Re: gnome 2 : comment rajouter des bureaux virtuels

2012-03-03 Thread Philippe Marzouk
On Fri, Mar 02, 2012 at 09:59:31PM +0100, carmelo wrote:
 Je cherche désesperement le moyen d'avoir 4 bureaux
 virtuels dans mon Gnome 2. 
 Un clic droit sur sélecteur espace de
 travail dans la barre des tâches, préférences, ne me donne pas de
 réglages pour le nombre de bureaux virtuels ... 
 Savez vous comment
 faire ? 

Si tu utilises Compiz, c'est dans les réglages de Compiz que ça se
configure (avec ccsm).


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Nettoyage du spam: février 2012

2012-03-03 Thread Christian PERRIER
Comme nous sommes en mars 2012, il est désormais possible de traiter
les archives du mois de février 2012 des listes francophones.

N'oubliez bien sûr pas d'ajouter votre nom à la liste des relecteurs
pour que nous sachions où nous en sommes.

Détails du processus de nettoyage du spam sur:


Description: Digital signature

[Un peu HS] Argumentaire de choix de distribution...

2012-03-03 Thread David BERCOT

Ma demande est un peu en dehors des clous, mais je suppose que
plusieurs d'entre vous ont déjà répondu à ce genre de problématique.

En effet, sur nos serveurs (applicatifs avec Apache/Tomcat et de bases
de données avec PostgreSQL ou Oracle principalement) se pose la
question de la distribution. Pour tout ce qui concerne Oracle (que ce
soit le SBGD proprement dit ou des outils annexes comme le Grid
Control), l'orientation se fera vraisemblablement vers RedHat (question
de support). En revanche, pour le reste (serveurs applicatifs ou
PostgreSQL), la décision est plus ouverte et les deux distributions
pré-senties sont CentOS et Debian.

D'où ma première question : avez-vous eu ce genre de choix à faire et,
si oui, avez-vous un document-type de comparaison de distributions
(stabilité de l'OS, nombre de paquets disponibles, qualité de la
communauté, impact des mises à jour, etc...) ?

Et, éventuellement, j'irais bien jusqu'à la deuxième question :
avez-vous des éléments concrets à mettre sur la balance Debian
vs CentOS ?

Merci d'avance et bon week-end.


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Re: [Beaucoup H$] Argumentaire de choix de distribution...

2012-03-03 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 3 Mar 2012 12:25:12 +0100
David BERCOT wrote:

 D'où ma première question : avez-vous eu ce genre de choix à faire et,
 si oui, avez-vous un document-type de comparaison de distributions
 (stabilité de l'OS, nombre de paquets disponibles, qualité de la
 communauté, impact des mises à jour, etc...) ?

Il appert que CentOS soit la branche sage de RH (à qui je ne
pardonnerais *jamais* l'inclusion d'un ftp anonymous branché
sur / ...) - et que cette distro n'intègre les nouveautés qu'une
fois qu'elles ont été correctement testées  validées (cependant la
recherche de la stabilité/sécurité ne semble pas faire partie de
l'objectif primal.)
Elle a une excellente pub sur le net et sert de base à nombre 
de projets importants  liveCDs.

 Et, éventuellement, j'irais bien jusqu'à la deuxième question :
 avez-vous des éléments concrets à mettre sur la balance Debian
 vs CentOS ?

Pour ce que j'en sais, il n'existe pas de support pro direct; donc
égalité avec Debian (à condition, bien sur, de se cantonner aux
MLs/IRC/etc en langue Anglaise.)

Supports officiels Pg:

Il est à noter (je ne l'ai pas vu dans les links) que Bull semble
avoir délaissé son propre produit RDBMS au profit de PostgreSQL (bon
là les prix doivent être prohibitifs: faut bien que les poliotiques
se goinfrent).

Maintenant si sécurité  stabilité sont les 2 mamelles de ton
soutient ]:), je resterais plutôt sur Debian; mieux vaut être un
poil outdaté mais stable que de risquer une faille ou une

Maintenant, si tu veux tout verrouiller question support, RH le
permet; reste à voir le coût annuel et surtout les risques (puisque
les packages sont upgradés systématiquement à la dernière version.)

Là encore, je te renvoie à la réponse d'avant celle d'après: Oui
Debian est tjrs en retard, mais pour de bonnes raisons.
(ET Debian a tjrs communiqué honnêtement sur les attaques réussies
de ses serveurs, ce qui n'est pas vraiment le cas de tout le

En 5 mots comme en cent: ptêt ben, fèpôça, yakafokon  yfolferfer.
(donc YMMV:)

La question est loin d'être facile, mais je dirais que la marque
de l'OS a peu d'importance ('tention hein, tant qu'on reste dans les
*nices - même pas question d'évoquer la marque à la pomme ni celle
aux carreaux!), vu qu'un admin normalement constitué devrait s'en
sortir dans la plupart des cas - donc le centrage serait plus sur le
RDBMS et ses optimisations.

Maintenant, il-y-a des gens actuellement plus branchés pro que ma
poire (Bortzmeyer, Sauvage, etc) qui t'en diront ptêt plus.

Mais en tout état de cause il ne faut pas rêver: c'est dès fois
dans la 15ème page de recherche que tu trouves un obscur admin qui a
eu le même PB que toi et qui te donnes sa solution (remarque toute
personnelle, parce qu'à chaque fois que je cherche le mouton à 5
pattes, les 50 premières pages risquant de m'apporter la meilleure
réponse me font un 404.)

Un retour (final) serait le bienvenu, histoire que chacun voit les
tenants et les aboutissants d'une décision aux ramifications
I was attacked by dselect as a small child and have since avoided
debian. -- Andrew Morton

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Re: Une RBL de hostname pour postfix

2012-03-03 Thread Stephane Bortzmeyer
On Fri, Mar 02, 2012 at 06:37:11AM +0100,
 Olivier Pavilla wrote 
 a message of 44 lines which said:

 Mon serveur est sous debian squeeze où un postfix tourne cahin cahan,
 harrassé qu'il est par les chinois, les ukrainiens, les roumains,

Que fait Claude Guéant contre tous ces étrangers ? Pas de romanichels
parmi les attaquants ?

 Je souhaiterais savoir si il existe une RBL de hostname pour les
 restrictions smtp?

Pas à ma connaissance (les autres réponses dans ce fil sont tout à
fait correctes mais tout le monde a oublié de répondre à la question

De toute façon, les listes

 Ou peut-on faire des restrictions dur des ranges d'IPs?


smtpd_client_restrictions = ... cidr:/etc/postfix/beauveau.cidr

Avec /etc/postfix/beauveau.cidr :  REJECT

Attention, des listes noires maintenues à la main en local
représentent beaucoup de travail et deviennent vite obsolètes et donc
plus dangereuses qu'utiles

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Impossible d'utiliser CUPS sous squeeze

2012-03-03 Thread andre_debian

Je n'arrive pas utiliser cups sous debian squeeze.

Je lance la console graphique :
= Adding Printers and Classes
= add printer
et je reçois ce message :
401 Non autorisé
Entrez votre nom d’utilisateur et votre mot de passe ou bien identifiez-vous 
en tant que « root » pour accéder à cette page. Si vous utilisez 
l’authentification Kerberos, assurez-vous de disposer d’un ticket Kerberos 

J'ai entièrement désinstallé cups (avec --purge), réinstallé
et toujours pareil !

Aussi, je souhaite installer une imprimante Lexmark X1150 qui n'apparaît
pas dans la liste des imprimantes de cups.
(cups a marché au départ mais très vite j'ai eu cette panne)

Merci beaucoup d'une aide, d'abord sur cups et installation de ma Lexmark.


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Re: Impossible d'utiliser CUPS sous squeeze

2012-03-03 Thread Bzzz
On Sat, 3 Mar 2012 23:28:22 +0100
andre_debian wrote:

 Je sèpas utiliser cups sous debian squeeze.


We don't smoke and we don't chew, and we don't go with girls that do.
-- Walter Summers

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Re: Impossible d'utiliser CUPS sous squeeze

2012-03-03 Thread Bernard Schoenacker
Le Sat, 3 Mar 2012 23:28:22 +0100,
andre_debian a écrit :

 Je n'arrive pas utiliser cups sous debian squeeze.
 Je lance la console graphique :
 = Adding Printers and Classes
 = add printer
 et je reçois ce message :
 401 Non autorisé
 Entrez votre nom d’utilisateur et votre mot de passe ou bien
 identifiez-vous en tant que « root » pour accéder à cette page. Si
 vous utilisez l’authentification Kerberos, assurez-vous de disposer
 d’un ticket Kerberos valide.
 J'ai entièrement désinstallé cups (avec --purge), réinstallé
 et toujours pareil !
 Aussi, je souhaite installer une imprimante Lexmark X1150 qui
 n'apparaît pas dans la liste des imprimantes de cups.
 (cups a marché au départ mais très vite j'ai eu cette panne)
 Merci beaucoup d'une aide, d'abord sur cups et installation de ma


puisqu'il faut des captures d'écran avec le rtfm :


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Re: yelp abre archivos en formato xml o no los abre

2012-03-03 Thread Felix Perez
El día 2 de marzo de 2012 21:52, Gerardo A. Mirkin escribió:
 Hoy por primera vez desde que instalé Debian 6.04 (instalación de red en una
 Asus eee pc 1215p usando un pen drive con el .iso) quise consultar la ayuda
 en yelp. Para mi sorpresa los archivos que se abren lo hacen en .xml. Los
 que no lo hacen muestran la siguiente leyenda cuando presiono en el vínculo
 (ejemplo, ayuda del gestor de actualizaciones): El URI requerido
 «file:///usr/share/omf/update-manager/update-manager-C.omf» no es válido.
 Ejecutando yelp desde bash aparece lo siguiente:
 germ@Galileo:~$ yelp

 (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tool_button_new: assertion `icon_widget ==
 NULL || GTK_IS_MISC (icon_widget)' failed
 (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
 (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion
 `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
 (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_toolbar_insert: assertion
 `GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM (item)' failed
 (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tool_button_new: assertion `icon_widget ==
 NULL || GTK_IS_MISC (icon_widget)' failed
 (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
 (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion
 `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
 (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_toolbar_insert: assertion
 `GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM (item)' failed
 (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tool_button_new: assertion `icon_widget ==
 NULL || GTK_IS_MISC (icon_widget)' failed
 (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
 (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion
 `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
 (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_toolbar_insert: assertion
 `GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM (item)' failed
 (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tool_button_new: assertion `icon_widget ==
 NULL || GTK_IS_MISC (icon_widget)' failed
 (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
 (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion
 `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
 (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_toolbar_insert: assertion
 `GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM (item)' failed

 Suena como un problema de bibliotecas? Me tiro a reinstalar Gtk y Glib?

Revisaste estro:


usuario linux  #274354
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Re: Servicio similar a DynDNS gratuito

2012-03-03 Thread Felix Perez
El día 3 de marzo de 2012 01:09, rantis cares escribió:
 El día 6 de enero de 2012 14:01, ciracusa escribió:
 Gracias Colega.

 Vaya, creo que ya empiezo a ser de un poquito de utilidad en la comunidad 

 En mi caso te comento que instalé

 Muchas Gracias!

 ya no deberia llamarse DEBIAN USER SPANISH LIST, sino que deberia ser

 Gracias a los Listeros

O estoy lento o ya muy viejo, pero respondiendo un correo de hace 2 meses...

¡¡mi no entender

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
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Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

2012-03-03 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

es una politica que ha adoptado el administrador (y dueño) del sitio, ya 
los foros se habian convertido en lugares para buscar amistad ( 

por parte de usuarios provenientes de cuba.


Me huele a mero pretexto. Me parece más bien que quiere sumarse a los que 
nos bloquean el acceso a la información y los soft, aunque estos sean 
libres, y después se dicen amantes de la libertad y de los derechos humanos.

|| ISMAEL ||

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Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

2012-03-03 Thread Fabián Bonetti
On Sat, 3 Mar 2012 09:01:47 -0500
Ismael L. Donis Garcia wrote:

Ya que estamos en el tema.

Alguien de cuba puede entrar a mi blog? ?

Solo quiero sacarme la duda.


Voip Mumble (soft libre) :.
Web Hosting :.
Red Social :.

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Re: Principiante en Debian+PDC Zentyal

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 02 Mar 2012 15:14:36 -0500, Ing Osniel Fariñas Sánchez escribió:

 El Fri, 02 Mar 2012 07:32:36 -0500, Yoinier Hernandez Nieves escribió:

 On 01/03/12 11:25, Camaleón wrote:


 Y como ya le han indicado, Zenytal tendrá sus propios tutoriales...

 Zentyal  funciona bien ,no odien a Zentyal 

¿Y quién odia a Zentyal? :-?

 ahora o definan mi duda out of topic ,esa no es la cuestión,he llagdo
 gracias a la ayuda de cubanos de a pie como decimos aqui a dar mas
 menos con lo que hay que configurar ,es el PAM en debian próxima
 semana enmpieso a probar paracticamente,si alguien tiene alguna
 experiencia en montar una red para mediana empresa completamente en
 linux pues soy todo oidos. saludos osniel

Te mandé un enlace más arriba para configurarlo. Si no tienes acceso y lo 
quieres, me lo dices y te lo mando.



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Re: Problemas con Mailman

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 02 Mar 2012 22:30:30 +0100, Gilberto Luis Díaz Valdés escribió:

(por todas las espirales... ese html)

 html xmlns:v=urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml
 META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
 meta name=Generator content=Microsoft Word 12 (filtered medium)
  /* Font Definitions */
   panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}
  /* Style Definitions */
  p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
 a:link, span.MsoHyperlink
 a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed
 @page Section1
   {size:612.0pt 792.0pt;
   margin:70.85pt 3.0cm 70.85pt 3.0cm;}
 !--[if gte mso 9]xml
  o:shapedefaults v:ext=edit spidmax=1026 /
 /xml![endif]--!--[if gte mso 9]xml
  o:shapelayout v:ext=edit
   o:idmap v:ext=edit data=1 /
 body lang=ES link=blue vlink=purple
 div class=Section1
 p class=MsoNormalColegas, de hace 2 dias en adelante, mi Mailman me ha
 empesado a consumir demasiada memoria Ram, el proceso de python asociado
 al Incoming de Mailman se dispara hasta llegar a casi 1 gb de
 p class=MsoNormalo:pnbsp;/o:p/p
 p class=MsoNormalHe googleado y hay poco al respecto, solo he
 encontrado 2 POST al respecto y sin respuestas. o:p/o:p/p
 p class=MsoNormalo:pnbsp;/o:p/p
 p class=MsoNormalSi alguien con uen animo desea ayudar, estaré super
 agradecido. Se que es una pregunta difícil, pues no creo que sea algo
 que se de muy a menudo.o:p/o:p/p
 p class=MsoNormalo:pnbsp;/o:p/p
 p class=MsoNormalSalu2so:p/o:p/p
 p class=MsoNormalo:pnbsp;/o:p/p
 p class=MsoNormalo:pnbsp;/o:p/p
 p class=MsoNormalGilbeo:p/o:p/p
  BRBR__ Información de ESET NOD32 Antivirus, versión de la
  base de firmas de virus 6933 (20120302) __BRBRESET NOD32
  Antivirus ha comprobado este mensaje.BRBRA
  HREF=; /body

Cuanto te pase, prueba a reiniciar el servicio o matar el proceso, a ver 
si vuelve a la normalidad. 

Si te sucede a menudo sin que haya una causa aparente (p. ej., aumento en 
el tráfico de mensajes, actualización del programa...), habría que 
estudiarlo más a fondo, yo preguntaría en la lista de correo de mailman:



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Re: yelp abre archivos en formato xml o no los abre

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 02 Mar 2012 21:52:36 -0300, Gerardo A. Mirkin escribió:

(ese html...)

 Hoy por primera vez desde que instalé Debian 6.04 (instalación de red en
 una Asus eee pc 1215p usando un pen drive con el .iso) quise consultar
 la ayuda en yelp. Para mi sorpresa los archivos que se abren lo hacen en
 .xml. Los que no lo hacen muestran la siguiente leyenda cuando presiono
 en el vínculo (ejemplo, ayuda del gestor de actualizaciones): El URI
 requerido «file:///usr/share/omf/update-manager/update-manager-C.omf» no
 es válido. Ejecutando yelp desde bash aparece lo siguiente:
 germ@Galileo:~$ yelp
 (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tool_button_new: assertion
 `icon_widget == NULL || GTK_IS_MISC (icon_widget)' failed 


Hay un bug abierto para un problema similar:

yelp: When I use the help function for some Gnome program I get an error



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Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

2012-03-03 Thread Felix Perez
El día 3 de marzo de 2012 11:01, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:
 - Original Message - From:
 Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 5:52 PM
 Subject: Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

 es una politica que ha adoptado el administrador (y dueño) del sitio, ya
 los foros se habian convertido en lugares para buscar amistad (
 por parte de usuarios provenientes de cuba.


 Me huele a mero pretexto. Me parece más bien que quiere sumarse a los que
 nos bloquean el acceso a la información y los soft, aunque estos sean
 libres, y después se dicen amantes de la libertad y de los derechos humanos.

Y a mi me huele a comentario estúpido.

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: yelp abre archivos en formato xml o no los abre

2012-03-03 Thread Gerardo A. Mirkin
Hola Felix,
Lo que me mandaste son las dependencias que la instalación del paquete
cumple satisfactoriamente al momento de la instalación. Me estoy fijando en
los bugs en esa sección, pero no soy un experto en gnu/linux como para
sacar alguna conclusión que me lleve a resolver el problema en términos
prácticos... de modo que la ayuda que puedan darme será apreciada.
Gracias. Saludos,

El 3 de marzo de 2012 09:42, Felix Perez felix.listadeb...@gmail.comescribió:

 El día 2 de marzo de 2012 21:52, Gerardo A. Mirkin escribió:
  Hoy por primera vez desde que instalé Debian 6.04 (instalación de red en
  Asus eee pc 1215p usando un pen drive con el .iso) quise consultar la
  en yelp. Para mi sorpresa los archivos que se abren lo hacen en .xml. Los
  que no lo hacen muestran la siguiente leyenda cuando presiono en el
  (ejemplo, ayuda del gestor de actualizaciones): El URI requerido
  «file:///usr/share/omf/update-manager/update-manager-C.omf» no es válido.
  Ejecutando yelp desde bash aparece lo siguiente:
  germ@Galileo:~$ yelp
  (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tool_button_new: assertion
 `icon_widget ==
  NULL || GTK_IS_MISC (icon_widget)' failed
  (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
  (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion
  `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
  (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_toolbar_insert: assertion
  `GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM (item)' failed
  (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tool_button_new: assertion
 `icon_widget ==
  NULL || GTK_IS_MISC (icon_widget)' failed
  (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
  (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion
  `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
  (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_toolbar_insert: assertion
  `GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM (item)' failed
  (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tool_button_new: assertion
 `icon_widget ==
  NULL || GTK_IS_MISC (icon_widget)' failed
  (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
  (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion
  `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
  (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_toolbar_insert: assertion
  `GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM (item)' failed
  (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_tool_button_new: assertion
 `icon_widget ==
  NULL || GTK_IS_MISC (icon_widget)' failed
  (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer instance
  (yelp:4123): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_signal_connect_data: assertion
  `G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE (instance)' failed
  (yelp:4123): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_toolbar_insert: assertion
  `GTK_IS_TOOL_ITEM (item)' failed
  Suena como un problema de bibliotecas? Me tiro a reinstalar Gtk y Glib?

 Revisaste estro:


 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 02 Mar 2012 20:52:03 -0200, escribió:

 On Vie 02 Mar 2012 14:39:48 Paradix ;) escribió:
 Saludos lista
 Desde hace un tiempo muchos listeros que vivimos en Cuba notamos que
 nos es imposible acceder a En mi caso al menos, he
 concluido que no se debe a ningún tipo de política restrictiva sino a
 que posiblemente los administradores del sitio están denegando el
 acceso a las IPs cubanas . si alguno de los listeros
 conoce o tiene algún tipo de relación con los administradores de por favor ayudennos a esclarecer esta situación y si
 pueden hacer disponible el acceso para nosotros.
 Disculpenme por el OT
 es una politica que ha adoptado el administrador (y dueño) del sitio, ya
 que los foros se habian convertido en lugares para buscar amistad (
 amolpapito) por parte de usuarios provenientes de cuba.


Uf... qué mala sangre :-/

Una cosa es que se le impida a alguien concreto enviar mensajes a los 
foros (por el motivo que sea y según estén definidas las políticas del 
sitio) pero impedir el acceso a todo el sitio indiscriminadamente parece 
excesivo y abusivo.



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Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

2012-03-03 Thread José Maldonado
El día 3 de marzo de 2012 12:45, Felix Perez escribió:
 El día 3 de marzo de 2012 11:01, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:
 - Original Message - From:
 Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 5:52 PM
 Subject: Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

 es una politica que ha adoptado el administrador (y dueño) del sitio, ya
 los foros se habian convertido en lugares para buscar amistad (
 por parte de usuarios provenientes de cuba.


 Me huele a mero pretexto. Me parece más bien que quiere sumarse a los que
 nos bloquean el acceso a la información y los soft, aunque estos sean
 libres, y después se dicen amantes de la libertad y de los derechos humanos.

 Y a mi me huele a comentario estúpido.

 usuario linux  #274354
 normas de la lista:
 como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Pues a mi me parece bastante incomoda y fuera de lugar la medida de
bloquear el acceso a las webs, se supone que esto es una comunidad
libre, si alguien abusa de un foro se deben tomar medidas en contra de
esa persona, no en contra de toda una comunidad y mucho menos de un
país que se encuentra en una situación de bloqueo mundial que ya
resulta completamente injusta.

Dios en su Cielo, todo bien en la Tierra

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Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

2012-03-03 Thread Ismael L. Donis Garcia
- Original Message - 
From: Felix Perez

To: lista-debian
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2012 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

Y a mi me huele a comentario estúpido.

Más estupidos son los que hacen los estupidos.

Y son meros .
|| ISMAEL ||

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Ayuda Bloquear puertos usb

2012-03-03 Thread oscar Hernandez
Buenas noches, una pregunta alguien conoce la forma de bloquear los
puertos usb en debian mediante un script o rutina desde el inicio de
sesion, o en caso mas avanzado no permitir la ejecucion de ciertos
archivos con extensiones .exe o .com  en el sistema gracias de
antemano. exe o com debido a que el wine lo ejecuta de manera

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Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

2012-03-03 Thread Felix Perez
El día 3 de marzo de 2012 14:32, José Maldonado escribió:
 El día 3 de marzo de 2012 12:45, Felix Perez escribió:
 El día 3 de marzo de 2012 11:01, Ismael L. Donis Garcia escribió:
 - Original Message - From:
 Sent: Friday, March 02, 2012 5:52 PM
 Subject: Re: OT: sobre, pedido de ayuda

 es una politica que ha adoptado el administrador (y dueño) del sitio, ya
 los foros se habian convertido en lugares para buscar amistad (
 por parte de usuarios provenientes de cuba.


 Me huele a mero pretexto. Me parece más bien que quiere sumarse a los que
 nos bloquean el acceso a la información y los soft, aunque estos sean
 libres, y después se dicen amantes de la libertad y de los derechos humanos.

 Y a mi me huele a comentario estúpido.

 Pues a mi me parece bastante incomoda y fuera de lugar la medida de
 bloquear el acceso a las webs, se supone que esto es una comunidad
 libre, si alguien abusa de un foro se deben tomar medidas en contra de
 esa persona, no en contra de toda una comunidad y mucho menos de un
 país que se encuentra en una situación de bloqueo mundial que ya
 resulta completamente injusta.

¿que comunidad? esta comunidad no bloquea a nadie.
esdebian no tiene relación alguna (que yo sepa) con debian y con esta
lista, por lo tanto lo que haga el dueño de esdebian es de absoluta
responsabilidad de él mismo.  Si quiere bloquear pues lo hace y listo,
si nos molesta lo que hace pues no visitamos más su sitio y que se
meta el nombre de dominio y el hosting (que él los paga) por donde le
quepa.  Así de simple, estimados la libertad funciona siempre para los
dos lados.

caso hipotético:  acceso compartido a internet mediante un proxi (como
lo han dicho muchas veces los users de cuba), es decir una IP --
muchos usuarios, supongamos 1000, el usuario número 200 mosquea en un
sitio, este sitio lo banea como user, luego se registra de nuevo con
otro user y sigue mosqueando, y asi otras veces, ¿que hago como admin
del sitio? pues bloqueo por IP, listo bloqueo al user 200 del proxi y
de pasada a los otros 999,  luego otra vez sucede con otra IP ¿que
hacer entones? entonces bloquear por rango de IP, plaff justo el rango
de IPs de Cuba (que no debe tener muchas).

No me gusta el bloqueo pero tampoco me gusta la actitud de algunos
listeros cubanos.


usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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Re: Compartilhar wlan0 com eth0

2012-03-03 Thread Ueder José Ramos
echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

Em 3 de março de 2012 00:22, Dane escreveu:

 Dae tche  tudo bem?

 echo 1  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE

 Em 2 de março de 2012 21:27, Samuel Andrade Teixeira escreveu:

  Alguém por gentileza poderia me ensinar como fazer esse compartilhamento
 de uma maneira simples? O acham do uso do iptables?




Ueder Ramos Analista de Redes
Urbi Telecom  (62) 3920-3055
Linux User: #530240
Tecnólogo em Redes de Computadores Faculdade Estacio de Sá GO
Wireless Network Designer Lancore
Microtik RouterOS Basic - Hands On Lancore
Tudo é do pai toda honra e toda glória é dele a vitória alcançada em minha
Por causa da tua palavra lançaremos as redes Lc 5,5 (Projeto Lancai as

Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Kai-Martin Knaak
Camaleón wrote:

 1. Gnome classic desktop displays no desktop icons.

Nautilus does not handle the desktop in gnome3 by default. But this
can be changes with a flag. The easiest way to set the flag back to
true is via gnome-tewak-tool: First line in section Desktop.
gnome-tweak-tool comes in a package of its own.

 2. How can I examine the menu items to find where the underlying
 programs they call are and are named? I have not yet come to an
 understanding of how this part worsks.

The gnome3 way: 
1) Move the mouse to the upper left corner of the screen.
   (Alternatively, press the windows-key)
-- The screen warps to some kind of window chooser.

2) click applications in the upper left. 
-- The screen changes to an iphone-like carpet of klarge icons.
  Use the menu on the right to filter for specific groups of 

 Alacarte was the usual application to deal with GNOME menu 
 items but I think is broken somehow.

IMHO, the OP is missing the menu in the first place. This 
seems to be gone in gnome3. Same as with the icons on the 
desktop it is still there, just not in the default theme.

Steps to recover the gnome2 way:

1) call gnome-panel in a terminal. (Yet another gnome2 core
element that is hidden in the default theme of gnome3)
-- at least one panel appears on the top of the screen. 

2) do [alt right-click] on the panel. That is, hold the alt key 
during right mouse click. 
-- a menu pops up 

3) Choose add_to_panel
-- a chooser window lists a number of itzems that can be added
to the panel

4) choose Main Menu, or Menu Bar click ok
-- The application menus known from gnome2 appear in the panel.

optionally: 5) right-klick on the menu to start alacarte and 
modify the menu. (no alt-button required, this time)
IIRC, the debian sub menu is not activated by default in wheezy.
I habitually make it visible.

The shut-down item seems to be missing in the exit menu if you 
click on the user name in the upper right of the screen. Press 
the alt key and it reappears. However, the Main Menu also features
a shut-down item like it always did.

If any of the gnome devs is listening: This game of hide and seek 
with UI controls is patronizing, annoying and just obnoxious.
Just stop it. Period.

Kai-Martin Knaak
Öffentlicher PGP-Schlüssel:

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Re: printing dead slow since squeeze

2012-03-03 Thread Teemu Likonen
* Rick Thomas [2012-03-03 02:22:09 -0500] wrote:

 You can purge them all by doing

 sudo aptitude -Pv purge $(aptitude search '~c' -F '%p')

You can do just:

sudo aptitude -Pv purge '~c'

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Re: encrypted root - change keyboard layout

2012-03-03 Thread
03/03/2012 01:30, Matthias Weiler wrote:
 Hello everyone!
 As the subject suggests: I've encrypted my root partition with a super
 secret passphrase. The problem is that there is one character that I
 don't know how to enter with the english keyboard layout.
 I get to the (initramfs) prompt. What can I do from there on?
 I've checked Debian Wiki [0], Arch Wiki [1] and Stackexchange [2] but
 they didn't help altogether. I don't have dpkg-reconfigure or
 What am I missing?
 Thanks for your time!

Hi, the steps you are looking at are only effective when in the system,
then after doing the appropriate changes you can rebuild an initramfs
which will include whatever key-map you've chosen.
Now, as per changing key-map from the busybox prompt itself I don't
think it's possible (but I may very well be wrong here), and even if
busybox had the equivalent of the loadkeys command you're only going
to have access to whatever key-maps are included, there may not be any
outside the default one...

You can print yourself a qwerty US keymap (or use another computer or
phone on-screen keyboard) as a guide, or start from a live-cd, unlock
and mount your system partition (bind mount /dev,/sys,/proc and mount
/boot if it's a separate partition) chroot on it and rebuild initramfs
after setting up options to include the appropriate key-map.

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Re: MD device not found on boot

2012-03-03 Thread
02/03/2012 20:36, Daniel Bareiro wrote:
 On Friday, 02 March 2012 18:21:17 +0100, wrote:


 Are you using kernel-package make-kpkg or the make deb-pkg target to
 build your kernel packages ? The former requires a bit of manual
 configuration to work properly.
 I'm using make-kpkg:
 # cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config
 # make menuconfig
 # make-kpkg --initrd --append_to_version=-layer7-imq-amd64 linux-image
 Thanks for your reply.

What steps did you take to configure kernel-package ? Did you read
/usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz ? Just a short citation:

With the new kernel-package conventions, you also need the example
scripts in /etc/kernel/postinst.d/ and /etc/kernel/postrm.d, to create
and remove the initramfs. Make sure that these scripts pay attention
to the INITRD env variable to determine whether or not to take any

 Let me repeat:
 Since nothing is created automatically. you need to provide a hook
 script for things to happen when you install the kernel image
 package.  The user provides such scripts. For example, to invoke
 mkinitramfs, I did:

--8---cut here---start-8---
 cp /usr/share/kernel-package/examples/etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs \
 cp /usr/share/kernel-package/examples/etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs \
--8---cut here---end---8---

Maybe that's part of the problem.

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Re: USB speaker as internal audio?

2012-03-03 Thread Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum
- Original Message -

 From: Camaleón
 Sent: Thursday, March 1, 2012 12:56 PM
 Subject: Re: USB speaker as internal audio?
 On Thu, 01 Mar 2012 06:32:44 -0800, Dr. Jennifer Nussbaum wrote:
  Hi, Im running Debian testing with XFCE, and PulseAudio as my sound
  I currently have a pair of cheap speakers plugged into the sound 
  on my computer, and then two different USB speakers for higher-quality
  I want to get a pair of small USB speakers as my main desktop
  speakers. Is there a way to tell the system to use these speakers as my
  internal audio device? I want to be able to hear system sounds 
  thru these speakers. Right now if I unplug the normal sound out
  speakers, i get no system sounds at all, nothing goes automatically to
  either of the USB speakers. In the PulseAudio volume control, the
  system sounds just has a volume slider, it doesn't let you 
 choose an
  output device.
 This is from PA wiki:
 Which seems to point pavucontrol, as well as this other site:
 How do I switch to another audio output sink in XFCE?

Thank you! I did look at the docs but i thought that this still couldnt apply 
to internal audio. But
this seems to be the trick. I dont mind the manual setup; once its done 
it's done.


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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-03-03 Thread Brian
On Fri 02 Mar 2012 at 16:30:26 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 02, 2012 at 10:41:55AM +, Brian wrote:
  The error you got is reproducible by removing the first line of a ppd
 *PPD-Adobe: 4.3
 I see I have a couple leading characters of garbage. Removing them,
 I now get /etc/cups/interfaces/HL-5340D_native_ppd failed
 Worth getting a virgin copy of the ppd to be sure (although
 I'm doing fine with the PCL6 driver ATM.)

If you do acquire another copy you may want to run cupstestppd on it.

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Re: encrypted root - change keyboard layout

2012-03-03 Thread Florian Kulzer
On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 01:30:21 +0100, Matthias Weiler wrote:
 Hello everyone!
 As the subject suggests: I've encrypted my root partition with a super
 secret passphrase. The problem is that there is one character that I
 don't know how to enter with the english keyboard layout.
 I get to the (initramfs) prompt. What can I do from there on?
 I've checked Debian Wiki [0], Arch Wiki [1] and Stackexchange [2] but
 they didn't help altogether. I don't have dpkg-reconfigure or

You will probably need a rescue disk that allows you to mount the
encrypted root file system and chroot into it to rebuild your initrd as
I suggest below. (Your Debian installer may offer such a rescue
functionality, but I cannot help you with any details here because I
have not had to do something like that in a very long time.) 

 What am I missing?
 Thanks for your time!

It seems that update-initramfs does not include the correct keyboard
configuration in the initrd:

If you manage to chroot into your encrypted system then you can try the
following workaround: Make sure that your keyboard configuration is
coirrect, then save it

  setupcon --save-keyboard cached.kmap
  gzip -9n cached.kmap

and copy cached.kmap.gz to /etc/console-setup/ (back up the old version
if one exists); finally, rebuild your initrd with

  update-initramfs -u

Disclaimer: I have not tried if any of this works. A simpler approach
may be to use the rescue disk to change the LUKS passphrase and remove
the one troublesome character; my guess would be that this will not
significantly affect the entropy of the phrase.

  Florian   |

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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-03-03 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 01 Mar 2012, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 I think you're the newest member to our growing club!  See:
 - Nate 

I've never got on with CUPS and alwayw use lprng + magicfilter. 

I have a Brother HL5240 which was working fine in this way until my HDD
broke a few weeks ago. After reinstalling Sid on a new disk I had
problems getting the printer to work, especially when printing from
other machines on the local network. Some helpful advice from the lprng
maintainer fixed that.

One odd thing: the driver I got from Brother and used previously
without problems now no longer worked. However, the ljet4 driver in
macicfilter is fine.

I have posted full details of how I got the printer working on my blog:; see the entry for 16
Feb for details.

Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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evolution segfaults except when run in gdb

2012-03-03 Thread Steven Post
Hi list,

Since the beginning of this week evolution crashes on my user account.
Running from a terminal window I see all plugins getting loaded fine and
it starts to sync my imap account, then is suddenly disappears with a
segfault in the terminal window.

The thing is, this doesn't happen on other accounts on this desktop,
re-installation doesn't work, and I already cleared all evolution
related settings and mail inside my home directory. It then runs
normally until I add an account, then it is back with the segfault.

I tried to obtain some kind of backtrace as suggested on [1], by running
evolution from gdb. But when I try this, evolution doesn't segfaults and
I can work normally.

Any Ideas on how to get any useful information on this?


Kind regards,

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Is there any resources could show me about debian accounts and groups spec?

2012-03-03 Thread 斟酌鵬兄
There are tons of accounts and groups in /etc/passwd.and /etc/groups
Several account I'd already know what they do, but some like bin, sys, lp. ..
How exactly they do good for system?

I've searched for google but couldn't identify the keywords

list:x:38:38:Mailing List Manager:/var/list:/bin/sh
gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/bin/sh
avahi:x:104:107:Avahi mDNS daemon,,,:/var/run/avahi-daemon:/bin/false
colord:x:106:117:colord colour management daemon,,,:/var/lib/colord:/bin/false
usbmux:x:110:46:usbmux daemon,,,:/home/usbmux:/bin/false
pulse:x:111:119:PulseAudio daemon,,,:/var/run/pulse:/bin/false
gdm:x:113:122:Gnome Display Manager:/var/lib/gdm:/bin/false
Debian-gdm:x:114:123:Gnome Display Manager:/var/lib/gdm3:/bin/false


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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-03-03 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2012 03 Mar 05:38 -0600, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 I have posted full details of how I got the printer working on my blog:; see the entry for 16
 Feb for details.

I did find your blog a few days ago and considered going back to lprng
and magicfilter and all.  I think I would miss the cups-pdf plug-in as I
use it quite a lot with programs that can't export directly to PDF as
with Libre Office.

- Nate 


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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Re: [OT] something about cite

2012-03-03 Thread lina
On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 1:08 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Fri, 02 Mar 2012 12:08:00 +0800, lina wrote:

 sorry again, a bit off-topic.

 As far as you tag the subject accordingly -as you do [OT], it's fine with
 me :-)

Thanks for understanding.

 My question is that how to cite something in the text. usually is
 superscript. like [8] as superscript default in \cite{aaa}, as normal
 text for one citing case, not all.

 I've never used LaTeX but that sounds like one of the basic pieces for
 document composition, right?

 sometimes when write something like the detailed review please see Ref.
 \cite{bbb}, here for this one in an exception, not expected to be in
 the superscript.

 And what kind of format are you expecting that to be? :-?

 I googled for a while, so much distractions, and no one around I can
 ask. so ...

 None of this helped?

I checked that link before. haha ...

Well this works for me,


But still imperfect, cause the extract bib file program couldn't
recognize the new command, and won't extract that entry out from the
bib database. (I shouldn't have spent 3~4 hours on it, actually it's
so easy to do manually.)


Best wishes,



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Re: sound issues

2012-03-03 Thread Darren Crotchett
On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Kelly Clowers kelly.clow...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 05:35, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
  if you want two or more audio apps to share the same sound device, start
  qjackctl, tell vlc to use jack output module and do the same with other
  if needed.
  In qjackctl connection panel you should see all your alsa compliant apps
  listed as readable clients and the sound device as writeable clients.
  Using skype together with other apps is also possible even if it's a
  more tricky, have a look at
  I can run skype togeter with other jack/alsa compliant apps, record them
  and/or route audio output between them using Qjackctl.

 That sounds excessively complicated. PA will work fine (and automatically),
 it just needs to be setup correctly. I set mine up long ago, and it has
 given me problems (well, a few times the PA volume got muted and had to
 be unmuted, but that is about it).

 It has been a while since I setup PA, and I don't have my Debian
 box here, so I can't say much until about 5:00 Pacific standard time.

 When you say Pandora, you mean the internet radio, right? In that case
 the app is the browser (and not Flash anymore, thankfully. Although even
 that is better than it used to be).

 Make sure the PA plugins for various programs are installed:

 Much more when I get home.

 Kelly Clowers

Can you elaborate on what you mean by it just needs to be setup
correctly? I'm going to be working on this issue today.  Before I install
the applications that Raffaele recommended, I want to give Pulseaudio one
more chance because I would rather figure out the problem than to
circumvent it.  OTOH, I don't want to fight a losing battle either.

Changing processor

2012-03-03 Thread rcb
Dear Debian users,

First of all, I'd like to briefly introduce myself, as it is my first
message. My name is Ruben (aka Beco), I'm a computer scientist, and I've
being   using linux since 1995 (Slackware-KDE, RedHat-KDE - because of RPM,
Suse-KDE - because it recognize more hardware and I didnt like the redhat
turned into fedora, Ubuntu-Gnome - because of KDE4, and finally Debian-KDE4
because of unity).

I'm glad to be here, and I hope I'll be forever this time (because debian
is more stable in terms of policies and software).

I would like do address a question to you guys. I have a machine here,
processor E5700 dual core, mother-board ASUS P5G41T-M that I had to buy and
due to time pressure, I had no time to chose a better better processor. It
is running beatifully a plain Debian Squeeze with KDE installed from

Now I have to buy another machine (just motherboard, processor, memory). My
idea is to buy another similar machine, DDR3, and socket 775. But I want to
seize the opportunity to upgrade the first machine. So I would buy a Core2
Quad, install it in the first machine, and use the DualCore to the new one
(that will not need such computer power anyway).

Simple stated, my question is: will my first machine that is runing Debian
installed from scratch work smoothly after I simple change its processor
from a DualCore to a Core2 Quad?

(or will I need to reinstall things? Both processors are intel 64 bits,

Thanks for your help,

PS. Disclaimer:
* Sorry if this is the wrong list to ask such question
* Forgive-me any misspelled word.

Re: Changing processor

2012-03-03 Thread Claudius Hubig
rcb wrote:
Simple stated, my question is: will my first machine that is runing Debian
installed from scratch work smoothly after I simple change its processor
from a DualCore to a Core2 Quad?

If you are still using the default kernel, i. e. did not recompile
your own and threw out ‘unneeded’ options/modules, everything will be

(or will I need to reinstall things? Both processors are intel 64 bits,

If you have not installed amd64 but rather i386 initially, it might
still be a good idea to reinstall using amd64, hence making use of
the enlarged address space and some possible other optimisations.

Of course, you will have to make sure that the hardware is
compatible, i. e. the Core2 Quad fits into your Socket 775, but I
assume you already checked that :)

Best regards,

Stone's Law:
One man's simple is another man's huh?
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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-03-03 Thread Brian
On Sat 03 Mar 2012 at 07:03:26 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:

 * On 2012 03 Mar 05:38 -0600, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  I have posted full details of how I got the printer working on my blog:; see the entry for 16
  Feb for details.
 I did find your blog a few days ago and considered going back to lprng
 and magicfilter and all.  I think I would miss the cups-pdf plug-in as I
 use it quite a lot with programs that can't export directly to PDF as
 with Libre Office.

There is File/Print.../Print to File to output in PDF format. It renders
cups-pdf superfluous. Do some of your programs not provide it?

Also, using cups-pdf on testing/unstable is questionable as CUPS has PDF
(previously Postscript) as its output for all jobs. cups-pdf is not made
for processing PDF.

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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-03-03 Thread Anthony Campbell
On 03 Mar 2012, Nate Bargmann wrote:
 * On 2012 03 Mar 05:38 -0600, Anthony Campbell wrote:
  I have posted full details of how I got the printer working on my blog:; see the entry for 16
  Feb for details.
 I did find your blog a few days ago and considered going back to lprng
 and magicfilter and all.  I think I would miss the cups-pdf plug-in as I
 use it quite a lot with programs that can't export directly to PDF as
 with Libre Office.
 - Nate 

That's strange. I can export files as pdf from libreoffice without
problems - I've just done it twice to make sure.


Anthony Campbell - 
Microsoft-free zone - Using Debian GNU/Linux - sample my ebooks at

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Re: Changing processor

2012-03-03 Thread rcb
From: Claudius Hubig
If you are still using the default kernel, i. e. did not recompile
your own and threw out ‘unneeded’ options/modules, everything will be

Thanks Claudius. It is always better to ask before buy. I didn't
recompile or anything. Just keep the system updated via synaptic.
That's all.

If you have not installed amd64 but rather i386 initially, it might
still be a good idea to reinstall using amd64,

Yep. All 64 bits, hardware and software. And the 775 socket is ok. Checked.

Best regards,


Thanks the tip! I'm going to risk it now! :)

My best,

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Re: Is there any resources could show me about debian accounts and groups spec?

2012-03-03 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 03 mar 12, 20:47:32, 斟酌鵬兄 wrote:
 There are tons of accounts and groups in /etc/passwd.and /etc/groups
 Several account I'd already know what they do, but some like bin, sys, lp. 
 How exactly they do good for system?

Debian Policy explains this

See /usr/share/doc/base-passwd/users-and-groups.txt.gz for explanation 
of users in the range 0-99. 

Kind regards,
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Re: printing dead slow since squeeze

2012-03-03 Thread Rémi Letot
Teemu Likonen writes:

 * Rick Thomas [2012-03-03 02:22:09 -0500] wrote:

 You can purge them all by doing

 sudo aptitude -Pv purge $(aptitude search '~c' -F '%p')

 You can do just:

 sudo aptitude -Pv purge '~c'

I tried both to be sure :-)

It did suppress files from the old cups install, but that didn't change
the slowness. I even restarted cups and the printer, deleted it from
cups and recreated it so I'm sure that it uses the latest ppd.

By the way, when I create it in cups, there are two ppds with the exact
same description. Is this normal ?

Also, there is a difference if I print a pdf or a ps file. With the pdf,
it prints the first 3 pages, then a very long pause (the printer has
time to go back to «ready»), then pages one at a time with a long pause
between each. I converted the file to ps with pdftops, and that ps file
is faster to print. It starts faster, still makes pauses, but much
shorter, and pages come in lots of 3 or 4.

Thanks for your help,

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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-03-03 Thread Nate Bargmann
* On 2012 03 Mar 08:42 -0600, Anthony Campbell wrote:
 On 03 Mar 2012, Nate Bargmann wrote:
  * On 2012 03 Mar 05:38 -0600, Anthony Campbell wrote:
   I have posted full details of how I got the printer working on my blog:; see the entry for 16
   Feb for details.
  I did find your blog a few days ago and considered going back to lprng
  and magicfilter and all.  I think I would miss the cups-pdf plug-in as I
  use it quite a lot with programs that can't export directly to PDF as
  with Libre Office.
  - Nate 
 That's strange. I can export files as pdf from libreoffice without
 problems - I've just done it twice to make sure.

Not strange as most other programs don't have an export to PDF as Libre
Office does.  That is what I was trying to say.

- Nate 


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Re: Changing processor

2012-03-03 Thread Andrew M.A. Cater
On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 10:55:55AM -0300, rcb wrote:
 Dear Debian users,
 (or will I need to reinstall things? Both processors are intel 64 bits,
 Thanks for your help,
 PS. Disclaimer:
 * Sorry if this is the wrong list to ask such question
 * Forgive-me any misspelled word.

Change of processor / processor speed shouldn't matter much these days. What 
may matter is ethernet chips / graphics card chips.

Installing the free firmware packages first may sort everything out if there's 
missing firmware on the second board

The non-free firmware is there as a backstop: useful for things like Broadcom 
ethernet chips in some servers, for example.


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detect/probe the physical connected state of a network cable

2012-03-03 Thread lina

Once I disabled the wireless and plugged in the cable.

Seems it's not sensitive. I needed plug out and re-plug in,

Which commands can be used to let the laptop to detect the connection of cable?

I tried the

# ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
Supported ports: [ TP ]
Supported link modes:   10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
Supported pause frame use: No
Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
Advertised link modes:  10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
1000baseT/Half 1000baseT/Full
Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric
Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
Speed: 100Mb/s
Duplex: Full
Port: Twisted Pair
Transceiver: internal
Auto-negotiation: on
MDI-X: Unknown
Supports Wake-on: g
Wake-on: d
Current message level: 0x00ff (255)
   drv probe link timer ifdown ifup rx_err tx_err
Link detected: yes

Does it need time to react?

The only way I tested cable work or not by seeing whether the webpage
can be opened or not.

nmcli nm
running disconnectedenabled enabledenabled

# ifconfig eth0 up

# cat /sys/class/net/
eth0/  firewire0/ lo/wlan0/

Thanks ahead for telling me how to activate/wake the cable connection,

Best regards,

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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 09:28:34 +0100, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

 Camaleón wrote:

 1. Gnome classic desktop displays no desktop icons.
 Nautilus does not handle the desktop in gnome3 by default. But this can
 be changes with a flag. The easiest way to set the flag back to true is
 via gnome-tewak-tool: First line in section Desktop. gnome-tweak-tool
 comes in a package of its own.

Is the gnome-classic flavour also hiding the icons on the desktop by 

 2. How can I examine the menu items to find where the underlying
 programs they call are and are named? I have not yet come to an
 understanding of how this part worsks.
 The gnome3 way:
 1) Move the mouse to the upper left corner of the screen.
(Alternatively, press the windows-key)
 -- The screen warps to some kind of window chooser.
 2) click applications in the upper left. -- The screen changes to an
 iphone-like carpet of klarge icons.
   Use the menu on the right to filter for specific groups of

I think the OP wanted to know what's the application being run when he 
clicks on the icons or over the menu items.

 Alacarte was the usual application to deal with GNOME menu items but I
 think is broken somehow.
 IMHO, the OP is missing the menu in the first place. This seems to be
 gone in gnome3. Same as with the icons on the desktop it is still there,
 just not in the default theme.

I can't recall if gnome-classic hides the icons over the desktop, I would 
have expected they are visible to mimic the GNOME 2.x style. OTOH, the 
top menu is still there and applets can be placed in the bar as usual, 
but an extra Alt click is needed to enable the action.

 Steps to recover the gnome2 way:


The gnome-classical desktop comes in a very usual shape or at least 
that's what I remember for the last wheezy installation I made a week ago.



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Re: Changing processor

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 10:55:55 -0300, rcb wrote:

 First of all, I'd like to briefly introduce myself, as it is my first


Welcome :-)

 Simple stated, my question is: will my first machine that is runing
 Debian installed from scratch work smoothly after I simple change its
 processor from a DualCore to a Core2 Quad?


Yup, a processor change does not imply reinstalling anything, it should 
be automatically detected by the system. 

Your motherboard BIOS is the one that has to support it.



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Re: printing dead slow since squeeze

2012-03-03 Thread Curt
On 2012-03-02, Rémi Letot wrote:

 Everything works fine after a bit of tweaking, except printing. I have a
 networked postscript printer managed through cups, and since the upgrade
 it has been dead slow.

What do the log files say?

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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-03-03 Thread Brian
On Sat 03 Mar 2012 at 09:17:55 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:

 Not strange as most other programs don't have an export to PDF as Libre
 Office does.  That is what I was trying to say.

This is an underselling of GTK and QT based applications which have a
Print... dialogue, including Libre Office. They can all export to PDF.
It may not be expressed that way but it is what happens.

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Re: detect/probe the physical connected state of a network cable

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 23:29:45 +0800, lina wrote:

 Once I disabled the wireless and plugged in the cable.

How exactly did you disable the wireless? Was the ethernet cable already 
plugged at that time? Was eth0 up?

 Seems it's not sensitive. I needed plug out and re-plug in,
 Which commands can be used to let the laptop to detect the connection of


What controls you networking stuff, ifup or network-manager?

Anyway, check your /etc/network/interfaces for allow-hotplug eth0 
stanza. Also, review the messages with tail -f /var/log/syslog and 
dmesg | grep -i eth0.



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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy (SOLVED!)

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 02 Mar 2012 16:31:36 -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:

 * On 2012 02 Mar 12:40 -0600, Camaleón wrote:
 You can also consider contacting the manufacturer (Brother in your
 case), AFAIK it used to be a linux-friendly partner. And true is that
 their printers PPD files are quite old (2005).
 I could just yell out of my car window while driving down the highway
 for all the good calling them would likely do.  Funny thing is that I
 still have the original toner cartridge that came with the printer when
 I bought it five years ago!  It may be a moot point, meaning that there
 may not be cartridges available when this one runs out and I won't need
 an updated PPD anyway.  :-D


Well, CUPS evolution is slow but that does not guarantee all of the PPD 
files are going to be 100% sempiternally compatible with later versions 
of the program. And when things like this happen, giving the manufacturer 
a soft warning won't harm.



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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Frank McCormick

On 03/03/12 11:21 AM, Camaleón wrote:

On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 09:28:34 +0100, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:

Camaleón wrote:

I can't recall if gnome-classic hides the icons over the desktop, I would
have expected they are visible to mimic the GNOME 2.x style. OTOH, the
top menu is still there and applets can be placed in the bar as usual,
but an extra Alt click is needed to enable the action.

  On my Gnome classic desktop, the icons are there - they are handled 
by nautilus. A weird side effect: if you run Gnome screensaver while you 
are in another (Fluxbox, Openbox, IceWm) desktop, nautilus runs and puts 
the icons back on the desktop :)

The gnome-classical desktop comes in a very usual shape or at least
that's what I remember for the last wheezy installation I made a week ago.

  Mine looks like Gnome 2.



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Re: printing dead slow since squeeze

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 02 Mar 2012 21:04:55 +0100, Rémi Letot wrote:

 Camaleón writes:

 Did you run an in-place update or did you install squeeze from scratch?
 in-place update, and I had to ressort to the equivallent of a software
 chainsaw several times to make it work :-)


 Okay, as a first round I would try to debug if the origin of the
 slowness is related to the network connection.
 I don't think so, my network has no problem otherwise. Besides, the file
 that I print is very small. It's only one page, some KB. The number of
 pages comes from using lp -n .

 Is printing pain slow when printing from the local host (the computer
 that is connected to the printer) or you note some difference in the
 processing speed when sending the job locally?
 I have no locally connected computer, it's only a network printer. So no
 easy way to test this.

Ah! It's a networked printer with an embedded network port. That makes 
things different. My first thought was that you were sharing the printer 
over the network and thus using CUPS as a server and not as client, as 
you seem to be doing.

Are you experiencing the same slowness from another computers?
 And just in case, if the printer supports it, I would test with a PCL6
 driver, it would be interesting to see the results to compare.
 Will try that tomorrow.

Okay. PostScript drivers are usually slower than PCL6, but this is only 
noticeable for high quality or very complex works (speaking of mebibytes) 
but of course not for a bunch of KiB :-)
 Also, the more information you provide for the printer (brand name,
 model, connection type, ppd file in use...), the better.
 Brother HL-4050CDN, network connection, ipp protocol, ps filter.

It seems that Brother is one of the preferred manufacturers for people on 
this list, there are many users with these devices :-D

If you can use a socket:// as URI connection instead ipp://, try it.
 The ppd is the one provided with cups, and I also tried with the generic
 ps ppd.

Try also with Brother's PPD file:
 I force reinstalled the whole cups stack (cups and co, foomatic,...)
 just to be sure that no etch file was lying around, but it didn't help.

Another thing you can try is creating a fresh new user, login with it and try 
to print from there.



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Re: detect/probe the physical connected state of a network cable

2012-03-03 Thread lina
On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 12:38 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 23:29:45 +0800, lina wrote:

 Once I disabled the wireless and plugged in the cable.

 How exactly did you disable the wireless? Was the ethernet cable already
 plugged at that time? Was eth0 up?

There is some bars (which indicates the strength of the wireless),
right click there is disconnect option, so ...

sometimes it didn't plug in, while sometimes it plugged in, not worked
(I felt the patience and retry plug in can get rewards at that
situation) , so I enabled the wireless again.

I am not sure how to tell eth0 up or down.

 Seems it's not sensitive. I needed plug out and re-plug in,

 Which commands can be used to let the laptop to detect the connection of


 What controls you networking stuff, ifup or network-manager?
$ dpkg --get-selections | grep network
gir1.2-networkmanager-1.0   install
glib-networking install
glib-networking-common  install
libqt4-network  install
network-manager install
network-manager-gnome   install

 Anyway, check your /etc/network/interfaces for allow-hotplug eth0

# more /etc/network/interfaces

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

 stanza. Also, review the messages with tail -f /var/log/syslog and

wow, after disconnect the wireless, unplug the cable and replug the
cable, interesting scenario in syslog,

disconnected the wireless first and then plug in worked.

but if it's already plugged in. disconnected the wireless, it's not so

How do the laptop examine whether there is cable connected or not?

Thanks again,

Best wishes,
 dmesg | grep -i eth0.



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Re: evolution segfaults except when run in gdb

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 13:14:10 +0100, Steven Post wrote:

 Since the beginning of this week evolution crashes on my user account.
 Running from a terminal window I see all plugins getting loaded fine and
 it starts to sync my imap account, then is suddenly disappears with a
 segfault in the terminal window.

If the last thing you can see before it crashes is the IMAP syncing 
routine, have you tried to disable this account?
 The thing is, this doesn't happen on other accounts on this desktop,
 re-installation doesn't work, and I already cleared all evolution
 related settings and mail inside my home directory. It then runs
 normally until I add an account, then it is back with the segfault.

So the problem seems to be under your user's profile (have you tried to 
reset/restore it? What DE are you running?) or you're having problems 
with a specific account settings (it happens when you add any type of 
account -pop3, imap, local mailbox- or just crashes with one of them?). 

 I tried to obtain some kind of backtrace as suggested on [1], by running
 evolution from gdb. But when I try this, evolution doesn't segfaults and
 I can work normally.

It sounds like one of the Murphy's Laws: a program never crashes when 
you run it in debug mode ;-(


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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Charles Krinke
Dear Kai:

I am the OP and you are correct. The issue is that after doing the
wheezy update, all the desktop icons are missing, that is, those items
defined in ~/Desktop for the normal user do not appear anymore and I
am trying to get back to seeing them on the desktop with gnome
classic at this point. I see the same effect with just gnome, only
there are other things which bother me, but for now, I am trying to
understand how the display of items in the users home directory
~/Desktop/ which all still exist and are displayed with other window
managers have disappeared in gnome classic.

I do have a gnome-panel panel and I can manipulate it to some
extent. Meaning I have an application item, my several virtual
desktops which I can rename normally, the clock and a few other

The key right now is the missing desktop items causes me to have to
navigate a menu if I want a terminal which is a bit annoying.
Additionally, I have a few PDF files, a file browser, internet browser
and a couple of source files I refer to regularly and being able to
click on them on the desktop is quite convenient.

I would expect that the window manager should read the users
~/Desktop/ directory as it has before, so my question two goes to How
does this work in gnome now? so I can navigate myself to an

I am also trying to use this as a opportunity to understand the window
manager a bit more. I am a software developer and have worked in Linux
for many years, but have not dug into the details of window managers
as all my work is in developing embedded designs with ARM, PowerPC,
MIPS, so I am a user of desktops but not a developer of desktops.

Charles Krinke

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Re: rsync

2012-03-03 Thread Rob Owens
On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 12:27:13PM +0800, lina wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 8:53 AM, Rob Owens wrote:
  On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 12:44:31AM +0800, lina wrote:
  On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 11:49 PM, Kelly Clowers 
   Such a thing could be written perhaps, if you had passwordless
   ssh keys or used ssh-agent to remember the key for a time.
  It's a password-exemption ssh.
  This isn't exactly what you're looking for, but you could open a new
  terminal on the local machine, then ssh to the remote machine with this
  ssh -t remotemachine cd Documents; bash
 I didn't realize the xterm can do the work.
 Have been spent hours to tweak the .Xresource to make it the same as
 the terminal, but still lots of difference.
 How can I let the xterm shared the same terminal as the shell terminal
 I am using.
I don't know the answer to that.

The more I think about this, the more I feel you should probably use
'screen'.  Try this:

ssh remotemachine

cd /some/directory

( now hit enter or spacebar if it asks you to )

( now hit Ctrl-a, then hit c )
( you now have a new screen session, in the same directory as your previous one 

( now hit Ctrl-a, then hit  )
( you now see a list of your active screens.  Choose the first one and you'll 
see the 'ls' command that you ran earlier )

Do a 'man screen' and look for the section called 'DEFAULT KEY BINDINGS'
Take note that when they say 'C-a', that stands for 'Control-a'

While you are at it, read up on detaching and re-attaching in screen.


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Re: How do I debug kernel panic that occurs while running X?

2012-03-03 Thread Brendon Higgins
Hi again,

Charles Krinke wrote (Thu March 1, 2012):
 On the next boot, /var/log/messages shoild contain the last printk's from
 the kernel which would include any panic.

Thanks. I'd already checked there, though, and no dice. The log just skips 
from the last innocuous kernel message to messages about the next boot. 
Nothing about what caused the reboot to be necessary.

Jason Heeris wrote (Fri March 2, 2012):
 I've had problems with write caching causing the last few messages to
 be lost after a panic*, so if you don't see anything suspicious, maybe
 turn off write caching with 'hdparm -W 0 /dev/whatever' for long
 enough to reproduce the crash. Just in case.

Thanks for the tip. I gave that a try using the manual invocation of a kernel 
panic (i.e., echo c  /proc/sysrq-trigger) but I still get nothing in 
/var/log/messages about this event. So, I'm doubtful this'll work when a real 
panic strikes, unfortunately.

FWIW, at the moment I'm running the kernel in testing, but this has been a 
problem since back about 2.6.38 or 39. (I even tried doing a git bisection at 
one point, but being an intermittent problem it's difficult to determine when a 
particular commit doesn't exhibit it - I think I screwed it up at some point.)

Any more ideas? As I said, I tried getting kdump working but have been having 
trouble getting it to behave.


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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-03-03 Thread Joel Roth
On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 10:32:22AM +, Brian wrote:
 On Fri 02 Mar 2012 at 16:30:26 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
  On Fri, Mar 02, 2012 at 10:41:55AM +, Brian wrote:
   The error you got is reproducible by removing the first line of a ppd
  *PPD-Adobe: 4.3
  I see I have a couple leading characters of garbage. Removing them,
  I now get /etc/cups/interfaces/HL-5340D_native_ppd failed
  Worth getting a virgin copy of the ppd to be sure (although
  I'm doing fine with the PCL6 driver ATM.)
 If you do acquire another copy you may want to run cupstestppd on it.

Where do I find it?

Other posts on this thread mention that the latest
version of CUPS is having trouble with some PPD files. 

Joel Roth

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Re: detect/probe the physical connected state of a network cable

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Sun, 04 Mar 2012 01:13:12 +0800, lina wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 12:38 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 23:29:45 +0800, lina wrote:

 Once I disabled the wireless and plugged in the cable.

 How exactly did you disable the wireless? Was the ethernet cable
 already plugged at that time? Was eth0 up?
 There is some bars (which indicates the strength of the wireless), right
 click there is disconnect option, so ...

Under which desktop environment, GNOME, KDE, XFCE...? Or put in other 
words, what aplication are you using to manage your wifi?
 sometimes it didn't plug in, while sometimes it plugged in, not worked
 (I felt the patience and retry plug in can get rewards at that
 situation) , so I enabled the wireless again.

I don't understand this paragraph in full, sorry :-(

 I am not sure how to tell eth0 up or down.

/sbin/ifconfig eth0 and also dmesg | grep -i eth0

 What controls you networking stuff, ifup or network-manager?
 $ dpkg --get-selections | grep network 
 gir1.2-networkmanager-1.0 install
 glib-networking   install
 glib-networking-services  install
 network-manager   install
 network-manager-gnome install

Having network-manager installed does not mean it has to be used. Okay, 
let's take this as you're using NM :-)

 Anyway, check your /etc/network/interfaces for allow-hotplug eth0
 # more /etc/network/interfaces
 # The loopback network interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback
 # The primary network interface
 allow-hotplug eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp

Mmm, your eth0 is not being managed by NM unless you have told NM to do 
it otherwise...

 stanza. Also, review the messages with tail -f /var/log/syslog and
 wow, after disconnect the wireless, unplug the cable and replug the
 cable, interesting scenario in syslog,

Of course :-)

 disconnected the wireless first and then plug in worked.
 but if it's already plugged in. disconnected the wireless, it's not so

Can you see any event related to the network card?
 How do the laptop examine whether there is cable connected or not?

Again, dmesg | grep -i eth0 will tell you even more interesting 
stuff ;-)



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Re: sound issues

2012-03-03 Thread Kelly Clowers
On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 05:53, Darren Crotchett wrote:

 Can you elaborate on what you mean by it just needs to be setup correctly?
 I'm going to be working on this issue today.  Before I install the
 applications that Raffaele recommended, I want to give Pulseaudio one more
 chance because I would rather figure out the problem than to circumvent it.
 OTOH, I don't want to fight a losing battle either.

So, I originally setup mine based on the PA wiki's Perfect Setup.
It is rather
extensive and a lot of the stuff in there is from a time when there
was less support
for PA.

Here are the essentials:
Edit /etc/asound.conf (for all users) or ~/.asoundrc (per-user)
I have only these two entries in mine:

pcm.!default {
type pulse
ctl.!default {
type pulse

Make sure you are in the groups audio, pulse-access and pulse-rt

Make sure that Pulse is being run automatically at startup (it should be,
I just remember when it was not, and I had to set it up myself).


The setting of the alsa default to pulse should make most things work,
but personally I set a number of things to PA explicitly. At least some of these
used to be required (they did not automatically use pulse and avoided the
alsa default or similar). Nowadays that may not be the case, I don't know.
Also they may have a PA driver that is different from the alsa driver, and
may work better than redirected alsa.

in ~/.mplayer/config: ao = pulse

in ~/.xine/config: audio.driver:pulseaudio

in ~/.vlcrc or ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc: aout=pulse

in /etc/libao.conf: default_driver=pulse

for gstreamer:
gconftool-2 -t string --set /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/audiosink pulsesink
gconftool-2 -t string --set /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/audiosrc pulsesrc
gconftool-2 -t string --set
/system/gstreamer/0.10/default/musicaudiosink pulsesink
gconftool-2 -t string --set
/system/gstreamer/0.10/default/chataudiosink pulsesink

KDE's Phonon uses vlc, mplayer or gstreamer, so the above should cover
that as well

SDL (used for some games) can be set to explicitly use PA with:
export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulse
(needs to be done in a startup script like ~/.bashrc to be permanent)

As far as I remember that is about it. As I said, setting those explicitly
may not be needed anymore, I just don't know.

Kelly Clowers

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Re: rsync

2012-03-03 Thread Bob Proulx
lina wrote:
 Bob Proulx wrote:
  Is the time correct between your client and file system server?
   $ touch foo ; ls -ldog --full-time foo ; date +%F %T
   -rw-rw-r-- 1 0 2012-02-28 10:42:29.0 -0700 foo
   2012-02-28 10:42:29
 source $ $ ls -ldog --full-time md_0.xtc ; date +%F %T
 -rw-r--r--  1 1507939808 2012-03-02 20:00:00.456168000 +0800 md_0.xtc
 destination $ ls -ldog --full-time md_0.xtc
 -rw-r--r-- 1 1507939808 2012-03-02 20:00:00.0 +0800 md_0.xtc

I don't know what you did here.


Description: Digital signature

Re: yelp opens .xml or does not open help files at all

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 02 Mar 2012 22:10:48 -0300, Gerardo A. Mirkin wrote:

(no html please)

 Hello everybody,
 I just opened yelp help of Gnome 2.0 for the first time since I
 installed Debian 6.04 on an Asus eee pc 1215p (using net install from a
 pen drive made with unetbootin). To my surprise, when I click on a help
 link no help appears, and a message like the example that follows pops
 «file:///usr/share/omf/update-manager/update-manager-C.omf» is not
 valid (Note: text might slightly differ from the english version, since
 this was my translation from the message written in spanish) or an .xml
 file opens in a text editor like gedit.


As I already replied in the Spanish mailing list, you could be facing 
this bug:

yelp: When I use the help function for some Gnome program I get an error



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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Frank McCormick

On 03/03/12 12:33 PM, Charles Krinke wrote:

Dear Kai:

I am the OP and you are correct. The issue is that after doing the
wheezy update, all the desktop icons are missing, that is, those items
defined in ~/Desktop for the normal user do not appear anymore and I
am trying to get back to seeing them on the desktop with gnome
classic at this point. I see the same effect with just gnome, only
there are other things which bother me, but for now, I am trying to
understand how the display of items in the users home directory
~/Desktop/ which all still exist and are displayed with other window
managers have disappeared in gnome classic.

I do have a gnome-panel panel and I can manipulate it to some
extent. Meaning I have an application item, my several virtual
desktops which I can rename normally, the clock and a few other

The key right now is the missing desktop items causes me to have to
navigate a menu if I want a terminal which is a bit annoying.
Additionally, I have a few PDF files, a file browser, internet browser
and a couple of source files I refer to regularly and being able to
click on them on the desktop is quite convenient.

I would expect that the window manager should read the users
~/Desktop/ directory as it has before, so my question two goes to How
does this work in gnome now? so I can navigate myself to an

I am also trying to use this as a opportunity to understand the window
manager a bit more. I am a software developer and have worked in Linux
for many years, but have not dug into the details of window managers
as all my work is in developing embedded designs with ARM, PowerPC,
MIPS, so I am a user of desktops but not a developer of desktops.

  Didn't we just deal with this ? If you're running gnome-classic, the 
desktop icons are handled by nautilus. Gnome 3 doesn't

have desktop icons


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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-03-03 Thread Brian
On Sat 03 Mar 2012 at 07:45:20 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:

 On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 10:32:22AM +, Brian wrote:
  If you do acquire another copy you may want to run cupstestppd on it.
 Where do I find it?

It's on your system. 

   man cupstestppd

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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Charles Krinke
Dear Frank:

Maybe my issue is I dont quite get what you are saying. There is no
gconf-editor program. I can see a gconftool program, but dont know how
to enable the Desktop programs to be displayed or even if this is the
right tool.

So, I guess the question is no, we didnt quite deal with this. I would
merely appreciate enough understanding to get to where I can make
gnome classic useful useful in wheezy so I dont have to change
distributions. All the other window managers are worse. This is the
only one close enough to be useful and it is hobbled.


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Frank McCormick wrote:
 On 03/03/12 12:33 PM, Charles Krinke wrote:

 Dear Kai:

 I am the OP and you are correct. The issue is that after doing the
 wheezy update, all the desktop icons are missing, that is, those items
 defined in ~/Desktop for the normal user do not appear anymore and I
 am trying to get back to seeing them on the desktop with gnome
 classic at this point. I see the same effect with just gnome, only
 there are other things which bother me, but for now, I am trying to
 understand how the display of items in the users home directory
 ~/Desktop/ which all still exist and are displayed with other window
 managers have disappeared in gnome classic.

 I do have a gnome-panel panel and I can manipulate it to some
 extent. Meaning I have an application item, my several virtual
 desktops which I can rename normally, the clock and a few other

 The key right now is the missing desktop items causes me to have to
 navigate a menu if I want a terminal which is a bit annoying.
 Additionally, I have a few PDF files, a file browser, internet browser
 and a couple of source files I refer to regularly and being able to
 click on them on the desktop is quite convenient.

 I would expect that the window manager should read the users
 ~/Desktop/ directory as it has before, so my question two goes to How
 does this work in gnome now? so I can navigate myself to an

 I am also trying to use this as a opportunity to understand the window
 manager a bit more. I am a software developer and have worked in Linux
 for many years, but have not dug into the details of window managers
 as all my work is in developing embedded designs with ARM, PowerPC,
 MIPS, so I am a user of desktops but not a developer of desktops.

  Didn't we just deal with this ? If you're running gnome-classic, the
 desktop icons are handled by nautilus. Gnome 3 doesn't
 have desktop icons


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Charles Krinke

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Re: evolution segfaults except when run in gdb

2012-03-03 Thread Steven Post
On Sat, 2012-03-03 at 17:23 +, Camaleón wrote: 
 On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 13:14:10 +0100, Steven Post wrote:
  Since the beginning of this week evolution crashes on my user account.
  Running from a terminal window I see all plugins getting loaded fine and
  it starts to sync my imap account, then is suddenly disappears with a
  segfault in the terminal window.
 If the last thing you can see before it crashes is the IMAP syncing 
 routine, have you tried to disable this account?

After the first time I deleted all user information from my home dir
(~/.localshare/evolution and ~/.gconf/apps/evolution) and only added my
local mail spool (/var/mail), it still crashed with only that local

  The thing is, this doesn't happen on other accounts on this desktop,
  re-installation doesn't work, and I already cleared all evolution
  related settings and mail inside my home directory. It then runs
  normally until I add an account, then it is back with the segfault.
 So the problem seems to be under your user's profile (have you tried to 
 reset/restore it?

Yes, see above.

 What DE are you running?

I'm running the testing distribution with gnome 3.2.

 ) or you're having problems 
 with a specific account settings (it happens when you add any type of 
 account -pop3, imap, local mailbox- or just crashes with one of them?).

As soon as any account is added, it crashes. I haven't tried with pop3
and some others, only with imap and local account.

  I tried to obtain some kind of backtrace as suggested on [1], by running
  evolution from gdb. But when I try this, evolution doesn't segfaults and
  I can work normally.
 It sounds like one of the Murphy's Laws: a program never crashes when 
 you run it in debug mode ;-(

It seems that way :(


Kind regards,

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Frank McCormick

On 03/03/12 01:48 PM, Charles Krinke wrote:

Dear Frank:

Maybe my issue is I dont quite get what you are saying. There is no
gconf-editor program. I can see a gconftool program, but dont know how
to enable the Desktop programs to be displayed or even if this is the
right tool.

  Didn't we just deal with this ? If you're running gnome-classic, the
desktop icons are handled by nautilus. Gnome 3 doesn't
have desktop icons

   If you are running Gnome-classic, AND there are desktop files in 
~/Desktop, go into a terminal and run nautilus -n. You then should 
have desktop icons. Log out, and log back in. They should be there 
still. If it doesn't work, in a terminal window again run 
gconf-editor. look in the /apps/nautilus/preferences key. Make sure 
show_desktop is checked.

exit gconf-editor. You should have icons on the desktop.

If you don't have the gconf-editor in a root terminal run  aptitude 
install gconf-editor

That's what works here in gnome-classic.


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Problem with NetworkManager - WAS: Re: Help needed to repair a damaged dual boot Debian System

2012-03-03 Thread Bernard

Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Ma, 28 feb 12, 19:35:00, Bernard wrote:

stuff deleted..

/dev/hdc3, but now my only CDROM drive does work on /dev/hda (hda as is,
not on hda1 or whatever, which I did find weird though). It does work,

This is normal, since CD-ROMs don't have partitions.


and also I am now able to boot on a system CD !!  So, I could possibly
decide to re-install... I could also decide to use my machine as is
since it now operates almost as it did before, with only one CDROM and
no CD writer (but I don't need that on this particular machine) ; I just
changed the /boot/grub/menu.lst and replaced /dev/sda3 by /dev/hdc3.

Security support for lenny has ended. The Release Team is preparing a 
final point release before archiving it. It's high time you upgrade to 
squeeze. Part of the squeeze upgrade grub1 will be upgraded to grub2 and 
configurations referencing hard disks will be migrated to UUID (instead 
of device names, which are not reliable).

Since you are considering a clean re-install anyway may I suggest you 
first upgrade to squeeze, and then, if you are still not satisfied with 
the outcome, do a clean *squeeze* install.

Kind regards,
Thanks for this advice. I just finished upgrading to Squeeze on this 
system. What a surprise !  Now on this new system, my HD is again 
reckognized as sda3 !  Still, one of my CD drives is not working, but I 
don't really care since I don't need two CD drives on that one PC.

So, everything seems to work fine... except for the 'NetworkManager' !  
On that machine, I only have a wired ethernet connexion ; there is no 
wlan chipset for now ; I will install one soon. So, the Internet 
connexion happens automatically upon booting. But, as a difference with 
my other machines (still running Lenny), the NetworkManager tool on the 
Gnome desktop does not operate as an ON and OFF switch as I like to use it.

(Indeed, if I leave the computer running and unattended for hours, I 
hate if the machine remains connected all the time. Under MSWIN, you 
can't easily switch connexions ON and OFF (or you have to disconnect 
cables... or use complicate processes...), but I found it very 
convenient on Linux).

But now, this no longer seems to operate !  The NetworkManager icon is 
still there, but it always shows 'not connected', even if a connexion is 
up and running. Whether I 'activate' of 'deactivate' the network with 
this tool doesn't change anything ! 

So, I installed 'wicd'... Well, 'wicd' IS able to disconnect my network, 
but then, once disconnected, there is no way I can reactivate the 
connexion ! Reactivating does not operate ! To reconnect, I did not find 
any convenient way other than rebooting !

Thanks in advance for your help with the 'NetworkManager' or any other 
convenient tool that would operate on Squeeze so as to easily turn an 
Internet connexion ON and OFF

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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Charles Krinke
Dear Frank:

Thank you very much for working with me. I was able to run nautilus
-n, logoug and log back in. I was also able to run gconf-editor and
find apps/nautilus/preferences, but in there there are five settings
and none is show desktop. Although I can see things that relate to
the desktop such as desktop_font, there is no show desktop.

I did create the key show_desktop and set it. But upon logging out
and back in, there is still no desktop.

Perhaps there is one more step?


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 11:49 AM, Frank McCormick wrote:
 On 03/03/12 01:48 PM, Charles Krinke wrote:

 Dear Frank:

 Maybe my issue is I dont quite get what you are saying. There is no
 gconf-editor program. I can see a gconftool program, but dont know how
 to enable the Desktop programs to be displayed or even if this is the
 right tool.

  Didn't we just deal with this ? If you're running gnome-classic, the
 desktop icons are handled by nautilus. Gnome 3 doesn't
 have desktop icons

   If you are running Gnome-classic, AND there are desktop files in
 ~/Desktop, go into a terminal and run nautilus -n. You then should have
 desktop icons. Log out, and log back in. They should be there still. If it
 doesn't work, in a terminal window again run gconf-editor. look in the
 /apps/nautilus/preferences key. Make sure show_desktop is checked.
 exit gconf-editor. You should have icons on the desktop.

 If you don't have the gconf-editor in a root terminal run  aptitude install

 That's what works here in gnome-classic.


Charles Krinke

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Re: Problem with NetworkManager - WAS: Re: Help needed to repair a damaged dual boot Debian System

2012-03-03 Thread Brian
On Sat 03 Mar 2012 at 20:59:30 +0100, Bernard wrote:

 So, everything seems to work fine... except for the 'NetworkManager' !   
 On that machine, I only have a wired ethernet connexion ; there is no  
 wlan chipset for now ; I will install one soon. So, the Internet  
 connexion happens automatically upon booting. But, as a difference with  
 my other machines (still running Lenny), the NetworkManager tool on the  
 Gnome desktop does not operate as an ON and OFF switch as I like to use 

Probably because the interface is not being managed by NM but by

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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Frank McCormick

On 03/03/12 03:42 PM, Charles Krinke wrote:

Thank you very much for working with me. I was able to run nautilus
-n, logoug and log back in. I was also able to run gconf-editor and
find apps/nautilus/preferences, but in there there are five settings
and none is show desktop. Although I can see things that relate to
the desktop such as desktop_font, there is no show desktop.

  Well that is strange, there are about 15 preferences to set in my 
gconf-editor..including show_desktop.

I did create the key show_desktop and set it. But upon logging out
and back in, there is still no desktop.

 There obviously is something missing in your installation but I don't 
know what it (they) is (are?)

Perhaps there is one more step?

  Not that I know of.


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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Frank McCormick

On 03/03/12 03:42 PM, Charles Krinke wrote:

   If you are running Gnome-classic, AND there are desktop files in
~/Desktop, go into a terminal and run nautilus -n. You then should have
desktop icons. Log out, and log back in. They should be there still. If it
doesn't work, in a terminal window again run gconf-editor. look in the
/apps/nautilus/preferences key. Make sure show_desktop is checked.
exit gconf-editor. You should have icons on the desktop.

If you don't have the gconf-editor in a root terminal run  aptitude install

That's what works here in gnome-classic.

I just spent 30 secs googling the problem - this MAY BE your 
solution. It's worth trying. Remember GOOGLE is your friend.


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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Charles Krinke
Ok. Well, I thought it would be interesting to update squeeze to
wheezy, but it looks like wheezy is not ready enough for prime time. I
will annoy myself with missing desktop icons for a while and then
perhaps move back to squeeze if it does not find a resolution.

I thought testing for wheezy would move smoothly with this mailing
list. Perhaps the folks that change things like this in wheezy dont
even read this list.


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Frank McCormick wrote:
 On 03/03/12 03:42 PM, Charles Krinke wrote:

 Thank you very much for working with me. I was able to run nautilus
 -n, logoug and log back in. I was also able to run gconf-editor and
 find apps/nautilus/preferences, but in there there are five settings
 and none is show desktop. Although I can see things that relate to
 the desktop such as desktop_font, there is no show desktop.

  Well that is strange, there are about 15 preferences to set in my
 gconf-editor..including show_desktop.

 I did create the key show_desktop and set it. But upon logging out
 and back in, there is still no desktop.

  There obviously is something missing in your installation but I don't know
 what it (they) is (are?)

 Perhaps there is one more step?

  Not that I know of.


Charles Krinke

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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Charles Krinke
Dear Frank:

That was it, thanks for the link. Now all the desktop icons are back.

I did google first before I asked this list, but as in much googling
one needs a string that gets useful data out of the noise, and you
found such a string.


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 1:13 PM, Frank McCormick wrote:
 On 03/03/12 03:42 PM, Charles Krinke wrote:

   If you are running Gnome-classic, AND there are desktop files in
 ~/Desktop, go into a terminal and run nautilus -n. You then should have
 desktop icons. Log out, and log back in. They should be there still. If
 doesn't work, in a terminal window again run gconf-editor. look in the
 /apps/nautilus/preferences key. Make sure show_desktop is checked.
 exit gconf-editor. You should have icons on the desktop.

 If you don't have the gconf-editor in a root terminal run  aptitude

 That's what works here in gnome-classic.

    I just spent 30 secs googling the problem - this MAY BE your solution.
 It's worth trying. Remember GOOGLE is your friend.


Charles Krinke

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Re: Problem with NetworkManager - WAS: Re: Help needed to repair a damaged dual boot Debian System

2012-03-03 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 03 mar 12, 20:59:30, Bernard wrote:
 Thanks in advance for your help with the 'NetworkManager' or any
 other convenient tool that would operate on Squeeze so as to easily
 turn an Internet connexion ON and OFF

Make sure you have NO definition for eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces and 
that you have:


in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

If it still doesn't work after a restart[1] please attach both files.

[1] not sure why, but in some cases new configurations did not work 
properly until a full restart

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 13:16:39 -0800, Charles Krinke wrote:

 Ok. Well, I thought it would be interesting to update squeeze to wheezy,
 but it looks like wheezy is not ready enough for prime time. 

I wonder what's your understanding of primetime. 

Testing is what its name indicates, a testing and rollover (at least 
until it gets freezed) distribution that changes continuously. And to be 
sincere, at this right moment is very usable.

 I will annoy myself with missing desktop icons for a while and then
 perhaps move back to squeeze if it does not find a resolution.

Are you still missing the icons in your desktop? Wow... sir, this has 
been answered already.

 I thought testing for wheezy would move smoothly with this mailing list.

If you can't cope with your desktop icons maybe you should consider using 
the stable branch.

 Perhaps the folks that change things like this in wheezy dont even read
 this list.

Or maybe is that you have to spend more time reading the list or 
searching the web ;-). This topic is very recurrent (since a year or so) 
and has been answered many, many, many times.



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nonfree repositories

2012-03-03 Thread Lisi
Are these down?  If not, does anyone know which repository still actually has 


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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Charles Krinke
Thank you Cameleon, it is working now. I appreciate your advice in
working through this.


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 1:29 PM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 13:16:39 -0800, Charles Krinke wrote:

 Ok. Well, I thought it would be interesting to update squeeze to wheezy,
 but it looks like wheezy is not ready enough for prime time.

 I wonder what's your understanding of primetime.

 Testing is what its name indicates, a testing and rollover (at least
 until it gets freezed) distribution that changes continuously. And to be
 sincere, at this right moment is very usable.

 I will annoy myself with missing desktop icons for a while and then
 perhaps move back to squeeze if it does not find a resolution.

 Are you still missing the icons in your desktop? Wow... sir, this has
 been answered already.

 I thought testing for wheezy would move smoothly with this mailing list.

 If you can't cope with your desktop icons maybe you should consider using
 the stable branch.

 Perhaps the folks that change things like this in wheezy dont even read
 this list.

 Or maybe is that you have to spend more time reading the list or
 searching the web ;-). This topic is very recurrent (since a year or so)
 and has been answered many, many, many times.



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Charles Krinke

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Re: nonfree repositories

2012-03-03 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Sb, 03 mar 12, 21:38:12, Lisi wrote:
 Are these down?  If not, does anyone know which repository still actually has 

No problems here (with as mirror). Could you show some 
error messages?

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 16:07:02 -0500, Frank McCormick wrote:

 On 03/03/12 03:42 PM, Charles Krinke wrote:


 I did create the key show_desktop and set it. But upon logging out
 and back in, there is still no desktop.
   There obviously is something missing in your installation but I don't
 know what it (they) is (are?)


Yup, you're right but it has to be done with dconf-editor (I don't seem 
to have gconf-editor anymore in my wheezy).

The key involved here is org.gnome.desktop.background show-desktop-
icons [x], it has to be checked/enabled. That's all.



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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 13:40:16 -0800, Charles Krinke wrote:

 Thank you Cameleon, it is working now. I appreciate your advice in
 working through this.

You're welcome... and please, keep a bottom-posting style¹, it makes your 
stuff far more readable ;-)




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OT: Copying a URL from a text browser (was: Re: text browsers)

2012-03-03 Thread Randy Kramer
Hijacking this thread thinking I might have a good audience for my question:

Is there a text based browser that makes it easy to copy a URL (with, e.g.,  
the middle mouse button) to paste it in another (graphical) browser?

I have lynx installed on my machine, and tried a quick look at it, but is not 
immediately obvious how to get the URL for a link.

Maybe it can be done readily in lynx and I just haven't spotted how to do it?

Background: Because some pages (for example, the yahoo home page ( 
make both Iceweasel and konqueror use a very high percentage of the CPU, I 
thought I might try to load pages like that in a text browser, then copy the 
URLs of any links that I want to follow into Iceweasel to view them with 
pictures and such.


Randy Kramer

On Wednesday 29 February 2012 12:17:44 pm Julien Claassen wrote:
I have tried lynx, links, links2, elinks and w3m. I work with those
 exclusively. I still mostly stick by lynx, but that is just laziness, since
 it really doesn't do a few things.
I have found, that from the above collection elinks is the best. It can
 be customised to meet almost all your needs. I don't get it to play
 youtube-videos (as audio) directly yet and I suppose, that might be out of
 the question.
These browsers are all rather comfortable, once you get to know them and
 they all have a lot of similarities, which is good, as consistency always
 is. I have only heard about edbrowse, but I think it is really the best
 solution, if you think, you might encounter a lot of NECESSARY javascript.
 Necessary opposd to beautifying or slightly helpful javascript.

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[OT] Lynx: Copy selected URL to clipboard [WAS]: Re: OT: Copying a URL from a text browser

2012-03-03 Thread Lorenzo Sutton

On 03/03/12 22:56, Randy Kramer wrote:

Hijacking this thread thinking I might have a good audience for my question:

Why not create a new one?

Is there a text based browser that makes it easy to copy a URL (with, e.g.,
the middle mouse button) to paste it in another (graphical) browser?

I have lynx installed on my machine, and tried a quick look at it, but is not
immediately obvious how to get the URL for a link.

Maybe it can be done readily in lynx and I just haven't spotted how to do it?

Maybe you didn't Read the Fancy Manual... ;)
- in lynx press H for help
- go to the keyboard short-cuts page
- hint you can search by hitting / a la vim, less etc. (extra hint 
search for 'url')


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Re: OT: Copying a URL from a text browser (was: Re: text browsers)

2012-03-03 Thread Jasper Noë

In lynx you can make bookmarks with the 'a' button.
Combine that with a bookmark in your graphical browser to


That is all.


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Re: evolution segfaults except when run in gdb

2012-03-03 Thread Camaleón
On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 20:06:55 +0100, Steven Post wrote:

 On Sat, 2012-03-03 at 17:23 +, Camaleón wrote:
 If the last thing you can see before it crashes is the IMAP syncing
 routine, have you tried to disable this account?
 After the first time I deleted all user information from my home dir
 (~/.localshare/evolution and ~/.gconf/apps/evolution) and only added my
 local mail spool (/var/mail), it still crashed with only that local

I don't know Evo enough to know where it stores the data for the accounts 
but if you're sure they're under those directories and you removed all 
their data, then fine.

  The thing is, this doesn't happen on other accounts on this desktop,
  re-installation doesn't work, and I already cleared all evolution
  related settings and mail inside my home directory. It then runs
  normally until I add an account, then it is back with the segfault.
 So the problem seems to be under your user's profile (have you tried to
 reset/restore it?
 Yes, see above.

Well, I meant your _whole_ user desktop profile not just Evo's ;-), 
specifically your GNOME settings.
 What DE are you running?
 I'm running the testing distribution with gnome 3.2.

Okay, then could it be a recent update that broke Evo? 

Review the list for the current open bugs (when it comes to Evo it uses 
to be a long one :-P):;dist=unstable

 ) or you're having problems
 with a specific account settings (it happens when you add any type of
 account -pop3, imap, local mailbox- or just crashes with one of them?).
 As soon as any account is added, it crashes. I haven't tried with pop3
 and some others, only with imap and local account.

Just in case, I would also try also with POP3.



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Re: Problem with NetworkManager - WAS: Re: Help needed to repair a damaged dual boot Debian System

2012-03-03 Thread Selim T. Erdogan
Andrei POPESCU,  3.03.2012:
 On Sb, 03 mar 12, 20:59:30, Bernard wrote:
  Thanks in advance for your help with the 'NetworkManager' or any
  other convenient tool that would operate on Squeeze so as to easily
  turn an Internet connexion ON and OFF
 Make sure you have NO definition for eth0 in /etc/network/interfaces and 
 that you have:
 in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
 If it still doesn't work after a restart[1] please attach both files.
 [1] not sure why, but in some cases new configurations did not work 
 properly until a full restart

Or you can keep /etc/network/interfaces as you have it now and edit
/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to have



(And you have to restart Network Manager.)

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Re: OT: Copying a URL from a text browser

2012-03-03 Thread Wayne Topa

On 03/03/2012 04:56 PM, Randy Kramer wrote:

Hijacking this thread thinking I might have a good audience for my question:

Is there a text based browser that makes it easy to copy a URL (with, e.g.,
the middle mouse button) to paste it in another (graphical) browser?

I have lynx installed on my machine, and tried a quick look at it, but is not
immediately obvious how to get the URL for a link.

Maybe it can be done readily in lynx and I just haven't spotted how to do it?

Background: Because some pages (for example, the yahoo home page (
make both Iceweasel and konqueror use a very high percentage of the CPU, I
thought I might try to load pages like that in a text browser, then copy the
URLs of any links that I want to follow into Iceweasel to view them with
pictures and such.


Randy Kramer

Rather then hijack a thread I would advise you to use Google before you 
post a question to the list.We like to help but we don't feel as if we 
have to do 'your' research for you.

A Google search for 'lynx save file option' answers your question on the 
first link.  The man page is included in the packages so you can help 
yourself as a first try.


On Wednesday 29 February 2012 12:17:44 pm Julien Claassen wrote:

I have tried lynx, links, links2, elinks and w3m. I work with those
exclusively. I still mostly stick by lynx, but that is just laziness, since
it really doesn't do a few things.
I have found, that from the above collection elinks is the best. It can
be customised to meet almost all your needs. I don't get it to play
youtube-videos (as audio) directly yet and I suppose, that might be out of
the question.
These browsers are all rather comfortable, once you get to know them and
they all have a lot of similarities, which is good, as consistency always
is. I have only heard about edbrowse, but I think it is really the best
solution, if you think, you might encounter a lot of NECESSARY javascript.
Necessary opposd to beautifying or slightly helpful javascript.

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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Selim T. Erdogan
Charles Krinke,  3.03.2012:
 I do have a gnome-panel panel and I can manipulate it to some
 extent. Meaning I have an application item, my several virtual
 desktops which I can rename normally, the clock and a few other
 The key right now is the missing desktop items causes me to have to
 navigate a menu if I want a terminal which is a bit annoying.
 Additionally, I have a few PDF files, a file browser, internet browser
 and a couple of source files I refer to regularly and being able to
 click on them on the desktop is quite convenient.

As far as I could see, you now have your desktop items displaying fine 
but I'm not sure that your second question was solved: how to find out 
what programs are run when you select items from the menu and how to 
conveniently run these without going through the menu.

Here in gnome classic on sid, I can go to the menu item I want and push 
down the left mouse button, without releasing it (half click?).  Then I 
move the mouse around a little and I can carry the application icon to 
the gnome-panel, and release.  Once it's there, I can right click to see 
the properties, including what program it runs.  (To remove it from the 
panel, I can alt-right click on it.)  You can also use this method to 
carry the icon onto your desktop instead of your gnome-panel.

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Re: OT: Copying a URL from a text browser (was: Re: text browsers)

2012-03-03 Thread Walter Hurry
On Sat, 03 Mar 2012 16:56:07 -0500, Randy Kramer wrote:

 Hijacking this thread

Then don't. Start a new one, or better still, do a little research first.

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Solved: Re: OT: Copying a URL from a text browser (was: Re: text browsers)

2012-03-03 Thread Randy Kramer

Excellent--exactly what I needed!

Thank you very much!

Randy Kramer

On Saturday 03 March 2012 05:31:38 pm Jasper Noë wrote:
 In lynx you can make bookmarks with the 'a' button.
 Combine that with a bookmark in your graphical browser to


 That is all.


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Re: Desktop icons missing

2012-03-03 Thread Charles Krinke
Thank you kindly, Selim, that is a good tip also.

I think we can safely close this thread.


On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Selim T. Erdogan wrote:
 Charles Krinke,  3.03.2012:

 I do have a gnome-panel panel and I can manipulate it to some
 extent. Meaning I have an application item, my several virtual
 desktops which I can rename normally, the clock and a few other

 The key right now is the missing desktop items causes me to have to
 navigate a menu if I want a terminal which is a bit annoying.
 Additionally, I have a few PDF files, a file browser, internet browser
 and a couple of source files I refer to regularly and being able to
 click on them on the desktop is quite convenient.

 As far as I could see, you now have your desktop items displaying fine
 but I'm not sure that your second question was solved: how to find out
 what programs are run when you select items from the menu and how to
 conveniently run these without going through the menu.

 Here in gnome classic on sid, I can go to the menu item I want and push
 down the left mouse button, without releasing it (half click?).  Then I
 move the mouse around a little and I can carry the application icon to
 the gnome-panel, and release.  Once it's there, I can right click to see
 the properties, including what program it runs.  (To remove it from the
 panel, I can alt-right click on it.)  You can also use this method to
 carry the icon onto your desktop instead of your gnome-panel.

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Charles Krinke

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Re: OT: Copying a URL from a text browser (was: Re: text browsers)

2012-03-03 Thread Mike Castle
On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Randy Kramer wrote:

 Maybe it can be done readily in lynx and I just haven't spotted how to do it?

I have ~/.lynx/external to which I just added this line:
EXTERNAL:http:echo %s | xsel -i:TRUE

Then I can navigate to a link and hit the `.' key.  If there are more
than one commands registered for a particular protocol (http in this
case, which covers https), lynx will pop up a selection menu,
otherwise it'll just run it.

Though, in this case you could just as easily register something like:
EXTERNAL:http:firefox -new-tab %s:TRUE

Actually, looks like out of the box, lynx comes configured for running
x-www-browser, so whatever you have for your default browser should
kick in (but may not be what you want for new-tab, new-window,
profile, etc.


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Re: MD device not found on boot

2012-03-03 Thread Daniel Bareiro
On Saturday, 03 March 2012 10:43:52 +0100, wrote:

  Are you using kernel-package make-kpkg or the make deb-pkg
  target to build your kernel packages ? The former requires a bit of
  manual configuration to work properly.

  I'm using make-kpkg:
  # cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config
  # make menuconfig
  # make-kpkg --initrd --append_to_version=-layer7-imq-amd64 linux-image

 What steps did you take to configure kernel-package ? Did you read
 /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz ? Just a short citation:
 With the new kernel-package conventions, you also need the example
 scripts in /etc/kernel/postinst.d/ and /etc/kernel/postrm.d, to create
 and remove the initramfs. Make sure that these scripts pay attention
 to the INITRD env variable to determine whether or not to take any
  Let me repeat:
  Since nothing is created automatically. you need to provide a hook
  script for things to happen when you install the kernel image
  package.  The user provides such scripts. For example, to invoke
  mkinitramfs, I did:
 --8---cut here---start-8---
  cp /usr/share/kernel-package/examples/etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs \
  cp /usr/share/kernel-package/examples/etc/kernel/postrm.d/initramfs \
 --8---cut here---end---8---
 Maybe that's part of the problem.

Here I am not physically in front of the host to be tested, however I
installed Debian GNU/Linux 5.0.9 Lenny in a KVM virtual machine in order
to replicate the problem.

I was reading the file /usr/share/doc/kernel-package/README.gz on the
KVM virtual machine, but I didn't found the quote you mentioned, nor the
two files. However I tried the kernel compiled with the above steps
(without additional steps) and I could not reproduce the problem on my
virtual machine. i.e. it boots without problems. One test failed with a
message that the initrd was too big, but then to expand the RAM of the
VM, it boots without problems.

So now the issue is finding the difference between these two scenarios.

1) Debian GNU/Linux Lenny 5.0.8:

   * 2.6.32-bpo.5-amd64 boots without problems.
   * 2.6.32-layer7-imq-amd64 fails to find the MD devices.
   * The environment is the same, so there were no changes in settings
 or metadata, which makes me think that the difference is something
 on the compiled kernel. But...

2) Debian GNU/Linux Lenny 5.0.9 (KVM):

   * 2.6.32-bpo.5-amd64 boots without problems.
   * 2.6.32-layer7-imq-amd64 compiled using the same procedure as in (1)
 boots without problems. This makes me think that then the problem
 is not the procedure used to compile.

Then the problem is due to a difference between 5.0.8 and 5.0.9? But, if
so, why precompiled kernel does not produce problems and the manually
compiled kernel fails using a procedure that did not bring problems in
another scenario?

Thanks for your reply.

Fingerprint: BFB3 08D6 B4D1 31B2 72B9  29CE 6696 BF1B 14E6 1D37
Powered by Debian GNU/Linux Lenny - Linux user #188.598

Description: Digital signature

Re: OT: Copying a URL from a text browser (was: Re: text browsers)

2012-03-03 Thread Randy Kramer

Another excellent approach--thanks!

Unfortunately, I've now realized that lynx doesn't display some of the links 
that I'm interested in--I think because they may be generated by javascript 
(or java), so I now need to look for a text browser that runs those.  I 
understand edbrowse might be able to do that, so I'll look into that.

Randy Kramer

On Saturday 03 March 2012 07:09:56 pm you wrote:
 On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 1:56 PM, Randy Kramer wrote:
  Maybe it can be done readily in lynx and I just haven't spotted how to do

 I have ~/.lynx/external to which I just added this line:
 EXTERNAL:http:echo %s | xsel -i:TRUE

 Then I can navigate to a link and hit the `.' key.  If there are more
 than one commands registered for a particular protocol (http in this
 case, which covers https), lynx will pop up a selection menu,
 otherwise it'll just run it.

 Though, in this case you could just as easily register something like:
 EXTERNAL:http:firefox -new-tab %s:TRUE

 Actually, looks like out of the box, lynx comes configured for running
 x-www-browser, so whatever you have for your default browser should
 kick in (but may not be what you want for new-tab, new-window,
 profile, etc.

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Re: sound issues

2012-03-03 Thread Darren Crotchett
I am going to clearly remark as much as possible for the benefit of anyone
who may find this page later.  See my inline replies/comments.

On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Kelly Clowers kelly.clow...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 05:53, Darren Crotchett
  Can you elaborate on what you mean by it just needs to be setup
  I'm going to be working on this issue today.  Before I install the
  applications that Raffaele recommended, I want to give Pulseaudio one
  chance because I would rather figure out the problem than to circumvent
  OTOH, I don't want to fight a losing battle either.

 So, I originally setup mine based on the PA wiki's Perfect Setup.
 It is rather
 extensive and a lot of the stuff in there is from a time when there
 was less support
 for PA.

 Here are the essentials:
 Edit /etc/asound.conf (for all users) or ~/.asoundrc (per-user)
 I have only these two entries in mine:

Neither of these files existed.  I didn't care about a per-user setting, so
I just created an /etc/asound.conf and added the recommended lines below.

 pcm.!default {
type pulse
 ctl.!default {
type pulse

 Make sure you are in the groups audio, pulse-access and pulse-rt

I used vigr and vigr -s to edit the groups.  My user was already in
audio. I added it to pulse-access group.  And, I did not have a
pulse-rt group.  I did not create the group.

 Make sure that Pulse is being run automatically at startup (it should be,
 I just remember when it was not, and I had to set it up myself).

It was already starting automatically with /etc/init.d/pulseaudio


 The setting of the alsa default to pulse should make most things work,
 but personally I set a number of things to PA explicitly. At least some of
 used to be required (they did not automatically use pulse and avoided the
 alsa default or similar). Nowadays that may not be the case, I don't know.
 Also they may have a PA driver that is different from the alsa driver, and
 may work better than redirected alsa.

 in ~/.mplayer/config: ao = pulse

 in ~/.xine/config: audio.driver:pulseaudio

 in ~/.vlcrc or ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc: aout=pulse

 in /etc/libao.conf: default_driver=pulse

I did not have the mplayer or xine config files above files.  So, I created
them and add the recommended lines.  I had the ~/.config/vlc/vlcrc.  The
aout directive was present, but was commented out and had no value.  So, I
set it.  I changed the /etc/libao.conf from default_driver=alsa to

 for gstreamer:
 gconftool-2 -t string --set /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/audiosink
 gconftool-2 -t string --set /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/audiosrc
 gconftool-2 -t string --set
 /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/musicaudiosink pulsesink
 gconftool-2 -t string --set
 /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/chataudiosink pulsesink

I ran the gconftool-2 commands.

 KDE's Phonon uses vlc, mplayer or gstreamer, so the above should cover
 that as well

 SDL (used for some games) can be set to explicitly use PA with:
 export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=pulse
 (needs to be done in a startup script like ~/.bashrc to be permanent)

I added the export to the .bashrc.  I also executed it at the command line
so I didn't have to log out and back in.

I restarted pulseaudio with: /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart

This did not seem to work.  So, I rebooted.  This seems to work.  I was
able to play a movie with sound on VLC, Minecraft and Skype all at once
without breaking anything.

 As far as I remember that is about it. As I said, setting those explicitly
 may not be needed anymore, I just don't know.

 Kelly Clowers

Thank you so much for sticking with me.  I appreciate everyone's comments.
 I hope that someone with find this thread useful in the future.

Re: sound issues

2012-03-03 Thread Scott Ferguson
On 04/03/12 14:18, Darren Crotchett wrote:
 I am going to clearly remark as much as possible for the benefit of
 anyone who may find this page later.  See my inline replies/comments.
 On Sat, Mar 3, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Kelly Clowers wrote:

 Thank you so much for sticking with me.  I appreciate everyone's
 comments.  I hope that someone with find this thread useful in the future. 

Glad you've got it sorted.

To record Skype calls (under PA) I use skype-call-recorder:-

Kind regards

Oh sorry, I was taking life seriously.
— Bill Hicks

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[OT] munin

2012-03-03 Thread Brad Alexander
Hey all,

I installed munin on my network, and wrote a puppet module to push out
the munin-node.conf to each machine. Everything seems to work fine,
and 9 machines are reporting in and generating graphs, but 5 are not.
The configs are identical with the exception of the hostname. Here's
the rub. Of the 5 machines, 4 are openvz containers, and one is a
physical machine. 3 are running sid and 2 are running wheezy. (the 9
that are reporting are a mix of lenny, squeeze, wheezy and sid, and
are both physical and openvz containers.)

When I telnet to localhost 4949, it gives me connection refused on all
5 servers, but munin-node is running on all 6. Now here is something
interesting. On all of the nodes I have checked, it appears to be
listening on the ipv6 address:

netstat -pant | grep 4949
tcp6   0  0 :::4949 :::*
LISTEN  27585/munin-node

this is on both the working and non-working nodes. My network is not
running ipv6. In fact, net-pf-10 is commented out on all the hosts
that I have checked. Here is a snippet from my
/var/log/munin/munin-node.log. This was a /etc/init.d/munin-node
restart, a telnet localhost 4949 (nothing written to the logs) and a
telnet ::1 4949

2012/03/03-22:57:05 Server closing!
Process Backgrounded
2012/03/03-22:57:06 Munin::Node::Server (type Net::Server::Fork)
starting! pid(13974)
Using default listen value of 128
Binding to TCP port 4949 on host *
2012/03/03-22:57:57 CONNECT TCP Peer: ::1:60551 Local: ::1:4949
2012/03/03-22:57:57 [14328] Denying connection from: ::1

Can anyone tell me why these 5 nodes will not connect to the server
and refuses connections to localhost and ::1?


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Re: CUPS and Brother HL-5340D dual whammy

2012-03-03 Thread Joel Roth
On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 06:23:24PM +, Brian wrote:
 On Sat 03 Mar 2012 at 07:45:20 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
  On Sat, Mar 03, 2012 at 10:32:22AM +, Brian wrote:
   If you do acquire another copy you may want to run cupstestppd on it.
  Where do I find it?
 It's on your system. 
man cupstestppd

Thanks. I didn't find it the first time 'round.
Joel Roth

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