Re: routers vs linux

2000-04-07 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Juanma wrote:

 Estimados listeros:
 El motivo de mi consulta, aun no dejando de ser off toppic, es el siguiente:
 Resulta que tengo un señor que quiere una red de 20 ordenadores conectandose
 a internet via rdsi.
 Le propusimos un servidor dedicado (con debian) con el squid, apache, samba,
 sendmail  y alguna cosilla más.
 Pero resulta que un listillo que les va a dar clases de internet le está
 comiendo la oreja diciendole una serie de estupideces como
 que linux se cuelga mucho,
 que con varios routers les iría mejor y más rápido que con linux
 etc etc etc.
 Ni que decir que el tío ese le quiere vender de paso los routers.
 Entones mi consulta es la siguiente: si conoceis alguna universidad, empresa
 u organización que tenga bien hechas las cosas (es decir linux como
 Y qué le puedo decir para convencerle que no es tan bueno utilizar routers
 (que a lo mejor el otro tiene razón aunque lo dudo).
 Si quereis me enviais las respuestas directamente a mí para no cargar la
 Recibid un saludo y las gracias anticipadas.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Yo mucho no te puedo ayudar pero si te puedo decir que una vez estube
trabajando para la Xunta de Galicia instalando Tarjetas RDSI en los
institutos, y en uno me encontré con que les habían vendido un router (
fue el único caso ) y no era más que un 486 con linux dentro configurable
por puerto serie 
Asique dile al de los routers que los mire bién antes de venderlos no sea
el caso de que también les esté vendiendo linux y más caro ;))).
Espero haber aportado mi granito de arena.

Javier Fafián Alvarez

en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM

Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen)

Re: Sobre bases de datos

2000-04-07 Thread Roberto Meyer


JFM Para no dar palos de ciego, ¿cual recomendarías entre PostgreSQL y
JFM MySQL?  ¿Me aconsejáis otra que no haya citado?

Para velocidad y acceso desde web u ODBC sin duda MySQL.  Es mas a
pulmon pero la velocidad es mas comparable a Oracle que PostgreSQL

JFM Las aplicaciones a desarrollar empezarán con consultas mediante 
web a
JFM censos electorales (30.000 electores en 39 colegios), registro de
JFM documentos (90.000 al año) y otras aplicaciones sencillas con hasta 6
JFM usuarios atacándolas.

De eso se trata, en MySQL tienes muchisimo material en PHP y Perl y
ePerl.  Si las aplicaciones son sencillas y lo que tienes es una
monta~a de datos (o vas a tenerla) MySQL sigue siendo la mejor opcion.
Te sientes a caballo con SQL?  De ser asi = MySQL! :-)

Robertomailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RV: Problema con S3 Trio 3D AGP.

2000-04-07 Thread jmsiso


 Tengo un problema de resolución en X windows, trabajo con el 
servidor XF86_VGA16 a 800x600 y con Xfree86-common-, pero 
cuando abro el Netscape si salgo fuera de la ventana del navegador con el ratón, 
lo que hay en la ventana cambia a negro. Siendo muy incomodo trabajar 
 Por lo que os quiero preguntar ¿que es más conveniente?, 
utilizar un framebuffer o actualizar Xfree a una versión que soporte la tarjeta 
grafica, y como lo puedo realizar.

Configuración del 
  Placa Soyo 
  AMD K6-2 400 
  128 MB SDRAM 
 4,3 GB y 
grafica S3 Trio 3D AGP
  Debian Slink 
 Otra pregunta instale el 
loafnode sin problemas, pero con netscape no podia acceder a los grupos para 
suscribirme. Buscando en/etc/host.deny vi una linea como esta - 
leafnode:ALL - comente esta linea y entonces me pude suscribir. Me gustaria 
saber¿porque ? al instalar leafnode introduce esa linea en 
  Espero que me 


2000-04-07 Thread Angel Carrasco

Por motivos de ancho de banda, necesito llevar un control de los
usuarios que conectan con diferentes servicios a través de mi Linux.
Necesitaría controlar cuantos van a IRC, cuantos a webs, etc. Y por lo
tanto, me han contado que use un software de WatchDog. Y de aquí, mis
¿Es sólo software?
¿Conoceís alguno bueno?
¿Existe algun muy exhaustivo?

Un saludo y muchas gracias por todo.


Re: routers vs linux

2000-04-07 Thread Eduardo Urrea
On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Juanma wrote:

 Estimados listeros:
 El motivo de mi consulta, aun no dejando de ser off toppic, es el siguiente:
 Resulta que tengo un señor que quiere una red de 20 ordenadores conectandose
 a internet via rdsi.
 Le propusimos un servidor dedicado (con debian) con el squid, apache, samba,
 sendmail  y alguna cosilla más.
 Pero resulta que un listillo que les va a dar clases de internet le está
 comiendo la oreja diciendole una serie de estupideces como
 que linux se cuelga mucho,
 que con varios routers les iría mejor y más rápido que con linux
 etc etc etc.
 Ni que decir que el tío ese le quiere vender de paso los routers.
 Entones mi consulta es la siguiente: si conoceis alguna universidad, empresa
 u organización que tenga bien hechas las cosas (es decir linux como
 Y qué le puedo decir para convencerle que no es tan bueno utilizar routers
 (que a lo mejor el otro tiene razón aunque lo dudo).
 Si quereis me enviais las respuestas directamente a mí para no cargar la
 Recibid un saludo y las gracias anticipadas.

Tu dile que el linux no le cuesta nada y el router 100 talegos como minimo,
ya veras como cambia de opinion ... De todas formas esa es una de las
preguntas mas frecuentes, Que es mejor? Linux o poner un router ... 

Para mi punto de vista y para el punto de vista de muchos administradores de
sistemas es... segun lo que se quiera gastar, el rendimiento que quiere de
él ... Influyen muchos factores... Pero el mayor factor que siempre te
preguntan es, Cuanto vale una cosa o otra?, conque comentale eso y le
dices que no hace fatla tener que con varios routers les irma mejor y mas
rapido que con linux para conectar 20 ordenadores a una linea de RDSI
patatera... Si lo que quiere es rendimiento y le da igual lo que le cueste,
pues que se gaste la pasta en un router, si quiere rendimiento y que no le
cueste nada pues un Linux :)

Enga, hasta otra :)

  Eduardo Urrea Alcaraz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Seguridad Informatica

Re: ¿Debian en Linux-Expo ?

2000-04-07 Thread Eduardo Urrea
On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Daniel Payno wrote:

 Aquí, en el GUL, y a raíz de la carta abierta en barrapunto, estamos 
 si ir. Recuerdo que Jesús comentó que los de Linux Expo nos dejaban montar un
 stand de Debian y entrar gratis, y que hubo alguna gente que se ofreció...
 ¿Cómo está la cosa?
   Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 

Pues estaria de puta madre, si pudiera ayudar, lo haria encantado, todo sea
por la Debian :P

  Eduardo Urrea Alcaraz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Seguridad Informatica

Re: Telnet automatizado

2000-04-07 Thread Raúl Miró
En el trabajo usamos el VNC (Virtual Network Computing, busca asi en
yahoo y lo encontrarás), es un program gratuito que vale para lo que
buscas y está disponible para pc, mac, amiga, linux... y hace eso... es
un servidor que permite acceder a clientes X al ordenador que sirve y en
el mismo paquete está el cliente para poder acceder a servidores VNC en
modo X. Es curioso acceder desde un ordenador linux a un pc con vnc
situado 30 metros más allá y ver su pantalla en el ordenador linux, o al
revés entrar desde el pc al ordenador con linux en el despacho del fondo
y actuar con el como si estuvieras delante de la pantalla...
 creo que lo que tu quieres se llama xhost Tu te conectas con la maquina
 remota, y ella te envía las imagenes correspondientes a las ventanas. No se
 más del tema, pero seguro que está documentado por ahí...

 | Quizás no me haya explicado bien.
 | Cada vez existe más máquinas no propiamente unix que sin embargo su
 | interfax de control hombre-máquina se realiza a través de telnet.
 | La idea sería crear un interfaz de ventanas gráfico para operar sobre
 | ellas, pero que por debajo se realice un telnet a la máquina para meter
 | comandos y obtener respuestas, y las respuestas sacarlas en  otras
 | ventanas, etc.

Powered by Corel LINUX 1.0/Debian Potato * Kernel 2.2.12 * KDE  1.1.2
AMDK6-2 3DNOW!  *  HD 4.3G  *  64M Ram  *  DVD-Rom  *  Canon BJC-4300

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Re: Instalo Linux? Digo en todas?

2000-04-07 Thread Raúl Miró
  Quisiera saber si alguien ha instalado Linux para resolver _todas_ las
  necesidades de oficina, si, me refiero a reemplazar winblows.
 Yo estoy trabajando (bueno, estamos trabajando en eso) pero para
 centros de enseñanza. En ellos para lo único que vale Windows es para
 gastar dinero en licencias y tocar las narices.

Totalmente de acuerdo, mira, en el entorno de oficina es donde pienso
que se adapta mejor linux, por sus grandes posibilidades, es en casa
donde todavía no puede destacar tanto por haber muchos menos juegos de
actualidad, no puedo ver las películas DVD... pero todo va llegando. Te
cuento mi propia experiencia.

En el trabajo uso el Caldera OpenLinux2.3 y ya hace un año que mi pecera
se ha olvidado de Wkk, y me soluciona el trabajo mejor que al resto de
compañeros que sufren con las limitaciones de sus peceras. StarOffice
es un paquete Office que cumple lo suficiente para creaciones propias
(nosotros trabajamos con bastantes ficheros que nos mandan del exterior
y en ese aspecto todavía queda por perfilar bastante el tema de filtros
para ficheros .doc .xls... es decir para ficheros del exterior se queda
un poco corto pues no filtra lo bien que debiera...), puedo estar en dos
redes a la vez, la nuestra y la de la marca (que de momento manejan
diferentes IP's), para conexiones tipo IBM el emulador x3270 va de
perlas (solo falta el juego de caracteres/teclado castellano),
communicator 4.72 permite conectar con Hacienda con seguridad, lleva el
tema de mail, news..., la contabilidad, finanzas, ventas, recambios...
la lleva una base de datos (Caché se llama) a la que se accede por
telnet... en fin, no se que más cosas vas a usar en la empresa, pero
como puedes comprobar tienes solución para unas cuantas... comentarte
también que mi linux hace de proxy de salida a Internet con squid para
el resto de compañeros, sirve su impresora sin problemas, todavía se
tiene que colgar el ordenador por primera vez... vamos que va de cojón
que quieres que te diga... :-)

  Estoy probando la potato-frozen y gnome anda de maravillas, inclusive
  el mozilla M14.  Sin embargo falla la instalacion de 5tar0ffice 5.1,
  alguien consiguio instalarla con exito?  Y un servidor como el Ne1scape
  Calendaring pero OS?
 StarOffice? llevo actualizando potato semanalmente desde sus primeros
 tiempos y siempre me ha rulado. Un detalle importante de la StarOffice
 es instalarla como root haciendo:
 # ./setup /net

Me parece que el problema de que habla es que no le reconece la
instalación java que tiene en la máquina..., a mi me pasa lo mismo, en
el Caldera me la reconoce al hacer la instalación si previamente tengo
instalado el jdk1.1.7_v3, y de hecho funciona pues si accedo por ejemplo
a la página de Hacienda donde hay java funciona bien (eso sí muchíiisimo
más lento que con netscape).

Sin embargo con potato, tengo el java de ibm el 1.1.8 (¿no?) y pese a
reconocerlo SO51 cuando lo instalo, si luego voy a la página de Hacienda
( salta el programa y de hecho se interrumpe la ejecución
del SO51... si a alguien le funciona que lo diga... ¿qué variables de
entorno teneis puestas para el jdk118?

Powered by Corel LINUX 1.0/Debian Potato * Kernel 2.2.12 * KDE  1.1.2
AMDK6-2 3DNOW!  *  HD 4.3G  *  64M Ram  *  DVD-Rom  *  Canon BJC-4300

Do You Yahoo!?
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Como todas las instalaciones que hago

2000-04-07 Thread GNFR
Hola a todos:
Acabo de instalar Debian Potato con el netinst (a traves de la red) y me
ha pasado lo que me viene succediendo ultimamente: NO TENGO PS.
Alguien me puede decir porque me pasa esto? En que paquete deb esta el
PS? Tengo utilidades similares (pidof, kill, etc) pero PS no.


Re: traslado de correo

2000-04-07 Thread Hue-Bond
El jueves 06 de abril de 2000 a la(s) 19:25:52 +0100, ramon contaba:



 Quizá no sea lo más mejor pero añadiendo:

:0 :

 al .procmailrc, debería  llegar, siempre que sendmail  o el MTA
 que  uses  trabaje  con  procmail.  Se  puede  hacer  sin  .forward
 (traducción: yo no tengo .forward :^)).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Telnet automatizado

2000-04-07 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Alexandre Maneu i Victòria wrote:
 creo que lo que tu quieres se llama xhost Tu te conectas con la maquina
 remota, y ella te envía las imagenes correspondientes a las ventanas. No se
 más del tema, pero seguro que está documentado por ahí...

También existe la opción de usar VNC, si las aplicaciones que se estan
usando no son estrictamente Telnet.

En todo caso, considero que la mejor opción es utilizar Perl.

Camilo Alejandro.
* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

Re: routers vs linux

2000-04-07 Thread exxex
Javier Fafián Alvarez wrote:

 On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Juanma wrote:

  Estimados listeros:
  El motivo de mi consulta, aun no dejando de ser off toppic, es el siguiente:
  Resulta que tengo un señor que quiere una red de 20 ordenadores conectandose
  a internet via rdsi.
  Le propusimos un servidor dedicado (con debian) con el squid, apache, samba,
  sendmail  y alguna cosilla más.
  Pero resulta que un listillo que les va a dar clases de internet le está
  comiendo la oreja diciendole una serie de estupideces como
  que linux se cuelga mucho,
  que con varios routers les iría mejor y más rápido que con linux
  etc etc etc.
  Ni que decir que el tío ese le quiere vender de paso los routers.
  Entones mi consulta es la siguiente: si conoceis alguna universidad, empresa
  u organización que tenga bien hechas las cosas (es decir linux como
  Y qué le puedo decir para convencerle que no es tan bueno utilizar routers
  (que a lo mejor el otro tiene razón aunque lo dudo).
  Si quereis me enviais las respuestas directamente a mí para no cargar la
  Recibid un saludo y las gracias anticipadas.

Yo sólo puedo decir que en mi trabajo cambiamos el router por un linux, y por 
evidentes razones
todo el mundo está mas contento. Hace relativamente poco tiempo le cambiamos a 
una empresita
sus routers rdsi, por linux box... y bueno... nos quieren con locura desde 
aquel día :).

Tu simplemente diles que te dejen un pc y se lo montas... a ver que opinan 

Re: Sobre bases de datos

2000-04-07 Thread Jaime E. Villate
Jaime Fernández Martínez wrote:
 Para no dar palos de ciego, ¿cual recomendarías entre PostgreSQL y
 MySQL?  ¿Me aconsejáis otra que no haya citado?

PostgeSQL. Es realmente libre, es rápida, estable y tiene buena

Re: Sobre bases de datos

2000-04-07 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio
 PostgeSQL. Es realmente libre, es rápida, estable y tiene buena

  Secundo la propuesta. Conozco varias empresas donde prefieren PostgreSQL
a MySQL y en una de ellas van a migrar de Access a PostgreSQl una
BB.DD. bastante grande.

 Por cierto, uno de los jefes de una de esas empresas encontró un estudio
en el que decía que MySQL no era mucho más rápida que PSQL, sino que la
diferencia era poca y que a veces la segunda era más rápida.

Además, POstgreSQL en GPL.

 Un saludo.

Re: Potato!

2000-04-07 Thread Agustin MuNoz
El jue, 06 de abr de 2000, a las 04:23:16 -0500,
 Miguel Angel Hernandez Sanchez  va y dice:

 Alguien podria decirme cuando sale Potato como version estable y si existe

Ya queda poco...

 algun lugar donde pueda consultar esta lista de correo, para ver noticias

Un Saludo.. ;-)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | |  Fido: 2:346/3.202

... Linux, OS/2 y Windows. El bueno el feo y el malo.

Re: Sobre bases de datos

2000-04-07 Thread David Charro Ripa
Virgilio Gómez Rubio wrote:
   Por cierto, uno de los jefes de una de esas empresas encontró un
 en el que decía que MySQL no era mucho más rápida que PSQL, sino que la
 diferencia era poca y que a veces la segunda era más rápida.

¿Donde puedo encontrar ese maravillosa comparativa?
La necesito.



Re: Sobre bases de datos

2000-04-07 Thread Virgilio Gómez Rubio

 Pues ahora mismo no sé dónde estará. Intentaré conseguírtela. De todas
formas, prueba a buscarla en google o algún otro buscador.

  Un saludo.


On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, David Charro Ripa wrote:

 Virgilio Gómez Rubio wrote:
Por cierto, uno de los jefes de una de esas empresas encontró un
  en el que decía que MySQL no era mucho más rápida que PSQL, sino que la
  diferencia era poca y que a veces la segunda era más rápida.
 ¿Donde puedo encontrar ese maravillosa comparativa?
 La necesito.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

El mejor server (era: Dselect con método apt)

2000-04-07 Thread Enzo A. Dari
Miguel S Garrido wrote:
 En mi experiencia el es mucho más rapido, ahora,
 todo depende del lugar donde te halles, de tu proveedor de internet, etc,
 etc... prueba con traceroute y el que mejor tiempo tenga ese es el tuyo...
Ya en slink está el paquete netselect, que intenta encontrar el
server que va más rápido:
$ dpkg --info .../debian/dists/slink/main/binary-i386/net/netselect_0.2-3.deb 
 Package: netselect
 Version: 0.2-3
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: libc6
 Installed-Size: 31
 Maintainer: Avery Pennarun [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Description: Choose the fastest server automatically.
  This is netselect, an ultrafast intelligent parallelizing binary-search
  implementation of ping.  You give it a (possibly very long) list of
  servers, and it chooses the fastest/closest one automatically.  It's good
  for finding the fastest mirror, the least laggy IRC server,
  or the best Squid neighbour.

Enzo A. Dari  |  Instituto Balseiro / Centro Atomico Bariloche
8400-San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: 54-2944-445208, 54-2944-445100 Fax: 54-2944-445299
Web page:

Off Topic: Chipset y AMD

2000-04-07 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Tengo encima de mi mesa un ordenador asi:

Placa Soltek SL56-G5 con chipset VIA Apollo MVP3 + 686
1 slot AGP
1 slot AMR (no se lo que es)

Sonido integrado AC97 Audio Codec (tampoco se lo que es)

2 IDE Ultra ATA33/66
Procesador AMD K6-2 500 MHz

y alguna cosilla mas.

Lo que me gustaria saber es que soporte tiene Linux para una placa de estas
caracteristicas, porque la idea es actualizar un Linux que esta corriendo
sobre un P166 MMX, me han entrado muchas dudas. El Linux actual es una
Potato sobre kernel 2.2.14.

¿Alguien tiene experiencia con placas de estas caracteristicas?

Gracias de antemano


Re: Dselect con método apt

2000-04-07 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Pues para España hay algunos espejos en universidades que *seguro*
que te irán mejor. Yo el que creo que está mejor es RedIRIS... prueba

deb potato main
contrib non-free
deb-src potato
main contrib non-free

La actualización es buena, muy buena incluso. Y tienen espacio en
disco suficiente (no tendrán problemas de perdida de paquetes espero). A
todos los que usan Debian en la universidad se lo recomiendo encarecidamente
ya que todas las universidades pasan por RedIris.

Un saludo


On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 08:34:45PM +0100, Juan Carlos Muro wrote:
 ¿Me podeis dar una copia del /etc/apt/sources.list que vaya rápido?
 He probado con varios. El que más rápido me va es el de
 pero al hacer el apt-get me da una serie de fallos con un montón de
 paquetes, y dice algo así como ... eee ... uff, se me ha olvidado. El
 caso es que se salta un montón de paquetes, y llega a uno que se queda
 clavado y no pasa. ¿Sabéis qué puede ser?
 De todas maneras, lo que quiero es instalarme Debian en el curro a
 través de internet. Me he tenido que bajar los 7 discos base mas el
 rescue mas el drivers. ¿Es ese el procedimiento o hay algún otro para
 instalar Debian por ftp o apt sin bajar los discos base?
 Saludos :
 J: Carlos Muro
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Telnet automatizado

2000-04-07 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Umm.. VNC está en Debian (si, sí, yo también me sorprendí cuando lo
instalaron en el trabajo y al mirar en Debian ya estaba). Por cierto no es
gratuito es libre :)
Otra puntualización: *no* instala un cliente X lo que le hace más
rápido en realidad, porque no guarda información de estado, no te contectas
al otro ordenador sino que capturas su teclado+ratón.
Yo lo he probado Linux-win98 Linux-WinNT y funciona perfectamente.
Puede que de problemas, sin embargo con algunas tarjetas de vídeo...
Y una recomendación... es un *gran* agujero de seguridad así que recomiendo
que se defina muy bien donde se instala... cualquiera que capture la
password que se pasa en la red (que creo que no tiene soporte de
encripatción) podrá acceder a la máquina (aunque no haya nadie , si el snv
se instala como demonio en linux, o como servicio en NT/98.

Un saludo


On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 10:35:32PM +0200, Raúl Miró wrote:
 En el trabajo usamos el VNC (Virtual Network Computing, busca asi en
 yahoo y lo encontrarás), es un program gratuito que vale para lo que
 buscas y está disponible para pc, mac, amiga, linux... y hace eso... es
 un servidor que permite acceder a clientes X al ordenador que sirve y en
 el mismo paquete está el cliente para poder acceder a servidores VNC en
 modo X. Es curioso acceder desde un ordenador linux a un pc con vnc
 situado 30 metros más allá y ver su pantalla en el ordenador linux, o al
 revés entrar desde el pc al ordenador con linux en el despacho del fondo
 y actuar con el como si estuvieras delante de la pantalla...
  creo que lo que tu quieres se llama xhost Tu te conectas con la maquina
  remota, y ella te envía las imagenes correspondientes a las ventanas. No se
  más del tema, pero seguro que está documentado por ahí...
  | Quizás no me haya explicado bien.
  | Cada vez existe más máquinas no propiamente unix que sin embargo su
  | interfax de control hombre-máquina se realiza a través de telnet.
  | La idea sería crear un interfaz de ventanas gráfico para operar sobre
  | ellas, pero que por debajo se realice un telnet a la máquina para meter
  | comandos y obtener respuestas, y las respuestas sacarlas en  otras
  | ventanas, etc.
 Powered by Corel LINUX 1.0/Debian Potato * Kernel 2.2.12 * KDE  1.1.2
 AMDK6-2 3DNOW!  *  HD 4.3G  *  64M Ram  *  DVD-Rom  *  Canon BJC-4300
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Telnet automatizado

2000-04-07 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Raúl Miró wrote:

  | Quizás no me haya explicado bien.
  | Cada vez existe más máquinas no propiamente unix que sin embargo su
  | interfax de control hombre-máquina se realiza a través de telnet.

¿Has mirado libnet-telnet-perl?

Re: Sobre bases de datos

2000-04-07 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Virgilio Gómez Rubio wrote:

  Por cierto, uno de los jefes de una de esas empresas encontró un estudio
 en el que decía que MySQL no era mucho más rápida que PSQL, sino que la
 diferencia era poca y que a veces la segunda era más rápida.

Ahora que se comenta esto, ¿alguien tiene una comparativa de verdad de
velocidad MySQL - PostgreSQL? Por supuesto sin fsync y tal... :-?

 Además, POstgreSQL en GPL.

Bueno, desde hace unos meses, algunas versiones de MySQL también, ¿no?

Re: Off Topic: Chipset y AMD

2000-04-07 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:

sonido integrado AC97 Audio Codec (tampoco se lo que es)
Es una tarjeta de sonido

 Potato sobre kernel 2.2.14.
 ¿Alguien tiene experiencia con placas de estas caracteristicas?
 Gracias de antemano
Las placas buenas no son problema, lo malo es si fallan ( como la mía ).
Los problemas que te puedes encontrar al instalar son la tarjeta gráfica
(fíjate si está soportada por las X, cuando yo cambie la mia no estaba
soportada y no veas que lio ) y la tarjeta de sonido, lo mismo.
Para lo de la tarjeta gráfica lo tendrás fácil, pero lo de la tarjeta de
sonido integrada en placa tienes que mirar la documentación de los fuentes
del kernel Documentatio/sound/.. y fijarte en le manual de la placa qué
tarjeta es.
Espero haberte quitado de dudas :-)

Javier Fafián Alvarez

en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM

Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen)

Help: Error cargando nuevo kernel

2000-04-07 Thread Antonio Castro
El disco resc1440.bin no me arranca y he sustituido el kernel por un 
compilado estáticamente con todo lo que creo que necesita copio el
bzImage obtenido sobre el disco de rescate. Bueno en realidad llevo 
probados bastantes kernel y este es el que parece que más cerca
está de lograr arrancar. Al arrancar parece hacerlo todo bien salvo 
que no puede inicializar la consola.

El mensaje exacto es:

Warning: unable to open an initial console
Kernel panic: No init found. Try passing init= option to kernel.

Cualquier tipo de ayuda será bien recibida.



/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: routers vs linux

2000-04-07 Thread Jaime Fernández Martínez
No soy experto en el tema, pero no conozco ningún router que haga lo
que has dicho que quieres instalar en el servidor dedicado (squid,
apache, sendmail, samba,...).  Para eso, tu listillo particular tendría
que comprar el router y además un servidor NT o Netware con 20 licencias
de usuario y un software de gestión de correo, o comprar un servidor con
Unix e instalar Samba o comprar un servidor e instalarle Linux.
Moraleja: la alternativa de tu listillo pasa por comprar un router
(entre 70.000 y 100.000 ptas.) y un servidor con sistema operativo
propietario (200.000 ptas por la parte más corta sólo de S.O.).  Tu
alternativa es mejor tecnológicamente hablando y se ahorra entre 250.000
y 300.000 ptas.  Porque Windows no viene con el ordenador, ¿verdad?
En cuanto a la dificultad de la instalación: para que todo funcione
correctamente hay que leerse la documentación (seguro que tú has leído,
o estás dispuesto a leer, más sobre apache que tu listo sobre IIS) y,
luego, planificar el trabajo.
Animo y un saludo
Jaime Fernandez Martinez ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: FreeWWWeb

2000-04-07 Thread Kent West
Bart Friederichs wrote:


 I signed up for FreeWWWeb, the registration went OK, my POP works, only I
 cannot connect. I use [EMAIL PROTECTED] as my login and PAP
 authentication. When I try to login, my /var/log/syslog says PAP
 authentication failed. It requests my username and password OK (password is
 plain text in syslog).

 The FreeWWWeb support-for-linux page says I should check my /etc/ppp/options
 file. But I didn't touch that one.

 Anybody knows more on this (not so great) free webXS?


 My first account didn't work because I used the 80 hrs already, according to
 the support people. And I didn't even ever connect!
 When I choose PAP in pppconfig and chap-secrets exists, it uses CHAP. I
 guess something fairly wrong with my ppp ...

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

I don't remember exactly what I did to get mine going, but I did wind up having 
use minicom to figure out what was happening. Then I think I had to make an 
entry in
pap-secrets for freewwweb (I can't currently access that box to look around at 
moment, so I'm having to do this by (poor) memory).

BTW, I typically connect at 33,600 on my 33.6 modem, whereas with my campus
connection I typically get 32. Of course, these are just the numbers 
reported by
xisp; I've never actually done any monitoring.

Re: apt-get and personal data

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, David Wright wrote:
 You may well fall foul of the Data Protection Act at least in Europe.

I think I didn't say that apt-get would _automatically_ grab whatever info
available on your systems; I said that if a user put his/her info on a
file, then apt-get would send it's content to the main site. If the user
didn't like that idea, then the person didn't have to create the file.

Don't you tired of: Y OS is used on 85% of desktop systems, and a week
later: Y OS is used on 95% of desktop systems. A week later, the
percentage changes, but still close to 100% but not exactly 100%.


OT: DOS crap

2000-04-07 Thread Felipe Alvarez Harnecker

Sorry for the OT.

I desperately need a sys.{com,exe} for dos 6.22

or maybe a way of doig the same shit from Linux, something like 
dd if= of= ... bla bla.



Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.

Tel. 09.874.60.17  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Potenciado por Ql/Linux

Re: XF86Setup

2000-04-07 Thread kmself
On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 11:45:15PM -0400, Steve White wrote:
 I have an ATI Rage 128 XPERT 2000 video card and the XF86Setup program
 does not seem to be able to start x after I finish the configuration. It
 says it is attempting to, then the screen goes dark and stays that way
 until reboot. Any suggestions?

Try running X with the -probeonly option:

startx -- -probeonly 

...this may keep your system from locking up.

Try logging your session to a file 

startx -- 1X.log 21 

...or mix and match.  

Do you get a completely blank screen, or do you get something with
a checkerboard pattern on it (actually herringbone).

How did you configure your X session?  Overly high color depths or
resolution can overtax your card.  Best to start of with a reasonably
low-grade configuration, say 8 bpp color depth and 640x480 resolution,
then increase these to your preference.  Some cards work better at lower

It would also be helpful to know which X server you are using.  This
should be indicated in the logging messages (see above), or as the link
indicated by:

ls -l /usr/X11R6/bin/X

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Speed restriction

2000-04-07 Thread The_Phantom 74


I would like to set up a router or something using ethernet to connect two 
LANs but be able to restrict the bandwidth to 512kb/s so it behaves like a 
leased line...and easier to charge for.

Any suggestions??
Get Your Private, Free Email at

Re: Installing StarOffice 5.1 from CD

2000-04-07 Thread kmself
On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 02:52:35PM +0100, John Stevenson wrote:
 I am trying to install StarOffice 5.1 from the official sun
 CD onto a debian potato system.  However when I try the set
 up program from inside the  /cdrom/linux/office51 directory,
 I get the following error:
 # ./setup
 bash: ./setup: Permission denied
 I have tried this both as root and as a normal user.  I dont
 even know where to start on this one!!!
 Anyone have any ideas???

No.  Though copyring the file(s) to a hard disk sounds good.

Related issue.  Use the /net option to setup to run a network
installation, rather than a single-user installation, of StarOffice.  By
default, Sun expects you to want to create a single-user installation of
their product, which many people consider to be broken.  This is
documented in the installation instructions, though it's rather buried.

Run the network installation as root and park your files under
/usr/local or /opt (I symlink /opt to /usr/local).

Karsten M. Self (
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?

Re: no wonder...

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On 5 Apr 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No wonder people say that Debian is the most difficult 
 Unix-clone distro to install and use...

What kind of people are they...?
What kind of difficulties you have?
 Fisrt of all, since Debian is not widely supported 
 (as I have noticed; compared to otherdistros such as 
 FreeBSD or Red Hat Linux), there are not many mirrors
 for me to download Debian sources for my installation.
 In my case, the only mirror in my country (Indonesia), 
 does not have a complete archive. It is also not up to 

How many mirrors do you need?  I've been using since the
beginning; the problems that arise mostly on TelkomNet (the connection to
the Internet -- TelkomNet's Jakarta gateway -- gets broken

The unavailability of Debian mirrors in Indonesia, I think, is not's responsibility; it's Indonesian Debian users.
 Another thing, is the dselect program: it is quite 
 difficult to use...

You can use apt-get, and a web browser to find the packages you need.


Re: Mutt questions (Was: Looking for a good mail program)

2000-04-07 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Viktor Rosenfeld say

 I recently switched my working environment from Windows to Debian only
 and I've been using Netscape Mail so far.  And I *hate* it!  

  Me too, it's too slow!
 My question are: 
 - Does Mutt support hierarchical folders?  E.g. I want to have a folder
 called Mailing Lists with individual subfolders for each mailing list
 and a folder called Friends with individual subfolders for each
  You could place you mailbox in anyfolder and mutt still could access it.
 - Can Mutt automatically move incoming mail into different folders?
 - Can I share Mutt's mail files with another mail program, so I could
 use a GUI program when under X?  Would that be wise?
  Yes. mutt use std mbox format (I think it could read other type too),
  so does netscape I think.

 #Chanop Silpa-Anan   #
 #gpg @

Description: PGP signature

Re: no wonder...

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On 5 Apr 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No wonder people say that Debian is the most difficult 
 Unix-clone distro to install and use...
 Another thing, is the dselect program: it is quite 
 difficult to use...

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist
A person from ITB says that using Debian is difficult... what a shame.


remove group

2000-04-07 Thread Beavis

how do u remove groups and 

Re: remove group

2000-04-07 Thread Marshal Kar-Cheung Wong
 Beavis == Beavis  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 how do u remove groups and users

groupdel, userdel


Re: netscape6 anyone?

2000-04-07 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 10:20:03AM -0400, Brian J. Stults wrote:
 I have it running on woody.  I also started it from within the directory
 in which I unpacked it.  Symbolic links won't work, you have to run it
 from that directory.  I didn't have to change anything at all, but I had
 been running M14 of mozilla, and I assume it requires mostly the same

For M13, I put this little script in /usr/local/bin and added a menu
entry in /etc/menu.

(cd /usr/local/mozilla13/package ; ./mozilla)

The above takes care of that pesky start-up problem. Maybe there's a
more elegant way (like fixing the real start-up script).  Just
s/mozilla/netscape/ .

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

problems w/ proftpd

2000-04-07 Thread Beavis

i am getting an error now after updating my 

the ftpd deamon says: - 
Fatal: Group: Unknown group 'root':

therefore the service doesn't start

any suggestion before i hose down the 

Installing a second Controller

2000-04-07 Thread William McGrath


How should I go about installing a second ide-disk controller on an
antique 486-33 ? I have two of the older single channel isa controllers
(2cards x 1channel x 2drives) both of which work and I'd like to install
an extra drive. So far linux only sees one controller.


Small is beautiful. Keep it simple.

Re: config problems

2000-04-07 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 08:44:51PM -, björn hansen wrote:
 Can anyone please help me? I have installed Debian and
 then configured X with xf86config, after booting I'm
 greeted with the screen debian Linux login but only
 1/4 is seen. I can manage to login but on the following
 screen (desktop) I can't do anything, all the keyes
 beeps and I get no reaction on mouseclicks. I realize
 that I have done something wrong but how do I correct

Ctrl-Alt-F1 to a virtual console. Log in as root. Run /etc/init.d/xdm
stop.  Now fix your xf86config and *test* it with startx. You might try
XF86Setup for a GUI config.

| Eric G. |
| GnuPG public key:  |

Re: problems w/ proftpd

2000-04-07 Thread Adam Shand

 i am getting an error now after updating my kernel
 the ftpd deamon says: - Fatal: Group: Unknown group 'root':
 therefore the service doesn't start
 any suggestion before i hose down the system??

do you have a group called root in your /etc/group file?  i'll bet $$ that
you don't (or that your /etc/group isn't readable by the user that proftpd
runs as).

heyzeus(larry)$ grep root /etc/group

i'd be concerned about how it got removed though, that's a bad thing.


Re: problems w/ proftpd

2000-04-07 Thread Pollywog

On 07-Apr-2000 01:43:46 Adam Shand wrote:
 i am getting an error now after updating my kernel
 the ftpd deamon says: - Fatal: Group: Unknown group 'root':
 therefore the service doesn't start
 any suggestion before i hose down the system??
 do you have a group called root in your /etc/group file?  i'll bet
 $$ that
 you don't (or that your /etc/group isn't readable by the user that
 runs as).

I thought all Debian installations had the group root.


Re: What to do when install/uninstall both fail?

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Anthony Campbell wrote:

 What can you do when you can neither install nor uninstall a package,
 which is left broken?

Did the installation stop when dpkg ran the config. scripts? (ie: all the
files had been unpacked, but not yet configured). If yes, cd to
/var/lib/dpkg/info, and look for tetex-base.pre* and*.
Then add exit 0 after the first line (ie: after #!/bin/sh), then dpkg
-r tetex-base command.
 I've done this with tetex-base. Even using the force option to remove it
 sith with dpkg doesn't work.

dpkg --unpack tetex-base*.deb (in /var/cache/apt/archives)
dpkg -r tetex-base
 I think I may have to make an entirely new installation of Debian :-(

IMHO, this is the wrong way of doing things.


Re: Configuration packages

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Sin Hang Kin wrote:

 I just finished install debian 2.1 from the net. 

Did you say: Aha, been there, done it. 
 Now I have a mostly working system. However, some of them are still not 
 working : samba do not receive my password, my squid not working, etc. 

What problems do you have on Squid?

If I remember correctly, /etc/squid.conf doesn't allow anybody to access
the cache; change the http_access line to:
http_access allow all

Of course, you'd need to define something useful (more protective) than
allowing all clients (IP numbers) to access your web cache.


xfree86 4.0 on neomagic

2000-04-07 Thread pplaw

i run slink on my lapbox, having a neomagic 2097 (magicgraph
128zv+) video card.

xfree86 4.0 gives me these results:
1.  twm default.
a.  how do i get to  icewm?--my fav.

2.  default vga.
a.  how do specify svga?

3.  default screen size of 320x200.
 a.  how do i specify 640x480?

none of my modifications to /etc/X11/XF86Config override the
above defaults.

can xfree86 4.0 be customized?  and if so, how?

(btw, kudos to the project for a smooth install!)

ia, t, as always.
 Bentley Taylor 

...why linux?...the $emperor$ has no clothes.


2000-04-07 Thread Beavis


since i updated my kernel the modconf doesn't show 
any of my modules
how do i point the modconf to my new 
modules folder /usr/src/linux/modules 

RE: corel linux

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On Tue, 4 Apr 2000, Chris Mason wrote:
 Yes, I have it and I am going through install-hell. 

It's not install-hell; it's all the your life-experience you need to reach
your destiny...

 Actually it installs
 very easily, but Ima trying to get a firewall together and I am having
 problems with network card install, however, I think I would have the
 same problems with any Linux system. 

On setting up a firewall, you'd need ipchains.

 The initial install is easy, the interface is neat. I recommend it, but
 when you install, you might want to require the advanced-custom-install
 everything- option as you don't have to struggle with installing
 packages afterwards if you forgot to install somehting. 

I think it's the beauty of Linux; at first, Linux lets you to walk on
crutches, later on, you are on your own.



2000-04-07 Thread Beavis

soory to update my own e-mail but i don't think i 
am making any new modules

i am trying to update my kernel but unfortunately 
after i try to:

make modules install ---i get an install 

make[1]: ***[install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [install] Error 2

therefore my linux-2.2.14/modules folder is 
practicly empty.



since i updated my kernel the modconf doesn't 
show any of my modules
how do i point the modconf to my new 

modules folder 

Fw: modconf

2000-04-07 Thread Beavis


here is where i am:

when i run lsmod i have no modules listed but 
modconf still thinks they are there 
i updated my kernel from 2.0.38 to 2.2.14 and i 
don't think all the module info updated correctly

how do i do thiswhat i did was copy some of the 
modules from /lib/modules/2.0.38 to /lib/modules/2.2.14 
but my lsmod comes up empty
i had the cdrom module loaded w/ 2.0.38 and it 
doesn't show under 2.2.14
but it still worksgo figure

soory to update my own e-mail but i don't think 
i am making any new modules

i am trying to update my kernel but 
unfortunately after i try to:

make modules install ---i get an install 

make[1]: ***[install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory 
make: *** [install] Error 2

therefore my linux-2.2.14/modules folder is 
practicly empty.



since i updated my kernel the modconf doesn't 
show any of my modules
how do i point the modconf to my new 

modules folder 


2000-04-07 Thread Beavis

ok i found the root of the problem
i am unfortunatetly try to use 
modules compiled for a 2.0.38 kernel w/ a 2.2.14 

how do i get my modules back?
or recompile them for use w/ my new 

if i loaded a cdrom module for the old kernel, how 
do i transfer it to the new one?

Re: modules

2000-04-07 Thread Marcin Kurc
1. - kernel-howto

2 ways to compile kernel
1. general
make menuconfig  make dep  make clean  make modules  make 
modules_install  make install

2. debian specific
make menuconfig
make dep
make-kpkg clean
make-kpkg kernel-image
make-kpkg modules-image
dpkg -i kernel-source-2.2.14_i386.deb

or just download kernel image from debian ftp.

On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 07:44:20PM -0700, Beavis wrote: 
 ok i found the root of the problem
 i am unfortunatetly try to use 
 modules compiled for a 2.0.38 kernel w/ a 2.2.14 kernel
 how do i get my modules back?
 or recompile them for use w/ my new kernel?
 if i loaded a cdrom module for the old kernel, how do i transfer it to the 
 new one?

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

Internet Access

2000-04-07 Thread Steve White


Thanks to all those who have helped me get my first 
Linux system up and running these last few days. I finally got X up and running 
today, and after seeing WindowMaker, I doubt I'll ever have a need for Microsoft 
again. However...I have one last problem to tackle: I cant seem to access 
anything on the internet using hostnames. I know the network card is working 
alright because I can use ftp and ping and such to reach other machines if I use 
the IP address, but when I try something like I get a hostname not found 

My home configuration is such that I have one of 
those Linksys EtherFast cable routers tied to one of my machines and to the 
cable line. I also know that it is configured as a DHCP server, and that under 
MS Windows I must disable DNS. Might I have to configure somesort of DHCP daemon 
or something to get my Linux box to be able to respond to 

All previous and future help is greatly 

Best Regards,

Re: Mutt questions (Was: Looking for a good mail program)

2000-04-07 Thread Brendan Cully
On Thursday, 06 April 2000 at 01:02, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
 My question are: 
 - Does Mutt support hierarchical folders?  E.g. I want to have a folder
 called Mailing Lists with individual subfolders for each mailing list
 and a folder called Friends with individual subfolders for each


 - Can Mutt automatically move incoming mail into different folders?

sort of. usually that's done with procmail. but you could probably use
the push command and folder hooks to move things when you open your
spool. I personally use procmail on my IMAP server.

 - Can I share Mutt's mail files with another mail program, so I could
 use a GUI program when under X?  Would that be wise?

mutt supports a few different standard mailbox types, so it shouldn't
be hard to coexist with other unix standard mailers.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Internet Access

2000-04-07 Thread james nigh

you should still need dns. you should have been 
given a few dns numbers at some point.
plug those into /etc/resolv.conf and you should be 
all set. if you weren't given any, try pasting this in:


hope this helps,

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 8:20 
  Subject: Internet Access
  Thanks to all those who have helped me get my 
  first Linux system up and running these last few days. I finally got X up and 
  running today, and after seeing WindowMaker, I doubt I'll ever have a need for 
  Microsoft again. However...I have one last problem to tackle: I cant seem to 
  access anything on the internet using hostnames. I know the network card is 
  working alright because I can use ftp and ping and such to reach other 
  machines if I use the IP address, but when I try something like I get a hostname not 
  found error.
  My home configuration is such that I have one of 
  those Linksys EtherFast cable routers tied to one of my machines and to the 
  cable line. I also know that it is configured as a DHCP server, and that under 
  MS Windows I must disable DNS. Might I have to configure somesort of DHCP 
  daemon or something to get my Linux box to be able to respond to 
  All previous and future help is greatly 
  Best Regards,

Re: Internet Access

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, james nigh wrote:

 you should still need dns. you should have been given a few dns numbers at 
 some point.
 plug those into /etc/resolv.conf and you should be all set. if you weren't 
 given any, try pasting this in:

If you use pppconfig to setup your ppp connection, then tinkering with
/etc/resolv.conf wouldn't be needed (it will be updated each time you have
an open connection).


Re: apt-get and personal data

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

 Don't you tired of: Y OS is used on 85% of desktop systems, and a week
  ^^^ my English needs continuous polishing...


just one line output

2000-04-07 Thread matthschulz
Hi all,

is there a way cat to tell it should just print the first or
maybe a particular line(s) of the input?

I was a little bit looking, but man cat says nothing. Though
maybe I'm on the wrong track and something else is better for
that purpose. But I have absolutely no idea, where to look.

Thanks Matth

Re: config problems

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 Ctrl-Alt-F1 to a virtual console. Log in as root. Run /etc/init.d/xdm
 stop.  Now fix your xf86config and *test* it with startx. You might try
 XF86Setup for a GUI config.

It would be nicer to: X -probeonly
to test the /etc/XF86Config.


Re: Internet Access

2000-04-07 Thread james nigh
well, he mentioned that he's connecting via a cable modem (i do as well).
which acts essentially like a lan/wan. i personally have a static ip rather
than dhcp, though. so i don't know if their server will assign dns servers
upon connection or not w/ linux..


- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2000 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: Internet Access

 On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, james nigh wrote:

  you should still need dns. you should have been given a few dns numbers
at some point.
  plug those into /etc/resolv.conf and you should be all set. if you
weren't given any, try pasting this in:

 If you use pppconfig to setup your ppp connection, then tinkering with
 /etc/resolv.conf wouldn't be needed (it will be updated each time you have
 an open connection).


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Basic PPP dialup to ISP question

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On Sat, 1 Apr 2000, dyer wrote:
 note that if you only use one ISP, you can use the name 'default' for the 
 and only need to issue the command:

Shouldn't it be 'provider'?


Re: installing a single package

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On Fri, 31 Mar 2000, FreeMan wrote:
 I've downloaded the swat-package file. But I don't know how to 
 install it. I tried it with dselect, but it seems to that with dselect it's 
 just possible to install packages which came with the distribution. 
 Can anybody tell me what I have to do? have to do?

In the directory where swat*.deb resides:
dpkg -i swat*.deb

If the configuration fails:
dpkg --unpack swat*.deb
then configure the package manually.


Re: More network setups

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Radim Gelner wrote:

 I'm moving from network to network quite often
 and I carry my notebook with me. This leads to
 the need of more network setups (IP addresses,
 DNS, hostname, SMTP/POP server, etc).

You didn't tell whether the networks you connected to are via PPP, but
Creating connection scripts using pppconfig (you have Debian on your
notebook, right?) would solve the problem. Say, if you have 3 ISPs, then
you'd have:
pon ISP1, to connect to ISP1
pon ISP2, to connect to ISP2
The connection scripts will set the DNS servers for each the ISP you have.
SMTP/POP servers can be set using the Preferences on the mail client


qmail error

2000-04-07 Thread john smith

when I try to install qmail after building it I get the error:

green:/tmp/qmail# dpkg -i qmail_1.03-12_i386.deb
(Reading database ... 28966 files and directories currently installed.)
Unpacking qmail (from qmail_1.03-12_i386.deb) ...
Performing install
First installation of the Debian qmail package...
Checking if qmail is already installed on this computer... no.
Checking group qmail (gid 64010)... error!
Group qmail has gid 70 instead of 64010
Checking user alias (uid 64010, gid 65534, homedir /var/qmail/alias)... 

User alias has uid 70 instead of 64010
Checking user qmaild (uid 64011, gid 65534, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
User qmaild has uid 71 instead of 64011
Checking user qmails (uid 64012, gid 64010, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
User qmails has primary group 70 instead of 64010
User qmails has uid 72 instead of 64012
Checking user qmailr (uid 64013, gid 64010, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
User qmailr has primary group 70 instead of 64010
User qmailr has uid 73 instead of 64013
Checking user qmailq (uid 64014, gid 64010, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
User qmailq has primary group 70 instead of 64010
User qmailq has uid 74 instead of 64014
Checking user qmaill (uid 64015, gid 65534, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
User qmaill has uid 75 instead of 64015
Checking user qmailp (uid 64016, gid 65534, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
User qmailp has uid 76 instead of 64016

8 entries have errors. Please correct these errors and reinstall qmail.
dpkg: error processing qmail_1.03-12_i386.deb (--install):
subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 2
Errors were encountered while processing:

what's this mean and how do I fix it?

Get Your Private, Free Email at

Bulk Import of users

2000-04-07 Thread Mark A. Bialik

Has anyone used the 'newusers' command to suck in a bunch of new users
and their passwords from a text file?

The users do not currently have accounts on the system, so I can't use

I built a new Debian box, and have all my users and passwords in a text
file. I want to add them in bulk, plus have the home directories
created, etc.

man newusers is absolutely no help whatsoever. I'm stuck on the input
file format.

Thanks much,
Mark A. Bialik  (414) 290-6749
Network/Security Manager
Infinity HealthCare, Inc.   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mequon, WI USA  Debian/GNU Linux Documentation Project

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: no wonder...

2000-04-07 Thread Richard Taylor
On 4/6/2000, 9:03:41 PM, Oki DZ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding Re: 
 On 5 Apr 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  No wonder people say that Debian is the most difficult
  Unix-clone distro to install and use...
  Another thing, is the dselect program: it is quite
  difficult to use...

 As compared to something like... say... notepad?

 What's difficult about selecting things from a menu?

CD/RW under potato

2000-04-07 Thread Dr. Simon Read

I'm getting pretty  frustrated with my upgrade to  potato.  I bought a
CD/RW at about the same time as upgrading, but I can't seem to make it

I know I have  to use the ide-scsi drivers, but I  have no idea how to
configure them.   I can't make them  recognise the devices  I have.  I
have a regular CD drive and the CD/RW (an HP 8200i) connected to ide0,
so they are hdc and hdd.

Can anyone help me configure them?  Does anyone know a 'fine' manual I
can refer  to?  I've read all  the relevant HOWTOs (I  think) and they
don't help!

Simon Read

Dept. of Comp. Sci. and Info. Sys.
Clark 120
American University
4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016
Tel: 1 202 885 3128
Fax: 1 202 885 1479

Potato install: pcmcia broken?

2000-04-07 Thread Tony Crawford
Boy, I sure do pick loser subject lines! (was: Order of installation -
 potato/pcmcia.) Second try:

Hi gang!

What am I doing wrong? I copied linux, install.bat, base2_2.tgz, 
driver2_2.tgz, loadlin.exe etc. etc. to a DOS partition on my Toshiba 
4080 XCDT, then booted from a DOS floppy and ran install.bat.

The installation looks great (congratulations, team!) up to reboot 
the system: the boot hangs in /etc/init.d/pcmcia, right after it 
echoes modules to the screen. The pcmcia modules all show 
unresolved symbols. Don't they fit the 2.2.14 kernel that comes with 
the installation? Is something broken, or is there an operator error 

(I can Alt+Ctrl+F2 out of the dbootstrap routine and disable the 
init.d/pcmcia script before rebooting, but then what--go to dpkg and 
install kernel and pcmcia module sources and recompile before 
finishing the installation? That can't be the intended behavior.)


-- Tony Crawford
-- Phone: +49-3341-30 99 99
-- Fax:   +49-3341-30 99 98

ntpd flails on machine with large clock error...

2000-04-07 Thread Joe Emenaker
I've got a machine that's 12800 seconds behind the rest of the world. I'd
like to fix that.

With normal execution of the daemon, it exits immediately after writing to
the logs something to the effect of clock over 1000s off... set clock

However, in this case, I'm more in need of a *smooth* transition to the
proper time than I am in need of a *prompt* one. I don't mind if ntpd needs
a day or two to bring things into line...

So, I tried the -g option, which is supposed to disable the 1000s sanity
check. This causes ntpd to run for about 5 minutes before exiting with the
same log message as before. In the intervening 5 minutes, no clock
adjustment happens.

Does anybody have any ideas?

- Joe

mouse setup

2000-04-07 Thread james nigh
ok. i just recently did a re-install. i have a logitech wingman mouse. my last 
install worked perfect w/ this. not this time however. i don't THINK i've done 
anything differently this time around, yet i can't use the middle mouse button 
for anything in X.
otherwise it works fine. just no middle mouse button functionality (incl. 
copy/paste which is driving me nuts!)
one thing is that during gpmconfig it hangs at he first part (after it locates 
the possible mouse types and asks to move it around then press any key. i have 
to ctrl-c out of it then go from there).
i have it configures as /dev/psaux and ps2 as the protocol.
should it be /dev/mouse or something?
i had this problem once before w/ a MS wheel mouse and it turned out to be 
something stupid, but i've tried all the possible configurations i can think of 
to no avail.
could it be something in the kernel (i d/l'ed rebuilt the kernel w/ 2.3)
any ideas?


Re: CD/RW under potato

2000-04-07 Thread Johann Spies
On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, Dr. Simon Read wrote:

 I'm getting pretty  frustrated with my upgrade to  potato.  I bought a
 CD/RW at about the same time as upgrading, but I can't seem to make it
 I know I have  to use the ide-scsi drivers, but I  have no idea how to
 configure them.   I can't make them  recognise the devices  I have.  I
 have a regular CD drive and the CD/RW (an HP 8200i) connected to ide0,
 so they are hdc and hdd.
 Can anyone help me configure them?  Does anyone know a 'fine' manual I
 can refer  to?  I've read all  the relevant HOWTOs (I  think) and they
 don't help!

You have to recompile your kernel to enable scsi-emulation and then also
edit your lilo or loadlin-configuration.

I found this in a previous discussion on this topic in the list (sent in
by a certain Seth):

I've gotten the IDE-SCSI emulation working in a 2.2 (2.2.9?)
kernel and have a lilo append line which allows the CDRW (a new Smart and
Friendly, JVC repackaged) to live on sg0 while the CD-ROM lives on hdd.
This works flawlessly.  I've burned to this drive under linux (only a
couple of times) and ripped from the other.  The CDRW is master on IDE1
and the CD-ROM is slave on IDE1.

CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SD=y and CONFIG_CHR_DEV_SG=y as the chief differences
between my pre-CDRW kernel.  My lilo.conf has :


As the boot line.
Another valuable source of information is amongst the cdrecord
documentation: README.ATAPI

Ask again if this does not solve your problem.


Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082-255-2388
 I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me
  from all my fears.   Psalm 34:4  

Re: Debian kernel VMware

2000-04-07 Thread Alexander Zhuckov
Adam Shand [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  May be there are some parameters I _must_ turn on in the kernel to run
  VMware? or may be I must install respective kernel-headers package?
 you need to have the real time clock enabled.  other then that i don't think
 there is anything that is required (the default debian kernel used to
 provide it).
 i haven't played with vmware for quite a while but if you didn't have the
 rtc enabled vmware would just print out an error message when you tried to
 run it.

I have `enhanced real time clock' enabled. It doesn't help :(
Alexander Zhuckov   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   2:5030/518.50

Re: Debian kernel VMware

2000-04-07 Thread Alexander Zhuckov
Adam Shand [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  May be there are some parameters I _must_ turn on in the kernel to run
  VMware? or may be I must install respective kernel-headers package?
 you need to have the real time clock enabled.  other then that i don't think
 there is anything that is required (the default debian kernel used to
 provide it).
 i haven't played with vmware for quite a while but if you didn't have the
 rtc enabled vmware would just print out an error message when you tried to
 run it.

I have `enhanced real time clock' enabled. It doesn't help :(
Alexander Zhuckov   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   2:5030/518.50

Re: Potato install: pcmcia broken?

2000-04-07 Thread Germano Leichsenring
Hi, did you try this?

update-modules ; depmod -a ; /etc/init.d/pcmcia start

This might solve -- or might not.
Germano Leichsenring
  Kobe University

Re: Mutt questions (Was: Looking for a good mail program)

2000-04-07 Thread Richard Taylor
On 4/6/2000, 7:31:18 PM, Chanop Silpa-Anan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Once upon a time, I heard Viktor Rosenfeld say

  I recently switched my working environment from Windows to Debian only
  and I've been using Netscape Mail so far.  And I *hate* it!

   Me too, it's too slow!

:} Tried 6?

Anyway... there are about a zillion of them... Gnus is wonderful, 
Postillion is great, there's a command line thing which I've forgotten 
the name {initials} of which you could probably set up to do anything 
you want, TKRat's pretty nice... 

If you really can't find anything you like go to and go 
through their listings...

If that still doesn't work... there's always the code to tkmail.

This {staroffice} isn't too bad... seeing as it's integrated into the 
office package you've got a lot of capabilities at your fingertips... 
and... 5.2's up now.

Re: What to do when install/uninstall both fail?

2000-04-07 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 07 Apr 2000, Oki DZ wrote:
 On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  What can you do when you can neither install nor uninstall a package,
  which is left broken?
 Did the installation stop when dpkg ran the config. scripts? (ie: all the
 files had been unpacked, but not yet configured). If yes, cd to
 /var/lib/dpkg/info, and look for tetex-base.pre* and*.
 Then add exit 0 after the first line (ie: after #!/bin/sh), then dpkg
 -r tetex-base command.
  I've done this with tetex-base. Even using the force option to remove it
  sith with dpkg doesn't work.
 dpkg --unpack tetex-base*.deb (in /var/cache/apt/archives)
 dpkg -r tetex-base
  I think I may have to make an entirely new installation of Debian :-(
 IMHO, this is the wrong way of doing things.

Problem is now solved. It was due to an obscure and unusual bug in dpkg
which had put a bogus copy of install-info in /usr/bin. V. difficult to
spot that this had happened.


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews:
Skeptical articles: http://www.freethinker/

To be forced by desire into any unwarrantable belief is a calamity.
I.A. Richards

Java IDE

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

Have you ever run Forte on Debian systems? I have looked at it on Sun's
website. The doc says that to run it you'd need a powerful system (P.
III). The IDE is distributed on .rpm format, the size is about 9M. I was
wondering whether Forte would eat up so much CPU power; does it so? Any
experience with it? Any hope to run it on P 133?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Removing compiled-by-hand packages [WAS:] Potato - update-alternatives and window managers

2000-04-07 Thread Taupter
  I'm a bit short of space in my /usr partition, and it would be
  useful... :)
 If you remove your versions, and install the debian versions, it's sort
 of a half a dozen of one vs. six of the other kind of thing. If you
 have drive space somewhere, you could move /usr/local to a new
 partition, thus giving /usr more room.

Not exactly... Some libraries, when compiled/installed, don't remove
older versions, and we can easily find different versions on
/usr/local/lib/ (_not_ symlinks, sure). Wiping this
mess would be easier than trying to find different versions and removing
the right files. Some libs are 4Mb-sized, and 4 of them do waste space
in any HD.

Thanks... :)


How to recreate /var?

2000-04-07 Thread Robert Kasunic


2 days ago I had to resize my /var partition, because it ran out of space. I did
it with Partition Magic 4. Well, something went wrong :-(. I had to e2fsck the
partition. Everything that was stored on it was gone to lost+found. I was able
to save some data. My problem is that plenty programs now complain about wrong
permissions and won't work (or not as they are supposed to). How can I recreate
the structure of my /var partition without having to reinstall the whole system?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA


PS: Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Thanks.

Fooling apt-get about new kernel?

2000-04-07 Thread Svante Signell

How to temporarily trick apt-get not to try to install the new kernel
2.2.14-3 until I have got the time to build a new one based on the
most recent sources, 2.2.14-4?

I have an smp system, patched for gart, and my current kernel is based
on the 2.2.14-2 source, version 2.2.14-2smp. Since the distributed
kernel is newer, 2.2.14-3, this version should naturally be installed
if I did not have an smp system. Of course, since the base versions
are 2.2.14, you can always answer no every time to the install
script. Better solutions?

What about Debian distributing smp kernels? Other distributions do!

Wait pointer

2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

Does anyone notice that the wait-pointer on Enlightenment doesn't change
to wrist-watch when the system loads the applications? What happens on
other window managers? I think the best pointer behavior is implemented by
NextStep's; what do you think? Is there any hope that X WM's would have
the same behavior (like NextStep's) in the future? What about AfterStep?



2000-04-07 Thread Oki DZ

Do you think that in the future all software installers will be built like

CD's...? Hmmm, don't you think that they are a bit bulky...?


Re: Potato install: pcmcia broken?

2000-04-07 Thread Tony Crawford
Germano Leichsenring wrote (on 7 Apr 00, at 16:52):

 Hi, did you try this?
 update-modules ; depmod -a ; /etc/init.d/pcmcia start

I did the depmod and start--didn't know about update-modules (why 
update them? they're brand new) but I'll try it, thanks!


-- Tony Crawford
-- Phone: +49-3341-30 99 99
-- Fax:   +49-3341-30 99 98

Re: PLIP configuration

2000-04-07 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Colin,

On Wed, 5 Apr 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am looking to use PLIP to network 2 machines together.
 I'm running kernel 2.2.14, and have the PLIP module available, along with the
 other obvious modules like TCP/IP, firewalling, etc.
 However, upon modprobe plip, i get the error:
 /lib/modules/2.2.14/net/plip.o: init_module: Device or resource busy

I am not sure, if this is the solution to your problem, but might be a
matter to look into:
I had exactly the same problem with a new parallel port card, I put into
my system. It had some jumpers on it to switch between SPP, EPP and ECP
mode. I first set it up to use ECP mode and assigned a DMA-Channel to it.
This resulted in the error message you got, both with the plip and the lp
So I switched to EPP mode, and everything worked fine.
Seems to me if Linux doesn't yet support ECP mode. But perhaps I'm wrong,
and there's a way to get it working. To everyone on the list: please tell
me, if you know better. 

Re: Re: stupid question about gs

2000-04-07 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello there,

On Thu, 6 Apr 2000, Paolo Pedaletti wrote:

 Ciao Chris Gray,
have a stupid question about gs: how to specify the pages i 
want to print?
 by the way and how to print in reverse order a n  1 of pages?
 I haven't find anything, looking around...

Try the package psutils.
There are some really useful utilities for manipulating postscript files,
including selecting certain pages, reordering pages and the like. When you
have installed the package try 'man psselect' or 'man psbook'.
There are some other commands, but you'll find out on the manpages.
You can write the newly created postscript code to a new file, but it
should also be possible to send it through a pipe directly to lpr.


Re: Creative SB Live! 1024

2000-04-07 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
sam [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You didn't compile sound support into the kernel did you? Also, this
 kernel doesn't work if you are using a kernel with SMP enabled. For the
 driver to work sound support has to be compiled as a module
 (soudcore.o) and SMP has to be disabled.

As I wrote in my initial posting, the card is working (it only doesn't
work with esound), and yes, I did all those things you recommend.

The question is why I don't have the modversion.h, which the compiler
can't find.

Greetings and thanks again,

Re: Fooling apt-get about new kernel?

2000-04-07 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Svante Signell say

 How to temporarily trick apt-get not to try to install the new kernel
 2.2.14-3 until I have got the time to build a new one based on the
 most recent sources, 2.2.14-4?
#dpkg --set-selections
kernel-image-2.2.14 hold

Should do the work! or use dselect and hold the package with = key

| Chanop Silpa-Anan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Australian National University  |
| got sparetime ? |
|   Debian GNU/Linux   ICQ uin 11366301   |

Description: PGP signature

Re: how to email distribution lists...?

2000-04-07 Thread Jeff Gordon
On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 12:59:04PM +0200, Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:

 Have a look at bulkmail:

Thanks, Joachim -- I was skipping right over that one because of its
name; sounded like something more industrial-strength than I was
looking for -- but it does appear simple and straightforward enough.

  Smartlist also contains a bulkmail-style tool.

I've been trying that one out lately; its archiving feature has some
promise, I think. (I prefer to send the folks on my distribution list
pointers to the retrieval of interesting text files, rather than jam
the text files into their mailboxes -- so an archive server could prove
useful indeed.  I'd handled this previously with an ever-increasing
collection of infobots/autoresponders, each with its own address, but
that was clearly gonna get out of hand before much longer. :-)

 Of course you can do this with any normal MUA, but wouldn't it be a
 pain to input 100 email addresses, even with an address book?

Absolutely, given the nature of the MUA's I've been able to find for
linux; every one of them seems to expect only certain linux-centric
formats in existing addressbooks. bulk_mailer seems to be a bit more
flexible in that regard, which might prove to be a great help

Thanks kindly, Joachim; much appreciated.

 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

Re: Mutt questions (Was: Looking for a good mail program)

2000-04-07 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Richard  Taylor say

 On 4/6/2000, 7:31:18 PM, Chanop Silpa-Anan [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Once upon a time, I heard Viktor Rosenfeld say
   I recently switched my working environment from Windows to Debian only
   and I've been using Netscape Mail so far.  And I *hate* it!
Me too, it's too slow!
 :} Tried 6?

Even slower than M14 :P

 This {staroffice} isn't too bad... seeing as it's integrated into the 
 office package you've got a lot of capabilities at your fingertips... 
 and... 5.2's up now.
But, it's vey bulky.

| Chanop Silpa-Anan  [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Australian National University  |
| got sparetime ? |
|   Debian GNU/Linux   ICQ uin 11366301   |

Description: PGP signature

Re: netscape6 mirrors?

2000-04-07 Thread Francois Deppierraz
Hans wrote:

 Anybody knows if there are mirrors of netscape 6. 10 Megs at .6 k/sec from
 the ftp site from Netscape is just too slow for me. --hans


Francois Deppierraz  student
ICQ: 176 770 09

Re: CD/RW under potato

2000-04-07 Thread Gilbert Laycock
Dr. Simon Read [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm getting pretty  frustrated with my upgrade to  potato.  I bought a
 CD/RW at about the same time as upgrading, but I can't seem to make it
 I know I have  to use the ide-scsi drivers, but I  have no idea how to
 configure them.   I can't make them  recognise the devices  I have.  I
 have a regular CD drive and the CD/RW (an HP 8200i) connected to ide0,
 so they are hdc and hdd.
 Can anyone help me configure them?  Does anyone know a 'fine' manual I
 can refer  to?  I've read all  the relevant HOWTOs (I  think) and they
 don't help!

I think that things are slightly easier now with 2.2 kernels than with
2.0 kernels.

You have checked that you have the master and slave settings
correct for the 2 CD drives?

When I recompiled my kernel I included the following (some of which
may not strictly be necessary...)
 SCSI support, SCSI CD support, SCSI generic support, SCSI
 emulation. I de-selected IDE/ATAPI CDROM support, since I only have
 a CD/RW in this machine. I think you could do the same and read
 your normal CD drive using SCSI emulation, and this might be simpler
 than trying to have one of each.

I did *NOT* have to add 
to lilo.conf (because I use modules). 

In modutils I added a new file cdrw-ide-scsi:

post-install scsi_mod /sbin/insmod -k ide-scsi
pre-remove scsi_mod /sbin/rmmod ide-scsi
options ide-cd ignore=hdc

and re-ran update-modules. I guess you will want to add ,hdd to the
end of the last line (but I'm not certain of the syntax for a list of
drives to ignore).

After re-booting, my CDRW shows up as /dev/scd0, so in /dev I have a
 /dev/cdrom - scd0

Your second drive will presumably show up as /dev/scd1.

The CD-Writing-HOWTO goes into more detail, and points to some web
sites that I found very helpful when first setting up my CDRW.


  Gilbert Laycock email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Maths and Computer Science,
  University of Leicester phone: (+44) 116 252 3902

Re: qmail error

2000-04-07 Thread Robert Varga

On Fri, 7 Apr 2000, john smith wrote:

 when I try to install qmail after building it I get the error:
 green:/tmp/qmail# dpkg -i qmail_1.03-12_i386.deb
 (Reading database ... 28966 files and directories currently installed.)
 Unpacking qmail (from qmail_1.03-12_i386.deb) ...
 Performing install
 First installation of the Debian qmail package...
 Checking if qmail is already installed on this computer... no.
 Checking group qmail (gid 64010)... error!
 Group qmail has gid 70 instead of 64010
 Checking user alias (uid 64010, gid 65534, homedir /var/qmail/alias)... 
 User alias has uid 70 instead of 64010
 Checking user qmaild (uid 64011, gid 65534, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
 User qmaild has uid 71 instead of 64011
 Checking user qmails (uid 64012, gid 64010, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
 User qmails has primary group 70 instead of 64010
 User qmails has uid 72 instead of 64012
 Checking user qmailr (uid 64013, gid 64010, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
 User qmailr has primary group 70 instead of 64010
 User qmailr has uid 73 instead of 64013
 Checking user qmailq (uid 64014, gid 64010, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
 User qmailq has primary group 70 instead of 64010
 User qmailq has uid 74 instead of 64014
 Checking user qmaill (uid 64015, gid 65534, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
 User qmaill has uid 75 instead of 64015
 Checking user qmailp (uid 64016, gid 65534, homedir /var/qmail)... error!
 User qmailp has uid 76 instead of 64016
 8 entries have errors. Please correct these errors and reinstall qmail.
 dpkg: error processing qmail_1.03-12_i386.deb (--install):
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 2
 Errors were encountered while processing:
This means that you have tried to install qmail on a system upgraded from
slink. In potato the userid-s that are assigned, have moved from under 100
to above  64000. You need to erase all qmail related entries from
/etc/passwd and /etc/group. Remove the directory trees from
/var/spool/qmail /etc/qmail /var/lib/qmail. Remove the symlinks from
/var/qmail and remove the directory itself. 

Purge the qmail-src package.

Remove /tmp/qmail or /usr/src/qmail whichever exists.

Now I think all qmail-related files must have vanished from your system.

Now install qmail-src package, and rebuild the package again.

Install it. Now it should build normally and should install normally.

If it installed, look at the output of the command ps auxfw

It should be something similar:

qmails 353  0.0  0.1  1044  168 ?SMar11   0:06 qmail-send
root   361  0.0  0.0  1000   68 ?SMar11   0:01  \_ qmail-lspawn 
qmailr 362  0.0  0.0  1000  100 ?SMar11   0:00  \_ qmail-rspawn
qmailq 363  0.0  0.0   992   96 ?SMar11   0:00  \_ qmail-clean
qmaild 358  0.0  0.0  1372   76 ?SMar11   0:00 
/usr/bin/tcpserver -v -u 71 -g 65534 -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb 0 smtp 

It can contain other lines depending on the setup, but these five lines
must be present (look at the end of the lines for comparing the results).

If the tcpserver for qmail-smtpd is absent, then the smtp daemon is not
running. If the other four don't exist, then the qmail queues are not

If some problems are present (eg. qmail-newu complains about permissions
during install, then write a mail to me, and I will send a 1.03-8 version
of qmail which you should be able to install on your system).

Robert Varga

Re: Unknown problem connecting

2000-04-07 Thread Jeff Gordon
On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 07:11:16AM -0400, J. Hartzelbuck wrote:

 Using Debian, I've installed wvdial and can connect very nicely, but
 commands issued don't do anything! Ping doesn't respond, lynx doesn't
 respond. I'm new to all this, so don't know where I might be going
 wrong. Can anyone give any pointers?

(Hi, Chris.)  I think you're saying you've made a modem connection to
Internet using wvdial, but then can't get any further?

Do you have a ppp connection established?  Is there a default route?

  netstat -r
...should show 'default' and 'ppp0', if so.

Do you have ip_forwarding turned 'on'?  Try:

  cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
...and you should get a result of '1'; if you don't, do:

 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
...and that'll put it there.  Do you have policy rules that are set
to reject packets moving in or out of your own system?  Do:

  ipchains -L find out; if the 3 groups, input, output and forward all
show a policy of reject (which is their default), you'll wanna change
that.  If you're running a standalone system, you probably can do
blanket 'accept' statements and not be leaving your system open to
attack from the outside world:

 ipchains -P input ACCEPT
 ipchains -P output ACCEPT
 ipchains -P forward ACCEPT
...will do that; it's likely you'll need to do that again, next time
you reboot.

And that's about -all- I know about this. :-)  If there are finer
points to it that should be added, maybe someone else will join in here
and let us know...?


 -- Jeff --

 There's nothing left in the world to prove.  All that's worth doing
  is to love one another, using whatever means are available to serve.

.signature and random fortune ?

2000-04-07 Thread Tolga KILICLI

Do you know how to add random fortunes to the .signature file. (each mail
with different .signature ?)


Re: HELP documents about APT for beginners

2000-04-07 Thread Alex Kwan

Where is the HELP documenst talking about
APT for beginners.


Re: HELP documents about APT for beginners

2000-04-07 Thread Colin Watson
Alex Kwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Where is the HELP documenst talking about APT for beginners.


Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: qmail error

2000-04-07 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Fri, 07 Apr 2000, john smith wrote:
 when I try to install qmail after building it I get the error:
 green:/tmp/qmail# dpkg -i qmail_1.03-12_i386.deb
 (Reading database ... 28966 files and directories currently installed.)
 Unpacking qmail (from qmail_1.03-12_i386.deb) ...
 Performing install
 First installation of the Debian qmail package...
 Checking if qmail is already installed on this computer... no.
 Checking group qmail (gid 64010)... error!
 Group qmail has gid 70 instead of 64010
 Checking user alias (uid 64010, gid 65534, homedir /var/qmail/alias)... 
 User alias has uid 70 instead of 64010
 8 entries have errors. Please correct these errors and reinstall qmail.
 dpkg: error processing qmail_1.03-12_i386.deb (--install):
 subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 2
 Errors were encountered while processing:
 what's this mean and how do I fix it?

I looked in /etc/passwd and saw that it has users qmail,qmails etc.(with the
uids that caused the error), despite that I don't have qmail installed. So you
should remove them, as it seems that qmail recreates these users anyway.

Re: Mutt questions (Was: Looking for a good mail program)

2000-04-07 Thread Richard Taylor
On 4/7/2000, 5:26:43 AM, Chanop Silpa-Anan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote 
regarding Re: Mutt questions 
 Once upon a time, I heard Richard  Taylor say
  On 4/6/2000, 7:31:18 PM, Chanop Silpa-Anan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Once upon a time, I heard Viktor Rosenfeld say
I recently switched my working environment from Windows to Debian only
and I've been using Netscape Mail so far.  And I *hate* it!
 Me too, it's too slow!
  :} Tried 6?

 Even slower than M14 :P

 :} It runs a bit faster on my system... I never did care for their 
mailer anyway. Somehow, my brain doesn't make the browser/mail 
connection... I've got no problem with the office/mail one.

  This {staroffice} isn't too bad... seeing as it's integrated into the
  office package you've got a lot of capabilities at your fingertips...
  and... 5.2's up now.
 But, it's vey bulky.

 Yeah... unfortunately. With a largish amount of memory it's not a real 
problem though. And... once the thing loads it's reasonably fast. I'm 
used to emacs {tho' I never really noticed the slow starts with that one 
that folk always complained about.} and used to having everything sort of 

 Considering that I've got ready access to everything from a decent 
wysiwyg html editor to a browser, databases, etc, etc... I can't really 


2000-04-07 Thread David Gisborne
I installed debian 2.2.13 and am running a etherlink 3c509b card.

The 3c509 modules seems to be loading correctly because I can do an

ifconfig eth0 but when I enter

ifconfig eth0 up

it says SIOCSIFFLAGS: resource temporarily unavailable

I am assuming this is because it isn't probing for my isa card correctly 
and I must do an alias with options but what is the best way to find out 
the hardware address and irq of this card. I don't know what they are.

Re: Creative SB Live! 1024

2000-04-07 Thread Jonathan Heaney
Joachim Trinkwitz wrote:


 The question is why I don't have the modversion.h, which the compiler
 can't find.

You'll need to select Set version information on all symbols for modules in
the Loadable Module Support section when you compile your kernel.


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