Re: Problemas con Wget

2000-05-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 15 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 01:41:58 +0200, Roberto Ruisánchez Mazo

  que si, que el tipo es text/html, pero wget no los procesa y no
  sigue los links que hay en ellos ni los graficos que de ahi
  Alguno sabe como puedo forzar ese comportamiento o que puedo hacer
  para que los procese??

 Lo más aproximado que veo es esto:

   -F --force-html
  When input is read from a  file,  force  it  to  be
  HTML.  This  enables you to retrieve relative links
  from existing HTML files on  your  local  disk,  by
  adding  base href=URL to HTML, or using --base.

 Pero requiere que los archivos estén ya en tu disco duro.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: linux feature

2000-05-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 15 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 09:54:28 +0200, 2070718 contaba:

$ mkfifo holas

de acuerdo si quiero que funcione multiples veces supongo que habre de poner 
un bucle no?

while (true); .;done. 

 Lo que quieres  no se puede hacer con este  método. Leer de una
 tubería como esas  no invoca a un diccionario nuevo,  y además cada
 proceso leería parte  de esa tubería, lo que  venga a continuación.
 Es como  si varias  personas intentan  leer un libro  a la  vez. Yo
 empiezo y dejo el marcador en  la página 30. El siguiente empieza a
 leer en la página 30 y deja  el marcador en la 70. Luego vuelvo yo,
 empiezo en la  70 y lo dejo  en la 72. Viene una  tercera persona y
 empieza por  ahí. Al  final, nadie  se entera,  pero el  libro está
 leído del todo.

 Juer, parece que escribir de madrugada me inspira :^).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: Comprobar checksum de los paquetes

2000-05-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 15 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 08:01:44 +, David Charro Ripa contaba:


 Aide  es más  GNU  y a  mí  me  parece más  ligero  y fácil  de
 configurar (aunque es casi lo mismo). Está en Freshmeat.

Te enteras cuando ya se han metido en tu maquina.

 Y si  sustituyen el  ejecutable por  una versión  crackeada, ni
 siquiera te  enteras. Creo que  es peor  tener un falso  sentido de
 seguridad que no tener seguridad en absoluto. Pero yo uso aide :^).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: ¿ILOVEYOU para !*n*x?

2000-05-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 15 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 14:26:04 +0200, Diego Bote contaba:

La respuesta que obtuve, un par de días después:

 He de poner en su conocimiento que algunas mutaciones del virus están
 afectando al sistema unix. gracias

 Cierto es  que esta respuesta  no tiene fundamento (caso  en el
 que te darían más datos)...

Según telecinco, nos encontramos con un hecho sorprendente: un 
virus AUTOMUTABLE (que no necesita nadie que lo programe), que además 

 ...pero en Bugtraq  se ha comentado la posibilidad  de crear un
 virus decente, multiplataforma, polimórfico,  que se comunicase por
 internet con otros equipos infectados, etc. Esa posibilidad es real
 y a nada  que alguien se ponga a ello,  lo tiene listo rápidamente.
 Si  alguien quiere  el mensaje  original (en  inglés, claro)  se lo
 puedo enviar.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [OFF TOPIC] Re: ¿ILOVEYOU para !*n*x?

2000-05-16 Thread Antonio Castro
On Tue, 16 May 2000, Luis M. García Ruipérez wrote:

 El lun, 15 may 2000, Antonio Castro escribió:
  Las mutaciones suelen ser subproductos que usando la misma idea
  sirven para diseñar nuevos virus.  ...
 Hace poco apareció la noticia de la mutación del virus para Linux en 
 ( La mutación es un script de bash que se autoenvía a las
 direcciones encontradas en los archivos .muttrc y /etc/passwd. Además,
 modificaba el .basrhrc para que cada vez que el usuario volviera a entrar en 
 cuenta se reactivara el virus.

En realidad la campaña de desinformación es tan impresionante que quizas
sería bueno enviar una nota de prensa bien documentada a diferentes medios.

Gracias por tu respuesta.

Saludos Antonio

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

RE: linux feature

2000-05-16 Thread 2070718
= Original Message From Hue-Bond [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
El lunes 15 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 09:54:28 +0200, 2070718 contaba:

$ mkfifo holas

de acuerdo si quiero que funcione multiples veces supongo que habre de poner
un bucle no?

while (true); .;done. 

 Lo que quieres  no se puede hacer con este  método. Leer de una
 tubería como esas  no invoca a un diccionario nuevo,  y además cada
 proceso leería parte  de esa tubería, lo que  venga a continuación.
 Es como  si varias  personas intentan  leer un libro  a la  vez. Yo
 empiezo y dejo el marcador en  la página 30. El siguiente empieza a
 leer en la página 30 y deja  el marcador en la 70. Luego vuelvo yo,
 empiezo en la  70 y lo dejo  en la 72. Viene una  tercera persona y
 empieza por  ahí. Al  final, nadie  se entera,  pero el  libro está
 leído del todo.

 Juer, parece que escribir de madrugada me inspira :^).

entoces lo unico que se puede hacer son cgis en linux i de esta manera tendre
todo no?

Turtle inc. over the world.

Re: Comprobar checksum de los paquetes

2000-05-16 Thread David Charro Ripa
 Te enteras cuando ya se han metido en tu maquina.

  Y si  sustituyen el  ejecutable por  una versión  crackeada, ni
  siquiera te  enteras.

Lo que recomienda tripwire es que su directorio de ejecutables este en un
dispositivo de solo lectura, como un disquete, o un cdrom.


RE: ¿ILOVEYOU para !*n*x?

2000-05-16 Thread 2070718
= Original Message From Antonio Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
On Mon, 15 May 2000, Diego Bote wrote:

  Siento el Off topic pero me ha llegado esto y quería saber vuestra
 opinión al respecto.

 Hola Diego, el otro día envié un correo a telecinco para expresar mi
 opinión acerca de su poca información del ILOVEYOU (que no infectaba a
 Linux y esas cosas; ¿te acuerdas?)

 El mensaje que envié fue este:
  He de poner en su conocimiento que algunas mutaciones del virus están
  afectando al sistema unix. gracias


Las mutaciones suelen ser subproductos que usando la misma idea
sirven para diseñar nuevos virus. En este caso las casas que
venden antivirus podrían beneficiarse de ello. Microsoft podría
propagar falsos rumores que indiquen que ellos no son los únicos
infectados y nada más eficaz que hacer un virus que infecte o que
simule infectar a otros sistemas. No afirmo nada pero en tehoría
sería una salida muy buena para Microsoft. Los Unix no creo que
corran ningún peligro pero el objetivo de desinformar estaría
plenamente logrado.

La única forma de contrarestar esa desinformación es decirles que
te manden información más concreta o mejor aún que te manden el virus.
Que no tienes ningún miedo de que te infecte.  Que crees que son nubes
de humo para ocultar la verdad.

Quizas sea una temeridad pero yo todavía no se como un proceso de
un usuario normalito puede hacer daño en un sistema Unix. Primero
tendría que adquirir privilegios de root cosa que se puede lograr
en algún caso aislado por un fallo en la seguridad, pero no conozco
la llave maestra capaz de abrir todas las cuentas de root de todos
los sistemas Unix. En mi opinión un virus de esas características
necesitaría esa llave para poder hacer daño en sistemas Unix.

Bueno todo esto tambien es una opinión.



Ciertamente dudo que un virus pueda infectar mi makina linux al 100%
consiguiendo ser root (como mucho infectara la de alguien i yo tendre el
parche en 12 horas) sin enbargo esto no significa que no pase nada ya que
aunque el sistema como blocque este entero si todos los usuarios no root estan
infectados pueden perder todo su trabajo no? no que me hace recordar que la
seguridad enpieza por enseñar unas minimas normas de idem.

Turtle inc. over the world.

RE: ¿ILOVEYOU para !*n*x?

2000-05-16 Thread Antonio Castro
On Tue, 16 May 2000, 2070718 wrote:

 = Original Message From Antonio Castro [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
 On Mon, 15 May 2000, Diego Bote wrote:
 Siento el Off topic pero me ha llegado esto y quería saber vuestra
  opinión al respecto.
 Ciertamente dudo que un virus pueda infectar mi makina linux al 100%
 consiguiendo ser root (como mucho infectara la de alguien i yo tendre el
 parche en 12 horas) sin enbargo esto no significa que no pase nada ya que
 aunque el sistema como blocque este entero si todos los usuarios no root estan
 infectados pueden perder todo su trabajo no? no que me hace recordar que la

Yo creo que todos los usuarios pueden recibir el virus. Otra cosa es
que todos decidan ejecutarlo. En primer lugar en Unix los usuarios son
algo más conscientes de los temas de seguridad. En segundo lugar el
hecho de no actuar a nivel de root puede permitr reaccionar cuando el 
daño aun no es muy grande, pero tienes razón el peligro es mayor del
que yo daba a entender.

 seguridad enpieza por enseñar unas minimas normas de idem.

Eso por desgracia no funcionaría. Si una secretaria tiene que ser 
consciente de temas de seguridad se agobiará y el correo electrónico
tiene que permitir un uso seguro a cualquier tipo de usuario por torpe
que sea sin comprometer la seguridad. Los empresarios necesitan 
herramientas de trabajo de todo tipo y entre ellas necesitan herramientas
que no necesiten personal cualificado para ahorrar costes. 

Yo encuentro normal que ciertos tipos de datos requieran la ejecución de 
un programa para poderlos manejar.  Lo que no encuentro normal es que el 
correo electrónico permita ejecutar código recibido por correo electrónico
en forma de macros o de cualquier otra forma de código ejecutable. Yo creo 
que determinados tipos MIME son los que encierran un gran peligro. Cualquier 
intento de apertura de un documento que use macros o cosas semejantes 
debería venir precedido de un mensaje de advertencia.

Existe otra cuestión importante. Algunos de esos mensajes se abren
porque provienen de alguien conocido. Es el mecanismo de propagación
del virus pero realmente el remitente no es consciente de haber mandado
ese mensaje. Una solicitud de confirmación bastaría. Quizas para estos
tipos MIME se podría implementar alguna forma de confirmación más o 
menos automática. Quizas los tipos MIME deberían ser ejecutados por
un usuario distinto y específico para MIME.  En cualquier caso se 
necesitaría algún tipo de tratamiento especial para tipos MIME 
potencialmente peligrosos porque la solución de no permitir su uso
quizas ya no es posible debido a su popularidad.

Todo esto siguen siendo opiniones y aclaro que hay muchas cosas de MIME
que no entiendo quizas por desconocimiento.



 Turtle inc. over the world.

/\ /\ Ciberdroide Informatica (tienda linux)
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher !! Nueva direccion email !! |  
|  - - - -  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | 
(((Donde Linux)))

Re: ¿ILOVEYOU para !*n*x?

2000-05-16 Thread David Charro Ripa
 Quizas los tipos MIME deberían ser ejecutados por
 un usuario distinto y específico para MIME.

¿Se podría hacer en Debian fácilmente?



Re: Para Gnomeros

2000-05-16 Thread Camilo Alejandro Arboleda
Nestor A. Diaz L. wrote:

 Que sería lo logico?
 Pues borrar todos los archivos de configuracion de gnome:

Pues a medias. Lo lógico incluiría borrar el .xsession, que muchos WM's
modifican para ponerse a si mismos como el WM por defecto. Al borrarlo
te aseguras de que tu sesion X corresponda con la del sistema.

Camilo Alejandro.

* De simio la conoci y he visto hombres que la añoran.
* En lo que a mi se refiere, ni entonces ni ahora
* perdi mi libertad.
  Informe para una academia. Franz Kafka

Re: Novato pregunta sobre impresion

2000-05-16 Thread Ignacio Garcia Fernandez

Primero saludos a la lista. Soy nuevo aqui.

Sobre lo de la impresora, de momento parece que el dispositivo es correcto
(/dev/lpX) porque la impresora reacciona aunque no imprima. A lo mejor es
que no has elegido bien el filtro del magicfilter. Yo tuve problemas con
una 420C porque cogia las hojas pero no imprimia.

Lo consegui con Magicfilter simplemente configurandolo con

#magicfilter-config --force

y para imprimir con la hpdj 420C con cartucho negro, uso el filtro
hpdj550 (o 550c no lo recuerdo bien).

Con el cartucho color uso el filtro hpdj500 (paradojas de la vida).

Ignacio Garcia

On Fri, 12 May 2000, Julian Armando Mena Zapata wrote:

 Hola a todos,
 Hace poco envie un mensaje solicitando ayuda para configurar al impresora.
 Me enviaron la ayuda (magicfilter, doc-lyx).
 Despues de 3 dias de darle y darle. Les pido el favor me ayuden. La
 impresora lo unico que hace es sacar paginas sin imprimir (como cuando se
 inicia la impresora). La impresora imprime en RH 6.0 (me toco reinstalarlo
 para probar si funcionaba todavia la impresora) con el driver de
 impresora hp dj310 (compatible dj400)
 Debian 2.1 Slink (i386) (tengo ademas en otra particion citius Debian 2.1)
 acepto todas las sugerencias (je, je, ustedes saben que no todas)
 Gracias a todos.
 Julian Armando Mena Zapata
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: La última linea perdida ...

2000-05-16 Thread Hue-Bond
El lunes 15 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 19:00:43 +0200, Javier Fafián Alvarez 

para salir y grabar del joe hay que escribir crt +k+x,
eso en el pine significaría borrar la última linea y enviar el mensaje ...

 No tiene sentido. ^K^X le llega al joe, no al pine.

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED]Linux 2.2.14 - Reg. User #87069
lynx -dump | gpg --import -
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Re: La última linea perdida ...

2000-05-16 Thread Amaya
Javier Fafián Alvarez dijo:
 Ahora que lo pienso ... uso como editor habitual el joe, y lector de
 correo el pine... para salir y grabar del joe hay que escribir crt +k+x,
 eso en el pine significaría borrar la última linea y enviar el mensaje ...
 X-(, lo malo es que como sea eso haber cómo pierdo la contumbre ! ...

Corregidme si me equivoco. Yo uso tanto Pine como Mutt con igual intensidad 
y uso Pico como editor de Pine. Para salir y enviar con Ctrl-x basta, no?
Lo del Ctrl-k explicaría lo de la última línea, pues la borra.
¿Qué pasa cuando editando un mensaje pulsas simplemente Ctrl-x?
¿No te lo envía?

Un saludo, bastante intrigada...

 Women prefer 30-40 minutes of foreplay. Men prefer 30-40 seconds of foreplay.
 Men consider driving to her place as part of the foreplay.
 Barbwired (The Translatrix)  -  U. Complutense de Madrid  -  Filología Inglesa
 Web personal
  Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (Kernel 2.2.14) on a Dell Laptop 

Re: La última linea perdida ...

2000-05-16 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
 1) cambiar a un lector de correo decente.
¿ Como cual ?, yo, que vengo, como casi todos de un entorno dos, pues el
joe es el que mejor se me adapta, el vi me tiene mania, el zed es muy
bonito, pero muy liante, ¿ Qué mas hay ?

 2) cambiar de editor en el pine.
Si, puedo intentarlo, pero no se que pasará ...

Saludos !

Mi numero de firma de Drivers para Linux es:00056845
pasaros por:

Javier Fafián Alvarez: Numero de usuario Linux: 175.004
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.2.14

Re: La última linea perdida ...

2000-05-16 Thread Javier Fafián Alvarez
 Una ocasion de oro para cambiar a mutt+vim :-

Sobre el vim ya he hablado, bueno era sobre el vi, pero es extensible. ¿ Y
qué tiene el mutt ese para que la gente lo quiera tanto ?, yo lo tengo
instalaldo, pero prefiero usar el pine ...

Saludos !

Mi numero de firma de Drivers para Linux es:00056845
pasaros por:

Javier Fafián Alvarez: Numero de usuario Linux: 175.004
en un AMD-K6II a 350 con 64 Mb de RAM
Con  Linux Debian Potato (frozen) kernel 2.2.14

Re: La última linea perdida ...

2000-05-16 Thread jrfern
On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 07:28:44PM +0200, Javier Fafián Alvarez [EMAIL 

  1) cambiar a un lector de correo decente.
 ¿ Como cual ?, yo, que vengo, como casi todos de un entorno dos, pues el
 joe es el que mejor se me adapta, el vi me tiene mania, el zed es muy
 bonito, pero muy liante, ¿ Qué mas hay ?

mcedit, integrado en Midnight Commander (mc). Para los que venimos del dos.
(¿os acordáis del nc?) 
  2) cambiar de editor en el pine.
 Si, puedo intentarlo, pero no se que pasará ...

Es fácil y funciona perfectamente. Puedes recortar y pegar...
De hecho lo uso también en mutt.

 3) mutt vs. pine?

Yo he usado pine durante un par de años y ahora uso mutt. Ventajas:
Es gnu y free (la principal). Es muy configurable (aún más que pine).
Está internacionalizado. Entiende PGP/MIME.

PGP 2.6.3ia  GnuPG keys available

Re: La última linea perdida ...

2000-05-16 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 04:24:38PM +0200, Hue-Bond wrote:
 El lunes 15 de mayo de 2000 a la(s) 19:00:43 +0200, Javier Fafián Alvarez 
 para salir y grabar del joe hay que escribir crt +k+x,
 eso en el pine significaría borrar la última linea y enviar el mensaje ...
  No tiene sentido. ^K^X le llega al joe, no al pine.

Tiene sentido que si usa joe de normal, está acostumbrado a ^Kx para
Si usa pine (ugh) para leer el correo y no lo ha configurado para que use
Joe, si hace ^Kx al salir, pico le borrará la última línea del mail.

Ah, y ya que hablamos de ese software, que alguien escriba un pine libre
para que se pueda usar con nano, vale? Gracias. :)

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: La última linea perdida ...

2000-05-16 Thread Santiago Romero
El mar, 16 de may de 2000, a las 07:28:44 +0200, Javier Fafián Alvarez dijo:
  1) cambiar a un lector de correo decente.
 ¿ Como cual ?, yo, que vengo, como casi todos de un entorno dos, pues el
 joe es el que mejor se me adapta, el vi me tiene mania, el zed es muy
 bonito, pero muy liante, ¿ Qué mas hay ?

 VIM  - mira el tutorial...

  2) cambiar de editor en el pine.
 Si, puedo intentarlo, pero no se que pasará ...
He instalado el Windows 2000 y me va sin problemas. (Pinocho)

|  NoP / Compiler  --   nop @ |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |

Re: Arranque del kdm?

2000-05-16 Thread Santiago Romero
El dom, 14 de may de 2000, a las 01:38:52 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo:
   A todo esto... ¿donde está el equivalente del .xinitrc cuando
   una arranca con el arranque del KDM? Es decir, si pongo por
 .xsession (debe ser ejecutable)
 Me extraña que preguntes algo tan básico. :-)

 te lo creas o no, no se ejecuta.
 pero hay cosas muy interesantes si voy al /etc/X11/xdm ...
 a ver, el XSetup_0 parece ser que se ejecuta, y es lo que
 pinta la pantalla y pone el logo de redhat (en mi caso) para
 el login en KDM...

 de ahi se ejecuta el Xsession, pero dentro de éste no veo
 ninguna llamada al .xsession, ¡ah si!... pero está como una
 opción que sea ultimo recurso si no tienes definido KDE o
 GNOME o similares como escritorio, en ese caso se sale del
 if/else y se mete en lo que ponga en el .xsession del usuario...

 pero el problema es que no se donde meter una cosa para que se
 ejecute para mi usuario (lo que intento es que no me salgan
 por pantalla los errores del xrdb, que tapan el login de la
 terminal 1, ya ves, pijilloso que es uno :).

 na, ya tan muchas cosas aclaradas...
ULTIMAS NOTICIAS: Programador encontrado muerto en la ducha con
una botella de champú donde ponía: Lavar, aclarar, repetir.

|  NoP / Compiler  --   nop @ |
|  POWERED BY - Linux RedHat 6.0  -  Reg. User #74.821  |
|   |


2000-05-16 Thread Nitebirdz[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Tue, 16 May 2000, Javier Fafián Alvarez wrote:

  Una ocasion de oro para cambiar a mutt+vim :-
 Sobre el vim ya he hablado, bueno era sobre el vi, pero es extensible. ¿ Y
 qué tiene el mutt ese para que la gente lo quiera tanto ?, yo lo tengo
 instalaldo, pero prefiero usar el pine ...

Yo tambien prefiero pine, pero hay quien prefire mutt por motivos de
licencia (es totalmente GPL, mientras que pine no lo es), y tambien
porque te permite ver los mensajes de forma threaded (lo siento, pero no
se como traducirlo al espagnol).

Open source tries to move software from a witchcraft to a science.  People 
start discussing ideas and suddenly you don't have shamanistic companies 
telling you how it is.  (Linus Torvalds)

Re: La última linea perdida ...

2000-05-16 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 07:28:44PM +0200, Javier Fafián Alvarez wrote:
  1) cambiar a un lector de correo decente.
 ¿ Como cual ?, yo, que vengo, como casi todos de un entorno dos, pues el
 joe es el que mejor se me adapta, el vi me tiene mania, el zed es muy
 bonito, pero muy liante, ¿ Qué mas hay ?

He dicho lector de correo, aka MUA, no editor.
O sea:

 __  __   _ _   
|  \/  |  _   _  | |_  | |_ 
| |\/| | | | | | | __| | __|
| |  | | | |_| | | |_  | |_ 
|_|  |_|  \__,_|  \__|  \__|

  2) cambiar de editor en el pine.
 Si, puedo intentarlo, pero no se que pasará ...

Emh. Nada, pero no es tan chachi como cambiar a un mua de verdad :)

Y ya que dices en otro mail de este thread que que tiene Mutt, te diré:
- Es rápido
- Puedes configurar hasta el nombre de su madre.
- Es Software Libre (oh!)
- No se comporta mejor con un editor determinado.
- GnuPG/PGP incorporado de serie, como el airbag.
- Desarrollo continuado.
- IMAP con crypto (no se si pine tiene, lo dudo...)
- Pop incorporado.
- ...

En fín. Mutt rocks.

- Tiene lista de usuarios hispanos. Pine? Ni de coña! :)

Ok, paro aquí :)

Jordi, con mutt stock options.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature


2000-05-16 Thread Martinez, Miguel \(Soporte\)
Ando de entrometido por que, a parte de ser un inexperto, ahora no tengo
linux pero usé un tiempo debian y fue el sabor de linux que más me gustó
excepto por la versión de Enlightenment que había disponible y que me
crashaba cuando le cambiaba a ciertos temas. En fin, me suscribí a la lista
para estar enterado.

Miguel Alberto Martínez Escalante
Soporte de Sistemas AMP AMERMEX Grupo TSI/ARYL
U Office: 89.72.48 kCelular:

Re: __Sobre DEBIAN__ (Re: RV: una-al-dia (04/05/2000) Consideraciones sobre VBS.LoveLetter, un gusano muy simple)

2000-05-16 Thread andres

El Mon, May 15, 2000 at 07:34:08PM +0200, Cosme P. Cuevas disidio iscribir:
  En el fondo  es lo mismo. Solo cambia el punto  hasta el que
  hay que remontarse en los argumentos. Al fin y al cabo, algo
  que caracteriza  a los debianeros  es que lo vemos  todo muy
  desde la optica que da el uso de Debian, ¿no?
 A  efectos  prácticos  no  va  a  ser  lo  mismo,  insisto. Es
 importante  tener  presente  que  únicamente  existe  un  foro
 específico para hablar sobre Debian en español, y es éste.

De acuerdo :-)) Ese punto es indiscutible.

 Y  el que  se esté  acordando de  la sección  sobre Debian  en
 BarraPunto,  pues en  mi opinión  como medio  es peor  que las
 news/listas. Discusiones  largas  son  indigeribles  via  web,

OK. Hasta hora lees mis pensamientos :-)

 En cambio para  hablar de linux, donde  los debianeros tenemos
 también cabida, hay muchos, y cualquiera que lo pretenda puede
 engullir 500 mensajes diarios sobre Linux si lo desea:
 Usenet: es.comp.os.linux.**

Que, como tema aparte, tienen un funcionamiento (las news en general) bastante
deficiente ultimamente.

 Listas: mogollón

Si :-)))

 Webs: BarraPunto, TodoLinux, SoloLinux, ...

Poco practicas, y muy caras si se usan a menudo.

 ¿Qué  hay de  malo en  un foro  _sobre_ Debian  que de  vez en
 cuando tenga muy poco tráfico?
 Quizá  eso permita  discusiones más  relajadas/meditadas sobre
 cuestiones importantes.
 Tenemos otros  foros donde  buscar cualquier  temática posible
 sobre nuestro sistema favorito.

Estoy de acuerdo, y se que los off-topics estan algo disparados ultimamente,
pero hay que procurar encontrar un termino medio: demasiados offtopics quitan
sentido a la lista, y demasiada rigidez puede bajar el trafico hasta el punto
de dejarla muerta (no olvidemos que cuestiones muy propias e Debian se podrian
discutir tambien sin problemas en l-linux, por ejemplo).

Andres Herrera  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
N.Reg: 66054   Firma de urgencia :-(

RE: __Sobre DEBIAN__ (Re: RV: una-al-dia (04/05/2000) Consideraci ones sobre VBS.LoveLetter, un gusano muy simple)

2000-05-16 Thread Martinez, Miguel \(Soporte\)
¿Alguien contempla la posibilidad de IRC? hay canales de debian y linux en
IRC-Hispano, yo he entrado y me parece muy estimulante, interactivo,
dinámico y hasta se puede hacer personalizado... a parte hay unos bots que
hay que verlos.

 -Original Message-
 Sent: martes 16 de mayo de 2000 14:22
 To:   Cosme P. Cuevas;
 Subject:  Re: __Sobre DEBIAN__ (Re: RV: una-al-dia (04/05/2000)
 Consideraciones sobre VBS.LoveLetter, un gusano muy simple)
 El Mon, May 15, 2000 at 07:34:08PM +0200, Cosme P. Cuevas disidio
   En el fondo  es lo mismo. Solo cambia el punto  hasta el que
   hay que remontarse en los argumentos. Al fin y al cabo, algo
   que caracteriza  a los debianeros  es que lo vemos  todo muy
   desde la optica que da el uso de Debian, ¿no?
  A  efectos  prácticos  no  va  a  ser  lo  mismo,  insisto. Es
  importante  tener  presente  que  únicamente  existe  un  foro
  específico para hablar sobre Debian en español, y es éste.
 De acuerdo :-)) Ese punto es indiscutible.
  Y  el que  se esté  acordando de  la sección  sobre Debian  en
  BarraPunto,  pues en  mi opinión  como medio  es peor  que las
  news/listas. Discusiones  largas  son  indigeribles  via  web,
 OK. Hasta hora lees mis pensamientos :-)
  En cambio para  hablar de linux, donde  los debianeros tenemos
  también cabida, hay muchos, y cualquiera que lo pretenda puede
  engullir 500 mensajes diarios sobre Linux si lo desea:
  Usenet: es.comp.os.linux.**
 Que, como tema aparte, tienen un funcionamiento (las news en general)
 deficiente ultimamente.
  Listas: mogollón
 Si :-)))
  Webs: BarraPunto, TodoLinux, SoloLinux, ...
 Poco practicas, y muy caras si se usan a menudo.
  ¿Qué  hay de  malo en  un foro  _sobre_ Debian  que de  vez en
  cuando tenga muy poco tráfico?
  Quizá  eso permita  discusiones más  relajadas/meditadas sobre
  cuestiones importantes.
  Tenemos otros  foros donde  buscar cualquier  temática posible
  sobre nuestro sistema favorito.
 Estoy de acuerdo, y se que los off-topics estan algo disparados
 pero hay que procurar encontrar un termino medio: demasiados offtopics
 sentido a la lista, y demasiada rigidez puede bajar el trafico hasta el
 de dejarla muerta (no olvidemos que cuestiones muy propias e Debian se
 discutir tambien sin problemas en l-linux, por ejemplo).
 Andres Herrera[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 N.Reg: 66054   Firma de urgencia :-(
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: __Sobre DEBIAN__ (Re: RV: una-al-dia (04/05/2000) Consideraci ones sobre VBS.LoveLetter, un gusano muy simple)

2000-05-16 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 06:30:31PM -0400, Martinez, Miguel (Soporte) wrote:
 ¿Alguien contempla la posibilidad de IRC? hay canales de debian y linux en
 IRC-Hispano, yo he entrado y me parece muy estimulante, interactivo,
 dinámico y hasta se puede hacer personalizado... a parte hay unos bots que
 hay que verlos.

En efecto, hay que verlos.
-GLOBAL- jovi Noticia importante: tienes una versión del IRCAP
especialmente adaptada al IRC-Hispano.

A veces pienso (los habitantes de #debian lo saben) que deberíamos mover el
canal a openprojects. Con bots tan, tan pesados, da bastante pena.

Jordi, aka Oskuro.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || Rediscovering Freedom,
ka Oskuro in RL-MUD || [EMAIL PROTECTED]|| Using Debian GNU/Linux  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Storm (Era: Dial-Up KDE no Corel Linux)

2000-05-16 Thread Leandro Dutra
 De: DATAPUC-André Leão Macedo
 De: Leandro Dutra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
O problema é pagar os impostos... uma vez trouxe uns CDs
 Debian, e
   acabei pagando muito nos impostos!
   A Receita Federal te enrolou. Deve ter achado queera CD 
 de música e
 cobrou imposto (no caso, 60%). Software não é tributado. Eu 
 já trouxa uma
 três vezes, todas sem problemas. Eu acho que se você for na 
 receita e provar
 que é software, você fica isento.

Puxa!  Na época até perguntei -- creio que nesta mesma lista --, e
me disseram que a lei tinha mudado, que desde a época do Itamar programas
também pagam impostos.

Alguém sabe os regulamentos em vigor?

 / \  Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete Dutra  +55 (11) 246 96 07 resl
 \ /  Amdocs Brasil Ltda, Sao Paulo  +55 (11) 3040 4724 coml
 / \  Campanha fita ASCII, contra correio HTML    BRASIL

Re: registered

2000-05-16 Thread Mario Olimpio de Menezes
On Tue, 16 May 2000, Eduardo Marcel Macan wrote:

   Hello, I just wanted to announce that I've registered the
 domain in Brazil to protect it somehow. There is
 a Free Software Comitee working here to spread the word and since
 only truly stablished organizations are able to register under I asked them to register I've set and to point to our local
 official primary mirror of the project.
   Any comments on this?

Congratulations! And I hope we can do a good job for Debian here in

BTW, is the official primary mirror you mention at you
can answer in pvt.

Mario MenezesMany are the plans in a man's heart, but
IPEN-CNEN/SP is the Lord's purpose that prevails Prov. 19.21

Vendo CDs de diversas distribuições

2000-05-16 Thread Eduardo Marcel Macan
Oi, isso é um serviço que presto para os amigos, e já que
o onde conseguir debian foi mencionado aqui, acho que vale
a pena anunciar, pode ser útil para todos...

Eu tenho várias iso de várias distribuições e um link dedicado com
a internet onde posso conseguir outros que eu não disponha sem problema 
algum, então já há algum tempo tenho gravado CDs para os amigos com coisas
que vão desde o o Debian até o Corel Linux, ou o Storm Linux, e tudo o mais
que for gravável em um CD. 

Eu costumo cobro R$15,00 por CD para compensar além da mídia os
30 minutos que levo pra gravar cada um. Isso tem ajudado muito principalmente
pessoas (e empresas (e escolas)) que têm outras arquiteturas como Alpha,
Sparc e que não querem se envolver em transações pela internet com
cartão de crédito (muito embora em breve estarei apto a recebê-los tbem)...

Se eu puder ser útil para além dos meus amigos locais, mas também
para os amigos da lista, será um enorme prazer! :)




Re: Storm (Era: Dial-Up KDE no Corel Linux)

2000-05-16 Thread krogerlistas
   O problema é pagar os impostos... uma vez trouxe uns CDs
  Debian, e
acabei pagando muito nos impostos!
  A Receita Federal te enrolou. Deve ter achado queera CD 
  de música e
  cobrou imposto (no caso, 60%). Software não é tributado. Eu 
  já trouxa uma
  três vezes, todas sem problemas. Eu acho que se você for na 
  receita e provar
  que é software, você fica isento.
   Puxa!  Na época até perguntei -- creio que nesta mesma lista --, e
 me disseram que a lei tinha mudado, que desde a época do Itamar programas
 também pagam impostos.
   Alguém sabe os regulamentos em vigor?

Até onde eu sei só se cobra imposto a partir de compras acima de US$
50,00. Eu geralmente compro cds em lugares como a cheapbytes, que fica bem
barato. O negocio é pedir para especificarem separadamente a compra e o

Em tempo; no correio tinha uma página falando sobre isso, depois tiraram

Abaixo vai uma mensagem de uma lista de linux falando sobre esse assunto:

Galera esse eu ja postei varias vezes, todo mundo que eu conheco que usou
esta tecnica que eh totalmente LICITA nunca teve que pagar imposto sobre

A regra eh bem simples ... a lei eh clara e diz que nao se pode cobrar
imposto sobre PROPRIEDADE INTELECTUAL, e seja la o que for que tem no CD
isso eh propriedade intelectual, basta voce pedir para a empresa de que
comprando para DESCRIMINAR NA NOTA exatamente o que vc esta comprando por

CD do Linux   - 49$
Media -  1$
Intelectual Value - 48$

voce teria que pagar pela regra 72 centavos de imposto mas como eles nao
cobram nada abaixo de 10$ vc recebe tudo sem pagar.

Isso nao eh errado nem ilegal nem imoral vc so esta pedindo para que os
items sejam descriminados na nota, nenhuma empresa pode e nem vai se
a fazer isso 


Re: Storm (Era: Dial-Up KDE no Corel Linux)

2000-05-16 Thread Luis Augusto Coutinho Sauerbronn


Nos temos lojas de CD`s no Brasil sim De uma olhada em:
Na secao de links tem o endereco de lojas virtuais de CD`s,
algumas no Brasil. 
Luis Augusto Coutinho Sauerbronn

On Tue, 16 May 2000, Leandro Dutra wrote:

  De: DATAPUC-Andr? Le?o Macedo
   Fiquei curioso... o Storm como se o consegue no Brasil?
   O problema ? pagar os impostos... uma vez trouxe uns CDs Debian, e
 acabei pagando muito nos impostos!
   Ser? que n?o tem um cheapbytes brasileiro?
   Outra quest?o ? se a Storm vai incorporar o mesmo n?vel de
 nacionaliza??o que a Debian 2.2
 ?/ \? Leandro Guimar?es Faria Corcete Dutra? +55 (11) 246 96 07 resl
 ?\ /? Amdocs Brasil Ltda, Sao Paulo? +55 (11) 3040 4724 coml
 ? X??  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 ?/ \? Campanha fita ASCII, contra correio HTML??? BRASIL
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-05-16 Thread roudy veve


I would like to know
a free/commercial telephony
gateway, that I can use to place
call to USA from my PC using voxilla on linux
without Quicknet hadrware.
I have heard from Internet That using voxilla
packages can Help Linux End Users to place free/cheap
long distance call, but me I can't, I don't know How to
do that?
I have Linux(kernel and the latest voxilla package
installed on my system, but I'd like to have more informations
on How to do it.
Bye ,,,
please Help me...

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Maikl Server

2000-05-16 Thread Jay Kelly
Hello all,
I'm looking to run a mail server similar to Microsoft Exchange. Is there
something for debian out there I can use? If so what's the url?

Re: XScreenSaver

2000-05-16 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 02:48:09PM -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote:
 I was just wondering how I would get xscreensaver to start up at the
 beginning of every session in X.  I'm using WindowMaker on Slink if that

I think WindowMaker has some kind of session manager, but if you can't
figure out how to make that work, you can put this in ~/.xsession

# We like a screensaver...
if [ -f /usr/bin/X11/xscreensaver ]; then
/usr/bin/X11/xscreensaver -no-splash 

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

Re: Can not get a floppy only install to work

2000-05-16 Thread David Karlin
Hi Tom,

On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 09:28:56PM -0500, Tom wrote:
  I have an IBM PS/2 Model 8535 386sx with 4 meg RAM and a 75meg IDE hard
 drive and a 1.44 meg floppy drive. I am trying to do a base Debian
 install but can not get past the second disk. I have tried 2.1 and 2.2
 now with the exact same results and error message. I start with the
 compact rescue disk, the system comes toa a prompt boot: I press enter,
 the system continues and then asks for the root disk. I insert the
 floppy that I made with the compact root.bin file and press enter the
 system then responds with
 end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy) sector 0
 VFS: can not open root device 02:00
 This message is consistent and I have already tried remaking the
 floppies on other new floppy disks, I have tried boot params of
 root=/dev/fd0 or floppy0 and always I have the same error message.
 After two days of fighting with this I would appreciate any help

Have you read the install docs (specifically section 5.7)??
It describes the process for installation on low memory systems.
You need to boot from a lowmem.bin boot disk image.

Detailed instructions at:

It works, but 4MB ram makes for an almost painfully slow system. 


David Karlin
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux 

elvis buffers

2000-05-16 Thread w trillich
seems every time (not quite, just seems that way) i
leave ELVIS with :q i add another buffer to
recover via -r...

man elvis:

  -r This is used for recovering an edit session after a
 crash.   Each  elvis process uses a single session
 file to store the contents of  all  edit  buffers.
 While  elvis  is  running,  a  flag is set near the
 beginning of the session file so that  other  elvis
 processes won't try to use it at the same time.  If
 an elvis process dies abnormally, though,  it  will
 leave  the session file lying around with that flag
 set; the -r flag allows elvis  to  open  a  session
 file even if it is marked as being in use.

and then -- how do i get rid of it?

from doc/elvis/howto.html:

Free an edit buffer 
 Elvis has no command for discarding old edit
 buffers. Under some circumstances it will free 
 them automatically, if they aren't being used.
 It rarely matters, though. 

uh huh. not in my case.

# vi -r
  *Elvis untitled #1 (2)
  *Elvis untitled #2 (1)
  *Elvis untitled #3 (3)
  *Elvis untitled #4 (6)
  *Elvis untitled #5 (5)
  *Elvis untitled #6 (7)
  *Elvis untitled #7 (8)
1: Elvis untitled #8 (9)
  *elvis.html (4)
Hit Enter to continue

but how does one get rid of those buffers once they're
reopened (whether saved or to be ignored) with vi -r?

among others...

Their is five errers in this sentance.

Installation and startup of SB sound card driver, alsa etc.

2000-05-16 Thread Kevin Whitefoot
I have installed a minimal Hamm on a Compaq Prolinea 486 with 120M disk and 
an SB compatible sound card (yes I know that they are not always as 
compatible as all that but I haven't got far enough to worry about that, I 

I used dselect to install alsu-utils and eveything else named alsa except 
the source.  Ran also-config (or some similar name) and it created a startup 
script.  I ran the script and tried to run aplayer and the other utils but 
all of them say that they cannot open the sound device.  The relevant device 
files all exist (audio, dsp).

I have looked at the Linux Sound How-To which didn't help at all.  It seems 
that everyone else has sound working and has higher level problems but I 
can't even get started.  Help!

I have been using Debian for a couple of years and I have done a two year 
stint as a DEC OSF/1 sysadmin so I count myself as moderately familiar with 
Unix in general but I am completely stuck here.

Kevin Whitefoot

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at

Re: Maikl Server

2000-05-16 Thread Davide Libenzi
If You need a one package solution ( SMTP + POP3 + FINGER ) You can try :

Otherwise You can try :


But if You use the latest two You must also install something like :

to get a POP3 access.


Feel free, feel Debian !

apropos pam

2000-05-16 Thread w trillich
i thought this was funny--

$ apropos pam
pam-undocumented (7) - No manpage for this PAM-related program,
utility or function.
isn't that redundant?

Their is five errers in this sentance.

Re: How do I run multiple X sessions?

2000-05-16 Thread w trillich
Bruce Sass wrote:
 On 15 May 2000, Richard Klinda wrote:
  You can start a second X with this command: startx -- :1
  So if you have 2 running Xs, one'll be at 'alt-f7' and the other at

pickier mode
from within xwindows, you need to use CONTROL-ALT-F7 or
CONTROL-ALT-LEFT/RIGHT. from a text console you can switch with
or without control, as in ALT-F3 or ALT-RIGHT. xwindows might
just actually use the alt-fkey keystrokes, so you have to
add the control key to the combo to switch in and out.
/pickier mode

 picky mode
 Actually, startx will bring up X on the first unused vt.
 e.g., if you start 3 vt's at boot (see /etc/inittab), startx will use
 tty4.  Since the default setup is for 6 vt's and xdm uses tty7...
 /picky mode

Their is five errers in this sentance.

Re: bashrc

2000-05-16 Thread Ethan Benson
On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 07:40:32PM -0700, montefin wrote:
 2.) Attach a signature.txt file to his/her outgoing mail, such as I have
 attached to mine below. Write one in your home directory
 (~/signature.txt) and point your mail app to it, _but_ only 4 lines,
 Avinash, or you're gonna get back more mail than you care to read :)

or call it ~/.signature which most mail programs will use
automatically if it exists.

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: Samba Setup

2000-05-16 Thread Rob
Odd.. I don't have netscape 4.x installed, but the newest mozilla.
I installed swat to test it out ( I am on woody ), hmm.. do you have 
nmap installed? sending the output of `nmap localhost` might help, 
just to ensure that SWAT is running on port 901.

Hmm, the Broken Pipe error does seem to indicate some other problem..
perhaps use 'nmap localhost` and `lynx localhost:901` and post the
output to the list, that should make things more apparent..


On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 07:43:25PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:
 What does it mean when I try to connect though Netscape and I get a error of
 Network Error: Broken Pipe???
 Cant seem to still connect. I have swat in my /etc services and in
 inetd.conf. Any Idea's
 -Original Message-
 From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, May 15, 2000 7:18 PM
 Subject: Re: Samba Setup
 Hi Jay,
 I assume you are trying to configure samba through SWAT..
 ( I like using the manpage and editing smb.conf,
   but that's me :)
 Is SWAT in your /etc/inetd NOT commented out ( without a
 # in front of it ), is inetd running, which port are you
 trying to connect to?
 On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 06:46:43PM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote:
  I need some help setting up Samba.. Sorry to keep bugin you guys . Im
  getting there. I try to configure samba thought netscape but I am gettting
  an error Netscapes connection was refused by the server. Im sure I
  it when I installed Debian. Any Ideas guys
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2000-05-16 Thread pepe


I'v downloaded patch for kernel 2.0.37 for ipportfw 
(subs-patch-1.37.gz), but I've got kernel 2.0.38...
Is there some possible conflicts?

Because when I tried to compile the kernel there 
was no option for ipportfw, as It should have been...
I checked the "Prompt for development and/or 
incomplete code/drivers" option...



udf kernel patch

2000-05-16 Thread Gijs van der Brugge

this question isn't exactly one specifically Debian, but since I use 
Debian, i figured why not :)
Running a dual boot system with win98, I prefer to use Debian yet there's 
one problem; every now and then I transfer files fom distance computers 
to my own one using cd-rw discs. Now I've found out there's a patch that 
will let me mount UDF media with Linux except the patch is made for 
2.2.12 (as from and I'm running 2.2.14 
- with whose configuration i'm really happy - would you say it's okay to 
patch it? Honestly I wouldn't know however i suspect that it shouldn't be 

thanks for any reply.


Re: udf kernel patch

2000-05-16 Thread Rob
Hmm.. I have one for 2.2.14, one of the reasons I don't just
go up to .15 ... also a reiserfs patch..

Let me know if you are interested and I'll dig up a link or
just attach it..


On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 09:59:37AM +0200, Gijs van der Brugge wrote:
 this question isn't exactly one specifically Debian, but since I use 
 Debian, i figured why not :)
 Running a dual boot system with win98, I prefer to use Debian yet there's 
 one problem; every now and then I transfer files fom distance computers 
 to my own one using cd-rw discs. Now I've found out there's a patch that 
 will let me mount UDF media with Linux except the patch is made for 
 2.2.12 (as from and I'm running 2.2.14 
 - with whose configuration i'm really happy - would you say it's okay to 
 patch it? Honestly I wouldn't know however i suspect that it shouldn't be 
 thanks for any reply.

Re: udf kernel patch

2000-05-16 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Rob say

 Hmm.. I have one for 2.2.14, one of the reasons I don't just
 go up to .15 ... also a reiserfs patch..
I have been using 2.2.14 reiser patch on 2.2.15 since pre10, for about 2-3
months now, the patch applied cleanly and I haven't found a problem yet.


Description: PGP signature

Is Storm based on potato or slink ?

2000-05-16 Thread Paul McHale
I installed stormix which is based on 2.2.13 kernel.  I assumed this storm
release was based on potato due to the kernel version.  When I tried to
install logrotate (which is part of the potato release) I get the following

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  logrotate: Depends: libc6 (= 2.1) but is installed
 Depends: libpopt0 but it is not installable
 Depends: cron (= 3.0pl1-53) but 3.0pl1-50.2 is installed
 Depends: base-passwd (= but is installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.

When I do apt-get dist-upgrade, it shows I am up to date.  Does anyone have
experience with Storm?  Is it potato or slink?

Their website claims the latest release of storm is based on Debian 2.1r5.
I thought this was slink, but am not sure how/why they use the latest
kernel.  Maybe they just swapped out hte kernel ...


Paul McHale
   Work:   937-253-7610  Double E Solutions
   Mobile: 937-371-2828  4912 Effingham
   Fax:413-215-3232  Dayton, Ohio 45431

Re: udf kernel patch

2000-05-16 Thread Kristian Rink
On Tue, 16 May 2000, Chanop Silpa-Anan wrote:

 Once upon a time, I heard Rob say
  Hmm.. I have one for 2.2.14, one of the reasons I don't just
  go up to .15 ... also a reiserfs patch..
 I have been using 2.2.14 reiser patch on 2.2.15 since pre10, for about 2-3
 months now, the patch applied cleanly and I haven't found a problem yet.
Speaking of the ReiserFS patch (and sorry while probably getting a little
off-topic :)) ): I was running 2.2.14 with reiserfs for some weeks now,
but, I downgraded due to lack of USB functionality in .14 and because the
2.3.30 backport patch I used obviously doesn't work well together with the
reiser-patch. Does anybody have an idea what to do to get both USB *and*
rfs in the same kernel? Is there an USB patch for 2.3.99?

Thanks for reading, thanks in advance for help :))

Re: Upgrading to potato

2000-05-16 Thread Lehel Bernadt

On 16-May-2000 Brad wrote:
 On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 09:51:19PM +0300, Lehel Bernadt wrote:
 No, dselect will not try to install everything, but I suggest to use apt-get
 only and not bother with dselect's apt method. It will give you a bunch of
 dependency problems, and screw up your existing configuration.
 Odd, since i use the dselect apt method all the time and it has never
 screwed up my configuration or given me major dependancy problems

Do you mean while upgrading from slink to potato ?
 Since the dselect apt method uses apt-get to do the actual download and
 upgrade, dselect with the apt method should be just as intelligent as

Oh yes, but my problem is that if I use the apt method from dselect I won't
be able to use the slink CDs (without changing the acces method, of course). So
I have two separate available-packages databases: one for dselect(dpkg)  slink,
the other for apt-get  potato.

Re: Debian on UMSDOS?

2000-05-16 Thread Mirek Kwasniak
On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 03:40:13PM +0100, Graeme Mathieson wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Steve Lamb [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Subject says all.  Has anyone successfully installed Debian on a UMSDOS
 Well,  can't say that I have.  Another solution which (I've heard) is
 workable.  Installing on a loopback filesystem.  I've never heard of it
 being done with Debian, but it'd be worth investigating...

I did loopback instalation. I simply installed looplinux distribution and
used Debian install from disk.


Re: Installation and startup of SB sound card driver, alsa etc.

2000-05-16 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Kevin Whitefoot [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I used dselect to install alsu-utils and eveything else named alsa except 
 the source.  Ran also-config (or some similar name) and it created a startup 
 script.  I ran the script and tried to run aplayer and the other utils but 
 all of them say that they cannot open the sound device.  The relevant device 
 files all exist (audio, dsp).

Did you compile basic sound support as a module in the kernel?

Then, if you don't have installed the same kernel-image as
appriopriate for alsa-modules-2.2.XX, you should compile your own
alsa-modules from the sources-deb. (cd /usr/src ; tar -xvzf
alsa-sources-xxx ; cd linux ; make deb ; make-kpkg modules_image).


Re: Is Storm based on potato or slink ?

2000-05-16 Thread Randy Edwards
 When I do apt-get dist-upgrade, it shows I am up to date.  Does anyone have
 experience with Storm?  Is it potato or slink?

   I really like Storm Linux.  To me, they've got things pretty near right. 
They stick to Debian standards, unlike Corel, and have a nice, easy install
(both text/graphics) and is a really well done product.

   Storm presently is slink-plus.  It's a slink-based installation with
some updated packages.  You can, however, upgrade Storm to potato quite

 Regards, | Debian GNU/Linux - - More software than
 .| *any* distribution, rock solid reliability, quality control,
 Randy| seamless upgrades via ftp or CD-ROM, strict filesystem layout,
  | adherence to standards, and militantly 100% FREE GNU/Linux!

grep with actual date ?

2000-05-16 Thread Oliver Schoenknecht
Hi there,

I am planning to do a daily system check with refused connects by 
placing them in a cron job. So far, so good. But - and that's the 
problem - does anyone know how to tell the grep-command to 
filter just the refused connects of today and not all those which are 
two weeks old ? This should happen each day frequently so any 
help would be appreciated very well...

Thanks in advance,


Mit freundlichem Gruss  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oliver Schoenknecht Join us at

KOSTENLOS! Online-Auktion bei KAPA! 
Teilnahme unter:

Re: Installation and startup of SB sound card driver, alsa etc.

2000-05-16 Thread Kevin Whitefoot
I was trying to avoid recompiling because at the moment my only Linux box is 
this 120 mega byte disk machine so I don't want to install any more than 
absolutely necessary.  I'm not sure I have room for the sources and gcc.  I 
finally found a how-to for alsa.  A cursory glance at it suggests that 
setting alsa up is a little more complex than just running dselect, I'll 
read the rest and see if it helps.

Last minute news: I have finally managed to connect to, perhaps that will solve all my problems.


Kevin Whitefoot

From: Joachim Trinkwitz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kevin Whitefoot [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I used dselect to install alsu-utils and eveything else named alsa 
 the source.  Ran also-config (or some similar name) and it created a 
 script.  I ran the script and tried to run aplayer and the other utils 
 all of them say that they cannot open the sound device.  The relevant 

 files all exist (audio, dsp).

Did you compile basic sound support as a module in the kernel?

Then, if you don't have installed the same kernel-image as
appriopriate for alsa-modules-2.2.XX, you should compile your own
alsa-modules from the sources-deb. (cd /usr/src ; tar -xvzf
alsa-sources-xxx ; cd linux ; make deb ; make-kpkg modules_image).


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Re: grep with actual date ?

2000-05-16 Thread Robert Waldner
How about having some perl-program sitting on your syslog-file doing something 
about refused connects in near-real-time? I have such running, so if anybody 
wants the (ugly!) code, just yell ;-)

Or you could quickdirty just rotate your syslog-file daily...


On Tue, 16 May 2000 13:41:00 BST, Oliver Schoenknecht writes:
Hi there,

I am planning to do a daily system check with refused connects by 
placing them in a cron job. So far, so good. But - and that's the 
problem - does anyone know how to tell the grep-command to 
filter just the refused connects of today and not all those which are 
two weeks old ? This should happen each day frequently so any 
help would be appreciated very well...

Thanks in advance,


/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

tar to remote system... security?

2000-05-16 Thread Gregory Guthrie

I want to do a remote backup:

tar Zvcf localfriend:/tmp/mybackup.tar

but I keep getting file cannot be accessed, broken pipe.

What is the proper security setup for this to allow me to create the remote 


Dr. Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125Fax: -1103
   Computer Science Department
   College of Science and Technology
   Maharishi University of Management
  (Maharishi International University 1971-1995)

man -- info?

2000-05-16 Thread Gregory Guthrie

Why are man pages abandoned for info?

Info requires emacs knowledge to navigate, and are text only. Man at least 
has xman viewer.

Is there any option? Have man pages been html'ed for Debian? I have seen 
some INternet sites with man pages online..


Dr. Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125Fax: -1103
   Computer Science Department
   College of Science and Technology
   Maharishi University of Management
  (Maharishi International University 1971-1995)

Installation CDs

2000-05-16 Thread Hugo Mills

   Does anyone know precisely what I have to do to make up a set of
installation CDs from the 2.2 ftp archive? I've got an official set of
2.1 disks, and as far as I can see, I need to make a CD with the
disks-i386 and part of the binary-i386 directory on, and another with
the remainder of the binary-i386 directory. 

   I think then I need to put the full binary-i386/Packages file on
the second disk, and cut it down to the list of whatever's on the
first CD for the first disk. (And similarly for the Packages.gz

   What else is there that I need to do? Is there a tool available to
help this process along?


 Hugo Mills -- The Creature from the Black Logon 
-- For months, we have been making triumphant retreats before --
 a demoralised enemy who is advancing in utter disorder.

Re: Can not get a floppy only install to work

2000-05-16 Thread ktb
This may not be related to you immediate problem but I would suspect
your PS/2 has a mca microbus, if I remember correctly.  If that is the
case you can't use a stock Slink.  There are people who have put
together a kernel and installation disks for machines with mca.  It has
been so long I don't remember where to get them.  I just did a search on
the web and found them.  It was not an easy install.  

Tom wrote:
  I have an IBM PS/2 Model 8535 386sx with 4 meg RAM and a 75meg IDE hard
 drive and a 1.44 meg floppy drive. I am trying to do a base Debian
 install but can not get past the second disk. I have tried 2.1 and 2.2
 now with the exact same results and error message. I start with the
 compact rescue disk, the system comes toa a prompt boot: I press enter,
 the system continues and then asks for the root disk. I insert the
 floppy that I made with the compact root.bin file and press enter the
 system then responds with
 end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy) sector 0
 VFS: can not open root device 02:00
 This message is consistent and I have already tried remaking the
 floppies on other new floppy disks, I have tried boot params of
 root=/dev/fd0 or floppy0 and always I have the same error message.
 After two days of fighting with this I would appreciate any help
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Can not get a floppy only install to work

2000-05-16 Thread ktb
I just found this link which looks like it might get you somewhere --

good luck,

ktb wrote:
 This may not be related to you immediate problem but I would suspect
 your PS/2 has a mca microbus, if I remember correctly.  If that is the
 case you can't use a stock Slink.  There are people who have put
 together a kernel and installation disks for machines with mca.  It has
 been so long I don't remember where to get them.  I just did a search on
 the web and found them.  It was not an easy install.

Re: man -- info?

2000-05-16 Thread Eric G . Miller
On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 06:50:43AM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote:
 Why are man pages abandoned for info?

They aren't for everything...

 Info requires emacs knowledge to navigate, and are text only. Man at least 
 has xman viewer.

Well, there's the standalone info program, tkinfo, the
gnome-help-browser... others I'm sure.  

 Is there any option? Have man pages been html'ed for Debian? I have seen 
 some INternet sites with man pages online..

Documentation comes in many formats.  Perhaps you'd enjoy the dhelp
package.  It's not perfect, but it works through your browser and will
render info and man pages as html on the fly using (info2www and

Admittedly, the state of documentation formats/programs could be a
little better.  I guess the move is toward SGML/XML/HTML... Overall
registration/indexing is not consistent though.

¶ One·should·only·use·the·ASCII·character­set·when·compos­

» ing·email·messages.

oracle and debian

2000-05-16 Thread BAKHSHESH Kazem \(SoftCompagny\)

Sorry for my english

Is some one know the possibility to install Oracle(8.1.5, or 8i) en a
debian box(slink or potato) ?

Kazem Bakhshesh
Charenton Conflans

Re: oracle and debian

2000-05-16 Thread Daniel Faller
On Tue, 16 May 2000 BAKHSHESH Kazem (SoftCompagny) wrote:
 Sorry for my english
 Is some one know the possibility to install Oracle(8.1.5, or 8i) en a
 debian box(slink or potato) ?

I would strongly recommend using 8.1.6 (= 8iR2). This release installs without 
problems, and works fine. If you install 8.1.5 be sure to install all patches 
doing anything with Oracle. 8.1.5, without patches it was completely broken, at 
least for

I am running 8.1.6 on an up to date potato with 2.2.14 and no problems 
concering the
database. However installation of webdb or the application server is a little 
bit tricky.


Daniel Faller
Fakultaet fuer Physik
Abt. Honerkamp
Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg

Tel.: 0761-203-5875
Fax.: 0761-203-5967 

cdrecord problem

2000-05-16 Thread Vicente Torres

I have problems with my HP-CD Writer+ 9100.
My system is a potato with a 2.2.14 kernel
emulating ide-scsi (no ide-cd module loaded).

cdrecord is version 1.8

My CD writer is at hdc and the hard drive is at hda.

The problem is that at the end of the burn out,
when fixating, cdrecord says there is following problem:

scsi : aborting command due to timeout : pid 4326, scsi0, channel 0, id
1, lun 0 UNKNOWN(0x5b) 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
hdc: irq timeout: status=0xd0 { Busy }
hdc: DMA disabled
hdc: ATAPI reset complete
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
ide1: unexpected interrupt, status=0x51, count=1
hdc: ATAPI reset complete
hdc: irq timeout: status=0x80 { Busy }
cdrecord: Input/output error. test unit ready: scsi sendcmd: retryable
CDB:  00 00 00 00 00 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 02 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 30 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x2 Not Ready, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x30 Qual 0x00 (incompatible medium installed) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)

The recorded CD is not useful. Any idea?
Your help will be apreciated.

  .'/,-Y ~-.
Vicente Torres Carot  l.Y ^.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia   /\   __  Doh!
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica   i___/   \
Ctra. Nazaret-Oliva, s/n |  /   \   o !
46730 Grau de Gandia (Valencia)  l ] o !__./
SPAIN \ _  _\.___./~\
   X \/ \___./
Tel.: (96)2849300 ( \ ___.   _..--~~   ~`-.
FAX:  (96)2849309 ` Z,--   /\
 __.  (   /   __)
I don't apologize. I'm sorry, but that's  \   l  /-~~ /
just the way I am. -- Homer Simpson -- Y   \  /
## | x__.^
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!

IP forwarding

2000-05-16 Thread Dwayne C . Litzenberger
I have a box that I want to do IP forwarding.  But, I can't ping outside
hosts through it.  The firewall sends packets from me, but it doesn't
re-forward the ICMP echo replies (although you can see them with iptraf in
promiscuous mode) back.

# ipchains -L
Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
Chain forward (policy ACCEPT):
Chain output (policy ACCEPT):

# cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Please always Cc to me when replying to me on the lists.

Real hackers mostly think crackers are lazy, irresponsible, and not very
bright, and object that being able to break security doesn't make you a
hacker any more than being able to hotwire cars makes you an automotive
   -- The Hacker HOWTO

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

See the mail headers for GPG/advertising/homepage information.

Description: PGP signature

ipchains error

2000-05-16 Thread Chris Mason
TO get around my problems with my rtl8139.o module not being recognized by
moprobe, I recompiled the kernel 2.0.38 version with the driver rolled into
it. This solved the problem beautifully (thanks, Peter). However, I get a
load of ipchains errors on boot and now ipchains -L give me the error
incompatable with the kernel. What do I have to do to get ipchains working

Chris Mason
Box 340, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies
Tel: 264 497 5670 Fax: 264 497 8463
USA Fax (561) 382-7771
Take a virtual tour of the island The Anguilla Guide
Find out more about NetConcepts

Re: man -- info?

2000-05-16 Thread Gregory Guthrie

At 05:53 AM 05/16/2000 -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote:

.  Perhaps you'd enjoy the dhelp
package.  It's not perfect, but it works through your browser and will
render info and man pages as html on the fly using (info2www and

-- Where can I get info on this?


Dr. Gregory Guthrie
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (515)472-1125Fax: -1103
   Computer Science Department
   College of Science and Technology
   Maharishi University of Management
  (Maharishi International University 1971-1995)

Jserv segfault on Debian

2000-05-16 Thread Ferenc Kiraly

Has anyone got Jserv running on Debian? I installed all the
required packages for Jserv, but when I run it it immediately
segfaults. Any ideas?


novell print client problem (nprint)

2000-05-16 Thread David Wilson
I am trying to print from my newly installed potato 
to an HP4000N over a Novell network.  I have installed
the ncpfs package and can mount a Novell drive 
(directory).  The pqlist command works (i.e., it
lists the print que I wish to print to).  As root, if
I issue the command:

nprint -S OACS_MAIN_APPS -U my user info -P my password
-q HP_LF_2220Q_HP4000N

(all on one line, of course)

I get the following error:

create error

I'm using the same user info and password that 
successfully works with the pqlist and ncpmount 
commands. No other error info is provided.  I know 
this printer can handle postscript.  I get the same 
error if I issue the command as a user, rather than 
as root.  Ideas?  What am I doing wrong?

I have also tried using the printtool package, setting
it up as both a postscript printer and an HP4 series.
I do not get errors (that I can find).  I also do not get 


David B. Wilson
Department of Criminology  Criminal Justice
University of Maryland College Park
Room 2220 LeFrak Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-8235
Phone: 301.405.4702; Fax: 301.405.4733

Where can I download Potato?

2000-05-16 Thread Menno Slaats
Does anyone have the exactly URL of it?


Menno Slaats

Re: oracle and debian

2000-05-16 Thread Federico Di Gregorio
Scavenging the mail folder uncovered BAKHSHESH Kazem (SoftCompagny)'s letter:
 Is some one know the possibility to install Oracle(8.1.5, or 8i) en a
 debian box(slink or potato) ?

yes. we use it on a potato box as devel machine. the production stuff
goes an a sun 450, *grin*.


Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer  Italian Press Contact[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The reverse side also has a reverse side.  -- Japanese proverb

Re: grep with actual date ?

2000-05-16 Thread Dave Sherohman
Oliver Schoenknecht said:
 I am planning to do a daily system check with refused connects by 
 placing them in a cron job. So far, so good. But - and that's the 
 problem - does anyone know how to tell the grep-command to 
 filter just the refused connects of today and not all those which are 
 two weeks old ? This should happen each day frequently so any 
 help would be appreciated very well...

I agree with the earlier poster that it'd be better to use a script for
real(ish)-time monitoring and/or install the logrotate package to break up
your logs by day (e.g., /var/log/messages is always today,
/var/log/messages.0 is always yesterday, etc.), but...

grep $(date +%b %d) filename

will return all entries which include today's date.  From there, you'll just
need to build up the grep expression to filter it down to the messages that
interest you.

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L++ E- W--(++) N+ o+ !K
w---$ O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv- b++ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: IP forwarding

2000-05-16 Thread Mark Schiltz
On Tue, 16 May 2000, Dwayne C . Litzenberger wrote:
 I have a box that I want to do IP forwarding.  But, I can't ping outside
 hosts through it.  The firewall sends packets from me, but it doesn't
 re-forward the ICMP echo replies (although you can see them with iptraf in
 promiscuous mode) back.
 # ipchains -L
 Chain input (policy ACCEPT):
 Chain forward (policy ACCEPT):
 Chain output (policy ACCEPT):
 # cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward


Please don't take offense to my comments here, but there are quite a lot of
things to learn about Linux firewalls and masquerading. I was new to Linux six
months ago (still a newbie now) and wanted to create a firewall box for our
company. I read all the HOW-TO's (NETWORK, IPCHAINS, FIREWALL, MASQ, etc.) a
New Riders book by Robert Ziegler (Linux Firewalls) and also found some firewall
scripts that I used as learning tools. If you want to learn about the details of
ipchains please start with the HOWTO's and THEN the following web sites:

#-- Robert Ziegler
#-- Rick Johnson

PS: You may not see many replies to your question because there are just too
many variables involved.

Mark Schiltz - Just Lurking to Learn

I'm here to paint but I've forgotten my brush...
You got beer?

Re: IP forwarding

2000-05-16 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
 I have a box that I want to do IP forwarding.  But, I can't ping outside
 hosts through it.  The firewall sends packets from me, but it doesn't
 re-forward the ICMP echo replies (although you can see them with iptraf in
 promiscuous mode) back.

just an idea to make it easier to spot the error:
add ipchains rules, which do logging:
ipchains -A {input|output|forward} -j ACCEPT -l
look, what happens then.

possibly your problem is a routing one. does pinging the hosts from the
gateway work?

Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please!
If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: Where can I download Potato?

2000-05-16 Thread pseelig
On Tue, 16 May 2000, Menno Slaats wrote:

 Does anyone have the exactly URL of it?;.

Making my vt320 useful

2000-05-16 Thread Eric
actually, it's not a vt320, it's a wyse which emulates a vt320.  my
question is this:  how do i get special keystrokes like control-X to
go through as if i was typing on a local tty?  The arrows and any
control-key combination that isn't ^C (or a few others which are
recognized by stty i think) just print out on the screen.  this makes
it very difficult to use emacs.  :)  when i hit ^X i literally see
^X.  when i hit escape, i see ^].  the arrows do the same thing ^[[A
and so on...  can somebody point me to the correct program/config file 
i use to set this kind of stuff up?


 _  _ 
| |(_)
|  _|  | | Page me via ICQ at
| |___ | |
|__/ | or by mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2000-05-16 Thread Michiel Meeuwissen

I think there is something wrong with my g++ (using the latest version of

If I make a file only containing

#include iostream.h 


$include iostream


~$ g++ test.cpp
test.cpp:1: iostream: No such file or directory


~$ g++ -I /usr/include/g++-3 test.cpp

I think it should work also without the -I option, since 'iostream' and STL
etc are standard parts of C++, aren't they? And I am sure that it _did_ work
without this -I option. 

So my question is if this happens only on my system, and if so how do I
solve it (i supposed that there would be some environment variable with the
include path, but I don't seem to be able to find this information).



% Michiel Meeuwissen
% Vidu ankaux:

Re: amd home map

2000-05-16 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Michael Janssen (CS/MATH stud.)  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 ...  It seems, after looking at the init.d script, there's no
 default way to automount something locally AND by NIS also.. 

Take a look at the patch in my previous posting.  That (appears to)
solve the problem.  It's also filed under bug #64147 in the BTS.  Of
course, I should probably have marked it as Severity: wishlist...

Or are you looking to take part of the map for the same mountpoint from
NIS and part from the local filesystem?  Why?  Why not just use two
separate mountpoints?

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Couple questions

2000-05-16 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Cameron Matheson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What's the difference between typing 'su', and 'su root'?

Nothing at all.  Just that instead of typing 'su root', you can also do
'su otheruser'.

 Are their any noticable differences between the 2.2.14 kernel and

I2O support has been added.  Fixes merged in for ISDN and a bunch of other
drivers.  There have been a few races/bugs sorted out.  ISTR that the
VM has been tweaked a little.  The release notes will tell you it in all
the gory details.  Have a look at:

and follow the relevant link.

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Quick Question

2000-05-16 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Sean 'Shaleh' Perry [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 'apt-get install communicator' at the command prompt with root privileges.

Or if you find the mai/news/composer stuff to be excess crap which you'll
not use, you can do 'apt-get install navigator' and live happily ever
after. :)

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: amd home map

2000-05-16 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Barak Pearlmutter [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  From: Graeme Mathieson [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  For autofs ...
  I have the actual home directories on the server in /disk/home
 Doesn't this mean that all your home directories live on a single
 server?  The reason we are considering amd (or autofs if it is
 capable) is to be able to have different users' home directories live
 on different machines.

Couple of ways this can be achieved.  You could explicitly list all the
individual users' home directories in your auto.home map, for example:

graeme  server1:/disk/homes/u1/graeme
derek   server2:/disk/homes/u1/derek
peter   server1:/disk/homes/u2/peter

etc.  Initially, it looks to be very inefficient, but it can probably
be generated quite simply.  I've seen it implemented this way using
amd (only difference being that they used hesiod maps instead of
NIS maps).

Another way to achieve it is an executable map.  You're auto.master would
have something along the lines of:

/home program:/usr/local/bin/home-map --timeout 60

And home-map  could be a shell/perl/c program which takes the key as an
argument, and returns a single line of a map on STDOUT, or no output
at all if the key cannot be matched.

The executable map would be a far more elegant solution, but I suspect
that it has be potential to be slower.  OTOH, it could well lighten the
load on your NIS server.

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Going from DHCP - Static IP network config

2000-05-16 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


S. Salman Ahmed [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 What config files do I need to modify to change this box's networking
 setup from DHCP-based to one using a static IP address ? Or is there
 some to rerun the networking scripts that were part of the Debian
 installation ?

Simplest solution?  Get your network admin to put you static IP address
in his DHCP config.  That way, your system will still work with DHCP, but
it'll always pick up the same address.

Otherwise, look at /etc/network/interfaces.  For recent versions of potato,
it's well documented.  You're going to want something along the lines of:

iface eth0 inet static

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: bashrc

2000-05-16 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


montefin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 1.) Edit his/her MOTD file to print to screen a set text message at
 login. (Edit your /etc/motd file, Avinash, to make it say what you want
 it to say.)

But, as I said before, leave the first line blank.  When the system is
rebooted, the first line will be replaced with the contents of `uname -a`
unless you edit /etc/default/rcS and set EDITMOTD=no.

 2.) Attach a signature.txt file to his/her outgoing mail, such as I have
 attached to mine below. Write one in your home directory
 (~/signature.txt) and point your mail app to it, _but_ only 4 lines,
 Avinash, or you're gonna get back more mail than you care to read :)



WTF does that mean? :)

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: Maikl Server

2000-05-16 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Jay Kelly [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I'm looking to run a mail server similar to Microsoft Exchange. Is there
 something for debian out there I can use? If so what's the url?

I've never come across one that buggy for Debian. :)

There are dozens.  The common term for them is Mail Transport Agents (MTAs).
So anything in Debian that provides the virtual packages
mail-transport-agent will do you nicely.  Examples include:


There are more.  I like sendmail, but if you're just starting out, I wouldn't
really recommend it.  Postfix is very highly regarded.

- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


ReiserFS and USB (was Re: udf kernel patch)

2000-05-16 Thread Graeme Mathieson
Hash: SHA1


Kristian Rink [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Does anybody have an idea what to do to get both USB *and*
 rfs in the same kernel? Is there an USB patch for 2.3.99?

2.3.99pre-n has USB already in it.  Also, the bunch that are producing 
ReiserFS are alledgedly working hard to produce a patch suitable for
inclusion in 2.3.x.  They have one available, but last I noticed it wasn't
absolutely finished/tested and it wasn't compatible with existing
2.2.x ReiserFS filesystems[1].  Maybe the situation is different now - 
I've given up trying to read the linux-kernel mailing list and just stick
to kernel-traffic instead.

[1] They changed the metadata format slightly, IIRC.
- -- 

Life's not fair, I reply. But the root password helps. - BOFH
Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: amd home map

2000-05-16 Thread Mark Brown
On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 03:54:29PM -0600, Barak Pearlmutter wrote:

  I have the actual home directories on the server in /disk/home

 Doesn't this mean that all your home directories live on a single
 server?  The reason we are considering amd (or autofs if it is
 capable) is to be able to have different users' home directories live
 on different machines.

AMD can do it.  I've never played with autofs.  One thing you can do is
to use multiple layers of indirection - have one map which maps from a
/home directory (or whatever) onto the real homedir volumes which are
themselves automounted from the appropriate hosts.  You could just share
a symlink farm, but with a map you should reduce network traffic.

There's also nothing requiring you to have all homedirs under /home
except conveninece.

Mark Brown  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Trying to avoid grumpiness)

Description: PGP signature

Tape Backup Problem

2000-05-16 Thread JoeCool
Hi All,

I've been trying to get tape backup working on a server and almost everytime
I attempt to backup files to the tape drive the machine goes crazy.  The
load goes sky high (way over 100.00) and it stops responding to everything.
Maybe someone out there has some insight on the problem.

Debian 2.0 with Kernel 2.2.2 running on a Dell with
a Quantum DLT4000 tape drive.

I attempted to do a test backup a 150meg directory to tape using the tape
backup program Taper  After about 10min of it running (46% done) the
machines load starting going up and up.  I tried to stop the program, and
kill it but was unable to since machine stop responding to my commands via
telnet.  The load was very high... -- load average: 246.98, 267.86, 210.28
Then i couldn't even telnet to the machine or anything.  Everything appeared
to be down, except that I could ping the machine.
Finally about 30min later I was able to telnet back into the machine.

I noticed several of the following messages in the messages file and also
when i typed dmesg
May  3 14:23:23 taz kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid 228089503) timed out -
May  3 14:23:23 taz kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host 0 channel 0.

So a week later I attempted again with tape backup using a different
program.  this time i used Tob.
I did a small test backup using a 20meg directory.  It appeared to work
fine.  I was able to backup and restore the files.
I then attempted to backup a 2gig directory.
After about 15min the machine went crazy like last time and load went up and
I got locked out so I had to have someone reboot the machine.
Didn't see any error messages in any logs or anything.

Anyone ever expierance this problem?
Anyone have any ideas what might be causing it?
I been trying to figure it out for a couple weeks now with no luck.
Any help is appreciated.


Re: installing a printer

2000-05-16 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Pollywog,

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Pollywog wrote:

 I did not configure a printer when I installed Debian.  Is there a
 tool to help me configure a printer now without reinstalling Debian?

Of course you can configure a printer without reinstalling. The Debian way
of doing things lets you do almost everything without even rebooting
(remember: Linux is NOT at all like Windoze;-)
(There are some exceptions, e.g. if you compiled a new kernel and want to
start with it).
Get the Printing-HOWTO at
There, all the steps are described. In short:
1. install printer spooling software (usually lpr or lprng)
2. install filter software (magicfilter or apsfilter, would be good to
install all the tools, which they recommend (gs, jpeg-progs and the like)
3. run magicfilterconfig to configure your /etc/printcap file

 I am getting an Epson Stylus Color 740 and I will use the parallel
 connector until the 2.4 kernels are released.

There was something about the Epson Stylus Color 740 on this list just a
while ago. If it doesn't work, look at these mails or in the archive.

 I will need to recompile my kernel with printer support

No you don't, because:
The lp-module and the parport-modules will get installed
during the installation of Debian (even if you didn't configure them
during installation!), so if you didn't accidentally remove
them, you should just make sure, that they are loaded, when printing.
(Try the program modconf to tell your system which modules to load on
startup and to configure them).
Although it would not be a bad idea to recompile your kernel. It usually
makes your system faster and the kernel smaller (as you can exclude
drivers, which you don't need).


Re: installing a printer

2000-05-16 Thread Pollywog

On 16-May-2000 17:28:03 Daniel Reuter wrote:
 Get the Printing-HOWTO at
 There, all the steps are described. In short:
 1. install printer spooling software (usually lpr or lprng)
 2. install filter software (magicfilter or apsfilter, would be good
 install all the tools, which they recommend (gs, jpeg-progs and the
 3. run magicfilterconfig to configure your /etc/printcap file

I have done all these things, but I thought I still needed to obtain
a driver for the printer, in order to print PostScript and formats
other than ASCII text.
 I am getting an Epson Stylus Color 740 and I will use the parallel
 connector until the 2.4 kernels are released.
 There was something about the Epson Stylus Color 740 on this list
 just a
 while ago. If it doesn't work, look at these mails or in the

Thanks, I will check the archive.

 I will need to recompile my kernel with printer support
 No you don't, because:
 The lp-module and the parport-modules will get installed
 during the installation of Debian (even if you didn't configure
 during installation!), so if you didn't accidentally remove
 them, you should just make sure, that they are loaded, when
 (Try the program modconf to tell your system which modules to load
 startup and to configure them).
 Although it would not be a bad idea to recompile your kernel. It
 makes your system faster and the kernel smaller (as you can exclude
 drivers, which you don't need).

I have compiled a development kernel and I made sure to add parallel
printer and USB support.  I just obtained a script for iptables, so I
can start using the 2.3 kernel.



Re: Tape Backup Problem

2000-05-16 Thread Kevin
I had the same problem, but I had a scsi HP and I only tried
taper.  I was using 2.2.12 with slink.


- Original Message -
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 10:18 AM
Subject: Tape Backup Problem

Hi All,

I've been trying to get tape backup working on a server and
almost everytime
I attempt to backup files to the tape drive the machine goes
crazy.  The
load goes sky high (way over 100.00) and it stops responding
to everything.
Maybe someone out there has some insight on the problem.

Debian 2.0 with Kernel 2.2.2 running on a Dell with
a Quantum DLT4000 tape drive.

I attempted to do a test backup a 150meg directory to tape
using the tape
backup program Taper  After about 10min of it running (46%
done) the
machines load starting going up and up.  I tried to stop the
program, and
kill it but was unable to since machine stop responding to
my commands via
telnet.  The load was very high... -- load average: 246.98,
267.86, 210.28
Then i couldn't even telnet to the machine or anything.
Everything appeared
to be down, except that I could ping the machine.
Finally about 30min later I was able to telnet back into the

I noticed several of the following messages in the messages
file and also
when i typed dmesg
May  3 14:23:23 taz kernel: SCSI host 0 abort (pid
228089503) timed out -
May  3 14:23:23 taz kernel: SCSI bus is being reset for host
0 channel 0.

So a week later I attempted again with tape backup using a
program.  this time i used Tob.
I did a small test backup using a 20meg directory.  It
appeared to work
fine.  I was able to backup and restore the files.
I then attempted to backup a 2gig directory.
After about 15min the machine went crazy like last time and
load went up and
I got locked out so I had to have someone reboot the
Didn't see any error messages in any logs or anything.

Anyone ever expierance this problem?
Anyone have any ideas what might be causing it?
I been trying to figure it out for a couple weeks now with
no luck.
Any help is appreciated.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Wanted a free library for computational geometry

2000-05-16 Thread Daniele Cruciani

I'm going to write some programs of computational geometry, so i
need a library (probably a set of libs) for data type and
algorithms. AFAIK there are 2 library that could hit my need:
LEDA ( for data type and CGAL
( for algorithms.
But no one of that are GPLed.

I think I can use glib in place of LEDA, but it's not enought for me
so i need to link agaist something other.
I've no starting point at all for replacement of CGAL.

Any suggestion?

Daniele Cruciani [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Check my GPG sign at ..??..

RE: Making my vt320 useful

2000-05-16 Thread Lewis, James M.
Is your TERM variable set to vt320?  There are also a bunch of wyse
types.  See /usr/lib/terminfo/v/* and /usr/lib/terminfo/w/*. (or

On other systems there is a file in /etc/ that specifies what kind
of terminal is on which serial line (gettydefs or ttytype or something
like that).  I don't see it on my system.  I have the stock getty
and it might take one of the other getty packages to have that file...


 Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2000 12:34 PM
 Subject:  Making my vt320 useful
 actually, it's not a vt320, it's a wyse which emulates a vt320.  my
 question is this:  how do i get special keystrokes like control-X to
 go through as if i was typing on a local tty?  The arrows and any
 control-key combination that isn't ^C (or a few others which are
 recognized by stty i think) just print out on the screen.  this makes
 it very difficult to use emacs.  :)  when i hit ^X i literally see
 ^X.  when i hit escape, i see ^].  the arrows do the same thing ^[[A
 and so on...  can somebody point me to the correct program/config file 
 i use to set this kind of stuff up?
  _  _ 
 | |(_)
 |  _|  | | Page me via ICQ at
 | |___ | |
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 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

RE: Wanted a free library for computational geometry

2000-05-16 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 16-May-2000 Daniele Cruciani wrote:
 I'm going to write some programs of computational geometry, so i
 need a library (probably a set of libs) for data type and
 algorithms. AFAIK there are 2 library that could hit my need:
 LEDA ( for data type and CGAL
 ( for algorithms.
 But no one of that are GPLed.
 I think I can use glib in place of LEDA, but it's not enought for me
 so i need to link agaist something other.
 I've no starting point at all for replacement of CGAL.
 Any suggestion?

I am assuming that you have searched and freshmeat?  Python has
numerous math libs, perhaps you could crib some of their work.  Much of their
math code is actually in C, then wrapped as a python module.

hide the commabd executed from ps,who

2000-05-16 Thread 50191914
How can I hide the commond I am executing so that people can't see
it from ps,or who?For example,if i use mysql by typing mysql -u myname -p
passsword ..people can see my password...So it would be good if I can
hide what i am doing from other user...espcially for some program which 
I can specify my password in command line...

Re: Epson 740

2000-05-16 Thread Matthew Thompson
Thanks again for the reply. :)

I tried the command you suggested for a text file and for a .ps file:

# lpr -Plp4

# lpr -Pascii file.txt)

...and both times got the same error message printed on the page: Unknown
device: escp2 , then the page hangs and I have to press the sheet feed

I had to revert back to 2.1 (from a tarball backup) so I'm currently
running apsfilter v4.9.7-5 and gs-aladdin v5.50-3.  You can find my
current printcap here:

Thanks for your help and patience... :)


 If you used apsfilter, your printcap probably has several printers
 defined. To print to the ascii printer, I use the command
 lpr -Pascii file.txt
 For postscript files, I use one of the other printers. For printing from
 windows to the printserver I use the raw printer shared via samba.
 You should probably read over the printing howto. There's some good
 info there. Then check out the man page for lpr and related utilitys.
 Hope that helps some.
 On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 01:42:37PM -0700, Matthew Thompson wrote:
  Well, I had heard that printtool was an easy program to use to set up my
  printer, so I upgraded to 2.2 in order to install printtool.  What I
  didn't know was that printtool is a graphical program, and I don't run any
  XFree on my server, I don't even have a monitor or keyboard hooked up,
  just ssh access.
  After I upgraded, I ran apsfilterconfig again.  I chose the stcolor driver
  and the test page printed out beautifully.  I was excited, thinking I had
  figured it out, but when I attempt to print a text file, the printer feeds
  the paper in, prints a little, then hangs with the paper halfway in.
  After a bit I push the paper feed button, and the printer has printed
  'unknown device: escp2'.
  Should I be using the lpr command or something else?  What else can I
  check?  I'm pulling my hair out, here, guys.
  TIA... :)
   It sounds to me that you didnt restart lprng after you configured your 
   printer. I'm using lprng, and apsfilter and my setup looks very similar
   to yours. Check the paths for all the print filters, but what you
   have looks very similar to what I'm currently using.
   On Sat, May 13, 2000 at 12:12:48PM -0700, Matthew Thompson wrote:
Ment (may I call you Ment? ;),

Thanks for your reply. :)  Sometimes I feel pretty thick, since I've 
using Debian for about 3 years and still stumble over stuff like this.
*sigh*  Anyway, you willing to spoon-feed me a bit, here?

I already had gsfonts installed, so I installed apsfilter using dselect.
It ran me through the config, and I chose the following printer:

escp2: Epson ESC/P 2 language printers, including Stylus 800

I set the other values it asked for, and it finished, saying cheerfully
'we made it!'. ;)

I then attempted to print a text file with:

# lpr file

and got this output:

no printcap for printer 'ascii'
job '' transfer to [EMAIL PROTECTED] failed


I'm afraid I don't know where to go from here.  BTW, I'm using lprng
instead of lpr on a friend's suggestion ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), if that 
any difference.

Hope I'm not too big a PITA. :)


On Sat, 13 May 2000, Mental wrote:
  Matthew Thompson
  --Someday, I'll have a web page.--
 When in doubt, use brute force.
   --Ken Thompson (author of unix)
 PGP 2.6.3a Public Key:
 GPG 1.0.1 Public Key:

Matthew Thompson
--Someday, I'll have a web page.--

hypenation in tetex

2000-05-16 Thread Igor Mozetic

How does one change hypenation in potato tetex ??
I've run texconfig and changed the /etc/texmf/language.dat - no effect.
When I run Latex I still get the original hypenation:

This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.3.1)
LaTeX2e 1998/12/01 patch level 1
Babel v3.6x and hyphenation patterns for american, french, german, ngerman, n
ohyphenation, loaded.
Document Class: article 1999/01/07 v1.4a Standard LaTeX document class
(/usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/base/inputenc.sty beta test version (koi8-r.def))

Package babel Warning: No hyphenation patterns were loaded for
(babel)the language `Russian'
(babel)I will use the patterns loaded for \language=0 instead.

-Igor Mozetic

Re: Tape Backup Problem

2000-05-16 Thread Robert Waldner
Debian 2.0 with Kernel 2.2.2 running on a Dell with
a Quantum DLT4000 tape drive.

I attempted to do a test backup a 150meg directory to tape
using the tape
backup program Taper  After about 10min of it running (46%

I had the same experience on kernel 2.0.38 with a HP DDS-2 when
using taper and/or kbackup. Settled down for plain tar.

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

RE: hide the commabd executed from ps,who

2000-05-16 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry

On 16-May-2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can I hide the commond I am executing so that people can't see
 it from ps,or who?For example,if i use mysql by typing mysql -u myname -p
 passsword ..people can see my password...So it would be good if I can
 hide what i am doing from other user...espcially for some program which 
 I can specify my password in command line...

don't put your password on the commandline.  Even if ps does not show it, it
will appear in /proc.


2000-05-16 Thread john

I wish to keep time synchronised by using my ISP's timeserver. This box
is a stand-alone one, and I connect using a modem.

After installing xntp3 and xntp3-doc packages, I find the docs far too
complex to fully understand, and the program aims for far greater
accuracy than I need.

/etc/ntp.conf allows for an xntpd logfile, a directory for ntpstats (loopstats,
peerstats and clockstats) and a driftfile. I have edited the file to include
the server (

When I run /usr/sbin/xntpd, I appear to connect and the program seems
to start, but I cannot tell from the log if it has been successful. (Before
starting, I ascertained from timeticker that the clock was out by some
52 secs).

/var/log/xntpd shows the following:-

20.19.55 xntpd [171] synchronized to time server, stratum =2
20.20.29 xntpd [171] time reset (stop) 33.461355 s
20.20.29 xntpd [171] synchronization lost

20.27.00 xntpd [171] synchronized to time server, stratum =3
20.30.13  synchronization lost

20.32.20  synchronizsed to time server, stratum =2
20.35.33  synchronization lost

I can't understand the /var/log/ntpstats files (loopstats and peerstats)
as the columns seem not to relate to what /etc/ntp.conf suggests to
me they should. At the same time, one column which could refer to
time differences in seconds could indicate an attempt was made
to synchronize - the first entries, the next
and the last lot

Are there any explanatory notes (preferably in simple terms) for the
contents of the ntpstat log files?  Can anyone offer any ideas as to
where I should go from here?

Grateful for any assistance,

Re: Making my vt320 useful

2000-05-16 Thread Eric
TERM was set to vt320.  I have switched my inittab to say:
T1:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -Lhwi ttyS1 38400 wy185
now though, so not TERM is wy185 (which is the model of my terminal).
i don't think the /etc/gettydefs is necessary anyways since i specify
my terminal type as an argument to getty.

having switched terminal types, my situation has changed a bit.  i now 
have a few different problems (but things are a bit better in

1. if my terminal is on while i boot it gets all sort of ugly weird
characters on it.

2. the arrow keys don't function as arrow keys in the shell (instead
of getting my history when i hit up i get a listing of tab-completions 
and a trailing 'A').  the arrows do work, however, in jed (emacs like

3. i can only run jed once.  it works perfectly the first time,
arrows, escape, all the Control-key combos i want.  however, the
second time i run it i just get junk on my screen...a whole bunch of
weird escape sequences and a lot of beeping from an unhappy terminal.

any ideas on how to fix these?


On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 02:33:10PM -0400, Lewis, James M. wrote:
 Is your TERM variable set to vt320?  There are also a bunch of wyse
 types.  See /usr/lib/terminfo/v/* and /usr/lib/terminfo/w/*. (or
 On other systems there is a file in /etc/ that specifies what kind
 of terminal is on which serial line (gettydefs or ttytype or something
 like that).  I don't see it on my system.  I have the stock getty
 and it might take one of the other getty packages to have that file...
  Sent:   Tuesday, May 16, 2000 12:34 PM
  Subject:Making my vt320 useful
  actually, it's not a vt320, it's a wyse which emulates a vt320.  my
  question is this:  how do i get special keystrokes like control-X to
  go through as if i was typing on a local tty?  The arrows and any
  control-key combination that isn't ^C (or a few others which are
  recognized by stty i think) just print out on the screen.  this makes
  it very difficult to use emacs.  :)  when i hit ^X i literally see
  ^X.  when i hit escape, i see ^].  the arrows do the same thing ^[[A
  and so on...  can somebody point me to the correct program/config file 
  i use to set this kind of stuff up?
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