Re: HS Important défaut de Gimp-2.8

2012-08-17 Thread Guy Roussin
 Mais si tu as ouvert une image png ou gif ou autre, avec gimp 2.8,
 tu as l'option Ecraser l'image qui répond à ton besoin non ?
 Donc tu n'es pas obligé d'enregistrer le xcf ...
 C'est théoriquement exact, effectivement...
 Je le pensais et j'ai donc paramétré un raccourci clavier pour écraser
 le fichier. Cela marche la première fois, ensuite, plus rien. Bug ?
Les fois suivantes ( Exporter vers monfichier.png) avec le raccourci
Le choix actuel des développeurs gimp me parait bien plus efficace. Tu
peux en même temps travailler en xcf (enregistrer avec ctrl S) si tu
le souhaites tout en sauvegardant d'une touche dans les formats
limités (png, gif, jpeg) d'une touche aussi (ctrl E) sauf la 1ere
fois ou tu utilises l'option écraser l'image.
Pour moi, c'est bien supérieur à ce qui existait en 2.6
Mais il est possible que tu sois victime d'un bug (absence de l'option
ctrl-e), dans ce cas je te suggère de faire un rapport de bug.

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Re: Alternatives x-window-manager, x-session-manager

2012-08-17 Thread Eddy F.
Le mercredi 15 août 2012 08:49:29, moi-meme a écrit :


  donc il faut appeler x-windows-manager et pas kde. Donc revoir le
  lanceur et AMHA il n'appelle certainement pas x-windows-manager.
  Je ne comprends pas cette phrase ! Quand tu dis « il faut appeler... »,
  ma question est justement qui est ce « il » ? Pas kdm ni startx qui chez
  moi lancent tous les deux kde alors que mon x-window-manager pointe vers
  enligtenment_start ! Où ce x-window-manager est-il utilisé dans le
  système ? Pourquoi ne semble-t-il avoir aucun effet sur le comportement
  par défaut de startx ?
 je m'égare peut-être. n'y a t'il pas dans kdm un choix du WM à lancer ?
 J'ai cela dans gdm. C'est peut-être là qu'il faut chercher

Oui, bien entendu, kdm permet de choisir le type de session à lancer.

Après avoir un peu fouillé, à chaque session possible correspond un 
fichier dans /usr/share/kde4/apps/kdm/sessions/
Par exemple, si on choisit e17, le fichier 
contient la ligne
qui ne fait donc pas appel aux alternatives mais directement au programme 
associé à la session que l'on veut lancer.
Cette façon de faire me semble parfaitement logique.

Par contre, dans le choix de sessions de kdm il y a aussi « défaut (dernier 
utilisé) ». Après plusieurs tests, ce dernier utilisé n'est pas correct chez 
moi. En effet, si je ne précise pas la session que je veux, alors kdm me lance 
la dernière utilisée. Si je choisis la session par défaut, kdm me lance 
toujours kde même si, avant, j'avais utilisé e17.

Chez moi, cette session par défaut ne correspond pas à un fichier dans 
Par contre, le fichier /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc contient la ligne
et ce fichier /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsession source /etc/X11/Xsession
qui finira par utiliser le /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50x11-common_determine-startup 
dont j'avais parlé plus bas.

En ce sens, on peut donc dire que la session par défaut de kdm utilise x-
window-manager (s'il n'y a ni variable STARTUP ni x-session-manager).

Tout comme startx d'ailleurs puis que tous les deux le font par 
l'intermédiaire de xsession.

  Quand à la lecture de /usr/bin/startx : quel sac de noeuds ! Aucune
  mention de x-window-manager là-dedans mais vu tous les fichiers sourcés
  ou exécutés en cascade...
  Enfin, finalement je vois que c'est dans le fichier
  /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50x11-common_determine-startup que les choses se
  décident. Si je comprends bien, on cherche d'abord à utiliser la
  variable STARTUP qui autait pu être passée par le DM si on en utilise
  Sinon, c'est x-session-manager qui est utilisé et si ce dernier n'existe
  pas alors c'est x-window-manager.
 quand on merde comme cela et que ce n'est pas pour de la production, je
 suis partisan de faire violent : copie de sauvegarde des fichiers et
 modification directe et violente (goret) par des valeurs en dur.

Moi je n'aime pas trop aller modifier des fichiers qui de toute évidence ne 
pas prévus pour. Après c'est la liberté de chacun de faire ce qu'il veut avec 
sa machine. Moi, mes compétences sont trop limitées pour prétendre arriver à 
mieux sur un coup de tête que ce que les développeurs ont mûrement réfléchi 

 Vu la priorité de x-session-manager sur x-window-manager au
  startx, il serait judicieux que enlightenment_start soit aussi une
  alternative à x-session-manager. Non ?
 tenter update-alternative --set ?

Ça je n'y parviens pas : 

# update-alternatives --set x-session-manager /usr/bin/enlightenment_start

update-alternatives: erreur: l'alternative /usr/bin/enlightenment_start pour 
x-session-manager n'est pas enregistrée, pas de configuration.

Logique : ce --set ne permet rien de plus que le --config mais le fait en mode 
non interactif. Il faut donc que l'alternative existe.

Par contre effectivement, il est possible d'utiliser 
update-alternatives --install
pour créer soi-même de nouvelles alternatives.
(Mais je n'ai pas le temps d'essayer).

  Cette absence est-elle volontaire (pourquoi) ? Un oubli (les paquets e17
  sont sûrement encore jeunes) ? Un bug ?
 tout le monde n'utilise pas alternatives. C'est au bon vouloir des

Alors cela justifie peut-être un bug mineur (à classer dans la wish list).

En tout cas, grâce à toi j'ai fini par comprendre et obtenir des réponses à mes 

Merci beaucoup.

Eddy F.

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Re: Alternatives x-window-manager, x-session-manager

2012-08-17 Thread Sébastien NOBILI

Le vendredi 17 août 2012 à 11:41, Eddy F. a écrit :
 Par contre, dans le choix de sessions de kdm il y a aussi « défaut (dernier 
 utilisé) ». Après plusieurs tests, ce dernier utilisé n'est pas correct 
 moi. En effet, si je ne précise pas la session que je veux, alors kdm me 
 la dernière utilisée. Si je choisis la session par défaut, kdm me lance 
 toujours kde même si, avant, j'avais utilisé e17.

Il me semble que la dernière session utilisée est enregistrée dans le fichier
« .dmrc » de ton dossier personnel. Le mien contient deux lignes :



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Re: Alternatives x-window-manager, x-session-manager

2012-08-17 Thread Steve Fouchet

Pour installer une alternative vers e17 avec une priorité 90 (par exemple)
update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-session-manager
x-session-manager /usr/bin/enlightenment_start 90

Ensuite ta commande --set fonctionnera

 # update-alternatives --set x-session-manager /usr/bin/enlightenment_start


Steve Fouchet

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Re: PC éteint qui consomme

2012-08-17 Thread maderios

On 08/16/2012 06:27 PM, François Boisson wrote:

Bonjour la liste,

J'ai la chance d'avoir un Toshiba Portege sous Debia/Wheezy et un Toshiba
satellite (A500 je crois) désormais sous Wheezy.

Le second est essentiellement sous secteur mais le premier vue son autonomie
est souvent sous batterie. J'ai constaté plusieurs fois que la charge de la
batterie du portege baissait au cours de la nuit. Cela m'a étonné car lorsque
mon toshiba sattelite était sous Squeeze, la charge de la batterie se
conservait pendant les vacances (je ne prends pas de portables en vacances),.
J'ai donc fait les expériences suivantes:

* Les deux Toshiba sous wheezy, allumés et arrêtés sous Wheezy laissés
quelques jours: la charge de la batterie baisse considérablement et
constamment. En attendant assez longtemps, on arrive à une charge de 0%
partant d'une batterie à 100%. (Baisse de 8-10% en une nuit pour le portege)

* Le Toshiba portége, allumé sous Windows 7 puis aussitôt éteint, conserve sa
charge à 100% pendant des jours.

Il y a donc un souci spécifique à la Wheezy. Je pense (mais n'ai pas la
preuve) que ce souci n'existait pas sous Squeeze.

J'utilise un vieux portable (6-7 ans) avec Wheezy. Batterie d'origine, 
aucune décharge, même après une semaine de repos.

Noyau compilé maison 3.4.8.
Peut-être vérifier paramétrage options du noyau ou changer le noyau ? En 
fait si le power est off, le noyau n'agit plus. Peut-être vérifier que 
la batterie charge bien avec Wheezy ? Le 100% de charge est il vraiment 
100%. Pas simple


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Re: PC éteint qui consomme

2012-08-17 Thread Steve Fouchet

A tout hasard, as tu essayé de désactivé la carte wifi via la bios ?

 * Il reste le WIFI, là je n'ai pas trop d'idées pour vérifier que le WIFI
 n'est pas actif. À tout hasard, j'ai rajouté  dans /etc/init.d/wicd lors de
 l'arrêt ifconfig eth0 down et ifconfig wlan0 down mais (comme prévu), ça n'a
 pas changé les choses.
 À ce stade je sèche et ça m'énerve, être obliger d'éteindre discrètement sa
 machine en passant par windows 7 pour ne pas perdre de la batterie du portege
 ou trouver un argument bidon pour justifier le retrait de la batterie du
 Toshiba satellite est plutôt pénible.
 Je suis à l'écoute de toutes idées et suggestions mais ne vous gachez pas une
 belle journée d'été pour ça tout de même.
 François Boisson

Je suis également l'heureux possesseur d'un protege, je rencontre le
même problème. Je n'ai pas encore eu le temps de tester la piste dont je
parle, par contre j'ai tester de désactiver (sans résultat) :
 le touchpad
 le bluetooth
 le lecteur de carte sim

La batterie se consomme toujours pendant la nuit... :(

Bonne journée tout le monde,


Steve Fouchet

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Re: HS Important défaut de Gimp-2.8

2012-08-17 Thread maderios

On 08/17/2012 09:50 AM, Guy Roussin wrote:

Mais si tu as ouvert une image png ou gif ou autre, avec gimp 2.8,
tu as l'option Ecraser l'image qui répond à ton besoin non ?
Donc tu n'es pas obligé d'enregistrer le xcf ...

C'est théoriquement exact, effectivement...
Je le pensais et j'ai donc paramétré un raccourci clavier pour écraser
le fichier. Cela marche la première fois, ensuite, plus rien. Bug ?

Les fois suivantes ( Exporter vers monfichier.png) avec le raccourci
Le choix actuel des développeurs gimp me parait bien plus efficace. Tu
peux en même temps travailler en xcf (enregistrer avec ctrl S) si tu
le souhaites tout en sauvegardant d'une touche dans les formats
limités (png, gif, jpeg) d'une touche aussi (ctrl E) sauf la 1ere
fois ou tu utilises l'option écraser l'image.
Pour moi, c'est bien supérieur à ce qui existait en 2.6
Mais il est possible que tu sois victime d'un bug (absence de l'option
ctrl-e), dans ce cas je te suggère de faire un rapport de bug.


ctrl E n'est qu'un raccourci clavier et tous les raccourcis peuvent être 
Le problème de la version 2.8, c'est la séparation de la gestion des xcf 
de la gestion des autres formats png tiff jpeg. C'est même là le noeud 
du problème. C'est une vision personnelle de l'édition d'image qui 
tourne le dos au comportement standard des éditeurs qui convient à tous, 
par définition. C'est une erreur des programmeurs. Parions que Gimp 
reviendra à un comportement standard, sinon Gimp restera dans la 
catégorie logiciel amateur, vu ce comportement aberrant.
Je vais me faire des amis du coté des inconditionnels, d'ailleurs, c'est 
déjà fait...

Pour résumer les nouvelles et inutiles complications introduites dans 

Les fonctions save restrictives (seulement xcf):

Save = enregistre seulement en xcf
Save as = enregistre seulement en xcf

Les fonctions save  libres

Export = enregistre sous laisse le choix du nom et du format fichier 
(ouf !)

Export again = enregistre normalement le fichier png, tiff, etc, 
après mofif, en écrasant (ouf encore !)

overwrite = supposé enregistrer après modif en écrasant  a un bug chez 
moi. Il ne marche que la première fois, ensuite, rien ne se passe.


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Re: Alternatives x-window-manager, x-session-manager

2012-08-17 Thread Eddy F.
Le vendredi 17 août 2012 18:01:40, Steve Fouchet a écrit :
 Pour installer une alternative vers e17 avec une priorité 90 (par exemple)
 update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/x-session-manager
 x-session-manager /usr/bin/enlightenment_start 90
 Ensuite ta commande --set fonctionnera
  # update-alternatives --set x-session-manager

Merci, je testerai cela ce week-end.

Eddy F.

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Re: Alternatives x-window-manager, x-session-manager

2012-08-17 Thread Eddy F.
Le vendredi 17 août 2012 14:20:51, Sébastien NOBILI a écrit :
 Le vendredi 17 août 2012 à 11:41, Eddy F. a écrit :
  Par contre, dans le choix de sessions de kdm il y a aussi « défaut
  (dernier utilisé) ». Après plusieurs tests, ce dernier utilisé n'est
  pas correct chez moi. En effet, si je ne précise pas la session que je
  veux, alors kdm me lance la dernière utilisée. Si je choisis la session
  par défaut, kdm me lance toujours kde même si, avant, j'avais utilisé
 Il me semble que la dernière session utilisée est enregistrée dans le
 fichier « .dmrc » de ton dossier personnel. Le mien contient deux lignes :


Je n'avais pas remarqué ce fichier. En effet, il contient bien la dernière 
session demandée à kdm et l'utilise pour lancer une session quand on ne 
précise pas laquelle on veut.

En me relisant, je ne sais si je me suis bien fait comprendre : l'entrée de 
kdm marquée « défaut (dernier utilisé) » est mal nommée car choisir cette 
entrée chez moi ne lance pas le dernier utilisé tel que renseigné par ce 
fichier .dmrc mais bien la session par défaut qui est finalement x-session-
manager. Cette option de kdm devrait plutôt être nommée « défaut ».

Par contre sans préciser la session que l'on veut, c'est bien la dernière 
utilisée indiquée dans .dmrc qui est lancée.

Eddy F.

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Re: configuration: cores=2 enabledcores=1

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 16 Aug 2012 15:24:55 -0300, Walter O. Dari escribió:

 On 16/08/12 10:51, Camaleón wrote:


 En consecuencia no entiendo que es lo que pasa, lshw me dice que tengo
 sólo uno habilitado y por otro lado estoy monitoreando los dos, y los
 dos muestran distinto uso...

 Es normal o tengo que configurar algo para que me reconozca los dos
 cores ?

 No, no es normal, deberías tener los dos activados y reconocibles.
 Pues parece que están bien, el problema es el lshw...

Por los resultados que obtienes con el resto de utilidades, sí, eso 
parece :-?

Lo único que se me ocurre es:

1/ Un bug/error de la aplicación

2/ Que lo hayas ejecutado como usuario normal en lugar de súperusaurio y 
no sepa/pueda detectar/interpretar todos los valores correctamente

3/ Que estemos interpretando mal lo que indica ese valor de 
enabledcores pero a falta de documentación yo diría que parece evidente.



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Re: Herramientas Android para Debian

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 16 Aug 2012 15:04:25 -0400, Pablo Zuñiga escribió:

 El 16 de agosto de 2012 10:05, Camaleón escribió:


  a diferencias de las otras personas que SI leyeron el contenido del
  correo, y les agradeci por responder,  mi pregunta se basaba en la
  experiencia, por que programas encontré.

 No he visto ninguna respuesta en la lista, salvo la de Marc y la mía...
 quizá se dirigieron a ti directamente.

 Hay que abrir mas los ojos, o no tener tanta gente en spam

Ese concepto de spam no existe en los lectores de news. Y no, no veo a 
nadie más que haya respondido a ese hilo:

  entonces si no tienes experiencia haciendo esto no ensucies la lista
  con respuesta que tienden a null, lo importante es que todos los que
  puedan aporten su grano de arena, no realizando acciones tan burdas
  como decir/escribir Aprende a buscar en Google

 Creo que algunos habéis desarrollado cierto complejo con respecto
 Google. Yo lo uso a diario, la cantidad de cosas útiles y de
 información que ofrece es inmensa, y si yo lo uso para mí no veo por
 qué no lo voy a recomendar a otros.
 Una cosa es recomendar usar algo que te gusta, ahora es muy diferente
 hacerlo de forma sarcástica y lo peor con palabras claves que ya había
 Pensar que habrán generaciones, u otros colegas que buscaran información
 en los historiales de la lista y se encontraran con esto.

No sé de qué sarcasmo hablas ni qué es lo que te ofende de la respuesta. 
Quizá estás enojado contigo mismo por algo (o mejor dicho, por no haber 
hecho algo) y ahora te rebotas.

Si lo que te molesta es que haya usado el dominio de 
pues verás, desde que Google empezó a utilizar direcciones URL extra 
largas para sus búsquedas, suelo utilizar dos sistemas cuando quiero 
enlazar a sus resultados:

- Recortador de URL (como
- Let Me Google That For You, que también acorta la URI

Como preguntabas por algo que parecía ser bastante común, una sencilla 
búsqueda en Google te daba varios resultados relacionados con la 
consulta, por eso utilicé la segunda opción.

 Si no te gusta la respuesta, no la mires, no respondas, simplemente
 descártala e ignórala. Pero si lo que te sienta mal es que alguien te
 dé una idea de por dónde tirar, entonces sencillamente no sé para qué
 narices preguntas en una lista pública.

 Recuerdo a una persona que sé que sigue leyendo la lista pero se ha
 apartado. Esa persona era capaz de decirte que buscaras en Google y
 aparte te hablaba de su experiencia, sin pedirselo.

Hombre, pues eso siempre se agradece. Y se puede hacer cuando quien 
pregunta lo hace de forma concisa y clara, indicando qué ha probado y qué 
no, o qué información ha encontrado y no le ha servido...

 Esas respuestas tenían un valor agregado que muchas veces te ahorraban
 horas de búsquedas, pues no hay nada como un consejo basado en la
 Eran los tiempos de Basaburu, quien se comportaba como un guía.

Permíteme que no opine sobre este comentario.



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Re: correcta forma de desinstalar apache2 en debian 6 - Solucionado

2012-08-17 Thread Constantino Vargas
finalmente des instale completamente apache2 siguiente comando:

# apt-get remove apache2-utils

gracias por su ayuda, recapitulando mi necesitad de des instalar
apache2 surgió ha raíz de que me salio el siguiente mensaje.


You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) Server at ajpuno Port 80

pensé que hice algo indebido y era la razón de este mensaje, pero una
vez des instalado y vuelto a instalar persiste mi problema, mi
consulta completa sobre mi problema inicial lo pasteare en un nuevo



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Re: mysql-server-5.5 en wheezy error despues de aptitude full-upgrade :(

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 16 Aug 2012 14:18:56 -0500, Hector Garcia escribió:

 Desde hace 2 dias pasó:
 aptitude update  aptitude full-upgrade
 me quiso actualizar mysql-server y mysql-server-5.5, pero con el
 siguiente resultado
 [FAIL] Starting MySQL database server: mysqld . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 . failed!
  mysql-server depende de mysql-server-5.5; sin embargo: El paquete
  `mysql-server-5.5' no está configurado todavía.
 dpkg: error al procesar mysql-server (--configure):
  problemas de dependencias - se deja sin configurar

Ese error parece indicar que MySQL (mysql-server-5.5) no se ha podido 
configurar, seguramente por algún problema en la migración de datos desde 
la versión anterior.

 Leo el bug 682232 [1]

Ese parece tu problema, sí. Y parece serio, para que luego digan que las 
actualizaciones no dan problemas :-/

 Trato de iniciar mysql con innodb_force_recovery = 1, sin éxito. Syslog
 me dice (entre otros textos)

Bueno, a ver... lo que dicen en el informe (comentario 22) es algo más 
complejo que editar sencillamente una variable de configuración: se 
supone que hay algún problema con las bases de datos con tablas de tipo 
InnoDB por lo que tendrías que asegurarte de que MySQL no las utilice ni 
las cargue.

En resumen, creo que la idea es hacer que MySQL inicie desde cero sin 
ningún tipo de configuración ni de datos que le pueda estar impidiendo 



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Re: Uso de memoria en Gnome 3.4.2

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 16 Aug 2012 22:48:29 -0400, Jose Andres Viana escribió:

 Tengo instalado Debian Wheezy (Linux debian 3.2.0-3-amd64), y habia
 estado utilizando KDE. Ahora me dio por probar GNOME, todo va bien hasta
 que abre User Accounts en System Settings. En ese momento
 gnome-control-center empieza a consumir toda la memoria incluyendo la
 # ps aux
 jose  5336 63.6 92.5 7937624 3758744 ? Rl   22:24   1:01 
 gnome-control-center user-accounts

Eso valores indican el porcentaje de uso de CPU (63.5%) y la memoria 
(92.55%). Excesivo, sí.

 y despues el mismo sistema mata el proceso por que se queda sin memoria.
  Alguna sugerencia? hasta ahora no he conseguido informacion al respecto
 de ningun bug o problema conocido.
 Aqui esta tambien lo que arroja el syslog:
 Aug 16 22:26:30 debian kernel: [ 2526.344288] gnome-control-c invoked 
 oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x280da, order=0, oom_adj=0, oom_score_adj=0 


 Aug 16 22:26:31 debian kernel: [ 2526.368794] Out of memory: Kill process 
 5336 (gnome-control-c) score 963 or sacrifice child 
 Aug 16 22:26:31 debian kernel: [ 2526.368798] Killed process 5336 
 (gnome-control-c) total-vm:12098584kB, anon-rss:3838984kB, file-rss:84kB
 Aug 16 22:26:31 debian kernel: [ 2526.369189] gnome-control-c invoked 
 oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x200da, order=0, oom_adj=0, oom_score_adj=0 
 Aug 16 22:26:31 debian kernel: [ 2526.369195] gnome-control-c 
 Aug 16 22:26:31 debian kernel: [ 2526.369198] Pid: 5339, comm: 
 gnome-control-c Tainted: G   O 3.2.0-3-amd64 #1 
 Aug 16 22:26:31 debian kernel: [ 2526.369200] Call Trace: 
 Aug 16 22:26:31 debian kernel: [ 2526.369209]  [810b63d2] ? 


¡Hala! Un OOM y con traza :-(

Pues no sé qué decirte, llevo con wheezy y gnome3 desde hace muchos meses y 
nunca he tenido un OOM (y eso que mi equipo no es muy potente, micro Atom y 
2 GiB de RAM, vamos, que no va sobrado).

Lo primero que probaría es a crear un nuevo usuario e iniciar sesión con él 
para ver si sucede lo mismo.



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Re: Usar máquina virtual en diferentes sistemas operativos [SOLUCIONADO]

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
El Thu, 16 Aug 2012 22:29:48 -0430, Miguel Matos escribió:

 Espero haber ejecutado la jugada correcta al pulsar el botón reenviar,
 sino, pido disculpas anticipadas. Yo soy más del tipo webmail.

No tienes que pulsar reenviar sino responder (el mensaje ha quedado 
deshilado). El webmail no te va a impedir que pulses el botón correcto, 
no le eches la culpa :-)

 Este correo lo escribo para indicar que ya logré resolver mi duda. Una
 duda que no me otorgó Internet a los primeros 10 intentos. 

Pues no será por que no te lo hemos estado diciendo... 

 Resulta que las nuevas versiones de Virtualbox han mejorado con
 respecto a sus orígenes. 

En el aspecto que te interesaba poco ha cambiado, siempre ha sido posible 

 Ahora bien, hay dos maneras de ejecutar lo que pido: una es ingresando
 al menú Archivo-Importar servicio virtualizado (o por teclado CTR
 L+letra i), y luego en la otra máquina ejecutar Archivo-Exportar
 servicio virtualizado (CTRL+letra e). 

Por ejemplo... es una opción más elegante que copiar/pegar los datos de 
configuración y la VM directamente pero con la desventaja de que los 
ajustes que se hagan a la VM le afectarán directamente en cuanto la 
incies, es mejor hacerlo antes con un clon de la VM para evitar 
cargarse la máquina virtual original, al menos para hacer las pruebas.

 La otra, menos divulgada, es ingresar a la carpeta de la máquina ya
 creada y buscar nombredearchivo.vbox, hacer doble clic. ¿Qué 
 sucederá? Eso se los dejo para que vean los resultados. 

Pues dependerá del tipo de sistema operativo y del entorno gráfico en el 
que lo hagas, si no hay ninguna aplicación asociada a ese tipo de 
archivos (.vbox) te aparecerá una ventanita preguntándote con qué 
aplicación lo quieres abrir.

Por cierto, si no recuerdo mal las máquinas virtuales tienen extensión 
.vdi, los archivos .vbox son de configuración.

 Y ya resuelto el asunto, lo comparto para futuras referencias. Y ahora
 el círculo se cierra.

Me alegra saber que al fin has visto la luz :-P



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Re: Gestión de perfiles Gnome en Debian

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 17 Aug 2012 08:42:44 +0200, C. L. Martinez escribió:


  Mi pregunta es: ¿existe alguna herramienta que lo haga (y por
 supuesto que no se pueda ejecutar a menos que se ponga el passwd de
 root)? ¿o solo es posible mediante la edición de archivos planos?

Supongo que buscas algo parecido a un modo kiosco con un entorno 
limitado, el problema es que GNOME3+gnome-shell está aún muy verde en ese 
aspecto (GConf/Dconf) y la herramienta que indicas (sabayon) parece que 
es para GNOME 2.

¿Qué haría yo? Simplificar.

Una cuenta de usuario sin privilegios te evita que se hagan estropicios 
gordos en la máquina virtual pero aún así, podrías programar una copia de 
la VM con intervalo semanal para que en caso de ruina total puedas volver 
a cargar la última VM completa.

Después, para que los perfiles de los usuarios sólo muestren las 
aplicaciones que elijas, tendrás que hacerlo a mano¹ porque la 
herramienta con la se hacía esto (el editor de menús alacarte) creo (digo 
creo porque hace mucho que no he mirado como está esto) que no funciona 
en gnome-shell.

De todas formas, una reflexión: si Edubuntu funciona o se acerca a lo que 
buscas ¿por qué no usarla? :-?




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Re: configuration: cores=2 enabledcores=1

2012-08-17 Thread Walter O. Dari


On 17/08/12 10:30, Camaleón wrote:

El Thu, 16 Aug 2012 15:24:55 -0300, Walter O. Dari escribió:

On 16/08/12 10:51, Camaleón wrote:


En consecuencia no entiendo que es lo que pasa, lshw me dice que tengo
sólo uno habilitado y por otro lado estoy monitoreando los dos, y los
dos muestran distinto uso...

Es normal o tengo que configurar algo para que me reconozca los dos
cores ?

No, no es normal, deberías tener los dos activados y reconocibles.

Pues parece que están bien, el problema es el lshw...

Por los resultados que obtienes con el resto de utilidades, sí, eso
parece :-?

Lo único que se me ocurre es:

1/ Un bug/error de la aplicación

Casi seguro...

2/ Que lo hayas ejecutado como usuario normal en lugar de súperusaurio y
no sepa/pueda detectar/interpretar todos los valores correctamente

Si se ejecuta como usuario normal esa línea (la de los cores) 
directamente no se muestra,

3/ Que estemos interpretando mal lo que indica ese valor de
enabledcores pero a falta de documentación yo diría que parece evidente.

mmm... recién acabo de correr lshw -como root- en la computadora de casa 
y esa línea de enabledcores... no aparece, y ésta tiene un core i5. 
Algo raro pasa con ese parámetro.



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Re: correcta forma de desinstalar apache2 en debian 6 - Solucionado

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
El Fri, 17 Aug 2012 08:49:17 -0500, Constantino Vargas escribió:

 finalmente des instale completamente apache2 siguiente comando:
 # apt-get remove apache2-utils

Ah, al final este comando también sirve para Squeeze, pues está bien 

 gracias por su ayuda, recapitulando mi necesitad de des instalar apache2
 surgió ha raíz de que me salio el siguiente mensaje.
 You don't have permission to access / on this server.
 Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) Server at ajpuno Port 80

¿Y has reinstalado apache sólo por ese error? Caray... :-?

 pensé que hice algo indebido y era la razón de este mensaje, pero una
 vez des instalado y vuelto a instalar persiste mi problema, mi consulta
 completa sobre mi problema inicial lo pasteare en un nuevo mensaje.

Normal... de hecho ese es un error bastante común pero no apunta a un 
problema con la instalación sino con la configuración del servidor web.



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clamav desde linux y malware windows

2012-08-17 Thread Altair Linux

si instalas clamav en un servidor con Linux, ¿es capaz de detectar y
desinfectar malware (virus, troyanos, etc) de windows?.

Por poner un ejemplo. Imaginar que subes a un ftp varios archivos .EXE
que usas en windows, y uno de ellos esta infectado, pongamos por caso
por un virus. En el servidor ftp tienes instalado Linux y Clamav.
¿Clamav es capaz de detectar y desinfectar?.

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Re: clamav desde linux y malware windows

2012-08-17 Thread Marc Olive
On Friday 17 August 2012 20:34:26 Altair Linux wrote:
 si instalas clamav en un servidor con Linux, ¿es capaz de detectar y
 desinfectar malware (virus, troyanos, etc) de windows?.
 Por poner un ejemplo. Imaginar que subes a un ftp varios archivos .EXE
 que usas en windows, y uno de ellos esta infectado, pongamos por caso
 por un virus. En el servidor ftp tienes instalado Linux y Clamav.
 ¿Clamav es capaz de detectar y desinfectar?.

En un entorno pasivo, solo se puede detectar malware por firmas y con algo de 
heurística, pero no se pueden usar métodos de detección en base al 
comportamiento del ejecutable y esta es una parte importante en el proceso de 
detección de malware.
Hoy en dia hay malware sofisticado que puede modificar mucho su código en cada 
infección, haciendo difícil, si no impossible, la detección por firmas.
Claro que para poder detectar un virus en función de su comportamiento hay que 
_ejecutarlo_, que no es nada buena idea ;-)

A parte de este pero, Clamav detecta virus Windows.


Marc Olivé
Blau Advisors  

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: ¿Qué programa usan para organizar sus fotos?

2012-08-17 Thread Marcos Delgado
El día 15 de agosto de 2012 16:02, ElRobe escribió:
 El 15/08/12 17:39, Marcos Delgado escribió:

 Hola que tal. Tengo algunas fotos y generalmente las organizo de
 manera manual. Pero al ver algunas recomendaciones que mencionan a
 Picasa y otro de Mac (que no me acuerdo del nombre) pues quería ver
 sus opiniones. Ya se que hay varios, pero quería leer sus
 Uso Sid y openbox.

 Biol. Marcos Delgado.

 Pues yo era de los de toda la vida organización por directorios en función
 del evento o temática... pero la verdad es que con las fotos lo mejor es
 usar shotwell o digicam, yo uso concretamente el primero.

 Con Shotwell les asigno etiquetas a las fotos, esas etiquetas se inscrustan
 en los propios archivos de las fotos de modo que otra persona pueda acceder
 al total de los fotos y se le organizan automaticamente las fotos por las
 etiquetas que yo me curro de asignar.

 La organización por eventos las extrae de las fechas de las fotos y puedes
 manipularlas pero prefiero dejarlo tal y como vienen y trabajar mas con las

 Tambien puedes trabajar por lotes, y publicar en diferentes servicios de
 internet tipo facebook y otros...

 La verdad es que llega un momento que se agradece poder gestionar las
 fotografias con estos programas.

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Gracias a todos por sus respuestas. Me inclino por Shotwell, ya les contaré.
Biol. Marcos Delgado.

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Re: Herramientas Android para Debian

2012-08-17 Thread Felix Perez
El día 16 de agosto de 2012 15:04, Pablo Zuñiga escribió:

 Eran los tiempos de Basaburu, quien se comportaba como un guía.

Ahhh, y como me gustaría saber que te habría contestado Basaburu ante
tu pregunta

usuario linux  #274354
normas de la lista:
como hacer preguntas inteligentes:

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SQUID Proxy com performance Péssima (DESCOBERTA)

2012-08-17 Thread Moksha Tux
Bom dia queridos amigos da lista amigos que me ajudaram no post anterior!

Esse squid que detalhei a vcs no post anterior e que ficava durante todo o
dia consumindo a CPU  (100%), pois bem, não havia mencionado que ele era
autenticado, autenticação via SAMBA, temos aqui na empresa um PDC rodando
SAMBA que concentra todos os usuários da rede (cerca de 2500). Fiz um teste
retirando a autenticação do squid e o resultado foi monstruoso, em momentos
de pico no trabalho  a CPU oscilava entre 0 a 8% de consumo e no mesmo
instante quando voltava com a obrigatoriedade de autenticação no squid o
consumo voltava para 100% e ficava sem cair. A empresa exige que façamos um
controle de acesso a internet por usuário por isso não posso tirar a
autenticação mas como posso fazer para que o processo de autenticação via
smb_auth não onere tanto a CPU ao ponto de comprometer o desempenho do
servidor e com isso tornando a navegação mais lenta? Alguém poderia me
ajudar? Abraços,


RE: SQUID Proxy com performance Péssima (DESCOBERTA)

2012-08-17 Thread Vitor Hugo
quais as configuracoes da maquina?
talvez vc prescisa aumentar mais ram squid consome muita ram

Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 10:13:57 -0300
Subject: SQUID Proxy com performance Péssima (DESCOBERTA)

Bom dia queridos amigos da lista amigos que me ajudaram no post anterior!

Esse squid que detalhei a vcs no post anterior e que ficava durante todo o dia 
consumindo a CPU  (100%), pois bem, não havia mencionado que ele era 
autenticado, autenticação via SAMBA, temos aqui na empresa um PDC rodando SAMBA 
que concentra todos os usuários da rede (cerca de 2500). Fiz um teste retirando 
a autenticação do squid e o resultado foi monstruoso, em momentos de pico no 
trabalho  a CPU oscilava entre 0 a 8% de consumo e no mesmo instante quando 
voltava com a obrigatoriedade de autenticação no squid o consumo voltava para 
100% e ficava sem cair. A empresa exige que façamos um controle de acesso a 
internet por usuário por isso não posso tirar a autenticação mas como posso 
fazer para que o processo de autenticação via smb_auth não onere tanto a CPU ao 
ponto de comprometer o desempenho do servidor e com isso tornando a navegação 
mais lenta? Alguém poderia me ajudar? Abraços,


Re: SQUID Proxy com performance Péssima (DESCOBERTA)

2012-08-17 Thread Marcos Carraro
Buenas, talvez eles esteja com a base grande? talvez alguma alteração?
gerando uma consulta com erros de programação

Posta a autenticação.

Marcos Carraro

Em 17 de agosto de 2012 10:13, Moksha Tux escreveu:

 Bom dia queridos amigos da lista amigos que me ajudaram no post anterior!

 Esse squid que detalhei a vcs no post anterior e que ficava durante todo o
 dia consumindo a CPU  (100%), pois bem, não havia mencionado que ele era
 autenticado, autenticação via SAMBA, temos aqui na empresa um PDC rodando
 SAMBA que concentra todos os usuários da rede (cerca de 2500). Fiz um teste
 retirando a autenticação do squid e o resultado foi monstruoso, em momentos
 de pico no trabalho  a CPU oscilava entre 0 a 8% de consumo e no mesmo
 instante quando voltava com a obrigatoriedade de autenticação no squid o
 consumo voltava para 100% e ficava sem cair. A empresa exige que façamos um
 controle de acesso a internet por usuário por isso não posso tirar a
 autenticação mas como posso fazer para que o processo de autenticação via
 smb_auth não onere tanto a CPU ao ponto de comprometer o desempenho do
 servidor e com isso tornando a navegação mais lenta? Alguém poderia me
 ajudar? Abraços,


Re: SQUID Proxy com performance Péssima (DESCOBERTA)

2012-08-17 Thread Dane
Bom dia, se vc tem um base muito grande, poderia começar a pensar em um 
backend melhor, como ldap.

mas é apenas uma sugestão, você deve analisar onde está o teu gargalho, 
isso pode ser disco lento também.

Use ferramentas do sysstat para analisar os valores antes e durante um 
problema de desempenho (sar, vmstat, free)

Com isso você vai saber o que está demorando para liberar o processador.

Em 17-08-2012 10:16, Marcos Carraro escreveu:
Buenas, talvez eles esteja com a base grande? talvez alguma alteração? 
gerando uma consulta com erros de programação

Posta a autenticação.

Marcos Carraro

Em 17 de agosto de 2012 10:13, Moksha Tux escreveu:

Bom dia queridos amigos da lista amigos que me ajudaram no post

Esse squid que detalhei a vcs no post anterior e que ficava
durante todo o dia consumindo a CPU  (100%), pois bem, não havia
mencionado que ele era autenticado, autenticação via SAMBA, temos
aqui na empresa um PDC rodando SAMBA que concentra todos os
usuários da rede (cerca de 2500). Fiz um teste retirando a
autenticação do squid e o resultado foi monstruoso, em momentos de
pico no trabalho  a CPU oscilava entre 0 a 8% de consumo e no
mesmo instante quando voltava com a obrigatoriedade de
autenticação no squid o consumo voltava para 100% e ficava sem
cair. A empresa exige que façamos um controle de acesso a internet
por usuário por isso não posso tirar a autenticação mas como posso
fazer para que o processo de autenticação via smb_auth não onere
tanto a CPU ao ponto de comprometer o desempenho do servidor e com
isso tornando a navegação mais lenta? Alguém poderia me ajudar?


Att. Dane Brand
Atua Sistemas de Informação
Skype: dane.atua
ICQ : 126258686
Fone: (54) 3045-4144
Celular: (54) 9673-8919
Linux User #548369

Re: SQUID Proxy com performance Péssima (DESCOBERTA)

2012-08-17 Thread Eden Caldas
Posta aí pra gente as linhas do seu squid.conf referentes a autenticação.

Em 17 de agosto de 2012 10:47, Dane escreveu:
 Bom dia, se vc tem um base muito grande, poderia começar a pensar em um
 backend melhor, como ldap.

 mas é apenas uma sugestão, você deve analisar onde está o teu gargalho, isso
 pode ser disco lento também.

 Use ferramentas do sysstat para analisar os valores antes e durante um
 problema de desempenho (sar, vmstat, free)

 Com isso você vai saber o que está demorando para liberar o processador.

 Em 17-08-2012 10:16, Marcos Carraro escreveu:

 Buenas, talvez eles esteja com a base grande? talvez alguma alteração?
 gerando uma consulta com erros de programação

 Posta a autenticação.

 Marcos Carraro

 Em 17 de agosto de 2012 10:13, Moksha Tux escreveu:

 Bom dia queridos amigos da lista amigos que me ajudaram no post anterior!

 Esse squid que detalhei a vcs no post anterior e que ficava durante todo o
 dia consumindo a CPU  (100%), pois bem, não havia mencionado que ele era
 autenticado, autenticação via SAMBA, temos aqui na empresa um PDC rodando
 SAMBA que concentra todos os usuários da rede (cerca de 2500). Fiz um teste
 retirando a autenticação do squid e o resultado foi monstruoso, em momentos
 de pico no trabalho  a CPU oscilava entre 0 a 8% de consumo e no mesmo
 instante quando voltava com a obrigatoriedade de autenticação no squid o
 consumo voltava para 100% e ficava sem cair. A empresa exige que façamos um
 controle de acesso a internet por usuário por isso não posso tirar a
 autenticação mas como posso fazer para que o processo de autenticação via
 smb_auth não onere tanto a CPU ao ponto de comprometer o desempenho do
 servidor e com isso tornando a navegação mais lenta? Alguém poderia me
 ajudar? Abraços,


 Att. Dane Brand
 Atua Sistemas de Informação
 Skype: dane.atua
 ICQ : 126258686
 Fone: (54) 3045-4144
 Celular: (54) 9673-8919
 Linux User #548369

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Re: SQUID Proxy com performance Péssima (DESCOBERTA)

2012-08-17 Thread Adiel de Lima Ribeiro
Rode um top ou px aux e ps lax e mande-nos o resultado.
Isso lhe mostrará exatamente quais processos estão consumindo tanta CPU,
após isso, se não for normal pelo tanto de usuários vamos investigar o
porque do problema.

On Fri, 2012-08-17 at 10:13 -0300, Moksha Tux wrote:

 Bom dia queridos amigos da lista amigos que me ajudaram no post anterior!
 Esse squid que detalhei a vcs no post anterior e que ficava durante todo o
 dia consumindo a CPU  (100%), pois bem, não havia mencionado que ele era
 autenticado, autenticação via SAMBA, temos aqui na empresa um PDC rodando
 SAMBA que concentra todos os usuários da rede (cerca de 2500). Fiz um teste
 retirando a autenticação do squid e o resultado foi monstruoso, em momentos
 de pico no trabalho  a CPU oscilava entre 0 a 8% de consumo e no mesmo
 instante quando voltava com a obrigatoriedade de autenticação no squid o
 consumo voltava para 100% e ficava sem cair. A empresa exige que façamos um
 controle de acesso a internet por usuário por isso não posso tirar a
 autenticação mas como posso fazer para que o processo de autenticação via
 smb_auth não onere tanto a CPU ao ponto de comprometer o desempenho do
 servidor e com isso tornando a navegação mais lenta? Alguém poderia me
 ajudar? Abraços,

Adiel de Lima Ribeiro

Re: continuous reboots in a two nodes cluster with heartbeat and pacemaker.

2012-08-17 Thread Mauro
On 14 August 2012 08:24, Mauro wrote:
 On 13 August 2012 22:58, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 That being the case I'd suspect something other than server hardware.
 To be sure, manually remove one node from the cluster and see how long
 the remaining node runs without rebooting.  If it doesn't reboot at all,
 that eliminates hardware as the fault point.

 good idea, I do it now.

I've done what you have suggested.
It seems that the node reboots without reason.
It is like it is powered off, in fact in the boolog I see that the
journal filesystem is recovered.
It seems very strange to me, perhaps ram bugged?

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Re: QSS button (Quick Security Setup)

2012-08-17 Thread Thierry Chatelet
On Friday 17 August 2012 07:41:28 Dr Beco wrote:
 Thanks for the reply, but the user guide did not help.
 I just want to know if there is a QSS program (binary) for debian.

I guess no.

 Method ONE is as simple as:
 1) Press QSS button on the router.
 2) Run QSS.EXE on your computer.
 User guide suggests my computer also has a QSS button, and that is not
 true. Also, user guide name the binary as Configuration Utility of QSS,
 and even the pictures looks like windows style.

But, using a wired connection as in paragraph 3.1, 3.2, you should be able to 
use the QSS from the router thru your internet explorer as shown in 4.3 and 
later. Good luck!!!

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Re: continuous reboots in a two nodes cluster with heartbeat and pacemaker.

2012-08-17 Thread Stan Hoeppner
On 8/17/2012 1:52 AM, Mauro wrote:
 On 14 August 2012 08:24, Mauro wrote:
 On 13 August 2012 22:58, Stan Hoeppner wrote:

 That being the case I'd suspect something other than server hardware.
 To be sure, manually remove one node from the cluster and see how long
 the remaining node runs without rebooting.  If it doesn't reboot at all,
 that eliminates hardware as the fault point.

 good idea, I do it now.
 I've done what you have suggested.
 It seems that the node reboots without reason.
 It is like it is powered off, in fact in the boolog I see that the
 journal filesystem is recovered.
 It seems very strange to me, perhaps ram bugged?

I'd be thoroughly inspecting the power circuits feeding those servers at
this point.  Do you have the machines set to automatically power back on
after power loss?  If you do, switch that mode so they stay off after AC
power loss.  That should confirm whether the problem is total loss of AC
voltage or a severely deep sag.

If the problem is a less severe sag, however, this test won't isolate
the problem.  For that you must dig into the UPS monitoring interface.
If you don't have a UPS, you'll have to put a tap on the AC circuit and
monitor the voltage.  This will require specialized equipment, as it
must be able to log the sag.  Some of the nicer Fluke meters can log the
lowest voltage, but probably can't tell you the time of day when the sag
occurs.  Thus, you'll need to highly trained electrician with the proper

This could also be a thermal issue.  Do you have hardware monitoring
installed and properly configured?  The 'sensors' package?  Over temp
conditions will often cause random reboots.  Do the boxes have plenty of
zero restriction cool airflow?  Less than 25 Celsius intake air temperature?

The odds of having defective hardware in two HP servers causing random
reboots in both machines is extremely low, though possible.  If this is
the case it's a design flaw, not simply two defective parts.

It's also possible you have the wrong memory installed.  Can you provide
the specs on all DIMMs installed in both machines?  Did all of the
memory come preinstalled from HP?  Is it HP memory or aftermarket memory
from Kingston, Crucial, etc?


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iscsi debian. suggestion needed

2012-08-17 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
Dear All,

i am looking into HA (or in other words to minimize restoration
process time) for virtualization in linux. i am using debian as a base
system KVM-Qemu as virtual environment. now i am exploring different
methods of HA. like DRBD, Rsync or ISCSI. so that if main server
hardware fails then other system would serve the purpose. with out
wasting my time in restoring backup.

so is there any one who is using linux ISCI SAN box for their
virtualization rather dell, or any other vendor.

so just wanted to know the pros and cons / stability / complexity .
since i am already dived into Linux so study wont be an issue.

and of course i know that LAN card can only give me around 1GB
throughput. but my data transmit is not that huge. we are a small
company with 25 nodes  and i think more or less 1 GB would be more
then enough.

any suggestion would be highly appreciated.


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Re: QSS button (Quick Security Setup)

2012-08-17 Thread Brian
On Fri 17 Aug 2012 at 00:21:23 -0300, Dr Beco wrote:

 According to:
 There are routers (coincidentally, I have one of them) that accept a
 new device to establish a wireless connection without having to use
 password. The method is simple:
 1- Push the QSS button on the router.
 2- Run the QSS.EXE program on your windows machine in 2 minutes after
 you pressed the QSS button.
 That is it! You are now connected!
 But, hey! QSS.EXE? How can we do it in our debian?

You install and set up wpasupplicant to do it.

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2012-08-17 Thread Emil Payne
I have a 1 TB external USB drive with 362 GB used. I'd like to do a full 
backup to DVDs and then an incremental (or something) backup every month 
or two, also to DVDs or CDs. I'd like the backups to be compressed in 
order to save space (i.e. - the number of DVDs/CDs used).  What is a 
good program to do this with?  Or, what is a good step of different 
programs to do this with?  I'm a home user with decent knowledge of 
Debian/Linux, but not a shell programmer.

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Nagios shows only one Host (Services)

2012-08-17 Thread Denis Witt


after upgrade to Wheezy one of my Nagios installation shows only one (of 
three) hosts on Services-Page. On the Hosts-Page all three machines 
are listed and I can even go to the Status-Detail-Page.

Another Nagios instance works fine.

I've uploaded my config here:

Any ideas?


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Re: Backup

2012-08-17 Thread Gary Dale

On 17/08/12 04:40 AM, Emil Payne wrote:
I have a 1 TB external USB drive with 362 GB used. I'd like to do a 
full backup to DVDs and then an incremental (or something) backup 
every month or two, also to DVDs or CDs. I'd like the backups to be 
compressed in order to save space (i.e. - the number of DVDs/CDs 
used).  What is a good program to do this with?  Or, what is a good 
step of different programs to do this with?  I'm a home user with 
decent knowledge of Debian/Linux, but not a shell programmer.

Depending on your data, compression may or may not be useful. Video and 
audio data is usually already optimally compressed.

4.5G on a DVD is also not terribly useful if you want to back up large 
amounts of data. BluRay writers are cheap enough these days, and BD-RE 
discs are not too expensive. BD-R discs are even cheaper for doing an 
archival backup.

You don't say what you are backing up. If it is the data on the external 
drive, you may want to consider getting a second drive and backing up to 
that. It's a lot easier than manually swapping discs. In this case, you 
could try Bacula. It's not too difficult to set up and quite flexible.

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Re: Voice redirection: from mic. to speakers on wheezy laptop [was Mic. does not work...].

2012-08-17 Thread Sthu Deus
Good time of the day, Camaleón.

Thank You, again, for Your time and answer!
You wrote:

  Oh, what similarity! :o) Have You ever used Your mic. w/ Ekiga -like
  software - i.e. can You use Your mic. for talking on Internet? -
  Meaning this chipset hardware.
 Not from the netbook but from my desktop.
 I started to use Ekiga with a simple $2.00 microhone that I plugged
 to the mic input jack located in front of the case. So far so good,
 this worked fine. As time passed and I found VOIP to be working very
 good, I then upgraded (bought) a new device (and USB headset) that
 I simply plugged to one of the USB ports and provided a very high
 voice quality.

Wow! What a setup! I thought You use it w/ 2 jacks.
 Now, back to the netbook, let me try it.
 (configuring a sip account)
 Mmm, I must have some sort of network problem because:
 - Register is okay
 - Sound test from Ekiga is okay (ring, incoming calls...)
 - Placing a call fails (host is not connected)
 I will have to debug this in deep -time permitting- and tell you the 


   I try to use my mic. w/ Ekiga - tried to test it w/ its test
   - one should echo my speech but I hear nothing - only robot's
   voice. Though I see local volume meter changes as I speak - do
   not know whither it comes to ekiga side...
  Ekiga provides some tips for configuring the audio:
  I'm convinced - I need to take a couple of Your lessons on web
  searching! :o)
 They're for free :-P

Wow! It is awesome!! :o) I really appreciate Your contribution You
make for Debian project in general, and me - in particular!
  OK, in process.
  Anyway, I wouldn't test the mic using Ekiga. I say this because the
  voice quality can be severely affected not just by the
  application/sound configuration/mic but the SIP/VOIP number you're
  calling because not all ISTP provide low jitter and packet loss
  levels which are vital to obtain a crystal clear audio.
  No, I'm not testing it. I just want to make it using for it now.
 Ah, good then :-)
 But as I told you, your sound/voice quality problem can have
 different sources. As you seem to be able to dial from Ekiga, you can
 try with these test numbers:
 I use (+44)148-360-4781, it's very good to test you mic/echo (menu
 1) and your overall voip quality (menu 3 will give music on hold
 and careful because the two song samples they provide are very
 addictive :-P)

I have read a link from above, yet can not find solution for
my two, now, problems - according to the links it just should work -
because of the new versions of kernel and ALSA:

. Voice redirection from mic. to speakers (they have mentioned on
simplification of SB circuits - and I believe it is my case - therefore
another mic. type is needed - do not know when - if ever - I obtain

. Can not here my voice back from ekiga test numbers nor from the link
above that You gave. - For both calls I can hear sound but it seems
they do not hear me - though mic. volume meter of ekiga - changes as I
speak, so mic. probably works but either it is not send over network (I
checked my firewall and did not see relevelent droppings in my logs),
or ekiga does not get mic. signal - but as its meter reflects when I
speak, then I suppose it is wrong suggestion.

I guess ekiga people should make a diagnostic tool - that audio/net
problems might be inspected more accurate.


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Re: QSS button (Quick Security Setup)

2012-08-17 Thread Darac Marjal
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 12:21:23AM -0300, Dr Beco wrote:
 Dear usernixes,
 According to:
 There are routers (coincidentally, I have one of them) that accept a
 new device to establish a wireless connection without having to use
 password. The method is simple:
 1- Push the QSS button on the router.
 2- Run the QSS.EXE program on your windows machine in 2 minutes after
 you pressed the QSS button.
 That is it! You are now connected!
 But, hey! QSS.EXE? How can we do it in our debian?

The generic term for this is Wifi Protected Setup or WPS. Support
isn't terribly well integrated into linux's wireless tools at the
moment, but you can install reaver (apt-get install reaver), which
should help you get connected.

Description: Digital signature

lvcreate throws error : device not cleared

2012-08-17 Thread J. B

Dear list,

I'm with debian wheezy with lvm2 2.02.95-4.

whenever I try to execute lvcreate it fails. Here is the output of such
a command

#lvcreate -v -n root -L 80G mygroup

Setting logging type to disk
Finding volume group mygroup
Archiving volume group mygroup metadata (seqno 7).
Creating logical volume root
Creating volume group backup /etc/lvm/backup/mygroup (seqno 8).
Found volume group mygroup
activation/volume_list configuration setting not defined: Checking only 
host tags for mygroup/root
Creating mygroup-root
Loading mygroup-root table (254:1)
Resuming mygroup-root (254:1)
Clearing start of logical volume root
  /dev/mygroup/root: not found: device not cleared
  Aborting. Failed to wipe start of new LV.
Found volume group mygroup
Removing mygroup-root (254:1)
Creating volume group backup /etc/lvm/backup/mygroup (seqno 9).
  semid 7340034: semop failed for cookie 0xd4ddd6c: incorrect semaphore state
  Failed to set a proper state for notification semaphore identified by cookie 
value 223206764 (0xd4ddd6c) to initialize waiting for incoming notifications.

Am I missing anything ?


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Re: lvcreate throws error : device not cleared

2012-08-17 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan

This might help

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:00 PM, J. B wrote:

 Dear list,

 I'm with debian wheezy with lvm2 2.02.95-4.

 whenever I try to execute lvcreate it fails. Here is the output of such
 a command

 #lvcreate -v -n root -L 80G mygroup

 Setting logging type to disk
 Finding volume group mygroup
 Archiving volume group mygroup metadata (seqno 7).
 Creating logical volume root
 Creating volume group backup /etc/lvm/backup/mygroup (seqno 8).
 Found volume group mygroup
 activation/volume_list configuration setting not defined: Checking only 
 host tags for mygroup/root
 Creating mygroup-root
 Loading mygroup-root table (254:1)
 Resuming mygroup-root (254:1)
 Clearing start of logical volume root
   /dev/mygroup/root: not found: device not cleared
   Aborting. Failed to wipe start of new LV.
 Found volume group mygroup
 Removing mygroup-root (254:1)
 Creating volume group backup /etc/lvm/backup/mygroup (seqno 9).
   semid 7340034: semop failed for cookie 0xd4ddd6c: incorrect semaphore state
   Failed to set a proper state for notification semaphore identified by 
 cookie value 223206764 (0xd4ddd6c) to initialize waiting for incoming 

 Am I missing anything ?


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Versioned vs. unversioned dependecies

2012-08-17 Thread Klaus Ethgen
Hash: SHA512


firs, please do cc to me as I have not subscribed this list.

I have the problem that I do not have alsa and will never have as it
never worked for me. It is instable, have poor sound ... However, on the
other hand oss4 is working very well for me.

Unfortunately, as sound tools uses /dev/dsp (oss api) in the past, more
and more applications only support alsa today. To make that workable
with oss one has to install the hack liboss4-salsa-asound2. This has a
conflict and a provide for libasound2.

But now it is not possible to deinstall libasound2 (well, it is and
everything except the package management work well without libasound2)
so it is not possible to use this package. The reason seams to be that
every package has a versioned dependency for libasound2 which seems not
to be working with provides.

Is there any way to have liboss4-salsa-asound2 installed on debian? And
is there any way to overwrite the versioned dependencies?

- -- 
Klaus Ethgen
pub  4096R/4E20AF1C 2011-05-16   Klaus Ethgen
Fingerprint: 85D4 CA42 952C 949B 1753  62B3 79D0 B06F 4E20 AF1C
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


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Re: lvcreate throws error : device not cleared

2012-08-17 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:28 PM, J. B wrote:

 Thanks, [-Z n] only works with a warrning

-Z, --zero y/n
Controls zeroing of the first KB of data in the new logical volume.
Default is yes.

Warning: trying to mount an unzeroed logical volume can cause the
system to hang.
so be careful. i haven't tried this either.

for further reference check this

 WARNING: root not zeroed
   Logical volume root created


 What does it mean and will it create any issue in future ?


 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:18:41 +0500
 Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 This might help

 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:00 PM, J. B wrote:
  Dear list,
  I'm with debian wheezy with lvm2 2.02.95-4.
  whenever I try to execute lvcreate it fails. Here is the output of such
  a command
  #lvcreate -v -n root -L 80G mygroup
  Setting logging type to disk
  Finding volume group mygroup
  Archiving volume group mygroup metadata (seqno 7).
  Creating logical volume root
  Creating volume group backup /etc/lvm/backup/mygroup (seqno 8).
  Found volume group mygroup
  activation/volume_list configuration setting not defined: Checking 
  only host tags for mygroup/root
  Creating mygroup-root
  Loading mygroup-root table (254:1)
  Resuming mygroup-root (254:1)
  Clearing start of logical volume root
/dev/mygroup/root: not found: device not cleared
Aborting. Failed to wipe start of new LV.
  Found volume group mygroup
  Removing mygroup-root (254:1)
  Creating volume group backup /etc/lvm/backup/mygroup (seqno 9).
semid 7340034: semop failed for cookie 0xd4ddd6c: incorrect semaphore 
Failed to set a proper state for notification semaphore identified by 
  cookie value 223206764 (0xd4ddd6c) to initialize waiting for incoming 
  Am I missing anything ?
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Re: lvcreate throws error : device not cleared

2012-08-17 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:28 PM, J. B wrote:

 Thanks, [-Z n] only works with a warrning

 -Z, --zero y/n
 Controls zeroing of the first KB of data in the new logical volume.
 Default is yes.

FYI it is just a work around. let see if others might help with some
detailed suggestion.

 Warning: trying to mount an unzeroed logical volume can cause the
 system to hang.
 so be careful. i haven't tried this either.

 for further reference check this

 WARNING: root not zeroed
   Logical volume root created


 What does it mean and will it create any issue in future ?


 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:18:41 +0500
 Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 This might help

 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:00 PM, J. B wrote:
  Dear list,
  I'm with debian wheezy with lvm2 2.02.95-4.
  whenever I try to execute lvcreate it fails. Here is the output of such
  a command
  #lvcreate -v -n root -L 80G mygroup
  Setting logging type to disk
  Finding volume group mygroup
  Archiving volume group mygroup metadata (seqno 7).
  Creating logical volume root
  Creating volume group backup /etc/lvm/backup/mygroup (seqno 8).
  Found volume group mygroup
  activation/volume_list configuration setting not defined: Checking 
  only host tags for mygroup/root
  Creating mygroup-root
  Loading mygroup-root table (254:1)
  Resuming mygroup-root (254:1)
  Clearing start of logical volume root
/dev/mygroup/root: not found: device not cleared
Aborting. Failed to wipe start of new LV.
  Found volume group mygroup
  Removing mygroup-root (254:1)
  Creating volume group backup /etc/lvm/backup/mygroup (seqno 9).
semid 7340034: semop failed for cookie 0xd4ddd6c: incorrect semaphore 
Failed to set a proper state for notification semaphore identified by 
  cookie value 223206764 (0xd4ddd6c) to initialize waiting for incoming 
  Am I missing anything ?
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Re: lvcreate throws error : device not cleared

2012-08-17 Thread J. B
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:36:27 +0500
Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan 
  On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 3:28 PM, J. B wrote:
  Thanks, [-Z n] only works with a warrning
  -Z, --zero y/n
  Controls zeroing of the first KB of data in the new logical volume.
  Default is yes.
 FYI it is just a work around. let see if others might help with some
 detailed suggestion.
Thanks, I'll be glad to hear any alternative fix without zeroing 

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(no subject)

2012-08-17 Thread admin
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Re: Versioned vs. unversioned dependecies

2012-08-17 Thread Claudius Hubig
Hash: SHA256

Hello Klaus,

Klaus Ethgen wrote:
 firs, please do cc to me as I have not subscribed this list.

Done :)
 But now it is not possible to deinstall libasound2 (well, it is and
 everything except the package management work well without libasound2)
 so it is not possible to use this package. The reason seams to be that
 every package has a versioned dependency for libasound2 which seems not
 to be working with provides.

Yes. From Debian Policy 7.5
| If a relationship field has a version number attached, only real
| packages will be considered to see whether the relationship is
| satisfied (or the prohibition violated, for a conflict or
| breakage). In other words, if a version number is specified, this is a
| request to ignore all Provides for that package name and consider only
| real packages. The package manager will assume that a package
| providing that virtual package is not of the right version. A
| Provides field may not contain version numbers, and the version number
| of the concrete package which provides a particular virtual package
| will not be considered when considering a dependency on or conflict
| with the virtual package name.

 Is there any way to have liboss4-salsa-asound2 installed on debian? And
 is there any way to overwrite the versioned dependencies?

If it wasn't for the Conflicts: statement in liboss4-salsa-asound2,
you could create a ‘real’ package libasound2 with a sufficiently high
version number using equivs. Then, you could adapt the control
statements of liboss4-salsa-asound2 to remove the Conflicts:
statement (doable, especially if you run stable and seldomly face

You could also try asking all the maintainers of the packages
depending on libasound2 to please use something like

| Depends: libasound2 (= a.b) | liboss4-salsa-asound2 (= c.d)

However, I doubt that this is a viable approach, since OSS is rather
deprecated on Linux (maybe the kFreeBSD folks would like such a
scheme, though) and there are _many_ packages which just depend on
libasound2. But, on the other hand, you could argue that some
packages already do this, for example, java-package, gimp or libao4
(check with apt-cache rdepends libasound2).

Best regards,

- -- 
  A board is the planck unit of boredom.  telnet 4242
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread J. B

Hello list,

any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?


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Re: [OT] Will upcoming Debian 8 release default to XFCE for the CD media?

2012-08-17 Thread Lisi
On Thursday 09 August 2012 19:54:32 Joe wrote:
 Knoppix hasn't come on a CD for a long time (I have a copy of one of
 the last CD versions, and it fixed a grub problem when nothing else
 would) but even on DVD, it has used LXDE for a year or two.

Third hit.


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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread shawn wilson
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 7:23 AM, J. B wrote:

 any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?

i use zfs for everything except / (includes /boot as grub doesn't support it).

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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread J. B
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 07:49:40 -0400
shawn wilson wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 7:23 AM, J. B wrote:
  any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?
 i use zfs for everything except / (includes /boot as grub doesn't support it).

Is it better than ext4 and reiserfs ?

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on the way of encrypting a system, need some help please

2012-08-17 Thread J. B

Dear list,

I have bought a new HDD. Created 2 partitions.
An un-encrypted 1 GB /boot as a separate partition on the Disk.
And on the rest (2nd partition) an encrypted LVM with root and home as two 
logical volume on it.

Now I like to migrate my running system, the running / to the root of logical 
volume, but /boot
( which is actually a folder in my running system) should go to the  
unencrypted /boot of the new disk.
and the running /home to the home of logical volume. So that I can get my 
running system on the new encrypted
disk and can boot from there. Obviously I need to modify /etc/fstab and 
/boot/grub/grub.cfg on the
logical volume. How can I proceed ? Any suggestion will be life savior.


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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread Jochen Spieker
J. B:
 any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?

There is no useful answer to that question. The quality of a filesystem
does not depend on whether it is used on an LV or on a partition.

After the millenium I would tell lies only to those who deserved them.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

Description: Digital signature

Re: QSS button (Quick Security Setup)

2012-08-17 Thread Brian
On Fri 17 Aug 2012 at 10:52:30 +0100, Darac Marjal wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 12:21:23AM -0300, Dr Beco wrote:
  Dear usernixes,
  According to:
  There are routers (coincidentally, I have one of them) that accept a
  new device to establish a wireless connection without having to use
  password. The method is simple:
  1- Push the QSS button on the router.
  2- Run the QSS.EXE program on your windows machine in 2 minutes after
  you pressed the QSS button.
  That is it! You are now connected!
  But, hey! QSS.EXE? How can we do it in our debian?
 The generic term for this is Wifi Protected Setup or WPS. Support
 isn't terribly well integrated into linux's wireless tools at the
 moment, but you can install reaver (apt-get install reaver), which
 should help you get connected.

Why is a brute force attack program needed to use something which is
integrated into wpa_supplicant and wpa_gui?

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Informazioni per installazione Debian

2012-08-17 Thread Lorenzo Tazzari
Egr. Sigg.
vorrei installare Linux su una partizione di circa 2gb di un IBM ThinkPad
E' un vecchio portatile, che, nella partizione principale, riesce a fare
girare Windows Millenium.
Vorrei sapere quale distribuzione Debian mi consigliate tenendo presente
che vorrei anche usare la porta USB a disposizione del PC per collegarvi
una chiavetta per la navigazione in internet.
La chiavetta viene riconosciuta da Windows Millenium ma il software che la
gestisce funziona solo su Windows Xp, Vista, o Linux.
Ho provato varie distribuzioni da Ubuntu, a Mandrake, a Damn Small, senza
Le installazioni si bloccavano per incompatibilità con l'hardware molto
probabilmente troppo obsoleto.

Grazie anticipatamente

Cordiali saluti

Lorenzo Tazzari

Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread Jon Dowland
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 05:28:10PM +0530, J. B wrote:
 Is it better than ext4 and reiserfs ?


(a more detailed answer may be provided with a more detailed description
of your requirements :))

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Re: QSS button (Quick Security Setup)

2012-08-17 Thread Darac Marjal
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 01:36:23PM +0100, Brian wrote:
 On Fri 17 Aug 2012 at 10:52:30 +0100, Darac Marjal wrote:
  On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 12:21:23AM -0300, Dr Beco wrote:
   Dear usernixes,
   According to:
   There are routers (coincidentally, I have one of them) that accept a
   new device to establish a wireless connection without having to use
   password. The method is simple:
   1- Push the QSS button on the router.
   2- Run the QSS.EXE program on your windows machine in 2 minutes after
   you pressed the QSS button.
   That is it! You are now connected!
   But, hey! QSS.EXE? How can we do it in our debian?
  The generic term for this is Wifi Protected Setup or WPS. Support
  isn't terribly well integrated into linux's wireless tools at the
  moment, but you can install reaver (apt-get install reaver), which
  should help you get connected.
 Why is a brute force attack program needed to use something which is
 integrated into wpa_supplicant and wpa_gui?

Is it? Last time I looked it wasn't. If wpa_supplicant handles it now,
then that's a lot easier. (Perhaps updating the apt summary might've
helped me :)

Description: Digital signature

Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread shawn wilson
On Aug 17, 2012 9:08 AM, Jon Dowland wrote:

 On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 05:28:10PM +0530, J. B wrote:
  Is it better than ext4 and reiserfs ?


 (a more detailed answer may be provided with a more detailed description
 of your requirements :))

I agree with what others have said. Ie, what is your purpose for wanting
volume manager? (Zft doesn't use lvm btw, it bakes it in)

Re: Backup

2012-08-17 Thread Emil Payne

On 08/17/2012 04:20 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 17/08/12 04:40 AM, Emil Payne wrote:
I have a 1 TB external USB drive with 362 GB used. I'd like to do a 
full backup to DVDs and then an incremental (or something) backup 
every month or two, also to DVDs or CDs. I'd like the backups to be 
compressed in order to save space (i.e. - the number of DVDs/CDs 
used).  What is a good program to do this with?  Or, what is a good 
step of different programs to do this with?  I'm a home user with 
decent knowledge of Debian/Linux, but not a shell programmer.

Depending on your data, compression may or may not be useful. Video 
and audio data is usually already optimally compressed.

4.5G on a DVD is also not terribly useful if you want to back up large 
amounts of data. BluRay writers are cheap enough these days, and BD-RE 
discs are not too expensive. BD-R discs are even cheaper for doing an 
archival backup.

You don't say what you are backing up. If it is the data on the 
external drive, you may want to consider getting a second drive and 
backing up to that. It's a lot easier than manually swapping discs. In 
this case, you could try Bacula. It's not too difficult to set up and 
quite flexible.

All the folders in my home folder (except desktop) is a link to a 
folder on the backup drive.  These are: Backups, Documents, Downloads, 
Favorites, Memos, Music, MyPDA, Pictures, Programs, Projects, Public, 
Temp, Templates, Themes, Utilities  Videos. Also, I have the entire 
filesystem for this computer and for a separate Windows 7 computer 
copied in tar.gz format. (I connect the drive directly to the Windows 
box via the usb cable to do that.) There is also a separate Backup 
folder on the backup drive where I have a couple of programs running 
backups /home, /opt  /var and where I also back up cells phones for 
friends and relatives (8 at the moment) and things like my camera and 
Palm PDA SD cards.

(Speaking of tar.gz; what is a good format for compression for this 
varied type of info? I've access to about 20 different formats on this box.)

This is the type of stuff I want to make a safe backup of.  I've already 
lost all the info on the drive once several months back when someone 
defragged it when it was hooked up to the windows box. I have a ton of 
old CDs collected from about 10 years of use that I was able to (with a 
lot of pain and work) get quite a bit of data back from.

The suggestion of a blue ray drive and disk or a secondary drive sound 
like a good one.

Any other suggestions for things I haven't thought of?

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Re: Wheezy and Sun-Java

2012-08-17 Thread Lou

On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 06:14:58 -0300, Dr Beco wrote:

I wonder, this solutions give us not only JDK or JRE, but also the
plugin, don't they?

The plugin's included in jre and jdk - if you don't see it in 
about:plugins most likely the symlink to has gone missing.

The debian-way of adding this link is to place an entry called to /etc/alternatives :

sudo update-alternatives --install 
/usr/lib/jvm/j2sdk1.6-oracle/jre/lib/i386/ 3

sudo update-alternatives --config

choose your weapon there if you got multiple solutions
after that consider testing java @ - it might complain java 7 
is out, but you can ignore that until February/2013, just make sure to 
keep java6 up to date.

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Changing to digest form

2012-08-17 Thread Gary Roach

I'm presently using the standard form of this mailing list and wish to 
change to the digest form. Can I just re-subscribe to the digest form or 
do I have to unsubscribe from the standard for as well.

Gary R.

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Re: videos not playing ... sometimes

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 12:38:43 -0700, prad wrote:

 i'm using squeeze stable and gnome.
 sometimes youtube vids play just fine, but after a while they don't play
 at all through firefox, but will through epiphany.

What do you mean by don't play? What's showed instead the video?

 if i download a video, i can't always play it either on movieplayer or
 mplayer. however, put it on another machine and there's no problem (so
 the download is obviously fine).

Are these videos also flashplayer based movies or different media files 
(mpeg, avi...)? Anyway, if you launch the video from command line 
probably you will get more information on why it fails to load.
 it's almost as though some cache or other gets filled up and vids stop
 playing. the machine i use is a quad core with 7G memory.

 any ideas on what the problem might be?

Firefox has its own cache management system but the video you play 
locally is only limited by your system resources and given the specs on 
your computer this shouldn't be a problem. Anyway, you can check for your 
free space with df -h.


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Re: Wheezy and Sun-Java

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 13:59:21 -0500, Christofer C. Bell wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Camaleón wrote:
 On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 12:48:51 -0500, Christofer C. Bell wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 9:40 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 So, if your bank doesn't work with OpenJDK 7, then your bank is wrong.
  I see you're still trying to use Oracle Java 6 (the old standard),
 have you tried OpenJDK Java 7 at all (the new, blessed by Oracle,

 Nah, that never works. You cant't modify the way a bank (or any other
 non- public institution) works and develops its applications. This is
 kinda chicken-egg problem which usually ends up in either these two

 1/ You quit from your bank/company and put your money elsewhere (not
 always a viable option).

 2/ You install the tool they require (this usually costs less and has
 minor drawbacks).
 Right, however, I wasn't suggesting attempting to change the way the
 bank works.  I'm saying that Oracle's JRE 6 worked with the bank while
 OpenJDK's JRE 6 did not.  

Yes, but that's usually a problem coming from the programming side, not 
from the JRE itself, I mean, nothing a code fix can't solve :-)

 Perhaps as Oracle developed version 7, the necessary support for the
 OP's bank may have been incorporated into OpenJDK's JRE 7 and that
 perhaps he should try it to see if it works.

Yes, but the OP already said he tried so but it failed (copy/paste from 
his first post): 

(...) Unfortunately, my internet baking does not recognize openjdk. Only
sun-java seems to work. When calling technical support, the attendant
insist I should upgrade to the last sun-java plugin. There is simply
no alternatives for me.

 1/ Stay with your current bank.
 2/ Try OpenJDK 7 because you may be surprised and it may work as well as
 Oracle JRE 6.

The second point is what I think it failed but maybe is that the user did 
not try enough...



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Re: removing printers

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 23:52:00 -0400, Gary Dale wrote:

 On 16/08/12 07:40 PM, John Lindsay wrote:
 I have a HP P1102w printer. I turned off the printer and computer while
 away for several days. When I powered up the units, it wouldn't print.
 Somehow I have managed to get the following printers on the print

 original   Hewlett-Packard_HP_Laserjet_Professional_P1102w one
 I created in trying to fix things  HP_Laserjet_Professional_P1102w
 which did not work
 and this one which I created by following the information on this URL

 It created HP_Laserjet_Professional_P1102w_2. This one works. How do I
 get rid of the 1st two so that if my wife wants to print something she
 is not confused as to which one to use?

 Go to http://loclahost:631/ (or the IP address of your print server),
 select the printers tab and remove the ones you don't want.

I'd go that way.

Another possibilities would be a/ using hp-toolbox, select the desired 
printer and remove it, b/ using the desktop environment default printer 
applet (if any) or c/ by command line (e.g., lpadmin -x printer).



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Re: [OT] Re: An inline bitmap in an HTML file.

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Thu, 16 Aug 2012 16:47:30 -0800, peasthope wrote:

 My first Google search turned up the example in the page cited in
 the original query.

I see... but you really mean you were not aware that there existed the 
img tag for displaying images in html?

 Don't you like the img tag? :-?
 So many choices.  Will try img.


The object tag is mainly used to load another kind of content (java 
applets, multimedia files and all kind of external/non native plugins, 
in general).

A good source for getting the basics on html and related technologies is 
this site:

 you mean the image at the bottom (Product Diagrams)?
 Maybe I'm missing something but I can see the image rendered using
 Firefox 14.0.1 :-?
 Yes, with the correction from Manuel Cremer it works.

Ah! I saw the one that was already working, sorry :-P was developed first. 
 The SVG diagrams there are displayed correctly by Iceweasel but not by
 some browers.  For them I am making Category2.html with png diagrams.

Yes, SVG is not well supported in many Internet Explorer versions, for 

 Thanks for recommending img,   ... Peter E.

You're welcome.

Note there's a slight difference when using object and img tags. 
Look, if you open the page:

Rigth-click over the image and choose view image info, there's no 
preliminary view, it appears to be broken. This can be good (to avoid 
being scanned by bots) or bad (the web browser cannot cache the source).



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Re: Wheezy and Sun-Java

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 00:14:58 -0300, Dr Beco wrote:

 Message-id: (keeping this helps index?)

Not at all :-)

 Dear Alex and Lou,
 You guys hit the money as broom yields honey!
 (Email to point another *good* SOLUTION to this problem)
 Download .deb package for sun-java here: or here (old):

Mmm... be very cautelous when installing packages from external sources.

 Or make your own package as explained here:
 Just download the *.bin and use (for example): $make-jpkg

I wonder what's the deal in getting the file from Oracle site¹ and 
follow the installation instructions. The only problem can be when 
using a 64 bits OS or browser, otherwise there shouldn't be any 

 I wonder, this solutions give us not only JDK or JRE, but also the
 plugin, don't they?

Can't tell, but it should be bundled with the package.




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Re: QSS button (Quick Security Setup)

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 00:21:23 -0300, Dr Beco wrote:


 But, hey! QSS.EXE? How can we do it in our debian?

You can't (unless you run wine) so don't run it and proceed with the 
usual configuration steps to setup your wireless AP ;-)



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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread Pedro Eugênio Rocha
We have been using LVM with ext4 for a variety of workloads (webservers,
fileservers and mailservers) for quite some time, without performance problems.
As others have said, the performance depends most on the workload you will
use than in the best filesystem.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 8:23 AM, J. B wrote:

 Hello list,

 any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?


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Pedro Eugênio Rocha

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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:53:40 +0530, J. B wrote:

 any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?

A logical volume for what, exactly?

I'm very happy with ReiserFS, I use it for the / partition in my 
servers, workstations and desktops since I'm a linux user and never gave 
me a problem.



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Re: Changing to digest form

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 07:39:04 -0700, Gary Roach wrote:

 I'm presently using the standard form of this mailing list and wish to
 change to the digest form. 

If you want to post replies, I wouldn't do it :-/

 Can I just re-subscribe to the digest form or do I have to unsubscribe
 from the standard for as well.

You will have to unsusbscribe for one (normal) and then subscribe for 
the other (digest) but again, reconsider it... if you don't want to store 
messages in your hard disk you can use a newsreader and NNTP, no 
subscription nor local space needed.



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Re: [OT] Re: Looking for interactive programming with simple graphics like old CoCo BASIC or turbo pascal

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 09:27:46 +0900, Joel Rees wrote:

 On 8/15/12, Camaleón wrote:

 How about Free Pascal and the Lazarus IDE? As I have understood, it's
 the linux counterpart for Turbo Pascal :-?
 Breaking out synaptic, I see that there are metapackages for lazarus and

A quick note about this. 

I don't recall what debian flavour you're running but if you finally 
decide to give these applications a chance, ensure you install the latest 
available versions (wheezy/sid should be fine but squeze may include an 
old release; if that's the case, the upstream project usually provide 
updated precompiled packages for many distributions).

 The lazarus metapackage loads the gtk2 variant of the ide. Any thoughts
 about the qt4 variant? (I'm inclined to go with the metapackage if I do
 this, QT has never been anything but opaque to me, so far.)

Can't comment on the packages themselves, sorry, I never used Lazarus/
Freepascal before but this is what users recommend as a replacement for 

 Wow! 109M download, 691M of disk space expected to be used.

Wow, that's *a lot*.

 Well, I do have the free space, and I see that part of that is gdb and
 other dev stuff I need anyway.

Consider installing that big amount of data in a virtual machine instead 
filling up your disk in a very insane way because if you finally don't 
like it, it's easier to delete a VM than having to remove those 
packages ;-)



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Re: Backup

2012-08-17 Thread Denis Witt

On 17.08.2012 16:07, Emil Payne wrote:

The suggestion of a blue ray drive and disk or a secondary drive sound
like a good one.

Hi Emil,

if you choose a second hard drive maybe you want to take a look at 
rsnapshot. It doesn't do compression, but it can also save you a lot of 
space if you want to keep several backups (keeping data for several days 
on a daily backup basis for example). rsnapshot uses hardlinks so that 
files that didn't change aren't saved again but every backup looks like 
a full backup.


18G /backup/daily.1/

daily.0 is a full backup from today. daily.1 contains changed files from 
yesterday, daily.2 the files from the day before yesterday, and so on. 
So I can go back 7 days without having to backup 450GB each day.

So you don't have to clean up your backup by hand but still there is 
some time to notice that some files gone lost on your machine.


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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread J. B
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 09:31:06 -0400
shawn wilson wrote:

 On Aug 17, 2012 9:08 AM, Jon Dowland wrote:
  On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 05:28:10PM +0530, J. B wrote:
   Is it better than ext4 and reiserfs ?
  (a more detailed answer may be provided with a more detailed description
  of your requirements :))
 I agree with what others have said. Ie, what is your purpose for wanting
 volume manager? (Zft doesn't use lvm btw, it bakes it in)

Yes, I need a file-system for LVM and that's why searching the best combination.
So gar I found at net that ext4 is good for lvm.

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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread J. B
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:42:17 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:53:40 +0530, J. B wrote:
  any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?
 A logical volume for what, exactly?

Full disk encryption

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Re: Sound kaput after dist-upgrade on 15-8-2012

2012-08-17 Thread Charles Kroeger
kaput means dead...!

I've removed flashplayer-mozilla..didn't care for it anyway, and suspected it 
something to do with buggering up my sound. However after purging still nothing.
Now I haven't rebooted yet and I may be blaming the harmless flashplayer 
but I'm I the 'only' one that has lost their sound in unstable?


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Re: Nagios shows only one Host (Services)

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 11:05:11 +0200, Denis Witt wrote:

 after upgrade to Wheezy one of my Nagios installation shows only one (of
 three) hosts on Services-Page. On the Hosts-Page all three machines
 are listed and I can even go to the Status-Detail-Page.
 Another Nagios instance works fine.
 I've uploaded my config here:
 Any ideas?

If you already discarded a problem from the configuration file, I would 
try to stop and then start the service to ensure there's only one 
instance up and running. I say this because I've read some reports from 
users experiencing this problem of hosts/services not showing up when 
several instances have been started.

Ah, look, it is documented:

Hosts and services intermittently disappear from the web interface



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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 21:56:22 +0530, J. B wrote:

 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:42:17 + (UTC) Camaleón
 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:53:40 +0530, J. B wrote:
  any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?
 A logical volume for what, exactly?
 Full disk encryption

Fine but better if yu can expand that, because it says little about the 
system main usage.



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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread J. B
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:31:06 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 21:56:22 +0530, J. B wrote:
  On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:42:17 + (UTC) Camaleón
  On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:53:40 +0530, J. B wrote:
   any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?
  A logical volume for what, exactly?
  Full disk encryption
 Fine but better if yu can expand that, because it says little about the 
 system main usage.


My laptop have i5 CPU with 3GB RAM.  I bought a new disk and want to create LVM 
on it, except /boot
And finally transfer all data to that DISK. So I am in search of a filesystem 
which can give me better
performance. The system will have apache+mysql+postfix as well as the desktop 
system KDE.


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Re: Backup

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:40:41 -0500, Emil Payne wrote:

 I have a 1 TB external USB drive with 362 GB used. I'd like to do a full
 backup to DVDs and then an incremental (or something) backup every month
 or two, also to DVDs or CDs. I'd like the backups to be compressed in
 order to save space (i.e. - the number of DVDs/CDs used).  

Optical media storage is a PITA for big amounts of data (it's very slow 
and hard to manage when you intend to do rewrite operations).

 What is a good program to do this with?  Or, what is a good step of
 different programs to do this with?  I'm a home user with decent
 knowledge of Debian/Linux, but not a shell programmer.

There are some tools for the task. MondoMindi supports CD/DVD though is 
usually for cloning rather than backups. Then there are the usual GUI 
based tools such as dkopp, fwbackups, simple backup, kbackup, box 
backup... and backup2l, backup-manager or backupninja (command line) 
which seem to be specifically for CD/DVD although I would still prefer a 
simple tar script :-)



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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread Camaleón
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 22:19:53 +0530, J. B wrote:

 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:31:06 + (UTC) Camaleón

   any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?
  A logical volume for what, exactly?
  Full disk encryption
 Fine but better if yu can expand that, because it says little about the
 system main usage.
 My laptop have i5 CPU with 3GB RAM.  I bought a new disk and want to
 create LVM on it, except /boot And finally transfer all data to that
 DISK. So I am in search of a filesystem which can give me better
 performance. The system will have apache+mysql+postfix as well as the
 desktop system KDE.

So basically you are planning to use the system for a common desktop 
usage. Considering your hardware the filesystem would be almost 
irrelevant so I'd go for either ext3/4 which has more tools for 
recovering after a disaster and is well tested/supported.



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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread shawn wilson
On Aug 17, 2012 12:50 PM, J. B wrote:

 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:31:06 + (UTC)
 Camaleón wrote:

  On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 21:56:22 +0530, J. B wrote:
   On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:42:17 + (UTC) Camaleón
   On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:53:40 +0530, J. B wrote:
any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?
   A logical volume for what, exactly?
   Full disk encryption
  Fine but better if yu can expand that, because it says little about the
  system main usage.


 My laptop have i5 CPU with 3GB RAM.  I bought a new disk and want to
create LVM on it, except /boot
 And finally transfer all data to that DISK. So I am in search of a
filesystem which can give me better
 performance. The system will have apache+mysql+postfix as well as the
desktop system KDE.

First, the bottleneck is going to be your hardware - laptop disks suck
(they don't spin as fast). Otoh, if this is SSD, you've got other issues to
consider. Ie, if the key is compromised, good luck wiping the data.

Second, what you're describing is a dev box (or more likely a playground).
Now, while it would've been cool if someone had built a formula one track
on my playground I think more toys in the sandbox would've given a better
bang foe the buck. What I'm saying is, who cares? I hear lvm has overhead
anyway, but maybe that's another matter. Maybe you should just go read
about all of the file systems and use the one that gives you the moat warm
and fuzzies. There's the long standing defacto ext, there's the wife
killer's reiser (also on sles iirc), there's the badly licensed zfs, the
old (but very good - made for six ~20 years ago) xfs.

Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread J. B
On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 17:20:27 + (UTC)
Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 22:19:53 +0530, J. B wrote:
  On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 16:31:06 + (UTC) Camaleón
any recommendation about the best file system for logical volume ?
   A logical volume for what, exactly?
   Full disk encryption
  Fine but better if yu can expand that, because it says little about the
  system main usage.
  My laptop have i5 CPU with 3GB RAM.  I bought a new disk and want to
  create LVM on it, except /boot And finally transfer all data to that
  DISK. So I am in search of a filesystem which can give me better
  performance. The system will have apache+mysql+postfix as well as the
  desktop system KDE.
 So basically you are planning to use the system for a common desktop 
 usage. Considering your hardware the filesystem would be almost 
 irrelevant so I'd go for either ext3/4 which has more tools for 
 recovering after a disaster and is well tested/supported.

Thanks for your response. I'm already formatted with ext4 :-)
Though I'm little confused now. As per the tutorial /boot should be
un-encrypted. But I got some doc at net where /boot is also encrypted.
Can you please help me to solve the puzzle ?
I'm following

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Re: iscsi debian. suggestion needed

2012-08-17 Thread Muhammad Yousuf Khan
Any help please ? :)

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 1:17 PM, Muhammad Yousuf Khan wrote:
 Dear All,

 i am looking into HA (or in other words to minimize restoration
 process time) for virtualization in linux. i am using debian as a base
 system KVM-Qemu as virtual environment. now i am exploring different
 methods of HA. like DRBD, Rsync or ISCSI. so that if main server
 hardware fails then other system would serve the purpose. with out
 wasting my time in restoring backup.

 so is there any one who is using linux ISCI SAN box for their
 virtualization rather dell, or any other vendor.

 so just wanted to know the pros and cons / stability / complexity .
 since i am already dived into Linux so study wont be an issue.

 and of course i know that LAN card can only give me around 1GB
 throughput. but my data transmit is not that huge. we are a small
 company with 25 nodes  and i think more or less 1 GB would be more
 then enough.

 any suggestion would be highly appreciated.


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Re (2): [OT] Re: An inline bitmap in an HTML file.

2012-08-17 Thread peasthope
From:   Camaleon
Date:   Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:19:25 + (UTC)
 ... really mean you were not aware that there existed the 
 img tag for displaying images in html?

Used img border= ... in many places.  In this instance 
I became so preoccupied with transforming the example 
to my case, that img didn't cross my mind.  Tunnel vision 
or tunnel thinking.

has two artifacts which are noticeable on comparison with .
I used convert from Imagemagick to make the png from the svg.

Regards, ... Peter E.

123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12
Telephone +13606390202.  Bcc: peter at 

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Re: Backup

2012-08-17 Thread Glenn English

On Aug 17, 2012, at 10:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:40:41 -0500, Emil Payne wrote:
 I have a 1 TB external USB drive with 362 GB used. I'd like to do a full
 backup to DVDs and then an incremental (or something) backup every month
 or two, also to DVDs or CDs. I'd like the backups to be compressed in
 order to save space (i.e. - the number of DVDs/CDs used).  
 Optical media storage is a PITA for big amounts of data (it's very slow 
 and hard to manage when you intend to do rewrite operations).

I really hate to be the old fogey here, but if you've got the $$, tape 
sure does a good job. Use Amanda for both incrementals and fulls, and to 
reduce PITA, get cron to run them overnight. Or over the weekend, if you 
want to backup a lot of data, but infrequently.

Optical disks and hard disks don't last. I have audio tapes from the 1950s 
that are still good. Tape has its disadvantages, but longevity isn't one 
of them...

For backup, though, I'd suggest springing a little more media and telling 
Amanda to write uncompressed tarballs -- for reliability and ease of recovery 
from a major disaster. You can recover from an Amanda backup tape with nothing 
more than plain old tar. A major PITA, but it's possible.

Glenn English

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Re: best filesystem for logical volume ?

2012-08-17 Thread shawn wilson
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 1:42 PM, J. B wrote:

 Though I'm little confused now. As per the tutorial /boot should be
 un-encrypted. But I got some doc at net where /boot is also encrypted.
 Can you please help me to solve the puzzle ?
 I'm following

you can encrypt /boot as long as grub is aware of the schema iirc.
but, this begs the question - why? do you store your web cache in
/boot, or a db of your cc numbers, or your porn pics, or your kid's
birthday picture? or do you care that someone might recover that you
stored your kernel image on the second partition of the first disk?

i personally don't see the need for full disk encryption. i mean, if
you live in the US, a court order will keep you in jail or force you
to give up the password vs if you have smaller encrypted files that no
one finds (obfuscated in databases of pictures of a small encrypted
file or some such scheme) that someone might now find. or, if you surf
the net in a vm (as you should anyway) and encrypt the vm image, your
browser data is safe if someone steals your computer. fwiw

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Re: Nagios shows only one Host (Services)

2012-08-17 Thread Denis Witt
Hi Camaleon,

thanks for your reply.

Camaleón wrote:

 If you already discarded a problem from the configuration file, I
 would try to stop and then start the service to ensure there's only
 one instance up and running. I say this because I've read some
 reports from users experiencing this problem of hosts/services not
 showing up when several instances have been started.

I check that and there was only one process running.

I stopped and started the Daemon anyway, but nothing changed.

 Ah, look, it is documented:
 Hosts and services intermittently disappear from the web interface

The Services/Hosts didn't disappear from time to time, only the exact
same host is always shown with it services. The other two are missing,
but I can access their services any time without problems if I go to the
Hosts page (status.cgi?hostgroup=allstyle=hostdetail).

From there I can choose View Status Detail For This Host and all
services are shown fine.

It's like there is some kind of setting saying Show only first host.
(Limit Results is 100 per default but it doesn't matter if I set it to
a higher value.)


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Re: Informazioni per installazione Debian

2012-08-17 Thread Lisi
On Friday 17 August 2012 13:43:31 Lorenzo Tazzari wrote:
 Egr. Sigg.
 vorrei installare Linux su una partizione di circa 2gb di un IBM ThinkPad
 E' un vecchio portatile, che, nella partizione principale, riesce a fare
 girare Windows Millenium.
 Vorrei sapere quale distribuzione Debian mi consigliate tenendo presente
 che vorrei anche usare la porta USB a disposizione del PC per collegarvi
 una chiavetta per la navigazione in internet.
 La chiavetta viene riconosciuta da Windows Millenium ma il software che la
 gestisce funziona solo su Windows Xp, Vista, o Linux.
 Ho provato varie distribuzioni da Ubuntu, a Mandrake, a Damn Small, senza
 Le installazioni si bloccavano per incompatibilità con l'hardware molto
 probabilmente troppo obsoleto.

 Grazie anticipatamente

 Cordiali saluti

 Lorenzo Tazzari

Lorenzo -

You may need to install an old version of a distro on your hardware troppo 
obsoleto.  One of the problems is that modern distros no longer carry the 
old drivers that you obviously need.  When I first started using Linux, it 
prided itself on being backwards compatible, but sadly that is no longer the 

I have isos of various old distros, so could let you have a few to try, if you 
like, if you cannot find anything that might be suitable.  They are mostly in 
English, though I think I have still got one or two German ones.

Incidentally, this is an English speaking list.  I would none-the-less have 
replied in Italian as well as English, but any knowledge I have of Italian is 
passive not active. :-(

There is an Italian Debian users list, which you might find more useful:


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Re: Re (2): [OT] Re: An inline bitmap in an HTML file.

2012-08-17 Thread Linux-Fan
On 08/17/2012 08:48 PM, wrote:
 From: Camaleon
 Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2012 15:19:25 + (UTC)
 ... really mean you were not aware that there existed the 
 img tag for displaying images in html?
 Used img border= ... in many places.  In this instance 
 I became so preoccupied with transforming the example 
 to my case, that img didn't cross my mind.  Tunnel vision 
 or tunnel thinking.
 has two artifacts which are noticeable on comparison with .
 I used convert from Imagemagick to make the png from the svg.

I did not try this with your SVG graphics as I did not bother to extract
them from the XHTML source but you could probably try librsvg2-bin. The
command rsvg [source] [destination] easily converts SVG to PNG. I also
had some problems with convert's SVG rendering. It was too slow for my
300 MiB svg file and I found that rsvg did this much faster (and also
used a lot more RAM).

 Regards, ... Peter E.

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Re: Backup

2012-08-17 Thread Gary Dale

On 17/08/12 10:07 AM, Emil Payne wrote:

On 08/17/2012 04:20 AM, Gary Dale wrote:

On 17/08/12 04:40 AM, Emil Payne wrote:
I have a 1 TB external USB drive with 362 GB used. I'd like to do a 
full backup to DVDs and then an incremental (or something) backup 
every month or two, also to DVDs or CDs. I'd like the backups to be 
compressed in order to save space (i.e. - the number of DVDs/CDs 
used).  What is a good program to do this with?  Or, what is a good 
step of different programs to do this with?  I'm a home user with 
decent knowledge of Debian/Linux, but not a shell programmer.

Depending on your data, compression may or may not be useful. Video 
and audio data is usually already optimally compressed.

4.5G on a DVD is also not terribly useful if you want to back up 
large amounts of data. BluRay writers are cheap enough these days, 
and BD-RE discs are not too expensive. BD-R discs are even cheaper 
for doing an archival backup.

You don't say what you are backing up. If it is the data on the 
external drive, you may want to consider getting a second drive and 
backing up to that. It's a lot easier than manually swapping discs. 
In this case, you could try Bacula. It's not too difficult to set up 
and quite flexible.

All the folders in my home folder (except desktop) is a link to a 
folder on the backup drive.  These are: Backups, Documents, Downloads, 
Favorites, Memos, Music, MyPDA, Pictures, Programs, Projects, Public, 
Temp, Templates, Themes, Utilities  Videos. Also, I have the entire 
filesystem for this computer and for a separate Windows 7 computer 
copied in tar.gz format. (I connect the drive directly to the Windows 
box via the usb cable to do that.) There is also a separate Backup 
folder on the backup drive where I have a couple of programs running 
backups /home, /opt  /var and where I also back up cells phones for 
friends and relatives (8 at the moment) and things like my camera and 
Palm PDA SD cards.

(Speaking of tar.gz; what is a good format for compression for this 
varied type of info? I've access to about 20 different formats on this 

This is the type of stuff I want to make a safe backup of.  I've 
already lost all the info on the drive once several months back when 
someone defragged it when it was hooked up to the windows box. I have 
a ton of old CDs collected from about 10 years of use that I was able 
to (with a lot of pain and work) get quite a bit of data back from.

The suggestion of a blue ray drive and disk or a secondary drive sound 
like a good one.

Any other suggestions for things I haven't thought of?

Whether or not optical is a PITA depends on how much data you have to 
back up. If it fits onto a single disc, it's great. Otherwise you may 
want to look at other options. BluRay can hold 24G - 45G depending on 
the number of layers.

I haven't seen BD-RE in double layer yet, so assume 24G for now. For me, 
that's more than sufficient to back up all my work in a year. BD-RE is 
good for a long time, depending on usage, and is simple to use.

I prefer lzma compression for tars. It's a bit slower than some, but 
gives really good compression.

Never rely on a single backup. I keep multiple archives of old work on 
optical discs, in addition to a live copy and a live backup copy on a 
separate file system on the same RAID5 array. That's actually not all 
that safe (the RAID array could fail), but the live backup copy is 
mainly used if I accidentally delete the wrong file.

I don't recommend backing up entire file systems very often. It's your 
data, not the programs, that are critical. You may also want to back up 
/etc since it contains your system settings and is highly compressible.

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Long delay when shorewall/shorewall6 starts/stops

2012-08-17 Thread Nate Bargmann
This has bugged me on and off most of this year since for some reason
that I can't find, the shorewall/shorewall6 startup scripts have a pause
of about a minute before the system start/shutdown can continue.  Right
now this affects both my desktop and laptop running Sid.

My desktop's network connection is a wired Ethernet that is managed by
the ifup/ifdown scripts.  My laptop's wireless and wired interfaces
are managed by WiCD.

Right now in /etc/default/shorewall|shorewall6 is the variable
'wait_interface' that is undefined.  A bit of testing shows the delay in
the scripts is not related to this variable.  After this I am stumped as
the delay is deeper in Shorewall itself.  This has gotten annoying
enough that I'm seriously considering a firewall alternative.  I like
Shorewall as it is relatively easy to configure for new servers and

- Nate 


The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true.

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more:

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Re: Backup

2012-08-17 Thread Johannes Wiedersich
On 17/08/12 10:40, Emil Payne wrote:
 I have a 1 TB external USB drive with 362 GB used. I'd like to do a full
 backup to DVDs and then an incremental (or something) backup every month
 or two, also to DVDs or CDs. I'd like the backups to be compressed in
 order to save space (i.e. - the number of DVDs/CDs used).  What is a
 good program to do this with?  Or, what is a good step of different
 programs to do this with?  I'm a home user with decent knowledge of
 Debian/Linux, but not a shell programmer.

FWIW, I gave up backing up to DVD when my data reached about 1/10 of the
size of yours. Too slow, too cumbersome (having to change disks), too
unreliable, to expensive etc.

I suggest to buy one or better two other 1TB usb disks and backup to
them (alternately). You don't need to be a shell programmer, a simple
$ rsync -av /path/to/disk /path/to/backup
followed by
$ cp -al /path/to/backup /path/to/backup-
where  could be a number or a date, should be more efficient (and
cheaper in the long run) than a pile of optical disks.

Occasionally, you could use rsync's -c option to verify that your backup
is ok.

(/path/to/disk is the mount point of your existing disk; /path/to/backup
is mountpoint and path of your backup disk)

My 2ct,


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Re: QSS button (Quick Security Setup)

2012-08-17 Thread Dr Beco
Hi fellows,

 Thierry wrote:
 But, using a wired connection as in paragraph 3.1, 3.2, you should be able to
 use the QSS from the router thru your internet explorer as shown in 4.3 and
 later. Good luck!!!

Thierry, I don't have windows in this machine, neither internet
explorer (argh!), and the whole point of the button is to do a quick
setup without the need to know admin password, or even the very
wireless passphrase! So if I need to boot windows or use a wired
cable, it is not looking so quick anymore. :)

Darac, thanks, but I woudn't use brute force. I think reaver is more
like a tool to help in an inhospitable situation.

 Brian wrote:
 You install and set up wpasupplicant to do it.

After googling and researching I'm still in the dark. It looks like
this is the way to go. But I never used it before. Is it like a PAM
module that you set up in some config file?

This site tells a lot about configuration, but nothing about WPS or QSS.
When using wpa_supplicant, the examples need a passphrase or password.

The man page also does not help:

This site explains some config files in detail, but I still cant
figure out how to make this thing work.

I bet it is not that hard. After all, it is a quick setup! :)

After trying wpa_cli, I could find a PBC push button! It connected my
netbook to the router (successful connection message) , but I received
no IP (IP field left blank).

Any ideas or site with some tutorial?


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Re: Backup

2012-08-17 Thread Gary Dale

On 17/08/12 02:25 PM, Glenn English wrote:

On Aug 17, 2012, at 10:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:

On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:40:41 -0500, Emil Payne wrote:

I have a 1 TB external USB drive with 362 GB used. I'd like to do a full
backup to DVDs and then an incremental (or something) backup every month
or two, also to DVDs or CDs. I'd like the backups to be compressed in
order to save space (i.e. - the number of DVDs/CDs used).

Optical media storage is a PITA for big amounts of data (it's very slow
and hard to manage when you intend to do rewrite operations).

I really hate to be the old fogey here, but if you've got the $$, tape
sure does a good job. Use Amanda for both incrementals and fulls, and to
reduce PITA, get cron to run them overnight. Or over the weekend, if you
want to backup a lot of data, but infrequently.

Optical disks and hard disks don't last. I have audio tapes from the 1950s
that are still good. Tape has its disadvantages, but longevity isn't one
of them...

For backup, though, I'd suggest springing a little more media and telling
Amanda to write uncompressed tarballs -- for reliability and ease of recovery
from a major disaster. You can recover from an Amanda backup tape with nothing
more than plain old tar. A major PITA, but it's possible.

While tape has uses, it's not all that reliable. Tape is subject to 
chemical deterioration, magnetic drop-outs, stretching, and a host of 
other problems. You won't notice the problems so much on audio tape with 
a lot of tape surface to hold the music (1/2 inch open reel audio tapes 
from the 1950s are more reliable than cassettes from the 1970s). 
However, on data tapes, the problems start showing up fairly quickly.

It's main advantage over the years has been capacity. A automatic tape 
library can hold a lot of data over multiple tapes. However, tape 
changers are expensive, as are the media.

You're correct about not compressing the data. Uncompressed tars are 
less prone to catastrophic failure from data dropouts. However, this is 
less of an issue with optical media. Still, I always do a cmp after 
backing up to optical media just to ensure the data actually copied 
correctly. If it didn't, I rsync and cmp again.

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Re: Wheezy and Sun-Java

2012-08-17 Thread Steven Rosenberg

On 08/14/2012 05:32 PM, Aidan Gauland wrote:

Rob  writes:

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 08:29:41PM -0300, Dr Beco wrote:

Unfortunately, my internet baking does not recognize openjdk. Only
sun-java seems to work. When calling technical support, the attendant
insist I should upgrade to the last sun-java plugin. There is simply
no alternatives for me.

Did you install the icedtea plugin?  That is the browser plugin that
works with openjdk.  Just make sure that doesn't work before you go
through the trouble of installing sun/oracle java from squeeze or from

I can vouch for the icedtea plugin.  I have to run Java applets for some
of my classes, and this has never given me any trouble.  (Also using

I made the switch from sun-java to icedtea while still in Squeeze and 
had a bit of trouble with one of my web apps.

But when I upgraded to Wheezy, the new icedtea seemed to clear 
everything up, and now I'm having no problems.

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Re: QSS button (Quick Security Setup)

2012-08-17 Thread shawn wilson
On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 5:58 PM, Dr Beco wrote:
 Hi fellows,

 Thierry wrote:
 But, using a wired connection as in paragraph 3.1, 3.2, you should be able to
 use the QSS from the router thru your internet explorer as shown in 4.3 and
 later. Good luck!!!

 Thierry, I don't have windows in this machine, neither internet
 explorer (argh!), and the whole point of the button is to do a quick
 setup without the need to know admin password, or even the very
 wireless passphrase! So if I need to boot windows or use a wired
 cable, it is not looking so quick anymore. :)

 Darac, thanks, but I woudn't use brute force. I think reaver is more
 like a tool to help in an inhospitable situation.

the point of reaver is to show you why wps is *bad* - disable it if
you can. i mean, it's almost as bad as wep - it doesn't buy you much
as far as security goes. if you don't like psk stuff, setup radius or

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What does stty's iutf8 actually do (effect)?

2012-08-17 Thread Dan B.

The manual page for stty says that the input setting iutf8 controls
whether to assume [that] input characters are UTF-8 encoded.

What does setting actually do?

(I understand UTF-8 and its mapping between byte sequences and characters.
What I don't know is where character decoding and encoding are done in
Linux input and output components (virtual consoles, xterm/etc., tty

What does that iutf8 setting actually affect?

Is the terminal (tty?) driver involved in decoding the input byte stream
into characters for the process attached to the tty device?

Or does the driver decode bytes into characters only for its own
checking for special characters (e.g., for stty intf CHAR)?


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Re: Backup

2012-08-17 Thread Phil Dobbin
Gary Dale wrote:

 On 17/08/12 02:25 PM, Glenn English wrote:
 On Aug 17, 2012, at 10:53 AM, Camaleón wrote:

 On Fri, 17 Aug 2012 03:40:41 -0500, Emil Payne wrote:

 I have a 1 TB external USB drive with 362 GB used. I'd like to do a
 backup to DVDs and then an incremental (or something) backup every
 or two, also to DVDs or CDs. I'd like the backups to be compressed in
 order to save space (i.e. - the number of DVDs/CDs used).
 Optical media storage is a PITA for big amounts of data (it's very slow
 and hard to manage when you intend to do rewrite operations).
 I really hate to be the old fogey here, but if you've got the $$, tape
 sure does a good job. Use Amanda for both incrementals and fulls, and to
 reduce PITA, get cron to run them overnight. Or over the weekend, if you
 want to backup a lot of data, but infrequently.

 Optical disks and hard disks don't last. I have audio tapes from the
 that are still good. Tape has its disadvantages, but longevity isn't one
 of them...

 For backup, though, I'd suggest springing a little more media and telling
 Amanda to write uncompressed tarballs -- for reliability and ease of
 from a major disaster. You can recover from an Amanda backup tape with
 more than plain old tar. A major PITA, but it's possible.
 While tape has uses, it's not all that reliable. Tape is subject to
 chemical deterioration, magnetic drop-outs, stretching, and a host of
 other problems. You won't notice the problems so much on audio tape with
 a lot of tape surface to hold the music (1/2 inch open reel audio tapes
 from the 1950s are more reliable than cassettes from the 1970s).
 However, on data tapes, the problems start showing up fairly quickly.
 It's main advantage over the years has been capacity. A automatic tape
 library can hold a lot of data over multiple tapes. However, tape
 changers are expensive, as are the media.
 You're correct about not compressing the data. Uncompressed tars are
 less prone to catastrophic failure from data dropouts. However, this is
 less of an issue with optical media. Still, I always do a cmp after
 backing up to optical media just to ensure the data actually copied
 correctly. If it didn't, I rsync and cmp again.

If you were to forgo tape as an option, I could recommend luckybackup
(it's in the current Squeeze repos).

I stumbled across it after I found when upgrading to Fedora 17,
mondoarchive no longer worked so that left me looking for something else
to use for local backups (I use rsync for remote ones) on Fedora.

It's basically a frontend for rsync that does incremental backups,
snapshots, etc  it really is more than adequate. I've checked the
restore function  that worked fine, so all in all it does the job that
I ask of it very well. YMMV.



currently (ab)using
CentOS 6.3, Debian Squeeze, Fedora Beefy, OS X Snow Leopard, Ubuntu Precise

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Re: PowerPC install stuck at dmesg

2012-08-17 Thread Michael Aldridge
gave it another try this evening, and for no apparent reason, it booted up
to a much furthur place, still not an install, but past memory allocations.
 It had a line that said cut here
followed by a slew of messages, some of which began with 'kernel bug' and a
memory dump.  I attempted to take a picture, but the machine had already
reset by the time I had found a camera.  I am attempting to duplicate that
result now.

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 5:14 AM, Tek wrote:

 I had similar issues with hanging on boot about a month ago with
 powerpc and I believe that it ended up being a corrupted boot ram
 image.  Would drop into a limited shell when it tried to switch to
 mounting the root file systems and visually hang.  Sounds somewhat
 similar, but I cant tell from your description if its exactly the
 issue.  In my case I wasn't able to switch to any other console, but I
 could type around int he initramfs shell still after the boot hang.

 The mdadm driver (not used for booting on my machine) was corrupting
 the initram regeneration.  Removing and supressing the reinstalltion of
 the mdadm script part of initramfs regeneration allowed a clean
 initramfs to be built which booted fine.

 Might be one of these bugs or another similar

 My system did not boot even though the root filesystem was not on an
 raid volume.

 This really may not be your issue, but the symptoms go in the same
 direction, so I though I would bring it up.



 On Thu 16 Aug 2012 12:27:21 AM CEST, Rick Thomas wrote:
  On Aug 15, 2012, at 2:46 PM, Michael Aldridge wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 4:37 PM, Rick Thomas
  On Aug 15, 2012, at 1:52 PM, Michael Aldridge wrote:
  okay, I understand now; although, there is a slight problem with
  doing that, I have no other linux machines handy with disk drives.
  Is there a way of doing that from the mac terminal?
  If you just put the CD in the CD drive with MacOS-X running, it
  should mount it.
  In the terminal window type df it will show (among other things) a
  volume mounted on /Volumes/Debian...
  Type cat /Volumes/Debian*/.disk/info (without the quotes)
  Report what you see.
  Debian GNU/Linux 6.0.5 Squeeze- Official powerpc NETINST Binary - 1
  OK.  That says you are using the official stable/Squeeze netinst
  iso, available from
  This is the current version that has (presumably) been used by lots of
  folks since it was released last May.  So it's unlikely that the
  problem is in the ISO itself.
  Have you checked that the CD is bit-for-bit the same as the iso?
  I haven't personally tried this, but there is a help topic in the
  MacOS-X disk utility called Verifying files are copied correctly from
  a disk image that seems to tell you how to use checksums to tell if a
  CD was burned properly.

Re: videos not playing ... sometimes

2012-08-17 Thread prad
Camaleón writes:

 On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 12:38:43 -0700, prad wrote:

 i'm using squeeze stable and gnome.
 sometimes youtube vids play just fine, but after a while they don't play
 at all through firefox, but will through epiphany.

 What do you mean by don't play? What's showed instead the video?

it loads up, but nothing plays. it freezes and you just see a black
window for movieplayer or mplayer.

 if i download a video, i can't always play it either on movieplayer or
 mplayer. however, put it on another machine and there's no problem (so
 the download is obviously fine).

 Are these videos also flashplayer based movies or different media files 
 (mpeg, avi...)? Anyway, if you launch the video from command line 
 probably you will get more information on why it fails to load.
they are whatever i convert it to. none of them work.

right now it's working again. i will take your suggestion and see what i
can find from the command line when it stops. thx camaleon!

in friendship,

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