Ofertes de feina

2010-08-05 Thread joan


Si us interessa o coneixeu algú al qui li pugui interessar:


(hi ha una oferta de desenvolupador drupal/php i una altra de J2EE)

Fins ara,


Joan Cervan i Andreu
www.calbasi.net ~ Desenvolupament web

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squid n'affiche pas d'images/connexion refusée

2010-08-05 Thread deny

j'ai un probleme avec squid,
qui se lance mais n'affiche aucune image depuis mon navigateur
(ce qui est genant pour l'affichage des sites)

mon navigateur est configuré pour squid en port 3128 (ouvert)
mon squid.conf est

Code :

icp_port 3128
cache_mgr d...@monaco.net
cache_effective_user squid squid
visible_hostname linux-pour-lesnuls.com
cache_mem 300 MB
maximum_object_size 88084 MB
cache_dir ufs /var/log/cache 200 16 256
cache_dir ufs /var/log/cache1 200 16 256
cache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log
cache_log /var/log/squid/cache.log
#dns_children 10
acl localhost src
acl serveur src
http_access allow serveur
http_access allow localhost
http_access deny all

#Vous devez indiquer les serveurs DNS de votre FAI
#http_port 80 # Port of Squid proxy
#httpd_accel_host localhost # IP address of web server
#httpd_accel_port 81 # Port of web server
#httpd_accel_single_host on # Forward uncached requests to single host
#httpd_accel_with_proxy on #
#httpd_accel_uses_host_header off

redirect_program /home/deny/squid_redirect

quand je clique sur l'emplacement d'une des images d'un site web, j'obtiens

La connexion a été refusée par le serveur proxy
FFirefox est configuré pour utiliser un serveur proxy mais celui-ci 
n'accepte pas les connexions.

* Vérifiez que les paramètres du proxy sont corrects ;
* Contactez votre administrateur réseau pour vous assurer que le serveur 



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Re: Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-08-05 Thread giggzounet
Le 04/08/2010 18:13, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 giggz a écrit :

 les 3 valeurs (tcp_timestamps, tcp_sack, tcp_window_scaling) sont à 0.
 Est ce normal ?
 Disons que ce ne sont pas les valeurs par défaut du noyau. Ces options
 n'existaient pas lors de la conception initiale de TCP, et si la machine
 en face ne supporte pas l'une d'elle, elle n'est pas utilisée. Elles ont
 essentiellement pour but d'augmenter les performances dans certaines
 circonstances : produit débit*latence élevé, pertes de paquets,
 nombreuses connexions...
 Bon ça avance!!! si je force via sysctl.conf la valeur de
 net.ipv4.tcp.timestamps à 1, ça marche parfaitement!!! les 2 autres
 valeurs tcp_sack et tcp_window_scaling n'ont pas d'influence sur le
 Tu pouvais tester en modifiant directement la valeur du paramètre du
 noyau en ligne de commande avec
 sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=1
 (le -w n'est apparemment plus obligatoire pour modifier un paramètre)
 (ou echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps mais c'est laid)
 d'autant plus que le résultat final au démarrage dépend de l'ordre dans
 lequel firestarter et le script qui applique sysctl.conf sont exécutés.

firestarter a toutjours le dernier mot malheureusement. Une possibilité
est de modifier a la main le fichier sysctl-tuning de firestarter...mais
c est po tres satisfaisant.

 et c'est bien firestarter qui modifie cette valeur:
 dans /etc/firestarter/sysctl-tuning on a la valeur de
 net.ipv4.tcp.timestamps forcé à 0.

 Bon je suppose que si cette variable est forcée à 0 il doit y avoir une
 bonne raison.
 Certains pare-feu et dispositifs NAT obsolètes ou buggés ne gèrent pas
 correctement ces options, aussi il est parfois nécessaire de les
 désactiver. Sinon je ne vois pas trop.
 je suppose que le rapport de bug doit plutot aller au
 maintenant du driver atl1c, non ?
 Je vais encore te donner du travail, mais pourrais-tu vérifier si
 tcp_timestamps est à 1 et si le mettre à 0 provoque le problème en
 fonction du MTU avec les autres distributions installées sur la machine
 (sid, backtrack) ? Je pense que ça permettrait de mieux cerner le bug.
 En gros vérifier sur chacune si (si j'ai bien compris) :
 - MTU=1492 et tcp_timestamps=0 - bug
 - MTU=1500 ou tcp_timestamps=1 - ok
 En tout cas ce nouvel élément ne m'éclaire pas quant à la cause du bug.

bon je teste ca des que je suis sur mon LAN.

ce que je peux te dire direct c'est que sous backtrack 4 les valeurs
sont a 1 et la mtu a 1492 et que ca marche.


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Chrome Chromium...

2010-08-05 Thread David BERCOT

Après l'article que j'ai lu dans les News Debian et qui pointait vers
les pages suivantes :
je me suis posé la question du choix du navigateur. En effet, depuis
quelques mois, je n'utilise plus que Chrome (en version
google-chrome-unstable dans les repositories Google) car je trouvais
qu'Iceweasel devenait de plus en plus lourd...

L'article de Giuseppe est intéressant, mais, dans ses arguments, je
trouve que le seul vrai (quasiment ;-)) est le fait que
Chromium est libre. Pour le reste, avec la version unstable de Chrome,
les arguments ne tiennent pas.
D'autre part, en 64 bits, il n'existe pas de Chromium dans Experimental
(qui serait à peu près l'équivalent [en version] de Chrome).

Maintenant, je suis ouvert à toute remarque et, pour être honnête, si
j'avais la même version (à quelques builds près) de Chromium que celle
que j'ai de Chrome, je préférerais passer à Chromium...

Merci d'avance.


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Re: Chrome Chromium...

2010-08-05 Thread Anthony Bourguignon
Le 05/08/2010 09:44, David BERCOT a écrit :
 Maintenant, je suis ouvert à toute remarque et, pour être honnête, si
 j'avais la même version (à quelques builds près) de Chromium que celle
 que j'ai de Chrome, je préférerais passer à Chromium...

Si tu cherches quelque chose de léger, tu as essayé epiphany ?

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Chrome Chromium...

2010-08-05 Thread David BERCOT
Le Thu, 05 Aug 2010 09:47:49 +0200,
Anthony Bourguignon deb...@toniob.net a écrit :
 Le 05/08/2010 09:44, David BERCOT a écrit :
  Maintenant, je suis ouvert à toute remarque et, pour être honnête,
  si j'avais la même version (à quelques builds près) de Chromium que
  celle que j'ai de Chrome, je préférerais passer à Chromium...
 Si tu cherches quelque chose de léger, tu as essayé epiphany ?

Non, ce n'est pas mon objectif premier. Mais après, entre Iceweasel 
Chrome, c'était effectivement un argument...

Après, rien que pour les extensions, je ne peux pas délaisser Chrome au
profit d'Epiphany. Mais je le pourrais pour Chromium si j'arrive à
avoir une version plus récente ;-)


P.S. : pour répondre à un message hors-liste de Serge, je comprends ton
argument sur les logiciels libres, mais en effet, je ne suis pas
intégriste ;-) Bref, j'essaye, de préférence, de choisir un logiciel
libre, mais s'il n'y a pas d'équivalent, là, je m'adapte.

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Re: Chrome Chromium...

2010-08-05 Thread Kevin Hinault
Le 5 août 2010 10:55, David BERCOT deb...@bercot.org a écrit :

 Après, rien que pour les extensions, je ne peux pas délaisser Chrome au
 profit d'Epiphany. Mais je le pourrais pour Chromium si j'arrive à
 avoir une version plus récente ;-)

Tu as regardé dans les snapshop de chromium ?

Contributeur Mozilla
Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
http://identi.ca/khi - http://twitter.com/kh_i - http://system-linux.eu

Re: Chrome Chromium...

2010-08-05 Thread David BERCOT
Le Thu, 5 Aug 2010 11:04:33 +0200,
Kevin Hinault hina...@gmail.com a écrit :
 Le 5 août 2010 10:55, David BERCOT deb...@bercot.org a écrit :
  Après, rien que pour les extensions, je ne peux pas délaisser
  Chrome au profit d'Epiphany. Mais je le pourrais pour Chromium si
  j'arrive à avoir une version plus récente ;-)
 Tu as regardé dans les snapshop de chromium ?

Bon, déjà, désolé de parler de Chrome (j'ai vu que tu étais
contributeur Mozilla ;-)). Mais pour compenser, je suis aussi membre de
l'April... Ca équilibre un peu ;-)

Sinon, pour revenir à Chromium, je ne te cache pas que je préfère
rester dans la logique des repositories Debian. Surtout pour des
logiciels dont les mises à jour sont très régulières.

Mais merci pour la piste bien que je ne comprenne pas trop que la
version experimental de Chromium n'existe pas en 64 bits.


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Re: Installation de OBM 2.3 sur Debian Lenny

2010-08-05 Thread Le Farfadet Spatial

Salut à tous !

Bon, j'avance : j'ai certainement fait une erreur de manipulation 
de mon côté, mais il y a un problème de fond qui ne vient pas de moi. En 
effet, j'ai de plus en plus forts soupçons que le fournisseur d'accès 
bloque le trafic :

$ nmap le-bars.net

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-08-05 08:27 CEST
Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, 
try -PN

Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 3.14 seconds

$ nmap le-bars.dyndns.org

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-08-05 08:27 CEST
Interesting ports on ip-215.net-81-220-100.nantes.rev.numericable.fr 

Not shown: 995 filtered ports
21/tcp  closed ftp
22/tcp  open   ssh
80/tcp  closed http
144/tcp closed news
443/tcp closed https

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 5.94 seconds

Donc, en dépit du fait que je fais exécuter DynHost toutes les 
heures par Cron, actuellement le-bars.net ne pointe plus sur une IP 
valide. De plus, personnellement, je n'ai pas fermé les ports indiqués.

Du coup, plus je bricolais, plus je dégradais la configuration, 
mais avec aucune chance de régler le problème.

Je vais donc changer de fournisseur – enfin, ma sœur.

À bientôt.


L'antre du farfadet :
Textes, musiques et peintures

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Re: Chrome Chromium...

2010-08-05 Thread Kevin Hinault
Le 5 août 2010 11:12, David BERCOT deb...@bercot.org a écrit :

 Bon, déjà, désolé de parler de Chrome (j'ai vu que tu étais
 contributeur Mozilla ;-)). Mais pour compenser, je suis aussi membre de
 l'April... Ca équilibre un peu ;-)

Techniquement Chrome est un très bon navigateur donc ne soit pas désolé ;)
Mes contributions à Mozilla sont anecdotiques : ca reste de l'évangélisation
de masses lors d'event et ça ne m'empêche pas de regarder ailleurs. Le
contraire ne serait pas dans l'esprit du libre.

La version 4 de Firefox a pris un sacré coup de jeune pour rattraper les
performances de chrome. Tu peux déjà tester la beta qui est maintenant aussi
compilé automatiquement en 64bits http://nightly.mozilla.org/

 Sinon, pour revenir à Chromium, je ne te cache pas que je préfère
 rester dans la logique des repositories Debian. Surtout pour des
 logiciels dont les mises à jour sont très régulières.

Je te comprend bien.

 Mais merci pour la piste bien que je ne comprenne pas trop que la
 version experimental de Chromium n'existe pas en 64 bits.

La révision de chromium dans les dépôts sid amd64 étant la r53311, je dirais
qu'elle n'est pas si vieille que ça : elle daterait du 22 juillet a peu
près. Les mainteneurs peuvent difficilement aller plus vite que les devs qui
adapte le code de chrome ;)

Perso j'ai testé chromium récemment et je l'ai trouvé très utilisable en
l'état. (Même pour les extensions ou la gestion des plugins).

Contributeur Mozilla
Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
http://identi.ca/khi - http://twitter.com/kh_i - http://system-linux.eu

Envoi de mails archie haute dispo avec HAProxy ?

2010-08-05 Thread Manu
Bonjour la liste,

Je vous contact afin d’avoir vos avis face à ‘LA’ solution technique’
qu’il vous semble la plus adaptée au cas que je vais vous présenter
Je suis en train de monter une architecture à base de HAProxy.

L’architecture est montée en 3 groupes
1/ Un prémier réseau frontal ayant accès à internet.
2/ Un Réseau local  où se trouvent les serveurs web (appellés node)
3/ Un sous réseau au réseau local ouse trouvent les données (serveur
de fichiers, serveur sql, etc)

Je résume :
1/ le serveur HAProxy est en frontal et a une IP publique et a accès à internet.
2/ Sous le proxy on passe en réseau local pour les nodes web (adresse
3/ Sous les nodes web on passe sous un autre sous réseau en (serveur de fichiers, SQL, etc …

Ci-dessous un lien où vous trouverez le schéma de l’architecture en
.pdf - (j'ai fais pour vous vite fait :-)

Sur les nodes web (sous réseau sont installés :
apache2, php5, suphp, postfix en relayhost

La question :
J’ai besoin de savoir comment procéder pour que mes nodes puissent
envoyer des mails sur le réseau internet ayant elle-même pas accès à
internet (les nodes passent par le serveur frontal HAProxy) ?

Merci pour vos lumières !


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Re: Chrome Chromium...

2010-08-05 Thread Serge SMEESTERS

(Je ne souhaitais répondre sur la liste, mais dans un premier temps,
et du fait d'une configuration de cette liste à laquelle (la
configuration) je ne suis pas habitué, j'ai par erreur répondu à David

Je n'ai aucun autre argument (en favœur d'un navigateur) mais le fait
qu'un logiciel soit libre est pour moi l'argument ultime. C'est
d'autant plus décisif que les différences en terme de fonctionnalités
sont peux nombreuses, voir aussi futile que quelques secondes
gagnées ici où là...

En terme de navigateur web, les logiciels libres disponibles sont
plutôt satisfaisants je trouve. Ces logiciels libres sont même
nombreux et différents projets coexistent et évoluent parallèlement.

Les navigateurs libres n'ont pas cessés d'évoluer. Chrome est
peut-être aujourd'hui plus rapide... Mais cela justifie-t-il
d'abandonner les libertés !?. Y aura-t-il un jour un logiciel
privateur tel qu'il justifiera d'abandonner les libertés des logiciels
libres ?

Allons-nous passer ici, sur cette liste, pour des intégristes
lorsque nous refusons d'utiliser Chrome privateur de Google au
bénéfice d'un Iceweasel garant des libertés ? :)

Le problème est encore différent pour Flash, Skype et la 3D...

Voici quelques liens à propos des navigateurs web :

La sélection de Framasoft :
→ http://www.framasoft.net/rubrique160.html

L'article sur Wikipédia :
→ http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navigateurs_web

Une ligne du temps :
→ http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fichier:Timeline_of_web_browsers.svg

Serge S.

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Re: Envoi de mails archie haute dispo avec HAProxy ?

2010-08-05 Thread Julien

Est-ce que tes réseaux locaux sont masqué (masquerade/NAT) ?

Si oui, il peuvent envoyer des mails directement en contactant les SMTP
de chaque domaine.

Sinon, comment se fait par exemple la mise à jour de tes nodes (aptitude
update/dist-upgrade) ?

Le problème se pose peut être plus pour la reception, car tu dois
assurer le retour de tes mails (bounce ou réponse classique). Si tu ne
peux pas recevoir de mail avec l'adresse que tu utilises pour l'envoi tu
n'auras pas la meilleur réputation ce qui va augmenter les bounce ou
empécher que tes 'clients' recoivent les mails.

Je ne connais pas du tout HAProxy, donc j'ai peut être mal compris
quelque chose.

Je vois que tu as déjà configuré des relais mail au niveau de tes nodes
web, il faudrait en mettre aussi sur les nodes relié à internet.

La config relais mails sur les nodes web serait d'accepter tous les
mails du réseaux inférieur et de forwarder tout ça aux
frontaux internet. Dans l'autre sens, accepter les mails pour ton
domaine en provenance de tes frontaux internet et les forwarder à un
serveur dédié pour les mails ? dans le réseaux

La config des nodes relié à internet serait d'accepter tous les mails
pour le réseaux inférieur et soit de les forwarder au
SMTP de ton provider ou de les envoyer directement au client. Dans
l'autre sens accepter les mails pour ton domaine et les forwarder à une
node du réseaux inférieur


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Re: Envoi de mails archie haute dispo avec HAProxy ? NAT et HAProxy ?

2010-08-05 Thread Julien
Le jeudi 05 août 2010 à 12:23 +0200, Manu a écrit :
 Bonjour Julien et merci pour tes eclaircissements.
 Non, mon réseau n'est pas masqué ni NATé
 Penses-tu que ce soit la solution ?

Encore une fois je ne connais pas trop HAProxy, il faudrait voir si ça
se fait ? Est-ce que le fait de ne pas activé le NAT renforce la
sécurité des serveurs sur les réseaux locaux ? Est-ec qu'il existe une
alternative au NAT dans les architecture HAProxy ? 

C'est une solution, ça permet aussi de simplifier les accès réseaux pour
tes réseaux locaux comme par exemple la mise à jour de ta distribution
préféré ! ou l'accès à des webservice externe pour des réseaux
sociaux ...


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Re: squid n'affiche pas d'images/connexion ref usée

2010-08-05 Thread Papinux
Le Thu, 05 Aug 2010 08:10:04 +0200, deny a écrit :



 j'ai un probleme avec squid,
 qui se lance mais n'affiche aucune image depuis mon navigateur
 (ce qui est genant pour l'affichage des sites)
 mon navigateur est configuré pour squid en port 3128 (ouvert)
 mon squid.conf est

 redirect_program /home/deny/squid_redirect
Que fait ce redirecteur?
 La connexion a été refusée par le serveur proxy
 FFirefox est configuré pour utiliser un serveur proxy mais celui-ci 
 n'accepte pas les connexions.
 * Vérifiez que les paramètres du proxy sont corrects ;
 * Contactez votre administrateur réseau pour vous assurer que le serveur 
J'en conclus que rien ne s'affiche hormis le message du proxy dans
le navigateur. Parce qu'en intro tu dis que les images ne s'affichent
pas, ce qui laisse supposer que le reste (le texte) du site s'affiche
correctement dans le navigateur. Me trompé-je?


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Re: Installation de OBM 2.3 sur Debian Lenny

2010-08-05 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier

Le 05/08/2010 11:33, Le Farfadet Spatial a écrit :


j'ai de plus en plus forts soupçons que le fournisseur d'accès bloque le
trafic :

$ nmap le-bars.net

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-08-05 08:27 CEST
Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes,
try -PN
Nmap done: 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 3.14 seconds

Non, rien ne semble bloqué (à partir d'une ligne sfr neufbox) @1324:

nmap le-bars.net

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2010-08-05 13:23 CEST
Interesting ports on ip-215.net-81-220-100.nantes.rev.numericable.fr 

Not shown: 994 filtered ports
20/tcp  closed ftp-data
21/tcp  closed ftp
22/tcp  open   ssh
80/tcp  closed http
144/tcp closed news
443/tcp closed https

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 6.61 seconds


Donc, en dépit du fait que je fais exécuter DynHost toutes les heures
par Cron, actuellement le-bars.net ne pointe plus sur une IP valide. De
plus, personnellement, je n'ai pas fermé les ports indiqués.

Ca n'est pas la bonne méthode: il ne faut mettre à jour QUE lorsque 
l'adresse IP a réellement changée (les conditions d'utilisation de dyndns 
spécifient que si tu exagères, peux te retrouver blacklisté pour un certain 
On trouve des tas de scripts sur le net permettant de faire ça proprement 
(utilisant généralement un STUN.)

Egalement, la plupart des box ont maintenant une fonction incorporée pour ça.

Du coup, plus je bricolais, plus je dégradais la configuration, mais
avec aucune chance de régler le problème.

Je vais donc changer de fournisseur – enfin, ma sœur.

Là, tu regardes les choses à travers ton propre prisme déformant: serais-tu 
du style à blâmer le constructeur de ta voiture lorsque tu tombes en panne 
de carburant??

Par ailleurs, le fait d'être sur de la fibre fait que ta soeur est 
(normalement) en équivalent SDSL, ce qui en fait un media *extrêmement* 
intéressant pour alimenter un serveur @ home; sur de l'ADSL cuivre, la donne 
est toute autre...

Quelque soit l'OS et les configurations en cause, cela nécessite de la 
documentation (lecture), de la compréhension, des questions identifiées et 
des réponses identifiables.
Les à priori ou les bricolages n'ont pas leur place, surtout pour un serveur 
public (simplement parce que la loi de Murphy s'applique toujours dans le 
même sens et que 2 confs foireuses feront 4X plus de dégats qu'une seule.)

Alors plutôt que de mettre les PBs sur le dos de l'ISP il faut te remettre 
en question et tout reprendre à partir de la base, configuration par 
configuration, en validant étape par étape pour que le résultat final soit 
cohérent et verrouillé.

Attaquer le mal à sa racine est le seul moyen de voir les feuilles reverdir. 
-- Lao Zi

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[HS] Integration mutt-patched/muttprint/muttprofile/abook/imapfilter/offlineimap/msmt p/remind/wyrd

2010-08-05 Thread Fanfan

J'utilisais mutt-patched pour ma messagerie (IMAP)
J'y ai ajouté muttprint et abook

Pour filtrer et classer les messages avant de me connecter, j'ai 
installé imapfilter (Aujourd'hui, le classement se fait par Sieve et
imapfilter ne sert plus qu'à gérer un archivage automatique)

Pour gérer mes différentes identités, j'ai installé muttprofile

Pour accélérer la consultation, j'ai ajouté offlineimap. Il synchronise
idans un miroir local les principaux dossiers de toutes mes identités et
laisse les autres (Archives, par exemple) uniquement sur le serveur.
Du coup, j'ai dédoublé mes identités dans muttprofile pour les avoir en
Connecté et en Déconnecté (dans ce dernier mode, la consultation des
messages synchronisés par offlineimap se fait sur le disque local, mais
les dossiers non synchronisés sont aussi accessibles sur le serveur)

Pour gérer les envois à travers des serveurs SMTP différents en fonction
de mes identités, j'ai installé msmtp (et les scripts msmtpq/msmtpQ
ajoutant la gestion d'une file d'attente pour les messages rédigés

J'ai ajouté à cela l'outil remind pour la gestion de calendrier et ai
développé des scripts pour ajouter automatiquement dans remind les
anniversaires saisis dans mes contacts abook et leur fêtes (si leur
prénom est trouvé dans la liste des saints).

J'aimerais juste savoir si d'autres Debianistes utilisent ces outils
(pour mutt/abook, la réponse est évidente). Et s'ils ont des idées
d'amélioration (client sieve en ligne de commande, par exemple).


Nourrir les filles, c'est engraisser des vaches dont on n'aura jamais
le lait.  
   [ Proverbe sénégalais ]

Description: Digital signature

[Un peu HS?] Accès FTP et proxy

2010-08-05 Thread Romaric DEFAUX

Salut à tous,

Pour protéger des machines windows, je mets en place un serveur proxy, 
le but étant de faire en sorte qu'elles ne soient plus accessible 
directement depuis internet.
Pour tout ce qui est du flux HTTP, pas de souci, j'utilise apache avec 
le mod-proxy et le mod-security pour sécuriser un peu le tout (ce n'est 
peut-être pas la meilleure solution mais pour l'instant ça fonctionne bien)

Je suis en train de voir comment faire pour le FTP.
Déjà, je me trouve face à deux possibilités :
- soit faire des montages de mes partitions windows sur le serveur proxy 
et mettre un serveur FTP normal sur le proxy (j'ai un peu peur de 
rencontrer des difficultés au niveau des droits...)
- soit mettre en place un proxy FTP, qui selon l'utilisateur (par 
exemple, mais cela implique qu'il ne doit pas y avoir deux fois le même 
utilisateur...), redirigerait le flux FTP vers le bon serveur (j'ai 
regardé un peu les possibilité de ftp-proxy, apache, squid... à ce 
niveau là)

Déjà, l'un d'entre vous s'est-il retrouvé face à cette problématique ? 
Laquelle des deux solutions (ou une autre pourquoi pas :) vous me 
conseilleriez (Je penche personnellement plutôt pour la première...) ?

Merci d'avance


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Re: Chrome Chromium...

2010-08-05 Thread David BERCOT
Le Thu, 5 Aug 2010 11:35:31 +0200,
Kevin Hinault hina...@gmail.com a écrit :
 Le 5 août 2010 11:12, David BERCOT deb...@bercot.org a écrit :
 La version 4 de Firefox a pris un sacré coup de jeune pour rattraper
 les performances de chrome. Tu peux déjà tester la beta qui est
 maintenant aussi compilé automatiquement en 64bits

OK. Je vais essayer de la tester dès que j'aurais un peu de temps...

  Mais merci pour la piste bien que je ne comprenne pas trop que la
  version experimental de Chromium n'existe pas en 64 bits.
 La révision de chromium dans les dépôts sid amd64 étant la r53311, je
 dirais qu'elle n'est pas si vieille que ça : elle daterait du 22
 juillet a peu près. Les mainteneurs peuvent difficilement aller plus
 vite que les devs qui adapte le code de chrome ;)

Oui, sauf qu'il s'agit de la lignée v5 et pas v6... Ah, l'habitude de
toujours essayer les dernières versions ;-)


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Re: fichier .arf

2010-08-05 Thread mess-mate

 On 08/04/2010 07:46 PM, claude poupelier wrote:

Le Wed, 04 Aug 2010 18:03:55 +0200,
fabrice régnierregnier@free.fr  a écrit :


quelqu'un pourrait me dire avec quoi on ouvre un fichier *.arf ?

connais-tu le logiciel qui l'a généré ?


comme disait M. de La Palisse.

Regarde sur


et effectivement il y a du choix:

Extension   File type description
arf file icon.arf   Automatic Response file
arf file icon.arf   ARF image format
arf file icon.arf   Active Tutor data file
arf file icon.arf   AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) resource file
arf file icon.arf   Flexible image transport system bitmap
arf file icon.arf   Packmania 2 game archive
arf file icon.arf   
arff file icon.arff Comma separated data file

Bonne soirée


Merci, je laisse tomber... c'est du win*. Rien pour debian.

WebEx advanced recording


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Re: [Un peu HS?] Accès FTP et proxy

2010-08-05 Thread Romaric DEFAUX

jocelyn.jud...@laposte.net a écrit :

Le jeudi 05 août 2010 à 14:42 +0200, Romaric DEFAUX a écrit :

Salut à tous,

Pour protéger des machines windows, je mets en place un serveur proxy, 
le but étant de faire en sorte qu'elles ne soient plus accessible 
directement depuis internet.
Pour tout ce qui est du flux HTTP, pas de souci, j'utilise apache avec 
le mod-proxy et le mod-security pour sécuriser un peu le tout (ce n'est 
peut-être pas la meilleure solution mais pour l'instant ça fonctionne bien)

Je suis en train de voir comment faire pour le FTP.
Déjà, je me trouve face à deux possibilités :
- soit faire des montages de mes partitions windows sur le serveur proxy 
et mettre un serveur FTP normal sur le proxy (j'ai un peu peur de 
rencontrer des difficultés au niveau des droits...)
- soit mettre en place un proxy FTP, qui selon l'utilisateur (par 
exemple, mais cela implique qu'il ne doit pas y avoir deux fois le même 
utilisateur...), redirigerait le flux FTP vers le bon serveur (j'ai 
regardé un peu les possibilité de ftp-proxy, apache, squid... à ce 
niveau là)

Déjà, l'un d'entre vous s'est-il retrouvé face à cette problématique ? 
Laquelle des deux solutions (ou une autre pourquoi pas :) vous me 
conseilleriez (Je penche personnellement plutôt pour la première...) ?

Merci d'avance


je veux bien que tu utilise windows mes sais du libre con  utilise il on
assai de pub comme sa sen polluer les site libre je suis parmi se qui
travail sur du libre

Mon proxy tourne avec ubuntu server. Je n'avais pas pensé à la préciser 
(parce que je pensais apache + mod-security + ftp-proxy + squid... = 
linux dans ma tête :)
Quand je parle de montage de mes partitions windows sur le proxy, je 
pense à samba et des choses comme ça (d'où les potentiels problèmes de 
droit ?).

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Re: Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-08-05 Thread giggz
Le 04/08/2010 18:13, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 giggz a écrit :

 les 3 valeurs (tcp_timestamps, tcp_sack, tcp_window_scaling) sont à 0.
 Est ce normal ?
 Disons que ce ne sont pas les valeurs par défaut du noyau. Ces options
 n'existaient pas lors de la conception initiale de TCP, et si la machine
 en face ne supporte pas l'une d'elle, elle n'est pas utilisée. Elles ont
 essentiellement pour but d'augmenter les performances dans certaines
 circonstances : produit débit*latence élevé, pertes de paquets,
 nombreuses connexions...
 Bon ça avance!!! si je force via sysctl.conf la valeur de
 net.ipv4.tcp.timestamps à 1, ça marche parfaitement!!! les 2 autres
 valeurs tcp_sack et tcp_window_scaling n'ont pas d'influence sur le
 Tu pouvais tester en modifiant directement la valeur du paramètre du
 noyau en ligne de commande avec
 sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=1
 (le -w n'est apparemment plus obligatoire pour modifier un paramètre)
 (ou echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps mais c'est laid)
 d'autant plus que le résultat final au démarrage dépend de l'ordre dans
 lequel firestarter et le script qui applique sysctl.conf sont exécutés.
 et c'est bien firestarter qui modifie cette valeur:
 dans /etc/firestarter/sysctl-tuning on a la valeur de
 net.ipv4.tcp.timestamps forcé à 0.

 Bon je suppose que si cette variable est forcée à 0 il doit y avoir une
 bonne raison.
 Certains pare-feu et dispositifs NAT obsolètes ou buggés ne gèrent pas
 correctement ces options, aussi il est parfois nécessaire de les
 désactiver. Sinon je ne vois pas trop.
 je suppose que le rapport de bug doit plutot aller au
 maintenant du driver atl1c, non ?
 Je vais encore te donner du travail, mais pourrais-tu vérifier si
 tcp_timestamps est à 1 et si le mettre à 0 provoque le problème en
 fonction du MTU avec les autres distributions installées sur la machine
 (sid, backtrack) ? Je pense que ça permettrait de mieux cerner le bug.
 En gros vérifier sur chacune si (si j'ai bien compris) :
 - MTU=1492 et tcp_timestamps=0 - bug
 - MTU=1500 ou tcp_timestamps=1 - ok

sous backtrack 4 j'ai exactement le même comportement que sous debian lenny:
MTU=1492 et tcp_timestamps=0 - bug
MTU=1492 et tcp_timestamps=1 - ok
MTU=1500 ou tcp_timestamps=0 - ok
MTU=1500 ou tcp_timestamps=1 - ok

Ce n'est vraiment que dans le cas où MTU=1492 et tcp_timestamps=0 que le
bug apparait.

sous sid je n'ai aucun problème quelques soit la mtu ou la valeur de
tcp_timestamps. Mais ce n'est pas le même pc et donc pas la même carte
graphique et pas le même driver (b44).

Bonne soirée

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[HS] portail orange : connection automatique

2010-08-05 Thread Guy Roussin


Je suis abonné orange et je crois que jusqu'à ce soir, je ne suis
jamais allé sur leur portail.

Ce soir, un moment d'effroi lorsque je prête l'accès à mon PC
à quelqu'un de ma famille qui veut se connecter à son mail orange

Par défaut, c'est moi qui suis connecté ! Mon nom s'affiche, tout est
accessible sans saisir le moindre mot de passe. Je change de navigateur
(konqueror puis opera) toujours pareil je suis automatiquement connecté.

Ma debian serait-elle acoquiné avec orange? Tous mes PC à la maison
son sous debian et ils ont tous le même symptômes. Lorsque j'accède
au portail orange je suis automatiquement connecter sans saisir le
moindre mot de passe (pas de https non plus). Du coup, Les gens a qui
je permet l'accès internet peuvent accéder à toutes mes infos
d'abonnement, mes mails, contact, ...

Que faut-il en penser ?
Donc pour orange une IP publique = un utilisateur ...
Je comprend tout l'intérêt de sécuriser l'accès à son abonnement internet !


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Re: Pb de transfert de fichiers entre un NAS et une debian lenny backport

2010-08-05 Thread Pascal Hambourg
giggz a écrit :
 sous backtrack 4 j'ai exactement le même comportement que sous debian lenny:
 MTU=1492 et tcp_timestamps=0 - bug
 MTU=1492 et tcp_timestamps=1 - ok
 MTU=1500 ou tcp_timestamps=0 - ok
 MTU=1500 ou tcp_timestamps=1 - ok
 Ce n'est vraiment que dans le cas où MTU=1492 et tcp_timestamps=0 que le
 bug apparait.

Merci pour ce retour.

 sous sid je n'ai aucun problème quelques soit la mtu ou la valeur de
 tcp_timestamps. Mais ce n'est pas le même pc et donc pas la même carte
 graphique et pas le même driver (b44).

Ah oui, j'avais oublié ce détail.
Donc a priori le bug existe avec tous les noyaux mais est lié aux
pilotes atl1*. Ou alors c'est un bug tordu du NAS qui ne se manifeste
que lorsqu'on communique avec lui à travers ces pilotes.
Tu as essayé de jouer avec ethtool -k/-K pour désactiver les options
d'offload ?

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Re: [HS] portail orange : connection automatique

2010-08-05 Thread Pascal Hambourg

Guy Roussin a écrit :
 Je suis abonné orange et je crois que jusqu'à ce soir, je ne suis
 jamais allé sur leur portail.
 Ce soir, un moment d'effroi lorsque je prête l'accès à mon PC
 à quelqu'un de ma famille qui veut se connecter à son mail orange
 Par défaut, c'est moi qui suis connecté ! Mon nom s'affiche, tout est
 accessible sans saisir le moindre mot de passe. Je change de navigateur
 (konqueror puis opera) toujours pareil je suis automatiquement connecté.

Il me semble que cela arrive quand une seule adresse mail est associée à
la connexion internet. En en créant une seconde, l'authentification
devient nécessaire.

 Que faut-il en penser ?

Qu'Orange, c'est des comiques.

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Re: [HS] portail orange : connection automatique

2010-08-05 Thread Jean Marie Houviez
le probleme est connu

c'est une des failles de securité d'Orange

C'est l'identifant de la livebox qui sert d'unique identifant  dans ces
condition un amis se connet sur ta live box et il a acces a tout tes comptes

seule solution changer de FAI

Le 6 août 2010 00:18, Pascal Hambourg pascal.m...@plouf.fr.eu.org a écrit


 Guy Roussin a écrit :
  Je suis abonné orange et je crois que jusqu'à ce soir, je ne suis
  jamais allé sur leur portail.
  Ce soir, un moment d'effroi lorsque je prête l'accès à mon PC
  à quelqu'un de ma famille qui veut se connecter à son mail orange
  Par défaut, c'est moi qui suis connecté ! Mon nom s'affiche, tout est
  accessible sans saisir le moindre mot de passe. Je change de navigateur
  (konqueror puis opera) toujours pareil je suis automatiquement connecté.

 Il me semble que cela arrive quand une seule adresse mail est associée à
 la connexion internet. En en créant une seconde, l'authentification
 devient nécessaire.

  Que faut-il en penser ?

 Qu'Orange, c'est des comiques.

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Jean Marie Houviez

89 rue du 3ième R A C
36000 Châteauroux
tel33 9 50 73 25 05
fax   33 9 55 73 25 05

Résidence familiale
5 rue Honoré de Balzac
44600 Saint Nazaire
tel33 9 51 07 79 62
fax   33 9 56 07 79 62

mobile 33 6 80 85 19 10
Gmail assure gratuitement la sauvegarde ainsi que la consultation à distance
de mes courriels et fax.

Re: [HS] portail orange : connection automatique

2010-08-05 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier

Le 06/08/2010 00:09, Guy Roussin a écrit :

Je suis abonné orange et je crois que jusqu'à ce soir, je ne suis
jamais allé sur leur portail.

Tu n'avais rien perdu.

Ce soir, un moment d'effroi lorsque je prête l'accès à mon PC
à quelqu'un de ma famille qui veut se connecter à son mail orange

Par défaut, c'est moi qui suis connecté ! Mon nom s'affiche, tout est
accessible sans saisir le moindre mot de passe. Je change de navigateur
(konqueror puis opera) toujours pareil je suis automatiquement connecté.

Merci ft (heu pardon, orange)

Ma debian serait-elle acoquiné avec orange? Tous mes PC à la maison
sonT sous debian et ils ont tous le même symptôme. Lorsque j'accède
au portail orange je suis automatiquement connectÉ sans saisir le
moindre mot de passe (pas de https non plus). Du coup, Les gens a qui
je permet l'accès internet peuvent accéder à toutes mes infos
d'abonnement, mes mails, contact, ...

Que faut-il en penser ?

Que ça t'apprendra à faire confiance à l'opérateur canal historique ;-P

Donc pour orange une IP publique = un utilisateur ...

C'est un poil plus compliqué: ft t'authentifie (pour le mail) par ses
DNS (mais il jure qu'il ne te tracke pas sur tes requêtes, héhéhé).

La méthode est questionnable et comme bcp de services par orange, pensée 
par des bureaucrates et non des techniciens ayant la tête sur les épaules 
(y'en a d'ailleurs plus: ils ont tous été soit déplacés vers la téléphonie, 
soit mis en retraite ou pendouillent au bout d'un fil... de téléphone:)

Je comprend tout l'intérêt de sécuriser l'accès à son abonnement internet !

Sécurité et orange sont mutuellement exclusifs.

You will obey or molten silver will be poured into your ears.

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Re: Chrome Chromium...

2010-08-05 Thread Goldy
Le 05/08/2010 09:44, David BERCOT a écrit :
 Après l'article que j'ai lu dans les News Debian et qui pointait vers
 les pages suivantes :
 je me suis posé la question du choix du navigateur. En effet, depuis
 quelques mois, je n'utilise plus que Chrome (en version
 google-chrome-unstable dans les repositories Google) car je trouvais
 qu'Iceweasel devenait de plus en plus lourd...
 L'article de Giuseppe est intéressant, mais, dans ses arguments, je
 trouve que le seul vrai (quasiment ;-)) est le fait que
 Chromium est libre. Pour le reste, avec la version unstable de Chrome,
 les arguments ne tiennent pas.
 D'autre part, en 64 bits, il n'existe pas de Chromium dans Experimental
 (qui serait à peu près l'équivalent [en version] de Chrome).
 Maintenant, je suis ouvert à toute remarque et, pour être honnête, si
 j'avais la même version (à quelques builds près) de Chromium que celle
 que j'ai de Chrome, je préférerais passer à Chromium...
 Merci d'avance.


Moi je suis passé également à chromium il y a peu de temps après avoir
constaté comme toi la lourdeur de iceweasel. Je n'ai pas essayé chrome
car il est important pour moi que le navigateur que j'utilise soit libre
(ça fait partie pour moi des logiciels critiques dont le code ne doit
absolument pas être fermé).

J'utilise les versions disponibles dans les dépôts unstable et je suis
satisfait en ce me concerne des fonctionnalité de ces versions.
Peut-être un petit bug récurent concernant la correction automatique,
quand on switche d'un dictionnaire à l'autre, ça a tendance à ne pas
fonctionner correctement, mais sinon à part ça et le fait que certaines
extensions firefox manquent un peu, et ne serait-ce que le rendu de
webkit, je suis très satisfait de ce navigateur.

Pour ce qui est des arguments concernant le fait de ne pas utiliser
chrome, pour moi c'est surtout qu'il semble convenu que l'usage du
navigateur est véritablement tracé par google, ce qu'il est possible de
désactiver dans chromium.


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Re: [HS] portail orange : connection automatique

2010-08-05 Thread Michel MOUNIER

Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :

La méthode est questionnable et comme bcp de services par orange, 
pensée par des bureaucrates et non des techniciens ayant la tête sur 
les épaules (y'en a d'ailleurs plus: ils ont tous été soit déplacés 
vers la téléphonie, soit mis en retraite ou pendouillent au bout d'un 
fil... de téléphone:)

Quel humour pour parler d'employés poussés à bout par un encadrement 
voyou pensant profit avant de penser humain.

Si le gigantissime technicien qui a écrit ce smiley (  :) ) à la fin de 
sa phrase (qui doit le faire beaucoup rire) a la capacité de sortir de 
ses certitudes et de se mettre une demi-seconde dans la peau d'un 
familier de suicidé qui lirait ce post j'ose espérer qu'il rougirait 
de honte mais au vu d'un certain nombre de posts passés je doute 
fortement qu'il en ait la capacité 

Michel Mounier
44°55'37N 04°53'50E 

37°05'34,38N 13°56'06,78E

Re: [HS] portail orange : connection automatique

2010-08-05 Thread Jean De Mansencal

Le vendredi 06 août 2010 à 00:18 +0200, Pascal Hambourg a écrit :
 Guy Roussin a écrit :
  Je suis abonné orange et je crois que jusqu'à ce soir, je ne suis
  jamais allé sur leur portail.
  Ce soir, un moment d'effroi lorsque je prête l'accès à mon PC
  à quelqu'un de ma famille qui veut se connecter à son mail orange
  Par défaut, c'est moi qui suis connecté ! Mon nom s'affiche, tout est
  accessible sans saisir le moindre mot de passe. Je change de navigateur
  (konqueror puis opera) toujours pareil je suis automatiquement connecté.
 Il me semble que cela arrive quand une seule adresse mail est associée à
 la connexion internet. En en créant une seconde, l'authentification
 devient nécessaire.

j'étais dans cette situation et pour tester je viens de créer un second
compte Orange et maintenant ça demande effectivement une identification.

c'est une précaution judicieuse effectivement...

  Que faut-il en penser ?
 Qu'Orange, c'est des comiques.

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investasi forex dengan profit 190% dalam 1 bulan

2010-08-05 Thread bisnis

Investasi forex adalah investasi masa depan.
Dan investasi forex ini benar2 real dan bukan omong kosong 

Bisnis Online Investasi forex ini dikelola oleh Mandiri Multi Finance (M2F).
dimana M2F ini adalah perusahaan swasta yang bergerak diberbagai bidang
keuangan (multi finance) yang diantaranya perdagangan umum, koperasi simpan
pinjam,jasa dan teknologi networking secara umum serta berpartisipasi dalam
menciptakan kegiatan usaha untuk bersama membangun perekonomian melalui

Sistem Investasi yang dibuat oleh M2F adalah bersifat Multi Daily Profit
dimana sistem MDP ini akan membuat investor mendapat Profit 190% dalam 30
hari tanpa kecuali dan akan dibagikan per 10 hari. (misalnya anda join
tanggal 1, maka di hari ke 10, anda akan mendapat profit senilai dr
investasi anda (akan dijelaskan di bawah), hari ke 20, dan hari ke 30).

disini saya akan menjelaskan Ilustrasi Profit anda sebesar 190% sesuai
jumlah investasi anda :

M2F menyediakan 4 Paket Investasi dengan jumlah yang berbeda.
1. Rp. 250.000 dengan profit per 10 hari 158,333 jadi total per bulan
2. Rp. 750.000 dengan profit per 10 hari 475,000 jadi total per bulan
3. Rp. 1.750.000 dengan profit per 10 hari 1.108.333 jadi total per bulan
4. Rp. 3.750.000 dengan profit per 10 hari 2.375.000 jadi total per bulan

silakan untuk yang mau berinvestasi klik disini :


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mandiri multi finance investasi dengan profit 190 % dalam 1 bulan

2010-08-05 Thread bisnis

Ini benar,mandiri multi finance adalah produk investasi forex dimana profit
yang di dapat 190 % dalam 1 bulan.
Cuma mandiri multi finance yang bisa mengatasi masalah keuangan anda.

Bisnis Online Investasi ini dikelola oleh Mandiri Multi Finance (M2F).
dimana M2F ini adalah perusahaan swasta yang bergerak diberbagai bidang
keuangan (multi finance) yang diantaranya perdagangan umum, koperasi simpan
pinjam,jasa dan teknologi networking secara umum serta berpartisipasi dalam
menciptakan kegiatan usaha untuk bersama membangun perekonomian melalui

Sistem Investasi yang dibuat oleh M2F adalah bersifat Multi Daily Profit
dimana sistem MDP ini akan membuat investor mendapat Profit 190% dalam 30
hari tanpa kecuali dan akan dibagikan per 10 hari. (misalnya anda join
tanggal 1, maka di hari ke 10, anda akan mendapat profit senilai dr
investasi anda (akan dijelaskan di bawah), hari ke 20, dan hari ke 30).
disini saya akan menjelaskan Ilustrasi Profit anda sebesar 190% sesuai
jumlah investasi anda :

M2F menyediakan 4 Paket Investasi dengan jumlah yang berbeda.
1. Rp. 250.000 dengan profit per 10 hari 158,333 jadi total per bulan
2. Rp. 750.000 dengan profit per 10 hari 475,000 jadi total per bulan
3. Rp. 1.750.000 dengan profit per 10 hari 1.108.333 jadi total per bulan
4. Rp. 3.750.000 dengan profit per 10 hari 2.375.000 jadi total per bulan

Tunggu apalagi kesuksesan dan peluang ada di depan mata jangan tunda lagi.

yang mau investasi silakan klik disini : 

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Re: ext3 o ext4 para disco de 1 tb?

2010-08-05 Thread Juan Antonio
 El 05/08/10 00:33, Camaleón escribió:
 El Wed, 04 Aug 2010 23:44:45 +0200, Javier Barroso escribió:

 2010/8/4 Camaleón:

 Ná, yo siempre monto ReiserFS. Ext4 es demasiado novedoso para mi
 gusto, un par de añitos más de rodaje y estará en su punto.
 ¿Alguna razón para elegir ReiserFS?
 Dos razones y media, principalmente.

 1/ Trabaja bien con archivos pequeños por lo que me viene de perlas para 
 los servidores (Apache y Postfix).

 2/ Se recupera bien de los apagones a lo bruto y he tenido varios (aunque 
 no tengo ningún equipo sin un SAI detrás, cuando el sistema se queda 
 frito pues no hay más remedio que hacer un reset). ReiserFS no sólo es 
 rápido en hacer el chequeo sino que nunca lo he tenido que reparar de 
 forma manual.

 La media razón es el tiempo de chequeo de ext3, sí... no hay quien lo 
 aguante :-)
 Quizás la única desventaja del ext3 es el tiempo de chequeo, no ? Lo
 bueno es que con linux no tenemos que reiniciar mucho ^ ^
 La familia ext[n] no me termina de convencer. Siempre he usado ReiserFS 
 en las particiones de sistema y en las pocas ocasiones que he puesto ext3 
 como sistema de archivos raíz, he notado cierta lentitud. 

 Ext3 lo uso principalmente para los volúmenes de datos -donde se 
 almacenan ficheros de gran tamaño- porque es estable y robusto, bien 
 conocido y con herramientas de recuperación disponibles. No me atrevería 
 a pasarlos a ext4, al menos no de momento. Ext4 tiene un rodaje de 
 apenas 2 años contra los 9 años de ext3. Quizá en un sistema casero no 
 importe tanto uno u otro pero en un sistema de archivos personalmente 
 valoro la estabilidad y la fiabilidad ante cualquier otra consideración.

 Y mientras ReiserFS siga estando disponible y me siga dando buen 
 servicio, lo seguiré utilizando como sistema de archivos principal.


Para cuando se te quede frito un servidor, si es debian lleva las magic
sysrq de serie,


Un saludo

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Re: ext3 o ext4 para disco de 1 tb?

2010-08-05 Thread jmramirez

Para cuando se te quede frito un servidor, si es debian lleva las magic
sysrq de serie,


Un saludo


	Pensaba que esto venia de serie en los GNU/linux. ¿Esta dentro de ese 
paquete? Entiendo que es esto:

Pulsamos las teclas ALT y la de “Imprimir pantalla”, y sin soltarlas 
vamos escribiendo poco a poco REISUB. Con esto logramos reiniciar 
nuestro sistema de manera segura ya que según vamos pulsando las teclas 
vamos mandando una orden a nuestro sistema, tales como:

R.- Devuelve el control al teclado (Raw)
E.- Manda todos los procesos al term, es decir, los hace terminar (End)
I.- Manda los procesos al Kill, es decir, los mata.
S.- Sincroniza el disco duro (Sync)
U.- Desmonta todos los sistemas de ficheros (Unmount)
B.- Por último, reinicia el ordenador. (reBoot)

Fuente: http://www.softhoy.com/linux/reisub-contra-los-bloqueos.html

Un saludo

This is Unix-Land. In quiet nights, you can hear the Windows machines 

No me envie correos en formatos propietarios

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Re: ext3 o ext4 para disco de 1 tb?

2010-08-05 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 05 Aug 2010 11:18:54 +0200, jmramirez escribió:

 Para cuando se te quede frito un servidor, si es debian lleva las magic
 sysrq de serie,


Gracias... pues mira, eso no lo sabía (que estaba habilitado de manera 
predeterminada). De momento no he tenido ningún cuelgue en Debian, pero 
sólo llevo por aquí ~10 meses :-)

   Pensaba que esto venia de serie en los GNU/linux. 


En openSUSE no, había que activarlo expresamente. No se si lo habrán 



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Re: Comportamiento leento al instalar squeeze

2010-08-05 Thread mmejiav
El día 4 de agosto de 2010 16:39, Javier Barroso
javibarr...@gmail.com escribió:
 2010/8/4 mmejiav mauricio.meji...@gmail.com:
 Saludos a t...@s

 Descargué la versión squeeze del lunes 2 de Agosto para instalar me
 mi pc desktop
 extrañamente se demoró algo mas de 12 horas en hacer todo el proceso.
 al final no marca errores
 Cuando te esté tardando la instalación, pulsa ALT-F4 (o por ahí), y
 mira a ver en los logs a ver donde está parado. Si está claro donde se
 para, podrías reportar un bug, no es normal que tarde 12 horas si lo
 has instalado desde DVD (no debería descargar más que las

 Lo malo es que ya lo instalaste y ahora no podemos saber qué ocurria a
 menos que a alguien más le pase y mire en los logs



En consola solo aparecen mensajes de descomprimiendo tal paquete o
configurando tal paquete 
Y si lo esta haciendo pero es lento

pd: es un phenom x4 con 4 gb en ram asi que procesador lento es descartado

A alguno de ustedes le esta pasando con este release semanal?

J Mauricio Mejia Vargas - b0r0las
Linux User # 381752

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Re: Comportamiento leento al instalar squeeze

2010-08-05 Thread Fernando C. Estrada
On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 06:45 -0500, mmejiav wrote:
 El día 4 de agosto de 2010 16:39, Javier Barroso
 javibarr...@gmail.com escribió:
  2010/8/4 mmejiav mauricio.meji...@gmail.com:
  Saludos a t...@s
  Descargué la versión squeeze del lunes 2 de Agosto para instalar me
  mi pc desktop
  extrañamente se demoró algo mas de 12 horas en hacer todo el proceso.
  al final no marca errores
  Cuando te esté tardando la instalación, pulsa ALT-F4 (o por ahí), y
  mira a ver en los logs a ver donde está parado. Si está claro donde se
  para, podrías reportar un bug, no es normal que tarde 12 horas si lo
  has instalado desde DVD (no debería descargar más que las
  Lo malo es que ya lo instalaste y ahora no podemos saber qué ocurria a
  menos que a alguien más le pase y mire en los logs
 En consola solo aparecen mensajes de descomprimiendo tal paquete o
 configurando tal paquete 
 Y si lo esta haciendo pero es lento
 pd: es un phenom x4 con 4 gb en ram asi que procesador lento es descartado
 A alguno de ustedes le esta pasando con este release semanal?

Hace unos 15 días al instalar testing en modo texto con la imagen
diaria correspondiente, lo que me pasó es que no se veía ningún progreso
en la descarga e instalación de paquetes, sin embargo al dar Ctrl+Alt
+F4 todo avanzaba correctamente y el tiempo de descarga e instalación
fué normal.


P.D. El fin de semana probaré esto de nuevo y si esto aún sucede
levantaré el bug correspondiente (ya que no encontré un bug
Fernando C. Estrada

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Re: ext3 o ext4 para disco de 1 tb?

2010-08-05 Thread Federico Alberto Sayd

El 04/08/10 15:14, mmejiav escribió:

estoy planeando instalar squeeze en un disco duro de 1 tb nuevo en un
equipo casero
deseo conocer según lo que han leído o probado cual es mejor para
dicho montaje: ext3 o ext4?


Si es un equipo casero y no tienes datos altamente crítico te recomiendo 
que uses ext4, se nota bastante la diferencia. Además hay varios 
benchmarks dando vuelta que muestran que ext4 aporta mucho rendimiento 
y  por otra parte ya hay otras distros no tan conservadoras como Debian 
que lo usan por defecto. Además los problemas con ext4 de perdidas de 
información ya han sido arreglados en las últimas versiones.

En resumen, si lo que quieres es ganar rendimiento yo apostaría por ext4.


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Re: HD externo no se reconoce y/o se demora demasiado

2010-08-05 Thread Marc Aymerich
2010/8/4 AlePando constructora.pa...@gmail.com

 2010/8/3 Marc Aymerich glicer...@gmail.com:
  2010/8/3 AlePando constructora.pa...@gmail.com:
  Un disco duro externo simpletech de 120 Gb para instalar en puerto
  USB me comenzo a dar problemas para 'enchufarlo' en Linux. Lo he
  intentado tanto en Ubuntu 10.04 como en la partición con Sidux (Debian
  Sid), pero en los dos da el mismo problema. A veces si dejo el USB
  enchufado, luego de un par de hasta varias horas, se abre la ventana
  de notificación como si recien lo hubiese enchufado:
  En estos momentos lo enchufe al puerto USB y no da señales de ser
  # fdisk -l
  No sabe de su existencia apesar de estar enchufado
  Si voy al TTy 1 (no se si llama asi al hacer Ctl Alt F1) se muestra lo
  [2804.723370] hud 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on Port 1
  [2804.723379] hud 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on Port 1
  [2804.723376] hud 1-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on Port 1
  [2804.723397] ...
  Y asi continua sin terminar. A veces se conecta luego de un buen
  rato pero otras simplemente no se conecta.
  Este mismo disco duro externo lo conecto a un desktop con Windows XP y
  se freconoce y muestra sin problemas.
  En este mismo
  ¿Alguna idea que puede estar sucediendo?
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  podrias poner la información relacionada con el usb que te sale al
  hacer un dmesg?
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 Resumo los  del enfermo:
 HD externo Simpletech de 120GB (enchufable con USB 2.0)

 - Lo enchufo al Windows del Descktop de casa y se reconoce y muestra
 su contenido sin problemas
 - Lo enchufo en cualquiera de los dos Linux que tengo instalado en mi
 LapTop HP530 (Ubuntu y Sidux) y como si no estubiese enchufado nada...
 no da ninguna señal el KDE4 que trabajo
 - Enchufo un Pendrive 4 Gb y no da problemas
 - Reinicio el LapoTop y sigue sin reconocer el USB HD 120Gb
 - A veces pasa un rato y de repente muestra la ventana emergente del
 KDE4 que enchufe el HD120 Gb (o sea, el sistema de dio cuenta un par
 de horas mas tarde)

 # fdisk -l
 No muestra existencia del USB 120Gb que acabo de enchufar

 $ lsusb
 Tampoco da señales de su existencia

 # hwinfo --short
  /dev/input/event0AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
  /dev/input/mice  Holtek USB Mouse
  /dev/input/mice  SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
 graphics card:
   Intel 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition
 Audio Controller
   Intel 82801G (ICH7 Family) IDE Controller
   Intel 82801GBM/GHM (ICH7 Family) SATA AHCI Controller
 network interface:
  /dev/sda FUJITSU MHY2120B
  /dev/sr0 Optiarc DVD RW AD-7530B
 usb controller:
   Intel 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1
   Intel 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller
   Intel Mobile 945GME Express Memory Controller Hub
   Intel 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 1
   Intel 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 2
   Intel 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge
   Intel 82801GBM (ICH7-M) LPC Interface Bridge
   ENE CB1410 Cardbus Controller
   Linux 2.6.34-0.slh.11-sidux-686 ehci_hcd EHCI
 Host Controller
   Linux 2.6.34-0.slh.11-sidux-686 uhci_hcd UHCI
 Host Controller
   DMA controller
   Keyboard controller
   PS/2 Controller
   Unclassified device
   Unclassified device
   Unclassified device
   Unclassified device
   Unclassified device
   Unclassified device
   Unclassified device
   Unclassified device
   Unclassified device
   Unclassified device

Liebe Freunde, Mi t freundlichen Gr üßen

2010-08-05 Thread Luz Trelles
Liebe Freunde, immer daran denken, den Abstand, um einen erholsamen Urlaub 

Lanzadera Lancelot

2010-08-05 Thread Javier Argentina
Ayer actualicé sitema.
Hoy encendí la máquina, y la lanzadera Lancelot sobre KDE desapareció.
No sólo no está dentro de las aplicaciones a instalar, si no que no
arranca, tuve que volver al lanzador de aplicaciones de KDE que es
bastante feíto.

¿Alguien sabe qué puede haber pasado?

Por ahora, estoy tratando de bajar los fuentes desde su sitio.

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Re: Lanzadera Lancelot

2010-08-05 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 05 Aug 2010 12:19:17 -0300, Javier Argentina escribió:

 Ayer actualicé sitema.
 Hoy encendí la máquina, y la lanzadera Lancelot sobre KDE desapareció.
 No sólo no está dentro de las aplicaciones a instalar, si no que no
 arranca, tuve que volver al lanzador de aplicaciones de KDE que es
 bastante feíto.
 ¿Alguien sabe qué puede haber pasado?

¿Has probado a lanzarlo desde konsole para ver si saca algún mensaje de 
 Por ahora, estoy tratando de bajar los fuentes desde su sitio.

Parece que el paquete está en los repos.



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Re: alternar teclado wmaker

2010-08-05 Thread Pablo Jiménez
On Mon, Aug 02, 2010 at 10:06:56PM -0500, Laura Pamela wrote:
  Por Google indican este paquete fookb-wmaker, mira a ver si te sirve.
 Lo miraré
  Otra opción genérica podría ser editar el /etc/X11/xorg.conf y añadir
  algo similar a esto (dentro de la sección InputDevice):
  Option XkbLayout   es,us
  Option XkbOptions  grp:ctrl_shift_toggle
 Lo intentaré.
 Gracias Camaleon

Otra opción:




Pablo Jiménez

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Busco persona con conocimientos en seguridad redes y cracking

2010-08-05 Thread Esteban Lucero

contactar inmediatamente trabajo de auditoria de seguridad de redes. pago de 
500k pesos argentinos



2010-08-05 Thread Marcelo

Isto ocorre quando o acesso é pelo Webmin, estou falando do Usermin,
tenho algo parecido rodando aqui e nunca tive problemas.
Resumindo, o Usermin pode rodar em outra porta e o Webmin nem precisa
estar rodando.


Harlei Liguori Marcelino wrote:
 Criei um usuário no webmin sim, configurei um custom command, mas, o
 custom fica com o botão e embaixo um edit command, então, se o usuario
 quiser mudar o comando de dentro do botão ele consegue :( Este é o
 problema! :(



 Em 4 de agosto de 2010 16:45, Marcelo msala...@gmail.com
 mailto:msala...@gmail.com escreveu:

 Olá Harley,

 Habilita o Usermin e configura no Webmin somente o botao-reboot
 para o
 usuario especifico do usermin.


 Harlei Liguori Marcelino wrote:
  Olá amigo,
  realmente eu até uso o nagios, mas, em primeiro lugar, não sei fazer
  com que o nagios reinicie um servidor quando ele estiver down (seria
  até bom saber para meu uso uahuahauha), mas, o problema é que o povo
  gosta de achar que a culpa é sempre da informática, e quando o
  servidor cair e tal eles vão culpar o sistema, então, para este
 caso o
  nagios não ajudaria muito.
  O caso do e-mail também é interessante, mas cai no mesmo caso de
  problema no servidor/serviço e a culpa ser do sistema.
  Com o webmin eu até consegui fazer, mas, o usuário conseguiria
 mudar a
  linha de comando, e assim, fazer besteira se quiser e me ferrar,
  não me parece uma boa também :)
  Estou fazendo alguma pesquisa em PHP agora, que parece que roda SSH
  também, mas como não programo nada, tenho que achar algo que
 faça algo
  parecido para eu apenas mudar as linhas SSH :)
  Se mais alguém tiver alguma ideia, será sempre útil :) Obrigado
  Em 4 de agosto de 2010 16:37, Leonardo Carneiro
  chesterma...@gmail.com mailto:chesterma...@gmail.com
 mailto:chesterma...@gmail.com mailto:chesterma...@gmail.com
  Oi Harlei. Por cgi e html eu não vou saber te ajudar. Não
 manjo dessas
  linguagens e não acho que elas sejam, de longe, uma solução
 ideal para
  o seu problema.
  Algo como o Nagios, com ações pró-ativas para mandar reiniciar o
  servidor qdo o programa parar é a solução mais elegante,
 embora talvez
  seja trabalhoso para resolver um problema localizado.
  Algo mais viável poderia ser o seguinte: cria uma conta de email
  dedicada para esse servidor, e faz um script que recebe
 emails através
  de alguma ferramenta de linha de comando, e quando receber
 um email
  especifico, reboota a máquina. Só colocar na cron pra rodar
 a cada
  minuto, ou a cada dois minutos.
  Uma terceira solução é o Webmin, que é um sistema web para
  gerenciamento da máquina, que permite que vc execute comandos de
  2010/8/4 Harlei Liguori Marcelino hligu...@gmail.com
  mailto:hligu...@gmail.com mailto:hligu...@gmail.com:
   Olá amigos,
   preciso de mais um help da lista, estou há dias buscando uma
  solução para um
   problema nada habitual.
   Tenho uns servidores de monitoramento (gerenciamento de
 câmeras de
   segurança) que são de responsabilidade da segurança (por
   até aqui tudo bem, o problema é que o sistema não é muito
  estável e quando
   ele para não adianta restartar o serviço, e a única forma é
  reiniciando o
   server para ele pegar as câmeras novamente. Ai entra meu
  problema, pois,
   toda vez que ele para precisamos reiniciar o server, então,
  estou tentando
   achar uma solução para fazer via HTML (ou CGI ou algo
  que seja
   executado o comando 'ssh r...@ip_do_servidor reboot' em um
  servidor de
   respondabilidade minha mas a única forma que consegui de fazer
  algo parecido
   foi com webmin, mas, não é exatamente uma solução boa já que é
  para o povo
   da segurança reiniciar o servidor quando precisar sem precisar
  nos ligar e
   pelo webmin o povo da segurança pode mudar o codigo shell e
  fazer merda.
   Já tentei CGI e HTML puro, consigo executar diversos comandos
  shell mas o
   ssh não funciona de jeito algum. Será que alguém tem alguma
  ideia que possa
   me ajudar? Já não sei mais oque testar :(
   agradeço a atenção


hub virtual p UML

2010-08-05 Thread Anderson Bertling
Bom dia,
estou com problemas em uma rede virtual de maquinas UML, elas estão
funcionando mas devido a uma regra de para evitar travar o hub que coloquei
no cron agora ela esta me devolvendo a seguinte mensagem de erro,

send_sock sending to fd 4 Resource temporarily unavailable

a regra é só para derrubar e criar o hub de volta, alguém sabe o que pode
existir de erro, procurei no google mas não entendi patavinas ...
desde já fico grato por qualquer ajuda...

Anderson Bertling

Grub Debian Squeeze

2010-08-05 Thread Fábio de Sousa
Um bom dia a todos...

Instalei o Debian Squeeze para testar
Fui dar uma olhada no grub, no arquivo menu.lst e me assustei
Nunca vi nada parecido...
Alguém já deu uma olhada?
Tem uns 50 arquivos dentro da pasta /boot/grub/
Saberiam me dizer qual arquivo edito para mudar os parâmetros da
inicialização do kernel?
Onde mudo o tempo de espera de escolha do Kernel?

Abraço a todos...

Fábio de Sousa

 °v°   Seja Livre...
/(  )\  Use Linux...
 ^ ^


2010-08-05 Thread Leslie H. Watter

Vc pode fazer o seguinte:

1. criar um script shell no cron que verifica se um arquivo existe, p. ex.


if [ -e /tmp/reboote-a-maquina-por-favor.txt ]; do
 rm /tmp/reboote-a-maquina-por-favor.txt 
 /sbin/shutdown -r now

e adicionar esse script no crontab do root para rodar a cada minuto

# crontab -e 

e com uma página html/php/whatever criar esse arquivo.

O caminho vc coloca onde quiser, /tmp foi só um exemplo :D
pode até mesmo ser no diretório do webserver, uma vez que o rm apaga o
arquivo antes de rebootar.



Em Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 04:43:21PM -0300, Harlei Liguori Marcelino escreveu:
| Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 16:43:21 -0300
| Subject: Re: SSH + HTTP
| From: Harlei Liguori Marcelino hligu...@gmail.com
| To: Leonardo Carneiro chesterma...@gmail.com
| Cc: debianlista debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
|Ola amigo,
|realmente eu ate uso o nagios, mas, em primeiro lugar, nao sei fazer com
|que o nagios reinicie um servidor quando ele estiver down (seria ate bom
|saber para meu uso uahuahauha), mas, o problema e que o povo gosta de
|achar que a culpa e sempre da informatica, e quando o servidor cair e tal
|eles vao culpar o sistema, entao, para este caso o nagios nao ajudaria
|O caso do e-mail tambem e interessante, mas cai no mesmo caso de problema
|no servidor/servic,o e a culpa ser do sistema.
|Com o webmin eu ate consegui fazer, mas, o usuario conseguiria mudar a
|linha de comando, e assim, fazer besteira se quiser e me ferrar, oque nao
|me parece uma boa tambem :)
|Estou fazendo alguma pesquisa em PHP agora, que parece que roda SSH
|tambem, mas como nao programo nada, tenho que achar algo que fac,a algo
|parecido para eu apenas mudar as linhas SSH :)
|Se mais alguem tiver alguma ideia, sera sempre util :) Obrigado Leonardo!
|Em 4 de agosto de 2010 16:37, Leonardo Carneiro chesterma...@gmail.com
|  Oi Harlei. Por cgi e html eu nao vou saber te ajudar. Nao manjo dessas
|  linguagens e nao acho que elas sejam, de longe, uma soluc,ao ideal para
|  o seu problema.
|  Algo como o Nagios, com ac,oes pro-ativas para mandar reiniciar o
|  servidor qdo o programa parar e a soluc,ao mais elegante, embora talvez
|  seja trabalhoso para resolver um problema localizado.
|  Algo mais viavel poderia ser o seguinte: cria uma conta de email
|  dedicada para esse servidor, e faz um script que recebe emails atraves
|  de alguma ferramenta de linha de comando, e quando receber um email
|  especifico, reboota a maquina. So colocar na cron pra rodar a cada
|  minuto, ou a cada dois minutos.
|  Uma terceira soluc,ao e o Webmin, que e um sistema web para
|  gerenciamento da maquina, que permite que vc execute comandos de
|  shell.
|  2010/8/4 Harlei Liguori Marcelino hligu...@gmail.com:
|   Ola amigos,
|   preciso de mais um help da lista, estou ha dias buscando uma soluc,ao
|  para um
|   problema nada habitual.
|   Tenho uns servidores de monitoramento (gerenciamento de cameras de
|   seguranc,a) que sao de responsabilidade da seguranc,a (por motivos
|  obvios),
|   ate aqui tudo bem, o problema e que o sistema nao e muito estavel e
|  quando
|   ele para nao adianta restartar o servic,o, e a unica forma e
|  reiniciando o
|   server para ele pegar as cameras novamente. Ai entra meu problema,
|  pois,
|   toda vez que ele para precisamos reiniciar o server, entao, estou
|  tentando
|   achar uma soluc,ao para fazer via HTML (ou CGI ou algo pareciso) que
|  seja
|   executado o comando 'ssh r...@ip_do_servidor reboot' em um servidor de
|   respondabilidade minha mas a unica forma que consegui de fazer algo
|  parecido
|   foi com webmin, mas, nao e exatamente uma soluc,ao boa ja que e para o
|  povo
|   da seguranc,a reiniciar o servidor quando precisar sem precisar nos
|  ligar e
|   pelo webmin o povo da seguranc,a pode mudar o codigo shell e fazer
|  merda.
|   Ja tentei CGI e HTML puro, consigo executar diversos comandos shell
|  mas o
|   ssh nao funciona de jeito algum. Sera que alguem tem alguma ideia que
|  possa
|   me ajudar? Ja nao sei mais oque testar :(
|   agradec,o a atenc,ao
|   att
|   Harlei
) :-- final da mensagem Re: SSH + HTTP de Harlei Liguori Marcelino 
hligu...@gmail.com --:

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Re: Grub Debian Squeeze

2010-08-05 Thread Márcio Pedroso
se quer alterar as ordens de boot va em */etc/grub/grub.cfg*.

Em 5 de agosto de 2010 11:37, Bruno bruno.marques...@gmail.com escreveu:

  O Debian Squeeze, assim como outras distribuições mais recentes, utiliza o
 Grub2. Não se deve mexer nos arquivos de configuração do diretório /boot,
 mas sim no arquivo de configuração do sistema e rodar um comando para
 atualizar o diretório.

 Faça assim:
 -Edite o arquivo /etc/default/grub de acordo com as suas necessidades (é
 bem semelhante ao antigo menu.lst)
 -Execute o comando update-grub2

 Bruno Schmidt Marques

 Em 5/8/2010 11:08, Fábio de Sousa escreveu:

 Um bom dia a todos...

 Instalei o Debian Squeeze para testar
 Fui dar uma olhada no grub, no arquivo menu.lst e me assustei
 Nunca vi nada parecido...
 Alguém já deu uma olhada?
 Tem uns 50 arquivos dentro da pasta /boot/grub/
 Saberiam me dizer qual arquivo edito para mudar os parâmetros da
 inicialização do kernel?
 Onde mudo o tempo de espera de escolha do Kernel?

 Abraço a todos...

 Fábio de Sousa

  °v°   Seja Livre...
 /(  )\  Use Linux...
  ^ ^

linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?

Res: Grub Debian Squeeze

2010-08-05 Thread Gerson Haus
No meu, o Grub2 não reconheceu a o Loader do windows Vista.

No menu.lst do grub(1) funciona a entrada:
# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
# on /dev/hda1
titleWindows Vista (loader)

Como traduzo isso para a linguagem grub2?


De: Márcio Pedroso sarrafocapoe...@gmail.com
Para: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Cc: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 5 de Agosto de 2010 12:10:06
Assunto: Re: Grub Debian Squeeze

se quer alterar as ordens de boot va em /etc/grub/grub.cfg.

Em 5 de agosto de 2010 11:37, Bruno bruno.marques...@gmail.com escreveu:

O Debian Squeeze, assim como outras distribuições mais recentes, utiliza o 
Grub2. Não se deve mexer nos arquivos de configuração do diretório /boot, 
mas sim no arquivo de configuração do sistema e rodar um comando para 
atualizar o diretório.

Faça assim:
-Edite o arquivo /etc/default/grub de acordo com as suas necessidades (é 
semelhante ao antigo menu.lst)
-Execute o comando update-grub2


Bruno Schmidt Marques

Em 5/8/2010 11:08, Fábio de Sousa escreveu: 
Um bom dia a todos...

Instalei o Debian Squeeze para testar
Fui dar uma olhada no grub, no arquivo menu.lst e me assustei
Nunca vi nada parecido...
Alguém já deu uma olhada?
Tem uns 50 arquivos dentro da pasta /boot/grub/
Saberiam me dizer qual arquivo edito para mudar os parâmetros da   
inicialização do kernel?
Onde mudo o tempo de espera de escolha do Kernel?

Abraço a todos...

Fábio de Sousa

 °v°   Seja Livre...
/(  )\  Use Linux...
 ^ ^

linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?


Res: Res: Grub Debian Squeeze

2010-08-05 Thread Dramon Conte

No grub 2 o reconhecimento das partições inicia em 1, ao contrário do grub1 que 
inicia em 0:

Linux  grub1 grub2
/dev/sda1  (hd0,0)   (hd0,1)
/dev/sda2  (hd0,1)   (hd0,2)
/dev/sda3  (hd0,2)   (hd0,3)

/dev/sdb1  (hd1,0)   (hd1,1)
/dev/sdb2  (hd1,1)   (hd1,2)
/dev/sdb3  (hd1,2)   (hd1,3)

De: Gerson Haus haus_cean...@yahoo.com.br
Para: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 5 de Agosto de 2010 16:05:43
Assunto: Res: Grub Debian Squeeze

No meu, o Grub2 não reconheceu a o Loader do windows Vista.

No menu.lst do grub(1) funciona a entrada:
# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
# on /dev/hda1
titleWindows Vista (loader)

Como traduzo isso para a linguagem grub2?


De: Márcio Pedroso sarrafocapoe...@gmail.com
Para: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Cc: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 5 de Agosto de 2010 12:10:06
Assunto: Re: Grub Debian Squeeze

se quer alterar as ordens de boot va em /etc/grub/grub.cfg.

Em 5 de agosto de 2010 11:37, Bruno bruno.marques...@gmail.com escreveu:

O Debian Squeeze, assim como outras distribuições mais recentes, utiliza o 
Grub2. Não se deve mexer nos arquivos de configuração do diretório /boot, 
mas sim no arquivo de configuração do sistema e rodar um comando para 
atualizar o diretório.

Faça assim:
-Edite o arquivo /etc/default/grub de acordo com as suas necessidades (é 
semelhante ao antigo menu.lst)
-Execute o comando update-grub2


Bruno Schmidt Marques

Em 5/8/2010 11:08, Fábio de Sousa escreveu: 
Um bom dia a todos...

Instalei o Debian Squeeze para testar
Fui dar uma olhada no grub, no arquivo menu.lst e me assustei
Nunca vi nada parecido...
Alguém já deu uma olhada?
Tem uns 50 arquivos dentro da pasta /boot/grub/
Saberiam me dizer qual arquivo edito para mudar os parâmetros da   
inicialização do kernel?
Onde mudo o tempo de espera de escolha do Kernel?

Abraço a todos...

Fábio de Sousa

 °v°   Seja Livre...
/(  )\  Use Linux...
 ^ ^

linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?


RE: Res: Res: Grub Debian Squeeze

2010-08-05 Thread Jef Lui

Exemplos em:



Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2010 12:47:54 -0700
From: dra_co...@yahoo.com.br
Subject: Res: Res: Grub Debian Squeeze
To: haus_cean...@yahoo.com.br; debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org


No grub 2 o reconhecimento das partições inicia em 1, ao contrário do grub1 que 
inicia em 0:

Linux  grub1 grub2
/dev/sda1  (hd0,0)   (hd0,1)
/dev/sda2  (hd0,1)   (hd0,2)
/dev/sda3  (hd0,2)   (hd0,3)

/dev/sdb1  (hd1,0)   (hd1,1)
/dev/sdb2  (hd1,1)   (hd1,2)
/dev/sdb3  (hd1,2)   (hd1,3)

De: Gerson Haus haus_cean...@yahoo.com.br
Para: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 5 de Agosto de 2010 16:05:43
Assunto: Res: Grub Debian Squeeze

No meu, o Grub2 não reconheceu a o Loader do windows Vista.

No menu.lst do grub(1) funciona a entrada:
# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS
# on /dev/hda1
titleWindows Vista (loader)

Como traduzo isso para a linguagem grub2?

De: Márcio Pedroso sarrafocapoe...@gmail.com
Para: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Cc: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 5 de Agosto de 2010 12:10:06
Assunto: Re: Grub Debian Squeeze

se quer alterar as ordens de boot va em /etc/grub/grub.cfg.

Em 5 de agosto de 2010 11:37, Bruno bruno.marques...@gmail.com escreveu:


O Debian Squeeze, assim como outras distribuições mais recentes,
utiliza o Grub2. Não se deve mexer nos arquivos de configuração do
diretório /boot, mas sim no arquivo de configuração do sistema e
rodar um comando para atualizar o diretório.

Faça assim:

-Edite o arquivo /etc/default/grub de acordo com as suas
necessidades (é bem semelhante ao antigo menu.lst)

-Execute o comando update-grub2


Bruno Schmidt

Em 5/8/2010 11:08, Fábio de Sousa escreveu:
Um bom dia a todos...


  Instalei o Debian Squeeze para testar

  Fui dar uma olhada no grub, no arquivo menu.lst e me assustei

  Nunca vi nada parecido...

  Alguém já deu uma olhada?

  Tem uns 50 arquivos dentro da pasta /boot/grub/

  Saberiam me dizer qual arquivo edito para mudar os parâmetros da
  inicialização do kernel?

  Onde mudo o tempo de espera de escolha do Kernel?


  Abraço a todos...



  Fábio de Sousa




   °v°   Seja Livre...

  /(  )\  Use Linux...

   ^ ^




linux user nº 432194

Eu sou livre e você?



Re: phantom icon

2010-08-05 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 04 Aug 2010 19:12:49 -0400, John Lindsay wrote:

 I plugged my wife's sony ereader into my debian (lenny) machine USB
 socket primarily to charge it up properly. I was very surprised when it
 came up with the 'do you want to run the program' and actually mounted
 the volume. I was able to look at the files but didn't do anything else.
 I did forget to unmount the reader prior to removing it so now I have a
 phantom icon called reader on my desktop. I cannot delete it.I cannot
 move it to trash as it says I need to unmount it but catch 22 --  Short
 of rebooting how can I get rid of the icon?

What does mount command say? Can you right-click on the icon and 
perform any action (unmount/eject/safely remove)? Anythig in dmesg?

I would try to force unmounting or ejecting the device.



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Re: Anti virus and Firewall

2010-08-05 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/4/2010 12:43 PM, Brian wrote:

On Wed 04 Aug 2010 at 10:09:17 -0500, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
Correct. It wouldn't be there in the first place and I don't plan on
having my root acoount compromised. Besides, I know my system.

Naive but cute you think that though. You obviously don't to the latter.

You're speaking hypothetically. When rootkits with these capabilities
exist neither chkrootkit nor rkhunter will detect them. By the time
they get round to it my updates will have brought in the fixes, just
as they did when Lion, which chkrootkit spuriously claims to defend
me against, was about.

Let me know when the security industry does not run on theory and 
hypothetical (until proven) proof of concepts.  if it weren't for theory 
and hypothetical situations you would still think MD5 was secure because 
nobody would have hypothesized that if MD5 was vulnerable to clashes and 
then could be vulnerable to rainbow tables, and then come up with a 
proof of concept which is now generally accepted as true and proven by 
the security and non-security industry.  The world runs off of 
hypothetical situations, without them, you would still be using a pen 
and paper sir, actually, possibly and probably not because you wouldn't 
even have fire.

Let me know when you can't noexec mount that drive onto a clean system, 
or onto the current system with a liveCD and check for rootkits so that 
the rootkit can't constantly hide itself, even if it's in the Kernel.

Chkrootkit does not claim to defend you, protect you, warn you 
ahead of  time with constant monitoring, secure you or fix problems 
it merely only claims to try and find rootkits, they don't say on their 
site you are protected from rootkits if you use our software, you 
will be safe from rootkits if you use our software, rootkits are no 
more with our software!, we will remove the rootkits for you with our 
software and you will be safe!, no, it only claims to detect them.  As 
a matter of fact, is the tagline of chkrootkit not: locally checks for 
signs of a rootkit not locally checks and removes rootkits.

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Re: Anti virus and Firewall

2010-08-05 Thread Eero Volotinen
2010/8/4 Tingez Unknown tin...@twf-clan.co.uk:
 Hi all Debian people,

 Firstly i am very new to Debian so please excuse me for my lack of
 understanding. I have recently got a Dedicated server box for my gaming Clan
 and have had Debian 5 64bit installed on it. Now as we will eventually be
 using the server for our web site for forums, Emails, sending and receiving
 files and all other aspects web site related, fast redirect downloading
 system for game server maps, mods etc., ftp, Big brother bot game server
 software and game servers of varying games.

 I am looking for any suggestions regarding Anti virus and firewall software
 that is suitable with your Debian 5 64bit operating system. Wanting to add
 as much security as possible to our server to reduce any problems we may
 encounter. I would like any suggestions as to the best software that can be
 used either paid for or freeware if you would be so kind.

See CIS instructions for debian, bit old but still working:



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What to put on SSD

2010-08-05 Thread Pasi Oja-Nisula
I have this:

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda1  37G   14G   22G  39% /
tmpfs 3.9G  8.0K  3.9G   1% /lib/init/rw
udev   10M  640K  9.4M   7% /dev
tmpfs 3.9G 0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda2 328G  204G  107G  66% /home
tmpfs 3.9G   49M  3.8G   2% /tmp
tmpfs 3.9G 0  3.9G   0% /var/lock
tmpfs 3.9G  296K  3.9G   1% /var/run
tmpfs 3.9G   32K  3.9G   1% /var/tmp
/dev/sdb1 917G  289G  582G  34% /root/backup

So basically I have root and home partitions and another disk
for backups of the whole thing.

Now I got a SSD disk, about which I don't really know much.
It's a 160 GB Intel, so it should be quite ok.
The question now is how to best utilize it in my configuration?
Or if I should just find other use for that?

I'm thinking for copying the whole root to SSD. Maybe have
40 GB partition for root and the rest for home. I have more stuff on
my home partition, but the active stuff is much less. So daily
used files would be on SSD and archive stuff on hard disk.

Should I worry about the longetivity of SSD? Maybe set noatime option,
but do I really need to deal with other filesystems than ext3? What about
/var/log and other places where there are lots of writing going on?


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Re: What to put on SSD

2010-08-05 Thread Jochen Schulz
Pasi Oja-Nisula:
 So basically I have root and home partitions and another disk
 for backups of the whole thing.
 Now I got a SSD disk, about which I don't really know much.
 It's a 160 GB Intel, so it should be quite ok.

Quite ok is quite an understatement. :) Intel SSDs are still one of
the best choices in the market, as far as I know.

 I'm thinking for copying the whole root to SSD. Maybe have
 40 GB partition for root and the rest for home. I have more stuff on
 my home partition, but the active stuff is much less. So daily
 used files would be on SSD and archive stuff on hard disk.

Sounds reasonable. You definitely should boot from the SSD and have all
your applications there. /home is not that important, but as there are
some applications that like writing to your $HOME a lot (Firefox, for
example), having it on your SSD helps performance, too. If you are
working with version control systems (svn, git, hg etc.) then you should
definitely put your repositories / working copies on the SSD.

 Should I worry about the longetivity of SSD?

Generally: no. Intel guarantees five years of 20GB writes per day:

As long as you don't push HD movie files back and forth several times a
day, you don't need to worry. BTW, you can monitor lifetime writes with
recent kernels for each filesystem separately:

$ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/manowar-home-crypt | grep ^Lifet
Lifetime writes:  785 GB

This filesystem is almost exactly 13 months old and I think more than
half of the writes on my system go there. The rest is mostly package
upgrades (I am running sid).

What you might want to find out is whether you have a G1 or G2 device.
G2 supports the TRIM command which helps the SSD to keep up performance.
Otherwise, performance degrades over time, especially when you keep the
SSD nearly full. I have read Intel recommends keeping some of the space
(5-10%) unpartitioned in order to avoid that effect.

 Maybe set noatime option,

Good idea, but I do that even on traditional hard disks anyway. I am
using 'nodelalloc' on my ext4, too. 

 but do I really need to deal with other filesystems than ext3?

Not really. I converted my /home to ext4, just to try it out, but I
don't really know what I gain from that. ;-)

 What about /var/log and other places where there are lots of writing
 going on?

Just don't care. A regular desktop system should only write a few
megabytes of logs per day.  You might want to read Ted T'so's blog
entries regarding SSDs:

My clothes aren't just fashion. They're a lifestyle.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Software to handle bits and pieces of information.

2010-08-05 Thread Tom Ashley

 On 08/04/2010 02:13 PM, Gary Roach wrote:
  I could use some suggestions. I seem to collect a lot of snippets of
  information scribbled on pieces of paper, old napkins, etc.
  Examples are notes on harware, sources for stuff, notes on possible
  projects, book that I might want to buy in the future and on and
  on. This has generated numerous scraps of paper and sticky notes
  with the result that chaos reigns. I recently tried knotes which
  helped a lot but didn't cover tasks. I have now switched to
  Kontact. This takes care of scheduling things, projects and short
  term notes. I still am not sure what to do about those notes that
  could be around for a long time like maybe a note on the proton
  boron fusion reaction energy . I may never use it but would like
  to be able to find the information if need be. I guess I need a
  repository for disparate information (how's that for fuzzy). I hope
  this makes some sense.
  Any suggestions.

I find Gnote useful for keeping notes and use Orage for scheduling tasks/events.

Tom Ashley

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Re: Trinity KDE 3.5.11 was Re: How to use two displaies

2010-08-05 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Wed, 2010-08-04 at 18:23 -0700, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
 John A. Sullivan III wrote:
  On Wed, 2010-08-04 at 14:41 +0100, Lisi wrote:
  On Wednesday 04 August 2010 14:34:00 Lisi wrote:
  On Wednesday 04 August 2010 11:02:52 Jimmy Johnson wrote:
  Trinity KDE 3.5.11 [snip] User
  How are you getting on with it?  Does it have full functionality in 
  I am watching with interest.  I am hoping that, by the time that I have to
  abandom Lenny, Trinity will have a deb. that I can use in Squeeze.
  I see that .debs for Debian are well on the way, but have been held up by 
  massive blowout at Pearson Computing. :-(
  Indeed - I am experimenting with Trinity on Lenny as a Debian repository
  and full replacement for KDE3.  It is mostly working well.  Kontact is
  largely fixed and 95% working with Zimbra.  There are a few glitches
  that I suspect will be quickly remedied as soon as Pearson Computing's
  build farm comes back on line but I think we will have a Debian KDE3
  option relatively soon - John
 Thanks John, the last time I looked I didn't see a port for Debian, I'm 
 off to find the repos, if you have a link please post it. :-)
Sure - here is a note from Tim Pearson:

Trinity is already compiled for Debian Lenny, so why not give it a
shot? ;-)  Here is the package list with buildlogs/status/etc.:

If you want to use the repository, just add these lines to your
sources.list file:
lenny main 
lenny main 
deb http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu
lenny main 
http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu lenny

I believe the repositories are currently down while he awaits the last
of the replacements for the fired power conditioning system.

It does honor any KDEDIRS and XDG_DATA_DIRS settings for users operating
in Kiosk mode like we are.

Another note from Tim:
If you install KDE3 and Trinity side-by-side, remember to select Trinity
from the Sessions menu in KDM before logging in, otherwise you will get
a stock KDE3 session.

For those not using KDM (e.g., we do not in our X2Go environment-
another great project - http://www.x2go.org), simply point
at /opt/trinity/bin/startkde instead of /usr/bin/startkde  The start
script will handle the rest.

To enable side by side installations, Trinity stores everything
in /opt/trinity.  It also stores user configuration in ~/.trinity
instead of ~/.kde so, if you want to maintain your configuration, you
will need to copy the .kde contents into .trinity.

In my case, I had to do an apt-get -f in order to properly pull in the
builddeps - I believe the various kdelibs packages. That could be
because of our someone unusual vserver/x2go environment.

Hope this helps and, again, Tim seems to be putting in countless hours
and lots of personal funds to do this and can use all the good help he
can get (I assume) - John

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Re: failing to mount usb flash drives

2010-08-05 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2010 02 Aug 10:23 -0500, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
 I'm running Lenny, and I have no problem mounting my WD external harddrive,
 and using my ASUS USB-N13 wireless NIC. 
 Still, when I put a couple of my flash drives into a usb slot, very little

I've been seeing something similar over the past couple of months on my
Sid box.  I also found that issuing the `lsusb' command seems to wake
up the system in some way and KDE's Device Notifier will become active
and I can mount the flash drive.  I've also noticed that I need to do
the same for a USB-serial converter to be recognized.  Hoever, any
devices plugged in upon system start are recognized.

- Nate 


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

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Re: Argument to start_daemon, use of --

2010-08-05 Thread Malte Forkel
Am 01.08.2010 16:03, schrieb Malte Forkel:
 The example init script init.d.lsb.ex provided by dh-make 0.46 contains
 this call to start_daemon:
start_daemon -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS
 This always passes -- as first argument to my daemon. Wouldn't
start_daemon -p $PIDFILE -- $DAEMON $DAEMON_OPTS
 be the proper call?

Thanks for all of your input.

I have filed a bug report:
http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=591747 (#591747 -
/usr/share/debhelper/dh_make/debian/init.d.lsb.ex: init.d.lsb.ex passes
-- as first argument to daemon - Debian Bug report logs)

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Re: Can only access Debian website through proxy

2010-08-05 Thread pierre poulos
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 11:23 PM, Jochen Schulz m...@well-adjusted.de wrote:

 pierre poulos:
  On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 7:48 PM, Jochen Schulz m...@well-adjusted.de
  pierre poulos:
  Using Iceweasel, Google Chrome and Lynx I cannot access http;//
  www.debian.org or any of the mirrors without using an external web
  What error message do you get?
  It just sits on connecting then times out (sorry about the typo)

 And what is the exact error message Iceweasel shows? I am asking because
 I suspect you may have a global proxy configured somewhere and the
 message would indicate that. You can also try

Failed to Connect

Iceweasel can't establish a connection to the server at www.debian.org.

Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a

* Could the site be temporarily unavailable? Try again later.
* Are you unable to browse other sites?  Check the computer's network
* Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy?
Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.

$ env | grep -i proxy

Nothing, even as root

 to see whether that is the case. Can you ping www.debian.org?

PING www.debian.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from www.debian.org ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=56.8 ms
64 bytes from www.debian.org ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=53.2 ms
64 bytes from www.debian.org ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=50 time=57.3 ms
64 bytes from www.debian.org ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=50 time=53.6 ms
64 bytes from www.debian.org ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=50 time=61.4 ms
64 bytes from www.debian.org ( icmp_seq=6 ttl=50 time=79.6 ms
64 bytes from www.debian.org ( icmp_seq=7 ttl=50 time=51.1 ms
64 bytes from www.debian.org ( icmp_seq=8 ttl=50 time=53.1 ms
64 bytes from www.debian.org ( icmp_seq=9 ttl=50 time=56.3 ms
--- www.debian.org ping statistics ---
9 packets transmitted, 9 received, 0% packet loss, time 8032ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 51.189/58.093/79.622/8.136 ms

Have you
 tried editing your sources.list to use ftp:// instead of http://?

Ok changing to ftp now..

cat /etc/apt/sources.list
# deb cdrom:[Debian GNU/Linux] - Official i386 NETINST Binary-1

deb ftp://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
deb ftp://mirror.optus.net/debian/ lenny main contrib non-free
deb ftp://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates main contrib non-free
deb ftp://www.debian-multimedia.org/ lenny main

Now I do

apt-get update
Get:1 http://dl.google.com stable Release.gpg
Hit ftp://http.us.debian.org stable
Get:2 ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/main
Ign ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/main
Get:3 ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/contrib
Ign ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/contrib
Hit ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny

Get:4 ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/main

Get:5 ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/non-free

Ign ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/main

Get:6 ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/contrib

Ign ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/contrib

Get:7 ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/non-free

Ign ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/non-free

Hit ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny

Get:8 ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/main

Ign ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/non-free

Ign ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/main

Get:9 ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/contrib

Ign ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/contrib

Get:10 ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/non-free

Ign ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/non-free

Hit ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/main

Hit ftp://http.us.debian.org stable

Hit ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/contrib

Hit ftp://mirror.optus.net lenny/non-free

Get:11 ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/main

Ign http://dl.google.com stable/main

Get:12 http://dl.google.com stable Release

Hit ftp://www.debian-multimedia.org lenny

Ign ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/main

Ign http://dl.google.com stable/main

Get:13 ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/contrib

Hit ftp://www.debian-multimedia.org lenny/main

Get:14 http://dl.google.com stable/main Packages

Ign ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/contrib

Hit ftp://www.debian-multimedia.org lenny

Get:15 ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/non-free

Hit ftp://www.debian-multimedia.org lenny/main

Ign ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/non-free

Hit ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/main

Hit ftp://http.us.debian.org stable/contrib


Re: Can only access Debian website through proxy

2010-08-05 Thread pierre poulos

 And additionally the following might show something interesting too.

  # find /etc/apt -type f -exec grep -i proxy {} +

/home/pierre# find /etc/apt -type f -exec grep -i proxy {} +

Re: Can only access Debian website through proxy

2010-08-05 Thread George-Cristian Bîrzan
On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 21:56 +1000, pierre poulos wrote:
 Cannot initiate the connection to security.debian.org:21
 (2001:388:1034:2900::26). - connect (101 Network is unreachable) [IP:
 2001:388:1034:2900::26 21]

Try, as root:
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1

You seem to have a default route for IPv6, but no connectivity, so if
you want IPv6, you could try to fix that.

George-Cristian Bîrzan

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Разрешения экрана

2010-08-05 Thread муромцев антон
У меня возникла проблема, в debian максимальное разрешения экрана 1400х1050 а у 
меня 1920х1080 из за этого сильно искажается картинка, что делать? 

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Archive: http://lists.debian.org/237471281010...@web56.yandex.ru

Re: Can only access Debian website through proxy

2010-08-05 Thread Jochen Schulz
George-Cristian Bîrzan:
 On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 21:56 +1000, pierre poulos wrote:
 Cannot initiate the connection to security.debian.org:21
 (2001:388:1034:2900::26). - connect (101 Network is unreachable) [IP:
 2001:388:1034:2900::26 21]
 Try, as root:
 sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1
 You seem to have a default route for IPv6, but no connectivity, so if
 you want IPv6, you could try to fix that.

ACK, that appears to be the problem. To make the sysctl setting
permanent, you need to edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add a line


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[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Разрешения экрана

2010-08-05 Thread Alexander Batischev
On Thu, Aug 05, 2010 at 04:16:30PM +0400, муромцев антон wrote:
 У меня возникла проблема, в debian максимальное разрешения экрана 1400х1050 а
 у меня 1920х1080 из за этого сильно искажается картинка, что делать? 
It's English-only mailing list. You better ask your questions in

Это англоязычный список рассылки. Задавать вопросы на русском можно в

Alexander Batischev

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Description: Digital signature

Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Thomas H. George
On Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 04:36:49PM +0200, Sven Joachim wrote:
 On 2010-08-04 15:57 +0200, Thomas H. George wrote:
  After installing linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64 the console fonts are so
  small I must use reading glasses to make them out.  I have experimented
  with the consolechars -H 16 -d  command but this just makes the characters
  I assume the problem may be the setting of the monitor resolution.
 This is now done by the kernel for both Nvidia and Radeon cards, yes.
 It uses the native resolution of your display which gives you a sharp
 picture but also a small font by default.
  monitor is 23 LCD monitor capable of 1920x1080 resolution.  Indeed, the
  small font is very sharp when viewed with my reading glasses but I wish
  it was twice as large so I would not have to bother with the glases.
 This should be easy to fix, fortunately.
  On the other hand, the font sizes and resolution in X windows is fine as
  it is.
  Is there a way change the console font size without changing the X
  windows resolution?
 Make sure you have the console-setup and kbd packages installed and use
 # dpkg-reconfigure console-setup
 to choose a console font that suits your taste; it will be set up on
 each boot.  You can also use the setfont utility to change the font
 temporarily.  Fonts are in the /usr/share/consolefonts directory.
I followed these instructions chosing the Terminus font and a character
height of 32 and then rebooted.  The boot screen and initial scripts
were easy to read, actually larger than I need BUT

About half way through the boot up the scripts changed back to the tiny
fonts.  There was a line saying consolechars can only load fonts with a
height of 16, try installing setfont. Apt-get search found setfont in
kbd-compat but apt-get install reported that the latest version of
kbd-compat was already installed.

What now?


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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-08-05 15:59 +0200, Thomas H. George wrote:

 About half way through the boot up the scripts changed back to the tiny
 fonts.  There was a line saying consolechars can only load fonts with a
 height of 16, try installing setfont. Apt-get search found setfont in
 kbd-compat but apt-get install reported that the latest version of
 kbd-compat was already installed.

 What now?

Replace kbd-compat and console-tools by kbd, it is in my experience
*much* less buggy.


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repair partition: wrong size

2010-08-05 Thread hugo vanwoerkom


I just noticed that the partition sizes on my usb disk are wrong.

debian:/# fsck -f /dev/sdb2
fsck 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)
e2fsck 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)
The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 1953905 blocks
The physical size of the device is 487974 blocks
Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!
Aborty? yes

These are the sizes reported:

debian:/# sfdisk -l /dev/sdb

Disk /dev/sdb: 9729 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/track
Units = cylinders of 8225280 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot Start End   #cyls#blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   *  0+972 973-   7815591   83  Linux
/dev/sdb29731215 2431951897+  83  Linux
/dev/sdb3   121629181703   13679347+  83  Linux
/dev/sdb4   291997286810   547013255  Extended
/dev/sdb5   2919+   3891 973-   7815591   83  Linux
/dev/sdb6   3892+   4864 973-   7815591   83  Linux
/dev/sdb7   4865+   97284864-  39070048+  83  Linux

sdb2 an sdb3 are wrong, they both ought to be 7815591.

How does one repair that?


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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Jordon Bedwell

On 8/5/2010 8:59 AM, Thomas H. George wrote:

I followed these instructions chosing the Terminus font and a character
height of 32 and then rebooted.  The boot screen and initial scripts
were easy to read, actually larger than I need BUT

About half way through the boot up the scripts changed back to the tiny
fonts.  There was a line saying consolechars can only load fonts with a
height of 16, try installing setfont. Apt-get search found setfont in
kbd-compat but apt-get install reported that the latest version of
kbd-compat was already installed.

What now?


Don't change the subject line unless you plan to change the topic.

sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst

kernel /boot/blah-blah-kernel root=/my/device ro quiet splash


Size 640x400 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x1024 1600x1200
 8 bits |  0x300   0x301   0x3030x3050x1610x307 0x31C
15 bits |? 0x310   0x3130x3160x1620x319 0x31D
16 bits |? 0x311   0x3140x3170x1630x31A 0x31E

In otherwords, changing the console resolution should solve your 
problem.  You just have to be careful because you could end up with 
squishy text but it will be bigger.

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Re: Software to handle bits and pieces of information.

2010-08-05 Thread gauthier . v

 I find Gnote useful for keeping notes and use Orage for
 scheduling tasks/events.

An (unusual) solution is to have a private wiki. You can store it on your own 
machine (I do so on my laptop) with a local server, or on a public server with 
correct management of access. This solution can have sense if you would access 
to your data from differents systems.

There are a lot of well-tried wikis with interessant features for that purpose: 
internal search, linking between documents (of course), index of all pages, 
categorying, tagging with keywords, listing of recent changes, calendar, 
storing of non-textual data (images, pdf...) and so.

I like it, because it's always a way to rediscover your stuff...

It's easy to start a new note, more often, you type the name of a new page 
between [[]].

Good questions for the choice of the candidate are:

- with or without a database ?
- in which format are the data encoded ? Are there still understandable (in 
plain text) if the application crashes or becomes unmaintained ?

I use Oddmuse, packaged for Debian, light, capricious but fun. Pmwiki and 
Mediawiki are also good candidates, but heavier.



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Re: repair partition: wrong size

2010-08-05 Thread George-Cristian Bîrzan
On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 09:07 -0500, hugo vanwoerkom wrote:
 I just noticed that the partition sizes on my usb disk are wrong.
 sdb2 an sdb3 are wrong, they both ought to be 7815591.
 How does one repair that?

Try gpart: http://www.brzitwa.de/mb/gpart/index.html

George-Cristian Bîrzan

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Django Live, a live LAMP-Django CD based on Debian stable Lenny

2010-08-05 Thread surreal
This is a debian (live) Django-OS - Live CD running on hardened kernel and
LAMP stack - http://sourceforge.net/projects/djangolive/
#python http://twitter.com/search?q=%23python
#india http://twitter.com/search?q=%23india

Its a complete package to take care of your django apps..testing/hosting/
development..just fill it, shut it..and forget it..no hassles of configuring
obscure options, no need to setup anything extra..it just works.

Feel free to download and test it :)

Harshad Joshi

Re: repair partition: wrong size

2010-08-05 Thread hugo vanwoerkom

George-Cristian Bîrzan wrote:

On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 09:07 -0500, hugo vanwoerkom wrote:


I just noticed that the partition sizes on my usb disk are wrong.
sdb2 an sdb3 are wrong, they both ought to be 7815591.

How does one repair that?

Try gpart: http://www.brzitwa.de/mb/gpart/index.html

Gpart finds the partitions allright, but they aren't lost, just the 
wrong size. How do I set the correct size?


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Re: repair partition: wrong size

2010-08-05 Thread George-Cristian Bîrzan
On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 09:59 -0500, hugo vanwoerkom wrote:
 Gpart finds the partitions allright, but they aren't lost, just the 
 wrong size. How do I set the correct size?

From its page:

Now if after the check-phase it says Ok, you should check the proposed
partition table very carefully. After that you may write back the
guessed table by calling gpart -W /dev/hdc /dev/hdc (exchange /dev/hdc
with your disk device). When gpart has successfully written the new
primary partition table, cross your fingers and reboot.

George-Cristian Bîrzan

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Re: repair partition: wrong size

2010-08-05 Thread hugo vanwoerkom

George-Cristian Bîrzan wrote:

On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 09:59 -0500, hugo vanwoerkom wrote:
Gpart finds the partitions allright, but they aren't lost, just the 
wrong size. How do I set the correct size?

From its page:

Now if after the check-phase it says Ok, you should check the proposed
partition table very carefully. After that you may write back the
guessed table by calling gpart -W /dev/hdc /dev/hdc (exchange /dev/hdc
with your disk device). When gpart has successfully written the new
primary partition table, cross your fingers and reboot.

Actually  in my /dev/sdb both partition 2 + 3 are wrong:

num  start should be end should be
28003MB  8003MB  10.0GB 16.0GB
310.0GB  16.0GB  24.0GB 24.0GB

The simplest fix would be to delete both and recreate them because I 
have backups for both. But I would like to see if it can be fixed.

Gpart /dev/sdb gives:

Begin scan...
Possible partition(Linux ext2), size(7632mb), offset(0mb)
Possible partition(Linux ext2), size(7632mb), offset(7632mb)
Possible extended partition at offset(22897mb)
   Possible partition(Linux ext2), size(7632mb), offset(22897mb)
   Possible partition(Linux ext2), size(7632mb), offset(30529mb)
   Possible partition(Linux ext2), size(38154mb), offset(38162mb)
End scan.

Checking partitions...
Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): primary
Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): primary
   Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): logical
   Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): logical
   Partition(Linux ext2 filesystem): logical

Guessed primary partition table:
Primary partition(1)
   type: 131(0x83)(Linux ext2 filesystem)
   size: 7632mb #s(15631176) s(63-15631238)
   chs:  (0/1/1)-(972/254/57)d (0/1/1)-(972/254/57)r

Primary partition(2)
   type: 131(0x83)(Linux ext2 filesystem)
   size: 7632mb #s(15631240) s(15631245-31262484)
   chs:  (973/0/1)-(1023/254/63)d (973/0/1)-(1945/254/58)r

Primary partition(3)
   type: 015(0x0F)(Extended DOS, LBA)
   size: 53419mb #s(109402650) s(46893735-156296384)
   chs:  (1023/254/63)-(1023/254/63)d (2919/0/1)-(9728/254/63)r

Primary partition(4)
   type: 000(0x00)(unused)
   size: 0mb #s(0) s(0-0)
   chs:  (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)d (0/0/0)-(0/0/0)r

But I don't think that is right: there are 3 primary partitions and 3 
logical partitions and they should be all 8GB in length except the last 
one that is 40GB in length.


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Re: Monitoring tools to use on an account

2010-08-05 Thread hugo vanwoerkom

Klistvud wrote:

Dne, 30. 07. 2010 18:47:15 je hugo vanwoerkom napisal(a):

But is there such a tool to trace what is being done in IW?

IW? For starters, I would check history (ctrl-h), so you can track what 
sites the person has been to. In my humble experience though, it's 
thermal shutdown. They played a flash game or two, and Iceweasel, 
combined with Flash, is notorious for ramping up CPU usage out of any 
proportion. Thermal shutdowns happen all the time when I let my kids 
play on my laptop. I sure hope Iceweasel/Flash will work better in 
Squeeze ...

I installed the latest flashplayer from Adobe and that fixed the 
problem. Who knows why people like facebook, that was the problem, its 
videos. And why did it bring down X? Who knows.


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Popcon usage (online tool)

2010-08-05 Thread Camaleón

I would like to compare the numbers for some packages within the Popcon¹ 
online tool to get a quick feedback, but it seems to be limited to just 
one query at a time (I mean, I would like to get something like http://
qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=package_onepackage=package_two and 
obtain the stats -in one page- of the selected packages).
Is there a (non-obvious-or-tricked) way to get this?

¹ http://popcon.debian.org/



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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 05 Aug 2010, Thomas H. George wrote:
 I followed these instructions chosing the Terminus font and a character
 height of 32 and then rebooted.  The boot screen and initial scripts
 were easy to read, actually larger than I need BUT
 About half way through the boot up the scripts changed back to the tiny
 fonts.  There was a line saying consolechars can only load fonts with a
 height of 16, try installing setfont. Apt-get search found setfont in
 kbd-compat but apt-get install reported that the latest version of
 kbd-compat was already installed.
 What now?

Isn't this the KMS issue? I solved it by editing
/etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf, as suggested by 

The change to tiny font half-way through booting was exactly the symptom
I had before doing the above.


Anthony Campbell - a...@acampbell.org.uk 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux
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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Thomas H. George
On Thu, Aug 05, 2010 at 09:12:20AM -0500, Jordon Bedwell wrote:
 On 8/5/2010 8:59 AM, Thomas H. George wrote:
 I followed these instructions chosing the Terminus font and a character
 height of 32 and then rebooted.  The boot screen and initial scripts
 were easy to read, actually larger than I need BUT
 About half way through the boot up the scripts changed back to the tiny
 fonts.  There was a line saying consolechars can only load fonts with a
 height of 16, try installing setfont. Apt-get search found setfont in
 kbd-compat but apt-get install reported that the latest version of
 kbd-compat was already installed.
 What now?
 Don't change the subject line unless you plan to change the topic.
 sudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst
 kernel /boot/blah-blah-kernel root=/my/device ro quiet splash
 Size 640x400 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x1024 1600x1200
  8 bits |  0x300   0x301   0x3030x3050x1610x307 0x31C
 15 bits |? 0x310   0x3130x3160x1620x319 0x31D
 16 bits |? 0x311   0x3140x3170x1630x31A 0x31E
 In otherwords, changing the console resolution should solve your
 problem.  You just have to be careful because you could end up with
 squishy text but it will be bigger.
I don't understand grub's menu.lst.  It begins with several entries
and the beginning of the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST and within this the
start of the default options list.  Within this list is 

#kopt=root=UUID= where  is the UUID of the root partition which
was previously known as /dev/sdb1

The following entry is


though at some point in the original setup I specified writing the MBR
to /dev/sda and to /dev/sdb.  I had used lilo to write a different MBR
to /dev/hda.  Subsequently grub failed to boot the system because it
could not find the root partition but lilo could still boot the system
and running update-grub corrected grub's problem.

After a number of additional default entries the end of the default
options list is reached.  Following this is the entry

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.30-1-amd64
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.30-1-amd64 root=/dev/sdb1 ro
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.30-1-amd64

followed by several more such entries for earlier kernels and then the
END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST.  Since the current kernel and two
other recent kernels were not included in the above list I added 

title   Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64 root=/dev/sdb1 ro quiet splash

to the end of the file, saved the file, ran update-grub and rebooted.
The scripts still change to the tiny font in middle of the reboot.

Questions: Why are the newer kernels not included in the Automagic
listings?  Is there a conflict between root (hd0,0) and root=/dev/sdb1?
Why does the system still switch to tiny fonts during bootup?
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-amd64

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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-08-05 19:26 +0200, Anthony Campbell wrote:

 On 05 Aug 2010, Thomas H. George wrote:
 I followed these instructions chosing the Terminus font and a character
 height of 32 and then rebooted.  The boot screen and initial scripts
 were easy to read, actually larger than I need BUT
 About half way through the boot up the scripts changed back to the tiny
 fonts.  There was a line saying consolechars can only load fonts with a
 height of 16, try installing setfont. Apt-get search found setfont in
 kbd-compat but apt-get install reported that the latest version of
 kbd-compat was already installed.
 What now?

 Isn't this the KMS issue? I solved it by editing
 /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf, as suggested by 

This is not a solution but rather a workaround that may stop working at
some time in the future when xserver-xorg-video-radeon starts to
_require_ KMS.  Beside, it already won't work for Nvidia cards if you
want to use the Nouveau X driver.  So far, Thomas has not told anything
about his graphics card.

 The change to tiny font half-way through booting was exactly the symptom
 I had before doing the above.

The solution is to use a bigger font, as I had tried to explain.


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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Jordon Bedwell
On 8/5/2010 12:54 PM, Sven Joachim wrote:
 The solution is to use a bigger font, as I had tried to explain.

Yes, that was your solution, until he explained (which you merrily
missed apparently) that even though he used your fix the font resets
back to a small size a little ways into the boot.

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Re: repair partition: wrong size

2010-08-05 Thread Bob McGowan
On 08/05/2010 07:07 AM, hugo vanwoerkom wrote:
 I just noticed that the partition sizes on my usb disk are wrong.
 debian:/# fsck -f /dev/sdb2
 fsck 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)
 e2fsck 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)
 The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 1953905 blocks
 The physical size of the device is 487974 blocks
 Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!
 Aborty? yes
 These are the sizes reported:
 debian:/# sfdisk -l /dev/sdb
 Disk /dev/sdb: 9729 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/track
 Units = cylinders of 8225280 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0
Device Boot Start End   #cyls#blocks   Id  System
 /dev/sdb1   *  0+972 973-   7815591   83  Linux
 /dev/sdb29731215 2431951897+  83  Linux
 /dev/sdb3   121629181703   13679347+  83  Linux
 /dev/sdb4   291997286810   547013255  Extended
 /dev/sdb5   2919+   3891 973-   7815591   83  Linux
 /dev/sdb6   3892+   4864 973-   7815591   83  Linux
 /dev/sdb7   4865+   97284864-  39070048+  83  Linux
 sdb2 an sdb3 are wrong, they both ought to be 7815591.
 How does one repair that?

Have you tried the '-b' option, to use an alternate superblock?

If the primary has been corrupted, using an alternate would/should fix
the issue, assuming the alternate is OK.

See the man page for e2fsck for a way to figure out where the alternates
were created.

Bob McGowan

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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Javier Vasquez
On 8/5/10, Sven Joachim svenj...@gmx.de wrote:
 On 2010-08-05 19:26 +0200, Anthony Campbell wrote:

 On 05 Aug 2010, Thomas H. George wrote:
 I followed these instructions chosing the Terminus font and a character
 height of 32 and then rebooted.  The boot screen and initial scripts
 were easy to read, actually larger than I need BUT

 About half way through the boot up the scripts changed back to the tiny
 fonts.  There was a line saying consolechars can only load fonts with a
 height of 16, try installing setfont. Apt-get search found setfont in
 kbd-compat but apt-get install reported that the latest version of
 kbd-compat was already installed.

 What now?


 Isn't this the KMS issue? I solved it by editing
 /etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf, as suggested by

 This is not a solution but rather a workaround that may stop working at
 some time in the future when xserver-xorg-video-radeon starts to
 _require_ KMS.  Beside, it already won't work for Nvidia cards if you
 want to use the Nouveau X driver.  So far, Thomas has not told anything
 about his graphics card.

 The change to tiny font half-way through booting was exactly the symptom
 I had before doing the above.

 The solution is to use a bigger font, as I had tried to explain.


That's right.  Actually I always look for full resolution on console.
Before KMS, for some cards I had to load the corresponding module
through /etc/modules and for some of those, I also had to provide the
resolution parameters through /etc/modprobe.d/card_module.conf.  KMS
seems to always look for full resolution, so I've removed the stuff
from modules and modprobe.conf.  Notice some times uvesafb was the
only alternative to get required resolution, :-)

When you have bigger resolution on console, you need bigger fonts.
The recommendation Sven provided is the correct one (dpkg-reconfigure
console-setup).  However console-tools doesn't handle some fonts sizes
for some particular fonts, and thus, the solution is just to use
original kbd instead (which seems to support more fonts sizes).  This
has been required even before KMS showed up, unless you didn't care
about getting full/bigger resolution on console...

As an additional suggestion, I recommend using console-terminus (if
you want you can also try xfonts-terminus), so you select it as well
when running dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, :-)


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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Javier Vasquez
On 8/5/10, Jordon Bedwell jor...@envygeeks.com wrote:
 On 8/5/2010 12:54 PM, Sven Joachim wrote:
 The solution is to use a bigger font, as I had tried to explain.

 Yes, that was your solution, until he explained (which you merrily
 missed apparently) that even though he used your fix the font resets
 back to a small size a little ways into the boot.

It's not that you got small fonts back.  It's that console-tools
doesn't support the combination of font and size you selected.  A
message is prompted out of dpkg-reconfigure when that happens usually.
 So using kbd instead of console-tools, and then running
dpkg-reconfigure agian, usually takes care of that problem.


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Re: Software to handle bits and pieces of information.

2010-08-05 Thread Gary Roach
Thanks for all of the responses. I thought that since they were so wide 
ranging that a condensed list might be helpful to others. Obviously I'm 
not the only one with the problem. In no particular order:
Run own (private, locked-down) Mediawiki installation - this 
allows access where ever you are.

Kjots but prefers the zim program (personal wiki). Zim 
outstanding especially in conjuction with iceowl. (2 hits)

Kontact good choice but needs tool to search inside all that 
information. Unsure what tools available in KDE4. Akonadi+strigi+nepomuk 
might do the job.

Tomboy used for this very purpose.

Use text files in a directory system with discriptive names. 
Use a script program to search for hard to find stuff.

Gnote for keeping notes and Orage for scheduling tasks/events.

Email notes to self. You can search the email files.

Again thanks everyone. Seems I have a little research to do here.

Gary R.

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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Tom H
On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Thomas H. George li...@tomgeorge.info wrote:

 I don't understand grub's menu.lst.  It begins with several entries
 and the beginning of the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST and within this the
 start of the default options list.  Within this list is

 #kopt=root=UUID= where  is the UUID of the root partition which
 was previously known as /dev/sdb1

 The following entry is

 though at some point in the original setup I specified writing the MBR
 to /dev/sda and to /dev/sdb.  I had used lilo to write a different MBR
 to /dev/hda.  Subsequently grub failed to boot the system because it
 could not find the root partition but lilo could still boot the system
 and running update-grub corrected grub's problem.

 After a number of additional default entries the end of the default
 options list is reached.  Following this is the entry

 title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.30-1-amd64
 root            (hd0,0)
 kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.30-1-amd64 root=/dev/sdb1 ro
 initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.30-1-amd64

 followed by several more such entries for earlier kernels and then the
 END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST.  Since the current kernel and two
 other recent kernels were not included in the above list I added

 title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64
 root            (hd0,0)
 kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64 root=/dev/sdb1 ro quiet splash

 to the end of the file, saved the file, ran update-grub and rebooted.
 The scripts still change to the tiny font in middle of the reboot.

 Questions: Why are the newer kernels not included in the Automagic
 listings?  Is there a conflict between root (hd0,0) and root=/dev/sdb1?
 Why does the system still switch to tiny fonts during bootup?
 initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-amd64

kopt=... defines the /boot where the automagic kernels are and the
options to give the kernel line for these kernels (sdb1, in your case)
and groot=... defines the /boot where /boot/grub is (that's why it
is (hdX,Y) and not (hdX) even though you've written grub's stage 1 to
the mbr).

Given that you installed grub to sda and sdb, you must have a raid
setup so mixing an sdb1 / and an sda1 /boot is weird but the new
kernels should be seen by update-grub; should is the operative

I am curious though. Since you are running testing or unstable, could
it be that your bootloader is grub2 and that update-grub is updating
grub.cfg rather than menu.lst? That would also explain why vga=0x311
was ineffective.

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Re: Software to handle bits and pieces of information.

2010-08-05 Thread Cláudio E. Elicker
On Wed, 04 Aug 2010 11:13:35 -0700
Gary Roach gary719_li...@verizon.net wrote:

 I could use some suggestions. I seem to collect a lot of snippets of 
 information scribbled on pieces of paper, old napkins, etc.

There is a nice comparison table of outliners in [1].
I like keepnote [2].

[1] http://marktaw.com/reviews/Outliners.html
[2] http://rasm.ods.org/keepnote


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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Sven Joachim
On 2010-08-05 20:08 +0200, Javier Vasquez wrote:

 That's right.  Actually I always look for full resolution on console.
 Before KMS, for some cards I had to load the corresponding module
 through /etc/modules and for some of those, I also had to provide the
 resolution parameters through /etc/modprobe.d/card_module.conf.  KMS
 seems to always look for full resolution, so I've removed the stuff
 from modules and modprobe.conf.  Notice some times uvesafb was the
 only alternative to get required resolution, :-)

I remember the times when I fiddled around with uvesafb on my laptop
which has i915 graphics.  Of course the crappy BIOS does not even
support the native resolution of the display, so I had to fix that
with 915resolution first.  I even wrote custom scripts that did this
from the initramfs to reduce the number of video mode changes.  KMS was
a big relief for me.

 When you have bigger resolution on console, you need bigger fonts.
 The recommendation Sven provided is the correct one (dpkg-reconfigure
 console-setup).  However console-tools doesn't handle some fonts sizes
 for some particular fonts, and thus, the solution is just to use
 original kbd instead (which seems to support more fonts sizes).  This
 has been required even before KMS showed up, unless you didn't care
 about getting full/bigger resolution on console...

I ditched console-tools when it suddenly started to switch to tty6 upon
boot¹.  Moving to kbd solved that problem and some others as well.

 As an additional suggestion, I recommend using console-terminus (if
 you want you can also try xfonts-terminus), so you select it as well
 when running dpkg-reconfigure console-setup, :-)

I did not mention console-terminus because console-setup already depends
on it, but it has some nice fonts indeed.


¹ http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=570338

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maintainer not responding

2010-08-05 Thread Jeremiah Mahler
debian-user list,

Debian is a great distribution thanks to the countless hours
volunteers have contributed.
But what can be done when a maintainer is not responding to the bug
reports they are responsible for?

Specifically I am interested in these bugs:

Some have patches, some need to be forwarded upstream, and lots just
need a response like I don't have time to fix these bugs, could
someone please help..

Jeremiah Mahler

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cciss module problem with smart array 642 in lenny

2010-08-05 Thread Antonio Javier Estrada Villegas

i cannot install lenny in a compaq server with smart array 642.
the array and the disks are detected, but there is no entry for cciss in /dev. 
in /proc/modules i can see cciss module is loading and ps shows modprobe and 
/lib/udev/vol_id --export /dev/.tmp-104-0 in D  status

Re: Trinity KDE 3.5.11 was Re: How to use two displaies

2010-08-05 Thread Jimmy Johnson

John A. Sullivan III wrote:

Sure - here is a note from Tim Pearson:

Trinity is already compiled for Debian Lenny, so why not give it a
shot? ;-)  Here is the package list with buildlogs/status/etc.:

If you want to use the repository, just add these lines to your
sources.list file:
http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity-builddeps/ubuntu lenny main 
http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity-builddeps/ubuntu lenny main 
deb http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu
lenny main 

http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu lenny

I believe the repositories are currently down while he awaits the last
of the replacements for the fired power conditioning system.

It does honor any KDEDIRS and XDG_DATA_DIRS settings for users operating
in Kiosk mode like we are.

Another note from Tim:
If you install KDE3 and Trinity side-by-side, remember to select Trinity
from the Sessions menu in KDM before logging in, otherwise you will get
a stock KDE3 session.

For those not using KDM (e.g., we do not in our X2Go environment-
another great project - http://www.x2go.org), simply point
at /opt/trinity/bin/startkde instead of /usr/bin/startkde  The start
script will handle the rest.

To enable side by side installations, Trinity stores everything
in /opt/trinity.  It also stores user configuration in ~/.trinity
instead of ~/.kde so, if you want to maintain your configuration, you
will need to copy the .kde contents into .trinity.

In my case, I had to do an apt-get -f in order to properly pull in the
builddeps - I believe the various kdelibs packages. That could be
because of our someone unusual vserver/x2go environment.

Hope this helps and, again, Tim seems to be putting in countless hours
and lots of personal funds to do this and can use all the good help he
can get (I assume) - John

Except for http://www.x2go.org I'm getting 404 on all the trinity links. :-(
Jimmy Johnson

Bakersfield, CA. U.S.A.
Registered Linux User #380263
K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid)

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Re: maintainer not responding

2010-08-05 Thread Patrick Ouellette
On Thu, Aug 05, 2010 at 12:10:49PM -0700, Jeremiah Mahler wrote:
 debian-user list,
 Debian is a great distribution thanks to the countless hours
 volunteers have contributed.
 But what can be done when a maintainer is not responding to the bug
 reports they are responsible for?
 Specifically I am interested in these bugs:
 Some have patches, some need to be forwarded upstream, and lots just
 need a response like I don't have time to fix these bugs, could
 someone please help..


You link to the bug page for a maintainer, not a specific bug or bugs.
You also don't indicate what efforts you have made to contact the maintainer
(if any), and don't appear to be offering to assist in the resolution of
the bugs.

You may get a useful response if you indicated which specific package(s)
you are interested in and which specific bug(s) you currently experience.
Offering to test or help in some fashion also tends to help motivate
people to work on issues.



Patrick Ouellette p...@flying-gecko.net
ne4po (at) arrl (dot) net Amateur Radio: NE4PO 

What kind of change have you been in the world today?

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Re: maintainer not responding

2010-08-05 Thread Teemu Likonen
* 2010-08-05 12:10 (-0700), Jeremiah Mahler wrote:

 But what can be done when a maintainer is not responding to the bug
 reports they are responsible for?

 Some have patches, some need to be forwarded upstream, and lots just
 need a response like I don't have time to fix these bugs, could
 someone please help..

Well, that particular volunteer is busy in other tasks or not motivated
enough to work on his packages. Indeed, help is needed there. Can you
fix some of the bugs? Do you know someone who can? Ask other Debian
developers if they can apply patches and upload new version. Perhaps
package should be orphaned but I'm not familiar with Debian's package
orphaning practices.

It's good that you noticed this and care about the package. You might be
the right person to push things forward, at least a bit.

Feel free to Cc me your replies if you want to make sure I'll notice
them. I can't read all the list mail.

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Re: Trinity KDE 3.5.11 was Re: How to use two displaies

2010-08-05 Thread John A. Sullivan III
On Thu, 2010-08-05 at 12:43 -0700, Jimmy Johnson wrote:
 John A. Sullivan III wrote:
  Sure - here is a note from Tim Pearson:
  Trinity is already compiled for Debian Lenny, so why not give it a
  shot? ;-)  Here is the package list with buildlogs/status/etc.:
  If you want to use the repository, just add these lines to your
  sources.list file:
  lenny main 
  lenny main 
  deb http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu
  lenny main 
  http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu lenny
  I believe the repositories are currently down while he awaits the last
  of the replacements for the fired power conditioning system.
  It does honor any KDEDIRS and XDG_DATA_DIRS settings for users operating
  in Kiosk mode like we are.
  Another note from Tim:
  If you install KDE3 and Trinity side-by-side, remember to select Trinity
  from the Sessions menu in KDM before logging in, otherwise you will get
  a stock KDE3 session.
  For those not using KDM (e.g., we do not in our X2Go environment-
  another great project - http://www.x2go.org), simply point
  at /opt/trinity/bin/startkde instead of /usr/bin/startkde  The start
  script will handle the rest.
  To enable side by side installations, Trinity stores everything
  in /opt/trinity.  It also stores user configuration in ~/.trinity
  instead of ~/.kde so, if you want to maintain your configuration, you
  will need to copy the .kde contents into .trinity.
  In my case, I had to do an apt-get -f in order to properly pull in the
  builddeps - I believe the various kdelibs packages. That could be
  because of our someone unusual vserver/x2go environment.
  Hope this helps and, again, Tim seems to be putting in countless hours
  and lots of personal funds to do this and can use all the good help he
  can get (I assume) - John
 Except for http://www.x2go.org I'm getting 404 on all the trinity links. :-(
Yes, that's because he has the systems down until he can rebuild the
fried power conditioning system. Hopefully, they will be back up soon -

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Re: Software to handle bits and pieces of information.

2010-08-05 Thread Alan Chandler

On 04/08/10 19:13, Gary Roach wrote:

I could use some suggestions. I seem to collect a lot of snippets of
information scribbled on pieces of paper, old napkins, etc. Examples are
notes on harware, sources for stuff, notes on possible projects, book
that I might want to buy in the future and on and on. This has generated
numerous scraps of paper and sticky notes with the result that chaos
reigns. I recently tried knotes which helped a lot but didn't cover
tasks. I have now switched to Kontact. This takes care of scheduling
things, projects and short term notes. I still am not sure what to do
about those notes that could be around for a long time like maybe a note
on the proton boron fusion reaction energy . I may never use it but
would like to be able to find the information if need be. I guess I need
a repository for disparate information (how's that for fuzzy). I hope
this makes some sense.

Any suggestions.

Gary R

I use a tiddlywiki on a usb stick.  Take it with me everywhere.


and note (and brainstorm with myself) with it lots.

With it being a self contained file that just needs a browser, it works 
on almost everything I need it to (not found a way to access it my my 
iPhone yet :-( )

Alan Chandler

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Re: Tiny Console Fonts - Almost Fixed

2010-08-05 Thread Thomas H. George
On Thu, Aug 05, 2010 at 02:49:48PM -0400, Tom H wrote:
 On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Thomas H. George li...@tomgeorge.info wrote:
  I don't understand grub's menu.lst.  It begins with several entries
  and the beginning of the AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST and within this the
  start of the default options list.  Within this list is
  #kopt=root=UUID= where  is the UUID of the root partition which
  was previously known as /dev/sdb1
  The following entry is
  though at some point in the original setup I specified writing the MBR
  to /dev/sda and to /dev/sdb.  I had used lilo to write a different MBR
  to /dev/hda.  Subsequently grub failed to boot the system because it
  could not find the root partition but lilo could still boot the system
  and running update-grub corrected grub's problem.
  After a number of additional default entries the end of the default
  options list is reached.  Following this is the entry
  title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.30-1-amd64
  root            (hd0,0)
  kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.30-1-amd64 root=/dev/sdb1 ro
  initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.30-1-amd64
  followed by several more such entries for earlier kernels and then the
  END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST.  Since the current kernel and two
  other recent kernels were not included in the above list I added
  title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.6.32-5-amd64
  root            (hd0,0)
  kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-5-amd64 root=/dev/sdb1 ro quiet splash
  to the end of the file, saved the file, ran update-grub and rebooted.
  The scripts still change to the tiny font in middle of the reboot.
  Questions: Why are the newer kernels not included in the Automagic
  listings?  Is there a conflict between root (hd0,0) and root=/dev/sdb1?
  Why does the system still switch to tiny fonts during bootup?
  initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5-amd64
 kopt=... defines the /boot where the automagic kernels are and the
 options to give the kernel line for these kernels (sdb1, in your case)
 and groot=... defines the /boot where /boot/grub is (that's why it
 is (hdX,Y) and not (hdX) even though you've written grub's stage 1 to
 the mbr).
 Given that you installed grub to sda and sdb, you must have a raid
 setup so mixing an sdb1 / and an sda1 /boot is weird but the new
 kernels should be seen by update-grub; should is the operative
I do not have a raid setup and /boot is in the root directory on sdb1.
History: /sdb is a 71G hard drive and all the system subdirectories are
subdirectories of the root directory.  sda is a 300G hard drive added to
store large collections of music, photo and video files.  hda is left
over from the days - long gone - when I thought I occasionally needed 
run windoz.

When I recently updated grub the installation script specifically
recommended installing the MBR on each hard drive.  Earlier I had lilo
put an MBR on hda and this proved useful when the grub boot failed as
the lilo boot still worked.  I just tested booting from hda and found
kernel-2.6.32-5 is now too large but the boot of kernel-2.6.32-3 still
works and the system came up with 640x480 resolution and large fonts.
This is not a result of the changes to grub.  When I was using
kernel-2.6.32-3 I had to restore an old copy of xorg.conf otherwise the
boot would not use the nv driver.  When I switched to kernel-2.6.32-5 I
had to remove the xorg.conf file.

 I am curious though. Since you are running testing or unstable, could
 it be that your bootloader is grub2 and that update-grub is updating
 grub.cfg rather than menu.lst? That would also explain why vga=0x311
 was ineffective.
You have pinpointed the problem.  The system is Squeeze and when
update-grub is run it reports updating grub.cfg.
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Re: maintainer not responding

2010-08-05 Thread Jeremiah Mahler
I will look in to the bugs in more detail and see what exactly needs to be done.

On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 12:37 PM, Teemu Likonen tliko...@iki.fi wrote:
 * 2010-08-05 12:10 (-0700), Jeremiah Mahler wrote:

 But what can be done when a maintainer is not responding to the bug
 reports they are responsible for?

 Some have patches, some need to be forwarded upstream, and lots just
 need a response like I don't have time to fix these bugs, could
 someone please help..

 Well, that particular volunteer is busy in other tasks or not motivated
 enough to work on his packages. Indeed, help is needed there. Can you
 fix some of the bugs? Do you know someone who can? Ask other Debian
 developers if they can apply patches and upload new version. Perhaps
 package should be orphaned but I'm not familiar with Debian's package
 orphaning practices.

 It's good that you noticed this and care about the package. You might be
 the right person to push things forward, at least a bit.

 Feel free to Cc me your replies if you want to make sure I'll notice
 them. I can't read all the list mail.

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Jeremiah Mahler

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Re: Trinity KDE 3.5.11 was Re: How to use two displaies

2010-08-05 Thread Paul Cartwright
On Thu August 5 2010, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
 Trinity is already compiled for Debian Lenny, so why not give it a
 shot? ;-)  Here is the package list with buildlogs/status/etc.:

 If you want to use the repository, just add these lines to your
 sources.list file:
 lenny main deb-src
 lenny main deb
 http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu lenny
 http://ppa.quickbuild.pearsoncomputing.net/trinity/trinity/ubuntu lenny

so, if I wanted to install this, I would
# aptitude install trinity ?

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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