Re: gps usb compatible

2009-10-05 Thread Pau Tallada Crespí
El dg 04 de 10 de 2009 a les 22:36 +0200, en/na hubble va escriure:
 El Tue, 8 Sep 2009 18:51:36 +0200
 Matthias Kaehlcke va dir:
  El Tue, Sep 08, 2009 at 06:24:48PM +0200 hubble ha dit:
   El Mon, 7 Sep 2009 17:12:36 +0200
   hubble va dir:

Vui posar-li un gps al eeepc per veure de jugar amb mapes i coses així.

Com que he vist en vídeos del tangogps que el seu autor porta un gps 
per usb conectat al portatil, doncs us voldria preguntar, si algú fa 
servir cap d'aquests gadgets, de com està el tema de compatibilitats i 
coses d'aquestes. I si em recomaneu un doncs millor que millor.

En resum, un petit feedback de la cosa per a un *novatu* del tema. 
També s'accepten links que expliquin coses interesant sobre el tema.

   Moltes gracies.
   Be, veig que aneu ben *calçats* amb els gps's aquests. Jo tristment em 
   referia a algo més *baratu*, sense pantalleta, doncs amb la poca vista 
   que em queda els planells aquests no crec que arrivi a veurel's.
   Penso comprar-me aquest que sembla que funciona:
   i jugar amb ell amb els programets que trobi a la debian. Hi he trovat de 
   mes baratos per la web, però no m'asseguren la compatibilitat amb linux.


Doncs jo precisament me vaig comprar aquest mateix model ara fa dues
setmanes i el vaig estar provant amb el meu netbook (Airis Kira 740).
És molt fàcil de fer funcionar, ja que és compatible amb el gpsd.
Simplement es connecta a l'usb i apareix com un dispositiu sèrie.
Després s'arranca el dimoni gpsd indicant-li el port sèrie del receptor
GPS (sol ser /dev/ttyUSB0) i a partir d'aquí la resta de programes ja
poden accedir a la posició.

Per cert, a la pàgina on indiques te claven 65 euros, a mi me va costar
22, amb despeses d'enviament incloses.
La pàgina que obra aquestes meravelles de preu és
que, si no la coneixíeu, vos sorprendrà.

És una tenda online de Hong Kong que té milers de productes i gadgets de
tot tipus, a molt bon preu (en dòlars). Quan passes el preu a euros,
queda ridícul, i si vos dic que les despeses d'enviament són gratuïtes,
compris el que compris... La única pega és que la tramesa sol durar de
10 a 14 dies, però si no teniu pressa...


   La meva intenció es trobar cartes nàutiques (no se si això serà possible) 
   i monitoritzar el rumb d'una embarcació desde la cabina de comandament. 
   Si algú ja fa coses d'aquestes s'accepten consells i experiències.
   Suposo que al igual amb el temps acabo comprant-me algo més de l'estil 
   que porteu (amb pantalla i medidor de pressions baromètriques) però per 
   començar a veure que em dona debian crec que amb aquest baratet ja puc.
  el que vaig comentar jo no porta pantalla, ni es molt mes car que el
  que et plantejes comprar. pero te un gran avantatge: es un data
  logger, es a dir que pot funcionar independentment del portatil/eeepc,
  grabant la ruta que fas. trobo xulo la possibilitat de descarregar
  aquestes dades a posteriori al pc, visualitzar-los, posar geo-tags a
  les fotos, ... jo pels 20 euros de diferencia entre els dos
  dispositius ho veuria clar
 Una pregunta (encara no m'he comprat cap, m'has creat un dubte existencial :P 
 com conectes el trastu amb el pc per fer navegació? (no data loger ni traspas 
 de dades)
 per usb o per bluethooh?
  Matthias Kaehlcke
  Embedded Linux Engineer
  They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
 temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety
   (Benjamin Franklin)
  using free software / Debian GNU/Linux |  : :'  :
  `. `'`
  gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 47D8E5D4  `-

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Re: Arraid amb dos discos SATA idèntics

2009-10-05 Thread Jordi Funollet
On Friday 02 October 2009 19:04:20 Daniel wrote:
 Gràcies! És veritat, a mig fer la còpia amb dd alguna cosa ha fallat i
 m'he quedat sense còpia. Aleshores he intentat fer funcionar el raid,
 però tant les instruccions que indica en Pep Nieto com les de'n Ferran
 parlen en un determinat moment del mkinitrd.conf i del mkinitrd que, pel
 que es veu, devien existir en el kernel 2.4.27 però en el 2.6.30-1-686
 no, i m'he quedat a mig. Estic en el punt que demana editar el
 mkinitrd.conf posant-hi allò del ROOT=/dev/md1 i després crear el
 mkinitrd.conf amb mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-2-4-27 etc.etc.

 Tinc els discos /dev/md126 i /dev/md127 creats i plens de dades, però no
 puc continuar.

Si t'he seguit, vols convertir a RAID el disc que té les dades originals i el 
disc nou. Suposo que ja tens una còpia de seguretat en algun altre lloc, ¿oi? 
Aquestes coses no sempre surten a la primera. ;-)

Convertir a RAID l'arrel del sistema operatiu implica un fotimer de passos 
complicadets. És un dels pocs casos en que (personalment) prefereixo 
reinstal·lar. No vull dir que sigui impossible, però et prendrà temps.
### Jordi Funollet

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Re: Arraid amb dos discos SATA idèntics

2009-10-05 Thread Daniel

En/na Jordi Funollet ha escrit:

On Friday 02 October 2009 19:04:20 Daniel wrote:

Gràcies! És veritat, a mig fer la còpia amb dd alguna cosa ha fallat i
m'he quedat sense còpia. Aleshores he intentat fer funcionar el raid,
però tant les instruccions que indica en Pep Nieto com les de'n Ferran
parlen en un determinat moment del mkinitrd.conf i del mkinitrd que, pel
que es veu, devien existir en el kernel 2.4.27 però en el 2.6.30-1-686
no, i m'he quedat a mig. Estic en el punt que demana editar el
mkinitrd.conf posant-hi allò del ROOT=/dev/md1 i després crear el
mkinitrd.conf amb mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img-2-4-27 etc.etc.

Tinc els discos /dev/md126 i /dev/md127 creats i plens de dades, però no
puc continuar.

Si t'he seguit, vols convertir a RAID el disc que té les dades originals i el 
disc nou. Suposo que ja tens una còpia de seguretat en algun altre lloc, ¿oi? 
Aquestes coses no sempre surten a la primera. ;-)

Convertir a RAID l'arrel del sistema operatiu implica un fotimer de passos 
complicadets. És un dels pocs casos en que (personalment) prefereixo 
reinstal·lar. No vull dir que sigui impossible, però et prendrà temps.
He seguit les instruccions que em va enviar en Pep Nieto 
per engegar un raid en un sistema en marxa, i un cop solventat el 
problema del mkinitramfs (en les instruccions figura com mkinitrd) 
sembla que ara funciona correctament. Si més no, ara arranca a 
/dev/md126 i els fitxers que canvien o s'afegeixen al directori / també 
canvien o s'afegeixen a /dev/sda1/, que serien les còpies per 
entendre'ns. Per veure aquestes còpies he de muntar /dev/sdax sobre 
els corresponents /mnt/sdax; suposo que vaig bé. Ja ho veurem quan peti 
algun disc...


Daniel Elias
Usuari de Linux nº 461584

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Re: Arraid amb dos discos SATA idèntics

2009-10-05 Thread Jordi Funollet
On Monday 05 October 2009 18:16:21 Daniel wrote:
 He seguit les instruccions que em va enviar en Pep Nieto
 per engegar un raid en un sistema en marxa, i un cop solventat el
 problema del mkinitramfs (en les instruccions figura com mkinitrd)
 sembla que ara funciona correctament. Si més no, ara arranca a
 /dev/md126 i els fitxers que canvien o s'afegeixen al directori / també
 canvien o s'afegeixen a /dev/sda1/, que serien les còpies per
 entendre'ns. Per veure aquestes còpies he de muntar /dev/sdax sobre
 els corresponents /mnt/sdax; suposo que vaig bé. Ja ho veurem quan peti
 algun disc...

Xafarderia pura: m'ensenyes que surt del 'cat /proc/mdstat'? I posats a 
demanar, un 'mount'; no estic segur d'haver entès el tutorial.
### Jordi Funollet

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Re: Arraid amb dos discos SATA idèntics

2009-10-05 Thread Daniel

En/na Jordi Funollet ha escrit:

On Monday 05 October 2009 18:16:21 Daniel wrote:

He seguit les instruccions que em va enviar en Pep Nieto
per engegar un raid en un sistema en marxa, i un cop solventat el
problema del mkinitramfs (en les instruccions figura com mkinitrd)
sembla que ara funciona correctament. Si més no, ara arranca a
/dev/md126 i els fitxers que canvien o s'afegeixen al directori / també
canvien o s'afegeixen a /dev/sda1/, que serien les còpies per
entendre'ns. Per veure aquestes còpies he de muntar /dev/sdax sobre
els corresponents /mnt/sdax; suposo que vaig bé. Ja ho veurem quan peti
algun disc...

Xafarderia pura: m'ensenyes que surt del 'cat /proc/mdstat'? I posats a 
demanar, un 'mount'; no estic segur d'haver entès el tutorial.

el...@daniel-debian:~$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] 
[raid4] [raid10]

md126 : active (auto-read-only) raid1 sdb1[1]
 224548416 blocks [2/1] [_U]

md127 : active raid1 sda2[0] sdb2[1]

 259682624 blocks [2/2] [UU]

unused devices: none

el...@daniel-debian:~$ mount
/dev/md126 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/md127 on /disc2 type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)
rpc_pipefs on /var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs type rpc_pipefs (rw)
binfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc 

Mare de Déu! Tot això tinc dins l'ordinador?

Adjunto també el fstab, per si de cas.

el...@daniel-debian:/etc$ pg fstab
# /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
#/dev/sda2 /disc2 ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
#/dev/sda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/md127 /disc2 ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/md126 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1

/dev/sda3 /swap swap defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
/dev/hdc /media/cdrw2 iso9660 ro,user,noexec,noauto 0 0
/dev/hdd /media/cdrom0 iso9660 ro,user,noauto 0
# /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 ext3 rw,exec,user,noauto 0 0
/dev/fd0  /media/floppy0 vfat rw,user,noauto 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults 0 0

Si hi veus algun disbarat, diga'm-ho, si us plau.


Daniel Elias
Usuari de Linux nº 461584

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Re: Arraid amb dos discos SATA idèntics

2009-10-05 Thread Daniel

En/na tictac ha escrit:

A Dilluns, 5 d'octubre de 2009, Daniel va escriure:

el...@daniel-debian:~$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] 
[raid4] [raid10]

md126 : active (auto-read-only) raid1 sdb1[1]
  224548416 blocks [2/1] [_U]

jo diria que aquest array funciona degradat, quan esta correcte apareix [UU] 
en comptes de [_U]

potser encara està replicant les dades?


md127 : active raid1 sda2[0] sdb2[1]
  259682624 blocks [2/2] [UU]
unused devices: none


Reprenc el tema: es pot saber si encara s'estan replicant les dades? Com?


Daniel Elias
Usuari de Linux nº 461584

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Re: Arraid amb dos discos SATA idèntics

2009-10-05 Thread Daniel

En/na tictac ha escrit:

A Dilluns, 5 d'octubre de 2009, Daniel va escriure:

el...@daniel-debian:~$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] 
[raid4] [raid10]

md126 : active (auto-read-only) raid1 sdb1[1]
  224548416 blocks [2/1] [_U]

jo diria que aquest array funciona degradat, quan esta correcte apareix [UU] 
en comptes de [_U]

potser encara està replicant les dades?


md127 : active raid1 sda2[0] sdb2[1]
  259682624 blocks [2/2] [UU]
unused devices: none

Més dades: intento fer un mount del  /dev/sda2 i em diu mount: no es 
reconeix el sitema de fitxers «linux_raid_member». O sigui que el 
/dev/sda2 ja forma part del raid, i ja dóna el UU. En canvi, faig un 
mount al /dev/sda1 i el monta sense problemes; i les coses noves o 
modificades apareixen tan al /dev/md126 com al /dev/sda1 (muntats el 
primer com a / i el segon com a /mnt/sda1).

Intento executar la següent sentència per afegir el disc sda1 al raid i 
passa això:

Daniel-Debian:/mnt# mdadm --add /dev/md126 /dev/sda1
mdadm: Cannot open /dev/sda1: Device or resource busy

No sé què manté ocupat aquest /dev/sda1.


Daniel Elias
Usuari de Linux nº 461584

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Re: mutt, pièce jointe, erreur glibc detected

2009-10-05 Thread François Cerbelle a écrit :

Me donne un :
*** glibc detected *** mutt: free(): invalid pointer: 0xb7d52190 ***


je pense principalment à un pb de type mime ...
dpkg -l |grep mime

Euh... Pour moi, ce genre de message ne doit jamais arriver à l'utilisateur, c'est clairement une 
situation non gérée dans le source, un bug !

Je pense qu'il faut surtout remonter le problème avec reportbug


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Re: OpenLDAP et outil d'administration

2009-10-05 Thread Laurent Guignard
On Sat, 03 Oct 2009 15:14:12 +0200, JC wrote:
 On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 14:56:48 +0200
 Laurent Guignard wrote:
  Je cherche actuellement un outil d'administration d'un annuaire LDAP. Il 
  que cet outil soit accessible depuis de multiples plateformes (Windows, 
   Solaris, MacOS,...).
 phpmyldap ?

Merci pour vos réponses.

Je crois que je vais chercher du coté de GOSA.

Est-ce que cet outil permet de configurer les vues de l'annuaire LDAP ?
Je m'explique, il faudrait que l'interface soit le plus simple possible et que
pour indique l'état d'un compte (verrouillé/non verrouillé) il y ait une case
à cocher,...
Bref, un truc permettant de configure l'IHM de l'appli comme on le désire et
en plus simplement ;) !

Merci encore.

Laurent Guignard, Registered as user #301590 with the Linux Counter
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Description: Digital signature

themes sonore dans Gnome

2009-10-05 Thread georges

Comment avoir les thèmes sonores dans gnome sous Sid?
doit me manquer un paquet, les thèmes sont inactivable.


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Re: themes sonore dans Gnome

2009-10-05 Thread Antoine Yence
Il faut que le dossier de theme, pour être considéré comme tel, comporte 
un fichier texte nommé index.theme contenant la balise [Sound Theme] 
et le nom sous lequel il doit apparaître dans la liste déroulante, exemple:

[Sound Theme]

(...+ le contenu du dossier doit contenir les fichiers sons évènements 
selon la nomenclature

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2009-10-05 Thread Wojciech Ziniewicz
W dniu 5 października 2009 17:02 użytkownik Aleksander Kurczyk napisał:
 Niestety graficzny instalator również nie chce się uruchomić. Według porady
 Wojtka zainstalowałem Lennego, a następnie zrobiłem aktualizacje do Squeeze,
 jednak teraz nie mogę odpalić iksów. Podczas uruchamiania systemu wyświetla
 się napis informujący o uruchamianiu KDM, jednak żaden graficzny menadżer
 logowania się nie wyświetla. Po zalogowaniu w konsoli i próbie uruchomienia
 iksów wyświetla się kilka błędów.

 (EE) Failed to load module „vboxvideo” (module does not exist, 0)
 (EE) No drivers available.
 Fatal server error:
 no screens found

No nie moze zaladowac modulu do grafiki do obslugi wirtualnej karty
graficznej. Mozesz uzyc vesa albo cos podobnego co nie daje
przyspieszenia sprzetowego.

Nie wiem jak na Vboxie ,ale na VMware chyba jest taka opcja zeby na
maszynie goscia doinstalowac brakujace moduly.


Wojciech Ziniewicz

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2009-10-05 Thread Aleksander Kurczyk
Zainstalowałem VirtualBox Guest Additions i iksy już normalnie startuję. Mam
teraz kolejny problem, tym razem z KDE, mianowicie po starcie wyświetla się
kilka okienek, po chwili wyłączaają sie one, a ja zostaję z czasnym
ekranem:( Czy macie jakieś pomysły??? Dodam że chodzi tutaj o KDE4.

W dniu 5 października 2009 18:52 użytkownik Wojciech Ziniewicz napisał:

 W dniu 5 października 2009 17:02 użytkownik Aleksander Kurczyk napisał:
  Niestety graficzny instalator również nie chce się uruchomić. Według
  Wojtka zainstalowałem Lennego, a następnie zrobiłem aktualizacje do
  jednak teraz nie mogę odpalić iksów. Podczas uruchamiania systemu
  się napis informujący o uruchamianiu KDM, jednak żaden graficzny menadżer
  logowania się nie wyświetla. Po zalogowaniu w konsoli i próbie
  iksów wyświetla się kilka błędów.
  (EE) Failed to load module vboxvideo (module does not exist, 0)
  (EE) No drivers available.
  Fatal server error:
  no screens found

 No nie moze zaladowac modulu do grafiki do obslugi wirtualnej karty
 graficznej. Mozesz uzyc vesa albo cos podobnego co nie daje
 przyspieszenia sprzetowego.

 Nie wiem jak na Vboxie ,ale na VMware chyba jest taka opcja zeby na
 maszynie goscia doinstalowac brakujace moduly.


 Wojciech Ziniewicz

Aleksander Kurczyk

[OT] Recuperar archivos perdidos.

2009-10-05 Thread jac
Hola debia...@s:

Hace unos dias mi madre sin saber lo que hacia, formateo una tarjeta de
memoria que tenia en su camara de fotos, en la tarjeta se encuentran
fotos de un familiar fallecido recientemente y me gustaria recuperar
todas las que me fuera posible.

He visto que la camara al formatear la tarjeta, solo lo hizo sobre la
tabla de inodes de esta, que es de 1gb de capacidad.

Quiero hacer una copia de octetos desde una direccion fisica de la
tarjeta hasta otra direccion fisica de esta y generar asi un archivo
nuevo que contenga los octetos indicados.

Me gustaria saber si disponemos en nuestra distribucion favorita de
algun programa o algun comando que me permita hacer esto.

Un comando al estilo de:

$cat /dev/mmblck0 -inicio /00A000 -fin /00A0FF imagen.recuperada.jpg

Bueno, a ver si me podeis echar un cable.



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Re: [OT] Recuperar archivos perdidos.

2009-10-05 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

jac escribió:

Hola debia...@s:

Hace unos dias mi madre sin saber lo que hacia, formateo una tarjeta de
memoria que tenia en su camara de fotos, en la tarjeta se encuentran
fotos de un familiar fallecido recientemente y me gustaria recuperar
todas las que me fuera posible.

He visto que la camara al formatear la tarjeta, solo lo hizo sobre la
tabla de inodes de esta, que es de 1gb de capacidad.

Quiero hacer una copia de octetos desde una direccion fisica de la
tarjeta hasta otra direccion fisica de esta y generar asi un archivo
nuevo que contenga los octetos indicados.

Me gustaria saber si disponemos en nuestra distribucion favorita de
algun programa o algun comando que me permita hacer esto.

Un comando al estilo de:

$cat /dev/mmblck0 -inicio /00A000 -fin /00A0FF imagen.recuperada.jpg

Bueno, a ver si me podeis echar un cable.



Te recomendaría hacer una imagen de la tarjeta con el comando dd y luego 
trabajar con la imagen con alguna herramienta de recuperado de archivos 
como foremost, hay algunas más pero ahora no me acuerdo.


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Re: [OT] Recuperar archivos perdidos.

2009-10-05 Thread ga
Buenas jac!

On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 01:03:23PM +0200, jac wrote:
 Hola debia...@s:
 Hace unos dias mi madre sin saber lo que hacia, formateo una tarjeta de
 memoria que tenia en su camara de fotos, en la tarjeta se encuentran
 fotos de un familiar fallecido recientemente y me gustaria recuperar
 todas las que me fuera posible.
 He visto que la camara al formatear la tarjeta, solo lo hizo sobre la
 tabla de inodes de esta, que es de 1gb de capacidad.
 Quiero hacer una copia de octetos desde una direccion fisica de la
 tarjeta hasta otra direccion fisica de esta y generar asi un archivo
 nuevo que contenga los octetos indicados.
 Me gustaria saber si disponemos en nuestra distribucion favorita de
 algun programa o algun comando que me permita hacer esto.
 Un comando al estilo de:
 $cat /dev/mmblck0 -inicio /00A000 -fin /00A0FF imagen.recuperada.jpg
 Bueno, a ver si me podeis echar un cable.

Prueba photorec y testdisk para recuperar ficheros:

Si buscas en google (y en su propia web) encontrarás varios howtos muy 

Por cierto, que antes de empezar a recuperar ficheros, también puedes
hacer con estos mismos programas una imagen de backup de la tarjeta.


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Re: [OT] Recuperar archivos perdidos.

2009-10-05 Thread Oscar Julian Rosales Blanco
El lun, 05-10-2009 a las 13:03 +0200, jac escribió:
 Hola debia...@s:
 Hace unos dias mi madre sin saber lo que hacia, formateo una tarjeta de
 memoria que tenia en su camara de fotos, en la tarjeta se encuentran
 fotos de un familiar fallecido recientemente y me gustaria recuperar
 todas las que me fuera posible.
 He visto que la camara al formatear la tarjeta, solo lo hizo sobre la
 tabla de inodes de esta, que es de 1gb de capacidad.
 Quiero hacer una copia de octetos desde una direccion fisica de la
 tarjeta hasta otra direccion fisica de esta y generar asi un archivo
 nuevo que contenga los octetos indicados.
 Me gustaria saber si disponemos en nuestra distribucion favorita de
 algun programa o algun comando que me permita hacer esto.
 Un comando al estilo de:
 $cat /dev/mmblck0 -inicio /00A000 -fin /00A0FF imagen.recuperada.jpg

Antes de cualquier cosa lo mejor es que hagas una imagen de la tarjeta y
trabajes sobre la imagen y no sobre la tarjeta.

debería funcionar esto 

dd if=/dev/mmblck0  of=/tarjeta.img

Guarda la tarjeta y no la uses hasta conseguir tu objetivo, trabaja con
la imagen, como si fuera un dispositivo.

Oscar Rosales Blanco
Sigueme en twitter

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Tarjeta de video para streaming de canal de tv con Lenny

2009-10-05 Thread Nora Lineros
Hola chicos:

Les comento la situacion, tengo en este momento una pc que mediante una placa 
de sonido y el icecast2 trasmito en vivo una radio a traves de internet, ahora 
quieren hacer lo mismo con un canal por aire, es decir quieren transmitir un 
canal por aire a traves de internet, la pregunta es? que placa de video me 
recomiendan para poder realizar esto? es decir que sea compatible con debian, 
asi la agrego al equipo que transmite la radio para que ahora tambien sirva 
para transmitir el canal por aire a traves de internet? se comprende la 
pregunta? desde ya muchas gracias


  Yahoo! Cocina

Encontra las mejores recetas con Yahoo! Cocina.

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Disco Duro como particion

2009-10-05 Thread Bayardo Sanchez
Buenos DIas tengo una pregunta no se no tengo muchos cnocimientos en linux
pero me urge su ayuda tengo un servidor el cual lo tengo 95% lleno le he
agregado un segundo disco duro de 500% el cual formatie en ext3 muestros los
datos de mi fdisk -l:

Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   1  13  104391   83  Linux
/dev/sda2  14   60671   487235385   83  Linux
/dev/sda3   60672   60801 1044225   82  Linux swap / Solaris

Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   2   60801   488376000f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sdb5   2   60801   488375968+  83  Linux
[r...@viciserver ~]#

ahora quisiera saber como puedo hacer para que ese hdd se muestre como una
particion normal el cual pueda acceder a ver via ftp y poder hacer los
cambios que necesito

Bayardo Sánchez García
Web Developer - Internet Portals - Asterisk Support - Windows Server Support
- Proxy Support - Linux Server
Linux User: #418392
America Central - Managua, NI (505) 2249-2853 -  84886876
IM msn messenger:
Skype: bayardo.sanchez
This email is intended solely for the person or organization to which it is
addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you
are not the intended recipient, you are prohibited from copying, disclosing
or distributing this email or its contents (as it may be unlawful for you to
do so) or taking any action in reliance on it. If you have received this
email by mistake, please delete it. All e-mail sent to this address will be
received by B.S. Solution e-mail system and is subject to archiving and
review by someone other than the recipient.

Re: Disco Duro como particion

2009-10-05 Thread fernandojoseGmail
Bayardo Sanchez wrote:
 Buenos DIas tengo una pregunta no se no tengo muchos cnocimientos en
 linux pero me urge su ayuda tengo un servidor el cual lo tengo 95% lleno
 le he agregado un segundo disco duro de 500% el cual formatie en ext3
 muestros los datos de mi fdisk -l:
 Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/sda1   *   1  13  104391   83  Linux
 /dev/sda2  14   60671   487235385   83  Linux
 /dev/sda3   60672   60801 1044225   82  Linux swap / Solaris
 Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/sdb1   2   60801   488376000f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
 /dev/sdb5   2   60801   488375968+  83  Linux
 [r...@viciserver ~]#
 ahora quisiera saber como puedo hacer para que ese hdd se muestre como
 una particion normal el cual pueda acceder a ver via ftp y poder hacer
 los cambios que necesito

Para añadir un disco/partición a un sistema de ficheros lo que hay que
hacer es montarlo.
Para usar /dev/sdb5 tiene que estar formateada, cosa que creo que dices
que has hecho.

$ man mount
$ man fstab
$ man df

para montar una partición tienes que usar un directorio vacio si no
quieres que desapareza de la vista lo que contenga, normalmente bajo un
directorio dentro de /mnt/

 mount [-fnrsvw] [-t tipo-sfv] [-o opciones] dispositivo dir
  ext3/dev/sdb5  /mnt/disco1

/etc/fstab es un fichero que te permite montar automáticamente al inicio
una partición. Míralo porque te aclarará mucho las cosas, y ten cuidado
si lo modificas, haz una copia por si acaso.

Si tras mirar esto no eres capaz de montar el disco nos pides más ayuda.



   Hackers do it with fewer instructions.

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FW: RE: Disco Duro como particion

2009-10-05 Thread TRaShhGOo

Bayardo Sanchez escribió:

ahora como puedo saber de que tamano es exactamente mi /sdb5?

2009/10/5 TRaShhGOo

Pues yo probaría creando la carpeta /media/Particion y añadiendo
en fstab lo siguiente (A no ser que el formato de archivos no sea
ext3, eso ajustalo según lo tengas):

/dev/sdb5 /media/Particion ext3 rw,user,auto 0 0

No sé si te estoy aconsejando bien, pero yo intentaría eso en un
principio, en fstab es donde reside el truco.

Bayardo Sánchez García
Web Developer - Internet Portals - Asterisk Support - Windows Server 
Support - Proxy Support - Linux Server

Linux User: #418392
America Central - Managua, NI (505) 2249-2853 -  84886876  
IM msn messenger:

Skype: bayardo.sanchez
This email is intended solely for the person or organization to which 
it is addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential 
information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are prohibited 
from copying, disclosing or distributing this email or its contents 
(as it may be unlawful for you to do so) or taking any action in 
reliance on it. If you have received this email by mistake, please 
delete it. All e-mail sent to this address will be received by B.S. 
Solution e-mail system and is subject to archiving and review by 
someone other than the recipient.

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Re: FW: RE: Disco Duro como particion

2009-10-05 Thread Bayardo Sanchez
ahora porque si hago df -h /particion para ver de que tamano es me sale que
es de 1.8 si el hdd es de 500:

[r...@viciserver ~]# df -h /dev/sdb1
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- 1.8G  124K  1.8G   1% /dev
[r...@viciserver ~]# df -h /dev/sdb5
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- 1.8G  124K  1.8G   1% /dev
[r...@viciserver ~]#

Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   2   60801   488376000f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sdb5   2   60801   488375968+  83  Linux
[r...@viciserver ~]#

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 7:57 AM, TRaShhGOo wrote:

 Bayardo Sanchez escribió:

 ahora como puedo saber de que tamano es exactamente mi /sdb5?

 2009/10/5 TRaShhGOo

Pues yo probaría creando la carpeta /media/Particion y añadiendo
en fstab lo siguiente (A no ser que el formato de archivos no sea
ext3, eso ajustalo según lo tengas):

/dev/sdb5 /media/Particion ext3 rw,user,auto 0 0

No sé si te estoy aconsejando bien, pero yo intentaría eso en un
principio, en fstab es donde reside el truco.

 Bayardo Sánchez García
 Web Developer - Internet Portals - Asterisk Support - Windows Server
 Support - Proxy Support - Linux Server
 Linux User: #418392
 America Central - Managua, NI (505) 2249-2853 -  84886876  IM msn
 Skype: bayardo.sanchez
 This email is intended solely for the person or organization to which it
 is addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you
 are not the intended recipient, you are prohibited from copying, disclosing
 or distributing this email or its contents (as it may be unlawful for you to
 do so) or taking any action in reliance on it. If you have received this
 email by mistake, please delete it. All e-mail sent to this address will be
 received by B.S. Solution e-mail system and is subject to archiving and
 review by someone other than the recipient.

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

Bayardo Sánchez García
Web Developer - Internet Portals - Asterisk Support - Windows Server Support
- Proxy Support - Linux Server
Linux User: #418392
America Central - Managua, NI (505) 2249-2853 -  84886876
IM msn messenger:
Skype: bayardo.sanchez
This email is intended solely for the person or organization to which it is
addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you
are not the intended recipient, you are prohibited from copying, disclosing
or distributing this email or its contents (as it may be unlawful for you to
do so) or taking any action in reliance on it. If you have received this
email by mistake, please delete it. All e-mail sent to this address will be
received by B.S. Solution e-mail system and is subject to archiving and
review by someone other than the recipient.

OT: Problema con clamav

2009-10-05 Thread Eduardo R . Barrera Pérez
Hola gente. se que el problema no tiene que ver con postfix, pero como en
todos los server de correo estan acompañados de clamav pues tal vez
alguien en esta lista haya pasado por este problema. Yo tengo un servidor
de correo usando postfix+ldap+clamav+amavis-new+spamassassin yo muchas
veces uso de forma manual el comando: freshclam desde la consola de mi
servidor, para comprobar la actualizacion del clamav, pero en ocasiones me
da este error cuando ejecujo el comando: freshclam

mx1:/etc# freshclam
ERROR: /var/log/clamav/freshclam.log is locked by another process
ERROR: Problem with internal logger (UpdateLogFile =

Dice que esta bloqueado por otro proceso, pero el el fichero de los log
(freshclam.log) no veo nada raro, alguien me dijo una vez que eso pasaba
porque la cantidad de procesos de clamav no eran suficientes para analizar
todos los mensajes, yo tengo configurado mi postfix para que chequee los
mensajes contra virus y spam en tiempo SMTP, por lo que fui al fichero de
configuración de clamav y le aumente el marametro:


MaxThreads 300

Este problema me ocurre con cierta frecuencia, no muy seguido, pero si
frecuentemente y me parece que en los momentos en que ocurre, coincide con
un aumento excesivo del fujo de mensajes, cosa que puedo ver por el
consumo del canal de 128K que solo uso para el correo y que monitoreo
usando Cacti.

Alguien ha pasado por esto que pueda darme un norte en como evitar que
esto me siga pasando???


Eduardo R. Barrera Pérez
Administrador Nodo Jovenclub
Pinar del Rí­o
Phone:  0148-755805
  ___| |__   __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _
 / _ \ '_ \ / _` | '__| '__/ _ \ '__/ _` |
|  __/ |_) | (_| | |  | | |  __/ | | (_| |
 \___|_.__/ \__,_|_|  |_|  \___|_|  \__,_|

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Re: FW: RE: Disco Duro como particion

2009-10-05 Thread TRaShhGOo

Bayardo Sanchez escribió:
ahora porque si hago df -h /particion para ver de que tamano es me 
sale que es de 1.8 si el hdd es de 500:

[r...@viciserver ~]# df -h /dev/sdb1
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- 1.8G  124K  1.8G   1% /dev
[r...@viciserver ~]# df -h /dev/sdb5
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- 1.8G  124K  1.8G   1% /dev
[r...@viciserver ~]#

Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   2   60801   488376000f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sdb5   2   60801   488375968+  83  Linux

Ni idea, me tiene pinta de que ahí el problema está en la tabla de 
particiones del disco, aunque me baso en especulaciones

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Re: [OT] Recuperar archivos perdidos.

2009-10-05 Thread Marcos Delgado
El día 5 de octubre de 2009 06:53, ga escribió:
 Buenas jac!

 On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 01:03:23PM +0200, jac wrote:
 Hola debia...@s:

 Hace unos dias mi madre sin saber lo que hacia, formateo una tarjeta de
 memoria que tenia en su camara de fotos, en la tarjeta se encuentran
 fotos de un familiar fallecido recientemente y me gustaria recuperar
 todas las que me fuera posible.

 He visto que la camara al formatear la tarjeta, solo lo hizo sobre la
 tabla de inodes de esta, que es de 1gb de capacidad.

 Quiero hacer una copia de octetos desde una direccion fisica de la
 tarjeta hasta otra direccion fisica de esta y generar asi un archivo
 nuevo que contenga los octetos indicados.

 Me gustaria saber si disponemos en nuestra distribucion favorita de
 algun programa o algun comando que me permita hacer esto.

 Un comando al estilo de:

 $cat /dev/mmblck0 -inicio /00A000 -fin /00A0FF imagen.recuperada.jpg

 Bueno, a ver si me podeis echar un cable.

 Prueba photorec y testdisk para recuperar ficheros:

 Si buscas en google (y en su propia web) encontrarás varios howtos muy

 Por cierto, que antes de empezar a recuperar ficheros, también puedes
 hacer con estos mismos programas una imagen de backup de la tarjeta.




Yo he obtenido buenos resultados (no excelentes, se pierden algunos
archivos) con esos programas.

Marcos Delgado.

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Re: [OT] Recuperar archivos perdidos.

2009-10-05 Thread Mauricio J. Adonis C.
El lun, 05-10-2009 a las 13:03 +0200, jac escribió:
 Hola debia...@s:
 Hace unos dias mi madre sin saber lo que hacia, formateo una tarjeta de
 memoria que tenia en su camara de fotos, en la tarjeta se encuentran
 fotos de un familiar fallecido recientemente y me gustaria recuperar
 todas las que me fuera posible.
 He visto que la camara al formatear la tarjeta, solo lo hizo sobre la
 tabla de inodes de esta, que es de 1gb de capacidad.
 Quiero hacer una copia de octetos desde una direccion fisica de la
 tarjeta hasta otra direccion fisica de esta y generar asi un archivo
 nuevo que contenga los octetos indicados.
 Me gustaria saber si disponemos en nuestra distribucion favorita de
 algun programa o algun comando que me permita hacer esto.
 Un comando al estilo de:
 $cat /dev/mmblck0 -inicio /00A000 -fin /00A0FF imagen.recuperada.jpg
 Bueno, a ver si me podeis echar un cable.

Considero conveniente tener a mano una distribución Linux muy buena,
Parted Magic 4.5, ideada para servir de «caja de herramientas» para la
gestión de los dispositivos de almacenamiento del equipo. Contiene un
set completo de herramientas para dicho fin, para ...

- Formatear discos internos y/o externos
- Mover, crear, copiar, borrar, expandir o achicar particiones.
- Clonar discos.
- Testear los discos con el fin de prevenir errores.
- Testear la memoria.
- Comparar el rendimiento de tu equipo.
- Borrar con seguridad los discos, eliminando totalmente todos sus datos
- Proporcionar acceso a sistemas que no bootean, permitiendo recuperar
datos importantes de particiones dañadas.

Algo bueno de esta distro es que todas las tares se realizan en una
sesión Live desde el CD (no hay que instalarla al disco duro).

Su sitio es...

Mauricio J. Adonis C.
Usuario Linux  # 482032
Usuario Ubuntu #  25554
Ubuntu Code of Conduct - 1.0.1 signatario

Description: Esta parte del mensaje está firmada digitalmente

Re: Tarjeta de video para streaming de canal de tv con Lenny

2009-10-05 Thread Antonio Arriaga
On Monday 05 October 2009 14:41:56 Nora Lineros wrote:
 Hola chicos:

 Les comento la situacion, tengo en este momento una pc que mediante una
 placa de sonido y el icecast2 trasmito en vivo una radio a traves de
 internet, ahora quieren hacer lo mismo con un canal por aire, es decir
 quieren transmitir un canal por aire a traves de internet, la pregunta es?
 que placa de video me recomiendan para poder realizar esto? es decir que
 sea compatible con debian, asi la agrego al equipo que transmite la radio
 para que ahora tambien sirva para transmitir el canal por aire a traves de
 internet? se comprende la pregunta? desde ya muchas gracias


A ver si es lo que buscas

Antonio Arriaga

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Re: Tarjeta de video para streaming de canal de tv con Lenny

2009-10-05 Thread haldrik
El día 5 de octubre de 2009 11:36, Antonio Arriaga escribió:
 On Monday 05 October 2009 14:41:56 Nora Lineros wrote:
 Hola chicos:

 Les comento la situacion, tengo en este momento una pc que mediante una
 placa de sonido y el icecast2 trasmito en vivo una radio a traves de
 internet, ahora quieren hacer lo mismo con un canal por aire, es decir
 quieren transmitir un canal por aire a traves de internet, la pregunta es?
 que placa de video me recomiendan para poder realizar esto? es decir que
 sea compatible con debian, asi la agrego al equipo que transmite la radio
 para que ahora tambien sirva para transmitir el canal por aire a traves de
 internet? se comprende la pregunta? desde ya muchas gracias


 A ver si es lo que buscas

Se comprende tu reduntante pregunta.

Compra una tarjeta de TV con chip bt878 sintonizan
perfecto en debian y con ella puedes hacer el streaming
de video ya que te entrega un dispositivo /dev/video0.


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como SFTP consola con queue y resume ?

2009-10-05 Thread Carrizo
Estoy intentando aprender el comando o hacer el scrip para conectarme por SFTP 
desde Debian Lenny a un sitio.

Y bajar varios archivos, o carpetas con archivos, con las opciones:

-  Resume (que si se me desconecta pueda empezar a bajar la siguiente vez 
aprovechando lo bajado la anterior) 

- Y queue (que los baje de uno en uno, no todos a la vez).

Seguramente se podrá hacer con Filezilla, pero me gustaría conocer el comando.

En un mac lo estoy haciendo en modo gráfico, así que el protocolo lo soporta, 
pero no acabo de encontrar  las opciones, miré en la página de OpenSSH:

Al pulsar en sftp me lleva a:

Pero no encuentro la opción.

En una página de un programa para windows

sftp help queue

USAGE: queue queue-selection [queue-action [transfer-id | 'all']]
DESCRIPTION: Manage background transfer queue.
 queue-selection   Either 'download'/'get' or 'upload'/'put', depending
   on the queue desired.
 queue-action  Use 'list'/'ls' to list the desired queue, or
   'remove'/'rm' to remove transfer(s) from the queue.
 transfer-id   When 'remove' is requested, this parameter can specify
   s transfer to be removed. If all transfers are to be
   removed, then 'all' keyword should be used instead.

Disculpas por la longitud del mensage.

 ¿Alguien ha intentado hacer algo parecido y tiene el problema resuelto?  

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Re: [OT] Recuperar archivos perdidos.

2009-10-05 Thread gerardo
On Monday 05 October 2009 13:03:23 jac wrote:
 Hola debia...@s:

 Hace unos dias mi madre sin saber lo que hacia, formateo una tarjeta de
 memoria que tenia en su camara de fotos, en la tarjeta se encuentran
 fotos de un familiar fallecido recientemente y me gustaria recuperar
 todas las que me fuera posible.

 He visto que la camara al formatear la tarjeta, solo lo hizo sobre la
 tabla de inodes de esta, que es de 1gb de capacidad.

 Quiero hacer una copia de octetos desde una direccion fisica de la
 tarjeta hasta otra direccion fisica de esta y generar asi un archivo
 nuevo que contenga los octetos indicados.

 Me gustaria saber si disponemos en nuestra distribucion favorita de
 algun programa o algun comando que me permita hacer esto.

 Un comando al estilo de:

 $cat /dev/mmblck0 -inicio /00A000 -fin /00A0FF imagen.recuperada.jpg

 Bueno, a ver si me podeis echar un cable.



Recientemente un familiar perdió todos sus datos en un pedrive en Windows 
Vista. Desde Linux lo recuperé con foremost: 

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Re: [OT] Recuperar archivos perdidos.

2009-10-05 Thread gerardo
On Monday 05 October 2009 13:03:23 jac wrote:
 Hola debia...@s:

 Hace unos dias mi madre sin saber lo que hacia, formateo una tarjeta de
 memoria que tenia en su camara de fotos, en la tarjeta se encuentran
 fotos de un familiar fallecido recientemente y me gustaria recuperar
 todas las que me fuera posible.

 He visto que la camara al formatear la tarjeta, solo lo hizo sobre la
 tabla de inodes de esta, que es de 1gb de capacidad.

 Quiero hacer una copia de octetos desde una direccion fisica de la
 tarjeta hasta otra direccion fisica de esta y generar asi un archivo
 nuevo que contenga los octetos indicados.

 Me gustaria saber si disponemos en nuestra distribucion favorita de
 algun programa o algun comando que me permita hacer esto.

 Un comando al estilo de:

 $cat /dev/mmblck0 -inicio /00A000 -fin /00A0FF imagen.recuperada.jpg

 Bueno, a ver si me podeis echar un cable.



La semana pasada un familiar perdió todos sus datos que tenía en un pendrive 
con Windows Vista. Le aparecían todos los archivos troceados y con carácteres 
raros. Desde linux lo recuperé casi al 100% con foremost, fue excelente la 

Un saludo

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Re: [OT] Recuperar archivos perdidos [SOLUCIONADO].

2009-10-05 Thread jac
Hola de nuevo amigos:

He echado un vistazo a las recomendaciones que me habeis echo y me he
decantado por foremost, me ha parecido la opcion mas sencilla y potente.

Asi ha sido:
$foremost -i /home/jac/tarjeta.iso

Y como por arte de magia, evidentemente la magia unica, grandiosa y
genial del software libre, casi todas las fotos han ido apareciendo.

Muchas gracias a todos... y a todas (si esque hay alguna por ahi).



Happy  libre, libertad  hacking!!!
Software libre patrimonio de la humanidad... YA!!!

jac escribió:
 Hola debia...@s:
 Hace unos dias mi madre sin saber lo que hacia, formateo una tarjeta de
 memoria que tenia en su camara de fotos, en la tarjeta se encuentran
 fotos de un familiar fallecido recientemente y me gustaria recuperar
 todas las que me fuera posible.
 He visto que la camara al formatear la tarjeta, solo lo hizo sobre la
 tabla de inodes de esta, que es de 1gb de capacidad.
 Quiero hacer una copia de octetos desde una direccion fisica de la
 tarjeta hasta otra direccion fisica de esta y generar asi un archivo
 nuevo que contenga los octetos indicados.
 Me gustaria saber si disponemos en nuestra distribucion favorita de
 algun programa o algun comando que me permita hacer esto.
 Un comando al estilo de:
 $cat /dev/mmblck0 -inicio /00A000 -fin /00A0FF imagen.recuperada.jpg
 Bueno, a ver si me podeis echar un cable.

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2009-10-05 Thread Gaspar Núñez
Estoy tratando de cambiar de Windows a un sistema operativo libre

me han dicho que el debian es bastante bueno

la primera dificultad que tengo es que no sé como
asegurarme acerca de l aqrquitectura de mi computadora (laptop)

creo que esta tendría que ser una de la sprimeras cosas
que se tendrían que poner en la documentación



Re: arquitectura

2009-10-05 Thread Javier Marta
Si te es posible, inicia la computadora con un live cd de ubuntu (por nombrar 
una distribución basada en debian), y ejecuta dpkg --print-architecture desde 
la consola.
Planteo esto porque no sé cómo hacerlo desde window$
Un saludo.


Description: PGP signature

Re: arquitectura

2009-10-05 Thread Pau Font
El 5 de octubre de 2009 23:21, Gaspar Núñez escribió:

 Estoy tratando de cambiar de Windows a un sistema operativo libre

 me han dicho que el debian es bastante bueno

 la primera dificultad que tengo es que no sé como
 asegurarme acerca de l aqrquitectura de mi computadora (laptop)

 creo que esta tendría que ser una de la sprimeras cosas
 que se tendrían que poner en la documentación



Buenas Gaspar, si especificas la marca y el modelo de tu microprocesador te
podremos decir las arquitecturas que soporta, 32 o  64 bits... Ya te
adelanto que los 64 bits los soporta desde el Pentium M (dual core) hasta
los actuales en Intel, y desde Athlon en AMD...

Pau Font

Re: como SFTP consola con queue y resume ?

2009-10-05 Thread Oscar Julian Rosales Blanco
El lun, 05-10-2009 a las 18:45 +0200, Carrizo escribió:
 Estoy intentando aprender el comando o hacer el scrip para conectarme por 
 desde Debian Lenny a un sitio.

 En un mac lo estoy haciendo en modo gráfico, así que el protocolo lo soporta, 
 pero no acabo de encontrar  las opciones, miré en la página de OpenSSH:

Podrias usar scp .. algo similar a

scp usua...@maquina_remota:/directorio/archivos/*  .

Lo que traera todos los ficheros a tu directorio actual uno a uno pero
no tiene resume.

Otra opción es usar un rsync que aunque no tiene una función resume tal
cual si puede descargar solo los los ficheros que te hagan falta o que
hayan sido modificados.

También es buena idea usar screen por si tienes que dejar desatendida la
consola o cerrar la sesión.

Oscar Rosales Blanco
Sigueme en twitter

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Re: arquitectura

2009-10-05 Thread Diego Fernando Malavera Lopez
El 5 de octubre de 2009 16:37, Pau Font escribió:

 El 5 de octubre de 2009 23:21, Gaspar Núñez nuroga...@gmail.comescribió:

 Estoy tratando de cambiar de Windows a un sistema operativo libre

 me han dicho que el debian es bastante bueno

 la primera dificultad que tengo es que no sé como
 asegurarme acerca de l aqrquitectura de mi computadora (laptop)

 creo que esta tendría que ser una de la sprimeras cosas
 que se tendrían que poner en la documentación



 Buenas Gaspar, si especificas la marca y el modelo de tu microprocesador te
 podremos decir las arquitecturas que soporta, 32 o  64 bits... Ya te
 adelanto que los 64 bits los soporta desde el Pentium M (dual core) hasta
 los actuales en Intel, y desde Athlon en AMD...

 Pau Font

Sobre la arquitecura de tu lapto,, no tendrias problema ya que debian
soporta i386 y AMD44 por lo cual creo que no tegas problema. pero como eres
un usuario inexperto lo mas comun seria que usaras un sistema operativo
sencillo como mandriva ,, ubuntu ,, o hasta incluso debian es muy facil de
usar. solo es que instales todo el entrno de escritorio. y luego poder
aprender a instalar tus porgramas preferido, por medio de consola.


Re: arquitectura

2009-10-05 Thread Excalibur

 Estoy tratando de cambiar de Windows a un sistema
 operativo libre
 me han dicho que el debian es bastante bueno
 la primera dificultad que tengo es que no sé como 
 asegurarme acerca de l aqrquitectura de mi computadora
 creo que esta tendría que ser una de la sprimeras
 que se tendrían que poner en la documentación

Buenas Gaspar.

Si tenes xp instalado en el laptop no es mas que hacer clic derecho
sobre el icono de Mi pc en el escritorio y en la primer pestaña te
dice el procesador que tenes y la cantidad de memoria.
Si estas en vista haces lo mismo solo que en lugar del icono Mi pc vas
a tener otro que dice Equipo.
Una vez que tengas el dato de la arquitectura de procesador de tu
portátil ya podes entrar acá [0] y bajarte tu flamante Debian Lenny (es
recomendable que instales la versión estable).
Por cierto! Bienvenido a esta gran familia

Saludos desde Mercedes (B)!!


1 hora de banda ancha para bajar tus paquetes .deb, $0,10.
Cd para grabarlos, $2.
Saber que nada en tu pc pertenece a Microsoft, NO TIENE PRECIO!
Existen S.O. que el dinero no puede comprar.
Para el resto, existe Windows!
Excalibur - Usuario Linux Registrado #481497
Debian Lenny GNU/Linux 5.0.3

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Ayuda con HDD

2009-10-05 Thread Bayardo Sanchez
tengo un servidor prolian ML150 con dos discos duros el primer hdd que es
donde esta el OS me reconoce bien el disco duro y el espacio que es pero con
el segundo hdd que lo formateo con fdisk y con gparted me reconoce solo 1.8
gb queria saber porque pasa esto despego el hdd del OS y dejo solo el
segundo disco duro cargo el server con un live cd abro el gparted y me
aparece bien la particion con los 465 gb.

login as: root
r...@'s password:
Last login: Mon Oct  5 14:39:43 2009 from

Welcome to VICIDIALNOW!!!

For access to the VICIDIAL admin and agent web GUI use this URL:

username: admin
password: vicidialnow

For access to VtigerCRM use this URL:

username: admin
password: admin

For professional support, visit

Don't forget to run update_server_ip everytime you change your IP address

[r...@viciserver ~]# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   1  13  104391   83  Linux
/dev/sda2  14   60671   487235385   83  Linux
/dev/sda3   60672   60801 1044225   82  Linux swap / Solaris

Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   1   60801   488384001   83  Linux
[r...@viciserver ~]# dd -h /dev/sdb1
dd: invalid option -- h
Try `dd --help' for more information.
[r...@viciserver ~]# df -h /dev/sdb1
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- 1.8G  132K  1.8G   1% /dev
[r...@viciserver ~]#
[r...@viciserver ~]# df -h /dev/sda1
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1  99M   12M   83M  12% /boot
[r...@viciserver ~]# df -h /dev/sda2
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 451G  407G   21G  96% /
[r...@viciserver ~]# df -h /dev/sda3
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- 1.8G  132K  1.8G   1% /dev
[r...@viciserver ~]# poweroff

Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Mon Oct  5 17:56:11 2009):

The system is going down for system halt NOW!
You have new mail in /var/spool/mail/root
[r...@viciserver ~]#
login as: root
r...@'s password:
Last login: Mon Oct  5 17:54:03 2009 from

Welcome to VICIDIALNOW!!!

For access to the VICIDIAL admin and agent web GUI use this URL:

username: admin
password: vicidialnow

For access to VtigerCRM use this URL:

username: admin
password: admin

For professional support, visit

Don't forget to run update_server_ip everytime you change your IP address

[r...@viciserver ~]# cleatr
-bash: cleatr: command not found
[r...@viciserver ~]# clear
[r...@viciserver ~]# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   1  13  104391   83  Linux
/dev/sda2  14   60671   487235385   83  Linux
/dev/sda3   60672   60801 1044225   82  Linux swap / Solaris
Disk /dev/sdb: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   1   60801   488384001   83  Linux
[r...@viciserver ~]# df -h /dev/sdb1
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- 1.8G  132K  1.8G   1% /dev

[r...@viciserver ~]# df -h /dev/sdb
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- 1.8G  132K  1.8G   1% /dev*
[r...@viciserver ~]#

cuando doy df -h particion me sale solo 1.8 he pasado todo el dia y no c que
hacer me urge

Bayardo Sánchez García
Web Developer - Internet Portals - Asterisk Support - Windows Server Support
- Proxy Support - Linux Server
Linux User: #418392
America Central - Managua, NI (505) 2249-2853 -  84886876
IM msn messenger:
Skype: bayardo.sanchez
This email is intended solely for the person or organization to which it is
addressed. It may contain privileged and confidential information. If you
are not the intended recipient, you are prohibited from copying, disclosing
or distributing this email or its contents (as it may be unlawful for you to
do so) or taking any action 

Re: arquitectura

2009-10-05 Thread EULALIO LOPEZ
El 5 de octubre de 2009 23:21, Gaspar Núñez escribió:

 Estoy tratando de cambiar de Windows a un sistema operativo libre

 me han dicho que el debian es bastante bueno

 la primera dificultad que tengo es que no sé como
 asegurarme acerca de l aqrquitectura de mi computadora (laptop)

 creo que esta tendría que ser una de la sprimeras cosas
 que se tendrían que poner en la documentación



Tal vez debas poner la marca y modelo de tu laptop, asi como el modelo de tu
pero si tienes windows instalado seuramente se ajustara a la arquitectura
para 32 o 64 bits.

Eulalio Lopez

Re: Ajustando las Xorg

2009-10-05 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2009/10/4 Sylvia Sánchez

 El dom, 04-10-2009 a las 10:28 -0300, Facundo A escribió:

 Yo sigo sin poder entender cómo puede tener tantas aplicaciones que no 
 soporten una resolución tan
 básica como 800x600. Está bien que ya casi no se usa, pero, salvo en 
 aplicaciones más especiales, en
 la mayoría de los casos no hay tantas cosas para mostrar que no entren en ese 


Simple desconocimiento. Yo no sabia que existía ese problema del
tamaño en Inkscape hasta que utilice una pantalla de 600 de alto. Si
los desarrolladores nunca se encuentran con un problema no van a
buscarle una solución.

 No, yo tampoco lo entiendo.  Pero bueno, si se puede como dijo alguien (no me 
 acuerdo el
 nombre) arreglar la plantilla de gui, lo hago.  Y si no, me aguantaré piola.  
 Yo todavía sigo
 con problemas en la conexión de internet y no tengo tiempo de ponerme a hacer 
 raras para arreglarla.  El tema es que en algunas aplicaciones como en 
 Eqonomize, la
 pantalla sale tan grande que no puedo ver algunos detalles de abajo ni darle 
 aceptar o
 cancelar.  La solución de Alt+Mouse no me sirvió, ya la intenté pero la 
 ventana siempre
 choca contra el panel de arriba.  Ahora que lo pienso voy a intentar ocultar 
 el panel de
 arriba y luego mover la ventana, a ver qué pasa.

Hola, estas usando compiz? intenta ir al programa de configuración, de
ahí a Mover Ventana y desactiva Limitar Y para poder mover las
ventanas más arriba.

Lo que te decia sobre modificar la plantilla depende del programa en
cuestión. En Gtk se utiliza una plantilla para hacer la gui (generada
en el programa glade3) la cual puede ser modificada sin necesidad de
recompilar el programa, por lo cual podrías simplemente abrirla en
glade3 y modificarla a tu gusto.

Pero el eqonomizer veo que esta hecho en qt, alguien con experiencia
en qt que nos diga si el caso es similar y con que programa modificar
la gui?

Linux Registered User # 386081
A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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Re: Greeklish στη λίστα

2009-10-05 Thread Kostis P. Ventrix
2009/10/5 John Tsiombikas

 On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 09:00:37PM +0300, John Proios wrote:
  Για να μήν μαλώνεται υπάρχει και για τους δύο λύση
  Απλός πρέπει να γράψει κάποιος κανά προγραμματάκι να εκμεταλευτεί την
  καλή δουλειά.

 Den malonoume, ego toulaxiston. O Faidon rotise giati de grafoume
 ellinika, kai ego eipa tous logous mou. Den tous ethesa san thema
 syzitisis oute prospatho na peiso kanenan na grafei greeklish.

  Πάντος ΝΑΙ, είναι ποιό σωστό να γράφονται Ελληνικά και όχι κάτι άλλο.

 Says who?

 John Tsiombikas

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τα μάτια μας

Personal Website:

Re: Greeklish στη λίστα

2009-10-05 Thread Alexios Zavras
Kostis P. Ventrix wrote [edited]:
 2009/10/5 John Tsiombikas
  On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 09:00:37PM +0300, John Proios wrote:
   Πάντος ΝΑΙ, είναι ποιό σωστό να γράφονται Ελληνικά και όχι κάτι άλλο.
  Says who?
 τα μάτια μας

ta dika moy ponane pio poly otan blepw to poio swsto
asxeta apo to character set :-)

-- zvr --
--  +---+   Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
| H eytyxia den exei enoxes |

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Re: Greeklish στη λίστα

2009-10-05 Thread Alexios Zavras
Faidon Liambotis wrote [edited]:
 Alexios Zavras wrote:
  giayto akribws ftiaksame to langmap option! dwse sto vim soy 
  :he langmap
  to paradeigma einai gia ta ellhnika.
 This only works for 8-bit characters.  The value of 'langmap' may be
 specified with multi-byte characters (e.g., UTF-8), but only the lower
 8 bits of each character will be used.

... kai epeidh ta ellhnika unicode einai 0386 mexri 03cb
to lower 8-bits einai 86-cb
poy einai diaforetika apo ascii kai monadika.

eimai sxedon sigoyros oti paizei mia xara !
dokimases ?

apo thn allh, an exeis kai taytoxrona alles glwsses...

-- zvr --
--  +---+   Alexios Zavras (-zvr-)
| H eytyxia den exei enoxes |

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Re: Greeklish στη λίστα

2009-10-05 Thread Faidon Liambotis
Alexios Zavras wrote:
 ... kai epeidh ta ellhnika unicode einai 0386 mexri 03cb
 to lower 8-bits einai 86-cb
 poy einai diaforetika apo ascii kai monadika.
Μιλάς για Unicode codepoints (U+0386 με U+03CB) ήτοι UTF-16.

Στο UTF-8 το πρώτο byte, όταν είναι  127, αναφέρεται στον αριθμό των
χαρακτήρων που αποτελούν την ακολουθία (2, 3, 4, ...).

Στους περισσότερους ελληνικούς χαρακτήρες το πρώτο byte είναι 0xCE ή 0xCF.

 eimai sxedon sigoyros oti paizei mia xara !
 dokimases ?
Ναι. Δεν παίζει.


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Re: Greeklish στη λίστα

2009-10-05 Thread nikos roussos
On Mon, 5 Oct 2009 20:25:16 +0300
John Tsiombikas wrote:

  Ποτέ δεν είναι αργά για να βελτιώσεις τις ικανότητές σου. Εμείς τι
  φταίμε να ντιαβάζουμε τι κουλαμάρα του καθενός. Για να μην πω για το
  search, που κάποιος πρέπει να μαντεύει τις greeklish ανωμαλίες του
 Den se anagkase kanenas na diabazeis ayta pou leo.

προφανώς :) προσωπικά τείνω στο συμπέρασμα πως όποιος γράφει μακροσκελή mail
σε greeklish απλώς έχει γραμμένους όλους τους άλλους που πιθανόν να
ενδιαφέρονται να το διαβάσουν. γι' αυτό και συνήθως τα αγνοώ.

είναι θέμα οπτικής γωνίας μάλλον. και μένα μπορεί να μ' άρεσε να γράφω έτσι:

Ό60 δυ6κ0λό73ρ0 3ίναι 70 κ3ίμ3νό 6α6, 7ό60 λιγό73ρ0ι άν8ρωπ0ι 8α 73ίν0υν να
70 διαβά60υν.

αλλά δεν το κάνω γιατί θέλω τα mail μου να τα διαβάσουν κι άλλοι. διαφορετικά
θα τα έστελνα μόνο στον εαυτό μου.

nikos roussos

Description: PGP signature

Re: Greeklish στη λί στα

2009-10-05 Thread John Tsiombikas
On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 12:44:35AM +0300, nikos roussos wrote:
 On Mon, 5 Oct 2009 20:25:16 +0300
 John Tsiombikas wrote:
  Den se anagkase kanenas na diabazeis ayta pou leo.
 προφανώς :) προσωπικά τείνω στο συμπέρασμα πως όποιος γράφει μακροσκελή mail
 σε greeklish απλώς έχει γραμμένους όλους τους άλλους που πιθανόν να
 ενδιαφέρονται να το διαβάσουν. γι' αυτό και συνήθως τα αγνοώ.
 είναι θέμα οπτικής γωνίας μάλλον. και μένα μπορεί να μ' άρεσε να γράφω έτσι:
 Ό60 δυ6κ0λό73ρ0 3ίναι 70 κ3ίμ3νό 6α6, 7ό60 λιγό73ρ0ι άν8ρωπ0ι 8α 73ίν0υν να
 70 διαβά60υν.
 αλλά δεν το κάνω γιατί θέλω τα mail μου να τα διαβάσουν κι άλλοι. διαφορετικά
 θα τα έστελνα μόνο στον εαυτό μου.

Ypervaleis oiktra.

Ta greeklish einai pliros katanoita, kamia sxesi me to ektroma me ta
noumera pou egrapses. Ola ta xronia me greeklish milame kai oloi
katalabainan olous xoris kamia dyskolia.

John Tsiombikas

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Re: Greeklish στη λίστα

2009-10-05 Thread Σπύρος Γεωργαράς
Hash: SHA1

O/H nikos roussos έγραψε:
 On Mon, 5 Oct 2009 20:25:16 +0300
 John Tsiombikas wrote:
  Ποτέ δεν είναι αργά για να βελτιώσεις τις ικανότητές σου. Εμείς τι
  φταίμε να ντιαβάζουμε τι κουλαμάρα του καθενός. Για να μην πω για το
  search, που κάποιος πρέπει να μαντεύει τις greeklish ανωμαλίες του
 Den se anagkase kanenas na diabazeis ayta pou leo.
 προφανώς :) προσωπικά τείνω στο συμπέρασμα πως όποιος γράφει μακροσκελή mail
 σε greeklish απλώς έχει γραμμένους όλους τους άλλους που πιθανόν να
 ενδιαφέρονται να το διαβάσουν. γι' αυτό και συνήθως τα αγνοώ.
 είναι θέμα οπτικής γωνίας μάλλον. και μένα μπορεί να μ' άρεσε να γράφω έτσι:
 Ό60 δυ6κ0λό73ρ0 3ίναι 70 κ3ίμ3νό 6α6, 7ό60 λιγό73ρ0ι άν8ρωπ0ι 8α 73ίν0υν να
 70 διαβά60υν.
 αλλά δεν το κάνω γιατί θέλω τα mail μου να τα διαβάσουν κι άλλοι. διαφορετικά
 θα τα έστελνα μόνο στον εαυτό μου.


IMHO, τα greeklish ήταν μια λύση ανάγκης και ως τέτοια θα πρέπει να
χρησιμοποιούνται, π.χ. dielusa to sustuma mou kai den mporw na grapsw ellhnika,
sorry ἠ sugnwmi gia ta greeklish, alla eimai se production/enterprise mixanima
pou den uposthrizei ellhnika

Την καληνύχτα μου σε όλους

- --

Ξέρετε πότε να λέγει ο καθείς «εγώ»; όταν αγωνιστεί μόνος του και φκιάσει
ή χαλάσει, να λέγει «εγώ»· όταν όμως αγωνίζονται πολλοί και φκιάνουν,
τότε να λένε «εμείς». Είμαστε στο «εμείς» κι όχι στο «εγώ».

- --
gpg key URL:
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
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Re: Greeklish στη λίστα

2009-10-05 Thread John Kapnogiannis
Eleni-Maria Stea wrote:
 re paidia sorry pou grafw kai greeklish alla.. eseis alles douleies den exete?
 (είπα: εσείς άλλες δουλειές δεν έχετε; - μετάφραση για όσους
 δυσκολεύονται με τα γκρίκλις)

Άντε πες τα, όπως γουστάρει ο καθένας γράφει.

End of story

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Re: Greeklish στη λίστα

2009-10-05 Thread Akis Foulidis
On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 12:44:35AM +0300, nikos roussos wrote:
 προφανώς :) προσωπικά τείνω στο συμπέρασμα πως όποιος γράφει μακροσκελή mail
 σε greeklish απλώς έχει γραμμένους όλους τους άλλους που πιθανόν να
 ενδιαφέρονται να το διαβάσουν. γι' αυτό και συνήθως τα αγνοώ.

Νομίζω πως υπερβάλεις. Σαφώς και είναι δικαίωμά σου να αγνοείς τα posts
που είναι γραμμένα με greeklish, αλλά δεν μπορείς να λες πως όποιος
γράφει greeklish αγνοεί τα άτομα που συμμετέχουν στην λίστα. Νομίζω πως
υπάρχουν σημαντικότερα πράγματα που πρέπει να απασχολήσουν την λίστα
(πρακτικά και μη). Όταν λυθεί αυτό, τότε κάνουμε και ένα flame για τα

Akis Foulidis

``Times like these call for a Big Lebowski.''

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Re: Cryptsetup-luks

2009-10-05 Thread Fabrício Lamonica
não cheguei a pesquisar sobre isso não. Assim que sobrar um tempinho,
vou tentar ver isso.


Fabrício Lamonica

Em Dom, 2009-10-04 às 06:39 -0700, Pedro Celio escreveu:
 Olá Fabrício,
 Obrigado pelo retorno. No meu caso eu vou criptografar o HDs externos onde os 
 backups vão ficar gravados. Eu também uso um key_file como você, pq o backup 
 é realizado de madrugada e não teria como ficar digitando senha toda fez que 
 a rotina for iniciar.
 Agora uma coisa que não consegui achar nas pesquisas e documentação do 
 software é se ocorrer algum bad block ou algum problema lógico no sistema de 
 arquivos do dispositivo criptografado, até que ponto isso pode interferir no 
 processo de descriptografia do mesmo.
 Você chegou a pesquisar alguma coisa a respeito? 
 User Linux # 398043
 --- Em sex, 2/10/09, Fabricio Lamonica escreveu:
  De: Fabricio Lamonica
  Assunto: Re: Cryptsetup-luks
  Para: Pedro Celio
  Cc: Lista-Debian
  Data: Sexta-feira, 2 de Outubro de 2009, 18:32
  Oi, Pedro 
  Na semana passada também coloquei um servidor de arquivos
  com esse
  conjunto de software que você citou. Um detalhe que fiquei
  desanimado foi que na hora do boot teria que entrar com a
  Pesquisando na Internet vi que era possível gerar um
  arquivo como chave
  para substituir a digitação. Fiz, gravei um cd e agora
  quando preciso
  rebootar o servidor (quase sempre remotamente), peço para
  o responsável
  da empresa inserir o cd e depois do sistema carregado, ele
  tira e guarda
  em local seguro. O detalhe é que para isso, deixei a
  partição / em
  criptografia e fiz criptografia para swap e /home, usando
  ainda RAID1.
  Sem o CD o sistema carrega, mas não monta /home e fica sem
  swap também.
  Fora isso, dá para fazer acesso por ssh sem problemas.
  PS: para evitar ao máximo desligamentos e reboots no
  verificamos a parte elétrica e colocamos um nobreak de
  1500 da APC só
  para esse servidor.
  Fabrício Lamonica
  Em Sex, 2009-10-02 às 13:02 -0700, Pedro Celio escreveu:
   Olá pessoal,
   Estou realizando um projeto para a implantação da
  criptografia de dados nos hds dos servidores.
   Estou o conjunto de ferramentas: módulo dm_crypt,
  cryptsetup e LUKs com o algoritmo aes-xts-plain sobre o
  kernel 2.6.26-2 (Debian Lenny). Até o momento os resultados
  obtidos foram todos positivos, mas gostaria de saber se
  alguém já teve algum tipo de problema com a utilização
  destas ferramentas. Se houve problemas na recuperação de
  dados por algum motivo. E caso tenham alguma sugestão para
  otimizar a utilização das mesmas também será bem vinda.
   Desde já obrigado.
   User Linux # 398043
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Re: Instalar debian em neetbook através de pendrive

2009-10-05 Thread Rodolfo Stangherlin
O Debian permite ser instalado via pendrive também:


On 10/5/09, wrote:
 Dê uma olhada no unetbootin. Ele converte uma iso (de qualquer distribuição)
 para ser gravada (e carregada) em um pendrive.

 --- Em dom, 4/10/09, José Paulo Neto escreveu:

 De: José Paulo Neto
 Assunto: Re: Instalar debian em neetbook através de pendrive
 Para: José Carlos Messias
 Cc: Tiago Almeida, Debian User
 Data: Domingo, 4 de Outubro de 2009, 20:49
 galera, tenho uma imagem iso e um
 pendrive!!! tem como eu instalar o linux pelo pendrive no
 computador sem ser com um .img???

 Tava querendo fazer com duas imagens iso, uma do debian e
 outra do elive. Só que aonde eu vou instalar nao tem uma
 boa internet!!!

 Sobre a dica que o pjoba pediu, essa instalação do debian
 pro eee é muito boa. To usando no meu, só que to querendo
 testar o enlightenment pq ele usa melhor da tela.


 PS. espero que tenha explicado direito

 2009/10/2 José Carlos Messias

 outra opção muito interessante:


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Re: Instalar debian em neetbook através de pendrive

2009-10-05 Thread Thiago Branco Meurer
Vou testar isso.
Sempre tive curiosidades.

2009/10/5 Rodolfo Stangherlin

 O Debian permite ser instalado via pendrive também:


 On 10/5/09, wrote:
  Dê uma olhada no unetbootin. Ele converte uma iso (de qualquer
  para ser gravada (e carregada) em um pendrive.
  --- Em dom, 4/10/09, José Paulo Neto escreveu:
  De: José Paulo Neto
  Assunto: Re: Instalar debian em neetbook através de pendrive
  Para: José Carlos Messias
  Cc: Tiago Almeida, Debian User
  Data: Domingo, 4 de Outubro de 2009, 20:49
  galera, tenho uma imagem iso e um
  pendrive!!! tem como eu instalar o linux pelo pendrive no
  computador sem ser com um .img???
  Tava querendo fazer com duas imagens iso, uma do debian e
  outra do elive. Só que aonde eu vou instalar nao tem uma
  boa internet!!!
  Sobre a dica que o pjoba pediu, essa instalação do debian
  pro eee é muito boa. To usando no meu, só que to querendo
  testar o enlightenment pq ele usa melhor da tela.
  PS. espero que tenha explicado direito
  2009/10/2 José Carlos Messias
  outra opção muito interessante:
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Sr. Thiago Branco Meurer
Analista de Sistemas Junior
Linux User: #469369
Home Page:


2009-10-05 Thread Christian Gmail

Olá Pessoal,

É o seguinte, existe uma forma de eu descobrir de qual IP foi impresso 
um documento ?

Eu ultiizo a impressora HP LaserJet P1505n como servidora de impressão.

Grato !

Christian Rosa

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Re: Roteamento VLSM no Linux

2009-10-05 Thread Pedro Celio
Olá Rafael,

Você usa algum recurso ou ferramenta para poder realizar este tipo de 
roteamento? Tem alguma documentação que você sugere para eu poder saber mais 
sobre este tipo de assunto?

Desde já obrigado,

User Linux # 398043

--- Em dom, 4/10/09, Rafael Moraes escreveu:

 De: Rafael Moraes
 Assunto: Re: Roteamento VLSM no Linux
 Para: Pedro Celio
 Cc: Lista-Debian
 Data: Domingo, 4 de Outubro de 2009, 11:00
 Sim, sem problemas.
 2009/10/4 Pedro Celio
 Olá pessoal,
 Alguém sabe se o Linux suporta o roteamento VLSM
 (Máscaras de Subredes de Tamanho Variável). Alguém já
 tentou implentar isso?
 Desde já obrigado.
 User Linux # 398043
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Re: Correto: Kernel : hda x sda - incompatibilidade?

2009-10-05 Thread Eder S. G. (JORDAN)

Renato S. Yamane wrote:
 Em 03-10-2009 09:27, Eder S. G. (JORDAN) escreveu:
 Compilei o kernel linux versão em um servidor com o
 sistema operacional Debian GNU/Linux versão 5.0.3 (Lenny)

 Um servidor com o recém lançado 2.6.31?

Olá Renato, bom dia!

Como você está? Espero que esteja a cada dia melhor!

Sim, o servidor (ele atua como gateway, proxy e firewall da rede)
está com o kernel linux versão Como já se passou algumas
semanas de seu lançamento, optamos em atualiza-lo.

 instalado em um disco rígido de interface IDE. Porém, logo após
 o primeiro boot com o novo kernel linux, deparei-me com a
 seguinte mensagem no console:

 Begin: Waiting for root file system ...

 Você provavelmente esqueceu-se de alterar o menu.lst para apontar
 para o dispositivo de boot correto.

O arquivo '/boot/grub/menu.lst' estava correto antes de descobrir
o problema... Eu também desconfiava que elee estava com alguma

 Realizei uma pesquisa no Google li sobre uma possível
 incompatibilidade entre o kernel linux versão com
 HD's configurados como hda, hdb, hdc e hdd.

 Não há nada de incompatível.

 A partir do Kernel 2.6.19 (e não 2.6.31) os dispositivos ide são 
tratados como sata também:

Renato, muitíssimo obrigado pela indicação da URL. Foi através dela que
consegui resolver o problema referente ao hda VERSUS sda. A solução que
encontrei foi:

1º Selecionei a opção 'ATA/ATAPI/MFM/RLL support'. Assim, os dispositivos
IDE serão reconhecidos como hdx ao invés de sdx.

2º Desmarcar a opção 'Serial ATA (prod) and Parallel ATA (experimental)
drivers' que, anteriormente, estava selecionada.

No mais, muito obrigado Renato e a todos que puderam me ajudar.
Desejo-lhes uma excelente semana!



Eder S. G. (JORDAN) - Contato: (32) 8869 4930
E-Mail: - Site:
Paz, Justiça, Honra, Lealdade, Ética, Responsabilidade, Honestidade

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Re: Roteamento VLSM no Linux

2009-10-05 Thread Rafael Moraes
Explique melhor o que você quer fazer.
Pois não tem nada demais, basta vc criar as rotas, utilizar as redes que
precisa e so alegria.

Não tem mistério

A documentação seria o man route man ifconfig man ip route e por ai vai...


2009/10/5 Pedro Celio

 Olá Rafael,

 Você usa algum recurso ou ferramenta para poder realizar este tipo de
 roteamento? Tem alguma documentação que você sugere para eu poder saber mais
 sobre este tipo de assunto?

 Desde já obrigado,

 User Linux # 398043

 --- Em dom, 4/10/09, Rafael Moraes escreveu:

  De: Rafael Moraes
  Assunto: Re: Roteamento VLSM no Linux
  Para: Pedro Celio
  Cc: Lista-Debian
  Data: Domingo, 4 de Outubro de 2009, 11:00
  Sim, sem problemas.
  2009/10/4 Pedro Celio
  Olá pessoal,
  Alguém sabe se o Linux suporta o roteamento VLSM
  (Máscaras de Subredes de Tamanho Variável). Alguém já
  tentou implentar isso?
  Desde já obrigado.
  User Linux # 398043
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Re: Impressão

2009-10-05 Thread Christian Gmail
Ela está ligada direto na rede por um inteface de rede que já inclusa na 

Creio que se você estiver falando disso, podemos dizer que sim.


Christian Rosa

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Re: Receber cópia dos e-mails dos usuários

2009-10-05 Thread Edson - PMSS

Agradeço a todos que responderam à lista. Vou fazer os testes com as
soluções apontadas.

Gostaria de esclarecer a todos que comentaram a respeito da privacidade
do e-mail e para conhecimento geral, que a empresa, segundo a lei, pode
(e deve) verificar o uso do e-mail corporativo, conforme segue abaixo:

Fonte: TST
admite que empresa investigue e-mail no trabalho -

Processo Nº
Segundo o processo citado, temos:
art. 5º, XII, da CF
 garante, entre outras, a 
inviolabilidade do sigilo da
correspondência e da comunicação de dados."
"se o -
fornecido pela empresa
, como 
instrumento de trabalho
, não há impedimento a que a empresa
a ele tenha acesso, para verificar se está sendo utilizado
"Assim, se o empregado
eventualmente se utiliza da caixa de e-mail corporativo para assuntos
particulares, deve fazê-lo consciente de que o seu acesso pelo
empregador não representa violação de suas correspondências pessoais,
tampouco violação de sua privacidade ou intimidade, porque se trata de
equipamento e tecnologia fornecidos pelo empregador para utilização no
trabalho e para alcance das finalidades da empresa. (TST-AIRR-1.542/2005-055-02-40.4,
Rel. Min. Ives Gandra, 7ª Turma, DJ de 06/06/08)""">

Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) escreveu:

Hash: SHA256

On 02-10-2009 10:20, Marcelo Buess wrote:
2009/10/1 Edson - PMSS 

  Como faço para receber cópia de todos os e-mails que os usuários
recebem. Eu uso sendmail.

Pelo meu conhecimento em correio eletrônico (MSExchange) vc não tem como
fazer o que vc está querendo, a não ser que vc entre na conta do usuário
(ex: pelo MSOutlook), crie uma regra e nesta regra vc encaminha uma
cópia pra sua conta ou outra qualquer. Outra forma seria vc, como
administrador do MSExchange, abrir a conta do usuário (pelo MCOutlook) e
ver quais são as mensagens que ele está recebendo, isso se ele não
estiver utilizando redirecionamento de mensagens para Pastas
Particulares. Não conheço o funcionamento em outros servidores de correio.

Não sei como são as coisas por ai mas onde eu trabalhava (Ministério do
Planejamento) os administradores da rede e correio somente entravam nos
e-mails dos usuários depois de aprovação de vários documentos.


	Antes de mais nada há *sempre* a questão de privacidade,
é importante levá-la em conta, como esta é uma lista pública, as
pessoas saberão o que está acontecendo se procurarem. :-)

	Sim, é possível copiar os emails que seus usuários recebem
(ou que enviam), há várias soluções pra fazer isso, você pode ter
uma regra de "catch-all" no procmail para os emails que recebem,
para o envio é preciso que o MTA faça isso.

	No sendmail essa pergunta aparece no FAQ:

	No postfix é o famoso "always_bcc".

	No qmail você precisa usar o QUEUE_EXTRA:

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
"Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -



Edson Donizete do Amaral

Prefeitura Municipal de São Sebastião
Divisão de Tecnologia e Informação

Visite o meu Blog --

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Re: Receber cópia dos e-mails dos usuários

2009-10-05 Thread Marcos Paulo Serafim


Eu não afirmaria isso com tanta certeza visto que dentro do Judiciário
existe muita opinião divergente sobre o assunto.
Por exemplo:

Marcos Paulo Serafim

Edson - PMSS escreveu:
 Agradeço a todos que responderam à lista. Vou fazer os testes com as
soluções apontadas.

 Gostaria de esclarecer a todos que comentaram a respeito da privacidade
do e-mail e para conhecimento geral, que a empresa, segundo a lei, pode
(e deve) verificar o uso do e-mail corporativo, conforme segue abaixo:

 Fonte: TST admite que empresa investigue e-mail no trabalho -

 Processo* Nº TST-RR-9.961/2004-015-09-00.1*
 Segundo o processo citado, temos:
 O *art. 5º, XII, da CF* garante, entre outras, a *inviolabilidade do
sigilo da correspondência e da comunicação de dados.
 *se o - *e-mail-* é *fornecido pela empresa* , como *instrumento de
trabalho* , não há impedimento a que a empresa a ele tenha acesso, para
verificar se está sendo utilizado adequadamente.*
 *Assim, se o empregado eventualmente se utiliza da caixa de e-mail
corporativo para assuntos particulares, deve fazê-lo consciente de que o
seu acesso pelo empregador não representa violação de suas
correspondências pessoais, tampouco violação de sua privacidade ou
intimidade, porque se trata de equipamento e tecnologia fornecidos pelo
empregador para utilização no trabalho e para alcance das finalidades da
empresa. (TST-AIRR-1.542/2005-055-02-40.4, Rel. Min. *Ives Gandra*, 7ª
Turma, DJ de 06/06/08)*
 Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw) escreveu:
 On 02-10-2009 10:20, Marcelo Buess wrote:
  2009/10/1 Edson - PMSS
  Como faço para receber cópia de todos os e-mails que os usuários
  recebem. Eu uso sendmail.

  Pelo meu conhecimento em correio eletrônico (MSExchange) vc não
 tem como
  fazer o que vc está querendo, a não ser que vc entre na conta do
  (ex: pelo MSOutlook), crie uma regra e nesta regra vc encaminha uma
  cópia pra sua conta ou outra qualquer. Outra forma seria vc, como
  administrador do MSExchange, abrir a conta do usuário (pelo
 MCOutlook) e
  ver quais são as mensagens que ele está recebendo, isso se ele não
  estiver utilizando redirecionamento de mensagens para Pastas
  Particulares. Não conheço o funcionamento em outros servidores de
  Não sei como são as coisas por ai mas onde eu trabalhava
 (Ministério do
  Planejamento) os administradores da rede e correio somente
 entravam nos
  e-mails dos usuários depois de aprovação de vários documentos.

 Antes de mais nada há *sempre* a questão de privacidade,
 é importante levá-la em conta, como esta é uma lista pública, as
 pessoas saberão o que está acontecendo se procurarem. :-)

 Sim, é possível copiar os emails que seus usuários recebem
 (ou que enviam), há várias soluções pra fazer isso, você pode ter
 uma regra de catch-all no procmail para os emails que recebem,
 para o envio é preciso que o MTA faça isso.

 No sendmail essa pergunta aparece no FAQ:

 No postfix é o famoso always_bcc.

 No qmail você precisa usar o QUEUE_EXTRA:


 Edson Donizete do Amaral

 Prefeitura Municipal de São Sebastião
 Divisão de Tecnologia e Informação

 Visite o meu Blog --
 -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of
unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact

[OT] Re: Receber cópia dos e-mails dos usuá rios

2009-10-05 Thread Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Hash: SHA256

On 05-10-2009 10:34, Edson - PMSS wrote:
 Gostaria de esclarecer a todos que comentaram a respeito da privacidade
 do e-mail e para conhecimento geral, que a empresa, segundo a lei, pode
 (e deve) verificar o uso do e-mail corporativo, conforme segue abaixo:
 Fonte: TST admite que empresa investigue e-mail no trabalho -

Poder e dever são itens *bem* ortogonais. Além disso, como
há apontado, há opiniões divergentes sobre este assunto.

IMNSHO, a empresa deve avisar ao funcionário que o email é
corporativo e verificado por robôs para remoção de SPAMs e vírus,
e que, se *necessário* verificado por humanos por questões ligadas
à vazamento de informações ou outros problemas que ponham em risco
a infraestrutura e a empresa como um todo.

Ainda assim, há uma postura *ética* importante, sem falar
da quantidade monstruosa de tempo necessária para verificas todos
os emails de uma empresa com mais de 1000 funcionários.

- --
Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)
Debian. Freedom to code. Code to freedom!
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Duvidsa squid + dansguardian

2009-10-05 Thread Leandro Moreira
Estou realizando testes de integração do squid com o dansguardian, estou
tendo algumas dificuldade na configuração do squid, estou seguindo o
seguinte artigo:

As tag's do squid.conf que estao dando problema sao as seguintes:

maximum_object_size_in_memory 128 KB
follow_x_forwarded_for allow localhost
broken_vary_encoding allow apache

Ao verficar as configurações do squid:

lm02:/etc/squid3# squid3 -k parse
2009/10/05 11:22:06| Processing Configuration File: /etc/squid3/squid.conf
(depth 0)
2009/10/05 11:22:06| squid.conf:23 unrecognized:
2009/10/05 11:22:06| squid.conf:103 unrecognized:

Ao veirificar a compilação do squid:

lm02:/etc/squid3# squid3 -v
Squid Cache: Version 3.0.STABLE8
configure options:  '--build=i486-linux-gnu' '--prefix=/usr'
'--includedir=${prefix}/include' '--mandir=${prefix}/share/man'
'--infodir=${prefix}/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc' '--localstatedir=/var'
'--libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/squid3' '--disable-maintainer-mode'
'--disable-dependency-tracking' '--srcdir=.' '--datadir=/usr/share/squid3'
'--sysconfdir=/etc/squid3' '--mandir=/usr/share/man'
'--with-cppunit-basedir=/usr' '--enable-inline' '--enable-async-io=8'
'--enable-removal-policies=lru,heap' '--enable-delay-pools'
'--enable-cache-digests' '--enable-underscores' '--enable-icap-client' '*
--enable-follow-x-forwarded-for*' '--enable-auth=basic,digest,ntlm'
'--with-filedescriptors=65536' '--with-default-user=proxy' '--enable-epoll'
'--enable-linux-netfilter' 'build_alias=i486-linux-gnu' 'CC=cc' 'CFLAGS=-g
-O2 -g -Wall -O2' 'LDFLAGS=' 'CPPFLAGS=' 'CXX=g++' 'CXXFLAGS=-g -O2 -g -Wall
-O2' 'FFLAGS=-g -O2'

O squid esta compilado com suporte a follow_x_forwarded_for allow localhost.
Alguem pode me ajudar?


Leandro Moreira
Linux Administrator: LPIC-1
Tel.: + 55(32) 9906-5713

Re: Cryptsetup-luks

2009-10-05 Thread Pedro Celio
--- Em dom, 4/10/09, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh escreveu:

 De: Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
 Assunto: Re: Cryptsetup-luks
 Para: Pedro Celio
 Cc: Fabricio Lamonica, Lista-Debian
 Data: Domingo, 4 de Outubro de 2009, 12:54
 On Sun, 04 Oct 2009, Henrique de
 Moraes Holschuh wrote:
  On Sun, 04 Oct 2009, Pedro Celio wrote:
   Agora uma coisa que não consegui achar nas
 pesquisas e documentação do
   software é se ocorrer algum bad block ou algum
 problema lógico no sistema
   de arquivos do dispositivo criptografado, até
 que ponto isso pode
   interferir no processo de descriptografia do
  Em geral não há realimentação de um setor para
 outro, então danos a um setor
  serão restritos ao mesmo.  Mas é sempre
 necessário verificar para cada
  aplicação.  No caso do dm-crypt, não tem
  Leia isso:
  e isso:
  Aliás, recomendo adicionar uma camada FEC
 (forward-error-correction) na
  mídia de backup caso a mesma seja usada para
 retenção.  O FEC pode ficar,
  inclusive, em mídia separada (mas *tem* que ser
 cifrado também, óbvio).
 Leia também:
 O modo recomendado é aes-xts-essiv, ou seja algo do tipo:
 cipher=aes-xts-essiv:sha256,size=256,hash=sha256  pro
 LUKS.  Se for para
 retencão, eu usaria tudo com 512, já que a rentenção
 tem que aguentar segura
 por uns 10 anos...
 Pode ser que no seu caso não faça diferença usar XTS ou
 CBC.  CBC é mais
   One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them.
 One disk to bring
   them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land
 of Redmond
   where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
   Henrique Holschuh

Olá Henrique,

Obrigado pelo retorno e pelas dicas. Como eu faço para adicionar a camada FEC 
que sugeriu? Tem alguma ferramenta específica para isso? 

Tem algum material a respeito disso?

Desde já obrigado.

User Linux # 398043


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Re: Cryptsetup-luks

2009-10-05 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Mon, 05 Oct 2009, Pedro Celio wrote:
 Obrigado pelo retorno e pelas dicas. Como eu faço para adicionar a camada
 FEC que sugeriu? Tem alguma ferramenta específica para isso? 
 Tem algum material a respeito disso?

Procura por programas que implementem codificação Reed-Solomon.  No pacote
dvbackup tem um, só que eles usam uma codificação tão absurdamente forte,
que talvez aumente demais o tamanho do arquivo.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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DHCP por mac-address utilizando DNS

2009-10-05 Thread gilmarlinux

Alguem sabe se e possivel utilizar o dhcp por mac registrando nome e ip no 
pois fiz um testes e funcionou somente com bind trabalhando como dinamico.
Desde ja agradeco

Re: ikinci hard disk (ntfs)(cozuldu)

2009-10-05 Thread ebitargem
Bilgisayari defalarca restart yaptim olmadi,en sonunda kasayi acip baglantı ve 
guc kablosunu cikarip tekrar taktim,sonra harddiski yeniden gordu,daha sonra 
hemen ntfs-3g paketini indirip  kurdum ve simdi sorunsuz kullaniyorum.

--- On Sun, 10/4/09, Adil ALPMAN wrote:

From: Adil ALPMAN
Subject: Re: ikinci hard disk (ntfs)
Date: Sunday, October 4, 2009, 9:37 AM

acemi list mesaji yanlis anlamissiniz sanirim, ebitargem arkadas goremedigimden 
baglayamadim diyor, baglayamadim demiyor... :)

ebitargem, pc yi restart edip acinca fdisk -l dediginizde yeni diski 
gorebiliyor musunuz?

Re: Installing SId version of Xorg

2009-10-05 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sun,04.Oct.09, 17:26:10, Frank wrote:
  # echo 'APT::Default-Release squeeze;'  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00local
  # echo deb http://your-prefered-mirror/ squeeze main
  #  /etc/apt/sources.list aptitude update
  # aptitude install -t squeeze xorg
   Maybe I wasn't clearbut won't that take me back to Squeeze? 
   How do I get the Sid version installed ?

Oups, too tired last night. This is the correct way:

# echo 'APT::Default-Release squeeze;'  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00local
# echo deb http://your-prefered-mirror/ sid main  /etc/apt/sources.list
# aptitude update
# aptitude install -t sid xorg

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: mutt/nano spellchecking

2009-10-05 Thread Chris Jones
On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 08:39:36AM EDT, Tony Baldwin wrote:

 One of the things keeping me from using Mutt as my default mail client
 all the time is the lack of certain spell check features.  

That's got nothing to do with mutt. Spell-checking is a feature of the
editor that you told mutt to use. If you're unhappy with said editor,
just tell mutt that you want to use a different one.

 I wasn't aware at all, until today, that I could set up nano to spell
 check, but now have it working with Aspell, and, thus, spell check, at
 the very least, in English.  However, I write e-mails in 4 different
 languages (both icedove, and the gmail online interface allow me to
 spell check my messages in any variety of languages).  Does anyone
 know of a means to configure nano, and, to work with mutt, so that one
 may alternate languages for spell check purposes, as can be done in
 icedove, tbird, etc.?

I don't use nano on a regular basis, in fact I was under the impression
that it was some kind of a last resort hack, only useful in environments
with low resources, or when you are dropped to a root shell after a
failed boot-time fsck, etc.

Maybe you need to make sure the dictionaries for the languages you are
writing in are correctly installed.  Besides, if your locale is some
form of unicode, it would make sense that you also have to tell nano
what language it is that he needs to spell check.

As an aside, I also use mutt, with vim as the editor. With vim, spell
checking is as easy as issuing a :set spell spelllang=whatever from
Vim's command line...  and optionally mapping a few function keys to
make switching languages fast and convenient.

I'm sure you have excellent reasons for using nano, but I would like to
add that one thing I really like about vim is that you have all the
information you need at your fingertips via the searchable online help.
I'm not sure I would want to make my own an editor that does not provide
documentation and leaves you with a choice between guessing and posting
to a mailing list for help.


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Re: OT: mutt/nano spellchecking

2009-10-05 Thread Siggy Brentrup
On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 08:39 -0400, Tony Baldwin wrote:

 One of the things keeping me from using Mutt as my default mail
 client all the time is the lack of certain spell check features.

 I wasn't aware at all, until today, that I could set up nano to
 spell check, but now have it working with Aspell, and, thus, spell
 check, at the very least, in English.  However, I write e-mails in 4
 different languages (both icedove, and the gmail online interface
 allow me to spell check my messages in any variety of languages).
 Does anyone know of a means to configure nano, and, to work with
 mutt, so that one may alternate languages for spell check purposes,
 as can be done in icedove, tbird, etc.?

By setting the EDITOR environment variable you can direct mutt (and
other programs) to use any editor of your liking.

Hence your question reduces to: which editor is capable of spellchecking
in different languages.  My choice is emacs, ymmv.

O ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -
|11 days until|bsb-at-psycho-dot-informationsanarchistik-dot-de|
+--- ceterum censeo javascriptum esse restrictam +

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Cannot write to a NFS share.

2009-10-05 Thread Tremolo 3molo

I can't seem to write to the NFS server. I am being root on the client, and
the share is mounted with rw.
Anyone spot the problem?

NFS server: Debian Lenny, nfs-kernel-server 1:1.1.2-6lenny1
NFS client: Debian etch, nfs-common 1.0.10-6+etch.1

NFS Server:
/etc/exports: /home/backup,sync,no_subtree_check)
No entries in hosts.allow or hosts.deny.

NFS client: on /dumps type nfs
client:~# touch /dumps/test
touch: cannot touch `/dumps/test': Permission denied
client:~# cat /dumps/somefile
catting works

No errors in daemon.log..

Re: OT: mutt/nano spellchecking

2009-10-05 Thread Tony Baldwin

Chris Jones wrote:

On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 08:39:36AM EDT, Tony Baldwin wrote:

One of the things keeping me from using Mutt as my default mail client
all the time is the lack of certain spell check features.  

That's got nothing to do with mutt. Spell-checking is a feature of the
editor that you told mutt to use. If you're unhappy with said editor,
just tell mutt that you want to use a different one.

I wasn't aware at all, until today, that I could set up nano to spell
check, but now have it working with Aspell, and, thus, spell check, at
the very least, in English.  However, I write e-mails in 4 different
languages (both icedove, and the gmail online interface allow me to
spell check my messages in any variety of languages).  Does anyone
know of a means to configure nano, and, to work with mutt, so that one
may alternate languages for spell check purposes, as can be done in
icedove, tbird, etc.?

I don't use nano on a regular basis, in fact I was under the impression
that it was some kind of a last resort hack, only useful in environments
with low resources, or when you are dropped to a root shell after a
failed boot-time fsck, etc.

Maybe you need to make sure the dictionaries for the languages you are
writing in are correctly installed.  Besides, if your locale is some
form of unicode, it would make sense that you also have to tell nano
what language it is that he needs to spell check.

As an aside, I also use mutt, with vim as the editor. With vim, spell
checking is as easy as issuing a :set spell spelllang=whatever from
Vim's command line...  and optionally mapping a few function keys to
make switching languages fast and convenient.

I'm sure you have excellent reasons for using nano, but I would like to
add that one thing I really like about vim is that you have all the
information you need at your fingertips via the searchable online help.
I'm not sure I would want to make my own an editor that does not provide
documentation and leaves you with a choice between guessing and posting
to a mailing list for help.


Vim's keybindings are completely insane and non-intuitive.
I've never once made sense of how to use the darned thing in a decade of 
using gnu/linux.

Nano is easy to use, but still powerful and has lotso features.
I've been using it for a long time for quick-n-dirty on the fly hacks, 
etc., when I'm not using tcltext.
I've just never bothered to spellcheck anything with it, since I have 
primarly used it to hack code or config files on the fly.

It was easy enough to find how to turn spellchecking on in nano,
just not how to make multiple languages available and switch from one
to another (perhaps nobody who writes nano documentation uses more than 
one language.  I use four.)

I have all the dictionaries in question installed.
I just want to be able to change languages on-the-fly, so to speak, when
using nano to write mails. (icedove, for instance, allows altering the
language with a click on a drop-down menu, and gmail's online interface
does the same).
I have it working with aspell in the default English.  That was cake.


Translation  Interpreting

Así también, la lengua es un miembro pequeño,
y se gloría de grandes cosas.
He aquí, un pequeño fuego
¡Cuán grande bosque enciende!

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Re: Cannot write to a NFS share.

2009-10-05 Thread Klistvud
Dne, 05. 10. 2009 12:18:16 je Tremolo 3molo napisal(a):
 I can't seem to write to the NFS server. I am being root on the
 client, and
 the share is mounted with rw.
 Anyone spot the problem?
 NFS server: Debian Lenny, nfs-kernel-server 1:1.1.2-6lenny1
 NFS client: Debian etch, nfs-common 1.0.10-6+etch.1
 NFS Server:
 /etc/exports: /home/backup,sync,no_subtree_check)
 No entries in hosts.allow or hosts.deny.
 NFS client: on /dumps type nfs
 client:~# touch /dumps/test
 touch: cannot touch `/dumps/test': Permission denied
 client:~# cat /dumps/somefile
 catting works
 No errors in daemon.log..

IIRC nfs gives you write access to your home dir only. To override 
this, you must add the option
to your /home/backup line in /etc/exports

Certifiable Loonix User 481801

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Re: Cannot write to a NFS share.

2009-10-05 Thread Tremolo 3molo
Solved, thanks a lot!

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Klistvud wrote:

 Dne, 05. 10. 2009 12:18:16 je Tremolo 3molo napisal(a):
  I can't seem to write to the NFS server. I am being root on the
  client, and
  the share is mounted with rw.
  Anyone spot the problem?
  NFS server: Debian Lenny, nfs-kernel-server 1:1.1.2-6lenny1
  NFS client: Debian etch, nfs-common 1.0.10-6+etch.1
  NFS Server:
  /etc/exports: /home/backup,sync,no_subtree_check)
  No entries in hosts.allow or hosts.deny.
  NFS client: on /dumps type nfs
  client:~# touch /dumps/test
  touch: cannot touch `/dumps/test': Permission denied
  client:~# cat /dumps/somefile
  catting works
  No errors in daemon.log..

 IIRC nfs gives you write access to your home dir only. To override
 this, you must add the option
 to your /home/backup line in /etc/exports

 Certifiable Loonix User 481801

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Re: Dual head config

2009-10-05 Thread Neal Hogan
On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 10:16 PM, Paras pradhan wrote:

 I am using debian lenny in my Dell 640m Laptop. When I connect my
 Samsung HDTV to the VGA output, I need to restart the X . And as soon
 as I restart X, the display doesn't look normal in my Laptop but it is
 great in the TV. How do i fix this? I want to run both display in the
 normal resolution and good quality. In addition, right now my laptop
 display is being mirrored to the TV. So what do I need to do so that
 the display get extended rather than mirroring.


Take a look xrandr.

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Re: Hello! Please, I need your help! An advice of what I need to download to

2009-10-05 Thread Jimmy Johnson

guido mezzalana wrote:

I am trying to sort it out the folloing problem about Debian installation.
The only problem I am getting is I have not sound! clickin on volume 
control is telling me:
 no volume control GS streamer plugins and/or devices found

Osamu has given you the information you need to solve your sound 
problem, if you can not get your sound to work I suggest that you 
reinstall the latest version of Mepis 8.0 and then ask for help at where new users can get help when the do not know how to 
help themselves.

Jimmy Johnson

ANUBIS-EXT4 at sda9
Registered Linux User #380263

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Re: Installing SId version of Xorg

2009-10-05 Thread Frank
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 07:49:51 +0200
Sven Hoexter wrote:

 On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 04:49:52PM -0400, Frank wrote:

  I'm running Squeeze and having a lot of trouble with Xorg freeze with
  my Intel video, so I'd like to install the Xorg version of Sid, while
  keeping the option to go back to the testing version.
 Don't forget that you need the latest linux-image from sid aswell.

   I had forgotten that! Seems there were a few fixes in the latest kernel
with regard to the intel video problem(s).
Thanks a lot for the info - went well.

- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Installing SId version of Xorg

2009-10-05 Thread Frank
Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 10:16:59 +0300
Andrei Popescu wrote:

 On Sun,04.Oct.09, 17:26:10, Frank wrote:
   # echo 'APT::Default-Release squeeze;'
   #  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00local echo deb
   #  http://your-prefered-mirror/ squeeze
   #  main /etc/apt/sources.list aptitude update
   # aptitude install -t squeeze xorg
Maybe I wasn't clearbut won't that take me back to Squeeze? 
How do I get the Sid version installed ?
 Oups, too tired last night. This is the correct way:

   I know that feeling! 

   Thanks to all for advice and suggestions.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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apt-get autoremove

2009-10-05 Thread Tim Legg
Maybe this is a bug, maybe it isn't...

I installed the AMD64 Debian on my AMD64 box (emachines T6520 by the way).  
Ever since the time I installed it, everytime I ran apt-get, I was given a 
couple screenfulls of package names that were no longer needed and could be 
removed by apt-get autoremove and 512M of disk space would be freed.

After a couple weeks, I got tired of seeing this message and I ran apt-get 

And so I rebooted and here I am using links to compose this e-mail because X 
become broken.  Actually, X does work, but it seems every window manager is 

I sort of feel stupid about taking it's advice.  It does appear I will have to 
reinstall Debian because of it.  (I thought Debian stable was stable because it 
didn't have such serious problems as this.  Granted it didn't freeze up with an 
Amiga-style fireworks display, but I still wish I had known what was going to 

Tim Legg


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Re: Redirect internet connection to wireless router

2009-10-05 Thread Stefan Monnier
 So, I was wondering if I get a standard wireless router and feed it
 with an internet connection from the laptop, configuring my computer
 as a dhcp server.

I can't think of any reason why you couldn't do it (especially if you
install OpenWRT on the router).  But I wonder: why have your laptop
manage the PPP connection rather than let the router do it?
After all, that's pretty much what they're designed to do.


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Re: apt-get autoremove

2009-10-05 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
In, Tim Legg wrote:
Maybe this is a bug, maybe it isn't...

Nope; it isn't.

I installed the AMD64 Debian on my AMD64 box (emachines T6520 by the way). 
 Ever since the time I installed it, everytime I ran apt-get, I was given a
 couple screenfulls of package names that were no longer needed and could be
 removed by apt-get autoremove and 512M of disk space would be freed.

This just means that no other piece of installed software depends on the 
package anymore (and the package was originally brought in as a dependency).  
It does not mean you aren't using the software yourself.

After a couple weeks, I got tired of seeing this message and I ran apt-get

You should have run (apt-get install $pkgs_I_use) before running (apt-get 

Reading the relevant documentation should have cleared that up for you.

And so I rebooted and here I am using links to compose this e-mail because X
 become broken.  Actually, X does work, but it seems every window manager is

You probably ended up uninstalling programs you use regularly.

I sort of feel stupid about taking it's advice.  It does appear I will have
 to reinstall Debian because of it.  

That would be wrong.  Just install the packages you need again.  There should 
be a log file that lists each package you uninstalled, if you have no other 
idea what you are using.  If you use gnome or KDE there are meta-packages that 
are probably suitable.

 (I thought Debian stable was stable
 because it didn't have such serious problems as this.)

No OS can fix its users.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: apt-get autoremove

2009-10-05 Thread Γιώργος Πάλλας
Tim Legg wrote:
 Maybe this is a bug, maybe it isn't...

 I installed the AMD64 Debian on my AMD64 box (emachines T6520 by the way).  
 Ever since the time I installed it, everytime I ran apt-get, I was given a 
 couple screenfulls of package names that were no longer needed and could be 
 removed by apt-get autoremove and 512M of disk space would be freed.

Which exactly was this message, and which apt-get command were you
running and you saw this message?
My advice is to use aptitude which makes a better dependency resolving.

Anyway, about your problem, you don't have of course to re-install
debian, just to
aptitude install packages
those packages which were uninstalled. You can find those packages by
examining: /var/log/dpkg.log

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: apt-get autoremove

2009-10-05 Thread Stefan Monnier
 I installed the AMD64 Debian on my AMD64 box (emachines T6520 by the
 way).  Ever since the time I installed it, everytime I ran apt-get,
 I was given a couple screenfulls of package names that were no longer
 needed and could be removed by apt-get autoremove and 512M of disk
 space would be freed.

Did you check these screenfuls to see if they contained some
applications you like to use?

 I sort of feel stupid about taking it's advice.  It does appear I will
 have to reinstall Debian because of it.  (I thought Debian stable was
 stable because it didn't have such serious problems as this.
 Granted it didn't freeze up with an Amiga-style fireworks display, but
 I still wish I had known what was going to happen.)

My guess is that somehow some install you did in the past ended up
removing the `gnome' metapackage (which doesn't itself hold any files),
so that most of your desktop environment became non-requested and
hence candidate for autoremove-deletion.
Try aptitude install gnome.


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Re: apt-get autoremove

2009-10-05 Thread Alexey Salmin
Why are you so angry? What do you suppose to hear from a person who at
first got message that some packages are no longer required and got
his system broken after following that advice. I understand that in
stable in 99% times it's caused by user's fault: he've accidentally
removed kde metapackage or something. But how does that matter?
It really seems that no OS can fix its users: there are morons no
matter what OS they use.


On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 9:54 PM, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:

 (I thought Debian stable was stable
 because it didn't have such serious problems as this.)

 No OS can fix its users.
 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.   ((_/)o o(\_))
 ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

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Re (2): Video on Demand, VoD

2009-10-05 Thread peasthope
Date:   Sun, 04 Oct 2009 23:49:55 -0400
S. Fishpaste wrote,
 You mean [Skype and VLC] work good?

Well, Skype allows decent communication.  
The board mounted Intel device dissappeared 
about a week back but C-media USB audio always 
works.  Skype is probably not responsible 
for vanishing devices.  

VLC produces sound from audio files from the 
CBC.  Don't know about video.  Never tested 
a movie file directly.

 You mean like this?

Yes.  Your controls appear to have the same 
capabilities as Win XP.  The progress bar and 
sound level control are absent on my systems.  
Any idea what software makes the controls?

The package list is here in case someone has 
a suspicion.

 Not sure what plugins were involved if any.

Same here.

Thanks,  ... Peter E.

Google pathology workshop

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xorg modifications don't take place

2009-10-05 Thread Juan Fernando Jaramillo Botero
Hello I have sid, and I change the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to add the
lines to change the variant and options of the keyboard, like:

Section InputDevice
Identifier  Generic Keyboard
Driver  kbd
Option  XkbRules  xorg
Option  XkbModel  pc104
Option  XkbLayout us
Option  XkbVariant alt-intl
Option  XkbOptions compose:lwin

But don't take place after restart xorg. But if I use the command:
setxkbmap -variant alt-intl -option compose:lwin it's work. Some body
know why?

Juan Fernando Jaramillo
Gte Tecnología
MIG Internacional

Description: Digital signature

snort help

2009-10-05 Thread Liubomir Tsankov
Hello I have two questions about Debian!The first one- two days ago I
installed SNORT on Debian 5.0 and after that the lan card started working
quite slow -SNORT was generating the lan traffic and now it's stuck.It works
properly after changing the hole device and the settings themselves.Could
that issue be caused by SNORT ot it appears Nagios and NTOP ,which were also
installed on the pc?
is there any conflict beetwen the three of them?

Re: apt-get autoremove

2009-10-05 Thread Tim Legg

Please accept my apologies for cc'ing your message to the list, but you 
provided a good undo for my problem.  Others browsing the archives/google 
should see this if running apt-get autoremove disables the GUI.

# apt-get install gnome

brought back the essentials I needed back.  Whatever else that is gone, I can 
install when the need arises.

It suggested me to autoremove everytime I installed a new package.  I didn't 
have screen running when I executed apt-get autoremove, so I didn't have a 
typescript of the episode.

I will look into text-based screenshot tools.  It's sort of the thing I should 
know about, and don't.  Anybody who has suggestions can send me an e-mail off 

Thanks you very much for you help.  Having my computer boot to the shell was a 
back-in-time trip.  I was about to pop in an old Madonna cassette tape into my 
boombox and pretend it was 1989.  The bsdgames package would have completed the 
ambiance.  Oh, I can go on and on; it was quite funny actually.

--- On Mon, 10/5/09, Stefan Monnier wrote:

 From: Stefan Monnier
 Subject: Re: apt-get autoremove
 Date: Monday, October 5, 2009, 10:17 AM
  I installed the AMD64 Debian on
 my AMD64 box (emachines T6520 by the
  way).  Ever since the time I installed it,
 everytime I ran apt-get,
  I was given a couple screenfulls of package names that
 were no longer
  needed and could be removed by apt-get autoremove and
 512M of disk
  space would be freed.
 Did you check these screenfuls to see if they contained
 applications you like to use?
  I sort of feel stupid about taking it's advice. 
 It does appear I will
  have to reinstall Debian because of it.  (I
 thought Debian stable was
  stable because it didn't have such serious problems as
  Granted it didn't freeze up with an Amiga-style
 fireworks display, but
  I still wish I had known what was going to happen.)
 My guess is that somehow some install you did in the past
 ended up
 removing the `gnome' metapackage (which doesn't itself hold
 any files),
 so that most of your desktop environment became
 non-requested and
 hence candidate for autoremove-deletion.
 Try aptitude install gnome.
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Re: apt-get autoremove

2009-10-05 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Monday 05 October 2009 10:50:42 Alexey Salmin wrote:
 Why are you so angry?

I'm not.  Nor was I when I was writing my initial reply.

 What do you suppose to hear from a person who at
 first got message that some packages are no longer required and got
 his system broken after following that advice.

I expect them to stop taking advice from something that is not giving advice 
and is not intended to be an advisor in any way.

I just don't understand the thought-process that results in persons telling 
apt-get to remove something they use on a day to day basis.  It wouldn't 
matter what font or how many times aptitude told me kmail was not required, 
I wouldn't ask for it's removal because I use kmail every day.  If I did not 
already know how, I would look for a way to tell aptitude that kmail *is* 
_very much_ required.

 I understand that in
 stable in 99% times it's caused by user's fault: he've accidentally
 removed kde metapackage or something. But how does that matter?

Because we can't fix it, so we should move on to a problem we can fix.

 It really seems that no OS can fix its users: there are morons no
 matter what OS they use.

I'm glad we agree, although I wouldn't use the term moron to refer to anyone 
participating in this thread.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: xorg modifications don't take place

2009-10-05 Thread Sven Hoexter
On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 11:24:18AM -0500, Juan Fernando Jaramillo Botero wrote:
 Hello I have sid, and I change the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to add the
 lines to change the variant and options of the keyboard, like:
 Section InputDevice
   Identifier  Generic Keyboard
   Driver  kbd
   Option  XkbRules  xorg
   Option  XkbModel  pc104
   Option  XkbLayout us
 Option  XkbVariant alt-intl
 Option  XkbOptions compose:lwin
 But don't take place after restart xorg. But if I use the command:
 setxkbmap -variant alt-intl -option compose:lwin it's work. Some body
 know why?

Input devices are now managed via hal. There is a page about it somewhere at

Section ServerFlags
Option AutoAddDevices off
Option AllowEmptyInput off
should take you back to the old kbd/mouse input stuff.

They're the cowards We are rebels
We got the power to fight the devil
   [ AIV - We are rebels ]

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OT question about sound cards/chip-sets and high-end music systems

2009-10-05 Thread Paul E Condon
Years ago (~35y), I spent a lot of money to get a really good sound
system to play my CDs. It was fully transistorized. The loud speakers
are big, with woofer, mid-range and tweeter, and are driven by a
really heavy power amplifier box. Because of the solid-state
internals, it has worked without interruption or servicing of any

It still works entirely to my satisfaction except for one issue: I
have trouble with the physical handling and storage of the CDs. When
several CDs get separated from their jewel-cases, it is tedious to get
them back in the correct case and the case back in the correct place
on the storage shelf.

A decade or more ago, I was toying with the idea of getting a robotic
mechanical CD handler/player, but decided to wait a while for the
price to go down. Instead, they seem to have disappeared from the
market. And the whole napster thing happened. And the iPod with music
delivered via ear-buds...

Now, it is quite feasible to store my entire CD collection on hard
disk, even without compression, and all computers have audio
output. But what is the audio quality of the analog sound signal? I
went to the local Best Buy store on Saturday to ask questions. The
clerk, who was quite self assured, told me that it is easy to connect
one's computer to one's home sound system, and showed me a short cable
that they have for sale that has a triaxial plug on one end and two
RCA jacks on the other and assured me that this was what he used at
home and that this was all that I needed. This is very reassuring, if
I can believe it, but ... Is it true? 

He was oblivious to my concern that the analog audio signal is
generated in the computer box and that it is analog audio that travels
over the special cable, and if *my* computer has an inferior
sound-card or sound-chip-set, then maybe I would not have as good
sound as he has. So I ask here - Is the analog audio signal at the
output socket of *all* consumer-grade computers equally good? If it is
not, how can I avoid wasting time and money on a computer with
inferior sound? Are there other technical issues with the quality of
'ripped' music from CDs? What are they? As I write this, I am
wondering how the analog music is actually encoded on the CD. Is is
purely digital, or are there analog timing variations in the optical

I don't want to just hook it up and listen, because the cable run from
where I have computers to where I have my hi-fi is ~100ft and that
distance precludes listening to different CD copies on HD in quick
succession. And maybe it really is a good way to go, but my test
indicates it is bad because I make mistakes in my test setup. ...

Please, help with this perplexity.
Paul E Condon

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RE: Network interface testing utlity

2009-10-05 Thread Kushal Koolwal

 I'm not familiar with ethstatus but most error monitoring these days
 is done at the TCP/IP level in software
Ok, I will look into that.

One last thing that I would like to get some input on is how long should I run 
my tests to get decent readings? Also during that time should I just transfer 
data (large/small files) to/from simultaneously from both the boxes?

Really appreciate for your inputs so far.

Kushal Koolwal

I do blog at

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OOmon 2.2 'make' Error

2009-10-05 Thread Steffan Wood
DLOGDIR=\/home/oftn/ircd/oomon/logs\ -DETCDIR=\/home/oftn/ircd/ 
oomon/etc\  -c

In file included from ./libs/boost/config.hpp:35,
 from ./libs/boost/utility/addressof.hpp:19,
 from ./libs/boost/utility.hpp:12,
 from adnswrap.h:29,
./libs/boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp:92:7: warning: #warning Unknown  
compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the  

In file included from adnswrap.h:35,
botexcept.h: In member function ‘std::string OOMon::errno_error::why()  

botexcept.h:60: error: ‘::strerror’ has not been declared
make: *** [adnswrap.o] Error 1

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segmentation fault with NVIDIA 32bit part

2009-10-05 Thread lee

today I updated my testing installation. Now the 32bit part of the
NVIDIA drivers doesn't work anymore: The installer says it cannot find
the libraries that are supposed to be in
/emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/. However, the libraries are there, but when
I try to run them, I'm getting a segmentation fault:

cat:/home/lee# /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/
Segmentation fault

I'm using kernel 2.6.30 and have tried:

The 64bit part seems to work fine, i. e. I can start the X server and
everything is working, except 32bit software that needs the 32bit

What could be causing this problem? It was working just fine before
the update today.

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Re: segmentation fault with NVIDIA 32bit part

2009-10-05 Thread thveillon.debian
lee wrote:
 today I updated my testing installation. Now the 32bit part of the
 NVIDIA drivers doesn't work anymore: The installer says it cannot find
 the libraries that are supposed to be in
 /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/. However, the libraries are there, but when
 I try to run them, I'm getting a segmentation fault:
 cat:/home/lee# /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/
 Segmentation fault
 I'm using kernel 2.6.30 and have tried:
 The 64bit part seems to work fine, i. e. I can start the X server and
 everything is working, except 32bit software that needs the 32bit
 What could be causing this problem? It was working just fine before
 the update today.


the ia32-libs got seriously reworked has I understand, you can use the
Sid version of nvidia's packages, and install the Debian way using
It's working here, I tried the Nvidia (beta) script and it fails even in
expert mode where you can choose install paths.

Hope it helps,


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Re: OT question about sound cards/chip-sets and high-end music systems

2009-10-05 Thread Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.
On Monday 05 October 2009 12:18:10 Paul E Condon wrote:
 one's computer to one's home sound system, and showed me a short cable
 that they have for sale that has a triaxial plug on one end and two
 RCA jacks on the other and assured me that this was what he used at
 home and that this was all that I needed. This is very reassuring, if
 I can believe it, but ... Is it true?

That will work.  Some audio cards also have support for optical audio jacks 
and/or SPIDF (sp?) cables.  I'm far from an expert in audio cables, but I 
believe you get the best quality out of a cable technology that is both 
grounded and balanced.

 Is the analog audio signal at the
 output socket of *all* consumer-grade computers equally good?

No.  In particular, on-board audio processors in both laptops and desktops are 
generally not (electrically) isolated enough from the rest of the system.  The 
analog output picks up electrical noise either at the DACs or on the way to 
the plug.

You'll want something off-board.  Cable technology *does* matter, so find a 
audio card that has good output ports.  If you do any of your own mastering, 
make sure the audio card supports 24-bit sample sizes.  Don't be afraid to 
consider completely external solutions like USB-audio devices.  They might be 
less portable/manageable but they are often the better system.

 If it is
 not, how can I avoid wasting time and money on a computer with
 inferior sound? 

Read reviews.  Test out systems if possible.  Get advice from early adopters.

 Are there other technical issues with the quality of
 'ripped' music from CDs? What are they? 

If the CD has been damaged, the rip may contain crackles and pops reminiscent 
of vinyl.  That's about it.  CDDA is a open, DRM-free format that virtually 
any device reading that media can understand.  There's no compression or 
encoding so things a relatively simple.

Raw wave files are rather large, but flac can shrink them by 40-60% 
losslessly.  It's rather easy to own 10s of TB of storage space right now, so 
it might not matter at all.  1 TB ~= 2000 audio CDs, uncompressed.

 As I write this, I am
 wondering how the analog music is actually encoded on the CD. Is is
 purely digital, or are there analog timing variations in the optical

It is purely digital.  16-bit (not sure if this is floating- or fixed-point), 
stereo, 44.1 kHz samples, IIRC.

Some consumer-level audio cards are capable of handling 32-bit (floating- or 
fixed-point), 8-channel, 96 kHz (or more) audio data in real-time.  So 
producing CD-quality output is trivial for them.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.   ,= ,-_-. =.  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy `-'(. .)`-'\_/

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: OT question about sound cards/chip-sets and high-end music systems

2009-10-05 Thread Johannes Wiedersich
Hash: SHA1

Paul E Condon wrote:
 Now, it is quite feasible to store my entire CD collection on hard
 disk, even without compression, and all computers have audio
 output. But what is the audio quality of the analog sound signal? 

It depends on the quality of the sound card, just as much as on the
quality of the amplifier, speakers or any other component you use for
your music playback.

 went to the local Best Buy store on Saturday to ask questions. The
 clerk, who was quite self assured, told me that it is easy to connect
 one's computer to one's home sound system, and showed me a short cable
 that they have for sale that has a triaxial plug on one end and two
 RCA jacks on the other and assured me that this was what he used at
 home and that this was all that I needed. This is very reassuring, if
 I can believe it, but ... Is it true? 

Yes. You might get better sound quality with a better sound card and/or
better cables, though. The cable, however, is a cheap solution (compared
to buying better equipment), though you might just give it a try and
find out whether it suits your needs.

 He was oblivious to my concern that the analog audio signal is
 generated in the computer box and that it is analog audio that travels
 over the special cable, and if *my* computer has an inferior
 sound-card or sound-chip-set, then maybe I would not have as good
 sound as he has. So I ask here - Is the analog audio signal at the
 output socket of *all* consumer-grade computers equally good? 

Certainly not. At best it is equally bad. (On the other hand, apparently
most people don't mind listening to music at low sound quality).
I use *professional* grade sound cards, because I like good sound quality.

   If it is
 not, how can I avoid wasting time and money on a computer with
 inferior sound? 

Buy a high quality sound card. Since I mostly use laptops for this, I
prefer external usb sound cards. Nowadays some have DA-converters
matching those of the best high end CD players at a fraction of the price.

 Are there other technical issues with the quality of
 'ripped' music from CDs? What are they? 

It depends how you rip them (what format). mp3 has some qualtiy loss,
but at the higher quality settings this won't matter on most hifi
equipment. There's the option to rip it lossless as well, ie. with
exactly the same digital quality as on CD.

 As I write this, I am
 wondering how the analog music is actually encoded on the CD. Is is
 purely digital, or are there analog timing variations in the optical

Purely digital at constant timing.


Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Installing SId version of Xorg

2009-10-05 Thread Ivan T. Ivanov


On Mon, 2009-10-05 at 09:47 -0400, Frank wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 07:49:51 +0200
 Sven Hoexter wrote:
  On Sun, Oct 04, 2009 at 04:49:52PM -0400, Frank wrote:
   I'm running Squeeze and having a lot of trouble with Xorg freeze with
   my Intel video, so I'd like to install the Xorg version of Sid, while
   keeping the option to go back to the testing version.
  Don't forget that you need the latest linux-image from sid aswell.
I had forgotten that! Seems there were a few fixes in the latest kernel
 with regard to the intel video problem(s).
 Thanks a lot for the info - went well.

  It will be nice if you share result with us.
  i personally also experience problems with 
  current state of Xorg in squeeze.

  thanks. iivanov

 - -- 
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

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OOmon 2.2 'make' Error

2009-10-05 Thread Steffan Wood

Hash: SHA1

DLOGDIR=\/home/oftn/ircd/oomon/logs\ -DETCDIR=\/home/oftn/ircd/ 
oomon/etc\  -c

In file included from ./libs/boost/config.hpp:35,
 from ./libs/boost/utility/addressof.hpp:19,
 from ./libs/boost/utility.hpp:12,
 from adnswrap.h:29,
./libs/boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp:92:7: warning: #warning Unknown  
compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the  

In file included from adnswrap.h:35,
botexcept.h: In member function ‘std::string OOMon::errno_error::why()  

botexcept.h:60: error: ‘::strerror’ has not been declared
make: *** [adnswrap.o] Error 1

Please CC all correspondence.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Darwin)


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Re: OT question about sound cards/chip-sets and high-end music systems

2009-10-05 Thread Johannes Wiedersich
Hash: SHA1

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
 It is purely digital.  16-bit (not sure if this is floating- or fixed-point), 
 stereo, 44.1 kHz samples, IIRC.

What's the difference between 16-bit floating-point and 16-bit
fixed-point? I always thought those are just integers.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: Redirect internet connection to wireless router

2009-10-05 Thread Vinicius Massuchetto
On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 3:27 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:
 So, I was wondering if I get a standard wireless router and feed it
 with an internet connection from the laptop, configuring my computer
 as a dhcp server.
 I can't think of any reason why you couldn't do it (especially if you
 install OpenWRT on the router).  But I wonder: why have your laptop
 manage the PPP connection rather than let the router do it?
 After all, that's pretty much what they're designed to do.
 I've got a 3g usb ppp modem connected to the computer, and I need some
 drivers to manage dialing it.
 It would be awesome if a router could do it.

 Many USB 3g adapters don't need any proprietary driver, apparently, so
 if you ask on the OpenWRT mailing-list, you may find someone who's used
 such a key from his router.
 Basically, if the key works from GNU/Linux, then it will work on pretty
 much any home router that comes with a USB port and supported
 by OpenWRT.

[Putting back on the list.]

Humn. Nice.
But it seems to me that routers with USB ports are way more expensive,
3 or 4 times more than a standard one (at least here in Brazil).

Thanks for recommending OpenWRT, I'll take a close look on it as soon as I can.
Vinicius Massuchetto

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