 for Pcmcia NE2000 compatible support for the apne.o module. Its in the file... or is there another way of doing things for pcmcia?
 (i've only worked with desktops up until now). when does the controller
 chipset come into things? how does that work?

   I foune the following in /usr/src/linux/net/netsyms.c

#if defined(CONFIG_ULTRA)   ||  defined(CONFIG_WD80x3) || \
defined(CONFIG_EL2) ||  defined(CONFIG_NE2000) || \
defined(CONFIG_E2100)   ||  defined(CONFIG_HPLAN_PLUS) || \
defined(CONFIG_HPLAN)   ||  defined(CONFIG_AC3200) || \
defined(CONFIG_ES3210)  ||  defined(CONFIG_ULTRA32) || \
defined(CONFIG_LNE390)  ||  defined(CONFIG_NE3210) || \
defined(CONFIG_NE2K_PCI) || defined(CONFIG_APNE) || \
/* If 8390 NIC support is built in, we will need these. */

If it was me I would add CONFIG_APNE to the .config file and try
recompiling.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.  It seem that someone
may have missed it.


C, n.:
  A programming language that is sort of like Pascal except more like assembly 
except that it isn't very much like either one, or anything else.  It is either 
the best language available to the art today, or it isn't.
-- Ray Simard

Re: unknown message

1999-06-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
scratch wrote:
 IIRC, this message probably means that you have recently updated to a 2.2
 kernel. In this kernel, ifconfig sets it own routes, so there is no more
 need for a manual 'route add'. Check your init.d scripts, especially
 OTOH, I could be completely wrong here, and this message seems like the
 thing i described, but really isn't and you *are* trying to set a wrong

I get this message too. Last night I was searching the archives on dmesg
and this error message came up several times. From some of the postings,
it would seem that you're right. There was a fix--commenting out some
line or another. I forgot what exactly and I haven't gone back to take
another look. A search on SIOCADDRT would turn up those fixes though.

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: upgrading Xfree86

1999-06-22 Thread Laurent Martelli
 Shawn == Shawn Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Shawn Hi,

  ShawnI am running Debian 2.1 and have X version
  Shawn which doesn't seem to fully support my Trident Providia 9685
  Shawn video card, so I wanted to upgrade to X version  Can
  Shawn anyone please tell me what line I should add to my apt-get
  Shawn source file so that I can run an upgrade of X?  Thanks for
  Shawn any help.

This should work. (BTW it was in /usr/doc/apt/examples)

deb unstable main contrib non-free

Laurent Martelli

Re: upgrading Xfree86

1999-06-22 Thread Mark Wagnon
Shawn Nguyen wrote:
 I am running Debian 2.1 and have X version which doesn't seem 
 to fully support my Trident Providia 9685 video card, so I wanted to upgrade 
 to X version  Can anyone please tell me what line I should add to my 
 apt-get source file so that I can run an upgrade of X?  Thanks for any help.


add deb x/ and you'll be good as gold

 __   _
Mark Wagnon Debian GNU/ -o) / /  (_)__  __   __
Chula Vista, CA /\\/ /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /   
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  _\_v/_/_//_/\_,_/ /_/\_\

Re: diald -- help or source!

1999-06-22 Thread John Hasler
 In the message log I see that it attempts to open the connection, and
 immediately reports that the connection script failed.  It doesn't seem
 to access the modem or anything.

Please post the script, the log, and /etc/diald/diald.options.

 I can't get chat to run a simple connect script either.

What do you mean by that?

 I'm not afraid to get into it with a debugger and really screw things up

No need for that.  I'm sure you just have a configuration error.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: upgrading Xfree86

1999-06-22 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 22 Jun, Laurent Martelli wrote about Re: upgrading Xfree86
 Shawn == Shawn Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Shawn Hi,
   Shawn  I am running Debian 2.1 and have X version
   Shawn which doesn't seem to fully support my Trident Providia 9685
   Shawn video card, so I wanted to upgrade to X version  Can
   Shawn anyone please tell me what line I should add to my apt-get
   Shawn source file so that I can run an upgrade of X?  Thanks for
   Shawn any help.
 This should work. (BTW it was in /usr/doc/apt/examples)
 deb unstable main contrib non-free

I don't think he wanted to go to unstable, just to the latest X
packages for slink. For the latest X packages for slink one should use
the packages at

deb x/

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: startx

1999-06-22 Thread Peter Ludwig
On Sun, 20 Jun 1999, Chris Flipse wrote:
 Is there a way to set up startx so that it will open on a specified tty
 (say, tty 13) instead of the next available one?  I know it can be done
 with the various x login apps, but I've had some bad experiences with
 xdm and wdm locking up my box, and I prefer not to take that chance.  :)

Okay, I've got xdm/startx (depending upon whether I want to have xdm
chewing up cycles or not) running off vt9...

I've gone and looked for the configuration file for doing just that... and
well... I cannot find it!

I'll email you again if I can find it... :-(

RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
downloads (neither free, nor Plus).

Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?

Arcady Genkin
... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)

[no subject]

1999-06-22 Thread Corey Carroll
Greetings..I purchased Debian 2.1 from the UTArlington bookstore.  I thought 
it was 2.0 originally, because that's what the manual said, but then the people 
work there opened it up, and it has 4 2.1 disks: 2 binaries, 2 sources.

So I'm having problems installing it.. First thing I did was use my old Linux to
dd a resc1440.bin to disk.  Booting off of that, it detects my IDE CDROM
on /dev/hdd just fine.  

My problems seem to stem from the fact that there are 2 binary disks.  When I 
get to the
dselect step, I choose for my Access method Multi-CD.  But nowhere in the 
parts of installation does it tell me Insert disk 1 or 2 ..  So how the hell 
I supposed to do this?  If you want this to be more user friendly, there needs 
be a message telling the user at what point to change the CDROM.  Going to 
another VT,
I notice that it actually mounts the cdrom on /var/lib/dpkg/methods/mnt.  So  
it would
have to unmount it before mounting the next (#2) CD.

Whatever the problem is, I am pretty frustrated that I can't figure it out
on my own.  I've successfuly run Slackware and Redhat in the past, and consider
myself an intermediate-level programmer.  Since I've had experience with Linux 
surely a new user couldn't install debian ...  I chose Debian because
1. I wanted to try something new
2. I had heard that it is more stable than redhat--redhat always upgrades their
   packages no matter what, and debian chooses the stable 
   versions of packages (hearsay on my part)
3. I had hoped that it could upgrade itsef automatically from the net, as new
  versions of debian came out.
4. It's less commercial and more free (vs. Redhat)

Another confusing part is that after the packages are installed, it goes and
configures each one...some of these things it is configuring I've never heard 
of before.
Again, a new user would have significant problems here.

Luckily, I have 2 6 GIG hard drives, so I can install a new debian without 
my old one.  With the old one, I chose some kind of default install, and seemed 
to get it to work
OK (it's what I'm typing it on now).  I was able to compile a new kernel (what 
is the
debian way to do this?!?!  I had a .tar.gz file with kernel sources in 
usr/ I supposed to
install it through dselect or dpkg??), and compile x11amp (after compiling glib 

With the new one, I couldn't compile glib in order to get x11amp to 
compile...again, pretty
frustrating.  I had to set up the symlinks in /usr/include/linux 
manually (a new user would have no idea).  

Also, I use a unique way to get on the internet.  I dial into my school's 
terminal server,
login to it, and then telnet, where I can login, and run slirp.  
In the past,
I had done this manually each time I wanted a ppp connection (hey, it's 
trouble, but
I pay $0.00/year for it!).  Under my old slackware system, I had automated this
procedure with a complicated chat script - it is tricky, for when you first 
connect to
the uTA terminal server, you have to wait a few seconds and then press enter to 
'wake it up'.
So I had to read the chat  man page to figure this all out.  Whatever, I had 
a shell script to run pppd and call my chatscript from within pppd.  Now, 
debian doesn't
seem to like my shellscript- or maybe it's just my modem.  I have a USR Courier 
(Win98 detects it as a 'courier v.everything modem'), which
has been supposedly upgraded to 56K by a good Unix friend of mine.  Definitely 
it is NOT
a winmodem.

I use Netzero under Windows 98, and it connects most of the time unelss NetZero 
is having 
a server problem..  I looked at its (modem) properties and there was no modem 
init string, only
boxes were checkmarked that said error correction enable and data compression 
and of course hardware flow control.  So under linux, I always first do a
/sbin/setserial /dev/ttyS1 spd_vhi 

I am wondering if anybody else uses this modem, and can gve me a good iinit 
string to use with it.
One strange thing is, under Windows,sometimes it connects at 56K, but I have 
yet to ever get it
to work under linux at 56K (max connect speed shows 33600)

Re: startx

1999-06-22 Thread Branden Robinson
On Sun, Jun 20, 1999 at 11:51:56PM -0400, Chris Flipse wrote:
 Is there a way to set up startx so that it will open on a specified tty
 (say, tty 13) instead of the next available one?  I know it can be done
 with the various x login apps, but I've had some bad experiences with
 xdm and wdm locking up my box, and I prefer not to take that chance.  :)

To be annoyingly pedantic, it's not startx itself that starts on a tty, but
the X server itself.

startx is a shell script wrapper around the xinit program (which is written
in C), which is what actually starts the X server (say, XF86_SVGA).

On a Debian system there is yet one more level of indirection, as xinit
actually calls our X server wrapper, /usr/X11R6/bin/X, which then executes
the X server.

Now, aren't you sorry you asked?  :)

At any rate, you guessed correctly that you can tell startx what virtual
terminal you want the server to start on.

Try this:

startx -- vt13

The double dash is important; don't leave it out.

G. Branden Robinson  | One man's theology is another man's
Debian GNU/Linux | belly laugh.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | -- Robert Heinlein |

Description: PGP signature

Re: ld/Xm/Xt question

1999-06-22 Thread Branden Robinson
On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 07:21:14AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 A few weeks ago I wrote and asked about a problem with X on Slink. Due to the
 under whelming response (including the developers list, except for Oleg who 
 give me some useful info) I upgraded to XFree 3.3.3 from the site.
 My test case, at first it appeared to fix the problem but my main app was
 still broken. I noticed by reading the straces of the application runs that on
 my test case that worked I had -lXm before -lXt, and the main app had -lXT 
 on the compile line. Both cases compiled cleanly, without warnings
 or errors, just the app with -lXt -lXm would seg fault and with -lXm -lXt the
 app would run sucessfully.

In general the order of the -l options is important, at least if you have
interlibrary dependencies, which is almost always the case with X

The highest level libraries are listed first, followed by lower level
libraries until at the end you have libraries that do not depend on
anything else (except maybe the C library, which is linked by default
except in unusual circumstances).

Consider the output of gtk-config --libs:

-L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk -lgdk -rdynamic -lgmodule -lglib -ldl
-lXi -lXext -lX11 -lm

Here we see that we high-level GTK+ and GDK libraries come first, followed
by intermediate libs, and finally wrapping up with libX11 (the core X
protocol library) and the math library, which of course won't be needing
any symbols from fancy GUI libraries.

G. Branden Robinson  |A committee is a life form with six or
Debian GNU/Linux |more legs and no brain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |-- Robert Heinlein |

Description: PGP signature

Re: startx

1999-06-22 Thread sballard
On Sun, 20 Jun 1999, Chris Flipse wrote:

 Is there a way to set up startx so that it will open on a specified tty
 (say, tty 13) instead of the next available one?  I know it can be done
 with the various x login apps, but I've had some bad experiences with
 xdm and wdm locking up my box, and I prefer not to take that chance.  :)

I think I may be suffering from this. Every so often (it used to be rare,
but just recently it's started to happen almost every time I boot, within
a few minutes of booting) my machine will freeze up completely. The screen
either goes grey or gets vertical stripes (or occasionally different
patterns). Ctrl-alt-F? do nothing, neither does Ctrl-alt-Bksp or
Ctrl-alt-del. I have one of those danged intelligent power buttons, so
that doesn't work either. Unfortunately the machine isn't networked so I
can't tell you if it is really dead or just all keyboard input is
disabled. I am running the latest of everything as of a few days ago from
unstable, and I have xdm managing both tty7 and tty8. My kernel is the
kernel-package version of 2.2.7 - I want to recompile it but I haven't had
a chance yet.

Please, please, can anybody suggest a particular package or set of
packages that could be downgraded to fix this? Also any way to keep the
machine alive long enough to do the downgrade?


Re: diald -- help or source!

1999-06-22 Thread Tracy Nelson
From: John Hasler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tracy Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 20:41
Subject: Re: diald -- help or source!

 In the message log I see that it attempts to open the connection, and
 immediately reports that the connection script failed.  It doesn't seem
 to access the modem or anything.

Please post the script, the log, and /etc/diald/diald.options.

My connection script is simple editing of the original to whit:
connect 130 lines, 3693 characters
# The phone number to dial
# PHONE_NUMBER=5551212

# The chat sequence to recognize that the remote system
# is asking for your user name.
# USER_CHAT_SEQ=name:--name:--name:--name:--name:--name:--name:

# The string to send in response to the request for your user name.

# The chat sequence to recongnize that the remote system
# is asking for your password.

# The string to send in response to the request for your password.

# The prompt the remote system will give once you are logged in
# If you do not define this then the script will assume that
# there is no command to be issued to start up the remote protocol.
PROMPT=tion }

# Initialize the modem. Usually this just resets it.
message Initializing Modem
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
message Failed to initialize modem
exit 1

# Dial the remote system.

message Dialing system
case $? in
   0) message Connected;;
   1) message Chat Error; exit 1;;
   2) message Chat Script Error; exit 1;;
   3) message Chat Timeout; exit 1;;
   4) message No Carrier; exit 1;;
   5) message Busy; exit 1;;
   6) message No DialTone; exit 1;;
   7) message Modem Error; exit 1;;
exit 1

if [ $START_ACK !=  ]; then
if [exit 1e Failed to start Protocol

# Success!
message Protocol started

The log file is pretty simple, just:
Jun 21 09:12:48 spicerack diald[24824]: Running connect (pid = 24973).
Jun 21 09:12:48 spicerack diald[24824]: Connect script failed.
Jun 21 09:12:49 spicerack diald[24824]: Delaying 30 seconds before clear to

My options file looks like this:
mode ppp
connect /etc/diald/connect
device /dev/ttyS0
speed 115200
include /etc/diald/standard.filter

 I can't get chat to run a simple connect script either.

What do you mean by that?

Whenever I try something simple like chat -V 'ATZ' I get no response for
several seconds (I suspect a timeout) and if I ^C during this time I get an
I/O operation incomplete error (or something like that).

Thanks very much for any clues anyone can drop in my general direction!

-- Tracy

RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread Eric G . Miller
It's there, I got it, It works... You should get the RedHat RPM version,
put it in /tmp and the let the debian installation script at it.

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:26:22 Arcady Genkin wrote:
   |  Hi all:
   |  I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
   |  Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
   |  downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
   |  Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?
   |  Thanks!
   |  -- 
   |  Arcady Genkin
   |  ... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
   |  of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)
   |  -- 
   |  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the A HREF=;POTATO/A!

Re: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread ktb
I poked around and found this link,


Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
 Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
 downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
 Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?
 Arcady Genkin
 ... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
 of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

APT 0.3.7 slink packages at; potato packages in archive

1999-06-22 Thread Ben Gertzfield
Packages for APT 0.3.7 built for the 'slink' (Debian 2.1, based on GNU
libc 2.0) distribution have been uploaded to, and are
available at:

The 0.3.7 packages for potato (the upcoming Debian 2.2, based on GNU
libc 2.1) have been installed into the main Debian archives and should
be available on the mirrors worldwide soon, and are available now

Happy APTing!

Ben Gertzfield, Debian APT Team

Brought to you by the letters J and X and the number 15.
Elate means having wings.
Debian GNU/Linux maintainer of Gimp and GTK+ --

Re: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread Peter Ludwig

Sorry, just butting in...

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 It's there, I got it, It works... You should get the RedHat RPM version,
 put it in /tmp and the let the debian installation script at it.

WHERE?  I got given a URL a little while back for a possible site for the
linux version of Realplayer g2... the documentation was in spanish, so I
had no idea on why it just segfaulted on me... but anyhow, that url didn't

And realplayers site lists the FREE version of realplayer (for
unix-likesystems, INCLUDING Redhat) as being only available in 5.0.  What
are us people doing wrong at  I've tried refreshing
the page recently (unless it was locked in the proxy server) to no

If your version works, could you just email it to me then?  I can't for
the life of me figure out why I cannot see it if a lot of people can see
it at real-audio, but some of us cannot...
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:26:22 Arcady Genkin wrote:
|  Hi all:
|  I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
|  Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
|  downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
|  Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?
|  Thanks!
|  -- 

Device Driver Problem Again

1999-06-22 Thread Phil Wu
I still haven't got the answer about how to configuring device drivers
for my computer.
Could anyone tell me how to chose the modules when I run modconf. Or
where to get the install guide for this problem.


My hardware as below:

quantum 7.4G IDE HD
1.44Mb Floppy Disk
8 Mb Leadtek Winfast 3D L2300 Vedio card
128Mb Ram



Re: pine 4.10 .deb

1999-06-22 Thread Brad
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

 A couple months ago somebody from this list got permission to distribute
 the modified Pine binary in .deb format.  He made this file available for
 ftp.  Does anybody know where I can get this file?  I checked the list
 archives and found lots of discussion regarding Pine, but I couldn't find
 a link to the actual file.  I know it exists because I downloaded it for
 my home machine at one point.

i don't know about a binary deb, but the source packages are available
from your favorite Debian mirror, in the debian/project/experimental
1) download the foo.orig.tar.gz, foo.diff.gz, and foo.dsc files
2) dpkg-source -x foo.dsc
3) cd foo
4) debian/rules binary (as root, or sudone or fakerooted)
5) dpkg -i ../foo.deb

Re: X-Server for AGP-7410 (Intel740 chipset)?

1999-06-22 Thread kerkhoff
Redhat has one, check their ftp server.  I found it in the XBF* folder,
it eventually will be included in X version 4.  I used it last year,
works quite well.



Revenant wrote:
 Well, after lengthy stuffing about I got X running.  Yay!
 Unfortunately, I had to enter my VGA card as an unsupported VGA card
 and it's not happy with higher than 640x480, 8-bit colour.
 Does anyone know if there's an X-Server compatible with an AGP-7410
 card (with Intel740 chipset) or conversely if there's another way to
 improve my resolution?
 -- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
 Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
 awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak. for more information. for lotsa links.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Wim Kerkhoff
adr:;;43810 Chilliwack Mountain Road;Chilliwack;BC;V2R 4A1;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
fn:Wim Kerkhoff

New windows

1999-06-22 Thread Christian Dysthe

I came from MS Windows to Linux a few months ago. I was tired of crashes and
all that, and I had the feeling I could do better GUI-wise also.

After a while I found Windowmaker, and set up a desktop with several handy dock
apps. A refreshingly approach to a personal desktop environment. Also,
Windowmaker looks good! So different from MS, and yet very easy to configure
and use.

Then I see that the big hype these days is KDE and Gnome. I have tried them
both and felt I was taking one step back towards what I left. I just do not
undetstand why the Linux community are working against a wm standard that is
not based on what seems truly unique and well layed out: The nextish look.
Instead I am again presented with the taskbar and popup menus that hasn't
really changed for years. Is this to conquer new users, or is it becuase Linux
users secretly have missed the look and feel of MS Windows?

And in Debian Windowmaker is presented as: Yet another Windowmanager when it
is actually GNOME and KDE that to me feels and looks like yet another...

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two

RE: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread Pollywog

On 22-Jun-99 Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
 Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
 downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
 Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?



RE: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread Pollywog

On 22-Jun-99 Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
 Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
 downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
 Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?

A better one than the last one I gave is:

Re: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread Arcady Genkin
ktb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I poked around and found this link,

Hmmm... It worked just the same as the main web-site for me. It says

This platform is only supported in RealPlayer 5.0

When I choose G2, Linux - ELF or Linux-RedHat, Pentium-class
CPU English for download options. Is there a 'magic' combination or 
am I totally missing something? ;^)

  I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
  Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
  downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
  Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?

Arcady Genkin
... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)

RE: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread Pollywog

On 22-Jun-99 Pollywog wrote:
 On 22-Jun-99 Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
 Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
 downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
 Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?
 A better one than the last one I gave is:

It seems that they deceive us, because when the links are clicked, we are told
that only RealPlayer 5.0 will work on the platform of our choice.


Re: Device Driver Problem Again

1999-06-22 Thread Hartmut Figge
Phil Wu wrote:
 I still haven't got the answer about how to configuring device drivers
 for my computer.
 Could anyone tell me how to chose the modules when I run modconf. Or
 where to get the install guide for this problem.
 My hardware as below:
 quantum 7.4G IDE HD
 1.44Mb Floppy Disk
 8 Mb Leadtek Winfast 3D L2300 Vedio card
 128Mb Ram


if you`re on the way of installing slink, then i see no necessity to
install any driver. during installation your quantum and your cd-rom
should be recognized, and the standard-kernel supports - afaik - both.

one problem could be your video-card, if you decide to configure X with
XF86Setup. this card is unknown to me and i don`t know, if it`s
supported. but for the moment, the normal vga mode should work.


Re: rant about installing form CD

1999-06-22 Thread Brad
Subjects are a good thing ;)

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Corey Carroll wrote:

 Greetings..I purchased Debian 2.1 from the UTArlington bookstore.  I
 thought that it was 2.0 originally, because that's what the manual said,
 but then the people who work there opened it up, and it has 4 2.1 disks:
 2 binaries, 2 sources.

Don't know too much about installing from CDs (i installed from floppy
images downloaded from, then upgraded over the net), so i
can't help with this. I'm sure others will answer these concerns...

 I chose Debian because
 1. I wanted to try something new

Good reason!

 2. I had heard that it is more stable than redhat--redhat always upgrades 
packages no matter what, and debian chooses the stable 
versions of packages (hearsay on my part)

Don't know much about this, although i consider Debian's package
management and stability much nicer.

 3. I had hoped that it could upgrade itsef automatically from the net, as new
   versions of debian came out.

It can! And very easily, too.

 4. It's less commercial and more free (vs. Redhat)

Not sure about this one either.

 Another confusing part is that after the packages are installed, it goes and
 configures each one...some of these things it is configuring I've never
 heard of before. Again, a new user would have significant problems here.

When i first installed, i was completely new to Linux. i just accepted the
defaults for everything when it was first installed, and changed things
later as i figured out how they worked.

i don't think a new user would have many problems here...

 Luckily, I have 2 6 GIG hard drives, so I can install a new debian
 without destroying my old one.  With the old one, I chose some kind of
 default install, and seemed to get it to work OK (it's what I'm typing
 it on now). 

i did something like that with my initial Debian install... Standard
workstation or something like that.

 I was able to compile a new kernel (what is the debian way to do 
 this?!?!  I had a .tar.gz file with kernel sources in usr/ I
 supposed to install it through dselect or dpkg??),

Read the Debian FAQ, Section 11 tells about recompiling the kernels.

The was i usually do it, i download the source or patch from,
put it in /usr/src (or copy and patch the old tree). Then i use make-kpkg
from the kernel-package package.

 and compile x11amp (after compiling glib and gtk+).

It's xmms now ;) And i must say, the default skin in 0.9.1 looks _very_
nice! (the default skin in 0.9, on the other hand, is very ugly)

 With the new one, I couldn't compile glib in order to get x11amp to
 compile...again, pretty frustrating. 

Because the version in stable was too low for xmms, right? Stable is just
that: not bleeding edge, but software that's been tested and proven to
work without any major bugs.

I follow the unstable tree (obligatory warning: unstable could easily
hose my system and erase my hard drive, or have less-serious breakage. i
have been warned. i also file bug reports.), which has the latest glib and
gtk+ libraries and headers and gave me no problem in compiling xmms 0.9.1.
If you didn't want to move to unstable, you could always grab the sources
from the unstable tree and compile them into deb files on your slink
system. It's an easy process (as long as you have all the proper -dev
headers installed...) Read section 7.13 of the Debian FAQ for details.

 I had to set up the symlinks in /usr/include/linux /usr/include/asm
 manually (a new user would have no idea).  

Actually, you did it wrong. On a Debian system, the libc6-dev package
provides known functional versions of those headers, instead of symlinking
into a kernel source tree. For more details and rationale, read the
debian.README.gz file from any kernel-headers package, or the
/usr/lib/kernel-package/README.headers file installed with kernel-package.

 Also, I use a unique way to get on the internet.  I dial into my
 school's terminal server, login to it, and then telnet,
 script to run pppd and call my chatscript from within pppd.  Now, debian
 doesn't seem to like my shellscript-

You could try posting the script and the error it generates, along with
the desrciption of its purpose that i snipped.

 (max connect speed shows 33600)

Where do you find the max connect speed in Linux? i've been looking, and i
can't find where to find it!

Re: pine 4.10 .deb

1999-06-22 Thread Brad
I forgot to mention, you need the dpkg-dev package installed, as well as
the -dev packages for the needed libraries. Sorry!

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Brad wrote:

 i don't know about a binary deb, but the source packages are available
 from your favorite Debian mirror, in the debian/project/experimental
 1) download the foo.orig.tar.gz, foo.diff.gz, and foo.dsc files
 2) dpkg-source -x foo.dsc
 3) cd foo
 4) debian/rules binary (as root, or sudone or fakerooted)
 5) dpkg -i ../foo.deb

[Application] disassembler

1999-06-22 Thread Nguyen Hai Ha
Hi all,

I'm wandering if there is any disassembler for x86 going around.
Would anybody kindly give me some information about this.
Thanks in advance.

Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan

Re: How to determine local IP

1999-06-22 Thread R. Brock Lynn
scratch wrote:
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, R. Brock Lynn wrote:
   /sbin/ifconfig | grep P-t-P | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d  -f1
  nice, now can you do that with a perl one-liner? :)
 Something like this?
 perl -e 'print (`/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /inet addr:(.*?)\s/);'

oohh nifty. Now let's see if I can figure out how it works. :)
(no don't tell me now! I took the usenix perl tutorials... I should know... :\


-  PGP key ID: FED76A3D [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4 / 5 / 1999

   __ _Debian GNU   R. Brock Lynn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / /(_)_ __  _   ___  __
 / / | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /  'Free Software'
/ /__| | | | | |_| | Remember that's Free as in Freedom, not Free as
\/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\   in price!   Debian's the Greatest!

Re: How to determine local IP

1999-06-22 Thread Brad
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, scratch wrote:

 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, R. Brock Lynn wrote:
   /sbin/ifconfig | grep P-t-P | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d  -f1
  nice, now can you do that with a perl one-liner? :)
 Something like this?
 perl -e 'print (`/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /inet addr:(.*?)\s/);'

Beat me to it! Oh well, i can clean it up to make it work right...
perl -e 'print (`/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /inet addr:(.*?)\s P-t-P:/, \n);'

Or how about one for every interface? This seems to work...
perl -e 'for(`/sbin/ifconfig`){/^\S+/ and $i=$ or /inet addr:(\S+)/ and 

If you don't want the interface name, it gets even shorter:
perl -e 'for(`/sbin/ifconfig`){/inet addr:(\S+)/ and print$1\n}'

Re: Have we been cracked?

1999-06-22 Thread Brad
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Rahsheen Porter wrote:

 Portsentry will block any host that tries to scan you

Does it detect spoofed packets? For example, if someone detected you're
using portsentry (because their scan didn't work?), could they spoof
packets to make it look like your gateway machine was scanning you, and
thereby make you cut yourself off from the 'net?

Re: Movie editing software

1999-06-22 Thread Brad

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Tomas Meyaos wrote:

 Greetings everyone.


 is there any movie editing software available for linux??  I dont need
 anything complicated just need to 
 sequence a bunch of pictures into an mpeg movie or something like effects just sequencing a bunch of images and the like.

Have you looked at the ucbmpeg package from non-free? i've used
mpeg_encode before, and it worked very nicely for creating an mpeg movie
from a sequence of tiff images (other image types can also be used).

A little confused with Netscape .deb's

1999-06-22 Thread Arcady Genkin
Hi all:

Could someone tell me which .debs I should install to have Netscape
browser-only on a Slink machine? Is it the netscape-base package?

As far as I found out, versions =4.5 can be found in unstable, right?
Can there be any problem because Slink has glibc-2.0, and potato --

Also, is there a browser-only 4.6?

Arcady Genkin
... without money one gets nothing in this world, not even a certificate
of eternal blessedness in the other world... (S. Kierkegaard)

FAQ: Re: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread Joey Hess
apt-get install realplayer

It's that simple. You will be told what to get and where. Why do people keep
asking this FAQ and making it so hard on themselves?

Peter Ludwig wrote:
 Sorry, just butting in...
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Eric G . Miller wrote:
  It's there, I got it, It works... You should get the RedHat RPM version,
  put it in /tmp and the let the debian installation script at it.
 WHERE?  I got given a URL a little while back for a possible site for the
 linux version of Realplayer g2... the documentation was in spanish, so I
 had no idea on why it just segfaulted on me... but anyhow, that url didn't
 And realplayers site lists the FREE version of realplayer (for
 unix-likesystems, INCLUDING Redhat) as being only available in 5.0.  What
 are us people doing wrong at  I've tried refreshing
 the page recently (unless it was locked in the proxy server) to no
 If your version works, could you just email it to me then?  I can't for
 the life of me figure out why I cannot see it if a lot of people can see
 it at real-audio, but some of us cannot...
  On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:26:22 Arcady Genkin wrote:
 |  Hi all:
 |  I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
 |  Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
 |  downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
 |  Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?
 |  Thanks!
 |  -- 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

see shy jo

Slang1 problem with Dosemu in upgrade to Potato

1999-06-22 Thread Curt Daugaard
 When I try to run Dosemu 98.7-1 on Potato, it fails with this message:

 ERROR: slang_keyb_close(): failed to restore keyboard termios settings!

 As far as I can tell my setup is the same, and I upgraded the slang1
 package ( 1.3),  1.2.2-0) along with others that are needed.

 Has anyone else had this problem who can clue me in?


 Curt Daugaard


Re: Have we been cracked?

1999-06-22 Thread Rahsheen Porter
On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 11:50:51PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Rahsheen Porter wrote:
  Portsentry will block any host that tries to scan you
 Does it detect spoofed packets? For example, if someone detected you're
 using portsentry (because their scan didn't work?), could they spoof
 packets to make it look like your gateway machine was scanning you, and
 thereby make you cut yourself off from the 'net?

No, cuz you can tell it hosts that it should never block. 

Rahsheen Porter 
UIN: 2464469

Re: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread Brad
On 21 Jun 1999, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
 Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
 downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
 Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?

Technically, it's only an alpha version, which is probably why it isn't
announced on the public site anywhere i can find. As has been
mentioned, when you try to install the realplayer package it will tell you
to go to the following URL to download the proper file:

Re: New windows

1999-06-22 Thread Brad
Oooo, dangerous ground... Hopefully this doesn't spark a holy war ;)

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:

 After a while I found Windowmaker, and set up a desktop with several
 handy dock apps. A refreshingly approach to a personal desktop
 environment. Also, Windowmaker looks good! So different from MS, and yet
 very easy to configure and use.

i like it too, none of the other window managers i've tried have felt

 Then I see that the big hype these days is KDE and Gnome. I have tried them
 both and felt I was taking one step back towards what I left. I just do not
 undetstand why the Linux community are working against a wm standard that is
 not based on what seems truly unique and well layed out: The nextish look.

Supposedly, you can use any window manager (read: WindowMaker) with these
desktop environments. i haven't actually tried it, never felt the need to.

 Instead I am again presented with the taskbar and popup menus that hasn't
 really changed for years. Is this to conquer new users, or is it becuase Linux
 users secretly have missed the look and feel of MS Windows?

My guess is new users... Although there certainly are some out there
that like the windows-style menus.

 And in Debian Windowmaker is presented as: Yet another Windowmanager when it
 is actually GNOME and KDE that to me feels and looks like yet another...

File a bug report, saying the description doesn't do the package justice?

Re: New windows

1999-06-22 Thread Revenant
Well, this seems like the ideal opportunity for me to advertise my

What exactly is the difference between a window manager and a desktop


BTW, I second the opinion re: Windowmaker.  It's intuitive and easy
to use, it looks funky (and probably will look funkier when I get
drivers for my video card :) and is really quite impressive...

Brad wrote:
 Oooo, dangerous ground... Hopefully this doesn't spark a holy war ;)
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Christian Dysthe wrote:
  After a while I found Windowmaker, and set up a desktop with several
  handy dock apps. A refreshingly approach to a personal desktop
  environment. Also, Windowmaker looks good! So different from MS, and yet
  very easy to configure and use.
 i like it too, none of the other window managers i've tried have felt
  Then I see that the big hype these days is KDE and Gnome. I have tried them
  both and felt I was taking one step back towards what I left. I just do not
  undetstand why the Linux community are working against a wm standard that 
  not based on what seems truly unique and well layed out: The nextish look.
 Supposedly, you can use any window manager (read: WindowMaker) with these
 desktop environments. i haven't actually tried it, never felt the need to.
  Instead I am again presented with the taskbar and popup menus that hasn't
  really changed for years. Is this to conquer new users, or is it becuase 
  users secretly have missed the look and feel of MS Windows?
 My guess is new users... Although there certainly are some out there
 that like the windows-style menus.
  And in Debian Windowmaker is presented as: Yet another Windowmanager when 
  is actually GNOME and KDE that to me feels and looks like yet another...
 File a bug report, saying the description doesn't do the package justice?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

-- Revenant [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---
Why use a keyboard layout deliberately designed to be slow and
awkward?  For a faster, more comfortable and free layout try Dvorak. for more information. for lotsa links.

Re: lilo and win98

1999-06-22 Thread Gertjan Klein
On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 14:28:54 -0500 (CDT), Brad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Gertjan Klein wrote:

   Interesting to see that this works for W9x. Just out of curiousity: if
 you go to Control Panel - System and press the device tab, does it say
 the File System is 32-bit?

i haven't explicitly checked, but logically it must. Before i installed
Linux the filesystem was FAT32 and i did no reformatting of the windows
partition. If it were not reading a FAT32 filesystem, windows wouldn't
even boot because it could not possibly find any file correctly.

  Would you mind checking?  The information on that tab doesn't actually
apply to the filesystem itself, but to the disk I/O driver.  W9x says
the filesystem is 32 bit if it has completely replaced the BIOS disk
drivers with its own, protected mode (32-bit) drivers.  Reasons for not
doing so include the presence of older, 16-bit drivers in config.sys.
W9x does some tests when booting: it reads a couple of sectors through
BIOS, and then the same sectors by directly accessing the harddisk.  If
it encounters differences, (i.e., doesn't get the same sectors back from
both reads), it will keep on using the BIOS routines for disk I/O.

  There are two reasons why W9x could support the drive swapping that
LILO does on your system. It could recognise the actual swapping for
what it is and implement it in it's own (32-bit) driver.  Alternatively,
it could see that something is messing with the drive mapping and leave
it alone; it would keep on using the BIOS for disk I/O.  In the latter
case, it would report the filesystem as 16-bit.  I'm just curious what
it does.


The Boot Control home page:

more on ssl telnet sessions

1999-06-22 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hello all !
  ok, i should get kicked in the butt for not consulting the new in.telnetd man 
page that also got installed w/ ssltelnet ...  but i havent found this in the 
man page anywhere ...
  is it still possible to display whatever is it thats in ur /etc/ 
when ur running ssl telnet ?  (both w/ or w/o the -s secure option


On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 09:52:26AM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 invoke telnetd with the -z secure option.
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Chad A. Adlawan wrote:
  hello everyone !
i have ssltelnet installed/running on my box ...  it works by: 
  (shamelessly copied from /non-US/binary-i386/Packages)
It interoperates with normal telnet(d) in both directions.
It checks if the other side is also talking SSL, if not it falls back
to normal telnet protocol.
so how do I dissable this feature ?  i want my telnetd to accept 
  connections only if the other side is also talking ssl and deny it if its 
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 George Bonser
 Welcome to Wit's End

Re: New windows

1999-06-22 Thread Tim Nicholas
actually while i use and like WindowMaker i think that the look and feel of 
win9x is the best thing that M$ ever did. Which may not be saying much but 
still the LF is alot better than the underlyeing crap that they write. 
Like i said i use WM and like it but the problems of windows does not really 
include the user interface (exempt that it is so unconfigerable etc)

On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 10:12:10PM -0500, Christian Dysthe wrote:
 I came from MS Windows to Linux a few months ago. I was tired of crashes and
 all that, and I had the feeling I could do better GUI-wise also.
 After a while I found Windowmaker, and set up a desktop with several handy 
 apps. A refreshingly approach to a personal desktop environment. Also,
 Windowmaker looks good! So different from MS, and yet very easy to configure
 and use.
 Then I see that the big hype these days is KDE and Gnome. I have tried them
 both and felt I was taking one step back towards what I left. I just do not
 undetstand why the Linux community are working against a wm standard that is
 not based on what seems truly unique and well layed out: The nextish look.
 Instead I am again presented with the taskbar and popup menus that hasn't
 really changed for years. Is this to conquer new users, or is it becuase Linux
 users secretly have missed the look and feel of MS Windows?
 And in Debian Windowmaker is presented as: Yet another Windowmanager when it
 is actually GNOME and KDE that to me feels and looks like yet another...
 Christian Dysthe
 ICQ 3945810
 Powered by Debian GNU/Linux
Clones are people two
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Tim Nicholas

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.  And
I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
  -- Jack Handey

Re: New windows

1999-06-22 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 22 Jun 1999, Revenant wrote:
 Well, this seems like the ideal opportunity for me to advertise my
 What exactly is the difference between a window manager and a desktop
 BTW, I second the opinion re: Windowmaker.  It's intuitive and easy
 to use, it looks funky (and probably will look funkier when I get
 drivers for my video card :) and is really quite impressive...

My ignorance is even greater; I have never managed to get Windowmaker to
run at all! I have the standard Slink distribution. I've installed the deb
files for wmaker and wmaker-data, but when I try to use it I get a message
saying that it can't find /usr/X11R6/bin/WindowMaker.

I think at one time I did have it semi-working but all I got was the root
window, with nothing else; now I can't even get that.

Could some Windowmaker enthusiast tell me what else is needed please?


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

Re: ld/Xm/Xt question

1999-06-22 Thread Martin Waller
That's normal - I don't know enough to tell you why, but when linking X 
libs, x11 goes last, Xt next and then Xm first (or Xaw for athena):

-lXm -lXt -lX11

That's the way it is and it is documented in various basic intros to X

(see for loads of stuff on X 
programming, etc., including on-line X tutorials).



Subject: ld/Xm/Xt question
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 07:21:14 -0700 (MST)

A few weeks ago I wrote and asked about a problem with X on Slink. Due to 
under whelming response (including the developers list, except for Oleg who 
give me some useful info) I upgraded to XFree 3.3.3 from the 

My test case, at first it appeared to fix the problem but my main app was
still broken. I noticed by reading the straces of the application runs that 
my test case that worked I had -lXm before -lXt, and the main app had -lXT 

on the compile line. Both cases compiled cleanly, without warnings
or errors, just the app with -lXt -lXm would seg fault and with -lXm -lXt 

app would run sucessfully.

Is this a problem with the loader/linker or Lesstif or in XFree?

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R: R: raid

1999-06-22 Thread Fabio Massimo Di Nitto
 I am using debian 2.1 snip
 I would like to set-up a RAID-1 array of 2 IDE drives (on separate
 a raid software may be slow.hmmm especialy ide raid
 it's not a good idea for system performance

Excuse me jumping on here as I too have been considering this kind of
configuration for extra stability.

Yes I know that's extremly stable (i'm using a raid-4 on 8 scsi disk)

Would system performance be poor if only
/etc and /home/~ were reading from and writing to both disks using raid1
(assuming this is possible) ?

I don't know because it's not a problem of mine.:)
I'm trying to help another people..but on my server to setup a raid-1
i've to degrade my raid4 to 7 disk and link it to a spare-disk. (about 3
hour of work)


Re RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread P. van Tilburg

Hi all:

I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
downloads (neither free, nor Plus).

Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?

De G2Realplayer 6.0 is only provided as an RPM package...
You have to download it in /tmp (and maybe rename).
When you've done that, you can install the realplayer-installer (pkg-name:
realplayer), provided (I think) by potato... with apt-get it's easy :)

When de realplayer-installer starts, it will try to find the RH pkg in /tmp
and install in smoothly on your system :)

If you can'f find that RPM, it is available @

NB. G2Realplayer 4 Linux is still alpha software

Good luck!


Student @  |  Using the Power of Linux...
University of Technology   |  ICQ: 8678828
Eindhoven, The Netherlands |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- End forwarded message -

- End forwarded message -

Re: unknown message

1999-06-22 Thread P. van Tilburg


scratch wrote:

 IIRC, this message probably means that you have recently updated to a 2.2
 kernel. In this kernel, ifconfig sets it own routes, so there is no more
 need for a manual 'route add'. Check your init.d scripts, especially

 OTOH, I could be completely wrong here, and this message seems like the
 thing i described, but really isn't and you *are* trying to set a wrong

I get this message too. Last night I was searching the archives on dmesg
and this error message came up several times. From some of the postings,
it would seem that you're right. There was a fix--commenting out some
line or another. I forgot what exactly and I haven't gone back to take
another look. A search on SIOCADDRT would turn up those fixes though.

I think you switched to Linux 2.2.x here.
With Linux 2.2 it's is no longer necessary to add the whole network to the
routing table manually/by script, it will be done automatically by
ifconfig... you can change the init script (/etc/init.d/network) to remove
the rather harmless error, I think it looks like this now:

source(/0):~$ cat /etc/init.d/network 
#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
route add -net   /* It tries to add the network, but that already
  has been done in the previous line */

the route add -net line is superfluous, you can comment it with # or
delete the whole line ;)

Watch it! This only counts for 2.2 kernels!!



Student @  |  Using the Power of Linux...
University of Technology   |  ICQ: 8678828
Eindhoven, The Netherlands |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- End forwarded message -

Re: A few questions from a newbie.

1999-06-22 Thread Frankie
John Gay wrote:

 Thanks for the info, but I think you over looked a few items.
 The reason I want to upgrade to potato is, I installed x11amp, which required
 newer libs than slink uses. This has broken apt. I've seen this problem
 mentioned before and the recommended fix was to upgrade to potato. Also, my

did you get x11amp from potato? If so it probably requires glibc2.1 libraries, 
available in potato.

If there is not an x11amp package in slink, then a solution would be to 
download the
(debianised) source and compile it. Almost all of the debian sources (in my
experience) seem to compile straight away, with no problems. This way the 
would only require whatever version of the libraries you have in your system 
2.0 in slink, unless you have inadvertently upgraded your libraries to glibc2.1 
you got x11amp).

 video card requires the mach64 server for X11R6 which is part of 
 slink uses My system is currently working with X3.3.2.3 with the 
 server for, I'm not sure if this is such a good idea, but it works for

I understand this to be a perfectly acceptable configuration. I have done a 
thing myself for a while (until 2.1 came out, when I stopped being a hamm/potato
system and moved to slink, although I have since gone back to using some potato

If you have to use the potato mach64 packages, they probably require glibc2.1, 
so you
could recompile them as well. (big download though ;-)
Apparently netscape has some problems with glibc2.1, although I am having no 
crashes than I did with glibc2.0.

 me for the moment. Due to personal problems, I have to fly to the States this
 weekend. I'll be gone for 3 weeks. I think I'll just wait till I get back, 
 pack up my system and cart it down to the local ILUG and have some experts 

whats the I stand for?

 me set the rest of it up. So, hopefully, by next month I'll have my system up
 and running and on the net. I'll then be able to work on other probs a lot
 easier, as I'll then have E-Mail at home! Thanks again for all the assistance.


  John Gay

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 Frankie |Drum'n'Bass tunes, samples and links.  

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Large .deb packages..

1999-06-22 Thread Frankie
Richard Dansereau wrote:

 Hello all!

 I seem to remember a while back there was a discussion about whether
 or not to include some rather large packages (i.e. ones containing
 data, such as astronomical data) in the Debian releases.  I think
 the main consensus was not to include these types of large packages.

 I was wondering if the Packages file includes or could include a
 field that would indicate an alternate ftp/http site that these type
 of packages could be placed into.  Then, if someone wishes to maintain
 a large Debian package that we don't want to put on the general
 CD distribution that they can still be easily installed and maintained
 through the standard Debian package installation program.

 Of course, this raises some other issues as far as security, etc.
 What do people think about this?

Maybe having another section of debian would be better: eg
main,contrib,non-free,non-US,marginal. [I'm sure someone could come up with a 
name than marginal :-)]
Marginal would contain really large packages, or packages that very few people 
want to use. If their popularity took off then they would be moved to main.

That way the debian CDs contain main, (and anything distributable from contrib 
marginal would have to be got over the internet like non-US.
This would perhaps be more in line with the current debian system, I don't know.



 Richard DansereauICQ:  1604133
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Home page:
 Electrical and Computer Engineering - The University of Manitoba - Canada

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 Frankie |Drum'n'Bass tunes, samples and links.  

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature


1999-06-22 Thread Frankie
Um, anyone know what this is about? I get the idea that sleeping at night has 
little or nothing to do with debian.


P.S. what is an ANUNCIOS GRATIS? sounds disturbingly like spam to me...

P.P.S. if so is someone going to mail him (in argentinian? spanish?) and 
explain debian user's policy on advertising?

Humberto Pedraza Alvarez wrote:

 Esto puede ser de interes PARA SU SALUD!!!


 Con esto no va a ganar dinero, VA A VIVIR MEJOR.

 Lo invito a que lea estas preguntas y marque con una X en aquellas frases con 
 las cuales se identifica y nos las envia con un Replay.

 Dentro de las 48 hs. de recibido su E-mail le enviaremos totalmente gratis el 
 METODO PARA DORMIR BIEN, con el cual comenzara a solucionar los problemas que 
 le estan molestando

 1. ¿Los problemas no lo dejan dormir de noche?

 2. ¿Ve pasar las horas sin poder conciliar el suenio?

 3. ¿Escucha el tic-tac del reloj a lo largo de toda la noche?

 4. ¿Da vueltas y vueltas en la cama antes de dormir?

 5. ¿Se levanta a la maniana con su cuerpo cansado?

 6. ¿Se despierta y todo lo que escucha le molesta?

 7. ¿Cuándo comienza el día lo ve todo negro y tenebroso?

 8. ¿Se despierta durante la noche y no consigue conciliar el suenio 

 9. ¿Escucha los problemas ajenos y los pretende solucionar cuando se va a 

 10. ¿Siente como si le hubieran dado una paliza durante la noche?

 11. ¿Se despierta numerosas veces durante la noche?

 12. ¿Durante el día siente que cuando llegue la noche no podra dormir?





 Usando este simple y practico: METODO PARA DORMIR BIEN, Ud. dormira en forma 
 natural, tranquila y continuada, durante todas las horas que desee, se 
 levantara todos los dias con su mente despejada y su cuerpo descansado.

 Humberto M. Pedraza Alvarez


 Tel-Fax (054-11) 4981-7901 / (054-11) 4958-2520

 Bartolome Mitre 3743 - 1º - A

 1201 - Capital Federal - Argentina

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Frankie |Drum'n'Bass tunes, samples and links.  

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

menus for wmaker 0.60

1999-06-22 Thread Mario Jorge Nunes Filipe

I'm running slink but got wmaker 0.60 and compiled it. After installing
it i tryed to run it but it would crash continually. After looking at
the console i found that it was looking for a menu.hook that was
referenced in WMRootMenu. The only way i could find to solve this
problem was to run wmakerconf (under other wm) and save the WMRootMenu
file without anything in it. The problem with this solution is that now
i don't have root menus in wmaker.

Does anyone know how i can recover my root menu. Thanks

P.S. please cc back to me!
Mario Filipe 

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Install questions etc

1999-06-22 Thread Joakim Svensson
This message was sent from by Joakim Svensson [EMAIL 

Hi debian users,

I am a very new user of Linux. I do have some 10+ year users experience
with different unixes though so It feels pretty good.
I am awaiting a new high spec pc and while waiting I picked up an old
used P75 with 32M and 1G hd. Without almost any knowledge about the
hardware (used borrowed 14 monitor) I installed slink and slack 4.0
without any real problems.
I installed slink from a cd set and it worked pretty well.

So now I have some things I do wonder about.

First. On my new system I plan to set up a pretty much complete slink
   and I also will setup a potato wich I would like to have
   very configured.
   Slink will be no problems I think but I could need some advice
   on what tactics to use when installing potato.

I want to have a system (potato) that ofcourse have all the basic stuff 
but I don't want to have 10 different text editors (if I can avoid it) I
really don't want emacs (sorry all emacs users, vi rules *smile*)
I don't want all the games etc etc.
So how will I acomplish this ?  Should I install some very very basic
task or profile and then add on using ftp ?
Should I install a somewhat more complete system and then remove
things I don't need and build from that ? Any other ideas ?

Also could anyone update me on the use of dselect versus apt and dpkg ?
I think I read something like Is anyone really using dselect anymore?
a while ago and would really like to know the current usability.

Thanks in advance for any ideas/hints/further readings/ etc

Best regards
JS - The Knowledge Archive

Compiling python-1.5.2-3 on slink - problems

1999-06-22 Thread Johann Spies
I hope somebody can help me with this one:

I am trying to compile the python source from potato/source and I am
getting errors while compiling the dbmmodule.c.  The errors seems to be
related to my lib6c-dev. I have the following installed version:

Package: libc6-dev

Some of the errors were:
make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/python-1.5.2/Modules'
gcc -fpic  -I/usr/include/db1 -g -O2 -I./../Include -I.. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -c 
In file included from /usr/include/db1/ndbm.h:42,
 from ./dbmmodule.c:40:
/usr/include/db1/db.h:120: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
/usr/include/db1/db.h:120: parse error before `__PMT'


/usr/include/db1/db.h:142: warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union

and a lot of other similar warnigs and parse errors ...

../Include/pyerrors.h:42: previous declaration of `PyErr_SetString'

./dbmmodule.c:210: invalid type argument of `-'

./dbmmodule.c:268: `dbm_getattr' undeclared here (not in a function)
./dbmmodule.c:268: initializer element for `Dbmtype.tp_getattr' is not constant
make[2]: *** [dbmmodule.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/python-1.5.2/Modules'
make[1]: *** [sharedmods] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/python-1.5.2'
make: *** [build-stamp] Error 2


| Johann Spies Windsorlaan 19  |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]3201 Pietermaritzburg |
| Tel/Faks Nr. +27 331-46-1310 Suid-Afrika (South Africa)  |

 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. 
   Proverbs 1:10

IMAP default mailbox in user's home dir

1999-06-22 Thread Rigacci
I'm setting an IMAP server for math students. I wish the user mailbox to
be in each home directory, so quota can prevent someone filling the

I yet configured smail and pine to search for the user inbox in
${HOME}/mail/inbox file. In the same mail directory Pine creates its

The IMAP server (imap 4.4-4) is OK to store folders in ${HOME}/mail/ but
it insists on searching /var/spool/mail/${USER} for the inbox. 

I have two questions:

1) Is it possible to change imap without recompiling it? I read a lot of
warning for using a configuration file. 

2) Is there a Debian policy about mail in user's home directory? 

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

Contro la Tariffa Urbana a Tempo -

Re: How to determine local IP

1999-06-22 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 21 Jun, Brad wrote about Re: How to determine local IP
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, scratch wrote:
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, R. Brock Lynn wrote:
   /sbin/ifconfig | grep P-t-P | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d  -f1
  nice, now can you do that with a perl one-liner? :)
 Something like this?
 perl -e 'print (`/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /inet addr:(.*?)\s/);'
 Beat me to it! Oh well, i can clean it up to make it work right...
 perl -e 'print (`/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /inet addr:(.*?)\s P-t-P:/, \n);'
 Or how about one for every interface? This seems to work...
 perl -e 'for(`/sbin/ifconfig`){/^\S+/ and $i=$ or /inet addr:(\S+)/ and 
 If you don't want the interface name, it gets even shorter:
 perl -e 'for(`/sbin/ifconfig`){/inet addr:(\S+)/ and print$1\n}'

I HAVE to learn Perl  These are sooo much faster than the
grep/awk/cut hacks that I and others have thrown out in this thread. I
love *nix and all its tools.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: diald -- help or source!

1999-06-22 Thread John Hasler
Tracy Nelson writes:

 My connection script is simple editing of the original to whit:

 connect 130 lines, 3693 characters
 # The phone number to dial

Is this the exact complete script?  If so, you have two problems:
a) The first and third lines are extraneous garbage.
b) The first line must be #!/bin/sh .

I prefer to change the 'connect' line in /etc/diald/diald.options to read

connect chat -v -f /etc/chatscripts/provider 

and use the chatscript generated by pppconfig.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: FAQ: Re: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where to get?

1999-06-22 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 21 Jun, Joey Hess wrote about FAQ: Re: RealPlayer G2 for Linux -- where 
to get?
   apt-get install realplayer
 It's that simple. You will be told what to get and where. Why do people keep
 asking this FAQ and making it so hard on themselves?

Because this requires that slink users have the unstable contrib tree in
the sources.list file which can be VERY confusing the for
unsuspecting/beginner. Perhaps netgod can be persuaded to put the
installer in his /x archive, even though the realplayer installer is not
truely dependent on potato.

 Peter Ludwig wrote:
 Sorry, just butting in...
 On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, Eric G . Miller wrote:
  It's there, I got it, It works... You should get the RedHat RPM version,
  put it in /tmp and the let the debian installation script at it.
 WHERE?  I got given a URL a little while back for a possible site for the
 linux version of Realplayer g2... the documentation was in spanish, so I
 had no idea on why it just segfaulted on me... but anyhow, that url didn't
 And realplayers site lists the FREE version of realplayer (for
 unix-likesystems, INCLUDING Redhat) as being only available in 5.0.  What
 are us people doing wrong at  I've tried refreshing
 the page recently (unless it was locked in the proxy server) to no
 If your version works, could you just email it to me then?  I can't for
 the life of me figure out why I cannot see it if a lot of people can see
 it at real-audio, but some of us cannot...
  On Mon, 21 Jun 1999 19:26:22 Arcady Genkin wrote:
 |  Hi all:
 |  I've read a couple of posts in the list about the RPlayer G2 for
 |  Linux. However, the Real's website doesn't list it among available
 |  downloads (neither free, nor Plus).
 |  Is it really available from somewhere, or is this a mass confusion?
 |  Thanks!
 |  -- 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

APT: how to dwnld already debs...

1999-06-22 Thread churasco
howdie, this must be a simple faq... but haven't found it in any documentation:

How to do you ask apt-get to download all the .deb files necessary for a
given package, if that package is already installed on your machine? I've
tried apt-get -d install SOME-PACKAGE but it works only for those
packages which are not yet installed on my machine. For those packages that
are already installed, it just tells me they are installed...

Here is the more detailed scenario: I have two machines, an officeMachine
and a homeMachine. officeMachine is connected to the net and has debian
installed. homeMachine is not connected to the net (and has no cd-rom), and
has no debian (yet). The two machines share files through zip disks. The
goal is thus to dwnld packages (X11, gnome, etc.)  with officeMachine, put
them on a zip, and install at home.

Short of making a mini-mirror of on my hd/zip, it has been a
no-go for the moment...

thanks! churrasco

Re: A little confused with Netscape .deb's

1999-06-22 Thread Tom Pfeifer
Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 Could someone tell me which .debs I should install to have Netscape
 browser-only on a Slink machine? Is it the netscape-base package?
 As far as I found out, versions =4.5 can be found in unstable, right?
 Can there be any problem because Slink has glibc-2.0, and potato --
 Also, is there a browser-only 4.6?

If you are running slink, you need to install the package
navigator-smotif-45. If you do that using the apt-get command like

apt-get install navigator-smotif-45 will install the stand alone Navigator plus all it's dependencies,
including navigator-base-45 and netscape-base-4. If you want java
support and/or the online help, also install the package(s):


The 4.6 version of Netscape is only in potato (unstable) and requires
the 2.1 version of libc6, which is also only in potato. If you're not
otherwise planning on upgrading to potato at this time, you would
probably be best off to stick with Netscape 4.5 for now. I've had them
both installed and didn't notice much, if any, difference in
functionality - and version 4.5 running on slink is likely to be more


Re: IMAP default mailbox in user's home dir

1999-06-22 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx
On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 12:23:51PM +0200, Rigacci wrote:

 The IMAP server (imap 4.4-4) is OK to store folders in ${HOME}/mail/ but
 it insists on searching /var/spool/mail/${USER} for the inbox. 

This isn't a real solution, but, will IMAP accept a sym link in 
/var/spool/mail/${USER} == ${HOME}/mail/inbox ???  

ICQ:   39679408

Re: A little confused with Netscape .deb's

1999-06-22 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 22 Jun, Tom Pfeifer wrote about Re: A little confused with Netscape 
 Arcady Genkin wrote:
 Hi all:
 Could someone tell me which .debs I should install to have Netscape
 browser-only on a Slink machine? Is it the netscape-base package?
 As far as I found out, versions =4.5 can be found in unstable, right?
 Can there be any problem because Slink has glibc-2.0, and potato --
 Also, is there a browser-only 4.6?
[good apt-get advice]
 The 4.6 version of Netscape is only in potato (unstable) and requires
 the 2.1 version of libc6, which is also only in potato. If you're not
 otherwise planning on upgrading to potato at this time, you would
 probably be best off to stick with Netscape 4.5 for now. I've had them
 both installed and didn't notice much, if any, difference in
 functionality - and version 4.5 running on slink is likely to be more

There are packages for netscape 4.6 at built
against slink.  I think you still have to get the netscape-base-4_14
from the contrib/web section of unstable(it is not dependent on
libc6=2.1).  Just install that package by hand with dpkg and then add
'deb x/' to your sources.list file and do as Tom

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: APT: how to dwnld already debs...

1999-06-22 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

You can repack your installed .deb's with dpkg-repack.

You could also mount the CD on officeMachine (or use ftp) and copy the .deb's 
to the zip drive.

I have a simmilar set-up and use the above two methods.  Sometimes a deb gets 
left out, but apt will let you know when when you try to install
If you are looking to simply mirror officeMachine to homeMachine you could 
simply set-up officeMachine then tar everything to the zip drive...tar -M -cf 
/dev/zip drive will create a multi-volume archive.


ICQ:   39679408

Re: How to determine local IP

1999-06-22 Thread Shao Zhang
What about this one??

ifconfig | \
grep inet addr | \
grep -v | \
awk '{print $2;}' | \
awk -F':' '{print $2;}'

On Mon, Jun 21, 1999 at 11:23:29PM -0500, R. Brock Lynn wrote:
 scratch wrote:
  On Mon, 21 Jun 1999, R. Brock Lynn wrote:
/sbin/ifconfig | grep P-t-P | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d  -f1
   nice, now can you do that with a perl one-liner? :)
  Something like this?
  perl -e 'print (`/sbin/ifconfig` =~ /inet addr:(.*?)\s/);'
 oohh nifty. Now let's see if I can figure out how it works. :)
 (no don't tell me now! I took the usenix perl tutorials... I should know... :\
 -  PGP key ID: FED76A3D [EMAIL PROTECTED] 4 / 5 / 1999
__ _Debian GNU   R. Brock Lynn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 / /__| | | | | |_| | Remember that's Free as in Freedom, not Free as
 \/_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\   in price!   Debian's the Greatest!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _   _
Department of Communications/ __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia   |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |___/ 

apt-get !update

1999-06-22 Thread Jonathan D. Proulx

apt-get isn't updating.  I just added deb http// x/ and I say 
that a number of packages have been updated since I last ran an update, but I 
have no New or Updated packages .

Also apt reports a data transfer rate of 140Kbps, over a V34 modem (I wish!)

ICQ:   39679408

Re: How to determine local IP

1999-06-22 Thread Angus Claydon
 Hi, Once dialed in, how to determine the local (dynamically assigned) IP id? 
 I know pppd invokes ip-up with the local IP. But outside that, is there a env 
 variable, API or a file that holds returns this info?
 Thanks much,



WindowMaker and GNOME

1999-06-22 Thread Kristopher Johnson
I've installed GNOME and the wmaker-gnome package (using apt and a
mirror of I can switch between IceWM and Enlightenment
without any problem, but if I try to switch to WindowMaker using the
GNOME Control Panel, it times out while trying to start.

I'm running GNOME by using an .xsession with exec gnome-session in it.

Any ideas about what's going wrong or what I can do to diagnose the

- Kris

Re: Alt+ArrowUp (inittab kbrequest)

1999-06-22 Thread David Wright
Quoting J Horacio MG ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 ~ I think you need to archive your postings and their replies a
 ~ bit more efficiently. I was about to cut and paste a previous
 ~ reply on the subject when I noticed that the question was posed
 ~ by you!
 I can assure you they are efficiently enough archived.  I asked why
 Alt+ArrowUp would shutdown the system while it's not configured to
 perform that task, and whether it would be safe to comment the line
 which refers to it in /etc/inittab:
 # Action on special keypress (ALT-UpArrow).
 kb::kbrequest:/bin/echo Keyboard Request--edit /etc/inittab to let this
 See?  it doesn't say anywhere to shutdown the system (at least that I
 know), but it does.
 The answer I got about a year ago was about configuring Ctrl+Alt+End to
 perform the shutdown task, which works perfectly.
 Thank you anyway for your concern

I'm sorry. I thought in light of the previous thread's reply
that you would know to look and see was already defined in
/etc/kbd/ to produce KeyboardSignal (which you
yourself must have already made equivalent to shutdown). 
I hope it's all sorted now and you have removed
alt keycode 103 = KeyboardSignal  


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: IMAP default mailbox in user's home dir

1999-06-22 Thread Dpk
On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Rigacci wrote:

   I'm setting an IMAP server for math students. I wish the user
   mailbox to be in each home directory, so quota can prevent someone
   filling the /var/spool/mail.
   I yet configured smail and pine to search for the user inbox in
   ${HOME}/mail/inbox file. In the same mail directory Pine creates
   its folders.
   The IMAP server (imap 4.4-4) is OK to store folders in
   ${HOME}/mail/ but it insists on searching /var/spool/mail/${USER}
   for the inbox.
   I have two questions:
   1) Is it possible to change imap without recompiling it? I read a
   lot of warning for using a configuration file.
   2) Is there a Debian policy about mail in user's home directory?
I know this isn't one of your questions, but why not give each user
disk quota in the directory /var/spool/mail?  This would avoid
questions 1  2.

Network Adminstrator
College of Engineering, MSU

Re: New windows

1999-06-22 Thread Christian Dysthe

On 22-Jun-99 Revenant wrote:
 Well, this seems like the ideal opportunity for me to advertise my
 What exactly is the difference between a window manager and a desktop

I am also ignorant regarding this. I just know I am perfectly happy with
Windowmaker. So if Windowmaker is not a desktop environment I guess the simple
fact is: I do not need one! :)

Christian Dysthe
ICQ 3945810
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

   Clones are people two

Re: New windows

1999-06-22 Thread Angus Claydon
On Tue, 22 Jun 1999, Tim Nicholas wrote:

 actually while i use and like WindowMaker i think that the look and feel of 
 win9x is the best thing that M$ ever did. Which may not be saying much but 
 still the LF is alot better than the underlyeing crap that they write. 
snip  I came from MS Windows to Linux a few months ago. I was tired of 
crashes and snipusers secretly have missed the look and feel of MS 

For my x environment I went for icewm after trying afterstep. Tkdesk?
Like the afterstep menu bar is a little brash isn't it? Icewm
is just at the point of developing the full desktop icon idea which is 
fun to play with.  aaagh. just open an xterm and fire up what you want to 

yours not too puritanically i hope

angus claydon

Re: [OFF-TOPIC] D-Link DE-650 - PCMCIA

1999-06-22 Thread David Wright
Quoting Paul Harris ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   does anyone know if the kernel supports this card? i only saw options for
   the de-600 to de-620. 
  I use one. It says NE2000 compatible when you plug it in.
  I guess people get bored with adding new model numbers
  when they're basically similar underneath.
  What's far more important is the controller chipset in the
  laptop. For example I can now use the ti1220 in slink
  whereas I had to compile the sources from
  with hamm. However, I can't install from scratch even in
  slink because the installation program only offers the
  choice of i82365 and tcic. This made installation quite tough
  as the slink installation kernel also has no ppa support.
 i'm trying to compile a 2.2.10 kernel for it, but I can't find the option
 for Pcmcia NE2000 compatible support for the apne.o module. Its in the file... or is there another way of doing things for pcmcia?
 (i've only worked with desktops up until now). when does the controller
 chipset come into things? how does that work?

Short answer: do nothing.

I don't know what the apne.o module is. But it sounds as if you
may be looking for a problem that isn't there.

If you're compiling a kernel, you've got kernel-package, kernel-source
and pcmcia-source installed. Once you've configured the kernel in the
usual way (I use make menuconfig), you do

make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg --revision=foobar.1.0 kernel_image
make-kpkg --revision=foobar.1.0 modules_image

which makes two packages which you then install.
Note that as far as pcmcia is concerned, there's nothing to do.
For example, I configure
Ethernet (10 or 100Mbit) [*] (built-in)
3COM cards N (don't build)
because 3COM comes up automatically. If you use pcmcia IDE stuff,
then there's an option for that. But I never mention what sort of
card manager or card I have - they're all in the source and,
AIUI, you make a bundle of modules because you don't know a priori
what make of card somebody else might want to push into the slot.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

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