migration squeeze - wheezy : PB apt-get

2012-07-25 Thread Yann Cohen

La cible est un netbook samsung.

manipulations effectuées :
- remplacement des références à squeeze par wheezy dans source.list
- lancement d'un apt-get dist-upgrade = chargement des paquets (1400
env.) puis sortie sur erreur liée à default-jre
- lancement dapt-get dist-upgrade avec -o APT::Immediate-Configure=0 =
Echec sur too many file open;
- passage à ulimit -n 4096 puis relance de la commande = échec  sur
dead lock lors de la récupération de la listbugs
- mise en place de la variable d'environnement
APT_LISTBUGS_FRONTEND=none = échec sur une mise à jour
- tentative d'un apt-get -f install = impossible de réparer les paquets

root@samyan:~# apt-get -f install
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances   
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Correction des dépendances... a échoué.
Les paquets suivants contiennent des dépendances non satisfaites :
grub2-common : Dépend: grub-common (= 1.99-22.1) mais 1.98+20100804-14
+squeeze1 est installé
libavcodec54 : Dépend: libva1 ( 1.0.15~) mais 1.0.7-0.0 est installé
libdbus-glib-1-2 : Dépend: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.31.8) mais 2.24.2-1 est
libgl1-mesa-dri : Dépend: libdrm-intel1 (= 2.4.27) mais 2.4.23-0.0 est
libgl1-mesa-glx : Dépend: libglapi-mesa (= 8.0.3-1) mais il n'est pas
   Dépend: libxcb-glx0 (= 1.8) mais il n'est pas
xserver-xorg-core : Dépend: libpciaccess0 (= 0.12.902) mais 0.12.0-1
est installé
xserver-xorg-video-intel : Dépend: libdrm-intel1 (= 2.4.29) mais
2.4.23-0.0 est installé
Dépend: libxcb-util0 (= 0.3.8) mais il
n'est pas installé
xserver-xorg-video-radeon : Dépend: libdrm-radeon1 (= 2.4.31) mais
2.4.23-0.0 est installé
E: Erreur, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve a généré des ruptures, ce qui a
pu être causé par les paquets devant être gardés en l'état.
E: Impossible de corriger les dépendances

Donc je suis dans une situation bizarre et je ne vois pas comment m'en
dépêtrer avant de passer à une réinstall complète...

Quelque lancement aptitude n'ont pas arranger le truc même après avoir
virer une bonne flopée de paquets...
Des idées ?

Surtout qu'après j'en ai un autre à basculer !



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Les modes tiling d'Awesome

2012-07-25 Thread JF Straeten

Salut chère Liste,

Est-ce qu'il y en a parmi vous qui utiliseraient Awesome comme window
manager ?

Dans l'affirmative, quelqu'un saurait si et comment il y aurait moyen
de faire apparaître les nouvelles fenêtres à partir de la droite dans
la master area, au lieu de la gauche par défaut ?

Par exemple, avec le layout awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, supposons
qu'on augmente à 2 ou 3 le nombre de fenêtres maîtres, les nouvelles
(N) apparaissent systématiquement à gauche :

|   |   |
|  N|  5|
|   |   |
| 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |

Est-ce qu'il est possible d'avoir ça ?

|   |   | 
|  5|  N| 
|   |   |
| 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |

ou ça, avec 3 masters ?

||| |
|  5 |  6 |  N  | 
||| |
| 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |

Je dois sûrement mal m'y prendre, mais je ne parviens même pas à
déterminer à quel endroit dans la librairie suit.tile la gestion de la
master area se fait à partir de la gauche :-/

Et les ML ne m'ont guère été utiles jusqu'ici, les gens bricolant plus
de wybox qu'ils ne dissertent sur les mérites d'un layout.

Si quelqu'un a une idée...

Ok, le rapport avec Debian n'est pas évident a priori ; mais en cas de
réussite, le WM en question tournerait sous Debian :-)

'rci d'avance,




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Pinjaman tanpa agunan, 40-150 jt, tanpa slip gaji/credit card

2012-07-25 Thread Amrufilsyah
Selamat pagi,

Apakah program ini masih berjalan/ada ?


Sent from VSAT®
powered by INDOSAT

Re: Compilador para ARM

2012-07-25 Thread Alberto Benítez
2012/7/24 Marc Olive marc.ol...@blauadvisors.com


 On Tuesday 24 July 2012 21:31:10 Marc Olive wrote:

  On Tuesday 24 July 2012 21:23:29 Alberto Benítez wrote:



   Alguien conoce un compilador para ARM1176JZF-S en bien nativo o


  GCC, probablemente, de toda la vida ;-)

  Seguro que google ta da buenas páginas.







 Marc Olivé

 Blau Advisors


Gracias, es lo que necesitaba por cierto se me ocurre programar un poquito
en ensamblador para este micro como podria convertir el asm en lenguaje


[OT] Re: Compilador para ARM

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
El Tue, 24 Jul 2012 20:23:29 +0100, Alberto Benítez escribió:


Buenas... ese html.
 Alguien conoce un compilador para ARM1176JZF-S en bien nativo o cruzado?

Raspberry Pi?

Aquí tienes algunas sugerencias:


En la lista de debian-arm te podrán dar más info.



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2012-07-25 Thread Francesc Guitart
Problema resulto!!

El 17/07/12, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:
 El Mon, 16 Jul 2012 18:43:09 +0200, Francesc Guitart escribió:

 El lun, 16-07-2012 a las 16:00 +, Camaleón escribió:


  Según entiendo comprueba cual es el $DISPLAY y si es :0 ejecuta el
  fvwm con el fichero de configuración remoto que esta personalizado.
  Sino ejecuta fvwm tal cual y entonces usa el fichero de configuración
  que hay en /etc/X11/fvwm/

 Mmm... los if no parecen anidados así que se ejecutarán uno tras otro
 y si se cumple la condición (si existen los archivos que busca) ejecuta
 el comando asociado.

 Ah!!! Esa es buena, tienes razón. Puede ser ese el motivo, pero
 entonces, ¿porqué funciona con Debian 5 si el fichero es el mismo?

 Que se ejecuten secuencialmente no es ningún problema, sólo te quería
 indicar que si no hay condiciones entre las sentencias entonces no son
 interdependientes. Es decir, que si la salida del comando:

 echo $DISPLAY | cut -f1 -d.

 Es distinta de :0, sigue ejecutando las siguientes rutinas y
 sencillamente esa variable $HOSTSERVER queda vacía, nula, y eso sí
 influye en los resultados de las siguientes instrucciones.

El problema estaba ahi. La linea

if [ $HOSTSERVER == :0 ]; then

debe ser

if [ $HOSTSERVER==:0 ]; then

Aunque de hecho, al final he quitado ese if y establezco $HOSTSERVER
si o si. A efectos practicos no varia nada que ponga o no la condicio,
asi que mas simple...

 Bueno, mañana cuando llegue al trabajo lo compruebo.

 También puedes probar a ejecutarlo manualmente, digo, el echo
 $DISPLAY... para ver qué es lo que te devuelve, aunque entiendo que será
 :0 una vez que ya hayas iniciado la sesión :-?


 Si estás usando un volumen NFS quizá el problema es que aún no esté
 montando cuando se inicia el equipo, mira a ver en los registros del
 sistema si te aparece algún error relacionado con esto.

 EL volumen NFS está montado seguro cuando inicio la sesión con fvwm. Lo
 he comprobado porqué el fichero de configuración de xdm está también en
 el volumen NFS y los cambios que este refleja sí se aplican (cambio del
 fondo de pantalla, botones para reiniciar y apagar y un pequeño
 indicador de la carga de la CPU).

 Tiene lógica porque de lo contrario el usuario no podría iniciar sesión,
 digo, en el caso de que no tuviera acceso a su $HOME.

 Pregunta tontuna... ¿si creas un nuevo usuario le pasa lo mismo?

Si, si pasaba.

Gracias por vuestra ayuda.

Francesc Guitart

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Restaurar GRUB2 desde el prompt

2012-07-25 Thread Francesc Guitart

De nuevo con un problemilla. Estoy instalando dos salas de ordenadores
(50) con dual boot Windows XP y Debian 6. Cuando distribuyo las
imagenes con Ghost pierdo el bootmanager y solo arranca con Windows.

Tengo claro como tengo que hacer restaurar GRUB2 en una maquina (mount
de las particiones, chroot ,grub-install y update-grub2) pero hacerlo
en 50 sera un poco duro. Estoy buscando un metodo para arrancar con un
USB o diskette para hacer un grub-install de la configuracion que el
mismo USB llevara. Alguna idea?

Con GRUB tenia un diskette con una entrada nueva el menu.lst donde ponia

root (hdx,y)
set (hdx,y)

Arrancaba con ese diskette y selecionaba esa entrada y al reiniciar
aparecia de nuevo GRUB.

Alguna idea de como hacer algo parecido con GRUB2?


Francesc Guitart

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Re: Restaurar GRUB2 desde el prompt

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:56:13 +0200, Francesc Guitart escribió:

 Tengo claro como tengo que hacer restaurar GRUB2 en una maquina (mount
 de las particiones, chroot ,grub-install y update-grub2) pero hacerlo en
 50 sera un poco duro. Estoy buscando un metodo para arrancar con un USB
 o diskette para hacer un grub-install de la configuracion que el mismo
 USB llevara. Alguna idea?


¿Has pensando en utilizar Rescatux? :-?



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Re: Restaurar GRUB2 desde el prompt

2012-07-25 Thread marcos negrini
 Francesc Guitart escribió:
  Tengo claro como tengo que hacer restaurar GRUB2 en una
 maquina (mount
  de las particiones, chroot ,grub-install y
 update-grub2) pero hacerlo en
  50 sera un poco duro. Estoy buscando un metodo para
 arrancar con un USB
  o diskette para hacer un grub-install de la
 configuracion que el mismo
  USB llevara. Alguna idea?

yo para eso directamente clono con clonezilla(clonezilla.org) ya que te instala 
el grub cuando instalas la imagen; y las pruebas que me toco hacer funciono 
bien con windows+linux.
Marcos Negrini

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2012-07-25 Thread bruno.deb...@cyberoso.com
Le Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:43:24 +0200,
Francesc Guitart fguit...@gmail.com a écrit :

 Problema resulto!!
 El 17/07/12, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:
  El Mon, 16 Jul 2012 18:43:09 +0200, Francesc Guitart escribió:
  El lun, 16-07-2012 a las 16:00 +, Camaleón escribió:
   Según entiendo comprueba cual es el $DISPLAY y si es :0 ejecuta
   el fvwm con el fichero de configuración remoto que esta
   personalizado. Sino ejecuta fvwm tal cual y entonces usa el
   fichero de configuración que hay en /etc/X11/fvwm/
  Mmm... los if no parecen anidados así que se ejecutarán uno
  tras otro y si se cumple la condición (si existen los archivos
  que busca) ejecuta el comando asociado.
  Ah!!! Esa es buena, tienes razón. Puede ser ese el motivo, pero
  entonces, ¿porqué funciona con Debian 5 si el fichero es el mismo?
  Que se ejecuten secuencialmente no es ningún problema, sólo te
  quería indicar que si no hay condiciones entre las sentencias
  entonces no son interdependientes. Es decir, que si la salida del
  echo $DISPLAY | cut -f1 -d.
  Es distinta de :0, sigue ejecutando las siguientes rutinas y
  sencillamente esa variable $HOSTSERVER queda vacía, nula, y eso sí
  influye en los resultados de las siguientes instrucciones.
 El problema estaba ahi. La linea
 if [ $HOSTSERVER == :0 ]; then
 debe ser
 if [ $HOSTSERVER==:0 ]; then
 Aunque de hecho, al final he quitado ese if y establezco $HOSTSERVER
 si o si. A efectos practicos no varia nada que ponga o no la condicio,
 asi que mas simple...
  Bueno, mañana cuando llegue al trabajo lo compruebo.
  También puedes probar a ejecutarlo manualmente, digo, el echo
  $DISPLAY... para ver qué es lo que te devuelve, aunque entiendo
  que será :0 una vez que ya hayas iniciado la sesión :-?
  Si estás usando un volumen NFS quizá el problema es que aún no
  esté montando cuando se inicia el equipo, mira a ver en los
  registros del sistema si te aparece algún error relacionado con
  EL volumen NFS está montado seguro cuando inicio la sesión con
  fvwm. Lo he comprobado porqué el fichero de configuración de xdm
  está también en el volumen NFS y los cambios que este refleja sí
  se aplican (cambio del fondo de pantalla, botones para reiniciar y
  apagar y un pequeño indicador de la carga de la CPU).
  Tiene lógica porque de lo contrario el usuario no podría iniciar
  sesión, digo, en el caso de que no tuviera acceso a su $HOME.
  Pregunta tontuna... ¿si creas un nuevo usuario le pasa lo mismo?
 Si, si pasaba.
 Gracias por vuestra ayuda.
Me parece sospechoso que sea este la verdadero solucion. 
Si hago el script siguiente :

if [ $HOSTSERVER==ee ]; then
echo hello

Siempre se escribe hello!

Lo siguiente funcionara mejor : 

if [ $HOSTSERVER = ee ]; then
echo hello


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Re: Restaurar GRUB2 desde el prompt

2012-07-25 Thread Francesc Guitart
El día 25 de julio de 2012 17:16, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com escribió:
 El Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:56:13 +0200, Francesc Guitart escribió:

 Tengo claro como tengo que hacer restaurar GRUB2 en una maquina (mount
 de las particiones, chroot ,grub-install y update-grub2) pero hacerlo en
 50 sera un poco duro. Estoy buscando un metodo para arrancar con un USB
 o diskette para hacer un grub-install de la configuracion que el mismo
 USB llevara. Alguna idea?


 ¿Has pensando en utilizar Rescatux? :-?

He buscado un poco en Internet y enseguida me ha salido Rescatux. No
lo he probado porque me ha parecido que se trata de una distribución,
no? O sea que tendré que arrancar los 50 ordenadores desde un USB,
seleccionar varios menús, hacer varios clics...

Es que con GRUB era tan sencillo y rápido...

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Re: Restaurar GRUB2 desde el prompt

2012-07-25 Thread Francesc Guitart
El día 25 de julio de 2012 17:23, marcos negrini
marcosnegr...@yahoo.com.ar escribió:
 Francesc Guitart escribió:

  Tengo claro como tengo que hacer restaurar GRUB2 en una
 maquina (mount
  de las particiones, chroot ,grub-install y
 update-grub2) pero hacerlo en
  50 sera un poco duro. Estoy buscando un metodo para
 arrancar con un USB
  o diskette para hacer un grub-install de la
 configuracion que el mismo
  USB llevara. Alguna idea?

 yo para eso directamente clono con clonezilla(clonezilla.org) ya que te 
 instala el grub cuando instalas la imagen; y las pruebas que me toco hacer 
 funciono bien con windows+linux.

Gracias por responder, pero un cambio de Ghost a Clonezilla no es
posible ahora mismo, pero me lo apunto por si en un futuro.

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2012-07-25 Thread Marc Olive
On Wednesday 25 July 2012 17:43:52 bruno.deb...@cyberoso.com wrote:
 Le Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:43:24 +0200,

 Me parece sospechoso que sea este la verdadero solucion.
 Si hago el script siguiente :
 if [ $HOSTSERVER==ee ]; then
 echo hello
 Siempre se escribe hello!
 Lo siguiente funcionara mejor :
 if [ $HOSTSERVER = ee ]; then
 echo hello

La comparación de string se realiza como en tu segundo script, con espacios, 
con uno o dos signos de igual [1].


[1] http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/comparison-ops.html


Marc Olivé
Blau Advisors


Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: Restaurar GRUB2 desde el prompt

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 25 Jul 2012 17:53:13 +0200, Francesc Guitart escribió:

 El día 25 de julio de 2012 17:16, Camaleón noela...@gmail.com
 El Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:56:13 +0200, Francesc Guitart escribió:

 Tengo claro como tengo que hacer restaurar GRUB2 en una maquina (mount
 de las particiones, chroot ,grub-install y update-grub2) pero hacerlo
 en 50 sera un poco duro. Estoy buscando un metodo para arrancar con un
 USB o diskette para hacer un grub-install de la configuracion que el
 mismo USB llevara. Alguna idea?


 ¿Has pensando en utilizar Rescatux? :-?

 He buscado un poco en Internet y enseguida me ha salido Rescatux. No lo
 he probado porque me ha parecido que se trata de una distribución, no? O
 sea que tendré que arrancar los 50 ordenadores desde un USB, seleccionar
 varios menús, hacer varios clics...
 Es que con GRUB era tan sencillo y rápido...


Rescatux es una especie de recuperador del cargador de arranque. No es 
una distribución completa, no, aunque ocupa unos 380 MiB su ámbito se 
limita a GRUB2 (arreglarlo, reinstalarlo, iniciar un sistema instalado en 
el disco...) y poco más.

Antes, con GRUB Legacy todo era mucho más sencillo. SuperGrubDisk (que 
apenas ocupaba unos megas) te permitía reparar y recuperar el cargador de 
arranque en un par de clicks, pero con GRUB2 todo es más complicado, 
hasta recuperarlo. 

En cuanto a Rescatux, y dependiendo del tipo de situación que tengas con 
tu GRUB2, tendrías que seleccionar uno de esos dos pasos (recover o 


Ojo, Rescatux no lo he probado aún (convendría que lo probaras antes en 
algún sistema de pruebas o en una VM), sólo te puedo decir que 
SuperGrubDisk funcionaba muy bien y siempre tengo a mano un CD con la 
última versión disponible, por si acaso.



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Re: Recuperar partición

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
El Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:55:18 -0300, Darío escribió:

 Hola lista, tengo una consulta de un amigo que usa Debian (ya no más por
 este problema) y Windows.
 La cagada que se mandó es que borró la partición de Linux porque quería
 dejar Windows solamente, y ahora tiene el GRUB colgando sin nada que
 hacer porque no lo encuentra.
 Lo que quiere hacer es recuperar Windows, pero no quiere volver a
 instalar ningún Linux. Yo le había recomendado que use supergrubdisk
 pero esto sirve en el caso que justamente quiera recuperar el GRUB,
 asique no serviría. No tengo idea si se puede hacer eso, es decir que
 bootee automáticamente Windows.

Dile a tu amigo que para recuperar el cargador de windows xp puede 
hacerlo a través de los comandos fixmbr y fixboot, para lo que tendrá 
que iniciar desde la consola de recuperación de windows. 

En vista/7 creo que los pasos son un pelín diferentes.



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2012-07-25 Thread Carlos Zuniga
2012/7/25 bruno.deb...@cyberoso.com bruno.deb...@cyberoso.com:
 Si hago el script siguiente :

 if [ $HOSTSERVER==ee ]; then
 echo hello

 Siempre se escribe hello!

 Lo siguiente funcionara mejor :

 if [ $HOSTSERVER = ee ]; then
 echo hello

En los scripts de Debian siempre veo este estilo:

 if [ x$HOSTSERVER = xee ] ; then

De esa manera no hay problema si $HOSTSERVER está vacío y mantienen
compatibilidad con otras shell.

El [ es un alias al comando test, por eso debe haber un espacio tras
el corchete.

A menudo unas pocas horas de Prueba y error podrán ahorrarte minutos
de leer manuales.

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Re: Optimizar Debian

2012-07-25 Thread Hector Garcia
El día 12 de julio de 2012 01:31, fernando sainz
fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com escribió:

 En mi caso con Debian testing, es chrome el que me produce un
 malfuncioamiento del entorno gráfico, se habló ya de un bug en una
 librería que todavía no se ha corregido porque a mi me sigue
 funcioando mal.


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+1 en mi Wheeze con un C-50 y 1 GB de RAM.
Desde hace una semana no uso chrome, estoy pegado al iceweasel.
En mi escritorio tengo un monitor del sistema, que me muestra el uso del cpu.

He notado, aparte del chrome, los responsables de la muerte de mi
maquina son nepomuk y akonadi.
Cuando me desespero, abro actividad del sistema en KDE, y tiro todo lo
relacionado con ambos.

Hace 1 hora me dí a la tarea de configurar ambos servicios para que
indexen al mínimo. En este momento mi CPU está al 56%, contra el 99%
que alcanzaba con los dos servicios al 100

El Pic no pudo Iniciar correctamente.
Inserte el disco de arranque y presione cualquier pin para continuar...

Linux Registered User #467500

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Re: Optimizar Debian

2012-07-25 Thread Carlos Carcamo
El día 25 de julio de 2012 14:05, Hector Garcia
hectorogar...@gmail.com escribió:
 El día 12 de julio de 2012 01:31, fernando sainz
 fernandojose.sa...@gmail.com escribió:

 En mi caso con Debian testing, es chrome el que me produce un
 malfuncioamiento del entorno gráfico, se habló ya de un bug en una
 librería que todavía no se ha corregido porque a mi me sigue
 funcioando mal.


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 +1 en mi Wheeze con un C-50 y 1 GB de RAM.
 Desde hace una semana no uso chrome, estoy pegado al iceweasel.
 En mi escritorio tengo un monitor del sistema, que me muestra el uso del cpu.

 He notado, aparte del chrome, los responsables de la muerte de mi
 maquina son nepomuk y akonadi.
 Cuando me desespero, abro actividad del sistema en KDE, y tiro todo lo
 relacionado con ambos.

 Hace 1 hora me dí a la tarea de configurar ambos servicios para que
 indexen al mínimo. En este momento mi CPU está al 56%, contra el 99%
 que alcanzaba con los dos servicios al 100

 El Pic no pudo Iniciar correctamente.
 Inserte el disco de arranque y presione cualquier pin para continuar...

 Linux Registered User #467500

 To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-user-spanish-requ...@lists.debian.org
 with a subject of unsubscribe. Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org

cierto chrome consume un montón, lo malo es que es mi navegador
preferido, sera una buena alternativa cambiar de chrome a chromium, se
muchos usuarios de GNU/Linux lo prefieren pero realmente es bueno?

El desarrollo no es material es un estado de conciencia metal

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Re: Restaurar GRUB2 desde el prompt

2012-07-25 Thread marcos negrini
 De: Francesc Guitart fguit...@gmail.com
 Asunto: Re: Restaurar GRUB2 desde el prompt
 Para: marcos negrini marcosnegr...@yahoo.com.ar
 Cc: debian-user-spanish@lists.debian.org
 Fecha: miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012, 12:55
 El día 25 de julio de 2012 17:23,
 marcos negrini
  Francesc Guitart escribió:
   Tengo claro como tengo que hacer restaurar
 GRUB2 en una
  maquina (mount
   de las particiones, chroot ,grub-install y
  update-grub2) pero hacerlo en
   50 sera un poco duro. Estoy buscando un metodo
  arrancar con un USB
   o diskette para hacer un grub-install de la
  configuracion que el mismo
   USB llevara. Alguna idea?
  yo para eso directamente clono con
 clonezilla(clonezilla.org) ya que te instala el grub cuando
 instalas la imagen; y las pruebas que me toco hacer funciono
 bien con windows+linux.
 Gracias por responder, pero un cambio de Ghost a Clonezilla
 no es
 posible ahora mismo, pero me lo apunto por si en un futuro.

en mi humilde opinion, es mas rapido recuperar el mbr en uno solo de los 
equipos, hacerle a ese equipo una imagen con clonezilla(donde generas un live 
que se autoinstala, hasta podrias distribuir la imagen por red en el 
laboratorio e instalar los 50 equipos en paralelo) y pisar todos los equipos 
con el mbr completo(o sea con el doble boteo habilitado), que recuperar uno a 
uno los mbr de los 50 equipos.. hacer la imagen es rapido y pisar los discos 
tambien(por lo menos mas rapido que ghost).

para recuperar el doble booteo con cualquier linux live, haciendo chroot y 
actualizando el grub sale andando.

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Aplicar patch no source.

2012-07-25 Thread Adiel de Lima Ribeiro
Pessoal, boa tarde. 
Baixei o source do Debian (linux-source-2.6.32) e o patch para ele
Como aplicar este patch no fonte ? 

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Re: Aplicar patch no source.

2012-07-25 Thread Luis Augusto

Em 25 de julho de 2012 12:35, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro 
adiel.netad...@gmail.com escreveu:

  Pessoal, boa tarde.
 Baixei o source do Debian (linux-source-2.6.32) e o patch para ele
 Como aplicar este patch no fonte ?

 Adiel de Lima Ribeirofacebook.com/sembr.dyndns.info

Re: Aplicar patch no source.

2012-07-25 Thread Adiel de Lima Ribeiro
Obrigado Luis.
Pela mensagem retornada me parece que este patch já é aplicado no pacote
root@nagual:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32# patch p1
-i /usr/share/doc/linux-patch-debian-2.6.32/changelog.Debian 
patch:  Only garbage was found in the patch input.

On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 12:51 -0300, Luis Augusto wrote:

 Em 25 de julho de 2012 12:35, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro 
 adiel.netad...@gmail.com escreveu:
   Pessoal, boa tarde.
  Baixei o source do Debian (linux-source-2.6.32) e o patch para ele
  Como aplicar este patch no fonte ?
  Adiel de Lima Ribeirofacebook.com/sembr.dyndns.info

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Re: Aplicar patch no source.

2012-07-25 Thread Gustavo Soares [SLot]

Amigo, conte-me uma coisa,

Que diabos você está querendo fazer ?

Em 25-07-2012 13:15, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro escreveu:

Obrigado Luis.
Pela mensagem retornada me parece que este patch já é aplicado no 
pacote baixado:
root@nagual mailto:root@nagual:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32# patch 
p1 -i /usr/share/doc/linux-patch-debian-2.6.32/changelog.Debian

patch:  Only garbage was found in the patch input.

On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 12:51 -0300, Luis Augusto wrote:


Em 25 de julho de 2012 12:35, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro 
adiel.netad...@gmail.com  mailto:adiel.netad...@gmail.com escreveu:

  Pessoal, boa tarde.
 Baixei o source do Debian (linux-source-2.6.32) e o patch para ele
 Como aplicar este patch no fonte ?

 Adiel de Lima Ribeirofacebook.com/sembr.dyndns.info

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Linux User: 124842
XMPP: slot...@gmail.com

Re: Aplicar patch no source.

2012-07-25 Thread Adiel de Lima Ribeiro
Gustavo, estou querendo recompilar o kernel, daí baixei o fonte dele,
mas não sei se está atualizado com os patchs do Debian, por isso quero
aplicá-los no código fonte.

On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 13:28 -0300, Gustavo Soares [SLot] wrote:

 Amigo, conte-me uma coisa,
 Que diabos você está querendo fazer ?
 Em 25-07-2012 13:15, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro escreveu:
  Obrigado Luis.
  Pela mensagem retornada me parece que este patch já é aplicado no 
  pacote baixado:
  root@nagual mailto:root@nagual:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32# patch 
  p1 -i /usr/share/doc/linux-patch-debian-2.6.32/changelog.Debian
  patch:  Only garbage was found in the patch input.
  On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 12:51 -0300, Luis Augusto wrote:
  Em 25 de julho de 2012 12:35, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro 
  adiel.netad...@gmail.com  mailto:adiel.netad...@gmail.com escreveu:
Pessoal, boa tarde.
   Baixei o source do Debian (linux-source-2.6.32) e o patch para ele
   Como aplicar este patch no fonte ?
   Adiel de Lima Ribeirofacebook.com/sembr.dyndns.info
  Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Re: Aplicar patch no source.

2012-07-25 Thread Leandro Nascimento de Souza
Mas por qual motivo precisa recompilar este Kernel?

 De: Adiel de Lima Ribeiro adiel.netad...@gmail.com
Para: Gustavo Soares [SLot] slot...@gmail.com 
Cc: debian-user-portuguese@lists.debian.org 
Enviadas: Quarta-feira, 25 de Julho de 2012 13:19
Assunto: Re: Aplicar patch no source.

Gustavo, estou querendo recompilar o kernel, daí baixei o fonte dele, mas não 
sei se está atualizado com os patchs do Debian, por isso quero aplicá-los no 
código fonte.

On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 13:28 -0300, Gustavo Soares [SLot] wrote: 
Amigo, conte-me uma coisa, Que diabos você está querendo fazer ? Em 25-07-2012 
13:15, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro escreveu:
 Obrigado Luis.
 Pela mensagem retornada me parece que este patch já é aplicado no 
 pacote baixado:
 root@nagual mailto:root@nagual:/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.32# patch 
 p1 -i /usr/share/doc/linux-patch-debian-2.6.32/changelog.Debian
 patch:  Only garbage was found in the patch input.

 On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 12:51 -0300, Luis Augusto wrote:
 Em 25 de julho de 2012 12:35, Adiel de Lima Ribeiro 
 adiel.netad...@gmail.com mailto:adiel.netad...@gmail.com escreveu:

   Pessoal, boa tarde.
  Baixei o source do Debian (linux-source-2.6.32) e o patch para ele
  Como aplicar este patch no fonte ?
  Adiel de Lima Ribeirofacebook.com/sembr.dyndns.info

 Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

PDC nt_status_password_must_change

2012-07-25 Thread gilmarlinux

Boa tarde.Galera iniciei meu testes com openldap + samba atuando como PDC.Fiz o 
testes e tudo funcionando perfeitamente, porem encontrei algo
desagradável.Crio o usuário utilizando o phpldapadmim ou o
smbldap-useradd porem se eu tentar acessar ele de outro servidor utilizando o 
ele pede para trocar a senha. Conforme abaixo.Ai para solucionar isso digito
smbpasswd gilmar_20601 ai sim este usuário consegue logar via samba.Não lembro 
ter que fazer isso no debian etch.Existe alguma maneira de
não precisar fazer o smbpasswd, apenas eu cadastrando o usuário pelo
phpldapadmim ou pelo smbldap-tools.Estou utilizando o debian squeeze com as
ultimas atualizações.Agradeço ajuda.
smbclient -L // -U gilmar_20601Enter gilmar_20601's
password: session setup failed: NT_STATUS_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE

Re: PDC nt_status_password_must_change

2012-07-25 Thread Dane
Boa tarde, Gilmar, assim que vc cria o usuário pelo phpladapadmin ele esta
criado os abritutos de do samba?

Faça uma consulta antes e depois de rodar o smbpasswd para ver qual  o
atributo não está correto.

Em 25 de julho de 2012 15:53, gilmarli...@agrovale.com.br escreveu:

 Boa tarde.
 Galera iniciei meu testes com openldap + samba atuando como PDC.
 Fiz o testes e tudo funcionando perfeitamente, porem encontrei algo
 Crio o usuário utilizando o phpldapadmim ou o smbldap-useradd porem se eu
 tentar acessar ele de outro servidor utilizando o smbclient ele pede para
 trocar a senha. Conforme abaixo.
 Ai para solucionar isso digito smbpasswd gilmar_20601 ai sim este usuário
 consegue logar via samba.
 Não lembro ter que fazer isso no debian etch.
 Existe alguma maneira de não precisar fazer o smbpasswd, apenas eu
 cadastrando o usuário pelo phpldapadmim ou pelo smbldap-tools.
 Estou utilizando o debian squeeze com as ultimas atualizações.
 Agradeço ajuda.

 smbclient -L // -U gilmar_20601
 Enter gilmar_20601's password:
 session setup failed: NT_STATUS_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE

Re: PDC nt_status_password_must_change

2012-07-25 Thread gilmarlinux

Boa tarde.Desde já agradeço sua atenção.Favor
desconsiderar o email anterior pois copiei o resultado de forma errada.Este 
resultado e quando o crio o usuário gilmar_20601.dn: 
uid=gilmar_20601,ou=Usuarios,dc=agrovale,dc=com,dc=br cn: Gilmar Jacinto
Cabral gidnumber: 544 givenname: Gilmar homedirectory:
/home/gilmar_20601 initials: Jacinto loginshell: /bin/bash mail:
gil...@agrovale.com.br objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass:
sambaSamAccount objectclass: posixAccount objectclass: top objectclass: 
shadowAccount objectclass: organizationalPerson objectclass:
person sambaacctflags: [U] sambalmpassword: 035D234A97ADDECB25AD3B83FA6627C7
sambantpassword: AD1B3873CA5E2B043CB03D00C7E46D8A sambaprimarygroupsid:
S-1-5-32-544 sambasid: S-1-5-21-2999359046-2353621477-198610729-3000 sn:
Cabral uid: gilmar_20601 uidnumber: 1000 userpassword:
{SSHA}C0ESc7eJlOyWC9YxY7aamgR5jPxKCqlAEste abaixo é o resultado é quando
crio o usuário gilmar_20601 em seguida rodo o comando smbpasswd
gilmar_20601dn: uid=gilmar_20601,ou=Usuarios,dc=agrovale,dc=com,dc=brcn: Gilmar 
Jacinto Cabralgidnumber: 544givenname: Gilmarhomedirectory: 
/home/gilmar_20601initials: Jacintologinshell: /bin/bashmail: 
gil...@agrovale.com.brobjectclass: inetOrgPersonobjectclass:
sambaSamAccountobjectclass: posixAccountobjectclass: topobjectclass:
shadowAccountobjectclass: organizationalPersonobjectclass: 
personsambaacctflags: [U  ]sambalmpassword: 
 S-1-5-32-544sambapwdlastset: 1343247528sambasid:
S-1-5-21-2999359046-2353621477-198610729-3000sn: Cabraluid: 
gilmar_20601uidnumber: 1000userpassword: 
{SSHA}B7vJ7jKZhUmiroDnyDsJj5w+OtAq/D7K Boa tarde, Gilmar, assim que vc cria o 
usuário pelo phpladapadmin
ele esta criado os abritutos de do samba?  Faça uma
consulta antes e depois de rodar o smbpasswd para ver qual  o atributo
não está correto.   Em 25 de julho de 2012
15:53, gilmarli...@agrovale.com.br escreveu:  Boa
tarde. Galera iniciei meu testes com openldap + samba atuando como PDC. Fiz 
o testes e tudo funcionando perfeitamente, porem encontrei algo 
desagradável. Crio o usuário utilizando o
phpldapadmim ou o smbldap-useradd porem se eu tentar acessar ele de outro
servidor utilizando o smbclient ele pede para trocar a senha. Conforme
abaixo. Ai para solucionar isso digito smbpasswd gilmar_20601 ai sim este
usuário consegue logar via samba. Não lembro
ter que fazer isso no debian etch. Existe alguma maneira de não
precisar fazer o smbpasswd, apenas eu cadastrando o usuário pelo
phpldapadmim ou pelo smbldap-tools. Estou utilizando o debian squeeze com
as ultimas atualizações. Agradeço ajuda. smbclient -L 
// -U gilmar_20601 Enter gilmar_20601's password: 
session setup failed:

iptables log floods tty.s

2012-07-25 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day.

Fighting for stopping flood on tty.s (I did write about this recently)
from iptables LOG messages (something like

IN=br0 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0xC0 TTL=1 ID=0 DF PROTO=2

) I found a solution, requiring setting

KLOGD=-k /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) -c4



file. Unfortunately, wheezy (that I have the problem on) does not have
such a file. Do You have any clue where it gone? OR What is used
today for the kernel logging parameter?

Thanks for Your time.

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Re: root (/) on raid 5 /boot on CF card

2012-07-25 Thread Gary Dale

On 25/07/12 12:01 AM, Bob wrote:

On 07/25/2012 11:25 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 24/07/12 09:50 PM, Bob wrote:

Hi I'm trying to upgrade my personal web server  I have a 4 port
SATA2 PCI card with the 4 Hard Drives connected, I'm putting a 1GB
swap partition at the front of each of the 4 500GB drives and the rest
is / in an mdadm software RAID5 configuration.

I know you cant boot a RAID5 system directly so I've tried having
/boot on a 4GB CF card connected to the on-board IDE bus, and also on
2 in a RAID1 configuration,

8 snip my woes

Actually, you can boot directly into a RAID5 array using Debian/Wheezy.
However, depending on your disk drives, it may not happen automatically.

The problem I've encountered is that the Debian installer doesn't
install Grub on all the disks in the array. It may not be on the one
that your machine tries to boot from.

The solution is simple - boot into a rescue console and install grub on
all the disks.

I've found this to be preferable to the older standby of creating a
RAID1 /boot partition. With kernels getting larger, you need every
larger /boot partitions to handle more than a couple. That ends up
causing problems fairly quickly if people aren't used to removing old

So my advice is to just try to boot directly into RAID5 using a single /
partition (although I would advise having a separate /home partition).
Simply upgrade to Wheezy, which is becoming pretty stable now, install
grub on all 4 drives, and enjoy.

NOTE: with Wheezy there is no problem booting into a partitioned RAID5
array either. It works. I know because I have a machine that does it. So
have /dev/md0p1 as / and /dev/md0p2 as /home. That way there is less
chance of a file system corruption wiping out everything.

I look forward to booting directly into a RAID5 array on my 
workstation, I'll give it a go next week so thanks for your advice on 
that, the problem is this is my gallery web server  I'm reluctant to 
run testing on an internet exposed box.

Because the motherboard doesn't have anything connected to the IDE bus 
I thought it would be good to put a spare CF card in and boot off 
that, this also means the CF card is nearly always /dev/sda so grub 
goes onto the MBR there by default.

I'm never convinced by the need for separate partitions for / and 
/home, if you have a decent backup strategy and you're a little 
careful doing updates I'm not sure it adds much, particularly on a 
single purpose box like this, I don't usually even partition drives in 
my RAID5 arrays, the only reason I am this time is because I want a 
swap partition or 4.

I'd've thought that with boot on /dev/sda1 and grub on the MBR of that 
drive a RAID5 array /dev/sd(b,c,d,e)2 for / should be pretty easy to 
boot but so far I've been proven wrong.

With Squeeze you may still be able to boot into a RAID5 array. I haven't 
tried it. However, I will note that Squeeze does have a problem with 
partitioned RAID5 arrays as /. It uses the wrong UUID even when /boot is 
on RAID1, making booting a bit of a problem.

I've had to resort to a script to run sed against /boot/grub/grub.cfg to 
correct the UUIDs after grub is updated.

Since you're using an unpartitioned array, that shouldn't be a problem.

re. testing on an Internet box: shouldn't be a big issue. You just have 
to run updates every day until it becomes stable.

re. partitioning RAID5 arrays: it just seems more logical to do the 
partitioning. /dev/md0 is a logical device. Few people run a file system 
directly on a physical device. They partition it instead, even when they 
only have one partition. Most tools expect partitions even when the 
drive is logical instead of physical. Mdadm has picked up on this.

If you have separate / and /home partitions, you can reformat / for a 
clean install. Otherwise you may have garbage left over from an old 
install. Also, / is more likely to become corrupt from misbehaving 
programs than /home is. You can check the smaller / partition more 
frequently than /home.

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Re: [Solved] Re: Suspend to RAM fails in Debian Wheezy 64 bits

2012-07-25 Thread Gaël DONVAL
  If nvidia driver is the one making noise here, you can try to it avoid  
  going to sleep and see if that can make the trick to resume flawlessly.
  man pm-suspend for more info and more specifically the 
 It seems it doesn't work:
 Unloading kernel module nvidia...FATAL: Module nvidia is in use.
 Nevertheless, I think that even if the module could be unloaded, that
 would kill the X server and the session as well.

AFAIK it would. That's why some years ago, when debian was still a
pimply-faced teenager, one had to kill X, falling back to a TTY to be
able to install nvidia's .run bash-o-binaric blob.

 Seems it could be addressed in the 304.22-1 version from experimental:
 - Fixed a bug that could cause G8x, G9x, and GT2xx GPUs to display a
  black screen or corruption after waking up from suspend.  (Closes:

 It's working fine so far.
Thanks, let's hope it will smoothly make it's way to Wheezy :)


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Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Gaël DONVAL

Do you know of any lighter/simpler alternative to the tar program?
tar preserves permissions, time stamps, etc. and this is great in some
cases. But in other cases, one just wants a simple way to concatenate

Any idea?

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Re: Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Mihamina Rakotomandimby

On 07/25/2012 11:53 AM, Gaël DONVAL wrote:

Do you know of any lighter/simpler alternative to the tar program? [...]
Any idea?



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Re: wifi connect _FAILS_ - was [Re: FROZEN Wheezy netinst - Where to get?]

2012-07-25 Thread Brian
On Tue 24 Jul 2012 at 17:08:50 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:

 Has anyone actually used netinst (any generation) to install Debian
 (any generation) to a virgin laptop when the *ONLY* available
 internet was using a WiFi hotspot? ???

 All my attempts have failed at DHCP negotiation.

A possible failure to associate with the wireless access point. What
does lspci (or lsusb) say the card is?
 The same physical laptop (and at least one other) has happily
 connected at the identical physical location using Debian LiveCD,
 Ubuntu LiveCD, Slacko 5.3.3 LiveCD and (IIRC) Porteus 1.2 LiveCD.

Encouraging. The Debian Live connection was set up and established
after the OS had been booted?

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Re: Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Mark Neidorff
On Wednesday 25 July 2012 4:53:51 am Gaël DONVAL wrote:
 Do you know of any lighter/simpler alternative to the tar program?
 tar preserves permissions, time stamps, etc. and this is great in some
 cases. But in other cases, one just wants a simple way to concatenate
 Any idea?

cat ?

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Re: Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Kushal Kumaran
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Gaël DONVAL gael.don...@cnrs-imn.fr wrote:

 Do you know of any lighter/simpler alternative to the tar program?
 tar preserves permissions, time stamps, etc. and this is great in some
 cases. But in other cases, one just wants a simple way to concatenate

 Any idea?

If all you want is not to preserve permissions, timestamps, etc., you
can use the appropriate options to the tar program to disable those

If you object to the tar format itself, you can look at cpio, which
might support some more formats. (although the tar program seems to
have grown support for several (most?) of those).

If you want a smaller/simpler tar program for some reason, busybox has
a version of tar, which has much fewer options.  But, unless you are
in an environment that is already using busybox, you probably won't
have a net gain if you install busybox just for a smaller tar.


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Re: wifi connect _FAILS_ - was [Re: FROZEN Wheezy netinst - Where to get?]

2012-07-25 Thread Jon Dowland
I'm 99% sure your difficulties are caused by missing wireless firmware.
If you can put the firmware-linux-nonfree* stuff onto a USB stick and
have that ready at install time you might get further.

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Re: replying to a thread on the list that is not in my inbox?

2012-07-25 Thread Jon Dowland
On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 11:32:53PM -0400, Nick Lidakis wrote:
 Thanks. It will bring up Icedove. How do I get that header info to Mutt?

Set mutt up to handle mailto: urls with something like 
or http://madduck.net/blog/2007.01.14:firefox-handing-mailto-links-to-mutt/

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Re: replying to a thread on the list that is not in my inbox?

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Tue, 2012-07-24 at 23:32 -0400, Nick Lidakis wrote:
 On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 11:22:50PM -0400, Celejar wrote:
  On Tue, 24 Jul 2012 23:03:52 -0400
  Nick Lidakis nlida...@verizon.net wrote:
   How does one reply to a thread on this list if I accidentally erased the
   threads or the thread was never in your inbox to begin with? I want to 
   to this: http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2012/07/msg01613.html
  Just click on the link under Reply - it's a mailto: url that will
  pass your MUA the proper headers.
 Thanks. It will bring up Icedove. How do I get that header info to Mutt?

What would happen, if you just would reply one time using the Archive?

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Re: Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 10:53 +0200, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
 Do you know of any lighter/simpler alternative to the tar program?
 tar preserves permissions, time stamps, etc. and this is great in some
 cases. But in other cases, one just wants a simple way to concatenate
 Any idea?

I'm using tar, but you might want http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7-Zip .

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Re: Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Gaël DONVAL
  Do you know of any lighter/simpler alternative to the tar program? [...]
  Any idea?

Thanks Mihamina, Kushal and Mark.

Actually what I want is to compress a set of ascii files. I did some
preliminary tests and I'd like to use 7zip or xz.

When used on single files, xz performs consistently better... Well,
actually, these individual files are small so this might just be related
to a fixed size header which is just smaller in the xz file format...
But xz also allows stream compression using pipes, which is definitely a

However, that's it: xz can't compress a full directory. I tried to use
tar but the FS metadata make the compressed file heavier.

cpio (completely forgot about this one) allows me to reach 7zip
compression ratio with xz, works very well with streams and is available
on many, if not all Linux systems. Thanks for your suggestion Mihamina,

Kushal, I did not find any option to disable FS metadata preservation in
tar man page. I might have missed something though. But I am curious to
see if this can be achieved with tar.

Mark, thanks for your suggestion. I have not been precise enough. And
actually, xz files can be catted together, but each of the xz file keeps
its header. And since these headers are almost identical, one can
compress them again. But still, the result is not great.

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Re: Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 11:37 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 10:53 +0200, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
  Do you know of any lighter/simpler alternative to the tar program?
  tar preserves permissions, time stamps, etc. and this is great in some
  cases. But in other cases, one just wants a simple way to concatenate
  Any idea?
 I'm using tar, but you might want http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7-Zip .


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the rest of the postgresql mystery

2012-07-25 Thread Jude DaShiell
Files from previous versions of postgresql are on the system and I found 
it impossible to remove those packages with aptitude after several 
attempts.  For that reason I will be reinstalling debian and not 
reinstalling postgresql later.

eventually fails; software eventually works, no amount of band width can 
fix poor design

Jude jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net

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Re: Debian 5 - was Re: Query abouut root account

2012-07-25 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 24 iul 12, 01:34:16, Bret Busby wrote:
 My previous experience with splix, is not good.
 From memory, I tried splix with the first CLX-3185FW (it died a
 months ago, just before the Debian 5 workstation died, from memory -
 we have an unsafe electricity supply in this state), as Debian 5 did
 not have the drivers, but splix did not work, and I had a problem
 with the splix contact, 

As far as I understand you tried splix on Debian 5 (lenny), but the 
version in Debian 6 is much newer as I recall (sorry, can't check since 
packages.debian.org doesn't list lenny anymore and archive.debian.net 
doesn't include it yet -- maintainer contacted).

Hope this helps,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Debian 5 - was Re: Query abouut root account

2012-07-25 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 24 iul 12, 01:20:26, Bret Busby wrote:
 It seems strange (to me), that notification of an update release is
 broadcast, and then all repositories of that version, are
 disappeared at the same time as that release.

Quoting from the announcement:

| Please note that the oldstable distribution will be moved from the
| main archive to the archive.debian.org repository after March 24th 2012.
| After this move, it will no longer be available from the main mirror
| network. More information about the distribution archive and a list of
| mirrors is available at:
| http://www.debian.org/distrib/archive

Hope this explains,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Why have d-community-offtopic? (Re: What does group consider to be on topic?)

2012-07-25 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 23 iul 12, 13:16:43, Camaleón wrote:
 Mmm, nope... what made you think that? Anyway, it would be a redundancy 
 but nothing that hurts. I can't tell because I'm unaware about the rules 
 of the offtopic mailing list.

The rules are basically:

Be excellent to each other!

but putting jokes aside, I would think discussions that are on-topic on 
debian-user (or any other debian- list) should probably not happen 

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Chris Davies
Gaël DONVAL gael.don...@cnrs-imn.fr wrote:
 Do you know of any lighter/simpler alternative to the tar program?
 tar preserves permissions, time stamps, etc. and this is great in some
 cases. But in other cases, one just wants a simple way to concatenate


Tar is pretty lightweight (at least, it was until GNU got hold of it).

tar cf target.tar source...
tar xf target.tar

target.tar can be - to reference stdin/stdout (i.e. a pipe). If
you restore files with it as root, it attempts to handle ownerships and
permissions on extraction. If you don't it does what it can. Add z or
j as te first letter argument to enable compression (gzip and bzip2,

Cat does exactly what you've asked for, a simple way to concatenate
files, but I suspect that's not what you really mean. Cpio is marginally
more flexible but wildly complicated. 7z and zip have ancestors in the
DOS world but can be considered as equivalent to tar with compression
enabled. Different process, though: 7z and zip compresses each file
separately (I believe) and adds the result to the archive. Tar/gzip adds
each file to the archive and compresses the result.


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bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Ludovic Tolhurst-Cleaver
Dear Fellow Debian Users,

I'm trying to decide if and how to report a possible bug in Debian.

I'm running Wheezy (actually it calls itself wheezy/sid when I switch
to tty1 etc.) on a 64-bit Toshiba Satellite Pro A300D laptop with an
Intel Core2Duo chip.

Debian had started X and was just about to get to the login dialog box
when I happened to plug in the laptop's power. This immediately
resulted in a graphical error screen showing a 'sad-faced PC' image
and the following message:
Oh no! Something has gone wrong.
A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please contact a
system administrator.

After a reboot, the system was fine again.

I'm not sure how to report this as a bug. Can anyone advise me?

Ludovic Tolhurst-Cleaver

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Re: Tools in Debian to create whole disk image (multiple partitions)?

2012-07-25 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 23 iul 12, 10:48:29, Mark Neidorff wrote:
 On Monday 23 July 2012 2:07:42 am Andrei POPESCU wrote:
  On Du, 22 iul 12, 22:41:52, Gary Dale wrote:
   So what you really need is a copy of the files on /boot and /. You
   don't need the swap space and you don't need the empty space in the
   main partition.
  Nope, what I really need is something that would fit here:
 I think what you want to do is here:
I thought about zeroing the card in advance and also about creating the 
big partition smaller. There are tips in there to not copy the 
unpartitioned space which should help in this case ;)

 Another suggestionask the kind folks at RPi. (They are almost as 
 nice as the folks on the Debian list)

Sure, but I don't like forums at all :p

Kind regards
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: is it rational to close the 139 port

2012-07-25 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 23 iul 12, 12:00:37, Mark Allums wrote:
 True, but the downside is that you're going to experience random,
 confusing absences of functionality in various applications, and it can
 sometimes be difficult to figure out why ...
 It's dependency hell.  Removing one highly useless package will very
 often remove 98% of GNOME and another 120 packages.  I think this
 idea of recommended packages should be restricted to dialog box
 advisories only, and with good explanations as to why they they are

I think you are missing the point: if a package is only recommended
removing it would not remove 98% of Gnome.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Package debian-ispell.el needs updated

2012-07-25 Thread Jeffrey Spencer
I was trying to report this bug but running ubuntu failed to do so
properly. This package needs updated to allow the changing of the
dictionary list or proper configuration when running hunspell. It wouldn't
let me set the dictionary list until after all ispell was already
initialized. If I can be pointed where to report the bug I can provide more


Jeff Spencer
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Melbourne

mail server

2012-07-25 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
need suggestions, i know there are few populer mail servers like
postfix, sandmail etc out there.

here is some details about my office.

1. 20 users.
2. pop from main server
3. send via SMTP
4. local mail distribution IMAP

i am not looking in to easy or hard mail server. what i am looking is
it should be good for my carrier and  for my office too.
secure, stable, web base console etc.

btw, i have heard that there is a mailserver called zimbra. but i
think debian is not natively supporting it.

any help would be appreciable.


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Re: bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 12:13:00PM +0100, Ludovic Tolhurst-Cleaver wrote:
 Dear Fellow Debian Users,
 I'm trying to decide if and how to report a possible bug in Debian.
 I'm running Wheezy (actually it calls itself wheezy/sid when I switch
 to tty1 etc.) on a 64-bit Toshiba Satellite Pro A300D laptop with an
 Intel Core2Duo chip.
 Debian had started X and was just about to get to the login dialog box
 when I happened to plug in the laptop's power. This immediately
 resulted in a graphical error screen showing a 'sad-faced PC' image
 and the following message:

I can't say I'm aware of this image, but the timing of it suggests to me
it's a bug in ?dm (gdm3, kdm or whatever display manager you use).
Probably an ACPI event happened which either GDM or X wasn't expecting.

Do you, perhaps have one of these dual-mode graphics cards on that
laptop? If so, the system probably switched to the high-power card at
that point and either it wasn't initialised correctly or the low-power
one was no longer available for X to display on.

Description: Digital signature

Re: mail server

2012-07-25 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis
2012/7/25 Muhammad Yousuf Khan sir...@gmail.com:
 need suggestions, i know there are few populer mail servers like
 postfix, sandmail etc out there.

 here is some details about my office.

 1. 20 users.
 2. pop from main server
 3. send via SMTP
 4. local mail distribution IMAP

 i am not looking in to easy or hard mail server. what i am looking is
 it should be good for my carrier and  for my office too.
 secure, stable, web base console etc.

 btw, i have heard that there is a mailserver called zimbra. but i
 think debian is not natively supporting it.

 any help would be appreciable.

check iredmail. Easy to install.


Umarzuki Mochlis

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Characters too small in tty

2012-07-25 Thread Rodolfo Medina
Recently I installed Debian Sid.  After installing x-window-system-core, at the
new reboot characters in tty* consoles were smaller, much too small.  And also
in the virtual terminal within xfce graphical environment.  How can I restore
the previous state?  Googling around did not help.

Thanks for any help

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Re: mail server

2012-07-25 Thread J. B
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 19:58:39 +0800
Umarzuki Mochlis umarz...@gmail.com wrote:

 2012/7/25 Muhammad Yousuf Khan sir...@gmail.com:
  need suggestions, i know there are few populer mail servers like
  postfix, sandmail etc out there.
  here is some details about my office.
  1. 20 users.
  2. pop from main server
  3. send via SMTP
  4. local mail distribution IMAP
  i am not looking in to easy or hard mail server. what i am looking is
  it should be good for my carrier and  for my office too.
  secure, stable, web base console etc.
  btw, i have heard that there is a mailserver called zimbra. but i
  think debian is not natively supporting it.
  any help would be appreciable.
 check iredmail. Easy to install.

zimbra mail server
ispmail server

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Re: mail server

2012-07-25 Thread ew

On Jul 25, 2012, at 7:52 AM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 need suggestions, i know there are few populer mail servers like
 postfix, sandmail etc out there.
 here is some details about my office.
 1. 20 users.
 2. pop from main server
 3. send via SMTP
 4. local mail distribution IMAP
 i am not looking in to easy or hard mail server. what i am looking is
 it should be good for my carrier and  for my office too.
 secure, stable, web base console etc.
 btw, i have heard that there is a mailserver called zimbra. but i
 think debian is not natively supporting it.
 any help would be appreciable.

For a simple feature rich mail server check out citadel.
There are packages in Debian.  I will easily meet all your needs.

It is lighter weight compared to Zimbra with many of the same features.
I'm able to run Citadel on a very modest VPS (384MB RAM) along with
several hosted websites/email domains.

Good Luck,


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Re: mail server

2012-07-25 Thread Denis Witt

On 25.07.2012 13:52, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

here is some details about my office.

1. 20 users.
2. pop from main server
3. send via SMTP
4. local mail distribution IMAP

i am not looking in to easy or hard mail server. what i am looking is
it should be good for my carrier and  for my office too.
secure, stable, web base console etc.

btw, i have heard that there is a mailserver called zimbra. but i
think debian is not natively supporting it.


you will need at least two things, an SMTP Server (like postfix) and an 
IMAP/POP3 Server (like dovecot).

Over the years I have used many different programs for that, starting 
with Exim. But now I always use Postfix and Dovecot together with LDAP, 
Amavis (Spamassassin, ClamAV) and Postgrey.

Dovecot is quite easy to set up. Postfix might be a bit trickier, but it 
is very well documented (and the mailing list is very responsive).

Anyway, regardless which server you will choose, please do a lot of 
research before you launch the server for public use. It is rather easy 
to set up an open relay anybody could use for sending SPAM. Your IP will 
be show up on Blacklists and you will have a lot of trouble removing 
them from those lists.

Also it is important not to use a dailup IP, instead you will need a 
proper static IP with correct rDNS settings. If you don't have that in 
your office you will have to use a relay server to send mails (external).

To have a web based access to your mails I would recommend roundcube. 
Which is very easy to set up and not too bloated so your users will be 
fine with that very quickly.

If you want a web based console for all the Admin stuff you can use 
webmin, but usually there is no need for that once the server is up 
and running.

The advance setting up your mail server by hand is that you will get a 
deeper understanding of what happens in case of problems. Zimbra is more 
like a black box doing some magic stuff inside. (As fas as I know Zimbra 
is based on Postfix.) Zimbra is also much more than just an Mailserver, 
it's more like a collaboration tool like Microsoft Exchange/Outlook.


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gpg signature ssh keys

2012-07-25 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis

can my gpg signature  ssh keys (public  private) be imported to a
new installation of debian just by synching my home folder (same user
as in the new system)?



Umarzuki Mochlis

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Re: gpg signature ssh keys

2012-07-25 Thread shthead

On 25/07/2012 8:50 PM, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:


can my gpg signature  ssh keys (public  private) be imported to a
new installation of debian just by synching my home folder (same user
as in the new system)?


The GPG keys should be storedin ~/.gpg and the SSH keys in ~/.ssh so as 
long as you get the dot files/folders you should be right. Just 
remember to make sure that the permissions are correct on the new system 
for the files.

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Re: gpg signature ssh keys

2012-07-25 Thread Gaël DONVAL

 can my gpg signature  ssh keys (public  private) be imported to a
 new installation of debian just by synching my home folder (same user
 as in the new system)?

Yes. Your public and private ssh keys should be in ~/.ssh
Your gpg keys should be in ~/.gnupg

As long as you copy these two folders to your new debian installation,
everything should be alright.

If you are using gnome, you might also want to copy seahorse keyrings
(in ./gnome2 last time I checked, but that might have changed).

To sum up, if you copy your whole user directory to a new installation,
everything should be right where you left them.


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cron.daily error

2012-07-25 Thread Jeff Grossman
Since I have upgraded to Squeeze, I get and e-mail with the following
line in it every morning.  Would somebody be able to point me in the
right direction to figure out what file in cron.daily is giving me
this error?

-su: source: not found


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Re: gpg signature ssh keys

2012-07-25 Thread Umarzuki Mochlis
2012/7/25 Gaël DONVAL gael.don...@cnrs-imn.fr:

 can my gpg signature  ssh keys (public  private) be imported to a
 new installation of debian just by synching my home folder (same user
 as in the new system)?

 Yes. Your public and private ssh keys should be in ~/.ssh
 Your gpg keys should be in ~/.gnupg

 As long as you copy these two folders to your new debian installation,
 everything should be alright.

 If you are using gnome, you might also want to copy seahorse keyrings
 (in ./gnome2 last time I checked, but that might have changed).

 To sum up, if you copy your whole user directory to a new installation,
 everything should be right where you left them.

thanks for the confirmation


Umarzuki Mochlis

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Re: cron.daily error

2012-07-25 Thread Darac Marjal
On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 06:13:31AM -0700, Jeff Grossman wrote:
 Since I have upgraded to Squeeze, I get and e-mail with the following
 line in it every morning.  Would somebody be able to point me in the
 right direction to figure out what file in cron.daily is giving me
 this error?
 -su: source: not found

I imagine that your system shell has been changed to dash (run ls -l /bin/sh 
to check). Dash is somewhat stricter in its implementation of POSIX than bash 
(it's main focus is to be lighter than bash so as to allow quicker booting). 
POSIX declares that the source command should check the path when given a 
filename without path components. Bash relaxes this somewhat by also checking 
the current directory. Dash DOESN'T do this.

That is, assuming somefile.sh is in the current directory, source somefile.sh 
will work in bash, but not dash. To fix this bashism, use source 

Description: Digital signature

Re: bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Gaël DONVAL
 I can't say I'm aware of this image,
I guess this is the gnome 3's error screen that logs you out if
something wrong happens... or not.

 Do you, perhaps have one of these dual-mode graphics cards on that
Should be a radeon 3100. But I can be wrong.

What driver are you using? A friend of mine had the same problem with a
Radeon card: each time he plugged the power cord in, the computer
crashed. It turned out that the change of brightness triggered by the
power manager daemon on plug in made the FGLRX driver crash... It didn't
crash each time brightness was changed, but each time it crashed, the
brightness was changing.

In the end, he switched to the open source drivers. Since then, no

Have a look at your log files (Xorg, message, kernel,
~/.xsession-error): it might help.

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Re: Debian 5 - was Re: Query abouut root account

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 02:27:25 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:

 On Tue, 24 Jul 2012, Camaleón wrote:


 Debian archive mirror hostname:

 You can try here with just the hostname, that is: http.debian.net

 Please enter the directory in which the mirror of the Debian archive
 is located.


 An here with: /debian-archive/debian


 I do not know what the acronym THT means, but the method above, solved
 the problem, and Debian 5 is now installed on the laptop.

Ah, perfect.

 I have just realised that the THT may be meant to be HTH (-Hope That
 Helps (?) ). If that is the case, then I apologise for drawing attention
 to it, and, as shown, it did help.

Yes, I meant to write HTH (hope this helps) indeed, but my fingers 
decided to swap the letters by their own initiative. I will correct this 
attitude ASAP...

(bad fat fingers, bad!)

Done! :-P

 Thank you very much.

You're welcome.



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Re: Epson Perfection 1240U USB scanner device not found

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 24 Jul 2012 11:23:57 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 02:37:15PM +, Camale??n wrote:
 On Mon, 23 Jul 2012 19:28:55 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
  Okay, we're back in routine administration territory.
  adding myself to group 'scanner'
  and then 'newgrp scanner' leads to a correct result for scanimage
  Will that be the new status quo when I reboot, or do I have to do
  something to make it permanent?
 If you manually added the scanner group and also (manually) added
 yourself to that group this has to be consistent between reboots, of
 course. But I wonder why is that the scanner group was not present in
 your system by default :-?
 I didn't express myself clearly, I added myself to the scanner group, I
 didn't add the group.

Ah, then the scanner group was already present (that's correct) but your 
user should have been added to it automatically (I guess), at least 
that's how it is on my system (wheezy) and I have no TWAIN device 
attached to the netbook (no scanner, multi-function device, dsc camera... 



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Re: Debian 5 - was Re: Query abouut root account

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 02:42:44 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:

 On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Camaleón wrote:
 On Tue, 24 Jul 2012 01:20:26 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:


 It seems strange (to me), that notification of an update release is
 broadcast, and then all repositories of that version, are disappeared
 at the same time as that release.

 No repo has dissapeared but moved.

 Do the ISO images for Debian 5.0.10, still exist in any official
 Debian repository?

 Old ISO images can be obtained from:


 For the repos, you can use the above mentioned sources.

 Unfortunately, that source does not work, either as a mirror, or as a
 source for ISO images.


I'm not following you :-?

The above URI provides Lenny ISO images.

And of course, files are there, e.g.:


Whatever problem you can be experiencing for getting the files it has no 
relation with the fact that's the correct repository but if you're 
still insterested in solving any difficulty with downloading, you can 
open a new thread (to avoid mixing up things) and detail in there what 
are you doing exactly and what kind of errors are you getting :-)



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Re: [Solved] Re: Suspend to RAM fails in Debian Wheezy 64 bits

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Tue, 24 Jul 2012 20:29:11 +0200, Alberto Luaces wrote:

 If nvidia driver is the one making noise here, you can try to it avoid
 going to sleep and see if that can make the trick to resume flawlessly.

 man pm-suspend for more info and more specifically the
 It seems it doesn't work:
 Unloading kernel module nvidia...FATAL: Module nvidia is in use.

Mmm... it can be a problem with a specific version of the driver or 
something related to Xorg server. You can try to report it but nvidia is 
closed source code, I don't know if a bug report in Debian BTS will be 
tracked :-?
 Nevertheless, I think that even if the module could be unloaded, that
 would kill the X server and the session as well.

On the contrary... by unloading a conflictive kernel module before 
entering into suspension you are avoiding the system to crash (some 
devices does not support well suspension state). Also note that before 
resuming, the unloaded module is reloaded again :-)



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Re: bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:13:00 +0100, Ludovic Tolhurst-Cleaver wrote:

 I'm trying to decide if and how to report a possible bug in Debian.
 I'm running Wheezy (actually it calls itself wheezy/sid when I switch to
 tty1 etc.) on a 64-bit Toshiba Satellite Pro A300D laptop with an Intel
 Core2Duo chip.
 Debian had started X and was just about to get to the login dialog box
 when I happened to plug in the laptop's power. This immediately resulted
 in a graphical error screen showing a 'sad-faced PC' image and the
 following message:
 Oh no! Something has gone wrong.
 A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please contact a
 system administrator.
 After a reboot, the system was fine again.
 I'm not sure how to report this as a bug. Can anyone advise me?

Mmm... I would collect more data for a bug report, for instance, can you 
consistently reproduce the crash? Have you found a pattern (i.e., is the 
system always crashing when you plug the power cord)? Have you looked at 
the logs?



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Re: Package debian-ispell.el needs updated

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 21:31:34 +1000, Jeffrey Spencer wrote:

(please, no html... thanks)

 I was trying to report this bug but running ubuntu failed to do so

To report a bug in Debian BTS your should have the package installed into 
Debian, right? :-?

Anyway, you can manually send a preformatted e-mail to Debian BTS, it's 
not easy but can be done with a bit of patience. Instructions can be 
found here:

Sending the bug report via e-mail

 This package needs updated to allow the changing of the dictionary list
 or proper configuration when running hunspell. It wouldn't let me set
 the dictionary list until after all ispell was already initialized. If
 I can be pointed where to report the bug I can provide more info.

Can't comment on the problem, sorry.



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Re: iptables log floods tty.s

2012-07-25 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012, Sthu Deus wrote:
 Good time of the day.


 ) I found a solution, requiring setting
 KLOGD=-k /boot/System.map-$(uname -r) -c4
 file. Unfortunately, wheezy (that I have the problem on) does not have

FORTUNATELY, wheezy deprecates the crap from hell that is sysklogd (syslogd
+ klogd), and offers rsyslog as the default replacement (used on new
installs), and other alternatives such as syslog-ng.

rsyslog takes care of reading the kernel logs by itself (imklog module,
enabled by default in Debian.  See /etc/rsyslog.conf).

You can set the kernel verbosity level using dmesg -n level as root.
rsyslog in Squeeze didn't allow you to set it directly, maybe the version in
wheezy does.  Check manpage rsyslog.conf(5).

Anyway, adding dmesg -n 4 to /etc/default/rsyslog is a hack that should work
just fine, since it is sourced as a shell script by the rsyslog initscript.

  One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie. -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: mail server

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 16:52:25 +0500, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 need suggestions, i know there are few populer mail servers like
 postfix, sandmail etc out there.

 here is some details about my office.
 1. 20 users.
 2. pop from main server
 3. send via SMTP
 4. local mail distribution IMAP
 i am not looking in to easy or hard mail server. what i am looking is it
 should be good for my carrier and  for my office too. secure, stable,
 web base console etc.
 btw, i have heard that there is a mailserver called zimbra. but i think
 debian is not natively supporting it.

Ugh... I would avoid Zimbra as much as I can (nothing against it, is just 
I don't like all-in-one solutions for mail services I prefer small pieces 
of software performing a brilliantly work) :-)

 any help would be appreciable.

My ingredients for the recipe:

- Fetchmail (or getmail) for polling e-mails form your remote provider
- Postfix (for local/remote lmtp/smtp services)
- Cyrus (for local/remote pop/imap services)
- Spamassassin (anti-spam)
- ClamAV (antivirus if using windows stations)
- Amavisd-new (I call it the glue because I use it to join all the 

I have no webmail (forbidden), e-mail users are stored in a separate 
database (sasl2db) and are not system users which means no login shell. 

This setup has been serving me very well during many years and is very 
flexible and powerful (though not easy to setup) because as it can be 
expanded to support more users and a different user database backend 
(e.g., SQL, PAM...).



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Re: Printers using free software only

2012-07-25 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Lu, 23 iul 12, 18:05:45, Brian wrote:
 All the major applications on the popular DEs are now geared up to
 output in PDF format when printing.

PDF is kind of a subset of PostScript ;)

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: Characters too small in tty

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:15:56 +, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

 Recently I installed Debian Sid.  After installing x-window-system-core,
 at the new reboot characters in tty* consoles were smaller, much too
 small.  And also in the virtual terminal within xfce graphical
 environment.  How can I restore the previous state?  Googling around did
 not help.

Mmm... maybe you need to dpkg-reconfigure console-setup :-?



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Re: systemd

2012-07-25 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Ma, 24 iul 12, 12:38:12, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I'm confused, will Debian or will Debian not switch to systemd?

Definitely not for wheezy, it's already frozen. As I understand from 
lurking on -devel, the plan is to demote sysvinit from Essential as soon 
as the wheezy+1 development cycle starts, to allow admins to experiment 
with systemd or upstart.

There where also discussions about OpenRC, but it needs support for LSB 
headers to be considered for Debian.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: [Solved] Re: Suspend to RAM fails in Debian Wheezy 64 bits

2012-07-25 Thread Andrei POPESCU
On Mi, 25 iul 12, 14:26:51, Camaleón wrote:
 Mmm... it can be a problem with a specific version of the driver or 
 something related to Xorg server. You can try to report it but nvidia is 
 closed source code, I don't know if a bug report in Debian BTS will be 
 tracked :-?

It will, but the Maintainer(s) will advise you report it to Nvidia too, 
since there's not much they can do about it.

Kind regards,
Offtopic discussions among Debian users and developers:

Description: Digital signature

Re: the rest of the postgresql mystery

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 06:25:45 -0400, Jude DaShiell wrote:

Jude, if you open a new thread just for adding new info on the same  
problematic, your posts will remain unconnected (out of context) and thus 
very hard to follow...

 Files from previous versions of postgresql are on the system and I found
 it impossible to remove those packages with aptitude after several

You mean purging was not possible? What command you typed and what 
error you got? Without logs is hard to tell what the problem can be.

 For that reason I will be reinstalling debian and not reinstalling
 postgresql later.

Are you reinstalling the full system because of a package (PostgreSQL)? 
Wow, that sounds too radical. If something is failing in that way, 
consider filing a bug report.



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Re: systemd

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 18:16 +0300, Andrei POPESCU wrote:
 On Ma, 24 iul 12, 12:38:12, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  I'm confused, will Debian or will Debian not switch to systemd?
 Definitely not for wheezy, it's already frozen. As I understand from 
 lurking on -devel, the plan is to demote sysvinit from Essential as soon 
 as the wheezy+1 development cycle starts, to allow admins to experiment 
 with systemd or upstart.
 There where also discussions about OpenRC, but it needs support for LSB 
 headers to be considered for Debian.
 Kind regards,

I hate pulseaudio, but I could imagine that systemd anyway could have
some advantages, even if it's from a man (boy) who often takes photos
from himself in front of a mirror and then publish this snapshots in the
Internet. http://www.google.de/search?hl=encp=12gs_id=5fxhr=tq=l

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Re: Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Mika Suomalainen
Hash: SHA512

On 07/25/2012 11:53 AM, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
 Do you know of any lighter/simpler alternative to the tar program?
 [...] Any idea?

There is bash function, which makes tar simpler to use. I know that
it's not alternative, but it might be good alternative to alternative.

I will attach it to this email. To use it, just copy-paste it to your
bashrc or zshrc or whatever shell you use rc.

To use it, just run ex something.zip and it will extract it.

- -- 
Mika Suomalainen

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably weekends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
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Comment: Fingerprint = 24BC 1573 B8EE D666 D10A  AA65 4DB5 3CFE 82A4 6728
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/

# ex command. Copied from zshrc of bioterror ( 
http://ricecows.org/configs/zsh/.zshrc ). Original comment below:
## for unit193 ;)
## use command ex to extract any archive files.
## ex package.zip for example
function ex ()

if [ -f $1 ] ; then
case $1 in
  *.tar)tar xvf $1  ;;
  *.tar.bz2 | *.tbz2 )  tar xjvf $1 ;;
  *.tar.gz | *.tgz )tar xzvf $1 ;;
  *.bz2)bunzip2 $1  ;;
  *.rar)unrar x $1  ;;
  *.gz) gunzip $1   ;;
  *.zip)unzip $1;;
  *.Z)  uncompress $1   ;;
  *.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
  *.xz) tar xJvf $1 ;;
 ar xv $1
 mkdir ${DIR}
 tar -C ${DIR} -xzvf data.tar.gz;;
  *.rpm)   rpm2cpio $1 | cpio -vid  ;;
  *)   echo ${1} cannot be extracted via extract()
echo ${1} is not a valid file

Description: PGP signature

Re: systemd

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
PS: Even the Wiki shows him taking a photo from himself:

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Re: Alternative to tar?

2012-07-25 Thread Mika Suomalainen
Hash: SHA512

On 25.07.2012 12:43, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
 Actually what I want is to compress a set of ascii files. I did
 some preliminary tests and I'd like to use 7zip or xz.

Oh, in that case ex isn't what you are looking for. It only extracts

- -- 
Mika Suomalainen

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably weekends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.
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Comment: Public key: http://mkaysi.github.com/PGP/key.txt
Comment: Fingerprint = 24BC 1573 B8EE D666 D10A  AA65 4DB5 3CFE 82A4 6728
Comment: Why do I (clear)sign emails? http://git.io/6FLzWg
Comment: Please remove PGP lines in replies. http://git.io/nvHrDg
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: systemd

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 17:29 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 PS: Even the Wiki shows him taking a photo from himself:

You think somebody else made a photo from him? Perhaps, but there's a
bad reflection that lead to a snapshot in front of a mirror and some
other photos, see the google link with no doubt are snapshots in front
of a mirror.

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Re: gpg signature ssh keys

2012-07-25 Thread Mika Suomalainen
Hash: SHA512


On 25.07.2012 15:50, Umarzuki Mochlis wrote:
 can my gpg signature  ssh keys (public  private) be imported to
 a new installation of debian just by synching my home folder (same
 user as in the new system)?

I think that they can, but you should remove ~/.gnupg/random_seed .

SSH keys are stored to ~/.ssh and gpg keyrings and config file are
stored in ~/.gnupg.

If you wanted to move only gpg keys, use

gpg --export -a  pubring.asc
gpg --export-secret-keys -a  secring.asc

Those commands create files called pubring.asc (public keyring) and
secring.asc (private keyring) to current directory (probably your

PS. I presume that you mean GPG keys with GPG signature.

- -- 
Mika Suomalainen

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably weekends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.
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Comment: Public key: http://mkaysi.github.com/PGP/key.txt
Comment: Fingerprint = 24BC 1573 B8EE D666 D10A  AA65 4DB5 3CFE 82A4 6728
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Mika Suomalainen
Hash: SHA512

On 25.07.2012 16:28, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
 I guess this is the gnome 3's error screen that logs you out if 
 something wrong happens... or not.

And which sometimes can be quit with ALT+F4.

I always get that error when trying to login with GNOME 3. This is one
reason why I use MATE.

- -- 
Mika Suomalainen

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably weekends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Public key: http://mkaysi.github.com/PGP/key.txt
Comment: Fingerprint = 24BC 1573 B8EE D666 D10A  AA65 4DB5 3CFE 82A4 6728
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Re: systemd

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 17:32 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 17:29 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  PS: Even the Wiki shows him taking a photo from himself:
 You think somebody else made a photo from him? Perhaps, but there's a
 bad reflection that lead to a snapshot in front of a mirror and some
 other photos, see the google link with no doubt are snapshots in front
 of a mirror.

Serious, I'm willing to test systemd, but many audio users already
experienced that he does no self-reflection and he isn't open for bug
reports. If PA breaks anything he claims is, that it's a borked ALSA
driver, while the ALSA drivers for ALSA and Jack and any other
soundservers do work. I'm doubtfully. He suggested sound card test that
are insane, even people who hate me, agree with me on that, just
regarding to audio engineering facts.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me tell me what is wrong?

I'll wait. I wonder how rolling releases will do the switch :D.
On Arch the discussion about another issue, became a discussion about
systemd and than about Windows :D.

In cases of doubt, I'm against using anythin coming from Lennart

2 Cents,

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Re: bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:42:35 +0300, Mika Suomalainen wrote:

 On 25.07.2012 16:28, Gaël DONVAL wrote:
 I guess this is the gnome 3's error screen that logs you out if
 something wrong happens... or not.
 And which sometimes can be quit with ALT+F4.
 I always get that error when trying to login with GNOME 3. This is one
 reason why I use MATE.

The reason for gnome-shell crashing is usually dumped at ~/.xsession-



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Mate - Was: Re: bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 18:42 +0300, Mika Suomalainen wrote:
 This is one reason why I use MATE.

I'm tired to test everything, but please, report about MATE :). Perhaps,
I'm willing to use MATE too.

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Re: Mate - Was: Re: bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Mika Suomalainen
Hash: SHA512

On 25.07.2012 18:51, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 I'm tired to test everything, but please, report about MATE :).
 Perhaps, I'm willing to use MATE too.

In my opinion, this is just like GNOME2. One panel up, one down,
widgets can be added on both panels, three menus called
Applicaltions, Places and System.

If you liked GNOME2, you must try MATE :).

- -- 
Mika Suomalainen

NOTICE! I am on mobile broadband with very limited time, so I cannot
read emails very much.
The best time to contact me is probably weekends when I have better
connectivity with good luck.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Public key: http://mkaysi.github.com/PGP/key.txt
Comment: Fingerprint = 24BC 1573 B8EE D666 D10A  AA65 4DB5 3CFE 82A4 6728
Comment: Why do I (clear)sign emails? http://git.io/6FLzWg
Comment: Please remove PGP lines in replies. http://git.io/nvHrDg
Comment: Charset of this message should be UTF-8.
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


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Re: systemd

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 17:32:24 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 17:29 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 PS: Even the Wiki shows him taking a photo from himself:
 You think somebody else made a photo from him? Perhaps, but there's a
 bad reflection that lead to a snapshot in front of a mirror and some
 other photos, see the google link with no doubt are snapshots in front
 of a mirror.

How bad, Ralf!

Your comments are *totally inappropriate* :-/



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Re: systemd

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 15:52 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 17:32:24 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 17:29 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  PS: Even the Wiki shows him taking a photo from himself:
  You think somebody else made a photo from him? Perhaps, but there's a
  bad reflection that lead to a snapshot in front of a mirror and some
  other photos, see the google link with no doubt are snapshots in front
  of a mirror.
 How bad, Ralf!
 Your comments are *totally inappropriate* :-/

Apologize, on Linux audio mailing lists the humor is that bad, that even
I'm pissed. But really, file a bug against PA and you'll get an answer
that makes you no wonder, when you see him taking pictures from himself
in front of the mirror and publishing those in the Internet.

How often do you and your friends and the people in your neighborhood
take photos from them selfs and posting them in the Internet?

This + the experiences regarding to pulseaudio bugreports are serious a
reason to be doubtful.

You are free to take a look at his homepage and blogs yourself.

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Re: Mate - Was: Re: bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 18:55 +0300, Mika Suomalainen wrote:
 If you liked GNOME2, you must try MATE :).

Ok, I'll take a look if there are maintained packages or builds for
Debian, Ubuntu, Arch and soon or later Suse too.


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Re: systemd

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 18:06 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
 On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 15:52 +, Camaleón wrote:
  On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 17:32:24 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 17:29 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
   PS: Even the Wiki shows him taking a photo from himself:
   You think somebody else made a photo from him? Perhaps, but there's a
   bad reflection that lead to a snapshot in front of a mirror and some
   other photos, see the google link with no doubt are snapshots in front
   of a mirror.
  How bad, Ralf!
  Your comments are *totally inappropriate* :-/
 Apologize, on Linux audio mailing lists the humor is that bad, that even
 I'm pissed. But really, file a bug against PA and you'll get an answer
 that makes you no wonder, when you see him taking pictures from himself
 in front of the mirror and publishing those in the Internet.
 How often do you and your friends and the people in your neighborhood
 take photos from them selfs and posting them in the Internet?
 This + the experiences regarding to pulseaudio bugreports are serious a
 reason to be doubtful.
 You are free to take a look at his homepage and blogs yourself.

I can't resist, ban me from the list :D, he's sharing the same coiffeur
as Bill Gates does *lol*.

Long-haired-bomber-greetz :p,

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Re: systemd

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:16:10 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

 I can't resist, ban me from the list :D, 


It's not a matter about banning but netiquette and politeness.

It is very unfair to speak (criticise?) from a person that is completely 
unaware of the conversation :-(



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hal and warnings from X

2012-07-25 Thread peasthope
From: Kelly Clowers kelly.clow...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 06:09:20 -0700
 Hal was fundamentally a good idea, but had some implementation
 problems that cause them to eventually replace it with direct libudev
 access and upower and udisks (formerly devicekit-*). Squeeze's X
 uses udev instead of HAL

peter@dalton:~$ aptitude search ~Dhal | grep i  
i   gimp- The GNU Image Manipulation Program
i   hal - Hardware Abstraction Layer
i   libgnomevfs2-0  - GNOME Virtual File System (runtime librari
i   libgphoto2-port0- gphoto2 digital camera port library
i   libhal-storage1 - Hardware Abstraction Layer - shared librar
i   libhd16 - Hardware identification system library

So as long as I want gimp and a few others, and until the 
dependancies on hal are removed, hal must stay.

peter@dalton:~$ grep -e (WW) -e (EE) /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -v cyr
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(WW) AllowEmptyInput is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse' or 'vmmouse' wi
ll be disabled.
(WW) Disabling Mouse0
(WW) Disabling Keyboard0
(WW) xf86OpenConsole: setpgid failed: Operation not permitted
(WW) xf86OpenConsole: setsid failed: Operation not permitted
(WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering disabled

Nevertheless the mouse and keyboard work.  Should the last 
three lines be a concern?

Thanks,... Peter E.

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12
Telephone 1 360 639 0202.  Bcc: peter at easthope.ca  
http://carnot.yi.org/  http://members.shaw.ca/peasthope/index.html#Itinerary 

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Re: bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Doug

On 07/25/2012 10:34 AM, Camaleón wrote:

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:13:00 +0100, Ludovic Tolhurst-Cleaver wrote:

I'm trying to decide if and how to report a possible bug in Debian.

I'm running Wheezy (actually it calls itself wheezy/sid when I switch to
tty1 etc.) on a 64-bit Toshiba Satellite Pro A300D laptop with an Intel
Core2Duo chip.

Debian had started X and was just about to get to the login dialog box
when I happened to plug in the laptop's power. This immediately resulted
in a graphical error screen showing a 'sad-faced PC' image and the
following message:
Oh no! Something has gone wrong.
A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please contact a
system administrator.

After a reboot, the system was fine again.

I'm not sure how to report this as a bug. Can anyone advise me?

I can't resist answering this: Don't do that!  --doug

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Re: bug report?: Oh no! Something has gone wrong.

2012-07-25 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 12:32:37 -0400, Doug wrote:

 On 07/25/2012 10:34 AM, Camaleón wrote:


 I can't resist answering this: Don't do that!  --doug

Mmm... Doug, careful when quoting ;-)



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Something about netiquette Re: systemd

2012-07-25 Thread Ralf Mardorf
On Wed, 2012-07-25 at 16:27 +, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 25 Jul 2012 18:16:10 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
  I can't resist, ban me from the list :D, 
 It's not a matter about banning but netiquette and politeness.
 It is very unfair to speak (criticise?) from a person that is completely 
 unaware of the conversation :-(


You're right, if I would talk about somebody, but for public figures
there are other rules. And he made himself a public figure, not by his
programming, but by his ridiculous style of public relation. You've got
flash installed, join YouTube ;), I didn't, before I initiated my sound
card, the pictures already lead to a bad power point neuro-linguistic
programming show.

Again, I don't have knowledge about systemd and it seems to have a
advantages, e.g. compared to consolekit, but anyway, there are several
things vague to dummies like me and he already implied a borked sound
server to all major distros or the major distros use his borked sound

I'm not speaking for myself, I simply remove PA, but imagine all the
people who will keep windows, because Linux doesn't do the averaged
users job. Professionals always will find a way to get rid of such crap.

So what?!

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Samsung CLX-3185 driver(s) - was Re: Debian 5 - was Re: Query abouut root account

2012-07-25 Thread Bret Busby

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

On Ma, 24 iul 12, 01:34:16, Bret Busby wrote:

My previous experience with splix, is not good.

From memory, I tried splix with the first CLX-3185FW (it died a

months ago, just before the Debian 5 workstation died, from memory -
we have an unsafe electricity supply in this state), as Debian 5 did
not have the drivers, but splix did not work, and I had a problem
with the splix contact,

As far as I understand you tried splix on Debian 5 (lenny), but the
version in Debian 6 is much newer as I recall (sorry, can't check since
packages.debian.org doesn't list lenny anymore and archive.debian.net
doesn't include it yet -- maintainer contacted).

Hope this helps,

I believe that it was Debian 5 with which I had tried splix previously.

In looking at http://splix.ap2c.org/ , the Samsung CLX-3185 is not 
listed as being compatible with splix.

However, using Synaptic, I have installed splix.

But, splix does not appear in any of the menu's, and the web site for 
splix, does not include any instructions, including how to run splix.

So, like PC-BSD on my HP NX5000, it has been installed, and, 
disappeared, as I do not know how to load and run it.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts,
  written by Douglas Adams,
  published by Pan Books, 1992

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Re: Debian 5 - was Re: Query abouut root account

2012-07-25 Thread Bret Busby

On Wed, 25 Jul 2012, Andrei POPESCU wrote:

Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2012 19:18:34
From: Andrei POPESCU andreimpope...@gmail.com
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: Debian 5 - was Re: Query abouut root account

On Ma, 24 iul 12, 01:20:26, Bret Busby wrote:

It seems strange (to me), that notification of an update release is
broadcast, and then all repositories of that version, are
disappeared at the same time as that release.

Quoting from the announcement:

| Please note that the oldstable distribution will be moved from the
| main archive to the archive.debian.org repository after March 24th 2012.
| After this move, it will no longer be available from the main mirror
| network. More information about the distribution archive and a list of
| mirrors is available at:
| http://www.debian.org/distrib/archive

Hope this explains,

Ah, yes; in searching through past messages, I found that text in the 
announcement of the release of Debian 5.0.10. I am not sure, but, at 
that time (the message was posted on 11 March, I believe), I think I was 
running Debian 6,  and so did not read that message, other than the 
subject line as listed in the alpine folder listing, and, as the 
announcement of the transfer to the Debian archive repository, was not 
in (or, not found in) either a Debian News message, or, a standalone 
message, I had missed it.

Bret Busby
West Australia

So once you do know what the question actually is,
 you'll know what the answer means.
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of Book 1 of
  The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts,
  written by Douglas Adams,
  published by Pan Books, 1992

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