2006-12-17 Thread Cubells

Bon dia:

Es poden complimentar els camps d'un formulari pdf amb algun programa 

Recordo haver-ho vist en algun lloc, però no recordo si era una feature 
d'un programa privatiu o lliure...


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problemes amb WordPress

2006-12-17 Thread pau

a mi em sembla que això no té res a veure amb el port on està el servei. si 
estàs darrere d'un router que fa NAT cap a la teva màquina, llavors, des de la 
xarxa de la màquina no podràs accedir-hi . prova d'entrar-hi des d'una altra 
màquina de fora de la teva xarxa a veure si et funciona.. si va bé, vol dir que 
s'està fent correctament el NAT i que el teu wordpress és visible. 

pensava que hi havia una manera d'evitar aquest problema, via vhosts 
(http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/es/vhosts/) però ara no ho recordo massa. jo 
crec que la solució ràpida era assegurar-se que des de fora funciona tot bé i 
des de la xarxa accedir-hi via ip o un nom d'intranet. però ésclar, això ja 
depèn de la paciència de cadascú ;)



On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 13:19:55 +0100
saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Re: problemes amb WordPress

2006-12-17 Thread Benjamí Villoslada
El Diumenge 17 Desembre 2006 14:05, pau va escriure:

 jo crec que la solució ràpida era assegurar-se que des de fora funciona tot
 bé i des de la xarxa accedir-hi via ip o un nom d'intranet. però ésclar,
 això ja depèn de la paciència de cadascú ;)

Com diu el pau, això és perquè no pots veure la IP amb la que surts a 
Internet, perquè és la del teu router: veus el router.

Hi ha varies solucions:

- Hi ha routers que permeten desviar les peticions des de la intranet a la 
seva propia IP.  Mai no ho he provat.

- Si tens DNS intern, pots crear «DNS amb vistes» i que en teclejar un domini, 
la «vista» sigui diferent si veus el lloc des de la intranet.  Cerca dns con 
vistas o dns views a Internet.

- Tirar de l'arxiu /etc/hosts entrant-hi el domini que serveix el teu Apache i 
posant-hi la ip de la intranet.  El /etc/hosts va abans que les consultes 
DNS, «mana més».  La diferència amb la solució anterior és que cal tocar 
tts els /etc/hosts dels ordinadors de la xarxa, cosa que fa més 
recomanable la solució anterior de les vistes.



Re: problemes amb WordPress

2006-12-17 Thread saba
No, si des de fora funciona tot perfectement

El NAT el tinc configurat correctament en el router Adsl

el problema és des de xarxa local

jo poso y entro a la pàgina principal
el primer que veig es que és en texte pla, suposo que degut a que la ruta de 
les fulles d'estil ja deu ser errònia per ami però no per els que es conecten 
des de fora

vaig passejant el ratoli per sobre els links i tots apunten a 
faig clic en un qualsevol i el navegador em diu 
El Firefox no pot establir una connexió amb el servidor a 

dons jo suposo que al trobar el nom 
http://elmeudomini.no-ip.org/?page_id=. mira a /etc/host, no trob res 
i resol el nom via DNS extern. El DNS extern li torna la meva IP publica o 
sigui que el link queda així http://lamevaippublica/?page_id=. quan 
tindria que ser al estar en 

si pogués fer que resolgues via /etc/hots o alguna cosa semblant el 
http://elmeudomini.no-ip.org/?page_id=. a ja ho tindria solucionat però 
no sé com fer-ho

A Diumenge 17 Desembre 2006 14:05, pau va escriure:

 a mi em sembla que això no té res a veure amb el port on està el servei. si
 estàs darrere d'un router que fa NAT cap a la teva màquina, llavors, des de
 la xarxa de la màquina no podràs accedir-hi . prova d'entrar-hi des d'una
 altra màquina de fora de la teva xarxa a veure si et funciona.. si va bé,
 vol dir que s'està fent correctament el NAT i que el teu wordpress és

 pensava que hi havia una manera d'evitar aquest problema, via vhosts
 (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/es/vhosts/) però ara no ho recordo massa.
 jo crec que la solució ràpida era assegurar-se que des de fora funciona tot
 bé i des de la xarxa accedir-hi via ip o un nom d'intranet. però ésclar,
 això ja depèn de la paciència de cadascú ;)



 On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 13:19:55 +0100
 saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


2006-12-17 Thread Pere Nubiola Radigales

Mirat aquesta pagina:

2006/12/17, Cubells [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Bon dia:

Es poden complimentar els camps d'un formulari pdf amb algun programa

Recordo haver-ho vist en algun lloc, però no recordo si era una feature
d'un programa privatiu o lliure...


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pere Nubiola Radigales
Telf: +34 656316974

Re: problemes amb WordPress

2006-12-17 Thread pau

 dons jo suposo que al trobar el nom 
 http://elmeudomini.no-ip.org/?page_id=. mira a /etc/host, no trob res 
 i resol el nom via DNS extern. El DNS extern li torna la meva IP publica o 
 sigui que el link queda així http://lamevaippublica/?page_id=. quan 
 tindria que ser al estar en 

aquest és el problema de voler accedir a una màquina que forma part del nostre 
rang de xarxa i que té serveis configurats per una ip pública (però que en 
realitat no la té, perquè és del router). des de la xarxa no la podràs veure, a 
no ser que enganyis al firefox.


com diu en benjamí, definint-te un dns propi i enviant les peticions a 
latevaippublica on tu vulguis, o bé fent-ho a 
l'/etc/hosts per anticipar-te a la resposta dels servidors DNS públics

la qüestió dels ports és la que no sé com solucionar. Seria possible dir-li a 
l'apache que escolti pel 80 i després serveixi al 21180? no en tinc ni idea, 
però el problema de la resolució i traducció de noms es queda als dos punts de 
la URL. la petició des de fora de la xarxa local es fa al port 80 i és el 
router qui redirigeix cap al 21180. si tu vols passar del router i anar 
directament a l'apache que tens a la ip, aquí és on hi ha el 
conflicte, perquè a la url no hi pots posar el port si vols que siguin 
compatibles les peticions des de fora amb les de dins de la xarxa. 

donant-hi voltes, em ve al cap l'url rewriting de l'apache 
(http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/misc/rewriteguide.html). busca-hi alguna cosa 
relacionada amb el SERVER_PORT (allà només hi ha un exemple). suposo que podràs 
dir-li que si la petició de de la xarxa local, te l'enviï cap on vulguis, fent 
la funció del router.. 

però vaja, això ja és emmerdar-se una mica més ;)

a veure si et serveix!




2006-12-17 Thread Cubells

Efectivament, Pere...
Tot just acabava de fer una última cerca a google amb les paraules fill 
pdf forms in ubuntu i havia trobat el flpsed, però no a aquesta adreça 
en castellà sinó en aquesta:


Ara mateix l'estava provant i et permet omplir els formularis pdf 
perfectament, important-los primer...

Gràcies, una eina més!!

En/na Pere Nubiola Radigales ha escrit:

Mirat aquesta pagina:

2006/12/17, Cubells [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Bon dia:

Es poden complimentar els camps d'un formulari pdf amb algun programa

Recordo haver-ho vist en algun lloc, però no recordo si era una feature
d'un programa privatiu o lliure...


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problemes amb WordPress

2006-12-17 Thread Ivà

En/na saba ha escrit:

Be, sembla que ho he trobat

eh canviat la configuració a no-ip.com de manera que elmeudomini.no-ip.org 
apunti a http://lamevaippublica (abans apuntava a 

he posat a les opcions generals del WordPress 
http://elmeudomini.no-ip.org:21180 en els dos camps

i he posat a /etc/hosts de la meva màquina aquesta entrada

ara per accedir-hi des de fora tinc que posar 
http://elmeudomini.no-ip.org:21180 (abans amb http://elmeudomini.no-ip.org 
n'hi avia prou)

no queda tant elegant com abans però que hi farem

ara puc treballar decentment

A Diumenge 17 Desembre 2006 13:19, saba va escriure:


fa dis dies que m'estic trencant el cap amb una qüestió, vaig montar
divendres el WordPress amb apache com a virtual host en el port 21180 i en
local funcionava perfecte

per poder conectar des de Internet vaig tenir que canviar les dos adreces
que hi ha a opcions generals , vaig substituir l'adreça local
( per una de no-ip  elmeudomini.no-ip.org. No-ip ja em
redirecciona totes les conexions a http:// elmeudomini.no-ip.org a
http://lamevaip:21180 i funciona tot correcte des de internet

el problema es que ara no em funciona amb local, com els links del
wordpress son del tipus http://elmeudomini.no-ip.org/?cat=3; evidentment
no funciona

despres he pensat que posant una entrada al /etc/resolv.con aixi:
funcionaria, però res de res, suposo que si la web estigués al port 80 si
que funcionaria però al estar en un port diferent del 80 em dona error

no se si m'explico

algú  se l'hi acut alguna manera de solucionar-ho?

Gracies per endavant

Hola, arribo una mica tard però vaja...
Fa un cert temps vaig plantejar una pregunta similar, jo em trobo que 
tinc un servidor casolà on accedeixo al WP tant desde la intranet de 
casa (http://ip.servidor.casa/wp/) com desde l'exterior. Ara bé, per 
accedir desde l'exterior utilitzo un tunel ssh, és a dir que accedeixo 
redirigint el port 80 de la màquina local, o sigui http://localhost/wp/.

Em trobava amb el mateix problema que tu. Despreś d'un cert temps vaig 
trobar una solució en el paquet libapache2-mod-proxy-html.

Posant el següent:

ProxyRequests Off
Proxy *
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass /blog/ http://localhost/wp/
ProxyPassReverse /blog/ http://localhost/wp/

al fitxer /etc/apache2/sites-available/default puc accedir al WP tant 
desde http://ip.servidor.casa/blog/ com desde http://localhost/blog/.
No sé si és una bona solució perque d'apache en sé molt poc, però a mi 
em funciona.


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2006-12-17 Thread Cubells
El pdfedit va ser el primer programa que vaig provar perquè ja el 
coneixia, però he obert un formulari pdf i no ha pogut ni llegir-lo 
perquè deia que el pde estava encriptat.

En canvi, amb el flpsed i amb el mateix fitxer pdf no he tingut cap 

Gràcies Miguel...

En/na Miguel Gea Milvaques ha escrit:

No exactament com a formulari, però amb el pdfedit pots editar el pdf i
posar el que necessites a cada camp. Encara no està a Debian, però no
tardarà, està en preparació.


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Re: kdm + terminer la session

2006-12-17 Thread HEHO
HEHO a écrit, le 15.12.2006 11:12 :

 re debian etch à jour (2.6.18-3-686).
 suite à un problème avec kde évoqué dans un autre fil je me suis rendu
 compte d'un disfonctionnement de kdm (je ne sais pas quand il est apparu
 car je n'utilise pas cette ligne du menu souvent mais avant ça marchait).
 quand je fais terminer la session afin de la relancer kde au lieu de
 m'afficher le dialogue de connexion kdm (utilisateur, mot de passe) je
 tombe sur le shell tty1 :

bon, apparemment on dirait le bug #398589 ici :

pas de solution pour l'instant j'ai l'impression...
à plus.

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Re: kde + restaurer la session précédente + icedove

2006-12-17 Thread HEHO
HEHO a écrit, le 15.12.2006 10:58 :
 je suis sur une debian etch à jour (2.6.18-3-686).
 j'utilise dans les options de kde restaurer la session précédente afin
 de lancer au démarrage de session firefox/iceweasel et
 thunderbird/icedove (comme ça c'est fait) ;)
 suite aux dernières mises à jour (pas trés précis mais je ne sais plus
 laquelle) icedove/thunderbird ne se lance plus [...]
bon bah comme j'ai rien trouvé nulle part, j'ai envoyé un rapport de bug
sur icedove ici :


en espérant que ça soit justifié :/
à plus.

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[Etch] Cpufreq m'envoie balader!

2006-12-17 Thread Leon GRAY


J'ai voulu régler le frequency scaling sur mon portable car j'en avais 
marre de l'entendre tourner à fond pour 3 fois rien.

J'ai donc installé cpufreqd sur mon PC...
Mais ce dernier refuse de se lancer, j'ai pourtant tenté de configurer 
mon noyau correctement.
Voici d'ailleurs ce que me renvoie: $ cat /boot/config-2.6.18-ulysse 
|grep FREQ


et là ce que me donne: $ cat /boot/config-2.6.18-ulysse |grep ACPI

# CONFIG_ACPI_DOCK is not set
# CONFIG_ACPI_IBM is not set
# CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is not set
# CONFIG_ACPI_SBS is not set

En revanche, je me suis apperçu que le module ACPI_FREQ n'était pas 
lancé au démarrage, et lorsque je veux le lancer j'obtient ceci:

# modprobe acpi_cpufreq

FATAL: Error inserting acpi_cpufreq 
No such device

quelqu'un voit-il ce qui cloche???

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Re: [Etch] Cpufreq m'envoie balader!

2006-12-17 Thread David Prévot
Hash: SHA1

Leon GRAY a écrit :

 J'ai voulu régler le frequency scaling sur mon portable car j'en avais
 marre de l'entendre tourner à fond pour 3 fois rien.
le doux bruit du cpu qui crépite ;)

 J'ai donc installé cpufreqd sur mon PC...

Pour ma part, j'ai installé powernowd, ça n'a pas posé de problème...


Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: [Etch] Cpufreq m'envoie balader!

2006-12-17 Thread giggz
Leon GRAY a écrit :
 J'ai voulu régler le frequency scaling sur mon portable car j'en avais
 marre de l'entendre tourner à fond pour 3 fois rien.
 J'ai donc installé cpufreqd sur mon PC...
 Mais ce dernier refuse de se lancer, j'ai pourtant tenté de configurer
 mon noyau correctement.
 Voici d'ailleurs ce que me renvoie: $ cat /boot/config-2.6.18-ulysse
 |grep FREQ
 # CONFIG_X86_CPUFREQ_NFORCE2 is not set
 et là ce que me donne: $ cat /boot/config-2.6.18-ulysse |grep ACPI
 # CONFIG_ACPI_HOTKEY is not set
 # CONFIG_ACPI_DOCK is not set
 # CONFIG_ACPI_IBM is not set
 # CONFIG_ACPI_DEBUG is not set
 # CONFIG_ACPI_SBS is not set
 En revanche, je me suis apperçu que le module ACPI_FREQ n'était pas
 lancé au démarrage, et lorsque je veux le lancer j'obtient ceci:
 # modprobe acpi_cpufreq
 FATAL: Error inserting acpi_cpufreq
 No such device
T'as quoi comme portable ? c'est peut être po acpi_cpufreq qu'il faut ms
intel speedstep...
Sinon en mettant en dur acpi_cpufreq ?

 quelqu'un voit-il ce qui cloche???

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iceweasel firefox 2 etch

2006-12-17 Thread Philippe Merlin
Es ce que quelqu'un a des informations sur la disponibilité de iceweasel ou de 
firefox 2 sous etch ?
En cherchant sur le site debian on dirait que tout est bloqué ?!?
Philippe MERLIN

clamav: pas de mise à jour

2006-12-17 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi mais la base de clamav ne se met pas à jour. J'ai 
pourtant freshclamn d'installé.


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Re: iceweasel firefox 2 etch

2006-12-17 Thread Klaus Becker
Am Sonntag, 17. Dezember 2006 14:15 schrieb Philippe Merlin:
 Es ce que quelqu'un a des informations sur la disponibilité de iceweasel ou
 de firefox 2 sous etch ?
 En cherchant sur le site debian on dirait que tout est bloqué ?!?
 Philippe MERLIN


la version sid fonctionne sous etch


webcam D-MAX sur portable ASUS

2006-12-17 Thread mahashakti89
Bonjour !

J'ai fait récemment l'acquisition d'un portable ASUS , er dessus il y a
une webcam intégrée D-MAX (STK1135) , j'aimerais faire fonctionner la
chose sur ma Debian. Je n'ai pas trouvé quelles sont les bonnes options
de configuration du noyau ... ni quels outils utiliser.
Quelqu'un a-til ce genre de webcam ? Fonctionne t-elle sous Linux ?



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Re: iceweasel firefox 2 etch

2006-12-17 Thread djellel(deb)
Le dimanche 17 décembre 2006 14:15, Philippe Merlin a écrit :

 Es ce que quelqu'un a des informations sur la disponibilité de iceweasel ou
 de firefox 2 sous etch ?
 En cherchant sur le site debian on dirait que tout est bloqué ?!?
 Philippe MERLIN

Pour firefox 2, tant qu'il y a le problème sur le logo-licence entre la 
communauté Debian et la Fondation Mozilla, je ne pense pas que l'on puisse le 
voir dans les dépots officiels... mais tu peux toujours l'installer à la mano 
(dans opt et en faisant les liens necessaires dans /usr/bin)... Pour  
iceweasel, il est dès à présent dans les dépots sid... Tu peux jouer avec les 
priorités dans les préférences  de apt pour l'installer

par exemple: moi dans /etc/apt/preference, j'ai mis

Package: *
Pin: release a=testing
Pin-Priority: 900

Package: *
Pin: release a=unstable
Pin-Priority: 100 

sans oublier de rajouter dans source.list  les dépots sid
# Sid
deb http://ftp2.fr.debian.org/debian/ sid main contrib non-free 
deb-src http://ftp2.fr.debian.org/debian/ sid main contrib non-free 

J'ai ainsi dans synaptic la possibilité d'installer iceweasel... et bien sûr 
de multiple autres paquets à mettre à jour ou non... Mais tu es un grand 
garçon tu sais ce que tu dois faire ou non, n'est-ce pas ? ;)

Bon après-midi


Re: iceweasel firefox 2 etch

2006-12-17 Thread Shams Fantar

Philippe Merlin a écrit :

Es ce que quelqu'un a des informations sur la disponibilité de iceweasel ou de 
firefox 2 sous etch ?

En cherchant sur le site debian on dirait que tout est bloqué ?!?
Philippe MERLIN


Je suis aussi sous etch, je préfère rester avec la version actuelle de 
Firefox en attendant la v2 de iceweasel sous etch si elle sort un jour...


Shams-Eddine Fantar
Blog (http://sfantar.homelinux.org)
Site (http://support-debian.homelinux.org)

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[TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Georges
Bonjour a tous,
Trois mois que je bataille
J'ai :
Portable HP zd8182ea
ATI Mobility Radeon X600 256 de ram
Debian Etch
J'ai essayé :
 Avec les paquets Debian : fglrx-control fglrx-driver fglrx-driver-dev 
Ensuite :
 deb http://xoomer.virgilio.it/flavio.stanchina/debian-fglrx-xfree86/
 aussi avec le site d'ATI 

Rien ni fait, alors j'ai tout viré et réinstallé les paquets Debian. Et alors :

nia$ glxinfo | head -n 3
name of display: :0.0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: No

J'en boufferai mon portable :-)

Si quelqu'un peut m'indiquer un  pas à pas  pour le nul que je suis je le 


Ps : Est'il possible de virer la carte ATI et mettre une GForce comme sur 
certains portables Kenitek, Keynux ?
Ps2 : Oui sur Ubuntu sa marche ;-)

Merci d'avance 
User  257 481

Re: [TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Tony GALMICHE


Georges a écrit :

Bonjour a tous,
Trois mois que je bataille
J'ai :
Portable HP zd8182ea
ATI Mobility Radeon X600 256 de ram
Debian Etch
J'ai essayé :
 Avec les paquets Debian : fglrx-control fglrx-driver fglrx-driver-dev 
Ensuite :
 deb http://xoomer.virgilio.it/flavio.stanchina/debian-fglrx-xfree86/
 aussi avec le site d'ATI 

Rien ni fait, alors j'ai tout viré et réinstallé les paquets Debian. Et alors :

nia$ glxinfo | head -n 3
name of display: :0.0
display: :0  screen: 0
direct rendering: No

J'en boufferai mon portable :-)

Si quelqu'un peut m'indiquer un  pas à pas  pour le nul que je suis je le 
J'ai également une X600 sous Testing et j'utilise depuis plus d'un an le 
driver propriétaire de ATI.

Tu peux donc suivre mon mémo et m'écrire en privé si tu le souhaite :
- http://www.coagul.org/article.php3?id_article=444

Bonne chance.


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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Georges
Le dimanche 17 décembre 2006 16:42, Tony GALMICHE a écrit :
 Georges a écrit :
  Bonjour a tous,
  Trois mois que je bataille
  Rien ni fait, alors j'ai tout viré et réinstallé les paquets Debian. Et 
  alors :
  nia$ glxinfo | head -n 3

Ligne que je n'avai pas recopié et qui me parait bizare

Xlib:  extension XFree86-DRI missing on display :0.0

  name of display: :0.0
  display: :0  screen: 0
  direct rendering: No
 J'ai également une X600 sous Testing et j'utilise depuis plus d'un an le 
 driver propriétaire de ATI.
 Tu peux donc suivre mon mémo et m'écrire en privé si tu le souhaite :
 - http://www.coagul.org/article.php3?id_article=444
 Bonne chance.
Merci, je visite et je reviens 

User  257 481

Re: [TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Georges
Le dimanche 17 décembre 2006 17:04, Georges a écrit :
 Le dimanche 17 décembre 2006 16:42, Tony GALMICHE a écrit :
  Georges a écrit :
   Bonjour a tous,
   Trois mois que je bataille
   Rien ni fait, alors j'ai tout viré et réinstallé les paquets Debian. Et 
   alors :
   nia$ glxinfo | head -n 3
 Ligne que je n'avai pas recopié et qui me parait bizare
 Xlib:  extension XFree86-DRI missing on display :0.0
   name of display: :0.0
   display: :0  screen: 0
   direct rendering: No
  J'ai également une X600 sous Testing et j'utilise depuis plus d'un an le 
  driver propriétaire de ATI.
  Tu peux donc suivre mon mémo et m'écrire en privé si tu le souhaite :
  - http://www.coagul.org/article.php3?id_article=444
  Bonne chance.
 Merci, je visite et je reviens 

J'ai vu j'ai lu j'ai fait et xorg.conf avec driver fglrx = écran noir et même 
plus de Ctrl+Alt+F1
Seul marche Ctrl+Alt+Bakspace qui ( c'est inhabituel ) reboote le micro.

Remise du driver ati ou radeon dans xorg.conf et sa repart.

J'ai plus un poil sur le caillou;
A +
User  257 481

Re: [TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Tony GALMICHE


Georges a écrit :

Le dimanche 17 décembre 2006 17:04, Georges a écrit :

Le dimanche 17 décembre 2006 16:42, Tony GALMICHE a écrit :

J'ai également une X600 sous Testing et j'utilise depuis plus d'un an le 
driver propriétaire de ATI.

Tu peux donc suivre mon mémo et m'écrire en privé si tu le souhaite :
- http://www.coagul.org/article.php3?id_article=444

Bonne chance.


Merci, je visite et je reviens 

J'ai vu j'ai lu j'ai fait et xorg.conf avec driver fglrx = écran noir et même 
plus de Ctrl+Alt+F1
Seul marche Ctrl+Alt+Bakspace qui ( c'est inhabituel ) reboote le micro.

Remise du driver ati ou radeon dans xorg.conf et sa repart.
As-tu bien supprimé toutes les traces des anciennes installations avant 
de commencer celle-ci ?

Que donne le résultat de la commande 'cat 
/usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log' ?

As-tu essayé d'utiliser 'gcc-4.0' comme indiqué dans le mémo ?

As-tu utilisé la commande 'aticonfig --initial -f' pour avoir un fichier 
xorg par défaut ?

A bientôt.


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Re: [TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Tony GALMICHE

Tony GALMICHE a écrit :


Georges a écrit :

Le dimanche 17 décembre 2006 17:04, Georges a écrit :

Le dimanche 17 décembre 2006 16:42, Tony GALMICHE a écrit :
J'ai également une X600 sous Testing et j'utilise depuis plus d'un 
an le driver propriétaire de ATI.

Tu peux donc suivre mon mémo et m'écrire en privé si tu le souhaite :
- http://www.coagul.org/article.php3?id_article=444

Bonne chance.


Merci, je visite et je reviens 

J'ai vu j'ai lu j'ai fait et xorg.conf avec driver fglrx = écran noir 
et même plus de Ctrl+Alt+F1

Seul marche Ctrl+Alt+Bakspace qui ( c'est inhabituel ) reboote le micro.

Remise du driver ati ou radeon dans xorg.conf et sa repart.
As-tu bien supprimé toutes les traces des anciennes installations 
avant de commencer celle-ci ?

Que donne le résultat de la commande 'cat 
/usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log' ?

As-tu essayé d'utiliser 'gcc-4.0' comme indiqué dans le mémo ?

As-tu utilisé la commande 'aticonfig --initial -f' pour avoir un 
fichier xorg par défaut ?

Et quelle est la version de xorg et du noyau Linux ?

A bientôt.


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Choix d'un tuner TV pour Debian

2006-12-17 Thread Litvinov Vadim
Bonjour tout le monde,
  je suis en train de choisir un tuner TV pour ma machine qui tourne sous 
Debian Testing. J'hésite entre les modeles suivantes:
   * Hauppauge Stick TNT WinTV Nova;
   * Hauppauge WinTV HVR93 TNT;
   * ADS Mini TV USB;
   * Pinnacle PCTV USB Stick.
   Ma question est lequel de ces 4 est plus facile a faire marcher/utiliser 
sous mon Debian?
Merci à l'avance,

Description: PGP signature

Re: Choix d'un tuner TV pour Debian

2006-12-17 Thread Frederic CONANGLE
Litvinov Vadim a écrit :
 Bonjour tout le monde,
   je suis en train de choisir un tuner TV pour ma machine qui tourne sous 
 Debian Testing. J'hésite entre les modeles suivantes:
* Hauppauge Stick TNT WinTV Nova;
* Hauppauge WinTV HVR93 TNT;
* ADS Mini TV USB;
* Pinnacle PCTV USB Stick.
Ma question est lequel de ces 4 est plus facile a faire marcher/utiliser 
 sous mon Debian?
   Merci à l'avance,
verifie s'il y a un chips sur http://www.trustonme.net/didactels/123.html
Mais moi, çà n'engage que moi, j'éviterais l'USB
Les hauppauge sont des cartes à base de bt878 si mes souvenirs sont bons
donc compatibles.Mais ils font mme de la pub sur la boite (genre bt878
inside), il doit y avoir des linuxiens dans les dev.
De rien.

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Re:[Resolu] [Etch] Cpufreq m'envoie balader!

2006-12-17 Thread Leon GRAY

giggz wrote:
T'as quoi comme portable ? 
[MaVie] Un Asus A6VC (c'est comme le A6VA mais avec une carte Nvidia au 
lieu d'une ATI).[/MaVie]

c'est peut être po acpi_cpufreq qu'il faut ms
intel speedstep...
Effectivement, j'ai remi les CONFIG_CPU_FREQ en module (en mettant cette 
fois ci USERSPACE comme choix par default) et j'ai fait un modprode 
speedstep_centrino, et tout de suite il a arrété de raler.
J'ai ensuite relancé cpufreqd et maintenant c'est bon, il me gère bien 
la frequence du processeur.

Merci beaucoup

P.S: En revanche le cpu n'a pas l'air de vouloir descendre en dessous de 
1300 MHz (la fréquence max est 1,6GHz) ça fait pas une grosse baisse... 
A suivre...

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Re: [Resolu] [Etch] Cpufreq m'envoie balader!

2006-12-17 Thread David Prévot
Hash: SHA1

Leon GRAY a écrit :
 P.S: En revanche le cpu n'a pas l'air de vouloir descendre en dessous de
 1300 MHz (la fréquence max est 1,6GHz) ça fait pas une grosse baisse...
 A suivre...
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: iceweasel firefox 2 etch

2006-12-17 Thread Michel Grentzinger
Le dimanche 17 décembre 2006 14:15, Philippe Merlin a écrit :
 Es ce que quelqu'un a des informations sur la disponibilité de iceweasel ou
 de firefox 2 sous etch ?
 En cherchant sur le site debian on dirait que tout est bloqué ?!?

Ces deux liens te permettront d'avoir des renseignements très détaillés :

Michel Grentzinger
Available on http://www.keyserver.net

eth0 pas reconnu ??

2006-12-17 Thread mess-mate
j'ai installé une Sarge sur une machine mais impossible de faire
reconnaitre la eth0 !!
C'est une via-rhine (D-Link) qui est portant affichée dans la
'dmesg' et dont le bon module via_rhine apparait dans le lsmod.
Normalement il faudrait l'interrupt 17 pour cette eth0, mais pas
d'interrupt du tout.
Un lspci indique bel et bien la carte.
/la /etc/network/interfaces est configurée comme il se doit.
Si quelqu'un a un tuyau ?


Advancement in position.

Grub refuse de s'installer sur le mbr (disque SATA)

2006-12-17 Thread Aurelien Roux

J'ai un problème avec grub : voulant faire en sorte que l'option vga=794
que j'ai passée pour un de mes noyaux ne soit pas écrasée à chaque update
de grub (sachant que je suis en SID, ça arrive plus souvent qu'à
l'accoutumée !), j'ai tapé un :

grub-install /dev/sda

sachant que mon disque dur (seul) est un disque SATA.
Mais là, j'ai eu ce message :

/usr/sbin/grub-install: line 484: /usr/sbin/grub: cannot execute binary

qui se répète sans fin.
Je fais Ctrl-C, ce qui arrête le script, et je redémarre.
En toute logique, grub foire, et se colle direct en mode texte de base
(où il faut passer toutes les commandes à la main : kernel
/boot/vmlinuz, load, etc.).

Bon, je suis rerentré sur mon système, et j'ai retenté le grub-install,
mais il foire toujours.

J'ai cherché sur le net, mais personne ne semble avoir exactement cette
erreur. Je me demande s'il ne s'agit pas d'un bug de grub (je suis en
SID, et j'ai fait l'upgrade hier soir), mais je trouve ça bizarre.

Ce qui est sûr, c'est que j'ai compilé pas mal de noyau dans le week
end, grub a été updaté à chaque fois, forcément, et je n'ai pas eu de
souci (mais est-ce que grub-install est exécuté à chaque fois qu'un 
nouveau noyau apparaît ?).


A plus tard.

Aurélien Roux 

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Re: [TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Aurelien Roux
Le Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 06:46:08PM +0100, Tony GALMICHE a écrit :
 Et quelle est la version de xorg et du noyau Linux ?

Est-ce que ton PC est sur architecture 64bits ?
Parce que je viens de me battre pendant une semaine pour me rendre
compte que les drivers ati  8.20 (donc, ceux du site, ceux de Debian,
etc.) appellent un symbole 32bits. Il y avait un patch, mais il n'y en a
plus. Et sur le site d'ATI ils recommandent d'avoir je ne sais plus trop
quoi d'installer en 32bits.

Du coup, n'étant pas plus chaud que ça pour du propriétaire, et encore
moins pour coller du 32bits, j'ai lâché l'affaire, je suis passé au
driver Radeon (c'est pour une X800 GTO 16), avec aiglx et tout le
toutim, et ça tourne honnêtement. Je reviendrais vers le driver ATI
quand il sera purement 64 bits (bien que je n'ai pas encore cerné tous
les tenants et aboutissants de cette histoire).

Aurélien Roux 

Doctorant (PhD)

Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Université du Maine 
Avenue Olivier Messiaen
72085 Le Mans Cedex 9

Tel (bureau) : (33) 02 43 83 35 89
Fax : (33) 02 43 83 35 20 


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Re: [TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Tony GALMICHE


Aurelien Roux a écrit :

Le Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 06:46:08PM +0100, Tony GALMICHE a écrit :

Et quelle est la version de xorg et du noyau Linux ?

Est-ce que ton PC est sur architecture 64bits ?

Non, en effet, je suis en 32bits.

Parce que je viens de me battre pendant une semaine pour me rendre
compte que les drivers ati  8.20 (donc, ceux du site, ceux de Debian,
etc.) appellent un symbole 32bits. Il y avait un patch, mais il n'y en a
plus. Et sur le site d'ATI ils recommandent d'avoir je ne sais plus trop
quoi d'installer en 32bits.

Du coup, n'étant pas plus chaud que ça pour du propriétaire, et encore
moins pour coller du 32bits, j'ai lâché l'affaire, je suis passé au
driver Radeon (c'est pour une X800 GTO 16), avec aiglx et tout le
toutim, et ça tourne honnêtement. 
Tu pourrais m'indiquer ce que tu as installé pour arriver à faire 
fonctionner ta carte, car personnellement si je pouvais avoir 
l'accélération 3D sans passer par le driver propriétaire je préférerais 

Merci d'avance.


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Re: eth0 pas reconnu ??

2006-12-17 Thread fabrice régnier


Que donne un ifconfig ?


mess-mate wrote:

j'ai installé une Sarge sur une machine mais impossible de faire
reconnaitre la eth0 !!
C'est une via-rhine (D-Link) qui est portant affichée dans la
'dmesg' et dont le bon module via_rhine apparait dans le lsmod.
Normalement il faudrait l'interrupt 17 pour cette eth0, mais pas
d'interrupt du tout.
Un lspci indique bel et bien la carte.
/la /etc/network/interfaces est configurée comme il se doit.
Si quelqu'un a un tuyau ?


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Re: [TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Aurelien Roux
Le Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 08:53:42PM +0100, Tony GALMICHE a écrit :
 Tu pourrais m'indiquer ce que tu as installé pour arriver à faire 
 fonctionner ta carte, car personnellement si je pouvais avoir 
 l'accélération 3D sans passer par le driver propriétaire je préférerais 

Alors, c'est finalement assez simple, l'essentiel se passe dans le
xorg.conf et dans /etc/modules.

Donc, côté noyau, j'ai compilé le driver radeon dans la section DRM (ma
carte est en PCI-Express, donc je n'ai rien dans la section agpgart).
Le DRM est activé en dur.
En revanche, et je crois que c'est important, je ne l'ai pas compilé
dans la partie framebuffer (j'utilise le framebuffer, mais je n'ai pas
mis le module correspondant à la carte).

Dans /etc/modules j'ai écrit :

Puis dans xorg.conf, j'ai les lignes suivantes (je ne mets que ce qui
est spécifique) :

Section Module
Section Device
Driver  radeon
Option  AccelMethod XAA # Utiliser l'accélération de l'architecture 
Option  AccelDFS 1 # mettre à 0 si carte AGP
#   Option  AGPMode 4 # décommenter si AGP
#   Option  AGPSize 128 # décommenter si AGP (AGP Aperture Size)
Option  GARTsize 64
Option  RingSize 8
Option  BufferSize 2
Option  EnablePageFlip 1
Option  ColorTiling 1
Option  EnableDepthMoves yes
Option  UseFBDev false
Option  RenderAccel true # activation de l'accélération 3D 
Option  mtrr on # c'est là qu'il peut y avoir des souci avec le 
Option  SubPixelOrder none
Option  DPMS
Option  DynamicClocks on
Option  VideoOverlay on
Option  OpenGLOverlay off
Section ServerLayout
Option  AIGLX true
Section Extensions
Option Composite Enable


J'ai trouvé tout ça à partir de liens donnés dans des mails précédents
sur la liste, je crois.
Je vous filerais les liens quand j'aurais retrouvé mon démarrage de PC
convenable (voir message précédent !).

Sinon, je serais quand même intéressé de connaître les significations et
usage des options de la section driver : GARTSize, RingSize, BufferSize,
parce que je les ai remplies à partir d'un tuto pour Radeon Mobility
(X700, il me semble), et ça n'est pas ce que j'ai, peut-être puis-je
optimiser cela.


Aurélien Roux 

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Re: eth0 pas reconnu ??

2006-12-17 Thread Aurelien Roux
 mess-mate wrote:
 j'ai installé une Sarge sur une machine mais impossible de faire
 reconnaitre la eth0 !!
 C'est une via-rhine (D-Link) qui est portant affichée dans la
 'dmesg' et dont le bon module via_rhine apparait dans le lsmod.
 Normalement il faudrait l'interrupt 17 pour cette eth0, mais pas
 d'interrupt du tout.
 Un lspci indique bel et bien la carte.
 /la /etc/network/interfaces est configurée comme il se doit.
 Si quelqu'un a un tuyau ?

J'ai eu le même problème sur une install (pendant la procédure
d'install), et c'était parce que le noyau (2.6.jenesaisplusquoi) a un
problème avec ce module, et qu'il n'est pas utilisable. Je me rappelle
avoir dû choisir de booter sur un 2.4, compiler un noyau plus récent, et
là, c'était bon.
C'était avec le netinstall de Sarge, il y a un mois et demi environ,
donc j'imagine (peut-être à tort) que le noyau présent dans Sarge n'a
pas changé depuis.

Aurélien Roux 

Doctorant (PhD)

Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Université du Maine 
Avenue Olivier Messiaen
72085 Le Mans Cedex 9

Tel (bureau) : (33) 02 43 83 35 89
Fax : (33) 02 43 83 35 20 


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Re: [TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Aurelien Roux
Le Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 09:40:21PM +0100, Aurelien Roux a écrit :
 Le Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 08:53:42PM +0100, Tony GALMICHE a écrit :
  Tu pourrais m'indiquer ce que tu as installé pour arriver à faire 
  fonctionner ta carte, car personnellement si je pouvais avoir 
  l'accélération 3D sans passer par le driver propriétaire je préférerais 

J'oubliais : j'ai commencé par désinstaller les paquets fglrx-src, 
etc. (mais en même temps, je suis passé d'un noyau 2.6.18 à 2.6.19, 
donc je ne risquais pas d'avoir d'ennui).

Aurélien Roux 

Doctorant (PhD)

Laboratoire d'Acoustique de l'Université du Maine 
Avenue Olivier Messiaen
72085 Le Mans Cedex 9

Tel (bureau) : (33) 02 43 83 35 89
Fax : (33) 02 43 83 35 20 


 /   Chiffrez et signez vos messages  \
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postfix et mailman

2006-12-17 Thread Frédéric ZULIAN

J'ai installé postfix et mailman à partir de la doc :

Genaliases me renvoit cette erreur :

ultra:/home/f1sxo# /usr/lib/mailman/bin/genaliases
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/lib/mailman/bin/genaliases, line 116, in ?
  File /usr/lib/mailman/bin/genaliases, line 94, in main
  mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=False)
   File /var/lib/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py, line 128, in
File /var/lib/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py, line
593, in Load
dict, e = self.__load(file)
  File /var/lib/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py,
  line 566, in __load
  dict = loadfunc(fp)
  ImportError: No module named csq]qUbounce_notify_owner_on_disableqI01

Une idée ?

Frédéric Zulian

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Re: config exim

2006-12-17 Thread Remi Suinot
En ce Sun, 17 Dec 2006 00:07:42 +0100, le sermon de Jacques L'helgoualc'h 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] contenait:

 Jacques L'helgoualc'h a écrit, samedi 16 décembre 2006, à 23:33 :
  Ajouter d'abord la bonne adresse, et ensuite marquer la mauvaise comme
  « delivered » ? S'il n'y a pas d'espaces dans les adresses,
 J'ai bien fait de nier par avance, c'est plutôt
 mailq | \
  awk '$6 == frozen  $4 ~ /^[EMAIL PROTECTED]@/{print $3}' mids
 # vérifier le fichier mids
 while read MID ; do
   exim -Mar $MID $ADRESSE_OK
   exim -Mmd $MID $MAUVAISE
   exim -Mes $MID $EXPED
 done mids

Je te remercie. Cela a fonctionné, j'ai pu vider les 200 mail en attente!
J'ai (eu) du mal à comprendre les options de exim -Mar et autres, mais
j'y suis arrivé.


R. Suinot: http://rsuinot.free.fr = page perso
   http://rsuinux.free.fr = projets: Oups! | Domotique | domino | Le 
jeu idiot

Re: firefox 1.5 et javascript

2006-12-17 Thread Cyril BERNARD


moi j'ai le même message d'erreur sous Ubuntu 6.10 + Firefox 2.0 : je 
m'en suis aperçu sur un site que je suis en train de construire.

Le problème, en l'occurence, vient de l'utilisation de location.href en 
javascript pour changer l'URL de la page courante.

Par exemple la ligne suivante produit l'erreur Firefox doesn't know how 
to open this address, because the protocol(javascript) isn't associated 
with any program. :

   window.location.href = http://www.cnrs.fr;;

alors qu'avec les 2 lignes suivantes ça fonctionne bien :
   var urlnew = http://www.cnrs.fr;;
   window.location.href = urlnew;

C'est bizarre ...


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L'Italia non pi#249;d ettare una moda il mondo...

2006-12-17 Thread Jake Daley
More information


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Probleme avec sshfs

2006-12-17 Thread Nicolas Petton

J'avais l'habitude sous Ubuntu d'utiliser sshfs pour monter localement
des partitions distantes. Récemment je suis passé à Debian, et ça ne
fonctionne plus, alors que ssh oui.

La commande que j'utilise est :

sshfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/dir /mnt/dir

pour réponse j'obtiens :

remote host has disconnected

J'essaye de me connecter depuis une machine sous Ubuntu.

J'ai essayé de faire un modprobe fuse avant de lancer sshfs, et je me
suis ajouté au groupe fuse.

Merci de votre aide.

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Re: [TECH] ATI X600 Debian Etch 3D

2006-12-17 Thread Georges
Le dimanche 17 décembre 2006 20:48, Aurelien Roux a écrit :
 Le Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 06:46:08PM +0100, Tony GALMICHE a écrit :
  Et quelle est la version de xorg et du noyau Linux ?
 Est-ce que ton PC est sur architecture 64bits ?
 Parce que je viens de me battre pendant une semaine pour me rendre
 compte que les drivers ati  8.20 (donc, ceux du site, ceux de Debian,
 etc.) appellent un symbole 32bits. Il y avait un patch, mais il n'y en a
 plus. Et sur le site d'ATI ils recommandent d'avoir je ne sais plus trop
 quoi d'installer en 32bits.

Intel Pentium 4 donc en 32 bits // HP zd800/8182ea 2005 donc 32 bits

 Du coup, n'étant pas plus chaud que ça pour du propriétaire, et encore
 moins pour coller du 32bits, j'ai lâché l'affaire, je suis passé au
 driver Radeon (c'est pour une X800 GTO 16), avec aiglx et tout le
 toutim, et ça tourne honnêtement. Je reviendrais vers le driver ATI
 quand il sera purement 64 bits (bien que je n'ai pas encore cerné tous
 les tenants et aboutissants de cette histoire).

ATI = Vivement que la chine nous inonde de PC qui marchent sous Linux ;-)
Et adieu les ogres US.

 Aurélien Roux 

Merci quand même.

User  257 481

skandiabanken m.m

2006-12-17 Thread gert.karlsson
jag sände lite gnäll om ärlighet och uppriktighet (och kanske också ifrågasatt 
förståelse = kunskap ) till
skandiabanken och fick detta svar ..
Bra i sig men det handlar om att från början bemöta oss kunder med ärlighet och 
förståelse inte om inbillade tekniska begränsningar i kommunikationen med 

gert karlsson

Hej Gert!
Om ditt missnöje gäller problemet med inloggning för Linux/nixkunder kanske 
nedanstående artikel kan glädja dig.

Vänliga hälsningar 
Andreaz Emtfors

Skandia Försäkring och Bank 
SE-106 55 Stockholm
Besöksadress: Hamngatan 15  
Telefon:  020-55 55 00
Telefon utland: +46 771-55 55 00 

gert karlsson

lex skandiabanken

2006-12-17 Thread gert.karlsson
när listans medlemmar (och många fler) lyckas så bra med att få förståelse hos 
skandiabanken, för valfrihet  med bibehållen funktion vad avser OS linux 
så känns det som att det är dags att gå vidare och se vad som kan åstadkommas 
för att påverka begreppet  e-legitimation  hos bl.a skattemyndigeten, 
sjukkassan, ams .fl- allt under samma enkla form. D.v.s utan M§, wine, 
iexplore, mm.mm.
Vad kan göras ???   

gert karlsson

Re: lex skandiabanken

2006-12-17 Thread Vincent Lönngren
sön 2006-12-17 klockan 19:08 +0100 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 när listans medlemmar (och många fler) lyckas så bra med att få förståelse 
 hos skandiabanken, för valfrihet  med bibehållen funktion vad avser OS 
 så känns det som att det är dags att gå vidare och se vad som kan åstadkommas 
 för att påverka begreppet  e-legitimation  hos bl.a skattemyndigeten, 
 sjukkassan, ams .fl- allt under samma enkla form. D.v.s utan M§, wine, 
 iexplore, mm.mm.
 Vad kan göras ???   
 gert karlsson

Vad är det som ska påverkas? Har använt e-legitimation hos Skatteverket
och CSN, bland annat, och aldrig haft några problem med det. Fungerar
det hos banken så fungerar det hos dem också såvitt jag förstår.

Skandiabanken verkar fortfarande inte ha förstått nånting, eftersom de
fortfaranda snackar om operativsystem, men det är ju bra att de slutar
att stänga ute vissa av dem med flit i alla fall.
Vincent Lönngren [EMAIL PROTECTED]

mer om banker

2006-12-17 Thread gert.karlsson
sön 2006-12-17 klockan 19:08 +0100 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
 när listans medlemmar (och många fler) lyckas så bra med att få förståelse 
 hos skandiabanken, för valfrihet med bibehållen funktion vad avser OS linux 
 så känns det som att det är dags att gå vidare och se vad som kan åstadkommas 
 för att påverka begreppet  e-legitimation  hos bl.a skattemyndigeten, 
 sjukkassan, ams .fl- allt under samma enkla form. D.v.s utan M§, wine, 
 iexplore, mm.mm. 
 Vad kan göras ??? 
 gert karlsson 

Vad är det som ska påverkas? Har använt e-legitimation hos Skatteverket 
och CSN, bland annat, och aldrig haft några problem med det. Fungerar 
det hos banken så fungerar det hos dem också såvitt jag förstår. 

Skandiabanken verkar fortfarande inte ha förstått nånting, eftersom de 
fortfaranda snackar om operativsystem, men det är ju bra att de slutar 
att stänga ute vissa av dem med flit i alla fall. 
Vincent Lönngren [EMAIL PROTECTED]

men .. hallå .. det är ju precis det det inte gör .. fungerar mot banken allstå 
.. prova handelsbanken t.ex.
( sen är det så att en del av förklaringen kan vara att en del (banker och 
myndigheter kallar BANK-ID för e-leg och 
e-leg för BANK-ID
men nog nu .. har någon loggat in mot handelsbanken via deras (BANK-ID / 
E-leg.) från en debian dator utan att använda wine . så snälla berätta hur för 
gert karlsson

Re: mer om banker

2006-12-17 Thread Vincent Lönngren
sön 2006-12-17 klockan 21:48 +0100 skrev [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 men .. hallå .. det är ju precis det det inte gör .. fungerar mot
 banken allstå .. prova handelsbanken t.ex.
 ( sen är det så att en del av förklaringen kan vara att en del (banker
 och myndigheter kallar BANK-ID för e-leg och 
 e-leg för BANK-ID
 men nog nu .. har någon loggat in mot handelsbanken via deras
 (BANK-ID / E-leg.) från en debian dator utan att använda wine . så
 snälla berätta hur för mig. 
 gert karlsson

Det finns många banker det inte fungerar med, men det är väl knappast
Skatteverkets eller Försäkringskassans fel. Det finns banker det
fungerar med också.
Vincent Lönngren [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Pludselig ingen ssh-connect til server

2006-12-17 Thread Kasper Myram

Hej alle,

Ja, det er lidt pinligt, men efter at have kørt en etch-baseret server 
m/ denyhosts i et pænt stykke tid er jeg pludselig begyndt ikke at måtte 
ssh'e til serveren mere. Jeg kan komme ind af bagdøren, rense 
/etc/hosts.deny for min ip og ligeledes fjerne spor i 
/var/lib/denyhosts/* ... her har jeg tillige oprettet en allowed-hosts, 
men ligemeget hjælper det: Hver gang jeg tror, at nu må jeg da få adgang 
er beskeden connection refused ... andre der har en lignende 
oplevelse, og kom af med den?

Mange hilsner / Kind regards
Kasper Myram [EMAIL PROTECTED] [http://kasper.myram.dk]
msn:[EMAIL PROTECTED] icq:1717852 qrv:145.225MHz mob:40949040
qra:jo65fq coord: N55°42.3432 E12°29.6748 Luk 4. 24

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: Dist-upgrade

2006-12-17 Thread Krishnamurti L. L. V. Nunes

Em 16/12/06, G.Paulo[EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:


Quero saber a experiência de vocês com isso: já fiz duas vezes um upgrade do 
Debian GNU-Linux em meu compudador. A útima foi do Woody para o Sarge (sempre 
uso a stable). Ocorre que sempre este upgrade foi um transtorno. Muitas horas 
de trabalho para consertar o que o dist-upgrade destruiu. Sei que essa migração 
está mesmo sujeita a problemas, mas tive recomeçar do zero: instalar o sistema 
a partir de um CD mínimo e daí acrescentar o que mais precisava. Muitas, muitas 
horas de trabalho.

Pergunta: tem alguma técnica de fazer esse upgrade (já que daqui a pouco vem o 
etch) de modo menos traumático?

A propósito: tenho o Ubuntu instalado em outra partição só para experimentar. A 
atualização para uma nova versão resultou na mesma novela: muito trabalho. 
Parece que é característica das distribuições Debian.



Há uns meses atrás eu usava Etch, até que resolvi atualizar para o
Sid, para ter as versões mais recentes dos programas. Simplesmente dei
um dist-upgrade, e tudo continuou bem, sem traumas.

Atualmente sempre atualizo o sistema para pegar as atualizações dos
pacotes que entram constantemente no Sid. Nunca tive nenhum problema.

Eu outras experiências (no trabalho, na universidade, etc.) também
nunca tive problemas ao dar um upgrade da instalação, seja mantendo a
mesma característica da distribuição (stable, testing), seja migrando
para uma mais recente (testing para unstable, por exemplo).

Definitivamente NÃO É uma característica do Debian quebrar sua
instalação ao se efetuar uma atualização. Pelo contrário. Debian é uma
das poucas que é capaz de se manter estável numa situação como essa.

O fato de o Ubuntu realmente apresentar problemas para atualização é
que eles não mantêm repositórios com todos os pacotes (afinal, com
todo o dinheiro que a Canonical tenha, não é possível manter os quase
20.000 pacotes que o Debian tem hoje). O Ubuntu, na verdade, é um
Debian com a estrutura de pacotes toda quebrada, pois eles mantêm
alguns pacotes e outros não, o que corrompe a linha de dependências.
Cada atualização realmente é uma novela, mas não por ser derivado do

Acho que você deveria tentar descobrir por que tem problemas com essa
questão. Por exemplo, ver se tem pacotes instalados localmente,
pacotes de repositórios não oficiais, ou ainda mistura de pacotes da
distribuição estável com a de teste...

Outra coisa: lembre-se que faz um ano e meio que o Sarge foi lançado.
As versões dos pacotes que estão no Etch, portanto, são muito
superiores. Além disso, algumas coisas às vezes deixam de ser usadas e
são substituídas por outras. Imagine se você tentou substituir uma
versão do XFree86 de dois anos antes por uma versão moderna do Xorg...
ou quando um monte de sistemas muito mais eficientes de reconhecimento
de hardware e gestão dos dispositivos no dev foram criados há um tempo
atrás, antes do lançamento do Etch... mudanças assim podem não ser

O que eu recomendo é que você utilize a versão de testes, que é muito
estável e segura, por sinal (lembre que o termo stable no Debian
quer dizer que as versões dos pacotes não são atualizadas, e a
distribuição não muda - daí o estável, e não que o testing tenha
pacotes não instáveis.), e faça atualizações mais frequentes.

Krishnamurti Lelis Lima Vieira Nunes

Re: Erro ao tentar substituir via shell

2006-12-17 Thread Fernando Ike de Oliveira
Em Sáb, 2006-12-16 às 15:40 +, Rodrigo Tavares escreveu:
 Isso esta muito estranho, veja só a sequencia de
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sed -i s/$IP/$HOST/g pg_hba.conf
 sed: -e expressão #1, caractere 21: unknown option
  Como intepretar a / da string HOST ?
  Isso para fazer a substituição de para ?

  Vc tem que acrescentar caracter de escape.
  sed -i s/\/24/\/24/g pg_hba.conf

Fernando Ike de Oliveira [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: Esta é uma parte de mensagem	assinada digitalmente

d-link e virtua

2006-12-17 Thread Daniel Lohmann


estou tentanto configurar uma rede domestica (so dois micros), bem tenho um
modem d-link 500G pra usar como roteardor, um swit, e um ponto de internet
virtua proveniente de modem motorola.
Bem estou com com um pouco de dificultade em configurar o modem d-link
apenas como roteador, aluem pode me ajudar?

Re: d-link e virtua

2006-12-17 Thread Luiz Fernando C Camargo
Daniel Lohmann wrote:

 estou tentanto configurar uma rede domestica (so dois micros), bem tenho
 um modem d-link 500G pra usar como roteardor, um swit, e um ponto de
 internet virtua proveniente de modem motorola.
 Bem estou com com um pouco de dificultade em configurar o modem d-link
 apenas como roteador, aluem pode me ajudar?

Você já olhou no abusar.org? dê uma olhada nesta página:


Eu aprendi a rotear o meu speedstream no abusar.org.

Abraços, Luiz Fenando

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Duvida com partição e fstab

2006-12-17 Thread Vinicius De Mario

Sávio Ramos wrote:

Em Sat, 16 Dec 2006 00:16:30 -0200
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:


Já vi instalações com 10 MS Windows 98 em paralelo, e 6
GNU/Linux, todas carregavam sem problemas. :-)

Não sabia que era possível instalar o winblows 98 na, por exemplo,
quinta partição do disco escravo da segunda controladora... Para mim,
só na primeira do mestre da primeira ide.

Como se faz isto?


O Grub resolve este problema, veja o menu.lst do meu micro, o windows 98 
está instalado no hdb1, últimas linhas (recomendo uma boa leitura da 
documentação do grub):

titleDebian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.17
kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17 root=/dev/hda6 ro

titleDebian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.17 (recovery mode)
kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17 root=/dev/hda6 ro single


# This is a divider, added to separate the menu items below from the Debian
# ones.
titleOther operating systems:

title   Debian GNU/Linux Sid, kernel 2.6.18-1-vserver-686
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-1-vserver-686 root=/dev/hda11 ro
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.18-1-vserver-686

title   Debian GNU/Linux Sid, kernel 2.6.18-1-vserver-686 
(recovery mode)

kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-1-vserver-686 root=/dev/hda11 ro single
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.18-1-vserver-686

titleFreeBsd, 6.1

titleNetBsd, 3.0.1

titleSlackware Linux, 10.2, Kernel 2.4.31
kernel/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hda9 ro

# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
# on /dev/hda1
titleWindows NT/2000/XP (loader)

# Windows 98 que está no hdb
# on /dev/hdb1
titleWindows 98 on hdb1
map(hd0,0) (hd1,0)
map(hd1,0) (hd0,0)




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Re: Dist-upgrade

2006-12-17 Thread Joao Emanuel

2006/12/16, Eddie [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Eles se não me engano tem um manual para explicar como atualizar, um
meio também legal, seria se tiver espaço, colocar o novo e deixar o
antigo até o novo estar totalmente configurado e instalado

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eddie, tente primeiro um upgrade e depois um dist-upgrade, talvez
resolva os seus problemas de atualizações.

Joao Emanuel
Contador counter.li.org: 398782



(se quiser me em envie o seu endereço
do seu mensageiro para incluir)

Re: Dist-upgrade

2006-12-17 Thread Fabio Guerrazzi

 Joao Emanuel wrote:
 2006/12/16, Eddie [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   Eles se nao me engano tem um manual para explicar como atualizar, um
 meio tambem legal, seria se tiver espaco, colocar o novo e deixar o
 antigo ate o novo estar totalmente configurado e instalado

Quando o Etch virar stable haverá instruções no site Debian sobre como
fazer a atualização, são as release notes. Para vc ter uma noção, veja
as Notas de Lançamento para Debian Sarge em:


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Re: Erro ao tentar substituir via shell

2006-12-17 Thread Faria

Oi Fernando,

Isso resolveu. Mas e quando eu pego uma váriavel
string pelo dialog e faço o sed da seguinte maneira:

sed -i $s/$valor/g $INPUTDB/pg_hba.conf

Não funciona, tenho de colocar da seguinte forma:\/24, isso na janela de um dialog, o certo
seria o usuário digitar\24.
Tem como resolver isto ?



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Placa PCI RTL8185 Realtek

2006-12-17 Thread Adilson - Globo

Prezados Senhores,
Estou tentando instalar este driver 
http://sourceforge.net/projects/rtl8180-sa2400/ no debian etch, kernel 
2.6.18 recompilado, mas estou tendo problemas.
Já tentei com todas as versões, mas ao descompactar o arquivo e executar 
o make, todo o conteúdo do diretório é deletado. Já chequei  o Makefile 
mas não encontrei nada anormal. Alguém já passou pelo mesmo problema?. A 
Realtek tem um driver mas apesar de instalar sem erros, provoca o 
congelamento do sistema sempre que é tentada qualquer configuração da placa.

Agradeço qualquer ajuda.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

roteamento internet debian etch

2006-12-17 Thread Márcio Pedroso

estou tentando montar um roteador de internet com o debian etch e nao estou
conseguindo. estou utilizando uma formula que ja usava no sarge e agora nao
esta funcionando. utilizei as regras de iptables e criei um script
executavel dentro de /usr/local/sbin/ as regras sao as que estao descritas.
e inseri uma linha no bootmisc.sh ./usr/local/sbin/regras. mas nao esta
roteando. nao sei se tem alguma diferença entre eles a ponto dessa regra nao
funcionar. ah! os dois computadores pingam um no outro.

iptables = /usr/sbin/iptables
sysctl = /sbin/sysctl

echo -e \n\n Exencutando Regras.\n
#regras de roteamento de internet
iptables -F
iptables -F INPUT
iptables -F OUTPUT
iptables -F POSTROUTING -t nat
iptables -F PREROUTING -t nat
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?

Re: Compiz ou Beryl no Etch

2006-12-17 Thread sirhamacker sir

O Beryl é windowmanager para o sistemas baseados em GTK como GNOME,XFCE... e
até funciona no KDE, mas não com a estabilidade esperada.
Usando KDE voce deve instalar o Beryl, porém deve instalar o aquamarine
(mesmo repositório) que é o windowmanager apropriado para quem usa KDE.
Uso aqui no Ubuntu e o Beryl é super-estável, o único bug existente e até ja
existe uma opção para corrigir isso (ou seja, tem atestado de burrice) é que
algumas janelas não faz redraw, e voce só consegue velas que existe, mas não
o seu conteúdo, por isso o icone do beryl traz uma opção chamada gl-yield
que ligada refaz o redraw novamente e voce passa a ver a janela invisivel.


2006/12/16, Muzkur [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Oi pessoal, estou estreiando na lista de discussão do Debian, e gostaria
de pedir uma ajuda.
Eu rodo aqui na minha casa o Debian Etch com KDE e uma GeForce 6200 e
gostaria de saber, qual é a melhor pedida, compiz ou beryl?
No site oficial do projeto Beryl eu vi um pequeno tutorial ensinando como
instala-lo no Debian, quanto ao Compiz, é o que mais tem em websites de
A dúvida em si é, daqueles que já usaram esses desktops 3D, saber qual
deles tem melhor desempenho, menos bugs e maior facilidade de instalar no
Deb, e se puderem, um pequeno tutorial com lista de repositórios e passos
que devo seguir pra instala-los.


Re: Problemas com ESS no debian testing

2006-12-17 Thread Sávio Ramos
Em Fri, 15 Dec 2006 15:57:27 -0200
Marcelo Luiz de Laia [EMAIL PROTECTED] escreveu:

 Opening directory: nã éu ieói, /usr/bin/java

Remove o java e instale o emacs...

Sávio Martins Ramos -  Arquiteto
Rio de Janeiro  ICQ 174972645
Pirataria não! Seja livre: Linux

Re: Erro ao tentar substituir via shell

2006-12-17 Thread Fabio Guerrazzi

 Faria wrote:
 Oi Fernando,

 Isso resolveu. Mas e quando eu pego uma váriavel
 string pelo dialog e faço o sed da seguinte maneira:

 sed -i $s/$valor/g $INPUTDB/pg_hba.conf

 Não funciona, tenho de colocar da seguinte forma:\/24, isso na janela de um dialog, o certo
 seria o usuário digitar\24.
 Tem como resolver isto ?

Faria, não faça cross-posting.

O Cross-Posting é o nome dado a postagem da mesma mensagem para mais de
uma lista de discussão. É uma prática completamente depreciada e
usualmente é realizada por pessoas preguiçosas que não se preocupam em
saber se aquela lista é a adequada para sua mensagem. Dificilmente uma
mensagem mereça ser postada em várias listas. Escolha cuidadosamente a
lista para a qual sua mensagem deva ser postada e poste somente lá.



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[no subject]

2006-12-17 Thread Carlos Alberto Greco


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Re: d-link e virtua

2006-12-17 Thread Carlos Ribeiro

Parece que vc não foi bem claro, ou talvez eu não tenha entendido direito. O
Sinal da Virtua chega ao modem motorola e vc deseja conectar a ele o D-Link
500G e logo depois um switch, é isso?

2006/12/17, Daniel Lohmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


estou tentanto configurar uma rede domestica (so dois micros), bem tenho
um modem d-link 500G pra usar como roteardor, um swit, e um ponto de
internet virtua proveniente de modem motorola.
Bem estou com com um pouco de dificultade em configurar o modem d-link
apenas como roteador, aluem pode me ajudar?

Linux-User: 183.572  Machine: 195.669
São Luís - Maranhão - Brasil

ftp.tr.debian.org testing cd arşivindeki problem

2006-12-17 Thread Murat Demirten

ftp.tr.debian.org yansısını kim yönetiyor şu anda bilemiyorum. Listeye üye 
olduğu varsayımıyla buraya yazıyorum.

Dün ftp://ftp.tr.debian.org/debian-cd/testing/iso/i386 adresinden testing cd 
image indirip yazdım. Ancak çok sonra farkettim ki oradaki dosyalar son 
olarak 2005 kasım ayında güncellenmiş, eski bir versiyon olduğu için de işime 
yaramadı epey zaman kaybettirdi bana doğrusu :) Başkalarının da başına 
benzeri durumların gelmemesi için yönetici arkadaşımız yeni versiyonları 
koyamasa da en azından çok eski olanları silerse iyi olur diye düşünüyorum.


Re: Advice on staying current

2006-12-17 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 11:40:19PM +, andy wrote:
 Kevin Mark wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 06:17:45PM +, andy wrote:
 What I was trying to get at in my original post was to see if there was a 
 of upgrading one's system by running a system-wide check which would then be
 cross-referenced to the sources, leading to out-of-date libs, etc. being
 identified for download.
 Hi Andy,
 when you update your local dpkg database, it only has the lastest data,
 as it creates a new one and does not save the old data. So there is no
 reference to 'out-of-date' anything. You can use deborphan or debfoster
 to 'trim the fat' once in a while, with caution. But just 'apt-get
 update' or similar is all you need. cheers,
 Thanks for your reply. I run apt-get update every couple of days or so, so 
 guess that I am 
 taking care of this already. If that's all there is to it, I must confess 
 that is about the 
 easiest way I have yet come across to keep one's software up-to-date. Again, 
 well done 
 developers! Nice job.

'apt-get update' will just update the package *list*. You still need to
run 'apt-get update' (or dist-upgrade) to update the packages.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

/etc/network/interfaces file ?

2006-12-17 Thread stevendemetrius

I've noticed the same thing and I've done a similar change in the 
/etc/network/interfaces file.

allow-hotplug eth0
auto eth0

I'm not sure what is causing the problem and don't know which package to file a 
bug against.

I'm assuming that allow-hotplug eth0 does a cable check on eth0's NIC and if 
found brings up eth0. Whether it is doing the dhclient I don't know.

Anyone, any ideas?

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Advice on staying current

2006-12-17 Thread user local

2006/12/17, Andrei Popescu [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 developers! Nice job.


'apt-get update' will just update the package *list*. You still need to

run 'apt-get update' (or dist-upgrade) to update the packages.

# apt-get upgrade
after apt-get update
apt-get may be replaced by aptitude. It's trendy, at least, but not last

Re: Advice on staying current

2006-12-17 Thread user local

2006/12/17, Paul Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Try looking at cron-apt.  Using cron-apt is a great way to always have the
latest package info, though I don't suggest changing the configs to have
cron-apt automatically install things for you:  You should do the
installing yourself so you have some idea what may have changed if
something breaks.

I intend to deploy cron-apt to automatically install packages, on a certain
number of desktops. Of course I intend to do the same on servers.

Is any collection of horror stories about cron-apt?


Re: /etc/network/interfaces file ?

2006-12-17 Thread user local

2006/12/17, stevendemetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Anyone, any ideas?

PCMCIA optimisation?

Re: /etc/network/interfaces file ?

2006-12-17 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 05:17:39PM -0900, Greg Madden wrote:
 For several installs over a period of time for Etch, using a net-install
 cd. The ~/network/interfaces file uses the line allow-hotplug eth0.
 This has not worked on my boxes, I have to type 'dhclient eth0' to
 connect. I use an Ipcop firewall, dhcp, hooked up to a switch. I comment
 out the 'hotplug' line and use 'eth0 auto' the old way, and all is
 well. Anyone else see this and what package is this associated with ?

AFAICT, these options are complementary. See 'man interfaces'.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New hardware under Etch ?

2006-12-17 Thread stevendemetrius

Like other have stated here

cat /proc/cpuinfo

will list processor 0 and 1 if it finds them. You can run the above command from any terminal as a 
non-root user. You may want to use less if the info runs off the screen. You can use 
Page-up Page-down keys with less

cat /proc/cpuinfo | less

For proper support for 6GB RAM you will have to re-compile the kernel as the Debian 
kernel-image is compiled for 4GB RAM. When you configure the kernel you can change the 
settings under the Processor type and Features section. Change it to 64GB. 
64GB is the current maximum limit.

You should also change your CPU type to AMD Opteron in the same section and of 
course chose/select SMP for multi-processor support.

Kernel 2.4.X which is the default for Sarge does not have proper support for SATA. It 
sees SATA as ATA and the access times are very slow. Newer versions of kernel 
2.6.X have good support for SATA with fast access times. Older versions of kernel 2.6.X 
does not have proper support for  or no support at all for SATA. So I suggest using the 
latest Debian kernel which I think is 2.6.18-X.

If you want to use Sarge with kernel 2.6.18.X you're in for a lot of work. 
Install kernel 2.4.X which sets up SATA drives as ATA drives (hda, hdb, etc). 
Then install kernel 2.6.18.X and BEFORE YOU RE-BOOT you have to modify 
/boot/grub/menu.lst and /boot/grub/device and /etc/fstab. If you fail to do 
this you will not be able boot the 2.6.18.X kernel (well you can but more 
work). Also, once you have made the changes you will not be able to boot the 
using the old 2.4.X kernel. So uninstall it after.

To make things easier I suggest doing a clean install using Etch with kernel 

If your MB comes with fake-RAID I suggest *not* to use it. Turn it off in the 
BIOS. Linux software-RAID works just as well if not better and is easier to 
setup and use under Linux.
I've done a few installs on IBM's x306 servers trying to use their fake-RAID 
and it's a real pain which in the end didn't work properly. The Linux 
software-RAID worked well and passed *all* burn-in tests.

From what I can tell fake-RAID is designed for MS OSs since its non-server OSs 
don't have software-RAID and fake-RAID is a cheap way for MS desktop user to 
have some redundancy without buying an expensive RAID card.

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Re: Changing cable modum to ADSL modum.

2006-12-17 Thread Nyizsnyik Ferenc
On Sat, 2006-12-16 at 13:09 -0600, John C wrote:
 Hi all,
 I'm looking for a simple way for a windows-only user to change a 
 computer's network settings from a cable modem to an ADSL modem.
 I was under the impression that my granddaughter, who lives 
 hundreds of miles from me, had a cable ISP. In an attempt to 
 educate the next generation, I've sent her a computer fully 
 loaded and configured with Etch.  I used a netinstall through my 
 home system's router (cable modem) with a manual IP 
 addressnot DHCP.
 Oooops... I was wrong, their network connnection is through a 
 ADSL modem.
 I suspect that she could make the change using the Network 
 administration tool of the Gnome network Settings, but since I'm 
 not familiar with ADSL or with that tool, I'd rather not have her 
 try without some confirmation.
 If not that tool, perhaps dpkg-reconfigure something ?
 I know that on my box, the following files at least need to 
 change. Any others?
 I also suspect that I'll have to have her do a dpkg install of 
 pppoe for the network administration tool to work.  Is that true?
 Thanks for any help.
 John Carline


If the modem can act as an Ethernet router, it should be no problem -
just let the system know that the IP address will be assigned by DHCP.

If it is an USB ADSL modem, that is a real headache to set up. You need
drivers, which may or may not exist. And if they do exist, they may or
may not be packaged as .debs. And the type of the modem usually isn't
enough to find the driver, because there are types which are made with
several different chipsets. If, however, the drivers are found, the hard
part is done. Then pppoeconf should do the rest.

Good luck!


Click for free info getting a new career and make $150K/ year

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Re: New hardware under Etch ?

2006-12-17 Thread Tshepang Lekhonkhobe

On 12/17/06, stevendemetrius [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

For proper support for 6GB RAM you will have to re-compile the kernel as the Debian 
kernel-image is compiled for 4GB RAM. When you configure the kernel you can change the 
settings under the Processor type and Features section. Change it to 64GB. 
64GB is the current maximum limit.

An off-topic question: why is this Debian kernel limited to 4GB and
why do there have to be an option instead of just setting the whole
thing to 64GB?

Another off-topic question: Is there any one out there running Linux
on over 64GB of RAM, and if so, is there such support in the kernel or
did they have to modify the src themselves?

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USB problems on laptop with debian etch

2006-12-17 Thread carlopmart
Hi all,

 Recently I have installed etch on my laptop. Frequently, when etch
boots displays this errors:

usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 ...
usb 3-2: device not accepting address 4, error -71 ...
usb 3-2: device not accepting address 5, error -71 ...
usb 3-2: device not accepting address 8, error -71 ...
usb 3-2: device not accepting address 9, error -71 ...

 And then I see this error reported by logwatch:

1 Time(s):  [c0101005] kernel_thread_helper+0x5/0xb
 2 Time(s):  [c01036b6] common_interrupt+0x1a/0x20
 2 Time(s):  [c01050e5] do_IRQ+0x43/0x52
 1 Time(s):  [c0117778] default_wake_function+0x0/0xc
 1 Time(s):  [c012ac30] run_workqueue+0x78/0xb5
 1 Time(s):  [c012b441] worker_thread+0x0/0x10b
 1 Time(s):  [c012b51a] worker_thread+0xd9/0x10b
 1 Time(s):  [c012d7d1] kthread+0x0/0xef
 1 Time(s):  [c012d893] kthread+0xc2/0xef
 1 Time(s):  [c013fb77] handle_IRQ_event+0x17/0x49
 1 Time(s):  [c013fb83] handle_IRQ_event+0x23/0x49
 1 Time(s):  [c013fc3c] __do_IRQ+0x93/0xe8
 1 Time(s):  [c013fc5c] __do_IRQ+0xb3/0xe8
 1 Time(s):  [c014037f] __report_bad_irq+0x2b/0x69
 1 Time(s):  [c014056c] note_interrupt+0x1af/0x1e7
 1 Time(s):  [c02810a0] _spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x8/0x9
 1 Time(s):  [f886549e] usb_hcd_irq+0x23/0x50 [usbcore]
 1 Time(s):  [f88ad01c] hpsb_reset_bus+0x1c/0x22 [ieee1394]
 1 Time(s):  [f88aebfd] delayed_reset_bus+0x0/0xc9 [ieee1394]
 1 Time(s):  [f88b4ff9] csr1212_generate_csr_image+0x309/0x35c [ieee1394]
 1 Time(s):  [f88c47db] ohci_devctl+0x5a/0x55a [ohci1394]

 How can i fix this?? Is this a bug on etch kernel??? I am using latest kernel 
from debian repos.

 nazgul:~# uname -a
Linux nazgul 2.6.18-3-686 #1 SMP Mon Dec 4 16:41:14 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux

CL Martinez
carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

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Re: Modified Config Files

2006-12-17 Thread Chris Stork

Douglas Tutty wrote:

On Sun, Dec 17, 2006 at 04:52:19AM +0100, Chris Stork wrote:


What would be an easy way to list the config files that have been 
changed on my system?

Find a file that was created/modified when you installed.  Note that

Use find to find all files in /etc/ newer than that date.

If it was that easy...  I am talking about systems that received 
hundreds of updates already so that file dates differ a lot.

In any case, none of this bookkeeping should be necessary since the 
package DB knows the default content (or the hash thereof) of config files.


Firstly, I just want to know how much these systems are customized and 
what exactly has been customized.
Secondly, I'd like to distribute some of these customizations to other 

Thanks for you reply,

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Re: Old Laptop - Did a Net Install But Afterwards No NIC

2006-12-17 Thread Chris Bannister
On Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 01:56:27AM -0800, Scarletdown wrote:
 I just attempted an install of etch on an old Toshiba Satellite 425CDT.
 I used a set of install floppies because this laptop can't boot from the
 CD-ROM drive.
 Anyway, the install ran its course (it was a Network install), but after
 the install was completed, and I rebooted, the PCMCIA drivers don't
 load, which means no NIC, since this is a PCMCIA NIC this laptop uses.
 Why aren't the drivers loading, even though the installer was able to
 load them obviously?  udev is installed and runs automatically, so I'm
 certain that wouldn't be where the problem lies.  Also doing a modprobe
 pcmcia doesn't return any errors, but also doesn't seem to do anything,
 and it doesn't load automatically during the next reboot.
 Any ideas on what is wrong here?  The kernel is 2.6.18-3-486

Have you got pcmcia-cs or pcmciautils installed?

 ... the official version cannot be abandoned because the implication of
rejecting it is far too disturbing: that we are subject to a government
conspiracy of `X-Files' proportions and insidiousness.
Letter to the LA Times Magazine, September 18, 2005.

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Re: list of packages suggesting zeroconf?

2006-12-17 Thread Chris Bannister
On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 11:13:49AM -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
 apt-cache rdepends zeroconf will get you the packages which depend on
 zeroconf. then you can march up the tree a bit with
 apt-cache rdepends zeroconf | grep -v Depends | xargs apt-cache \
 that gets you a much longer list of things that ultimately depend on
 for the suggests or recommends, there is surely a way, but I don't
 know it and my attempts at grepping, cutting and xarging is getting
 out of hand.

grep-dctrl, possibly.

 ... the official version cannot be abandoned because the implication of
rejecting it is far too disturbing: that we are subject to a government
conspiracy of `X-Files' proportions and insidiousness.
Letter to the LA Times Magazine, September 18, 2005.

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Re: dumb question about upgrading the kernel and SATA disks....

2006-12-17 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 01:28:06AM +, Michael Fothergill wrote:
 I am thinking of buying a new box from an outfit in the UK Golden 
 Electronics.  For 170 GBP they will give you a box (no monitor) that has an 
 AMD 64 Sempron CPU and a decent hard drive and other gear etc   Plus 
 512 MB of RAM.
 My notion (trash at will) is that if I buy a 64 bit machine it would last 
 longer than 32 bit architecture because the 64 bit machine can handle a 
 huge amount of RAM So in 5 years time then if the latest version of 
 Debian uses much more memory than today to run gnome and OO then I can but 
 much more RAM in there e.g. 5 GB than a 32 bit machine could handle.

It depends on the motherboard. I think that if you want 4GB RAM you
need to go to a 940 socket motherboard. I am in the process of building
an amd64 system but my 939 socket motherboard won't take more than 4GB.

(ok the CPU determines the socket type, but although the CPU maybe able
to address up to 4TB or whatever the motherboard ultimately decides the
amount of RAM that can be installed on it.)

 ... the official version cannot be abandoned because the implication of
rejecting it is far too disturbing: that we are subject to a government
conspiracy of `X-Files' proportions and insidiousness.
Letter to the LA Times Magazine, September 18, 2005.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: USB problems on laptop with debian etch

2006-12-17 Thread M-L
On Sunday 17 December 2006 20:57, carlopmart sent this for all our perusal:
--- Hi all,
---  Recently I have installed etch on my laptop. Frequently, when etch
--- boots displays this errors:
--- usb 3-2: device descriptor read/64, error -71 ...
--- usb 3-2: device not accepting address 4, error -71 ...
--- usb 3-2: device not accepting address 5, error -71 ...
--- usb 3-2: device not accepting address 8, error -71 ...
--- usb 3-2: device not accepting address 9, error -71 ...
---  And then I see this error reported by logwatch:
--- 1 Time(s):  [c0101005] kernel_thread_helper+0x5/0xb
---  2 Time(s):  [c01036b6] common_interrupt+0x1a/0x20
---  2 Time(s):  [c01050e5] do_IRQ+0x43/0x52
---  1 Time(s):  [c0117778] default_wake_function+0x0/0xc
---  1 Time(s):  [c012ac30] run_workqueue+0x78/0xb5
---  1 Time(s):  [c012b441] worker_thread+0x0/0x10b
---  1 Time(s):  [c012b51a] worker_thread+0xd9/0x10b
---  1 Time(s):  [c012d7d1] kthread+0x0/0xef
---  1 Time(s):  [c012d893] kthread+0xc2/0xef
---  1 Time(s):  [c013fb77] handle_IRQ_event+0x17/0x49
---  1 Time(s):  [c013fb83] handle_IRQ_event+0x23/0x49
---  1 Time(s):  [c013fc3c] __do_IRQ+0x93/0xe8
---  1 Time(s):  [c013fc5c] __do_IRQ+0xb3/0xe8
---  1 Time(s):  [c014037f] __report_bad_irq+0x2b/0x69
---  1 Time(s):  [c014056c] note_interrupt+0x1af/0x1e7
---  1 Time(s):  [c02810a0] _spin_unlock_irqrestore+0x8/0x9
---  1 Time(s):  [f886549e] usb_hcd_irq+0x23/0x50 [usbcore]
---  1 Time(s):  [f88ad01c] hpsb_reset_bus+0x1c/0x22 [ieee1394]
---  1 Time(s):  [f88aebfd] delayed_reset_bus+0x0/0xc9 [ieee1394]
---  1 Time(s):  [f88b4ff9] csr1212_generate_csr_image+0x309/0x35c
 [ieee1394] ---  1 Time(s):  [f88c47db] ohci_devctl+0x5a/0x55a [ohci1394]
---  How can i fix this?? Is this a bug on etch kernel??? I am using latest
 kernel from debian repos. ---
---  nazgul:~# uname -a
--- Linux nazgul 2.6.18-3-686 #1 SMP Mon Dec 4 16:41:14 UTC 2006 i686
 GNU/Linux --- nazgul:~#
--- --
--- CL Martinez
--- carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

I've had that myself with this laptop on a kernel upgrade, so went back to the 
kernel I installed with, which happened to be 2.6.15-1-686 anything after 
that kept giving me that error message without allowing me to access my 
external CDROM.

Sorry I can't assist.

Registered Linux User:- 329524
The smallest seed of faith is better than the largest fruit of 
happiness. .Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Pinging Postmaster

2006-12-17 Thread Paul Johnson
Mike Bird wrote:

 Debian Postmaster,
 Murphy has been in and out of Spamcop several times over the past
 several days.  There have been the usual semi-informed rants on
 debian-user but nothing that I can find from you.

Why not just read from gmane.linux.debian.user/gmane.linux.debian.user.isp
if this is a problem for you?

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Re: DVDs - err what gives?

2006-12-17 Thread Chris Bannister
On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 10:51:05PM -0500, Kevin Mark wrote:
 Hi A,
 welcome to your first exposure to politics of Free software! DVD css was
 the first flagpole that the entertainment lobby put in the ground to lay
 claim to your property. Css provides no other use but to forbid you from
 fully owning your own property. The next flagpole is apple's DRM that
 they use on their music that stop you from using it anywhere you want.
 Then there was Microsoft windows media player DRM. The other day I
 wanted to see channel4.com's new video-on-demand but it even tighens the
 noose more: it requires you to be in the UK to watch the content (that
 you pay for), only on one computer (that cant be transfered) and you
 need to install window xp, .net 2.0 and window media player 10 and then
 you can only watch it once and when you start to watch it, you have a
 time limit of a day before you are no longer authorized to watch it, the
 DRM essentially prevents you from watching something that you payed for,
 on your own computer. At least the DVD only has CSS and its companion
 the DMCA and it doesnt stop you from watching your own DVD. The point
 with Free software is any free software program that you use to play a
 DVD, apple i-tunes file, other other DRM formats will always be a crime
 according to most nations laws with help from WIPO.(there are exceptions
 to this statement, as other can attest, but its not getting better) Go
 to wikipedia and check out 'drm', 'dmca' and 'decss' for the basic
 details.  Anyway, even Pink Floyd could not have dreamed up something so
 twisted as DRM :-)

(hope these links still exist.)


OK, these links are old but they are indicative of worse to come.

 ... the official version cannot be abandoned because the implication of
rejecting it is far too disturbing: that we are subject to a government
conspiracy of `X-Files' proportions and insidiousness.
Letter to the LA Times Magazine, September 18, 2005.

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Re: dumb question about jigdo and i386 and AMD 64 versions of Etch......

2006-12-17 Thread Wackojacko

Michael Fothergill wrote:

Dear Debianists,

How much commonality exists between the i386 versions of Etch or Sarge 
and the AMD 64 version of Etch?

Others have addressed the changes from sarge to etch but as far as the 
two different architectures go I use apt-cacher to share common files 
between my amd64 partition and my i386 partition.  The answer is that 
there are some packages that are architecture independent.  These are 
labelled *all.deb.  The architecture specific files are labelled 
*i386.deb and *amd64.deb respectively.

A quick look at /var/cache/apt/archives on your current machine will 
give you an idea how many files are shared.  IIRC you can use this as a 
source for jigdo too :).



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New Debian user

2006-12-17 Thread stevendemetrius


You have made the right choice. Or at least I think so :)

Debian releases may have been slow but its built on a solid foundation and as 
can be see now its release times are getting shorter. Debian may take awhile to 
get to where other distributions are but once it gets there it is rock solid. 
With the ingenious new GUI installer, installing Debian is very easy. The GUI 
installer is simple, easy to use and follow without all the fancy crap. It also 
looks good (plug for the Debian installer team).

If you have partitions you want to keep, during installation you can tell the 
installer where to mount them and leave their file system(s) intact. Or you can 
just tell it to ignore them and mount them later yourself.

Currently when you chose to install desktop support the installer installs 
GNOME only. Hopefully we can change that to choices for either GNOME or KDE or 
both. (hint, hint, Debian installer team.:)

From what I understand Debian will never/can never be bought out by any company 
or entity. Therefore it will always be free and open.

As for AutoCAD I've been looking for a drop-in full opensource replacement but 
so far no luck. Hopefully this will change soon. I've found drop-in full 
opensource replacements for everything else: office suite, drawing/graphics, 
audio editing, video editing, educational, financial, business operations, 
teaching, communications and more. Most of which can be found in Debian's 
repository. If you install the desktop, Synaptic is great for browsing through 
the Debian packages available.

I have not had a look at MS Vista. To be honest I most likely will not. After working on 
MS OSs for years and being certified by MS, I've had my fill of MS OSs. Know how much of 
a pain it is to install MS Exchange server and what a nightmare it is to recover it when 
it fails! In Debian it takes 2 minutes to (re)install Exim4 and then just copy e-mail 
onto the server from your backup. Simplicity that works! :) Its been a year since I've 
moved all my machines over to Debian and I haven't looked back since. :) The learning 
curve may seem to be great but one just as to think logically. As one should with 
computers. Then learning Linux becomes simple. We've just been taught to think 
illogically when it comes to computers by MS. Just be ready to scratch your head and kick 
yourself in the a*s when you think its that simple, why didn't I see that straight 
off. I've had a few of those and I'm sure I will have more. :)

I've being having lots of fund learning Debian Linux over the pass year and a 
half. Sometimes its difficult but that can be said of any OS. You may want to 
check out this web site and buy these books.

Debian GNU/Linux Bible
The Debian System
Moving to Linux kiss the blue screen of death goodbye

The aboutdebian website deals with Sarge and you can support the site by buying 
related books (including the ones I've listed) via its links. The instructions 
there can get you up and running with many different type of servers; DHCP, 
SAMBA (MS share), Web server, NFS, FTP, Webcam sever, etc. It shows how quickly 
and easy it is to get these servers up and running. Please read the 
introduction page fully.
The latest versions of both Debian books are based on Sarge. You may want to 
wait and see if there are releases for Etch. You can still use the Sarge 
release but a lot of things have change between Sarge and Etch; procedures, 
program configurations, etc. But you can learn on Sarge and  read the updates 
for the Etch versions. For example the default location of Apache's web folder 
and home-page file have changed between Sarge and Etch.

Moving to Linux list Linux drop-in replacements for popular programs in MS 
and how to use them under Linux. The book is not a Debian specific book but is 
very helpful.

As other here have stated Etch is frozen and about to become stable so you may as well go with it. Upgrading 
is simple. So you can always upgrade after its become stable. I've been using Etch since it became 
Testing and have had no serious problem and besides it lets you join in the bug crunching. You 
can doing testing and supply bug reports which help to reduce the amount of time it takes for 
Testing to become Stable.

You may also want to look at the docs on the Debian site. Read the definition of 
Stable, Testing, etc. You may find that the definition of Stable is a bit 
paranoid in relations to workstations and some types of servers. Debian Stable is judged in 
relation to servers; high security, reliability, zero reboot, 24/7 operation, zero crashes, strict 
access controll, etc. Which is great!

If you're running a workstation to do e-mails, download pictures from your 
camera, write a novel :), do some spreadsheets, listen to music, edit the 
family videos, watch DVDs, brows the web, learn Debian, etc. you don't need to 
worry to much about the above but its good to know that you can or will have 

mailing list archives

2006-12-17 Thread Adam Hardy

This is just an idea that occurred to me while searching the archives via 

A large number of entries in the google results from the list are useless 
because they are the 'debian-user Jun 2006 by thread' monthly summaries.

Because each monthly summary is simply a list of the thread titles, it leads to 
false hits for my keywords, for instance 'dvd mplayer menu' hits all the monthly 
summaries, even when there isn't actually a msg referencing dvds and menus and 

Judicious use of the robots.txt file on the mail archive server would be a 
simple way to remove the summaries from the search engines, for instance 
something like:

Disallow: /**/threads.html

would probably do it.


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New hardware under Etch ?

2006-12-17 Thread stevendemetrius

Currently the limitation is the Linux kernel itself not the Debian modified 
version. The Debian kernel maintainers take the original Linux kernel and 
modifies it as need so that it works better with Debian and conforms to the 
Debian definition of OSS (Open Source Software). You can read more at the 
Debian website.

Debian kernel-image(s) are compiled to work with a large variety of machines 
and hardware. This way anyone can easily install the system and get it running. 
Since most drivers are complied as modules only modules for hardware on the 
current system are loaded. This means that most users can load the default 
Debian kernel-image and don't worry about it.

Most user and server systems come with about 512MB RAM and most MBs are limited 
to 4GB RAM. My guess is that setting the RAM to 64MB in the kernel makes for 
more lines of code in the kernel and maybe uses more processor time. Linux 
programmers (and Linux users) don't like bloat and will cut it where ever 
possible. So it make sense to compile the kernel for 4GB. The Linux kernel is 
designed for anyone to configure it and conpile it in which ever way they want. 
In fact (re)compiling the kernel is encouraged.

If you've never complied the kernel before don't worry. Its not difficult. If 
you're doing it for the first time here it is what I think is the easiest way:

1. Install Debian and the desktop either GNOME or KDE or both. Since you're 
learning both would be better. you can always play around with it and remove it 

2. Use synaptic or aptitude to install kernel-package
synaptic is a desktop package manager
aptitude is a terminal package manager

3. Read the README that comes with kernel-package

The README will list all the package you need to install in order to compile 
the kernel. It also has step by step procedure on compiling the kernel and 
installing the kernel.

I don't have any info. on Linux kernel 64GB+ support but you can check out the 
following sites and search the web.


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dumb question about gnome bittorrent...

2006-12-17 Thread Michael Fothergill

Dear Debianists,

In Etch RC1 I notice that gnome bittorrent is installed with the OS.  I use 
bittorrent in Fedora Core 6.

I have used it there to download Debian CD and DVD images.

When I set it up I had to enter some commands at the terminal window that 
tweaked the firewall etc to allow bittorrent to be able to upload and 
download files.

Otherwise it won't work.

Despite the fact that gnome bittorrent is installed on Etch, do I still have 
to submit similar commands at the terminal to get bittorrent to work in Etch 

Is there a recipe/configuration window or other routine that you have to go 
through thbat is Debian specific to do it or could I copy the instructions I 
sed in Fedora to ape this correctly?


Michael Fothergill

Think you're a film buff? Play the Movie Mogul quiz and win fantastic 
prizes!  http://www.msnmoviemogul.com

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file permissions

2006-12-17 Thread Freddy Freeloader

Hi All,

I don't know why I've never noticed this before, but on every Debian 
system I have every tool in /sbin all users are given execute 
permissions.  That doesn't mean all the tools will run, or even have all 
aspects of the tools available, but all users still have execute 
permissions there.

Why is this done?  I can't really see a good reason for it.  What am I 

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Re: file permissions

2006-12-17 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 04:56:30 -0800
Freddy Freeloader [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Freddy,

 all aspects of the tools available, but all users still have execute 
 permissions there.
 Why is this done?  I can't really see a good reason for it.  What am
 I missing? 

I can't answer your query as such.  However, you are aware, I hope,
that not all users have /sbin in their $PATH?  So, even though all
users have execute permission, not all users can get at the directory,

 Regards  _
 / )   The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent

People stare like they've seen a ghost
Titanic (My Over) Reaction - 999

Description: PGP signature

Re: Debian and VMWare

2006-12-17 Thread Misko
On Wed, Dec 13, 2006 at 01:32:17PM +0100, robin putters wrote:
 First, make sure you have enough memory (if you assign 512mb to the VM, have
 at least 512mb available for each instance of the VM you want to run + what
 you need for your deb install + some spare memory).
 Secondly, create the whole disk at once (do not use the ´incremental
 option´, or however it´s called, which sizes your disk on the fly).
 These are the two most important perfomance factors in my experience.
 If you take care of this, VM´s will run at about native speed.
 Good luck!

Anybody can tell how fast is qemu+kqemu compared to VMWare.

general question about jigdo, OS architectures and server load/space....

2006-12-17 Thread Michael Fothergill

Dear Debianists,

This may be a somewhat dumb question but it might have some merits so I am 
going to ask it.

From the postings on the list I have received so far I have learned some 

interesting facts about jigdo, Sarge, Etch i386 and Etch AMD64.

I am very grateful to everyone who responded for their time and patience.

I respect this.

If I understand it correctly upgrading from e.g. A Sarge DVD to Etch is with 
jigdo is pretty much pointless because there is so little overlap of common 
files between the two releases.

I seem to have confirmed this myself in practice when I scanned the two DVDs 
of Sarge 3.1 r4 under jigdo having read in the jigdo file for Etch RC1 CD 
image number 1.

I only found 23 or so files on both DVDs that were common to the 1200 or so 
files that jigdo says comprise the first CD image of Etch RC1.

So I have dumped the idea of bootstrapping an Etch RC1 download with jigdo 
and my Sarge DVDs.  It is a non starter.

However, it does seem as though Etch AMD64 does share a reasonable number of 
files in common with Etch i386...

My new question is this:

If you look on the Debian installer page you see that distributions of the 
OS for a variety of different architectures exist:

	[alpha] [amd64] [arm] [hppa] [i386] [ia64] [m68k] [mips] [mipsel] [powerpc] 
[sparc] [s390]

My question is this:

What degree of common files would exist between all or certain sub groups of 
these different architectures?

Would there be enough in either all of them or a subset that it might make 
sense to make a separate downloadable common iso file image or jigdo file 
set that you could downnload from one common server address and then get 
only the extra files needed to make up the entire distribution for the each 
specific individual architecture from its own server site address?

If so would this not save on server space allocation and download time?

My other question this is this.

Is the reason that the number of common files to be found when comparing the 
Sarge 3.1 release of Debian and e.g the Etch RC1 is very low a function of 
the fact that huge changes have been made across the OS?

Or is it that the underlying contents of a lot of files is identical to 
those found in Etch but they have been given different names or small 
changes have been made to them such that they are not absolutely identical 
any longer?

Is it possible that Lenny could be written in such a way as to maximise the 
reuse of identical files from the point of jigdo that are used in Etch in 
such a way as not to undermine the innovative progress and develolpment of 

Could all the architecture releases of Lenny be designed to make maximum use 
of jigdo in the  ways I am describing or would it be a beaurocratic 
nightmare or a waste of time with no benefit, or worse would it cock up and 
interfere with the development of Lenny?

If you think this a garbage idea feel free to say so.

I don't mind.


Michael Fothergill

It's Hotmail's 10th Birthday! Come and play Pass the Parcel  

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Problem removing package

2006-12-17 Thread Igor Guerrero


So I installed gtk-recordmydesktop. After the install the package didn't
configure. So now the package is update, it don't use pycentral now uses

This is the error when I want to install any application.Actually I cant
install any application :(

E: El paquete gtk-recordmydesktop necesita ser reinstalado, pero no se
encuentra un archivo para éste.
E: The package gtk-recordmydesktop needs to be reinstalled, but I didn't
found it a file for it.

Any idea?
:::lxuser 391715:::

Hang when exchanging media

2006-12-17 Thread andy

Dear Debian-List

I have stumbled across this a couple of times now, and think that I've 
been able to isolate the pattern. It certainly doesn't happen every 
time, but a few times now to become annoying.

Using Gnome desktop, I had a CD-ROM mounted and Gnome usefully creates 
an icon for the CD on the desktop. I had copied files from this location 
to another and then went to eject the CD using the right click on the 
desktop icon. The CD ejected but the system hung up: nothing except 
pulling the power cord out of the back of the box worked to make the box 
unhang. This has happened a couple of times when using music CDs too, 
but I didn't explore any error messages on those occasions so can only 
really say that it *appeared* the same problem, but couldn't swear to it.

This is a snippet of what I found in /var/log/messages just before the 
restart entry:

Dec 17 12:26:10 valhalla kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 17 12:26:10 valhalla kernel: hdc: rw=0, want=1393760, limit=1223288
Dec 17 12:26:10 valhalla kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 17 12:26:10 valhalla kernel: hdc: rw=0, want=1393732, limit=1223288
Dec 17 12:26:10 valhalla kernel: attempt to access beyond end of device
Dec 17 12:26:10 valhalla kernel: hdc: rw=0, want=1393736, limit=1223288

This carries on for several lines. Would I be correct in understanding 
this as the system still trying to read off of the CD even though it has 
been removed, which leads it to get caught up in an infinite loop?

How do I stop this from happening again? and, is this the best place to 
look for error messages of this kind?

Thanks for any help.



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odd error with jigdo,,,

2006-12-17 Thread Michael Fothergill

Dear Debian folks,

I have been using jigdo to download the Etch RC1 first DVD image. It worked 
OK until my internet connection was interrupted.

I fired it up again according the instuctions but no matter which ftp or 
http server site you put in for it to look for files to download I always 
get the same error message:

404 not found.


Connecting to ftp.uk.debian.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
02:04:39 ERROR 404: Not Found.

It does this over and over again very quickly repeating the aboce output.

It always connects on each server but always apparently can't find any of 
the files.  I think the files are there and the servers are working.

Something is wrong at my end...

jigdo sees the jigdo file for the DVD image and reads it in OK as far as I 
can see.  I press return to get past the CD/DVD scan because I am not using 

Suggestions welcome here


Michael Fothergill

Think you're a film buff? Play the Movie Mogul quiz and win fantastic 
prizes!  http://www.msnmoviemogul.com

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Re: file permissions

2006-12-17 Thread Freddy Freeloader

Brad Rogers wrote:

On Sun, 17 Dec 2006 04:56:30 -0800
Freddy Freeloader [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello Freddy,

all aspects of the tools available, but all users still have execute 
permissions there.

Why is this done?  I can't really see a good reason for it.  What am
I missing? 

I can't answer your query as such.  However, you are aware, I hope,
that not all users have /sbin in their $PATH?  So, even though all
users have execute permission, not all users can get at the directory,

I beg to differ.  From inside a regular user account run /sbin/ifconfig 
-a and see what you get.  By including the absolute path to the command 
you bypass the necessity of having the command in the user's $PATH. 

Not all ifconfig switches will work, but -a does.  Some tools located in 
/sbin will warn of permissions, such as parted, others will respond 
differently than parted and ifconfig, but a user can access the commands 
by just using the absolute path to the command.

Even though there are security measures in place, such as permission 
checking by the tools themselves, I'm still surprised that the entire 
world is given execute permissions. 

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Re: general question about jigdo, OS architectures and server load/space....

2006-12-17 Thread Wackojacko

Michael Fothergill wrote:

Dear Debianists,

This may be a somewhat dumb question but it might have some merits so I 
am going to ask it.

From the postings on the list I have received so far I have learned some 

interesting facts about jigdo, Sarge, Etch i386 and Etch AMD64.

I am very grateful to everyone who responded for their time and patience.

I respect this.

If I understand it correctly upgrading from e.g. A Sarge DVD to Etch is 
with jigdo is pretty much pointless because there is so little overlap 
of common files between the two releases.

I seem to have confirmed this myself in practice when I scanned the two 
DVDs of Sarge 3.1 r4 under jigdo having read in the jigdo file for Etch 
RC1 CD image number 1.

I only found 23 or so files on both DVDs that were common to the 1200 or 
so files that jigdo says comprise the first CD image of Etch RC1.

So I have dumped the idea of bootstrapping an Etch RC1 download with 
jigdo and my Sarge DVDs.  It is a non starter.

However, it does seem as though Etch AMD64 does share a reasonable 
number of files in common with Etch i386...

My new question is this:

If you look on the Debian installer page you see that distributions of 
the OS for a variety of different architectures exist:

[alpha] [amd64] [arm] [hppa] [i386] [ia64] [m68k] [mips] [mipsel] 
[powerpc] [sparc] [s390]

My question is this:

Ok I'll have a stab at this :)

What degree of common files would exist between all or certain sub 
groups of these different architectures?

As per my previous response the *all.deb are architecture independent.

Would there be enough in either all of them or a subset that it might 
make sense to make a separate downloadable common iso file image or 
jigdo file set that you could downnload from one common server address 
and then get only the extra files needed to make up the entire 
distribution for the each specific individual architecture from its own 
server site address?

This all depends on what people are downloading.  Over the entire 
package repository probably, but based on downloading the first 1 or 2 
cd's, the netinstall etc.  there may not be enough commonality to 
justify this.

If so would this not save on server space allocation and download time?

AFAIK, the file actually only exists in one location, the package 
list/template that you download tells apt/aptitude/jigdo etc where to 
find the package on the server.

As for download time, it may save some if you are installing across 
multi-arc in the same network/environment but given the number of 
packages in a common install ( I have 334 in my apt-cacher directory and 
use a pretty full kde desktop environment ) its unlikely to save all 
that much IMO.

My other question this is this.

Is the reason that the number of common files to be found when comparing 
the Sarge 3.1 release of Debian and e.g the Etch RC1 is very low a 
function of the fact that huge changes have been made across the OS?

Yes that's progress :)  There has been a change in the C++ api (I think) 
so the majority of the packages have to be recompiled to match this.

Or is it that the underlying contents of a lot of files is identical to 
those found in Etch but they have been given different names or small 
changes have been made to them such that they are not absolutely 
identical any longer?

See above

Is it possible that Lenny could be written in such a way as to maximise 
the reuse of identical files from the point of jigdo that are used in 
Etch in such a way as not to undermine the innovative progress and 
develolpment of Lenny?

This is more about jigdo/cd templates than development of lenny I think.

Could all the architecture releases of Lenny be designed to make maximum 
use of jigdo in the  ways I am describing or would it be a beaurocratic 
nightmare or a waste of time with no benefit, or worse would it cock up 
and interfere with the development of Lenny?

I am not a DD and don't know how difficult it would be to create the 
CD/DVD sets in the different ways you describe, but it may be worth 
investigating further.

If you think this a garbage idea feel free to say so.

I don't mind.

Not at all.


Michael Fothergill



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Install debian with floppy, usb no boot, no cd

2006-12-17 Thread phoenix
I try to search because I do not think to be the first having this
problem but I found nothing.

I have a portege 320ct, with floppy, usb no bootable, no cd.

I downloaded debian-31r4-i386-netinst.iso, then I created boot floppy
and extracted to usb the content of iso (also deploying in the root the
content of the floppy directory).

Then I boot from floppy, usb is recognized and loaded, installation
continues through usb and I always arrive to the same point (as when I
also created root  drivers floppies): installation wants to know where
is my cd. I hoped I would have been able to reach the installation
menu, to configure the network, to select packages, etc etc.

In other words, I'm not able to teach to the installation where the
netinst distro is.

I also create a bootable usb with syslinux, I copied the whole iso
file, I mounted the iso on the filesystem, but the menu is always the
same: it wants areal cd!.

Is there any hints?

Thanks a lot


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Re: flashplayer9? (Mystery solved)

2006-12-17 Thread Ron Johnson
Hash: SHA1

On 12/16/06 21:17, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 David Jardine wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 16, 2006 at 12:27:48PM -0800, Marc Shapiro wrote:

 Yes, but there are actually quite a few hidden configuration
 directories that are set with permissions of 700.  I can see that
 this prevents anyone else from viewing your configs, but I don't see
 a danger in that (viewing, but not changing).  I could just change
 all of them from 700 to 755.  Then updatedb would find them all and
 locate will actually get everything, until the next time that some
 program creates its config directory with a 700 permission.

 You might find that some programs (fetchmail is an example I can think
 of) refuse to run if permissions on the config files are not strict
 This is why I would prefer to simply change updatedb.conf so that
 updatedb runs as 'root' instead of as 'nobody'.  If no one can give me a
 good reason not to, then that is what I will do.

Security rule #2 : Don't run as root unless you *really* need to,
like touch the h/w.  Otherwise, use groups.

Instead of having slocate run as root, find out why ~/.mozilla/ is
set to 700.  BTW, mine is set to 700 also.  Probably because of

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Is common sense really valid?
For example, it is common sense to white-power racists that
whites are superior to blacks, and that those with brown skins
are mud people.
However, that common sense is obviously wrong.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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