Re: me fallan las cuentas

1999-09-25 Thread RESET
: En el artículo
Llona [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:


Juan:: Y a mí también; pero es que hay otra curiosidad oculta...

Juan:: rainman:~# ls -l /var/log/lastlog -rw-r--r-- 1 root root
Juan:: 293168 sep 21 00:33 /var/log/lastlog rainman:~# du -k
Juan:: /var/log/lastlog 7 /var/log/lastlog rainman:~# du -b
Juan:: /var/log/lastlog 293168 /var/log/lastlog rainman:~# du -kh
Juan:: /var/log/lastlog 286K /var/log/lastlog rainman:~# wc -c
Juan:: /var/log/lastlog 293168 /var/log/lastlog

Juan:: Es decir, du -k falla pero du -kh no. :?¿


Por curiosidad, ¿de qué versión es tu du (y tamaño, si es posible)?



Re: Linux colgado como un jamón

1999-09-25 Thread RESET
: En el artículo [EMAIL PROTECTED], Francisco José
Avila Bermejo (Monkiki) [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribió:


Monkiki:: También se me ha quedado pajarito al intentar instalar la 
Monkiki:: 5.1,
Monkiki:: pero eso es problema de las X, que vaya porquería que son. 
Resulta que
Monkiki:: si
Monkiki:: algún programa chupa mucho micro, las X se quedan pilladas 
durante el
Monkiki:: tiempo
Monkiki:: que dure el programa consumidor de recursos. Mala cosa. Esto no 
Monkiki:: pasar. El caso del StarOffice no es este, sino que se queda todo 
Monkiki:: parado
Monkiki:: que un adoquín. Sin embargo, puedo arreglar esto si entro con un


El bug de las X es una cosa muy conocida, y si tienes el StarOffice de
la Sólo P. Linux en el readme explica a qué se debe y cómo
solucionarlo.  Lo que tenéis que hacer es pasar de usar para S3V el
servidor S3V y poner el SVGA (sólo durante la instalación).

De acuerdo con el readme:

Problemas con la instalación del servidor X

Si surgiesen problemas durante la utilización de un controlador Xfree
S3Virge y estos se hacen visibles mediante la congelación del
servidor X, defina la vari able de entorno SAL_DO_NOT_USE_INVERT50 con
la sintaxis siguiente en valor true .

Para los usuarios de un Bourne-Shell (p.ej.: bash):
   export SAL_DO_NOT_USE_INVERT50=true

Para los usuarios de un Shell C:

   setenv  SAL_DO_NOT_USE_INVERT50 true


La utilización de la mencionada variable de entorno puede llevar a que
diferentes elementos de la ventana se muestren invertidos. Ya que la
utilización de un controlador Xfree S3Virge puede también causar la
congelación del servidor X con cualquier otro programa, recomendamos
la utilización sistemática del controlador SVGA correspondiente. De
esta forma no será necesario definir la variable de entorno.


En fin, que está bastante claro.

Un saludo.




1999-09-25 Thread Jon
Se puede usar la  regrabadora en linux(al estilo de windows)

Web del GLUB / /  (_)__  __   __ / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /
   //_/_//_// /_/\_\


Dependencias de postgres

1999-09-25 Thread Juanmi Mora


 Nuevo paquete Debian, versión 2.0.
 Tamaño 650268 bytes: archivo de control= 7912 bytes.
 167 bytes, 6 líneas  conffiles
1025 bytes,22 líneas  control  
6962 bytes,   108 líneas  md5sums  
4921 bytes,   187 líneas   *  postinst #!/bin/sh
 739 bytes,28 líneas   *  postrm   #!/bin/sh
4913 bytes,   157 líneas   *  preinst  #!/bin/sh
 272 bytes,11 líneas   *  prerm#!/bin/sh
 Package: postgresql
 Version: 6.3.2-15
 Section: misc
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: libc6, libc6 (= 2.0.7pre1-4), libjpegg6a, libreadlineg2 (= 2.1-4), 
libtiff3g, ncurses3.4, tcl8.0 (=8.0.3), tkstep8.0, xlib6g (= 3.3-5), xpm4g 
(= 3.4j-0), zlib1g (= 1:1.1.3),libpgsql (= 6.3),debianutils (= 1.7)
 Recommends: postgresql-doc
 Suggests: libpgperl,libpgjava,libpgtcl
 Conflicts: postgres95,libpq1
 Installed-Size: 1521

Mi pregunta es... qué tiene que ver una base de datos con el tkstep :-?
Supongo que tendrá alguna herramienta gráfica, pero me parece jevi hacer
depender una base de datos de una utilidad gráfica que en principio no
es un estandar. Seguro que algún detalle se me escapa.


 Juanmi Mora 
  Barcelona - España

 - Powered by Linux -
   Debian 2.1 Slink 

Re: Ctrl+Alt+Supr

1999-09-25 Thread Monkiki
Ángel Carrasco wrote:

 Alguien sabe desabilitar el reset Ctrl+ Alt +Supr?

En el fichero /etc/inittan hay unas líneas como estas:

# What to do when CTRL-ALT-DEL is pressed.
ca:12345:ctrlaltdel:/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now

supongo que si comentas la segunda, pues ya no hay Crtl+Alt+Del.


 * Hay miles de Pentiums 75 bajo su Pentium 100. Siga raspando!!.

  Registered Linux user number 134.596

 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Powered by Debian 2.1


1999-09-25 Thread Monkiki
Hue-Bond wrote:
 El jueves 23 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 10:01:27 +0200, Francisco José 
 Avila Bermejo contaba:
 Pues si yo comento esa línea del citado fichero, me desaparece un
 SIOCADDRT, pero aún me queda el otro. ¿hay algo más que no se?
  Es que si tienes tarjeta de LAN, hay dos routes  :^)

¿Pero es que el comando 'route' ha caido el desuso con el nuevo kernel?


 * Hay miles de Pentiums 75 bajo su Pentium 100. Siga raspando!!.

  Registered Linux user number 134.596

 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Powered by Debian 2.1

Re: Más cositas de APT 0:-)

1999-09-25 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Francisco José Avila Bermejo wrote:

 --remove', ¿no? Entonces, para purgar los fichero de configuración, ¿hay
 que hacer de todas formas 'dpkg --purge'? Me refiero a que no hay forma
 de hacer esto con 'apt-get' , ¿no?

instala apt 0.3.12 o posterior, que ya lo soportan:

  Use purge instead of remove for anything that would
  be removed.

Un monton de dudas

1999-09-25 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Hola a todos:
Acabo de cambiarme de Red Hat a Debian, y hay varias cosas que no he
podido configurar:

1. No tengo ni idea de como empezar con el smail. Tengo una dirección de
correo electrónico que me da la univesidad, otra que me da el ISP, y mi
hermana tiene una que le da su universidad.
Quisiera configurarlas de modo tal que la casilla del root reciba el
correo del ISP, mi casilla reciba el correo de la universiad y la
casilla de mi hemana el de su universiad. Además quisiera poder enviarle
correo a los usuarios locales.

2. Actualizé la versión de GTK a la GTK+ 1.2, y quiero recompilar el
GIMP para que soporte los temas, pero todos los códigos de fuente
incluyen un .diff y no se como aplicarlo a todo un directorio. Aguno de
ustedes sabe donde encontrar un 'patching for dummies' o algo así?

3. Mi placa madre incluye sensores térmicos LM70 (creo), para los que ya
bajé el código de fuente, peró no he logrado instalarlos. Alguíen los
insaló ya?

Bien, les agradezco toda la colaboración que me puedan prestar.


Camilo Alejandro Arboleda

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

RE: Apagado por todos

1999-09-25 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Una solucíon muy elegante para permitir que todos los usuarios puedan
apagar el equipo es instalar el WDM (un reemplazo para XDM). Esta
aplicación te permite apagar el equipo desde el servidor X (si este ya
esta funcionando).

Lo unico que tienes que hacer es cambiar las siguientes lineas en el
archivo /etc/X11/wdm/wdm-config:

DisplayManager*wdmVerify:   true
DisplayManager*wdmRoot: true


DisplayManager*wdmVerify:   true
DisplayManager*wdmRoot: false

o por:

DisplayManager*wdmVerify:   false
DisplayManager*wdmRoot: false

La primera opción hace que solo se pueda apagar el equipo por parte del
root, la segunda permite que cualquier usuario pueda apagar el equipo
introduciendo su login y password, y la tercera permite que cualquiera
pueda apagar el equipo.


Camilo Alejandro Arboleda.

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka


1999-09-25 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 24 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 23:23:03 +0200, Francisco José 
Avila Bermejo contaba:

  Es que si tienes tarjeta de LAN, hay dos routes  :^)

¿Pero es que el comando 'route' ha caido el desuso con el nuevo kernel?

 Sip.  Por  lo visto  el  núcleo  averigua  las rutas  de  forma
 automática, aunque en algún sitio  leí que para cosas rebuscadillas
 hacía falta usar route de todas formas.


 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069


1999-09-25 Thread Daniel H. Perez

* [990925 11:43] Francisco José Avila Bermejo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:
 Hue-Bond wrote:
  El jueves 23 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 10:01:27 +0200, Francisco José 
  Avila Bermejo contaba:
  Pues si yo comento esa línea del citado fichero, me desaparece un
  SIOCADDRT, pero aún me queda el otro. ¿hay algo más que no se?
   Es que si tienes tarjeta de LAN, hay dos routes  :^)
 ¿Pero es que el comando 'route' ha caido el desuso con el nuevo kernel?
No y si :)
Las rutas obvias se determinan automaticamente cuando se levanta una
interface, para todo lo demas se puede seguir usando route. Lo que pasa es
que ahora (bah hace tiempo) hay un tal iproute que parece que es lo que se
va a terminar usando para todo lo que tenga que ver con rutas. Si no se
cambio hasta ahora es unicamente porque la documentacion no existia y al
comando lo entiende su autor y dos tipos mas :)
Creo que se hizo este comando para ir de la mano con las reglas de ruteo
avanzado de los kernel's 2.1.mucho. Se puede hacer de todo ya que ahora no
se dispone unicamente de una tabla de ruteo estilo destino-interface sino
que se tienen un conjunto de reglas las cuales apuntan a *muchas* tablas de
ruteo, se puede rutear no solo por la direccion de destino sino tambien por
el ToS, direccion fuente, maneja IPv6, etc, etc
El comando especificamente se llama ip, man ip aun no existe pero ya hay doc
Lo mas comico es que el muy vivo como ayuda solo mostraba la semantica.
Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Linux 2.2.11  Usuario Reg. N. 85920
PGP Public Key 0x4A2036B5

Re: Problema con ldconfig, o libc6

1999-09-25 Thread leumas
On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 12:54:52AM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
  Buenas. ldconfig, gran amigo, me dice:
 # ldconfig
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No existe el 
 o el directorio), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No existe el fichero o el
 directorio), skipping
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No existe el fichero o el
 directorio), skipping

 instala las librerias de desarrollo (las -dev, vamos...)

 /--\ ,   ,
| Miembro de LIMA (Linux Malaga) |/(   )`
|  |\ \__   / |
||/- _ `-/  '
| (al menos hasta que me echen   |   (/\/ \ \   /\
| por excess-flood X-) ) |   / /   | `\
 \--/   O O   )  |
 /  rebeldin es un i486 con   \   `-^--'`  '
| Debian Linux 2.0,Kernel 2.2.12 |  (_.)  _ )/
 \--/   `.___/`/

Re: kdeinfodeb

1999-09-25 Thread Roberto Ripio
El Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 06:11:57PM +0200, Alfredo Casademunt escribió:
... Esta disponible en paquete .deb (junto con otras utilidades y las
 ultimas versiones del KDE) en
Ojo, tenía pendiente escribir a la lista para comentar esto: 

Parece que el ISP que alojaba el dominio se mosqueó con el tráfico
que generaban las descargas del KDE, y mandó a hacer puñetas a Ivan Moore y
sus colegas...

Pero ahora las cosas están mejor, los paquetes que antes estaban en
se han integrado en el proyecto de empaquetado de KDE y se pueden bajar de
los mirrors oficiales.

 Un saludo.

Y otro grandote

Roberto Ripio

Re: Problema con ldconfig, o libc6

1999-09-25 Thread Hue-Bond
El sábado 25 de septiembre de 1999 a la(s) 12:47:05 +0200, leumas contaba:

 # ldconfig
 ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/ (No existe el 
 o el directorio), skipping

 instala las librerias de desarrollo (las -dev, vamos...)
$ dpkg -l *dev|grep ^ii
ii  dpkg-dev1. Package building tools for Debian Linux
ii  libc6-dev GNU C Library: Development libraries and hea
ii  libglib1.2-dev  1.2.3-2Development files for GLib library
ii  libgtk1.2-dev   1.2.4-3Development files for the GIMP Toolkit
ii  libncurses4-dev 4.2-3  Developer's libraries and docs for ncurses
ii  libpcap-dev 0.4a6-2.1  Development library for libpcap.
ii  libstdc++2.9-de 2.91.60-5  The GNU stdc++ library (development files)
ii  makedev 2.3.1-19   Creates special device files in /dev.
ii  manpages-dev1.22-2 Linux-development man pages.
ii  xlib6g-dev  3.3.4-2include files and libraries for X client dev
ii  xpm4g-dev   3.4j-0.6   X Pixmap libraries (for libc6) - development

 No  sé. ¿me  falta  alguna? ¿no  son  sólo necesarias  para
 compilar y cosas así?

 Just do it.

In love with TuX - Linux 2.2.12Linux Registered User #87069

Re: Dependencias de postgres

1999-09-25 Thread Monkiki
Juanmi Mora wrote:
 Mi pregunta es... qué tiene que ver una base de datos con el tkstep :-?
 Supongo que tendrá alguna herramienta gráfica, pero me parece jevi hacer
 depender una base de datos de una utilidad gráfica que en principio no
 es un estandar. Seguro que algún detalle se me escapa.

Pues la verdad es que yo también pienso que no debería estar la supuesta
herramienta gráfica en el mismo paquete de Postgresql. Y además con el
tkstep... Manda huevos ;-)


 * ¡Gran carrera de virus esta noche en las pistas 0 y 1 del HD!

  Registered Linux user number 134.596

 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Powered by Debian 2.1

Re: Dependencias de postgres

1999-09-25 Thread Antonio Tejada Lacaci
On Sat, 25 Sep 1999 12:34:25 +0200, Juanmi Mora [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Package: postgresql
 Version: 6.3.2-15
PCierto, van por la 6.5 y añade cosas necesarias, como soporte para el
tipo SQL numeric(a,b) (hasta la 6.5 no estaba soportado).

 Depends: libc6, libc6 (= 2.0.7pre1-4), libjpegg6a, libreadlineg2 (= 2.1-4), 
 libtiff3g, ncurses3.4, tcl8.0 (=8.0.3), tkstep8.0, xlib6g (= 3.3-5), xpm4g 
 (= 3.4j-0), zlib1g (= 1:1.1.3),libpgsql (= 6.3),debianutils (= 1.7)

Mi pregunta es... qué tiene que ver una base de datos con el tkstep :-?
Supongo que tendrá alguna herramienta gráfica, pero me parece jevi hacer
depender una base de datos de una utilidad gráfica que en principio no
es un estandar. Seguro que algún detalle se me escapa.
Es por el pgaccess, como tú dices una herramienta gráfica (tcl/tk)
para editar bases de datos, introducir registros, etc.
De todas maneras, si no la quieres usar, fuerza que te lo instale
pasando de esa dependencia y yatá. De todas maneras, supongo que el
tkstep también lo debes poder conseguir con el paquete tcl/tk normal



Antonio Tejada Lacaci

Despedida corta

1999-09-25 Thread Monkiki
Me voy a continuar los estudios, de modo que esta dirección de correo
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) no la voy a poder leer durante un tiempo, salvo
raras excepciones. Ahora si alguien me quiere localizar lo mejor es que
me escriba a mi dirección de la Escuela ([EMAIL PROTECTED] -
parezco un robot, ¿verdad?). Como el señor que administra el sistema en
mi Escuela es muy temeroso de la mano hackeadora de algún alma poco
amiga, pues desde dentro de la Escuela no se puede acceder hacia afuera
(y viceversa) y lo único que se puede hacer es FTP, WWW y poco más. De
modo que no puedo pillarme el correo de mi ISP. Pues nada, hasta dentro
de unos dias.


 * In an Internet without fences who needs gates ;-)

  Registered Linux user number 134.596

 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Powered by Debian 2.1

Getting the most out of apt.

1999-09-25 Thread EVCom Support

Does anyone have a suggestion for the best list of servers to use for
the apt sources.list file?  I want to be able to keep track of the largest
number of packages in all the various areas, both US and non-us and devel.

I read the man page for sources.list but I figured someone would have a
good suggestion for a list of servers.  BTW, I plan to use FTP mostly
for retrieval.

Also, thanks to all those who sent me messages regarding using
pppd to auto-redial and keep my box connected.  The persist option
worked fantastically.

It's nice to see a version of Xnix with such good user-based support,
the best I have seen thus far.

Thanks to all,


Todd Suess
Technical Support Night Manager
Evolution Communications, Inc.
Support Hours-
Monday through Friday 6am to Midnight
Saturday and Sunday 8:30 to Midnight

Be sure to visit at Booth 1388 for 'Everything Internet' at
Internet World '99 in New York City, October 4-8, 1999.

Re: awk or sed?

1999-09-25 Thread Tim Thomson
On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:

 Short answer: awk
 Longer answer (by one letter): perl
 eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:20:78:10:4D:63  
   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
   RX packets:6210311 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:45
   TX packets:5313311 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
   collisions:472 txqueuelen:100 
   Interrupt:10 Base address:0x6400 
 If the above is the example...
   if ($_ =~ /inet addr:(\n+)\.(\n+)\.(\n+)\.(\n+)/){
 $ipaddr = $1.$2.$3.$4;
   $return = `nslookup $1.$2.$3.$4`;
 Of course, the if line could be reduced, but breaking out the octets
 allows you to do other manipulations on them as needed.

Thanks for all replies. It was actually cut I was thinking of initially.
I couldn't get this one to go, nothing was going into $1,$2, or $ipaddr. A
friend who knows perl wrote me another, like this:

$ifconfig = `/sbin/ifconfig eth0`;
($ip) = $ifconfig =~ /inet addr:(\S+)/;
print $ip\n;
$host = `host $ip`;

($name) = $host =~ /^Name:\s+(.+)$/m;
print $name\n;

($hostname) = $name =~ /^(.+?)\..*/;
print $hostname\n;

`hostname $hostname`;

Thanks again,


Tim Thomson   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 18073712

DriveReady SeekComplete Error and DriveStatusError

1999-09-25 Thread B. Szyszka

I've reinstalled Debian to try to get a cleaner setup going, but am
running into some error messages:
hdb: write_intr: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdb: write_intr: error=0x04 { DriveStatusError }

They show up randomly. Sometimes while I do apt-get or run some
other program. Sometimes if I leave the computer alone they'll
show up in the command prompt. Last time I got those errors was
right after typing 'cp '. Any ideas? The only thing I did differently is
that Linux takes up more of my second hard drive now that I've
removed a Win95 partition (which I had up only for testing MSIE3
since Win98 won't allow it) and replaced it with a /var partition.

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
** Good deal for magazine subscriptions/renewals while helping my school: 

Re: Getting the most out of apt.

1999-09-25 Thread Seth R Arnold
Todd, here are two lines from mine that make sense for everone.

deb unstable/non-US main contrib non-free
deb unstable main contrib non-free

I just cut this from someone's example on the list a month ago or so.

This is for potato though... slink will probably be different. :)

On Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 07:15:45PM -0400, EVCom Support wrote:
 Does anyone have a suggestion for the best list of servers to use for
 the apt sources.list file?  I want to be able to keep track of the largest
 number of packages in all the various areas, both US and non-us and devel.
 I read the man page for sources.list but I figured someone would have a
 good suggestion for a list of servers.  BTW, I plan to use FTP mostly
 for retrieval.
 Also, thanks to all those who sent me messages regarding using
 pppd to auto-redial and keep my box connected.  The persist option
 worked fantastically.
 It's nice to see a version of Xnix with such good user-based support,
 the best I have seen thus far.
 Thanks to all,
 Todd Suess
 Technical Support Night Manager
 Evolution Communications, Inc.
 Support Hours-
 Monday through Friday 6am to Midnight
 Saturday and Sunday 8:30 to Midnight
 Be sure to visit at Booth 1388 for 'Everything Internet' at
 Internet World '99 in New York City, October 4-8, 1999.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: loop devices?

1999-09-25 Thread Brad

On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Steve George wrote:

 dd if=/dev/zero of=/file bs=1k count=100
 losetup -e des /dev/loop0 /file

hmmm... isn't des considered broken?

 Password: type a password
 Init (up to 16 hex digits):
 This is the part I am stuck on...what hex digits am I supposed to
 type?? I've tried hitting return and typing randomly..I can't find
 anything in the man pages or the kernel src docs.

The hex digits are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F.
Case may or may not matter, and if it matters could be lower or upper.

This is probably for the inital vector for a CBC encryption algorythm.
Although this is just a guess, so don't quote me on it.

 Anyone know what I should type please?

16 of the above digits. It's like asking for a 16-digit decimal number,
except that they want it in hex here, for logical reasons (specifically,
it's easier asking for 16 hex digits than asking for a decimal number
between 0 and 18446744073709551615 inclusive)

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: awk or sed?

1999-09-25 Thread Brad

On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Tim Thomson wrote:

 On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:
if ($_ =~ /inet addr:(\n+)\.(\n+)\.(\n+)\.(\n+)/){
  $ipaddr = $1.$2.$3.$4;
$return = `nslookup $1.$2.$3.$4`;
 Thanks for all replies. It was actually cut I was thinking of initially.
 I couldn't get this one to go, nothing was going into $1,$2, or $ipaddr.

Simple typo. Use \d (digit) instead of \n (linebreak).

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: apt-get (potato) no longer works with dante-client

1999-09-25 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Joe Raube wrote:

 I need to use dante-client as I am trapped behind a msproxy SOCKS4
 server. Using slink, apt-get worked fine.

APT basically triggers problems in the socksification libraries, the only
solution really is to create an apt-socks package that has socksified
methods.. But nobody is working on that.


Re: apt-get and http proxy failure

1999-09-25 Thread Jason Gunthorpe

On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Richard A Nelson wrote:

 If I use an environment variable http_proxy, apt does use the specified

Include the whole config file - betcha have a no proxy setting.


Re: loop devices?

1999-09-25 Thread Steve George

Hmm well I msut be thick or ir is broken.
I've asked in about 4 irc channels, searched dejanews, FAQ's etc and no-one 
seems to know hot os use it.
I grabbed the code and it looks like (from my poor understanding) as if it is 
trying to get a single long digit and then does a isxdigit() on each.  However 
no matter what I do I get told the parameter is wrong.  I am stuck :-(

Other than mailing the maintainer (which seems silly) I dunno what to do! :-(


On Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 07:56:21PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Steve George wrote:
  dd if=/dev/zero of=/file bs=1k count=100
  losetup -e des /dev/loop0 /file
 hmmm... isn't des considered broken?
  Password: type a password
  Init (up to 16 hex digits):
  This is the part I am stuck on...what hex digits am I supposed to
  type?? I've tried hitting return and typing randomly..I can't find
  anything in the man pages or the kernel src docs.
 The hex digits are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, and F.
 Case may or may not matter, and if it matters could be lower or upper.
 This is probably for the inital vector for a CBC encryption algorythm.
 Although this is just a guess, so don't quote me on it.
  Anyone know what I should type please?
 16 of the above digits. It's like asking for a 16-digit decimal number,
 except that they want it in hex here, for logical reasons (specifically,
 it's easier asking for 16 hex digits than asking for a decimal number
 between 0 and 18446744073709551615 inclusive)
 - -- 
   finger for PGP public key.
 Version: 2.6.3ia
 Charset: noconv
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: awk or sed?

1999-09-25 Thread Peter Palfrader aka Weasel
On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 12:12:57PM +1200, Tim Thomson wrote:
 I want to write a script, that gets the local ip address, and does a
 reverse ns lookup, then sets the hostname to the dns response.

The Trinity OS uses these lines to get the IP and the Point-to-Point peer (if 

where EXTIF is the interface

EXTIP=`/sbin/ifconfig | grep -A 4 $EXTIF | awk '/inet/ { print $2 } ' | sed -e 
PTPPP=`/sbin/ifconfig | grep -A 4 $EXTIF | awk '/P-t-P/ { print $3 } ' | sed -e 


PGP encrypted messages prefered.  See my site or finger -l ppalfrad
 A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and
can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.

Description: PGP signature

Re: File location differences between Debian and other 'X'nix's?

1999-09-25 Thread W. Paul Mills
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Gay) writes:

When I moved to Debian, quite some time ago now, it was actually
very refreshing to find nearly all config info in /etc. Having
come from Slackware, which seemed to just put it anywhere. It
was a wonderful breath of fresh air. Now days, I think all
distributions are making an effort to become more consistant.

You will probably never find them all doing everything the same,
but the FHS and LSB are evidence that everyone recognizes the need
for consistancy.

 Thanks for the info for the FHS, I'll have a search for it later. This 
 why Netscape installed in /usr/local/. . . , but not why Debian puts sane's
 config files in /etc/sane.d when sane looks for it in /usr/etc/sane.d. I'm
 thinking, then that sane is to blame for being different? Like I said, I'll 
 a search for the FHS doc's and have a read. This is how we learn things.
 As far as RedHat, I'm not necessarily 'bashing' either RedHat or Debian. I was
 just saying that, with RedHats simpler install, as compared to others, I may
 have just been tempted to just 'Go with the flow' rather than digging in as I
 have done. Among the things I've accomplished are,
 Successfully compiling sound into my kernel. I had lots of problems with the
 modules, so I've left it compiled in. RedHat, I've heard has sound available 

*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: Root password

1999-09-25 Thread W. Paul Mills
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Pollywog) writes:

 On 24-Sep-99 Andrei Ivanov wrote:
  Here  is how you do it:
  reboot and at lilo prompt type 
  linux init=/bin/sh
  This will rop you into shell. In there, 
  mount -n -o remount rw
  Then edit the /etc/passwd file and blank out root password field. (The
  second field). Or do that to shadow file, if you have one.
  and reboot. You should be able to get in without password so you can
  change it then
 I thought it was even easier than that, using the boot disk and a command
 I cannot remember but which has boot root in it.

Depends on what you call easier. One requires a boot disk, the
other does not. Both require editing the passwd file. Neither
is hard.

*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: awk or sed?

1999-09-25 Thread Tim Thomson
On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Brad wrote:

 On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Tim Thomson wrote:
  On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:
 if ($_ =~ /inet addr:(\n+)\.(\n+)\.(\n+)\.(\n+)/){
   $ipaddr = $1.$2.$3.$4;
 $return = `nslookup $1.$2.$3.$4`;
  Thanks for all replies. It was actually cut I was thinking of initially.
  I couldn't get this one to go, nothing was going into $1,$2, or $ipaddr.
 Simple typo. Use \d (digit) instead of \n (linebreak).

I was thinking it was just something like that. I've been meaning to learn
perl for awhile. Any good starting points, apart from going through
source code? Thanks for the link to that awk link, looks good.



Tim Thomson   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ICQ: 18073712
Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons,
for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

Re: awk or sed?

1999-09-25 Thread W. Paul Mills

I do not remember from the original post. Were we doing this in
ip-up. If so the ip numbers are already available as environment
variables. Then all you need is nslookup. That is the way I do

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brad) writes:

 On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Tim Thomson wrote:
  On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:
 if ($_ =~ /inet addr:(\n+)\.(\n+)\.(\n+)\.(\n+)/){
   $ipaddr = $1.$2.$3.$4;
 $return = `nslookup $1.$2.$3.$4`;
  Thanks for all replies. It was actually cut I was thinking of initially.
  I couldn't get this one to go, nothing was going into $1,$2, or $ipaddr.
 Simple typo. Use \d (digit) instead of \n (linebreak).

*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Utility for talking to TCP port

1999-09-25 Thread Kristopher Johnson
Is there any standard utility for opening a connection to a
TCP/IP port and then interactively sending data and seeing
responses?  For example, I'd like to be able to open a connection
to port 80 on some machine, type GET / HTTP/1.0 and then see
the response.  

I'm experimenting with some protocols, and this sort of thing
would be helpful.  I think I could probably write something like
this, but I was wondering if it already exists.


Re: Apache, cgi, and users...

1999-09-25 Thread Ron Farrer
Wim Kerkhoff ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 I put this in httpd.conf, to allow .cgi and .pl files to run.  I believe I
 found this somewhere in the online manual at
 FilesMatch \.(cgi|pl)$
 Options ExecCGI Includes

Hello, thanks for replying!

I added this to access.conf (I'm running the stock slink apache 1.3.3) and now 
it doesn't list the contents of the
script, but it pops up a save as box... Reading the docs on, it 
says to add this headers on command, but my
version of apache doesn't support this. The version the manual talks about 
seems to be version 1.3.4?!? I then went to
see if I could find a newer .deb, but I have yet to find one. Can anyone point 
me to a binary .deb or even a source .deb
for apache 1.3.4??? 

My system:
Alpha Station 200 4/233
Debian GNU/Linux 2.1


= Ronald Burnett Farrer =

- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   -
-; -

! If you let Windows dominate, expect the worst: !
! WORLD.SYS is corrupt, reboot UNIVERSE Y/n!
? How could this [Y2K Bug] be a problem in a country ?
? where we have Intel and Microsoft? -- Al Gore  ?

Re: File location differences between Debian and other 'X'nix's?

1999-09-25 Thread Mark Brown
On Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 11:40:29PM +0100, John Gay wrote:

 Sorry for the format, but I'm E-Mailing from Lotus Notes on a Windows PC at 
 and can't change the format. Sorry.

Prior experience tells me that writing in short paragraphs helps make
mail from notes look more reasonable.  As ever, YMMV.

 Thanks for the info for the FHS, I'll have a search for it later. This 
 why Netscape installed in /usr/local/. . . , but not why Debian puts sane's
 config files in /etc/sane.d when sane looks for it in /usr/etc/sane.d. I'm
 thinking, then that sane is to blame for being different? Like I said, I'll 
 a search for the FHS doc's and have a read. This is how we learn things.

It's a combination of both.  There is a choice to be made between
staying with the application defaults for filesystem layout and making
the distribution self-consistent.  The former is good for experts in a
given package while the latter makes it easier for people to use any 
given package from the distribution and makes the distribution seem more
like a cohesive and integrated whole rather than some software slammed
on a CD.

In this case, /usr/etc isn't very widely used by Linux programs, and there
are strong advantages in putting all configuration (or at least, all 
configuration of the programs supplied by the distribution) in /etc so
it's a fairly easy decision.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Re: loop devices?

1999-09-25 Thread Ben Messinger
Steve George wrote:
 I am looking into using loop devices so I can encrypt stuff onto a floppy 
 file system.  I am stuck right at the start with loop devices.  The manual 
 says to do the following:
 dd if=/dev/zero of=/file bs=1k count=100
 losetup -e des /dev/loop0 /file
 Password: type a password
 Init (up to 16 hex digits):
 This is the part I am stuck on...what hex digits am I supposed to type??
 I've tried hitting return and typing randomly..I can't find anything in 
 the man pages or the kernel src docs.
 Anyone know what I should type please?
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Linux Journal, July '98 Issue #51 page 64-67
Encrypted File Systems, by Bear Giles

The procedure he outlines for creating an encryped floppy is as follows
(assuming the kernel mods have already been done):

# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k count=1440
# losetup -e des /dev/loop0 /dev/fd0
Pass phrase: yourpasswordhere
# mke2fs /dev/loop0
# losetup -d /dev/loop0

You can substitute des with idea if idea is installed.
The first line initializes the floppy with 'random data'.
The second command sets up the loopback device to be over the floppy.
The third command is the standard mkfs utility.
The fourth line releases the loopback device.

To mount the floppy do the following:

#mount /dev/fd0 /mnt -text2,loop,encryption=des

You should then be prompted for a passphrase.

Let us know if this works.

Ben Messinger  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This email contains no tyops.

Re: Utility for talking to TCP port

1999-09-25 Thread Kristopher Johnson
George Bonser wrote:
 telnet hostname portnum
 telnet somehost 80
 will do what you describe below.
 On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Kristopher Johnson wrote:
  Is there any standard utility for opening a connection to a
  TCP/IP port and then interactively sending data and seeing
  responses?  For example, I'd like to be able to open a connection
  to port 80 on some machine, type GET / HTTP/1.0 and then see
  the response.

OK, thanks.  I thought telnet would use telnet protocol which
would screw up what I was trying to do, but after reading the
telnet man page, I now know better.

- Kris

Re: awk or sed?

1999-09-25 Thread Seth R Arnold
On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 02:13:15PM +1200, Tim Thomson wrote:
 I was thinking it was just something like that. I've been meaning to learn
 perl for awhile. Any good starting points, apart from going through
 source code? Thanks for the link to that awk link, looks good.

This is a bit off-topic at this point, so replies should probably not be
made to the list :]

Learning Perl is great if you haven't much formal programming training. If
you do have formal programming training, then maybe you would be happier
with Programming Perl. Honestly, after you read Learning Perl, you will want
to read Programming Perl, so you might as well get it first, and if it is
over your head, like it was mine, get Learning Perl.

Of course, the Perl Cookbook is wonderful too.

All are published by O'Rielly. (


Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Re: Utility for talking to TCP port

1999-09-25 Thread Seth R Arnold
Such things do exist. If your needs are minimal, telnet *might* be enough.
You can telnet localhost 80 and see what it does.

Netcat, on the other hand, is exactly what you are looking for, and will
probably do a wonderful job.

On Fri, Sep 24, 1999 at 10:41:06PM -0400, Kristopher Johnson wrote:
 Is there any standard utility for opening a connection to a
 TCP/IP port and then interactively sending data and seeing
 responses?  For example, I'd like to be able to open a connection
 to port 80 on some machine, type GET / HTTP/1.0 and then see
 the response.  
 I'm experimenting with some protocols, and this sort of thing
 would be helpful.  I think I could probably write something like
 this, but I was wondering if it already exists.
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Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

RE: File location differences between Debian and other 'X'nix's?

1999-09-25 Thread Ryan McLean
Forgive me if this is already mentioned, but there is a document out called
FSSTND (FileSystem STaNdarD) that describes all of this.  I'm unsure if
that's what you're referencing when you say FHS.  Debian includes this
document in /usr/doc/debian-policy/fsstnd.  It's definitely worth the read
as it describes the standards that all unix'es are supposed to start
following.  It is slowly starting to be adapted into being.  Debian follows
it quite nicely.  Anyways, just thought I'd point it out for knowledge sake,
in case it hadn't been already :P

 - Ryan

 /* Ryan McLean
  * Network/Systems Administrator

-Original Message-
Behalf Of W. Paul Mills
Sent: Friday, September 24, 1999 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: File location differences between Debian and other

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Gay) writes:

When I moved to Debian, quite some time ago now, it was actually
very refreshing to find nearly all config info in /etc. Having
come from Slackware, which seemed to just put it anywhere. It
was a wonderful breath of fresh air. Now days, I think all
distributions are making an effort to become more consistant.

You will probably never find them all doing everything the same,
but the FHS and LSB are evidence that everyone recognizes the need
for consistancy.

 Thanks for the info for the FHS, I'll have a search for it later. This
 why Netscape installed in /usr/local/. . . , but not why Debian puts
 config files in /etc/sane.d when sane looks for it in /usr/etc/sane.d. I'm
 thinking, then that sane is to blame for being different? Like I said,
I'll have
 a search for the FHS doc's and have a read. This is how we learn things.

 As far as RedHat, I'm not necessarily 'bashing' either RedHat or Debian. I
 just saying that, with RedHats simpler install, as compared to others, I
 have just been tempted to just 'Go with the flow' rather than digging in
as I
 have done. Among the things I've accomplished are,
 Successfully compiling sound into my kernel. I had lots of problems with
 modules, so I've left it compiled in. RedHat, I've heard has sound
available at

*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: File location differences between Debian and other 'X'nix's?

1999-09-25 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 24 Sep, Ryan McLean wrote about RE: File location differences between 
Debian and other 'X'nix's?
 Forgive me if this is already mentioned, but there is a document out called
 FSSTND (FileSystem STaNdarD) that describes all of this.  I'm unsure if
 that's what you're referencing when you say FHS.  Debian includes this
 document in /usr/doc/debian-policy/fsstnd.  It's definitely worth the read
 as it describes the standards that all unix'es are supposed to start
 following.  It is slowly starting to be adapted into being.  Debian follows
 it quite nicely.  Anyways, just thought I'd point it out for knowledge sake,
 in case it hadn't been already :P

The FSSTND is now obsolete and has been renamed to FHS.  See for more details.  Debian will be mostly
moving to the FHS in potato except for a few exceptions due to some
major code and policy changes that need to happen first.  See the
debian-policy archives for those discussions.  You can also install the
new policy manual package debian-policy from potato for the exact

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Advansys Boot Disk

1999-09-25 Thread Curtis M. Brune

I read with interest your posting of a boot disk with a 2.2.10 kernel
and Advansys Support  -- I have a new Advansys Ultra2 Wide SCSI
controller (ASB3940U2W) that requires an updated advansys.o driver
available here

Do these boot disks you made include support for this SCSI card? 
Alternatively is there an __EASY__ way for me to build my own boot disks
that only have different advansys.c and advansys.h files?  Is there a
project i can download for building boot disks?  I envision changing the
above two source files, typing make and having a new resc1440.bin and
drv1440.bin .  Or am I just dreaming?


As I this is written an upload of slink installation disks using the
2.2.10 kernel is being uploaded to in the
/captech/disks/slink/2.2.10 directory

These are TEST disks, you are welcome to TEST them. There was some SCSI
support and other less popular options removed because of the size of
2.2.10 kernel.

In the next few days I will be adding some more sets that have much more
support but are more specialized. There will be a no-scsi set that has a
lot of network and other peripheral options, a no-ide set that does much
the same for SCSI. More will follow including an SMP 2.2.10 install set.
have tested this all here and it appears to work. 

Of note is that these disks support things like Advansys and Initio disk
controllers as well as providing much better support for the NetGear
network cards.

Also, the base disks include some things from potato recompiled for
The naming convention for some of these packages will change shortly so
careful.  Right now I am using
but that is likely to change to

Basicly, this will not affect the majority of you so don't worry about

In any case, I am interested in any feedback or particular device
you might want. I can build a new set in a short period of time.

video modes for X11

1999-09-25 Thread Paul Harris

my lovely 17 monitor has a grainy-liney appearance when in 1280x1024
mode, however its perfectly clear under windows. i have the .ini file that
windows uses but am unsure how to set up the x11 modelines... can anyone


If you can't make it good, make it look good.
Bill Gates, 1995 

Re: video modes for X11

1999-09-25 Thread Seth R Arnold
Paul, it is likely that your monitor is running in interlace mode to get
that resolution.

I think the right way to fix it is to look up in the manual (or the ini
file, if it is legible) the horizontal refresh, verticle refresh, as well as
what your video card can do, and using XF86Setup or xf86config tell X the
correct values. It should generate the mode lines for you automatically.

Of course, if this is what you did shrug

On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 03:13:07PM +0800, Paul Harris wrote:
 my lovely 17 monitor has a grainy-liney appearance when in 1280x1024
 mode, however its perfectly clear under windows. i have the .ini file that
 windows uses but am unsure how to set up the x11 modelines... can anyone
 If you can't make it good, make it look good.
   Bill Gates, 1995 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

two monitors

1999-09-25 Thread Seth R Arnold
Ok guys -- I have a second monitor, and wouldn't mind buying a second video
card if it would allow me to use two monitors at the same time. I don't know
where to start looking for information on this.

My current video card is an AGP ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am running XFree86 

Do you guys have any suggestions for a second video card (I think it would
need to be PCI... :) Or, should I just buy a new video card that can handle
two video outputs? Do such things exist? (Can I afford them? :)

Any hints you have would be appreciated. :)


Seth Arnold |
Hate spam? See for help
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Mail isn't working

1999-09-25 Thread Alan Eugene Davis
For me this is deja vu, all over again: I had similar problems two
years ago, getting mail up.  

Smail doesn't seem to want to work.  This system has just been brought
up, using a hamm CD, and upgrading twice by apt, first to slink, then
to potato.  Hope that provides a clue.  

This is the kind of messages I am getting that are boring me to death:

 runq: setgroups() failed: Operation not permitted
 runq: cannot open /var/log/smail/paniclog: Permission denied
 runq: cannot open /var/log/smail/paniclog: Permission denied

Do these say something to any kind fellow user?  I tried changing
permission to the log directory, with no avail.  Twice.


Alan Davis

A non-viscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one non-existent.---Lord Raleigh

Re: two monitors

1999-09-25 Thread Herbert Ho
I'm not sure, but i think you can do console on two machines, but the
current stable XFree86 doesn't support multiple monitors well.  Though the
new unstable X server is suppose to.  Maybe some one can support/clarify
this? (i'm interested in such a thing too... =)

Herbert Ho

On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Seth R Arnold wrote:

 Ok guys -- I have a second monitor, and wouldn't mind buying a second video
 card if it would allow me to use two monitors at the same time. I don't know
 where to start looking for information on this.
 My current video card is an AGP ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am running XFree86 
 Do you guys have any suggestions for a second video card (I think it would
 need to be PCI... :) Or, should I just buy a new video card that can handle
 two video outputs? Do such things exist? (Can I afford them? :)
 Any hints you have would be appreciated. :)
 Seth Arnold |
 Hate spam? See for help
 Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into
 your ~/.signature to help me spread!
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Slow system clock?

1999-09-25 Thread Laurent PICOULEAU
On Fri, 24 Sep, 1999 à 09:00:25AM +, Jason Christensen wrote:
 I think that you may be right. Now that I think about it, the problem only 
 to occur after linux has been running for a long period of time without a 
 (i.e. overnight). I think I have the BIOS configured to kick into sleep mode
 after a certain time of inactivity. This would make sense as when the system
 slows down the timer interrupt servicing would occur less frequently. I 
 however, find a refence to this problem in the Battery Power Mini-HOWTO at
 I'll try turning off BIOS power management overnight tonight and let you know
 what happens. BTW, my kernel is not compiled with power management support,
 perhaps if I had, this problem wouldn't have occurred? Anyone know for sure?
I do think that the problem would not occurs if you enable APM in the 
kernel because with APM enabled, system time (i.e. time maintained by
the kernel) is resetted after a RESUME. 
If you do not want to enable APM in the kernel, a quick fix would be to
comment the line:

hwclock --systohc $GMT

in /etc/init.d/

My decision would be to enable APM unless you have specific problems
with it.

 Thanks for all your help,

You're welcome.

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

Re: video modes for X11

1999-09-25 Thread Paul Harris
ah yes thanks :)
xf86config had the correct modeline already, but it was using the
interlace line because it had a higher refresh rate (i guess). just
comment out the interface line and everything is sweet :) thanks!

Seth R Arnold [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Paul, it is likely that your monitor is running in interlace mode to get
that resolution.
I think the right way to fix it is to look up in the manual (or the ini
file, if it is legible) the horizontal refresh, verticle refresh, as well
what your video card can do, and using XF86Setup or xf86config tell X the
correct values. It should generate the mode lines for you automatically.
Of course, if this is what you did shrug

On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 03:13:07PM +0800, Paul Harris wrote:


 my lovely 17 monitor has a grainy-liney appearance when in 1280x1024
 mode, however its perfectly clear under windows. i have the .ini file
 windows uses but am unsure how to set up the x11 modelines... can

If you can't make it good, make it look good.
Bill Gates, 1995 

RE: Advansys Boot Disk

1999-09-25 Thread George Bonser

I have built a set for you using that driver but I am not sure what network
options you need or what kind of machine you have. The result is an SMP
2.2.13-pre6 kernel (yeah, I know, it is a little behind) with the most popular
NIC drivers and no ISDN support.

Try the images at

And see if they work. Let me know how you make out.

On 25-Sep-99 Curtis M. Brune wrote:
 I read with interest your posting of a boot disk with a 2.2.10 kernel
 and Advansys Support  -- I have a new Advansys Ultra2 Wide SCSI
 controller (ASB3940U2W) that requires an updated advansys.o driver
 available here
 Do these boot disks you made include support for this SCSI card? 
 Alternatively is there an __EASY__ way for me to build my own boot disks
 that only have different advansys.c and advansys.h files?  Is there a
 project i can download for building boot disks?  I envision changing the
 above two source files, typing make and having a new resc1440.bin and
 drv1440.bin .  Or am I just dreaming?
 As I this is written an upload of slink installation disks using the
 2.2.10 kernel is being uploaded to in the
 /captech/disks/slink/2.2.10 directory
 These are TEST disks, you are welcome to TEST them. There was some SCSI
 support and other less popular options removed because of the size of
 2.2.10 kernel.
 In the next few days I will be adding some more sets that have much more
 support but are more specialized. There will be a no-scsi set that has a
 lot of network and other peripheral options, a no-ide set that does much
 the same for SCSI. More will follow including an SMP 2.2.10 install set.
 have tested this all here and it appears to work. 
 Of note is that these disks support things like Advansys and Initio disk
 controllers as well as providing much better support for the NetGear
 network cards.
 Also, the base disks include some things from potato recompiled for
 The naming convention for some of these packages will change shortly so
 careful.  Right now I am using
 but that is likely to change to
 Basicly, this will not affect the majority of you so don't worry about
 In any case, I am interested in any feedback or particular device
 you might want. I can build a new set in a short period of time.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

E-Mail: George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 25-Sep-99
Time: 02:21:28

This message was sent by XFMail

Deleted menu in Wmaker

1999-09-25 Thread Alan Eugene Davis
While trying out the spiffy wm configurator, I seem to have eliminated
all the debian menus.  

How can I get back the menus?  Meanwhile I have just inserted my own
menu entries for the few programs I use all the time.  

By the way, since this little flub none of the newly installed
packages has been visible as menu entries either.  What did I do?


A non-viscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one non-existent.---Lord Raleigh

Re: Deleted menu in Wmaker

1999-09-25 Thread Laurent Martelli
 Alan == Alan Eugene Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Alan While trying out the spiffy wm configurator, I seem to have
  Alan eliminated all the debian menus. How can I get back the menus?

right-click and insert debian menu. Beware there's a bug : when you
restart wmakerconf, the debian will have disappeared, so you'll to
insert it each time you edit your menus. (I've reported the bug).

  Alan Meanwhile I have just inserted my own menu entries for the few
  Alan programs I use all the time.

  Alan By the way, since this little flub none of the newly installed
  Alan packages has been visible as menu entries either.  What did I
  Alan do?

You may have to do `update-menu` as non root if you have imported the
debian menu. This is because the menu is duplicated in your $HOME, and
the update-menu that is run when install new packages is ran as root
and only update menus in /etc.

Laurent Martelli

Re: Deleted menu in Wmaker

1999-09-25 Thread Alan Eugene Davis

 Alan == Alan Eugene Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Alan While trying out the spiffy wm configurator, I seem to have
  Alan eliminated all the debian menus. How can I get back the menus?
right-click and insert debian menu. Beware there's a bug : when you
restart wmakerconf, the debian will have disappeared, so you'll to
insert it each time you edit your menus. (I've reported the bug).
  Alan Meanwhile I have just inserted my own menu entries for the few
  Alan programs I use all the time.
  Alan By the way, since this little flub none of the newly installed
  Alan packages has been visible as menu entries either.  What did I
  Alan do?
You may have to do `update-menu` as non root if you have imported the
debian menu. This is because the menu is duplicated in your $HOME, and
the update-menu that is run when install new packages is ran as root
and only update menus in /etc.

Thank you very much for your timely response to my query!  However,
I'm afraid something has escaped me: right-click what?  I tried to
right-click on the root window; nothing!  Right-clicked on an xterm:
nothing.  Right-clicked on the configurator: nothing.

Good evening,



A non-viscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need
for one non-existent.---Lord Raleigh

PAP Authentication Failed

1999-09-25 Thread Wiz
When i dial to my ISP i get PAP authentication failed.
Whats wrong and how do i fix it?

I use pppd, chat and have a dynamic IP-adress.

The Log file:
Sep 25 10:11:17 wizard chat[138]: send (ppp^M)
Sep 25 10:11:17 wizard chat[138]: expect (~)
Sep 25 10:11:17 wizard chat[138]: ppp^M
Sep 25 10:11:17 wizard chat[138]: Entering PPP mode.^M
Sep 25 10:11:17 wizard chat[138]: Async interface address is unnumbered
Sep 25 10:11:17 wizard chat[138]: Your IP address is MTU is
1500 bytes^M
Sep 25 10:11:17 wizard chat[138]: ^M
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard chat[138]: ~
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard chat[138]:  -- got it 
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard chat[138]: send (^M)
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set dbg flags to 7 
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to 7 
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xasyncmap 
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xmit asyncmap  
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to 7 
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set mru to 5dc 
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set rcv asyncmap  
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to 7 
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard pppd[136]: Serial connection established.
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard pppd[136]: Using interface ppp0
Sep 25 10:11:20 wizard pppd[136]: Connect: ppp0 -- /dev/modem
Sep 25 10:11:21 wizard kernel: ppp: write frame, count = 24 
Sep 25 10:11:21 wizard kernel: FF 03 C0 21 01 01 00 14 ...! 
Sep 25 10:11:21 wizard kernel: 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06  
Sep 25 10:11:21 wizard kernel: E0 AB D2 0E 07 02 08 02  
Sep 25 10:11:21 wizard kernel: ppp: tossing frame (e0) 
Sep 25 10:11:21 wizard kernel: ppp: receive frame, count = 24 
Sep 25 10:11:21 wizard kernel: FF 03 C0 21 02 01 00 14 ...! 
Sep 25 10:11:21 wizard kernel: 02 06 00 00 00 00 05 06  
Sep 25 10:11:21 wizard kernel: E0 AB D2 0E 07 02 08 02  
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: ppp: receive frame, count = 28 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: FF 03 C0 21 01 28 00 18 ...!.(.. 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: 02 06 00 0A 00 00 03 04  
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: C0 23 05 06 B1 BA 15 4D .#.M 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: 07 02 08 02  
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: ppp: write frame, count = 28 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: FF 03 C0 21 02 28 00 18 ...!.(.. 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: 02 06 00 0A 00 00 03 04  
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: C0 23 05 06 B1 BA 15 4D .#.M 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: 07 02 08 02  
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xmit asyncmap a 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to f070003 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set mru to 5dc 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set rcv asyncmap 0 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to f070003 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: ppp: write frame, count = 27 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: FF 03 C0 23 01 01 00 17 ...# 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: 08 73 2D 32 33 35 34 35 .s-23545 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: 38 09 32 33 4E 2D 36 38 8.23N-68 
Sep 25 10:11:22 wizard kernel: 2D 38 61-8a 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp: receive frame, count = 36 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: FF 03 C0 23 03 01 00 20 ...#...  
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: 1B 50 61 73 73 77 6F 72 .Passwor 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: 64 20 76 61 6C 69 64 61 d valida 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: 74 69 6F 6E 20 66 61 69 tion fai 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: 6C 75 72 65 lure 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp: receive frame, count = 8 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: FF 03 C0 21 05 29 00 04 ...!.).. 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to f070003 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set xmit asyncmap  
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to f07 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set mru to 5dc 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp_tty_ioctl: set rcv asyncmap 0 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp_ioctl: set flags to f07 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp: write frame, count = 8 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: FF 03 C0 21 06 29 00 04 ...!.).. 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard pppd[136]: Remote message: Password validation failure
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard pppd[136]: PAP authentication failed
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard pppd[136]: LCP terminated by peer
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp: channel ppp0 closing. 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp0 released 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard kernel: ppp0: ccp closed 
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard pppd[136]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard pppd[136]: Modem hangup
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard pppd[136]: Connection terminated.
Sep 25 10:11:23 wizard pppd[136]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Sep 25 10:11:24 wizard pppd[136]: Exit.

He who controls the past, commands the future. He who commands the future,
conquers the past.
-George Orwell

Re: configuration of a printer

1999-09-25 Thread Andreas Piesk

on Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Manuel Arenaz Silva wrote:

 At first sight everything looks OK: the /dev files, the printcat file...

 cambados:~# ls -lisa /dev/lp*
  9409650 crw-rw   1 root lp 6,   0 Feb 23  1999 /dev/lp0
  9409660 crw-rw   1 root lp 6,   1 Feb 23  1999 /dev/lp1
  9409670 crw-rw   1 root lp 6,   2 Feb 23  1999 /dev/lp2
 cambados:~# ls -lisa /etc/printcap
   349431 -rw-r--r--   1 root root  340 Sep 23 21:40 

 But even if I change /dev/lp1 by /dev/lp0

 cambados:~# cat /etc/printcap
 # Please don't edit this file directly unless you know what you are doing!
 # Be warned that the control-panel printtool requires a very strict format!
 # Look at the printcap(5) man page for more info.
 # This file can be edited with the printtool in the control-panel.


 the result reamains the same.

 cambados:~# lpr -P epson /root/fstab
 no printcap for printer 'epson'
 job '' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

 What can I do? Does anybody has some idea?


 Manuel Arenaz

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


do you running lpr or lprng ? lpr on potato gave me some trouble with

try a lpc local all. do you see any printcap information ?
you can list the defaults with lpc defaults. look for printcap_path. there
should be a line printcap_path =/etc/printcap. perhaps your package is built
with wrong paths :(

tell me the results, please.

ciao -ap


 Andreas Piesk   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 pgp fingerprint: 23CB A7E2 2E53 373C  DBCD 8EFC  61C1

What goes up, must come down. Ask any system administrator.

Version: PGPfreeware 5.0i for non-commercial use
MessageID: 7YNMyLtgCB8QhT3ogzM43b0WXErrWU72


Re: Deleted menu in Wmaker

1999-09-25 Thread Laurent Martelli
 Alan == Alan Eugene Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Alan Thank you very much for your timely response to my query!
  Alan However, I'm afraid something has escaped me: right-click
  Alan what?  I tried to right-click on the root window; nothing!
  Alan Right-clicked on an xterm: nothing.  Right-clicked on the
  Alan configurator: nothing.

run wmakerconf, select the menu tab, and right-click on the root
node of the tree-view in the left frame. A popup menu should appear,
containing insert a command, insert a sub-menu, insert a debian
menu  ...

Laurent Martelli


1999-09-25 Thread Adamo UNIX

Hi, All.
A friend of mine is trying to use SYBASE with Perl
Where can I find (if it exists) .deb DBI for Perl?


Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at

Remote Login

1999-09-25 Thread j way
Hi, login from ttyS1 is rejected while the same username  password are
on the main console.  Is there some further permission required to
Thanks for any help,  John.

Re: awk or sed?

1999-09-25 Thread John Pearson
On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 02:13:15PM +1200, Tim Thomson wrote
 On Fri, 24 Sep 1999, Brad wrote:
  On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Tim Thomson wrote:
   On Wed, 22 Sep 1999, Steve Lamb wrote:
  if ($_ =~ /inet addr:(\n+)\.(\n+)\.(\n+)\.(\n+)/){
$ipaddr = $1.$2.$3.$4;
  $return = `nslookup $1.$2.$3.$4`;
   Thanks for all replies. It was actually cut I was thinking of initially.
   I couldn't get this one to go, nothing was going into $1,$2, or $ipaddr.
  Simple typo. Use \d (digit) instead of \n (linebreak).
 I was thinking it was just something like that. I've been meaning to learn
 perl for awhile. Any good starting points, apart from going through
 source code? Thanks for the link to that awk link, looks good.

If you can follow the above code, you could do worse
than read manpages perlre, perlop  perlfunc. 

My favourite perl fragment:
perl -wle 'print Prime if (1 x shift) !~ /^1?$|^(11+?)\1+$/'
Not very efficient, but *concise*.

John P.
Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything. - Bill Gates in Denmark


1999-09-25 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer

I have a server that dials into the internet with a client attached on a home 
network.  My IP MASQ is working and the 
client can connect to the internet, but only using IP Addresses.  The client 
cannot connect using domain names.  

So , the connection is --eth0--- internet

If I type nslookup from the server I get:

Default Server:

I'm really not sure where this comes from but I know that if I remove it and 
put something else in it's place I am not
able to browse the web or fetch email.  What can I try so that the client can 
connect via domain names and not just
IP Addresses?


Re: PAP Authentication Failed

1999-09-25 Thread John Hasler
Wiz writes:
 When i dial to my ISP i get PAP authentication failed.  Whats wrong and
 how do i fix it?

Your ISP requires PAP authentication: that authentication is failing.  That
may be because you have configured ppp wrong or because your password is
incorrect.  IF you set up ppp with pppconfig post
/etc/chatscripts/provider, /etc/ppp/peers/provider, and
/etc/ppp/pap-secrets (edit passwords, of course).  If you did not set up
ppp with pppconfig, do so.
John HaslerThis posting is in the public domain.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Do with it what you will.
Dancing Horse Hill Make money from it if you can; I don't mind.
Elmwood, Wisconsin Do not send email advertisements to this address.

Re: Remote Login

1999-09-25 Thread Jean Pierre LeJacq
On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, j way wrote:

 Hi, login from ttyS1 is rejected while the same username 
 password are accepted on the main console.  Is there some
 further permission required to enable?

You may need to edit the file /etc/login.access.  See the man
page login.access(5).

Jean Pierre

Re: Remote Login

1999-09-25 Thread Ben Collins
On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 08:04:13AM -0700, j way wrote:
 Hi, login from ttyS1 is rejected while the same username  password are
 on the main console.  Is there some further permission required to
 Thanks for any help,  John.

Well, you can't login as root on ttyS1 unless you add that to /etc/securetty,
so if that's the problem, then try that or login as a regular user.


cd packet error

1999-09-25 Thread Rob Mahurin
So I'm trying to dub this CD for my roommate and I'm getting this
error message about once a frickin second:

hdc: packet command error: error=0xb4
ATAPI device hdc:
  Error: Aborted command -- (Sense key=0x0b)
  Loss of streaming -- (asc=0xbf, ascq=0x00)
  The failed NULL packet command was:
  be 04 00 03 c3 57 00 00 08 f8 00 00 
hdc: packet command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }

except the packet numbers keep changing.  Is this cdparanoia barfing,
or is the CD scratched?

Thank god for ^L,


Repel them.  Repel them.  Induce them to relinquish the spheroid.
- Indiana University fans' chant for their perennially bad football team

Re: two monitors

1999-09-25 Thread Evan Van Dyke
Seth R Arnold wrote:
 Ok guys -- I have a second monitor, and wouldn't mind buying a second video
 card if it would allow me to use two monitors at the same time. I don't know
 where to start looking for information on this.
 My current video card is an AGP ATI [EMAIL PROTECTED] I am running XFree86 
 Do you guys have any suggestions for a second video card (I think it would
 need to be PCI... :) Or, should I just buy a new video card that can handle
 two video outputs? Do such things exist? (Can I afford them? :)
 Any hints you have would be appreciated. :)

Xfree86 V4.0 is supposed to introduce multi-headed support... until then
I don't
think you can.  Although one of the commercial servers might do it.


Evan Van Dyke   E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Page: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ#: 15442232
DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets.   O-
Amateur Radio Call Sign:  KB8PVEElder ResCon at Northwestern

GCS/S d+(-) s:+ a--- C UH+I++LS++V P+ L+++ E W++ N++
w-- O- M-- !V PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5+++ X+ R+ tv+ b+++ DI D+ g e h !r

   Quoth the Raven...  'Nevermore!' --Edgar Allen Poe
   I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the
  --Dilbert to Management

Debian images with newer kernel

1999-09-25 Thread B. Szyszka

Where can I find the rescue and other disk images for Debian with
the newer kernels? When I went to the potato directory and got them
from there, the kernel was 2.0.x. Isn't it up to 2.1.x or 2.2.x now?

Bart Szyszka  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:4982727
B Grafyx
** Good deal for magazine subscriptions/renewals while helping my school: 

Re: video modes for X11

1999-09-25 Thread Ernest Johanson

Your display may be running at a lower pixel depth than you're used to
seeing. Check the  Screen section of your XF86Config that applies to
your x server. If your server recognizes the DefaultColorDepth parameter
you can set your default depth that way, otherwise you can use 
startx -- -bpp depth with whatever depth you want to start with.

Ernest Johanson
Web Systems Administrator
Fuller Theological Seminary

On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Paul Harris wrote:

 Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 15:13:07 +0800 (WST)
 From: Paul Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: video modes for X11
 my lovely 17 monitor has a grainy-liney appearance when in 1280x1024
 mode, however its perfectly clear under windows. i have the .ini file that
 windows uses but am unsure how to set up the x11 modelines... can anyone
 If you can't make it good, make it look good.
   Bill Gates, 1995 

Debian m68k slink atari scsi install problem

1999-09-25 Thread Freek Munniksma

2.1I am a total newbie to linux,so probably i´m doing something 
wrong,butanyway i tried to install the slink version of debian linux on an 
atarifalcon with 14 MB RAM with an external scsi Seagate HD(scsi id 0) 
.After runningbootstrap,the kernel unzips,but later on i get the following 
messages:Atari scsi -resetting the scsi bus...Data read fault at 
0x0008 in super data(pc=0x89bbc)Bad kernel 
buserrOops:...Aiee,killing interrupt 
handlerAny help is welcome,also links to resources,FAQs etc.I`m just a 
newbie.Greetings, Freek.[EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-09-25 Thread Jean-Yves BARBIER
On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 10:10:32AM -0500, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 I have a server that dials into the internet with a client attached on a home 
 network.  My IP MASQ is working and the 
 client can connect to the internet, but only using IP Addresses.  The client 
 cannot connect using domain names.  

Hi Lance,
that means your DNS isn't working at all (its work is precisely to convert 
domain names to real IPs!)

 So , the connection is --eth0--- internet
 If I type nslookup from the server I get:
 Default Server:

Perhaps you said your DNS that its (first) forwarder is
A forwarder is generaly the ISP's DNS, which, because of the great amount of 
request it gets, contains
most of the regular IPs you need; so if you use a forwarder, it will first look 
to its records to see
if it has the right IP within; and if not, it will query the ROOT.SERVERS, 
which are the source of
*all* correspondances between names  IPs.

 I'm really not sure where this comes from but I know that if I remove it and 
 put something else in it's place I am not
 able to browse the web or fetch email.  What can I try so that the client can 
 connect via domain names and not just
 IP Addresses?

First, DNS is acting under UDP protool, second you need to let it pass through 
the firewall (and return too ;).

MY firewall says: let anything, any protocols pass within the LAN; then, for 
the INPUT from WEB, it says: 
let ALL UDP packets on ports [1024-5999]  [6011-65535] pass (hole is to secure 
X Window).
The OUTPUT chains says: let ALL UDP packets, external destination port = domain 
(port 53), PASS.
Then, then MASQuerade says: MASQuerade from LAN to WEB, source LAN, DEST 
anywhere, UDP/domain(53) PASS.

Hope it will help


Jean-Yves F. Barbier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 %DCL-MEM-BAD, bad memory
VMS-F-PDGERS, pudding between the ears

Star Office 5.1 dead?

1999-09-25 Thread Robert Rati
I had Star Office 5.1 working just perfectly and upgraded my system to
potato.  Now, I had it open and running when I did this and it didn't seem
to have a problem.  I had to reboot for something and now when I try to
load Star Office, I get an unrecoverable error and it closes about 5-10
seconds after I load it.  I'm not sure if potato caused this or not, but
it seems most probable.  Does anyone know what went wrong or how to fix


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
|   LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  A REAL Man's OS!
 forever.  I'm outta here. |

xfree 3.3.4 debs

1999-09-25 Thread Jonathan P Tomer
does anyone know where i can get xfree86 3.3.4 debs? 3.3.5 is toast for
me, unfortunately.

(if replying to the list, please cc me, i am not subscribed.)

I can learn to resist anything but temptation -- Rush, Resist
PGP 5.0 key (0xE024447449) at


1999-09-25 Thread pplaw

i've installed cdtool (and its dependencies), but i get no sound.  i've
tried it on two lapboxes...same outcome.  pointing to /dev/hdc as the
cdrom, do i need to do anything else in order to cdplay and actually
hear the music?

ia, t.

bentley taylor.


Oracle Web Server on Linx

1999-09-25 Thread Ernest Johanson
Has anyone had experience running the Oracle Web Application Server on
Debian? I got the download,  installed it and all processes come up
except the administrative web server run fine, which refuses to run. The
only variation I'm aware of from the docs is that they say kernel 2.0.34
and I have 2.2.12 on that machine. I can provide more details if anyone
has some idea about this.

BTW, anyone know what's going on with Oracle? We tried to buy the product,
and were told that the Online Store is pulling all references to Linux.
Sounds strange.

Ernest Johanson
Web Systems Administrator
Fuller Theological Seminary

Re: PAP Authentication Failed

1999-09-25 Thread Joakim Svensson
I have the same problem !
Started today. hmmm
If you solve it please let me know

Re: cdtool?

1999-09-25 Thread Gregory T. Norris
Try running a mixer, such as aumix or cam, prior to playing the CD.
Some soundcards default to 0% volume.

On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 11:10:09AM -0700, pplaw wrote:
 i've installed cdtool (and its dependencies), but i get no sound.  i've
 tried it on two lapboxes...same outcome.  pointing to /dev/hdc as the
 cdrom, do i need to do anything else in order to cdplay and actually
 hear the music?


1999-09-25 Thread Edward Kear
At 07:09 PM 9/25/99 +0200, Jean-Yves BARBIER wrote:
On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 10:10:32AM -0500, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 I have a server that dials into the internet with a client attached on a
home network.  My IP MASQ is working and the 
 client can connect to the internet, but only using IP Addresses.  The
client cannot connect using domain names.  

Hi Lance,
that means your DNS isn't working at all (its work is precisely to convert
domain names to real IPs!)

 So , the connection is --eth0---
 If I type nslookup from the server I get:
 Default Server:

Perhaps you said your DNS that its (first) forwarder is
A forwarder is generaly the ISP's DNS, which, because of the great amount
of request it gets, contains
most of the regular IPs you need; so if you use a forwarder, it will first
look to its records to see
if it has the right IP within; and if not, it will query the ROOT.SERVERS,
which are the source of
*all* correspondances between names  IPs.

 I'm really not sure where this comes from but I know that if I remove it
and put something else in it's place I am not
 able to browse the web or fetch email.  What can I try so that the
client can connect via domain names and not just
 IP Addresses?

First, DNS is acting under UDP protool, second you need to let it pass
through the firewall (and return too ;).

MY firewall says: let anything, any protocols pass within the LAN; then,
for the INPUT from WEB, it says: 
let ALL UDP packets on ports [1024-5999]  [6011-65535] pass (hole is to
secure X Window).
The OUTPUT chains says: let ALL UDP packets, external destination port =
domain (port 53), PASS.
Then, then MASQuerade says: MASQuerade from LAN to WEB, source LAN, DEST
anywhere, UDP/domain(53) PASS.

Hope it will help


Try setting up a caching-only DNS on your firewall that uses your ISP's DNS
as its forwarder.  Then configure all of your clients to point to your DNS.

Install the bind package and read the DNS-HowTo.


Rejected e-mails

1999-09-25 Thread davidj
I'm trying to set up e-mail on debian (I'm not sure which version - before the 
login int says 2.1, after the login 2.0.36).
I've succeeded, with the help of recent exchanges on the debian-user list and 
perusal of pop3 and smtp protocols, in either sending messages out or fetching 
them, but not both without changing my /etc/exim.conf file. In this exim.conf 
file I have the following line:
I don't really know what this does, but my reading suggested that I do this. is the mail server of my ISP.
In the 'rewrite' section of the exim.conf file I have the line:
I have a standalone computer at home christened 'jardine' with a user account 
'dave'.  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' is both my e-mail address and my user ID with my 
ISP. (Yes, they insist on the whole thing as user ID.)
My .fetchmailrc file is:
poll protocol pop3
user [EMAIL PROTECTED] there password pwd is [EMAIL PROTECTED] here forcecr

Now, with this configuration I can send messages out, but I have to comment out 
the 'rewrite' line in exim.config when I use fetchmail.  If I don't the e-mails 
are conscientiously downloaded from the server, but then they disappear into 
thin air.

I've been thrown off the list because my previous attempts at setting the 
system up resulted in mail piling up on a mail server which started bouncing 
them back, so could you please cc any ideas on sorting this out?



X-sever problem with ATI Rage II

1999-09-25 Thread Oliver

I tried to configure the X-server for my ATI Rage II. But If I start the
server it hangs. I 'm confused with the output because memory shouldn't be
the problem (128MB RAM, 4 MB on VGA board).
The messages looks like in the appendix.
How can I fix the problem?


Description: Binary data

Modem + setserial + minicom problems

1999-09-25 Thread Michelle Maria Coelho

Hi DebianUsers,
I have installed slink on my 486 last night..The kernel can't recognize
the modem. When I ran minicom, all it says is
Serial operation not supported by ttyS3. The modem is jumper configured
for ttyS3.
If I do a setserial -a ttyS3, I get the same reply..
Can some one figure out a solution.
This is my third time installing DEbian. The first 2 times, I didn't
have this problem and I was using the same modem then as now..Also, then
at boot time, the kernel would give a message like:
Configuring serial ports..
ttyS0 is a xxx UART
ttyS1 is a UART
ttyS2 is a.. xxx UART
ttyS3 is a .. xxx UART
But I don't get this massage any more..All I get is Configuring serial
Also when I do a minicom -s, it shows ttyS3 as the serial device.
I did a ls /dev/ttyS*
All the ttyS* are dial out or so ls tells me..
Please, please help me..
Thanks so much.

Michelle Maria Coelho
Department of Computer and Information Science
Purdue School of Science

Phone: 1-317-278-2948
Fax : 1-317-274-9742

Re: xfree 3.3.4 debs

1999-09-25 Thread Brian Servis
*- On 25 Sep, Jonathan P Tomer wrote about xfree 3.3.4 debs
 does anyone know where i can get xfree86 3.3.4 debs? 3.3.5 is toast for
 me, unfortunately. has them for slink.
I would imagine they would work on potato as well.

Mechanical Engineering  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Purdue University

Re: Rejected e-mails

1999-09-25 Thread Eric G . Miller
 My .fetchmailrc file is:
 poll protocol pop3
 user [EMAIL PROTECTED] there password pwd
   is [EMAIL PROTECTED] here forcecr
  I would suggest changing [EMAIL PROTECTED]' to simply `dave' in your
  .fetchmailrc.  The problem is fetchmail is trying to send it to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED], but this address gets rewritten by exim to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] which doesn't exist on your machine, and can't be
  delivered to.  Changing to simply dave will make fetchmail send to
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] which won't be affected by the rewrite.  At least, I
  think that'll work!
|   YOUR AD HERE1.900.FOO.BARZ   |

Re: Deleted menu in Wmaker

1999-09-25 Thread Brad

On Sat, 25 Sep 1999, Alan Eugene Davis wrote:

 While trying out the spiffy wm configurator, I seem to have eliminated
 all the debian menus.  
 How can I get back the menus?  Meanwhile I have just inserted my own
 menu entries for the few programs I use all the time.  

The first step would be to change your ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMRootMenu file
to contain only this text:

Next, make sure you don't have a menu.hook file anywhere under your
GNUstep directory (IIRC it would be in GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/, but i
could be wrong. Use find.)

Your menus should now be back to the default Debian setup, and
update-menus (as root) will work properly. Note that if you run
update-menus as your user, then update-menus as root (e.g. when new
packages are installed) will not affect your menus; you'll have to
update-menus manually as your user. Or just delete the
~/GNUstep//menu.hook file.

 By the way, since this little flub none of the newly installed
 packages has been visible as menu entries either.  What did I do?

Because you're not using the Debian menus, you won't see them. They are
being properly put into the global Debian menus though.

- -- 
  finger for PGP public key.

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv


Re: xfree 3.3.4 debs

1999-09-25 Thread Scott Henry
 J == Jonathan P Tomer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

J does anyone know where i can get xfree86 3.3.4 debs? 3.3.5 is toast for
J me, unfortunately.

Both 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 are toast for me. But only the xserver. 
Fortunately I found another machine to copy a working xserver from. 
I've submitted a bug report for 3.3.4, but now have some more
details in 3.3.5, so I need to update the bug report...

 Scott Henry [EMAIL PROTECTED] /  Help! My disclaimer is missing!
 IRIX MTS,   /  GIGO *really* means: Garbage in, Gospel Out
 Silicon Graphics, Inc  /

Re: Regex and memory gone. (Wingz)

1999-09-25 Thread Steve Stancliff
I have this problem also.  Does anybody have a solution?
Here's what I get when I run Wingz:

Regex Error: Memory exhausted

I have 80M physical and 64M swap.

Please cc me.

Steve Stancliff

ipchains: zeroing built-in chain counters

1999-09-25 Thread Hwei Sheng TEOH

I'm just wondering, why does `ipchains -Z' only clear the counters for the
rules in each chain, but not the counters for the chain policy?

Is there a way to clear the counters for the builtin chains' policies?



Re: Star Office 5.1 dead?

1999-09-25 Thread Jason Christensen
I have SO 5.1 working fine with Potato, but installing it was a headache. When
I was first trying, Debian potato was using a distribution of glibc that had
some problems with threading, and I had problems installing because of it. A
new glibc package was released a couple of days after I started trying. I 
my glibc and that solved the problem. This problem is probrably not affecting
you if you have the newest Debian potato glibc package, but it is worth checking
into. Potato unto itself is not the problem. Try the Sun StarOffice newsgroups
as they were very helpful for me.


I had Star Office 5.1 working just perfectly and upgraded my system to
potato.  Now, I had it open and running when I did this and it didn't seem

to have a problem.  I had to reboot for something and now when I try to
load Star Office, I get an unrecoverable error and it closes about 5-10
seconds after I load it.  I'm not sure if potato caused this or not, but
it seems most probable.  Does anyone know what went wrong or how to fix


[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1999-00 |
Aka Khyron the Backstabber  |   LI  NN N  U U  X X  O
ICQ# 2325055|   LI  N NN  U U   X
|   LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
Shackles cannot keep me bound  |  A REAL Man's OS!
 forever.  I'm outta here. |

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: loop devices? [some success]

1999-09-25 Thread Steve George

OK I have had some more success with this now, still stuck on some points but 
perhaps this will help someone and if anyone knows the answers to my queries 
that would be nice too:

1)  Got the crypto kernel source from and compiled a new kernel 
with the crypto stuff enabled.
2)  Discovered my losetup wasn't crypto enabled so got the source to 
util-linux-2.9w from and applied the patch from the kerneli 
3)  Made the changes to the conf.modules described in the source.

I can now make encrypted loop devices like so:
# losetup -e idea /dev/loop0 file
# mkfs -t ext2 /dev/loop 100
# mount -t ext2 /dev/loop0 /safe

Only problem is that I have to manually insert the crypto modules manually.  It 
looks like loop_gen (which seems to add the ability for loop devices) depends 
on cipherapi but when I try a normal loop operation the loop modules doesn't 
install the others.  Instead I have to do this:
# insmod cipherapi
# insmod loop_gen
Anyone know how to make the loop modules call the correct modules?

Finally, I am still stuck with that Binary thing with des encryption - but who 
knows what that is ;-)



On Sat, Sep 25, 1999 at 12:04:28AM +0100, Steve George wrote:
 I am looking into using loop devices so I can encrypt stuff onto a floppy 
 file system.  I am stuck right at the start with loop devices.  The manual 
 says to do the following:
 dd if=/dev/zero of=/file bs=1k count=100
 losetup -e des /dev/loop0 /file
 Password: type a password
 Init (up to 16 hex digits):
 This is the part I am stuck on...what hex digits am I supposed to type??
 I've tried hitting return and typing randomly..I can't find anything in 
 the man pages or the kernel src docs.
 Anyone know what I should type please?
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Re: Slow system clock?

1999-09-25 Thread Jason Christensen
It was the problem! I disabled APM in the BIOS and let linux run overnight. The
time was accurate the following morning. I just finished rebuilding  booting
a new kernel with APM support and turned BIOS power management back on. I think
it's licked.

Thanks to all who helped me out!


On Fri, 24 Sep, 1999 à 09:00:25AM +, Jason Christensen wrote:

 I think that you may be right. Now that I think about it, the problem only
 to occur after linux has been running for a long period of time without a
 (i.e. overnight). I think I have the BIOS configured to kick into sleep mode

 after a certain time of inactivity. This would make sense as when the system

 slows down the timer interrupt servicing would occur less frequently. I 

 however, find a refence to this problem in the Battery Power Mini-HOWTO at
 I'll try turning off BIOS power management overnight tonight and let you
 what happens. BTW, my kernel is not compiled with power management support,

 perhaps if I had, this problem wouldn't have occurred? Anyone know for sure?

I do think that the problem would not occurs if you enable APM in the
kernel because with APM enabled, system time (i.e. time maintained by
the kernel) is resetted after a RESUME.
If you do not want to enable APM in the kernel, a quick fix would be to
comment the line:

hwclock --systohc $GMT

in /etc/init.d/

My decision would be to enable APM unless you have specific problems
with it.

 Thanks for all your help,

You're welcome.

 ( -   Laurent PICOULEAU  - )
 /~\   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /~\
|  \)Linux : mettez un pingouin dans votre ordinateur !(/  |
 \_|_Seuls ceux qui ne l'utilisent pas en disent du mal.   _|_/

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Re: Does X11 ignore ~/.bash_profile?

1999-09-25 Thread Keith Harbaugh
On Fri, 1999-09-24 at 00:42:35 +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
 I am trying to install real player and have the following lines in my
 When I do an echo $PATH in the console, I get:
 However when I do it in xterm I get 
 Does X11 ignore ~/.bash_profile?

The answer to your explicit question is:
It depends on what you tell xterm you want.
as the following quote from the xterm man page describing
one of the resources available in the xterm.vt100 widget:
   loginShell (class LoginShell)
   Specifies  whether  or  not the shell to be run in
   the window should be started  as  a  login  shell.
   The default is ``false.''
hopefully makes clear.
Thus putting
xterm.vt100.loginShell: true
in your .Xresources file would make each xterm shell a login shell,
which would then read ~/.bash_profile during its initialization.
(xterm also has command line options -ls and +ls to determine this,
if you are starting xterm from a command line.
But the Xresources approach also catches all those xterms
that get started up implicitly somehow or another.)

But the common solution to your implicit question is as others have suggested:
put most all of your initialization into ~/.bashrc,
and then in ~/.bash_profile source ~/.bashrc.
The usage of ENV may be influenced by this quote from the bash FAQ:
bash reads ~/.bashrc for interactive shells, $ENV for non-interactive
