Framebuffer (y II): problemas svgalib y X.

1999-07-08 Thread Cosme Perea Cuevas

ya  conseguí  activar el  fb. GRACIAS  a  todos los  que  me
han  ayudado. Tenía bien  configurado  el  kernel, solo  tenía
que  pasarle  al  kernel  el modo  vesa  adecuado  durante  el
arranque. Con la línea `vga=0x310' en  el LILO ya puedo ver el
pingüino, ;-)

Pero, de momento, ha sido peor el remedio que la enfermedad:

- NO funcionan  los programas para svgalib, se lanzan  y no se
ve nada, solo fondo negro y algunas manchas horizontales.

- NO puedo arrancar el  servidor fb para Xwindow. Pongo `Xvfb'
en `/etc/X11/Xserver',  y estas  líneas en el  XF86Config (del
artículo sobre fb de Juan  Antonio Martínez en Linux Actual nº

# Frame Buffer Server

Section Screen
Driver FBDev
Device S3 Trio 3D/2X
Monitor Sony CPD-1420E
Subsection Display
Modes default

pero cuando lanzo con `startx' no se ve nada, aunque se lancen
los  programas.  Sustituyendo  por `Driver  Xvfb' o  `Driver
vesafb' tampoco funciona.

Creo  que en  la  documentación del  kernel  decía algo  sobre
svgalib,  pero es  que  parece que  `dpkg'  no deja  extraer
archivos   sueltos  de   un   paquete,  y   ahora  el   kernel
descomprimido no me cabe en ningún sitio.

¿ A alguien le funciona svgalib con el fb ?

¿ Alguien me puede pasar las líneas del `XF86Config' ?


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Re: Ratón.

1999-07-08 Thread Antonio Fernández Fernández
Puedes comprobar si el puerto COM1 serie o bien el que maneja el ratón,
en el SETUP de tu PC, está en correspondencia con el dispositivo de
ratón /dev/ttyS0 u otro, y ponerlos de acuerdo. Este ha sido el problema
que yo tuve con mi ratón, en un caso exactamente igual, y la solución
que le dí.
Hasta otra.-Saludos de:Fernández.-Granada.

Emilio Hernandez Martin escribió:
 Tengo ya todo el Linux instalado (creo), incluido X, pero no me va
 el ratón. Aparece el puntero pero no se mueve.
 Tengo entendido que en otras distribuciones de Linux (anteriores)
 tenías la posibilidad de instalar (o configurar o como se llame) el ratón
 en el proceso de instalación(?), pero con la slink, yo al menos, no he
 visto nada de eso. ¿Alguna sugerencia?
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Consultas sobre dosemu y xclipboar

1999-07-08 Thread Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide
Hola a todos:

Llevo bastante tiempo intentando hacer funcionar a dosemu y siempre me
encuentro con el mismo problema:

Tengo montado un disco de dos que lo veo perfectamente en linux, pero
cuando le quiero asignar un volumen en el dos con el comando lredir e:
\linux\fs\subdirectorio siempre me contesta con algún error del tipo 40,
3c, etc. Mi pregunta es ¿ Como puedo acceder a un subdirectorio montado
en linux (de un disco de dos) para verlo desde dosemu como un volumen y
poder correr programas dos?. He leído los howto y da la impresión que el
comando lredir es la solución, pero no consigo que me funcione. ¿Existe
algún otro procedimiento?.

Otra duda que tengo es la siguiente: ¿Desde un xterminal como puedo
cortar texto y enviarlo al xclipboard? ¿y desde una aplicación X como
puedo hacer lo mismo?. Tengo un ratón de dos botones y tengo activada la
opción de emular tres botones. Me han contado que si seleccionando con
el botón izquierdo y luego pulsando el derecho se copia lo seleccionado,
para más adelante colocarte donde quieras y pulsar los dos botones al
mismo tiempo para dejar el texto donde quieras, pero no ocnsigo que me

Gracias por todo.

Re: Pregunta sobre particiones.

1999-07-08 Thread Fernando
Xose Manoel Ramos wrote:
 El Mon, Jun 28, 1999 at 10:45:21AM -0400, Ely J. Alvarado contaba:
 Yo creo que si puedes montar en un directorio que tiene archivos, ni
 siquiera los pierdes, tan solo que dejan de aparecerte en el
 directorio, y si desmontas la particion vuelven a estar alli.
 Corrigame alguien si me equivoco.
 Pues creo que no:
# touch /tmp/test
# mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /tmp
mount: /dev/fd0 already mounted or /tmp busy
 El Floppy no está montado así que el error es que el /tmp está

Se puede montar un disco en cualquier directorio aunque este
contenga archivos, eso si, los archivos de ese directorio 
dejan de verse.
El problema puede venir si algun proceso tiene abierto un archivo
de ese directorio, en ese caso no te dejara montarlo.
(que es lo que probablemente pasa con el /tmp )



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

Re: Consultas sobre dosemu y xclipboar

1999-07-08 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Antonio Angel Sanz Arróspide wrote:
 ¿ Como puedo acceder a un subdirectorio montado
 en linux (de un disco de dos) para verlo desde dosemu como un volumen y
 poder correr programas dos?. 
Has comprobado que el SO que tienes instalado en DOSEMU sea
el autentico MS-DOS y no el FreeDOS que trae la
distribucion. lredir no funciona en FreeDOS.

 Me han contado que si seleccionando con
 el botón izquierdo y luego pulsando el derecho se copia lo seleccionado,
 para más adelante colocarte donde quieras y pulsar los dos botones al
 mismo tiempo para dejar el texto donde quieras, pero no ocnsigo que me
No se si funcionara en linux pero en otras maquinas unix
marcas un texto con el boton izquierdo o el derecho del
raton, te vas donde quieres pegarlo y pulsas el boton
central (en tu caso los dos botones). Fijate bien que no hay
que pulsar el boton central sobre el texto marcado y el
texto debe estar marcado mientras lo copias.

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

Despacho 2.2.B.15Tlf.: (95) 2133316
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Ratón.

1999-07-08 Thread Antonio Fernández Fernández
Se puede ejecutar, también, el comando gpmconfig para ver y
configurar el ratón, fuera del X, pero no funcionará si físicamente no
está bien acoplado, como te he comentado antes.

Emilio Hernandez Martin escribió:
 Tengo ya todo el Linux instalado (creo), incluido X, pero no me va
 el ratón. Aparece el puntero pero no se mueve.
 Tengo entendido que en otras distribuciones de Linux (anteriores)
 tenías la posibilidad de instalar (o configurar o como se llame) el ratón
 en el proceso de instalación(?), pero con la slink, yo al menos, no he
 visto nada de eso. ¿Alguna sugerencia?
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Re:Port?til para Debian

1999-07-08 Thread daniel

El tema va un poco más allá... no es que cobren por cpu vendida más que por
copia (que por supuesto lo que pagas por un equipo con Windows que YA
INCLUYE EL PRECIO DE LA COPIA INSTALADA), sino que así y si leeis bien la
licencia Microsoft no se responsabiliza de las cagadas que su SO pueda
producir, tampoco da soporte a estas cagadas y el inmediato responsable es
el fabricante de la máquina con la que se vende el winblows.. con una
estrategia tal.. es como para fiarse de usar Winblows... En la página de
nuestro compi de lista Hue Bond hay un enlace (link) bien interesante que
explica esto y más... saludotes..


 image moved   
 to file:  07/07/99 19:17 

Destinatarios: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Re:Portàtil para Debian

Si no estoy muy equivocado, las licencias de Microsoft son leoninas.
Quiero decir que no se cobra por copia de Windows vendida si no que
se copia por CPU vendida. Microsoft cobra por ordenador vendido.

Por tanto, ellos no pueden eliminar eso de tu producto. Como mucho
puedes conseguir que te lo regalen (que no te lo cobren a ti), pero
el dinero irá a parar a una cuenta de un tío de Seattle.

¿Recuerdas que Microsoft está en juicio? ¿Te creías que era sólo por
regalar gratis el Explorer?

La vida es así de dura.

Yo sería pragmático. Si su producto es bueno y merece la pena, pues
pelillos a la mar..

Si alguien me pregunta... ¿y que pasa con los ordenadores con Linux
preinstalado? Jo, pues si tal le comentas si entra esa opción en el
portatil. Aunque seguro que te instalan una RedHat y te cobran el
precio de la licencia de RedHat.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

07/02   Felix Pappalardi and Leslie West form Mountain, 1969

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X Window

1999-07-08 Thread Emilio Hernandez Martin

Hola a todos.

Ayer estaba yo tan feliz porque ya acabé de instalar todo que por
un momento se me olvidó mi gafe con los ordenadores (además de mi
tremenda ignorancia sobre Linux).

Resulta que ahora al arrancar Linux me sale una especie de
pantalla de bienvenida muy chula con muchos colorines en la que me pide el
login y el password y entro como 'root' y me lleva directamente a X

¡Que bien!, ¡que bonito!, pensé yo. Y, aunque todavía soy
bastante inexperto con las X, más o menos pude hacer cosas. El problema me
vino al salir. Lo hice con la opción del menú y tb con ctrl-alt-backspace
y me vuelve a la pantalla de presentación (donde el login y el root) y de
ahí ya no sé como salir. ¡No funciona el ctrl-alt-supr!

Supongo que le habrá pasado a alguien lo mismo. ¡HELP!

Mount y umount.

1999-07-08 Thread Emilio Hernandez Martin

Hola, saludos a todos.

¿Sabeis si hay alguna forma de no tener que montar y desmontar el 
cdrom y el floppy cada vez que se quiera acceder a ellos, es decir, que
se haga de una forma automática o algo así?

Supongo que no, pero por si acaso, como yo no tengo ni idea...


Re: Problema con el Frame Buffer

1999-07-08 Thread Antonio Iglesias
Neko No Guchi wrote:
   No sé que pasa, pero cuando configuro el kernel (2.2.4-intl) no me
 permite seleccionar las opciones del Frame Buffer. ¿Alguien sabe por qué?
¿ hasa comprobado que en el apartado code maturity level has puesto que sí
para que configure los drivers experimentales?. creo que el Frame Buffer depende
de eso.

Un Saludo. 


Re: dominio me sale .(none)

1999-07-08 Thread Antonio Beamud
At 23.22 5/7/99 +0200, Iñaki Fernández Villanueva wrote:
Hola chicos,

   Cuando arranco mi Citius en los terminales aparece Bienvenido a
sisd.(none). El nombre del host (sisd) esta bien, pero con lo del (none)
ya tengo mis dudas con el dominio.

En /etc/hosts tengo por ejemplo  localhost.localdomain sisdsisd.debian

prueba:  sisd.debian   sisd  
Es que el 3º campo es el alias.


1999-07-08 Thread David Charro Ripa
Utilicé php3-pgsql con hamm. Intento hacer lo mismo con la versión de
slink y con la de potato y no reconoce las funciones que me acceden al
servidor postgresql.

El mensaje que me da en el navegador cuando llega a la función
pg_connect es que es una función desconocida o no soportada. He probado
cambiando mayúsculas pg_Connect o con la función pg_Exec y sucede lo

He editado el archivo de configuración de postgresql, el llamado
postmaster.init para permitir conexiones TCP/IP(ALLOWTCP/IP=yes) y el
puerto 5432. De hecho desde el pgacces, que necesita que estén
habilitadas estas opciones, he conseguido acceder a las bases de datos.

¿Alguién que lo haya hecho funcionar o que sepa cómo?



Re: potato+php3-pgsql

1999-07-08 Thread Ricard P.G.
--- David Charro Ripa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Utilicé php3-pgsql con hamm. Intento hacer lo mismo con la versión
 slink y con la de potato y no reconoce las funciones que me acceden
 servidor postgresql.
 El mensaje que me da en el navegador cuando llega a la función
 pg_connect es que es una función desconocida o no soportada. He
 cambiando mayúsculas pg_Connect o con la función pg_Exec y sucede
 He editado el archivo de configuración de postgresql, el llamado
 postmaster.init para permitir conexiones TCP/IP(ALLOWTCP/IP=yes) y
 puerto 5432. De hecho desde el pgacces, que necesita que estén
 habilitadas estas opciones, he conseguido acceder a las bases de
 ¿Alguién que lo haya hecho funcionar o que sepa cómo?

En el codigo php3 has incluido la libreria de postgres?
deberia ser algo asi como 

Espero que sea eso ...

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
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Re: X Window

1999-07-08 Thread Jose Luis Trivino
Emilio Hernandez Martin wrote:
 ¡Que bien!, ¡que bonito!, pensé yo. Y, aunque todavía soy
 bastante inexperto con las X, más o menos pude hacer cosas. El problema me
 vino al salir. Lo hice con la opción del menú y tb con ctrl-alt-backspace
 y me vuelve a la pantalla de presentación (donde el login y el root) y de
 ahí ya no sé como salir. ¡No funciona el ctrl-alt-supr!
ctrl-alt-supr solo funciona en terminales de texto. Para
pasar a un terminal de texto pulsa ctrl-alt-f1. De todas
formas ctrl-alt-supr no es la mejor forma de apagar linux.
Lo mejor es que hagas su como root y luego tecles el comando
halt o reboot

Hasta mas bits,

Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez

Despacho 2.2.B.15Tlf.: (95) 2133316
Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043

La medida de programar es programar sin medida

Re: Pregunta sobre particiones.

1999-07-08 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos

Pues sí, evidentememnte este error me daba porque estaba intentando
usar un directorio ocupado por otro proceso.

Si que se pueden montar unidades en un directorio que contenga
ficheros, estos ficheros no se perderán, aunque mientras la unidad
esté montada no se podrán acceder a los ficheros antiguos.

O sea que no es excesivemente util esta funcion.

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)

07/07   Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey) born in Liverpool, England, 1940


1999-07-08 Thread J Horacio MG

estoy jugando un poco con el html, y hace poco que dí con el paquete
WML.  El caso es que no tengo nada clara su función.  ¿Qué relación
tiene con HTML?  ¿Se puede prescindir de tener que usar un editor para
escribir código html, o hay que hacer eso y luego wml sirve para algo

Varias páginas conocidas (,, etc.)
están diseñadas con WML, y el resultado me parece bastante bueno y sobre
todo muy limpio.

¿Podría alguien explicarme como se relaciona todo, o darme la dirección
de una lista sobre WML?

Gracias de antemano,
Valencia - ESPAÑA

Re: Pregunta sobre particiones.

1999-07-08 Thread J Horacio MG
Xose Manoel Ramos dixit:
 Si que se pueden montar unidades en un directorio que contenga
 ficheros, estos ficheros no se perderán, aunque mientras la unidad
 esté montada no se podrán acceder a los ficheros antiguos.

No se perderán o ... probablemente no se perderán.

 O sea que no es excesivemente util esta funcion.

Pues no, máxime cuando no cuesta nada crear un nuevo directorio como
punto de montaje.

Valencia - ESPAÑA

Re: X Window

1999-07-08 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Emilio Hernandez Martin dijo:
 ¡Que bien!, ¡que bonito!, pensé yo. Y, aunque todavía soy
  bastante inexperto con las X, más o menos pude hacer cosas. El problema me
  vino al salir. Lo hice con la opción del menú y tb con ctrl-alt-backspace
  y me vuelve a la pantalla de presentación (donde el login y el root) y de
  ahí ya no sé como salir. ¡No funciona el ctrl-alt-supr!

Y Jose Luis Triviño le respondió:

 ctrl-alt-supr solo funciona en terminales de texto. Para
 pasar a un terminal de texto pulsa ctrl-alt-f1.

solo queria agregarle a Emilio que para regresar a la pantalla
bonita llena de colores (o sea el X display manager) debe
pulsar ctrl-alt-f7. Si quiere entrar directamente en el modo texto,
sin que le aparezca el display manager al arrancar, deberá
desinstalar el paquete xdm:
   dpkg --purge xdm

 De todas
 formas ctrl-alt-supr no es la mejor forma de apagar linux.
 Lo mejor es que hagas su como root y luego tecles el comando
 halt o reboot

Una pregunta para Jose Luis: si estas hablando del ctrl-alt-delete
(no estoy seguro de que es supr), porque te parece que
es menos seguro que un halt? en mi caso por ejemplo tengo una linea
en el /etc/inittab que dice:
   ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -h now
y siempre pense que esto quiere decir que alt-ctrl-delete es
perfectamente equivalente a hacer su seguido de shutdown, con
la diferencia que es mucho mas rapido y facil.

Saludos desde Portugal.


Re: X Window

1999-07-08 Thread Jaime E. Villate
 solo queria agregarle a Emilio que para regresar a la pantalla
 bonita llena de colores (o sea el X display manager) debe
 pulsar ctrl-alt-f7
Corrección: alt-f7


Re: potato+php3-pgsql

1999-07-08 Thread Hernan Mauricio Velasquez Nino
On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, David Charro Ripa wrote:

 Utilicé php3-pgsql con hamm. Intento hacer lo mismo con la versión de
 slink y con la de potato y no reconoce las funciones que me acceden al
 servidor postgresql.
 El mensaje que me da en el navegador cuando llega a la función
 pg_connect es que es una función desconocida o no soportada. He probado
 cambiando mayúsculas pg_Connect o con la función pg_Exec y sucede lo
 ¿Alguién que lo haya hecho funcionar o que sepa cómo?

Intenta colcando en la primera linea de tu script la instruccion:

dl (;

Yo tengo php3-pgsql en un Slink funcionando a la perfeccion.

Hernan Mauricio Velasquez
Ingenieria de Sistemas y Computacion
Universidad de los Andes
Santafe de Bogota, Colombia

Re: X Window

1999-07-08 Thread Javier López

Tienes dos soluciones:
Ejecutar halt/reboot/shutdown desde una xterm (como root o con sudo)
Pasar a una consola de texto con Ctrl-Alt-Fn y desde ahí ya funciona

Emilio Hernandez Martin wrote:
 ¡Que bien!, ¡que bonito!, pensé yo. Y, aunque todavía soy
 bastante inexperto con las X, más o menos pude hacer cosas. El problema me
 vino al salir. Lo hice con la opción del menú y tb con ctrl-alt-backspace
 y me vuelve a la pantalla de presentación (donde el login y el root) y de
 ahí ya no sé como salir. ¡No funciona el ctrl-alt-supr!
 Supongo que le habrá pasado a alguien lo mismo. ¡HELP!
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Re: Mount y umount.

1999-07-08 Thread daniel

'man fstab' nene... :)

Exale un vistazo al /etc/fstab, si incluyes ahi esas unidades las monta
nada más arrancar. Exale un vistazo al mtab también :))

Un saludote mu gordo


 image moved   
 to file:  08/07/99 11:58 

CC:  (CCI: Daniel Ferradal Marquez/INFO/URQUIJO)
Asunto: Mount y umount.

 Hola, saludos a todos.

 ¿Sabeis si hay alguna forma de no tener que montar y desmontar el
cdrom y el floppy cada vez que se quiera acceder a ellos, es decir, que
se haga de una forma automática o algo así?

 Supongo que no, pero por si acaso, como yo no tengo ni idea...


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[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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Unidentified subject!

1999-07-08 Thread Ricard P.G.

Ya se que esta lista no va de SQL, pero he tenido un problema puntual
con el postgres que o soy yo que estoy dormido, o me han hechado mal
de ojo. Parece una quaestion muy simple, a ver si alguien ve donde
esta el fallo (vuelco 2 linias ejecutadas con psql):

base= select id,country from tabla where id=49;
(1 row)

base= update tabla set country='FRANCE' where id=49;

A ver ... que puñetero problema hay ... llevo media con esto y me he
rendido. A ver si alguien puede saber que pasa,

. (O)   See you, Nos vemos, Ens veiem ab.
   o  M  d88b.
  /| ..  /:M\--- 8PYPY88
(O)[]XX[]I:K+}= TOR NEC DONAVAM == 8|o||o|88
  \| ^^  \:W/--- 8'.88
   o  W   Microsoft gives you Windows ...   8`._.' Y8
  (O)  Linux gives you the whole house  d/  `8b.
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: X Window

1999-07-08 Thread Antonio Castro
On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Jose Luis Trivino wrote:

 Emilio Hernandez Martin wrote:
  ¡Que bien!, ¡que bonito!, pensé yo. Y, aunque todavía soy
  bastante inexperto con las X, más o menos pude hacer cosas. El problema me
  vino al salir. Lo hice con la opción del menú y tb con ctrl-alt-backspace
  y me vuelve a la pantalla de presentación (donde el login y el root) y de
  ahí ya no sé como salir. ¡No funciona el ctrl-alt-supr!
   ctrl-alt-supr solo funciona en terminales de texto. Para
 pasar a un terminal de texto pulsa ctrl-alt-f1. De todas
 formas ctrl-alt-supr no es la mejor forma de apagar linux.

Es tan buena como la mejor porque normalmente lanza un shutdown.

Esto se configura en /etc/inittab

La linea en mi sistema que hace eso pone:

# What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed.
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now

 Lo mejor es que hagas su como root y luego tecles el comando
 halt o reboot
   Hasta mas bits,
 Jose Luis Trivintilde;o Rodriguez
 Despacho 2.2.B.15Tlf.: (95) 2133316
 Usuario registrado de linux nº 53043
 La medida de programar es programar sin medida
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Comoooll ?Que No TasEnterao? Pues suscribete al tabon de 
anuncios de Linux.   Solo tienes que hacer lo siguiente:
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|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher |  

Kernel 2.3.6 ¿Inestable?

1999-07-08 Thread Barbwired
Acaban de ponerme los pelos de punta con historias para no dormir sobre kernels
inestables, filesystems corruptos... y yo no sé. 
¿Por qué tengo el 2.3.6 está rulando desde el día en que salió (ni un reboot, 
ni un problema, ni una pega)?
¿Me debería volver una chica del montón y bajar a un 2.2.7? 
¿Y perder toda la emoción? 
¿Algún consejo cuerdo para una pobre loca (Sí, estoy compilando un 2.3.9 y, 
por supuesto, con intenciones de usarlo...)? 

Por favor decidme que el 2.3.6 es seguro...

 _ / We don't all have friends at MIT to help us out when things go wrong. \ _ 
   \ We sometimes have to rely on the kindness of strangers. (Leído en /.) /
Barbwired  (The TranslatriX)  -  Filología Inglesa  -  U. Complutense de Madrid
 Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux (2.3.6)   -  PGP ID-0x03C87C81
  Web personal (aenima y linux)

Re: Framebuffer (y II): problemas svgalib y X.

1999-07-08 Thread Barbwired
Cosme Perea Cuevas escribió:
 ya  conseguí  activar el  fb. GRACIAS  a  todos los  que  me
 han  ayudado. Tenía bien  configurado  el  kernel, solo  tenía
 que  pasarle  al  kernel  el modo  vesa  adecuado  durante  el
 arranque. Con la línea `vga=0x310' en  el LILO ya puedo ver el
 pingüino, ;-)

Me alegro de que las cosas vayan arreglándose...
 Pero, de momento, ha sido peor el remedio que la enfermedad:
 - NO funcionan  los programas para svgalib, se lanzan  y no se
 ve nada, solo fondo negro y algunas manchas horizontales.

¿Has probado zgv? ¿Alguien ha conseguido que zgv funcione con el fb?
 - NO puedo arrancar el  servidor fb para Xwindow. Pongo `Xvfb'
 en `/etc/X11/Xserver',  y estas  líneas en el  XF86Config (del
 artículo sobre fb de Juan  Antonio Martínez en Linux Actual nº

Ni idea, yo uso el SVGA...

 Creo  que en  la  documentación del  kernel  decía algo  sobre
 svgalib,  pero es  que  parece que  `dpkg'  no deja  extraer
 archivos   sueltos  de   un   paquete,  y   ahora  el   kernel
 descomprimido no me cabe en ningún sitio.

Dime qué archivo/s ncesitas y yo te lo mando con mucho gusto.

 _ / We don't all have friends at MIT to help us out when things go wrong. \ _ 
   \ We sometimes have to rely on the kindness of strangers. (Leído en /.) /
Barbwired  (The TranslatriX)  -  Filología Inglesa  -  U. Complutense de Madrid
 Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux (2.3.6)   -  PGP ID-0x03C87C81
  Web personal (aenima y linux)

Re: Mount y umount.

1999-07-08 Thread Ignasi Modolell
Hola Emilio!

Parece ser que, el día 08 Jul 99, escribiste a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] y umount. lo siguiente:

 EHM  ¿Sabeis si hay alguna forma de no tener que montar y desmontar el
 EHM cdrom y el floppy cada vez que se quiera acceder a ellos, es decir,
 EHM que se haga de una forma automática o algo así?

Con el automounter.

Creo que en Debian viene el paquete autofs, luego tienes que compilar el
Kernel con automounter support, en /etc/auto.master tienes la
global del automounter y en /etc/auto.amnt la de las particiones/discos
quieres que se monten/desmonten automáticamente.
El funcionamiento es muy sencillo, le especificas un tiempo de retardo,
es el tiempo que esperará a no tener actividad para desmontar esa partición,
a partir de ahí, según lo que hayas configurado en /etc/auto.amnt bastará
cambiar al directorio /amnt/cdrom y allí tendrás montado el cdrom, a
/amnt/floppy, y allí estará el Floppy, a /amnt/zip y allí la unidad zip...
cuanto salgas del subdirectorio, y se alcance el tiempo de inactividad que
hayas especificado, el sistema de ficheros de desmontará y podrás extraer el
disco de la unidad.

Llave PGP disponible. Net a PGPRobot con Subject Ignasi

... Def: Minuto: 60 segundos, a no ser que venga precedido de es sólo

Re: Mount y umount.

1999-07-08 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Emilio Hernandez Martin:
¿Sabeis si hay alguna forma de no tener que montar y desmontar el 
cdrom y el floppy cada vez que se quiera acceder a ellos, es decir, que
se haga de una forma automática o algo así?

 Exale un vistazo al /etc/fstab, si incluyes ahi esas unidades las monta
 nada más arrancar. Exale un vistazo al mtab también :))

Pero asi solo monta el disco que este dentro de la unidad en el
momento que arranca, y no lo desmonta ni monta otros cuando se
cambie de disco que es lo que parece que Emilio quiere.

Nunca los he usado, pero los paquetes autofs o amd parece que
pueden ser tu solución: montan automáticamente una unidad cuando
se hace referencia a ella, y la desmontan después de un periodo
en que no sean usadas (ese periodo tendria que ser menor que el
tiempo que te demores en cambiar el disco). Para usarlos tienes
que compilar el kernel con la opción automount.



1999-07-08 Thread Ángel Carrasco
Hola a todos amigos,

Pretendo configurar un dominio en mi red interna y luego otros dos para
hacer una web corporativa departamental.

Mi problema es que el named me da problemas y si pingeo a,,,, y a y pero el nslookup no
me encuentra los dominios ni la reversa.
Y luego trato de alojarlos como multihosting en apache y ni caso. Uso IP
aliases y asigno al servicio www la y al dominio como tal primer tema es que por favor si alguien puede please, que me
eche un cable donde estoy metiendo la pata y después, si alguien ve alguna
forma más fácil o más eficiente que me informe, se lo agradeceré mucho.

Muchas gracias por su tiempo.

Un saludo.



#esta es la IP de mi servidor de DNS

// generated by

options {
directory /var/named;
 * If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
 * to talk to, you might need to uncomment the query-source
 * directive below.  Previous versions of BIND always asked
 * questions using port 53, but BIND 8.1 uses an unprivileged
 * port by default.
// query-source address * port 53;

// a caching only nameserver config
zone . {
type hint;

zone {
notify no;
type master;
file db.127.0.0;

zone {
type master;
file db.dominio;

zone {
type master;
file db.dominio1;
zone {
type master;
file db.dominio2;

zone {
notify no;
type master;
file db.192.168.2;

; a caching only nameserver config
directory  /var/named
cache   .
primary dominio.comdb.dominio
primary   db.127.0.0
primary db.192.168.2
secondary db.dominio1
secondary db.dominio2
secondary   db.192.168.2

@   IN  SOA  (
  1 ; Serial
  28800  ; Refresh
  14400  ; Retry
  360; Expire
  86400 ); Minimum
1   PTR localhost.

@   IN  SOA (
274971 ; serial
10800 ; refresh
3600 ; retry
604800 ; expire
86400 ; default_ttl


localhost   IN  A  A
ns  IN  A

#mail   IN  A

www IN  A

@   IN  SOA (
274971 ; serial
10800 ; refresh
3600 ; retry
604800 ; expire
86400 ; default_ttl


localhost   IN  A   IN  A
ns  IN  A

#mail   IN  A

www IN  A

@   IN  SOA (
274971 ; serial
10800 ; refresh
3600 ; retry
604800 ; expire
86400 ; default_ttl


localhost   IN  A   IN  A
ns  IN  A

#mail   IN  A

www IN  A

@   IN  SOA  (
  1 ; Serial
  28800  ; Refresh
  14400  ; Retry
  360; Expire
  86400 ); Minimum
15  PTR

Re: Kernel 2.3.6 ¿Inestable?

1999-07-08 Thread budgy
El jue, 08 jul 1999, Barbwired escribió:
 Acaban de ponerme los pelos de punta con historias para no dormir sobre 
 inestables, filesystems corruptos... y yo no sé. 
 ¿Por qué tengo el 2.3.6 está rulando desde el día en que salió (ni un reboot, 
 ni un problema, ni una pega)?
 ¿Me debería volver una chica del montón y bajar a un 2.2.7? 
 ¿Y perder toda la emoción? 
 ¿Algún consejo cuerdo para una pobre loca (Sí, estoy compilando un 2.3.9 y, 
 por supuesto, con intenciones de usarlo...)? 
 Por favor decidme que el 2.3.6 es seguro...

Parece ser que los problemas sobre corrupción de ficheros en las primeras
versiones de la serie 2.3.x han desaparecido, pero no olvides nunca que las
series numero.numero-impar.numero son versiones en desarrollo, en las que
puede haber cambios de codigo muy importantes respecto a la última serie
estable y por tanto nuevos bugs, si pierdes toda la  información de tu disco
duro usando un kernel en desarrollo no le llores a nadie, será tu


Re: dominio en CITIUS me sale .(none) junto al login

1999-07-08 Thread Iñaki
On Thu, 08 Jul 1999, you wrote:
At 23.22 5/7/99 +0200, Iñaki Fernández Villanueva wrote:
Hola chicos,

  Cuando arranco mi Citius en los terminales aparece Bienvenido a
sisd.(none). El nombre del host (sisd) esta bien, pero con lo del (none)
ya tengo mis dudas con el dominio.

En /etc/hosts tengo por ejemplo  localhost.localdomain sisdsisd.debian

prueba:  sisd.debian   sisd  
Es que el 3º campo es el alias.

 Hola Antonio,
Te puedo asegurar que ambas maneras funcionan a la perfeccion (esta 
comprobado). Si yo lo tengo asi es por seguir las indicaciones de la guia
nag (o garl en castellano). 
Ahora en cambio mis dudas son diferentes. Si pongo 

sisd:/# hostname -d
sisd:/# hostname -y 

la primera creo que es para conocer el dominio y la segunda para las NIS/YP
domain name.

Por eso mismo me pregunto si en Citius aparece Bienvenido a sisd.(none)., el 
none es del dominio de las YP (algo que todavia no he probado). Si fuera asi
me resulta curioso, aunque quizas alguien que entienda de las yellow pages
pueda explicarnoslo. ¿No resultaria mas adecuado host.dominiohost? (esto
deberia ir al qmd, lo se).

Gracias por tu ayuda


  .~.Iñaki Fernández Villanueva
 // \\   Linux registered user #93164
   SLINK 2.1/(   )\  Student in Computer Engineering
 ^^-^^   University of San Sebastian (Spain)

Kernel 2.2.10 y ppp (supongo)

1999-07-08 Thread Roberto Ripio
Hola a todos:

Acabo de compilarme un kernelcillo 2.2.10 y al bajarme el correo con
fetchmail se me agarrota cuando ha bajado unos pocos mensajes. Con el
kernel 2.0.36 de serie en slink no pasa nada de eso. Tampoco he notado
nada raro al abrir páginas web. ¿Debo cambiar alguna opción del ppp con la
nueva versión? ¿Alguna opción en make config?

Si hace falta dar más datos los mando, pero de momento ando algo despistado.

Un saludo,


Roberto Ripio

KDE y Slink (lo hise)

1999-07-08 Thread Roberto Ripio

Hola a todos:

Por si le sirve a alguien, os cuento cómo he instalado el KDE en slink, a
raíz de algunas respuestas que tuve en esta lista, y después de haber
probado varias cosas.

De entrada, los paquetes buenos para slink no están en los mirrors
oficiales de KDE, sino en .
Los paquetes de la distribución están divididos en varios subdirectorios. En
el subdirectorio libs encontraréis además las qt 1.44.

También hay una distribución para potato. En los mirrors de KDE sólo
encontraréis paquetes para hamm y potato, y faltan algunos.

Hay que instalar otros dos paquetes de los que depende kdebase, rman, que
tendréis que bajaros de algún mirror de non-free, y mesag3, que es parte de

Una vez instalado todo, hay que hacer un truquillo para que funcione la ayuda,
y es un softlink al directorio de los archivos de ayuda en el idioma que
elijamos por defecto. O sea, suponiendo que sea el inglés:

cd /usr/doc/kde/HTML
ln -s en default

(Por motivos que desconozco, esto no es necesario en la distribución para

Y hecho esto, todo funciona más o menos como se espera (aunque hay algún
problemilla, no muy importante). Y si a alguno le interesa la cosa mucho
mucho, se puede suscribir a kde-debian poniendo subscribe kde-debian en el
cuerpo de un mensaje a [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Espero que le sea útil a alguien, y perdón por la turra a todos a los que el
KDE les trae al fresco (que sois unos cuantos :-)

Un saludote,

Roberto Ripio

KDE no encuentra el servidor X

1999-07-08 Thread Lucky

Tengo instalado la RH6.0 con GNOME y KDE q se instalaron por 
defecto. GNOME funciona de maravilla (Y por cierto q es muy bueno) pero yo 
quiero trabajar con KDE q es la q tenia con Debian, pero cuando hago STARTKDE me 
dice que no encuentra el servidor de X.

Que puede pasar?

se me muere el demonio pppd

1999-07-08 Thread Lucky

Intento conectarme a Internet, pero cada vez que lo pruebo 
marca el numero y cuand ose quiere conectar a la red sale un mendaje que dice 
"Demonio pppd se ha muerto" (o algo parecido) y en el registro da estos 

Jul 8 21:32:44 luck pppd[734]: pppd 2.3.7 started by 
root, uid 0Jul 8 21:32:44 luck pppd[734]: Using interface 
ppp0Jul 8 21:32:44 luck pppd[734]: Connect: ppp0 -- 
/dev/ttyS1Jul 8 21:33:09 luck pppd[734]: Hangup (SIGHUP)Jul 
8 21:33:09 luck pppd[734]: Modem hangupJul 8 21:33:09 luck pppd[734]: 
Connection terminated.Jul 8 21:33:09 luck pppd[734]: Connect time 0.5 
minutes.Jul 8 21:33:09 luck pppd[734]: Exit.

Utilizo el KPPP

Sabeis de que puede ser?


Re: Kernel 2.3.6 ¿Inestable?

1999-07-08 Thread Netman
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 04:28:15AM +0200, Barbwired wrote:
 Acaban de ponerme los pelos de punta con historias para no dormir sobre 
 inestables, filesystems corruptos... y yo no sé. 

Si tienes backup de lo importante no debes temer una corrupción de tu
sistema de ficheros.

 ¿Por qué tengo el 2.3.6 está rulando desde el día en que salió (ni un reboot, 
 ni un problema, ni una pega)?

Bueno, los 2.3.X son inestables, lo cual no quiere decir que no funcionen,
sino que *pueden* fallar en cualquier momento. ¿Que qué fallo...? Pues
aplica la Ley de Murphy a ver lo que te sale...

 ¿Me debería volver una chica del montón y bajar a un 2.2.7? 

Querrás decir un 2.2.10... Que 3  2 no significa que la serie 2.2 esté

¿Qué ventajas tiene (ahora mismo) la familia 2.3 sobre la 2.2?
¿Y desventajas?

 ¿Y perder toda la emoción? 

No hagas backups eso sube mucho la adrenalina.

Creo que no hay nada más emocionante que ponerte a defragmentar un ext2fs
una noche de tormenta (con gran riesgo de corte de luz, of course).

 ¿Algún consejo cuerdo para una pobre loca (Sí, estoy compilando un 2.3.9 y, 
 por supuesto, con intenciones de usarlo...)? 

Un consejito... Deja la slink y pásate a potato (¡ah! Que ya lo has hecho...)

 Por favor decidme que el 2.3.6 es seguro...

Estás como una cabra

Si el 2.3.6 fuera seguro ya sacarían otra versión que no lo fuera (y tú de
cabeza a usarla) XD

  _ / We don't all have friends at MIT to help us out when things go wrong. \ 
\ We sometimes have to rely on the kindness of strangers. (Leído en /.) /
 Barbwired  (The TranslatriX)  -  Filología Inglesa  -  U. Complutense de 
  Proudly using Debian GNU/Linux (2.3.6)   -  PGP ID-0x03C87C81
   Web personal (aenima y linux)

Salu2, Netman.

Tal vez no estemos aquí para alabar a dios, sino para crearlo
   A. C. Clarke
Powered by Debian/GNU Linux 2.2 - Kernel 2.2.10

Description: PGP signature

Problemas con UMSDOS

1999-07-08 Thread xxx
Quiero poner Linux en un 486 pero sin reparticionar el HD (solo particion 
swap), pero no se como
instalarlo para usar umsdos
¿Alguien puede ayudarme?

Re: Problemas con 'lynx'.

1999-07-08 Thread xxx
Emilio Hernandez Martin escribió:

 Al intentar instalar el 'slink' me salió el siguiente error:

 Configurando lynx (2.8.1-3)...
 Warning: could not read 'etc/mailcap' (update stopped) -- No existe el
 fichero o el directorio.
 Please enter the default URL to use if none is givenwhen invoking lynx.
 Default is http://www/;

Pos tienes que indicarle la página que quieres que se abra cuando ejecutas 
'lynx', sin
proporcionarle una dirección (vaya, que es la dirección por defecto).

 Cada día, un nuevo día
 Y cada noche a dormir (¿o no?)


1999-07-08 Thread Alfredo Casademunt
Emilio Hernandez Martin wrote:
 Ya conseguí configurar correctamente el LILO pero hay un par de
 cosas que no sé muy bien como van:
 - La posibilidad de incluir un mensaje antes del 'boot prompt' con
 'message = message-file. Dentro del mensaje se supone que si pones FF
 (es decir Ctrl-L) te borra la pantalla antes de escribir el mensaje
 (=clear) pero al editar un fichero con 'joe', el Ctrl-L ya sirve para
 buscar texto en el fichero y no puedo utilizarlo para borrar la pantalla,
 y con 'jed' tampoco pq Ctrl-L sirve para hacer un 'redraw' (creo). ¿Cómo
 puedo hacerlo?

Yo hice:
echo -e \014  message-file
y luego a editarlo con el joe :-)

 - ¿Es posible hacer que salga un contador del tiempo que queda para
 escribir la opción de arranque en el 'boot prompt'?, ¿tiene algo que ver
 con el 'timeout' de 'lilo.conf' ?

Que yo sepa con el lilo no puedes hacer un contador, pero con el gestor
de arranque chos, incluido en Debian, si.


De nada, un saludo.


ethernet card probs

1999-07-08 Thread Ted Manka
I try to install the 3c59X and it just crashes!well it freezes.  I have 
the 3com etherlink XL what should I do?

Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit

Re: dhcp and dual-homed filtering host

1999-07-08 Thread Laurent Martelli
 Jens == Jens B Jorgensen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Jens I have a similar setup. You just need to tell dhcpd which
  Jens ethernet interface you want to serve up IPs for. This can be
  Jens done by editing /etc/init.d/dhcpd. Here's the changes I made:

You should also be able to do this by putting 


in /etc/dhcpc/config

Laurent Martelli

preventing weak passwords

1999-07-08 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hello all,
  im really sick of almost having to remind my users to use non-dictionary 
passwords.  we provide a web based interface to change their passwords and so 
the checking done by executing /usr/bin/passwd is not implemented.
  im thinking of dictionary cracking my users passwords so that i can narrow 
down on those only on those whos passwords need fixing, that is, only those 
whose passwords can be dictionary cracked.
  does anyone know of an application that can do what i want ?
Chad A. Adlawan
System/Network Admin
Pixelia Multimedia Co.
Cebu City Philippines

Re: Just my opinion

1999-07-08 Thread JonesMB
All this reminds me of my printer  Ethernet card woes during the 
weekend.  I decided that I was tired of using Linux with very limited 
multimedia capabilities.  It seemed to reinforce the notion my 
Windows friends have that Linus is for servers not workstations.

I bought a SoundBlaster PCI128 card and to get that to work I had to 
upgrade from 2.0.36 which was working perfectly for months to 2.2.10. 
 I downloaded the sources and compiled the kernel. I rebooted and 
everything seemed to work fine, but I noticed that eth0 kept on 
complaining.  After connecting my laptop to the hub I realized that 
the Ethernet card in the Linux system was unhappy.  Not long 
afterwards I saw that I couldn't print either.

The Ethernet card problem was easily solved.  A reboot to Windows 
showed that Windows had somehow told it to use the wrong I/O address, 
even though PnP is turned off.  The printer was more tricky.  It 
worked fine under Windows.  After messing around with cables 
documentation and stuff I decided to strace the daemon.  I saw it try 
to talk to lp1 instead of lp0.  I looked at /etc/printcap and 
realized that I had lp1 in there.  I read some more and saw that the 
lp implementation has been changed quite a bit from the 2.0 to 2.2.  
If I had lp0 in /etc/printcap none of this would have happened.

What's my point - getting a Linux system to work perfectly requires 
patience and a lot of RTFM.  This is unlike Windows where some (but 
not all) things will work with minimal user interaction.  But the 
time I have spent making Linux work always pays off as it continues 
working with no problems.  Till I touch it again ...

Now I am going home to figure out why IP forwarding has stopped 
working with 2.2.


The whole point is that things can work just fine. It does take a little
patience and there's lots to learn.

When it comes to documentation there is alot available and not just
online. The Debian Users Guide is a must and there are many other books
available too. Also, the Debain user help is great. People from this list
have spent much time helping me out with little snags here and there.
When you have troubles just ask. That is what this list is for.

My printer works fine. My modem works fine. The documentation has 
always been right on and the installation is a breeze.

Doug-- Run out and buy a Lotto ticket.  Lady luck has the hots for 
you! :-) --- Max

PGP5, mutt, and signed messages

1999-07-08 Thread Matthew Gregan
Greetings everyone.

After seeing quite a few postings about Mutt and PGP in the past few
days, I decided I'd finally get around to setting it up myself. I've
got it working fine with GnuPG and PGP2, but I have a question about
PGP5... I don't know if this is really specific to Mutt, though.

I sent a test message to myself, and signed it with PGP5. When I
receive the message, Mutt checks the signature and reports that it's

   Good signature made 1999-07-08 00:39 GMT by key:
 1024 bits, Key ID C22BCF6F, Created 1999-06-28
  Matthew Gregan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   This signature applies to another message

That last line has me a little worried. Is that the way PGP5 is
supposed to work (since the signature is attached to the message using
MIME, rather than being part of it (such as the older method of PGP
signing messages used). That's the only thing I can think of, I just
thought I'd check and see what experiences others have had.

One other thing, I saw references to 'language.txt' and
'language50.txt' (for PGP2 and PGP5, respectively) in the Mutt
docs. However, it appears that the Debian package doesn't come with
these files. Would this be considered a bug, and if so, should I file
a report? Or is there a Debian policy which doesn't include such


Matthew Gregan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: XBanner on remote display?

1999-07-08 Thread Tadeusz Bak

On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Brendon Baumgartner wrote:

 How did you get his windows computer to connect to xdm? I was always
 wondering how to do this...

Xappeal is a DOS, not Windows program. You can get it from any SimTel
mirror, directory: msdos/xwindow. Installation is easy (assuming that the 
network connection between these two computers is set up); if you run
xdm on your Linux machine choose Query as a method of connection. The
configuration file xappeal.cfg has a syntax similar to that found in
XF86Config, so you can fine tune your display. The default xdm
configuration file in Debian 2.1 allows connection from any computer,
probably its better to change it and limit the access. Unfortunately I
still don't know how to display XBanner on this X-terminal :-(.
Good luck.


Re: ethernet card probs

1999-07-08 Thread Dan
First I would believe you need to provide more information to get serious 
help, unless someone else happend to have this exact problem... First, you 
either got the latest 3c59X.c (compiled it how 3com or HOWTO's tell you) 
then compile it so it becomes 3c59X.o and put it in the 
/lib/modules/(whatever your kernel version is)/net. Then in /etc/modules 
file, add the line 3c59X and then reboot. That is probably the most 
effecient way (for modules), rather than using the netconfig program. If 
3com supports linux for that card, I'd go to their site and get the latest 
3c59X driver for linux.

Subject: ethernet card probs
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 17:16:23 MDT

I try to install the 3c59X and it just crashes!well it freezes.  I have
the 3com etherlink XL what should I do?

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Star Office 5.1 with Slink?

1999-07-08 Thread Matthew Dalton
Has anyone used Star Office 5.1 with Slink, or any other glibc2.0 based

Star Office 5.1 was released to fix problems with SO5.01 and glibc2.1,
but is it still compatible with glibc2.0?

Re: Bind

1999-07-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Brian == Brian Schramm [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Brian On Tue, 06 Jul 1999, Martin Bialasinski wrote:

Brian I thought forwaders where for a local network.  That is why I
Brian did not put any in.

No, if you have a LAN and want to resolve the IPs you use therein, you
set up a primary for this zone. This is like your ISP having a
primary zone for the IPs it uses.

 I believe you have a misconception about the thing you want to
 setup and solve. What should your bind cache, and where does it get
 this info from? Where did you read about this bind -
 addressrewriting connection?

Brian I got this from the web site.  It clames that you
Brian need it running in order to do vurtual hosts and address
Brian rerouting. 

Hmm. I thing you read the solution to a totaly unrelated problem.

Please describe your home setup (one or more hosts, connection to the 
internet, IPs used, hostname --fqdn etc.) and what you want the final
setup to look like.

Virtual hosting is nothing you usually do behind a small dialup

I can't help you with sendmail, but maybe someone else can. Eitherway, 
we get a better picture of what you want to do.

BTW: you should consider dumping sendmail in favor for exim. It is
much easier to understand, and has extensive and readable


where do i find crypt ?

1999-07-08 Thread Chad A. Adlawan
hello all,
  ive been trying to compile cops and crack but i keep on getting this error :

/tmp/ccc00945: In function `try':
/tmp/ccc00945(.text+0xb83): undefined reference to `crypt'

  can anyone tell me please where/what package do i get the crypt function from 


RE: where do i find crypt ?

1999-07-08 Thread Pollywog

On 08-Jul-99 Chad A. Adlawan wrote:
 hello all,
   ive been trying to compile cops and crack but i keep on getting this error
 /tmp/ccc00945: In function `try':
 /tmp/ccc00945(.text+0xb83): undefined reference to `crypt'
   can anyone tell me please where/what package do i get the crypt function
 from ?

Isn't that in libc6, folks?


Re: Managing a hybrid slink/potato Debian installation

1999-07-08 Thread John Foster
Sami Dalouche wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 01, 1999 at 07:19:02PM +0200, Enrico Zini wrote:
  Is there a way to say apt that the system should be slink except for some
  packages (eg. wmaker, x11amp, gnome, wine) that should come from potato, so
  that I can safely issue an apt-get upgrade without being asked to download
  63.1Mb of packages?
 I don't know but it's a bad idea !
 Wmaker, X11amp, gnome  wine depends on glibc2.1. So, if you install one of
 these packages, you'll get the libc6_2.1 package. In other words, if you
 have the glibc2.1, you can upgrade to potato. It's as unstable as a slink
 with glibc2.1.
 Can any1 tell us more ?

Although I have not actually tried this. I believe that it is possible
to have apt use any debian source codes as the source and do all three
processes of downoading, compiling, and installing to your system. If
you do this properly it should allow you to install any debian
applications sources to your system by recompiling to the slink
dependencies. If there is anyone out there who has done this please
speak out.
John Foster
AdVance-Computing Systems
ICQ# 19460173

Re: accessing the dos partition

1999-07-08 Thread Daniel Yang
I used to download the packages to local dos partition and install them from
there. I can recall that dos only allows 8 digits of packages names, which
caused the trouble for dselect to find right packages. You can try that.
But, I would like to buy a distribution cd if I were you. It saves a lot of
efforts downloading the packages.
-Original Message-
Date: Wednesday, July 07, 1999 1:40 PM
Subject: accessing the dos partition

hello debian community,

i've installed the base system from the net.  however, i cannot
access/mount the dos partition, which is where i've downloaded other
packages.  (i've tried dselect and apt-get.)

...any suggestions.


bentley taylor.


Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: where do i find crypt ?

1999-07-08 Thread Branden Robinson
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 03:08:58AM -, Pollywog wrote:
  /tmp/ccc00945: In function `try':
  /tmp/ccc00945(.text+0xb83): undefined reference to `crypt'
can anyone tell me please where/what package do i get the crypt function
  from ?
 Isn't that in libc6, folks?

Yes.  Be sure you supply -lcrypt on the gcc command line when building
that file.

G. Branden Robinson  |The greatest productive force is human
Debian GNU/Linux |selfishness.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |-- Robert Heinlein |

Description: PGP signature

Re: where do i find crypt ?

1999-07-08 Thread Carl Mummert

crack ues its own version of crypt, you have to cd to the correct
source directory of teh crack distribution and make the crypt 

They discuss this in the crack documentation.


Re: where do i find crypt ?

1999-07-08 Thread Carl Mummert
Isn't that [crypt(3)] in libc6, folks?

WRT the message from yesterday, and this, and others:

crypt lives, for most applications, in /lib/libcrypt.*.
Some programs, like crack, provide their own, faster, version.

You specify crypt to gcc as follows:

Function prototype for C:
 char *crypt(const char *key, const char *salt);
Command line
 gcc -o file.o file.c -lcrypt

You specify it to g++ as follows:
Function declaration for C++:
  extern C { char *crypt(const char *key, const char *salt); }
Command line
  g++ -o file.o -lcrypt

Hope this clears up the confusion.


Star Office 5.1 with Slink?

1999-07-08 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
Matthew Dalton writes:
  Has anyone used Star Office 5.1 with Slink, or any other glibc2.0 based
  Star Office 5.1 was released to fix problems with SO5.01 and glibc2.1,
  but is it still compatible with glibc2.0?

I downloaded it, but the install program apparently has a fatal bug.
I tried sending a bug report to them, but I just got an auto reply
to the effect that if you haven't sent us money, you're on your own
for support, which wasn't the point of my email anyway.

So, I'd also like to know if anyone has downloaded it and successfully 
installed it.


Jesse Jacobsen, Pastor  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Grace Lutheran Church (ELS)
Madison, Wisconsin  GnuPG public key ID: 2E3EBF13

Staroffice mail

1999-07-08 Thread Brian Schramm
OK.  I have Staroffice mail working to my local machine.  My problem is
intermetently I am having problem connecting to my machine.  Everything is set
to localhost for a server name.  Bind is set up with localhost in it's table
(acording to the deb install).  And it works 90% of the time.  Since this is
the only office package that I have that is fully inticrated so I can automate
some of my tasks, I would realy like to have everything working well.

My main problem is nothing shows up in the logs as an error.  At least none of
them that I have checked.  So, if anyone would have a sugestion I would like to
here it.

I am running Debian 2.1 with KDE as a desktop.


Brian Schramm

Re: Star Office 5.1 with Slink?

1999-07-08 Thread Ben Lutgens
On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 11:56:07PM -0500, Jesse Jacobsen wrote:
 Matthew Dalton writes:
   Has anyone used Star Office 5.1 with Slink, or any other glibc2.0 based
 So, I'd also like to know if anyone has downloaded it and successfully 
 installed it.
StarOffice 5.1 installed and works great uner potato. Very resource intensive
though. It seems they've updated thier M$ Office 97 compatibility too. I sent
a doc to a windows using friend and it worked fine and didn't prompt to
convert at any time.

Debian / GNU Linux: An OS the way god intended it; 32Bit, multi-tasking,
Rock Solid Stable, and always getting better.

Ben Lutgens (ICQ # 10836629  IRC: #debian Nick: fugas)

Re: Star Office 5.1 with Slink?

1999-07-08 Thread Matthew Dalton
Ben Lutgens wrote:
 On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 11:56:07PM -0500, Jesse Jacobsen wrote:
  Matthew Dalton writes:
Has anyone used Star Office 5.1 with Slink, or any other glibc2.0 based
  So, I'd also like to know if anyone has downloaded it and successfully
  installed it.
 StarOffice 5.1 installed and works great uner potato. Very resource intensive
 though. It seems they've updated thier M$ Office 97 compatibility too. I sent
 a doc to a windows using friend and it worked fine and didn't prompt to
 convert at any time.

Yes, but potato uses glibc2.1, which is what Star Office 5.1 is meant to
run with. I want to know whether Star Office 5.1 is backward compatible
with glibc2.0 (ie Slink, RH5.2 etc...).

automagic ftp sessions?

1999-07-08 Thread David Karlin
I'm running slink and would like to automate an ftp session
to upload a file to a remote server.

I've been reading a Unix book which says that the  
redirector is usful for this, but no details or example are

I've also experimented with the macro function within ftp,
but have been unable to set up macros which are available
the next time I run ftp.  Seems they last only for one 

Anyone care to shed some light?



David Karlin
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 2.1

Re: Star Office 5.1 with Slink?

1999-07-08 Thread Tadeusz Bak

On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Matthew Dalton wrote:

 Yes, but potato uses glibc2.1, which is what Star Office 5.1 is meant to
 run with. I want to know whether Star Office 5.1 is backward compatible
 with glibc2.0 (ie Slink, RH5.2 etc...).

I have StarOffice 5.1 installed in Debian 2.1 (slink). I don't use SO very
often (mostly to read Word documents) but is seems that it works without


Re: where do i find crypt ?

1999-07-08 Thread Michael Merten
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 03:08:58AM -, Pollywog wrote:
 On 08-Jul-99 Chad A. Adlawan wrote:
  hello all,
ive been trying to compile cops and crack but i keep on getting this error
  /tmp/ccc00945: In function `try':
  /tmp/ccc00945(.text+0xb83): undefined reference to `crypt'
can anyone tell me please where/what package do i get the crypt function
  from ?
 Isn't that in libc6, folks?

I think you need to toss in a -lcrypt (IIRC).


Michael Merten [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- NRA Life Member (
-- Debian GNU/Linux Fan (
-- CenLA-LUG Member (
Fast ship?  You mean you've never heard of the Millennium Falcon?
-- Han Solo

XBanner on remote display - solved!

1999-07-08 Thread Tadeusz Bak

Finally I found it. This is the file /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup:

# /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup
# This script is run whenever xdm is asked to manage a display other than :0
exit 0  -- !!! 
# XBanner - begin
/usr/X11R6/bin/xbanner -file /etc/X11/
# XBanner - end

Moving 'exit 0' to the end of the script solves the problem. Is this a bug
in the xbanner package?


Re: Just my opinion

1999-07-08 Thread Ray
On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 06:47:50PM -0500, JonesMB wrote:
 Now I am going home to figure out why IP forwarding has stopped 
 working with 2.2.

The Changes file distributed with the kernel source tells about this and
the new parallel port stuff.



1999-07-08 Thread Ben Lutgens
O.k. what needs to be in the tag section of a menu entry if I want it to be
in the root menu but not under any section? For example I installed xexec and
I wan it to be in the root menu like the wmaker default menu has the Run
entry, I tried to leave that section out to no avail. All I can fine in the
docs is that this is generally root menu naughtiness Any ideas?

Debian / GNU Linux: An OS the way god intended it; 32Bit, multi-tasking,
Rock Solid Stable, and always getting better.

Ben Lutgens (pgp public key is blutgens available @ hkp://

Description: PGP signature

install can't read from cd

1999-07-08 Thread shanef
Hi there,

Can anybody help with the following, I'd like to be able to try debian...

Disappointed with rh6 I thought I'd give debian a go.  I ran the cd through dos

 (d:\install\boot) and successfully mounted the root directory, init swap. 
When it came to selecting media to install from I chose cd-rom, /dev/hdf but a
message returned saying that the mount was unsuccessful.

CD is an ATAPI in IDE drive
16 M ram
IDE cache controller

Note that rh 5.2 doesn't ask for any info regarding the cd, just loads from it,

so it's not a problem with the cd I feel.

Would someone be able to point me in the right direction,  either with some
documentation or some help?



Shane French
Research Officer (GIS)
Conservation  Land Management
50 Hayman Rd
Como WA 6152
Ph:   9334 0352
url:  http:://

Description: Binary data

sound - debian performs well but one prob, no sndstat

1999-07-08 Thread Carley, Jason \(Australia\)
Hi guys,

I have just compiled a 2.2.10 kernel and run isapnp under debian slink and
it has all worked perfectly unlike my previous attempts under other dists.
The cards initialise and the modules will load manually (have to learn how
to have that happen auto). However, For some reason /dev/sndstat doesn't
exist on my system whereas the dsp and audio devices do. Is this due to me
not having installed the slink default kernel sources or something else?

I tried to find the shell script in the /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound
directory and a readme file there mentions the script at the end of the file
but it isn't there? What is the best way to create the file if I can't find
the kernel script?

Re: Bind

1999-07-08 Thread Varga Robert

On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Brian Schramm wrote:

 I am using one machine to run Debian 2.1.  I do not have a network but I want
 bind to handle caching of DNS inquires.  I am doing this so I can use the
 sendmail genericstable and virtualtable and convert my addresses to the ones I
 want to have everyone use for replys.
 My problem is now if I am not connected to the net, everything stops when I
 send a message.  I have not changed my sendmail configuration yet to vurtual
 hosting so I cannot see where that is the problem.  
 I installed the bind package with no forwarding so it is in caching setup.
 Thanks for all the help.

It also happened to me with qmail-pop3d, although it does not stop only it
waits until it timeouts with contacting some other sites which means
about 2-3 minutes. These sites are probably the root sites. If you look at
the log, you will see a network unreachable line in it, after you connect
to sendmail. Try removing the root servers hint from it. Or if it does not
help, then set up /etc/hosts on the sendmail site. It might help.

The other thing that did help at me, to connect a minute to the network,
you can do this even before even trying to send a letter. It did put away
the wait at connecting to my qmail-pop3d.

Robert Varga

Re: PGP5, mutt, and signed messages

1999-07-08 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
One other thing, I saw references to 'language.txt' and
'language50.txt' (for PGP2 and PGP5, respectively) in the Mutt
docs. However, it appears that the Debian package doesn't come with
these files. Would this be considered a bug, and if so, should I file
a report? Or is there a Debian policy which doesn't include such

I submitted bug report, 39184 on this. The files in question are supplied
with the mutt source code, so I believe that they a freely available.

However Wichert Akkerman closed the bug report. I believe he was
confused and thought that the files were supplied with PGP, and
as such had the same license restrictions. This is wrong. The files
do not come with PGP - they are supplied with the freely available
mutt source

I submitted further messages to the bug tracking system on this, but
Wichert Akkerman hasn't replied or reopened the bug report - maybe I
should do it myself before it expires??? (side note: how do I do this?)


Description: PGP signature

Howto to retrieve potato recursively?

1999-07-08 Thread Stefan Blum

I want to download the whole debian/dist/potato-tree via ftp. 
How can I do that? E.g., if a wanted to do the same thing from our
ftp-server, I would simply type ``get debian/dist/potato.tar.gz''. 
Our ftp-Server is configurated with this nice feature.

Are there any other possibilities?


Re: Star Office 5.1 with Slink?

1999-07-08 Thread P. van Tilburg
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 12:06:15PM +1000, Matthew Dalton wrote:

 Has anyone used Star Office 5.1 with Slink, or any other glibc2.0 based

 Star Office 5.1 was released to fix problems with SO5.01 and glibc2.1,
 but is it still compatible with glibc2.0?

Yes, I use it now with pleasure. When the setup starts it comes with
a big lists of libraries it can't find and asks:

Proceed anyway y/n?

Then pressing the Y-button, it installs just great!
A while ago I tried this with 5.0, that won't work.

Paul van Tilburg

Student @  |  Using the Power of Linux...
Eindhoven University of|  ICQ: 8678828  
Technology, The Netherlands|  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: PGP5, mutt, and signed messages

1999-07-08 Thread Brian May
In article [EMAIL PROTECTED] you write:
However Wichert Akkerman closed the bug report. I believe he was
confused and thought that the files were supplied with PGP, and
as such had the same license restrictions. This is wrong. The files
do not come with PGP - they are supplied with the freely available
mutt source

(if there really are licensing issues, then it would also be a problem
with the source code, wouldn't it???)

Arrrggg I made the same mistake again! It was Marco d'Itri
who closed the bug report, not Wichert Akkerman, however, I get the
impression that both were confused in the same way (ie they both
thought the file in question was supplied with PGP).

I apologize for the confusion...

I submitted further messages to the bug tracking system on this, but
Wichert Akkerman hasn't replied or reopened the bug report - maybe I
should do it myself before it expires??? (side note: how do I do this?)


Description: PGP signature


1999-07-08 Thread Ali Onur Uyar
I am using Debian Slink with Exim, configured for an Internet Site,
to receive and send mail using SMTP.
Everthing is configured using default configuration paraemeters.
That is relaying mail through smtp for nonlocal domains is disabled.

Now the question is wether Exim rejects smtp requests from localhost.
I have installed netscape communicator and as the Outgoing Mail (SMTP)
server I am trying to setup localhost.
When I try to send mails a dialog appears, informing me that the smtp
server does not accept the connection or sth. like that.

What might be causing this behaviour? Is it because of the config
defaults of exim?


Re: sound - debian performs well but one prob, no sndstat

1999-07-08 Thread Kazuyuki Yagi

Shell script exists in /dev/MAKEDEV.

cd /dev
./MAKEDEV audio

That's OK.

On Thu, 8 Jul 1999 17:37:45 +1000 
Carley, Jason \(Australia\) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi guys,
 I have just compiled a 2.2.10 kernel and run isapnp under debian slink and
 it has all worked perfectly unlike my previous attempts under other dists.
 The cards initialise and the modules will load manually (have to learn how
 to have that happen auto). However, For some reason /dev/sndstat doesn't
 exist on my system whereas the dsp and audio devices do. Is this due to me
 not having installed the slink default kernel sources or something else?
 I tried to find the shell script in the /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound
 directory and a readme file there mentions the script at the end of the file
 but it isn't there? What is the best way to create the file if I can't find
 the kernel script?


compiling GNATS

1999-07-08 Thread Christian Hammers

GNATS-3.110 (from unstable) is not compile-able on my (unstable) Debian
maching. It contain code similar to this:

#include stdio.h
FILE *outfile=stdout;
int main() {
return 0;

and comlains about 
gen-index.c:38: initializer element is not constant

On a debian 1.3 machine it works, why ?

read you,


Christian Hammers  WESTEND GmbH  Tel 0241/701333-0
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  DPN Verbund-Partner Aachen u. Dueren   Fax 0241/911879

Re: Bind (fwd)

1999-07-08 Thread Varga Robert

I wrote previously

 Try removing the root servers hint from it. Or if it does not
 help, then set up /etc/hosts on the sendmail site. It might help.

However if this does help, then do consider that if you don't use
forwarders, and don't use root servers then your machine is on its own, so
it will know only the domains in its OWN dns server.

So either use forwarders (preferable), or the root servers.

Or use the method at the end of the DNS-howto of using a fake (empty) and
a valid hint file switched by the ip-up and ip-down scripts.

Robert Varga

achieving secure web services for the masses

1999-07-08 Thread Nate
Hello everyone!

I would greatly like to hear as much feedback as possible about a 
project that I am proposing will be licensed under the GPL. It is a project
that will bring about web mail that handles encryption and decryption.
The web based email will live on an https server. This is the core of 
what I have envisioned.  There are some other goals (10 in all), that
I have discussed further in a proposal located at the following url:

I am not a programmer.  Some of you may have seen me post around here
before.  I have thought this project up because my legal and technical
research has led me to believe that this project is painfully needed.
And it must begin now.

I am hoping some people will see the merits and technical feasibility
of this project.  In my thinking, if we do not take charge of our 
opportunity to make internet communications secure for the masses, we will
all suffer a great deal.

Please consider what I have written there, and give me whatever feedback
you think is necessary to aid me in hashing out methods of bringing
my ten goals to fruition.  Thank you all.

Please note, that if you have trouble connecting it is because my domain
lives on a dial-up connection and provides me with dns.  Sometimes
my isp cuts off my ppp connection.  Then I have to re-execute the sign-on
script to get back up.  This usually happens between midnight US/Pacific
and 5am.  So if it's down, do whatever you were doing and check back in 
a few hours and I will invariably have signed back on.  Thanks everyone 
again...  I really hope to hear from some of you!

NatePuri (natedawg)   o m p a g e s . c o m 
Certified Law Student   p e r c r v t i o f i
McGeorge School of Law  e d i c a e a n m   n
Sacramento, CA  n i v e t r y   m   d
[EMAIL PROTECTED] a a s e y s t u   s
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   t s d o   h n  e n   i i
  e   s t

Description: PGP signature

Segmentation fault

1999-07-08 Thread Patrick Kirk
Hi all,

I get this message whenever I try using apt-get.  What is a segmentation
fault and should I be concerned?  Please do let me know!


rhino:/home/patrick# apt-get update
Get stable/non-US Packages
Get stable/contrib Packages
0%  [Packages `Connecting to' 0] [Packages `Connecting to

Get stable/main Packages
Get stable/non-free Packages
Fetched 618k in 33s (18.4k/s)
Updating package file cache...done
Updating package status cache...done
Checking system integrity...ok
Segmentation fault

RE: Alternastive to using squid

1999-07-08 Thread Patrick Kirk
Many thanks to all who pointed out that there is an IP Masquarading
mini-howto.  It took less than an hour to read through and seems to work
perfectly from the point of view of giving the Windows boxes internet

All I did was enter these commands:
ipfwadm -F -p deny
ipfwadm -F -a m -S -D

Do I need to worry further about security?  We are talking about securing a
box that is used by the kids to browse teletubbie sites but obviously I
don't want the hassle of having to reload software if I have left a door
wide open.

BTW, sorry about misspelling alternatives


 -Original Message-
 From: Patrick Kirk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, 7 July 1999 12:36
 To: Debian User
 Subject: Alternastive to using squid

 Hi all,

 I have a P200MMX with 32MB of RAM and 2 NICs that I want to use
 as a gateway
 machine to the Internet.

 I do not need the caching, etc. that one gets with squid.  What
 do I need to
 do just to have internet access via this machine?


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: where do i find crypt ?

1999-07-08 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: where do i find crypt ?
Date: Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 10:23:54AM +0800

In reply to:Chad A. Adlawan

Quoting Chad A. Adlawan([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 hello all,
   ive been trying to compile cops and crack but i keep on getting this error :
 /tmp/ccc00945: In function `try':
 /tmp/ccc00945(.text+0xb83): undefined reference to `crypt'
   can anyone tell me please where/what package do i get the crypt function 
 from ?
Root-Deb-Slink:~# dpkg -S crypt
gs: /usr/lib/ghostscript/5.10/
libc6: /lib/
manpages-dev: /usr/man/man3/crypt.3.gz
libc6: /usr/doc/libc6/README.crypt.gz
libc6-dev: /usr/lib/
libc6: /lib/
python-doc: /usr/doc/python/html/lib/crypto.html
checker: /usr/i486-linuxchecker/lib/libcrypt.a
dgs: /usr/lib/GNUstep/Libraries/DGS/4.03/
python-doc: /usr/doc/python/html/lib/module-crypt.html
expect5.24: /usr/doc/expect5.24/examples/cryptdir.1
expect5.24: /usr/doc/expect5.24/examples/cryptdir
libc6-dev: /usr/include/crypt.h
expect5.24: /usr/doc/expect5.24/examples/decryptdir.1
libc6-dev: /usr/lib/libcrypt.a
zircon: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/zircon/plugins/Sed/decrypt.tcl
libc5-altdev: /usr/i486-linuxlibc1/include/des_crypt.h
python-base: /usr/lib/python1.5/lib-dynload/
expect5.24: /usr/doc/expect5.24/examples/decryptdir

Hit any user to continue.

Re: BUG ??

1999-07-08 Thread Jason Carley
Sami Dalouche wrote:

 see and
 to have more infos (sorry, french links)

 the UTC time IS THE reference but the GMT acronym is used in 99% of the
 cases to say UTC.

 So, wouldn't it be better to use UTC in the install and in the
 /etc/default/rcS file (And maybe some others...)

A little french/english politics here Sami??? :-)

Seriously, does it matter?

Re: automagic ftp sessions?

1999-07-08 Thread Michael E. Touloumtzis
On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 11:34:45PM -0600, David Karlin wrote:
 I'm running slink and would like to automate an ftp session
 to upload a file to a remote server.
 I've been reading a Unix book which says that the  
 redirector is usful for this, but no details or example are

Something like this?

ftp -i -n hostname EOI
user myid mypasswd
put /tmp/myfile.tgz myfile.tgz
chmod 600 myfile.tgz

V.35 interface card for 64 Link needed

1999-07-08 Thread senthil kumar
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have a RAD ASM-20 Modem that we are using for 
a 64k leased line with a conventional router(with V.35 interface).

I need a v.35 interface Card(ISA/PCI) that 
can be connected to the V.35 interface of the
ASM Modem.

I like to know the specification and the pricing.

Do you help  me ???


Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at

Re: Exim SMTP

1999-07-08 Thread Martin Bialasinski

 Ali == Ali Onur Uyar [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Ali Now the question is wether Exim rejects smtp requests from
Ali localhost.

Does the error message contain the smtp error exim gave?

Does hostname --domain match the value for local_domains in the exim

To which address do you try to send mail to?


ATI card accelerators

1999-07-08 Thread Matt Cocker
I have an ATI card in my debian system and use the ATI accelerator (mach64 i
think) and to be honest you have to try really hard to see any preformance
drop in linux versus windows NT (and even then it maybe a case of if you
believe there for it is).

cheers matt

Re: Exim SMTP

1999-07-08 Thread Jor-el

Try removing the specification of the smtp server in your
Communicator preferences - leave it blank. If this works, good. For an
explanation of this phenomenon, see the reply I received just yesterday on
this list for my message with the subject Exim, Pine, and smtp-server.


On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Ali Onur Uyar wrote:

 I am using Debian Slink with Exim, configured for an Internet Site,
 to receive and send mail using SMTP.
 Everthing is configured using default configuration paraemeters.
 That is relaying mail through smtp for nonlocal domains is disabled.
 Now the question is wether Exim rejects smtp requests from localhost.
 I have installed netscape communicator and as the Outgoing Mail (SMTP)
 server I am trying to setup localhost.
 When I try to send mails a dialog appears, informing me that the smtp
 server does not accept the connection or sth. like that.
 What might be causing this behaviour? Is it because of the config
 defaults of exim?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Slink Installation problems

1999-07-08 Thread Jorge.H.Sousa

I'm want to install Slink over Hamm without doing an upgrade, But I'm facing
a major problem, the rescue disk hangs when detects the SCSI adapter. The
same disk works perfectely on my other system with no SCSI.

Here's what happens when hamm is booting (Kernel 2.0.36)
(SCSI0) ADAPTEC AHA-294X SCSI Host Adapter found at PCI 18/0
(SCSI0) Narrow Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
(SCSI0) BIOS enabled, IO Port 0xfc00, IRQ 11
(SCSI0) IO Memory at 0xffbdf000, MMAP Memory at 0x3807000
(SCSI0) Resetting Channel
(SCSI0) Downloading sequencer code... 406 instructions downloaded
And then it goes til the login prompt

When I use SLINK rescue disk (I tried several copies)  happens this:
(SCSI0) ADAPTEC AHA-294X SCSI Host Adapter found at PCI 18/0
(SCSI0) Narrow Channel, SCSI ID=7, 16/255 SCBs
(SCSI0) Downloading sequencer code... 412 instructions downloaded

then the system hangs

Is there another  way to solve this??

Thanks in advance.

Jorge Sousa
IIES - Instituto de Informática e Estatística da Solidariedade
Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade
Rua Castilho, nº 24 - 6º
1250-069 Lisboa

E-mail for dummies - 3

1999-07-08 Thread Hans van den Boogert

E-Mail: Hans van den Boogert [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 08-Jul-99
Time: 21:01:58

This message was sent by XFMail

I have XFMail setup now, so I can finally mail under Linux. Thanks for all the
help. The next step will be to setup fetchmail and exim, but that will take
more time.

-- Hans

Re: Exim SMTP

1999-07-08 Thread Gregory T. Norris
Look at the local_domains = line in /etc/exim.conf - you need to explicitly
add localhost.

On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 12:38:10PM +0300, Ali Onur Uyar wrote:
 I am using Debian Slink with Exim, configured for an Internet Site,
 to receive and send mail using SMTP.
 Everthing is configured using default configuration paraemeters.
 That is relaying mail through smtp for nonlocal domains is disabled.
 Now the question is wether Exim rejects smtp requests from localhost.
 I have installed netscape communicator and as the Outgoing Mail (SMTP)
 server I am trying to setup localhost.
 When I try to send mails a dialog appears, informing me that the smtp
 server does not accept the connection or sth. like that.
 What might be causing this behaviour? Is it because of the config
 defaults of exim?

Re: V.35 interface card for 64 Link needed

1999-07-08 Thread F. Fernandez
senthil kumar wrote:
 I have a RAD ASM-20 Modem that we are using for
 a 64k leased line with a conventional router(with V.35 interface).
 I need a v.35 interface Card(ISA/PCI) that
 can be connected to the V.35 interface of the
 ASM Modem.

I had the same problem some time ago and solved it with
a pair of RAD Tinybridge and a pair of Ethernet UTP cards.
It works, most probably, with any Ethernet bridges.

The beauty of this setup is that Linux doesn't need to have
any special drivers in the kernel, believing it's only another
ethernet segment.

Fernando Fernandez

Re: Why is Windows faster ?

1999-07-08 Thread Joseph Chung
I need to chime in on this. I, with my untrained eye, can't tell the
difference in video performance b/w my Linux box at home and my Win95 box at
work. However, when my Win95 box which has 64 MB RAM starts to swap under
load, which it inevitably does, everything slows down, including the popups,
dialogs, menu pull downs, etc. The video performance becomes irritatingly
slow. Plus, the swapping doesn't stop after I close the programs that were
causing the swapping. Yes, X is somewhat inefficient. Yes, X is somewhat
clunky. But, the underlying OS is a hell of a lot more efficient than Windows.
And to my subjective eyes, that makes X's video performance better than 
Windows' performance.

Re: V.35 interface card for 64 Link needed

1999-07-08 Thread F. Fernandez
senthil kumar wrote:
 Thanks for your info.
 DO the RAD tiny bridge have the V.35 interface??


 I'm using the 64k line for internet connection.
 The other end of the line is having a CISCO router,
 so in my end i have to configure PPP/HDLC protocols.

This changes everything. My setup only works because
I could decide what router I had on either end. If
you are forced to use PPP ou HDLC it won't work. 
Whit my setup, instead of PPP or HDLC we are using
Ethernet frames over the leased line.

We also have another line to the Internet where we
chose to use a cisco 1005 because, by then, Linux didn't
have traffic shaping. So we never setup V.35 cards.
We were seriously thing about Sangoma cards.


Fernando Fernandez

Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 for x86 Installation Problem

1999-07-08 Thread Hendy Agung S.
Hello Debian-User,

I'm a new subscriber to this list and really new to Linux so forgive me
regarding my stupid question and this long-enough e-mail.

I've tried to install Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on my P133.
But the installation couldn't be completed because I'm experiencing the
problem I described below.
These are what I have :
*   /dev/hda1 Win95 FAT32
*   /dev/hda2 Linux Native
*   /dev/hda4 Linux Swap
*   Debian archives (resc1440.bin, drv1440.bin, base2_1.tgz,
root.bin, linux, install.bat, loadlin.exe)
are stored in my C:\temp\Debian

And here are the Installation Processes I involved so far :
*   No Setup failure until the following Steps :
*   Initialize a Linux Partition
*   I selected /dev/hda2 to be initialized as Linux
Ext2 filesystem.
*   I mounted /dev/hda2 as the root filesystem (  /  )
*   Install Operating System Kernel and Modules
*   I selected the medium I will use to install the
system (that's my harddisk)
*   I selected the partition where my Debian archives
resides (/dev/hda1)
*   I choosed the path inside the harddisk filesystem
where the Debian archive resides
by typing /temp/Debian
*   I selected the directory containing a file
resc1440.bin that will be used
*   Automatic List
Setup gives me /instmnt/temp/Debian,
I verified it by hit Enter, then I got an Error
Message :
Cannot read /floppy/type.txt : invalid argument
(in this failure the only thing I can do is hit
Ctrl-Alt-Del to send SIGKILL to all process then reboot my PC)
*   Choose Manualy
Setup Message : The installation medium is mounted
and gives me /instmnt/temp/Debian
as same as Automatic List, when I hit Enter I'll got
the Error Message.
If I edit the choise with /temp/Debian,
I got the message 
File not found !
(/temp/Debian does not contain the file resc1440.bin
that is needed to install the Kernel
and the Modules)
(in this failure, I still can go back to the Install
Operating System Kernel and Modules Menu)

So, is there any clue to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance


Re: debian-user split

1999-07-08 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Jonathan Sharp wrote:

 I'd prefer to see more people use the news groups instead.  Since I'm new
 to these lists, is there a big feeling for mail groups instead of news
Newsgroups seem to get overwhelmed by off-topic posters, probably
because it's easier to subscribe to a group than sign up for and deal
with a mailing list.

I noticed those linux.debian.* newsgroups.  They seem to be rarely
frequented.  How did that whole 'linux.*' hierarchy get started anyway,
as vs. 'comp.os.linux.*'?  It seems like something like
'comp.os.linux.distributions.debian' would be more fitting; but I don't
see the need, personally, unless for the advocacy value, and that's
Out, damned spot!
Out, spot, out!
  -- Shakespeare for First Grade

Re: Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 for x86 Installation Problem

1999-07-08 Thread Robert Rati
You have a very in depth message, which is good.  Your problem is simple.
The rec1400.bin and other files are disk images.  You have to extract them
to a floppy disk using rawrite or rawrite2.  You'll just have to install
with those floppies because all disks but the rescue disk are in ext2
format, and windows can't read that to copy it to your partition.  The
disk installation doesn't take too long.


On Thu, 8 Jul 1999, Hendy Agung S. wrote:

 Hello Debian-User,
 I'm a new subscriber to this list and really new to Linux so forgive me
 regarding my stupid question and this long-enough e-mail.
 I've tried to install Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 on my P133.
 But the installation couldn't be completed because I'm experiencing the
 problem I described below.
 These are what I have :
   *   /dev/hda1 Win95 FAT32
   *   /dev/hda2 Linux Native
   *   /dev/hda4 Linux Swap
   *   Debian archives (resc1440.bin, drv1440.bin, base2_1.tgz,
 root.bin, linux, install.bat, loadlin.exe)
   are stored in my C:\temp\Debian
 And here are the Installation Processes I involved so far :
   *   No Setup failure until the following Steps :
   *   Initialize a Linux Partition
   *   I selected /dev/hda2 to be initialized as Linux
 Ext2 filesystem.
   *   I mounted /dev/hda2 as the root filesystem (  /  )
   *   Install Operating System Kernel and Modules
   *   I selected the medium I will use to install the
 system (that's my harddisk)
   *   I selected the partition where my Debian archives
 resides (/dev/hda1)
   *   I choosed the path inside the harddisk filesystem
 where the Debian archive resides
   by typing /temp/Debian
   *   I selected the directory containing a file
 resc1440.bin that will be used
   *   Automatic List
   Setup gives me /instmnt/temp/Debian,
   I verified it by hit Enter, then I got an Error
 Message :
   Cannot read /floppy/type.txt : invalid argument
   (in this failure the only thing I can do is hit
 Ctrl-Alt-Del to send SIGKILL to all process then reboot my PC)
   *   Choose Manualy
   Setup Message : The installation medium is mounted
   and gives me /instmnt/temp/Debian
   as same as Automatic List, when I hit Enter I'll got
 the Error Message.
   If I edit the choise with /temp/Debian,
   I got the message 
   File not found !
   (/temp/Debian does not contain the file resc1440.bin
 that is needed to install the Kernel
   and the Modules)
   (in this failure, I still can go back to the Install
 Operating System Kernel and Modules Menu)
 So, is there any clue to solve this problem?
 Thanks in advance
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

lp stopped working--connection refused

1999-07-08 Thread Jose L Gomez Dans
I have a debian box running as a samba printer server. I finally got
round to properly configure the last win 95 machine last night, and then...
problems stroke...

To start with, submitting jobs to the server would put a couple of
files in the spool directory (of dfA/hfA pattern), but these wouldn't be
printed. Lpd was running, so it looked as if lpd couldn't see the files in
the spool directory. Strange...

Today, I started getting ERRHRD=39. The files weren't even copied to
the server. After some tinkering about, it seems as if the samba server is
not displaying the printer as a service. So, from the server, i try to lpr
something, and to my surprise, find out that connection to 'localhost'
failed - connection refused. job 'cfA...' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

So the spooler is doing its bit, it's just when it sends the job to
the printer that I get an error. I'm clueless as of what's going on in
here... Can anyone help?

Jose L Gomez Dans   PhD student
Radar  Communications Group
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Sheffield UK

Re: Segmentation fault

1999-07-08 Thread Keith G. Murphy
Patrick Kirk wrote:
 Hi all,
 I get this message whenever I try using apt-get.  What is a segmentation
 fault and should I be concerned?  Please do let me know!
 rhino:/home/patrick# apt-get update
 Get stable/non-US Packages
 Get stable/contrib Packages
 0%  [Packages `Connecting to' 0] [Packages `Connecting to
 Get stable/main Packages
 Get stable/non-free Packages
 Fetched 618k in 33s (18.4k/s)
 Updating package file cache...done
 Updating package status cache...done
 Checking system integrity...ok
 Segmentation fault
I have gotten pretty much this exact error.  It turned out to be (I
think) bad memory.  You might want to try out memtest86 on your machine.
Out, damned spot!
Out, spot, out!
  -- Shakespeare for First Grade

Re: compiling GNATS

1999-07-08 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 11:59:55AM +0200, Christian Hammers wrote:

 GNATS-3.110 (from unstable) is not compile-able on my (unstable) Debian
 maching. It contain code similar to this:

 FILE *outfile=stdout;

 gen-index.c:38: initializer element is not constant

 On a debian 1.3 machine it works, why ?

glibc2.1 is much less toleratn of non-standard behaviour from programs,
and one of the more common non-standard things is the use of standard
streams as constant initialisers.  Previous versions of libc and glibc
allowed this.

It looks like the bug has been fixed in the latest package - there is a 
patch in bug report #38272.  From the changelog:

 gnats (3.110-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Tkgnats configuration fixed.
   * Applied patch by Kaz Sasayama to avoid file-pr segfaults; closes: #37229.
   * Applied patch by Konstantinos Margaritis to avoid stdout initialization
 problems on powerpc potato systems; closes: #38166, #38272.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: Slink Installation problems

1999-07-08 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, Jul 08, 1999 at 02:02:00PM +0100, Jorge.H.Sousa wrote:

 I'm want to install Slink over Hamm without doing an upgrade, But I'm facing
 a major problem, the rescue disk hangs when detects the SCSI adapter. The
 same disk works perfectely on my other system with no SCSI.

It's a known problem I believe.

 Is there another  way to solve this??

You don't need to boot with the rescue disk to do an upgrade - in fact,
this is the Wrong Thing.  All you need to do is to point apt or dselect
at some slink media, update the list of packages and then tell it to
install the new packages.  Everything else should work fine.  There are
some instructions on exactly what to do somewhere in the CDs (probably
also on the FTP site) but that's the basic idea.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Re: automagic ftp sessions?

1999-07-08 Thread Bill Leach
As usual, there is more than one way to do things in Unix/Linux...

Have you looked at cron?  (man cron)
crontab -l lists any current cron job schedules and 
crontab -e allows you to edit the crontab (cron table).

Basically, you would write a script to do the ftp operation,
mark the script as executable using chmod, and then make a
crontab entry to schedule execution of the script when and
as often as you desire.

On Wed, Jul 07, 1999 at 11:34:45PM -0600, David Karlin wrote:
 I'm running slink and would like to automate an ftp session
 to upload a file to a remote server.
 I've been reading a Unix book which says that the  
 redirector is usful for this, but no details or example are
 I've also experimented with the macro function within ftp,
 but have been unable to set up macros which are available
 the next time I run ftp.  Seems they last only for one 
 Anyone care to shed some light?

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