Ha salido la Potato

2000-09-29 Thread Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia

Hace unos minutos he comprado una edicion especial de Solo programadores
linux 4 cds binarios de la debian potato 2.2 Mil pesetas con una pequeña
revista de instalacion. Corred, que se acaban!


Jose Antonio Ortega Garcia Gnu/linux Debian Potato-2.2

contactar con maqueros

2000-09-29 Thread TooMany

Me perdonareis, pero necesitaría contactar con gente de la lista que toque
tema de Mac's. Y si tienen linux en los Mac, todavía mejor que mejor...

Gracias por todo.

   \|/  \|/
Have a nice day  ;-)   @'/ ,. \'@
TooManySecrets /_| \__/ |_\

Extraño comportamiento de CD-ROM

2000-09-29 Thread Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia
Hola. ¿Me recuerdan? Soy el que al ir a actualizarse de slink a potato mediante
cederrones le fallaba el apt en el momento cumbre.

Bien, ahora un amigo y colega se ha actualizado con esos mismos cederrones, sin
problemas. Él tenía en slink el núcleo 2.0.36, y después de la actualización se
puso el 2.2.17 que trae potato.

Entonces fue a instalarse algún paquete y dio la orden habitual 

apt-get install PAQUETE

Todo bien, le pide que meta el CD Nº x  (1 = x = 4), lo mete, le endiña un
dedazo a la tecla Intro y... ¡error y horror! Vuelve a repetirle que meta el CD
Nº X, y así ad nauseam y ad infinitum.

Parece ser que desmonta el CD si estaba montado, lo vuelve a montar pero no lo
detecta bien y lo vuelve a desmontar y a preguntar. Por supuesto está muy
comprobado que el CD es el correcto. Puede montar el CD a mano con 

mount /cdrom

y no hay ningún problema en acceder a él. Pero para instalar paquetes es
imposible. ¡Pero él se ha actualizado con este método y ha funcionado! ¿Cómo es
eso? Se vuelve a poner el núcleo 2.0.36, da el apt-get install PAQUETE, y ¡todo
funciona perfectamente! 

O sea, resumen: con el 2.0.X puede instalar paquetes desde el CD-ROM.
Con el 2.2.x (también hemos probado con el 2.2.14) no puede, por el problema

Sin embargo, yo en mi casa con el 2.2.17 y otros compañeros y en otros
ordenadores, no tenemos ese problema. ¡Toma misterio! ¿Alguien sabe algo?

(Esto quizá ya no es específico de Debian...)

Tiene también otros problemas: su servidor X-Window XF86_SVGA 3.3.6 muere (y
resucita automáticamente) cuando ejecuta el juego asteroides de las KDE, en
cuanto sale el primer pedrusco dando vueltas. Tiene una Nvidia RIVA TNT2 Ultra.
¿Será por la aceleración 3D? Porque con el trabajo normal, no le pasa nada
(XEmacs, teTeX, ...)

No hay forma de cargar el controlador (módulo) de su tarjeta de sonido, una
Ensoniq Audio-PCI (Soundblaster PCI 128), es1371. ¿Problema con la IRQ quizás?
En WIndows98 le funciona, claro. Tenemos tarjetas de esas (SB PCI) por aquí en
mil sitios y nunca dieron ningún problema.

Al recompilarle el núcleo, el gcc falló lamentablemente dando un error interno.
Al repetir la orden, pasó por ese sitio sin problemas pero volvió a fallar más
adelante. Al volver a repetir, acabó la compilación bien. Mosqueante. Los tests
exhaustivos de memoria en el arranque de la BIOS no muestran ningún problema
con sus 128 MB.  

¿Alguna ayuda, sugerencia, indicación?
Gerardo Aburruzaga García - Analista de sistemas del Servicio de Informática
Escuela Superior de Ingeniería - C/Chile Nº 1 - 11003 Cádiz (Andalucía, España)
Tlfnos.: fijo: 956-01-5124, móvil: 670-94-5321 - UNIVERSIDAD DE CÁDIZ
No dé crédito a todo lo que oiga, ni a todo lo que diga.

Re: CDs de Hurd

2000-09-29 Thread Santiago Vila
Virgilio Gómez Rubio:
  ¿Se pueden hacer CDs de Hurd de la misma forma que para potato-i386?

de la misma forma no, porque:

* No hay disks-hurd-i386.
* No todas las cosas necesarias para la instalación (desde Linux) están
bajo el directorio dists/sid/main en los archivos de FTP de Debian.

Si quieres hacer algo parecido lo mejor es que consultes en debian-hurd,
ya hay gente pensando en ello.

Re: Extraño comportamiento de CD-ROM

2000-09-29 Thread Santiago Vila
Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia:

 Al recompilarle el núcleo, el gcc falló lamentablemente dando un error
 interno.  Al repetir la orden, pasó por ese sitio sin problemas pero
 volvió a fallar más adelante. Al volver a repetir, acabó la
 compilación bien. Mosqueante. Los tests exhaustivos de memoria en el
 arranque de la BIOS no muestran ningún problema con sus 128 MB.
 ¿Alguna ayuda, sugerencia, indicación?

Si un ordenador no se comporta de forma determinista cuando es de esperar
que lo haga (por ejemplo, la compilación del núcleo), entonces una de dos,
o make tiene un bicho :-) o es un problema de hardware.

¿No estará el reloj sobrerelojeado?

Re: woody y libc6

2000-09-29 Thread pepesan
Manuel Resinas wrote:


 Resulta que ayer, haciendo un rutinario apt-get dist-upgrade resulta que me
 enecuentro que va a actualizar el libc6. La verdad es que no me hacía ninguna
 gracia pero como había comenzado ya a actualizar no lo quise parar. Pero, de
 repente, zas, segmentation fault antes de terminar de actualizar el paquete.
 Intento volver a hacer un apt-get dist-upgrade pero me dice que ha dado un
 error y que antes debo hacer dpkg --configure -a. Como me había instalado
 el libc6-dev y el locales decidí que antes que configurar éstos y que me fuese
 a dar un error de dependencias pues instalo manualmente el libc6 (dpkg -i
 libc6_2.1.94-1_i386.deb). Parece que va bien, luego hago el dpkg --configure 

te ha pasado lo mismo que a mí

 Bueno, pensé, todo solucionado, sigamos con el apt-get dist-upgrade pero...
 error, falta la librería libdb. Vaya hombre, vamos a ver de dónde se me ha
 podido borrar esta librería y tras buscar un poco resulta que el libc6 2.1.3
 (el que tenía instalado antes) la trae pero el libc6 2.1.94 (el nuevo), no.

yo he instalado ls libreria a mano libdb2_2
y ya me ha permitodo hacer la actualizacion
estos errores son bastantes comunes en woody
pero ya sabes a la hora de arreglarlos no tardan mas de 1 dia

 Total, que decido que mejor me vuelvo a instalar el libc6 anterior y queda
 todo solucionado (o eso pensé yo). Cojo los CDs de potato, busco el libc6 y
 el libc6-dev y hago un dpkg -i libc6_loquesea libc6-dev_loquesea, pero cuando
 sale Configurando paquete libc6... resulta que da un error, no encuentra el
 archivo ldconfig. Por lo visto, el libc6 2.1.94 trae incorporado el ldconfig,
 pero el libc6 2.1.3, no, de modo que, al actualizar al 2.1.94 me cambió el
 ldconfig y, al desactualizarlo, me lo borró y no me recuperó el anterior.
 Así que lo busco yo y resulta que está el paquete ldso, pero al hacer
 dpkg -i ldso_loquesea resulta que no puede instalarlo porque falta
 el ldconfig, de manera que no puedo instalar el ldconfig porque no está
 instalado. La solución fue extraer todos los archivos del .deb a lo bestia con
 dpkg --extract ldso_loquesea.deb y copio el ldconfig a /usr/sbin.

 Finalmente hago dpkg -i libc6_loquesea libc6-dev_loquesea ldso_loquesea y...
 funcionó. Luego marco como Hold el paquete libc6, hago apt-get dist-upgrade y
 también funcionó, de manera que ya he vuelvo a la normalidad pero yo ya me
 veía haciendo discos de arranque para intentar solucionarlo o algo peor...

no hombre nunca se ha llegado a ese nivel
al menos espero que no lo tenga que hacer

 Moraleja: cuidado con lo que se actualiza y asegurarse de marcar como Hold
 (para impedir actualización) de los paquetes realmente importantes.

de todas maneras si te lees las ultimas noticias semanales de debian ha un 
anuncio que de
ralmente van a ser inestable de verdad por el cambio de la libc6 asi que antes 
de antualizar
habra que mirarse la weekly

 Hasta otra.


 Manuel Resinas

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

CHAT de usuarios DEBIAN en irc.debian.org -- /join #debian-es

2000-09-29 Thread Andrés A. Rocchia

Invitamos a todos a sumarse a este canal IRC para debianeros

server: irc.debian.org
canal: #debian-es

mailto: Andrés A. Rocchia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GNU/Linux registered user #185003

exim/mutt y multiples cuentas de correo

2000-09-29 Thread Andrés A. Rocchia

  Saludos lista, hace una semana que he instalado potato y ya puedo
  enviar y recibir correos, con una combinación de fetchmail, exim,
  y mutt. El problema que tengo es que si bien todo funciona no
  encuentro la manera de configurarlo limpiamente para que haga lo
  que necesito, cosa que paso a detallar.

  Mi intensión es que desde un único usuario (user) en mi potato (miPC)
  poder enviar correos usando como MUA mutt (en principio, pero me
  gustaría que sea independiente del MUA), pero como tengo varias
  cuentas de correo de distintos dominios me gustaría poder
  especificar quien es el sender y a donde el correspondiente reply,
  cada vez que tengo que enviar un correo.

  No se cual será la forma correcta de hacer esto, ya que soy
  bastante novato, por lo que leí mi intención era crear distintos
  .muttrc para cada usuario, y por ese lado me parece que puede
  llegar a andar, al menos lo que respecta al nombre real del
  usuario para el mutt, pero donde no tengo idea es con el exim que
  me pide un qualify_domain que tengo que agregar porque sino (ya lo
  probé) el smtp de mi provider me devuelve los correos: must to be
  a valid domain (algo así) si dejo el default (miPC), funciona si
  pongo cualquiera que sea valido, pero queda fijo, cosa que no es
  lo que pretendo ya que como les decía las cuentas de correo no
  son del mismo sitio.

  Bueno espero me halla podido explicar bien lo que quiero hacer y
  si me pueden decir por donde tengo que encarar el asunto, que
  entre que mi ingles no es el mejor y que exim tiene tanta
  documentación no se cuando voy a acabar de tener operativo mi
  correo en Potato.


mailto: Andrés A. Rocchia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GNU/Linux registered user #185003

PPP con autentificacion RADIUS

2000-09-29 Thread Angel Vicente Perez
Hola a todos...

Pues como dice el subject, como habria que configurar un acceso RDSI para
que utilice autentificacion RADIUS en vez de PAP o CHAP. Me imagino que como
minimo habra que instalar radiusclient.


RE: woody y libc6

2000-09-29 Thread Angel Vicente Perez

 Resulta que ayer, haciendo un rutinario apt-get dist-upgrade
 resulta que me
 enecuentro que va a actualizar el libc6. La verdad es que no me
 hacía ninguna
 gracia pero como había comenzado ya a actualizar no lo quise
 parar. Pero, de
 repente, zas, segmentation fault antes de terminar de actualizar
 el paquete.
 Intento volver a hacer un apt-get dist-upgrade pero me dice que ha dado un
 error y que antes debo hacer dpkg --configure -a. Como me había instalado
 el libc6-dev y el locales decidí que antes que configurar éstos y
 que me fuese
 a dar un error de dependencias pues instalo manualmente el libc6 (dpkg -i
 libc6_2.1.94-1_i386.deb). Parece que va bien, luego hago el dpkg
 --configure -a

 Bueno, pensé, todo solucionado, sigamos con el apt-get
 dist-upgrade pero...
 error, falta la librería libdb. Vaya hombre, vamos a ver de dónde se me ha
 podido borrar esta librería y tras buscar un poco resulta que el
 libc6 2.1.3
 (el que tenía instalado antes) la trae pero el libc6 2.1.94 (el
 nuevo), no.

 Total, que decido que mejor me vuelvo a instalar el libc6 anterior y queda
 todo solucionado (o eso pensé yo). Cojo los CDs de potato, busco
 el libc6 y
 el libc6-dev y hago un dpkg -i libc6_loquesea libc6-dev_loquesea,
 pero cuando
 sale Configurando paquete libc6... resulta que da un error, no
 encuentra el
 archivo ldconfig. Por lo visto, el libc6 2.1.94 trae incorporado
 el ldconfig,
 pero el libc6 2.1.3, no, de modo que, al actualizar al 2.1.94 me cambió el
 ldconfig y, al desactualizarlo, me lo borró y no me recuperó el anterior.
 Así que lo busco yo y resulta que está el paquete ldso, pero al hacer
 dpkg -i ldso_loquesea resulta que no puede instalarlo porque falta
 el ldconfig, de manera que no puedo instalar el ldconfig porque no está
 instalado. La solución fue extraer todos los archivos del .deb a
 lo bestia con
 dpkg --extract ldso_loquesea.deb y copio el ldconfig a /usr/sbin.

 Finalmente hago dpkg -i libc6_loquesea libc6-dev_loquesea
 ldso_loquesea y...
 funcionó. Luego marco como Hold el paquete libc6, hago apt-get
 dist-upgrade y
 también funcionó, de manera que ya he vuelvo a la normalidad pero
 yo ya me
 veía haciendo discos de arranque para intentar solucionarlo o algo peor...

Pues menos mal que he leido tu email esta mañana, porque llegaba yo al
trabajo con mis disquetes con el libc y los libdb pero no el ldso, he
seguido tus pasos y he conseguido hacer downgrade correctamente. Mira que
pruebo estas cosas primero en casa, ante de aplicarlas en el trabajo, pero

Lo que me ha chocado es el servido pop ipo3d, que daba un error al acceder a
el, y sin embargo haciendo ldd /usr/sbin/ipop3d no presenta ninguna
dependencia de libdb2, porque lo del sendmail, pues esta claro, el servidor
LDAP tambien funcionaba correctamente.

Bueno, habra que esperar a que se replanifiquen estos cambios, sobre todo si
no queremo arriesgarnos mucho.


Re: exim/mutt y multiples cuentas de correo

2000-09-29 Thread VerdeOliva
Andrés, inserto un comentario tras uno de tus párrafos...

Yo también me he encontrado con la misma problemática. Me parece una
buena idea la de tener distintos ficheros de configuración del mutt
y arrancarlo con distinto fichero según la identidad del usuario que
quieras utilizar.

...siguen los comentarios insertados a continuación...


On 29/09/00 at 7:29 Andrés A. Rocchia wrote:

  No se cual será la forma correcta de hacer esto, ya que soy
  bastante novato, por lo que leí mi intención era crear distintos
  .muttrc para cada usuario, y por ese lado me parece que puede
  llegar a andar, al menos lo que respecta al nombre real del
  usuario para el mutt, pero donde no tengo idea es con el exim que
  me pide un qualify_domain que tengo que agregar porque sino (ya lo
  probé) el smtp de mi provider me devuelve los correos: must to be
  a valid domain (algo así) si dejo el default (miPC), funciona si
  pongo cualquiera que sea valido, pero queda fijo, cosa que no es
  lo que pretendo ya que como les decía las cuentas de correo no
  son del mismo sitio.

Yo utilizo el smail, en lugar del exim, pero me ha ocurrido lo mismo.
Ayer logré solucinarlo, creo que de forma patatera pero funciona. Añadí un
dominio cualificado, es decir existente, registrado (en smail es el 
en el fichero de configuración (utilicé terra.es). Al principio creía que eso
tendría algún efecto en los mails que me llegaran de vuelta  PERO NO.

Deduzco que es simplemente un nombre que intercambia tu PC con
el MTA par, y este último comprueba que existe en realidad. Las cabeceras de los
mensajes resultan un poco liosas, ya que aparece en el primer received como si
tu PC fuese terra.es pero funciona.

Los MUAs que te respondan lo harán al campo from de tus mails con lo 
lo anterior es un mero trámite PATATERO Y POCO ELEGANTE pero...

Conclusión: te aconsejo, para ir tirando, que configures dicha variable
a un dominio valido.

RUEGO: que alguien más ducho que nosostros nos ilumine


Procesamiento de correo ( SMAIL Y PROCMAIL )

2000-09-29 Thread VerdeOliva
Bueno chicos, quien haya leido mis correos sabrá que estoy liado
con el correo (valga la redundancia)  ;-)

Ahora que he conseguido que me funcione el trio: mutt, fetchmail y smail,
intento refinar su funcionamiento. Quiero procesar el correo de entrada para
entregarlo, según remitente (NO NECESITO MUCHAS MÁS OPCIONES),
a distintos mailbox (ficheros), de tal manera que
cuando arranque mi mutt no me encuentre todos los mails en el mailbox
por defecto, sino que los procedentes de determinados lugares
ya estén clasificados en sus determinadas carpetas.

Me he hartado de buscar información en Internet sobre smail, he leido
mucho pero no he encontrado nada que permita, o mejor dicho, me
informe sobre este análisis del campo from en concreto, y de su uso
para la clasificación del mail entrante.

Creo que eso lo puedo hacer con procmail, sobre él si que he encontrado
alguna información clara y concisa  :-))

Mi pregunta es la siguiente: ¿puedo hacer el filtrado que quiero (por remitente)
con el smail o tengo que instalarme por obligación el procmail?

Por favor, si alguien conoce la respuesta que me informe de ella y de un
posible lugar donde encontrar información, o que me diga directamente como
puedo hacerlo. La última de estas opciones será recompensada con una

Musschas Gracias.

pregunta del kernel

2000-09-29 Thread lw
Tengo un kernel (es decir el binario ya compilado) y no tengo el codigo
fuente original con las opciones de cofiguracion que fueron seleccionadas 
para obtenerlo.
Me gustaria saber estas opciones de cofiguracion.
Hay alguna utilidad que me diga cuales fueron estas opciones?

Re: pregunta del kernel

2000-09-29 Thread Agustín Martín Domingo
lw wrote:
 Tengo un kernel (es decir el binario ya compilado) y no tengo el codigo
 fuente original con las opciones de cofiguracion que fueron seleccionadas
 para obtenerlo.
 Me gustaria saber estas opciones de cofiguracion.
 Hay alguna utilidad que me diga cuales fueron estas opciones?

Si está compilado como un paquete debian, mira en el directorio /boot
del paquete y tendrás ahí el config-xxx donde xxx es la versión del
kernel. Si no ni idea.


Agustín Martín Domingo, Dpto. de Física, ETS Arquitectura Madrid, 
(U. Politécnica de Madrid)  tel: +34 91-336-6536, Fax: +34 91-336-6554, 
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://corbu.aq.upm.es/~agmartin/welcome.html

Re: Extraño comportamiento de CD-ROM

2000-09-29 Thread Javier Fdz-Sanguino Pen~a

Ojo! Los test de memoria no siempre son fiables... fiate más de
probar el ordenador de forma intensiva.. si te falla ahí y el resto de cosas
que Santiago indica no se dan, cambia la memoria.


On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 11:48:39AM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
 Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia:
  Al recompilarle el núcleo, el gcc falló lamentablemente dando un error
  interno.  Al repetir la orden, pasó por ese sitio sin problemas pero
  volvió a fallar más adelante. Al volver a repetir, acabó la
  compilación bien. Mosqueante. Los tests exhaustivos de memoria en el
  arranque de la BIOS no muestran ningún problema con sus 128 MB.
  ¿Alguna ayuda, sugerencia, indicación?
 Si un ordenador no se comporta de forma determinista cuando es de esperar
 que lo haga (por ejemplo, la compilación del núcleo), entonces una de dos,
 o make tiene un bicho :-) o es un problema de hardware.
 ¿No estará el reloj sobrerelojeado?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

configurar ip-fw

2000-09-29 Thread Eduardo Fernandez Corrales
Hola debianeros/as,

A principios de agosto migré una máquina con slinka a potato frozen. Todo
de maravilla, excepto el squid que se me rompió y  lo tuve que instalar
desde fuentes, pero eso es otra historia.

Lo que me pasa ahora es que detecto que no se pueden acceder a algunos
puertos de la máquina.

Investigando en /var/log/syslog veo cosas como:

Sep 29 16:39:05 correo kernel: IP fw-in deny lo TCP L=44 S=0x00 I=41382 F=0x T=6

Si significa lo que yo creo, se trata de que se está denegando una
conexión desde la maquina hacia ella misma.

Me han surgido un montón de cuestiones. ¿Que hace este software
funcionando y de donde ha salido?

¿Como se  configura? ¿Donde puedo encontrar documentación? (lo que me he
encontrado en /usr/doc/netbase no me ha aclarado mucho)

Por cierto, esta es mi maquina:
Linux correo 2.0.36 #2 Sun Feb 21 15:55:27 EST 1999 i686 unknown

Gracias anticipadas..
Eduardo Fernández Corrales
Sistelnet Integraciones Telemáticas - http://www.sistelnet.es
NUEVOS TELEFONOS: 95-4186897 95-4186898 902-293030 Fax: 954186901

Re[2]: exim/mutt y multiples cuentas de correo

2000-09-29 Thread Andrés A. Rocchia

El Viernes 29 de Septiembre del 2000 a las 08:59 hs,
VerdeOliva escribió:

 On 29/09/00 at 7:29 Andrés A. Rocchia wrote:
  No se cual será la forma correcta de hacer esto, ya que soy
  bastante novato, por lo que leí mi intención era crear distintos
  .muttrc para cada usuario, y por ese lado me parece que puede
  llegar a andar, al menos lo que respecta al nombre real del
  usuario para el mutt, pero donde no tengo idea es con el exim que
  me pide un qualify_domain que tengo que agregar porque sino (ya lo
  probé) el smtp de mi provider me devuelve los correos: must to be
  a valid domain (algo así) si dejo el default (miPC), funciona si
  pongo cualquiera que sea valido, pero queda fijo, cosa que no es
  lo que pretendo ya que como les decía las cuentas de correo no
  son del mismo sitio.

V Yo utilizo el smail, en lugar del exim, pero me ha ocurrido lo mismo.
V Ayer logré solucinarlo, creo que de forma patatera pero funciona. Añadí un 
V dominio cualificado, es decir existente, registrado (en smail es el 
V en el fichero de configuración (utilicé terra.es). Al principio creía que 
V tendría algún efecto en los mails que me llegaran de vuelta  PERO NO.

V Deduzco que es simplemente un nombre que intercambia tu PC con 
V el MTA par, y este último comprueba que existe en realidad. Las cabeceras de 
V mensajes resultan un poco liosas, ya que aparece en el primer received 
como si 
V tu PC fuese terra.es pero funciona.

V Los MUAs que te respondan lo harán al campo from de tus mails con 
lo que
V lo anterior es un mero trámite PATATERO Y POCO ELEGANTE pero...

 La verdad que no te entiendo como se te soluciono el problema,
 porque si te hago un reply, me da como tu dir [EMAIL PROTECTED],
 que es justamente lo que agregaste y es lo mismo que me ocurre a
 mi. Lo que intento hacer es que en tu caso el dominio - terra.es
 no quede fijo, sino que sea el correspondiente a una cuenta de
 correo real, donde pueda variar el susodicho dominio.

 Según la documentación de exim no se si tendra algo que ver la
 opción -f, si tuviera alguna forma de que el mutt (u otro MUA)
 entregara los correos y pidiera que se ejecute esta opción
 puede que funcione?? además no corro exim como demonio sino on
 demand desde init.d, no se si eso generaría un conflicto.
 (creo que ya estoy mandando mucha fruta) I need your help!


mailto: Andrés A. Rocchia [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GNU/Linux registered user #185003


2000-09-29 Thread falkom

Alguien le suena de algún buen y completo programa de Webmail???

Un saludo a todos.



2000-09-29 Thread Jordi
On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 06:23:55PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Alguien le suena de algún buen y completo programa de Webmail???

Hay un paquetecasi-oficial  de Twig (twig.screwdriver.net para más info) en

En breve debería pasar a la distribución oficial, pero estoy a la espera de
comentarios de los testers :)


Potato en el kiosko!

2000-09-29 Thread Xose Manoel Ramos
El Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 05:09:02AM -0400, c d contaba:

a ver si sabe alguien si hay alguna revista que regale la versión Potato de 
Debian (auque esté un poco capada). Si no, a ver si alguien sabe dónde puedo 
comprarla a un precio asequible.
Un saludo.

He visto en el kiosko que la 'Solo Linux Programadores' trae la
Potato. Viene con 4 CD's así que creo que estará completita. No se
más datos porque uno ya tenía potato así que no la he comprado.  

ose[EMAIL PROTECTED]   (Vigo/Galicia/España)


2000-09-29 Thread Cesar Iriso Calle


 Hay alguna forma de ver que hay en la swap.
 Ultimamente ,a pesar de tener 128 Mb de ram equipo me 
entra en swap y el ethereal me casca por no poder alloc'ar
4096 bytes .

 GLib-ERROR **: could not allocate 4096 bytes

Hasta ahora no daba problemas.Alguien me puede decir algo ??

 Gracias anticipadas.

Configurar correo modo texto

2000-09-29 Thread Fermín Manzanedo
Hola de nuevo,
he intentado todo, pero sigo sin poder recoger el correo desde modo
texto. Tengo instalado el fetchmail, exim (con sendmail tenía problemas)
y mutt. 
Como digo, con sendmail tenía problemas, ya que no me permitía enviar el
correo (imagino que por algún problema de configuración mío...el
ordenador no hace nada solo :-) ); con exim no me pasa, y me permite
enviar correo sin ningún problema.
El tema sigue siendo recogerlo, que no hay manera. Fetchmail se me
conecta, hace que lee, pero nada :(
La solución temporal (espero) que le doy es utilizar el netscape (a
falta de pan...) y como he visto que hay gente liada con el tema del
correo... y yo sigo con el mismo problema que en mensajes anteriores,
¿podríais ayudarme?

Fermín Manzanedo fmanguATtelelineDOTes
http://www.astrored.net/elsol | Badajoz, Spain
Desde Toshiba2140CDS con Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 
Usuario Linux #184967

Re: Socorro! un fichero fantasma!

2000-09-29 Thread Sergio Mu~noz Venegas


Alguna vez instale un programa (un asunto matematico especial) que habia
sido hecho para unix y para utilizar el makefile (en ese caso) lo tuve que
modificar porque el install (como comando) de unix y de linux tenia
parametros distintos. Ademas, una vez instalado, habia una funcion
predefinida de C que dada valor for default verdadero en los unix y
falso en linux. Ese tipo de variaciones puede incomodar tanto la
instalacion como el funcionamiento. Como dice Alberto, y con lo que digo
lo confirmo, si importas un programa y lo compilas o instalas (segun sea
el programa), tal vez debas revisar si todo lo que usa es acorde con linux
o debes retocarlo.


On Wed, 27 Sep 2000, Alberto F. Hamilton Castro wrote:

 El Wed,27/Sep/2000 a las 12:37:43+0200, Joaquin Fenandez Piqueras escribió:
  Estoy instalando Matlab para unix en una maquina Linux. Tal y como he hecho 
  decenas de veces en otras maquinas Linux, monto el CDROM, creo un 
  directorio /usr/local/matlab y desde aqui ejecuto /cdrom/install 
  install es un script que llama a un programa que se llama xsetup. Pues el 
  script me dice que no se encuentra este fichero. Lo he buscado 
  personalmente y si esta!!! en el directorio donde dice que no lo 
  encuentra!!!. Pruebo de ejecutarlo directamente ./x
 setup y la shell me vuelve a decir lo mismo, que no encuentra el fichero 
  He probado de todo, lo he intentado ejecutar desde varias shells, sh, bash, 
  ksh, csh, con el mismo resultado. He copiado el fichero al disco duro y 
  tras comprobar que el fichero se ha copiado, paso a ejecutarlo y me vuelve 
  a decir lo mismo, que no exist
 e o que no lo encuentra!!
  Por cierto, el fichero tiene permisos de lectura y ejecucion para todos los 
  usuarios, pero he probado de darle hasta de escritura y sigue igual.
   a mi me pasó algo parecido hace tiempo y lo que ocurria era que fallaba
 el comando que debia interpretar el script, es decir, el programa a
 ejecutar es realmente un script cuya primera línea es por ejemplo
 pero no existe el ejecutable /usr/bin/sh.
 Mira a ver si es eso.
   Alberto F. Hamilton Castro|Tlf:   + 34 922318265/86
   Grupo de Computadoras y Control (CyC) |Fax:   + 34 922318288
   Dep. Fisica Fund. y Exp.  |email: 
 Univ. La Laguna | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 c. Delgado Barreto s/n  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 38071 La LagunaSPAIN|PGP id: 0x1B519A0D

Sergio Mu~noz Venegas   |Acentos y 'egnes' no
http://www.mat.puc.cl/~sergiom  |esta'n por compatibilidad
Programa de Doctorado en Matema'ticas.  |con sistemas e idiomas.
P. Universidad Cato'lica de Chile   |

Re: configurar ip-fw

2000-09-29 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 29 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 16:43:18 +0200, Eduardo Fernandez 
Corrales contaba:

Sep 29 16:39:05 correo kernel: IP fw-in deny lo TCP L=44 S=0x00 I=41382 F=0x T=6

Si significa lo que yo creo, se trata de que se está denegando una
conexión desde la maquina hacia ella misma.

Me han surgido un montón de cuestiones. ¿Que hace este software
funcionando y de donde ha salido?

 Ese software es ni más ni  menos que el código de firewalling
 del propio núcleo, que se puede configurar para que guarde cosas en
 el syslog. Supongo que lo sabrás  ya, pero por si acaso la conexión
 es hacia el squid precisamente.


 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

strace - lsof - ...

2000-09-29 Thread Carles Pina i Estany


En esta lista ultimamente he visto varias referencias a strace, para saber
qué falla...

Yo no conocía esta utilidad, la he mirado un poco pero no veo exactamente
como funciona :-( y borré por problemas de espacio los mails que hacian
referencia a él...

Hay alguna Web, doc, etc. que explique como usarlo? en el man no veo

Y lo mismo con lsof, creo que lsof me puede decir los ficheros que tiene
abiertos un ejecutable y otras cosas, pero no sé hasta que punto enseña
las cosas, ni la diferencia con strace, si alguien sabe de algun lugar
donde lo explquen bien.

Y si alguien quiere poner aquí los usos básicos de estos comandos, creo
que seriamos muchos los que aprenderiamos (y así no dar tanto la lata en
la lista :-))

Gracias y hasta pronto

Carles Pina i Estany
   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] || #ICQ: 14446118 || Nick: Teufeus / Pine
   URL: http://www.salleurl.edu/~is08139
   Si no entra, no lo fuerces. Trae un martillo más grande.


2000-09-29 Thread Hue-Bond
El viernes 29 de septiembre de 2000 a la(s) 18:23:55 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Alguien le suena de algún buen y completo programa de Webmail???

 http://neomail.sourceforge.net está muy bien :^).

 Just do it.

David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] Linux Registered User #87069
Hi! I'm a .signature virus!  Copy me into your ~/.signature to help me spread!

Description: PGP signature

Apt no me funciona correctamente

2000-09-29 Thread David
Buenas, estoy haciendo la actualización de 2.1 (slink) a 2.2 (potato)
con Apt. En el archivo /etc/apt/sources.list he puesto la dirección
correcta, lo he comprobado, y me dice que no encuentra los archivos
Packages y Release pero con una dirección más corta a la que yo le he
¿ A alguien le ha pasado lo mismo ? ( Actualizé de 2.0 Hamm a 2.1 Slink
con Apt y fue bien ).

Un saludo,
* * * Quitar sobra de la dirección para responderme * * *

RE: exim/mutt y multiples cuentas de correo | listo

2000-09-29 Thread Andres Rocchia

Al fin! no era tan complicado como lo pense, tenia un problema en la
configuracion del exim y por eso mi desesperacion, al final todo se 
arreglo colocando un qualify_domain (que sea valido) y agregando 
ademas un qualify_recipient (esto ultimo era lo que fallaba, porque
no existia y usaba el qd) lo demas de las multiples cuentas se puede 
hacer facilmente agregando en muttrc:

set realname=USER NAME

al menos asi lo hice al principio, pero luego leyendo la documentacion
encontre estaba escf para editar el from Por lo que les debo una
disculpa, pero es que despues de 10 dias uno quiere qeu el correo fucione
y ya me estaba desesperando. moraleja RTFM :)


Re: Extraño comportamiento de CD-ROM

2000-09-29 Thread carlos saldaña
Gerardo Aburruzaga Garcia dijo:
  Él tenía en slink el núcleo 2.0.36, y después de la actualización se
 puso el 2.2.17 que trae potato.
 Entonces fue a instalarse algún paquete y dio la orden habitual 
 apt-get install PAQUETE
 Todo bien, le pide que meta el CD Nº x  (1 = x = 4), lo mete, le endiña un
 dedazo a la tecla Intro y... ¡error y horror! Vuelve a repetirle que meta el 
 Nº X, y así ad nauseam y ad infinitum.

Este problema salió publicado en esta lista hace bastante tiempo. Si no
recuerdo mal, se trataba de un cambio de lectura en los nuevos núcleos, 
que leían de diferente manera el ID de los cédés (o algo similar).
Se trataba de borrar el contenido referente a los CD que hayais
cargado de los ficheros:

Luego se vuelven a cargar los discos con apt-cdrom, se hace un update
y solucionado.

 O sea, resumen: con el 2.0.X puede instalar paquetes desde el CD-ROM.
 Con el 2.2.x (también hemos probado con el 2.2.14) no puede, por el problema

Si ya hubiese estado actualizado a los 2.2.X tampoco hubiese tenido el
problema. Espero que se solucione como os digo. De todas formas, si los
problemas siguen, siempre os queda el método multicd del dselect. Basta
con instalar el paquete multicd, abrir el dselect, poner el último disco
y darle a actualizar (update). Es algo más lento que el apt pero también 


carlos saldaña
_¿Ha salido publicado el nuevo software?
_Sí señor; con un montón de fallos para que el personal no tenga más
** que actualizarse.

Re: swap

2000-09-29 Thread Ugo Enrico Albarello
At 08:17 p.m. 2000-09-29 +0200, Cesar Iriso Calle wrote:


 Hay alguna forma de ver que hay en la swap.
 Ultimamente ,a pesar de tener 128 Mb de ram equipo me 
entra en swap y el ethereal me casca por no poder alloc'ar
4096 bytes .

 GLib-ERROR **: could not allocate 4096 bytes

Hasta ahora no daba problemas.Alguien me puede decir algo ??

Usa top para ver quien está tragando tanta memoria.

Que te dice free?

Ugo Enrico Albarello López de Mesa A proud Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 User
http://members.xoom.com/ugo_linux/   Linux Registered User #52657 

Re: CDs de Hurd

2000-09-29 Thread Jordi Mallach
On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 12:58:31PM -0400, Virgilio Gómez Rubio wrote:
  ¿Se pueden hacer CDs de Hurd de la misma forma que para potato-i386? Me
 gustaría probarlo y, de momento, estoy haciendo mirror de todo par aluego
 pasarlo a CD.

Hay una persona haciendo CDs de instalación de HURD, pero no están

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || http://debian.org

http://sindominio.net  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet pusa.uv.es 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Configurar correo modo texto

2000-09-29 Thread Andres A Rocchia
On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 07:34:50PM +0200, Fermín Manzanedo wrote:
 Hola de nuevo,
 he intentado todo, pero sigo sin poder recoger el correo desde modo
 texto. Tengo instalado el fetchmail, exim (con sendmail tenía problemas)
 y mutt. 
 Como digo, con sendmail tenía problemas, ya que no me permitía enviar el
 correo (imagino que por algún problema de configuración mío...el
 ordenador no hace nada solo :-) ); con exim no me pasa, y me permite
 enviar correo sin ningún problema.
 El tema sigue siendo recogerlo, que no hay manera. Fetchmail se me
 conecta, hace que lee, pero nada :(
 La solución temporal (espero) que le doy es utilizar el netscape (a
 falta de pan...) y como he visto que hay gente liada con el tema del
 correo... y yo sigo con el mismo problema que en mensajes anteriores,
 ¿podríais ayudarme?

 La verdad que por lo que contas no se cual es tu problema pero te digo qeu 
a mi fetchmail funciono sin problemas desde el principio, bajaba los correos
pero despues exim no los distribuia bien, fijate haciendo un fetchmail -v
que te tira. Y despues mira los log de exim en /var/log/exim, que por ahi
quiza tengas el problema, tambien puede ayudar que te fijes en 
/var/spool/exim/input y /var/spool/exim/msglog si tus correos estan estancados
en ../input es un problema de conf del exim.


Configurar correo modo texto

2000-09-29 Thread Fermín
Hola de nuevo,
he hecho un fetchmail -v, y el resultado es el de siempre, me lee del servidor 
pero no me recoge nada. El mensaje que devuelve es igual al que mandé hace unos 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ fetchmail -v
fetchmail: 5.3.3 interrogando pop3.teleline.es (protocolo POP3) en Sat, 30 Sep 
2000 04:44:40 +0200 (CEST)
fetchmail: POP3 +OK POP3 Server Multiplexor
fetchmail: POP3 USER FMG4647
fetchmail: POP3 +OK password required for user FMG4647
fetchmail: POP3 PASS *
fetchmail: POP3 +OK Maildrop ready
fetchmail: POP3 STAT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 1 2008
fetchmail: POP3 LAST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK 0
1 mensaje para FMG4647 at pop3.teleline.es (2008 octets).
fetchmail: POP3 LIST
fetchmail: POP3 +OK scan listing follows
fetchmail: POP3 1 2008
fetchmail: POP3 .
fetchmail: POP3 TOP 1 
fetchmail: POP3 +OK
leyendo mensaje 1 de 1 (2008 octetos)
fetchmail: SMTP 220 asterix.homepc.net ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Sat, 30 Sep 2000 
04:44:46 +0200
fetchmail: SMTP EHLO localhost
fetchmail: SMTP 250-asterix.homepc.net Hello fmangu at localhost.localdomain 
fetchmail: SMTP 250-SIZE
fetchmail: SMTP 250-PIPELINING
fetchmail: SMTP 250 HELP
fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
fetchmail: SMTP 250 [EMAIL PROTECTED] is syntactically correct
fetchmail: SMTP DATA
fetchmail: SMTP 354 Enter message, ending with . on a line by itself
#***fetchmail: SMTP. (EOM)
fetchmail: SMTP 250 OK id=13fCdq-8u-00
fetchmail: POP3 DELE 1
fetchmail: POP3 +OK message deleted
fetchmail: POP3 QUIT
fetchmail: POP3 +OK
fetchmail: SMTP QUIT
fetchmail: SMTP 221 asterix.homepc.net closing connection
fetchmail: terminación normal, estado 0

Tal y como me has dicho he revisado /var/spool/exim/input y 
/var/spool/exim/msglog, y ambos están totalmente vacíos (no hay ni archivos 
ocultos). En /var/log/exim he abierto mainlog, y para el mensaje anterior esto 
es lo que aparecía:

2000-09-30 04:54:00 13fCmm-9J-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] U=fmangu P=local 
2000-09-30 04:54:02 13fCmm-9J-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] R=smarthost 
T=remote_smtp H=mailhost.teleline.es []
2000-09-30 04:54:02 13fCmm-9J-00 Completed
2000-09-30 04:54:15 13fCn1-9N-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
H=localhost.localdomain (localhost) [] U=fmangu P=esmtp S=1485 [EMAIL 
2000-09-30 04:54:17 13fCn1-9N-00 = [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
R=smarthost T=remote_smtp H=mailhost.teleline.es []
2000-09-30 04:54:17 13fCn1-9N-00 Completed

Como se puede ver, me mando el correo a mi dirección @teleline.es, pero, aunque 
parece que lee del servidor yo no recibo nada. Y digo que no recibo nada porque 
luego me conecto con netscape para recoger el correo.

¿Alguna idea? 

Un saludo,

Fermín Manzanedo fmanguATtelelineDOTes
http://www.astrored.net/elsol | Badajoz, Spain
Desde Toshiba2140CDS con Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 
Usuario Linux #184967

Re: Hostnames not resolving

2000-09-29 Thread Christen Welch
On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 09:48:00PM -0700,
ObeseWhale [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Everything seemed to be working fine when I set up Debian, but for some
 reason hostnames are not resolving even though I set everything up properly
 in resolv.conf.  I can get directly at IP addresses but NOT however through
 domain names.  My DNS servers are working fine as I can ping them and they
 work in windows, so something must be wrong on my side.  Any suggestions?

I just had the same problem. Make sure that in /etc/resolv.conf, there is 
no whitespace before anything. Like this:

domain bob.org

not like this:

domain bob.org

(Hope this shows up right:)


Love conquers all - Virgil

Description: PGP signature

Re: Getting CPU load (from /proc/?)

2000-09-29 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 09:56:44PM -0500, Brad wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 12:49:11AM -0500, Dave Sherohman wrote:
  Apples and unices.
 MacOS X?

Oh, yeah...  Forgot about that.  Guess you _can_ compare Apples and unices

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

RE: I just want to check my email

2000-09-29 Thread Jeremy L. Gaddis
How the fuck are we supposed to know?

Or, more precisely, what the hell does this have to do with


Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-Original Message-
Sent:   Thursday, September 28, 2000 10:53 PM
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject:I just want to check my email

I'm a student at Chicago University and i'm trying to reach the imp page so i 
could check my email. The page is at https://lugh.uchicago.edu; How come 
there is a problem?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

forcing D-Link 530 into Full-Duplex

2000-09-29 Thread Arcady Genkin
I have a D-Link 530 card using a compiled-in via-rhine driver as eth0.
The card is talking to an identical card in a computer that runs
FreeBSD.  I'm seeing collisions on the Linux side of the link, and am
wondering what parameters I should pass the kernel to force the card
into Full-duplex 100base mode, and how to pass those params.  (I
already did that on the FreeBSD side).

FWIW, here's the output from ifconfig and dmesg:

,[ dmesg ]
| via-rhine.c:v1.01 2/27/99  Written by Donald Becker
|   http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/via-rhine.html
| eth0: VIA VT3043 Rhine at 0xe800, 00:50:ba:a9:13:f6, IRQ 10.
| eth0: MII PHY found at address 8, status 0x782d advertising 05e1 Link .
|   PCI latency timer (CFLT) is unreasonably low at 32.  Setting to 64 clocks.

,[ ifconfig ]
| eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:A9:13:F6  
|   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
|   RX packets:448934 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
|   TX packets:266302 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
|   collisions:7766 txqueuelen:100 
|   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe800

Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: tape drive

2000-09-29 Thread Robert Waldner
On Thu, 28 Sep 2000 17:47:57 CDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
OK  the tar cv /path/to/file /dev/st0  works, but
tar xv /dev/st0  gives this error

Sep 28 17:39:57 babylon5 kernel: Additional sense indicates Data phase error
Sep 28 17:43:56 babylon5 kernel: sym53c875E-0: SCSI parity error detected: SCR
3 DBC=190026fc SBCL=ae

is this a problem with the tape drive, the SCSI card, or is it user error?

SCSI parity error looks like a SCSI problem for me. Maybe the cable?

/ Robert Waldner [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\KPNQwest/AT tech staff| Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

Re: forcing D-Link 530 into Full-Duplex

2000-09-29 Thread Alvin Oga

hi ya...

try using the RT1839 driver instead ???

have fun
http://www.linux-1U.net3 NIC 1Us.1U Raid5

On 29 Sep 2000, Arcady Genkin wrote:

 I have a D-Link 530 card using a compiled-in via-rhine driver as eth0.
 The card is talking to an identical card in a computer that runs
 FreeBSD.  I'm seeing collisions on the Linux side of the link, and am
 wondering what parameters I should pass the kernel to force the card
 into Full-duplex 100base mode, and how to pass those params.  (I
 already did that on the FreeBSD side).
 FWIW, here's the output from ifconfig and dmesg:
 ,[ dmesg ]
 | via-rhine.c:v1.01 2/27/99  Written by Donald Becker
 |   http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/via-rhine.html
 | eth0: VIA VT3043 Rhine at 0xe800, 00:50:ba:a9:13:f6, IRQ 10.
 | eth0: MII PHY found at address 8, status 0x782d advertising 05e1 Link .
 |   PCI latency timer (CFLT) is unreasonably low at 32.  Setting to 64 clocks.
 ,[ ifconfig ]
 | eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:A9:13:F6  
 |   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
 |   RX packets:448934 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
 |   TX packets:266302 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
 |   collisions:7766 txqueuelen:100 
 |   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe800
 Arcady Genkin
 Don't read everything you believe.
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Disregard - Need to test a new setup.

2000-09-29 Thread William Jensen
I'm still working on trying to get the list to be delivered to home.  Sending
a test here.


Re: SW under /usr/local/

2000-09-29 Thread Willy Lee
Colin == Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Quick question on administration:
 what exactly is the best way to deal with locally installed
 software from source under the /usr/local/ or /opt/ tree?
 I use GNU stow, but never actually saw anyone suggesting this to be
 *the* method.

 You have now ;) That's exactly how I deal with it, and I haven't
 seen anything that can do the job as well ...

 And the symlink algorithm it uses just *rocks*.

You have piqued my curiosity.  What is GNU stow, why is it so cool,
and is there a URL I should look at?



Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer
They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of 

Re: IceWM

2000-09-29 Thread Krzys Majewski
Missed the start of this thread, but I don't run any Gnome stuff and 
I can still  have gifs or jpegs on  my root window if I  want. xli (or
xv) is your friend. -chris

cls-colo spgs [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sven Gaerner wrote:
  can someone tell why the Debian IceWM Version is not linked against imlib or
  if I can download a version for Debian (Potato) of IceWM that is linked
  against imlib.
  I think it would be nice to also have JPEG images as background without
  installing GNOME stuff.

apt-get, gnome-apt, dselect, which to use?

2000-09-29 Thread Willy Lee
Hello all,

After my first 'apt-get update', I wanted to see a list of what was
newly available to install or upgrade.  'man apt-get' left me no wiser
as to whether there is a way to do this with apt-get.  What I ended up
doing was guessing as to a package name, and doing 'apt-get -s install
foo' to see if it existed.  Is there a better way?  Or do you
generally use something like gnome-apt or dselect to do this?

Also, is there a way to find out what packages
depend/suggest/recommend with apt-get?  Or a description of a package?

I guess what I'm getting at is, can I do everything just with apt-get,
or do you need to use something else for this kind of stuff.

I _love_ apt-get!

Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer
They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of 

Re: mount problems NEED URGENT HELP Solved

2000-09-29 Thread Alex V. Toropov
Find out that removing /etc/mtab forced mount to report 
everything correctly. Removing /etc/mtab and restarting 
coursed the problem to be fixed (Hope that really fixed)

But still can't understand the reason.

Re: apt-get, gnome-apt, dselect, which to use?

2000-09-29 Thread Preben Randhol
Willy Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 29/09/2000 (09:43) :
 Hello all,
 After my first 'apt-get update', I wanted to see a list of what was
 newly available to install or upgrade.  'man apt-get' left me no wiser
 as to whether there is a way to do this with apt-get.  What I ended up
 doing was guessing as to a package name, and doing 'apt-get -s install
 foo' to see if it existed.  Is there a better way?  Or do you
 generally use something like gnome-apt or dselect to do this?
 Also, is there a way to find out what packages
 depend/suggest/recommend with apt-get?  Or a description of a package?

Description:   dpkg -s pacakge
List all files:dpkg -L pacakge
list all packages: dpkg -l

I use apt-get, dpkg and dselect. You also have aptitude, apt-console.

 I guess what I'm getting at is, can I do everything just with apt-get,
 or do you need to use something else for this kind of stuff.

This is perhaps because you use Emacs :-) One monster app should do
_everything_ kind of attitude :-)

No, apt-get and dpkg is a killer combo.

Preben Vim user. No emacs installed.

Preben Randhol - Ph.D student - http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/
i too once thought that when proved wrong that i lost somehow
   - i was hoping, alanis morisette

Exporting list of installed packages

2000-09-29 Thread Craig McPherson
I currently have a Debian server with a very large (but finite) number
of packages installed.  I'll be replacing it with a new server soon,
and to ease the migration I'm looking for a way to tell the new server
to install all the packages that the old server currently has installed.
It would take hours to select them all by hand, so I'm looking for
some way to export the list of installed packages on the old server
to a file, and tell apt or dselect on the new server to install those

Thanks for any suggestions!

Craig McPherson
Network Admin
Baptist Student Union
Fayetteville, Arkansas

Re: XF86Setup Mouse Problems

2000-09-29 Thread Willy Lee
Ray == Ray Percival [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Try with ps/2 the wheel will not work this is what I had to do with
 mine Now if someone had a better answer.

The IntelliMouse with a wheel uses the imps2 protocol under X.

-- Original Message --
 From: Daniel Stehm [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000
 21:29:39 -0400

 Ahhh if its not one thing its another! :P Anyways, got on as root,
 did a XF86Setup, and read all the popup stuff, then it goes to
 Mouse Protocol or what not. Anyways, I have a MS IntelliMouse 1.1A
 PS/2 Compat. mouse, I figured I should select the Protocol
 'IntelliMouse' and hit A to apply, but then my mouse still doesnt
 respond after selecting that protocol. To make a long story short,
 ive tried everything, yet my mouse STILL does not respond after
 applying changes and selecting a mouse protocol. Hoping to get some
 help with this if anyone can, appreciate it in advance.
 Daniel Stehm


Albert ``Willy'' Lee, Emacs user, game programmer
They call me CRAZY - just because I DARE to DREAM of a RACE of 

Re: Minimum hardware requirements? Web-based version?

2000-09-29 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Dawn

On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Dawn Miller wrote:

 I have a client who uses Debian GNU/Linux (versions 2.2.6, 2.2.13, 2.0.18 and 
 2.1.?) on four of their servers.  
 I have two questions that I am trying to get answered for them, and did not 
 find the info on the Debian web site:
 1)  What are the minimum hardware requirements for installing Debian
 GNU/Linux?   Will this change for near-future versions (next 18 mos or

Debian slink (2.1) will run from 386 upwards with 4MB of RAM and you
should have hd-space of at least about 50 MB for the base-system. That's
the Minimum for slink. Of course you can build a system based on Debian,
that will run from a floppy on a 386-machine with 2MB of RAM, but you
won't be able to do much with it. 
For potato (2.2) you need 12 MB of RAM to install and hd-space of about 80
MB, although the system will run on machines with fewer RAM. Then you have
to install slink and do an upgrade to potato. (did it on a machine with
8Mb, works fine).
You can use X on a 486 with 8 MB RAM, but it won't be that fast, and you
have to think about which programs you use. I think the minimum to run
almost every program that comes with debian in a more or less
comfortable way (except Netscape, as that really is a resource hog) would
be Pentium processor with 32 Mb of RAM and about 2 or 3 GB of hd.

init 3 does nothing

2000-09-29 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
I'm running debian 2.0, and thinking about upgrading to 2.1.

I want to shut down X, so that I can do some upgrading of  X-related
stuff, without sawing off the branch I'm standing on, so to speak.

I was advised to try 'init 3', but this does nothing. I also tried 'init
0' to check if 'init' does anything at all, and this shuts the system
down, as expected.

Any ideas? Can I start up Linux and prevent X from starting up, through
some magical invocation a la Alt F5 (Windoze)?

Best regards,

Peter Hugosson-Miller
Faber est suae quisque fortunae.

tel;cell:+46 708 797 753
tel;fax:+468 676 5010
tel;home:+468 511 793 38
tel;work:+468 676 5270
org:A href=http://www.im.se;IMG SRC=http://www.nasdaq.com/logos/IMIC.GIF  ALT=Industri-Matematik International/A
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Development Specialist
note:Private mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Personal Homepage: http://www.netg.se/~hugge/
fn:Peter Hugosson-Miller

Re: SW under /usr/local/

2000-09-29 Thread Adam Lackorzynski
On Fri Sep 29, 2000 at 00:23:55 -0700, Willy Lee wrote:
 Colin == Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Quick question on administration:
  what exactly is the best way to deal with locally installed
  software from source under the /usr/local/ or /opt/ tree?
  I use GNU stow, but never actually saw anyone suggesting this to be
  *the* method.
  You have now ;) That's exactly how I deal with it, and I haven't
  seen anything that can do the job as well ...
  And the symlink algorithm it uses just *rocks*.
 You have piqued my curiosity.  What is GNU stow, why is it so cool,
 and is there a URL I should look at?

You can find stow on every GNU mirror, the website is

Maybe you also want to look at

Makes my life with stow a lot more easier :-)

  Lackorzynski http://a.home.dhs.org

Re: I just want to check my email

2000-09-29 Thread Peter Muirhead

so this guy is walking down a street, and he points out a solaris box to his
friend and says  phwoar, that's a bit of alright, and his friend says
pttt, i've already rooted it

ha ha ha ha ha

ha ha ha ha ha

sorry guys, i am drunk.. wtf is with that post? it went over my head...

when are we going to forma a debian.social.users-list ?

he he he

he he he


-Original Message-
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org debian-user@lists.debian.org
Date: Friday, September 29, 2000 1:53 PM
Subject: I just want to check my email

I'm a student at Chicago University and i'm trying to reach the imp page so
could check my email. The page is at https://lugh.uchicago.edu; How come
there is a problem?

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

which cgi to make site banners...

2000-09-29 Thread Jaume Teixi
which cgi to handle banners and its statdistics ?



2000-09-29 Thread --- ---
I want to know if Debian is suporting the arabic font ?

thanx alot


Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

Re: Exporting list of installed packages

2000-09-29 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 02:57:38AM -0500, Craig McPherson wrote:
 I currently have a Debian server with a very large (but finite) number
 of packages installed.  I'll be replacing it with a new server soon,
 and to ease the migration I'm looking for a way to tell the new server
 to install all the packages that the old server currently has installed.
 It would take hours to select them all by hand, so I'm looking for
 some way to export the list of installed packages on the old server
 to a file, and tell apt or dselect on the new server to install those
 Thanks for any suggestions!

on the old server:

dpkg --get-selections \*  selections

(the \* is important so packages you removed from the old machine will
also be removed from the destination)

on the new server:

dpkg --set-selections  selections
apt-get dselect-upgrade

peice of cake!

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: apt-get upgrade broke apache

2000-09-29 Thread Jürgen A. Erhard
 George == George Bonser [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Is this just par for the course when running woody stuff?  Occasionally 
 breaks for a while?  I do not know what mod_rewrite.so does, but I 
commented it
 out and the server came up.  Any ideas on what to do to find out what 
 and how to fix it?

George Yeah, I never take a libc upgrade on its first day
George out. Just about EVERYTHING depends on it and sometimes
George other packages must be rebuilt with the new libc to
George function properly and it takes a few days for these
George packages to catch up.

I do take libc upgrades on day... but only for VERSION-DEBVERSION to

Oh, and yes, it is par for the course... it's really called unstable
for a reason (as in: it's not guaranteed (for some loose definition of
guaranteed) to be stable)

George Since unstable is not designed to be a production release,
George there is no (nor should there be any) requirement to
George submit packages to the archive in any particular order.

I consider it pretty stupid to install packages in the archive that
are not installable (because the depend on something that is either
stuck in incoming or not even uploaded yet).

But then again, I don't know how hard adding this to dinstall would

George The short answer is that this is what you have to live with when 
using the
George latest development snapshots (to borrow a BSD term). It you are 
going to
George live in unstable, it is to your advantage to read debian-devel.

Agree totally... I read some mail on -devel that a new libc is coming
(don't remember who...), and was thus on the look-out.

Glad I did... as soon as I saw a new libc to install, I didn't (didn't
put it on hold, as I do most upgrades manually via apt-get install
PACKAGE anyway)

Bye, J

Jürgen A. Erhard[EMAIL PROTECTED]   phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
  My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/Juergen_Erhard
   SPACE: Above And Beyond (http://www.planetx.com/space:aab)
 I have a firm grip on reality, now I can strangle it.

Description: PGP signature

read only root partition

2000-09-29 Thread Raphael Bauduin

I want to install debian on a computer, where only the /var partition would 
be writeable. Has anyone of you done it? Any advice?

The possible problems:

Some programs want to have write access to /etc to work properly. Putting a 
link to /var/etc/file from /etc/file should work. 

/dev needs write access (how do I do that exactly? mount /dev from another 

A concrete example: /etc/nologin is written during boot time and erased after 
that. If I put a link to /var/etC/nologin from /etc/nologin, it won't work as 
/etc/nologin wont be erasable :-( And I didn't find a way to specify another 
file to login/nologin

Thanks for you help!

 |  -°)(°-  |
 |  /\\ Linux for ever //\  |
 | _\_vv_/_ |

   If windows is the answer, it must have been a stupid question.

apt problems

2000-09-29 Thread eric k . wolven

I recently ran apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade (I have woody).

I get this message:

/usr/bin/perl: error while loading shared library: libdb.so.3 : cannot open 
shared object file: no such file or library
E: Write error - write  (32 Broken pipe)
E: Failure running script: /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt

I have 49.9Mb that is not installed.

I have not had problems like this before.

Anyone have a clue how I might solve this?


Eric Wolven

Re: apt problems

2000-09-29 Thread Jens Guenther
On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 01:36:38AM -0500, eric k. wolven wrote:
 I recently ran apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade (I have woody).
 I get this message:
 /usr/bin/perl: error while loading shared library: libdb.so.3 : cannot open 

See debian weekly news:

Be careful. If you have grown complacent tracking unstable for the past
month, and were wondering why nothing has broken yet,
wonder no more. Unstable now has several breakages, most of them centered
around a new version of libc. It is known to break exim,
sendmail, perl, and apache, and may break other packages as well. 


Re: SW under /usr/local/

2000-09-29 Thread Colin Watson
Willy Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Colin == Colin Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Sven Burgener [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use GNU stow, but never actually saw anyone suggesting this to be
 *the* method.

 You have now ;) That's exactly how I deal with it, and I haven't
 seen anything that can do the job as well ...
 And the symlink algorithm it uses just *rocks*.

You have piqued my curiosity.  What is GNU stow, why is it so cool,
and is there a URL I should look at?

'apt-get install stow'

The idea is that, instead of installing locally installed software into
random directories in /usr/local and then ending up with them all mixed
up and with no idea what to do if you ever want to uninstall them again,
you install the software into /usr/local/stow/package-name instead.
Then you cd to /usr/local/stow and type 'stow package-name'. It looks
through the /usr/local/stow/package-name tree and creates the minimal
set of symlinks in /usr/local necessary to make the package look like it
had been installed straight into /usr/local in the first place - so,
with just one package you'll probably just have /usr/local/bin symlinked
to /usr/local/stow/quake/bin or whatever, but when you install a second
package it'll split up the symlinks as necessary.

When you want to uninstall the package, you just cd to /usr/local/stow
again and type 'stow -D package-name', and it'll do the symlink magic
in reverse; then you can delete /usr/local/stow/package-name in one


Re: init 3 does nothing

2000-09-29 Thread Colin Watson
I'm running debian 2.0, and thinking about upgrading to 2.1.

Hmm, you should probably go for 2.2 now, if you can ...

I want to shut down X, so that I can do some upgrading of  X-related
stuff, without sawing off the branch I'm standing on, so to speak.

I was advised to try 'init 3', but this does nothing.

You've been talking to Red Hat users :) Debian has a different runlevel
architecture, so there's no non-X runlevel.

Try '/etc/init.d/xdm stop' to shut down the X Display Manager. I wasn't
around at the time of Debian 2.0, so if /etc/init.d/xdm didn't exist
then look through /etc/init.d and see if there's anything similar.

Alternatively, you could always just Ctrl-Alt-F1 and log in there; even
if X dies it won't matter, as you won't be depending on it.


RE: I just want to check my email

2000-09-29 Thread Paul Biciunas

Jeremy L. Gaddis wrote:
 How the fuck are we supposed to know?
 Or, more precisely, what the hell does this have to do with
 Jeremy L. Gaddis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Original Message-
 Sent:   Thursday, September 28, 2000 10:53 PM
 To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
 Subject:I just want to check my email
 I'm a student at Chicago University and i'm trying to reach the imp page
 so i
 could check my email. The page is at https://lugh.uchicago.edu; How
 there is a problem?
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

When you check the page the student referenced, it states that it's a
placeholder page installed by the Debian release of Apache... and the
first link off the page is www.debian.org. There's no UChicago info on
the page at all, so I can easily see someone trying the first place
found for help.


Re: read only root partition

2000-09-29 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 12:25:02PM +0200, Raphael Bauduin wrote:
 I want to install debian on a computer, where only the /var partition would 
 be writeable. Has anyone of you done it? Any advice?
 The possible problems:
[problems snipped]

why exactly do you want to do this?  its not really a trivial thing to
do as your finding out.  if its security your not really getting much
since root can just mount -o remount,rw / anyway.  

perhaps a better option is a ramdisk / 

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

How to reinstall partial packages ?

2000-09-29 Thread Alex V. Toropov
After power failure some files done away :-(
This files are not necessary but I wish them to be back.
Is their a way to check which files are missed and to install them back
without removing/installing hole packages (For example mgetty: I have all
binaries, but
lost documentation/man. May be other packages are also half-broken)

TIA Alex

Re: apt-get, gnome-apt, dselect, which to use?

2000-09-29 Thread Michael P. Soulier
On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 09:54:29AM +0200, Preben Randhol wrote:

 Description:   dpkg -s pacakge
 List all files:dpkg -L pacakge
 list all packages: dpkg -l

So, does that mean apt-get's cache is shared with dpkg then? I thought
they were separate, due to the apt-cache program. I'm actually a little
confused about what dbs exist, and what is updated when I do an apt-get

 Preben Vim user. No emacs installed.

Here here. Vim rocks. 


Michael P. Soulier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
...the word HACK is used as a verb to indicate a massive amount
of nerd-like effort.  -Harley Hahn, A Student's Guide to UNIX

Re: OT: IRC the ~

2000-09-29 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar
- Is the ~ in front of your name in IRC due to the lack of auth installed? I
- cannot find identd anywhere with dpkg.  I've tried dpkg -l|grep iden.  When
- I had deb installed on another system I somehow picked up identd and I was
- not listed as ~ in name so that got me thinking.  Anyway, what is the std
- debian auth package? -- assuming this is the issue?

prefix ~ means that your IDENT server returned invalid reply, didn't reply
or is not installed.

it's possible that you have pidentd configured not to close ocnnection after
returning a reply (multiquery mode) - ircnet ircd's don't accept the reply
in such case. I'm justgoing to ask for a fix...

solution - install identd (pidentd for example). it's not as bad as some ppl
say :)

 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NEXTRA, Slovakia; IRCNET admin of *.sk
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ ; http://www.nextra.sk/
 On the other hand, you have different fingers. 

Re: read only root partition

2000-09-29 Thread Raphael Bauduin

yes, I know that root can remount the partition in read/write. However, with 
LIDS, it's possible to limit access to commands, even for root.  So the root 
partition would be read-only and would stay like that. Access to Lilo would 
also be limited.
/var could be noexec so any filed copied to it wouldn't be executable.

Another reason for the read-only is the fact that when the computer is not 
properly rebooted, the partitions don't have to go through e2fsck.


On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Ethan Benson wrote:

  On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 12:25:02PM +0200, Raphael Bauduin wrote:
  I want to install debian on a computer, where only the /var partition
  would be writeable. Has anyone of you done it? Any advice?
  The possible problems:

 [problems snipped]

 why exactly do you want to do this?  its not really a trivial thing to
 do as your finding out.  if its security your not really getting much
 since root can just mount -o remount,rw / anyway.

 perhaps a better option is a ramdisk /

Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=unnamed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

 |  -°)(°-  |
 |  /\\ Linux for ever //\  |
 | _\_vv_/_ |

   If windows is the answer, it must have been a stupid question.

Re: read only root partition

2000-09-29 Thread Ethan Benson
On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 02:16:58PM +0200, Raphael Bauduin wrote:
 yes, I know that root can remount the partition in read/write. However, with 
 LIDS, it's possible to limit access to commands, even for root.  So the root 
 partition would be read-only and would stay like that. Access to Lilo would 
 also be limited.

chattr -R +i /bin /sbin /lib /boot

then revoking the cap to remove immutable would also work.

 /var could be noexec so any filed copied to it wouldn't be executable.

yes they would, see my previous post demonstrating how you can execute
anything by running /lib/ld-2.1.3.so /path/to/noexec/binary.

 Another reason for the read-only is the fact that when the computer is not 
 properly rebooted, the partitions don't have to go through e2fsck.

true but if your / is small this is not a big deal.  if your concerned
about filesystem damage mount it -o sync or use a journalling

i think a burned CDROM with a ramdisk root would be a much simpler way
to accomplish a readonly root.  trying to keep / mounted read only is
going to require ALOT of hacking.  (and likely modification of source)

Ethan Benson

Description: PGP signature

Re: How to reinstall partial packages ?

2000-09-29 Thread Brent Buchholz
On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Alex V. Toropov wrote:

After power failure some files done away :-(
This files are not necessary but I wish them to be back.
TIA Alex

Have you checked lost+found for the missing files?

Their names will be lost, so run file(1) on them to determine what they
used to be. 8)


Re: How to reinstall partial packages ?

2000-09-29 Thread Alex V. Toropov

- Original Message -
From: Brent Buchholz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Alex V. Toropov [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Sent: 29 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2000 ã. 16:43
Subject: Re: How to reinstall partial packages ?

 On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Alex V. Toropov wrote:

 After power failure some files done away :-(
 This files are not necessary but I wish them to be back.
 TIA Alex
 Have you checked lost+found for the missing files?

 Their names will be lost, so run file(1) on them to determine what they
 used to be. 8)


Things are bad there (in /lost+found)
so the question is about the ability of apt/dkg  etc to do this trick
I mean downloading necessary debs and extracting only missing files and
may be changed files (with promting).

RE: Dual NIC Problem

2000-09-29 Thread Kimsey-Hickman, Brian
Well it sure didn't take to long to reach the limit of my knowledge.  I
really don't know where to look to find what services are running.  I found
a /etc/services file but that looked more like porting information (telnet
23/tcp).  I could not find anything that had the a telnet 110
line.  Sorry, I am a new user.

I am trying this as work and we are on an ethernet network running TCP/IP on
class b numbers.  There are only two Debian machines on the network right
now.  Both are purely experimental at this point.  I did check the hosts
file at it does have the machine name and IP number.  When I said I could
ping I meant I can the IP address not the device name.  I don't have
anything set up for name resolution right now for these machines.  We are
basically an NT  VAX shop.  The second experimental machine that has only
one NIC card I can telnet into just fine without any problems.  In setting
up the second NIC card on the first machine I could not find much
documentation so I just decided to edit the /etc/host file and added another
line with the same device name and a second IP address on another segment.
Then I went to the /etc/network/interfaces file and added a iface eth1 inet
static section defining the IP address, netmask, network, broadcast and
gateway numbers.  That all I did.  I could not find much more information in
the How Tos, online documentation or SAMs Debian Unleashed book.  I am sure
I have missed something.

In any case thanks for the help and I hope I have provided enough
information to fuel an answer.


On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 03:31:38PM -0400,
Kimsey-Hickman, Brian [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I have tried to set up a telnet session using both the ip and host name.
 When using the ip number I get just the telnet  prompt with no error

Do you have any services running that you could telnet into? For example:

telnet 110

or something like that to see if anything is running.

When I use the host name and get and Unknown Host error.  I can
 ping the ip address without any problem.

Sounds like a name configuration error. How is your network set up? Are you
trying to 
access a home network from work?


We are what we repeatedly do - Aristotle

Re: How to reinstall partial packages ?

2000-09-29 Thread Brent Buchholz
On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Alex V. Toropov wrote:

From: Brent Buchholz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Fri, 29 Sep 2000, Alex V. Toropov wrote:

 After power failure some files done away :-(
 This files are not necessary but I wish them to be back.
 TIA Alex
 Have you checked lost+found for the missing files?

 Their names will be lost, so run file(1) on them to determine what they
 used to be. 8)


Things are bad there (in /lost+found)
so the question is about the ability of apt/dkg  etc to do this trick
I mean downloading necessary debs and extracting only missing files and
may be changed files (with promting).

debsums -s can generate a list of missing/wrong md5sum files

dpkg -S file will tell you what package to uninstall reinstall

I don't know how to get the output nice and scriptable.


Re: SysVinit prob... now runlevel question

2000-09-29 Thread Matus \fantomas\ Uhlar
-  As I understand it, X86 hardware hardly ever uses anything but two
-  levels. I know sun hardware actually makes significant use of the
-  runlevels, but I am made to understand that nobody ever really bothered
-  to implement any more than two different runlevels.

init runlevels and kernel runlevels are something different.

init runlevels have nothing to do with hardware.

- Solaris does use runlevels a bit differently, but not vastly different:
- on Solaris, run level 2 is for things brought up when we want to play
- nice on the network but aren't fully awake.  So the clienty things
- usually go in rc2.d (such as nfs.client) while the serverish things
- (like nfs.server).  From 'man init' on Slugaris:
-  2 Put the system in multi-user mode.  All multi-user
-environment  terminal  processes  and  daemons are
-spawned.  This state is commonly  referred  to  as
-the multi-user state.
-  3 Extend multi-user mode by making  local  resources
-available over the network.
-  4 Is available  to  be  defined  as  an  alternative
-multi-user  environment  configuration.  It is not
-necessary for system operation and is usually  not
- Does Solaris really distinguish greatly?  Nope... the main difference on
- my Suns is that rc3.d has nfs.server in it.

I really like this solaris differences and I really use it, especialy at

runlevel 2 - multiuser without network services (also xinetd sendmail
probably sshd etc)
- very useful to upgrade, maintain, configure etc system while nothing from
outside can disturb you. Many consoles used (I use 8, debian's default is 6)

runlevel 1 - running minimum of programs, only onw console etc
- for some special actions - fixing, repairing systems, maybe upgrading some
exxential packages (although I already upgraded hot system in runlevel 3
with running network services - nothing special happened)

- Unlike RH or other popular distributions, Debian does -not- distinguish
- between the useful run levels (as opposed to the special ones like
- on-the-way-up-or-down ones).  Instead, it leaves the choice of the
- differences to be up to the local administrator.

I think at least the level above should be accepted. Default runlevel after
first boot should be 2 (sysadmin should look at everything before connects
newly installed machine to the net) and then, if someone decides, change it
to 3 where all network services would run.

levels 4 and 5 could be left for user to configure; level 0 means halt,
level 6 reboot (the fastest way to shutdown/reboot system w/o users is to do
init 0 or 6)

 Matus fantomas Uhlar, sysadmin at NEXTRA, Slovakia; IRCNET admin of *.sk
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; http://www.fantomas.sk/ ; http://www.nextra.sk/
 42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot. 

Re: Q: on Debian Bug-Tracking system

2000-09-29 Thread Bernd Worsch
Dear Wayne!

Now conclusions are fine :-)

I'd appreciate information on how your class is doing in
buglist-review project sometime.

My former reply was btw not addressed to you alone/primarily
but to users / maybe-users of debian in general. I'd think
statements on debian philosophy help understanding of the
debian way of doing things.

Therfore, thanks for your initial post!
Bye Bernd



Re: debian: lpr wont suppress headers

2000-09-29 Thread Jeff Howie
Probably nothing to do with your printcap. We saw the same problem @
work,  upgrading to the latest lprng was the fix.

On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 11:53:58AM +1100, Brendan J Simon wrote:
 I'm using Debian-2.2 on Intel and PowerPC platforms.  I am using
 magicfilter and lprng (couldn't get lpr working on my PowerMacs).  It
 prints fine but I always get a header page printed.  lpr -h does
 suppress the header page correctly but I don't want to have to type this
 everytime.  I have put the :sh: option in my printcap which should
 supress the header page but it doesn't.  What do I have to do to
 suppress the header page ???
 Here is my /etc/printcap.
 rlp|Remote printer entry\

Re: Maillist vs. newsgroup

2000-09-29 Thread jeff
Rats... that's what I thought!  Guess I'll dig through procmail and mutt
docs and learn how to deal with mailboxes.  Thanks for the reply.


On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 08:31:43PM -0700, George Bonser wrote:
 Posts to the mailing list will show up in the newsgroup but newsgroup
 posts do not show up in the mailing list.
 On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, jeff wrote:
  Is the debian-user maillist identical to the linux.debian.user newsgroup? 
  In other words, will posts and followups posted on either one show up in
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Reenviar: ISDN Help?

2000-09-29 Thread grecasav
- Mensaje reenviado por 
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 12:08:42 -0600
Subject: ISDN Help?
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org

Hi my name is Greg and I am from Costa Rica. I need some
help whit my Debian 2.2.

I have one machine whit a ISDN UTA128 (external). When I
dial to my local ISP I have no problem at all. But I
have another machine whit debian 2.2 whit another ISDN
UTA128 (external).   I want to make a pont-to-point
conection whit this 2 computer.

Problems That I have.

1) I get this message, peer refused to authtenticate
ok a have being trying a lot of things.

I am using mgetty.
I already put noauth on /etc/options and

Remember that a am in Costa Rica (Central America)


Please help me.

Este mensaje fue enviado por medio de  IMP: 

- Fin del Mensaje reenviado -

Este mensaje fue enviado por medio de  IMP: http://correo.ulatina.ac.cr

Re: apt-get, gnome-apt, dselect, which to use?

2000-09-29 Thread Remco van 't Veer
I use apt-cache (also in the apt package) to see what packages are

$ apt-cache search jdk
jdk1.1-dev - JDK 1.1.x (Java Development Kit)
ibm-jdk1.1-installer - Installer for IBM Developer Kit for Linux, Java(TM)
Technology Edition
lib-rxtx-java - native interface to serial ports in java
jdk1.1-native-dev - JDK 1.1.x - native threads extensions
netbeans-developer - NetBeans Developer - Java IDE
biss-awt - a Java GUI application programming framework
mmake - Makefile generator for Java programs
gcj - The GNU compiler for Java(TM).
jde - Java Development Environment for Emacs or XEmacs.
jdk1.1-native - JDK 1.1.x Runtime - native threads extensions
tya - JIT-compiler for Java.
jdk1.1 - JDK 1.1.x (Java Development Kit) - Runtime only
$ apt-cache show tya
Package: tya
Priority: optional
Section: contrib/devel
Installed-Size: 190
Maintainer: Ruud de Rooij [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: 1.6-1
Depends: libc6 (= 2.1.2), jdk1.1 (= 1.1.7v3-2)
Architecture: i386
Size: 95184
MD5sum: 6b1c81244dba9a88a2db9325819b632e
Filename: dists/potato/contrib/binary-i386/devel/tya_1.6-1.deb
Description: JIT-compiler for Java.
 TYA is a ``100% unofficial'' JIT-compiler designed as an add-on to JDK 1.1.x
 for Linux (x86).
 A JIT-compiler (just in time-compiler) is an extension to the Java virtual
 machine.  It translates Java bytecode instructions on-the-fly (at run-time)
 into native machine instructions.  This results in faster execution of Java
 programs compared to the conventional interpreted execution.


On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 00:36, Willy Lee wrote:

 Hello all,
 After my first 'apt-get update', I wanted to see a list of what was
 newly available to install or upgrade.  'man apt-get' left me no wiser
 as to whether there is a way to do this with apt-get.  What I ended up
 doing was guessing as to a package name, and doing 'apt-get -s install
 foo' to see if it existed.  Is there a better way?  Or do you
 generally use something like gnome-apt or dselect to do this?
 Also, is there a way to find out what packages
 depend/suggest/recommend with apt-get?  Or a description of a package?
 I guess what I'm getting at is, can I do everything just with apt-get,
 or do you need to use something else for this kind of stuff.
 I _love_ apt-get!

Rule Psix Mossad security aanslag counter-intelligence BATF DES
AKSO KFOR heroïne colonel Osama Bin Laden SARIN Peking anthrax

Re: init 3 does nothing

2000-09-29 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Colin Watson wrote:

 I'm running debian 2.0, and thinking about upgrading to 2.1.

 Hmm, you should probably go for 2.2 now, if you can ...

Well, first things first - upgrade 2.0 to 2.2 isn't supported!

 I want to shut down X, so that I can do some upgrading of  X-related
 stuff, without sawing off the branch I'm standing on, so to speak.
 I was advised to try 'init 3', but this does nothing.

 You've been talking to Red Hat users :) Debian has a different runlevel
 architecture, so there's no non-X runlevel.

 Try '/etc/init.d/xdm stop' to shut down the X Display Manager. I wasn't
 around at the time of Debian 2.0, so if /etc/init.d/xdm didn't exist
 then look through /etc/init.d and see if there's anything similar.

 Alternatively, you could always just Ctrl-Alt-F1 and log in there; even
 if X dies it won't matter, as you won't be depending on it.

Your 2nd suggestion worked OK, but I wonder if it wouldn't be possible to 
define a new
(unused) runlevel that doesn't start X (say 7) and then 'init 7' whenever I 
feel like
shutting down X? Does this sound possible, and if so, how do I find out how to 
do it?

Best regards,
Peter Hugosson-Miller

org:Industri-Matematik International
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Software Development Specialist
tel;fax:+468 676 5010
tel;home:+468 756 93 58
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note:Private mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Personal Homepage: http://www.netg.se/~hugge/
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fn:Peter Hugosson-Miller

Configuring gtcd to read cddb info

2000-09-29 Thread Mário Jorge Nunes Filipe

Does anyone know the config that i need to place in gtcd so that it can get
info from cddb.

I'm behibd a firewall so i must use http, preferably on port 8080 (other
ports implicate tinquering with the firewall wich is bad...)

Thank you
Mario Filipe 

Where can I find a .deb for ipppd?

2000-09-29 Thread grecasav
Where can I find a .deb for ipppd?

Este mensaje fue enviado por medio de  IMP: http://correo.ulatina.ac.cr

Re: XF86Setup Mouse Problems

2000-09-29 Thread Carel Fellinger
On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 09:29:39PM -0400, Daniel Stehm wrote:
 after selecting that protocol. To make a long story short, ive tried
 everything, yet my mouse STILL does not respond after applying changes and
 selecting a mouse protocol. Hoping to get some help with this if anyone can,
 appreciate it in advance.

You realise that you also have to set the port? for a ps/2 mouse that's
/dev/psaux. And you also have to include ps/2 support in the kernel,
normally by loading a module?

groetjes, carel

/var/spool/mail on NFS

2000-09-29 Thread A Mennucc1


I have two machines with Debian potato on it,
and kernel 2.2.17; first one is called Tonelli, 
second one is called Fubini

I have install  nfs-common and nfs-server on both

I have set NFS export on Tonelli, putting 


in  /etc/exports

then I have mounted the same directory
in Fubini, using mount options
when I try to read my email using mutt, it says 

 fcntl errno = 37

and the mailbox is readonly

exim  at Fubini is also not able to lock
and deliver email

what am I doing wrong?


A Mennucc
 È un mondo difficile. Che vita intensa! (Renato Carotone)

Re: init 3 does nothing

2000-09-29 Thread Dave Sherohman
On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 04:27:20PM +0200, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:
 Your 2nd suggestion worked OK, but I wonder if it wouldn't be possible to 
 define a new
 (unused) runlevel that doesn't start X (say 7) and then 'init 7' whenever I 
 feel like
 shutting down X? Does this sound possible, and if so, how do I find out how 
 to do it?

No need to define a new runlevel, just use update-rc.d.  Debian sets up
runlevels 2-5 as identical to each other with the expectation that users who
want to use them for process/daemon control will customize the runlevels to
their personal taste.  (Note:  Those Red Hat guys probably told you that the
default runlevel is 5, but Debian's default is 2.)

Two words: Windows survives. - Craig Mundie, Microsoft senior strategist
So does syphillis. Good thing we have penicillin. - Matthew Alton
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d- s+: a- C++ UL++$ P L+++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI D G e* h+ r++ y+

Re: Subject: ATA-100, UDMA100, LILO

2000-09-29 Thread Vincent_Gaines

This works if I do not use an ATAPI CDROM: from the manual

page 79 ( ver 1.02)

 Make sure the ATAPI CD-ROM you want to use in the boot sequence is
connected to eigther the PRIMARY or SECONDARY IDE connectors, not to the
ATA100 connectors. Currently the Promise Ultra DMA /100 chip does not
support this feature.

Re: apt-get, gnome-apt, dselect, which to use?

2000-09-29 Thread Lehel Bernadt

On 29-Sep-2000 Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 09:54:29AM +0200, Preben Randhol wrote:
 Description:   dpkg -s pacakge
 List all files:dpkg -L pacakge
 list all packages: dpkg -l
 So, does that mean apt-get's cache is shared with dpkg then? I
 they were separate, due to the apt-cache program. I'm actually a little
 confused about what dbs exist, and what is updated when I do an apt-get

dpkg's database s in /var/lib/dpkg. apt has the package lists in
/var/state/apt/lists, and the cache (the binary database  packages) in

So if you do an apt-get update, only apt's lists are updated (unless you
use the dselect apt method, which merges the apt database with dpkg's).
With apt-cache you search the binary db of apt.

dpkg knows about a package only if the package description is in his
available list. Thus if a new package appears in apt's list, apt-cache will
know about it, but dpkg won't (unless you install the package).

 Preben Vim user. No emacs installed.
 Here here. Vim rocks. 

Agreed :)

Searching for a Terminal-emulator vt420-vt520

2000-09-29 Thread Andre Strenger
Hi All,
I am searching for a terminal-emulator who speaks DEC VT420,
VT500 or VT520 (for X11). 
Have anybody a little hint for me ???
Thanks for help and Greetings from Germany !


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Re: Gnome sounds

2000-09-29 Thread Jonathan Markevich
On Thu, Sep 28, 2000 at 05:33:51PM -0400, Noah L. Meyerhans wrote:

Bingo!  Actually, I had *just* found it before I got this message.  Note:
Mapped means window open and Unmapped means window closed.  How
user-friendly is that?

 Wouldn't the sound effects associated with opening and closing windows be
 a function of your window manager?  What are you using?  If you're running
 sawfish then I know it's got its own sound configuration.  You can get to
 it from within GNOME's configuration control panel or from Sawfish's
 config app.  Then there's GNOME's sound configuration, *also* available in
 the GNOME control panel, which would seem to control sounds for different
 I may be wrong, or you may have already pursued these roads...

 On Thu, 28 Sep 2000, Jonathan Markevich wrote:
  I just want to get rid of *some* of the sounds, but it's determined to have
  all or none.

Jonathan Markevich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
== It's VIRUSES, not VIRII!  See http://language.perl.com/misc/virus.html ==

Given its constituency, the only thing I expect to be open about [the
Open Software Foundation] is its mouth.
-- John Gilmore

Re: Like expr, but for floating point numbers?

2000-09-29 Thread Brendan Cully
perl? :)

or maybe bc can be convinced to take stdin/stdout...

On Thursday, 28 September 2000 at 10:28, Krzys Majewski wrote:
 I  would like to  have something  like expr,  but not  restricted to
 integers. For example, I have a bunch of numbers:
 and I take their average with awk. This gives me some floating point
 number. Now I would like to  compare, in a shell script, this floating
 point number to some  other floating point  number. How do  people do
 this? -chris

Description: PGP signature

List of packages..

2000-09-29 Thread w-valbue

Where can I obtain a full list of packages of Debian 2.2?

Because yestarday i tried to install the full version and the systems asked
me a lot of questions from software that I don´t know.


p.d.: Where can I obtain a Dselect HOWTO?.

Re: init 3 does nothing

2000-09-29 Thread Peter Hugosson-Miller
Dave Sherohman wrote:

 On Fri, Sep 29, 2000 at 04:27:20PM +0200, Peter Hugosson-Miller wrote:
  Your 2nd suggestion worked OK, but I wonder if it wouldn't be possible to 
  define a new
  (unused) runlevel that doesn't start X (say 7) and then 'init 7' whenever I 
  feel like
  shutting down X? Does this sound possible, and if so, how do I find out how 
  to do it?

 No need to define a new runlevel, just use update-rc.d.  Debian sets up
 runlevels 2-5 as identical to each other with the expectation that users who
 want to use them for process/daemon control will customize the runlevels to
 their personal taste.  (Note:  Those Red Hat guys probably told you that the
 default runlevel is 5, but Debian's default is 2.)

Thanks, I'll remember that, but it's moot now, at least for a while.

I attempted the upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1, and couldn't get past a circular 
dependency on
libc6 in dselect. I used the Q option to say accept this, continued with the 
upgrade, and
all seemed well. Then, whenever I tried to do anything I get a very ominous 
response. Take
this for example:

# ls -l
Segmentation fault

# shutdown -r now
Segmentation fault

masses of error messages, interspersed with Segmentation fault errors 
(rebooted eventually
thank goodness, or I wouldn't be in OS/2 now, writing this).

So I guess I have no Linux system now. Scratch everything and try again in a 
month or so.
Maybe 2.2 will install OK, but I must admit I'm beginning to doubt it. I've 
been trying, on
and off, to get Linux working for about 5 years, but my 21 years experience in 
this business
just isn't enough.

Sometimes I envy all you Linux gurus  (=people who have got Linux installed OK) 
out there,
it must be really nice to have cracked the puzzle. Maybe I'll solve it when 
Linux reaches
its 10th birthday, and woody is stable, who knows? I'm not being sarcastic, 
BTW, just a
little frustrated...

Best regards,
Peter Hugosson-Miller

Re: List of packages..

2000-09-29 Thread Steve Juranich
On Fri, 29 Sep 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Where can I obtain a full list of packages of Debian 2.2?


 p.d.: Where can I obtain a Dselect HOWTO?.

How about man dselect?  Speaking from one Debian newbie to (apparently)
another, bag dselect.  Try and use apt-get instead.  It's a _lot_ less

Stephen W. Juranich [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electrical Engineering http://students.washington.edu/sjuranic
University of Washington http://rcs.ee.washington.edu/ssli

Re: forcing D-Link 530 into Full-Duplex

2000-09-29 Thread W. Paul Mills

I don't think so! The rtl8139 driver is ONLY for the
DFE530TX+, the DFE530TX uses the via-rhine driver. They 
are not interchangeable.

Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

: hi ya...

: try using the RT1839 driver instead ???

: have fun
: alvin
: http://www.linux-1U.net3 NIC 1Us.1U Raid5

: On 29 Sep 2000, Arcady Genkin wrote:

: I have a D-Link 530 card using a compiled-in via-rhine driver as eth0.
: The card is talking to an identical card in a computer that runs
: FreeBSD.  I'm seeing collisions on the Linux side of the link, and am
: wondering what parameters I should pass the kernel to force the card
: into Full-duplex 100base mode, and how to pass those params.  (I
: already did that on the FreeBSD side).
: FWIW, here's the output from ifconfig and dmesg:
: ,[ dmesg ]
: | via-rhine.c:v1.01 2/27/99  Written by Donald Becker
: |   http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/via-rhine.html
: | eth0: VIA VT3043 Rhine at 0xe800, 00:50:ba:a9:13:f6, IRQ 10.
: | eth0: MII PHY found at address 8, status 0x782d advertising 05e1 Link .
: |   PCI latency timer (CFLT) is unreasonably low at 32.  Setting to 64 
: `
: ,[ ifconfig ]
: | eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:A9:13:F6  
: |   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
: |   RX packets:448934 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
: |   TX packets:266302 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
: |   collisions:7766 txqueuelen:100 
: |   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe800
: `
: Thanks!
: -- 
: Arcady Genkin
: Don't read everything you believe.
: -- 
: Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

: -- 
: Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

*** Running Debian Linux ***
*   For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son,  *
*   that whoever believes in Him should not perish...John 3:16  *
* W. Paul Mills  *  Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A.  *
* EMAIL= [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  WWW= http://Mills-USA.com/  *
* Bill, I was there several years ago, why would I want to go back? *
* pgp public key on keyservers everywhere? */

Re: Minimum hardware requirements? Web-based version?

2000-09-29 Thread Mike Fedyk
Dawn Miller wrote:
 I have a client who uses Debian GNU/Linux (versions 2.2.6, 2.2.13, 2.0.18 and 
 2.1.?) on four of their servers.

You are referencing Linux Kernel versions.  This is the very core of the system,
and can run with very small requirements.

The real question is What do you want to do with it?.

 I have two questions that I am trying to get answered for them, and did not 
 find the info on the Debian web site:
 1)  What are the minimum hardware requirements for installing Debian 
 GNU/Linux?   Will this change for near-future versions (next 18 mos or so)?

I have a 486 DX4 100 with 40 MB ram.

  It is doing this for me:
* File serving to Windows (samba)
* Web server (developing web sites)
* DHCP server (automatic IP assign)
* Half Life Server (Yes, you can run a three player game on a 486!)
* Email Server (sending [smtp with exim] and receiving [pop3 with 

Soon I will be adding a Fax server and web proxy to that list.

With this setup, I still have memory and processor speed left over.

Please reply (to the list) and let us know what you want to do with your linux

 2)  Is there (or will there be) a web-based version of this product available?

Debian is the environment surrounding the Linux Kernel.  That is like asking if
there will be a web based version of windows.

Please clarify.  Do you man remote configuration?  What part do you want to be
web based?

 Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
 Dawn Miller
 Dawn R. Miller
 Moss Adams Advisory Services
 (206) 442-2676
 (800) 243-4936 x2676
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null


Mike Fedyk   They that can give up essential liberty
Information Systems   to obtain a little temporary safety
Match Mail Productions Inc.   deserve neither liberty nor safety.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Ben Franklin

Re: Where can I find a .deb for ipppd?

2000-09-29 Thread Moritz Schulte

 Where can I find a .deb for ipppd?

ipppd is in the isdnutils package, which can be found on a debian

/* Moritz Schulte [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * http://hp9001.fh-bielefeld.de/~moritz/
 * PGP-Key available, encrypted Mail is welcome.

Re: forcing D-Link 530 into Full-Duplex

2000-09-29 Thread Arcady Genkin
Alvin Oga [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 try using the RT1839 driver instead ???

Well, I know that I'm using the correct driver.  My question is ``How
do I pass it parameters; and what parameters should I pass to force it
into full-duplex?''

  I have a D-Link 530 card using a compiled-in via-rhine driver as eth0.
  The card is talking to an identical card in a computer that runs
  FreeBSD.  I'm seeing collisions on the Linux side of the link, and am
  wondering what parameters I should pass the kernel to force the card
  into Full-duplex 100base mode, and how to pass those params.  (I
  already did that on the FreeBSD side).
  FWIW, here's the output from ifconfig and dmesg:
  ,[ dmesg ]
  | via-rhine.c:v1.01 2/27/99  Written by Donald Becker
  |   http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/via-rhine.html
  | eth0: VIA VT3043 Rhine at 0xe800, 00:50:ba:a9:13:f6, IRQ 10.
  | eth0: MII PHY found at address 8, status 0x782d advertising 05e1 Link 
  |   PCI latency timer (CFLT) is unreasonably low at 32.  Setting to 64 
  ,[ ifconfig ]
  | eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:A9:13:F6  
  |   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  |   RX packets:448934 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  |   TX packets:266302 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  |   collisions:7766 txqueuelen:100 
  |   Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe800
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

Re: X question - not the mouse!

2000-09-29 Thread Hubert Chan
Olaf Meeuwissen [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Look in /etc/X11/XF86Config for DefaultColorDepth and change it to
 your liking.

Or, if you can't find DefaultColorDepth, it goes in the Screen section.


The list configuration (bounced messages)

2000-09-29 Thread Arcady Genkin
Every time I post to this list I get at least three bounces saying
that this or that user's mailbox is full and the message could not be

Is this a list misconfiguration (which should be reported as a bug) or
can I configure something on my side not to get those messages?
Arcady Genkin
Don't read everything you believe.

printer setup in Debian 2.2

2000-09-29 Thread Seung-woo Nam

I was just wondering if there is a printer setup tool in debian like
printtool in redhat. My printer is hp deskjet 694c and it just spits out
garbage under debian.


Seung-woo Nam

F2 key programming

2000-09-29 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hello  Thomas, Further to e-mail from Julio Merino on how to make the F2
key emit |more\C-m
(i.e.  put into ~.inputrc the line\e[[B: |more\C-m ) I found,
after much fruitless searching, that
my F2 key has the string \eOQ instead attached and F10 has  \e[21~ .

I found this via a small C-program which I wrote. I now have the two
lines in my ~.inputrc
\e[21~:ls -l   #F10 emits ls-l
and all is well!
This shows one of the problems with Linux: some necessary information
is very hard to find.

Re: The list configuration (bounced messages)

2000-09-29 Thread John Hasler
Arcady Genkin writes:
 Is this a list misconfiguration...

No.  It's misconfiguration of the servers sending those messages.

 ...can I configure something on my side not to get those messages?

You can install mailagent or procmail and configure it to filter them out.
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, Wisconsin

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