Re: cat /dev/zeroarchivo

2000-05-04 Thread Ismael Canales
El Tue, May 02, 2000 at 07:37:58PM +0200, Luis M. García Ruipérez dijo:
 Con las prisas se me ha olvidado lo siguiente:
 Independientemente de si es o no es el funcionamiento normal de /dev/zero,
 SÍ es cierto que cualquier usuario, simplemente emitiendo esa orden, puede
 acabar con los recursos del ordenador. Así que la pregunta ahora es: ¿cómo
 se puede evitar que un usuario emita esta orden? La página de man zero
 dice que este archivo debe ser legible y escribible por cualquiera, así que
 los permisos ni tocarlos. Un sistema de cuotas impide que el usuario se cargue
 la capacidad de disco duro (salvo la que tenga él asignada), pero esto no
 impide que mientras se alcanza esa cuota se quede frito el ordenador.
 ¿Alguna idea?

Creo que la ralentización se debe a que se satura el disco duro, con lo
cual el login y cualquier programa que acceda a disco se va a ver ralentizado.
Seguro que no es cosa del /dev/zero, por ejemplo cat /dev/zero  /dev/null
no ralentiza la máquina, lo que me dice que es el disco duro el recurso que
se satura.

No creo que puedas controlar dicho efecto sin hacer malabarismos, me parece que
es algo intrinseco al sistema de ficheros, y eso que el ext2 es un sistema de
ficheros bastante eficiente, según dicen. Quizas /dev/zero sea lo suficiente-
mente rápido como para saturar al driver del sist. de fich., y este no pueda
atender a otros programas en un tiempo aceptable.

Un saludo.


Fdo: Ismael Canales Luis

Re: pregunta...

2000-05-04 Thread David Muriel


 Sobre Linux se pueden desarrollar juegos para PlayStation??
 si es asi.. que seria genial! que herramientas hay para trabajar en 

Me suena que sí, creo que hay utilidades por ahí (ahora no recuerdo
donde) para compilar y convertir los ejecutables al formato de la
playstation, pero me parece que necesitas tener el kit de desarrollo
para poderlo hacer (y eso creo que se lo tienes que pedir a sony), que
es donde están las librerías y demás que hacen falta.

No se si tendré alguna dirección en mis bookmarks de la facultad (no
los tengo a mano ahora).  Si encuentro alguna te la mando.

Hasta luego.


David Muriel.
Debian GNU/Linux woody + Emacs 20.5.2 + Gnus v5.8.3
Linux registered user #25632 (

 Microsoft broke Volkswagen's world record:
  Volkswagen only made 22 million bugs!

Re: Diccionario inglés-castellano ?

2000-05-04 Thread David Muriel
Javier Fafián Alvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

¿Donde conseguirlo? En la pagina del autor: (hay paquetes debian :).
 Perdón pero la dirección de trivino no existe o almenos yo no puedo
 conectarme a ella, y en la otra la versión para consola no la encuentro,
 alguna otra dirección ?

Prueba en algún mirror de debian.  El paquete está en


Si no usas potato o woody, siempre te puedes bajar los fuentes del
mismo mirror y compilarlos.  Este paquete es el que tiene la versión
para consola y para X con GTK+.

Hasta luego.


David Muriel.
Debian GNU/Linux woody + Emacs 20.5.2 + Gnus v5.8.3
Linux registered user #25632 (

...El trabajo en equipo es esencial...te permite echarle la culpa a otro

Debian en CDs

2000-05-04 Thread diazxxxx
Hola a todas/os.

Tengo entendido que la version potato definitiva de
Debian puede salir en unas tres semanas si hay suerte.

Y aqui me surge una cuestion. Yo pensaba bajarme la
potato a traves de Internet, pero dado que tiene un
tamaño muy grande no se si se podria pasar sus datos
a CDs, o sea, para poder instalarlos desde CD y no
desde disco duro. Digamos que como crear los CDs
de instalacion de Debian potato como si estos
fueran los originales.
Para ello poseo una grabadora.

Agradeceria a todo aquel que supiera de este tema
donde y como puedo hacer esto.

Aclaro que no lo hago con fines de lucro
personal, obviamente.

Y vuelvo a recordar a todo el que me escuche y
posea una Diamond SpeedStar a70 de 8 MB que
esta gobernada por un procesador SiS 6326 Rev. D2
que me comente si puede como le va con ella; si bien,
si mal, y si es asi, en que le falla, porque la mia
me falla en el entorno grafico.

Eso es todo. Gracias.

Re: cat /dev/zeroarchivo

2000-05-04 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
El Wed, May 03, 2000 at 06:09:34AM +0200, Hue-Bond dijo:
 El martes 02 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 15:06:18 -0500, Ugo Enrico Albarello 
 Un perl sencillo que se llame a sí mismo (ejecutable por cualquiera),
 manda al piso el sistema.
 Creo que con PAM se puede  limitar el número máximo de procesos
 por usuario, lo que acabaría con este DoS. Y potato implementa PAM.

Si la cosa es así, excelente. Mañana mismo pongo potato. (Buehhh...
mañana o apenas me consiga un CD con el potato :oP)

 Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa | POWERED BY   |
   Always Free, Always Cool, Always Linux

Re: Diccionario inglés-castellano ?

2000-05-04 Thread Alfredo Casademunt
El Tue, May 02, 2000 at 06:24:38PM +0100, Jaime E. Villate dijo:
 Yo tengo un glosario inglés-español (no tan completo como el diccionario
 de Jose Luis pués solo tiene términos de informática). Que puede ser
 consultado en shell usando el programa dict o usando grep (ver detalles
 Alfredo Casademunt dijo hace algunos dias que ya tenia lista una versión
 dict del diccionário de Jose Luis. Si así es, entonces se puede usar a
 partir de una shell.

No lo dije yo, fue Ricardo Villalba, y creo que esta disponible en

 Jaime Villate

Un saludo.

Linux registered user #98432
Running Debian/GNU Linux 2.1 with kernel 2.2.14
Homepage at

RE: RDSI con PPP asincrono

2000-05-04 Thread Juanma
Bueno. Ante todo un saludo

gracias por la contestación.

Sobre el soporte ppp tienes toda la razón no esta en el núcleo.

La opción debug estaba puesta, y esos son los mensajes que salen. Ahora bien
no se en qué momento y no se por que cuando conectaba salían unos caracteres
raros mas la palabra (lo digo de memoria) de manera repetitiva.

¿sabes por que razón en mi ordenata de casa me funciona la conexión a
internet aún dandome el error de que no encuentra el número mayor 108? Es
una cosa que me deja perplejo.

¿cabe hacer un test de la conexión sin conectar a la linea RDSI?

juanma ginzo

RE: Debian en CDs

2000-05-04 Thread 2070718
= Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
Hola a todas/os.

Tengo entendido que la version potato definitiva de
Debian puede salir en unas tres semanas si hay suerte.

Y aqui me surge una cuestion. Yo pensaba bajarme la
potato a traves de Internet, pero dado que tiene un
tamaño muy grande no se si se podria pasar sus datos
a CDs, o sea, para poder instalarlos desde CD y no
desde disco duro. Digamos que como crear los CDs
de instalacion de Debian potato como si estos
fueran los originales.
Para ello poseo una grabadora.

Agradeceria a todo aquel que supiera de este tema
donde y como puedo hacer esto.

Aclaro que no lo hago con fines de lucro
personal, obviamente.

Y vuelvo a recordar a todo el que me escuche y
posea una Diamond SpeedStar a70 de 8 MB que
esta gobernada por un procesador SiS 6326 Rev. D2
que me comente si puede como le va con ella; si bien,
si mal, y si es asi, en que le falla, porque la mia
me falla en el entorno grafico.

Eso es todo. Gracias.

no entiendo muy bien tu pregunta: lo logico es que te bajes las imagenes una a
una si no te caben mas i luego las pasas a cds

si no tienes ni espacio para una (un poco raro si tienes cd-rw) siempre puedes
hacer un pipe dependiendo de tu tipo de conexion puede funcionar: recuerda que
en debian hay un pakete llamado buffer que te puede ayudar si se se cae la
conexion :) pero es un poco arriesgado i yo no haria.

modelines de piña para el niño i la niña......

2000-05-04 Thread 2070718
Hola lista:

alguien me pidio algunos modelines para xwindows pues aki teneis unos cuantos:


estos modelines han sido usados con mi configuracion hard/soft sin problemas
lo que no quiere decir que no puedan quemar tu monitor bajo determinadas
circunstancias como:
usarlos sin bajar el clockrate en monitores de menos de 17 
no doi ninguna garantia de que funcionen bien o de que sirvan para algo  ;) en
casi el 100% de los casos sera necesario el conocimiento del xvidtune para

#Modeline 1336x1002110.00   1336 1342 1580 17281002  1004  1005
1014 #alguien dijo ke solo hasta 1280?

#Modeline  1280x1024   120.0 1280 1292 1476 1664 1024 1025 1026 1054
Modeline  1280x960  121.463 1280 1338 1482 1684 960 961 964 998 # modo
ergonomico golden ratio (Mac)

#Modeline 1280x720115.00   1280 1306 1450 1648720  789  791  925
+hsync -vsync  # formato 16:9
#Modeline 1336x502120.00   1336 1338 1576 1744502  716  717  950
  # Cinemascope original
#Modeline 624x575  45.00624  628  748  816575  576  582  598
  # formato tele normal

Modeline  1152x864   107.80 1152 1168 1328 1506 864 865 875 895 +hsync
Modeline  1024x76895.00 1024 1052 1172 1340 768 769 770 795
Modeline  800x600 69.65 800 864 928 1088 600 604 610 640 +hsync

#no tele no pal
#Modeline  pal63.37 768 808 840 976 576 577 578 602 -hsync -vsync 
modo pal para capturadoras de video

#Modeline  640x48045.80 640 672 768 864 480 488 494 530 -hsync
#Modeline  512x38426.00 512 528 592 640 384 385 388 404 +hsync
#Modeline  480x30050.95 480 504 584 624 300 319 322 333 -hsync
-vsync doublescan
#Modeline  400x30031.00 400 424 488 520 300 319 322 333 -hsync
-vsync doublescan
#Modeline  320x24027.50 320 336 384 400 240 244 246 262 -hsync
-vsync doublescan
#Modeline  320x20015.59 320 324 372 428 200 204 205 213 +hsync
-vsync doublescan

#Emuladores de consolas

Modeline  256x22417 256 260 300 328224 225 226 236 +hsync -vsync

por cierto me reafirmo en mi cuestion
¿en la version 4 de Xfree se pueden definir modelines ?

byez turt.


2000-05-04 Thread cas
Cuando estará estable la potato, y desde donde me puedo bajar  las
imagenes ISO.


Error al ejecutar PS y al arrancar el sistema

2000-05-04 Thread Toni
Hola a todos.
Desde que realize el ultimo dselect y me actualizo algunos paquetes
(entre ellos el lilo) me 
aparecio un mensaje de error de lilo diciendo que el nucleo ocupaba
demasiado (cosa que con la 
anterior version de lilo no me pasabe). Para solucionarlo complie el
nucleo con make bzImage y
ahora funciona, excepto que:

- al arrancar me da un error de que no encuentra el modulo rtl8139 (no
lo entiendo ya que yo lo 
complie en el nucleo y no como modulo) - aunque da este error el
sistema funciona.
- al ejecutar ps me aparece otro error:
Bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'?
{get_empty_super} {get_write_access}
Warning: /boot/ does not match kernel data.
0   167        SW   tty2   0:00
0   168        SW   tty3   0:00
0   169        SW   tty4   0:00
0   170        SW   tty5   0:00
0   171        SW   tty6   0:00
0   548        SW   tty1   0:00
0   854    0001 00384004  4f813efb Spts/0  0:00
0   856       73fbfef9 Rpts/0  0:00
ps -s

Alguien sabe a que es debido estos mensajes de error?
Gracias por todo.

Re: Debian en CDs

2000-05-04 Thread Correcaminos
El Thu, May 04, 2000 a las 02:52:07AM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo: 
 Hola a todas/os.
 Tengo entendido que la version potato definitiva de
 Debian puede salir en unas tres semanas si hay suerte.

Posiblemente, si. Todos estamos esperandola ...
 Y aqui me surge una cuestion. Yo pensaba bajarme la
 potato a traves de Internet, pero dado que tiene un
 tamaño muy grande no se si se podria pasar sus datos
 a CDs, o sea, para poder instalarlos desde CD y no
 desde disco duro. Digamos que como crear los CDs
 de instalacion de Debian potato como si estos
 fueran los originales.
 Para ello poseo una grabadora.
 Agradeceria a todo aquel que supiera de este tema
 donde y como puedo hacer esto.

Existe un paquete en Debian, como no, para estos casos. Te adjunto
su descripcion:

Package: debian-cd
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/admin
Installed-Size: 899
Maintainer: Raphael Hertzog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 2.1.92
Depends: perl5 | perl, libdigest-md5-perl | libmd5-perl, sysutils, apt (=, dpkg-dev (=, dpkg-multicd, make, mkhybrid | mkisofs
Recommends: lha, unzip
 /etc/debian-cd/ d45463c7044a18281bb8f3f1ea6cc22f
Description: Tools for building (Official) Debian CD set
 This package was formerly called YACS (for Yet Another CD
 It's the official way of building CD since the potato release.
 Its goal is to facilitate the creation of customized Debian
 CD set.
 You will need unzip for building i386 images and lha for m68k

No sé que version de Debian tienes instalada, pero intenta esto:

  apt-get install debian-cd

Si te falla, comentalo en la lista...
 Aclaro que no lo hago con fines de lucro
 personal, obviamente.

Eso da igual. Para eso tenemos la licencia que tenemos ... 
 Y vuelvo a recordar a todo el que me escuche y
 posea una Diamond SpeedStar a70 de 8 MB que
 esta gobernada por un procesador SiS 6326 Rev. D2
 que me comente si puede como le va con ella; si bien,
 si mal, y si es asi, en que le falla, porque la mia
 me falla en el entorno grafico.

Ni idea...
 Eso es todo. Gracias.


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Re: cvs

2000-05-04 Thread Antonio Beamud Montero

 Estimados Señores:

Jo, cuanta cortesia... ;-)

 Me gustaría que me dijera como se realiza un script bajo Unix que
 realice un control de versiones, con CVS. Soy estudiante de Ingenieria
 Informática y no entiendo mucho sobre este tema.

Si te explicas un poco mejor te podré ayudar (supongo), ¿Que
quieres hacer con el script? CVS hace el control de versiones
automaticamente... en fin. explicate.


Saludos. Antonio.

Proxy con rsync

2000-05-04 Thread Luis Taboada
Hola debiandantes,

  ¿Sabéis alguno si se puede utilizar 'rsync' a través de un proxy?.

  En la ayuda inglesa que viene con pseudo-image-kit no queda muy
  claro si es posible o no; creo entender que al usar un protocolo
  no estándar pueden surgir problemas.

  ¿Sería suficiente con las variables de entorno HTTP_PROXY y
  FTP_PROXY para que funcionara, como explica para 'make-pseudo-image',
  o hay que hacer algo más?

  Muchas gracias por vuestra ayuda.

 Luis  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Plussed users

2000-05-04 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
   Bueno, sea una configuración del servidor de correo o no (que sí lo
 es, qmail soporta [EMAIL PROTECTED] por ejemplo) es un servicio que ellos
 prestan. Es igual que si te dejan poner o no páginas personales,
 es un tema
 de configuración del servidor de WWW pero un servicio que dan.

Visto asi, tiene una explicacion, pero opino que es exagerado tratarlo como
servicio, lo del servidor WWW, lo encuentro logico, porque se trata de
espacio en disco, pero para lo otro, el espacio para correo ya lo tienes.
Ademas en estos tiempos, en los que todo el mundo da cuentas de correo y
accesos gratuitos, pues que se yo...

Bueno, esto es solo una opinion personal.


   Un saludo


 On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 08:28:11AM +0200, Angel Vicente Perez wrote:
  Hola a todos...
  He consultado con el provvedor que gestiona nuestro dominio, la
  de tener plussed users en las cuentas de correo, es decir
  [EMAIL PROTECTED], y me ha respondido que es un servicio que no
  prestan. Yo pienso que mas que un servicio, es una configuracion del
  servidor de correo.
  ¿Tiene alguien experiencia en el tema?
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

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 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


2000-05-04 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Tengo instalado el nfs-server basado en kernel, y funciona bien, pero lo
encuentro un poco lento, y sobre todo irregular, lo mismo se lia a correr,
como que parece que se ha desconectado. Lo estoy probando con clientes
basados en NT, pero con estos mismos clientes, los resultados son mucho
mejores contra un servidor basado en AIX.

¿Serian mejores las comparticiones basadas en SAMBA, que el NFS?


Re: Proxy con rsync

2000-05-04 Thread Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide
Sabiendo la direccion IP del servidor rsync yo he usado rsync a través de una
máquina con proxy squid, pero no usaba el proxy sino que en esta máquina le
puse ipmasquerade. Desde donde ejecutaba rsync, le puse que la dirección IP del
servidor rsync la alcanzara a través de de este host, pero en este caso el host
hacia ipmasquerade y no usaba el proxy squid.

Si tu controlas el host que hace de proxy y es Linux, esta es la solución, pero
si no ya no sé como lo puedes solucionar.

De todas formas, lo que más tarda y sí se puede hacer a través de proxy es
bajar los paquetes, el rsync se puede intentar por conexión directa.


Re: Debian en CDs

2000-05-04 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Thu, 4 May 2000, Correcaminos wrote:

 apt-get install debian-cd
   Si te falla, comentalo en la lista...

Ojo, que para que debian-cd funcione con Potato tal como es ahora, hay que
retocar los scripts que buscan las imágenes de disquetes de arranque (al
menos en i386)

Re: Proxy con rsync

2000-05-04 Thread Fernando Sanchez
On Thu, 4 May 2000, Luis Taboada wrote:

   ¿Sabéis alguno si se puede utilizar 'rsync' a través de un proxy?.

man rsync, línea 190 aprox.:

   You  may  establish the connetcion via a web proxy by set-
   ting the  environment  variable  RSYNC_PROXY  to  a  host-
   name:port  pair pointing to your web proxy.

Novato pregunta sobre Lilo de la version Slink

2000-05-04 Thread Julian Armando Mena Zapata
Hola a todos, podrian ayudarme.

La version que tengo de debian coloca el arrancador lilo en la particion
donde esta el debian y asi logro arrancar debian. Antes de ponerme a
cacharrear yo solo sobre la configuracion del lilo pregunto.

¿Es posible que el lilo de mi distribucion debian 2.1 slink arranque mi
otros sistemas operativos estando el debian en la segunda mitad de mi
disco duro de 6.1 Gb?

Queme mi monitor tratando de instalar Corel linux en mi PC. Despues de
destaparlo y moverle todos los botones internos al monitor logre que medio
funcionara. Ahora w98 me coloca la imagen bien centradita en la
pantalla pero mi linux Debian (y el RH) me botan 2 cm de la imagen por los
¿alguien tiene una idea de donde consigo informacion 1A sobre xvidtune o

Gracias de antemano.

Re: cat /dev/zeroarchivo

2000-05-04 Thread Antonio Castro
On Tue, 2 May 2000, Danito wrote:

   Para mi sorpresa esto me dejó totalmente frito el ordenador, es
 decir que para hacer un nuevo login en un terminal tenía que esperar
 practicamente un minuto. Lo curioso es que si a la vez hago un top
 me dice que el cat solo se lleva un 20% de la CPU. Al asesinar el cat
 con CTRL-C se restablece el funcionamiento natural del ordenata.
 Lo impresionante de todo esto es que ejecuté el comando como un usuario
 normal y corriente.
   Esto tiene que ser un bug del núcleo, y si es un bug es muy fuerte
 porque con esto un usuario normal y corriente puede petar un ordenador.
 Uso el núcleo 2.2.14 con la potato.

Bueno con un 2.2.12 acabo de hacer la prueba y no es tan dramático.
Simplemente se trata de un proceso que gasta excesiva entrada salida.

 $ vmstat 5 10
 procs  memoryswapiosystem cpu
  r b w  swpd  free  buff cache  si  so   bi   bo   in   cs  us  sy  id
  3 0 3  3948  1492 44036  6544   0   02 3452 5102   10   0 100   0
  1 0 1  3904  1656 4  5880  10   0   38 1141 4395   11   1  99   0
  1 0 0  4136  1628 48916  1228   0  471 1912 3953   20   1  98   0
  1 1 2  4136  1536 48948  1296  23   0   11 5345 10934   19   7  93   0
  1 0 1  4088  1452 48164  2236  80   0  221 1500 3622   55   4  95   2
  0 1 1  4088  1608 48052  2248   0   03 4152 84817   5  95   0
  0 0 0  4088  1544 48052  2316   0   0   14   17  1797   0   1  99
  0 1 0  4068  1436 47164  3328  40   0  1912  493   18   0   5  95
  0 0 0  4060  1576 46656  3696  14   0   530  2519   0   1  99

El abuso de los recursos de un sistema es algo que es dificil de evitar
cuando se conceden recursos ilimitados a usuarios que supuestamente son
de confianza. 

Otra faena para dejar frito un sistema es hacer un programa en C con
una variable enorme y ponerse a hacer accesos aleatorios dentro de
un bucle para provocar swaping. Si ademas intentamos abrir el máximo 
número de ficheros posibles y generar el mayor número de procesos 
posibles para que todos se pongan simultaneamente a hacer el capuyo 
dejarás probablemente el sistema catatónico. Si el sistema es un sistema 
que es crítico los recursos estarán controlados y el tipo de usuarios 
que manejen el sistema tambien.

   Por favor probad lo que os he descrito y me contais. A lo mejor
 estoy equivocado y el problema solo se da en mi ordenador.

Ya está probado.

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/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: Nueva pagina de Linux de S. Romero.

2000-05-04 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

Si no hay inconveniente por parte de el/los autores, creo que
apra guías de programas, manuales técnicos, etc, es más apropiada la
Licencia para Documentos de GNU (



Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a writes:
   ¿Qué tal si se distribujera como paquete Deiban? i.e. documentación
  instalada en el usuario. De esta forma la gente no tendría que mirarla en
  Internet sino que dispondría de una copia local ¿suena bien?.
   La verdad es que tras haber recopilado los documentos del LDP en
  paquetes Debian me gustaría tener un paquete doc-linux-es-misc, por ejemplo,
  que contuviera todo tipo de documentos de Linux en castellano.
   ¿Qué te parece la idea?
   Me gustaría que al menos le pusieras una licencia libre a todo el
  contenido, sugiero utilizar la OpenContent (
   Un saludo
  On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 06:01:38PM +0200, Santiago Romero wrote:
Ademas de mantener mi página personal en la dirección habitual, , he creado una nueva 
   página que
espero sea algo más organizada y de fácil acceso y a la que voy
a ir incorporando todo aquello que vaya escribiendo a partir de
En concreto he metido entre otras cosas todos los tutoriales que
escribí en las news (slrn, mutt, vim, screen, etc.), la Guía
Básica de Linux, muchisimos enlaces, etc.
Espero que os sea util e interesante...
   Si algo puede fallar, fallará (Murphy).
   |  NoP / Compiler  --   nop @ |
   |  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
   |   |
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Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona| Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 
tel: +34 91 664 74 72 | c/ Tulipan s/n
fax: +34 91 664 74 90 | 28933 Mostoles, Spain


2000-05-04 Thread Diego Bote
Le he preguntado eso a una máquina y me dice

$ whoami
whoami: cannot find username for UID 1003

y sin embargo en el /etc/passwd está ...

diego:x:1003:1001:Diego Bote,,,:/home/diego:/bin/bash

¿se os ocurre algo?

Saludos y gracias.


Lista de sites para APT

2000-05-04 Thread Pookie
Alguien podria darme una lista de sites para APT que se actualicen bastante
a menudo? EL hecho es que me da un connection reset by peer,
no se pq, y no consigo bajarme las listas de paquetes, asi que no hay manera
de hacer ni el update ni el upgrade...

Creo que hay uno por http (tb de debian)... si me lo podeis dar mejor que

gracias por adelantado

ICQ#: 48076200

Mostrar lo bueno de la Comunidad Linux.

2000-05-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hola Listeros.

Dependiendo de una gestion que estoy realizando.. :) sono a politico.. :-) 
(mostrando a cierto personaje de alta influencia en el sector educativo ;-)) 
posiblemente implementemos Linux en los algunos colegios de mi ciudad... tedré 
bastante trabajo..., lo que sucede es que no conozco mucho software educativo 
para linux.., que ideas me dan para mostrar (tengo que hacer una especie de 
exposición..) las grandes ventajas que trae linux... (opensource, multitarea, 
estabilidad, ), mejor dicho como impresiono a unos usuarios que saben muy 
poco de sistemas, y son 100% windows.

Agradeciendo cualquier ayuda al respecto por loca que parezca,

Ricardo Rodríguez

Ricardo Rodríguez
Cartago - Colombia

Why pay for Internet Service when you can get it for FREE?

Re: Proxy con rsync

2000-05-04 Thread LTaboada JazzFree
El jue, 04 may 2000, Antonio AngelSanz Arrospide escribió:
 Sabiendo la direccion IP del servidor rsync yo he usado rsync a través de una
 máquina con proxy squid, pero no usaba el proxy sino que en esta máquina le
 puse ipmasquerade. Desde donde ejecutaba rsync, le puse que la dirección IP 
 servidor rsync la alcanzara a través de de este host, pero en este caso el 
 hacia ipmasquerade y no usaba el proxy squid.
 Si tu controlas el host que hace de proxy y es Linux, esta es la solución, 
 si no ya no sé como lo puedes solucionar.
 De todas formas, lo que más tarda y sí se puede hacer a través de proxy es
 bajar los paquetes, el rsync se puede intentar por conexión directa.

Quisiera utilizarlo para bajarme las imagenes .raw de potato, no los
paquetes, utilizando la version de Windows, y entorno Windows( lo hago en
currele, con RDSI ), por lo que no me vale.


 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Proxy con rsync

2000-05-04 Thread LTaboada JazzFree
El jue, 04 may 2000, Fernando Sanchez escribió:
 On Thu, 4 May 2000, Luis Taboada wrote:
¿Sabéis alguno si se puede utilizar 'rsync' a través de un proxy?.
 man rsync, línea 190 aprox.:
You  may  establish the connetcion via a web proxy by set-
ting the  environment  variable  RSYNC_PROXY  to  a  host-
name:port  pair pointing to your web proxy.

Gracias. En la versión de windows no viene página de manual

Re: Nueva pagina de Linux de S. Romero.

2000-05-04 Thread Miquel
El jue, may 04, 2000 at 11:03:29 +0200 Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona va dir:

   Si no hay inconveniente por parte de el/los autores, creo que
 apra guías de programas, manuales técnicos, etc, es más apropiada la
 Licencia para Documentos de GNU (

cierto, de hecho la FSF desaconseja el uso de la Open Content pues no la 
considera libre (no confundir, con la Open Publication License, que si
lo es).





 Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a writes:
  ¿Qué tal si se distribujera como paquete Deiban? i.e. documentación
   instalada en el usuario. De esta forma la gente no tendría que mirarla en
   Internet sino que dispondría de una copia local ¿suena bien?.
  La verdad es que tras haber recopilado los documentos del LDP en
   paquetes Debian me gustaría tener un paquete doc-linux-es-misc, por 
   que contuviera todo tipo de documentos de Linux en castellano.
  ¿Qué te parece la idea?
  Me gustaría que al menos le pusieras una licencia libre a todo el
   contenido, sugiero utilizar la OpenContent (
  Un saludo
   On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 06:01:38PM +0200, Santiago Romero wrote:

 Ademas de mantener mi página personal en la dirección habitual, , he creado una nueva 
 página que
 espero sea algo más organizada y de fácil acceso y a la que voy
 a ir incorporando todo aquello que vaya escribiendo a partir de

 En concreto he metido entre otras cosas todos los tutoriales que
 escribí en las news (slrn, mutt, vim, screen, etc.), la Guía
 Básica de Linux, muchisimos enlaces, etc.

 Espero que os sea util e interesante...

Si algo puede fallar, fallará (Murphy).

|  NoP / Compiler  --   nop @ |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

   Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

 Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona| Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 
 tel: +34 91 664 74 72 | c/ Tulipan s/n
 fax: +34 91 664 74 90 | 28933 Mostoles, Spain

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: whoami?

2000-05-04 Thread danielp
* [2504 15:38] Diego Bote ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) decia:
   Le he preguntado eso a una máquina y me dice
   $ whoami
   whoami: cannot find username for UID 1003
   y sin embargo en el /etc/passwd está ...
   diego:x:1003:1001:Diego Bote,,,:/home/diego:/bin/bash
   ¿se os ocurre algo?
incorrectos permisos en /etc/passwd? (lease que todo el mundo no tenga
permiso de lectura)
Daniel H. Perez
a veces Tango 
Fui lo que crei, soy lo que esta pasando (Charly Garcia)
Linux Usuario Reg. N. 85920

Primera pregunta (apt-get)

2000-05-04 Thread Santiago Romero
 Como redhatero y (tal vez?) futuro potatero :) que soy me veo 
 obligado a preguntar qué es exactamente apt y apt-get (me vale
 con una descripcion de una o dos lineas) y como se usa... tengo
 idea de que es, pero me quiero guardar los posts-respuesta como
 oro en paño para cuando instale debian :)

 nos vemos.
Telefonica - (N., sin acento) Dícese de la compañía de teléfonos que
usando las líneas pagadas por todos los españoles nos estafa cada día
con precios abusivos y conexiones dignas de países del tercer mundo.
Ver también: monopolio, gobierno, PP, Az-nar y retraso tecnológico.

|  NoP / Compiler  --   nop @ |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |

RE: Diccionario inglés-castellano ?

2000-05-04 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Javier Fafián Alvarez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: viernes 28 de abril de 2000 23:25
Asunto: Re: Diccionario inglés-castellano ?

Me preguntaba si alguno de ustedes conoceria algún diccionario de
inglés-castellano, yo tengo uno, el qi2c, pero es en modo gráfico,
qt encima !, y me gustaría saber si conoceis algo que rule en modo
texto (
yo soy tope modo texto ) :)

Como te ha comentado Santiago Romero el i2e lleva un script para modo
texto (el qi2e no lo lleva) pero como el diccionario está en texto plano
puedes usar también el grep de toda la vida.
Unos ejemplos:

rvmsoft:/tmp$ grep patata /usr/share/i2e/i2e.dict
chips (plural) : patatas fritas (plural)
potato : patata

rvmsoft:/tmp$ grep keyboard /usr/share/i2e/i2e.dict
detachable keyboard : teclado desmontable
keyboard layout : disposición del teclado
numeric keyboard : teclado numérico

Además hace unos días hice un paquete del diccionario del i2e para el
dict. Puedes bajarte el fuente (el binario aún no lo he subido) aquí:


rvmsoft:/tmp$ dict link
2 definitions found

From i2e [i2e]:

  link : enlace (en documentos HTML)

From i2e [i2e]:

  link : eslabón

Ricardo Villalba

RE: Diccionario inglés-castellano ?

2000-05-04 Thread Ricardo Villalba

-Mensaje original-
De: Santiago Romero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fecha: martes 2 de mayo de 2000 23:42
Asunto: Re: Diccionario inglés-castellano ?

El mar, 02 de may de 2000, a las 12:38:43 +0200, Javier Fafián Alvarez
¿Donde conseguirlo? En la pagina del autor: (hay paquetes debian

 Perdón pero la dirección de trivino no existe o almenos yo no puedo
 conectarme a ella, y en la otra la versión para consola no la
 alguna otra dirección ?

 la version consola viene _dentro_ de la version X. Es decir, son
 el mismo programa, que genera 2 programas (version x y version sh)
 a mi esa pagina si que me va (o me iba hace 1 semana).

Sí, pero te equivocaste en la dirección. La correcta es la que ha dado

Ricardo Villalba

Re: installation av qt

2000-05-04 Thread riiankv1

Det hära bör fixa ditt problem!
./configure --qt-includes=/var/du/har/qt/includes 

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Henrik Andersson wrote:

 Jag försöker installera QT, men har stött på vissa problem... Kompileringen 
 funkar bra men trots att QTDIR är rätt inställd kan jag inte kompilera 
 kdesupport. Det verkar som om inkluderingsfilerna inte hittas. Hur ställer 
 jag in sökvägen till dem? Provade att lägga till en rad i och köra 
 ldconf, men det hjälpte inte.
 Henrik Andersso
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: installation av qt

2000-05-04 Thread riiankv1

./configure --with-qt-includes=/var/du/har/qt/includes 

On Thu, 4 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Det hära bör fixa ditt problem!
 ./configure --qt-includes=/var/du/har/qt/includes 
 On Thu, 4 May 2000, Henrik Andersson wrote:
  Jag försöker installera QT, men har stött på vissa problem... Kompileringen 
  funkar bra men trots att QTDIR är rätt inställd kan jag inte kompilera 
  kdesupport. Det verkar som om inkluderingsfilerna inte hittas. Hur ställer 
  jag in sökvägen till dem? Provade att lägga till en rad i och 
  köra ldconf, men det hjälpte inte.
  Henrik Andersso
  with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: coordenacao das traducoes

2000-05-04 Thread Gleydson Mazioli da Silva
Eu estou com o manual de instalação para todas as arquiteturas e
mantendo o boot-floppies que o LinuxLabs traduziu. 

Mario Olimpio de Menezes wrote:
 Olá PessoALL,
 Andei olhando os arquivos das listas para descobrir como andam
 as traduções e poder ajudar mas não consegui ter certeza de quem está
 com o que e qual a situação atual.
 Minha dúvida então é: nós temos algum tipo de controle sobre
 como está o andamento das traduções?
 Pelas mensagens, o Paulo Baptista estava com o dpkg e o Marcelo
 Elias perguntou sobre o dselect e o console-apt.
 Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
 IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gleyson Mazioli da Silva

Re: StarOffice

2000-05-04 Thread Taupter
Adriano Freitas wrote:
 Mais uma mensagem para ver se a lista volta a ativa :)
 O assunto da moda é o StarOffice... Só que como todo mundo sabe, ele
 tem algumas limitações na hora da impressão. O problema principal é na
 impressão de fontes TrueType. Li na documentação do StarOffice a
 sugestão que a empresa adotou para a impressão de fontes TrueType, porém
 não gostei muito (não cheguei a testar). Alguém conhece alguma maneira,
 não necessariamente fácil, de fazer o StarOffice enxergar as fontes
 TrueType e imprimí-las? De preferência alguma que encaixe na Debian

Não. Aparentemente o melhor processo é o de conversão de fontes TrueType
para Type1, mas o trabalho é Hercúleo. Ainda não tive coragem.

 Alias, vocês estão instalando o StarOffice em /opt??



Re: cdrecord question

2000-05-04 Thread Cory T. Echols
On 05/03, Andrew Kae wrote:
 I have a Matsushita (Panasonic) 7582 IDE cdr.  I've read
 through the CD-Writing Howto but I am still confused about
 one thing.
 Is it possible to write files and directories to a cd without making
 an image first?  

It can be done, I've never tried it, so I don't know if it's really
a good idea or not.  According to the CD-Writing howto, you can pipe
the output of mkisofs to cdrecord, like so:

shell IMG_SIZE=`mkisofs -R -q -print-size private_collection/  21 \ 
   | sed -e s/.* = //` 
shell echo $IMG_SIZE shell [ 0$IMG_SIZE -ne 0 ] \
mkisofs -r private_collection/  \ 
   |cdrecord  speed=2  dev=0,6,0  
   tsize=${IMG_SIZE}s  -data -
  #Don't forget the s --^^-- read data from STDIN

  The success of this depends greatly on the speed of your machine.  You
definitely won't want to run any hard-disk intensive process while this
is going on.

  Hope this helps.

Cory T. Echols

Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard

2000-05-04 Thread Jonathan Heaney

 I'm using the 2.2.14 kernel on an Asus k7V mb(Athlon), and have compiled
 into the kernel the ES1371 sound driver.  On bootup the card is detected at
 irq 10 and a memory address of 0x9000 (which does NOT happen with the
 ES1370 driver).

 I have added myself (as a normal user) to the audio and cdrom groups, and
 have installed several mixers to ensure the master volume (and everything
 else, in frustration) is cranked up.

 No sound whatsoever.  Cd plays (lights up), but nothing else.  All cables
 are set properly.  It works under Winblows98 with no alterations, and I've
 confirmed the irq/mem settings there.  Same settings on both systems for
 other cards too, with no conflicts.  I have a Voodoo 3 AGP and an SMC
 10/100 card in other slots.

 I installed a modules-ready 2.2.14 kernel and the latest version of the
 ALSA drivers, compiled according to directions, reconf'd the alias file for
 modules, and again see the card being ID'd (and again, the ens1370.o module
 does Not work).  No sound.  Mixer again agressively manipulated with no
 results.  :\

 I haven't run across anything helpful in the list archives, and the only
 suggestion for no sound in the docs is the use of the mixer (and I used the
 alsamixer for that module).

 Can anyone offer some advice here??  Thanks!

Compiling the OSS driver direct into the kernel should be OK; try and get that
working before attempting the switch to ALSA.

What does

cat /dev/sndstat

give you?

If there is no /dev/sndstat, you need to create the relevant /dev entries.  Try

cd /dev
./MAKEDEV audio


potato ready for ip-masquerade, or need to recompile kernel?

2000-05-04 Thread Stan Kaufman
Can't seem to find the answer for this simple question in the FAQs and
HOWTOs: does the standard potato install have ip-masquerade compiled
into it as it comes from the Debian site, or do I need to recompile the
kernel to to get this option?



KDE various deb - matters

2000-05-04 Thread Sven Burgener
Hi list!

I have set up everything necessary to get the right X-Server running. It runs 
fine, I'm using the Mach64 server for my ATI Rage Pro. When calling startx, I 
get to a desktop with just a single terminal opened. Doing Ctrl-D ends the 
session. I guess the next thing to do is to install a window manager, right?

I want KDE and so I wonder how I should install that? Which packages are 
necessary and is there anything additional I _should_ know about?

Which (K-)packages do you suggest me to install apart from that? One thing I'll 
surely _need_ is mail, of course. :-)
I'm pretty used to Outlook Express  Netscape's Mail, so what package would 
give me an appropriate K-replacement for those?

Apart from that debian runs happily  smoothly on my pII. :-)
Thinking of moving a suse box to debian.

Oh, yes, one last thing. I've built kernels before, just not on debian. So, to 
build a new kernel, I know I need the following packages for sure:

-kernel-source (is that the package-name?)
-libraries ... ?

Anything else? Probably ...

I also need a good way for finding package-names.

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Re: cdrecord question

2000-05-04 Thread Sean Johnson
But of course you can ... from the cdrecord manpage:

 If the overall speed of the system is sufficient  and  the
   structure  of  the filesystem is not too complex, cdrecord
   will run  without  creating  an  image  of  the  ISO  9660
   filesystem. Simply run the pipeline:

   mkisofs  -R  /master/tree  | cdrecord -v fs=6m speed=2
   dev=2,0 - 


Johann Spies wrote:

 No you can not write a CD without making an imagefile.  The imagefile
 does not have to be 650 meg.  You can use the rewrite option (I use it
 for my daily backups on a CD-RW).  If you do not have enough HD-space
 I would suggest that you smaller images and write them incrementally.

Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard

2000-05-04 Thread Moritz Schulte
On Wed, May 03, 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

 The ALSA install put every module they support into there.  I modified
 /etc/modutils/alias to try both the ens1370 and ens1371 modules.  The 1370
 failed to detect anything. The 1371 did, but still no sound.

have a look at the ALSA FAQ at could it be that
you forgot to unmute and/or correct the volumes with the mixer? by
default everything is muted, afaik.

#Moritz Schulte  - [EMAIL PROTECTED] #
#   Registered LINUX-User #13308   #
#   PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome   #
#   Home:   #

Re: what does [shellutils on hurd] mean?

2000-05-04 Thread Ron Rademaker
I got no idea what it means, but: Why the hell are you trying to do a
dist-upgrade when you are running

Ron Rademaker

On Wed, 3 May 2000, Dan Christensen wrote:

 Lately when I've been doing 'apt-get -s dist-upgrade' on my woody system
 I often get dozens of things like
 Inst kernel-package [shellutils on hurd]
 Can someone tell me what this means?  Thanks.
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2000-05-04 Thread Marcin Kurc
Anyone seen the Powered by Microsoft Backoffice logo at

What's up with that? :)

Marcin Kurc
Indiana Institute of Technology
System Administrator

overhead slides?

2000-05-04 Thread Brian May

Is there any DFSG free software for producing overhead slides?

Something like seminar.sty (latex) would be ideal, but thats in
tetex-nonfree. Also, gs often produces the following fatal gs error
when viewing it with gv. :-(.

Error: /undefinedGNU Ghostscript: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
 in BOL
Operand stack:
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   
--nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   
--nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   .runexec2  
 --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   
--nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   5   5   %oparray_pop
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:777/809--   --dict:0/20--   --dict:55/200--   --dict:118/300--   

(not sure what program is at fault here... I don't know much postscript.)

If nothing better exists, I will use it anyway, but just curious what
other options might exist.

Re: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news software

2000-05-04 Thread Pat Mahoney
Let me reply to myself here. This kinda came off wrong.

On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 10:15:37PM -0500, Pat Mahoney wrote:
 Linux[1] is much more difficult (to learn anyway) yet much more powerful than,
 say, windows. The Windows philosophy is: don't think, everything should be
 easy. With linux, you must think. The windows philosophy seems to rub off
 onto the rest of one's life (or maybe it's the other way around). Some
 people don't like to think, and windows encourages this.
 Linux, on the other hand, makes and encourages you to think. Hopefully, this
 will rub off onto the rest of your life and make you a better person. Yes,
 Linux can make you a better person.

For me, Linux makes me think. For others, windows may make them think. For
still others, something else (not computer related) may make them think. If
linux makes you think, good. If windows makes you think, good. If something
else makes you think, good. If nothing makes you think, then I you truly
have my sympathy.

So, linux can make you a better person by encouraging thought; windows can
too; almost anything else can too. When I think of windows users, however, I
think of two of my friends talking about Aol Instant Messanger:

  first friend: Hey, you should download AIM.

  second friend: But I have Hotmail [or something, I'm not 100% sure]
 Messanger [and I don't use it].  I have to figure out how to
 uninstall that first.

  me: you can have them both installed at once.

  second friend: I don't know. I'm gonna try to uninstall it.

But not everyone's like that. My point is that you shouldn't go through life
with your head under the sand. For me, maybe, linux has helped me learn some
stuff which hopefully rubs off into other facets of my life [some might say,
based on these posts, that linux (or something anyway) has turned me into a
complete idiot, but I think it has helped]. Windows may help some others
(but of course, I'd rather see everyone running free software).


Re: New kernel (2.2.15), now keyboard/machine freezes often

2000-05-04 Thread Mark Phillips
 On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 05:38:17PM +0930, Mark Phillips wrote:
   I've just compiled and installed a new kernel (version 2.2.15) on a
   friend's Toshiba laptop.  He has emailed me today complaining about
   keyboard freezes.  Actually, I'm not sure from his comments, whether
   it is just the keyboard that freezes or the whole computer.
  2. A problem with APM options in the kernel.  Are there any options to
  watch out for with the Toshiba Tecra 8000?
 Do you have append apm=on in /etc/lilo.conf? some things changed about
 apm settings lately, IIRC.
 My workstation doesn't do power off on shutdown anymore without passing
 apm=power-off to the kernel on boot, for example. This is something that
 changed since 2.2.14.

Where can I read about these options?



They told me I was gullible ... and I believed them! 

Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard

2000-05-04 Thread debian . org
Did you compile in the 'sound' module or leave it as a module? I've seen
these symptoms once when the 'sound' module was not loaded. 

Gregg Berkholtz

On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 10:19:16AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using the 2.2.14 kernel on an Asus k7V mb(Athlon), and have compiled
 into the kernel the ES1371 sound driver.  On bootup the card is detected at
 irq 10 and a memory address of 0x9000 (which does NOT happen with the
 ES1370 driver).
 I have added myself (as a normal user) to the audio and cdrom groups, and
 have installed several mixers to ensure the master volume (and everything
 else, in frustration) is cranked up.
 No sound whatsoever.  Cd plays (lights up), but nothing else.  All cables
 are set properly.  It works under Winblows98 with no alterations, and I've
 confirmed the irq/mem settings there.  Same settings on both systems for
 other cards too, with no conflicts.  I have a Voodoo 3 AGP and an SMC
 10/100 card in other slots.
 I installed a modules-ready 2.2.14 kernel and the latest version of the
 ALSA drivers, compiled according to directions, reconf'd the alias file for
 modules, and again see the card being ID'd (and again, the ens1370.o module
 does Not work).  No sound.  Mixer again agressively manipulated with no
 results.  :\
 I haven't run across anything helpful in the list archives, and the only
 suggestion for no sound in the docs is the use of the mixer (and I used the
 alsamixer for that module).
 Can anyone offer some advice here??  Thanks!
 (at work, under NT :(  )
 Dr. Kenward Vaughan   ':,^'
 Professor of Chemistry\;:/
 Bakersfield College   |,;|
 Bakersfield, CA  93305   / ', \
 / o  O \
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Gregg Berkholtz
GB Computers
-- Why fly when you can strut. --

Re: what does [shellutils on hurd] mean?

2000-05-04 Thread Ben Collins
On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 12:41:52AM +0200, Ron Rademaker wrote:
 I got no idea what it means, but: Why the hell are you trying to do a
 dist-upgrade when you are running

dist-upgrade does not simply mean upgrade from one release to another.
It means to take extra things into account. Mainly, if upgrading a package
requires installing or removing another package, apt-get will not upgrade
it unless you specify install implicitly for the package, or do a
dist-upgrade, which forces upgrading all packages.

In a very unstable dist, it is quite common to be required to run
dist-upgrade throughout the life of it, simply because it is so dynamic
and changes frequently.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

Re: what does [shellutils on hurd] mean?

2000-05-04 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 12:41:52AM +0200, Ron Rademaker wrote:
 I got no idea what it means, but: Why the hell are you trying to do a
 dist-upgrade when you are running

Well, one might like the fact that dist-upgrade will make sure
dependencies are handled correctly.  Possibly a good thing when tracking
and unstable branch since the dependencies sometimes change.

from apt-get upgrade man page:
   under no cir­cumstances are currently installed packages removed, or
   packages not already installed retrieved and installed.

vs. dist-upgrade:
  dist-upgrade,in addition to performing the function of upgrade, also
intelligently handles changing dependencies with new versions of packages;
 Ron Rademaker
 On Wed, 3 May 2000, Dan Christensen wrote:
  Lately when I've been doing 'apt-get -s dist-upgrade' on my woody
  system I often get dozens of things like
  Inst kernel-package [shellutils on hurd]
  Can someone tell me what this means?  Thanks.

Something to do with the Hurd port?? Did anything bad happen?

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: what does [shellutils on hurd] mean?

2000-05-04 Thread Bryan Scaringe
dist-upgrade can be used for more than just moving between major versions

Ever notice how when you do an apt-get upgrade  you sometimes see
the following packages have been held back...

What this means is that an upgrade of those packages could really shake things
up, and, in fact, they probably can't be upgraded without installing NEW
packages.  For exmple, package Foo may be held back on a normal upgrade 
because the version you have depends on package Bar, but the new version
depends on both Bar and Baz.  Normal update will generall hold package X
back.  dist-upgrade won't.

Remember the whole net-standard shake up halfway through potato?
In orget to get from the pre-netstd-shakup potao to the post-netstd-shakeup
potato, you needed to do a dist-upgrade, *part way through the release*.
Same deal now.

Really, depending on which packages you have installed, a dist-upgrade may or
not be necessary.

The long and sort dof all this is that the occational dist-upgrade will help
keep you on top of the major shake-ups that occur time to time in the unstable

Hope this helps,

On 03-May-2000 Ron Rademaker wrote:
  what it means, but: Why the hell are you trying to do a
 dist-upgrade when you are running
 Ron Rademaker
 On Wed, 3 May 2000, Dan Christensen wrote:
 Lately when I've been doing 'apt-get -s dist-upgrade' on my woody system
 I often get dozens of things like
 Inst kernel-package [shellutils on hurd]
 Can someone tell me what this means?  Thanks.

(alsa) snd: card is out of range (0-0)

2000-05-04 Thread Richard Black
Hi all

I've been trying to get my sound card going with alsa.  It is a SB32
(pro) and is said to be supported.  I'm using 2.2.14.

Everythsnd: card is out of range (0-0)ing looks good at the compiling
and configuration stages, but when I reboot I get

isapnp: Card 'Creative SB32 PnP'
isapnp: 1 Plug  Play card detected total
snd: card is out of range (0-0)
snd: Sound Blaster 16 soundcard #1 not found at 0x220 or device busy

I'm using the same settings that I use with windoze for the IRQ etc.

Any ideas?  Help would be most welcome!



Re: overhead slides?

2000-05-04 Thread Mike Werner
On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 09:22:23AM +1000, Brian May wrote:
 Is there any DFSG free software for producing overhead slides?
 Something like seminar.sty (latex) would be ideal, but thats in
 tetex-nonfree. Also, gs often produces the following fatal gs error
 when viewing it with gv. :-(.
errors snipped
 If nothing better exists, I will use it anyway, but just curious what
 other options might exist.

As of Latex2E, there is a slide class as part of the base package.
Since it's pretty short, I'll throw in a one slide sample.

- Begin sample file -

% The clock option lets you put timings onto the notes
% This is basically just a cover sheet.
Sample Viewgraphs

% Here we begin the start of the acrtual slide.
\begin{center}\Large Advantage of \texttt{slides}\end{center}

\item Uses special fonts
\item Forces key words instead of long text
% This keyword and ...
\item Supports color layers
% ... this keyword get explained shortly.

Color commands may be used {\invisible as color layers}


% The slide class lets you do overlays.  In the slide section
%   above, the text after the \invisible and before the \visible
%   won't get printed.  If you then do a copy and paste into a
%   section for the overlay, and then change the \visible to
%   \invisible and vice versa you get an overlay with just the
%   parts missing from the slide.
\begin{center}\Large Advantage of \texttt{slides}\end{center}

\item Uses special fonts
\item Forces key words instead of long text
\item Supports color layers

Color commands may be used {\visible as color layers}

% This is the command to put a timing onto a note.  A counter is
%   initialized to 0, and then time can be added or subtracted
%   using the \addtime command.  There is also a \settime command
%   The value in the {} is in seconds, and is displayed as minutes
%   and seconds on the note.
Add the overlay only for \LaTeX~2.09


- End sample file -

I can't say for sure that this will do what you want, but it
might at least be close.  And the slide.cls is contained in the
tetex base package, so it is free.
Mike Werner  KA8YSD   |  Where do you want to go today?
ICQ# 12934898 |  As far from Redmond as possible!
'91 GS500E|
Morgantown WV |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

Re: Coda filesystem?

2000-05-04 Thread Oki DZ

On 3 May 2000, Christoph Gaitzsch wrote:
 I use it on my laptop with my home machine as Coda-Server, and I like
 it very much. I keep my diary and address-files there, and some other
 stuff I want to share. If it keeps beeing stable, I will put more
 stuff in the shared directories.

How do you deal with local cache overflow? When the link is disconnected,
any updates will be done on the local cache, but if it overflows, no
message generated. I don't think that Unix quota would handle Coda
caches. I think Coda client needs some improvement regarding local cache.


Re: php3-mode for xemacs

2000-05-04 Thread Arcady Genkin
martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 short question: does anyone know of a php3 mode for xemacs?
 developing php3 in html-mode is sort of annoying :-)
Arcady Genkin
Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard

2000-05-04 Thread kaynjay
On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 05:25:14PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you compile in the 'sound' module or leave it as a module? I've seen
 these symptoms once when the 'sound' module was not loaded. 

Yes.  The es1371 driver is compiled directly into the kernel.  I recompiled
the kernel (as another image and choice under lilo) with module support to
use with the ALSA drivers.  That too seemed to work properly (detection of a
card) but still no sound..  :(


Re: where are wmakers config files?

2000-05-04 Thread Dave Sherohman
Ron Farrer said:
 Hmm.. WPrefs doesn't do what I need. Here's the deal: when ever I log in
 (gdm + Gnome-Session) wmaker loads gmc (I can clearly see it in
 ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WMState) and I cannot get it to stop. I also would
 like to rename the workspaces and have the name stick. I cannot choose
 save session in wmaker as when I log in I end up with two panels, two
 Any suggestions?

wmakerconf.  It's a separate package that you have to install, but I haven't
even looked at WPrefs since trying out the latest version.  (Older versions
overlapped in functionality, but had a lot of things that one tool could set
but the other couldn't.  The current wmakerconf, though, is a superset of

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Now Can't Mount the CDROM

2000-05-04 Thread MSaxena358

Thanks everyone for your help so far.  I was able to get the cdrom module 
installed by using modconf.  Now, however, I can't get the cdrom to mount, 
and the archives and howtos are of no help.  Using the normal mount command, 
I get special device does not exist or sonycd is not a block device, 
basically no matter what.  The same thing happens when trying to install 
applications from dselect: nothing I type in is recognized as a block device. 
 This is on a 486 with a Sony CDU33A cdrom.  Using lsmod the device driver 
for the cdrom does show up.
Any tips/strategies?  Thank you!

Best Wishes,


In a message dated 5/3/00 2:48:48 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I mean, which Compact Disc vendor (CheapBytes, O'Rielly, etc.).
It's O'Reilly.

  I was able to successfully install and configure the base system by 
  floppies (I needed the drivers disk and the 8 base 14 floppies).  However, 
  module worked for my CD-ROM drive.  The closest one was the Sony CDU31A, 
  it didn't work (I got a device in use and two syntax error messages).  
  anyone have any suggestions for how to get the system to recognize the 
  drive now? 
 That is the correct driver, it works for both cdu31a and cdu33a using
 /dev/sonycd.  As root: lsmod will tell you if the sonycd.o module is
 already installed, if grep sonycd /boot/* gets lot of hits
 then the driver is compiled into the kernel.

LS-120 install

2000-05-04 Thread Thomas Crulli


I was trying to install debian (frozen) on my laptop
the other day but got stuckon the following. i have a
LS-120 drive (for superdisks which is backwards
compatible with 1.44MB disks) which i was using to
boot the install disk. the
images i used were the ones from the idepci

the system started booting, the image on the floppy
started booting as well
until it gave the following message:

  Insert the root floppy disk to be loaded into
RAM disk and press Enter.

(or something like that)

i tried pressing enter with the disk i had used to
boot from since i believe
that's all i needed (i was gonna do an harddrive
install with base2_2.tgz on
another linux partition). i even tried the driver disk
just in case...
nothing seemed to do it...

am i doing something wrong with the disks i'm using or
is it a problem with the LS-120 support?

thanks for any help,


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Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard

2000-05-04 Thread kaynjay
On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 10:28:01PM +0100, Jonathan Heaney wrote:
  I'm using the 2.2.14 kernel on an Asus k7V mb(Athlon), and have compiled

 Compiling the OSS driver direct into the kernel should be OK; try and get that
 working before attempting the switch to ALSA.
 What does
 cat /dev/sndstat
 give you?
 If there is no /dev/sndstat, you need to create the relevant /dev entries.  
 cd /dev
 ./MAKEDEV audio

cat /dev/sndstat
   gives no such file.  It is in /dev but not active (if that's the way to
decribe it..)

Audio already exists (and I'm in that group), but I remade it just in case.  
No change.

You refer to the OSS driver... Which one is that??  Is that the ES1371?? 
There certainly are no entries under the OSS chioce which appear to fit the
PCI128 (unless I'm supposed to treat it as a SB16???).  

I currently have the es1371 compiled into the kernel.


Re: Passing an input file through mail.

2000-05-04 Thread Oki DZ

On Wed, 3 May 2000, Corey Popelier wrote:

 Heres the deal - I dial into my ISP, and get allocated a random IP
 address, ie. I do not have a static IP, and cannot obtain one with my
 current ISP.
 What I would like to do, is on dialing in, pipe my ifconfig ppp0 to a
 file, and mail that to my work address as follows:

My impression is that all you need is to know what IP number you have
during a PPP session. Why don't you use Gnudip? You can  register for a username (which later
becomes your hostname) using the web form. You need gnudip package for
your client machine. Usage:
gdipc -c
(then enter username, password, domain:, gnudip server:

When your ppp link is up, enter gdipc; if successful, you can ping for your current IP number (if your username
is pancreas).


Re: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news software

2000-05-04 Thread Brian May
 Pat == Pat Mahoney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Pat For me, Linux makes me think. For others, windows may make
Pat them think. For still others, something else (not computer
Pat related) may make them think. If linux makes you think,
Pat good. If windows makes you think, good. If something else
Pat makes you think, good. If nothing makes you think, then I you
Pat truly have my sympathy.

For me, the problem with Windows is you have to think when thinking
should not be required. Take for instance, autoexec.bat.

I know a Windows computer, that whenever it starts, it flashes up
with the message Bad command or filename for a few seconds until
it goes away. However, it doesn't give the important information:
what command cannot be found? what line is it on?

So, instead of going directly to the bad line (like you would for any
Unix based interpreter), you have to do a lot of fiddling just to find
out which line is bad.

I have had similar problems for out of environment space errors (I
never remember or can find how to change it, although it seems to be
fixed now) and programs that automatically add lines like: PATH
%PATH;c:\newprogram which fails when %PATH% contains a directory with
spaces (trial and error suggests that correct quoting helps).

Perhaps Windows 2000 won't require autoexec.bat, I will believe it
when I see it. However, I encounter similar problems throughout
Windows (especially device drivers).

So, the way I see it, with Windows you always need to be thinking
There is a bug in this program. It won't say why it is crashing. What
is the best work around?.

With Unix, you get more descriptive feedback of what the program is
doing (eg look at the output of dpkg), and I have never had problems
with a device driver suddenly going broken, requiring a complete
re-installation of the OS. You don't have to try and second guess what
the computer might be trying to do.

Re: Passing an input file through mail.

2000-05-04 Thread Corey Popelier
It did fix the problem of the mail command line not working, the problem
of the unqualified host name error insendmail logs still exists, although
everything does work :)

 Corey Popelier

On Wed, 3 May 2000, Jason Zdan wrote:

 I admit I don't know much about sendmail, but it seems to me that the
 $ would add the pancreas to the front of your domain
 name. Maybe try instead?
 My apologies if I'm dead wrong :)

Re: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news software

2000-05-04 Thread Corey Popelier
I take an extremely simplistic view. I'd use Windows more if it didn't
crash 20 times a day. That's why I use Linux. Simple.

 Corey Popelier

On 4 May 2000, Brian May wrote:

  Pat == Pat Mahoney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Pat For me, Linux makes me think. For others, windows may make
 Pat them think. For still others, something else (not computer
 Pat related) may make them think. If linux makes you think,
 Pat good. If windows makes you think, good. If something else
 Pat makes you think, good. If nothing makes you think, then I you
 Pat truly have my sympathy.
 For me, the problem with Windows is you have to think when thinking
 should not be required. Take for instance, autoexec.bat.
 I know a Windows computer, that whenever it starts, it flashes up
 with the message Bad command or filename for a few seconds until
 it goes away. However, it doesn't give the important information:
 what command cannot be found? what line is it on?
 So, instead of going directly to the bad line (like you would for any
 Unix based interpreter), you have to do a lot of fiddling just to find
 out which line is bad.
 I have had similar problems for out of environment space errors (I
 never remember or can find how to change it, although it seems to be
 fixed now) and programs that automatically add lines like: PATH
 %PATH;c:\newprogram which fails when %PATH% contains a directory with
 spaces (trial and error suggests that correct quoting helps).
 Perhaps Windows 2000 won't require autoexec.bat, I will believe it
 when I see it. However, I encounter similar problems throughout
 Windows (especially device drivers).
 So, the way I see it, with Windows you always need to be thinking
 There is a bug in this program. It won't say why it is crashing. What
 is the best work around?.
 With Unix, you get more descriptive feedback of what the program is
 doing (eg look at the output of dpkg), and I have never had problems
 with a device driver suddenly going broken, requiring a complete
 re-installation of the OS. You don't have to try and second guess what
 the computer might be trying to do.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Boot problem

2000-05-04 Thread James Ravan
I'm a newbie to Debian. I bought a book entitled Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 
from SAMS. It had a single Debian CD in the back. From what I can tell from 
the documentation, the CD was made sometime last November. After reading 
the installation appendix, I tried installing from the CD. The system hung 
booting the initial kernel. So I read the installation HTML file on the CD, 
built a rescue floppy, tried booting from that, as per the documentation. 
Again, the system hung booting the initial kernel.

The symptom is that the boot process hangs at the line:

md driver 0.36.3 MAX_MD_DEV=4, MAX_REAL=8

My system is an Athlon 700, Asus K7M, 256MB RAM, Conner Technology CT204 
(4100 MB) on IDE-0, Plextor CD-R PX-W8432T ATAPI CD-RW drive on IDE-1, ATI 
PCI video card (primary), 3dfx AGP video card (secondary), SB-Live PCI512 
sound card, LinkSys EtherFast 10/100 NIC.

Any idea why the initial kernel hangs before starting the boot script?


p.s. I *have* installed Corel Linux on the system, so I'm reasonably sure 
that some form of Debian works with this hardware. It's just the (a) I 
don't care for Corel Linux, and (b) I've never been able to get enough 
support from Corel to get either my sound card or my network card to work. 
I figured I would be better off with a pure Debian solution.

Re: Help, please. PCI128 sound card seen, but not heard

2000-05-04 Thread Chris Baker

 On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 05:25:14PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Did you compile in the 'sound' module or leave it as a module? I've seen
  these symptoms once when the 'sound' module was not loaded. 
 Yes.  The es1371 driver is compiled directly into the kernel.  I recompiled
 the kernel (as another image and choice under lilo) with module support to
 use with the ALSA drivers.  That too seemed to work properly (detection of a
 card) but still no sound..  :(

I don't know that much about ALSA, but I think you're supposed to have
everything compiled as modules for it to work.  If I were you (and,
indeed, this is what I did since I have an sb128, too), I would ditch
all the ALSA stuff, compile sound and the es1371 driver into your
kernel (which I believe you've already done), run aumix to set the
volume, and play.  Appearently, ALSA has some advantages over the
standard kernel drivers, but you should get it working before you try
to get fancy :-)



Re: potato ready for ip-masquerade, or need to recompile kernel?

2000-05-04 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 does the standard potato install have ip-masquerade compiled
 into it as it comes from the Debian site, or do I need to recompile the
 kernel to to get this option?

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

nn installed, but where is nnmaster

2000-05-04 Thread M Techter
ii  nn  6.5.1-7Heavy-duty USENET news reader 

nn package broken?

leafnode is installed and works fine,
read my news with gnus, read my news with lynx, 
even read them news with  $ telnet  localhost nntp 
but then I decided to convert to another newsreader,
and really would like to give nn a try.

$ nn
could not fetch active file

( the same  goes for any option, even for $ nn --help ) 

A strace on nn informes me: 
open(/var/lib/news/active, O_RDONLY)  = -1 ENOENT (No such
file or directory)

The documentation explains about a database, how nnmaster maintains it, 
and it explains about an active file.

The nnmaster (8) manpage was installed 
( in accordance to /var/lib/dpkg/info/nn.list ), 

I change to root:

# nnTAB
nn   nncheck  nngrep   nnpost   nntidy   nnview

there seems to be no nnmaster programm:

not in the nn-package 
not anywhere else on my potato cds 
( checked the Contents-i386.gz file directly on the
  disks )
not on my system ... 
didn't make me any wiser.

How could it be, what's wrong? 



Re: file transfers to Win2K

2000-05-04 Thread Ross Boylan
ftp is probably a good choice.

Samba works too, but I have been told, and have found that it's
relatively inefficient--lower throughput that ftp.

In scripts running from NT 4 or 5 I've noticed that MS shares tend to
drop after a period of inactivity.  While this is fine, they don't get
reconnected when you try to access them.  So if my script looks for
I:foo.txt, and I: is a mapping for a drive, it will report it's
unavailable until you manually click on the share in Explorer.

Security is potentially an issue regardless of what method you choose.

On Tue, May 02, 2000 at 03:52:00PM +1200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 what would be the best way to routinely (ie. daily) transfer 500MB worth of
 image files from a linux system to a Windows 2000 or NT?
 would ftp be the best choice or is it prone to bad behaviour if
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

potato intallation failed

2000-05-04 Thread David Karlin
I'm installing potato from floppies, and when I try to load the kernel
modules, I get: modprobe: Can't open /target/etc/modules.conf
and Installation failed.

Anyone else had this happen?

David Karlin
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 

Re: cdrecord question

2000-05-04 Thread Mike Fabian
Andrew Kae [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is it possible to write files and directories to a cd without making
 an image first?  I don't have 650 MB of my hard drive to spare for
 an image file.  In Windoze, Adaptec EZ-CD recorder can take in
 a list of files and then just burn them to a cd.  It seems to me the
 only way to make data cds is to make an image first and then use
 cdrecord to make the image into a cd.

You don't need to make an image first. From the manpage of cdrecord:

   If the overall speed of the system is sufficient  and  the
   structure  of  the filesystem is not too complex, cdrecord
   will run  without  creating  an  image  of  the  ISO  9660
   filesystem. Simply run the pipeline:

   mkisofs  -R  /master/tree  | cdrecord -v fs=6m speed=2
   dev=2,0 -


Re: php3-mode for xemacs

2000-05-04 Thread Damon Muller
Quoth martin, 
 short question: does anyone know of a php3 mode for xemacs?
 developing php3 in html-mode is sort of annoying :-)

Short answer - not that I know of, but I've heard that some of the
various C modes work well.

I personally use gvim. If vi is not your cup-of-tea, so be it, but the
syntax hilighting that it has for php is excelent. It does get a little
confused sometimes tho, and forget what is html and what is php (i jump
between the two a log), but other than that, I have no complaints.



Damon Muller ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) /  It's not a sense of humor.
* Criminologist /  It's a sense of irony
* Webmeister   /  disguised as one.
* Linux Geek  / - Bruce Sterling 

- Running Debian GNU/Linux: Doing my bit for World Domination (tm) -

Description: PGP signature

Damaged dpkg

2000-05-04 Thread Thomas Luft

to get some space on my hard disk I deleted the directories and files under
the /var/lib/dpkg tree. Later I found out that this was a BIG mistake
because dpkg isn't working any more. I managed to access the basic
dselect-functions like defining the access method and selecting the packages
I want to (re)install but I am not able to start the installation, neither
via dselect nor direct with dpkg --install. Even unpacking packages is
impossible now...
I suppose that I need to resemble the /var/lib/dpkg tree and just want to
know if there is any way doing this.
Thanks for your help


Re: GNOME Gripes

2000-05-04 Thread Ross Boylan
Thanks to you and the other posters for some interesting points.  I
ended up with GNOME/enlightenment/balsa based on picking some of
debian tasks for GNOME, so I do think the issues are partly GNOME and
even partly Debiain.  Specifically, Debian picks a standard window
manager (Enlightenment) and theme, and it also chooses to install

It seems to me that if certain programs aren't at all stable they
shouldn't be in the distribution, and certainly not in any kind of
automatic install (e.g., Balsa and the GNOME gv--though the latter had
spectacular anti-aliasing when it was up).

On Wed, May 03, 2000 at 01:25:02AM +0200, Felix Natter wrote:
 Eric G . Miller writes:
  On Mon, May 01, 2000 at 07:59:25PM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
   I've been using GNOME for awhile in potato--my first encounter with
   it.  It just doesn't seem ready.  I know potato is pre-release, and we
   may not have the latest GNOME in it, and the GNOME folks are working
   So I thought I'd gripe, check if this matches others experience, and
   then maybe file some bug reports if I haven't made some configuration
 to the original poster:
 which version of gnome are you using ?

It looks as if potato is on v 1.0.  Here are some package listings
from my system:
ii  gnome-admin1.0.3-2Gnome Admin Utilities (gulp and logview)
ii  gnome-bin  1.0.56-3   Miscellaneous binaries used by Gnome
ii  gnome-control- 1.0.51-4   The Gnome Control Center
ii  gnome-guile1.0.1.cvs.1999 Guile-Gtk scheme interpreter (part of Gnome)
ii  gnome-gv   0.82-2 GNOME PostScript/PDF viewer
ii  gnome-help 1.0.55-1   GNOME help browser
ii  gnome-help-dat 1.0.55-1   GNOME help browser data
ii  gnome-libs-dat 1.0.56-3   Data for Gnome libraries
ii  gnome-network  1.0.2-5The gnome network utilities.
ii  gnome-panel1.0.55-1   Launch and/or dock Gnome applications
ii  gnome-panel-da 1.0.55-1   Data files for GNOME panel
ii  gnome-pim  1.0.55-2   Calendar and address book for GNOME.
ii  gnome-print0.10-5 The GNOME Print architecture
ii  gnome-session  1.0.55-1   The Gnome Session Manager
ii  gnome-terminal 1.0.55-1   The Gnome terminal emulator application
ii  libglade-gnome 0.11-2 Library to load .glade files at runtime (Gno
ii  libgnome-dev   1.0.56-3   The Gnome libraries -- development package
ii  libgnome32 1.0.56-3   The Gnome libraries
ii  libgnomesuppor 1.0.56-3   The Gnome libraries (Support libraries)
ii  libgnomeui32   1.0.56-3   The Gnome libraries (User Interface)
ii  sawmill-gnome  0.20.1-2.1 GNOME components for Sawmill
ii  task-gnome-app 1.0.3  GNOME applications and utilities
ii  task-gnome-des 1.0.7  GNOME basic desktop
ii  task-gnome-gam 1.0.5  GNOME games
ii  task-gnome-net 1.0.4  GNOME network applications

 There is a much-improved 1.x out now (well, it is currently beta, but
 will be released sometime soon: April GNOME).
   goof.  I also have no idea if the problem is GNOME or the debian
   integration of GNOME.
   I'm running on i386, mostly with sawmill window manager.  gdm runs the 
   Balsa crashes very frequently.
   I think the default enlightenment theme--in fact most of the themes
   for most of the window managers--are just ugly.  The default theme
   makes it look as if you have a rusting scrap heap on your desk.
   Only the NextStep derivatives have a decent look, to my eye.
  GTK is just not very attractive.  GNOME can't do too much about that
  until the look of the base widget system is improved.  But, heck, it
  looks better than Tk apps!

Hmm, I though GTK itself was supposed to be pretty good--at least
that's what I read in all the propoganda for GIMP.
 there are themes available at (for example aqua a la
 Mac-OS 9 or informer which aims to be plain). You can change this in the
 control-panel (win95, motif and pixmap are included by default).
   Internal Design:
   I think GNOME's facilities and interfaces should have been done in
   object oriented fashion.  Instead, it's got this clunky C interface
   that reminds me of MS Windows.  I understand KDE went the other
   route.  Yes, I know it can all be packaged in CORBA someday, but why
   do the How to program for GNOME docs say (it has been awhile since I
   looked) that the C interface is the native one?
 because it is the lowest layer. all other language-bindings are stacked
 on top of it.

I don't think the lowest layer metaphor is quite right here.  CORBA
objects can, in principle, be written in many different languages.
Because CORBA models objects (vs. RPC's function calls), an object
oriented language seems a better fit (C++ rather than C).

C++ is quite capable of exporting functions callable from C.

Similarly with the later comment on ORBIT being in C.  That may be so,
but again the 

rWfm? what's in this log file--

2000-05-04 Thread w trillich
my logs. big. lots of stuff. meanings escape me.

i can configure what gets logged or not via the syslog.conf
files, but when a program logs something, it's not relevant
to the logger itself.

i know what RTFM means... so rWfm means read _which_ manual?


A) ipfwadm logging:

in my syslog i see that ipfwadm spits out (because of its
-o option) text like this:

May  3 18:48:53 www kernel: IP fw-fwd deny eth1 
L=48 S=0x00 I=2471 F=0x0040 T=254

'man ipfwadm' says -o logs via klogd but not what the output is.

where do i find out what the L= S= I= F= and T= mean?
is the first #.#.#.# source and the second #.#.#.# destination
or vice-versa?


B) named/bind/dns logging:

B.1) no TTL?

when 'ndc reload' generates errors in the log like this

May  3 06:46:15 server named[19322]: 
Zone (file /etc/bind/myserver): 
No default TTL set using SOA minimum instead

although the zone file has all five values in it,

@   IN   SOA (
   24191   ; Serial
   8H  ; Refresh
   2H  ; Retry
   1W  ; Expire
   1D ); Default TTL
 TXT  my web site
www  CNAME@
ns   A10.11.12.13

where do i look, so i'll know if it's okay to ignore this 
no TTL message?


then, named, in its normal course of events, logs messages
like this now and then (hourly, in fact--but not via crontab):

Apr 12 22:21:08 server named[19322]: 
NSTATS 955596068 955588868 A=1 MX=4

('man named' gives me the old-style named configuration info:
after an apt-get i've got a named that now looks in /etc/bind/*
instead of /etc/named.conf; plus, there's no log directives
in the old file, anyway... and 'ndc /help' yields an error?)

how do i find out what this means?


2000-05-04 Thread Johann Spies
I have recently started to use lilo after a few years of using
loadlin.  I have a bit of an unusual setup so please be patient with
my long message.  My setup is as follows:

/dev/hda1 redhat 
/dev/hdc2 debian (about 8Gb)

I installed redhat after my /dev/hda broke and I bought a new one. At
that stage I was moving and my debian-stuff was packed already. So I
only use redhat to start up my debian.  

Debian's lilo complains that my debian partition is to large to boot.
My redhat's lilo.conf looks like this:

boot = /dev/hda
timeout = 50
  vga = normal
image = /boot/debian
  label = Debian
  root = /dev/hdc2
image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.5-15
  label = Redhat
  root = /dev/hda1

First problem: Redhat's lilo complains about line 12: hdb=ide-scsi
Despite this problem I could boot debian as default system and my
scsi-emulation on my cdrom worked.  I was using kernel 2.2.9 so far.

Last night I compiled and installed 2.2.14 with the result:
vmlinuz - boot/vmlinuz-2.2.14

I ran Redhat's lilo again with the same merror message about

Second problem: When I boot the normal way, 2.2.9 comes up as my
active kernel.  Why?  How do I fix it?

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082-255-2388
 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but
  be willing to associate with people of low position.
  Do not be conceited.Romans 12:16 

Re: cdrecord question

2000-05-04 Thread Johann Spies
Sean Johnson and some other referred to:
 But of course you can ... from the cdrecord manpage:
If the overall speed of the system is sufficient  and  the
structure  of  the filesystem is not too complex, cdrecord
will run  without  creating  an  image  of  the  ISO  9660
filesystem. Simply run the pipeline:
mkisofs  -R  /master/tree  | cdrecord -v fs=6m speed=2
dev=2,0 - 

Good point. I forgot about that option. Just a question.  What does
mkisofs do?  As I understood it mkisofs creates a iso9660 image?

From the manpage:

mkisofs is effectively a pre-mastering program to generate
   the iso9660 filesystem - it takes a snapshot  of  a  given
   directory  tree,  and  generates a binary image which will
   correspond to an iso9660  filesystem  when  written  to  a
   block device.

So what  

 mkisofs  -R  /master/tree  | cdrecord -v fs=6m speed=2  dev=2,0 

does is piping an image to cdrecord.

That is what I meant by saying you can not write a CD without an

Or am I still wrong on this one?

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082-255-2388
 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but
  be willing to associate with people of low position.
  Do not be conceited.Romans 12:16 

Re: Lilo-question - solved

2000-05-04 Thread Johann Spies
On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 09:55:10AM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:

 Second problem: When I boot the normal way, 2.2.9 comes up as my
 active kernel.  Why?  How do I fix it?

Sorry.  I was stupid. I did not see that I my lilo.conf refers not to
/vmlinuz but to redhat's /boot/debian.  After copying vmlinuz to
redhat's /boot/debian the problem was solved.

J.H. Spies, Hugenotestraat 29, Posbus 80, Franschhoek, 7690, South Africa
Tel/Faks 021-876-2337 Sel/Cell 082-255-2388
 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but
  be willing to associate with people of low position.
  Do not be conceited.Romans 12:16 

kaffe 1.0.5 for Linux pppc

2000-05-04 Thread jblanche
HI all

I used the debian (potato Linux version 2.2.6-15apmac) on my imac Rev B,
it 's work very well - better than maos ;-)
I need to execute some Java Application,  then I need to used Kaffe.

I have try to compile Kaffe-1.0.5 when do make  I reiceve a gcc parse
gcc -DINTERPRETER -DKVER=\1.0.5\ -I. -I. -I../.. -I./../..
-I../../../../config -I../../../../config -I../../../../include
-I../../../../include -DKVER=\1.0.5\ -
-I../../../../config -I../../../../include -I/usr/local/include -g
 -fsigned-char -c jthread.c  -fPIC -DPIC -Wp,-MD,.deps/jthread.TPlo -o
jthread.c: In function `jthread_create':
jthread.c:1256: parse error before `?'
jthread.c:1266: parse error before `?'
jthread.c: In function `reschedule':
jthread.c:1514: parse error before `?'

I checked  line  1256 of jthread.c

#if defined(SAVE_FP)
/* set up context for new thread */
oldstack = GET_SP(jtid-env);

GET_SP is define as :

#define GET_SP(E)   (((void**)(E))[SP_OFFSET])

SP_OFFSET is define in   config-jthreads.h   but there is no case for
linux pppc.
So I have try to force SP_OFFSET  to 3 as AIX on IBM PowerPC but still
have the same message when do make

Any Idea ?

Thanks Jblanche

Re: Re[2]: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news software

2000-05-04 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello all there,

On Wed, 3 May 2000, Steve Lamb wrote:
 For me it isn't a GUI/CLI mindset it is simply the ability to do what
 needs to be done.  Windows doesn't let me do that in most cases.  The standard
 'nix utilities provide a lot of automation for mundane tasks.

I've been following this thread for some time, and this is exactly the
mail I've always been waiting for, because IMHO that's exactly the point
about the whole discussion.
The first time I had contact with Unix in general was in my soil physics
lecture at university. We've been calculating some models on water and
solute flux in soils on IBM RS/6000 machines with AIX, and as none of us
two students in the course had any knowledge about Unix, the Prof gave us
a short introduction. One thing I kept specially in mind:
We had to remove a directory, so the prof said (in german, I'm translating
into English):
Just enter rm -rf directory/. rm means remove, r means recursive and f
means force: Do it and don't ask stupid questions (the computer, not us
So we entered it and the computer did it and didn't ask stupid questions.
Being at that time used to the windoze way of doing things, where you
often have to struggle some kind of fight with your computer to get
things done, I've at once been fascinated by the way you tell the computer
in clear precise language, what he has to do, and he does it.
We have been doing other fancy (for me at that time) things on the
computers, so this course could actually be seen as a turning point in my
attitude towards computers and OSes. So a short time later I switched to 
Linux on my computer at home (doing it quite radically, not that kind of
dual-boot stuff;-).
So to focus on the main point again:
It really isn't the GUI/CLI-matter. I like GUIs. But sometimes things can
be done much faster, easier and more precise on the command line. And this
being able to choose the way to do things and being able to do things
that have to be done (And you don't have that in windoze) is one of the
main advantages of UNIX/Linux.


P.S.: Some might perhaps consider this mail much too long, or much too far
off topic for this list, but sorry: I just had to get this off my chest. 

hi and ?

2000-05-04 Thread Robert Fendt
hi folks,

my name is rob and i'm a project engineer with a company in bavaria (no, not
bmw :-) ). i'm using debian/gnu linux 2.1, kernel version 2.0.38 on 2
machines: one laptop (amd k6/266MHz, 64MB ram) and one pc (i486DX2, 66MHz,
16MB ram).
recently i managed that both machines recognize their nic's (yeah!), which are
a 3com 3c589D (PCMCIA) in the laptop and a UMC9008 (ISA, NE2000 clone) in the
other pc.
now, as you might have guessed, i am planning to hook those two up via
ethernet, so i can telnet from one machine to the other, mount files systems
of the other machine and do all other kinds of fancy things. (yes, i'm a
newbie ;) ). 
BUT at the moment i can't seem to figure out what has to be done in order to
set the IP adresses for both machines right, i.e. i don't know in which files
i have to enter what to make all this work.
i have read the ethernet-HOWTO and the networking-HOWTO, but somehow it was
pretty late at night and i wasn't able to get the info i wanted. on the other
hand i'm sure that, as no internetworking is involved, this should be the
easiest exercise for you gurus out there, so i hope you can give me some hints
how to proceed or point me to some documents on the net that deal with my

thanx in advace

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Re: hi and ?

2000-05-04 Thread Ron Rademaker
Check out this file: /etc/init.d/network (/etc/network/interfaces in
2.2). I'll give you a example /etc/init.d/network I guess that should be
enough to find out how you shoould edit it. After you've edited it, just
do /etc/init.d/network (on both machines of course) and your network
should be ready for use... (/etc/init.d/network will probably give 2
errors, but they aren't interesting and no problem).

Example /etc/init.d/network

#! /bin/sh
ifconfig lo
route add -net
ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} netmask ${NETMASK} broadcast ${BROADCAST}
route add -net ${NETWORK}
[ ${GATEWAY} ]  route add default gw ${GATEWAY} metric 1

The GATEWAY part is only needed if one of both machines is on the internet
and gives the other access, if you don't have that just leave the area
after GATEWAY's = blank.

Ron Rademaker

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Robert Fendt wrote:

 hi folks,
 my name is rob and i'm a project engineer with a company in bavaria (no, not
 bmw :-) ). i'm using debian/gnu linux 2.1, kernel version 2.0.38 on 2
 machines: one laptop (amd k6/266MHz, 64MB ram) and one pc (i486DX2, 66MHz,
 16MB ram).
 recently i managed that both machines recognize their nic's (yeah!), which are
 a 3com 3c589D (PCMCIA) in the laptop and a UMC9008 (ISA, NE2000 clone) in the
 other pc.
 now, as you might have guessed, i am planning to hook those two up via
 ethernet, so i can telnet from one machine to the other, mount files systems
 of the other machine and do all other kinds of fancy things. (yes, i'm a
 newbie ;) ). 
 BUT at the moment i can't seem to figure out what has to be done in order to
 set the IP adresses for both machines right, i.e. i don't know in which files
 i have to enter what to make all this work.
 i have read the ethernet-HOWTO and the networking-HOWTO, but somehow it was
 pretty late at night and i wasn't able to get the info i wanted. on the other
 hand i'm sure that, as no internetworking is involved, this should be the
 easiest exercise for you gurus out there, so i hope you can give me some hints
 how to proceed or point me to some documents on the net that deal with my
 thanx in advace
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mschap compiled into ipppd? idsnutils 3.0-20 (potateo)

2000-05-04 Thread Bernd Harmsen
Hello list,

is mschap already compiled into the ipppd of the IsdnUtils 3.0-20
(potatoe) package?

I need to login an NT-Server and it seems that my ipppd don´t accept
the requested mschap autentification.

From my /var/log/pppd.log:
ipppd: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x1 mru 1500 magic ... pcomp
ipppd: rcvd [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x0 auth chap msoft magic
0x1283 MPmrru 0x64e MPdiscr: 0x1 [ 45 8d 30 20 ...]]
ipppd: sent [0][LCP ConfRej id=0x0 MPmrru 0x64e]
ipppd: rcvd [0][LCP ConfRej id=0x1 pcomp accomp]
ipppd: sent [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x2 mru 1500 magic 0x5...]
ipppd: rcvd [0][LCP ConfReq id=0x1 auth chap msoft magic
0x1... MPdiscr: 0x1 [ 45 8d 30 20 .]]
ipppd: sent [0][LCP ConfNak id=0x1 auth chap md5]

If mschap is compiled in, how can i use it?

If I had to recompile the ipppd, which sources should I use?
Is there a source package (deb-scr) for isdnutils?


PS: My english is not realy good, I hope you understand me?

Re: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news software

2000-05-04 Thread Richard Taylor
Brian May [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote
  Pat == Pat Mahoney [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Pat For me, Linux makes me think. For others, windows may make
 Pat them think. For still others, something else (not computer
 Pat related) may make them think. If linux makes you think,
 Pat good. If windows makes you think, good. If something else
 Pat makes you think, good. If nothing makes you think, then I you
 Pat truly have my sympathy.

 For me, the problem with Windows is you have to think when thinking
 should not be required. Take for instance, autoexec.bat.

 I know a Windows computer, that whenever it starts, it flashes up
 with the message Bad command or filename for a few seconds until
 it goes away. However, it doesn't give the important information:
 what command cannot be found? what line is it on?

 Not that I actually want to come to the defense of Winanything...

 Turn echoing on.

 Perhaps Windows 2000 won't require autoexec.bat, I will believe it
 when I see it. However, I encounter similar problems throughout
 Windows (especially device drivers).

 Win hasn't required an autoexec.bat since '95.
 My other computer's running Debian. {}

Re: hi and ?

2000-05-04 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Robert,

Just a few additions to Ron's information (wanted to send something
similar, but Ron was faster ;-)

On 4 May 2000, Robert Fendt wrote:

 i have read the ethernet-HOWTO and the networking-HOWTO, but somehow it was
 pretty late at night and i wasn't able to get the info i wanted. 

Have you read the Networking-Overview-HOWTO or the NET3-4-HOWTO? If you
want to set things up, you should get the NET3-4-HOWTO, the
Networking-Overview-HOWTO is, as the name already implies, just an

 so i hope you can give me some hints how to proceed:

Ron's setup will only configure the interfaces. So if you want to telnet,
ftp or ping (or something similar) the other machine, you always have to
use the IP-Numbers. If you want to assign names to your machines, you have
to do the following:
edit file /etc/hosts in both machines, so that it looks something like
that (There are sometimes some other things to do about that, but they
usually come properly configured on the debian distro):

# /etc/hosts   localhost loopback

You could also setup DNS, but I don't think this is worth to consider on a
network with two machines. Assuming, you have telnetd installed you will
then be able to do something like:

telnet thishostname

from host otherhostname.

The IP-addresses only apply to Ron's example, if you use different ones in
the ifconfig, you will also have to use different ones in the /etc/hosts
file. Also note, that Ron's file will only apply to one computer, to
configure the other, you have to change IP-addresses.
Perhaps you might have a look at
This is RFC1918 (some kind of Internet Standard, don't know what RFC
stands for). It's about Best Current Practice for Address Allocation for
Private Internets (i.e. LANs), and might give you some hints about which
IP-numbers (addresses) to choose for your machines.

 point me to some documents on the net:

Apart from the HOWTOs try the Linux Network Administrators Guide at
It's a bit outdated, but still a good explanation of the
Theories and Principles of Networking (For actual setup use the HOWTOs,
they provide more up-to-date information on the practical side) 


Re: Emacs - was Re: Mail/news software

2000-05-04 Thread Lehel Bernadt
On Thu, 04 May 2000, Brian May wrote:
 For me, the problem with Windows is you have to think when thinking
 should not be required. Take for instance, autoexec.bat.
 I know a Windows computer, that whenever it starts, it flashes up
 with the message Bad command or filename for a few seconds until
 it goes away. However, it doesn't give the important information:
 what command cannot be found? what line is it on?
 So, instead of going directly to the bad line (like you would for any
 Unix based interpreter), you have to do a lot of fiddling just to find
 out which line is bad.

The problem is that win9x doesn't have the old ms-dos (they probably
thought that it would be too low-level for the real win user). You would have
found all the answers there.

In the Bad command or filename case you have to do
command /y /c autoexec.bat
which will step you through the batch file.

 I have had similar problems for out of environment space errors (I
 never remember or can find how to change it, although it seems to be
 fixed now) and programs that automatically add lines like: PATH
 %PATH;c:\newprogram which fails when %PATH% contains a directory with
 spaces (trial and error suggests that correct quoting helps).

The environment size can be specified using the shell= command and the /e:
switch in config.sys. In mine looks like this:
for a 1k environment size (the default is 256 bytes).

 Perhaps Windows 2000 won't require autoexec.bat, I will believe it
 when I see it. However, I encounter similar problems throughout
 Windows (especially device drivers).

That's because they are dos drivers, and for microsoft dos is dead (judging
from the lack of documentation and support). 

 So, the way I see it, with Windows you always need to be thinking
 There is a bug in this program. It won't say why it is crashing. What
 is the best work around?.
 With Unix, you get more descriptive feedback of what the program is
 doing (eg look at the output of dpkg), and I have never had problems
 with a device driver suddenly going broken, requiring a complete
 re-installation of the OS. You don't have to try and second guess what
 the computer might be trying to do.

Oh yes, I agree that that one of the greatest problems of windows is that it
tries to do everything in the background, hidden from the user, you can't see
what's going on, and if there is a problem you can't solve it because you don't
know what's happened. 
But all this has a very good reason. The windows philosophy is: Don't think,
we will do everything for you, you will be able to use your computer without
knowing anything about it. That's because windows is targeted to the
don't-know-much-about-computers users (and this is a very large community),
and wants to give them a power-user feeling. That's why the only
problem-solving method on windows is reinstall everything. Any other method
would require the user to think. (I don't say these users are stupid, they
just don't know much about computers).

Re: potato intallation failed

2000-05-04 Thread Santiago Vila Doncel
On Thu, 4 May 2000, David Karlin wrote:

 I'm installing potato from floppies, and when I try to load the kernel
 modules, I get: modprobe: Can't open /target/etc/modules.conf
 and Installation failed.

Just switch to the second virtual console and do

touch /target/etc/modules.conf

This will be fixed in the next set of boot floppies.

Re: KDE various deb - matters

2000-05-04 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Sven,

On Thu, 4 May 2000, Sven Burgener wrote:

 I guess the next thing to do is to install a window manager, right?

right. For best KDE-integration you could use Enlightenment (Though a
resource hog). If you want to use a lightweight alternative, you could use
blackbox. There are many other, check the package-description on the
debian web-page or in dselect under section X11. if you have
disc-space to waste you install some of them and check which
one you like best. 

 I want KDE and so I wonder how I should install that? Which packages 
 are necessary and is there anything additional I _should_ know about?

KDE does not come with the debian-distribution. But there are
installation-ready .deb-files at

 Which (K-)packages do you suggest me to install apart from that?

Look at kde's homepage (see above), depends on your needs. 

 Oh, yes, one last thing. I've built kernels before, just not on debian.
 So, to build a new kernel, I know I need the following packages for
 -kernel-source (is that the package-name?)
 -libraries ... ?
 Anything else? Probably ...

You could run dselect, choose select and look for package kernel-source.
in the info field, there should be an item like depends on: this
package, that package, another package and one
recommends: this package, that package, another package. 
There are sure more elegant ways to find out about dependencies, but I
think this one is quite easy, and you can browse through the list of
available packages for other things, you might need)
So you'll find out, what you need for kernel-compilation (it's in essence
the packages you mentioned above+libc6-dev. There are several packages to
make compilation more spiffy and easier, but they are not necessary, if
you're used to kernel-compilation, you will be able to do with the bare


lilo mbr on hda with linux on hdc?

2000-05-04 Thread Philip Lehman
I have a machine with two hard disks here, that other OS resides
on hda and I added the second drive (hdc) for Debian. The setup
installed a MBR on hdc, but my BIOS only supports booting from
hda. Is there a way to install lilo in the MBR on hda and have
it boot linux from hdc1?

I'm familiar with dual-boot setups in general, but I'm a bit
clueless facing this particular setup. Any hints appreciated...


Re: lilo mbr on hda with linux on hdc?

2000-05-04 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I have a machine with two hard disks here, that other OS resides
 on hda and I added the second drive (hdc) for Debian. The setup
 installed a MBR on hdc, but my BIOS only supports booting from
 hda. Is there a way to install lilo in the MBR on hda and have
 it boot linux from hdc1?
lilo.conf: change the boot=/dev/hdc into boot=/dev/hda
image=/dev/hdc1 should be already there and it is fine.
and an option other=/dev/hda1 is needed for booting the other os.

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Subject: LS-120 install

2000-05-04 Thread Kenneth Scharf
I was trying to install debian (frozen) on my laptop
the other day but got stuckon the following. i have a
LS-120 drive (for superdisks which is backwards
compatible with 1.44MB disks) which i was using to
boot the install disk. the
images i used were the ones from the idepci

the system started booting, the image on the floppy
started booting as well
until it gave the following message:

  Insert the root floppy disk to be loaded into
RAM disk and press Enter.

(or something like that)

i tried pressing enter with the disk i had used to
boot from since i believe
that's all i needed (i was gonna do an harddrive
install with base2_2.tgz on
another linux partition). i even tried the driver
just in case...
nothing seemed to do it...

Actually you need two floppy disk images (at least)
the boot disk, and the root disk.  The boot disk has
the kernel, the root disk has the rest of the system
(includes the installer).

However (someone correct me if I'm wrong) the disks
were written to run on a real floppy NOT off an
ide-floppy (which the ls120 is) and would probably die
at the point that you tried to insert the the root
disk and hit return, it would never find the root disk
since it was looking at /dev/fd0, not /dev/hdxx where
the ls120 is!  I have never managed to install of an
ls120 so I still have a floppy in my
computers.along with an ls120.

I bet zip drives have the same problem.  OTOH booting
off a cd rom drive DOES work
am i doing something wrong with the disks i'm using or
is it a problem with the LS-120 support?

thanks for any help,


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Re: Damaged dpkg

2000-05-04 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I suppose that I need to resemble the /var/lib/dpkg tree and just want to
 know if there is any way doing this.
best is, you grab the 16 meg archive from the boot floppies and unpack
it (as a whole without overwriting existing files or only the relevant
files). this way you'll get at minimal debian install in the eyes of dpkg.

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Linux - the last service pack you'll ever need.

Re: Mail/news software

2000-05-04 Thread Jonathan Markevich
On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 05:05:38PM +0200, Kovacs Istvan wrote:

 The ideal software would be able to handle both mail and news in an
 integrated manner, place incoming and outgoing messages into folders
 YARN, when used in combination with a SOUP package handler, is much
 like that (except for the GUI/multi-window part), but I haven't seen a
 Linux version.

I know I used a Linux version of YARN about two or three years ago, look
around.  I know it was a handly  lightweight packet reader!

Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Go ahead, capitalize the T on technology, deify it if it will make you feel
less responsible -- but it puts you in with the neutered, brother, in with
the eunuchs keeping the harem of our stolen Earth for the numb and joyless
hardons of human sultans, human elite with no right at all to be where they
are --
-- Thomas Pynchon, _Gravity's Rainbow_

CD R/W no CD present?

2000-05-04 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer

I have been trying to get mu HP9200 SCSI CD R/W working.  The CD is identifed
at boot.  I have:
ide-scsi.o (although I don't think I need it)

set as modules.

When I run cdrecord -scanbus the CD Writer is again identified but when I
run X-cd-roast I keep getting the error message that there is no CD in the
drive even when I have a CD in the drive.  Any idea what I can do to fix this?

Also, how do I mount the CD Writer to read CD's as I would a normal CD?

i.e for a normal CD mount /dev/cdrom /cdrom

would I 

mount /dev/sr0 /cdwriter?

When I do this locks my system up?

Any help would be appreciated.


Chimera and gzipped files

2000-05-04 Thread Lance Hoffmeyer
What do I need to do so that Chimera will read gzipped files?  I am
trying to use Chimera as my default mail browser for local viewing.  I 
downloaded the mh-doc deb file but when I go to the mh index chimera will not 
decompress the file.  I would prefer to use Chimera for local viewing since it 
so much faster than netscape.



SOLVED: Internal error installing recompiled kernel 2.2.14

2000-05-04 Thread mheyes

I resolved the problem by recompiling and installing the kernel and modules the
regular way (make xconfig, make bzImage, make modules, make install_modules
etc). I guess there might be a problem with the debian method using
kernel-source-2.2.14 and 2.2.15, or maybe I needed to configure something
differently than when I used 2.2.13.

Don't know if there is a bug or not.

Michael Heyes

mh [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 05/02/2000 08:46:23 PM

cc:(bcc: Mike Heyes/LincolnFP/BerisfordPlc)

Subject:  Internal error installing recompiled kernel 2.2.14

I've recompiled and installed kernels before and haven't had this
problem. I downloaded the kernel source and headers debs for 2.2.14,
rebuilt and recompiled the kernel source without any errors, then did a
make dep. Next, found the *Custom* kernel in /usr/src, and tried to
install it with make-kpkg kernel_image. It came back with Internal
Error: (boot) is not a directory and stopped.

I'm stuck. Any idea where I went astray?


Michael Heyes
still using 2.2.13

Re: /etc/

2000-05-04 Thread Harald Weidner

Marc Haber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd like to know what /etc/ is and to which package it
belongs. That file gets touched on every system boot and therefore
needs special attention with the IDS. Any hints how to stop that
behavior or what package to file a bug against?

The program is /sbin/init or /sbin/telinit, the package name is
sysvinit. See man init for the meaning of

Have you tried the usual workarounds for problems like that?

  chmod 000 /etc/
  ln -s /dev/null /etc/
  touch /var/local/
  ln -s /var/local/ /etc/


Harald Weidner

Promise FastTtrack66 RAID Card

2000-05-04 Thread Raven Winter
Has anyone had any experience or success getting Debain to run on a Promise 
FastTrack66 IDE RAID card?  I tried moving a Debain setup from the onobard 
IDE to the FT66 IDE but LILO only got to LIL- and died.  So I thought 
maybe I should see if anyone else has had experience with the FastTrack 
before I continue.


Re: lilo mbr on hda with linux on hdc?

2000-05-04 Thread Philip Lehman
On Thu, 4 May 2000, Oswald Buddenhagen wrote:

 I have a machine with two hard disks here, that other OS resides
 on hda and I added the second drive (hdc) for Debian. The setup
 installed a MBR on hdc, but my BIOS only supports booting from
 hda. Is there a way to install lilo in the MBR on hda and have
 it boot linux from hdc1?
lilo.conf: change the boot=/dev/hdc into boot=/dev/hda
image=/dev/hdc1 should be already there and it is fine.
and an option other=/dev/hda1 is needed for booting the other os.

I tried that, but LILO hangs with LI-. I did run lilo to update
the MBR - several times. In lilo.conf I have:



network start time

2000-05-04 Thread Robert Fendt
hi Ron...

i entered the code in the file /etc/init.d/network. the top 2 lines already
existed (it's the local loopback device, i guess). after i executed the script
and did ifconfig, i see lo and eth0 with the parameters i entered in
/.../network. GOOD!
i like to have network executed automatically at boottime,(with noone logged
in) which actually is the case, but apearently BEFORE (!) the drivers for my
nic are loaded :(((. So the problem is that eth0 cannot be matched with an
IP adress when network is executed later on.
I cannot find out which script is responsible for loading the drivers (with
insmod commands or aliases), as these drivers (PCMCIA) were compiled into
the kernel when i installed the system.
a link to network is /etc/rcS.d/@S40network, but i don't know when network
is called.
Question: how can i manipulate the time when network is executed so that the
network is started AFTER the card has been probed for?


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