Petici ó de debian-l10n-catalan al listmaster

2001-08-07 Thread Jordi Mallach

He enviat un bug al listmaster de Debian, demanant la creació del equip
de localització. A veure si la tenim pronte.

Si algú te algún wml per pujar a CVS o algo, ho pujaré de seguida.

Jordi Mallach Pérez || [EMAIL PROTECTED] || Rediscovering Freedom,
   aka Oskuro in|| [EMAIL PROTECTED]  || Using Debian GNU/Linux
 Reinos de Leyenda  || [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||  GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/917A225E 
telnet 23   73ED 4244 FD43 5886 20AC  2644 2584 94BA 917A 225E

Description: PGP signature

Re: Petició de debian-l10n-catalan al listmaster

2001-08-07 Thread Antoni Bella Perez
Hash: SHA1

A Dimarts 07 Agost 2001 20:09, Jordi Mallach va escriure:

 He enviat un bug al listmaster de Debian, demanant la creació del equip
 de localització. A veure si la tenim pronte.

 Si algú te algún wml per pujar a CVS o algo, ho pujaré de seguida.


  Estic content de tornar-te a llegir, espero que les vacances hagin probat 
bé. Per aquí tot ha sigut bastant calmat però va força bé, jo personalment he 
tingut molts problemes amb l'enviament de fitxers adjunts amb el correu pel 
que no se si en Miquel Vidal haurà rebut totes les meves aportacions així que 
m'espero haveure si les entres al cvs i si no provo altre vegada i te'ls 
passo -crec que tota la carpeta /releases està traduida-.

  M'alegra sentir que ja es mira pel equip de localització.

- -- 


 Antoni Bella Perez 
# [Pàgina de traduccions del nucli Linux]|
# http://www.
# [Traduciones al catalan del Nucleo Linux]|
- - Actualment l'estic reestructurant per falla del servei  |
 d'hospedatge. x a + envieu-me un email.

- -
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


Re: Upgrade z potato na woody

2001-08-07 Thread Miroslaw Sankowski

 Mam pytanie jak wyglada sprawa upgrejdu z potato na woody tzn. jakie
 trzeba wykonac ? Ewentualnie prosze o jakis link na strone gdzie to jest

Właśnie wczoraj zrobiłem coś takiego w następujący sposób:

1. Dopisałem do /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb woody main contrib non-free
deb woody/non-US main contrib

2. apt-get update

3. apt-get dist-upgrade

4. Powinno być po wszystkim, ale ponieważ mój potato był już w znacznym
stopniu zmodernizowany, potrzeba było ingerencji za pomocą dselect-a.

Miroslaw Sankowski
Przemyslowy Instytut Telecomunikacji, Oddzial Gdanski
Telecommunications Research Institute, Gdansk Division
ul. Hallera 13

http   :

hylafax rdsi

2001-08-07 Thread Felipe Fernandez
¿Alguien tiene funcionando este binomio?. Tengo una asuscom interna,

Congreso GNU/Linux 2001 (México)

2001-08-07 Thread Miguel Angel López Hernández
Hash: SHA1

Por favor reenvien este mensaje a quien pueda interesarle.

Por este medio el Grupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux en el Estado de Veracruz
(GULEV) y la Universidad Veracruzana se complacen en invitarle al:

   Congreso GNU/Linux 2001

Que se llevará a cabo los días 5, 6 y 7 de septiembre de 2001 en la Unidad
de Servicios Bibliotecarios y de Informática (USBI) de la Universidad
Veracruzana en la ciudad de Xalapa Veracruz, México.

Para esta primera edición del congreso contaremos con la presencia de
personalidades del Software Libre de relevancia mundial como Richard M.
Stallman, fundador del Proyecto GNU y de la Free Software Foundation
(FSF), Arturo Espinosa Aldama de Ximian, quien ofrecerá una conferencia
sobre el Proyecto Mono y presentará un Tutorial de desarrollo de
aplicaciones GTK+/GNOME.

El objetivo de este congreso es difundir el uso de Software Libre en todas
las áreas y a todos los niveles y servir como punto de encuentro e
intercambio de conocimientos y proyectos para la comunidad del software
libre nacional y extranjera, por ello, invitamos a todos los Grupos de
Usuarios del país y del extranjero, así como a quienes se desenvuelven
independientemente en el medio, a que presenten sus proyectos a la
comunidad en este congreso, para ello pueden ponerse en contacto con
Miguel Angel López Hernández [EMAIL PROTECTED].

Si desea más información, vaya a la página del congreso:

Si desea información que no se encuentra en este sitio, escribanos a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] para solicitarla.

- -- 
  /V\   GNU/Linux, because I'm free...ICQ: 50288539
 // \\  Miguel Angel López Hernández [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/(   )\ GULEV (Grupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux en el Estado de Veracruz)
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: pgpenvelope 2.10.2 -


Creación de paquetes Debian

2001-08-07 Thread Jose Angel Fdez . Luengo

Estoy intentado crear un paquete Debian desde un fuente y me encuentro
ante algo que no se como solucionar. El software que estoy empaquetando
utiliza autoconf/automake y compila sin problemas. Mi duda es que a la
hora de crear el .deb necesitaría pasarle unos parámetros al configure
pero no se como hacerlo. ¿Se le puede pasar esta información al debuild?
En caso negativo, ¿que ficheros debería tocar para que me cogiera
automanticamente dichas opciones?

Nos leemos...
   netskaven at mail dot com

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Get your free address at

Instalacion Debian (LILO)

2001-08-07 Thread sierra21

 Tengo en un PC un disco duro con 
5 Mg para Win98 y 3 para Mandrake, el cual usa GRUB, ahora quiero instalar 
Debiann donde esta Mandrake y usar LILO, mi consulta es, ¿puedo instalar LILO en 
el MBR?, es que en la guia veo que no es recomendable si se tiene otro sistema 
operativo, si lo instalo en el MBR supongo que una vez inicializado el PC, 
tendria que modificar LILO para meter la entrada de  windows y ya esta ¿no?, o 
tendria algun problema?... 

Salu2 Paco

Re: Sobre fips, dudita.

2001-08-07 Thread Santiago Vila
Javier Viñuales Gutiérrez:
 Por favor, a ver si alguien me puede ehcar u cable y resolver la duda que
 alguien acaba de plantear a a la dirección de contacto de La Espiral sobre
 fips, software que no he manejado nunca.
 Tengo problemas para hacer una partición de 4 gigas con fips, podrían
 recomendarme algún otro software free para hacerlo.

Suponiendo que con eso de free quiere decir libre, dile que pruebe
GNU parted:

 GNU Parted is a program that allows you to create, destroy,
 resize, move and copy hard disk partitions. This is useful
 for creating space for new operating systems, reorganising
 disk usage, and copying data to new hard disks.
 The nature of this software means that any bugs could cause
 massive data loss. While there are no known bugs at the moment,
 they could exist, so please back up all important files before
 running it, and do so at your own risk.

Si no le funciona lo más sencillo es hacer copias de seguridad, borrar
todas las particiones y comenzar de cero.

Re: Creación de paquetes Debian

2001-08-07 Thread Luis Arocha
At Tuesday, 7 August 2001, Jose Angel Fdez. Luengo [EMAIL PROTECTED]
es wrote:


Hola José Angel
Estoy intentado crear un paquete Debian desde un fuente y me encuentro
ante algo que no se como solucionar. El software que estoy empaquetando
utiliza autoconf/automake y compila sin problemas. Mi duda es que a la
hora de crear el .deb necesitaría pasarle unos parámetros al configure
pero no se como hacerlo. ¿Se le puede pasar esta información al 
En caso negativo, ¿que ficheros debería tocar para que me cogiera
automanticamente dichas opciones?

Creo que lo más facil es hacerlo en el debian/rules. En este fichero se
le indica como compilar/empaquetar el paquete (valga la redundancia).

Si tienes dudas puedes mirarte el diff.gz del paquete glade. En este 
se realiza el configure dos veces, para crear glade-x.i386.deb y 
glade-gnome-xxx.i386.deb, que básicamente difieren en las opciones del

Luis Arocha, Data
Islas Canarias

Access over 250 professionally developed online training courses
Purchase a 12 months membership online.  Click below for details

Re: Creación de paquetes Debian

2001-08-07 Thread Santiago Vila
José Ángel Fdez. Luengo:
 Estoy intentado crear un paquete Debian desde un fuente y me encuentro
 ante algo que no se como solucionar. El software que estoy empaquetando
 utiliza autoconf/automake y compila sin problemas. Mi duda es que a la
 hora de crear el .deb necesitaría pasarle unos parámetros al configure
 pero no se como hacerlo. ¿Se le puede pasar esta información al debuild?


 En caso negativo, ¿que ficheros debería tocar para que me cogiera
 automanticamente dichas opciones?

debian/rules. Supuestamente ahí debería haber una llamada al script
configure, simplemente añade los parámetros que necesite (aunque si lo
has hecho con debhelper igual la llamada está oculta en alguno de
los programitas dh_*, lee la documentación de debhelper).

En casos como este te recomiendo que mires otros paquetes, te aseguro
que no eres el primero que tiene que decirle algo al script configure
(lo típico es decirle --prefix=/usr).

HELP !!!!!!

2001-08-07 Thread SalesDPT


I have nothing to do with Debian and I never suscribe to any mailing list 
but the following adress ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) automatically send all 
the Debian mailing list to my adress (see following header as exemple) and I 
have received more than 34 000 mails from all the Debian Mailing Lists for the 
past 3 weeks.
I have asked directely them to stop without any success ; I have 
transmitted this problem to [EMAIL PROTECTED]without any more 
succes because I have received more than 1 000 mails from Debian lists 

I am from a commercial service, I have no interest at all about Debian's 
subjects. My aim is not to bother you but and to owerflow Debian 
withemails of no interest for you butI cannot work properly with all 
these messages I receive. I do not know what to do. If someone could help me it 
would be appreciated.

Best regards

"Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Received: 
from ([])by (8.9.1/) 
with SMTPid NAA19572 for [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Tue, 7 
Aug 2001 13:42:34 +0100 (BST)Resent-Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 13:42:34 +0100 
(BST)Received: from[]) by SMTP id jm2e3b700638; Tue, 7 
Aug 2001 12:32:40 -Received: (qmail 21477 invoked by uid 38); 7 Aug 2001 
12:39:30 -X-Envelope-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Received: 
(qmail 21297 invoked from network); 7 Aug 2001 12:39:27 -Received: from ( by with SMTP; 7 
Aug 2001 12:39:27 -Received: from gecko by with local 
(Exim 3.12 1 (Debian))id 15U62h-0008EQ-00; Tue, 07 Aug 2001 07:33:03 
(Debian Bug Tracking System)To: Eduard Bloch [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cc: Eduard Bloch 
(liballegro3.9.37 #104532), 
(#104532)Subject: Processed: bug not inherittedIn-Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]References: 
Tue, 07 Aug 2001 07:33:03 -0500Resent-Message-ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Resent-From: 
archive/latest/69662X-Loop: debian-bugs-closed@lists.debian.orgPrecedence: 
listResent-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED]X-Auto-Forward: 

Re: Instalacion Debian (LILO)

2001-08-07 Thread Jose Luis Jiménez

Que yo sepa no hay ningún problema para instalar Lilo en el MBR, lo
único es que cuando lo instales tendrás que modificar lilo.conf para
meter la entrada de windows y el resto de SO que tengas (el único
problema sería que no supieras como hacerlo). Yo en concreto tengo
windows + Mandrake 8 + Debian 2.2r3 y tengo instalado en el MBR el lilo
de Mandrake desde el que accedo a Mandrake (lógicamente), a windows
(casi nunca) y a Debian (en este caso tuve que instalar también lilo en
la partición raiz de Debian para poder arrancarlo).

Un saludo.


  Tengo en un PC un disco duro con 5 Mg para Win98 y 3 para
 Mandrake, el cual usa GRUB, ahora quiero instalar Debiann donde esta
 Mandrake y usar LILO, mi consulta es, ¿puedo instalar LILO en el MBR?,
 es que en la guia veo que no es recomendable si se tiene otro sistema
 operativo, si lo instalo en el MBR supongo que una vez
 inicializado el PC, tendria que modificar LILO para meter la entrada
 de windows y ya esta ¿no?, o tendria algun problema?... Salu2 Paco

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email in error and that any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or 
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RE: Instalacion Debian (LILO)

2001-08-07 Thread R. M. Alarcon

No veo 
porque no. La unica recomendacion si tiene un disco grande y bios vieja es crear 
una particion /boot cerca del comienzo del disco y copiar las imagenes de linuz 
ahi.Segun entiendo este problema (bios/disco/loader) no existe en 


Re: Creación de paquetes Debian

2001-08-07 Thread Daniel Payno
Hola Santiago...

decías, el 03:10-07/ago/2001:
 debian/rules. Supuestamente ahí debería haber una llamada al script
 configure, simplemente añade los parámetros que necesite (aunque si lo
 has hecho con debhelper igual la llamada está oculta en alguno de
 los programitas dh_*, lee la documentación de debhelper).
Ya, pero supongo que Luengo no sabrá que hay que hacer deb-make del paquete
para que este te cree el debin/* y luego ya puede generarlo con ./debian/rules
binary Eso es lo que hago yo, vamos.. ;)
Daniel PaynoGrupo de Usuarios de Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Administrador del FTP del GUL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over.
-- Frank Zappa

Description: PGP signature

problemas con el sonido

2001-08-07 Thread OLVERASOFIA

Re: Transmision Control Protocol

2001-08-07 Thread Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona

Mesias Eduardo Jaramillo Aleverca writes:
  Por favor, necesitamos ayuda para hacer una tesis de la universidad, alguien 
  puede decirme en donde encuentro el codigo fuente del protocolo TCP, o del 

Lo tienes en cualquier kernel de un sistema operativo libre. Por
ejemplom en Linux, BSD, etc. (por ejemplo, en Linux, en el directorio
net/ipv4 o net/ipv6 de los fuentes del kernel).

Tienes tamibén el fuente de BSD comentado en el estupendo libro de
Stevens TCP/IP Illustrated (si no recuerdo mal, en el volumen II, el
I describe los protocolos funcionalmente, el II su implementación,
comentando el código de BSD).



Jesus M. Gonzalez Barahona| Grupo de Sistemas y Comunicaciones
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 
tel: +34 91 664 74 67 | c/ Tulipan s/n
fax: +34 91 664 74 90 | 28933 Mostoles, Spain

Re: Dudas novato

2001-08-07 Thread Andres Seco Hernandez

El 07 Aug 2001 a las 06:20PM +0200, David Santandreu escribio:
 Esta es mi primera incursión en la lista y me gustaría plantear una serie de 
 dudas que me surgen. No sé si este es el foro adecuado para ello, si no lo es 
 ruego me disculpéis y hagáis caso omiso de este correo.

Imaginate, la lista es debian-user-spanish, y si nadie me corrige, las
cosas que tengan que ver con Debian son bienvenidas, y muchas de las que
no son exclusivas de Debian suelen serlo tambien, pero en todo caso, de

 El caso es que estoy empezando en esto del Linux (parto de cero patatero), 
 pero mi curiosidad es grande y mis ganas de aprender aún más. En los últimos 
 días estoy leyendo ávidamente (tampoco es eso pero... ) cualquier 
 documentación que cae en mis manos, y ahí viene el problema, cualquier 
 documentación en castellano..., y es que de inglés ando bastante flojito.
 Por lo que estoy viendo casi todo está en inglés, y esto me desanima un poco 
 ¿Qué consejo me dáis? ¿arrojo la toalla?¿hay suficiente documentación en 
En tienes un cerro de cosas en castellano. Para
empezar y continuar te vale. En tambien.

 Gracias por soportarme y un saludo.

De nada, soportémonos mutuamente...

Andres Seco Hernandez- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MCP ID 445900 -
GnuPG public information:  pub  1024D/3A48C934
E61C 08A9 EBC8 12E4 F363  E359 EDAC BE0B 3A48 C934
Alamin GSM SMS Gateway   -
Debian GNU/Linux -
Grupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux  de  Guadalajara  y
alrededores  -

Description: PGP signature

Re: configure

2001-08-07 Thread JM A M

Gracias a todos, no tenía ni idea de lo del autoconf.
Probaré también el automake.


Descargue GRATUITAMENTE MSN Explorer en

Imagenes de disco

2001-08-07 Thread Demian Santacruz

Alguien sabe que programa usar para crear imagenes de disco como las de los
floppies para instalar el sistema base debian

Gracias Anticipadas.


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Get your free address at

RE: Dudas novato

2001-08-07 Thread R. M. Alarcon
Tambien mire aca

RE: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu (jzunzu@ibmes) not listed in public Name AddressBook

2001-08-07 Thread R. M. Alarcon
soy el unico que esta recibiendo este mensajito despues de escribir algo a
la lista?

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:56 PM
To: R. M. Alarcon
Subject: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) not listed in
public Name  AddressBook

Your message

  Subject: RE: Dudas novato

was not delivered to:



  User jzunzu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) not listed in public Name  Address Book

Re: Instalacion Debian (LILO)

2001-08-07 Thread Alfonso
Mi recomendación:

Quita Win98, sólo sirve para jugar y para que te joda algo (si acaso usa NT) ;-)
Desde luego 5 Gb. de 8 para Win98 es una burrada!!!

Fuera de bromas, yo prefiero poner LILO en el MBR (u otro gestor de arranque
como es mi caso) y luego instalar también LILO en cada partición que se quiera
arrancar (me refiero al primer sector de la partición). No recomiendo utilizar
el MBR para arancar directamente una partición, es más, yo prefiero en un
ordenador con únicamente Debian, poner LILO en MBR y en el primer sector de la
partición, por si las moscas.

Desde luego, no te recomiendo para Win98 una partición de 5Gb, imagina qué pasa
si tienes que volver a instalar Win98 u otro S.O. (más recomendable). Deberías
separar las particiones de los sistemas operativos de los datos, por ejemplo:
Win98 1Gb., Linux 3 Gb., Datos 4 Gb.


- Original Message -
To: Debian Lista
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:55 PM
Subject: Instalacion Debian (LILO)

Tengo en un PC un disco duro con 5 Mg para Win98 y 3 para Mandrake, el cual
usa GRUB, ahora quiero instalar Debiann donde esta Mandrake y usar LILO, mi
consulta es, ¿puedo instalar LILO en el MBR?, es que en la guia veo que no es
recomendable si se tiene otro sistema operativo, si lo instalo en el MBR
supongo que una vez inicializado el PC, tendria que modificar LILO para meter la
entrada de  windows y ya esta ¿no?, o tendria algun problema?...

Salu2 Paco

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Trasladar disco duro de hda a hdc

2001-08-07 Thread Alfonso

Supongamos que tengo Debian corriendo en un PC en /dev/hda (master primario) y
resulta que quiero pasarlo a otro PC en donde lo meto en master secundario
(/dev/hdc) y quiero arrancarlo: desde el selector de arranque instalado en el
MBR le indico que arranque /dev/hdc y ahí está instalado LILO, el problema es
que todo estaba configurado para que arrancara en /dev/hda, por lo que intentará
cargar la imagen del /boot de /dev/hda. Se soluciona si edito el /etc/lilo.conf
y cambio todo /dev/hda por /dev/hdc y ejecuto /bin/lilo engañando previamente
para que aparezca el mismo nombre de la imagen el /dev/hda y se pueda instalar
sin problemas.

Bien, ¿hay algún método (seguro que si) para que se le pueda decir que ahora no
está en /dev/hda sino que tiene que arrancar en /dev/hdc?


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RE: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu (jzunzu@ibmes) not listed in public Name AddressBook

2001-08-07 Thread Nieto \[ Punisher \]

Creo k todos lo recibimos. El mail ese ya no debe existir, pero sigue en
la lista, por tanto nos envia un mail de error :P Me imagino k sera eso,
pero no se quien tiene k arreglarlo.

Un saludo.

El d_ 07 Aug 2001 15:21:28 -0400, R. M. Alarcon escribi_
 soy el unico que esta recibiendo este mensajito despues de escribir algo a
 la lista?
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:56 PM
 To: R. M. Alarcon
 Subject: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) not listed in
 public Name  AddressBook
 Your message
   Subject: RE: Dudas novato
 was not delivered to:
   User jzunzu ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) not listed in public Name  Address Book
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: Trasladar disco duro de hda a hdc

2001-08-07 Thread R. M. Alarcon
A ver si le entendi, tanta c-a me confundio por un momento.

Deje el boot=/dev/hda quieto. Eso lo que hace es decirle a lilo que se
instale el MBR en /dev/hda.

Para reflejar que cambio todos los archivos al otro disco, indiquele al
sistema que esta en hdc con root=/dev/hdc1.

Cuando le de lilo, el va a instalar el boot loader en BOOT (/dev/hda), que
es donde la bios le pasa el control al OS. A su vez este sabra que el
sistema lo tiene que cargar de ROOT (/dev/hdc1).

REMEMBER: Lilo tiene que estar instalado en /dev/hda, que es donde la bios
le pasa el control a el OS. Creo que algunas bios permiten cambiar este
comportamiento podiendo especificar otro disco duro como el /dev/hda alias
el disco C.


-Original Message-
From: Alfonso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 3:35 PM
Subject: Trasladar disco duro de hda a hdc


Supongamos que tengo Debian corriendo en un PC en /dev/hda (master primario)
resulta que quiero pasarlo a otro PC en donde lo meto en master secundario
(/dev/hdc) y quiero arrancarlo: desde el selector de arranque instalado en
MBR le indico que arranque /dev/hdc y ahí está instalado LILO, el problema
que todo estaba configurado para que arrancara en /dev/hda, por lo que
cargar la imagen del /boot de /dev/hda. Se soluciona si edito el
y cambio todo /dev/hda por /dev/hdc y ejecuto /bin/lilo engañando
para que aparezca el mismo nombre de la imagen el /dev/hda y se pueda
sin problemas.

Bien, ¿hay algún método (seguro que si) para que se le pueda decir que ahora
está en /dev/hda sino que tiene que arrancar en /dev/hdc?


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Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

Re: Trasladar disco duro de hda a hdc

2001-08-07 Thread A . Ramos
y tambien hay que tocar el /etc/fstab, no ses olvidep ;p

Nos leemos ;)

Re: Imagenes de disco

2001-08-07 Thread Fermín Manzanedo

El mar, día 07 de ago de 2001, a las 01:23:38 -0500, Demian Santacruz decía:

 Alguien sabe que programa usar para crear imagenes de disco como las de los
 floppies para instalar el sistema base debian
si estás en Debian tienes la orden dd. Por ejemplo (típico) si quieres hacer un 
disco de arranque pones:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dd if=resc1440.bin of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k count=1440

Te aconsejo hacer man dd, te dice algo como esto (para el ejemplo que he 
if=fichero -- lee desde el fichero en lugar de la entrada estandar.
of=fichero -- escribe a fichero en lugar de a la salida estandar.
bs=bytes -- lee y escribe ese número de bytes de una vez.
count=bloques -- copia ese número de bloques determinado.

Si por contra estás en MS-DOS tienes el rawrite3 que te viene en los CDs de la 

Un saludo
Fermín Manzanedo Guzmán  |  Badajoz - Spain | Usuario Linux #184967
Desde Toshiba2140CDS | Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 
mail -s gpg public key [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null 

Description: PGP signature

RE: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu (jzunzu@ibmes) not listed in public Name AddressBook

2001-08-07 Thread Santiago Vila
 [ ... ]
 no se quien tiene k arreglarlo.


Si alguno se anima a escribir a esta dirección (en inglés), adelante,
yo ya lo he hecho sin resultado pero nunca se sabe.

RE: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu (jzunzu@ibmes) not listed in public Name AddressBook

2001-08-07 Thread Carlos Perelló Marín
El d_ 07 Aug 2001 22:45:16 +0200, Santiago Vila escribi_
  [ ... ]
  no se quien tiene k arreglarlo.
 Si alguno se anima a escribir a esta dirección (en inglés), adelante,
 yo ya lo he hecho sin resultado pero nunca se sabe.

Yo tambien lo he hecho y los resultados han sidos los mismos, nulos.


P.S.: Santiago, el smartlist no tiene forma de ponerle que cuando una
dirección da muchos errores o algo así la dé de baja? (es una prestación
que tiene el mailman y que es muy útil, es más los correos que rebotan
con mailman no se le envian al que ha mandado el correo a la lista sino
que se envian al administrador de dicha lista)

 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - Spain

RE: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu (jzunzu@ibmes) not listed in public Name AddressBook

2001-08-07 Thread Carlos Perelló Marín
El d_ 07 Aug 2001 22:57:33 +0200, Carlos Perelló Marín escribi_
 El d_ 07 Aug 2001 22:45:16 +0200, Santiago Vila escribi_
   [ ... ]
   no se quien tiene k arreglarlo.
  Si alguno se anima a escribir a esta dirección (en inglés), adelante,
  yo ya lo he hecho sin resultado pero nunca se sabe.
 Yo tambien lo he hecho y los resultados han sidos los mismos, nulos.

Acabo de intentar una cosita (a ver si funciona) desde la página web de hay una opción para suscribir/desuscribir, acabo de
enviar una petición de borrado, si funciona no recibiré el error con
este correo ;-)

Desearme suerte.

 P.S.: Santiago, el smartlist no tiene forma de ponerle que cuando una
 dirección da muchos errores o algo así la dé de baja? (es una prestación
 que tiene el mailman y que es muy útil, es más los correos que rebotan
 con mailman no se le envian al que ha mandado el correo a la lista sino
 que se envian al administrador de dicha lista)
  Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
 Carlos Perelló Marín
 Valencia - Spain
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null
Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - Spain

Flitrar correo

2001-08-07 Thread Anton Bermudez Rodamilans
Hola soy nuevo en esta lista y me gustaria saber si hnay alguna forma de
filtrar el correo que no sea utilizando el procmail.

Gracias de antemano ...


Re: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu (jzunzu@ibmes) not listed inpublic Name AddressBook

2001-08-07 Thread German Poo Caaman~o
R. M. Alarcon wrote:
  P.S.: Santiago, el smartlist no tiene forma de ponerle que cuando una
  dirección da muchos errores o algo así la dé de baja? (es una prestación
  que tiene el mailman y que es muy útil, es más los correos que rebotan
  con mailman no se le envian al que ha mandado el correo a la lista sino
  que se envian al administrador de dicha lista)
 No creo que vaya a parar asi de facil, ya que la direccion esta registrada
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (con el %)
 y el mensaje de error dice que es:

El problema, es que estos mensajes deben ir al owner de la lista!
Es un problema administrativo, no de los usuarios de la lista.
Mailman se puede configurar para desuscribir (o dejar en nomail)
cuando no se puede enviar correo a un destinatario.

Que sacamos los simples mortales con recibir estos mensajes sino
podemos tomar ninguna accion, mas que poner filtros en procmail
pero que igual consume ancho de banda innecesariamente?

PD: Creo que el principio de la minimalidad del correo esta mal

German Poo Caaman~o

Filtrar correo

2001-08-07 Thread Anton Bermudez Rodamilans
Hola soy nuevo en esta lista ... me gustaria saber si hay alguna forma de
filtrar el correo que no sea con el procmail

Gracias de antemano


Re: Filtrar correo

2001-08-07 Thread Imobach González Sosa

Bueno, tienes otras alternativas como mailfilter, maildrop o spamfilter.
Y seguro que hay más... pero no las conozco :P


On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 11:30:57PM +0200, Anton Bermudez Rodamilans wrote:
 Hola soy nuevo en esta lista ... me gustaria saber si hay alguna forma de
 filtrar el correo que no sea con el procmail
 Gracias de antemano
 Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

(o_.'   Imobach González Sosa
osoh en irc-hispano
Usuario Linux #201634
Debian GNU/Linux `Woody' con núcleo 2.4.7 sobre AMD K7 Athlon

No son las cosas las que atormentan a los hombres, sino la opinión que se tiene 
de ellas.
-- Epicteto. (50-135) Filósofo grecolatino. 

RE: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu (jzunzu@ibmes) not listed in public Name AddressBook

2001-08-07 Thread Santiago Vila
Carlos Perelló Marín:
 P.S.: Santiago, el smartlist no tiene forma de ponerle que cuando una
 dirección da muchos errores o algo así la dé de baja? (es una prestación
 que tiene el mailman y que es muy útil, es más los correos que rebotan
 con mailman no se le envian al que ha mandado el correo a la lista sino
 que se envian al administrador de dicha lista)

Eso es efectivamente lo normal; con smartlist, con mailman, y con
cualquier otro gestor de listas digno de llamarse gestor de listas;
pero si el MTA de (que es donde está el verdadero problema)
hace caso omiso de los RFCs, no hay nada que hacer.

(En otras palabras: Aunque debian-user-spanish estuviera gestionada
por mailman o cualquier otro gestor de listas, tendríamos el mismo

Si no funciona con [EMAIL PROTECTED] el único recurso que se
me ocurre es [EMAIL PROTECTED], yo ya les he escrito y he
recibido una respuesta, pero no una solución (si alguno quiere probar,
adelante, pero no digáis que vais de mi parte :-).

Re: Filtrar correo

2001-08-07 Thread Santiago Vila
Antón Bermúdez Rodamilans:
 me gustaría saber si hay alguna forma de filtrar el correo que no
 sea con el procmail

Bueno, también puedes usar mailagent, o las capacidades de filtro del propio
MTA, si las tiene, por ejemplo mírate /usr/share/doc/exim/filter.txt.gz.

En cualquier caso ¿qué tiene de malo procmail? Yo lo uso y me va muy
bien, aunque claro, a lo mejor mi opinión se considera algo sesgada
( dpkg -s procmail | grep Maintainer :-)

RE: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu (jzunzu@ibmes) not listed in public Name AddressBook

2001-08-07 Thread Carlos Perelló Marín
El d_ 08 Aug 2001 00:25:23 +0200, Santiago Vila escribi_
 Carlos Perelló Marín:
  P.S.: Santiago, el smartlist no tiene forma de ponerle que cuando una
  dirección da muchos errores o algo así la dé de baja? (es una prestación
  que tiene el mailman y que es muy útil, es más los correos que rebotan
  con mailman no se le envian al que ha mandado el correo a la lista sino
  que se envian al administrador de dicha lista)
 Eso es efectivamente lo normal; con smartlist, con mailman, y con
 cualquier otro gestor de listas digno de llamarse gestor de listas;
 pero si el MTA de (que es donde está el verdadero problema)
 hace caso omiso de los RFCs, no hay nada que hacer.
 (En otras palabras: Aunque debian-user-spanish estuviera gestionada
 por mailman o cualquier otro gestor de listas, tendríamos el mismo

Pos estamos arreglaos :-(, mi apaño no ha funcionado.

 Si no funciona con [EMAIL PROTECTED] el único recurso que se
 me ocurre es [EMAIL PROTECTED], yo ya les he escrito y he
 recibido una respuesta, pero no una solución (si alguno quiere probar,
 adelante, pero no digáis que vais de mi parte :-).

Señor Debian-admin, que el señor [EMAIL PROTECTED] no deja de
darnos errores en la lista de correo debian-user-spanish nos molesta
ya mucho y en [EMAIL PROTECTED] no nos hacen ni p$%$%% caso
¿podría dar una solución a lo que le envió Santiago Vila?

Gracias debian-admin.

P.S.: Santiago me ha pedido que le diga que no voy de su parte


Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - Spain

Re: Filtrar correo

2001-08-07 Thread Joaquin Ferrero
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 00:33:43 +0200 (CEST)
From: Santiago Vila [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Anton Bermudez Rodamilans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Filtrar correo
Resent-Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 00:46:08 +0200

En cualquier caso ¿qué tiene de malo procmail? Yo lo uso y me va muy
bien, aunque claro, a lo mejor mi opinión se considera algo sesgada
( dpkg -s procmail | grep Maintainer :-)

Aprovechando la cuestion, y confesando que me encanta procmail, tengo dos

  * quiero filtrar el correo que SALE del equipo o del que hago relay,
que sea con sendmail, y sin tener que usar el MILTER. ?se puede con

  * Hay alguna herramienta que edite el .procmailrc via web?

/ Joaquin FerreroLinux User #109.802
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cartelera de Cine de Valladolid
\ [EMAIL PROTECTED]http://Pucela.Net/Cultura/Cine

/ Asesora y Proveedora   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\ de Servicios de Internet, S.L. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /dev/null

RE: DELIVERY FAILURE: User jzunzu (jzunzu@ibmes) not listed in public Name AddressBook

2001-08-07 Thread Rodrigo Moya
  Si no funciona con [EMAIL PROTECTED] el único recurso que se
  me ocurre es [EMAIL PROTECTED], yo ya les he escrito y he
  recibido una respuesta, pero no una solución (si alguno quiere probar,
  adelante, pero no digáis que vais de mi parte :-).
 Señor Debian-admin, que el señor [EMAIL PROTECTED] no deja de
 darnos errores en la lista de correo debian-user-spanish nos molesta
 ya mucho y en [EMAIL PROTECTED] no nos hacen ni p$%$%% caso
 ¿podría dar una solución a lo que le envió Santiago Vila?
 Gracias debian-admin.
 P.S.: Santiago me ha pedido que le diga que no voy de su parte
se te ha olvidado poner en el CC a Santiago, para que quede claro que no
vas de su parte


Re: Motorola SM56 SoftModem... Ok, errei.

2001-08-07 Thread Daniel Longhi
Oi Cassiano,

Eu tive um desse =(
Felizmente nao tenho mais, troquei por um lucent:
lt_serial  20928   2  (autoclean)
lt_modem  314624   0  (autoclean) [lt_serial]
que é bem mais leve, rápido e rouba muito pouco do processamento do meu p166 

mas vamos ao que interessa...

Eu sugiro a vc que se inscreva na lista de discussao do site
achei a seguinte msg lá:
Subject: motorola sm56 problem
From: Burbure Pavan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2001 14:08:49 +0530

Hi, The motorola sm56 drivers do not work with kernel 2.4.6  2.4.7. When
I try modprobe sm56, I get a kernel segmentation fault with a message
like kernel bug in slab.h Anybody has got this working with these kernels.


Só que infelizmente nao foi respondida...

Vc tb pode tentar escrever para:

Boa sorte,



Em Mon, 06 Aug 2001 20:44:39 -0300
Cassiano Leal [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Ola, amigos...
 Sei que esse nao e' um assunto muito bom pra se tratar,
 visto que foi realmente uma grande besteira comprar tal
 Acontece que a Motorola disponibilizou o module para
 que o modem funcionasse no Linux. Baixei o driver,
 compilei um kernel 2.4.6, instalei o module (apos
 converte-lo para .deb, pois era um rpm), e, apos
 verificar todas as configuracoes e ter certeza de que
 o kernel estava funcionando perfeitamente, comandei
 o module: modprobe sm56.
 Eis o erro:
 muamba1:/mnt/linux/sm56# modprobe -d sm56
 kernel BUG at slab.c:1062!
 invalid operand: 
 EFLAGS: 00010282
 eax: 001b   ebx: c119b2b4   ecx: c530   edx: c5f6e820
 esi: 0202   edi: c119b2b4   ebp: 0007   esp: c5301e38
 ds: 0018   es: 0018   ss: 0018
 Process modprobe (pid: 171, stackpage=c5301000)
 Stack: c01f41d4 c01f4270 0426 c119b2b4 0202 0007 c5301e8c 0282
 c0122c7f c119b2b4 0007 0064  c681b065 c686924b 
 0007 c02a88e0  c681b000 c681b065 c5301ebc c6869820 
 Call Trace: [c0122c7f] [c0113a3e] [c0113963] [c0107dde] 
 [c0106b00] [c0110d4d] [c0106a63]
 Code: 0f 0b 83 c4 0c 8d 74 26 00 f7 c5 00 10 00 00 0f 85 c5 01 00
 Segmentation fault
 Alguem tem alguma dica do que fazer?
 P.S.: estou baixando do o fonte do
 kernel 2.4.2, pois sei que foi nesse que o module
 foi compilado, mas nao sei se obterei algum sucesso,
 tendo em vista que o 2.4.6 e' apenas uma versao mais
 estavel do kernel 2.4...
 Qualquer ajuda e' bem-vinda.
 Ah! Pesquisei em /proc/pci, e notei que o modem nao
 possui dispositivo de I/O, o que me fez imaginar que
 essa seria uma das funcoes implementadas em software.
 O arquivo sm56.o ocupa aproximadamente 1.8Mb, e isso
 me pareceu bastante grande para um module.
 Se alguem se deu ao trabalho de ler tudo, obrigado.
 Espero obter ajuda.
 Cassiano Leal

Do You Yahoo!?
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2001-08-07 Thread Daniel Longhi

Linmodem-howto em pt_BR



Do You Yahoo!?
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5500 belas fotos para sua tela ?

2001-08-07 Thread Webimage
Title: Webshot


















  voc adquirir essas imagens e muitas outras 
  fotos  fcil!!!
  para voc estas e mais 5.500 imagens de alta 
  qualidade e resoluo junto com um 
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  o pagamento ser feito via depsito 
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  referncia de nossa seriedade fazemos muitas 
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  respeitado. Caso queira cheque por Morena_Tatu 
  e ter minhas referncias.




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2.001 by Image


Fonte default do kde2

2001-08-07 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade

  Olá Pessoal.

  Alguém sabe me dizer qual é a fonte default utilizada no kde2 pelo 
 konqueror, pois quero deixar os dois lados do neu gerenciador com a
 mesma fonte mas não consigo encontrar qual é a do lado direito 
 do konqueror. espero ter conseguido me explicar.


||  /\ ||  Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3||  _  || 
|| /@@\||  Linux lottar 2.2.19   || () ||
||/(__)\   ||Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb||/(_)\||
|| ^  ^||  Fabiano Manoel de Andrade ||_/ \_||
|| || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || ||

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil

2001-08-07 Thread Jonas Fagundes

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra wrote:

Wendell Martins Borges wrote:
 Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???
 - Cosmo
 - Michelle
 - Pablo Borges
- Wendell Martins (Perl_Porter)

- Leandro Dutra, não *de* mas *em* São Paulo.

  - Jonas Fagundes

Re: (linux-br) Como adicinar swap sem reinstalar o sistema?

2001-08-07 Thread Antonio Alberto Lobato
 Estou precisando adicionar mais swap ao meu servidor, mas não consegui.
 Eu criei uma partição para o novo swap usei o comando mkswap e adicionei
 uma linha no /etc/fstab para esta nova partição de swap, mas quando eu uso o
 swapon não funciona!

-Mande a linha que adicionou ao fstab.
-O sistema nao fala nada ? qual a saida dele ? Manda pra ca.

 Se alguém puder me ajudar, agradeço desde já!

Ainda nao eh o que vc precisa, mas vai ai...
Em anexo vai um script de bash para adicionar swap ( em arquivo). No
diretorio em que o arquivo mvm esta digite 

# source mvm x

onde x eh o numero de megas de swap que voce quer adicionar ao sistema.


Description: Binary data

Re: (linux-br) Faculdade de Sistema de Informações (OFF Topic )

2001-08-07 Thread Antonio Alberto Lobato
 Pode parecer besteira o que eu vou escrever, mais acho que como e uma lista,
 temos como conversar.
 Estou iniciando uma faculdade de de Sistema de Informações na minha Cidade,
 so que sou da primeira turma e como vc´s devem estar imaginando a coisa fica
 +- no ar.
 Tenho um professor de SI (Sistema de Informações) que falou que a escola já
 fez uma parceria com a Microsoft e já esta tudo Ok.
 Só que o professor também esta querendo abordar Linux no curso, o problema e
 que tem alguns alunos (manes) que estão amolando e não então querendo que
 tenha Linux.
 Gostaria se possível, saber se em outras faculdades o Linux e abordado para
 que eu tenha material para mostrar para esses maneis que em outra faculdade
 o Linux e abordado e etc.
 Os alunos que não querem então falando que o Linux não tem mercado e

Uma boa referencia pra voce pegar como exemplo eh em Eh a pagina de um projeto que temos la na Usp, com o
fim, entre outros, de divulgar o OS Linux. Tambem ah disciplinas com o
fim de se estudar linux, em

Creio ser fundamental, para uma faculdade de Sistema de
Informacao, que se aprenda linux, pelo crescimento que este esta tendo e
por seu vasto uso nos melhores sevidores.


Re: (linux-br) Faculdade de Sistema de Informações ( OFF Topic )

2001-08-07 Thread Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra

Antonio Alberto Lobato wrote:

Só que o professor também esta querendo abordar Linux no curso, o problema e
que tem alguns alunos (manes) que estão amolando e não então querendo que
tenha Linux.

	Não é por nada não, mas faculdade de informática que olhe mercado não é 
faculdade, é só escola ou curso técnico.  Fábrica de diplomas, porque em 
Windows não se aprende informática, só Windows mesmo.  Já em GNU/Linux 
se aprende tudo, GNU/Linux, Unix, Informática, lógica, arquitetura e até 
um pouco de Filosofia -- e até um bocado de Windows.

Ou seja, se você quiser algo mais que um diploma, mude de escola.

/ \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra   +55 (11) 246 96 07
\ /   BRASIL  +55 (43) 322 89 71
/ \ Campanha fita ASCII, contra correio HTMLmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

monitoriamento de rede

2001-08-07 Thread Alex

Ola pessoal,

Gostaria de algumas sugestoes de software para monitoriamento de rede com baixo
lightweight e que me avise quando qualquer coisa sair fora do ar.

Fora o Netsaint, nao achei encontrei uma boa solucao.


Spruce: Man and mouse alike, both end up in pussy

100 Descrições Traduzidas =)!

2001-08-07 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
É isso aí pessoal!

Acabamos de bater nas 100 traduzidas ;)

Sim, eu sei que isso é novidade pra quem não está na -l10n-portuguese,
por favor usem a l10n-pt para falar disso, esse email está servindo
pra anunciar de vez o projeto =)


old Descriptions: 434
Translated Descriptions:  104
Untranslated Descriptions:   6763
Packages send:110
Translated packages:  106

Um grande obrigado principalmente ao Goedson e ao Marcus
que parecem ter sido os dois maiores tradutores ;)

Mas... como vocês podem perceber faltam *muitas* e pegar
5 descrições para traduzir por semana (1 por dia) não mata
ninguém né mesmo?

Para quem quiser usar as descrições traduzidas, basta incluir
a linha:

deb pt_BR/sid main
deb pt_BR/woody main
deb pt_BR/potato main

dependendo da sua dist (ou as três se como eu usa sid ou woody e 
gosta de fazer um apt-get install pacote/distribuição as vezes...
conhecem essa? =))

e aí terão coisas assim:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]/] # apt-cache show apache
Package: apache
Priority: optional
Section: web
Installed-Size: 767
Maintainer: Johnie Ingram [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Architecture: i386
Version: 1.3.20-1
Replaces: apache-modules
Provides: httpd
Depends: libc6 (= 2.2.3-1), libdb2 (= 2:2.7.7-4), mime-support, apache-common 
1.3.20-1), apache-common ( 1.3.21), perl5 | perl
Suggests: apache-doc
Conflicts: apache-modules, libapache-mod-perl (= 1.17-1), jserv (= 1.1-3)
Filename: pool/main/a/apache/apache_1.3.20-1_i386.deb
Size: 403128
MD5sum: cca47b2457f1344d7a99b9df04afe184
Description: Servidor HTTP versátil de alta performance
 O servidor mais popular do mundo, o Apache, tem um design modular
 e suporta seleção dinâmica de módulos de extensão enquanto roda.
 Alguns de seus pontos fortes são sua gama de customizações possíveis,
 ajuste dinâmico de número de processos de servidor e toda uma gama
 de módulos disponíveis, incluindo muitos mecanismos de autenticação,
 HTML analisado pelo servidor, inclusões no lado servidor, controle de
 acesso, emulação de meta-arquivos CERN httpd, cacheamento proxy, etc.
 O Apache suporta múltiplas hospedagens virtuais.
 Há pacotes Debian separados para PHP3, mod_perl, suporte a Serlet
 Java, Apache-SSL e outras extensões comuns. Maiores informações
 estão disponíveis em
Task: web-server

Prestem atenção... as linhas acima só servem para a parte main
do Debian... terão de usar outras linhas para contrib e non-free.

Quem quiser ajudar por favor leia o guia que está na página do
Michael (tem link na página do Debian-BR, na seção Faça Parte,

Seria bom que começassemos a discutir como implementar esses Packages.gz
traduzidos nos mirrors brasileiros enquanto o suporte oficial não chega
ao ftp-master (e eu acho que isso não vem pro woody)...

Um abraço! =)

Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil

2001-08-07 Thread Jackson Gois

   Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???
   - Cosmo
   - Michelle
   - Pablo Borges
  - Wendell Martins (Perl_Porter)
  - Leandro Dutra, não *de* mas *em* São Paulo.
- Jonas Fagundes

Jackson Gois

instalacao do modem pctel motorola hsp 56

2001-08-07 Thread tropical colchoes ltda

oi, pessoalja tentei de todas as formas 
instalar meu modem HSP 56 motorolaveja passos que fiz:cp pctel.o 
/lib/modules/2.2.17/misccp pctel.o /lib/modules/2.2.17/netinsmod 
pctelmknod /dev/ttyS15 c 62 79ln -sf /dev/ttyS15 /dev/modem

veja erro:carlucio:/# wvdial-- WvDial: 
Internet dialer version 1.41-- Cannot open /dev/ttyS15: No such 

Mas alguma sugestao amigos



Re:Re: Criacao do 1o. grupo de usuarios Debian do Brasil

2001-08-07 Thread Michelle Ribeiro

Vamos ser crianças boazinhas e seguir os conselhos do Tio Kov...

Para que possamos direcionar as mensagens só para as pessoas de SP, que tal 
usar os dados do Contador Debian 

Sugiro que as pessoas cadastrem-se e atualizem seus dados lá...

Um abraço, 


   Aliás, quantos de São Paulo existem na lista ???
   - Cosmo
   - Michelle
   - Pablo Borges
  - Wendell Martins (Perl_Porter)
  - Leandro Dutra, não *de* mas *em* São Paulo.
- Jonas Fagundes

Jackson Gois

Re: instalacao do modem pctel motorola hsp 56

2001-08-07 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Tue, 7 Aug 2001 16:49:03 -0300
tropical colchoes ltda [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

Ah... e *por favor* não mande email em html para a lista ;)


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: (linux-br) Faculdade de Sistema de Informações ( OFF Topic )

2001-08-07 Thread Antonio Alberto Lobato
 Só que o professor também esta querendo abordar Linux no curso, o problema e
 que tem alguns alunos (manes) que estão amolando e não então querendo que
 tenha Linux.
   Não é por nada não, mas faculdade de informática que olhe mercado não é 
 faculdade, é só escola ou curso técnico.  Fábrica de diplomas, porque ...

Nao que eu queira discordar, mas eh que eu nao entendi mesmo:
voce acha que uma faculdade de informatica nao deve olhar mercado (levar
o mercado em consideracao) ?

 Em Windows não se aprende informática, só Windows mesmo.  Já em GNU/Linux 
 se aprende tudo, GNU/Linux, Unix, Informática, lógica, arquitetura e até 
 um pouco de Filosofia -- e até um bocado de Windows.


   Ou seja, se você quiser algo mais que um diploma, mude de escola.


Re: instalacao do modem pctel motorola hsp 56

2001-08-07 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Tue, 7 Aug 2001 16:49:03 -0300
tropical colchoes ltda [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 cp pctel.o /lib/modules/2.2.17/misc
 cp pctel.o /lib/modules/2.2.17/net
é um dos dois, não os dois ;)

 insmod pctel
 mknod /dev/ttyS15 c 62 79
 ln -sf /dev/ttyS15 /dev/modem
a ordem tá invertida... o insmod é o último

 -- Cannot open /dev/ttyS15: No such device
seu modem, afinal, é motorola ou pctel? vai ver é isso ;)


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Re: (linux-br) Faculdade de Sistema de Informações ( OFF Topic )

2001-08-07 Thread Gustavo Noronha Silva
Em Tue, 07 Aug 2001 19:45:38 -0300
Antonio Alberto Lobato [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

   Nao que eu queira discordar, mas eh que eu nao entendi mesmo:
 voce acha que uma faculdade de informatica nao deve olhar mercado (levar
 o mercado em consideracao) ?
Qualquer que seja a instituição nunca deve pensar no *mercado*
é por isso que a escola hoje deixou de ser um instituto de educação
e se tornou um centro de treinamento...

As faculdades vão pro mesmo caminho... pessoas têm de ser educadas e não
treinadas... se uma pessoa aprender a pensar, ela vai estar mais pronta
para o mercado que aquela que foi treinada em clicar com o botão direito
e selecionar Propriedades... 


Gustavo Noronha Silva - kov
|  .''`.  | Debian GNU/Linux:|
| : :'  : | Debian BR...: |
| `. `'`  |  Be Happy! Be FREE!  |
|   `-| Think globally, act locally!   |

Placa de Som Cm8330

2001-08-07 Thread Douglas Silvio Correa
Olá pessoal,
Estou de volta à lista depois de quase 3 semanas sem ler msgs, e tudo mais...
Mas vamos ao que interessa, cansei de apanhar sozinho e deixarei meu orgulho 
de lado vindo até vocês e pedindo ajuda na instalação/configuração da minha 
placa de som.
No Windows ela está com os drives: Cm3880, ela usa o MPU-401 para MIDI (eu 
acho) e usa o SB16 Audio Device .
O básico é o seguinte, ela é on board numa placa pcchips.
Não entendi muito bem a instalação dos módulos e por isso estou me batendo, 
será que alguém pode me ajudar?

Um abraço e escreverei outras msgs sobre meus problemas...(resolvi perguntar! 
Douglas Silvio Correa
Tecnico em Telecomunicacoes (Formado: CEFET-PR 07/2001)
Siemens Information and Comunication
Fones: +55 41 217-3920 / +55 41 9183-4859
Sou catolico e voce --

Acesso à discagem apenas com o root

2001-08-07 Thread Douglas Silvio Correa
Bom dia pessoal
Mais uma vez estou aki para pedir ajuda.
Eu não consegui configurar um usuário normal para utilizar uma conexão ppp.
Eu utilizo o wvdial para estabelecer conexão, mas tem um problema, só com o 
Com outro usuário ele dá problema com autorização, eu já tentei colocar o 
usuário no grupo dial-up mas não deu certo (tb não sei se fiz certo!)
Será que alguém pode me dar uma mão?

Um abraço,

Douglas Silvio Correa
Tecnico em Telecomunicacoes (Formado: CEFET-PR 07/2001)
Siemens Information and Comunication
Fones: +55 41 217-3920 / +55 41 9183-4859
Sou catolico e voce --

Re: Placa de Som Cm8330

2001-08-07 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 21:54:04 +
Douglas Silvio Correa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Olá pessoal,
 Estou de volta à lista depois de quase 3 semanas sem ler msgs, e tudo mais...
 Mas vamos ao que interessa, cansei de apanhar sozinho e deixarei meu 
 orgulho de lado vindo até vocês e pedindo ajuda na instalação/configuração da 
 minha placa de som.
 No Windows ela está com os drives: Cm3880, ela usa o MPU-401 para MIDI (eu 
 acho) e usa o SB16 Audio Device .

Use o modconf para instalar os módulos. Faça isso como root. Sabe uma coisa
que ajuda é ter as fontes do kernel que esta usando e olhar na documentação
lá com cereteza você irá encontrar infomações de como carregar os módulos
e os parâmetros que corretos para sua placa.

 O básico é o seguinte, ela é on board numa placa pcchips.
 Não entendi muito bem a instalação dos módulos e por isso estou me batendo, 
 será que alguém pode me ajudar?
  Estou tentando.
 Um abraço e escreverei outras msgs sobre meus problemas...(resolvi perguntar! 

  Pó manda. =)
 Douglas Silvio Correa
 Tecnico em Telecomunicacoes (Formado: CEFET-PR 07/2001)
 Siemens Information and Comunication
 Fones: +55 41 217-3920 / +55 41 9183-4859
 Sou catolico e voce --
  Também sou católico =)
  Abraço, Fabiano.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

||  /\ ||  Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3||  _  || 
|| /@@\||  Linux lottar 2.2.19   || () ||
||/(__)\   ||Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb||/(_)\||
|| ^  ^||  Fabiano Manoel de Andrade ||_/ \_||
|| || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || ||

Re: Acesso à discagem apenas com o root

2001-08-07 Thread Fabiano Manoel de Andrade
On Tue, 7 Aug 2001 21:59:06 +
Douglas Silvio Correa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Bom dia pessoal
  Olá Douglas,

 Mais uma vez estou aki para pedir ajuda.
 Eu não consegui configurar um usuário normal para utilizar uma conexão ppp.
 Eu utilizo o wvdial para estabelecer conexão, mas tem um problema, só com o 
   Também tive esse problema e postei a mesma pergunta que você no começo
 do ano. Então, através do pessoal da lista descobri o pppconfig que é uma
 maravilha (minha opinião), fácil de configurar e rápido. Para instalar 
 apt-get install pppconfig. Você fará a conexão com o comando pon  e na
 hora de configurar você pode adicionar quais os usuários poderão conectar.

 Com outro usuário ele dá problema com autorização, eu já tentei colocar o 
 usuário no grupo dial-up mas não deu certo (tb não sei se fiz certo!)
 Será que alguém pode me dar uma mão?
   Espero ter dado até o braço, heh 
 Um abraço,
  Outro, Fabiano
 Douglas Silvio Correa
 Tecnico em Telecomunicacoes (Formado: CEFET-PR 07/2001)
 Siemens Information and Comunication
 Fones: +55 41 217-3920 / +55 41 9183-4859
 Sou catolico e voce -- 
   Tbm sou.
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

||  /\ ||  Debian GNU/Linux 2.2r3||  _  || 
|| /@@\||  Linux lottar 2.2.19   || () ||
||/(__)\   ||Pentium 200 MMX 40Mb||/(_)\||
|| ^  ^||  Fabiano Manoel de Andrade ||_/ \_||
|| || [EMAIL PROTECTED]   || ||

Re: (linux-br) Faculdade de Sistema de Informações ( OFF Topic )

2001-08-07 Thread Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra

Antonio Alberto Lobato wrote:

Nao que eu queira discordar, mas eh que eu nao entendi mesmo:

Mas é claro que você tem todo o direito de discordar!

voce acha que uma faculdade de informatica nao deve olhar mercado (levar
o mercado em consideracao) ?

	Exatamente.  Quem deve olhar o mercado são cursos de técnico em 
processamento de dados, no máximo tecnólogos -- e mesmo esses deveriam 
aprender algoritmos e sistemas operacionais e de bancos de dados, não 

	A universidade deve olhar a ciência, a faculdade a tecnologia.  Produto 
só para escolinhas, e olhe lá.

	Tem um artigo bom do Edsger Djikstra sobre isso, uma palestra de 
formatura para a Universidade do Texas -- se achar o URI eu passo à lista.

/ \ Leandro Guimarães Faria Corsetti Dutra   +55 (11) 246 96 07
\ /   BRASIL  +55 (43) 322 89 71
/ \ Campanha fita ASCII, contra correio HTMLmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-07 Thread William T Wilson
On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Nathan E Norman wrote:

 I have to agree with John ... using a security hole in someone else's
 server for good or evil is probably not a good idea legally.  I'd
 advise against it.

In states with Good Samaritan laws you are likely to be shielded from
liability as long as any action you take is clearly intended as help.

Considering the fact that tens of thousands of malicious security attacks
per year go unprosecuted, I doubt that anything non-malicious would be a
big risk.  Unless you have deep pockets.

That said, it's traditional to send the admin a message using the root
account when a hole is found, but it isn't at all necessary.  Just send
the relevant excerpt from your log that shows they are attacking you to
several good guesses at the relevant account ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL 
etc.) and leave it at that.

Re: dosemu mystery

2001-08-07 Thread Mike Pfleger
On Sun, Aug 05, 2001 at 10:41:07AM +1000, Herbert Xu wrote:
 Mike Pfleger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  into there.  Still unable to cp from my home dir (D: in dosemu) to
  the tmp dir (C:\tmp\ in dosemu).
  What am I missing?
 It's a bug.  Please file it against dosemu and I'll fix it.  Basically
 the dosemu scripts should handle the tmp directory for you.
 The reason you can't write to it is because it's readonly (see dosemu.conf).

Yeah.  I got that impression.  I tried to change it to rw, and it just stopped
working, IIRC.  I will try and muck with it again, and generate a bit more
data, and then file a bug report as per the instructions on:


High Performance Computing (SMP/RAID): where to get the latest information?

2001-08-07 Thread Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim

I would like to hear/ listen about recent experience on
running a high performance system (for a heavy duty database).

1. Is SMP mature enough in sense of Mean Time Before Crash :-)? 
   Or, is a single CPU still saver?
2. Which RAID/SCSI controllers are considered the most stable
   ones (it does not have to be the most state of the art)?

I have read these following RTFW(WW):
Does anyone know more detail information?

thank you,

Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim - VLSM-TJT -
- Hi! How are you? I send you this in order to have advice

RE: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-07 Thread Ian Perry

 -Original Message-
 From: William T Wilson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:01 PM
 To: Nathan E Norman
 Subject: Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

 On Mon, 6 Aug 2001, Nathan E Norman wrote:

  I have to agree with John ... using a security hole in
 someone else's
  server for good or evil is probably not a good idea legally.  I'd
  advise against it.

 In states with Good Samaritan laws you are likely to be
 shielded from
 liability as long as any action you take is clearly intended as help.

 Considering the fact that tens of thousands of malicious
 security attacks
 per year go unprosecuted, I doubt that anything non-malicious
 would be a
 big risk.  Unless you have deep pockets.

 That said, it's traditional to send the admin a message using the root
 account when a hole is found, but it isn't at all necessary.
 Just send
 the relevant excerpt from your log that shows they are
 attacking you to
 several good guesses at the relevant account ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL 
 etc.) and leave it at that.

Its a pity those people are so lame and irresponsible that they are not
doing anything about it.

I actually began looking at the web pages, and emailing the web admin or
contact point but with a packet coming in every few minutes it became
impossible.  It also seemed to be a waste of time as most of these sites are
still online and attempting to spread the virus.  The other fact that when
the IP is looked up there is absolutely no record of where or who it is
makes it almost impossible to alert them of their predicament.

Don't these people have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that
their system is free from spreading the virus and damaging other systems ?
Where is their duty of care.

If they initiate an attack on me, don't I have a right to defend my site, a
commercial enterprise, against them to stop THEIR attacks on my network ?
Think about it... the message or whatever would not be sent if they did not
send an attack first.

Welcome to a legal nightmare.

I just find it hard to believe that people still haven't patched their
servers, and in the mean time I am paying for all the extra traffic into my
server.  It may not seem much but it sure adds up over a month or two.  Who
can I sue to recover that ??

The whole thing seemed interesting at first Now I just get pissed off at
the irresponsibility of it all.

Oh damn... looking at the logs looks like here comes another one...
GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0... repeat.

If I could turn off the web server I would, but I can't.


satellite hookup

2001-08-07 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
Hey list,

i was wondering if any of you uses either one way or two way sat link to the
net, if yes, then if it is linux [prefferably debian] friendly and where i can
get it :)



   ' '(~)' '
Petr [Dingo] Dvorak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coder - Purple Dragon MUD port 
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
 Debian version 2.2.18pre21, up 3 days, 11 users, load average: 0.00

HP6000SE Media Storage unit Adaptec 2930LU on Debian/Progeny PC

2001-08-07 Thread K. Matthew Victor
I have an HP6000SE (single ended) SCSI media storage unit that was (a):
given to me; (b): originally used uith an HP 7000 Apollo running HP-UX.
I am wondering if I may be able to use my Yamaha CRW 2100 CD-R/RW, HP
6390 Scanner, and the several harddrives- DCLZ tape drive- and the
original CD-ROM that are presently installed into the HP6000, through an
Adaptec 2930CU pci card (ultra SCSI)? Has Anyone else tried to use these
(HP6000SE) with a PC on Linux?
As nearly as I am able to discern it should work just fine as long as
the SCSI id #'s are not set improperly.?
Any words of wisdom? All advise gratefully accepted. tia, K. Matthew

RE: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-07 Thread John Griffiths

Its a pity those people are so lame and irresponsible that they are not
doing anything about it.

I actually began looking at the web pages, and emailing the web admin or
contact point but with a packet coming in every few minutes it became
impossible.  It also seemed to be a waste of time as most of these sites are
still online and attempting to spread the virus.  The other fact that when
the IP is looked up there is absolutely no record of where or who it is
makes it almost impossible to alert them of their predicament.

Don't these people have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that
their system is free from spreading the virus and damaging other systems ?
Where is their duty of care.

If they initiate an attack on me, don't I have a right to defend my site, a
commercial enterprise, against them to stop THEIR attacks on my network ?
Think about it... the message or whatever would not be sent if they did not
send an attack first.

Welcome to a legal nightmare.

I just find it hard to believe that people still haven't patched their
servers, and in the mean time I am paying for all the extra traffic into my
server.  It may not seem much but it sure adds up over a month or two.  Who
can I sue to recover that ??

The whole thing seemed interesting at first Now I just get pissed off at
the irresponsibility of it all.

Oh damn... looking at the logs looks like here comes another one...
GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0... repeat.

If I could turn off the web server I would, but I can't.

It's getting worse than that

firewalls installed all over the web in blind panic are making traceroute and 
ping impossible to use

of course the useless pricks have mostly left port 80 open

Re: ntp: not synchronized?

2001-08-07 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 08:01:04PM -0500, Dimitri Maziuk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 * Karsten M. Self ( spake thusly:
  on Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 12:07:34PM -0500, Dimitri Maziuk ([EMAIL 
  PROTECTED]) wrote:
   * Karsten M. Self ( spake thusly:
on Sun, Aug 05, 2001 at 06:43:07PM -0500, ktb ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 There is the -u option for ntpdate which might be useful -

Thanks, I'd missed that.  Still doesn't work though.
   What does 'ntpdate -d ...' say?
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:root]$ date; /usr/sbin/ntpdate -udb
  Mon Aug  6 15:47:27 PDT 2001
   6 Aug 15:47:27 ntpdate[20310]: ntpdate 4.0.99g Wed Apr  4 18:01:13 MDT 
  2001 (1)
  server, port 123
  stratum 0, precision 0, leap 00, trust 000
  refid [], delay 0.0, dispersion 64.0
  transmitted 4, in filter 4
  reference time:.  Wed, Feb  6 2036 22:28:16.000
  originate timestamp: .  Wed, Feb  6 2036 22:28:16.000
  transmit timestamp:  bf199d08.4764bec6  Mon, Aug  6 2001 15:47:36.278
  filter delay:  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0 
   0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0 
  filter offset: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
   0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
  delay 0.0, dispersion 64.0
  offset 0.00
   6 Aug 15:47:37 ntpdate[20310]: no server suitable for synchronization 
 Ahh. Unfortunately ntpdate is too dumb to know it didn't get any replies. All
 those zeroes usually mean that ntp is blocked at the firewall. Try opening a 
 hole for appropriate --dport and see if that helps.

Would that be port 123 then?  What port am I communicating on locally?

And, if I'm NATting my outbound, shouldn't this clear the firewall?
Outbound traffic *is* allowed.  I think...

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

RE: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-07 Thread William T Wilson
On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Ian Perry wrote:

 Oh damn... looking at the logs looks like here comes another one...
 GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0... repeat.

That's usually from a search engine.  robots.txt is an (advisory) control
method so that search engines don't try to index, for example, dynamically
generated or password protected content.

Unless there's a new worm out that uses that somehow (ugh).

Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-07 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 10:54:10PM -0500, Nathan E Norman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
 On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 10:24:04PM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
  Ian Perry writes:
   You could, but wouldn't be better to alert then than shutting them
   down...  there could be legal ramifications in lost income etc etc for a
   public server.
  Making any use at all of the backdoor, even just to send the admin a
  message, is probably a crime under US law.
 When I worked for a cable ISP, we had a customer who thought it would
 be cool to alert other people on the network about their security
 problems by printing a message on their printers.  Some (clueless)
 customers thought this was prelude to an attack and called the cops.
 I have to agree with John ... using a security hole in someone else's
 server for good or evil is probably not a good idea legally.  I'd
 advise against it.

As noted on Slashdot, if you were to post a CR fix service installed at
http://yoursite/default.ida, which would run a remote command on the
connecting host, to de-worm and patch the offending box, who's
culpability is it if your site is connected to and the patch is run?

This is stretching the case a bit, but it's an interesting hypothetical.
Frankly, I'm moderately convinced it's not a bad idea.  Not quite a
Cheese Worm -- it doesn't actively hunt hosts -- but widely distributed,
an effective antidote.

Personally I favor the Debian GNU/Linux install service model

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: FW: Careful. This is for information only.

2001-08-07 Thread Craig Dickson
Ian Perry wrote:

 Its a pity those people are so lame and irresponsible that they are not
 doing anything about it.

A lot of them are dialup or PPPOE (cable/DSL) machines owned by Joe
Consumer, who probably doesn't even know that Windows NT/2000 came with
a free web server. He also doesn't know what a firewall is, or why he
should want one.

 I actually began looking at the web pages, and emailing the web admin or
 contact point but with a packet coming in every few minutes it became
 impossible.  It also seemed to be a waste of time as most of these sites are
 still online and attempting to spread the virus.  The other fact that when
 the IP is looked up there is absolutely no record of where or who it is
 makes it almost impossible to alert them of their predicament.

I just got a hit from a machine that the 'host' command identifies as Hmm, I see DSL twice in there.
Another home user, I bet.

 Don't these people have a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that
 their system is free from spreading the virus and damaging other systems ?
 Where is their duty of care.

Blame Microsoft for bundling tons of crap into their OS and installing it
all by default. Blame the ISPs for not filtering this stuff out once it
hits the headlines, and for not telling their subscribers about firewalls.

The end users really don't know what's going on, and they shouldn't have
to; they're not computer professional for the most part, or particuarly
technically literate. They're just home computer users who like using
the Internet. If they've heard about Code Red at all, they probably
still have no idea it could have anything to do with them.

I'm a DSL user too, but as a professional software engineer with
experience in developing network management tools, I knew what I was
getting into. I bought a Linksys DSL router before my DSL line was even
installed. But you can't expect the average computer user to do that.

 If they initiate an attack on me, don't I have a right to defend my site, a
 commercial enterprise, against them to stop THEIR attacks on my network ?

Well, aside from your firewall, what are you going to do? You can complain
to their ISPs if you like.


Re: Laptop sleep

2001-08-07 Thread Alex Jacques
On Monday 06 August 2001 02:12 pm, Thomas Zimmerman wrote:
 I've been using an old laptop for a couple of days. I have the harddrive
 spining down after 30s but it never stays down. (I even echo'ed some new
 setting to /proc/sys/vm/bdflush...didn't seem to help). I was wounding if
 anyone has some tips on what to check; so this drive will stay asleep when
 there isn't any obvious need to be spun up.

 Thanks for any hints.

I think you need NOFLUSHD
It's also available as a Debian package (but only in testing and unstable).

BTW, try the debian-laptop list if you haven't already. There you'll probably 
find people who actually know about laptop installs, instead of folks like me 
who've only heard that you need NOFLUSHD.

Another source of info is

RE: satellite hookup

2001-08-07 Thread Petr \[Dingo\] Dvorak
On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Ian Perry wrote:

IP Hey Dingo,
IP I had a one way sat link here for a while
IP It ran a Hughes card in it
IP I tried to get it up under Debian but noone supported it.
IP I ended up running it under 98.
IP Finally after much trouble, we took it off line and went back to ISDN
IP Hope you have better luck.

well that's my problem, i live out in the sticks, so my only choices are either
modem, which never gets over 31k2, or sat link .. from what i found on the
net so far, the sat link works by tunneling all outgoing traffic through the
sat net provider.

if the tunneling is ip/ip then there shouldn't be any big problem to use any
linux box for it. what scares, me is me investing in something that uses some
proprietary tunneling protocol.

another thing is, how well telnet works via the sat link ? i mean there is
surely some limited number of transmitters on the satellite it self, so only
limited number of people can be served at once, that means everyone has to take
their turn, and that there will most likely be some initial delay. 

with browsing web pages this is really not much of a issue, most of them
should fit well within the alloted burst of data, but it could be problem with
remote shells and other things that send/receive alot of small packets.

well this is my theory, i'm sure there is a way to route only specific ports
through specific network interface, so the best way would be to route http, ftp
and all media protocols thru the ip/ip tunnel and rsh/ssh/telnet/mud/whatever
thru the normal ppp interface ?

well that is if there is a way to hook up their proprietary hardware to linux
in the first place, i'm in no shape to write custom kernel module for something
like that ;)


   ' '(~)' '
Petr [Dingo] Dvorak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Coder - Purple Dragon MUD port 
   -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-[ 369D93 ]=-=-
 Debian version 2.2.18pre21, up 3 days, 11 users, load average: 0.00

How to detect network offline and execute script

2001-08-07 Thread David Morris
I know this is something I have seen somewhere (and it is probably something 
right in front of my eyes). But I have just setup a cable modem that uses 
dhclient to grab it's IP. Every once in a while the cable modem will flake out 
and then it is unusable - until I sit down and either physically reboot it, or 
(I've figured this out) release the IP and drop the NIC then reconnect the 
card and the dhclient.

What I want is a script I can run as a cron job (every 15 minutes or so) that 
will check to see if the network is usable or not. If the modem has flaked out 
on me, it will bring it down and then keep trying to bring it up until it 
succeeds. (Oh and it would be nice to have it send me a little email telling 
me what it did - that's not asking too much is it? :).

Like I said, I know this has got to be somewhere, but I can't find it. Can 
someone point to where it is laid out for me or maybe put together a little 
script fragment that will do the checking for me?


The Morris Family
David, Lori, Sarah, Emily and Anna

Re: Calling external file parameters into scripts?

2001-08-07 Thread Lance Peterson
banned_site is a user defined chain.

Thanks for the info on calling an external file.  It worked perfectly
(once I got the PATH setup correctly)!!  Thanks again.

Lance Peterson

 Eric G. Miller wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 08:55:06PM -0500, Lance Peterson wrote:
  I'm trying to call an external file in a bash firewall script on
 my Debian
  system.  The external file is /etc/ban_list.  I tried this without
  for site in /etc/ban_list; do
 iptables -A banned_site -s site -j DROP
  Can someone show me the right way to call in parameters to a script
  an external file?
 Umm, is banned_site a parameter to iptables or a variable?
 for site in $(cat /etc/ban_list); do
iptables -A banned_site -s $site -j DROP
 Eric G. Miller
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FREE voicemail, email, and fax...all in one place.
Sign Up Now!

Enlarging FAT Partition (in use)

2001-08-07 Thread Antonio Alberto Lobato

Hello !

What must I to do to enlarge a FAT partition in use
(preserving their datas) to all HD ?

I desinstalled Linux from the machine of the my friend and I`d
like to restore it HD partition configuration, Windows in all HD.


exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Joey Hess
Debian has always lacked an explanation of what the various users and
groups are for. Such a document is useful for sysadmins who must
determine the correct way to use various users and groups. It's useful
for developers as well, and it might help us find unused users and
groups, or find unstated requirements about use of users and groups that
could be put in policy.

So here's a start. There are a lot of unanswered questions; can you help me
answer some of them?


Many users have a corresponding group, and these pairs will be treated


Root is (typically) the superuser.


Some unprivileged daemons that need to be able to write to some
files on disk run as daemon.daemon (portmap, atd, probably others).
Daemons that don't need to own any files can run as nobody.nogroup
instead, and more complex or security conscious daemons run as
dedicated users.


HELP: No files on my system are owned by user or group bin. What
  good are they? Historically they were probably the owners of
  binaries in /bin? It is not mentioned in the FHS, debian
  policy, or the changelog of base-passwd or base-files.


HELP: As with bin, except I don't even know what it was good for


The shell of user sync is /bin/sync. Thus, if its password is set
to something easy to guess (such as ), anyone can sync the system 
at the console even if they have no account on the system.

HELP: If that is the only purpose of user sync, then group sync
  seems not very useful. The sync user could just as well be in


Many games are sgid to games so they can write their high score
files. This is explained in policy.

HELP: My system has no files owned by user games, and I don't see
  the point of the user, aside from symmetry.


The man program (sometimes) runs as user man, so it can write cat
pages to /var/cache/man

HELP: My system has no files owned by user man, and I don't see
  the point of the user, aside from symmetry.


HELP: I assume it's used by lpr, as I have not owned a printer in
  years and have not used lpr in longer, I can't say what
  exactly the user is used for or what the group is used for.
  Or is the idea to make the printer device owned by one or the
  other, to let eg, users in group lp cat files to it directly?


Mailboxes in /var/mail are owned by group mail, as is explained in
policy. The user and group is used for other purposes as well by
various MTA's.


Various news servers and other associated programs (such as suck)
use user and group news in various ways. Files in the news spool
are often owned by user and group news. Programs such as inews that
can be used to post news are typically sgid news.

HELP: I notice that /etc/news/leafnode/config and even /etc/news
  are here owned by Which is odd, because those 
  arn't things the programs should be editing on the fly. What


HELP: Presumably used for UUCP, which I know nothing of.

HELP: Why is minicom owned by group uucp? Is this a bug?


Like daemon, this user and group is used by some daemons
(specifically, proxy daemons) that don't have dedicated user id's
and that need to own files. For example, group proxy is used by

HELP: What uses user proxy?


Majordomo has a statically allocated uid on Debian systems for
historical reasons.

HELP: Do we still even ship that buggy old POS? And can someone
   remember what the hysterical raisins were?


HELP: Presumably used by the postgresql database?


HELP: Er, I should know this, but this box doesn't run apache and
  I'm offline.




HELP: No files owned by it here, what's it good for?


HELP: Evidently used by smartlist?


HELP: Why does an irc daemon need its own static user and group?


HELP: Evidently used by gnats. And it needs a static set why?

nobody, nogroup:

Daemons that need not own any files run as user nobody and group
nogroup. Thus, no files on a system should be owned by this user or

Other groups have no associated user:


HELP: On my system, use of group adm is confined entirely to
  /var/log, and I've never seen the point. Oh, and
  /dev/xconsole is owned by group adm, but that may be a

Re: fixing a debian system: which RTFM to start?

2001-08-07 Thread Karsten M. Self
on Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 10:53:20AM +0700, Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim 
( wrote:
 Karsten M. Self wrote:
  Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim ( wrote: 

   I am a lay debian user with minimum operating experience.
   Would someone please inform me, which manual to read for
   fixing a REMOTE debian system (i.e. ca. 1 miles from my
   First the good news:
   - I can reboot the system (and login again into it)
   - It is not a production system (so no worries for ruin it)
   The Bad News is:
   - many anomalies occurs, e.g. the named sometimes dies.
   - not much information is available about the history of
 the system.
   - When I try to update (in dselect) it complains that 
mount: the kernel does not recognize /dev/hda as a
block device
 despite there are only /dev/sda, /dev/hdb, and /dev/hdc
 on the system.
   The current kernel is 2.4.6 and /etc/apt/sources.list
   points to woody (with commented potato).


  - Quote context first.
  - Use appropriate and consistent quoting style for accurate

 yes, ssh is available there.
  Why are you running named? 
 Although it is not a production system, I feed some
 primaries from that host.

I'd focus on solving one problem at a time.  If it's possible to
ignore/disable named for the time being, do so.

  Check /etc/fstab to see if you've got /dev/hda listed 
  -- it should probably be /dev/hda[1234], or similar.
  Post your /etc/apt/sources.list?
 I guess, the problem is not related with /etc/fstab or
 sources.list. Apparently /etc/hda was used for CD-ROM
 before, since there was a symlink in the /dev directory.
 (I have deleted it).

OK, so:

  - Is the CDROM still on the box?
  - Is it still on /dev/hda?
  - Why the hell is it IDA primary/master?
  - Is there a CDROM method in /etc/apt/sources.list

Note that I specifically requested your sources.list file.  I'm trying
to help you.  You have access to the system.  I don't.  I can fire shots
in the dark, or work with valid data.  Post the file, along with your

I don't play guessing games.

Karsten M. Self
 What part of Gestalt don't you understand? There is no K5 cabal
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA!
Geek for Hire

Description: PGP signature

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Aaron Lehmann
(oh no, a crosspost)

On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 01:35:48AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
   The man program (sometimes) runs as user man, so it can write cat
   pages to /var/cache/man
   HELP: My system has no files owned by user man, and I don't see
 the point of the user, aside from symmetry.

The man program (sometimes) runs as user man, so it can write cat
pages to /var/cache/man.

   HELP: Presumably used for UUCP, which I know nothing of.
   HELP: Why is minicom owned by group uucp? Is this a bug?

Probably as a convenient but ugly way to get access to the serial
port, or something.

   Like daemon, this user and group is used by some daemons
   (specifically, proxy daemons) that don't have dedicated user id's
   and that need to own files. For example, group proxy is used by
   HELP: What uses user proxy?

squid, at least.

   Majordomo has a statically allocated uid on Debian systems for
   historical reasons.
   HELP: Do we still even ship that buggy old POS?

Not if apt-cache is behaving itself today.

   HELP: Presumably used by the postgresql database?
   HELP: Er, I should know this, but this box doesn't run apache and
 I'm offline.

Used by apache as the user/group, typically is the user/group that
owns web content.

Mailing list software ... which one to use?

2001-08-07 Thread Mike Egglestone
Hi all..

I'm thinking of setting up a small mailing list at work
Any suggestions to which one works best with Debian?

I guess I could just ask which package this mailing list


~~Bill, Bill who?~~

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Daniel Jacobowitz
On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 01:35:48AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
   HELP: Presumably used for UUCP, which I know nothing of.
   HELP: Why is minicom owned by group uucp? Is this a bug?

It also was (until recently?) setgid uucp, for modem locking.  I
believe it was removed for security reasons.  There's talk about
redoing serial port locking entirely now though.

   HELP: Why does an irc daemon need its own static user and group?

Because no one wants to trust it? :)

It doesn't.  Of course, removnig them is tricky.

   HELP: On my system, use of group adm is confined entirely to
 /var/log, and I've never seen the point. Oh, and
 /dev/xconsole is owned by group adm, but that may be a
 (local?) bogosity.

Nope, not a bogosity.  ADM is to read logs.  I keep myself in group adm
so that I can read syslog (and could use xconsole if so inclined)
without having to su.


Disk may have been a good idea at one point, but (like kmem) is
essentially equivalent to root.  Write access to any raw device is very
likely to lead to system compromise, via VFS bugs if nothing else. 
Read access to kmem is a LITTLE weaker than root... but not much. 
Especially if root ever types his password.

   HELP: Nothing uses it here, and I have sudo installed.. Maybe
 there's a way to only let users in this group use sudo?

There is, sure, but the group isn't special in any way...

   HELP: WHat did this group's name signify? DIaluP?

Dialup IP.  apt-cache show dip, actually.

   This group owns source code, including files in /usr/src. It can be
   used locally to give a user the ability to manage system source
   HELP: /usr/src is owned by group src and is setuid. This doesn't
 make files put there by foo-src packages necessarily be owned
 by group src though. If the intent is to make group src be
 able to manage source code, perhaps policy should say that
 foo-src packages make files in /usr/src owned and writable by
 the group (and files in tarballs dropped there likewise?)

gripe(and that sticky bit causes no end of stupid errors when
packaging... mostly alleviated by debhelper now, but still...)/gripe

Daniel Jacobowitz   Carnegie Mellon University
MontaVista Software Debian GNU/Linux Developer

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Martijn van Oosterhout
On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 01:35:48AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
   HELP: Presumably used by the postgresql database?

All the data file in the postgres system are owned by that user and group. I
think it's just a way of ensuring that no-one else can accedently access it.

   HELP: Evidently used by smartlist?

It's what the list archives are owned by as well as the user doing the
sending and receiving of email.
Martijn van Oosterhout
 It would be nice if someone came up with a certification system that
 actually separated those who can barely regurgitate what they crammed over
 the last few weeks from those who command secret ninja networking powers.

Re: learning to find packages

2001-08-07 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Bob Koss ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010806 12:15]:
 Now aim just segfaults :-(   It was working about two installs ago, and it

Might you be able to use gaim instead? It works fine for me, and, as a
bonus, you don't have to look at AOL's ad banners.


Description: PGP signature

Re: restting package selection

2001-08-07 Thread Vineet Kumar
* Philipp Steinkr?ger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010806 10:01]:
 Hi there,
 i hit '+' on the wrong package and now a *huge* list of packages
 is marked to be removed and a *huge* list is marked to be installed.

Sorry I can't be much help now, but for next time (and for anyone else
out there who might make this same mistake)  you can always press X or
Esc to exit abandoning any selections you may have made. Another handy
one is 'R': if you make a selection and are brought to a dependency
resolution screen you can Revert all listed packages to the state they
were in before the list by simply pressing 'R'.

If you rush through dselect, you'll regret it, as evidenced by the many
testimonials on this very list. If you take it slow and read the
ubiquitous help screens (at least until you've learned it) dselect can
be a great tool.


Description: PGP signature

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Rainer Clasen
On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 01:35:48AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
   HELP: Nothing uses it here, and I have sudo installed.. Maybe
 there's a way to only let users in this group use sudo?

sudo uses this group internally. Members of this group do not need to type
their password.

see /usr/share/doc/sudo/OPTIONS


KeyID=759975BD fingerprint=887A 4BE3 6AB7 EE3C 4AE0  B0E1 0556 E25A 7599 75BD

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Eric G. Miller
On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 01:35:48AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
 Debian has always lacked an explanation of what the various users and
 groups are for. Such a document is useful for sysadmins who must
 determine the correct way to use various users and groups. It's useful
 for developers as well, and it might help us find unused users and
 groups, or find unstated requirements about use of users and groups that
 could be put in policy.
 So here's a start. There are a lot of unanswered questions; can you help me
 answer some of them?
   Many games are sgid to games so they can write their high score
   files. This is explained in policy.
   HELP: My system has no files owned by user games, and I don't see
 the point of the user, aside from symmetry.

Have several binaries in /usr/games with group games.  Some of
them don't work at all if the user isn't in group games --
mostly for accessing/writing scores.  Also, probably for
powertripping sysadmins ;0

   The man program (sometimes) runs as user man, so it can write cat
   pages to /var/cache/man
   HELP: My system has no files owned by user man, and I don't see
 the point of the user, aside from symmetry.

Given changes in man-db to prevent local exploits, I'm not sure
the cache is even used anymore by default.

   HELP: Presumably used by the postgresql database?

User postgres owns all the files in /var/lib/postgresql.  It
needs to to enforce proper security.  Think there's a similar on
for mysqld ?  This is pretty standard for databases management

   HELP: Er, I should know this, but this box doesn't run apache and
 I'm offline.

Not quite sure on the argument for www-data.www-data vs.
nobody.nogroup.  www-data shouldn't own any files, AFAICT.
Guess the idea was to have web server processes have a distinct
user/group so if they get exploited the cracker can't do
anything with other processes of user nobody (not sure that'd
make me sleep any better).

   HELP: ?

Presumably so backup/restore responsibilities can be delegated
to someone without full root permissions?

   HELP: On my system, use of group adm is confined entirely to
 /var/log, and I've never seen the point. Oh, and
 /dev/xconsole is owned by group adm, but that may be a
 (local?) bogosity.

Seem to recall a while back /dev/xconsole had perms changed to
group adm, so access could be restricted.  Something of a
security consideration.  Probably a similar idea to backup,
a user/group with resticted, but extra priveledges.  Possibly
obviated by things like sudo.  Seems mostly related to
monitoring activities.

   HELP: Well, I have some disk devices in /dev/ owned by the group,
 but I can't see the point. On another system, I noticed that some
 of the files lilo puts in /boot/ are also owned by disk. I
 can imagine local uses for such a group, like if you want to
 give some users in the group direct access to some hard disk.
 But these uses I've found on my systems seem to preclude
 doing that easily; if I put a user in group disk here, they'd
 have write access to the root filesystem.

Not sure why partitions/drives aren't just owned by root.root.
Membership in group disk confers dangerous capabilities akin
to membership in root.

   HELP: So, /usr/local and /var/local are owned by it, but how's it
 differ from say, adm, and what's the historical meaning, and
 the current purpose?

Allows local users to add local modifications to the system
without needing root priveledges.  May differ from adm as
that group seems more related to monitoring/security.  See also
group users for comparison...

Not sure if they helps any (I sure as heck don't know what all those
system groups are for).  Would be nice to have all the system users and
groups documented (and to clean out any unnecessary cruft).

Eric G. Miller

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Sam Couter
Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   The man program (sometimes) runs as user man, so it can write cat
   pages to /var/cache/man
   HELP: My system has no files owned by user man, and I don't see
 the point of the user, aside from symmetry.

Wasn't there a proposal to remove it (and pre-formatted man pages along with
it) a while back? man running as set{u,g}id man is commonly regarded as a
security hazard, and preformatted man pages present an easy DoS attack. With
the mailing list archive search down, I'm having a hard time finding the

 HELP: Er, I should know this, but this box doesn't run apache and  
 I'm offline.

Apache runs with this uid. Some people like to make their web pages owned by
this uid as well, but that's bad. Web servers don't modify web pages, they
just read them.

Apart from CGIs and other such nastiness, the web server could easily run as

   HELP: Well, I have some disk devices in /dev/ owned by the group,
 but I can't see the point. On another system, I noticed that some
 of the files lilo puts in /boot/ are also owned by disk. I
 can imagine local uses for such a group, like if you want to
 give some users in the group direct access to some hard disk.
 But these uses I've found on my systems seem to preclude
 doing that easily; if I put a user in group disk here, they'd
 have write access to the root filesystem.

I use it so I can run VMWare using a real disk. I trust me not to crack

   HELP: Is this used for /dev/cua devices or something?

Probably historically mixed up with uucp, fax and dip. I don't see why four
groups for serial port access are necessary.
Sam Couter  |   Internet Engineer   |
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|   tSA Consulting  |
OpenPGP key ID:   DE89C75C,  available on key servers
OpenPGP fingerprint:  A46B 9BB5 3148 7BEA 1F05  5BD5 8530 03AE DE89 C75C

Description: PGP signature

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Peter Palfrader
On Tue, 07 Aug 2001, Joey Hess wrote:

   HELP: Presumably used for UUCP, which I know nothing of.

   HELP: Is this used for /dev/cua devices or something?

The uucp user and group is used by the UUCP subsystem. It owns
spool and configuration files. uucico, a binary of the uucp package,
is sgid dialout to be able to open the serial ports to dial out.
It is suid uucp and may only be run by users in the uucp group.


 PGP signed and encrypted  |  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **
messages preferred.| : :' :By professionals,
   | `. `'  for professionals |   `-

Description: PGP signature

Re: keymaps

2001-08-07 Thread Joerg Johannes
Karsten M. Self wrote:
 on Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 09:04:20AM +0200, Joerg Johannes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
  Hi list
  Once upon a time, I used to have german keyboard layout on my console.
  Now, having swiched to sid, I can only use american layout, which is
  very awkward (if you are not used to it). When I try loadkeys -d I get
  the following eroor message:
  Loading /usr/share/keymaps/defkeymap.kmap.gz
  loadkeys: /usr/share/keymaps/defkeymap.kmap.gz: 4: cannot open include
  file de-latin1.kmap
 I've found that references to other files within keymaps don't resolve
 in all contexts.  Try using an absolute pathname ot de-latin1.kmap,
 either by editing the system keymaps, or by copying it to your home
 directory and modifying it there.
 If this is the problem, I'd also consider filing a bug against the
 appropriate package.

loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwertz/de-latin1.kmap.gz

Even after logout and login again, the german keymap worked instantly
(without loadkeys again). I'm a bit confused now, but thank you anyway.

Did you know that if you play a Windows 2000 cd backwards, you 
will hear the voice of Satan?

That's nothing!  If you play it forward, it'll install Windows 2000.

Re: Enlarging FAT Partition (in use)

2001-08-07 Thread Sebastiaan

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, Antonio Alberto Lobato wrote:

   Hello !
   What must I to do to enlarge a FAT partition in use
 (preserving their datas) to all HD ?
   I desinstalled Linux from the machine of the my friend and I`d
 like to restore it HD partition configuration, Windows in all HD.
Depends on how you shrunk it. I think that this will help:
but USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. This will only work when windoze is the first
partition and the rest is Linux.

use fdisk (the Linux one, the DOS one will mess up your harddisk this
way, you can use the one on the installation disk if there is no
Linux left). Write down the current configuration. Then delete the Linux
partitions AS WELL AS the windoze one. I have done this lots of 
time and the data on the partition does not change. Now add a new
partition, starting at the beginning of the old windoze one and ending at
the end of the last linux one. So, in this case:
   Device BootStart   EndBlocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1 1   537   4313421   83  Linux
/dev/sda2   538   550104422+  82  Linux swap
/dev/sda3   551   554 32130   83  Linux

the new /dev/sda1 would start at 1 and end at 554. Now change the
drivetype to the original windoze one (I do not know, look at the Id of
your written down table) and write the data to the disk.

If all went ok, you have now a harddisk with one big windoze partition.
Try to boot with it. If it boots, all is still fine, if it doesn't, get
back to fdisk and restore the old information you have written down. 

The big problem is that the FAT still 'thinks' it is on a smaller
partition. I do not know how I solved this. I think I ran scandisk and
defrag, hoping that one would realize that the data in the FAT does not
match the MBR partition size. Additionally, you could use other disk
rescue software. 

BTW, you can get rid of LILO by running the DOS' fdisk with: fdisk /MBR

Remember that you should have made a backup anyway. Perhaps it is not
possible to make the FAT bigger, so you will still be stuck with a smaller
partition. The only solution then is just to make a good backup and format
the disk. I believe that msbackup.exe is a pretty good program. Use that,
format, reinstall windoze to have msbackup.exe back and restore the
archive. I have walked this road once without problems.


Re: How to detect network offline and execute script

2001-08-07 Thread Sebastiaan

On Tue, 7 Aug 2001, David Morris wrote:

 I know this is something I have seen somewhere (and it is probably something 
 right in front of my eyes). But I have just setup a cable modem that uses 
 dhclient to grab it's IP. Every once in a while the cable modem will flake 
 and then it is unusable - until I sit down and either physically reboot it, 
 (I've figured this out) release the IP and drop the NIC then reconnect the 
 card and the dhclient.
 What I want is a script I can run as a cron job (every 15 minutes or so) that 
 will check to see if the network is usable or not. If the modem has flaked 
 on me, it will bring it down and then keep trying to bring it up until it 
 succeeds. (Oh and it would be nice to have it send me a little email telling 
 me what it did - that's not asking too much is it? :).
 Like I said, I know this has got to be somewhere, but I can't find it. Can 
 someone point to where it is laid out for me or maybe put together a little 
 script fragment that will do the checking for me?
It is really very simple. Add these lines to /etc/crontab:

0  ** * *   root/bin/ping -c 2 -i 5  /dev/null || 
/etc/init.d/adsl restart
15 ** * *   root/bin/ping -c 2 -i 5  /dev/null || 
/etc/init.d/adsl restart
30 ** * *   root/bin/ping -c 2 -i 5  /dev/null || 
/etc/init.d/adsl restart
45 ** * *   root/bin/ping -c 2 -i 5  /dev/null || 
/etc/init.d/adsl restart

where is the closest ip address and /etc/init.d/adsl is your
connection script.

The big prob is to find the proper IP address. It is not ok if you use the
IP of your modem, because Linux uses a shortcut then. I think it is quite
safe to take the first ip after your network, i.e. do a traceroute to
somewhere and write down the first ip address after your network (this is
probably your isp's). Do this with some sessions in a couple of days. If
you are sure enough that the address does not change, use that.

Also note that if you have a slow connection you have to play with the
ping respond times. Perhaps you could even setup a traceroute kind of
script in stead of ping.


Re: Mailing list software ... which one to use?

2001-08-07 Thread P Kirk
Mailman seems very easy to configure and very popular with the busier
lists.  Sourceforge uses it.

Patrick sig-free and proud of it Kirk

GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* Martijn van Oosterhout 

|  list:
|  HELP: Evidently used by smartlist?
| It's what the list archives are owned by as well as the user doing the
| sending and receiving of email.

Used by mailman as well.


Tollef Fog Heen
You Can't Win

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Craig Sanders
On Mon, Aug 06, 2001 at 11:11:18PM -0700, Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
  HELP: Nothing uses it here, and I have sudo installed.. Maybe
there's a way to only let users in this group use sudo?
 There is, sure, but the group isn't special in any way...

users in group sudo don't have to type their password when running sudo.

useful for, e.g., writing sudo wrapper scripts that are forked by an MTA
such as postfix that refuses to run anything as root.

also useful for sudo wrappers to adduser or chg passwd type programs
that are executed from a CGI script (after appropriate taint checking

TMTOWTDI - the sudo group isn't strictly needed for this, you can also
use the NOPASSWD keyword in /etc/sudoers.


craig sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fabricati Diem, PVNC.
 -- motto of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch

Re: Cable Modem on Linux

2001-08-07 Thread P Kirk
| I don't care if my machines can packet-sniff things coming across the 
| network-- they're all for personal use. I'm not using them in a configuration 
| where one machine's information needs to be kept private.
| -- Deven
I know you don't care. You think that if there's nothing personal on
your PC it doesn't matter if it gets owned. But this isn't a data question.  
Once your machine is owned, you won't notice but it will be a problem
for someone else when spam and packets from your machine start flooding.

The proud owners of win2k professional with Code Red infections don't
know or care but they are nonetheless a nuisancei. Please consider
trying to be a little better than them.

Your machines will be used as open relays by spammers and as zombies 
by ddos script kiddies.  All you lose is having your ISP withdraw 
your connection under their abuse clause and the time it takes to 
format the HDs and reinstall.  But others suffer the inconvenience 
of tons of junk mail and slow connections due to your gifting your 
machines to the crackers.

I worked for an ISP and one of our clients allowed their Novell
Groupwise server get compromised.  Between 5.50 am when it happened and
9.30am when we realised our mail server had an excessive load, over
600,000 spams were sent/queued. All our other cleints then suffered the
inconvenience of having their email delayed for hours while Postfix
struggled with the load.  Its almost impossible to flush a big queue
like this.

Use whatever config you want.  Hell, leave all your machines completely
open if you want.  But be aware that you are inconveniencing people who
don't need your spam.

Re: satellite hookup

2001-08-07 Thread P Kirk
I'm quoting for a firewall/proxy server for a some satellite connections
in the UK.  Let me know what your providers setup will be and I'll see
if I can help.

Patrick sig-free and proud of it Kirk

GSM: +44 7876 560 646
ICQ: 42219699

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 01:35:48AM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
  HELP: WHat did this group's name signify? DIaluP?
 Dialup IP.  apt-cache show dip, actually.

And ppp as well. Being in group dip allows you to use a tool to dialin,
group dialout gives you direct access to the serial port. A very useful

 gripe(and that sticky bit causes no end of stupid errors when
 packaging... mostly alleviated by debhelper now, but still...)/gripe

Stupid bug in install..


 /   Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool \
| 1024D/2FA3BC2D 576E 100B 518D 2F16 36B0  2805 3CB8 9250 2FA3 BC2D |

Re: exploring debian's users and groups

2001-08-07 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Sam Couter wrote:
 Joey Hess [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  HELP: Is this used for /dev/cua devices or something?
 Probably historically mixed up with uucp, fax and dip. I don't see why four
 groups for serial port access are necessary.

No, they are very different:

* dialout: full access to serial ports. If someone has this he can reconfigure
  the modem, dial anywhere, etc.
* dip: allows a user to dialout using tools such as pon/poff, dip, wvdial,
* fax: allows a user to use fax software to send / receive faxes
* uucp:  used to be used for serial port locking, now just used by uucp

Having those four seperate is extremely useful.


 /   Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool \
| 1024D/2FA3BC2D 576E 100B 518D 2F16 36B0  2805 3CB8 9250 2FA3 BC2D |

Install stable?

2001-08-07 Thread Andy Laurence
I assume, the rescue.bin and root.bin I'm using should be pretty stable?  I
keep getting runaway errors with thousands of lines scrolling up my screen.
I expect there's a memory error or someting on this old machine.  Apparently
when it ran NT4, it used to blue-screen a lot.  I thought I'd check that
it's not me, or possibly the disks that do sometimes become unstable.  It's
an AMD chip, and a VIA chipset if that makes any difference.

If it ain't broke, you ain't lookin' hard enough

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