login sin passwd

2001-07-30 Thread Álvaro J. Sánchez
Hola listeros.

Ayer tube el siguiente problema que no consigo explicar ni arreglar, resulta 
que de buenas a primeras no puedo entrar en la maquina.

Os cuento:

- Me da el login.
- Introducco el login.

y me vuelve a dar el login, !!no me pide el password!! y no puedo entrar en la 

he mirado los log, el /etc/passwd (desde un disco de rescate) y en principio 
todo funciona bien.

Alguna sugerencia de lo que puede pasar, y lo que es mas importante, como 


Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales (Badajoz)

Re: login sin passwd

2001-07-30 Thread Antonio Castro
On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Álvaro J. Sánchez wrote:

 Hola listeros.
 Ayer tube el siguiente problema que no consigo explicar ni arreglar, resulta 
 que de buenas a primeras no puedo entrar en la maquina.
 Os cuento:
 - Me da el login.
 - Introducco el login.
 y me vuelve a dar el login, !!no me pide el password!! y no puedo entrar en 
 la maquina.
 he mirado los log, el /etc/passwd (desde un disco de rescate) y en principio 
 todo funciona bien.
 Alguna sugerencia de lo que puede pasar, y lo que es mas importante, como 

El primer mensage de 'login:' lo muestra getty el cual acepta la entrada
y la pasará al programa login haciendo un exec. (El pid no cambia). 
Este mostrará el segundo mensaje 'Password:' y en caso de aceptar
hace un exec de la shell (El pid continua sin cambiar). Cuando muere la
shell es como si muriera el getty original que fue arrancado por el
proceso init. Pese a esos cambios de personalidad sufridos por getty
lo cierto es que para el proceso init el proceso arrancado identificado
por su pid continuaba vivo hasta que murió al finalizar la shell.

La clausula 'respawn' con la la cual se arranca getty instruye a 'init' 
para que vuelva a arrancarlo tan pronto muera.

En este caso parece ser que muere 'login' porque ni siquiera muestra 
el mensaje de 'Password:'. 

Si fuera un problema de permisos. (Login solo puede ser ejecutado de 
cierta manera y con ciertos permisos) Login probablemente devolvería 
algún mensaje de error. (O quizas no. Login no gusta de dar más información
que la estrictamente necesaria).

Comprueba que login está correctamente instalado, y que los ficheros
que necesita tambien están bien. Lee la página man de login.

Espero que con todos estos datos tengas información para investigar el

 Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales (Badajoz)
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Un saludo

Antonio Castro

/\ /\  Ciberdroide Informática (Tienda de Linux)
  \\W// http://www.ciberdroide.com 
 _|0 0|_
|  . . . . U U . . . . Antonio Castro Snurmacher  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  
|  . . . . . . . . . . | 
| *** 1.700 sitios clasificados por temas sobre Linux en ***Donde_Linux*** |
|  http://www.ciberdroide.com/misc/donde/dondelinux.html |

Re: login sin passwd

2001-07-30 Thread Lucio Gonzalez
  - Me da el login.
  - Introducco el login.
  y me vuelve a dar el login, !!no me pide el password!! y no puedo entrar
en la maquina.

comprueba si tienes en /etc un nologin... borra el fichero

Re: Postfix no recibe correo

2001-07-30 Thread Hue-Bond
Fco. Aguilar, lunes 30 de julio de 2001 a la(s) 00:13:03 +0200:

El viejo truco es poner la ip entre corchetes.
Es decir, el mensaje lo tienes que enviar a [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ¿Y eso por qué?

 David Serrano [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Linux Registered User #87069

Description: PGP signature

RE: ac97 integrada en placa

2001-07-30 Thread Juan Manuel Enrique Muñido

- Original Message -
To: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2001 11:35 AM
Subject: ac97 integrada en placa


 quisiera pedir consejo para configurar una ac97 integrada en
 placa. Tengo el módulo ac97_codec cargado en el kernel, y a partir de
 ahi no sé seguir. Puedo ver la configuracion de la tarjeta
 con lspci -v.  En la BIOS, ¿es conveniente que emule una
 sound blaster?

 ¿Hay que iniciar algun servicio?
 ¿Qué otros pasos hay que seguir?

 Quiero usar un comando para cargar módulos  manualmente pero
 no recuero cual es. No es modconf, es igual pero te permite instalarlo
 en consola con el nombre del módulo, si alguien
 conoce el nombre, 

 Muchas gracias

Yo llevo más de siete meses desesperado con el mismo problema. Con el núcleo
2.2.17 de potato y sus módulos nunca conseguí hacerlo funcionar, a pesar que
había un módulo AC97 y VIA82C. Pero hoy por fín ya está resuelto el
problema. Instala en núcleo 2.2.19, tiene un módulo VIA82C que al
cargarlo con modconf funciona perfectamente. No hace falta ALSA ni nada.


configuracion de pppconfig

2001-07-30 Thread root
Saludos Debianitas!!
consulta,se puede editar algun fichero para que la conexion realizada
con pppconfig el moden no emita sonido cuando se conecta al proveedor.
Juan Ortiz

Re: configuracion de pppconfig

2001-07-30 Thread Luis Arocha -data-
Y el lunes 30 de julio, root escribió:
 Saludos Debianitas!!
 consulta,se puede editar algun fichero para que la conexion realizada
 con pppconfig el moden no emita sonido cuando se conecta al proveedor.
 Juan Ortiz

Hola Juan,

Puedes poner L0 al final de tu cadena de inicialización del modem, con
lo que quedaría (en mi caso) algo así: ATF2L0
Esto, sin embargo, no creo que te deje el modem completamente mudo, sino
que bajará el volumen al mínimo.
Lo puedes hacer desde el mismo pppconfig.

Usa una cuenta de usuario normal para trabajar, no la de root.


   O /  O O O O O / O / O / O /  O  Luis Arocha, Data
\__|/|__|__|__|/ \__|/__|/__|/__|/|/ larocha at wanadoo.es
\\   \   \   \   Islas Canarias
  \\   \   \   \ Spain

Description: PGP signature

Re: configuracion de pppconfig

2001-07-30 Thread Manuel Clos

root wrote:

Saludos Debianitas!!
consulta,se puede editar algun fichero para que la conexion realizada
con pppconfig el moden no emita sonido cuando se conecta al proveedor.
Juan Ortiz

en /etc/chatscripts/EresMas
# ispnumber
OK-AT-OK ATL1DT909250250

Con esto seleccionas volumen L1 = el mas bajo :)

con ATM0... lo dejas mudo creo...

Manuel Clos

* Si no puedes hacerlo bien, hazlo bonito (Bill Gates)
* If you can't do it well, do it nice (Bill Gates)

Re: Postfix no recibe correo

2001-07-30 Thread Fco. Aguilar
En Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 07:19:38PM +0200, Hue-Bond escribió:
 Fco. Aguilar, lunes 30 de julio de 2001 a la(s) 00:13:03 +0200:
 El viejo truco es poner la ip entre corchetes.
 Es decir, el mensaje lo tienes que enviar a [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ¿Y eso por qué?
Parte del RFC 821 sobre el protocolo de transmisión SMTP:

...Sometimes a host is not known to the translation function and
 communication is blocked.  To bypass this barrier two numeric
 forms are also allowed for host names.  One form is a decimal
 integer prefixed by a pound sign, #, which indicates the
 number is the address of the host.  Another form is four small
 decimal integers separated by dots and enclosed by brackets,
 e.g., [], which indicates a 32-bit ARPA Internet
 Address in four 8-bit fields...

La verdad es que me habeis puesto en un aprieto (también me lo han
preguntado varios por privado). Yo simplemente lo sabía desde hace
años, y no recuerdo porqué. Pero nunca viene mal releer RFC's.


2001-07-30 Thread Gustavo Bononi
Hola que tal
Alguien sabe que programa se puede usar para chatear con una webcam? (al estilo 


Gustavo Bononi
ICQ: 18430956

Re: WebCam

2001-07-30 Thread German Poo Caaman~o
Gustavo Bononi wrote:
 Alguien sabe que programa se puede usar para chatear con una webcam? 
 (al estilo Netmeting)


German Poo Caaman~o
La historia no se lee, se escribe

Tamaño de fuentes en lynx.

2001-07-30 Thread Debian User

Saludos Debianitas!!
una consulta como hago para que las fuentes del lynx se vean mas
grandes?,seguramente sera cuestion de editar un archivo,no?..
Juan ortiz

Se traba la máquina al usar scp con archivos grandes.

2001-07-30 Thread Dr. Aldo Medina
Tengo una PII con Debian potato actuando como firewall, y una PIII con
Woody como cliente, que es mi máquina de todos los días. Recientemente
traté de pasar un archivo grande (realplayer, 8Mb) de la PIII a la II,
para ello entré a la II por ssh (ya que no tiene teclado ni tarjeta de
video) como siempre, y luego traté de usar scp linuxclient:realplayer .
La pantalla solo mostró el inicio de la transferencia y mi PIII se trabó
sin remedio. Ni Magic-Sys-Req funcionaba. Lo chistoso es que las
tarjetas ethernet seguían parpadeando como si se estuviera transmitiendo
información, pero al verificar posteriormente solo se transfirieron unos
pocos Kb en muchos minutos, lo que me hace pensar que en realidad no
había tal transferencia. El error lo he reproducido 3 veces con
distintos archivos de mas de 1 Mb.

Cabe notar que por otro lado la comunicación no tiene problemas, se unen
por un Rj45 a través de dos 8039compatibles genéricas. Inclusive los
archivos pasaron ya una vez por la conexión, pues la PIII los bajó de
internet a través de la II en primer lugar.

¿alguna idea?

Lo que más me preocupa es que una aplicación a nivel usuario pueda
trabar toda mi máquina...
Linux User #98419 -o)| My other machine also runs Linux  
http://counter.li.org  /\| 
ICQ 94335020  _\_v   | 
Si quieres ayudarme, ponme de| 
referencia en www.puntosclub.com |

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Re: Svenska tecken i konsolen (Testing, tcsh)

2001-07-30 Thread Mikael Hedin
Vad säger locale när du kör det?  Jag har bara LANG=sv_SE och då
listas filerna med åäö i rätt ordning.  Dock sorterarden fel, AaBbCc
etc, så jag har LC_COLLATE=C.  Har dock för mig att tcsh kan behöva
någor extra?  Den använder väl inte readline, och alltså inte


Mikael Hedin, MSc   +46 (0)980 79176
Swedish Institute of Space Physics  +46 (0)8 344979 (home)
Box 812, S-981 28 KIRUNA, Sweden+46 (0)70 5891533 (mobile)
[gpg key fingerprint = 387F A8DB DC2A 50E3 FE26  30C4 5793 29D3 C01B 2A22]


2001-07-30 Thread Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro
OpenSource DVD and MPEG tools for Linux, BeOS, FreeBSD, MacOS X, QNX, 
Solaris, Windows

VideoLAN is a project of students from the École Centrale Paris. Its 
main goals are MPEG and DVD playing and broadcasting on the campus, but 
it also features a standalone multimedia player that can read DVDs and 
MPEG files. It will also eventually support streams from a satellite or 
from an MPEG2 compression card. VideoLAN is free software, and is 
released under the GNU General Public License.

More information can be found in the introduction section. You can also 
check the mailing-lists, and if you want more real-time stuff, you can 
meet the VideoLAN developers in #videolan on the OpenProjects network 

Hélio Alexandre Lopes Loureiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Division Multiservice Networks - First Deployments
Tel.: + 55 11 6224-1795
Public Key ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]://search.keyserver.net


2001-07-30 Thread weber . eduardo
Bom Dia!
  Estou tendo um pouco de dificuldade para configurar no meu
Servidor Apache (onde tenho uma página HTML ) o SSL, ou seja , tenho uma
página principal e clicando no ícone qualquer desta página principal vou
para uma outra página, o que gostaria de saber como posso aplicar nessa
hora o filtro colocando o SSL.
  Mais um favor. Você conhece se existe para Linux uma linguagem
  Espero que esteja claro e que possa ajudar-me.

Placa de Som ALS 120

2001-07-30 Thread TuXNH
Alguém já conseguiu instalar a placa de som als 120???

Se Sim, aguardo ajudas...

|   .''`.   ||Gilberto Júnior - Dep. Informática QRS|
|  `. `'`   || Linux User #185987  UIN #84098982|
|`- ||Powered by Debian Gnu/Linux --- Mailer Sylpheed   |
|  Debian   || http://www.debian.org - http://debian-br.sourceforge.net |  

fstab e samba - Como Montar um diretório pelo samba na r ede

2001-07-30 Thread cosmo

Montei uma rede aqui em casa. O servidor eh GNU/Linux, com nome de Servidor,
e o usuario tambem eh GNU/Linux, com o nome de Cosmo. O que eu estou querendo
fazer eh atraves do samba montar no diretorio /home/cosmo/servidor do cliente
Cosmo uma conexao com o diretorio /home/cosmo do servidor(Servidor). Para isso
tentei o comando  :

mount -t smbfs -o username=cosmo,password= //servidor/home/cosmo

Infelismente nao deu certo. Entao resolvi alterar um dos parametros e deu
certo, consegui ler o conteudo do diretorio root do servidor, o comando ficou
assim :

mount -t smbfs -o username=cosmo,password= //servidor/root

Mas nao eh isso que eu estou querendo, o que eu estou querendo eh
ler/escrever no diretorio /home/cosmo/ do servidor.

Uma outra tentativa foi alterar o arquivo fstab do cliente cosmo,
acrescentei os seguinte parametros :

//servidor/home/cosmo  /home/cosmo/servidor smbfs

Tambem nao deu certo. Alguem saberia me dizer o que eh que esta errado

[ ]'s

GNU/Linux Debian

Fw: cavalaria (was Re: Dicas-l de hoje: 27/07/2001)

2001-07-30 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva

Começo da mensagem encaminhada:

Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 09:14:06 -0300
From: Thiago Teodoro [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: cavalaria (was Re: Dicas-l de hoje: 27/07/2001)

E' isso ae pessoal,

Eu tbm nao sabia que o pessoal do Brasil estava tao organizado qto ao
Debian, estou aqui para ajudar no que for preciso.


Thiago M. M. Teodoro - aka camaro

- Original Message -
From: Gustavo Noronha Silva [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: Dicas-l de hoje: 27/07/2001

 Em Fri, 27 Jul 2001 16:19:34 -0300
 Tiago de Lima Bueno [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

  Realmente achei interessante a publicação na Dicas-l foi através dela
  conheci a Debian-BR e me inscrevi na lista hoje...já uso o Debian a
  tempo e espero contribuir o maximo possivel.
 seja muito bem-vindo =)

 nós tinhamos consciência de que havia muitos usuários Debian aqui que
 ainda não tinham conhecimento do nosso projeto, temíamos que aparesse
 duplicação de esforços também e um esforço único por um propósito
 único daria mais certo para todos

 por isso tivemos a idéia de publicar um documento falando do que já
 tinhamos feito, como forma de tornar conhecido nosso projeto pelas
 pessoas que possivelmente teriam interesse nele

 então vamos ao trabalho que há muito ainda que deve ser feito para
 conseguirmos salvar o mundo (né não edrx? =))

 may the source be with you! =)


 Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov http://www.metainfo.org/kov
 |  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org|
 | : :'  : | Debian BR...: http://debian-br.sourceforge.net |
 | `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
 |   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov http://www.metainfo.org/kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: http://debian-br.sourceforge.net |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Problemas com o xdm (e também com o kdm)

2001-07-30 Thread Pedro Quaresma de Almeida

A minha instalação do xdm está corrompida ... :(

Sempre que eu tento usar o xdm (ou o kdm) ele arranca mostrando o ecrã
de entrada no sistema, mas sempre que eu tento fazer o login (com um
qualquer utilizador, mesmo com o root), o X é inicializado (pelo
menos assim parece) e volta tudo ao mesmo, isto é ao ecrã inicial do

Qual será o problema?

Podem-me dar uma mãozinha?



Pedro Quaresma de Almeida

Re: Problemas com o xdm (e também com o kdm)

2001-07-30 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 19:50:00 +0100 (WEST)
Pedro Quaresma de Almeida [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A minha instalação do xdm está corrompida ... :(
 Sempre que eu tento usar o xdm (ou o kdm) ele arranca mostrando o ecrã
 de entrada no sistema, mas sempre que eu tento fazer o login (com um
 qualquer utilizador, mesmo com o root), o X é inicializado (pelo
 menos assim parece) e volta tudo ao mesmo, isto é ao ecrã inicial do
 Qual será o problema?
  Talvez o xdm não esteja encontrando nenhum gerenciador de janelas.
  Entre em modo texto e crie um arquivo .xsession com o nome de 
  um gerenciador de janelas que você saiba que você tem instalado.
 EX: gnome-session


 Podem-me dar uma mãozinha?
 Pedro Quaresma de Almeida
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Universidade Federal do Paraná
  Departamento de Física
Fabiano Manoel de Andrade   

Re: GNU/Linux na Estação de Trabalho

2001-07-30 Thread Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra

Este Grupo deverá estabelecer as condições minimas de
funcionalidades de uma estação de trabalho para um usuário
comum, integração com os aplicativos existentes da nossa

Para isso precisamos saber quais são os aplicativos,

plataformas, modos de interface, protocolos, formatos de arquivo, etc.

rede, avaliação e escolha da interface gráfica, traçar

Gnome ou KDE.  KDE é mais fácil, Gnome mais aberta e flexível.
O mais importante é saber em qual das duas vocês acreditam, de acordo 
com os objetivos e métodos de cada equipe de desenvolvimento.

comparativos entre as principais distribuições

Duas escolhas somente no Brasil: Conectiva ou Debian.

(facilidades de instalação,suporte no Estado, integração

	Para um projeto grande o importante não é a facilidade, mas a 
flexibilidade, escalabilidade e configurabilidade.

	Suporte forma-se.  A lista está disponível, a documentação também, há 
muitos estudantes ou mesmo profissionais que já sabem algo de GNU/Linux 
e pretendem aperfeiçoar-se, basta terem objetivos e prazos para que se 
aprenda como.

com a rede legada (NT da  MS), plano de formações de

	Samba é uma aplicação que roda em qualquer distribuição.  O importante 
são os detalhes: necessidades, recursos, prazos.

nossos técnicos etc.

	Plano de formação faz-se de acordo com o conhecimento de cada um.  Eu 
acredito que o fundamental é dar-se tarefas de acordo com o nível de 
conhecimento de cada um; havendo documentação e supervisão, aprende-se. 
 O que se pode fazer é delinear o conhecimento necessário a cada 
tarefa, e ter-se auditoria para verificar se os técnicos recorreram às 
fontes de conhecimento disponíveis para executá-las.

Gostaríamos de receber contribuições da comunidade vi


aprimorar nossas definições e desde já solicito proposta

	Vocês realmente precisariam ter gente com vocês que entendessem dos 
assuntos, ou que tivessem conhecimento suficiente para perceber o 
conhecimento que falta e procurar nos lugares certos.

	Ou transformar isso em um projeto comunitário, já que é uma empresa 
pública.  Publicar os objetivos, recursos, necessidades, prazos e outros 
detalhes em páginas na teia (talvez usando o mesmo sistema do 
http://sourceforge.net./ e http://savannah.gnu.org), publicar em que 
fases as diversas partes do projeto estão, todos os produtos 
(documentação, especificações, código, etc) e permitir que a comunidade 
aberta comente e participe.

Mas ao fim e ao cabo vocês precisam de alguém que entenda do riscado.

de consultoria em Debian GNU/Linux para este trabalho
(currículo, experiências, etc).

Meu curriculum em http://geocities.com./lgdutra/CurVit2001.html

/ \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra   +55 (11) 246 96 07
\ / http://geocities.com./lgdutra/   BRASIL  +55 (43) 322 89 71
 X  http://tutoriald.sourceforge.net./ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
/ \ Campanha fita ASCII, contra correio HTMLmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Programação

2001-07-30 Thread João Alberto
  Mais um favor. Você conhece se existe para Linux uma linguagem
  Espero que esteja claro e que possa ajudar-me.
Não entendo de Apache, contudo, sobre essa linguagem eu nunca ouvi falar,
mas existem dezenas de linguagens...vc pode obter mais informações no
Programming Languages mini-HOWTO, que é encontrado no site

[ ]'s


Modem PCTel PCI no Debian 2.2r3

2001-07-30 Thread Vitor Silva Souza


	Depois de muitos problemas tentando instalar o PCTel PCI no Debian potato 
eu consegui e anotei tudo o que eu fiz para isso num mini-Howto, que segue 
anexo. Está em inglês porque mandei para a lista debian-user também, e não 
tive tempo ainda para traduzir. Qualquer dúvida me perguntem.

- Vítor
PCTel HSP56 Micromodem PCI at Debian 2.2r3 (potato) Mini-HOWTO 0.1

1 - Introduction

1.1 - Purpose
The purpose of this document is to be a guide to anyone who is having 
problems installing a HSP56 PCI Micromodem from PCTel on a Debian 2.2r3 
(potato) system.

In the folowing paragraphs I will try to describe how I installed this 
modem (which is becoming popular on the latest computer models) on my Debian 
system (a very popular Linux distro). I did not try other distributions of 
Linux or other kinds of Winmodems.

For more information on Winmodems/Linmodems and the installation of 
their drivers, please consult:

- Linmodems.org
- Rob Clark's site: http://www.kcdata.com/~gromitkc/winmodem.html
- The Linux Documentation Project: http://www.linuxdoc.org
- Jan Stifter's Homepage: 

These links have been very helpful to me.

Last but not least, please excuse my english. I'm not a native speaker. 
I wrote this in english so it could reach more users, but if you think 
portuguese is easier for you to understand, please contact me. I'll be glad to 
write to you in my native language.

1.2 - Warning
Use this document as a guide only, adapting the instructions in it to 
your case. This is not a final solution, and things can go wrong! The author 
does not guarantee the instructions below won't damage your system in any ways 
and will not be held responsible for any harm caused by the use of this 
document. In other words: use this guide at your own risk.

I am not a Linux expert. This document tells you my experience by 
describing exactly what I did. This has worked on a i686 system (AMD Athlon) 
with Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3 (potato) installed, and a PCTel HSP56 Micromodem 
PCI (not onboard). I don't know if it works in any other plataforms or kinds of 
modem so, if you try it and it works, please let me know.

1.3 - The author
If you want to contact me, please use my email:

Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions or suggestions 
for this Mini-Howto.

2 - Before you begin

Before you begin, please be sure to have the following:

- The CD Set for Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3 (potato) binaries (at least CDs 
1 and 2 of the 3-CDs Set).
- Access to the internet on another machine or system.
- Some hard disk space (can't precise how much).

3 - The installation procedure
The installation procedure consists on:

- Getting the driver from the Internet;
- Installing and preparing the kernel source;
- Compiling and fixing the driver;
- Connecting to the Internet.

I did all the steps above as root, so I won't describe which steps 
requires root access and which ones don't. If you don't want to do all the 
instructions as root, try to do them as a normal user and su as root for the 
instructions that tell you Permission denied. I'm just not that cautious 
about running my system as root when I'm installing things. My opinion is that 
as long as you don't play games or access the Internet as root, you'll be OK.

3.1 - Getting the driver from the Internet
The drivers that worked for me were on Jan Stifter's Homepage, at 
http://www.medres.ch/~jstifter/linux/pctel.html. The name of the archive is 
pctel-2.2.tar.gz, and it should still be there. Download it and copy to any 
directory to which you have access to when logged in Linux.

Also, you'll need a little script called 'fixscript'. You can find the 
latest version of it reading the Linmodem-Howto (look for it a the Linux 
Documentation Project). At the end of this document there is a version that 
worked for me, and you can use that also.

$ cd /directory/where/files/were/downloaded/to
First of all, access the directory where you copied both of the files 
(the drivers and fixscript).

$ cp pctel-2.2.tar.gz /usr/src
$ cp fixscript /usr/src
Copy both of them to the /usr/src directory. That directory should 
exist on your Debian distro.

$ cd /usr/src
$ tar -zxvf pctel-2.2.tar.gz
Change directory to /usr/src, unzip (de-compact) and untar (de-archive) 
the driver files. This will create the directory pctel-2.2. You can erase 
pctel-2.2.tar.gz if you want.

3.2 - Installing and preparing 

PCMCIA Vidoe Cards

2001-07-30 Thread JakeCatfox
Is it possible to get a PCMCIA video card that is supported under Linux for 
OpenGL in MESA? I'd like to be able to use OpenGL on my laptop, but it uses 
an S3 Savage, which is unsupported by Mesa.

-- Deven


2001-07-30 Thread louiemiranda
anyone know a link where can i find more info on /proc ?


(axishift.ath.cx) PGPID : 0xDABA60C7

Installing network interface

2001-07-30 Thread Michael Blood
I have successfully installed debian 2.2r3 but the onboard intel ethernet
adapter was not recognized.

Anyone know what I need to do to get it recognized and listed as /dev/eth0?


Michael Blood

minor problems with new emacs21 installation

2001-07-30 Thread Faheem Mitha
Dear People,

I just compiled and installed (for potato) the emacs 21 prerelaease
sources ( provided by Takuo Kitame. Previous to this, I was
using emacs 20.7.

I am experiencing some minor problems.

1) Global font lock mode does not work unless I switch it off and switch
it on again. I had to install Auctex 10 to get it working it at all.

2) It can't find the info dir. This can probably be easily fixed, but why
is it not working out of the box?

3) M-x R locks up emacs 21. I've never seen anything do this before. This
command uses ESS to start up R. It is unlikely that someone else who is
reading this is using ESS, R and emacs 21, but I thought it worth
mentioning. I probably need to take this to the ESS mailing list.

Suggestions greatly appreciated. I know there are other people around who
are using emacs 21 prerelease.

 Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.

Re: /proc

2001-07-30 Thread Leonard Leblanc
After a quick search on google, I found the following links.  Hope they can 
help you out.


and you can also 'man proc'.

On Sunday 29 July 2001 23:20, louiemiranda wrote:
 anyone know a link where can i find more info on /proc ?

 (axishift.ath.cx) PGPID : 0xDABA60C7

Leonard Leblanc
Vice President - Technology

Re: Newbie Tips: Will, you asked.....

2001-07-30 Thread will trillich
On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 10:36:12AM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 11:12:09AM -0500, will trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  On Thu, Jul 12, 2001 at 05:27:04AM -0700, Hamma Scott wrote:
  Did you know you have MORE THAN ONE CONSOLE to use? There's
  six, by default: try Control-Alt-F6 to see console six,
  Ctl-Alt-F3 for console 3, and so forth. (If you don't use the X
  window display system, you don't need to include the control
  key. If you do have X running, you can return to it from any
  console via Alt-F7, unless you've changed the defaults.) Each
  console can have its own login, running its own jobs. Very
  and for Alt-LEFTARROW and Alt-RIGHTARROW, i think a separate tip
  is warranted. :)
 From the better-late-than-sober dept.
 ...there's also 'chvt' which allows directly targeting any virtual
 $ chvt 1
 $ chvt 100
 Under Debian, this is packaged in console-tools.
 This I've found handy when I've hosed an X session (but not the entire
 system) and can still ssh in remotely.  Running 'chvt 1' gets me console
 on the box (or confirms the display's hosed).  This can also be useful
 for entertaining yourself at a coworker's expense ;-)
 Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.comhttp://kmself.home.netcom.com/
  What part of Gestalt don't you understand?   There is no K5 cabal
   http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/ http://www.kuro5hin.org
Are these opinions my employer's?  Hah!  I don't believe them myself!

gotcha. thanks!

DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #89 from Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
HOSED YOUR X SESSION (but not the entire system)?  Try 'chvt'
which allows directly targeting any virtual terminal:
$ chvt 1
$ chvt 100
If you can still ssh in remotely, running 'chvt 1'
re-establishes your console on the box, or confirms that the
display is fuxnored.  (Try apt-get install console-tools to
get it.)

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

postgresql 7.1 oddness

2001-07-30 Thread will trillich
On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 01:09:42PM -0500, will trillich wrote:
 to connect to a remote postgresql server, we can use psql thus:
   psql -h distantdbname

but not the old-fashioned


any more. how come?

 with psql v7.0.3 i could be INSIDE psql already and do
   somedb=# \c anotherdb
   anotherdb=# \c [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   remotedb=# \d
 but with 7.1 i get
   somedb=# \c anotherdb
   anotherdb=# \c [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   FATAL 1:  Database [EMAIL PROTECTED] does not exist in the system 
   Previous connection kept
   anotherdb=# \q
 is there a fix i missed?

i asked this on the postgresql-general list, and they're
pointing me back to the debian-specific port... :/

would it be Bad Dog to write a wrapper to take care of the
command-line psql [EMAIL PROTECTED] portion at least?

So exactly WHICH SHELL ARE YOU RUNNING? Simply try
echo $SHELL
printenv SHELL
AFAIK any shell that does not set $SHELL is broken.

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

Will my modem work?

2001-07-30 Thread Gurusami Annamalai
Hello All,

I am using the KOB 810e FSFx mainboard.  (http://www.kobian.com)  It uses
the Intel 810e chipset.
In the manual it is written that

The KOB 810e FSFx is installed with the enhanced Intel 810e chipset.  The
mainboard has built-in 3D graphics, 3D sound, and a V.90 modem.  Two 32-bit
PCI expansion slots are provided plus a TV-Out/LCD Panel Riser slot.

Also I am not sure why, but my computer vendor has also provided a modem
(Motorola SM56 PCI
Speakerphone Modem) which is attached to the COM3 port under Windows 98.
When I check under
the Control Panel-Modems-Diagnostics I see only the Motorola SM56 PCI
Speakerphone Modem.
This modem is plugged into one of the PCI expansion slots (as mentioned in
the snippet above).

Is it possible that my vendor didn't provide me with that V.90 modem?  How
to know whether I have V.90 modem in my mainboard?

Apart from that since I am sure I have the Motorola SM56 PCI Speakerphone
Modem in my computer
(b'cos I can see it on the PCI slot) I would like to know if this modem will
work with Linux.  (I am using
Debian GNU/Linux 2.2).

I tried wvdial but it didn't detect my modem.  I asked it to specifically
look at /dev/ttyS2 (which is the
COM3 equivalent) but it gave an input/output error.

$ ls -l /dev/ttyS2
crw-rw1 root dialout4,  66 Jul  5  2000 /dev/ttyS2

$ cat /etc/wvdial.conf
[Dialer Defaults]
Modem = /dev/ttyS2
Phone = 172341
Username = drguruolai
Password = **
New PPPD = yes

comment The Password field contained the actual password. /comment

$ wvdial
-- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.41
-- Cannot open /dev/ttyS2: Input/output error

All your help would be very much appreciated.

Thank you.


Mouse in SVGAlib

2001-07-30 Thread JakeCatfox
Does anyone know what I need to do to configure my mouse to work in SVGAlib 
in Quake 2? I tried uncommenting PS/2 and commenting out mouse 
unconfigured but still no luck. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

-- Deven

Re: nVidia users help needed

2001-07-30 Thread Geoffrey Romer

  I am new to Debian and relatively new to Linux and ask your help with this
 God forsaken nVidia card.
 I initially installed 2.2r0 and upgraded the system to 2.2r3 followed by a
 dist-upgrade to Woody (for Xfree4.0.3). When I enter the command xf86cfg the
 command is unrecognized. I have never been able to get even a frame buffered
 support for this card and subsequently no X! I have tried all that I know of
 to do with the dist-upgrades for a more current set-up but all has failed. I
 also did a simple package selection which seemingly does not install kernl
 headers or source as /usr/src/linux does not contain these items unless
 Debian stores them elsewhere. I was going to try and compile the Nvidia-src
 files I found on one of the Debian FTP sites that I read of in the archives,
 but no kernel-src-headers.

If you want kernel source or headers, you want the kernel-source-vvv
or kernel-headers-vvv packages, where vvv is the version number of the
kernel you're compiling against. Personally, I recommend springing for
the full source distribution, and using make-kpkg (in the
kernel-package package) to compile the kernel and/or modules.

In addition, you probably want the nvidia-kernel-src and nvidia-glx-src
packages. The documentation for those packages (in /usr/doc/package-name)
should explain how to install them. You do need to be running unstable or
testing, though.

I haven't been able to find a good program to to auto-configure Xfree4 
(XF86Setup and its ilk seem to have disappeared), but you can perform the
necessary configuration with a little bit of trial and error by editing
/etc/X11/XF86Config by hand- the format is really not that difficult. You
can run 'dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xfree86', which performs some of
XF86Setup's functions, and which will generate a starting XF86Config.

The documentation for nvidia-glx-src will describe the changes you will 
need to make to XF86Config (in particular, Driver needs to be set to 
nvidia, rather than nv.

Hope that helps.

Geoffrey M. Romer
Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right
  -Salvor Hardin
I can't leave you alone with this man! He might be a tenor!
  -Fred Astaire

proftp question: symlinks can't be followed.

2001-07-30 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
dear all,

i made a symlink from /data/MP3 to /home/ftp.

the trouble is that even though anonymous users can see the directory, the
can't look into the directory.  for example:

 ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root9 Jul 30 07:16 MP3 - /data/MP3
drwxrwxrwx   2 root root 4096 Dec 16  2000 incoming/
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  166 Mar  7  2000 welcome.msg

 ls -l MP3

 cd MP3
MP3: No such file or directory

according to the proftpd documentation, this should be ok.  obviously i'm
missing something here.



The following addresses had permanent fatal errors...  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   -- Mailer Daemon  www.dirac.org/p

Re: Mouse in SVGAlib

2001-07-30 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Mon Jul 30, 2001 um 02:57:20AM:
 Does anyone know what I need to do to configure my mouse to work in SVGAlib 
 in Quake 2? I tried uncommenting PS/2 and commenting out mouse 
 unconfigured but still no luck. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

From the same file:

# Usually /dev/mouse will be a link to the mouse device.
# However, esp. with the Spacetec Spaceball you may
# want to specify a different device for svgalib to use

# mdev /dev/ttyS0 # mouse is at /dev/ttyS0

And don't forget: the device does not support sharing, ie. only one
process (and it is often) GPM can access the device at the same time.
If you use GPM, the best solution is to forward mouse data; I described
it on this list some days ago.

Air DOS:
Die Fluggäste schieben das Flugzeug an, bis es schnell genug ist und
gleitet. Dann springen alle auf und fliegen, bis es wieder landet. Danach
schiebt man es wieder an, etc. etc.

RE: Will my modem work?

2001-07-30 Thread Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
 $ wvdial
 -- WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.41
 -- Cannot open /dev/ttyS2: Input/output error
 All your help would be very much appreciated.

is the user who started wvdial in group dialout and is the modem tty own by
group dialout?  You can check what groups you are in by using the command
'groups'.  If the usre is not in the group dialout, as root do 'vigr' which
reads $EDITOR if you do not want vi and add the user to the line dialout.  Then
log out and log back in.

Re: pdf editor

2001-07-30 Thread Calvin Chong
 to find out where to put your text in the sourcecode. i did this several
 times and as in most forms the position where to fill in text is marked with
 dots it's easy to find it.

   i tried you suggestion. But all i was a lot of control charc and not much
 of text as it should have been. Looks it is encrypted. In such a case how
 would you edit it and fill up the forms?

consult the code written by the arrested guy in america.. :X


Re: Will my modem work?

2001-07-30 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
Gurusami Annamalai wrote on Mon Jul 30, 2001 um 11:51:42AM:

 (Motorola SM56 PCI
 Speakerphone Modem) which is attached to the COM3 port under Windows 98.
 When I check under
 the Control Panel-Modems-Diagnostics I see only the Motorola SM56 PCI
 Speakerphone Modem.

Bullshit. The important question is: does the modem use a real hardware
port, or is the port emulated by a special windows driver? Look in
device manager in the same where COM and LPT ports are. If you can find
a COM3 there (maybe, some windrivers emulate good), look at its
properties. If it is using default IO and IRQ settings (IRQ=4, IO=2e8 or
3e8), then you are lucky, otherwise it is only a software-emulated
interface and you are out of luck.

 This modem is plugged into one of the PCI expansion slots (as mentioned in
 the snippet above).

IMHO 90% of this PCI cards 
- don't provide a hardware interface and depend on drivers (some of this
  may be accessed using propritary drivers, see www.linmodems.org)
- or even does not have important thinks like a signal processor (so
  they are even not real MoDems since they cannot Mo/Demodulate without
  software hacks), so all the signal calculations must be done by the
  driver (complicated to develop, in most cases only drivers for

 Is it possible that my vendor didn't provide me with that V.90 modem?  How
 to know whether I have V.90 modem in my mainboard?

If the vendor told you that _this_ modem is compatible with everything
without restrictions, bring this piece back and he must replace it with
a real modem.
But if he said something like works perfectly with every Windows
application, better sell this thing to a windows user and by a real
modem with this money. They often external, better take one for the
seriall port - USB things may work, but there are still many

 (b'cos I can see it on the PCI slot) I would like to know if this modem will
 work with Linux.  (I am using
 Debian GNU/Linux 2.2).


 $ ls -l /dev/ttyS2
 crw-rw1 root dialout4,  66 Jul  5  2000 /dev/ttyS2

Well, without a corresponding driver in kernel you cannot do anything
with the device file.

void o(char c){printf(%c,c);}int main(){int a,b=0;char ciph[]= 91.92.7999 
yb Ugvuzm Hvmwg. Arxilhlug ivzoob hfxph !!!\n;while(a=ciph[b++]){if((a='A')
(a='Z')){a+=13;if(a'Z')a-=26;o('Z'-(a-'A'));}else if((a='a')(a='z')){o
('z'-(a-'a'));}else if((a='0')  (a='9')){o('9'-(a-'0'));}else o(a);}}

Re: sid / woody ppp not setting default gw

2001-07-30 Thread Eduard Bloch
#include hallo.h
Christopher S. Swingley wrote on Fri Jul 27, 2001 um 07:40:12PM:

 I have a laptop with an ethernet card connection to a local network
 and a modem for connecting to the Internet.  Earlier versions of pppd
 always reset the default gateway to the dial-in server when I connected
 (and reset it back to eth0 after I hang up).  A recent upgrade seems
 to have broken this:
 Jul 27 19:19:14 machine pppd[15272]: not replacing existing default 
 route to eth0 []

Well, hypotheticaly it is your fault, and a possible solution may be a
line in /usr/bin/pon that deletes default route before dialing, and
another line in poff that does ifdown eth0;ifup eth0. 

Since I was bothered by the same problem, I wrote a small hack for pppd
which kills the previous default route before pppd sets a new one. This
is should become default in Debian, IMHO. If the user chooses the
defaultroute option, he/she WANTS the route to be replaced, and it
confuses when pppd does not do this only after logging in, not warning
you before.

To Michael: would you like to accept the patch, or should I discuss it with

As of next week, passwords will be entered in Morse code.
  Frank Knappe in debian-user-de

Description: PGP signature

scsi0: Spurious SCSI interrupt

2001-07-30 Thread Sebastiaan

I have been out for a couple of days and when I came back my screen was
filled with:

scsi0: Spurious SCSI interrupt

and the system was dead. No entrys in the syslog reported anything
strange. Could this be due to a bad harddisk or overheating of the system
(the temperature has raised dramatically here)?

Thanks in advance,

  NT is the OS of the future. The main engine is the 16-bit Subsystem
  (also called MS-DOS Subsystem). Above that, there is the windoze 95/98
  16-bit Subsystem. Anyone can see that 16+16=32, so windoze NT is a 
  *real* 32-bit system.

Re: snort-stat not reporting

2001-07-30 Thread Sebastiaan

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001, Isetro Savi wrote:

 I'm running Debian unstable and the snort-stat script does not do
 reporting correctly.  All I receive is a blank e-mail in place of the
 proper statistics it should create.
I run testing and I have the same problem. I thought that there was
nothing to report. 

Thanks for the patch!

 After a little bit of troubleshooting, I have made a change in the
 script (diff follows below).  It seems my auth.log output is just a
 little bit different than what snort-stat thinks.  Is anybody else
 having this problem?
 /usr/sbin/snort-stat is my modified version
 --- ./snort-statTue Jul 24 08:33:36 2001
 +++ /usr/sbin/snort-statTue Jul 24 08:33:47 2001
 @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
# For snort log, added by $Author: yenming $
# If this is a snort log
 -  if (/^(\w{3})\s+(\d+)\s(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\s([\w-]+)\ssnort\[\d+\]:\s+
 +  if (/^(\w{3})\s+(\d+)\s(\d+)\:(\d+)\:(\d+)\s([\w]+)\ssnort\:\s+
$month  = $1; $day   = $2;  $hour  = $3; $minute = $4;
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Autoconf bugs?

2001-07-30 Thread christophe barbé
The new autoconf package uses some tricks to run in 2.13 mode or in 2.50
I believe that in this case it runs on 2.13 mode.
Try renamming your configure.in to configure.ac and then it should run in
2.50 mode and you should be happy.


Le sam, 28 jui 2001 01:18:38, Geoffrey Romer a écrit :
 I'm trying to build a software package from CVS, and I'm getting the
 errors when I try to run autoconf:
 autoconf: Undefined macros:
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_PUSH
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_POP
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_PUSH
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_PROGRAM
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_PROGRAM
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_MSG_NOTICE
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_POP
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_PUSH
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_PROGRAM
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_PROGRAM
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_POP
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_PROGRAM
 ***BUG in Autoconf--please report*** AC_LANG_PROGRAM
 I'm running sid (updated daily), with nothing really fancy that I can
 of. Does this look familiar to anyone, or should I talk to the package
 Geoffrey M. Romer
 Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right
   -Salvor Hardin
 I can't leave you alone with this man! He might be a tenor!
   -Fred Astaire
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact
Christophe Barbé
Software Engineer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lineo France - Lineo High Availability Group
42-46, rue Médéric - 92110 Clichy - France
phone (33). - fax (33).

Re: nVidia users help needed

2001-07-30 Thread Brian May
 Geoffrey == Geoffrey Romer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Geoffrey In addition, you probably want the nvidia-kernel-src and
Geoffrey nvidia-glx-src packages. The documentation for those
Geoffrey packages (in /usr/doc/package-name) should explain how
Geoffrey to install them. You do need to be running unstable or
Geoffrey testing, though.

Geoffrey The documentation for nvidia-glx-src will describe the
Geoffrey changes you will need to make to XF86Config (in
Geoffrey particular, Driver needs to be set to nvidia, rather
Geoffrey than nv.

Question: I have a RIVATNT2 card with 32Megs RAM, and I tried for the
first time to use 3d graphics acceleration.

It sort of works, but:

a) I got this thick yellow (with black stripes) vertical line that
appears in the bottom right hand of the screen.

b) GL xscreensavers all seg-fault when run full screen (but work fine
when run in a Window.

I tried disabling AGP, but that didn't seem to help. I reverted back
to the nv driver, but the same problems still occurred (except now the
cursor was also corrupt), and the only way I could fix this was by
rebooting the computer.

Any ideas?

(oh, one more thing, what is device-3dfx? Do I need that? What does it

Can't start Apache after upgrading potato to testing

2001-07-30 Thread Gael Pegliasco

I've upgraded my computer from a potato to the testing distribution and I cannot
start apache.

When I execute under root access the command :

/etc/init.d/apache start

I receive the message :

bash-2.05# /etc/init.d/apache start
Starting web server: apache.
[Mon Jul 30 11:01:37 2001] [error] Can't locate Apache.pm in @INC (@INC
contains: /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/share/perl/5.6.1
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.6
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.005 . /etc/apache/
/etc/apache/lib/perl) at (eval 1) line 3.

[Mon Jul 30 11:01:45 2001] [error] Can't locate Apache.pm in @INC (@INC
contains: /usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/share/perl/5.6.1
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.6
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.005 . /etc/apache/
/etc/apache/lib/perl) at (eval 3) line 3.

Syntax error on line 157 of /etc/apache/access.conf:
Can't locate Apache/Constants.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1 /usr/lib/perl5
/usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.6.1 /usr/share/perl/5.6.1
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/i386-linux /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.6
/usr/lib/perl5/5.005/i386-linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.005 . /etc/apache/
/etc/apache/lib/perl) at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Filter.pm line 5.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/Apache/Filter.pm line 5.
Compilation failed in require at (eval 4) line 3.

/usr/sbin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

In fact the module Apache.pm is in the directory /usr/lib/perl/5.6.0 which is
not in @INC.


I don't know how to solve this problem, is it a problem of the paquet
libapache-mod-perl or a problem of my perl config (I don't know how to change
the content of @INC) ? Or other ?

Can anyone help ?

Thanks for your reply,

With kind regards,


Re: Newbie Tips: Will, you asked.....

2001-07-30 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 12:47:22AM -0500, will trillich ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 10:36:12AM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
  From the better-late-than-sober dept.
  ...there's also 'chvt' which allows directly targeting any virtual
  $ chvt 1
  $ chvt 100

I showed an example of switching to the 100th virtual terminal just to
show that it's possible to switch to a VT that can't be addressed in one
keystroke (e.g.:  F1-F12.

In reality, most people will have fewer than 100 VTs.  My current
session has 63 VTs, and this may be larger than what's compiled into the
kernel by default (I believe it's a compilation setting).  A better
example might show some lower, but useful, number.

The second issue is that, by default, there isn't much to see above the
first half dozen or so VTs.  Default init runs a getty on VTs 1-6, and X
usually grabs VT 7.  You can fill other consoles (I dump logging output
to VT 12, for example), but you have to fill them -- there's nothing
there by default.

I'll leave as an exercise to Will how to boil all this down to a
meaningful newbie tip ;-)  I think the current one may be a bit

 gotcha. thanks!
 DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #89 from Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com
 HOSED YOUR X SESSION (but not the entire system)?  Try 'chvt'
 which allows directly targeting any virtual terminal:
 $ chvt 1
 $ chvt 100
 If you can still ssh in remotely, running 'chvt 1'
 re-establishes your console on the box, or confirms that the
 display is fuxnored.  (Try apt-get install console-tools to
 get it.)
 Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

Karsten M. Self kmself@ix.netcom.com  http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/   http://www.kuro5hin.org
Free Dmitry!! Boycott Adobe!! Repeal the DMCA!!  http://www.freedmitry.org

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian Issues!!

2001-07-30 Thread Ade Talabi
Jaimos F. Skriletz,

You need to do a checksum on your download, wether you are retrieveing a binary 
file as text.
Welcome to Debian  Linux

3 days is a short time to spend in this kingdom, Gandolf.

Jaimos F. Skriletz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said thusly on [27/07/01 at 23:44]:

 To whom it may concern,
 Hello, I'm tradionally a Window's 98 OS user and am currently in the project
 of teaching myself linux and wanting to learn how to use its operating
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can 
go.  (Thomas
Stearns Eliot, aka T. S. Eliot) 

Re: Debian Issues!!

2001-07-30 Thread Ade Talabi
Jaimos F. Skriletz,

You should not have an opinion on Debian till you see it at work.

Jaimos F. Skriletz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said thusly on [27/07/01 at 23:44]:

 to understand why I've been told its so great, for my opinion of now is not
 that high,
 Jaimos F. Skriletz
When I wake up in the morning, I start working. When I go to bed at night, I 
stop working.
--Angeline Machipisa, Zimbabwe

Re: nVidia users help needed

2001-07-30 Thread Gael Pegliasco

I've installed the testing distribution on a new machine yesterday with a
GeForce2 MX card.

First, if you just install xserver-xfree86 and xserver-common you should be able
to run X with the default config file. In my case this works fine.

Then, if you want to modify your XF86Config-4 file, xf86cfg is located in the
package 'xbase-clients' (apt-get install xbase-clients).
On my computer, this program do not run in graphic mode. But with the option
'-textmode' it works fine.

Then, configure your X server as desired, and try to start X. In my case X
refused to start after I had selected NVidia GeForce card. If you are in the
same case, edit manually your XF86Config-4 file and in the section of your
NVIdia card replace GeForce by the real type of your card, ie GeForce2 MX in
my case.

After you should be able to start X.

Finally, if you want to try NVIDIA accelerated driver, go to nvidia homepage and
download the driver.
You should install some debian packages, ie :

apt-cache search nvidia

apt-get install nvidia-glx-src
apt-get install nvidia-kernel-src

But I've not tried this yet.

With kind regards,


Re: Shared Libs

2001-07-30 Thread Ade Talabi

go to www.google.com and type it in...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said thusly on [28/07/01 at 00:24]:

 Does anyone know of a good site that has a supply of Linux shared libraries? 
 I'm specifically looking for libm.so.5.
 Deven Where the hell is the lib Gallo
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
You want an example of a communication system that doesn't charge 
for transport? The English language. Bruce Sterling US cyberpunk 
writer, Aug 1994. 

Home news server

2001-07-30 Thread Stephen J . Thompson
Hello all,

I am looking for suggestions of a news server for a home network. It will be 
used to serve windows and linux machines.




Re: Debian Issues!!

2001-07-30 Thread Ade Talabi
Israel Evans,

The connection is definetly a problem..

Israel Evans ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said thusly on [28/07/01 at 00:54]:

 I bet your connection might be a problem.  If you get stuck on Getting.  You
 might want to try using a different mirror to download from.  I don't know
 how helpfull this is, but I hope it helps.  Maybe someone who know a scrap
 about this crazy linux stuff will have more info.

I vote for beer. 
--   Phillip Jimeno, Maryland state senator, on his recommendation for the 
official state drink, 1997.

Re: mp3 players?

2001-07-30 Thread Ade Talabi

He can go to the moon and back with that...and still have laods of tracks 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said thusly on [29/07/01 at 08:05]:

 On 28 Jul, Michael Perry wrote:
 Why limit yourself to a measly 20G? ;-) There are 48G laptop drives
 available now... There's a guy with 2x48G in his empeg (now Rio) car
 player... not cheap in any way...
 OB Debian related content - the empeg (Rio car) runs Debian 

I start drawing, and eventually the characters involve themselves in a 
situation. Then in
the end, I go back and try to cut out most of the preachments.  (Theodor Seuss 
a.k.a. Dr. Seuss, 1904-1991) 

hardware compatibility

2001-07-30 Thread Thomas LECLERCQ

i tried to install debian form a distribution provided with a french
magazine. this is the version 2.2.
everything works good but the autodetection of the video card doesn't find
my NVIDIA TNT2 Model 64. there is a socket connection error, and the
install stops there.

how can i do ?



Re: Home news server

2001-07-30 Thread Bud Rogers
On Monday 30 July 2001 04:40 am, Stephen J. Thompson wrote:

 I am looking for suggestions of a news server for a home network. It will
 be used to serve windows and linux machines.

Apt-get install leafnode.  Works great for a small user base like a home 

Bud Rogers [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.sirinet.net/~budr
All things in moderation.  And not too much moderation either.

XNTPD question

2001-07-30 Thread M . PITZL
Hello all,

i have a question about the XNTP daemon.
I get a lot of synchronisation lost messages.
The machine i am retrieving my time from is always up, so i don't have any
idea why my machine is loosing it's sync all the time.
Anyone has an idea why this happens?



GMXler aufgepasst - jetzt viele 11 New WebHosting Pakete ohne
Einrichtungsgebuehr + 1 Monat Grundgebuehrbefreiung!

VFS: Disk change detected on device?

2001-07-30 Thread M . PITZL

i am getting this strange message in an interval of 4 hours.
The devices are the cdrom (ide1(22,0)) and the floppy (fd(2,0)).
I don't know anything on my machine which is accessing this devices.
There's no KDE or something similar running on my machine.
I get also the following message all 4 hours:
modprobe: can't locate module block-major-3
As far as i've seen yet, there's no module configured in the
/etc/conf.modules file and modprobe -c tells me that block-major-3 has the 
module ide-probe
bound to.
But on my system there isn't any module named so :(
Has anyone an idea what's wrong here and what i could do to solve this
I don't have any problems with the machine but this messages are a bit
Thanks a lot!


GMXler aufgepasst - jetzt viele 11 New WebHosting Pakete ohne
Einrichtungsgebuehr + 1 Monat Grundgebuehrbefreiung!

Re: Will my modem work?

2001-07-30 Thread Frank Zimmermann

Gurusami Annamalai wrote:

Also I am not sure why, but my computer vendor has also provided a modem
(Motorola SM56 PCI
Speakerphone Modem) which is attached to the COM3 port under Windows 98.
When I check under
the Control Panel-Modems-Diagnostics I see only the Motorola SM56 PCI
Speakerphone Modem.
This modem is plugged into one of the PCI expansion slots (as mentioned in
the snippet above).

i don't know this modem but it's quite unlikely that it will work 
with Linux since moust of the PCI modems are so called Winmodems.

I tried wvdial but it didn't detect my modem.  I asked it to specifically
look at /dev/ttyS2 (which is the
COM3 equivalent) but it gave an input/output error.

Try to configure pon with pppconfig. This tool will search for a 
modem and if you're lucky it will find yours. Then you can go online 
with pon and offline with poff.


about our `how to report bugs' web page

2001-07-30 Thread Josip Rodin
Hi people,

I've made some changes to http://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting that the
readers of this list should know about. It now suggests asking here in case
the reader/bug submitter doesn't have a clue what package has s/he noticed a
problem in.

This seemed like a sensible thing to do, since a lot of these bugs are filed
against unknown packages and each one of those takes a bit of time to
reassign. And we all know how volunteer time is precious :)
Also, some of those `clueless' bugs happen to be user errors, and it would
be good if we filter those through a mailing list before leaving a permanent
mark in the bug tracking system.

The most often stuffed-up-Package:-pseudo-header cases are bugs in the
installation system and the kernel. If anyone asks about this, please tell
them to use boot-floppies and kernel, respectively. If they also mention
a kernel version, tell them to use kernel-image-x.y.z-w or whatever.

Also, I made some other changes to that web page so it's written a bit more
clearly. I'd appreciate any comments aimed at improving it further.

Anyway, thanks for your attention, and sorry for the extra traffic I caused. :)

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

strange PATH problems with root

2001-07-30 Thread Pascal THIVENT
Hi all, 

I run Debian Potato (Kernel 2.2.17) with Gnome and sawmill as Window
Manager. I use the Gnome Display Manager for graphical loggin.

Last week, I decide to uninstall gdm.
Just after unsinstall, I discovered a (small) problem on my system when
login into bash : the root's PATH is not set as it was before. The root PATH
doesn't contain /sbin;/usr/sbin anymore.
I took a look at the config file from gdm and saw that the PATH for root was
correctly set in this file.

I checked /etc/profile and /root/.bash_profile but the PATH isn't set in any
of these file for root user.
However, I can remenber that my system was running correctly before I
decided to use gdm. So the right config files must have been overwriten or
lost. I can't remenber if I've modified root's .bash_profile for example.

So, here come my question : 
Could someone send me root's dot configuration file (.bash_profile at
Is there a .profile for root just after a freshly install

Or better, has someone been confronted to the same problem ?
Is this due to gdm ?

thanks a lot

Pascal Thivent

WinAlert! Problems with ZONEALARM

2001-07-30 Thread Ade Talabi
It seems zonealarm is refusing all connection from my debian box, apart from 
connecting to the internet through netscape (Win box is my gateway[WIN 98 SE]), 
I cannot seem
to get to the internet through my perl scripts. The major reason for using 
Debian in the first

Where shall I start from?


Re: PPP hangup

2001-07-30 Thread Ade Talabi

Sounds like authentication problem...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said thusly on [30/07/01 at 00:05]:

 Hi, I'm having a problem with PPP. I set up my connection to NetZero using 
 pppconfig, and then type pon NetZero to connect. After it's done connecting, 
 it pauses about 30 seconds, and then hangs up. There's no output to the 
 console. I've tried PAP, CHAP, and CHAT, but none of them work. Does anyone 
 know what I'm doing wrong?
 -- Deven
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: strange PATH problems with root

2001-07-30 Thread Paul Wright
On Mon, 30 Jul 2001 13:15:56 +0200, Pascal wrote:

 Hi all, 
 I run Debian Potato (Kernel 2.2.17) with Gnome and sawmill as Window
 Manager. I use the Gnome Display Manager for graphical loggin.
 Last week, I decide to uninstall gdm.
 Just after unsinstall, I discovered a (small) problem on my system when
 login into bash : the root's PATH is not set as it was before. The root PATH
 doesn't contain /sbin;/usr/sbin anymore.
 I took a look at the config file from gdm and saw that the PATH for root was
 correctly set in this file.
 I checked /etc/profile and /root/.bash_profile but the PATH isn't set in any
 of these file for root user.
 However, I can remenber that my system was running correctly before I
 decided to use gdm. So the right config files must have been overwriten or
 lost. I can't remenber if I've modified root's .bash_profile for example.
 So, here come my question : 
 Could someone send me root's dot configuration file (.bash_profile at
 Is there a .profile for root just after a freshly install
 Or better, has someone been confronted to the same problem ?
 Is this due to gdm ?

You must have sash installed.  This can be tested by doing an su from 
the command line.  If sash is installed, then root's login shell will not 
include /sbin;/usr/sbin, but su will give root a proper shell including 
/sbin;/usr/sbin  AFAIK, this feature is intended to be a last line of
defense against some rootkits and against hackers who are unaware of sash. 
I believe that you can set a different password for the full featured root
shell, but I have been unable to make this work.  I'm not eleet 3n0ugh I 
guess.  I'm going to be trying again when I add a new box (new toys, yay, 
being employed isn't all that bad after all.) to my playground next week.


   And, strange to tell, among the Earthen Lot
   Some could articulate, while others not:
  And suddenly one more impatient cried --
   Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot?
-- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam --


   And, strange to tell, among the Earthen Lot
   Some could articulate, while others not:
  And suddenly one more impatient cried --
   Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot?
-- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam --

Re: WinAlert! Problems with ZONEALARM

2001-07-30 Thread Shriram Shrikumar
make sure you have configured zonealarm to see your debian system as
part of the intranet and make sure your intranet security level is no
higher than medium.

you can set you local addresses using a mask like netmask Cant remember exactly where you set this. I think its
on the security settings where you get the intranet section on the
left and the internet section on the right.

Good luck

--- Ade Talabi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It seems zonealarm is refusing all connection from my debian box,
 apart from 
 connecting to the internet through netscape (Win box is my
 gateway[WIN 98 SE]), I cannot seem
 to get to the internet through my perl scripts. The major reason
 for using Debian in the first
 Where shall I start from?
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Re: WinAlert! Problems with ZONEALARM

2001-07-30 Thread Ade Talabi
Shriram Shrikumar,

I think it can see my debian as par of the intranet, for I can ping the windows 
box from debian and vice-versa.
Zonealarm is set to medium...

local addresses are as follows:


Shriram Shrikumar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said thusly on [30/07/01 at 13:45]:

 make sure you have configured zonealarm to see your debian system as
 part of the intranet and make sure your intranet security level is no
 higher than medium.
 you can set you local addresses using a mask like netmask Cant remember exactly where you set this. I think its
 on the security settings where you get the intranet section on the
 left and the internet section on the right.
 Good luck

I cannot write in verse, for I am no poet. I cannot arrange the parts of 
speech with such
art as to produce effects of light and shade, for I am no painter. Even by 
signs and
gestures I cannot express my thoughts and feelings, for I am no dancer. But I 
can do so by
means of sounds, for I am a musician.  (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) 

Re: WinAlert! Problems with ZONEALARM

2001-07-30 Thread Shriram Shrikumar

does it work if zonealarm is not running ?

--- Ade Talabi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Shriram Shrikumar,
 I think it can see my debian as par of the intranet, for I can ping
 the windows box from debian and vice-versa.
 Zonealarm is set to medium...
 local addresses are as follows:
 Shriram Shrikumar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said thusly on [30/07/01
 at 13:45]:
  make sure you have configured zonealarm to see your debian system
  part of the intranet and make sure your intranet security level
 is no
  higher than medium.
  you can set you local addresses using a mask like
 netmask Cant remember exactly where you set this. I think
  on the security settings where you get the intranet section on
  left and the internet section on the right.
  Good luck
 I cannot write in verse, for I am no poet. I cannot arrange the
 parts of speech with such
 art as to produce effects of light and shade, for I am no painter.
 Even by signs and
 gestures I cannot express my thoughts and feelings, for I am no
 dancer. But I can do so by
 means of sounds, for I am a musician.  (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) 

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Removing a sound module?

2001-07-30 Thread Antti Tolamo

How can I remove a soundmodule if it doesn't succeed from modconf?

I installed wrong module and now it fails as I try to remove it.



My PGP public key:

Sex, rags and rock'n roll!

Wake on LAN question

2001-07-30 Thread Robert Kerr
Hi all,
I am setting up a machine to do firewalling/IP masquerading.  I'd like to
be able to leave this machine on all the time, but perhaps in a
powered-down mode, so it's not using as much electricity, and not so noisy
at night.  I envision it in standby or suspend mode, but waking up
whenever someone on my internal LAN wants to access the internet.
1)  Is this possible?
2)  What would be the steps to go about setting linux up for wake-on-lan



Remember the... the... uhh.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *MS 0847 Sandia National Labs  *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Albuquerque NM 87185-0847 *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (505) 844-8606   *
* http://www.et.byu.edu/~kerrr*  Fax: (505) 844-9297 *

Who's using a program

2001-07-30 Thread Robert Kerr
Hi all,
I seem to recall reading (somewhere in my wanderings) of a utility that
would tell me who is currently accessing a file/program.  Does anyone know
of any such beast?


Remember the... the... uhh.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *MS 0847 Sandia National Labs  *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Albuquerque NM 87185-0847 *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (505) 844-8606   *
* http://www.et.byu.edu/~kerrr*  Fax: (505) 844-9297 *

Re: Who's using a program

2001-07-30 Thread John Kennedy
Robert Kerr wrote:
 Hi all,
 I seem to recall reading (somewhere in my wanderings) of a utility that
 would tell me who is currently accessing a file/program.  Does anyone know
 of any such beast?
 Remember the... the... uhh.
 * Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *MS 0847 Sandia National Labs  *
 * [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Albuquerque NM 87185-0847 *
 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (505) 844-8606   *
 * http://www.et.byu.edu/~kerrr*  Fax: (505) 844-9297 *
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

fuser as root will tell you what process is accessing a file.  lsof will tell
you what files a process is using.

can't compile mga.o from dri.sourceforge.net

2001-07-30 Thread Chun Kit Edwin Lau
Hi everyone,

I don't know why I can't compile mga.o from source got from 
dri.sourceforge.net. I tried compile mga.o from X4.0.3 source too.  It didn't 
work either. the error I guess is:

cc -O2 -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wstrict-prototypes 
-Wnested-externs -Wpointer-arith -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE -fomit-frame-pointer 
/usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h -DKILLFASYNCHASTHREEPARAMETERS 
-I/usr/src/linux/include -c mga_dma.c -o mga_dma.o
mga_dma.c: In function `mga_irq_install':
mga_dma.c:821: structure has no member named `next'
make: *** [mga_dma.o] Error 1

and does the kernel 2.4.7 mga.o work for the direct rendering?

Edwin ERTW Lau

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: Who's using a program

2001-07-30 Thread Miguel Griffa

ps aux for programs?

At 07:30 a.m. 30/07/01 -0600, Robert Kerr wrote:

Hi all,
I seem to recall reading (somewhere in my wanderings) of a utility that
would tell me who is currently accessing a file/program.  Does anyone know
of any such beast?


Remember the... the... uhh.
* Robert Kerr, The morphing guy.  *MS 0847 Sandia National Labs  *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]   *Albuquerque NM 87185-0847 *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] *  Phone: (505) 844-8606   *
* http://www.et.byu.edu/~kerrr*  Fax: (505) 844-9297 *

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Setting FQDN with pump?

2001-07-30 Thread Richard Cobbe
Greetings, all.

I'm running 2.2r3, and I'm having some difficulties setting my FQDN.  My IP
address is assigned via DHCP from a server here at work; I'm using pump.
The DHCP server is set up such that when it assigns an IP address, it
automatically updates the DNS tables on that server according to the
hostname that my machine supplies during the DHCP operation.  However, I'm
still having some problems:

[rcclinux:~]$ hostname
[rcclinux:~]$ hostname --fqdn
[rcclinux:~]$ ifconfig eth0
eth0  Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:47:87:B5:44  
  inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
  RX packets:5064 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
  TX packets:645 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
  collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
  Interrupt:9 Base address:0xf000 

[rcclinux:~]$ nslookup
Server:  moe.inetint.com


My /etc/hosts file doesn't have anything except localhost and entries for
the various NIS servers, not all of which are in DNS.  (I use NIS only for
password and group lookups; host lookups are entirely DNS.)

I really don't want to edit /etc/hosts every time my IP address changes,
and I don't know that there's a way to get pump to do this for me
automatically.  Is there another way to set the FQDN?

I know that dhcpcd, in the dhcp-client package, allows you to run an
arbitrary script whenever the IP address changes, but I'm not sure how to
use this instead of pump.  If I simply uninstall pump and replace it with
dhcp-client, will ifup automatically switch over?  How do I specify
arguments (like the script to be run) to dhcpcd, given that it would be
invoked by ifup?

My /etc/resolv.conf file (which I think is created by pump) contains a
search line, but no domain line.  I don't want to edit this, because pump
will overwrite it the next time it grabs an address.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

Thanks in advance,


Re: PPP hangup

2001-07-30 Thread Juergen Stuber
Ade Talabi [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sounds like authentication problem...
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said thusly on [30/07/01 at 00:05]:
  Hi, I'm having a problem with PPP. I set up my connection to NetZero using 
  pppconfig, and then type pon NetZero to connect. After it's done 
  it pauses about 30 seconds, and then hangs up. There's no output to the 
  console. I've tried PAP, CHAP, and CHAT, but none of them work. Does anyone 
  know what I'm doing wrong?

Write 'debug' on a single line in /etc/ppp/peers/provider,
try to connect and look into /var/log/syslog to see what's going on.



GIMP 1.2 +GIFs

2001-07-30 Thread Hereward Matthew Lawrence Cooper

I'm trying to get the GIMP to work with .gif files. It can open them, but
doesn't recognize the format when trying to save them (even when i've
converted the colours). I remember ages ago having to install a seperate
gimp-gif program, or simalar. Any help would be great,

Thanks in advance,


Love is Hate. War is Peace. Windows is Stable?

Re: PPP hangup

2001-07-30 Thread John Hasler
Juergen Stuber writes:
 Write 'debug' on a single line in /etc/ppp/peers/provider,

pppconfig does that by default.

 try to connect and look into /var/log/syslog to see what's going on.

Or /var/log/ppp.log
John Hasler
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

Re: Removing a sound module?

2001-07-30 Thread staf wagemakers
On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 04:07:05PM +0300, Antti Tolamo wrote:
 How can I remove a soundmodule if it doesn't succeed from modconf?
 I installed wrong module and now it fails as I try to remove it.

modprobe -r module_name

example:  modprobe -r sb

staf wagemakers

homepage:   http://www.stafwag.f2s.com

Re: Who's using a program

2001-07-30 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
you're prolly thinking of lsof.

begin: Miguel Griffa [EMAIL PROTECTED] quote
 ps aux for programs?
 At 07:30 a.m. 30/07/01 -0600, Robert Kerr wrote:
 Hi all,
 I seem to recall reading (somewhere in my wanderings) of a utility that
 would tell me who is currently accessing a file/program.  Does anyone know
 of any such beast?

Re: Removing a sound module?

2001-07-30 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
begin: staf wagemakers [EMAIL PROTECTED] quote
 On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 04:07:05PM +0300, Antti Tolamo wrote:
  How can I remove a soundmodule if it doesn't succeed from modconf?
  I installed wrong module and now it fails as I try to remove it.
 modprobe -r module_name
 example:  modprobe -r sb
STM that this is exactly what he's talking about.

if you can't remove the sound module with rmmod or modprobe, you will need to
reboot the system.


The following addresses had permanent fatal errors...  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   -- Mailer Daemon  www.dirac.org/p

Re: forcing a pci nic to use a different irq?

2001-07-30 Thread Paul Mackinney
Matthew Garman muttered:
 According to the Ethernet HOWTO, the most common cause of this problem is
 an IRQ conflict.  This seems believable, because...
 cat /proc/interrupts
   0:  42726  XT-PIC  timer
   1:   2024  XT-PIC  keyboard
   2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
   4:  12012  XT-PIC  
   5:  3  XT-PIC  soundblaster
  11:   5986  XT-PIC  sym53c8xx, eth0
  12:   4799  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
  14:  2  XT-PIC  ide0
 NMI:  0 
 ERR:  0
 You can see that both my SCSI controller and my ethernet card live on IRQ
I'm not an expert on IRQs, but my (vague!) understanding is that it's 
actually the PCI controller that uses the IRQ, so if these devices are 
on the same bus, it doesn't necessarily indicate a conflict.

Joost is absolutely on the right track: what changed between when it
worked and when it quit working? This should be a clue. Also, before
pinging it from another host, make sure that ifconfig returns good info
for eth0 and that it can ping itself at eth0's TCP/IP address--if either
of these fail then you already know it's not talking.

One standard trouble-shooting technique for PCI devices is to swap the
cards into different slots.

HTH, Paul

Re: GIMP 1.2 +GIFs

2001-07-30 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
dpkg is your friend.  you should definitely learn how to use it.

see dpkg -l gimp*

begin: Hereward Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED] quote
 I'm trying to get the GIMP to work with .gif files. It can open them, but
 doesn't recognize the format when trying to save them (even when i've
 converted the colours). I remember ages ago having to install a seperate
 gimp-gif program, or simalar. Any help would be great,
 Thanks in advance,

Re: Adaptec Raid

2001-07-30 Thread Mike McGuire

 Now when I run the patch command:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/linux$ patch -p0 ../patches/dpt_i2o-2.0-2.2.18
 I recieve the following message
 can't find file to patch at input line 4
 Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
 The text leading up to this was:
 |diff -urN linux-2.2.18/drivers/scsi/Config.in
 |--- linux-2.2.18/drivers/scsi/Config.inMon Dec 11 01:49:42 2000
 |+++ linux-2.2.18.SuSE/drivers/scsi/Config.in   Mon Feb 26 17:46:21 2001
 File to patch:
 And it is prompting me for a file to patch.
 do you know how to specify the kernel to patch or even what the name is and
 where it is located in the src.

I think you just need to change the -p0 option to -p1, which strips 
off the first part of the path (the linux-2.2.18[.SuSE] part) when 
applying the patch, and if you're in the linux directory everything
should work since it will look for drivers/scsi/Config.in, etc.

Mike McGuire

Re: Removing a sound module?

2001-07-30 Thread glynis
On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 07:50:15AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
 if you can't remove the sound module with rmmod or modprobe, you will 
need to
 reboot the system.

a fuser -v /dev/dsp /dev/audio /dev/mixer may be helpful in
identifying and killing a process which is using the sound device and
tying up the module.

i've also found on occasion, my sound drivers will get corrupted after
a suspend/resume on my laptop.  fuser didn't show anything using the
device, but when i checked my processes, esd was sitting there pegging
the cpu.  when i killed esd, i could remove and reinstall the sound
driver (maestro3) and sound would work again.

i appreciated this solution instead of rebooting because it is just
fun to tell people you are tracking an uptime on your laptop.

}John Flinchbaugh{__
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.hjsoft.com/~glynis/ |
~~Powered by Linux: Reboots are for hardware upgrades only~~

Description: PGP signature

How to install gnumeric on testing? (libgal4 problem)

2001-07-30 Thread Ole Sebastian Stein
I've been trying to install gnumeric on my woody box for some time.
apt-get wants libgal4, but that package is not installable.  Instead I
tried libgal7 and forced the install, but that didn't work.  What
should I do?

# apt-get install gnumeric
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
  gnumeric: Depends: libgal4 but it is not installable
E: Sorry, broken packages

Ole Sebastian Stein

``It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems with just
potatoes.'' - Life, the universe and everything (Chapter 24), D. Adams

Re: Removing a sound module?

2001-07-30 Thread Peter Jay Salzman
 On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 07:50:15AM -0700, Peter Jay Salzman wrote:
  if you can't remove the sound module with rmmod or modprobe, you will 
 need to
  reboot the system.
 a fuser -v /dev/dsp /dev/audio /dev/mixer may be helpful in
 identifying and killing a process which is using the sound device and
 tying up the module.
 i've also found on occasion, my sound drivers will get corrupted after
 a suspend/resume on my laptop.

this isn't a driver getting corrupted.  when a driver gets corrupted, your
kernel gets corrupted.  a reboot is necessary.

you're talking about bad behavior on the _user_ side.  not the _kernel_ side,
which is where device drivers live.

 fuser didn't show anything using the
 device, but when i checked my processes, esd was sitting there pegging
 the cpu.  when i killed esd, i could remove and reinstall the sound
 driver (maestro3) and sound would work again.
 i appreciated this solution instead of rebooting because it is just
 fun to tell people you are tracking an uptime on your laptop.

very true -- however, the original poster (you should've left the entire
quote in, tsk tsk!) said that he had loaded the _wrong_ module.

meaning that, somehow, the module was able to init but simply can't
communicate with the kernel.  probing hardware is a funny business.  it's
much more than conceivable that such an occurance will corrupt kernel code.

in such a case, the module fails to load not because /dev/dsp is in use, but
because of some other reason.  perhaps the MODCOUNT gets lost.  a pointer
went wild.  who knows?

in that case, a reboot is much more than recommended.  even if the system
seems fine, the potential for true misery exists.


The following addresses had permanent fatal errors...  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   -- Mailer Daemon  www.dirac.org/p

Re: Free x-server for windows 9x, ideas?

2001-07-30 Thread Bruce Z. Lysik
--On Saturday, July 28, 2001 5:27 PM -0700 nico de haer 

I'm looking for a nice X server to run on my windoze box, as my server
does not have a monitor anymore
I found MicroImages X Server but it's old and i don't like it that

1) Plays nice with Debian Linux (potato)
2) Freeware, nag-free shareware, GPL?

I'd strongly recommend running VNC instead.  'apt-get install vncserver' 
and download the windows client at http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/

Completely free and works great.

Bruce Z. Lysik  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.logrus.com/~eldrik
GCS d++(-) a-- C++ ULS+++$ P+++$ L++ E+ W+++ N++ w--- M-- V PS PE
Y+ PGP+ t+ 5++ X+ R+ tv+ b++ DI+ G e++ h+ r y+ s

Re: OT: which journaling file system

2001-07-30 Thread asincero
On Thu, Jul 19, 2001 at 01:11:39PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
 I thought that ReiserFS does journal the file contents.  Can someone
 point us to some docs that say for sure?

It is in the Reiser FAQ, iirc.

I had to recently decide between XFS, Reiser, or EXT3.  I've been using EXT3
for a few months now without any problems and it is by far the easiest
filesystem to use if you're currently using EXT2.  The ability to switch
back and forth between EXT3 and EXT2 almost on the fly is nice.  However, I
wanted a filesystem with the ability to be expanded while it was still
mounted.  This doesn't seem to be an option with EXT3 so I decided to look
at the other journaling filesystems.  Both XFS and Reiser allows expansion
while they are still mounted.  However, theres no way to shrink an XFS
filesystem, mounted or otherwise, other than the traditional way of
backup/recreate/restore.  Reiser filesystems, on the other hand, can be
shrunk (though you need to unmount the filesystem before you can shrink it). 

So I decided to go with Reiser and so far I haven't encountered a whole lot
of problems.  Except one.  Doing a gzip -r on a directory thats on a
Reiser filesystem can return a non-zero error code which can break some
Debian source package makefiles (which tries to run a gzip -r on
documentation and man page directories before it deb-ifies the package).  I
looked at the gzip source and apparently this is a bug with the algorithm
gzip uses to recurse directories, and not a bug with Reiser (which was what
I originally thought).  A simple hack to gzip to not return a non-zero error
code if the -r is specified on the command line was the quick-n-dirty fix
for this.

- Arcadio

Slackware and Debian on the same network--security problems?

2001-07-30 Thread Daniel Farnsworth Teichert
Howdy, folks--

  I'm kind of new to the mailing list thing,
so pardon me if I'm not doing this right.

  I'm currently working on a system that runs
a lot of Slackware boxes, but I'd like to move
over to Debian (for what, I assume, are obvious
reasons = ). I've noticed, however, that the passwd
and group files for the Slackware system we're
currently running are substantially different
from those that Debian sets up. In particular,
I'm a little worried because the 'user' group
number on one is the same as a fairly priveleged
group on the other. I'm concerned that this might
pose a security threat if we tried a gradual
change over--that is, that some one could get on
in the 'user' group on, say, the Slackware boxes,
and then have access to stuff in the more
privileged group on the Debian boxes--either
locally, or via NFS, or something.

Is this a valid concern? If so, how do I address
it? I was hoping to simply substitute in the
Slackware group and passwd files for the ones
Debian uses right from the start (though it would be
nice to not have to worry about this kind of a legacy
issue--oh, well, huh?), so that Debian
would just install with the same group and user
id's as our Slackware system has set up. But I
can't seem to find where the original Debian passwd
and group files come from--they're just sort of
'there', as soon as you start installing, almost,
it seems.

Anyway, any help on this would be appreciated--as
well as any other security or other problems that
you would think might arise during such a procedure.



Re: reiserfs question

2001-07-30 Thread Rajesh Fowkar
Kevin C. Smith saw fit to inform me that: 
Maybe this is a stupid question but:

I plan to try the reiserfs, but an curious about the fsck.
In particular, about when it runs after so many boots.
Do I have to disable this somehow. I suspect a e2fsck on a reiserfs
would be bad.

tune2fs -i 0 -C 0

is what u need.

However make sure that u run e2fsck on your ext2 partitions periodically.


Warm Regards

Rajesh Fowkar   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kurtarkar Nagari,Bldg-C,T4, http://rajesh.computers.webjump.com
Santacruz,Ponda-Goa-403401-INDIAPowered By : Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 R-3
Kernel 2.4.7(with ext3),Mutt 1.3.19i,IceWM
Silence is the true friend that never betrays. - Confucious

Re: How to install Linux source code - part 2

2001-07-30 Thread Rajesh Fowkar
Giri X saw fit to inform me that: 
Also when I use dselect , the first option Access does not list CDROMS in 
it. It says that it can be used only for http, ftp and APT. How do I install 

Use apt-cdrom add

and insert all those 3 CD's one by one. Entries for them will be created in

Now u will be able to install from the CD's.


Warm Regards

Rajesh Fowkar   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kurtarkar Nagari,Bldg-C,T4, http://rajesh.computers.webjump.com
Santacruz,Ponda-Goa-403401-INDIAPowered By : Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 R-3
Kernel 2.4.7(with ext3),Mutt 1.3.19i,IceWM
Silence is the true friend that never betrays. - Confucious

Re: reiserfs question

2001-07-30 Thread Rajesh Fowkar
Karsten M. Self saw fit to inform me that: 
on Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 03:52:24PM -0500, Kevin C. Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 Maybe this is a stupid question but:
 I plan to try the reiserfs, but an curious about the fsck.
 In particular, about when it runs after so many boots.
 Do I have to disable this somehow. I suspect a e2fsck on a reiserfs
 would be bad.

This behavior is dictated by your /etc/fstab.  ext2fs filesystems will
fsck on some count of mounts (with appropriate mount options).  By
specifying 'reiserfs' as the filesystem type, which is necessary to
mount the reiserfs filesystem(s), you'll avoid this behavior.

Compare, e.g.:  vfat, minix, iso9660, and other filesystem types, which
don't run automatic filesystem checks on mount counts.

e2fsck on a non-ext2fs filesystem will exit with errors, no harm done
(not sure in case of ext3fs).

Just yesterday Converted my ext2 file system of Potato to ext3. It was a smooth

debian:~# mount
/dev/hda3 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro,errors=remount-ro)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/cdrom on /cdrom type iso9660 (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,user=rajesh)
/dev/hda6 on /mnt/funstuff type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/hda5 on /mnt/data type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/hda1 on /mnt/windows type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,errors=remount-ro)
/dev/hda9 on /mnt/ext3 type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)

debian:~# e2fsck /dev/hda9
e2fsck 1.22, 22-Jun-2001 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
/dev/hda9: clean, 12/134784 files, 175293/269080 blocks

No problems with e2fsck on ext3. However see to it that u have the latest
version of e2fsprogs. The current one is 1.22 which works quite well.

Warm Regards

Rajesh Fowkar   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kurtarkar Nagari,Bldg-C,T4, http://rajesh.computers.webjump.com
Santacruz,Ponda-Goa-403401-INDIAPowered By : Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 R-3
Kernel 2.4.7(with ext3),Mutt 1.3.19i,IceWM
Silence is the true friend that never betrays. - Confucious


2001-07-30 Thread weber . eduardo
  Bom Dia!
  Estou tendo um pouco de dificuldade para configurar no meu
Servidor Apache (onde tenho uma página HTML ) o SSL, ou seja , tenho uma
página principal e clicando no ícone qualquer desta página principal vou
para uma outra página, o que gostaria de saber como posso aplicar nessa
hora o filtro colocando o SSL.
  Mais um favor. Você conhece se existe para Linux uma linguagem
  Espero que esteja claro e que possa ajudar-me.

Re: nVidia users help needed

2001-07-30 Thread Geoffrey Romer

 Question: I have a RIVATNT2 card with 32Megs RAM, and I tried for the
 first time to use 3d graphics acceleration.
 It sort of works, but:
 a) I got this thick yellow (with black stripes) vertical line that
 appears in the bottom right hand of the screen.

That's odd... I don't recognize these symptoms (I have a GeForce myself),
so I can't really say what the problem is there, or what to do about it.

 b) GL xscreensavers all seg-fault when run full screen (but work fine
 when run in a Window.

I have the same problem. Here's a quote from the xscreensaver FAQ:

Try editing your .xscreensaver file and changing the memoryLimit setting to 0. 

Version 3.33 introduced the memoryLimit option as a precautionary
limit to prevent runaway memory use if one of the display modes
happened to be buggy; it prevents any program launched by xscreensaver
from allocating more than that much memory. It defaults to 50M, which
is a lot.

However, apparently certain OpenGL libraries (notably nVidia) do
something strange that makes them appear to allocate more than 128M of
memory for every OpenGL program! Consequently, those programs die on
startup because they aren't able to allocate memory.

Turning off the memory limit should work around this.

And from the Debain bug database:

I can reproduce this here, but only when using nVidia's GLX
libraries. Unfortunately, nVidia can't play nice with everyone else
who's writing GLX implementations for Linux. So, if you really want
things to work, you'll either have to convince nVidia to do something
right, or download the source and compile your own. Sorry.

Sigh... The joys of closed-source drivers...

Thanks for asking, though, you got me to get off my butt and find a 

 I tried disabling AGP, but that didn't seem to help. I reverted back
 to the nv driver, but the same problems still occurred (except now the
 cursor was also corrupt), and the only way I could fix this was by
 rebooting the computer.
 Any ideas?
 (oh, one more thing, what is device-3dfx? Do I need that? What does it

I don't recognize the name, but I'll bet anything that has something to do
with 3Dfx video cards (Voodoo and its successors), in which case you certainly
don't need it unless you have a 3Dfx card installed. Where did you see that?

Geoffrey M. Romer
Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right
  -Salvor Hardin
I can't leave you alone with this man! He might be a tenor!
  -Fred Astaire

RE: Adaptec Raid

2001-07-30 Thread Michael Blood
I appreciate the help that applied the patch
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/linux$ patch -p1 dpt_i2o-2.0-2.2.18
patching file `drivers/scsi/Config.in'
Hunk #1 succeeded at 30 (offset -3 lines).
patching file `drivers/scsi/Makefile'
Hunk #1 succeeded at 378 (offset -13 lines).
Hunk #2 FAILED at 735.
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to drivers/scsi/Makefile.rej
patching file `drivers/scsi/README.dpti'
patching file `drivers/scsi/dpti.c'
patching file `drivers/scsi/dpti.h'
patching file `drivers/scsi/dpti2oscsi2.c'
patching file `drivers/scsi/dpti_i2o-dev.h'
patching file `drivers/scsi/dpti_i2o.h'
patching file `drivers/scsi/dpti_ioctl.h'
patching file `drivers/scsi/dptsig.h'
patching file `drivers/scsi/hosts.c'
Hunk #1 succeeded at 139 (offset -4 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 468 (offset -9 lines).
patching file `drivers/scsi/osd_defs.h'
patching file `drivers/scsi/osd_util.h'
patching file `drivers/scsi/sys_info.h'

So most of the patch was applied except for Hunk #2 which failed at 735.
the file Makefile.rej looks like the following.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/linux$ more drivers/scsi/Makefile.rej
*** 727,730 

  sd_mod.o: sd.o sd_ioctl.o
$(LD) $(LD_RFLAG) -r -o $@ sd.o sd_ioctl.o

--- 735,741 

  sd_mod.o: sd.o sd_ioctl.o
$(LD) $(LD_RFLAG) -r -o $@ sd.o sd_ioctl.o
+ dpt_i2o.o: dpti.c
+   $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c dpti.c -o dpt_i2o.o

How can I get these lines in the correct place in the Makefile?  should I
insert them manually at the line positions 727-730 and 735-741?  Would this
be a problem with the version of kernel(2.2.14) that I am patching?


Michael Blood

-Original Message-
From: Mike McGuire [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2001 8:54 AM
To: Michael Blood
Cc: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Adaptec Raid

 Now when I run the patch command:
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/src/linux$ patch -p0 ../patches/dpt_i2o-2.0-2.2.18
 I recieve the following message

 can't find file to patch at input line 4
 Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
 The text leading up to this was:
 |diff -urN linux-2.2.18/drivers/scsi/Config.in
 |--- linux-2.2.18/drivers/scsi/Config.inMon Dec 11 01:49:42 2000
 |+++ linux-2.2.18.SuSE/drivers/scsi/Config.in   Mon Feb 26 17:46:21 2001
 File to patch:

 And it is prompting me for a file to patch.

 do you know how to specify the kernel to patch or even what the name is
 where it is located in the src.

I think you just need to change the -p0 option to -p1, which strips
off the first part of the path (the linux-2.2.18[.SuSE] part) when
applying the patch, and if you're in the linux directory everything
should work since it will look for drivers/scsi/Config.in, etc.

Mike McGuire

Re: Will my modem work?

2001-07-30 Thread Gurusami Annamalai

 The important question is: does the modem use a real hardware
port, or is the port emulated by a special windows driver? Look in
device manager in the same where COM and LPT ports are. If you can find
a COM3 there (maybe, some windrivers emulate good), look at its
properties. If it is using default IO and IRQ settings (IRQ=4, IO=2e8 or
3e8), then you are lucky, otherwise it is only a software-emulated
interface and you are out of luck.

Well.  When I checked in the Device Manager- Ports (COM  LPT) section
I see only COM1, COM2, LPT1.  So I guess I am out of luck.  :-(
What I have is, what are called, a winmodem afterall!  Psst.

Thank you for the response.


Re: minor problems with new emacs21 installation

2001-07-30 Thread Faheem Mitha
Replying to my own message...

On Mon, 30 Jul 2001, Faheem Mitha wrote:

 Dear People,
 I just compiled and installed (for potato) the emacs 21 prerelaease
 sources ( provided by Takuo Kitame. Previous to this, I was
 using emacs 20.7.
 I am experiencing some minor problems.
 1) Global font lock mode does not work unless I switch it off and switch
 it on again. I had to install Auctex 10 to get it working it at all.

It appears that I have to turn on global font lock exlicitly.

;;Turn on global font lock mode
(global-font-lock-mode 1)

I was a bit confused by the fact that emacs already thinks it is turned
on. When I was starting it up previously, and doing Mx
global-font-lock-mode, it was toggling it off. Also in the options menu
bar, it was listed as on. This might count as a bug. Does anyone have
opinions as to whether I should report it or not? It doesn't seem like a
very sbutle one, if it *is* a bug.

 2) It can't find the info dir. This can probably be easily fixed, but why
 is it not working out of the box?

I'm an idiot. I had set INFOPATH in my .bashrc and forgot about
it. Removing this made everything Ok.

 3) M-x R locks up emacs 21. I've never seen anything do this before. This
 command uses ESS to start up R. It is unlikely that someone else who is
 reading this is using ESS, R and emacs 21, but I thought it worth
 mentioning. I probably need to take this to the ESS mailing list.

This still seems to be a problem. I will have to address this to the
specific forum, I think.

  Sincerely, Faheem Mitha.

Re: reiserfs question

2001-07-30 Thread Hall Stevenson
 I plan to try the reiserfs, but an curious about
 the fsck. In particular, about when it runs after
 so many boots. Do I have to disable this somehow.
 I suspect a e2fsck on a reiserfs would be bad.

 tune2fs -i 0 -C 0

 is what u need.

I read this on the ext3 patch page but I've got questions
about it...

 - Should that command be in a startup script ?? If so, use
/etc/rc.boot ??
 - Is there a permanent config file this could be spec'd in ??

I've ran the command and it reported that it work (cycle count
set to 0, etc) but I have a feeling that after a reboot, it
will be forgotten. Is that correct ??


PS I believe the -C above should be lower-case, as in -c.
At least that's what the patch page showed... maybe they're

Re: Copying Linux to a new drive

2001-07-30 Thread Willi Dyck
On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 05:47:03PM -0700, Santiago del Roi wrote:
 How does one copy a complete Linux install from one hard drive to another?
 I've tried using the cp command with various parameters, but to no avail.
 There seems to be lots of special files and directories (/proc for
 example) that cp can't handle.  Any suggestions?

You could try this: (under / )
  $ find . -print0 | cpio -pvdn0 /dev/[destination]
This should copy everything to the defined destination. Even
other mountpoints. If you only want to copy the mountpoint your are in,
try this:
  $ find . -xdev -print0 | cpio -pvdn0 /dev/[destination]

  $ man find
  $ man cpio

...for more info.

Regards, Willi

niemals entkommst du meinen worten,
sie folgen dir nach als gedicht,
noch zu den fernsten fernen orten
versuch es: du vergisst mich nicht.

Description: PGP signature

Re: forcing a pci nic to use a different irq?

2001-07-30 Thread james terris
Sorry, I'm joining this conversation a little late so forgive
me if this has already been said...

Is your ethernet card an ISA one?
If so there should be an configuration application
that will let you move it to a different irq.

Otherwise in your BIOS somewhere there should be a setting
to assign irqs to individual PCI slots from which you
can give each slot it's own irq. The card in that slot
will use that irq of course.

Irq sharing is possible though. My interrupt table looks like
the following and I have no problems:

   CPU0   CPU1   
  0:   11296449   11304831IO-APIC-edge  timer
  1:  0  2IO-APIC-edge  keyboard
  2:  0  0  XT-PIC  cascade
  3:76823767694587IO-APIC-edge  eth0
  8:  2  0IO-APIC-edge  rtc
  9:47665034764709   IO-APIC-level  advansys, aic7xxx, eth1
 10:   5842   5890   IO-APIC-level  advansys, aic7xxx
 11:  18862  18793   IO-APIC-level  advansys
 12:  4  3   IO-APIC-level  advansys
 13:  1  0  XT-PIC  fpu
 14: 183701 180103IO-APIC-edge  ide0
 15:20034232014463IO-APIC-edge  ide1
NMI:  0
ERR:  0


Paul Mackinney wrote:
 Matthew Garman muttered:
  According to the Ethernet HOWTO, the most common cause of this problem is
  an IRQ conflict.  This seems believable, because...
  cat /proc/interrupts
0:  42726  XT-PIC  timer
1:   2024  XT-PIC  keyboard
2:  0  XT-PIC  cascade
4:  12012  XT-PIC
5:  3  XT-PIC  soundblaster
   11:   5986  XT-PIC  sym53c8xx, eth0
   12:   4799  XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
   14:  2  XT-PIC  ide0
  NMI:  0
  ERR:  0
  You can see that both my SCSI controller and my ethernet card live on IRQ
 I'm not an expert on IRQs, but my (vague!) understanding is that it's
 actually the PCI controller that uses the IRQ, so if these devices are
 on the same bus, it doesn't necessarily indicate a conflict.
 Joost is absolutely on the right track: what changed between when it
 worked and when it quit working? This should be a clue. Also, before
 pinging it from another host, make sure that ifconfig returns good info
 for eth0 and that it can ping itself at eth0's TCP/IP address--if either
 of these fail then you already know it's not talking.
 One standard trouble-shooting technique for PCI devices is to swap the
 cards into different slots.

Re: How to install gnumeric on testing? (libgal4 problem)

2001-07-30 Thread Colin Watson
On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 05:05:09PM +0200, Ole Sebastian Stein wrote:
 I've been trying to install gnumeric on my woody box for some time.
 apt-get wants libgal4, but that package is not installable.  Instead I
 tried libgal7 and forced the install, but that didn't work.  What
 should I do?

gnumeric is Just Plain Broken in woody (see
http://ftp-master.debian.org/testing/testing_probs.html). There's not
much you can do, except perhaps grab the source and compile it yourself.
Unfortunately the unstable version is broken too (bugs #102406, #103776,
#104908), so it might be a while before it's fixed.

(Of course, if the libgal maintainer would maintain some kind of
backward compatibility, it would help. Grrr ...)


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