RE: Perdonar pero no me aclaro

1999-07-30 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
 On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 05:34:03PM +0200, Jesus M.
 Gonzalez-Barahona wrote:
  Miquel writes:
... Por otra parte sería juicioso que los sites de descarga indicasen
sistemáticamente que los programas descargables van destinados a un público
desarrolladores o de profesionales y no pueden ser usados por un consumidor
sin experiencia.

Por extensión, los editores de distribuciones Linux deberían o bien indicar
muy claramente que los productos que difunden no van destinados a los
consumidores, o bien aceptar la responsabilidad de cualquier defecto lo que
parecería completamente normal en la medida en que los principales editores
distribuciones Linux hacen de hecho el papel de certificadores de


Este ultimo punto, me parece excesivo por comparacion. Me explico, M$ solo
acepta responsabilidad sobre el funcionamiento del software durante los
primeros 90 dias, limitandose esta al reembolso del coste o sustitucion del
producto, a eleccion de M$, (tomado del Limited Warranties de WNT4.0),
tampoco se hace responsable de que el software sea adecuado para algun fin
concreto (algo que me parece logico por otra parte), ni de daños causados
por su uso o imposiblidad de usar.

Todos sabemos, que hay cosas de las distribuciones Linux, que no son faciles
de preparar y configurar (no es imposible, si es dificil), opino que para
aceptar la resposabilidad por cualquier defecto, una determinada
distribucion no deberia ser configurable (a piñoñ fijo), y en caso de que no
se pudiera hacer nada de nada, habria lugar para alguna clausula parecida a
la de M$.


Disco Ide ultra dma y Disco ultra scsi

1999-07-30 Thread yo
Se pueden tener un disco duro ide ultradma con windows y un disco
ultrascsi-3 en el mismo ordenador? Gracias

RE: Disco Ide ultra dma y Disco ultra scsi

1999-07-30 Thread Saxa Egea
Sip. Sin ningun problema...

Ambos se usan independientemente.


- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 30, 1999 10:09 AM
Subject: Disco Ide ultra dma y Disco ultra scsi

 Se pueden tener un disco duro ide ultradma con windows y un disco
 ultrascsi-3 en el mismo ordenador? Gracias

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Creacion de paquete

1999-07-30 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

On Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 01:18:52AM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bueno, aqu? van mis preguntas.
 Voy a empaquetar ucblogo para mi propio uso. 
 Se trata de un interprete de logo con licencia GPL. Para mas
 se?as este interprete existe en versiones para Windows, Mac y

La licencia permite estar en main y hacer modificaciones siempre que
se distribuyan las fuentes (cosa que tú si harías).
 Me parece que las fuentes son las mismas, cambiando las opciones
 de compilaci?n.

 De hacer un paquete para uso propio a pretender que se incluya
 en la distribuci?n de debian solo hay un paso y unas cuantas
 dudas que son:
 - ?Que pasa cuando alguien envie un bug?

Pues antes de mandar el paquete debes ser mantainer, lo que
significa que se mandará el bug report a tu dirección (de hecho la que
pongas en el fichero debian/control) y quedará una copia en el BTS.

   ?Lo corrijo yo en mi flamante paquete ucblogo.deb?


   ?Y que pasa con el paquete original que alguien   mantiente
 en California?

Pues los bugs que son del programa y no del paquete deberían
notificarse a su maintainer original (también se le debería preguntar antes
de enviar el paquete a Debian por cortesía) para que los pueda arreglar él
(con la solución si se la das).

   Si decido cambiarlo para, por ejemplo, poner las ayudas en
 espa?ol, o modificar la linea de edici?n de comandos ?Dejar?a
 de ser ucblogo? ?Tendr?a que cambiar el nombre? ? O habr?a un
 ucblogo original y otro parcheado?

No, la licencia GPL no lo impide. Lo que pasa es que convendría que
los cambios intentaras que se integraran en el paquete original, no
convertirte en desarrollador sino en ayudante de si me explico. El
desarrollador original estará encantado de que le ayudes a internacionalizar
el paquete y que le des las sugerencias que creas oportunas.
Los desarroladores no están para cambiar los programas, sino para
incluirlos en la distribución e integrar los cambios que vayan produciéndose
por la fuente original.
 - Yo tengo montado slink, y ser? un paquete para slink lo que
 use para mi. ?Tengo que crear un paquete para potato??Tengo que
 cambiar mi versi?n a potato para crear un paquete para potato?Y
 si cambio mi versi?n a potato ?c?mo creo un paquete para slink?

Depende en realidad de si las librerías que utilizas para ocmpilar
son unas u otras. Pero no se aceptan paquetes para versiones cerradas, sólo
para nuevas.

 - ?Y como afecta esto a las versiones para Windows y Mac?

No les afecta (excepto los cambios que mandes al desarrollador
original y que mejoren el programa cualesquiera que sea su versión).
 Quiz?s ?ste no sea el foro m?s adecuado para esta discusi?n.
 Si alguien tiene inconveniente que lo comente y la continuo en
 privado o en otra lista.
No te preocupes, sí es el foro. No hay ningún problema.


Capturadora de tv

1999-07-30 Thread j . arrien
Todas las capturadoras de tv que incorporan el chip 848 son compatibles

Re: Perdonar pero no me aclaro

1999-07-30 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona
Juan Leseduarte writes:
  En el capítulo 5 hay un apartado que dice (traduzco a vuela pluma):
  ¿Es la GPL legal en Europa?
  No, la GPL no es completamente legal porque excluye toda responsabilidad del
  autor sin precisar por otra parte que el software difundido se dirige a un 
  público advertido. Por tanto contraviene las directivas europeas sobre el
  consumo o sobre las cláusulas abusivas.
  Para hacer legal la GPL, probablemente se tendría que cambiar la cláusula de
  no responsabilidad del autor por una cláusula que indique un montante máximo
  razonable de responsabilidad como, típicamente, el precio del CD si el
  programa es distribuido en el comercio...
  (Hay una nota al pie que dice que un juez podría revisar la cláusula de

Creo que hay una nota en la GPL prevista para ese caso. Dice,
en traducci'on libre: salvo que lo requiera la legislación aplicable
o haya sido acordado por escrito (1) (2)

Esto permite dos cosas:

1. Que si la legislación aplciable en un sitio dado no permite 
esta cláusula, no se aplique (sólo esta cláusula, y sí el resto de la

2. Que pueda haber acuerdos de garantía asociados a la
licencia (esto es, se puede redistribuir código GPL con garantía). Así 
pues, alguien que quiera redistribuir código GPL en Europa, y que
esté preocupado por este tema, puede simplemente incluir una nota
adjunta con un techo económico de responsabilidad, por
ejemplo. También permite el negocio de gente que quiera ofrecer
software GPL en condiciones de soporte garantizado (modalidad
relativamente habitual en algunos sectores, y que es de esperar que se 
vaya extendiendo, especialmente usando software libre). El caso de las 
emrpesas que certifican software Y2K es exactamente ese.

Por otro lado, la mayor parte de las licencias propietarias
tienen cláusulas iguales o muy parecidas (3). Y no conozco casos de
invalidación de licencia por ello... De hecho, ¿alguien ha protestado
algna vez (o ha puesto una querella con éxito) porque se le ha caído
el Ventanitas95? Aunque claro, el que estos casos aún no hayan
ocurrido no presupone que no puedan properar en el futuro...

En cualquier caso, se está trabajando en la versión 3 de la
GPL. Así que si hay errores en la GPL tal y como está ahora, que hagan 
que su aplciación en Europa sea dudosa, agradecería cualquier ayuda yø 
comentario al respecto, para pasárselo a rms y a la gente que está
revisando la licencia...


(1) Traduccion libre al castellano de la sección 12 de la GPL:

En ningún caso, salvo que lo requiera la legislación
aplicable o haya sido acordado por escrito, ningún tenedor del
copyright ni ninguna otra parte que modifique y/o redistribuya el
Programa según se permite en esta Licencia será responsable ante usted
por daños, incluyendo cualquier daño general, especial, incidental o
resultante producido por el uso o la imposibilidad de uso del Programa
(con inclusión, pero sin limitación a la pérdida de datos o a la
generación incorrecta de datos o a pérdidas sufridas por usted o por
terceras partes o a un fallo del Programa al funcionar en combinación
con cualquier otro programa), incluso si dicho tenedor u otra parte ha
sido advertido de la posibilidad de dichos daños.

(2) Original en inglés de la sección 12 de la GPL:


(3) Extracto de la licencia de Corel~7.0, comprada en España (y a una
empresa europea, como se ve al final del extracto). Puede verse una
conción muy similar a la de la GPL: Algunos estados/países no
permiten la exclusión o limitación de responsabilidad por daños
consecuentes o incidentales, de modo que la limitación anterior puede
no aplicarse a usted. (NOTA: este extracto no es una traducción. Un
usuario de Corel me la pasó tal cual la tenía en su paquete...)

  expresada arriba, el Producto se provee tal cual, sin otras garantías,
  o condiciones, expresas o implícitas, incluidas pero no limitadas a:
  garantías de calidad comercial, comerciabilidad o aptitud para un
  propósito particular, ni las provistas por ley, estatuto, norma de
  comercio o curso de acuerdo. Todo el riesgo con respecto a resultados y
  prestaciones del Producto los 

Glib2.1 de potato en slink

1999-07-30 Thread Ricardo Villalba
¿Alguien que tenga la slink se ha instalado la glib2.1 de potato?

¿Puede dar algún problema?
¿Es necesario actualizar algún otro paquete?
Los programas compilados para glib2.0 seguirán funcionando ¿verdad?

Ricardo Villalba

RE: Pero que pasa? .... y script de shutdown en debian 2.0

1999-07-30 Thread Ricardo Villalba

 Ya que estoy, voy a comentar una curiosidad, a ver si a alguien más
le ha pasado esto con la Debian 2.0r1b y si sabe si lo han arreglado en la
Debian 2.1:

 A veces cuando arrancaba la Debian 2.0 (temporalmente tengo redhat
6.0 debido a que prefiero reproducir el site de explotación), el fsck me
decía que no se había cerrado bien la última vez y se ponía a chequear el HD
diciendo al final que un nodo (creo que siempre el mismo) tenía zero
d_time y arreglándolo (al menos no encontré jamás ningún problema en mis

¿Usabas el kernel 2.0.34? Según me comentaron era un fallo de ese kernel.

Estoy completamente seguro que sí había cerrado bien la Debian
(con shutdown -h now o con CTRL-ALT-SUPR, esperando hasta que el sistema
avisa que se puede apagar), por lo que el fallo no es de que apagase el
Linux a lo bestia.

 Estuve investigando, y parece que al final del script de shutdown de
la Debian 2.0 (uno de esos rc.n, que ahora no recuerdo) no habían puesto un
sync, de manera que no se aseguraban de que la cache del HD se hubiera
vaciado. Le puse el sync (de hecho le puse dos, porque en una Slack que tuve
una vez, ponían dos por si las moscas) y creo que no me volvió a fallar (o
no lo hizo en el tiempo que seguí usándola).

 ¿a alguien le pasó lo mismo con la Deb 2.0?

Sí, pero era cosa del kernel. No tenía nada que ver con la debian.

Ricardo Villalba

MAS: Actualizando hamm a slink

1999-07-30 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez
En la linea de mi anterior mensaje,
Cuando usé apt-get para actulizar hamm a slink, el kernel no se actualizó.
Lo que tambien he visto es que tampoco se ha actualizado mutt. Lo he actualizado
a mano con dpkg -i. Tenia la version 0.93 de hamm y he montado la 0.95 de

¿Tambien son paquetes distintos? Entonces, si cada paquete mas moderno
es distinto del anterior ¿que es actulizar? ¿montar un paquete detras
de otro tras comprobar que existe uno que se parece en nombre y es más
moderno en fecha y version?

Yo pense que actualizar es montar una version mas moderna de lo mismo. ¿no?

Saludos y gracias a todos.

Andres Seco Hernandez - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Microsoft Certified Product Specialist MCP ID 445900
Debian GNU Linux 2.0 (hamm) - Linux Registered User no. 113867
07/30   In God We Trust made U.S. motto, 1956
07/31   Harry S. Truman dedicates N.Y. Int'l Airport @ Idlewild Field, 1948,
later JFK
08/01   Lughnasa; Feast of the god Lugh, a 30 day Celtic feast centers on
this day

Description: PGP signature

RE: TrueType Super-mini-howto

1999-07-30 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Javier López [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Para: Debian Spanish
Fecha: lunes 26 de julio de 1999 9:55
Asunto: Re: TrueType Super-mini-howto


Tras aplicar las instrucciones que adjuntabas me encuentro con el
siguiente problema:

Cuando cargo el daemon no parece haber ningún problema:
 Reloading X True Type Font Server configuration...Stopping X TrueType
Font Server: xfstt.
 xfstt: sync in directory /usr/share/fonts/truetype/.
 Found 86 fonts.
 Starting X TrueType Font Server: xfstt.

Sin embargo, cuando intento cargar las fuentes me encuentro con el
siguiente mensaje:
 xset:  bad font path element (#3), possible causes are:
Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
Directory missing fonts.dir
Incorrect font server address or syntax

¿Alguien me puede echar una mano?

Prueba primero con unas pocas fuentes a ver si te va. Yo tengo estas:
arbl.ttf  ariali.ttftimes.ttf ttinfo.dirverdanai.ttf
arial.ttf comic.ttf timesbd.ttf   ttname.dirverdanaz.ttf
arialbd.ttf   comicbd.ttf   timesbi.ttf   verdana.ttf
arialbi.ttf   tahoma.ttftimesi.ttfverdanab.ttf

Prueba con alguna de ellas y si funciona ve añadiendo unas cuantas más. Puede
que alguna de las fuentes esté en algún formato que no entienda el xfstt.

Ricardo Villalba


1999-07-30 Thread Adriano Freitas
Flavio Bruno Leitner wrote:
 Ola' a todos
 Coloquei no kernel as opcoes p/ emular o scsi p/ fazer meu
 cdrw que eh um CD-Writer+ 8100 da HP mas coisas acontecem...
 - Quando tento montar ele
 skyblue:/# mount /dev/hdc /cdrom
 ide-scsi: hdc: unsupported command in request queue (0)
 end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 2
 /dev/hdc: Input/output error
 ide-scsi: hdc: unsupported command in request queue (0)
 end_request: I/O error, dev 16:00 (hdc), sector 0
 FAT bread failed
 mount: you must specify the filesystem type
 Ou seja, nao posso criar imagens ou acessar meus cd's
 skyblue:~# cdrecord -scanbus
 Cdrecord release 1.8a22 Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Jörg Schilling
   0) 'HP  ' 'CD-Writer+ 8100 ' '1.0g' Removable CD-ROM
 Porem o programa detecta, quando removo do lilo a seguinte linha
 skyblue:~# cdrecord -scanbus
 append = hdc=ide-scsi
 Posso utilizar o cdrom como cdrom normal, mas o programa nao detecta mais..
 Alguem tem alguma ideia do que esta havendo ou um tutorial, howto, ou coisa

hehe, essa até eu sei responder :) Brincadeirinha.. eu também não tinha
entendido isso muito bem na primeira vez que eu compilei o kernel com
emulação scsi. O que acontece agora é que o seu kernel vai tentar
responder como se o seu CD fosse um dispositivo scsi, ou seja, agora
você vai passar a tratá-lo como /dev/scd0 etc. Então, na hora de montar
você digita mount /dev/scd0 /cdrom 

Como eu acho que você pode ter dificuldades na hora de usar o cdrecord,
para gravar cd voce vai usar alguma coisa com esta cara: cdrecord
dev=0,0 blábláblá..

Uma coisa... Você removeu o suporte a CD ide no kernel??? Você não pode
abilitar os dois ao mesmo tempo se pretende gravar CD com um gravador
IDE, ou seja, onde você viu para colocar esse append no lilo??? Acho que
não precisa nada disso não...

Na inicialização aparece assim aqui:
scsi0 : SCSI host adapter emulation for IDE ATAPI devices
scsi : 1 host.
Vendor: SONY  Model: CD-R   CDU928ERev: 1.1n
Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr0 at scsi0, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
Vendor: MATSHITA  Model: CD-ROM CR-585 Rev: ZM50
Type:   CD-ROM ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Detected scsi CD-ROM sr1 at scsi0, channel 0, id 1, lun 0
scsi : detected 2 SCSI cdroms total.
sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 8x/8x writer xa/form2 cdda caddy
Uniform CDROM driver Revision: 2.55
sr1: scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray

Qualquer coisa é só perguntar.


debian vs redhat

1999-07-30 Thread Steve Stancliff
Hi all,

I use Debian at home.  At work we are gradually switching from Windows to Linux,
and a redhat
system (6 machines) has been running for about 3 months.  In a couple of weeks I
will be taking over
as sysadmin of that system, and due to the way the installation have been
over-customized, I am going
to reinstall them.  I am going to try and convince my boss that as long as we
are reinstalling, we
should switch to Debian.  I have my list of reasons for preferring Debian, but
maybe there are some
things I haven't thought of which you can mention.  I am particularly interested
in hearing from those
who have administered both dists.


Gnomeicu problems

1999-07-30 Thread Oleg Krivosheev

Hi, All

just installed gnomeicu and while trying to
run it i got

reboot ~ $ gnomeicu 
type = 0 exid = (null)

** CRITICAL **: file applet-widget.c: line 655
(gnome_panel_applet_corba_init):  assertion
`panel_client != ((void *)0)' failed.

** CRITICAL **: file applet-widget.c: line 699 (applet_widget_new):
assertion `c orbadat!=NULL' failed.

** ERROR **: Can't create applet!


Any ideas/advices? It's intel system with Debian potato

thanks a lot in advance


Re: debian vs redhat

1999-07-30 Thread Gareth
On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Steve Stancliff wrote:
 as sysadmin of that system, and due to the way the installation have been
 over-customized, I am going
 to reinstall them. 
 am going to try and convince my boss that as long as we
 are reinstalling, we
 should switch to Debian.  I have my list of reasons for preferring Debian, but
 maybe there are some

I have been/going through a similar thing.
It would give you a much better understanding of the system if you have to
rebuild it yourself and chances are allow you to be able to fix any
system specific problems faster than if you had to learn exactly what was
going on on a system someone else installed.

 things I haven't thought of which you can mention.  I am particularly 
 in hearing from those
 who have administered both dists.

The main thing is ease of system upgrades and changes through dselect and
apt-get. I allways found The Redhat package manager to be one big pain in
the neck and usually chose to compile from the sources myself but in
general I dont do that on my Debian systems which saves time (real and

Also RedHat has a habit of hiding what its doing when configuring things
which make customization excessivley time consuming whereas I have
found Debian to be much easier to customize/configure.

just my 2 cents worth


Re: setting variables under an X11 session

1999-07-30 Thread Brett Carlane
Micha Feigin on Thu 29 Jul:
 How can i set an environment variable under an x11 session

If you set environment variables in your .xsession file they should be
inherited by the session and thence by any program it executes.

If you want environment variables to persist only for a specific
program, use a short script to set up the environment and then
exec the real program.  This can be made fairly transparent by putting
the script somewhere in your path before the real program, and giving it
the same filename.

Disclaimer: I am a Linux newbie, so this may be wrong and is
bound to be incomplete.

The Path mini-HOWTO (in /usr/doc/HOWTO if you have installed
doc-linux-text or doc-linux-html) gives, IMO, a helpful explanation of
environment variables in general, although it is focused on $PATH.

Hope this helps.



I already arch to run whenever corrupted? 

dselect woes

1999-07-30 Thread Dean

  Hi all,
Having just downloaded a user profile, dselect seems to hang just
 when it
 should be ready to install. Going through the options the install shows
 quick message I think is: cksum 5md. It flashes so fast and goes right
 back to
 the choice menu's so I'm not sure. TM for dselect begginers doesn't
 this error message, so after trying all the dselect options 3 times, I
 to you for direction. Thanks to all. PS I think the installation is
 really getting
 smoother. Dean
 PPS: Don't know if this is anything but ppp.log had this message:
 determine ethernet address for proxy ARP

Re: debian vs redhat

1999-07-30 Thread Bob Nielsen
1) Ease of upgrade was a big decider for me (I switched over 2-1/2 years
ago--I can't speak for recent Red Hat releases).  With Debian you can
upgrade a running system.  Red Hat required booting with the equivalent
of a rescue disk in order to upgrade.

2) In spite of all the complaints it gets, I find dselect to be quite
useful, particularly with the apt method.

3) Much better handling of dependencies, even before the existence
of apt.

4) More conservative in introducing recent (and possibly buggy) 
software, such as libc6.  I'm very wary of any Red Hat version *.0
release.  In spite of this, Debian has many more packages.



On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 07:21:30PM -0400, Steve Stancliff wrote:
 Hi all,
 I use Debian at home.  At work we are gradually switching from Windows to 
 and a redhat
 system (6 machines) has been running for about 3 months.  In a couple of 
 weeks I
 will be taking over
 as sysadmin of that system, and due to the way the installation have been
 over-customized, I am going
 to reinstall them.  I am going to try and convince my boss that as long as we
 are reinstalling, we
 should switch to Debian.  I have my list of reasons for preferring Debian, but
 maybe there are some
 things I haven't thought of which you can mention.  I am particularly 
 in hearing from those
 who have administered both dists.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Bob Nielsen Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Removing alsalib

1999-07-30 Thread Levi

On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, Min Xu wrote:
 You maybe able to remove it by reinstalling it first and then try.

I tried that, but when it tries to remove the old version to replace it
with the new version it runs into the same error and gives up.


Re: Logitech mouse M-S48

1999-07-30 Thread egm2
On 29 Jul, virtanen wrote:

  |  Which kind of device driver module should I install to get that beast
  |  working? Or what should I do? 
  |  It makes no effect at all with any of the possible protocols available
  |  with XF86Setup.

Perhaps you're not using the correct device (not driver). Try
/dev/psaux if it's a PS/2 style mouse.  Sometimes the symlink
/dev/mouse isn't pointing to what you need (you can change that of

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

Re: Problems encrypting with GnuPG and decrypting with PGP

1999-07-30 Thread Brian May
On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 09:02:28PM +0200, J Horacio MG wrote:
  Why does the following not work? If I don't get any reply from
  debian-user, I will post to debian-devel, as I am reasonably certain I
  got these packages from potato.
 I reported a bug a while ago about gpg-rsa2 and gpg-idea2, and the
 answer was:
 You need libc6 2.1.x - or you can grab the sources and recompile using
 libc6 2.0.

Thats what I did. However, the same problem also occurs on non-Debian
archictures that don't have glibc. signing works fine - it is just
encryption that I have problems with.

 So, instead I removed those two packages and installed gpg-rsa1 and
 gpg-idea1 instead.

So it would seem that version 2 of the above packages are broken unless
libc6 2.1.x is used (I am assuming it works - I haven't tested it).

Where can I get version 1 from?


Description: PGP signature

Inport Mouse

1999-07-30 Thread Terry Page
I have been trying for weeks now to get my Microsoft Inport Mouse to work
without success.
I have been back through the last four months archives hoping to find an
answer and have read all the documentation on Mice I can find.

Is there someone using a Microsoft Inport Mouse who can tell me their setup

I have changed the jumper setting on the card to 5 and checked
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/busmouse.h to make sure the define MOUSE_IRQ
also was 5 and compiled and installed the kernel.

I have tried the following, all described in the HOWTO
gpm -t bm.
mknod /dev/inportbm 10 2
insmod msbusmouse.o mouse_irq=5

I just can't seem to get this inport mouse working. I know the hardware is
ok as I re-installed Windows to check and the Linux again (just to test

My alternate to getting the inport mouse going is to purchase another mouse
and serial card. I would prefer not to have to do this if possible.

Thank you in anticipation.



Re: Problems encrypting with GnuPG and decrypting with PGP

1999-07-30 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Brian May wrote:

  You need libc6 2.1.x - or you can grab the sources and recompile using
  libc6 2.0.
 Thats what I did. However, the same problem also occurs on non-Debian
 archictures that don't have glibc. signing works fine - it is just
 encryption that I have problems with.

I have encryption working fine with gpg and pgp 2.x - the options you need
to use are:

--set-filename --rfc1991 --load-extension idea --cipher-algo idea --armor

And you MUST NOT pipe the input to gpg - it must be given a filename on
the command line.


Re: Gnomeicu problems

1999-07-30 Thread Matthew Gregan
On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 06:37:10PM -0500, Oleg Krivosheev wrote:

 just installed gnomeicu and while trying to
 run it i got
 reboot ~ $ gnomeicu 
 type = 0 exid = (null)
 ** CRITICAL **: file applet-widget.c: line 655
 (gnome_panel_applet_corba_init):  assertion
 `panel_client != ((void *)0)' failed.
 ** CRITICAL **: file applet-widget.c: line 699 (applet_widget_new):
 assertion `c orbadat!=NULL' failed.
 ** ERROR **: Can't create applet!

Are you running the Gnome panel? If you aren't, that's probably the
problem. GnomeICU is trying to create the applet in the panel,
failing, and dying. Try starting it with the '-a' argument to stop the
applet creation, e.g.

gnomeicu -a

That will work whether the panel is running or not.

Matthew Gregan  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MD5Sum mismatch in potato

1999-07-30 Thread A. M. Varon

When running apt-get upgrade, I get this error:

E: MD5Sum mismatch for package menu

Running Debian potato.


= = Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
= =  == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
= == =
=  = =  E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =  WebPage :

Re: MD5Sum mismatch in potato

1999-07-30 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, A. M. Varon wrote:

 When running apt-get upgrade, I get this error:
 E: MD5Sum mismatch for package menu
 Running Debian potato.

Assuming you have 0.3.11, just run it again and/or switch mirrors. It
should automatically erase the downloaded file when it shows that error -
it usually means a botched resume, incomplete mirror, or something like


using AUI port of 3c529 (MCA) network card

1999-07-30 Thread Matthew Munsey
I've been unsuccessful in getting my 3Com 3c529 MCA Ethernet card to
communicate with the network using the AUI port, although the 10baseT
(twisted pair) connection with the card works fine.  The 3c529 is the MCA
(IBM's proprietary microchannel architecture for the PS/2 and other
machines) version of the 3c509 (same chipset), so I use the 3c509.o module
that came with my Debian installation (Linux 2.0.36).  The 3c509.c file in
the 2.0.36 source tree actually has MCA detection code for the 3c529,
although I'm not sure that it's complete.

To debug the problem, I've tried compiling the module myself from the
2.0.36 source tree, sometimes with certain modifications and also without
any changes.  However, I have the problem that the newly compiled 3c509.o
will not work at all with my network card, even though the one that came
with Debian (supposedly 2.0.36) does work.  Is it possible that the 3c509.c
source that was used in this version of Debian is different than the one in
the 2.0.36 source tree I've been using to compile my own?  Does anyone know
what version of 3c509.c is in this Debian distribution?

When I insmod the correct 3c509.o module without any arguments (insmod
3c509), I get the following (note that the card identification on the first
line comes directly from the MCA card and thus has nothing to with the
module's detection mechanism):
# insmod 3c509
3c509: found 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (10baseT) at slot 3
eth0: 3c509 at 0x200 tag 0, 10baseT port, address  00 20 af 99 a8 1e, IRQ 5.
3c509.c:1.16 2/3/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

After this, I manually run /etc/init.d/network, and the card then works
fine off the 10baseT port.

[Note: The version of 3c509.c in the 2.0.36 source tree is also identified
as v1.16 2/3/98, so it seems like it should be the same.]

However, when I run the version that I compiled myself from the 2.0.36
source tree, I get the following:
# insmod 3c509
/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/3c509.o: init_module: Device or resource busy

If I subsequently replace the 3c509.o file with the correct module (the one
that came with the Debian distribution), it then works as shown above.

However, I want to enable the AUI port on the network card, so I use the
xcvr option to set the transceiver port to 1 (AUI), but I get the same
response from the module (which still claims that I am using the 10baseT
port, as seen in the second line of output, where it should instead say AUI
# insmod 3c509 xcvr=1
3c509: found 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (10baseT) at slot 3
eth0: 3c509 at 0x200 tag 0, 10baseT port, address  00 20 af 99 a8 1e, IRQ 5.
3c509.c:1.16 2/3/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I then run the /etc/init.d/network script as before, but I get no ping
response from any hosts (including IPs on my local subnet).  If I then
unplug the AUI connector and plug in the 10baseT cable, thinking that the
program decided to use the 10baseT port as it claimed (ignoring my xcvr=1
option), it still fails to work, and I am unable to use the network card
until I reboot (because rmmod does not properly allow me to insmod again
without the xcvr=1 option).

Please cc: any responses to me, as the debian-user web archive only seems
to store mail from the first few days of each month.

Thanks for any advice or information on this setup and my difficulties.


RE: debian vs redhat

1999-07-30 Thread Bryan Scaringe
My reason for moving from RedHat (5.2) to Debian was configurability.
I have a cable modem, and connect to the internet via a DHCP client.
Redhat uses dhcpcd for this, as does most of the rest of the linux world.
Hoverver, after going to 2.2.x kernels, dhcpcd 0.70 croaks.  I couldn't get
dhcpcd to work, but an alternative was dhclient.  Unfortunately, Redhat's
network scrips were made to work with dhcpcd, and had no support for 
dhclient.  I had to modify many of the scripts by hand to find an adeqiate
solution.  In the process, I found the RedHat init scripts to be a convoluted
mess.  Why were they written this way?  Linuxconf.  If you do things the
Linuxconf way you loose a great deal of flexability, not to mention half
the documentation out there assumes you edit config files and init scripts by
hand.  If you do anything by hand, you risk breaking Linuxconf support for
that script, and all scripts related to it.  This left my system with dozens
of convoluted scripts not supported by Linuxconf.

I never did get the dhcpcd client (the new one, with 2.2.x support) under
either RedHat or Debian.  But dhclient is a much cleaner program.

I hear the next version of Debian will include Linuxcong support as part of the
standard system.  I hope this doesn't ruin Debian the way it, in my opinion,
ruined RedHat.


On 29-Jul-99 Steve Stancliff wrote:
 Hi all,
 I use Debian at home.  At work we are gradually switching from Windows to
 and a redhat
 system (6 machines) has been running for about 3 months.  In a couple of
 weeks I
 will be taking over
 as sysadmin of that system, and due to the way the installation have been
 over-customized, I am going
 to reinstall them.  I am going to try and convince my boss that as long as we
 are reinstalling, we
 should switch to Debian.  I have my list of reasons for preferring Debian,
 maybe there are some
 things I haven't thought of which you can mention.  I am particularly
 in hearing from those
 who have administered both dists.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Problems encrypting with GnuPG and decrypting with PGP

1999-07-30 Thread Brian May
On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 08:29:30PM -0600, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
   You need libc6 2.1.x - or you can grab the sources and recompile using
   libc6 2.0.
  Thats what I did. However, the same problem also occurs on non-Debian
  archictures that don't have glibc. signing works fine - it is just
  encryption that I have problems with.
 I have encryption working fine with gpg and pgp 2.x - the options you need
 to use are:
 --set-filename --rfc1991 --load-extension idea --cipher-algo idea --armor

I think I already have these options (not sure about --set-filename).
However, I have just realized that my problem only occurs when signing
and encrypting in the one operation. ie --encrypt works, but -se 
(suggested method to sign and encrypt on --help page) doesn't.

Can you sign and encrypt and read the result with pgp?

 And you MUST NOT pipe the input to gpg - it must be given a filename on
 the command line.

This seems a bit weird, but I will take your word for it.

Description: PGP signature

Anyone Use the New Riders Book/CD?

1999-07-30 Thread reallocate
Just curious if anyone has succesfully installed Debian using the CD
that comes with the recent New Riders Debian/GNU Linux book? Booting
from the CD, my install fails at the Install Operating System Kernel
and Modules point.  The install program seems to want to load a laptop
kernel, which apparently is not on the CD.

Also noticed that the standard Debian install package comes on 2 CD's,
while the New Riders book has only a single CD.  Is anything missing?



1999-07-30 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
Account for Debian group mail writes:
  Anyone using the Potato release on a machine that needs to be up.  How
  stable is it at this point?
  Ken Rea

There are a few *big* changes happening in potato right now.  Changes
to key parts of just about every Linux system.  I'd hold off at least
until the switch to versioned Perl packages is complete, but if you
really need the machine available, I'd wait until the freeze comes.  

Take a look at recent messages on -devel regarding Perl problems and
the possibility of a freeze on the horizon.


Streaming Media

1999-07-30 Thread Ben Crocker

Hi, I'm just enquiring about whether there is any streaming 
video and audio software for Debian, or Linux in general.

Email me back at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you.

Re: Logitech mouse M-S48

1999-07-30 Thread virtanen

It started working. 

Thank you.

(I just had to install the whole system again because it crashed for some
reason, which I still don't understand. Suddently the power goes off
sometimes while booting. It breaks the whole system, if it decides to do

I installed psaux driver and while installing 'standard workstation' run
the gpm mouse probe program. Everything went smoothly.

(But still I do have another problem with Xserver. But that is for another


On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Carl Mummert wrote:
 If it has a little round DIN connector, try '/dev/psaux' as the device.
 You will need to 'modprobe psaux' before you do try the mouse.
 I recommend installing gpm, which has a nifty mouse-test program that can
 usually figure out automatically the type/port/etc of your mouse - but you
 may have to run the program a few times, as it proresses too quickly for
 most people to follow the first time.   Once you know what to expect, you can
 follow it.
 Install the psaux driver (modprobe it) before you try to he mouse-test prgram
 (which i think is calld gpm-mouse-test).

Re: 'Inverse' chmod?

1999-07-30 Thread Jiri Baum

Bob Bernstein wrote:
 Is there a command that will do (so to speak) the inverse of chmod, i.e.
 if given the name of a file return its current permissions in octal?

kpsestat = FILE

You can also get `hypothetical' permissions by replacing the `=' with a
mode modification a la chmod, for example,
kpsestat o+r FILE
gives you the permissions the file would have if its owner ran chmod o+r,
but doesn't actually change them.

However, it's in the tetex-bin package. Can't imagine why.

We'll know the future has arrived when every mailer transparently
quotes lines that begin with From , but no-one remembers why.

Matrox Productiva G100 and Xserver?

1999-07-30 Thread virtanen

Somebody might know how to configure xserver for this:

Matrox Productiva G100
Accelerator MGA G100
Memory 8M
Board mapping 0800
Ramdac speed 230 MHz
VGA Bios 1.1

The monitor it a Hyundai 17 (in that mO$ it is 1024x768)

I managed to get Xserver working in a way, but most of the 
information on the screen is outside of the screen. Cannot even
'vidtune' it , because the starting point is outside the screen... 

In fvwm2 I cannot do anything because the whole screen is filled
with a big panel buttons. 

Is there available right kind of Xserver for 'slink'? Or can 
I use something else? 

I tried to select all of the Matrox cards while running XF86Setup 
without any success. It is just selecting SVGA server and the 
result is as explained above.


Re: PPP woes (again)

1999-07-30 Thread Paul
John Hasler wrote:
 Paul writes:
  The pon command works much better but seems to disconnect if left alone
  too long, though it`s fine as long as information is being transferred
 Either your ISP is dropping your connection when it is idle too long, or
 you have somehow given ppp an 'idle xxx' option.  The first is the most
 Post your /etc/ppp/options file.
 John Hasler
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Hasler)
 Dancing Horse Hill
 Elmwood, WI

Here it is. I still find it curious however that I if this is an ISP
problem and I need to ping every so often that a week or so ago I had
Wvdial working fine without doing so.# /etc/ppp/options
# $Id: options,v 1.4 1996/05/01 18:57:04 alvar Exp $
# Originally created by Jim Knoble [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Modified for Debian by alvar Bray [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Modified for PPP Server setup by Christoph Lameter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Use the command  egrep -v '#|^ *$' /etc/ppp/options to quickly see what 
# options are active in this file.

# Specify which DNS Servers the incoming Win95 or WinNT Connection should use
# Two Servers can be remotely configured
# ms-dns
# ms-dns

# Specify which WINS Servers the incoming connection Win95 or WinNT should use
# ms-wins
# ms-wins

# Run the executable or shell command specified after pppd has
# terminated the link.  This script could, for example, issue commands
# to the modem to cause it to hang up if hardware modem control signals
# were not available.
#disconnect chat -- \d+++\d\c OK ath0 OK

# async character map -- 32-bit hex; each bit is a character
# that needs to be escaped for pppd to receive it.  0x0001
# represents '\x01', and 0x8000 represents '\x1f'.
asyncmap 0

# Require the peer to authenticate itself before allowing network
# packets to be sent or received.
# Please do not disable this setting. It is expected to be standard in
# future releases of pppd. Use the call option (see manpage) to disable
# authentication for specific peers.

# Use hardware flow control (i.e. RTS/CTS) to control the flow of data
# on the serial port.

# Use software flow control (i.e. XON/XOFF) to control the flow of data
# on the serial port.

# Specifies that certain characters should be escaped on transmission
# (regardless of whether the peer requests them to be escaped with its
# async control character map).  The characters to be escaped are
# specified as a list of hex numbers separated by commas.  Note that
# almost any character can be specified for the escape option, unlike
# the asyncmap option which only allows control characters to be
# specified.  The characters which may not be escaped are those with hex
# values 0x20 - 0x3f or 0x5e.
#escape 11,13,ff

# Don't use the modem control lines.

# Specifies that pppd should use a UUCP-style lock on the serial device
# to ensure exclusive access to the device.

# Use the modem control lines.  On Ultrix, this option implies hardware
# flow control, as for the crtscts option.  (This option is not fully
# implemented.)

# Set the MRU [Maximum Receive Unit] value to n for negotiation.  pppd
# will ask the peer to send packets of no more than n bytes. The
# minimum MRU value is 128.  The default MRU value is 1500.  A value of
# 296 is recommended for slow links (40 bytes for TCP/IP header + 256
# bytes of data).
mru 552

# Set the interface netmask to n, a 32 bit netmask in decimal dot
# notation (e.g.

# Disables the default behaviour when no local IP address is specified,
# which is to determine (if possible) the local IP address from the
# hostname. With this option, the peer will have to supply the local IP
# address during IPCP negotiation (unless it specified explicitly on the
# command line or in an options file).

# Enables the passive option in the LCP.  With this option, pppd will
# attempt to initiate a connection; if no reply is received from the
# peer, pppd will then just wait passively for a valid LCP packet from
# the peer (instead of exiting, as it does without this option).

# With this option, pppd will not transmit LCP packets to initiate a
# connection until a valid LCP packet is received from the peer (as for
# the passive option with old versions of pppd).

# Don't request or allow negotiation of any options for LCP and IPCP
# (use default values).

# Disable Address/Control compression negotiation (use default, i.e.
# address/control field disabled).

# Disable asyncmap negotiation (use the default asyncmap, i.e. escape
# all control characters).

# Don't fork to become a background process (otherwise pppd will do so
# if a serial device is specified).

# Disable IP address negotiation (with this option, the remote IP
# address must be specified with an option on the command line or in an
# options file).

# Disable magic number negotiation. 

Re: Matrox Productiva G100 and Xserver?

1999-07-30 Thread andreas pålsson

In v3.3.3.1 of XFree86 there is support for the Productiva G100 AGP and
it works well.

You should use the SVGA-server for this card.
Just select the card (341 if I remember right) and the only thing you
should enter, besides manufacturer and model, is the amount of memory
which in your case is 8192.
According to the docs you should not choose any ramdac and not run

The tricky part is to set the correct values for the monitor.
Check the technical information-pages in your manual to determine
horizontal and vertical frequencies. Be careful here, wrong values will
not bring much joy.

And finally is to set the resolution.
AFAIK xfree will scan the configuration file for the resolution to use,
the first one encountered is the one used.
In my configuration it said 320x256 640x480 800x600 1024x728
1152x864 1280x1024, and to get the highest one I simply switched the

I don't know if this is the correct way do it, but it worked for me and
if there are better ways then someone will surely tell us.


virtanen wrote:
 Somebody might know how to configure xserver for this:
 Matrox Productiva G100
 Accelerator MGA G100
 Memory 8M
 Board mapping 0800
 Ramdac speed 230 MHz
 VGA Bios 1.1
 The monitor it a Hyundai 17 (in that mO$ it is 1024x768)
 I managed to get Xserver working in a way, but most of the
 information on the screen is outside of the screen. Cannot even
 'vidtune' it , because the starting point is outside the screen...
 In fvwm2 I cannot do anything because the whole screen is filled
 with a big panel buttons.
 Is there available right kind of Xserver for 'slink'? Or can
 I use something else?
 I tried to select all of the Matrox cards while running XF86Setup
 without any success. It is just selecting SVGA server and the
 result is as explained above.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: using AUI port of 3c529 (MCA) network card

1999-07-30 Thread andreas pålsson

I had a similar problem, but solved it in another quick  dirty way.
Instead if meddling with the module-parameters I simply took the 3Com
Utility-disk, which was delivered with the card, booted it and used
their setup-program to switch to the Coax-port and not go by autodetect.

It might be an unusual solution, but it works fine.

The utility/diagnostics-disk can be downloaded from 3Coms site also.


Matthew Munsey wrote:
 I've been unsuccessful in getting my 3Com 3c529 MCA Ethernet card to
 communicate with the network using the AUI port, although the 10baseT
 (twisted pair) connection with the card works fine.  The 3c529 is the MCA
 (IBM's proprietary microchannel architecture for the PS/2 and other
 machines) version of the 3c509 (same chipset), so I use the 3c509.o module
 that came with my Debian installation (Linux 2.0.36).  The 3c509.c file in
 the 2.0.36 source tree actually has MCA detection code for the 3c529,
 although I'm not sure that it's complete.
 To debug the problem, I've tried compiling the module myself from the
 2.0.36 source tree, sometimes with certain modifications and also without
 any changes.  However, I have the problem that the newly compiled 3c509.o
 will not work at all with my network card, even though the one that came
 with Debian (supposedly 2.0.36) does work.  Is it possible that the 3c509.c
 source that was used in this version of Debian is different than the one in
 the 2.0.36 source tree I've been using to compile my own?  Does anyone know
 what version of 3c509.c is in this Debian distribution?
 When I insmod the correct 3c509.o module without any arguments (insmod
 3c509), I get the following (note that the card identification on the first
 line comes directly from the MCA card and thus has nothing to with the
 module's detection mechanism):
 # insmod 3c509
 3c509: found 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (10baseT) at slot 3
 eth0: 3c509 at 0x200 tag 0, 10baseT port, address  00 20 af 99 a8 1e, IRQ 5.
 3c509.c:1.16 2/3/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 After this, I manually run /etc/init.d/network, and the card then works
 fine off the 10baseT port.
 [Note: The version of 3c509.c in the 2.0.36 source tree is also identified
 as v1.16 2/3/98, so it seems like it should be the same.]
 However, when I run the version that I compiled myself from the 2.0.36
 source tree, I get the following:
 # insmod 3c509
 /lib/modules/2.0.36/net/3c509.o: init_module: Device or resource busy
 If I subsequently replace the 3c509.o file with the correct module (the one
 that came with the Debian distribution), it then works as shown above.
 However, I want to enable the AUI port on the network card, so I use the
 xcvr option to set the transceiver port to 1 (AUI), but I get the same
 response from the module (which still claims that I am using the 10baseT
 port, as seen in the second line of output, where it should instead say AUI
 # insmod 3c509 xcvr=1
 3c509: found 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (10baseT) at slot 3
 eth0: 3c509 at 0x200 tag 0, 10baseT port, address  00 20 af 99 a8 1e, IRQ 5.
 3c509.c:1.16 2/3/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I then run the /etc/init.d/network script as before, but I get no ping
 response from any hosts (including IPs on my local subnet).  If I then
 unplug the AUI connector and plug in the 10baseT cable, thinking that the
 program decided to use the 10baseT port as it claimed (ignoring my xcvr=1
 option), it still fails to work, and I am unable to use the network card
 until I reboot (because rmmod does not properly allow me to insmod again
 without the xcvr=1 option).
 Please cc: any responses to me, as the debian-user web archive only seems
 to store mail from the first few days of each month.
 Thanks for any advice or information on this setup and my difficulties.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Installing X

1999-07-30 Thread Anders . ohrt

I'm going to use slink, but I need X 3.3.3 (I have a Matrox G200), so I'm
getting the svga server right now... What more do I need? Can there
be problems with mixing different versions?

Re: sblive,'n debian, one more time...

1999-07-30 Thread Marcus Johansson

 reboot or anything.  then I switched to debain and tried to run the
 install script again to re-install the sound drivers (after compiling
 the proper kernel of course).  the script thought everything went
 allright, but xmms (and mtv and anything else that wanted to use sound)
 thought otherwise. 

Uh, I was under the impression that the install script is only useful under 
RedHat, I think you have to do it manually. RedHat and Debian has some 
differences, not only the rpm/deb package systems.

I've not tested the sb-live driver yet, havent bought a card yet, so this is 
just what i've read in the driver archive.


Re: Anyone Use the New Riders Book/CD?

1999-07-30 Thread Walter Logeman

 Also noticed that the standard Debian install package comes on 2 CD's,
 while the New Riders book has only a single CD.  Is anything missing?

I'd say so, unless it is an older version, 2.1 has 2 discs.


Walter Logeman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

Re: Toshiba Satellite 2520CDS

1999-07-30 Thread Anthony Campbell
I've put some information about using Linux on a Toshiba 4000CDT
on my website:


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:

The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on...   - Edward Fitzgerald (Rubaiat of Omar Khayyam)

On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Stanley J. Benes wrote:

 The toshiba laptops require special (kernel?) install called the tecra. I 
 it's on the 2.1 slink CD, but I don't have my machine by me right now to 
 Try looking for and using this.

If you have slink on CD, the second disk boots with the Tecra disk image.
Otherwise, you're looking for a file resc1440-tecra.bin which you can
rawrite or dd to a floppy.

Using the Tecra disk worked when I was installing hamm on my 480CDT while
using the regular one didn't, so I think this should fix your boot

(For the curious, Tecra is a line of laptops from Toshiba.  Apparently the
problem that prevents Tecra laptops from booting also prevents other
recent Toshiba laptops from booting, too.) 

Good luck!

William Ono [EMAIL PROTECTED] PGP key: 0x93BA6AFD
 fingerprint = E3 64 C5 43 3E B3 2D A6  C6 D7 E3 45 90 24 78 DE = fingerprint
PGP-encrypted mail welcome!   640k ought to be enough for everybody.

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

---End Message---

[no subject]

1999-07-30 Thread Martin Waller

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: sblive,'n debian, one more time...

1999-07-30 Thread Bernhard Rieder
Marcus Johansson wrote:

 I've not tested the sb-live driver yet, havent bought a card yet, so this is
 just what i've read in the driver archive.

Some companies will never learn ..
I do not like companies that don't suplly information to developers!
The only think the users can do is NOT TO BY UNDOCUMENTED HARDWARE!
NDAs are only used to hide details about sucking low-end hardware!
(See  ALSA Project - Blacklist)

I have a SB AWE 64 (shame on me) and IMHO the quality of SB
soundcards isn't really good. So I switched back to my old
Turtle Beach Tropez that does it's job much better!


  __ ___
 // )___---.
\ |,( /`--  `. Bernhard Rieder
 \/ o\
 (   _.-.  ,';   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |\   /`. \  ,  /   |
  | \  ' .'`.; |  |   \.___
_-'.'| |--..,,,\_\-~
   '''   _-'.'   ___-   )


1999-07-30 Thread Gerhard Kroder
excuse me,

i don't get mail from list, so testing

dhcpcd (0.70) under Debian - some problems...

1999-07-30 Thread Martin Waller


I have Debian 2.1 (dual boot with another OS...) sitting on a network here 
at work.  Under win95, dhcpcd always gives me the same IP address, but when 
I boot under Debian, it always gives me a different IP  which is annoying as 
it makes it hard to find by others and myself on the network.  Can I get 
dhcpcd to give me a) the same address each time or preferably b) the same 
address I get when I boot into win95?

Also, when installing the dhcpcd .deb, it would exit with a config error:
Error: Post installation script exited with -1

but no more info, and wouldn't work.

To get it to work I went into /var/lib/dpkg/info/ and ran the 
dhcpcd.postinst script I found there directly and it worked fine...

But dselect marks it as a failed config and everytime tries to re-install  
it, thus re-breaking it (I've put it on 'hold' now).  Anyway I can found out 
what the trouble is as the error message is pretty un-informative.

Finally, I want to upgrade to a 2.2.x kernel as there a dual processor 
machine here I want to use - I believe there are some issues with dhcpcd 
0.70 and 2.2.x kernels?  Are there any easy workarounds so I can use dhcpc 
and 2.2.x kernels on our internal network?



Get Your Private, Free Email at

hard disk size

1999-07-30 Thread Brian J. McHugh

I have a IBM PS/2 77-OUA 486SX with a 212 MB HD (I accept condolences).
It appears that cfdisk only detects 200 MB of the 212 MB.
Is this normal?

errors when printing with samba

1999-07-30 Thread hubert . fauque

I have already sent this message to the list but I don't know
if it has arrived because of problems with my subscription
address, so I resend it:

I have a debian machine with an epson 900 printer;
I use samba to print from another machine with windows98;

here is the problem: when printing a large job (e.g. an A4 photo
at 1440dpi) I get an error somewhere in the middle: a file
begins to arrive in /tmp and  at a random time the transfers stops:
on windows I have a message indicating an error in printing
(printer not reachable); there is nothing in the samba logfile.
It doesn't happen always at the same place; sometimes when the
file is not too big it succeeds;

If I setup the windows driver to print to a file instead of the
remote printer, and I transfer the file with smbclient and then
lpr it, all goes well.

the printer part of my samba.conf is:
comment = All Printers
path = /tmp
create mask = 0700
print ok = Yes
browseable = No

I use potato with samba2.04;

thanks for any help on the cause of this problem;


A doubt...

1999-07-30 Thread Mahendra D. Khandkar SBO

 Respected Sir,

I have installed Debian Linux 2.0 on a Pentium 90 Mhz machine.
  I am trying to configure so many things as I can . The major problem
 I am facing is about the network.  After configuring the network,
  machine can connect to other machines on the network but it is not allowing
 other machines to connect to itself. The error on  other machines is 
  Connection refused .  I tried a lot by playing with the files
 /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. It is not working. Will you please 
 sort out the problem for me ? 

  By the way , one more thing. Can I configure various utilities (e.g. network)
 after system is installed once ? Or everytime I have to for boot/root 
 (installation ) floppies ?

 Thanking you in anticipation,

Sincerely yours,


Re: errors when printing with samba

1999-07-30 Thread Peter Iannarelli

What I find amazing about M$95/98 is that if you turn off
the screen saver, many problems disappear.



 I have already sent this message to the list but I don't know
 if it has arrived because of problems with my subscription
 address, so I resend it:

 I have a debian machine with an epson 900 printer;
 I use samba to print from another machine with windows98;

 here is the problem: when printing a large job (e.g. an A4 photo
 at 1440dpi) I get an error somewhere in the middle: a file
 begins to arrive in /tmp and  at a random time the transfers stops:
 on windows I have a message indicating an error in printing
 (printer not reachable); there is nothing in the samba logfile.
 It doesn't happen always at the same place; sometimes when the
 file is not too big it succeeds;

 If I setup the windows driver to print to a file instead of the
 remote printer, and I transfer the file with smbclient and then
 lpr it, all goes well.

 the printer part of my samba.conf is:
 comment = All Printers
 path = /tmp
 create mask = 0700
 print ok = Yes
 browseable = No

 I use potato with samba2.04;

 thanks for any help on the cause of this problem;


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fn:Peter Iannarelli

Re: A doubt...

1999-07-30 Thread Peter Iannarelli

edit /etc/hosts.deny and comment out the PARANOID line.
Bounce your portmap deamon  or reboot your system and it should work.


Mahendra D. Khandkar SBO wrote:

  Respected Sir,

 I have installed Debian Linux 2.0 on a Pentium 90 Mhz machine.
   I am trying to configure so many things as I can . The major problem
  I am facing is about the network.  After configuring the network,
   machine can connect to other machines on the network but it is not allowing
  other machines to connect to itself. The error on  other machines is
   Connection refused .  I tried a lot by playing with the files
  /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. It is not working. Will you please
  sort out the problem for me ?

   By the way , one more thing. Can I configure various utilities (e.g. 
  after system is installed once ? Or everytime I have to for boot/root
  (installation ) floppies ?

  Thanking you in anticipation,

 Sincerely yours,


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
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org:GenX Internet Labs.;Operations
adr:;;238a Gerrard St. East	;Toronto;Ontario;M5A 2E8;Canada
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Senior Engineer
fn:Peter Iannarelli

Re: A doubt...

1999-07-30 Thread venu
hi mahendra ...

congrats on getting ur debian system up and going !!!

 I am facing is about the network.  After configuring the network,
  machine can connect to other machines on the network but it is not allowing ur networking is working fine..

 other machines to connect to itself. The error on  other machines is
  Connection refused .  I tried a lot by playing with the files

looks like either the applications are not installed or not started...
more details reqd. here ... do u mean that u r not able to telnet to the linux
box ? or ftp or www browse ?
u can check what servers are stated by the command

netstat -at | less

for example , my machine shows the following...
[EMAIL PROTECTED] venu]$ netstat -at |less
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State
tcp0  0 *:telnet*:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:ftp   *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:800   *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:www   *:* LISTEN

the above shows that the telnet, ftp , www servers are in the active (LISTEN)
so u can telnet into this server from another machine etc...
look into the man pages of netstat for more details..

all initialization scripts are installed in /etc/init* ... ( check that out )

 /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. It is not working. Will you please
 sort out the problem for me ?

another thing ... have u installed the relevant packages ?
check with dselect.. or dpkg

look into the man pages for dpkg.. (don't remember the command !!)

  By the way , one more thing. Can I configure various utilities (e.g. network)
 after system is installed once ? Or everytime I have to for boot/root
 (installation ) floppies ?

sure u can configure all the utilities after installation 
btw: have u read the debian installation manual ? its available at

also tons of info is available in /usr/doc and especially /usr/doc/HOWTO

 Thanking you in anticipation,



ps: so mahendra... are u from Pune Univ. Physics dept ?... then i may have met u
before... are u involved with the IT syllabus etc 

Re: errors when printing with samba

1999-07-30 Thread hubert . fauque
Peter Iannarelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What I find amazing about M$95/98 is that if you turn off
 the screen saver, many problems disappear.

thanks for your answer, Peter, but I had already tried that;
the screen saver is disabled;


Re: dselect woes

1999-07-30 Thread Dean
  Since no one has responded will add a few more comments. I now see the
is md5sum. I was new installing using apt I downloaded a user profile.
It looked
like apt drew all files from stable main. Just got to the end of all the
downloading when dselect now shows the message md5sum. Have cked
and came up empty. Since its a new install until I get this user profile
I don't have any man command. Do I dump the 147m I downloaded and
restart? Dean

Dean wrote:
   Hi all,
 Having just downloaded a user profile, dselect seems to hang just
  when it
  should be ready to install. Going through the options the install shows
  quick message I think is: cksum 5md. It flashes so fast and goes right
  back to
  the choice menu's so I'm not sure. TM for dselect begginers doesn't
  this error message, so after trying all the dselect options 3 times, I
  to you for direction. Thanks to all. PS I think the installation is
  really getting
  smoother. Dean
  PPS: Don't know if this is anything but ppp.log had this message:
  determine ethernet address for proxy ARP

Re: Problem: can't log in/su with any non-root user

1999-07-30 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Sun, Jul 25, 1999 at 03:11:40PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 Now, the only question is Which package did this?...

Back in the 1.1 or 1.2 days there was this magic bug where the
permissions on /tmp would get screwed up -- they would become
-rwxr-xr-x or something like that. A lot of apps don't handle that very
well. X programs say they are unable to connecct with an error 111
or something like that (presumably because they can't create their
Unix domain socket in /tmp). Very ugly; I never found out what caused
it, but it went away in about 1.3.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

re:HP LaserJet 2100TN question

1999-07-30 Thread Peter Pregler

have a look at the package psputils. You will need a ppd-file for your
printer but that should be on the CDROM shipped with the printer.


Subject: HP LaserJet 2100TN question
Newsgroups: linux.debian.user
Date: 26 Jul 99 04:02:41 GMT
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dan Hugo)

I have this printer hooked up to my ethernet network, and everything
works great (I was actually amazed at how easy it was to configure
everything... from box to printing in about 20 minutes... great

My question, though, is how to make use of the features of the 2100. 
That is, I have a third paper tray... how to I tell it which to use? 
How can I change the resolutions (max is 1200dpi), or whatever other
features are available to change?

I have searched all over, and I can't seem to find anything on HPs site,
HOWTOs, newsgroups, etc, regarding this.  I did see a mention of WebJet
from HP (I have a built-in JetDirect ethernet device for the printer),
but that sounded more like printer administration (accounting,
passwords, trouble reports, etc).  I am looking for some command line
option or filter setting or whatever that allows me to change these
things (by the way, it supports postscript, so I have been printing to
the raw device with no troubles... should I have a filter in there?) 

Thanks for any thoughts.
Dan Hugo


Re: Mutt dependency on an MTA

1999-07-30 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:06:51PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 12:27:57PM -0500, Stephen Pitts wrote:
  It still needs an MTA to send mail :-)
 Not necessarily on the same machine. Imho no mua should bepend on amta,
 just recommend. Dselect will make you install recommends anyway, but
 apt-get doesn't.(I think)

Perhaps you're thinking of netscape, which can deliver mail itself
to remote SMTP servers. Most unix mail programs do not (and should not).
As to making MUAs not require MTAs, I suspect approximately 0.001%
of our users would like to do this.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: lost the root password

1999-07-30 Thread Hamish Moffatt
On Thu, Jul 29, 1999 at 11:42:44AM -0400, Carl Mummert wrote:
 Get 'tom's unix on a floppy' or any other linux boot disk.  The debian
 rescue disk may work, but I never use ti so I don't know.
 Boot that floppy in your machine, and mount the partition of your
 hard disk that contains /etc on /mnt : for example,
 #  mount /dev/hda1 /mnt 
 Then, edit the passwd file IN THE MOUNTD PARTITION

Oh, it's much easier than that. At the lilo prompt, give the name of
your kernel and the parameter init=/bin/bash eg

boot: linux init=/bin/bash

Instead of loading init, bash is loaded, giving you a root shell.
Mount the root file system read/write, run passwd, then reboot.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.

Re: lost the root password

1999-07-30 Thread Peter Makholm
Hamish Moffatt [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Instead of loading init, bash is loaded, giving you a root shell.
 Mount the root file system read/write, run passwd, then reboot.

Couldn't this break the filesystem?

Isn't a sync or remount as read-only needed?

I congratulate you. Happy goldfish bowl to you, to me, to everyone,
and may each of you fry in hell forever. 
-- Isaac Asimov, The Dead Past

Re: clnt_call errors in NIS

1999-07-30 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Miquel van Smoorenburg [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 People think that the NIS package does far more than it actually does;
 the only thing it does is keeping an eye on the current nis server (ypbind).
 All NIS access is actually handled by glibc
Okay, but which version of libc6 is supposed to work with NIS? I've
got the same error, and I even tried with libc6_2.1.1, but same
thing. On the clients, I get the error `YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not


Re: using AUI port of 3c529 (MCA) network card

1999-07-30 Thread David Wright
Quoting Matthew Munsey ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I've been unsuccessful in getting my 3Com 3c529 MCA Ethernet card to
 communicate with the network using the AUI port, although the 10baseT
 (twisted pair) connection with the card works fine.  The 3c529 is the MCA
 (IBM's proprietary microchannel architecture for the PS/2 and other
 machines) version of the 3c509 (same chipset), so I use the 3c509.o module
 that came with my Debian installation (Linux 2.0.36).  The 3c509.c file in
 the 2.0.36 source tree actually has MCA detection code for the 3c529,
 although I'm not sure that it's complete.
 To debug the problem, I've tried compiling the module myself from the
 2.0.36 source tree, sometimes with certain modifications and also without
 any changes.  However, I have the problem that the newly compiled 3c509.o
 will not work at all with my network card, even though the one that came
 with Debian (supposedly 2.0.36) does work.  Is it possible that the 3c509.c
 source that was used in this version of Debian is different than the one in
 the 2.0.36 source tree I've been using to compile my own?  Does anyone know
 what version of 3c509.c is in this Debian distribution?

I would doubt that it's a different version, but there are IFDEFs
in there which could change what's actually compiled. (Thus I
notice that my own 2.0.36 is 600bytes smaller than the installation
version, presumably because CONFIG_MCA is not set by me.)

 When I insmod the correct 3c509.o module without any arguments (insmod
 3c509), I get the following (note that the card identification on the first
 line comes directly from the MCA card and thus has nothing to with the
 module's detection mechanism):

You're sure of that? My interpretation of the source is that only
two unsigned chars are read from the card (apart from the id, of

 # insmod 3c509
 3c509: found 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (10baseT) at slot 3
 eth0: 3c509 at 0x200 tag 0, 10baseT port, address  00 20 af 99 a8 1e, IRQ 5.
 3c509.c:1.16 2/3/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 After this, I manually run /etc/init.d/network, and the card then works
 fine off the 10baseT port.
 [Note: The version of 3c509.c in the 2.0.36 source tree is also identified
 as v1.16 2/3/98, so it seems like it should be the same.]
 However, when I run the version that I compiled myself from the 2.0.36
 source tree, I get the following:
 # insmod 3c509
 /lib/modules/2.0.36/net/3c509.o: init_module: Device or resource busy

As I understand it, that message is a catch-all. It might be worth
comparing your .config file with the installation one if you're
compiling the whole kernel. If you're not, are you sure you are
setting all the necessary switches? For example, I would expect my
own 3c509.o to produce that message on your system.

 If I subsequently replace the 3c509.o file with the correct module (the one
 that came with the Debian distribution), it then works as shown above.

That would suggest something is missing in your version. I take it this
is still the unmodified source. All bets are off if you modify the
source (unless you're just mispelling the odd text string to trace 
what's coming from where - e.g. to test your theory about where 
3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (10baseT) at slot 3 is coming from).

 However, I want to enable the AUI port on the network card, so I use the
 xcvr option to set the transceiver port to 1 (AUI), but I get the same
 response from the module (which still claims that I am using the 10baseT
 port, as seen in the second line of output, where it should instead say AUI
 # insmod 3c509 xcvr=1
 3c509: found 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (10baseT) at slot 3
 eth0: 3c509 at 0x200 tag 0, 10baseT port, address  00 20 af 99 a8 1e, IRQ 5.
 3c509.c:1.16 2/3/98 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can't see how this would work. I can see where irq=N gets overwritten at
if (dev) {/* Set passed-in IRQ or I/O Addr. */
but there's no mention of if_port that I can see. My interpretation
is that the if_port emerges from the id in:

struct el3_mca_adapters_struct el3_mca_adapters[] = {
{ 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (10base2), 0x627c },
{ 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (10baseT), 0x627d },
{ 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (test mode), 0x62db },
{ 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (TP or coax), 0x62f6 },
{ 3Com 3c529 EtherLink III (TP), 0x62f7 },
{ NULL, 0 },

That would imply that the card has to tell the kernel which transceiver
it is going to use through the id.

 Thanks for any advice or information on this setup and my difficulties.

The best advice is probably still to set the card up with its own
(dos) utility for a fixed transceiver.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: setting variables under an X11 session

1999-07-30 Thread Andreas Voegele

Micha How can i set an environment variable under an x11 session
Micha (not a specific xterm under x) so that they work for
Micha programs not opened through a terminal ( for example the
Micha CVSROOT var for tkcvs)

 /etc/environment should do it.

How do you export variables set in /etc/environment?

Since login and sshd also use /etc/environment you can't put export
statements into this file.

login seems to ignore lines in /etc/environment that export variables
but sshd outputs warnings and the manual page of sshd explicitly

This file is read into the environment at login (if
it exists).  It can only contain empty lines,  com­
ment  lines  (that  start with ´#´), and assignment
lines of the form name=value.

Since login and sshd export the variables set in /etc/environment
IMHO /etc/X11/Xsession should to this too.

I've inserted the following for-loop into /etc/X11/Xsession:

 if [ -f /etc/environment ]; then
   . /etc/environment
   for n in `cut -s -d= -f1 /etc/environment`; do export $n; done

Maybe it would be better to use awk and a regular expression instead of
cut to find the variable assignments.

Re: dselect woes

1999-07-30 Thread David Wright
Quoting Dean ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   Since no one has responded will add a few more comments. I now see the
 is md5sum. I was new installing using apt I downloaded a user profile.
 It looked
 like apt drew all files from stable main. Just got to the end of all the
 downloading when dselect now shows the message md5sum. Have cked
 and came up empty.

I don't understand your last sentence.

 Since its a new install until I get this user profile
 I don't have any man command. Do I dump the 147m I downloaded and

I wouldn't do that. I would leave dpkg to sort out the mess itself.
Presumably you have a lot of .deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives/
so just (as root) type
dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*deb
and see how it gets on. When it's finished, you might try
dpkg --configure --pending
and you can repeat that until there's no change.
Then type
dpkg -l | less and look for lines not starting ii (type
press return and type n about four times to get past the preamble).
You might then use dselect to refetch just those packages.

Anything to avoid a 147MB download!

   PPS: Don't know if this is anything but ppp.log had this message:
   determine ethernet address for proxy ARP

Just an informational message, no worry.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.


1999-07-30 Thread Graham Lillico +44 1785 782329

I would like to set up the latest version of GNOME on my debian 2.1 (slink)
box.  However I do not know what is the best way to go about it.  Can someone
please point me to the best way to install gnome without using apt.  Would the
it be best for me to use apt (as described on the gnome pages) or are there any
official debian packages for the latest gnome deb's if so what else will need



Re: hard disk size

1999-07-30 Thread Evan Van Dyke
Brian J. McHugh wrote:
 I have a IBM PS/2 77-OUA 486SX with a 212 MB HD (I accept condolences).
 It appears that cfdisk only detects 200 MB of the 212 MB. Is this normal?

This may be your standard Manufacturer Calling 1,000,000 bytes a
MB when it's really 1048576 bytes  so they can call their
disks bigger than they actually are.  I don't have a 
calculator on me so I can't tell, but it's certianly something
to check.


Re: help with socket programming[OFF TOPIC]

1999-07-30 Thread David Wright
Quoting Shao Zhang ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   while (1) {
   if ((NewHandle = accept(CGIHandle, (struct sockaddr 
 *)CGI_addr, \
   sin_size)) == -1) {
   perror(cannot accept);
   if (!fork() ) { /* this is the child */
   /* process the cgi request; */
   close(NewHandle); /* parent does not need this */
   My problem is I have to close the NewHandle for the parent process.
   But once I did this, when another request comes
   in, accept will allocate a new file descriptor with the same number it
   allocated before, since it is thinking the last one is closed.
   If the last child process still has not finished, then I will have two
   child process with the same descriptor, and then the child
   will return the request to the wrong location.

You've answered this yourself. a new file descriptor with the same number.
So you have, for example, file descriptors p(arent)-n(umber) which becomes
p-n=c(hild)1-n at the fork. p-n is then closed, leaving c1-n. Now the second
request leads to p-n again, which becomes p-n=c2-n, and p-n gets closed.
At any one time, there exist: p-n=cc-n .. c2-n c1-n and they're all
unique except the first pair. n is the same in all cases, but they're in
different processes, and so distinguishable.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

Re: A doubt...

1999-07-30 Thread Evan Van Dyke
Mahendra D. Khandkar SBO wrote:
 I have installed Debian Linux 2.0 on a Pentium 90 Mhz machine.
   I am trying to configure so many things as I can . The major problem
  I am facing is about the network.  After configuring the network,
   machine can connect to other machines on the network but it is not allowing
  other machines to connect to itself. The error on  other machines is
   Connection refused .  I tried a lot by playing with the files
  /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. It is not working. Will you please
  sort out the problem for me ?

Look at your /var/log/system.log file... does it say why the connection
is being refused?  there are two possibilities that I can see:  the
servers aren't running, or an /etc/hosts*  problem.  if you want,
you can TEMPORARIALLY  put:  ALL: ALL as the first line
in your /etc/hosts.allow file to make sure that it's not blocking
anything.  If this fixes the problem, then You just need to
find out which rule is causing the problem... comment them out one at
a time until it is fixed.  then fix the broken rule.

   By the way , one more thing. Can I configure various utilities (e.g. 
  after system is installed once ? Or everytime I have to for boot/root
  (installation ) floppies ?

of course.  most of the configuration files are sored in the /etc
heirarchy... some programs(like sendmail) have configure utilities
(eg. sendmailconf).  check out /usr/doc/package and the manfiles
for information about specific packages.


RE: debian vs redhat

1999-07-30 Thread Bob C. Ruddy
- who have administered both dists.

I have administered both boxes. As mentioned with redhat you can not use
both linuxconf and edit the scripts by hand. As far as the scripts with
redhat once you inderstand how they are put together you can edit them by
hand just as easy as another dist. My biggest reason for making the RedHat
to debain switch was because of the package manager. The debian package
manager is much nicer, cleaner, and use ful then the redhat package
manager. I have also never successfully upgraded a redhat box from one
version to another. I always end up reinstalling redhat. When debian made
the libc to glibc switch everything went smoothly. RedHat has some to


Re: kernel read/write

1999-07-30 Thread David Wright
Quoting Michael Edward Christman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I'm trying to write between the application level and the kernel.  I am
 using version 2.0.34 and am attempting to use memcpy_tofs and
 memcpy_fromfs, but am having some trouble.  If I use these functions in
 the application level, what do I use for the *to and *from variables.  I
 assume that you can use a FILE for whatever is in the user space,

Yes, it's the second argument of the foo_read or foo_write.

 where is the data stored in the kernel?  Is it something like /dev/file?,
 and if so, how do I assign a pointer to it?

It's just an automatic (I think that's the jargon; ordinary) variable
declared in the routine. Or are you talking large transfers? Then
you'd have to kmalloc some memory.

One of the nice things about 2.2 kernels is that get/put_user do
all the VERIFY_... checking for you (assuming you're doing single
value read/writes).

 (Wet Behind The Ears)



Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
official stationery. Views expressed here are either my own or plagiarised.

RE: thank you

1999-07-30 Thread Michele Banza

Thank you for the follow up. I will make a note of your new address.

Michele A. Banza
Access Data Consulting

-Original Message-
Michael Merten
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 1999 8:49 PM
To: Michele Banza
Subject: Re: thank you

On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 04:34:14PM -0600, Michele Banza wrote:
 Dear Michael,

 Thank you for your resume.  Unfortunately, the opportunity we had
 has been filled with another candidate.  I will keep your resume on file
 contact you should anything else that matches your skills become
 Thank you for your time.


Thank you for the response.  At times, as I send out resumes, I
get the distinct feeling that they're getting lost in some kind of
an internet 'black hole'.

Let me take this opportunity to also notify you of a change in my
e-mail address (due to mail server problems on  If
it's not too much trouble, you might want to make a note of it on
my resume.  Thanks.

  Old e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  New e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Michael Merten
  --- NRA Life Member --
  --- Debian GNU/Linux Fan --
  --- CenLA-LUG Founder --

Re: Streaming Media

1999-07-30 Thread A. M. Varon
On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Ben Crocker wrote:

 Hi, I'm just enquiring about whether there is any streaming video and
 audio software for Debian, or Linux in general. 

Realaudio 5.0 works pretty well. There is wrapper/installer for debian.


= = Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
= =  == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
= == =
=  = =  E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =  WebPage :

Re: MD5Sum mismatch in potato

1999-07-30 Thread A. M. Varon
On Thu, 29 Jul 1999, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

  When running apt-get upgrade, I get this error:
  E: MD5Sum mismatch for package menu
  Running Debian potato.
 Assuming you have 0.3.11, just run it again and/or switch mirrors. It
 should automatically erase the downloaded file when it shows that error -
 it usually means a botched resume, incomplete mirror, or something like

I have traced it to a bad menu*.deb file. replaced it with a new one and
now it works.


= = Andre M. Varon  Lasaltech Incorporated
= =  == Technical Head  Fax-Tel: (034)435-0836
= == =
=  = =  E-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 =  WebPage :

Ms Netshow..

1999-07-30 Thread qxm
Where? can I get this beast?

Freshmeat tell me to go to microsoft, but they don't have it..
Matthew McFarlane

Re: Ms Netshow...

1999-07-30 Thread srs25
 Where? can I get this beast?

Not likely. For over a year I think, Microsoft's site has said that
netshow for linux would be available in a few weeks. Can we say

Re: PPP woes (again)

1999-07-30 Thread John Hasler
Paul writes:
 Here it is.

Looks normal, except for 'passive' being enabled (that doesn't account for
your problem).

 I still find it curious however that I if this is an ISP problem and I
 need to ping every so often that a week or so ago I had Wvdial working
 fine without doing so.

ISP's do change policies.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Soffice

1999-07-30 Thread Manoj Srivastava
thomas == thomas  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 thomas Hi, not sure were this email should go but i give
 thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] a try...

The most appropriate list, in this case, would have been, where there is a greater chance of more
 people listening who havce had similar problems, and know the

 thomas I use dselect alot to upgrade my version of Potato.. Im not
 thomas sure which package or update who got my Staroffice to fail
 thomas when opening.. If you please could let me know which package
 thomas i shall downgrad or upgrade to get it work again i would be
 thomas very glad since i use soffice everyday..

I am not sure, but quite possibly the issue may be the libc
 upgrade? I havfe heard rumors that so broke when upgrading from RH
 5.2 to 6.0, and the major change there too was libc. 

Possibly someone on debian-user can answer this definitively.

 Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up
 reasons for it afterwards. Soren F. Petersen
Manoj Srivastava   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E

Re: thank you

1999-07-30 Thread Michael Merten
LOL!  how the heck did this get to the list?  Must've been in the
wrong folder when I e-mailed her.  Sorry for the wasted bandwidth

On Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 08:17:34AM -0600, Michele Banza wrote:
 Thank you for the follow up. I will make a note of your new address.
 Michele A. Banza
 Access Data Consulting


[Private mail welcome, but no need to CC: me on list replies.]

Michael Merten
  --- NRA Life Member --
  --- Debian GNU/Linux Fan --
  --- CenLA-LUG Founder --
This from George Orwell -- of all people:
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand
ready to do violence on their behalf.
 -- Jeff Cooper

Re: Installing X

1999-07-30 Thread egm2
On 30 Jul, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  |  I'm going to use slink, but I need X 3.3.3 (I have a Matrox G200), so I'm
  |  getting the svga server right now... What more do I need? Can there
  |  be problems with mixing different versions?
I upgraded to potato for this very reason.  You can't really mix the
two distributions very well.  The alternative, would be to build X 3.3.3
from sources so you don't have libc problems.

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

Re: Installing X

1999-07-30 Thread Robert Rati
On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 wrote:

 On 30 Jul, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   |  I'm going to use slink, but I need X 3.3.3 (I have a Matrox G200), so I'm
   |  getting the svga server right now... What more do I need? Can 
   |  be problems with mixing different versions?
 I upgraded to potato for this very reason.  You can't really mix the
 two distributions very well.  The alternative, would be to build X 3.3.3
 from sources so you don't have libc problems.

I'm running Xfree on my slink system without any problems at all.
I just got the debs from and they work fine.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: Installing X

1999-07-30 Thread egm2
On 30 Jul, Robert Rati wrote:
  |  I'm running Xfree on my slink system without any problems at all.
  |  I just got the debs from and they work fine.

Really, well when I last checked, there were no drivers for the Matrox
Millenium G200 8MB AGP card in XFree86-

Eric G. Miller
Powered by the POTATO (!

XEmacs and W3

1999-07-30 Thread Felipe Alvarez Harnecker

launching w3 en XEmacs version   20.4 from packages 20.4-13   gives the 
followin error: Invalid regexp: Invalid preceding regular expression 

That happens with M-x w3 and M-x w3-fetch as well.

Any Idea



Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.

Tel. 09.874.60.17  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Potenciado por Ql/Linux

Re: using AUI port of 3c529(MCA) network card

1999-07-30 Thread Jonathan Hankins

(sorry if this isn't threaded right -- I am on the digested version of

I will have to check my 3c529 at home, but I think you have to boot off
the reference disk and select the transceiver before the driver will use

Good luck,


Jonathan HankinsHomewood City Schools


Re: Mutt dependency on an MTA

1999-07-30 Thread John Galt

Pine can do quite well with the MTA on a remote machine as well (simply
set the smtp server in setup/config), so let's not throw this on Messenger
only, real MUAs have the capability to check POP/IMAP mail without a local
copy of a MTA as well.  IIRC you could use elm to check POP mail without a
local MTA (I remember screwing up sendmail to the point of failure once
and still checking my POP mail via elm, which was kinda stupid, because I
had a couple of messages I really would've rather kept so should've waited
to check my POPmail until I rebuilt the system :( ).  As for a MUA that
doesn't require a MTA not being a useful solution for many users, look at
the popularity of fetchmail, a MTA that is mostly for grabbing POP mail:
wouldn't it be a more elegant solution to simply remove all MTAs from the
system and use a MUA that has POP/IMAP retrieval capabilities in that
particular case?  Installing something for a portion of it's usefulness is
NEVER an elegant solution, in fact, I'd call it a kludge offhand. There
ARE MUAs that need no local MTA to do the job they're installed for, so
why force users into installing a package that might never see use at
all--sounds like the MUA really didn't depend on the MTA at all, doesn't
it?  Sounds to me like to the user in question got the significant amount
of functionality without the dependency, giving the Depends field the
lie.  I never used mutt much, so can't say for sure if it can use a remote
host's MTA and POP/IMAP, but if it can, then it can function without a
MTA, so the dependency should therefore be reclassified.

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Hamish Moffatt wrote:

 On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:06:51PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 12:27:57PM -0500, Stephen Pitts wrote:
   It still needs an MTA to send mail :-)
  Not necessarily on the same machine. Imho no mua should bepend on amta,
  just recommend. Dselect will make you install recommends anyway, but
  apt-get doesn't.(I think)
 Perhaps you're thinking of netscape, which can deliver mail itself
 to remote SMTP servers. Most unix mail programs do not (and should not).
 As to making MUAs not require MTAs, I suspect approximately 0.001%
 of our users would like to do this.
 Hamish Moffatt VK3SB (ex-VK3TYD). 
 CCs of replies from mailing lists are welcome.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

A list is only as strong as its weakest link.
-- Don Knuth


Re: Mutt dependency on an MTA

1999-07-30 Thread robbie

On Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 10:09:51PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 08:06:51PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 12:27:57PM -0500, Stephen Pitts wrote:
   It still needs an MTA to send mail :-)
  Not necessarily on the same machine. Imho no mua should bepend on amta,
  just recommend. Dselect will make you install recommends anyway, but
  apt-get doesn't.(I think)
 Perhaps you're thinking of netscape, which can deliver mail itself
 to remote SMTP servers. Most unix mail programs do not (and should not).
Yes, for some reason I thought mutt did smtp.  Sorry.
 As to making MUAs not require MTAs, I suspect approximately 0.001%
 of our users would like to do this.
I agree.

Rob Murray

Re: PGP and verifying ids / emails

1999-07-30 Thread Manoj Srivastava
[cross posted to debian-user, since this has gone beyond the
charter of the -mentor list] ;-)
Joseph == Joseph Carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Brian == Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Brian So we agree. You wouldn't sign the key without checking the
 Brian fingerprint first. The idea being, if the fingerprint matches,
 Brian then John Smith must have the matching private key (and not
 Brian somebody else).

Yes, though now that you point it out, this is an
 assumption. I am assuming that 
 a) the person who has 2 picture ids of is actually john smith
 b) the fingerprint actually belongs to his own key -- not to John
Smith from arkansas, who is a different person, but john smiths
is a common name ;-)
 c) He still has access to his key, and can actually use it (people
tend to forget pass phrases)

I can't figure out a way that b) is actually useful -- but
 possibly there is a way to exploit something that I can't think of. 

 Joseph Might I ask how most people are supposed to get two picture
 Joseph IDs?  

 Joseph This means that about 80% of the populace will NEVER get a
 Joseph signature from you.  Still, if that's what you feel you need,
 Joseph that's what you should ask for.

That's OK. A signature from me is not exactly a _requirement_
 for anything at all, you know ;-)

 Joseph well first you type pgp -fkxa 0xyour keyID secring.pgp | 

 Joseph (actually I have no idea if -kxa would do that for a secret
 Joseph key but knowing PGP's handling of keyrings I wouldn't be
 Joseph surprised)

It works. That is why I had to revoke my original ID (hangs
 head in shame). I was playing with using that to maintain
 backup secret keyrings  but that was years ago.

 Joseph Stealing the ID might work if you look anything like the
 Joseph other person.  Of course it might be difficult to steal
 Joseph two---but that's because most people haven't got two to
 Joseph steal.

See? requiring two ID's does make the job of the ID stealer
  harder ;-)

 Brian Remember that there are two issues involved here:
 Brian 1. Who has the private key (and can decrypt/sign mail)?
 Brian 2. What is the name and E-Mail address of this person?

Well, for the FAQ, how about this key signing process? 
 a) Everyone comes to the meeting with 2 picture ID's, at least one of
which is issued by the government.
 b) everyone comes with lots and lots of slips of paper containing
their name, email address, and key fingerprint of a key available
on a public server (the alternative is a laptop and floppies, and
people gather public keys on their floppy from other peoples
floppies rather than downloading keys offline from public servers)
The name on the slip *must* match the name on the picture ID's.
 c) everyone has a sheet of paper, and a pen
 d) To get Mr X to sign your key, 
1) You think up a arbitrary word, and write it on one of the slips
   of paper. On you sheet of paper, you make an entry for Mr X,
   and you write this random word there. 
2) you ask Mr X for a random integer. Write it down on the slip of
   paper, and hand it to Mr X. On your sheet, write down that
   number on the line corresponding to Mr X. (you may want to get
   _his_ email too for reminder)
3) Repeat with Mr Y and so on
4) Wait for Mr X to send you encrypted mail containing your secret
   word, and a new number. You look up Mr X in your sheet, match
   the word, and get the number he gave you. Write both numbers
   (the old one on the sheet of paper he gave you in person, and
   the new one in the email message) in a mail message, sign, and
   possibly encrypt with Mr X's key. Send it back to Mr X.
5) Mr X send your key back to you, with his signature.
 e) To sign someones key
1) Look at the picture ID's. Make sure the names match. 
2) think up a random integer, and tell it to the person requesting
   the signature.
3) Make sure you have a slip containing the name, email address,
   random number you generated, and a secret word that the person
   has created. Check the name against the picture id's.
4) Obtain the public key for that person. (either from public
   servers, or a physical copy on a floppy, or whatever).
5) CHeck to see if the fingerprint matches. Check to see that the
   ID has the same name as found on the picture ID's you saw. Make
   sure the email addresses match. 
6) Create another random integer, different from the one you gave
   that person before. Send a mail message, containg the secret
   word that the person gave you, the new number you generated,
   encrypted with the key you just obtained, sent to the email
   address in the key.
7) If you get a reply that contains bot the old and the new
   numbers, and is signed by the 

C++ functions help

1999-07-30 Thread Micha Feigin
Where can i find help for the c++ functions?
exept for the info page on iostream i couldn't find any info on the other
libraries or functions of c++.


Re: hard disk size

1999-07-30 Thread esoR ocsirF
On Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 09:43:35AM -0400, Evan Van Dyke wrote:
 Brian J. McHugh wrote:
  It appears that cfdisk only detects 200 MB of the 212 MB. Is this normal?
 This may be your standard Manufacturer Calling 1,000,000 bytes a
 MB when it's really 1048576 bytes  so they can call their
 disks bigger than they actually are.  I don't have a 
 calculator on me so I can't tell, but it's certianly something
 to check.
I have a calculator on hand and it only comes to 209.7 MB figured that
Just thogh I would comment :)

Frisco Rose By any other name, I would smell the same


Science Journal Ed. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EOU Hoke Center 307 (541) 962-3787
La Grande, OR. 97850

Re: Installing X

1999-07-30 Thread Robert Rati
On Fri, 30 Jul 1999 wrote:

 On 30 Jul, Robert Rati wrote:
   |  I'm running Xfree on my slink system without any problems at all.
   |  I just got the debs from and they work fine.
 Really, well when I last checked, there were no drivers for the Matrox
 Millenium G200 8MB AGP card in XFree86-

I do not have a Matrox Millenium, but I believe that card uses the SVGA
xserver.  I believe the XFree web page has a list of cards that work with
SVGA.  I'm pretty sure the G200 is one of them, as my friend had one and
that's what we used to get it to work.  


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Default editor at install

1999-07-30 Thread Robert Rati
It's been a while since I've last installed Debian from scratch.  Is ViM
the default vi clone installed?  I thought it was another clone.  Anyone


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Role-Player, Babylon 5 fanatic  1998-99
Aka Khyron the Backstabber : ICQ# 2325055

Happiness comes in short spurts.  Don't be fooled.

Re: dselect woes

1999-07-30 Thread Dean
  Thanks David, worked great. 
  The dselect manual for beginners should definitely have this
information. For
some reason the manual assumes dselect will handle any and all
installing and 
configuing. I'll leave David's response for manual maintainer. Dean

 Presumably you have a lot of .deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives/
 so just (as root) type
 dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*deb
 and see how it gets on. When it's finished, you might try
 dpkg --configure --pending
 and you can repeat that until there's no change.
 Then type
 dpkg -l | less and look for lines not starting ii (type
 press return and type n about four times to get past the preamble).
 You might then use dselect to refetch just those packages.

Re: debian vs redhat

1999-07-30 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 02:29:34PM -0400, Bryan Scaringe wrote:
 I never did get the dhcpcd client (the new one, with 2.2.x support) under
 either RedHat or Debian.  But dhclient is a much cleaner program.
Its in the dhcpcd-sv package in potato. The init script is really
clever, it won't start dhcpcd on 2.2.x kernels.

Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Soffice

1999-07-30 Thread Marek Habersack
* Manoj Srivastava said:
  thomas when opening.. If you please could let me know which package
  thomas i shall downgrad or upgrade to get it work again i would be
  thomas very glad since i use soffice everyday..
 I am not sure, but quite possibly the issue may be the libc
  upgrade? I havfe heard rumors that so broke when upgrading from RH
  5.2 to 6.0, and the major change there too was libc. 
It's certainly a case of the libc6 upgrade. I didn't see the beginning of
this thread, so I don't know which version of SO you are talking about. I
will assume that it's 5.1 - the latest release.
SO5.1 requires you to have glibc2.0 while the current potato uses v2.1 of
the library. You don't have to downgrade anything at all - it's sufficient
to do some wizardry with the SO5.1 binaries and the .so loader. Below is a
full recipe on how to do that (tested by me yesterday after downloading a
fresh copy of SO5.1 :)):

1. Get the libc6_2.0.7.19981211-6.deb and install it to some directory in
   the /usr/local tree (e.g. /usr/local/glibc2.0)
2. Do ln -sf /usr/local/glibc2.0/ /lib/
3. Get some comfortable binary editor (hexeditor is a good choice)
4. Unpack the soffice .tar file as usually
5. Unzip the so51inst/office51/ to a separate directory
6. Copy the so51inst/office51/setup.ins to the same directory where you put
   the files extracted in the previous step.
7. Change the case of all the files in the directory to lowercase:

   for x in [A-Z]*; do
mv $x `echo $x | tr A-Z a-z`
8. Open the setup.bin file in the binary editor, find the string 
   /lib/ and replace it with /lib/
9. Start X-Window and open an xterm window
10. Now execute (while still in the directory the was
   extracted to):

   LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/glibc2.0:/lib:/usr/lib:./ ./setup
11. SO5.1 installation starts. Enter the path where you extracted the
original soffice .tar when prompted for the location of the install
12. After the setup finishes successfully go back to the shell prompt and
then switch to the bin/ subdirectory of the location where you installed
the Office.
13. Unpack the attached tar.gz file in this subdirectory (sorry, couldn't
make a diff because I haven't saved the originals :(()
14. Repeat the step 8 for every .bin file in the directory.

If everything went well (e.g. if I didn't misled you :))) you should now be
able to use SO5.1 without problems.


Description: Binary data

Description: PGP signature

Re: C++ functions help

1999-07-30 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 07:50:52PM +0300, Micha Feigin wrote:
 Where can i find help for the c++ functions?
 exept for the info page on iostream i couldn't find any info on the other
 libraries or functions of c++.

C++ implementations vary greatly between platforms, and even
between different compilers on the same platform. One library
that seems to be present on some newer compilers is the
Standard Template Library (STL). Some information is available
through Yahoo:

Also, C functions can be used perfectly well in C++. Check
out the glibc2.1 info pages in the glibc-doc package.

A word of warning: In my (albeit limited) experience, C++ and
the STL has been more of a pain than a blessing. I wrote several
programs that used the STL for linked lists and sorting, and
found out that FreeBSD is not up to par with Linux in terms of
C++ compilers and lacked some STL features I needed,
 and ended up rewriting the programs in Python to get them to
port over cleanly.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: Default editor at install

1999-07-30 Thread Stephen Pitts
On Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 11:59:39AM -0500, Robert Rati wrote:
 It's been a while since I've last installed Debian from scratch.  Is ViM
 the default vi clone installed?  I thought it was another clone.  Anyone

Nope, nvi is, because it is bug-for-bug compatible with VI. Also,
I believe that ae is the default editor, although there was a heated
debate on debian-devel a while back about the default editor. Our
beloved VIM lost out because people said it wasn't intuitive and
that it was too hard to learn sob. You can take my VIM when you
pry it from my cold, dead, fingers!
Stephen Pitts
webmaster -

Re: minimum delay maximum throughout

1999-07-30 Thread Lex Chive
On Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 11:03:28AM +0300, Halis Osman Erkan wrote:
 I want to learn more about
 minimum delay
 maximum throughput
 in ftp and telnet
 there would be a way to make settings to provide them.
 iphains TOS bit can do this ; i know ;
 But HOW? and whats the logic?
 Halis Osman ERKAN
 Sophomore / Ege Unv.
There is a nice explanation of this in the ipchains-howto (grep for TOS).
I can not add anything to that :-)


Description: PGP signature

IpcMemoryCreate: shmget failed

1999-07-30 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes


I'm trying to start postgres 6.5.1 just compiled in my slink
system and I'm getting the above error. What could be the problem? How to
fix it?
I'm using 2.2.10 kernel with the updated netbase and lsof (from
the Debian page).

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Re: C++ functions help

1999-07-30 Thread Bernhard Rieder
Micha Feigin wrote:
 Where can i find help for the c++ functions?
 exept for the info page on iostream i couldn't find any info on the other
 libraries or functions of c++.
There is avery good STL documentation in
I haven't found any really good documantation about the rest of the C++ library.
There is a excellent german book called Die C++ Standardbibilothek (The C++
Standard library) with ISBN 3-8273-1023-7 from Addison Wesley. Maybe there is
also an english translation.


  __ ___
 // )___---.
\ |,( /`--  `. Bernhard Rieder
 \/ o\
 (   _.-.  ,';   mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |\   /`. \  ,  /   |
  | \  ' .'`.; |  |   \.___
_-'.'| |--..,,,\_\-~
   '''   _-'.'   ___-   )

Re: PGP and verifying ids / emails

1999-07-30 Thread Joseph Carter
On Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 11:41:37AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

 * keeping -mentors for this message only, replies are likely to get even
 * more off-charter for that group, so don't reply there.  Note I'm not
 * subscribed to -user, however...

 Yes, though now that you point it out, this is an
  assumption. I am assuming that 
  a) the person who has 2 picture ids of is actually john smith
  b) the fingerprint actually belongs to his own key -- not to John
 Smith from arkansas, who is a different person, but john smiths
 is a common name ;-)
  c) He still has access to his key, and can actually use it (people
 tend to forget pass phrases)
 I can't figure out a way that b) is actually useful -- but
  possibly there is a way to exploit something that I can't think of. 

Jor-el can...  Another person acting as a proxy.  It'd be very difficult
to pull off and there are probably much easier ways to be a trusted key
onto the keyring, but it is possible.

Given I get asked for a passphrase every time I send an email, I won't
forget mine.  However, this is why gpg will let you generate a revoke
certificate WITHOUT revoking the key as pgp does.  The idea is that you
should do this and print it.  Then you put the result in a fireproof
lockbox or in a safe-deposit box or something like that.

  Joseph well first you type pgp -fkxa 0xyour keyID secring.pgp | 
  Joseph (actually I have no idea if -kxa would do that for a secret
  Joseph key but knowing PGP's handling of keyrings I wouldn't be
  Joseph surprised)
 It works. That is why I had to revoke my original ID (hangs
  head in shame). I was playing with using that to maintain
  backup secret keyrings  but that was years ago.

I figured it did, but I didn't want to spread misinformation without
trying it, which I was not in the mood to risk doing with my own key and
didn't have the patience to generate a crap key for testing.

  Joseph Stealing the ID might work if you look anything like the
  Joseph other person.  Of course it might be difficult to steal
  Joseph two---but that's because most people haven't got two to
  Joseph steal.
 See? requiring two ID's does make the job of the ID stealer
   harder ;-)

Except that with image editing software and a scanner fake IDs of the
non-state variety are very easy to make.  I could give you something you'd
swear was a current school ID for the local junior college, though it
wouldn't be.  I could even get a picture of me to put on it if I was
impatient---and if the ID is a few years dated and only somewhat resembled
me, a student ID from this quarter at the school in my town would probably
quell your suspicions...

  Remember that there are two issues involved here:
  1. Who has the private key (and can decrypt/sign mail)?
  2. What is the name and E-Mail address of this person?
 Well, for the FAQ, how about this key signing process? 
  a) Everyone comes to the meeting with 2 picture ID's, at least one of
 which is issued by the government.

I'm going to suggest that a person might want to ask for two, especially
of someone they've only just met.  It's paranoid and difficult to do, but
it's not totally unreasonable.  In that case of course I just list both
names, yes?  Or do you think the name in the keyid would not matter at
that point?

  b) everyone comes with lots and lots of slips of paper containing
 their name, email address, and key fingerprint of a key available
 on a public server (the alternative is a laptop and floppies, and
 people gather public keys on their floppy from other peoples
 floppies rather than downloading keys offline from public servers)
 The name on the slip *must* match the name on the picture ID's.

The name on the slip of paper would in my case, but my first name is
Thomas and I don't ever use it.

  c) everyone has a sheet of paper, and a pen
  d) To get Mr X to sign your key, 
 1) You think up a arbitrary word, and write it on one of the slips
of paper. On you sheet of paper, you make an entry for Mr X,
and you write this random word there. 
 2) you ask Mr X for a random integer. Write it down on the slip of
paper, and hand it to Mr X. On your sheet, write down that
number on the line corresponding to Mr X. (you may want to get
_his_ email too for reminder)
 3) Repeat with Mr Y and so on
 4) Wait for Mr X to send you encrypted mail containing your secret
word, and a new number. You look up Mr X in your sheet, match
the word, and get the number he gave you. Write both numbers
(the old one on the sheet of paper he gave you in person, and
the new one in the email message) in a mail message, sign, and
possibly encrypt with Mr X's key. Send it back to Mr X.
 5) Mr X send your key back to you, with his signature.


1999-07-30 Thread Carlos Santos

I'm trying to share my Linux home directory so that i can maintain it from
my NT box. I've installed Samba 2.0 with encrypted passwords.

I can see the samba server from NT (nethood) but i can't get through NT's
login dialog box when i try to map that directory. No matter what login i
insert it keeps refusing to connect.

I've tried to run the diagnosis process (DIAGNOSIS.txt) step by step. Step
3 killed me ! It seems that 'smbclient - L MYSAMBASERVER' rejects the
connection saying session request to MYSAMBASERVER failed.

If you have any experience with SAMBA and encrypted passwords, please help.


CARLOS SANTOS  (ICQ: 21537583)
Tel(Phone): (+351 53 276998)
Fax: (+351 53 274255)
Braga - Portugal

Re: minimum delay maximum throughout

1999-07-30 Thread Wayne Topa

Subject: minimum delay  maximum throughout
Date: Wed, Jul 28, 1999 at 11:03:28AM +0300

In reply to:Halis Osman Erkan

Quoting Halis Osman Erkan([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 I want to learn more about
 minimum delay
 maximum throughput
 in ftp and telnet
 there would be a way to make settings to provide them.
 iphains TOS bit can do this ; i know ;
 But HOW? and whats the logic?
 Halis Osman ERKAN
 Sophomore / Ege Unv.

As th IPChains Howto doesn't cover that in detail, I can only suggest
the you 'let the source be with you'.

Get the ipchains source code and dig into it.  Or contacr the author
and ask him.


COBOL programs are an exercise in Artificial Inelegance.


1999-07-30 Thread Nathan Duehr
Your Smaba passwords and your user passwords do no necessisarily match. 

Check out the smbpasswd command... 

On Fri, 30 Jul 1999, Carlos Santos wrote:

 I'm trying to share my Linux home directory so that i can maintain it from
 my NT box. I've installed Samba 2.0 with encrypted passwords.
 I can see the samba server from NT (nethood) but i can't get through NT's
 login dialog box when i try to map that directory. No matter what login i
 insert it keeps refusing to connect.
 I've tried to run the diagnosis process (DIAGNOSIS.txt) step by step. Step
 3 killed me ! It seems that 'smbclient - L MYSAMBASERVER' rejects the
 connection saying session request to MYSAMBASERVER failed.
 If you have any experience with SAMBA and encrypted passwords, please help.
 CARLOS SANTOS  (ICQ: 21537583)
 Tel(Phone): (+351 53 276998)
 Fax: (+351 53 274255)
 Braga - Portugal  
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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| Private Pilot, Telephony Engineer |  Ham Callsign: N0NTZ   |
| UNIX Hack, Perl Hack, Tech-Freak  |  Grid Square: DM79 |
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