Re: Installation debian

2006-12-31 Thread Xavier LAXAGUE


J'ai donc fait ce que tu m'as dit. J'ai installé le live-cd de kealla, 
téléchargé debian puis je l'ai gravé avec K3B.

Et là, c'est passé !!!

MAIS sur la suite de l'installation, j'obtiens le message :

!Configurer le réseau

La configuration automatique a échoué

Le protocole DHCP n'est probablement pas utilisé sur votre réseau. Il 
est également possible que le serveur DHCP soit lent ou que certains 
équipements réseau ne fonctionnent pas correctement

J'ai donc continué et j'étais obligé de configurer manuellement le réseau...
J'y ai mis une adresse IP bidon, un masque à, et d'autres 
informations dont j'ignore complètement l'utilité.

Ca a continué sans me poser de problème.
Il a ensuite fait un examen des disques pour le partitionnement. Et là, 
il est resté bloqué à 33%.

J'ai donc fait un Alt-F4 et je vois ceci :

kernel : program parted-devices is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please 
convert it to SG_IO

kernel : end_request : I/O error, devfd0, sector0
kernel : end_request : I/O error, devfd0, sector0
kernel : program parted-devices is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please 
convert it to SG_IO

Est-ce que vous croyez que je pourrai l'installer, un jour ?

BmailDB a écrit :

Le Samedi 30 Décembre 2006 21:35, Xavier LAXAGUE a écrit :


J'ai essayé la commande demsg mais ça va vraiment trop vite pour
que je voie quelque chose concernant le cd.
Je n'ai pas trouvé d'option pour afficher page par page.

J'ai fait Alt-F4 dès que le message est apparu. Voilà les deux
dernières lignes :
cd-rom detect : CDROM mount succeeded : device =
cd-rom detect : The available CD is not a Debian CD !

Jamais vu ça ! Peut-être parce que je n'ai jamais gravé de cd Debian 
avec Nero ...
Peux-tu booter sur un live cd (type Knoppix ou Kaella), télécharger 
une iso net-install et la graver avec K3b ?



Je crois que ça ne va jamais s'installer sur ce foutu PC.
Et pourtant, c'est pas l'envie qui manque !

En tous cas, merci beaucoup de m'aider.



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Disque dur non reconnu à l'install debian

2006-12-31 Thread guyyves

A l'install de debian testing je me trouve devant le problème de disque dur 
non reconnu. (Le cd d'install debian à moins d'une semaine)

Le disque dur est SAMSUNG 80 GO MP0804H de portable (Nitteo). Où trouver le 
module pour ce genre de disque dur? 

[HS] iptables: ICMP et limit

2006-12-31 Thread Le poulpe qui bloppe !


Je travaille actuellement mon script iptables.
Jusqu'a présent, j'etais en ACCEPT partout, et je forcais les drop de ce que
je ne voulais pas.
J'ai décidé d'etre plus propre et de mettre DROP par defaut, et d'autorisé
ce que je souhaite.

Mon serveur fait passerelle de mon rezo local:

  WEB -- eth0 --debian-- eth1 -- rezo local

Je travaille pour l'instant uniquement sur le ping.
Ce que j'aimerais, c'est que n'importe qui puisse me pinguer depuis
n'importe où (WAN et LAN).
Mais que losrsqu'une IP me ping, je reponde aux 4 premieres requettes, puis
plus rien pendant 10 minutes.

J'ai donc essayé le systeme de limit et limit-burst, mais c'est relativement
trop philosophique pour moi.
Je m'aide du book de rusty et aussi d'une traduction francaise d'un bouquin

pour mes test, je suis donc en DROP par defaut, et je mets ca:
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -i $IF_LAN -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -m
limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 5 -j DROP

Probleme: je suis incapable de pinguer.
Si je me mets en ACCEPT par defaut toujours avec la meme ligne, là je ping,
mais autant que je veux.

Note: mon pc client du lan est sous windows, donc ping par paquet de 32
octets. Mais meme en forcant ping à envoyer 1 octet par requette, cela ne
change rien.

Donc si une bonne ame arrive à m'expliquer comme à un gros debutant le
fonctionnement de limit, et de limit-burst, j'en serais tres reconnaissant.

Bonne fin d'année.

Re: Installation debian

2006-12-31 Thread Johann Läderach
Le dimanche 31 décembre 2006 12:55, Xavier LAXAGUE a écrit :

 Ca a continué sans me poser de problème.
 Il a ensuite fait un examen des disques pour le partitionnement. Et là,
 il est resté bloqué à 33%.

 J'ai donc fait un Alt-F4 et je vois ceci :

 kernel : program parted-devices is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please
 convert it to SG_IO
 kernel : end_request : I/O error, devfd0, sector0
 kernel : end_request : I/O error, devfd0, sector0
 kernel : program parted-devices is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please
 convert it to SG_IO
Boot avec la Kaella et fait le partitionnement depuis là. Peut être que cela 
va fonctionner. Fait un contrôle du disque. Il a peut-être des secteurs 

 Est-ce que vous croyez que je pourrai l'installer, un jour ?
Mais oui :-)


Johann Läderach
Rue du Château 1
1580 Oleyres

Re: Disque dur non reconnu à l'install de bian

2006-12-31 Thread CoolFox
Hash: RIPEMD160

guyyves wrote:
 A l'install de debian testing je me trouve devant le problème de disque dur 
 non reconnu. (Le cd d'install debian à moins d'une semaine)
Essayer malgrè tout de refaire la manip avec un autre cd (en ayant
controller le md5sum et en dl la netinstall depuis le site de debian.
 Le disque dur est SAMSUNG 80 GO MP0804H de portable (Nitteo). Où trouver le 
 module pour ce genre de disque dur? 
Sur la woody, on avait la possibilité de lancer l'install en précisant
le noyau par la commande bf26 ou linux26 ou expert26 (un truc ds le genre)
A tester donc pour vérifier si cela ne résoud pas le pbm.
Dernière solution lorsque l'install foire, faire un alt+f1 (ou autre Fn)
pour passer en mode console et voir quel est le message exact
correspondant au pbm.

- --
Cle GnuPG disponible sur (0x338F4E2F)

La vie c'est comme un concombre...
des fois tu l'as dans la main...
des fois tu l'as dans l'cul !

Paul Presbois (Poète avant-gardiste)
Version: GnuPG v2.0.0 (GNU/Linux)


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connecter 2 lan

2006-12-31 Thread Philippe

Bonjour la liste,

Avant toute chose je vous souhaite de bonne fete de fin d'année a tous  
et toutes.
bon j'ai encore un question a la con (je sais  mais promis pour  
l'année prochaine je fait m'ameliorer)

Je veux relier deux reseaux distant d'environ 25 km.
j'ai avec open vpn reussi a monter un vpn
avec les commandes suivantes

sur poste A
openvpn --remote ipwanrouteur --port 1194 --dev tun1 --ifconfig  
ippostelocal ippostedistant

sur poste B
openvpn --remote ipwanrouteur --port 1194 --dev tun1 --ifconfig  
ippostelocal ippostedistant

du poste a je ping le poste b et inversement seulement je ne peux ping  
que se poste comment faire pour pinger tous les poste du resau a ou b

Merci par avance


This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Re: Disque dur non reconnu à l'install debian

2006-12-31 Thread guyyves
Le dimanche 31 décembre 2006 14:08, CoolFox a écrit :
 guyyves wrote:


  A l'install de debian testing je me trouve devant le problème de disque
  dur non reconnu. (Le cd d'install debian à moins d'une semaine)

 Essayer malgrè tout de refaire la manip avec un autre cd (en ayant
 controller le md5sum et en dl la netinstall depuis le site de debian.


Merci pour ta réponse, effectivement je viens d'essayer l'install sur un cd de 
sarge et le module est bien présent. Je suppose qu'il me suffit maintenant de 
l'extraire de ce cd pour installer ETCH à moins qu'il existe une BDD comme 
pour les pilotes d'imprimante?

Je te souhaite d'avance une bonne année 2007.


  Le disque dur est SAMSUNG 80 GO MP0804H de portable (Nitteo). Où trouver
  le module pour ce genre de disque dur?

 Sur la woody, on avait la possibilité de lancer l'install en précisant
 le noyau par la commande bf26 ou linux26 ou expert26 (un truc ds le genre)
 A tester donc pour vérifier si cela ne résoud pas le pbm.
 Dernière solution lorsque l'install foire, faire un alt+f1 (ou autre Fn)
 pour passer en mode console et voir quel est le message exact
 correspondant au pbm.

 Cle GnuPG disponible sur (0x338F4E2F)

 La vie c'est comme un concombre...
 des fois tu l'as dans la main...
 des fois tu l'as dans l'cul !

 Paul Presbois (Poète avant-gardiste)

Re: connecter 2 lan

2006-12-31 Thread guyyves
Le dimanche 31 décembre 2006 14:47, Philippe a écrit :
 Bonjour la liste,

 Avant toute chose je vous souhaite de bonne fete de fin d'année a tous
 et toutes.

Merci, idem

 bon j'ai encore un question a la con (je sais  mais promis pour
 l'année prochaine je fait m'ameliorer)
 Je veux relier deux reseaux distant d'environ 25 km.
 j'ai avec open vpn reussi a monter un vpn
 avec les commandes suivantes

 sur poste A
 openvpn --remote ipwanrouteur --port 1194 --dev tun1 --ifconfig
 ippostelocal ippostedistant

 sur poste B
 openvpn --remote ipwanrouteur --port 1194 --dev tun1 --ifconfig
 ippostelocal ippostedistant

 du poste a je ping le poste b et inversement seulement je ne peux ping
 que se poste comment faire pour pinger tous les poste du resau a ou b

 Merci par avance


 This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Re: [HS] iptables: ICMP et limit

2006-12-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg


Le poulpe qui bloppe ! a écrit :

Je travaille actuellement mon script iptables.

C'est bien. :-)

Jusqu'a présent, j'etais en ACCEPT partout, et je forcais les drop de ce 
que je ne voulais pas.

C'est mal. :-p

J'ai décidé d'etre plus propre et de mettre DROP par defaut, et d'autorisé
ce que je souhaite.

C'est bien. :-)

Mon serveur fait passerelle de mon rezo local:

  WEB -- eth0 --debian-- eth1 -- rezo local

Je travaille pour l'instant uniquement sur le ping.
Ce que j'aimerais, c'est que n'importe qui puisse me pinguer depuis
n'importe où (WAN et LAN).

C'est bien. :-)

Mais que losrsqu'une IP me ping, je reponde aux 4 premieres requettes, puis
plus rien pendant 10 minutes.

C'est sage, quoique je trouve 10 minutes très long.

J'ai donc essayé le systeme de limit et limit-burst, mais c'est 
relativement trop philosophique pour moi.

Note que la correspondance 'limit' ne distingue pas entre les 
différentes adresses sources. Pour cela il faudrait utiliser la 
correspondance 'hashlimit' qui est supportée à partir d'iptables 1.3.0 
et du noyau Linux 2.6.10 (ou inférieur avec le patch 'hashlimit' du 

pour mes test, je suis donc en DROP par defaut, et je mets ca:
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -i $IF_LAN -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -m
limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 5 -j DROP

Probleme: je suis incapable de pinguer.

Normal : politique DROP par défaut + règle DROP seulement = DROP 
systématique. En fait il faut une clbie ACCEPT à cette règle.

Si je me mets en ACCEPT par defaut toujours avec la meme ligne, là je ping,
mais autant que je veux.

Même en lançant un nombre illimité de pings (option -t sous Windows) ? 
Il n'y a pas une autre règle qui accepterait ces paquets ?

Donc si une bonne ame arrive à m'expliquer comme à un gros debutant le
fonctionnement de limit, et de limit-burst, j'en serais tres reconnaissant.

La valeur de l'option --limit-burst signifie qu'initialement la 
correspondance est positive sur les n premiers paquets. La valeur de 
l'option --limit indique le nombre de paquets par unité de temps qui 
donnent une correspondance positive. Si le nombre de paquets effectif ne 
dépasse pas la limite, le limit-burst est progressivement rechargé 
jusqu'à atteindre sa valeur initiale.

Dans ton exemple, la correspondance est positive sur les 5 premiers 
paquets quel que soit leur rythme d'arrivée. Et en moyenne seuls 3 
paquets par minutes (en pratique un paquet toutes les 20 secondes) donne 
une correspondance positive.

Donc par exemple si tu envoies un ping par seconde :
- les 5 premiers passent,
- ensuite, un passe toutes les 20 secondes (3 par minute).

J'ai testé sur une Sarge :

iptables -A INPUT -i lo -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type echo-request \
  -m limit --limit 3/min -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP

$ ping localhost
PING localhost ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.302 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.190 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.177 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.183 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.186 ms
[les 5 premiers pings passent]
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=21 ttl=64 time=0.120 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=41 ttl=64 time=0.115 ms
64 bytes from localhost ( icmp_seq=61 ttl=64 time=0.127 ms
[1 ping passe toutes les 20 secondes (3/minute)]

En laissant passer 5x20 secondes sans envoyer de ping, le limit-burst se 
recharge intégralement et 5 pings peuvent à nouveau passer sans 
limitation de temps.

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Re: Installation debian

2006-12-31 Thread Xavier LAXAGUE
J'ai essayé ce que tu m'as dit mais en essayant de formater l'espace 
disque que j'avais réservé à debian, il me dit que la partition est déjà 
montée, merci de la démonter avant.

Je pense que kaella live l'utilise.

J'ai quand même pu formater la partie ext3.

J'ai essayé de relancer debian, la configuration du réseau a encore planté.

Et puis j'ai toujours le même problème. J'avais oublié de vous signaler 
un message que debian me donnait :

Device /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/taget0/lun0/disc has a logical sector size 
of 2048. Not all parts of GNU Parted support this at the moment, and the 

J'ai aussi retranscrit ce qui est en majuscule. Et c'est après ce 
message que ça s'arrête à 33%.

Bon, je crois que je vais arrêter cette aventure quelques temps et que 
je réessaierai l'année prochaine, pour voir si j'ai plus de chance.
Pour le moment, je vais voir s'il n'existe pas une version kaella qui 
s'installe sur DD parce que ça semble bien sympathique. La live rame un 
peu parce que mon lecteur CD ne va pas très vite.

Je vous remercie tous pour votre aide, et je vous souhaite un joyeux 
réveillon et le meilleur pour l'année 2007 !!!

A bientôt !
Je suivrai quand même cette liste, c'est très intéressant !

Johann Läderach a écrit :

Le dimanche 31 décembre 2006 12:55, Xavier LAXAGUE a écrit :



Ca a continué sans me poser de problème.
Il a ensuite fait un examen des disques pour le partitionnement. Et là,
il est resté bloqué à 33%.

J'ai donc fait un Alt-F4 et je vois ceci :

kernel : program parted-devices is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please
convert it to SG_IO
kernel : end_request : I/O error, devfd0, sector0
kernel : end_request : I/O error, devfd0, sector0
kernel : program parted-devices is using a deprecated SCSI ioctl, please
convert it to SG_IO


Boot avec la Kaella et fait le partitionnement depuis là. Peut être que cela 
va fonctionner. Fait un contrôle du disque. Il a peut-être des secteurs 

Est-ce que vous croyez que je pourrai l'installer, un jour ?

Mais oui :-)


Johann Läderach
Rue du Château 1
1580 Oleyres


Lisez la FAQ de la liste avant de poser une question :   
Vous pouvez aussi ajouter le mot ``spam'' dans vos champs From et


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [HS] iptables: ICMP et limit

2006-12-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

Jusqu'a présent, j'etais en ACCEPT partout, et je forcais les drop de 
ce que je ne voulais pas.

C'est mal. :-p
Raison : si on oublie d'interdire quelque chose, ça ne se verra pas 
forcément et il y aura un trou.

J'ai décidé d'etre plus propre et de mettre DROP par defaut, et 
d'autorisé ce que je souhaite.

C'est bien. :-)
Raison : si on oublie d'accepter quelque chose, ça va finir par se voir 
à l'usage.

pour mes test, je suis donc en DROP par defaut, et je mets ca:
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -i $IF_LAN -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -m
limit --limit 3/minute --limit-burst 5 -j DROP

Détail qui m'avait échappé, le type ICMP echo-reply est la réponse au 
ping, donc cette règle s'applique aux paquets de réponse au ping et non 
de requête. Je ne pense pas que ce soit ce que tu souhaites.

Un dernier complément : il peut être souhaitable de limiter aussi la 
taille des paquets de ping (correspondance length). Pour un simple 
test de connectivité IP, pas besoin d'envoyer un ping de 1500 octets. 
Cependant ça peut être utile dans certains cas particuliers pour 
débugger des problèmes vicieux de MTU.

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Re: Installation debian

2006-12-31 Thread Klaus Becker
Am Sonntag, 31. Dezember 2006 15:30 schrieb Xavier LAXAGUE:
 Pour le moment, je vais voir s'il n'existe pas une version kaella qui
 s'installe sur DD parce que ça semble bien sympathique. La live rame un
 peu parce que mon lecteur CD ne va pas très vite.

Knoppix 5.1 vient de sortir, ça a l'air très bien. Sur par ex


Re: connecter 2 lan

2006-12-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg


Philippe a écrit :

j'ai avec open vpn reussi a monter un vpn
avec les commandes suivantes

sur poste A
openvpn --remote ipwanrouteur --port 1194 --dev tun1 --ifconfig  
ippostelocal ippostedistant

sur poste B
openvpn --remote ipwanrouteur --port 1194 --dev tun1 --ifconfig  
ippostelocal ippostedistant

du poste a je ping le poste b et inversement seulement je ne peux ping  
que se poste comment faire pour pinger tous les poste du resau a ou b

Si les postes A et B servent déjà de passerelle par défaut pour les 
postes de leurs réseaux respectifs. Dans le cas contraire, il faut :

- activer le routage (/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward à 1) sur les deux 
postes A et B ;
- sur les postes du réseau A, définir une route pour le préfixe du 
réseau B avec l'adresse locale de A comme passerelle ;
- sur les postes du réseau B, définir une route pour le préfixe du 
réseau A avec l'adresse locale de B comme passerelle ;

Bien sûr il faut que les deux réseaux aient des préfixes différents.

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with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

problèmes avec dpkg / apt-get

2006-12-31 Thread Guillaume Membré


j'ai un soucis avec dpkg et je ne trouve pas de solution.
Je suis en debian sid.
voici mon source.list :
deb stable main non-free contrib
deb testing/updates main contrib non-free
deb sid main
deb testing main non-free contrib

Je possede une carte d'enregistrement video PVR 350 qui necessite
absolument un server Xorg 6.8.2 (le driver disponible a été compilé
uniquement pour cette version de Xorg) Cette tres vieille version de
X, qui marche tres bien soit dit en passant, me pose de nombreux lors
de mes updates : apt-get veut me le desinstaller a profit du nouveau
Xorg 7.
Je ne veux en aucun cas effectuer cette mise a jour sinon ma carte ne
marchera plus.

voici ce qui se passe :

apt-get install gedit

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
 libdrm2 libgtksourceview-common libgtksourceview1.0-0 libxau-dev
libxau6 libxfixes-dev libxfixes3 libxklavier10 msttcorefonts
python-gnome2-desktop x-dev x11-common x11proto-core-dev
x11proto-fixes-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-xext-dev xbase-clients
 xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-75dpi-transcoded xfonts-base
xfonts-encodings xfonts-utils xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core
 xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-input-evdev
xserver-xorg-input-kbd xserver-xorg-input-mouse
 xserver-xorg-input-wacom xserver-xorg-video-all
xserver-xorg-video-apm xserver-xorg-video-ark xserver-xorg-video-ati
 xserver-xorg-video-chips xserver-xorg-video-cirrus
xserver-xorg-video-cyrix xserver-xorg-video-dummy
 xserver-xorg-video-glint xserver-xorg-video-i128
xserver-xorg-video-i740 xserver-xorg-video-i810
 xserver-xorg-video-mga xserver-xorg-video-neomagic
xserver-xorg-video-newport xserver-xorg-video-nsc
 xserver-xorg-video-rendition xserver-xorg-video-s3
xserver-xorg-video-s3virge xserver-xorg-video-savage
 xserver-xorg-video-sis xserver-xorg-video-sisusb
xserver-xorg-video-tdfx xserver-xorg-video-tga
 xserver-xorg-video-tseng xserver-xorg-video-v4l
xserver-xorg-video-vesa xserver-xorg-video-vga xserver-xorg-video-via
 xserver-xorg-video-vmware xserver-xorg-video-voodoo
Suggested packages:
 python-gnome2-desktop-doc x-window-system-core x-window-system
mesa-utils xfs xserver libglide2 gsynaptics ksynaptics qsynaptics
Recommended packages:
 x-ttcidfont-conf xresprobe mdetect discover1 discover
The following packages will be REMOVED:
 artwiz-cursor lbxproxy proxymngr twm xfonts-base-transcoded
xserver-common xterm xutils xvfb
The following NEW packages will be installed:
 gedit libdrm2 libxau-dev python-gnome2-desktop x11proto-core-dev
x11proto-fixes-dev x11proto-input-dev x11proto-xext-dev
 xfonts-utils xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-input-all
xserver-xorg-input-evdev xserver-xorg-input-kbd
 xserver-xorg-input-synaptics xserver-xorg-input-wacom
xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-video-apm xserver-xorg-video-ark
 xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-chips
xserver-xorg-video-cirrus xserver-xorg-video-cyrix
 xserver-xorg-video-fbdev xserver-xorg-video-glint
xserver-xorg-video-i128 xserver-xorg-video-i740
 xserver-xorg-video-imstt xserver-xorg-video-mga
xserver-xorg-video-neomagic xserver-xorg-video-newport
 xserver-xorg-video-nv xserver-xorg-video-rendition
xserver-xorg-video-s3 xserver-xorg-video-s3virge
 xserver-xorg-video-siliconmotion xserver-xorg-video-sis
xserver-xorg-video-sisusb xserver-xorg-video-tdfx
 xserver-xorg-video-trident xserver-xorg-video-tseng
xserver-xorg-video-v4l xserver-xorg-video-vesa xserver-xorg-video-vga
 xserver-xorg-video-via xserver-xorg-video-vmware xserver-xorg-video-voodoo
The following held packages will be changed:
The following packages will be upgraded:
 libgtksourceview-common libgtksourceview1.0-0 libxau6 libxfixes-dev
libxfixes3 libxklavier10 msttcorefonts x-dev x11-common xbase-clients
 xfonts-100dpi xfonts-75dpi xfonts-75dpi-transcoded xfonts-base xserver-xorg
15 upgraded, 53 newly installed, 9 to remove and 732 not upgraded.
Need to get 30.2MB of archives.
After unpacking 9556kB disk space will be freed.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]?

Comment est ce que je peux verrouiller la mise a jour de certains paquets svp ?

Merci d'avance

Re: connecter 2 lan

2006-12-31 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Pascal Hambourg a écrit :

Si les postes A et B servent déjà de passerelle par défaut pour les 
postes de leurs réseaux respectifs

Décidemment je suis fatigué en cette fin d'année, au point de devoir 
reprendre chacun de mes messages (sans parler du nombre de fautes). :-(

Je termine ma phrase :
Si les postes A et B servent déjà de passerelle par défaut pour les 
postes de leurs réseaux respectifs, il ne devrait y avoir rien de plus à 

En fait, c'est faux. Il faut aussi définir sur les postes A et B une 
route vers le préfixe de l'autre réseau passant par l'interface tun. Je 
ne suis pas un grand spécialiste d'OpenVPN, mais il me semble qu'il y a 
une option pour créer une telle route automatiquement à la connexion.

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rediriger un certain repertoire sur du https quand on y va en http

2006-12-31 Thread Thierry B


Sur mon serveur debian avec phpmyadmin d'installer, j'aimerais sans 
definir de virtual host, pouvoir rediriger http://mon_ip/phpmyadmin vers 

Voila ce que j'ai tenté de rajouter dans le 
/etc/apache2/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf mais en vain lol:

Directory /usr/share/phpmyadmin/
AllowOverride All

Directory /var/www/phpmyadmin/
#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORTS} !^443$
#RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}/phpmyadmin/
AllowOverride All
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from 192.168.0.

Ce sont les lignes en # que j'avais rajouté, puis commenter, vu qu'il me 
met une erreur après cela.

Une idée? :-)

PS: et si je décide de mettre un .htaccess/htpasswd en plus, comment 
faire pour être sure qu'il fasse d'abbord la redirection veers https, et 
qu'ensuite, il demande le login et le pass?

Bonnes fêtes :-)

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Phone number acquired?

2006-12-31 Thread John Alanis
Hey guys,

A while back I ran across a website published by a men's magazine
that rate pick up women systems.  It was rather dated, but it did
have some interesting information, dating all the way back to Eric
Weber's How to Pick Up Chicks, published in the 1970's.

What was most interesting to me, however was how they rated these

A whole new approach to dating, women, and relationships that
allows me to choose my own relationships with women, anytime,
anyplace, anywhere, devoid of all heartbreak or misery, and I'm
convinced any man can copy what I'm doing, no matter your looks,
age, or income.  Why would any sane man reveal these secrets if
they were true?  To discover the answer go to right now.

What they did was spend a few days reading and studying each
system, then went out to the field to spring their new found
knowledge on unsuspecting women.  Then they would assign each
system a rating based on how successful they were.

Not a bad idea for a story, but there was one, fatal flaw in their
ratings method.  They defined success by whether or not they
acquired a phone number. 

That's a terrible way to define success with women.  In reality,
these guys were not rating attraction systems, they were rating
phone number getting systems.  Hey, that's great if your goal is to
collect a huge pile of paper with phone numbers in women's
handwriting, but if you actually want to have relationships with
women it's a terrible measure.

Getting phone numbers is easy.  You just ask.  Some women will give
a phone number, some won't.  Some will give you disconnected
numbers, some will give numbers they don't answer, and some will
actually give you their real number--but never answer or call you

The point I want to make is this:  acquiring contact information
from a woman is a very small part of the attraction process, and in
fact, the act of asking for one can kill attraction dead.  Why? 
Because losers and posers ask for phone numbers, and when you do
that, you're put into that category, even if she's initially
attracted to you.

The secret is to set up a meeting with her first, then exchange,
contact information, almost as an afterthought.  Then you meet
her and carry on the attraction process until you get your intended
result, whatever that is for you. 

The only way to measure success with desirable women is by whether
or not you get your intended results, and I'm pretty sure your
intended result is more than a stack of phone numbers.  

In my humble opinion, toilet paper is more useful than those.  Give
me a real, live, fun woman--that's the only way to measure success.

On with the fun

-John Alanis
The King of Let 'em Come to You

PS  Ready to attract desirable women quickly and easily?  Then go
 to discover how.

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By accepting and reading this, you agree to all of
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expressed herein, are for personal entertainment 
purposes only, and are not professional advice. You, 
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the age of 18, please go to the link at the end
of this email to stop receiving it immediately or send
mail to:

John Alanis
Art Of Steel, Inc.  
4404 W. William Cannon Dr. #P-166
Austin, TX, 78749 USA
512 892 8839 Phone  

4404 W. William Cannon Dr. #P-166
Austin, TX 78749

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convertir vcd en divx

2006-12-31 Thread Thierry B


J'ai un cd ou il y a plein de reps: cdi,ext,mpegav,segment,vcd donc je 
suppose que c'est au format vcd.

Y'a t'il un soft sous debian, pour convertir cela en divx par exemple?

Merci :-)

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Re: rediriger un certain repertoire sur du https quand on y va en http

2006-12-31 Thread Julien Valroff
Le dimanche 31 décembre 2006 à 16:20 +0100, Thierry B a écrit :
 Sur mon serveur debian avec phpmyadmin d'installer, j'aimerais sans 
 definir de virtual host, pouvoir rediriger http://mon_ip/phpmyadmin vers 

J'utilise des directives REDIRECT dans ce but :
Redirect /

Cela a même l'avantage de re-diriger l'utilisateur vers la bonne page en
cas de liens profonds.


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Re: rediriger un certain repertoire sur du https quand on y va en http

2006-12-31 Thread Thierry B

Julien Valroff a écrit :

Le dimanche 31 décembre 2006 à 16:20 +0100, Thierry B a écrit :


Sur mon serveur debian avec phpmyadmin d'installer, j'aimerais sans 
definir de virtual host, pouvoir rediriger http://mon_ip/phpmyadmin vers 


J'utilise des directives REDIRECT dans ce but :
Redirect /

Cela a même l'avantage de re-diriger l'utilisateur vers la bonne page en
cas de liens profonds.



Je viens de tester, mais le soucis, c'est que j'aimerais que cette 
redirection ne se fasse que si l'on demande du http, car sino il va me 
dire plusieurs fois si je veux accepter le certificat lol, et aussi 
faire en sorte qu'il reconnaisse l'ip de l'adresse pour la recopier cad 
que s'il voit http://xxx/phpmyadmin qu'il redirige vers 

C'est utle, car xxx peut-etre un nom de domaine désignant mon ip 
publique quand je tape cela de l'exterieur, ou bien de l'interieur, je 
vais par exemple, remplacer xxx par l'ip privée de mon serveur :-)

Merci :-)

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Re: rediriger un certain repertoire sur du https quand on y va en http

2006-12-31 Thread Julien Valroff
Le dimanche 31 décembre 2006 à 17:07 +0100, Thierry B a écrit :
 Julien Valroff a écrit :
  Le dimanche 31 décembre 2006 à 16:20 +0100, Thierry B a écrit :
  Sur mon serveur debian avec phpmyadmin d'installer, j'aimerais sans 
  definir de virtual host, pouvoir rediriger http://mon_ip/phpmyadmin vers 
  J'utilise des directives REDIRECT dans ce but :
  Redirect /
  Cela a même l'avantage de re-diriger l'utilisateur vers la bonne page en
  cas de liens profonds.
 Je viens de tester, mais le soucis, c'est que j'aimerais que cette 
 redirection ne se fasse que si l'on demande du http, car sino il va me 
 dire plusieurs fois si je veux accepter le certificat lol,
J'avais mal lu ton message, précisant que tu ne voulais pas de virtual
host. D'ailleurs, je ne comprends pas vraiment pourquoi.
En plaçant cette directive dans un virtual host *:80, il ne fera la
redirection que dans le cas où l'utilisateur est en http.

 et aussi 
 faire en sorte qu'il reconnaisse l'ip de l'adresse pour la recopier cad 
 que s'il voit http://xxx/phpmyadmin qu'il redirige vers 
REDIRECT le fait, c'est à cela que je faisais allusion en parlant de
liens profonds.


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Re: problème s avec dpkg / apt-get

2006-12-31 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le dimanche 31 décembre 2006, Guillaume Membré a écrit...

 Comment est ce que je peux verrouiller la mise a jour de certains paquets 
 svp ?

Tu peux utiliser dpkg :

dpkg --get-selections  fichier
Tu édites fichier, et tu mets les paquets désirés en 'hold', au lieu de
Puis tu renseignes dpkg par un :
dpkg --set-selections  fichier

Sinon, il vaut mieux utiliser aptitude, et il y a une option de menu
pour ce faire.


A.E.L. Sarl (R.C.S CASTRES 490843240)

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Re: Re: pivot_root: No such file or directory - po uaktualnieniu krenela z

2006-12-31 Thread Adam Byrtek
On Fri, 2006-12-22 at 10:39 +0100, =?UTF-8?Q? Linuks=20pytania ?= wrote:
 PS Co wy tam robicie w OSS Implementation Department?

Nie jestem z Comarchu, ale zakładam, że chodzi o:

Jeśli zakładałeś, że to Open Source Solutions, zły strzał :)


Adam Byrtek / Alpha
Każdy ideał w ciele jest trywialny - prawdy algebraiczne


2006-12-31 Thread Paweł Krzywicki
witam serdecznie !
na początek wszystkiego najlepszego w sylwestra i nowy rok.

mam taki problemik do rozwiązania mianowicie mam do wykonaniu df coś takiego
tmpfs   517288 0517288   0% /lib/init/rw
tmpfs   517288 0517288   0% /dev/shm

i pytanie dlaczego stworzyły się dwa systemy plików tmpfs, czy nie mozna tego 
jakoś ustawic aby to coś co z nich korzystało tylko z jednego systemu 
plików i co to jest wogóle jest to coś co specjalnie utworzyło sobie nowy 
katalog  /lib/init/rw i montuje tam tmpfs. czy to jest bezpieczne bo tak nie 
koniecznie mi sie podoba to rw co sugeruje tylko że mi ktos może jakiegoś 
bałaganu narobić. Jak widac te tmpfs dokładnie takiego samego rozmiaru są. 
Nie koniecznie wiem skąd to sie wzięło i dlaczego utworzyło się dwa razy. Jak 
ktos ma jakies sugestie prosze  o pomoc...


Etch Debian User: PawelatWartandotorg
kadu:3735326 Registered Linux User : 406139 |PLUG :1966491030
GnuPG | pub 1024D/2AAB159B
Home Page:

Re: Aos Membros da Lista Debian

2006-12-31 Thread Carlos Ribeiro

Pegando carona e Engrossando o coro, recebam meus votos adicionais de
que, a partir de amanhã, possam comprar ou ganhar novos computadores com o
que há de melhor em hardware no mercado, rodando o Debian de suas
preferências. E muito $uce$$o.


Linux-User: 183.572  Machine: 195.669
São Luís - Maranhão - Brasil

RE: Aos Membros da Lista Debian

2006-12-31 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 4 (akilo4)
Começo por desejar a cada um dos membros integrantes desta lista um FELIZ ANO 
NOVO em 2007. Que tenham um final de semana especialmente seguro enquanto 
conduzirem uma vez que muitas das celebrações de final de ano se estendem até 
altas horas da noite e involvem beber antes de conduzir, e que saiba e sejam 
determinados em escolher apenas uma das duas  OU CONDUZIR OU BEBER e nunca as 
duas coisas ao mesmo tempo.

Por favor sejam prudentes

Aquele grande abraco a todos vcs que participam desta grande lista Debian.


Francisco Álvaro 
Cabinda Gulf Oil Company 
Malongo Production Operations
GS-Kilo Plant Operator
Phone 2473/2904 - Room 2753  *  913-162650
B2B: Xavier, Manuel 
Weste Africa 
 Quem não investe na ciência, investe na ignorância 



[OTP] O menino e o cao

2006-12-31 Thread CABGOC - Malongo PR GS Kilo Operator 4 (akilo4)
 Um menino resolve chamar o seu cao de Cu. A mae chateada com o nome ,
da o cao ao vizinho. O pai chega e pergunta: Onde esta a mae? E o filho
responde: Foi dar o Cu ao vizinho. 
Moral da historia: Nunca dar o Cu ao vizinho porq mta coisa pode

Re: Compilar o kernel

2006-12-31 Thread tombs

Depois do make config, fui gerar o .deb e agora nao sei onde ele esta. Se é
que esta em algum lugar.  Output:

Brooklyn:/usr/src/linux- make-kpkg --revision=teste.1.0.kernel.image
exec make -f /usr/share/kernel-package/ruleset/ debian
== making target minimal_debian [new prereqs: ]==
This is kernel package version .
test -d debian || mkdir debian
test ! -e stamp-building || rm -f stamp-building
test -f debian/control || sed -e 's/=V/'\
   -e 's/=D/teste.1.0.kernel.image/g' -e 's/=A/i386/g'  \
   -e 's/=SA//g'   -e 's/=L/ /g' \
   -e 's/=I//g'\
   -e 's/=CV/2.6/g'   \
   -e 's/=M/Unknown Kernel Package Maintainer
   -e 's/=ST/linux/g'  -e 's/=B/i386/g'\
/usr/share/kernel-package/Control  debian/control
test -f debian/changelog ||  sed -e 's/=V/' \
   -e 's/=D/teste.1.0.kernel.image/g'-e 's/=A/i386/g'   \
   -e 's/=ST/linux/g' -e 's/=B/i386/g' \
   -e 's/=M/Unknown Kernel Package Maintainer
/usr/share/kernel-package/changelog  debian/changelog
install -p -m 755 /usr/share/kernel-package/rules debian/rules
for file in ChangeLog  Control  Control.bin86 config
rules; do  \
   cp -f  /usr/share/kernel-package/$file ./debian/; \
for dir  in Config docs examples ruleset scripts pkg po;  do   \
 cp -af /usr/share/kernel-package/$dir  ./debian/; \
test -d ./debian/stamps || mkdir debian/stamps
exec debian/rules  DEBIAN_REVISION=teste.1.0.kernel.image
nothing to be done.

Ai tentei:

Brooklyn:/usr/src/linux- make-kpkg --revision=1
--append-to-version=tombs kernel_image
I note that you are using the --revision flag with the value
However, the ./debian/changelog file exists, and has a different value
I am confused by this discrepancy, and am halting.

Bom, ja nem sei o que fazer.
Se alguem puder me ajudar...

Re: Compilar o kernel

2006-12-31 Thread Aprígio Simões
cara na boa, nao ha nada mais do pior vc compilar no metodo debian.
Isso te tira do conceito linux, e te prende muito a distro, o certo eh vc
compilar como manda no sobre o 2.6 caso vc venha pegar em
alguma empresa uma outra distro.segue os passos:apt-get
install gcc binutils make libncurses5-dev module-init-tools initrd-tools
patchtar jxvf linux- -C
/usr/srccd /usr/srcln -sf linux- linuxcd
linuxmake mrproper( para limpar as conf automaticas q sao
terriveis )make menuconfig( ae vc faz as opcoes do seu
kernel, como vc instalou o binutils vc pode tb fazer no servidor X com o
comando make xconfig, oq eh terrivel )DEPOIS DE FAZER AS OPCOES DO
modules_installcp arch/i386/boot/bzImage
/boot/vmlinuz- q vc ja esta no
/usr/src)cd /lib/modulesmkinitrd -o
/boot/img.initrd. lembrando que NAO EXISTE o
arquivo de setor de imagem do kernel que vc acoabou de compilar no /boot;
entao vc da TAB para completar o que vc tem la q eh o anterior e volta
alguns caracteres ae vc adciona a sua versao atual correspondente ao
arquivo que é a versao do kernel q vc compilou q foi criado apos o make
modules_install em /lib/modules )CUIDADO: ao criar o setor de boot
de imagem initrd pois existe um BUG que se vc dar o comando mkinitrd -o e
sem querer vc da um tar e completar com a  /  barra que
identifica que == é um diretorio ele vai da um bonito kernel
panic.coloca la no seu /boot/grub/menu.lstou entao na mao
mesmo no grub com a opcao E e depois B, e olha q o bash completion pega no
grub.E kernel compilado.LEMBRANDO: RETIRE as 2 opcoes de
GENERIC PCI IDE do seu kernel deixando somente a PCI IDE SUPPORT pq as
opcoes genericas so vao lerdar o seu server/desktop, coloca a opcao PCI
IDE SUPPORT e a IDE correspondete a sua placa mae.falowwFalloowww Bahh  Depois do make
config, fui gerar o .deb e agora nao sei onde ele esta. Se  é
 que esta em algum lugar. Output:  
Brooklyn:/usr/src/linux- make-kpkg 
--revision=teste.1.0.kernel.image  exec make -f
/usr/share/kernel-package/ruleset/ debian 
DEBIAN_REVISION=teste.1.0.kernel.image  == making target
minimal_debian [new prereqs: ]==  This is kernel package
version .  test -d debian || mkdir debian  test ! -e
stamp-building || rm -f stamp-building  test -f debian/control
|| sed -e 's/=V/' \  -e
's/=D/teste.1.0.kernel.image/g' -e  's/=A/i386/g' \ 
-e 's/=SA//g' -e 's/=L/ /g' \  -e 's/=I//g' \  -e
's/=CV/2.6/g' \  -e 's/=M/Unknown Kernel Package Maintainer  <[EMAIL PROTECTED] />/g'  \  -e 's/=ST/linux/g' -e 's/=B/i386/g' \ 
/usr/share/kernel-package/Control   debian/control  test -f debian/changelog || sed -e 's/=V/' \ 
-e 's/=D/teste.1.0.kernel.image/g' -e 's/=A/i386/g'  \  -e 's/=ST/linux/g' -e 's/=B/i386/g' \  -e 's/=M/Unknown
Kernel Package Maintainer 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED] />/g'  \ 
/usr/share/kernel-package/changelog  debian/changelog 
install -p -m 755 /usr/share/kernel-package/rules debian/rules 
for file in ChangeLog Control Control.bin86 config 
rules; do \  cp -f /usr/share/kernel-package/$file ./debian/;
 \  done  for dir in Config docs examples
ruleset scripts pkg po; do  \  cp -af
/usr/share/kernel-package/$dir ./debian/; \  done 
test -d ./debian/stamps || mkdir debian/stamps  exec
debian/rules DEBIAN_REVISION=teste.1.0.kernel.image  nothing to
be done.   Ai tentei:  
Brooklyn:/usr/src/linux- make-kpkg --revision=1 
--append-to-version=tombs kernel_image  I note that you are
using the --revision flag with the value  1.  However,
the ./debian/changelog file exists, and has a different value 
teste.1.0.kernel.image.  I am confused by this discrepancy, and
am halting.   Bom, ja nem sei o que fazer. 
Se alguem puder me ajudar...  Obrigadao  

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: problema em alternar tty com ctrl+alt+fN

2006-12-31 Thread Vinicius De Mario

Eddie wrote:

 Seria por acaso isso Alt+F1 tty1, Alt+F2 tty2, etc...
no grafico,  Ctrl+Alt+F1 tty1, etc...

Estou com o mesmo problema numa instalação recente (debian etch), 
Após a inicialização do ambiente gráfico, não consigo comutar para o 
console, usando CTRL+ALT+Fn, não sai do ambiente gráfico de jeito nenhum 
e se eu der CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE, trava, nem gráfico, nem texto.



with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Anacron job 'cron.daily'

2006-12-31 Thread Justin Hartman

Every day I get an email to my root account with the following error:

flock() on closed filehandle $lck at
/usr/share/apt-cacher/ line 121.
flock() on closed filehandle $lck at
/usr/share/apt-cacher/ line 123.

Not really sure (a) what this means and (b) how to rectify the problem.
Justin Hartman
PGP Key ID: 102CC123

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: new to debian but having installation problems

2006-12-31 Thread Mumia W..

On 12/30/2006 11:05 PM, Mike Myers wrote:


I'm new to debian, but not to linux.  I've been using Gentoo for the past 6
years or so, but I'm getting tired of having to make sure any new updates
aren't going to destroy my systems.  I'm just wanting a system I can use
instead of babysit.  So I was going to try debian out because of apt-get,
and the fact that it has releases instead of having major updates released
on live systems.

So anyways, I grabbed the netinst install cd and boot to it, only to find
out that it can't find my e1000 ethernet card...?  Is there some kind of
known problem with this card and the netinst cd or something?  I can use it
without any problems in Gentoo and windows.

Any help would be appreciated!

My advice, part 1: See if the e1000 is recognized when you boot with the 
linux26 boot option. That uses a more recent kernel that recognizes a 
little more hardware.

My advice, part 2: Use Etch. Etch is *far* more up-to-date than Sarge, 
and Etch will become the new Stable soon, and Etch certainly accepts 
more hardware than Sarge.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: John the Ripper in Etch?

2006-12-31 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 12:57:26AM +0100, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
   On Wed, 2006-12-27 at 02:22 -0500, Greg Folkert wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 27, 2006 at 01:16:49PM +0100, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
   I agree, but to be fair, it's a multi-part message, so your mail reader
   should be able to to only display the text/plain part. I only wish
   Evolution would support this :(
 sending HTML mail is denied in debian lists according to, however multipart
 messages are not mentioned there :(
 On 27.12.06 10:18, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
  what are you guys seeing? All I see is a two slashes surrounding the
  text, annoying, but not bad. I'm using mutt. Sometimes I'll see
  various html tags, but I saw none in that one.
 this was in original message header:
 body bgcolor=#00 text=#33ff33
 ifont size=+3font face=Blood Of Draculaperhaps it will have
 to be added in manually?br
 i think that IS coloring...

I'm not doubting you, I was just curious as mutt tends to ignore all
that stuff, or use l[iy]nks to output the html message as plain text
and didn't see anything to indicate that it was there. thanks


Description: Digital signature

Re: new to debian but having installation problems

2006-12-31 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 11:36:57PM -0600, Mike Myers wrote:
 On 12/30/06, Roberto C. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 11:20:41PM -0600, Mike Myers wrote:
  Thanks for the prompt response!
  I'm using the i386 netinst.  The ethernet card is an intel 1000gigabit
  ethernet pro.  When I boot to the cd and go into a second terminal,
 Anyways, I still have Gentoo on that machine, and lspci just tells me 
 it's an Intel 1000Gigabit Ethernet Pro.  I'm not at the machine now to 
 it verbatim, but it uses the e1000 driver in the kernel.  The install cd 

not sure exactly which 2.6.8 kernel is in the sarge install, but I
still have 2.6.8-2 hanging around and it has the e1000 module, so
probably a 'linux26' when booting the installer would do it. if not,
then the etch install definitely will.


Description: Digital signature

Re: update messages

2006-12-31 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 00:17:29 +, Digby Tarvin wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 11:37:01PM +0100, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
   So what puzzles me is why it is no longer in 'non-free', and if
   it was removed because of some objection to the licensing terms,
   surely there should be something documenting this??
  Are you quite sure it was in the official Debian archives? I can only
  find it in the non-free section on, and the
  package name seems to match.
  I also found this old bug from 2001, dealing with removing xv from the
  archive as distribution of modified binaries is prohibited.
 If so then I forgot to make a note of it, but I suppose in all the
 excitement of the initial install that is possible.
 Is there any way to check the origin of an deb archive in my

You could try

dpkg-deb --info /var/cache/apt/archives/name-of-the.deb

As far as I know there is no standard field to denote the origin of a
.deb file, but maybe you will find a clue somewhere, e.g. in the
Maintainer field.

You could also check if you can find the .deb on or
with a google search.


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Re: installing java (for limewire)

2006-12-31 Thread operator
/What was Your solution? I want to know.
Robert Epprecht wrote:

Sven Arvidsson [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


On Thu, 2006-12-28 at 20:15 +0100, Robert Epprecht wrote:

Now I have tried again on the *sarge* box:


muz:/tmp# alien jre-1_5_0_10-linux-i586.rpm
muz:/tmp# dpkg -i jre_1.5.0_10-1_i386.deb


That's not really a good idea. Either try to find backports of Java to
sarge, or use java-package to build your own version. It's not really
that hard.

good advice!

I had tried java-package already, but did not succeed.
Now I have found a backport and the problem is solved :-)

Thanks a lot to everybody who helped,


Re: /dev/dsp missing

2006-12-31 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 05:06 +0100, Benjamí Villoslada wrote:
 Right, but maybe some another programs need /dev/dsp ... such as mpg123?

mpg123 can use alsa, see the -o option.

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Looking for music player software

2006-12-31 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 00:27 +, Philistine wrote:
 I'm looking for a music player in Debian with some features, I
 did not yet find in the ones I tried (alsaplayer, beep,
 mp3blaster, quodlibet, rhythmbox, zinf). I did not try banshee
 (55.2 MB of additional disk space will be used) nor amarok
 (124MB...). What I would like to see:
 - most important: changing the speed without changing the pitch
 - using a second output or sound card for pre-listening
 - cross-fading
 - search by artist/title/genre and by ranking
 - nice to have: keeping track of intro/extro sequences
 - UI: GTK+ or plain terminal preferred


As you have some quite specific requirements, try looking for plugins to
add this functionality to one of the players. I believe at least xmms
and beep-media-player have lots of plugins available. 

As for using the second output or a second sound card, I think this can
be done with some ALSA trickery. 

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Unable to Unmount Flash Drive

2006-12-31 Thread Baz

Hello -

I'm getting the following error message every time I attempt to unmount my
USB flash drive.


Cannot unmount volume

The volume was probably mounted manually on the command line.


Device to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL

Contrary to the message, I didn't mount it manually on the command line.
It's been occurring now about a week.  Previously, there was no problem.  I
guess it's not a big issue just pulling it out, but I'd rather do it the
proper way.  Since it began, I've been going to Administration  Disk and
simply disabling it.


...heart and soulone will burn.
- Joy Division

Re: Looking for music player software

2006-12-31 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

John Hasler wrote:

Sebastian writes:

I hold Debian developers in high regard - and, was a bit incredulous that
he wasn't aware of Debian's own offerings...

Debian has tens of thousands of packages.  

...especially such a common application group as music players.

Some of us are not interested in music players.

What!? ;-)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

apache build

2006-12-31 Thread Andrew Critchlow
Hi eveyone, I am in desperate need of help to understand the configuration when 
using ./configure to install apache 2../configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache 
--enable-soI understand what the prefix does, its the module theory.From my 
understanding --enable-so, enable shared objects.So correct me if i'm wrong I 
can now, in the httpd.conf load a module via, for example:LoadModule 
php5_module modules/libphp5.soBut then there are commands such 
--enable-module=shared--enable-module=sharedWhat do each of these do?Why would 
I ever need this if I have used --enable-so ?I installed PHP using ./configure 
--enable-so and everything worked fine.Also where does apxs come into it 
all?When I configured PHP I used:./configure 
--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxsI don't really understand what this 
means?Many many thanks to anyone who can help with this!
 thanks for your timeandrew.

Re: Looking for music player software

2006-12-31 Thread Philistine
On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 06:52:41PM -0800, Baz wrote:
 You're a Debian developer - and, don't know music players?  

Fortunately, it's not a requirement for DDs to know all Debian
packages. I already mentioned, that I tried six players:
alsaplayer, beep, mp3blaster, quodlibet, rhythmbox, zinf.

 Nevertheless, I like VLC...

Does VLC fulfill the requirements I mentioned? E.g. how about
the first one?

 On 12/30/06, Philistine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  - most important: changing the speed without changing the pitch

I tried VLC but cannot find the speed/pitch control.

Thanks to Sven Arvidsson! I found the plugins SndStretch for
xmms and Scizzor for both xmms and beep. Both are not packaged.
They are easily compiled and at least SndStretch works fine.
There is also a crossfade plugin for xmms in Debian. The
drawback here is, that I'm not compatible with the UI of XMMS.
It looks like a burlesque of a car radio, not like a normal
program as e.g. rhythmbox.


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Re: installing java (for limewire)

2006-12-31 Thread Robert Epprecht
operator [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 /What was Your solution? I want to know.

sorry, if that was not clear enough from context:

I searched for a backport of sun java for Sarge (as the program
my children want to run was not happy with the free alternatives)
and installed that with dpkg:

dpkg -i sun-java5-bin_1.5.0-10-1~bpo.1_i386.deb

Depending the software already installed you might need to do (as root)

update-alternatives --config java


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Re: Looking for music player software

2006-12-31 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 13:11 +, Philistine wrote:
 Thanks to Sven Arvidsson! I found the plugins SndStretch for
 xmms and Scizzor for both xmms and beep. Both are not packaged.
 They are easily compiled and at least SndStretch works fine.
 There is also a crossfade plugin for xmms in Debian. The
 drawback here is, that I'm not compatible with the UI of XMMS.
 It looks like a burlesque of a car radio, not like a normal
 program as e.g. rhythmbox.


I know exactly what you mean. The UI of XMMS was one of the things that
made me go looking for another player, years ago.

My favourite is Rhythmbox, but it doesn't have all the features you

- Cross-fading is a work in progress. See

- I don't know of a plugin to change pitch. But there seems to exist
GStreamer plugins for this (the backend for Rhythmbox) so presumably
this functionality could be added. Maybe you could file it as a wishlist
plugin for Rhythmbox?

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: missing free space

2006-12-31 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:

On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 03:09:34AM +0200, ccostin wrote:

For this moment I don't run any qemu instace. But is somenthing similar.
When I test an example from php5-imagick  package
apache2 eat a lot of disk space (a bug ?) from tmp
Output from lsof


apache2   10673   apache   11u  REG3,2 28008
0   6161 /tmp/magick-XXuayBEU (deleted)

ls /tmp/magick-XXuayBEU
ls: /tmp/magick-XXuayBEU: No such file or directory

After restarting apache2 all things get back to normal, occupied
space is released.

No.  This is not a bug.  This is exactly the behavior I was talking
about.  The temporary file is created and then immediately deleted.  So,
it still takes up blocks on the file system, but du has no way of
counting those blocks since the file is gone, but it is in fact still
there since an open file descriptor exists to it.

Good explanation.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Clone root partition

2006-12-31 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Digby Tarvin wrote:

I did this only yesterday - but in my case I wanted a mirror
image of the entire system, not just the root partition.

The simplest most bullet proof procedure I could come up with was:
1.  dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/sda
2.  vi /etc/fstab in the copy and 1,$s/hda/sda/
3.	either 
	a. edit /boot/grub/menu.lst on the internal drive

to add a boot obtion passing the USB root to the kernel
b. if your host supports USB booting, update the boot sector
on sda to look for the stage 2 boot in the USB partition.

Could you expand on this piece? How do I update a boot sector on sda to 
look for the stage2 boot in the USB partition? Is this grub?


I used for first option, so am not sure if I have covered everything
required for a direct USB boot...

I booted using the USB copy and everything looked to be working fine.

Didn't use 'sync,noerror' in the dd operation because I count on having
perfect media, and if I don't I want to know about it!


On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 05:45:34PM +, T wrote:

I'm trying to compile a comprehensive document on cloning root partitions.
My immediate goal is to clone my current working Linux to external USB HD,
so that I can use it wherever I go.

By comprehensive I mean it should not be as simple minded as

  dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/dev/sda2


  cp -a / /mnt/point


  tar -p -m cf - / | (cd /mnt/point; tar xf - )

I know they work, but there are so many things have been left out. By
comprehensive, I mean I want to know all relevant things that need to be

For example for dd, let alone its rigid limitation, if you use it, at least
the 'conv=sync,noerror bs=4k' options should be used: sync,noerror just
means continue and zero fill any error blocks, bs=4k just writes 4k at a
time which will speed things up a lot. For cp, at least 'cp -ax' should be

But there are still much more to it. 

First, directories that don't need to copy over, like /tmp, /proc. With
modern Linux that uses udev, the /dev and /sys don't need to be copied
either. Anything else (besides distro specifics like /var/cache/apt/archives)?

2nd, the clone partition should be made bootable, by grub or lilo.

Anything else? Like the concerns of /etc/fstab...

Last, with all the above concerns, how to achieve them with various tools?

Keywords: tar rsync find cpio dd


PS. If you come across this message late, be it a week or even a month
late, please do comment, I hope this thread can be a one stop place for
people looking for concerns over cloning root partitions. 

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

soundjuicer and mp3

2006-12-31 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
Dear all

I am running sarge. How can I rip a CD into mp3 with soundjuicer? I need
gstreamer-lame, but I don't know how install it in sarge. I was looking
the archives, but without success.

Thanks in advance!


Marcelo Chiapparini

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: soundjuicer and mp3

2006-12-31 Thread Mathias Brodala
Hello Marcelo.

Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 15:29:
 I am running sarge. How can I rip a CD into mp3 with soundjuicer? I need
 gstreamer-lame, but I don't know how install it in sarge.

Try this:

  apt-get install gstreamer0.8-lame

After adding Marillat’s repository:

Just in case, this is my gstreamer pipeline:

  audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc vbr=0 bitrate=320 ! 

Regards, Mathias


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Looking for music player software

2006-12-31 Thread Philistine
Update: moreamp 0.1.19 seems to be very capable. It includes
pitch/tempo/speed effects out of the box. Again, not yet
packaged for Debian. The UI needs some work, but moreamp is most
promising so far.

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Re: apache build

2006-12-31 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
(Message reformatted for readability)

Note: Please fix your email program so it produces sensibly formatted

On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 01:20:02PM +, Andrew Critchlow wrote:
 Hi eveyone, I am in desperate need of help to understand the
 configuration when using ./configure to install apache 2.

Out of curiousity, why build from upstream?  Debian provides packages of
apache2 in both Sarge and Etch.

 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache --enable-so

That is a correct configure command for apache.

 I understand what the prefix does, its the module theory.  From my
 understanding --enable-so, enable shared objects.  So correct me if

That is correct.

 i'm wrong I can now, in the httpd.conf load a module via, for
 example:LoadModule php5_module modules/ But then there are

That is also correct.

 commands such as:--add-module=module_type:/path/to/3rdparty/mod_foo.c

That is used to statically compile a module in.

 --enable-module=shared and --enable-module=shared.  What do each of

These are the same and basically mean that the module is included as
part of the httpd source distribution and should be compile as an apache

 these do? Why would I ever need this if I have used --enable-so ?  I

If you used --enable-so, the first command (--add-module) might be used
because you want some modules linked statically no matter what, like
SSl, for example.  The --enable-module is used to add modules, like
rewrite, proxy, auth and others.

 installed PHP using ./configure --enable-so and everything worked

Why?  Are the Debian php5 packages not sufficient?

 fine.  Also where does apxs come into it all? When I configured PHP I

The apxs command is used by programs that compile against apache to
figure out certain things about apache, like which MPM it is using,
which directories contain the headers, etc.

 used: ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs I don't
 really understand what this means? Many many thanks to anyone who can

All it does is tell PHP where to find apahce's apxs since it is not in
your path.

 help with this!



Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: Clone root partition

2006-12-31 Thread Alejandro

Digby Tarvin wrote:

I did this only yesterday - but in my case I wanted a mirror
image of the entire system, not just the root partition.

The simplest most bullet proof procedure I could come up with was:
1.  dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/sda
2.  vi /etc/fstab in the copy and 1,$s/hda/sda/
3.	either 
	a. edit /boot/grub/menu.lst on the internal drive

to add a boot obtion passing the USB root to the kernel
b. if your host supports USB booting, update the boot sector
on sda to look for the stage 2 boot in the USB partition.

I used for first option, so am not sure if I have covered everything
required for a direct USB boot...

I booted using the USB copy and everything looked to be working fine.

Didn't use 'sync,noerror' in the dd operation because I count on having
perfect media, and if I don't I want to know about it!


On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 05:45:34PM +, T wrote:

I'm trying to compile a comprehensive document on cloning root partitions.
My immediate goal is to clone my current working Linux to external USB HD,
so that I can use it wherever I go.

By comprehensive I mean it should not be as simple minded as

  dd if=/dev/hda2 of=/dev/sda2


  cp -a / /mnt/point


  tar -p -m cf - / | (cd /mnt/point; tar xf - )

I know they work, but there are so many things have been left out. By
comprehensive, I mean I want to know all relevant things that need to be

For example for dd, let alone its rigid limitation, if you use it, at least
the 'conv=sync,noerror bs=4k' options should be used: sync,noerror just
means continue and zero fill any error blocks, bs=4k just writes 4k at a
time which will speed things up a lot. For cp, at least 'cp -ax' should be

But there are still much more to it. 

First, directories that don't need to copy over, like /tmp, /proc. With
modern Linux that uses udev, the /dev and /sys don't need to be copied
either. Anything else (besides distro specifics like /var/cache/apt/archives)?

2nd, the clone partition should be made bootable, by grub or lilo.

Anything else? Like the concerns of /etc/fstab...

Last, with all the above concerns, how to achieve them with various tools?

Keywords: tar rsync find cpio dd


PS. If you come across this message late, be it a week or even a month
late, please do comment, I hope this thread can be a one stop place for
people looking for concerns over cloning root partitions. 

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Dear Digby and all,

Suppose I have a production server with a /dev/sda disk and I mount a 
second disk /dev/sdb in order to clon sda to sdb (booting from a live 
cd). Sdb is the disk from a backup server (similar to the production 
server) I want to use when the production server fails.

After doing dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb I have to do 
something on /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst from the second drive 
when this second disk is on the backup server ?? Or nothing else to do 
in the second disk is OK to start the backup server ???

Really thanks and happy new year !!!


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GRUB problem?

2006-12-31 Thread Keith Willis


Here's a weird one...  I've noticed that as soon as the GRUB
boot-loader runs, I lose my DVD-RW drive.  It functions normally if I
jump into the BIOS setup at boot time, then ceases to respond the
moment GRUB runs, so that even if I boot into WinXP, the drive does
not show up.  Restoring the MBR makes the problem go away, so it is
definitely not a drive problem.

I can't see anything specifically about this at the GNU GRUB home
page.  Anyone have any ideas, please?

-- (not currently working)
PGP key ID 0xEB7180EC

Mapping version number to version name

2006-12-31 Thread Ottavio Caruso
Hi all, Happy New Year!

I know I can get my Debian's version number in /etc/debian_version
But how I map this to its name (Sarge, Potato, Woody)?

Thank you

Ottavio Caruso

I will not purchase any computing equipment from manufacturers that recommend 
Windows Vista™ or any other Microsoft® products.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: soundjuicer and mp3

2006-12-31 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 15:34 +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Hello Marcelo.
 Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 15:29:
  I am running sarge. How can I rip a CD into mp3 with soundjuicer? I need
  gstreamer-lame, but I don't know how install it in sarge.
 Try this:
   apt-get install gstreamer0.8-lame
 After adding Marillat’s repository:
 Just in case, this is my gstreamer pipeline:
   audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc vbr=0 bitrate=320 ! 
 Regards, Mathias

Hi Mathias,

thank you for your answer! My sources.list file has the Marillat

deb sarge main 

Now the output from aptitude:

marcelo:~$ sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.8-lame
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done
Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched
No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used.
Writing extended state information... Done
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Done
Reading task descriptions... Done

I am afraid that gstreamer0.8-lame is not in Marillat's sarge
repository... any suggestion?



Marcelo Chiapparini

Re: soundjuicer and mp3

2006-12-31 Thread Mathias Brodala
Hello Marcelo.

Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 16:27:
 thank you for your answer! My sources.list file has the Marillat
 deb sarge main 
 Now the output from aptitude:

Did you run „aptitude update“ before this?

Regards, Mathias


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: soundjuicer and mp3

2006-12-31 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 16:30 +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Hello Marcelo.
 Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 16:27:
  thank you for your answer! My sources.list file has the Marillat
  deb sarge main 
  Now the output from aptitude:
 Did you run „aptitude update“ before this?
 Regards, Mathias


I run update periodically. However, I ran aptitude update again now, and
I got the same result as before: Couldn't find any package whose name or
description matched gstreamer0.8-lame...

are you running sarge?



Marcelo Chiapparini

Re: soundjuicer and mp3

2006-12-31 Thread Mathias Brodala
Hello Marcelo.

Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 16:42:
 On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 16:30 +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 16:27:
 thank you for your answer! My sources.list file has the Marillat

 deb sarge main 

 Now the output from aptitude:
 Did you run „aptitude update“ before this?
 I run update periodically. However, I ran aptitude update again now, and
 I got the same result as before: Couldn't find any package whose name or
 description matched gstreamer0.8-lame...
 are you running sarge?

No, I’m running Sid. And indeed, there seems no such package for Sarge on d-m.o,
sorry about that. The packages are here[0], maybe they still work for you.

Regards, Mathias



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Freecom 27047 external HD

2006-12-31 Thread jdkaye10
Hi all,
I'm considering buying a Freecom 27047 external HD (400GB/Highspeed USB).
I'm running Debian testing with a 2.6.17 kernel. Although Linux is not
listed as a required OS, I don't see why this couldn't be used with Debian.
Does anyone have any experience in this area?
Any advice welcome.
Thanks in advance,

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Looking for music player software

2006-12-31 Thread marc
Philistine said...
 I'm looking for a music player in Debian with some features, I
 did not yet find in the ones I tried (alsaplayer, beep,
 mp3blaster, quodlibet, rhythmbox, zinf). I did not try banshee
 (55.2 MB of additional disk space will be used) nor amarok
 (124MB...). What I would like to see:
 - most important: changing the speed without changing the pitch
 - using a second output or sound card for pre-listening
 - cross-fading
 - search by artist/title/genre and by ranking
 - nice to have: keeping track of intro/extro sequences
 - UI: GTK+ or plain terminal preferred
 Things I do not care about:
 - any other media than locally stored OGG/MP3 files
 - mobile music player devices
 Is there such a program in Debian or at least in the free
 software universe? Many thanks in advance!

I would suggest giving Ableton a call and asking them to port Live! to 
Linux :-)

This is an interesting thread, and could I ask that you report back with 
your final solution when you get there.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: soundjuicer and mp3

2006-12-31 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 17:01 +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
 Hello Marcelo.
 Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 16:42:
  On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 16:30 +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
  Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 16:27:
  thank you for your answer! My sources.list file has the Marillat
  deb sarge main 
  Now the output from aptitude:
  Did you run „aptitude update“ before this?
  I run update periodically. However, I ran aptitude update again now, and
  I got the same result as before: Couldn't find any package whose name or
  description matched gstreamer0.8-lame...
  are you running sarge?
 No, I’m running Sid. And indeed, there seems no such package for Sarge on 
 sorry about that. The packages are here[0], maybe they still work for you.
 Regards, Mathias

Thank you very much for the link! I have tried to install the package
gstreamer0.8-lame_0.8.12-0.2_i386.deb, but it depens on a bunch of other
packages which versions in sarge are too old :(. I will continue to use
grip in order to rip mp3... and wait for etch to use soundjuicer...

Thanks again and have a happy new year!


Marcelo Chiapparini

multiple network cards and dns

2006-12-31 Thread Andrew Critchlow
When you have 2 network cards in use with debian with DNS server configured on 
each which one does it choose to query for an address?
Is configuring 2 network cards on debian as simple as configuring one card?
thanks everyone.

apt-get dist-upgrade failes on ssh

2006-12-31 Thread fvassem

I seem to have the same problem and I am not to familiar with the dpkg command.

Can you give me the correct syntax for the dpkg command to install 
openssh-client and server with the --force-all option?

Thanks in advance!

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nautilus,udev 3 Question

2006-12-31 Thread E0x

i am use Sid a few week ago the icons of partitions don't show anymore in
nautilus or desktop of gnome ( AFAIK nautilus control the desktop icons ) if
you mount  usb storage device the icon show up but the other partition not ,
even in place menu of gnome
so somebody know what happen with is a bug ? a feature ? anyway way to get
back  ?

second question , i have a usb storage device ( external enclosure disk of
2.5 ) with a fat32 file system , i set a volumen name in windows DATA
when i connect it to my Debian box it is mount with the volumen name DATA
so is posible get the same way for example my sata disk with XFS that
nautilus read the volumen name .

third question anybody can guide me for get this with udev+hal or whatever
is in that process: i want get all disk that is not specific in the
/etc/fsfab mounted and try reading the volumen name ( read the second
question  ) and mount with that name and with the same permission that get a
USB storage device with you mount it


Re: soundjuicer and mp3

2006-12-31 Thread Nigel Henry
On Sunday 31 December 2006 16:42, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
 On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 16:30 +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
  Hello Marcelo.
  Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 16:27:
   thank you for your answer! My sources.list file has the Marillat
   deb sarge main
   Now the output from aptitude:
  Did you run „aptitude update“ before this?
  Regards, Mathias


 I run update periodically. However, I ran aptitude update again now, and
 I got the same result as before: Couldn't find any package whose name or
 description matched gstreamer0.8-lame...

 are you running sarge?



Out of interest I've just added Marillats repo to my Etch install. I don't use 
aptitude, but apt-get, and synaptic. There is a gstreamer-lame there, but it 
is version gstreamer0.10-lame, which is the same version as all the other 
gstreamer stuff on the list.


Re: new to debian but having installation problems

2006-12-31 Thread Mike Myers

On 12/31/06, Andrew Sackville-West [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 11:36:57PM -0600, Mike Myers wrote:
 On 12/30/06, Roberto C. Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 11:20:41PM -0600, Mike Myers wrote:
  Thanks for the prompt response!
  I'm using the i386 netinst.  The ethernet card is an intel
  ethernet pro.  When I boot to the cd and go into a second terminal,

 Anyways, I still have Gentoo on that machine, and lspci just tells me
 it's an Intel 1000Gigabit Ethernet Pro.  I'm not at the machine now to
 it verbatim, but it uses the e1000 driver in the kernel.  The install cd

not sure exactly which 2.6.8 kernel is in the sarge install, but I
still have 2.6.8-2 hanging around and it has the e1000 module, so
probably a 'linux26' when booting the installer would do it. if not,
then the etch install definitely will.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Thanks for the tips!  I downloaded the etch cd and it detected my card and
installed fine.  The only issue now is getting the nvidia driver installed.
The 'nv' driver doesn't work with my widescreen display at all.  It looks
like to do this, I need to have a custom kernel so the driver from nvidia
can build a module for it.  Might there be an easier way to do this?

Re: soundjuicer and mp3

2006-12-31 Thread Nigel Henry
On Sunday 31 December 2006 18:17, Nigel Henry wrote:
 On Sunday 31 December 2006 16:42, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
  On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 16:30 +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
   Hello Marcelo.
   Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 16:27:
thank you for your answer! My sources.list file has the Marillat
deb sarge main
Now the output from aptitude:
   Did you run „aptitude update“ before this?
   Regards, Mathias
  I run update periodically. However, I ran aptitude update again now, and
  I got the same result as before: Couldn't find any package whose name or
  description matched gstreamer0.8-lame...
  are you running sarge?

 Out of interest I've just added Marillats repo to my Etch install. I don't
 use aptitude, but apt-get, and synaptic. There is a gstreamer-lame there,
 but it is version gstreamer0.10-lame, which is the same version as all the
 other gstreamer stuff on the list.


Apologies for replying to myself, but further down synaptics list is 

I know I'm not in Sarge at the moment, so can't check out if it's available 
there.  It may be worth checking that you have no typo 
in /etc/apt/sources.list for the Marillat repo, and that the key is installed 


Re: Making hotplugging my camera work

2006-12-31 Thread Wayne Topa
Alan Chandler([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
 On Saturday 30 December 2006 19:32, Paul E Condon wrote:
  On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 10:04:01AM +, Alan Chandler wrote:
   Can someone explain the processes that occur when I hot plug my
   camera in and kde pops up a dialog asking whether I want to
   download to digiKam, or open in a new window.
  I'm not an expert, but this may help:
  Cameras handle off-loading pictures in two different ways. The more
  fancy cameras have special proprietary protocols for data transfer,
  and give the user/owner special control options, but they require
  specialized software. Less expensive cameras simply fake a $soft FAT
  file system and let you use the file copy functions of your computer
  to grab the pictures. Part of digikam is a collection of cloned
  drivers for the expensive cameras.
 You misunderstand my question.
 I understand all that.  However, when I plug my camera in, KDE pops up a 
 dialog box saying new hardware found what you you like to do.  One 
 choice is to use digikam.
 In the past when this has happened (with cameras which emulate usb mass 
 storage and therefore do not need special drivers) digikam has put up a 
 dialog box with thumbnails of all pictures in the camera, and an offer 
 to select and download these into an album.
 With my new camera (which has this same support) it fails whilst trying 
 what show pictures it has in the camera.  The udev-hal-dbus chain is 
 not working correctly because the mount point /media/sdg1 does not seem 
 to have been created.
 Furthermore - when I try and use udev to make the camera device 
 have /dev/camera as its device, kde's dialog box pops up the first time 
 after a reboot when I plug the device in, but not again when I unplug 
 it and plug it in again.  If I do not have a udev rule to alter things 
 it does pop up a dialog box every time.
 In order to debug and track down what is not working, I am asking how 
 the udev-hal-dbus chain interacts with kde and digikam, and where to 
 look for configuration parameters so I can figure out what is not 
 working due to configuration problems and what might be a bug in kde 
 (or hal ...).

This may not apply to you, as you didn't say what version of digikam or
Debian, your running, but I have a problem like yours with version 
0.9.0~beta3-3 of digikan on a testing box.

Prior to this version it found, and used, my Kodak CX-4230 without any
problem.  Now it can't access it.

As I got my wife a new Qlympus FE-130 for Xmas, I tried to see if this
version worked with it, and it didn't, so I booted my Sid box which
uses digikam_2%3a0.8.2-3_i386.deb.  It does not yet, handle the
Olympus, but the Kodak is again working as usual on this version of

I have noticed that, in almost every new version of digikan, something
that worked before, doesn't in the new version.  So much so that I am
trying to find something to replace it and had not used it for months,
prior to getting the Olympus.  

:-) HTH, YMMV, HAND  New Year :-)

DOS Tip #2: Add BUGS=OFF to your CONFIG.SYS

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: update messages

2006-12-31 Thread Digby Tarvin
On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 04:59:40PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
 Digby Tarvin wrote:
  So what puzzles me is why it is no longer in 'non-free', and if
  it was removed because of some objection to the licensing terms,
  surely there should be something documenting this?
 It may have been removed simply because no one was willing to maintain it
 any more.  That often happens when a non-free package ceases to provide any
 functionality not available in a Free package.
 John Hasler

Its not so much the removal of a package that disturbs me - it is
the apparent lack of warning or explanation.

It makes me rather reluctant to upgrade if some package that I have
come to rely on might unexpectedly disappear - perhaps unnoticed
until it is urgently needed...

Another package I just noticed is missing since my dist-upgrade is
xlockmore. I searched and all I found was
what looks like an automated logging of the fact that the package
is gone - no reason or dialogue that I can see:

Is there some mailing list I should be on to receive warnings about
packages being considered for removal (assuming the disappearance
was intentional)? 

Digby R. S. Tarvin  digbyt(at)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Looking for music player software

2006-12-31 Thread Mark Grieveson
 I'm looking for a music player in Debian with some features, I
 did not yet find in the ones I tried

xmms gives some additional options for playing music, such as an
equalizer.  Also, a good website for finding music applications is


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: update messages

2006-12-31 Thread Digby Tarvin
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 11:56:07AM +0100, Florian Kulzer wrote:
  Is there any way to check the origin of an deb archive in my
 You could try
 dpkg-deb --info /var/cache/apt/archives/name-of-the.deb
 As far as I know there is no standard field to denote the origin of a
 .deb file, but maybe you will find a clue somewhere, e.g. in the
 Maintainer field.

Here is what it says:
 new debian package, version 2.0.
 size 471666 bytes: control archive= 1534 bytes.
 752 bytes,15 lines  control  
1300 bytes,22 lines  md5sums  
 351 bytes,12 lines   *  postinst #!/bin/sh
 293 bytes, 8 lines   *  postrm   #!/bin/sh
 Package: xv
 Version: 3.10a-1duo+etch1
 Section: non-free/graphics
 Priority: optional
 Architecture: i386
 Depends: libc6 (= 2.3.5-1), libjpeg62, libpng12-0 (= 1.2.8rel), libtiff4, 
libx11-6, zlib1g (= 1:1.2.1)
 Suggests: xv-doc, gs
 Installed-Size: 1156
 Maintainer: Fabian Greffrath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Description: An image viewer and manipulator for the X Window System
  xv is an interactive image manipulation program for the X Window System. It
  can operate on images in the GIF, JPEG, TIFF, PBM, PGM, PPM, XPM, X11 bitmap,
  Sun Rasterfile, Targa, RLE, RGB, BMP, PCX, FITS, and PM formats on all known
  types of X displays. It can generate PostScript files, and if you have
  ghostscript installed on your machine, it can also display them.

Looks consistent with Debian 'non-free' to me. 

 You could also check if you can find the .deb on or
 with a google search.

I have tried google, and whilest I have found the same deb package
that I have (or derivatives) elsewhere, I haven't found any explanation
as to why its gone - though I did find one site mirroring it because
'debian hates XV'...??

Digby R. S. Tarvin  digbyt(at)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Missing packages (was Re: update messages)

2006-12-31 Thread Digby Tarvin
Further to the loss of 'xv', 'xearth' and 'xlock' after my recent
'apt-get dist-upgrade' of my etch system

I tried adding
deb etch main contrib non-free 

To my '/etc/apt/sources.list', and this does give me an 'xv' package to
try to install. However when I attempt to do so I get:
fujitsu:/etc/apt# apt-get install xv
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies.
  xv: Depends: libx11-6 but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages

Which looks reasonable enough if there is an unsatisfied dependency,
fujitsu:/etc/apt# apt-get install libx11-6
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
libx11-6 is already the newest version.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 14 not upgraded.

Which leaves me thinking that apt-get hasn't really provided a
sufficient explanation of why the installation couldn't be

Could it be that the message is just misleading and it really meant
that libx11-6 is an incompatable version rather than simply not

If it is a library version problem, then I assume the best
solution is to find and install a debian source package for
this application?

Digby R. S. Tarvin  digbyt(at)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Thinkpad] Unable to Unmount Flash Drive

2006-12-31 Thread John Serafin
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 04:06:20AM -0800, Baz wrote:
 Hello -
 I'm getting the following error message every time I attempt to unmount my
 USB flash drive.
 Cannot unmount volume
 The volume was probably mounted manually on the command line.
 Device to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL
 Contrary to the message, I didn't mount it manually on the command line.
  It's been occurring now about a week.  Previously, there was no problem.  I
 guess it's not a big issue just pulling it out, but I'd rather do it the
 proper way.  Since it began, I've been going to Administration  Disk and
 simply disabling it.

Some process has its current working directory on the flash drive or
some application has a file on the flash drive open.

the process needs to change its current working directory off the drive
or the application needs to close the file.

The QWERTY keyboard layout was designed to slow typing.
John P. Serafin  |  Operating a bicycle is more like driving than riding.
jps at pobox com |  Operating an automobile is more like riding than driving.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Mapping version number to version name

2006-12-31 Thread Gary Roach

Ottavio Caruso wrote:

Hi all, Happy New Year!

I know I can get my Debian's version number in /etc/debian_version
But how I map this to its name (Sarge, Potato, Woody)?

Thank you

Happy New Year to You too.

There is a list of releases with numbers at
but the list stops at 3. something. Im using testing and my release # is 
4.0 . I hope this helps some.


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: update messages

2006-12-31 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 17:37 +, Digby Tarvin wrote:
 Here is what it says:
  Maintainer: Fabian Greffrath [EMAIL PROTECTED]

That says it all, doesn't it?

 I have tried google, and whilest I have found the same deb package
 that I have (or derivatives) elsewhere, I haven't found any explanation
 as to why its gone - though I did find one site mirroring it because
 'debian hates XV'...??

Didn't you see my link to the bug report about the removal, in an
earlier message in the thread?

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Perl Programming within Debian

2006-12-31 Thread Greg Folkert
On Sat, 2006-12-30 at 20:22 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 * s. keeling [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006 Dec 30 20:14 -0600]:
PERL style has changed radically over the years as has its usage 
(PERL==PErsonal Report Language and who uses it for this nowadays?). 
  Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
 Or, Practical Extraction and Report Language (per the man page)
  Positively Eclectic Rubbish Lister
 Or, Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister (per the Camel Book)

I see, you don't read this list totally. (You or Keeling)

Perl is Perl, nothing else. Even though the man page says so... Or the
Camel Book or whatever.

I've been admonished by Perl core team members and Perl Monks and many
from the Perl mailing lists.

The technology that is
Stronger, better, faster:  Linux

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

multi-gnome-terminal alternative

2006-12-31 Thread Jerome BENOIT

Hello List,

I have just tried Multi-Gnome-Terminal on my new x86_64 box:
it appears the terminal is filled with arbitrary caracters
[ bug #345504 

Is there any good alternative, patches or workarounds ?

Thanks in advance,


with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Making hotplugging my camera work

2006-12-31 Thread Alan Chandler
On Sunday 31 December 2006 02:02, Wayne Topa wrote:

 This may not apply to you, as you didn't say what version of digikam
 or Debian, your running, but I have a problem like yours with version
 0.9.0~beta3-3 of digikan on a testing box.

I am running debian SID

 Prior to this version it found, and used, my Kodak CX-4230 without
 any problem.  Now it can't access it.

 As I got my wife a new Qlympus FE-130 for Xmas, I tried to see if
 this version worked with it, and it didn't, so I booted my Sid box
 which uses digikam_2%3a0.8.2-3_i386.deb.  It does not yet, handle the
 Olympus, but the Kodak is again working as usual on this version of

Yes - same version as me

My Olympus C-745UZ works fine using the mass storage driver.

 I have noticed that, in almost every new version of digikan,
 something that worked before, doesn't in the new version.  So much so
 that I am trying to find something to replace it and had not used it
 for months, prior to getting the Olympus.

My Casio is one that is of the USB mass storage type (ie it doesn't need 
a special driver). If I set things up manually that works fine.

What I am talking about is the automatic recognition when you plug them 

I know this thread is drifting towards the photo packages on kde or 
gnome, but I suspect the problem could be with the interaction with 
udev/hal and the application.

Somewhere (and this is what I am finding hard to find) hal should have 
the device properties for the camera.  It should know its a camera and 
that its has storage of type mass storage.

Yet - if I do 

lshal | grep 'camera'

when the camera is plugged I don't get any lines that match.  That seems 
wrong - indeed, I sort of expect behind the scenes for hal to mount the 
device on /media/camera (or something similar - perhaps /media/sdg1, 
since /dev/sdg1 is the camera's picture partition).

On the otherhand - kde knows to suggest digikam as a potential 
application, so its getting the fact it is a camera from somewhere

There seems some random hal policy file in /etc/hal and some more what 
looks like configuration files in /usr/share/hal

But I cant find any information about which is the right place for me to 
add the information about 

 :-) HTH, YMMV, HAND  New Year :-)


 DOS Tip #2: Add BUGS=OFF to your CONFIG.SYS

Alan Chandler

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: apt-get dist-upgrade failes on ssh

2006-12-31 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 05:57:47PM +0100, fvassem wrote:
 I seem to have the same problem and I am not to familiar with the dpkg 
 Can you give me the correct syntax for the dpkg command to install 
 openssh-client and server with the --force-all option?

the command is 

dpkg -i --force-all /path/to/openssh=client.deb

the .deb is probably located in /var/cache/apt/archives

don't do this lightly. forcing things can break them. find out why its
doing it and make sure you understand the risks before you issue that


Description: Digital signature

Re: multi-gnome-terminal alternative

2006-12-31 Thread Jhair Tocancipa Triana
Jerome BENOIT writes:

 Hello List,
 I have just tried Multi-Gnome-Terminal on my new x86_64 box:
 it appears the terminal is filled with arbitrary caracters
 [ bug #345504 

I can reproduce this with

Package: multi-gnome-terminal
Version: 1.6.2-13
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
Locale: LANG=en_US.ISO-8859-15, LC_CTYPE=en_US.ISO-8859-15 (charmap=ISO-8859-15)

 Is there any good alternative, patches or workarounds ?

Maybe set the bug severity to critical? The program is unusable and
not suitable for release.

-- Jhair

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Perl Programming within Debian

2006-12-31 Thread Tyler MacDonald
Greg Folkert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
  Or, Practical Extraction and Report Language (per the man page)
   Positively Eclectic Rubbish Lister
  Or, Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister (per the Camel Book)
 I see, you don't read this list totally. (You or Keeling)
 Perl is Perl, nothing else. Even though the man page says so... Or the
 Camel Book or whatever.
 I've been admonished by Perl core team members and Perl Monks and many
 from the Perl mailing lists.

Perl is a bastardization of Pearl. Larry Wall intended to call the
langauge Pearl.

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Anacron job 'cron.daily'

2006-12-31 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 10:06:45AM +0200, Justin Hartman wrote:
 Every day I get an email to my root account with the following error:
 flock() on closed filehandle $lck at
 /usr/share/apt-cacher/ line 121.
 flock() on closed filehandle $lck at
 /usr/share/apt-cacher/ line 123.
 Not really sure (a) what this means and (b) how to rectify the

maybe you have an instance of apt running somewhere that has things
locked up? 

just a thought.


Description: Digital signature

Re: update messages

2006-12-31 Thread Digby Tarvin
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 07:31:04PM +0100, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
 On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 17:37 +, Digby Tarvin wrote:
  Here is what it says:
   Maintainer: Fabian Greffrath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 That says it all, doesn't it?

Afraid the name doesn't mean anything to me. 

  I have tried google, and whilest I have found the same deb package
  that I have (or derivatives) elsewhere, I haven't found any explanation
  as to why its gone - though I did find one site mirroring it because
  'debian hates XV'...??
 Didn't you see my link to the bug report about the removal, in an
 earlier message in the thread?

Sorry, couldn't find the message you are referring to - was it posted under
the same name? All I can find other than the the one I am replying to
   8113 OsL 12/28 [ 0] Sven Arvidsson  (1.8K) Re: installing java (for limewire)
   8142 OsL 12/28 [ 0] Sven Arvidsson  (2.0K) Re: installing java (for limewire)
   8212 OsL 12/29 [ 0] Sven Arvidsson  (0.9K) Re: installing java (for limewire)
   8271 OsL 12/29 [ 0] Sven Arvidsson  (2.9K) Re: bridging eth1 to eth0
   8405 NsL 12/31 [ 0] Sven Arvidsson  (0.9K) Re: /dev/dsp missing
   8406 NsL 12/31 [ 0] Sven Arvidsson  (1.6K) Re: Looking for music player softw
   8414 NsL 12/31 [ 0] Sven Arvidsson  (1.6K) Re: Looking for music player softw

Is there a history file/database somewhere where additions and
removals from the official debian package repository are logged?
Something which came back with 'removed on such and such a date
for such and such a reason' would be so much more useful than
a database which only mentioned packages that still existed.

After all, if there is a philosophical objection to a package on
some ground, removing it makes a much stronger statement if people
know why it isn't there.

Digby R. S. Tarvin  digbyt(at)

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: multiple network cards and dns

2006-12-31 Thread Ryan Castleberry

Andrew Critchlow wrote:
When you have 2 network cards in use with debian with DNS server 
configured on each which one does it choose to query for an address?
Is configuring 2 network cards on debian as simple as configuring one 
thanks everyone.
DNS is a map of names to numbers and numbers to names. You can basically 
assign any name to each IP for each NIC. If you assign the same name to 
two IP address, BIND DNS will rotate the responses in a round robin 

So:   IN   A   IN   A

Will first respond to queries:
Then will respond:

This is a load balancing feature of BIND 4.9 and later versions, if this 
is what you are trying to accomplish. Otherwise if it's a firewall, 
assign a different name to the internal and external IPs.

Configuring two NICs is as simple as adding another entry in 
/etc/network/interfaces for the new NIC. Be careful as sometimes after 
adding a second NIC the original NIC may become eth1 rather than eth0 
(this has been PCI slot placement dependent for me).

Here's the /etc/network/interfaces file from my firewall:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

auto lo eth0 eth1

# The loopback network interface
iface lo inet loopback

# The internal (onboard) network interface
iface eth1 inet static

# The external (pci) network interface
iface eth0 inet static

Note the commented out gateway for eth1. Since this is a firewall the 
appropriate gateway is the external one and if both gateways are enabled 
routes get screwed up. I know as I've had this hang me up before...


Re: new to debian but having installation problems

2006-12-31 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 11:24:03AM -0600, Mike Myers wrote:
 Thanks for the tips!  I downloaded the etch cd and it detected my card and
 installed fine.  The only issue now is getting the nvidia driver installed.
 The 'nv' driver doesn't work with my widescreen display at all.  It looks
 like to do this, I need to have a custom kernel so the driver from nvidia
 can build a module for it.  Might there be an easier way to do this?

yup. install the nvidia-kernel package appropriate for your
system. you will have to add the 'non-free' repository to your

edit /etc/apt/sources.list
you will find a line like

deb etch main

add to the end of that line contrib non-free without the quotes

deb etch main contrib non-free

use your favorite package manager to update the cache

apt-get update
aptitude update

apt-cache search nvidia-kernel and check out the various
packages. probably you want nvidia-kernel-2.6-arch or



Description: Digital signature

Re: [Thinkpad] Unable to Unmount Flash Drive

2006-12-31 Thread Alex Austin

OpenOffice is bad for that. See if the quickstarter is running, and try
opening an OO document on the hard drive.

On 12/31/06, John Serafin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 04:06:20AM -0800, Baz wrote:
 Hello -

 I'm getting the following error message every time I attempt to unmount
 USB flash drive.


 Cannot unmount volume

 The volume was probably mounted manually on the command line.


 Device to unmount is not in /media/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL

 Contrary to the message, I didn't mount it manually on the command line.
  It's been occurring now about a week.  Previously, there was no
problem.  I
 guess it's not a big issue just pulling it out, but I'd rather do it the
 proper way.  Since it began, I've been going to Administration  Disk
 simply disabling it.


Some process has its current working directory on the flash drive or
some application has a file on the flash drive open.

the process needs to change its current working directory off the drive
or the application needs to close the file.

The QWERTY keyboard layout was designed to slow typing.
John P. Serafin  |  Operating a bicycle is more like driving than riding.
jps at pobox com |  Operating an automobile is more like riding than
Thinkpad mailing list

- Alex Austin
Circuitsoft Computer Services
(651) 238-9273

...and then I visited Wikipedia ...and the next 8 hours are a blur.

Re: update messages

2006-12-31 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 05:31:59PM +, Digby Tarvin wrote:
 On Sat, Dec 30, 2006 at 04:59:40PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
  Digby Tarvin wrote:
   So what puzzles me is why it is no longer in 'non-free', and if
   it was removed because of some objection to the licensing terms,
   surely there should be something documenting this?
  It may have been removed simply because no one was willing to maintain it
  any more.  That often happens when a non-free package ceases to provide any
  functionality not available in a Free package.
  John Hasler
 Its not so much the removal of a package that disturbs me - it is
 the apparent lack of warning or explanation.

well, since it was removed from the official repositories in 2001:

it is very unlikely that you successfully installed it from official
repositories in 2006. you obviously installed it from another
source. so technically, it was not Removed without notice. You have
simply lost track of where it came from ;-P

 It makes me rather reluctant to upgrade if some package that I have
 come to rely on might unexpectedly disappear - perhaps unnoticed
 until it is urgently needed...

that is the problem with using packages outside the official debian
repositories. You got caught because a non-official package you were
using has gotten out of sync with the official libraries that support
it. best bet is to file a bug report with the group that is supplying
the package. or use the source, luke.

 Another package I just noticed is missing since my dist-upgrade is
 xlockmore. I searched and all I found was
 what looks like an automated logging of the fact that the package
 is gone - no reason or dialogue that I can see:
 Is there some mailing list I should be on to receive warnings about
 packages being considered for removal (assuming the disappearance
 was intentional)? 

probably. or you can subscribe to DWN which will list orphan packages
and removed packages as they appear. the W is currently a misnomer,
but we are grateful for the issues we get...


Description: Digital signature

Re: Missing packages (was Re: update messages)

2006-12-31 Thread Andrew Sackville-West
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 06:01:39PM +, Digby Tarvin wrote:
 Further to the loss of 'xv', 'xearth' and 'xlock' after my recent
 'apt-get dist-upgrade' of my etch system
 I tried adding
 deb etch main contrib non-free 
 To my '/etc/apt/sources.list', and this does give me an 'xv' package to
 try to install. However when I attempt to do so I get:
 fujitsu:/etc/apt# apt-get install xv
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree... Done
 Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
 requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
 distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
 or been moved out of Incoming.
 Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
 the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
 that package should be filed.
 The following information may help to resolve the situation:
 The following packages have unmet dependencies.
   xv: Depends: libx11-6 but it is not going to be installed
 E: Broken packages
 Which looks reasonable enough if there is an unsatisfied dependency,
 fujitsu:/etc/apt# apt-get install libx11-6
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree... Done
 libx11-6 is already the newest version.
 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 14 not upgraded.
 Which leaves me thinking that apt-get hasn't really provided a
 sufficient explanation of why the installation couldn't be

well again, this *is* a package outside the official repositories so... 

 Could it be that the message is just misleading and it really meant
 that libx11-6 is an incompatable version rather than simply not

probably. use apt-cache show xv | grep Depends 
and compare it to apt-cache policy libx11-6 for definitive

 If it is a library version problem, then I assume the best
 solution is to find and install a debian source package for
 this application?

if you can get source, then that's prbably you're best bet.


Description: Digital signature

Re: soundjuicer and mp3

2006-12-31 Thread Marcelo Chiapparini
On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 18:30 +0100, Nigel Henry wrote:
 On Sunday 31 December 2006 18:17, Nigel Henry wrote:
  On Sunday 31 December 2006 16:42, Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:
   On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 16:30 +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
Hello Marcelo.
Marcelo Chiapparini, 31.12.2006 16:27:
 thank you for your answer! My sources.list file has the Marillat

 deb sarge main

 Now the output from aptitude:
Did you run „aptitude update“ before this?
Regards, Mathias
   I run update periodically. However, I ran aptitude update again now, and
   I got the same result as before: Couldn't find any package whose name or
   description matched gstreamer0.8-lame...
   are you running sarge?
  Out of interest I've just added Marillats repo to my Etch install. I don't
  use aptitude, but apt-get, and synaptic. There is a gstreamer-lame there,
  but it is version gstreamer0.10-lame, which is the same version as all the
  other gstreamer stuff on the list.
 Apologies for replying to myself, but further down synaptics list is 
 I know I'm not in Sarge at the moment, so can't check out if it's available 
 there.  It may be worth checking that you have no typo 
 in /etc/apt/sources.list for the Marillat repo, and that the key is installed 

Hello Nigel, thank you for reply. No, I have no typos
in /etc/apt/sources.list for the Marillat repo... I don't know about the
key... by the way, does exist a list of all the software in Marillat



Marcelo Chiapparini

Re: update messages

2006-12-31 Thread Sven Arvidsson
On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 19:11 +, Digby Tarvin wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 07:31:04PM +0100, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
  On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 17:37 +, Digby Tarvin wrote:
   Here is what it says:
Maintainer: Fabian Greffrath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  That says it all, doesn't it?
 Afraid the name doesn't mean anything to me. 

As it's maintained by someone with an address, I
take that as an indication that it's a package from their archives, and
not one from the official Debian ones.

You could also look in the documentation of the package
(/usr/share/doc/packagename) and see if there are any clues in
changelog.Debian.gz, README.Debian etc. 

 Sorry, couldn't find the message you are referring to - was it posted under
 the same name? All I can find other than the the one I am replying to

This link,

From the bug report:
It turns out that after several years including
xv in the non-free archive that we are not allowed to distribute
modified binaries.

 Is there a history file/database somewhere where additions and
 removals from the official debian package repository are logged?
 Something which came back with 'removed on such and such a date
 for such and such a reason' would be so much more useful than
 a database which only mentioned packages that still existed.
 After all, if there is a philosophical objection to a package on
 some ground, removing it makes a much stronger statement if people
 know why it isn't there.

Packages being removed from a stable release is often mentioned in the
news of the new release, see here for example.

There's also a page here, listing software that cannot be packaged,

None of these are easy to find, and not really what you are looking for,
so I can see why it's a bit frustrating.

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Clone root partition

2006-12-31 Thread T
On Sun, 31 Dec 2006 12:08:14 -0300, Alejandro wrote:

 Suppose I have a production server with a /dev/sda disk and I mount a 
 second disk /dev/sdb in order to clon sda to sdb (booting from a live 
 cd). Sdb is the disk from a backup server (similar to the production 
 server) I want to use when the production server fails.
 After doing dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb I have to do 
 something on /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst from the second drive 
 when this second disk is on the backup server ?? Or nothing else to do 
 in the second disk is OK to start the backup server ???

nothing else to do, as long as the second disk is used as sda in the
backup server, or to replace the failed original sda on the production

Tong (remove underscore(s) to reply)

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Re: GRUB problem?

2006-12-31 Thread Eeltje
Keith Willis schreef:


 Here's a weird one...  I've noticed that as soon as the GRUB
 boot-loader runs, I lose my DVD-RW drive.  It functions normally if I
 jump into the BIOS setup at boot time, then ceases to respond the
 moment GRUB runs, so that even if I boot into WinXP, the drive does
 not show up.  Restoring the MBR makes the problem go away, so it is
 definitely not a drive problem.

 I can't see anything specifically about this at the GNU GRUB home
 page.  Anyone have any ideas, please?

 -- (not currently working)
 PGP key ID 0xEB7180EC

I had a problem with GRUB last week, it seemed that 'timeout' didn't
work. I also noted that I had the same problem with LILO and even when
starting a live-cd.

When I unplugged the keyboard I had no problem! As you can imagine the
problem disappeared when I bought a new keyboard.

The strange fact was that the only way in which I found the problem was
when booting. After the boot process the keyboard worked fine.

Maybe your problem is somehow similar?

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Re: apt-get dist-upgrade failes on ssh

2006-12-31 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 05:57:47PM +0100, fvassem wrote:
 I seem to have the same problem and I am not to familiar with the dpkg 
 Can you give me the correct syntax for the dpkg command to install 
 openssh-client and server with the --force-all option?
You are much better off purging ssh and then installing openssh-client
and openssh-server.  It is much safer that way.



Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: new to debian but having installation problems

2006-12-31 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 11:24:03AM -0600, Mike Myers wrote:
 Thanks for the tips!  I downloaded the etch cd and it detected my card and
 installed fine.  The only issue now is getting the nvidia driver installed.
 The 'nv' driver doesn't work with my widescreen display at all.  It looks
 like to do this, I need to have a custom kernel so the driver from nvidia
 can build a module for it.  Might there be an easier way to do this?

You can use a stock kernel just fine:



Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: multi-gnome-terminal alternative

2006-12-31 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Sun, Dec 31, 2006 at 07:46:48PM +0100, Jhair Tocancipa Triana wrote:
 Jerome BENOIT writes:
  Is there any good alternative, patches or workarounds ?
 Maybe set the bug severity to critical? The program is unusable and
 not suitable for release.

Please think about what you are saying.  The definition of a critical
bug is [0] makes unrelated software on the system (or the whole system)
break, or causes serious data loss, or introduces a security hole on
systems where you install the package.

That is certainly not the case.  At *most* it is important: a bug which
has a major effect on the usability of a package, without rendering it
completely unusable to everyone.

Again, just because a bug seriously affects you, does not mean that it
is the same for everyone.  In the case of a bug which does not cause a
security vulnerability or a loss or potential loss of data, there is
really no justification for it to be higher than important.




Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: Perl Programming within Debian

2006-12-31 Thread Nate Bargmann
* Greg Folkert [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006 Dec 31 12:43 -0600]:
 Perl is Perl, nothing else. Even though the man page says so... Or the
 Camel Book or whatever.
 I've been admonished by Perl core team members and Perl Monks and many
 from the Perl mailing lists.

Sounds like a rather humorless bunch to me.  ;-)

Happy New Year!

- Nate 

P.S. BTW, Python has nothing to do with the reptile either...

 Wireless | Amateur Radio Station N0NB  |  Successfully Microsoft
  Amateur radio exams; ham radio; Linux info @  | free since January 1998.   |  Debian, the choice of
 My Kawasaki KZ-650 SR @| a GNU generation!   |

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: multiple network cards and dns

2006-12-31 Thread Andrew Critchlow
That's brilliant thanks for that!
I am going to be setting up a proxy server using Squid with 2 network cards. I 
am right in saying the routing table should have a default out the external 
Also the reason i was asking about dns is that as im using this box as a proxy 
what dns servers should i specify? Ones on the inside network, the isp's 
(external network), or both of them?
many thanks

Date: Sun, 31 Dec 2006 12:30:50 -0700From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: multiple network cards and dns
Andrew Critchlow wrote: 

When you have 2 network cards in use with debian with DNS server configured on 
each which one does it choose to query for an address?  Is configuring 2 
network cards on debian as simple as configuring one card?  thanks everyone.DNS 
is a map of names to numbers and numbers to names. You can basically assign any 
name to each IP for each NIC. If you assign the same name to two IP address, 
BIND DNS will rotate the responses in a round robin fashion.   IN   
A   IN   A first respond to 
queries: will respond: is 
a load balancing feature of BIND 4.9 and later versions, if this is what you 
are trying to accomplish. Otherwise if it's a firewall, assign a different name 
to the internal and external IPs.Configuring two NICs is as simple as adding 
another entry in /etc/network/interfaces for the new NIC. Be careful as 
sometimes after adding a second NIC the original NIC may become eth1 rather 
than eth0 (this has been PCI slot placement dependent for me).Here's the 
/etc/network/interfaces file from my firewall:# This file describes the network 
interfaces available on your system# and how to activate them. For more 
information, see interfaces(5).auto lo eth0 eth1# The loopback network 
interfaceiface lo inet loopback# The internal (onboard) network interfaceiface 
eth1 inet staticaddress  
  network The external (pci) network interfaceiface eth0 inet static   
broadcast the commented out 
gateway for eth1. Since this is a firewall the appropriate gateway is the 
external one and if both gateways are enabled routes get screwed up. I know as 
I've had this hang me up before...-Ryan

Re: multi-gnome-terminal alternative

2006-12-31 Thread Roberto C. Sanchez
On Mon, Jan 01, 2007 at 02:24:27AM +0800, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
 Hello List,
 I have just tried Multi-Gnome-Terminal on my new x86_64 box:
 it appears the terminal is filled with arbitrary caracters
 [ bug #345504 
 Is there any good alternative, patches or workarounds ?
Why not just use gnome-terminal?



Roberto C. Sanchez

Description: Digital signature

Re: Unable to Unmount Flash Drive

2006-12-31 Thread Volker Braun
This will show all programs that have files open under any directory:

/usr/sbin/lsof | grep mountpoint

Your mountpoint is probably /media/usbdisk 


PS: Please avoid excessive crossposting.

On Sun, 31 Dec 2006 09:41:11 -0800, John Serafin wrote:
 Cannot unmount volume
 Some process has its current working directory on the flash drive or
 some application has a file on the flash drive open.

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Re: your mail

2006-12-31 Thread Guennadi Liakhovetski
On Thu, 28 Dec 2006, Rick Thomas wrote:

   There was an error starting the GNOME Settings Daemon
   Some things such as themes, sounds, or background settings, may not
 work correctly.
   The Settings Daemon restarted too many times
   The last error message was:
   System Exception:IDL:Bonobo/GeneralError:1.0:
   Child process did not give an error message,
   unknown failure occurred.
   Gnome will try to restart the Settings Daemon next time you
 When I click [close] the wiggling stops and everything is (as far as I can
 tell) normal until I log out
 and try to login again.

The fact that after closing this window the machine behaves normally 
again, seems to suggest, that that's where you should search for the 
problem. Try to find out what the Settings Daemon does, maybe try to start 
it manually under strace and see where it fails? Or just starting it in 
the foreground might give some output on the terminal, look for verbouse 
or debugging mode. Or follow the advises above - try to select another 
theme, see if your sound works, etc.

Don't have any etch with X here, so, cannot verify myself.

Guennadi Liakhovetski

with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Happy New Year to all the developers and helpers on Debian!

2006-12-31 Thread Kenward Vaughan


You do a wonderful job, keeping the best dist. flowing along and
helping those who need it, on this list.  I started with Debian and
can't see myself changing ever.  It works too well, even for a bumbling
hobbyist like myself.

Please, PLEASE keep up the great work that is needed for a project and
community like this to thrive!  My new year's hat is off to you all!

In a completely rational society, the best of us would aspire to be 
_teachers_ and the rest of us would have to settle for something less, 
because passing civilization along from one generation to the next 
ought to be the highest honor and the highest responsibility anyone 
could have. - Lee Iacocca

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