Re: Rediriger un domaine (un sous domaine de .com) qui n'est pas le mien vers /dev/null?

2012-02-21 Thread Jean-Jacques Doti

Le 21/02/2012 07:07, Olivier Pavilla a écrit :


J'ai récupéré (on me l'a ttribué) une IP fixe. Une petite frappe
spécialiste des sites de merde qui vend de la daube dans le secteur de
la parapharmacie a un nom de domaine qui pointe sur mon IP. Et cette
petite frappe s'est (bien sûr) inscrite sur tous les sites du même
acabit. Mes logs sont pollués par des tentatives de connexions, des
smtps qui essaient de me relayer les messages de contacts des
victimes, etc.
Y a t-il un moyen de rediriger ce flux vers le néant? Je voudrais que, puisqu'il s'agit de nom de domaine, pointe sur le
néant. Et avoir la paix.


Et bien le nom est un alias vers qui 
pointe vers ton adresse IP. Il est très probable que ton adresse IP 
était auparavant celle de ces sites et que les DNS n'aient pas été 
modifiés lors de l'abandon de ceux-ci.

Tu peux effectivement contacter le registrar (Gandi) qui héberge 
également les DNS de ces deux domaines (c'est surtout l'entrée qu'il faut modifier), mais je pense que la première 
démarche serait de prendre contact avec le contact (technique et 
administratif) de ces deux domaines ( et, qui 
est le même : tu trouveras ses coordonnées - nom, adresse, numéro de 
téléphone et adresse email (redirection par Gandi)- avec un simple


Si cette démarche n'aboutit pas, retourne-toi alors vers Gandi.

Bon courage,

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Re: Archives DUF en format maildir ou mbox

2012-02-21 Thread Alexandre
Le lundi 20 février de l'année 2012, vers 10 heures et 51 minutes, Tanguy 
Ortolo écrivait:
 Alexandre, 2012-02-14 13:39+0100:
  J'archive la liste et réalise mes propres recherches via mon lecteur de
  mails. Or je ne suis inscrit que depuis 2006. Je suis donc intéressé
  par les archives depuis la création de #duf en août 2001:
 Il me semble que Gmane conserve tous les messages de chaque liste de
 distribution affiliée, tu devrais donc pouvoir récupérer tous les
 messages en NNTP, puis les archiver à ton goût.

Merci Tanguy. 

Comme spécifié dans le message [1] cette solution est effectivement
pratique. Par contre, comme précisé par David Prévot, les archives
ne sont pas publiquement disponibles en ces formats pour des raisons
de respect de la vie privée  [2] et les responsables de listes
ont décidé de ne plus distribuer publiquement les archives dans ce
format [3] donc Si vous avez de bonnes raisons de penser que c'est une
mauvaise idée, merci de bien vouloir essayer de les convaincre, plutôt
que d'essayer de le contourner[3].

J'essaie de collecter des informations pour le dernier point.



Alexandre Delanoë

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recherche doublons audio

2012-02-21 Thread Nicolas Roudninski

Je dispose d'un serveur ovh sous debian sur lequel je stocke ma musique.
Cette musique est organisée en dossiers et sous dossier du genre :
J'ai des doublons du type : fichier_audio.mp3 / fichier_audio.flac
Je voudrais rechercher ces doublons pour effacer les mp3 quand le même
fichier existe en flac.

J'ai du mal à trouver une solution en googleisant...

Donc si vous avez une piste, je suis preneur


PS : j'aime bien Perl ;-)


Re: recherche doublons audio

2012-02-21 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Tue, 21 Feb 2012 18:31:02 +0100,
Nicolas Roudninski a écrit :

 Je dispose d'un serveur ovh sous debian sur lequel je stocke ma
 musique. Cette musique est organisée en dossiers et sous dossier du
 genre : /home/audio/artiste/album/
 J'ai des doublons du type : fichier_audio.mp3 / fichier_audio.flac
 Je voudrais rechercher ces doublons pour effacer les mp3 quand le même
 fichier existe en flac.
 J'ai du mal à trouver une solution en googleisant...
 Donc si vous avez une piste, je suis preneur
 PS : j'aime bien Perl ;-)


mêm si pour toi les fichiers sont en double, pour l'ordi c'est
chaque fois un fichier différent suivant extension ...

autrement, fdupes permet de retrouver les doublons

voici quelques liens :

bonne consultation


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Re: recherche doublons audio

2012-02-21 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 21 Feb 2012 18:31:02 +0100
Nicolas Roudninski wrote:

 Je dispose d'un seeder ovh sous debian sur lequel je stocke ma musique
 Cette musique est organisée en dossiers et sous dossier du genre :
 J'ai des doublons du type : fichier_audio.mp3 / fichier_audio.flac
 Je voudrais rechercher ces doublons pour effacer les mp3 quand le même
 fichier existe en flac.

A part utiliser une I/F vers les servers de reconnaissance du net
j'vois pô - il me semble qu'il existe un pkg python qui fait ça sous
sid (ptêt pas de pgm, mais au moins une lib); et il-y-a des offres
libres sur le web.

 PS : j'aime bien Perl ;-)

Moi pas: pour faire des conneries C était largement suffisant, pas la
peine d'en rajouter une couche.
Knights are hardly worth it.  I mean, all that shell and so little

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Re: recherche doublons audio

2012-02-21 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 21 Feb 2012 19:16:52 +0100
Nicolas Roudninski wrote:

 Eh, c'est ma musique perso que j'ai obtenu légalement hein...
 Et que je ne partage qu'avec moi même !

C'est ce qu'ils disent tous... délinquant va:)

   Cette musique est organisée en dossiers et sous dossier du genre :
   J'ai des doublons du type : fichier_audio.mp3 / fichier_audio.flac
   Je voudrais rechercher ces doublons pour effacer les mp3 quand le même
   fichier existe en flac.
  A part utiliser une I/F vers les servers de reconnaissance du net
  j'vois pô - il me semble qu'il existe un pkg python qui fait ça sous
  sid (ptêt pas de pgm, mais au moins une lib); et il-y-a des offres
  libres sur le web.
 Il faudrait peut-être être plus explicite parce que là je ne comprends

J'ai vu passer un tel pkg, et il existe des softs open-source non
packagés qui utilisent les même serveurs que les utilitaires
fonctionnant sur tél mobile (tu approches le tél d'une source sonore
et il te renvoie titre, artiste, album, etc).
Avec jack ou en bricolant un chtit peu, il ne doit pas y avoir de PB
pour que ça fonctionne à partir de la redirection d'un lecteur audio.

   PS : j'aime bien Perl ;-)
  Moi pas: pour faire des conneries C était largement suffisant, pas laments
  peine d'en rajouter une couche.
 Des arguments ?

Comme avec le C, on peut tout faire et n'importe quoi (surtout
n'importe quoi), notamment en matière de notation ou de pgm

God is love, but get it in writing.
-- Gypsy Rose Lee

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Re: recherche doublons audio

2012-02-21 Thread Sylvain L. Sauvage
Le mardi 21 février 2012 à 18:31:02, Nicolas Roudninski a écrit 


 Je dispose d'un serveur ovh sous debian sur lequel je stocke
 ma musique. Cette musique est organisée en dossiers et sous
 dossier du genre : /home/audio/artiste/album/
 J'ai des doublons du type : fichier_audio.mp3 /
 Je voudrais rechercher ces doublons pour
 effacer les mp3 quand le même fichier existe en flac.
 J'ai du mal à trouver une solution en googleisant...
 Donc si vous avez une piste, je suis preneur

  Tu veux dire qu’ils ont le même nom et sont dans le même 
répertoire ?
→  find /home/audio -name *.flac |\
sed -e 's/\.flac$/.mp3/' | xargs rm -f

  Sinon, c’est plus dur…

 PS : j'aime bien Perl ;-)

  Les coups et les douleurs…
 Sylvain Sauvage

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Re: Installation et configuration d'un driver ATI (Radeon X300) sur mon IBM T43

2012-02-21 Thread Laurent Meister
je ne sais pas trop comment, mais ca marche maintenant.



Le samedi 18 février 2012 à 16:44 +0100, Laurent Meister a écrit :

 je suis entrain d'installer Debian 6.0.4 et je suis à la recherche des
 bons pilotes pour permettre une utilisation 3D de ma carte graphique.
 Il est certain qu'il existe un pilote libre car ca fonctionne
 parfaitement avec Ubuntu.
 Pourriez-vous me communiquer une procédure et le nom des paquets à
 installer? les paquets dispos en standard FLGRX... semblent ne pas être
 les bons pour ma carte relativement ancienne.
 merci par avance.

[HS] PC sous Debian en panne... plus de BIOS ...

2012-02-21 Thread Bernard

Bonjour à tous,

L'un des PC de mon assoc est depuis peu l'objet d'une panne que je 
souhaiterais identifier. Je n'y connais pas grand chose, mais, 
s'agissant des réparateurs, j'ai déjà donné. C'est un Desktop de 3-4 
ans, Intel Pentium 4 de 3.2 GHz, RAM 2 GB, carte mère ASUS

A l'allumage, rien ne paraissait démarrer, l'écran restait en mode 
veille. Nous avons donc porté l'appareil chez un réparateur, lequel, 
pour 150 Euros, a remplacé la carte graphique et affirmé que tout 
fonctionnait désormais.

Lorsque je l'ai essayé, je n'ai pu que constater qu'il ne bootait plus 
que sous Windows... bien que le réparateur ait affirmé n'avoir rien 
modifié du partitionnement. En fait, ma partition Linux était toujours 
bien présente, mais elle ne bootait plus !   Alors, j'ai fait plusieurs 
essais et photographié les pages d'écran à mesure qu'elles 
apparaissaient. Il n'est pas question de booter sur un boot Cd du genre 
'System Rescue CD', car... les lecteurs de CD ne fonctionnent plus !   
Dans le 'SETUP', au rayon 'BOOT PRIORITY', n'apparaît plus qu'un seul 
des deux lecteurs de CD normalement présents, et, lorsque je configure 
le système pour booter là dessus et que je mets un CD de SystemRescueCD 
(ou tout autre CD bootable), cela ne boote pas !  Le voyant lumineux du 
lecteur s'allume quelques secondes après avoir introduit un CD, mais 
rien n'arrive.

Après plusieurs essais et lecture attentive des messages - tout au moins 
ceux que je pouvais interpréter - j'ai trouvé que ma partition 
'/dev/sda3' n'existait pas :

'/dev/sda3 does not exist... TRY /dev/hda3'.

Chiche, j'ai essayé. A la survenue de l'écran GRUB, j'ai tapé 'e' pour 
Edit, et j'ai modifié la ligne de boot en remplaçant 'sda3' par 'hda3', 
et ai tenté de booter là dessus par 'b'

Eh bien çà a fonctionné !   Mais seulement après plusieurs longues 
minutes d'attente avec plusieurs messages d'info. Une fois lancé, mon 
Debian paraissait fonctionner comme précédemment... sauf que... quelques 
anomalies tout de même...

1. aucun des deux lecteurs de CD ne sont désormais reconnus (alors que 
si je boote sous MSWIN, l'un des deux est reconnu... on ne peut pas 
booter dessus, mais on peut voir ce qu'il y a dedans). Sur mon Debian, 
un listing

ls -l /dev

ne me montre aucun device qui pourrait servir à un lecteur de CD (pas de 
'cdrom', pas de 'sda', 'sdb', 'sdc'... pas de 'hdb', 'hdc'... ). Dans le 
genre, il n'y a que hda1, hda2, hda3, et j'ai pu déterminer que hda1 = 
ma partition MSWIN ; hda2 = swap space ; hda3 = ma partition Debian. Au 
moins un port usb fonctionne, pas eu le temps de tous les essayer. Mais 
je ne sais pas sur quel device il fonctionne.

cat /proc/scsi/scsi me dit que cette clef usb fonctionne sous scsi3. Si 
je démonte la clef, plus aucun device n'apparaît avec la commande

cat /proc/scsi/scsi, alors que, par le passé (avant la panne), mon 
disque dur était listé par cette commande.

Par ailleurs, au démarrage du PC, le lancement du SETUP affiche:

No Device attached to fasttrac controller. The BIOS is NOT installed !

Pourtant, dans le SETUP, je vois ceci au sujet du BIOS:

Version: 08.00.09
Build Date: 09/24/04 (24 sept 2004 je suppose)
ID: P4CED105

Au cours des 4 ou 5 boots que j'ai pu faire, j'ai remarqué des erreurs 
diverses, ne se reproduisant pas nécessairement d'un boot à l'autre. 
Ainsi, une fois: Failed to enable overflow device... Cette fois là, çà 
a quand même fini par booter, mais après une bien plus longue attente.

J'espère que quelqu'un pourra m'aider à y voir un peu plus clair. A 
cette fin, je mets en ligne les photos d'écran que j'ai faites :

Merci d'avance pour votre aide

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Re: [HS] PC sous Debian en panne... plus de BIOS ...

2012-02-21 Thread moi-meme
Le Tue, 21 Feb 2012 22:00:01 +0100, Bernard a écrit :

m'a l'air d'y avoir un problème hard : le CPU chauffe 
donc réduction de la fréquence.
Ton dépanneur n'a pas du changer que la carte graphique ...

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Re: [HS] PC sous Debian en panne... plus de BIOS ...

2012-02-21 Thread Bzzz
On Tue, 21 Feb 2012 21:04:00 +0100
Bernard wrote:

 Dans le 'SETUP', au rayon 'BOOT PRIORITY', n'apparaît plus qu'un seul 
 des deux lecteurs de CD normalement présents, et, lorsque je configure 
 le système pour booter là dessus et que je mets un CD de SystemRescueCD 
 (ou tout autre CD bootable), cela ne boote pas !  Le voyant lumineux du 
 lecteur s'allume quelques secondes après avoir introduit un CD, mais 
 rien n'arrive.

S'il fait graveur, ça arrive avec certains marques/modèles.
 Debian paraissait fonctionner comme précédemment... sauf que... quelques 
 anomalies tout de même...
 1. aucun des deux lecteurs de CD ne sont désormais reconnus (alors que 
 si je boote sous MSWIN, l'un des deux est reconnu... on ne peut pas 
 booter dessus, mais on peut voir ce qu'il y a dedans). Sur mon Debian, 
 un listing
 ls -l /dev
 ne me montre aucun device qui pourrait servir à un lecteur de CD (pas de 
 'cdrom', pas de 'sda', 'sdb', 'sdc'... pas de 'hdb', 'hdc'... ). Dans le 
 genre, il n'y a que hda1, hda2, hda3, et j'ai pu déterminer que hda1 = 
 ma partition MSWIN ; hda2 = swap space ; hda3 = ma partition Debian. Au 
 moins un port usb fonctionne, pas eu le temps de tous les essayer. Mais 
 je ne sais pas sur quel device il fonctionne.

Les cdroms sont émulés en SCSI = /dev/sr0 | /dev/sr1
 cat /proc/scsi/scsi me dit que cette clef usb fonctionne sous scsi3. Si 
 je démonte la clef, plus aucun device n'apparaît avec la commande
 cat /proc/scsi/scsi, alors que, par le passé (avant la panne), mon 
 disque dur était listé par cette commande.

C'est très zarb ton histoire (le retour dans l'ancien mode device
pourrait aussi expliquer la perte du cdrom).

Il doit manquer des choses dans udev - suspiscion: la partoche a
morflée, ou le réparateur a voulu s'amuser et l'a plantés. 

 Par ailleurs, au démarrage du PC, le lancement du SETUP affiche:
 No Device attached to fasttrac controller. The BIOS is NOT installed !

Non, c'est autre chose; un peu comme une carte SCSI te dit que son
BIOS n'est pas installé au démarrage si rien n'est branché  allumé

 Au cours des 4 ou 5 boots que j'ai pu faire, j'ai remarqué des erreurs 
 diverses, ne se reproduisant pas nécessairement d'un boot à l'autre. 
 Ainsi, une fois: Failed to enable overflow device... Cette fois là, çà 
 a quand même fini par booter, mais après une bien plus longue attente.

Perso, je sauvegarderais (mais ça devrait déjà être fait) et je
réinstallerais Debian soit avec un lecteur USB si le micro peut
booter sur USB, ou par boot réseau (PXE, s'il en est capable).

Woman is generally so bad that the difference between a good and a
bad woman scarcely exists.
-- Tolstoy

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Re: Booter sur un RAID 1 dégradé

2012-02-21 Thread Goldy
Le 20/02/2012 17:15, Daniel Huhardeaux a écrit :
 Le 20/02/2012 17:06, Florian Blanc a écrit :
 Je ne suis pas certain mais il me semble que ton /boot ne doit pas
 etre en lvm mais en dur.
 c'est la seule partition qui ne doit pas etre en lvm.
 Le 20 février 2012 16:06, Goldy a écrit :


 Je cherche un moyen de pouvoir booter sur un raid 1 dont un des
 serait tombé en panne.

 Je fais actuellement des tests pour une installation dans
 virtualbox, et
 j'ai constaté que si le second disque (à savoir sdb) était enlevé, je
 pouvais booter, mais s'il s'agissait de sda, alors le système ne
 pas booter.

 Comment puis-je configurer grub2 pour que le système soit en
 mesure de
 booter si sda venait à tomber en panne ?

 J'ai déjà fait un grub-install sur sda et sdb.

 Je suppose boot grub. as tu bien (hd0,0) pour sda et (hd1,0) pour sdb
 avec le fallback pointant sur sdb? Ou alors root=md/0 si la partition
 /boot est sur du raid1 *sans* lvm.

En fait le problème semble venir du qui liste les disques.

Dans le cas présent j'ai ceci :

(hd0)   /dev/disk/by-id/ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VBee51d3a4-dce5d74a
(hd1)   /dev/disk/by-id/ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VB91c003fa-889aa88a

Le problème, je pense, est donc que lorsque le premier disque est enlevé
alors hd1 devient hd0 et la carte des disques n'est plus cohérente (dans
mon cas ça reste sur grub loading sans que la liste des noyaux
s'affiche), le problème est en fait le même si on inverse les ports sata
des deux disques.

Donc l'idée est de trouver quoi mettre dans le pour que grub
soit tout même capable de booter indépendamment de l'état des disques,
c'est sans doute possible.

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Re: Booter sur un RAID 1 dégradé

2012-02-21 Thread Bzzz
On Wed, 22 Feb 2012 02:18:11 +0100
Goldy wrote:

 En fait le problème semble venir du qui liste les disques.
 Dans le cas présent j'ai ceci :
 (hd0) /dev/disk/by-id/ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VBee51d3a4-dce5d74a
 (hd1) /dev/disk/by-id/ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VB91c003fa-889aa88a

D'où l'intérêt de booter sur /dev/mdN plutôt que sur des disks ou
Tri Delts; everyone else has.

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VPN za maskaradą?

2012-02-21 Thread Sub


Nie mogę sobie poradzić z zagadnieniem jak w tytule. Z tego co wyczytałem w
sieci istnieje faktycznie kłopot z przepuszczaniem ruchu VPN przez
maskaradę. A jednak przecież multum sieci stoi za maskaradą i tyle samo
multum ludzi korzysta z vpnu bedac w takiej konfiguracji.

A konfiguracja jest najprostrza.
1. Router VPN centrala (sprzęt, nie
2. Siec Internet
3. Router z maskaradą Debian
4. Sieć lokalna z klientami wdzwanianymi pod Windows.

Problem polega na tym, że wdzwaniany vpn klient z windows nie potrafi
przejść choćby autoryzacji (lohgin/hasło), połączenie nie zestawia się. Ten
sam klient przepięty na numery IP publiczne które omijają maskowanie 

się bez problemu.

Z tego co udało mi się znaleźć na sieci wynika, że maskarada w jakiś sposób 
modyfikuje pakiety vpnu przez co występują kłopoty ze spieciem takiego 
tunelu. Jest sporo opisów rozwiązań w oparciu o Swany ale sa to rozwiązania 
punkt punkt (w obu lokalizacjach są stawiane vpny na linuxie i nie 
przechodzą przez maskaradę).

Znalazłem na necie wpisy do maskarady które przepuszaczały by poza maskaradą 
ruch na poszczególnych portach wykorzystywanych przy VPN:

iptables --append INPUT --protocol AH --in-interface eth0 --jump ACCEPT
iptables --append INPUT --protocol ESP --in-interface eth0 --jump ACCEPT
iptables --append INPUT --protocol UDP --source-port 500 --destination-port 
500 --in-interface eth0 --jump ACCEPT
iptables --append INPUT --protocol UDP --source-port 4500 --destination-port 
4500 --in-interface eth0 --jump ACCEPT

tudzież próbowałem wykluczyć z maskarady protokoły odpowiedzialne za vpn:

iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING 1 -p 50 -j ACCEPT.
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING 1 -p 51 -j ACCEPT.

Bez skutku niestety :(

Połączenia wdzwaniane przez klientów stojących za natem są przecież 
popularne. Ja nie mogę sobie dać z tym rady. Na każdym routerku za grosze 
jest opcja VPN pass through.

Ale jak to zrobić na Linuxie?

Będę wdzięczny za każdą pomocną dłoń.



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Re: VPN za maskaradą?

2012-02-21 Thread TENEG - Tomasz Gołębiewski
jak dasz radę to spróbuj zmienić UDP na TCP to pierwsze co mi na myśl 


On 21.02.2012 12:06, Sub wrote:


Nie mogę sobie poradzić z zagadnieniem jak w tytule. Z tego co 
wyczytałem w

sieci istnieje faktycznie kłopot z przepuszczaniem ruchu VPN przez
maskaradę. A jednak przecież multum sieci stoi za maskaradą i tyle samo
multum ludzi korzysta z vpnu bedac w takiej konfiguracji.

A konfiguracja jest najprostrza.
1. Router VPN centrala (sprzęt, nie
2. Siec Internet
3. Router z maskaradą Debian
4. Sieć lokalna z klientami wdzwanianymi pod Windows.

Problem polega na tym, że wdzwaniany vpn klient z windows nie potrafi
przejść choćby autoryzacji (lohgin/hasło), połączenie nie zestawia 
się. Ten
sam klient przepięty na numery IP publiczne które omijają maskowanie 

się bez problemu.

Z tego co udało mi się znaleźć na sieci wynika, że maskarada w jakiś 
sposób modyfikuje pakiety vpnu przez co występują kłopoty ze spieciem 
takiego tunelu. Jest sporo opisów rozwiązań w oparciu o Swany ale sa 
to rozwiązania punkt punkt (w obu lokalizacjach są stawiane vpny na 
linuxie i nie przechodzą przez maskaradę).

Znalazłem na necie wpisy do maskarady które przepuszaczały by poza 
maskaradą ruch na poszczególnych portach wykorzystywanych przy VPN:

iptables --append INPUT --protocol AH --in-interface eth0 --jump ACCEPT
iptables --append INPUT --protocol ESP --in-interface eth0 --jump ACCEPT
iptables --append INPUT --protocol UDP --source-port 500 
--destination-port 500 --in-interface eth0 --jump ACCEPT
iptables --append INPUT --protocol UDP --source-port 4500 
--destination-port 4500 --in-interface eth0 --jump ACCEPT

tudzież próbowałem wykluczyć z maskarady protokoły odpowiedzialne za vpn:

iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING 1 -p 50 -j ACCEPT.
iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING 1 -p 51 -j ACCEPT.

Bez skutku niestety :(

Połączenia wdzwaniane przez klientów stojących za natem są przecież 
popularne. Ja nie mogę sobie dać z tym rady. Na każdym routerku za 
grosze jest opcja VPN pass through.

Ale jak to zrobić na Linuxie?

Będę wdzięczny za każdą pomocną dłoń.



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Re: VPN za maskaradą?

2012-02-21 Thread Jan Wideł
On Tue, 21 Feb 2012 12:06:22 +0100
Sub wrote:

 Nie mogę sobie poradzić z zagadnieniem jak w tytule. Z tego co
 wyczytałem w sieci istnieje faktycznie kłopot z przepuszczaniem ruchu
 VPN przez maskaradę. A jednak przecież multum sieci stoi za maskaradą
 i tyle samo multum ludzi korzysta z vpnu bedac w takiej konfiguracji.
 A konfiguracja jest najprostrza.
 1. Router VPN centrala (sprzęt, nie

Jeśli to IPsec to powienien mieć opcje: transport/tunnel mode.
Transport mode służy do polączeń host-host (hash pakietu zawiera
ip/port stąd NAT podmieniając je 'psuje' pakiet) - tunnel mode służy do
łączenia siec- siec czy router - zdalny dostęp - opcja dla ciebie.

Jest tez cos takiego jak NAT-T - ale tym się nie bawiłem nigdy.


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Re: VPN za maskaradą?

2012-02-21 Thread Krzysztof Kaczmar
Dnia 2012-02-21, o godz. 12:06:22
Sub napisał(a):

 Nie mogę sobie poradzić z zagadnieniem jak w tytule. Z tego co
 wyczytałem w sieci istnieje faktycznie kłopot z przepuszczaniem ruchu
 VPN przez maskaradę. A jednak przecież multum sieci stoi za maskaradą
 i tyle samo multum ludzi korzysta z vpnu bedac w takiej konfiguracji.

 A konfiguracja jest najprostrza.
 1. Router VPN centrala (sprzęt, nie
 2. Siec Internet
 3. Router z maskaradą Debian
 4. Sieć lokalna z klientami wdzwanianymi pod Windows.

Co to za VPN? IPSEC/L2TP, IPSEC/PPTP, jakieś rozwiązanie Cisco?
Czy ,,router VPN'' wspiera NAT-T? Czy prywatne adresy sieci lokalnej nie
pokrywają się z adresami lokalnymi używanymi przez ,,router VPN''?

 Problem polega na tym, że wdzwaniany vpn klient z windows nie potrafi
 przejść choćby autoryzacji (lohgin/hasło), połączenie nie zestawia
 się. Ten sam klient przepięty na numery IP publiczne które omijają
 maskowanie wdzwania
 się bez problemu.

Komunikat i numer błędu? Windows XP czy nowszy? Czy klient wyposażony
jest w zaporę sieciową inną niż dostarczona przez Microsoft?

 Z tego co udało mi się znaleźć na sieci wynika, że maskarada w jakiś
 sposób modyfikuje pakiety vpnu przez co występują kłopoty ze spieciem
 takiego tunelu. Jest sporo opisów rozwiązań w oparciu o Swany ale sa
 to rozwiązania punkt punkt (w obu lokalizacjach są stawiane vpny na
 linuxie i nie przechodzą przez maskaradę).

Co pojawia się w logach usługi VPN? Co mówią logi netfilter na Debianie?

 Znalazłem na necie wpisy do maskarady które przepuszaczały by poza
 maskaradą ruch na poszczególnych portach wykorzystywanych przy VPN:
 iptables --append INPUT --protocol AH --in-interface eth0 --jump
 ACCEPT iptables --append INPUT --protocol ESP --in-interface eth0
 --jump ACCEPT iptables --append INPUT --protocol UDP --source-port
 500 --destination-port 500 --in-interface eth0 --jump ACCEPT
 iptables --append INPUT --protocol UDP --source-port 4500
 --destination-port 4500 --in-interface eth0 --jump ACCEPT

Powyższe wpisy mają jedynie sens gdy na hoście robiącym NAT odpaliłeś
serwer IKE (openswan, strongswan, racoon itd.) i chcesz przepuszczać
przychodzące do niego połączenia. Użyj łańcucha FORWARD. Coś w stylu:

-A FORWARD -p udp --dport 500
-A FORWARD -p udp --dport 4500
-A FORWARD -p ah
-A FORWARD -p esp

do tego `-j ACCEPT' oraz odpowiednie `-i' oraz `-o'.

Krzysztof Kaczmar

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OT: Virtualbox no lanza desde consola

2012-02-21 Thread Ricardo Delgado
Lista, estoy haciendo algunas pruebas de virtualizacion utilizando
VIRTUALBOX, para ello instale un squeeze hasta ahora sin problemas.

Bien el punto es que, la version virtualizada la copio a un disco
externo para trasportarla ya que uso la misma en 2 pc's diferentes.

ahora bien, hice cambios en la pc 1 y copie el disco virtualizado al
portable, luego copie esta modificacion en la pc 2, sin problemas.

El punto en cuestion es el siguiente, desde el FRONTEND (uso gnome) de
virtualbox, lanzo sin problemas el squeeze virtualizado, pero si
quiero realizar la misma desde linea de comandos recibo este mensaje,
sin poder lanzar el virtual

rkdlnx@tinkulnx:~/.VirtualBox/HardDisks$ vboxmanage startvm web-bbdd.vdi
Oracle VM VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 3.2.10_OSE
(C) 2005-2010 Oracle Corporation
All rights reserved.

ERROR: Could not find a registered machine named 'web-bbdd.vdi'
Details: code VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80bb0001), component
VirtualBox, interface IVirtualBox, callee nsISupports
Context: FindMachine(Bstr(VMName), machine.asOutParam()) at line 355
of file VBoxManageMisc.cpp

He googleado el tema pero la gran mayoria se refiere a problemas de
virtuales con XP o alguna version windows, yo uso squeeze y virtualice
un squeeze.

Windows? Reboot
Debian?      beRoot 

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Buenas lista

2012-02-21 Thread Arianne Valdes Alvarez

Estoy tratando de instalar un servidor ldap(version 2.4) en Debian
pero no puedo añadir los esquemas que necesito, he probado con las siguientes
líneas autenticada como root del sistema:
ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// ­-f /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.ldif

Me devuelve el siguiente error:

SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started
SASL username: gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external,cn=auth
adding new entry cn=cosine,cn=schema,cn=config
ldap_add: Other (e.g., implementation specific) error (80)
additional info: olcAttributeTypes: Duplicate attributeType: 

Gracias de antemano por la ayuda que me pudieran ofrecer.


Re: OT: Virtualbox no lanza desde consola

2012-02-21 Thread Víctor Villa

On 21/02/2012 13:38, Ricardo Delgado wrote:
 Lista, estoy haciendo algunas pruebas de virtualizacion utilizando
 VIRTUALBOX, para ello instale un squeeze hasta ahora sin problemas.

 Bien el punto es que, la version virtualizada la copio a un disco
 externo para trasportarla ya que uso la misma en 2 pc's diferentes.

 ahora bien, hice cambios en la pc 1 y copie el disco virtualizado al
 portable, luego copie esta modificacion en la pc 2, sin problemas.

 El punto en cuestion es el siguiente, desde el FRONTEND (uso gnome) de
 virtualbox, lanzo sin problemas el squeeze virtualizado, pero si
 quiero realizar la misma desde linea de comandos recibo este mensaje,
 sin poder lanzar el virtual

 rkdlnx@tinkulnx:~/.VirtualBox/HardDisks$ vboxmanage startvm web-bbdd.vdi
 Oracle VM VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 3.2.10_OSE
 (C) 2005-2010 Oracle Corporation
 All rights reserved.

 ERROR: Could not find a registered machine named 'web-bbdd.vdi'
 Details: code VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80bb0001), component
 VirtualBox, interface IVirtualBox, callee nsISupports
 Context: FindMachine(Bstr(VMName), machine.asOutParam()) at line 355
 of file VBoxManageMisc.cpp

 He googleado el tema pero la gran mayoria se refiere a problemas de
 virtuales con XP o alguna version windows, yo uso squeeze y virtualice
 un squeeze.

Sólo por dar una idea:

Inicialmente, la persona que escribe este post recibe el mismo error que 
tú. Parece que asignando la variable de entorno VBOX_USER_HOME consigue 
que la respuesta cambie, aunque no para bien.

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Re: OT: Virtualbox no lanza desde consola

2012-02-21 Thread Ricardo Delgado
El día 21 de febrero de 2012 10:17, Víctor Villa escribió:
 On 21/02/2012 13:38, Ricardo Delgado wrote:
 Lista, estoy haciendo algunas pruebas de virtualizacion utilizando
 VIRTUALBOX, para ello instale un squeeze hasta ahora sin problemas.

 Bien el punto es que, la version virtualizada la copio a un disco
 externo para trasportarla ya que uso la misma en 2 pc's diferentes.

 ahora bien, hice cambios en la pc 1 y copie el disco virtualizado al
 portable, luego copie esta modificacion en la pc 2, sin problemas.

 El punto en cuestion es el siguiente, desde el FRONTEND (uso gnome) de
 virtualbox, lanzo sin problemas el squeeze virtualizado, pero si
 quiero realizar la misma desde linea de comandos recibo este mensaje,
 sin poder lanzar el virtual

 rkdlnx@tinkulnx:~/.VirtualBox/HardDisks$ vboxmanage startvm web-bbdd.vdi
 Oracle VM VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 3.2.10_OSE
 (C) 2005-2010 Oracle Corporation
 All rights reserved.

 ERROR: Could not find a registered machine named 'web-bbdd.vdi'
 Details: code VBOX_E_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND (0x80bb0001), component
 VirtualBox, interface IVirtualBox, callee nsISupports
 Context: FindMachine(Bstr(VMName), machine.asOutParam()) at line 355
 of file VBoxManageMisc.cpp

 He googleado el tema pero la gran mayoria se refiere a problemas de
 virtuales con XP o alguna version windows, yo uso squeeze y virtualice
 un squeeze.

 Sólo por dar una idea:

 Inicialmente, la persona que escribe este post recibe el mismo error que tú.
 Parece que asignando la variable de entorno VBOX_USER_HOME consigue que la
 respuesta cambie, aunque no para bien.

Victor, gracias por la respuesta, he seguido el link, en el caso, si
no entiendo mal, quiera lanzar la maquina virtual como ROOT, de alli
el error (aparentemente) en mi caso siempre trato de lanzar la maquina
desde consola con un usuario normal, con el mismo mensaje, de todas
formas y para probar me logueo como root y trato de lanzar la VM con
el mismo mensaje de error.

Gracias igualmente, seguire buscando.


Windows? Reboot
Debian?      beRoot 

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Ultimos cupos Mision empresarial a China

2012-02-21 Thread Misiones Asia

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Re: OT: Virtualbox no lanza desde consola

2012-02-21 Thread Ricardo Delgado
 Sólo por dar una idea:

Victor, segui buscando de acuerdo a la pauta que me pasaste, y encontre aqui

donde di con el problema, basicamente desde consola yo llamaba al
disco (vmsqueeze.vdi) y tenia que llamar al nombre de la VM.

Ahora esta funcionando.

Muchas gracias

Windows? Reboot
Debian?      beRoot 

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2012-02-21 Thread Lietzan Mota Rosabales

 Original Message 
Subject: Postfix
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 09:43:35 -0500

Hola a la comunidad de linux:

Soy nuevo en el mundo de linux,mi problema es que al incribirme a la lista
de distribucion, los mensajes
no llegan con mi direccion como destinatario sino con la de la lista,lo
causa que cada vez que llega un correo de ustedes no lo recibo sino que me
lo pone en un buzon que tengo destinado para esto porque no me reconoce el
usuario.Al rebizar el correo en este buzon detecto la siguiente linea

X-Fetchmail-Warning: recipient address didn't match any local name

Gracias de antemano por sus respuestas.
PD:uso postfix como MTA y MDA


Ing.Lietzan Mota Rosabales.
Especialista 'B' en Ciencias Informáticas.
ENIA-UIC Camagüey.
Teléfono 271924-271902 ext 108.

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Re: tratando de compilar liferea

2012-02-21 Thread Angel Claudio Alvarez
El mar, 21-02-2012 a las 01:56 -0300, Fabián Bonetti escribió:
 Hola gente.
 Bueno quiero compilar liferea para añadir algunas redes sociales mas.
 pero tengo un problema de dependencias y no se por donde resolver.
 me aparece:.
 Requested 'gio-2.0 = 2.26.0' but version of GIO is 2.24.2
 o sea que tengo 2.24.2 y me pide igual o mayor que 2.26.0
 ando en squeeze 6.0.4
 No tengo muy claro quien usa esa librería. 
 Intente bajar de aqui
 pero quise preguntar aquí que es lo mejor en estos casos a proseguir.
para eso estan las listas de desarroladores.

 Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
 Web Hosting :.
 Red Social :.

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Re: tratando de compilar liferea

2012-02-21 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Tue, 21 Feb 2012 12:23:40 -0300
Angel Claudio Alvarez wrote:

 para eso estan las listas de desarroladores.


Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
Web Hosting :.
Red Social :.

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Re: Auditoria Interna y las Funciones del Auditor Actual (RESUELTO)

2012-02-21 Thread M. Wallace S. D.
Muchas gracias Facundo!

He leído el link y la verdad me servio de mucho, nada comparado con la
respuesta del compañero AMARGADO Felix Perez quien me respondio

Saludos =)

2012/2/19 Facundo Aguirre

 On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 06:20:56PM -0300, Felix Perez wrote:
  El día 19 de febrero de 2012 17:35, M. Wallace S. D. escribió:
   Hola compañeros,
   A los coordinadores de la lista les pregunto si no hay forma de
 bloquear ese
   tipo de SPAM, para que los nuvevos en la lista no caigan en este tipo

 Te recomeiendo que leas
 es sobre el spam en las listas de Debian.

 Especialmente la sección Methods to Nominate Spam for the
 Review-Process, donde se indican distintas maneras de reportar spam.


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Marcio Wallace Santos Damasceno
044 55 3575 2122
5873 7366

Re: tratando de compilar liferea

2012-02-21 Thread David Martínez Moreno

Hash: SHA1

On 2/20/12 8:56 PM, Fabián Bonetti wrote:
 Hola gente.

 Bueno quiero compilar liferea para añadir algunas redes sociales mas.

 pero tengo un problema de dependencias y no se por donde resolver.

 me aparece:.
 Requested 'gio-2.0 = 2.26.0' but version of GIO is 2.24.2

 o sea que tengo 2.24.2 y me pide igual o mayor que 2.26.0

 ando en squeeze 6.0.4

 No tengo muy claro quien usa esa librería.

 Intente bajar de aqui


 pero quise preguntar aquí que es lo mejor en estos casos a proseguir.

Deberías dar más datos, como pegar la salida de tu intento de
compilación. Tiene pinta de que la versión de liferea (¿es la
empaquetada en Debian?) exige glib-2.0 versión 2.26 o superior. O bien
te descargas los paquetes de inestable (la 2.30.2 como tú dices) y
corres el riesgo y sufres el dolor de actualizar todas las dependencias
a mano, o bien entiendes qué pasa y utilizas una versión de liferea
menor (o bajas las dependencias a mano).

También puedes usar 'apt pinning', pero es complicar mucho la respuesta.

Mándanos la salida de la compilación para ayudar.

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
Comment: GPGTools -
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Auditoria Interna y las Funciones del Auditor Actual (RESUELTO)

2012-02-21 Thread Felix Perez
El día 21 de febrero de 2012 19:06, M. Wallace S. D. escribió:
 Muchas gracias Facundo!

 He leído el link y la verdad me servio de mucho, nada comparado con la
 respuesta del compañero AMARGADO Felix Perez quien me respondio

Vaya,  ahora por ayudar uno es amargado, bueno que se le va a hacer
otro más al filtro.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Auditoria Interna y las Funciones del Auditor Actual (RESUELTO)

2012-02-21 Thread Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
No te preocupes este es el día a día en esta lista.


|   ,''` .Ing, Ricardo Adolfo Sánchez Arboleda
|  : :'  :
|  `. `'  Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.4 (squeeze)

La meta es conseguir, defender y mantener nuestra libertad

El 21 de febrero de 2012 20:17, Felix Perez

 El día 21 de febrero de 2012 19:06, M. Wallace S. D. escribió:
  Muchas gracias Facundo!
  He leído el link y la verdad me servio de mucho, nada comparado con la
  respuesta del compañero AMARGADO Felix Perez quien me respondio

 Vaya,  ahora por ayudar uno es amargado, bueno que se le va a hacer
 otro más al filtro.

 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: rkhunter detecta algo ¿sospechoso o peligroso?

2012-02-21 Thread Juan Lavieri

Hola Gerardo, José, *

Disculpa por favor Gerardo si no te respondí antes pero estuve fuera.

El 20/02/12 21:40, Jose Maldonado escribió:

Hash: SHA256

El 20/02/12 17:49, Gerardo A. Mirkin escribió:

Hola Juan,
Gracias por la sugerencia. Si, rkhunter y chkootkit coinciden. El link que
me mandás lo había leído. Pero como no entiendo mucho del tema... ¿De esto
asumo que puedo considerarlo el bug?

No necesariamente, quizás haya que estar preparado.


El 20 de febrero de 2012 10:16, Juan  escribió:

Hola Gerardo.

El 19/02/12 15:05, Gerardo A. Mirkin escribió:


Corrí rkhunter y aparecen estas líneas que me llevan a sospechar un
¿Es así?

Al parecer es un bug del rkhunter.  Aquí tienes un enlace por donde


[16:18:40] Warning: The command '/usr/bin/unhide.rb' has been replaced by
script: /usr/bin/unhide.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text


16:21:33] Warning: Hidden directory found: /etc/.java  *(¿Cómo lo hago
visible a rkhunter para que lo revise?)*
[16:21:51] Info: Test 'apps' disabled at users request. *(¿Cómo habilito

prueba de aplicaciones? Parece deshabilitada por defecto, porque yo no la

[16:21:51] System checks summary
[16:21:51] =
[16:21:51] File properties checks...
[16:21:51] Files checked: 137
[16:21:51] Suspect files: 1
[16:21:51] Rootkit checks...
[16:21:51] Rootkits checked : 242
[16:21:51] Possible rootkits: 1
[16:21:51] Rootkit names: Xzibit Rootkit
[16:21:51] Applications checks...
[16:21:51] All checks skipped
[16:21:51] The system checks took: 4 minutes and 1 second
[16:21:52] Info: End date is dom feb 19 16:21:52 ART 2012

Gracias por sus respuestas. Saludos,


Juan Lavieri

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He hecho las pruebas para rkhunter y chkrootkit en mi Debian Wheezy 64
Bits, y pues me he llevado la misma sorpresa que tu.

El chkrootkit, no me dice nada excepto porque dhclient es sospechoso de
ser un SNIFFER. ¿¿??

En rkhunter, he tenido dos advertencia:

1.- El ejecutable unhide.rb, pues rkhunter me ha advertido de el, y al
parecer tiene que ver con el bug ya comentado anteriormente, y en
esDebian también tratan un poco de el y explican ciertas situaciones que
le dejen respirar un poco más tranquilo, asegurando que es un bug. Así
mismo también hablan del problema de rkhunter 1.3.6-3 y sus falsos
positivos. Extrañamente si revisas todo el log, te das cuenta que
rkhunter no encuentra nada sospechoso cuando se dedica a buscar los
rootkits. [1][2][3]

2.- Me ha dado también la advertencia por archivos y directorios
ocultos, que también se encuentra documentada por el bug ya descrito

  Checking for hidden files and directories[ Warning ]

Hice las pruebas para ofrecerte una mejor ayuda, desde mi perspectiva el
sistema esta seguro, ya que la situación está documentada, de todas
formas no esta nada mal tomarse ciertas previsiones y estar atento a
cualquier noticia de seguridad con respecto a esto, espero que la info
te sea de ayuda.



Como dice José es bueno tomar medidas;  por ejemplo, un buen respaldo de 
tus datos y estar atentos como te indicó.

Además un sistema comprometido con un rootkit debe reinstalarse desde 
cero, pero esperemos que no haya necesidad.


Juan Lavieri

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Re: ot open source spotify client

2012-02-21 Thread Stefan Alfredsson

On 2012-02-19 13.48, Martin Jernberg wrote:

+1 för despotify. Klienten är helt textbaserad och funkar bra med 
skärmläsare (BrailleX 2D-screen och brltty), och despotify-simple är i 
princip som att använda ett kommandoskal. Betal-abbonemang på Spotify 


On 2/19/12, Helgi Örn  wrote:

On 18 February 2012 20:49,  wrote:

finns det?
skriven i gtk
då ja använder skärmläsaren orca i gnome

Ja den finns, men den ät inte gtk utan qt, och endast för Premium och
Unlimited prenumeranter. Här finns sidan med den:

Här är allt du behöver för att installera i Debian:

# 1. Add this line to your list of repositories by
#editing your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb stable non-free

# 2. If you want to verify the downloaded packages,
#you will need to add our public key
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 4E9CFF4E

# 3. Run apt-get update
sudo apt-get update

# 4. Install spotify!
sudo apt-get install spotify-client-qt

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Re: Simultaneous desktop environments (Gnome and xfce) in two X server sessions.

2012-02-21 Thread Marc Shapiro

On 02/20/12 21:33, yudi v wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to get gnome (default in tty7) and xfce (in tty1) to run
at the sametime.
I got as far as launching another x server session and xfce4 with the
following command:

startx startxfce4 -- :1

There are couple of issues I am trying to resolve:

1. when I switch back to tty7 X server session in tty1 terminates. How
to fix this?

The command that you are using is not starting the new xserver in tty1. 
 It is almost certainly in tty8, the next available tty session.  The 
:1 is display 1, not tty1.  I use aliases of startx such as:

startx -- :0 vt07
startx -- :1 vt08
startx -- :2 vt09

to start three separate x session on tty7, tty8 and tty9, respectively. 
 Note that these explicitly request a tty (vt) as well as a display 
session.  These are completely separate, started by separate users 
(myself, my wife and my daughter).  We all have our own startup programs 
and configurations (in our .xinitrc files).  These three sessions, and, 
recently, a fourth session on vt10 for testing purposes are all running 
simultanously.  This way, a simply ctl-alt-F7|F8|F9F10 gets any of us to 
our own session just as we left it.

2. all the start-up applications under Gnome also start in xfce, how
can I completely separate the environments. I would like to keep them
as independent as possible.

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Re: how to control fan speed?

2012-02-21 Thread Alberto Luaces
David Roguin writes:

 On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Alberto Luaces wrote:
 David Roguin writes:

 On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Alberto Luaces wrote:
 David Roguin writes:


 I feel my notebook is heating up more than usual, what I do is
 manually write those commands
 # echo 1  /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_manual
 # echo 4000  /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_output

 Is there a package that controls the fan speed according to some
 temperature stuff or something like that?



 $ sudo pwmconfig
 # pwmconfig revision 5857 (2010-08-22)
 # /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed

 Use sensors-detect command to detect your sensors and load the required
 modules if any.

 Did that. Added coretemp to /etc/modules, but still the same error pop ups
 any ideas?

 Thanks a lot!

Then I'm afraid that it means that it there are not modules available to
control the pace of your hardware cooling fans, sorry.


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Early Bootup Udev Warnings

2012-02-21 Thread David Baron
Get, very early on bootup so do not have them available later in dmesg or 
logs, warnings about discontinued rules syntax. This concerns ATTR and SYSF

There are a number of rules files containing this

~$ fgrep -ril attr /etc/udev/*

fgrep -ril sysf /etc/udev/*

Originally, the error list had hpmud and calibre but I got rid of calibre. 
Apprently, hpmud is the current offender.

What should be done about this?
Editing SYSF -- ATTR (I think I tried this once but did not really know how)?
File bug against hpmud?

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Re: how to control fan speed?

2012-02-21 Thread Alberto Luaces
Alberto Luaces writes:

 David Roguin writes:

 On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Alberto Luaces wrote:
 David Roguin writes:

 On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 1:55 PM, Alberto Luaces wrote:
 David Roguin writes:


 I feel my notebook is heating up more than usual, what I do is
 manually write those commands
 # echo 1  /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_manual
 # echo 4000  /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_output

 Is there a package that controls the fan speed according to some
 temperature stuff or something like that?



 $ sudo pwmconfig
 # pwmconfig revision 5857 (2010-08-22)
 # /usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed

 Use sensors-detect command to detect your sensors and load the required
 modules if any.

 Did that. Added coretemp to /etc/modules, but still the same error pop ups
 any ideas?

 Thanks a lot!

 Then I'm afraid that it means that it there are not modules available to
 control the pace of your hardware cooling fans, sorry.

By the way, did you already tried cpufrequtils?


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Re: how to control fan speed?

2012-02-21 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* David Roguin [120220 13:48 -0300]:

 I feel my notebook is heating up more than usual, what I do is
 manually write those commands
 # echo 1  /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_manual
 # echo 4000  /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_output

Is your laptop an Apple one? Please send the output of
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo

  Obviously the human brain works like a computer.
  Since there are no stupid computers humans can't be stupid.
  There are just a few running with Windows or even CE ;-)

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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Jon Dowland

On 21/02/12 05:00, Kousik Maiti wrote:

May be the problem is with your motherboard battery... not OS ...

That only manifests itself when he boots into Windows? No, this is a 
well-known problem, it's Windows.

Jon Dowland

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Re: quick and dirty backup

2012-02-21 Thread Jon Dowland

On 20/02/12 15:54, Rob Owens wrote:

I'd also exclude lost+found

If there's anything in there, then it could have been recovered from 
anywhere on the filesystem, and could be valuable.  I'd include it.

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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-21 Thread Julien Groselle
Hi Stan,

First, i tell you a huge thanks !
The ACU software is just what i need to better administrate hardware.

Just one problem, the dependecies will dirty my server :
# aptitude install lib32gcc1
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants vont être installés :
  lib32gcc1 libc6-i386{a}

# dpkg -i lib32stdc++6_4.4.5-8_amd64.deb
# dpkg -i hpacucli_8.70-8.0.2-2_amd64.deb

Any solution to avoid install 32bits librairies to my x86_64 server ?
By the way, i have installed all this packqge on a test server, and it
seems work fine.
I'm reading documentation about hpacucli to learn how it works. It seems to
be clear and simple.

Kind regards.


Le 20 février 2012 20:11, Stan Hoeppner a écrit :

 On 2/20/2012 11:00 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

  So the solution seems rather simple.  Run the HP Array Configuration
  Utility (ACU).  Create a RAID0 array of the new disk and export it, just
  as you originally did via the BIOS ACU when you originally configured
  the 8 disks.  The ACU software is available here:

 This will get you there faster.


 dpkg -i hpacucli_8.70-8.0.2-2_amd64.deb


 dpkg -i hpacucli_8.70-8.0.2-2_i386.deb


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Re: New computer planned

2012-02-21 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 20 feb 12, 19:38:30, Doug wrote:
 After the plug game, the k/b works fine, and I never used a numberpad
 anyway--all my boards have numbers on the top row--don't all of them?

Yes, but the numpad is very efficient if you have to input a lot of 

Kind regards,
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Re: debian squeeze / lynx /

2012-02-21 Thread Howard Eisenberger
On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 12:43:38AM +, Frederic Robert wrote:

 I can't use lynx to go to Is it a 
 compatibility problem?

This one works here (wheezy).
~$ lynx -version
Lynx Version 2.8.8dev.8 (10 Jan 2011)
libwww-FM 2.14, SSL-MM 1.4.1, GNUTLS 2.8.6, ncurses 5.7.20100313(wide)
Built on linux-gnu Jan 26 2011 07:15:23


Howard E.

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Re: debian squeeze / lynx /

2012-02-21 Thread Frederic Robert
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:54:27AM +, Howard Eisenberger wrote:
 This one works here (wheezy).
 ~$ lynx -version
 Lynx Version 2.8.8dev.8 (10 Jan 2011)
 libwww-FM 2.14, SSL-MM 1.4.1, GNUTLS 2.8.6, ncurses 5.7.20100313(wide)
 Built on linux-gnu Jan 26 2011 07:15:23

It works with Testing but not with squeeze.


Frederic Robert

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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 21 feb 12, 04:55:14, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0).  Every  time 
 I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows 
 takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually local 
 time.  I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current time is.
 What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my 
 clock.  I'd really like it to just leave it alone.

Windows initially gets the time from the hardware clock, but it may also 
get the time from the internet (NTP protocol?). Since your hardware 
clock is set to UTC and you want to keep it that way I suggest you 
either tell Windows your timezone is UTC or disable the time update.

Of course, the registry hack should work as well, but you'll have to 
remember to do it on the next re-install ;)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Simultaneous desktop environments (Gnome and xfce) in two X server sessions.

2012-02-21 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 21 feb 12, 15:33:15, yudi v wrote:
 1. when I switch back to tty7 X server session in tty1 terminates. How
 to fix this?

Marc already answered this.
 2. all the start-up applications under Gnome also start in xfce, how
 can I completely separate the environments. I would like to keep them
 as independent as possible.

Both environments look at ~/.config/autostart/ but at least Xfce 
(probably Gnome as well) has the possibility to configure which items 
should be started.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

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Re: Early Bootup Udev Warnings

2012-02-21 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 21 feb 12, 10:07:36, David Baron wrote:
 fgrep -ril sysf /etc/udev/*

Could you please run 'dpkg -S 55-hpmud.rules' on your system? apt-file 
can't find that file (and I have lenny to experimental in sources.list)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Early Bootup Udev Warnings

2012-02-21 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 6:52 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Ma, 21 feb 12, 10:07:36, David Baron wrote:

 fgrep -ril sysf /etc/udev/*

 Could you please run 'dpkg -S 55-hpmud.rules' on your system? apt-file
 can't find that file (and I have lenny to experimental in sources.list)

hplip in lenny has /etc/udev/rules.d/55-hpmud.rules.

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Re: Early Bootup Udev Warnings

2012-02-21 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 21 feb 12, 07:13:00, Tom H wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 6:52 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  On Ma, 21 feb 12, 10:07:36, David Baron wrote:
  fgrep -ril sysf /etc/udev/*
  Could you please run 'dpkg -S 55-hpmud.rules' on your system? apt-file
  can't find that file (and I have lenny to experimental in sources.list)
 hplip in lenny has /etc/udev/rules.d/55-hpmud.rules.

Indeed, I missed the Ignoring source without Contents File: notices 
from 'apt-file update'.

To the OP: if you are still running lenny it is time to upgrade to 
squeeze, lenny doesn't have security support anymore.

Kind regards,
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Re: Removing hardware identifiers from an existing installation (esp. Grub2)

2012-02-21 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 12:30 AM, Jason Heeris wrote:

 A while ago I installed Emdebian (Squeeze) to a compact flash card on a
 single board computer. I had not anticipated this, but now I'd like to take
 that installation and replicate it on other identical flash cards on other
 identical SBCs.

 (If I *had* anticipated this, I might have put a live system on the drive,
 but that's plan C.)

 Of course, when I say identical, in fact the UUID of the drives differ
 every time. This is a problem for Debian, since it uses drive UUIDs in the
 Grub2 configuration, in /etc/fstab and maybe even elsewhere.

 I've fixed /etc/fstab to do what I want, so now my question is: how do I get
 Grub2 to stop using UUIDs? In particular, the line:

     search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set [UUID here]

 I've already fixed this line in /etc/default/grub:


 ...but is there some other place to turn off the UUID searching?

 In a more general sense, are there any other gotchas I might have to look
 for here, where a Debian installation is tied to drive UUIDs, network
 adapter MAC addresses, or any variable hardware identifiers?

Never having used Emdebian, I can only give some Debian answers and
they'll hopefully be usable.

For filesystem UUIDs, I wouldn't use GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true.
I'd change the new flash card's UUIDs with tune2fs and mkswap to match
the copied/cloned /etc/fstab.

For NIC MAC addresses, you have to delete
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and it'll be recreated
with a reboot or with echo add  /sys/class/net/eth0/uevent.

If your original has a fixed IP address, ...

You can also change the hostname but you don't need to do so.

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Re: Debian SID or Wheezy/SID?

2012-02-21 Thread Tom H
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 4:33 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Du, 19 feb 12, 15:25:48, Tom H wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
  Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  Hmm, maybe I should try to get the Release Team's current opinion on
  this and suggest a patch for the Debian Reference...
  If you do then I would be very interesting to know the result.

 This is the 2009 link that Andrei posted almost exactly a year ago:
 but it'd be good to have an update to Debian Reference clarifying the
 official policy - if there is one (!).

 Thanks a lot Tom for digging that out of the archive. I'll write a
 message to -release (CC -doc) as soon as I send this message.

You're welcome.

For those who want to see the previous such discussion (or one of
...), here's the first post:

and Andrei's post of the link that I posted earlier:

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Re: Simultaneous desktop environments (Gnome and xfce) in two X server sessions.

2012-02-21 Thread hvw59601

yudi v wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to get gnome (default in tty7) and xfce (in tty1) to run
at the sametime.
I got as far as launching another x server session and xfce4 with the
following command:

startx startxfce4 -- :1

There are couple of issues I am trying to resolve:

1. when I switch back to tty7 X server session in tty1 terminates. How
to fix this?

2. all the start-up applications under Gnome also start in xfce, how
can I completely separate the environments. I would like to keep them
as independent as possible.

I used to do that for a multiseat setup but I did it with gdm and adding 
a second server:

name=Standard server
command=/usr/bin/X1 :0 -layout X1 -dpi 110 -isolateDevice PCI:1:0:0 vt7

# Definition of the second X server.
name=2nd server
command=/usr/bin/X0 :1 -layout X0 -dpi 110 -isolateDevice PCI:0:8:0 vt51

Where X0 and X1 were softlinks to X.


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Re: Convert mp3 enbulk

2012-02-21 Thread Rob Owens
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 10:35:20PM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Rob Owens wrote:
  It would have to be one of these (but I haven't tested it)
  ffmpeg -i somesong.mp3 -acodec vorbis somesong.ogg
 Hmm...  On my Lenny machine (please don't ask) it is that one.  And it
 is very small and very corrupted.
   -rw-rw-r-- 1 1.9M 2012-02-20 21:35 01_-_An_Awful_Lot_Of_Running.ogg
 The result doesn't play.  And ogginfo isn't happy with it either.  But
 I am running it on my Lenny laptop at the moment.  It might be better
 in Squeeze.  Checking...
 Squeeze ffmpeg doesn't like -acodec vorbis and for there it is your
 second case.
I just tested it myself.  I'm using ffmpeg from debian-multimedia.
'-acodec vorbis' gave me a warning about it being experimental, and that
I should use libvorbis instead.  (This is a squeeze system, by the way).

  ffmpeg -i somesong.mp3 -acodec libvorbis somesong.ogg
 On Squeeze that produces the following:
   -rw-rw-r-- 1 1.8M Feb 20 22:01 01_-_An_Awful_Lot_Of_Running.ogg
 Which is also very small but seems to be happier.  It doesn't make
 ogginfo unhappy like the other version did.  And if anyone is at my
 house they are going to be wondering why it is playing through the
 stereo right now even though I am not there.  Seems good.  Thanks!
This command was successful on my system as well, although it produced a
very low bitrate ogg file.  You can add one of these switches to the
ffmpeg command to correct this:

-aq 5   #set the quality level to 5
-ab 192k#set the audio bitrate to 192k 

  I decided a few years ago that I'd use flac for my entire music
  collection, and if needed, convert to another format for reasons of
  portability, etc.  This way I only get one lossy transcode.
 I still have all of my original media.  I would simply rip it again if
 and when the time came to convert to a new format.
In my case I do most of my home listening from the flac files, and keep
the CDs stored under my bed.  I don't have much use for the CDs since
I've got computers near every stereo in my house, and I have a portable
player that I use in my car.

By the way, I've gotta say that I'm pretty happy with my Sansa Clip+.
It was cheap and is Linux friendly.  It is seen as a removable drive.
It works well with Rhythmbox and I can use Rhythmbox to create playlists
on the Clip+.  Even firmware upgrades are Linux friendly.  Just download
the firmware file, place it in the root directory of the player, and
it'll be updated next time you turn on the player.  No dumb Windows
utilities required!


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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Tue, 21 Feb 2012, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 Windows initially gets the time from the hardware clock, but it may also 
 get the time from the internet (NTP protocol?). Since your hardware 

It's SNTP nowadays, I believe.  Windows has never been big on timekeeping.

 Of course, the registry hack should work as well, but you'll have to 
 remember to do it on the next re-install ;)

More like one should prepare a registry update file to set up some Windows
parameters to be less idiotic, and use it after every install.

Now, maybe we should provide a registry file to fix the Windows hardware
clock to UTC in our install media, and mention it in the install

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: Question about HotPlug and cciss hp storage

2012-02-21 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 2/21/2012 3:45 AM, Julien Groselle wrote:
 Hi Stan,
 First, i tell you a huge thanks !

You're welcome Julien.  Sorry I didn't mention it sooner.  It took me a
little while to figure out exactly what your problem was, due to
entering the thread so late.

 The ACU software is just what i need to better administrate hardware.

I'm kinda surprised you didn't already know about this tool.  It's a
must have.  Without it, how can you manage the RAID controller and disks
once the system is in production?

 Just one problem, the dependecies will dirty my server :
 # aptitude install lib32gcc1
 Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants vont être installés :
   lib32gcc1 libc6-i386{a}
 # dpkg -i lib32stdc++6_4.4.5-8_amd64.deb
 # dpkg -i hpacucli_8.70-8.0.2-2_amd64.deb
 Any solution to avoid install 32bits librairies to my x86_64 server ?

There was a very long discussion about this some time ago.  The
consensus seems to be that if you must install a 32bit library, there is
no downside, unless it replaces an existing library that other programs
use, and breaks those programs in the process.  I do find it odd that an
amd64 package has a 32bit library dependency.  Then again, stuff like
this isn't all that rare when installing commercial software.

 By the way, i have installed all this packqge on a test server, and it
 seems work fine.
 I'm reading documentation about hpacucli to learn how it works. It seems to
 be clear and simple.

Clear and simple is exactly what you want/need in a cli administration

FYI, the Areca PCIe RAID cards have a 10/100 ethernet port and you
manage them via a built in web interface, out of band.  No software to
install, as the kernel driver is in mainline (in recent kernels anyway).
 I'm not plugging Areca here, as the cards are apparently lacking
somewhat in the performance department WRT competing cards in the same
price range, and customer support is seriously lacking.  Just pointing
out how handy an OOB web management interface can be.


 Le 20 février 2012 20:11, Stan Hoeppner a écrit :
 On 2/20/2012 11:00 AM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 So the solution seems rather simple.  Run the HP Array Configuration
 Utility (ACU).  Create a RAID0 array of the new disk and export it, just
 as you originally did via the BIOS ACU when you originally configured
 the 8 disks.  The ACU software is available here:

 This will get you there faster.


 dpkg -i hpacucli_8.70-8.0.2-2_amd64.deb


 dpkg -i hpacucli_8.70-8.0.2-2_i386.deb

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xfce4-power-manager necessary

2012-02-21 Thread lina

Is it necessary to install the xfce4-power-manager?

I mainly use AC. seldom use battery.

Today went outside, so use the battery.
install the xfce4-power-manager, xfce4-power-manager-plugins and
xfce4-power-manager-data to monitor the battery remaining.
My intuitions tell me the power percent remaining and estimate time is
not accurate.

When I came back, I plugged the electricity cable, the screen became
very bright, very strong to my eyes.

so I just removed the power-manager and restart, everything is back to before.

My Q is that:

What's the advantage to have the  xfce4-power-manager installed for me
barely use battery and if I left long I would hibernate it manually,

Thanks with best regards,

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Re: how to control fan speed?

2012-02-21 Thread David Roguin
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 5:39 AM, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
 * David Roguin [120220 13:48 -0300]:


 I feel my notebook is heating up more than usual, what I do is
 manually write those commands
 # echo 1  /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_manual
 # echo 4000  /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_output

 Is your laptop an Apple one? Please send the output of
 $ cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 42
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2415M CPU @ 2.30GHz
stepping: 7
microcode   : 0x1a
cpu MHz : 2301.000
cache size  : 3072 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 4
core id : 0
cpu cores   : 2
apicid  : 0
initial apicid  : 0
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 13
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov
pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx
rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology
nonstop_tsc aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2
ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt
tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx lahf_lm ida arat xsaveopt pln pts dts
tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid
bogomips: 4590.11
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor   : 1
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 42
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2415M CPU @ 2.30GHz
stepping: 7
microcode   : 0x1a
cpu MHz : 800.000
cache size  : 3072 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 4
core id : 1
cpu cores   : 2
apicid  : 2
initial apicid  : 2
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 13
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov
pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx
rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology
nonstop_tsc aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2
ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt
tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx lahf_lm ida arat xsaveopt pln pts dts
tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid
bogomips: 4589.36
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor   : 2
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 42
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2415M CPU @ 2.30GHz
stepping: 7
microcode   : 0x1a
cpu MHz : 800.000
cache size  : 3072 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 4
core id : 0
cpu cores   : 2
apicid  : 1
initial apicid  : 1
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 13
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov
pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx
rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology
nonstop_tsc aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2
ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt
tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx lahf_lm ida arat xsaveopt pln pts dts
tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid
bogomips: 4589.36
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:

processor   : 3
vendor_id   : GenuineIntel
cpu family  : 6
model   : 42
model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2415M CPU @ 2.30GHz
stepping: 7
microcode   : 0x1a
cpu MHz : 800.000
cache size  : 3072 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 4
core id : 1
cpu cores   : 2
apicid  : 3
initial apicid  : 3
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 13
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov
pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx
rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology
nonstop_tsc aperfmperf pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2
ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt
tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx lahf_lm ida arat xsaveopt pln pts dts
tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid
bogomips: 4589.36
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management:


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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Paul Johnson
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 8:55 PM, Hendrik Boom hend...@topoi.pooq.comwrote:

 I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0).  Every  time
 I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows
 takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually local
 time.  I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current time is.

 What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my
 clock.  I'd really like it to just leave it alone.

Set your Windows clock timezone to Universal Time Coordinated.

Re: Early Bootup Udev Warnings

2012-02-21 Thread David Baron
On Tuesday 21 February 2012 16:00:46 debian-user-digest- wrote:
   On Ma, 21 feb 12, 10:07:36, David Baron wrote:
   fgrep -ril sysf /etc/udev/*
   Could you please run 'dpkg -S 55-hpmud.rules' on your system? apt-file
   can't find that file (and I have lenny to experimental in sources.list)
  hplip in lenny has /etc/udev/rules.d/55-hpmud.rules.
~$ sudo dpkg -S 55-hpmud.rules
hplip: /etc/udev/rules.d/55-hpmud.rules
 Indeed, I missed the Ignoring source without Contents File: notices 
 from 'apt-file update'.
 To the OP: if you are still running lenny it is time to upgrade to 
 squeeze, lenny doesn't have security support anymore.
This system is on Sid.
These messages have been showing for ages. Hplip was recently upgraded.

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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Tue, 21 Feb 2012, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
 On Tue, 21 Feb 2012, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  Windows initially gets the time from the hardware clock, but it may also 
  get the time from the internet (NTP protocol?). Since your hardware 
 It's SNTP nowadays, I believe.  Windows has never been big on timekeeping.

Correcting myself: under AD, it is real NTP.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: New computer planned

2012-02-21 Thread Randy Kramer
On Monday 20 February 2012 10:17:46 am Allan Wind wrote:
 You did not mention monitors but high definition has brought the
 larger ones way down in price.  30 monitors (2560x1600) are
 still in a different price league but to me it is worth it.  If
 you are buying a 30 consider one with Display Ports instead of
 DVI.  Lenovo's docking station for the W520, for instance, can
 only do the 30 at full resolution via Display Port (this was not
 an issue with earlier versions).  The are DVI to Display Port
 converters but the ones I have are not 100% stable (I probably
 power cycle it a couple of times per month).

Or, consider two smaller monitors and use nVidia's TwinView (their proprietary 
driver)--I haven't tried the open source driver yet.

Randy Kramer

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[OT] how to change the first character into upper case

2012-02-21 Thread lina
Sorry a bit off-topic, but I am stuck with how to tr
(googled some ways out, still not work)



Nelson Arispe, Eduardo Rojas, and Harvey B. Pollard

Here is what I came up with so far:


not work.

Thanks with best regards,

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Re: [OT] how to change the first character into upper case

2012-02-21 Thread Dom

On 21/02/12 15:48, lina wrote:

Sorry a bit off-topic, but I am stuck with how to tr
(googled some ways out, still not work)



Nelson Arispe, Eduardo Rojas, and Harvey B. Pollard

Here is what I came up with so far:


not work.

Thanks with best regards,

First off, I'm no expert on sed, however the following seems to work



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Re: [OT] how to change the first character into upper case

2012-02-21 Thread Tony van der Hoff

On 21/02/12 15:48, lina wrote:

Sorry a bit off-topic, but I am stuck with how to tr
(googled some ways out, still not work)



Nelson Arispe, Eduardo Rojas, and Harvey B. Pollard

Here is what I came up with so far:


not work.

Thanks with best regards,

Coursework, Lina? You were nearly there :)

The + form for one or more characters is not supported by sed. This 
works :

sed 's/\([A-Z]\)\([A-Z]*\)/\1\L\2/g'

You can sort out the problem with AND for yourself!

Tony van der Hoff|
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Re: debian squeeze / lynx /

2012-02-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Frederic Robert wrote:
 Howard Eisenberger wrote:
  Frederic Robert wrote:
   I can't use lynx to go to Is it a
   compatibility problem?
  This one works here (wheezy).
  ~$ lynx -version
  Lynx Version 2.8.8dev.8 (10 Jan 2011)
  libwww-FM 2.14, SSL-MM 1.4.1, GNUTLS 2.8.6, ncurses 5.7.20100313(wide)
  Built on linux-gnu Jan 26 2011 07:15:23
 It works with Testing but not with squeeze.

I just tried lynx version 2.8.8dev.5-1 from Squeeze and I was able to
log in okay.  But not being a regular user I don't know if there is
some feature that isn't working.  It seemed to work okay for me.  In
what way is it failing for you?  Perhaps it was a transient problem?

Also if you are having problems with lynx then you might also try w3m,
links and elinks as alternative text browsers.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Convert mp3 enbulk

2012-02-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Rob Owens wrote:
 By the way, I've gotta say that I'm pretty happy with my Sansa Clip+.
 It was cheap and is Linux friendly.  It is seen as a removable drive.
 It works well with Rhythmbox and I can use Rhythmbox to create playlists
 on the Clip+.  Even firmware upgrades are Linux friendly.  Just download
 the firmware file, place it in the root directory of the player, and
 it'll be updated next time you turn on the player.  No dumb Windows
 utilities required!

+1.  I love my Sansa Clip+!  I have installed Rockbox on it and
always use that interface.[1]  One of the best features for me is that
I always turn on accessibility and create voice menus for all of the
audio files.  It Rocks!



Description: Digital signature

Re: [OT] how to change the first character into upper case

2012-02-21 Thread Tony van der Hoff

On 21/02/12 16:38, Tony van der Hoff wrote:

On 21/02/12 15:48, lina wrote:

Sorry a bit off-topic, but I am stuck with how to tr
(googled some ways out, still not work)



Nelson Arispe, Eduardo Rojas, and Harvey B. Pollard

Here is what I came up with so far:


not work.

Thanks with best regards,

Coursework, Lina? You were nearly there :)

The + form for one or more characters is not supported by sed. This
works :
sed 's/\([A-Z]\)\([A-Z]*\)/\1\L\2/g'

You can sort out the problem with AND for yourself!

Hmm, actually, this is better:
sed 's/\([A-Z]\)\([A-Z]\{1,\}\)/\1\L\2/g'
Tony van der Hoff|
Buckinghamshire, England |

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Re: [OT] how to change the first character into upper case

2012-02-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Tony van der Hoff wrote:
 lina wrote:
 Here is what I came up with so far:
 not work.

 The + form for one or more characters is not supported by sed.
 This works :
 sed 's/\([A-Z]\)\([A-Z]*\)/\1\L\2/g'

The '+' is an ERE (Extended Regular Expression).  Sed handles BREs
(Basic Regular Expressions).  In the beginning almost all tools only
handled BREs.  They take much less memory.  It wasn't until later that
EREs became popular.  Sed dates from the BRE time.

GNU sed as an extension will use EREs if you give it the
-r,--regexp-extended option.  Or if you quote the ERE.  Most people
quote the ERE (with a backslash) but either works.  It must remain
compatible with regular sed and a quoted plus isn't valid in regular
sed and so can be used as an extension syntax.

  sed --regexp-extended 's/\([A-Z]\)\([A-Z]+\)/\1\L\2/g'
  sed 's/\([A-Z]\)\([A-Z]\+\)/\1\L\2/g'


Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: physical dimensions of male DVI connector

2012-02-21 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 02:24:12AM -0200, Kleber Fortaleza wrote:
 On Tuesday 21 February 2012 00:35:27 Ken Heard wrote:
  I need to know the outside physical dimensions of the male DVI connector
  to know the diameter of the hole it will pass through.  Unfortunately I
  do not have one handy; googling far and wide failed to find such
  dimensions.  Can someone provide me with them?
  Regards, Ken Heard

Just remember, it's not the size of your connector that counts...

all tony, all the time!

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Re: New computer planned

2012-02-21 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 07:48, Randy Kramer wrote:
 On Monday 20 February 2012 10:17:46 am Allan Wind wrote:
 You did not mention monitors but high definition has brought the
 larger ones way down in price.  30 monitors (2560x1600) are
 still in a different price league but to me it is worth it.  If
 you are buying a 30 consider one with Display Ports instead of
 DVI.  Lenovo's docking station for the W520, for instance, can
 only do the 30 at full resolution via Display Port (this was not
 an issue with earlier versions).  The are DVI to Display Port
 converters but the ones I have are not 100% stable (I probably
 power cycle it a couple of times per month).

 Or, consider two smaller monitors and use nVidia's TwinView (their proprietary
 driver)--I haven't tried the open source driver yet.

Nothing special about dual monitors, just use xrandr. Works with
Nvidia, ATI and Intel chips.

Kelly Clowers

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Re: Simultaneous desktop environments (Gnome and xfce) in two X server sessions.

2012-02-21 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 07:28:44AM -0600, hvw59601 wrote:
 yudi v wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am trying to get gnome (default in tty7) and xfce (in tty1) to run
 at the sametime.
 I got as far as launching another x server session and xfce4 with the
 following command:
 startx startxfce4 -- :1
 There are couple of issues I am trying to resolve:
 1. when I switch back to tty7 X server session in tty1 terminates. How
 to fix this?
 2. all the start-up applications under Gnome also start in xfce, how
 can I completely separate the environments. I would like to keep them
 as independent as possible.

I'm just curious, after looking at this thread (but haven't tried).
Could one not start a first X session in one tty, 
then go to another (ctrol-alt-#) and login as another user and start a
different X session?
You know, gnu/linux being a multi-user OS and all.
Isn't that kind of how a terminal server works, sort of?
The OP didn't, I think, specify that he wants two X sessions with the
same user.

all tony, all the time!

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Re: New computer planned -- (cleaning old keyboard)

2012-02-21 Thread Wilko Fokken
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 02:19:36PM +, Sian Mountbatten wrote:
 Maybe I should keep the keyboard I am using.
 It's not overly clean, but I can live with it.

 Sian Mountbatten
 Algol 68 specialist

Moin mitnanner,

  How to clean a dirty (fatty) keyboard:

Mix liquid ammonia concentrate (NH4-OH) + cold (!) water in a bucket;
hold your keyboard with them keys down (!) above the bucket;

use a softly scrubbing brush (horse hair = less sqirting) wetted w/ mixture
and brush the keys from underneath, moving brush softly along their gaps;

keep the keyboard upside down, so the cleaning agent will not enter any
keyboard contact, and put the keyboard on a warm place in order to get all
water w/ ammonia completely evaporated.

(Ammonia itself won't leave any residue.)

Good luck!

W. Fokken

Education is a man's going
from cocksure ignorance
to thoughtful uncertainty.

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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Tony Baldwin
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 04:55:14AM +, Hendrik Boom wrote:
 I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0).  Every  time 
 I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows 
 takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually local 
 time.  I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current time is.
 What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my 
 clock.  I'd really like it to just leave it alone.
 -- hendrik

I was just translating the part of Raphael's book that addresses this
issue, yesterday.
He recommends disabling UTC in /etc/defauilt/rcS for any dual boot system
with Windows in the book.
The problem, according to Raphael, is that Windows keeps the CMOS locked
to local time (rather than updating from an NTP server), or some such
(more info on the book:

all tony, all the time!

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Re: Simultaneous desktop environments (Gnome and xfce) in two X server sessions.

2012-02-21 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2012 21 Feb 11:56 -0600, Tony Baldwin wrote:
 I'm just curious, after looking at this thread (but haven't tried).
 Could one not start a first X session in one tty, 
 then go to another (ctrol-alt-#) and login as another user and start a
 different X session?

Yes.  I've done it with KDE 3.5 and XFCE as switch user in each which
will spawn a new ?DM and allow another login.  The desktops can be
switched by using clt-alt-# (most often 7 and 8, but does move around
with some DMs such as gdm).

- Nate 


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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Re: OT: physical dimensions of male DVI connector

2012-02-21 Thread Doug

On 2/20/2012 9:35 PM, Ken Heard wrote:

Hash: SHA1

I need to know the outside physical dimensions of the male DVI connector
to know the diameter of the hole it will pass through.  Unfortunately I
do not have one handy; googling far and wide failed to find such
dimensions.  Can someone provide me with them?

Regards, Ken Heard
Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Go to   page 46.


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Re: Simultaneous desktop environments (Gnome and xfce) in two X server sessions.

2012-02-21 Thread hvw59601

Tony Baldwin wrote:

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 07:28:44AM -0600, hvw59601 wrote:

yudi v wrote:

Hi all,

I am trying to get gnome (default in tty7) and xfce (in tty1) to run
at the sametime.
I got as far as launching another x server session and xfce4 with the
following command:

startx startxfce4 -- :1

There are couple of issues I am trying to resolve:

1. when I switch back to tty7 X server session in tty1 terminates. How
to fix this?

2. all the start-up applications under Gnome also start in xfce, how
can I completely separate the environments. I would like to keep them
as independent as possible.

I'm just curious, after looking at this thread (but haven't tried).
Could one not start a first X session in one tty, 
then go to another (ctrol-alt-#) and login as another user and start a

different X session?
You know, gnu/linux being a multi-user OS and all.
Isn't that kind of how a terminal server works, sort of?
The OP didn't, I think, specify that he wants two X sessions with the
same user.

Works like a charm: one user VT7 other user VT8. If you get rid of 
consolekit those numbers don't change. But how much nicer it would be if 
Linux would be truly multiseat: each user his own monitor/keybd/mouse.

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Re: Convert mp3 enbulk

2012-02-21 Thread Rob Owens
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:06:35AM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 Rob Owens wrote:
  By the way, I've gotta say that I'm pretty happy with my Sansa Clip+.
  It was cheap and is Linux friendly.  It is seen as a removable drive.
  It works well with Rhythmbox and I can use Rhythmbox to create playlists
  on the Clip+.  Even firmware upgrades are Linux friendly.  Just download
  the firmware file, place it in the root directory of the player, and
  it'll be updated next time you turn on the player.  No dumb Windows
  utilities required!
 +1.  I love my Sansa Clip+!  I have installed Rockbox on it and
 always use that interface.[1]  One of the best features for me is that
 I always turn on accessibility and create voice menus for all of the
 audio files.  It Rocks!
You're the second person to recommend Rockbox to me this week.  I guess
I'll have to try it out.  The voice menus feature sounds very useful.

I forgot to mention two other features I like about the Clip+.  It is
small, and it has real buttons.  I can actually operate it while wearing
gloves.  But with voice menus I guess I wouldn't have to.


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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Tue, 21 Feb 2012, Tony Baldwin wrote:
 On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 04:55:14AM +, Hendrik Boom wrote:
  I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0).  Every  time 
  I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows 
  takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually local 
  time.  I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current time is.
  What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my 
  clock.  I'd really like it to just leave it alone.
  -- hendrik
 I was just translating the part of Raphael's book that addresses this
 issue, yesterday.
 He recommends disabling UTC in /etc/defauilt/rcS for any dual boot system
 with Windows in the book.
 The problem, according to Raphael, is that Windows keeps the CMOS locked
 to local time (rather than updating from an NTP server), or some such
 (more info on the book:

It was brought to this thread that this is old information, and you can
instead tell Windows to use the hwclock on UTC through a registry key

Barring any weird windows bugs, this would be a rather superior choice,
but one should test how Windows deals with an UTC hwclock during DST
changes to be sure.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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2012-02-21 Thread Zbigniew Komarnicki

which package to use to see the hardware temperature on  
AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor and GPU 
using  Debian Squeeze, Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64

I use 'sensors' (first I use 'sensors-detect' to detect it) and widgets on KDE 
Desktop, but there no information about CPU temperature and also no 
information about GPU temperature. I have the following card:
GeForce with CUDA GTX 550Ti MSI 1GB 2xDVI  mHDMI (PCI-E) Cyclone II 

I have a water cooling system.

I got:
# sensors
Adapter: ISA adapter
in0: +0.98 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +4.08 V)   
in1: +1.49 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +4.08 V)   
in2: +3.22 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +4.08 V)   
in3: +2.98 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +4.08 V)   
in4: +3.12 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +4.08 V)   
in5: +0.11 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +4.08 V)   
in6: +4.08 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +4.08 V)   ALARM
in7: +2.93 V  (min =  +0.00 V, max =  +4.08 V)   
Vbat:+3.06 V
fan1:  0 RPM  (min =0 RPM)
fan2:  0 RPM  (min =0 RPM)
fan3:587 RPM  (min =0 RPM)
fan4:  0 RPM  (min =0 RPM)
temp1:   +31.0°C  (low  = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C)  sensor = thermistor
temp2:   +27.0°C  (low  = +127.0°C, high = +127.0°C)  sensor = thermal 
temp3:   +27.0°C  (low  = +127.0°C, high = +60.0°C)  sensor = thermal 
cpu0_vid:   +0.000 V

# cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor   : 0
vendor_id   : AuthenticAMD
cpu family  : 21
model   : 1
model name  : AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor 
stepping: 2
cpu MHz : 3322.052
cache size  : 2048 KB
physical id : 0
siblings: 6
core id : 0
cpu cores   : 6
apicid  : 0
initial apicid  : 0
fpu : yes
fpu_exception   : yes
cpuid level : 13
wp  : yes
flags   : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca 
cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt pdpe1gb 
rdtscp lm constant_tsc nonstop_tsc extd_apicid pni pclmulqdq monitor ssse3 
cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 popcnt aes xsave avx lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic 
cr8_legacy abm sse4a misalignsse 3dnowprefetch osvw ibs xop skinit wdt 
nodeid_msr arat
bogomips: 6644.08
TLB size: 1536 4K pages
clflush size: 64
cache_alignment : 64
address sizes   : 48 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
power management: ts ttp tm 100mhzsteps hwpstate [9]


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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Don deJuan

On 02/21/2012 03:42 AM, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Ma, 21 feb 12, 04:55:14, Hendrik Boom wrote:

I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0).  Every  time
I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows
takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually local
time.  I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current time is.

What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my
clock.  I'd really like it to just leave it alone.

Windows initially gets the time from the hardware clock, but it may also
get the time from the internet (NTP protocol?). Since your hardware
clock is set to UTC and you want to keep it that way I suggest you
either tell Windows your timezone is UTC or disable the time update.

Of course, the registry hack should work as well, but you'll have to
remember to do it on the next re-install ;)

Kind regards,

or write a batch file that will do it ;)

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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Don deJuan

On 02/21/2012 10:52 AM, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:

On Tue, 21 Feb 2012, Tony Baldwin wrote:

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 04:55:14AM +, Hendrik Boom wrote:

I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0).  Every  time
I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows
takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually local
time.  I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current time is.

What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my
clock.  I'd really like it to just leave it alone.

-- hendrik

I was just translating the part of Raphael's book that addresses this
issue, yesterday.
He recommends disabling UTC in /etc/defauilt/rcS for any dual boot system
with Windows in the book.
The problem, according to Raphael, is that Windows keeps the CMOS locked
to local time (rather than updating from an NTP server), or some such
(more info on the book:

It was brought to this thread that this is old information, and you can
instead tell Windows to use the hwclock on UTC through a registry key

Barring any weird windows bugs, this would be a rather superior choice,
but one should test how Windows deals with an UTC hwclock during DST
changes to be sure.

Windows themselves recommends the method that i have now posted to this 
list twice. That is the correct way. Once you change the registry, Linux 
time will NEVER change due to Windows, other methods will still have 
windows take control of the system time once you booth back into windows 
after fixing time in Linux. Making a batch file makes it easy if you are 
one of those that always reinstalls windows. But if you reinstalling 
windows a ton then you have other issues to worry about in Windows than 
you do time in general.

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Re: Convert mp3 enbulk

2012-02-21 Thread Jochen Spieker
Rob Owens:
 On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 10:06:35AM -0700, Bob Proulx wrote:
 +1.  I love my Sansa Clip+!  I have installed Rockbox on it and
 always use that interface.[1]  One of the best features for me is that
 I always turn on accessibility and create voice menus for all of the
 audio files.  It Rocks!
 You're the second person to recommend Rockbox to me this week.  I guess
 I'll have to try it out.  The voice menus feature sounds very useful.

Count me as number three. Rockbox is what makes my player (a more than
six years old Iriver H120) really useful. It is incredibly fast and has
a lot of features (bookmarks for long podcasts, flexible playlist
editing, tons of codecs for playback and recording, custom fonts and
themes, just to name a few).

 I forgot to mention two other features I like about the Clip+.  It is
 small, and it has real buttons.  I can actually operate it while wearing
 gloves.  But with voice menus I guess I wouldn't have to.

Rockbox doesn't have voice recognition, it can only speak to you.

I wear a lot of leather but would never wear fur.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: Convert mp3 enbulk

2012-02-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Rob Owens wrote:
 You're the second person to recommend Rockbox to me this week.  I guess
 I'll have to try it out.  The voice menus feature sounds very useful.
 I forgot to mention two other features I like about the Clip+.  It is
 small, and it has real buttons.  I can actually operate it while wearing
 gloves.  But with voice menus I guess I wouldn't have to.

I meant that it speaks the menu items.  You don't need to be able to
see the display but can listen to it read the menu items and track
titles to you as they are selected.  This is especially nice when I
have the player in my coat pocket or when in bright sun because you
don't need to be able to see the display to operate it.

But you still have to be able to push the buttons.  It doesn't have
any form of speech recognition.  I don't think I would like that very
much.  Me muttering into the microphone.  That would be annoying to
both me and everyone around me.

Creating the voice files for new audio tracks is still very clunky.  I
don't know how people without a visual sense would be able to do it.
Definitely room for improvement there.  I mostly use my player for
podcasts and so am constantly moving new files through the queue and
always need to generate new talk files for track titles.

I wouldn't rate the buttons as being great for use with gloves.  They
are low profile and hard for me to feel through gloves.  They are
okay.  Also relatively closely spaced as you might expect from a small
player.  But they are real buttons and I haven't had a button failure
yet.  The plastic clip is fragile and easily broken.  I have two
players and one now has a broken clip from a drop but I still use it.


Description: Digital signature

ISO for wheezy

2012-02-21 Thread Sian Mountbatten

Dear All

Can anybody point me to a site where I can download an ISO for wheezy?

Any help appreciated.

Sian Mountbatten

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Re: New computer planned

2012-02-21 Thread Celejar
On Mon, 20 Feb 2012 10:15:13 -0500
Curt Howland wrote:


 It is my understanding that the Intel-based graphics cards work
 perfectly well with the standard Linux drivers, if you want to stay
 purely open-source.

That's what everyone says, but it's not as true as it might be. Squeeze
is shipping X stuff / drivers that cause GPU crashes on my (2007 era)
Thinkpad T61 with Intel GM965 graphics:


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Re: ISO for wheezy

2012-02-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Sian Mountbatten wrote:
 Can anybody point me to a site where I can download an ISO for wheezy?
 Any help appreciated.

First go to:

and then click on CD ISO images link in the Getting Debian column.
That will take you here:

Select the third link down Download CD/DVD images using HTTP or FTP.
Then click on the Official CD/DVD images of the testing
distribution (regenerated weekly) link to get to the Wheezy/Testing

There is also the debian-installer page with regularly updated
versions of netinst and other smaller images.


Description: Digital signature

A propos de Votre Annonce

2012-02-21 Thread soukaffaire

A propos de Votre Annonce Sur:

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Re: New computer planned

2012-02-21 Thread Tom H
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Celejar wrote:
 On Mon, 20 Feb 2012 10:15:13 -0500
 Curt Howland wrote:

 It is my understanding that the Intel-based graphics cards work
 perfectly well with the standard Linux drivers, if you want to stay
 purely open-source.

 That's what everyone says, but it's not as true as it might be. Squeeze
 is shipping X stuff / drivers that cause GPU crashes on my (2007 era)
 Thinkpad T61 with Intel GM965 graphics:

The last entry on that bug report is that it's fixed.

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Re: ISO for wheezy

2012-02-21 Thread Sian Mountbatten

Bob Proulx wrote:

Sian Mountbatten wrote:

Can anybody point me to a site where I can download an ISO for wheezy?

First go to:

Many thanks.

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Re: New computer planned

2012-02-21 Thread Sian Mountbatten

Tom H wrote:

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 3:49 PM,  wrote:

On Mon, 20 Feb 2012 10:15:13 -0500
Curt  wrote:

It is my understanding that the Intel-based graphics cards work
perfectly well with the standard Linux drivers, if you want to stay
purely open-source.

Well, the comments on this thread have made interesting reading.

The computer consultant has actually printed out on a piece of A5-sized 
paper just what he's offering. I'm going to ignore the Intel Core 
i3-2100 with 4GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM and get the higher spec. machine.
It will have Intel Core i5-2400 3.10GHz Socket LGA1155, MSI Z68S REV B3 
motherboard, 8GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM, Nvidia GeForce 8800GT 256MB 
PCI-Express graphics, an SSD OCZ Agility 3 120GB 2.5 SATA instead of a 
hard disk drive, a Samsung DVD-RW SATA, Onboard 7.1 channel HD Audio, 
Onboard 10/100/1000 Mbps Lan, 802.11B/G/N WiFi, an ATX + Cooler Master 
450W PSU and NO OS. He knows I use Linux. He's going to charge me £599 
and I think it's worth the money, because if anything goes wrong, he's 
just downstairs.

It's quite possible I could get a lower price on the Internet, but I 
wouldn't have the service and backup. Anyway, I'm not so skint that I 
cannot give some cash for a good computer. My present desktop is over 
7.5 years old and is still going strong. Its power-supply blew up with a 
bang last year, and I bought a big thin TFT screen to replace the one 
that came with the computer.

I'll be keeping my keyboard and the display, and very likely, the mouse. 
So no change there.

What do you think, guys? Do you reckon it will drive Linux like the 
clappers? Nothing like a bit of oomph to liven one's days, eh?

On the software development front, I use the programming language Algol 
68, which is a high-level language. C is a medium-level language. I have 
spent years in porting an old compiler to Linux, providing a decent 
run-time system and even writing a 600-page book to teach the language 
from scratch. I have developed my own Literate Programming System which 
I shall be completing during the coming months. I have written an Algol 
68 binding to the Xforms library so that it is possible to write GUI 
programs without any bother. And, more recently, I now have a web-site 
with more than 150 pages for the book, as well as a manual for the 
software development system I use. The site is in my signature.

Thanks for all your comments.
Sian Mountbatten

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Re: how to control fan speed?

2012-02-21 Thread Elimar Riesebieter
* David Roguin [120221 11:21 -0300]:

 On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 5:39 AM, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
  * David Roguin [120220 13:48 -0300]:
  I feel my notebook is heating up more than usual, what I do is
  manually write those commands
  # echo 1  /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_manual
  # echo 4000  /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/fan1_output
  Is your laptop an Apple one? Please send the output of
  $ cat /proc/cpuinfo
 processor : 0

It seems that you have to introduce some powersaving first,

  Alles was viel bedacht wird ist bedenklich!;-)
 Friedrich Nietzsche

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Re: Re: ASUS EeePC 1215B - Debian Testing 12-Feb-2012 Build - Video Problem, Black Screen

2012-02-21 Thread Marc Hurst
Thanks Patrick. I don't think DebianEeePC has any specific info on the
EeePC Model 1215b. They have a link to a Squeeze 2.6.39 backport that
probably works; but they warn against using it; and recommend Squeeze

I'm still using Debian Squeeze 6.0.4. 

Full 1366x768 resolution displays fine now, since I used Synaptic to
install the non-free firmware-linux, and installed the fglrx driver,
per instructions here:

Unfortunately, the fglrx 10.9.3 driver doesn't properly recognize the
1215b hardware, so a AMD Unsupported hardware watermark appears in the
lower left corner of the display at all times. I wish I knew how to make
it go away!

Sound works fine after I added a .asoundrc file to my home directory
with these contents (and re-booted):
defaults.pcm.card 1
defaults.ctl.card 1

Wifi works fine after I used Synaptic to install the non-free
firmware-brcm80211 and wifi-radar.

I hope that future versions of Debian Testing will support the EeePC
1215b. But, for now, I'll have to make do with Debian Squeeze 6.0.4.


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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Doug

On 2/21/2012 1:26 AM, Don deJuan wrote:

On 02/20/2012 09:55 PM, Joe Pfeiffer wrote:

Hendrik  writes:

I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0).  Every  

I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows
takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually 
time.  I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current 
time is.

What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my
clock.  I'd really like it to just leave it alone.

Well, if you *didn't* boot into Windows once in a blue moon...  more
seriously, apparently there is a registry key. 

Oh and do not do the =dword part add in DWORD correctly.

Please elucidate:  should =dword be replaced by DWORD  or what is 
meant by add in DWORD correctly?  I don't want to have to

reinstall XP for some kind of screwup in the registry.

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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Doug

On 2/21/2012 1:00 AM, Don deJuan wrote:

On 02/20/2012 09:51 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Hendrik Boom wrote:
I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0).  Every  

It's UTC.  Having the hardare clock in UTC is normal and standard.

I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows
takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually 
time.  I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current 
time is.

The basic problem is that Windows keeps the hardware clock in
localtime but modern systems keep the hardware clock in UTC.  They are
fundamentally incompatible.

You can configure Debian's /etc/default/rcS to keep the hardware clock
in local time too.  (With UTC=no)  But if you only dual boot very
rarely then I wouldn't do it.  I would simply live with Windows having
messed up time.  It should be fine when you boot Debian.

It is fine when you boot Debian, right?  If not then install 'ntp' and
it will be fine.

What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my
clock.  I'd really like it to just leave it alone.

Windows is just /displaying/ the clock as localtime, not setting the
clock, right?  That is what I see when I dual boot a machine.

By the way...  The date on your email is UTC.  Is that also your local
time zone too?

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 04:55:14 + (UTC)


In windows open regedit go to:
add a DWORD with name of RealTimeIsUniversal exactly as its entered 
there and set the value to 1. Now you can have windows time play nice 
with any linux distro, no matter if you use localtime or UTC.

I'm confused.  In another post of a few minutes ago, I asked about this 
dword (DWORD?) business.
Could you please post the entire string correctly, with whatever dword 
or DWORD is supposed to be and 01 or 1 or whatever

that's supposed to be.

Thank you.--doug


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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Don deJuan

On 02/21/2012 03:58 PM, Doug wrote:

On 2/21/2012 1:00 AM, Don deJuan wrote:

On 02/20/2012 09:51 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

Hendrik Boom wrote:

I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0). Every time

It's UTC. Having the hardare clock in UTC is normal and standard.

I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows
takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually
time. I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current time

The basic problem is that Windows keeps the hardware clock in
localtime but modern systems keep the hardware clock in UTC. They are
fundamentally incompatible.

You can configure Debian's /etc/default/rcS to keep the hardware clock
in local time too. (With UTC=no) But if you only dual boot very
rarely then I wouldn't do it. I would simply live with Windows having
messed up time. It should be fine when you boot Debian.

It is fine when you boot Debian, right? If not then install 'ntp' and
it will be fine.

What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my
clock. I'd really like it to just leave it alone.

Windows is just /displaying/ the clock as localtime, not setting the
clock, right? That is what I see when I dual boot a machine.

By the way... The date on your email is UTC. Is that also your local
time zone too?

Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 04:55:14 + (UTC)


In windows open regedit go to:
add a DWORD with name of RealTimeIsUniversal exactly as its entered
there and set the value to 1. Now you can have windows time play nice
with any linux distro, no matter if you use localtime or UTC.

I'm confused. In another post of a few minutes ago, I asked about this
dword (DWORD?) business.
Could you please post the entire string correctly, with whatever dword
or DWORD is supposed to be and 01 or 1 or whatever
that's supposed to be.

Thank you. --doug


For me and from my understanding the windows way to solve this is. regedit
2. go to 

3. Add in RealTimeIsUniversal
4. Give it a hex value of 1 -- this is the 'DWORD'
5. save
6. shutdown windows
7. profit ;)

Does this make sense now? If it does not a simple google of regedit 
windows time linux gives lots of tutorials as a result. But giving it 
the value in regedit makes it so no matter when you log in/boot Windows, 
it will no longer mess with the time settings and any Linux OS can now 
run as UTC or localtime with Windows no longer making changes to the 
time that effect Linux.


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Re: Convert mp3 enbulk

2012-02-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Rob Owens wrote:
   ffmpeg -i somesong.mp3 -acodec libvorbis somesong.ogg

 This command was successful on my system as well, although it produced a
 very low bitrate ogg file.  You can add one of these switches to the
 ffmpeg command to correct this:
 -aq 5 #set the quality level to 5
 -ab 192k  #set the audio bitrate to 192k 

I don't think using -ab is desirable.  Plus it seems that -ab is
ignored if -aq is set.

Setting -aq 4 to a nominal 128kb/s achieves something similar to
oggenc defaults.  So for me this is a good compromise:

 ffmpeg -i somesong.mp3 -acodec libvorbis -aq 4 somesong.ogg

The table here lists associated libvorbis quality levels and bit rates.

  -aq4  128 kbit/s
  -aq5  160 kbit/s
  -aq6  192 kbit/s


Description: Digital signature

Re: New computer planned

2012-02-21 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 21 feb 12, 22:58:03, Sian Mountbatten wrote:
 It will have Intel Core i5-2400 3.10GHz Socket LGA1155, MSI Z68S REV
 B3 motherboard, 8GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM, Nvidia GeForce 8800GT 256MB
 PCI-Express graphics, an SSD OCZ Agility 3 120GB 2.5 SATA instead
 of a hard disk drive, a Samsung DVD-RW SATA, Onboard 7.1 channel HD
 Audio, Onboard 10/100/1000 Mbps Lan, 802.11B/G/N WiFi, an ATX +
 Cooler Master 450W PSU and NO OS. He knows I use Linux. He's going
 to charge me £599 and I think it's worth the money, because if
 anything goes wrong, he's just downstairs.

Just two comments:

- only 256 MB seems low by todays standards
- do you need WiFi?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: [Feedback needed] Setting the right size for /tmp

2012-02-21 Thread Seb
On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 19:44:46 +,
Dom wrote:

 On 28/11/11 18:07, Camaleón wrote:

 I'm running an updated wheezy and today faced with this little

 While running Midnight Commander to open (on-the-fly decompression
 for browsing the archive) the kernel source package (a ~75 MiB
 .tar.bz2 file) I got this error:

 My Atom based netbook is not a powerful system but has 2 GiB of ram
 and 250 hard disk so, what was happening?

 df -H told me:

 S.ficheros Tamaño Usado Disp Uso% Montado en /dev/sda2 247G 7,7G 239G
 4% / tmpfs 5,3M 4,1k 5,3M 1% /lib/init/rw tmpfs 212M 664k 211M 1%
 /run tmpfs 5,3M 0 5,3M 0% /run/lock tmpfs 423M 423M 0 100% /tmp ---
 here!  udev 1,1G 0 1,1G 0% /dev tmpfs 423M 238k 423M 1% /run/shm

 Okay, so /tmp is full. Fine. I know how to solve it but I can foresee
 more situations like this in the future so some questions arise. As
 the current tmpfs default settings for /tmp seem a bit unrealistic
 (just % 20 of the RAM?) for even doing common tasks:

 1/ How many room should be set for a /tmp partition? I never had it
 one so I can't make any good estimation.

 2/ Would be better to simply disable tmpfs for /tmp? This is how
 I've been doing all these years.

 Any comments are welcome :-)

 I don't use tmpfs for /tmp for a couple of reasons.

 Firstly, some of my PCs don't have much RAM (as low as 32MB), so it's
 just not practical, and on the others I sometimes store up to 4.7GB of
 files to put on DVDs.

 I know that I could create tmpfs filesystems bigger than that and they
 would use swap when physical RAM is exceeded, but that would slow the
 systems down to an almost unusable level.

 I'd rather either not have /tmp as a separate file system, or allocate
 at least 10GB to it. Disk is still cheaper than RAM, although slower.

I just discovered to my horror /tmp is handled by a tmpfs system that
allocates by default a percentage of RAM that happens to be too small
for my use of /tmp.  What is the Debianish way to avoid using this
system for /tmp so that it uses whatever is available on /?



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Re: [Feedback needed] Setting the right size for /tmp

2012-02-21 Thread Bob Proulx
Seb wrote:
 I just discovered to my horror /tmp is handled by a tmpfs system that
 allocates by default a percentage of RAM that happens to be too small
 for my use of /tmp.  What is the Debianish way to avoid using this
 system for /tmp so that it uses whatever is available on /?

Set RAMTMP=no in the /etc/default/rcS file.

  # sed --in-place 's/RAMTMP=.*/RAMTMP=no/' /etc/default/rcS


Description: Digital signature

Re: sample rate of ogg and flac files

2012-02-21 Thread Rob Owens
On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 01:46:04PM +, Jon Dowland wrote:
 On 20/02/12 01:59, Rob Owens wrote:
 I've got some flac files that are at high sample rates (96000 Hz and
 192000 Hz).  My Sansa Clip+ won't play them.  When I encode them to ogg
 vorbis, the Clip+ still won't play them unless I resample them.  I
 resampled to 44100 Hz and that worked, but I don't know if the actual
 limit is higher than that.
 Are you running regular Sansa firmware? It might be worth seeing whether will handle the higher sample rates. You can
 normally safely install rockbox alongside your existing firmware,
 and use either.
 (even if it *can*, there's a possibility that it will be
 downsampling at play-time, depending on whether the hardware chip
 can handle the
 sample rate. I'm not sure.)
Thanks for the suggestion.  I'm going to look into it.  Downsampling at
play time is no big deal for me, since I'm usually listening to this player
in a noisy truck.

 Would it be a good idea to include this type of information in the
 media-player-info files?  Then Rhythmbox, etc. could possibly resample
 my files when I add them to my player.  Rhythmbox currently uses the
 media-player-info files to know what formats my player supports, and
 will transcode my music files when I add them to my player, if necessary.
 I'm thinking of filing a wishlist bug to media-player-info, but I'd like
 to hear if anyone's got a better suggestion.
 I think it's a great idea, but you should look at discussing this
 with upstream first, perhaps on their development list, and then
 perhaps file a bug there.  The Debian bug is likely superfluous.
Upstream's website has been down for the last few days, but I'll keep
checking back.


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Re: Windows screws up Linux's clock

2012-02-21 Thread Paul Johnson
Seems like this could be made easier by mailing the .reg file (or throwing
it in a webspace someplace) with the correct key and value already set.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 4:06 PM, Don deJuan wrote:

 On 02/21/2012 03:58 PM, Doug wrote:

 On 2/21/2012 1:00 AM, Don deJuan wrote:

 On 02/20/2012 09:51 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:

 Hendrik Boom wrote:

 I run my machine on UCT, or something like it (timezone +0). Every time

 It's UTC. Having the hardare clock in UTC is normal and standard.**Coordinated_Universal_Time

  I boot to Windows XP (which I need to do once in a blue moon) Windows
 takes it on itself to set my clock as if the UCT time were actually
 time. I have no idea where it gets its idea of what the current time

 The basic problem is that Windows keeps the hardware clock in
 localtime but modern systems keep the hardware clock in UTC. They are
 fundamentally incompatible.

 You can configure Debian's /etc/default/rcS to keep the hardware clock
 in local time too. (With UTC=no) But if you only dual boot very
 rarely then I wouldn't do it. I would simply live with Windows having
 messed up time. It should be fine when you boot Debian.

 It is fine when you boot Debian, right? If not then install 'ntp' and
 it will be fine.

  What I'd like to know is, how can I keep Windows from messing with my
 clock. I'd really like it to just leave it alone.

 Windows is just /displaying/ the clock as localtime, not setting the
 clock, right? That is what I see when I dual boot a machine.

 By the way... The date on your email is UTC. Is that also your local
 time zone too?

  Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 04:55:14 + (UTC)


 In windows open regedit go to:
 add a DWORD with name of RealTimeIsUniversal exactly as its entered
 there and set the value to 1. Now you can have windows time play nice
 with any linux distro, no matter if you use localtime or UTC.

  I'm confused. In another post of a few minutes ago, I asked about this
 dword (DWORD?) business.
 Could you please post the entire string correctly, with whatever dword
 or DWORD is supposed to be and 01 or 1 or whatever
 that's supposed to be.

 Thank you. --doug


 For me and from my understanding the windows way to solve this is. regedit
 2. go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\**CurrentControlSet\Control\**
 3. Add in RealTimeIsUniversal
 4. Give it a hex value of 1 -- this is the 'DWORD'
 5. save
 6. shutdown windows
 7. profit ;)

 Does this make sense now? If it does not a simple google of regedit
 windows time linux gives lots of tutorials as a result. But giving it the
 value in regedit makes it so no matter when you log in/boot Windows, it
 will no longer mess with the time settings and any Linux OS can now run as
 UTC or localtime with Windows no longer making changes to the time that
 effect Linux.


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