jabber debian

2011-11-27 Thread JB
avec ce lien:

j'ai page chargée puis plus rien,
un reméde?

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Re: jabber debian

2011-11-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sun, 27 Nov 2011 11:28:19 +0100,
JB jacques.briq...@orange.fr a écrit :

 avec ce lien:
 j'ai page chargée puis plus rien,
 un reméde?


pourquoi ne pas prendre un bout de papier et quelques morceau de
bois pour préparer une bonne flambée par ce temps maussade ...

documentation en ligne :


particularité de mamadou et de ses oranges :


attention :

jabberfr est hors service et je conseille de trouver une archive

pour la suite, serait il possible :

-a) trouver un applicatif chat ( msn icq jabber  co )
-b) créer un compte xmpp ( jabber )
-c) créer une clef gpg pour le compte jabber
-d) authoriser partiellement (noscript)



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Re: jabber debian

2011-11-27 Thread JB
Le dimanche 27 novembre 2011 à 12:12 +0100, Bernard Schoenacker a
écrit :
 Le Sun, 27 Nov 2011 11:28:19 +0100,
 JB jacques.briq...@orange.fr a écrit :
ils ont toujours des problèmes,
merci pour l'info
bonne garde

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Re: Re: [HS] kopete||pidgin et connexion sur msn

2011-11-27 Thread Aeris
AigletoN wrote:

 moi sous squeeze64 pidgin fonctionne mais pas emesene et ni kopete

Il faut upgrader libmsn0.3 en version 4.2.1 pour que cela re-fonctionne 


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Re: Installer Tomcat pour un simple utilisateur

2011-11-27 Thread Aeris
Jean-Michel OLTRA wrote:

 Via le site d'Apache.


D'autant plus que apt va « éclater » l'installation pour la mettre à la 
sauce Debian (/usr/share, /usr/lib, /etc…), ce qui rendra inutilisable le 
Tomcat dans Éclipse par exemple.
Le plus simple est de télécharger Tomcat directement depuis le site d'Apache 
et de le déployer à la main.


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Re: [HS] kopete||pidgin et connexion sur msn

2011-11-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Fri, 25 Nov 2011 22:40:00 +0100,
AigletoN aigle...@gmail.com a écrit :

 moi sous squeeze64 pidgin fonctionne mais pas emesene et ni kopete 


pourriez vous vérifier si votre fichier sources.list est
convenablement renseigné ?

par acquis de conscience, pourriez vous installer netselect-apt

ou si vous ne maîtriser pas je vous invite à reprendre la
réponse que j'ai donné  :


vérification des dépendances ( scrpti à copier) :

for pkg in emesene kopete ;do nohup apt-cache policy $(apt-cache 
depends $pkg |awk '/Dépend/ {print $2}') ; done

après il restera à consulter le fichier ...


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Re: Installer Tomcat pour un simple utilisateur

2011-11-27 Thread Mourad Jaber

Le 25/11/2011 10:43, Olivier a écrit :


J'utilise Netbeans (en version 7.0) sur une machine de développement.
Je l'ai installé en exécutant le script fourni par Oracle sur son site.

J'ai besoin d'installer Tomcat, uniquement à des fins de développement avec 
J'imagine que l'installation via apt rendrait Tomcat utilisable par tous les 
utilisateurs (ce qui ne me gène pas) mais pour des raisons de droits
rendrait plus complexe voire impossible l'utilisation via un IDE (démarrer-arrêter le 
serveur, etc ...).

Mes questions:
1. Est-il possible et conseillé d'installer normalement (via apt-get tomcat6) Tomcat 
pour ne l'utiliser que depuis un IDE ?
Si oui, y a-t-il des actions spécifiques à effectuer pour adapter cette installation à 
cette spécificité.

2. Si non, comment installer Tomcat ?



Si tu as installé Netbeans version all in one, tomcat et glassfish sont fournis 
(installation personnalisée) !

Personnellement, je ne vois pas l'intérêt d'installer sauce debian une machine de dev, 
l'intégration dans netbeans permet de gérer le déploiement, démarrage, arrêt du serveur 
sans être intrusif dans le système...

Je développe avec Netbeans et eclipse en utilisant les serveurs d'application installés 
directement dans le home de mon utilisateur.

Pour la intégration/production, j'utilise les versions packagées.

En espérant que ça te permette d'avancer dans ta réflexion !



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Re: Bug et complainte !

2011-11-27 Thread Guillaume Seren
On 25/11/2011 11:22, philippe L wrote:

 Le 24 novembre 2011 11:23, Guillaume Seren guillaumese...@gmail.com
 mailto:guillaumese...@gmail.com a écrit :

 On 24/11/2011 11:18, philippe L wrote:
 Bonjour, :)

  Je n'arrive pas à avoir de l'audio avec plusieurs applications
 en même
  temps !
 Quel est ton gestionnaire de son ?

 PC-de-ptilou:/home/ptilou/Téléchargements#  dpkg -l |grep sound | awk
 '{print $2 $3}'

 pulseaudio 0.9.21-3+squeeze1
 pulseaudio-esound-compat 0.9.21-3+squeeze1
 pulseaudio-module-x11 0.9.21-3+squeeze1
 pulseaudio-utils 0.9.21-3+squeeze1
Tu utilise PulseAudio,
ce qui peut parfaitement expliquer, ton problème.

PulseAudio, dont tu peut trouver des informations ici :
ou plus précisément ici : http://pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup
peut être un peu capricieux au départ, et de ce fait rendre les sorties
sonores difficiles dans certaines situations.

Donc pour reprendre ton premier post :

On 25/11/2011 11:22, philippe L wrote:

 Je n'arrive pas à avoir de l'audio avec plusieurs applications
en même
 temps !

  * A qu'elles application fait tu référence exactement ?
  * Saurait tu si elles supportent ou non PulseAudio ?

Il est tout à fait possible que si tes application ne supportent pas
PulseAudio 'nativement',
leur utilisation simultanée soit un peu complexe, voire impossible.

Pour te donner un exemple que j'ai au quotidien, wine, qui me permet de
lancer application W$ et jeux, ne supporte pas encore PulseAudio,
ainsi quand je lance un jeu qui utilise le son, je ne peut plus
l'utiliser pour une autre application, c'est bien ce qui t'arrive ?



Guillaume Seren
Non seulement Dieu joue aux dés 
mais il les jette parfois là où on ne peut les voir.
Stephen Hawking
FAQ : http://wiki.debian.org/fr/FrenchLists

Re: Conseils dans l'utilisation de Github

2011-11-27 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 10:30:50AM +0100,
 Sylvain L. Sauvage sylvain.l.sauv...@free.fr wrote 
 a message of 55 lines which said:

 Dans la série « Youpi, c'est vendredi ! », il est de bon ton de
 préférer Gitorious

Une forge sans système de suivi des bogues, ça n'est pas une forge. Je
reste à Github en attendant.

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Re: Conseils dans l'utilisation de Github

2011-11-27 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sun, 27 Nov 2011 22:12:45 +0100,
Stephane Bortzmeyer steph...@sources.org a écrit :

 On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 10:30:50AM +0100,
  Sylvain L. Sauvage sylvain.l.sauv...@free.fr wrote 
  a message of 55 lines which said:
  Dans la série « Youpi, c'est vendredi ! », il est de bon ton de
  préférer Gitorious
 Une forge sans système de suivi des bogues, ça n'est pas une forge. Je
 reste à Github en attendant.


j'ai bien la vraie forge ou si vous préférez celle qui utilise
du charbon ...


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Iptables, scans et logs

2011-11-27 Thread Vinc Teteve

Bonjour à tous,

Je suis en train d'essayer de configurer le firewall d'un serveur sous 
Debian. J'essaye de faire un LOG + DROP pour les scans TCP.

Voici un extrait (le début problématique) de iptables -L -n -v :

Chain INPUT (policy DROP 0 packets, 0 bytes)
 pkts bytes target  prot opt in  out  sourcedestination
 0  0 DROP  all -- *  *   PKTTYPE = broadcast
 1 40 DROP  all -- *  *   state INVALID
 2551 172K check-flags all -- *  *
 2551 172K TCP_FLAGS all -- *  *
 2551 172K last-check all -- *  *
 1496 129K ACCEPT  all -- *  *   state 
 0  0 DROP  tcp -- *  *   tcp option=!2 

Chain BADFLAGS (5 references)
 pkts bytes target  prot opt in  out  sourcedestination
 0  0 LOG  all -- *  *   LOG flags 0 level 4 
prefix `IPT-BADFLAGS:'

 0  0 DROP  all -- *  *

Chain LOG_DROP (0 references)
 pkts bytes target  prot opt in  out  sourcedestination
 0  0 LOG  all -- *  *   limit: avg 6/hour burst 
1 LOG flags 2 level 4 prefix `Drop-Ban-IP:'

 0  0 DROP  all -- *  *

Chain TCP_FLAGS (2 references)
 pkts bytes target  prot opt in  out  sourcedestination
 0  0 BADFLAGS tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x11/0x01
 0  0 BADFLAGS tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x18/0x08
 0  0 BADFLAGS tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x30/0x20
 0  0 BADFLAGS tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x05/0x05
 0  0 BADFLAGS tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x2B

Chain check-flags (2 references)
 pkts bytes target  prot opt in  out  sourcedestination
 0  0 LOG  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x29 
limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `NMAP-XMAS:'

 0  0 DROP  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x29
 0  0 LOG  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x3F 
limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `XMAS:'

 0  0 DROP  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x3F
 0  0 LOG  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x37 
limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `XMAS-PSH:'

 0  0 DROP  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x37
 0  0 LOG  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x00 
limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `NULL-SCAN:'

 0  0 DROP  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x00
 0  0 LOG  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x06/0x06 
limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `SYN/RST:'

 0  0 DROP  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x06/0x06
 0  0 LOG  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x03/0x03 
limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `SYN/FIN:'

 0  0 DROP  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x03/0x03

Chain last-check (2 references)
 pkts bytes target  prot opt in  out  sourcedestination
 21 1052 ACCEPT  tcp -- *  *   tcp 
flags:0x17/0x02 limit: avg 5/sec burst 5
 9 360 ACCEPT  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x17/0x04 
limit: avg 1/sec burst 5
 9 252 ACCEPT  icmp -- *  *   icmp type 8 limit: 
avg 1/sec burst 5

(Je sais, il est un peu excessif sur certains points, mais c'est pour 
Je lance un/des scans avec nmap (nmap -sN mon.serveur.tld  nmap -sF 
mon.serveur.tld  nmap -sXmon.serveur.tld) depuis mon desktop, et 
aucune inscription n'apparaît dans les fichiers de log (ni iptables.log, 
ni kern.log...). Et pour cause, aucun paquet n'est matché par les règles 

Je ne comprends pas pourquoi, et je ne sais pas où chercher (pas 
d'erreur apparaissant dans les logs...). Auriez-vous une piste ?


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Re: BTS en rade ?

2011-11-27 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sat, 26 Nov 2011 00:34:07 -0400
David Prévot taf...@debian.org a écrit:

 On 25/11/2011 20:01, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
  Le Sun, 20 Nov 2011 13:04:18 -0400
  David Prévot taf...@debian.org a écrit:
  Bon « reportbug bugs.debian.org » fonctionne toujours, et je n'ai pas
  encore vu trace du problème, c'est sans doute là qu'il faudrait le
  Le problème c'est que quand j'essaie de reporter la chose je reçois en
  retour un mail qui me dit:
  Your message didn't have a Package: line at the very first line of the
  mail body
 Hihi, c'est une jolie série. As-tu une copie du message ? Ce serait
 intéressant de vérifier s'il a raison (tu as pu casser le pseudo-en-tête
 en éditant le rapport), ou si le serveur s'acharne à te bouder
 personnellement ? 

Effectivement dans le message qui arrive au BTS l'entête semble avoir disparu.
Pourtant elle bien présente quand je rédige ...


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Monter un serveur (de streaming) multimedia.

2011-11-27 Thread kaliderus

Qu'est ce qu'il y aurait comme solution toute packagée pour mettre à
disposition des films (équivalent de gallery2, avec des vignettes mais
pour les vidéos) ?
Idéalement je voudrai dire au serveur quelque chose comme  prend tous
les fichiers de ces répertoires  et met les à disposition (en
streaming) sur mon petit site web.
Pré-requis souhaités :
- Pas de flash, mais quel autre plugin ? Si ça n'existe pas, je garde
le flash. J'imagine en plus qu'il faudra convertir initialement les
films à partir des différents CODEC utilisés ?
- Simple à utiliser / administrer.

Merci par avance pour vos tuyaux.

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Re: Iptables, scans et logs

2011-11-27 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:03:08 +0100
Vinc Teteve teteve2...@gmail.com wrote:

 a pô marché mon iptables


When a person goes on a diet, the first thing he loses is his temper.

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Re: BTS en rade ?

2011-11-27 Thread David Prévot
On 27/11/2011 18:04, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:

 Effectivement dans le message qui arrive au BTS l'entête semble avoir disparu.
 Pourtant elle bien présente quand je rédige ...

Je vois dans #650110 que Francois victime d'un problème similaire
utilise Emacs (sa copie partielle laisse suggérer qu'une ligne vide a
peut-être été ajoutée en début de corps de texte. Il serait plus
pertinent d'attacher le courrier effectivement envoyé plutôt qu'une
copie partielle au passage), peut-être ton éditeur de texte essaye-t-il
de faire des coups bas ?



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: BTS en rade ?

2011-11-27 Thread Gaëtan PERRIER
Le Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:35:58 -0400
David Prévot taf...@debian.org a écrit:

 On 27/11/2011 18:04, Gaëtan PERRIER wrote:
  Effectivement dans le message qui arrive au BTS l'entête semble avoir
  disparu. Pourtant elle bien présente quand je rédige ...
 Je vois dans #650110 que Francois victime d'un problème similaire
 utilise Emacs (sa copie partielle laisse suggérer qu'une ligne vide a
 peut-être été ajoutée en début de corps de texte. Il serait plus
 pertinent d'attacher le courrier effectivement envoyé plutôt qu'une
 copie partielle au passage), peut-être ton éditeur de texte essaye-t-il
 de faire des coups bas ?

J'utilise gvim. Jusqu'à peu tout fonctionnait normalement ...


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Re: Iptables, scans et logs

2011-11-27 Thread vincent.etevenaux
J'ai déjà lu ce site, mais mon pitoyable anglais n'a pas dû m'aider à 
comprendre correctement...
Mon but étant de comprendre le fonctionnement, pour pouvoir ensuite 
l'adapter et l'affiner.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi un scan NULL-SYN (par exemple) n'est pas 
matché par la règle :
 0  0 LOG  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x00 
limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `NULL-SCAN:'

 0  0 DROP  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x00
Après, l'efficacité de cette règle en soi est secondaire. Je cherche 
donc quelle est la partie que j'ai ratée, ou mal comprise...
Mais c'est clair que ça marche sûrement, mais ça mârche pô comme je 
veux... :/

Le 27/11/2011 23:26, Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :

On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:03:08 +0100
Vinc Teteveteteve2...@gmail.com  wrote:

a pô marché mon iptables


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Re: Iptables, scans et logs

2011-11-27 Thread Vinc Teteve
Désolé, je me suis planté d'adresse pour répondre. Mais je suis toujours 
preneur d'une piste ou d'une explication... :)

Le 27/11/2011 23:54, vincent.etevenaux a écrit :
J'ai déjà lu ce site, mais mon pitoyable anglais n'a pas dû m'aider à 
comprendre correctement...
Mon but étant de comprendre le fonctionnement, pour pouvoir ensuite 
l'adapter et l'affiner.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi un scan NULL-SYN (par exemple) n'est pas 
matché par la règle :
 0  0 LOG  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x00 
limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `NULL-SCAN:'

 0  0 DROP  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x00
Après, l'efficacité de cette règle en soi est secondaire. Je cherche 
donc quelle est la partie que j'ai ratée, ou mal comprise...
Mais c'est clair que ça marche sûrement, mais ça mârche pô comme je 
veux... :/

Le 27/11/2011 23:26, Jean-Yves F. Barbier a écrit :

On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:03:08 +0100
Vinc Teteveteteve2...@gmail.com  wrote:

a pô marché mon iptables

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Re: Monter un serveur (de streaming) multimedia.

2011-11-27 Thread Nicolas PHAM

Regarde du cote de Piwigo qui permet le partage de photos/videos avec
controle des utilisateurs. Pour les videos de vacances partagees avec la
famille c'est tres efficace...
Peut etre Owncloud et son module stream basé sur Ampache.


Nicolas PHAM
Powered by GNU/Linux

Re: Iptables, scans et logs

2011-11-27 Thread Jean-Yves F. Barbier
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 23:54:48 +0100
vincent.etevenaux vincent.eteven...@free.fr wrote:

 J'ai déjà lu ce site, mais mon pitoyable anglais n'a pas dû m'aider à 
 comprendre correctement...

et translate.google.com c'est pour les chiens?

 Mon but étant de comprendre le fonctionnement, pour pouvoir ensuite 
 l'adapter et l'affiner.
 Je ne comprends pas pourquoi un scan NULL-SYN (par exemple) n'est pas 
 matché par la règle :

Null-syn ne veut non seulement rien dire, mais est en plus impossible.

Obviously the only rational solution to your problem is suicide.

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Re: Iptables, scans et logs

2011-11-27 Thread Jean-Michel OLTRA


Le dimanche 27 novembre 2011, vincent.etevenaux a écrit...

 Je ne comprends pas pourquoi un scan NULL-SYN (par exemple) n'est pas
 matché par la règle :
  0  0 LOG  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x00
 limit: avg 3/min burst 5 LOG flags 0 level 4 prefix `NULL-SCAN:'
  0  0 DROP  tcp -- *  *   tcp flags:0x3F/0x00
 Après, l'efficacité de cette règle en soi est secondaire. Je cherche
 donc quelle est la partie que j'ai ratée, ou mal comprise...
 Mais c'est clair que ça marche sûrement, mais ça mârche pô comme je
 veux... :/

Je ne me rappelle plus de ton test (nmap ? hping ?), mais si tu envoies
un syn, alors tu n'es plus dans le masque 0x00, qui représente « aucun
drapeau mis », puisque tu en as un (ALL/NONE en fait).


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Re: aplicacion para examenes

2011-11-27 Thread quintocor...@gmail.com
*KEduca* es parte del software educativo incluido en KDE. Contiene un
módulo para construir y guardar nuevos exámenes, además de otro módulo para
cargar *...*
   gnu no es unix

Re: aplicacion para examenes

2011-11-27 Thread Ricardo Mendoza
Creo que el problema no es  de la gente, en este caso como tu mencionas,y
como tu insinuas que yo tengo un problema al hacer esta pregunta en la
lista buscando que todo me lo resuelvan, recurro a la lista para escuchar
opiniones, y creo que he sido sincero en mi pregunta, el problema es tuyo
en este caso, el grado de violencia de tu respuesta muestra mucho como te
sientes.Vives con ira. El mejor ejemplo son las diferentes soluciones que
otras personas han aportado sin agredirme o sin justificar una intervencion
para generar un conflicto donde no lo hay.

No quiero hacer de este post un infinito flame y alimentar un troll, ni
quiero entrar en discusiones exteriles con personas que buscan exteriorizar
su ira incluso en una lista de correo. Agradecezco a las personas que ha
bien lo tengan seguir sugiriendome alguna solucion si entrar en agresiones
innecesarias.Hare una descripcion mas amplia de mi necesidad, si ese es el

Estoy sorprendido en el poco tiempo que llevo en la lista del alto grado de
agresion, que se vive en la lista debian internacional,primera vez que veo
algo asi en una lista, no me esperaba eso. Insultos van y bien por las
razones mas irrisorias. Espero que esto no desate otra discusion sin
sentido,y si esto es asi es mejor cerrar el hilo.

Fallo en el kernel 2.6.38

2011-11-27 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
Sabeis a que puede ser debido el mensaje de fallo en el kernel
2.6.38-5-bpo que os indico a continuación:

Kernel failure message 1:
[ cut here ]
radeon_fence_wait+0x251/0x2d7 [radeon]()
Hardware name: iMac5,1
GPU lockup (waiting for 0x083B last fence id 0x0836)
Modules linked in: hid_magicmouse nls_utf8 isofs nls_cp437 udf vfat
fat hidp acpi_cpufreq mperf cpufreq_conservative cpufreq_powersave
cpufreq_userspace cpufreq_stats parport_pc ppdev lp parport sco bridge
stp bnep rfcomm l2cap nfsd lockd nfs_acl auth_rpcgss sunrpc exportfs
binfmt_misc fuse ssb mmc_core pcmcia pcmcia_core loop firewire_sbp2
snd_hda_codec_idt snd_hda_intel btusb bluetooth rfkill radeon
snd_hda_codec snd_hwdep snd_pcm ttm snd_seq snd_timer drm_kms_helper
snd_seq_device drm i2c_algo_bit applesmc power_supply snd
input_polldev button processor video soundcore snd_page_alloc i2c_i801
rng_core i2c_core isight_firmware ndiswrapper(O) pcspkr tpm_tis tpm
tpm_bios thermal_sys hid_apple evdev usb_storage uas usbhid hid ext4
mbcache jbd2 crc16 sg sr_mod cdrom sd_mod crc_t10dif ata_generic
uhci_hcd ata_piix libata ehci_hcd scsi_mod usbcore firewire_ohci
firewire_core sky2 crc_itu_t nls_base [last unloaded: scsi_wait_scan]
Pid: 1340, comm: Xorg Tainted: PW  O 2.6.38-bpo.2-686 #1
Call Trace:
 [c102fa51] ? warn_slowpath_common+0x6a/0x7b
 [f8523b4d] ? radeon_fence_wait+0x251/0x2d7 [radeon]
 [c102fac8] ? warn_slowpath_fmt+0x28/0x2c
 [f8523b4d] ? radeon_fence_wait+0x251/0x2d7 [radeon]
 [c1044d66] ? autoremove_wake_function+0x0/0x29
 [f82844bf] ? ttm_bo_wait+0xad/0x135 [ttm]
 [f853505d] ? radeon_bo_wait+0x5e/0x7c [radeon]
 [f85350a2] ? radeon_gem_wait_idle_ioctl+0x27/0x50 [radeon]
 [f82affa4] ? drm_ioctl+0x224/0x2d5 [drm]
 [f853507b] ? radeon_gem_wait_idle_ioctl+0x0/0x50 [radeon]
 [c10a3b97] ? handle_pte_fault+0x2c5/0x80f
 [c11458f8] ? prio_tree_insert+0x150/0x1cc
 [f82afd80] ? drm_ioctl+0x0/0x2d5 [drm]
 [c10c8fb4] ? do_vfs_ioctl+0x494/0x4df
 [c10a7483] ? mmap_region+0x328/0x3fb
 [c10c9043] ? sys_ioctl+0x44/0x64
 [c1002f1f] ? sysenter_do_call+0x12/0x28
---[ end trace 4d111c5bd88900e9 ]---

Lo cierto es que la actualización a kernel 3.1.- pae me está trayendo
mas problemas que ni la porra, por eso mantengo el 2.6.38, pero
resulta que ahora este me empieza a dar también.

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: aplicacion para examenes

2011-11-27 Thread Alexander Villalba
Estoy completamente deacuerdo con lo que has dicho. Hace falta más
moderación. Aunque en comparación con lo que me ha tocado vivir aquí eso
no es nada.

no se porque la gente no se adapta, no es como si yo... si fueran como
yo, entonces el mundo seria YO...

El dom, 27-11-2011 a las 08:54 -0500, Ricardo Mendoza escribió:
 Creo que el problema no es  de la gente, en este caso como tu
 mencionas,y como tu insinuas que yo tengo un problema al hacer esta
 pregunta en la lista buscando que todo me lo resuelvan, recurro a la
 lista para escuchar opiniones, y creo que he sido sincero en mi
 pregunta, el problema es tuyo en este caso, el grado de violencia de
 tu respuesta muestra mucho como te sientes.Vives con ira. El mejor
 ejemplo son las diferentes soluciones que otras personas han aportado
 sin agredirme o sin justificar una intervencion para generar un
 conflicto donde no lo hay. 
 No quiero hacer de este post un infinito flame y alimentar un troll,
 ni quiero entrar en discusiones exteriles con personas que buscan
 exteriorizar su ira incluso en una lista de correo. Agradecezco a las
 personas que ha bien lo tengan seguir sugiriendome alguna solucion si
 entrar en agresiones innecesarias.Hare una descripcion mas amplia de
 mi necesidad, si ese es el punto. 
 Estoy sorprendido en el poco tiempo que llevo en la lista del alto
 grado de agresion, que se vive en la lista debian
 internacional,primera vez que veo algo asi en una lista, no me
 esperaba eso. Insultos van y bien por las razones mas irrisorias.
 Espero que esto no desate otra discusion sin sentido,y si esto es asi
 es mejor cerrar el hilo.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Fallo en el kernel 2.6.38

2011-11-27 Thread Flako
2011/11/27 J. OCTAVIO Avalos octavioava...@gmail.com:
 radeon_fence_wait+0x251/0x2d7 [radeon]()
 Hardware name: iMac5,1

Reinstala el driver de tu radeon (placa de video?) si lo bajaste de
algun lado, si es el que viene de en la distro, reinstala el Xorg.
Algo de lo que cambiaste no se lleva bien con tu placa de video..

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Re: aplicacion para examenes

2011-11-27 Thread Gerardo Diez
El día 27 de noviembre de 2011 14:54, Ricardo Mendoza
pgsql...@gmail.com escribió:

 No quiero hacer de este post un infinito flame y alimentar un troll, ni
 quiero entrar en discusiones exteriles con personas que buscan exteriorizar
 su ira incluso en una lista de correo. Agradecezco a las personas que ha
 bien lo tengan seguir sugiriendome alguna solucion si entrar en agresiones
 innecesarias.Hare una descripcion mas amplia de mi necesidad, si ese es el
Pues no sé si ese es el punto pero desde luego (te) ayudaría mucho.
Hacer una pregunta sin aportar muchos datos es dejar la puerta abierta
a dar palos de ciego

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Re: problemas tarjeta de sonido

2011-11-27 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 26 Nov 2011 15:36:32 -0600, rantis cares escribió:

 El día 26 de noviembre de 2011 15:23, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com

 Vuelve a poner la salida uname -a; cat /etc/debian_version.
 Linux SMD-09 2.6.18-6-486 #1 Sat Dec 27 08:57:46 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

Sigues con Debian Etch y esa versión ya es antigua.

 No, la verdad es que nunca me habia sucedido esto, solo seguia lo que
 te explique y funcionaba todo bien, nunca tuve la necesidad de

 Con Etch me extraña, es una versión muy antigua.
 Sin embargo nunca tuve tanto problema para activar el sonido.

¿Nunca tuviste problemas con esa tarjeta de sonido? ¿Quiere decir que 
alguna vez te ha funcionado? ¿Con qué versión de Debian?

 Ya intente compilar mediante todo lo actual de alsa que me descargue,
 como te lo comente del link, pero al compilar, me arroja algunos

 Normal... Es mejor que instales Squeeze.
 Para instalar o actualizar a squeeze tengo que hacer lo mismo que
 cambiar los repositorios a squeeze y apt-get update y apt-dist upgrade o
 te refieres a instalarlo de cero?

Oficialmente no está soportado saltar dos versiones de una sola vez, el 
manual recomienda actualizar primero a Lenny y después a Squeeze. No es 
algo que haya hecho nunca, yo siempre instalo desde cero.



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Re: aplicacion para examenes

2011-11-27 Thread Camaleón
El Sat, 26 Nov 2011 20:27:41 -0500, Ricardo Mendoza escribió:

 Me refiero a que no deseo montar un curso en moodle, crear una seccion y
 llenar un formato para hacer un examen, quiero una aplicacion que me
 permita directamente trabajar sobre la elaboracion de un examen en sus
 diferentes opciones preguntas de multiple respuesta,etc 

Para hacer esto (desarrollar una plantilla de examen) con LibreOffice 
Writer o cualquier otro procesador de textos sería suficiente.

 y publicar el examen si tiene la opcion de publicacion en linea o
 tomarse directamente en linea. No se si exista algo asi.

A ver, que esa pregunta es muy genérica. Para publicar el examen, puedes:

- Usar Google Docs o un espacio de trabajo compartido
- Usar tu propio servidor web

Pero si quieres tener el control de las respuestas y gestionarlas 
automáticamente necesitas un framework o una aplicación completa, como 
Moodle o similar pero que tenga todo ya desarrollado (tanto las 
plantillas gráficas como la programación necesaria para validar/verificar 
las respuestas correctas y publicarlas, generar estadísticas, etc...).

Si no te gusta Moodle por algún motivo, busca alguna aplicación similar, 
bien hospedada en tus servidores o en alguno externo... por ejemplo:


Y aquí tienes varios que ofrecen ese tipo de servicios online:




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Re: Fallo en el kernel 2.6.38

2011-11-27 Thread Camaleón
El Sun, 27 Nov 2011 15:03:19 +0100, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:

 Sabeis a que puede ser debido el mensaje de fallo en el kernel
 2.6.38-5-bpo que os indico a continuación:

 Kernel failure message 1:
 [ cut here ]
 radeon_fence_wait+0x251/0x2d7 [radeon]() 
 Hardware name: iMac5,1


Informa del error. Parece un problema del driver radeon con el kernel de 
los backports.

 Lo cierto es que la actualización a kernel 3.1.- pae me está trayendo
 mas problemas que ni la porra, por eso mantengo el 2.6.38, pero resulta
 que ahora este me empieza a dar también.

Compila un kernel por tu cuenta bajado desde kernel.org, es realmente 
sencillo y no tiene efectos secundarios. Yo los estoy compilando como 
churros. Al igual que tú desde el 2.6.38 tengo problemas con el wifi, el 
lector de tarjetas, el bluetooth... ahora mismo tengo cargado el 3.2-rc3, 
aunque los problemas no se han solucionado :-/



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Re: aplicacion para examenes

2011-11-27 Thread Ricardo Mendoza
La idea es administrar una serie de pruebas/examenes de evaluacion de
conocimientos informáticos, para que una persona apruebe o reprueba la
demostracion de tales habilidades, el
examen comprende preguntas de seleccion multiple, o de multiple respuesta,
se necesita acompañar ha algunas de las preguntas con
imagenes,graficos,ilustraciones,etc, textos desde los que se formula la
pregunta de evaluacion del examen y se dan las diferentes opciones de
respuesta en las diferentes modalidades de preguntas que contiene el
examen, ya sea en formato virtual, en linea o virtual off-line. A la misma
vez que permita generar el  formato del examen de forma impresa,hoja de
preguntas y hoja de respuestas para que pueda ser llenado por el aprendiz.

No me inclino por moodle como primera opcion por que Ha mi modo de ver no
es una aplicacion para examenes,sino para un proposito mas amplio,  estoy
buscando algo que me permita definir formato de examenes directamente.Sin
embargo lo considerare llegado el caso.

Re: aplicacion para examenes

2011-11-27 Thread Ricardo Mendoza
Creo que entos enlaces hay algo que me pueda servir, gracias.

Re: problemas tarjeta de sonido

2011-11-27 Thread rantis cares
El domingo 27 de noviembre de 2011, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:
 El Sat, 26 Nov 2011 15:36:32 -0600, rantis cares escribió:

 El día 26 de noviembre de 2011 15:23, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com

 Vuelve a poner la salida uname -a; cat /etc/debian_version.

 Linux SMD-09 2.6.18-6-486 #1 Sat Dec 27 08:57:46 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

 Sigues con Debian Etch y esa versión ya es antigua.

 No, la verdad es que nunca me habia sucedido esto, solo seguia lo que
 te explique y funcionaba todo bien, nunca tuve la necesidad de

 Con Etch me extraña, es una versión muy antigua.

 Sin embargo nunca tuve tanto problema para activar el sonido.

 ¿Nunca tuviste problemas con esa tarjeta de sonido? ¿Quiere decir que
 alguna vez te ha funcionado? ¿Con qué versión de Debian?

No me explique bien, nunca tuve problemas con la tarjeta de sonido con
otras versiones de distros y otro hardware (siempre he usado equipos que ya
nadie quiere por viejos) y Sucede que hace tiempo me compre una super
motherboard para ese tiempo, y nunca me sirvio el audio. Pero nunca tuve
necesidad de usar el audio y no me importo, lo deje asi hasta ahora wue si
lo necesito

 Ya intente compilar mediante todo lo actual de alsa que me descargue,
 como te lo comente del link, pero al compilar, me arroja algunos

 Normal... Es mejor que instales Squeeze.

 Para instalar o actualizar a squeeze tengo que hacer lo mismo que
 cambiar los repositorios a squeeze y apt-get update y apt-dist upgrade o
 te refieres a instalarlo de cero?

 Oficialmente no está soportado saltar dos versiones de una sola vez, el
 manual recomienda actualizar primero a Lenny y después a Squeeze. No es
 algo que haya hecho nunca, yo siempre instalo desde cero.

De hecho cuando te envie la informacion de la version, ya habia yo migrado
a lenny... Que raro ¿No?. Ahora que te escribo ya migre a squeeze mediante
apt-get distupgrade y ¿que crees?

YA FUNCIONA, realmente no tuve que hacer nada unicamente migre, y ejecute
alsaconf y segui instrucciones Y QUEDO FINCIONANDO.

Pero que crees?. ¡Ahora se desconfiguro el entorno grafico!

Ya estoy en busca de resolverlo.




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Al juntarme dia tras dia con los Listeros, mi capacidad intelectual crece
en proporcion inversa a la ignorancia generada. Gracias Linuxeros

Re: Fallo en el kernel 2.6.38

2011-11-27 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El driver que se instaló fue el que trae el sistema yo no le toqué
nada. Hasta ahora no me había dado ningún problema pero alguna
actualización de los repositorios metio algo raro que empezó a darme
estos problemas. Primero los advertí con el Kernel 3.0 PAE que fue el
que me instaló en una actualización a wheezy desde ese momento llevo
reinstalado el sistema por lo menos unas 10 veces sin que sea capaz de
pasarlo a wheezy sin que me de problemas bastante graves, por cierto.
Voy a seguir los consejos y acabaré compilando el kernel. Los de la
rama 3.0.1 en adelante algo traen que cuando se instalan con los
repositorios empiezan a dar una información y a hacer unas preguntas
sobre la misma, que hasta ahora no había visto.

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: recuperar datos llave USB

2011-11-27 Thread Francesc Guitart
El día 25 de noviembre de 2011 01:19, Analía Lorenzatto
analialorenza...@gmail.com escribió:
 Hola  a todos!

 Francesc, podrías probar si el pendrive tiene unidades defectuosas
 badblocks /dev/sdX

Gracias por la info. Me será útil para próximas ocasiones.

 Otra alternativa que se me ocurre es, es que lo enchufes, pero que no
 lo montes.  Luego tratás de hacer una imágen del pendrive:
 dd if=/dev/sdX of=/archivo_imagen_de_pendrive

En ningún momento monto el pen, sobretodo porque no puedo. Como ya
decía en el primer mensaje no puedo clonar el pen ni con dd ni con

 quizás puedas recuperar los datos.
 Una consulta, antes podías leer el pendrive?

Pues eso creo pero no puedo decirte más. El pendrive no es mio, me lo
trajeron para ver si podía hacer algo con él y ya lo he devuelto.

 Contános cómo te va con eso :)

Gracias por responder.

Francesc Guitart

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Generar un módulo del kernel (fat)

2011-11-27 Thread Camaleón

Ayer descargué, compilé e instalé el kernel 3.2.0-rc3 descargado desde  

Todo fue bien pero se me olvidó compilar el módulo para el sistema de 
archivos fat O:-)

Lo intento hacer ahora pero no sé cómo hacerlo, explico:

- Tengo las fuentes en /usr/src/linux-3.2-rc3
- Me pongo en ese directorio y ejecuto:

make SUBDIRS=fs/fat clean
make SUBDIRS=fs/fat modules

Pero me dice:

Building modules, stage 2
MODPOST 0 modules

Es decir, que no se genera el fat.ko.

Si le añado V=1 veo que se queja:

Error: kernel configuration is invalid
include/generated/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing
Run make oldconfig  make prepare on kernel src to fix it 

Vale, pues lo hago (ejecuto los comandos) pero me sigue diciendo lo mismo.

También he probado a lo bruto y desde el directorio de las fuentes he 

make modules

Veo que se generan algunos módulos (unos cuatrocientos y pico) pero no el 
que me interesa.

¿Alguna idea?



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Re: Una de bash y diff recursivo

2011-11-27 Thread Francesc Guitart
El día 25 de noviembre de 2011 13:16, jmramirez (mas_ke_na)
mas_ke...@hotmail.com escribió:
 Hash: SHA1

 Buenas a todos

        Estoy haciendo un script para que sincronice dos directorios (un nas de
 un edificio con otro nas en otro edificio), antes tenia puesto el rsync.
 Pero se agotaba el tiempo de espera y daba muchos fallos ( la conexión
 entre nas'es no es muy buena). Así que decidí copiar archivo por archivo
 ( hago otros backups correctamente de esta forma pero este me da
 problemas (Por los subdirectorios)) y que enviara correo. Así en caso de
 fallos se en que punto se quedo y puedo retomarlo.

Para conexiones lentas puedes usar el modificador -z de rsync que
comprime el backup, aunque en tu caso, según entiendo, después
deberías descomprimirlo en el destino.

Por otro lado no entiendo cuando dices que la ventaja del script
respecto al rsync es que si hay fallos sabes en que punto se ha
quedado. Con rsync no necesitas saber donde se ha quedado si se corta
la conexión, simplemente comprueba si ha terminado bien y si no lo
relanzas y continuará donde lo dejó.

Francesc Guitart

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Re: Generar un módulo del kernel (fat)

2011-11-27 Thread fernando sainz
El día 27 de noviembre de 2011 19:42, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:

 Ayer descargué, compilé e instalé el kernel 3.2.0-rc3 descargado desde

 Todo fue bien pero se me olvidó compilar el módulo para el sistema de
 archivos fat O:-)

¿qué quieres decir con que se te olvido compilar el módulo?
Hace tantos años que no compilo un kernel
¿No lo marcaste como módulo en el .config?

Suerte. Siento no poder ayudarte :-)

 Lo intento hacer ahora pero no sé cómo hacerlo, explico:

 - Tengo las fuentes en /usr/src/linux-3.2-rc3
 - Me pongo en ese directorio y ejecuto:

 make SUBDIRS=fs/fat clean
 make SUBDIRS=fs/fat modules

 Pero me dice:

 Building modules, stage 2
 MODPOST 0 modules

 Es decir, que no se genera el fat.ko.

 Si le añado V=1 veo que se queja:

 Error: kernel configuration is invalid
 include/generated/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing
 Run make oldconfig  make prepare on kernel src to fix it

 Vale, pues lo hago (ejecuto los comandos) pero me sigue diciendo lo mismo.

 También he probado a lo bruto y desde el directorio de las fuentes he

 make modules

 Veo que se generan algunos módulos (unos cuatrocientos y pico) pero no el
 que me interesa.

 ¿Alguna idea?



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Actualizacion de Squeeze interrumpida

2011-11-27 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
Hola a todos,
¡Vaya fin de semana, contando el viernes también! Sabeis como puedo
limpiar el sistema despues de que se haya interrumpido, al quedar
colgado el sistema, una actualización bastante grande de squeeze.
Me da la sensación de que tengo todo enmerdado después de hacer una
instalación limpia esta mañana.

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: Actualizacion de Squeeze interrumpida

2011-11-27 Thread fernando sainz
El día 27 de noviembre de 2011 20:22, J. OCTAVIO Avalos
octavioava...@gmail.com escribió:
 Hola a todos,
 ¡Vaya fin de semana, contando el viernes también! Sabeis como puedo
 limpiar el sistema despues de que se haya interrumpido, al quedar
 colgado el sistema, una actualización bastante grande de squeeze.
 Me da la sensación de que tengo todo enmerdado después de hacer una
 instalación limpia esta mañana.

 Un saludo

 Octavio Ávalos

Tendrías que explicarte mejor...
¿limpiar, qué?
Si el sistema arranca y puedes ejecutar aptitude, el sabrá por donde
estaba y continuará...


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Re: Actualizacion de Squeeze interrumpida

2011-11-27 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El 27/11/11, fernando sainz fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com escribió:
 El día 27 de noviembre de 2011 20:22, J. OCTAVIO Avalos
 octavioava...@gmail.com escribió:
 Hola a todos,
 ¡Vaya fin de semana, contando el viernes también! Sabeis como puedo
 limpiar el sistema despues de que se haya interrumpido, al quedar
 colgado el sistema, una actualización bastante grande de squeeze.
 Me da la sensación de que tengo todo enmerdado después de hacer una
 instalación limpia esta mañana.

 Un saludo

 Octavio Ávalos

 Tendrías que explicarte mejor...
 ¿limpiar, qué?
 Si el sistema arranca y puedes ejecutar aptitude, el sabrá por donde
 estaba y continuará...


Claro, pero aquí es en donde esta la cuestión. Ayer me quedó una
actualización a Wheezy hecha un cristo, porque momentos antes se habia
interrumpido por un cuelque del sistema. De tal forma que me indicaba
que no podía ejecutar distintas ordenes (apt-get install -f, aptitude
-r, aptitude dist-ugrade ...) porque había paquetes de una
actualización anterior que no estaban bien instalados. A partir de
aquí ya fue todo un caos, motivo por el cual reinstalé todo esta
mañana. Pero ahora por la tarde cuando estaba haciendo un safe-upgrade
de squeeze se me volvió a colgar e interrumpió la actualización que
estaba haciendo.
Advierto que el sistema no lo tengo bien, me está dando problemas que
nunca dió. Lo curioso y para recochineo con el kernel que mejor
funciona es con el que viene squeeze, es decir el 2.6.32. Se da la
circunstancia (con Murphy presente en todo momento) que a partir de
este, todos los kernel traen incorporado el driver para el Magic Mouse
de apple, y a mi por ejemplo el 2.6.38 que está en los backports que
nunca me dio problema alguno, ahora se cuelga o apaga en cada

Por eso quería mirar si habia algún resto.

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Re: Actualizacion de Squeeze interrumpida

2011-11-27 Thread CruxoM

On 27/11/11 16:53, J. OCTAVIO Avalos wrote:

El 27/11/11, fernando sainzfernandojose.sa...@gmail.com  escribió:

El día 27 de noviembre de 2011 20:22, J. OCTAVIO Avalos
octavioava...@gmail.com  escribió:

Hola a todos,
¡Vaya fin de semana, contando el viernes también! Sabeis como puedo
limpiar el sistema despues de que se haya interrumpido, al quedar
colgado el sistema, una actualización bastante grande de squeeze.
Me da la sensación de que tengo todo enmerdado después de hacer una
instalación limpia esta mañana.

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

Tendrías que explicarte mejor...
¿limpiar, qué?
Si el sistema arranca y puedes ejecutar aptitude, el sabrá por donde
estaba y continuará...


Claro, pero aquí es en donde esta la cuestión. Ayer me quedó una
actualización a Wheezy hecha un cristo, porque momentos antes se habia
interrumpido por un cuelque del sistema. De tal forma que me indicaba
que no podía ejecutar distintas ordenes (apt-get install -f, aptitude
-r, aptitude dist-ugrade ...) porque había paquetes de una
actualización anterior que no estaban bien instalados. A partir de
aquí ya fue todo un caos, motivo por el cual reinstalé todo esta
mañana. Pero ahora por la tarde cuando estaba haciendo un safe-upgrade
de squeeze se me volvió a colgar e interrumpió la actualización que
estaba haciendo.
Advierto que el sistema no lo tengo bien, me está dando problemas que
nunca dió. Lo curioso y para recochineo con el kernel que mejor
funciona es con el que viene squeeze, es decir el 2.6.32. Se da la
circunstancia (con Murphy presente en todo momento) que a partir de
este, todos los kernel traen incorporado el driver para el Magic Mouse
de apple, y a mi por ejemplo el 2.6.38 que está en los backports que
nunca me dio problema alguno, ahora se cuelga o apaga en cada

Por eso quería mirar si habia algún resto.

Un saludo

Cuando se me colgaba la máquina en una actualización, la mayoría de las 
veces se recuperaba con un

aptitude -f install

...pero no se si servirá en tu caso. Dos cuelgues al hilo en la misma pc 
habla de otra cosa, me parece..



Omar G. Murray [CruxoM]
JID: c...@jabber.freenet.de
Ekiga: omur...@ekiga.net
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux - kernel 2.6.32

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Re: Generar un módulo del kernel (fat)

2011-11-27 Thread Juan Antonio
El 27/11/11 19:42, Camaleón escribió:
 Ayer descargué, compilé e instalé el kernel 3.2.0-rc3 descargado desde  
 Todo fue bien pero se me olvidó compilar el módulo para el sistema de 
 archivos fat O:-)
 Lo intento hacer ahora pero no sé cómo hacerlo, explico:
 - Tengo las fuentes en /usr/src/linux-3.2-rc3
 - Me pongo en ese directorio y ejecuto:
 make SUBDIRS=fs/fat clean
 make SUBDIRS=fs/fat modules
 Pero me dice:
 Building modules, stage 2
 MODPOST 0 modules
 Es decir, que no se genera el fat.ko.
 Si le añado V=1 veo que se queja:
 Error: kernel configuration is invalid
 include/generated/autoconf.h or include/config/auto.conf are missing
 Run make oldconfig  make prepare on kernel src to fix it 
 Vale, pues lo hago (ejecuto los comandos) pero me sigue diciendo lo mismo.
 También he probado a lo bruto y desde el directorio de las fuentes he 
 make modules
 Veo que se generan algunos módulos (unos cuatrocientos y pico) pero no el 
 que me interesa.
 ¿Alguna idea?

Sólo vuelve a hacer un menuconfig y habilita el soporte de vfat y
ejecuta make Si la anterior compilación es reciente unicamente debería
recompilar ese módulo y sus dependencias.

Despues  borra el /lib/modules/kernel-que-sea, make modules_install y
depmod -a y listo.

Tanto en los deportes como en todo lo demás, soy un experto. Pero para
mantener viva mi inteligencia natural y fuera de serie, tengo que comer

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Re: Actualizacion a debian squeeze y entorno grafico

2011-11-27 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El dom, 27-11-2011 a las 15:30 -0600, rantis cares escribió:
 Saludos Listeroas:
 Bien, quiero comentarles que he realizado correcciones las cuales
 hacian que mi sistema no funcionara al todo.
 Ahora que ya corregí esos errores resulta que tengo otros.
 Al actualizar a debian ezqueeze (escuis) y al creer que ya funcionaba
 todo resulta que el me sale el problema del entorno gráfico. En algún
 momento creí que solamente era esto pero al ser mas cuidadoso me di
 cuenta que a habia errores desde el arranque y al revisar el log dice:
 Xargs.c:450: main: assertion ‘bc_ctl.arg_max = (131072-2048) failed
 bootclean: failure cleaning /tmp
 Asi me salen por lo menos 5 mensajes de diferentes directorios.
 Cuando el sistema me envia un mail, y al tratar de verlo mediante el
 comando mail, me aparece la siguiente leyenda
 Mail: /tmp: No space left on device
 Esto me resulta mas claro, seguramente se cambiaron los puntos de
 montaje o algo por el estilo o hubo una pequena variante.
 Alguna idea?.
borrar basura para hacer espacio. Ejemplo de basura: toda las
traducciones (incluso de documentación) a idiomas que no conocés...
total no manejás esos idiomas ¿para que conservarla?. El paquete que
hace esa magia por vos es localepurge
Fijate si están rotando bien los logs (en /var/log/), a veces no rotan y
algunos se ponen gordos muy rápido.

Para ver si te cambiaron los puntos de montaje, fijate en /etc/fstab si
está todo en orden. El espacio libre lo podés ver con df -h y con du
-hs /ruta/a/un/directorio/en/particular podés ver cuanto está ocupando

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Re: Actualizacion de Squeeze interrumpida

2011-11-27 Thread Gonzalo Rivero
El dom, 27-11-2011 a las 20:53 +0100, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió: 
 El 27/11/11, fernando sainz fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com escribió:
  El día 27 de noviembre de 2011 20:22, J. OCTAVIO Avalos
  octavioava...@gmail.com escribió:
  Hola a todos,
  ¡Vaya fin de semana, contando el viernes también! Sabeis como puedo
  limpiar el sistema despues de que se haya interrumpido, al quedar
  colgado el sistema, una actualización bastante grande de squeeze.
  Me da la sensación de que tengo todo enmerdado después de hacer una
  instalación limpia esta mañana.
  Un saludo
  Octavio Ávalos
  Tendrías que explicarte mejor...
  ¿limpiar, qué?
  Si el sistema arranca y puedes ejecutar aptitude, el sabrá por donde
  estaba y continuará...
 Claro, pero aquí es en donde esta la cuestión. Ayer me quedó una
 actualización a Wheezy hecha un cristo, porque momentos antes se habia
 interrumpido por un cuelque del sistema. De tal forma que me indicaba
 que no podía ejecutar distintas ordenes (apt-get install -f, aptitude
 -r, aptitude dist-ugrade ...) porque había paquetes de una
 actualización anterior que no estaban bien instalados. A partir de
 aquí ya fue todo un caos, motivo por el cual reinstalé todo esta
 mañana. Pero ahora por la tarde cuando estaba haciendo un safe-upgrade
 de squeeze se me volvió a colgar e interrumpió la actualización que
 estaba haciendo.
 Advierto que el sistema no lo tengo bien, me está dando problemas que
 nunca dió. Lo curioso y para recochineo con el kernel que mejor
 funciona es con el que viene squeeze, es decir el 2.6.32. Se da la
 circunstancia (con Murphy presente en todo momento) que a partir de
 este, todos los kernel traen incorporado el driver para el Magic Mouse
 de apple, y a mi por ejemplo el 2.6.38 que está en los backports que
 nunca me dio problema alguno, ahora se cuelga o apaga en cada
 Por eso quería mirar si habia algún resto.
 Un saludo

como ya te dijeron, dos cuelgues seguidos es para pensar en problemas de
hardware. Pero todavía podés intentar:
dpkg --configure -a --pending 
Con eso va a tratar de configurar los paquetes que sean configurables.
Después podés intentar nuevamente el
apt-get -f install
para que termine de descargar, instalar y configurar lo que te haya
quedado con dependencias rotas. En esta parte (o la anterior)
probablemente tengas que desinstalar algún paquete roto. Después podés
seguir con la actualización y finalmente reinstalar, si es necesario, lo
que hayas que tenido que borrar

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Re: Actualizacion a debian squeeze y entorno grafico

2011-11-27 Thread Walber Zaldivar

El 27/11/2011 04:30 p.m., rantis cares escribió:

Saludos Listeroas:

Bien, quiero comentarles que he realizado correcciones las cuales hacian
que mi sistema no funcionara al todo.

Ahora que ya corregí esos errores resulta que tengo otros.

Al actualizar a debian ezqueeze (escuis) y al creer que ya funcionaba
todo resulta que el me sale el problema del entorno gráfico. En algún
momento creí que solamente era esto pero al ser mas cuidadoso me di
cuenta que a habia errores desde el arranque y al revisar el log dice:

Xargs.c:450: main: assertion ‘bc_ctl.arg_max = (131072-2048) failed
bootclean: failure cleaning /tmp

Asi me salen por lo menos 5 mensajes de diferentes directorios.

Cuando el sistema me envia un mail, y al tratar de verlo mediante el
comando mail, me aparece la siguiente leyenda

Mail: /tmp: No space left on device

Esto me resulta mas claro, seguramente se cambiaron los puntos de
montaje o algo por el estilo o hubo una pequena variante.

Alguna idea?.

Yo haría lo que hace Camaleón y que es lo que yo hago también

Reinstala de cero!!!

En el upgrade de una versión a la otra aunque no debe pasar nada, 
puede suceder. Con un sistema limpio tu problema real saltará si 
tiene que ver con squeeze vs PC ;)

S@lu2 wzaldivar


Este mensaje le ha llegado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que 
ofrece Infomed para respaldar el cumplimiento de las misiones del Sistema 
Nacional de Salud. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar 
el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas

Infomed: http://www.sld.cu/

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Re: Actualizacion de Squeeze interrumpida

2011-11-27 Thread J. OCTAVIO Avalos
El 28/11/11, Gonzalo Rivero fishfromsa...@gmail.com escribió:
 El dom, 27-11-2011 a las 20:53 +0100, J. OCTAVIO Avalos escribió:
 El 27/11/11, fernando sainz fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com escribió:
  El día 27 de noviembre de 2011 20:22, J. OCTAVIO Avalos
  octavioava...@gmail.com escribió:
  Hola a todos,
  ¡Vaya fin de semana, contando el viernes también! Sabeis como puedo
  limpiar el sistema despues de que se haya interrumpido, al quedar
  colgado el sistema, una actualización bastante grande de squeeze.
  Me da la sensación de que tengo todo enmerdado después de hacer una
  instalación limpia esta mañana.
  Un saludo
  Octavio Ávalos
  Tendrías que explicarte mejor...
  ¿limpiar, qué?
  Si el sistema arranca y puedes ejecutar aptitude, el sabrá por donde
  estaba y continuará...
 Claro, pero aquí es en donde esta la cuestión. Ayer me quedó una
 actualización a Wheezy hecha un cristo, porque momentos antes se habia
 interrumpido por un cuelque del sistema. De tal forma que me indicaba
 que no podía ejecutar distintas ordenes (apt-get install -f, aptitude
 -r, aptitude dist-ugrade ...) porque había paquetes de una
 actualización anterior que no estaban bien instalados. A partir de
 aquí ya fue todo un caos, motivo por el cual reinstalé todo esta
 mañana. Pero ahora por la tarde cuando estaba haciendo un safe-upgrade
 de squeeze se me volvió a colgar e interrumpió la actualización que
 estaba haciendo.
 Advierto que el sistema no lo tengo bien, me está dando problemas que
 nunca dió. Lo curioso y para recochineo con el kernel que mejor
 funciona es con el que viene squeeze, es decir el 2.6.32. Se da la
 circunstancia (con Murphy presente en todo momento) que a partir de
 este, todos los kernel traen incorporado el driver para el Magic Mouse
 de apple, y a mi por ejemplo el 2.6.38 que está en los backports que
 nunca me dio problema alguno, ahora se cuelga o apaga en cada

 Por eso quería mirar si habia algún resto.

 Un saludo

 como ya te dijeron, dos cuelgues seguidos es para pensar en problemas de
 hardware. Pero todavía podés intentar:
 dpkg --configure -a --pending
 Con eso va a tratar de configurar los paquetes que sean configurables.
 Después podés intentar nuevamente el
 apt-get -f install
 para que termine de descargar, instalar y configurar lo que te haya
 quedado con dependencias rotas. En esta parte (o la anterior)
 probablemente tengas que desinstalar algún paquete roto. Después podés
 seguir con la actualización y finalmente reinstalar, si es necesario, lo
 que hayas que tenido que borrar


Nada, imposible de hacer algo que me pudiese solucionar el problema.
He optado por instalar squeeze desde cero y se acabaron los problemas.
pero claro, como os comenté antes el kernel por defecto es el 2.6.32 y
si quiero instalar otro, por ejemplo el 2.6.38 (que por cierto ya lo
tuve instalado sin problemas) algo ha variado en las actualizaciones o
no se donde, que me empieza a fallar la tarjeta gráfica Ati Radeon.
Repito, siempre me funciono perfectamente como lo está haciendo ahora
con la instalación de squeeze desde dvd, pero si actualizo ... Ya es
otro cantar.

Un saludo

Octavio Ávalos

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Tradução - Abstract

2011-11-27 Thread pedro almeida

Estou fazendo meu trabalho de conclusão de curso, estou fazendo o abstract
que seria o resumo em ingles, mais nao tenho muito conhecimento em ingles,
sei que essa lista nao tem esse objetivo porem, caso alguem possa me
ajudar. Agradeço.

Segue o Resumo:

Este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem por objetivo propor um check list
de boas práticas voltadas para configuração de firewalls, com a finalidade
de ajudar qualquer pessoa envolvida com a configuração de firewalls,
realizarem uma configuração confiável e segura. Nesta monografia são
abordados temas que envolvem o firewall desde seu histórico até suas
funcionalidades, incluindo seu funcionamento, tipos e comandos. O desafio
deste trabalho é realizar pesquisas exploratórias sobre as boas práticas
utilizadas na configuração de um firewall, aplicá-las e testar sua eficácia
conforme o que prometem realizar. A metodologia adotada foi a de pesquisas
bibliográficas e testes práticos quando cabíveis.

Se alguem puder perder uns minutinhos e dar uma ajuda, nao tenho ningue que
possa pedir para fazer essa tradução.

Obriagdo desde já.

Pedro de Almeida

Re: Tradução - Abstract

2011-11-27 Thread Paulo de Souza Lima
Faço esse tipo de trabalho e cobro 25 reais por abstract. Se interessar,
fale comigo em PVT.

Em 27 de novembro de 2011 23:38, pedro almeida almeida.l...@gmail.comescreveu:


 Estou fazendo meu trabalho de conclusão de curso, estou fazendo o abstract
 que seria o resumo em ingles, mais nao tenho muito conhecimento em ingles,
 sei que essa lista nao tem esse objetivo porem, caso alguem possa me
 ajudar. Agradeço.

 Segue o Resumo:

 Este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem por objetivo propor um check list
 de boas práticas voltadas para configuração de firewalls, com a finalidade
 de ajudar qualquer pessoa envolvida com a configuração de firewalls,
 realizarem uma configuração confiável e segura. Nesta monografia são
 abordados temas que envolvem o firewall desde seu histórico até suas
 funcionalidades, incluindo seu funcionamento, tipos e comandos. O desafio
 deste trabalho é realizar pesquisas exploratórias sobre as boas práticas
 utilizadas na configuração de um firewall, aplicá-las e testar sua eficácia
 conforme o que prometem realizar. A metodologia adotada foi a de pesquisas
 bibliográficas e testes práticos quando cabíveis.

 Se alguem puder perder uns minutinhos e dar uma ajuda, nao tenho ningue
 que possa pedir para fazer essa tradução.

 Obriagdo desde já.

 Pedro de Almeida

Paulo de Souza Lima
Técnico em Eletrônica e Administrador
Curitiba - PR
Linux User #432358
Ubuntu User #28729

Re: Resolved: Can't write to external usb drive as normal user despite efforts

2011-11-27 Thread Sven Hoexter
On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 04:08:31PM -0800, kei...@strucktower.com wrote:


 I still haven't found a good explanation for the umask option- nothing in
 man pages under umask, very little under pam_umask or pam ...


man 2 umask is in manpages-dev in case that's not installed on your
system currently.

'help umask' and/or the manpage of your shell might be of some help too.

I don't know much, but I do know this:
With a golden heart, comes a rebel fist
 [ Streetlight Manifesto - Here's To Life ]

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KDE activities

2011-11-27 Thread Alan Chandler
With the problems I seem to be having with Gnome3 (not the problem that 
most people have with the shell, which I like - but other applications 
which seem to have become flakey - Gedit crashes on closing a tab, 
Nautilus FTP doesn't seem to work half the time, issues I have been 
discussing here about the applications launched with file associations 
...) I decided to give KDE 4 another try (I had switched to Gnome from 
KDE when KDE 4 was first introduced).

I am struggling with the concepts behind Activities, Desktops, 
Workspaces and Screens.  This is not helped by the fact that I am trying 
to follow the advice from various web pages - but I don't seem to see 
what I should see.

In particular - I use Super Q to bring up the activities manager pane. 
This shows I have two activities both named New Activity.  I should 
then right click on a desktop and select Desktop Settings I should see 
a window with the left pane having three options Wallpaper, Activity 
and Mouse Actions.  Instead I see a window with only two options, 
View and Mouse Actions.

Have I not installed something I should have? or has this changed and 
all these web pages are out of date?

Alan Chandler

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Re: Upgrading from Lenny to Squeeze

2011-11-27 Thread Andrei Popescu
On Sb, 26 nov 11, 18:20:59, Marc Shapiro wrote:
 I'm not certain, but I THINK that these lines are all referring to
 packages that were removed by the update, but whose config files
 were not purged.  There are 47 such files according to 'dpkg -l |
 grep ^rc' and I recall apt-get saying that there were 43 packages to
 be removed at one point (several others were removed separately) so
 that sounds about right.  Is there a way to purge those config files
 without messing up anything else and without having to do each one

aptitude purge ~c

is the simplest, every other solution involves some plumbing with dpkg 
and maybe apt. Recipes have been posted to this list before.

Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Nautilus 3.2.1 and file associations

2011-11-27 Thread Alan Chandler

On 26/11/11 21:18, Camaleón wrote:

Anyway, try this:


It basically says that you have to append a trailing %U at /usr/share/
applications/freemind.deskop file, at the Exec stanza, that is:

Exec=/usr/bin/freemind %U

Now the application should be listed at the Open with... menu so you
can now set it as the default for that kind of file types.

Actually it is incomplete - you need to also (or maybe only) edit the 
setting in ~/.local/share/applications/freemind.desktop

Having done that, I have been able to both find the application and make 
it the default.

Thanks for the persistance.  We got there in the end

Alan Chandler

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Re: Password Management ?

2011-11-27 Thread Olivier BATARD
Envoyé de mon iPhone

Le 26 nov. 2011 à 18:43, Stephen Allen marathon.duran...@gmail.com a écrit :

 On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 04:21:52PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Olivier BATARD wrote:
 I'm just interested on how, after googling for a long time, on a
 debian, can we manage users's passwords. I mean how can we manage a
 password database on a web php site for example ?

 How do you manage your user's passwords database ?

 You have asked a very confusing question.  It will ask different
 questions to different people.


Ok my question is about how to manage user's password I mean how to
store user's password and let them access like keepass but web ?

 You asked specifically about a php web site.  Every php web site that
 has user logins that I have ever worked with has always had its own
 unique password database with its own unique fields.  This means that
 each php web site needs to manage its own passwords through the
 provided php web interface.  Or you could access the database directly
 such as through the command line or through phpmyadmin.

 Perhaps the OP means something like Keepass or LastPass which manages user 
 passwords in
 a web browser environment?


 I use LastPass which works fine on GNU/Linux and Google-Chrome and/or 

Anyone knows an offline tool like lastpass ?

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Re: KDE activities

2011-11-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 27/11/11 20:00, Alan Chandler wrote:
 With the problems I seem to be having with Gnome3 (not the problem
 that most people have with the shell, which I like - but other
 applications which seem to have become flakey - Gedit crashes on
 closing a tab, Nautilus FTP doesn't seem to work half the time,
 issues I have been discussing here about the applications launched
 with file associations ...) I decided to give KDE 4 another try (I
 had switched to Gnome from KDE when KDE 4 was first introduced).
 I am struggling with the concepts behind Activities, Desktops, 
 Workspaces and Screens.

Have you read the fine documentation in the KDE Help Centre?
$ khelpcenter

You can also access it from the entry on the Programs Menu, or from the
Help menu in any KDE application.
I'd strongly suggest you refer to Debian specific documentation on KDE.

 This is not helped by the fact that I am trying to follow the advice
 from various web pages - but I don't seem to see what I should see.
 In particular - I use Super Q

What is Super Q?

 to bring up the activities manager pane.

Are you talking about Desktop Activities?

(many things have activities).

 This shows I have two activities both named New Activity.  I
 should then right click on a desktop and select Desktop Settings I
 should see a window with the left pane having three options
 Wallpaper, Activity and Mouse Actions.

That sounds like a description of the Desktop Activity Manager:-

NOTES: Options in the left-hand pane are determined by Activity Type.
In the pictured case the Activity Type is Wallpaper. (the other
Activity Type is Folder View)

 Instead I see a window with only two options, View and Mouse

Perhaps some screen shots and links to them would better illustrate what
you are asking about?

 Have I not installed something I should have? or has this changed
 and all these web pages are out of date?

What web pages are you referring to?

Which Debian release are you running?

What is it that you are trying to achieve?


Iceweasel/Firefox extensions for finding answers to Debian questions:-

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Brightness after screensaver start - genome 3

2011-11-27 Thread Marcelo Luiz de Laia
After a few time screensaver start and lock my notebook screen. When I
unlosck it, I need to manually set the screen Brightness with Fn + Up

In gnome 2 the Brightness was setted automatically after unlock

What I need to do to get my screen Brightness adjusted automatically
after unlock screen?

I have a Dell Latitude D630 with Debian Testing.

If I choose Fn + Left arrow keys I see a Brightness symbol with a
prohibited symbol!

Linux user number 487797

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Re: KDE activities

2011-11-27 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Hi Alan!

Am Sonntag, 27. November 2011 schrieb Alan Chandler:
 With the problems I seem to be having with Gnome3 (not the problem that
 ...) I decided to give KDE 4 another try (I had switched to Gnome from
 KDE when KDE 4 was first introduced).
 I am struggling with the concepts behind Activities, Desktops,
 Workspaces and Screens.  This is not helped by the fact that I am
 In particular - I use Super Q to bring up the activities manager pane.
 This shows I have two activities both named New Activity.  I should
 then right click on a desktop and select Desktop Settings I should
 see a window with the left pane having three options Wallpaper,
 Activity and Mouse Actions.  Instead I see a window with only two
 options, View and Mouse Actions.
 Have I not installed something I should have? or has this changed and
 all these web pages are out of date?

You are not alone. Activities are something that have been changed a lot 
during KDE 4 lifetime. I think they first appeared in KDE 4.2 or so and 
have been rather inconsistent there. They gotten way better with KDE 4.6.5 
and even better with the brand new KDE 4.7.2 amd64 packages from 

So what KDE version are you using?

I don´t know where you read about the three panes. I only have the two you 
mentioned, but as that, activities have been changed a lot. Maybe that 
source refers to an earlier version of KDE 4.

Its a bit difficult to grasp the concepts and differences between virtual 
desktops versus activies. I found the excellent blog of Chani, who 
develops on KDE activities as well, very help ful in understand 
activities. For example:

{December 26, 2010}   Activity-oriented vs Application-oriented workspaces

were she describes the differences between GNOME 3 and KDE in that regard 
or her screen casts like

{December 18, 2010}   Activities 4.6 screencast


{January 9, 2011}   Activities in Action 

I also darkly remember a blog entry of her or someone else that explains 
the difference between activities and virtual desktops in a really clear 
way. Lets see whether I find that one. Ok, it might have been that one:

The Rise of Plasma Activities and What it can do for You

of Jason moofang Lim Yuen Hoe.

Yes, thats it.

I found it through

Activities – A change in workflow?

which also seems to be a good read.

I suggest you, to read these and watch some screencasts by Chani. And when 
there are still questions, ask them then. That said, I am still into 
exploring this new concept myself.

I have several activities:

- communication
  - KMail
  - Kontact
  - Chat stuff
- system administration
  - Konsole
  - Some system meter plasmoids like CPU and free memory
- First use case of myself for rotating plasmoids
- I have them rotated by 90 degrees ;)
- Before I never understand why this could be a useful feature ;)
- photos
  - Quicklinks to Digikam, Gwenview
  - image plasmoids with photos from my gf and other nice photos
- Second use case for rotating plasmoids
- files
  - I am wondering, whether this is too generic of an activity
  - I do lots of stuff with files, maybe I split into different activities
- information
  - Weather plasmoid
  - Comic plasmoid with space picture of the day and some comics
  - Akregator
  - Web browsers like Rekonq, Konqueror, Iceweasel
  - thats to fuzzy as well, maybe at least split into fun and information
  - lets see
- gaming
  - quick links to popular games
  - probably a Konsole for compiling Freedroid RPG from SVN and such

not all of them are started at any time although since switching to my new 
company laptop - an ThinkPad T520 with 8 GB of RAM - this wouldn´t be much 
of a resource problem.

I am still wondering about my activities, the categorization of stuff into 
activities. Especially for files and information which seem to generic to 

[1] http://qt-kde.debian.net/

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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Re: reduce crypt partition

2011-11-27 Thread Arno Schuring
scar (s...@drigon.com on 2011-11-25 13:56 -0700):
 i need a little help reducing my crypt partition.  when i first
 installed debian, i used a rather standard /boot on /dev/hda1 and
 crypt on /dev/hda2, using LVM for the rest of the partitions.
 $ sudo fdisk -l
Advice: use fdisk -u. It will allow you to specify partition offsets in
sectors, instead of hoping that your current fdisk aligns partitions at
the exact location that the previous partitioner did.

 Disk /dev/hda: 40.0 GB, 40007761920 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4864 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
 Disk identifier: 0x3f423f42
Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/hda1   *   1  31  248976   83  Linux
 /dev/hda2  32486438821072+  83  Linux
 $ sudo pvdisplay
   --- Physical volume ---
   PV Name   /dev/dm-0
   VG Name   graveyard
   PV Size   20.00 GB / not usable 3.81 MB
   Allocatable   NO
   PE Size (KByte)   4096
   Total PE  5119

sectors/PE = 4096*1024 / 512 = 8192
Total sectors = 5119*8192 = 41934848

I don't know if you need additional space for dmcrypt headers, so I
would advise to use more sectors than this minimum.

As a general rule, I always use resize2fs -M to make sure I don't get
caught in conversion errors (1000 vs 1024 etc). Also, after changing
the partitions you should resize the PV to the real size of the
partition (i.e. without size argument). It's your best way to ensure
everything has gone right.

Best of luck,

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How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-27 Thread Cam Hutchison
I have tried GNOME 3. I have tried it with fallback mode. I've now tried
xfce, kde and my own hacked together xsession with gnome components.

I don't like any of it.

What I like is the setup I had. I had GNOME 2 set up just the way I
wanted it, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Is there any way to get this back, while still using Debian? I've been
using Debian (sid) a long time and I'm not changing distros.

Are the debian patches for the last of the GNOME 2 releases still
available? Can I build my own packages?

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Re: KDE activities

2011-11-27 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Sonntag, 27. November 2011 schrieb Alan Chandler:
 With the problems I seem to be having with Gnome3 (not the problem that
 most people have with the shell, which I like - but other applications
 which seem to have become flakey - Gedit crashes on closing a tab,
 Nautilus FTP doesn't seem to work half the time, issues I have been
 discussing here about the applications launched with file associations
 ...) I decided to give KDE 4 another try (I had switched to Gnome from
 KDE when KDE 4 was first introduced).
 I am struggling with the concepts behind Activities, Desktops,
 Workspaces and Screens.  This is not helped by the fact that I am
 trying to follow the advice from various web pages - but I don't seem
 to see what I should see.
 In particular - I use Super Q to bring up the activities manager pane.
 This shows I have two activities both named New Activity.  I should
 then right click on a desktop and select Desktop Settings I should
 see a window with the left pane having three options Wallpaper,
 Activity and Mouse Actions.  Instead I see a window with only two
 options, View and Mouse Actions.
 Have I not installed something I should have? or has this changed and
 all these web pages are out of date?

I found some more:

7 ways to switch activities

Switching via mouse gestures rock ;)

I also installed the Activity Manager plasmoid from source. Locks quite 

I did not yet try this one

Switch to specific activities with keyboard shortcuts

cause thats a bit cumbersone to configure.

Thats one of the current shortcomings: Better ways to switch between 

But now lets see what you make out of it. I hope to hear from your 

BTW for additional help you might want to ask on debian kde mailing list 
as well.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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Linux 3.1 and r300

2011-11-27 Thread Arno Schuring
Hi all,

Since the upgrade to the 3.1 kernel, I'm seeing display flickers on
two machines with an older ATI card (a 9600 and X1500). One machine is
very vocal about EDID errors and blinks the display roughly every ten
seconds, making it impossible to work with. The other logs no EDID
errors and only blinks once every hour.

I've had this before, and then it was related to load detection which
can be disabled (doesn't appear to work this time):
$ xrandr --output DVI-0 --set load detection 0

The EDID errors can be resolved by killing output polling (drm.poll=0
on the kernel command line).

Before I file a bug, is anyone else seeing this?


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Re: KDE activities

2011-11-27 Thread Alan Chandler

On 27/11/11 10:43, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On 27/11/11 20:00, Alan Chandler wrote:

With the problems I seem to be having with Gnome3 (not the problem
that most people have with the shell, which I like - but other
applications which seem to have become flakey - Gedit crashes on
closing a tab, Nautilus FTP doesn't seem to work half the time,
issues I have been discussing here about the applications launched
with file associations ...) I decided to give KDE 4 another try (I
had switched to Gnome from KDE when KDE 4 was first introduced).

I am struggling with the concepts behind Activities, Desktops,
Workspaces and Screens.

Have you read the fine documentation in the KDE Help Centre?
$ khelpcenter

You can also access it from the entry on the Programs Menu, or from the
Help menu in any KDE application.
I'd strongly suggest you refer to Debian specific documentation on KDE.

This is not helped by the fact that I am trying to follow the advice
from various web pages - but I don't seem to see what I should see.

In particular - I use Super Q

What is Super Q?

It is the default KDE Key Combination that brings up the Activity 
Manager - Super is (I think) the KDE word for the Logo key that sits 
between Cntl and Alt

to bring up the activities manager pane.

Are you talking about Desktop Activities?

(many things have activities).

I am talking about Desktop Activities

This shows I have two activities both named New Activity.  I
should then right click on a desktop and select Desktop Settings I
should see a window with the left pane having three options
Wallpaper, Activity and Mouse Actions.

That sounds like a description of the Desktop Activity Manager:-

NOTES: Options in the left-hand pane are determined by Activity Type.
In the pictured case the Activity Type is Wallpaper. (the other
Activity Type is Folder View)

That is indeed the screen I was talking about - I think in your notes 
you mean to say that Options in the Right Hand pane ...

What I was saying is I DON'T see WallPaper and Activity in the Left Hand 
pane - instead I see Just View - but with the same options as you show 
in the right hand pane - and Mouse Actions.

Instead I see a window with only two options, View and Mouse

Perhaps some screen shots and links to them would better illustrate what
you are asking about?

Unfortunately KDE seems to be particularly unstable - KWin seems to 
crash on me - so I had to switch back to Gnome3 (but its only a log 
out/log in away if I need to)

Have I not installed something I should have? or has this changed
and all these web pages are out of date?

What web pages are you referring to?

Here is one


Which Debian release are you running?


This means I am running KDE 4.6.5

What is it that you are trying to achieve?

In order to better understand what the activities were doing I was 
trying to rename them so they both didn't say New Activity


Alan Chandler

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Re: Linux 3.1 and r300

2011-11-27 Thread Richard
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 13:17:21 +0100
Arno Schuring aelschur...@hotmail.com wrote:

 Hi all,
 Since the upgrade to the 3.1 kernel, I'm seeing display flickers on
 two machines with an older ATI card (a 9600 and X1500). One machine is
 very vocal about EDID errors and blinks the display roughly every ten
 seconds, making it impossible to work with. The other logs no EDID
 errors and only blinks once every hour.
 I've had this before, and then it was related to load detection which
 can be disabled (doesn't appear to work this time):
 $ xrandr --output DVI-0 --set load detection 0
 The EDID errors can be resolved by killing output polling (drm.poll=0
 on the kernel command line).
 Before I file a bug, is anyone else seeing this?

Yes I've seen exactly the same , IMO The radeon driver does not work with 
kernel 3.x.x,
and that was with a late card HD4250, das driver ist dekcuf  :)

Best wishes / 73
Richard Bown

e-mail: rich...@g8jvm.com   or   richard.b...@blueyonder.co.uk

nil carborundum a illegitemis
Ham Call G8JVM . OS Debian Wheezy/Sid amd64 on a Dual core AMD Athlon 5200, 4 
Maidenhead QRA: IO82SP38, LAT. 52 39.720' N LONG. 2 28.171 W ( degs mins )
QRV HF + VHF Microwave 23 cms:140W,13 cms:100W,6 cms:10W  3 cms:5W

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Re: Full Disk Encryption

2011-11-27 Thread Curt
On 2011-11-26, Brad Alexander stor...@gmail.com wrote:

 That is the reason I encrypt the entire banana rather than trying to
 encrypt the peel.

Makes sense to me (I guess).  I don't need to encrypt anything but my home
directory (certain folders).  I think I could do all I need to do with
ccrypt, but I haven't thus far just because the process makes me
nervous and I lack moral courage.

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Re: KDE activities

2011-11-27 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 27/11/11 23:21, Alan Chandler wrote:
 On 27/11/11 10:43, Scott Ferguson wrote:
 On 27/11/11 20:00, Alan Chandler wrote:
 With the problems I seem to be having with Gnome3 (not the problem
 that most people have with the shell, which I like - but other
 applications which seem to have become flakey - Gedit crashes on
 closing a tab, Nautilus FTP doesn't seem to work half the time,
 issues I have been discussing here about the applications launched
 with file associations ...) I decided to give KDE 4 another try (I
 had switched to Gnome from KDE when KDE 4 was first introduced).

 I am struggling with the concepts behind Activities, Desktops,
 Workspaces and Screens.

 Have you read the fine documentation in the KDE Help Centre?
 $ khelpcenter

 You can also access it from the entry on the Programs Menu, or from the
 Help menu in any KDE application.
 I'd strongly suggest you refer to Debian specific documentation on KDE.

 This is not helped by the fact that I am trying to follow the advice
 from various web pages - but I don't seem to see what I should see.

 In particular - I use Super Q

 What is Super Q?
 It is the default KDE Key Combination that brings up the Activity
 Manager - Super is (I think) the KDE word for the Logo key that sits
 between Cntl and Alt

It doesn't work here

What does work is:-
Alt+D, Alt+S

 to bring up the activities manager pane.

 Are you talking about Desktop Activities?

 (many things have activities).
 I am talking about Desktop Activities

I normally choose various Virtual Desktops (Desktop Pager on the Panel),
creating more if necessary, and name them according to what I want.
Usually the first one is Private, and the others for various clients (so
Private, and various Works).
Then I create the Activities that use those Virtual Desktops.

There are a number of ways of assigning (and using) Activities.


 This shows I have two activities both named New Activity.  I
 should then right click on a desktop and select Desktop Settings I
 should see a window with the left pane having three options
 Wallpaper, Activity and Mouse Actions.

 That sounds like a description of the Desktop Activity Manager:-

 NOTES: Options in the left-hand pane are determined by Activity Type.
 In the pictured case the Activity Type is Wallpaper. (the other
 Activity Type is Folder View)
 That is indeed the screen I was talking about - I think in your notes
 you mean to say that Options in the Right Hand pane ...

No, I mean the left-hand pane.
If I were to select the Activity option in the left-hand pane, and then
change the Activity type in the right-hand pane (which changes when
Activity is selected on the left) I'd then be able to change the
activity type to Folder View:-

After applying that change - the options in the left-hand pane would
change also.:-

NOTE: those folders open and display contents on mouse-over

 What I was saying is I DON'T see WallPaper and Activity in the Left Hand
 pane - instead I see Just View - but with the same options as you show
 in the right hand pane - and Mouse Actions.

It may be that you're looking at is the properties of a plasmoid.
Also, if widgets are locked, try unlocking them (or the other way around).


 Instead I see a window with only two options, View and Mouse

 Perhaps some screen shots and links to them would better illustrate what
 you are asking about?

 Unfortunately KDE seems to be particularly unstable - KWin seems to
 crash on me - so I had to switch back to Gnome3 (but its only a log
 out/log in away if I need to)

If you have Desktop Effect enabled in System Settings - try disabling
it. Though your instabilities may just be the result of running Sid (I
have no bleeding edge hardware, so I don't use it).

 Have I not installed something I should have? or has this changed
 and all these web pages are out of date?

 What web pages are you referring to?
 Here is one

That's fairly old (given what you are running). The Debian and Aptosid
posts were relevant - SuSE uses a quite (very) different packaging of KDE.


 Which Debian release are you running?
 This means I am running KDE 4.6.5

That makes a big difference.
I only run Squeeze (4.4.5) - so you have features I won't see for a few


 What is it that you are trying to achieve?
 In order to better understand what the activities were doing I was
 trying to rename them so they both didn't say New Activity

Ah. You're going to have fun :-)

Maybe set up a throw-away user just for the purpose of playing/learning
with KDE until you break something (make a config change you don't like
but don't know how to undo).

Activities are great, and there are many ways to arrange them.
I find the type (reading, listening, editing) of activity less useful
than the intent (work, client, private etc) for the 

Re: Full Disk Encryption

2011-11-27 Thread J. Bakshi
On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 09:11:14 -0500
Andrew Reid rei...@bellatlantic.net wrote:

   I've had an LVM/luks-encrypted root partition (includes everything 
 except /boot, on various logical volumes) for several years on two
 different Lenovo Thinkpads, and while I've never done any benchmarks,
 I haven't noticed any performance degradation at all.
One more question...

Do I need an unencrypted partition to to keep windows (dual boot)
or the grub will take care of it within encrypted volume ?


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Re: why does mplayer sound bad and flashplugin-nonfree sound good?

2011-11-27 Thread Curt
On 2011-11-26, Brian a...@cityscape.co.uk wrote:
 On Sat 26 Nov 2011 at 18:51:20 +0800, jida...@jidanni.org wrote:

 For http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyovCNUDvpUlist=PLDE211ADDDB800FD2
 why when I download it with clive -f best then listen via mplayer, I
 hear crackles like my headphones can't handle the beats.
 Whereas listing with flashplugin-nonfree in Firefox sounds great?

 mplaywer is programmed to process streams with the minimum of musical
 content. This track is probably below the standard. The flashplugin is
 less picky.

I don't understand what you're saying here.

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Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-27 Thread Eduardo M KALINOWSKI
On 11/27/2011 09:04 AM, Cam Hutchison wrote:
 Are the debian patches for the last of the GNOME 2 releases still
 available? Can I build my own packages?

You can find packages here: http://snapshot.debian.org/ But if they are
not uninstallable already because of dependency problems, they soon will be.

The source code is available, for sure. But since it is not maintained
anymore, it will become harder and harder to compile, because libraries
change, stop being supported, etc.

That said, someone mentioned a fork of the old v2 code. I can't remember
the name, check the archives. It might get you some more time with the
old interface.

My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right.


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Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-27 Thread Claudius Hubig
Cam Hutchison c...@xdna.net wrote:
I have tried GNOME 3. I have tried it with fallback mode. I've now tried
xfce, kde and my own hacked together xsession with gnome components.

I don't like any of it.

What I like is the setup I had. I had GNOME 2 set up just the way I
wanted it, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Is there any way to get this back, while still using Debian? I've been
using Debian (sid) a long time and I'm not changing distros.

Are the debian patches for the last of the GNOME 2 releases still
available? Can I build my own packages?

I had a similar problem when I found out Gnome 3 Nautilus didn’t
behave at all like Nautilus 2 – using snapshot.debian.org, I was able
to reinstall Nautilus 2 (together with Evince and Brasero, I think)
and now I can happily continue using it together with an otherwise
up-to-date XFCE.

I would assume that adding a pre-Gnome-3-Link for snapshot.debian.org
to your sources.list and then manually reinstalling all the necessary
components would do the trick. However, you won’t get any more
patches/updates for it, obviously.

Best regards,

I wasn't kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth.
-- Chico Marx
Please use GPG: ECB0C2C7 4A4C4046 446ADF86 C08112E5 D72CDBA4
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Re: SATA disc spindown

2011-11-27 Thread Ramon Hofer
Thanks alot for all the infos. Very helpful!
I'll try that this evening :-)

On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 15:57:03 +0100, Lou wrote:

 Maybe you can choose a solution where you unmount the array before you
 put them to sleep, just to be on the save side? I never used this, since
 I prefer to shutdown a server on inactivity, and wake it up again using
 WOL or acpi wakeup.

I'd like to shut down the server too. But this seemed too complicated for 
a noob like me ;-)
On the server there's a MythBackend, Logitech Media Server, content for 
XBMC and apache. All of them need to be checked so that the server 
doesn't shut when it shouldn't.
It seemed that putting the unused discs to sleep would be easier.

I don't know if I can check whether the raid is in use or not because it 
serves content for XBMC, Logitech Media Server and apache.

Thanks again


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Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-27 Thread Hugo Vanwoerkom

Eduardo M KALINOWSKI wrote:

On 11/27/2011 09:04 AM, Cam Hutchison wrote:

Are the debian patches for the last of the GNOME 2 releases still
available? Can I build my own packages?

You can find packages here: http://snapshot.debian.org/ But if they are
not uninstallable already because of dependency problems, they soon will be.

The source code is available, for sure. But since it is not maintained
anymore, it will become harder and harder to compile, because libraries
change, stop being supported, etc.

That said, someone mentioned a fork of the old v2 code. I can't remember
the name, check the archives. It might get you some more time with the
old interface.



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Re: KDE activities

2011-11-27 Thread Alan Chandler

On 27/11/11 09:00, Alan Chandler wrote:

This shows I have two activities both named New Activity. I should
then right click on a desktop and select Desktop Settings I should see
a window with the left pane having three options Wallpaper, Activity
and Mouse Actions. Instead I see a window with only two options,
View and Mouse Actions.

Have I not installed something I should have? or has this changed and
all these web pages are out of date?

I have cracked it.

In later releases of KDE = not sure exactly when, but I think 4.6, the 
activity manager shows each activity with a little wrench in the bottom 
right hand corner.  Click on that, and you can change the name.

Alan Chandler

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Re: SATA disc spindown

2011-11-27 Thread Ramon Hofer
On Fri, 25 Nov 2011 16:39:16 +0100, Lou wrote:

 On Fri, 25 Nov 2011 15:14:31 +, Ramon Hofer wrote:
 Maybe this is important:
 I use Squeeze, 2.6.32-5-amd64, hdparm v9.32, the drive sdc is a WDC
 WD20EARS-00MVWB0 and the mainboard an ASUS P7P55D.

 It's very good you mention this - the WD Green series is a pain in the
 ass for linux users ... please have a look at the following two postings
 about problems with the green series operating under linux:

Sorry, one more question to the wdidle3:
On the ubuntuusers page and the WD page they write, that it should only 
be used for WD1000FYPS-01ZKB0, WD7500AYPS-01ZKB0 and WD7501AYPS-01ZKB0.
But I have a different drive. So I wondered if they just didn't update 
their homepage and mean all of the Caviar Green series?


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Re: Full Disk Encryption

2011-11-27 Thread Brad Alexander
What about your /etc/shadow file and other config files in /etc?

As I said, I have been running LUKS + cryptsetup on a number of machines
for years:

my laptop, a C2D P9600 - Built Nov 2010
my desktop, a C2D E4500 - (Re)built 2007
backup server, a 2GHz P4 - (Re)built 2008

Nothing has failed me in all these years...

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 8:11 AM, Curt cu...@free.fr wrote:

 On 2011-11-26, Brad Alexander stor...@gmail.com wrote:
  That is the reason I encrypt the entire banana rather than trying to
  encrypt the peel.

 Makes sense to me (I guess).  I don't need to encrypt anything but my home
 directory (certain folders).  I think I could do all I need to do with
 ccrypt, but I haven't thus far just because the process makes me
 nervous and I lack moral courage.

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Re: Full Disk Encryption

2011-11-27 Thread Brad Alexander
You need your windows in an unencrypted partition. At that point, grub
should detect it. You should have at least two unencrypted partitions --
Your windows dual-boot and /boot...And optionally swap, but that would be
separately encrypted.


On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 8:18 AM, J. Bakshi baksh...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 09:11:14 -0500
 Andrew Reid rei...@bellatlantic.net wrote:

I've had an LVM/luks-encrypted root partition (includes everything
  except /boot, on various logical volumes) for several years on two
  different Lenovo Thinkpads, and while I've never done any benchmarks,
  I haven't noticed any performance degradation at all.
 One more question...

 Do I need an unencrypted partition to to keep windows (dual boot)
 or the grub will take care of it within encrypted volume ?


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Re: KDE activities

2011-11-27 Thread Martin Steigerwald
Am Sonntag, 27. November 2011 schrieb Alan Chandler:
 On 27/11/11 09:00, Alan Chandler wrote:
  This shows I have two activities both named New Activity. I should
  then right click on a desktop and select Desktop Settings I should
  see a window with the left pane having three options Wallpaper,
  Activity and Mouse Actions. Instead I see a window with only two
  options, View and Mouse Actions.
  Have I not installed something I should have? or has this changed and
  all these web pages are out of date?
 I have cracked it.
 In later releases of KDE = not sure exactly when, but I think 4.6, the
 activity manager shows each activity with a little wrench in the bottom
 right hand corner.  Click on that, and you can change the name.

Ah, you wanted to rename an activity. I didn´t get that from your initial 
post. Yes, thats the place I know, too.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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Re: Full Disk Encryption

2011-11-27 Thread J. Bakshi
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 09:53:21 -0500
Brad Alexander stor...@gmail.com wrote:

 You need your windows in an unencrypted partition. At that point, grub
 should detect it. You should have at least two unencrypted partitions --
 Your windows dual-boot and /boot...And optionally swap, but that would be
 separately encrypted.
Ok, thanks
Then I have a separate partition for windows and on the rest create LVM for 
for linux and swap. /boot will be unencrypted obviously.

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Xfce steals keyboard shortcuts?

2011-11-27 Thread Paul Isambert


I've installed gVim with Xfce. My shortcuts made of Ctrl-F1 to Ctrl-F12 
and Alt-F1 to Alt-F12 doesn't work. Instead, they seem to be executed 
for Xfce: I've noticed that because Alt-F2 launches an app in Xfce, and 
that's what happens in gVim too.

So is it possible to give control to all shortcuts to gVim?


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Re: Resolved: Can't write to external usb drive as normal user despite efforts

2011-11-27 Thread keitho
Thank you Sven-

The wikipedia article was just what I needed :-)


 On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 04:08:31PM -0800, kei...@strucktower.com wrote:


 I still haven't found a good explanation for the umask option- nothing
 man pages under umask, very little under pam_umask or pam ...


 man 2 umask is in manpages-dev in case that's not installed on your
 system currently.

 'help umask' and/or the manpage of your shell might be of some help too.

 I don't know much, but I do know this:
 With a golden heart, comes a rebel fist
  [ Streetlight Manifesto - Here's To Life ]

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Re: Xfce steals keyboard shortcuts?

2011-11-27 Thread Roman Khomasuridze

Yes, Xfce does still some shortcuts (never came acroos problems with F1 to
F12). you can define Xfce specific shortcuts in settings - keyboard so
that they wont interfere with yours.


On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:22 PM, Paul Isambert zappathus...@free.fr wrote:


 I've installed gVim with Xfce. My shortcuts made of Ctrl-F1 to Ctrl-F12
 and Alt-F1 to Alt-F12 doesn't work. Instead, they seem to be executed for
 Xfce: I've noticed that because Alt-F2 launches an app in Xfce, and that's
 what happens in gVim too.

 So is it possible to give control to all shortcuts to gVim?


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Re: Xfce steals keyboard shortcuts?

2011-11-27 Thread Paul Isambert

Thank you Roman.

Removing Alt-F2 in the shortcut settings did give me some Alt-shortcuts 
back, but Ctrl-shortcuts still won't work, even when I remove everything 
in the settings. Any idea?


On 27/11/2011 16:41, Roman Khomasuridze wrote:


Yes, Xfce does still some shortcuts (never came acroos problems with 
F1 to F12). you can define Xfce specific shortcuts in settings - 
keyboard so that they wont interfere with yours.


On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:22 PM, Paul Isambert zappathus...@free.fr 
mailto:zappathus...@free.fr wrote:


I've installed gVim with Xfce. My shortcuts made of Ctrl-F1 to
Ctrl-F12 and Alt-F1 to Alt-F12 doesn't work. Instead, they seem to
be executed for Xfce: I've noticed that because Alt-F2 launches an
app in Xfce, and that's what happens in gVim too.

So is it possible to give control to all shortcuts to gVim?


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Re: SATA disc spindown

2011-11-27 Thread Lou

Hello Ramon,

Please check the wdc link [1] I gave you again, WD20EARS is on the list. 
The wiki article can't keep up all the time with newer green series 
coming out.

[1] http://wdc.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/5357



Ramon Hofer wrote:

Sorry, one more question to the wdidle3:
On the ubuntuusers page and the WD page they write, that it should only
be used for WD1000FYPS-01ZKB0, WD7500AYPS-01ZKB0 and WD7501AYPS-01ZKB0.
But I have a different drive. So I wondered if they just didn't update
their homepage and mean all of the Caviar Green series?

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Re: gksu: Couldn't set environment variable...

2011-11-27 Thread Bob Proulx
Nigel W wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  Raf Czlonka wrote:
  Sthu hadn't mentioned even once that he tries to run those as root.
  Uhm...  What?  But he did!  You must have missed that he said he
  wanted to run them from gksu.  If you are not familiar with it that is
  the entire purpose of gksu.  From the gksu man page:
gksu  is a frontend to su and gksudo is a frontend to sudo.  Their pri-
mary purpose is to run graphical commands that need  root  without  the
need to run an X terminal emulator and using su directly.
  Therefore, yes, he did say he wanted to run those as root.  :-) :-)
 That is a huge assumption.  Both su and sudo are used to switch
 users.  Yes, the primary user that gets switched to is root, but
 that doesn't mean it is the only user that someone would switch to
 using su or sudo.
 I assume gksu and gksudo both have the same ability as su and sudo.
 According the man page that I found for gksu and gksudo they both
 support same options (-u) but all of my linux systems are headless so
 I can't actually test it.

Okay.  You have caught me!  I had jumped to the conclusion that gksu
would be used to run the chromium browser as root.  I had not
considered that it would be used to run it directly as another user.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Resolved: Can't write to external usb drive as normal user despite efforts

2011-11-27 Thread Brian
On Sat 26 Nov 2011 at 16:07:20 -0800, kei...@strucktower.com wrote:

 Thanks to Camaleon, John Lindsay, and Chris Brennan for responding.
 This statement put into my /etc/fstab seems to have worked, and auto mount
 as well:
 UUID=9419-5112/usbvfatuid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,umask= 0 0
 The UUID is obtained via blkid, the uid and gid are for my keith account.

I'd be dissatisfied with myself if I to do this in order to write to a
removable device. The device would only be available to one user, which
may be what you want, but it seems a bit drastic to limit the system use
in such a way. Granted you can replace 'uid=' etc with 'user', but in
that case you had better have 'noauto' there too. And don't repartition
too often, otherwise you will wear out the fstab file.

For every USB stick plugged in you'll be becoming root, getting a UUID
for each partition and editing fstab. It won't make a good impression on
visitors who only want to show you the 10,000 photographs they took on a
recent holiday - especially if the procedure doesn't immediately come to

You were unable to write to the drive because a partition had been
mounted as root. The usual Debian way of dealing with that situation is
to give users permission to mount removable devices by putting them in
the plugdev group. It's a bit more involved with GNOME+gdm/gdm3 but the
process is hidden from view and designed to be handled automatically.

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installer fails to configure DHCP

2011-11-27 Thread Francesco Pietra
Installer debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso downloaded Nov27 2011 fails
to configure DHCP either automatically, with hostname, or manually.
Otherwise, the Realtek card works perfectly on this machine (I just
wanted to reinstall in order to reshape  partitions). Then, I noticed
that this is a standing bug:

The sole chance I am given for my LVM is to shrink /home to provide
space for /usr, whici is short of space. Not an alluring project, as
if it fails I am without OS.

Debian Bug report logs - #520285
installation-reports: The squeeze netinst dosn't configure DHCP

Package: debian-installer; Maintainer for debian-installer is Debian
Install System Team debian-b...@lists.debian.org; Source for
debian-installer is src:debian-installer.

Reported by: Alexander V.Inyakin alexandre.inya...@cern.ch

Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:54:01 UTC

francesco pietra

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Re: gksu: Couldn't set environment variable...

2011-11-27 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 17:00:13 -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  Sthu Deus wrote:
  I can not run two applications w/ gksu:
  chromium and
  Why do you want to run those applications as root?  You should not do
  this.  Neither of those applications are designed for being run as
   Those should be run as a normal non-root user.
 Just a comment on this.
 There are situations that require you to run GUI based apps as root.
 Sure.  For example Synaptic is in that category.  Synaptic is a GUI and
 requires root and is designed to be run as root.  A perfect match for
 gksu (or apparently the new policy kit layer) and no complaints from me
 about it.  (I don't use Synaptic myself however.)

That's a good example. So let's no demonize per se that someone runs a 
GUI based application as root. Different user-cases, programs and 
situations do need it.

 For instance, I have to run Firefox/Thunderbird with admin priviledges
 in order to get them updated because they were installed system wide
 and plain users do not have the rights to run the upgrade routine and
 apply the delta patches.
 That is a much different case.  You *have already* run it as root in
 order to install it that way and then are wanting to use the embedded
 software update mechanism to upgrade it.  I disagree with it.  But I can
 certainly respect you doing it that way for your system.


I *had* to do it. Icedove (at least, it is not clear if Iceweasel did it 
also) dropped security patches for Lenny months ago (see DSA-2273) so I 
had no chance but going to the upstream packages ;-(

And I preferred to have it installed both applications system wide so 
others users can benefit from it without having to have the binaries 
replicated in every /home.

 Also, running an application as root is usually the fastest way to
 debug configurations issues with your current user.
 But if you are root then you can easily become the user you are wishing
 to debug.  Then running as that user should enable you to debug that
 user issue.  And running as root can create new problems that confounds
 the problem.  And running those third person programs as root opens you
 up to social engineering attacks against root.  If they are good then
 you will never know you were cracked.


That's not the case for the kind of problems I am talking about which are 
by far more simple that you think ;-). 

For instance, one time I messed up my user's Firefox profile so badly 
that tool bars dissapeared. By launching it with gksu I could see that 
this was not happening for the root's Firefox profile (that was almost 
empty because it is not used) so by making a deep inspection of my user's 
profile I finally discovered the problem was generated because some files 
had bad perms. Restoring them solved the issue.

What I want to say is that there is no problem for running GUI (or non-
GUI) applications as root if you now what you are doing. I always avoid 
saying users hey, do not do that! but instead explain to them the 
reasons (risks) for such action so they can decide with confidence and 
not based on unfounded tales.



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Re: Resolved: Can't write to external usb drive as normal user despite efforts

2011-11-27 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 16:07:20 -0800, keitho wrote:

 Thanks to Camaleon, John Lindsay, and Chris Brennan for responding.
 This statement put into my /etc/fstab seems to have worked, and auto
 mount as well:
 UUID=9419-5112/usbvfatuid=1000,gid=1000,utf8,umask= 0 0
 The UUID is obtained via blkid, the uid and gid are for my keith

It is *much better* to use the UUID than the mutable /dev/sdx :-)

 I still haven't found a good explanation for the umask option- nothing
 in man pages under umask, very little under pam_umask or pam ...

man mount and scroll to vfat, there are many options you can tweak 
(umask, dmask, fmask). A value of umask= will set the perms of the 
USB files to read/write/execute for user/group/others. You can, of 
course, adjust this value to something that better suits your needs.



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Re: Nautilus 3.2.1 and file associations

2011-11-27 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 09:43:15 +, Alan Chandler wrote:

 On 26/11/11 21:18, Camaleón wrote:
 Anyway, try this:


 It basically says that you have to append a trailing %U at
 /usr/share/ applications/freemind.deskop file, at the Exec stanza,
 that is:

 Exec=/usr/bin/freemind %U

 Now the application should be listed at the Open with... menu so you
 can now set it as the default for that kind of file types.

 Actually it is incomplete - you need to also (or maybe only) edit the
 setting in ~/.local/share/applications/freemind.desktop

Hum... It worked for me by just editing the suggested file (and I even 
don't have Freemind installed at all).

 Having done that, I have been able to both find the application and make
 it the default.
 Thanks for the persistance.  We got there in the end

Well, great...

It's that kind of weird things that are not easy to get figured with an 
extra help.



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Re: How can I get GNOME 2 back

2011-11-27 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 11:04:24 +, Cam Hutchison wrote:

 I have tried GNOME 3. I have tried it with fallback mode. I've now tried
 xfce, kde and my own hacked together xsession with gnome components.
 I don't like any of it.
 What I like is the setup I had. I had GNOME 2 set up just the way I
 wanted it, and there was nothing wrong with it.
 Is there any way to get this back, while still using Debian? I've been
 using Debian (sid) a long time and I'm not changing distros.
 Are the debian patches for the last of the GNOME 2 releases still
 available? Can I build my own packages?

Nowadays, there is no way to get GNOME2 back as it was.

No way, but not just for Debian but any other linux distributions (the 
last release of OpenBSD featured GNOME 2.32.2, though). Anyway, more 
sooner than later GNOME2 will be completely dropped from upstream.



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Re: Password Management ?

2011-11-27 Thread Chris Brennan
On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 4:59 AM, Olivier BATARD obat...@gmail.com wrote:

Envoyé de mon iPhone

 Le 26 nov. 2011 à 18:43, Stephen Allen marathon.duran...@gmail.com a
 écrit :

  On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 04:21:52PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
  Olivier BATARD wrote:
  I'm just interested on how, after googling for a long time, on a
  debian, can we manage users's passwords. I mean how can we manage a
  password database on a web php site for example ?
  How do you manage your user's passwords database ?
  You have asked a very confusing question.  It will ask different
  questions to different people.

 Ok my question is about how to manage user's password I mean how to
 store user's password and let them access like keepass but web ?

  You asked specifically about a php web site.  Every php web site that
  has user logins that I have ever worked with has always had its own
  unique password database with its own unique fields.  This means that
  each php web site needs to manage its own passwords through the
  provided php web interface.  Or you could access the database directly
  such as through the command line or through phpmyadmin.
  Perhaps the OP means something like Keepass or LastPass which manages
 user passwords in
  a web browser environment?


  I use LastPass which works fine on GNU/Linux and Google-Chrome and/or

 Anyone knows an offline tool like lastpass ?

LastPass is online and KeePass is offline. Honestly, I would trust KeePass
over LastPass.

KeePass is opensource, freely available for multiple OS's and is actively
maintained. LastPass is a commercial business, they offer a free and
premium service, just remember that if they go all premium, you might
have to pay to get your data back from them.[1]

I'm a bit paranoid, but I go to great lengths to secure my KeePass DB. I
have an sD card with a TrueCrypt volume on it, inside that lives KeePass
in portable mode, with it's database. Which is also encrypted.

[1] The reason I point this out is when they bought XMarks recently, they
entertained the idea among the XMarks users about a premium only
service, I know the friends that I have gotten to use XMarks and I voted no.
XMarks essentially remained the same, but that can change at any time.
 --  Chris Brennan  A: Yes.  Q: Are you sure?  A: Because it
reverses the logical flow of conversation.  Q: Why is top posting
frowned upon?  http://xkcd.com/84/ | http://xkcd.com/149/ |
http://xkcd.com/549/  GPG: D5B20C0C (6741 8EE4 6C7D 11FB 8DA8 9E4A EECD
9A84 D5B2 0C0C)

Re: Resolved: Can't write to external usb drive as normal user despite efforts

2011-11-27 Thread SM
On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 04:07:32PM +, Brian wrote:
 The usual Debian way of dealing with that situation is
 to give users permission to mount removable devices by putting them in
 the plugdev group.

Or just install pmount. Plug the device in, do dmesg | tail to check
the device and pmount /dev/sdb1 to mount it in /media/sdb1.
Everything done as $USER.


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Re: installer fails to configure DHCP

2011-11-27 Thread Jude DaShiell
Also fails to configure automatically without host name.  I think what's 
really happening here is a configuration is attempted and the system fails 
to check for success or failure status of that configuration and just 
assumes the configuration has happened as it moves along to the next step.  
With a network that is slow, I've had to get out to the main menu and 
select configure network as many as four times to get an actual working 
network connection the installer could use to finish its work.  On the 
cable system I use for internet, even after installation I often read the 
messages on aptitude update attempts and aptitude full-upgrade attempts 
something wicked happened while trying to connect to 
http://ftp.us.debian.org/ no ip address associated with name.  I don't 
even know what error code that is, but if that's happening with the 
installer it's no wonder the network connection temporarily fails.  By the 
way, I maintain the same connection and try those aptitude commands a few 
seconds later and the commands then work properly. On Sun, 27 Nov 2011, 
Francesco Pietra wrote:

 Installer debian-testing-i386-netinst.iso downloaded Nov27 2011 fails
 to configure DHCP either automatically, with hostname, or manually.
 Otherwise, the Realtek card works perfectly on this machine (I just
 wanted to reinstall in order to reshape  partitions). Then, I noticed
 that this is a standing bug:
 The sole chance I am given for my LVM is to shrink /home to provide
 space for /usr, whici is short of space. Not an alluring project, as
 if it fails I am without OS.
 Debian Bug report logs - #520285
 installation-reports: The squeeze netinst dosn't configure DHCP
 Package: debian-installer; Maintainer for debian-installer is Debian
 Install System Team debian-b...@lists.debian.org; Source for
 debian-installer is src:debian-installer.
 Reported by: Alexander V.Inyakin alexandre.inya...@cern.ch
 Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:54:01 UTC
 francesco pietra

Jude jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net

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Re: Xfce steals keyboard shortcuts?

2011-11-27 Thread Roman Khomasuridze
Sorry, forgot to mention that in previous post..see settings - window
manager - keyboard. there are bunch of cntrl related shortcuts there.
remove them and you'll be all set up.


On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Paul Isambert zappathus...@free.fr wrote:

 Thank you Roman.

 Removing Alt-F2 in the shortcut settings did give me some Alt-shortcuts
 back, but Ctrl-shortcuts still won't work, even when I remove everything in
 the settings. Any idea?


 On 27/11/2011 16:41, Roman Khomasuridze wrote:


  Yes, Xfce does still some shortcuts (never came acroos problems with F1
 to F12). you can define Xfce specific shortcuts in settings - keyboard so
 that they wont interfere with yours.


 On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:22 PM, Paul Isambert zappathus...@free.frwrote:


 I've installed gVim with Xfce. My shortcuts made of Ctrl-F1 to Ctrl-F12
 and Alt-F1 to Alt-F12 doesn't work. Instead, they seem to be executed for
 Xfce: I've noticed that because Alt-F2 launches an app in Xfce, and that's
 what happens in gVim too.

 So is it possible to give control to all shortcuts to gVim?


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Re: Re: Getty is spawning to early

2011-11-27 Thread Tim Heckman

John Hasler writes:

Ok.  Is the idea to image all the machines identically and then
configure them automatically via dhcp?  If so why do they need locally
configured hostnames at all?

By default all of our distribution templates set the hostname of the 
system, via DHCP, to match the default PTR record we define for IP 
addresses.  All of our ranges have default PTRs that are unique to that 
one address.

As we've done this for many years it is the expected default.  To change 
this would require we re-tool all current templates.


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Re: Re: Re: Getty is spawning to early

2011-11-27 Thread Tim Heckman

Bob Proulx wrote:

Tim Heckman wrote:

Luckily the two of these issues won't come in to play here.  This is
going to be used on a system that does not have X installed and will
have a static IP address.  We use DHCP to assign the address as it
is easier to deploy a new distribution for our customers.

The language you are using is confusing.  If it has a static address
then you wouldn't be assigning it using dhcp.

I think you really mean to say that you have your dhcp server
configured to assign addresses by ethernet address?  So that the dhcpd
will always be assigning the same address?  That isn't the same as a
static ip address.

The language used can really confuse things sometimes.

My apologies for using such convoluted terminology.  Our customers are 
assigned an IP address and the backend systems configure the DHCP 
servers to only provide that instance with that IP address.  So you are 
correct that DHCP is configured to assign the IP address based on the 
MAC address.

The last time dhclient was attempted with this would have been on
Debian 5.0.  In our most recent Debian 6.0 template someone decided
to use dhcpcd,

What were they using before?

In Debian 5.0 dhcp3-client was the package provided on the default 
Debian install.  Debian 6.0 has switched over to isc-dhcp-client now.

but it requires additional configuration for someone to set their
own hostname later on.  Not an ideal situation as it is not the
default dhcp system and so people do not expect it.

Sorry but I don't understand.  DHCP normally does not set the
hostname.  Normally DHCP only sets the network device address and
associated configuration such as gateway and nameservers.  Trying to
set the name from the dhcp server isn't very common.  People have done
it on occasion.  But it definitely isn't the mainstream.

I was comparing dhcp3-client to dhcpcd.  In dhcp3-client you only needed 
to set your own hostname by placing information in /etc/hostname and 
it worked.  The /sbin/dhclient-script script handled this perfectly. 
In Debian 6.0 it was switched to isc-dhcp-client and a bug was 
introduced in Debian 6.0 (that's filed, yet still outstanding) where 
this logic no longer works.

In my case I ended up setting the hostname to localhost.  Since the
client machines are true thin clients without any external services
they don't need to have a hostname.  That worked best for me.  Perhaps
it is something that might be a good option for you?  Then it would be
very similar to any live-cd boot system.

This doesn't work unfortunately.  I work for a popular
cloud-services (VPS) provider and this is the template that is being
built for deployment of Debian 6.0 systems moving forward.  This is
the only thing holding me back from being able to replace the
current template.

So you are actually trying to build a virtual machine disk image.
That's great.  But that doesn't explain why you can't simply assign a
hostname then.  I am sure you have a good reason but just haven't said
yet why your hostname must be tied to the IP address.  Instead of
being independent of it.

Every VPS I have used assigned me one or more IP addresses.  That was
set up in /etc/network/interfaces as a static assignment.  At that
point the choice of hostname was mine to make.

Historically we've done this.  When a new instance is created we assign 
it with an IP address.  Each of our IPs has a PTR record that is 
partially derived from the address itself.  For every other distribution 
(Debian 5.0, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Ubuntu 11.10, ArchLinux, CentOS 5/6, 
etc.) we set the hostname on first boot via DHCP and it works.  This has 
become the expected configuration on a freshly booted instance.

The only time I've seen that done is when you're running OpenVZ and any 
administrator is able to jump in to your container.  We do not access 
customer's instances, nor do we only operate Debian-derived distributions.

The purpose of this configuration is for a customer to deploy this
distribution template and be assigned an IP address, a hostname that
is not personal, and be good to go.  They can then override dhcp
setting the hostname by placing information in '/etc/hostname'.

I am still not seeing why you can't simply assign the IP address and
then let the client pick their own hostname as they want.

They are more than welcome to do that after the first boot, but this is 
how it's been done historically and on all current distribution templates.

It's a unique use-case, but in theory it should work.  Getty is just
a bit too energetic.  :p

If you are setting up a virtual machine image then that isn't that
unique of a case.  :-)

Indeed.  But having DHCP set the hostname is definitely a unique use-case.

Thanks for the insight and input, Bob.  If I wish I would be able to
use one of your recommendations as it would be easier.  But just
doesn't fit my needs.

I am sure you have reasons but so far I don't see it yet.

Hopefully I've been able to clear 

.deb / dpkg for dummies

2011-11-27 Thread Rogelio

Is there a good overview on how to really use these tools?

I simply copy/paste commands all the time, and I'm hoping for some sort 
of primer or tutorial that helps be able to do this from scratch without 
a cheat sheet.

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Re: Upgrading from Lenny to Squeeze

2011-11-27 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 20:22:37 -0500 (EST), Marc Shapiro wrote:
 Here are my /etc/apt/sources.list, /etc/fstab, /etc/lilo.conf listings. 

In a typical Debian boot, there are three separate mountings of a root
file system.  The first stage is the initial RAM file system,
which is mounted as the root file system during the early stages of
booting.  This is specified by the initrd configuration statement
in /etc/lilo.conf.  The second stage is when the permanent root file
system is mounted read-only.  This is specified by the root and
read-only configuration statements in /etc/lilo.conf.  The third
stage is when the permanent root file system is mounted read/write.
That is controlled by whatever is specified in /etc/fstab for the root
file system.  (The /etc/fstab file itself is read into memory from the
stage 2 root file system.  The specifications in /etc/lilo.conf are
written into the boot code when the lilo command is run.  If you
change them, you must re-run lilo.)  The specifications for the root file
system in /etc/lilo.conf and in /etc/fstab do not match.  In
/etc/lilo.conf, you have

   root = UUID=5e0d4da4-aba3-4965-8fb4-788501b0fe69

(By the way, you should eliminate the blanks on both sides of the
equal sign.  And I would also recommend moving the root configuration
statement to the global section.  That way, you only have to specify it
once.  And if you need to change it, you will only need to change it
in one place.)  In /etc/fstab you have


The two specifications are not the same.  They may be logically
equivalent; but without more information, there's no way for me
to tell.  (By the way, if hda2 really is the partition label,
then you chose a poor labeling convention, in my humble opinion.
Under Squeeze, there will be no such device as /dev/hda2.  But
that's another subject.)  But in any case, it is advisable to make
the specification the same between /etc/lilo.conf and /etc/fstab
for the root file system.  The syntax is a little different,
but you should use a UUID in both places or a LABEL in both places,
for consistency, and of course the UUIDs or the LABELs should
 The lilo.conf file is modified slightly after looking at your web 
 page, but I have not rerun lilo, yet.  Is this the correct format for 
 the append statement to pass the rootdelay command?

 I just noticed, as I copied in the /etc/fstab, that the removable media
 lines all have double commas prior to the 'noauto' could this have been
 acceptable in Lenny, but be a problem for Squeeze?

Good question.  I don't know.  Maybe someone else does.  I looked at
my own /etc/fstab in Wheezy, and I don't have any double commas in front
of noauto.
 Also, I am going to rerun 'apt-get update' and see if the lines
 mentioninf lenny in /var/lib/dpkg/status go away.

Let me know how that works out for you.  I didn't see any obvious
problems in your /etc/apt/sources.list.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: Upgrading from Lenny to Squeeze

2011-11-27 Thread Stephen Powell
On Sat, 26 Nov 2011 21:20:59 -0500 (EST), Marc Shapiro wrote:
 I'm not certain, but I THINK that these lines are all referring to 
 packages that were removed by the update, but whose config files were 
 not purged.  There are 47 such files according to 'dpkg -l | grep ^rc' 
 and I recall apt-get saying that there were 43 packages to be removed at 
 one point (several others were removed separately) so that sounds about 
 right.  Is there a way to purge those config files without messing up 
 anything else and without having to do each one individually?

Another poster has suggested how to clean this up, but if you want to keep
such things from happening in the first place, edit (or create)
/etc/apt/apt.conf and put the following line in it:

   Aptitude::Purge-Unused true;

From then on, whenever a package is removed because it was
automatically installed and is no longer needed as a prerequisite for
something else, it will also be purged.  That works for commands like
aptitude full-upgrade and aptitude safe-upgrade.  I'm not sure
if it will have any affect with apt-get or synaptic.

  .''`. Stephen Powell
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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Re: .deb / dpkg for dummies

2011-11-27 Thread Brian
On Sun 27 Nov 2011 at 10:53:25 -0800, Rogelio wrote:

 Is there a good overview on how to really use these tools?

A search with 'dpkg cheat sheet' should get you something useful.

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Re: Resolved: Can't write to external usb drive as normal user despite efforts

2011-11-27 Thread Brian
On Sun 27 Nov 2011 at 19:49:53 +0200, SM wrote:

 On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 04:07:32PM +, Brian wrote:
  The usual Debian way of dealing with that situation is
  to give users permission to mount removable devices by putting them in
  the plugdev group.
 Or just install pmount. Plug the device in, do dmesg | tail to check
 the device and pmount /dev/sdb1 to mount it in /media/sdb1.
 Everything done as $USER.

You do need to be in group plugdev to use pmount but it is a nifty
utility and the placing of users in groups does, of course, give much
finer control over who can do what than the methods available in mount.

Using GNOME, however, the mounting and display of files on a vfat
partiton just takes place without any fuss, so I can see why pmount
doesn't attract as much attention.

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