[OFFTopic]Scripts Bash

2000-04-30 Thread ADnoctum
Hola a todos en la lista!

Yo se que en bash puedo hacer

cat EOF  fichero
Texto, texto, texto, texto, texto
texto, texto, texto, texto, texto

Pero entonces ¿Cómo saco ese mismo texto del fichero?, es decir que el
fichero quede exactamente como estaba antes de ejecutar el comando...

Gracias por adelantado.

Aquel que sacrifica funcionalidad por  -o)
facilidad de uso pierde ambas y no  /\
merece ninguna._\_v

imágenes ISO Debian y otros

2000-04-30 Thread Fernando Sanchez
desde esta mañana hemos puesto disponibles imágenes ISO de Debian
Slink, pre-Potato y pre-Woody, además de otras cuantas (mandrake, caldera,
conectiva, corel, suse, turbolinux, etc.)

Se pueden bajar por rsync, ftp y http (por ese orden de preferencia :-), en:


Las imágenes de Debian Potato y Woody, son, por supuesto, no-oficiales. Las
de Woody son sólo ficheros, no son bootables.


compilar archivo *.c

2000-04-30 Thread xscript . geo
Tengo delante mio unos archivos en C que tengo que compilar, el caso es que ya
envie un mail hace un tiempo preguntando lo mismo, pero lo borre y ya no me
acuerdo. Bueno, si alguien sabe como se hace le agradeceria que me lo dijera.

El tonto es aquel que dice tonterias, aunque los hay que sin decirlas ya lo son.

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Re: Me presento a la lista.

2000-04-30 Thread SKaVeN
Hell-o Diego Bote!

El día Thu, Apr 27, 2000 at 08:49:49PM CEST

   Yo estoy en lo mismo. La última Debian en revista la conseguí en
 Linux actual. Suelo comprar Solo Linux y ese mes compré las dos, no
 problem. Pero ya han salido 2 Esware, 2 Red Hat, 2 Suse, 2 CD de juegos,
 ... ¿Para cuándo Debian en Solo Linux?

esperemos que para Potato  XD


Nos leemos...
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 Linux Registered User #158497 (http://counter.li.org)  (| | )
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Re: binarios kien los kiere?

2000-04-30 Thread David Muriel
Javier Fafián Alvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  en cuanto a la contradiccion que mencionas kiza no me he expresado con 
  claridad los que quieria decir es que no conozco ningun metodo abreviado 
  (tipo: apt-get installsource   xx) i que seria fantastico poder 
  tenerlo no? ya que si lo pensais detenidamente tiene una serie de ventajas 
  otros so no puede igualar
 Tienes razón en eso, pero yo creo que en eso el apt es un gran
 desconocido, de hecho no me extrañaría que existiese la posibilidad ...

Puede que sea algo así:

$ apt-get --compile source paquete
$ dpkg -i paquete_recien_compilado.deb

Aunque no esté en un único comando, siempre se puede hacer un script
que lo ejecute todo seguido.

Hasta luego.


David Muriel.
Debian GNU/Linux woody + Emacs 20.5.2 + Gnus v5.8.3
Linux registered user #25632 (http://counter.li.org/)

Linux is userfriendly, 
 but is only a bit selective about its friends :-)


2000-04-30 Thread Guillermo Ernesto Valladares Haredia

Quisiera me expliquen que es VESA, en que consiste, 
para que sirve, por favor pues lo tengo que realizar como tarea

Gracias Pili, 



2000-04-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sobre Linux se pueden desarrollar juegos para PlayStation??
si es asi.. que seria genial! que herramientas hay para trabajar en ello???


Ricardo Rodriguez

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AMD K6 II 450

2000-04-30 Thread Hue-Bond
 ¿Recordáis que  hace unas semanas vi  una foto con un  AMD y la
 odiosa ventanita en una esquina?

 Bien,  pues http://www.cyberchat2000.com/amdk62450.jpg  :^). No
 es esa foto, sino uno de los micros de mi ciber :^(.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump http://www.ctv.es/USERS/fserrano/pgp_dsspubkey.asc | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: gvim

2000-04-30 Thread Danito
On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 01:57:40AM +0200, Isaac Puch Rojo wrote:
   Hola a todos. 
   Siento seguir haciendo preguntas de novato, pero no salgo de ahí. Y lo
 intento. La cosa es, empece según recomendaciones a utilizar el vim, y
 me acostumbré. Por casualidad descubrí entre las utilidades debian el
 gvim. Me alegré un montón ya que no había encontrado ninguno que me
 convenciera. Con los del KDE no es que se pueda hacer mucho que digamos.
 Pero para mi desgracia no he conseguido escribir caracteres con acentos.
 como árbol en su lugar me saca 'arbol. Pero sin embargo si abro un
 archivo con acentos los lee perfectamente. He intentado con las ayudas
 del programa, pero no he sacado nada en claro, la verdad el ingles no es
 mi fuerte. Agradezco cualquier ayuda, pista o similar.

¿Has probado a escribir export LC_ALL=es_ES desde el terminal
que ejecutas el gvim? ¿Puedes utilizar acentos en el resto de los programas
de las X?
 ¿Existe algún manual sobre el programa en castellano? Gracias de
A mi me da que no

wterm y vim

2000-04-30 Thread Isaac Puch Rojo


Santiago Romero recomendó su página web hace poco, y allí encontré un
tutorial sobre wim estupendo. Que es lo que andaba buscando. Allí
recomienda el uso del terminal wterm bajo la XWindow, ya que según el
es el único en el que funciona todo correctamente. Mi pregunta es.
¿Dónde puedo conseguir ese terminal? ¿O en qué paquete viene? Gracias de

Isaac Puch Rojo.

Re: Filosofia de Debian.

2000-04-30 Thread Miquel
El sáb, abr 29, 2000 at 09:02:15 +0200 Antonio Castro va dir:

 Creo que cada vez es m?s necessario que aparezca una nueva distribuci?n
 100% libre de Linux que se apoye en el trabajo realizado por Debian y
 que cubra los espacios que a Debian no le interesan. Est? muy claro que


 Una distribuci?n basada en Debian 100% libre y enfocada a su facilidad
 de uso e instalaci?n arrasar?a completamente. Incluso ser?a un negocio
 increible si alguien decidiera hacerlo en plan negocio.

es lo que están tratando de hacer los de Storm y creo que van por el
buen camino (el interfaz gráfico de instalación es muy bueno y todo bajo
la GPL)... Y los de Citius tampoco lo hacen nada mal. Lo que creo que sí
que falta es alguna empresa que se arriesgue a planchar y distribuir
CD's de la versión inestable, como al parecer hacen en algunas partes de
Europa, quizá eso arreglaría el problema al menos de quienes no pueden
actualizarse vía ftp por culpa de las tarifas teléfonicas y la lentitud
de las líneas en España y otras partes.

un saludo,


Description: PGP signature

Re: Sobre Webalizer

2000-04-30 Thread Miquel
El vie, abr 28, 2000 at 06:11:42 +0100 Jaime E. Villate va dir:

 Nunca usé el webalizer y por eso no sé que ventajas tendrá sobre el
 analog que me ha parecido muy bueno.

la más llamativa es que webalizer ofrece una estimación de visitas, no
solo de hits, y creo que analog no (al menos yo no encontré cómo hacerlo).


Re: [OFFTopic]Scripts Bash

2000-04-30 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
 cat EOF  fichero
 Texto, texto, texto, texto, texto
 texto, texto, texto, texto, texto

cat fichero ? ... :-?

Saludos !

mi numero de firma para Drivers para linux es:00056845
pasaros por:http://www.libranet.com/petition.html

Javier Fafián Alvarez 
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.2.14


2000-04-30 Thread Eduardo Diaz Comellas

Ya estoy en casa despues de la resaca de la Linux-Expo... Que ocurrio
la gente despues de la cena? Parece que volaron todos :-??


Re: update-alternatives again: a homemade hack

2000-04-30 Thread John Hasler
Ian Zimmerman writes:
 Whoever is responsible for update-alternatives in Debian, please consider
 merging this into the official version.

That would be Wichert Akkerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] : update-alternatives
is part of the dpkg package.  The way to get him to consider your patch is
to file a wishlist bug against dpkg, and include your patch.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

Re: Mouse not working in X

2000-04-30 Thread Marshal Wong
 Richard == Richard Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi, I'm using the out of the box VALinix/SGI/Gnu Debian at work,
 I installed X and it will not work with the logitech mouse, you
 have to play with gpm and X and get the right combination, I
 installed it at home about 3mnths ago and got my Logitech
 trackball working OK. Trouble is I have forgoten what it was I
 did and I need to know, I would boot up my machine at home but I
 have since changed my graphics card and need to reinstall Debian
 as it auto boots into X. I'm sure I found the solution on the
 web somwhere but it seems to have gone. Anyone know the correct
 solution, is it gpm -R and /dev/gpmdev in X or somesuch ?

I think the answer for you, if I understood you question, is to point
/dev/mouse to /dev/gpmdata, and point XF86Config to /dev/mouse.  Or
you can point XF86config to /dev/gpmdata directly.  I think you have
to make gpm repeat in raw mode so the information from the mouse
isn't being filtered twice.

Hope that helps


 Thanks for any help.


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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

locale settings?

2000-04-30 Thread Pollywog
While installing gpg-rsa, I got this and I am not quite sure what it
is all about.  I looked at the man page for 'locale' but I still
don't know what to do.  The only variable that I have set is LANG.

Setting up gpg-rsa (2.1.1) ...
perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
LANGUAGE = (unset),
LC_ALL = (unset),
LANG = en
are supported and installed on your system.


Cant access Windows partition

2000-04-30 Thread Allan Peak
I've been using Slink with a 2.2.14 kernel compiled to
allow power-off on shutdown.  This morning I tried to
mount my windows partition and it complained about no
vfat support.  I tried to recompile the kernel.  I did
a make menuconfig and selected dos vfat support.  Then
I did make bzImage.  I copied bzImage to
/boot/vmlinuz-2.2.14.  Then I did make modules
followed by make modules install.  When I did this it
said it couldn't find a lilo signiture on /dev/hda4
and I'd have to make a bootdisk and/or run /sbin/lilo.
 I did both, rebooted and it still says no vfat
support.  What am I missing?

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Re: mutt and courier-imapd

2000-04-30 Thread Brian May
 Brendan == Brendan Cully [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Brendan There is a small bug in courier currently which chokes
Brendan mutt. I've attached a workaround patch against mutt
Brendan 1.1.12 (should apply to earlier versions) which I'd love
Brendan people to test - we're trying to get mutt 1.2 out the
Brendan door soon. So if it works and in particular if it doesn't
Brendan work, please let me know.

Are there any plans to fix the bug in courier-imap?

Re: POP3 using SSH

2000-04-30 Thread Adam Shand

 This corresponds to the what the man page tells me to do. Using this
 exact setup, I get a parse error at user, which is the line following
 the above one. I don't know how to correct this. May someone show me
 their [working] config-file?

here is my working config.  the only thing i've changed is my password.

set daemon 60
poll localhost port 1100 protocol pop3 uidl 
username larry password MyPass
mda /usr/bin/procmail -d larry
preconnect ssh -C -f -L 1100:localhost:110 calvino 'sleep 9'

not i use procmail as my local delivery agent cause i found it worked a lot
better that way then dumping to port 25.  it also means i don't have to run
a smtp daemon if i don't want to.

you need to change calvino to be the name of your ssh host, and localhost to
be the name of your mailhost (it can stay localhost if your ssh and mail
host are the same).


Re: telnet problems with Debian woody

2000-04-30 Thread Ethan Benson
On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 09:15:52AM +0800, Curtis Hogg wrote:
 A friend of mine (as am I) is running Debian 2.1 that has been
 dist-upgraded to woody, and while he can telnet into my machine just fine,
 I cannot telnet into his, the error received states-
 telnetd: getpty: permission denied
 the permissions on his ptys and ttys and so on are the same as mine. What
 do I need to do to fix this problem? TIA

check permissions on /dev/ptmx and that devpts is mounted.  /dev/ptmx
should be:

crw-rw-rw-1 root tty5,   2 Mar 15 06:55 /dev/ptmx

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: multi line regex's in vi ...

2000-04-30 Thread Adam Shand

 So add p to any non-blank line?  I'd like to know a one-liner for this
 too.  You've got blank line with ^$ but how do you negate that?

but what if a paragraph has more then one line.  you have to detect the
beginning of a new paragraph and then insert a 'p ' before the first line
of text.

 A two-liner is
 %s/^/p/   - add p to the start of each line
 %s/^p$//  - remove any lines that contain only p

nope won't work.  it'll put a 'p ' at the beginning of every line which
has text in it.  thus this:

one lineladf aflkasd flaskdjf alskdfj alskdfja lskdjf alskdjf alsdkfj
lasdkfj alkjdfalskjdf laskdfj laskdjf laksdjf alksjf ald  lkadjflaksdjf

laklj and the end of aldkfja ladkfj alksdjf oqieruoqiewjrlkdmflk adlf ladfj
ladkf alkdjf lakd flaksdj flaksdfj.

will become this:

pone lineladf aflkasd flaskdjf alskdfj alskdfja lskdjf alskdjf alsdkfj
plasdkfj alkjdfalskjdf laskdfj laskdjf laksdjf alksjf ald lkadjflaksdjf

plaklj and the end of aldkfja ladkfj alksdjf oqieruoqiewjrlkdmflk adlf
pladfj ladkf alkdjf lakd flaksdj flaksdfj.


Re: mutt and courier-imapd

2000-04-30 Thread Brendan Cully
On Sunday, 30 April 2000 at 11:11, Brian May wrote:
  Brendan == Brendan Cully [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Brendan There is a small bug in courier currently which chokes
 Brendan mutt. I've attached a workaround patch against mutt
 Brendan 1.1.12 (should apply to earlier versions) which I'd love
 Brendan people to test - we're trying to get mutt 1.2 out the
 Brendan door soon. So if it works and in particular if it doesn't
 Brendan work, please let me know.
 Are there any plans to fix the bug in courier-imap?

I forwarded a bug report to Sam, who says he is looking at it. So, I
think it will be fixed.


Description: PGP signature

Installing potato with a 3c905

2000-04-30 Thread Brendan Cully

I'm trying to install potato from boot floppies and I've run into a
stupid problem: I've got a 3c905 on the target machine, but I can't
seem to find the module in drivers.tgz. Anyone know where I can get
it? I'm trying to install via ftp, so I need it early in the process.


Description: PGP signature

Double messages?

2000-04-30 Thread Brad
i seem to be recieving random messages twice: once when the message is
sent and again a few days later.

As near as i can tell, debian.org.hk is trying to gateway a newsgroup
and the mailing list, but it sometimes decides a message it gatewayed to
the newsgroup three days earlier should be gatewayed back to the list...

Headers from the late version, if anyone's interested:
[... the normal murphy-my box headers ...]
Received: (qmail 18282 invoked by uid 38); 30 Apr 2000 01:08:58 -
X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Received: (qmail 18224 invoked from network); 30 Apr 2000 01:08:54 -
Received: from unknown (HELO debian.org.hk) ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  by murphy.debian.org with SMTP; 30 Apr 2000 01:08:54 -
Received: (from [EMAIL PROTECTED])
by debian.org.hk (8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian/GNU) id JAA24592
for debian-user@lists.debian.org; Sun, 30 Apr 2000 09:04:53 +0800
X-Authentication-Warning: debian.org.hk: news set sender to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
using -f
Received: from GATEWAY by niet with netnews
for debian-user@lists.debian.org (debian-user@lists.debian.org)
Organization: debian.org.hk gateway

  finger for GPG public key.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing potato with a 3c905

2000-04-30 Thread Brendan Cully
forget it. I didn't notice it was _compiled in_. The shame.

Sorry for the wasted bandwidth (again).


On Saturday, 29 April 2000 at 22:30, Brendan Cully wrote:
 I'm trying to install potato from boot floppies and I've run into a
 stupid problem: I've got a 3c905 on the target machine, but I can't
 seem to find the module in drivers.tgz. Anyone know where I can get
 it? I'm trying to install via ftp, so I need it early in the process.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing potato with a 3c905

2000-04-30 Thread Brendan Cully
it's in 3c59x. I'm multitasking, forgive me.

On Saturday, 29 April 2000 at 22:45, Brendan Cully wrote:
 forget it. I didn't notice it was _compiled in_. The shame.
 Sorry for the wasted bandwidth (again).
 On Saturday, 29 April 2000 at 22:30, Brendan Cully wrote:
  I'm trying to install potato from boot floppies and I've run into a
  stupid problem: I've got a 3c905 on the target machine, but I can't
  seem to find the module in drivers.tgz. Anyone know where I can get
  it? I'm trying to install via ftp, so I need it early in the process.

Description: PGP signature

Re: multi line regex's in vi ...

2000-04-30 Thread Rick Younie
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000, Adam Shand wrote:
  A two-liner is
  %s/^/p/   - add p to the start of each line
  %s/^p$//  - remove any lines that contain only p
 nope won't work.  it'll put a 'p ' at the beginning of every line which
 has text in it.  thus this:

Ah.  Don't know how to do that with regex's but you can get it
done with record/playback with Vim and Elvis.  You probably
already know this.

qa - start recording to register a
/^$  - go to first blank line
cursor down
insert and type P
q  - stop recording

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  - repeats the recorded keystrokes a bunch of times

If you have multiple adjacent blank lines you'll need to
squash them to one,

Gotta be an easier way though.  Maybe one of the vi pros will drop in.


how to burn from iso file in xcdroast

2000-04-30 Thread Kenneth Scharf
Does anyone know the command sequence to get xcdroast
to burn from an .iso file I downloaded?  I can't seem
to get it to see the file and burn from it.  I was
able to do this in slink ( or was it hamm?), but can't
seem to find the sequence of things now.  HELP

(If I mounted the file as a file system using loop
that might do it by giving the mounted dir as the path
of the image, but I think xcdroast is supposed to do
this itself!) 

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!


Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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Re: Double messages?

2000-04-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
I seem to have gotten a bunch of messages again too.  Don't know why I
getting two day old messages that I've already read and deleted.  Hmm,
Debian list server misconfigured?

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.


2000-04-30 Thread Richard Chapman

I have had no success trying to install Debian on my Pentium. It already
has Slackware and Solaris installed bug Debian hangs on the installation
with the following error:

hdd lost interrupt

I have done many installations of Slackware and Red Hat with little
difficulty but I can't get Debian to install. My CD is a generic IDE/ATAPI
24X cdrom.

Just thought you'd like to know. It's back to Slackware for me.

Richard Chapman  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
514 932-7171 http://www.brockhousecooper.com

In seeking the unattainable, simplicity only gets in the way.

Re: tape drive device

2000-04-30 Thread kmself
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 11:57:30AM -0400, Rob Lilley wrote:
 I've installed the base and standard slink distributions, configured
 them and then went to do a tar archive to my Seagate 4mm SCSI tape drive.
 Bless me, there is no /dev/st0 to do this to.  Are they not supported?
 Do I have to add another package or rebuild the kernel to get this driver?

You do need to have both SCSI and SCSI tape support built into the
kernel (or loaded as modules).  You might look to see whether or not
there's a /lib/modules/version/st.o module on your system.

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com   http:/www.netcom.com/~kmself
What part of Gestalt don't you understand?
GPG fingerprint: F932 8B25 5FDD 2528 D595  DC61 3847 889F 55F2 B9B0

Description: PGP signature

Re: Mail/news software

2000-04-30 Thread Larry Fletcher
I've looked at most of what is available and the closest thing to
Yarn is the Tin news reader, they're almost identical.  For email the
best thing I've found is Mutt.  Mutt can be configured with what I
call 'tin style cursor keys' so I can go back and forth between
readers without getting confused.  I believe they both have everything
you want except maybe GPG, but the newer versions may have it.  I
don't see much need for the GUI multiple windows thing, but you can
run either one of the readers in multiple windows (xterms).

If you ever find anything that works like Yarn or Tin and does both
email and news let me know. :-)

On Apr 29, 2000, Kovacs Istvan wrote:
 What mail and news software do you recommend?
 The ideal software would be able to handle both mail and news in an
 integrated manner, place incoming and outgoing messages into folders
 automatically using header info, integrate with PGP/GPG, handle UU/MIME
 attachments, thread messages, fetch using POP3 and send via SMTP, would
 have a GUI that allows multiple windows to be open for composing and
 reading mail/articles, and would be easy to use and free of charge.
 YARN, when used in combination with a SOUP package handler, is much
 like that (except for the GUI/multi-window part), but I haven't seen a
 Linux version.
 Homepage at http://www.math.bme.hu/~kofa - For PGP public key: send mail
 with the subject PGP Public Key Request or finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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make-kpkg fail: can't find modversions.h (compiling pcmcia-modules)

2000-04-30 Thread Mark Phillips

I am trying to use make-kpkg to make a pcmcia-modules package for a
laptop.  It quits giving the following error:

/usr/src/linux/include/linux/module.h:19: linux/modversions.h: No such file or 

and sure enough, I can't find a file called modversions.h anywhere
on the system!!

I am using kernel-source-2.2.15, but I looked at 2.2.10 and 2.2.14 and
these didn't seem to have it either!

What is going on?

I searched the debian-user archives and found one reference to someone
who had similar problems, but he later wrote back saying:

 oops it does appear that I have this file after all:

And yet, I have checked these locations and they don't exist.  I don't
even have a /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.14/include/config/ directory
on my system.

So any help would be greatly appreciated.  Surely someone else has
come across this, as it would be necessary for compiling the
pcmcia-modules package with more recent kernels.

Also, could any replies to this please be cc'ed to me, as I am
currently not subscribed to debian-user.



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: make-kpkg fail: can't find modversions.h (compiling pcmcia-modules)

2000-04-30 Thread Corey Popelier
Well I'm not sure what you've done, but I am using kernel 2.2.15
(pre19-1) and I have the modversions.h file in:


 Corey Popelier

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Mark Phillips wrote:

 I am trying to use make-kpkg to make a pcmcia-modules package for a
 laptop.  It quits giving the following error:
 /usr/src/linux/include/linux/module.h:19: linux/modversions.h: No such file 
 and sure enough, I can't find a file called modversions.h anywhere
 on the system!!
 I am using kernel-source-2.2.15, but I looked at 2.2.10 and 2.2.14 and
 these didn't seem to have it either!
 What is going on?
 I searched the debian-user archives and found one reference to someone
 who had similar problems, but he later wrote back saying:
  oops it does appear that I have this file after all:
 And yet, I have checked these locations and they don't exist.  I don't
 even have a /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.14/include/config/ directory
 on my system.
 So any help would be greatly appreciated.  Surely someone else has
 come across this, as it would be necessary for compiling the
 pcmcia-modules package with more recent kernels.
 Also, could any replies to this please be cc'ed to me, as I am
 currently not subscribed to debian-user.
 They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: make-kpkg fail: can't find modversions.h (compiling pcmcia-modules)

2000-04-30 Thread Mark Phillips
 Well I'm not sure what you've done, but I am using kernel 2.2.15
 (pre19-1) and I have the modversions.h file in:

Yes that's the same version as me (2.2.15pre19-1)


Neither of these exist on my system.  In particular, the config
directory doesn't even exist as you can see:

# ls /usr/src/kernel-source-2.2.15/include/
asmasm-generic  asm-mips  asm-sparcmath-emu  video
asm-alpha  asm-i386 asm-ppc   asm-sparc64  net
asm-armasm-m68k asm-s390  linuxscsi

I am guessing you must have done something which creates this config
directory and puts modversions.h in the right place.  If you do

tar tvf kernel-source-2.2.15.tar | grep modversions.h

does it find it?

So the question is, what do you do which creates this file???



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: make-kpkg fail: can't find modversions.h (compiling pcmcia-modules)

2000-04-30 Thread Mark Phillips

  Mark I am guessing you must have done something which creates this
  Mark config directory and puts modversions.h in the right place.  If
  Mark you do
  Mark So the question is, what do you do which creates this file???
 Did you try configuring the kernel?

I think this is the problem.  I shouldn't have to do the configuring
myself because make-kpkg should do it for me.  For some reason it
seems that it doesn't.  It sounds like a bug with make-kpkg.

I think I have got around it by first using make-kpkg to create a
kernel package.  Then, without doing make-kpkg clean, I then set the
target to modules_image (the PCMCIA modules stuff).

It seems to fix the problem, but I wouldn't have thought I had to do



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Win98 and Linux can't keep apart on /dev/hda!

2000-04-30 Thread tristan misseri
Hi ,
You told about mounting different fs on both systems : linux and win98. How
can U mount ext2 partitions on win98?
- Original Message -
From: David Henningsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 12:24 AM
Subject: Re: Win98 and Linux can't keep apart on /dev/hda!

 I've done two things now, and either of them could have fixed the problem.

 1) I upgraded my BIOS version.

 2) I repartitioned the HD, making marginal changes on the sizes on
 /dev/hda3 (linux) and /dev/hda4 (win98), but I changed the partition type
 of /dev/hda4 from Win FAT32 (0x0B) to Win FAT32 (LBA) (0x0C).

 Anyhow, I know have installed the root fs on /dev/hd3 (using the Debian
 and copied about 1 GB of data to /dev/hd4 from windows. And none of them
 have complained yet, and I can mount both filesystems from both OS's,
 I couldn't do before.

 To say it short: Things seem very promising!

 Thanks, all of you, for your help.

 / David

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Double messages?

2000-04-30 Thread brian moore
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 09:54:02PM -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:
 I seem to have gotten a bunch of messages again too.  Don't know why I
 getting two day old messages that I've already read and deleted.  Hmm,
 Debian list server misconfigured?

Nope, someone at debian.org.hk seems to be trying to gate this to
lusenet and screwed it up.  (Check the headers of the dupes.)

Brian Moore   | Of course vi is God's editor.
  Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
  Usenet Vandal   |  for it to load on the seventh day.
  Netscum, Bane of Elves.

Re: Mounting SCSI CD-ROM during Install

2000-04-30 Thread Oliver Elphick
Rob Lilley wrote:
  Hi all,
  I am attempting to install the stable version of Debian 2.1 distributed by
  O'Reilly.  All is fine until install asks me to identify the CD-ROM where
  the Debian CD is.  All of my drives are SCSI and this includes the CD-ROM.
  The floppy is IDE and I am booting from it (.This disk uses Linux 2.2.12
  (from kernel-image-2.2.12_2.2.12-1))
  I selected 'scd0' from the list of CD-ROM devices and this does not mount.
  When I [alternate] [F2]'d into the other virtual console I found that
  /dev/scd0 is not supported by the kernel by attempting to mount the CD-ROM
  manually.  The block device 'scd0 is in /dev with a max of '8'. An error
  message during the mount process stated that I should try loading a driver
  using a loadable module - I presume for the proper SCSI driver.  The boot
  parameters offered at the boot prompt [F5] helps didn't include one for NCR
  (???).  Any suggestions as to where to go from here?  This is getting a
  little over my head grin.
Did you install appropriate SCSI support modules?  (Under the option
Configure device driver modules, I think)

Isle of Wight  http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
   PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it. But 
  whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same 
  shall save it.  Luke 9:24 

Re: hacked?

2000-04-30 Thread Marc Haber
On Thu, 27 Apr 2000 09:02:05 -0400 (EDT), you wrote:
On the other hand, I do not feel as strongly as other posters that telnet
needs to be disabled in order to have a secure machine.  Strong passwords
will work just as well.  I have an account on a large Solaris network
where telnet has been open for ages, and will continue to be.  The passwd
program in *incredibly* anal about ensuring that all passwords are
complex.  To my knowledge there has never been a significant security
breach on this network.

You have been lucky. Even secure passwords can be sniffed, and telnet
sessions already established can be hijacked. That way, the attacker
doesn't even have to wait for your password to fly around.


-- !! No courtesy copies, please !! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Re: how to burn from iso file in xcdroast

2000-04-30 Thread John Bagdanoff
I just went through this a couple of days ago.  The commandline is:

cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,0 file

Speed  dev probably will be different on your box.  I found this was much 
easier than doing it with xcdroast.

Someone had mentioned that by just changing the extension from .iso to .raw, 
then xcdroast would be able to write it ok.  I haven't tried it though.


On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 08:15:52PM -0700, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
 Does anyone know the command sequence to get xcdroast
 to burn from an .iso file I downloaded?  I can't seem
 to get it to see the file and burn from it.  I was
 able to do this in slink ( or was it hamm?), but can't
 seem to find the sequence of things now.  HELP
 (If I mounted the file as a file system using loop
 that might do it by giving the mounted dir as the path
 of the image, but I think xcdroast is supposed to do
 this itself!) 
 Amateur Radio, when all else fails!
 Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .
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Re: Win98 and Linux can't keep apart on /dev/hda!

2000-04-30 Thread Richard Taylor
tristan misseri [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
 You told about mounting different fs on both systems : linux and 
win98. How
 can U mount ext2 partitions on win98?

 My other computer's running Debian. {www.debian.org}


2000-04-30 Thread joshua marston
could someone PLEASE tell me which package the print command is in
because i did a minimal install off the net and now i need it

Joshua Marston

WWW:  http://surf.to/josh_m/
ICQ:  5162549

Re: print

2000-04-30 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 could someone PLEASE tell me which package the print command is in
 because i did a minimal install off the net and now i need it

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: more real runlevels?

2000-04-30 Thread Engelen
   If so, what _is_ the proper way to do this with Debian?
 You can just delete the links you don't want

I've always felt that it's better to change the link from S to K,
instead of just deleting it.

Say for example you delete the xdm link from runlevels 2, 3, and 4. So
you change to 5, xdm starts. You change back to 2, and xdm stays
running. To me the desired behavior would be that xdm is killed...

Anyway, at worst this post might prevent people from deleting links and
wondering why things aren't killed when lowering runlevels ;)

I must admit that I never use runlevels, but if I want to remove something
from the boot sequence (or whatever I should call that), I usually make
a directory 'away' in the relevant /etc/rcwhatever and move the script

Re: are there any good free 3d modeling tools?

2000-04-30 Thread Engelen
 I'm looking for good free (as in speech) 3d modeling tools.
 Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Ever taken a look at POVRay? I don't know (or care) about licencing,
so it might or might not be free as in 'free speech' (however it is as in
'free beer'). I'm not at all an expert, but you can do all sorts of really
cool things. There are huge manuals for it.


apache includes

2000-04-30 Thread Hamish Moffatt

With mod_include in Apache, is it possible for me to execute or
include a CGI which would be parsed as part of the script?

I have a CGI which produces a whole bunch of
!--#set var=name value=blah --

lines. Apache just sends these out to the client, even if
the CGI says content-type text/x-server-parsed-html

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB. CCs of replies on mailing lists are welcome.

Re: how to burn from iso file in xcdroast

2000-04-30 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I confirm it: I copy .iso files ar .raw with xcdroast.

John Bagdanoff wrote:

 I just went through this a couple of days ago.  The commandline is:

 cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,0 file

 Speed  dev probably will be different on your box.  I found this was much 
 easier than doing it with xcdroast.

 Someone had mentioned that by just changing the extension from .iso to .raw, 
 then xcdroast would be able to write it ok.  I haven't tried it though.


 On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 08:15:52PM -0700, Kenneth Scharf wrote:
  Does anyone know the command sequence to get xcdroast
  to burn from an .iso file I downloaded?  I can't seem
  to get it to see the file and burn from it.  I was
  able to do this in slink ( or was it hamm?), but can't
  seem to find the sequence of things now.  HELP
  (If I mounted the file as a file system using loop
  that might do it by giving the mounted dir as the path
  of the image, but I think xcdroast is supposed to do
  this itself!)
  Amateur Radio, when all else fails!
  Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .
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  Talk to your friends online and get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.
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Keeping apt-get, dpkg dselect in sync

2000-04-30 Thread Brian Greenfield
I use apt-get to keep this potato box up to date. However, I
often use dpkg -l to search for packages whose name I'm not
quite sure of. It was during one of these searches ('dpkg -l
syslog\*') that I noticed that the packages available
according to dpkg is different to that of dselect and

dselect also 'knows' that syslogd isn't an available
package. How can this be? I understood that dselect and dpkg
used the same files (those in /var/lib/dpkg/).

How can I get dpkg, dselect and apt all in sync? Should I do
an update using the apt method of dselect. How else could I
update dpkg without involving dselect.

The details follow:

|zippy:~$ su -c 'apt-get install -s syslogd'
|Reading Package Lists... Done
|Building Dependency Tree... Done
|Note, selecting sysklogd instead of syslogd
|Sorry, sysklogd is already the newest version
|0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
|zippy:~$ dpkg -l syslog\*
|| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
||/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
|||/ NameVersion   Description
|pn  syslog-summary  none(no description available)
|un  syslogd none(no description available)

Thanks for reading.

Re: Mail/news software

2000-04-30 Thread Steve Lamb
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 05:05:38PM +0200, Kovacs Istvan wrote:
 What mail and news software do you recommend?


 The ideal software would be able to handle both mail and news in an
 integrated manner, place incoming and outgoing messages into folders
 automatically using header info, integrate with PGP/GPG, handle UU/MIME
 attachments, thread messages, fetch using POP3 and send via SMTP, would
 have a GUI that allows multiple windows to be open for composing and
 reading mail/articles, and would be easy to use and free of charge.

Given your description and the fact that you sent with PMMail/2 I can say,
with authority, nothing.  There is not a thing out there that will suit what
you describe nor what you're currently using, at least when it comes to mail.
News apps on the unix side are fine but Mail apps, while powerful as backends,
aren't worth a damn otherwise.  I'll now let people try to prove me wrong but
so far I have not seen a beast which comes close to the usability of Windows
applications.  Sure, they have the power to do some impressive stuff, but they
don't have the interface to match.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

Re: apache includes

2000-04-30 Thread Andrew J Cosgriff
Hamish Moffatt wrote :

 With mod_include in Apache, is it possible for me to execute or
 include a CGI which would be parsed as part of the script?
 I have a CGI which produces a whole bunch of
 !--#set var=name value=blah --
 lines. Apache just sends these out to the client, even if
 the CGI says content-type text/x-server-parsed-html

Nup.  See http://www.apache.org/docs/misc/FAQ.html#ssi-part-iii

Andrew J Cosgriff [EMAIL PROTECTED] touch sensitive

Re: print

2000-04-30 Thread ktb
joshua marston wrote:
 could someone PLEASE tell me which package the print command is in
 because i did a minimal install off the net and now i need it

dpkg -S print

will give you that information.

Problems with PPP

2000-04-30 Thread José María Pongilioni López

When I connect to the Internet, 'xconsole' shows 
the following:
 'ppp-compress-1' unable to 
locate module

I'm using Kernel 2.2.5, and I compiled PPP support 
as a module.
Is this correct? If not, how can I to workaround 

Please, reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


RE: hacked?

2000-04-30 Thread Chris Mason
What difference does complex passwords make if the password is sent in the
clear. It would be trivial for a cracker to sniff the traffic and grab a
password, then use the account to create havoc.

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island
http://net.ai/ The Anguilla Guide
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-Original Message-
From: Marc Haber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2000 5:30 AM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: hacked?

On Thu, 27 Apr 2000 09:02:05 -0400 (EDT), you wrote:
On the other hand, I do not feel as strongly as other posters that telnet
needs to be disabled in order to have a secure machine.  Strong passwords
will work just as well.  I have an account on a large Solaris network
where telnet has been open for ages, and will continue to be.  The passwd
program in *incredibly* anal about ensuring that all passwords are
complex.  To my knowledge there has never been a significant security
breach on this network.

You have been lucky. Even secure passwords can be sniffed, and telnet
sessions already established can be hijacked. That way, the attacker
doesn't even have to wait for your password to fly around.


-- !! No courtesy copies, please
!! -
Marc Haber  |Questions are the | Mailadresse im Header
Karlsruhe, Germany  | Beginning of Wisdom  | Fon: *49 721 966 32 15
Nordisch by Nature  | Lt. Worf, TNG Rightful Heir | Fax: *49 721 966 31 29

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Logging out from serial login

2000-04-30 Thread Robert Norris
Hi all,

I've been setting up a ppp-over-null-modem connection for a friend's Palm, and
its working great, except for one point.

I've created a user called 'palm', with shell /etc/ppp/ppplogin which looks like

mesg n
stty -echo
/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/pppd nodetach passive local noauth crtscts

I start the connection from the Palm then run 'getty -L 57600 ttyS0. The Palm
connects and everything works fine.

When I disconnect from the Palm, getty ends as expected and pppd shuts down,
but for some reason the 'palm' user doesn't release ttyS0. The permissions are
still set to

crw---1 palm dip4,  64 Apr 30 09:45 /dev/ttyS0

when it should be

crw-rw1 root dialout4,  64 Apr 30 09:50 /dev/ttyS0

Also, fingering 'palm' says

On since Sun Apr 30 09:45 (EST) on ttyS0

Why doesn't the user get logged out?


Description: PGP signature

X display

2000-04-30 Thread Elsadig Khanagi

How are you .. Thanks lot for all group members, I go one step and I 
need more help.
1-I install Debain Linux 2.1r2, and I got Debian Login :,,,But when I login 
and write  startx to load graphic interface... I have error 111

failed to connect to X srever... I didn't have a server I install in one PC.
2-I install it in 9 PC's with different answers(y/n)? sometimes yes and 
sometimes no. ( what is olwm and many other apprev...I done no!!)?

3- When I write dselect  select Update.. you need a separate packages.cd
   where is the _non-free_Packsges.cd...I done no where is it? 
and no way until I answer none 3 times .
4- I need to connect 9 pc as a network I have a HUB and everything..
and it have been networked as windows 98...but we need Debian because 
they have UNITS related to UNIX  for 9 students...

 Sorry for disturbances, again, Thanks lot
Elsadig M. H. khanagi

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com

Re: Logging out from serial login

2000-04-30 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 When I disconnect from the Palm, getty ends as expected and pppd shuts down,
 but for some reason the 'palm' user doesn't release ttyS0. The permissions are
 still set to
you disconnect? i assume, that this means only disconnect, but
not log out. if so, then you have no problem: this is intended behaviour
(at least to some point). so it is theoretically possible to reconnect
and continue the session after some time. however, this will possibly
conflict with the getty ...
as i don't have practical experience with that, all this could be
perfect nonsense. *g*

in short: log out before disconnecting. (press ctrl-d at the shell prompt)

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Logging out from serial login

2000-04-30 Thread Robert Norris
 you disconnect? i assume, that this means only disconnect, but
 not log out. if so, then you have no problem: this is intended behaviour
 (at least to some point). so it is theoretically possible to reconnect
 and continue the session after some time. however, this will possibly
 conflict with the getty ...

I press disconnect on the Palm, which causes pppd on the Linux side to exit,
followed by the ppplogin script (the login 'shell'). Obviously this script
exiting isn't enough to actually log out.


Description: PGP signature

Re: Installing Debian from 2.1.R4 CD's...question

2000-04-30 Thread Rob Lilley
I would have to agree with Ron that the wording is confusing.  I am a new
user and as such easily confused.  In my case the boot up kernel in
resc1440.bin* recognized my NCR SCSI adapter, made reference to my SCSI
CD-ROM in the boot up messages and went on to partition and mount my SCSI
hard drives .  But the kernel didn't have the Uniform CDROM Driver r. 2.54
for SCSI CD-ROMs available at boot up.  So no CD-ROM from which to load the
base system sigh!.

This was the first time in any installation that my SCSI hard drives were
addressable but the SCSI CD-ROM was not.  To this newbie, it just didn't
make sense.  It took me awhile to understand the difference between those
drivers actually _present and installed_ and those which were _supported_
and needed to be loaded later in the process.   The installation document
Ron references below states:

Both SCSI and IDE/ATAPI CD-ROMs are supported. In addition, all
non-standard CD interfaces supported by Linux are supported by the boot
disks (such as Mitsumi and Matsushita drives). However, these models might
require special boot parameters or other massaging to get them to work, and
booting off these non-standard interfaces is unlikely. The Linux CD-ROM
HOWTO contains in-depth information on using CD-ROMs with Linux.

The CD_ROM driver I sited above is standard, is not a special SCSI driver
and was not referenced as one of those modules that would have to be loaded
(as in the F help key information at bootup).  I would have thought it
would have been included in the initial kernel.

Many thanks go out to those in the group who wrote to clarify the situation
to me.  In an earlier posting I described a work around using my Zip drive
to do the installation.  It should be noted that the kernel addressed my
SCSI Zip drive right away!.

*I used a rescue/boot disk to start the installation process.

-Original Message-
From: Ron Stordahl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: Saturday, April 29, 2000 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: Installing Debian from 2.1.R4 CD's...question

- Original Message -
From: Nathan E Norman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Debian User List debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: Installing Debian from 2.1.R4 CD's...question

On the contrary Nathan,  I have read:


I can see how it could be concluded that by default these drivers will be
automatically installed, but the same reasoning would apply to the next
sentence in which it is stated that 'vfat' is supported, where supported
carries the same meaning as is did in the prior paragraph, i.e.

If that is the case then why is it that 'vfat' is listed in the select fs
modules as something that must be explicitly requested?  Shouldn't it be
automatically installed?

My point is that the wording is confusing.  I am a new user and as such
easily confused.

By posting to this group as I attempt installation I am hopeful that I will
get helpful answers such as yours so that I can avoid errors.

I am interpreting the instructions literally, just as I do when

So I am learning, I now know that drivers for IDE disk are included without
my explicitly asking for them.



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Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Re: Mail/news software

2000-04-30 Thread Christophe TROESTLER
On Sat, 29 Apr 2000, Kovacs Istvan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What mail  and news software  do you recommend?  The  ideal software
 would be able to handle both  mail and news in an integrated manner,
 place  incoming  and outgoing  messages  into folders  automatically
 using   header  info,   integrate  with   PGP/GPG,   handle  UU/MIME
 attachments, thread  messages, fetch using  POP3 and send  via SMTP,
 would  have  a GUI  that  allows multiple  windows  to  be open  for
 composing and  reading mail/articles, and  would be easy to  use and
 free of charge.

Mew http://www.mew.org/ has all that (plus much more, particularly
important for me is the ablility to manage several identities with
associated headers, signature,...).  But I won't hide that it is still
under heavy development and _some_ of the more advanced features are
still implemented rather crudely.


[no subject]

2000-04-30 Thread Sahap Kayhan

I am using Windows98. I want to learn and try Linux 
system. What can I do? I am waiting for your explanation messages. 

Re: Mail/news software

2000-04-30 Thread Phillip Deackes
Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Given your description and the fact that you sent with PMMail/2 I
 can say,
 with authority, nothing.  There is not a thing out there that will
 suit what
 you describe nor what you're currently using, at least when it comes
 to mail.
 News apps on the unix side are fine but Mail apps, while powerful as
 aren't worth a damn otherwise.  I'll now let people try to prove me
 wrong but
 so far I have not seen a beast which comes close to the usability of
 applications.  Sure, they have the power to do some impressive stuff,
 but they
 don't have the interface to match.

I disagree and am continually posting info about an excellent email app
called Ishmail. It was a commercial offerring but the source code has
now been released. It is available on www.ishmail.com

Ishmail is the best GUI email client I have used on any platform. The
interface is very nice, but if you try it, do some configuration first -
the default setup is not as pretty as it could be. I prefer the buttons
at the bottom of the windows rather than at the sides. Which buttons
show and where they are positioned is also configurable.

I like the graphic representation of your folders in the top window. I
like the way new messages in a folder is shown graphically too. I like
the way it handles UNIX file-type mailfolders as well as MH
directory-type folders. It handles MIME attachments well and has a
wealth of configuration options. You can set it up so that it gives you
a different identity for certain messages too.

I use it to view mail which I have already collected using
fetchmail/exim. It injects new mail directly to the MTA. It can also be
used in a more traditional Windows style where it will fetch mail from
POP/IMAP severs.

I could go on, and on and on - I have tried a multitude of email apps
and always come back to Ishmail. All it needs now if for someone to take
on board the source code and maintain it properly.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Re: your mail

2000-04-30 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I am using Windows98. I want to learn and try Linux system. What can I do? I 
 am waiting for your explanation messages. Thanks.
take one of the life system CDs, which are often attached to computer
magazines. there you have a pre-installed linux system, which you can
boot from cd and use out-of-the-box.

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Mail/news software

2000-04-30 Thread Phillip Deackes
 Mew http://www.mew.org/ has all that (plus much more, particularly
 important for me is the ablility to manage several identities with
 associated headers, signature,...). 

I just went to the homepage and was welcomed with:

In short, Mew is a great MIME mail reader for Emacs/XEmacs


I am very sorry if I offend, but I find emacs/xemacs about the most
off-putting thing in Linux. Show a newbie that and you will see the dust
as he turns and runs back to the Windows camp.

Phillip Deackes
Using Storm Linux 2000

Re: Keeping apt-get, dpkg dselect in sync

2000-04-30 Thread Colin Watson
Brian Greenfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I use apt-get to keep this potato box up to date. However, I
often use dpkg -l to search for packages whose name I'm not
quite sure of. It was during one of these searches ('dpkg -l
syslog\*') that I noticed that the packages available
according to dpkg is different to that of dselect and

dselect also 'knows' that syslogd isn't an available
package. How can this be? I understood that dselect and dpkg
used the same files (those in /var/lib/dpkg/).

How can I get dpkg, dselect and apt all in sync? Should I do
an update using the apt method of dselect. How else could I
update dpkg without involving dselect.

As far as I know, you need to do a dselect update to get the available
file that dpkg uses to be updated. You can do this without going into
the dselect interface by typing 'dselect update'. As you correctly
guess, if you do this using dselect's apt method then apt's database
will be updated too, so if you always replace 'apt-get update' by
'dselect update' then everything should work fine.

I'm not entirely convinced this isn't a bug ... it should at least be
documented that you have to do this.

Colin Watson   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mutt and courier-imapd

2000-04-30 Thread Eric Gillespie, Jr.
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 06:36:17PM -0400,
Brendan Cully [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 There is a small bug in courier currently which chokes mutt. I've
 attached a workaround patch against mutt 1.1.12 (should apply to
 earlier versions) which I'd love people to test - we're trying to get
 mutt 1.2 out the door soon. So if it works and in particular if it
 doesn't work, please let me know.

Thanks for tracking this down! Hopefully, it will be fixed in
courier soon, but in the meantime, your patch works great! I've
gone back to using courier again.

Eric Gillespie, Jr. * [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Let us be thankful we have commerce. Buy more. Buy more now.
 Buy. And be happy.
--OMM (THX 1138)

Description: PGP signature

Apt strange error!!!

2000-04-30 Thread Paulo Henrique Baptista de Oliveira
Hi all.
My friend has a Debian potato machine and there is occorring the
following error:

amora:/home/luke# apt-get update
Reading Package Lists... Error!
E: Encountered a section with no Package: header
E: Problem with MergeList

E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

This file that it shows is the Packages.gz descompacted, the same as

What can be wrong and how to fix this?

Thanks,Paulo Henrique

Paulo Henrique B de Oliveira - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Support Consultant
Linux Solutions - http://www.linuxsolutions.com.br
O Linux - O maior e melhor site de Linux do Brasil - http://www.olinux.com.br

Re: site to site ftp?

2000-04-30 Thread Richard Klinda
Hoi Ron!

  Ron Is there a tool available that can do a site to site ftp? I
  Ron need to transfer a few files from one ftp site (via anonymous
  Ron ftp) to another site (via user ftp). Unfortunately the
  Ron destination site does not allow users to ftp out, but you can
  Ron ftp in. So basically I am looking for a tool like flashfxp for
  Ron Linux. Any suggestions?

The newest gftp (highly beta!) can do fxp transfer. Check it out at

...sutongi tti olleh
   To the systems programmer, users and applications
   serve only to provide a test load.

OpenSSH for Stable

2000-04-30 Thread Steve George

Does anyone know if there is an OpenSSH .deb for Stable anywhere?
I can find an official package for frozen/unstable but not for stable.
An 'unofficial' package would be OK if anyone's made one!?
Or has anyone compiled it from the frozen source?



Re: Mail/news software

2000-04-30 Thread Jaldhar H. Vyas
On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Phillip Deackes wrote:

 I disagree and am continually posting info about an excellent email app
 called Ishmail. It was a commercial offerring but the source code has
 now been released. It is available on www.ishmail.com

I looked at this a while back (and debianized it in the process.)  It's
nice if you like that kind of thing but not my cup of tea.  I can send you
my .deb if you like but I've no interest in officially maintaining it.


Re: print

2000-04-30 Thread John Galt

lpr as the quick and dirty option, lprng is a little more featureful.
You might want to consider either magicfilter or apsfilter as well, and
a2ps is probably a good idea.

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, joshua marston wrote:

 could someone PLEASE tell me which package the print command is in
 because i did a minimal install off the net and now i need it
 Joshua Marston
 WWW:  http://surf.to/josh_m/
 ICQ:  5162549

EMACS == Eight Megabytes And Constantly Swapping

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

Re: are there any good free 3d modeling tools?

2000-04-30 Thread Felix Natter
Chris Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm looking for good free (as in speech) 3d modeling tools.
 Any and all suggestions are welcome.

Blender (www.blender.nl) is a very good tool for 3D-modelling/animation.
It is free (as in beer) and not open-source, but version 2.0 will probably
be. Currently you have to get a C key to export meshes (this will not be
required when 2.0 comes out in July). The idea is that you pay for the

There is also a shareware-program called amapi, which you can find on some
linux-mirror sites (in linux/modelers, you can probably find more programs
like this)

POVray is for rendering (you specify a world in a POV-ray file-format),
and it calculates all kinds of effects (light, fog, reflection, shadow...)

Felix Natter

set up cd-rw

2000-04-30 Thread jerry j jaskierny
i'm having bit of a problem.  when i first installed xcdroast (including 
cdrecord and mkisofs)) with dselect, it ran me through a little setup for the 
cd-rw device and my cdrom.  i had to pick which drives i had and name
them.  unfortunately, i picked the incorrect drives and i didn't name my cd-rw 
model.  so i can't pick a device in xcdroast.  can anyone tell me how i can run 
this setup again?  i'm having a bit of trouble finding it,
searched the man pages.   and i haven't been able to find anything at the home 
pages for these utils.  i would have mailed the dude
who wrote these, but i wasn't sure if deselect kept things arranged a tad 
differently then originally intended by the creator.  thanks for any help. jerry

Get your FREE Email at http://mailcity.lycos.com
Get your PERSONALIZED START PAGE at http://my.lycos.com

Sideways printing?

2000-04-30 Thread Anthony Campbell

Is there any way to get sideways printing (landscape)? I need this to
print a4 envelopes.

Latex has a landscape option but it just alters the page size, not the

a2ps will do it but only in double-page output.

Ted will do it but it's buggy and won't place the text far enough from
the left margin.

Any other suggestions?


Anthony Campbell - running Linux Debian 2.1 (Windows-free zone)
Book Reviews: http://www.pentelikon.freeserve.co.uk/bookreviews/
Skeptical articles: http://www.freethinker/uklinux.net/

To be forced by desire into any unwarrantable belief is a calamity.
I.A. Richards

Re: Mail/news software

2000-04-30 Thread Johann Spies
On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 02:13:19PM +0100, Phillip Deackes wrote:
 I am very sorry if I offend, but I find emacs/xemacs about the most
 off-putting thing in Linux. Show a newbie that and you will see the dust
 as he turns and runs back to the Windows camp.

That is not always the case.  I tried out vi and emacs when I started
as a Linux newbie and did not like vi.  I could not immediately
understand it's logic.  I could however immediately start
using emacs.  It has an easy and very good tutorial for newbies and
after 5 years I am still learning and enjoying new features.

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082-255-2388
 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it. But 
  whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same 
  shall save it.  Luke 9:24 

Re: make-kpkg fail: can't find modversions.h (compiling pcmcia-modules)

2000-04-30 Thread Mark Phillips
 Well I used make menuconfig, and then make dep, make modules, make
 modules_install, make bzImage and make bzlilo.
 Of course, by doing things like this, I have no idea what caused the
 modversions.h file to get where it has.

Thanks.  I've sort of solved the problem.  I think maybe make dep or
something like that creates the file.  I use make-kpkg which automates
all the above.  It seems that make-kpkg doesn't work quite properly
when you only make the pcmcia-modules package.  You have to first make
the kernel image package to get make-kpkg to work properly.  Anyway, 
I've done that and it's now working.

Thanks for your help.



  Corey Popelier
 On Sun, 30 Apr 2000, Mark Phillips wrote:
Mark I am guessing you must have done something which creates this
Mark config directory and puts modversions.h in the right place.  If
Mark you do
Mark So the question is, what do you do which creates this file???
   Did you try configuring the kernel?
  I think this is the problem.  I shouldn't have to do the configuring
  myself because make-kpkg should do it for me.  For some reason it
  seems that it doesn't.  It sounds like a bug with make-kpkg.
  I think I have got around it by first using make-kpkg to create a
  kernel package.  Then, without doing make-kpkg clean, I then set the
  target to modules_image (the PCMCIA modules stuff).
  It seems to fix the problem, but I wouldn't have thought I had to do
  They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

frozen broken at bootdisks and help with ADSL

2000-04-30 Thread andresin
Hello all !

I am trying to install Debian and got all the install ok until the
part; creat a bootdisk, but I put my disks and get the message
that the disk is broken or something.

After I reboot the system with the rescue disk and add the
following line at the prompt:
linux root=/dev/hdb1  . soo far soo good.

Until here good and ok, I know that later I will be able to
fix a new boot disk and lilo when I get the system installed.

I am trying to intall via ADSL and can not get the interfaces
working at all. I have installed the pptp.deb also and began to play
with it and ifconfig to get the interfaces working.
I can ping my ANT but can not manage to get the PPTP to work.
I had read the ADSL howto but  I cannot get the ppp0 interface to
be active.

do anyone has some ideas? and easy guide for a newbie!.
I find the ADSL howto a bit poor and the the pptp does not have docs.
I am reading now the PPP Howto to get some sense off all.

thanks to all
PS please CC to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-04-30 Thread Robert Waldner


Anyone knows what this and $HOME/.popbull are for?


SCSI devices not present

2000-04-30 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer

I compiled my kernel with scsi tape and scsi cdrom  built in.
When I boot I see the LUNs and the message indicates that the
tape is /dev/nst0 and the cdrom
/dev/sr0 (or something similar) 
but these devices are not present in /dev.  Is there a way to create them?
What do I need to do in order to mount these devices?



Re: how to burn from iso file in xcdroast

2000-04-30 Thread Kenneth Scharf

I just went through this a couple of days ago.  The
commandline is:

cdrecord -v speed=8 dev=0,0 file

Speed  dev probably will be different on your box. 
I found this was 
much easier than doing it with xcdroast.

Someone had mentioned that by just changing the
extension from .iso to 
.raw, then xcdroast would be able to write it ok.  I
haven't tried it 

Thanks.  I figure out how to get xcdroast to work
though.  In the write cd menu I enter the actual file
name and path in the drop down box.  I guess it only
displays the names of files with a .raw extension

Since xcdroast doesn't have a check box for 80 minute
(700mb) disks, or support speeds of 10x or 12x (yet)
it may be time to download the source and make some
custom mods.  I would also modify the drop down box to
display both .raw and .iso files.  (of course debian
maynot have the latest version so maybe I should
download the latest source from upstream first)

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!


Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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Learning Linux

2000-04-30 Thread Allan Peak
I'd recommend getting a good Linux book to help you
get started.  Many of them include a Linux CD-Rom so
you can install it and practice with it.  There is
also a lot of help online.

--- Sahap Kayhan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using Windows98. I want to learn and try Linux
 system. What can I do? I am waiting for your
 explanation messages. Thanks.

Do You Yahoo!?
Talk to your friends online and get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Keeping apt-get, dpkg dselect in sync

2000-04-30 Thread Brian Greenfield
On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 14:27:13 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colin
Watson) wrote:

As far as I know, you need to do a dselect update to get the available
file that dpkg uses to be updated. You can do this without going into
the dselect interface by typing 'dselect update'. As you correctly
guess, if you do this using dselect's apt method then apt's database
will be updated too, so if you always replace 'apt-get update' by
'dselect update' then everything should work fine.

I'd already tried a dselect update before you replied. I'm
left with dpkg reporting:

|zippy:~$ dpkg -l syslog\*
|| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
||/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
|||/ NameVersion Description
|un  syslog-ng   none  (no description available)
|pn  syslog-summary  none  (no description available)
|un  syslogd none  (no description available)

A slight improvement, at least it's now found syslog-ng,
which is what I was originally looking for.

Thinking about it, most of what is happening *does* appear
logical. I'm using the apt method with dselect and apt-get.
Those two appear to be in sync. dpkg is the problem it's
way out.

I'm not entirely convinced this isn't a bug...

Neither am I. Surely apt/dselect and dpkg should use the
same database.

Thanks for the reply.

gnus froze emacs20

2000-04-30 Thread Kovacs Istvan

I tried gnus, recommended by several people (thanks to all who
responded!), and it froze my emacs20. Here's what I wrote to John
Hasler, one of the people trying to help:
I installed gnus (gnus_5.8.3-9.deb) on top of Emacs20. I launched
emacs, started the tutorial, it seemed to be working.
Then, I typed: M-x gnus
It loaded backquote, loaded gnus, displayed 'Done', some kind of
ascii-art logo in the Emacs window, the title-bar changed to
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]', and Emacs stopped working. The menus
(Buffers, Tools and the like) stopped responding. I tried to close the
window with the close button (under X), but it did not close. I had to
switch to the terminal window and hit Ctrl-C.
Started emacs again, and tried Tools-Read news and Read mail. Both
loaded backquote and gnus, and both froze the same way as described

To tell you the truth, I have not read any of the documentation yet,
except for the first few pages of the tutorial, but this doesn't look
much good. Are there any switches that could help me determine what's
going on and why emacs freezes?


Homepage at http://www.math.bme.hu/~kofa - For PGP public key: send mail
with the subject PGP Public Key Request or finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

gzip based on file date

2000-04-30 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
I wish to gzip a numbe of files based on the date they were created.
I assume I would use ls and gzip.  Are these the commands I should use 
or is there an easier way?  


Re: X display

2000-04-30 Thread John Carline
Elsadig Khanagi wrote:

 How are you .. Thanks lot for all group members, I go one step and I
 need more help.
 1-I install Debain Linux 2.1r2, and I got Debian Login :,,,But when I login
 and write  startx to load graphic interface... I have error 111
 failed to connect to X srever... I didn't have a server I install in one PC.

If you have loaded the xf86setup package, xserver-vga16, and the xserver for 
graphics card (could be xserver-svga - the most common); then you can run the 
XF86Setup and then configure your system. Before you start, you must know your
graphic card or chip and the horizontal/vertical frequency of your monitor. 
Then you
can run startx.

 2-I install it in 9 PC's with different answers(y/n)? sometimes yes and
 sometimes no. ( what is olwm and many other apprev...I done no!!)?
 3- When I write dselect  select Update.. you need a separate packages.cd
 where is the _non-free_Packsges.cd...I done no where is it? 
  and no way until I answer none 3 times .

Go ahead and answer none. Non-free is not on the standard slink CDs. You can 
non-free after the rest of your system is loaded and running by using the apt 
of dselect or apt-get. Do a man apt-get when you're ready.

 4- I need to connect 9 pc as a network I have a HUB and everything..
  and it have been networked as windows 98...but we need Debian because
 they have UNITS related to UNIX  for 9 students...

One of the network experts on the list will have to help you there, I'm a 



Powered by the Penguin

Re: X display

2000-04-30 Thread John Carline

  ( what is olwm and many other apprev...I done no!!)?

Missed this question. Olwm is a windows manager not a xserver. You can load one 
manager or several and then switch between them. Windows managers are what you 
seed when
the xserver starts. Everyone has their favorite. I like fvwm95, but icewm, 
icewm-gnome, enlightment and others are available on the debian disks. Olwm is 
not one of the best.

You also need a file manager. Take a look at TkDesk or midnight commander.



Powered by the Penguin

Re: gzip based on file date

2000-04-30 Thread Sven Burgener
Hello Lance

Have a look at bash's built-in functions. I suggest using test. I qoute from 
the bash manual page:

  file1 -nt file2
 True if file1 is newer (according to modifi­
 cation date) than file2.
  file1 -ot file2
 True if file1 is older than file2.

Other than comparing two files, you probably have to use string comparison in 
combination with command substitution. date --help should give you some ideas 
for that.

Hope this helps.

Re: are there any good free 3d modeling tools?

2000-04-30 Thread Richard Taylor
Felix Natter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding
 Re: are there any good free 3d modeling tools?:
 Chris Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Blender (www.blender.nl) is a very good tool for 
 It is free (as in beer) and not open-source, but version 2.0 will 
 be. Currently you have to get a C key to export meshes (this will not 
 required when 2.0 comes out in July). The idea is that you pay for the


Free until you start making money. Cheap after that. Not free.
 My other computer's running Debian. {www.debian.org}

Re: Problems with PPP

2000-04-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 02:23:39PM +0200, José María Pongilioni López wrote:
 When I connect to the Internet, 'xconsole' shows the following:
 'ppp-compress-1' unable to locate module
 I'm using Kernel 2.2.5, and I compiled PPP support as a module.
 Is this correct? If not, how can I to workaround this?
 Please, reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have the following in /etc/modutils/aliases (2.2.14 kernel)

alias char-major-108 ppp
alias ppp-compress-21 bsd_comp
alias ppp-compress-24 ppp_deflate
alias ppp-compress-26 ppp_deflate

Don't know about ppp-compress-1.  Hardware compression is usually better
anyway.  If you modify /etc/modutils/aliases, remember to run

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: are there any good free 3d modeling tools?

2000-04-30 Thread Richard Taylor
Felix Natter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote regarding
 Re: are there any good free 3d modeling tools?:
 Chris Baker [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Blender (www.blender.nl) is a very good tool for
 It is free (as in beer) and not open-source, but version 2.0 will
 be. Currently you have to get a C key to export meshes (this will not
 required when 2.0 comes out in July). The idea is that you pay for the


Free until you start making money. Cheap after that. Not free.

 Oh, compatible modelers are on their links page.

 My other computer's running Debian. {www.debian.org}

Re: Sideways printing?

2000-04-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 04:25:51PM +0100, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 Is there any way to get sideways printing (landscape)? I need this to
 print a4 envelopes.
 Latex has a landscape option but it just alters the page size, not the

Use the graphicx package.  There's a \rotatebox{} macro.  It might take
some trickery to actually place it where you want. There's an excellent
write-up on graphics in latex available here:



It has more info than the documentation for graphicx that comes with

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: SCSI devices not present

2000-04-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 11:15:52AM -0500, Lance Hoffmeyer wrote:
 I compiled my kernel with scsi tape and scsi cdrom  built in.
 When I boot I see the LUNs and the message indicates that the
 tape is /dev/nst0 and the cdrom
 /dev/sr0 (or something similar) 
 but these devices are not present in /dev.  Is there a way to create them?
 What do I need to do in order to mount these devices?

cd /dev
./MAKEDEV update

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

mutt header strangeness

2000-04-30 Thread Ron Farrer

Hey all;

I have the following line in my .muttrc: 
my_hdr X-Operating-System: `uname -a`

For some reason all it reports is Linux mustang 2.2.14 why? IMHO it should 
be Linux mustang 2.2.14 #1 Sat Jan 8 16:09:20 PST 2000 alpha unknown.


Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home:  http://www.farrer.net

Bellingham Linux Users Group: http://www.blug.org
Alpha Linux Orginization: http://www.alphalinux.org

Description: PGP signature

3c509 initialization problem

2000-04-30 Thread Brendan Van Horn
Greetings!  I am trying to install the release 2.1 cd I just got from
linux central.  When dbootstrap (I think) was asking about adding modules
to the kernel I was adding 3c509 to support my two network cards.  The
parameters I specified were:

io=0x300,0x340 irq=0x10,0x11

Which match the NIC settings.  I received the following error message:

/lib/modules/2.0.36/net/3c509.0: symbol for parameter io not found

Ummm.  Ok.  So how should I specify the settings for the 3c509 module?
One card is for the DSL modem and the other is for my local network.



set up cd-rw

2000-04-30 Thread Kenneth Scharf
There is a setup button in the opening menu of
xcdroast.  click on it, make your changes, and press
the save button!  (If it were a snake it would have
bit you!

i'm having bit of a problem.  when i first installed
(including cdrecord and mkisofs)) with dselect, it ran
me through a little setup 
for the cd-rw device and my cdrom.  i had to pick
which drives i had 
and name
them.  unfortunately, i picked the incorrect drives
and i didn't name 
my cd-rw model.  so i can't pick a device in xcdroast.
 can anyone tell 
me how i can run this setup again?  i'm having a bit
of trouble finding 
searched the man pages.   and i haven't been able to
find anything at 
the home pages for these utils.  i would have mailed
the dude
who wrote these, but i wasn't sure if deselect kept
things arranged a 
tad differently then originally intended by the
creator.  thanks for any 
help. jerry

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!


Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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Re: set up cd-rw

2000-04-30 Thread jerry j jaskierny
 no, no.  i don't think i made it clear what i wanted.  i saw THAT setup 
program.  anybody who couldn't find that setup button you spoke up should be 
shot.  :).  i'm looking for a text based setup program.  i can't use 
xcdroast's.  for some reason, it's not showing my cd-rw device, i can't get it 
to list anything.  i'm assuming it's basing it's choice from the setup util 
that i ran when i first installed the group (mkisofs,cdrecord, xcdroast, and a 
few other things).  this setup util was fired up right after i used dselect to 
install everything.  anyone know what i'm talking about? thanks jerr

On Sun, 30 Apr 2000 12:48:03   Kenneth Scharf wrote:
There is a setup button in the opening menu of
xcdroast.  click on it, make your changes, and press
the save button!  (If it were a snake it would have
bit you!

i'm having bit of a problem.  when i first installed
(including cdrecord and mkisofs)) with dselect, it ran
me through a little setup 
for the cd-rw device and my cdrom.  i had to pick
which drives i had 
and name
them.  unfortunately, i picked the incorrect drives
and i didn't name 
my cd-rw model.  so i can't pick a device in xcdroast.
 can anyone tell 
me how i can run this setup again?  i'm having a bit
of trouble finding 
searched the man pages.   and i haven't been able to
find anything at 
the home pages for these utils.  i would have mailed
the dude
who wrote these, but i wasn't sure if deselect kept
things arranged a 
tad differently then originally intended by the
creator.  thanks for any 
help. jerry

Amateur Radio, when all else fails!


Debian Gnu Linux, Live Free or .

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what package is sh(bourne) in?

2000-04-30 Thread jerry j jaskierny
i'm trying to figure out what package sh is included in.  anyone know?  i 
can't seem to find it.  i suppose i could do a grep of sh but that would take 
forever to search through.  thanks.

Get your FREE Email at http://mailcity.lycos.com
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Re: set up cd-rw

2000-04-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 03:04:23PM -0500, jerry j jaskierny wrote:
  no, no.  i don't think i made it clear what i wanted.  i saw THAT
  setup program.  anybody who couldn't find that setup button you spoke
  up should be shot.  :).  i'm looking for a text based setup program.
  i can't use xcdroast's.  for some reason, it's not showing my cd-rw
  device, i can't get it to list anything.  i'm assuming it's basing
  it's choice from the setup util that i ran when i first installed the
  group (mkisofs,cdrecord, xcdroast, and a few other things).  this
  setup util was fired up right after i used dselect to install
  everything.  anyone know what i'm talking about? thanks jerr

Perhaps: dpkg-reconfigure xcdroast

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» ing·email·messages.

Re: what package is sh(bourne) in?

2000-04-30 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Sun, Apr 30, 2000 at 03:05:36PM -0500, jerry j jaskierny wrote:
 i'm trying to figure out what package sh is included in.  anyone
 know?  i can't seem to find it.  i suppose i could do a grep of sh
 but that would take forever to search through.  thanks.

BASH and ASH provide sh.  AFAIK, there isn't any original Bourne Shell
(sh) available.  When a shell script has the magic #! /bin/sh on the
first line, BASH runs in compatibility mode (at least it's supposed
to!).  I think ASH is a straight Bourne Shell clone, but I may be

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